#<- said with tears in my eyes as I've been listening to someone's cover of the Girl in Red Crossing song the ENTIRE time of writing this
krshush · 9 months
Finished the Knight's Tomb sidequest in DA:I like a bit ago and I'm still thinking abt it bc like. I remembered that That's What Happened at Red Crossing, which is already just heartbreaking, right, the whole star-crossed lovers thing being what set off the war proper that lost the Dales.
But, to read the part of the codex with Elandrin's letter to Adalene while playing Elrevas... I cannot fucking describe. Especially if you believe that there was a transcription or s/t of the letter beyond the one buried w/Elandrin and the Inquisitor actually gets to read that part (bc. like hell are we diagetically tomb-raiding for that letter given context, but I digress)
"What care have I for gods I have never seen, for a Maker I do not know? Let others distract themselves with such lofty concerns. I know only this life, I have seen only this world, and I care only for you."
For Elrevas to see his same similar sentiments carried by an Emerald Knight seven hundred years ago. Even putting aside the in-love-with-a-human part of the parallel for a second, just the sentiment of caring for the current life and world over gods who are no longer present is. A Lot for Elrevas, who oft hides that same belief away.
(Perhaps Elrevas should believe there's a god somewhere given everything that's happened to him which, to be fair, he'd then be correct in that one way, but it just doesn't make a difference to Elrevas atm)
But then, circling back to the loving-a-human thing, Elrevas would find making a complete one-to-one comparison between Elandrin & Adalene and him & Dorian laughable; Dorian is not a blushing bride from a humble village, nor Elrevas anything Knight-like in the typical or even Dalish sense in his opinion, nor are either of them aiming for marriage at the point this information is found, they've just agreed to discuss what their relationship could further be after defeating Corypheus (and this is pre-Temple of Mythal with Dorian making his choices)
But. That seven centuries ago, a Dalish elf loved a human, despite the foolishness of it at the time. That seven centuries ago, they died for their love, and the truth of it got swept away under the rush of the history around them.
"I know only this life, I have seen only this world, and I care only for you."
Elrevas looks at Dorian exactly once after finding the scroll, and then cannot quite manage it again on the walk back out to the Emerald Graves, not even when he lets Cassandra lead them instead to keep pace with Dorian at the back of the group.
But he does reach his fingers out to brush Dorian's, a small but familiar affection between them now in lieu of holding hands, and in his periphery he sees Dorian look at him. He can't imagine what could be running through the mage's mind, what reasons he could imagine Elrevas is reaching out for after what they've learned, and which of those reasons are correct. But then he simply reaches back too, their fingers lacing together a long moment, and it loosens the lump in Elreva's throat.
"Your god intercedes as much as ours. My life will not change.
I will return in two weeks' time. My heart longs for you 'til then, and will remain with you forever after."
Neither man can guess what their futures will look like, separately or together, but Elrevas can only hope --despite all his lackluster faith in any one god-- that their futures will end better, perhaps even together.
(He can't ignore the chances that it won't though.)
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coolemmasulivan · 13 days
Love Wins (Even in Red) | 2
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reporter!Reader
Summary: Fate reunites them under the red lights of Old Trafford. Interviews are frosty, leaving people wondering why. Can Mason forgive Reader for something that happened in the past? Can she win Mason's heart and prove love wins even on red?
Word count: 2631
Read part 1 here
Author's note: Third part is going to be the last. My first language is not English.
And if it's right I don't care how long it takes As long as I'm with you I've got a smile on my face Save your tears, it'll be okay All I know is you're here with me
The stolen kiss hung heavy in the air, leaving you breathless and confused. You practically fled the club, a whirlwind of emotions battling inside you. Lost in the chaos, your feet carried you away from your friends. After who knows how long, the ache in your legs jolted you back to reality. Miles from home, you surrendered and hailed a cab. Twenty minutes later, you were back in your apartment, tumbling into bed and burying yourself under the covers.
After an hour or two, the sound of the front door unlocking made you shut your eyes. Clare's familiar footsteps echoed down the hall, stopping at your bedroom door. The knob turned, and the next thing you knew, the sheets were ripped away, revealing you bathed in the moonlight streaming through the window.
"Where the hell were you?" She demanded, her forehead etched with concern. "I've been calling you non-stop. You just left-- wait, were you crying?" The last question hung in the air as she saw your face illuminated by the moonlight. "What happened?" she asked gently, settling onto the edge of the bed beside you.
