klaudia96art · 2 years
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Sir Orion and lord megatron ❤️🥹🤩this is a giveaway peak of this fantastic series made by @pastelpaperplanes thorns and thorns maybe i will do other fan art in the future i fell in love with these die put up with this amazing artist i hope he likes it❤️😉😉 doodles extra ❤️
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amphibifish · 9 months
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the bottom part of this image is so kate during tifp
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dokumtek · 2 months
Titanyum Florür Fosfat: Enerji Depolama ve Yüzey İşlemleri
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Titanyum florür fosfat (TiFP), özellikle gelişmiş pil teknolojilerinin geliştirilmesinde malzeme bilimi alanında önemli bir ilgi çeken benzersiz bir bileşiktir.Bu benzersiz kristalin yapısı, özellikle pil sistemlerinin evrimindeki rolüne odaklanarak TiFP'nin çeşitli uygulamalar için çekici bir seçenek olmasını sağlayan bir dizi istenen özelliği sunmaktadır. TiFP'nin özellikle yüksek termal stabilitesi onu birçok uygulama için uygulanabilir kılamaktadır.
Titanyum Florür Fosfat Nedir?
Titanyum florür fosfat (KTiPO4F), Skoltech bilim insanları tarafından geliştirilmiş metal iyon pilleri için yeni bir katot malzemesidir. Benzersiz kristal yapısı, ona birçok uygulama için istenilen özellikler kazandırır. TiFP, yüksek termal stabilitesi ile ünlüdür, ki bu da zorlu ortamlarda kullanım için kritik bir özelliktir. Yüksek termal stabilitesi ile bilinen bu bileşik, yüksek deşarj akımlarında üstün performans elde etmiştir. Potansiyel uygulamaları çeşitli endüstrilerde yayılmaktadır, ancak özellikle pil teknolojisindeki rolüne odaklanılmıştır. Bileşik, metal iyonlu piller için bir katot malzemesi olarak, lityum iyonlu ve katı hal piller de dahil olmak üzere, umut verici sonuçlar göstermiştir. Bu, elektrikli araçlar, sağlık ekipmanı ve yüksek performanslı ve güvenli enerji depolama çözümlerine dayanan diğer cihazlar için önemli sonuçlar doğurur. TiFP, lityumun yerine kullanılabilecek bir alternatif olarak öne çıkar çünkü hammadde olarak kolayca temin edilebilmekte ve ana titanyum taşıyıcı reaktanlar da kolayca bulunabilmektedir. TiFP'nin Avantajları ve Kullanım Alanları Nelerdir? Titanyum florür fosfatın kullanım alanları arasında lityum iyon pilleri ve katı hal piller bulunmaktadır. Bu piller, elektrikli araçlar, sağlık ekipmanları ve diğer uygulamalarda kullanılabilir. TiFP, metal iyon pilleri için bir katot malzemesi olarak umut vaat etmiş ve yüksek deşarj akımlarında üstün performansıyla enerji depolama uygulamaları için çekici bir seçenek olmuştur. Titanyum florür fosfat piyasası, özellikle gelişmiş pil teknolojilerine olan potansiyeli ve elektrikli araçların benimsenmesindeki artış nedeniyle 2036 yılında 1 milyar dolarlık bir büyüklüğe ulaşması beklenmektedir. Titanyum florür fosfatın (TiFP) onu birden fazla uygulama için uygun kılan temel özellikleri şunlardır: - Benzersiz Kristal Yapı: TiFP, arzu edilen özelliklerine katkıda bulunan ve onu çeşitli uygulamalar için uygun kılan benzersiz bir kristal yapıya sahiptir. - Yüksek Termal Kararlılık: Bu bileşik, zorlu ortamlarda kullanımı için çok önemli bir özellik olan yüksek termal kararlılığıyla bilinir. - Pil Teknolojisi: TiFP, lityum iyon ve katı hal pilleri de dahil olmak üzere metal iyon piller için katot malzemesi olarak umut vaat ediyor. Yüksek deşarj akımlarındaki üstün performansı, onu enerji depolama uygulamaları için cazip bir seçenek haline getiriyor - Pazar Potansiyeli: Titanyum florür fosfat pazarının, gelişmiş pil teknolojilerindeki potansiyeli ve elektrikli araçların giderek daha fazla benimsenmesi nedeniyle 2036 yılına kadar 1 Milyar ABD Doları büyüklüğe işaret eden tahminlerle önemli ölçüde büyümesi bekleniyor. ​ Özetle, titanyum florür fosfatın benzersiz kristal yapısı ve yüksek termal stabilitesi, onu özellikle ileri pil teknolojileri alanında çeşitli uygulamalar için çekici bir seçenek haline getiriyor. Özellikle büyüyen elektrikli araç pazarı bağlamında, yüksek performanslı ve güvenli enerji depolama çözümlerine yönelik talebi karşılama potansiyeli, onu önemli pazar potansiyeline sahip bir malzeme olarak konumlandırıyor.
