#you could imagine it at any point in their journeys
inkoherentwriting · 5 months
another weekend, another work in progress! I love these tag games so much... ...though, does it count officially as a work in progress if what i'm about to post is just a fun little thing or two with dubious canon-icity to my series? I guess so! I'll post two since I have at least two recent tags from the charming @sylvienerevarine :3c lo-pressure tags: @druidx, @gwilin-stay-winnin , @hannahcbrown , @solnishka1927 , @redadm1ral , @sylvienerevarine (evil, i know)
1st one!
To Guilbert's dismay, he could hear his companions already chewing on their food amid his audible prayer to the Nine. "I find the cheese to be the best part of this dish." Even Reynald had already bitten into his meal it seemed, given he seemed to be talking around something in his mouth. "....May we continue to serve faithfully so long as we live on Tamriel's graceful earth--" Guilbert looked up sternly at his twin. Reynald had cheese stringing sumptuously from his mouth to the spoonful of mashed potatoes he was holding near his mouth. He swallowed once and smiled, clearly trying to maintain dignity in the face of the cheese breaking off and resting on his chin. "...And may the Nine bless us for all of our days." He added, with much less of the reverence that Guilbert would have liked. Somewhere to their left, one of the Rusonius siblings snorted in amusement-- Guilbert was left realizing that it was well within the realm of possibility that he was the only Nine-fearing mortal currently at this table.
2nd one!
Miraina was fretting with her wrist; rubbing her other hand over it and pulling at the skin there. If she was nervous, it couldn't be good. Guilbert set what was in his arms down and approached her. "Miraina… what's bothering you? Can I help at all?" When Miraina startled at his approach, his eyes widened some. It must be quite the awful matter if she was acting scared… "You can tell me." He offered softly. "I promise to--" "Can you dance?" Miraina blurted. "…I… can. Some?" In truth, Guilbert had no recollection of the last time he had danced-- much less with someone else. His life had been one act of service after the other. There was no time to dance. "Can you teach me to dance?" Her voice became more clipped. "I could…" Guilbert's eyes widened. "Oh who is it? Is it someone wealthy? This matters, Miraina, because the way people dance in castle walls is much different than the way they dance at tavern--" Miraina looked as though she was about to collapse and when she spoke again it was quite the spectacle to hear the softest wisp of her voice instead of the usual confidence. "Can-- can you be my partner for this idiot party I got invited to?" Guilbert appraised Miraina with a gentleness he did not normally afford her; her leaden expression in particular. She was trembling lightly to her boots. And despite it all, Guilbert felt a grin rising to his face. He could curse himself for it later. "Miraina… you're not nervous about a dinner party are you?" "Don't laugh!" She cried, life suddenly returning to her. "I don't want to dance with these cloddish feet." Guilbert laughed more, bubbling and light. "And you don't think mine aren't?" Miraina blinked as though she hadn't considered this a possibility; but Guilbert was relieved she seemed less terrified at least. "Oh. We're going to make complete fools of ourselves then. Oh well…"
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headspace-hotel · 3 months
i'm...thinking about writing a book?
I mean. I feel really silly at the thought because i'm not like a scientist or anything, i'm barely at the beginning of my knowledge journey, but...being a writer was what I always wanted to do. It's what I've been doing ever since I could remember. And I'm constantly, constantly just so full of things that I want to tell the whole world. I will have a realization or idea and think, oh my god. Everyone needs to know this. But I can't tell everyone. I'm not good at talking.
I'm good at writing. But I will sit down to write a post on my silly little blog and get so overwhelmed by the SCALE of everything I want to say.
I think I've already started to write a book. I think the space for these ideas to fill is already the size of a book and it will never have any smaller of a size, and no one else will come along to write the book, and no one else CAN write the book, and IT HAS TO BE WRITTEN.
I want to write about the ways of the plants, of course. I want to teach how to transplant and how to gather seeds and the properties of keystone species...but more importantly, I want to write about how to learn the ways of the plants. I want to promote the habit of insatiable curiosity and intense observation. I want to show everyone that everything everywhere is infinitely interesting and mysterious, and if you pay attention to the plants, they will teach you.
I want to write about Symbiosis. I want to write about how we are connected to every other thing, how we have our own ecological niche as Caretakers, and our own special adaptations of curiosity and love. I want to write about how the ecosystem needs us to participate in it, not to cut ourselves off from it, and how our powerful influence on ecosystems can be for good or for bad. We are not a disease. We are a Keystone Species.
I want to discourage this Euro-centric idea that sees humans as separate, and recommend more reading from indigenous points of view that understands ecosystems better and sees humans as participants in nature, engaging in a reciprocal symbiotic relationship. I want to speak against all this talk about removing humans from half of the Earth or reducing the human population, and show other people that despair and fear make you paralyzed and powerless, but hope is powerful.
The most important and powerful thing you can do for your ecosystem is to love it. It is necessary to have hope for the future—to learn to imagine a future of restoration and renewal, and to build community with other people working toward that future.
If we don't imagine a future for our ecosystems, imagine them boldly and audaciously in ways that feel crazy and impossible, those futures will not happen. But just the act of saying, "This WILL happen. We WILL be okay." gives you the strength and energy to fight and it gives you the creativity to come up with solutions you never could have thought of before.
And I feel I have to explain, how did I end up listening to plants? And how did the teachings become so important that I had to write about them? There's this black, swallowing abyss underpinning all of who I am, some intimation of a reality so terrible the human spirit breaks beneath it. I had a mental health crisis back in 2021 where I was pulled deep into that abyss, and when I started rescuing little plants and caring for them, I was basically re-learning how to be human.
I feel like I was seeking answers to "How am I supposed to live in this world?" in the natural world because the human world of poetry and books and articles and think-pieces had utterly failed me in that regard. I had taken multiple poetry classes where I had read all the best contemporary poems, and all the poets just wrote flat, plodding, blunt descriptions of their trauma and despair. Nothing is wrong with these topics, but the worst part was how these authors didn't even take themselves seriously; they had to be detached and ironic about their own pain, like a snarky dystopian novel hero who jokes casually about the horrific reality they live in so the reader knows that this reality is normal and unremarkable to them—and even more importantly, that the hero is ironic and cool instead of responding in a vulnerable, human way.
And speaking of dystopian novels...there were a lot of those! It was like all the visions of the future I had read were dystopian. Even I had been writing a dystopian novel. But I realized that I wasn't wise enough to tell that story yet. I didn't know why at first. But then, as I was reading everything people were writing about climate change, I began to realize.
I saw a lot of patterns between the way people wrote about climate change and the tendencies of self-harm and self-defeat that gnawed inside me. Suicide was something that I had never struggled against, but I understood that suicide was only the most striking manifestation of a self-annihilating way. Sometimes you feel like by hurting yourself, you are being transgressive, exercising autonomy against an absolute, crushing reality. It doesn't have to be physical hurt; it can just be deciding no one will like you and denying yourself love, or thinking "Well, there's no use hoping for anything good to happen."
This is how people talk about climate change. They fantasize about extreme, horrific scenarios and talk as if the Earth is already dead and destroyed, and they talk about humans hatefully and as if they were a disease, and then congratulate themselves for seeing how bad it REALLY is instead of being in denial. It is easy for people to get attached to this and even get mad when someone suggests there might be hope, simply because self-harm can be very psychologically reinforcing.
It is common to call these responses "climate grief." But as I came into this very simple and quiet yet profound encounter with Nature, she had an answer to this philosophy that was perfectly gentle and placid and yet caustic enough to strip paint:
I realized, with a breaking heart, that I had always hated and resented my back yard and my home town, because it was an ugly place that seemed to me "Already destroyed," and my soul ached for woods and wilderness.
It had taken me 20 years to fully admit my love of nature, because I felt like there was no point in acting upon it—everything would get destroyed anyway.
I had not been brave enough to love the woods across the road, the creeks and the hills, because they were so fragile in a world that didn't respect them, they could be destroyed by some housing development at any time. So I just accepted that it was already a lost cause.
But it was time to be brave enough—not to accept despair, but to choose hope.
To grow up, first we had to become strong and get rid of silly beliefs like hope and fairness and love. But now, we have to become even stronger and start believing in those things again.
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rebelfell · 8 days
He would absolutely lose his mind…
18+, MDNI for a li’l filth at the end
“Shit, that one’s good…so is that one…oh, holy fuck…”
You giggled softly at Eddie, teeth pinching the end of the straw stuck in the milkshake you were sipping in the passenger seat of his van as you leaned back against the door to watch him.
His own sat abandoned in the cup holder, condensation beading on the outside of a cup from a fast food chain neither of you had heard of. He sat way forward in his seat, hunched over your phone as he poured through the photos you’d taken of him sitting on, in his words—
“The most metal fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life.”
You had happened upon the chair and the thrift shop it resided in purely by happenstance. It was supposed to be just a quick stop for gas and to stretch your legs on your trip back to Hawkins.
But then you saw the sign for the consignment store at the other end of the strip mall. And just as you turned to ask Eddie if he felt like checking it out, you found he was already headed for it.
The place wasn’t anything special, the only thing they had worth any note was…The Chair.
It was tucked way in a far corner, likely so as not to scare away potential customers. You couldn’t imagine anyone in this tiny and random town having the kind of reaction to it Eddie was.
You found him staring at it raptly. Practically in a trance, his jaw just about skimming the linoleum. And you knew it had to be serious when he turned to you with a bashful smile and sheepishly asked if you would take his picture.
Taking his picture quickly turned into art directing him—taking what felt like a thousand photos, quietly coaching him to change his pose or turn more towards the light; crouching down to get as many angles as you could without drawing the attention of the lone employee at the front.
And for once in his life, Eddie actually sat still?
He let you snap away to your heart's content, not protesting in the slightest or pulling any silly faces or jumping up as soon as you hit the shutter so he came out as just a blurry blob.
It was like Christmas.
But as the perfect fading golden light dissipated and you remembered you wouldn’t get back to Hawkins until at least midnight as it was…you regretfully called for an end to the shoot.
And then had to tempt him with the promise of milkshakes and fries, figuring (correctly) that you might have to throw him over your shoulder and carry him out yourself otherwise.
“Can’t believe I wore my Garfield shirt today of all days,” he muttered, still scrolling trying to see if there was a picture showing the least of the cartoon cat splayed across his chest.
“Shoulda just taken it off,” you told him with a teasing smile. “That would have been hot.”
Eddie rolled his eyes at that, but you were still rewarded with a smattering of pink that colored the tops of his cheeks. The blood pulsing beneath his skin now making it warm to the touch as you leaned across the gap between the seats and your lips brushed against it in a kiss.
“This would make a really sick album cover,” he said, diverting your attention back to the photos.
“Oh, by far, the sickest,” you nodded. Only, like, 30% mocking him at this point.
He ginned and reached out a hand to pinch at your belly and make you squeal with laughter. He then nodded at the rear of the van that was filled to the brim with the reason for this impromptu trip—a metric fuck-ton of recording equipment he’d bought on the cheap from a studio that had declared bankruptcy and gone out of business.
"Guess we don't exactly have room to haul it anyhow," he sighed.
“I don’t think anyone is shelling out $1200 dollars for it anytime soon.” You told him with a scrunch of your nose and a smile. “I bet it’s still here after you record a demo and get all famous. And then you'll be up to your ears in skull thrones.”
Eddie smirks, nodding along and matching your playful smile as he finally hands back your phone so you can get back to your journey.
And you knew he was still thinking about it hours later, when you two finally got back to his trailer in the dead of night. The second he was able, he’d hauled you onto his lap, all needy for your soft warmth to surround him even after being together all day long.
He bounced you eagerly on his lap, and you watched the wheels turning in his head, just like you had from the moment he sat himself on the recliner instead of the couch.
“You’re thinking about your throne, aren’t you?” you cooed, all breathy in his ear. “Wish you were fucking me on a pile of skulls?”
“Ye-yeah,” he grits out, only getting more lost in his own head imagining it. "Yeah, I fuckin' do,"
He can almost feel the intricate carvings on the seat of the chair imprinting on his ass. And, god you’d look so fucking hot gripping those horns coming out of the skull at the top, holding on for dear life as you rode him into oblivion.
The visual and your encouragement has him finishing embarrassingly fast, whimpering and moaning into your neck through the whole thing. His spend dribbles out of you, trickling down to collect in a pool on the cushion beneath him.
And suddenly you’re a little glad you couldn’t bring the chair home, because those vertebrae would be a pain and a half to keep clean.
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seph-ic · 1 year
My favorite thing ever?
Nico has a service dog 
Because after Mr. D diagnoses him with PTSD he feels kind of hopeless and overwhelmed (especially after her hears that it can’t be easily fixed with magic or anything) 
So Mr D. Suggests that he get a service animal. 
Nico argues that animals hate him because he ‘smells like death’. Mr. D Points out that Mrs O’Leary doesn’t hate him. 
They both go talk to Hades who jumps at the excuse to win back his son by buying him more stuff. 
The dog ends up being a hellhound mix (don’t ask how.) 
The mix is mostly so she is a bit smaller for convenience (so she can fit in places.)
I'd assume she looks something like a Burmese mountain dog mix.
Her names Penelope (Penny) and Nico loves her. 
Nico and Her spend a couple of months doing service dog training with Artemis and the hunters (dogs are one of her patron animals.)
the time he spends with them also gives him a bit of closure and helps him process what happened to his sister.
soon enough she's graduated their honorary service dog school and is fully trained.
She goes with Nico everywhere. Since she is half hellhound she can assist with shadow travel and make it easier for Nico. (To Wills relief) 
She helps Nico with panic attacks and nightmares. 
She grabs things for him (KitKats, sword, water, pillows.) 
she can even open the fridge in the big house.
If Nico is having a really bad episode or a flashback he can’t come out of or if he’s in any physical danger, she knows to go get Will Chiron or MR D. In a heartbeat. 
Again a shadow traveling dog being useful.
Will makes extra sure that everyone at camp is aware of how service animals work. 
He teaches all the campers about what Penny's job is and why they’re not allowed to distract her.
On occasion when she isn't working she'll play fetch or get pets from some of the kids. 
All Nicos freind's and family love her.
Like everyone wants to be a part of this dogs life, Nico has literally never been more popular.
Hazel buys her a sweater for the holidays.
Rachel helps Nico also dye part of her tail at one point (to keep her identifiable) and they give it a cool design.
Annabeth asks if she can make her a cool dog house.
Piper insists that they take her to the groomer and buys her little bandannas.
Percy helps Nico teach her how to swim.
She will also grabs medical supplies for Will sometimes.
Grover also knows how to talk to her and regularly lets her know how Nico is doing (not that she doesn't already know.) 
Nico finds it easier to eat with Penelope.
It kind of forces him to eat on a schedule, since Penny has to be fed three times a day and the two of them can eat at the same time.
Nico also gives her little scraps off his plate sometimes which makes them both happy.
