#that is a constant i feel in my bones <3333
whichwoods · 1 year
Wait what do you mean Viserys I's face is photoshopped on the sonogram? What do the kids mean by that? Is it like the Queen Elizabeth reincarnating as Trisha Paytas' baby thing??? I need answers 😭😭😭
Also this reminds me, I don't think Viserys I is elaborated on in lsts. If I remember correctly, it's implied that he of course was a shitty dad by Aemond when Helaena tells him she's pregnant. Rhaenyra had been queen for 8 years so I guess Lucemond weren't hooking up then. Can you tell us more about the funeral or that time in their lives though? Did Lucerys comfort Aemond or were they still distant?
NOT MALIBU WINDSOR 😭 lol i think the sonogram edit just comes from them joking around and someone being like "what do you think the baby will look like??" and someone else making and then sending,,, that
considering viserys is the kid's grandpa AND great-grandpa it's not crazy that there'd be a resemblance
also viserys i's funeral will be discussed later! (as well as more of what he's like in general) i kept his time of passing in relation to the kids' ages canon to what i think is in the show, so luke and aemond are around 14 and 16 when he dies and rhaenyra becomes queen. they're family friends with feelings at this point, there's love and care there but they spend most of their time getting into petty arguments on family vacations and holidays <3
i do have a brief scene of luke and jace attempting to sort of comfort/be nice to aemond at the memorial in the works, but here's an abridged version of it:
luke and jace, seeing aemond: hey... 🥺😕
aemond: don't fucking start
luke and jace: oh my gods FINE. 🙄😡 gods forbid we ever try to be halfway decent to you, asshole
aemond: :) (that's better)
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ruinedsam · 23 days
Gadreel!Sam but Sam is still seeing Hallucifer so Gadreel has to deal with the constant presence of the angel who tricked him and led to Gadreel being imprisoned for millennia. And if it really is a part of Lucifer’s Grace as well? Ooh boy, not only is Sam going through it, but Gadreel knows this is actually part of his most despised angel and Gadreel cannot do anything about this because it’s never ever going away, he can’t tear Lucifer’s Grace out of Sam because his body would literally combust and his soul will be dragged back to the Cage. And Hallucifer is still willing to throw hands over this upstart possessing his vessel while Gadreel, who up until then hadn’t really displayed any actual emotions regarding Sam, has decided he and Sam will be best friends as two people screwed over by Lucifer and Sam will be his emotional support vessel and he’ll be Sam’s emotional support parasitic angel when it comes to Lucifer. I also think Gadreel should be the person on Sam’s side when it all comes out that Dean tricked him into saying yes, and we get an explicit parallel to Lucifer getting Gadreel to let him into the Garden; Gadreel, literally the angel responsible for Sam’s current situation, comes over to Sam and says he understands how Sam feels, it’s like when Gadreel realized what Lucifer did as the Serpent. But back to Hallucifer, I think it would be neat for Gadreel to constantly be around this guy and in contrast to how Lucifer is mostly not-hostile to Sam nowadays or is always trying to convince Sam that “no really, Lucifer is his real family so how about we give this vessel thing another go,” Lucifer actively despises Gadreel so we get scenes of Lucifer near sympathetic to Sam and bizarrely making comments about how at least he never memory-wiped Sam during his possession (which Gadreel of course wipes Sam’s memory of) and let Sam be aware of what was happening (and planned on making Sam feel his brother’s bones break at his hands but semantics) and then scenes of Lucifer all but hissing at Gadreel and acting like he want to rip him apart. Imagine being Gadreel, you want to be redeemed so badly you’re even willing to possess the Boy with Demon Blood and unlike most of your kind, you feel kinda bad for the guy because you too have made a decision you thought was good only to learn you’d been manipulated and the world is 10 times worse as a result so really you’re the absolute best option as an angel to heal him, only to discover the guy is constantly seeing the angel who led to your imprisonment and whom he has a weird dynamic with that is “you tortured me and are the reason for pretty much everything that went wrong in my life, but I see you all the time so I have to adjust or I will break beyond repair,” and this angel hates your guts and wants you dead for having the utter audacity of possessing his true vessel while he is in the Cage. The existential crisis of knowing even the most hated angel hates you
OMG YES!!!! Make that tangled dynamic between Gadreel, Sam and Lucifer more complicated and twisted!! 
Gadreel wanting to hide from the other angels who are after him because he let Lucifer in the garden only to end up in a vessel where a part of Lucifer is still residing! Something something about how you can’t escape from (the mistakes of) your past...
Gadreel and Hallucifer having a pissing match over who wronged Sam more even though they both violated him in horrific ways <3333 Truly delicious 👀👀I always wanted Lucifer and Sam to talk about Gadreel in S12/13 because I was SURE Lucifer would be like “at least I didn’t trick you :/”
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livums · 1 year
Last Line Tag {4} / Heads Up 7 Up 🎉
Hiii I was tagged by a few people but I have been so busy the past few days that I just now have had time to write... and catch up! 😩
Anyways, a veeeeery sweet thank you to @oh-no-another-idea, @violets-in-her-arms-writes, and @lorenfinch for tagging me! <3333
Below are the last few lines I wrote for my short story WIP, Under the Sun! It's a little different from the kinds of stories I typically write, but I still like it! 💜 Enjoy!
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On the High Train, there were seats. In one such seat, Dee had curled up with their schoolbag clutched tightly to their chest. They tried their best, in vain, to settle in. The ride was a little over a ninety minutes, but Dee had about ninety hours’ worth of staring to do. The walls of the train seemed to be more window than structure, allowing them a view of the city below that was almost alien. Buildings, vehicles, people, all so small by comparison. All moving too quickly to take in in full. The only constant in the ever-shifting view was the far waters of the ancient Lake Michigan. Distant though she was, she expanded as far to the north and south as Dee could see. Deep blue in the budding daylight, a gem in the eye of a titan. At the same time as the High Train made Dee feel above the world, the water reminded them of how small they were. Even a century after the flooding, one could still make out some evidence of the wreckage—pointed brows of once-proud skyscrapers, jagged bones of shredded highways, all cresting just above the waterline. It made Dee’s head spin just to think about the scale of it all—and the secrets the Lake must still keep to herself. Above it all, the sun eagerly crept higher and higher above the horizon.
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Open tag! Go banaynays! Feel free to say I tagged you--it's true! LOL
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bunnys-babies · 3 years
Fatigue, pt. 2
Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
wc: 1.4k
warning(s): slight angst between reader and Levi, small argument
a/n: eeee! U guys really liked the little drabble of friend Levi bringing reader coffee so I figured I’d expand a little and make it a teensy teensy multi part thingy with a couple more parts just about them expanding their relationship hehehe <33 lemme know what you guys think and if you’re excited for more!! Mwah <3333
pt. 1 pt. 3 pt.4
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“I think you owe me about nine lunches now, if my maths correct.”
Study sessions have now become a you two thing. Levi’s catching up on notes? You’re catching up on notes. You’re quizzing yourself on political terminology? Levi’s quizzing you on political terminology (and then some of course).
And normally, Levi’s constant smug remarks and general snarkiness wouldn’t bother you. But today was not a normal day.
You were stressed beyond what you thought was capable, so anxious you felt physically nauseous, and he still thought it was an appropriate time for teasing? At least you could count on him for consistency.
“If I would’ve known asking for your help was such a chore for you I wouldn’t have. You can just go home, I’ll figure it out by myself.” You didn’t expect to say most of that out loud, or to have it sound so sharp, but you were sleep deprived and not in the mood; he understands.
Sighing, you looked up to meet a pair of tired eyes, glaring at you with annoyance. Apparently you both were tired.
It felt like midterms week snuck up on you, and maybe it did the same for him. But the thought of Levi being unprepared for a test or class discussion almost made you laugh. It wasn’t kicking his ass, it was kicking yours, which I guess means his too when he’s your go to study buddy.
You tried your best to ignore the way guilt twisted your stomach in knots and how your ears began to feel hot, and bent your head down, doing your best to discreetly bury your face into your book.
“Seriously, it’s not that big of a deal. Go be bothered by someone else. It’s not like I enjoy your company when the main topic is my stupidity, per usual.”, the last part was more so mumbled to yourself, “There’s plenty of other people who I’m sure are dying to be mocked while they try their best to not feel stupid. I know how to study-“
A scoff cuts off your sentence, or rather paragraph, before you can finish rambling. What was his attitude for?
“Do us both a favor and stop talking.”
Your eyes lost their focus on the text beneath you. That one stung.
Where did that come from?
The tension spread across your table and grew bitter on your tongue, made his knuckles ache as he rubbed his fingers raw nervously, and made your muscles pull at the middle of your back as you began to carry the tension on your shoulders. You were sure you were going to puke now.
“I think I’m going to leave.” Standing up, flustered and shaking, you gathered your things haphazardly until they were a mess in your arms as you stormed past a less than remorseful looking Levi.
The thought of him feeling sorry also made you laugh. Him getting up, following you out the heavy doors of the library stuttering through a rushed set of apologies. Hilarious.
Levi was never unprepared, and he definitely wasn’t a chaser.
This thought alone is why you went cold and wide eyed at the feeling of a bony hand wrap around your wrist once you were a decent distance away from the entrance of the building.
You turned around abruptly to see Levi in all his glory — hair slightly disheveled, a tinge of pink dusting his upper cheek bones and tip of his nose, his chest only slightly heaving up and down at a faster pace than normal, and it almost sounded like he was panting.
Did he run to catch up to you?
“Can I help you-“
“You forgot your bag, idiot.” The hand that wasn’t still wrapped tightly around your wrist was jerked up into your point of view, a tote hanging from his grasp. You felt your heart drop as you realized he wasn’t chasing after you cause he felt bad, cause he needed to apologize, he did because you forgot your bag.
You really were an idiot weren’t you.
You did your best to fight back the angry, hot tears that were gathering behind your lash line.
“Mm. Thanks.” Snatching it as nastily as you could and giving him a glare you could only hope didn’t feel as pathetic as your cold thanks sounded just a second ago, you tried to turn on your heels to make a hasty retreat, but his grip on your wrist wouldn’t give.
He’s lucky it’s nearing dusk and no other students are loitering to witness this embarrassing interaction, otherwise your yank would’ve been a lot harsher.
“What, Levi?” You grit your teeth and spit your words out at him.
Couldn’t he just leave you alone?
Finally turning to face him, your chest tightened at the intensity of his glare back at you.
You weren’t sure if you’d necessarily call it a glare, but it was definitely something.
His eyebrows were raised so his eyes sat half lidded, his mouth was pressed into the smallest of frowns, and the blush that freckled his cheeks only seemed to deepen.
It stayed silent for a few beats before Levi broke the silence that stuck between you both.
“I was only speaking to you the way you spoke to me. I didn’t mean to upset you this bad.”
Shock was written all over your face, how were you supposed to reply to that? What had you said that had upset him? It was him that couldn’t stop with his rolodex of snarky comments.
You took a breath and let him keep you in his grip, giving him the benefit of the doubt as you tried to begin to understand what he meant.
“What did I say to you that made you feel like it would be a good idea to tell me to, ‘do you a favor and stop talking’?”
He must’ve been thinking about what he’d say to you in response hard, because he’s been quiet for a suspiciously long amount of time.
“It doesn’t matter. Let’s just agree to think more about what we say to each other, especially when we’re sleep deprived and hangry or something. Deal?”
You’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t ease up a little at the offer of moving on and making up with him. He was right, tensions were high and you were both just tired, tired and hungry.
“Deal.” His hand wrapped around your wrist finally eased up, fingers brushing against yours and almost intertwining in the process — which undoubtedly set your stomach into a fit.
He was too good at that.
Clearing your throat and twiddling your thumbs, you swayed back and forth on the heels of your feet while you thought about what to say next.
“Now what?” You awkwardly laughed and averted making eye contact, why were you suddenly so nervous?
“Well, before anything else,”, his hands shuffled in front of you until your bag was held wide open, “why don’t you put your shit away.”
Mumbling an oh, you feverishly shoved your belongings into your tote and decided to worry about the most likely crumpled papers another time.
“But clearly we both need a break,”, he took a step closer until he was close enough to move and set your bags strap around your shoulders for you, “Let’s get dinner, my treat.”
It’s always his treat, isn’t it.
“No, no. I got it. Besides, I owe you like nine lunches, right?” You smiled lazily and crinkled your eyes, hoping to communicate a message of sincerity.
“It’s fine!” You felt your face heat up when you realized how loud you just spoke and how quickly you had interrupted him.
Tugging harshly on your strap until you were only just a mere inch or two away from his face, he called out your name softly, yet sternly.
“You can add it to your list if it bothers you so bad.” You could feel the warmth of his breath fan across your cheeks. You almost wish it wasn’t so dark out so you could get a better view of him this close, he was so beautiful.
“Besides, if it’s your choice we’ll probably eat somewhere shitty.” Yanking on your strap one more time, hard enough to almost make your heads knock together, he chuckles as you stand straight.
That’s Levi for you, all dreamy and making you doe eyed one moment and then an asshole the next.
“I’m joking. I already have a place in mind. Now hurry up before they close.”
taglist: @d1lfluvr @plutowrites @carmillous @classyunknownlover (if you’d like to be added jus lemme know!)
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livingforthewhump · 3 years
For Bad Things Happen Bingo: cold blooded torture for the paladin series. I’m a sucker for Caroline whump, but feel free to apply it to whoever you want, I’m not picky 💕
so sorry it took so long! I’m combining this with a prompt from @chartreusephoenix for blindfolding <3333
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Blue for requested; red for posted.
Caroline didn’t like not being able to see. It was nerve-wracking, not knowing what was coming next. She shifted again, wrists sore against the constant presence of too-tight ropes. Fear and exhaustion battled inside of her—she was so, so tired of all of this. And it never stopped.
