#to kill a king (2003)
sleepypuffincentral · 9 months
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No context lol
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magstorrn · 8 months
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I find I cannot kill you, but one day soon a man who loves you less will, and I will raise his gun to stop you. And he'll be right.
To Kill A King (2003), dir. Mike Barker.
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captainmoonlite · 8 months
yes i love 'to kill a king' (2003). yes i hate 'to kill a king' (2003). what's not clicking
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sleepythug · 2 months
What are some movies that every aspiring cinephile should watch?
battleship potemkin (sergei eisenstein, 1926)
city lights (charlie chaplin, 1931)
M (fritz lang, 1931)
freaks (tod browning, 1932)
brief encounter (david lean, 1945)
out of the past (jacques tourneur, 1947)
the third man (carol reed, 1949)
late spring (yasijuro ozu, 1949)
kiss me deadly (robert aldrich, 1955)
a man escaped (robert bresson, 1956)
touch of evil (orson welles, 1958)
la dolce vita (federico fellini, 1960)
peeping tom (michael powell, 1960)
man who shot liberty valance (john ford, 1962)
the exterminating angel (luis buñuel, 1962)
shock corridor (samuel fuller, 1963)
kwaidan (masaki kobayashi, 1964)
dragon inn (king hu, 1967)
playtime (jacques tati, 1967)
once upon a time in the west (sergio leone, 1968)
two-lane blacktop (monte hellman, 1971)
aguirre, wrath of god (werner herzog, 1972)
touki bouki (djibril diop mambety, 1973)
the conversation (francis ford coppola, 1974)
the passenger (michelangelo antonioni, 1975)
nashville (robert altman, 1975)
the killing of a chinese bookie (john cassavetes, 1976)
mikey and nicky (elaine may, 1976)
sorcerer (william friedkin, 1977)
days of heaven (terrence malick, 1978)
blow out (brian de palma, 1981)
8 diagram pole fighter (lau kar-leung, 1984)
mishima: a life in four chapters (paul schrader, 1985)
tampopo (jūzō itami, 1985)
blue velvet (david lynch, 1986)
something wild (jonathan demme, 1986)
landscape in the mist (theo angelopoulos, 1988)
sonatine (takeshi kitano, 1993)
salaam cinema (mohsen makhmalbaf, 1995)
fallen angels (wong kar-wai, 1995)
taste of cherry (abbas kiarostami, 1997)
cure (kiyoshi kurosawa, 1997)
the thin red line (terrence malick, 1999)
beau travail (claire denis, 1999)
yi yi (edward yang, 2000)
all about lily chou chou (shunji iwai, 2001)
memories of murder (bong joon-ho, 2003)
dogville (lars von trier, 2003)
tropical malady (apichatpong weerasethakul, 2004)
silent light (carlos reygadas, 2007)
sparrow (johnnie to, 2008)
holy motors (leos carax, 2012)
phoenix (christian petzold, 2014)
personal shopper (oliver assayas, 2016)
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bladesmitten · 4 months
BG3 Origin Companions and their Letterboxd Top 4, probably
just a fun exercise of what i think are the movies they'd enjoy! ^_^
Wyll Ravengard
The Shape of Water (2017)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
The Iron Giant (1999)
Hellboy (2004)
Gone Girl (2014)
The Handmaiden (2016)
Disobedience (2017)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Pacific Rim (2013)
The Matrix (1999)
Snowpiercer (2013)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Legally Blonde (2001)
Carrie (1976)
American Psycho (2000)
Perfect Blue (1997)
Whiplash (2014)
Arrival (2016)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Decision to Leave (2022)
The Nice Guys (2016)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Bound (1996)
American Ultra (2015)
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pluckyredhead · 2 months
The Lost Titans in Canon: Rose and Eddie
Hello, friends! Are you ready to get your heart broken?
Rose and Eddie both joined the Titans during the 2006 One Year Later gap (when every DC book jumped one year ahead after Infinite Crisis) and first appeared on the team in #34 of the 2003 Teen Titans series. They're already buddies, at least enough to...hang out in the kitchen together, not facing each other and throwing oranges on the floor? This art is baffling:
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What mind-bogglingly prudish teenager instituted that swear jar, let alone decided that "damn" was enough to qualify?
We later learn that Rose vouched for Eddie to get him on the team, apparently two seconds after having met him. Rose herself was on the team because Dick asked Tim to give her a chance.
Eddie is already protective of Rose, like when Cassie, uh...punches Rose hard enough to give her a nosebleed for the crime of being annoying.
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Guys, you should...you should probably quit this team. I know it's just your first issue, but yikes.
