littlehelpies4me · 3 months
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mfred · 1 year
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Good, but not as great as I had hoped.
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna
You know when you start reading a book and you are like, oh this is good! But then, maybe halfway through, maybe closer to the end, it kinda falls apart? That's what happened with The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches. I loved it, until I didn't.
Of course, the found family aspect is wonderful. And the emotional growth of the characters, their arcs from loneliness and isolation to fulfilment, really resonated. I loved the magic system and the worldbuilding. But the romance felt a little forced and not as natural as everything else. I think it would have helped if the book wasn't marketed as a romance, because the relationship is not central to the story the way a romance novel is supposed to be written.
4 stars.
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thornswithroses · 4 months
Yes, I'm a witch I'm a bitch I don't care what you say My voice is real My voice speaks truth I don't fit in your ways
I've been stanning her since I was a teenager and that won't ever change.
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fatgayandwitchy · 2 years
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Did a little reading today and was blown away by how accurate this one came across. So glad I picked up these 2 new decks yesterday
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witchy-sydney · 2 years
Friendly reminder that you do not have to love yourself to be loved. Accept however much love and support it takes from others to feel the same for yourself.
There are many, MANY others in the world who love you unconditionally and accept you as you are with your flaws included.
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Witchcraft Things I Give You Permission To Do
Lay down while meditating. Seriously, if you have back pain like I do, try it. The experience is so much better.
Sit in a chair while working at an altar instead of on the ground. Again, pain. You’re allowed.
Enjoy something aesthetically without wanting to pursue it spiritually (be mindful of cultural appropriation obviously).
Enjoy something spiritually without pursuing it aesthetically. Your craft is your own.
Work hard to make your witchcraft look aesthetically appealing/post a lot about your journey.
Call yourself a witch instead of a baby witch.
Move at your own pace, whether it feel turtle-in-winter-slow or careening-off-the-freeway-fast.
Most importantly: Trust your own experiences. Even I struggle with this, but learning to acknowledge the breadth of your own power is terrifying and liberating. You have the power to affect change both physical and magical.
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mystiksnotes · 3 years
The Witch's Familiar
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Familiars are spirits, not animals. What does that mean? It means that familiars can take up the guise of an animal (or anything for that matter), or the familiar could be using an animal as a vessel; but the animal isn't the familiar. It's the spirit inhabiting it. With that said, there are other spirits that work alongside witches, similarly to familiars, but they do not equate. They could be fae, spirits of deceased loved ones, angels, demons, etc. More often than not, a familiar isn't in a corporeal form.
Familiars are the classic witch's companion and teacher (not a servant). They aid by bringing more energy into a spell, carrying spells to far off locations, sharing information and insight you otherwise wouldn't have known, protecting the witch and the home, and guiding you when crossing into the astral, among other things. How a familiar comes into one's life, can happen any number of ways. Some witch's familiars are passed on from another, such as a family member, friend, or a teacher. Others may happen upon them spontaneously, while going about their daily tasks. Sometimes, a familiar may appear during a time of hardship, and offer their assistance. One may also be contracted via a pact with a trusted higher being.
Historically, having a familiar was recognized as criteria to being a witch. Familiars were first recognized as angels (medieval Europe), and then as guardians of the hearth and home (Rome). Following that, familiars were recognized as spirits who guided one's actions (Greece). Later on, sightings of familiars were used as evidence to accuse witches.
In 16th-17th century Europe, King James VI of Scotland (later James I of England) called himself an expert on all things witchcraft. During his rule, it was a criminal offense to practice witchcraft. In 1604, 1 year after this move to England, he introduced a new Witchcraft Act that made working with "evil spirits", often called imps, a capital offense. Only evil spirits were persecuted, as naturally, any "good spirits", often thought of as angels, that would aid in larger crop yields, or healing the sick, were welcome and encouraged.
