#unexpected ending
slaughter-books · 4 months
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Day 13: JOMPBPC: Unexpected Ending
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anotherrosesthatfell · 3 months
Is there any ending where Crescent or Merciless become the king?
Sorry for the late response, anyway-
No there's no such ending where Crescent become a king but there's an ending where Merciless did.
It's called unexpected ending and @itzcherrybonbon Discussed it a few days ago and it was wild!
So unexpected ending wasn't like any other ending that only can be achieved at timeline 221. Palette come up with an idea at timeline 120 by guilt tripping convincing Merciless that he can be much more than just an abandoned prince.
So Palette stole the Holy sword and gave it to Merciless to kill Alphonse and boom, he took the throne. Just as Merciless took over the throne, the game is over and Palette achieved an 'unexpected ending'
Now, why do I called it unexpected? Because Merciless kinda- Well he made a lot of unexpected decisions. So yeah, this ending is focusing on Merciless entirely now yahoo-
Of course most of it are good decisions but hey we didn't expect for him to be a good person (kinda?) but he did-
So Merciless fix the kingdom and actually ruled it correctly thanks to Dream guiding him.
Here's a catch, we all know once Passive rest in peace. Lux will gain her old personality back and lost all her memories for the pass 10 years...? Yeahhh she kinda also lost her feelings (that she never have-) for Merciless because she doesn't remember him.
Well sure in surprise ending, they still ended up together but only because Cross was there to watch them communicate-
but we all know Merciless- the obsessive lovesick. Like oh my God, in bad ending he's a bit of a jerk-
Anyway, yeah so Merciless locked Lux in a cage. Very unexpected like we didn't expecting a dog never bite his owner suddenly make such decision... 😬
Overall this ending is cool because I love angst and desperation. Plus I can write how Lux cried because she can't remember shit and being scared of Merciless. Beautiful <3
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lilithkeir · 10 months
✨️Short story using prompt book.
✨️Prompt: a writer with noisy neighbors. ✨️Things/words to incude in story: dentist,rainbow,explosion,horizon,cactus,palm,Saturday, latte,beets,sample.
My dentist appointment ran later than I had planned, and I started to panic, knowing that I had agreed to this Saturday as a deadline to get my boss a sample of my newest story. The days had started to blend more lately due to the lack of proper sleep I had been going without for months at that point. It started to set in that I only had the night to finish my work, and I knew I needed a better plan if I wanted any shot at doing that. First on my list was getting some kind of coffee with much more caffeine than my normal everyday latte.
After I ordered my strong but disgusting drink, I took it back to the bottom apartment of the duplex I had been renting for the last year or so. Most of my time there, I really didn't have much to complain about. That was until the last few months when two tenants finally moved into the long-time vacant upstairs.
They almost never came out of their apartment, but they seemed to have more and more people coming in and not leaving by the day. It sounded like someone there was always awake, playing wall rattling music, screaming, or jumping around enough to shake my ceiling. There was never a peaceful time, day or night, and it seemed to just get worse with time, despite all the complaints I had made to the landlord.
Eventually, I gave up on calling him partly because he wasn't picking up my calls anymore, and partly because he never seemed to improve the things I confronted him with anyway. I started to just try to adjust to the constant noise and chaos as best I could.
As I searched my kitchen for a late dinner, I heard the music above me start to grow louder. I quickly popped in my earbuds and frantically searched for some kind of calming meditation music that I could write to. I pulled a very stained Tupperware bowl out of my refrigerator and tossed it into my microwave to reheat the leftover beet and parmesan pasta that I tried the previous day to recreate from a video I had recently seen online.
The pasta satisfied my hunger, and I was able to get right to work. My plan was to pull an all-nighter and sleep tomorrow after I had given my boss what I promised him. Although my earbuds cut out most of the neighbors' noise. Every half hour or so, I would hear a shockingly loud bang I couldn't ignore, and my concentration would be completely broken. I tried again and again to just get back into my story, but with every break, my patience decreased, and my irritation increased.