Their second issue features a drunk Rose climbing into Tim's bed and trying to seduce him, and then Cassie showing up and everyone attacking everyone else, and then Marvin hitting on Cassie (I'm glad you're dead, Marvin), and it's pretty much just trash all around.
But it also features this moment:
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Eddie has never recovered and NEITHER HAVE I.
Rose then confesses that she's afraid that the Titans will kick her off the team, since Tim doesn't really want her or Eddie around, just his real friends. (I could write a thesis on how Rose is afraid of being kicked out so she deliberately tries to provoke them into kicking her out, but this isn't the time.)
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She hides it better, but Rose has never recovered from this, either.
Then Eddie gets hurt and Rose pulls they "Stay with me!" trope:
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It has only been two issues! They're obsessed with each other!
But Rose warns him off:
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Eddie continues to be ride or die for Rose, defending her when she's accused (falsely) of being a traitor to the team, and protecting her when his own dystopian future self shows up and tries to kill her. Also, Jaime joins the team and Eddie is wildly jealous of how much Rose seems to like him:
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Rose 100% knows Eddie's right there and is doing this to make him jealous, btw. This is extremely explicit in the issue. She doesn't actually care about Jaime one way or the other (and Jaime tells her very clearly that he has a girlfriend).
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Meet Rose Wilson! She has absolutely no idea how to cope with liking a sweet boy who is nice to her, so she spends an entire issue trying to make him jealous and making fun of him in a way that's genuinely mean! Oh, honey, no.
Between Rose blowing hot and cold, Tim and Cassie being just incredibly nasty to Eddie all the time for no reason, and the trauma of, you know, having sold his soul to the devil and being functionally orphaned and all, Eddie makes a very bad decision. He invites a bunch of civilian teens to Titans Tower, where they promptly run amuck. The Titans are furious, and Eddie is left feeling completely friendless and about an inch from being kicked off the team completely.
That's when he's approached by the Terror Titans, a team of teenage edgelords led by the Clock King, who DC was trying to make into a cool scary villain by having him *checks notes* fuck teenage girls and constantly murder people on-page as gorily as possible. This whole storyline is trying so, so hard to be cool and edgy but it's just incredibly tiresome.
Anyway Eddie recognizes that actually all these people suck, and refuses to join them and betray the Titans. So they kidnap him and Clock King proceeds to torture him.
Meanwhile, the Terror Titans attack Titans Tower. The only people there are Wendy and Marvin, who are non-combatants, and Rose. Rose defeats every member of the Terror Titans, gets Wendy and Marvin to safety, and then, beat to hell, walks back into Titans Tower to fight the Terror Titans again. Why?
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Rose drags herself back into the Tower, hurt and bleeding, to beat Eddie's location out of the Terror Titans. It's such a good gender reversal of this trope, where the damsel in distress is an eldritch horror and the grizzled warrior coming to his rescue is a teenage girl. The execution of every single bit of this story is absolutely awful and unreadably stupid, but the idea in there is so good! Theoretically!
The Terror Titans manage to escape Rose's wrath, but Rose follows them to where Eddie is being kept: an underground cage fighting ring for captured teenage metas. The Teen Titans also realize what's happening and show up to rescue Eddie as well.
Rose saves Cassie's life and defeats Clock King, but Cassie is still like "Rose is crazy and dangerous and shouldn't be on the team" and Tim's like "Hm maybe you're right"...and Rose overhears.
Meanwhile, Eddie learns that Rose went apeshit when he was kidnapped, and is thrilled because maybe this means he has a chance! He shows up with flowers...
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...and Rose is already gone. She's quit the team.
Rose is gone for about ten issues (she temporarily joins the Terror Titans, which is as unbearably stupid as you might imagine), and during that time, Eddie loses his powers and becomes just a regular guy. And then Rose makes her glorious return:
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But Rose is not okay. She's becoming addicted to huffing adrenaline to enhance her precognitive abilities [insert eyeroll here]. Eddie, of course, is the one who notices:
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I love that first panel in the last row. They've moved past the point where Rose can pretend she doesn't care about Eddie and Eddie can't tell the difference. The intimacy of that line (and that touch) - he knows her, and he's telling her so. UGH MY HEART.
Rose gets into another fight with Cassie, and it convinces her that she doesn't belong on the Titans. And, she argues, neither does Eddie, who has no powers and no training.
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Rose leaves. Eddie stays. And in the very next storyline, he dies. YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE WITH HER, EDDIE!
I'm not going to recount Eddie's death because I've done that already, but during this time, Rose had a backup solo feature in the Teen Titans book, and it included her hallucinating conversations with various characters. The last hallucination is of Eddie:
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The next page is his last line: "...but that doesn't mean you'll never get another chance someday..." She doesn't know he's already dead. I WEEP. I WEEP ETERNALLY.
