#you do realise rosa diaz is right there right?
idontplaytrack · 2 months
hi!! could i request a fluffy rosa diaz x reader fic where reader works as a detective at the precinct and rosa kind of has a soft spot for her (more like a crush on her), so when rosa gets sick like in that one episode reader finally convinces rosa to admit she doesn’t feel good and takes her home and takes care of her? tysm!!
- Rosa Diaz x detective fem! reader -
Warnings: coarse language, fluff, implied smut at the end
Thank you for your request! :)
You clocked in at exactly nine o’clock that morning. Right on time, you looked at the desk opposite of yours and it was empty. “Amy, has Rosa come in yet?”
“Oh. No.” Amy’s eyes widen briefly, shocked.
“Oh, wow. Rosa’s not here yet? Doesn’t she stay like really near here?” Jake remarked.
“Yes she does.” Gina chimed in, “Her apartment is the closest to the precinct.”
“Is she not coming to work today?” Amy asks you.
“If I knew that, I wouldn’t have asked you.”
“Right.” Amy smiled sheepishly, focusing back on her work.
“She hasn’t texted you or anything?” Jake carries on the conversation with you while you got settled.
“No, I just thought she was already here-” Before you could say anything else, hurried footsteps interrupted your train of thought. Your eyes followed the sound, which turned out to be Rosa who’d just arrived.
“Holy shit, girl.” Gina broke the silence as the rest of the squad watched her, bewildered, “You look like hell.” Rosa scowled, sitting down in her chair.
You’d been glaring at her since the moment she sat down across from you. Rosa shot you a look meaning for you to drop it and leave her alone. That was the end of that conversation for a bit. Meanwhile, she was sniffly and sneezed a handful of times. Not to mention she looks pale as a sheet. She somehow made it to lunch before you got so annoyed that you pulled her aside, “Will you just admit you’re sick and let me take you home?”
“y/n, I’m fine. Diaz’s don’t get sick.”
“Oh, yeah? What are you then? Just trying a new makeup look for Halloween?” You huffed.
Rosa chuckles. “What’s so funny?” You ask, almost offended.
“Ha ha.” She responded, “You’re not scary.”
“Rosa!” You nearly rolled your eyes, “You’re sick, please just let me take you home so you can rest? The last thing I want is you passing out on the gross precinct floors.”
“Wait a minute-” Rosa got all serious for a second, “You said ‘please’?”
“What?” You asked, puzzled.
“You asked if you could please take me home.” She pointed out.
“So, okay.” She shrugged, “Whatever.”
“Okay?” You repeated, not expecting her to agree.
“Rosa’s going home?” Jake gasps, “Oh, she so likes you.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Rosa complains, tossing an eraser at him.
“I’ve been watching you two, Diaz.” Gina added on, “Very flirty~”
You tried to hide a blush that very clearly still showed. “You two would be great together.” Charles chimed in, “So great.”
“Also, that height difference is mwah- perfect.” Gina wasn’t done.
“I agree.” Amy shrugged, “Rosa’s always had like a soft spot for you. From the day you started, even.”
“Wow, you guys are suddenly experts, huh?” Rosa scoffed, “Let’s go, y/n. Ignore them- they’re a bunch of kids.”
As Rosa laid on her couch, you were at the stove cooking her some soup. “Hey.”
“Yeah?” You glanced at her over your shoulder.
“Do you buy what they say?”
“What do you mean?” You asked nervously.
“Do you think they’re right? That I’ve had a crush on you since you joined our squad?”
You stayed quiet for a minute, stirring the soup. “Um…you’re not gonna beat me up depending on my answer, are you?”
“What?” Rosa guffaws, and ended up coughing. “No, that’s crazy.”
“Well, if I’m being honest. I hope they are, because literally- god, this is going to sound so stupid.”
“Oh, just say it.” Rosa insisted, grabbing a tissue to blow her nose.
“Over time, I’ve found myself liking you as more than a friend. But- despite all the time we spend together while on the job, I realise I still don’t really know you. But I mean, the squad thinks we’re best friends. And I’d like to think that we’re close because you haven’t threatened to chop me up yet and compared to how you are with the rest of them, don’t you see a difference? I mean, do you?” You panicked at the end.
Now Rosa was stunned into silence. That was a first. “Honestly…I didn’t even realise what I was doing. It just naturally happened over time- Holt kept partnering us up and little by little, we got closer.” She began, “I guess…I didn’t dare to take a bigger step to actually flirt with you because I get so nervous, I suck at it. And- I didn’t know if you were attached or not so I didn’t want to weird you out either.”
She’s never one to talk about her feelings- she says it makes her want to throw up. But she actually opened up and talked to you. You were shocked, then you were somewhat…honoured. Maybe also a little smug that you managed to get that out of her.
You turned the stove off, grabbing a bowl and a spoon. “I’m not seeing anyone and I’ve never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before.” You admit, she walks over to the kitchen- to you, and wrapped her arms around you from behind. “You’re the first person that I’ve fallen for so quickly and so hard, it feels terrifying, but also equally exciting. But I just- I really didn’t know and didn’t want to say anything because I was afraid of the outcome.” You managed to say before her grip around you tightened fully, and she’d rested her chin on your shoulder.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” She asked softly as she watched you ladle a scoop of the chicken noodle soup into the bowl. You would’ve dropped the damn ladle if you weren’t so aware that she had her arms around you.
“Will I be your girlfriend?” You repeated her question in disbelief, “Oh, my God. Yes, Rosa.”
She chuckles into your ear, sending a chill down your spine and made you squirm, “I won’t kiss you because I don’t want you to get sick, but once I’m better, you’re about to get pampered, hermosa.” You asked her to let go of you so you could take the bowl over to the table, and she does.
“Eat with me.”
“Yeah, I will. Just gonna set this down for you first.” You told her.
Rosa tells you to return to the precinct after lunch, but you said no. “Holt let me. Besides, he says if they needed me, I’ll get a call. I don’t think he was expecting me to go back today, anyway.”
Rosa smirked, “What do you mean, y/n?”
“What I mean, is that he seems to know about your little crush on me.”
“No he doesn’t.”
You snorted, “Please- he so does. Yesterday, I was out with him for a case. He asked me directly if I liked you and if I’d noticed that you’ve been extra nice to me. Also, it was very funny to see that look on his face when I dragged you into his office so he could see how pale you were.”
“Hilarious.” Rosa agreed, “Thanks- for making me the soup and making me come home.”
“No problem.” You smiled, eating a spoonful of the food.
“Look, this soup is great, but why couldn’t we get pizza?”
“That dairy’s just gonna make you more congested.” You pointed out. “Like I would care.”
“You might not, but I do. I’m the one that’s taking care of you and having to deal with your whining.”
“My whining?” She gasps dramatically, “God, y/n. I think that’d be you. We made out at the New Year’s party and you were whiny freaking mess.”
You blushed thinking about the memories of that night. “Speechless?” She teased, “What do you say you get us dinner tonight and I’ll give you a little thank-you? I might be sick and can’t kiss you, but there’s a lot I can do with just my hands.”
“I’ll think about it.” You shrug, a smirk creeping onto your face.
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drunk-cryptic-witch · 2 years
Sick days
Katsuki x reader drabble/fic
Katsuki x gn!reader, tell me if I accidentally used she/her or he/him pronouns or made any other errors (respectfully, that is)
Basically where you’re sick and Katsuki takes care of you, but you’re not admitting you’re unwell.
Warnings: swearing, mention of being sick? Tell me if I missed out on anything.
Bakugo Katsuki was not in a good mood when his footsteps trudged through the door. A villain got away, again. It really wasn’t his week, this was the third time this pathetic criminal had escaped him, the mighty Dynamight. He shrugged off his gear aggressively, the sound barely making you move from your spot on the couch.
“Hey,” You said, not looking away from the tv screen, only frustrating him further.
You rolled your eyes, already aware of how his day must have gone. Repeat of yesterday. And the day before that. You were watching on tv earlier, and saw the guy escaping from your boyfriend. But after the fight the channel had switched to Brooklyn Nine Nine.
“Oi dumbass, focus on me instead of Rosa Diaz. Can’t I get a welcome home?!” He said, already frowning.
You groaned, shifting on the couch, blanket pulled high.
Now his frown deepened out of concern.
“Why are you doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“The blanket shit. You do that when you’re sick.”
“I’m not bloody sick.”
“It’s clear as fuck. Get off the couch, go to bed.”
Oh hell no. You weren’t gonna sleep. If there’s one thing you despised, it was afternoon naps. Especially when you were sick. Which you were not.
Yet before you could argue your boyfriend picked you up, blanket and all, and deposited you into your bedroom.
“I’m giving you soup, and then I’ll give you lunch. And then you sleep.” He gave you a glare which said there was no other way that this was going. You huffed out a ‘fine’ and he disappeared.
Half an hour later, steaming hot soup was placed by your bedside and you made a face. “Don’t give me that look, just finish it while it’s hot.”
Another twenty minutes passed and your soup was over, and another half an hour and lunch. At least Bakugo was a good cook. And then came the worst part of the day.
The curtains shut, drowning out the light. You let out a muffled groan as your phone was discarded and the bed was made up. “Lie down. Now.” “Damn at least take me out to dinner first-,” He made no efforts to laugh at your joke, all serious about making you get better and get to bed.
“You realise I’ll make you lie down and trap you so you can’t go anywhere right?”
“You’re gonna cuddle with me until I fall asleep?”
“You’ll get sick.”
“Don’t care. Already called in for sick leave for two days.”
“But the villain-,”
“-can wait. Besides, I’m the only one who’s gonna get him. I finally figured out how.”
“Really? Tell me. Or you can tell me ANYTHING else I am fully here to listen.”
“Nice try. Sleep.”
A/N: I’m sick, and this is for my benefit mainly. Ooc Bakugo here sooo
Also not proof read
I’m tired don’t judge me
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glossolali · 2 years
I just realised I never talk about my DnD game here for some reason, so here's a few tidbits so far (and a bunch are related to CR cause that's what happens if you're around me long enough):
- We're pirates and we have a ship called the Snaggletooth
- The party pet is my raven who has a Swedish (chef) accent and a rivalry with our chaotic halfling barb rogue and it's hilarious, it's currently 2 - 1 in the raven's favor
- Our drow druid is a Rosa Diaz archetype who secretly wears fluffy pink socks and can't lie (it's a whole thing)
- Yesterday our gnome trickery cleric sat down on the ground and talked (barked) with the 100+ year old shop dog while we were shopping and paid him with head scritches for information on a criminal organization we want to take down lol
- My PC is a half-orc moon druid who is best described as a mix of Yasha, Beau and Fjord with a sprinkle of Grog (not on purpose haha my brain just did it)
- I've been yelling at them to watch anything CR for months and finally they all started.. the DM is watching oneshots, C2, C3 and my friend is watching C1, and another friend has watched TLOVM
- C1 watcher friend said yesterday "I don't like Ori*n he acts weird esp with the female PCs and NPCs" and I just laughed so loud and was like... "uhhh you have no idea" and proceeded to spill the t
- TLOVM watcher friend is a rogue multiclasser and keeps talking about Vax like "yeah you know the rogue? his subclass is cool etc. etc." and I'm like "YES, DO YOU MEAN VAX'ILDAN?" and act very Normal about it
- My DM watching and now being a fan of CR, and being a DM who puts in his fave characters from media as minor NPCs for fun in our game, he recently put Fearne in!!! LMAO you should have seen my face when he said "Jazz is chaos" and I realised what was happening
- Just yesterday he was yelling with me about Molly and he's like "!!!!!!the thing!!!!!! whyyyy!!!!!" and I was like "I KNOW!! BELIEVE ME!!!" which doesn't begin to explain how I really feel or the fact that I've spent a significant amount of time literally mourning them and thinking, writing and blogging about Molly LOL
- He said his favourite C2 characters so far are Molly and Beau which made me want to yell (more) cause same -- my other friend was like "they're all your favourites what are you talking about" they're right
- AND MOST IMPORTANTLY-- LISTEN, HE'S PUTTING MOLLY IN OUR GAME (screaming noises.....) as the underground contact for our criminal trickery cleric, in this huge colorful seedy vegasesque city, and I'm going to be SOOO fucking normal about it of course and try not to cry, especially if he does a really good Molly impression LMAO
Anyway it's funny that they all have the same favourite characters and the same opinions as me, and I will be posting updates
EDIT: I made some art and some minis for my campaign!
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
After that Jake-Mac-Rosa fic, you dropped this queen: 👑 Next time, a Jake-Mac-Holt piece?
Oh dang, THAT's where I left it. Thank you for that. 🤪
Grandpa Holt is always a pleasure to write, but let's try for some Dad Holt too...
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"Is everything alright, Peralta?"
Jake has been sitting off to the side of the group for a while now, so Holt finds it necessary to inquire. He's not used to the eager detective being so closed off and quiet unless something is wrong, and nothing he can think of right now strikes him as 'wrong': they have been celebrating the end of a rather arduous case for Diaz and Boyle, and Peralta had been as helpful as he could be as a tertiary, which was not his preferred position at all. The first round at Shaw's had been paid by himself as Captain, obviously, and the next by Diaz, so Boyle has promised to shoulder the third, were it to happen. Ergo Peralta could not be thinking about his usual money problems, which have lessened anyway ever since Santiago took over his budgeting.
That means something else entirely must be 'wrong' in order for Jake to keep out of the conversation, only reply when he is mentioned by name, and drift off to a corner of the bar while the other congregate around the various game options of the room.
"I'm good, Captain, thanks." Jake answers with a smile and an obvious lie, so Holt doesn't even bother replying, just raises one of his eyebrows a quarter of an inch, which he knows usually gets him results with Peralta. The ensuing sigh shows that it is still working.
"It's just..." Jake shrugs and rubs the back of his neck, another tell of his discomfort. "This is my first night out alone since the baby."
"Indeed." Holt replies. "I remember your phone call to Amy to inform her you would be back late today."
"Yeah." His hand is still on his neck, the other one clutched around his half empty beer bottle. "She told me to have fun. But..uh... I still kinda feel like I shouldn't be here."
"Do you think having a child robs you of autonomity? I know I am not speaking from experience, here, but it does seem to me like you are allowed to enjoy time away from your family, especially if your spouse insists you do."
"Getting drunk at a bar while my kid might be crying at home doesn't feel like the responsible thing to do, is all."
"Ah, I see." Holt nods, and he does see - he actually sees a lot more than what Jake might be trying to imply in his statement. He remembers how he used to self-medicate with alcohol in the past, after ending his relationship with that defense attorney, or even before, while feeling heartbroken over Santiago. He also remembers anecdotes about his father's drinking, not from Peralta himself, obviously, but from the rest of the squad, whenever Jake would cancel on a promised night out after Roger Peralta's visits. As much as Holt hates idioms, one of his most despised is probably 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree', and Jake seems to fear it as well.
"Here is my solution, then, if you are willing to listen." Jake looks up at Holt as he's standing in front of him, and his hand drops from his neck. "You make the beer you are currently drinking your last for the night, and spend some quality time with your colleagues instead, enjoying a few parlour games, and then you head home at an agreeable time and still see your child before he falls asleep."
Jake grins and takes a sip of his beer.
"Sounds like a plan, Cap." He nods, and Holt doesn't ignore the fact that Jake has been using this shortened nickname for him a lot lately, and how eerily similar it sounds to 'Dad' in his voice.
(An hour later, he receives a picture on his cellphone from Peralta: The man himself, asleep on his couch, with his infant son equally asleep on his chest. Santiago must have commandeered his phone, and Holt is glad for it.)
The sound of that little voice echoes through the hallway as loudly as the ensuing footsteps, and Holt feels something warm and solid wrap around his legs.
"Hello, McClane." He smiles down at the little boy currently clutching his knees, and he smiles back before raising his arms in an obvious demand to be lifted up. Holt obeys it immediately.
He notices Mac looks surprisingly tired for an otherwise very energetic two year old, and Amy, who's now following him to Holt's side, looks equally exhausted.
"Good afternoon, Captain. I'm so sorry, I should've messaged you that I have to bring Mac in for an hour, the babysitter cancelled and the day care couldn't keep him longer than-"
"It is quite alright, Santiago. McClane knows how to behave himself at the precinct, right?" He gives the little boy in his arms a look, and receives a strong and eager nod in reply, the curls on his head bouncing back and forth. If anyone were ever to question Peralta's parentage, that alone would classify them as an imbecile. "I can watch him for the time being, if you have paperwork you need to get in order before leaving for the day."
"God, Captain Holt, would you- that would be so- I was going to ask Rosa, because I know she's at her desk-"
Amy seems far more frazzled than usual, and Holt realises that her regular schedule must be in quite a disarray, considering she has been a single parent for about a week now. Mac must not have been making it easy for her, either, nor must the baby currently growing in her stomach, which has started to show about a month ago, at which point they finally informed the squad about it (when everyone had already figured it out just like last time).
"RoRo!" Mac yells, happily, almost leaning out of Holt's arms, but he quickly hugs him tighter.
"Your aunt Rosa is working, McClane, and we should not interrupt her. We can spend the time in my office, and you can draw if you would like."
"Roro working." He echoes like a little parrot. "Like Daddy."
"That's right." Holt has learned from the parenting homepages he's visited that you are to encourage a child trying to talk and string together a coherent topic, no matter how long it might take.
"Daddy's working away." Mac continues, and out of the corner of his eye Holt sees Amy's forehead wrinkle in worry.
"Yes, your father is in New Jersey for the week to work on a special case." It's not a dangerous case at all, rather a boring standard task that happened to involve some out-of-state suspects, but Jake had still been trying to hand off that trip to anyone who might be willing to help him out. Seeing his son with bags under his eyes and his wife with stresslines around her mouth and her hand on her belly, Holt understands why.
"He comes back." Mac says next, and it is a statement, but the look in his eyes makes it a question, and Holt is quick to answer. He's glad that he has a definite answer to that, instead of the empty promises and assurances he sometimes has to make as the head of a police department.
"Yes, your father will be back soon. In two days, in fact."
Mac holds up two grubby little fingers, and Holt nods with so much fervor it surprises himself.