As soon as I saw the sun start to peak over the horizon, I decided to get showered and dressed and go to a nearby Café to try and write there instead. I lived in New York at the time, and like a lot of people there, I didn't own a car, so I walked anywhere close by, and that included this café.
When I got out of my shower, I noticed that it had just finished raining, and I thought it best to take my umbrella to be on the safe side.
As I was exiting the apartment, I glanced up the stairs to see the neighbors entrance door shaking and some wild twisting of their doorknob occurring. It seemed weirder to me than normal, but I was so tired, and the only thing on my mind was making my deadline.
As I made my way down the street, I saw a double rainbow clearly forming in the distance. I had never seen one before then, and all I could do was stop and stare in awe and disbelief. I was quickly pulled out of my trance when I heard a woman's voice repeatedly saying, "Hey, Miss" somewhere nearby. I scanned my surroundings to find a small table and two stools on the other side of the street seating an older, blue-eyed woman, with completely silver hair down to her hips. As my eyes met hers, a stunning smile overtook her face, and she motioned for me to come closer.
I will be honest. I have never been one to pick up on bad vibes or intentions from people in the moment, and it has often led to me making less than wonderful choices in my life. Most people seeing this random woman on the side of the road, especially this early in the morning, would have left quickly without a second thought, but all I could think was, "it will only take a second. I can't just be rude to her. "
I jogged over to the woman's table and noticed a small potted cactus, a glass jar holding a few $5 bills and a sign that read "palm readings $5”. She calmly took my hand in hers and softly whispered, " $3 special for you today." I truly didn't know what to say to her. I am naturally socially awkward, and she wasn't exactly making it easier on me with her touching. I just replied with a dry "okay", sank down onto the empty stool and watched as she carefully started to examine my palm. Not even a minute had passed when I noticed her face turn pale, and she let out a loud gasp as she dropped my palm onto the table. My heart dropped from her response and before I could ask her if everything was alright, she grabbed my hand again, this time squeezing it much more intensely, "You have just avoided great tragedy! You have avoided torture and a horrid death!" she told me, gradually increasing the power in her voice as she spoke every word. Her reading terrified me to my core, and I got up as fast as I could manage and ran back toward my duplex, forgetting all about the plan I made to write at the Café.
Upon reaching my residence, I saw 10+ emergency vehicles, police officers everywhere, and yellow tape being banded all around the duplex. My fear turned into shock and concern when a young police officer told me I couldn't be there. " What do you mean? I rent the downstairs. I just left less than an hour ago, " I replied to him with confusion overtaking every part of me.
"Look, it can’t be your home right now, and I can't give you all the information yet, but since you do live here, I will tell you what I know I’m allowed. The two tenants renting the upstairs apartment killed at least 5 people while living up there, one being the landlord of this duplex. They also let off a small explosive, blowing through the floor and back wall of the building. By doing this, they were able to escape before authorities could safely make it inside to detain them. The bills here were a month behind, and they finally decided to send out officers when they noticed the landlord hadn’t returned any voice messages or been collecting his mail either. Who knows how many people could have gotten hurt if people in our country didn’t take money so seriously. Seems to me like you got lucky leaving when you did. Do you have any family you could go stay with for a bit?"
I couldn't answer the officer. I was frozen inside out, my shock swallowing any words I had ever known. All I could do was play the palm readers' final words to me back in my head. " You have avoided great tragedy. You have avoided torture and a horrid death!"
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maomango-doodle · 5 months
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"And I hope you die, I hope we both die."
(Lyrics : No children by The Mountain Goats)
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egophiliac · 5 months
new chapter 7 installment dropped how we feelin????
