#yuta is there something you want to say buddy??
epickiya722 · 4 months
Damn, how many times has Yuta used Cursed Speech?! Like, three?
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writemekpop · 10 months
Birthday Blues (Part 1) | Na Jaemin
Summary: When Jaemin thinks you’ve forgotten his birthday, you have the biggest argument you've ever had.
Genre: Boyfriend!Jaemin, angst
Word Count: 1k
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Jaemin was furious. It was his birthday today, and you, his girlfriend of three years, had forgotten about it.
When he woke up this morning, he could barely contain his excitement. He was expecting to see you in something red and lacey, get breakfast in bed, and have some delicious morning loving.
But to his disappointment, he woke up to you, moody, sweaty, and hurling into the bin. You were hungover from your girls’ night out the previous evening.
Soon, it was 7PM, and you still hadn’t mentioned Jaemin’s birthday.
“Could we stop by Yuta’s bar before we go home?” You asked. “They’re having a special offer. Five cocktails for five pounds! I heard they make your vomit look all rainbow-y.”
Jaemin scoffed. “That sounds just fantastic. But two nights in a row? Are you sure this drinking thing isn’t becoming a problem? Plus…” He scratched the back of his neck, awkwardly. “Isn’t there something else you’d rather be doing… especially today?”
“What’s so special about today?” you said, shaking your head. “Come on, it’s only a mile away. Do you have money for an Uber? I left my wallet at home.”
“You’re so freaking forgetful,” Jaemin snapped.
You raised your hands in surrender. “Alright, jeez! It’s just a wallet.”
“It’s not just that! What about my cat? You forgot to feed Sushi all week while I was in Morocco. She nearly starved to death! Or what about when you forgot where you parked my BMW, and I had to miss Jeno’s leaving party to search for it! And what about my bir-“
Jaemin stopped mid-sentence when he realised that you weren’t listening to him. You were busy typing away on your iPhone.
Jaemin yanked the phone out of your manicured fingers and threw it onto the floor. The screen cracked.
You gasped. Putting your smashed phone into your pocket, you turned to your boyfriend.
“Can we just… go inside?” You pointed at the bar. “I promise, everything will be-“
“Oh my god,” Jaemin said, cutting you off. “Why are you so desperate to go inside? If you really want to see your friends so much then, let’s go.”
Jaemin grabbed your arm tightly and pulled you through the door.
The inside of the bar was pitch black.
“Would you look at that?” Jaemin spat. “It’s empty. Did you forget what time you were supposed to meet up? God, why are you so dumb?”
“Jaem-“ You waved frantically at him, but he wouldn’t stop.
“You’re so disorganised… and- you’re lazy! It’s my birthday and all you’ve done is whine about your own stupid life. Why do you have to be so fucking selfish? We are done, you… you bitch!”
You and Jaemin stared at each other in stony silence. Jaemin was panting, and you were fighting back tears.
Just then, the lights flickered on.
“S-surprise,” came a bunch of unsure voices.
Jaemin turned around to see the shocked and disapproving faces of everyone he loved staring back at him.
A live band in the corner started to play ‘Happy Birthday’, but someone told them to shut up.
The room was filled with fifty of his friends, parents, cousins, colleagues… Haechan was standing in the middle of the crowd, holding a huge three-tier chocolate cake. A big banner saying Happy Birthday, Jaemin hung from the wall.
Jaemin turned to you. “You… did all this?”
Your face was wet with tears. You pushed past Jaemin and ran out of the door.
“Wait!” Jaemin shouted, but it was too late.
“Way to go, buddy,” Renjun said, slapping him a little too hard on his back. “It’s called a surprise party… ever heard of it? Y/n spent weeks organising it.”
Jaemin tugged a hand through his hair, throat dry. “I’ve really messed things up, haven’t I?”
Renjun rolled his eyes. “Welcome back to Singles Night, bud. We missed you.”
Jaemin ran all the way home. When he saw you in the bedroom, his heart surged. You hadn’t left!
You were facing away, standing by the open wardrobe.
“What are you doing?” Jaemin asked, frowning.
You spun around at the sound of his voice. “Packing. You said it yourself, J, we’re done.”
Jaemin ran towards you and pulled the bag from your hands. “I didn’t mean any of that! I was just… angry. I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
You shook your head, taking the bag back. “Jaemin… you called me a bitch. Do you not respect me at all? How can you expect me to stay with you after that?”
Jaemin crumpled onto the bed, tears threatening to spill. He hugged his knees tight. “I’m sorry,” he croaked.
You sat beside him on the bed, shoulders drooping.
“I’m sorry, too,” you whispered. “You deserve someone… better.”
“No!” Jaemin shook his head. “Please don’t leave me.” He leant his head against your shoulder, crying.
You sat in silence for a moment. Then you sucked in a deep breath and stood up.
“I have to,” you said. “Goodbye, Jaemin.”
You walked out of the room. A few moments later, Jaemin heard the thud of the front door.
Jaemin stood up. He looked at the picture frame on the bedside table, it was of you and him, laughing whilst sharing an ice cream.
He picked it up and threw it against the wall, screaming. The glass shattered.
He ran into the living room, head spinning. That’s when he saw it.
There was a small box on the coffee table, wrapped with a purple bow, and a message that said ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEMIN’. He opened the box, fingers trembling.
Inside was a sleek brass ring. He picked it up and read the inscription on the ring.
“Y/n and Nana forever.”
What a fool he was.
Part 2 coming soon...
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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mingirn · 1 year
tell me it's love
mark lee x reader
genre: smut, some angst and fluff
warnings: dry humping, cumming untouched, childhood best friends to fuck buddies, unrequited love, hidden feelings
word count: 3.6k
notes: first nct fic kinda nervous. there will be a part 2 to this i already have most of it written i just got scared it’d be too long LMFAO
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”Do you like it better like this? Or, wait- like this?”
Mark is sitting on his floor in front of the full-length mirror he’d demanded help from both you and Johnny to put up. He’s messing with his hair, it’s been a while since he’s gotten a haircut and this is a new routine. He’ll sit in front of the mirror, arranging his bangs to lay across his forehead, or pushing them back, parting his hair in the middle and on each side, asking for your opinions.
”Mark,” you sigh. ”You keep asking this, but then you still wear your hair like you always do anyways.”
”Yeah, but… it looks stupid, doesn’t it?”
You haven’t even bothered to look up at him. You don’t need to in order to predict what he’ll look like, it’s the 4th night in a row now and you’ve seen it all. Instead, you keep your eyes on your book.
”If it bothers you so much, why don’t you cut it?” you ask.
”And ask Yuta again? After last time? It took me three months to grow that tragedy out, no way!” He breathes out something between a sigh and a groan and slumps down on the floor with a thud.
”Then stop complaining.”
Mark protests with an overblown sigh, but offers no rebuttal. Your focus shifts back to your book now, getting lost in the plot while Mark lies in silence on the floor. His dorm room is nicely lit, glowing warmly from his night lamp and a few fairy lights he’s got set up. The campus has that usual 10 pm quiet, and you know you should drag yourself back to your own dorm room soon but Marks bed is just so nice and soft, and your book is just getting good, and it is Friday.
”You got any space for me up there?” Mark asks, already making his way up and without waiting for your answer he’s climbing onto the bed.
You huff a little from the sudden disruption, but this is also pretty much routine, and Mark quickly finds a resting spot for his head on your shoulder.
”Still the same one?” he asks, as if it isn’t obvious.
”Yeah. If you’d stop distracting me, I might actually be able to finish it sometime.”
It’s Marks turn to huff now. He lays in silence next to you for a while, though it's all but peaceful. Mark always fidgets, he just always seems to be buzzing with something. There are these pressures and expectations packed tightly under his skin and a brain that never seems to shut off. It's Friday, he's got two days of rest ahead of him, yet you know he's probably already going through the schedule for next week in his head.
"Mark," you say, softly and silently.
"You're squirming."
"Oh, sorry," he apologizes, sounding more like he's sighing. He runs his hand over his face, as if to reset, then sighs again.
You ponder for a moment. Then you speak, "Remember when we got drunk like two weeks ago? I threw up in your bathroom and afterward you read to me to keep me from freaking out."
Mark hums.
"What if- do you want to lay in my lap? You could read to me, and I'll play with your hair. Maybe it'll relax you," you suggest.
"Mhm, yeah, that'd be nice.." he murmurs. He lets you scoot yourself up to make space for him, with the way you're sat against the wall. He lays the side of his head down on your thigh, grabbing your book and bracing it against your leg so that he can easily turn the pages.
"Should I just start here?" he asks.
"At the second paragraph," you tell him.
He clears his throat and starts reading. The back of his head is turned towards you, like this you can brush your fingers through the thick of his hair. Mark sounds sleepy, his voice is low and warm, sounding very soft as he reads out loud. If his hair didn't feel so nice in your hands you think you could fall asleep right here, lulled by only his voice.
His hair really has gotten long. It's been a long time since he's dyed it too, there's some brown left at the tips but most of it is his natural color by now. You card your fingers through it, pressing at his scalp and feeling him melt in your hands.
This is what you like best, you think. Times like these, when it's quiet around you and it feels like no one exists but you and Mark. Like this, like the warmth of his cheek against your leg, the soft strands of hair between your fingers, the sound of his voice filling your head.
Your eyes start to drift a little, first following the sight of his dark hair falling from your hands, then down to his neck, then over the expanse of his shoulders. You rarely let yourself do this, to just look at him. You've convinced yourself that letting your eyes linger on him for more than a few seconds would tell on you. Like he'd be able to look into your eyes and little confessions would float in your irises, that he'd know just from looking that you're in love with him. With his back against you like this you feel shielded, you can let yourself look.
He’s wearing a thin shirt with a wide neckline, it almost hangs off of his shoulders and you’re struck with the need to just touch him. It's like a silent bet, you dare yourself to move your hand down just a little. The tips of your fingers ghost down the back of his neck where his skin is fully exposed. Mark twitches, and you get scared for just a moment, wanting to pull back, worrying that his body is alarmed at your touch. But you keep your hand in place, and he lets you.
His skin is warm under your hand, and there’s still a sliver of bare skin underneath your hand, so you trail your fingers down, all the way to where the hem of his shirt is hanging.
Something in the room shifts. Marks voice stutters and he sucks in a deep breath of air. You can hear it hitch in his throat, and you expect him to ask you what you're doing, for the illusion to break. But he does nothing, just squares his shoulders to lean into your touch.
You keep it light, dragging your fingertips up and down his back, staying outside of his shirt. It's thin enough that you can still feel the heat of his body through the fabric. You can also feel the way his ribs rise and fall with each breath he takes, how it's becoming faster.
Suddenly, Mark stops reading. He draws another deep breath, and from what you can see of his face you notice his eyes fluttering shut. There's a long silent moment where it feels like time stands still. The only thing that is happening, the single action taking place while the rest of the universe stops is Mark turning towards you.
And surely he must know, then. He's looking into your eyes, and doing nothing to avert from them. In absolute silence, he grabs your hand and lays it on his chest. You wonder if the universe has resumed moving yet, or if time is still only yours and Marks.
Mark closes his eyes again, and he squeezes your hand. His instruction is wordless, but you understand it nonetheless. Touch me, he urges.
You gather the courage to move your hand down, coming over the muscles that make up his chest. He’s almost feverishly warm, and you can feel his chest move with every labored breath. You've never touched him like this before, flattening your hand over his stomach and moving over every little inch of his torso. You're really taking him in, learning what he feels like, how defined his muscles are, how broad his chest is.
Marks mouth falls open, and he lets out a low, quiet moan. It heats you, like this hot flash that shoots through your body and makes your chest tighten. It's so bright and hot that it knocks the wind out of you.
Moving solely on instinct, just this thoughtless and desperate urge, the sight of his parted lips has you trailing your hand up his chest, and then along the column of his neck to end up at his mouth. You tap the pad of your pointer finger against his lips once, to test the waters. Mark pouts, chasing your touch. You abide, tracing your finger over his bottom lip and feeling his hot breath against your finger.
”You’re so pretty, Mark,” you tell him. You're not even thinking. Your hands move on their own and so does your mouth.
His eyes open again, so heavily lidded, and for a moment you think he’s about to say something. That maybe his eyes will sharpen and he's going to snap out of this illusion. Instead, he sits up. His gaze is focused on you and there still isn't a hint of hesitation or distress in his eyes.
”Please,” he pleas, only that.
You pat his shoulder, ”What, please? What do you want?”
”I want to kiss you.”
Mark blinks, looking down at your lips as he says it. You should probably stop to ask him if he means it, if it’s just a heat of the moment thing, but he’s so beautiful, and so eager, and his eyes still have not left your mouth. You just lean forward, connecting your lips with his and Mark kisses you back in an instant.
Whatever first kisses are supposed to be, you're sure this isn't it. In the books you read they describe the fireworks, the instant passion and how their lips just meld together. With Mark it's clumsy, he makes contact with the corner of your mouth and pulls back too quickly, then kisses you again before you've regained your breath. You can feel your heart pound in your chest and you swear Mark can hear it, and you wonder if his heart is doing the same. The very tips of your fingers feel cold, your entire body is filled with a heat so warm it's paralyzing and all you can think about is the fact that Mark is still kissing you.
He's not pulling away. He kisses you, again, and again, and again. It makes your heart surge, the fact that he isn't scared off by how awkward it is at first. The possibility of what that means rushes through you like a wave but you forbid yourself to ruminate on it now.
Whatever first kisses are, this isn't it, but it's infinitely better.
Marks hands come up to your neck, curling around the back of it so that he can pull you impossibly close as he parts his lips, swiping his tongue along yours. You have to part for air but he hardly lets you, with the way he keeps his lips just close enough to be ghosting yours.
"Touch me," he whispers into the kiss.
You’re not exactly sure where he wants you, but he releases a satisfactory hum when you trace your hands down over his chest. He leans his forehead against yours and you can feel his breath come out hot and short against your mouth. Spurred on by the moment, you trail your hands even lower to lift the hem of his shirt to touch his bare hips. He gasps at the contact, and a whine builds in the back of his throat, so quiet that you’d be unable to catch it if he wasn’t so close.
He's right above you, closer than he's ever been before and he guides you to lie down. He's laying on top of you now, pressed against you so that you can feel him everywhere. Your hands are frantic under his shirt, rushing to feel every inch of him. Quiet moans continue to slip past his lips the more you touch him, and you wish to swallow them all up.
”Take my shirt off,” he mumbles, barely parting from your lips to speak. It's already hiked up his torso, all you need to do is bring it over his head and your hands tremble when he sits back to let you take it off.
You watch him, breathless, as he sits shirtless in front of you. His hair is messy, ruffled by the shirt and he shakes his head to get it to fall pretty again. Mark leaves little time for you to take in the sight of him bare before he's kissing you again, this time far more passionately.
Somewhere in the haze of it all you've spread your legs, and Mark has positioned himself between them. His hands are as rushed as yours, moving over your thighs and the side of your ass, squeezing at your hips, feeling you everywhere he can. Mark whines, letting out these desperate sounds into your mouth that only quiet down when you wrap your legs around his hips and press him against your body.
Everything about it is needy, neither of you can get enough. Marks hands are everywhere, tangling his fingers into your hair, caressing your face, cradling your jaw, wrapped around your neck. It's like you're making up for all the time you haven't had each other like this. A million touches laced into this one hand on his naked torso, so many words spoken in this total silence.
Mark pulls away, moving to trail kisses over your jaw. A spot in the junction of your ear and jaw makes you gasp once he kisses it, and Mark smiles. He lets out this satisfied chuckle, and there's still a smile on his lips when he puts his mouth on your neck again. He sucks your skin into his mouth, letting his teeth grace ever so slightly against your neck. His mouth feels so good on you, it has little gasps and moans spilling from your mouth. Embarrassment makes you silence them as best you can, but Mark seems dedicated to making you even louder.
He starts to leave open-mouthed kisses down your neck, stopping sometimes to suck your skin into his mouth. He falters by a spot right above your collarbone, just where your shoulder starts, where he sinks his teeth into the flesh. Your body just melts, and you feel weightless, only whispering out his name under hushed breaths.
"Hm, you okay?" he asks, breaking away from the kiss. He comes up to your face again, close like before, where his breath tickles your mouth.
"What?" you ask, before you realize where his concern has come from. "Oh, yeah, yeah. More than okay. You?"
"Me? I'm okay," he laughs. Your heart is beating out of your chest, and your fingertips have still not returned to their normal temperature. It's still the same Mark looking back at you right now, the one you knew as a child, the Mark you've spent every milestone of a lifetime with.
The way he looks at you is new though. His eyes flit from your eyes to your mouth, it makes him look dazed in a way.
"Do you.. do you want to?" He doesn't finish the question. He moves towards you ever so slightly, still focused on your lips. He barely waits for the little time it takes you to rush out a 'yeah, yeah, please' until his lips are back on yours and his hands return to your body.
Something inside of you clicks, bringing you back to reality instead of the swimming fantasy in your head. You become aware of the weight of him above you, and the fact that his lips taste like buttercream chapstick. You can feel his hands on you, fingertips chancing to go underneath your shirt. It has taken until now for you to realize that his hips are pressed against your own, and with your legs wrapped around him, he's so close, so fucking close that through all the layers of clothing, you can still feel that he's hard.
Just the feeling of it has your legs squeezing around him, without really meaning to you push yourself against him. Your stomach swirls and tightens and your own arousal builds as Mark starts grinding himself against you.
”Oh my god, what the fuck," his breath shudders, words spoken into a kiss.
He's not even making direct contact with you but it still feels so fucking good. Marks hand is under your shirt now, his soft fingers tracing your naked skin. His touch feels so good on your body, and he's starting to angle his hips in just the right way, so you can feel his dick right where it feels good.
His voice is hushed and strained, pulling away from you to rest his head in the crook of your neck while he moans your name. You're probably making too much noise, the walls are thin and you worry that anyone walking by would be able to hear the noise inside Marks room. It's only a fleeting thought, easily silenced by Mark groaning, deep and low, so that you can feel the vibrations in his chest.
"Mark, Mark," you whine. He lifts his head and looks at you, but his hips keep moving. "Kiss me, please."
He leans in for a clumsy kiss, his mouth clashing with yours. It's messy, all tongue and teeth, but you can hardly care when his hips rut against yours and his breathing is becoming more jagged. You wish he'd keep kissing you, but when he pulls back and only looks at you, it doesn't matter. You're too enamored by him, watching every microexpression on his face and reveling in his beauty, and what that means for your friendship is something you’re not willing to unpack now.
It feels almost infinite, cosmic in a way, this very second that Mark stares into your eyes. His lips are parted and his eyes are still heavily lidded, there's a blush dusting his cheeks that's spreading all the way down his neck and chest.
"Baby," he gasps, leaning his forehead against yours. His hips stutter, getting faster and needier. He stutters, "Fuck, I'm- I'm gonna cum."
Words shouldn't do this much. His voice shouldn't be enough to make you feel like you could cum untouched but it is, and he keeps mumbling your name the closer he gets.
It's all a haze, your head is just filled with Mark, Mark, Mark and his voice seems to fill every space within you. You can't tell if you cum first or if he does, it's only moments before you're both grabbing onto each other and it feels like there isn't enough air in the world with how breathless you both become. Mark puts his lips to yours, too distracted to kiss but desperate enough that he needs you close.