"Very good, that is two. Only two days and two nights until your father is back home." The worry in Mac's eyes seems to dimish a little at that as he stares at his own fingers. "If we go to my office, we can check on the calendar exactly how long that is." He barely waits for another nod before taking the diaper bag out of Santiago's hands, who whispers a quiet, but relieved "Thank you" to him. He understands again that it means far more than to thank him for taking care of the child for an hour so.
(If he uses that hour to assure Mac several times that no matter what, his father will always find a way back to him with far more emotion in his voice than he'd usually use, well, no one needs to know. Peralta certainly seems happy about the picture he sends him of Mac with his captain's hat behind his desk.)
"Congratulations." Holt's hand on his shoulder is heavy, but not uncomfortably so, and it gives a quick squeeze before dropping.
They've done the whole customary introduction to the newborn baby, the apparently necessary picture round, and now Kevin is having an amicable chat with Amy in her hospital bed. They've waited two days for their official visit, to give the new parents a chance to get at least a few of their bearings. (Holt was there merely an hour after the birth, of course, with the rest of the squad, but that was a moment of joyful chaos and many voices.) Now the room is filled with an almost serene quiet, Amy's and Kevin's voices low and comfortable in the background as Holt watches the man he truly considers a son hold up his new granddaughter.
"Do you want to hold her again? I know you already did for the photos but-"
Holt only nods and takes the infant out of his hands with perfect ease. He's more used to a wriggling toddler now, but he still clearly remembers the days when Mac was equally quiet and frail in his arms. The little one in them now is asleep amidst all that is happening, her tiny mouth open just a fraction, and he feels her arm bump against his chest while she seems to be having a dream.
"She is as perfect as her older brother, Jake."
"Yeah." Jake smiles, and there's nothing of that boisterous, loud, cocky detective grin left in it that he used to know. It is soft and kind and full of love, and it might be one of Holt's favourite expressions. "Amy did a superb job again."
"As did you."
"I'm sure I don't gotta explain this to you, Cap, but I didn't really do much." Jake jokes, and Holt can tell he's trying to divert the attention to a simpler topic, but sometimes things must be said.
"You do a lot, Jacob." He continues, then. "Far more than a lot of fathers do. Far more than many would expect of you. And you do it all perfectly right, with heart and determination."
Jake nods, swallowing down a lump in his throat, it seems, and it might be a step too far for his already emotional state, but Holt feels like it needs to accompany his accolades.
"I am very proud of you, son."
Jake is very obviously fighting back tears as he replies.
"Thanks, dad."
The little girl in Holt's arms stirs right at this moment, and Jake seems to want to interject immediately in fear that she'll start crying, but she simply stares up at Holt with impossibly big, brown eyes for the first time. And he realises, just as he did two years ago when Mac's little hand tightened around his finger for the first time, that there is a child in this world that he would literally do anything for. There are four of them now, even if two of them have not fallen under the category of a child for several decades.
"Hello, Maya." He says to the little face that seems to be inspecting him. "I'm Captain Raymond Holt. Your grandfather."
He looks up at Kevin and Amy, who've stopped their conversation while Amy is lifting her phone in their direction, and then at Jake, who's looking at Maya as well with shining eyes. Then he looks back down at Maya, stretching her arms out of her swaddle as if she's reaching for him.
"You are a very lucky little girl."
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Pain Is For The Living [Javier Peña x F!Reader] - Chapter 2 (SMUT)
Summary: Sex work in the heat of 1980’s Colombia was never going to be a walk in the park. Especially not when you had a crush on your number one client, agent Javier Peña. You’d been warned about him and his reputation, but after one very specific incident that would change your life forever, you find yourself attached to him like never before and you’d do anything to make him yours. Even if it means endangering your own life.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT (protected p in v), allusions to sex, reader works in a brothel, PTSD, anxiety, panic attack, mention of drugs, guns, character death, typical Narcos themes.
Word count: 4000>
Pain Is For The Living Masterlist
*reblogs appreciated! Ko-Fi in bio if you want to support me!
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The office was dead, like it had been for the last three weeks. No new leads. Nothing. The days dragged and honestly, it felt like the case was growing colder and colder. Escobar had gone completely off the grid, hiding out in La Catedral, his very own self-built prison in the depths of Medellín. But the DEA didn’t know that yet. So, they made an attempt to shift focus, at least just for now. After all, any narco they captured would be a win. They’d been tracing Juan Diego Diaz, otherwise known as La Quica, believing that the sicario would eventually lead them to Escobar himself. But La Quica was just as cunning as any other narco and following him was not an easy challenge. If it wasn’t for Steve Murphy, the DEA would’ve most likely shifted focus again - but Murphy and La Qucia went way back. In 1981, just a few years ago, La Quica shot dead Kevin Brady, Steve’s old partner back from Miami, and so to say that Steve had a personal feud against La Quica was an understatement.
Javier Peña didn’t realise he was about to gain a whole vendetta against him too.
Within a second, every phone in the damn embassy began to ring. Javier and his partner, Steve Murphy exchanged a glance, and their eyes trailed up to Horacio Carrillo who answered the call. “Colonel Carrillo,” he introduced himself. Javier and Steve watched as their colleague took in the information on the other end of the line. Carillo erratically gestured for a notepad and pen, and Steve quickly threw him one his way. “Wait, wait… are you sure? Are you sure you saw him? How many eyes? With another man? Who? Who?” Carillo pressed pencil to paper and began to scribble the details down. “How many dead?... Shit, okay. We’re on our way now.”
Carrillo slammed the phone down on the hook and took a deep breath, rubbing his hands over his face in dismay. “We got eyes on La Quica,” he announced, and Steve immediately grabbed the handgun from his desk drawer and shoved it into his jeans. The whole office cheered, apart from Javier and Steve. This was good news considering the DEA had no lead whatsoever for the past three weeks, but if Carrillo’s demeanor over the phone was anything to go by, Javier and Steve knew they shouldn’t be celebrating just yet. “No. No,” Carrillo chanted, raising his voice in order to silence the rest of the department. “Three hookers. Dead. Shot.”
Javier froze up completely as he processed the words.
“By La Quica?” Steve beckoned, his voice dripping with venom.
“We don’t know. But we have eyes on him. He was seen.”
“Where?” Javier asked finally, his face expression stone cold.
Carrillo eyed Javier up and down, swallowing a nervous lump in his throat. He knew it was the brothel that Javier frequented...and Javier Peña was quite unpredictable. So, after taking a brief moment to prepare for Javier’s reaction, Carrillo finally gave the name of the location. “Desiderio.”
Desiderio. It was the brothel where you worked. His eyes flicked over to the wallclock before his gaze met back with Carrillo’s dark eyes. He had literally been there, with you, two hours ago. If he had just gone two hours later… he could’ve put a stop to the attack. Hell, he could’ve been the one to find an arrest La Quica. But Javier’s hero complex was short lived when all he could think about was you.
“Do we have names?” Javier asked. “Who was killed?”
What if it had been you? What would Javier do then? You were younger than the other girls, polite and bright eyed. You were brand new to Colombia, and Javier swore you were too good for the dangerous life you had managed to get yourself caught up in. Being a sex worker in 1980’s Bogotá? It was only a matter of time something happened to you. 
“No names,” Carrillo confirmed. “Peña, with all due respect, I ask that you go in and investigate the scene. You know the girls better than anyone else in the department. Maybe you could identify some of the bodies.”
It was like time was frozen, and Javier felt sick to his core. Javier was used to death and bloodshed; this was a war on drugs - however, it hit different when it was close to home. When it was a place he had been, or it was people who he knew.
Javier Peña was a complicated man. He didn’t talk about himself or his feelings. Truth be told, he didn’t even let himself feel. But right now, as anger swirled in his stomach, he decided he wasn’t going to waste anytime at all. He paced back over his desk and grabbed his handgun before bolting to the car that was already waiting outside for him. All eyes followed Javier’s movements but no one dared to make a comment. Apart from Bill Stechner, of course.
“Not everyday you see the department of drug enforcement’s noted womanizer get worked up over a whorehouse shooting,” Bill commented, a smug grin playing on his lips. “Didn’t think agent Peña had it in him.”
“Shut the fuck up Bill.” Steve rolled his eyes, not even bothering to humour the CIA agent’s out-of-pocket remark. Everyone in the district knew about Javier Peña’s reputation with the ladies. But of course, you were new.
“The Search Bloc and I will go after La Quica. Steve, you stay on the down low with agent Peña and investigate the crime scene. We’ll have guards protecting you from outside the brothel.”
“I want to go after La Quica.” Steve argued but Carrillo pointed a finger.
“No. You stay with Javi. Partners,” Carrillo reminded the blonde haired man. “Besides, you’re the DEA’s best photographer.” Carrillo smirked, thrusting a Polaroid camera into Steve’s chest. Steve let out a low grumble in response, before shaking his head and following Javier out of the office. Partners. And right now, Steve saw the primal glint in Javier’s eye. Agent Peña was seeing red.
As both Javier and Steve were being transported to Desiderio, Javier made an attempt to dial a number on the carphone multiple times. Your number. Of course it was a dead line. And that only worked up Javier more. The never ending ringing sound signified that you weren’t there, and Javier’s heart was pounding against his chest. It was the same kind of adrenaline as when he found Helena tortured by Gacha’s men in Medellín. Steve knew better than to ask his friend who he was so desperately trying to call, but it was the last of his instincts to assume it was one of the sex workers from the brothel. Because renowned womanizer Javier Peña didn’t form attachments, especially not to women, right?
At some point or another, you had passed out. Maybe you’d cried yourself to the point of exhaustion. Maybe the reality of what you had seen had hit you like a ton of bricks and you had fainted. How could you possibly know? But when Javier and Steve stormed the lobby of your workplace, you were laying on top of Rosa’s body, as still as could be. And that’s when Javier’s heart sank.
You weren’t moving, and his mind shot to the worst possible outcome. He raced over to you and fell on his knees, dragging your body off Rosa and cradling you in his arms. You were absolutely saturated in your best friends blood, and by holding you, now Javier was too. He briefly glanced down at Rosa and placed a hand on her forehead, trying to feel for any sign of warmth -  any sign of life. Javi sighed and ran his hand through his dark locks of hair before bringing it back down to you. He cooed your name a few times, desperate to earn some sort of reaction. Thankfully, on the third calling, you stirred a little, indicating that you were in fact alive.
Your perfect eyes fluttered open and in that moment, Javi swore his heart stopped. Thank God you were breathing. “You’re safe now,” Javier whispered. “I’ve got you.”
“Javi?” you asked in disbelief. Surely not. The way he was holding you was the most affectionate he’d ever been with you, and it felt like a dream. Maybe it was a dream. Maybe you were dead and this was your journey to the afterlife. God was finally giving you a chance with the one you loved so much. You said his name again, raising a shaky hand to cup his cheek. You brushed your thumb over his jaw and along his mustache, and when you smelt his familiar musky cologne, you knew you were somehow going to be okay.
Javier picked you up and carried you back to the car. “We have a survivor!”
Steve replied but to you it was just a haze. You could hardly keep your eyes open and when you did, everything was a blur. Your clothes were stuck to your skin, due to the mixture of blood, sweat and tears. You knew the second you were outside because the orange setting son burned against your skin. You stirred and mumbled, but Javier smoothed out your hair and hushed you. He opened the back seat of the DEA car and lay you down.
“Hey, hey listen, I’m DEA,” Javier whispered. “I don’t talk about it, but I’m here to help you. I need to head back inside now and help my partner out, but I won’t be long. I promise.” As Javier turned to leave, you grabbed his hand and he looked back at you.
“Please don’t go.” you sniffed, tears free falling down your cheeks.
And normally, Javier would’ve shrugged it off. He had a job to do, and he couldn’t just stick around you because you felt unsafe. They had counsellor’s back at the embassy for that. All he had to do was use the carphone and call them out. It wouldn’t take him two minutes. The only problem was, Javier didn’t want to do that. He didn’t want anyone else to hold you and comfort you. He wanted it to be him.
So, he swallowed the nervous lump in his throat and slid into the back seat next to you. He maneuvered your body so your head was resting against his jean clad lap, and he continued to smooth out your hair. Despite your red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks, you were still so beautiful.
“Hermosa, what happened back there?” he asked quietly after a moment. Between you and Javier, there was never an uncomfortable silence. It was his job to find out, but asking you straight up when you were so clearly traumatized, felt insensitive. Nevertheless, what else was there to say? He had to do it sooner rather than later.
“I’m sorry.” Javier mused, closing his dark brown eyes as he mourned.
“They killed Rosa,” you whispered shakily, doing your absolute best to remain composed and not fall back into an abundance of tears. Javier looked out the car window and held back a sigh. Well, he knew they killed Rosa already. “And Juliet and Martzia.”
Javier didn’t know who Juliet and Martzia were, but his heart sank at the revelation. Three deaths that could’ve been stopped.
“La Quica,” you croaked, and Javier’s head snapped to face you. “Was his name. But there were two, I think.”
La Quica… that was the name Carrillo had come up with. It was who the DEA had spent so much time looking for. But two? That was the first he’d heard of it. Carrillo and the cop department only had eyes on La Quica.
“Do you know the name of the other man? Or what he looked like?”
You did. At one point, his name rang like bells in your ears. He was friends with Rosa, or so you had thought. You knew his name… you knew his face until suddenly you didn’t. You couldn’t make sense of it or understand it, but it was like everything that happened back there had just become a fuzzy blur. It still hurt so much but… you couldn’t match actions to faces, or names to bodies. All you could see was Rosa and her sacrifice. All you could see was the way her body fell to the ground, crumpled up in a pool of her own blood. And then the screams and cries.
“Are you okay?” Javier asked due to the delay in communication. Your mouth felt dry and your fingers felt numb. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Listen, I can take you home, but the embassy is gonna want to interview you at some point in the near future. La Quica is dangerous, and I don’t know who this other guy is but I wouldn’t feel good about bringing you back to your apartment and leaving you there. I can send over additional security measures but, listen. I know you. And,” Javier took a deep breath not sure if he was about to regret the proposal. “If you’d prefer, you can come back to my place. Stay there for a few days. High security and you’ll be with me. Someone you know. I know that, if I was you, I wouldn’t wanna be alone right now.”
And for the very first time, your pretty plush lips curled into a smile. “You’d really do that for me?” You whimpered, nuzzling your face into his shirt.
“Of course.” Javier hummed, pressing a soft kiss into your forehead.
Was it unprofessional, inviting you over to live with him for the foreseeable future, the moment you had become an essential asset to the case? Yes. Fuck yes. But Javier Peña was not someone who played by the rules. He’d done this plenty of times before, when he shouldn’t have… but it was truly the right thing to do. Besides, you weren’t like any other informants. He knew you. He cared about you, more so than he’d like to admit.
You were very sleepy, and you couldn’t bring yourself to talk all that much. Javier understood better than anyone. He helped you out the car, carried you through the embassy apartment complex, unlocked his door (albeit with great difficulty), threw his keys haphazardly on the kitchen counter and gently plopped you down on the brown leather couch. Pulled out a crocheted blanket, he wrapped it over you, ensuring your warmth. He padded into the kitchen and filled you a glass of tepid water before looking in the refrigerator. Empty. Javier didn’t cook. In fact, he rarely even ate. When he did eat, it was take-out or fast food. Something quick and easy that he didn’t have to bother with. But now he had company. He sighed, and closed the fridge, glancing back at your sleeping body. He figured he’d have to go grocery shopping.
He picked up the phone and dialled Steve’s number, but his wife, Connie was the one who picked up. “Hey Con, Steve there?”
“Yeah. But he’s pissed with you Javi.” Connie sighed on the other end of the line. Javier scowled. He understood. It seemed like he pissed off people quite easily.
“Could you put him on?”
Connie didn’t reply but judging from the scuffling, Javier assumed she was handing the phone to her husband.
“Javi,” (“Steve,”)
“What’s up?” (“I need to ask you a favour,”)
“After today’s stunt? Not a chance.” (“Y/N was a mess, Steve. One of her best friends died in the shoot-out. I wasn’t just going to leave her,”)
“Javier Peña. Ever the hero. What do you need?” (Groceries. She’s gonna be staying with me for a few days. I can use the time I spend with her to gain her trust. Try and work out what exactly went on,”)
“Javi, she’s vulnerable. She’ll need therapy. You really want to use her as an informant?” (We’ll get her therapy from the embassy. Steve, I don’t think we have any other choice.”)
“I just think it’s a bad idea, but, it’s your call Peña.” (“I’m going to head to the market before it closes. Can you or Connie come over to watch her? She’s asleep so she won’t be much trouble.”)
“We have Olivia.” (“So bring her. Or don’t. I don’t care. Steve, please.”)
Javier waited patiently through a silence followed by a long sigh. “Okay Jav, but you owe us. We’ll be over in five minutes.”
“Thanks Steve, I’ll see you soon.”
Javier put the phone down on the hook quietly and padded back over to the sofa where you slept, crouching down and taking your hand. You didn’t deserve this. You were so soft and full of life, and everytime Javier saw you at the brothel you were always beaming. You were too good for this life. He knew you’d get hurt, one of these days, but that didn’t mean it was right. And suddenly, Javier was filled with vengeance. He couldn’t bear to think how the shoot-out would come to affect you, but he knew, in that moment, he would seek justice. Too many deaths, too close to home. Javier whispered your name, his breath fanning over your ear. You were somewhere in between consciousness. You could feel his presence but everything felt so dream-like. “If you can hear me, I’m going to head to the store. Buy us some food, okay? I won’t be long, and I have friends who will be watching over you. You’ll be safe, I promise.” Javier said before pressing another kiss to your forehead. He just couldn’t resist it. You stirred upon feeling the bristle of his mustache graze your skin and he drew his face away, not wanting to wake you completely.
“Hi Liv,” Javi cooed, leaning down to Steve and Connie’s little girl and pulling a face.
“So that’s her?” Connie asked, putting Olivia down.
“Yeah,” Javier sighed, and began to introduce you.
