#their bff who know their each others endgame
alwayshinny · 1 month
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Hinny ✨
AU, where Hinny grew up together so when the diary begins to write back to her, she confides in Harry, and they take down Tom together.
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mari-the-bimbo · 1 year
hi! could you please do something related w/ rich!geto please? idk like being childhood besties with him and how their relationship (meaning from bff to lovers) would blossom after he becomes heir of the company,, have a nice one i love your writing <3
Rich bf! Geto
A/N: STOPPPP this is such a cute idea I love it! 😮‍💨💗 also this finally pushed me out my comfort zone since I’m always writing 20 chapter long slow burns instead of writing it in one 🤣
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You guys became friends when you were 13-14. Awkward teens who spotted each other on the way to school. Geto saw you shoving 2-3 chicken nuggets in your mouth while running to school. It was hilarious in his eyes. To satisfy his curiosity of you, he offered you a ride on his bike, which you easily agreed to, but in return the raven haired boy started to call you ‘chicken nugget’. And since then you were attached to the hip.
You were Geto’s sweetheart, his dearest friend. The slightly strange but sweet girl who he didn’t miss a chance to hang out with, whether it was sneaking your cowardly ass out of class, or giving you a ride home.
And even as you both grew up, and hit puberty, the affection only grew stronger. But now there were butterflies that would grow when your eyes would meet. Or when he’d catch a glimpse of your cute smile, or when your eyes would land on his broad chest when he pulled you for a hug.
Geto always knew he had feelings for his favourite chicken nugget girl, but he didn’t believe he deserves you.
“Bro what do you mean you don’t deserve her? She wants you too bro, trust me” Gojo would reassure him, but that’s because he didn’t understand. Nobody understood how perfect you were, and how he didn’t want to fall short of being perfect for you.
And so at night, while staring at a picture he took with you from a tacky photo booth, he’d promise to make you his girlfriend that day he graduates and takes over his dad’s company. The day he is rich and powerful enough to give you the world.
And so the raven haired man continued life, knowing his ulterior motive. Mastering his degree, shadowing his father at the firm, making connections.
But he’d also watch you continue life too, slightly different to his. He’d scroll through your Instagram, watching your average life with some average nameless men.
It didn’t affect him though, you could post with as many of these basic, nameless men, but he already knew you were each other’s endgame. Till fate brings you back to him, he’ll wait through your phases.
And one day, fate was delivered.
Geto: hey, sorry to hear about your breakup nugget
Your eyes widened like saucers. It’d been a while since you spoke to your first love, Geto. Sometimes you’d imagine if life would be different if you were brave enough to confess to him. You wish you didn’t simply hold hope to the words he uttered the day he moved away for uni.
‘One day, I’ll come back for you’
His voice was so soft, and his smile so sweet, yet it seemed like a distant dream now.
You cant help but laugh at the nickname he kept for you dearly ever since you were kids.
‘Thanks’ you reply casually. Not expecting his following text.
Geto: I’m back in town soon. You free to meet up doll?
At a rooftop cafe, as the sun set, the newly appointed CEO held your hands dearly, whispered sweet nothings and made confessions of love.
And the rest was history.
It wasn’t long until Geto convinced you to move into his penthouse. Holding your hand is he guided you through the luxurious place.
Placing his chin on your shoulder, “this is your home now doll” he says.
Being the girlfriend of the rich heir Geto was peaceful. You’re his pretty angel that he loves to spoil, he never wants you to be sad or deprived of anything, especially since he’s now a millionaire.
He loves taking you to buy luxurious dresses, but he always wants you to wear it again once you’re home. With a tilt of his head and a sly smile, he’ll shamelessly encourage you to change in front of him, eyes like a hawk as he seats himself on a chair watching you undress, softly muttering dirty thoughts, making you flustered as you change.
Even as he completes paperwork at night, you’re seated on his lap. His large hand caressing your thigh, sometimes slipping his hand underneath your silk night dress to make you blush.
He’ll also occasionally look away from the work to appreciate your sleepy face, smiling before encouraging you to sleep on his lap, nudging your head onto his shoulder, kissing and cooing you enough to fall asleep in his warm muscular arms.
“Goodnight angel”
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albatmobile · 1 year
romance and return policies pt. 3
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part three of this ask!
[1] [2] [3] next: [4] [5] [6] || ao3
𓅪 Rated: M | TW: attempted SA | 2.6k includes: alternate universe no powers, modern au, eventual polyamory, eventual relationships, eventual smut, gamestop au
𓅪 established roy harper x koriand'r eventual: jason todd x reader, Roy Harper x reader, koriand'r x reader endgame: Jason Todd x reader x Roy Harper x koriand'r
“Table two,” your coworker calls your name from the counter and you sigh.
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You’ve been on break for barely three minutes, have just fucking finished peeing after holding it during the entirety of the evil Sunday lunch/dinner, dunch, whatever, rush. God forbid you get to read a page or two of your latest fixation- but no.
Sunday’s a cruel mistress.
Nay, Pam’s Diner is the real cruelty with all the last-minute doubles forced on you, but at least it's money.
Your bloated feet quickly remember the pained pressure you’d forgotten in your brief moment of sitting within seconds of standing again. Your usual strong gate is reduced to a warbled rhythm as your feet protest each contact with the tile below.
You sigh again when you see your table, though in relief. Two redheads and a skunk-stripe.
“Hey!” your pain is forgotten as you sidle up to where Jay, Roy and Kori are seated in the corner booth in your section. “Guess it’s only fair you guys get to come harass me at work now too, huh?”
Roy chuckles, “Oh, yeah. Big time.”
Kori smacks him on the shoulder, not delicately, mind you, “We will be doing nothing of the harassment with our wonderful friend.”
Roy holds his hands up in surrender and offers you a sheepish apology. “She should know by now that I’m just kidding around!” Roy looks to you for silent approval, something you roll your eyes but give, nonetheless. “See! She’s a total babe about it.”
“Total babe,” you roll your eyes again, mocking him. “Kori,” she looks up at you. “You feeling any better?” 
Kori stutters out a yes before turning to Roy, who offers her no help with the shit-eating grin that now adorns his face. 
“She so digs you, Star,” Roy nudges Kori, who blushes. You watch as she tucks her hair behind her tanned, pierced ears and inadvertently do the same. “Girls get away with so much more shit with each other than guys can," he taps the table as if deep in thought. "Now that I think of it, Jay wouldn’t even let me watch porn with him when we were first BFFs. Can you believe that?” he jabs an elbow into Jay's side, "Didn't take long to change that though, eh?"
Everyone at the table stares at him, though Jay’s and yours come across as more deadpan than Kori’s shocked one.
“Roy,�� you sigh his name, hitting your pad with the butt of your pen. “Just fucking order before I start lengthening my visits to piss you off.”
“Is that not what you already do?” It’s surprisingly from Kori and you have no choice but to throw your head back and laugh. You watch her clap her hands together with your eyes still crinkled with laughter at how adorable Kori is. “She is a total babe, Roy!”
You blush, realizing she must’ve meant about how you handled their humor… obviously.
From behind, you hear the manager, Pam, clear her throat. You turn around to see her pointedly looking at her watch, then at you. God forbid someone make some fucking tips in this shithole.
“Roy,” you glance up from your empty pad of paper to meet his verdant gaze. “Food. Pick. Now,” you lean down to point your pen down on his menu, fixing him with a semi-stern glance.
“Big stack,” he leans in, closing the distance between the two of you as he hands you his menu. You inadvertently release a gasp at the close contact as he proudly recites his order from memory, the fucking cunt. “Chocolate chip and peanut butter cakes, please, alternated if ya care, darlin’,” he winks. “Side of sausage would be incredible."
You mutter under your breath something about him still being incorrigible before retreating to focus on the raven-haired man beside him. “And what can I get for you, Jay?” 
He’s been, unsurprisingly, quiet and you catch him off guard. His cheeks flush and his menu flips up as a makeshift barrier to cover it. 
Roy snickers, “Jay, you gettin’ that pan cake too?” Roy’s fiery eyebrows wiggle up and down until there’s a loud thump, followed by Roy groaning. “Well, excuse me for living, bro.” Another thump, followed by another groan from Roy.
The bells above the diner door jingle and your co-workers voice out ‘hello’s’ in varied levels of enthusiasm.
Kori’s voice draws your attention back to the table, “Two of the breakfast specials for me. One with bacon and waffles, the other with sausage and chocolate chip pancakes, please!” she flashes you her perfect teeth as she hands you back the menu with her Hello Kitty acrylics, bending the laminate page in the process.
“‘Atta girl,” Roy pats her on the back. “Actually, I’ll do the same.” 
You fiddle with their menus before steadying them over top of each other under your arm before turning back to Jay.
“French toast, please.”
