#this is named after the above song btw and NOT the fanfic
gyokujyn · 20 days
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CATWS 10th Anniversary | REJECTS! » Prompt: none » Title: how it makes you a weapon » Reason for Rejection: I didn't have a specific prompt in mind when making this one, so it sort of got forgotten about. Although, now that I'm looking at this today, I guess Memories would have been a really clear choice. Huh.
a loving homage to A Softer World and @asofteravenger made for the CATWS 10th Anniversary Celebration
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maplecourtesy · 3 years
god okay. it’s finale time. this ones a long one im both very scared and very excited. the setup they did in the last episode was SO cool i’m very hyped for this
and going STRAIGHT into a boss battle with CHAOS BUILD CHARACTERS this is so sick
[most of the content under the cut, because spoilers!!]
CAN I JUST SAY, THE USE OF THE WORD HERO IN THE EPISODE DESCRIPTION VS TRAVIS’ EXPOSITION BEFORE THE BATTLE. “we need some heroes.” vs “at some point in the past this might have been a job for a hero. but not now, not anymore.” i love that. so much. ive said it before and ill say it again one of the sexiest parts of grad is the way they redefined heroes and villains.
oh right holy shit chaos and order shouldn’t have been able to exist together,, chaos and order are at such ends now that theyve completely split,, chaos no longer relies on order thats so sexy
RELEASE THE KRAKEN VERY POGGERS ACTION NAME they r so cool and powerful i love them
IMAGINE taking 20 damage from fitzroy just being in ur VICINITY
oh i forgot about gray he and althea are there right
im so tired of order can they do something cool instead of blinding the one pc who’s not even gotten a turn yet
FUCK SHIT UP ARGO awesome thats 66 damage good for him he is JUST like loki
hey this ethereal music kinda vibes
everyone is kittens. hm.
i am very happy about all the meowing but also i think its very funny that justin said hes gonna dislike any firbolg art he sees
fitzroy kitty cat rage…. what are we even doing here whats going on
i wish that grays first epic move wasnt as a kitten but i can work with this
FITZROY GIVES GRAY HIS MAUL??? i think this is the peak of the sibling dynamic between them. bickering and complaining but cooperating when it really matters
GOD. how are we having every fucking cartoon trope in one battle. u guys know in cartoons when they like get put through some beam and u see into different universes or whatever and theyre cats and they have a body swap and maybe theres a sock puppets one. this is that.
maplekeeners stay winning
argo does a sexy graceful reverse dive but he also looks like fitzroy so thats fitzroy. good.
cannot believe im listening to justin mcelroy roleplay justin mcelroy sending meteors at a horde of hellhounds
fuck off travis give me animated taz
i do like this music a lot its got video game vibes
DIFFERENT CLINT MCELROY??? disgraced dj clint mcelroy x janitor clint mcelroy fanfic /j please dont
AUDIENCE??? thats me im the ones cheering
THUNDERMAN LOVE LANGUAGE IS HANDS ON SHOULDERS. and now they are both clouds of gas
fuck that is so cool fitzroy is the coolest hes just shooting lightning out of his hands and its his cool lightning illuminating him. THATS a painting
chaos i like u so much. i’m a chaos sympathist and apologist now i adore them
mission imp-hospital <3
oh my god what the hell i just got chills i love this so much,, everyones a hero,,, this fucks .,, theyve destroyed capitalism and systemic injustice i love them very much
i am so enamored with how travis described that this makes me so happy
order i hope u die powerless and fearful
it would be very sexy if they did just cut to black i wouldnt be mad.
GO TO HELL. INCREDIBLE. FUCK THATS SO GOOD good firbolg lines today as always.
chaos i love u very much. i think they deserve to have whatever they want ever
obsessed with gray calling fitzroy his best friend right after saying the firbolg was his favorite and then ending their last conversation ever by telling argo he’s his son.
althea and barb r girlfriends <3
literally what happened to rainer btw where is she
leon and buckminster r boyfriends <3
thunderman llc doesn’t have time for labels
i like it very much that during taz graduation, instead of graduating, they became anarcho-anticapitalists and took down the entire school system.
WHERE DO YOU SEE YOURSELF IN 5 YEARS. we’re doing a timeskip ending…
btw where did the fucking time travel fit into this i’m still confused about that.
okay but do they not sail away on a ship together. on argo’s new ship.
he’s just… fitzroy maplecourt now!!! wow…. that character arc is so near and dear to my heart. from forcing people to call him by his full name and his full title to relieving himself of the titles completely.. guys i love fitzroy
JUST PLAIN OLD FITZROY<3333333333 ouhgh,,, this is so cute… he’s getting closure. and he gets to give a cool speech…. about anarchism………. and going to fucking Law School. oh that’s very good..
does. the firbolg settle down. ill fucking lose it. DOES THE FIRBOLG FUCK THE TINY GARY. I CAN’T DO THIS I COULDN’T DO THIS. THIS IS THE FUCKING WORST PLEASE DON’T. does the firbolg BECOME a gary!?!?!?!?!? what the fuck is happening i’m so confused please stop. can we just go back to having the thundermen be friends so the firbolg isn’t lonely. please. i’m going fucking insane this can’t be how the firbolg ends i can’t fucking do this i can’t call him gary. his name can’t be gary. NotLikeThis.
argo on the firboat!!! what will he do!!!
A CRUISE SHIP YES. FUCK YES OKAY I CAN WORK WITH THIS. what the fuck does he mean by the firbolg experience. why is there a theme song oh god oh no.
i’m in hell order’s gone to hell and taken me with them. how did he fucking come up with this. AND he ends with the thunderman llc. good.
oh,,, fitzroy suggesting they go for one last fight? ;; cute as well.
oh ;;;;;w;;;;;;;;; fitzroy………<3 he has grown so much,, no more considering himself above his companions,, he is just fitzroy maplecourt and he loves and misses his pals. and because of this he will get a cruise ship based on him.
oh my god,, fitzroy becomes a robin hood of the seas.
they all miss each other ;;;; <3
no this fucking sucks actually. goodbye everyone. it’s been nice.
AWWW THE END MUSIC… wowowowowow they brought it full circle with the soundtrack and ended with laughing and a fun little fitzroy joke. i’m happy with that :]
i’ll miss the thundermen so very much,, i don’t know how excited i am for the next arc it kinda rests on the pcs,, i prefer griffin’s pcs over when he dms but let’s see!!! well pogchamp fun end to perhaps my favorite taz arc!!!!<3333333
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randomcanbian · 3 years
(re: Fandom Meme) B, D, N, P, R, Y ??? (also if you feel like answering T again about anything else pls do (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) (also let the record know that your first answer was *chef kiss* wonderful and should've been canon imo (╯▽╰ ))
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Felix x fem!Byleth from FE3H... I thought it’d be the same as f!Dimileth (the fandom version of it at least) where the man is like ~~ohhhh I’m a monster I’m so broken ahhh I push people away and go on berserker rages because of my tragic backstory~~ and the woman has to be gentle and kind, the epitome of femininity (despite being a mercenary who had been trained to kill since she was 11...), basically put himself above her on so many levels and the onus is on her to ~~fix him~~~...but apparently not??? The fancontent is so gorgeous and has them as equals, both lonely people who’ve had their childhood taken away from them, both who’ve closed themselves off from the world (or in Byleth’s case, has never known how to open herself up to it), both of them seeing themselves in each other, both taking it upon themselves to meet each other half-way and from thereon help each other process their past and walk forward into the future...damn man, the kinship and the partnership in this ship... (also it really helps that 1. Felix is awed at Byleth’s swordsmanship and tactical mind and pushes himself to surpass it, forming a foundation for a healthy rivalry 2. the fandom does not forget that Byleth is her own person and not just Felix’s partner *cough* Dimileth *cough* Edeleth *cough*)
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t
Hmmmm well sometimes I wished (in general) that I could actively ship mlm couples, just because there’s so much content for them :)) (don’t get me started on how fandom gravitates towards male characters and mlm ships...lmao someone way back then gave me the excuse that it’s because the actual creators put more effort into their male characters and that they end up becoming more complex and interesting and like *looks at my fandoms where there are just as many girls as guys, just as interesting (if not more so) backstories and dynamics and interactions for the female characters, looks at the sheer number of mlm shippers in those fandoms who squeeze the most out of every insignificant moment for their male characters while ignoring the depth and complexity of the female characters* sure)
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
1. Fanfic with more “out-there” ideas :)) (Don’t get me wrong, there are fanfics that fall far from Glee’s high school/young adult/modern-coming-of-age setting, and even for fics that do fall under those spheres there are some that deal with complex, intricate themes in such an incredible manner or even if not that are just plain enjoyable but like,,, there aren’t enough for my ever-expanding hunger HAHA)(my last couple of fandoms were dark fantasy/sci-fi/whatever The Good Place is so I guess I just got spoiled lmao)
2. More analytical thinking LMAO I guess it just frustrates me that there are so many people in the fandom who take things at face value??? Given how biased the writers are and how shit they are at continuity it really doesn’t make sense to me that so many people take things so literally haha
3. More fanart unu I totally understand though that the fandom isn’t as big as it once was but a girl can dream, you know?
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Something that I had wanted to write for Brittana (since 2012!) but never had the brain cells to: a sailor!AU where the characters live on a flat world and they’re trying to sail towards its edge (encountering so many mythical beasts and legends on the way) (may or may not be inspired by C.S. Lewis’ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader haha)
Special mention to this AU since I've used for at least three fandoms by now haha: Pygmalion&Galatea!AU wherein one character creates a statue and her love for it brings it to life :)))
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
LMAO I went through Bae Doona’s body of work (what was available of it at least) in 2015 and ended up shipping her character Park Hyun-nam with her best friend (Yoon Jang-mi) in 플란다스의 개 (Barking Dogs Never Bite)...I wrote a very small ficlet of them (I literally had to create the section for them in ao3...and lmao I just checked and I am still the only fic in there HAHA)(please don’t look for my account btw all my fics are so self-indulgent and atrocious huhu) and I also made this gifset of them :))) As far as I know I am literally the only one in the entire world who ships them HAHA
Similar story for her character Ri Bun-hui in 코리아 (As One)...although honestly if it turns out that a decent number of people have seen this movie I’d be surprised that no one else shipped Bun-hui with Hyun Jung-hwa??? Because they??? Tennis table rivals from North Korea and South Korea who have to team up to win at the Olympics??? Jung-hwa trying to get Bun-hui and her team to loosen up??? Them becoming closer??? When the Olympics are over and the North Korea team have to go home, and Jung-hwa chases after the bus and tries to reach for Bun-hui’s hand, realizing that they might never see each other again??? I??? (Just...I had to make this gifset of their hands: when they first meet each other, when one takes the other’s for comfort, the last time their fingers will ever touch...)(Also let’s ignore that it’s a re-telling of real life event akjsndaskj haha)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all
(Thank you roseate ;u; I’m glad that you agree and are interested with my headcanons ;o;)
Santana’s a trivia nerd and is the type to deep-dive down Wikipedia pages which is why she makes all those obscure references :))) (Also a more specific version of this headcanon, not something that I’d die defending but like,,, something that I won’t let anyone take away from me lmao is that she’s a TV/movie buff, dabbles in comics (specifically, DC and follows character like Wonder Woman, the Birds of Prey, Poison Ivy/Harleyquinn, Batwoman, and Renee Montoya), and started getting a little into theater/musicals after spending time with Kurt and Rachel :))) She also has a record player back in Lima and has a bunch of vinyl records back home (back in high school she’d play a couple of slow songs and just slow dance with Britt in the privacy of their bedrooms uwu)(imagine this scene and this song playing in the background ;u;)
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
BTS, because so many of my friends are KPOP fans
Genshin, also because so many of my friends are into it
魔道祖师 (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) because my close friend fangirls over them so much and we just exchange anecdotes with me and Glee/Fire Emblem and her and TGDC
Critical Role and My Brother, My Brother and Me podcast because my gf is a huge fan of them :))
Not quite there yet, but I am looking forward to having Dostoevsky’s extended universe as a secondhand fandom HAHA
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ambermation · 4 years
Part of Me (Lance x Fem!Child!Reader)
A Spies in Disguise Fanfic!
Y/N = Your Name                                                          
N/N = Nickname                                                                                    
B/F/N = Best Friend Name
3542 Words
𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖, 𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕓𝕣𝕦𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕕
𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕀'𝕞 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖, 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕞𝕖
   You didn't think much of the way you felt towards girls. You assumed they were just platonic- sisterly, even- feelings. When you were younger, and had only been going to school for a few years now, had always preferred having a female partner to work with. You thought that most, if not all, of the girls in your class were quite pretty. The fact you thought you were a plain Jane, physically of course (and you still think this), boosted these thoughts. You were a shy little girl, and had managed to make a very outgoing, extroverted friend.
She helped you come out of your shyness a bit and slowly you started talking more and more. But since hardly anyone talked directly to you during work time or out on the playground you didn't get to talk much. It's funny considering the fact that at home, you talked to your uncle all the time. Sometimes you talked to other relatives, usually when they came for a visit from California (they moved there shortly after you were born, which is unrelated to the reason why btw), and even the many different women uncle Lance would bring home. Typically they'd come over at least three times, maybe four if they're lucky, and then you'd never see them again.
Back to you, since you were a genius like your biological father, you were able to start middle school at seven, start high school at eight, and now you're going to graduate at twelve years old. Half way through Freshman year of high school and you managed to make what you call "school buddies", who are people you don't really hang out with outside of school but you kind of do inside of school. (You did make two friends that you hang out with and talk to outside of school though other than your BFF.) They were chill, and most of them had conversations about nearly anything with everyone who wants to join included.
Sometimes they would talk about their relationships, breakups, crushes, and even their sexuality. When someone had started asking everyone what their sexual orientation was, you felt a flash of panic before calmly remembering that your were straight. Obviously you were. You had crushes on countless fictional guys and occasionally you'd find a random guy to be attractive. You thinking girls were cute and pretty had nothing to do with your sexuality and you were just being nice. You thought this way your whole life and never doubted the way you thought.
Of course, this was before you started to learn even more about sexual orientation.
Since the beginning of the year, when you first started to hang out with your school buddies, you managed to learn so much more about the LGBTQIA+ community than ever before since a lot of them were in it. At first, you barely talked and mainly listened to the discussions they would have, yet slowly you started talking more. You joined and even started a few conversations. It was just interesting to you.
Your school friends had brought up the word bisexual before, heck two of them were bi, and its definition was easy for you to understand. However, learning more about sexual preferences didn't immediately make you realize your own sexuality. You continued to read X Readers with guy characters, but one day you decided to read an x Reader for a female character you really loved. You figured it'd be cute, and it was, and thought nothing of that. Man, for a genius, you can be pretty dense sometimes, am I right?  Because it wasn't until you were daydreaming at home one day about another female character you love did you realize something. You didn't notice what you were actually daydreaming until it suddenly clicked.
You would love to have her as a girlfriend if she were real. You'd love to have so many characters as girlfriends. You were attracted to both girls and boys. You're..bisexual? The thought was just curious, as if you were  asked what's your favorite color, then you gave your answer, and then the person was confirming what you said. If that makes any sense. Being bisexual made sense to you and explained the way you felt towards girls and guys.
So you believed yourself to be bi without the courage, or need, to tell anyone. It's not like you didn't want people to know, well kind of; some people were were really against the LGBTQIA+ community, but that's besides the point, your friends would accept you. You just felt like you'd make a big deal out of nothing. But it wasn't nothing to you. It was a special nothing! It was a part of you that you wanted others to know about. And then the worried thoughts came in. How would your dad react?
You could never tell how he felt towards the queer. The two of you wouldn't really talk exclusively about the community; it just came up with other topics and even then you wouldn't even dip your toes into those discussions. It wasn't on purpose, it just came and went with the natural flow of the conversation. Dad seemed like he was neutral. But you weren't sure.
And, up until two months ago, you were thinking of ways to come out as bisexual to your dad. You stopped thinking of how to come out as bisexual due to your friends. After talking with your friends at lunch one day you learned another sexuality. Pansexual. Since you hadn't heard that word before you asked what it meant. At first, the way it was explained confused you. You didn't understand what your friend was saying, so another friend stepped in and explained in much easier to understand terms. The word pansexual kept ringing in your head, and once you got home you got on your computer and did some more research; research such as differences between bisexual and pansexual.
Shortly after researching the differences you understood that they were different. With a better understanding of pansexual you came to another realization; You didn't really care about someone's gender, you just cared if they loved you and cared about you the same way you would love and care for them. Thanks to your friend, you knew now that you were pansexual, not bisexual.
Great. Now you just had to come out as pansexual to dad!
Yaaaaaaayyy... Notice the sarcasm? Yeah you didn't know how to come out when you thought you were bi so you wouldn't know how to come out as pan.
𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕦𝕟𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕟
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕖
𝕀 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕀 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕘𝕠
𝔹𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕪 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝
   (A/N: I'm using the word "daddy" even though reader is twelve because she's a rich kid. She's a bit spoiled too but she's a nice spoiled kid, you know? And I'm using it as a subconscious expression of the reader not having to grow up too much since she's related to the Lance Sterling. I imagine he's got a lot of money because have you even seen his car? And the fact there's the Sterling Private Jet Hanger? His Air pods? Dude's loaded. I chose to have Lance live in a very nice house that looks fancy but also quite normal (to blend in) because...why not? I felt the need to explain why I chose to use daddy instead of dad, father, etc. Also I felt like the lyrics above relate to the whole story I have for the reader, just not in the same context as the song they're from which is Sunflower.)
                                               Reader POV:
Why am I making such a big deal out of this? I mean, it's kind of a big deal. It's my sexuality and I don't know how daddy will react. I want him to know though. I try to think of what I'll say to him and when.
"Daddy?  I've got something important to say. Well, it's important to me at least, and I was hoping that you'd understand  or would try to understand. I'm pansexual."
I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. "No, that doesn't sound right to me. What can I say... to lead up to me saying 'I'm pansexual'?" I paced around my room, continuing to think of ways to come out. I'm not sure how daddy will respond to 'I have something important to say' other than making a joke. Probably. Even then I'm not sure what kind of joke he'd make. This was stupidly difficult and I wished I had the courage to just simply say it without any build up.
"That'd make things a lot easier if I could." I muttered, stopping my pacing to to sit down. I was planning on writing it down on paper, but instead I put my face in my hands and let out a disgruntled groan. Half of me was just screaming to simply say it whenever seemed like the best time while the other half was cowering in the corner of my mind bawling.
I get up from my desk so I can flop down on to my bed. If I can't figure out what to do then I'll just curl up under my blankets all cozy until I'm forced to get out.  I struggle to keep my eyes open and soon enough I succumb to a dreamless sleep.
I wake up to someone shaking me, their hands on my back and my shoulder.
"Hey, come on N/N, time to eat," A voice said. In my sleepy state I couldn't recognize the voice.
I mumble nonsense in response, searching and grabbing my blanket to pull it over me. I snuggle into the warmth of my bed, not wanting to leave. Before I could even stop it, my blanket was pulled off of me and thrown to the floor. My head snaps to look at my daddy. He looks at me with a deadpan look.
"You up now?" He asked. I groan and drop my head on to my pillow. "No." I answer, closing my eyes. Right after I do that I feel daddy's hands grab on to my wrists. He then starts pulling me up and away from my bed. I move like a ragdoll. "There's no napping before dinner. After dinner? Maybe. But not before. Now come on." Daddy says, still dragging me. I fall to the floor. Alright, that's enough. I pull out of his strong grip and stand up.
"Alright, alright! Geez..." I drag my hand up my face, swaying a little. "Why were you even napping?" He asks. I shrug. "I curled up in bed, and next thing I know you're waking me up," I try shooting him a glare, "Thanks by the way. I could've just ate later, when I woke up," I huff. Daddy laughs. "Aw, you don't want to spend time with your old man anymore? Man, I thought I had a few more years." He looks at me in mock sadness. I lightly shove him as I head towards the door.