You squeezed your eyes shut, the memory of the stolen kiss replaying in your head. "Mason," you whispered, your voice thick with unshed tears. "We run into each other in the club."
"Oh, honey!" She reached out and placed her hands on your arm, offering you comfort. "What happened? Did he say something? I swear, if he hurt you..." Her voice trailed off, a low growl rumbling in her throat.
You finally opened your eyes, meeting her worried gaze. The harsh light of reality sunk in – you couldn't hide behind the sheets forever. Taking a shaky breath, you sat up, the movement pulling a fresh wave of tears.
"He kissed me." You blurted out.
Clare blinked, a flicker of confusion crossing her face. "Wait, what? He kissed you? And that's… bad?"
Taking a shaky breath, you blurted out, "Of course, it is, Clare. What if someone saw us? Whad if they use the kiss against me? What if it jeopardizes Lily?"
"Hold on," Clare said, her voice firm but laced with concern. "We thought they didn't have anything left after Lily's graduated from Cambridge."
You ran a hand through your messy hair, dread clenching your stomach. "They might not care. They might just want to hurt me. And the video can still cause damage to Lily's professional life."
Clare's gaze softened. "Listen to me," she said, taking your hands in hers. "This is your life, Y/n. You can't let them control you anymore. Maybe this kiss with Mason..." she trailed off, a hopeful glint in her eyes, "maybe it's a sign. Maybe it's time to take back your happiness."
When Mason opened the door, you could smell the scent of the food floating through the air, a warm invitation into his home.
"Hi," he said, his smile radiating warmth as he held the door open. He was wearing a black apron with splashes of flour, giving him a charming domestic look.
"Hi," you replied, your cheeks flushing slightly. "What's cooking?"
"Just trying to impress you with my culinary skills," he chuckled, a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "Come in."
Following him inside, a sudden wave of nervousness washed over you as the door shut behind you. This was the first time you'd been to his house, and the intimacy of being alone with him was setting off butterflies in your stomach.
"Let me take your coat," he offered, extending a hand.
You shrugged off the coat, and as he reached for it, you felt him brush against you. He hung your coat on a nearby hook behind you and instead of stepping back, he lingered close. His gaze dropped to meet yours, a hesitant smile playing on his lips
Then, in a move that stole your breath, he leaned in slowly and so did you. The kiss was sweet and tender and as he pulled away, his eyes sparkled with a playful glint.
Just as he leaned in again, you interrupted him. "Uh, Mason?" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah?" he murmured, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to yours.
"I… I think something's burning," you stammered, pointing towards what you assumed was the kitchen.
Mason's eyes widened comically. "Burning?" He shot a panicked glance towards the direction you indicated and with a mumbled curse, hurried towards the kitchen, the scent of slightly burnt food growing stronger with each step.
As you watched him panic and run away, you couldn't help but stifle a giggle. With a teasing smile already playing on your lips, you couldn't resist the curiosity that tugged at you as you slowly followed.
The sight that greeted you in the kitchen was pure comedy gold. Mason, clad in his flour-dusted apron, was glancing into the oven with a spatula in his hand. Inside the oven, you could see a burnt mess that was supposed to be a romantic dinner.
"Oh no." you drawled, your voice dripping with mock sympathy. "Looks like someone overestimated their culinary skills."
Mason turned around quickly, his face turning a delightful shade of crimson. "It's… it's under control!" He stuttered as he carefully removed the burned food from the oven. "It didn't burn that much. Right?"
Unable to hold back any longer, you burst into laughter. The sound filled the kitchen, chasing away the awkwardness. Mason, unable to maintain his flustered facade, joined in, a sheepish grin replacing his earlier panic.
"Well, Chef Mason," you said once the laughing died down. "I think takeout might be the safer option tonight."
Mason chuckled, relief flooding his features. "Agreed. How does pizza sound?"
"Sounds perfect." As he scrolled through menus on his phone, you couldn't help but steal a glance at him. The domestic chaos, the shared laughter, it all felt strangely comforting. "Hey?" you said softly, catching his eye. He looked up, his gaze warm and questioning.
Taking a deep breath, you closed the distance between you. With a gentle hand on his cheek, you leaned in and planted a quick, sweet kiss on his lips.