Then a hand brushed against her shoulder, and the fear won. She flinched back, earning a chuckle.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared already, doll. I haven’t even done anything yet.” He sounded horribly amused, and it made the fear sink even deeper into her bones.
“Please,” she whispered without even thinking.
“Get the hell away from her,” Hugo yelled, but Caroline tried not to pay attention to him. He’d been blindfolded first.
Something cold and hard pressed into the soft skin under her chin, lifting her head up. She knew her forehead was creased, that Paladin could read her every emotion even with her eyes covered.
“Will you beg, dear thing, before I even hurt you? I’m sure you’d love to avoid all this.” His voice was soft, gentle.
Tears rose unbidden to her eyes. “P-please? Please don’t, don’t—hu-urt me. please. I, I’ll be good, you don’t have to, you don’t, please don’t.”
There was a beat of silence where she hardly dared to breathe.
Then a blunt force rammed into her shoulder, knocking her onto her side. She yelped and whimpered at the sudden pain, curling in on herself as much as she could with her hands pulled sharply behind her.
She distantly registered the sound of Hugo struggling. “What did you do to her? What did you do?”
She was sucking in a shaky breath when it hit her in the ribs, driving all the air from her lungs faster than she could even scream. She sobbed instead, trying in vain to shield herself.
“Do you know what this is, doll? I’ll bet you’ve never felt anything like it before.”
Caroline flinched harshly at the thin whistling of something heavy swinging fast through the air, but this time it didn’t hit her. Paladin laughed while she gasped in air.
“I’ll take that as a no.” The tip of the heavy rod hooked under her chin again, tilting her head at an awkward angle so Paladin could see her. “This, dear thing, is a cane. The name doesn’t sound too menacing, but I think you’ve already found it can pack quite a punch.”
Paladin lifted it away from her chin only to slam it into her collarbone a millisecond later, drawing out a scream.
“Stop,” Hugo pleaded. “Please, stop, do it to me, just leave her alone.”
The cane smacked across her legs, leaving bruises that would make it miserable to sit later.
“Beg for me, doll.”
He hit her again, and she broke off into a scream that devolved into “’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry”.
“That’s okay, love. Try again,” Paladin said, voice patient.
“It’s not okay.” Hugo sounded equally horrified as he was panicked. “You’re torturing her!”
Paladin snorted. “Try again.”
“Please ss-top, I’ll be good, I’ll be good, and you, you can go in-n my head. You like to do that, please.”
Warm fingers brushed a tear from her cheek, and she jerked, whining at the unexpected contact.
“Tempting. But you know, I like you like this a whole lot more.”
Hugo’s screams faded into the background as Paladin continued.
He hit her ribs again, and she felt something snap under the weight. Caroline wailed. Her breath came in ragged gasps, each exhale loaded with pain.
Paladin hummed. “That noise was just gorgeous, doll. Think you can do it again for me?”
Her breaths turned quick, short, desperate. “Nnnh, no, pl--” but she was cut off with another snap, and another gravelly scream. The blindfold was soaked through now, tears trickling messily across her face onto the floor.
“I wonder how many broken bones a human body can withstand,” Paladin mused. Hugo growled something, but he sounded miles away. All she could hear was Paladin, and her bones splintering over and over in her mind.
“Nnnh,” she begged.
Another hit, this time on her back. She arched away from it as she screamed, exposing her ribs to another blow. Caroline rolled onto her back limply.
The cane traced lightly along her jaw. “Poor thing. Too weak to even try to protect yourself.”
“Paladin—” Hugo’s voice was shaking.
Ignoring him, Paladin placed his foot over Caroline’s injured ribs. She whined and squirmed helplessly at the threat, but that only encouraged him to step down. Hard.
And Caroline screamed.
Paladin series taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @lonesome--hunter @whole-and-apart-and-between @written-to-death @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @villain-enthusiast @hurting-fictional-people @kixngiggles @whumpfessional @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @1phoenixfeather @chartreusephoenix @kemonoinuzuka @sunflower1000 @1becky1 @multifandoms-multishipper @shadowylemon @onestopheroxvillain @freefallingup13 @basica11yg33ky
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kkulmoon · 4 years
I KNEAD YOU | jhs ✦ m
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You have had your mind filled with indecent thoughts of your spin class trainer, Hoseok, ever since you started taking his classes. However discreet you thought your antics had been, Hoseok had somehow found out and was more than willing to fulfil your fantasies.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Hoseok x Reader(f) | 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, pwp? | 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 18+ | 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 7.3k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cunnilingus, fingering?, slight praising, ass play, he has his hand around her neck, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys~), slight edging, groping, biting, spanking, bathroom sex.
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐲: my muse and soulmate @inkedxclouds​ as well as the amazing @meowxyoong​ (thank u loves <3333)
𝐚/𝐧: nothing to say other than I seem to like butts more than I thought,,,,, also victoria monét’s “ass like that” was the very inspo for this au, cause that song is a bop and for some reason it gave me hobi vibes + “juice” by lizzo (though I doubt the fic gives off that type of vibe but oh well) enjoy 🥺
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Three months down the line and you’d think you would have developed somewhat of a sweat resistance by habitually working out. No, not at all. Still as sweaty as ever, but maybe now it was less about hard work, and more about hard want. You relax onto the closed toilet seat sighing deeply at your unfortunate situation. The changing room wasn’t safe and neither was the shared portion of the washroom.
At every and any small intermission you were offered during the heated class, you dashed towards the toilets letting your sweaty fingers hectically slip against the cold metal of the tap handles. The cold water slipping past your fingers as you tapped its remains on your skin, hoping to cool down or at least seem cool enough. But there’s only so much a little bit of cold water could do for your overheated body. As aware as you were about this, you made it a habit, involuntary of course, to let some of that desire out in the confinements of one of the bathroom stalls.
Today is no exception. You rush to the toilet, rugged breaths filling the air as you snap the flimsy lock shut, bending over to roll off your snug cycling shorts. You think back to Hoseok’s instructions : “You should always keep an eye on your breathing while doing vigorous exercise, you want to avoid back pain and strain on your blood vessels.” Back in class you almost let your thoughts tumble through your heaving mouth. “I don’t think exercise is the one doing that”.
As obedient as you are, you let deep puffs reverberate through your chest before diving in. Your hands, tired from clenching hard against the handle of the cycle to stay on it, tremble their way down your folds swinging with the same dynamic present in Hoseok’s glistening legs while he pedals. Your eyes flutter, blinding you from your surroundings, mind tumbling through all the imprinted images of your instructor you have stored in your mind.
That’s all you need. For now.
While you suck at cycling and picking up speed in that circumstance, the image of Hoseok’s huffing mouth, stable legs, and bouncing brown locks, drenched with his hard work, sticking to him the way you wanted him to stick to you, was more than enough for the tentative deep plunge of your fingers to rival the set speed record for your spin class.
Remember: deep breaths Y/N. You slow down, finger languidly straining against your walls. You hit a particular spot, staggering on the one leg touching the ground as your other hand anchors your edged form onto the whimsy bathroom stall walls.
The slow pace allows you to revel in the imagery of Hoseok’s long fingers pointed high in the air to countdown to your thirty second long spinning sprint, imagining those long digits plunged into the same heat your fingers are scissoring. He would know exactly what to do, ordering consecutive gushes of arousal out of you, the same way his fingers point towards your direction when he sees your energy falter.
With Hoseok, nothing but one hundred percent was acceptable. While you couldn’t always keep the promise of giving him just that in all of his classes, if he were to ask you, whether it be after class or somewhere in the lobby of the gym building, you would say yes to showing him where you excelled without fail.
Heart beating a firing rhythm you would snatch his trained fingers to some designated corner of the building, ready to get on your knees and stay there to take it all, the one posture you knew you could manage to keep without fail. Anything for Hoseok really.
Dripping fingers, drying cycling shorts clinging to your heated flesh, you croak out a moan, doing your best to quiet it down in the sleeve of your gym top. “Shit—” your hips buck into your erratic palm as you knead the sensitive flesh of your bud, hissing through clenched teeth.
“What the fuck are you doing to me, Hoseok,” the whispered whine travels to the small cracks of the bathroom stall, the sloppy sounds of your continued assault on your wetness bounce against the walls to fall upon the ears of the figure entering the toilet room.
“Hmmmm, fuck Hoseo—”
Your anticipated wave of pleasure catches your breath, stuttering breaths colouring the air with its warm essence. “Ahhhh,” you sigh into the sensation rippling through your bones, fisted hand sprawling itself across the cool wood of the bathroom stall door. A particular touch of your knuckles against your clit has your nails scratch against the material.
In the heat of the moment, eyelids heavy and ears focused on recalling the authority of Hoseok’s voice, you fail to register the footsteps that sound in the room. Footsteps that stall themselves during your explosive demonstration of your instructor’s effect on your body only to leave the toilet room after you’ve calmed down and said in a condescending yet satisfied tone, “How pathetic, masturbating to your instructor in the bathroom like some teenager. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Puffing out what’s left of your pent up air, you drag your fingers from your settling walls, staring longingly at the wetness and wishing you could be looking at another pair of fingers glazed with your cum.
Hand hanging lazily by your side you do your best to lift your shorts back up to a correct position using your only available hand. You fiddle with the lock, slowly opening the door. You peek to see if there’s anyone there to whom you might reveal your latest conquest  and only probe your head out of the stall when the coast feels clear.
As weak as legs might feel, you do your best to hurry up with the cleaning, washing the product of your forbidden fantasy down the drain just like the possibility of ever actually having the honour to let yourself be used by him in any way he sees fit.
Commanding words and strokes telling you exactly what he wants you to do for him, to give to him and you doing your absolute best to abide with clenched fists and a gagging mouth. You feel yourself fall down the rabbit hole, again, but you bring yourself back with a good shake of your head. You do not have another ten minutes to calm yourself down by attempting to fulfill your own lust.
You take one last look at the mirror to check that you do not look abnormally flustered before you leave to head back into the spinning room, face sweet and innocent, unlike the thoughts trying to invade your mind the moment your eyes focus on their inevitable target.
The hypnotising movement of his lips. Inviting and pink and shimmering from the quick swipe of his pointed lip against the surface. You sigh, in desperation, wishing for the presence of that muscle somewhere else. How pathetic of you, you think, almost releasing a single sobbing sound out of frustration. If only he knew.
You heave yourself into the cycle, fitting your tensed feet into the small caged armor of the pedal, unaware that Hoseok indeed knew and was very much ready to act on it.
His sudden constant and deliberate churning of your increasingly hot figure has you agitated, gaze meeting the floor. It is unusual for Hoseok to get off of his spin bike and personally assist you with your posture. Rather, he settled for quick commanding reminders that were shouted as enthusiastically as possible despite the sternness of his sweating face.
Yet for some reason, unbeknownst to you, he stops spinning and drags his taut slim legs all the way to where you like to stay at the back of the class, to personally adjust your swaying pelvis. “Engage your core. Squeeze your glutes.” He says, the order somehow managing to sound even louder than the blasting music. This is the first time he has touched you. You immediately stop spinning, hips swaying even more than before, chasing the inviting and rough heat of his short finger glove covered hands.
Your heart should have calmed down by the time he got back on his bike, but it doesn’t. You fail to admit to yourself that the coincidental eye contact you had with Hoseok in his classes, was more than enough to throw off your already fumbling posture.
If his wandering eyes are enough for you to follow their movement, accentuating each part that they laid on, his hands on your straining body is all you need to alleviate the ache of your muscles. You turn into a puddle, something that manifests itself right between your legs even before your body comes in contact with his.
“Okay guys, we have another half hour before we are done, so stay with me and there will be a sweet treat at the end,” Hoseok shouts out to the class, bursting your little thought bubble. Your eyes close as you nod, encouraging yourself to pull through, not for the sweet treat but for you. It’s the least you can do given how much you pay for these classes. But what a shame that your eyes are closed, unable to register the hungry and curious gaze Hoseok throws your way.
Twenty minutes have gone by, or maybe just ten? You feel so hot and disoriented from all the effort you’re putting in. Yawning, and trying your best to rid yourself of the final remains of sleep, you had theorised in your car that your goal for this class was to beat your old record, the one you had back when you came to class for the right reasons. Before the thought of riding Hoseok overtook your ambition to get fitter.
Calves burning, every muscle pushing itself to the verge of exhaustion, you think back to your breathing. Your mouth opens and closes as if you are giving birth, trying its best to collect all of the sweat ridden air needed to keep you going.
“Five minutes left. Keep going, you’re almost there!”
Your hanging head, that was focused on counting the sweat droplets falling from your face onto the shiny floor, shoots up to look at your instructor. It must be because of his job as a trainer and a coach that Hoseok flashes you his dashing smile the minute your eyes, gleaming with hope at the prospect of the class soon coming to an end, meets his own soft gaze.
Not wanting to seem rude or like a total nutjob, you tame your panting mouth into a simple smile, no teeth so as to not come across as too excited about something as infantile as eye contact. He winks in response and you swear you almost twist your ankle leaning forward to check if your eyes aren’t deceiving you.
Hoseok’s good at his job. He manages to keep your mind away from the propagating ache in your body as your legs chase time, looking to leave the room with your own small victory. He keeps you rooted and gives you the last bit of energy you need to make it. The timer beeps, startling you. You shake in your seat, breaking your contact with his warm brown eyes. If this is the power of his eyes, what the heck does his body have in store?
As much as you would want to let your mind wander to give you a probable hypothesis to the complicated case that is Hoseok, you’re too far gone to think that deep. Drained and sweaty, your arms dangle on your sides as you let your head lifelessly fall onto the bar of the spin bike. Too weak to push yourself back up but still wanting to know how far you cycled, you roll your drenched head onto the speed counter and stare down at it. At the sight of the double digit number, larger than the previous feat you had achieved, you sigh, a light laugh slipping past your dry lips. Finally some good news. As a way of congratulating yourself, you pat your thighs with the little force you have spared.
