#yes this could've been more coherent and no i'm not going to do something about it
yanderambling · 1 year
Hi! Can I please request an Innocent! Yandere x Knowledgable! Reader????
maybe yandere doesn't know why they feel this way, about YOU of all people. Reader knows exactly what's going on, and only encourages our dear sweet yandere, because they just look so adorable as they hold you so close, begging you to never leave them!!!
(p.s. if you're accepting emoji anons, could I be 👾?)
yes yes YES you get me and i hope i got you here because i LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!! this kinda got away with me so i may come back to make it more coherent later but i just can't keep it to myself anymore! also p.s. to 👾: i do read your messages and they always bring a smile to my face! you're really so kind, thank you so much for your endless support it means more than you could know!! (also i'm gonna be responding to asks/messages as i get back into the swing of things so nobody think you've been forgotten!) okok i'm done now i hope you enjoy!!<3
concept: Innocent!Yandere(gn) x Enabler!Reader(gn)
words: ~2.1k
CW: 18+, mild NSFW, yandere behavior, manipulation, delusional thinking, scent spit sweat and all that fun gross stuff
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Ren is a master of self-control.
They’ve had to become one ever since meeting you, and it has not been an easy undertaking.
Their entire reality was thrown out the window with just your polite greeting smile, their soul left their body when your hand shook theirs; they still swear they could feel your sheer radiance emanating from just your palm.
Something in them changed that day, something beautiful and grotesque and visceral, and it’s only getting worse in the days that follow.
They get frustrated with themself frequently, especially in the beginning. Why can’t they just be normal about you?
Why does your very presence cause their body to get so hot and feverish, their legs losing all strength as their heartbeat roars in their ears until all they can even think of is you you you?
Why does your voice send their stomach flipping and their skin tingling with goosebumps? Why can’t they stop imagining it saying all these different disgusting, perverted things to them?
Why can they never find words when you talk to them, why are they constantly stammering and spluttering their way through conversations as they try not to melt at your fond, just-this-side-of-condescending smile?
Why does every part of you fill their head with incoherent, overwhelmingly lustful thoughts? Why do they want to lick across your stomach, to run their teeth over your arms, to bury their face in your armpit until their lungs and body and mind are full of only you?
Why do they get the urge to pick your chewed gum from the trashcan and suck on it to know what your spit tastes like? Why does it taste so good? Why can’t they stop doing it?
(Why did you suddenly start chewing gum so much more often?)
Every interaction with you is a test of willpower, and the difficulty only rises as the two of you grow closer.
The first time you invited Ren to your house, they could've collapsed right there (they almost did, but you caught their arm with an easy grin that had them hurrying off to the bathroom, clutching the burning spots your fingers had occupied).
Of course, it wasn't the first time they'd been to your place. They'd actually held off a full week before they gave in to the urge to follow you home (you were almost offended it had taken that long).
But it's different being here with your knowledge, and being inside where it smelled like you, where your personality oozed from every decoration and knick-knack that populated the place, where your skin cells and sweat have soaked into the furniture- something about the proximity brings out the worst in them, they can't help but bury their face in your couch cushions every time you leave the room, they hope they're subtle enough while sliding their tongue over the armrests when you look away (they are not).
They aren't proud of the whole ‘breaking-and-entering’ thing, but they have gotten pretty good at it (once you adjusted your security system and locks to account for them, of course. They still don’t know about the hidden cameras around your home that you watch back in the mornings; they look so adorable when they’re sneaking about!).
Not a night has gone by without them watching over your slumber since their first visit. It's just too tempting, the sight of you sleeping so peacefully, spread out and lax with your mouth slightly open, a thin line of drool trailing your lip that they so terribly need to taste- and, besides, it's also for your safety! With how easy it was for them to get in here, who knows what kinds of creeps might try something when you're so vulnerable?
Really, they have to be in here to defend you from potential intruders!
(Ren is the first and only person you’ve ever gotten a security alert for.)
They feel guilty for stealing from you, too; it keeps them up at night, beyond what their souvenirs do, but they just can’t stop. It started small, just old lip balms and drink bottles, nothing you would miss, but these crumbs of your presence mean the world to them, and each one just leaves them wanting more.
So, gradually, against every decent instinct in their body, Ren went for bigger prizes: an old pair of nail clippers, a notebook lying forgotten under your bed that looks like it’s been handled plenty, and, on a particularly bold occasion, they snagged one of your cheapest looking ‘toys’- just to have around! They swear! They don’t sleep with it jammed against their mouth or anything!
(Your toys are locked up now, you don’t have the disposable income to sustain that particular addiction. You’ve taken to buying cheaper underwear too, because you know you won’t be seeing them again once they come off your body. You have half a mind to ask for some higher-quality pieces back, but you don’t want to spoil the fun too soon; you're mostly just grateful they've been sparing with your outerwear, but who knows how long that'll last...)
Originally, they had hoped that satiating their appetite for you at home would make it easier to be near you, but it hasn't (you've made certain of that).
In fact, it's almost like they're getting more sensitive to you the longer they hang around; the littlest things will set them off now.
Just your hand on their shoulder to get their attention has them vibrating out of their skin, just your arm flexing as you open a door has drool pooling in their mouth, and when you lean around them to look at something, just your breath barely grazing their face has them biting back whimpers.
But it’s getting even worse as you two get more comfortable around each other, it’s harder and harder for Ren to remind themself to be normal when you keep letting them further into your life, as if they belong there.
How are they supposed to be normal when you invite them over for dinner? And how are they supposed to stay conscious when they find out you’re cooking it? And how are they supposed to keep their heart from beating out of their chest when they come over to see you puttering about the kitchen like a snapshot from one of their domestic wet dreams? And how are they supposed to stay on their feet, to keep from choking on a litany of moans and whimpers, when you raise your sauce-covered finger to their mouth and say ‘taste’? And how are they supposed to not hyperventilate in your bathroom for a half hour afterward as they desperately relieve themself through their pants?
It's downright unreasonable.
And then there's the cuddling.
Ren knows that friends can cuddle, that there's nothing inherently sexual or romantic about intimate physical contact, but their body does not get the message.
It's the sweetest form of torture they've ever been subjected to.
It was innocent enough at first, you’d wrap an arm around them or lay your head on their shoulder, and that alone would send them catatonic. But when you first laid in their lap, Ren felt each neuron in their brain short-circuit as every nerve-ending in their body was lit ablaze- it took a good while for them to convince themself they weren't dreaming (this quickly became your favorite spot).
Soon, though, Ren would wish they dreaming, if only to save them the humiliation (they wouldn't really, they'd never give up a second of your presence, no matter how excrutiating).
They try to pull back, to be good, but it's so hard.
They can't help the way their body pushes into yours, like some magnetic force causing them to press closer closer closer. They can't stop their arms from wrapping around you, clinging to you so desperately like your the only thing anchoring them to earth, every square inch of their skin in contact with yours tingling and warm and right and they need more. They can't keep from pulling you closer, pressing harder, writhing against you like they're trying to squirm under your skin, their breaths coming heavier and faster as their movements get more frantic and discordant and fevered, their senses and thoughts tortuously and wonderfully overwhelmed with you and you and you.
Then they suddenly go very tense. Then they relax. And you turn up the TV as you settle more comfortably against them. And they try not to let the mess in their pants seep through.
They're doing their best.
By this point, Ren is just endlessly thankful that you haven't noticed their... affliction yet. They often feel guilty about taking advantage of your trust and kindness, but they can’t help feeling lucky too.
For the most part.
Your friends know, Ren is fairly certain, but they can’t just leave you be whenever you spend time with other people, and you don’t seem to mind how standoffish and clingy they are when you’re out together anyway.
(Your friends have raised several concerns, but you just like the feeling of being the center of Ren’s attention no matter who or what is around you, and feeling their hands tighten on your arm whenever a friend gets too close, and watching their breathing quicken as the jealousy steadily overcomes them, and maybe even watching a more touchy acquaintance squirm under Ren’s intense stare until they leave early, and then never questioning why that acquaintance is suddenly nowhere to be seen again. It’s really none of your concern, let alone your friends’.)
Ren tries not to let other people get them too nervous, they just remind themself how easygoing and nonchalant you’ve been since the beginning; if they haven’t scared you off themself yet, your friends probably won’t have much better luck.
You seem to have no qualms with spending every waking hour with them, save for when you lock the bathroom door behind you. You met them with a familiar wave and smile the first time they showed up at your work unannounced, and then the same each time after that. You didn’t even blink when they stuttered their way around a request to share locations, you just shrugged an affirmative and grabbed their phone from their trembling hands.
You’ve never confronted them about the things that go missing after nearly every visit to your home (you know they can’t help themself, and they just look too cute when they’re desperately tucking your toothbrush into their bag like they can’t stop their fingers!), you never give a second glance when you seem to catch them sneaking a photo of you (they’re laughably unsubtle, it’s all you can do to save their pride in the moment each time), you never comment on how feverish and clammy they are whenever you touch them (except to ask if they’re feeling okay and drinking enough water, it’s so fun to watch them melt even further at just your expression of care), and you never even say anything about how often they ‘just happen’ to run in to you on the rare occasions they haven’t scheduled themself into your day (it’s always nice to see their watery smile and puppy dog eyes!).
Every time Ren thinks they’ve pushed too far, that they’ve exposed themself for being some kind of perverted stalker, you just give them this easy smile and go right along; they're actually a little concerned about your apparent naivety, they just count themself lucky that they found you before some ill-intentioned creep could.
It’s a tightrope walk the whole way, constantly unsure of what minor misstep will end up revealing the depths of their obsession and doing them in, but Ren can’t keep themself away from you.
One day, they’ll learn to cope, to be normal and palatable and right, and then they can tell you how they feel. Then the two of you can have a proper relationship, like none of this mess ever happened with them. Then they can tell you that they love you without feeling guilt twisting their gut, and then you can say it back without them agonizing over tainting it, and then you two can finally be together, the right way.
And Ren is certain that they'll get there, though it may be hard and grueling and nigh-impossible, it will happen.
Because Ren loves you, horribly and all-consumingly, and they are a master of self-control.
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
check my pinned post ~
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quinnydoll · 2 months
You should watch Eureka Seven
So there's this neat little show I watched before I turned 10 when I couldn't understand a goddamn thing, and it caused me to think about the cool aesthetics of giant robots flying around stylishly on boards as naturalistic trails flow behind them.
I rewatched the show recently with my lovely nesting partner, because I wanted to revisit its world, and I was offered so much more than I remembered. Yes, the show is absolutely what I just described in the previous paragraph/run-on sentence(fuck you this isn't a school assignment) but it's also SO MUCH MORE.
I'm not going to beat around the bush, there's a singular gif I can show people that usually convinces them to watch it with the added info that this isn't just a super highlighted moment, it's just what the show looks like:
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(side note: if you haven't seen this show in its entirety, do not, I repeat DO NOT search for gifs of it on this site, never have I ever seen such a dense wall of spoilers)
Still with me? I'd hope so after that display! Also, for non-mecha fans, PLEASE I am begging you to still give the show a chance, it's so worth it!
So we need to start off with this show's worldbuilding. The giant robots can wait, because first we have to address the most glaring thing: everyone seems to have access to these boards that seemingly allow them to levitate and travel in midair on these almost fluid-like trails. These are explained as Trappar Waves, and not much is explained about them early on. I'm going to keep my explanation brief, because it's way more satisfying to watch the mystery unravel through the course of the show.
Basically, the planet this takes place on is full of these waves, and that's one of the main things that everything relies on, and why we can see effectively airships that are just perpetually suspended in the air without need to refuel constantly. This is what allows them to stay up. Also the reason why we see characters with their nifty little boards. Oh yeah, the giant robots have those boards too.
That's the main thing I wanna address about the world of this show, because explaining the rest would genuinely spoil so much of the show, and the experience would be extremely reduced by me explaining. Just trust me, it's really good.