You feel it out to your very fingertips, and it takes a second for the ringing in your ears to stop and for the air to return to your lungs. Mark is slowing his hips down, riding it out, and he finally kisses you.
The kiss is far too tender and careful for a moment like this. He’s so gentle, just brushing against your lips at first. His hand comes up to the back of your head, burying in your hair as he pulls you in even closer. You drag your hands along the sides of his torso, then curling around his shoulders in a hug.
"Mark," you try to say, muffled by his kiss.
"Mm, what?"
"We have to get cleaned up," you speak, sort of quietly. Part of you somehow believes that there's a barrier to be broken, like if you raise your voice something will exit the room and take this moment with it.
Mark lets out an exaggerated groan as he rolls off of you. The room is still dimly lit, just like before, the sky is still dark outside and you don't understand how everything is exactly the same when you aren't.
"Hm," he thinks for a moment. "Are you.. staying here, or?"
You suck in a breath. Something about the way he asks it feels kind of loaded. You've slept here before, next to him in this very bed, but something about the tone of his voice makes this feel different.
"Why?" you ask.
"Just cause, like, you'd need to borrow something to sleep in."
"Are you saying you'd make me walk to my room like this if I didn't want to sleep here?" you ask, faking upsetness. "This isn't only my cum, you know."
He looks over at you, at the little wet spot on your sweatpants that matches the one on his own.
"Jesus, yeah, sorry!" he laughs breathily, throwing his arm over his face. The whine in his voice is gone by now, but he's still being playful. Nothing in his tone conveys that he's upset, or that regret has set in. You need to stop dwelling on it though, or the deepest parts of your mind will find something to latch onto to ruin this. You can't think about it, any of it, it’s going to mess you up and you know it.
There's a moment of silence where your eyes fix on the ceiling. You steal little glances to the side, at Marks bare skin. You had just been touching him, your fingertips must be imprinted on some parts of his skin. Right now, the only part of him that is touching you is his pinky against yours. He moves it, just a little, like a twitch, and strokes it over your finger.
"So.. you're staying?" he asks.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm staying."
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imma-queencard · 1 year
Claiming what's mine.
Vampire Yuta Nct x Female Reader ft Mark.
Syn: Yuta had enough of your ignorance. He chose to take matter in his hands. To give you a glimpse. There is no point of delaying unless he wants you taken away by another man.
P.s: I completed my 100 followers on tumblr. I started writing on tumblr during lockdown and got carried away from tumblr for my medical studies. And,I wrote a piece after ages(actual ages!🥺). Okay,so,yeah, I love yuta so freaking much!I just got crushed over yuta so hard that it made me write for him. Omo. Enjoy.
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You took your daily alley to reach your apartment faster. It was one of your daily route. The alley was never crowded, occasionally two or three people would pass by and you were one of those. You were afraid of hearing the stories of vampires running around the city. You tried not to trust them but still a chill ran down your spine thinking about the word 'vampire'. But what would if you get to see a creature flyin-
"AAAAAH!"You screamed when a man jumped out behind one of the pillars blocking your path. Your eyes widened in shock as you saw Yuta Nakamoto approaching you.
You huffed in relief,"Yuta! That's you! I was so scared!" You said panting hard. He just looked at you with a vacant look. You had known yuta for almost like two years? You met him in a bakery shop where he invited you to watch his football match that evening. From that day,he had been a friend of yours whom you trusted with your life.
"You alright yuta?" You ask touching his elbow. He surely looked a bit off. You looked into his eyes. His eyes were strange. Very strange. A different Yuta than the yuta you knew as your buddy.
"Y/N..what are you doing here.. This late?" he asked staring at you. You suddenly felt uncomfortable with the way he was looking at you.
"Mark needed help so i'm returning home now?" You replied. Your coworker Mark could be so careless sometimes. You were about to say him how tiring it was for you to work up this late in his project but swallowed a lump seeing his eye changing it's color when he heard the name of Mark.
"You really don’t understand, do you? " he asked twisting the corner of his lips "Always into Mark. Mark is this, Mark is that.. Disgusting!" he spat. "We will end his chapter today,won't we?"smirked taking slow steps towards you. You instantly took a few steps back.
"Yu-yuta.. Your eyes..." you whispered staring into his now red eyes. His aura seemed so different.
He didnt respond to your words rather took another step forward and laughed,"So naive to understand that you are already claimed. " His fangs flashed under the moonlight while smirking.
You furrowed hearing his words. "wha-what are you?" You asked in shock when he suddenly appeared in front of you in a blink. Light speed!
"What do you think I'm,sweetie?" he chuckled plucking one of your hair strands behind your ear.
Vampire. Your pupil dilated in fear.
You cursed yourself for befriending a random man that day.. But you thought you knew him very well... You cursed yourself again for not listening to your mom and for not bringing the stake with you.
"Your scent...." he sniffed the air. "His scent.." he growled and gripped your wrist making you winch in pain. Your fingers instinctively moving inside your bag to find the stake hoping maybe it was with you in any chance or in any miracle. Maybe you didnt leave it at home.
"Left the stake inside your house,kitty?tsk tsk.." he smirked and gripped your chin to face you towards him. He ran his tongue over his lips as his eyes travelled from your frightened eyes to your lips," I never wanted to end up claiming my little kitty like that..We need something comfortable for the night, don't we?" He chuckled seeing you close your eyes in fear. You tried to move away your face to the opposite side earning a growl.
"Don't defy me.." he whispered huskily snaking his cold arms around your waist to pull you closer. Your whole body trembled feeling his body against yours. Your body is under fire despite his cold hands wrapping around you,securing you in his charm.
"Yuta.. Please.." you murmured helplessly.
"What?You rather want Mark's body pressed up against you like that?" he asked and pinched your chin. His eyes glowing all red. His canines trying to come out and mark what was his. Only his.
"No.. Leave me please.." you managed to utter. He chuckled at your words, "Don't beg me like this darling..with those puppy eyes."
"Wha-" your words cut off when all of a sudden your back pressing up against a wall inside the alley with his body grinding against you.
"Open those damn eyes. Look straight into my eyes and tell me what do you see there." he said and pulled his face down to give a quick peck on your lips then trailing your clavicle with his tongue. You cry out in fear gripping his forearm tight,your knees wobbling. It felt so right though it was so full of wrong.
"Plea-please yuta.. Don't bi-bite"
"Ooh darling. You are meant to be bitten by me..mmmh you smell so good. Your engorging veins make me go all crazy...make me do the things which we only should do behind a closed door." Your ears turned red in embarrassment as he kept cooing into your ear like petting a child with compliments,"You're so tiny to fit into my arms,sweetie.. So tiny that I fear of breaking you into thousand ruined pieces. The pieces that I,only I,Yuta Nakamoto can repair with his fingers.."
He smirked staring into your eyes,"I know I make your knees weak like a feather,sweetie.."
"Just say you want me the way I want you. Just mutter those simple words to me,baby. Tell me you love me,you worship me,you want me,you are in need of me." he demanded pressing your arms over your head. Pinning you completely against the wall.
"I-I hate you!" You screamed, cheeks all red.
"Noo! Fucki-don't you dare little one.." he hissed showing off his fangs,aiming at your neck,"Don't tempt me on this night of full moon! You dont want me?Whom do you want?That pathetic weak Maark?"
"Are we really choosing that pathetic,weak,human shit over me?" He asked looking at you. You looked away blinking and muttered,"at least he knows how to treat a woman which you completely lack of."
"So I never treated you right in these days,hmm? Or It's just your eyes always fixated on him so much that you overlook my every attempt to reach your heart,huh?" he asked pushing his knee between your knees. Your breath hitched. You looked at him. He was looking dangerously both hot and detrimental at the same time. You whimpered in his scent when he sniffed your carotid artery,brushing your skin with his cold yet delicate lips,"answer me senorita.." he murmured placing a wet kiss over your carotid artery.
"I fucking tried to court you like a gentleman.. Letting you wander of as you please without claiming what's mine on the very first day," he paused. "And in return what I got? You returning home every single night wearing another man's scent plastered all over your body...hmm?" he said in one go with a fierce look fixed upon you.
You moaned hearing those words earning a giggle from him,"does he make you weak like this? Throbbing at every single word left my sinister lips.."
"No-nonsense.." you mumbled looking away in embarrassment and pushed him lightly. He chuckled and let go of you. He knew what exactly he was doing to you. Compelling you,seducing you to his den. Like his little prey. Cooing the prey into his den to savor it well like a real hunter.
You bit down your lips and adjust your dress which he managed to take it upwards to your thighs. You shivered feeling his intense stare at you. You gulped when you see him approaching you again.
"Run,my love. Just run as fast as you can before I take you right here" he laughed brushing his hair with his hand. You gave him one last look and started running towards your home.
"Go home and take the stake with you. I want to see how this piece of wooden shit stops me from claiming what's mine." he whispered into your ear while running past you.
You stopped in your tracks. You watched him getting vanished from the alley with his inhumane speed. You sighed in frustration because you clearly knew his destination. Not other than. Your home.
You knew no matter how and wherever you ran,you would always ended up in his cage. He would be waiting for you there like a hunter.
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
day 30 - gangbang
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nct 2.9k words female reader insert Reader x NCT 127 NSFW
🖤 warnings: group sex, penetrative sex (f receiving), mentions of oral sex (m receiving), scene negotiation, all of nct 127 are present and participating but jaehyun/taeyong/yuta focus 🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
The invitation is polite, organized, and completely off the rails.
You knew that becoming friends with a group of guys like them would end up weird, but this is a whole new level of weird.
They're a club baseball team that plays intramural games out of your university city. You'd met the first baseman, Mark, in your senior seminar class. He's inexplicably the same major as you, and he's a delight. Goofy, and a little strange, but quick and smart and fun. A good study buddy.
Then you'd met his friends.
Nine guys, including Mark, who just kind of hang out at whoever's home is available and eat and drink everything in sight. You'd met them at Mark's place, at what was introduced to you as a dinner party but ended up being a kickback, with beer and karaoke and a soccer game on TV.
Two of them are Mark's roommates, fellow students at your university who share an apartment with him. These two, Hyuck and Jungwoo, are the ones you see most often.
There's Taeil, long since graduated and moved on to an office job, who shares a little one-story house with graduate students Taeyong and Doyoung.
And there's Johnny and Jaehyun and Yuta, all freelancers in a very messy condo on the nice side of town.
They were all at this kickback, and they were an awful lot to experience all at once.
But now, a year and change later, they've become reliable friends. None as close or constant in your life as Mark, who's a true homie, but they're sweet guys, good to catch a movie or grab something to eat. And you go to their baseball games when you can.
They're casual friends, which is why this invitation is so off the rails.
You're at Mark's place for the evening, ready to watch a horror movie with Mark and Yuta and Jaehyun. Pizza and screaming. A good time all around.
Until they sit you down, and they ask. Jaehyun asks, specifically.
"Would you wanna come over to Taeil's with us on Saturday?"
You glance between Yuta and Jaehyun, their serious faces. Mark's head is already bowed, staring at the floor, ears flaming.
"Yeah," you say, "I guess. For what?"
You're thinking another dumb dinner party or something.
But that is not what Yuta says. "We're having an orgy."
You choke on nothing. The two guys watch as you cough and try desperately to wrap your mind around that sentence, the nonchalant way it was said. Mark still looks mortified.
"You're what?" you sputter.
"Having an orgy. We wanted to know if you were interested," says Jaehyun.
"Having an - an-"
"Orgy," Yuta repeats, impatient. "You know. Sex. With a group."
"With who?"
"Just us. The bros," says Jaehyun.
Yuta nods. "The nine of us. You'd make ten."
You say it slowly, to make sure you've got it right. "You want me...to come over...and have sex with you guys. Like. All of you, together."
"I mean, kinda. Basically. No guarantee who's with who, but-"
"Are you serious?"
"If you don't wanna come, that's fine," says Jaehyun.
"Yeah, we'll just do it anyway," Yuta agrees. "But you're welcome to come."
An orgy. With the nine of them.
Mark still hasn't said anything. He looks like he wishes the floor would swallow him up, just sitting there curled in his chair.
Out of all of them, you're closest to Mark, so you ask him cautiously, "Are...are you okay with this?"
"Me?" Mark jerks his head up. "Yeah, man. It's just super weird to ask someone new in. Like, Hyuck nearly moved out when we-"
"We do it all the time, for real. We just thought you would enjoy yourself if you came with," Yuta interrupts.
You're looking among the three of them, like someone's going to start laughing and say sike, just kidding, no orgy. But they all look calm, serious.
"It's fun," Mark admits. "Super fun."
"This is real," you say.
"Yeah, it's real," says Jaehyun.
"You really want me to do this."
Jaehyun nods. "Yeah, if you want."
"No pressure," says Yuta. "Seriously. If you say no, we'll forget about it. We're still friends, everything is normal. But if you're down..."
All nine of them.
They're attractive, you can admit that. Different looks, different vibes, but all beautiful. All single, all more or less responsible, all kind and trustworthy as far as you've seen. And you trust that they really wouldn't be angry if you turn them down. Nothing about the situation, except that it's new and overwhelming, is bad or dangerous.
Despite the surprise of even being asked, it's tempting. Incredibly tempting.
Jaehyun leans back in his seat. "You don't have to decide right now, you have a couple days to-"
"Yo, really?" Mark asks, wide-eyed.
"Yeah," you say, "Yeah, I'll go. I'm in."
"Sick," Yuta grins. "We'll text you the time and stuff."
That's it. That's all. They drop it after that, and you do watch the horror movie. Eat pizza, scream at the television, and laugh at Jaehyun pretending he's not scared.
But the whole time, you're wondering if you just hallucinated the entire conversation. You agreed to go to an orgy with your friend's baseball team.
Not a hallucination.
Not by a long shot, because the next day, Yuta texts you with the location (Taeil's place, obviously) time (8pm, which is kind of late but okay), and instructions to not wear anything you care about.
This is really happening, then.
You're not nervous, and you're not regretting it. No, rather, you're insatiably curious.
One thorough shower and a comfy outfit later, you're knocking on the door of Taeil's demure little house. You've always liked this place, with its neat front garden that Taeyong keeps carefully weeded and watered, and the comfortably-worn paint job and creaky eaves.
Hard to believe there's going to be major debauchery inside.
Taeil himself lets you in.
"Oh, hey." He waves, but it's lost in the oversized sleeves of his pullover.
"We're still waiting for a few guys, c'mon in."
Taeil wanders back into his home, shuffling comfortably across the wood floor, leaving you to take a few deep breaths and spend a little too long organizing your shoes by the door. You do go inside, though, and you find the guys in the living room.
"You showed up," says Taeyong, sounding surprised.
He's mostly upside-down on the sofa, squished into Jungwoo's side and holding the remote control loosely in one dangling hand. They're watching some cartoon, looking far too relaxed for a couple of guys about to have an orgy.
Doyoung is there, too, though he's standing at the kitchen counter organizing what looks like an entire year's worth of water bottles.
And sitting on the back of the sofa, wearing an unzipped hoodie with nothing underneath, is Yuta, who  smiles and beckons you over with deceptively cute open arms. He's never been a particularly huggy person, in your experience, not for anyone but Mark. But you walk over, and he drapes his arm around your shoulders, tugging you against his warm side.
"You didn't chicken out," Yuta says.
"Why does no one have any faith in me?" you ask him, in mock annoyance.
Yuta shrugs. "We're pretty scary, I wouldn't blame you."
"Too curious."
He squeezes you, and lets you go, and you go to sit on Taeyong's other side.
Donghyuck and Mark arrive together, after another episode and a half of the cartoon that Taeyong insists stay on the TV. And it doesn't take long after for Johnny and Jaehyun to traipse in, unfashionably late and carting a big bag of takeout food.
They're all here.
Once everyone is gathered, sitting and leaning on the furniture, talking brightly over the noise of the television, mind-blowingly normal, Taeyong rights himself and stands up.
"Okay! Ground rules," he says.
"Don't need 'em," Johnny dismisses.
"Yes, we do. Especially with a new person here," Taeyong replies. "Let's go over them"
"Who put you in charge?" Hyuck complains.
Taeyong blinks at him, nonplussed. "You did. All of you, when you voted me team captain."
You wonder how they even have time for sex with all of this going on.
But Taeyong has his phone out and is scrolling carefully. Do they...write down their orgy rules? Do they have enough orgies that they need written rules?
"The basics. Ask first, don't be an asshole, don't bite people without permission, that means you, Yuta," Taeyong lists, "Don't choke anyone even 'as a joke,' okay, Hyuck?"
"That's discrimination," Yuta says.
Donghyuck whines, "It was Mark, how am I supposed to be held responsible for-"
"No unsolicited backshots, absolutely no filming or pictures, no bullying of any kind," Taeyong reads, and he glances up, face unamused. "Doyoung."
"When-" Doyoung sputters, 'When would I ever-"
"And lastly, whatever happens here, stays here. No grudges, no weirdness, no ruining friendships. If you catch feelings because of the sex, you talk it out like a man," Taeyong says, with finality.
"Does that sound okay?" Jaehyun asks you, calm and placid as per usual, even as the others squabble over the callouts.
You nod. "Really good, actually."
It's all so casual. So no-nonsense, really, even with the personal shots called.
"It's Doyoung's turn for beverages and snacks, so blame him if anything sucks," Taeyong says. "Other than that, we're good to go."
Doyoung scoffs. "Excuse me-"
He doesn't finish his complaint, because he's hit in the face with and summarily buried under Yuta's discarded hoodie, and with that, it begins.
For a while, you just watch.
You'd wondered what it would be like. Your first group sex experience. It's...not all that strange, actually.
As if they've just been counting the seconds until they're allowed to do this, Jungwoo practically tackles Yuta over the back of the sofa, and they disappear onto the floor on the other side with just Yuta's maniacal delighted laughter to let you know that they're okay.
You kneel up on the sofa cushions to get a look at them, just out of curiosity. There's hands in jeans and Yuta's butterfly tattoo standing out starkly on his hips and God, you didn't know Jungwoo had abs like that-
Better let them be, you think, and you sit back down properly.
In your distraction of approximately eight seconds, Donghyuck has gotten a very apprehensive-looking Doyoung backed against the far wall, with Taeil not far behind.
Johnny is fielding a similar eager approach, as Mark has climbed from his own seat and is leaning deep into Johnny's personal space, their faces inches apart, Jesus-
This is a lot. This is so much.
"They're always just so, so horny," comes Taeyong's voice.
He and Jaehyun have taken up the extra seats on the sofa with you, just watching the chaos the same as you are.
"Think Doie is gonna let that happen?" Jaehyun asks, with a nod over to the corner.
Taeyong snorts. "Looks like it's happening."
"You two don't want to get in there?" you ask.
"Don't you?" Jaehyun counters.
"Thought you could use some semi-normal company, to ease you in," Taeyong says. "Maybe you'd need some time to get comfortable. Not all of us are Jungwoo."
"You'd be damn lucky if you were!" Jungwoo's affronted voice pipes from behind the sofa.
Taeyong nods at you solemnly. "He's got Yuta this time, he's right."