The surrounding claps invade your wandering ears, as people shout out, patting themselves in the back and congratulating others for pulling through. Nobody congratulates you but it’s nothing you haven’t had to handle before. Content with your progress, you step off the cycle.
You gather your items, hurrying as you feel the effects of gorging on too much liquid during class. With a drenched towel hanging of your forearm and an empty water bottle in your other hand you speed to the unisex toilet.  
As you set your belongings on the sink countertop, someone enters. You don’t bother to spare them a glance, something you regret the minute Hoseok’s familiar tight fitting cycling top is reflected on the wide mirror. Your head instinctively looks his way to admire the soft slope of his nose and the harsh lines of his profile. He knows you’re looking to which he smirks softly. Your body shifts more to your right, afraid of what other things, sinful things,  you might feel compelled to do if you stay so close to him.
You aggressively pump some soap into your palm, anything to remove the silence etched in the surrounding air. Hoseok does the same, except he does it graciously like everything else he’s ever done.
“Y/N, right?” He inquires, letting a steady stream of water wet his hands as he lathers them.
Your mind tells you he’s simply asking for formality’s sake. Did he plan to keep a conversation with you in the bathroom? How much could you possibly fit into the time it takes to wash your hands? Unless he plans on drawing it out and drying out his skin? Many more questions run through my mind as you bite your lips, eyes staring at the floor until they inevitably wander up his legs.
This is your verbal first interaction with him that doesn’t seem to hint at any subject related to your given roles in the establishment, a trainer and his trainee. No, he’s asking as Hoseok, curious to know about a certain regular Y/N who spends her free time thinking indecent thoughts about his body.
Realising that you’re taking too long to answer to your own name, you blurt out, “YES!” before clearing your throat in hopes to compose yourself. Swallowing thickly, you have another go at it, “I mean, yes, that’s my name. Y/N is me.”
While your ears warm up at your embarrassing behaviour, Hoseok’s soft chuckle manages to overpower the loud hand dryer. Usually, once someone’s done cleaning their hands they leave the bathroom and that’s exactly what you see Hoseok do. You watch him walk up to the toilet room door only to turn back around to face the mirror, doing your best not to let the dejected feeling in you overtake your features.
You breathe in, trying your best to catch your sanity. He was just being nice and trying to  break the tension, one you seem to believe could only be perceived from your side. With eyes closed, you let the cool rush of the water provide some sort of relaxation and solution to your heated body. Your dripping hands reach towards the hand dryer on your side only to reach back when you think about the hot air, you don't need to get fired up again, so you decide to pat yourself dry with paper towels.
Ready to leave, you look up into the mirror to take one last inspection at your face.
Hoseok’s eyes catch your own. He’s leaning against the toilet’s room door frame, head slightly hanging to his side and tongue dancing calmly in the small intrusion between his lips. You thought he left?
You want to look away, but you can’t. Not only because of the demanding energy coating his eyes, but also because of the entrancing way he runs a hand past his hair, heel kicking against the door as he pushes himself off of it.
He darts towards you. Or at least that’s what it feels like to you. An overwhelming wave of desire coats your senses forcing your legs to stagger backwards as your butt comes in contact with the hard and cold edge of the sink counter.
Those hands, those fingers, the ones you’ve fantasied about having buried inside of you or stuffed in your mouth, find their way on each side of you anchoring themselves on the hard surface as Hoseok corners.
He’s close. Close enough to hear your shallow breathing, to notice your confused yet intrigued eyes and to smell the fertilised desperation in your body. Head somewhat leaned down so as to reach your gaze, he lets his eyes take their own free tour around your face, mouth slightly parted.
“I don’t think it’s pathetic at all,” he breathes out, sloping down to bathe your hot ears in his warm breath, “it’s cute, actually.” The sweet tone is almost enough to deceive you of his intentions but the prominent scraping of his teeth against your earlobe makes it clear.
Your chest curls into itself at the action, slipping down, out of reach from his inviting mouth. You want to think it’s a coincidence that Hoseok references your words from earlier but to simply think isn’t enough, you need to confirm it. “Uhmm… I don’t kn–ow what you’re referring to.” It comes out more jagged than you intended to as he steps closer, so as to almost graze your heaving chest.
A pout on his lips, his gaze zig zags across your features, “See, cute.”
You feel like you’re melting. Your face finds refuge in the minor protection of your shoulder as you squeeze your eyes shut. This is all you had thought about. To have Hoseok look at you as if he already knew what is obscured from his sigh, for now, a sight he couldn’t wait to explore. To let his eyes, hands and mouth colour his imagination into reality.
“I mean that it would be nice if I could show you what I can actually do to you.” If you were properly breathing before you sure you aren’t anymore. His voice is covered with sweetness and curiosity. It acts as both a gentle threat and a request. He could and would show you.
The rub of your knee against his thinly clothed thigh says yes before you manage to catch enough air to utter an eager “please”, eyes opening to stare at his chest. “Go ahead,” at the sight of your yearning eyes he encourages you. The thin elastic material did little to protect your sanity from the hardness of his body.
Had your eyes been closed, you could have been fooled into believing that you were touching his naked chest. You pinch the material, tugging it off his skin only to let it slap back down. Something that brings a soft smile to Hoseok’s shifting lips. Hoping that he understands your wordless request, you repeat the action a couple more times.
He dodges your eyes more than once, letting his playful side show, before he leans into you. Your lips collide, strong enough to have your head inclined against the mirror, your body moving upwards at every hungry push of his determined body. You latch onto him, hands lacing themselves around his straining biceps as you match the feverish dance of his tongue.
If your moaning wasn’t already evidence enough of your state, Hoseok’s willingness to offer more encourages him to run a slow swipe of his delicate hands up your thigh and dangerously close to where you’ve imagined him placing every class that you’ve attended. The touch is prominent enough to have you squirming, letting whiny moans spill into his smirking lips as your legs bring him closer.
But Hoseok’s gentle yet clear tapping of your thighs tells you he has something else in mind. “Stand back up.” The order is clear yet in your current hazy state, you slide off the counter anticipating your weak landing, something Hoseok takes care of by pushing you flush against him.
Following through, he presses his long fingers in the soft flesh of your ass, spreading your cycling shorts covered cheeks all while pushing you closer to his straining cock. Spread out, head shying away from looking at his face, he leans in with a soft whisper, “Now tell me, kitty, how did you get an ass like this?”
Timid hands roam across his hard frame as your intended whisper becomes a rushing gasp, pulled out from you by Hoseok’s prominent kneading of your ass, “You.”
“What did you say, sweetheart?”
Hesitant, and quite frankly too hot to think straight, you let it all spill out.
“It’s because of you. You gave me an ass like this.”
“Huh, you think so?” His stretched palm travels up and down your clothed cheeks. You don’t respond letting the steady stream of strained moans be an answer in itself. “So you’re saying, my classes gave you this juicy ass,” He hisses out, firmly squeezing the jiggly flesh.
You nod your head against his shoulder, humming in agreement, the cadence at which the soft moans escape intensifying. Moans that you attempt disguise by biting into his cycling jersey.
“Don’t you think I should get to enjoy what I created?” The implications of his question makes your breath hitch.
What is he thinking of doing. Anal? Eating your ass? Spanking? Your mind is in haywire but you know what you think.
“You can do anything you want.”
You nod once again, hardened buds tickling his covered chest. All Hoseok does is smirk at your eagerness.
“Not today, kitty,” he pushes lightly against your breasts, making your shiver at the friction, turning you around with a swift hand as he shakes his head, “I like it from the back.”
You’re now facing the mirror, able to notice the distraught state of your body as your desperation creeps further into your limbs. Hoseok finds himself caging you in again, but while you could have hid your warming face in his chest before, now you’re completely exposed.It’s something that brings a playful expression to his features.
As if he wasn’t already close enough to you, Hoseok drives his eager hips into the heated plumpness of your butt and your fingers tense further around the edge of the countertop. Every hitching breath of yours is complemented with his groans.
“What a beautiful ass I’ve made,” he says, pride in his voice as he crouches down behind you to give each cheek its own shameless squeeze. “Don’t you agree?”
“Hmm,” you hum breathlessly before a pointed strike to your cheek makes it clear that that’s not how he wants you to respond. Nodding, head straining backwards to catch Hoseok’s dark gaze, your knees buckle driving your ass closer to his face while you whine out a stuttering yes.
Hoseok’s your trainer. He knows how breathing works during physical activities and makes it known that, whether or not you’re in class, he rules still apply. It’s soft, yet commanding whispers to not forget to breathe or he will stop, tingling confessions that let his appetite for your body infest your nerves as you delve deeper into despair. You want his cock inside of you and, unlike your willingness to wait, his patience is much greater.  
The continuous sway of hips quickens his breaths, and they land on your shoulder where they leave shivers that travel down your spine forcing you to shimmy your ass into his crotch even harder. “Come on, kitty, patience.” He breathes out, biting your scalding shoulder.
“Nghh, but plea—,” the hard slap that lands on your misbehaving cheeks has you stiffening, hands slipping against the glass. At this point you’re sure you’re not going to sit down on your train ride back home. Hoseok seems to want to leave you sore and marked.
“I said patience. I will give you what you need when I want to.” You nod lazily, not that your mind registers the sentence, but the alarming tone has you on your best behaviour.
Your compliant action earns you a few sloppy kisses along your covered shoulders, his hands snaking upwards to catch the zipper and let it slide down as you bend, body yearning for his touch until his determined hands engulf your freed and neglected mounds.
“Hmmm, just as soft and juicy as your ass.” He moans loud and clear and you fear someone outside might hear. Yet it still makes you melt onto his hard body. “Hose—yes, like that, ahhhh.”
Hoseok, given his position, does like orders, something he lets you know by running his fingers around your perked buds and squeezing them so hard you screech and bend even deeper. Fuck. As much as it hurts it also feels so good; your watering folds are proof enough.
“I don’t like to repeat myself, Y/N. Misbehave and I’ll keep drawing this out, leaving you wet and begging for me.” His tone is calculated and laced with a certain layer of pity that has you whining as you place one hand on his forearms to turn around and meet his eyes.
You witness the slowed blinking of his eyelids and hope that he can decipher your distressed eyes that ask for more. While Hoseok cares for his trainees, he likes to push them to see how far they can go. That’s what the smirk creeping up on his lips tells you.
“All in due time, kitty. First, let me taste something that I want to make mine.” One confident hand pats your dripping pussy to further awaken your sensitive nerve endings. Your thighs instinctively snap shut capturing his hand. Hoseok catches your eyes in the mirror, shaking his head before delivering another strike to your ass.
“Ahhh, shit,” you bite your quivering lips and let your hesitant thighs part to welcome the sweet slide of Hoseok’s fingers past your clothed folds as he hums in approval at the present wetness. “Just how I like it.” The praise compels a soft smile on your end.
You can’t hide the confusion that coats your features when he suddenly extracts his hand, something that has him snickering to himself. He enjoys torturing you and you want to complain but you don’t think your ass could handle anymore pain so you suck up your remarks along with some air.
Your head dances around, left to right and back again trying to figure out what exactly he plans to do as he crouches back down to face your butt. Before you can enquire in order to save yourself from any surprise attacks, he dives his head into the expanse of your globes shaking it as you squeal trying your best not to lose your stance.
He hums deeply, breathing in your scent and you whimper once his wet tongue pokes out to slide along your pussy lips, his saliva mixing in with your oozing arousal. His arms snake around your thighs, fingers digging into the flesh to push you further against his face. “Fuck, your kitty is dripping for me.” You manage to hear the muffled sound above the blend of his groans and your stumbling moans. But for once Hoseok doesn’t abide by his own rules as his hands rush to the hem of your cycling shorts, wanting nothing more than to rip them apart, to have you bare as to allow him to witness your clenching pussy– soon to be his pussy.
Exposed and wet, ready for him since the day you laid eyes on him, you stare down at his soft brown locks, where your hands will find refuge in shortly, and try your best to examine his eager expression through hooded eyes. He has your right leg up on his shoulder and you let the rhythm of his stroking hand guide your breaths. “So fucking pretty,” his other hand travels up your other thigh, “and wet,” he bites his lips leaning into your drenched center, “and mine.”
It’s only one lick but you already feel like falling apart, hands squeaking against the mirror. “Ahhh shit,” your hips move on their own accord, meeting his hot appendage and coating it with your increasing neediness. Either Hoseok doesn’t mind or your eagerness, looking to satisfy your own urge, doesn’t register in his mind as all that’s there is the goal to have you trembling and gushing all over his hungry mouth.
For each lap at your folds, he takes a breath away. Your fingers find the courage to place themselves on his head, soft hair left to be scrunched in your clenched fist. His head moves vigorously up and down, drinking up your juices under feverish groans and needy hands that latch on the cheeks of your ass to keep you from staggering away.
His tongue drives your pants, saturating your cunt with pointed licks coupled with soft nibbles at your throbbing clit, an action that has you quivering in surprise. “So fucking sweet,” he drags out the suckling of your vulva as he hums, satisfaction clear on his face as his tongue slides across his bottom lips. You mewl, hips bucking into the empty air. He plants a soft kiss on your heat, “Just for me. How cute.”
“Hoseok, please,” your strained plea runs from your lips without much thought to meet his mocking pout. You’re so close, you just need him to keep lapping at your soaked entrance, feasting on your juices and you would come undone before you know it.
However Hoseok seems to have other plans in mind as he stands back up, the straining in his pants all the more noticeable in his tight shorts. He leans in to kiss your neck, holding your behind flush against his cock. “Unfortunately, I can’t eat you out until you fall apart. We wouldn’t want anyone to come open the door, now would we?”
Your want has made you forget your predicament. You’re in the bathroom of your gym, ready to have the trainer you’ve been daydreaming about rail your neediness away. He made sure to lock the door but someone could soon start asking questions, looking for staff to complain to. Staff who would surely hurry to unlock the door, after all client satisfaction is important. Something that Hoseok is very aware of.