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 6 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 6 spoilers#BABY DRAGON BABY DRAGON BABY DRAGON#i will take three thank you#god. lilia really has no idea how incredibly loved he is huh.#meleanor: (dies to protect him and her son)#malleus: (is literally born having a huge destructive tantrum because he wants lilia back)#silver: (bases his entire life and personality around how much he loves his dad)#lilia: wow i just can't understand why everyone is so upset about me dying#(somehow sebek ended up being the most normal about him and there's the most unexpected part)#man i really gotta redo lilia's um poster. i wasn't super happy with it to begin with but now there's like. fun shapes and context!#me: ha ha why is his magic called that. that's so weird.#me later: o-oh. oh i see.#SPEAKING OF SEBEK THOUGH there he is! THERE HE IS!#i was so afraid the armor was going to be a bad thing but NO he earned it!#he shook out his hair and turned out to have been beautiful all along!#episode 7 is about two things and two things only: dads and significant hair moments#and also speaking of dads!#i am taking lilia mistaking malleus for revaan based on his voice#as one more tick in the 'if crowley is revaan then there's going to have to be a really good explanation' column#the dulcet tones of dire crowley...#on the other hand if crowley tears off his mask and immediately starts sounding like malleus that would be THE funniest way to do it#auuuggghhhhh it's only been out for hours and already i'm like next part when#we've been cliffhanger'd again lads#idia finally came back to us and they were like 'please wait for the next release :)'#ortho did...did you somehow hack your way into silver's dream palace
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indigovigilance · 6 months
The Final Fifteen is about Terry Pratchett's Death
read on Ao3
The final fifteen is obviously a major plot point, and serves a role in a story that was written long before Terry Pratchett was ever diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. But the scene itself wasn’t written until just a few years ago, during the writing of Season 2. In fact, the scene came about during a park bench conversation between Neil Gaiman and John Finnemore.
Others have noted that the non-romantic kiss that signals the story moving into the third act is a Neil Gaiman staple. The function of such a kiss, from Gaiman’s perspective, is to communicate.
In 2023 we are seeing a lot of stories written by men, for men, about men who are best friends and discover that their friendship can go deeper than the norms of society would usually allow; that platonic and romantic love are not so far apart, and perhaps the better word for a relationship that can be described this way is intimacy.
Neil Gaiman has made it clear in interviews that his friendship with Terry Pratchett was deeply intimate. They began collaborating on what would become Good Omens in the 1980’s, endured a tumultuous experience together through the first publication, wherein Neil offered to martyr himself on behalf of Terry if the book failed, and then spent the better part of two decades touring the world, meeting the people who loved their work. Neil would even off-handedly remark that Terry’s fans were so cheerful, and Neil’s seemed like they were ready to kill themselves; wouldn’t it be nice if they got married? From the outside, it looks very much as if Terry was Aziraphale-coded, and Neil was Crowley-coded, working together in an unexpected partnership to make the world a little bit more tolerable for the humans inhabiting it. I am not conjecturing that Neil and Terry had romantic inclinations the way their fictional characters do, but I think it is fair to say that their opposites-attract intimacy became an important part of who each of them were.
In 2007 Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with posterior cortical atrophy, a rare form of Alzheimer’s. As the disease progressed, he began to lose himself, and knew that the person he used to be was slipping away. He wanted to end his life on his own terms, and die as himself, but England did not and still does not allow for voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide. He advocated for the right to die but never achieved it, and ultimately succumbed to the disease in 2015. Neil Gaiman has spoken a lot on the topic of death, and one answer of his that resonated with me reads:
Mostly it feels terrible. It even feels terrible when it’s someone who has been in a lot of pain for a long time or has not really been there for a long time and you know that Death has in some ways been a blessing: suddenly you are mourning the whole person. 
It doesn’t get easier as you age. It gets stranger. The point where you realise how many people you used to know and like who aren’t there any longer, and you cannot talk to them or see them or laugh with them is painful in a way that I had never expected. The first time that someone you had a romantic relationship with dies and you realise that there had been moments both of you shared and now you are the sole custodian of those moments and one day you will be gone and they will be lost forever is peculiarly strange and hard. 