"I'm pretty comfortable," you admit.
"Then d'you wanna make out?" Jaehyun asks.
There's something so intriguing and inherently relaxing about his direct approach. No nonsense, no holding back. He wants it, he's gonna ask for it. You'd be a fool to say no.
So your first orgy experience is a kiss.
A good, slow, deep kiss, complete with Jaehyun's big careful hands holding you steady. You can't pretend you've never thought about kissing Jaehyun before. Of course you have. He's handsome, steadfast, incredibly funny and quick despite his laid-back nature.
It actually starts to feel more like an orgy experience when you feel another hand touch you, tentative, just a poke at your shoulder.
"Can I..." Taeyong starts, licking his lips.
You would trust Taeyong to do quite literally anything, but still, you turn slightly in Jaehyun's grip to tease, "Can you...?"
"I wanna take this off," he says, plucking at your top.
"I would hate to be the first one naked," you say.
"You definitely wouldn't be," Jaehyun points out.
You glance around, and yeah, true. Donghyuck is bare-ass naked, over there, and Johnny's shirt is gone, and you're pretty sure that those are Yuta's jeans hanging off the closed curtains. Well, hey. They've already started.
"Yeah, go ahead," you grin.
So your shirt goes, and then Taeyong's, showing off his lean figure and his little colorful tattoos, and then Jaehyun's just to make things fair.
Kissing Taeyong is just natural at that point, and it's such a starkly difference experience from kissing Jaehyun that your head spins, a little. He's eager where Jaehyun was controlled, easy to accommodate when you press forward, when you readjust.
"I think," Taeyong muses, against your lips, "I think I want to see Jae fuck you, first."
You pull back, grin. "Why him?"
"He invited you, didn't he?"
"Dibs," Jaehyun says.
"And dibs," Taeyong agrees.
"You can't dibs a person," you pout.
"I just did," Jaehyun says. "Why, you don't want me?"
"Maybe I came here just for Mark," you say.
Jaehyun thumbs over his shoulder. "He's busy."
Mark is indeed busy, with Johnny's dick down his throat. Ah, well.
"You can have Mark next," Taeyong grins. "Jaehyun first."
"I want you next," you say, cheeky.
"Fine, you picky bitch. Jaehyun, me, Mark, if you're serious."
You would keep arguing, just to be annoying, if Jaehyun didn't hook his fingers into the waistband of your bottoms and bite down on your throat gently in tandem. No, rather, that makes you gasp into Taeyong's mouth, still so close to yours.
"I thought no biting was a rule!" you complain.
"Oops," Jaehyun grins.
"You broke the rules."
He shrugs. "Punish me, then."
"Later," Taeyong says. "Get going, someone else is gonna want a piece of one of you, soon, and I don't wanna miss this."
Excited, hazy with arousal, and certain that both Taeil and Johnny, from their respective corners and sides, are watching you, time contracts into nothing as you strip, as you climb astride Jaehyun, as you wave off Taeyong's offer of a condom, and you lower yourself onto his waiting - impressive, admittedly very very nice - erection, and settle into place against the cradle of his hips.
Jaehyun's hands are everywhere at once. Your breasts, your hair, your thighs where they fall on either side of his body. The attention is almost overwhelming, and there's a whole other person here, too.
"View good enough?" you ask Taeyong, half-joking.
"Flawless," he answers.
He's right up behind you, still in his loose shorts, his thin chest pressed to your back as he hooks his chin over your shoulder to see even better. After a moment, as you fidget and adjust, Taeyong's hands find your hips and begin to guide you against Jaehyun.
You're not sure when Taeyong took control of the situation, here, but he certainly has it. In a strange kind of way, too. Suggestion and help, more than anything. Emphasis on you, what you're feeling, what would be best for you, as he touches you lightly, mouths over your throat gently.
With Taeyong's help, it's not long before your orgasm looms. His careful fingers over your clit, and Jaehyun rocking shallowly upward into you.
"Gonna cum," you warn.
"I've been holding it back," Jaehyun replies, "Go ahead."
"Fast," Taeyong teases, reaching around you to tweak Jaehyun's nipple.
"I haven't been with a girl in a while," he defends.
"Forgot how good it feels?" Taeyong grins.
"So good. Like heaven."
They're messing around, but the admission of it seems to push Jaehyun right over the edge, because his hands nudge Taeyong's out of the way so he can pull your hips down to meet his and dig his fingers into your skin hard enough to bruise.
The hot spill of him into you, no condom, is better than you'd imagined, and when you glance up to see that Johnny and Taeil are still watching, and now Yuta and Jungwoo, too, Taeyong's fingers over your clit are too much.
You cum with a strangled sound that isn't quite anyone's name.
And when you've finished, when the fog is clearing from your head, Jaehyun eases you off him, ever so gently.
"Thanks," he says, smacking a loud kiss on your forehead. "Shit. That was good."
He's so strange.
"I'm glad," you reply, amused.
Taeyong chooses that moment to pounce, nudging you onto your back and crawling between your thighs, his shorts gone, now.
"I left a mess for you," Jaehyun says. "Just how you like it."
Hands on your shoulders make you jump, and you look up to find Yuta leaning over you, white-blonde hair falling into his face.
"Lemme in," he says.
You sit up enough for Yuta to scoot behind you, and now you're propped against his chest, with Taeyong ready and waiting between your legs. Sandwiched again between two men, but different ones, this time.
Now, truly, it feels like an orgy.
"I'm next," Yuta informs you.
"Wait your damn turn," Taeyong says.
He's dragging himself through your messy folds, picking up the obscene mix of your release and Jaehyun's, and you squirm against Yuta in overstimulation as he presses into you.  
This is going to be a long, long night.  
635 notes · View notes
➳ 019. My muse
The day after
Yn’s p.o.v.
“Asahi, do you remember Yuta-san?” I asked the baby in my arms as I walked towards the park.
“No, who is Yuta?” He said.
“He’s mommy’s friend from Japan, so we’re going to talk in Japanese with him, okay?” I said.
“Why daddy isn’t here?” Asahi asked.
“Daddy was busy with some important things…But he said that we should have fun!” I said smiling “look, there’s Yuta-san” i said putting Asahi down but still holding his hand.
“Yn-chan!!” He said smiling and hugging me.
“Yuta! It’s been so long!” I said.
“Hi little man, do you remember me?” He asked kneeling to Asahi’s height.
“No, sorry” Asahi said.
“It’s okay buddy, you were too young anyway” he said with a smile “I saw an ice cream shop nearby, how about we go there and get you some ice cream?” He asked Asahi.
“Can we mommy? Can we?” Asahi asked looking up at me with his chocolate eyes.
“Sure” I said.
“Thank you mommy!” Asahi said jumping happy.
“Let’s go then” Yuta said smiling and picking Asahi up putting him sat on his shoulders.
“Don’t move too much, Asahi” I said.
“I won’t let him fall, don’t worry” Yuta said smiling.
“You didn’t have to pay for the ice cream, Yuta-san” I said holding Asahi’s ice cream while he was playing for a bit in the playground.
“It’s okay…And I told you to stop using the ‘san’ it makes me feel distant from you and I don’t like that” he said not smiling anymore.
“Oh, sorry”
“Don’t worry” he said “who are you sending the photo to?” He asked looking at my phone in my free hand.
“To Asahi’s dad, we’re together now” I said.
“After everything he’s done to you in high school you got together with him?!” He asked with pure shock in his eyes.
“He apologized and he didn’t know about Asahi till three months ago, so it isn’t his fault that he wasn’t there for him” I said putting my phone back in my pocket.
“MOMMY!” I suddenly heard Asahi’s scream coming from the playground, I immediately ran over him not caring about the ice cream now on the street. I saw him crying at the end of the slide with blood running down his right knee “mommy it hurts!” He said.
“It’s okay baby, we’re going home to put some disinfectant and a bandage on it, okay? Sto crying now, c’mon” I said kissing his cheek.
“Is he okay?” Yuta asked behind me.
“Yes” I said, not even caring about him right then “you know, big boys sometimes have bandages, that means that they’re super cool! When we get home you can show daddy your bandage and tell him how cool you are”
“Does daddy have bandages too? Daddy’s so cool!” Asahi asked finally stopping crying.
“He had some back in high school and yes, daddy’s super cool” I said picking him up and turning to look at Yuta.
“I’m sorry Yuta, I need to go home” I said.
“You don’t need to, my house is nearby, we can go there” he said.
“Oh, thank-“
“NO! I WANT TO GO TO MY HOME AND SEE DADDY!” Asahi screamed “I DON’T LIKE HIM” he said pointing with his little finger at Yuta.
“Asahi! What did I tell you about pointing at someone? It’s rude! And don’t say something like that about Yuta, he’s mommy’s friend” I said.
“I’m sorry mommy” Asahi said. I really can’t be mad at him.
“You need to say sorry to Yuta too” I said.
“I’m sorry Yuta-san” Asahi.
“It’s okay, little man…Let’s go and cure you, okay?” Yuta said smiling.
“Now you can show daddy how cool you are!” I said as I finished to wrap a bandage over Asahi’s knee “Asahi?” I asked but when I looked at him he was sleeping, sat on the counter of Yuta’s bathroom “I love you so much, my baby” I said smiling.
I picked him up and started searching for a bedroom to put him in. I entered one room and turned on the light.
But what I saw made me shocked.
I heard Yuta coming up from the stairs “Is everything okay, my muse?”
Changbin’s p.o.v.
Written part after this screen
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“So?! Did she say something?!” Hyunjin asked as soon as I left the interrogation room, Captain Wang behind me.
“She confessed” the man said.
“She was planning on setting fire on our new house with Yn and Asahi in it” I said looking down, soon she was walking near me with two agents to keep her.
“They’re separating us now, but I still won against that bitch!” She said looking at me.
“What do you mean?!” I said.
“She may live but at what cost? Yuta is going to kill her ugly baby!” She said laughing.
“Yuta?! Yuta Nakamoto?” Riki said.
“Oh, you know him?” Sena asked.
“It’s the guy Yn and Asahi were going out with today!” Riki said.
“Where are they now?“ Captain Wang asked, and Hyunjin picked his phone.
“I’m looking her location…this address” he said giving the phone to the Captain, I looked at the phone and I was capable of reading the address.
“It’s not fat from here” the Captain said “I’ll send a squad there immediately, we’re going to catch him, don’t worry”
“Yes…” I said.
“Changbin?! Were are you going?!” Chan called me when I was leaving the department.
“I…I have to go there” I said.
“Hyung no!” Han said, but his voice was far from me anyway.
I have to save them being the only thought in my mind.
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018 | MASTERLIST | 020
this is, I think, the first totally written chapter i’ve ever done here?? so i’m sorry if you find any mistakes.
sorry for not posting yesterday but I was really busy (I hate school so much) — anyway I’m reading Pride and Prejudice for the first time and i’m like ??? Mr Darcy marry me, Lizzie you deserve the world (Darcy) and i realized how unfortunate I am for not living under the esteemed patronage of Lady Catherine de Bourgh 😔
Hate’s Love taglist: @1-800-simpingcowbaby @ufoundme (i can’t tag you anymore idk why) @phenomenalgirl9 @mchslut @inlovewithallmusic @8rach4 @whats-my-question @jayeonnature @fairywriter-oracle @curly-fr13s @aestheticsluut @remiee @finnydraws @cheshireshiya @jihanniee @amara-mars @aloverga @victio @leeyanyanyaaan @https-skzology @abbiestearsricochet (i can’t tag you i’m sorry )
Permanent taglist: @kailoveskpopstuff @aishidaishi @zoeeeeeeeeee @toshijimafarms @mynameisnotlaura @meowmeowisdaname @soobin-chois @vampcharxter @phenomenalgirl9 @crazyllamasurfer @tasteskz-sworld @teti-menchon0604
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neonscandal · 6 months
As a fan of both bnha & jjk, can I ask you somethings?
-which majority of characters will survive if their universe is swithed (jjk charas in bnha verse or bnha charas in jjk verse)
-people in jjk verse have stronger mental state than in bnha verse because the death rate is higher in jjk than bnha (do you agree?)
- from plot and art, which do you think is better (jjk or bnha)?
-dynamics between bakudeku or satosugu, which is written better as a duo? why?
I asked this because in twitter I found a jjk fan and bnha fan have a heated discussion to prove which is better, and that's why I want to know your opinion, thanks.....
I feel like I'm getting tagged in. Excuse me while I stretch before I jump into this. As always, thank you for the ask! ❤️
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Put me in the game, coach!
Please. If JJK characters' cursed techniques were quirks, they'd all be alive and going to amusement parks and eating crepes.
In the reverse, Midoriya would be a Yuta like drop in considering all of his techniques, maybe, and most of Class 1A would be wiped. Hell, I think we can all agree there are students in Class 1A that shouldn't even be in Class 1A (this is a Minoru Mineta call out, at the very least). But that's also why Jujutsu Tech has a class size that hasn't exceeded 4 students that we've seen. I could see Midoriya, Shinso (cursed speech user), and Tokoyami (shikigami user) in a class. With Todoroki (legacy family + technique) and Bakugo (Todo-esque brute force regardless of technique) over at Kyoto. I'm not saying they'd all survive but I could see it.
I think trauma, or one's ability to handle a breadth of it, isn't based on the trauma itself. Even if Midoriya had never experienced loss, he'd repeatedly experienced the inequities of systemic and social oppression from being quirkless compounded by a dad that seemingly peaced out. Kid took hit after hit before being able to have a shot at his dream which he then slowly realized wasn't as cut and dry as it seemed. He keeps on trucking though.
If anything, I think that most characters in JJK are a belt loop getting caught on a door handle away from losing their shit and becoming curse users because of the higher death toll. The students of class 1A might be slowly losing hope but Yuji is constantly swimming in sea of despair, survivor's guilt, and has a 1000 year old curse whispering obscenities to him. For all intents and purposes, kid should be on a watchlist. And you mean to tell me that Megumi "Watch What These Hands Do" Fushiguro is the picture of mental health??? Nah. Buddy has been looking for any opportunity to take a curtain bow with Mahoraga since day 1. Gojo meant what he said when he had to make sure Nobara was crazy in Season 1 because that's what it takes to be a sorcerer if you want to live. You have to be a little deranged so the losses don't take you down the same path as Geto or breed an even bigger problem by generating a curse. The only easy, breezy, beautiful cover girls in JJK are the villains as they are regularly shown to be leisurely enjoying the beach, soccer, mahjong... all while 16 year olds are fighting for their lives and losing.
Taking into consideration the fact that we're in late stage My Hero Academia and, at best, half way through Jujutsu Kaisen, I think MHA has it on plot. This take is based on being able to now, with most of the story having taken place, see how everything comes together, though. Bear in mind, even at the end of the story, we still don't know how things are going to play out. I've made a lot of wild accusations though (here, here, here, here, here and, inevitably, more are bouncing around my head). What's funny about this is the fact that, there's not really a question of how it's going to end in the grand scheme. We know that Deku will be triumphant in defeating or liberating Shigaraki. I think, through all his subversion, Horikoshi will still write a story where the good guys win. But the subtler details of how the story will end are what everyone's getting fired up about regarding BakuDeku and if anyone will die.
Regarding Jujutsu Kaisen's plot, as readers, we're still too lost in the forest of the culling games to understand the overarching reason. It's still a 5/5 in my book until proven otherwise but, from what we've seen, Gege Akutami buries details that are pertinent later. His exposition style is uniquely different from Horikoshi's (and Iseyama's for that matter). Moreover, Akutami knows how to illicit rage, angst, tears even in the midst of a multi page description of one man's cursed technique (yea, I'm talking about Hikari). They are a troll with a pen and I cannot take that away from them. So, I'm trusting in the process while also acknowledging that this story is not going to echo that of shonen series' before it. Gege Akutami could very well write the end of the human world as we know it, the entirety of the main cast dead, and I wouldn't even be surprised and I would read every. single. panel. Happily.
Again, it's kind of unfair to compare the refined art of a series with 39 volumes versus 24 volumes especially when they stylistically differ so much. So, instead, I'll say what I appreciate for both.
Horikoshi's unique character design, even going so far as to use different illustration styles where appropriate circumvents the issue of Same Face Syndrome while also adding a lot of dynamic visual texture to the cast. Also, hands are like a big part of the story? Which he's managed to make a focal point where it matters. I will also say that he has, in recent chapters, delved into the horror aesthetic beautifully.
Gege Akutami is just a silly little guy. By that, I mean, there will be these AMAZING spreads or panels. Then, on the very next panel or page, there will be a silly lil doodle and it doesn't even feel out of place. In fact, it's very on par with Yuji as a character. I don't think this story is told from Yuji's limited perspective where MHA is largely from Deku's POV, but, when Gege breaks down the behind the scenes, it's broken down as if it's for someone as simple as Yuji. Stylistically gory but also humorous, there are definitely some chapters that are perhaps churned out faster than others, but the art still speaks for itself.
This is a hard one in the sense that BakuDeku is being explored in real time, at length whereas SatoSugu we've only gotten wisps of even though they are, foundationally, what sets off the entire chain of events that sets the story for JJK. There's something to be said for wanting and I think what makes SatoSugu so compelling is truly the tragedy of it. Gojo lost his only equal, his everything (which Geto never thought himself to be) and Geto lost his everloving mind. MHA's whole story is hinged on BakuDeku but the brainrot for SatoSugu decays so poignantly because, while both series are effectively about child soldiers trying to stay alive, SatoSugu is the after. What happens when youth aren't protected, what do they lose?
Just because you can read them both in Shonen Jump does not mean they're a monolith.
Considering they aren't actually in the same genre, it makes no sense to compare the two. They may have some similarities. But that's like saying a horse is similar to a cow because they are animals with four legs and tails.
It makes more sense to compare JJK to the other two unhinged stories that make up the dark trio, "Chainsaw Man" or "Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku" because the stakes are the same. Anyone can die. For the most part, there aren't miraculous revivals (like Best Jeanist and whoever else 👀).
A/N: I don't care, I know Nobara's coming back if only for Gege to kill her again.
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jwirecs · 2 years
Recommended NCT Fics of June 2022💖
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of june! hopefully these beautiful stories will have more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Bet! || @doycngs​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ it was bound to bite both your asses eventually. just plain ‘ol comedic luck that you and your best friend’s shared tradition of petty bets get you two to finally cough up years of repressed feelings for one another.
Hesitate || @sehunniepotwrites​💕💔✅💯
↳ The many times Jeong Jaehyun hesitated in life and the two times he didn’t. — or alternatively, in which Jaehyun realized that throughout the years as a pairs skater, the only constant he had in his crazy athletic life was you. He would never hesitate to say that the person who kept him going for so long was and always will be you. Jaehyun would never hesitate in admitting his love for you and as you complete your last short program together before retiring, he was determined to do it every day of his life.
Highway To Heaven || @yuta-nakamots​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Doyoung was one of the biggest names in street racing though part of him knew he couldn’t compete forever. But just like a checkered flag, the day he finished his racing career came sooner than he expected. (fcking love street racer type of aus. probably cause i grew up watching fast & furious with my dad..)
Oh Dude, You’re Flirting || @doies​💕✅
↳ “So did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?”