And that's pretty much the end of the canon Rose/Eddie story. Rose returned to the Titans in the next issue, but there's no scene of her learning or acknowledging Eddie's death - iirc she never mentions him again, which honestly I feel like is pretty in character. Her grief is private.
The comics Rose and Eddie appear in together are objectively awful. But somehow there's still a really compelling and heartbreaking little almost-romance in there, and now that Eddie's back in canon, I'd love to see someone at DC remember this couple, because they are so, so good together. (And imo much more interesting that Jason and Rose, who are functionally the same person and work better as two halves of the Eddie Bloomberg Defense Squad.)
Anyway if you also think they're neat, I wrote a sequel to The Lost Titans about them! You should read it: Five Couches Eddie (Tried to) Crash on After He Was Rescued from Hell (and One Time He Went Home).
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lemonhemlock · 5 months
i get what you’re saying but i get what dany stans are saying too, what is the difference between dany taking back kl and sansa taking back winterfell? at the end of the day, monarchy sucks and none of these characters are truly "worthy"
I approached this topic more in-depth here and here.
The difference between Dany taking back King's Landing and Sansa taking back Winterfell lies in the construction of legitimacy. When engaging with medieval fantasy, rejecting its political framework and ignoring its limitations in absorbing more egalitarian ideology (and the socio-technological constraints that inform those political/philosophical limitations) is going to prove a fruitless pursuit. Westeros is roughly based on feudal Europe and has a recognizable European political thought inheritance and recognizable medieval technology and means, so I think it would be reasonable to employ political philosophy that could be plausibly applied during the period from which it takes inspiration.
~unnecessarily long essay no one asked for below~
In this regard, what makes for a "worthy" ruler in medieval times might differ with the passage of centuries, as socio-political practices transform. Which is why I feel like the validity of monarchy as a form of government was never truly under question in this setting, even though it has certainly been criticised and points have been made about social injustices arising from wealth disparities and the segregation of social spheres (I hesitate to call them social classes as I don't think the Westerosi have developed class consciousness yet).
I think that this is ultimately an element of disappointment for some readers, who are trying to project onto the text something that is not there, instead of switching to progressive fiction that addresses their concerns and presents alternative political systems. What I mean to say is that dismissing all types of monarchy as illegitimate is not useful within the text, as it renders all differences between the characters null & ignores the entire historical evolution of the concept of legitimacy. So you end up with takes like "it doesn't really matter who sits the throne". It matters very much to Martin, because that is the type of story he is trying to tell, that's... the entire point of the series. He is a boomer writing about dragons and knights in the 90s, not a transformative political thinker who is going to smack us with a new social order at the end of the series. That doesn't mean he can't critique the system or the characters' approaches to ruling. That's why he keeps killing the unfit kings & punishing those who rely on wanton brutality.
Coming back to the question, Dany's family was deposed, meaning that, legally-speaking, she doesn't have any "birthright" to the throne of Westeros anymore, no matter what she tells herself. Is deposition legal? John Locke certainly thought so in his Second Treatise of Government, chapters "Of Tyranny" and "Of The Dissolution of Government". Below we have Jean-Jacques Rousseau, "Discourse on Inequality":
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OK, these are Enlightenment thinkers, but the concept was not new. The Magna Carta of 1215 certainly has a provision for this. That's medieval enough, I feel.
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(Ralph V. Turner, "Magna Carta Through the Ages", Harlow, Pearson Longman, 2003 - the original article was too long lol but anyone can look it up for themselves).
Thomas Aquinas, "Summa Theologica", 1274:
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You will find these ideas under the term "right of revolution".
Many medieval kings IRL have been deposed or lost their crown. Richard II, anyone? There's an entire play about it. So, yes, Robert Baratheon is the legal king of Westeros at the start of AGOT and Viserys / Daenerys simply are not. There is no birthright to speak of, that is just Dany's entitlement that goes unchecked and unquestioned.
Of course, crowns can be won back by the right of conquest, which is what Dany is trying to do. GRRM's plan for her seems to either be rejected by the people of King's Landing for whatever reason (a la Rhaenyra maybe) or for her to commit such an atrocity on the city in her attempt to seize it that it disqualifies her as a potential ruler because she breaks the normal rules of engagement to a horrifying degree (i.e. dragonflame). Dany's entire plan is questionable from the start, since she intends to mount an invasion on a people brutalised by several years of war already, on the onset of winter - essentially extra suffering. The conditions are there so that the Westerosi might not interpret her actions as liberation, but merely as another pretender to the throne, who is only after her personal betterment - basically no different from what they've seen before, so no reason to join her cause or believe in her propaganda. She will bring fire-breathing monsters, Dothraki and Unsullied warriors to their lands, whom they fear and for whom they have no kinship. They have no particular attachment to the old Targaryen kings either. In short, Dany's father was deposed and she will end up deposed herself because of her own actions (or never recognised in the first place). I'm not saying this because I have beef with Daenerys, she is not a real person who did me wrong, she is a fictional character the author is using to illustrate a political idea.