Mason's eyes widened in surprise before melting into a smile. He reached out, his fingers brushing against your cheek before tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "Maybe takeout... and a movie?" he suggested, his voice a husky whisper.
You grinned back, your heart fluttering in your chest. "Sounds like a plan."
The post-practice rush had subsided, leaving only Mason, Marcus, and Garnacho in the locker room. The stillness in the air was palpable, broken only by the steady sound of water droplets falling from the showers. Marcus, being wise as ever, noticed that Mason was behaving distantly.
"Seriously, mate, everything alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.
Mason jumped slightly, as if startled from a dream. He tried to smile, but it didn't last long as they kept looking at him. "Yeah, just haven't slept well."
Garnacho chuckled. "So it has nothing to do with Y/n?"
Mason's throat tightened. "Y/n? What? No, of course not." A flicker of annoyance crossed his features.
"Uh-huh," Garnacho drawled, raising an eyebrow. "Funny thing. I saw her this morning and she looked like she hadn't slept a wink either. Bags under her eyes, the same distracted vibe you got going on."
Mason's smile completely faded away, and was replaced by a look of sudden realization.
"She's here?" he blurted out, genuinely surprised.
"Yeah! She's interviewing Bruno."
Mason sank onto the bench, burying his face in his hands. He let out a defeated sigh. "The last time we went to the club… I run into her." he started, his voice barely a whisper.
Marcus and Garnacho exchanged a curious glance. "She was there?" Garnacho blurted, surprised. He knew Amelia wouldn't be caught dead in the loud, thumping chaos of a nightclub. She was very homie and very workaholic, a stark contrast to the flashing lights and booming music.
Mason's face flushed a deep red. "Uh, yeah," he stammered, avoiding their eyes. "The thing is… I kissed her."
The locker room went silent. His teammates stared at him, their amusement replaced by genuine surprise. "You kissed her?" Marcus finally managed, his voice incredulous.
Mason ran a frustrated hand through his still-damp hair. "Look, it was stupid. I'd had a couple too many drinks, saw some douchebag flirting with her at the bar, and…" He trailed off, unable to meet his teammates' eyes.
"And you lost it because you were jealous!" Marcus finished his sentence with a smirk.
Mason scowled. "No! It wasn't like that. We just… bumped into each other in the back hallway, and things happened."
Garnacho let out a suspicious snort. "Mate, come on. Don't try and deny it. It's written all over your face. You still care about her, even after what went down between you. Whatever it was."
A heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by the distant voice of the staff working nearby the locker room. Mason finally spoke, his voice barely a whisper.
"The thing is, what she said after."
Both Marcus and Garnacho leaned in, their playful behaviour replaced by genuine curiosity.
"What did she say?" Marcus pressed gently, urging Mason to elaborate
"When I finally asked why she left, why she just walked away from everything we had… she said 'They made me.'"
Marcus and Garnacho exchanged a confused glance. "They made her?" Garnacho echoed, his brow furrowed in thought. "Who's they?"
"That's what I want to know." Mason said, his voice tight with frustration and a hint of fear.
You slumped back in your chair, the recorder switched off. The interview with Bruno had been insightful, but it felt like a distant echo through the fog of your worries. Bruno, a kind friend with gentle eyes, noticed the way your smile faltered and your shoulders slumped.
"You alright, Y/n?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. "You seem a bit… off today."
You attempted to smile, but it was clear that the smile was forced and insincere. "Everything's fine, Bruno. Just a bit tired, I guess."
Bruno wasn't convinced. He knew you well enough to see the worry etched into your features. "Is it Mason?"
"Why would you think that?"
"I know you have a history with Mason. Though he didn't tell me what happened, I can see that whatever it is, it's causing pain for both of you all over again."
The mention of Mason's name was like a dam breaking. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision. Before you could stop yourself, a sob escaped your lips. Bruno reacted instinctively, reaching out and pulling you into a hug. His embrace was warm and safe.
"It's okay," Bruno murmured. "Let it out."
You clung to him, the tears flowing freely. Bruno didn't pry, he just held you until the sobs subsided into shaky breaths. When you finally pulled back, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, a raw vulnerability shone on your face.
Taking a deep breath, you poured out your heart to him. You told him about the blackmail, Lily's fear, and the impossible situation it had placed you in. You confessed your guilt over leaving Mason without explaining the real reason behind it, the burden of the secret a constant weight on your chest.