Now, the format of the show is actually masterfully done. The first arc involves the immaturity of the main character, and the format of the show reflects it heavily in the very slice of life format as our main character is enchanted with the conditions he's been put into. At this stage of the series, it's not very serious, and its stakes are pretty low.
As it progresses though, it eases you into a far more coherent overarching narrative in a way that feels really natural and well done. You'll never really "notice" the point at which "shit gets real" or anything, you'll just find yourself way more interested in the bigger picture of what's going on, because the show puts a larger focus on it.
There's a romance story in it too, and it's actually really well done, which is something I haven't really seen effectively done in a lot of action anime, but I think in this case it's because they don't really treat it like a "subplot." They do a really good job of tying it into the main story, and they make it feel pretty real as a romance, and by the end, the payoff is the most satisfying one I've seen of really any romance plot that isn't necessarily the actual main focus of a story. I genuinely feel like they could've conveyed the story they did without the romance plot, but something truly impactful would've been lost had they gone that route.
I think it's not unfair to compare this show to Neon Genesis Evangelion, but at the time, it would be doing both stories a serious disservice. Evangelion is a really effective exploration into nihilism and mental illness, but Eureka Seven feels like a direct response in the way it delivers its story. It feels like it did a Better Rebuild™ before the Rebuild movies even came out.(let it not be said that I don't like the Rebuild series, it's legitimately in my top ten.) Early on, they communicate a lot of the same themes, but then Eureka Seven diverges hard with how it explores the intricacies of interpersonal relations and how people will strive to do better and how people can genuinely be better to each other. I feel like the way it delivers that is genuinely way more effective than even the extremely cathartic conclusion to Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0.
Seriously though, if you're not interested in watching this show, I don't know how to convince you. It's truly a fantastic show, and it's honestly taken the spot of "favorite anime" in my book. I am no longer a Gundam fan, but an Eureka Seven fan who also likes Gundam. You're going to love this show, even if you're not into mecha anime.
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yukittywrites · 9 months
Motorcycles and Bad Boys~
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this time i didn't forget about you guys! ive been writing about yuta from nct on my ao3 and not focusing on threadfics so i havent reformatted any for a while!
check out my ao3 @Yukitty_Writes for longer oneshots! (im talking 15-50k words)
warnings// nothing, just some sexy teasing!
700 words, minhwa, 3rd person POV
"I'm going to kill myself, I'm never showing my face again, I'm moving to America." Seonghwa moans, collapsing onto a table in the college cafe. "
Why?" Hongjoong asks. Yunho laughs, "Someone overheard Hwa ranting about how much he wants Mingi to fuck him—" "
Song or Lee?"
"Song. and they filmed it, then posted the video and tagged like half the student body so now everyone has seen."
Hongjoong winces, "Really Hwa? Bad boy, player, Song Mingi?"
"But he's hot though!"
"He's never even going to look at you."
"I know that! Which is why I was fine with just crushing on him, but no!" Seonghwa says melodramatically.
Yunho laughs, "At least it's not the worst you've ever told us you wanted him to do."
"I could've spent my whole life without anyone knowing that I wanted Mingi to fuck me against his fucking motorcycle!" Seonghwa hisses.
Hongjoong chokes on his coffee "Holy shit, that's what everyone heard you say? That's so embarrassing for you." he gasps.
Seonghwa whines, "Wow, I couldn't tell, the fact that I had four different people call me a variation of 'slut' today didn't clue me in!"
"I think there's a solution to this." Yunho says.
Seonghwa looks up, hoping for the solution.
"Just confess to him."
"No! What the fuck? You want me to just walk up to him and say "Hey, you heard me say I wanted you to fuck me against a motorcycle, and I really want to date you?" Like that's not creepy?" he whispers.
"Well he just entered the cafe, so you have a chance." Hongjoong says.
"Oh fuck, kill me now. Hide me from him."
"He's walking towards us."
"No, no, no, no." Seonghwa says quickly, sliding down in the chair as Mingi moves closer.
When the man of the hour finally arrives, Seonghwa sits up despite wanting to crawl under the table the second he stood in front of them.
"Hey, sweetheart, I see you have a little crush on me." a deep voice purrs from behind him.
Yunho practically snorts as Seonghwa's face goes bright red at the voice.
"Oh don't ignore me Seonghwa, you know you're beautiful, right?" Mingi says, now standing directly beside him. Seonghwa makes the mistake of looking Mingi in those beautiful foxy, lined, eyes and now he can't even speak.
"Oh wow, you're really cute." he grins. Seonghwa's lips part in shock.
"Are you gonna say something back to me, baby?" Mingi smirks.
Seonghwa's lips part further as his eyes widen. He jolts when Yunho kicks him in the shin, saying, "Please say something before you embarrass yourself further."
One would think he would manage to make a coherent sentence, or say hello like a normal person. Instead the words that tumble out of his mouth are "You're hot."
His hands reach up to slap over his mouth at the same time Hongjoong and Yunho groan simultaneously.
Mingi laughs, his deep voice sending waves over Seonghwa's body and getting him embarrassingly aroused. "Oh I've heard that from a lot of people, sweetheart. I've heard it from your mouth before. After all, weren't your words 'Mingi could bend me over his motorcycle with everyone watching and I'd tell him 'yes sir, more''"
Seonghwa's face goes redder, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"Do I look uncomfortable, baby? If you're into it, then almost anything is possible." Mingi grins, gripping Seonghwa's face between his thumb and forefinger.
Seonghwa resists the urge to moan, his eyes lidding as he gulps. "Aw, would you look at that. You look like you're about to cum in your pants." Mingi murmurs, his lips close to Seonghwa's.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Hongjoong yelps, slightly horrified.
"This is a public place, not a bedroom." Yunho laughs.
Mingi's smirk only deepens and darkens, "Well then what do you say, Seonghwa? Want to come to my bedroom?"
"Oh god, please." Seonghwa gasps. Mingi pulls him up from his seat as Seonghwa almost stumbles into him.
"Then let's go." Mingi murmurs.
"And do me a favour, sweetheart, try to cover that big problem you have down there."
oneshot book containing this one and more linked here
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londonspirit · 6 months
Well then...
It's been two weeks since the final episode (HOW?) and i have finally sorted my thoughts enough to write little about it (mainly for myself - as always).
First of: I fucking LOVED it!!! Yes, it wasn't perfect but that's only the studios fault and nobody else's.
(although I do have a few issues with the editing of especially the last episode: there's too many things wrong to ignore it. There's tiny bits not lining up before which is fine because one can overlook them; Ed going in for the kiss at the beach from the left and the close up is from the right, things like that. In the last epi there's too much of that: the crew behind them when Izzy dies, that's just bad editing; although once again, I'm pretty sure that's the studio's fault, if they could've done it like they wanted to, there would've been reshoots for it *sighs* It's a shame, because that scene is beautiful otherwise; sad as hell but incredibly well done. Taika and Con are really going for it, and it's amazing!)
Edit: knowing now that they cut FORTY fucking % I only keep my 'critics' because this is mainly for me! Knowing that, I am even more in awe about what they managed to make with that!!! They are all fucking MAGICAL for making this show as beautiful and amazing as they did!!!! And I really hope ONE DAY we can get a Director's Cut or something that's gonna make it all more smooth and just that more coherent, just like DJ would've wanted it to look!!!
Anyhow, i loved it. Im so happy to now have 8 more episode to obsess over again, to rewatch whenever I want and revel in the fucking MAGIC they gave us! The writers have really outdone themselves this season! It's tight and fast-paced but it still works fantastically well!
Personally, I've never been more in love with Taika - his acting was outstanding this season!!! Absolutely NO notes on that!! That man's soo fucking talented that whenever he says otherwise I wanna smack him over the head and shake him. I REALLY hope he does more of this because it was insanely good and I want more. (also: he's never looked more gorgeous!! the HAIR! the BEARD! the fucking EYES!!! GUH!! I wanna give him all the awards for this role alone but that's just me!!! So yeah, much much love for him!!) Same goes for Rhys - they're both soo fucking good together, and I cannot wait for them to do more drama because they'd fucking smash it! And not to forget the rest of the cast: every single one gave their absolutely best and I loved every single second of it!!!
What else? The fucking LOCATIONS!! God, I've always wanted to go to AoNZ but this season made me so much more needy!!! (not happening anytime soon but yeah, ONE DAY!!). Sooo stunning, sooo damn beautiful!! GUH!!!
Also: Guest stars!!! First and foremost: FAMILY!! Say what you want about that, but I fucking LOVE when shows do that!!! Taika's kids made me squeal soo much in the BTS vids already, but having DJ's wife in it as well??? With a rather substantial role? And her absolutely smashing it?! Totally made that episode even more amazing!!!
VERY much in love with Ruibo!!! Her Queen was incredible and I loved every second she was on screen!! Her character was so nuanced and wonderful and perfectly balanced. I REALLY hope we can get her back for a 3rd season - she fucking rocked it!!!
And we got ALL THE KISSES!!! I mean, I was hoping to get some more, and something a little more passionate than in S1 (don't get me wrong, I still love that one but yeah...) And we got soo many!! And soo many wonderful ones!!! And no I can't pick a fav: I love them all. The moonlight one had me losing my shit all over the place (at work no less) - the callbacks, Ed's fucking EYES and Stede's shy glances!! GUH, that was just soo delicious!!! The Calypso one was just hot as hell and I may have cursed them for not making that longer!! And the beach one was just utter perfection! Their faces, their smiles, Ed's 'I love you' still makes my stomach all gooey!!!
And then there's Izzy. *sighs* My little angry raccoon man. Our indestructible little fucker. Con motherfucking O'Neill. UGH!! I hated him (Izzy, not Con) all the way through S1! There was not one redeeming feature on that bastard. BUT... when you've read all the Ed/Stede fics and you start to look for something new and then find some beautifully written Izzy/Roach ones and then start to like him and eventually read more and then end up reading (and writing) some SteddyHands and you're like 'yeah, I can see it now'. It also helped A LOT that Con's such a darling man and so real for it all, and you have too much time to fall in love with him after all... So naturally you start to like S2!Izzy. And then you start to love him, and you fucking ADORE the SASSINESS he's got this season. (Still not over the morning after Izzy - the SASS was through the fucking roof!!!) AND THEN THEY LET HIM SING!!!! DEAR GOD!!! I would've loved for a full on musical episode (I mean, that talent show would've been such a GREAT opportunity for that!) The ENTIRE cast is freakishly talented and they all could've pulled that off. So naturally I was VERY HAPPY that at least they let Izzy sing!!! I'm still not over that!! (And Im highly amused that even some of the crew had no idea that he could do that!!! I mean... he got a fucking OLIVIER award to prove it!!!) (but then again, I spend way too much time on YT to find his stuff so that's probably just me!) AND DID HE DELIVER!!! The whole party bit, with the make-up and the shyness at first and then just BURSTING it out was just sooo fucking beautiful!!! Every damn frame of that was a bloody masterpiece and I'd KILL for the bits they cut - I'd pay a very good price for a DVD with ALL the deleted bits because I KNOW that DJ had to tighten that baby down massively!!! I NEED THAT!!! *exhales*
So yeah, S2 made the impossible possible and made me LOVE Izzy fucking Hands! Which im certain was their plan all along - otherwise his death wouldn't have been this devastating!!! Which is fucking WAS!! I cried at work (thankfully there was nobody there!)! And im still not over it!! I totally understand WHY they did it. Doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt. (here the strange editing sort of took away from the PAIN of it all a bit but if you concentrate on Ed and Iz it can be ignored).