Whereas the people of the North maintain a very favourable view of the Starks and of Ned Stark in particular. They are seen as the legitimate rulers of the North and their replacements (the Boltons) are almost universally hated. The text is littered with "the North remembers" and "there must always be a Stark in Winterfell" and general Stark-fawning. The people of the North were very eager to name Ned Stark's son as their king. The people of the Night's Watch voted for Ned Stark's 15-year-old bastard as their leader. Ramsay Bolton pretends to marry Arya Stark to consolidate his legitimacy as the ruler of Winterfell and the North. Many other characters covet Sansa for the same reason. The Starks have not been deposed, unlike the Targaryens, they're just missing / presumed dead and Winterfell is up for grabs. None of our Northern characters think how lovely it would be if we had a Targaryen restauration. These things may seem like candy floss to the modern reader and they may not resonate, but they mattered a lot in the past. So when Sansa takes back Winterfell, it will be with the backing of the majority of the Northern population and with the help of the Knights of the Vale, who are seen as honourable and are of Andal descent, so will not be perceived as foreign invaders. No one in the North will be contemplating their right-to-revolution against the Starks, because they will be revolting alongside Sansa to free themselves from the abusive Bolton rule.
Sansa rebuilds Winterfell out of snow and thinks of it warmly as her home, feels kinship and connection with the place she grew up in, whereas Daenerys feels possessive over a land she's never seen and wants to take it with "fire and blood". True, these are not actions, not crimes for Dany and neither acts of benevolence for Sansa. They haven't done anything yet. But they are images. Framing. Hints. That's how literature works.
Could Dany be given a narrative of Westerosi restauration? Could GRRM write her as gaining popular support and as not breaking the social contract while installing herself back on the throne? Had only Book 1 been published, these questions would have had more validity. But after Book 5? Not when Martin frames her like that and literally kicks her out of the city she conquered.
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FUCK, MARRY, KILL: Daniel Brühl Cinematic Universe Edition
Just for funsies. Don't have an aneurysm. Leaning towards Zemo, Laszlo, and Böse, in that order, at the moment. At some other point, I might have said Thomas Lang, Niki Lauda, and Erik Jan Hanussen.
Because of the 30-photo limitation, I removed his minor and/or underdeveloped roles and the ones that wouldn't be difficult to "kill". I also didn't include the ones I haven't seen, so you won't see Salvador on this list. p.s. if anyone has a copy/link to that movie with English subs, I'd be forever grateful!
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Lukas, The White Sound (2001)
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Daniel, No Regrets / Nichts Bereuen (2001)
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Alexander Kerner, Good Bye, Lenin! (2003)
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Paul Krantz, Love in Thoughts / Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken (2004)
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Jan, The Edukators / Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (2004)
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Andrea Marowski, Ladies in Lavender (2004)
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Lieutenant Horstmayer, Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noël (2005)
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Tonda, Krabat (2008)
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Dr. Georg Rosen, John Rabe (2009)
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István Thurzó, The Countess (2009)
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Fredrick Zoller, Inglorious Basterds (2009)
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David Kern, Lila, Lila (2009)
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Hans Krämer, The Coming Days / Die kommenden Tage (2010)
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Konrad Koch, Lessons of a Dream / Der ganz große Traum (2011)
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Álex Garel, Eva (2011)
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Iván Pelayo, Winning Streak / The Pelayos (2012)
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Niki Lauda, Rush (2013)
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Daniel Domscheit-Berg, The Fifth Estate (2013)
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Thomas Lang, The Face of an Angel (2014)
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Daniel, Colonia (2015)
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Sebastian Zöllner, Me and Kaminski (2015)
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Tony Balerdi, Burnt (2015)
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Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, The Alienist (2018 - 2020)
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Ernst Schmidt, The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
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Wilfried Böse, Entebbe (2018)
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Thomas Fischer, My Zoe (2019)
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Daniel Weltz, Next Door / Nebenan (2021)
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Erik Jan Hanussen, The King's Man (2021)
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Baron Helmut Zemo, Captain America: Civil War (2016) / The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
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Matthias Erzberger, All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
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mcflymemes · 10 months
PROMPTS FROM HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS *  assorted dialogue from the 2003 film, adjust as necessary
you can't lose something you never had.
what other girlfriends?
i want you to respect me.
hey, what's wrong?
you see, the key to this game is being able to read people.