Bruno listened intently, his expression a mixture of sympathy and understanding. When you finished, a thoughtful silence settled between them.
"I think it's time you spoke to Mason, Y/n." Bruno said, his voice gentle but firm. "Keeping this from him is only going to make things worse. He deserves to know the truth, and maybe, together, you can find a way to make everything right."
You considered his words, a flicker of hope igniting in your eyes. The thought of facing Mason, of reliving the pain and tell him the thrut, was terrifying. But Bruno was right. The weight of the secret was suffocating, and honesty, however painful, was the only path forward.
The piercing sound of your phone shattered the peaceful silence of your apartment. Your heart thumped against your ribs as you glanced at the screen. An unknown number. Hesitantly, you answered.
"Hello?" Your voice was cautious. You hated answering calls from unknown numbers.
A low, distorted voice crackled through the receiver, sending shivers down your spine. "Y/n Y/l/n! Been enjoying Chelsea?"
Y/n's breath hitched. "Who is this?" You managed, forcing yourself to appear calm.
"Someone who knows a little secret about your beloved sister!" The voice exuded malice. "A little something that could ruin her life."
You felt a sudden surge of panic rising in your throat. Lily. "What are you talking about?" You demanded, your voice trembling.
"Oh, come now, Y/n," the voice scolded. "You don't know about that little video, the one of Lily… shall we say, being a little too carefree with a certain professor in his office?"
Your mind and heart were racing. Lily had never mentioned a video before, but being a rebellious teenager she didn't share much with you these days. "What… what do you want?" You whispered, your voice thick with fear.
"Simple, really," the voice replied with amusement. "We want you out of Chelsea. Pack your bags, say your goodbyes to your precious footballer boyfriend, and disappear."
"No!" The denial ripped from your lips. You couldn't leave Mason. You couldn't abandon your dreams and job.
"Then let's hope your sister appreciates your loyalty." The voice mocked. "Because if we see you anywhere near Mason again, that little video makes a surprise appearance online. Think about it! What would happen to Lily's future if everyone saw that?"
The call ended abruptly, leaving you struggling to cope with the silence. You cradled the phone to your chest, the weight of the threat crushing your heart.
The sting in your eyes couldn't compare to the nervous fire burning in your stomach. It had taken you a week to finally face the reality and gather the courage to talk to Mason. Today was the day, and nothing would stop you.
Practice would end earlier today, the perfect opportunity to catch him before he disappeared into Manchester's vast maze. You had changed your number a while back, and Mason's number wasn't on your contact list anymore, and you didn't know his new address. The training centre was your only opportunity.
Your anxiety had turned your stomach upside down. The lunch that you had earlier, which was already of questionable quality, made a fast and unwelcome reappearance in the toilet as you found yourself unable to keep it down. Wiping the cold sweat from your palms after you brushed your teeth, you muttered a mantra, "It's now or never."
"It's now or never, Y/n!" he boomed. "Swim with me, or be a pool princess forever!"
You pretended to scoff. "Princess? I like the sound of that, thank you very much."
He grinned wider. "Come on! The real fun's inside. You in? Give me your hand."
You hesitated. Taking a breath, you looked at him. "Now or never, right?"
He held out a hand, eyes bright. "Now or never."
You nodded and grabbed his hand. Water closed in, fear replaced by his warm touch. Maybe it wasn't just about swimming. Maybe it was about taking a leap of faith, with him.
Just as you grabbed your jacket, the sound of the doorbell shattered the fragile calm of the apartment. With a hopeful smile, you flung open the door, only to watch it quickly fade away.
"Lily?" There, standing on the doorstep, was none other than your sister.
Your stomach lurched. The familiar face triggered a fresh wave of nausea, and the last remnants of breakfast found a new, unwelcome home – on your sister's shoes.