“Why do I get the feeling that you know her?” Steve quirked an eyebrow and Javier felt his cheeks flush with heat. “Are you one of her regulars?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but yeah, I suppose I am,” Javier retorted, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Con, if I’m gonna cook her dinner, what would you recommend?”
Connie stifled a laugh before turning to Steve. “Steve, you hungry? Javier’s offering to cook.”
“Hey that’s not what I meant--”
“He does owe us…” Steve smirked. “Paella sounds good.”
Fucking paella. 
“I could just bring her Taco Bell,” Javier considered out loud.
“I like paella.” Steve reiterated.
“Me too,” Connie agreed. “Paella is delicious.”
“Everyone likes paella.” Steve commented.
“Oh my god would you shut the fuck up about paella?” Javier groaned, causing Connie and Steve to laugh in unison. 
“Make her paella and bring us the leftovers,” Steve grinned, patting his friend on the shoulder. “And be quick about it.”
“Whatever, Murph.” Javier sighed, rolling his eyes before grabbing his wallet and car keys.
Seeing Nina working as the supermarket cashier was the last thing Javier expected.
“Javi?” she smiled that familiar gorgeous smile, her eyes sparkling as she scanned through the items of food. “It’s so good to see you. Been a while.” she commented, her gaze not leaving the agent’s once. 
And for the first time in a long while, Javier smiled. The stress of the stake-out and investigating the brothel, and taking you home had been a lot on him, but seeing his ex-girlfriend helped bring him back down to earth. If Nina could even be called ‘ex-girlfriend’. It wasn’t ever official, but he and Nina had been fucking on and off for around 6 months last summer and Javier was actually committed to Nina during that time. She came into his life unexpectedly, to say the least.
“How long have you worked here?” Javier charmed as he bagged the groceries.
“Two months, it’s been good to get out of the house,” Nina grinned. “You're still working for the DEA I assume?”
“Yeah.” Javier hummed, quickly reminding himself of you and the way you were sleeping on his sofa. He looked back up from the bag of rice and at Nina. Come to think of it, she resembled you quite a bit. Same hair colour, eye colour, skin tone… only she wasn’t as distinct. She didn’t have that flare about her, like you did. Maybe Javier had a type after all. 
“I get off work now,” Nina announced, flicking her wrist upright and checking the time on her watch. “Are you busy or? I was thinking… it would be nice to catch up, maybe, if you wanted.” Nina ducked her head down awkwardly.
Javier didn’t forget about you once. He didn’t forget about the fact he had a traumatized sex worker sleeping on his couch, or how he’d invited his partner and his partner’s family over to watch over you while he got ‘groceries’. But catching up with Nina would be nice. The right thing to do would be to reject Nina, and perhaps make plans to see her when Javier wasn’t so swamped with work commitments (if he could even call you that). But this was Javier Peña. He supposed Steve and Connie could wait just a little while longer, besides, they’d never find out. Javier was a good liar. He could make up some excuse about having to travel to a different grocery store or something. So, he agreed.
Nina’s apartment had barely changed since she and Javier had ended things. Still quaint, decorated with plants in every corner and full bookshelves. It was a clash of tongues and teeth as Nina navigated inside of her home, not pulling away from Javier once. She moaned against his lips and he grabbed onto her back, pinning her against the wall and knocking a few things off the coffee table.
“Missed this,” Javier confessed, nudging his nose against Nina. In the moment, he’d forgotten why he’d ended things in the first place. Nina wrapped her hands in Javi’s dark hair and tugged on the locks at the nape of his neck. Javier groaned wantonly and reattached his lips to hers as she let her hands maneuver down his body, unbuttoning his shirt and working at the zipper of his jeans. “Fuck Ni.”
She pulled off him and began to discard her clothes. “Bedroom Javi, I have condoms.” she hummed, taking Javier’s hand and guiding him through her apartment as if he didn’t already know the way. He’d never forgotten, really. 
This was wrong. On so many levels, this was wrong. He should be back home, with you. If anyone was to find out about this… well, Steve would be furious, for a start. But Javier genuinely couldn’t stop thinking about you. He didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, because if he wanted to be with you so bad he could easily just go back to his place and sit with you on the couch. The idea of that wasn’t the worst in the world. But also, he was about to get laid by Nina who looked so much like you… he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
He was whipped. Thinking about your lips on his… your hands caressing his muscles. She might have resembled you, but she tasted different, her voice was different, and her attitude. She just wasn’t you. 
Once Javi was all wrapped up, he pushed into Nina, and settled deep, his movements rough and fast. He grabbed onto her tits and gave them a squeeze, but they just didn’t feel like yours. They’d do though, for now. His grunts and her moans filled the room as she chanted his name, and he could feel himself nearing orgasm. He dipped his head in the crook of her neck, biting down on her skin that just wasn’t as soft as yours, and as his dick throbbed inside of Nina, and when he reached his climax, he made the biggest mistake of all.
He gasped your name like it was the sweetest prayer to leave his lips. He was fucking Nina but shit, he said your name.
Javier Peña said your name.
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bumbleberrysky · 4 years
alexa, play candyshop (bass boosted) | 04
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pairing: gabriel x reader genre: soulmate au, canon divergent around s13, hurt/comfort, humour, future smut (probs) wc: 3k rating: sfw warnings: none really
You knew there was a reason some divine power brought you to the Winchesters all those years ago, but to this day you still have no idea what that reason is. It’s something you’re destined to find out soon though, especially when you return to the bunker after months away and find not only a new face, but one that belongs to someone who up until that point you’d thought was dead. What does his return have to do with the changes you’re suddenly experiencing in yourself? Will you finally find out the reason you’d been brought here in the first place? Maybe… Chuck works in mysterious ways after all.
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“Alright, Jack, I’m going to show you something really important, something you can’t tell anyone about. Not even Dean. Alright?”
The blonde before you hastily nods, eyes wide as he gives you his whole attention. It’s almost childlike, the way he puts everything he has into every activity he does—even nodding to show you he’s listening to what you’re saying.
You know that he is being truthful, and that if you ask him he won’t tell a soul, but for effect you keep your eyes trapping his own, just for a few moments longer. When you’ve ‘deemed’ him trustworthy enough, you let your expression drop into a smile and you smack your hand affectionately against his bicep.
“Great! I knew I could trust you. To be honest, you can maybe tell the others, but definitely not Dean. If Dean finds out…” you make a solemn face. “This whole operation will go down in flames. Got it?”
“Yes, I understand.” Jack says, fidgeting on the spot—he’s curious about what you’re going to show him, you can tell from the way every so often his eyes will flit about, searching the room behind you for something that might give away what you’re talking about. He gives you a bright grin, as though to show that he is ready.
“Excellent,” you say, clasping your hands together. “Follow me.”
You turn and begin moving over to the corner of the room, knowing without even having to check that Jack is following you—like a little duckling, if memory serves you right. You’ve only known him a few days but you know for sure that if anything happened to him you would be killing everyone in this bunker and then yourself. Rosa Diaz has it right.
“Alright, pass me that chair.” As soon as you come to a stop in the corner of the room, you instruct the young Nephilim following you. Without question, he does as you say and retrieves the chair sitting against the wall by a shelf loaded with obscure occult ‘weapons’. The armory is always something that amazes and confuses you with its contents.
The chair drags with a light squeak across concrete floor as you position it where you need it, wasting no time in hiking a leg up and climbing onto the seat. You know what you’re doing, but Jack doesn’t and your sudden movement must startle him a little because you feel him grip your legs by your knees and exclaim loudly.
“Ah, y/n! Be careful!”
You look down at him, unable to help the trickle of fondness that curls into your smile.
“Thanks for spotting me, Jack—don’t worry though, I’m a professional. I do this often.” You lean down to pat his hand and after giving you a slightly concerned look, he slowly releases his supporting grip.
“It’s up here,” you continue, before he gets too distracted. Your hands reach for the grate of the vent that sits high on the wall, almost touching the corner and the ceiling. It’s only around medium size, big enough for you to fit most body parts in but definitely not your body as a whole. It’s only really tacked in, the screws barely securing the metal to the wall. It takes almost no effort to remove it and pass it down to Jack to hold.
“Behold, sweet boy,” you say with a certain air of grandeur and flair, “My personal stash of sweets and goodies.”
Whatever was left of Jack’s concerned look from earlier is quickly wiped clean off his face to make room for the excitement that rises at your words. His brows unfurrow, shooting high as he attempts to peer into the vent.
“You have a stash of sweets?” He asks, almost in awe. “How did you build it so quickly? Haven’t you only been here a little over a week?”
“I’ve had this here for years,” you say, pretending that your words don’t make you cringe a little. Some of the stuff in there… might be a little out-of-date. “Say, you ever tried a kinder surprise? Or a Bueno bar? Or Tim Tams?”
Jack shakes his head, still clutching the grate in his hands. “Are they very good?”
“Very good?!” you echo, letting out a noise that even to your ears sounds a little crazy. “Dude, they’re amazing. Delicious. Fantastic. They’ll change your life.”
With each word that escapes your mouth, you sell Jack a little more on the idea. He’s almost vibrating on the spot by the time you’re done, hands fidgeting as he bounces on the balls of his feet every few seconds. “Do you have some, y/n? May… may I try some?”
“Of course, Jack— mi casa es su casa. Except, this is more of a top-secret stash than a house. Gimme a sec, I’ll fish some out for you.”
You turn then, careful not to wobble the chair, and go on your tippy-toes to reach your arm into the vent, the other bracing you against the wall. A part of you was worried after hearing Sam’s account of what happened to his own stash of sweets, but to your complete and utter relief there is still a hefty pile sitting half a foot back from the opening of the vent. You dig around a bit, searching for an egg shape or even a bar. The chocolates you mentioned to him should be safe, since you’d only added them somewhat recently. No risk of poisoning the half-angel today!
“Damn it, where are those stupid eggs,” you mutter to yourself as you search the pile, almost grasping something you think might be what you’re looking for only for it to slip away from your fingertips. You let out a huff, but freeze a moment later in delight as you grab a handful of something familiar. Your arm retracts before you can lose it again in your pile.
“Alright, here we a—woAH JESUS! Oh my god!”
As you’d turned around, expecting to see Jack standing in anticipation by the side of the chair, your eyes caught on something that most definitely wasn’t there before. In the split-second it takes for you to recognise the figure leaning against the shelf of weapons, you get so badly startled that before you know it your balance is compromised and you’re teetering on the verge of falling off the chair.
“y/n!” Jack exclaims in worry, lurching forward to grab your legs and stabilise you again. “Are you okay?”
“G-Gabriel,” you manage to choke out around the heart that leapt into your throat from the fright of nearly falling, looking over the nephilim’s shoulder. “Hello, didn’t—didn’t see you there. Holy shit.”
His face is somewhat blank, but if you look closer you swear you can see a hint of amusement cross his features. He is still in the rags and still somewhat dirty, since he won’t let anyone come near him and he still hasn’t got enough juice to clean himself. It makes something in your chest twinge but you refuse to give it the mental screentime it demands.
“Oh, Uncle Gabriel,” Jack turns and greets, pleasantly surprised to see his uncle out and about. Nowhere near as surprised as you, however, who honestly didn’t think Gabriel would be leaving his room for a few weeks at least. “I am glad to see you are well enough to walk about. What brings you here?”
As expected, Gabriel says nothing—his eyes do, however, betray him when they flit in a squirrely manner from Jack to the overflowing handful of chocolates you have in your hand.
“You came for the sweets?” you query, brows drawing together in confusion. “But how did you—”
You stop yourself mid-sentence, realisation washing over you. “Ah… the vents. You probably heard us.”
Not a word, but the archangel does shrug slightly, gaze flitting away, and you know you must be correct. Jack turns his head back to you, expression confused but mixed in with something else—does he want you to do something? You catch on quickly to the imploring glint in his eyes.
“Here, there’s more than enough—Jack, take one of each and then pass the rest to Gabriel. And if either of you hear Dean, tell me or else this hiding spot will be compromised. If Dean finds out I have a stash of chocolate, it’s game over.”
Jack, as he had done before, nods seriously and carefully takes the handful of chocolates from you. He picks out one of each and places it on the chair by your feet, before tentatively passing the rest to Gabriel.
You hadn’t been sure whether he was actually going to take the sweets or not, but to your surprise he does. With hands that shake ever so slightly, he moves the wrapped goodies from his nephew’s hands to his own, offering the briefest smile to the two of you. And then he is bringing his hands to his chest and turning, making his exit from the room at a pace that is somewhere between hasty and cautious. By the time of your next blink, he is gone and you’re left reeling at the experience.
“I’m not going crazy, right?” you turn your gaze down to Jack, continuing when he meets your eyes. “Gabriel was just here?”
“He was,” Jack confirms, simultaneously relieving and confusing you. “He wanted some sweets, I think.”
“Huh,” you say, because you can’t think of anything else. After a moment, you blink yourself out of your thoughts and return to the original reason you’d brought the young man here.
“Anyway, go ahead and try those! Tell me which one you like most, and I’ll get more out for you.”
Jack doesn’t need to be told twice; he’s diving for the sweets he’d stored on the chair and tearing into the first one he can get his hands on before you’re even finished talking. Within split-seconds he has it in his mouth and he’s giving you a wide-eyed look.
“y/n, this is so good!”
He is definitely not wrong. Smiling, you reach up and attempt to retrieve more of the one in his hand to restock him.
“I know right?! Just wait until you try the other ones.”
x     x
You’d thought it earlier, but it becomes more apparent now that just as you’d figured, something had changed in Gabriel the other day.
Now, don’t get it wrong—he is still quiet and refuses to speak most of the time, and most of his day is spent within the confines of his room, but lately… he’s begun to sneak out a bit more.
Well, sneak maybe has a little bit of a negative connotation. He’s allowed to be out of his room, of course. It’s just that he’s so quiet and quick that sneaking is the only fitting term you can think of for the way he slinks silently through the bunker.
The idle thought crossed your mind at some point that maybe he just wants to be a part of it all, even for a brief moment, and even if it just means he hovers on the outskirts of the room instead of actually joining in.
Sometimes you’ll come out in the morning and find him curled on one of the plush chairs in the library, hidden behind one of the bookshelves. Other times he might wander into a room when the occupants are in the middle of something, whether that be researching, playing a game, watching something, or even arguing. Actually, he probably shows up most often for the latter. Stirring the pot was his specialty back when, and it seems a pot ready to bubble over is something he is naturally drawn back to as he starts to feel a little more like himself.
Most of the times you've spotted him at the periphery of the room, it's been bickering that has, admittedly, more often than not started at your hands. It’s not your fault! For two brother’s who have literally survived several almost-apocalypses, the Winchesters are awfully easy to tease. Sometimes you give Jack or Mary a few proverbial pokes, but you don’t really have the heart to follow through for very long. The guilt you feel when you rile up Sam and Dean is minimal, but when you start to stir up anyone else in the bunker you feel guilty after about five seconds of it.
Today’s victim is, as often happens to be the case, Dean. Sometimes you seek him out if you’re in a particularly bastardous mood, but today he happened to walk in front of your crosshairs of his own accord. Wrong place, wrong time.
“I’m just saying,” you struggle to keep a straight face as you speak. You can see the red beginning to colour the tips of Dean’s ears and know that you’re getting to him, as much as he is trying not to let it show. “The bacon that you used for that burger… I think it was the one that was out of date.”
“No way,” Dean denies immediately. “I checked the dates, this was from the good packet.”
“Where was it?” you ask him, raising a brow and crossing your arms. He stills for a moment as he attempts to recall which portion of the fridge the bacon was residing in.
“Left side, towards the front.” He finally informs you, looking proud of himself. You lean back in your chair, wincing at him.
“Dude… that was the out-of-date one.” You shake your head, giving him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry to tell you, but you’re gonna be super sick later.”
Now, the thing about this argument is that there was no out-of-date bacon that he could have used. You threw it out the other day. But, he doesn’t know that. And if you can convince him that the burger he is more than halfway through was made with funky meat, then you bet his reaction is gonna be really funny.
Dean throws an accusing finger in your direction, scowling. His ears tinge a little more red. “Stop gaslighting me, twinkletoes! I know which bacon I used!”
“Yeah,” you say, gesturing vaguely. “The out-of-date one.”
Dean doesn’t believe you, of course, but you do catch him giving the burger in his hold a cursory glance. He huffs a breath out of his nose.
“If it’s out of date, then why does it still taste so good?” Dean says, with all the gusto of someone who’d just said something worthy of a mic drop. His free hand even moves to his hip, and one of his brows raises at you while his lips purse.
You shrug, resting your legs on the corner of the table and crossing one over the other. The corner stabs into you when you slip slightly and prompts a readjustment. “I don’t know, man. You eat a lot of shit so it could just be that you’re accustomed to funky-tasting food.”
For a moment he appears like he wants to refute what you said, but he seems to think better of it as he, presumably, recalls the meals he’d had as of late. His lips are still pursed as he stares at you for a second with narrowed eyes, the cogs visibly turning in his head.
“You know what,” he begins, sounding a little testy. You pause for a moment, though, as you detect something else in his tone. “Why don’t we bet on it if you’re so sure? Loser has to do the other’s chores for a week.”
“Deal,” you say immediately, without even entertaining the possibility of losing. You presume that he’s just going to judge this on whether or not he gets food poisoning later (which you can easily interfere with; there are a number of things in the bunker that are good for upsetting a stomach), and aren’t too worried. That changes in the next second when you see him turn and make his way to the bin where the bacon packaging no doubt resides. You scramble into a sitting position, dread already creeping into your bones as you realise you’re about to be found out. Damn it, you already hate the chores you have when you’re here, you don’t want to do Dean’s as well!
You make a face as he finally reaches the bin, reaching in to procure the packaging from the top.
“HAH, see! Best by—”
You blink as he halts suddenly in his reading, the red fading from his ears and making way for a green hue to wash over his face.
“Oh. Oh god.” He says, much softer than his earlier proclamation. He drops the packaging back in the bin, and the remains of his burger follow suit in the next heartbeat. He straightens, but doesn’t meet your eyes.
One of his hands comes to place over his stomach, his features twisting. “I’ll… be right back.”
