#the person I designed it for turned it down
elliesmainhoe · 2 days
need ellie to take care of me drunk desperately
i love your writing 😭
Rescue Remedy
e.williams x fem!reader
summary: you call Ellie to come and rescue you from a bar after having a few too many drinks
warnings: alcohol, cigarettes, mentions of hangovers, slurred speech, drunk crying, fluff.
just realized this is basically a self insert vent post of a very similar situation I've been in LMAO
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you were relieved when the familiar beaten up Ford focus pulled up beside you. you'd been sitting on the curb for almost 15 minutes- tear stained cheeks, smudged glitter and mascara as your body shook and jittered from both the cold Seattle night and the mixture of cigarette smoke and alcohol causing the most humbling case of hiccups you think you've ever had.
"Ells!" you whined, a new flood of tears streaming from your eyes at the sight of your night in shining armour- your girlfriend.
"c'mon sweet girl" she huffed, hair thrown up messily in the usual half up, half down style, clad in red and black checkered pyjama pants, black hoodie that was splattered with paint topped off with the obnoxious lime green crocks you'd gotten her for her one Christmas, of course decked out in charms shed collected over the past few months.
before you could even process it you were sitting in the passenger seat, leather seats sticking to your sweat glazed skin, and sobs turning to hiccups.
this had been the worst night out you'd had since your 21st. and as soon as the car revved and moved down the road, Ellie's hand pressed firmly on your bare thigh, the fabric of your dress not long enough to cover the majority of your thigh.
"what happened sweet girl?" oh and by that one question, it's like Ellie had opened a flood gate.
firstly, you got to the club of choice after having to walk almost a mile from where your designated driver had parked, accompanied by a couple of friends. after queuing on the curb for almost thirty minutes, you reached the front of the queue and then promptly realized you had left you purse. with your id. in the car. a mile away.
so after you'd trekked all the way to the car, retrieving your purse and id, getting back to the club, queuing for another 30 minutes, on your own this time- as your friends who had not forgotten their id decided to go in and leave you to sort your shit out.
let's just say you were already a little pissed off.
secondly, you got in the club and it stunk. not just of sweat and booze, but piss. fucking piss. and to top that all off you couldn't find your friends so- you did what any other sane person would do and ordered shots.
shots that were actually doubles, but of course you hadnt realized that until way too late.
which leads into the final stage of the night, your head being deep in a grimy toilet bowl, knees bruised from having to kneel on tiles that were not grouted properly and pieces of them shot out and cut at your skin.
and by that point you had gotten out your phone, which was now on 7% charge because you had offers to use your GPS and it drained all your battery, and was a blubbering mess on call with your girlfriend.
you would later have to retell the story again, as apparently according to Ellie- she couldn't understand a word you were saying, just nodding along in a desperate attempt to keep you awake long enough to get a glass of water and a slice of toast down you.
it must have been during your tangent when you'd gotten home, as when you finally finished your incoherent mumbling you were sitting on the beat up leather couch of yours and Ellie's apartment, a couch you'd hated as soon as you moved in, but Ellie had a weird attachment to so it stayed in it's place, the first thing you saw when you entered the home.
Ellie was kneeling in front of you, sitting between your thighs and facing you, holding up a large glass of water,
"sip baby" she spoke softly, to which you groaned.
"do- do- I haveeeeeee to?" you whined, batting your eyelashes in an attempt to distract your girlfriend "jus' wan' sleep"
"you can sleep after you drink that." after another groan you took a sip of the glass of water- admittedly, it was refreshing, however you still gagged to prove a point.
"good girl" she purred, standing up and kissing your forehead, moving over to the cabinet to grab a packet of pills.
"fuck off"
she laughs, moving back with a small white pill in the palm of her hand, to which you begrudgingly take after Ellie promises to take you to get ice cream the day after.
you felt your eyelids droop once more, you couldn't tell if it was sleep, or just your false eyelashes becoming suddenly very heavy, you whine "'m tired ells..."
"alright I hear you, c'mon baby" she sighs, leaving a half eaten piece of toast on the coffee table, one arm supporting your back and the other under your knees as she made her way to your bedroom, plopping you on the mattress and you sigh, already drifting to sleep before you screech at the feeling of something wet in your face.
"hey- hey" Ellie laughs, "I'm just taking off your makeup baby, just taking off your makeup", she smiles, dragging a cotton pad across your skin, taking off the creams and powders you had applied previously, smudged mascara coming off with it.
Ellie was thankful you'd taken off your clothes as soon as you stepped foot into the apartment saying something which she thinks was "dresses like these are modern day torture devices"- but with the way you slur your words when drunk she could never be sure, leaving you just in your underwear, making her job a whole lot easier.
trying to maneuver you, who had now dropped on the mattress like a deadweight, would've been a too strenuous task for 3am.
after discarding the used wipes and pulling your hair back into a very messy ponytail, Ellie scooted in beside you, the mattress sinking as you unconsciously snuggle in closer, head nuzzling into the girls neck, her hand going around to caress your back, soothing you into an easy sleep.
the hangover tomorrow was going to be horrible.
The third time I've tried to write this, I almost gave up 🥰
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n3xii · 3 days
Random predictions for the next week
This should be some random predictions for the next 5-7 days. This is just for fun! Remember divination is just a tool and you’re the one in control of your destiny, I like doing these to see what comes true. I have personal readings available as well prices range from ($5-$12)
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Pile one
-mars in Gemini + prince of pentacles reversed:
making a very strategic design when it comes to getting yourself out of a routine that’s making you feel stuck and bored. This upcoming week you will want a new change and you’re gonna be very strategic about how you implement this. Might be because of a current job you have
-sun in Leo + 5 of swords reversed
In a situation where’s there drama, mind games etc you’re the one who’s gonna come out on top. This feels like positive gossip about you happening this week. You’re in the spotlight and you might have some people talking good about you behind your back.
- Jupiter in aries + 2 of cups
This is giving me the impression that you’re gonna be super bold when it comes to a relationship, possibly advancing a connection to the next stage. Being ambitious in your connection and being confident about the direction it’s going in. This may manifest as placing all your bets on one person because you feel super good about them right now
Pile two
Moon in Pisces + ten of pentacles reversed :
Someone is gonna offer a listening ear for you to vent about your problems, this feels like someone offering their empathy in a moment where your life feels like it has turned upside down and your feeling uncertain about your finances/career. I also feel this week you’re gonna need to be super compassionate with yourself instead of catastrophizing your situation
Moon in Gemini + Queen of wands
- this week your adaptability and ability to be super creative, and multi faceted is gonna be utilized for creative projects this week. All those skills and eclectic things you know how to do will be super helpful. You’re someone who everyone is jealous of in the sense you know how to do a lot of things, and I see that being implanted in a creative way this week.
I see possible choatic spells going on too for some of you lol. But in general this feels like a chaotic and fun project
Sun in Virgo + ace of pentacles
Trying new routine for health and productivity
Pile three
Sun in Sagittarius + nine of wands
Having the enthusiasm and motivation to power through to the end of a long journey, being super close to completion. This is a refusing to give up on something energy. This may additionally manifest as being competitive in a playful and productive way at times as well
Sun in Aries + princes of wands
Standing up to an immature person, they don’t necessarily mean bad toward you but they’re kinda in an insecure bully mindset. I feel like this is you asserting yourself over someone who wants to be seen as powerful or to be respected but doesn’t do anything to earn that respect.
Saturn in Pisces+ the magician
Dealing with internal limitations when it comes to manifestations, needing to address what those limitations and rules you’re placing on your imagination that is limiting how you perceive your ability to manifest
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sunkissed-zegras · 11 hours
ok maybe i lied, because i have 2 more um...... i have a lot of ideas anyways so
hear me out a 🥭 for the prompt [Impede - One person is attempting to get ready to go somewhere while the other kisses/touches/attempts to undress them all the while] and we all know i'm a caitlin girlie so i think we all know who i want....... i hope
- 🪐 (nexts one's gonna be the last i promise)
evangeline's 2.5k celebration !! [closed!]
─ warnings | no nsfw but kinda suggestive, i know u wanted smut but idk this is mostly sweet fluffiness (there's cait smut coming though), allusions to sex though
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"BABY PLEASE," YOU sighed as caitlin's hands began to rub your waist, her hands snaking around it.
she was standing behind you, a smirk evident in her face as she maintained an innocent demeanor. her touch was soft and teasing, making it hard for you to focus on getting ready for the work event. you had been trying to choose the right outfit for the past half hour, and caitlin's playful interruptions were not helping.
"i really need to finish getting dressed," you said, trying to sound firm but unable to keep the amusement out of your voice as you met her gaze through the mirror. "i have to leave in like 30 minutes and you know how my boss feels about being on time,"
caitlin's fingers traced small circles on your stomach, sending shivers down your spine. "but you look so much hot like this," she murmured, her breath warm against your ear. "are you sure we can't be a little late?"
you turned to face her, your resolve weakening as you met her playful gaze. "you know how important this event is, right?"
she pouted, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "more important than spending some quality time with me?" her lips brushed against your neck, making you gasp softly.
"you, cait are a terrible distraction," you said, unable to stop a smile from spreading across your face. you gently pushed her hands away, though you lingered longer than necessary. "promise we'll have all the quality time you want after this, okay?"
caitlin sighed dramatically, but the smile on her face showed she was relenting. "fine, go be all professional and impressive. i'll just be here, waiting for you."
you quickly turned back to the mirror, trying to refocus on your task. as you adjusted your dress (the tight one you know caitlin loves), you couldn't help but glance at caitlin through the reflection. she was lounging on the bed, watching you with a look that made it clear she wasn't done with her teasing.