@bibissparkles @girlidekanymore @marialikescherries
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zanarkandskylines · 2 months
fem!reader has a hard time coping with the current situation. 『 ♡ - k.bakugo x fem!reader 』 tw/cw: mentions of hospital equipment, grief, angst ⋆ ˚ʚɞ — I can go anywhere I want - anywhere I want, just not home. And you can aim for my heart, go for blood, but you would still miss me in your bones. And I still talk to you when I’m screaming at the sky. -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist 
Walking along the pathway of the riverbank, you listened to the soft sounds of the water lazily flowing by while finding a spot in the grass. You lie back with your hands behind your head, gazing up at the sunset in the sky. The clouds were painted with beautiful streaks of peach, lavender and fuchsia, swirling into a perfect blend of tropical bliss. The colors offered a semblance of comfort after a long day of patrol - 14 hours, to be exact. The current condition of your hero suit was more than enough evidence of the grueling day. If it could talk, it would be begging to be washed. Reaching into your pocket, you pull out your phone to check the time. 5:47pm The exhaustion was creeping along your aching muscles, warning you to head home before you lack the will to do so. There’s one thing you came here to do - that you needed to be here to do.
You tap the lock screen of the phone and swipe to your contacts. In the favorites list, you click on your favorite name in the whole world.
“ 💥 Katsuki 🧡 ”
The line rings a handful of times before it goes to voicemail, beeping in your ear. Taking a deep breath, you begin to speak excitedly.
“Hey ‘Suki. Today was a busy as hell - sorry I didn’t get a chance to call earlier. I had the sweetest little girl thank me today for helping her and her mom bring their groceries to their doorstep. She came running over to me and asked for help, I couldn’t resist. You should have seen her cute little cheeks, Kats, covered in freckles around her precious blue eyes. It was only six bags, the mom was so embarrassed! I kept telling her it was no trouble, that’s what heroes do. And then…,” you pause.
“Sorry, I’m rambling again. I must be picking it up from Izuku. Anyways, I’ll be heading home in a bit. I needed to clear my head after a long day and swung by our favorite spot by the river.”
A shaky breath escapes your lips, unable to hold back the tear rolling down your dirt stained cheek.
“I’ll be stopping by to visit soon. I’m sorry for not coming by earlier this week, you know how it is with our line of work. I'll be sure to grab your favorite flowers, too. Tiger lilies, right?”
You bite your lip to swallow the sob lodged in your throat.
“I miss you…more than you could ever know. I love you, Katsuki. I’ll talk to you later.”
You click the “End Call” button with trembling fingers. A picture of Katsuki, smiling ear to ear with your face squished up against his cheek on a sunny day, appears briefly as his contact picture fades to black.
“You’re going to wake up, I know you are,” you murmur to yourself through broken hiccups. “You’re not gone…you’re going to wake up, Katsuki. You have to.”
The reality of the situation weighs on your shoulders, but that didn’t mean you had to live in said reality…not yet, anyways.
Until the faint droning of Katsuki's heartbeat monitor was silenced, he was alive.
He's just resting.
i've been listening to "my tears ricochet" too much and the 'just not home' lyric always reminds me of not being able to return to someone you love, or somewhere you loved :( ** i ended up reposting/reworking this to be fem!reader instead of bakudeku cause it just didn't feel like it worked? i like this way better lol
You can read part two here!!
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apomaro-mellow · 2 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 3
Part 2 / AO3 Link
After school practices for the Thanksgiving performance was only for the students who wanted to put a little more time into it. Apparently a bulk of the rehearsal happened during their music class and that made sense. Still, Steve was glad to put a face to some of the kids his son mentioned. The first night there had been a girl who's lip trembled at the slightest upset and Steve knew that had to be Yasmin.
"She's a crybaby who cries over everything", Shawn had said one time.
"Hm, need I remind you of all the times you've cried? Why I remember just last week-"
"We don't need to talk about that", Shawn said, properly chastised.
Even so, Steve could see how it could get a little frustrating to be in a class with someone as sensitive as that. And yet, Mr. Munson never let on that he was frustrated or anything like that. Every time the tears came, he talked her down. Which was quite the feat since he had probably been doing it for eight hours at this point.
"You're really good with the kids", Steve complimented when Mr. Munson took a seat near them to rest.
Third grade was working on their performance piece on the stage now while the smaller kids got a break. Mr. Munson smiled a bit as he scratched at his head.
"Yeah, well, patience is key, as I'm sure you know. Actually, how old are the kids you teach?", he asked.
"Middle school", Steve answered, laughing a little when he saw the other teacher's eyes get wide in fear.
"Braver than any marine, I swear. I will take spilt milk tears over the raging hormones going on over there."