She gets absolutely spoiled. 
At one point Nico gets worried that she might get hurt fighting a monster. Hades assured him she won’t but Leo makes her some extra cool dog armor just in case
She also has a little bag attached to her vest for carrying supplies on quests and long journeys. (list of things these bags might contain: Ambrosia, Dog treats, Water/kitkats, extra weapons, drachmas.)
Nico connects so well with this fucking dog.
Like he always struggled with people and he never really even considered being an animal person.
But he absolutely adores Penny.
He talks to her about things that worry him and just finds her presence so unbelievably comforting.
Will solace (who I think personally would become a vet sooner than a doctor) Has this dog on the best fucking diet you could imagine
you have never seen a more medically healthy dog.
And she ADORES Will
Partially because of how calmer Nico is with him, and partially because he keeps a treat jar in the infirmary now.
The best part! she cannot die (from old age at least) Immortal service dog!
Having a huge fluffy head is great for pressure therapy.
Nico (neurodivergent) likes the texture of her fur and stims by petting her or playing with her ears.
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vixenvoider · 9 months
in this post i will explain in depth how i entered the void state and what i manifested. i will be open to questions but if you ask something that i explain in this post i won't answer it just fyi, so even though this will be long, if you are truly curious i encourage you to read the whole thing. i am sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes that might be present.
overall story: i have been trying to enter the void for around 2 months now, and finally entered through a lucid dream. one thing i want to note before i tell my story is that i have been lucid dreaming my whole life (so if you never have, i don't know what good steps are for beginners).
the beginning: my journey started when i inadvertently came across a post about how someone else entered the void state and manifested their dream body and face. i was not into manifesting before, in fact, i actually had a problem with the whole concept of the law of attraction and didn't know there were other types of manifestation and never looked deeply into it. that being said, i have always been an open-minded person and also, a more or less spiritual person. i believe in a lot of "out there" things because a lot of said things have been proven to me (through experiences i find hard to explain so i'm not going to). i'm sharing this to let you know that due how deeply i naturally believe in such things i never really had a problem with my void concept, even though i experienced doubts (so for this area i really can't give much advice).
so after learning about the existence of the void state i searched "void state" on tumblr and skimmed some info here and there on it, what i came across included some basic methods on how to enter the void but i didn't fully understand them yet. that same night i followed a shifting guided meditation but i couldn't really get "into" it, i was a naturally anxious person who found it hard to relax so it just wasn't working, but i did see it through and try my best and i think in the long run it helped me. in the guided meditation i listened to, the person makes you walk through a door to get to your desired reality and even though the meditation didn't work, that imagery worked it's way into my subconscious and i had a lucid dream that night. i did not manifest anything that night but it was on purpose (i think). in my lucid dream i woke up in my bedroom. i looked in the mirror and decided i would change what i saw to a more desired appearance and it worked (i looked exactly like the person i was thinking of), then, i decided (with intention) to open my bedroom door and enter my dream house and it worked. at this point in the dream i thought that entering the void must be super easy since i was already basically close and could have done it there if i wanted to BUT i chose to wake up because i wanted to enter the void when i actually knew for sure what i wanted my manifestations to be. i knew i was going to want a lot if i really thought about it and i also didn't want to actually look like someone else (my whole lucid dream i was more trying to test my imagination and build my confidence). the next day i started making a void state list and writing down everything i genuinely wanted for myself.
experiencing doubts: things started to go wrong after that hahah, after my first beginner's luck(?) experience i was struggling to lucid dream (even though i've always naturally been a lucid dreamer, the times it occurs is still random and i couldn't make them happen) and meditations were only getting me so close. all in all, over the past 2 months i had 5 failed lucid dreams and several close, but failed, meditation attempts. this instilled some doubts in me, especially the lucid dreams, because apparently once you lucid dream it's meant to be quite simple but when i would affirm for the void in my dreams i would just wake up or the dream would continue.
another thing that caused me to doubt the void was questioning some of the stories on here. most of them i initially don't believe anyway because it's known there's many liars in the community and there seems to be a trend of people posting void success stories in an attempt to enter to the void (to act as if it already happened) but they technically haven't in reality yet. that being said, i did have some blogs i mostly trusted and then one day one of the blogs i trusted answered an anonymous ask about a success story and it really looked like they sent it to themselves. the reason i thought this was because the op of the blog spells a commonly used word wrong all the time but it's not a spelling mistake people commonly make (in fact, i know no one who makes this spelling mistake) but then the anon that sent them the success story made the exact same spelling mistake. it made me worry that perhaps there were no true success stories because why was this person who supposedly mastered the void bothering with sending asks to themselves to validate their blog? i mean this was all speculation but it still caused me to think.
that being said again, i still basically believed, i just wavered a little, but i definitely believed enough to keep persisting (because why not?)
the success: finally, after almost 2 months i entered the void through a lucid dream. when i realised i was dreaming i tried to make myself stay super grounded in the dream but i also thought about not taking too long since i didn't want to wake up. i did this because i realised the very first night when i had my lucid dream, i didn't get excited and try immediately, i hung around in my dream for a while and just enjoyed things (as i explained). so i wandered around the dream a bit and just looked at things, touched things, tried to feel the temperature and take note of it and then when i felt calm and not too excited i closed my eyes and affirmed for the void and entered. when i got the void i just said "i have everything on my void list" (a few times to make sure) and then stated i was exiting the void state. the void feels how pretty much everyone describes, you just know it's happening and you are pure consciousness.
what i manifested: my void state list ended up being super long and i manifested a lot of personal things that i won't share, which is what i'm sure would be the same for most people, but i'll include a list of things that others might find interesting or encouraging:
desired appearance (including body, face, height etc)
money (i came up with a plan that of how it would make sense in my country to have acquired it)
got rid of my anxiety disorder (having this was probably the most debilitating part of my life, it's also why i know meditation never truly worked for me since i could never relax and it's crazy to feel not severely stressed constantly for the first time in my life)
got rid of my autoimmune disease and fixed my eyesight (i manifested being healthy overall in general)
feel comfortable instantly, i will no longer get too itchy, feel dirty after a long day, be too hot or too cold etc. (can't really attest to this one yet but i have felt no discomfort)
dream living space and whatever bed i sleep in to always be super comfortable
opinion on the void state: overall the point is that the void state is real and you can get anything you want, getting to the void is also easy but it's just about trying to go for it and not getting discouraged. i don't want to share too much of my opinion on this because i actually find it really toxic. some people will get mad if you say you "entered" or "got to" the void because you technically are always the void, and personally, i don't find these slight changes in language to be important unless you are very sensitive to it. for me, it doesn't matter if i think about the void as something i enter or something i am because i believe it exists and that's all i need to know at the end of the day. if you want to see it as something you are, or a state or anything else, i don't think it matters as long as you believe manifestation is possible, you are the creator of your reality, you get to decide what language or thought process works for you :)
common questions: i'm going to answer some question i feel like i will get if people find this post so i'm just going to answer them here. remember that these answers are just my opinion.
question: how come people don't manifest to end world hunger, for everyone to have money, to become the next "big thing", to be a real life superhero, for everyone to be happy etc. truthfully, i think people do manifest that but i don't think they stay in this reality. a lot of people think that using the void at all means you shift your reality, idk if i believe in that, but i would have to assume the people that use the void to manifest very extreme things ultimately have to shift realities. so this would mean the reason you're not seeing these results is because these people are no longer in this reality. if you pay attention i think you will also notice that most void success stories that seem to come from reliable sources (though this is still all personal judgement) seem to be rather humble, these people just manifest to be the prettier version of themselves, to live in a nice place, to be around good people and other similar things. i think people with mostly humble desires stay in this reality and people with more fantastical desires (to be the most famous person ever, to be a multibillionaire, world peace) go elsewhere.
question: why would someone even have humble desires? i can't speak for every single person but i think it's just the desire to stick to the familiar. we want better lives but also want to feel at "home" still, i wanted to still feel like ME. maybe it seems stupid and selfish but if we really are shifting realities every time then there really is no way to actually solve world hunger anyway, it will always exist in this reality even if you or i personally go to another one. at the end of the day, life isn't fair and i am just grateful to have discovered the void to live happily and am sharing this so you can too.
question: i'm worried about the wrong people finding out about the void state. honestly, me too! but i think this falls in line with my past two answers, if someone terrible happened to stumble upon this post and entered the void, i don't think they'd stay here, they will go to some other reality more likely, so i really don't think we have to worry about someone super evil getting to the void and doing something super heinous or whatever. but honestly i do understand the worry. at first when i discovered the void i thought i wouldn't share my success story once i entered because i wanted to keep the void as quiet as possible. but just remember two things: most people do not know about the void and if they do a lot of them will give up and not persist. second, someone really evil finding it will probably leave this reality (my theory).
question: why do people not show better proof. truthfully, i don't know, for me it's because i really do want to live a private life and a lot of stuff i manifested can't be proven anyway. if i show my bank account, it could be photoshop, if i show my new face it means nothing because i revised to always look this way, i can't prove i no longer have my autoimmune disease and the list goes on. i think people with more dramatic proof also want to maintain their privacy or go to other realities. perhaps there's even been people to show dramatic proof in this reality but they had to revise that they didn't because it was a mistake.
question: do you have any overall tips? just keep persisting. and personally, i think it's okay to try several methods at once. i know some people say if you try several then it "cancels out" like, if you try lucid dreaming and it doesn't work so you meditate it means you don't "believe" lucid dreaming can work for you so then that's why it takes you so long but i think you can just tell yourself "every method works for me so i will just keep persisting". another thing i recommend trying for a few days is setting your alarm to go off at different times so day 1 is 8am, day 2 is 7am, day 3 is 9am and so forth. each day set the intention to wake up BEFORE your alarm goes off, once you successfully start waking up a few minutes before your alarm everyday this is your tangible proof that your intentions are working. this isn't really a method but more so a confidence booster that worked for me to remind myself i'm in control and powerful. if you also try this i think after a few days you will feel more confident intending to lucid dream, for your meditations to work, for subliminals to work (whatever is your personal vibe) and you will get there easier hopefully!
question: did you ever do any official lucid dreaming methods. personally the only way i ever had a lucid dream was by intending before sleeping that i would lucid dream. but methods where you wake up by setting your alarm early and going back to sleep and stuff didn't work for me. i tried but due to my anxiety i would always wake up super alert or even stressed, so i could never relax enough. but they are successful for many people so there is no harm in trying.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 4 days
🎲🖤Chiron in the signs🖤🎲
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open!
🎲If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🎲
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🗝Chiron reveals where we possibly have wounds, what hurts the most in each of us. With that, this influence guides us through a journey of suffering and liberation throughout life.🗝
🎲Chiron in Aries: is a more individualistic, impetuous and impulsive energy and such influence can "hurt." is affected by a possible feeling of worthlessness. These are people who may not value themselves (or may not know the exact measure of their value). Therefore, he should not fear his initiatives nor his own strength. At some point in life, the native must embark on a journey of self-discovery to overcome any feelings of helplessness that arise during life.
🎲Chiron in Taurus: can give rise to some problems related to insecurity or self-esteem. They may resent not considering themselves attractive or for some physical attribute that they dislike. Insecurity can also be due to the scarcity of some material good that he considers essential. It can be money, property, in short, anything he needs to feel safe and stable. Once he achieves such achievements and goals, insecurity will tend to decrease. People with this positioning have to learn to value themselves more in order to heal.
🎲Chiron in Gemini: May indicate a need to find your own voice. They can be very imaginative and creative but can have some problems expressing themselves. They relate more to their outgoing and spiritual side, some seek time for seclusion, introspection, and reflection. Individuals have difficulty learning rigorously, mechanically, but they still acquire knowledge by paying attention, capturing the deeper messages.
🎲Chiron in Cancer: Those with this positioning are more likely to feel out of place, sometimes thinking that they are not loved or that they do not receive enough love and attention. These are people who are more inclined to care for others, but they also need to be cared for. Learning to take care of their own needs is the key to balance, so they can feel complete. Opening your heart and accepting the love of others is also essential to healing any inner pain that may arise.
🎲Chiron in Leo: It can influence some feelings of dismissal, which eventually causes these people to feel unrecognized or not feel creative enough. These natives may think that their talents are or have been neglected, they may feel that they never had the opportunity to shine. The difficulty they demonstrate in expressing their own talents may be due to a repressed childhood or other various situations. To help overcome it, the individual needs to find a way to get closer to her inner child and awaken her creativity.
🎲Chiron in Virgo: may indicate possible changes in health or the feeling that personal problems are never definitively resolved. This influence can give the person a different way of dealing with the body, healing and health, in addition to work and routine. It can make the individual overly critical. It is recommended to learn to face imperfection, something that can be very difficult for them. . The fact is, since they tend to naturally be a perfectionist, they could use this trait where it is most welcome: in the spheres of healing and work.
🎲Chiron in Libra: May suggest possible problems in relationships with people. Relationships with some individuals may be more difficult and you may constantly have to deal with someone who is rude or rude. Or someone selfish or unfair. It may also indicate that this person is more likely to feel hurt or rejected in a relationship. You need to contain your impulses to achieve everything that the Libran scale means. The solution may involve better communication, more harmonious relationships, and the use of logic and common sense.
🎲Chiron in Scorpio: may suggest resentments or losses, material or symbolic throughout life. may, in some ways, suffer losses at an early age. Or feeling like a part of yourself has died due to irreparable losses. He may be afraid of his power to "dive" into the hearts of others, just as he may feel helpless. You are advised to enjoy life more lightly, because even when we lose something or someone, our life goes on and we can still become richer and more experienced with what we have or achieve.
🎲Chiron in Sagittarius: may suggest a certain lack of incentive in life or possible ruptures in your beliefs and values. In the sign of Sagittarius it may suggest wounds in the person's structure of faith or natural enthusiasm, which may have been discredited or missing. had no incentive. This positioning may suggest a break with spiritual traditions or teachings that may cause pain. People with this positioning may feel confined to a mundane existence. When you realize that there is wisdom in your own heart, your healing process begins.
🎲Chiron in Capricorn: May suggest some difficulty achieving goals in life and dealing with authority. It can suggest the difficulties that an individual may have in satisfying his or her greatest desires. From an early age, his ambition may have been restricted or he may have encountered many obstacles that were difficult to overcome. Perhaps you have lacked incentive from family or friends, or you have encountered inflexible bosses, etc. To overcome this, these natives must believe in themselves again, because then they will have more energy to pursue their ambitions.
🎲Chiron in Aquarius: can suggest wounds in collective concepts, freedom or personal originality. It may suggest feelings of inadequacy and social rejection. Aquarius brings a desire for freedom, originality, and the collective good, and such positioning can undermine such things, making the individual eventually feel uncomfortable dealing with people, groups, and tribes, and more likely to feel disconnected or isolated. To find the path to healing, they must learn to be themselves and appreciate their differences. This can be a difficult lesson, as some are not as comfortable in their own skin.