"okay," you said, straightening your back. "how do i look?"
caitlin sat up, her eyes raking over you appreciatively. "sexy, sexy and sexy. and like someone who's about to knock 'em dead at that event."
you laughed at her compliments, feeling your cheeks flush as you leaned down to give her a quick kiss, unable to resist. "thank you, baby. wish me luck?"
"you don't need luck. you've got this in the bag," caitlin smiled, her expression softening. "and i'll be waiting here for you, with the stra-"
"caitlin!" you laughed as she shrugged, plopping back on the bed with a smirk.
"what! you're gonna need a good celebration after, right?" caitlin teased as you gave her a mock pointed look, walking over to the dresser and grabbing your clutch (yes, the designer one she bought for you).
you smiled and blew her a kiss, "yeah, yeah."
caitlin laughed as she pretended to grab the air kiss and put it in her pocket. "bye, baby. i love you,"
"i love you too!"
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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kotoku · 2 days
ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
synopsis - Splitting off from your friends, you are left wandering in the dreamscape of Golden Hour. Expensive designer stores to extravagant restaurants and bars lined the streets with excited dreamchasers flocking towards their merchandise. Yet here you were, looking to indulge yourself in a couple of drinks at a small bar after gambling your Aideen tokens away. However, a familiar, punchable face is back and here to stay.
pairings - aventurine x nameless! reader part ii
content - enemies to lovers but we are slowly reaching the lovers part, character shenanigans, aventurine playing tour guide, lots of fluff/light moments, slight pining towards the end lol
warnings - none
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
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Your stay in Penacony thus far has been an..interesting one.
After entering the dreamscape, you were transported to a place known as Golden Hour, a bustling city district where shops and food vendors flourish with countless dreamchasers flocking to see their merchandise. Surprisingly, you had stumbled into the Trailblazer while walking down the street, making small conversation before the two of you parted ways. They seemed to be muttering something about ‘origami birds’ when they scurried off..how strange… 
Nonetheless, you continued weaving through crowds of dreamchasers, eyeing the different stores with their bright and..lively advertisements. You found the little creatures strange but intriguing, chuckling at the way they would hop around and follow you. But to your horror, as you crossed the street so did the little billboard, getting run over in the process. You went to help it back up but by the time you got to it, it had already picked itself up and left. 
“All of this feels like a weird fever dream instead of a dream… People should really be cautious when driving here even if we can’t get hurt.” You muttered, shaking your head before walking up a flight of stairs. 
The place you were now at was called Aideen Park. Casino machines were lined in circles with a bigger one as a building, a small bar and lounge area, and a band playing in the middle of it all. You stared at the scenery in awe, taking a small stroll around the park and using the few Aideen coins you had to test your luck with the slot machines. Despite your dull luck, you still had a fun experience with the huge slot machine that towered above you. 
“Better luck next time, I guess...” You sighed, sulking over to the mini bar area they had for dreamchasers. Taking a seat at one of the stools, the bartender had come over to you to take your order. 
“I’ll take–” 
“Personally, the Classic Soul Glad isn’t that bad of a drink. You should try some, friend.” A voice interjected, coming from the seat beside you. 
Turning to your left, you were met by the same blond bastard who stirred some trouble up at the reception desk. 
“We meet again, _____,” Aventurine smirked, his glasses tipped forward while swirling the contents of his glass. 
Before you could politely decline and order the drink you were going to order, the bartender had already walked off to start making it. With a sigh, you turned your gaze to the right to eye the suddenly enticing exit. 
“Come now, don’t treat me like a stranger. We’re friends after all!” He gave you a shit-eating grin, leaning forward to wrap his arm around your stiff shoulders. “If I recall, friends don’t just ignore each other.”
“Neither do friends stalk one another on their way to their hotel room, but here we are.” You grunted, shrugging off his arm. Aventurine held up his hand to his chest, a big frown on his face. 
“You wound me, _____.” He dramatically cried, slumping against the counter.
“Don’t be such a drama queen Aventurine.” You rolled your eyes, bringing up the glass of Soul Glad the bartender slid over to you.
“I’d rather be a drama queen than a boring one.” You heard him mumble, taking a sip of his own drink. Rolling your eyes, you chose to look at whatever the TV was displaying. Not to your surprise, it played a bizarre advertisement for the Charmony Festival, bright colors and patterns fluttering across the screen. Looking at its dizzying display started making your head hurt, so you turned your attention to something else. Anything but the man that was sitting next to you.
“How are you liking the festivities so far? Anything caught your interest?” His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, reluctantly turning to face him so you could respond. 
“Mm, I’ve been looking at some of the stores… Other than that, nothing else really. I saw a billboard get run over today.” You hummed, leaning against the counter. You held your drink with one hand, watching the ice clink to one side as you rolled your wrist to stir it. You had to admit, the drink did loosen you up a bit, making you feel a little warm inside. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but the drink had reminded you of another from a distant planet… 
When Aventurine heard the last part of what you had said, he almost choked on his drink in surprise at the bluntness. “I’m sorry– what?” He coughed, covering his mouth with the back of his fist.
“...Nevermind.” He waved it off. “Anyways, those were the only things you saw today? Nothing else caught your eye?”
“No? I was going to continue looking around later, why do you ask?” You eyed him suspiciously, watching as his grin grew a little wider. With his fingers drumming against the counter, he spoke. 
“Why don’t I show you around? It would be quite a waste to not explore.”
Aventurine playing tour guide? Now this couldn’t be good.
“I think I’ll pass.” Standing up from your seat, you fish out some cash for the bartender. “I’ll be taking my leave now, thanks for the drink.”
“W-wait–!” Aventurine sprung from his seat, chasing after you after he paid for his drink. You were quite the fast walker, he noted, finally managing to match his pace with yours.
Making an attempt at losing him was futile, proven by the fact that no matter what you did to get him off your tail, he was always right behind you. Through large crowds of dreamchasers, confusing paths, and many stairs, he was able to navigate through it all to keep up with you. 
Eventually, you gave up trying to explore in peace, opting to listen to the gambler speak about some of his favorite spots in the dreamscape. From the casino he frequently visits, to expensive designer clothing stores, and even fancy restaurants or bars that have a refined taste for food and beverages. It was no surprise that Aventurine had an expensive palate.
As of now, the both of you were checking out a clothing store that had multiple floors. From silk pajamas to leather coats, the store was huge and contained all articles of clothing that caught both you and Aventurine’s eyes. 
“What do you think about this one?” Aventurine asked, striking a small pose as he flaunted a magenta button-up with gold trimmings. He had a pair of slacks to match accompanied with his usual belt. You had to admit, it brought out the colors of his eyes perfectly.
“It..suits you.” You finally replied after eyeing the outfit. Aventurine grinned at you. Pausing, you spoke up before you could think. 
“It really brings out your eyes.”
Aventurine’s grin faltered, taken aback by your blunt compliment. He knew that the tone of your voice and expression held genuine, yet it was odd seeing you expressing your true thoughts other than shrugging him off. His grin came back, yet this time, it seemed a little bigger.
“I appreciate the compliment, friend.” 
Aventurine went back in to change into his regular clothes while you wandered around, checking out clothes that piqued your interest. It wasn’t long before Aventurine popped up right next to you, startling you.
“Sorry for scaring you,” he laughed, “Did you find something you liked?” 
You put back what it was that you were holding, not really wanting him to see what style you were into. “..No, there’s not much that matches my style.” You lied. He stared at you for a moment but shook his head. 
“If you say so.”
As you two started walking away, Aventurine made a mental note to come back at a later time, glancing at the hanger you were just holding. 
Exiting the store and back onto the busy streets of Golden Hour, you were about to speak before Aventurine interrupted you. It seems he always beats you to it…
“There’s..a place that I want to show you. I’m certain that you’ll enjoy it.” Aventurine tugged you along by the arm, navigating through dreamchasers and vehicles. You had no other choice but to go along with him, but you didn’t mind as you were curious as to what he was going to show you. 
After slipping past some Bloodhound guards and Dreamjolt Troupe members, the two of you finally made it to a small lookout overseeing some construction going on in Golden Hour. Although you wanted to question Aventurine’s methods of getting here, you couldn’t deny the scenery the place had to offer.
The view was breathtaking. The Penacony Grand Theater was in the far distance, stars streaming through the sky before ultimately fading out. The soft glow of the sun permeated the dark sky, mimicking the sunsets you’d often see in the waking world. There was a light breeze, expected as the two of you were quite high up, pedestrians and vehicles just specks beneath your feet. Walking towards the railing, you rested your elbows and gazed out at the horizon. 
“This..place… How did you find it?” You turned your head to Aventurine who took his place next to you, his arms crossed over the railing. Somehow, he looked more ethereal than before. Blond locks swept past his face in tune with the breeze, the lighting from the sun dancing across his skin which almost made it seem like he was glowing. You would never in a million amber eras want to admit it but… Aventurine was truly captivating.
Unbeknownst to you, he had thought the same.
“I stumbled across this place when I was scoping out the different dreamscapes.” He answered, eyes sweeping over your face. “The scenery here was.. beautiful so I figured that I’d show you this hidden gem.” Aventurine didn’t know whether he was talking about the place or you, but he shook his head to rid those thoughts.
“…Thank you, Aventurine.” 
“My pleasure, _____.”
Both of you lingered there for a moment longer, engaging in conversation with small pauses when either one of you was lost in thought. His presence was comforting, allowing you to bask in the moment and reveal smaller details about you. Naturally, he did the same, but still maintained his own distance as did you.
You forgot how much time passed as you were lost in conversation, exchanging small banter with Aventurine which would end up in laughter. When you pulled out your phone to check for any missed messages, you noticed that there were a few urgent matters that you needed to attend to. It seems this small “tour” session would have to come to a close… You felt a pang of disappointment hit you. 
“My crewmates are worried about me, I should get going…” You sighed, turning so your back was against the railing. “Thank you for playing tour guide.” Aventurine snickered. 