Havacılık Endüstrisinde Titanyum Florür Fosfat Kullanmanın Avantajları
Havacılık endüstrisinde titanyum florür fosfat kullanmanın belirli avantajları açıkça belirtilmemiş olsa da, özellikleri, gelişmiş enerji depolama çözümlerinin ve yüzey işlemlerinin havacılık uygulamaları için potansiyel avantajlarını göstermektedir. TiFP'nin havacılık endüstrisinde kullanımı, yüksek performanslı ve güvenli enerji depolama çözümlerinin geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunabilir. Bu, elektrikli uçaklar ve uzay araçları da dahil olmak üzere havacılık araçlarının etkili ve güvenilir çalışması için kritiktir. Yüksek termal stabilite ve lityum iyonlu katı hal piller gibi gelişmiş pil teknolojilerindeki potansiyel kullanımı, havacılık araçları için enerji verimli ve güvenilir güç sistemlerinin geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunabilir. Ayrıca, yapılan bir çalışmada titanyum alaşımı üzerine uygulanan bir florür-fosfat dönüşüm kaplamasının boya tabakasının titanyum alt tabakasına olan yapışma gücünü artırdığını gösterdi. Bu özellik, havacılık uygulamalarında yüzey işlemleri veya kaplamalar için potansiyel avantajlar sunabilir. TiFP'nin onu birden fazla uygulama için uygun kılan yüksek termal kararlılığı ve benzersiz kristal yapısı, havacılık uygulamalarında potansiyel olarak avantajlar sunabilir. Bunlar şunları içerebilir: - İyileştirilmiş Güvenlik ve Performans: TiFP'nin lityum iyon ve katı hal pilleri gibi gelişmiş pil teknolojilerinin geliştirilmesindeki potansiyel kullanımı, havacılık uygulamalarındaki uçak ve uzay araçları gibi enerji depolama sistemlerinin geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunabilir ve bu da güç sistemlerinin güvenliğinin ve performansının iyileştirilmesine yol açabilir. - Gelişmiş Enerji Depolama Çözümleri Potansiyeli: TiFP'nin havacılık endüstrisinde kullanılması, elektrikli uçaklar ve uzay araçları da dahil olmak üzere havacılık araçlarının verimli ve güvenilir çalışması için hayati önem taşıyan yüksek performanslı ve güvenli enerji depolama çözümlerinin geliştirilmesine yol açabilir. - Yapışma Mukavemeti: Doğrudan havacılık ile ilgili olmasa da, arama sonuçlarında bahsedilen bir çalışma, titanyum alaşımı üzerindeki florür-fosfat dönüşüm kaplamasının, boya kaplamasının titanyum alt tabakaya yapışma mukavemetini arttırdığını göstermiştir.Bu özelliğin havacılık uygulamalarındaki yüzey işlemleri veya kaplamalar için potansiyel etkileri olabilir. Sonuç olarak, titanyum florür fosfat, malzeme biliminde önemli bir ilerlemedir ve enerji depolama alanını yeniden şekillendirebilecek potansiyele sahiptir. Yüksek termal stabilitesi ve elektrokimyasal özellikleri, onu bir sonraki nesil pil teknolojileri için çekici bir seçenek haline getirir ve sürdürülebilir ve enerji verimli bir geleceğin anahtarını oluşturabilir. REFERANSLAR Wang, Shuaixing & Liu, Xiao-hui & Wang, Liqiang & Wen, Qingjie & Du, Nan & Huang, Jianhang. (2017). Formation mechanism and properties of fluoride–phosphate conversion coating on titanium alloy. RSC Adv.. 7. 16078-16086. 10.1039/C6RA27199E. KAYNAK RESEARCHNESTER Read the full article
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thathikingstudent · 2 years
Today I felt proud for
completing all the tasks on my To-Do-List
Cooking for myself (and not ordering take-out)
Doing my Yoga practice
Taking notes in my online lecture (despite feeling like I wanted to flunk it today :) )
Biking to therapy :)