Plus One || @loeycity​💕✅💯💯
↳ Johnny Suh is your coworker, your break room buddy, your fellow coffee enthusiast, everything but your boyfriend, and it doesn’t help that the entire office seems to know about your little crush on your hot friend. When a certificate for an all-inclusive dinner lands on your desk and he offers to be your plus one, you’re left wondering whether this is the universe granting you the chance to finally make your move.
Renegade or Whatever || @luvdsc​💕✅
↳ dancing is not on your top list of interests, but park jisung definitely is.
Valentine Motel || @fullsunfluff​💕✅
↳ the night shift at the valentine motel usually meant convenience store food, a cute coworker, or emboldened feelings—so what happens when you score all three?
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Five Plus One || @ppangjae​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ Five times world-renowned chef Jeong Jaehyun tried to end your journey to be a chef  because you weren’t ‘qualified enough to be a chef’ and that one time you proved him wrong. (did i almost shed tears while reading this at work?? yes, yes i almost did)
The Abduction of Persephone || @nctream​💕💔✅
↳ your sister is about to marry the man of her life, the wedding is in three days and you don’t have a date. Nothing weird, but I forgot to mention that you had told your parents that you were bringing your boyfriend. A boyfriend that you don’t have anymore, because he had suddenly decided you were “too much” for him and didn’t want to make you waste anymore time - one month before the wedding. You should have been the happiest person on Earth, your sister was about to get married and, since you didn’t want to bring any attention upon your lonely entrance, you had opted for something crazy. Crazy, like hiring Lee Donghyuck to be your fake-boyfriend.
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Covered || @velvescence​💕💔✅
↳ You are driving downtown for your inconstant monthly visit to your boyfriend.
Jealousy (Not) || @neoyuno​💕💔✅
↳ A particular debate over perilla leaves sparks up a plan to make your (totally not jealous) boyfriend jealous. So, he must show you not to mess with him. ; or, Jaehyun swears he is not jealous but turns out he is very jealous and you are very freaky.
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Venomous || @lisired​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ Born into the underworld, crime was all you’d known your entire life and was practically in your blood - murder, drugs, money, power, and everything in between. In spite of your father leading one of the two major gangs that dominated Asia, you managed to keep safe. But all that changes once the rival gang has bad blood to settle with your father, and suddenly a vendetta’s being pursued against you.
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Daddy On Duty || @aehyei​💕💔✅💯
↳ After a long day of stressful practice, Chenle finds himself in deep sleep on his bed and wakes up when a strange child that came from nowhere jumped on him—scaring him in the progress. To add to everything, the young idol learns that he just traveled to the future and is able to meet his future daughter. But will Chenle be able to be that great husband and father when he doesn’t even have a single clue on what’s going on?
Playground Escapes || @aehyei​💕💔✅
↳ Jisung takes his daughter, Jisu, on a quick escape to make up for the time he didn’t get to be there for and to show her she’s not the burden she thought she was.
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Doublure D’Argent || @jaetaimjadore​💕💔✅💯💯💯💯
↳  You’re the renowned founder and fashion designer of Argent, the luxury fashio label known for its one too many silver linings across the world’s hottest runways. With New York Fashion Week around the corner and your latest collections fresh on the racks, you’re certain to have buyers grovelling at your star-studded heels. But when fake news spreads like a wildfire and your top model pulls out at the last minute, you’re left with no choice but to hire a wide-eyes stranger with an unusual penchant for toast. (YOUR GIRL CRIED IN BED. also not me reading all of the fics in bed tho)
Honor To Us All || @yuta-nakamots​💕💔✅💯💯
↳ When your older brother Lucas becomes unable to compete in a large race, you seize the opportunity to take his place. You were already an established racer in your own team so it couldn’t be that much more difficult. But Lucas’s team is all-male and you knew for a fact that they did not want female members.
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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yutahoes · 2 years
Bad News
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characters: jock! Yuta Nakamoto x college girl! Y/N word count: 4k words genre: smut , fluff if you squint, fuck buddies au summary: Jocks are bad news. So why are you still hanging out with the soccer captain?  warnings: fuck buddies, cursing, calling Yuta a manwhore, kissing, cock grinding, breast fondling, nipple pinching, frat party, alcohol, blowjob, cock riding, sexual messages, unprotected sex, virgin sex with protection, adult movie, anal sex
taglist: @joepomonerof @iwannabreathetosetmefree @yujaesbestiee @jaesqueso @notmejustmymind @what-sarah @nuoyipeach @xxhaneulxx @degreeandfangirling @channie301 @a-place-filled-with-random @imjaeforyou @yeolsechanhun @multiyuta @notworthit24 @anonjyxd @sourirensoleille @ytzvivi @queensnowdon @yutiddies @blueeyedlove-blog1 @coolkimchijoy16 @mamamohatd0g  @trashlord-007 
'I need you'
You breathed heavily while quickly typing a reply to the sender of the message. Maybe he'll be here after twenty minutes, you can still finish the essay you were typing. You were already on the last parts of the final essay for your class since it will be due tomorrow. This isn't even the last task you have to do tonight so you have to finish this quickly and make sure that you can finish your project. As well as his. 
A loud knock on the door can be heard that startled you. He's here already? You checked your phone, it hasn't been five minutes since you sent your message. Did he need you that much? 
When you opened the door for him, Yuta quickly pushed you inside while kissing you roughly. He does need you. He sucked your bottom lip, tongue slipping inside your mouth as he pulled you by the waist. 
Gently, you pushed him as he panted for air. "Eager much?" You teased then closed the door behind him, letting him inside. "Can I finish your essay first?" You asked then tapped his shoulder. Yuta had to groan as you sat in your chair in front of your desk and typed in the words for his final project.
"Can you just do it later?" he asked, both his hands on your shoulder lightly massaging it. You only felt something poking you from the back and he leaned it, lightly rubbing his hardness on you. "I really need you." 
You shrugged him off, claiming that you have to finish this since you still have to finish your own project. But Yuta didn't budge. His hand went inside your tank top, lips kissing the side of your neck. He started fondling your clothed breasts, complaining about having too much fabric on your body that made you smirk. "Can you hurry up and finish it quickly?" 
A hum was all you can say yet you took your time, typing and deleting the word to retype again. You can hear the frustrations in his moans as he kept nibbling your neck, one hand grabbing on your breast while the other unhooked your bra from the back. You gave him access to touch you feeling how hard he is. What happened to him that he's like this? 
Both his hands squeezed your breasts. His forefinger and middle finger occasionally pinching your nipples that earned explicit moans from you. He knew how you liked your breasts fondled but it's much better if it was his mouth sucking your hardened nipples now. When he pinched both nipples with his forefinger and thumb, you closed your eyes while leaning on the chair. 
You still cannot have an orgasm with foreplay only. You don't want to boost Yuta's gigantic ego like that. You'll just focus on the essay you have to finish. 
Guys with attractive looks are bad news. Guys with good physiques are bad news. Guys who reek of cologne are bad news. And more importantly, jocks are bad news. Qualities that you found in Yuta Nakamoto. 
The first time you met Yuta was at a frat party by the end of the freshmen year. You weren't the partying kind but your roommate invited you to what she claimed was the best party on campus. It was filled with people of all year levels, the smell of alcohol, and the sound of loud bass. It was the typical bathroom encounter where you knocked on the only bathroom in the whole frat house and a guy came out wearing only his pants and reeking of perfume. "Hey!" he greeted with an angelic smile. A truly attractive guy. 
"I'm sorry, I'm looking for a bathroom." You took a peek inside and noticed a girl lying in the bathtub unconscious. "Oh my God! Is she dead?" You asked stepping inside the bathroom and holding her wrist to feel a pulse. The guy behind you was just chuckling and that's when you noticed the situation. The girl was almost naked, only a skirt was bunched up on her hip and there was a faint smell of something foreign. 
There were clothes on the bathroom floor and it looked like her underwear was hastily thrown with the clothes. A tied-up condom with contents was next to the clothes that startled you. "Oh shit!" you exclaimed as you watched the conscious guy putting on his shirt that was on the floor earlier. "I'm sorry." 
"No, we're done. And she looks like she had a good time." Wow! What a jerk. He brushed his hand on his jeans before lending it for you to shake, "I'm Yuta Nakamoto, the only freshman on the soccer team." What a cocky jerk. 
You gave him a small smile, "Yeah." You only muttered before bowing at him lightly. "Please excuse me.” You claimed before walking past him and making an exit to the bathroom. 
"I thought you were going to use the bathroom." 
"I'm alright." You answered before reaching the hallway and walking briskly, hoping to not cross paths with the walking bad news named Yuta Nakamoto.
You stretched your arms after clicking save, relieved that you finished one task for today. "You're done?" You hummed as answer and he quickly spun your chair around to face him, loosening his belt and unzipping his pants which made you gasp. He is indeed needy for you. He smelled like woman's perfume so he might be with someone before coming here. Maybe this is a problem already. "You know what to do." 
You do. His cock was hard, almost red at the tip. He's almost close and you were sure he'd cum anytime soon. Yet you wanted to still play with him a bit. 
A light lick on the slit and a gentle kiss on the tip made him groan. A smirk appeared on your lips. He likes it. "Fuck, just suck me already." Cocky jerk! He slipped his cock between your parted lips, holding the back of your head as he slowly moved his hardness in and out of your mouth. Groans kept on coming out of his mouth as you willingly suck him, jerking the part that cannot come in your mouth and even fondling his balls.
Yuta's pace started to slow down and you let go of him with a pop, earning a questioning look from him. You ran your tongue up and down his shaft then suck his balls. His hands were on your hair at the sudden action you did, moans of pleasure echoing through the walls of your apartment. He's close. You can see it in his face and how his cock throbbed in your mouth. 
You took his cock again in your mouth, trying to take him deeper as he held your head in place. Yuta's body trembled before erupting cumming in your mouth, saliva dripping on your chin as you kept swallowing for him. "Fuck!" he shouted while pulling it from you, "Have you been practicing?" 
The second time you saw Yuta was when he slept with your roommate during sophomore year. It was hard to sleep already with the assignments you have to do but that night it was extremely impossible because of the moaning and thumping in the next room. In annoyance, you stayed in the kitchen to make your report while munching on marshmallows to at least stay awake.
You were minding your own business, listening to pop songs from your earphones, and making subtle movements when you felt a presence with you in the dark kitchen. Your heart almost dropped in surprise noticing a guy smiling in front of you. Pulling out your earphones, you heard him mutter "And we met again." 
Huh? You only gave him a confused stare. "We met before?" He mentioned a frat party and it almost took you a long time to remember the scene in the bathroom. The walking bad news. That was him. What was his name again? "Oh." You only muttered before closing your laptop, since they're done maybe you can get some decent sleep now. "Are you leaving?" 
The guy leaned in with a laugh, taking some of your marshmallows from the bowl which made you annoyed. "I can stay and spend the night with you as well." 
"Gross," you muttered and he looked surprised. "If you're leaving, lock the door." You claimed then went inside your room, making sure that you would lock the door to avoid any pervert coming into your room. 
You thought it was done with that. You would never cross paths with him again. The university is so huge for you to meet each other. There are also a lot of girls he can whore around with. But it's as if a magnet had been pulling the two of you that you became partners in a thesis during the second semester of sophomore year. He had a smug look on his face as you stared at him in horror. 
"Are you interested in me?" You annoyingly asked, making the librarian look at you while shushing you up. He had been following you in the library for quite some time now and it's making you frustrated. "What do you want?" 
He was chuckling, leaning closer to whisper in your ear, "You." A glare was all you can give him as you brush your hair in frustration. "Come on Y/N, you're the only sophomore girl I haven't banged. You're crushing my ego." 
"Men and their annoying egos." Yuta had a smirk on his face, wiggling his eyebrows. You gave him a naughty smile which turned into a frown when he grinned widely. "No." 
The guy only smiled when you passed by him, staring at the books to look for your thesis topic. "Y/N," he whispered and you turned to him. "That's a nice name." He claimed before continuing, "I'll make sure to repeatedly moan that name when I'm balls deep inside you." God! What a pervert. 
"Y/N!" he called, brushing your hair away to place a kiss on the spot between your shoulder and neck. "Are you close, Y/N?" 
You kept on bouncing on his lap, his cock filling you up as your nails dig into his leather jacket. A hum can only be heard from you, the sound of slapping skin heard all throughout the room. You were dripping in sweat, his hair getting damp because of the hot temperature between your body and the activity you've been doing. He guided your hips to ride him, making sure that his fingers also give attention to your clit, lips on your breasts the way you like it. "Fuck, Yuta." You shouted, feeling the familiar coil in your stomach. "I'm close." 
He jerked his hip up making you scream. You leaned your head on his shoulder, breathless moans coming out of your lips as he kept repeating the same action to put you on edge. Yuta knew your body the most. He knew when to slow down. He knew when to jerk deeper. He knew how to make your body tremble. 
You came on his hardened cock. Arms wrapped on his neck as your head leaned on his clothed shoulder. "Damn Y/N, you are so messy." And that was the reason why you got a leather couch for your apartment. "Makes me want to cum inside you." 
"Wait!" Your senses returned and hastily pushed him while standing up, pulling him out of you. "I'm ovulating. Do you have condoms?" He shook his head, groaning that it is uncomfortable and you're past using condoms. "Well then, you cannot cum inside me Yuta." 
"What are your other holes for?" He asked before pulling you by the waist and bending you face down on the couch. 
You never wanted to give in to Yuta's flirty ways. You promised not to, seeing his cocky grin and the way he boasted how he drove two girls from the cheerleading team to their orgasm. He's such a whore. You weren't surprised if he had STDs with his active sex life. 
But even if he has soccer and an active night of fucking, he never missed your meetings with the thesis you're supposed to do. He's not bad academically. The initial impression of jocks being empty-brained was easily wiped away by Yuta. He always has amazing ideas but when it comes to actually doing it, he would claim that he’s tired from practice. With how active he is in sports and sexually, you weren’t even surprised so you just did all the tasks in exchange for a bag of marshmallows every time. 
Maybe you’re too materialistic like that but you have finished the research without even sleeping with the biggest manwhore on campus. Which you took pride in. 
It was the third year in university, you moved away from the dorms and managed to rent a small apartment for yourself with the allowance and all the side hustles that you do when Yuta appeared in your life again. After the research, you blocked his number in an attempt to not see him again. But an unknown number had sent you a dick pic, asking you for a night out. Immediately you blocked it thinking that it was Yuta but another number sent you a sexual message that confused you. Why are you getting messages like these? Another message came and you almost threw your phone if not for the name you saw in the message ‘It’s Yuta’ followed immediately by ‘Why did you block my number?’  and ‘Meet me. It’s an emergency’
You were annoyed. Why do you have to meet at an adult theater? Really? A place that’s dark and playing an erotic movie? And why did you even agree to see him? “I thought you wouldn’t come.” He started as you sat beside him. Yuta handed you a bag of marshmallows that startled you. He was still facing the screen that shows an explicit image of a girl showering. “You need to sleep with me.” It wasn’t a request or a question, more like a command that annoyed you. How many times should you say no? And why can’t he accept your no? Can you report Yuta for harassment? “The soccer team saw you.”    
“What?” Saw you? What the hell is this person talking about? “We’re choosing the soccer captain after this season and they’re in the search for virgin girls on campus.” Wait, what? “They will choose a girl and the first person who takes that girl’s virginity would become the captain.” he turned to you, eyes focused on your face. “And they have chosen you.” 
They choose their captain based on that? What kind of rule is that? The idea that jocks are empty-brained came to you once again. They are the biggest jerks, no doubt. “So let’s help each other, Y/N,” Yuta claimed. He didn’t need to explain it to you. If you sleep with him, the soccer team would leave you alone and he’ll get the captain position. “We don’t need to actually sleep together if you’re uncomfortable.”
You bit your lip watching the large screen that illuminates the couple of the movie having steamy sex. Ever since the start you were fully aware that Yuta only wanted to fuck you so he kept bugging you. Maybe if he gets what he wants, he can stop bothering you. You hated yourself but it’s the best way to escape all these. Why is college like this? Fuck society and these perverted people! You glanced at Yuta just as the intense moaning can be heard all throughout the theater. You were well aware that it isn’t just because of the movie but because of the people fucking in the theater. “Let’s have sex, Yuta.” 
If he’s going to share that you slept together, might as well make it worthwhile. You might be a virgin but you watched a lot of movies and read lots of advice on how to give a man pleasure. “Are you sure this is your first time?” Yuta asked as you went down on him, giving your utmost attention to his hardening cock. He kept on shouting, screaming your name. You wondered how many names of girls went out of those lips, how many girls had given him head like this, and how many girls had screamed because of his cock that keeps on thrusting in and out of you. Countless, perhaps. 
You were panting when Yuta came inside the condom, body sore and tired that you just laid on the bed. He lay down beside you, grinning. “Damn, it’s been so long since I last had that amazing release.” You turned your head in his direction. But he always had a girl in his arms and there are always rumors that he was fucking someone in one of the lecture rooms after class. “I can’t believe you made me wait years for that.” 
What? Yuta might be tripping. Or maybe this is just what he normally says to his girls after having sex. He’s such a jerk. “You got what you want, Yuta.” You claimed turning your body opposite his to get some sleep. “Stop bothering me from now on.” He didn’t say anything and you were so tired that you just enjoyed the silence and closed your eyes to sleep. 
Yuta did stop which made you relieved. He did get the soccer captain position and after the issue about the two of you sleeping together, you completely disappeared from the students’ radar after he shared that he banged the senior head cheerleader. You were back to your normal life after a week of being Yuta’s flavor of the week. And hopefully, you can continue having a peaceful college life until you graduate. 
Which, once again, didn’t happen. For Yuta Nakamoto appeared in your life just two months after you slept together. He was in distress when you saw him and that surprised you. What happened to him? And after everything? Didn’t he agree to not bother you anymore? “I need you.” What? Why? “I think there’s something wrong with me.” 
“It’s not my problem anymore, Yuta.” You were about to leave when he held your hand. “The last time I cummed was when I had sex with you. I think you put a curse on me.” You gave him an incredulous look. What the hell is this guy talking about? “Help me, Y/N.” 
“What do you want me to do?” 
He started unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. “Suck me. The thing you did before.” His cock was so red that it was almost purplish in color. It might have hurt. So even if you wanted to kick yourself, you kneeled down and gave him a blowjob. It wasn’t even that long when he came in your mouth, his sperm tasting different that you spit it on the ground. There was a sign of relief on his face and although you wanted to get mad at him, you felt a little sense of pity. “Thank you. I owe you one.” 
“No worries.” You claimed, dusting your pants. “I hope this will be the last time.” 
But it’s been almost a year and it has been a problem for him. You weren’t sure if Yuta was bluffing when he claimed that he needs you to cum. You even heard whispers from the girls in your class that Yuta gives them intense rounds of sex and lots of orgasms which only tires them to no end. Some were annoyed that he hasn’t cum once during their rounds of sex marathons, even asking if they were unattractive enough. 
You snickered. Does it mean that you’re attractive because just in one round of sex Yuta would cum loads of cum? The secret rendezvous became too often that you didn’t care anymore. There’s only one condition though, no one would know that you and Yuta are now fuck buddies to preserve your invisible stance in school. 