“Bacon or sausage, love?” you blush as soon as your usual work pet name for customers accidentally slips through. You clear your throat to cover over the sounds of Roy’s barely concealed snickering.
In your defense, you ask this question to tables around ten times a shift, if not more. 
It’s out of habit. 
Purely habit, you convince yourself. 
The rest of their visit goes without further complications as the ever-present weekend rush streaming incessantly through the doors keeps you busy for the most part. Soon enough, you’re boxing up what remains of Jay’s and Roy’s plates and sending them out the door with extra goodies.
It’s not the last time they all visit, but mainly Roy and Jay or, even more surprisingly, Jay on his own trickle in throughout the following weeks.
When it’s just Jay and Roy, you know they’ll leave you with stitches in your sides from their constant old-married-couple-esque banter.
However, it’s the times Jay comes in on his own and plops down at the counter with a book that you appreciate the most. His presence demands attention and damn, does he have all of yours.
“Whatcha reading this week?” you stop yourself from using your usual ‘handsome’ pet name, but just barely. It’s a diner, for fucks sake. People expect a certain hospitality. Doll, darlin’, handsome, cutie, love and gorgeous have all now been permanently ingrained into your lingo here. He tilts the book better towards you from your position behind him. You set the coffee pot down on the counter and lean in, brushing against his shoulder in the process, “A Separate Peace?”
He hums in approval, watching as your eyes skim over the fifth page of the book. There’s a great pause as you assume he finishes reading before he looks up at you, silently asking for your permission to turn the page. You let out an amused huff and nod, settling close once again as you begin to scan through the next page. 
It's only a matter of time before Pam pops up out of nowhere and the last thing you needed was another write-up, so, after another page, you set about work once again, albeit distracted.
After the raven-haired man’s fourth solo visit, you realize you both read at the same pace. You only notice because he stays on the page a bit too long, even after both of your eyes have stopped pouring over the words. 
This time, as soon as you finish, you catch his eyes. You offer a tiny smile when you see him come to the end of the text and waste no time in flipping the page. 
From then on out, you’re in charge of page flipping, so long as other tables don’t call your attention away for too long. You never mind when he goes ahead and continues reading, considering most of them were classics you’ve already read cover to cover. 
“I can always flip back to page 143,” he offers easily as your tired weight sinks against him after a particularly drawn-out rush. 
You just refill his coffee and allow him to turn the pages until he finds a rhythm that works for both of you. You blush, thinking about all the other rhythms you could find with him. However, the pain in your feet draws the majority of your attention, while the plot on the pages of his book captures the rest.
“I need to get a library card to keep up with you,” you glance around for Pam, grateful when her red hair is nowhere in sight. “I used to go to the library more than GameStop, if you’d believe it.”
“I do,” he smirks without taking his eyes off the page. “There’s a nice library outside next to the community garden near the reservations a bit of ways east.”
“Sounds nice,” you say, furrowing your brows as you read, then reread a paragraph. 
Is he asking you on a date?
You must’ve been quiet for a while because his deep voice startles you from your wandering thoughts. “You talk a lot in the store, but you seem to be pretty quiet right now.” 
You blush at his observation, “Shut up, Jay.” 
He snorts humorlessly, “Why do you keep calling me that?” 
“Is that not your name?” 
“No,” he glances at you from out of the corner of his eye. 
“Oh.” What do you say to that? Silence proceeds and you let yourself become wrapped up in it before anxiously offering an explanation. “It’s just, you never wear a name tag and the only things Roy ever calls you is Jay or Jaybird, so,” you trail off, trying hard not to desperately search his eyes for approval. 
“It’s Jason,” he says.
You nod, “Okay, Jason.” 
“I don’t care if you keep calling me Jay, though. It’s kind of cute,” he hands you his phone before your blush can worsen, if that’s even possible, and you enter your number. He wastes no time in phoning you so you can have his number, too. “Come in tomorrow. I get off at noon; I’ll take you.”
Again, date???? 
“Okay, Jay,” you say, catching the nickname too late and duck your head sheepishly. 
You hear the kitchen door hinges squeak and quickly busy yourself with the cloth in your hand. You innocently wipe as Pam glares you down like she knows you've been slacking off.
“You’re staying for inventory today, right?” Pam’s smile is pure rancid shit to you.
Considering this is the third time this month she’s assigned you this laborious task, you feel like losing your shit. None of the other workers ever seemed to have inventory duty, but here you are, staying into the wee hours of the night, driving yourself crazy with numbers until it all looks like a foreign language AGAIN . 
“Sure thing, Pam,” you respond with the same fake smile. “I’ll be here.”
Her eyes flick from Jason to you with amusement before exiting the restaurant. 
Jason sips the last of his coffee and closes his book, “Glad to know there are shittier managers out there than me.”
“I wouldn’t mind having you as a boss,” you admit, picking up his empty cup and dumping it in the bus tray behind the counter. 
He takes in your expression, searching for sarcasm. When he finds none, he laughs and your heart stops, “Please, you’d just slack off like all my other employees.”
You shoot him a look, “Oh, so that’s what you’ve deduced from the time you’ve spent watching me? Don't act like you don't see me run my ass off here shift after shift.”
“Yeah, I’d never want your job,” he blinks with one eye. Normally, you’d just think he’s winking, but it just seems like a twitch. Is he nervous or something? He clears his throat, ruffling his hair in the process, “Want me to wait for you?”
“Just have to get change for this one table, then I can close down for the night,” you wave him off, walking him to the door. “Trust me, you already know inventory sucks ass.”
“True, just be careful,” he glances over his shoulder at you in lieu of a goodbye. 
You watch him board a red Benelli and book it out of the empty parking lot with a loud roar that shakes you to your bones all the way from inside.
You regret not taking his offer 15 minutes later when you look up at the sound of the door’s bell. 
Your welcome instantly dies on your tongue when you see the creep from GameStop hobble drunkenly over to the counter. There’s a wicked glint in his eyes, one that’s entirely hard to miss
You text Jason and hesitate a few beats before also texting Roy, lamenting the fact you don’t have Kori’s number. You shoot off quick messages asking if either can stop by the diner ASAP. You slip your phone inconspicuously back into your apron, completely undetected by the dickwad at the counter, before continuing on with your closing duties.  
A minute later and the silence is broken.
His rough voice has your head shooting toward him, but it's too slurred to make out. He continues rambling to himself as you attempt to distance yourself from him, but once he stands up, you still feel too close.
"I said," he grips the counter for balance, "You gotta guard dog here, too?"
"I'm allergic to dogs." It's a lie, but he doesn't need to know that.
You try to keep it light and flit about your closing duties until the man grabs you around the waist. Before you can stop it, he tugs you against him, closing the entirety of distance you've created between the two of you.
You struggle against his hold, elbowing behind you until you hear a sickening crunch when you make contact with his nose.
“What? You fuckin’ both of ‘em, you fuckin’ whore?” his words are slurred and, from up close, you’re affronted with the smell of whiskey. “You like cock so much, but you don’t want mine?" He smacks you across the face and you fall to the floor with a shocked cry. "You, ungrateful BITCH!” 
Your phone clatters against the tile just out of reach as the man rushes forward and attempts to pin you against the cold floor below. It’s been mere seconds, but, fuck, does it feel like forever as his beady eyes take in your body like a lion sidling up to its cornered prey. 
Your heartbeat rapidly pounds in your ears as the seconds tick on.
You try your best to kick and roll, but his satisfied, drunken laughter soon fills the emptiness of the diner. You feel all hope leave you. 
That is, until the door's kicked in.
The man’s weight is off of you in an instant. Soon, the cold quiet of the dim diner is replaced with pained screams as two shadows beat down on the man relentlessly.
A sweet voice startles you from behind- Kori, you realize once you get past the haze of what just happened.
“Are you hurt?” her gentle hands cup your arms as she helps you stand. She says your name again and you meet her eyes, albeit unfocused, “Did he hurt you?”
Physically? Yes. Mentally? Yes.  
She eyes you with doubt but continues to calmly guide you out of the diner. “We won’t allow him on our premises anymore, I promise,” she coos your name gently as her long, thin fingers stroke through your hair. “I promise,” she repeats over and over again and your heartbeat finally steadies.
Tears drip silently down your cheeks until flashes of red and blue stain them.
The cops come and try their best to dissuade you from filing a report, warning that it can take hours and might not even get anywhere. However, with the support of your newfound friends, you persevere and mentally prepare yourself for the battle ahead.
Your restraining order is filed and issued within the week.
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A/N: i dont really get into the aftermath much in this fic but i did just want to say: sometimes when assault happens it’s not as big or obvious in the moment like this but it doesn’t make your feelings any less valid. when you feel in your gut that something’s wrong, please believe yourself and follow through with necessary precautions/steps and allow yourself to grieve- love y’all
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jaegerisim · 1 year
I am going to go controversial here. Stancy is a horrible ship even worse than mlvn.