Doing my shopping
Cleaning up the kitchen in the evening
Taking care of myself
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quality-street-rat · 3 years
Tifp because I
Did the dishes
Ate real food for breakfast
Cleaned kitty's carrier
Put away groceries
Prepped snacks
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reyneclaw · 4 years
proud because i’ve checked facebook including N’s page, left some angry emojis on all the BS that’s going on in russia, and commented on someone’s cat, all without freaking out. N mostly uses fb to share political news, and i’d love to know how she manages her anger that well, because like, if i understand her correctly, she insists that if you stay aside from it... ‘idk how to explain that you should care about other people’. i care, but i don’t think simply being angry over something achieves much, aside from ruining your already fragile mental health. what’s the point. i prefer a real, tangible way to help (aka give me a donation link, ask me to translate something for your website, sign a petition, something that can be done instead of just sitting there fuming). also if we ever have this opportunity i’d like to have That discussion with her, without immediately getting yelled at. i see her point, and still, i’m not renouncing a part of my identity that i’m grateful for, and i insist it was technically a good idea to have a place separate from both of these countries and i don’t think we should be part of either for the foreseeable future. it’s gradually getting stale, some ideas have already failed, but as for now, it’s a better option for a number of reasons such as Not Tracking People. (that transphobic BS was a misunderstanding on my part, she’s undoubtedly an ally i’ve never faced anything transphobic from her she even corrected people who accidentally misgendered me)
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nnnyart · 4 years
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Diario de Autodestrucción (2017) - Parte 1 
Era principio de año y vos me mandaste una solicitud de seguidor al instagram. Yo casi me muero al verla, después de 5 cinco años pensé que nunca más hablaríamos.  
Y volvimos a hablar y pasaron un montón de cosas que jamas creí que pasarían. Y lo cierto es que tampoco quería creer lo que estaba pasando.
Vos no estabas tan cambiado. Yo seguía media colgada de cosas que habían pasado. Para ser sincera, sentía culpa de haberte hecho mal. 
Empece a escribir este diario a medida que sucedían cosas entre nosotros de nuevo. Pero para mi disgusto eran cosas que me hacían doler. 
Así descubrí que tenías otra chica, a quien querías y a quien veías antes o después de verme a mi. Quizás me querías como la querías a ella, quizás no. No lo se, solo se que ya no me querías como antes. Quizás mi persona si te quería como siempre te quiso. Hoy ya no lo se. 
Me recuerdo confundida, asustada, enojada, caprichosa, herida, turbulenta, oscura, partida. Jamas se me ocurrió que iba a pasar todo eso. 
Jamas se me ocurrió que te iba a encontrar acampando con ella donde me llevaste a acampar a mi. 
Jamas se me ocurrió que era mi persona quien estaba obstruyendo una relación. 
Jamas se me ocurrió que tenia que dejar de luchar, dejar de buscarte, dejar de sentirte, por que no me hacías bien. 
Y en el diario de autodestrucción quedaron las cosas que me diste, los dibujos que me hiciste, las cartas donde declaraste tu falso amor.