You shake your head as his husk approval meets your slick ear, “Good kitty.” He bites the shell of your ear, scraping against the heating flesh, “Now spread your legs for me.” You shuffle your feet side to side following his orders, legs too heavy to lift. “You’re doing so good for me,” he says, hoping to reassure you as his hands leave your body and you watch him, in the mirror, slide his pants down to expose his erect and flushed cock.
You almost turn around on instinct, one based on your countless dreams of having him in your mouth, weighing down your tongue. But you stay put, resorting to ogling his long and pretty dick. Hoseok doesn’t seem to mind as his hand goes to stroke lazily at the throbbing length while continuing to keep his distance from you.
His eyes lock with yours and you whimper because you know exactly what you could do to that dick of his if he’d just let you. However, he’s adamant on having his way with you. Maybe another time? Maybe. You close your eyes to let the sour thought of this being a one time occasion wash away and let Hoseok’s touch bring you back to the moment at hand.
His hand digs into the flesh of your hips and your needy heat clenches around empty air at the sweet and slow slide of the fleshy and precum glazed tip of his cock. Hoseok’s likes to drink up your reactions, staring into the mirror to admire your furrowed brows, your open mouth and your squeezed eyelids as he continues to run his pulsating member up and down your slit. He slips up, his enthusiasm getting the best of him as the tip grazes your clit and you bite into your clenched fist, your moan still managing to seep through.
Hoseok’s chest leans into your back as he places one of his hands above yours. He orders your gaze to meet his, the other hand hiding between your bodies to position himself at your entrance.
“This is gonna be just like our sprints in class. Are you ready, kitty?”
You munch on your wet lip, and repeat, through your panting mess, the only the only two words that seem to be in your mind, “Hoseok plea—ahhh”
His hard cock eases into your needy walls, slowly filling you up as his other hand moves back to restrain your only free hand. Chest against back, hands weighing on yours, and forehead bent down against your shoulder, he bottoms out and you release a combined sigh. You shut eyes spring open to stare at the delightful connection between your edged bodies. You can’t comprehend the situation, nor do you try to. This is really happening, huh?
It feels too good. Too good to be true and too good for your practically spasming pussy. Hoseok’s calm approach is short-lived, his second thrust as frantic as your breaths. The force at which he moves inside your slick walls, force strong enough to have the edge of the sink countertop dig against your stomach.
Your hand reaches back to hold onto his shoulder, trying your best to stay stable as each continuous attack of his hips sounds against your tender ass. Hoseok drags his dick out, making you moan and pant so much you’re clouding the mirror. He eagerly snaps back against your straining tightness, bottoming out as he puffs out laboured breaths and you gasp into your trembling shoulder. “Yes, yes, right there,” you sigh in between ragged breaths
He delivers another pointed thrust, pumping himself deeper into your warmth, “Here?” He breathes out and you nod hastily.
You can feel the short yet intense slap of his balls against your ass, the thrill of it all making you bend to spread your legs even further apart. Your face only centimeters away from the cold, metal tap, you shriek feeling the weight of Hoseok’s imprints on the small of your back as he pounds your sopping pussy. “Shit, all of this for me?” He pants, delivering his beloved strikes on the ass he’s made.
With your current limited vocabulary all you can do is nod, head bracing itself in the crook of your arm. Chasing your own pleasure, all while melting on the wonder that’s Hoseok’s cock, you move your hips to meet the now frantic pummelling of his straining dick.
One of his hands migrates to surround the soft and tender flesh of your neck as he pulls you up to reveal your fucked out gaze. “So fucking pretty.” He suckles the skin of your neck, biting into it to suppress his own moans. You wrap your hand around his forearm, chanting your go-to high-pitched request once again, this time managing to add one more word, “Hoseok, please, harder.”
Your heart is about to leap out of your chest at sight of the soft gaze he throws under heavy eyelids. “Anything for you, kitty.” And he gives you just that. He pumps in and out, hard, hand still around your neck, more so as a sweet gesture to help your head stay put as he admires his work. His other arm pushing you flush against his body, mushing your ass cheeks against his crotch. A feeling he welcomes with a low hiss.
Hoseok’s dick pulsates against your walls, as they suck him deeper, his length allowing him to graze spots in you nobody has touched before. The quick and pointed hammering makes your breath stutter. You’re so close, you think, but fail to communicate, mouth unable to form any coherent sounds apart from heavy moans and whines.
You spare a glance in Hoseok’s direction, to see his head nested in the crook of your neck, eyes shut and his cheeks puff out for every passionate thrust he delivers. Warmth, not the kind that comes from your current vigorous activity, but the one that’s born out of hope for more, overtakes you only this time you have no wish to dispel it.
Your free hand meets your sensitive bud, rubbing circles as his cock continues to make a mess of you. He must have felt the soft graze of your fingertips against his hot girth as his hands move to meet yours. He slides his fingers past your slick coating fingers that are soon placed back on your clit. Digits dancing around each other, your chest stutters into the bliss, back morphing into the bend of his chest. “Oh,Hos– ahhh, I’m clo–se.”
Hoseok finds the sounds that leave you endearing, a smile stretching along his lips. “Go on kitty, let my pussy cum all over me.” You shut your eyes, lips pressed against each other, glutes clenched to Hoseok’s striking approval, letting your pent up and often castoff desire for a certain man with a blinding smile, and inspiring ethic rush over your limbs, choked moans leaving your once sealed lips.
He thrusts on every breath intake, adamant on literally taking your breath away as his own unraveling follows shortly. Even in this state of frenzy, he manages, ever the professional and hard worker, to land his last thrusts just where he wants them. Deep within you, before he snatches his hypnotising member away from your ever yearning heat to decorate your back with a fat load, as he grunts out, “Ugh, hmph–mine.”
Strikes of white cum hit you as you sigh, trying your best to regulate your breathing all while hitting your face to convince yourself of the reality of the situation. You just fucked your trainer. The one you’ve been fantasising about for the past three months. You try to find some sort of guilt, looking to appease your mind and assure yourself that nothing bad will come out of this.
You’ll still be able to attend your lessons each week, sitting down at your same spot, staring ahead at him indifferently as he manages to not even break a sweat during his excruciating classes. You tell yourself that you’re sure everything will go back to normal once the two of you step outside the sex stenched toilet room. Everything will be just fine. You almost believe it, until you’re brought back to the present moment, as he swipes a cool water drenched paper towel against your ruined slit. Yeah, this is bad.
Mixing fantasies, longing stares and care can only lead to one possible thing. A bus you doubt he would jump on if it were to show up at his door steps. You scramble to retrieve the towel and proceed to clean yourself. Hoseok jumps at your less than gentle action, but decides not to give it much thought, unlike you.
“Thanks,” you attempt to lessen your rude behaviour. He gives you a lopsided smile, winking away your weakly established reassurance that you’ll manage not to think about this encounter from a point of view that’s filled with craving feelings and expectations.
“That was nice.”
You fail to suppress the laughter that’s screaming to be released, to see him flustered has you smiling, nodding reassuringly at his statement.
“Very nice, indeed,” you respond, throwing away the towel as you join Hoseok in putting your cycling shorts back on and closing the zipper of your cycling jersey.
Your eyes travel across the room to make sure that nothing is terribly out of place or different before your hands stroke down your front while you stare at the now silent man. You wait, expecting him to say something, wanting him to. When he doesn’t seem to have it in his plans to speak again, you turn around to walk towards the key he left in the lockset of the door.
A loud cough sounds behind you and you snap around, eyes eagerly staring at him to notice the full blown smile on his glowing face, making your heart skip.
His fingers gestures towards his back and once he notices your confused expression, he articulates his concern with a small laugh and scratch to his neck, “Uhm, you kinda forgot the back, my…. yeah, is still there”
“Oh,” you turn around to look at your back through the mirror. The sight alone of his cum has your mouth watering and legs clenching, something that doesn’t go unnoticed to Hoseok’s focused eyes. Just the reassurance he needed to feel like you weren’t completely regretting what just happened. “Right.” You sidestep him to reach for some more paper towels, hands trying their best to clean it up only to end up smearing it even more.
Hoseok’s hand reaches out. “May I?” Sighing you nod, discarding the ruined towels in the bin.
On second thought, you should have said no and struggled through the clean up on your own. The soft press of his digits against your back ignites your skin and pulls you back to the not so distant events in your mind. Your sharp breath intakes at each touch from his body further aids Hoseok in building back his confidence.
You definitely liked him, or at least your body did. He thinks and he would definitely not mind a repeat, preferably somewhere where he did not need to worry about time or intruders and where he could knead your ass to his heart’s content.
Once done, you step away, this time thoroughly cleaned and ready to leave. You turn back to follow your previous path, hand clenched around the key refusing to unlock the door as you await another interjection from his part. To unlock the door means this is finally over and as much as you might not believe this to be your best decision, you still want to bask in the awkward sweetness of the aftermath, just for a few more seconds. But Hoseok stays silent this time.
Your hand weights down on the handle, pushing it towards you. Sighing, you are brought back to reality as you stare at the bypassers outside of the toilet room. Your hand releases the handle, walking out and heading towards the changing rooms.
Your steps are slow, ready to halt upon his request. Yet, all your ears can hear is the shuffling of hurried feet and the sound of other classes taking place. Soon enough, you’re walking slow out of dejection rather than apprehension.
“Hey! Y/N!” Your skin shivers at the timbre of the familiar voice and you walk faster to stop a bit further away. You don’t want him to think that you were waiting for him.
Your body whips around, using the little resolve you have left to mask your delight at the sight of him.
“I’ll see you next week,” it comes out as a blend between a question and an affirmation and you can see in his eyes that he needs you to clarify the nature of his statement for him. To let him know there could in fact be more than today.
“I’ll see you next week, Hoseok.” You smile sheepishly as you turn around to scurry towards your intended destination, squealing into the palms of your hands. Hands that had touched him and had been caressed by him. Ultimately, hands that couldn’t wait to knead him the way he kneaded you.
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Posted: July 16 2020
a/n: feel free to share any feedback, it’s always deeply appreciated 🥺
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thanatosangels · 4 years
join the celebration <3333
😭 - Wessa for @daisyherxndale
Recently, the weight of living forever was resting more and more heavily on Tessa’s shoulders.
She wasn't blind. She saw the wrinkles around Will’s eyes, the grey that peppered his hair like stars twinkling against the inky black sky, she heard the way his bones cracked when he got up. She still loved him all the same, it wasn't that. It was the constant little reminders that this life was not a journey they’d finish together.
She was also watching her babies grow up. James, her miracle, her whirlwind, her Little Spoon, was constantly out and about with his Merry Thieves and she was unsure if he was keeping them out of trouble or getting them into it. She saw so much of Will in him sometimes - the way he looked at Matthew, the way he threw his head back when he laughed, the careless way he flicked his hair out of his eyes - that it made her head swim and heart ache. She hoped against all hope that he wouldn't have to be a hero like his father. Not because he wasn't capable of it, he certainly was, but because the idea of him risking himself like that made her feel sick.
And Lucie. Lulu, Luce, her writing prodigy. She saw every good part of herself reflected back to her in her daughter, and then some. Lucie had her inherited her insatiable curiosity, her headstrong stubbornness, and her love for fiction, but Lucie had a creative spark that Tessa never could light. She had always loved to read her writings, from the silly stories about talking pennies she started out writing to the epic tales of the Beautiful Cordelia. There was a part of her that was glad Lucie seemed to have been untouched by her demon heritage. She was hopeful that Lucie's life would that little bit easier because of it.
So, when the demons started attacking London, Tessa worried for her children and her love immensely. She kept herself busy: planning defences, talking to the bereaved, reading to Will, attending to the wounded.
She didn't even notice the little scratch on her hand that she received in the infirmary one day.
She didn’t notice until a week later when she was sitting in the drawing room with her family.
She didn't notice until the world around her seemed to tilt, and it felt like a knife was being driven through her lungs, over and over again.
She screamed as she curled up around herself on the floor, gripping her hand like it was on fire. The world was shifting in and out of focus. She knew Will was cushioning her head with his hand, and she knew James was holding her hand, inspecting the tiny cut that was weeping black blood, and she knew that Lucie was running out the room to go and get help, but all she could pay attention to was the pain that laced its way through her body. Every breath she took was like being shot in the chest, and every beat of her heart felt like she was being kicked in the stomach.
The world was going black around the edges. Distantly, she heard James shouting about the antidote, and wasn't there anything they could do? She heard Lucie screaming, and there was a short discussion about Belial. About whether this was his doing.  
And then she saw Death as he entered the room, and the whole world seemed to tip upside down.
Except, it wasn't Death. It was Jem. He placed a hand on her forehead and the world seemed to right itself, just a bit. She couldn’t know what he said, but she saw Will’s face crumple, and she knew. 
She knew she was going to die. She shut her eyes.
And then, when she opened them again, Jem was gone, and she couldn’t see Jamie or Lucie anymore. It was just her and Will.
He was sobbing, his tears falling onto her face, his hands gripping her hair. He was mumbling a stream of Welsh that was intertwined with pleads for her to live.
With great effort, she lifted a hand and placed it on the side of his face.
“Shh, my love,” She tried to smile. “I have had everything I ever wanted.”
He grabbed her hand and desperately put it to his lips. He seemed so far away now. He was speaking, maybe he was praying, but the sound of his voice was so comforting and so familiar, and she was so tired, that she let her head fall down onto his lap. He was kissing her forehead now, and the darkness at the edge of her vision was threatening to engulf her completely, but she kept her eyes open. Just a little bit longer. Just to see those blue eyes that turned everything she’d ever known upside down, one last time.
And then she was staring into their twilight blue. And the darkness was all around her. And she had one final comfort:
At least i’ll never live in a world without Will.