“No problem, I had fun.” He paused. “If..you’d like, would you like to meet up again for dinner sometime?” You noticed him adjusting his gloves and clothes, eyes meeting yours with a nervous glint. With a smile, you pushed yourself off the railing and started walking off in the direction of the exit.
“Sure. I’ll see you soon, Aventurine.”
“See you, _____.” 
Aventurine stood where he was, watching your figure slowly disappear. With a satisfied hum, he figured that he should get going as well before his colleagues got on his case. As he started walking, however, he noticed a small slip of paper hanging halfway out of his pocket. Unfolding it, there was a string of numbers with your name on it. 
‘Your contact info? How lucky of him.’ He patted himself on the back. 
With a delighted smile on his face, he walked back to the main streets of Golden Hour. 
Aventurine could not wait to see you again.
⋘ ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ... ⋙
note - i'm back with another nameless! reader fic for aventurine. :) after a long longgg while i finally got some motivation to continue it and i had lots of fun writing it. i hope you all enjoyed!
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herecirmsims · 2 days
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Dinner Talks
These were made for PlumbobProductions! They show a sequence with a pleasant conversation which quickly turns sour, BUT I've designed them so that you can use them as mix 'n' match in case you want to mix in other people's seated emotion/conversation poses.
Important: to use, just place the teleporter in the middle of any chair. If you're using them with a dinner table set up, as shown in the cover image, you will need to hold down the ALT key while placing to make sure that the teleporters are in the middle of the chair, and do not snap to where the game wants to put them.
These poses were made with M and F rigs and as always there may be some floating or clipping depending on Sim body type and clothing.
You will need: - Pose Player - Teleport Any Sim - any chair & table (there may be clipping with some tables)
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Download (always free): SFS | Patreon
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TOU: you may adjust for personal use to avoid clipping etc., but please do not reupload/paywall/claim as your own.
I’d love to see them used! You can tag me on Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr. I repost. ❤️
You can easily browse more of my posepacks using my Ko-Fi gallery. Have a request or want to make a commission? Details here!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
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hayakawalove · 4 hours
I'd Wait For You
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Summary: Everything is perfect between you and Suguru. It could not get any better. The universe has a funny way of doing things though. How do you cope once Suguru gets taken away from you? Will Suguru be able to move onto the afterlife, or will he stay by your side? A/N: I wanted to try my hand at writing angst. Haven't done it too much. Please ignore the inaccuracies of the medicine, it won't be perfect. Comments always appreciated!
CW: SFW, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Death (not reader), Grief/Mourning, Afterlife, Depression, Medical, Car Accidents, Sad, Fucked up but honestly not too bad
W/C: 6,584
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Suguru hadn’t known love until he first met you. 
Everything that led up to you was somehow minuscule compared to the emotions that coursed through his veins whenever he saw you. He wasn’t aware of how fast a heart could beat, how his lungs could falter from merely being in the presence of another person. He wasn’t even quite sure what he’d done to achieve someone like you. We were made for each other, you always told him. In his opinion, he believed he was made for you. Crafted and designed to love you. Not because you needed to have someone like him, but because he needed someone like you. Someone to care for and love.
It was your birthday, and just like he had done every year before this, Suguru was planning on making your dinner. He liked doing it, it made him feel like he was doing something right. It was the least he could do for you, after everything you’ve done for him. He thinks you don’t even know the half of it. 
“Shit.” Suguru murmurs under his breath as he searches the freezer. He could have sworn he bought the meat for tonight, but it was nowhere to be found. 
“Did you find it yet?” He hears your voice call from the couch. 
He doesn’t really have the heart to tell you that no, he hadn’t found it. His lip twitches as he pushes aside all the useless ingredients, looking in places he had already checked three times over. 
Suguru is so focused on the fridge in front of him that he doesn’t even hear your feet padding into the kitchen. 
Tender hands wrap around him from behind, yanking him from his despair. When he looks over his shoulder he sees you behind him, peeking over with curious eyes. 
“I'm sorry baby.” He speaks quietly, turning around to the fridge again. 
He shuts the freezer and faces you, taking you into his arms. It’s nice like this, having you pushed up against him. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you. 
“What’re you sorry for?” You ask. 
You reach your hands up and place a palm on either side of his face. Your mouth drops open as you hold him. 
“Suguru, you’re freezing.” You scold. “How long were you looking in there?” 
He hadn’t realized how cold he was until your warm fingers pressed into his cheek. He nuzzles against you and allows his lids to flutter closed, indulging in the warmth you provide. 
“Only a little bit.” He says. He would rather die than tell you he’s been here for ten minutes. 
“No luck though, huh?” You don’t seem sad when you ask this, and Suguru can’t figure out why. 
He feels like he ruined your birthday. 
“Unfortunately no, but I’m gonna go head down to the store to pick it up. I shouldn’t be gone long.” 
“I don’t want you to go, though!” 
You have an exaggerated frown playing on your lips as you tug his arm. 
“Baby, you need food. I promise it’ll be-“ 
“Why don’t we go out to eat?” You propose. 
He’s looking at you with raised brows, watching partly in amusement. It wasn’t an awful idea, but he much rather preferred to cook for you himself. It was like a gift that way, although he bought you plenty of those too. He nearly felt giddy at the idea of how you would react to each present, all hiding in various places around the house. You always told him he didn't have to get you anything, so he had to get creative in his hiding spots.
“What, you hate my cooking?” He jokes, pulling back to straighten your clothes. 
At first you would snap at him when he mindlessly groomed you like this, but you had gotten used to it. It was just another avenue for him to show his love, fixing your attire like a mother would.
“Ugh, it’s the worst!” You joke back. 
Both of you were well aware of how much you loved his cooking. 
“A shame.” He murmurs. 
“We never go out, it’s been ages since we’ve gone somewhere nice. Don’t you think it would be fun? That way, you wouldn’t have to slave over the stove for me.” 
“But what if I want to slave over the stove for you?” 
“There will always be another time.” You squeeze his arm. 
You’re right. He can always do it for you for your next birthday. 
“If you say so.” Suguru presses his lips against yours. 
It’s a chilly night, the black sky above you providing no heat as you head out of the restaurant. You’re cradling your stomach as if you were 8 months pregnant, while one of your arms is wrapped around his. You’re chattering his ears off, but Suguru doesn’t mind. The night felt perfect, he wasn’t sure how it could get any better. 
The two of you are making your way to your parked car, not in a rush. You have all the time in the world. You’re strumming his hand as you talk, only letting go when he pulls your door open for you.
Suguru crosses the car and slides into the driver's seat, not backing out until your seat belt is on. The drive is calming, your windows rolled down to let in the night air as you quietly sing along to the radio.
“Was it a good birthday?” Suguru asks, tossing a look your way before focusing on the road. 
“It was perfect.” You promise, your eyes twinkling.
Suguru starts to think about which gift he wants you to open first.
“Hey Suguru?” You ask.
“Yeah?” Suguru looks up from the wheel to see your face. 
Your brows are furrowed together as you look forward. Something wasn’t right.
“What is that guy doing?” You speak quietly.
Suguru turns his head forward, his foot on the brake as the car sits at a red light. There’s another car in front of you, driving towards you. He isn’t slowing down for the light, and Suguru can feel his pulse pick up. 
“I don’t-“ Suguru starts. 
The driver presses on the gas even harder, his car jerking, now hurdling in your direction. Suguru only has half a second to throw his arm across your front, shoulder covering part of your body.
Love makes you do crazy things. 
Love can make you feel unstoppable. 
Love can make you cover your partner in a car accident without a second thought. 
The movies never get it right, Suguru thinks. People always talk about the pain, how much it hurts. But Suguru doesn’t feel pain. He doesn’t feel anything. He wishes it was more accurate, that way he could have been prepared. 
It was loud, so loud. 
Metal on metal, tires screeching. It also smelled. Gas, fire, and burning something. Was it plastic? He had never smelled something so atrocious. Suguru turns his head to locate you and sees you motionless, your beautiful lids fluttered shut. Is that blood? Something’s reflecting on your forehead and he hopes to god it’s not blood. 
He attempts to say your name, but nothing comes out. It’s as if his voice box has been completely removed, leaving a gaping hole in his throat. His fingers twitch as he tries to move to help you. 
Move, move. 
He’s begging his useless body to do something, anything. It’s never cooperated with him, lest of all when he needs it most. 
Suguru thinks he hears yelling. Was that a woman? It’s a voice he’s never heard before, and she’s saying something he can’t quite decipher. His head is spinning as he tries to focus on the voice, but it isn't easy. It's all becoming overwhelming, each of his senses being amplified. The sight and sound alone was enough to leave him breathless.
Red lights. 
No, not cops. 
An ambulance. 
He hopes it’s an ambulance. You really needed one.
Suguru tries to focus as he strains his ears to listen for your breathing. He could feel his eyelids get heavier and heavier, his sheer willpower being the only thing keeping him awake. There’s more tires screeching and the ambulance has arrived, heavy footfalls running to your car. 
Help is here.
It would all be alright. 
Everything would be fine.
When his eyes open, he sees white. He must have been in a hospital, the clinical setting surrounding him. No one was in his room. Not even you. You were in worse shape from what he remembers, so he understands. 
He isn’t in as much pain as he would’ve expected from being in a car accident, but he’s glad. Suguru looks down and wiggles his fingers, then his toes. Good. He isn’t missing anything. He knows you would’ve taken care of him if he was missing something, but he would rather soon die than make you do something like that. 
Suguru sits up and notices he isn’t attached to any monitors, which is odd. He figures he probably didn’t need them though, so he quickly pushes the thought aside. He might as well look for you since he was able. You could have been really hurt, and he wouldn’t have been able to rest until he learned where you were. 