Continua parte 2. 
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zikoyuri-blog · 4 years
epoxy resin | making these chic uv resin - resin beads- contas resina- t...
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bsmallvoice · 5 years
Every now and then, it hits me.
Little me would be in awe of older me.
Maybe I didn’t get here alone, but I got myself here. And it’s something to be proud of.
I’m graduating from an Ivy League. I have a 3.3 GPA. I have worked on rockets. I’m working on my Master’s in Rocket Science. I’m graduating on time. I’m a TA. I have good friends and people I can talk to in my classes.
I’m happy
And when I put it all together like that, and look at it objectively, I’m pretty damn proud.
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afewnovelideas · 4 years
"Turnabout is Fair Play" AU - part 8.5
Gotham is burning and his family is spread thin.
Bruce is doing his best as Batman, and he know his children are too.
But it's not enough.
"Help... me..."
With his youngest Robin by his side, Batman freezes on the rooftop of Wayne Tower. He needs to pause because he wasn't sure he heard the whispered plea over his comlink. The cocophony around him from the city below is just too loud. Then it comes again, broadcast over all the "family's" channels. It's almost too faint to hear, but it's there, almost out of reach.
"Please... Someone... Anyone..."
Bruce recognizes the voice. It's his third son, his third partner.
His Timothy.
"Batman here," he says stoically, shoving aside the unease he really feels. When was the last time Tim, his Red Robin, actually called out for help on the comms in the field?
It takes a long moment, but finally Tim's voice crackles back onto the comm. The signal is spotty, as if there is a lot of either distance or interference.
"...-ight knee's shot... ...Need hel-..."
Tim's trying to whisper, which makes things harder for Bruce to understand. “Red Robin. Where are you?”
It sounds like Tim is trying to say something, but his words are scrambled by static. Then there’s a moment of silence, an uncomfortable stillness, before Bruce hears a sound come over the comm again. But this time it’s not his son. It’s a sounds the sends a spike of icy fear straight through his heart.
It’s laughter. 
“No.” There’s the sound of someone struggling to move, of rubber and Kevlar-lined leather scraping against concrete. “...Stay back...”
The laughter gets closer... louder... more manic...
Immediately Bruce has another comm channel open. “Oracle where is he?!” 
“I can’t get a clear satellite signal! His tracker is bouncing within a 3 mi radius on the north side of town! He might be somewhere underground! We won’t be able to get a solid lock on his signal until one of us is within the radius!”
“I’m on my way!” Nightwing’s voice cuts over Oracle’s. “ETA 7 min!”
Batman and Robin were now making their way via their grappling guns. “Our ETA is 8 min” Damian announced as Bruce focused on Tim’s channel. His heart leapt to his throat as he heard the sound of one of Tim’s smoke bombs going off, and the sound of his throwing discs ricocheting off of something hard. The laughter persisted.
“I’m already here!” Out of nowhere, Jason’s voice, the Red Hood, came in on the second channel. “Going into the tunnels.” 
“Wait for backup!” Bruce tried to order.
There was the audible sound of clips of ammo being reloaded into a pair of handguns. “Screw that!” Jason growled. 
Then Red Hood was gone as well.
Unbeknownst to anyone else among the masked vigilantes trying to get to Red Robin’s location, there was one other person listening in to Tim Drake’s comm channel. That individual was on the move as well.
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klaudia96art · 2 years
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Prime and megatron 😉
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TIFPS seeks legal action for burning Donyi-Polo altar
TIFPS seeks legal action for burning Donyi-Polo altar
[ Karda Natam ] DAPORIJO, Jul 15: The Tagin Indigenous Faith and Preservation Society (TIFPS) has appealed to the law-enforcing authority to initiate legal action against those involved in setting fire to the altar and images of the Donyi-Polo in a video that went viral on social media under appropriate section of the Indian Penal Code. The society vehemently condemned…
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satonthelotuspier · 4 years
Turnabout is Fair Play - Part 4
Here’s the fourth and final part of TIFP as promised. You can catch Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 at these links if you missed them, alternatively it’s all available on AO3 here 
Several days later Jiang Cheng went in search of Lan Xichen to report the good news his Sect Physician had just given him.