"No need to be so dramatic." I tease. You're almost my best friend." We head down the hallway, side by side. Daddy laughs. "Almost?" He asks. I nod. As we're walking down the winding staircase I explain.
"Obviously (B/F/N)'s my best friend."
"Oh yeah...she's a strange one. But at least she's nice."
"Correction! She's nice, a total sweetheart, funny, witty, weird, dorky, and very smart."
"Uh, right. How's she doing?"
"From what she's told me, she's doing alright. She also jokes that I could do her science and math homework for her, of course I'm not and she doesn't mean it, but still," I answer, just as we reach the bottom of the stairs. "You're way too smart to being doing somebody else's homework, right Y/N?" Daddy asked. I nodded.
We talked some more as we reached the dining room/area. We were having Chinese takeout tonight and it smelled wonderful! We sat down and began to eat. In the back of my mind I was thinking about coming out, a thought that was slowly becoming more and more prominent until it was the one thing I was thinking about. We were talking, but as I thought about coming out more and more I started to talk less. I, of course, didn't know this. It wasn't until daddy snapped me out of my thought did I realize I kind of just...stopped responding to him. I look at him. Immediately I see amusement and some concern in his eyes.
"Honey, you got your head in the clouds or something?" He asked with amusement. I shake my head. "Nah, just thinking about something," I said, taking another bite of my food. "About what?" Daddy inquired. Of course he wants to know. "Something," I answer reticenty.
"Are you gonna tell me what this 'something' is?"
I pause, debating whether or not to tell him. Eh, sure, why not? I feel myself tense slightly.
"Well, I... it's kind of, or no, actually, not-not kind of... it's pretty important- to me, at least." As I speak I grab one of my wrists, squeezing it. My left leg was bouncing. "Honey you know you can tell me anything, right? Wait! You're not pregnant are you?" He questioned. I recoil in a mixture of disgust and horror.
"Wha- no!" I quickly answer. "No, are you kidding? That kid's life would suck man. Like you're telling me," I point at myself, "That I have to raise this kid? Geez I can't even use the oven without you breathing down my neck, how am I supposed to take care of a baby!" I joke and laugh. Daddy laughs too. I manage my laughter enough to talk. "Besides, I haven't, uh, started yet," I look down, fiddling with my hands. I'm uncomfortable talking about my period primarily due to my dad being, well, a dad,  i.e. a male without any female organs and personal experience dealing with said periods himself.
Daddy was also a bit uncomfortable talking about it, but he has assured that it's nothing to be ashamed of, so that's nice. He just wasn't used to having to deal with periods almost firsthand.  
"Sweetie I'm just messing with you. And when you do..." He trails off, moving his hand in a 'You know' gesture, "Uh, start, don't be afraid to tell me. I'll help anyway I can," He says before taking another bite of food. I nod. I take the brief moment of silence to take a sip from my drink. Daddy speaks up again. "So what were you actually gon' say?"
I ponder whether or not I should continue. On one hand, I've piqued his interest with me saying how important what I was gonna say. So it'd be odd for me to now say that it's not that important a few minutes after saying how important it was. On the other hand...it doesn't seem right to come out now anymore. I lost what little confidence I had, which was barely any, but still.
"Eh, never mind. It's actually not that important; I was just being dramatic. Ya know, like you," I said, smirking by the end of my sentence. Daddy huffs and rolls his eyes, clearly in a playful way. "The world's greatest spy can't be dull, Princess. I've gotta had some flavor to the job," He retorts.
"Oh, so going around the world, beating bad guys, 'saving the say', isn't dramatic enough?"
"Oh it is. But I bring an extra flare to it."
"Whatever you say Daddy," I say, focusing on my food. Daddy doesn't seem bothered by my sudden decision to not say what was "so important"; that's good. I'll come out another time.
We finish our dinner and as we're cleaning up I ask if we could watch a movie. "Sure. Which movie?" Daddy asks as we go to the living room. "(Fav. movie)?" I suggest, knowing that Daddy will probably agree, regardless if he likes the movie or not. As I predicted, he agreed. I happily got the movie and after everything else was set up (our spots on the couch, the movie being ready to play, and lighting) we sat down and watched it. I didn't have school tomorrow (yay for Friday!) so I didn't have to worry about getting ready for bed after the movie's over.
I was laying on the couch, my head and back leaning against daddy, who was leaning against the couch. The movie was almost over, so I was thinking of whether or not I wanted to watch another one. On one hand, yes. Please. I'd love that. On the other hand, I kind of wanted to watch YouTube. Soon enough the movie ends and the credits roll with the accompanying music. I was about to get up when daddy spoke.
"So Y/N, I was wondering about what you wanted to say earlier. Ya know, since you said it was important." I look up at my dad. "I also said that it wasn't important." I retorted. "Yeah, but thing is, you tend to do that a lot. You say something's important to you, then say it isn't, then I find out what it is and it turns out to be important to you. So why don't we speed things up huh?"
I look down, fiddling with my fingers. "...It's really not important this time. I promise..." I say gingerly. I feel daddy's hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at him. "Sweetie, you know you can tell me anything right?" At this I laugh. Daddy pulls his hand away, clearly confused by me laughing.
"What? You know you can! What's so funny?" He asks bewildered. Smiling I answer. "It's because all parents say that. I just found it funny." I make eye contact with him. I see his eyes light up with realization before becoming serious again.
"But it's true! Y/N I love you, and whenever you feel the need to tell me something, I hope and want you to tell me. As soon as possible," He says, emphasizing the last bit by moving his hand. I go back to looking at my hands, frowning. I did want to tell him, but part of me was saying that I shouldn't. One little voice. A voice that was being quite persuasive, and yet I was still debating whether or not I should-
Daddy's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Hey, where'd that happy smile go? It was just here." I don't smile; I try to deepen my frown instead. Daddy scoffs. I turn my head to look away, crossing my arms. Unfortunately, since I was looking away, I couldn't see the light bulb that went off in daddy's head.
I involuntarily break into a fit of giggles as a pair of hands starts tickling my sides. I wiggle and see my daddy's hands tickling me. "Ah, there it is! My beautiful daughter's smile." I vigorously shook my head at his compliment. My body was still squirming from his tickling. However, me shaking my head made him stop, so I stopped squirming and tried to relax. "What? No, N/N you are beautiful. You are my beautiful little girl in my eyes, always," Daddy says lovingly. Breathing heavily, I let his words sink in.
I fell off the couch during daddy's tickle attack, so the both of us were on the floor. I turn to lay on my stomach, facing the TV (which was now back at the title screen). Daddy lays down next to me. He crosses his arms and lays his head on them, facing me. I look back at him. I give him a smile. He smiles back. His expression is laced with love and amusement. Then he gives me a look that says "Will you tell me now?" My eyes dart away for a second before looking back at him. I focus on his elbow; I just can't make eye contact with him while saying this.
"I'm pansexual." I say, eyes still staring at his elbow.
Daddy says in a tone I can't place at the moment. I pull my gaze away from his elbow to his face. He sits up, so I copy him. "Thank you for trusting me, Y/N. This doesn't change how I feel about you. I still love you," Daddy pulls me into a hug. I return the hug, relieved by his words. "Do your friends know?"
"No they don't. Only you know daddy." I answer, breaking the hug to look at him. He cups a hand on my cheek. "If you want them to know, them come out to them when you feel like you should. Don't feel forced to tell them, okay sweetie?"
I nodded. He kisses my forehead. "Good." I give a small smile. Daddy leans back a little, his hands supporting himself. "You wanna know something?" He asks, a smirk on his lips. Questioningly, I look at him, raising one brow. Daddy smiles. "Trust me, you'll like this," He said. I think about it for a second before nodding. Daddy straightens out his posture, no longer needing his hands for support. He claps said hands together.  
"Okay, so I remember one time when I was visiting you and your parents, you were three around this time, and we were just talking. Then the conversation ended up about you. Your mom had said that she wouldn't be surprised if you were attracted to both girls and boys. Your dad, however, disagreed. he thought you would be straight." At this my mouth dropped slightly and my eyes widened. "How did she-?"
"I don't know. Mother's intuition, I guess? But your dad was adamant that you were straight. He finally shut up once he saw the glare your mom was giving him." Daddy smiles, probably at the memory. "Huh. Well, mom was close. I'm basically gender blind." I laugh.
"Y/N," Daddy says, his hands on both of my arms, "Again, thank you for trusting me enough with this. I love you, N/N." He kisses my forehead once more before hugging me again.
"I love you too, Daddy."
The End
(WOOOH I'VE FELT HORRIBLE ABOUT HOW LONG THIS WAS TAKING!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this! This idea came to me, and I thought: Since a lot of fans say that Walter is gay, and Lance supports his gay son (obviously!), what about Lance being supportive of a pan daughter? I was not too sure how to end it, so I hope it was not too sudden! Thanks for reading!!! :D)
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Would you be down to write an imagine where the Lost Boys {especially Paul & Marko since they’re the most teasing/playful} pull different pranks on Star? Lol. I feel like it’d be a funny/cute imagine, plus a nice chance of pace since Star is always sadly depicted as mopey in fanfics. Anyways, just a thought, it’d be so cool if you can- love your writing style btw!
Of course! It turned out a little different compared to what you asked, but I hope you still like it. Thank you for requesting this! And thank you for the compliment! 💕
Star didn't know what was worse. Waking up to a quiet cave, or a cave where she could hear the muffled laughs from the boys she lived with.
As she carefully opened her eyes, and late perfectly still, she saw nothing. No bucket of water above her head, no bright pink hair, and as far as she could see in the mirror, she had nothing drawn on her face.
With a sigh she stood up, wondering what the boys had done. She got dressed quickly, and made sure to check her clothing for any potential pranks. Luckily she found nothing.
As she walked into the main part of the cave, she noticed the boys just hanging out as they did normally. "Morning," she said, putting her shoes on.
Paul walked up to her with a big grin, causing Star to back up a little.
"Oh no, I know you've been up to something Paul!" she said, having to hide the laughter in her voice.
"Oh come on, Star!"
"Nah-ah, I know better than that."
And she did. She didn't know what Paul had planned, but she knew she was just as capable of pranking them, as they were at pranking her. She still had to get David back for turning her food in moths that flew away, and she still had to get back to Marko for letting his birds use her hair as a nest. Paul had done to many things to actually name, but she could still find glitter in her hair from his last prank. Dwayne wasn't the only one not actively pranking her, but she knew he had a big part in helping the others setting things up.
A sly smirk grew on her face, as a plan began to form.
In the following weeks she acted normal, not letting the boys know something was off. She acted as sad as she normally would. During the day she'd sneak out, setting things up.
Finally after a few weeks all was ready.
- ---------
The boys woke up to a quiet cave, as usual. They often rose earlier than the halfvampire in their midst.
As they flew down to the ground, and went to get their shoes, they noticed that no matter how hard they pulled, they couldn't get them from the ground.
"Star!" David called, certain she was behind it.
She walked in, no readable expression on her face. "Yeah?"
"What have you done?"
"Nothing. Why?"
David didnt bother to answer her, wanting to show her that none of them could manage to lift their shoes somehow. But, when he reached for his shoes, ready to pull on them with all his might, the shoe gave in. It flew across the room, as David flew backwards.
"This is why you called?" Star asked laughing, looking at the four boys who were beyond confused.
- ----------
Later that evening, when Paul wanted to put on some music, the next strange thing happened. He put a mixtape in the boom box, expecting the familiar sounds of The Doors to echo through the cave. Instead however, the sounds of a Christmas Carol could be heard in the cave. Confused he tried another tape, again and again, but every time the same song would blare through the speakers.
"Star! What the fuck," he said, feeling somewhat impressed by her act, if this was all by her.
"I didn't do anything, Paul. That you decide to dig up the Christmas play list..."
"But every single tape is-" he put one on, and noticed the guitar riff for some Bruce Springsteen song began to play.
"You were saying?" Star asked, looking at her brother.
- ------------
Marko was hyper aware of his surroundings, knowing that if Star was doing this, he would be next. But the whole time he was at the cave he didn't notice anything. With a sigh, believing he was safe he walked out, ready to get to his bike.
Once on the top of his stairs he had to keep himself from screaming. His bike was pink. Everywhere. Everything was bright, neon Pink. It almost hurt his eyes. He called for his sister, angry. His bike! Ruined!
As Star walked up, Marko looked at her. "What the fuck have you done with my bike?"
"What's wrong with your bike?" Star asked, seeing the normal coloured bike. No hint of it ever having been pink.
- ---------
Star gringed. Dwyane was definitely the one who was protective over her. She sighed, before suddenly falling to the ground with a loud scream. Out of nowhere her leg was bend and twisted.
"Star? What happen-" Dwyane stopped when he saw her laying there. "What did you do? What happened?"
"I fell," Star mumbled, letting Dwayne lift her up. The rest of the day he helped her. She wanted some food? Something to drink? Dwayne took care of it.
By the time the sun was starting to come up, and all the boys were back at the cave, Star thanked Dwayne and just walked off, as if her leg hadn't been twisted.
- ----------
Star grinned as she looked at Maria, the young witch who worked in Max' store.
"So how did you do it?" Marko asked a few weeks later, still terrified of finding his bike potentially to turning pink.
"Magic," was all Star answered, with a knowing grin.
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30 days of Autism Acceptance: Day 3!
April 3: Talk about special interests. Do you have any? What are they? How long have you had them? What does it feel like to have special interests? What does having special interests mean to you? Talk about your past special interests
HOO BOY! Ok, I’ll try not to go on too long about my special interests, but I have a lot to say about them! Also, some of my special interests are in this weird grey area of “are they a SpIn or a hyperfixation?”, so I’ll cover those as well, and make it noted when that’s the case for one. Also, this will be VERY LONG, so I’ll put it under a cut.
SpIn #1 - Pokemon
Pokemon has been my main special interest since I was 9, I believe! Black was my first game that I got for my birthday, and I was super happy to get it since all of my friends at the time would talk about it! I’ve gotten (almost?) every major release since then, thought I usually only get one out of the two versions. 
The Pokemon games that I have are *inhales*: Black, Black 2, HeartGold (got a few years after it came out), X (I have the limited edition 3DS), Alpha Sapphire, Moon (first completed Pokedex!), Ultra Moon (haven’t beat and probably never will), Let’s Go, Eevee!, Sword (still trying to beat), Conquest, Art Academy, PMD: Gates to Infinity, Picross, Rumble World, Battle Trozei, Pokemon Quest, Pokemon Playhouse (for when I’m regressed), Poke Park 1 & 2,  My Pokemon Ranch, and Battle Revolution!
I also used to play the TCG competitively, and in my first competition, I placed 9th in my division! I stopped playing about a year after that though because the cards I used in my strategy when I would practice with my Dad were too old to be viable.
I have a growing stuffie and merch collection as well! I have a lot of Unova stuffies, and a print of the Unova map that I got at a ren faire when I was younger (it currently hangs above my dresser)! My two favorite stuffies at this time are Baby my Eevee Build-A-Bear (named after my Eevee in Let’s Go, Eevee!), and Lily my Wooloo! I have a couple of Pokemon sketch cards that friends of my Dad’s drew, and some prints and figure-y things I’ve gotten in Artist Alleys over the years!
I also own a couple of different Pokemon books (not the manga, though), and 2 of the movies, along with the OSTs for B/W, X/Y, and ORAS! I don’t have much as far as clothing goes though, except for my “Gotta Catch ‘Em All” scarf and a Pikachu hat I got at an old anime store at the mall that has since closed. That’s probably all I can remember right now!
SpIn #2 - Steam Powered Giraffe
SPG has been a special interest for about 4 years now? Anyway, they’re my #1 favorite band and have literally saved my life. Watching Bunny Bennett’s (who plays Rabbit) vlogs about her transition, along with listening to the song Transform that she wrote (waaay before they just made it a single) really helped me accept myself and come out. 
They also came at a time where I was struggling emotionally a lot, and I remember being stuck in the ER hooked up to an IV, and my mom played some of their albums for me to keep me calm and grounded. More recently, I saw them perform at Anime Midwest last year, and when they performed Transform (which neither me or my friends expected), we were all hugging each other and crying tears of joy (my friends are trans as well, and have also been touched by Bunny’s vlogs).
Their songs (not including the sad ones) make me really happy as well, and Make Believe makes me stim a lot in particular! I also got to sing Honeybee as part of a voice coaching summer camp I took last year, and it felt really good to do it! I really recommend listening to them, especially if you like steampunk and/or you’re looking for trans artists to support!
SpIn #3 - Little Shop of Horrors
So this is more of a fairly recent one, compared to the first two. This special interest mostly applies to the 1986 movie, but I’ve seen the stage musical as well! The music, the cast, the plot, it’s all *chef’s kiss*. But for real though, my two favorite things about the movie are the practical effects and the endings.
With the CGI fresh hell we got with CATS, you may thing, “wow, special effects were so much better back then”. Except here’s the thing, they were practical effects. Audrey II is (I believe) entirely puppetry, not CGI. The same applies for the musical as well! It really culminated at the end of the film during “Mean Green Mother from Outer Space”, when Audrey II is at it’s biggest and most elaborate. Speaking of that scene, I much prefer the director’s cut over the theatrical cut. I know that the happy ending is much better for Audrey and Seymour, but “Don’t Feed The Plants” is an absolute banger, and I get a good cry out of it too.
I heard they might be making a remake of the movie, which I’m hesitant about, again, seeing how CATS turned out. We can only hope that they listen to the fans, and make the right decisions when it comes to making it.
SpIn #4 - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Ok, so this is one of those aformentioned “is it a SpIn or a hyperfixation” moments. I’ve been hyperfixated on JJBA for the past 6 months and I’m physically unable to shut up about it XD
I’m about to start watching part 4 of the anime, I just need to set aside time to do it. I watched it a tad out of order, my ex told me to skip part 1 and watch a synopsis of it, so I started with part 2 (I’m a huge part 2 stan btw), got to part 3, was confused by everything going on with DIO, so I went back, watched part 1, and then resumed part 3.
As I mentioned, I’m a huge part 2 stan, so I currently have several part 2 character cosplays in the works. This includes (but isn’t limited to) Caesar, Suzi Q, Playboy Bunny Caesar (inspired by a piece of art that @tinypalettes drew), Tequila Joseph (but like,, actually decent drag), and Cleric Suzi Q from the JJBA D&D session me and my friends are having. I also want to do a drag/latex DIO look, along with maid DIO inspired by an old JUMP cover and a fanfic I read the other day.
I get a little nervous about doing/going to JJBA events at conventions because I’m worried about running into my ex, but knowing that I have supportive people with me helps a lot.
SpIn #5 - Homestuck/Hiveswap
So this is another one of those “SpIn or hyperfixation” moments as well. I’ve been into Homestuck since late 2016, but I’ve never been super involved in the fandom. Like, yes, I have a moirail and I’ve been in and hosted panels at conventions, but I’ve encountered some toxic people in it, so I try to distance myself.
I will say, however, that Homestucks are loyal to their fandom, and will buy merch if they like it. When I say that, yes, I mean myself, but it’s mostly about my Etsy customers. If you look at my sales history, the majority of it is quadrant necklaces, almost always the moirail ones. I get some orders for horns and pillows too, but not as often as the necklaces. When it comes to exhibiting at conventions, it depends. I normally don’t put Homestuck stuff out on the table because it’s such a niche, but when I do, people will usually buy a lot at once. For example, at Wizard World Madison in 2018, one guy bought $50-60 worth of Homestuck sprites from me. That weekend was the best I’ve ever done, and I haven’t come close since. My Etsy store started out as just me making Homestuck sprites for me and my friends too, so I’m glad that I was able to expand and give others what I like as well.
I’m also involved in a Hiveswap YouTube musical, and I’ve made a lot of good friends through it! We’re on hiatus right now, but we should be starting up again soon! I also have a lot of Homestuck cosplays! I’ve done Karkat, John, Jade, Nepeta, Trickster Nepeta, Karkat Peixes (a bloodswap), and I have a lot more that I want to do!