And then he is using his long legs to his advantage and striding out of the room faster than you can comment. You’re left there reeling, alone in the kitchen.
“What the fuck,” you whisper to yourself, confused beyond belief. By all means, he should have read a date that was still safe. Unless you threw out the wrong bacon. But you’d been sure to check which you were throwing out when you did it, so there’s no way—
Your frantic inner monologue is cut off by the soft sound of shuffling on the outskirts of the room. You turn to investigate, and to your surprise catch sight of Gabriel quietly slinking to the door from the corner of the kitchen. He pauses like he feels the weight of your gaze on him, and turns to face you just slightly.
You’re too surprised to even say anything in greeting, and that proves to be the case especially in the next moment when the archangel offers you a brief wink and then turns back the way he is facing, disappearing from the kitchen and leaving you truly alone this time.
It takes a second for the dots to connect in your head, but when they do you can’t help the surprised laugh that leaps from you.
Gabriel had just saved your ass from doing extra chores for a week.
You’d have to slip him some of your stash as a thanks.
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Dancing in the Dark, You Between My Arms.
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Prompts -  ‘First second I saw you I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.’ 
When you agreed to go out with the girls you thought it would be fun, you really did, but from the moment the first shot was downed the questions started.
“When are you and Jake going to get it on?” 
“Seriously, call him. Now.” 
“You like him, he likes you. Come on, Y/N.”
As much as you loved Amy, Rosa and Gina, you couldn’t take the constant hounding and ending up leaving early.
The three of them had known they had taken it too far this time but still stood by their actions, it was a nightmare seeing you and Jake pine for each other when you were both so obviously into each other.
It’s not that you denied your feelings for Jake either, you told them months ago but hoped they’d just forget about it and not make a big deal but apparently that was too much to ask. You and Jake worked together, worked well together, and you didn’t want to do anything to jeopardise that work relationship you two had. You were in sync with each other, able to communicate without talking make it easy to come up with fast, last minute change of plans and resulted in a win for the nine-nine.
Besides it’s not like he liked you back, no matter what Amy, Rosa and Gina said.
“Good morning squad. Tonight is the stake out for the Fisk drug bust. Boyle and Santiago you’ll be in the surveillance van, Diaz and Jeffords you’ll take the abandoned rooms and Y/L/N and Peralta you’ll take the roof. We’ll have a team ready to move on the command. Any problems?” Captain Holt asked during the briefing and you all murmured a no before heading back to work.
You took a seat at your desk and didn’t notice Amy until she cleared her throat. 
“Hey Amy.” You greeted with a slightly forced smile. You weren’t mad at her over brining up your crush on Jake but it did grate on you.
“Hi. Listen, I just want to say we’re sorry. We just want you to be happy and think Jake will do that.” Amy told you as she took a seat next to your desk.
“I get it, Aimes, I really do but I just hate hearing about it constantly. Especially when I know he doesn’t feel the same way. We’re just friends” You said with a frown, picking up your pen and tapping it on the desk.
“You’re kidding? You seriously think he doesn’t like you? I thought you just didn’t want to risk anything affecting work but you don’t think he likes you? Y/N, You’re kidding! He looks at you like you’re his entire world.” Amy told you, sincerity so clear in her tone that it made you pause for a second before shaking your head.
“No, he doesn’t. You’re just reading too much into this because you want it to work out.” You said, trying to convince yourself rather than Amy.
“No,Y/N, I’m not. Ask anyone.” She said as she stood up, “Ask Hitchcock and Scully, even they see it.” 
You managed to shake away what Amy had said to you, not very well admittedly, and get some work done. You managed to file three cases before you were interrupted again.
“Everything ok?” Jake asked causing you to look away from your work and at him. He was lounging in the chair next to your desk with his legs spread out in front of him.
“Yeah, why?” You asked with a smile.
“Saw you talking to Santiago earlier, you were tapping your pen which meant you were troubled. I tried to come save you but well Charles....” He told you, trailing off with a laugh.
“So no more,” You giggled. “But seriously I’m fine. Amy was attempting to girl talk and it was as good as you’d imagine.” You told him causing him to laugh again.
“So, you ready for tonight? I already have so many snack, it’s gonna be great.” He grinned at you making your heart fluttered. 
“You do realise this is a stake out to arrest one of the deadliest drug rings, right?” You asked with a raised brow and a smirk.
“Sure, sure but who says we can’t have a good time?” He questioned, smiling brighter as he made you smile.
“Holt probably would but I can’t wait.” You told him causing him to cheer.
“See you tonight, Y/L/N/.” He smiled as he stood up and headed to his own desk to grab his jacket. “Want me to pick you up?” 
“That’d be great, thanks.” God, Jake made you feel like you were a damn teenager all over again.
“No problem.” He waved to you and shouted a quick goodbye to the rest of the group before leaving the precinct. 
You watched the close elevator doors, missing the way Gina and Rosa smirked at you.
“So many stairs.” Jake groaned and you copied the noise, panting as you leaned against the closed door. 
“So many stairs.” You moaned back, seriously would it kill people to fix the elevators.
Once the two of you had caught your breath you made your way over to the walls ledge, pulling out walkie talkies, binoculars and Jake pulled out an impressive amount of snacks.
“Oh hey, you got my favourites.” You grinned as you snatched up the packet.
“Of course I did, I know how to treat a girl right.” Jake grinned before pausing and looking sheepish. You smiled at him shyly. 
“Yeah you do.” You said softly, so softly he almost didn’t hear you.
It was no secret to anyone who knew Jake that he liked you. Actually the only person who didn’t know was you yourself. Everytime he tried to tell you he chickened out, like the time he invented you to his apartment and spent the night watching terribly cheesy movies and talking til you were cry laughing, or the time when he took you to dinner in that new fancy restaurant you wanted to go to and the two of you played dress up for the night in your fancy outfits. There were so many occasions were he wanted to tell you but he just couldn’t, it was like the words actually got lost in his throat and every night after he would go home hating himself for not confessing because if he had you could’ve been his.
“Everyone in positions?” Terry’s voice broke the silence. You both reached for the walkie talkie, blushing as you your hands touched.
“Sorry.” You both said at the same time, laughing, as Jake handed the walkie talkie to you.
“Yes Sarge.” You confirmed as did everyone else.
“Good, no sign yet. This could be a long night, squad.” Terry told you all. There were a chorus of groans but you couldn’t think of anywhere you’d rather be.
Two hours passed and the sun had long set, it was cold and there was no sign of Fisk. 
Jake had been doing his best to keep both your spirits high though and the two of you were laughing at a story he had told. 
You looked at Jake in confusion when he went silent suddenly, staring at you with wide eyes and a soft smile. A look you hadn’t seen on him before.
“Everything-” Before you could even finishing your question, Jake cut you off.
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He blurted out, surprise on both of your faces. “Sorry, I just mean-” Here he trailed off before shaking his head. “No, I do mean that. Y/N, you’re so beautiful. First second I saw you I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were and I’ve liked you for so long. I get if you don’t feel the same way but-” Jake didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence because you leaned across and closed the distance between the two of you.
The kiss was so much better than you had dreamed. Your lips slotted together perfectly, Jake’s hand cupping you cheek as yours played with his hair. The softness and slowness of it was perfect and you couldn’t help but smile which broke them kiss but that was okay because Jake was smiling back just as brightly. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Jake whispered as he leaned in for another quick but slow kiss.
“Me too.” You murmured, smiling softly. 
“So does this mean…” Jake trailed off hopefully.
“Yeah, I think it does.” You agreed with a grin, laughing as Jake whooped. 
The two of you sat next to each other, Jake’s arm coming to wrap around you when he saw you shivering from the cold.
“Hey, I know we’re in the middle of a case but I know a pretty romantic way to warm you up.” Jake grinned all of a sudden, not giving you chance to process what he had said before he was jumping up and pulling you with him.
“What’re you doing?” You asked, cursing him for moving away as you shivered some more, why couldn’t drug deals go down in nice, warm areas with  heater. 
You watched as he fiddled with his phone before you heard slow music coming from the speaker, grinning and rolling your eyes as you heard ‘Only You’ play.
“Do all guys think this song will make girls fall for them?” You laughed as did he.
“Baelfire said it worked.” He shrugged and then looked at you with a questioning look. “That was a-”
“Once Upon a Time reference, I know.” You grinned causing him to laugh louder.
“God, you’re so cool.” He said before clearing his throat and holding his hand out for you, “Can I have this dance?” He asked with a shy smile.
“I’d be honoured.” You giggled before taking his hand and the two of you were soon laughing over stepped toes as Jake guided you through the moves.
The two of you looked at each other, your feelings clear in your eyes, and wondered why you hadn’t confessed your feelings earlier.
“There’s no where else I’d rather be.” Jake told you quietly, not wanting to break the peaceful, romantic atmosphere that had settled on the roof.
“Me neither.” You agreed, enjoy the soft kiss that followed.
Really, why hadn’t you done this earlier?
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shehath-awakened · 4 years
Beautiful Deaths: chapter two
note: thank you so much for the support on the first chapter! i honestly did not expect that much attention haha, well here it is chapter two. i hope you enjoy!!
chapter one
summary: Y/N is a detective at the 99th precinct with a secret. Hiding from the avengers is not an easy task.
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You felt the familiar twist in your stomach of the teleportation, only this time far worse. You had never taken another person with you before, let alone two; you had an awful feeling this was going to drain you more than usual. It took less than a second to materialise back in the precinct. You could hear the distant chatter of officers and the whirr of printers down the hall. Looking up and down the corridor, you made sure nobody had seen the three of you.
Almost immediately, Charles began frantically asking what had just happened and Jake… well, he looked just like he did that time Amy tricked him into running up to the roof on Halloween. With a swift movement you led a spluttering Charles and a sea-sick Jake into the evidence lock-up, locking the door behind you as to not be overheard.
“okay” you began “let me—”
“what the hell was that Y/N?!” Boyle cut you off. “since when have you been able to do that? And why did you run from the avengers? Are you in trouble?”
“I’m sorry, I promise I’ll explain everything just… not right now. I need you two to trust me. Please.” You looked between them imploringly, hoping they would have your back.  Charles held your gaze for a second and broke the silence;
“alright” he gave you a smile and you felt the weight being lifted off your shoulders. You looked to Jake. Like Charles did, he held your gaze with an expression you couldn’t read.
“Y/N of course I trust you. We are all a team. The whole squad will have your b—” he began but stopped abruptly, turning around and throwing up in the closest bin. Despite the interruption, you could tell he meant what he said.
“Oh yeah, sorry that tends to happen when you teleport for the first time. Should wear off in a few minutes” you explained, grimacing. It was strange talking to people about this, you had been keeping it secret for as long as you could remember but now it was about to be out in the open. Well, sort of.
“What do you need us to do?” you were brought back to the moment by Boyle. You looked at the time. Shit, it had already been ten minutes. You needed to act quickly as it wouldn’t take the avengers long to find out where you were, especially with the whole of Stark Industries and Shield at their fingertips.
“I need you to come with me to captain Holt” you addressed Charles “I need the squads help but I have to explain to him first. Jake—” you looked over at the sickly detective “join us when you can. We’ll be in his office. Do not speak to anyone on your way. Got it?”
Leaning over the trash can he smiled weakly holding up a thumb.
“Great” you patted him on the back a couple times as a gesture of sympathy and left with Charles to talk to Holt.
Despite your fatigue from the mission, you ran to holt’s office, time was against you and you had to get out of there and somewhere safe quickly.
“(Y/N), Boyle?” You had reached the bullpen, just about to turn into his office when you heard Amy behind you. “when did you get back? I didn’t see you get off the elevator… where’s Peralta?”
Crap. This is the exact kind of run in you were hoping wasn’t going to happen. But you then turned to her, realising she could help.
“Amy, you need to listen to me. Gather the squad and tell them to speak to absolutely no one but each other, even if it’s a family member. Please trust me. I’ll explain everything once I’ve spoken to Holt.”
She looked to Charles who nodded silently. She gave a single nod in response and went straight to Terry, doing as you instructed. Not willing to waste anymore time, you went to Holt who was, thankfully, inside his office. You didn’t bother knocking, it wasn’t the time for formalities.
“Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt. I have to talk with you. It’s urgent” as you walked into the room you closed the blinds. Your friend’s face became laced with concern and he motioned to the chair in front of him.
“what is the matter, detectives?” As you sat down you began to explain what had happened at the mission, how the avengers had turned up, how they let the guy get away causing you to get angry, not completely willing to go into the details despite the gravity of the situation.
“So you yelled at the avengers a bit? I’m sure they get it all the time from officers, it is nothing—” Charles cut him off.
“It’s what happened next, sir” Holt looked between the both of you, his normally stoic expression replaced with unease. Not too sure how to explain, you looked to Holt, telling him everything just as it happened. You then went onto explain why you had kept this a secret, it felt amazing to let go of it all. Not once did Charles or Holt push you, they trusted you completely and it felt surreal.
“So Captain, I need yours and the squads help, I can’t do this on my own” And without hesitation he agreed with a nod. You heard small sniffles coming from next to you and turned to see Boyle tearing up.
“You alright there bud?” you patted his upper arm as he replied between sobs,
“It’s just—so wholesome” before you could react he pulled you into a tight hug and you patted his back some more. He opened up his arm motioning for Holt.
“Captain get in here” he cried and you turned to Holt who wore his deadpan expression once more. With a lurch Boyle grabbed him and drew him into the embrace. You looked sideways to your captain and mumbled,
“Just say the word and I’ll teleport us out of here” as Charles comically sniffled into his shoulder.
After the awkwardly long embrace, captain Holt brought in the squad to explain the situation. What you liked most about him is his no-nonsense way about things. There was no beating around the bush with that guy which is exactly what you needed right now.
“So you threw a chair? What’s the big deal? I’ve lost it at them more then once.” Rosa chimed in. You sunk back into the corner of the room not wanting to admit what happened one more time.
“the deal, Rosa” Jake voiced as he walked into holt’s office, still looking a little green. “is that she threw it with her mind, it was awesome.”
Once again, all eyes were on you, some shocked, some looking for confirmation. Instead of verbally confirming what Jake had just said, you took a deep breath and lifted a pen from captain holt’s desk just like you had done with the chair. As you were doing so, the green signature of your abilities wisped around your hand and the object. After a few moments of hovering the pen, you set in back down on the desk.
Without any further explanations you looked back to Rosa and the squad. “I value my freedom. I never told anyone about my past but I have to now. When I was little I was taken because of my mutations. I can’t remember much but I know I was passed around a lot, being… sold, I assume for what I could do. I wish I could remember but I don’t. I got out somehow and made a life for myself. All I knew is that I had these abilities and couldn’t tell anyone. Next thing I knew New York was being attacked by aliens and Shield began rounding up people like me. That’s when some memories started coming back to me, although most of my childhood up to 16 is completely blank.”
You took a moment; the squad gave you the time you needed. You had never said this aloud to anyone before but it didn’t feel therapeutic, it felt damning. You knew this would change everything. You took another deep breath before continuing.
“So I need your help. Shield will be looking for me, I need to hide out for one night where they won’t find me.”
“You can come to mine. No one knows where I live” Diaz offered. You gave her a smile and surprisingly she gave one back. You turned to the rest of the squad,
“I need the rest of you to tell anyone who asks that I ran and that you have no idea where I am. It won’t necessarily be a shield agent or an avenger they send so do not tell anyone what I have told you. I’ll be back tomorrow disguised, I’m not letting this derail all I’ve built up”
“Isn’t that a bit risky? How do you know they won’t tell it’s you?” asked terry, you gave him a small smirk.
“Trust me, they won’t. Rosa, I’ll need to teleport us near yours to avoid being seen. Can you think of a nearby ally?”
“Perfect, no need to tell me I got it”
“Hang on. Did she just--?” terry addressed the group. You looked to him and finished his sentence for him;
“Read her mind? Yes, I did. Oh and before you ask Hitchcock, yes I have been able to do that all this time and you need to begin censoring your thoughts man”
“damn Y/N, what else can you do?” Jake asked looking like an excited puppy.
“Not enough time to explain. Rosa.” You offered the detective your arm to grab a hold of which she did immediately. Before leaving you looked back to the squad and nodded a thank you. You kept the place fixed in your mind and disappeared in a flash of green.
Just as you had done in the precinct, you rematerialized only this time in a dank alley near Rosa’s apartment.
“Dope” she said looking at you with an impressed expression, commenting on your skills. “Here, take my jacket, it’ll make you look less like yourself as we’re walking.”
The detective began to take off her leather jacket, and even though you admit it would be helpful you had another idea in mind. As she was handing you the piece of clothing you stopped her.
“Don’t worry I won’t need that. Hey, what does your dog look like?” you asked getting ready. You could have teleported you both straight to the apartment but it would be better if Rosa was seen entering without you.
“Golden lab about this tall, why does that--?” before she could finish there was another flash of green and down at her feet was you, as Arlo. “Holy crap Y/L/N” She said as she took the lead that you had conjured and began to walk you to her apartment.
As you were walking down the busy street, you spotted them and nudged Rosa with your head. Thor and Loki. Despite both being dressed in normal clothes, they could still be spotted from a mile off. They didn’t exactly blend in. You could tell Rosa had also seen them and they were walking to her, clearly about to question her on your whereabouts.
“Excuse me, Lady” Thor addressed Rosa, “My brother and I are here to speak you on behalf of Shield and the Avengers. Would you be able to tell us the whereabouts of one of your colleagues? (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?”
“Can you tell me why you wanna know?” she retorted, avoiding the question.
“I am afraid not, we can tell you she will not be harmed, Shield needs to speak to her about an ongoing confidential matter.”
You looked up at the two brothers in your current form. Thor was looking at Rosa, and she was looking at Thor. But Loki was looking at you. You sat down looking up at the god and cocked your head to the side. He remained silent, examining you until he was brought to the attention of his brother.
“Loki what are you doing?” Thor asked him. You were sure he had figured you out. It was only a matter of seconds, still you sat there waiting for the raven-haired man’s response.
“Oh nothing, it’s only this creature looks just like you brother” he said with a smirk. You were shocked, why did he not say anything? Your train of thought was interrupted by Thor spluttering his defence and you had decided you had spent too much time with the people you were hiding from. You pretended to chase after something, pulling Rosa away by the lead.