He found the other Sect Leader dealing with his duties whilst in charge of the children.
Lan Xichen sat behind his desk in the Hanshi answering correspondence. Wei Wuxian sat on his knee and concentrated carefully on the paper in front of him where he drew...something. Jiang Cheng would admit he’d never been very good at deciphering children’s art.
Lan Wangji sat at the side, carefully covering his own paper in chunky, childish script.
The two children seemed to exist in their own little bubble where the happenings around them meant nothing and the only thing that really mattered was the other.
Beyond that the situation they’d found themselves in over the past days had all taken on a sickeningly domestic tone. And curse him but it never seemed to phase Lan Xichen, everything was executed with that same calm elegance of body and temperament.
“Jiang Wanyin” Lan Xichen greeted him as he noticed Jiang Cheng in the doorway. “Please come in”
He had suggested that they drop the overly formal way of addressing each other as they spent a significant amount of time in company together.
“I’ve just spoken with my sect physician who believes he has something that will speed up the leeching of the poison” Jiang Cheng informed his Lan equivalent who had poured him tea.
“Is he sure it’s safe to use?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t even entertain the idea if there was a chance it wasn’t. All we have to do is wait it out if we do nothing else, so it wouldn’t be worth using anything less than a sure thing”
“Of course, forgive me, I misspoke” Lan Xichen lowered his head in apology and Jiang Cheng felt like an ass for making an issue of it; he always spoke before he thought though.
Wei Wuxian looked up at Lan Xichen, “More yucky drinks?” he asked the Lan Sect head.
“I’m afraid so, A-Xian” he stroked a hand over the child’s hair soothingly, “But it will help you get big and strong”
“Mn” Wei Wuxian agreed.
The following day Lan Xichen, his uncle Lan Qiren, Jiang Wanyin and the Jiang sect physician stood talking in the ornamental gardens outside the library pavilion where it was reported that there was a significant reduction in the levels of snake-demon poison present in both boys that morning, much to the relief of all present.
The reason for relief was merely driven home by the sudden increase in noise in the vicinity.
He saw his Uncle freeze and his face go blank. He was obviously just going to pretend that what was about to happen didn’t happen, and ignore it until it passed.
The noise grew louder and louder. Lan Wangji pelted into the garden and along the Library pavilion veranda, shouting at the top of his lungs, dragging a Wei Wuxian who kept yelling “Lan Zhan” in a reproving tone of voice along by the hand.
They were followed by Lan Jingyi who chased after them shouting, “Running isn’t allowed in the Cloud Recesses. Making noise isn’t allowed either” at the top of his voice.
Despite his uncle’s commitment to not noticing anything Lan Xichen could see the twitch of a muscle in his cheek.
Genuinely he himself didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry.
Jiang Wanyin had covered his face with his palm.
The sound faded.
And his uncle began to speak again as if nothing had happened.
They were quite close to fully cleansing the snake-demon toxins out of their brothers’ systems by the end of the second week at Cloud Recesses, and Jiang Wanyin was making preparations to leave for Yunmeng as soon as it was resolved. He spoke his plans to Lan Xichen as they walked the paths through the Recesses and close to the woods near the cold spring.
Lan Xichen was aware enough to realise he was going to miss having Jiang Wanyin’s sometimes ill-tempered but always entertaining self around. Their time together had become somewhat of a pleasant routine for him.
Perhaps for both of them?
His musings were cut short at the sudden, scared shout of “Lan Zhan” from the cold spring.
They were both running towards the sound of sobbing as fast as possible, to find a terrified Wei Wuxian trying to pull a limp Lan Wangji out of the water.
Jiang Cheng leaped straight in to scoop the unconscious child up, cradling him in his arms and turning his face so he could check for breathing.
Lan Xichen held his breath, his own heart frozen in fear as he waited for Jiang Cheng to examine his brother.