That’s how you found yourself with your face on the couch, ass towards him as he kept thrusting his large cock on your asshole. His hand kept slapping your butt cheeks, squeezing the spot he just spanked. His other hand was on your pussy, slipping it inside your other hole. “So fucking tight.” He pushed his hips closer, making you scream at how deep he was inside you. You can even feel his balls slapping on the lips of your pussy. His hands gripped on your waist, fingers sinking on your skin as he trembled on his orgasm. The second one tonight. 
He pulled out, cum dripping from your butthole as some were leaking from his cock. You slumped your body on the couch as he sat properly from his kneeling position. His hand kept on caressing your butt cheeks which has a red mark from his palm. “Are you alright?” You hummed asking him to give you a minute, “Do you want some water?” But you shook your head. 
“Why are you so fucking horny and rough?” You complained before forcing your naked body to sit up. A pout escaped your lips realizing that you’re the only one naked and he’s still wearing his white t-shirt and black leather jacket. “I still have an essay to finish and my class starts at 8 tomorrow.”   
Yuta apologized quietly then chuckled, “Well, they had the cheerleading try-outs.” You nodded, assuring him that you were listening. You stood up to return to your chair in front of the computer, not bothering to wear any clothes to cover yourself. “And there’s this freshman who has an amazing body: big tits, big ass, and a small mouth. Fuck!” Of course, why would you be surprised? But seriously, a freshman? Isn’t she too young? You started printing his essay and opened a new document for your project. “I want to fuck her so bad.” 
You took the paper from the printer, stapled it then turned your chair to turn to him, handing him the three sheets of paper that you worked on for hours. “Didn’t you say so yourself? That all cheerleaders would open their legs for the soccer captain?” 
“Well, she’s different.” he claimed while looking at the paper you handed him. “She never looked at me.” 
You hissed then turned around to face the computer. “Just be yourself, Yuta.” You claimed in monotone, “What was her name again?” He said the name he heard and you were quickly typing it to social media. A picture of the young girl holding cotton candies, ice cream, and lollipops can be seen. “What do you know? She likes lollipops and vanilla ice cream.” 
Yuta was quick on his feet, staring at the picture of her licking the vanilla ice cream. “Wow Y/N. You are the best!” You grinned just as he took note of the simple status that the freshman made, ‘Badly want to go to an aquarium’ “If I get a date with her, I'll give you multiple orgasms next time.” You hissed at that, rolling your eyes in the process. 
It must be you giving him multiple orgasms, not the other way around. 
When he left, you held on to the doorknob of the door tight. Making sure to lock the door properly since you're naked. You cannot let a pervert enter your home or your life again. You leaned your back on the door sighing heavily. 
It was a typical day. Luckily you finished your essay just in time and made sure to print it before getting ready for school. You even came to class earlier than usual just to avoid some of your classmates, especially the man who took your time last night. But as you came into the lecture hall for your second class, you saw him walking with a new girl by his side. The freshman cheerleader. There's really no denying the charm of Yuta Nakamoto. 
A smirk was shown your way, discreet to the eyes of the people around you but you knew for sure what it meant. Another sleepless night. Another wild ride. Another heartbreak. 
Guys with attractive looks are bad news. Guys with good physiques are bad news. Guys who reek of cologne are bad news. And more importantly, jocks are bad news. You should have protected yourself from them.
You should have protected yourself from that person named Yuta Nakamoto. Especially your heart.
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banannabethchase · 6 months
Last Minute Mall Run
December prompt challenge day 23: Last minute Christmas shopping
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I’m not,” Danny says, bouncing from foot to foot. “Come on, please, Anna?” He levels his best pout. “You’re the most stylish person I know.”
She raises an eyebrow. “You’re laying it on real thick.”
“I’m desperate.”
She snorts. “You’re always desperate.”
“Please come Christmas shopping with me?”
“No,” Anna says, and she looks so smug it hurts. “Mine is done and I’m not subjecting myself to the hell that is the mall on December 23rd. Not for Jesus and certainly not for you.”
Danny groans. He hadn’t rented a car – Yuta had done it because he’s weirdly obsessed with taking care of Danny or whatever – so he’s stuck. “Maybe I’ll get a Lyft or something,” he sighs, dropping onto her hotel bed.
“Just ask your boyfriend to take you,” Anna says, kicking at his shins.
“I can’t,” Danny replies. “It’s his gift I’m looking for.”
Anna cackles. “Oh, you really fucked up this time. First Christmas together and you forget to get him a gift?”
“I didn’t forget!” Danny whines. “I’ve been looking for the right thing everywhere and I have no idea what to get him.”
Anna claps him on the shoulder. “Well, good luck, buddy.” He shrugs her hand off. “If you need me, I’ll be making out with Kris.”
“You’re always making out with Kris!” Danny says, following her out of the hotel room. “You can bring her. She can help me shop!”
The elevator dings, and Ricky Starks comes out. He peers at Danny over the top of the glasses. “Shopping? This late before Christmas.” He tsks, shaking his head. “Whose ass am I saving?”
“Really?” Danny asks. Anna looks as baffled as he is.
“Of course it’s you,” Ricky says, rolling his eyes. “Come on.”
“Good luck,” Anna singsongs, and she knocks on a door.
Ricky, it turns out, is extremely good at deciding what not to buy. And at insulting Danny, but Danny decides to let him do so since this is technically a favor.
“Go for something that suggests you like him,” Ricky says, face blank as Danny shows him a blue and black plaid tie.
“I do!” Danny says. “It’s a blue tie. He likes blue.”
“It’s a tie is the problem, Daniel, not the color.” Ricky takes the tie out of Danny’s hands. “You need to get him something fun. Romantic, maybe.” He looks at Danny’s face a little too long. “Maybe something sexy.”
“I – oh.” He thinks back. Yuta’s gotten him a handful of fun things, even before they were officially together. They won’t get a real Christmas thing together with the tree and the gifts until New Year’s Eve, between Final Battle, family holiday stuff, World’s End, and all the tapings in the next few days. “I have an idea.”
On New Year’s Eve, with the ball dropping in the background and Christmas lights illuminating his face, Danny watches Yuta unwrap the gift.
“Holy shit,” Yuta says. He looks up, grinning. “This tie has steel drums on it.”
“It does,” Danny says, preening a little. “They had a station in the store where you could get something specific embroidered. It’s one of a kind.” He doesn’t mention how hard Ricky had to flirt with the clerk to get them ahead in line to make sure it was done in time. Or how hard he had to work to get Ricky to do so for a tie.
“This is so sweet,” Yuta says, and he looks genuinely touched. “Seriously, Danny. Thank you.”
Danny clears his throat. “There’s, um. There’s more.”
Danny nods.
Yuta digs around in the bag, then pulls out the other gift. The one that’s almost as much for Danny as it is for Yuta. “Oh, baby.”
Danny shrugs. “You wanna keep me forever, right?” His brain makes a weird fizzy move when Yuta begins swinging the shiny new handcuffs on his finger.
Yuta’s grin is nothing but hungry. “Course I do.” He licks his lips. Danny couldn’t look away if he wanted to. “Why don’t we start the year off with a bang?”
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luvdzu · 2 years
alice's relationship with nct
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♡ taeyong x alice - - - taeri ๑
๑ didn't agree in alice studying law at first because he thought about the backlash she could face, especially from the company and he also felt guilty for not protecting alice enough
๑ alice simply wants to be a person taeyong can lean on, especially in their rookie days, alice also felt guilty for causing stress towards taeyong and for her existence in the group
๑ literally, this push and pull went on for a few years and it wasn't only when alice graduated he went their to surprise her and they had a heartfelt dinner and became understanding of one another
♡ taeil x alice - - - aleil ๑
๑ doesn’t want to admit it and will keep on denying the “taeil’s favorite member is alice” agenda yet is so flustered whenever alice calls him oppa and asks for stuff honestly it’s endearing
๑ alice goes to taeil when she's having trouble in her classes, and when they become too much, he will make her a meal and remind her to eat and take breaks
๑ supportive of alice when she told the members she'll go to uni and take law school, he knew of her family condition and would offer cheer her up, especially during exams, he would be the first to take her out and distract her
♡ johnny x alice - - - aly ๑
๑ johnny thinks alice is the most adorable headache to ever exist, of course he says this lovingly
๑ he gets whiplashed at the duality of alice because one she'll be chaotic and loud, the next she's mysterious and silent, when they first met, johnny confronted her about giving mixed signals
๑ but is also very proud of alice especially when she was juggling university and promotions, despite being on tour, she managed to insert her online classes
♡ yuta x alice - - - alyu ๑
๑ these have a different dynamic, i can't explain it, they either hate each other and won't mention anything, or have these small cute moments together
๑ it's like the older brother vibe with yuta, but they're also besties, but yuta is frank about it and isn't afraid to talk shit
๑ antis say they're not close but yuta know a lot about alice since he's the one alice approaches especially when it comes to advice about relationships and other juicy stuff in her life
♡ doyoung x alice - - - youngri ๑
๑ alice lives of flustering doyoung and teasing him, making him panic everytime, especially when they're on camera, the tension, there's just something about these two, zennies are suspicious but don't mind the crumbs the meal
๑ how did doyoung survive rooming with her is a question and a mystery to all czennies because they can't seem to keep their hands off eachother
๑ alice enjoys whispering things to doyoung and leaning towards his ears to ask for whatever she wants and then just skips away from him leaving doyoung laughing or shaking his head
♡ jaehyun x alice - - - jaeri ๑
๑ they just clicked, not sure if it was the fake laughing or fake smiling but they see through each other's shit
๑ also became closest the fastest because they're booked together in fashion shows, hence they hang out every other day and share a schedule
๑ seems like the most intimidating in the group but are actually a bunch of emotionally constipated members who will either shower you with love or nothing at all, they're cute so it works
♡ jungwoo x alice - - - woori ๑
๑ they argue way too much, jungwoo stem major brain and alice humanities mouth, they just argue
๑ but all in moderation, alice is happy and thankful because jungwoo helps her with her case digests and often reads them with her, hence argues with her a lot of the time
๑ he's the productive study buddy, because jungwoo takes alice's homework, too seriously, and he also enjoys reading transcripts and cases while they talk discourse about it
♡ mark x alice - - - malice ๑
๑ malice because they're so chaotic and for what? literally they say things without speaking which leads to a lot of awkward silences and the hyung line making distractions away from them
๑ imagine how stressed johnny is dealing with these two? they speak english and chaos somehow ensues, also are banned to having lives together
๑ most of mark's embarrassing moments were with alice, johnny, or jaehyun. but also alice simply let's mark do his things, let's him be a child around her, away from the responsibilities.
♡ haechan x alice - - - alhae ๑
๑ haechan is my baby, do not hurt him, do not touch him, do not look at him in a negative manner 3948383 times a day
๑ alice will come to haechan's beck and call, and will even handle his teasing because to her, "haechan is still a kid okay stop making fun of my baby"
๑ babies haechan, and are each other's hypeman, also vocals on vocals, will sing out of nowhere and the other will run to harmonize, it's just vocal things 🪄
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keepyourpantsongohan · 6 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Not to immediately harp on how they designed Okkotsu's bully, but I knew. I knew from the Coat Rack Man. I saw the writing on the wall. And yet: 😨🤬🤡
Oh hey, we're back in Gojo's favourite room for a harrowing student-teacher conference:
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The Jujutsu High School Board LOVES a secret execution. It's like their version of detention
"The curse placed upon you is one that can save people too, depending on how it's used." What an optimistic thing to say to someone who has just gravely injured 7 people seemingly by accident
I love everyone's old haircuts. Inumaki's spiky hair is fun! Also hgkjhgkjgh @ Team Gojo being the only students never pictured in a classroom
Also, the hair makes him look EVEN MORE like a smaller Gojo
"This is where we learn curses to exorcise curses." [Mentally, stressed] Tell me that ahead of time. HAHAHA. Did Yuta just think he was going to a regular school?
"It's a promise. That when we both grow up, we'll get married." Awww, Yuta and his playground fiancée are cute
Oh. Never mind. I take it back, it is in fact extremely haunting (no pun intended):
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I am immediately endeared to Yuta and his awkward, haunted demeanour. He's just trying to live, huh?
"Put... me... on?" I feel like this can't possibly be right but immediately I want to assume that this curse is born of elementary school children not wanting to put on their jackets
"I want the confidence to say it's okay that I'm alive!" Maybe the real curse was insecurity all along
Awwwww I love Maki's gruff inspiration speech that also simultaneously promises Yuta that after this mission they'll be friends
As he has the ring on, makes me think it must be out of the question for Yuta to date if he's haunted by his ghostly fiancée
Also they're not going to elaborate on why Yuta was in the hospital?
"This is my personal theory, but there's no curse more twisted than love." Gojo said: Why yes, I have been hurt before, thank you for not asking, Yuta
"Do not forget that Okkotsu's secret execution was only suspended." "And don't you forget that if it comes to that, I'll side with Okkotsu." I love when Gojo is righteous. It's nice!
"Besides, no one's allowed to take youth away from young people," said Gojo, as if enduring violent battles with murderous apparitions is something that all teenagers do
I don't know how putting Rika's curse in a sword will break it so much as relocate it, but I do love a training montage:
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"Maki! You've got a chance!" HAHAHAHA the dating question has finally been raised. Also I love that Panda's qualification for if someone can date Maki is if they also use weapons. The Nobara bond holds true too
I really do like Inumaki. The way he pushes his teammates out of harm's way. His curse essentially being its own kind of chronic illness (me too, buddy!) What a reliable and strong presence he is, even permitting for the fact that it is hard for people to understand him
"Inumaki-kun is kind. He doesn't want to accidentally curse others, so he speaks in rice ball components—words that can't carry curses. Even today, he helped me out. He tried to keep me away from danger." I love that right after I was mentally monologuing about how much I enjoy Inumaki, so too, is Yuta
That is extremely not how cough syrup works but we love a combo attack. [Kakashi voice] Teamwork!
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"Once I break Rika-chan's curse, I'll be a normal person." Doesn't bode well for Okkotsu that he's still in this school, hm?
Omg where did Geto get Toji's weird worm storage friend???
Also since Geto's around, I wonder if this is going to feature the infamous attack we heard mentioned in S1
"Toge's cursed speech is something he's been able to use since he's been born, so back in the day, he struggled quite a bit." Imagining Baby Toge accidentally throwing his parents into the wall when they play peekaboo
Awwwww Inumaki empathizing with Yuta's involuntary curse
Why did Gojo sniff as he entered the development as if he could smell that Geto had been there gjghgfgg
"Geto Suguru. One of the four special-grade jujutsu sorcerers, who was banished from Jujutsu High after cursing over a hundred normal people to death. He's the worst curse user." 1) It helps to have the context of the Hidden Inventory Arc right before this 2) There are only FOUR? And Yuta is one?? 3) It's funny that they're all curse users essentially but it's derogatory to say that instead of sorcerer. Oh, the anime social structure
"I don't want everyone to catch the monkey smell." Geto said: I'm icky! And also maybe xenophobic. It depends on what metaphor you're going for
"We're going to kill all non-sorcerers and create a world with only jujutsu sorcerers." What makes Geto think this is a marketable business plan
Also the answer to my earlier question about the traumatic attack is: Yes, yes, it is
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Gojo said: Stop trying to convert my students, it hurts my feelings!!
"I don't really understand what you're talking about, but I can't help anyone who insults my friends!" This is the funniest possible reason that Yuta could say no to ethnic cleansing. But alright, I'll take it
"On the coming December 24th, when the sun sets, we shall conduct the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons." Ah, it's the preamble to the traumatic attack. Also, Merry Christmas?
"I find it hard to believe he'd start a war he couldn't win." Gojo said: I have never accused Geto of optimism before
Geto really does love a diversion attack. And also torturing high school students. It's a wonder they didn't see the whole Exchange Event problem coming
"Why are you still a jujutsu sorcerer then?" "Because I'm spiteful." Hahah, I love Maki ❤️
"I wish I could be like you," said Yuta to Maki, immediately after her saying she's spiteful and wishes to crush her own family from within
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Maki said: You've unlocked the secret phrase to my heart. I now want to give u a leetle kees
NOT TO QUOTE THIS SHOW AT ITSELF BUT: "Jujutsu sorcerers are extraordinarily compassionate. An opening is always created when their ally is injured." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Inumaki using his remaining strength to tell Yuta to run away 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 The only time we've heard him use someone's name!!!!!!!!!!!
"That woman saved me. Handle her with more care than a butterfly or a flower!" Yuta has grown a backbone but with the soul of a marshmallow. I love him 💘
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUTA USING CURSED SPEECH. POWER SWAP!!
"How old are you two?" "Fifteen." "You're still just children. It's not too late for you to turn back. You don't know right from wrong, do you?" Mimiko and Nanako said: Excuse me, Ijichi, we would like to be tried as ADULTS, thank you very much
"How many years do you think it took the sorcerers in my country to weave this one rope." Why must this movie continuously feel like a subtle hate crime LMAO
Is that three sided weapon the one that Maki uses in S1? 👀
"Especially when we jujutsu sorcerers exist without belief." The revelation this is an non-theist society is actually very interesting, Geto says one (1) useful thing in this movie
Yuta is experiencing Baby's First Homocidal Rampage
Seeing that it is the exact same team in the Shinjuku battle really recontextualizes what it must've been like for the Kyoto School to be ambushed during the exchange event. They've really been through it as a school
Yuta thanking his curse fiancée for falling in love with him!!! 😭💗
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Not to break the sincerity of this moment, but I bet this went over really well with the monsterfucker community
"So that's how you want it, womanizer?" "That's rude. It's pure love." Insane dialogue to accompany this scene. 10/10. No notes
"I trusted you. Trusted that a man as principled as you wouldn't kill off young sorcerers without a reason." Bold take from Gojo about someone who has killed over a hundred unsuspecting people at very minimal provocation
Is the silent dialogue meant to be Gojo telling Geto he loves him? I cannot think of what else this would imply:
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Also I guess this explains why no one's like "Well, it's obviously Geto's fault!" for all the curse problems. They think he's dead!
"You're the descendant of Sugawara Michizane! That makes us super distant relatives!" So are all jujutsu sorcerers indirectly or directly the descendant of other sorcerers? It seems that way
"This past six years, I've been happier than I ever was when I was alive!" said Rika, as if that were not a weird thing to say about the time she spent committing acts of extreme violence as widely-feared apparition
Does Maki see Rika if she's not wearing her glasses? How does she experience this moment? She can definitely see the floating peaceful orbs
"You found it for me, sensei?" "No, not me. My best friend. The only one I ever had." With greatest affection. This is a symptom of Dumb Bitch Disease. WHY DO U SAY THESE THINGS TO PEOPLE THAT HAVE ACTIVELY BEEN ATTACKED BY HIM, GOJO
UHHHHHHH what brings Yuta to have lunch with Miguel!!! Who attacked them all a year ago!! What a threatening way to the end the movie
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lullabytaeyong · 2 years
R!Jaehyun - Nightmares
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Jaehyun didn't like mornings very much. Yes, the sunshine was nice and the birds sang pretty songs, but that didn't mean he wanted to sacrifice his precious sleep. Especially after a rough nights sleep, filled with nightmares. He had plummeted into his headspace after the second bad dream and crawled into Yuta's bed to camp with him for the rest of the night. Now it was morning, and like a little angel Jaehyun was bundled underneath his friends blankets, eyes closed and slightly puffy from crying.