SpIn #6 - Danganronpa
So Danganronpa is (probably) one of those last “SpIn or hyperfixation” things. I’ve been into Danganronpa since 2018 (I think?), and DR:AE is my favorite (mostly because I’m a Kotoko and Toko kinnie oof-)!
Right now, my only Danganronpa cosplay is Toko/Syo, but I’m working on a couple of j-fashion (particularly menhera and fairy kei) inspired looks to do with my moirail (who was the one who got me into j-fashion), and just some Amazon/eBay cosplays as well! I’m also working on a Future Foundation Toko cosplay to do with my moirail so we can do Tokomaru together (though most of it is thrifting and clothes I already have)!
I own DR1, SDR2, and DR:AE on my computer, but I don’t play them much. The second trial in DR1 gives me panic attacks because of the whole breaking of trust thing (I’ve heard the audios and I just,,, break down), I haven’t touched SDR2 yet, and I’m sucky at the controls for DR:AE. However, I’ve watched the anime and I’ve seen let’s plays, so I have a feel for what’s going on, though I may not remember it all correctly since I haven’t watched them in a while.
So that’s most (if not all) of my special interests! I probably forgot some, but it’s getting late and I need to pack for my Mom’s and go to bed. I hope you all have a good night!
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Fic-Writer / Vid-Maker Meme
Tagged by @educatedinyellow and @gailbsanders, thank you!
Author/Vidder Name: sanguinity
Fandoms You Write For: Lately it’s mostly book!verse Hornblower and ACD!Holmes (although the ACD!Holmes is largely behind the scenes with a long-form WIP that I’ve been focusing on). I also write for assorted small Holmesian fandoms as the whim or prompts take me, and I used to write fairly prolifically for Elementary, before that show wore me into the ground with how persistently they don’t care about Joan Watson. I’ve written a fair bit of Strange Empire, some Doctor Who / Torchwood, and quite a few one-offs in random fandoms, from the Oz books to Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Fandoms I Vid For: Mostly one-offs or small batches that overlap with the fandoms I write for: Holmesian multiverse, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, plus a number of rarer Festivids-qualifying fandoms like The Middleman or Noah’s Arc. 
Where You Post Fic: Most of it is on AO3, excepting some three-sentence and five-sentence fics that I’ve never collected. 
Where You Post Vids: Variously Vimeo, YouTube, and DailyMotion, depending on who threw a fit about what copyrighted music the week I posted it, but all my vids are listed at AO3.
Most Popular One-Shot: “The Sincerity of Dust,” a BBC Sherlock Mystrade flash-fic I banged out one morning and which then went on to eat Cleveland. It has 1400 kudos and is working on 14,000 hits. Its nearest rival is “Score: Q to 12,″ an Elementary flash-fic featuring Sherlock and Joan playing Calvinscrabble, which performed modestly on AO3 but cleaned up on tumblr to the tune of 1700 notes.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: “Holocene Park,” an Elementary case fic featuring dinosaurs under the streets of New York City. If I’m remembered in the Elementary fandom for anything, it’s probably for this or Calvinscrabble.
Most Popular Vid: “Something Good (Will Come From That),” my Holmes/Watson multiverse vid. It has 10K plays, the AO3 page has 2.5K hits, and the tumblr page has almost 800 notes. It escaped my corner of pseudonym-based AO3-centric fandom and has made the rounds of the Sherlockian scions on Facebook, as well as being rec’d on non-fannish websites in French, German, and Japanese. For a little while there it was making me anxious with how popular it got -- at the height of its popularity, I was worrying my mom was going to email it to me. After it hit it big I almost completely stopped making things for a while, because I was pretty sure that nothing else I made would be even half that good ever again. Happily, that turned out to be a stupid reason to not make things, and so I started making things again.
Favorite Story You Wrote/Vid You Made: Yeah, sorry, no, my brain burns out on “favorite” questions, especially ones that have no criteria. I’ll just refer you to my Fic/Vid Speed-Dating Score Card, which can be construed as a list of my favorite works on various axes, and is still fairly accurate despite being a year old. (Scariest nowadays is probably “Tea for Two,” a Moriarty-centric story from this last round of Holmestice.)
Story You Were Nervous to Post: “Any Service Required,” which is dark Bush/Hornblower porn. I always feel hideously exposed when publishing porn -- I’m nervous about posting it even in the best of cases. But what with this being dark-fic, I was half-expecting the self-appointed morals police who get prescriptive about “healthy” relationships to show up and make a stink. Or along similar lines, I was fearing that followers who are used to a certain kind of thing from me will look at this one, think it base trash, and lose respect for me over it. I’m happy to say that nothing like that has happened so far, and while readership has been light, I’m fine with that: I’d rather a story have a small readership who is genuinely into it than a large readership who isn’t, and I’d like to believe that this story’s small readership is mostly due to people taking a look at the tags and making good decisions about the kind of thing they enjoy reading. 
How Do You Choose Your Titles: BY ANY MEANS I CAN MAKE WORK. My preference is to grab a meaningful phrase from the text, but I’ll also use quotes and popular phrases, sometimes straight-up and sometimes with a twist, if it seems a decent fit for the story. Ideally, a title will speak to some deeper truth about the story, but when push comes to shove, I’ll settle for a title that is short, clean, and memorable: basically, anything that I and others can remember without having to look it up all the damn time. (This is my main problem with people using lines of poetry or song lyrics as titles: they tend to register in my brain as generic word salad, and in many cases I couldn’t say without looking it up what the title actually was, let alone what it had to do with the story.)
Do You Outline: For long or complex stories, sure, yes. If there are many scenes or multiple chapters, I tend to jot down a few lines listing out the succession of scenes or chapters; for “The Next World,” whose main body is a long and rambly conversation, I had an outline that listed out every twist and turn of that convo. The outline for “Langstroth on Bees” (WIP, currently 58K) is a monster of a thing, listing out the internal timeline (five years of current action plus another ten of backstory), various promises I’ve made that I need to deliver on, assorted events that I want to remember to include, and rough ideas about where chapter breaks should maybe fall. Given that I’ve been working on that story for five years now, often with breaks from it of nearly a year, that outline has saved my ass. I guarantee you that without it, I would have picked up this story at some point, tried to remember where I was going with it, come up with nothing much, and shelved it permanently. If anything, I really should outline more often -- I have a few long-standing drafts in my WIP folder that I just... don’t remember where I was going with that. I remember that I did have a destination in mind, yes, but what exactly? WHO KNOWS. Btw, my outlines are living documents -- I revise them often, as my understanding of the story develops. In fact, revising the outline is one of many tools for understanding where a story is going and what is still needed to bring it together.
How many of your fanworks are…
Complete: 92 stories or story collections (I have a few AO3 “stories” that are actually collected ficlets from tumblr or Sherlock60), and 26 vids and vidlets, 
In-Progress: Nothing published to AO3 -- it makes me crazy to have a partially-published WIP. My drafts folder has 36 partially completed stories in it, and there are probably a half-dozen vids that I started but haven’t finished.
Coming Soon: Four? For various values of “coming soon.” I have two Hornblower stories that are mostly done (one for the Tegmore verse and another for the Kraken verse), and I’ve been working steadily on “Langstroth on Bees” in the hopes that I’ll finish it this year. And I’m signed up for Remix Revival -- whatever I do for that will probably be the very-most-next thing.
Do You Accept Prompts: Yes! Although I have only a 1/3 to 1/2 completion rate on prompts -- I do hope that no one minds that too terribly! But I’ll actively solicit prompts from time to time -- to celebrate something, or if I’m having a shit day and want to turn it around -- and some of my best stuff has come from prompts people have given me. I never ever guarantee filling them (see my above mentioned completion rate), but if someone wants to prompt me something, my ask box is open. Even if the prompt never gets filled, I still get a warm flutter of “They want to play with me!” from it.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: “Langstroth on Bees,” a 58K-and-counting Holmes/Watson retirement fic that I’ve been working for five years. I added a solid 13K to it this month, and have maybe 20K left to go -- I’m hope-hope-hoping to have it done this year. But I’ve gotten far enough into it that “Langstroth” has finally begun overlapping the territory covered in “From Allegany,” and by the end of this chapter I’ll have passed it entirely. Then I’ll be in unwritten territory, wheee! (Speaking of titles, I never really intended to call this thing “Langstroth on Bees” -- that’s just a working title for my drafts folder. But enough of you now know it by that name that I think I’m going to have to stick with it? So I’m desperately trying to figure out how to justify it. ONE OF MANY THINGS TO DO IN THIS DRAFT.)
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions As Well: @beanarie @quipxotic @phoenixfalls @xserpx @amindamazed And of course anyone else who wants to play!
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 5 years
Witness: KirkyPet
Creator name (AO3): KirkyPet 
Creator name (Tumblr): kirkypet 
Link to creator works: https://archiveofourown.org/users/KirkyPet/works
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: I was actually quite fixated on Fury Road after watching it on DVD. I didn’t expect to particularly like it - I’d never seen the previous Mad Max movies (I finally have!) - but I was transfixed. And I didn’t particularly ship Furiosa and Max until the haemothorax/transfusion scene (although then I very much did). There were just so many layers of detail and backstory there waiting to be explored, because so little was actually said or explained. It’s like a neutron star of fic-fodder. And I didn’t discover ao3 til summer 2016 so I spent a full year wandering around like a lost soul. So, yeah. Quite a huge deal for me really.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: Music. Minor characters looking on and commenting on the protagonists (big fan of Thomas Hardy’s more comedic efforts, where this happens a lot). Reasonably happy endings.
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: Maybe the small town modern AU (Ordinary People), because it was a nice change from the Wasteland setting. I’m not very Wasteland-minded at all. But the Bladerunner AU (Do Androids Dream etc) and the new Firefly AU are lots of fun because the two sets of movie worlds mesh together way better than I’d expected. 
The most difficult? - My Wasteland headcanon stuff. It’s too fluffy and not remotely violent which doesn’t really ring true. I’m very aware that my Furiosa is hardly ever violent, or my Max particularly mad. But that’s the great thing about fanfiction - the infinite versions of characters and scenarios. Surprisingly the Blues Brothers AU is quite tricky. I can’t quite make Jake Blues and Furiosa the same person. But it’s an excuse to listen to great tunes. And Jessie will make a comeback in that one though (she’s not dead, I should make that clear). 
On the old kudos-to-hits ratio, the Firefly AU is taking off surprisingly well, but it’s quite smut-focused so that might well account for it ;) early days yet. Bladerunner AU is doing well for a multi-chapter. Up Around The Bend (an oldie, the escape from the Citadel) is hanging in there. 
Most successful? I’m happy enough with all of them, except maybe I Kissed A Girl. Please don’t read that. Favourite overall - It’s a toss-up between Ordinary People (a chance to explore my headcanon in a modern small town setting) and the Bladerunner AU (it makes me weep). 
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: Hopeful and silly and everyone has access to a record player somehow. This is why I stick to writing AUs these days. But I’ll happily read all of the above!!! And entirely intend to!
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: Watch a film, browse tumblr, listen to music, get an idea. Have a good think about it, think about it some more, find a starting point, write it down, go from there. Maybe stick a draft on tumblr if I’m not sure if it’s going to fly. Write it anyway. 
For OCs, figure out what someone looks like. That’s weirdly essential for me. Zal (Furiosa’s Dad) is Ed Harris, Young Val (Furiosa and Max’s grownup daughter) is Alicia Vikander and Toots (rescued-kid-turned-Wasteland-son-in-law) is Didier Drogba (bit of a blast from the past but hey). I was getting nowhere with Blues Mothers Jessie until I recast her as Sofia Boutella (because if Max is getting a generational update, she needs one too). And Firefly AU’s Mister Jobassa is Jakob Oftebro. All very pretty people, but what are you gonna do? But they’re only these people in MY head - they can be whoever the reader wants them to be. Oh, and Pin from Ordinary People was 100% an actual real tour guide I met on holiday once. 
Preferred environment? Usually while half asleep in bed, or walking, or In the gym, or watching tv - world building seems to be something that happens away from the keyboard. Writing itself is exclusively on my phone so can and does happen anywhere at all. Rough patches are usually caused by guilt that I’m not spending enough time on the day job :P
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: I listen to music all the time anyway, mainly upbeat pre-90s tunes. Disco, funk, ska, motown, anything like that. And it always find its way into the writing. Sometimes artificially (where I’m on a song-lyrics-as-title theme - it took ages for some of the Wasteland fics) but most times it can help shape the story in a BIG way. I can’t listen to certain songs now without reliving a chapter or a whole fic - Dionne Warwick’s Do You Know The Way To San José is Bladerunner!Furiosa’s Green Place song, and Ash’s Angel Interceptor is StarTrek!Max’s flying music - it’s noisy enough but also speaks to me about a longing to not be alone in the universe. Concrete and Clay is smalltown!Max’s bittersweet lament for Jessie and Twistin’ The Night Away is the final party scene in Cheedo’s update of The Rivals. Some fics wouldn’t have been written at all if it wasn’t for a particular song. The Black Keys’ Heavy Soul was my original Wasteland Furiosa/Max ship theme back in 2015, before I’d even heard of ao3 - that’s the closest I’ve come to a song fic. Caleb was only Caleb because of a line in Symarip’s Skinhead Moonstomp, and I was so desperate to write a fic with Leo Sayer’s You Make Me Feel Like Dancing In it that it was the final excuse for a whole modern mirrorverse to my Wasteland headcanon series. Bet you’re sorry you asked now. But I’ll have to go and put together a Kirkyverse OST list.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: To put the damn thing down and walk away. To not assume it’s awful if I don’t get a kudos in the first thirty hits. Thumb cramp from phone-typing.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I didn’t write at all before the Mad Max fandom. Apart from a ghost story when I was about seven (it did win a prize tbh) and a truly god awful Stephen King rip-off when I was fourteen (which makes me nauseous from embarrassment when I think of it). So a fair bit, it’d probably be fair to say. It would be impossible not to, you know, from zero :) My work has changed from spinoffs of inspirational fics (thanks Squid!) to ‘well, I suppose I’ve got a head canon, let’s see if I can make this work’ to ‘goddammit I’ll finish this if it kills me’. Then I missed my exit on the Roundabout of Fic Endings and had to go round again in a modern AU mirror verse. Now it’s all movie mashups, which is lots of fun and probably never-ending. During which time I have learned that crossovers are my favourite to write. And that writing fanfic is probably not a temporary fad :)
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I don’t really have a favourite tbh. They’re all their own people and do their own thing. Writing them is very dependent on their environment, and it’s often surprising how they behave and where they end up. It feels a bit like they’re on Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: Hah yes. The first one was Zephyr the annoying visitor in Witches and Ogres. Young Val’s social awkwardness in As was very much on loan from me. 
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?Furiosa and Max are pretty much always there - sometimes it’s probably platonic, and sometimes there’s a third person involved (nothing posted yet but but but). It depends on the fic.
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: One big long chronology for the headcanon series (childhood to old age), then a whole bunch of little universes for everything else.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: Not to break, as much as I can. But it depends.
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: Furiosa was never actually a wife - she was captured but dodged the whole Vault experience. Max is the original Max, of Jessie and Sprog fame. Toecutter was Joe’s younger self - he scooted around on motorbikes and raised hell before deciding to settle down and take the Citadel. AU Toast and Dag are twins (from a shady mob family). Furiosa’s Dad is a friendly Wasteland bandit. 
Q: If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: They’re supplementary characters who make the plots fit together, and sources of conflict or humour (usually both). I think I like Ordinary People’s Alexa and Mallory best. Although the Irish War Boy crew in Beyond the Pale were fun to write. Ace’s trio of love interests (Brick, Big Dave and Caleb/Pin) are a consistent theme. Sometimes I steal characters from other sources (stand up Christopher Brookmyre) when it’s convenient.
Q: What sparks your many wonderful AUs?
A: Movies, tv, gifs, tumblr prompts and general chitchat (thankyou btw!!!)
Q: A lot of your fics are light-hearted and hopeful, which is great to see for the apocalyptic Mad Max world. Your thoughts on that? What is it about the characters that inspires you to reframe them?
A: I just really like comedy and am committed to winkling it into every fictional scenario whether it’s appropriate or not. Glad people don’t hate it!
Q: Who are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: Well, it was Squid’s ( @sacrificethemtothesquid )Length and Breadth of Fury Road that got me out of the starting blocks! Christopher Brookmyre’s The Sacred Art of Stealing was a big influence on my headcanon series, as was a particular Coronation Street storyline from some years back :) 
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: Blues Brothers AU series (Sweet Home Chicago) -Wasteland Star Trek First Contact AU (Angel Interceptor) -Firefly AU (Our Mister Jobassa) -His Dark Materials AU (unnamed as yet, just brewing in my head, hope it just stays there for the meantime) -Will combine all the headcanon works into one long fic sometime. That’s everything from Witches and Ogres through to Ordinary People. Probably be called ‘All the Things that I’ve Done’ (basically the two lives of Furiosa: Wasteland and mirrorverse).
Thank you @kirkypet
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raisinbran79 · 6 years
Sweet Bird ( Reddie fanfic)  sad angst, I mean what else would I write pffft.
Richie was already sitting on Eddie kasbrak’s small twin bed when the world ended.
Usually when Sonia kaspbrak went out of town it was a happy occasion, but frankly richie felt sick to his stomach seeing eddie tonight. He heard them come in. He heard the soft, stuttering sleepy voice of Bill and the slightly higher pitched voice of eddie kaspbrak. He heard them giggle and he heard the clatter of things being slammed into counters. No matter how much he could deny it in his head. Richie knew his boyfriend was cheating on him. But hell, what else could he have expected? noone in his life stook around long. When he told beverly, his best friend, that his plan was to catch them in the act she told him he was crazy.
“ Who’s the crazy one now beezy?” he whispered the pet name to himself .
Even though Richie didn’t have many friends but still did not fail to be the loudest in the room, and everyone hated him for it. Except beverly. She laughed at his jokes and shared sandwiches with him when his own  mother was too drunk to pack a lunch for him.No matter how much the kids made fun of richie or her, they always knew they had each other. The thing about beverly was that she always ignored his quirks, except how he called her beezy. The nickname,, had come from their first cigarette shared at the quarry. They were about 11 and  Beverly had sneaked them and a pack of red light matches from the pharmacy counter. They stood around the lip f the quarry trying so hard to get their shaking hands to properly light the but. In Richies memory it took about twenty minutes for the two of them to calm down.
In fact when beverly finally calmed down and sat, she fell right into a  bee’s nest right beside the cliff .
Beverly screamed in pain and Richie panicked and lifted her right out the bee’s nest, getting a dozen bee stings himself. He ran them all the way back to where their bikes were parked all the way threw the forest. In his bike basket, Richie had a first aid kit handy because he was always getting scrapes and he nursed her wounds. As Richie placed a blue bandage on her thigh, she planted a kiss on his mess of black hair. Neither of them had ever felt love like that.
From that day on they became each other's person.  They were inseparable, Until Richie met eddie and beverly met Ben.
Richie and Beverly had shared drama class with Eddie and ben. They all became fast friends in group projects and soon  Eddie and Ben introduced them to Stan, mike and Bill. Stan and Mike had been a couple since seventh grade. The entire Losers club ( which the group dubbed themselves) seemed to be on the spectrum at least half way. Including Eddie which made richie feel very hopeful.
It wasn’t until one night at Mike’s annual losers club barn  party that richie had decided he loved eddie and kissed him.That same night ben hanscom made the same decision to love Beezy marsh.The Losers club was shocked but in the end they were their friends and no one questioned the love between the few of them.Eddie and Richie, Ben and Beverly in love and happy.
For a little while.
The relationship between Eddie and Richie was not perfect by any means. But everyone including them knew they  fight because they loved each other so much. But recently Richie was worried. Stan was the first one to bring up the fact that eddie and bill were spending a lot of time together. Yet richie had, had his suspicions.
That morning, They were all standing outside the school waiting for Mikes bus to arrive.
“ Eddie are you going to riches tonight?” Stan asked innocently
“ Yea Eddie spaghetti, after a night of passionate love making i thought-”  
“ Actually Rich I was going to go study with Bill tonight” Eddie looked down at his shoes, but Richie didn't notice.