*sighs* I'm just so sad that some people went and attacked our beautiful writers like they did. I know it's only a small part of an otherwise amazing fandom but I HATE that they're soo fucking loud - i can only hope DJ and his writers know that most people love what they did! (and NO, I do NOT wanna discuss it. you can be sad, yes, and you can be mad too but you do NOT go and shit-talk the writers or send them death threats - that's an absolute no-go! And no, in a show that's all around queer and has a lot of disabled character, it's not homophobic or ableist - it IS after all just a tv show. If YOU put too much of your own wants into it, that's on YOU! Ugh, sorry, didn't want to get into this but it makes me soo mad!!!) Once again, I'm very glad that I follow only the right people, no need to block or unfollow anyone on here or on Twitter! *blows kisses*
So yeah, despite some small flaws and scenes I KNOW have been cut, I love the second season just as much (if not more) than the 1st one. I can only hope that the studios decide to let DJ finish it. Im so happy with what we got - fanfiction can totally work with that. But I would love to see more Ed and Stede (trying and probably failing) to run their Inn, see the crew of the Revenge get into insane adventures, maybe even meet some more new characters (JC and BM still need to make a cameo!) - there's still soo much story to tell and I would LOVE to actually SEE it on screen!!!
I also would LOVE for the cast and crew to be able to finally talk about it, promote it, share stories and pictures and everything during a 3rd (and last) wave of MADNESS surrounding the show. Everyone deserves to bask in the love we have for them and our show. S1 had barely any promo. S2 aired during a strike. S3 could make up for all of that and get cast and crew the love, recognition and adoration they soo very much deserve!!!
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ordinaryxtreme · 1 year
Technoroid: Overmind and Unison Heart thoughts
I've just watched the final episode of the Technoroid anime and I've put my thoughts together. May or may not be coherent. Spoilers for the anime and for the entirety of the game's story too because I will mainly be talking about how Overmind connects to Unison Heart
So I'm not going to lie, the SOLE REASON I got into Technoroid in the first place was because of Kite. Listen, he is beautiful (and voiced by Furukawa Makoto). Who could resist that? So I thought I would start by watching the anime because that's leagues easier than getting into a gacha game. I knew the premise of the game (robot idols, yay!), and was extremely surprised to find anime Kite was a human! After the whiplash of episode 1's post credits and a few episodes later, I was already downloading the game because I was curious what exactly the anime is a prologue to. The game starts with KNOCC in sleep mode, in a random storage room in Babel, where the player character (you!) find them and turn them back on. They have no memory of the past. Esora seems surprised to see them awake, but he doesn't ever mention knowing them prior.
Which makes the ending of the anime very confusing to me. I thought something fucked up would happen to them, but the heartwarming ending seems to contradict that. Something ELSE happened between that ending and the start of the game and I'm dying to know what it is.
As for Kite. Yeah I felt his fate at the end of the anime was a bit... anticlimactic. (From now on I will refer to human Kite as Kaito, for ease.) Anyway, because of those prior expectations for KNOCC, I also expected something fucked up to happen to Kaito. My head was swirling with theories as to what could've happened. I just refused to believe it was something so straightforward, I guess. From the way it's looking, it was the twins who suggested they all become robots, and had Esora do the memory download thing for them. (What I don't understand is WHY the twins became robots too when technically only Kaito needs to).
Another thing which is really striking. No one seems to remember who KNOCC is. I mean straight up, it seems that everything about their victory and the incident 10 years ago is being suppressed or covered up. The only people who remember are Esora and Nobel. Not even Bora remembers them.
On the topic of Nobel. Yeah, no I have no idea WHAT he is, still. It's revealed that he's doing (illegal) android research now, though the specifics of that research is still unknown. He says he's doing it for no particular reason, but it's definitely just him being mr. cryptid creachur.
And no, the Stand Alone trio are not aware of their human past, just as KNOCC weren't at the start of the anime. I don't know if robots made from human memories can even boot up while actively remembering all their memories. I guess it might be too shocking to be human and suddenly wake up a robot? Toward near the end of the main story, Kite and Bora get flashes of KNOCC's victory from 10 years ago. In Bora's case, it may be that there's something programmed into the robots to suppress memories from 10 years ago. Meanwhile Kite is starting to realize he has memories of a past Kaito had lived. There has also never been any mention of Kaito's sister in the game. I can only hope she lives a healthy life after that. (Kite's VA even said in an episode of the Technoroid radio that the anime is the first he heard about Nagi, which is hilarious.)
The story of the game so far revolves around a cult that is clearly backed by the robot exclusionists. The specifics aren't important, the most important thing is that they have somehow developed a way to destroy robots through music. They've developed an "android drug", called "Apple". Yes, cool, more religious symbolism. "Apple" basically hijacks into a robot's programming, giving them a feeling of euphoria and freedom (it even overrides their interlock mechanism!), eventually causing a dependency and "killing" the robot permanently. My current theory is, there is a weaker version of this music developed somewhere between Overmind and Unison Heart that erased all memory of KNOCC from every android (bar Nobel).
As you can see, there's a whole lot of unanswered questions, and I'm sorely hoping for a season 2 of the game story. There's a lot of strings to connect and tie, still. I have other (much more sentimental) thoughts on the human themes that Technoroid touches (and about Kaito/Kite), but that'll have to wait for some other time.
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callmepippin · 2 years
you need to shut the fuck up for real. it’ll help a lot
yo i'm sure i've said something to offend you, and i have no doubt i could've said it with more tact, for which i apologise. however, since we're here giving each other advice, here's a friendly tip from me to you: it is very easy to block people on this site. (honestly this is where you could stop reading, the rest is just me verbalising my thoughts.)
if i said something offensive, it must've been in the tags, since that's where i do almost all of my talking. that's because it was meant for my followers, and not you. i know the OP of a post can now read tags, but i clearly wasn't talking directly to you. at the risk of sounding passive aggressive: i didn't come into your inbox telling you to fuck off. so i reckon it might have saved you quite some energy to just block me and think nothing more of it.
remember, i am utterly and completely unimportant and irrelevant in your day-to-day life. we will likely never have another interaction after this one, so why come into my inbox and directly tell me to shut the fuck up? literally just block me and you won't see me again, especially since we're very much not in the same tumblr circles (as far as i'm aware).
and yes, i know i could have just blocked you instead of writing all of this (in fact, i doubt you'll even read it), and it's very possible i will, depending on how any future interactions between us go. but i figured, just this once, i'd use this opportunity to actually think about how i feel about all this and form a (semi)coherent, conscious opinion. honestly, i mostly took all this time out of my day to reply because i'm really bored, and this seemed like a fun mental challenge. i think this'll be my final part in the discussion though, unless you in turn have a very interesting reply.
anyway, if you've read this far, i hope your day gets better, and i genuinely hope this didn't come across as patronising, bc that is specifically not what i was trying to achieve! feel free to block me or ignore all of this; i'm gonna assume this ask was sent out of irrational frustration, but if you continue like this i will block you 👌
0 notes
almostawinchester · 3 years
Okay, I haven’t really thought this through, so bear with me, but (who am i kidding, I’ve now spent at least 60 minutes on this) this is gonna be me comparing The Untamed’s Jiang Cheng to two other characters: Ron Weasley from Harry Potter, and Rameses from The Prince of Egypt. Or, to be more specific, why two of them ended up cutting ties with their brothers, while the third one made amends (and yes, for this specific rant, I am going to argue that Harry and Ron were basically foster brothers).
Jiang Cheng, Ron and Rameses all started out with very strong ties to their best friends/foster brothers (a.k.a. Wei Wuxian, Harry and Moses). But there were also a lot of insecurities, which ultimately led to them cutting these ties – they were never the one in the spotlight, never the favourite, they always had to put up with their best friends getting the cred but also getting them into trouble, they were loyal up until a certain breaking point, and after that – when they felt that HP/WWX/M didn’t share their “family comes first” values – they all left/cut them off.
But why then did Ron Weasley make amends after having abandoned Harry Potter, whereas Rameses and Jiang Cheng never really did that with Wei Wuxian/Moses?
Well, I wanna say that is is because there are also other similarities between Jiang Cheng and Rameses, that Ron Weasley doesn’t share: the expectations that comes with being an heir, toxic parenting, being foster brothers on very unequal terms, said foster brother standing up for people who are treated wrongly but whose situation they just want to ignore to keep the status quo, and when the brothers do this, they feel the need to cut all ties to show people they don’t agree in order to be a Good Ruler.
Ron Weasley never had people expect much of him, so in that sense, he didn’t have much to lose. In fact, when it comes to reputation, I’d like to say he had more to lose in abandoning Harry Potter.
Jiang Cheng and Rameses, on the other hand, had an entire realm looking at their every move, and judging their skills as a newly appointed ruler, which made the stakes much higher when it came to choosing between the expectations and the bond between them and their brothers. They both also felt betrayed, because both foster brothers has promised to be there for them, and help them out in this new position as their right hand man, which probably made it harder to see things objectively.
Then we have the parenting. Say what you want about Molly Weasley (I still haven’t forgiven her for being mean to Hermione – honestly, I think she would have been more than able to be a bitch towards Harry had she thought he was the bastard son of Arthur and Lily), but she and Arthur were good parents that stood up for their kids and made sure they knew they were loved (even if some of them might have felt a bit unseen from time to time). Jiang Cheng and Rameses, on the other hand, had One Toxic Parent Who Never Showed Loved and Always Expected More, and One Sort of Aloof Parent who Honestly Should’ve Stood Up for Them Rather than Playing Favourites with Their Foster Brothers.
And obviously parenting isn’t everything and you still need to own up to your own actions, and you shouldn’t fall for peer pressure (in other words, ”cool motive – still murder”), but maybe, given different circumstances, things could’ve been different.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my poorly executed Ted Talk.
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mooralltach · 2 years
Okay hold on, hold on. This latest Lupin arc is making me go insane (in a good way). Let's see if I can put all this into coherent thoughts.
Since episode 19 I've been checking and rewatching some moments, and found out some... interesting details. Then after this weeks episode I noticed another thing, which had me rewatching everything again, and I'm now convinced things are even more connected than previously thought. If I'm right, this second arc is insanely good at leaving the smallest hints right under our nose that you wouldn't know were there unless you know what to look for. Even though yes, I also agree part 6 has its pacing problems and I'm not the biggest fan of interrupting the main arc with standalone episodes all the time either, but at least in this second part they do make use of that (yes I will elaborate).
Gonna continue under the cut, this post is long. Will probably end up continuing it too, since tumblr doesn't allow more than 10 images per post (grrr). In any case, spoilers for up to part 6 episode 20.
Anyway! I'm gonna go nuts for a moment
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Alright. Let's start at this weeks episode. The thing with these filler episodes is that they are very much filler, but they also got slightly more in common with each other than simply being centered around a woman each time, as the arc implies. At first, I thought that was all there was to it, even if this arcs writer (Shigeru Murakoshi) said that the way all the individual women were shown in episode 14 was not a coincidence (or, to quote him: "Actually, this scene was not intended to make everyone appear unnecessarily. I would like you to look forward to how each and every character here appear in future episodes, and to see what position they form in the story and how they interact with Lupin and the gang."). I just thought that was an interesting extra, like oh cool, those are the women we're gonna be seeing this season, I love a little bit of foreshadowing like that (although, if he hadn't said so, I'm pretty sure I would've entirely missed that it was these exact women too until having a rewatch, since the designs don't really stand out save for one or two). However.
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This doesn't seem such a remarkable quote in itself. They don't really make it a big scene either, it's just an inbetween sentence. But then we get Lupins reaction:
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It's nothing more than a look, really, but it's peculiar enough that they make him have a reaction to it at all, and it also made me remember we've seen a scene like that before.
In episode 16, which is Goemons one:
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I didn't remember what the girl said, but I did remember thinking it was odd to zoom in on Lupins reaction afterwards. After all, this is a Goemon episode, and Lupin has barely any interaction with her at all. There's no reason for them to focus on him reacting to a simple sentence. Until I rewatched it and realized that the sentence is eerily similar to Amelia's one. Which immediately made me wonder, does Jigens episode woman say something like this as well? And uh
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And then, of course, what about all the other women?