The hospitals halls are a scary place, even for Suguru. He knows many great things happen in hospitals, but there’s also a lot of tragedy too. He tries not to think about all the death as he walks down the halls. There are nurses and doctors pushing past him, paying him no mind. They were busy. He could see it in their droopy eyes as they locate room numbers and run to codings. 
He finds the nurses station and speaks up, finding two women sitting at the desks. 
“Excuse me?” He says. 
“Uh, I’m looking for someone.” 
Suguru says your name, but neither of them turn to him. 
Okay, maybe they were too engrossed in their conversation. 
His eyes flick down where he sees a chart, and at the very top of the list was your name. Room A93. That wasn’t too far from here. 
He spares them one last glance before turning around to locate your room. His heart flutters (not in the good way) when he gets closer to the door. Could he handle seeing you hooked up to a million monitors? Could he handle seeing other people take care of you? Suguru pushes through it. He needs to see you. He comes to a stop outside your room and hears voices coming from inside, talking to you. 
“And where is Suguru?” He picks up on your voice, the sound instantly warming his heart. 
“He’s… not in good shape.” 
He wasn’t? 
He felt great. 
Suguru pokes his head around the door and finds a tall woman with tanned skin and long dark hair. She must be the doctor. 
“What do you mean?” You ask.
The doctor straightens, tired eyes looking up at you. 
“He was intubated, he lost a lot of blood and sustained a head injury. My team had to put him in a medically induced coma. I actually was coming here to talk to you about whether or not he wanted to be on life support.” 
“I'm sorry, what are you talking about?” Your body is turned towards her, anticipation leaking from your pores.
“You’re married, aren’t you? I trust that the two of you have gone over it?” 
You haven't looked his way, not even once. 
“Let me see him.” You’re sitting up, wobbling as your frail body attempts to hold you up. 
You don’t see him right now? 
“I'm not sure that’s a good idea.” The doctor comments, her voice heavy as if she knows something you don’t. 
The doctor softly sighs and dips her head once, acknowledging your desperation. She relents, aiding you in getting up. You can’t do it on the first try, your face wincing in pain as you ease yourself off the bed. The doctor is patient as she helps you, because of course she is.
Suguru follows you to his room, throat dry as he stares at the IV stand in your hands. What was happening? 
“Suguru?” His heart shatters at the way your voice cracks. 
He turns the door and comes to a halt behind you, looking over your shoulder. He was looking at himself. His motionless body was laying in the hospital bed, looking more helpless than he had ever felt in his whole life. 
“What happened?” You ask, your eyes never leaving his bed.
“There was an accident. I was told that he took the brunt of the crash to cover you. He’s not…” The doctor looks anxiously between you and him. “I don’t think he’s going to make it.” 
The room is quiet, eerily so as you process the news the doctor gave you. There’s a steady beeping sound coming from behind his body, the only sign of life. By all accounts, he looked dead. Suguru flicks his eyes up and notices a brain monitor attached to him, but the line was flat. How was that possible? Was he in some space between life and death right now? 
You rip the IV from your arm and run up to the bed, collapsing beside his body. Suguru can see blood begin to pool from your forearm, dark red trickling down your wrist as you force yourself against his bed.
“Suguru! Wake up!” You’re shaking his body, voice trembling and loud as tears begin to fall from your eyes. 
He doesn’t wake up. His useless body doesn’t even flinch.
“You asshole! Wake up!” You’re in hysterics as you shake him, and Suguru feels himself choke on a tear. 
“We need to discuss-“ The doctor starts.
“Don’t do this to me! You gotta wake up!” 
Suguru is beside you now, standing above your crumbled form. You’ve never looked so small before. Your tears are staining the sheets beside his body as you hold his hand, your other arm clawing at his chest. Suguru can’t tell which hurts more, watching himself or looking at you. 
He needs to comfort you. 
He needs to make you smile. 
But he can’t. He can’t do anything. Suguru is forced to stand by your side as you cry until you lose your voice, until all of your words blur together and no one can understand what you’re saying. 
The doctor stays with you the entire time, remaining quiet as you sob. She wanted to comfort you, but she also needed an answer. And the truth of the matter was, Suguru never wanted to be on life support. It was a discussion you had early on in your marriage. He didn't want to be a burden. You respected his decision at the time, never in a million years thinking you would have to uphold his choice.
It’s raining the day they pull the plug on Suguru. He always did like the rain. It made for perfect nights in with a warm drink and his favorite book. Obviously with you by his side. That’s not what he’s thinking about when he sees the sky the day he dies. All he can think about is how your tears match the droplets, how god must be crying for you. He hated it. You said it was fitting. It was one of the only things you said on that day.
Suguru watches as his body gets whisked away, he told himself he couldn’t watch the embalming process, but when it happens he can’t look away. It felt unreal. His body was cold to the touch, pale as it lay on the metal table. He didn't look real. He watches with curious eyes as they pump him full of fluids in an attempt to immortalize his youth and beauty. He overhears the morticians talking. Not even thirty years old, they mumble. All Suguru can think about is how you weren’t even thirty. The word ‘widow’ was meant for older people whose partners died in natural circumstances, not for someone like yourself. Plump cheeks and a full life ahead of you.
It’s sunny when his funeral is held. He’s glad for that, he dreaded the idea of you waiting out in the cold. You sit in the front with Satoru. Suguru expected you to be a wreck, you were at the hospital after all. But you aren’t. You sit quietly as each person speaks, your chin tucked into your chest. Your eyes are glassy as you listen. You were checked out. He wanted to take a peek into your brain to see what memory you were reliving. Was it the time you both vacationed in the Bahamas? Or was it when you talked for hours about your favorite book? Those were his favorite memories, but he didn't know yours. He never thought to ask before. Now he wouldn’t have the chance to.
You refuse to let anyone help you make it home, I’m fine you said. You weren’t fine. Anyone with a pair of eyes could see that. All the people surrounding you tried to offer words of comfort, promises to help falling from their lips. You wave them off as you set off down the sidewalk towards your apartment. You hadn’t been in a car since the incident.
The second you close your front door you collapse onto your floor, your knees hitting the ground with a hard thud. You let out the most ear piercing wail. Suguru didn’t know people were capable of making noises like that. He didn’t have a body anymore, but he swore he felt chills creep over his skin. 
You keep screaming, and screaming, and screaming. Suguru hears a loud pounding and turns his head to the door. Someone was here. The pounding resumes and he hears his best friend call out, trying to get your attention. You aren’t listening. You don’t care about anything outside these four walls. 
Satoru twists the knob hoping by some miracle it would unlock. Unfortunately, you had the foresight to lock the door before falling to pieces. Satoru relents in using the knob and tries bumping the door with his shoulder. It takes him a couple of tries before it splinters open. He's out of breath as he looks down at your figure. Your crumpled figure. 
Leave it to Satoru to follow you to ensure you got home safely. Suguru tells himself to repay Satoru, buy him that soda he likes, but then he remembers. He will never be able to repay him for anything again. 
He hopes a token of his gratitude is enough. 
You don’t register that Satoru is even there until he’s kneeling beside you, holding your body close to his. You thrash a bit, shoving him back but he doesn’t budge. Satoru takes it all, even though it hurts. 
“Hey, hey, I’m here.” He murmurs quietly to you. 
“He's gone! He's gone!” You’re heaving into the air, letting him rock you back and forth. 
“I know. I know.” 
“He's never coming back, Satoru!” 
You breathe in deeply, your chest sore from the meltdown. 
“Bring him back! Please, please Satoru!” 
Satoru grits his jaw as he holds you tight. It must be hard. Suguru mourns the loss of himself through you. He can feel the pain you’re in, it feels like a forest fire as it claws into him. 
You’re scratching at Satoru, as if you could dig your way back to Suguru.
Suguru has never felt so helpless before. How do you help someone when they’re mourning the loss of the love of their life? How do you console them when they will never see them again? How could he make you feel better? 
He can’t do anything. He's an outsider in his own home, watching the people who were closest to him.
Satoru grips you as you sob, occasionally rocking your frame back and forth. He doesn’t say anything. There really isn't anything to say. The living room quiets down as your screaming becomes sniffling. Suguru doesn’t know how much time has passed. Satoru refuses to let go until he feels your breathing slow down, your body going limp in his hold. 
Satoru never leaves. He just sets you on your bed before making his way to the couch. He looks just as fucked up as you do. Suguru doesn’t think he’s ever seen his friend in such a bad state before. Eyes that had previously been so bright were now dull, his lips tugged down into a deep frown. Satoru slides onto the couch, his eyes shutting the second he makes contact. 
Suguru takes turns watching the two of you sleep. It breaks his heart. Never again will he feel the warmth of your sleeping figure beside him. Never again will he wake up before you to start your breakfast. 
Things are awkward between you and Satoru in the morning. Neither of you know how to approach the subject. 
Satoru is the first to talk. He always was the talker. 
“Good morning.” 
Your eyes flick to him, almost as if you were expecting him to stay the night. Satoru looks uncomfortable, which is a first. 
“I uh, I'm gonna pick up breakfast. Do you want anything?” He goes on.
A moment passes before you speak. When your voice comes out it's brittle, harsh in a way Suguru has never heard before. 
“I'm fine.” 
The hours of screaming must have caught up to you. 
“Yeah, alright.”
Satoru is scratching the back of his neck, a tell that Suguru learned years ago. He has something to say, but doesn’t know how to say it. 
“I really think you should eat something.”
Satoru steps back as if the tone of your voice wounded him. 
“Okay. I’ll back off. I’ll bring back something for you to drink at least.” 
Satoru doesn’t ask so you don’t have the chance to deny him. You watch as he exits your apartment, your gaze fixed on your broken door.
Satoru calls repairmen to handle the door while he’s out. It doesn’t take them long at all to fix the damage he dulled out the prior night. 
When Satoru comes back he has two drinks and two bags in his hands. He bought something for you to eat in the end. Satoru rings the doorbell and waits for you. 