Steve and Nancy have nothing in common. Nancy is an independent woman who wants a career, not a family. Meanwhile, Steve wants a nuclear middle-class family which she has explicitly said she'd hate to have. I am not saying it's not ok for Steve to want that, but it def isn't what would make Nance happy.
Second of all, the only thing that's real abt Stancy is their physical attraction. That is objective. It is in the script. It explicitly says that when Steve does a perfect landing, Nancy finds it hot and it's ok to find ppl hot while you are dating someone but not to lead them on, which is to one extent what Nancy does with Steve. (I'm not slandering her, I love her just as much as the next Nancy stan but it is not ok to do that)
Meaning, the Duffers mishandled Nance's character this season regarding relationships. Badly but not unrealistic. I hate how they made Nancy lead on Steve or at least flirt with him when his feelings are not shared. We know Jancy is the endgame, we know bc the ending of the season foreshadowed it. Yet, her character is extremely realistic for me and that's why I love her sm. She was a teenager when her BFF disappeared while she was having sex with Steve (another reason why they can't work, Nance associates Steve with Barb's disappearance. Then she learns about her gruesome death in another dimension, she feels guilty and tries to avenge her. All of this happens and Jonathan is always there with her. Always. He doesn't leave her side. Jonathan and Nance have shared trauma, while Steve and Nancy don't even have that. While Nancy was with Jonathan, Steve was with The Party. They each find their own people. In this situation, it is normal for Nancy to be confused over her feelings as her character arc focuses on her growth and maturity as a woman handling romance and trauma.
Furthermore in S3 Steve says she likes Robin bc she isn't like Nancy. He got over her and thinks that he needs someone different from her. In the pitch, Robin would be Steve's girlfriend, yet in the end, she was his platonic soulmate. This was something I particularly loved bc this shows that Steve's character arc is not about romantic love but for platonic and brotherly love he finds in Dustin and Robin.
Now, about Jonathan's character arc. This character is unjustly hated, IMO. He is super underrated and deserves more appreciation. I love Steve but Jonathan is personally a better character. Jonathan comes from years of abuse and neglect having to take care of his younger brother who gets atrociously bullied and abused at school and home. He is forced to drop out and work full time taking extra shifts at work in order for them to scrape by. This means he has the same or more trauma than Steve. Jonathan had to go alone to buy a coffin for his presumed dead brother and grieve for him alone while having to deal with his supposedly delirious mother and abusive father. All of this at the age of 14-15.
Due to the lack of social interaction, we know Jonathan has, he has trouble comprehending Nancy as he sees her as this rich, pampered priss. She isn't and he learns this. He and she let go of their prejudice towards each other to reach a common goal, find their loved one.
Stancys claim Jonathan neglected Nancy when she was being mistreated at work during S3. In this situation, both were in the wrong. Nancy was being a bit selfish bc she wasn't taking into consideration the fact that if Jonathan lost the job, his family would have severe economical problems since they need money desperately. Jonathan showed very little empathy towards Nancy's struggle with misogyny but Steve wasn't even present here so what support did he show? Plus it is canon Steve allowed and even encouraged his friends to slut shame Nancy. Even when Jonathan lies to Nancy about going to college, this isn't such a big issue as having a bf who allows you to be publicly humiliated. Yes, Jonathan did take photos of Nancy without her consent but she forgives him.
So in conclusion, Nancy and Steve will never be endgame because of their lack of romantic chemistry and dare I say, they don't have chemistry at all except this last season which seems pretty forced by the narrative to me!
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idk how familiar you are with modern captain america comics/most recent cap stuff, but they're so bad and so endgame-like in how it just throws random ideas at a wall to see what sticks, but it just ends up covering any good ideas they manage to get with 💩 . and the newest ones just seem to resent the fact that they're writing a book with Bucky & Steve, at times it literally feels like those "not team cap friendly" fanfictions with the way they get their characters so wrong go to lengths to "prove" (thru OOC writing) that the friendship of this franchise isn't important/overrated to uplift other things in its place 🙃
Like I would love nothing more if the creative team suddenly got replaced/got their 💩 together and continued this awful plotline with Bucky & Steve genuinely being part of the same team, because for some reason marvel seems to avoid Steve & Buck fighting alongside each other like it's the worst thing ever... even though they're supposed to be BFFs??? so like my delusional hope for this 💩 to turn itself around is if we finally a long term Bucky Steve team up
and if I was in charge, I'd retcon away a lot of the Cold War OOC-ness that felt spiteful and destructive/regressive & instead add some of my own constructive retcons to enhance and progress Bucky & Steve's old canon dynamic instead of mischaracterizing it and crushing it and trying to wipe it away, something like:
And after the events of the Cold War event, Steve and Bucky join forces once again finally and have a heart to heart after being reminded of the last time they teamed up together -- Steve recalls when he first met Bucky at Camp Lehigh before being injected with the superserum, and he remembers the way Bucky protected small skinny Steve Rogers at bootcamp without even asking for anything in return. This was the foundation of Steve's trust in Bucky, how Bucky stepped up as Steve's protector and guardian angel(with a shotgun) -- And Bucky reminds Steve that he always protected him from the cold harsh realities of war and bloodshed and was the one to do the dirty work that needed to be done; Bucky got his own hands dirty to keep Steve's hands clean -- And in the wake of the events with the Outer Circle, Steve confesses to Bucky that he doesn't want Bucky to have to do that, tells him that if he needs to get his hands dirty too, then so be it, as long as they do it together. -- Steve pleads Bucky to watch his back and be his (fallen)guardian angel again, to not leave him again -- Steve opens his arms and Bucky accepts wraps and morphs* his arm around Steve like a metal wing as a protective symbol, a sign of his commitment to watch over Steve like he has always done.
.*I actually don't like the stuff these new comics did to Bucky's arm, chopping it off and adding a "freakier" "evil" one, it feels like they are doing it to (ableist-ly) dehumanize Bucky as "damaged" and "corrupted" like how marvel always loves to do to the guy imprisoned and tortured by Nazis, but if Bucky's gonna have a shapeshifting metal arm then they could at least use it to create some (positive) visual symbolism, but doing that requires an actual love for the characters which the new(ish) creatives in charge of Bucky & Steve seem to be devoid of
I don't read them (and frankly don't know why anyone who liked the characters still would) but I've seen the bad panels on twitter. And... it's the homophobia.
They must be separated and undermined and the disabled one must be demonized and made monstrous because #givecapaboyfriend trended on twitter and Sebastian Stan's contract is ending. They hired artistically bankrupt writers with no interest or investment in the characters, and no intention of bettering themselves, because those writers had those qualities. And Lady Brexit must be lionized and shoved down our throats at all cost to cover up the fact that they adapted a Nazi character, and because the actress fucked Tom Cruise and made herself seem briefly relevant and useful to have on staff again.
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rating stranger things ships because why not :)
(these are my own personal opinions, it’s cool if you think something else but pls don’t be rude or anything thank you)
(also this is rating not ranking tho i might make one wear i rank from favorite to least favorite)
byler: 10/10 no further questions your honor.
lumax: 10/10 i love them sm <33
elmax: 9/10 god i love them (btw i only docked a point bc by itself it’s not like my favorite ship, i’d go with lumax over it but yea i still adore them)
elumax: 10/10 top. fucking. tier. it doesn’t get better than this.
stancy: 2/10 they were a little cute in s1 but they would literally never work
jancy: 10/10 jancy my beloved <3
ronance: 9/10 what can i say they’re perfect for each other
jargyle: 8/10 stoner boyfriends, they’re cute
steddie: 6.5/10 it’s good, but not great. there was potential, but the shippers ruined it for me. and if they weren’t white y’all wouldn’t even bat an eye be serious.
m*leven: … moving on. jk they’re like a 1/10 no chemistry there at all, mike wheeler i know what you are.
madwheeler (platonic): 10/10 they’re best friends. i will always push the madwheeler bff agenda. they act like they hate each other but they’d literally die for one another I LOVE THEM! romantically tho NO that feels like you are asking me to ship willel romantically like they’re siblings they’re family madhweeler brother and sister wlw mlm hostility.
duzie: 10/10 who doesn’t love them? give us more duzie in s5 or else i’m gonna riot
jopper: 10/10 need i say more?
job/boyce (what’s their official ship name anyways?): 7/10 they were adorable you can’t lie. i mean jopper was always endgame for me but bob and joyce were so cute together they would’ve been great and as incredibly sad as bobs death was, i’m glad that we never had to see joyce break up with him bc that would’ve been painful
harringrove: 0/10 wtf.
stonathan: 5/10 i can see why people ship this, it’s not a bad ship tbh i’m just personally not a fan ig. you’re cool if you’re a stonathan truther tho, you keep doing you bro, keep being unproblematic thank you
stoncy: 5.5/10 i actually don’t hate this tbh, it’s cool ig, and the stoncys out there are so chill shout out to y’all for being unproblematic cuz you deserve that recognition
platonic with a capital P steve and robin: 10/10 i fucking love them sm there friendship is so important to me
murray x dmitri: 8/10 idk why but i find this ship both great and funny, let the russian and the conspiracy theorist uncles be together
murray x alexei: 8/10 as well they were definitely together tbh
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nikethestatue · 2 years
Why it's important to you that Elriel is EndGame? I think it's important because Elain makes her own decisions and chooses what she wants, but what do you think?