🎲Chiron in Pisces: may suggest wounds in beliefs, intuition, and the willingness to help those in need. People with this positioning in their birth chart may have been wounded by being wrong about others, suffering disappointments or betrayals. It suggests possible existential crises. This individual may eventually suffer a religious or spiritual crisis or lose faith in the world and others. They must balance their feelings and understand that there are disappointments along the way, but they can be overcome. That way, they will be able to find a cure for their problems.
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em-dash-press · 11 months
The 5 Most Essential Turning Points in a Character’s Arc
You spend so much time creating a character because you want them to feel real. You want to connect with them and use them to create an experience for your readers. Their character arc is how that happens.
Don’t miss out on these essential turning points that make an arc feel not only whole, but complete.
1. The Inciting Incident
Your inciting incident gets your plot moving. It isn’t going to be the first sentence of your story (also called your hook), although it could be if you crafted your first sentence for that purpose.
An inciting incident is a plot event that guides your character in a new direction. It’s the successful prison break, the meeting of instant rivals, or the moment your protagonist wins the lottery in your first chapter.
Without the inciting incident, your protagonist’s life would carry on as usual. They wouldn’t start the arc that makes them an interesting person for the reader to stick with throughout your story.
2. Introducing the Protagonist’s Main Flaw
Every protagonist needs a primary flaw. Ideally, they’ll have more than one. People aren’t perfect and they rarely get close enough to only have one negative characteristic. Protagonists need that same level of humanity for readers to connect with them.
There are many potential flaws you could consider, but the primarily flaw must be the foundation for your character’s arc. It might even be the catalyst for the story’s peak.
Imagine a hero archetype. They’re great and well-intended, but they have a problem with boasting. Their arc features scenes where they learn to overcome their need to brag about themselves, but they get drunk and boast in a bar right before the story’s peak. The antagonist’s best friend hears this because they’re at the same bar, so they report the hero’s comment to the main villain. It thwarts the hero’s efforts and makes the climax more dramatic.
Other potential flaws to consider:
3. Their First Failure
Everyone will fail at a goal eventually. Your protagonist should too. Their first failure could be big or small, but it helps define them. They either choose to continue pursuing that goal, they change their goal, or their worldview shatters.
Readers like watching a protagonist reshape their identity when they lose sight of what they wnat. They also like watching characters double down and pursue something harder. Failure is a necessary catalyst for making this happen during a character’s arc.
4. Their Rock Bottom
Most stories have a protagonist that hits their rock bottom. It could be when their antagonist defeats them or lose what matters most. There are numerous ways to write a rock-bottom moment. Yours will depend on what your character wants and what your story’s theme is.
If you forget to include a rock-bottom moment, the reader might feel like the protagonist never faced any real stakes. They had nothing to lose so their arc feels less realistic.
Rock bottoms don’t always mean earth-shattering consequences either. It might be the moment when your protagonist feels hopeless while taking an exam or recognizes that they just don’t know what to do. Either way, they’ll come to grips with losing something (hope, direction, or otherwise) and the reader will connect with that.
5. What the Protagonist Accepts
Protagonists have to accept the end of their arc. They return home from their hero’s journey to live in a life they accept as better than before. They find peace with their new fate due to their new community they found or skills they aquired.
Your protagonist may also accept a call to action. They return home from their journey only to find out that their antagonist inspired a new villain and the protagonist has to find the strength to overcome a new adversary. This typically leads into a second installment or sequel.
Accepting the end of their arc helps close the story for the reader. A protagonist who decides their arc wasn’t worth it makes the reader disgruntled with the story overall. There has to be a resolution, which means accepting whatever the protagonist’s life ended up as—or the next goal/challenge they’ll chase.
Hopefully these points make character arcs feel more manageable for you. Defining each point might feel like naming your instincts, but it makes character creation and plotting easier.
Want more creative writing tips and tricks? I have plenty of other fun stuff on my website, including posts like Traits Every Protagonist Needs and Tips for Writing Subplots.
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blushk1tten · 3 months
Ok, imagine you're a guest on Chuckle Sandwich, and the topic of Ted going to every MargaritaVille and the Rainforest Cafe comes up. Then, it turns to how you and Schlatt should go to every (whatever restaurant) in the country as a challenge. At first it was a joke, but then it slowly became something you and Schlatt started planning on. And during the trip, you guys starting getting closer and closer, knowing each other more and more. Where at the point you guys are flirting, touching, kissing, and even to the point you guys have sex.
I can even imagine that during one of the hotel rooms you guys were staying at, you accidentally see Schlatt full body naked. And seeing Schlatt absolutely embarrassed about it, you show Schlatt your naked body to make things even between you two.
i’m sorry this took so long but this prompt had me frothing at the mouth. i hope you enjoy <3
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"no, because i loved when you went to every margaritaville and rainforest cafe," you explained to ted as you sat sandwiched between him and schlatt on their podcast. "i've had a similar idea for a while. i want to go to at least one cat cafe in every continental state, and along the way promote some shelters for people to adopt at."
ted raised his eyebrows curiously. "really? that sounds pretty cool. maybe you should take schlatt with you, since he's a lonely cat man and all."
"ignoring the fact that having two cats does not make me a lonely cat man," schlatt shot back at ted. "that sounds like a cool idea. i know there's plenty of cats like jambo and the other guy who need adopted."
you couldn't help but laugh a bit. "maybe ted's right. you sound pretty passionate about it for a totally not lonely cat man. you could come with me, and not be so lonely."
with that final word from schlatt, you had accidentally and officially locked yourself into the trip with him. he began to help you research cat cafes and shelters in every state, and helped you to plan the road trip map as well. that was only the start of the two of you getting closer. on the trip, it was a whole different thing.
"let's play twenty-one questions!" you suggested after leaving the cat cafe in austin, heading for your hotel and the next one in louisiana. after all, you had a roughly eight hour drive ahead of you.
schlatt scoffed, looking over at you. "isn't that a game for teenagers tryin' t' date someone?"
"no," you protested back. "it's for people to get to know each other better! i'll go first if you're going to be a dick. what's your favorite animal other than cats?"
he paused for a minute, then admitted his answer in a gruff voice. "bearded dragons. i used t’ have one when i was younger. he was a chill dude."
"see, that's nice, and i learned something new about you," you gave him a small smile. "now you ask me a question."
"are you a virgin?"
"schlatt! i'm not answering that."
the game continued to go similarly, with you asking genuine questions to get to know schlatt, while he asked raunchier questions to poke fun at you and get under your skin. about halfway through your journey though, you gave in, and began to answer him.
"what's your biggest turn on?"
"any kind of intimate touch."
he raised his eyebrows, surprised that he finally got an answer. "intimate touch? what does that mean?"
you could feel your face grow hot as you tried to explain. "any touch from a partner of mine, even if it's casual."
"even if they, like, shake your hand?"
that eased the tension, and you burst out into laughter as you shook your head. "okay, maybe not any touch."
with each leg of the trip, the two of you learned more about each other and grew closer. about halfway through the trip though, was when things began to heat up between the two of you. it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to flirt or use pet names with the other.
“hey, toots,” he called to you, keeping his voice quiet so he didn’t startle the cats. “look at this one. i think it likes me.”
you couldn’t but giggle from your spot on the floor, where a gaggle of cats and kittens had been swarming you for affection. throughout your trip, you had come to find that most of the cats preferred you to schlatt. some found his large stature imposing, while others just didn’t like men, so it was a special moment whenever any cats would come up to him. this time, it was an old, graying tabby, purring loudly from its spot on schlatt’s lap.
“the first time you’ve ever gotten pussy in your life, big guy?” you teased, standing up and moving to sit beside him.
“oh, fuck you,” he scoffed softly, though he looked at you with a smile. “he just knows i’m the better person out of us. look, he’s not interested in you at all.”
it was true. the cat was completely content with schlatt and paying no attention to you. meanwhile, you couldn’t help but pay attention to schlatt. with a soft smile on his face as he scratched the cat’s chin and back, he looked endearing. dare you say it, he looked handsome. you couldn’t help it when you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
schlatt stopped petting the cat instantly, looking at you with surprise in his brown eyes. then, after a moment, he spoke up. “you missed.”
this time, you could feel the surprise on your face as he leaned in again and kissed you on your lips, soft and tender. it wasn’t until the cat on schlatt’s lap meowed in displeasure at the lack of pets that you broke apart.
“i’ll— i’ll edit that out.” you stammered, glancing at the various cameras you had set up while schlatt resumed petting the cat.
“yeah,” he nodded, a light blush on his cheeks. “that sounds good.”
from that point on, flirting and pet names came with the addition of kisses. sometimes they happened on camera in the cat cafes, while other times one of you would invite the other over to their hotel room for a heated makeout session. soon enough though, the trip was coming to an end. you only had a few more cat cafes left before the road trip was over. that would mean an end to the flirting, the pet names, and the kisses that managed to steal your breath each time.
you were thinking about it forlornly as you headed to schlatt’s hotel room, hoping for a nice makeout session to cheer you up. he had actually given you the extra key, so you didn’t think twice as you swiped the card and opened his door. however, you didn’t even make it a step in before you noticed schlatt, completely nude with his bath towel in hand.
“oh my god!” you exclaimed, catching his attention as well.
the last thing you saw before turning on your heel and slamming the door was a glimpse of something massive between his thighs, heat filling your face as you ran back to your own room. you had no idea how you would address that incident, nor did you know if you wanted to. the flirting, pet names, and kissing was one thing, but seeing him naked and anything beyond that was something else.
eventually, you heard the buzz of a keycard opening up your room, though you kept your gaze firmly on the floor as you sat at the end of your bed.
“doll,” schlatt spoke up after a moment. “i’m not mad at you or anything. i gave you a keycard t’ my room so you could come whenever you wanted. i should’ve changed in the bathroom or said somethin’ when i heard the door.”
you shook your head, hoping that any embarrassment on your face was gone as you looked up. “no, jay, it’s my fault. i should’ve knocked before coming in.”
he sat down next to you on the bed. “we both could’ve done stuff differently, but hey, shit happens.”
you nodded, the wheels in your brain turning. you wanted to make it up to him somehow. then, it hit you. the best— or possibly the worst— idea that you had ever had. “i could get naked and let you see to make up for it.”
schlatt went silent for a moment, staring at you as if you had just spoken another language. “what?”
“i’m serious,” you told him. “i got to see you, so you should get to see me. then, we’ll be even.”
his throat bobbed as he swallowed. then, he nodded. “well, toots, better get to it.”
with that, you stood up and began to strip, first pulling off your top, then tugging your shorts down. the whole time, you could feel your heart pounding. you’d gotten naked in the past for others, but something about doing it for schlatt, the same schlatt you’d been growing feelings for, felt different. still, you continued, taking off your bra and underwear as well until you were finally naked in front of him. schlatt’s first words were the same as yours.
“oh my god, doll,” he took a sharp breath as he looked you over, his eyes beginning to smolder with lust. “you look perfect. like everything i’ve imagined and more.”
you couldn’t help but blush, though you were a bit surprised as well. “what do you mean everything you’ve imagined?”
schlatt blinked, his lust fading in confusion. “doll, you have t’ know how much i want ya by now, i just— i didn’t want t’ make you uncomfortable, so i took what i could get.”
“what do you mean when you say you want me?”
“platonically, sexually, romantically. whatever i can get.”
it felt like a weight came off your shoulders when schlatt said that, and you couldn’t help but smile as you walked forward to sit on his lap. “what about all of the above?”
he nodded, then like so many other times, he leaned in to kiss you. this time though, it was different, full of a special kind of passion that came with knowing your feelings were reciprocated. of course, there was also the fact that you were completely naked in schlatt’s lap, his hands running over every inch of skin he could reach.
“jay,” you whined between kisses. “wanna fuck you.”
“fuck, hold on, doll. lemme get my clothes off and get you prepped.”
he didn't take long in stripping, allowing you to finally get a good look at his body. that included his long, thick cock, hanging heavy between his thighs and curving slightly to the left.
"how is that supposed to fit?" you mumbled quietly to yourself, though schlatt chuckled as he heard.
"don't worry, doll," he promised, moving down and pressing a kiss to your clit. "i'll make sure you're nice and wet f' me."
you couldn't help but gasp as he dived in, your fingers tangling in his hair as he ate your pussy like it was his last meal. his own fingers were busy playing with your clit, as he drank up the slick coming from your cunt. "jay!"
schlatt moved and pressed a kiss to your clit before pulling back with a grin, switching to sliding two fingers in your pussy. "c'mon, doll. we're just getting started,"
a high-pitched whine left your mouth, and your back arched as he began to search for the spot that would make you fall apart. it didn't take long either, his grin growing as you called out for him again. "there it is. that's my pretty girl, soakin' my fuckin' fingers. are you gonna cum, baby?"
you nodded, crying out as he began to suck your clit as well. it was your undoing, and you quickly reached your orgasm as he continued to pump his fingers. "i'm cumming, jay! i'm cumming!"
he pulled off and gently pulled his fingers out, face shining slightly with your slick. "good girl. did that feel okay?"
once again, you nodded, panting for breath. "felt amazing."
schlatt leaned in to kiss you, a string of slick connecting your lips as he pulled back. you both laughed, and he pulled back further to break it. "so, are you ready for the rest?"
"yes please," you murmured, him carefully getting into position over you. "just be gentle."
"i promise." he replied, leaning in again to give you a quick kiss before he pushed in.
despite how wet and open you felt, schlatt was big enough that it was a stretch. your nails dug into his back, and you couldn't stop the whimper that escaped you. "oh my god, oh my god—"
he stopped for a minute, looking down at you in concern. still, you could see how hard he was working to keep still. "you okay, doll?"
"just give me a minute. your dick is fucking massive."
the two of you stayed in silence, each trying not to move until you finally gave the go ahead. this time, as schlatt finished pushing in and began to move, you could feel pleasure starting to run up your spine.
"feeling better?" he grinned, his smug attitude beginning to return as the pleasure was clear on your face.
"mhm," you agreed, beginning to roll your hips in time with his thrusts. "feeling a lot better— fuck!"
he adjusted your position into a mating press, making it so you could hear the wet sounds of your pussy as he thrust in, and let out a groan. "fuck, doll. your pussy's so wet f' me. gonna pump you full of cum, get ya even more slick,"
you couldn't help but whimper, clenching around his cock at that statement and making him chuckle a bit. "you like that idea? me fillin' you up with all my cum, gettin' your tummy all round?"
"please," you begged with a sob, making him pick up his pace with another groan. "please breed me, jay!"
"shit, doll, is that it? you want me to make you a mama?"
you nodded, drunk with pleasure. "mhm, please, jay. need your cum so bad."
"you'll get it doll," he grunted, moving his hand down to your clit as well. "just give me a minute. want you to cum too."
sure enough, it didn't take much longer for schlatt's thrusts to grow sloppy and his breathing to grow ragged. "you ready, baby?"