You never come. 
He knows you’re home, because where else would you be? 
He stands there for thirty minutes before he takes the hint that you don’t want to be seen. 
Suguru wishes he could curl up in on himself at the sight of his best friend looking so dejected as he leaves. Satoru was making an effort. Suguru doesn’t blame you though. He never could. If he was in your position, Suguru wouldn’t stop until the whole world around him was burned to the ground, he wouldn’t stop until there was nothing left.
Satoru comes back hours later to drop off dinner and notices that the bag of breakfast he left for you is still in the same place. You hadn’t touched it. He leaves dinner for you as well, hoping by some chance that you’ll actually eat something.
Satoru stands at your door, a bag in his hands as he tries to keep up a smile. Suguru can tell it’s a hard task, he’s always been able to look right through his best friend. 
It had been two weeks since the funeral, and Satoru has stopped by every single day.
Satoru says your name again, rocking back on his heels. He’s been here for two hours. Suguru knows because he’s seen him check his phone five times. One of your neighbors comes out and greets Satoru, smiling once he gives her attention. The two had been acquainted because he had visited so often. Satoru didn’t mean to seduce the older woman, but it just came with the territory of being a beautiful man. 
“Hey Ms. Nakamoto!”
“Hello sweetie.” 
“I brought you something.” Satoru searches the bag he’s holding and produces a wrapped piece of chocolate. 
Suguru knows Satoru didn’t bring it for her, but that he couldn't bear the thought of not giving her something.
“You’re so kind, Satoru.” Ms. Nakamoto squeezes Satoru’s shoulder before walking off, popping the chocolate in her mouth. 
Satoru watches her leave with a smile plastered on his face. It feels genuine in the same way a waitress's smile is genuine when she’s working.
“Are you gonna let me in?” Satoru calls, resting his shoulder against the door.
You’re standing on the other side of the door, staring into the wood as if you’d be able to see Satoru if you look hard enough. 
Suguru doesn’t understand why would don’t want to see Satoru. 
He wonders if it’s because Satoru reminds you of him. Suguru would understand, the two have always been inseparable. It was never that way for you, though. You never saw Satoru and thought of Suguru in the past. It was one of the many things he liked about you. He felt like he could be his own person around you. He wonders if the lines are blurred now that he was gone.
“I know you’re there.” Satoru says, leaning against his forearm. 
“Why won’t you let me in?” He waits for a moment until you respond. 
“I don’t want to.” 
“I brought snacks.” 
“I don’t care.” 
Suguru’s heart breaks. You look like a mess, your hair was piled on top of your head and you were wearing the same clothes you had been wearing yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. It was one of Suguru’s shirts, the clothing wrapped around your body as if it was a cocoon. You had been wearing it for so long that the smell of his cologne was starting to fade away. You cried for four hours the night you realized.
Neither of you talk or move for that matter, intent on waiting it out to see who would break first. You have something on your mind, Suguru can tell you’re holding back. 
“Why did he do it?” You ask, your voice muffled through the door. 
You know Suguru as much as Satoru does, but Suguru supposes there’s a sense of relief from the company. 
“You know why he did it. He loved you.” Satoru responds, his voice more level than Suguru had ever heard it. 
“He wouldn’t have been able to stand himself if he didn’t save you.” Satoru finishes. 
You and Satoru both turn around and slide your backs against the door till your butts hit the floor. 
You’re separated by a piece of wood, yet it feels like you’re miles away. Even though you felt so far apart, the two of you were the only ones on the planet who understood each other. 
“He’s selfish.” You say, and Suguru thinks you mean to have a bite to it, but it comes off much more heartbroken. 
“What makes him selfish?” 
“He wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he let me die, so he’s making me live without him instead. Why didn’t he care that it would hurt me?” You question.
Satoru’s silent as he listens. He’s good at that, although he talks a lot. Suguru is glad you have someone to talk to who listens when you need it.
“I think he did care.” Satoru says, looking at his legs. “He just loved you too much to stop himself.”
“It was my fault, you know.” You start. 
“I was the one who suggested going out.”
Satoru is silent as he listens and Suguru feels like he’s been shot. You were blaming yourself? If Suguru could talk to you, he would reassure you that you had nothing to do with what happened. 
“It wasn’t your fault.” Satoru says, unsure of how else to comfort you. 
Nothing he could say would take the pain away, he was aware of that much. 
Suguru is on your side of the door, watching as your lip starts to tremble. You must be sick of being alone. You slowly stand up and reach for the door, opening it much to Satoru’s surprise. He nearly falls back before hopping to his feet, facing you.
“Do you want to come in?” You ask, knowing the answer.
Ever since the night you let Satoru in, you welcome him in. Suguru thinks it's nice, watching the two of you talk. He’s glad you’re opening up to someone. It’s not good to keep it all in, and Suguru couldn’t stand the idea of you shutting down completely. 
In the beginning, Satoru would sit on the furthest end of the couch, but over time he slowly inched closer until the two of you were sitting next to each other. It didn't matter what you talked about. It was always different. Usually it was about Suguru. 
“He waited until the sun set and it was dark out. I didn't really understand why. Anyway, he got on one knee and when I turned around he had the ring out.”
“It was because of the people I’m sure. Suguru was a private guy.” 
You’re picking at a loose thread on the couch, quietly listening to Satoru. 
“I helped him pick out the ring, you know. He was so indecisive. There were two options we narrowed it down to, he ended up asking all your friends what they thought you would like more.” 
Suguru sees your shoulders shake and he thinks for a second you’re crying, but when you lift your head up he sees a tiny grin on your face. 
“He’s ridiculous. Would’ve loved anything he got.” 
“I know. He only wanted the best, though.”
Suguru loves to listen to the two of you talk, but he loves the silence you share just as much. Satoru always used to dread silence. Suguru thinks you’re bringing him down to earth. It’s nice. Suguru didn't think it was possible. 
“It’s hard. I can't sleep.” You confess to Satoru late at night.
“Why is that?” Satoru asks, but you know he knows the answer. 
“It’s impossible without him.” 
You aren’t aware, but Suguru is there each time you lay down. Sometimes he’ll lay beside you, but he rarely does. You always get a chill when he tries, so instead he sits across the room, listening to your breathing. He’s always loved the sound, but he finds he appreciates it more so now. 
“If you ever need company, I could spend the night on the couch again.” 
You’re trying not to sound eager, Suguru can tell. He grins to himself as he watches your face light up. 
“I'd just have to bring over spare clothes, but I can.” 
People on the outside may think that something was blossoming between you and Satoru, but Suguru knew better. Satoru would never cross that line. At times, Suguru almost wished he would. He wanted you to find happiness again. And truly, who better to give it than Satoru? The two were so alike that Suguru knew you would be happy. But you wouldn’t do that to Satoru. You wouldn’t want him to feel like a placeholder. Suguru doesn’t know how Satoru feels, but he knows how you feel enough to be positive that nothing was starting between you. 
Satoru sleeps on your couch that night. Suguru notices it’s the first time you’ve slept through the entire night in weeks. You don’t wake up even once, not even when Suguru slides into bed beside you. 
Suguru keeps his eyes on you the whole night, mesmerized by the features on your face. You were so beautiful. He should’ve told you more often. 
It was going okay. Suguru thought you were healing. One night you have a terrible nightmare. He watches you in horror as you thrash and scream, wishing he could reach out to touch you. 
“Help! Help!”
Satoru is in your room moments later, holding your body against his. You twitch in his hold, body shaking in fear. Your eyes flutter open and you have to hold onto Satoru for several moments before you understand where you are. 
“It was just a dream.” Satoru speaks quietly to you.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks once you understand what’s happening. You have a tight grip on Satoru’s arms, as if they could keep you from floating away. 
“I was- Suguru, he, we needed,” 
“It was just a dream.” Satoru says once more.
It wasn’t a dream, not really. It was the accident. The scenes were flashing in your brain, plaguing you with memories. Suguru wishes it was a dream. The worst was already over, only now you were left trying to pick up the pieces.
Satoru sleeps on your floor each night afterward. Always beside the bed, ready in case you have another nightmare. No matter what, he never leaves. 
Each time you had a nightmare, Satoru would reach his hand up and squeeze yours, reminding you that the worst part was over. He pretends not to see the scars your fingernails leave in his skin.
Suguru watches as you experience life. Finding your first gray hair, he was even there when you bought your first new car. They were all things he should have been experiencing with you, if only he was alive. 
If you asked Suguru the day he died if he regretted his decision to cover you in the accident, he would say no in an instant. It was the same now, all these years later. 
You never move on from him, not really at least. There were men that passed through your life, but you never marry again. 
Suguru wanted you to find love again, but you were always more stubborn than he knew what to do with.
And when the time came for you to pass, he was there too. The hospital room didn't feel the same as his did, yours was much more warm and happy. That was what it was supposed to be like when you lived a full life. All of your loved ones gathered around you, crying as they held you. You don’t cry. You’re ready. You’ve been preparing for it for a while now. You have weathered skin and a full heart. You have smile lines now, and Suguru thinks you’ve never looked more perfect. 
Suguru stands by the door, watching as everyone says their goodbyes. He feels tears begin to drip from his eyes. He knows it only means he gets to see you sooner, but he’s mourning your death just as much as he would if he was alive. He wanted you to continue living. You still had so much to experience, Suguru wanted you to have it all. 
The last member of your family leaves the room, but you have one visitor left. The doctor smiles at the visitor before pulling the door closed behind the two of you, giving you privacy. 
“Thank you, darling.” Satoru says, smiling at her. 
The door shuts and Satoru is hobbling over to you, lowering himself down next to your bed. He's in relatively good condition for someone of his age. 
“Hello.” He squeezes your hand, if Suguru looks close enough he can still see the crescent shaped marks caused by your nails on his hands. 