For me personally, it's important because I like logical narratives. I like slowburns as well--I like gradual falling in love, issues, problems to overcome, while the buildup keeps growing. It's super satisfying to me to finally go through the First Kiss stage, then First Intimate moment stage, then Confession stage, then Consummation stage.
We've been with Elriel for 4 books now--slowly watching them grow fond of each other, then grow closer and closer, we've watched them do small and big and absurdly heroic things for each other. We've seen them exchange shy glances, touches, we've seen them care for one another, we've seen them worry and try to find solutions. We've seen Azriel finally figuring out what Elain was suffering from, and we saw Elain observe his headaches, and get him something for it. We've seen her grow bolder, and we've seen him grow gentler around her. We've seen him give her his hand and her taking it without judgement or second thought. We've seen him risk his life for her and we've seen him trust her and know something about her and her inner strength and resilience to give her Truth Teller. We've seen both of them move on from very strong feeling for 2 other people that they were in love/infatuated/adored before.
Why wouldn't I want to see all of that come to fruition?
Their romance follows the pattern of BIG SJM relationships--attraction, denial of that attraction, internal and external factors that disallow them to be together, big, sacrificial gestures, mutual assistance throughout the books, and then romantic interest.
To this day, I am legitimately BAFFLED as to why someone would NOT want to see this through?
Obviously, if SJM wanted Elain and Lucien together, it would be he who'd be saving her, and Azriel wouldn't be present in the picture. Lucien would be longing for her, Lucien would be rushing to see her and spend time. Instead, we have Lucien somewhere far, far away and I can read between the lines, you know?
I read romantic books, whether it's fantasy or something else, to see the development of those relationships.
From the standpoint of the characters themselves--Elain always struggled with autonomy and choice.
Azriel has struggled with acceptance and being chosen. Whether it's his family, which rejected him and treated him horrifically, or his own people, who dislike him severely, or Mor, who chose Cassian to lose her virginity to, and then chose Cassian as her BFF, while knowing that Azriel was deeply in love with her.
I want Elain to make her choices, and I want Azriel to be chosen.
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isolatedcorner · 2 years
Liu Yao thoughts so far: (⚠️Spoilers ahead!!⚠️)
I fucking love how slow it starts out. You get to spend time understanding all the Fuyao kids and their motivations. And the fact that their friendship took time to BUILD. A lot of stories rush into making the main group BFFS right off the bat because they want the bonding/friendship stuff to happen immediately, but Priest?? The legend??? Gives us 19 chapters of Cheng Qian despising the other kids and them just not getting along because WHY WOULD THEY??
Also Priest let kids. Act like kids. They’re shitty and bratty and in YZM’s case, spoilt af. Kid CQ’s bitterness and pettiness is so realistic for a kid his age.
The Fuyao kids get their asses handed to them all. The. Time. They ain’t getting those badass OP Xianxia powers at the age of 15.
The way CQ and YZM’s relationship builds ughhxkkc my heart. Look I went in knowing they’re the endgame pairing but their relationship developed so naturally that you don’t even CARE about them being the canon ship halfway through, you just melt bit by bit as their friendship grows stronger and stronger
They’re all!! Such!! SOFTIES!!! CQ and YZM are both softhearted bitches who won’t admit or even realise it!!! And all 5 of them just— they care about each other so much you really DO believe that they are family.
That passage about CQ feeling like a child for the first time when Han Muchun shielded him from the rain🥺🥺
The scene where Han Muchun… you know… 🥲🥲
My eyes were wet when Han Muchun demonstrated the five stages of the Fuyao Sword Technique (or whatever it’s called in Eng Translation idk I read it in Chinese)
Anyways I’m fucking HOOKED and I’m only on Chapter 30 something
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shivstar · 2 months
A Blackbolt ( Sirius Black and Kingsley Shacklebolt endgame) fic idea - No voldemort au.
As a person who is super interested in prongsfoot but most fic I read are either about unrequited love on Sirius part or James loving two people or something to do with Lily in general. And i am pissed about that...
So I got this idea-
James is crushing over lily but she doesn't give him time of the day. James decides he has had enough of pinning for someone who dislikes him. Seeing his friend downtrodden, Sirius one day confesses his feelings to james, knowing that either James will agree to try or otherwise trusting their friendship enough to know that they would recover from this if James is uninterested, and things will only be awkward for a few days at most. He puts himself in a vulnerable position.
James though surprised takes everything like a champ and acknowledges that the sort of bond they have, it is possible to be something more than friends.
So they try and honestly it goes on pretty well. It is both their first relationship and they are young so obviously there are ups and downs. The shift between the relationship also takes a little trial and error but they both are understanding and good with communication as friends to lovers should be.
They are going steady for around 4-5 months. Still in their beginning phase.
Meanwhile, lily who has stopped getting affection and attention from James, seems to have come to the realisation that he is a really good guy but is disappointed that he has backed off when she was warming up to the idea. So in these months where prongsfoot are in a relationship which they are not keeping secret but keeping under wraps because they are still working things out so not many people know. Only their inner friend circle which lily is not a part of.
Lily then one day asks James out. James who is developing romantic relationship for his bff seems to be on crossroads. For James has always had this picture of an ideal couple in his mind and has still difficulty in being presented as a queer to the society. On the other hand he still has pretty strong crush on lily.
So he sits down with sirius and explains to him that he wants to try with lily because if he let go of this opportunity then he will regret forever and that what if will forever haunt him.
Sirius who can see that lily's proposal is already causing fight bw them and feels that it is not worth it if he will loose James as a friend too if he keeps his ground, he himself breaks things off.
Still Sirius Unwillingly carries a torch for James even after the way he was thrown away as soon as lily came back in picture. He reverts to the role of james's loyal bff.
This continues on as jily get married and have harry. He is honestly like a third party to the relationship because James is still emotionally dependent on sirius for many things despite being married.
At this point Sirius is a little bored with his profession of Auror too. He feels suffocated due to his unrequited love, his inner conflict of wanting James to be happy and wanting James to be his, his career which doesn't stroke the fire in his heart.
So he decides to make one change. He can't help loving James but he can make a job change. I mean the wizards live for more then a century, I can totally see them changing careers.
So he decides to go for becoming a healer.
But as he was a Auror, he is accepted in a program where he can become a healer for the Department of magical law enforcement instead of working in mungo's.
Here he heals the injured aurors etc.
The change in career allows him a little breathing space away from James who still is an auror. But they will see each other at the job once he finishes his study and training as a healer. This provides him an opportunity to branch out because the proximity with James is really exhausting for him. With common friend circle, similar job, being harrys godfather etc.
Here Sirius meets Kingsley who is an Auror too who gets injured one day. The two of them had worked together and had a friendly coworker relationship.
But the thing is that Kingsley has been harboring feeling for sirius for a little while ago. He used to observe him from afar but due to James and sirius being attached at hip he could never be more than a coworker. His noticing his crush from afar also made him know about sirius's non platonic feelings for James which James takes for granted because these boys are messy together.
With change in profession, sirius becomes friends with Kingsley. And has other people he can hangout with who are not common friends with James. Getting to have this made sirius realise how freeing it is to just breath away from James for two seconds.
I know many people will disagree but if the love Sirius has for James is so big then the hurt that causes has to be big too. Even if he never acknowledged it to himself.
So he basks and grows as a individual person in the few hours daily he has away from James. He still hangs out with James, has dinner at the potters, babysits harry etc.
Kingsley after a few months of friendship comes to the conclusion that the man he has been crushing on from afar is really good person inside too. Not just his look and talents and charisma but his loyalty and ability to not hold grudges and compassion and durability. So he pats himself on back for being attracted to a deserving person, albeit one who has his heart engaged to other.
So he gather courage and decides to tell Sirius but has no expectations in return knowing that Sirius though single is not emotionally unattached. He just wants to put it out there.
Sirius who wants so badly to have a way out of his stupid feeling. He sits on the knowledge that Kingsley practically confessed his love for him. He has never been with anyone since James.