so tell me how long have you guys been seeing each other?
you know what? you did your job.
you are the first girl he ever brought home.
uh, she's not here.
oh, you are never going to pull this off.
i respect you for respecting me.
do you have an ethical problem with rifling through a woman's purse?
watch me.
you're up, you're down, you're here, you're there, you're like a frickin' one woman circus.
you're not going to burn his apartment down or bite him or anything?
is that too soon to be seeing a therapist?
i'll be clingy, needy...
i was just a girl somebody picked out in a bar.
our love fern! you let it die!
what's wrong with that?
i don't think i can be with someone who doesn't like animals.
i can't eat in front of you! i have to go to the bathroom.
yeah, you know what? big deal.
he's inviting me over to his house for dinner.
it's a woman's purse, all right? it's her secret source of power.
you wanted to lose a guy in ten days? congratulations. you did it.
true or false: all's fair in love and war.
so that's what i was, huh? i was a guinea pig. somebody you can test your theories on?
i've got a feeling about this one.
like... do blondes really have more fun?
that's what i'm talking about.
no honey, it's just sleeping.
ooh, call him in the middle of the night and tell him everything you had to eat that day.
why this place?
it's like a week.
look who made the trip with me!
i love you... but i don't have to like you right now.
you're already falling in love with me.
now you can even use it as a little twist in your story.
there are many dark and dangerous things in there that we, the male species, should know nothing about.
look, just give me back the necklace. then you guys can go on and kill each other.
it looks like the inside of a raincoat.
that's a good idea. maybe we should bet on it.
i'm gonna make you wish you were dead.
you gotta name it something hyper masculine, okay?
is she on to something?
in that case, i better get going. take care of our love fern, honey.
i can't eat in front of him!
nothing. it's beautiful. you're beautiful.
she's got an interview in washington.
you're not a therapist, are you?
you know what, due to intense humiliation, the king has momentarily abdicated his throne, okay?
you owe me three hundred bucks.
don't you break his heart now.
tone-deaf and drunk is not a good combination.
it's our love fern!
c'mon, blow. nobody likes a mr. sniffles.
look look look, wait a minute.
you have to take it away before i gag.
have you looked inside?
now, i'm going to go back inside and finish watching "sleepless in seattle." nobody screw with me.
i'm taking this love fern with me!
we got a whole bunch of work we have to do, but we're still on for poker at your house this weekend?
why do they always forget my bacon?
when are you seeing him again?
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warwickroyals · 3 months
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The Royal Year (3/∞)
↬ The Anniversary of HRH James, Prince of Danforth's Birth
James Louis Michael George was born during a catastrophic blizzard on January 26, 1977. He was the long-awaited son and heir to King Louis V. After nine years of marriage between Louis and his wife, the birth of a son was a sign of stability—despite half the province being buried in snow. For this reason, James was the last royal child to be born at home rather than in a hospital. The snowstorm, which cut power throughout the city of Warwick, provided significant challenges to the birthing process. This was the first of several reformations to the monarchy that would take place throughout James's lifetime. Unlike his predecessors, James was educated at school rather than at home under the supervision of male relatives. He was likewise the first to attend a post-secondary institution. His upbringing at Woodbine Palace coincided with Sunderland's accelerating liberalization and decolonization. During his 1995 Investiture as Prince of Danforth, he became the first heir apparent to swear to respect and honour the distinct cultures of Sunderland's indigenous populations. He was also the first member of his family to acknowledge same-sex couples following Sunderland's 2003 legalization of gay marriage. As a young adult he became known for his fashion sense, intellect, and spontaneous public persona. James's relationship with his father has been heavily debated by royal experts and biographers. Some allege that Louis treated his eldest son as a whipping boy and scapegoat, and that towards the end of James's life, the two were at loggerheads due to conflicting social and political views. Others argued that while the two often disagreed, the relationship between King and heir was ultimately loving and far more efficient than Louis's relationship with his own father. Despite some documented periods of melancholy, James was generally charming and beloved by the people. His 1998 marriage to Lady Tatiana Farnsworth increased his public image to that of a global brand. His sudden death in 2017 led to much public mourning and international media attention and he remains a popular figure in Sunderland's culture. "The loss of James," wrote Paul Redstone in O Captain! My Captain!: Sunderland's Lost Kings (2024) "has been the largest blow to the monarchy since predecessor George was killed at Whitehall."
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fractualized · 1 year
hi!! i hope you don’t mind me asking this but i recently read harleen (specifically issue 1) and wondered if you might know of any other comics that have an outsider perspective of batjokes? thanks !!