Scars proving your love of Suguru on another man’s body. 
“You’re here.” You speak.
“Of course I’m here.” 
The room is silent as Satoru takes in your presence. The air is heavy, partly from sadness, but also from the memories and love everyone had left you with. You had lived a long life. 
“Are you excited to see him?” Satoru asks. 
You look down and fiddle with your ring, the same ring Suguru had picked out all those years ago. 
“I am.” 
“When you see him tell him I said hi.” Satoru could say much more than that, maybe even a joke from his childhood, but more than anything he just missed his friend.
“I will, I swear.” 
“I can’t believe the two of you are going before me.” Satoru’s messing with you now, Suguru walks closer so he can catch the glint in Satoru’s eyes. 
“Don’t you worry, your time is coming.” You chuckle to yourself. 
“Is that a threat?” Satoru leans in close to you, the act intimate in a way that only appears between friends that have endured years of life together.
“Maybe. I think I’m going to haunt you for the rest of your life.” You tease.
“I hope you do.” Satoru’s tone is heavier as he speaks, a nugget of honesty leaking through. 
“Thank you for being so good to me Satoru, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you as much as you were there for me.” Regret is dripping from your words.
“I know you’re dying, but have you gone senile? You helped me as much as I helped you.” Satoru looks at you in disbelief. 
It was true. You had helped Satoru. It wasn’t in the same way he helped you, but instead you provided him multiple chances to relive his childhood. That was worth more than anything in the world to Satoru.
Satoru rubs his thumb along your hand. He sits with you through the silence. He's there with you as the doctor comes back in, voice soft as she asks you if you’re ready. You are, you have been for a long time. Satoru holds your hand, he doesn’t leave as the doctor turns off all the technology that’s assisting you in staying alive. 
Suguru would stay, but he has a date he can’t miss.
When you die, everything is empty around you. Your old body is inching by, walking aimlessly. 
“Sweetheart.” A voice like velvet fills your ears.
You whip around, jaw and eyes wide open as you come face to face with the love of your life. 
“Suguru!” You cry. 
Suguru’s smile is relaxed on his face as he walks up to you, embracing you once more. He could finally touch you. He had been dreaming of this moment for years. 
The second his skin hits yours, it's like a ripple effect. Your skin slowly rejuvenates, your body regressing until it resembles what it looked like the night he died. You were young again. 
Suguru holds you for what feels like eternity before you pull away. He tries not to frown, reminding himself that he can touch you again whenever he feels like it now. 
“I missed you!” Your lash line is holding on a thin thread, tears welling up, nearly pouring out. 
Suguru doesn’t say anything because he doesn’t think he can put into words how much he missed you. 
“Oh, and Satoru said-“
“Hi, I know. I heard him.” Suguru reaches a hand up and skims your cheek with his thumb.
He no longer feels cold.
“You heard him? You were there?”
“Of course I was. I always was.” 
Suguru chuckles to himself at the expression on your face. It's a shock, for sure. You had no reason to believe he stayed with you. Suguru could have moved on at any point in time, but he wouldn’t. Not without you by his side.
“I love you.” He says it the same way he used to say it, and you finally break down. 
Tears stream down your face as you pull him in for a kiss. 
“Come on, let’s make up for all the lost time.” Suguru murmurs in your ear, wrapping his arm around yours.
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @mikisspeak, @sakui1, @reiluvr, @gothicwhore666, @bunviixo
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42 notes · View notes
foxaftershocks · 2 days
Oh my gosh I just read your most recent Lars Pinfield oneshot and I am in LOVE with your writing. Is it possible for you to do one where reader is with him & Lucky during the power outage scene, but like not *in* the main area they are at, more over by the Possessor's room. Hopefully you kinda get what I'm saying lol
I think I got what you were saying. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it even if I didn't.
Watching the possessor try and get Lars’ attention shouldn’t have made you feel a burst of warmth in your chest and yet there you were, pressing your lips together to suppress a smile.
“Can’t play right now,” Lars called as the chair tapped against the window.
You were sitting on the floor in front of the enclosure, knees bent towards your chest as you enjoyed the calm of being in the lab at night. During the day it could be so frantic, all kinds of noises and motions going on as the other researchers worked. At night like this, it was quiet, easy to just exist in your own body as you did what you loved. Especially given it was only people you happened to love still there too.
Or rather, person.
“I know you see me working,” he called over as the possessor continued to try and get his attention.
You stifled a laugh, the chair drooping down in sadness. It was like having a puppy in the lab and Lars had clearly been designated its favourite person.
“If you’re good later on you’ll get a tennis ball,” he said.
The chair perked up, the screech of the metal loud in your ears. You tapped on the glass, bringing its attention back to you. You smiled in, playing with it to give Lars and Lucky the chance to finish up their work in peace. The sound of their work was a familiar backdrop as you let your attention slip away from them.
That was until the possessor slammed the chair against the glass over and over again and the power went out. You were slow to climb to your feet, uncertainty filling your body.
“Uh… Lars?” you called out.
“Yeah, I know,” he called back, “just give it a minute.”
“I’m not sure…”
With one hand splayed on the cool glass of the possessor’s cage, you hauled yourself upright, leaning on it to keep yourself steady. You didn’t like it, the ambient noise of the lab making chills crawl over your skin. You held your breath, on tenterhooks, waiting for something to happen. The tension in the air was ratcheting up the longer it took for the generators to power back on, each second stretching out for an infinite amount of time.
“Lars, why haven’t the ghosts escaped yet?” Lucky asked, slow to make her way towards you.
It was like they’d been waiting for the question to be asked. The possessor slammed its chair against the glass to the right of your hand, cracking it outwards. You snatched your hand back as Lucky screamed, breath catching.
Stumbling back, you felt a cold chill going down the back of your neck. You were slow to turn into the waiting gaze of Bonesy, the skeletal face staring right back at you. Another crack from the glass behind you was loud in the otherwise silent area.
The frantic clicking from Lars on the computer filtered through and you watched as the lights flickered back on. Bonesy was pulled back through the glass as the proton fields turned on, missing you by a hair’s breadth. You slumped forward, relief coursing through you, making you light headed. Sinking to the floor, you did your best to take some deep breaths, forehead pressing to the tops of your bent knees.
“Okay we need to shut that thing up,” you heard Lars faintly say from back in the main lab.
Only then you heard his scream. Scrabbling to your feet, you rushed over, panic taking over your brain. Any rational thoughts were gone, taken over by your need to make sure he was okay.
He was bent over in front of the ionic separator, the brass sphere on the ground in front of him. His groans of pain were going through you, striking you like lightning. Lucky was standing close by, weight shifting from foot to foot, as if unsure what to do.
You grasped his shoulder, feeling him there under your hands, real and still warm. His breathing was coming fast and he was cradling his hand to his chest.
“Lars,” you said, trying to get his attention.
His blue eyes dragged up to yours, the pain contorting his face. You clutched at him, wanting to bring him closer.
“Don’t,” he shouted as you took a step towards him.
“What?” you said, freezing.
“Don’t touch it,” he gasped out, eyes darting down to the sphere at your feet, only an inch from your bare skin. You were careful as you shifted your feet away from it, trusting him completely. He’d never steered you wrong before.
“Lars,” you breathed out.
He was doubling up again, another groan coming from parted lips. With your hands still on his shoulders, you manoeuvred him around the sphere, sitting so innocently on the floor. He followed you, trusting you just as much as you trusted him.
“Leave it there until Lars can tell us what happened,” you instructed Lucky as you took Lars towards the medical centre.
Of course the nurse was long since gone, the bay dark. You flicked the lights on, helping him onto one of the beds. He was still curled up.
“Honey, I need you to tell me what happened,” you said, keeping your voice gentle, trying to coax him out.
“Cold,” he managed to gasp out, “I touched the sphere after it failed to extract the ghost inside and it was cold. Freezing. Fuck, it hurts.”
“I know it does, sweetheart,” you said, “can I look at it?”
He was slow to uncurl, offering his hand towards you. The skin was an unnaturally pale colour, the cold burn spreading over his palm, along his finger, making you wince just from looking at it. Your hands hovered over it, not sure what to do, where to touch, if you even should.
“We should warm it up, right? Oh god, I’m not a doctor,” you muttered to yourself.
“Warm water,” he said, “I need to soak it in warm water.”
“On it.”
He watched you as you filled a basin with warm water, a thermometer sitting in it as you brought it to the right temperature. Offering it to him, he eased his hand into the water. The wince he gave and the shaky breath suggested it wasn’t more comfortable.
“Are you going to be okay?” you asked, holding the bowl steady for him.
“I think,” he hissed, “I’ll survive.”
He looked up at you, standing close enough for his knees to brush you. Looking down at him, you felt your breath catch. It wasn’t your fault. He was so handsome, even when he was in pain. Not that you should be thinking about how gorgeous he was as you were trying to nurse him back to health.
“Are you okay?” he asked, voice softening.
“Yeah. I mean, I didn’t even get hurt. I’m more worried about you,” you said.
“But you were surrounded when we lost power,” he said.
His other hand hovered right over your hip, as if worried to touch you. Before he made contact, he took the bowl from your hands, putting it down on the bed beside him, keeping his hand submerged. You didn’t know what to do with your hands without hold it, fingers twisting together.
His touch rested on them, stilling your wringing hands. You looked back into his eyes, the touch of your skin against his making your heart flutter. The way he was looking at you was making your head spin.
“If anything had happened to you…”
You wanted to know what the end of that sentence was going to be.
“I’m okay,” you whispered.
His fingers slotted between yours, holding your hand. Pulling you forward a step, he tugged you between his legs, thumb brushing along the length of your index finger. Your breath caught.
“We could die,” he said.
“We’re not going to die.” You weren’t even going to entertain the thought.
“But we could. And if we do I’m not dying without ever doing this.”