Steve's brain decided to highlight the word 'hormones' which made him delayed in his response. He cleared his throat to try and cover it up. "It's not as bad as all that. I've got the babies of middle school, the sixth graders, but don't tell them I said that. And I'm lucky I've got a group there that's absolutely obsessed with science."
He met Mr. Munson's eyes and was met with a million watt smile. One that he knew was on his own face too.
"That's the best feeling, ain't it? When they wanna soak up as much as you can give?"
"The best", Steve agreed. It wasn't always candy and roses but it was all worth it for those days when everything just clicked. "Speaking of passions, did you get that approval for your ideas for the show?"
"They said I could play guitar, but they vetoed my pyrotechnics idea."
That night, Mr. Munson walked him and Shawn back to their car. And as such, became a routine for two days out of the week. Through it all, Steve commended himself for only drooling a little over him and only when he was alone.
At home, one Saturday, Shawn was humming his class' song while Steve made them lunch. He looked to the calendar and realized the show would be that coming Monday. Well, he knew that but it hit him that in less than a week, Thanksgiving break would start and then there wouldn't be much of a reason for him to see Mr. Munson anymore.
Just as the thought came to him, he looked at the school events calendar he had put in his phone and saw that there would be a Winter Dance but that it was for 4th and 5th grade only. He held back a sigh. Oh well, maybe if he got particularly antsy, he could schedule a confere-no, nononono.
He wasn't going to waste a teacher's time over nothing. Just because, what? He wanted to see him?
He said as much when he talked to Robin the next day. They were sitting in his living room, Shawn was up in his room, reading on this lazy Sunday.
"So, you're just going to avoid him?"
"It's not avoiding. I'm just not going to go out of my way to seek him out", Steve clarified. "And maybe this little crush", he whispered the word 'crush' like tiny ears were listening, "will die down."
"Mhm", Robin nodded, unconvinced. "You know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"
Steve leaned back against the couch. "There's at least one absence I'm not missing."
"...Don't tell me this is all because of him?"
"It's not because of him but...", Steve's eyes traveled to where Shawn's baby book sat on a bookshelf. Inside were the only pictures of Shawn's sire. And honestly, Steve wouldn't even have those if it were up to him. But he wanted to leave the door open just for when Shawn got older and could decide how much he wanted that man in his life.
"I don't think Mr. Munson is anything like him. Of course I don't. But I can't make a mistake like that again. If Shawn got hurt, I could never forgive myself."
Robin gave him a pat on the leg. "If you really think it's for the best."
It was. Steve knew that what was on the surface could be hiding something ugly underneath. He wasn't going to expose him or his pup to anything like that again. Mr. Munson was nice but these feelings weren't deep enough to swim in. Steve was barely getting his toes wet. He would stay high and dry and then Shawn would go on to second grade and then he would only see Mr. Munson in passing, if that.
Steve had all these affirmations in mind as he settled in to see Shawn's performance Monday. Planning ahead, Steve had told his school a couple weeks ago that he had a doctor appointment and wouldn't be coming in until later. Just long enough to pop in and see Shawn sing. As he had planned and rehearsed, Mr. Munson sat on a stool to one side of the stage, acoustic guitar in his lap.
It was all the school would allow and seeing as the kids' singing voices weren't super strong, it was for the best. Steve recorded the act, phone focused on Shawn while every once in a while, his eyes drifted to Mr. Munson.
After the song, Steve waved to Shawn, who waved back. He had told him ahead of time that he'd have to go back to work after seeing him, so that his son wouldn't be disappointed. When they saw each other at home later, Shawn's adrenaline from the day hadn't waned.
"So a lot of the other kids' parents took them home, so Mr. Munson let some of us play with his guitar!"
"Did he now?", Steve smiled.
"Uh-huh. He even taught us how to play. Do you think he teaches guitar?"
"Would you like some lessons?", Steve asked.
"Only if Mr. Munson is teaching it. He makes everything so cool."
Steve watched as Shawn ran ahead to go into the corn maze. Most of the corn was gone, so he wasn't worried about him getting lost as Robin went to get them hot ciders. Shawn scurried through the maze when he found someone familiar.
Robin had come back with two ciders that she and Steve sipped on while Shawn made his way through the maze.
"Dad! Look who's here!"
Steve looked up, expecting to see one of his little friends. Not Mr. Munson.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket with chunky rings and his hair let loose, spilling over his shoulders.