“  Of course darlin get yourself some good book learnin” and richie would wrap his arm around eddie and kiss the top of his head. Overgrown puppy alright, that had never changed. But Eddie never kissed first anymore and everyone else pretended not to notice.
 One night at the quarry, Richie and Beverly were watching the sunset and chain smoking silently. Richie broke the silence by simply saying
“ I don’t think eddie loves me anymore” Now, Richie was prone to rash comments like these so beverly only smiled
“ and why’s that?”
“ He doesn't look at me like Ben looks at you. He used to but now..” Richie mumbles off pulling in a long, sought after drag.
“ Eddie has always been complicated, and Ben” she smiled at the mention of his name “ I sometimes think he doesn’t love me anymore to, it’s normal for losers like us” Beverly playfully nudges him on his bare shoulders. His face remains solemn.
“ You don’t think him always going over to Bill every night isn't weird?” he asks
Beverly  scoots over to him and lays her head on his shoulder and a hand on his thigh. Beverly looks out at the watercolor sunset and smiles.  From where they are sitting on the drop off they can see the entire quarry all around them and the sky in its pale pink and orange glory casting shadows on their faces. Of course Beverly thinks it is weird but to say something would be to rile Richie up. Yet this little bug kept telling her to protect him like no one else could. She knew how to love trashmouth tozier, she knew she had to keep him safe.
“ Beverly ” Richie whispers, his voice cracking. Beverly plants a comforting  kiss on his bare shoulder.
“ I love you Rich”
“ I love you too, Beezy”
But to Richie this had to be proven once and for all. He had to prove himself wrong or else he would lose his mind,  Later that night Richie snuck into eddie's room and waited, just waited.
He knew he was crazy and he would cover the fact he was there  with some lie about his parents being assholes. Eddie did not like unexpected company, even from richie.
About twenty minutes later the front door opened. He stood up waiting for the familiar thud up the stairs but instead Richie heard two voices. He heard the giggles, and the passionate  egging on , and the slamming and the banging and the moaning Eddie moaned so passionately it stirred richie's insides. HIs mind had gone blank as the tears rolled down his face. His knees buckled and he fell back onto the twin size mattress. A sizable lump was sitting right above his adams apple, suffocating his sobs.
When he heard the front door close at 10:45 and  finally heard eddie walk up the stairs he felt his heart speed up and only intense anger build up in his chest.
When eddie opened the door, he only looked up solemnly all anger diffused. Eddie was in shock his sweet face had turned ghostly white and he had started shaking. A soft fuck fell from the edge of his tongue at the sight of Richie’s tear stained face.
He turned and closed the bedroom door cautiously as if Richie were fast asleep . Eddie made sure the lock clicked and pressed his forehead on the weathered oak door, had richie heard anything?
“ Bill, huh” Richie said coldly after a minute . Eddie sighed and turned  to face him barely making eye contact.
“ Richie ,I’m sorry” Eddie starts, still standing at the doorway refusing to come any closer .
“You don’t  love me, is that it? What did I do wrong?” Richie started to cry involuntarily.
Eddie finally looks at him and shrugs heartlessly
Richie's heart explodes and he starts pacing the room laughing hysterically.
“ I mean everyone knew it right eds, who can fucking love trashmouth tozier!?”
“ Richie” Eddie pleads “ Please it’s just-”
“ It’s just fucking Eds !!, have you caught a speech impediment from bumbling bill?”
‘“ Richie, I just can’t anymore” Eddie croaked out a thin stream of tears .
“ Ok sure, Eds” richie scoffed. Richies mind knew this was a joke. It had to be?
Richie just stared at him bleakley. Richies brain wasn’t processing this, t. “ It’s a joke” he thought “ this is one big joke.”
“ I’m sorry ”  Eddie casts  away the tears on his face
. How after two years of love, of sacrificing his heart could his eds look at him with pure frozen icicles.
“ Fuck you kaspbrak”
Richie pushed past him and slammed open the door but eddie grappled at his arms. Richie did not know why eddie was trying to hold onto him, eddie knew exactly why
“ Don’t be upset , just go home ok” Eddie pleaded “ this is just me, its not”
“ it’s not you its me” Richie laughed hysterically sending spit into the shorter boy’s face. Eddie let go and immediately started to rub off his spit. Richie booked it out the door, down the stairs and into the dead midnight  road.
Eddie did not  lock  the front door that night, instead he closed the door and cried for a very long time.
When richie tozier climbed his stairs at 2 am with a bottle of amber whiskey in his arms, he finally understood what those sad love songs were about. He understood the pain and suffering of a broken heart. Richie figured this heartbreak was worse than any booze induced hangover. So he drank, and drank and drank…..
His parents were already dead asleep at this time of night so he didn’t have to worry about waking anyone up.  He shut himself up in his bedroom,  opened his window and dissolved into the bed. 
( btw there's more if people want and I would love criticism like I live for it)
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animakupo · 6 years
Pretty, Prettier, Prettiest (Prompto x Reader)
henlo, it me
my first post on this blog
my first fanfic after about 4 (???) years of not writing anything
i wrote this on a whim just hours after making this account
(haven’t been on tumblr in a couple of years either)
it wasn’t supposed to be this long i jUST WANTED SOMETHING SHORT AND SWEET but i guess that didn’t happen
this is high school!Prom btw a.k.a. my sweet darling Sunshine
word count: 3k+, fluff with a bit of prom’s lowkey self-deprecation
‘She’s so pretty,’ is what Prompto thinks the first time he lays his eyes on you.
It’s at the arcade on one of Prompto’s after-school excursions with Noct when he catches sight of you. Your uniform tells him that you share the same school, but it’s clear that you’re in different classes due to the unfamiliarity of your identity.
Neon lights of the rhythm game you were preoccupied with illuminate your frame, but it’s the look of sheer glee on your face that really catches Prompto’s attention. There’s something about that grin of yours that Prompto can’t seem to shake off, even after Noct has already beaten him at the shooter game they came here to play.
“Hey,” says Noct, waving a hand in front of Prompto’s face. “You okay?”
Prompto blinks, Noct’s words snapping him out of his stupor. “H-huh?”
“I beat you twice now,” Noct tells him, “and I never beat you at this dumb game. Your aim’s off.”
Prompto isn’t one to toot his own horn, but there’s no denying that he is the absolute best when it comes to shooter games. He just never misses. Today is apparently an exception, and it’s all thanks to you.
“O-oh, sorry.” Prompto clears his throat before letting out a nervous chuckle. “I’m just distracted, I guess.”
“Yeah, distracted by a certain someone over there.”
Noct may have a reputation for dozing off and leaving an overwhelming amount of untidiness in his wake (Ignis would argue that “overwhelming” doesn’t even begin to cover just how much of a mess Noct’s living quarters are), but he’s anything but unobservant.
“What? No!” Prompto screeches as he flails around Noct. “I was not staring at that girl playing Guitar Hero!”
“I never said you were drooling over anyone playing Guitar Hero,” Noct retorts with a smirk. “I was actually referring to the Chocobo plushie at the prize station. But hey, don’t let me stop you from crushing on her.”
At this, Prompto blushes. “Noooct!”
It seems Prompto’s voice is much louder than he thinks because all of a sudden, you turn your attention towards him, having failed at the song you were playing on the arcade machine. It’s at this moment that Prompto can practically feel his heart stop, because when your eyes meet, it’s as if everything else vanishes.
Prompto can’t help but stare, his mouth left slightly ajar. He’s a big appreciator of beauty, after all, and gosh were you one work of art. His face burns all the more when you offer a small smile of acknowledgement before scurrying off with your friends.
“I…” he starts, gazing at you as you cramp yourself into a photobooth with your comrades. “I think I’m in love.”
Noct scoffs. “Get a grip.”
The next time Prompto sees you is during his lunch break a few days later. He’s making his way towards Noct’s desk (“I hope Iggy made a new batch of those tarts!”) when a small voice from the classroom doorway reaches his ears.
“Excuse me?” you call out, hoping to catch someone’s attention.
Prompto ignores the voice, thinking it wasn’t anything that required his presence. He’s nearly at Noct’s desk when someone hollers, “Yo, Argentum!”
Prompto turns, seeing one of his classmates beckon for him. “Yeah?”
“Someone’s looking for you.” His classmate motions towards the entrance, causing Prompto to direct his gaze towards the classroom doors. His eyes slowly widen when he realizes who it is that’s waiting for him.
It’s you.
Prompto gulps, already feeling his palms begin to sweat. What in the world were you doing here, looking for him of all people? The blond boy blinks once. Twice. He’s staring at you, dumbstruck, before he belatedly grasps that you’re still patiently waiting for him to approach you.
So that’s what he does. Slowly. Almost robotically. Prompto doesn’t know what to think, being too caught up in the reality that he is making his way towards you. What is he supposed to say? What did you even want from him in the first place? Did you feel a connection just as he had at the arcade? Was it love at first sight for you as well? Could you-
-wait. Maybe you noticed that he was with Noct that day at the arcade. You were probably just here to ask about his friend, weren’t you? That’s definitely the case. Why want him when you can have the Crown Prince of Insomnia? You’d probably be a better match with Noct anyway. You’re much too pretty to be with someone like-
“Prompto Argentum?” you ask unsurely as the boy in question finally reaches you.
“Ye-yeah…?” Did his voice just crack? Astrals above, he was reverting into a prepubescent teen right in front of you!
“Hi,” you say, offering your name and a hand to shake. “You’re friends with Prince Noctis, right?”
Prompto’s too caught up in the feel of your hand in his (‘So soft,’ he thinks dazedly) to register the words that came out of your mouth. “What?”
You clear your throat, ushering him outside for more privacy. “Prince Noctis — you’re friends with him, right? I think I saw him next to you a few days ago at the arcade…?”
Prompto’s heart drops. He was right. Of course you were here looking for Noct. Of course. He sighs dejectedly, unable to contain the frown that was now marring his freckled face. Running a hand through his hair, he says, “Yeah, Noct’s a buddy of mine. Why d’you ask?”
The subtle blush on your cheeks — as darling as it was — was a tell-tale sign that Noct was the apple of your eye. “Well…”
“Want me to put in a good word for you?”
“I’m sorry?”
Prompto manages to reel his frown into a pout. “You’re here because you wanna know how to get into his good graces, right? I mean, I can’t blame you. My best friend’s a piece of work!” Prompto’s trying to sound chipper, he really is, but he can already feel his heart breaking. He didn’t even get to start anything with you — not even a mere friendship — before handing you over to someone else.
“Um, well,” you stumble a bit with your words, and it’s here that Prompto detects what seems to be a hint of embarrassment. “I do want to know how to catch Prince Noctis’ attention, but it’s not for my sake.”
The tightness in his chest — a pressure Prompto didn’t even realize was there — suddenly loosens. He raises his brows questioningly. “It’s for whose sake, then?”
“My friend,” you answer. “She’s a sweet girl who’s got a massive crush on the Prince. I told her to just walk up to him and say hi, but she was pretty adamant for some sort of intel before making a move.” You fumble with the skirt of your uniform before continuing. “I remembered seeing the two of you hanging out, so I figured you would be the best source of information on our royal schoolmate.”
Prompto says nothing, too dumbfounded by the turn of events. So you didn’t have the hots for Noct? Does that mean that he, Prompto Argentum, might have a chance? ‘Don’t get your hopes too high, Prompto,’ he reminds himself, taking notice of how you’re squirming at his silence.
You perceive his lack of response as a signal to continue. “I know it’s kinda… weird, asking something like this of you, but you seem like a nice guy and an even better friend to the Prince. I don’t need to know anything personal about him, but it’d help if you could-“
“Sure,” Prompto chirps easily, already feeling more at ease thanks to the knowledge that you aren’t actually here for Noct. Well, technically, you are, but it’s not for your own personal purposes.
Your rambling is cut short. “Really?”
The look of surprise on your face is absolutely adorable. Prompto has to mentally remind himself not to squeal at how precious you are. “Really.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “Bless you.”
“So whaddya wanna know?”
You shrug. “Anything, really. What does he like? Favorite video games? Dislikes?” You take a step closer, dropping your voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Boxers or briefs?”
Prompto chokes, not at your joke, but at how close you are. You smell like a dream. “Ex… excuse me?!”
Despite being caught off guard at your close proximity, Prompto can’t help but marvel at how delightful your laugh is. Such a beautiful sound is music to his ears, and it warms his heart knowing that he is the cause of your momentary happiness.
“I’m just kidding.” You wave your hand about, already beginning to contain your giggles. Prompto wishes he could hear more of it, though.
“I knew that,” he mumbles. “Well, uh… let’s see.” Prompto rubs his chin thoughtfully, trying to figure out what he can divulge without exploiting his best friend’s privacy. “He has a bit of a sweet tooth.”
“Really now?” You hum contemplatively. “I never would have guessed.”
“Yeah. Did you know that he hates veggies?”
You snort at this. “How old is he, seven?”
“On the inside, yeah.”
His answer makes you grin. “This is more than enough. Thank you, Prompto.”
Your hand latches onto his forearm, giving it an appreciative squeeze. The jolts of electricity he feels at your touch is both alarming and incredible at the same time. “My pleasure.” ‘Really, it was a pleasure getting to talk to you.’
“I hope you can keep this from the Prince though,” you state with a bite of your lip. “It might be awkward if he finds out I’m borderline stalking him, even if I’m doing it for someone else’s benefit.”
Your lip biting makes Prompto just want to kiss you now, but pouncing on attractive people just isn’t in his nature. He may not be royalty, but he’s definitely well-mannered. “As you wish, m’lady.” He bows jokingly, earning another soft laugh from you. “I have one question, though.”
“What’s that?”
“How’d you know who I am?”
“Oh.” Was that a blush returning to your face yet again? “That part was fairly easy.” Tucking a stray hair behind your ear — almost shyly, Prompto thinks — you say, “I just had to ask around for the name of the cute blondie who hangs around Prince Noctis all the time.”
You answer wasn’t one he was expecting. You… you think he’s cute? Surely Prompto must have misheard? Your words leave him speechless, so you take it upon yourself to fill the silence once more.
“Anyway, I’ve held you up long enough. Thanks again, Prompto! I really owe you one!”
Prompto’s gaze lingers in your direction even long after you’ve disappeared. He’s still in shock that you actually called him cute. Cute. How is this even real life?
He makes his way back inside the classroom with only one thought in mind: ‘She’s so much prettier up close.’
Prompto sees you a lot after that. Things might not have worked out between Noct and that friend of yours, but everything is definitely going smoothly for Prompto and his blossoming friendship with you. It’s a little odd that it was a schoolgirl crush on his best friend that led to a new companionship with you, but Prompto isn’t complaining. In fact, he thanks the Six everyday for bringing the two of you together.
Since that initial meeting, the two of you have become fast friends. Several lunch breaks have been spent in each other’s company. You’ve brought him into your small bubble of interests, (“Kingdom Hearts is the best game there is! You just have to give it a chance, Prompto!”) and have even indulged him in his photography by allowing him to snap a photo or two (or dozen) of yourself, even if you are a bit camera shy.
You’ve even hung out with Noct himself a couple of times, and to Prompto’s relief, the Crown Prince seems to like you enough as well. (“You have my blessing,” Noct tells him, to which Prompto responds, “Blessing for what?!”)
The more time spent together, the deeper his feelings for you become, and Prompto can’t really say he isn’t happy about it. It complicates things, sure, but the sentiments he feels for you are such nice feelings that he doesn’t even care anymore if his stupid crush grows more and more each day.
No matter what he does, Prompto just can’t seem to get enough of you. For all his joking about being a plebeian, Prompto feels like actual royalty whenever he’s around you. Growing up, Prompto often felt like a shadow next to the rest of his peers, but whenever he hears your charming laughter, it’s as if the entirety of Eos is within his grasp. Your bright smile rivals the sun, and in all his years behind the lens, Prompto swears he’s never seen anything quite as breathtaking as your happiness.
Prompto is completely content basking in your company at any given opportunity. Never mind the fact that he harbors the biggest crush on you. It’s one thing to have the balls to work through his nerves just to befriend you, but it’s an entirely different conquest to actually spill his guts out and make his true feelings known.
He’s not going to put you in that position. Prompto doesn’t even know if you feel that way about him; you might have your eyes on someone else, and confessing his yearning for you would just place your friendship in shambles. He may put on a brave face, but on the inside, Prompto is merely too scared of potential rejection (and, more importantly, losing you) to even consider thinking about pursuing some kind of romance with you.
It’s clear, then, that you’re a much braver soul than he is, because one day several months into your friendship, you disclose something that changes your dynamic forever.
“I have to tell you something,” you begin with yet another bite of your lip.
Having been with you for a considerable amount of time, Prompto knows by now that lip biting is a nervous tick of yours. His brows furrow at your unease. “Yeah?”
“Promise you won’t get mad?” The way you fold into yourself tugs at his heart rather painfully. Why do you sound so… scared?
“As if I could ever get mad at you,” he responds in what he hopes to be a soothing tone.
“Okay.” You take in a deep breath. “I like you.” Prompto opens his mouth to reciprocate (he likes you too, and he’s glad you seem to like his company enough to keep him around all this time), but you hold up a hand to stop him. “And before you misunderstand, I mean that I like you. As in I’ve had a crush on you since day one.”
If he’s being completely honest, Prompto has actually dreamed of the possibility that you might return his feelings. But for such a fantasy to actually be a reality? And for a confession to come out of you and not him? It’s almost unreal.
Becoming flabbergasted around you seems to be a recurring theme because Prompto is left stunned by your sudden outburst of feelings. All he could do is stare wide-eyed at you in shock. Someone as pretty as you — as gorgeous, as beautiful, as perfect as you — actually likes a good-for-nothing like himself?
“I’m dreaming again, aren’t I?” he murmurs almost incoherently, but you’re able to work past his bewildered tone to make sense of his words.
“You’re not,” you assure him. To further reinforce that this is indeed reality, you give his cheek a small squeeze. “See? You’re awake.”
“I’m… I’m awake.”
“This is… real life?”
“As real as Noct’s hatred of lettuce.”
“Okay, that’s definitely real then.” Prompto fumbles with his wristband a little anxiously before continuing. “I, uh, I like you too. Like a crush,” he adds. “I’m… Six, you’re perfect to me.”
Prompto didn’t know it then, but his declaration made all the butterflies in your tummy go wild.
“You’re… you’re perfect to me too, Prompto,” you return, your agitated expression morphing into one of joy.
“I am?” While he doesn’t take you for a liar, Prompto finds it hard to believe that you, an actual blessing from all the higher beings that be, actually find him even remotely close to perfect. In fact, Prompto has often believed that he was far from something good, let alone an embodiment of perfection. But to hear such praise from you? It’s difficult to swallow, but somehow, it feels so right because it’s coming from you.
You nod, linking your hand with his. “You are.”
The blond lets out a low whistle to ease his nerves. “So… since day one, huh?” He’s trying to come off as teasing, but really, he’s the one who’s losing his marbles on the inside.
Despite the redness of your cheeks (Prompto still can’t believe that he is the one responsible for evoking such a physical reaction from you), your response is confident and certain. “Since day one, yeah. I was actually glad that my friend asked me to help with her crush on Noct, because then it gave me an excuse to talk to you.”
His heart melts then and there. “I guess we have your friend to thank for this, huh?”
“I guess so.” You scoot a little closer to him, and Prompto is practically dying internally by now. “Prompto?”
“We’re okay, right?”
Prompto wraps his arm around you as a means of comfort. “We’re more than okay.”
“So you’ll kiss me now, right?”
“Yeah- wait, WHAT?!”
Your giggles worm their way into the pounding of his heart. Looking at you — deeply, thoughtfully, lovingly — Prompto can’t help but think, ‘She’s so pretty.’
Prompto thinks you can’t get any prettier than you already are at this moment in time. How can you improve on perfection, after all? It’s only after you share your first kiss — one of many in the years to come — that he realizes he’s mistaken.