“I assume we are done here?” she asked coolly, raising her eyebrow while you still pulled on the lead.
“Yes, thank you for your time. Come on brother” replied the god of thunder and you and Rosa began to walk down the street and enter her apartment.
As soon as the door was closed behind you, you transformed back to yourself, exhausted. This was too much energy being drained in one day.
“that was a close call” noted Diaz, removing her jacket as you slumped on a nearby chair.
“yeah, yeah it was.” You said with a sigh. You stared into space, thinking about what had just happened. Loki knew that was you, you were sure of it. But why didn’t he say anything?
What game is he playing? You thought.
“relax, Y/N.” Rosa said to you handing you a drink, bringing you back to the real world. You weren’t sure what it was but it smelt strong, and you didn’t care. “we did it, you’re safe.”
But a few houses down were Thor and Loki, and unbeknownst to you, as you transformed back, you alerted the trickster to your use of magic, causing him to smirk once more and turn to Thor.
“I think this planet is starting to interest me after all, brother”
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Okay hi! Don’t mind me just jumping back onto my AU wagon with a Bodyguard!Jake fic inspired by The West Wing that absolutely nobody asked for but I couldn’t help but write ... 😎🚨 anyway it’s called let down your guard and you can find it on under the cut or on ao3! 
let down your guard 
chapter one: there’s so much that you just don’t see 
There are a collection of nuclei in the temporal lobe of the brain known as the amygdala, that are best known for their role in sparking the fight or flight reaction in most people when met with emotions like fear.  Amy had read about it once, in a medical journal that she’d found at Rosa’s house (it’s presence on her coffee table, to this day, remains unexplained).  According to the article; once the amygdala sparks, your brain’s ability to retain memory increases, and in hindsight can make a patch of time feel as though it has stretched on forever.
As she stands in the world’s slowest elevator at Medstar Washington Hospital this evening, with her heart smashing against her ribcage and her toes tapping against the faded linoleum floor; Amy is certain that her amygdala has kicked into overdrive.  
Panicking, her frantic mind keeps bouncing around between the urges to run like hell and stay until the bitter end, and it definitely isn’t like Amy because she’s never run away from a fight, but maybe there’s a part of her that already knows that what could happen next has the potential to change everything. 
Her eyes remain glued to the squares inset along the top of the car, their white laminate long since turned a faded yellow; the number eleven scratched out almost to the point of non-existence.  She counts, a slow progression in her head that tries it’s very best at blocking out the thoughts racing around - the thoughts that keep telling her that she might have just lost the greatest thing to happen to her before it could ever really happen - and she can’t bear to look at her watch right now, but she’s positive that three minutes pass before the dim light behind the number four decides to amble it’s way towards five.  
“Shots were fired in a store on 14th Street,” was the message she’d received, a mere half an hour ago (also, approximately the time she’d gotten on this damn elevator).  Boyle’s pale face, and a choked out number.  “Room 9554.”  The rest is muddled - she knows she started running; remembers hearing Terry call out to her departing figure, and she’s pretty sure her purse is somewhere back at the theatre lobby - but there was a force stronger than anything she can label that was pulling her to the hospital, and in that moment Amy had absolutely no intention of stopping.  
The squares for six and seven remains mute yet eight comes to life, and the knots in her stomach begin to clench even tighter.  There’s a mantra that’s been playing in the back of her mind - from the very moment she’d stepped into the lobby and saw Charles make a beeline in her direction - and it takes over any other rational thought as finally level nine lights up, and the doors to her metallic prison slide open.  Please let him be okay.  Please let him be okay.
I don’t know what I’ll do, if Jake is not okay.
The sterility of the ward burns her nostrils and the clack of her heels sound vaguely like the rattling snare drums at the last inauguration, interrupting the otherwise calm environment of the floor as the numbered plaques beside each room begin to blur.  She dodges past nurses, doctors, and patients alike; and she can tell that they recognise her face (which means there’s a very good chance that this will be in the paper tomorrow), but it doesn’t matter that they know her, it doesn’t matter if the press find out about this - nothing else matters if he is not okay - and then finally, FINALLY, the numbers 9544 are before her.  
Her fingers feel limp, but somehow she manages to grip the doorknob and turn - pushing her weight against the wood as though somehow it is the reason she hasn’t been able to get here earlier - and then suddenly the only sound Amy hears is the frenzied heaving of her own breath.
The room is empty, save for a bed in the middle - stripped clean and returned to it’s regular scrutiny from the harsh fluorescent buzzing above.  A clipboard cleared of any history hangs lax from its base, and on the very edge of the mattress sits a leather jacket; the same jacket that had once hung on the back of her apartment door … and the same jacket that Amy’s fingers had gripped the edge of a mere three hours before.  
She feels her stomach drop to her feet, glued to position as her mind moves into overdrive, eyes trained solely on the scene before her as the realisation hits.  
Jake was not okay.  And nothing was ever going to be the same again.    
Five months earlier … 
“On to other news.  We can confirm that there has been a surge in counterfeit notes across the nation, with several states reporting projections of significant economic loss.”
Amy pauses as the small crowd in front of her transform into a cacophony of sound, pen-clenched fingers and miniature recorders thrusting towards the ceiling in desperate attempts to get her attention and break their version of the story.  Blinking, she gives them her best I’m not done yet look, and after a few beats the reporters in front of her fall silent.
“President Holt has already been in discussion with the Secret Service, and are confident that the lead they are running on will come to fruition.”
From the back, Matthews from The Sun raises his hand, and Amy gives a quick nod.  “You said there were several states reporting loss.  Do we have an estimation?”
“Presently, the calculations are upwards of 3 million dollars, which - ” she emphasises, as the sea of hands raise once again, “is why there are teams working around the clock to stop the fraudulent currency from getting into circulation.  In the meantime, The White House has released an image of the forged notes,” nodding to her left, Amy waits for the screen beside her to light up, “and the differences are clearly distinguishable.���
The room falls quiet as the reporters all turn their attention to the image, and Amy watches as they all slowly turn back to her with varying expressions of confusion.  Suppressing a sigh, she uses the remote in her hand to zoom in on the imitation of the offical seal, the same one that is on every U.S. dollar bill, and undoubtedly in the pocket or purse of every single person here.  Not a day goes by that she doesn’t wish that Latin would finally wake up from its long nap (or it’s conquiescamus, as it were).  “Pluribus.  There are two Rs.”  She waits a beat, and continues in a dry tone.  “There should only be one.”
To her right, Ginns from The Examiner clears his throat; glancing up at Amy to ensure he has her attention before flipping open his notebook.  The Chicago-born columnist was unashamed in his opinion - as were his loyal followers - and his coverage of Holt’s campaign had leant towards unfavourable.  With a tight smile, Amy swallows the urge to scream at whatever was about to come next.  “Yeah, so - with regards to the Secret Service.  After his inauguration, President Holt elected a new head of the Presidential Detail, a .. ” pausing, Ginns refers to his notes, creasing his brow.   “Rosa Dye-az.”  
Pushing her tongue against the back of her teeth, Amy wills herself not to interrupt and correct Ginns’ pronunciation, waiting for some kind of sign of potential redemption.  Instead, he leans forward and continues.  
“Apart from what has already been published, her history and previous credentials appear to be incredibly difficult to correlate.  Given her obvious reluctance to divulge anything to the American public, and the fact that this role has never been held by a female prior to today, what reassurance can we the people have that Miss Dye-az was the best choice?”
Feeling her back teeth begin to grind together, Amy takes a measured breath before fixing Ginns with a steely gaze.  Questions such as these have been a common denominator since Holt was sworn in over a month ago, particularly due to choosing Olivia Crawford as his VP; and while expected, the overwhelmingly misogynistic responses were beginning to wear thin.
“I can assure you, Mr Ginns, that President Holt’s vetting process for all roles was incredibly thorough - and Ms Dee-az,”  she pauses, raising a singular brow, “remained incredibly co-operative throughout.  We cannot bow to the curiosities of the general public on every request for detail, or we’d never stop.  After all, the public continues to let you write for one of D.C’s most prolific news journals without knowing the details of your Christmas Card list, and somehow the world continues to spin.”
Ginns’ responding eye roll is poorly concealed, and Amy’s fingernails begin to dig into the edge of her podium.  “Furthermore, I would suggest that despite Ms Diaz having a uterus, the bar set by her predecessors will continue to ascend.  One could even argue that the lack of … other certain parts of the human anatomy will only assist in keeping a clear head in the most intense of situations.”
The reporter shifts uncomfortably in his seat, blessedly silent in his rebuttal, and Amy directs the end of her statement towards the rest of the crowd.  “President Holt and his administration are aware that a small percentage of the public lack confidence in the roles he has filled.  Criticism is necessary, and welcome.  But unmerited accusations regarding a person’s ability based entirely on their sex is where he draws the line.”  Slamming the file in front of her closed, Amy takes a step back before leaning closer to the microphone, delivering her final line.  “That concludes the presidential briefing for today.  Thank you.”
Terry hovers by the doorway as Amy exits, his leather yoked suspenders proudly displaying the commemorative pin gifted to him upon being sworn in as the president’s Chief of Staff, and he cocks his head towards her as they move swiftly down the corridor towards Amy’s office.  “Interesting briefing you held there, Santiago.”
“You mis-pronounced psychotic, Ter-bear,” interjects Gina as she passes them both, head already bowed down to her cellphone before either can respond.  
Already feeling defensive, Amy shakes her head quickly, raising one hand to gesture at the room she’d just departed.  “We’ve been fielding commentary like that since the early days of the campaign, Terry.  At some point, we just need to point out the baselessness of their remarks, and remind them that there simply isn’t a place for it in modern society.”
Raising his hands in surrender, Terry shrugs.  “Don’t get me wrong.  Terry hates closed minded attitudes.  As do the rest of the cabinet.  I just find it fascinating to watch how close our new Press Secretary came to literally biting a reporter’s head off.”
“Ugh.  I’m fairly certain it would just pop like a balloon.  Full of hot air and not much else.”
Nodding, Terry points in the direction of Amy’s office.  “You might be onto something there.  Heads up, though - I saw Diaz making a beeline to your office just as you were wrapping things up.”  He pauses, shoving his hands into his pockets while giving her the side-eye.  “Terry wishes you luck.”
Smiling at an intern as they hand her an updated schedule, Amy casts a quick glance down the hallway and grimaces.  “Well, at least she hasn’t gone straight to grinding her axe.” 
“I didn’t see both hands, but let’s assume you’re right.”
Throwing Terry an exasperated glance, Amy bids him farewell before moving towards her office, deliberately taking on a confident stride as she squares her shoulders in preparation for confrontation.  
With her jet black curly hair and the zero fucks aura surrounding her, most members of the team had learned on their own that Special Agent Rosa Diaz was not somebody to be trifled with.  Not meeting until the last couple of months of Holt’s campaign, Amy had spent the first few weeks largely being ignored by Diaz - until one afternoon, when a particularly vocal protester tried to pull Amy in for a debate, only to be met by Rosa’s steely glare and the unspoken promise of worse to come.  She’d muttered, on their way back to the car, that they needed to have each other backs; and over time their working relationship had grown into a something closer to friendship.  
(A friend that occasionally intimidates you with their intensity, but a friend all the same.)
With her trademark leather jacket covering her like a second skin Rosa is easy to point out in the busy walkway, but it’s the two men standing with her that captures Amy’s attention as she draws near.  One was tall with a distinctive profile; the other slightly shorter, and sporting a hairstyle that looked like it could survive a hurricane.  Although the taller one wore shades, Amy could tell that both of them were casing their environment, taking in their surroundings with a stern exterior that gave away exactly who they were.  
These men were Secret Service, and for some reason they were standing outside her office door.
Her curiosity overshadowing the possibility that she may need to eat a slice of humble pie, Amy thrusts the hand still holding the schedule towards the two men as she passes Rosa, giving them her best Suspicious Face.
“Who are those guys?”
“Good morning to you too, Santiago.”  Rosa’s dark eyes follow Amy’s path around to her desk, tilting her chin upwards after a beat.  “My uterus thanks you for it’s shout-out this morning.”
“Ugh, okay.”  Returning her planner to it’s designated top-left-corner position, Amy feels her shoulders drop as she throws an apologetic look at the woman in front of her.  “I know that wasn’t my best work.  But the guy was being a jerk, and I was 100% done with the conversation.”
“No, really.  It’s fine.”  Rosa’s voice takes on no other inflection to demonstrate her approval, but Amy learned a long time ago not to read into her monotone.  “My uterus is a bad-ass.  Definitely tries to punch me from the inside out at least once a month.”  She smirks, a sight familiar to only a select few, and raises one eyebrow.  “Somehow, I still manage to keep the President and all his flunkies alive.  It really is shocking.”
Without invitation, the mystery men have followed Amy into her office, hovering along the outskirts of the room while she checks her messages, listening with half an ear as Rosa continues to go into alarming detail on how she’d personally like to deal with reporters like Ginns.  It’s as the taller of the two reaches out to investigate an award propped up on her well-stocked shelf that Amy finally looks up, dropping the slips of paper to the desk and throwing Rosa an exasperated look.  “Seriously, who are these guys?  And why are they in my office?”
 “Oh, right.  About that.  Amy, this is Special Agent Peralta,” Rosa pauses, thrusting her thumb towards the taller guard in shades, “and this guy is Special Agent Boyle.”  Clearing her throat, she fixes Amy with her typical Rosa’s Way Or The Highway look.  “They’re going to be your new security detail.”
A grinning Agent Peralta throws a tiny wave in Amy’s direction, and she lets out a petulant huff, planting her hands on the empty section of her desk.  “Rosa, we’ve talked about this.  I’m a visible target.  I go out there every other day and announce policies and updates and god knows what else.  It’s inevitable that I end up with a few snarky emails every now and then.  People need a face to complain to, and this guy’s obviously chosen me.”
“Sorry,” Rosa replies, in a tone that suggests that she’s not sorry at all.  “President’s orders.”
Damn it.  With her next refutation dying in her throat, Amy folds her arms over her chest, studying her friend’s expression carefully.  There was a good chance that Rosa was just saying it was presidential orders, knowing that Amy would be unable to resist any directive that came from her superior.  But there was equally enough chance that the request had come from higher up, and refusal of the service would most definitely land her in hot water.  
In other words, Rosa had Amy exactly where she wanted her, and there was not a darn thing she could do about it.  
“Just seems like a lot for a bunch of stupid emails,”  Amy mutters, dropping down into her seat, defeated.  With a furrowed brow, Agent Boyle looks over at Rosa; but before Amy can question it, Rosa perches herself along the edge of the couch.  
“So, Peralta and Boyle will work on opposite shifts and shadow you on your day to day operations.  Additional detail has already been arranged for your home address, and all correspondence will now be cleared through us.”
“I’m also going to need the contact information for any recent or previous relationships you may have had, ma’am,” pipes up Peralta from Amy’s left, breaking out into another grin when she looks over at him.  “Gotta weed this creep out, and you’d be surprised how often they end up being much closer to home than expected."
Blinking, Amy turns back to Rosa, the extent of her security detail only now sinking in.  “A constant shadow and surveillance on my apartment?  Seriously, Rosa … this is all coming from Holt?  Can’t I just change my email address or something?”
A silence falls quickly over her office, and Amy makes special effort this time to take note of the not-so-secret looks the two agents gave each other.  A louder protest is bubbling up through her chest when Rosa stands, her sharply manicured fingers holding a document folder Amy hadn’t noticed until now, and walks towards her.  
The heavy thud of Rosa’s booted footsteps come to a stop at the side of Amy’s desk and she places the file in front of her, leaning in slightly as the folder’s contents become clear.
Photographs.  Stacks of photographs, all of Amy, and all from various parts of her very busy week.  Her heart begins to climb its way up to the base of her throat as the images begin to blur, one shot after the other of an unaware woman as she lunches with friends, visits the gym, drives to her brother’s house and - oh god - even gets changed at home near what she’d always considered to be a relatively protective curtain.  
Leaning in, Rosa’s voice drops to a whisper.  “The boys haven’t seen those last ones, but they know they exist.”  She straightens, returning to her regular volume.  “All of these were on a USB that was delivered to us from an unconfirmed address, and arrived early this morning.  Peralta and Boyle have been pulled in to oversee the operation, and I will monitor from afar.  The detail starts from now, and ends once this Mr Anonymous is behind bars.  Is everyone clear?”
Numb, Amy nods without really understanding, the cotton of her tailored blazer feeling inadequate underneath her fingernails as she pulls the two sides closer together.  She feels foolish for disregarding the warning signs for so long, confused as to how out of all people, she is the one who’s become a target; terrified because if these photographs are anything to go by, she is being hunted … for god only knows what.    
A knot begins to churn in her stomach, and there’s a very good chance that she’s about to be sick.    
“Excuse me, Ms Diaz?”  Ramirez, Terry’s secretary, pops his head around the doorframe, startling Amy out of her spiralling thoughts.  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you’re needed in the oval office.”
“Alright, I’ve gotta go, the Powers That Be have spoken.”  Rosa mumbles, scooping up the photographs on Amy’s desk and holding onto the file with her vice-like grip.  Noticing the look on Amy’s face, she stops short of her exit from the room, tipping her head towards the two men as they hover by the bookshelf.  “Listen.  I’ve put two of my best men on this case.  Peralta especially, I’ve known since our days at the academy.  They’re not going to rest until we’ve caught the bad guy, and neither will I.  Got it?”
Amy gives her friend a tentative smile, taking her message to heart.  If there was anybody that could shut this mess down, it was Rosa ‘I could kick your ass with my pinky finger’ Diaz.  