I don't mind at all, anon! I also enjoy in-universe outside perspectives on Batman and Joker's relationship (and I've included quite a bit of it in fic). Harleen #1 does have a pretty great one:
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The most common commentary on Batman and Joker from other characters is the ol' "why haven't you killed him yet?!" but that reflects more frustration than any inkling of the connection between Gotham's most famous nemeses. So with the help of @distort-opia, I wrangled panels from a couple dozen comics that show characters having a better (even if incomplete) understanding of what the heck is going on there.
Many of these may already be familiar if you've been around batjokes fandom long enough. Regardless, spoilers abound!
I've ordered these (mostly) in cover date order.
June 1996 - The Batman Chronicles #5
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This is a flashback that takes place shortly after The Killing Joke. Barbara is understandably bitter about being fridged, and it's clear that officers who saw Batman and Joker laughing together have spread the word, because heyyyyy wtf?
October 1996 - Catwoman (1993) #38
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Selina knows releasing other rogues is a good distraction; Batman is always more concerned about Joker than her.
May 1997 - Batman: Batgirl
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Before this, Joker was firing his gun willy-nilly, hitting his own men, and he hit Batman accidentally. Barbara doesn't seem to think he fully understands the consequences of killing Batman, especially given the surprise he shows when Batman goes down.
Five years later, this story gets retold (with a worse rendition of Joker's fantastic oufit):
July 2002 - DC First: Batgirl/Joker 
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In this version, Barbara more actively realizes she needs to get at Joker by laughing at him, because he's caught up in a reality where Batman is the only other real person. (Not sure if this is the first comic to posit that idea, but it has shown up elsewhere.)
February 1999 - Catwoman (1993) #65
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Joker has been terrorizing Catwoman for Batman-related reasons for a few issues, and she knows that saying she's killed Batman will devastate him. (You know, the more stories like this I see, the more I see Tom King actually didn't have too far a walk to jokerize Selina.)
August 2001 - Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989) #144
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Alfred has noticed that Joker's presence affects Bruce's behavior. 
September 2003 - Batman: Gotham Knights #43
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This take from Barbara is set before TKJ and meant to foreshadow (aftershadow?) it. Here she shows a better understanding of Batman and Joker's relationship than Bruce does.
October 2003 - Outsiders (2003) #3
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Luthor knows just how to get under Joker's skin.
March 2011 - Streets of Gotham #19
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Hush also knows how to get under Joker's skin.
March 2011 - Gotham City Sirens #19 
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Selina and Harley are thinking more about themselves here, but it's not hard to connect the dots. Joker is part of the criminal morass that Bruce is focused on fighting, and Joker's focus is constantly on how to best the Batman.
November 2011 - Batman: Noël
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Bruce has been told that Catwoman has information about the Joker's whereabouts. Note that Selina isn't saying she's aware that Joker is up to something right now; she implies that Batman is always thinking about Joker. It's a fact she can bank on.
May 2013 - Injustice: Gods Among Us #4 (digital release #11) 
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Perhaps the most infamous example. This is related to the "why won't you kill him?" trope, but Clark's accusation takes it further by directly saying it's because Bruce loves fighting Joker more than he loves his friends and family.
Clark says something similar about Joker being Bruce's playmate in another comic:
August 2014 - Adventures of Superman (2013) #14 (digital release #41
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Even outside of the Injustice universe, Clark knows Bruce's priorities are out of whack when it comes to Joker.
January 2013 - Catwoman (2011) #14
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Selina just stating the obvious here, again after a now-faceless Joker has tormented her for Batman-related reasons for a couple issues.
April 2016 - Batman (2011) #49
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Heartbreaking example from Alfred here. He watched Bruce's obsessiveness and understood that Bruce, consciously or subconsciously, saw dying with Joker as his destiny. He probably suspects that Joker didn't really die either and knows they're going to end up back on the same track.
April 2016 - Batman: Europa #4
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These panels sum up Europa. Bane, always looking for fresh ways to break the Bat, saw Joker as a clear catalyst (even if he had to make up a convoluted plot to make Batman see it first).
January 2017 - All-Star Batman #4 (backer)
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Duke is pretty much repeating Bruce's soliloquy from Death of the Family here, so he's not saying anything Bruce doesn't really know, but he doesn't know that Bruce knows. lol Interestingly, this happens before Dark Days: The Casting, in which Duke watches Joker demonstrate his love in a more positive way by trying to stop Bruce from blundering into everything that happens in Dark Nights: Metal and beyond.
January 2018 - Batman: White Knight #2
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White Knight is problematic from a batjokes standpoint (and other standpoints!) but poor Harley presents another infamous outsider perspective here.
October 2018 - Harley/Gossamer Special
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She's right and right to say it!
August 2020 - Birds of Prey (2020) 
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This take is interesting in how it posits that Joker already felt unfulfilled by Batman by the time he met Harley and that she was kind of a rebound.