Wei Wuxian was nearly hysterical, repeating that he had slipped and hit his head on rocks, and Lan Xichen knelt down to try to calm him once Wanyin assured him Wangji was breathing.
Luckily Yunmeng-raised Wei Wuxian had pulled his face out of the water almost immediately, and it was just the vicious bump to the head that was a danger
They took the children back to Jiang Cheng’s rooms and sent a junior disciple to find a physician to check on Lan Wangji’s head injury.
He’d taken a nasty knock. He did regain consciousness during the examination but he was groggy and confused, though well behaved when he saw his Wei Ying was sat besides him on the bed, holding his hand.
“You scared me, Lan Zhan” Wei Wuxian’s tone was reproachful and Lan Zhan looked as contrite as possible with the cut forehead which was also beginning to bruise.
“Wei Ying, I’m sorry” he managed then lay quietly while Lan Xichen cleaned the cut and the physician prepared a salve for it.
“You’ll need to keep a watch on him through the night. Send someone for me if he becomes listless, unresponsive or feverish”
Lan Xichen stayed the night, his brother should be his responsibility in this situation. Jiang Wanyin offered him the second bed but he refused, telling Jiang Wanyin he should use it and get some sleep, there was no point in them both being awake.
He dozed periodically propped against the side of the bed, but always waking and reapplying the salve, checking his brother’s temperature, waking him up to test his alertness. And while he was grumpy he was neither listless nor unresponsive.
Lan Xichen drifted off again just before dawn, but he was woken by a surprised exclamation at about five o'clock.
“Brother?” Wangji asked him in confusion, voice back to it’s normal, much deeper timbre.
It took Lan Xichen a few seconds to process what had happened, but as he realised the poison had worn off and his brother and brother-in-law were back to their original states he rose to his feet.
He heard Jiang Wanyin stir across the room at the sound, then wake up and take in what had happened with a “What the fuck-” and then dash out of the house.
Lan Xichen stayed back long enough to check whether either Wangji or Wei Wuxian remembered anything about the last few weeks, (they didn’t), check his brother’s health, (his head was painful and foggy, but he was otherwise fine), then followed Jiang Wanyin outside.
Jiang Cheng sat on the steps at the edge of the veranda, still not over his shock and the awkwardness of waking up to two fully grown males in his room. Well three, but one he had expected.
“I don’t need my eyes anymore, your stupid semi-naked brother is seared onto my brain” he complained, “Actually, so is mine” he scrubbed his face as Lan Xichen came to sit beside him. “You should tell them to get the fuck out of my room, I need to dress” he groused, pulling his inner robe tighter around himself as he suddenly realised he wasn’t fully attired.
He flopped onto his back on the veranda in despair, and then the maniacal cackling started from inside the room as Wei Wuxian laughed whole-heartedly about something.
“At least order has been restored” Lan Xichen commented as he heard something low and monosyllabic from his brother in response to Wei Wuxian. To Jiang Cheng’s surprise he laid back beside him on the veranda, looking up into the pale streaked dawn sky.
“It’s been an...interesting few days” Lan Xichen commented and Jiang Cheng turned his head to glance at him, before looking back up at the sky.
“It’s been a nightmare” he corrected. But there was a small part of him that would miss that morning cuddle with his brother, sweet and uncomplicated and just affection he’d not had for too long.
But he couldn’t admit that.
“Lets never have children” he said instead, not quite realising what connotations his words could have until the other turned to look at him, an amused glint in his eyes.
“Why Sect Leader Jiang, is that a proposal?”
My favourite scene is Lan Qiren achieving a pure Zen state.
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thathikingstudent · 2 years
TIFP because I completed all tasks on my habit tracker (for the first time since I made that one!) 😊
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quality-street-rat · 4 years
Today I feel proud because I:
Ate an entire meal when I got up
Consequently had enough energy to exercise (yoga and stretches)
Hydrated well
Made my bed
Wore clean clothes
Avoided my brother
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reyneclaw · 4 years
guess who did Some Homework
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