The entire show is seeded with references to Terry Pratchett, but the most important one is the one that’s missing. Neil Gaiman cameoed as a sleeping moviegoer in S1E4, but a long time ago, he and Terry had discussed cameoing as sushi restaurant-goers, because sushi was weirdly prominent in the book. That cameo would have been in S1E1. But when it came time to do it, Neil couldn’t. Not without Terry. 
Neil: I was gonna say our location is a Chinese restaurant we’d had turned into a sushi restaurant. So Terry and I, Terry Pratchett and I, had a standing… not even a standing joke, just a standing plan, that we were going to have sushi - there was going to be a scene in Good Omens where sushi was eaten and we were gonna be extras, we were gonna sit in the background, eating sushi while it was done. And I was so looking forward to this and, so I wrote this scene with it being sushi, even though Terry was gone, with that in mind and I thought: Oh, I’ll sit and I’ll eat lots of sushi as an extra, this will be my scene as an extra, I’ll just be in the background. And then, on the day, or a couple of days before, I realized that I couldn’t do it.
Douglas: You never told me this before either. I might have pushed you into doing it, had I known. I think you were right not to tell me.
Neil: I was keeping it to me self ‘cause I was always like: Oh, maybe I’ll be… this will be my cameo. And then I couldn’t. I was just so sad, ‘cause Terry wasn’t there. And it was probably the day that I missed Terry the most of all of the filming - it was just this one scene ‘cause it was written for Terry and all of the sushi meals we’d ever had and all of the strange way that sushi ran through Good Omens.
In the Final Fifteen, it is clear that Crowley and Aziraphale want to stay together. They love each other. They each know that the other loves them. There’s nothing that needs to be said, no convincing that their bond is true and real and precious.
But Aziraphale has to go to Heaven, and Crowley cannot follow him there.
I cannot speculate what it must have been like for Neil to endure losing a friend who, though I’m sure he desperately wanted to still be in his life, he also knew that life had become a burden to him, and grieved that Terry was not able to choose the time and manner of his departure from this Earth. This sort of complex grief, we fan-ficcers know, is the kind that is often best processed through story-telling. 
I think that what we see Crowley going through in the Final Fifteen, alongside its importance to the story arc of Good Omens overall, is Neil processing his grief at losing his friend Terry Pratchett, and even the kiss, that violent, terrible, awful kiss, was the symbolic representation of Neil saying goodbye.
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erenthology · 6 months
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Drabble but I had to make it pretty :3
Eren is pretty nosy. When he visited your dorm for the first time, he went through everything in your room, shamelessly. You were lying half naked waiting for him, meanwhile this dude was smelling your perfumes.
“‘Hmm, what’s this? ‘Who’s this in the picture with you?”
“His name is Dave, he was my prom date.” you tell him, growing irritated.
“He’s ugly.” He puts the photo facing down and joins you on bed but sits down instead of pushing your head into the mattress fucking you raw. “are your sheets linen? Is that what you prefer?”
You stare wordlessly, this was not how you expected the infamous collage star to to act when invited into your dorm. You usually meet at his place because he insists to always pick you up and have you spend the night at his. So when you asked him if he wanted to come to your place you instead, you could swear you saw his eyes sparkle.
You put your feet on each side of his shoulders which gets him to glance down in between your legs. “Wow, you want to fuck me so bad.” he tilts his head to the side as if to get a better look.
He’s on his knees, hovering over you as you’re lying down with your legs open “Keep talking like that and I’ll find somebody else to fuck me.”
He raises an eyebrow, “keep saying stuff like that and you’re gonna get punished.”
“By who?” you clench your thighs.
His eyes track the dirty motion of your hips and licks his lips as if to taste you. “only me. why, is there someone else on your mind?”
“I mean, dave did hit me up recently. he’s grown quite attractive.” you like being petty.
Not even a crack of a smile. “You know, when you say stuff like that, it makes me want to fuck you silly.” he delicately strokes your cheek.