And that is because he is a demiromantic and demisexual individual and up untill this point random dating never suited him. And because only James was a deserving person in his close proximity up until this point, he had begun thinking of himself as a person unable to love as his codependency with James and pretty small group of circle never allowed his de mi ass to feel anything for anyone. But the months being friends with Kingsley and liking him as a person, he decides to give it a try after being friends with the man for almost a while year with both of them acknowledging that Sirius still has feelings for James.
Sirius request to keep it lowkey at the beginning. Not having trust in himself to be good in relationship with how James left things in the middle when everything was so perfect.
Meanwhile, with a little distant that sirius has put, James is struggling because his emotional needs are not getting fulfilled. This causes friction in his marriage as that aspect was heavily dependent on sirius which both James and lily know but never acknowledge. So in this period of almost 2.5 year where Sirius quit his job, and become healer they begin having fights and conflicts.
Meanwhile Gradually Kingsley makes Sirius feel special. Takes him on dates. Brings him gifts. Make him feel important and listened to. They communicate about how sirius is scared of Kingsley leaving sirius if he finds someone better. And Kingsley attempts at helping sirius with this insecurity. But they have trouble on this particular issue as this is a wound left by James and however much Kingsley tries he can not help in healing this part of Sirius's pain. Also kingsley is already in love while sirius is still in love with other man and also has very strong feelings for kingsley too. It causes a little conflict here too.
Jily in a last ditch effort to salvage their breaking marriage comes up with a decision to ask Sirius to enter into a poly relationship with them. They don't know that Sirius is dating for almost 6 month now. Because he didn't want the shadow of his previous failed relationship to fall on this one good thing he has found. He never lies to them. He just omits to tell them about being more than a friend to Kingsley whenever they ask what was he doing and who was he with.
Sirius is honestly floored with the offer but the pain he has keep hidden in the corner of his heart begins bursting when jily make proposal and request sirius to think on it before answering. Sirius fumes silently during the whole conversation but doesn't opens his mouth knowing his anger will cause him to hurt two people he respects most.
Sirius tells about this to Kingsley because he is honestly baffled at jily's audacity to offer him this as if he is a bandage to their unsuccessful marriage. Kingsley though thinks that this is the end with sirius because why would sirius choose him when James has come around so he mopes around. A little miscommunication between them because all this time sirius has been falling for Kingsley but James has always remained his priority which inturn aroused Kingsley's insecurity of being a second choice. While sirius is fighting his inner battle where he is frustrated at himself for pledging his primary loyalty to James despite being so hurt and left behind. He kicks himself for not being able to love Kingsley anywhere near how much he deserves.
But this incident helps him understand himself and the puzzle of his feelings and emotions.
He confronts James for being selfish and self serving and lily too because from very early on in her relationship to James she was made aware of James abruptly dropping off sirius to be with her. He makes them know that he is not responsible whatsoever for making their relationship work. Because either way he won't care. If it works he is happy for them, if it doesn't he will stay friends with both. But he will not allow them to use him so that those two can work.
This Confrontation turns out to be the thing he needed to let go of the past. As he never made James realise how much he was hurt. He let this wound unattended this long. But he has begun healing after the talk.
He has a long conversation with Kingsley too . And begs the man to try one more time. This time with Sirius being 100 percent invested in it. This time Sirius puts in effort. Becomes equal partner in the true sense if word. Make kingsley feel what he himself feels in the man's presence. Cherished. And they make it work and have an happy ever after.
Sirius obviously forgives james. James for the first time also acknowledges taking sirius, his love and loyaltybfor granted. Mourns the loss if a wonderful romantic relationship they could have if only he had not been such a teenager when lily asked him out because in the hindsight and with the knowledge of hus failed marriage, the only thing he could do is feel remorse, regret and grovel for Sirius's forgiveness. And accept that Sirius has moved on.
Jily part ways and become coparent after trying out and failing to make their relationship work.
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Movie theories
Theres no June (an actress wouldve been cast by this point). Nora will take the place of her, not as Alex’s sister, but as his sole female guide/friend/groupchat member. So no more June/Nora romance (she could still be bi though, but wouldnt be surprised if she wasnt). feel like it’ll be Nora and Pez endgame.
No powerpoint scene. i know, i know, its a classic scene… but i just have a deep feeling that it wont be there.
Since theres no June, the vacation to Alex’s dad house is going to be different— the swimming scene is important so i think thatll be there in some way, but i have a feeling they may not actually go to his dad’s house. instead they might just be somewhere together. Hope im wrong because i love the vacation.
Nora wont be jewish
The signet ring/house key moment will be at the end of the movie instead of more towards the middle. i can imagine it being revealed in the final moments. But i think Alex will def still put the ring on his necklace.
no groupchat. Because i think the emails will be the only constant communication method shown, so i think the texting between all of then wont be shown.
I think june was taken out because Henry has a sister and a bff who are so different from each other and necessary in their own ways, while Alex has a sister and bff who are similar to each other enough that they probably combined the two to save money and not have 2 closely similar characters around.
The queen is now the king. (feel like most people are thinking this one)
thats all i can think of right now. i had more but i forgot them. so tbc (as i reread)…
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heliumcake · 2 years
i feel like maybe mike's straight. judging by his reaction at the ice rink he cant fathom why will would equate their friendship to el, who is his gf at the time. idk is there a possibility or is byler actually endgame because i still feel it could go either way (mike rejects will, they stay bffs)
that’s a way to interpret it yeah even though i personally wouldn’t find it weird that will wants to receive letters from mike…? so i don’t know why mike does lol that whole thing would make more sense if we knew whether the rest of their friends send letters too or if it’s just mike writing to el.
the thing is though if it was only will being jealous of el and mike not understanding why it would be one thing, but the narrative itself presents both el and will as two sides of the same coin and both of their relationships with mike are constantly paralleling each other (the most notable one is their fight in s3 vs el breaking up with mike, one scene being dramatic vs the other one that’s more lighthearted and comedic. but there are several and you are meant to compare these scenes).
but there is just no need to create comparisons between two relationships that are different in nature, just like you said, why would they be equating mike’s friendship with will and his relationship with eleven if they are completely different things? it’s because they aren’t. it’s creating a sort of love triangle situation that just wouldn’t be there if the intention behind it wasn’t that mike has to make a decision. and there wouldn’t be a decision to make if mike didn’t have romantic feelings for will.
mike is also queercoded in some ways and there are a lot of details that support the idea of him liking will and byler being endgame, but at the end it’s the viewer’s choice what relationship they root for, as they are both equally as possible! i would suggest rewatching the series with this in mind and you’ll probably notice the parallels.
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Art credit goes to @rosecat-uwu, for the redesign!
Name: Mydrel Altera Starleaf (Midnight)
Nickname(s): ‘Night, Midi, Middy Gender: Male (He / Him)
Species: Night Demon / Wolf-Human Hybrid
Birthday / Age: June 19, 2006 (17 years old)
Fun fact(s:) He’s a talk show host, he swears by pacifism and he loves swimming! Also he’s an avid worldhopper, visiting different realms in his free time! He hates wasps, dark rooms, and his ghostly possessive spirit sibling, named Staticlight.
Description(s): “he doesn’t like ‘your mom’ jokes :o(“ - Dev, “A fucking dork.” - Staticlight, “With a bright and bubbly personality, Midnight really is the life of the party and also he’s cute!” - Ambrosia, “he's a chill dude, but he really needs more color on his clothes than blue.” - Flare, “he’s rlly cool!!!” - Rosecat“
Appearance: (N/A, as there is a picture already) Outfit(s): Talkshow Outfit: This outfit (described in the picture), is Midnight's primary outfit that he wears on set for his talk show, MMTS (Midnight's Misfortunate Talk Show), and sometimes he wears it at other formal events.
Starstruck Outfit: This outfit is Midnight's endgame-like look at the end of Book I of the Melody Blade Saga, when he equips the Melody Blade. It's said that this outfit is a magical-girl like transformation for him, with the stars adorning his ears, pants, and everywhere else on his clothing. The Melody Blade, which is Midnight's iconic weapon, is included with this transformation. Casual Outfit: This outfit is Midnight's everyday wear. With a soft jacket painted with stars it's really quite comfortable.
(tw: near death by drowning, car crash)
Midnight was born to biological human parents Aubri Cosmai and Julien Cosmai in a suburban household in western Penwood City. Being a wolf-human child, his mother (who later turned out was a night demon herself, she just somehow managed to hide that side of her from her husband Julien) didn't know how to properly take care of him, so he was neglected and left to starve most nights. Julien, who was Midnight's biological father, had seen the impact on his mental state and one night as he was heading to bed, Julien decided to confront his mother about this.
Throughout the night, a volley of verbal crossfire was thrown between them and as Midnight struggled to sleep, he could hear demonic yelling and bottles being broken against the outside of the bedroom wall. He hoped and prayed that someday he'd be in a better household, things weren't looking too good for him right now.