"yes, jay," you moaned, back arching once again as you felt your orgasm building. "gonna cum!"
"then cum, doll. need you to cum so i can give you a baby." he grunted, fingers continuing to dexterously play with your clit.
that was all it took for you to peak, tumbling over the edge with a cry. you could feel yourself milking schlatt as you came, causing him to cum shortly after. you couldn't help but feel tears prick at your eyes from the full feeling. it was everything you could have dreamt of with schlatt and more.
he helped you clean up afterwards, gentle and caring, before snuggling with you in bed.
"so," he eventually murmured, playing with your hair. "we're going to keep this up for the rest of the trip, and even after, right?"
you smiled softly, cuddling closer to him and giving him a kiss. "i think we'll be doing this for a long time to come."
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nanaminsmoon · 10 months
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.
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a/n: i don't know how i feel about this yet but i hope it's okay lol. but i do know that i need this man real bad. and i picked this song bc it just kinda reminds me of this:)) also, i'm british but i always imagine the characters i write to have american accents so that's how i write them:))
cw: throat fucking, breeding, connie calls reader 'ma', 'hermosa', and 'baby', oral (f + m receiving), connie nuts on reader, n word usage, connie speaks spanish 2x; 'lo sé, hermosa, lo sé' (i know, beautiful, i know); 'quieres un hijo, ma?' (you want a kid, ma?)
wc: 2286
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you always knew connie was a problem. from the day your ex introduced you to him, and his eyes’ journey across your body was one that should not be taken by a guy your man called his ‘best friend’. connie’s treatment towards you had never held any resemblance to that of a friend. it was almost as if he had no desire to hide his want for you. shown by the way he spent the rest of that evening, at eren’s house, eye-fucking you. his eyes probing you; brushing across your entire body, making the hairs on your skin rise at his command.
after that night, his eyes would return to you; attaching themselves to any moving flesh, as you shook ass when you guys all went out together. but, once again, you brushed him off. and you could've sworn you whined on him one time but the dim lighting in the club meant that you could never confirm. it was never to the extent where he made you particularly uncomfortable, you just needed to know what the nigga’s problem was. so you asked your, now ex, boyfriend ony about it. but he had accused you of blowing it all out of proportion.
“just because the nigga looked at you, you think he wants you?”, he had scoffed, shaking his head at you.
“it’s not about him looking, ony, it’s how he looked.”, you defended, and ony had rolled his eyes and carried on with whatever he was doing. that marked the first of many arguments you two had about connie.
the turning point came when you and ony broke up, and the first person to text you as soon as it happened was…connie. it was as if he had been waiting for this very moment since he met you. and he had. but, unlike his prolonged affections for you, the message he sent you was short.
”you good?”, you looked at your screen through teary eyes, and saw that he was facetiming you. so you, hesitantly, answered and you were met with a sentimental connie, throwing condolences your way. ensuring you that you would be fine, and telling you praises like; ‘you were too good for him anyways’ and ‘i would never treat a girl as beautiful and smart as you like that. i don’t know what he was thinking’. and, as sweet as his words were, you couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his words that denounced his friend, aimed at the ears of his ex-girlfriend. but their comfort outweighed all the suspicions, so those calls became more regular. and, perhaps, that's how you got to where you are now; head upside down over the edge of his bed, with his dick fucking in and out of your throat.
“why you ain’t leave him sooner, y/n? i know he ain't ever fucked you like this”, your head tried to shake a response to him and he just laughed down at you, thinking you were absolutely adorable. even with all that spit spilling out the corners of your mouth, and your mascara running all over your face.
he had invited you over to just “chill”, but you knew better and went in a matching bra and thong—you didn’t know if it was just post-breakup loneliness, or wishful thinking because you had been feeling him for timeee. but it was a gesture he had laughed at once he took your clothes off.
“you want this dick just as bad as it wants you, huh?”, he had laughed, earning an abashed giggle from yourself. how he ended up fucking your throat, you didn't know. but you had weakened this man’s knees considerably, and now both of his hands were placed on your knees. the sight of your dainty hands toying with your clit as he used your throat as a cock sleeve made his dick pulsate in your throat. so he pulled out of you, slowly, groaning before he had two seconds to position his dick and nut all over your chest and stomach.
you no longer had loyalties to ony, so you could freely admit that connie was eating you out in a way ony never had. the pleasure he was giving you travelled through every cell in your body, even reaching your fingertips as one of your hands tried to grab at whatever parts of his bleached buzz cut it could. the other busy cramping due to how hard you were grabbing at the duvet underneath you. both of your legs rested over his shoulders as his tongue politely abused your heat. you thought you felt something in his mouth when you two kissed earlier, but the adrenaline coursing through your body had dulled your senses. but, now he had you spread open on his bed, you could feel the small ball of metal greeting your clit as he sucked it into his mouth; the combination of the cold jewellery and the warmth of his tongue making your back lift off the bed. you were so close to your end, and that gap was finally closed when the little ball started vibrating. connie’s lower face was drenched, your wetness running down his chin and neck.
not a drop of it was wasted as he wiped it on his hand and licked it all off, his eyes glued to your face the entire time. having not fully come down from your high, connie’s next movements were a blur to you. all you remembered was him pulling something out of his draw, then your legs were in his arms, your thighs meeting his hips as connie fucked into you like he would get evicted from his house if he didn't. his trimmed fingernails were digging into the flesh surrounding your thighs and his eyebrows met to furrow in the middle of his face. he no longer cared about loyalties, not with how tight you were. he would do this now, and deal with the consequences later. because how could he let his best friend get in between him and the finest girl he'd ever met?
this man fucked you mercilessly, it was as if he had a point to prove. and he did—he wanted you to know that it's him you should've been with in the first place. he would’ve been so much better to you than his friend had been. and if you couldn’t see it, you’d feel it. the tip of his dick was damn near touching your lungs, knocking out any air you had stored in them. your eyes hadn’t focused since you entered those four walls, and connie’s were clouded by you. and that cloud finally rained down when you came around him,
“c-connieee—fuck—s-so good—fuckfuckfuck”, were your final words before your second nut of the night—arousal flooding the fabric underneath you, as well as connie's lower abdomen. seeing you coat him again, and wet the places that dried after the first one, made connie’s dick throb. but he wanted you to nut again before he got his own end.
so he picked you up, and laid you on your stomach, lifting your ass up, and giving it a quick slap. the sensitivity still resounding in all your limbs exacerbated the feeling of his palm, and long fingers, meeting your soft flesh. before he spaced your legs apart, his right one knelt between them, and his left propped up beside you. in seconds he was pounding into you again. your hands were grabbing at pillows, sheets, anything to find a small grip on reality. because this man was trying to fuck you into madness. his brain had stopped working the moment your lips attached to his, and its small whisper of reason evaporated and was replaced by his dick’s harsh clamours to fuck you until he couldn’t anymore.
clamours became careless whispers telling him to nut in you, and get you pregnant so you could be his forever. something he had joked about it in your facetimes, telling you,
”i have half a mind to make you the mother of my kids. then i could take care of you forever”, your view was of him cooking shirtless, with nothing but pyjama bottoms on. and you knew there was nothing under them because of the way they sat on his hips—his v-line fully exposed. but your response had been a laugh and an eyeroll,
“shut up, bro. i’m not trynna be anyone’s baby mum”, you scoffed.
”i never said baby mum. i said mother of my kids. there’s a difference”, he had reassured, earning another eyeroll from you. that conversation replayed over, and over, again in his head. and he tried to disperse those thoughts by maintaining a firm hold on your hips, pulling you onto him as he fucked you like his life depended on it.
he was hitting you with those slow strokes that hit the right spot every single time, and it had you whining and slapping the pillows above your head,
“don't tap out on me, ma, c’mon. stay wit’ me”, and you tried, but the pleasure he was making you feel was enough to drive a grown woman to insanity.
“i'm trying con-n, but it's—nnggh—too fucking good. fuck”, he revelled in knowing he was being this good to you, even if it meant dire things for his friendship. he had always wanted to see what this pussy was like, and now he knew, he'd be back again next week. same time, same place, the only changing being the positions he bends you into.
”lo sé, hermosa, lo sé”, he smirked onto your skin as he kissed it; his plump lips starting at your shoulders, making their way down the valley in the middle of your back. his hands would travel the width of your back, before one of them wrapped around your throat to pull you up to him—your back flush against his tatted chest. his body weight rested on his heels as he fucked up into you; one hand still gently squeezing your throat, and the other gripping onto your tit like it’d fall off if he let go of it. he didn’t know what he was saying anymore, all he needed was to make you his.
”quieres un hijo, ma?”, he voiced, and you blindly just nodded, until he spoke again, ”yeah, you do? want me to put a kid in ya?”, you didn’t know if he was playing or not, but you didn’t need the mess that would come with having a kid with your ex’s best-friend. even though you were trying to collect your thoughts, your surprise caused you to tighten around him. and that just made connie go even harder.
”n-no, connie, n-no. whattabout ony-y?”, you mewled out and he scoffed at you, his grip on your throat slightly harsher.
”the fuck he gonna say? huh?”, that last ’huh’ came out through gritted pearly whites, ”how’s he gonna claim you if you got my kid in ya? huh? he ain’t gonna do shit, ma, don’t stress”, he cooed before peppering small kisses all over you.
”b-but”, you wanted to tell this man that he’d lost his damn mind, but your eyes were too busy flickering into their sockets as more whines left your mouth.
”no buts, baby, i’ll take care of you”, his mouth left open-mouthed kisses all over your neck and, with the way he was making you feel, you just nodded in agreement.
the words, ”good girl”, were the golden keys that opened the flood gates, and you came around him. that nut took all the strength from your body, and you would’ve fallen onto the bed if he hadn’t been holding you up. even still, the merciless pace which he fucked up into you with, did not falter. and you came again, crooning his name in overstimulation.
”c-conniee, fff-fuck”, your voice cracked out. he just smirked at your cute demeanour and resumed kissing your shoulders. before his groans fell deeper, and his fingertips dug deeper into your skin. his arms held you still and he came inside you—his release stealing his strength, meaning he gently dropped you onto the bed, collapsing beside you after doing so.
”you didn’t nut in me.”, you spoke quietly, and you thought the duvet had muffled you but the low chuckles rumbling from behind you told you otherwise.
”i had a condom on. you ain’t see me take it out?”, he walked off the bed, ”or did you really think i was gonna put a baby in you?”, he smirked, taking the thin layer of latex off him. his face winced at the sensitivity.
”nah.”, you spoke sheepishly, shaking your head against the duvet. he got off the bed, and made his way to the side you were laying on. once he made it to you, he grabbed you by your chin—making you sit on your legs as your body wavered. then his tatted hand was on your jaw,
”’f you want that baby, just ask and i’ll give it to ya”, his voice was quiet and the corners of his lips rose, as his eyes remained on yours. and once he saw your head make a small nod, his smile grew even bigger.
© Rights owned by nanaminsmoon. Do not repost without permission.
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hannieehaee · 4 months
finding out you're pregnant - vu
hhu, vu, pu
content: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of marriage, established relationship, initial negative reactions, fluffy outcome for all of them.
wc: 736
a/n: thank u to the person who requested this <3 pls lmk if u guys would like a pu version! just for context, the og request was for them to have a negative reaction and then transition to fluff!
jeonghan -
for the first time in his life, he'd be speechless, not knowing how to proceed. this had always been one of his dreams, and you were his dream person, so why was he not reacting? why was he just sitting there staring at you? why was he not jumping in joy at the thought of you bearing his child? he had no answers for any of these questions, sitting in place as the information replayed in his head.
his stoic reaction would only last so long. only until the very moment in which he sensed his lack of reaction mightve hurt your feelings, causing him to immediately jump up and hold you in his arms, wiping any tears that mightve fallen and cooing at you, calling himself an idiot as he told you how happy he was to share this with you, sharing his hopes for a girl.
joshua -
he'd be immediately terrified, not having planned for this at all. he had always wanted to have kids, but he thought itd be at a point where he had already settled down with you, maybe put a ring on your finger. you'd be met with no response at first, just a wide-eyed joshua who was seemingly collecting his thoughts. he wouldnt realize that his silence would have you thinking the worst of thoughts, thinking that maybe he didnt want this, nor you.
you two would have to talk about it a bit, speak for the realistic steps that would have to be taken to assure a safe and happy life for the both of you considering his very public career. he'd take a break from all the logistics, though, to let you know how over the moon he was. he'd apologize for the delay in his reaction, but would let you know that this had always been one of his dreams. he didnt care if it came at an unplanned time, all he cared about was that it was you he was doing it with.
jihoon -
would slap himself mentally at the 'shit' that immediately left his mouth when you first uttered the news to him. would try to backtrack the moment he sensed the dejection in your demeanor. he hadnt mean to say that! it was just a slip of the tongue, truly!
after the initial shock wore down (and after a ton of apologies from him), he would tell you how incredibly happy he was at the news, having never imagined he'd have a child with the love of his life. he'd express his very realistic worries at the fears he may have had of having a child of his own, but would reassure you that this was a journey he was ready to take with you.
seokmin -
yet another member who would be rendered speechless. you? pregnant? with his kid?? his brain couldnt function. he had never felt such happiness in his life. he had been waiting for years for his sister to have a kid, with the endless hope of becoming an uncle, and now you were telling him he was going to be a dad? there were no words to describe his happiness. except his silence would have you feeling the exact opposite.
the moment you even began to verbalize your worries at what you perceived to be his disappointment in the news, he would immediately interrupt you and smother you with all the love he could muster. would not allow you a single word in as he cried against your arms about how happy he was, how this was the greatest moment of his life and how he would give you and your little one everything the world had to offer.
seungkwan -
eyes wide and breath caught in his throat. would immediately freak out, as he usually did. wouldnt even process anything after the word 'pregnant' left your mouth. wouldnt even realize you were equally as freaked out, unknowing as to what to do with his frantic reaction.
it would take him a while to calm his breathing, bringing himself right back to earth. upon realizing how badly he freaked you out with his own reaction, he'd apologize repeatedly, telling you that it was just in the heat of the moment and that he'd support you in any and every way. would tell you how this was the greatest thing and that he was so happy to start this new life with you.
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lancermylove · 3 months
Proposal (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Lucifer, Mammon, Diavolo, Barbatos with gn!Reader
Warning: None
Prompt: He proposes to you.
A/N: Sorry for only doing four! 🙏
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Lucifer spent weeks meticulously planning the perfect proposal for you, taking into account your personality, preferences, and the significance of the moment.
Ultimately, he arranged a private dinner in the garden of Diavolo's castle under the starlit sky.
Before the main event, Lucifer took you on a stroll through the lavish garden, walking hand in hand with you. He reminisced about your journey together and expressed his deep affection and gratitude for your presence in his life. If you hadn't been there, his relationship with his brothers would still be broken. And even if Lucifer didn't tell you, he was genuinely thankful for everything you did for him.