Huffing out a breath, you’re about to tell him to go ahead but get interrupted by him tracing your lips with his fingers. “Your lips turn down at the edge,” he smiles, “you have the perfect pout.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, not really used to being treated like this. Eren keeps surprising you and yet you find ways to ignore it. But you have a feeling that he’s fully aware of your antics and is being patient with you.
“So?” you dart out your tongue around his finger. “want to see it wrapped around something other than your finger?”
He adjusts his boner and pushes your legs down around his waist. Gazing into your eyes, he calmly speaks. “you have no idea how much I crave you. every second of every day.”
Swallowing hard, you feel the tension in the room about to snap. He lowers his body and pushes your legs up, folding you in half with his body weight.
Face to face, Eren looks at your searchingly. He’s waiting for you to kiss him, he wants you to show him you want him. So your hands reach for his face, and you brush your lips against his. He sighs a breath of relief, as if he’s been holding it it this whole time, and kisses you back.
Feeling content, he draws back and watches as you’re unable to open your eyes for a few moments afterwards. Eren smiles and releases your legs, then viciously hugs you and starts rocking you back and forth.
“You’re so cute.” he squishes you.
“stop, I’ll cut your teddy bear the next time I’m over Eren I swear.” you threathen harmlessly. He gasps, “first of all, Eldy is not a teddybear he’s my son.” he jokes back. Laughing at his antics, you realize you’ve gotten further involved with him than you might’ve realized.
The inside jokes, he kissing and unnecessary cuddling. As if noticing you’re drifting away, he puts you on his lap and grabs your laptop. “Let’s watch a something.” he strokes your thighs.
“Dibs” you both say on the same time. Turning to face him, you yell “supernatural” again, at the same time.
He stares intensely, “oh baby, you were so made for me.” he draws out enthusiastically. “Yeah yeah, just put it on.” you turn your face back to hide your blush.
Your bodies are tangled together, he holds you as if you complete him. Legs in between yours, arm around your torso, you’re surrounded by him. “Eren, did something happen?”
You can tell this makes him happy. “you care about me.” he smiles cheekily and kisses your cheek. So that’s the reasons he just wants to hold you.
“So, what’s wrong?” you forcefully let out. It feels a bit uncomfortable but you can tell he’s not uncomfortable at all. “Don’t worry about it, just let me hold you.”
“Fine.” you don’t know why you make it sound like you’re irritated, you’re not. But Eren doesn’t say anything, you have a feeling he’s learning how you work and actually understands you. Either way, you let him hold you.
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mobius-m-mobius · 4 months
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LOKI APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | for @dailyloki Day 7 : Creation with a color or free choice: Lokius in Season Two (insp)
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canisalbus · 4 months
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I think they have different feelings on this development
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artbyleav · 1 year
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“I can’t just go running off into the blue, I’m a Baggins of Bag-end!”
Martin Freeman did such an excellent job with this role 🥹
(Done with procreate)
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slaughter-books · 1 year
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Day 13: JOMPBPC: Unexpected Ending
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expiredsoda · 5 months
(draw out scene of resident lover bela's route 🐢
alright y'all, I get the appeal now she is hot. this game single handedly makes me love the dimitrescu sisters so much, they're simply undeniable <333
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this part crack me up so much, mc all gay and trying to be respectful then camera switch to bela being all piss off and serious (done drag mc right back to reality lol
welp guess it can't be help when they stare at you first huh, perks of being a short lesbian ig
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somegrumpynerd · 3 months
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A bunch of doodles of Dream and Nightmare having fun as kids
From a perfectly normal lighthearted tiktok
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lemonadeslice · 1 year
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accidentally got invested in final space last week. my favorites are the wunderkind kitty cat and the space war-criminal his dad! 💙🧡
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hiero-green · 8 months
unironic Sorry Boys art, im not sorry the zombie video tickled my funny and creative bone a lot
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geolf and the sketchbook doodles i did before deciding i wasn’t satisfied
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