In that morning, to take his mind off things he decided to give himself a natural bath in the nearby river next to the house. As he got in the cool blue water and swam further into the middle, his mother who had been drunk the night before (which explains the broken bottles and demonic yelling) somehow thought he was in distress and ran in to save him but ended up pushing him under for a few seconds before he came back up.
Ever since that day, he has been traumatised by swimming in lakes but he's learning to slowly get over it.
He had unwillingly endured four more years of the same: near-daily arguments, broken bottles and loud stomping after those confrontations were over. Early one Tuesday afternoon, Julien had called up Midnight's uncle who lived in Songbourough and it seemed that finally he would be free from this household with a demonic mother who left the house in shambles after each "episode" she had.
That Wednesday morning while Midnight was still half-asleep, he was brought into the car as they began their journey to Songbourough. However, tragedy struck when they got into a car crash and his father was left dead in the wreckage.
Legend: *Green = Friends to BFFs *Light Blue = BFs and or GFs *Red = Enemies
Dev (outside of the book series) - They both met eachother through both going to Penwood Middle in Midnight's early teen years, in which he was still getting used to being in school. He didn't discriminate against Midnight for being a Night-Demon and stood up for him, protecting him from bullies. He was also there so Midnight had someone to personally talk to whenever the negative thoughts got the better of him.
Celeste (OC created by @shooting-starlightxx!) - Midnight met Celeste through touring her around Penwood High on her first day of school. They've become quick friends who find time to chat to each other outside at the lunch tables.
BFs / GFs
Ambrosia - Midnight met his now-girlfriend, through an unfortunate encounter with Penwood Middle's main school bully, Vulcan after class one day on lunch period after getting into a petty argument.
Ambrosia was then shown the strange power of a Night Demon in action as he left the bully in pain on the ground.
Vulcan (school bully) - They met eachother through a petty argument which quickly turned into discrimination.
Staticlight (sibling) - They met eachother through an exorcism gone wrong and even though Staticlight doesn't consider Midnight an enemy anymore, they still fight from time to time. Of course, Midnight has no true way to get rid of Staticlight, but they don't hate each other AS much as when Staticlight first possessed Midnight after that exorcism gone wrong.
Dev (from the book series) - They met eachother through them stalking Midnight at school when they tried to steal the Melody Blade.
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CHARACTER INTRODUCTION TAGLIST (Ask / DM to be added / removed!): @elijahrichardwrites
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addison-dykegomery · 17 days
girl I don't even go here (watch greys anatomy) but I'm enjoying the talk between u n anon lmaoo. Should I watch it hmm? 🤔
omg hey new anon bff! welcome to the madness.
yes u absolutely should. it's 20 seasons (but barring a few gems like the weed cookie episode (14x20) and the return of our lord and savior addison montgomery in season 19 it goes pretty downhill after like season 12 so you can stop watching there 🙏), it's messy af (how old is the main character? why is the chief of surgery who wanted to retire in season 1 still going strong in season 20 (love u my old man bestie richard #1 protector of lesbians) ? how many national tragedies can/should one hospital endure before the government shuts it down? and many such questions) and - speaking of national tragedies - it's DRAMATIC. secret wife. secret half-sister. other secret half-sister. OTHER other secret half-sister. cutting of certain wires. elevators. carousels. ferry boats. bombs. guns. men who go rogue. buses who go rogue. amazing plane ticket bargains. semi trucks that make me believe mermelia can be real. secret ivf children.
(there was also a covid season we do not talk about the covid season.)
but most importantly the WOMENNNNN
my personal top 9 (from left to right up to down) (yes i downloaded a collage maker and made a collage its that serious) are:
addison(my wife) amelia(my second wife. its a polyamorous marriage got a problem with that ?) lexie(our adopted genius child) cristina(my intj soulmate) maggie(our other adopted genius child) arizona(my rollerskating buddy) dr. bailey(whose first name is miranda but i'm not close to her like that) izzie(who's advancing feminism with her groundbreaking work in the heavily male-dominated field of kidnapping, apparently) and zola(our adopted genius goddaughter).
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they're all very shippable(EXCEPT ZOLA), canon lesbian couples include callie x arizona which i'm sure you know about, mika x taryn in the recent season, kai x amelia which will 100% be endgame so true 💯 and also carina x maya from station 19 which is a spin-off of grey's. and i guess the other ones would be considered spoilers but there's more 🙏
AND the femslash potential is immaculate. right now my fav ship is addison x amelia(me and the other four people who ship them write really great fic i swear), and the more popular ships would be addison x meredith(she's the main girl and i like her too but not enough to be in my top 9 sorryy google her if u want), amelia x arizona(the fandom will welcome you immediately they're so sweet) and cristina x teddy(which i cannot begin to describe to you how third eye open this ship is like there is simply nothing more intelligent. iykyk). people also ship cristina x meredith sometimes and i prefer them as platonic soulmates but i support their cause ❗️
(also as u kno i've been keeping up with the newest eps and there's material for dyke delusions in there too ! lowkey i ship simone with addison meredith and dr.bailey send tweet)
the men are all annoying except my aforementioned emotional support grandpa richard and joe the gay bartender. some storylines (or recently the lack thereof) make you want to jump in front of a bus (lol.) and also all the actors hate each other irl LMFAO so yeah in conclusion it's rlly camp it's great yapping material and you should definitely watch it. and come to my askbox to yap about it with me 😌
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jjungkookislife · 3 months
Just finished reading TLC Pt. 2 and I just have to tell you how much I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED IT!!! 😍🥰🥹 I was so excited for this but since I had errands today, I had to read it in batches and it also took twice as long cause you know I HAD to read the first part again 😏 And reading it revived my love for this couple cause they were just so smitten and soft for each other 🥺 and when they got reunited? It’s been three years, but their feelings remained. The hopeless romantic in me just swooned 😭 but after i finished, I found it really funny how the timeline of their relationship was: (1) met again after 6yrs -> (2) found out they were attracted to each other and had a weekend of “fun” 🫣🥴 -> (3) resumed their whirlwind romance after being apart for 3yrs 😅 Since it’s fiction, you kinda get swooped in to their romance, with Yoongi, who is MC’s childhood crush, looking at her differently after meeting her grown up self. It feeds my love for stories about childhood sweethearts being endgame (even though they aren’t technically that, they atleast knew each other since they were younger) If you look at it, I kinda get Yoongi not pursuing MC after that weekend. Cause she kinda just became of age and is still quite inexperienced while he’s already an adult. If it were me, I’d feel quite hesitant to pursue her given that it’s only been 2 days so I’m not sure how I actually feel, especially since she’s my bff’s younger sibling and someone I care about. Initially, I felt that as the older one, Yoon should’ve made sure to talk to her after he left that night but I understand that both were at fault. They both had doubts and insecurities, along with being worried of Joon’s reaction, that no one made the first move to try to talk it out. And I also get Joon initially not being okay with them together cause he didn’t really know that they actually had strong feelings for each other and it would be awkward for him if they dated or even hooked up and it ended badly. But I guess him finally being in a serious relationship made him accept their relationship, especially since he actually saw how they had been pining on each other even before. The closet scene was so hilarious, the eye contact killed me 🤣 And her revealing that they “kissed” after her hs grad. In my head, I was like 👀 yup… amongst other things …. 🥴 I just love how this couple is just so freakin adorable and a total simp for each other and I am so happy with how they can finally stop sneaking around and be the couple that they want to be. I also love Jimin and Tae here as her bff and how they’re so protective of her as their baby 🥺 and was ready to confront Yoongs after what happened. So jealous.
Sorry for rambling for so long, I just really love this story and this couple that I kinda got carried away 😅 Anyways, I loved this update. Thank you so much for it, I hope we get to see them again someday through drabbles perhaps 👉👈 lol Ofcourse only if you want to, no pressure 😊 This is such a great surprise for Yoonie’s bday. I just hoped he would’ve posted something just to see how he’s been doin cause he’s the only one that’s really silent but I guess i also understand cause that’s so Yoongi of him. As long as he’s healthy then I’m happy 🥹 I hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself 💜
Hey! I’m so glad you got to read it 💜 they’re so cute together 😭 and ofc the brother invited Yoongi bc he was at the last graduation so he said come to this one too 🤣
Yes 😭 MC was definitely still head over heels for Yoongi so waiting for him wasn’t a big deal time wise bc she’d had a crush on him for so long but she never expected to talk to him again after that night.