As the two of you reached a secluded spot near the banks of the lake, Lucifer stopped and firmly held onto your hand. His gaze softened as he spoke from the bottom of his heart. "I cannot fathom a life without your presence, nor do I wish to imagine it. You have changed me in a way I would not have thought. You have brought light and warmth into my barren heart. Hence..." 
He brought out a beautifully crafted jewelry box containing a ring with your favorite gemstone before getting down on one knee. "Would you do me the honors of protecting and loving you?"
The moment you said yes, he delicately slid the ring onto your finger and stood up to give you a long, passionate kiss. 
It was the happiest moment in his life thus far, and he hoped to create more happy memories and moments with you.
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Despite his usual bravado, Mammon was secretly nervous about proposing to you, and while he wasn't the type to care for perfection, he wanted that moment to be perfect.
Mammon invited you to a casual outing as he wanted only the two of you to be present. The last thing the demon wanted was for his brothers to cause trouble or interfere in any way.
He took you on a long drive, eventually stopping at a secluded meadow under the pretense of a picnic. You thought it was a bit odd for him to have a picnic basket because you never considered him to be a picnic-going demon. But between your favorite snacks and the beauty of meadows, you weren't complaining.
Throughout the picnic, Mammon's nervous energy was palpable as he fidgeted with the ring box hidden in his pocket, stealing glances at you. He knew you picked up on his nervousness but was thankful you didn't point it out blatantly. 
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the meadow, Mammon took a deep breath and mustered up enough courage to speak from his heart. "Hey, (y/n). I've been thinkin'...a lot. Y'know I love ya, yeah? Look, I ain't good with my words, but since ya came into my life, things have been different, y'know? What I'm tryin' to say is I don't wanna live with ya by my side. I wanna see your face every morning, first thing when I wake up. I wanna hold ya close to me and not let go. You've made me a happy demon. I know I ain't perfect, but...I promise to be the best partner I can be for ya..." 
With trembling hands, Mammon took out the ring box and got down on one knee. His eyes were filled with nervousness, but his love for you overpowered his gaze. "So...what do ya say? Wanna marry me?"
As soon as you say yes, Mammon hopped up and gave you his tightest embrace. Then, he started to shower your face with kisses and completely forgot to put the ring on your finger.
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Diavolo planned an extravagant proposal fit for royalty, wanting to sweep you off your feet with a grand gesture and let the beings in Devildom know you were taken.
He arranged for a formal ball at the Devildom palace, inviting everyone he could think of under the guise of a general celebration.
Throughout the evening, Diavolo made sure you were treated like royalty, from your attire to showering you with attention and complimenting you left and right.
As the night progressed, Diavolo discreetly signaled for the music to change and took your hand, leading you to the center of the ballroom, where a spotlight illuminated you and him.
If you showed the slightest hint of discomfort in the spotlight, he planned to apologize later. However, Diavolo sank to one knee, producing a velvet-lined box containing a stunning ring fit for his significant other.
With unwavering confidence and charm, Diavolo began to speak. "My dearest, you have brought much joy to us. You have shown perseverance in the face of challenges, compassion in times of need, and confidence in your feats. I cannot think of a better fit for myself and Devildom than you. Would you do the honors of marrying me and ruling Devildom by my side?" 
Diavolo presented the ring to you, his eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation as he awaited your answer. When you said yes, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. The prince slid the ring on your finger before picking you up by your waist and spinning you around. 
While Diavolo was a cheerful man, the smile he had on his lips was far brighter than one anyone had seen.
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Barbatos invited you to dinner at the castle. Initially, you thought Diavolo was the one who asked you through Barbatos, but when you reached the kitchen, you noticed him making your favorite dishes from scratch.
You watched him gracefully move around around the kitchen, effortlessly preparing the ingredients and cooking with precision.
As he cooked, Barbatos engaged in light conversation, asking about your day, if the brothers did anything unusual today, and if you had anything planned for the upcoming days. He didn't give hints about his plan until he was almost done cooking. 
Barbatos' questions changed from casual inquiries to questions about your future plans, your goals, aspirations, and what you hoped to achieve. You were confused about why he was curious about your future but decided to shrug it off. However, the conversation left you very curious.
"I love you, (y/n)." He casually said as he passed by you, and just as casually, you responded to him. "I love you too." Not that you realized it then, but Barbatos had a victorious smile on his lips, which he hid from you. 
With the meal ready, Barbatos led you to a table with candles and flowers for a candlelight dinner. Through dinner, he continued the casual conversation until the end. When you began to eat dessert, Barbatos watched you with a smile warmer than his usual one. 
His question had no frills, no long speech, and got straight to the point. "(Y/n), since you love me as well, would you do me the honor of becoming my significant other?" 
With a warm smile, Barbatos presented you with a small, beautifully wrapped box containing the ring. You stared at him blankly with the dessert fork still in your mouth. Then, it dawned on Barbatos that he had confessed his feelings for you, and you confessed in return. He watched you with an amused smirk, enjoying the reel of expressions sweeping across your face.
"I shall take that as an affirmation." Without waiting for you to say yes, he slid the ring on your finger. But to add a cherry on top, he rubbed his thumb across the corner of your lip, wiping some icing. Bringing his thumb to his lips, he licked it off and smirked at you. "Scrumptuous." 
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
The RV careens out of the trailer park and hits the open road with what pretty much amounts to ‘all speed, no grace.’ The turn Steve makes is, quite frankly, abysmal; he’s sure that if his driving instructor could see him now, the poor man would be weeping in distress.
Yet his passengers erupt into cheers as they pass the Leaving Hawkins sign, like he’s pulled some kind of James Bond move.
And, for all his insistence on being the absolute antithesis to so-called ‘jock culture’, Eddie rushes over to the driver’s seat, starts squeezing Steve’s shoulder with decidedly jock-like exuberance.
“Holy shit, holy shit, that was so fucking cool, Harrington.”
Oh, he’s definitely broken through the depression stage of the ‘finding out there’s an alternate dimension in Hawkins’ journey—landing firmly in the fuck it, might as well have some fun stage.
Steve could tell they’d reached that point even before the goddamn ‘big boy’ comment, when Eddie had taken one look at the Michael Myers mask, looked Max dead in the eye and said, “This is gonna be. So fuckin’ stupid. Let’s do it.”
Steve goes through a few seconds more of having his shoulder pummelled before saying, “Dude, you’re doing a shitty job at being undercover, stay down.”
“Like, do you have any idea,” Eddie says breathily, as if Steve hasn’t spoken, “just how perfect that was? That was, God, a childhood dream fully—”
“You dreamed of stealing an RV?” Steve says dubiously.
“Not in such crude literal terms, no. C’mon, Harrington, you must’ve had an imagination once—”
“—didn’t you ever dream of, like, daring escapes, pulling the sword outta the stone, all that shit?”
Steve thinks about it. “I mean,” he says, “when I was a kid, I just kinda… climbed trees and stuff.”
Eddie sighs as if he can’t decide whether Steve’s done something especially annoying or endearing. “Of course you did.”
They reach a stop sign and Eddie finally flops into the passenger seat, facing Steve like he’s sitting side saddle on a horse.
“So,” Steve says, “I take a right after this, yeah?”
“Mm-hmm, well remembered, Mr Getaway Driver.”
Steve scoffs, glances over—finds Eddie framing him with his index finger and thumb, like a director trying to capture the perfect shot.
“James Dean,” Eddie says authoritatively, dropping his hands.
“Was tryin’ to figure it out, your whole look, you know? Very Rebel Without a Cause.”
“Okay,” Steve says, “but I have a cause, we all do.”
Eddie just blinks at him, and Steve chuckles.
“You, idiot.”
Steve has a moment to appreciate the way Eddie’s eyes go all soft and maybe just a little shiny, before he has to set off again. He takes the right turning.
“We should watch it,” Eddie says eventually. “Hell, I’ll take any movie. Just gimme, like, two hours of not having to think.”
“Tell me about it.”
Steve’s sure he’ll never complain about double VHS tapes ever again. Then a thought occurs to him.
“Shit.” He calls to the back. “Rob?”
“Y’know when we left Family Video, did we even lock up?”
“Yes,” Robin says followed immediately by, “No?”
Steve snorts. “God, we’re so fired.”
He hears Robin making her way up to the front, then Eddie saying, “Oof, Buckley, that was right in the ribs.”
“Why the sudden concern about our jobs, dingus?”
“I’m not concerned, I just got reminded of—Eddie was mentioning—”
“—Rebel Without a Cause,” Eddie finishes.
“Oh, Steve, I know you’ve seen it, I put it on last week!”
“Uh, maybe I was preoccupied doing, I dunno, my job.”
“It’s the one with—”
“James Dean,” Eddie cuts in.
“Yeah, I gathered, thanks,” Steve says sarcastically, but he can’t help smiling as he does so.
“—and it’s, you know,” Robin goes on, “troubled kid moves to a new town, and—”
“Aw,” Steve says, “you think I’m troubled, Munson?”
“It’s all in the eyes, Harrington. Such depths.”
“Right?” Robin says, and she’s laughing, tongue-in-cheek, “I’ve always said so.”
“You ever considered wearing a leather jacket?”
Steve laughs, too. “Tell ya what, Eddie, why don’t I just wear all your clothes?”
“Well, we know denim suits you.”
“If only you saw his last car-stealing outfit, Eddie.”
Steve sighs. “Robin, shut it.”
“Excuse me,” Eddie says, “d’you have form, Harrington? Grand theft auto form?”
“Literally once. Crazy circumstances.” Rest in peace, Todfather. “It was a Cadillac.”
“A Cadillac.” Eddie sighs dreamily. “Do you have any photos?”
“Uh, no, I was kinda busy.”
“I shall mourn the loss.”
“Take the next left here,” Nancy calls, which Steve is grateful for—the directions had gone completely out of his head.
“Wheeler, come up to the front,” Eddie says, “it’s a party.”
She must do, because her voice sounds much closer when she says, “Shit, I think I forgot to lock up, too.”
“Don’t worry,” Steve says, “no-one’s gonna ransack The Weekly Streak.”
Another stop sign—Steve looks over, smirks at how Eddie has ended up squished between Nancy and Robin, all of them sharing the one seat.
“They better not.” To Eddie, Nancy adds, “I think I gave your uncle the impression that I’m doing a big piece on you. Like, testimonials for an innocent man, stuff like that.”
For a flicker of a second, Eddie looks nauseated at the thought—Steve spots the shift, the decision to make a joke about it.
“Well, Wheeler, you better make me sound good.”
“Oh, I was going more for journalistic integrity.”
Steve hears a couple of thumps behind him; without even glancing in the mirror, he says, “Sit your asses down, shitheads, don’t make me turn this thing around.”
“Don’t make me turn this thing around!” Lucas parrots.
Max scoffs playfully: “Nineteen going on forty.”
“Eddie was standing before!” Erica points out.
Steve rolls his eyes. “Yeah, well, Eddie’s a law unto himself. Look, just sit down and, like, make a list or something, I’ll stop off for food after we’ve—”
Dustin laughs. “You really are forty.”
“Uh-huh, one more wisecrack and you’re not getting any chocolate pudding.”
Steve’s hamming it up, he knows he is—smiles to himself as he hears a quartet of giggles.
“Can you believe they used to think I was cool?” he says.
“I dunno, Harrington,” Eddie says warmly, “at least one of them doth protest too much.”
Nancy stands in search of a pen, Robin following, insisting to Dustin that, “We’re getting one of those camp stoves, if I don’t eat something hot soon, I’m gonna die.”
“Yeah,” Steve says. Maybe it’s because they’ll soon be arriving at The War Zone; his levity slips just a little when he says, “It’s probably, like, a proximity thing. Henderson’ll have a scientific term for it.”
Eddie chuckles. “What, the Steve Harrington effect?”
Steve shrugs. “You get too close, the shine wears off eventually.”
He doesn’t realise until he’s said it that the joking, perhaps, has stopped somewhere along the way.
“Huh,” Eddie says. “I’m no scientist, but that doesn’t sound like the Steve Harrington effect to me.”
“No?” Steve says.
He can see the parking lot in the distance, and he gestures for Eddie to duck.
“Nope,” Eddie says. Steve can hear him moving, crouching to hide behind the driver’s seat.
He parks and everyone’s abruptly all business, deciding who’s staying in the RV, who’s going into The War Zone.
Steve hates it, has a sudden intense longing to keep talking about movies, to just be stupid.
And maybe Eddie can tell, because just before Steve heads out, he catches his eye, smiles.
“Hey, don’t worry, Harrington,” he says with a tiny, fleeting wink. “You’re still my leading man.”
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deadandphilgames · 12 days
A note from Daniel (new epilogue from You Will Get Through This Night)
Thank you for reading This Night. Writing this book in 2021, while sitting locked down in a lightless basement apartment for months, had a certain self-fulfilling irony that was not lost on me.
In many ways, I wrote this book for not only my past self that I wish could have known these things when I needed them most - but for the guy sitting in an incredibly uncomfortable, hunched, t-rex-esque position typing, that needed it right then. Like many of you, I thought those particularly fun couple of years were a temporary inconvenience, that I wouldn't have to age the book by diving into. And here we are. I hope you enjoyed that new chapter about resilience and whatever the hell a 'polycrisis' is. Turns out certain global events do have an additional effect on our mental health - it's understandable that you may try to power through it and pretend it never happened, but we all deserve to take whatever time we need to honestly process how life makes us feel. I hope you're doing alright. My journey of reflecting honestly on my own life experiences and lifestyle while writing was …like spontaneously punching yourself in the stomach. "Wow. I really live like this? That is apparently not conducive to a healthy mind. Oops. Guess I'll go touch some grass." I'm happy if that made this a more entertaining read occasionally.
Even now, I find myself continually re-reading the book in those small moments of first emotional reaction to situations where I now at least think "Wait - what was I supposed to do here? Right. Not catastrophise." If this is you - that is fine. You are not expected to perfectly memorise this book or retain all knowledge you hear in life. I know I don't. If you're ever sat next to me in the emergency exit aisle of a plane, know that you may be required to physically throw me out of the door in order to inflate the slide because I was busy during the briefing, imagining how my life would have been different if I actually had the nerve to dye my hair black that time in school. I am at peace with that.
It was honestly terrifying for me to try and mine the content of my life to try and actually illustrate advice for people that may really need it …for me to honestly look at the balance between joking about my mental health, and really getting real. Hey - if your attempt at opening up via some humour comes out a bit offensive, you still get points for at least putting it on the table. That's progress.