You’re really pretty, and you’re so much prettier up close, but you’re definitely the prettiest when you have love in your eyes.
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inky-animatronic · 6 years
BATIM Fanfic: Stray Meets Stray - Chapter 1
Summary: After being attacked by Bendy, Sammy reforms and goes back to the Music Department to pace and think of a new plan. Then, he hears a noise and whimpering. Opening the exit door, he finds a dog with a chain slightly embedded into it’s neck.
Once he takes care of it’s wound, he takes it back to his office to keep it safe and sound. However, no matter how much he enjoys it’s company, he knows the dog isn’t safe there.
That’s when he thinks of his sheep that ran away. Surely he is still alive so… would he be able to keep her if Sammy helped him escape? It was a chance Sammy would have to take. Now it’s just a matter on whether the two can find him again…
Warnings: None. this is pure fluff between Sammy and a dog.
Rated: Ehhh it’s G but also T because swearing that is bound to come but it won’t be a lot.
Here’s a quick drawing of the dog in the fic: http://regularpsycho13.tumblr.com/post/169560743402/very-quick-drawing-of-something-used-the-same
This is gonna be a comic btw. First page may or may not be posted. 
Note: Well, this was the result of a picture involving Sammy and the anthro version of my fursona. This then resulted in a possible comic. The cover of which has a really rough sketch at the moment. Needless to say, I kept getting sidetracked last night with multiple things started. One of which is finished. That’s this.
Sammy huffed as the last parts of him reformed. Bendy had attacked him instead of his sheep, who had gotten away apparently. He was confused. What did he do wrong? Why did his Lord attack him?
Once he knew he was as stable as he could be, Sammy got to his feet, put his mask on, and went through the other door in the Sacrifice room, up through the infirmary, before being back to the Music Department.
Should he try again? Maybe his Lord didn’t want that sheep… for some reason he wasn’t sure why. However, he’s not going to be able to find another sacrifice for a while.
“What to do….what to do…” He muttered as he walked around the lobby of the music department.
It hurt to be attacked by his savior. The feeling of pain and melting from his claws hurt more than…. than… gee. What did it hurt more than? Sammy didn’t remember much about his old life anymore. Only thing he could think of was when he was killed. That alone was painful.
And what Bendy did tonight was just as or even more painful than when he was killed by that… no. He didn’t deserve to have his named mentioned. Not even in his subconscious.
“I guess I could go look for Butcher Gang members down below. Try and sacrifice them… but then there was that angel that was angry at me. Not sure why though.” Sammy mumbled possible ideas to himself. “Or maybe that sheep didn’t get himself killed just yet…”
As he paced around the lobby, muttering to himself, he tried to think of a way to make his Lord happy again so he could set him and the others free. But… it seemed like he was a little…too happy about killing him. Or attempting to anyway.
Perhaps he has been following a false God all along. Maybe he wasn’t going to set him free and just attack him all over again. Next time Sammy may not get as lucky as he was tonight. The puddles was the last place he wanted to go back to.
“Why can’t I be free!?” He shouted. “What did I do to deserve-” Whimper.
Sammy stopped pacing at the odd yet somehow familiar noise. Listening carefully, he soon heard another whine and a scratching noise.
Looking at the exit door, he tilted his head. Was the noise coming from there? It had to be. He never heard a Searcher make such realistic whining sounds. Cries maybe, but not whimpers.
For a moment, the noises stopped. Sammy wondered if he lost more sanity after being attacked and was just hearing things. Right when he was about to walk away from the door, the scratching came back with a even louder whimper. Someone was on the other side of the door, and they wanted inside. Badly.
“Foolish creature.” Sammy said. “It’s stupid for wanting to come in… wait.”
There was something he remembered. Through this door was a hallway and some more doors. One had a staircase going down as well as up to the main floor along with a few floors above it. Another door had a staircase that led you to a emergency exit. And other rooms for animators or the band to store their instruments.
…How did a dog, that’s what he’s assuming it was, get inside the building? It would’ve had to go through a door somehow. Or maybe a window that was by the emergency exit. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t be there.
The whining continued and Sammy just so happened to glance down and saw the stairs were flooded…again. Assuming the door wouldn’t open due to the ink, he went and pulled the pump real quick.
As he did, the dog became startled when it heard the sudden noise. Sniffing the floor, the scent that it smelt had walked away. Whimpering again, the dog laid down on the floor.
Poor thing was freezing. No one in the studio, but Henry, knew that it was Fall now. The weather, while still pleasant, was getting cold. Especially now that it was nighttime.
It trembled and curled up, trying to keep warm.
Suddenly the floorboards creaked loudly, jolting the dog from it’s own thoughts about what to do. Listening, it heard footsteps coming down what seemed to be stairs. Sniffing again, it realized that the sent came back!
The door opened with a loud creak and the dog sat up excitedly, hoping this human was a good human and not a bad one. Not like it’s owner that it had ran away from.
It’s old owner had kept it on a chain outside day in and day out. It was a heavy chain on it’s smaller body. The lack of a dog house didn’t help the situation. What did help was the blanket and water bowl. Fortunately, It wasn’t used for breeding due to being fixed at some point.
The man did starve the dog though, to the point that it’s ribs were showing slightly. But being alone made it….well, lonely. At some point the man took the chain off and told the dog to scram. Not losing this chance, the dog obeyed and ran as far as it’s legs could take it.
After many weeks of being a collard stray, the dog came across a older building. Sniffing the ground, there was a lot of scents in there. Maybe one was a good human? There was so many… one had to be good. Just one.
It took a while, but the dog found a opening through a window and squeezed it’s body through. Finally feeling better since it was out of the cold and cruel night.
However, it was still shivering as it wandered through the halls and stairs, going to the closest scent that it caught. But then there was a door keeping the one from getting to the other.
Getting up on it’s hind legs, it started scratching and whimpering at the door. That scent was close. SO close! It just had to get the other’s attention. It could hear what sounded like a man talking on the other side.
Eventually the man left and that’s when the dog laid down. Right before getting startled back onto it’s paws as it heard a loud noise before the floors and door creaked as it opened up.
In the light, the dog saw the ma- wait. That wasn’t a man…
Whimpering again, the dog cowered and backed up until it was against the wall across from the new creature it never saw before.
It had never seen a person looking so black and….wet, maybe? It’s face was also strange though the dog recognized the clothing. It’s old owner wore something similar.
Sammy pulled his mask to the side of his head so he could get a good look at the fearful dog.
The dog was smaller, maybe 40-50 pounds. He could see it was grayish with some darker gray on it’s back, ears, muzzle and back paws. It had stunning blue eyes. And it had some white on it’s chest, stomach, front paws, and tail.
Overall, it was a mutt with it’s one pointed yet still a little floppy ear and it’s completely flopped over ear.  He didn‘t have a clue as to what mix it was.
Then there was the collars that the dog was wearing. One seemed to be a basic black leather collar and a chain choker above it. Both wrapped tightly around the little one’s neck.
“Poor thing.” Sammy slowly bent down to it’s level. “Will you let me take those nasty things off you?”
In response, the dog whined and curled up tighter. As Sammy crawled over to it, knowing that a cornered dog could attack easily even though it really wouldn’t matter in this case, he continued to speak softly. Even singing a lullaby-type song.
He noticed the dog seemed to of liked his singing when it’s tail began to wag slightly. It even rolled over a little so that it was on it’s side.
“I suppose I should check your gender, hm?” Sammy said, now kneeling beside it. Glancing down, he could tell from how it was laying that the dog with him was a female. “Ah. You’re a girl. Heh. I used to have a dog as a kid. Sister and I loved her till she died. Her name was Lucy.”
Lucy Lulu… been a long time since he thought about that dog. Hell, he was surprised he even remembered he had a sister or the dog’s name!
“Lulu.” The dog gave an alert look. “Do you like that? Lulu?”
She barked in response. The dog did like that name. She wasn’t sure if she even had one anyway. So it was nice having one now.
Gently, Sammy took the chain and the collar off of the dog and rubbed the parts where the chain started to embed into the soft neck.
“Must be painful, hm?” Sammy hummed, noting the ribs that he could see.
Fortunately, the neck didn’t seem too badly damaged. He might have some bandages in the infirmary that he could use for it.
“Come.” Sammy patted his knee as he got up and walked through the door.
While hesitant, she did follow and Sammy shut the door again once she was on the stairs, waiting for him to follow.
Since the dog seemed to be small enough to be picked up, he wanted to carry her down to the infirmary but didn’t want to cover her in even more ink than he already did.
“Follow me, Lulu.” He patted his knee again and she obeyed by following him down the hall and then down some stairs.
Once in the infirmary, Sammy got some bandages and a towel. He also found what might be some medicine for an infected wound. Sitting the on the floor, he picked Lulu up so she was in his lap.
Then he got the towel wet with the medicine and wiped it along her neck. She cried out, possibly from pain, but he kept singing to her the same song from before since it calmed her down moments ago.
Once her wound was clean, he wrapped her neck with the bandages.
“There. That should be better.” Sammy said, finishing up.
Lulu had stopped crying once he put the towel down and bandaged her neck. She was feeling a lot better now. But she was still hungry.
They sat there for a while. Lulu in Sammy’s lap as he pet her ear, being careful not to get ink into it. It was relaxing and got his mind off of things. That’s when he remembered that it was pretty common knowledge that petting dogs or other pets were good stress relievers for both the human and the canine or other animal.
But he was not a human anymore. He could tell the dog was petrified when she first saw him. But now she didn’t seem to mind. If anything, she liked his hideous prison of a body.
“Then again… I’m probably the first person to treat you decently in a long time, huh girl?” Sammy said, not being so insane that he thought dogs could talk. He wasn’t that far gone just yet.
In response, the dog rolled over to her back with her belly up.
“Ah. You want belly rubs, Lulu?” The dog’s ears perked up and she wiggled in his lap. Sammy chuckled. “Alright.” He began to rub her belly.
This was the kind of company that Sammy didn’t mind having. But he knew he couldn’t keep her here. He had no way of taking care of her.
Plus, it was clearly cold out. Maybe Fall or Winter since the dog was cold when he first touched her but has since warmed up. So he couldn’t kick the dog outside and hope for the best. She found a way in one time and could probably do it again anyway.
Luckily, she wasn’t very old. Maybe 2-3 years.
But that made him want to help her even more. She was young and clearly full of life despite her rough beginning. He didn’t want to watch her die or kick her out and hope she made it to a safe place.
“Sheep sheep…. Sheep.” Sammy stopped what he was about to sing and stopped rubbing her belly too. “…That’s it.”
It’ll be dangerous but…. That was it.
That Sheep from tonight, he had to be alive still. If Sammy found him and convinced him that he wasn’t going to sacrifice him anymore, maybe he’ll trust him enough to let Sammy lead him to a exit. All he wants in return is for the dog to have a good home.
Right now, he didn’t even want to be set free. He just wanted the dog safe and sound. I mean, who could say ‘no’ to such a cute face?
He still didn’t recognize the sheep but he feels like he knew him. Chances are that he’s a good guy so maybe he’ll keep her.
“It’s gonna be a scary journey throughout the studio but we got to find him. He’s still here…somewhere…” Sammy said, noticing the dog was back to laying on her stomach.
Lulu wasn’t sure what the strange man meant but she hoped they could rest for a little bit. And get some food. Did he even need to eat or sleep? She wondered.
“Hmmm.” Sammy hummed. “I think all we have is bacon soup but… it’s better than nothing. Hopefully you won’t get sick off of it.”  
Before doing anything, he had to get something in the dog. Hell knows how long she has gone without food already.
“Come on.” Sammy set her down and stood up.
She quickly followed him up the stairs and over to his office. Opening the door, he gently pushed her in and shut the door to keep her safe. Luckily the searchers didn’t dare go in there.
Lulu whined in a confused way but figured he would be back. The room was warm and much better than the cold outside.
So she went and laid down by the desk, waiting for the man to return.
Several minutes later, he opened the door with two bowls. After kicking the door shut with his foot, he walked over to her and set them down. Looking inside, she saw water and food.
“It should be cooled down now.” Sammy said, sitting with his legs crossed and watched her begin to eat.
He was just really hoping it wouldn’t make her sick. He checked the ingredients on the back and from what he could tell, they were all safe for a dog to consume. He was also happy that he knew of a room with running water that didn’t have ink mixed in.
As he watched Lulu eat, he began to think of a plan. The sheep, if still here, had probably gone down below. Which means he’ll have to find him and possibly run into the angel in the process.
Sammy didn’t want to leave the dog here, so she’ll have to go with him. He just hoped she’ll stay by his side.
Then there was his Lord. He was still around. If he tried to kill him without a second though then… Sammy didn’t want to think about him killing a innocent dog for no reason.
The water bowl moving slightly brought him out of his thoughts. Looking in both, he saw they were empty and the dog sitting happily across from him, tail wagging behind her.
“Well, I suppose we have no time to lose. Let’s go find that sheep.”
In response, the dog laid down and yawned.
“…Or.” Sammy changed his mind. “We can rest for a while.”
Watching the dog curl up, he began to sing a lullaby. Soon, she was asleep.
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theherondaels · 7 years
Oh No (A Soy Luna Next Gen Fanfic)
Hi! Finally an update. I hope y'all survive this hell of a 7K chapter :D Toppy is all Maro's btw! Have fun reading!
5. Free Show
Stella almost had to drag herself through the front door. Her school day had been a nightmare. She had ignored all of her friend's messages about her and Andrés during the weekend but she hadn't been able to escape their pestering during the lesson breaks. Stella had never been so grateful for her double maths period. You just didn't talk during Mr Zima's class (unless you had a very strong desire for detention). Thankfully, her afternoon class had been cancelled. Stella doubted that she would have survived the 45 minute long lunch break otherwise.
She took her shoes off and made her way to her room. Once she had changed into her normal clothes, Stella felt a lot better. She observed herself in the mirror. She had put on dark blue jeans and her favorite longsleeve with camouflage print. That would have to do, Stella thought. She then eyed her school uniform on the bed and sighed. Wearing the same boring uniform five days a week was truly an imposition. The bland navy blue colour wasn't her thing either.
After one last look into the mirror, Stella went downstairs again.
Her father was setting the table while Luca was lying on the couch, still in his uniform. It didn't vary much from the one her male classmates had to wear, despite them not going to the same school. The only big difference was that the colour scheme was red instead of green. She kinda missed that uniform. Not that she didn't like green - she did! - but red was her favourite colour. And with the blue she had always sported the colours of her favourite - Argentine, mind you – football club.
"Principessa! What are you doing here already?" Matteo greeted his daughter, confusion evident on his face as he checked the clock above the TV.
Even though it was only a ten minute walk from school she normally let her parents know if she would be home earlier. Stella hadn't done that today because she had been too busy with getting out of class as soon has the bell had rang. And then she had more or less sprinted out of the building. She really hadn't been in the mood for yet another round of "You and Andrés, eh?"
Stella shrugged, "English got omitted." Her father nodded in acknowledgement. "So how was your school day?" Luca asked gleefully, sitting up.
Stella groaned while she sat down next to him. "You mean the interrogation? Just splendid," she answered sarcastically. Matteo chuckled lightly, "That bad, huh?" Stella put her head in her hands, "They just wouldn't stop asking questions!" When she looked up again she noticed that the magazine, which contained the article that had ruined her life, was lying on the small glass table before her. Stella still had to read the article... Her friends had almost fainted when she had mentioned that. She figured that she should though.
"What's for lunch?" Stella changed the subject, not wanting to talk or think about that horrendous school day anymore. "Pizza," her father answered, "We thought you could probably use a little cheering up." Stella's mood changed immediately. "Pizza is love, pizza is life," she sang happily. Seriously, if pizza couldn't make something better, nothing would! "Hey, I wanted pizza too," Luca chimed in. "It's a win-win situation then," Matteo laughed.
"Pizza's ready in about five minutes. Luca, please change before we eat," her mother called from the kitchen. "Ok, Mom!" her brother yelled back. Wise decision. Tomato sauce on white wasn't a good look.
It took all of Stella's will power to not gab the magazine the second Luca got off the couch. When he had left for his room, she eagerly snatched the magazine from the table.
She never really read anything the media wrote. If it was not made up there still was a whole lot of exaggeration. Stuff like that made Stella angry so she usually avoided it. But not today! She flipped to page 17.
To be honest, looking at the pictures, Stella didn't get what the huge fuss was about. They weren't even holding hands! But had they really been this close? She had been too busy with trying to recognize Andrés and not going off on the paparazzi than to keep track of their distance.
Stella sighed and began to read the article...
How epic would it be if Stella Balsano and Andrés Arias dated? Well, the possibility of that happening just skyrocket! The fans wanted this for years so it was no surprise that #andella was trending all over twitter the second these pictures made their way online. The two teenagers were on their way to the Jam&Roller and a little birdie told us that they are skating partners, but are they just that or is there already something more going on?
Oh dear God. Stella debated whether she should burn the magazine or not. In the end she just flung it across the room, almost hitting the TV in the process, causing her mother to check on her. Luna looked from the magazine to daughter's angry face, "Is everything alright?" Stella cursed herself. She should have burned that damn thing! "Yes, absolutely. The whole world is already theorizing if we're together or not," she replied, voice full of bitterness.
"If you'll excuse me I have to bleach my brain." Stella had totally forgotten that her dad was still in the room. He went to the kitchen and closed the door. "Drama queen," her mother mouthed. Stella laughed, the stupid article long forgotten.
She shifted a little when a certain question crossed her mind again. "Hey, Mom, do you um remember when you well, you know, knew you had like feelings for Dad?" Stella stammered, fidgeting with her hands. A soft smile was displayed on Luna's lips, "Any special reason you want to know that?" Instead of answering Stella played with the hem of her longsleeve. "Just curious," she muttered. "So this isn't about you and Andrés?" her mother asked carefully. Stella sighed. This was 13th time she had heard her and Andrés names in a sentence together. Someone save her! "Mom," she whined annoyed. Luna started to grin, "I knew it!"
"I came here for motherly advice and this is what I get," Stella deadpanned.
Her mother sighed in defeat, "I was in denial for a long time." Denial? That word didn't exist in Stella's vocabulary. According to Gastón her father had this denial problem too. Maybe their denial's had cancelled each other out. Or everything went to Luca.
"So it wasn't love at first sight when you two crashed into each other?" Stella teased. Her mother couldn't refrain a chuckle, "Despite what Matteo likes to tell people, no." Stella's brows knitted. It just seemed so surreal that her parents, who were still  very much in love after 18 years of marriage (it could be really embarrassing sometimes), weren't fools for each other since the beginning. "It was annoyance at first sight at best," Luna chuckled again.
Stella liked to hear the story of her parents first meeting. It was always very entertaining when they started to argue who really skated into who, but knowing her parents it had been very likely both their faults. Her mother had probably been too distracted by the surroundings and her father had been super concentrated on getting that trick right. It was a nice first meeting story though.
Escaping paparazzi would be a good one too.
Alright, Stella, stop right there, she warned herself.
And it hadn't been their first meeting anyways. She had been a few weeks old and he close to turning two. Probably. It was not like she could remember it.
"The realization came gradually," her mother continued, "But when he sang Siento to me I wanted the song to be about me." Thank God it was. Who knew if Stella would be here otherwise.
"I'll better look how your father's doing," Luna sighed eventually, knowing that it wasn't easy for Matteo to see his little girl grow up.
She could hear her bother walking down the stairs. "Yeah, he's probably trying to drown himself in the sink right now," Stella said loudly and she heard a giggle from the staircase. Luca returned a few seconds later, he was wearing a yellow shirt now.
Just when her mother was about to grab the doorknob, the door opened again. Luna jumped out of the way. "You couldn't have said anything?" she looked at her husband accusingly.
"What can I say? I like the element of surprise, luce dei miei occhi," her father said and placed the pizza on the table. Her mother rolled her eyes, still her lips formed into a fond smile.
Stella and Luca shared a look as they both sat down on their respective chairs. Jesus, this was more cheesy than the pizza. Her dad had literally called Luna "Light of my eyes".