With one final glance towards her two agents, Rosa swivels on her heel, leaving Amy’s office in silence.  The sound of one of Amy’s favourite tchotchkes hits the floor, dropping out of Peralta’s fidgeting fingers, and he cringes.  “Yikes.  Sorry about that, it just looked like one that I -”
Jumping out from behind her desk, Amy snatches the item out of the agent’s hands, running the edge of her thumb along it’s familiar curves before carefully returning it to it’s original position.  “Please don’t break my belongings, Peralta.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“If I may, Ms Santiago … what Special Agent Diaz told you was correct.  Peralta and I are here to keep you out of harm’s way, and it’s only going to be a matter of time before we catch him in the act.”  Standing to her right, Amy finds herself surprised at the gentleness of Boyle’s tone, and she eyes him curiously before nodding.  
Leaning his weight against one of the lower bookshelves, Peralta slides his sunglasses off, face turning slightly more somber, and Amy blinks in surprise.  “You have our word.”  His eyes were surprisingly warm, a kind of chocolatey brown that seemed to draw Amy in, and her arms fall away from their defensively crossed position across her chest.  
“Alright.  Thank you.  This is just … a lot.”  Her stomach twists again, and even though this time it feels less like she’s about to be sick, Amy really doesn’t want to take any chances.  “If I leave this office, you two are going to follow me, aren’t you?”
“Just around the perimeters of the hallway, Ms Santiago.  And only Peralta - I’m going to stick around and see if I can trace where these emails are coming from.”  
“Consider me your shadow, ma’am.”  Jake grins, and Amy feels an odd mixture of irritation and anticipation run through her.  “And, look.  I can already tell what you’re thinking.”  Pushing his weight off of the bookshelves, he gestures vaguely with his hands.  “You’re thinking this is going to be all longing glances and secret earpiece conversations … me carrying you in my arms as I race you away from the danger, you running out of planes at tarmacs to give me one last kiss goodbye … you know, all the standard bodyguard stuff.”
Rolling her eyes towards the ceiling, Amy feels a knot of tension leave her shoulders, but she’s not quite ready to laugh yet.  “Yes.  You’re right.  That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
“Knew it, nailed it.  Well I’m sorry to disappoint you ma’am, but this stuff is nothing like the movies.  It shouldn’t really be any more than a few weeks, just need to catch this weirdo out and let the law take care of the rest.”  He pauses, glancing over at Agent Boyle before continuing.  “Which … will be made all the more faster with your co-operation.  Including the details of people who may have had closer access to you than others.”
Sighing, Amy presses the tip of her index finger against the middle of her brow, a nervous tick that has long since become habit.  This guy really needed to stop calling her ma’am.  “Fine.  Teddy Wells was my last boyfriend, but we broke up several months ago.  I highly doubt that he’s the one you’re looking for.”
“We really need to look into all avenues, Ms. Santiago,”  Agent Boyle interjects, and for the first time Amy notices how the beige colour of his tie is almost a perfect match to his skin tone.  
“Fine.”  Leaning down, she scribbles Teddy’s phone number onto a new post-it, thrusting it in Agent Peralta’s direction.  “See for yourself.  Better yet, invite him out for a drink.  He’s got some real interesting stories, especially about beer.  One could almost say, he’s got ‘the cheers for the beers’, you know?”
(She knows that she’s setting Peralta up for a trap, all too familiar with endless nights listening to Tedford ‘Thrills for the Pils’ Wells.  But there was much too much bravado seeping out of every pore of this guy, and he deserved to suffer - if only just a little.)
“Huh, a beer guy.   Noice.”
Amy stifles her grin, tucking her pen back into the pocket of her blazer as she heads towards the doorway, ignoring the echo of Peralta’s footsteps behind hers.  “Now if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen … I have a hundred or so meetings to attend.”
“Just one last thing, ma’am.”  Agent Peralta interjects, and Amy turns in time to watch him drop one shoulder in an obvious attempt at Dramatic Effect.  
The edge of his mouth lifts into a smirk, and the ridiculous sunglasses that have inexplicably returned to his face despite the sunlight pouring in through the surrounding windows (she thinks, perhaps, entirely for the purpose of his next move) slide down his prominent nose.  “No matter what happens, you’re not allowed to fall in love with me.”
The urge to roll her eyes again is almost unbearable, but she is a professional if nothing else, and so Amy puts on her best smile and nods at the suited man in front of her.  
“Won’t be a problem.”
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years
She’s My Girlfriend / Rosa Diaz Fluff
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Request: I just saw you write for Brooklyn 99😍 Could you maybe write a story where the Reader is Rosa's girlfriend and visits her at the police station and meets everyone? Thank you very much💕 
Yesss my bi icon!
‘Y/n, I really don’t think this is a good idea. And I’m always right, always, about everything, so you should go.’
‘Rosa, what are you so worried about? I already met Captain Holt on the way in and he said I was very ‘prompt, considering lunch does not start for another three minutes’.
‘You did what?’
‘Don’t worry, I took it as a compliment! Now, where’s Jake, I want to meet this dude.’
The elevator dings open, and everyone looks up to see Rosa walk into the bullpen, sporting a thermos full of coffee, but not even a second later everyone realised that her signature leather jacket... was wrapped around your frame.
‘Hey, is that Rosa’s jacket’, Jake swivels over to Charles on his chair like a crab, Amy leaning forward over her desk and lightly reclining her case notes to join in on the action.
‘Yeah, I would know that jacket anywhere. After all, I was obsessed with her for many, many years of my life, but now I’m obsessed with you guys!’
‘Yeah, okay bud’, Jake murmurs as Amy grimaces back and shakes her head.
‘Maybe they just have a similar dress style, maybe it’s- oh my god, is that Rosa’s... girlfriend?’
'Yes she is, and you guys realise we can hear everything you’re saying, right?’
Rosa replies, curt as always, before gesturing for you to come closer. 
‘Guys, this is... my girlfriend. I told her not to come because you guys would embarrass me and start asking personal questions’, she grits her teeth, ‘but she-’
‘Was too excited to meet you guys! It’s so nice to finally be here! I’m Y/n.’
Everyone excitedly jumped up from their seats, enthusiastically greeting you and introducing themselves. Terry has run out from behind his desk, his large arms making you jump as they envelop you in an engulfing hug, Charles following suit and joining the hug in an awkward threesome.
‘Finally!’, he manages to muffle out from where his cheek is smushed against Terry’s shoulder, groaning slightly as Gina skips over and wraps her arms around Terry’s biceps, ‘I can stop worrying about all the bi jokes I’ve accidentally been making. I can’t help it, Boyle’s are notoriously weak minded.’
Gina smiles at you, her fingers dancing up and down Terry’s arm as he shrugs her off, ‘Rosa and I would have made a hot, hot couple, but I’ve been defeated by a worthy opponent, Y/n.’
‘Thanks guys’, you murmur, laughing slightly as Rosa looks like she’s about to murder everybody. You place a hand on her arm as Jake and Amy wander over with their arms linked, happily chatting with you for a moment before Rosa starts tugging you harshly over to her desk and everybody starts fluttering back to their work, trying to avoid the dagger sharp glances of Rosa as they gaze over at the two of you with heart eyes.
‘Love, do you want to go out and get lunch with me later. Although your friends are really nice, I think you’re about to murder some of them.’
‘Sorry I can’t. Have a lot of cases I need to work on’, Rosa apologised. However, when she sees the frown fall on your beautiful face, she tries her best to soften her tone.
‘I’ll stop by after work” Rosa promised.
You nod happily, grinning slightly as you lean over and press your lips softly against hers, being broken out of it only by Rosa throwing a stapler at Charles as he ‘awwws’ in the distance.
She sighs, glancing over at you from behind her thick black curls before rolling her eyes and saying, ‘I love you.’
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Rosa Diaz x teen daughter! reader
Warnings: none?
In which, Rosa comes down with a cold and the squad shoos her home but she refuses- so reader comes to the rescue
“You look like hell, Rosa.”
“I’m fine.” Rosa spat.
“No, you are not.” Jake continues. Rosa only rolled her eyes before resuming her work. “Lieu, would you please tell her she looks like crap.”
Jeffords turned around and said, “You look like crap.”
“I’m working.”
“You’re sick. Literally not one of us have seen you this pale.” Terry continues.
“At least take this.” Charles put a pill on her desk- an antihistamine.
“Ha ha.” Amy quipped, “I called your daughter.”
“Amy, are you insane? Why would you do that?” Rosa laid back in her seat, “Why would you call my daughter over this?”
“Because out of everyone you know, I know you’d listen to her.” Amy shrugged.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
“No, you are not.” Amy replies calmly, “Just go home and take it easy for the rest of the day.”
“But you might want to wait for your daughter to get here.” Holt’s voice cut through the room. “I do not think it is safe for you to make your own way home. She should be here in 16 minutes. Her school has let out for the day.”
“Whaaat? Still crazy to hear that.” Jake laughs.
“Get back to work.” Terry reminded, “Rosa stop doing your work.”
“Fine, whatever.” She gave up, saving the document onto her desktop then just laid back in her chair to wait for you.
“Bye, Rosa.” Jake grins. Rosa grumbles, putting her jacket on while you went to press the lift button.
“You know, I love you but I don’t see how having you take a detour to go home with me will keep either of us safer.”
“Okay, but it did shut them up, didn’t it?”
Rosa chuckles, “Didn’t you have something on?”
“I did. But I decided not to go.”
“I’m a little afraid to ask, but why?”
“That’s a problem for another day. You just focus on resting today.” You told her.
“y/n.” She warned.
“The guy’s a douchebag.” You gave in, “Apparently he orders the most expensive thing on the menu then makes his date pay every time. And he doesn’t exactly take no for an answer, if you get what I mean.”
“Okay, that’s good- don’t ever feel like you need to go on dates because you don’t want to cancel on people.”
“I know.” You assured, “How are you feeling?”
“Never felt this sick in 10 years.” She snorted, “But, I bounce back quick.”
“That’d be right.” You stifled a laugh, “I’ll make us some soup when we get back- and you, take a shower and get into bed.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She joked, “I’m tough.”
“Oh, there’s no denying that.” You put an arm around her, and you see a tiny little smile tug on her lips, “You are tough. You’re a badass.”
“I mean, so are you, y’know?” She continues.
“Please, you’re my daughter. I taught you everything you know. You’re a badass too, mamita.”
“Oh, boy we need to get you into bed.”
“y/n, I’m not trying to be funny.”
“You realise none of my dates have went well so far?”
“So? It’s not your fault the people who’ve tried to take you out are jerks or you just didn’t vibe with them.”
“Maybe I’m the problem.”
“No one’s perfect but you can’t say that because I see you as you are and I can confidently say you’re a good person.” Rosa spoke tiredly, “There are plenty of people in the city. You’ll meet someone before you know it.”
“You mean it?”
“Fuck do you mean? Of course I do.” She answered straightforwardly, “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
“Ah…I guess after three suckish dates in a row, my confidence has taken a hit. But thanks, Mom.”
The rest of your walk home was rather quiet with Rosa trying to keep warm in this chilly weather while her body temperature rose. So, once you both got home, you quickly turned the heat up so she would be more comfortable. “I’m gonna take a shower now, then I’m off to bed.”
“Good, you’d better. I’ll wake you up when the food’s done so you can eat some then take something for your fever.”
“Okay, honey.” Rosa rolled her eyes playfully, “Be careful.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I said that first.”
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valentino-red · 4 years
Chapter 1
coney island queen
Why Sol didn’t just walk out of the cineplex after Murray asked her to choose what ‘movie’ to star in was beyond her. Not taking part of all this madness was the smart, rational thing to do-- and then she saw tawny eyes across a smoky room, and suddenly she forgot what it meant to be rational.
Nicky Valentino. It was obvious that he was a gangster. There was something in the way he looked across the room that spoke of a man protecting his spot at the top. Then there was his cousin, Ralph della Rosa, who was acting much too cautious to just be ordinary family. And finally, Floyd Capo; he stunk so much of tobacco that Sol’s late grandfather, who himself smoked cigars, would have blanched.
“You gotta get your arms around this lifestyle and embrace it.”
Sol snorted. Only a person with one and a half braincells wouldn’t figure out what lifestyle Floyd was talking about. If Sol was smart, she would run to the nearest church and beg to enter a convent.
But she was still stunned by the roses in her room and the gorgeous breakfast. It was embarrassing to realise just how easily she was won over by opulence. These were things that she didn’t let herself enjoy in the twenty-first century; her bed was way too soft to be comfortable, and the housekeeping staff was suspiciously polite. Sol remembered her old room fondly; a cheap mattress on the floor for a bed, a threadbare blanket to fight the heat of tropical nights, and instant coffee to go with a piece of pan de sal, her favorite bread.
“Miss Diaz? Mr. Valentino is on the line.”
Sol looked up from the cup of coffee she was drinking. The bellhop, standing as though he were a statue, gestured at the old-fashioned telephone. “He wishes to speak to you.”
Nodding, Sol took the telephone receiver from the bellhop. 
“Good morning, love. Hope I didn’t wake you.”
Sol didn’t notice the smile on her face when she heard Nicky’s voice. “Don’t worry about it; I’ve been up since five.”
“Oh?” Nicky’s voice was smooth like scotch. “Had a hard time sleeping?”
Sol rolled her eyes. “Force of habit,” she replied. “I rise with the sun.”
“A man would reckon that a broad like you got a lot of beauty sleep.”
She couldn’t help but snort. “Yeah, and I bet you’ll find my eye bags real attractive.” Soledad took another sip of her coffee. “Anyways, thanks so much for the breakfast. I don’t think I’ll be able to walk today.”
“That good, huh?”
“I usually have a piece of bread in the morning, so this was really… a lot. Makes me wonder if someone has ulterior motives for the food and flowers.”
“Maybe someone was trottin’ around like a horse’s ass last night, and wanted to apologize.”
Sol laughed, a deep sound from her belly. “Don’t worry about it, Nicky. I understand.”
“Well. I just wanted you to know when I tell you ‘I’m sorry,’ I really mean it. I know I was out of line leaving you in the cold like that, but it couldn’t be avoided.”
The grin on her face couldn’t be helped, and Sol felt her face heat up.
“Thanks, Nick,” she said. “But really, I know that men like Floyd can be difficult. Besides, Ralph set me up in a really fancy place. Sorta makes me wonder if a certain someone would need to rob a bakery after he sees my bill.”
Nicky laughed at the other end of the line. “Don’t worry about it, kid.”
“Are you sure?” Sol smiled. “I’m pretty great at worrying.”
“And I’m pretty great at making money.” Sol could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “How about the flowers? I was dreaming about you all night, so I woke up at the crack of dawn to pick each one.”
“Nicky,” she said. “I don’t think I have a heart anymore. It just melted.”
He laughed again, and Soledad imagined him-- the brunette hair in a razor cut, tawny eyes crinkling at the corners and sparkling in dim lights. The way he tilted his head back to let out a laugh. She wanted to make him laugh again.
“I’m afraid that I’ll have to let you go for now, toots,” Nicky said. The smile in his voice was still there. “Enjoy your breakfast and meet me outside in an hour. Capisce?”
Soledad suddenly realised that she had no clothes, and only a small makeup bag that she had in the purse she was carrying to the cineplex. She sighed. 
She handed the telephone over to the bellhop, mind still running. The majority of the hotel staff were still in the room, trying to look like they weren’t eavesdropping. Oh, well-- it couldn’t be helped.
“Jonathan Smith, at your service,” the bellhop said.
“Mr. Smith, I have a few requests,” Soledad said. “First, I was wondering if you could procure me a fresh set of clothing-- in yellow, if available. Please charge it to the room. And if I could have a fresh cup of coffee, that would be wonderful.”
Jonathan Smith, the bellhop, did a small bow. “Of course, Miss Diaz. And how would you like your coffee?”
“Black, Mr. Smith.”
“No sugar or cream, Miss Diaz?”
“Have you broken up with a lover before, Mr. Smith?”
“Yes, madam,” he said in a straight face. Sol nodded in approval at his professionalism.
“I want the coffee to be as black as your ex’s soul.”
Jonathan Smith’s stoic demeanor broke into a grin. “I see, Miss Diaz. Your clothes and coffee will be brought to you right away.”
“Thank you so much, Mr. Smith. And do take a croissant. If I try to eat everything, perhaps the bed will become too small for me.”
Even when the bellhop left, Soledad chatted a bit with the remaining staff. By the end of it, two other busboys got their own shares of roses to give their wives, and the maids had a sample of some of the food. As Sol went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, she felt a little bit confident that maybe her telephone call with Nicky wouldn’t be the talk of the Waldorf Astoria’s help that afternoon. Or at the very least, they wouldn’t say that she was a bitch.
Ralph didn’t expect Soledad to be chatting his head off about the Rolls Royce’s specs, and he didn’t expect her to clean up so well. She was in a yellow dress with long sleeves and a sailor style collar, curly black hair brushed neatly, framing her long face. The kid wasn’t Ralph’s style in any stretch of the imagination-- she had a face that could have been a man’s-- but he could see how Nicky would fall for her. She was sun touched and radiant. When the kid walked, it was as if she had already conquered the world.
The plan had been to let the kid in, and to drive off to Nicky’s surprise, but the girl had been talking his head off about the car for a minute already.
“Listen, Sol,” Ralph said, cutting off another of her questions. “The Royce is a sweet ride, and the sooner you get in the back seat, the sooner you can see how she drives.”
Jesus, he thought to himself. And I thought I liked cars.
Sol slipped into the backseat, and the sudden luxury of the car’s interiors flooded her senses. The seats were in a plush camel colored leather, with intricate flower embroidery. She ran her hand on the seat, looking up to see a certain someone looking at her with warm eyes.
“There she is,” Nicky Valentino said. “The sweetest of the sweet.”
Soledad did her best not to blush. She failed. “Hello to you, too.”
She settled into her seat, trying not to notice how close she was to Nicky. It was a bit crazy; she had hung around good looking men in bespoke suits before, and never had she felt as woozy as she did now.
“You sure did take your time out there with Ralph, didn’t ya, toots? Made me sorta feel like you were a bit sore about last night and was tryna not see me.” Soledad rolled her eyes. “Your car is beautiful, Nicky. And frankly, I’d kill to take her for a spin.”
“Oh, yeah? You’re only finding the car beautiful?”
There was a challenge in his eyes, and Soledad couldn’t help her raised brow. Nicky was smirking at her, a blush on his face, and it was obvious that he was fishing for compliments. She wouldn’t give him any.