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vesuvian-american · 4 years
Part 2 of Abandoned in the End
Chapter 2: Spider Lily
Here’s part two, I didn’t like it at first but after a bit of tweaking i’m fairly pleased with myself! I hope you all enjoy! Enjoy it on AO3 too!<3333
Words: 2,010
You weren’t sure how much time had passed since you last saw them in person. You could still feel them though, alive, far away in the other world. Moving on with their lives. You used your magic to check in on them, to watch them. However, each time you did you noticed they changed. They sensed you there, lurking, unwilling to leave them be. Their smiling faces would fall, shivers creeped up their spines, eyes darting around the room to catch a glimpse of you. Not because they missed you, not because they wanted to see you, but because they wished to avoid you at all costs. Turn the other way and run.
Asra’s deck would scream at him to keep his guard up, immediately pulling his attention from whatever he was doing, whether it be spending time with Julian or tending to a customer. A part of you liked seeing him so spooked, another part, a repressed part, ached. It yearned to reach out and comfort Asra, your lifelong friend. He doubled and tripled his protection spells, trying in vain to keep you at bay. You’d bring him back to you eventually, whether it be this life or the next.
Nadia’s headaches returned with your presence, her sixth sense sniffing you out immediately. She was uneasy but she always asked you to leave. She was annoyed, she hated you now and that hurt. If she wasn’t too preoccupied, she’d leave you to walk off somewhere else and distract herself with a task, you’d follow. You never gave her a moments rest, always keeping the beloved Countess on her toes. She was strong though, the new Vesuvia she made was beautiful, you hated not being a part of it.
As much as Julian lacked sleep before, you made it even harder for him now, every time he slept, he remembered you, he cried for you, even yearned for you but he knew better than to get too caught up. You weren’t the same, and he wasn’t going to try and love the new you. He deserved better than that, so he fought. He drowned himself in coffee to avoid thinking about you, running himself into the ground to escape you. Hyperactive, because if even for a second he relaxed, he’d fall asleep and be tormented by your memory.
Muriel, well, he was tricky to get to. He didn’t give you any attention, you knew he could sense you there, watching, but he was good at hiding from his feelings. That is until you started to manifest physically in his presence for a reaction. Using your magic to create doppelgangers of yourself. Hard to ignore seeing the person that saved you from you demons sitting at the foot of your bed at night, looking like how you did in life. He broke down at that, but you didn’t let up. You chased him, always showing up just out of the corner of his sight. You got your reaction, and now the Devil inside craved more.
It was hard for Portia to get back to normal. She missed you, and you missed her too. She was like a warm ray of sunshine after the coldest winter, refreshing. She thought about you constantly, brought you up in conversations, but when she started to notice those around her hated your name being spoken, she stopped. A part of you broke, you thought at least you’d have someone in your corner, even if she was the most afraid of you. Portia bringing up your memory was only a way for her to avoid and ignore the crippling fear she felt thinking about the new you... the better you. She left Vesuvia for a spell another way to hide from the current you, but you still found her. She visited the other princesses of Prakra and you followed. Like a storm on the horizon, ever present doom followed poor Portia. “You can’t forget me” you’d whisper to her.
Now Lucio, he was back to his old ways. Throwing parties and drinking to ignore his pain. He wasn’t Count anymore but he still held a bit of status. You envied him. You wanted to ruin him. You pursued him constantly, scaring him, keeping him in a constant state of fear. Every time he was too drunk to stand properly, you’d lure him to his old ashen wing of the palace, and their you’d lurk. An ever-constant reminder of his failures and treachery. You reveled in the power. You felt strong.
No. You felt weak. They still weren’t here! They were free! Living their lives, not stuck, trapped bound to the Devil. Watching enviously from the sidelines. You hated this new form.
Actually, no. You loved this new form, truly. You’ll bring them back eventually. They won’t ever leave again. It was time to stop fighting. To let the Devil have his way. You may be stuck in this realm but that doesn’t mean they can’t be here stuck with you, you thought. A devilish grin cracked across your face; your crimson eyes glowed.
For this to work you’ll have to back off for a few years. Allow them to live in peace, and think all of this is of the past. What a rude awakening they’ll have coming for them. For the next years you’ll be growing stronger, preserving your strength for the night you’ll drag the back home to hell.
20 years passed, though it felt like no more than a few months for you, you looked the same of course. You took a little peak at them, they couldn’t feel you, this time. You watched them fall in love, grow, heal. Even with all of these changes they were still the same as always. Asra, so outgoing, holding everybody together. Nadia, strong and elegant. Julian, smart as ever, and still so funny. Muriel, quiet but ever kind and gentle. Portia, happy and mischievous, and fun-loving. Lucio, charming and transparent, and still a heavy drinker. You loved it. You loved seeing them like this, thinking they were safe and free, all the better for when you destroy them.
It happened one night. They all slept soundly, safe and cozy in their beds. Except they woke up in the Devil’s realm. Right at your feet, the throne room was unrecognizable. You had destroyed it after they left the last time you saw them decades ago. Burning it to the ground with your thoughts alone.
“Rise and shine my pretties.” You hissed, such glee dancing in your crimson eyes. Muriel was the first to wake, just a split second before the rest. You laughed hysterically as they realized their new circumstances. They were trapped. All of you together forever in the throne room of the Devil’s realm. You couldn’t control yourself, your laughs coming out in bursts and wheezes, they could hear the true Devil’s voice laced behind your own.
“Y/N... What have you done?” Asra asks, sounding so pathetic. Your old friends all cowered close together, trembling with fear, utterly confused.
“Oh Asra, you don’t look so good. I thought you’d age better than this.” You sneered, it was a lie though, of course he was still beautiful and full of life. “If you haven’t all figured it out yet, you’re going to be spending the rest of your days here with me.” You grinned, the smile was unnaturally wide on your face, a wicked grin. Silence ensued but you could hear their hearts races, the sound alone made you tremble, aroused by their fear.
“Don’t all cheer at once, I know how happy you all must be, right?” You joked, snorting out another short laugh before continuing. “So, get as comfortable as you can get here, it’ll be a while.”
“Whatever do you think to accomplish with all of this, Devil?” Nadia spoke, her voice projecting throughout the room. You rolled your eyes dramatically.
“First of all, you know my name Nadia, dear. Secondly, I’ve missed you all, haunting you for those first few months was getting so boring.” You whined, “I need the real you here, with me, to make up for lost time!” You were still suspended a few feet off of the ground by the rope they bound you with, you tried to wiggle free. “So as you can see, I’m still bound to this hell and couldn’t come visit.”
“...That never stopped you from showing yourself.” Muriel spoke in a hush tone, making a point to avoid your fiery gaze.
“Well, love, if you weren’t being so proactive in ignoring me, I wouldn’t have to have worked myself up, stretching my magic all the way to you like that. Don’t blame me.” You stared at him intensely, watching him shrink in on himself as much as he could. Even as Asra spoke you still were persistent in staring at the gentle giant, seeing the fear settle deep into his bones brought you happiness, you waited so long to see him in person again.
“This isn’t you Y/N! Let us go!” Asra shouted, rushing over to Muriel’s side to hold him.
“I know this isn’t me Asra, isn’t that what I was trying to convince you all of 20 years ago? Hm? Was it not!?” You shouted, fine cracks stretching up the walls. “I begged you all to let me go, I begged for you to see past this hideous form and to the real me! So, if I’m stuck here forever, you all will be too! This is your fault.” You struggled against your ropes, but they only tightened.
“Ugh honestly! What did you do to me? These ropes are really starting to work my nerves.” You carried on as if this were just normal conversation, before Julian finally spoke.
“We’ll be here f-forever?” He asked, stuttering his words.
“Yes, beloved, forever. I won’t harm you all, I love you too much. Though, you all should really consider setting me free so that it can truly feel like old times.” You cooed.
“IT CAN’T BE LIKE OLD TIMES!” Lucio shrieked, shoving a golden clawed finger in your direction. He had the nerve to talk to you like that, after all he's done.
“How dare you speak! How dare you speak like that to me!” You voice made the entire temple vibrate, threatening a collapse. The rest of the group shrunk back; Portia started to cry.
You sighed, the magic you expelled was taking a toll on your patience. “Don’t cry Portia, I’m sorry for Lucio’s foul behavior, you know how he gets.” You tried to sound as sincere as you could, but something in you wanted to laugh in their faces again.
The face she makes in response tells you all you need to know. Talk won’t help. “Okay, okay! I’m only kidding. But I assure you, I’m still me, I’m just a little bitter for the last two decades in solitude. You all moved on and fell in love. While I’m here alone watching from the sidelines.” Your head hung low, the anger your felt years ago was back at a boiling point. Honestly, you had to spell it out for them again?
“Lucio caused this whole mess but even he’s free, I saved the world and I’m here. That hardly seems fair. But, I’m willing to let bygones be bygones if you set me free from these ropes and allow me to move on with you all!” You give them a winning grin, and wiggle your fingertips and feet. That’s all the movement you can manage given your circumstances.
You give your word that won’t harm them and you remind them that you can’t lie as an Arcana. Over time, you promise them more freedoms, things do start to become a new normal. Not long after that, do they forget their days of freedom, they forget why you’re even tied up to begin with. You’re free. Free with your friends, whom you’ve granted immortality to, so long as they’re in the Arcana realms.
You’re all together again, forever. Forever together.
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suhoerections · 5 years
Honey Babe
Tumblr media
Pairing: CEO!Jongin x fem reader
Word count: 7k of pure smut thanks Ayla
Genre: Smut, smut, smut, some fluff, some more smut
Warnings: like a shit ton of smut 6k is smut || noona kink || power play || sensory deprivation || bondage || unprotected sex || over stimulation || orgasm denial || female masturbation || marking || oral (male receiving) || 
Tag List: @strikingsilouettes @thesoondongiefiles @ninibears-erigom @chanyeolol send an ask or dm if you want to be on the tag list
Everything about your life was regular, the constant influx of regular customers to the regular coffee shop you worked at, to the regular coffee machine you made their drinks with. Nothing ever stood out.
But him.
It could have been the blue velvet suit that accentuated his tall, lean, yet muscular frame perfectly, or the way the black turtle neck clung to his body in a teasing notion that had you wondering what was underneath, or his silver hair, which hung in a loose, fluffy halo around his head. He was anything but regular, and it intrigued you.
His lips curled in a sweet smile, talking to your coworker taking his order. It was hard to take your eyes off of him, though you had to, the rush hour invasion had your hands slaving away at making too many coffees for too many people.
It was a disaster to watch him leave the quaint coffee shop, the hot chocolate you prepared held in his hand as his velvet clad frame walked out and onto the bustling city street.
A twang of disappointment shot through your body at his departure, the way he grabbed your attention so easily, making you sigh in disappointment as you watched his retreating form.
So, you went about your day as per regular, waving a goodbye to your coworker as you were left alone for the last half hour of the cafe’s opening hours, leaving you to pack up.
You were about to grab your phone out of your pocket, scroll through social media and wait until the clock struck 8pm like it usually did, but the jingle of the bell distracted you. Your eyes going to the tall, blue velvet suit man from earlier walking through the door. A smile planted on his plump lips as he spots you behind the counter.
“Sorry, it’s not too late to order is it?” His voice was like honey, smooth and coating your thoughts in a sugar that made you want to taste more.
“No its not, I can make you something up,” You smiled back at him, trying to cover up your thundering heart beat under his gaze.  
His eyes lit up at you, the gesture causing a raging storm of butterflies to flutter throughout your stomach, their wings alluring a feeling of nervousness that reminded you of a highschool crush.
“Can I get a hot chocolate please?” His honey voice coaxed you again, the sound causing the butterflies to flap harder and faster.
“Yeah sure, what size?” You tried to keep your eyes on the pad in front of you, tried to stop your tongue darting out to moisten your lips or your teeth to tug on the flesh.
“Large please.” His manners were nice, his soothing voice filling your senses once again, overwhelming you to the point you swore you could smell the sweet scent of honey. But it was just his cologne, which you smelt on his wrist as he handed you the money. It was an expensive scent, one that resonated a sweet, floral smell in your nose, coaxing you into an abyss of this stranger.
“Not going to take my name for the order?” His eyes twinkled with a sparkle of amusement, his perfect lips forming a smirk as the words fell off of them.
Your eyebrow cocked on instinct, raising slightly at his words, though your own lips broke into a smirk as you made eye contact with the man. “Alright then,” You hummed, the words forming an amused melody as they rolled off your lips, “what’s your name, mr businessman who likes hot chocolates?”
A chuckle that sounded so delectable came out of his perfect lips. “Well you see,” He wiggled his eyebrows at you, the spark of amusement growing in his chocolate eyes, “I’m actually a CEO.”
“Oh sorry, my mistake,” You replied, tone dripping with sarcasm, “what’s your name, mr CEO who likes hot chocolates?”
His smirk widened, eyes taking you in as a hum resonated in the base of his throat.
“Jongin,” he spoke his name with confidence, his lips still formed a smirk as his eyes studied your features vaguely.
“Hm Jongin?” A smile fell upon your lips, “That’s a pretty name, but I should really get started on making your hot chocolate.” With that you turned around, walking over to the coffee machine and making a start on it.
Jongin sat at a table, propping his chin up in his hand, eyelashes batting against his fluffy silver hair as he watched you through half lidded eyes.
He looked effortlessly sexy, the blue velvet he wore seemingly absorbing the light elicited from the small lamps accentuating the quaint coffee shop, his turtle neck still clinging to his muscular body, tantalizing you with the places the fabric clung to deliciously.
It took all your willpower not to stare at him, to keep your eyes trained on frothing the milk for his drink, though you couldn’t help but look over to him, eyes meeting his in a notion that had the butterflies fluttering even more eagerly.
A genuine smile fell upon his lips as he made eye contact with you, a warmth lighting up in his chocolate eyes, making your lips curl back in an equally sincere gesture.