Familiars can take the form of animals found in the local area. Cats, dogs, rabbits, snakes, birds, and so on. This way they could easily pass through unnoticed to carry out whatever they're tasked with. Fun fact, people have even been tried for witchcraft, human as their familiar. In 1576, Bessie Dunlop of Scotland was tried, having sought advice from an elderly man. In this case, the man could have been fae or a ghost.
A relationship with a familiar is give and take, like all partnerships. Not every task can or will be filled by either party. Respect is important. Disrespect could wind up in some major discord or conflict, where reconciliation may not be possible.
All of this isn't to say that animals can't be sensitive or serve similarly to a spirit familiar. Many animals living with witches have been known to be more psychically attuned to the magical goings on around them. They could have been attracted to a witch's call, like when one performs a ritual to attract an animal familiar. They can sense malevolent energy, be it a directed force, a person, or another unseen entity. They can have a calming energy, aiding in a witch's focus for spell work, or even lending some energy.
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manimatterz · 3 years
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Making candles is my happy place 🕯🥀
Available at matterzcollective.com ✨
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mother-of-snakes · 4 years
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Readings in the forest 🖤🌿
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anaveragewitch · 4 years
Basic witchcraft survival guide
So, you want to be a witch but don't know where to start?
Well I've been practicing for a while now and although I'm in no way an expert on witchcraft I do have some things I wish someone had repeated to me while starting out
Research is KEY check your sources, get info from different sources: podcasts,witchblr, books, youtube videos; there are many creators around.
YOU DON'T HAVE TO FOLLOW THE RULE OF THREE if you dont want to and if someone shames you or tries to shove it down your throat then go. They're not worth it
Witch is a gender neutral term.
Learn to ground,center, ward AND banishing methods first. Try a couple of them out. See if they work for you, write down your experiences. The popular tree method for grounding does not work for me. As a sea witch I do a sea themed grounding but I did not know this and thought I was doing it wrong
There is no such thing as too much protection. Wards, talismans or amulets,sigils, powders, your own aura can be powerful tools.
Ask yourself what do you believe in. How do you think magic works? What are your thoughts on deities? How do you think we came into existence? Most importantly, what are you interested in? The weather, the ocean, the spirit world, energy healing, kitchen witchcraft, knot magic, crystals. Write all down and try them.
I know it can sound like "gatekeeping" but think twice before getting into deity and spirit work (includes working with the fae). Do you know to ground center,ward,bind or have your banishing stuff at hand? Do you know how to discern if you are talking to who you think you are? Don't jump into things for fun, you could get hurt
You don't need to have a book of shadows or grimoire. You can make notes on your phone,on Google docs, on power point. It doesn't have to be fancy and elaborated for it to work. Think about what you would like to keep track of and name your book however you want
Fancy and expensive tools don't make a more powerful witch
Get into energy work. It will save you a lot of headaches later when trying to learn how to discern spirits, divination,channeling energy into things or spells and it WILL strengthen your magic
Have at least one divination method, it will come in handy. There are a lot. Tarot,runes,pendulum, scrying,osteomancy, palmistry..etc
Don't just look into the occult section of the bookstore. If you're into sea witchcraft research the tides, how the sea is influenced by the moon, the different parts of it, the organisms, sailor lore, how to do knots..etc For example I use copper wire in storm witchcraft for lightning. Why? Cause it's a good conductor of electricity and heat. It's MY belief in MY path,makes sense to me
Weaving magic things into your life will make it a bit more exciting but watch out for burnouts. Sigils on your makeup, meditating,carrying charged crystals...be creative!
Correspondences lists are great! But your magic is for you to do. A lot of them have ingredients that don't even exist in my country. What am I going to get from something I've no idea what it is that's also really hard and expensive to get? Try to do your own. Think about an object, try to feel it's vibes, what do you associate it with? Write it down.