“Well, Ralph looks better in the daylight.”
The two men broke into laughter, with Soledad joining them after a beat. The mischief in Nicky’s eyes only became more pronounced.
“Hey,” Nicky said. “Just so that things are clear-- I really do feel bad for leavin’ ya on your lonesome last night. So what’d ya say? Would you let this sorry sap do something nice for you?”
“If you’re talking about lettin’ me have a spin, then absolutely,” she laughed. “But it’s still a yes for me with anything else. I’m not mad, Nicky. I’m really not.”
“Thank God,” he replied. “I’d drink to that. Hey, how about that? Care for a drink, sugar? They call these things mimosas.”
Soledad shook her head. “I would, Nicky, but I’m running on four cups of coffee. Liquor is the last thing I need. Besides, isn’t that illegal?”
“It’s illegal to drink. Period.” Nicky winked at her. “But you wouldn’t be here if it was, would you?”
“If it was legal to drink? What are you talking about?”
Nicky’s smile stretched to a Cheshire cat grin, the entirety of his focus on Soledad. If she felt lightheaded before, now Sol felt like she could faint.
“You think that guys like me are a dice roll away from getting bumped off or going to the big house. And I think there’s a part of you that likes that. Otherwise you wouldn’t have decided to be in this movie or whatever you think this is.”
The smile from Soledad’s face faded, and she couldn’t help but reach for Nicky’s hand. His eyes met hers, surprised by her sudden seriousness.
“Nicky, remember what you told me last night, when I gave you my hand?”
“I do,” he said. “You feel like home.”
Soledad nodded, lost in thought and looking at their now entwined fingers. “I’m in this for you, Nicky. I’m not here for the money, the power, or the thrill of it. If I wanted that, I would have stayed back home in the Philippines. But for some reason, I went back here to the past and met an amazing man that I feel I’ve known all my life. If anything, you being a gangster worries me more than it excites me.”
Nicky brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “There ain’t no reason for you to worry ‘bout me, sweet thing. I got ya by my side, and you’re my lucky charm.”
The ride continued on, with Nicky teasing her with his ‘surprise’, and the pair of them almost getting a poor puppy off the street. Soledad almost wanted to get it, before thinking that it might actually belong to someone else. Nicky had been a bit distraught at the thought of leaving the little thing by itself, but they continued on with their banter, with Ralph sometimes chiming in.
“Hey, Nicky,” she said, eyes flickering to his. “I was hoping that you’ll help me get something.”
“Alright,” he replied, without missing a beat. “What is it?”
“A job.”
“A job?” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Why would you want that?”
“Well,” Sol said. “I’m practically destitute--”
“No, you’re not.”
“Look, I’ve got no job, no home, and no money to buy my own food. I am destitute.”
Nicky frowned, clearly not liking the idea.
“Hey, Nick. It’s alright. I’ve got a wide skill set. I’ve got a degree in financial management and law-- I mean, it’s Filipino law, and the constitution I know is the 1987 version, but I’ve needed to do more readings anyway.”
“I don’t really think that you need to work, toots. Trust me, I’m more than capable of providing for you.”
Sol laughed, a sound that came deep from her belly. “A hotshot gangster like you. Of course you can.”
Nicky exchanged a look with Ralph, their mood sobering. Sol noticed the pair, snorting at their surprise.
“I ain’t no gangster, toots.”
Soledad shot him a dirty look, only a bit annoyed that he wasn’t coming clean. “I know a lie when I hear it, Nicky.”
He raised an eyebrow at her in response, but the mood got heavier anyway. “Look,” he said, voice dropping a few octaves lower. “I’m from a town with rules that cutthroats invented four hundred years ago in the old country. And I still got friends who think that’s the only way to live. But I ain’t one of them. I never broke the bank by breaking someone’s bones.”
“And Floyd Capo is one of those friends.”
“Yeah,” Nicky sighed. “Ya know, toots, before you showed up, I was a wheeler dealer who made his money in real estate and spent it faster than he could count it. I ain’t no gangster.”
“That was a weak close,” Soledad sighed. “You’re not exactly subtle. Anybody that knows what a mobster is could tell, Nicky.”
“Huh. You wasn’t so prickly last night.”
“I was boozed out, confused and touch starved.”
“And now?
She smiled. “Caffeinated, confused, and touch starved.”
“And why is a pretty lady like you so prickly?”
Sol snorted, looking out the window. “You don’t get to be single for twenty-nine years without a bit of paranoia.”
Nicky was going to say something until he caught her reflection in the mirror. Her eyebrows were drawn tight, and her mouth was set in a thin flat line. There was something that was bothering her, and he wanted to know what it was. He squeezed her hand. 
“Hey,” Nicky said as she looked up at him. “You got me, kid. Before you waltzed into that speakeasy, I was a mobster with the world at my feet. And now I’m something completely different, ‘cos of you.”
“And what are you now?”
Nicky smiled at her and it put all the stars in the world to shame. “Now, I’m a romantic.”
When they got to Coney Island, Soledad’s face lit up like the Hollywood sign. Nicky smiled down at her; the kid was so small she didn’t reach his shoulders. He could pick her up easy, like a child.
“Omigod, Nicky,” she squealed. “We have to ride everything.”
“I’m not quite sure I can handle the carousel, toots.”
Sol snorted. “‘Cos those horses are gonna take a bite off your ass.”
“Haha,” Nicky said, offering his arm. “You’re a riot, ya know that?”
She slipped her hand into his instead, and when he looked down at her in surprise, he caught her blushing. Nicky could feel his own ears heat up.
“I know,” Sol said. “I know.”
They spent the rest of the day going to the rides. Nicky liked the way Sol’s eyebrows raised when she noticed him bribing the ticketmasters. He had asked her about it, and with a shrug she replied that he grandfather would bribe his way out of speeding tickets all the time. Nicky had laughed, noticing the way Soledad would preen at the sound. By the looks of it, she enjoyed making him laugh. The thought made Nicky want to go to the nearest stranger and tell them that he was crazy for his little lady.
They went and rode the Ferris Wheel, with Sol still tucked under his arm. Her short black hair tickled, and he couldn’t help but smile at the feel of it.
Nicky thought that telling Sol about his sister would be a hard thing to do, but the doll was patient and understanding, giving him none of her pity and all of her empathy. She was quiet while he told her how they’d slip over to the rides, and how his sister spent a night in jail.
“My pops cleaned my clock fierce that night,” Nicky said. From their height in the Ferris Wheel, he could see the whole of Coney Island. “But that wasn’t what got me. It was that I abandoned my sister when she needed me the most.”
Nicky did his best to crack a smile. “But to save you from seeing a grown man get all misty eyes, I’m gonna save that story for another day.”
He threw his arms around Sol’s shoulder as the gondola swayed. She leaned into him. 
“You know,” she said, “I don’t have any siblings. Sort of wish I do, but I had this little cousin, Micky, who was three years younger than I was, and at the time we lived close to each other. One day I saw him at an empty lot crying his eyes out, and he told me that his friends bullied him, telling him that he was a nobody and couldn’t do anything right. They told him that his family had no money, which was stupid because we’re were old money rich.”
Sol was looking at him, a fond smile on her face. “I took a stick and went to the kid’s house. Tampered with their water line. The next day, their house flooded. Man, my grandfather was so angry at me, I think I spent a good ten minutes under the belt. My tito was mad at me too. He never let me see Micky again.”
Nicky drew her closer to him. “I guess we’re really written in the stars, toots.”
She laughed, high in his embrace. “Yeah,” she said. “I guess so.”
The rest of the day was filled with banter. Nicky kept her under his arm, and she kept him laughing. They were strolling on the boardwalk, and he couldn’t help but notice the way her hair curled under her ears. She was blushing and fumbling over her explanation of how the bracelet was lost, but Nicky couldn’t care less. He used to think that the bracelet was important, but seeing her in the daylight and in his arms was worth fifty of those bracelets. 
“Hey,” Nicky said. “I noticed that you ain’t wearing those rags you had on last night.”
Soledad blushed. “Oh, uh. Well, I figured that a hotel as swanky as the Waldorf had some clothes lying around.”
“And let me guess,” Nicky said in a deadpan. “I’m paying for it.”
She answered with a shrug. “What can I say? I don’t have a job, so you’ll have to be my keeper.”
“Then I guess you won’t be prickly when I tell you that ya don’t have to ask a hotel for new clothes no more.”
“Nicky,” she said, eyes wide. “Don’t tell me you bought me clothes.”
Nicky leaned against the railing in a knowingly devious pose, winking at her as the noon time sun made his tawny eyes look like molten gold.
“Let’s just say that your wardrobe is gonna be full of designer dresses, stilettos from France, diamonds, minks--”
Sol dropped her head on his solar plexus hard enough for it to almost hurt. On reflex, he put his arms around her. She hugged him back.
“Why are you spoiling me so much,” she mumbled into his shirt. “I just met you last night.”
“You don’t have to know someone to know that you want them.”
There was a true heat in his voice and gaze. Soledad swallowed hard as he pulled her close. They were just a few inches away from each other, and she could see the small mole under his left eyes and his beet red ears.
“‘Cause I know what I want.”
Soledad thought that they were going to kiss, until Ralph came up to them, coughing into his hand awkwardly.
“Sorry to break you two lovebirds apart,” he said. “But there’s some coppers by the docks.”
“There’s always going to be some flatfoots in this town,” was Nick’s answer. He sighed in frustration. Soledad took a few steps away from him to catch her own breath.
“They’re looking for you, Nick.”
In a few quick heartbeats, Nicky spilled out orders to Ralph, and the two of them were on the run. They were able to get past a few officers, but a big man in the blue uniform saw them and gave chase. 
“Meet me at the alley, toots,” Nicky said, before sprinting away from the police officer. Soledad looked at the man grimly. She could outrun him, or she could buy Nicky some time.
“Hello, officer,” she said, as the burly man took a pair of handcuffs out.
“You’re under arrest.” His voice was gruff, and his moustache was severe. Soledad almost wanted to laugh; he looked like a caricature of a policeman.
“I want my rights read to me,” Sol replied. “Mainly because I have no idea what you’re arresting me for.”
“Nobody is reading anyone’s rights,” he said, handcuffing her. “Besides, I saw you with Valentino on the dock.”
“Then it’s your word against mine, Detective.” The man huffed. “I ain’t no detective. Just an honest officer doin’ his job, and you’re a no one, kid.”
“Then,” Sol said, “I’m really sorry that I have to do this.”
There were three things that she did in quick succession. First, she spun around and kicked him square in the jaw. He fumbled back, surprised. Then she kicked him again in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of his lungs. Finally, she kicked the back of his knees, sending him to the ground in a loud thud. The policeman groaned in pain, and when he tried to get up, she kicked him in the stomach again.
“I’m a twenty-nine year old captain of the Philippine Commonwealth’s army, not some kid,” Sol said, foot on his chest. “And between you and me, there’s no such thing as an honest officer these days.”
She could see a familiar black beauty roll into the street-- it was Nicky’s Rolls Royce. Sol took her foot off the officer’s chest.
“Just for the record,” she said. “I’m retired. And we both know what retired army captains are asked to do by their governments.”
The officer’s eyes widened, and Sol resisted the urge to smirk. She was a professional, after all.
“I’m not on the wrong side of the law.” She stepped away from the police officer. “Anyway, if you want to get promoted, remember this: have as many good friends in high places. Stray dogs turn into hungry wolves very quickly.”
The officer groaned, trying to sit up. “Is that a threat, or a warning?”
“It’s advice,” she replied. Sol bit her lip as she looked at the officer’s broken nose. “I’m really sorry that I had to hit you,” she said, voice soft, “but circumstances called for it, Officer…”
“Marquez,” he replied. Soledad nodded.
“If I ever see you again, I hope you won’t try to handcuff me,” she said.
The older man grunted. “Try not to hang around shady characters, Captain, and then we’ll see.”
She gave a quick nod before jogging to the Rolls Royce. Ralphie opened the door for her, and Nicky gave her a look that turned her knees to jell-o. But this was a look that was heated for all the wrong reasons.
“So,” he said conversationally. “What does the government ask retired army captains to do?”
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Rosa x reader - Stuffed toy thief
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Can I have another Rosa Diaz imagine, where the reader is a middle class criminal(like robbery) and she’s dating Rosa. And the squad finds out and is shocked, and tells Rosa that she shouldn’t date R and she’s bad. And the reader overhears and breaks up with her. And Rosa gets really mad at them, and realize how much Rosa actually liked(loves) the reader. And the make a plan(which) goes wrong to get them back together...happily ever after. Thank you so much ❤️👏 - Anon❤️
Grinning you were brought into the precinct again, Rosa rolled her eyes and took you from the young street cop. Taking you to her desk she tapped her chin.
“What’d you steal?”
You reached into your sock and pulled out a little panda keyring, something you could have honestly just paid for.
“Really? You could’ve paid for that!”
“But then I couldn’t see you!” You laughed.
“You don’t need to be arrested to come here.” She deadpanned.
Rosa typed your report and took the keychain from you.
“Go on, get outta here. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye Rosa~”
Rosa smirked and sat at her desk as she looked at the little panda keychain. Rolling her eyes she carried on working.
“What was that about?” Amy asked.
Two days passed and you’d decided to visit Rosa for once. Humming you walked out the elevator only to stop, curious you walked around the corner she was stood and listened.
“You have to end it with her!” A Male said.
“I don’t want to!”
“She’s a criminal Diaz. I don’t want you risking your perfect career for her.”
“I won’t! She’s not even doing anything bad.” Rosa snapped.
“Break it off Diaz, or I’ll have to suspend you until you do.”
It was silent, you waited a few seconds. They were right, if things kept going this way she was going to loose her job, you lived Rosa and you didn’t want that for her. Walking behind them you coughed.
“Rosa?” You sighed.
“How long have you been there?”
“Long enough, and they’re right. I don’t think we should date anymore. I’m sorry.”
With that you turned around and left. Rosa watched you leave in disbelief, then it turned to fury and she glared at the group making them all step back.
“Happy now?!” She hissed.
Storming past them, she roughly pushed Hitchcock out her way, kicked her chair and stormed away.
For the next two months they never saw anything of you and Rosa’s anger never lessened. They begun to realise their mistake and were trying to come up with a plan to find you.
“Well she likes stealing right? Why not just set a trap for her?” Charles said.
Everyone agreed and that’s what they did. With a bit of help they managed to get word to you that someone had managed to get a bunch of stuff and left it in a near by ally, and they set the trap. A bunch of expensive stuff, something you surely couldn’t resist, and somehow Gina convinced them to put a cute teddy down too.
“I don’t get the bear.” Any whispered.
“Gina said that’s what (Y/N) will take.” Jake whispered back.
After another hour of waiting, the watched as you stopped over with a few guys behind you and a baseball bat. You poked the TVs and shrugged, swinging the bat you hit the TV, sending it flying backwards.
“Oh my...” Holy muttered.
Everything was smashed, when you were done, you swung the bat of your shoulder and picked up the bear holding it to your chest.
“Really?! A bunch of TVs and Game consoles and she takes the bear?!” Terry whisper yelled.
That’s when they noticed you were staring right at them and the men with you were gone. Suddenly the doors to the van were opened and the man laughed.
“(Y/N) ain’t stupid. She’s waiting for you.”
Reluctantly they all climbed out and walked over. You tossed the baseball bat to one of your friends and leant agasint the wall while you hand ran over the bears fur.
“Nice trap, don’t know how you’re going to pay for all that though.”
“You could have made so much money of that, I don’t get it.” Charles said.
You laughed and shook your head showing them the bear.
“If you did your research, you’d notice I ONLY steal stuffed toys and other things like it.”
“Why?” Holt asked.
“They’re cute.” You shrugged, “anyway, I know you want to talk to me, and I don’t want to talk to you, so stop and leave me alone.”
You begun to walk away, your friends following you.
“Wait! We were wrong about what we said! You and Rosa should be together!” Jake called.
“Aw. Is she angry with you? That’s your problem.”
You carried on walking and Jake clenched his jaw.
You spun around with fire in your eyes.
“I AM DOING IT TO PROTECT HER!” You roared, “its like you said, she’ll get in trouble for it. I’ll stop stealing, don’t worry. I’m still taking this bear though.”
“This is what you’re doing.”
Rosa joined the group and glanced between the smashed goods, you and your friends and the group next to her.
“You guys really screwed up, that’s gonna be expensive.”
Rosa turned to you and looked at the bear. Rolling her eyes, she walked over and crossed her arms.
“I’m sorry Rosa..” you muttered.
Rosa didn’t say anything, she just pulled you into her arms and sighed contently as she grabbed the fabric of your hoodie.
“Just... don’t do it again...”
“I have no intention to.”
Hugged her back, you placed your head on her shoulder and smiled. Once you pulled away Rosa wrapped her arm around your shoulder, with a nod she dismissed your friends, and took you back to her bike.
“C’mon then you stuffed animal thief, lets go get dinner.”
“Can we get pizza?” You grinned.
She nodded and You fist pumped and jumped on the back of your bike, pointing to the shocked cops You smirked and wiggles your finger.
“Better clean that up.”
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Jake and Amy single parents AU.
Pretty please! :))
oh! Oh, I strangely love this one!
- Amy is a police-widow with little Mac (no, Teddy was not the father, it was a non-canon detective), while Jake is at the better end of a really messy divorce from Sofia, who very quickly handed over all alimony of Maya to him to focus on her career.
-Amy tries her best to juggle the newly single parent life with her full-time position running a bookshop, while Jake is not too happy about having to bring Maya in to the precinct all the time, but it can’t be helped (and Scully makes a surprisingly good babysitter). The squad’s had his back through the entire break-up, and they all love his little girl to bits, so at least she won’t be missing the family aspect in her life - and will always have an amazing female role model in her Auntie Rosa, who’s already planning to teach her Spanish just so she can trashtalk her dad with her without Jake knowing
- Mac + Maya meet at daycare and absolutely hit it off, despite the age difference of two years. Mac has apparently seen another curly headed toddler and immediately decided to brother the sh*t out of her. He takes her along to all his games and helps her pick colours for her pictures and shares his apple slices with her in exchange for a bit of sandwich (which is much nicer anyway).