Jongin was the first to speak, a plain question rolling off his lips as he started to talk, his words sparking a conversation between the both of you while you made his hot chocolate. Your hands worked slow, taking care with his drink as you tried to keep the conversation going.
It was a pain to finish the drink - its completion inevitably bringing along the completion of your conversation with Jongin. Your hand reluctantly held out the hot chocolate to him, fingertips brushing his as you handed the sweet liquid to him.
“Thank you.” He said, his smile making your heart skip a beat.
“No problem.” The words rolling off your lips effortlessly, grinning at him as he walked off, his retreating form causing a slice of melancholy to cut through you.
A sigh fell off your lips as he turned the corner, out of sight but definitely not out of mind as you went about shutting up the shop.
The minutes ticked by agonisingly slow as you packed up the cafe. All you wanted was to go home and sleep, take your mind off Jongin, his presence blanketing your mind with a hope that will inevitably be crushed. Why would a sexy as all hell CEO even look twice in a simple barista’s direction?
He wouldn’t. And that’s what you had to keep telling yourself, your thoughts focused on trying to get him out of your head. Anything but the way his dark blue velvet took in the light, or the way his turtleneck showed off his muscular body while also teasingly not, or how his hair looked perfect to just run your hands through and tug on as he-
You tried your absolute best to concentrate on driving home, your knuckles bone white from your tight grip on the wheel, the leather creaking under your fingers as you clasped it impossibly harder.
Your brain was a daze as you got back to your house, your thoughts and attention still on Jongin despite your efforts.
A groan fell off your lips as you flopped face first into bed, your energy drained to the max and your body itching for sleep. A deep slumber resonated in your bones, your subconscious pulling you into an abyssal fantasy as you snuggled under the blankets.
It was hard to tell, but your vision was coated in a blurry, dream-like lense, yet everything was clear as if it was in HD.
A honey voice filled your ears, the smell of his cologne filling your senses. He was speaking, but you couldn’t comprehend it, not when you turned around to face Jongin.
He was standing there, velvet coat, black turtleneck, silver hair - just how you had seen him earlier.
His plump lips moved to say something - a word, but you didn’t care, your muscles involuntarily freezing as he leant down to whisper something in your ear. The word went in your ear and out the other, all you could hear was the haze of his voice, sounding syllables that you didn’t understand.
Jongin gripped your waist, his hands pushing you back onto the cafe counter you didn’t even comprehend was there until the cool granite dug into your ass.
He was talking again, his honey tone dripping from his plump lips before they crashed into yours. You felt his body press up against yours, to the point where his boner was achingly rubbing against your thigh while his lips worked against your own heatedly. A chill crept its way down your spine as his hands travelled under the hem of your skirt, his fingers slipping in the elastic of your panties.
The last thing you remember was his sweet voice before you were pushed up against the counter, your back to his body so that your hip bones slapped the stone edge.
His hand pushed against your back firmly, forcing your body forward and onto the counter. Jongin’s tone filling your ears like a broken record, the syllables incomprehensible as his nimble fingers tugged your panties down to your knees.
There was a vague feeling of him entering you, though you had no recollection of him tugging his pants down, yet you didn’t care, all you could feel was the stimulation of him thrusting. It was delicious, the sensation of him filling you up, pleasuring you.
Jongin’s plump lips parted to allow moans dripping with honey to fill the empty cafe, his thrusts speeding up with each snap of his hips against your ass.
A broken cry fell off your lips as you tried to moan, your body writhing under him as you felt a coil of pleasure build up in your stomach.
It felt like forever, you lost in the feeling of him pounding into you from behind that you didn’t notice your orgasm creeping up on you, the pleasure gripping you by the throat and slamming you down into an intense void of bliss.
A loud moan sounded from the base of your throat as you came, the waves of pleasure causing you to regain consciousness as your eyes fluttered open. The realisation that your pussy was clenching around your fingers instead of him coming crashing down on you - it was a dream.
You let yourself ride it out, your fingers rubbing over the sensitive nub sleepily before you let out a sigh of disappointment, pulling your hand out of your panties.
If only it was real.
A sigh of disappointment filled the room as you snuggled back into your sheets, closing your eyes and drifting back off to sleep.
A week had passed since that day, with no sign of Jongin. It was torturous really, his absence cutting a hole in you even though you’d only met him once. It’s hard not to be under his intoxicating spell, his sudden presence filling a hole you never knew you had - before he was ripped right out again. It took a little while, but eventually you stopped perking up every time a customer walked in, or whipping your head around whenever you could have sworn you heard his voice.
Though as your coworker bid their goodbyes, leaving you to run the cafe for the last half hour of its opening time, you couldn't help the little twang of hope in your chest, that maybe just maybe Jongin would walk in.
And he did.
The bell jingled, causing you to look up from your phone, only for your breathe to be knocked right out of your chest.
“Hey,” Jongin spoke, his honey voice once again coaxing you, a smirk resonating on his perfect lips.
“Hi,” You smiled back, trying to slow the erratic heartbeat in your chest and the uneven breathes that elicited from your mouth in short pants.
He looked delicious as usual. A white turtle neck clinging to his muscles this time, oppose to the black one he wore previously. Jongin also ditched the velvet suit, opting for black suspenders over the white turtleneck and accommodating black slacks that cupped his ass nicely.  
Jongin was walking sex, his smirk, his clothes, his body, his everything.
“How are you, beautiful?” He smirked, winking flirtatiously as he spoke the pet name.
You forced back a blush, smirking back confidently, “Not bad, handsome.” A giggle filled the space between you both as you replied.
Jongin hummed, leaning on the counter as he surveyed you behind it. “Can I get a hot chocolate from my favorite barista?” He said, lips curling into an even wider smirk as he accentuated his honey voice on the word favorite, drawing out the syllables.
Your heartbeat involuntarily got faster at his words, the pounding sounding throughout your body as you blushed slightly at his words.
“Of course,” You purred, meeting his gaze heatedly, “Anything for my favorite customer.”
Jongin grinned at your comment, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as his eyes raked over your body once more. His gaze drinking in the apron tied snug around your curves and the tight pants that sculpted your ass as you turned to get to work on his hot chocolate.
Your heart was beating too fast and your nerves were on end, your skin crying out in desperation every time you felt his silent gaze fall upon you.
This time around as you made his drink, Jongin made no attempt to start a conversation with you, opting for watching you. His eyes took in your movements, tongue poking out to wet his plump lips occasionally.
It wasn’t long before you finished making his drink, holding it out to him with a smile.
“Thanks, love,” Jongin smirked as he took the hot chocolate, immediately taking a sip of the sweet liquid, “Tastes almost as good as you look.” He purred, a smirk resonating on his lips as he spoke.
You smirked back, hiding your shock at his words.
“Honey,” You hummed, reaching up to swipe a bit of hot chocolate off his lip, slipping the pad of your thumb in your mouth as you brought your hand back down, “I bet you taste better.”
A glint sparked in Jongin’s eye as he surveyed your actions, his gaze taking you in hungrily.
“Have you been slipping something in my drinks, baby?” He semi growled, his face leaning in slightly.
“What would you suggest I’ve been spiking you with?” Your voice was low, a few inches now separated your lips. His cologne filled your senses and it was heavenly, the floral smell coaxing you closer toward him.
“Love potion, cause I’ve fallen hard for you,” Jongin whispered, his warm breath fanning over your lips as he creeped forward slightly.
A smirk resonated on your lips as you filled the gap, your lips crashing into his hungrily, not even bothering to keep the kiss sweet. Jongin kissed back just as heatedly, his mouth opening up to you, submitting so easily.
His taste was godly, slightly sweet from the hot chocolate but he was intoxicating. You could smell him, taste him, all you needed was to feel him - but the counter separated you both.
Jongin pouted as you pulled away, his bottom lip curling back in disapproval. “Why’d you stop?” He whined, his voice still deep and honey like, but laced with a desperation that had you smirking.
“Honey, I still have 15 minutes left of work,” You spoke, reaching up to cup his jaw gently, your thumb rubbing small circles into his smooth skin.
“Can’t you just pack up now? No one’s going to care…” Jongin still whined, his words voicing his dire need for you.
A sigh fell off your lips as you witnessed his needy state. “Jongin, that could get me fired,” You countered, teasing him with your words.
He pouted in response, his mouth opening to say something but you shushed him, planting a finger over his plump lips to silence him.
“Come back tomorrow, same time and I’ll leave with you.” It was an offer that you wanted to make, see if he would carry out with it - a gamble you could say. A gamble to see if he would come back, to see if he was just as desperate as his actions implied.
Jongin huffed in response, his lips forming his signature pout as you pulled your finger off them. “Fine.” He huffed before exiting, taking his hot chocolate with him.
A gut instinct told you he would be back, that the little tease you gave him tonight was enough to have him wanting more of you - and that’s what you wanted. A bit of revenge for making you fall hard for him when you barely knew him, and now you’ve done the same to him.
The next 24 hours passed slow, your sleep restless with child-like excitement, your day passing slowly as anticipation flooded your veins. It was hard not to practically shove the manager out the door so you could be left to pack up.
You started cleaning up, trying to distract yourself from Jongin, though it was no help. He was branded into you, his hot kiss putting you under a spell of him.
It wasn’t long before you heard the door open, the bell chiming, signalling someone walking through the door.
Though this time that someone wasn’t a random customer, but Jongin.
He smirked as his eyes met yours, hands tucked into his pockets casually.
Though it wasn’t his presence that made you do a double take, but rather his outfit. Jongin wore a hot red suit, though with no shirt underneath the fine material jacket, his honey skinned muscles glinting under the warm light of the cafe. It was obvious he worked out - his defined abs proving that. His hair was also different, rather than the fluffy halo he usually had, it was styled back, and honestly it made him look impossibly sexier.
“Jongin…” You murmured his name, utterly speechless as your eyes involuntarily stared at his abs underneath the suit blazer.
“Yes, love?” He smirked, leaning against the counter effortlessly, a smirk painted across his features.
You cocked your eyebrow at him, eyes raking over his brash demeanour.
Jongin huffed a smirk, his lips curling back cockily as he walked over to you with a confident stride.
A hum resonated in his throat as he spoke; “Baby, I just thought I’d give you a little tease.” His tone was sultry and his honey voice dripped with a seductiveness that had you ready to take him on the counter.
You smirked back at him, reaching up to cup his cheek, guiding his face down closer to your own. “You are a tease.” And that was all you said before kissing him.
You never had the intention of it being a sweet kiss, and neither did Jongin. His lips meeting yours hungrily and heatedly, his hands gripping your hips to pull you into his body.
It was instinctual - the way you pushed yourself against him, arms snaking around his neck to deepen the kiss.
Jongin growled lightly in response to your actions, his hands gripping your hips tighter to grind you against his hardening bulge. You gasped lightly into the kiss as you felt his considerable length harden against your abdomen.
“Jongin.” You half moaned into his lips, his name sounding like a curse yet a prayer as you spoke it. He pulled away, only to reattach his lips to your neck, his teeth nibbling at the flesh as he sucked dark marks into the skin of your neck.
The unexpected action made you grasp his hair tightly, your fingers pulling on the styled back strands as his lips continued to mark you. Mark you as his.
“Let’s get out of here,” You barely managed to get the words out, the syllables airy as you spoke right next to his ear.
Jongin pulled away, his lips curling into a cocky grin.
“I have a few… things to do back at the office if you’d like to come,” He hummed, planting butterfly kisses across your jaw.
You tugged your lip between your teeth as you mulled it over. Though it didn’t take long to voice what you wanted, the desperation and heat between your legs proving just how needy you were.
“Sounds like a plan,” You hummed back, your voice fitting his seductive melody.
Jongin smirked, his lips detaching from your skin as his arm snaked around your waist.
“Let me just get my stuff first,” You spoke, grabbing your already prepared things before leaning back into him, letting him lead you out of the cafe.
Jongin was quick to drag you along behind him, walking hurriedly to his expensive, black car.
The car smelt of him, the fine leather upholstery holding his delicious scent as you leant back into it.
You could tell the car was high end, it showed in the upscale finishings and expensive tan leather that covered the seats.
Jongin started the car wordlessly, the warm heating already blasing into the car as he sped off along the street.
“How long?” You asked, your hand running along his thigh gently teasing him.
“10 minutes,” Jongin growled, the sound causing the arousal you already felt to heighten, especially as his heated gaze fell upon you.
A smirk found its way on your lips, your hand squeezing his thigh tenderly before you pulled away, bringing your fingers to toy with the hem of your pants.
“I don’t think I can wait that long, Nini.” Your tone was heavy, thick with lust as you purred the nickname.
“N-Noona,” He breathed, the word falling off his lips as he dangerously looked at you.
You tutted, the discerning noise filling the car as you tried to mask just how much his voice affected you, “Eyes on the road, love.”
Jongin reluctantly tore his eyes off you, his gaze dead set on the road as he tried his hardest not to look at you.
The smirk on your lips widened as you plunged your hand below the waistband of your pants, your fingers slipping under the hem of your panties. You hadn’t touched yourself yet - but Jongin didn’t know that, your lips parting to let out a deep moan that filled the small space of the luxurious car.
He was evidently impacted by the noise alone, the muscles of his jaw grinding together to keep his focus on the road.
“J-Jongin,” You moaned his name breathlessly as your fingers grazed your swollen clit, the sensation sending pleasurable shivers down your spine. His pants seemed too tight around his bulge as you watched him harden at your actions, his muscles tensing further when you elicited a string of lewd moans.
Your fingers continued to rub and stroke at your sensitive clit, your eyes half closed as you relaxed into the chair, casually pleasuring yourself next to him.
“Just a few more minutes, baby,” Jongin spoke, his voice strained, eyes flicking to your blissed out face momentarily before he borderline floored the accelerator.