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(Ep. 18 and 17, respectively. I think the last one's particularly clever btw, because it's completely in character for her to say that!)
Episode 14's even got two in the same episode:
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And of course:
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It's gotta have something to do with Tomoe, even if I can't find a way how that would make sense yet. I don't think every one of these women are trained by her, even if some of them are, but then again, maybe they'll go into that in the last few episodes. I also haven't been able to find a sentence like this from Ari (yet), but I could've easily missed it.
Talking about Mattea, she's an interesting one in general of course, as we now know she's definitely bad news, but they actually gave us hints for that too (though very very vague ones)! Apart from the few visual hints, it's mostly in the things she says, but very inconspicuously hidden in the way that anyone would share stuff in some smalltalk:
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(Ep. 13, about the flowershop obviously) Considering what she said here now, btw, for a second it had me thinking about the moment we see her first, delivering flowers on the street before the explosion almost gets her. Now I don't know much about flower shop business and delivering flowers, and I also couldn't find what time the auction and the chase scene afterwards happen, but isn't it a bit strange to be delivering flowers in the evening, in the dark? Then again, maybe it's like 18.00h/6pm and then it wouldn't be too weird, and I'm reading into this way too much. But what Ari said to her in ep. 19 ("What were you doing in front of that flower shop?") does have me thinking about it again...
Then ep. 18:
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(Like yea girl we know you said you were joking. But also you're not.)
I have more thoughts (incoherent screaming), but I've got no space for more screenshots left, so that'll have to wait >:|
Now it's waiting for next week's episode to see if the next girl will say something along the same lines!
Also, if any of you guys have found more/other details I haven't caught yet, come yell at me!
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rosierin · 3 years
Shinsuke de Hyōgo
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this was initially supposed to be for valentine's day- whoops—
a cyrano de bergerac inspired one-shot featuring an oblivious kita, chaotic miya twins and a wheezing suna.
paring: kita x fem!reader
genre: honestly crack, but with a romantic ending
word count: 3.9k
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It was a pleasant summer day to be sat in the park. Evening had fallen, the air was sweet, complete silence surrounded them; all the ideal factors conducive to a perfect confession. And what better way to do it then while watching the sunset after a classic date at a high end restaurant.
Kita and (y/n) had known each other since middle school and had been friends from pretty much day one. 
It was the sort of friendship that had started thanks to proximity; they lived nearby, shared a class, and continued because of their complimentary personalities. Kita had always been the more reserved type, so (y/n)'s outgoing personality had been a refreshing add-on to his life. It wasn't the same type of outgoing as the older Miya twin either; unlike him she knew of things such as discretion and respect of one's personal boundaries. She knew how to make him smile and her presence had always given him a sense of security and peace that only resonated within her. It was only a matter of time until he began developing feelings for her and as soon as their last year of high school came about, that's when he finally built up the courage to ask her out
Tonight however was different. He wanted to take the next step further, for through years of accumulated infatuation, Kita had never been surer about his feelings for (y/n). He knew it was more than just a crush, more than any old, fleeting feeling one could experience such as a romance built over summer. Rather, what Kita felt he knew was real and tonight was the night he would put those feelings into words.
"(Y/n)." Years of yearning to say everything he'd kept hidden, ready to be told at last.
"Hm?" She turned her head, shifting her gaze from the golden sun and focusing on Kita, a smile on her face.
He took a deep breath.
"I love you."
For some reason, his words seemed to hang heavy on the warm summer breeze and all of a sudden, the setting no longer felt so comfortable. In fact, Kita began to feel the exact opposite. Did silences after a confession always take this long? And was it just him, a trick of the light or was she... Frowning?
He pursed his lips. That's it, he'd done something wrong. Was it the tone of his voice? Had he came off as too authoritative? Or cold? His aloofness had never seemed to bother her beforehand though... Gosh. He couldn't remember the last time his hands felt this clammy. Not even his first volleyball game had made this anxious. He swallowed down his dry throat. Patience, Kita. Patience. Good things come to those who wait, his grandma always said. Perhaps she had just gotten shy.
Oh? Was.. Was that all? 
A million and one questions rushed through his head at her response, or rather lack of. No mind Kita, just move onto a different subject, he told himself.
He cleared his throat and hastily tried stringing a coherent sentence together in his head, rushing to kill the oppressing silence, and admittedly, it took him a fair amount of willpower not to stumble over his own words.
"I- erm. Would ya like to do this again next week?"
He didn't miss the way she bit her lip at his question, that simple act alone being enough to make his heart sink. 
"Oh!" She exclaimed, somewhat regaining a bit more liveliness to her demeanor. But Kita had known her long enough to tell that there was a lack of sincerity behind that smile; it was the kind she pulled when Atsumu had told her a joke but was too polite to tell him it was terrible. "Erm, well, I'll have to let you know about that. You know, with homework and whatnot," she chuckled dryly. "You know how it can be." 
"Of course," Kita nodded, politely and as naturally as he could be without looking like he was about to melt through the bars of the wooden bench. "I understand if yer busy."
"Yep! Gotta keep them grades up."
Another silence filled the air, save for the occasional cricket chirping in the distance. It lasted for a good three minutes, until (y/n) suddenly got up and turned towards the still sitting Kita. 
"Well, thank you for this evening, Shin. I think I'm gonna head home for now, it's getting a bit late. Wouldn't want my mum to worry, y'know?"
Then, he stood up and wiped his sweaty hands on his slacks. "Yeah, no, it's no problem." He offered a tiny smile as (y/n) leaned in to lightly peck his cheek. 
"Goodnight," she smiled.
A nod. Then, she was gone. 
Yep. Something had definitely gone wrong.
The next day, Kita went to tell everything to his team. He had debated for a long time whether or not it was a good idea, but the way the whole exchange had went in addition to the image of (y/n)'s scrunched up features and uneasiness had kept him up at night. He needed to know what the problem was, that or he feared he wouldn't be able to focus at all for the next... Well, that was exactly the problem— he didn't know when or how he would be able to function if he didn't get any answers. And admittedly, he knew the twins would have more experience in the relationship department than he did— not that that was very difficult since (y/n) had been his first love— but whatever the case may be, unfortunately they were his only hope.
"Well? How'd ya date go?" Asked Atsumu as he finished setting the ball to his twin brother.
"About that. I think I messed it up." 
A loud bang followed Kita's words in result of Osamu's powerful spike. 
"Why, what happened?" He asked. "Ya didn't make her pay the bill for ya, did ya?"
"No, I paid," Kita said, shaking his head. "I said 'I love you.'"
At this, both twins put their practice on hold to glance at each other. Atsumu propped the ball under his arm and raised a questioning brow at his captain.
"Is that it?"
Osamu's expression mimicked his brothers; a mix between confusion and apprehension.
"Well, what didja say beforehand?" He then asked. Kita blinked. This time, it was his turn to feel confused. 
"Nothin'. That's all I said." 
An awkward silence settled between the three teammates as they shared a round of dumbfounded looks. Even Suna who was busy practicing his serves further down the court had stopped to listen in on the conversation.
"Ya mean ta' say ya confessed to her outta the blue?" Atsumu asked, his lip twitching upward. Now at this point, Kita was truly at a loss. Were the twins implying that he had done it wrong?
"Ain't that what girls wanna hear?"
A splutter echoed somewhere down the court— Suna. He was clutching his sides and laughing openly before shaking his head and serving the ball on the other side of the court and for some reason, Kita felt like his cheeks had grown very warm.
"Well I mean- yeah, but there's a whole process to it! Ya don't just blurt out 'I love ya' 'cause ya feel like it. It's the buildup she's waitin' for," Atsumu explained through a lazy grin.
"But it wasn't just 'cause I felt like it," Kita argued, somewhat perplexed. "I meant it- And we've known each other for years."
"I know, but still. I'm sure she was expectin' somethin' a little more than just three words, ya know? I mean it's as ya said, you've known eachother since middle school! By now she probably expects a full novel from ya!" 
"A full novel?" Kita echoed. Well that seemed like overkill.
"Maybe not that much," Osamu stepped in, "but 'Tsumu's right. I think ya left her feelin' a little underwhelmed."
His captain pondered over his words.
Underwhelmed? Really? But what more could she want? His words were precise, sincere, meaningful. Granted they were only three words, but how else could he possibly express his feelings for (y/n) when that's all he could think to say? He knew other words than love: adore, cherish, admire... But wouldn't it have been the same if he'd used one of those words instead? They all meant more or less the same thing.
"So what am I supposed to do?" 
At that, the twins exchanged a look, and Kita could've sworn he saw both of them surpress a smirk as they held their silent conversation. However before Kita could question, Atsumu piped up.
"We'll gladly help ya with yer romance problems cap'n. But on one condition," he started. Kita raised his brow expectedly. 
"We're off cleanin' duties for three months if ya succeed in wooin' yer lady," Osamu finished, the mischivous glint in his eyes reflecting that of his older twins'. One tended to forget just how cunning Osamu is seeing as it was usually Atsumu who got labelled as the naughtier twin. But it was in times like these where Kita was reminded just how similar those two really were.
"One month," Kita objected.
"Two months," they chorused.
"Six, full weeks."
The twins glanced at each other, mulled over his answer briefly before turning to him and nodding once, twin smiles splitting their faces in a way that practically screamed trouble. "Deal." 
Oh well, there was no backing down now. But oddly enough, Kita couldn't help himself from feeling that he had just made a pact with Inarizaki's two, conniving little devils.
"This doesn't seem like a very foolproof plan, Miyas," Kita droned as he eyed the twins who stood underneath his loved one's balcony.
Atsumu scoffed. "What? Sure it is! You'll see, we've got this whole thing under control!"
"Just leave it ta' us," Osamu smirked.
"Leave it to us." If Kita could think of one sentence he didn't want to hear from the twins, it was that. Perhaps on the court, during practice, then yes, maybe Kita would accept putting his trust in his two teammates. But when stood below (y/n)'s balcony, dressed in a full suit and tie and holding a bouquet of roses, Kita couldn't have felt more out of place. 
"Now c'mon, get her attention!" Atsumu urged, voice low as to not be heard while he made obscure hand mouvements in Kita's direction.
The latter stood stiffly and looked left and right, clueless as to what to do. "How?" 
"Use a pebble or somethin'!" 
This time the captain sighed and reluctantly began his search for said pebble. He knew this idea was stupid and honestly, debated on whether or not he should just go home and call it quits. It was late, already way past evening hours and he couldn't imagine what people would think if they saw him lurking around a girl's house at this time of night, not to mention in the company of two other boys huddled under her balcony. It was freakin' weird. 
Luckily, not many people lived around these parts, meaning he needn't worry about the eyes of others on him as he readied himself to launch a small pebble against (y/n)'s closed window.
No response. 
"What now? Should I wait?" Kita asked as he tried peering into the window. The lights were still on, meaning she hadn't gone to bed yet.
"Nah, try another," Atsumu whispered as he jerked his head in direction of more pebbles. 
"Why am I doing this...." Kita murmured to himself as he reluctantly bent down to pick up another. 
"'Cause ya love 'er.' Osamu whispered regardless from somewhere in the shadows. Another sigh. Yes, he was right, he did love her, and that fact alone was enough to give Kita a motivation boost in order to go through with this far-fetched, Miya concocted plan.
Two more pebbles were launched at (y/n)'s window shortly after this exchange, and it was on the third one that she finally opened up her window, only for her to wince when it knocked her square on the forehead. 
A fit of strangled chortles could be heard beneath the balcony.
"Ouchie- The heck— Shinsuke?" 
As she peered down over her balcony, Kita suddenly felt his chest constrict at the sight of her; damp hair and clad in her summer nightwear and it was only then that it occurred to him that she had just gotten out the shower.