"So how was your school day, fratello?" she repeated his earlier question, letting an Italian word slip into it. Her parents had made sure that she and Luca had grown up bilingual but with Stella's brain it was more a curse than a blessing. The two languages were too similar for it. She would often write the Spanish word the Italian way. Or wondered for five minutes to which language a word belonged. And don't get her started on all these false friends.
That's why she liked English so much. It was completely different from the two Romance languages.
Sometimes though Stella would speak her mother tongue on purpose, just to annoy people. Or to get things her way. She had noticed that if she would ask her father for something in Italian it increased her chance of getting what she wanted.
"Very good, I got my maths test back. It's a B," he chirped. "Yeah, just rub it in my face!" Stella pressed her lips together, not liking the fact that her little brother was better at something than her. "I would never," Luca tried to assure her, but his grin said it all.
"The pizza's getting cold. Who wants this slice?" Matteo asked, thus ending the conversation between his children.
A little later
Stella walked to the lockers while listening to bubbly pop songs. She didn't really pay attention to her surroundings and of course, of course - as if her day hadn't been shitty enough already! - she bumped into someone. She let her phone fall, the earphones being ripped out of her ears. Stella opened her mouth, ready to give the person a piece of her mind, but when she looked up she was being silenced by green eyes.
"You," was all she could come up with. "Me," Andrés said amused, picking up her phone, seeing the artist. "You and boybands. Who would have thought?" he chuckled. Stella glared at him. She didn't need the whole Roller to know that. "At least my music taste has some variety, Mr-I-only-listen-to-emo-bands!" Ha, take that!
Andrés snorted, "Bold words from someone who has the same name as an All Time Low song." She scrunched her nose up in confusion, "What?"
"Stella, would you take me home?" he sang. He had such a nice voice. It wasn't fair and yes, she would. And then she would lock him in her room. Forever.
When she didn't reply, still a little dazed by his question, he finally gave Stella her phone back. Luckily, it was still in the same condition as it had been before the fall. She mumbled a quick "Thanks" and shoved her phone into her right jeans pocket.
Andrés tilted his head to the side, "So what are you doing here? There's no training today." A grin spread across his face, "Miss me?"
Stella snorted, despite having hoped all day that she would at least catch a glimpse of him, "As if. I'm meeting up with Aitana and Isa." She and the two girls had clicked instantly and Stella was really glad that she had already found friends at the Jam&Roller.
"Why do you want to know anyway? It's not like you own the place," Stella added. His laugh was bitter, "Most people would actually disagree with you." She knew she had hit a nerve. Andrés was more or less the king here. Surprisingly, he didn't really seem to enjoy his position at the Jam&Roller. She questioned him about it.
"It isn't my merit. The first day I came here they gave me that title. I could have been a terrible skater for all they knew," he sneered. "And besides," he looked at her, the infamous smirk in place again, "What's a king without a queen?"
She wished she hadn't asked that. "There isn't one already?" Stella wondered. All the girls here skated really good. Not as good as her though. "No. I only had temporary skating partners and they all have this weird idea here that king and queen have to skate together," he said, eyes searching hers, "I'm actually surprised that they haven't declared you queen yet." Stella grimaced. Aitana and Isa had hinted at it a few times. It kinda rubbed her the wrong way that they thought that she only deserved the title because of who she skated with.
His brows drew together. "You don't want to be queen?" Andrés asked in disbelief. "I want to. Without any help from you," she snarled. A corner of his mouth lifted, "The words you chose make me believe me that you don't want to be my queen." He was so wrong with that. So wrong.
Andrés misunderstood her silence, his expression hardening, "I'm sure Tamara will assign you to a new skating partner in no time if you ask for it."
"I never said that," she clarified, "And just for the record, you're stuck with me." He flashed her a genuine smile, dimples on full display and all Stella wanted to do was to take a picture of this glorious moment and hang it above her bed.
Andrés changed the topic, the smile still on his face, "The next Open is soon. Have you thought of participating?"
"How do you know that I can sing?" Stella questioned him. "My exceptional intuition tells me that," he answered, a smug grin forming on his face, "Or am I mistaken?" Oh, how she would have loved to tell him that he was indeed wrong. But Stella was never fond of lying. "Don't worry, I can warble a tune or two," she assured Andrés.
"Just imagine it then: You, me and my guitar" He could play the guitar? Okay, that new gained knowledge made him ten times hotter. Stella didn't know if she should thank or curse Pedro and Delfi for their son.
Stella smirked, turning around, "Depends. If I like the theme and school allows it, maybe."
"I'll leave it to you then," he said and walked away from her. Stella swore she had seen a little disappointment in his eyes at her answer. He hadn't tried to ask her out, had he?
Once she had ordered something to drink and had found herself a seat Stella's eyes never left the main entrance. However, after a few minutes, she was already fed up and sighed annoyed as she put her now empty drink down. Aitana and Isa should have shown up three minutes ago!
Stella looked at her drumming fingers. Her head shot up when she heard a deep baritone voice speaking, "Already bored, Miss Impatient?"
"How can you ask that? I'm obviously having the time of my life here!" she exclaimed while Andrés leaned against the table, his arm brushing hers on accident. Stella tried her best to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. It was easier said than done because they were doing some serious flips.
"I'm on my way to the rink," he said, "Want to join me?" She glanced back to the entrance. Andrés noticed her unsureness, "Don't worry, Aitana and Isa are never really on time. Besides, they'll look on the rink first if they can't find you." That won her over. "Okay, let's go," Stella agreed.
They went to the lockers, Stella putting her bag and jacket into her locker while Andrés got his black (no surprise there) roller skates. After they both had laced up their roller skates, they decided to practice the step sequence Tamara had showed them during their last training.
"You mixed up the last two elements," Andrés let her know. Stella cursed herself for that stupid mistake. Concentrate better, she thought. "First spin, then hands. It's not that hard," he added. Stella pursed her lips, "You don't think I can memorize a step sequence?"
"Why did you make that mistake then?" It was his fault, really. His white t-shit was still visible despite the black hoodie and created a really nice contrast with the black skinny jeans. It was messing with her brain. Stella shook her head, trying to get over his outfit, "Well, watch me."
A small smile graced his features when she had ended the step sequence perfectly, "Not bad." Stella put her hand on her hips, "Not bad? Not bad?" Andrés just grinned as he skated closer to her, crossing his arms, "What do you want me to say? That you were outstanding or even exceptional?" Stella smiled. She really liked the idea of that.
"I want you to say all those things."
He chuckled, shaking his head, "Well, aren't you something else." Stella avoided him with her gaze in hopes of not turning tomato red. It didn't quite work. The older, attractive raven-haired boy had more or less given her a compliment and she didn't really know how to handle that.
"I think we practiced enough, what about freestyle?" Stella offered eventually. Andrés nodded, "Good idea. Do you have any particular trick in mind?"
"Not really," she admitted. Andrés started to talk again, "Well, there's always the fire snake." Stella's eyes lit up. "You really can do that trick?" she asked awestruck. Her parents had used this trick a few times in their performances and it was really complicated. But her parents had always been able to make it look so effortlessly that Stella had begged them to teach the trick to her several times. It was one of the few tricks they still refused to teach her, always saying that a professional trainer should supervise this, which she thought was really hypocritical since both her parents had learned it from the Underwheels, and they were in no way professional skating trainers.
"I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise," he made clear and held his hand out, "You're in?" Stella hesitated, she didn't really want to go behind her parents backs, "I don't know... My parents wouldn't-" She didn't continue talking when he lowered his hand, a sly smirk crossing his features.
"Do you always do what your parents say?" Andrés taunted.
"Who knew! A boy has a rebellious streak." He glared at the mention of his nickname, but said nothing about it. His lips curled into a smirk again, "Look, princess, I totally understand if you don't trust yourself with that yet."
Stella crossed her arms, not liking his mocking tone. Determination was burning in her eyes now. Rebel princess he wanted? Rebel queen he was going to get!
"Show me," she demanded. He raised an eyebrow teasingly, "Now?" Stella rolled her eyes, "No, in two hours... Yes, now!"
He explained the trick before demonstrating it. "Your turn," he grinned after he had ended his performance. When Stella got it right after the third time Andrés whistled. First the guitar, now the whistling. Did God want her dead? And maybe she was a little jealous of if whistling abilities because she couldn't whistle to save her life. "What can I say? I'm a fast learner," Stella grinned, really proud of herself.
"I'm impressed really. I only got it right after the seventh try. Even Alicia needed one more try than you."
Stella's grin faltered. Had he learned the trick with her? Her curiosity got the better of her and she asked Andrés about it. He nodded, "I didn't want to at first but she blackmailed me into it." Yeah, that sounded like Alicia. Don't let that Californian Beach Girl look fool you. That girl could be ruthless if she wanted to.
His answer didn't sit well with Stella. It's because you're jealous, her inner voice sang. Stella snickered. If there was anything she was jealous of it was Alicia's height. Stella could be wearing heels and still not be as tall as the Argentine girl.  
"I wonder," Andrés began, "If we could do the trick together." Yes, sign her up! Without much thinking she took his hand, "C'mon, let's show them what we've got." He smirked as they skated towards the edge of the skating rink, a mischievous glint in his eye.
Everything had been fine until they had done their spins, the distance too close, causing them to crash into each other's arms. They clung to each other, desperately trying not to loose their balance. Not a piece of paper could fit between them now. Andrés tried to shift his weight, leaning towards her while Stella looked up and suddenly their faces were were just inches apart. Both their eyes were glued the other's lip's. Stella couldn't help but wonder how his lips would feel on hers. Her heart was beating so fast she could her the drumming sound in her ears. Stella asked herself if this was it. If this would be her first kiss.
It hadn't, as Aitana and Isa had the worst timing ever. And that should mean something coming from her! "Stella! There you are," Aitana yelled excited, dragging Isa behind her. The two of them let go of each other immediately. Andrés hand went to the back of his head in frustration, casting an annoyed look in the girls' direction. "Did we interrupt something important?" Isa asked, squinting her eyes behind the frame of her black glasses. Aitana's eyebrows were raised high in expectation, "Yeah, did we?"
"Nothing important at all," Andrés assured them.
But his smirk told her everything and Stella smiled back.
A month later
Stella was already at the Jam&Roller decorating. It was the day before the reunion party and she really wanted to get this thing done fast. She wasn't alone though. Andrés had offered to help her and as much as she had hated to admit it, she really needed any help she could get.
Tamara had allowed them to throw the party on the skating rink. They had carried a few tables and chairs from the café area on the rink, which had closed earlier today.
They were busy attaching balloons on the railing. "Can you pass me the sellotape?" Andrés asked. "Sure thing, A boy!" Andrés let out an exaseperated sigh. "Again with that nickname? Seriously, stop calling me that," he demanded. "I won't," Stella said, a smirk forming on her lips, "It's way too much fun."
You'd think that an almost kiss had made things awkward between them. This wasn't the case at all. It only had made their conversations more flirty. Aitana and Isa had once said that they should just get a room. And Andrés had winked at her and Stella honestly still didn't know how she had survived that.
"Well, then I think it would be only fair if I had a nickname for you too." She shook her head and crossed her arms, "No, no, that won't be necessary."
"I think it is. I have something in mind. In fact, you already heard it," Andrés grinned. Stella should know by now that he wouldn't back down. It was truly half the fun. "Don't you dare," she glared at him. "No can do, little star," he said with a smirk.
"Really, Aarón?" His glare matched hers now, "Second name, that's a bit harsh. Don't you think, Liliana?"
"Wow. Fabián wasn't exaggerating," she heard a familiar voice say. Stella turned around to see three teenagers. She wasn't surprised with seeing Alicia and Rafael, Andrés had mentioned that they would stop by and help them earlier, but she hadn't expected the last person at all.
Lola threw her hands into the air, grinning widely, "Hey there Juliet." Stella sighed. That damn play had ruined her life. Rafael laughed, "That's a good one."
"I thought of it on the train," Lola said proudly. "Seriously? You do know I wasn't born in Verona, right?" Stella questioned the brunette. Lola just grinned, "I know but it's Romeo and Juliet!" Why did she had to be born in Italy's capital again?
After they had exchanged their hello's - and in Stella's and Lola's case a bone-crushing hug - they sat down in the middle of the skating rink, distributing the different tasks.
When Rafael got assigned to a task he really didn't want to do he questioned the other's why Fabián wasn't here. Stella wondered that too. "Date night!" Alicia answered, not looking up from her phone. "He texted you that?" Rafael asked impressed. "No, Eloísa did," she made clear.
"I think it's cute that they're together." Lola said, giving Stella a look. Why the hell was that supposed mean now? "I mean, they've known each other since they were kids like c'mon this is the stuff dreams are made of," she explained, eyes darting between her and Andrés.
Stella gnashed with her teeth, "Just because you've known each other for years doesn't mean you end up dating."
"Yeah, take you and Luis for example." Andrés' mouth set in a hard line at her best friend's words. "Alright, let's get started. Rafael and I have to head home in an hour because one of us still has to walk Topaz," Alicia said quickly.
Stella was glad that they hadn't brought the Maltese dog with them. She was more of a cat person. Even her first word had been cat. In Italian. Her godfather Gastón still insisted to this day that she had tried to say his name.
"It's Toppy," Rafael said disapprovingly. Alicia crossed her arms, "Hey, you and Mom can call her what you want but I'm appreciating the fact that she's the one that got stuck with a gemstone name."
"I couldn't handle being an Esmeralda or a Margarita," Alicia added while shuddering, "They all sound like old lady names. I could have been a passenger on the Titanic with a name like that!"
Stella grimaced upon hearing the ship's name. Lola saw that and crossed her arms, "C'mon, it wasn't that bad."
"That movie was like three hours long and there was only half an hour of action. It was torture. I was so relieved when the iceberg finally showed up," she remembered, gesticulation all over the place. Lola gasped, "Stella, you can't just say that." She just shrugged, "I already did."
"It's a classic," Lola tried to change her mind. "A boring classic," Stella said, not letting go of her opinion, "And why didn't she pull him up to her? That was so selfish? What happened to her love for him?"
"Well, aren't you a sunshine," Rafael commented. "You've got something wrong there. My mom's the sun," Stella said, voice laced with sarcasm. Lola and the Álvarez siblings broke out in laughter. Stella's eyes wandered to Andrés who didn't seem amused at all. She only realized now that he hadn't taken part in the conversation since Lola had mention the Luis thing. Was Stella imaging things or was he clenching his jaw?
Lola put her head into her hands dramatically, "My best friend still trash talked my favorite movie. I need a minute." Alicia laughed and patted her shoulder, "There, there" Lola looked up and smiled at her.
Stella's forehead creased. She knew that Ofelia and Alicia were very good friends, being the oldest girls of all her parent's friends. But Alicia and Lola had never seemed that close. Until now. It was weird. Stella decided to keep a close eye on them.
"We should get started," Andrés finally spoke again. Everyone agreed with him and once all had stood up, they went of to their respective tasks.
The hour flew by rapidly and after Alicia and Rafael had said their goodbyes, Lola decided that she should go too. "It's late and the train takes awhile," Lola reasoned and said goodbye as well. She meant two hours with that! Stella would call it eternity.
The almost fifteen-year-old mostly did things because she didn't think them through and always winged them somehow, but with Lola she had a very strong suspicion that her best friend believed that everything would work out in the end and did the thing despite all the warnings.
It was starting to get dark when her and Andrés decided that the Jam&Roller looked festive enough. They went to their lockers, getting their belongings and putting on their jackets. They had walked to the café section when Andrés grabbed her hand out of nowhere and pulled her towards the counter, "Duck!"
"What's going on?" Stella sputtered, having no clue as to why they were suddenly kneeling behind the counter. "Paparazzi," was all he said. Still, it was enough to let her blood ran cold.
"We have to take the back entrance," Andrés concluded. Stella nodded in approval. There was no way anyone would get her to walk out of the main entrance now.
They scurried to the back entrance. Andrés opened the door, revealing two other paparazzi a few meters away. This had to be some kind of sick joke, Stella thought. They couldn't be encircled by paparazzi!
"Are you kidding me?" she heard Andrés mutter.
"I have an idea," Stella said, after she got over her shock. "Really? What-" Andrés didn't finish his sentence, he was too taken aback that she had started to run without any warning whatsoever. "Just follow me!" Stella yelled over her shoulder. She heard him curse but when she looked again, she saw that Andrés was running right behind her.
Unfortunately, the two paparazzi had seen them and were now shouting for the other ones to follow them.
Stella and Andrés ran along the main street. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see how people curiously turned their heads towards them. It must have looked strange, Stella imagined. Two teenagers being chased by at least five paparazzi.
They turned into a side street. And then into another one, each step bringing them closer to the heart of Buenos Aires.
After awhile Stella no longer knew how many turns they had taken, she just hoped it had been enough to get rid of the paparazzi. They stopped eventually as both had to catch their breath. Stella's lungs felt as if they would collapse any second. Andrés didn't far better either. He leaned against a wall, unable to hide the fact that their sprint through the city had strained him as well. "I think we shook them off," Stella gasped, her lungs were still giving her a hard time.
Andrés didn't look convinced and pushed himself away from the wall. "We should go somewhere inside," he said. Upon seeing Stella's confused expression he explained, "This hasn't been my first run from the paparazzi. You think you've escaped them but then they suddenly show up again!"
Stella looked around, taking in their surroundings. Across them was a little café and next to them was a flower shop. There was a sign a few meters away which informed them that roses were cheaper today.
Stella gazed back to Andrés and it was only now that she realized how absurd this whole situation really was. She started laughing hysterically, "Oh my God. That was the weirdest experience of my life."
"Be quiet," he hissed, "Or do you want them find us?"
"Live a little," she said, still laughing. He crossed his arms, "I just ran through half Buenos Aires. I did enough crazy things for today!" The laughter died in her throat. Stella scoffed loudly, feeling a little offended, "Really now?"
"What did I say about being quiet?" he asked annoyed. Stella lifted her chin, "Make me!"
Andrés smirked as he stepped closer. She really wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. With her lips. "You shouldn't say things you don't mean," he warned. "Oh, but I mean it," Stella said with sweet smile and turned around. While she was walking away a huge grin spread across her face.
Her happiness didn't last long though. Stella's face fell when she saw the paparazzi. The two of them wouldn't survive another chase through the city.
She gritted her teeth and glared at the paparazzi, who frantically looked in every direction, trying to find her and Andrés. Stella wanted to scream at them about how neither of their parents were with them and that they should just get lost.
Her anger won the upper hand and Stella reacted without thinking, "They want press from us? Well, they can have that!" She marched back to Andrés, he was leaning against the wall again, eyes narrowing.
Before he could say anything back in response, her hands reached for his shoulders. She squeezed her eyes shut and stood on her tiptoes.
Their lips met.
If Andrés had been surprised by her move, he hid it very well. Stella could feel him smirk against her lips and she relaxed, relieved that he hadn't pulled away from her.      
His hands had found their way to her lower back and rested there. Andrés' tongue began to trace her bottom lip and Stella's lips parted. His tongue was on hers now and like in most of their conversations, there was a fight for dominance. Stella could taste the cherry flavor of her chapstick on his lips.
Next thing she knew was that her back was against a wall.
The wall against her back was really cold, still she felt like someone had lit her on fire. Stella couldn't stand on her tiptoes anymore, so she wrapped her arms around Andrés' neck and dragged him down to her. The kiss became more frantic with each passing second. They were kissing like crazy, as if the morning depended on it.
Stella had imagined kissing him countless of times before, but this right now surpassed every fantasy.  She never wanted this kiss to end.
Sadly, they had barely come up for air this entire time and were in great need of fresh oxygen. Stella fell back against the wall, panting. Her heart was beating so rapidly that she could only take little sips of breath.
Andrés still managed to smirk while gathering some much needed oxygen and Stella thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to make her earlier thought reality.
But before she could ponder about it further, Stella felt a hot breath on her neck, making her skin tingle. His lips burned as they made contact with her flesh. Andrés trailed kisses down her neck and she thought her heart would jump out of her chest any second. Her fingers roamed through his soft hair as the kisses became harder and more urgent. Stella tilted her neck, giving him more access.