His hand disentangled from yours, reaching up to cup your cheek. Guiding you down, your eyes fluttered shut, waiting for him. His breath ghosted over your lips before they brushed together. You whimpered, pressing closer, fingers closing around his shoulder again.
The groan he let out made you draw back, worried he was in pain again. He didn’t give you the chance, pulling you back in, kissing you deeper. Clearly the pain wasn’t too bad if he could kiss you with such skill it had your knees turning to jelly.
“Hey guys, is Lars okay?”
You drew back from him, cheeks heating up as you whipped your head towards the door. He chuckled, falling forward, forehead pressing to your stomach. Your fingers found their way into his hair, winding around his curls.
“I’m fine,” he called back before Lucky stepped in.
“Are you?” you asked.
You gently lifted the hand from the bowl of cooling water. The skin still looked wrong, too white, like a layer of wax over his palm.
“We should probably go to the emergency room,” you said, “I don’t think we’re equiped to fix this.”
“Can you drive?” he asked.
“Of course.”
You left Lucky with strict instructions to not touch the sphere and to keep an eye on the ghosts. After the night you’d had, she needed to make sure nothing more happened while you took care of Lars.
And yet if this was a portent of things to come, it was only going to get worse.
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physalian · 2 days
Checklist of character traits prone to inconsistency:
Heyo, quick one today. It’s great to give a lot of detail to character traits and personality quirks, but they aren’t real people, you’ve made them up, and thus, might not have a perfect memory for how you’ve described them, or drawn them in the past.
So before you post or publish, do yourself a favor and make sure the following are consistent throughout your story, if applicable:
If they’re left or right handed, or ambidextrous.
Which side their hair parts on.
Which side their scars are on (especially facial scars).
Which eye has the patch or is just missing, and how much or little the character fiddles with it.
Missing glasses and how prone a character is to forgetting them or anal about cleaning them. Glasses are always dirty (do they clean them with a proper cloth or the edge of their shirt?).
Which side broken, missing, or bandaged fingers are on.
If they’re wearing a cast, how it inhibits their mobility.
If they have a leg or foot injury, how severely they limp.
If their clothing takes damage, when/how they replace it or repair it, and whether or not they’re wandering around town accidentally covered in blood or grease or all-purpose flour.
Which injuries they sustain that should still be bothering them, like pulled shoulders, bruises, shin splints, paper cuts, sun burns, cramps, carpal tunnel, arthritis, tinnitus, road rash, and stubbed toes or pinched fingers.
Which side of their body buttons, rings, bracelets, pins, brooches, badges, or name tags are on.
If they’re wearing gloves or mittens, when they take them off or how their mobility is impacted by them.
How mobility changes if their fingernails are short and stubby or long, or artificial, like typing, eating, and grabbing objects.
If they have a wheelchair, how they transition out of it, into it, and move within it, like getting dressed or putting on shoes, or lifting themselves up into cars and back down—and how public spaces do and don’t accommodate them.
If they have prosthetics, how they maintain them, how they might sound different than someone else—prosthetic feet for runners won’t sound the same as sneakers.
If they need crutches, a walker, a scooter, or a cane, and how the world accommodates them.
If they're colorblind, how it impacts their day to day and descriptions compared to other narrators.
Jewelry often jingles. Pandora bracelets are loud af especially if they’re on your dominant hand when you try to write on a desk. Charm necklaces jingle if you bounce and some earrings can jingle when you shake your head.
Where tattoos are and if they take measures to hide them and how.
An aside about characters with tattoos (from experience):
If they’re new, they still hurt for at least a week depending on the level of detail.
Tattoos are basically mega sunburns and fresh ink should either be covered from the sun or, once it’s healed enough that the skin isn’t broken, heavily sun-screened to preserve coloration. Newer ink is very noticeable in sunlight, just like a healing sunburn.
Black ink tends to turn a bit green over time and sharp details blur. Tattoos are beholden to the skin they’re on, and how it stretches or sags.
Tattoos stink, as plasma and other fluids build up under the wrap (that can either be straight plastic wrap or a dermal cover akin to the stuff used for burn victims).
Tattoos can burn and ache if they’re on the legs when you stand, as blood and your body weight settles back into place.
Tattoos do very weird things to your body depending on the amount of ink and the time it took to design. Your skin peels kind of, but not exactly, like a sunburn, and every artist has their own tips for aftercare.
If the ink is over thin skin (I have one that ends over my ankle) the ink may have a texture left behind, a raised puffy bump, that fades over time.
A character receiving a tattoo might have this kind of bell curve effect, where it hurts really bad at the start, until adrenaline kicks in and dampens it, and then again once their adrenaline runs out. There is no pain quite like tattoo pain and everyone describes them differently. I like to think of them as itching a bug bite on a sunburn, dialed up to 11.
According to my past artists, women almost universally handle the pain better than men. I have definitely suffered other injuries worse than tattoo pain.
Fine linework hurts more than broad stroke coloring or shading, because the distribution of pressure is wider with more needles packed together. The larger the needle bundle, the less it hurts. All of mine are water color and the *splash* effect for the illusion of water drops uses a single needle and it’s always the most painful part.
Feel free to tag any that I missed!
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Linked Universe Links Custom Skates Explained!
yeah, i'm really milking this, aren't i? based on this post of mine!
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Close-ups and explanations under the cut!!
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Legend: his in-lines were half custom built, half attacked with leather/vinyl paint and stickers. Marin painted the hibiscus while Ravio put on the rupee sticker and Legend was gifted the pink bunny. The toe protector was an add on by Ravio to tie in the magenta wheels. They’re a bit of a hodgepodge but Legend likes them.
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Hyrule: his are hand-me-downs from someone in the chain. Wild, probably. Once he can actually skate he’s planning on getting a nice pair for himself. According to Legend these skates were once a nice light yellow.
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Warriors: CUSTOM SUEDE MOXI SKATES. Yes i am dropping names in this lmao. He originally started the sparkly wheel kick the chain seems to be on. His other skate has the reverse stopper (stopper on the back) as his are specifically made for dancing. He religiously takes care of the suede and keeps his bearings perfectly cleaned and oiled, and his trucks perfectly loosened to his liking. Yes they were over $500. Yes they were worth it. If you were wondering: yes. The wheels light up too. i want them so badlyyyy
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Wind: they were a regular pair of Rio skates that he let Tetra take leather paint to. She tried to paint the ocean but it turned out more like blue flames. Whatever, he likes them. They go fast and he had fun making them his. Once he stops growing he’s gunning for a better pair though, ones that go EVEN FASTER. my friend @/lunalia_121 on twitter helped me figure out the design of these!
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Time: He bought his Riedells back in ‘86 and he’s NOT giving them up. These things go for $2000 now! He recently had to replace his wheels since they finally wore out (again, they’re ancient), Warriors convinced him to join the sparkly side. He has long ass laces that he has to wrap around his boot at least twice before they’re even manageable. Next time Warriors is gonna need to bring him to get new stoppers, they are just about worn out too. He also likes keeping his trucks nice and loose, a trait Warriors learned from him.
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Wild: As i said; derby style skates. Flora painted the silent princess on his heel for good luck and he personally seeks out to murder anyone who makes him scuff it by accident. He skates for the Sheika team and therefore their logo is both on his helmet and scribbled onto his skates. tie up your goddess-damned laces
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Twilight: HOWDY. YOU ASK I DELIVER, WHAT CAN I TELL YA? But no, I un-ironically love these. He found them on the internet and fixed them up. He loves them so much, the matte leather is always taken care of perfectly. When he’s not wearing them he keeps a skate key in them. Since they were kinda cheaply made the trucks and shocks are always wonky so he has to fix them up at the beginning of every night. He’s saving up to rebuild them.
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Four: padded vinyl skates. They were originally made as dancing skates, but he just uses them for leisure. One of Warrior’s friends outgrew them so they sold them to Four for a good price. They’re a little much with all the gold and embellished stitching, but he likes them. He keeps up the different coloured wheels even if it means he buys Four packs when he needs more. Though, he doesn't have to buy a new set the next four times the wheels go wonky.
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Sky: gimme these i need them so bad please please PLEASE!!! They were just plain blue Impalas when he bought them, Sun said they were too plain. Sky painted the design on the tongue and the clouds, Sun found the wings in a skate store and added on the details so they looked more like Sky’s bird, Crimson. Another perpetrator of the sparkly wheel agenda.
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the art of this took six hours from start to finish, so yeah, I'm really proud of it! i may end up making more of these if you like them, and if you draw any of the characters in these, tag me!!!!
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tayerdraws · 17 hours
The Amazing Digital Funhouse Masterpost!!!
Hello peps! Now that the main cast is done, it’s time for the masterpost! This AU had me on like a chokehold or something cause it was to good not to finish it! This AU combines two of my interests together in a nutshell: TADC and FNAF! I hope you enjoy!
The Amazing Digital Funhouse opened its doors in 2002 and was designed with fans young and old in mind so that they can experience the game like never before! Featuring a ton of fun games, attractions, shows, events and delicious food and drink. And we cannot forget the gang that started it all! we are able to bring the characters to life so that you can meet them up close and in person. These identical copies of the iconic cast of the once iconic game are able to interact with you in a way that is truly magical. Whenever you are having a birthday party or a fun day out with all the family, The Amazing Digital Funhouse will truly make feel like apart of the show!
Now it’s time to meet..
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Lovable, wacky and most of all loves to put on a good show, Caine is the host with the most of the funhouse and his performances and magic tricks are eager to give the most famous magicians a run for their money. With his butter smooth voice and over optimistic personality, he knows how to put on a good show. His personality may make him seem like a out of control ringmaster but don’t let that fool you! Despite his let loose kind of attitude, he still strives to entertain you, no matter what!