A quiet whistle followed by a low chuckle made Kita stiffen— the Miyas. Had they no shame? 
"...Shut yer traps."
"What?" (Y/n)'s voice suddenly sounded above his head. She was smiling, thankfully. At least she wasn't upset or angry at him for showing up so late. "I uh- sorry, I can't really hear you from up here. Do you want to just come in?" She asked. 
Kita frantically looked at the twins though kept it concealed behind his best vacant expression. They vehemently shook their heads. "It'll ruin the effect," the elder one whispered.
Kita cleared his throat. "Erm, no. No, thank you. Speakin' with ya from here is just fine." 
"Accent! Yer accent!" Atsumu called, quietly while his brother made a cross sign with his arms. Kita discreetly nodded.
"It is far too much of a lovely evening to be locked up inside. It would be a shame not to make the most of it, don't you think?" 
At this, (y/n) merely blinked, somewhat innocently before a small smile pulled at her lips. It must be working, Kita thought. He looked at the twins for affirmation, and when they flashed him an enthusiastic thumbs up, Kita couldn't have felt prouder. It served as encouragement for him to continue. 
"What's all this?" (Y/n) giggled as she nodded towards Kita's attire and flowers, amusement clear on her moonlit features. 
"For thou, my dear!" Kita's usually monotone voice carried across the deserted streets— courtesy of Atsumu's indications. He glanced at him once, listened to his next words before nodding and adopting his same, Shakespearean stance: "A grand gesture, though only a mere token of my affection for if you spare me just a second of your time I shall attempt to articulate the sentiments I have been harbouring for you over the past hundreds of moons!"
"Hundreds of moons?" (Y/n) echoed as she peered down at him from her balcony, lips curling, eyebrows raising. "My, that is a long time!" She marvelled as she leaned further over the balcony, arms folded neatly upon its surface. From where Kita stood, she appeared as a curious cat as she eyed him with all the interest in the world, lips upturned into a mischievous smirk. "But please by all means, I would love to hear these articulated, harboured sentiments of yours."
A pang of worry overcame Kita as (y/n) watched him expectedly. Luckily, he had the twins to lean on. He glanced over at the space under the balcony and saw Osamu motioning to him despite Atsumu's protests. He whispered the following:
"Of course. For (y/n), not only do I love you, I adore you. These sentiments I detain for you are eternal. Like a fruit, our love will be endless; transversing all seasons and growing stronger as the years go by.
To me, you are nothing short of perfection. You're radiant through rain and shine, and I can't help but fathom how lucky I would be, to have you by my side for a hundred moons more."
A smile graced Kita's lips as he repeated Osamu's speech and he was pleasantly surprised by its outcome. For you see, Osamu's speech was simple. It was modulated and concise. He didn't beat around the bush, nor did he use his body to speak. All in all, one could call Osamu's speech effortless. And as the words flowed from Kita's lips, (y/n) appeared bewitched by their appeal.
Now as for Atsumu, he spoke from the heart. Through his ardent words, one could call him cheesy, over theatrical or perhaps even someone who was trying a little too hard. Though through Kita's knowing eyes, all he saw was the same passionate and spirited boy he saw on the court— like love incarnate. And the fire lit in (y/n)'s eyes only served as proof of their efficiency.
However, as elaborate and as heartfelt as his words may be, this only made them harder to relay and much to Kita's distress, he found himself looking over at him more times than he'd ought to. Luckily for him, his twin brother was there, whispering back whenever words escaped him, filling in the blanks.
This little tactic of theirs continued for another ten minutes or so, but as much as Kita wished for it to work, a Miya-elaborated plan could only go so far, Kita should've known that. 
He was midway through his speech when Osamu suddenly stopped speaking and the whispering under the balcony got louder. 
"Stupid 'Samu. I wasn't done speakin'!" 
"So what? She's probably gettin' bored of yer lines anyway." 
"Yeah? Not yer stupid, food related love metaphors?" 
"Rather that than a discount, Shakespearian rip-off."
"Alright. that's it."
Kita paled. 
He watched, utterly mortified when Osamu suddenly pounced on his twin and never in his life had Kita experienced such a drastic change of emotions. He tried subtly getting their attention through shuffles of feet and discreet glances, however it was useless. Without the twins' help, it was only a matter of time until his speech began losing coherency, dying out until it was reduced to silence. 
He didn't dare look (y/n) in the eye after that.
"Shinsuke? Are you alright?" 
"I, er. It seems I have lost my touch," he spoke, ruefully.
"Oh? Don't tell me you regret your heartfelt confession," she teased.
"O' course not!" Kita replied, his voice teetering into a shout. A mix of guilt and embarrassment had made him unable to detect the playful lilt to (y/n)'s voice and thus the unexpected raise of his voice made everyone's head turn, including the twins. He saw (y/n)'s face fall into a look of bemusement, and sighed quietly under his breath as he recollected himself. "No. It's not that..." 
Once again, everything became still. The twins had finally stopped their bickering picked themselves off the ground. And, as they caught a glimpse of their friends' dejected, downcast gaze, they looked at each other before casting him an apologetic look. They tried whispering to him some more but this time Kita refused to listen. Instead he released another, longer sigh, then looked back up at the balcony to meet (y/n)'s gaze.
"Listen (y/n), I'm sorry. Everythin' I said before was true, 'cept it doesn't mean anythin' since none of it came from me." 
He paused for a moment in case (y/n) wanted to speak and simply regarded her, trying to make sense of her current unreadable expression. She didn't appear angry or sad, but blank as though she was anticipating his next words.
He took this as a sign to pursue his speech.
"I was so darn worried after the other night that I asked the twins for their help. They said ya didn't like my confession so I wanted to do it right. I understand why it was weird to just confess outta the blue but I just didn't know how else to say everythin' that was on my heart."
"I don't wear my heart on my sleeve like Atsumu does, and I'm not much of a smooth talker. My words are usually harsh and cold— I know that because I overheard the Miyas and Suna talk about it instead of practicing."
The twins promptly gulped but he heared (y/n) giggle. It brought a tiny smile to his face.
"But I mean it when I say I love ya. It took me a while to get there, but actually I think I've always loved ya. I'm sorry I couldn't think of a better way to say it." 
Kita let out a long breath as he finished his last words and like magic, his chest suddenly felt a lot lighter. He kept his eyes trained on (y/n)'s face, wondering if perhaps what he had said was enough, and when her face melted into an affectionate smile, he swore he'd never seen anything sweeter.
"You're so sweet, Shin. I love you, too!" 
I love you, too. 
Warmth bloomed in Kita's chest. Finally the four, little words he'd been longing to hear had greeted his ears. They sounded sweeter than anything he could've imagined. But then again, everything was when it stemmed from her, if it was enounced through her voice.
A series of coos erupted from the shadows and that's when Kita was reminded that he and (y/n) had not in fact been alone. Heat rushed to Kita's pale cheeks as (y/n) emitted a small squeak and she peered over her balcony in attempts of spotting the two perpetrators. 
"Hold on, are the twins here right now?!" 
Kita pinched the bridge of his nose, ashamed as he watched the twins sheepishly creep out from the gloom.
"Hey, (y/n)!" Atsumu beamed as he and his twin waved. "Fancy seeing ya here!"
Osamu sighed and lightly tugged at his collar. "It's her house, dumbass.." 
At this point, Kita was just about ready to tell the twins to go home, but just as he parted his lips to chide them, (y/n) erupted into another fit of giggles. 
"Now I see why the speeches were so lame." 
Atsumu gasped, affronted, and Osamu pouted. "Lame?! Wh— How dare ya!" The former yelled.
"Yeah. Well actually, at least the part about the fruit was cute," (y/n) hummed.
Another gasp, a low chuckle.
"Told ya she'd like it."
"Shut it, 'Samu! I was gonna say somethin' similar, ya just beat me to it!" 
An affectionate roll of the eyes from (y/n) followed the twins' bickering and even in spite of the ridiculousness of the situation, Kita found himself smiling at them despite himself. 
"Why don't you come inside?" (Y/n) asked, nodding her head to the front door of her house below. "I'll go make some tea." 
Kita nodded with a smile. "Yer the best."
"I know~" (Y/n) blew Kita a playful kiss as she retreated into her bedroom, leaving Kita and the twins at her doorstep.
However, he noticed that traces of bashfulness remained evident on the Twins' features, and they fidgeted as they stood side by side next to the entrance of (y/n)'s door. 
"I'm pretty sure she was talkin' about you too." 
Immediately, their faces perked up and the usual brightness in their eyes returned in a matter of seconds. Then, together they entered (y/n)'s house, the twins hot on Kita's heels.
"So..." Atsumu began, "Do we still get those six weeks off or—"
"Don't push yer luck, Miya."
Atsumu nodded. Osamu cleared his throat. 
Kita shut the door behind them.
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deliverydefresas · 3 years
moving step by step (together)
second and last thing i posted on wp that i haven't posted here ((i think)) feel free to ignore if you've read this on wattpad already, as i'm just posting it in case i need to refer to it later.
(not proofread. it never is)
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prompt(?): domestic!simbar deciding to move in together (toanothercountry)
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When her day began, she didn't imagine it'd end up the way it did. In fact, to Ámbar the day felt like an endless nightmare.
Between her washing machine breaking, one of her kitchen cloths accidentally catching on fire when she was making her breakfast, her car not starting and thus being late to her first class, forgetting an important paper at home and losing 1/5 of her grade for one of the toughest classes in her semester; Ámbar just wanted to call it a day and forget she even had to endure it.
"The professor told me he'd let me turn it the paper, as long as I added 10,000 words more; and hear this: he won't give me the 20% of the grade, but a 15%, tops." She still needed to get her laundry done, so she'd opted to come by Simón's loft (and Nico and Pedro's too) when her classes had ended. While she waited for it to be done, she'd grabbed a glass of wine while venting her boyfriend's ears off. "So now I need to find something to write about that's worth 1000 words of coherency, otherwise I'll be lucky to even have a 10%. And God knows I need it."
Simón kissed her head sympathetically, adjusting her head - previously leaning on his shoulder- a little bit closer to his neck. "You will, little gem. You're the smartest one in your class, I'm sure you'll find something and, it's penultimate semester, you can do it."
She groaned, "I wish it were as easy as that." He kissed her cheek this time, and she snuggled into him a bit more, needing his support to make her feel less stressed. "Enough of me, how was your day?"
He chuckled, "not as interesting as yours, I'm afraid. Did a little songwriting, had a video-call with a magazine, changed my sheets..." he winked at her, making her laugh.
"Aw, do you want me to give you a gold start? Maybe I should call your mom, tell her her little boy is a nice young man who makes his own bed." Simón leaned in to bite her cheek, causing her to and almost spill her wine all over the couch, and to prevent this, the red liquid ended up on her shirt. Technically, it was one of his, since today's clothes had been thrown in the washer with the rest of the laundry, but still, spilling wine on her clothes wasn't nice. "Simón!" she scoffed him, which only made him laugh at her. He told her to grab another of his old shirts, while he refilled her glass.
She stood up then, cursing him all the way to his room to grab one of the 'pajama' shirts he kept in his top drawer. Ámbar heard him call to her once she had put it on; "hey, is tacos okay with you for dinner? Or do you want me to order you something else?"
"What are the guys having?" she questioned, to prepare herself in case the others ordered less than what their stomachs wanted to eat, and later lead them to steal her food.
"Pedro's staying at Delfi's and Nico is out with his fling, so nothing." Simón answered her, entering his room with his cellphone at hand.
"Then the usual." She told him simply, her boyfriend nodded. "Hey, can I use your laptop to check my e-mail? My phone died."
Simón nodded again. "Sure. Hello? I would like to order two pastor gringas..." he left the room again, not before pointing at his desk, where his laptop was sitting on. She quickly turned it on, taking it to the living room to wait for Simón to finish the call.