You continued to get yourself off the rest of the car ride, edging yourself closer to an orgasm that you wouldn’t let yourself have - saving it for later within his office.
Jongin quickly pulled into a parking space next to his office, the sleek building looming on the side of the street.
As soon as his nimble hands pulled the handbrake he was on you, pulling your fingers out of your pants, lips crashing into your own desperately.
“Noona, do that here instead.” He whined in your ear, his digits placing the hand that was pleasing yourself against his hardened bulge, hips grinding himself into your palm.
“You’re that desperate for me, baby?” You questioned cheekily, squeezing his bulge gently.
Jongin moaned in response, the sound sending shivers coursing through your body. “Let’s just get out of here,” He breathed, his lips tracing your neck gently, placing wet kisses over the marks he left earlier.
You nodded in response, your teeth tugging on your lip as you pulled away to exit the car and onto the street outside his office.
“This way,” Jongin spoke into the early night air, his hand gesturing for you to follow him - and you did.
His strides were long and fast, the arm he snaked around your waist practically dragging you inside the modern building and toward the elevators, barely giving you anytime to take in the entrance way. Jongin quickly pushed the elevator button wordlessly, his foot tapping on the marble floor impatiently as he waited for it.
Once the elevator doors opened with a ding, he was pulling you in - swift to push the highest floor number.
“Hm the highest floor?” You hummed, hoping to fill the desperate silence between you both.
Jongin’s breathing was laboured and his eyes dark as he looked to you. “I am the CEO, has its perks.” He chuckled, lips curling back into a smirk before he lent down, meeting you in a deep kiss.
It was different to the previous ones you had shared before, the kiss being more deep and intense as it conveyed the lust and want you both felt. Jongin’s plush lips moved against yours effortlessly, his tongue exploring your mouth in a gentle notion that had you melting into his touch. The only thing causing you to seperate from the deep kiss was the chime of the elevator doors opening - signalling the arrival to the top floor.
Jongin pulled away, his grip tight on your waist as he pulled you into his office down the hall, tugging you behind the large wooden doors that lead to his workspace.
Your eyes wandered the room, it was large for an office, and modern. High end marble finishes accentuated the room, even a fireplace off to the corner - surrounded by plush couches and chairs. Books lined the shelves behind his large desk, brown, leather upholstery highlighting the chair situated behind it.
Though Jongin didn’t give you much time to fully appreciate his office, his hands already guiding you to the nearest place to sit.
“Jongin, honey, have some patience,” You purred, tugging him toward the chair that sat invitingly behind his desk.
His eyes darkened as he realised where you were leading him to, a smirk planted across his lips as he crossed the small space to the chair, situating himself on it. You smirked back as you moved to straddle him on the chair. Your hands ran through his styled hair as you kissed him heatedly, Jongin’s fingers gripping your waist tightly to grind you into him.
“Nini, baby, can I ask you something?” Your tone was innocent as you pulled away from the kiss, hips still working against his bulge.
Jongin’s head was thrown back into the chair, his honey skin glowing under the dim light of his office. “Yeah?” He questioned, eyes watching you intently as he grinded up into you desperately.
A hum filled the space between you as you ran a finger along his abs. “Just take this off first,” You said, a slight dominance lacing your tone as your hands lifted up to pull his hot red jacket off his shoulders.
Jongin hurriedly removed the offensive fabric, leaving him fully exposed under you. Fully submissive under you.
Your smirk twisted into an evil grin, your fingers tracing his defined muscles delicately.
“I’ll take you Nini,” You breathed in his ear, your lips grazing his skin as you spoke, “I’ll take you in this chair, but on one condition.” He froze under your words, tensing slightly as you started kissing up his neck. “No touching,” The evil grin painted across your lips widened as your nails raked down his abs gently, just enough to make the skin turn red underneath your slight scratches.
Jongin swallowed thickly, his heartbeat racing as you continued to tease him, lips gently raking his delicious skin, hips slowing down against his hardened cock.
His belt rattled slightly, the metal clinking as you untied it from his hips, pulling the black leather out and snapping it between your hands.
“Give me your hands, baby,” You purred into his ear, your teeth nipping his lobe teasingly.
Jongin swallowed thickly again, his adam’s apple bobbing as he involuntarily let go of your waist.
You leaned back, giving Jongin space to bring his wrists together and allow you to bind them.
“I don’t think so,” You chuckled teasingly, grabbing his wrists and leading them around the back of the chair. “It’s too easy to get out of then.” You smirked, tying his hands tightly together behind the leather seat.
Jongin gulped again, his hands pulling against the restraints, making the muscles in his arms bulge deliciously. “Noona,” He whined, once again tugging on the belt, though more desperately, lightly rocking the sturdy chair he was bound to.
“Jongin,” You purred, teeth nipping at his skin once again, “you know the rules.” The grin was back as your hands reached up to slowly unbutton the top of your shirt.
His eyes were trained on you as you were careful to take your time removing your shirt, his breath catching in his throat as he surveyed the racy bra that you wore underneath.
You cocked your head in feign innocence as you witnessed his reaction, “What is it baby?” You asked, coaxing him with your voice.
Jongin was lost for words, though his arousal was portrayed in his cock - which twitched underneath you as you chucked your top across his office, the fabric forgotten as you leant in to kiss him heatedly.
It was obvious he was struggling not to touch you, his arms once again bulging as he pulled against the leather binding his wrists.
“Is it this?” You asked, hands travelling up your back to undo the clasp to the lace bra.
“You know exactly what it is,” Jongin growled in response, his eyes taking in your body as you threw your bra in the vague direction of your shirt.
You chuckled, tugging your lip between your teeth and that’s when you saw it.
It wasn’t on purpose, your eyes accidentally landing on the black silk tie that was haphazardly thrown on the bookshelf.
“What’s this?” You hummed, reaching over to grab the tie between your fingers. It was made of fine silk - and you felt that in the delicate way it tangled between your digits.
Jongin looked between the tie and you, his eyes glazed with arousal as he anticipated your next move.
He moaned gently, his honey voice coaxing your senses as you laid the silk tie across his eyes, tying it securely behind his head and completely blindfolding him.
“You enjoy being at my mercy, baby?” You breathed on to his neck, your hot breath causing him to visibly shiver underneath your touch.  
“Noona,” He whined deliciously, “D-Do something.” Jongin was begging and you’d barely done anything, your lips tracing along his collar bone gently before sucking a harsh mark into his skin.
“Let me take my time, Nini,” You whispered, the nickname causing him to buck his hips underneath you in desperation, “It’ll be worth it in the end, baby.”
Jongin was delicious in the way he moaned, the delicitable noises filling the room as you littered his neck in dark hickies, sliding off his lap to settle between his legs.
Jongin let out a whine as he felt you move off his lap, his arms pulling on the restraints once again.
“I’m right here, baby,” You purred, hands running up and down his thighs teasingly.
He was breathless, breathing in anticipatory pants as he felt you unbutton his pants, pulling his red slacks down along with his boxers.
Jongin’s cock was large, standing tall and bothered, precum leaking off his tip after all the teasing you had done.
He looked delicitable, your tongue running up the base of his cock to the tip, tasting the salty precum. A moan filled the room, Jongin’s back arching off the chair as he felt you engulf his head, sliding your tongue against the underside of his dick - sinking onto him.
“Sh-shit,” He cursed breathlessly, his honey voice slick with lust.
His reaction encouraged you, causing you to bob up and down his length, working your tongue against his sensitive cock as you sucked him off.
Jongin was a mess underneath your touch, lewd moans falling off his wet lips as he rolled his head back. The black silk depriving him of his sight, one he desperately wanted to see - you with his cock in your mouth. It caused his imagination to run wild, the want to see you between his legs becoming a need. A need that fuelled his arousal and had his cock twitching in your mouth as honey moans filled the air along with the wet sounds of you bobbing on his cock.
He tasted heavenly, the skin soft and delicious in your mouth as you worked your tongue against the vein on the underside of his cock. Jongin’s moans only made you work harder, the honey noises combined with the honey taste only urged you along, the desperate want to taste his cum overriding your sense.
“N-Noona,” He whined, his hips thrusting into your mouth, making you pin him to the seat with your hands, “I’m gonna c-cum.” He was stuttering, his desperation making his speech borderline incomprehensible as he was overtaken with utter pleasure.
You only hummed around his cock in response, the vibrations bringing him over the edge and for his salty cum to pour into your mouth. A moan sounded in your throat at the taste, already swallowing his sweet release.
“F-Fuck, noona,” Jongin moaned, his honey tone stuttering at the sensation of his orgasm.
You stilled, allowing yourself to swallow him up - every last drop of his delicious cum. Though you didn’t stop, your tongue worked gently against his cock, the sensation making him whine out in overstimulation.
“B-Baby-” Jongin choked out, his voice cracking as a moan interrupted his speech.
You knew he was oversensitive, his cock twitching every time you sucked a little bit firmer than before. And it was wrecking him, his body limp against the chair as he let you completely take him again. It was easily the best sight you’ve ever witnessed - his honey skin shimmering with a thin coat of sweat under the light, his wet lips parted as pants and small whines of ecstacy fell off the plump skin, his muscles weakly tugging on the binds, arms bulging only to go limp as you delivered a hard suck to his cock.
It wasn’t long before he was on edge again, the muscles of his abs tensing, signalling his impending ejaculation.
But you wouldn’t give it to him as easily as before, your lips pulling off his cock, opting to sucking dark marks into the golden skin of his inner thighs.
A needy whine sounded from Jongin, his rosy lips eliciting a noise of pure desperation.
“Don’t tease,” He pleaded, his tone dripping with frenzied desire. A primal craving to cum overriding his senses - blurring the line between need and want.
An evil grin crept its way onto your face, your lips sucking against his skin in response, scattering red marks across his thighs.
You only brought your lips back to his cock when you were sure he had come down, your tongue once again ruthlessly working against his shaft as you brought him to the edge once again.
Though you let him cum this time. Your lips working against his cock as you drove him into the abyss of an orgasm, once again swallowing his salty seed.
Jongin could only let out lewd moans as he came again, his cock slightly softening in your mouth - only to harden again once you didn’t stop.
“Noona,” His voice was deep, thick with want and desire, his sultry honey tone coaxing your ears, “Please ride me.”
It was a simple request, one that had the wetness between your legs aching as you pulled off his cock, lips reattaching to his lower abs - marking the toned flesh.
You hummed against his skin, teeth nibbling the honey muscles as you planted hickies across his skin, causing him to moan in response.
Jongin was desperate, his cock hardened and raw as you innocently brushed it occasionally. His head was thrown back and the black silk clung to his wet skin, his muscles aching and in dire need to be freed of the restraints.
“You want me to ride you, Nini?” You mumbled into his skin, your question hanging in the air as he nodded slowly in response.
Your eyes flicked to him, a sultry notion that would have made him moan if he could see you. “You’ve done so well for me, baby,” Your lips pulled away from his skin, your body breaking contact with his as you stood before him, fingers discarding your pants and panties, “I think you deserve a reward,” You cooed, cupping his cheek gently as you moved to straddle him.
Jongin moaned lightly as your arms looped around his neck, your hips moving to grind your soaking pussy into his cock.
“F-Fuck,” He groaned into your ear, using all of his self control not to thrust up into you.
It was delicious - the way he stretched you out as you sunk down onto his cock, the way his lips parted to elicit an airy moan, the way his muscles bulged for the upteenth time as he struggled against the belt.
“Let me see you,” Jongin’s voice cut through your daze, “Baby, I need to see you.” He was desperate, his voice dire as you started to bounce on him.
A smirk resonated on your lips as you complied to his wish, your fingers pulling the silk fabric off his eyes, allowing him to see.  
Jongin moaned as his chocolate eyes took you in, his lip tugging between his teeth when he surveyed the sight of you bouncing on his cock.
Your arms tightened around his neck, pulling yourself flush against his chest as you bounced faster. A moan cascaded off your lips, the sound causing Jongin to whine against your sweaty skin, his own lips nibbling the skin of your neck.
He once again pulled on the restraints, this time powerful enough to rock the chair, his eager movement conveying his desperation to not only see you - but feel you.
Jongin didn’t need to speak, his actions already enough to have you reaching around the chair, boobs shoved in his face as you untied the belt from his hands.
His reaction was instantaneous, his hands hastily found their way onto your waist, plunging you onto his cock faster than you could have managed on your own.
A mixture of your moans and Jongin’s filled the office as he helped you bounce on his dick, you both caught in the feeling of each other.
“So tight,” He muttered into your skin, his lips leaving red marks across your chest and neck as he brought his hips up to meet your own perfectly. You could only moan in response, his hips rolling in a fluid motion that had your orgasm close.
A muttered curse fell off your lips as his thumb made contact with your clit, the digit rubbing tight circles into the sensitive nub. Jongin moaned into your skin once again, the pornographic sound mixing with your own as his cock twitched inside you.
“I’m not gonna last much longer,” He panted into your skin, his lips breaking off your neck so he could elicit deep breaths which fanned over your shoulder.
“Neither,” You breathed out, your pussy clenching around him involuntarily - signalling your impending release.
“Can I cum in you?” He asked somewhat innocently, his hips stuttering slightly as you clenched once again.
Your lip was tucked between your teeth and your head was thrown back in bliss as you felt the orgasm of your life approaching - your head nodding in confirmation was the only response you could offer in your fucked out state.
Jongin moaned, the sound almost pushing you over the edge, tendrils of pleasure circling your pussy in a delicious notion that had you bouncing on him faster, grinding your clit into the pad of his thumb.
It wasn’t long before he came in you, a choked moan falling off his lips along with a cry of your name as his seed spilled into you. The feeling was euphoric, him filling you up to the brink, his own release pushing you impossibly closer to your own.
It hit you like a brick wall, the coil in your abdomen snapping as waves of pleasure washed over you, eroding your conscious away into a spiral of Jongin.