The sun had risen many hours ago, giving Yuta's room a refreshing glow, but Jaehyun continued to sleep away. He was just a worn out little guy. Yuta watched affectionately from the doorway before stepping in to wake him up. Jaehyun needed to eat and Johnny was going to show up soon to spend the rest of the day with him. There's no way he would willingly miss out on that opportunity.
Yuta sat beside Jaehyun on the edge of the mattress. There was something so precious about the way he slept that made all of the boys melt. His bed head was a main part of it, along with the fact he always had his baby blanket with him. Even if he wasn't regressed, the worn quilted square would be tucked snugly against his head. He tried to hide it when they all first shared a living space, but it was a lost cause with so many people. That and they were often in pairs to share rooms at hotels. None of the boys judged him for it, though. They understood his strong emotional attachment to the blanket.
"Jaehyun-ah..." Yuta dragged out, pulling the blanket part way off the other boy.
"Hmp-" Jaehyun grunted. He was on the thin line between sleep and consciousness.
"It's time to get up, baby. Your Johnny hyung is coming to see you, soon"
"My Johnny?" He grumbled, rubbing his eyes and forcing himself to sit up.
"Yup." Yuta nodded. He let Jaehyun get his bearings now that he was awake, and lifted him out of his bed.
"Dreamed about scary things." Jaehyun said anxiously. The frightening images flashed through his memory, as he was lead out to the kitchen.
"I know, sweetheart. None of them were real, though, and you were so brave for coming to my room for help." Yuta said gently. He was about to round the corner, but felt Jaehyun stop in his tracks.
"Don' like em..." The upset little whimpered. His eyes glistened with tears, as he broke off into small cries. He looked so vulnerable, holding his blankie to his face to hide himself.
Yuta was caught off guard, to say the least. Jaehyun hardly ever cried over minor things like that. Before he could comfort him, Mark popped right out of his bedroom and into the scene.
"What's the matter?" He asked worriedly, putting his hand on Jaehyun's back.
"Nightmares. I found him in my bed at like 3 am." Yuta stated.
"Again? Aw, I'm sorry buddy. It's okay." Mark said caringly, enveloping Jaehyun in a hug.
"I wan' a-appa!" Jaehyun cried.
Yuta and Mark looked at one another over Jaehyun's shoulder with concern. It was rare for him to use nicknames like that and if he did then it meant he felt very little and vulnerable. Mark could count on one hand the few instances he had heard his friend use a caregiver nickname. One that jumped out at him was when they were on tour, finishing up in america.
Jaehyun was holding himself together with a thread and snapped in a hotel hallway, bursting into tears when Haechan claimed Johnny as his roommate. He had slumped against the wall, sliding to the ground and sobbing for 'appa'. The memory honestly made Mark shudder a little. It was a nerve wracking scene to witness.
"We've got you, little guy. Let's go get cozy on the couch and you can have the cereal you like." Mark soothed, squishing his cheek on Jaehyun's head.
Yuta waited for them to start making their way to the living room and ducked away to the kitchen to grab breakfast for Jaehyun. He heard the familiar tune of the pokémon theme song playing in the other room and smiled to himself. Jaehyun loved watching that show with Johnny and Mark to watch them sing the opening.
After getting a dry bowl of the slightly sugary cereal Jaehyun liked, Yuta made his way to the couch and sat next to the little. He gave the bowl to Jaehyun and watched him balance it meticulously on his his knees that were pulled up to his chest. Thank god for plastic or they'd have no dishes left with the rate he dropped them. Jaehyun was still teary, as he picked at the cereal shapes, but he had settled down comfortably against Mark.
After an episode and a half of pokémon, Mark alerted Yuta that Johnny was on his way up. Jaehyun perked up at the words and started craning his neck to try and see if he was at the door yet. It may have lead to some cereal toppling out of the bowl and onto the floor, but he didn't care.
When he saw the door knob jostle he sprung up from the couch and scampered to the door. It opened to reveal Johnny, who Jaehyun ran straight into and wrapped his arms around. Johnny dropped the bag he had in his hand and lifted Jaehyun up into a big hug.
"Hey, you cute little monster. How's it going?" He asked, placing him back on the floor. Jaehyun kept his arms around Johnny and hid his face in his chest.
"He had a rough night." Yuta peeped, appearing around the corner. Johnny gave him a quizzical stare and then looked down at Jaehyun.
"You didn't sleep well? Nightmares?" He asked. Jaehyun nodded against his body.
"He came to my room all worked up after the first one and then had a couple more. It's probably just from stress." Yuta continued. "I let him sleep in."
"Ah, I see." Johnny said, turning Jaehyun around and leading him to the living room.
He encouraged him to sit on the couch again and plopped down next to him. Jaehyun climbed onto Johnny's lap and wrapped himself around him in a big bear hug, rubbing his cheek on his shoulder. Johnny simply held him and conversed quietly with Mark. The weight of Jaehyun sitting on him was rather familiar and always brought out the parental side of himself.
"Were you watching pokémon?" Johnny asked, running his hand up and down Jaehyun's back.
"Yeah...I wanna get a piplup plushie." Jaehyun mumbled, thinking about the cute character and how nice it would be to have his own.
"Don't you have one?"
"No~ I have Oshawott! Pip-Piplup is a penguin an' Oshawott is like a otter." Jaehyun explained, stumbling over his words a little bit.
"Ohh, you see, there's just so many that look similar, I can't keep track of them all." Johnny smiled when Jaehyun lifted his head up to look at him.
"I'll teach you! Look, that one's Togepi and Misty is holding him. He's cute like a egg." He beamed, pointing to the paused tv screen. He glanced back at Johnny to make sure he was paying attention.
"He kinda looks like Renjun." The taller chuckled. Jaehyun shook his head while smiling and brought his quilted baby blanket up to his nose.
He snuggled up closer to Johnny and sighed cutely, requesting to resume his show. It blinked to life when Yuta grabbed the abandoned tv remote. He joined the others on the couch and pet Jaehyun's hair. Moments like these made them really feel like a family. One big huge platonic family that took care of the little ones together. Someone was always around the corner, ready to give advice, hugs, reassurance, or whatever was in need to someone else. Their uniquely special bond was something Johnny would fight a war to keep.
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ancient-cats-unite · 2 years
Lighthearted Goodbyes (pt.3)
Gamatoto says goodbye to one of his longest expedition helpers.
Elmo kept staring at the ground. He knew this was going to happen. He saw all his friends leave due to spacing issues. He never knew it would come this soon.
"It's how the cookie crumbles, buddy. You'll leave around dinner time. Please try to pack up soon."
Gamatoto left a sniffling Elmo to gather his belongings. Everyone felt terribly bad while Derp full on cried. Tiny Peggy tugged on his uniform shirt.
"Can't we do something for him, Mister Gamatoto?"
Gamatoto pondered. He can't just let his best intern go like that! Slowly, a plan started to form. His confidence returning bit by bit, he declared his grand plan. Everyone was going to throw Elmo a suprise goodbye party!
"Alrighty folks! We have tons of work to do! Lets get it rolling before lunch!"
Elmo finished tucking up his bedroll with his blankets. He sighed, looking through old photos with his fellow campers. Gamatoto playing god at a childrens birthday party, Derp joining a ritual in Jizo's Moving Castle, recruiting Peggy... it just won't be the same. He went to go put his stuff outside to prepare for dismissal.
Instead, Elmo was met with colorful streamers and a giant banner hung from two trees. "GOODBYE ELMO" was written by Rocky, the best writer at camp, in puffy yellow writing. Ladders and props were adorned over the camp, courtesy of Ototo's development group. Elmo was shocked.
Soon the glum from the morning was washed away by fun activities! Pin the tail on the Doge, Guess the Cat Unit, Hide and Seek, and a suprise visit from Showoff Cat! They ate yummy Cat Food sandwhiches with tuna spread. Elmo didn't want this day to end.
Sadly, it did. Everyone lined up to give Elmo a souvenir. To remember the fun times.
Augustus gave Elmo a pretty crystal he found in some caves. It glows with green energy.
Rocky gave Elmo a drawing of the two playing with beetles. He wishes they would meet next summer.
Pete gave Elmo a collection of marbles with yellow swirls and blue twirls. Very mesmerising.
Yuta gave Elmo a carrot for vitamins. Elmo liked the taste of them when sautéed.
Sophie gave Elmo a handmade bracelet for their shortlived friendship. She thanks him for saving her.
Lily gave Elmo a pretty flower she found on a frog. The browning color resembles the bronze of his hat.
Noah gave Elmo a slingshot. Just in case he needed to hit something down.
Morty gave Elmo some sea sand for good luck. Came from the future, he says.
Peggy gave Elmo a kiss on the cheek to confess her love for him. She had a crush on him for quite a while.
Derp gave Elmo a picture frame that had a group photo of everyone. All his friends signed it with Gamatoto, Derp did a little squiggle instead.
Last but not least, Gamatoto gave him a notepad to document his own adventures. Elmo always wanted to be his own Gamatoto.
"When we meet again, you can tell me all about your journeys alright?"
"Got it. Thank you Gamatoto. Thank you everyone!"
Everyone lined up at Gamatoto's whistle. They took off their caps and bowed. Gamatoto saluted. Elmo saluted back.
As Elmo loaded up his things into his van, he remembered when Gamatoto found him. Lost in some field, he could remember when his warm mentor's paw helped him up. Goodbyes were always the hardest because he never thought about it.
"Hello Elmo."
Elmo jumped in suprise. A tall cat with gagets and gears greeted him. A couple engineers surrounded him.
"Say, we do have some space open at the eevelopement team. You could stay for a project before finally leaving. We aren't all that far either so you can visit if you want. Are you up for that?"
Ototo extended his paw, his other paw holding a wrench. The other engineers were brimming with excitement. Elmo's smile grew wide.
"Its a yes yes YES!"
He hugged Ototo, the leader chuckling and hugging him back. The helpers all joined in on the hug.
Maybe he didn't have to say goodbye just yet.
//First story done! Woohoo! What a happy ending, huh? This was based off my actual Gamatoto helpers. The only difference was that Elmo actually went home instead of going to Ototo. Let me know what you think!//
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fff777 · 7 months
Combining my comments on the un-cut videos for Golden Age promos
[Un Cut] Take #1 | 'Golden Age' MV Behind the Scene
These videos are so long but that's to be expected because there are 20 members.
Jaehyun watching the burning chair with a serious expression. That must be an odd situation in the moment but I suppose that's the difference between entertainers and laypeople.
Ten and Jungwoo inspecting Jaehyun's ootd. Well, Ten trying to rip open Jaehyun's pants and Jungwoo climbing into the back of Jaehyun's knit tank.
I feel like Ten and Jungwoo are such a deadly combo lol. Very vibes.
Tenwoo not being able to look at each other without smiling :3 I feel that that's the case with most members of the same group. It's a bit awkward.
Ten's hair is really pretty.
Now THREE guys watching a burning chair. And then smiling after the keys are thrown in. Something something arsonist rituals.
Jungwoo isn't awkward but he's clearly acting when he runs over to Ten and leads him away by the hand and you can't help but feel awkward XD
Jeno has THREE fans on him. It is probably the heat because I'm guessing this was filmed in the summer but I think the fans are also so that sweat don't smudge his makeup or hair.
Jeno saying that Haechan did well on the song, unprompted.
Mark dropping his keys while trying to be cool. He 1000% would be the loserboy dropping the keys of his new car in the gutter while trying to impress someone.
The perfectionist that he is, Mark always has a lot of comments and questions when recording and filming.
Yangyang: Winwin has something to say!!!!!!! Winwin is forever maknae, even his didis want to hype him up.
Winwin ended up thanking the staff and the fans XD Yangyang said that Winwin practised his speech for 30 minutes. I wonder if he's rusty because he's been in China and hasn't been speaking as much Korean lately.
Yangyang has braids :3
Taeyong putting on his own lip gloss.
Winwin's little "OK!"
Mark called NCT the Avengers and now Taeyong's saying it looked like Power Rangers when Mark was being filmed with his arm in the light in the Taeyong-Yuta-Mark-Jeno-Winwin-Yangyang scene. EXO already officially took the superheros concept though unfortunately lol.
[Un Cut] Take #2 | 'Golden Age' MV Behind the Scene
When I first saw Haechan and Renjun looking at each other seriously in the MV I was like "...this wouldn't ever happen unless they were acting" because normally they'd just start bickering or joking lol. At least on camera.
High contrast Renjun.
Renjun is wearing his friendship ring again.
On their way to terrorize Qian Kun. When I saw the four of them in the MV I was like who did this XD
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Haechan: Thank you to Jeno who loves me so much <3 But I'm going to choose Chenle. Chenle's been winning many hearts this year huh (with Jaemin earlier and now with Haechan :P).
I'm only realizing now that every member is wearing only black and white.
Haechan choreographing a dance for the song.
Renjun was explaining that this song was supposed to be encouraging. It kind of reminds me of an old radio interview where Renjun said that he hoped Dream would provide healing to the noonas and hyungs out there :3
Haechan @ Renjun: 我愛你 Just a regular day in renhyuckland.
Kun-ge has entered the chat. Chenle already looks up to no good.
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Chenle giving the play-by-play of his solo scene.
Chenle: I wanted to meet 127 and WayV hyungs, I'm a bit disappointed that we had to film separately. Me too, buddy. The appeal of NCT is that they intermingle but SM really hasn't used this feature to its full potential.
Xiaojun preparing to submerge
Oh he had to use scuba equipment?
Xiaojun: This is the best shoot ever, no need to fix my makeup, hair, or clothes
Like Mark the perfectionist, Jisung the perfectionist asking to retry a shoot.
Jaemin doing a vandalism.
Jisung-Jaemin-Johnny-Hendery scene was kind of delinquent themed huh? Being chased, vandalism, disguising oneself lmao. Also this is the unhinged + kid brother group btw. When I saw that tiktok/Youtube short they did I was like oh right, Johnny, Jaemin, and Hendery just do whatever.
Johnny mentioned both Czennies and Wayzennies when he said that fans would come together with NCT :3
[Un Cut] Take #3 | 'Baggy Jeans' MV Behind the Scene
Mark's colour contacts are astoundingly light.
Just a really surreal shot.
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I think Mark and Ten are recording tiktoks? And then Taeyong and Ten. Tiktoks and also dance challenges have become essential to the kpop promotion circuit it seems. Probably easier than going on a variety show for some though, since they can be very short (compared to a whole episode of a show).
The way Taeyong's pink and blue hair peeks out under the bandana is pretty.
Jaehyun got the shaved eyebrow thing going on. I don't know what it's called, I'm old.
Doyoung on that thing that's like a hoverboard but also like a segway.
Doyoung kept calling Mark his angel. It's cute. But also. Christian XD
The balloons that spell "BAGGY" is actually such a fun aesthetic. Great choice, directors.
Mark getting his birthday surprise with tons of colourful hair ties still in his hair. Also the guys were singing in English. Not that it's hard, but I feel like they purposely did it in English for Mark.
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The guys shooting on top of the building when the sun was low reminds me of GOT7's You Are.
So I think Mark's final hair kept the green ribbon and hair ties but was a little more styled and less all over the place?
Omg visitors! Renjun, Jeno, and Chenle came to visit <3
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Mark shook hands with Jeno but stroked Renjun's face. Renjun will always be Mark's special cutie boy lol.
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Chenle told Mark to take a better picture of them XD Somehow Mark became the cameraman and Norenle became the stars XD
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Doyoung telling the people to put down their phones so that they can truly appreciate the beautiful sky lol.
Ohh Norenle prepared the birthday watermelon for Mark. I remember a while back there was a birthday pic of the Baggy Jeans group with Norenle but we wouldn't have known that it was because the three Dreamies had visited set.
Candle broke and Renjun did reconstructive surgery.
Mark really calls the Dreamies his babies ;_;
Lol Chenle wore an ISTJ shirt.
I'm still not over the Dreamies being Mark's special babies.
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The guys giving Doyoung shit for daring to get food while the others are stuck on top of the platform
Getting makeup retouching
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The guys actually playing pool.
This set is awesome. I think it's easy to forget how much time goes into preparing these sets for filming. They may only be filmed for a few hours, and the footage that makes it into an MV might just be seconds. But there are so many details in this set. From the walls and floor to the furniture to the individual objects and accessories. All things that need to be procured and prepared. In this case, we also have the gravity-defying aspect that the set designers need to worry about.
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Taeyong's repeated appeals to find people willing to adopt a multi-coloured-dyed maltese.
LMAO Mark and Doyoung acting out a stranger danger skit with Doyoung unironically asking Mark to get ice cream with him and Mark saying yes.
Mark: Let me show you guys to my room, just, let me show you to my-aww they took it down Mark is literally some loser in your class.
Doyoung is very flustered by all of Ten's compliments. He just knows Ten's going to use them against him one day.
There was a scene at the pool table and also in front of this white screen where the other members would have to stay still while one moved. Honestly that seems so hard. For me, I know my eyes would accidentally move.
7th Sense reunion in 2031.
Doyoung playing doctor with Mark. Doyoung has been really playful with Mark this entire video :3
[Un Cut] Take #4 | ‘PADO, Kangaroo, The BAT, Alley Oop’ Archiving Video Behind the Scene
I was anticipating this video the most :3
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Xiaojun and Haechan are such a good combination, I'm so glad we're getting more of them.
Jaehyun left Haechan hanging, but then they did their special handshake afterwards.
I recognize the choreographer/dance trainer from some of Dream's videos.
Low fives for the babygirl little guy vocalists, our complimentary colour boys (Xiaojun and Haechan).
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Mark and Johnny roleplaying a bar reminds me of them roleplaying a lemonade stand.
Xiaojun's at a point where he can tease Haechan!!! X3
Jaehyun explains to the camera that they're filming a track video for Pado but the English subtitles still say archiving video. I still don't understand why SM had to make the distinction.
Hendery and Haechan playing :3 Haechan is really social, eh?
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Kangaroo time!!!!!!!
Yep, first time we're seeing NCT Mathyung and NCT Maknae shooting together (though Jisung is now no longer maknae)
Leave room for Jesus
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I know Renjun is the shoulder gangster but is it just me or does Chenle also have narrow shoulders ^^;;
Kunle returns
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I love the ending poses for Kangaroo :3 They're so cute.
What the fuck dude
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Jisung has two more videos to record! Get some sleep dude.
The bat time (y)
Ah yes the infamous Johnny and Jeno scene.
Jisung embarrassed by the tight clothes and mature concept ^^;; Both Jeno and Jisung have talked about not being used to such a concept. Not that they haven't done mature concepts because they have begun dipping their toe in it with songs like Poison, but it's a little different. Poison is like "look if you want" but the Bat is "I'm making you look."
Jaemin, Jisung, Jeno, and Haechan are the current Dream workout squad?
Jisung ends with a dab.
Bat roleplay
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Jungwoo & Hendery English class
All the guys admiring Jeno's arms.