Her boyfriend was one of those people who didn't put a password on the device itself, but on the archives in it (which were mostly lyrics, tracks, and unreleased songs), so it didn't take long until she had the browser opened.
Ámbar tried to ignore whatever Simón had open in his last tab, but the images displayed caught her attention.
No, it wasn't porn, nor was it anything compromising. At least not in that way.
Her boyfriend had a Real Estate website open, showing apartments in sale. However, that wasn't what surprised her – he'd talked about finding his own place before-, but that all the options listed Mexico City as their location.
He'd never mentioned moving back to Mexico. They'd planned vacations to his hometown Cancún, sure, but somehow in all their talks about the future she'd had assumed their plans took place in Buenos Aires, close to her family instead of his. She could deal with him going on tour for weeks – she didn't bear months as well as she did weeks, and for this he always flew her in- but to live in two different countries? How was their relationship supposed to work in that scenario? Would it even work out? Sure, she was almost over with her degree, but-
"Little gem," her eyes snapped from the screen to where Simón was standing, by the kitchen's door, "I ordered you an almond horchata, is that okay?" she kept staring at him. "What? Is my laptop giving you problems? Your mail?"
She sighed. "No, I actually haven't opened my mail yet." He gave her a confused look.
"Then what's it? You've been staring at the screen for at least two minutes."
"When were you planning on telling me you're moving to Mexico?"
His mouth shut, his eyes showed surprise and an underlying regret. "Uh... soon?"
"So it's true, then? You're moving there?" Ámbar didn't want her voice to sound as hurt as it did, but she couldn't conceal it, either. After all, this was her boyfriend, the guy she was in love with, and who she'd loved for years now... to imagine him living so far away from her, it hurt her deeply.
To find out like this, instead of from his own mouth, was like salt to the wound. Her already shitty day was turning for the worse.
Simón sighed, his demeanor showing he was ashamed of it. "It's an option." He pursed his lips slightly, walking over to the couch, taking the device off her lap to turn her body towards him. "I was planning on talking to you about this sooner than later, I promise."
"When? When you had already bought it? Or when I had to say goodbye at the airport?" she couldn't help but dab at him, her temper was talking for her right then, "and what do you mean with 'it's an option'? You're looking for a place already, surely it's more than simple 'option'."
Simón let out a sigh, a sign he wasn't sure how to explain it to her, "I- have you noticed how most of our label meetings have been taking place in México?" She nodded, it was hard not to. The boys and him didn't really leave the city unless they absolutely had to, which could be summed up in three reasons: touring, vacations, and meetings. She'd always frown a little when those meetings took place, because she couldn't really understand why they had to leave when their label had offices in BsAs, but never really dared to ask Simón, afraid she'd come out as clingy for not wanting him to leave her for a couple days.
"I just assumed all the 'important' people chose to meet there instead of flying down here."
He scratched his nape. "It's a little bigger than that. Their HQ has always been up there, and their offices here have worked on a smaller scale for years; however, they've wanted all their more... 'recognizable' artists to be closer for a while now."
"So, they're making you move there?"
"Yes and no. They've been nagging us since the beginning to move to Mexico City, but it's only now we've – well, I've- considered it as an option."
"Why? Don't Pedro and Nico want, too?"
Simón grimaced. "They've already been considering it for a couple of years." Oh. Now that she thought about it, Delfina had hinted multiple times over the months 'the possibility' of working in another country. She'd always assumed she meant taking international jobs for a short period while Pedro was out on tour too, but now she guessed she'd meant for her to imagine that possibility, too.
It seemed like she'd assumed lots of things, and it stung to know she'd been in the dark far longer than everyone else. Even Delfi – who'd been dating Pedro a considerably less time than she'd been with Simón- knew of this before her.
Which made her ask him once again. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because you're still in uni, little gem, and I didn't want to move somewhere else while you were here; I still don't. I had a plan, honestly; I was going to wait until you neared graduation to slowly get you used to the idea, and, well, I also wanted to wait in case we didn't work out." She pursed her lips as she was still mad, but knew he had a point. He always did.
"You could've talked to me sooner, though. We could've planned this way sooner, make it easier for both." Ámbar sighed out, trying to get her anger out with it.
"I know, I get it now, and I'm very sorry." He apologized sincerely, grabbing one of her hands to kiss it. "This in no way is me telling you I'm moving tomorrow and leaving you here, little gem, I'd never do that. Hell, I don't even think I could. It's just..."
"An option." She finished for him, sighing again. "I guess I- I don't know, maybe I could start looking at internships in CDMX? When- when would this take place anyway? And I have to talk to my mo-" her eyes widened, "God, my mom! What do I tell her if we go? She'll be all alone here!" Her voice sounded panicky even to her.
"Hey, it's okay, there's no hurry. We've already postponed this for years with the boys, another year or so won't change anything, in fact, we'll need all we can get to get papers and stuff in check. And your mom can always come with us if you're worried about her, no biggie." He told her, as if the three of them moving countries wasn't a big deal, or, y'know, extremely expensive.
"Do you seriously want my mom living with us, Simón?" she snapped at him, and immediately felt bad to do so. He was just trying to help her and then here she was, bitching on his offers. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just... overwhelmed, sorry." He shrugged it off.
"I was actually thinking of you two getting your own apartment but since you're oh so kindly offering to live together..." Her eyes widened once more, shocked. She hadn't realized she'd implied that. "... I guess we can either buy or rent one for ourselves and rent another for your mom."
"That's not what- I mean it's not necessary. An apartment for my mom and I would be okay if she even agrees to move."
Her boyfriend started pouting. "Are you saying you don't want to move in with me?"
"No, no, that's not what I mean-" she stopped talking once she saw a teasing grin on his face. "You're messing with me."
He shook his head, silently laughing as he reached out to sit her on his lap, hugging her waist tightly. "I'm not. I'm actually happy you asked me to move with you, so I don't have to when the time comes."
"I didn't ask you." She felt the need to point it out. "You just assumed I did."
"Because you assumed we'd live together. It's okay; if it were up to me I'd be living with you in a heartbeat, I've thought about it for a while."
She gulped. "You have?"
"Yeah, but since I'm living with two dudes and you're living with your mom... it just isn't viable." That got her thinking.
"Why haven't you gotten your own apartment yet? Any of you?"
Simón shrugged, leaning into their coffee table to grab their glasses. "Rent is cheaper when you divide into three, and all of us have been saving up to get our own pads for when we moved to CDMX."
"It was never a matter of 'if', was it? It was always a 'when' you moved." She already knew the answer, of course, so she didn't wait for him to answer. "What took you so long to do so? I'm sure you could've done so years ago, and now you're waiting for Delfi and I, I guess, but before? What held you back?"
He pondered it for a minute, didn't speak immediately. "Something always came up. At first, we didn't have enough money saved, then Nico's mom had an accident, Pedro wanting to stay until his little sister finished high school... then you. My guess is the universe was waiting for us to meet to let me leave the city." She couldn't help but laugh at this.
"You're such a corny guy."
"Only for you, little gem, only for you." Ámbar took a sip of her wine before snuggling closer to his chest, earning her a kiss on her hair. "So, are we doing this?"
She pushed the anxiety of the unknown to the back of her mind, she knew that if she overthought about it she'd find reasons not to. Instead, she took a deep breath, intoxicating herself with the smell of soap and lotion that lingered on her boyfriend all the time.
"Yeah," she sighed, "but we're doing this together."
"Together," he repeated, giving her hand another kiss. "I like the sound of that."
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The Hound
So like most people after episode 2 I'm gonna have a mini theorizing/ gathering my general thoughts about the new grimm.
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First things first. The Hound had been stalking Oscar out through that entire episode (which I didn't notice until I rewatched it). I know it was obvious from the get-go when we saw Salem ordering the Hound and giving it a scent that it would be coming after Oscar. But it's a cool little detail to show it following him through Mantle, instead of going for him on sight. It (in my opinion) made the Hound actually seem like it was tracking Oscar down throughout the city, and that it was a smart move to send something behind them at a time where that half of the group weren't watching their backs and were focusing on moving from point A to B as quickly as possible.
Soooo theory time:
1) The Hound is a result of grimm hybridisation/ fusion (basically what's happening to Cinder)
So the part of that made me consider this as what could've happened is the intelligence level the Hound shows (this isn't just talking about the talking). We haven't seen a grimm so far (to my knowledge, but I could be wrong) that has been smart enough to act how this one did, e.g. Using one of the weakest aura levelled humans (even though Oscar was it's target in the first place) as a shield. We know that the grimm are attracted to people's aura as well as negative emotions. It could likely sense YRJO's (I don't know if these four have an official team name) stress from trying to evacuate an entire city into the crater. From there it could likely deduce Oscar as both its target and the lowest aura so he'd be the easiest of the four to go for.
Now, we also know that grimm get more intelligent with age from when Oobleck was explaining to Ruby back in V2 why the Goliaths weren't immediately attacking. However, what we see the Hound doing seems to stretch more than 'this grimm's been around for 100+ years so it's developed this skill'. It seems to be human-like intelligence, it found the groups' weakness and it will exploit it to win. That, compared to the more instinctual approaches of other grimm e.g: work as a pack, overpower weak targets, etc, seems like an actual thought out tactic. Also the Hound was clearly under strict instructions to bring him back to Salem, there's no guarantee that any other grimm wouldn't try to kill him. But the Hound did exactly as it was told without any faults, as if she sent the best she had- maybe a former member of her circle who did something to disappoint Salem and this was their punishment?
2) Something Salem's been saving
As we see in the scene, the Hound possess most of the grimm we've seen into one: Long arms (Nuckelavee), wings (Wyverns), basically making itself look like a Beowolf. We saw at the end of V6 Salem was 'evolving' some Beringels to have wings at the black pools near her castle. Who's to say this hasn't been on the back burner for a while? Maybe when she made a new grimm she'd give one quality to the Hound. Salem's been around for thousands of years, in that time there would've been countless grimm produced. It's possible she could've been working on this as early back as when her and Ozma's kingdom fell and the next incarnation was running around, we don't have a timeframe for when any specific grimm came into existence.
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It's main form seems to resemble an Usra but much bigger
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and later it looks like a Beowolf.
However, this leaves the point that we see it's vocal cords form in it's throat just before it talks. Now the only human-like grimm we've seen are the Apathy. Yes these things didn't talk, but they could scream, which requires the use of vocal cords. It's entirely possible the Apathy had them (with them being made with only the capability to scream) and these were added to the Hound during its creation but were altered slightly to allow for coherent speech.
Another explanation for its speaking capabilities could be similar to the jellyfish grimm Salem uses to communicate with her people. Those grimm are able to be used basically like telephones, if Salem speaks, the people near will hear. It could be that the Hound is simply this and Salem's voice is distorted. Buuuuut I realise this is a bit of a stretch, even though it would be, and was, a good way to put fear into her enemies.
3) Salem's magic
So my last theory is arguably the weakest of the 3. Basically this theory suggests that the Hound was a rush job that was meant to be effective in both striking quickly and hoping Ozpin's group would stand down. We know Salem still has her magic, just like Oz from humanity's first run. The Hound could've been something she knew the black pools wouldn't be capable of creating and had to tap into her own magic to create what she needed. I'll admit though, apart from the maidens and relics, I don't really like the 'because magic' explanation if it isn't already cannon.
So that's just a few thoughts. I've heard theories that the Hound is Summer Rose having gone through grimm hybridization, that would also explain the lack of eyes. But I haven't read those theories enough to form an opinion on them yet, so I'll leave those be until I read and understand them.
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cosmiciaria · 5 years
In defense of Detroit Become Human (spoilers marked - long post!)
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I know I arrived late at the party and everything that could've been said about this game has already been said – but I do want to add some things I haven't found in some reviews I’ve come across, while addressing all the flaws and giving credit where credit is due. And believe it or don't, this game is due a lot of credit. Yes, a game by David Cage is due credit, what has the world come to?