"Dad look! It's Mr. Munson! Dad?"
"Mr. Munson! What a surprise!", Robin came in for the save while Steve was speechless. She gave him a subtle nudge that really wasn't all that subtle but that was okay because Mr. Munson was having his own crisis.
Because here was Mr. Harrington, enjoying a harvest festival, shoulder to shoulder with a beautiful alpha woman.
"H-hey, didn't expect to run into you here", Mr. Munson stuttered.
"Me neither", Steve said, voice a little breathless. He cleared it and remembered himself. "This is Robin, she's my neighbor. Robin, this is Shawn's teacher."
"Heard so much about you", Robin grinned.
Steve wanted to kick her in the shin.
"Hey, Shawn, how's about we go and pick out a pumpkin or something?", Robin suggested, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the other two, leaving them alone.
Mr. Munson looked like a deer caught in headlights and Steve couldn't blame him.
"Jesus, she couldn't be anymore obvious."
"Did you want to talk to me about something, Mr. Harrington?"
"No, I didn't. But, I think...I think we should have this conversation anyway." Steve ran a hand through his hair.
They went to a little sitting area the farm had set up near the food booths so that they could talk. Eddie's mind ran a mile a minute, thinking of what this could be about. Both good and bad. He'd gotten a hot chocolate both to keep his hands warm and to give him something to do with said hands. Hands that Mr. Harrington was staring at right now.
"I um", he shook his head and pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. "I just wanted to-god this is hard."
"Well, let's make it easier", Eddie said. "Is it about Shawn? Is he having problems in school?"
"No, it's not about that. It's about us-I mean, there is no us but I-goddammit", Steve hissed, cheeks getting red in embarrassment. He let out a breath. "Mr. Munson, I'm having..." don't say feelings don't say feelings don't say feelings "-sensations, that aren't entirely professional. About you."
"And I know nothing can come of it, but I just want you to know that, to know that I'm aware of them and if I ever come on, I guess too strong, please just let me know."
"Um, for how long?", Eddie asked, hoping he wasn't vibrating in his seat because it sure did feel that way.
"Uhh, pretty much since I first met you", Mr. Harrington admitted. "And I don't know if it's because you've been looking after me and Shawn when we walk back to the car, or if it's something else but you just smell...you feel safe. And it's hard for me not too....", he trailed off, voice getting soft.
He didn't know how much that meant to Eddie. His first year of teaching, Eddie had gone on scent blockers, not wanting to overwhelm the little noses in his room. But one day he'd forgotten and things just seemed to run more smoothly when they could get a whiff of him. For Mr. Harrington to say his scent made him feel safe...
"It hasn't exactly been easy for me either", Eddie finally said. "Me too, since that first day I... But you already said nothing can come from it."
There was a hesitant look in Mr. Harrington's eyes. "Well, you know, why not?"
"Why...not?", Eddie echoed.
"I have my personal reasons for not pursuing this, but they mostly involve Shawn. If he doesn't know about it, I mean if we can hide it from most people, you won't get in trouble with the school. And we won't, you know get Shawn's hopes up if it doesn't become serious."
"Why, Mr. Harrington, are you propositioning me?" Honestly, Eddie didn't give a flying fuck what this principal thought about his private life. At the end of the day, it really was just Shawn he was worried about. He didn't know what happened to the other half of his DNA, but he knew that kids with only one parent sometimes longed for a second. He couldn't make Shawn think that was him unless this was the real deal. And he wouldn't know that for sure if he didn't give this a try.
"For starters, when we're not on school grounds, you can call me Steve."
"Eddie, would you like to go out with me sometime?"
Steve's face was a mix of hopeful and confident that Eddie wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. "I'd love to."
Part 4
There is absolutely some angst with Steve's baby daddy comin down the line. I came up with it where I come up with all my best ideas, half asleep when I wake up in the morning.
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @hippieg1rl420 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
Someone Who Loves You
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet Af + Flirty
Warning Dark discussions
I past the trees in the setting sun, trying desperately to salvage everything that had happened today. But I froze up as I heard a footstep, that wasn't mine. I stopped and listened closely. I could hear them coming up behind me, I could feel their presence, so I rested my hand on the handle of my knife.
I turned sharply and saw them, a figure in black darkness behind them as the sun set behind me, A hood covered them utterly.
"You're following me?"