Onto Alley-oop group
Jisung playing with the sound equipment like it's a keyboard
A wild 3J appears
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Yuta wearing a Lebron Lakers jersey
Taeyong, Mark, Hendery, Chenle, and Yangyang went to play basketball together :3
More adorable Winyang :3 Yangyang's like the official spokesperson of the duo lol.
Jisung vibing alone
[Un Cut] Take #5 | ‘Kangaroo, The BAT, PADO’ Dance Practice Behind the Scene
I've come to expect idols to do dance practice in streetwear. Which is why I chuckle at the fact that Taeil is in gym clothes for dance practice XD I mean that's how I would have dressed if I knew I was going to be doing a heavy cardio session. Practical man.
Jisung has entered the chat.
Jisung once again embarrassed by the cutesy dance, sigh. Truly a teenager in rebellion phase.
Trainer: Taeil, could you be a bit cuter?
The guys taking a photo in the mirror and Kun being like Jisung, your hand!! (assuming Kun wanted him to do a kangaroo paw) Jisung refuses to be cute but the concept calls for it.
Chenle just singing the entire song while practising the dance
Oh I forgot that Taeil was in the Bat unit but didn't film in the end because of his accident.
What is Yuta saying to make Jisung embarrassed? Granted, Jisung gets embarrassed very easily.
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On to Pado dance practice
Xiaojun got a hug from Taeyong for remembering the dance :3 Also it was his birthday :3
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Haechan also dressed in workout clothes
Oh right, no Alley-oop dance :<
[Un Cut] Take #6 | 'Baggy Jeans' Dance Practice Behind the Scene
Watching a demo of the choreography first
This dance looks so tiring lol. You would think a song called Baggy Jeans would be more laid back but it feels a lot more exact.
Taeyong: ...I don't really want to do this. I don't blame him, any choreography that is really low and close to the floor always looks so tiring.
I just realized that we're kind of getting the behind the scenes un-cut videos in reverse order. They were released with the filming videos first, then the dance practices, and then the recording videos. I'm thinking chronologically that the idols would have finalized the songs first, then learned the dance, and then filmed the track videos. Though I know sometimes they learn the dances with the demo versions of songs.
Oh that's a fridge?
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Taeyong, when crawling under the legs of the other members: They will kill me. Yeah risky move.
Mark: *Talking about the dance* Taeyong: I like your necklace. *puppy eyes*
[Un Cut] Take #7 | 'Baggy Jeans' Recording Behind the Scene
Taeyong immediately in love with Baggy Jeans demo.
Taeyong wearing a My Neighbour Totoro shirt.
It's interesting how interested the members are in maintaining the 7th sense subunit vibe. They might as well be a fixed subunit like Dojaejung.
I can't imagine having to make such an important decision in such a short time. The guys had to listen to the demos and then right then decide which one they wanted. If it were up to me I would have liked some time to better get a feel for the songs but alas, this industry is an incredibly fast-paced one.
I don't listen to a lot of 127 music but I know why people say that Taeyong's rap can be polarizing. He has a very specific style and people either like it or hate it.
Oh no, mosquito bite ToT
Doyoung has such a distinct voice
Doyoung unhappy that his dad joke was already stolen
Lol feature Johnny for the song
Doyoung coming to check on Mark
It's always interesting to see how when Mark sings/raps he really feels the music in his body. He's swaying and dancing to the music a lot.
Mark the perfectionist doubting when the producers say they liked how he sounded.
Mark calls Jaehyun baby too :3 So Jaehyun is one of his babies? :P
[Un Cut] Take #8 | ‘Not Your Fault’ Recording Behind the Scene
Renjun warm up exercises
Producer loves Renjun's wispy delicate singing voice
That passage that Taeil first sang reminded me a lot of the prechorus in Jay Chou's 告白氣球
Ooh after the producer suggested the change in Doyoung's passage, it did sound very cool
Producer: The hardest ones are the nicest to listen to
The producers praising the singers reminds me of that time someone commented on a producer's praises and they were like "yeah I need to eat" XD I forgot whose producer said that and in what video.
Xiaojun does a lot of fists and paws when he sings :3
He's just a little guy
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Interesting that the sheet music is also blurred out. Trade secrets I guess.
Interesting that they did not blur out the "SONY" on the side of the headphones.
Student look today
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Several of the members have pushed this as a song well suited for snowy weather so perhaps it's meant to be a very early Christmas track lol.
Ooh yes Taeil's harmony and ad-libs.
Also interesting how Taeil remains singing when sitting while most others stand.
Xiaojun successfully invited Jungwoo on a lamb skewer date. I said this before, but Xiaojun has secretly been a hyung collector this whole time.
[Un Cut] Take #9 | ‘Golden Age’ Recording Behind the Scene
To be honest while I do like piano music, I didn't like this adaptation of Pathetique. It used the same motifs so it just wasn't very fun or creative. I know, they can only do so much when they're trying to adapt it into a pop song and include rap. I know we're not going to get Baroque variations. But Golden Age as my first full group comeback song was whatever to me.
I already feel exhausted thinking about having to record 20 guys and fitting them all in one song ^^;;
Yangyang's low singing
Me reading my work emails in the morning
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Producer: You're good Winwin: No, I'm not TAT
Producer telling Winwin to do the "wow wow wow" part like a villain ^^;; I guess it's to get a little more animation out of Winwin.
Xiaojun's voice has developed so nicely :3 His voice when recording Golden Age was so nice.
Xiaojun making notes on his sheet music and showing the producer.
Jeno's sweater says "cat person." Something something puppies and kitties.
"Ay x 13" on Jeno's sheet music.
I say this every time but like, Yuta does have a nice singing voice. I legitimately didn't know until recently because it's not brought up so often.
Renjun and lyric trouble ^^;;
Chenle: Who sat down and recorded? What a genius. It was Taeil lmao.
I don't think I've ever heard Chenle singing such low notes.
Jaemin inquiring about the inspiration of the music :3
Jungwoo only had that one exclamation ToT The trouble with too many members. I can't imagine what full group songs are going to be like when they add the members from NCT New Team
Jisung the perfectionist: Can I try five times in a row?
What a shirt
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Haechan low singing
Haechan has painted his fingernails black
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guanana · 2 years
do u still take reqs?!?!?! bcs im absolutely obsessed with ur pervy!hyuck fic😭😭 i want more of an elaboration of panty sniffer jaemin </3 maybe smth where jaemin is roommates with y/n and he finds her panties mixed with his laundry,, then he just goes to town with it 👹 then maybe he returns it completely soaked with his juicy come </3 i love u mwa have a nice day !!!!!!
request 05 ♡ njm x reader
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aka beware the panty perv (jaemin special!)
genre: drabble smut, jaemin x reader, f x m, light angst
word count: 6.6k+
smut warnings: masturbation, penetrative sex, oral (f receiving), a new panty perv arises, panty sniffing, dom!jaemin, possessiveness, squirting, don't get too mad at mc she just luvs cock too much
author's note: take this one with a grain of salt, it's not necessarily canon to the panty perv fic. i just love unnecessary drama and strife, and i love jaemin even more 💓
────── 〔✿〕──────
Previously, on Beware the Panty Perv:
( “And out of all the guys that you fuck, I’d like to think of myself as the most normal one. Yuta and Jaemin are weird,” Doyoung emphasizes. “Jaemin is definitely a panty sniffer. Have you seen him when he’s with Jeno? He practically looks like one.” )
"So, are you guys like," Jaemin tries to wrap his head around what he wants to say. He dons a scrunched face as he tries to belch out the god forsaken word out of his lips. "Dating?"
You're unamused at the way he shrivels up, shaking his head and sticking his tongue out in disgust like he just drank straight lemon juice. For someone so laid back, you'd never guess how painstakingly immature he could be at times.
Obviously referring to Haechan, here's the sitch on your guys' little entanglement.
Ever since Lee Haechan had been unmasked as the notorious panty perv, the people had been expecting you in all of your rage to make his life a living hell and ostracize him from any forms of human society.
Yet something that nobody ever anticipated was, considering your lack of rationality in most situations, was that you would end up fucking the guy. Even crazier, becoming exclusive fuck buddies with him.
So to answer Jaemin's question:
"Mm, no. Not yet at least," You shrug.
"Not yet?" Jaemin topples over theatrically, a hand clutching at his heart as he gasps for air. Reaching out to you in Shakespearean style to conjoin your hands, to which you oblige to entertain him in his dramatics. "The state of your guys' relationship is prophetic at this point?"
"I guess? It's all up to him, really. He says he wants to take it slow," You answer him, taking note of how the orange in his hair has long faded and grown into a gritty brown. Funnily enough, you like it on him more. "Why are you interrogating me anyways?"
"Because I'm going through the stages of grief right now," He cries, laying on his stomach and digging his head into your lap. Feet petulantly kicking against the cushions of the couch. The behavior causes you to sigh, he really is a kid. "Don't you sigh at me, missy. I'm experiencing denial right now!"
"Jaem," You try to break away from him when he lifts your shirt up to nibble at your stomach. "Haechan and I have been seeing each other for months now. There's no reason for you to be upset. Much less on stage one of griev— ow, you fucking weirdo. Stop biting me."
Pushing him away from you, his pretty face pops back from beneath the fabric of your shirt. Considering the fact he's allegedly 'grieving,' he sure does have a smug grin on right now. Upon being caught however, it quickly morphs into that annoyingly irresistible puppy dog look.
"I miss fucking youu," Jaemin whines, swaying back and forth against your thighs. "C'mon, just once? For old time's sake?"
"Nope," You bring your index and middle finger to the center of his forehead, exerting enough force to have him rolling off of your body and down to the floor. A small 'oompf!' following in his wake as he lands on his side.
"Why not?" The rejection doesn't deter him at all, collecting himself quickly before kneeling and resting his forearms on the top of your thighs. Sharp chin resting against your lap yet again like it was his very throne. "You said it yourself, you guys aren't dating yet! It wouldn't kill him."
"Isn't the second stage of grieving supposed to be anger? How did we skip to bargaining already?" You ask with a cocked eyebrow.
"It's interchangeable. Plus, I could never be angry at you," He responds indubitably, hurt that you could ever come to such a conclusion. "All I wanna do is make you feel so good, baby," He traces circles into your knee, bottom lip just barely grazing the top of your thigh as he inhales your scent.
His ears could never fail to catch the faint hitch of your breath against his feather-like touches, yet it still wasn't enough. Admittedly just a tad saddened at the fact you aren't already dripping wet for him. Once upon a time you'd start leaking for him upon his arrival, but ever since lover boy has come into the picture, it's as if he never existed in your realm in the first place.
"We can't, Jaemin," You reply in a somber tone. The right thing to do is to push him even further away, yet your body betrays you when you trail a hand through the brown tresses. Softening further into the back of the couch when he nuzzles into your hand, nose tracing into the palm of your hand upon delivering a chaste kiss to the flesh. You hate how plush those lips feel, retracting the hand like you've been burnt. "Seriously, stop that."
You admit that it's hard not to feel small when he watches you so closely. Practically seeing the flashbacks that play in his mind. Longing for the days where you could release your pent up frustrations on one another with no boundaries.
"What makes him so different?" The male asks, blinking up at you. "It was never a problem for either of us if we slept with other people. So, why now?"
What could you say? Haechan delivers in every category: sweet, intelligent, dorky, absolutely hilarious, thick dick, and oddly enough–
"He makes me really happy," You reply simply, looking down at Jaemin with complete stoicism. "I like him."
"Oh," Is all he musters.
Arms leaving your body like it's been forcibly repelled. There's a weight on his shoulders that has gotten increasingly heavier throughout the months the two of you had been separated sexually, your words making him feel like it's increased tenfold. He ponders what it could possibly be, realizing that he was granted no special privileges despite being there with you as both a sexual partner and friend for years. It what leads him to saying what he regrets in mere seconds.
"—even if he's a creepy panty stealing pervert?"
Jaemin has always been fond of you. You’re exuberant, warm. An unabashed confidence that never failed to draw people in. Though you've donned the not so friendly titles of many, anyone with two working eyes could tell that you were one to be respected.
So when the room of your shared apartment goes ice cold, Jaemin realizes he's fucked up beyond comprehension.
Callous eyes stare right through his soul, lifting yourself off of the couch before kneeling down at eye level with him. He's heard the stories of you when you're pissed off. The petty arguments that escalated a bit too far with Doyoung that lead to him shriveling in fear in a corner. Or the time you dragged Jeno by the ear for being mean to your friend. Everyone knows, Jaemin knows that you're absolutely ruthless. Yet he's lived so idly in your life that he's never been on the receiving end of it.
Kneeling down to eye level with the male, you poke an accusing finger into his chest. Twisting the nail just a bit too harshly into the flesh, he's thankful for the hoodie that separates you two, because surely with the force you're using you could break skin.
"Know your place, Jaemin," Your words laced with venom as you stare him down, causing him to cower away. "Don't you ever talk badly about Haechan."
Nodding feverently, he gulps as you break away from him. Standing up and brushing your clothes smooth before heading back to your bedroom. Craning your neck back to make a point, you make sure to hammer the nail. "Got it?"
"Yes, ma'am," Jaemin sweats, this demonic aura of yours sending shivers down his spine.
It's not that you were overreacting, by all means you feel justified in how you handled the situation. Ever since the ordeal, people have been way too into your business for your liking. Word getting around the grapevine that Miss Popular decided to throw panty perv Haechan a bone. (Fuck Mark and his loud ass mouth for that, by the way.)
It annoyed you to no end. It's not like you liked Haechan because of what he did. The masses under the impression that you either took pity on him or you just liked having someone to blackmail, which wasn't the case at all.
You liked Haechan because he was Haechan. Nothing more, nothing less.
But when you look back at the deflated Jaemin, a pout adorning his face, you can't help but take his words into consideration. While you and Haechan were in this limbo between fucking and dating, no title whatsoever—
Would there be any harm in fucking around just a little bit more?
"I'm heading out!" You yell from the front door, shoving your boots on while keeping balance on the door handle.
It had been a little over a day since the altercation between you and Jaemin. With a disagreement being completely new ground for you two, he admittedly doesn't know how to handle it. Not one for confrontation, he sort of just wants it to let it mend itself.
Peeking his head out of his door, he catches you down the hall. You're wearing a pretty skirt and blouse rather than the usual baggy attire. Bile forming in his chest when he feels a little bitter at the thought of where you're probably going.
"Meeting with Haechan?" He asks blankly.
"Mm," You nod your head, struggling with the clasp of your boot without removing your hand from the door. Cheeks puffing out impatiently as you keep missing the latch to loop around.
Unable to deal with how cute you are much longer, Jaemin blows his bangs out of his face before strutting towards you. Bending down onto one knee to swat your hand away. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the act of kindness, watching him take the latch into his own hands and looping it around with ease. "There," He huffs, brushing back the hair that's fallen past his eyes again before standing again.
"Thanks," You murmur, still feeling some leftover awkwardness from the day before.
"No problem." There's a beat of silence, then two. "Hey—"
"You first," You insist, extending your hand to allow him to finish.
"I'm sorry," Jaemin apologizes, rubbing his neck nervously as he's not used to the gesture. "I shouldn't have said that about Haechan. I know you like him a lot."
You nod your head, appreciative of his words. "I forgive you, thank you. I'm sorry if I was a bit too harsh on you, I just don't want people to think badly of Haechan for what he did." "Don't even," He shakes his head. "It's understandable. I know everyone's been in your guys' shit. I guess I just got a little.."
When he sees you giving him your undivided attention, eyes big and nodding intently, he can't help but wonder how much more fondly you look at Haechan. Wondering what he had to do in order to be in his position. What he had to do to get that same affection and passion.
"Yeah, sorry. Jealous. I got jealous."
Your lips part in surprise at the confession. You're not used to this Jaemin, the grounded one who was always so sure of himself. So cool, calm, never one to be so vulnerable. You yourself are a bit scared to delve deeper into the meaning, afraid that you might find yourself in a situation that could ruin the stasis of what you've built these past few months.
Whether for better or worse, Jaemin continues. "Fucking you, I mean. Of course," He fumbles, trying to alleviate the tension.
Releasing a breath that you didn't even know you were holding, your shoulders drop in relief. "I see." "Yeah, so don't mind me," He plants his hands on your shoulders before twisting you around and pushing you towards the door. A long arm reaching past you, unlocking and opening the door before shoving you past the threshold. God this shit is awkward, he thinks to himself. "Good talk. Have fun, okay?"
"Wait, Jaem—" But before you can finish, he's already closing the door on you. Setting the boundary between you two for good, you accept that in letting Haechan becoming your number one, you'd have to accept losing others in the process.
Meanwhile, you're uncanny to the conflict that Jaemin's suffering through on the other side of that same boundary.
Said conflict has just gotten worse, bursted into an absolute dumpster fire in fact.
"This fucking idiot," He breathes out when he holds the material between his two hands, stretching it out for good measure to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
Upon waking up to such a lovely day, Jaemin decided that today would be great for some productivity. Starting with laundry, he's neatly separated his piles. His spring playlist in the background as he tries to block out all thoughts of you probably getting railed by Haechan at this very second. He thinks he's been doing pretty well, thoughts of you coming to a pause when he gets into the groove of his chores.
Until he reaches a little halfway through his hamper, an unfamiliar floral piece of mint green meeting his point of view. Fishing it out, it takes no more than a millisecond to realize what he's just plucked out.
"You can't be serious right now," He rubs his face with a free hand irritably, holding it out to the light.
No doubt about it. These were yours, quite familiar with this pair in fact. You wore it often. Sometimes wearing it for him specifically because it's his favorite color.
How it got mixed in with his laundry? He doesn't want to know, nor does he care. Okay, maybe he does. A little bit. But that's beside the point.
The point is: you are absolutely terrible, treacherous, evil. An absolute minx that is out to ruin his life. He's sure of it.
And by the grace of some horny demon, or his own volatility, a horrible light bulb goes off.
The little angel and devil on his shoulder are currently clashing. Mind racing as he angles the panties to get a good look at them. Reminiscing the visions of how well they fit on your body, the strappy elastic squeezing against your hips so tightly that just a smidge of skin was poking out— his favorite thing to bite.
He really shouldn't be doing this, but when he remembers how beautiful you looked when he slid them to the side and slipped inside of your heat so easily, he loses all consciousness when he rolls back onto his bed. Sliding his shirt up and pushing down his sweat shorts past his thighs, member growing embarrassingly fast.
"God dammit," He berates himself, the material held between his index and thumb. Was he really about to do this?
If he remembered correctly, you didn't get mad when Haechan did it. So, it should be okay if he did, right?
Fuck it.
He rubs along the texture, feeling the damp remnants of your wetness on the seat of the material. Chest heaving in a quiet rage at the realization that these were most definitely fresh. Whether you did this on purpose or not was a problem for later. Right now, all he could think of is the taste of you on his tongue, wanting nothing more than the sweet pleasure of you suffocating him between your thighs.
It played like a record, the moment he brings the panties to his nose. Inhaling the potent scent of your past arousal brings him back. Fist gripped impossibly tight, knuckles are white as he sniffs to the point of his nose scrunching in. Getting lost in your smell before his tongue rolls out, losing his mind when it licks from the base. Sucking in the taste in hopes of absorbing every last drop, whites of his eyes taking him like a man possessed.