Yoongi should have definitely reached out first and he wanted to but he just couldn’t 😭 they both wanted to but then the brother was always on their mind 😭
I’m sure the brother wouldn’t have been so accepting if it had happened 3 years ago bc she was 18 and just graduating plus it was bad enough they wouldn’t be in the same room together and all they did was “kiss” 👀
The closet scene was my favorite lmao I had that planned since the beginning, moving in the brother to the same building was planned later bc I needed him to be around 🤣 but on a different floor.
Ah I adore Jimin and Tae, they were ready to fight Yoongi at a moment’s notice 😭💕
Ofc, I can write drabbles later on or during drabble night or if you have anything you’d like to see lemme know 👀👀
Your messages make my whole week, I get so excited to post bc I hope you’ll be dropping by 💜 it means a lot to me 💖
I hope Yoongi is doing well 😭 I miss him a lot but I hope he had a good birthday and I hope he’s healthy and maybe he saw some of the birthday signs or something 😭
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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bucky always found comfort in steve, but he’s gone now. who will he turn to for comfort now?
word count: 3.1k
a/n: hi bffs !! thank you anon for requesting this <3 just angst and fluff (and endgame steve >:[) !! let me know what you guys think :] (srry for any typos)
“this is bucky!” steve smiled at you happily, you were Steve’s neighbor, always lending him a helping hand when he needed it and giving him emotional support and encouragement that would last him a life time.
“nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard lots ‘bout you” you smiled, sticking your hand out and bucky reluctantly shook it. “why don’t you guys come in for a bit? I’m making some pasta and i put way too much” you grinned, watching as bucky and steve looked at each other, having a whole conversation silently before Steve spoke up again.
“we’d love to” he grinned, pulling bucky inside your apartment with him before you closed the door. Bucky took in your apartment, it was somewhat messy, but it a nice way, a live in sort of way. You had plants all along your windowsill and a basket full on blankets near your couch, books along the shelf with a couple other things and pictures all over the place.
“hope you guys like chicken Alfredo” you smiled, checking the pasta before deciding it was good enough and scooping some out onto three plates
“bucky i have a serious question for you” you spoke as you set the three plates down on the dinner table, smiling at steve as he thanked you.
“oh, okay” bucky mumbled, shifting in his seat and heart racing. You were gonna ask him about his time as the winter soldier weren’t you? You were going to judge him for everything he’d done.
“what animal do you think you can take in a fight?” You spoke seriously, looking at him as you set his plate down.
That’s it? What animal he could fight?
“what?” He asked, confused as to why you were asking him this. Surely this was some test? Maybe it was code for something, if he answered a specific animal then it proved he was a good person.
Steve groaned as you asked the question and you scowled at him, hitting him softly as you passed by him and to the kitchen to get some water for the three on you.
“what animal do you think you could beat if it was just hand to hand combat?” You looked at him, studying his features and quickly taking in the fact that he was in fact the most breathtaking man on earth.
Bucky looked at steve who let out a sigh.
“you should answer now, she asked me that a couple days ago and we talked about it for almost an hour” steve smiled, reminiscing on the way you even made him coffee so he could stay until the end of your discussion.
“uh, i mean, well i guess I’m a super soldier so- i don’t know i don’t wanna fight any of them” he spoke warily, looking at you nervously and watching the way you narrowed your eyes at him before your face softened, breaking into a wide smile and nodding your head proudly.
“James barnes i think you and i are going to get along just fine” you smiled, taking in the way his eyes lit up just a tad at your words.
Steve smiled at the way bucky sat a little straighter, loosening up a bit and warming up to you little by little. He wanted him to have someone to turn to, he wanted him to have you like steve did, someone he knew he could always rely on.
After the whole Blip went down and everything was back to normal bucky found himself lost at times, wandering the streets in seek of comfort. He was left alone in the world with nothing left from his old life.
Steve had only been gone for a couple of days and he already felt horrible. He had no one to turn to, no one to lean on. He was alone.
He tried finding solace in sleep, wishing that his mind would whisk him away to be happy in his dreams. His attempts were fruitless, all he managed to do was toss and turn, his mind racing and never relaxing enough to fully sleep.
The small moments he did manage to sleep he awake in a cold sweat, nightmares plaguing his mind, his memories rushing to him alongside the pain and thoughts that has recently set in after steve left.
Bucky sat on couch of his apartment, it was silent as the sounds of the city were muffled through the walls, rain gently hitting his windows. He so badly wanted to just break down and cry, to have someone tell him everything would be okay, to comfort him and remind him that he wasn’t alone even with steve gone.
Bucky scrolled through his contacts, vision blurred with tears as he searched helplessly for someone he could go to. As he scrolled through his contacts he found you, when had he put it there?
He clicked on your name and sure enough, there was a picture of you smiling brightly with steve, a note written under your contact information.
buck, y/n helped me get through everything, theyre sweet and caring and kind, please talk to them if you ever need anyone i promise you they can help - steve
Bucky let out a shaky breath as he read the note steve had left. When did he even get ahold of his phone? Buckys mind was racing, he wiped his tears and locked his phone. He would be fine, he didn’t need anyone to help him.
As the day progressed bucky felt the pain in his chest growing with each breath, tears threatening to spill out any moment. He was frustrated that the feelings wouldn’t just go away, it was persistent and nagging at him every minute of the day as he tried to push it away.
Maybe if i take a walk it’ll clear my mind, bucky reasoned, throwing on a jacket and heading out, there was only a very light drizzle as he walked aimlessly, trying everything to get his mind off the emptiness he felt in his heart.
Was he not good enough for him to stay? Was everything bucky had done, too much for steve? Why would he leave him so abruptly? After everything he just left him with no hesitation.
Bucky tried to shake away the thoughts but they grew louder and louder, tears stinging at his eyes and he decided he’d had enough.
Bucky stopped in his tracks, taking note of where he was and recalling the path he and steve had taken the first time they visited you, he let his mind wander, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop it.
By the time he reached your apartment he wanted to turn around and leave. Did you even live here still? We’re you even home? It wasn’t a good idea, he should deal with it by himself.
Bucky was about to turn to leave when you opened the door, dressed up with bright red lipstick on. Oh wow you were stunning, bucky thought as he turned around to face you.
“bucky?” You asked, looking at the man before smiling widely, “bucky! oh wow hi!” You grinned, not hesitating to pull him in for a hug and squeezing him tightly. As you pulled away you noticed his red eyes and the frown on his face. Your smile quickly disappeared when you saw the way he tried to hide the tear stains, looking down at his shoes.
“oh james what’s wrong?” You spoke softly, grabbing his wrist gently and pulling him into your apartment, he looked up quickly. It was still the same, it was just as homey as he remembered it.
You led him to the couch, quickly bringing over the basket of blankets and letting him choose whichever one he wanted, smiling as he picked the fuzziest of them all.
“good choice” you softly spoke, grabbing a blanket for yourself and setting it on the couch next to him.
“do you want anything to drink, i have coffee, hot chocolate, water and maybe some apple juice” you smile fondly at the man on your couch and he thought for a second before replying.
“can- do you think i can have a hot chocolate” he spoke softly, “please” the tone of his voice made your heart clench and you wanted to just hold him, but you knew he didn’t need that just yet, so you just nodded and made his hot chocolate as fast as you could, adding whipped cream and marshmallows and placing it on the table in front of him.
“added extra whipped cream for you” you smiled, slipping your heels off and grabbing your phone, “I’m gonna get changed and I’ll be back out in a second, make yourself at home buck” your smile was warm and sincere and he already found the emptiness fading.
“i have to cancel today I’m really sorry” bucky heard, his super hearing picking up on the conversation you were having. “something came up” your voice was calm. “no i cant just ignore it” your tone shifted, leaning towards annoyance as you continued.
“excuse me for caring about someone other than myself!” You spoke dryly, changing out of your dress and into some sweats and an oversized t shirt. “you know what i think, i think it would be better if you deleted my number and forgot about me actually! i think that’d be great” your voice was cold as you hung up, letting out a sigh before smiling slightly, thank god you didn’t have go through with that date.
As you walked out you noticed bucky getting up, heading towards the door.
“leaving so soon? you barely touched your hot chocolate” you frowned, your voice making bucky turn to look at you, his words died on his tongue when he noticed you were changed.
“you have a date” was all he said and you smiled, shaking your head and pulling him back to the couch with you.
“had” you corrected him, “cancelled on ‘em, didn’t really wanna go” you scrunched your face up as you spoke, sipping some of your hot chocolate before looking at bucky softly.
“got better things to do” you stated, watching the way he slowly warmed up to you, moving his body to face you.
“like what?” He whispered, looking down at the blanket in his lap as he let it lightly.
“like make my bestest friend in the whole world feel better” you answered, not missing a beat as you spoke, looking at him.
Bucky swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Never in a million years did he think someone he met a total of three times not so long ago could bring him so much warmth, so much comfort. He didn’t bother hiding the blush on his face, he knew you wouldn’t tease him about it, you were more focused on making him feel better.