Same for spells. Following someone else's is a great way to start! But as you go further you can try to write your own. Intention, will , ingredients, time are the things to figure out. First have an intention and strong will to get it done. Then gather ingredients based on your correspondences and perform an action. For banishing it might be burning a photo of them or fluching it down the toilet. For binding it might be wrapping them.
There are a million of beliefs and practices out there. Yes,you can be a Christian witch. A satanic witch if you want.
Writing down your dreams is a good way to start on the hedge witch path. If you're interested in lucid dreaming or astral travel I reccomend doing this.
There are closed practices. Indigenous and native practices are closed to you if you aren't in that specific culture. Just because you live near a Native community doesn't mean you are part of it. Same for hoodoo and voodoo. If you're not black then don't do it. It's simple. They are closed for a reason,not to spite you. If you have 0.06% mexican ancestry and were not raised in our culture then don't appropriate our things. Blood quantum is bullshit. Same for every other culture.
You don't have to have an altar. If you want to you can have a digital one or just a table with some shells and crystals is good enough.
Careful with blood magic. Also careful when cursing or hexing, be sure to protect yourself before and take care of yourself after.
If your spells requires to bury something,make sure its biodegradable
That is all I can think of rn but if I have more ideas I'll put part 2! Feel free to DM me for any doubts or if you just want a witchy friend. I also do free rune readings :)
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mfred · 2 years
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In 2022, the Washington Post says vibes are out and ✨omens✨ are in. I'm pretty sure that means witchcraft for everyone!
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br1ghtestw1tch · 4 years
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I’ve recently started a devotion journal for Aphrodite and Hermes. I felt drawn to these notebooks, they were quite cheap (£1.50 from The Works), and I feel like they’re absolutely perfect for my deities. My first page is a little collage for them each which I hope they’ll like. ✨
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So I don’t have much in the way of solid Ostara plans this year. I intend to see good friends. I intend to swim in the river. I intend to eat good food. I intend to place my life in order so that once this brief respite is over I can continue to strive toward my goals. This is my favorite way to honor the sabbats. I used to get so upset with myself for not doing some big elaborate ritual for every sabbat. I felt I wasn’t engaging with the sabbats in the way I was “supposed to”. Now however, I’ve begun to learn that the wheel of the year is more than just a way to split the year. It reflects the cycles that effect us everyday. We see it in our actions and reactions. We see it in the physical world. We feel it’s energy brimming within us. We are a microcosm of the universe in so many ways. Because of this I often find that the most intense spiritual experiences are impromptu. Wading in a creek barefoot. Journaling in a park. Basking in the sun. That’s magic right there.
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witchcraftandcream · 4 years
i just wanted to say that even if you haven’t practiced in almost a year bc you moved back home from school where you can’t practice like me, or for any other reason,
you are still a witch
and even if all you have energy for is an occasional emoji spell,
you are still a magical and powerful being
you are still a witch
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witchy-sydney · 2 years
Thursday, April 14th
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Today’s card for advice is the 8 of wands. Any sort of communication or news that is long overdue will come to you today. Keep an eye out for messages from the universe that will present themselves. Pay attention to your thoughts when you notice angel numbers or omens and you’ll find your answer within.
If you have a message you need to send today is the day to do it. Birthday cards, congratulations, and farewells are all in order. You might benefit today from being more efficient and methodical in your conversations with others. Temper your emotional messages to others with logic. Today would also be prime time to communicate to the universe what you are manifesting for this full moon.
- Syd
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theloyalbiscuit · 5 years
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❤︎~Witch Tip!
❥Take the ink cartridge out of old pens (I like to use the see-through ones) and dip the part that screws on the tip of a pen in wax and let it dry to make it so none of the spice/herb/whatever comes out of the hole. Then get some kind of filter to help fill the pens, and screw the cap on. (The ones in the picture are filled with salt and pepper.)
❥I think these are cute and really handy for closet witches or for travel, they’re very small and portable. Or if you just want to save space, they’re good for that too. I’m sure others can find other uses as well! 
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