August 2020 - The Joker 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular
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This is from "The Last Smile," in which Harley reveals Joker's recurring nightmare about Batman mocking him as he's put to death. Joker didn't picture Harley appearing to save him, but perhaps he felt like Batman's respect was "saving" him all the long.
September 2020 - Batgirl (2016) #47
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Nooooo! That's the thing he's sensitive about!
April 2021 - Batman/Catwoman #3
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I have… a lot of thoughts about Batman/Catwoman, few positive, but if you can push past the muddling storytelling technique (and the batcat if that's not your thing), Selina has a lot to say about Bruce and Joker's relationship, like in this and the following example.
May 2021 - Batman/Catwoman #4
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Catwoman describes how Batman treats all his rogues and then equates that with how he treats his lovers. How much do you know, Selina? Who is Joker's main competition?? It's Harvey, isn't it?!
May 2022 - Detective Comics (2016) #1058 (backer)
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Even newbie F-level antagonists like The Forgotten know what's up!
Well, that was a lengthy but surely not exhaustive account of what other DC characters think about the vibes between the Dark Knight and Clown Prince of Crime. (May they be bewildered for years to come!) I hope you spotted some comics that caught your interest, anon.
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magstorrn · 8 months
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Building nations is not the glorious affair one might suppose. It is short nights and fools asking questions.
To Kill a King (2003), dir. Mike Barker.
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Stats from Movies 401-500
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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The Platform (2019) had the most votes with 1,912 votes. Sauna (2008) had the least votes with 546 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Zombieland (2009) was the most watched film with 69.3% of voters out of 858 saying they had seen it.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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Slender Man (2018) was the least watched film with 71.9% of voters out of 1,354 saying they hadn’t seen it.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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American Psycho (2000) was the best known film, only 1% of voters out of 1,171 saying they’d never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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Beaten to Death (2022) was the least known film, 92,86% of voters out of 658 saying they’d never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
Prey (2022) M3GAN (2022) Caveat (2020) Patchwork (2015) All Cheerleaders Die (2013) The Final (2010) Disturbing Behavior (1998) The Gate (1987) Sssssss (1973) Xtro (1982)
Body Melt (1993) Mr. Sardonicus (1961) The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) Eating Raoul (1982) Peeping Tom (1960) Night of the Scarecrow (1995) Bad Milo! (2013) Patrick (1978) Beaten to Death (2022) Lovely Molly (2011)
The Passenger (2023) Rent-A-Pal (2020) The Cell (2000) Faust: Love of the Damned (2000) The Children (2008) Prince of Darkness (1987) Escape Room (2019) Eraserhead (1977) Incubus (1966) Blacula (1972)
I Drink Your Blood (1971) Dementia (1955) Hollow Man (2000) Thir13en Ghosts (2001) The Endless (2017) Bite (2015) Idle Hands (1999) Undead (2003) At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul (1964) Daddy's Girl (2018)
Bad Boy Bubby (1993) Warm Bodies (2013) Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) The Haunting in Connecticut (2009) The Stepford Wives (2004) Fright Night (2011) The Witches (1990) The Hills Have Eyes (2006) Cat People (1942) AVP: Alien vs. Predator (2004)
King Kong (1933) The Happening (2008) Blade (1998) Blade II (2002) Blade: Trinity (2004) Bone Tomahawk (2015) Resident Evil (2002) Don't Look Now (1973) I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) What Lies Beneath (2000)
Sauna (2008) The Orphanage (2007) Eight Legged Freaks (2002) The Windmill Massacre (2016) Antlers (2021) Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018) Dark Signal (2016) When Evil Lurks (2023) Huesera: The Bone Woman (2022) Halloween (2018)
Halloween Kills (2021) Halloween Ends (2022) Smile (2022) Orphan (2009) Orphan: First Kill (2022) Fresh (2022) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) White Noise (2005) The Platform (2019) In the Tall Grass (2019)
Slender Man (2018) It Chapter Two (2019) Annabelle (2014) The Conjuring (2013) The Nun (2018) Urban Legend (1998) Bones and All (2022) Deep Rising (1998) Black Friday (2021) Werewolf By Night (2022)
Deathgasm (2015) Slither (2006) American Psycho (2000) Friday the 13th (2009) Revenge (2017) Host (2020) A Bay of Blood (1971) Black Christmas (2019) Zombieland (2009) Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
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owarinaki · 7 months
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Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 EP51 - Laws & Promises
Roy Kills King Bradley
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etherealspacejelly · 26 days
ok so. i am currently working on a fic. its a story that has been rotating in my brain for years about an avengers OC. idk if i want to start posting it as a WIP or wait until it's finished.