This is not a book about me. I am here just as an example of terrible behaviour that you have permission to have an inappropriate public transport snort at, and as a writer who has repeatedly not finished traditional 'self-help' or scientific study books for being dry, unrelatable and preachy. I just hope you found this moist, identifiable and accepting of all of your beautiful flaws. So many flaws. I often worried if any of the material was maybe obvious, or something you could stumble across on the second page of Google - then I had a small moment of honesty with myself contemplating my own ignorance, commitment to procrastination, attention span …and the fact that factually just 0.63% of all people searching online, ever bother clicking to the second page of results. If you already knew some of this, good for you. Honestly. You must literally be happy with yourself. I'm just looking in the mirror and trying to do something for the 99.37% of humanity that spend their lives never successfully researching how to not lay awake at night fantasising about their doom. Look forward to the upcoming pocket size book of 'offensively self-destructive jokes' by Dan - or 700-page memoir of my yet un-girthy, mostly unremarkable life so far if that's what you're really looking for.
Perhaps the most terrifying result of releasing this book into the world, has been coming face to face with those of you that have read it. For in these moments, all of my protective self-deprecating persona comes crashing down in an instant when someone says this book made them feel better. Hearing that this book was the first time they finished anything tangentially related to self-improvement, or that just one thing they read was a new perspective on a part of their life they needed, makes me feel my mission in life is already complete. Seeing it be recommended by bookstores amongst all the other choices, hearing that people have shared it with their therapists or had it suggested to them by a professional, is an unbelievable seal of approval that I appreciate. I am so inarticulably grateful to have been given the opportunity to do anything that could make your life easier, more peaceful, more enjoyable. I've met people who annotated this book with post-its, told me they listen to audiobook exercises on their commute - and even a few people that have had illustrations tattooed onto them as a symbolic reminder of a message.
All of this puts that year of typing like some kind of infinite monkey at a typewriter into perspective. I'd do it all again. Mostly. It has been the greatest privilege of my life to be the guy whose name is printed on this book, and I just hope that reading it helped you, as much as writing it helped me.
Love and good luck.
- Dan
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remcycl333 · 7 months
some thoughts on imagination and fulfilling ALL your desires, no matter how small ♡
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hiii! just wanted to share with you guys some things ive been thinking about lately and a new discovery!
so first of all! i went through a little phase this previous weekend where i could not imagine for the life of me. i just could not concentrate, and i kept hyperfixating on every little sound in my room and it was very frustrating. i also could not fall asleep because i usually use daydreams to lull myself to sleep and i couldn't daydream! it was very frustrating.
(side note--at one point i wished that my room would just be silent and then i lost power for a few hours and my room WAS dead silent for a while, lol)
but then i was scrolling thru loatwt, like i do, and i found this acct @/scriptercas and they made a couple of posts about the way they imagine (i like this one too) and i tried it that night and i was DEEP in my imagination for like an hour straight. like me??? adhd aphantasia me???
i know that a lot of you guys are like me and have aphantasia and therefore can't see mental images and you can get discouraged by imagining, but this is definitely my new holy grail and i think this will work so well for you guys too!
(p.s. if you guys are into shifting, that account has some great advice! i'd really recommend!!)
i also recently re-read edward art's series, which i have mentioned in recent posts. once again, i know ive also said this recently, but i highly highly highly recommend reading it (or listening, there's also an audio form) if you haven't already! even if you just read the first five parts. i swear if you are still struggling to fully grasp the law, after you read it you will get it. it's so good.
i bring this up because in a lot of the parts, edward talks about building the habit of fulfilling every single desire--no matter how small--that you have, as it comes to you. and i've just been ruminating on this so much lately.
i remember at the beginning of my loa journey, there would be things that i wanted and i'd kinda mourn the fact that i didnt have them... when i didn't have to. i could've just fulfilled myself. but instead i had the idea in my head that "i'll manifest my sp first, and THEN i can get my desire of receiving flowers." or, "i'll manifest money first, and THEN i can buy the expensive things i want" or "i'll manifest my new apartment, and THEN i can host dinner parties for my friends" etc.
but what i've been thinking about lately--prompted by edward--is that you dont have to want for anything anymore. i can give myself any and everything i want in my imagination. i don't have to wait to manifest something else first.
this has really bolstered my imagination game as well. everything you want to do with or experience once you have your desire, you can have/experience in your imagination right now. and it really adds to your imaginings. it really helps immerse you more and helps you capture the feeling of it being real.
for example, when i was manifesting my apartment, i had sooo many things i wanted to experience once i'd manifested it. i wanted to have my friends over for game night and cook them dinner and make them cocktails. i wanted to bake in my spacious kitchen and have fancy utensils and expensive ingredients. i wanted to shower in my fancy shower and use expensive bath products. i wanted my own vanity stocked with expensive makeup and perfumes. i wanted a large walk in closet with rows and rows of gorgeous clothing. i wanted to come back from a night out and leave my clothes strewn about the bathroom bc i was too drunk to put them away, and no one was gonna see them or yell at me for leaving them there. like some of the things i desired for were so mundane, yet i felt the absence of them in my life every day. for example: living close to a target, being able to make adventurous meals without worrying if my family members would like them, playing video games with my friends in my own living room.
everything i just listed were things i wanted so badly once i had my apartment, but whenever id run into the opposite in my every day life, i wouldn't fulfill myself at first. like i'd go to cook the same old dinner i cooked for my family every other night and i'd be like "ugh i wish i could be in my own apartment where i did the grocery shopping and i could buy fresh ingredients and make an elaborate meal instead of just having pasta and jarred sauce again." but then i realized that if i were in my dream apartment i would be able to do that. i spent so much time imagining waking up in my new apartment and what it would look like, but in the end, imagining stuff like this is what really helped me to fulfill myself and catch the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
i was really reminded of that whenever i re-read edward's series, and now im applying it to my new desires as well. it's so funny that no matter how much i manifest or how much i learn i always find myself forgetting little tidbits like that that really help me and are very valuable.
anyway i just wanted to make this post to help you guys a little maybe! i was just in the shower and i was remembering edward saying to fulfill every little desire you have--not matter how small-- and i was remembering the days i used to imagine myself in my current shower, and id close my eyes and imagine the scent of the shampoo i wanted to get and i'd feel where every individual bath product would be placed once i had my own shower. and all that inspired me to write this!
i hope that this helps you guys out and/or gives you imagination motivation! i feel like it's important to imagine all the small things that pertain to your desire that maybe you overlook while imagining, but that you know you deeply yearn for even if u think they're mundane or that you'll just get them once you get your big, overarching desire <3
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megalony · 3 months
Unexpected Surprise
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine, requested by a lovely anon, I hope you like it and thank you for the idea. any feedback is always amazing to hear.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz
911 Masterlist
Summary: When (Y/n) drops Chris off at school, her water breaks. She and Eddie are praying for a smooth home delivery this time, and they get a bit more than they bargained for. In the best possible way.
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"Eddie," (Y/n) tilted her head to one side and tapped her foot against the doorstep when she watched her husband try and speed ahead down the path. He stopped halfway and looked back over his shoulder, brows raised in confusion until (Y/n) held her hand up and showed him his phone.
He wasn't going to get very far without his phone on him. He was the one who had been telling (Y/n) for the last few months that if she had any problems or emergencies, she had to ring him. He had cleared it with Bobby to keep his phone on him as much as he could while he was on shift just in case (Y/n) needed to get hold of him.
Eddie patted Chris's shoulder and pushed his bag higher on his shoulder before he turned round and backtracked towards the front door (Y/n) was just locking up.
"Thank you… you okay?" He froze and stayed deathly still when (Y/n) suddenly latched her hand around his wrist.
He didn't like the way she leaned against the doorframe but the panic in his eyes softened over when (Y/n) moved his hand to press down on the left side of her abdomen. The baby was kicking. (Y/n)'s thumb smoothed across the back of Eddie's hand for a few seconds before both their heads turned when Chris started to pull on the car door and whine that it was still locked.
A soft smile broke out on (Y/n)'s face when Eddie entwined their hands together and tugged on her arm. She wrapped her free hand around his upper arm and slowly followed him down the path towards the car.
"You sure you don't want me to drop him off?" Eddie pressed his lips to the top of her head and smiled against her temple. He had to head to work but if she wanted him to, he would gladly swing by the school first and drop Chris off on his way.
"No, besides it's on my way, not yours." (Y/n) didn't see any point Eddie going out of his route to drop Chris off. Not when the school was on her journey to the hospital for her appointment. It would be her last appointment before the baby was born, the last check to make sure everything was okay and check that the baby was in position and alright.
Eddie wasn't pleased that he couldn't make this appointment when he had been to almost all the rest. But he was finishing work as of next week and he couldn't swap this shift around or take the morning off when they were short-staffed this week.
She uncurled her hands from his arm and kissed his shoulder before she moved to walk round the front of the car.
When it opened, Eddie hoisted Chris up and sat him down in the front seat and put his bag and crutches in the back seat. "Alright, have a good day and I'll see you tonight when I get home. Love you." He kissed the top of Chris's head and ruffled his curls before he shut the door and moved round to the driver's side.
Eddie bit down on the corner of his lip when he watched (Y/n) get in the car. He didn't like the way she winced or closed her eyes and tilted her head back in the head rest. Eddie didn't think it was the best idea for her to be driving when she was thirty-seven weeks pregnant, but he knew his wife was a force of nature and he couldn't reckon or argue with her.
A small huff left (Y/n)'s lips as she tried to wrangle with the seatbelt and drape it around her stomach.
Her eyes drifted over to the door when Eddie crouched down so he could lean in. He had one arm draped over the top of the door and the other hand holding the back of her chair so he could lean down towards her.
She could see he was about to say something but his jaw slacked and he went silent when she pushed back in the seat and grumbled. Eddie could see the wince that flashed across her face and he didn't miss the way her hand moved to cradle her lower stomach when the baby started moving again.
"Are you alright to drive?"
"Yeah, everything's just uncomfortable." It didn't matter what (Y/n) was doing, she couldn't relax or sit comfy no matter where she was. Driving was no different, she would be in discomfort if she stayed at home. And she could still drive as long as the seat was a bit further back and the she tried not to let the steering wheel jam into her stomach.
"Well, please be careful."
"Your dad doesn't trust my driving," (Y/n) mumbled quietly which caused Chris to grin and bite down on his thumb.
"I didn't say that. You just worry me when you're not well, so be careful. I love you." He leaned down and pressed his fingers beneath her chin to tilt her head up so he could kiss her. He trusted (Y/n)'s driving but he didn't trust her to tell him when she wasn't feeling well or when she was in a lot of pain. He knew she masked it so he didn't worry and that made him panic.
His teeth nipped at her lower lip and he traced his hand down over her stomach, smoothing his thumb over her shirt for a few seconds before he pulled back and shut the door. His hand tapped against the roof out of habit as he walked over towards the jeep.
"You trust my driving, don't you baby?" (Y/n) shifted around in her seat as she pulled out the drive and started heading down the street. Her eyes glanced in the mirror a few times and she found herself smiling when she saw Eddie right behind her.
"Yeah, you drive good."
"Thank you."
(Y/n) ruffled Chris's hair and clicked her spine into place while he turned the radio up and started bopping back and forth along to the tunes. It was easier driving the jeep. (Y/n) had more space in the jeep than in the car and when Chris started to rock and dance, the jeep didn't sway and move as much as their car did.
But Eddie didn't like driving the car, he always ended up revving the engine and going too harsh on the brakes. He was used to the jeep and the bigger vehicles like the trucks at work. And since the jeep was technically Eddie's car that he always drove, (Y/n) used the car.
After three minutes, she watched Eddie turn off left towards the main road while she carried on through the small back roads to get to Chris's school.
The longer she drove, the more uncomfortable she felt. The steering wheel kept bumping and pressing into her stomach and the baby was wriggling and making her lower back ache. She wanted to get out and walk, moving about helped her back whereas sitting down for long periods of time put her in crippling agony.
(Y/n) pulled up in the closest space she could to the school but she dug her nails into the steering wheel when a dull, throbbing ache tore through her abdomen.
Her hand moved to cradle the side of her stomach and she closed her eyes, fighting off the sudden discomfort.
"Mum…" A grin broke out on Chris's face as he leaned across to rest his head on (Y/n)'s arm while his hand grabbed the door handle and started to pull. He tapped his fingers against the door and patiently waited for (Y/n) to speak.
He didn't usually get out the car until either of his parents got out first and handed him his crutches. He had fallen far too many times getting out the car unaided so now he hung back and waited for help. But his mum wasn't moving. She was pushing back in her chair with her eyes closed like she was suddenly praying about something.
"Okay, let's go." (Y/n) tried to keep her tone level and she forced herself to smile as she opened the door and swung her feet out.
She didn't like the way her stomach dropped and her back ached when she was finally on her feet. She had to lean her weight on the car bonnet and push herself to move round to Chris's side.
She held her hand out and let him curl his hands around her hand and wrist and slide down to his feet. She leaned on the car door to hold them both upright until Chris was on his feet and he let go to grab his bag and crutches out the back seat.
"You pick me up?"
"Y-yeah baby, it'll be me."
A forced, gritted smile pulled at (Y/n)'s lips as she rested her hand on Chris's back and locked the car.
They always walked him through the gates towards the classroom, it was a habit neither her nor Eddie had broken and Chris felt safer than being left at the gates. It was just something he was used to. But the further (Y/n) walked away from the car, the more panicked she started to feel. Her stomach was churning, she felt like she was going to be sick.
God, she hoped the midwife wouldn't tell her today that she had to go on bedrest for the last three weeks. (Y/n) couldn't handle bedrest.
(Y/n) tightened her hand in the strap of Chris's backpack to stop him from speeding away without her; she couldn't bring herself to walk very fast. But a small sound rumbled past her lips and she tugged on Chris's bag to make him stop walking when her stomach twinged.
Her other hand moved to cradle the bottom of her stomach and she dared not look down. Shakes started to rattle through her bones and when (Y/n) finally forced herself to tilt her chin down into her chest, a quiet 'oh no' past through her lips.
Her waters had broken.
"Accident?" Chris whispered quietly while he reached back to hold (Y/n)'s arm that was resting behind him.
They had tried to talk Chris through what to expect when (Y/n) would have the new baby. They had tried to prepare him and tell him he would most likely be staying with Buck whenever (Y/n) went into labour and Eddie would have to stay with her. But (Y/n) hadn't told Chris about how her waters would break, she didn't think he would be this close by when it happened.
"Yeah… oh, baby, can you walk the rest of the way without me?"
Chris dropped his shoulders but he nodded. It wasn't too far, just a few more metres to the classroom doors and his teacher was waiting outside to welcome everyone inside. He could see his mum wanted and really needed to get back to the car now anyway.
"I think Carla m-might have to pick you up today."
"I think the baby's coming… I need to go get daddy before he gets to work. But we'll be home when you get back, okay?"
The timing had worked out rather well. (Y/n) had been worrying about when she would go into labour, if it would be in the middle of the night or sometime in the evening which would disrupt Chris's routines. She worried they would have to call Buck in the middle of the night and ask him to come and have Chris for them because they were having a home birth.