I must admit I'm not the greatest of fans of Cage's works. I can see all the flaws and plot holes in his games/interactive movies, but unlike others, I'm not that bothered by them. Hell, there are plot holes in many good stories and even the greatest games have some flaws, sometimes it feels people like picking one director and hating on them (cof cof, Tabata from Square cof). This doesn't mean Cage is free of sins, since that's far from reality: I still remember the Ellen Page's controversy with her naked model inside the game, and the creepy things they did to Madison in Heavy Rain for no reason whatsoever. Man, I think you should revalue some of your fetishes.
But aside from that, his games are heavily narrated focus, straying too far from the ordinary hero path and 'saving the world with the power of friendship'. He's stated there are so many things we can do in the videogame industry, and that most developers stick to the usual formula, just because they know it works and it profits. And I can understand his point of view, and even support it, that's why I always try to find something good in his games, even when the dialogues are bad and some acting leaves much to be desired – that happens in every game, in every movie, in every series.
Detroit Become Human is, by far, the best work by Cage. I can say so with full confidence: it's the first of his stories whose plot seem cohesive, coherent, whose characters undergo a visible and palpable development throughout the whole game, whose decisions and paths actually cross-impact later chapters and your choices do shape the way the story unfolds. I stress this because, for example in Beyond, your choices didn't matter much – even the QTE's were pretty useless. You just decided how the game would end in the last ten minutes of plot and that was it. Detroit, on the other hand, is so well planned that things you've done in the very first chapter have repercussions later down the line, and it's not like there's just two endings, but a lot of them, and lot of combinations that I'm still discovering. Your choices affect the during of the story, not just the ending. You can have good relationship with someone, or a bad one, and that will affect each scene those characters are in. You can have a good reputation with a group, or they can hate you, and so you will be ejected from the team. You can act irrational, or stay forever a machine, and the last big choice regarding that will depend of your actions across the whole game.
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Just the decision making is a huge step up from previous works. And I can only compare this game to Until Dawn, but even in there, there are less decisions and less impact. Detroit is overwhelmingly huge when it comes to different paths and different versions of the same story. So much so that I told a friend who was also playing it about a scene, and she said 'wait, when does that happen? I didn't see it!'. It was as if we were talking about different games.
Detroit is about androids. It's the year 2038 and androids have flooded the market. They're like your usual vacuum but, hey, they can cook, take care of your children and even satisfy you sexually. They are such a common thing to see in the city that people ignore them. Most families have at least one android in their household, becoming completely reliant on their features. This is a future not so far away from our present.
But, lo and behold, because this game will explore the idea of 'freedom'. And, as you could've expected, some androids suddenly realize they don't want to work for humans anymore. Some androids are mistreated by their owners and suddenly they know they're in an unfair situation. Some androids have ambitions, dreams, ideas – some androids have the desire to be free.
And so, they become deviants. An artificial intelligence, capable of billions of simultaneous operations, young forever, and with conscience. Afraid, yet?
We will follow three main characters who happen to be androids: Connor, Markus and Kara. Connor is a prototype designed to assist investigators and police officers with cases, and he comes with many features that will facilitate all the analysis of clues. Markus is an android designed to care for an old man who has lost his mobility, and lives with him and cares for him as if he were his son. Kara is a housemaid android, who specializes in cleaning and taking care of children, but her owner is a drug-addict who forgot what it means to be a father.
Markus and Kara realize their unfair situation pretty early in the game, so they become deviants well at the beginning. Connor, on the other hand… well, it's in your hands to decide his fate.
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Their stories will be intertwined: Connor will investigate cases involving deviants, alongside his sidekick – I mean, his partner, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, an old, anti-android human whose past is yet to be revealed; Markus will be falsely accused of aggression towards his owner or his son (depending what you choose), and he will come back from the dead, ready to lead a revolution against humans, demanding androids' rights; Kara will realize she wants to be a mother, and she will save the daughter of her owner from that hellhole they live in, only to travel from one corner of the city to another in search for an escape route. While Connor's and Markus's stories are well entangled, Kara's always felt a bit separated from them, which can be a huge let down. Personally, Kara's story was the one I enjoyed the least, but it has to do with something that happens at the end – that stupid plot twist – besides, it's more than clear in Kara's plotline that all the BS Cage loved from his previous games makes a return in here. Sometimes it felt like he left blender open and all the disastrous ideas he had for her story were spilled all over his kitchen. I can't think of anything else for that, because her plotline is a Frankestein of a story – uneven, irregular, although it has some touching moments, and Valerie Curry, the actress who plays Kara, delivers some guuud acting and lines.
I know the main message this game is trying to send is that androids are equals to humans. This is the most controversial aspect of the game: Cage, whether he says he did purposely or not, has compared the androids' struggle for freedom to that of African-American people, mixing together slavery and segregation. It's funny because Cage stated it wasn't his plan to allude to actual historical events that did happen not so long ago, and still we can see the segregation of androids in public transport, in public places, and the fact that Markus, with a bunch of other androids as well, demand freedom and the end of slavery from the humans. I like it more when he asks for fair compensation for their work.
And I say it's controversial because it's sending a wrong message. Slavery and segregation weren't contemporary, one came after the other; and the fact that they make a clear comparison to that social movement is criticizable. I'm not the most expert on US history – hell I'm from Argentina, guys – but even I know that the bloody history behind the fight for equal rights is far from over and has put the country on the brink of breaking down many times. That someone deliberately compares the android's fight that took only a few months to develop to that monstrous side of US history is, uhm, questionable in the least.
BUT let's just say that it's an awful coincidence (I'm looking at you, Cage) and leave it aside for a moment. That's the main message the game tries to send. But I believe the game actually sends another message, that is better executed, better fleshed out.
Androids and humans can love each other.        
[SPOILER scroll down until you see the end of the spoiler section]
This is obvious at the beginning with Markus, if you decide to endure Leo's bullying. Carl, Markus' owner, dies from a heart attack, and Markus, crying, desperate, falls to his knees and embraces the man who's been acting like his father for years. He yells Dad, no! in front of the real son, provoking a reaction in him and in the player. Just in this tiny moment, which I think most people slip by without paying too much attention, is enough message. It explains everything.
If you decide to push Leo, the scene plays out differently, and we learn this message towards the end, still in Markus' branch. Later in the story you go back and visit Carl, who doesn't die, but is instead stuck in his bed, connected to cables and such. He regards Markus with love and tenderness, and holds his hand, saying You're my son, Markus. Your blood is a different color, but I know that a part of me lives in you. Thank you, you made me cry.
This message is also well developed in the friendship you can form with Connor and Hank. And notice the 'you can' because you can also make them hate each other. But why on earth would you make Hank mad, if not only for the trophy? Because I can't bear the idea of disappointing that good old man. I need him to be proud of me – I mean, of Connor! Their relationship is wholesome, with some instances in which Hank calls him his son, which melted my heart obviously. Knowing that Hank had lost his real son prior to the events of the game makes all this even more touching and moving.
This message is not well conveyed with Kara and Alice, and you might guess why – yes, the fact that towards the end we learn that Alice isn't a human but an android too, utterly destroys the whole concept the game has been trying to build up for this moment. I don't know why Cage thought this was a good idea – maybe trying to explain that androids can love each other as family just like humans do, but that kinda breaks the rules here, because the idea was an android discovering they can love thanks to a human, who has all the real feelings whereas the androids have this emulations and… alright you get me. How can we truly know if they love each other for real if they are two androids? How can we make sure it isn't just some emulation and chemicals inside their metal bodies? Alright I'm going too deep here? Maybe?
All in all, this is the message that stays with me after playing the game. I don't know if Cage did it purposely (suddenly all his messages are casual), but this is what I can save and treasure from this story. Oh, and also, save your fucking planet, polar bears are going extinct.
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Characters are really well created. Their interactions are believable and natural, the acting (specially Bryan Dechart as Connor and Clancy Brown as Hank) is flawless, and you can appreciate when they become deviant and when they start thinking for themselves. Some lines delivered by Markus felt a bit forced, but I've heard the actor talk and he talks like that so maybe is the way he speaks. There are some secondary characters that became my favorite really quick, like Luther, Kara's companion in this journey; Simon, one of the first members of the revolution Markus meet; Hank, of course, although I deem him as a main character at this point. Others, well… Gavin is your well-known bully, whose lines are so stupid I can't believe his character made it into the game. Like really, he's taken straight out of a 90's high school movie. I could hear Henry Bowers from It laughing at his attempt of being a bad boy.
On the technical department, this game is stunning. Visuals are a delight: sometimes you couldn't differentiate if it was filmed or if it was CGI. Hint: it was all CGI! Faces, expressions, animations, I can't complain of any of those. The character's eyes, which are the only thing the motion capture can't record, were all added digitally, and I'm bound to say that they're perfect: they make each character feel real, alive. You know when you're staring at something, that your eyes regard everything and your pupils have these tiny, micro, slight movements? That was in the game, and I loved it. Clothes get wet when it's raining, they get frozen when it's snowy, and lights reflect every surface so realistically that you can tell the texture of each object and piece of cloth.
Music is also a great asset in this game. Each character had a different composer, which brought a distinct and unique aspect to each of their stories. I know I've been hating on Kara until now, but I must admit her theme song is the best out of everything in this game. Even when I watched the cutscenes back when the game was released, I had her theme buried under my skin, for it's melancholic, it reminds me of rain, and it makes me wanna cry.
Another aspect I want to address is the gameplay. You know Cage loves his daily doses of QTE's. But this time, though, they're well executed. I recommend playing the game in Experienced difficulty (which is the normal difficulty), because it truly offers a more immersive experience. The use of the controller in all this was clever, and they used everything they had at their disposal to make you feel you're there in the story. For instance, the use of the vibration system of your joystick: when you pet the dog at Hank's house, you can feel a very slight vibration in your hands, as if the dog was breathing, what you would feel when you pet a dog, of course; but when you're driving a truck that leaves the sidewalk and falls into the street, you feel the sudden rough movement and the way the engine is speeding up; or you can feel heartbeats when Markus is trying to repair himself. All these instances of breaking the fourth wall to make you feel part of the story are implemented in such an intelligent way that it works wonders.
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And speaking about breaking the fourth wall… In your main menu you'll have an android that will be your hostess. She will comment on the discoveries you'll be finding in your storyline, but she will also play some tricks to you or talk to you all of a sudden. And if you reach the good ending… well, there's a surprise with her. Let's just say that she's a great addition to the game and a fan favorite.
In conclusion, this is by far Cage's most polished and well thought game to date. And I've been hiding my obsession with Connor up until now so you wouldn't think I'm crazy but, I can't believe Cage created a character like this. I love him. Protect this sweet summer child. Don't make him a machine, please :'( Connor Army here I go.
If you have doubts about this game, buy it on sale. You will at least have a good time playing it and discovering the different paths. But if you like heavily narrated games, and you have at least enjoyed some of his previous works, don't miss on this one. It's really better. And it's really more worth it.
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halekingsourwolf · 6 years
1/9 So this started as a joke & then it fit until it didn't & now I don't know what to do so I'm sending it to you. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, just take it as a fun (?) ramble. This'll probably be long, sorry. So I was in this conversation about how Teen Wolf missed out on having a big bad. The series long villain. And I made the joke "Well, they could've always stolen from Harry Potter, if they'd wanted to". And then I started thinking about it, if Teen Wolf *had* stolen
from Harry Potter how would that've worked out?
Hey anon! Since this is long, I’m gonna be breaking your ask down and responding to the individual pieces instead of trying to respond to it all at once at the end. Your parts will be bolded and mine won’t be.