- the daycare workers absolutely adore the little duo, and can’t help remarking how much they look like siblings anyway. So of course Jake has to meet the mom of the adorable little boy who always bring his daughter over to him for pickup by holding her hand.
- he’s a bit afraid of having to deal with the usual “Aw they’re little boyfriend and girlfriend” comments he’s expecting, but obviously Amy is having none of that. Instead, she tells him how glad she is that Mac has found a little friend to protect. “He’s always trying to protect everyone so much, ever since his dad... well...”
- (Jake knew, distantly, that she was the widow of one of his colleagues from another precinct, but apart from the usual condolences they’d all sent it had never really registered in his mind that there was a wife and a child left behind.)
- “Oh well Maya is so happy too. She’s a bit shy and scared at the moment, so having a big friend help her get out of her shell is great. Your little boy is a sweetheart, too.”
- Amy smiles at him, and he’s pretty sure his heart should not be doing what it’s doing, so he beats it down and tries his best to ignore it. Which is hard, because she smiles at him a lot in the coming months when they meet up for playdates, Mac over excited to show Maya all his favourite spots at the park or the coolest fish at the aquarium.
- Jake moans during one of their meet-ups about a case that has been dragging on forever and is going to need an allnighter to finally be solved, and his partner Boyle is really trying his best alone, but he’s the primary on it and- it feels great to talk about it with someone who understands, outside of his squad, even if Amy sometimes nods with the saddest look on her face when he mentions parts of his job. But she offers him last minute babysitting if he ever needs it, considering her job finishes promptly at 5pm each day, and he can’t help but take her offer when another case hits that needs him on a stake out at 10pm.
- so Maya gets a lovely sleepover with Mac, and Amy gets the biggest box of her favourite pralines as a thank you, because Jake has never, not once, given Maya to a babysitter to go to his job without feeling remorse and guilt, not even his own mom, but he had to deal with none of that when Maya gladly ran up the stairs to Amy’s place where Mac was already shouting her name.
- needless to say that Amy and Jake become the great friends they always are over time. He brings coffee and muffins to their park playdates, and she brings over frozen meals from Mac’s abuela for kid movie marathons at Jake’s place. They know each other’s schedules to help out with the kids, Jake has convinced everyone in his friend group and workplace to only buy books at her store from now on, and Amy is already planning the christmas gift she needs to pack for Maya and her daddy.
- it would be a nice, supportive friendship of equals, and a good help in their single parent life, if it wasn’t for the fact that Jake realised about three playdates in that he was falling for Amy faster than a shooting star. It took her a little longer, but realisation hit when she was packing Mac’s lunchbox, her own lunchbox, and Maya’s lunchbox too after a sleepover, and subconsciously already wanted to bag up a fourth set of sandwiches with some gummy bears and a soda thrown in for good measure.
- Rosa tells him to ‘grow a pair and ask her out, she sounds perfect for both you and Maya’ when Jake confides in her. And that is rare praise coming from Diaz, because no one is good enough for Maya in her eyes, sometimes not even Jake himself. But he can’t take advantage of Amy’s friendship like that, not when it risks losing both her and Mac for Maya... and there is always the underlying fear that Maya will bond with a new woman in her life and be left behind yet again if they don’t work out, just like with her mom, whose biggest contribution to her life since the divorce has been the alimony payments each month.
- Kylie, meanwhile, warns Amy not to risk too much when she confides in her. She sadly remembers the many days she had to spend at her friend-coworker’s side after the funeral, cleaning out half of a closet and half of a shared home, basically. She’d been hoping that Amy would find love again, maybe in a few years time, but when she heard the news about her ‘great new friend’ being a detective himself, her heart dropped because she knew what that might be heading towards, and Amy very much shares her fears. She’d vowed to an absolute ‘no cops’ rule for her planned restart of dating in two years, perfectly scheduled with Mac’s start of school.
- as it is, both of them dance around their emotions in a perfectly synchronised waltz while still getting closer and closer as friends and parents, to the point that the daycare workers don’t even bat an eye anymore when Amy brings both Mac and Maya in, or when Jake picks both of them up into his arms with an excited ‘ready for ice cream and games?!’ before they meet up with Amy for a Coney Island afternoon.
- until one day, when the daycare offers a ‘star gazing sleep over’ event after the story of the stars and night sky was the theme of the week, and it falls right on the day Amy and Jake were planning to take the kids to a movie. “We could still go.” Jake mumbles while Maya runs into the daycare center, not shy at all anymore, and Mac follows her. “You want to go see Paddington’s Big Adventure... without the kids?” Amy jokes, but he looks so serious. “No, of course not, but I mean - we - uh - we both got the evening off now, don’t we? I told my captain I won’t be in no matter what. Seems like a waste of time just going home. We could see that period drama you talked about, that will definitely get an Oscar?”
- Amy hesitates only for a second, but they do go. They watch the drama that Jake has to admit is pretty damn good for a movie where nothing explodes or is set on fire, and that praise does not only come from the fact that Amy grabbed his hand with a gasp during a particularly emotional scene, and then kind of forgot to let go afterwards.
- but then the movie ends and Jake still doesn’t want to go home. Neither does Amy, apparently, because she offers up an ‘amazing 24h diner’ around the corner for some late night snacks, during which they laugh and flick chocolate chips at each other and end up blushing like mad when the waitress comments on what a ‘cute couple’ they are.
- he walks her to her front door, and they both kinda don’t know what to do as they say goodbye, because this kind of date night should usually end on a kiss, but it wasn’t really a date, was it, they would’ve taken the kids along if it hadn’t been for the day care event, and-
- “Ames, I’m - this is terrifying, but I think I’ll hate myself even more for not ever saying anything - and, and, I kind of, maybe, I think you might also-” She takes his hand again, a lot softer than she did in the cinema. “I think this is the kind of talk that needs a coffee and a good couch.”
- That’s how they end up at her place that Jake already knows so well from bringing Maya over, from the perfectly styled bookcases down to the absolute mess of a playroom that is Mac’s kingdom. They both grip their coffee cups tightly as they talk it all out, about what they’re afraid of, what they would risk if they gave ‘them’ a try.
- “I wouldn’t ever want to put Mac through losing another cop-dad even if it wasn’t from work, and I won’t let Maya lose another mom.” “Me neither. And I promised Mac I’d never forget his papa, but... I can clearly see him love his new daddy, too. He already looks up to you so much. He wants a flannel shirt for christmas.” “Maya introduced you as Mama Amy to one of my aunties. Which was quite a thing to explain.” Amy laughs, and then smiles at him, and his heart does that thing again, like it has been doing for months now, but this time he doesn’t beat it down. This time he lets it lead him to lean in for the most careful kiss, a kiss that Amy gladly returns, just as carefully.
- they agree to take things slow, be mindful, not drop it on the kids immediately or rush into things from the pressure of friends or family.
- and then three months later Amy finds the perfect apartment for the four of them, and Jake aks Gina and Rosa for ring preferences and proposal tips, and ‘slow and mindful’ has flown out the window the second Maya brought home a picture she did with Mac at daycare showing their little ‘family’ before Amy or Jake had even talked to them about their possible dating.
- Maya grows up with her Mama teaching her Spanish along with Auntie Rosa, and an abuela and abuelo who love to spoil her with Cuban sweets just as much as her big brother. Mac gets to ride along in his Daddy’s police car sometimes, and hears stories about his brave Papa from his colleagues. His auntie Gina is so proud of him for taking care of his little sister the way she took care of her little brother too. And Jake gets to see Amy smile all the time now, and knows it’s him and their kids that is making her smile so much.
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Cooking Classes. Rosa Diaz x Reader
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Request by @pentagoniablue Hi! How would you like to write another Rosa x female reader? :) Rosa and reader go to a cooking class together. Reader dragging Rosa there with (empty) promises of sexual favours, kisses and lap dances. They choose a station far from other students since Rosa isn't a fan of other people. After beginning struggles, Rosa ends up enjoying to watch her gf do domestic stuff like baking muffins or making pizza. Reader isn't the tidiest person when she cooks. Some fluff between them.
Rosa did not want to be here. She would have much rather been just about anywhere else than here right now. Rosa was not one for group activities, no, she much prefered solitary jobs and hobbies, but Y/N had been rather persuasive.
“Come on babe, please come do this with me,” she had pouted, pulling Rosa closer to her, a cheeky glint in her eye. “Please come, I’ll make it worth your while later on, I promise,” her lips found Rosa’s neck, gently kissing down. How could Rosa possibly say no to that?
“Fine, I’ll come then.”
So here they were, standing in a queue waiting to sign in for-
“Couples cooking class I presume?” The round woman behind the desk asked.
“Yeah, I prebooked earlier, under Y/L/N and Diaz,” Y/N smiled, holding onto Rosa’s hand. Rosa was still not the happiest to be here surrounded by a mix of old and young overly happy couples, but the smile on her girlfriends face, well she couldn’t help the joy that spread through her as she saw that perfect, bright and beautiful smile.
The plump old lady handed the pair a recipe card and pointed them towards the door marked kitchen. Y/N happily pulled Rosa along just as a child would pull their parent towards their favourite animal at the zoo.
They settled at a countertop in the middle, one that was not surrounded by other people. Rosa didn’t much like being in a room full of chatty other people, she just hoped that none of them would talk to her and that this wouldn’t take too long.
“I’m so glad you agreed to come babe, it means a lot. I know you don’t like this sort of thing but you came and that means so much that you would do that for me,” y/n smiled at Rosa, pulling her in for a kiss. Rosa’s previous anxiousness of being around everyone melted away as their lips moved against each other, the rest of the room disappearing as she melted into Y/N, the feel of her hand on her waist, the taste of her lip balm and lingering toothpaste.
It was only when the teacher of the class came in, chattering away to the class that they broke away, being pulled back into the reality that surrounded them. The teacher explained some basic safety rules, ones Rosa had to try so hard not to scoff at. She’d run with the damn knife if she wanted too. After the (stupid) safety rules had been dealt with, the teacher began to show them the recipe they were going to do today. It was a pizza from scratch with a side of baguette garlic bread, something simple they could always repeat at home.
Once he had demonstrated how to do it, he asked the class to repeat what he had just done, using the recipe card to assist them if they had forgotten any steps.
“You wanna start making the dough with me?” Y/N smiled towards Rosa.
“Sure,” Rosa said plainly. Y/N began to hand Rosa ingredients before helping her pour out the correct amount. Y/N looked happy as she worked away, reading over the ingredients carefully, making sure they had just the right amount. It was a new domestic side of Y/N Rosa hadn’t seen yet as they didn’t yet live together. She knew Y/N liked cooking but whenever she had cooked for her the food had always been ready before Rosa had turned up. It was nice seeing Y/N so happy over something simple. It was nice to just watch as she weighed out ingredients, kneaded the dough, read through the recipe hundreds of times. She was like Rosa’s own little domestic goddess.
“You wanna help with the toppings, we can make it into a face or flowers or whatever,” Y/N always had a childlike glint in her eye, but now it shone brighter than any star. Rosa couldn't help but let her heart melt away as she helped Y/N.
“Let's make a face,” Rosa chuckled, joining in the childishness just for this moment, helping create a smiling face out of peppers, cheese, mushrooms, pepperoni and other tasty treats. When they were done, satisfied with their work, they placed it in the oven. It was only now that either of them realised just how much mess Y/N (and a little bit of Rosa) had made. Flour covered the surface stretching to both ends. Spoons, forks, bowls and more were left scattered across the worktop, the odd splash of red from the sauce hidden in between, a few stray bits of ham or mushroom scattered along the top. They only giggled as they looked around, seeing that they had, in fact, made the most mess.
Neither of them cared too much, cleaning it up was just as fun as making the mess. They splashed each other with water from the sink, chucking the stray ingredients they found at each other. Rosa hadn’t felt this at ease in the company of strangers in a very long time, but Y/N made her feel so free as if nothing else mattered by her.
The small timmer made a little ding, telling them it was time to take both pizza and garlic bread out of the oven. The face had remained intact for the most part, other than an eye that had been lost to the cheesy hair. It tasted surprisingly good, so once the class had finished they boxed the rest of it up, taking it back to Y/N’s car. Rosa climbed into the passenger seat, pizza in hand,
“Thank you for making me go to that,” Rosa said softly, a small smile sneaking onto her lips. “It wasn’t as dumb as I thought it would be.”
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now seeing as you came with me, I think I promised you something in return,” Y/N smirked as she pulled out of the car park. Rosa smirked back. She was so glad she went to that cooking class.
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swiftlydnp · 5 years
Cause you're what I always wanted
This fic is written for @a-wren-d for the B99 summer fic exchange @b99fandomevents . They just asked for anything related to Rosalyn or dianetti so I got creative! I wrote dianetti cause I love them so much and would love for them to get together!! In honor of pride mobth, I present to you,. Dianetti!!!
Gina Linetti always had a gift of detecting if people had a gay vibe and it also applied to herself. She had discovered her sexuality since the sixth grade and was out and proud as a pansexual and she loved it. She had also realised that Jake was bisexual before he realised it himself and had helped him discover his sexuality. This was one of the things that made their bond very strong.
When she had started as a civilian administrator at the 99th precinct, she had been attracted to the scary, brooding leather jacket wearing detective Rosa Diaz. Fear really was a powerful aphrodisiac. The only problem was that Gina couldn't figure out whether Rosa was attracted to girls. This was the first time her gift had failed her. Rosa was a very private and closed off person. It had been months since she had started at the 99 and yet she didn't know any facts about Rosa. She didn't even know if she had a house. She was very frustrated by this but was determined to find out. She was Gina Linetti after all. Her scary demeanor wasn't so scary to her anymore.
With time, Rosa began to be a little friendly, which was a lot coming from her. She would share her coffee with her, drop her off on her motorcycle when her car was at the repair shop and many more kind things you'd never expect from Rosa. Gina realised that she actually cared about her and valued her as a friend. But Gina wanted more. She subtly began to drop hints and flirt with her any chance she got. She could tell Rosa noticed but never reacted to any of her approaches.
After a few weeks, Gina got the flu from the street meat that she had ate. It sucked. Gina felt horrible. She had to go many times to the smelly bathroom and vomit her guts out. On their lunch break, when everyone went to the break room, Rosa pulled her aside. "Want a kiss, Diaz? Sorry but you'll have to wait cause I'm sick af!!" The words were out of Gina's mouth before she could stop herself. She had gotten into such a habit of flirting with Diaz that it was second-nature for her by now. Diaz just rolled her eyes and told Gina to follow her. Gina obliged because she was too tired to argue. She felt another wave of nausea coming but controlled it. She was too curious about what Rosa was going to show her.
"Rosaaa! Where are we going? Are you going to tell me that you secretly wear pink clothes with frills and all of this is just a front?!?!" Gina said attempting to crack a joke. "Shut up and follow me!" Rosa didn't seem to find it funny. She led Gina to an old records room where she pushed about a bunch of boxes to the side which opened to, Gina couldn't believe her eyes, a very gorgeous bathroom with the scent of lavender. It was the complete opposite of the dirty precinct bathroom upstairs. "Did you just build a bathroom for yourself so you could have more privacy??!?!" Gina personally didn't think that was the case but couldn't help but ask. Rosa scoffed. "Of course not! I'd love to have more privacy but that's not what happened. I actually found this old bathroom when I was in late working a case. When I found it, it was probably more dirty than the precinct bathroom, but I changed it to be comfortable and enjoyable for myself." "Aww Diaz, I didn't take you to be such a softie!!" Rosa grimaced. "Call me softie one more time and I'll put your head through a wall." Gina didn't dare do it. She knew enough of Rosa's wrath to understand that she was actually capable of that. She changed the subject. "So why did you bring me here?" Rosa sighed knowing this question was coming. "I just thought you would need it and would actually prefer it to the bathroom upstairs cause you were vomiting like crazy today and I didn't want you to catch another bug there." Rosa said this in a monotone voice and kept her head down to avoid meeting her gaze. She was so not good with emotions. Gina was very touched by the kindness she had shown for her.
Suddenly, a wave of nausea erupted through her and she bent over the very clean toilet and vomited. Rosa held her hair back for her. After she was finished, she rinsed her mouth and Rosa handed her a napkin. "You are really taking care of me today! Even Jake doesn't take care of me that much and he's my best friend. What, you like me or something, Diaz?" Gina joked. She was feeling very happy in the clean scented bathroom and was feeling pretty relaxed. Rosa's expression turned serious. "Of course I do. I've been flirting with you since forever." "You call arguing and snapping at me flirting?? You really are a weirdo, Diaz!!" Though Gina said all of this with a smile. She couldn't believe that Rosa had finally admitted to liking her back. "Yeah, whatever." Rosa was smiling too.
"So you're bi, right?" Gina asked this because Rosa had been known to date many guys. "Yeah, does that bother you?" Rosa asked abashedly . "It's cool! I'm pan myself." "Yeah I know. You only shout it out every other week." Rosa replied amusingly. "The people deserve to know!!" Gina exclaimed dramatically. Rosa laughed harder than she had ever done in public. Gina truly made her happy. Gina suddenly took her face in her hands and leaned in. Rosa leaned in too and kissed her right away. It was magical. They never had experienced such a perfect first kiss before. They parted due to lack of air and smiled very widely at each other one word in both of their minds "Finally!!". "So we're gonna go out right?" Gina asked. "Duh! Bouche manger tonight at 8, don't be late!" "Babe, you know I'm always gonna be fashionably late!" Gina said. Rosa rolled her eyes fondly. Being with Gina was going to be the best and she couldn't wait for it to start. "Hey, do you have a name for this bathroom?" Gina asked. "No, because I'm a normal person." "Rosa Diaz, you have committed a sin. Wait! Let me give it a name right now. What do you think about Babylon?" "Babylon sounds great babe." Rosa kissed her again and this is how their lives began.
Read on Ao3:
Author's note:
So this was my first fic ever! I finally got my head out of my ass and put myself through this program so that I could finally start writing and I did! I really hope you like this fic !!! Reviews are always appreciated!!
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