This worked better. Chris could spend the day at school and hopefully, by the time they needed to pick him up, (Y/n) would have had the baby.
She leaned down and kissed Chris's cheek, managing a smile when his lips curved into a beaming grin and he happily muttered his goodbyes into her neck. (Y/n) watched him toddle over to his teacher and she could just about hear him excitedly say that his mum was going to have a baby today.
"Are you okay, do you need me to help you?"
(Y/n) recognised one of the mums, Alex, aiming her way when she saw how (Y/n) was cradling her stomach and had a puddle at her feet. But she shook her head and forced a smile. She didn't want help. (Y/n) needed to get in the car and get home before the contractions got worse and she was stuck out here at the school. She had to call Eddie and Carla and the midwife.
"No, no I'm good, thank you." She waved her hand to ward Alex away and turned on her heels.
(Y/n) did her best to keep her back straight and walk as normally as she could manage with a burning sensation rippling through her lower stomach.
Once she slumped herself in the car, she let her head fall back on the headrest and fished her phone out her bag. She waited off the next pain before she clipped her phone in the holder near the radio and turned on the engine. (Y/n) needed to go now. She couldn't hang around and waste time in case the contractions got worse.
The midwife- and Eddie's mum- kept on telling her that the second baby would come a lot faster than her first. Chris kept (Y/n) in labour for two days and that had been horrible, especially when Eddie only had a week off from the army before he had to go back for the last month of his tour.
She clicked on Eddie's contact and pulled out the parking lot, praying he hadn't gone out on a call already and that he could answer the phone. If not, (Y/n) would have to try Bobby, and then try the emergency number for the station to get someone to pass a message onto Eddie when he got back from a call.
"Ola mi amor… you haven't found my wallet have you? I can't find it, I was hoping I'd dropped it in the car with you."
(Y/n) had never been so relieved to hear Eddie's voice and she found herself smiling despite her growing discomfort. Her eyes did a quick sweep around the footwell and the passenger side but she couldn't see it. He must have left it somewhere at home.
"No, no I d-don't have it… baby, I think I need you to come hom- fuck!" Her foot slammed down on the brake and she pushed herself as far back in the seat as she could when a contraction burned through her stomach. At least this red light would give her a few seconds to gather herself.
"Baby, what are you doing? Where are you?" The panic was very evident in Eddie's voice and it made (Y/n) feel bad. She wasn't trying to panic him or make him feel bad.
"My water broke. I'm heading home, can you c-come home?"
"I knew you weren't well!" A growl tore through the phone and made a shiver roll down (Y/n)'s spine as she winced. "Yeah, yeah baby I'll tell Bobby and come straight home. Can you call the midwife?"
"I'll call her… when you hang up. We need to call Carla too, for Chris-"
"Don't worry about that, I'll get hold of Carla you focus on getting home and please, please be fucking careful, okay?"
"Do you wanna get on the bed yet?" Eddie leaned his head down and spoke softly into her hair as he closed his eyes.
His hands started to run down from her shoulders, down her back near her waist and up again in soft, slow motions. He could feel her nails digging into the back of his hips and her elbows pressed down on his thighs while his knees pressed comfortingly into her upper chest.
Most of Eddie's limbs were starting to go numb from sitting down like this for so long. He was perched on the side of the bed with (Y/n) knelt on the floor between his thighs. Her head was pressed down into the top of his thigh with the top of her head pushing into his abdomen.
She seemed to feel more at ease when she was hunched over or crouching down and neither Eddie nor the midwife were going to stop her if this was the most comfortable thing for her.
“Not yet.” (Y/n) responded quietly, not bothering to open her eyes. She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent as she tried to keep her mind focused but if another contraction didn't hit her soon, (Y/n) felt like she could fall asleep like this.
"Okay," He turned his head to press his cheek against the top of her hair as his hands continued to run down her back.
Things seemed to have gone so quickly since Eddie got her call this morning. He had barely gotten into his work uniform when she rang so he had to tell Bobby the situation, get himself changed again and come straight back home. The midwife arrived not long after Eddie and for the past three hours, they had been wandering around the bedroom. (Y/n) had paced the room a thousand times with Eddie following behind her like a shadow.
But Eddie had to admit, this was the calmest (Y/n) had been so far. She wasn't agitated or restless or unsure what to do with herself, she seemed to find it easier to sit or kneel like this.
And this is what they wanted. Chris's birth hadn't gone exactly to plan and it had been a horrible two-day labour spent in the hospital. This time, they wanted things to go smoothly, to feel calm and have no complications or worries. The best way to do that, they felt, was to try a home birth and see if being in their own home and setting their own pace might make a difference.
Eddie gently started to sway from left to right while his hands settled on (Y/n)'s upper waist and his face stayed nuzzled against her hair. A soft smile flooded his face when he felt her humming into his trouser leg and her fingers pinched into his back.
He could quite happily of stayed like that for a few more hours, all day in fact. But when his mind started to drift and he almost forgot where he was and what they were doing, he came flooding back to the situation quickly. He felt a shudder ripple beneath (Y/n)'s skin and a groan burned at the back of her throat. She arched her lower back out and pressed down into Eddie's thighs like she was about to slide down and curl up on the floor.
"Alright?" He muttered into her hair as he slowly straightened up and moved his hands to hold (Y/n)'s upper arms.
"I t-think we need to move now." (Y/n) unravelled her arms from around Eddie's torso and moved to plant her hands down on his thighs as she stretched and clicked her spine into place.
She didn't want to move, (Y/n) wished she could stay sitting like this and somehow have the baby in this position. But that contraction felt different, it felt stronger and somehow tighter. The midwife was certain it wouldn't be much longer until they were ready and (Y/n) had a gut feeling that now they were ready.
"Shall we get you on the bed and see how you're doing?" The midwife, Abbi, commented as she walked over to stand behind (Y/n).
She hovered behind (Y/n) like a safety net in case she needed help, but Eddie had it under control.
He slid his hands down to (Y/n)'s hands and looped her arms around his neck while he slid off the edge of the bed so he could crouch down in front of her. A soft smile pulled at Eddie's lips when (Y/n) burrowed her face into his neck and he could feel each panting breath tickle his skin. His arms wove around her waist and he carefully pulled her up with him and turned them around until the back of (Y/n)'s knees hit the edge of the bed.
"Where d'you want me?" He mumbled softly against her temple once (Y/n) was sat in the middle of the bed.
He got his answer when (Y/n) grabbed his hand and gave a sharp tug until he sat down next to her. Eddie slouched back into the pillows and let (Y/n) tilt to the side until she could lean back into his chest and feel his arm curve around her waist.
(Y/n) squeezed his hand tightly when another contraction hit her and her eyes stayed closed while she felt Abbi kneel at the end of the bed.
"Alright, I think you're ready to start pushing now."
Silence fell over the three of them for a few minutes as they waited for the next contraction to hit. Eddie leaned his head forward and pressed his lips against the junction between (Y/n)'s neck and shoulder while his hand fluttered up and down her stomach.
He didn't realise how flushed she felt until she leaned against him. He had opened the window and even put the fan on when (Y/n) suddenly started to sweat and feel sick after the first hour. She was only wearing her bra and he thought she had cooled off, but clinging to her now, Eddie felt like he was hugging a hot water bottle.
Eddie brushed his thumb over the back of (Y/n)'s hand and leaned forward with her when the next contraction hit. He moulded his chest against her back while (Y/n) brought her knees up and tried to stay steady and stop herself from sliding down into the pillows.
"Okay, head's born now, well done."
Something akin to a smile fluttered on (Y/n)'s lips when she felt Eddie move as soon as the midwife spoke. He kept hold of her hand and his other hand stayed on her stomach, but he leaned down to look at their baby.
Eddie didn't usually have the honour of delivering babies on shift, that was either Hen, Bobby or sometimes Buck if he was lucky. Eddie didn't seem to get those callouts. And this was something different for him. This wasn't the same memory he had as when Chris was born. Eddie wasn't sat on the verge of a panic attack when he heard the midwife call for the doctor when Chris got stuck.
Eddie wasn't watching in panic as (Y/n) screamed and flagged and almost passed out in his arms and no one seemed to be able to help her.
This was calmer. This was better. This was how it was supposed to be.
"That's it, push again (Y/n) and they'll be here."
"Almost there, mi amor." Eddie nudged his nose against (Y/n)'s neck and leaned into her while she coiled their entwined hands up to her chest.
A jolt ran down (Y/n)'s spine and she felt like she was seeing stars when she heard a cry burst through the air. Her body slumped back into Eddie and she couldn't hear whatever he said even though she could feel his lips moving against her neck and his voice vibrated against her skin. His arms tightened around her waist in a comforting, bubbling hug as he held her tightly to his chest and started to sway them side to side.
Her shaking hand let go of Eddie's hand and she moved to grip his forearms when one arm stayed around her waist and the other curled across her chest. Clinging to his arm grounded her and stopped her from feeling like she was about to pass out. She let her head flop back on his shoulder and her wet lips smothered his neck as her nails punctured into his arms.
"You've got another little boy."
(Y/n)'s lips curved up into a smile and she kissed his neck a bit firmer this time before she tilted her head down. Her forehead tilted against Eddie's jaw and her eyes focused on the midwife who was smiling down at their little baby.
"H-he's okay?" Trembling set all through (Y/n)'s system but she eagerly held her arms out when Abbi leaned forward to settle him on her chest. Her hands moved to cradle his tiny legs and the back of his head as he curled up on her chest.
"He's just fine."
When Eddie rested his hand over (Y/n)'s on the back of their newborn's head, she tilted her head up and pecked his jaw. "You lost," She whispered quietly, unable to stop herself from smiling against his sharp jaw.
"I did, I lost the bet, mi amor." Tears began to fall from his eyes as he turned to kiss her temple but he couldn't stop himself from grinning and letting out a chuckle. Eddie had been so sure they were going to have a girl. He had been certain enough to place a bet against (Y/n) and Chris who both guessed it would be a boy.
(Y/n) tried to sit up a bit straighter and Eddie moved to sit behind her a little more so she could continue to lean on him. He leaned his cheek against her temple when her head fell back on his shoulder but his eyes darted down to look at her when a sharp gasp burst past her lips and she groaned.
Her heels scraped against the bed and her knees tensed and quivered when another striking pain cut through her abdomen.
"Fuck." Her eyes closed and she pushed back into Eddie, trying not to move or twist too move and unsettle the newborn on her chest. "Ow… oww, it really hurts now." (Y/n) couldn't hide the panic from her voice as she leaned into Eddie again until he moved to wrap both arms tightly around her waist.
She didn't remember the afterbirth hurting this much when they had Chris. Granted, his birth had been stressful, but (Y/n) remembered that she barely felt the afterbirth.
"Hey, it's okay," Her teeth sank down into her lip as Eddie spoke in hushed whispers against her temple and Abbi moved to lean forward.
"Try and stay still for me a moment." Abbi tried to be gentle when she shuffled closer and examined (Y/n)'s stomach. "Okay… (Y/n), it's hurting because that's not the placenta, that's baby number two."
(Y/n)'s lips twitched up into a lopsided smile and she shook her head before she pressed her forehead into Eddie's chin and nudged him. Waiting for him to tell Abbi she was wrong. She wasn't having twins. None of her prenatal appointments had shown twins. They were having one baby and he was already here in her arms.
"No… no, I- oow, Eddie t-take him." Broken gasps left (Y/n)'s lips as her chest coiled forward into her stomach like she was trying to fold herself in half.
She sat forward and let her trembling arms move towards Eddie when he unravelled from her and carefully eased their boy into his arms instead. He kept his shoulder and arm pressed into (Y/n)'s back and his knee bumped her hip as he tried to stay close to comfort her.
"I think you need to keep pushing, mi amor." He murmured softly into her neck as he perched his chin on her shoulder and started to kiss her neck when she cried out.
"No. What h-have you done?" (Y/n) muttered defeatedly, turning her head sharply to glare down at her husband who shrank down against her and stayed tucked up against her neck so he couldn't see her glare.
"I'm sorry baby," He mused as he shifted their boy into the crook of his left arm and gingerly reached his right hand out towards (Y/n), testing the waters. He would take the blame for this and he would take her anger and frustration but Eddie wanted to feel like he could help or at least shed some comfort on her. His heart jumped when (Y/n) groaned again but she reached down and clenched his hand in hers so tightly she almost broke his thumb.
"Keep pushing, you're almost done now." Abbi encouraged softly as she leaned to get another towel and some blankets lined up ready. "That's it… again… and baby's here."
As soon as that second weight felt like it had been lifted from her abdomen, (Y/n) slumped to the right. She flopped her head on Eddie's shoulder and braced her palm down on the bed to keep herself upright.
"You've got a sweet little girl now, too."
Tears streamed down (Y/n)'s face when the little girl was moved into her arms. She brought her hands up and tilted her chest back a little so she could hold her daughter against her chest before she looked over at Abbi.
"No more?" She wanted to laugh but she didn't have the nerve or the energy, but she managed a smile when Abbi grinned.
"No, just those two. I promise." Abbi hadn't come here to deliver twins, this was an unexpected surprise for them all.
"She's tiny," (Y/n) mused to herself quietly as she looked from the little girl in her arms and up to her husband who didn't know where to look. He kept darting his eyes between them both before he moved his free hand down to brush his finger against his daughter's cheek.
He leaned over and nudged his nose against (Y/n)'s cheek before he leaned forward and merged his lips against hers. He could taste her salt tears mingling with his own and he stole what little air she had left in her lungs. When they parted, he rested his temple forward against hers and stayed so close he could feel each breath fanning across his tingling lips.
"Where were you hiding her, mi amor?"
"I brought a few extras along, I hope you don't mind." Carla kept one hand clamped down on Chris's shoulder while she motioned her other hand behind her towards the team. They all crowded around the doorstep, beaming grins on their faces and anticipation bubbling through all of them.
"Course not, come in."
Eddie's chest bubbled and burst with adrenaline and he reached down to scoop Chris up before he moved out the way to let them all in.
"Mum had the baby?" Chris let his crutches drop near the shoe box so he could wind his arms around his dad's neck. He knew the moment he saw Carla at the school gates that his mum must have either had the baby or be in the process of having the baby. She wouldn't have sent Carla unless it was an emergency. And when he got out the car and saw the rest of the 118 on his doorstep, it only made Chris happier.
He was all for celebrations and parties and this was a reason for everyone to gather together and celebrate.
"She has… and we have a surprise for you all. You ready?"
"Congratulations, so, what do we have?" Evan clapped his hand down on Eddie's shoulder as Hen, Bobby and Athena followed closely behind. The only person missing was Chimney since he was still on shift but he would be down soon with Maddie when they had the chance.
"You say that like it's your kid too," Hen muttered under her breath while she and Athena moved to place some flowers and little presents down on the sofa.
"It's my godchild I'll have you know."