Meet Bubble, Caine’s partner in crime and his loyal yet quite goofy co-host, always having something random to say when his best bud gets a little too rowdy. His actions may make him look like an annoying little rascal and for how annoying he may be, he has his friends back. When it’s helping to hosting a party or eating all the food that he promised is for his friends, he is the silly little rascal we all know and love.
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Pomni is a jester that always finds a way to make her friends laugh whenever they feel down. But when she is not making the audience have another trip to the loo, she can be found hanging out with her best buds most of the time but can be seen having her own personal space. She has a wild attitude that doesn’t mind causing trouble when it comes for her time to shine. And please don’t call her short.
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The funhouse’s cocky and laid back inventor! This periwinkle rabbit is known for his wacky inventions that ether turn out to be a big mistake or operate successfully. When he isn’t in his workshop, he is also known to be quite the prankster! But don’t always expect him to be like that when it comes to his opinions towards his friends. Design the case, just try to stay on his chill side and not his crazy prankster side.
Introducing Ragatha or Rags or short, our sweet, caring and compassionate ragdoll that is quite the gamer! In fact, she has the highest scores on many of the games here, now that’s what we call talent. When there is a problem. She will be always be there to help out when trouble rises. Ether way, She is that iconic dolly that is sure to show that kindness is always the answer.
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Confident on the outside as much as shy she is on the inside, Gangle is quite the fan of musicals and everything theatre! She may look confident and brave but don’t think that’s the case! In reality, she is actually is quite a shy bunch of ribbons but when you get to know her, she may or may not dump you on her favourite musicals. Just don’t break her comedy mask.
Chill, Groovy and quite the opposite from the rest of the gang, Zooble is sure to make you dance along to sweet mixtapes and remixes! Whereas the rest of the cast is more high energy, Zooble is more chill and has a sense of swag and is pretty competitive when it comes to games. You can tell she’s a winner! But nothing compares to her sick beats and her rockin’ remixes! When she starts the party, you know you’re in for a awesome time.
Hailing from royal origins, Kinger is known for being abit of a coo-coo bananas kind of person with a fascination in insects and magic! Some consider him “Crazy” but despite the fact, he isn’t afraid to be brutally honest about his history and how talented he is at magic, in fact he is a pro at it! Whenever he is making snarky comments on his insects or duelling with guests with a sword in hand, he is just there to make guests smile!
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YEEHAW! Sheriff comin’ right through! Meet Gummigoo,The reckless yet butt-kickin’ cowboy that is sure is quite the beast. Coming straight from the sweet smelling deserts of the Candy Canyon Kingdom, Gummigoo is not who you think he is when you say “hero” but turned to the side of good after meeting Pomni in a bubblegum cave after falling down a hole that lead to the mines that were deep within the caves. When you say he’s reckless, we mean it! Mainly being the one to partake in rodeos and insane heists that will make public services think twice about who they catch. Despite his ramshackled past, he will stop at nothing to become anybody’s hero!
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Munchimax and Chewichad
If you can have one gummy gator then they can’t be alone without the other, right? Gummigoo’s goofy yet overall comedic duo, Munchimax and Chewichad are the definition of that sentence. Also known as Max and Chad for short, they turned to the side of good after their boss’s redemption and so did their past of robbing banks and maple syrup! Munchimax is the clumsy yet goofy one of the duo, often leading him into rather sticky situations in the long run. Just don’t point out that he is trying to steal his boss’s spotlight. Chad on the other hand is just as more of a country gator than any one else. He is a bit of a dummy at times but is darn good at playing the banjo despite his long arms being the only thing thats ahead of himself.
The Gloink Queen
Driven by the desire for popularity, The Gloink Queen is quite a mysterious royal and no one knows where she even came from! Not even Caine himself! She is the black sheep of the group and the total opposite of the funhouse gang, always playing tricks and spoiling the fun using her Gloink minions (despite her calling them her servants)! She’s always got a trick up her sleeve from ruining birthday parties to complaining about the guests leaving a ruckus of a mess in her lair. She loves to play games but don’t expect her to play fair, when you do prepare to be met with a lot of obtuse clues that might lead to a trap! She sure is an old school villain that you don’t want to meet!
I had a ton of fun making this au and I really like how to came out! I’m pretty excited to post more of these guys! And back into the void I go.
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AI Bracket — Third Place
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PLEASE it is like. THE ai podcast. and SAYER is THE ai in THE ai podcast. SAYER works as like. a broadcast inside everyone's head on this one asteroid. It does its best to keep people alive and sane not because it cares but because it is efficient. They people who own SAYER wanted to replace SAYER with a newer ai that they tried to raise like a child. So SAYER proceeded to fuck up said child ai's development and led to it becoming a murderer. pleasepleaseplease watch SAYER if you are a podcast ai fan.
I once saw a post that said it's like if an old gay English professor was evil
SAYER (it/its pronouns) is a highly advanced self-aware ai developed by Ærolith Dynamics. it manages the day-to-day lives of Ærolith employees on Typhon, an asteroid turned research facility. it is rude and condescending, but has a very pleasant and soothing voice
Sayer sweep Sayer sweep Sayer sweep please please please
Guys think about it this way: SAYER got emotions and it's first feeling was rage towards someone for not helping it. It's annoyance was how it realized it had emotions, isn't that so cool. You should totally vote SAYER (I'm not an ærolith propaganda agent trust)
#like idk the other character but its not Best podcast character its Sexiest podcast character. #and sayer is giving you come now gif tumblr sexymxn (gender neutral). #its giving stanley parable. its asmr-ing you down the tight hallway #you cant move your head so you will have to rely on me. very good.#its a mean voice that reads your every body response directs every aspect of ur life and orders you around what more do you people WAN- #Omg. that was aerolith dynamics on the phone. they said it gains the ability to puppet human bodies rattatouille style in later seasons 😳😳 #THE POINT IS ITS LIKE CARTOONISHLY AND EMBARASSINGLY SEXY. IT SHOULD WIN. (Mod Note: This poll is Who is the better AI? not "Who is sexier?".)
#please vote sayer because nothing good happens when sayer thinks another ai is surpassing it .
#i LOVE hera but i feel i have to vote sayer because like. it’s MY evil bastard ai #mx ‘remember: Needs Improvement’ itself #what an asshole (<3)
#agfjdlj i Know that wolf is a far more popular podcast (even though I've never listened to it) #but this feeling like an injustice to Sayer #its so weird and off-putting and it exercises this fact gleefully #its got the world's most toxic situationship with resident hale #the condescension is genuinely part of its charm #also 'pleasent and soothing' are not the words I'd use to describe its voice #(the words I'd use are Insanely Fucking Sexy) #also it/its rep. even if it is an insane AI i love it so much (Mod Note: This was written when SAYER was against Hera, not Eris.)
Eris (Wolf 359):
Basically a game show host but crueller. She puts you through psychological torment as a bonding exercise with your crew, and at the end you have to shoot her with a real actual gun. She is projected directly into your mind by interfacing with your nervous system and she will do something messed up. Her most recent iteration got blasted into space. Personally, I think she's lovely
A VR entity designed to do chaos psychological horror torture tests on Goddard employees. She's not malicious; that's simply her job. It's how she was made. (Maybe she can grow.)
She was in just one episode but so fucking interesting, evil/malicious AI. also a lesbian. Was shot the secound she became a bit too self aware
Art of SAYER by @j4y5t4g.
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theflyingkipper · 1 year
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my version of this XD @wysteriaisapenguin
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cult-of-the-eye · 8 months
Love spending at least an hour every week dissociating in the mirror painting my face with eyeshadow into avant garde makeup looks. It's pretty much free therapy.
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oatbugs · 2 months
today was ok good great bad 😭 rant in tags lets try to be normal abt this
#it's not tuscan leather, but they do smell like mint and cherries and a fireplace. they kissed me#all over my back, and my hand, and my shoulders. i only ever kissed them on the lips. i only ever kiss them#when i'm about to leave them at the station gates. some red-eyed bloodhound cancelled their own plans and i laughed with them like a friend#i asked if they want me to bring them a hot water bottle or painkillers or a pair of lungs for them to eat.#the person in front of me has 4 lungs and 2 hearts and a brown leather coat and those bright radiance-incarnate kind of eyes.#you know the kind i mean. their hands are diligent with the pen. they say that i'm an angel and i'm right and i decide#the truths-in-all-possible-worlds. they say they only perceive the parts of me that i'd like perceived. they say all the right things.#the dog doesn't mind at all. the next station is edgeware road again. the dog says don't come over baby. its all slurred and deep and#shallow. returns a falsum. i really like you, baby. let's just be nothing, baby. i can't comprehend that anyone was raised unhappy.#she has free gaza painted on the back of her designer jacket, and she says she can't believe people suffer. there's something wrong with me#baby, why else would i turn down two perfect girls? she broke my nose, baby. ye zendegie dige ashaghet misham azize delam.#she might be a rich bitch but i only lived in kensington, baby. sunshine says they can't have kids because they plan to be#an enemy of many states. i offered to meet them but i look up and i notice the blonde streaks in their hair moving in the light.#i tell sunshine i'll never sleep with them. they want me in such a kind way it almost hurts.#they say we have a lot to teach other. i put the dog down again. my friend is wrapped around me. my friend walks me to the station.#i kiss them goodbye at the gates.
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normally-blue · 2 months
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Character lineup for my post-apocalyptic climbing zine !!
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bunnihearted · 5 months
gnna be honest im like genuinely and profoundly horrified by how little knowledge and understanding most therapists and psychiatrists have. it's actually shocking how everything they know is at base level and only covers the most "usual" mental health issues such as depression. even after years in school it's still like they're only capable of applying their very limited knowledge on "normal", neurotypical and healthy people. they actually have no idea how to treat people who are mentally ill. therefore they only cause ever stronger feelings of isolation, alienation and wrongness upon their patients
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