Just right before reaching the nape of her neck, he stopped abruptly. Stella wanted to cry. She heard him take a deep breath and his lips found her neck again mere seconds later. She yelped in surprise when he started to suck on her skin. When he added teeth, Stella was done for. She gripped his hair tighter and he hissed at the sudden pressure. The biting increased and a small moan escaped her lips. "You just can't keep quiet, can you?" he chuckled lowly.
Her eyes fluttered open and the view she got made her heart race even more.
Andrés was smiling down at her in a self-complacent manner. His hair was very disheveled (Stella really liked that look on him), lips swollen and his pupils were dilated. Stella was sure that she didn't look representable either. The spot on her neck was probably bruising right now as it throbbed wildly. It would surely leave a mark and Stella was strangely okay with that. A small grin crept upon her face when she realized that Andrés current appearance had been all her doing.
A hand slid around her waist and drew her closer to his mint scented body. Andrés lowered his head slightly. "Maybe I should do something about that," he murmured. Their faces were so close that if one of them would lean forward just a little bit their lips would touch again. "You should," Stella whispered. She didn't have to say that twice. Andrés closed the gap between them immediately.
The way his lips connected with hers still made her knees weak. His tongue brushed gently against her upper lip this time and Stella kissed him back just as tenderly. Their second kiss resembled their skating style more, tongues dancing in synchronization.
Stella heard photoflashes, but she didn't care. At all. Neither seemed Andrés as he made no attempt to separate himself from her. They were too lost in the moment. Only when someone laughed he reluctantly broke their kiss off. Stella's cheeks burned, as did her lips and the spot on her neck. Andrés stroked her hair and his green eyes looked at her with a strange glow. Just when she thought that she would sink in his eyes, he turned away and Stella perceived a smile she had never seen before. It was cunning and arrogant, almost sardonic. His arm was around her shoulder and the look he gave the paparazzi let goose bumps over her back.
"We apologize for this incident."
Stella stared at him. Was he being serious? The looks of the paparazzi, who had paused to take pictures, were just as puzzled. Andrés lowered his head and whispered to her, "Let's go before they realize that we were friendly to them." He took her hand once again. That shook her awake.
She followed him but still couldn't resist saying something. "Arrivederci!" she yelled mockingly, earning a laugh from Andrés.
"They don't follow us," he said as she glanced over her shoulder. The amused tone in Andrés' voice couldn't be overheard, "They're too shocked because we offered them a free show and then just turned around the corner."
Stella didn't answer him. It was a miracle that she managed to nod, seeing has her brain had went into overdrive at his words, as she had realized what she - or rather they - had just done and that the paparazzi had pictures of it. That's why they didn't chase them anymore, they had gotten what they wanted!
Her father would have a heart attack.
Stella seriously considered writing her last will. It was unlikely that she would survive tomorrow. She would either die at breakfast, in school or at the reunion party... Was it possible to die three times in one day?
Once they had made it out of the jungle of side streets, they were on the main street again. They reached a crossing with traffic lights. Andrés stopped walking and she  was only realizing now that they were still holding hands. He looked at her, then at their intertwined hands, "Well, I have to get to the other side," the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, "See you tomorrow, reina."
Stella just stood there, her brain processing his words as she watched him crossing the street. One word in particular had evoked a question in her mind she couldn't shake away, no matter how hard she tried. What were they?
Get a grip, Stella thought. She started to walk faster and after a few minutes she stood before her home. She opened the door as quietly as possible, despite her parents not being home yet. Thank God for that. Stella didn't really know why they weren't home but she really didn't care because it worked in her favor. After she had switched the floor light on, Stella quickly walked up the stairs. She noticed with relief that Luca was still over at his best friend's house and went straight to the bathroom, checking her neck. Her cheeks gained colour again upon seeing the purple-ish mark. Stella doubted that concealer would hide the spot near the nape of her neck. She furrowed her brows, fingers tracing the hickey. How could she get away with wearing a scarf in mid-April? She had just stopped wearing them! Stella smirked when she had the life-saving idea. She would just tell everyone that she felt a cold coming up. There, problem solved!
After she was done in the bathroom, Stella switched into her pajamas and crawled into her bed. She had had a hell of a day and all she wanted to do now was sleep. But sleep didn't want to come.
Stella tossed around again, her brain giving her no peace. She sighed in defeat, knowing that her curiosity would get the better of her and grabbed her phone. She typed her name into Google Search and then tapped the news section. There were already five articles. Stella opened the first one in a new tab and tried to prepare herself mentally. She switched tabs, scrolled down and began to read...
It has been a few weeks since photos of Stella Balsano and Andrés Arias first started to circulate. Ever since then, fans of both their parents have been infatuated with the idea of them becoming a couple. Needless to say, Twitter completely exploded last night when these kissing pictures surfaced on TMZ. We can't get enough of them! Stella and Andrés also seem like they can't get enough of each other either! Just look at their appearance! We seriously feel like we have been robbed of a steamy kiss photo! The last photo made it up for it though. The way Andrés looks at Stella has our hearts melting. While neither of them confirmed anything on the spot they really don't have to, these photos say it all! Even Stella's godfather tweeted the infamous flower video again, yes, the one where he proclaimed that the two of them would end up dating in the future. Said godfather also added the caption "I'll only accept cash!". Well, it looks like the Jam&Roller has found its new king and queen...
A smile spread over Stella's face. She really loved the sound of that. But she had to ask her mother about that flower video. Why hadn't she heard about it until now? She quickly neglected the thought and put her phone on the nightstand again. Stella fell asleep soon after, the smile still visible on her face.
15 notes · View notes
andyfrills · 7 years
Andy’s FanFic Log 28/02/2017
Hello again! This log is a bit shorter than the last since I was away for my cousin’s wedding on the weekend. But I felt the log was at a good point to post, so here we are anyway! Btw I don’t think I mentioned this last time, but feel free to shriek at me about how wonderful fics are/yell at me to read a certain thing. Both are good icebreakers in my opinion and are most welcome in my ask box~!
Fic Count: 20 Fandoms this Log: Yuri!!! on Ice, Voltron
Now onto the customary warnings before we get into it~
I end up reading a lot of random shit. Until I’m a bit more comfortable I might censor a few things out, but there will be explicit fics, darker themes, crazy plots, and insane ships amongst all the sugar and fluff I find around the place. So the really important thing is to carefully read the warnings that I occasionally give & that are on the fic itself, and back away if it’s not for you.
Other posts in this little series can be found under the read fanfiction tag on my page~
Alright! Here we go~!
Yuri!!! on Ice
play that song again, ‘cause we were in love by Piyo13 Words: 1.1k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): ChulaCometti (Phichit/Christophe), Victuuri (Viktor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki), Unrequited Vichris & Phichuuri “Of course you are,” Chris replies smoothly. “We’re their best friends and their best men, and look at them. It’d be a crime not to be happy for them.” Phichit raises his eyebrows at the change in person. “So,” he says. “Like recognizes like?”
Very Versatile by Marks Words: 1.8k, Rating: Mature, Status: Complete Relationship(s): ChulaCometti The one where Phichit is really observant when it comes to everything and also Christophe, and Ciao Ciao probably steals a whole tray of mini-pizzas. ~ Not entirely sure of my thoughts on this one. But I kind of liked it, so someone else might enjoy it too.
Now, Take My Hands (Come On) by mintables Words: 3.8k, Rating: No Rating (Mature imo for some sexy times), Status: Complete Relationship(s): ChulaCometti (Along with mentions of other pairs) It begins, as most things in their lives do, at the banquet. Or, Phichit isn’t sure when he began falling for Chris, but maybe he was there the whole time. ~ This is amazing and beautiful! I almost couldn’t stop myself from crying at the fluff. <333</i>
Oh My God, Finally by Halrloprillalar (prillalar) Words: 1.7k, Rating: Explicit, Status: Complete Relationship(s): ChulaCometti, Victuuri At the GPF post-banquet after-party, Chris and Phichit do a little roleplay. ~ The rp was much implemented much better than I was anticipating, but I’m not sure how I feel about the ending. In any case it was still well done so someone else might enjoy it.
Unexpected and Eager by novocaine_sea Words: 3.6k, Rating: Explicit, Status: Complete Relationship(s): ChulaCometti (Anyone guess by now what tag I’ve been going through?) Now that Victor was off with Yuuri, Christophe really had nobody to have fun with after hours. “Christophe!” A cheerful voice called from behind him, almost as if on cue. Christophe turned, champagne flute still twisting in hand. Phichit Chulanont was heading his way with a bright smile on his face. Maybe this banquet wouldn’t be so boring after all. ~ A very sweet lemon~ <3</i>
Liquid Courage by vivaldis_lover Words: 1.5k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): ChulaCometti It’s Phichit’s turn to get drunk at the banquet, but unfortunately for Chris, no pole dancing is involved this year. He will get his reward for taking care of the young skater, though. ~ Just a little bit of drunken fluff <3</i>
Anything Could Happen by Creepikat Words: 7.1k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): ChulaCometti, Victuuri, Leo de la Iglasia/Ji Guang-Hong (I have no clue what their ship name is, but they are so cute~~) After two years Viktor and Yuuri finally get married. They rent a Hotel near Detroit, in a beautiful and snowy place. Everyone’s here. The future husbands are idiots. Phichit is a best man. Christophe too. And somehow he’s even more dashing than usual. This is gonna be a merry mess. ~ I love relationship establishing fics like this~ I really love when things like this are continued (alas this is not) but this initial type of fluff gives me life. <33</i>
A Sequence for You by wisia Words: 4.7k, Rating: Teen, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri Yuuri Katsuki retired from ice skating without any medals or breaking any records. It’s fine. He couldn’t have made it anyway. So, why was Victor Nikiforov asking him to be his coach? ~ This seems like a good roll reversal so far. I think it’ll be interesting to see where it goes.
fire on ice by indianchai Words: 11k, Rating: Teen, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri All figure skaters were water users. Never in the history of the sport was there professional ice skater that didn’t have water as their elemental affinity. Katsuki Yuri had a well-guarded secret that he can’t have anyone find out about. ~ This is amazing! I love fantasy and mystic type things, so this is right up my alley. Can’t wait to read more!
Remedy by Ishxallxgood Words: 1.8k, Rating: Not Rated (G? Maybe just above for the feels), Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri Those 48 hours these two spent apart were the worst. Viktor finds comfort from that gaping hole in his soul via one Hiroko Katsuki, who loves him as much as she loves her own son. And Yuuri, well Viktor is his remedy, always and forever. ~ A really beautiful hurt/comfort fic <3 Have I mentioned this is a songfic btw?</i>
Turn Backwards on Go by inkwellofstars Words: 5.3k, Rating: Not Rated (G), Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri In which Yuuri and Victor, happily married and retired, find themselves thrown into the past and proceed to mess with everyone. ~ This is a bit of fun, unlike most of the time travel aus which are filled with angst. Can’t wait to see how the two of them are going to continue to mess with everyone!
Only You by quesadiaz Words: 27k, Rating: Teen, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri In the year 2021, Victor Nikiforov, retired professional figure skater and Number One Husband, steps into a taxi to make his way home from the grocery store, arm full of vegetables and fruits to bring home to his beautiful husband and loyal old dog. A sharp sound and a blur of color is the only warning before Victor wakes up in the year 2016, sitting in a first class seat on an ascending airplane headed for Fukuoka, Japan. ~ I’m mostly enjoying this. A large part of me is just like “I hope everything will be okay T^T” This is also from Yuuri’s pov, a companion fic is going to be released when this one is done.
Gods of Circumstance by Ritequette Words: 15k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri During his Free Program at the 2016 Barcelona Grand Prix Finals, Yuuri suffers a freak equipment malfunction and falls, hitting his head on the ice.When he wakes up, surprisingly not dead, he finds himself in the last place he expected… the 2015 Sochi Grand Prix Finals. Again.~ Aaaahhhhh, this is an amazing time travel fic! So much feeling! I really want to see how it unfolds.
Dancing Daffodils by greyclouds Words: 40k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri  "As Love gently wipes away the tears that trail down his cheeks something within Victor quakes, its tremors resonating throughout his entire being like a deafening echo.  He is in the arms of a god.“ A god falls for a man. ~ I’m really enjoying this one!
I have no heart, for you long ago stole it by exile_wrath Words: 4k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri In which Eros, one of the six gods of love, falls for a mortal who thinks he’s unlovable. Or in which Yuuri goes to the Temple of Eros to plea for help and ends up being courted by the god himself instead. ~ An interesting fic to say the least. I kinda wish it went on for longer, just so we could see some more development.
On My Love by RikoJasmine Words: 48k, Rating: Teen, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri Yuuri often thinks of his life as Before and After Viktor Nikiforov, the marking point being the day Viktor swept into his life and turned his world upside-down. After many years together, an accident leads to Yuuri suddenly waking up in the Before—back in Detroit, before the GPF, before he ever knew Viktor as anything other than his childhood idol. As if it had all been just a dream. ~ Holy shit this fic. I’ve cried a couple of times with it already and I’m really looking forward to reading more! <3</i>
An Everglow Feeling by BleuSarcelle Words: 3.4k, Rating: Teen, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Klance (Keith/Lance) The one where Lance acquires magic healing powers for being the first human to be inside a cry-pod and it turns out to be a dangerous thing, especially when said abilities are connected with his energy life force and Keith’s bleeding on his arms. ~ This is good! I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes~!
The Hundred Dollar Bill by AQuinton Words: 7.1k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance, Shallura (Shiro/Allura) Shiro convinced Keith to participate in a date auction for charity and now he has to go on a date with Lance. Lots of fluff and ridiculous text conversations ensue. ~ Very, very cute and fluffy~! I was grinning and loving it the whole way through. <33</i>
Roar by CrzyFun Words: 8.7k, Rating: G, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Blue Lion/Red Lion (Well, that was strange to type - no others so far) Lance met them while surfing just off the coast of Cuba. Hunk met him while helping out at his mothers’ restaurant. Pidge met her while solving puzzles with her brother. Shiro met him after leading his soccer team to victory. Keith… Well, Keith had always known her. Which is why he was completely unsurprised to find out the cats were more than they seemed. ~ Interesting concept and a nice fic so far.
Objects in Motion (When Unbalanced) by Mytay Words: 37k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance Lance and Keith are constantly being mistaken for a couple. Lance is highly offended. Keith is quietly outraged. Pidge decides if she can’t have peace, then she can write an epic scientific dissertation on the romantic failings of two exceptionally dense paladins. ~ Very nicely written, well paced, and cute. It left me with a rather contented feeling, and it’s definitely one I’d recommend over and over. <3</i>
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travllingbunny · 7 years
What even is a Draco in Leather Pants?
Look, I really like the Television Tropes website. It’s fun and you can spend a lot of time reading it. The tropes it has formulated are, for the most part, the tropes you can actually discern and find quite often in fictional works, and the descriptions are usually quite witty and well supported. The examples and their justifications can be...questionable, since anyone can provide them, and may lead to a debate between contributors (i.e. anyone who has bothered to register and post), but still, usually the majority of examples make sense and more or less fit with the description provided at the top of the page. 
But not always.
There’s supposed to be a trope called Draco in Leather Pants, which I had been vaguely aware for a while (basically, that it had something to do with people in the Harry Potter fandom stanning the character of Draco Malfoy and thinking he’s hot), and have been recently reminded because I’ve recently seen at least a couple of mentions of “leather pantsing”in various comments in fandom discussions, or links to the Television Trope page for said trope (for instance, a link to that page was provided in a page of a podcast about Jaime Lannister... who isn’t even among the examples listed on that page, BTW). So, it seems that this is supposed to be an actual trope and that people know what it’s supposed to be about.
Well, since I’ve actually looked at the above mentioned page, read the description and looked through the list of examples from various media given on that page, I understand even less what it’s supposed to be about. If anyone has a better understanding of it, please help me.
So, here’s the description from the Television Tropes page called Draco in Leather Pants:
”A form of Misaimed Fandom, when a fandom takes a controversial or downright villainous character and downplays his/her flaws, often turning him/her into an object of desire and/or a victim in the process. This can cause conflicts if the writers are not willing to retool the character to fit this demand.”
Then the text proceeds to talk about how such a character is treated in fanfiction, why this happens, and finally explains the origin of the term:
“ Named for a term in the Harry Potter fandom, for the mostly sympathetic Fan Fic portrayals of Draco Malfoy, who, in Canon, is a petty, smug, elitist Spoiled Brat. (The term originated in Hurt/Comfort Fics, where Draco was the comforter and Ron was the abuser, usually with Hermione being the victim. Not coincidentally, the Inverted Trope Ron the Death Eater also originated from such fics.) “
I have never read any of the Harry Potter books, and have only seen a couple of early movies on TV, so I’m largely unfamiliar with this entire franchise. But from what I gather, the point is Draco Malfoy is supposed to be merely an antagonistic bully and not a particularly sympathetic character or a sex symbol in canon, but fanon and/or fanfiction made him into both these things? Right? 
However, the description is both highly specific, because it includes several different things that don’t necessarily have to go together, but at the same time strangely vague and wide:
The character in question has to be “controversial or downright villainous”. What exactly does this mean? Does it have to be a villainous character, or a controversial one? Many characters are both of these things at the same time, but a villainous character does not need to be controversial (if almost everyone agrees they’re awful and almost nobody likes them, there’s no controversy there), and there are plenty of controversial characters that aren’t villainous. Controversial merely means that there are very strong and very different and polarizing opinions about something or someone, with opposing views being both shared by a significant number of people. Heroic characters or characters meant to be sympathetic can be very controversial.
The “fandom” takes this character and “downplays his.her flaws”. What exactly does this mean? What is meant by “fandom”? It’s really unlikely that it means “literally everyone who’s a fan of that franchise”, since it’s extremely unlikely that 100% of any group of people feel the same about something, so what percentage are we talking about? 90%? 75%? Two thirds? Over 50%? At least 20%? A vocal minority? A reviewer/blogger or two? Anyone who writes a fanfic or posts a Youtube fanvideo? Someone you’ve just argued with online? What is the cutoff?
 ...” often turning him/her into an object of desire and/or a victim in the process”. So, apparently the fandom, whatever that means, does not necessarily have to turn this character into an object of desire and/or victim, but what I gather from this must be a character who is not presented as an object of desire in canon, and is not presented as a victim in canon. At least not intentionally,  by the creators of said media. 
OK, now we’re getting somewhere. This is pretty specific. The character may or may not be a villain, but absolutely must not be presented in canon as either 1) sexy/desirable or as 2) victimized/suffering in any notable way? Got it. 
Now, I’m not sure why exactly this description suggests that it’s necessary to downplay someone’s flaws in order for that someone to be an object of desire or for that someone to be a victim. I mean, these are clearly three different concepts:
(relatively) flawless person
object of desire
Of course, a real person or a fictional character can be two or all three at the same time, but that’s not at all necessary. They may be just one or those things, or two of these things, but not the third. They may be a character or characters who are none of the three in canon but are all three in fanon/fanfics - I’ll trust the Television Tropes page that Draco Malfoy is all of these things. But I’m not sure how many other fictional characters there actually are that fit that entire description. I can’t think of many.
But since the term “leather pants” is in the title, this should suggest that it’s the sex symbol status that’s the emphasis of this trope, right? Not downplaying of flaws or victimization? Because I really don’t see the connection between people wearing leather pants and people being victims or not having notable flaws. 
So, I guess we could say that Ramsay Bolton in his Villain Sue version in the TV show Game of Thrones is a Draco In Leather Pants, if we treat GoT as a fanfic, taking the canon Ramsay Bolton from George R R Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, who’s described as a very ugly, fleshy dude with no appealing qualities, with a certain low cunning but no great intelligence or skill or courage, who’s not considered as sexy by anyone in universe (and has no consensual sexual relationship with anyone, instead only being interested in raping and torturing people) and turning him into a cute, frequently shirtless Rambo-style fighter with a loving girlfriend who even finds himself as an apex of a love triangle of sorts (even if it’s a one-sided triangle, in that the abused but smitten girlfriend is jealous of the hot new wife Ramsay will get to rape). This fits the trope pretty closely, no? 