His name fell of your lips in a broken cry as you came, the feeling grasping you tightly as your pussy clenched around his cum covered cock. Your muscles tense and you froze as choked moans fell off your lips. Shattered and broken sounds filling the air as your wasted body collapsed on top of his own.
Jongin went lip under you, his arms loosely wrapped around your waist as you lay atop of him, his digits gently tracing patterns into the skin of your back as you came down from your high.
It was a while you both stayed like that, cocooned in the intimate embrace you both shared. His cock was still in you, softening as your pants evened and your hearts stopped racing.
“That was…”Jongin trailed off, his lips pulled back in a triumphant smirk.
“The best fuck I’ve ever had.” You finished, a small chuckle leaving your lips as you lifted your head to kiss him gently.
It was possibly the only gentle kiss you both shared, Jongin making no move to deepen it and neither did you, keeping it simple and sweet.
“Maybe I should come back tomorrow night,” He teased, his lips pulled back in a cheeky smirk as he pulled away.
A giggle sounded from you, your hand reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair behind his ear, “I’d love that baby.”
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who is more likely to hurt the other?
-- more than likely Dice. as much as i hate to say it. Dice is definitely a nice guy, but he can really lose it and hurt others by accident (but once he realizes what hes done, he will apologize for like, hours to weeks on end. (this is why he always has peppermint in his mouth around others.)
who is emotionally stronger?
-- that... can depend. Dice is basically almost emotionless a lot of the time for safety reasons. but it can switch from 0 to 100 in a millisecond for him, his mind is, well, kinda broken i guess you could say haha. so its hard to say, i mean, the emotionless part is mainly the peppermint talking, otherwise his emotions pretty much run wild. Peppermint i could guess could get rather emotional seeing as he has some past things going on that i myself (and maybe Dice as well) do not know about.who is physically stronger?-- Dice. i’m not gonna lie hes pretty strong, even if his arms are all cut up from cutting himself due to his suffering thing hes got going on. He may or may not have knocked some teeth out with his strength.who is more likely to break a bone? 
-- depends on if your talking about the character breaking someone’s bone or breaking their own bones. Dice can break someone’s bones if he wanted through constant beating and or bending the specific limb. i’m sure hes done it once when he was full on insane. haha.as for breaking their own bones, probably Peppermint. now, i’m not saying Peppermint isn’t careful, or that he is clumsy or something, just a little more likely than Dice. i see them as both being very careful people, er, monsters.who knows best what to say to upset the other? -- Possibly Peppermint? i mean, i don’t think Dice would be able to actually being to purposefully do that. more than likely on accident. but i don’t really think they would say anything to upset each other purposefully. (although, once Dice Confesses about his past, that info can be used to make Dice highly upset ahah.)who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? -- this legit has Dice’s name on it. he DOES NOT want to upset or get into arguments with Peppermint. he loves him too much and does not want to lose him. so yes, hes probably gonna apologize like 30 seconds after the argument. lol.who treats who’s wounds more often? -- UM HAHAHAHA WELL... Dice isn't really one to get hurt unless he went and got into a fight. this of course does not count his constant self harm. Peppermint doesn't know about that. i don’t think he wants Peppermint to know so hes not worry about Dice. plus Dice might be stubborn about being bandaged up, he would probably feel embarrassed.so probably Dice treating more of Peppermints wounds? (if he gets any??)who is in constant need of comfort? -- BOTH OF THEM?? LIKE?? THESE POOR CHILDREN NEED THE COMFORT THEY BOTH COMFORT EACH OTHER LOTS I’M SURE.who gets more jealous? -- i mean, i see them as both getting jealous when it comes to the other?? i feel like Peppermint would but i could be wrong.all i gotta say for Dice-- don’t touch (unless its a simple hug, he understands those) or flirt with his bae unless you want people to find your body (or in a monster’s case, dust) scattered around the ground.who’s most likely to walk out on the other? -- Peppermint. i only say this because Dice doesn't want to at all walk out on Peppermint no matter the reason. even if Peppermint were to cheat on him (hypothetically), he still wouldn’t. he would be upset (hey there you go) but he would not walk out.who will propose? -- Dice. no doubt about it.who has the most difficult parents?-- WELL IF WERE TALKING ABOUT CREATORS ID SAY PEPPERMINTas for actual Parents in canon, well, i don’t know anything about Peppermint’s canon parents.as for Dice, well, i guess you could say they were difficult. his mom left the family (which also cut half the income) causing Gaster (Dadster lol) to stay at the lab and work constantly. luckily his mom stayed long enough and cared enough to teach Dice about taking care of the house and how to cook, sew, etc. his mother is why hes such a neat freak. that and he had to care for Atticus for almost all of Atticus’s life.who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? -- pEPPERMINT LOL. Dice keeps his hands in his pockets most of the time tho. but i don’t doubt that Peppermint would pull out his hand to hold it, and Dice would let him! (not to mention the major blush that will appear on Dice’s face lol)who comes up for the other all the time? -- hate to disappoint but i have no idea what that exactly means, so uh, ...???who hogs the blankets? -- (Dice: wtf is a blanket) Probs Peppermint, because most of the time Dice doesn't even realize hes covered with a blanket when he is. hes so used to sleeping without one. hahawho gets more sad? -- ...okay so, i know i said earlier Dice is more than likely emotionless most times than not, i do know Peppermint doesn't like to get sad. so i see this as more Dice than Peppermint. but i could be wrong.who is better at cheering the other up? -- honestly Peppermint just being around Dice cheers Dice up. so i feel like it would be Peppermint. but not only for that reason for sure. haha.who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?-- neither?? i mean, let me tell you, Dice loves puns, he really does, he used to occasionally make one back when everything was normal for him. (he didn't constantly do it, he felt like he would annoy everyone.) but even now a days he cant help but at least chuckle a little if a pun is made. but he definitely doesn't make them very much anymore. its pretty rare actually. and he certainly would slap anyone.i’m not sure if Peppermint makes puns or jokes, but i highly doubt he would slap anyone after making one.who is more streetwise?-- Dice Definitely. he literally is homeless he knows everything out there.who is more wise?-- Peppermint. Dice was never really interested in knowledge as such. it bored him. so he ain’t that kind of smart lol.who’s the shyest? -- ppffftt Dice. Dice is very shy when it comes to Peppermint. he doesn't want to do anything wrong. he wants to make sure of what Peppermint is okay with and not okay with. but don’t get him riled up, or try to be dominate over him though, because he will easily switch that shyness to confidence and dominance without hesitation.who boasts about the other more? -- okay i honestly have no idea if Peppermint boasts about Dice. but Dice would definitely boast about Peppermint and talk about how hes the best boyfriend ever. lolwho sits on who’s lap? -- Peppermint sits on Dice’s lap. Peppermint doesn't get a choice. its either that or they are sitting beside each other. (i don’t think Peppermint would appreciate it if Dice sat in his lap anyway XDD)Here you go anon!!
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theboykingofhell · 7 years
(i wasn't waiting for u to reblog this or anything) NISHANORA FOR THE SHIP MEME
i l y s m
who is more likely to hurt the other?
*already crying*
literally in every way it’s always nora, she’s far FAR more impulsive and almost all her defense mechanisms depend on lashing out and hurting whoever is hurting her when she feels she can actually afford to.. *more bitter crying*
who is emotionally stronger?
i would say nora if only because she does actually allow herself to be emotional, nisha is too busy (badly) repressing literally everything she feels tbh
who is physically stronger?
*thinks about the montage of nisha doing a million push-ups he snuck into tsg, bites lip and sweats*
who is more likely to break a bone? 
def nora and i’m crying
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
they’re both.. RLY good at upsetting each other through words tbh. i’d say it’s mostly a tie with nisha very slightly taking the lead if only because she’s usually FAR more deliberate with what she says and because she is so SO blunt while nora tries to be more passive aggressive and also i’d argue that nora only developed her rly bad habit of awful verbal attacks because of nisha and the way she comments on her (and everyone’s) behavior right to their face with no regard to how they’ll react after LOL
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? 
maybe nisha sometimes but also i think they both get rly stubborn and any sort of apology is implied when they start talking again
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
BITTER CRYING.... thinks about all of nora’s awful boyfriends... cries harder
who is in constant need of comfort? 
tbh nisha pls coddle the baby she is dying her anxiety is killing her
who gets more jealous? 
THEY BOTH GET SO JEALOUS... i’d say nora because she’s cattier about it and also it’s harder to predict what she’ll do about it
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?
nora, nisha prefers to corner ppl to make a point but nora LOVES taking the dramatic exit to add emphasis to whatever bullshit she just said
who will propose?  
nisha will and it will take her like YEARS to do it but they’ve been thinking about it the whole time. the idea of marriage was a huge source of trauma for nora for the longest time so she appreciates the wait tbh.
who has the most difficult parents?
glances awkwardly at mr and mrs baddoour... mr and mrs awful-bullshit-mess...
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
jkshdfksgfldgsdf i’m dying. they’ll both do it but nora initiates twice as much as nisha does, she is VERY insistent about holding hands with nisha like. perpetually
who comes up for the other all the time? 
this aint english tho.. is it.. what is this asking...
who hogs the blankets? 
nora, spoiled baby
who gets more sad? 
nora, she ends up needing a lot LOT longer to heal than nisha does after the ending of tsg.
who is better at cheering the other up? 
they’re both terrible and love refusing help, i think nora is actually better than nisha is if only because nora is more stubborn about 1) helping nisha 2) denying nisha any opportunity to cheer her up
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
nora, beating the shit outta nisha’s arms with her tiny lil fists AHH
who is more streetwise?
who is more wise?
nisha????? i guess omg
who’s the shyest? 
nishanishanisha my sweet anxiety baby
who boasts about the other more? 
you would think it’s nisha t b h but honestly, have you met elenora ‘have you heard of my lord and savior nisha benedict’ baddoour because, honestly, bring nisha up around her, the conversation won’t stop. nisha constantly narrates about her love for nora in her head but nora MONOLOGUES...
who sits on who’s lap? 
nora makes nisha sit on her lap, nisha feels way too big and hates it, nora thinks its the cutest and bounces her around a lot until nisha almost falls off, it’s a good time
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thesummoningdark · 7 years
Goody/Billy for the ship meme and/or Neal/OMC. ;)
Okay I’m going to lead with door number one...
who is more likely to hurt the other? That’s a tough one to answer. I think that Goody, trainwreck that he is, is more likely to unintentionally do something hurtful, but of the two of them Billy is much less likely to actually be hurt by some careless comment or action. Goody is more likely to take it to heart. I’m working on the assumption of it being something unintentional here - if it was a deliberate attack, I think it would be the other way around. It would be hard to find something to say about Goody that’s worse than what he already thinks of himself; he’d tend to view a purposely hurtful comment as par for the course and nothing he doesn’t deserve. Whereas Billy would see something like that from one of the only people who knows him well enough to know what his vulnerabilities are as a betrayal.
who is emotionally stronger? Billy, no contest.
who is physically stronger? Also Billy
who is more likely to break a bone? Probably both about equally likely to be in a position to, but Billy is more likely to come away from a tumble uninjured (or less severely injured at least). He’s in better shape and he knows how to fall properly.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? They both know each other’s sore spots entirely too well. Goody I think is a lot easier to hit where he’s vulnerable - lbr it’s a pretty broad target. But as I said above, it’s hard to be crueller than his own guilt complex. Whereas Billy keeps the few chinks in his armour well guarded, so someone he trusts taking a crack at one of those would be very hurtful. 
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? Depends on the argument. In general, if it's something minor, Billy: he’d apologise just to end the argument if it was something he didn’t care about very much. If it’s an actual serious fight, Goody: he’ll start feeling guilty about it first.
who treats who’s wounds more often? They probably patch each other up on a fairly even basis
who is in constant need of comfort? Goody. I’m not sure Billy would be comfortable accepting overt comfort even if he did need it.
who gets more jealous? I can’t really picture either of them getting jealous. (Billy finds people optimistically flirting with fabled war hero Goodnight Robicheaux~ absolutely hilarious)
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? Well if you want to interpret this very literally, I suppose canon gave us the answer to this one. But then we don’t know what, if anything, happened between them before Goody left - especially not if you’re approaching it from a shippy perspective. Honestly, the part which was always unclear to me isn’t why Goody left, it’s why Billy didn’t go with him.
who will propose? Depends on the AU in which they find themselves. The most likely scenario is them discussing it and deciding they want to get married, and then (again, depending on the specific AU), either: Billy assumes that’s it settled, but Goody does a ~proper proposal~ anyway because he’s a hopeless romantic; or, Billy does a surprise romantic proposal because he knows how happy it’ll make his utter sap of a fiancé.
who has the most difficult parents? In my interpretation of the canon-verse backstory, neither of them has any living family. In modern AUs, Goody has quite a close relationship with his mother and occasionally an adoptive brother in certain verses, but that’s a separate issue, whereas Billy is fairly estranged from most of his family.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Canon-era, neither. In other settings, probably Goody.
who comes up for the other all the time? I have absolutely no idea what this means.
who hogs the blankets? Goody. Billy is cunning and practised at defending his blankets though.
who gets more sad? Goody, the poor mess.
who is better at cheering the other up? Obviously it’s needed more often for Goody, but I think they’re both good at it in their own way.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Billy favours the expressive eyeroll. Goody finds Billy’s dry, understated sense of humour absolutely delightful.
who is more streetwise? Hard one to answer. I think they both are - in different ways maybe, but I don’t think I could say that one or the other is more so.
who is more wise? Billy
who’s the shyest? Billy is quieter and more reserved, but I don’t think you could really call either of them shy.
who boasts about the other more? “I watched in awe--”
who sits on who’s lap? Could go either way I think.
(Aaaaaand then I’m going to put the second one in another post, since I assume no-one other than you cares a huge amount about my random-ass OC ship.)
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