First off, I think this is a really fun idea, I love thinking about how characters would fit in other situations. This will be extra tricky, though, since we’re trying to not only parallel characters but also individual season arcs to each of the books. I think what we’re going to end up with, probably, is a lot of elements that we can say connect (this situation is like that situation, this character is similar to that other character in some way) but might not really tie into a coherent narrative on its own. If we want to, we can look at it again later to see how TW could work if it broke more from its own structure and just became more of a loose Harry Potter AU, but for this one I’m mostly just going to focus on similarities and differences.
 Let’s see how we do!
One problem is how you would count the seasons. Are seasons 3A&B 1 season or 2? Either way it doesn't fit. You either end up with 6 seasons and 7 books or with 9 seasons and 7 books. So I took the first option, which leaves me 1 season short. But if TW *had* stolen from HP maybe they would've been more successfull *shrug*. So in the 1st book (very, very roughly summarised) the hero goes against the severely weakened big bad who (we later find 3/9 out) put the hero in this position in the 1st place. When applied to TW season 1 you get: Peter. (Sorry Peter fans, I like him too but for this ramble he's gonna be our big bad.)
There are definitely some fun parallels here. 
We start off with Scott, a slightly awkward and out of place teen, definitely more optimistic than Harry but also in a better place physically than Harry, until one day he’s attacked by a crazed, half-feral Alpha werewolf (just as Harry was attacked by Voldemort, albeit earlier) and is introduced to the supernatural world. This attack, we’ll eventually learn, starts our hero down the path toward becoming a Super Special Chosen One/”True Alpha.” If neither of them had been attacked, chosen, by the Big Bad, this wouldn’t have happened). Scott’s skeptical at first, to say the least, but he’s introduced to new mentors and learns how to start harnessing his new abilities.
Throughout this, Scott seems to have a mysterious connection to the unseen enemy, shown in flashes of headache and visions of what the Alpha is doing. Scott suspects his brooding mentor figure Derek as being the enemy, due to his harsh and closed off attitude, but eventually realizes Derek’s been doing his best to protect him (so yes, Derek’s Snape in this, at least for book one). Eventually they have a showdown with the Big Bad (Alpha Peter and Voldemort), burning him (molotov and physical contact) and seemingly destroying him for good.
(If we wanted to change things up a little at the series’ start to tie in more with HP, we could have Rafael McCall still living with Scott. Having the drunk and generally abusive father still around would pull in more parallels between Scott’s pre-magic home life and Harry’s, and once he learns to harness his abilities he could use them to shift and scare the man into shaping up or getting out.)
The 2nd book: the hero fights a phantom of the big bad, a girl gets possesed by said phantom & a big snake petrifies people. Ok, so that kinda fits. Peter is still the big bad. The only thing that would need to change in seasons 1 & 2 is that Peters resurrection *doesn't* work (that comes later). So no Peter in 4/9 season 3 (what did he do in 3A besides narrate the flashback? who would narrate it now? Cora? what did he do in 3B? show Scott how to enter Stiles mind & anything else?). 
This book/season is my favorite for parallels. 
Ginny/Lydia (both redheaded secondary characters at this point) get taken in by a shadow of the seemingly defeated Big Bad, who appears as an attractive, charismatic young man to gain their trust while insidiously taking over their minds and forcing them to do his bidding and try to resurrect him.
Meanwhile, various people in Beacon Hills are targeted and paralyzed by a snakelike creature, and the heroes make it their mission to discover the guilty party. CoS has a recurring location/theme of bathrooms, while TWs2 has a recurring theme of swimming pools. …I don’t know what to do with that, except that it popped into my head as vaguely parallel :P
There are also a few smaller parallels, like the ineffectual Dueling club Snape and Lockhart co-run, which could be paralleled to Derek’s training sessions with his new betas, and the slightly stalker-esque photographer who runs around after our heroes, snapping pictures. (Yes, poor Colin Creevey is being tied in to Matt here.)
Book 3: a person from the heros past who they think is a villain isnt, a animal is a human and later helps the big bad to life. So for 3A we have, Scotts dad and for 3B Malia? (I kinda get a laugh out of making Scotts dad Sirius, but making Malia Pettigrew? maybe if she had been a villain in TW but with how everyone hates 5/9 her now, ugh) So Peter doesn't show up in 3A&B. Allison doesn't die (yet). Kate doesn't come back. (In HP the dead *stay* dead.) I guess Malia could kidnap Derek but better to keep Mexico for the end of season 4. 
Well, you know I would have loved it if M ended up being a villain, or if there was something more complex to her story to explain all the things that don’t make sense. But... ok, that said, focusing on what actually happened in TW, we could potentially pull in Jennifer as Peter? Someone our group trusts, with a specific tie to one group member in particular, who ends up betraying them and kidnapping some of our heroes to be used in a dark ritual to gain power, there are definitely parallels there. Granted, that’s tying together books three and four, and that’s where this whole parallel starts to break down because I think there are definitely some elements from season three that fit better with book four, for example; not to mention that 3A and 3B are completely different stories with independent villains and climaxes, so trying to fit them both into PoA is just a recipe for confusion. I’m gonna put my focus on 3A, I think.
So we have Jennifer as Pettigrew, disguising herself as a friend until she’s revealed as the murderous Darach. We have our main characters’ loved ones waiting to be executed by dark magic (dementors), with Stiles, Allison, and Scott subbing in for Harry and Hermione to perform potentially dangerous magic (ice bath/time travel) to set them free.
I really want to tie Lupin in to someone but no one’s coming to mind unfortunately.
Which brings me to the next question... do I skip 3B (my favorite season) entirely, or do we try to parallel 3B to book 4? That would fix the six season/seven book problem. But for now I’m gonna stick with season 4/book 4 since that’s what you did. 
So book 4: A competition keeps the heros occupied while the big bad plots his resurrection with someone the hero thinks is on his side & in the end a "friend" dies. So deadpool (hitlist!) = turnament & Meredith is Moody? The season ends in Mexico were Peter with the help of a 6/9 Banshee, kidnapped Derek & *something* from Scott resurrects himself. Maybe Allsion dies. How would Peter resurrect with only Scott knowing? idk 
I’m going to jump in and mention that in the end of season four someone does die dramatically: Derek. And while he does revive afterward (...somehow), he leaves Beacon Hills, leaving the pack noticeably floundering and Stiles in particular moody and desperate to cling to the people he has left. So as far as s4=book 4, I think Derek holds up as a good parallel for that loss. (If we were doing 3B=book 4, Allison would be a good fit.)
The end of the season I think is the best parallel between this book and this season, since the hero is swept away to a new place unexpectedly and made part of a dark ritual. I know you mentioned not wanting Kate back, but she would make a good parallel for someone the group thought was dead (Barty Crouch Jr) who abducts the hero to complete the ritual.
Berserkers sub in for Death Eaters, and as for Peter’s resurrection... however nonsensical, Kate and Peter working together in s4 is canon. And Peter wanted Scott gone and to gain his Alpha power back (at least... I think? His motivation was so nonsensical in s4 but what else is new) so making a deal with Kate to make that happen ties together as well.
So then book 5 (here is where the stories stopped fitting & I couldn't make them either, if you have any ideas go plot): everyone but the hero thinks the big bad is still dead, the hero and the big bad are "connected", a evil teacher appears, there's a prophecy and another "ally" dies. TW season 5: doctors experiment on teenagers, Theo tries to 7/9 get Scott killed, Mason turns into a beast, Peter doesn't show up & a Nazi escapes. So yeah. I got nothing. With Peter as the big bad it could've been interesting. Nobody belives Scott that Peter is back, Peter and Scott share a pack bond, no idea about the prophecy or the teacher, Scotts dad dies? 
So just a reminder/heads up that I stopped watching the show after s4. What I know from the rest of the seasons come from other Tumblr users talking and gifs I’ve seen floating around. s5 was also another split season, meaning we can either choose one arc to parallel the book or try to blend them together into a muddy mess. The main parallel I can think of would be Stiles subbing in for Harry in this one, becoming moody and emotional after a traumatic loss (Derek), damaging his relationships with his closest friends.
Beyond that... yeah, I’m getting nothing.
So onward to book 6: the hero learns how to take the bid bads plot armour, a good guy may be a bad guy afterall & the mentor dies. TW season 6A&B: the wildhunt takes everyones memories, a 8/9 Nazi-werelion (omg) eats peoples brains, an anchient god of fear turns people into stone & Deucalion dies. (This show, I swear). So how would the new season 6A&B work? What is Peters plot armour (Hocruxes)? Does Deaton die? Who is Snape in this scenario? idk but I wish I did. What that season could've been. 
Again, I’m going off very minimal information from these seasons. The mentor dying could be Deucalion (though... again, I can’t really deal with the fact that everyone’s so cool with him now after what he did in 3A. At least Derek wasn’t around and didn’t have to deal with everyone being buddy-buddy with Erica and Boyd’s murderer. *sigh* Pushing aside my issues, I am...)
The weird fear creature could be Dementors, though they didn’t really play a role in book six (here, again, we have the issue of trying to parallel specific books to seasons instead of tying in general themes). For book six.. maybe the liquid Dumbledore drinks that’s protecting Gaunt’s ring? It makes him fearful, pulls up some bad memories from his past, and more or less paralyzes him, weakening him while he drinks it.
Since Peter’s not actually a villain at this point in the season, it’s hard to pull up a parallel to the Horcruxes for him.
Which leaves book 7: the hero (& friends) find & destroy plot armour, get some info about the mentors life & all ends in a big battle not everyone survives. This would be TW fictional 9/9 season 7 (or TV movie?): Scott finally defeats Peter (& Stiles& Derek finally kiss, ofc). There you have it, well partly. I hope this was a fun read for you. Sorry, if I bothered you with it.
Overall I found this analysis really interesting, but I do think we were battling through the problem of balance between making our own story using TW elements and HP themes, or just pulling in parallels from the existing content, which makes it hard to build a coherent story.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
YEAH like who allowed awg to be so pretty.. looking at him makes me wanna cry
that's what you deserve: being a strong, tan boy. PRESTON IS SO ADORABLE I WISH I COULD'VE BEEN THERE TO PET HIM!! newfoundland dogs are adorable
mhhh more music 😍 thank you very much let's go i have things to say now that i'm finally coherent enough to answer this:
maybe don't: my commitment issues feel called out. i like the tempo of it and the little pauses they have sometimes. niice song
summer: not something i would particularly seek out however i do like it? if that makes sense 😅 has been added to my summer playlist
t-shirt: mhhh i like gnash. don't know a lot but i like him also really like these lyrics. "i'd hold onto it longer but you don't like being held" makes me feel things. also this song reminds me of my ex but let's not get into that. out of the three my fav i think
shklsjshgflshsk l i love you too don't worry i have excellent memory occasionally so i'll be here to remind you
okay if i remember correctly your wifi did get fixed? which is AMAZING. shsjdkdkdl i love knowing that you're still around even if you're not around all the time 💕 i love you very much and thank you again for helping me calm down the other day i appreciate it a lot -fiancee
literally :')))
omg if i go back this weekend i'll pet him on your behalf i promise <3
YEAHHHH MUSIC TIME i'm going to keep giving you recs if that's okay because i have no one here to talk about music with so i'm experiencing withdrawal hlfkdjglkmj anyway
yeah maybe don't is a NICE one. ||would love to write a fic about it someday.|| and i feel you about summer tbh the genre that nightly is is like.......same for me, like it's veeeery hit or miss for me but nightly just managed to hit. and the narrative of summer......||would love to write a fic about that one too :)||. YEAH TSHIRT! the way he says motherfucking tshirt at the end :) good shit :)
new songs for you: soulmate by lizzo which ive been really into lately, and priest by julia michaels. no pressure take ur time i just miss sharing music ya know
yes!! wifi is working without a hitch now it's very satisfying and i'm thrilled. don't get a lot of time to be online anymore because i have been running around like a headless chicken i hate that expression but it's the one i used anyway but the point is i check the club a lot more than i check tumblr and you know you can reach me on discord if you need me <3 got you babe <3
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