Eddie rolled his eyes and moved both his hands to hold Chris's shoulders as he moved his son to walk in front of him. He let Chris lead the team down the hallway towards his and (Y/n)'s bedroom at the far end. They were all going to get a surprise in a minute.
"How's she doing?" Carla rested her hand on Eddie's back while her other hand smoothed up and down her thigh in anticipation.
She had been more than happy to collect Chris for them after school and it had been lovely to see Chris so excited. He'd barely been able to focus on any lessons he had all day because he just wanted to go home and see his parents and the new edition to their family.
"She's doing great, real great. Alright, go find the surprise." Eddie leaned forward to open the door before he let go of Chris and let him barge into the room like a train at full speed.
A grin pulled at (Y/n)'s lips when she heard Chris calling out for her as he made a beeline for the bed. She made sure the newborn was safely tucked in her left arm, held close to her chest before she reached her right arm out. Chris flopped on the side of the bed and slumped against (Y/n)'s chest with his arms wound tight around her neck and his face buried in her shoulder.
(Y/n) kissed the top of his head and grinned into his curls when he started to giggle madly.
"Baby! What is it? Is it a boy?"
Chris leaned down so his chest and stomach were flopped on the side of the bed and his legs were dangling over the edge so his feet could tap the floor and keep him propped up. He kept one hand on (Y/n)'s arm like he was silently trying to comfort them both and his right hand reached out towards the baby in her arms.
His smile spread so wide he could barely keep his eyes open. He watched the newborn start to wriggle in his mum's arms but their eyes stayed closed and the cream Winnie The Pooh onesie didn't give away if Chris had a brother or sister.
"This is your brother." (Y/n) tilted her arm a bit closer to Chris so he could place his hand down on his brother's chest. And her eyes lifted to look around the other people crowding into her bedroom. They'd never had this many people in their room before.
Carla moved to stand behind Chris, already tearing up and trying to get a better view of the bundle in her arms. While Bobby and Athena stood near right side of the room behind Carla, and Evan and Hen stood at the foot of the bed.
"Knew it! Daddy, you lost the bet." Chris stuck his tongue out at Eddie who was stood on the other side of the bed with one of the softest smiles Chris had ever seen.
"Oh, you owe me twenty." Evan barely let his eyes flit across to Eddie before he moved to sit on the end of the bed and lean over to try and get a sneak peek at his nephew. He had agreed with (Y/n) and Chris that they would have a baby boy and Eddie had been determined enough to add money to the bet. He had lost. Evan had won, he seemed to be on a winning streak at the moment.
"I don't, actually. I won too."
Eddie could feel the tension building in the air and the adrenaline that rummaged through his chest making him feel like he was on fire. He tried to ignore the eyes settling on him as he leaned down over the cot near the window and slowly picked up his daughter who was starting to wake up.
He moved over and gently sat down on the bed next to (Y/n), but when he dared to lift his eyes away from his little girl, he couldn't breathe. All he saw were wide eyes and slacked jaws.
"Twins?" Carla clapped her hands before she could stop herself and suddenly felt like an excited teenager.
"We got a little, unexpected surprise."
As soon as Evan leaned across the bed with a very sweet 'may I?', (Y/n) nodded and leaned over to ease her son into his arms. She could see Eddie watching with swelling pride as Hen leaned over Evan's shoulder to get a look at the newest addition.
(Y/n) looked up towards Eddie before she glanced down at Chris. "Do you wanna hold your sister?"
She didn't need to ask, the look in Chris's eyes said it all. He pushed up and scrambled onto the bed, climbing over (Y/n)'s legs until Eddie passed the newborn over to (Y/n) and reached out for Chris. He held Chris under the arm and lifted him over so he didn't accidentally send a foot into (Y/n)'s stomach. He placed Chris down in the centre of the bed between them and held his arms in the correct position while (Y/n) turned to face them.
(Y/n) carefully eased her daughter down into Chris's arms with Eddie's hands curved around his so he could hold his sister properly. They let the newborn settle on Chris's lap with her head in the crook of Chris's arm who started to laugh.
"She's very small," He muttered quietly while he kept his left arm supporting her head, and moved his right hand to hold her hand. He brought her arm up towards his face to examine how small she really was. She didn't feel heavy in his arms, she looked smaller than he expected. More like a doll than a real life baby.
"How much does she weigh?" Hen looked between the two babies before she glanced over at Eddie. It was clear which one was the healthier twin, considering their boy was heavier and larger than their little girl who was very petite.
"Only five pounds."
"You said baby… not two babies," Chris looked up from his sister to smile rather confusingly at his mum. He hadn't been told to expect two new siblings, they only said they were having a baby.
He felt Eddie lean over to kiss the back of his head and (Y/n) reached her hand out to rub across his arm as she smiled fondly down at her family.
"Well, it's your dad's birthday next month… I thought I'd surprise him."
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nvoirs · 1 year
Disclaimers: Cowgirl, missionary, !F recieving, public sex basically, !F gets ate out.
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It had been almost a week since you and Leon had rescued Ashley from the psychotic cult, los illuminados, in rural Spain.
You both had made it back in one piece, even if you were both infected by the las plagas virus at some point during your journey through spain.
The president was absolutely delighted to know that the two of you had secured his daughter safely and brought her back home. In honour of doing so he had arranged a large fancy dinner party celebrating the both of yours accomplishments.
You were very appreciative you'll admit that but you weren't really a party person even if this was a formal one where of course everyone will behave.
Being a introverted person that kept to yourself you'd say you we're the complete opposite of Mr Kennedy here. He loved the attention, and his humour made people like him even more so.
Ever since he'd lent you his jacket back before you came home because it was super cold that night, you've been thinking about him. His jacket was still slung over your shoulders when he told you he could keep it. But you tried to protest, trying to explain to him that you had plenty of jackets to wear. He said he didn't want to hear it, and that it could also serve as a reminder of what you and him had been through. Thinking about that, you we're very sure that you did not want anything to remind you of that horrible place.
But it was leon. You'd admit you had feelings for him, and they had blossomed more during your mission in spain. You had no idea if he felt the same, because he flirts with everyone no different, just the same.
So when you had come to this supposed dinner party you had decided, you were going to wear his jacket and see if it elicited any reactions in him. You topped it on top of your dress that you wore, as you walked to your assigned sit next to him.
Leon's glance was indeed glued to you, or most likely his jacket. Oh, he did not expect that. It was kind of turning him on which wasn't a good sign being in public and all. His thoughts errupted his wants to stop this, and he imagined images of you underneath his figure. Wearing only his jacket, and getting absolutely wrecked by him.
"Please.. fuck me harder, i want it!" Your dreamself in leon's mind cried out.
leon however was snapped out of his refreshing dream of you when you excused yourself to use the restroom. Now was his chance. His chance to ask you privately if you felt the same as he did.
A few minutes after you had disappeared through the foyer trecking to the restroom. Leon also excused himself and decided to wait outside in the foyer for you.
When you came out from the restroom, you nearly tripped and fell from the shock you had from leon standing there.
"Fuck! Leon! What we're you doing?" You held your chest, hearing the thumping of your heart.
"I'm just stood here, what on earth do you mean?" Leon grinned, leaning his hand against the wall you stood you're ground on.
"I mean why are you here? Shouldn't you be entertaining the president or something?" You sighed pinching your nose, to be honest you were getting a little hot and bothered that he was so close to your face. The rapid beating of your little lovesick heart proved evidence for this.
"Yeah you're right I guess, but why're you wearing my jacket hm?" smirking, leon looked at your face that contorted in embarassment. Cute.
"Are you just being stupid or do you actually have amnesia? You told me to keep it" you shot back.
"That's right.. most people wouldn't wear it to a fancy place like this though.." he trailed of. He wanted to ask you, he wanted to ask you if you liked him. No, if you loved him.
"I'm just wearing it to cover my shoulders, c'mon leon stop being a douche and get back there" you gestured to the party down past the foyer.
"Kinda wanna see you in that jacket.. on it's own"
He finished looking into your eyes searching for any discomfort, anything that would make him put a stop to this all.
Your cheeks were dusted pink, you were flattered. You thought that maybe leon returned your passionate feeling towards him. You wanted to try something.
You yanked him by the belt forcefully, and collided your lips against his. He began to encourage the kiss. His right hand cupped your small face deepening the kiss, while his left slithered around your waist hugging it tightly.
Kisses in sync, it felt light and airy. But then it became something far darker and more lustful.
You pulled back, inhaling deeply. You'd done it, you kissed him first. You stared at him, but as your glance got lower you saw something quite.. humorous.
His hard on was streching against the fabric of his dress pants. You giggled, putting your hands on your hips.
"Oh? What's that there Mr Kennedy"
"Not quite sure myself, better fix it soon you brat" he looked at you with a venomous gaze.
Oh it's on. You grabbed leon by the arm making sure nobody saw the pair of you, entering the lavish restroom, probably the cleanest you'd ever seen, tugging him along to the very end stall which happened to be the most spacious, perfect for the lewd things you had planned.
"What are you-" you shushed leon, forcing him to sit on the ground, undoing his belt rapidly. You threw his belt to the ground, you could feel your panties becoming wet your clit ached for some contact.
"Strip." You commanded leon, pulling at his shirt.
"Sorry, but following a women's lead just isn't-" you sat directly on his lap, right on where he needed you most.
"Well this women isn't going to help you with your little problem then, is she?" You moved around slightly, causing leon to groan grabbing your hips to still you.
"Fuck, didn't know you'd be such a whore" leon pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.
"Oh leon, I'm a lot more then that." Trailing your small hands across his broad back and chest. finding a precious spot on his neck you closed in and began to give him the love he deserved. You bit into his skin, sucking on it lightly swirling your tongue before pulling back.
The love bite stood out, telling all that he was yours and only yours. He moaned deeply, extremely turning you on.
"Fuck, I wanna touch you to baby" leon tugged at your dress. You admired the artwork of angry red hickeys you'd blossomed onto his rough skin.
"You wanna touch me hm?" You stood up, your hands squeezing his shoulders teasingly.
"Fuck yeah, sit on my face now." He demanded. It made you light hearted and giddy knowing that he was finally yours for the taking.
You hitched up your dress, brandishing the cute little thong you were wearing.
"You were wearing that this whole time? You knew this was gonna happen hm?" Leon smirked at your proud form.
"Well i wasn't entirely sure Kennedy, but i'm glad it worked out" sighing in relief once you slid of the thong, your wet as fuck pussy being exposed to the crisp air.
"C'mere" leon grabbed you by the butt, squeezing it in the process. He leaned against the wall, as you lowered your pussy onto his lovestruck face. You felt his nose poking you and you moaned, you started gyrating your hips against his pretty face. "Ohh leon yes!" You whined, but gasped when he grabbed you stopping you from moving anymore stopping your build up.
"Not so fast baby, your doing all the work" he planted your pussy back onto his face, and you let him get to work. His tongue worked wonders, as he licked stripes up and down your pussy folds. He sucked on your clit, the lewd slurping noises adding to the intensity. You let out a high pitched moan. "yeah i wanna here you cry like that, say my name baby"
He was devouring your cunt, making you lose all the sanity you had built up. You grabbed his golden hair, gripping at the roots. He began to rub your clit in fast little circles, quadrupling the pleasure instantly. Arching your back upwards, you cried out as you felt your climax approaching rapidly.
"Ah fuck leon! I'm gonna-"
Before you could finish you came gushing all over his face, but he continued to lick it up like icing on a cake. you gasped, become overstimulated extremely fast you were already approaching your second orgasm when he pulled away.
"What the fuck? why'd you stop" you hissed from the loss of contact.
"You can't cum again unless you help me with my little problem" chuckling he beckoned you over to his lap.
Swaying your hips slightly you sauntered your way over to him, plopping yourself straight onto his hard on. you felt it poking you, it was rock hard by now pretty painful to your guessing.
"What can I do to make you feel better Mr Kennedy?" smirking, you brushed his wild strands of hair out of his pretty face.
"I want you to fucking ride me right here right now" he groaned, feeling the weight of your bare pussy on his cock.
"I didn't know you were into cowgirls" you purred, you got of of him and began to pull down his underwear. his cock sprung free, and you looked at its oh so delicious tip. it was completely covered in his precum, the tip a blushed colour that had you humming with satisfaction.
"Now let your cowgirl ride you." you grinned, lowering your ass as your pussy came in contact with his cock. you slowly slid down on him, making him groan.
"Fuck your so tight, god damn" he could feel you wrapped around him, squeezing onto him for dear life. he pulled the top of your dress down, exposing your tits as you moved up and down in fast little motions.
"Fuck no bra either?" he moaned, licking his lips before grabbing one of your breasts licking and kissing the delicate bud. to far gone into the pleasure his cock was giving you, you struggled to respond your chest heaving up and down. the wet noises that your cunt made as you bounced on his cock were music to his ears. heavenly he could say, grabbing your other nipple and twiddling it with his rough padded thumb.
He admired you struggling to take his cock, the cute little bump his cock made indenting your stomach. "ah leon.. you feel so.. so good!" you managed to cry out. this made leon snap, grabbing you by the hips he began slamming you up and down. Up and down his cock making you squeal and mewl begging for more. you were his own personal toy, his little cocksleeve he could use whenever he god damn well pleased.
"Yeh, you like that you slut?" Leon could tell you were close to releasing, removing one hand of the bruising grip of your hips he spanked your ass it slowly changing to a bright ruddy red. it stung but pleasure coursed through your whole body while he gave you the most exquisite pounding of your life.
You released all over Leon's stomach, the opaque liquid glistening. "shit, that was hot" he flipped you in reverse, so he was on top. pinning you to the cool tiles, he started to drill into you. he chuckled when he saw your euphoric face, babbling you managed to speak up. "gosh I love you, I really do!" face tinged pink from this 'workout' you started leaving thin scratch marks across Leon's back.
"What was that angel? I didn't hear you"
"I said I love you!" you practically yelled it, Leon clamped a big hand over your mouth. didn't want the whole fucking world knowing you guys were fucking in the restroom next door.
"Your my favourite.. you know that?" Leon questioned you, his hips beginning to slow and stutter.
"M-mine to!"
"I'm your favourite to?" staring at you nodding fast, he let out a guttural groan before releasing deep inside you.
Collapsing in your hold, he hugged your form.
"That was the best I've ever had" you sighed, embracing him back.
"The best sex? Oh sweetheart there's so much more I could do." Still inside of you, Leon pecked your cheek.
"Did you really mean that you love me?" His serious face made you laugh.
"Leon! Of course I've liked you for the longest time.. but I didn't know how to say" he stroked your hair, finally pulling out of you.
"Well that makes two of us.. and I love you to" his warm skin contacted with yours making you feel at home.
"So why don't we get the hell out of here, make an excuse that your sick or something" you suggested.
"Great plan.. your gonna be the sick one though, got to be the gentleman you know?" he winked, you returned a gleeful smile holding him dearly close.
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