what im gonna do is post the prologue here, under the cut. it is entirely worldbuilding because. i came up with a new alien species with Lore™️ that i made as canon compliant as possible because im a fucking nerd. so you kinda need to know all of that before i can tell the actual story.
if you're interested, please give it a read and tell me what you think and whether you would want to read more! if it gets enough attention i'll start posting the chapters i have to ao3. i have a tag list for my fics so lmk if you want to be added to that too.
quick summary of the fic as a whole: The last surviving member of the Light Elf race, Einar, is taken in by the Avengers when they are orphaned at 10 years old. They nurse Einar back to health, and slowly form a bond with them, helping them to process their grief and heal from their trauma. There's a lot of fluff, a lot of angst, a lot of hurt/comfort, and of course found family.
It starts during the events of Thor: The Dark World and follows the storyline of the MCU from there.
In the beginning, there was only darkness. The only world to exist in that darkness was a tiny, desolate rock named Alfheim. This was the home of my ancestors, the Elves, before time, before space, before light.
No one knows how long they lived like that, alone in the dark. All we know is that at some point that darkness ended. The universe began, and light and life exploded into existence. For most of the Elves, this was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. They swore to protect and nurture all life and to serve the light. But others believed that this was a perversion of the natural order, that the universe belonged in darkness and should be returned to that state. They vowed to destroy the light by any means possible.
War broke out between the two opposing sides, an Elvish Civil War that lasted for many billions of years, with both sides only ever coming together to kill each other. And so, they evolved separately into two species: the Dark Elves and the Light Elves. Each side became stronger and stronger with each generation, evolving new abilities and traits to give them an edge in battle.
A few millennia ago, a great battle ensued between these two sides on Svardalfheim. The Dark Elves tried to use their most powerful weapon, the Aether, to destroy the universe. The Light Elves fought with all their might, but the Dark Elves had the upper hand. That is until the Asgardians arrived.
Odin's father, King Bor, and his army tipped the scales and won the battle for the Light Elves. They confiscated the Aether and sealed it away where no one would find it. Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, fled in his ship and bombed the planet behind him hoping to destroy what remained of the Light Elf army, not caring if his own perished as well.
Only two Light Elves survived.
They fled to find a place to hide, to recover their strength for what they knew would be the final battle of the War. They needed a primitive, unknown, safe planet to seek refuge. They found one.
Earth. Dominated by a bipedal, fairly intelligent species descended from tree dwellers. No one would think to look for them there. It was on this planet in the middle of nowhere that these two Elves decided to take a risk, one last desperate attempt to give them an edge against the Dark Elves. They had a baby.
That child, the last Light Elf baby to ever be born, came to be in England, Earth, in the spring of 2003. They named the child Einar, an old Norse name meaning 'the lonely warrior', for that is the future they believed their child was destined for. Little did they know how wrong they would turn out to be.
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wesavegotham · 11 months
I've seen people argue that even if DC redeems Talia they don't want her to be a love interest for Bruce again and...I get the sentiment somewhat. Female characters tend to suffer when they are only seen as love interests and little more.
But so much about classic Talia's character was about love (Talia loving both Bruce and her father and Bruce loving Talia, but being enemies with Ra's was an essential dynamic for their stories) and so much of her character assassination was about removing her as a love interest for Bruce (Death and the Maidens (2003) saw Talia repeatedly killed and revived by her sister Nyssa to make her renounce her love for Batman and drive her insane after DC started pushing Catwoman as Bruce's main love interest after the success of Hush in 2002) and let's be honest, even in the stories after her character assassination by Morrison she is still very often written to still be in love with Bruce.
The issue in my opinion is that Bruce isn't written to love her back. Which often makes Talia look obsessive and kind of pathetic to hold on to a man who according to most post character assassination stories she only had a short tryst with that lead to Damian's conception while Bruce and Selina were on one of their many breakups:
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Making Talia still so in love with Bruce, but reducing her to a "whoever" to Bruce because Bruce only ever really loved Selina (according to the Tom King Batman run) is very demeaning.
(Selina is the one talking in the panel, but it's Bruce's dream, so basically it is Bruce telling us this. Just for clarification)
So I hope that the small glimpses of Bruce's feelings for her that we have gotten in recent stories (like Bruce telling her he never wants to see her hurt and then them kissing in Shadow War or Bruce knowing the exact smell of Talia's perfume in Batman vs Robin) plus opportunities like Talia apparently declaring her love for Bruce in an upcoming issue of Tec:
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will keep coming and will be used to show that Bruce has feelings for her too. Hard to say how far Ram V wants to go with them, but apparently he told a fan this:
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And I think making her important to Bruce again is key in bringing her closer to her classic self and getting more positive stories with Talia again.
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