However, Ramsay is not in the list of examples on the page. Here are, instead, some of the characters listed by various contributors as examples of this trope. These are about 90% of all character listed that I’m familiar with:
Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie) from Labyrinth
Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) from Pirates of the Caribbean
Riddick (Van Diesel)
Frank N Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Tony Montana from Scarface
Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs
Darth Vader from the Star Wars saga
Stanley Kowalski from A Streetcar Named Desire (as played by Marlon Brando)
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator from The Terminator (it's actually mentioned that he literally wears leather pants in the movie)
Sarah Connor (specifically in Terminator II: Judgment Day)
Harry Lime (Orson Welles) from The Third Man (it's actually acknowledged that he's that "both Out and In-Universe)
Loki from MCU
Tony Stark from MCU, called an "Odd heroic variation"
Magneto from X-Men:First Class
Hannibal Lecter (again) from Thomas Harris' novels (The Silence of the Lambs and Hanibal Rising are specifically mentioned)
Sandor Clegane from A Song of Ice and Fire
Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (called "an unusual example of this trope”)
Live-Action TV:
Grant Ward from Agents of SHIELD
Dandy Mott from American Horror Story: Freak Show
Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
The Master from Dr Who ("particularly in his Athony Ainley and John Simm incarnations")
The Tenth Doctor
Ianto from Torchwood (called "an odd heroic version")
Gaius Baltar from Battlestar Galactica
Alex Krycek from The X-Files
Sylar from Heroes
Noah Bennet from Heroes
Cole Turner from Charmed
Phoebe from Charmed
Scorpius from Farscape
Eric Northman from True Blood
Lex Luthor from Smallville
Furio from The Sopranos
Ben Linus from Lost
Gene Hunt from Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes
Alex from Dark Angel ("somewhat. While he's a good guy by the end..." starts the description)
Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones
Dr Gregory House 
Barney from How I Met Your Mother
Tate Langdon from American Horror Story: Murder House
Regina Mills from Once Upon a Time
Rumpelstilskin from OUAT
Jefferson from OUAT
Captain Hook/Killian Jones from OUAT
Tony DiNozzo from NCIS (the description actually says "He's good person deep down (...) and isn't by definition an actual villain" before going into why he's supposedly a Draco In Leather Pants)
Walter White from Breaking Bad
Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries
Klaus from The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Now, hold on. After going through this list, I’m even more confused. Either the above description of the trope is incorrect or really poorly worded, or most of the people who have posted supposed examples have no idea what that trope is supposed to be about.
Because, while quite a few of these characters - but not all! - are villains/antagonists or were villains at some point, many (in fact, the majority) of these characters are actually sexualized and presented as objects of desire in canon, by actual creators of the media in question. Now, I’m not sure if the writers, producers and directors of The Silence of the Lambs initially intended to make Anthony Hopkins’ Hannibal Lecter a sex symbol (unlike Mads Mikkelsen’s Hanibal Lecter from the TV show, who clearly was intentionally presented that way and treated as such in-universe) - but I’m pretty sure they always meant for him to be fascinating and strangely appealing while also being super-evil and scary - the way they clearly did not portray Buffalo Bill, or even Chilton, who’s not really a villain but is clearly intentionally portrayed as annoying and hateful. However, I really want to know if someone is seriously going to argue that David Bowie’s extremely tight pants in The Labyrinth happened because the costuming department just couldn’t find anything bigger and looser for him to wear, or that characters such as (among others) Faith, Spike, Damon Salvatore, Klaus, Eric Northman, Grant Ward or Captain Hook from OUAT were not intended to be objects of desire, and that it was somehow the fandom that “turned” them into sex symbols, totally unprovoked, to the total shock and horror of the creators of these shows, who refused to “retool” these characters that were totally not meant to be sexy, no sir! I don’t think that anyone is going to argue that, and if they did, they either did not watch these shows at all, or are being completely dishonest.
What are we even talking about here? It’s really strange if not downright hypocritical to complain about the “fandom” putting certain characters in “leather pants”, when the canon has already put them in (metaphorical and in some cases also literal) leather pants to begin with. That’s not “Misaimed Fandom”. That’s the opposite of it - the showrunners were aiming for it and hit the target, intentionally playing up the actors’/characters’ sex appeal, often in really obvious ways. Unless I’m supposed to believe that things like frequent shirtless or nude scenes, tight/leather clothes, female gazey/male gazey (whichever applies) camera shots, and other fanservicey moments are there for no plot-related reason, just happened by accident, and that the writers wrote these characters as sexy and desirable in-universe with a bunch of other characters commenting on or falling for their charms, not to mention blatant ship teases or actual romantic/sexual relationships with protagonists - but somehow expected the audience to not see them as desirable, at all.
Which, BTW, does not necessarily have anything to do with downplaying a character’s flaws, or to what extent they are portrayed sympathetically. Many of the characters on the list are both given some sympathetic qualities and complexity and intentionally presented as desirable, but you can have one without the other. Case in point: Dandy Mott from AHS:FS - totally evil, no redeeming qualities, not sympathetic at all, but Finn Wittrock sure did not have all the nude scenes because the plot demanded it.
Furthermore, on the second point: most (actually, the majority, although there are some exceptions) of these characters were actually given tragic backstories and/or had terrible things happen to them in canon in scenes that were supposed to be dramatic and tragic and were clearly intended to elicit at least some degree of sympathy or empathy. For instance, you may argue how bad or evil or good Sandor Clegane is, but can anyone deny that he’s canonically a victim of horrible abuse by his brother, which has left him physically scarred and disfigured for life, and left even an harsher psychological and emotional trauma that’s defined his life? No. You can’t deny that. And some of the other above mentioned characters have had entire episodes and storyarcs or, heck, even entire movies devoted to their tragic backstories. It doesn’t make sense to accuse the fandom of “turning (x) into a victim”, when that character is already portrayed as a victim (among other things, and at least at some point in their arc or their backstory) in canon, intentionally, by the actual creators of said media. 
Which, BTW, has absolutely nothing to do with downplaying a characters’ flaws or the villain/hero status in the narrative. You don’t have to be a flawless person or even a good person in order to be or have been a victim (of abuse, rape, torture, murder etc.) and being a bad person or doing bad things does not disqualify you from the victim status. Conversely, being victimized at some point in your life does not automatically make you a good person or a hero, and does not preclude you from doing evil things and/or being a perpetrator of crime/abuse. I shouldn’t really need to explain this, it’s pretty obvious and basic.
In short, there is no reason why villainous, semi-villainous, anti-heroic or super flawed characters can’t canonically be objects of desire, victims, or both. Many, in fact, are.
So then, maybe half of the description of this trope should really be scrapped, and it’s all just about downplaying the flaws of villainous characters?
But that doesn’t fit either, because quite a few of the characters listed on this page either did not remain villains and eventually became heroes (Faith and Spike, for instance - and heck, even Darth Vader got last minute redemption) or simply aren’t and have never been villains. In fact, several of these - such as the Doctor, Sarah Connor or MCU Tony Stark - are definitely heroes and protagonists of their stories. Flawed heroes are still heroes. RDJ’s Tony Stark is clearly meant to be super flawed and occasionally annoying, but still likable, and certainly heroic. Others aren’t heroic, but are clearly not meant to be disliked by the audience, in spite of their shitty behavior (e.g. Barney from HIMYM). 
In fact, people who wrote some of these entries even admit that the character they think is a Draco in Leather Pants is “a heroic example” or “a good person deep down” - which contradicts what the trope is supposed to be about. Some entries are even complaining about the treatment of said characters not by fandom, but in the actual canon - which, again, completely contradicts what the description says the trope is all about (Misaimed Fandom).
OK, maybe listing heroic or other non-villainous characters does not contradict the description - because it says “controversial or downright villainous character”? But a controversial character is simply one that polarizes opinions. It’s usually pretty clear which characters are supposed to be villainous, but any character can be controversial. For instance, someone has listed Sarah Connor and said that people see her as “flawless icon of feminism” and then proceeded to criticize her character flaws - but someone else replied that many people may actually see the character as feminist exactly because she’s a heroine who is flawed and complex, rather than a flawless paragon of anything, and that it’s great to see female characters allowed to be flawed heroes, just like male characters so often are.
How do you actually separate the controversial from the non-controversial characters? If a bunch of people think a character is smart and awesome, and a bunch of others think the same character is stupid and annoying, that’s a controversial character. But do these groups have to be roughly the same in size for a character to be controversial? How many people in fandom need to hold one or the other opinion? Is Dawn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer a controversial character, or just an unpopular one? Many people often go about how hated she was, but I know quite a few BtVS fans who love Dawn.
And even if we agree on that, well - whether people are “downplaying” a character’s flaws is pretty debatable in itself, isn’t it? Yes, sometimes people ignore canon flaws or bad actions of their faves in fanfiction or fandom debates. But what if some fans acknowledge that their faves are flawed and have done shitty things, but insist that they also have good traits and the bad doesn’t outweigh the good, or even simply that they still like them in spite of all? Someone else who hates that character and thinks that they’re the Worst Ever and pretty much the closest thing to Antichrist may say that they are “downplaying their flaws”. But the other party may reply that it’s in fact the hater who’s overplaying their flaws. It’s not really an exact science - and that’s exactly what makes a character controversial. 
And, well, if the point of the trope is to complain that there are different and opposing opinions about controversial characters, in other words, that there’s controversy about controversial characters... well, duh? 
So, at the end of this analysis that’s probably way too long... I’m even more confused than I was at the beginning. I’d really appreciate it if someone would help me understand what this trope is about, if it’s even a trope, and why it’s called what it’s called. Is it supposed to be about:
complaining about characters that aren’t supposed to be sexy /desirable/ appealing in canon, but some rather sizable portion of the fandom treats them as if they were? (Which would be the one explanation that would fit the name of the trope.)
complaining about characters that aren’t victimized/don’t suffer in canon, but some reasonably large portion of the fandom treats them as if they are?
complaining about characters that fit both of the above, at the same time?
complaining about characters that are villainous, but a lot of people like them and sympathize with them anyway (regardless of whether the canon offers them material for that)?
complaining about the fact that authors of some canon works like to make their villains complex and somewhat sympathetic or give them heartbreaking moments and tragic backstories?
not being upset with canon for giving villains heartbreaking moments and  tragic backstories, but complaining anyway about the fact that a lot of fans sympathize with them, because you think that fandom should be stronger than that and bravely resist the authors’ attempts to elicit sympathy for bad people?
complaining about the fact that authors of some canon works portray their villains/antagonists as desirable and try to make them into sex symbols?
complaining about the fact that they’ve actually succeeded in that, which upsets you because you think that fans should all be morally stronger and be able to resists for the authors’ blatant fanservice and sexualization of morally corrupt characters?
just an umbrella term for people’s tendency to downplay or ignore their favorite characters’ flaws (which may apply to not just to villains, but to any character who has any flaws or has done something wrong or morally dubious)?
merely an excuse to bitch about the fact that, shockingly, there are some fans who have a different opinion than you and like a character that you strongly dislike?
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sadspottedpanda · 7 years
Swipe Right for Awkwardness (FFXV FANFIC) - ch 2
Noctis was in a tough wrestling match. At least, his tongue was. The guy was now on top of him, his hands pinned above him on the headboard. Despite being in complete darkness, he was glad the guy felt like the picture that was sent to him earlier that night. A rather slim, but muscular body, well-defined hips, and a firm bubble butt. Their tongues continued to wrestle unti the guy decided to attack Noctis' neck with his skilled mouth. Normally, Noctis would be concerned about any marks left behind, but he was too horny to complain. He felt an arm wrap around his back as a hand began stroking his throbbing cock. Noctis reach out for his partner's own dick, stroking what felt like 8 inches of hard meat. It seemed to have a nice girth to it and a narrow pointed head. He can hear the guy sigh and moan slightly. Damn, he seemed to have a hot voice too. The hot sensation of a busy tongue and lips left Noctis' neck and slowly made its way down to his chest before a new wave of pleasure caused by sucking ang gentle biting came over him. Noctis had really sensitive nipples and he moaned loudly, earning a grunt of approval from the guy. The guys seemed to like hearing Noct moan, so he kept himself busy with Noctis' nipples for a couple of minutes before going lower and lower down Noctis' abs. He stops just short of Noctis needy cock before going back up to the raven-haired boy's lips and pushing himself down, letting his own hard dick rub up against Noctis' as he thrusted slowly. Noctis grunted and sighed, enjoying their skin rubbing against each other. Feeling like he needed to take care of his partner too, he rolls the guy on his back and starts to assault him with his tongue and hands with a new fervor. Unlike the guy's slow, teasing approach, Noctis is relentless, and before long, pleasured moans and groans fill the room. He lifts the guy's arm and licks and kisses his armpit furiously. The loud moans turn into outright exclamations of incredible lust. Satisfied that he got the reaction he wanted, Noctis moves down and starts kissing the guy's inner thighs and giving his balls a quick suck as he moves from one thigh to another. More moaning ensues, and Noctis takes his sweet time before licking up the guy's long shaft and ending with tongue flick at his eager member's head. Like the hungry cocksucker he really is, Noctis eases the stiff meat into his mouth and starts working on it with his tongue. With every bob of his head, it disappears down his throat until he could feel the guy's pubes tickling his nose. He eases it out, only to swallow it whole again. Once he's done, it's dripping with Noctis' saliva. The guy is breathing heavily, seemingly lost in pleasure until, Noct straddles him and eases himself onto his cock. The guys moves up and reaches out to embrace Noctis and wraps Noctis' legs around him. He busies himself with Noctis' nipples and does his best to thrust despite the close quarters. Noctis' then feels the guy's hands go to his ass as he swings them both to the edge of the bed and stands, bouncing Noctis on his raging boner. They manage to find a table and the guy sets Noctis on it. He starts thrusting hard and deep into Noctis' insides, causing a steady stream of moans. He leans in to Noctis' ear and whispers hoarsely, "Do me, sexy." Noctis pushes the guy gently away with his foot and helps him onto the floor. He lifts the guy's hips up until his legs are up over his shoulders before moving down to eat out the tight, twitching hole. The guy moans, his hands clutching the carpet, as Noctis' tongue digs into his ass. The guy squirms and moans, surrendering himself to the pleasure as Noctis violates him. Afterwards, he gets on his knees and takes Noctis's cock in his mouth. An experienced cocksucker himself, he has no problem taking in Noctis' very thick, six-inch member until its wet with spit. Noctis positions himself in front and eases in. He know his cock isn't as long as the guys, but it's definitely thicker by a wide margin. Last thing he wants is the guy to scream out in pain, so he takes it slow, stopping every now and then to listen. The guy is basically panting at this point and Noctis slides the last inch in. He starts thrusting slowly and is satisfied as the guy begins to moan louder and louder with each push. Noctis decides to do it harder, causing the guy to borderline scream with lust. He grabs the guy's ankle and starts licking the sole of his foot before sliding his tongue in between the toes. The guy half-laughs and half-moans as Noctis takes his big toe in his mouth and starts sucking. Taking the hint that Noctis has a foot fetish, the guy moves his other foot down to Noctis' chest, rubbing his nipple with his toes. Noctis then leans down flat on the guy and kisses him passionately, the burning sensation in his stomach spreading. He's shaking and begins to pull out, only for the guy to hurriedly grab his ass and push his hips back down. He starts thrusting again with more force, driven by the guy seemingly wanting him to unload inside. "F...FUCK! AGHHHH!" "HAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Both Noctis and the guy scream as they reach and break their limits. Noctis unloads his balls with his cock surrounded by the warmth of the guy's insides while his partner sprays thick, long jets of warm cum on both their bodies. The guy seems spent, but Noctis wasn't quite through yet. He slides out and bends down to lap up every drop of cum on the guy's body, taking as much as he could in his mouth before engaging in a messy cum kiss with the guy. After the kiss, Noctis collapses on top of the guy, feeling his heaving chest rise and fall in rhythm with his partner's. He hadn't had sex this intense and he was glad the guy just went with all the kinky shit he's done to him. They lie there together on the floor for a good ten minutes before Noctis gets up, legs still shaking from the release of all the sexual longing and tension that's been building up for weeks. He pull his partner up, wipes him down with a towel, and gives him another kiss, a more romantic one this time. He sincerely hopes they'd meet up again. The guy gets dressed and takes his leave and Noctis heads for home after a hot shower. He opens the door to the apartment and sees Prompto's shoes messily thrown to the side. Upstairs, he could hear the sound of the shower running and Prompto singing his favorite chocobo song. He plops down on the couch and turns on the TV. Moments later, Prompto emerges from the bathroom. "Yo Noct! Be down in a bit!" "Yeah!" Deciding to follow up with his new favorite sex friend, Noctis opens his dating app and shoots him a quick message. "Hey. U were awesome." He gets a reply right away. "Tell that to urself. U got a real naughty mouth licking me all over like that. Lol." "Lol. Sorry. Bad habit." "First time. Would do it again with u." Noctis grins and licks his lips, remembering the taste of the guy's body, and replies. "Cool. Was hoping ud say that. Haha." "Hmu again, yeah?" "Sure. Wouldn't think twice abt it sexy. How, got a name btw?" "Just call me Pal. U?" "Master. Lol jk. Nitro would be good." "U kinky af. I like it. Haha. Anyway, nyt. Just chat me up if u wanna do it again." "Will do." Noctis settles back into the couch with a smile on his face. Just chatting with the guy's already made him semi-hard again, so he focuses hard on the TV program. Moments later, Prompto emerges from his and head downstairs. "Yo!" "Hey bro. How'd the date go?" "Eh. It went ok." "Ok?" Noctis notices that Prompto has a spring in his step and a really satisfied look on his face. "C'mon, spill. That's not the face of a guy who's just been to an 'ok' date." Prompto sits beside Noctis and starts gushing. "Fine. It was AWESOME. We had a lot of fun. It was like a dream come true! I never though I'd score like that! I though it was gonna end badly, but it went way too well." "Did you use a condom?" Noctis says calmly. "DUDE! It didn't end like that! Sheesh, why are you always so horny?" "I'm not..." Noctis reaches up and pulls Prompto down beside him in a tight embrace. "...but I just might be now." "ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" Prompto struggles to break free, but Noctis isn't having any of it. "Oh gods, Noct. JERK IT OFF, BUT DON'T BRING ME INTO IT!" Noctis laughs and releases Prompto. "Chill, Prom. I'm just kidding." "You scare me sometimes, y'know." Prompto sighs and settles back beside Noctis on the sofa. He pulls Noctis' arm over him and leans into Noctis. "Anyway, now that I know I'm not getting raped tonight, how'd your night go?" "Just went for a walk around town. Needed to clear my head about some shit." "Was it because of our cup noodle date?" Prompto whines cutely. "Hell no. Just some stuff Ignis and dad's been bugging me about." Noct finds it frightening how easy he could lie to his best friend, but he wasn't about to tell him about tonight's events...or any other night he's headed out to pound or get pounded. "You can just talk to me if you want to get something off your chest, y'know." "Yeah...I better start doing that more often, huh?" "Not like anyone else is gonna hear what you wanna say." "But how do I say I have feelings for you, Prompto?" Noctis thinks to himself. "How can I tell you that I love being close to you like this. How can I tell you that you make me feel like I'm not a total failure sometimes?" They both go silent as they watch a movie about a prince going on a roadtrip with his buddies. Before long, Prompto is curled up against Noctis, snoring quietly. Noctis looks down at his friend and strokes the soft, blond hair gently. He carries Prompto up to his room, tucks him in, and gives him a quick, wishful kiss on the cheek. If only he had the courage to tell Prompto, he wouldn't be hooking up with random strangers to try to fill that one remaining void in his heart. Perhaps one day, he'd find the courage to do that, but right now, he'd rather not risk losing his closest friend.
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