“what’s eating at you buck?” You prodded him gently, watching his body language closely for any signs of discomfort. He looked at you before focusing on his hot chocolate, picking it up and taking a small sip.
“good hot chocolate” he mumbled, taking another sip and you smiled, nodding your head silently. Bucky set the mug down again, fiddling with his fingers in his lap. “it’s just-” he began, cutting himself off before he could continue.
“he didn’t say goodbye to you, did he?” His eyes were whirlpools of emotions. You gave him a sad smile, shaking your head.
“no, not really” you spoke, “he kind of hinted at what he was gonna do y’know? didn’t wanna say it out loud so we kind of, i guess just didn’t wanna say it” you mumbled, “made it too real” you smiled at him again, not wanting to make his mood any worse.
“don’t you- how are you so okay with it? I mean it’s just- don’t you feel like if you did more he wouldn’t have left?” Bucky asked, desperation in his eyes.
Everything clicked in your mind instantly. Your stomach fell and your heart broke in your chest, Bucky’s sad eyes and slumped shoulders told you everything you had to know. The way he couldn’t even keep eye contact with you for longer than three seconds, how he fumbled with something when he spoke. You wiped the frown of your face before giving him a reassuring smile, scooting closer to him.
“sometimes i do” you nodded, picking at some fuzz on your blanket, “i do find myself wondering if i had given him different advice throughout the time i knew him if he would’ve made a different choice” you spoke softly, bucky looked at you, watching the way your lips poured slightly.
“I’ll think ‘maybe if i had asked him to stay for dinner one more time’ or if i made him more hot chocolate” you chuckled softly, bucky smiled at your words, sadness filling his chest as he realized how hurt you must be.
“you shouldn’t blame yourself y/n, you did your best” he whispered, clearing his throat before continuing, “i mean you brought him so much comfort and helped him through so much, in the end it was his choice and that’s not on you” he finished, hands shaking slightly. Bucky was silent as you nodded.
“listen to yourself buck” you smiled, placing a hand on his, “it’s not your fault, you did your best, you meant so much to him and you always will” you assured him, squeezing his hand in yours. Bucky was quiet as you gave him soft smiles.
“I didn’t mean me-” he began but you shook your head.
“you were his best friend for his whole life, he talked about you all the time, spent years looking for you to get you back” bucky let out a shaky breath. “You were good enough, you are good enough james.”
The firmness in your voice made bucky look up, your eyes were set and serious. Bucky tried to find any trace of lies, but your words were sincere and settled in his bones like a warm fireplace.
“it’s just- i wish-” his voice cracked and his bottom lip quivered, tears stinging his eyes. He was embarrassed, moving to wipe his tear quickly.
You beat him to it, your hand caressing his cheek and softly wiping away at the tears. You moved you hand to the back of his neck and softly pulled him into you, shaking your arms around him as best you could.
Bucky cried into your shoulder, mumbling incoherent sentences as sobs racked his body. You help him tightly, rubbing his back soothingly and whispering to him it would be okay.
“you’re okay, i got you” you whispered, “I’m here let it out sweets, it’s okay.”
Bucky knew he should feel embarrassed for crying like this, in front of you, someone he barely knew. Your words were too comforting to let him and your presence far too warm to even let him consider leaving you at this moment in time.
You didn’t mind one bit that bucky was crying into your favorite t shirt, you held him tighter, giving him all the time he needed to calm down.
By the time Bucky’s cries had softened to soft hiccups he pulled away from you, eyes red and cheeks tear stained. His nose was pink and he sniffled softly, using the back of his hands to run his eyes.
You silently handed him some tissues, softly letting him know where the bathroom is. He smiled at you softly, getting up from the couch and heading to your restroom. You sat in silence as you waited for bucky to come back, sighing softly to yourself. You closed your eyes for a second, blinking away a couple tears and getting snacks from your pantry, putting on your comfort show and switching to the pilot episode.
Bucky washed his face with cold water, smiling at the fact that your bathroom smelled like eucalyptus. His dried his face and washed his hands, letting out a shaky sigh before looking at himself in the mirror, frowning at how broken he looked. He tore his gaze away and turned off the lights, walking out and seeing you sitting on the couch cross legged.
You smiled up at bucky, patting the seat next to you and moving so he could sit. The couch dipped a little as he sat down, grabbing the blanket and bundling it in his lap.
“when I’m upset i watch this show, it always cheers me up” you spoke to him gently, “that is if you aren’t leaving, i don’t wanna hold you hostage or anything” you chuckled and bucky smiled at you, laughing softly.
“no i- do you think i can stay a bit longer?” He asked and you nodded, linking your arms together and pulling each other closer.
“you can stay for however long you want” bucky felt his heart grow in his chest, how could you be so warm and welcoming to him? He didn’t question it for long though, your dazzling smile and sparkling eyes cleared his mind.
“ready?” You smiled and he nodded, watching as you hurried to press play, adjusting the volume and grinning as the show began.
Bucky couldn’t help but steal glances at you, smiling at how you mouthed the lines, offering him snacks if he hadn’t touched them in a while, constantly making sure he was okay.
Relaxation. He finally felt relaxed, his jaw was unclenched and his brows were furrowed, he had a small smile on his face. His muscles were relaxed as the showed played on your tv, your body heat radiating onto Buckys side.
You looked up to comment on something in the show but quickly stopped when you realized bucky had fallen asleep. His eyes were closed and he just looked so soft.
You smiled as you looked at him, moving some pillows quietly so you wouldn’t wake him. You helped him lay down and set the blanket on top of him, telling him to go back to sleep when he stirred slightly. For the first time since steve had left Buckys slept peacefully. He found comfort and assurance with you.
Steve was always looking out for bucky, always saying that he had to pay him back for all those fights bucky saved him from in the 40’s. Steve helped him get out of hydra, helped him get his mind back.
Bucky smiled at you as you pet alpine in your lap, dozing off as you struggled to stay awake before finally giving into sleep. He picked you up swiftly, tucking you into bed like you had done with him nearly a year ago. He kissed your forehead gently before sliding into bed next to you, falling asleep quickly with you by his side.
Now even after he was gone, he was helping him heal. And for that, he was forever grateful.
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elcorhamletlive · 2 years
☕️ Stony through the MCU?
Oh a juicy one, anon. I'm here for it.
So, I guess I should preface this with the acknowledgement that I came into the MCU rather late - like, pre-IW era - and that I had no previous attachments to any other version of Steve and Tony before meeting them through the movies. I feel like I should say this because I think this is one of the reasons MCU Stony hits for me while, for many comics!Stony fans, it falls flat. I came in without any expectations of how I'd like their relationship to be, and without much understanding of how it could be.
When speaking about Stony as a relationship, the question of them being or not being friends is often central. Because Steve and Tony are best friends in the comics, but they're really not in the movies. In fact, I think at a certain point, it's not unfair to question if they were ever friends at all, in the traditional sense. While they weren't always antagonistic towards each other, they also often weren't far from being that, either. Steve and Tony are built as very different characters who embody contrasting virtues - Steve represents an ideal, Tony represents the possibility to evolve through change; Steve embodies the past, Tony embodies the future.
Those differences are present in nearly every interaction they have, which, combined with the added backstory of Tony's father neglecting his own son to obsessed over Steve, creates a constant underlining tension that to me is just. so. good. They clash and mix in the wrong ways, misjudging and repelling each other, and yet. To me anyone who says they hate each other misunderstood the assignement, because there's so much respect and admiration in the way they talk to and about each other to others. And it's fascinating to me that all that doesn't translate into a smooth, comfortable friendship like Steve's with Natasha, or Tony's with Bruce.
To me it makes the few moments of honest conection between them - the end of AoU, their small exchange in the bunker in CW before it all goes to hell, Tony giving Steve the shield back in Endgame - all the more precious, because we know they're so fragile. They're tentative, hesitant. And yet, the desire for conection, the desire to reach an understading, is still undeniably there. That thread that connects them is so frail and yet so strong that, every time Steve and Tony exist in the same movie, their storylines are paralleling each other - most often through direct clashing, but also through more subtle theming as well. Tony's ending is making the choice Steve made forty years ago. Steve's ending is living the life Tony suggested he tried out. There's echoes of them all over their character's stories, essences. I find it beautiful, fascinating.
And I understand why others might not! It's still a very messy relationship, arguably with many more negative moments than positive ones, which is a sharp contrast to the stronger bond they have in other mediums. But in my time in fandom, I've found that it's the one interaction that truly appeals to me the most. Maybe I would have still shipped it if they became BFFs after Avengers (2012) and everyone lived together in the tower, who knows? But I was deeply touched by what we got instead, and I really, really appreciate it.
(send me ☕️ + [topic] and i’ll tell you my opinion on it!)
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