You were always such a good girl for him, doing whatever he told you to. The visual of you climbing up his body, a thigh planting on one side of his head before the other lands just as carefully. Looking down at you bashfully with a flushed face.
Past thoughts drove him up the wall, knowing that he was the only one who could make you nervous. He knew Haechan's appeal was being your bitch, but did you ever miss it? Not being in control? Being bent at another's beck and whim?
Letting the panties drop from his mouth, he licks around his glossy lips to savor the small amount of your taste he was able to get. It might've backfired though. Under the impression that it would quench his thirst for you, to bring him back to earth knowing that he wouldn't have you anymore. It only furthered his hunger. Wanting, needing more.
Panties that are now slick with his saliva trail down his body, the lace tickling his torso as it drags down to where he needs it most. He shudders when he wraps the material around his solid cock. Groaning when he gives an experimental pump, a pea sized drop of precum aiding him as it glides with ease.
He throws his head back in pleasure, picturing you riding his cock up and down instead of the pathetic alternative. Moaning your name out into the empty vicinity like it'll bring you back to him. It didn't matter who else it was, nobody's pussy could ever compare to yours.
"Miss how tight you are," He gasps, his orgasm approaching with each pump. Abdomen clenching when he thinks about the half lidded gaze you'd give him whenever you let him cum all over your face. Gorgeous, swollen and glossy lips lapping up the remnants like a delicacy. "Miss you so, so much."
When he slides the fabric along his tip, slimy material brushing against his frenulum, his hips buck up to chase the pleasure. Your name leaving his lips like a mantra, too drunk off of your minimal scent to consider how wrong his actions are.
White coats his taut abs, dripping down until it lands on his pubis. Profuse amounts of cum from holding back his desires. Gasping as he jerks himself to oblivion, the last of his orgasm painting your panties. Smiling fondly at the thought of your arousal and his meshing together, only mildly perturbed at the fact that he craves you so much he's willing to go to such lengths.
"Fuck," He curses. Dropping the defiled material to his side, rubbing at his face and groaning. Brushing his sweaty bangs from his forehead to take in the mess he's made of himself. "I really just did that."
"Yeah, you did."
He can't even be shocked. Shoulders drooping when he catches you leaning against the frame of his open door, an equally unamused expression meeting him. Clunking his head obnoxiously back against his bed frame, he grunts in irritation at being caught.
"Were you just standing there the whole time, you perv?" His head lolls onto his shoulder, making no effort to hide the evidence.
Tutting in response, you make your way over to his bed before plucking your used panties. Much too used to this scenario at this point, just because you and Haechan are seeing each other doesn't mean he didn't still go through your laundry. You sigh at the cum soaked material, plonking it onto his stomach. "Not the whole time, at least. Also, do you really think you're in the position to be calling me a perv?"
"Kind of, you just invaded my sanctuary without knocking," He shrugs. "What are you even doing back here anyways? Thought you had a date with lover boy." "First of all, your door was open," You raise a finger before taking a seat at the edge of his bed. Neither of you address the fact that his flaccid dick is out and he's got semen riding up his torso, it's almost comically mundane for you two. "Secondly, we had to call it early because Mark's punk ass busted a flat tire in the middle of nowhere."
"Great," Jaemin puffs.
"And thirdly," Your voice takes on a lower tone, cadence laced with an untraceable motive that has him peeking up in interest. "I don't think you're allowed to get mad at me when you used my panties to get off." He rolls onto his side to get a better look at you, lips quirking when he assesses your features. After years of fucking you, it doesn't take rocket science to know your tells. A twitch of your eyebrow lets him know that you're feeling things that you aren't supposed to be feeling.
"You're being awfully casual about this," Jaemin's own brow quirks, his veiny hand reaching back down to play with his cock ever so subtly, running his fingers down the softened length to entice you. He knows he's on the right track, the way your attention immediately darts to his movements. "I thought you'd be mad at me."
"I am mad," You scoff, toppling over his body and caging him against the wall behind him. Irritation coursing through you when you don't detect a single ounce of guilt or embarrassment. "You're an even worse panty perv than Haechan."
It only hits you then. This isn't Haechan. In fact, it's the polar opposite of your sweet boy. No amount of berating or intimidation could ever make Jaemin falter. The two are similar in the fact that they get off on this, but the latter loves pushing your buttons.
He wants you to succumb to him.
"What's wrong?" Jaemin smirks up at you when you soften above him, leftover cum aiding him in his strokes. Your lips caught between your teeth as his mouth drops open, gasping out in pleasure while he puts on a show for you.
Taunting you with a charming grin, his other hand grazes through your hair, tucking the strays behind your ear. He loves the way you watch him, your thighs clasping together to hide the fact that you're getting wet for him.
"You're so..."
"So..?" He tilts his head, erection springing back to life even harder at the adorable loss for words. "Why don't you show me how mad you are, baby? Teach me a lesson?"
"Jaem, I—"
"What? You can't?" He pouts, hand trailing to the side of your face. Thumb sliding across your bottom lip, cooing at your obedience when you take it into your mouth so pliantly. "C'mon baby. I miss that sweet pussy so much." "But Haechan..." Your eyes gloss over in conflict.
Pulling the thumb away from your mouth, the mood of the room completely shifts. Jaemin holds his pinky out, mischievous demeanor put on pause for just a second. Face somber and completely serious.
"You guys aren't dating yet. I won't say a word if you won't," He swears. "One last time, I promise."
You've been fighting it for a long time. You're sure of it, you were heavily enamoured by Haechan. He delivered in every aspect except a certain inherent need, something that Jaemin could always give with flying colors.
The only one that could turn you into putty with just that damned smirk.
Pinky finger stuck out like it's a seal of fate, you wrap yours around it. Locking them tightly, Jaemin's beyond elated at your agreement.
"One last time," You say.
"One last time."
And with that, he pulls you in close by your interlocked fingers, joining the two of you in a kiss. Instantly sighing in relief, missing the feeling after what feels like ages. Free hand cupping the back of your head to bring you in even closer, parting your lips with his tongue.
Relishing in your moans, he swallows them with glee. Loving the way your arms wrap around his neck, straddling him to mesh your bodies together.
"Mmf, missed this," Jaemin grunts when you take his bottom lip in between your teeth. Cupping your ass under your tiny skirt, he rolls the flesh eagerly. Snapping the elastic against your skin playfully.
"Hey," You giggle, interlocking your fingers to stop him from hiking your panties between your folds. "Fucking weirdo."
"Don't act like you don't love it," He laughs, rolling the two of you over. When you're below him, hair so prettily flowing against his pillows and beautiful neck exposed, he can't help but moan out dreamily. It really has been too long.
"Jaem," You whine, outstretching your hands in a grabby fashion when he goes down to nibble at your thighs. Scent of your arousal wafting his senses, his nose meet your covered core like a pied piper. Thighs snapping shut around his head, it only encourages him to dig deeper.
Strong hands pry them back open, licking you over the black lace. Soaking through them to the point that he can see juices leaking around your thighs. "Wore these for him, didn't you?"
You nod timidly, to which he chuckles lightly. "Did you guys fuck?" Peeking his head out of your skirt to hear your answer properly. When you shake your head, he's over the moon. "Perfect. You're all mine for today, then."
Peeling your panties quickly, he stares at the material with the same vigor he had with the mint colored ones from just a few moments ago. His tongue experimentally dips into the newly wettened panties, eyes rolling back at the extremely fresh wetness.
You moan at the depraved sight, his tongue dangling against the wet fabric with just the tip. Moans reverberating throughout the room at your nectar. Trying to pull him in by the shirt to bring his attention back to you, he blinks away his panty hypnosis. Dreamy grin when he apologizes quietly. "My bad, I just see why Haechan is so into this now."
Relishing in your sweat whines, pestering him to touch you, he climbs back down. Eye to eye with your throbbing core, wet with want. Jaemin always had that effect on you, able to get you giddy just from being in his proximity.
Much too starved from the appetizer, Jaemin dives right in. Tongue pointed and diving straight into your hole, causing you to cry out in euphoria. "Jaemin!" You cry, his fingers digging into the meat of your thighs as his nose rubs to and fro along your clit.
"Fucking love how this cunt tastes," He groans against you. Grunts vibrating against your folds and aiding in the pleasure. Appendage swirling from all four sides of your walls, snaking along the sides before dipping in as deep as his muscle will allow him.
You see those two veins on his neck popping out, straining himself to give it you rough, just the way you love. Taut biceps circling around your thighs to bring you in even closer, a mixture of saliva and arousal leaking down and tickling against your rim. Slimy tongue spitting saliva down your hole. "Tongue feels so g-good, Jaem..." You gasp, hands tangling in his hair as you grind against his face.
Swapping his tongue to your clit and plunging his fingers knuckle deep, he needs no time to adjust before taking on a pace that leaves you dizzy. Fingers reaching deeper than his tongue as it grazes against your spongy wall.
He's fucking drunk off of your taste, deprived from the real thing for so long that he's almost forgotten how good you are. Maybe the fact that you're practically with another man makes the forbidden fruit even sweeter, rapture in taking what's not his. Envisioning Haechan watching you two as he devours you whole, crying out in anguish at his love being pleasured by another.
"J-Jaemin..." You cry, feeling the knot in your stomach about to release as his fingers increase in tempo.
"That's right, baby.. Say my name," Jaemin praises you. Suckling at your clit harshly, unrelenting when he feels you beging to spasm. His free arm circling around your stomach to push you down so you can't run away. "Say it again, and I'll let you cum."
"I— that's embarrassing!" You cover your face.
A stinging slap at the top of thigh spurs you into action, locking eyes with a frightening Jaemin. Devoid of any sympathy and wanting nothing more than to bend you to his will. "Say it."
"J–," A saliva covered tongue darts against your clit, lapping left and right harshly. "Jaemin!"
"Louder!" He snaps his fingers ruthlessly, like he has something to prove. Hitting your g-spot every single time.
"Jaemin, Jaem—! Fuck!" You screech before releasing all over his face, clear liquid coating his entire face translucent. The man beyond insane when he refuses to pause his fingers' thrusting, jaw wretched open to catch every drop you give him. An innate need to ruin you. "Jaem— no!"
Trying to shove him away when he attacks your clit again, he pushes you from the back of your thighs to fold you into yourself. Growling into your cunt deeply as he laps you up until your clean, ignoring your pleads as fat tears roll down your eyes from the overwhelming stimulation.
When he breaks away his hair is a mess, covered from nose to collarbone in your pussy juice. Panting crazily as he wipes at his swollen lips, exposed cock practically weeping with precum. Getting up from the mattress to throw off his shirt and pants angrily, smearing his first orgasm off like it was never there in the first place.
"Want you. Need you, now."
Jaemin doesn't spare you a second of recovery, immediately pulling you by the ankles until your ass is hanging off the bottom of the bed. Tearing your skirt off and ripping at your blouse, buttons popping off mercilessly.
In any other situation you'd yell at him for his haphazard actions. However, you're meeting a completely new side of Jaemin. A man completely malnourished of his desires, taking out his frustrations on the one thing he's wanted most.
You fear the intimacy, yet chase after it. Letting him have his way with you when he pulls at the cups of your matching black bra, suckling as much of your breast as possible. Lapping at the nipple, the leftover droplets of squirt trails along your own body.
"I missed this," You admit aloud, raspy with croaked tears and an overwhelming amount of pleasure.
"Yeah?" Jaemin growls, lining his cock with your weeping hole. Never averting eyes, you gasp when his tip intrudes at your hole. Teasing ever so slightly. You're convinced at this moment you need nothing more than Jaemin. "Bet your sweet boy would die on the inside if he saw you like this, breaking beneath me like a little fuck doll."
As mean as the comment is, it just turns you on even more. Cursing at yourself when a fresh coating of arousal helps Jaemin slide in. Inching in so slowly, girthy cock splitting you open. "Fuck, you like that? You like the thought of cucking Haechan? Letting him see how much of a slut you are?"
"N-no..." You stutter, lips dry when Jaemin makes his way all the way inside. The two of you gasping in unison when he bottoms out. "That's so mean.. I-I love Haechan."
The word causes a chord to snap in Jaemin. Wanting to take his last time with you slow, but the devil on his shoulder wins. Possessing him, rearing the ugliest side when his hands dig into your hips. Pulling all the way out to the tip, waiting for just a few seconds—
And slamming all the way back in, so forceful that he shoves you up the bed several inches. You scream at the pummeling, not able to address the way he grips the back of your thighs. Folding you into a mating press before he climbs up the bed with you.
"Fucking slut," Knees dig harshly into the bed when he slams into you. Squeezing your face to make room for your lips to pucker in, not allowing you a second to realize his intentions before hwacking a wad of spit. Fluid shooting straight down your throat with precision, you cough around it a little before the delicious liquid slides down your throat. "Love? Don't fucking play with me."
"I do!" You scream, finding that your protests cause to him to be even rougher with you. Your ankles practically meeting the sides of your head. "I love Haechan!"
"You love Haechan but I'm fucking you right now, how does that work?" He scoffs at you, laughing maniacally at the tears that wash down your cheeks. Makeup from your prospective date completely ruined, eye makeup trailing down your eyes and lipstick smeared along your ruined lips. "Obviously don't love him enough if you're running back to me like this. Or, don't tell me—"
He brings his lips down to your ear. "He just doesn't fuck you as good as I do?"
When you don't protest, he feels victorious. Length piercing unreachable destinations inside of you. Thighs burning from how far he's stretching your body out. If this was going to he the last time, he was going to leave an impression.
Jaemin's tongue lolls out to slide up the cheek that sheds such sweet tears for him, he loves how every part of you tastes. He wishes to etch it into the most important crevices of his brain.
"You... you do..." You bite against his shoulder, digging your nose into his neck as you peck kisses along the beautiful expanse.
"Hm, baby?" He punctuates with another poignant thrust.
"You fuck me best! You!"
Jaemin has always been fond of you. You're unbelievable. Jaemin's every fantasy manifested into a one single being.
Yet, you could never be his. At least, not in the way he wants you to be.
So the very least he could do was make sure that you would always look back at the memory of him fondly. To remember the ways he would bend you to and fro. To arch your back when a shiver of a flashback invades your mind. To leave such an impression that you wish Haechan could be just like him.
"Love you," He whispers so quietly, he prays you don't hear it. Arms dropping your thighs in exchange for hugging you close, rutting into you like he's lost in heat.
"Jaemin!" You screech, pussy clasping around his cock so tightly. He's lost in your wet walls, wrapping around him like you're sent from heaven. Hips trying to get even more of him greedily. Wetness slapping against the bottom of his abdomen, it's too much to bear.
Wishing that the moment would last forever, he clasps his eyes shut as he fantasizes a scenario where this would only be the first of many times. You'd allow yourself to be his hole that he could take whenever he wanted, whether it be the couch or the kitchen counter.
The head of his cock gets trapped between your walls every time he tries to go too far away, and your legs dig into the bottom of his back painfully to bring him back in. Feeling you get so much tighter that he knows you're about to cum. "C'mon, baby. Cum with me, let me use this pussy one last time."
You look at him worriedly, completely forgetting that his favorite place to cum was inside you. With a pleading face, you could never deny him. Giving him the go ahead with an ardent nod.
He can't help it, when you circle your arms around his neck to pull him down for one last kiss. There's something beyond desire, but you can't push him away. Welcoming his feelings as he spills them inside of you.
Everything is full. Your mouths with battling tongues, your walls being coated in egregious amount of cum, and most of all—
your heart full of unspoken affections that were never expressed before.
He calls your name, eyebrows furrowed together as his orgasm is borderline painful from how much he spills inside of you. Plugging it in all the way to the hilt to let it simmer for awhile, never wanting to leave.
The room reeks of sex, walls swirling around you after such an intense fuck. Feeling the indentations of nail marks along your hips and thighs.
When Jaemin loses his strength, he falls on top of you. A small 'oof!' escaping you when his weight encapsulates you. Still connected even if his cock is beginning to soften.
It shouldn't be allowed. This intimacy, the way he blinks at you slowly and that soft smile that creeps onto his face. You shouldn't be trailing a hand along his face, kissing the corner of his lips longingly.
"Last time," He bargains. Rolling onto his side, taking great care to not pull out. Wanting nothing more than to stay attached to you until there's no other choice than to leave.
"Last time," You emphasize, eyes shutting closed when he pulls you close. His bare chest pressing into your back, you hate how safe you feel. Closing your eyes and allowing Jaemin to press kisses that hold meanings like love letters down your spine. Lips tracing every crevice of your body and memorizing it.
As much as the two of you joked about it. Jaemin really was grieving, but with the last piece of you completing the puzzle, he believes he's gotten the closure he needed. Knowing that your heart has already been captured and that he was just a bit too late—
he's made it to the final stage, he's ready to accept.
epilogue (weeks later)
"Haechan!" You screech from your bedroom, bursting out with the door slamming against the wall. Steam practically simmering out of your head when you reach your boyfriend who immediately sits up from his spot on the couch.
"Y-yes, sweetheart?" Haechan squeaks, your hands on your hips letting him know that you're beyond pissed.
Jaemin peeks his head out of his lair curiously. Watching the chaos unfold, you're animatedly throwing your arms around as you berate Haechan. An eyebrow cocking upwards before his lips form into an 'o,' muttering an 'oh shit' beneath his breath.
Holding out a defiled set of cotton panties in front of Haechan's face, your boyfriend's mouth drops in sheer confusion. "Wait a secon—"
"We talked about this! If you want to use my panties, you ask!" You stomp your foot onto the carpeted floor. Puffing your chest out, ignoring his protests when you grab his ear.
"But baby! It wasn't me!" Haechan cries out in anguish as you drag him down the hall, neither of you addressing Jaemin as you make it to your room.
Maybe your blind trust in Jaemin was your own fault. But, you couldn't even consider the possibility of it being him after Jaemin solemnly swore to never interfere with you and Haechan's relationship ever again.
However, after carrying the torch that Haechan had left as the notorious panty perv. Jaemin thinks that in the fine lining of the contract, using your panties to jack off was fair game. He definitely should have been stealthier in hiding your panties after he did the deed, but such is life.
When you slam your door shut and Jaemin's ears are flooded by Haechan's obnoxious squeals, he rolls his eyes. Closing his own room to head back to his desk, he pops on his noise canceling headphones. Much too aware that you're about to ride Haechan's dick until he's a crying mess.
In the meantime, an evil smirk appears on his face. He walks over to his night stand and slides open the drawer, pulling out those floral mint panties.
Snickering to himself, he wonders if you're really just that oblivious or if you yourself couldn't keep your promise of your rendezvous' coming to an end.
Whether it's the former or the latter, Jaemin sighs with glee when he takes an obnoxious sniff of your panties.
Ah, bliss.
────── 〔✿〕──────
author's note: dear anonnie, thank you SO much for your patience. i know this one took much longer than it should have, but i kept on changing the plot around until it was something i could be satisfied with. i hope i was able to deliver.
thank you for participating and making this event so much fun, and thank you for being so fond of not only the panty perv fic but liking it so much you wanted more elaboration on the other characters <3
EDIT: request status — CLOSED
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