"I am." The voice, muffled by the hood and cloak left me unsure if I knew the voice.
"I must speak with you, as privately as possible."
"Come to the hospital?" I suggested
"No. Walls have ears. I trust only the trees." For a moment that phrase reminded me, but of what that was too far gone to recall.
"What do you want?"
"To speak with you."
"Who are you."
"What does it matter?"
"I won't speak with you until you tell me who you are."
"Walls have-"
"Who are you?"
Silence between us for a moment, they took the hood of their cloak pulling it down to reveal a face beautiful with long hair, and a scar across her cheek. She settled the hood at her shoulders and smiled.
"Someone who loves you,"
I racked my mind but, I didn't remember her, but she knew me "Who are you, give me your name."
Those words from my lips utterly broke her heart, you could see it shatter in her face, her hands began to quiver, and a tear in her eye.
"Y-you don't remember me?"
"Should I?"
Those two little words utterly shattered her and she looked as if she was about to faint, or that her knees would give out.
"I had prayed, you would always remember me." She said, "Time has been kind to you, much more so than it has to me."
"I've met a lot of people in my life. Excuse me, if I don't remember one woman." I said,
"Would think you'd remember, such a turbulent time." She smiled,
"Perhaps you remember the way that horrid old strew used linger its smell down the alley, Perhaps you remember the sleepless nights under that broken roof, Perhaps you remember the old secret alleys and bridges, not a soul else knew, Perhaps you remember that more then you'd remember me."
"I'm sorry, but I need to get back," I told her turning to leave but I took more than two steps before she whistled, a little tune. That dove into the memories I had tried so desperately to forget.
That tune, I'd hear echoed on the streets of London through the thickest of fogs, in the nights and over the bridges I used to roam.
I turned back to see her again but still, I couldn't recall her face.
"... I see you remember that dodger."
My heart skipped hearing that word. That name. She knew me. And she could destroy me. And everything I've made for myself.
"Tell me. Who you are."
"Perhaps you remember, running down Martin Street pocket watch in hand as the cops chased you, you'd always find me at the corner. Drop your spoils in my basket so you were clean they they caught you down Pentavile. Perhaps you remember, carrying me up the top of London bridge to see the fireworks on New Year, Perhaps you remember sharing blankets watching the rain fall," She explained and with every word it became clearer and clearer, that my time on London's streets and everyone I knew widdled away and I knew she could only be one girl in the world. "Perhaps you remember how you kissed me, under the old cotton bridge hiding from the cops," She giggled
I was breathless, tears welling up as I looked at her.
"Hi, Dodger."
I closed the space between us wrapping one arm around her and the other held her cheek as I kissed her, with all the passion and energy of the years since I'd seen her, giving her every kiss I had saved for her all this time. Till she pulled back both of us teary and smiling.
"I thought I'd lost you forever," I whispered
"For a while, I believed I had." She smiled "You have no idea, how long it took me to find you,"
"What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you,"
"You- you came all this way, to find me?"
"I've never stopped looking for you Jack." she smiled stroking my cheek, "You've changed."
"as have you," I chuckled moving back to see her better "I barely even recognised you, without a muddy braid, that patchy dress, everything that used to be you."
"You can talk, Dr Dawkins?"
"It's been a while. Things have changed, to say the least."
"I don't know, not everything. You've still got the same blonde mop" She smiled playing with my hair
"Well, I don't have you to cut it for me. only person I've ever met who could do it right."
"I've missed you, Jack,"
"I've missed you more. What happened to you?" I asked stroking her scar it was long healed but still it worried me
"Things, Didn't go well once you were gone."
"How so?"
"Left, after what he left you to rot. I couldn't stand to think he'd abandoned you in that awful prison. So I left, turns out... he protected us far more than we knew, and the moment I left a lot of people wanted what they felt they were owed, and with you gone... Let's say they took what I owed, and what you did too."
She explained tears slipping down
"What did they do to you?" I asked wiping her tears
"They took what we had taken Jack, all the years of our work together, they made me repay it all with far more than it was worth."
"How to evert did you make that kind of money?"
"They didn't take money, Jack," she whispered holding my hand and showing her scared skin, I took her closer and examined her, the scars of chains around her hands, broken bones hastily repaired, these were the scars of a slave who often thought back.
"They took... what You and I had stolen, Off Of. You." I asked and she nodded
"I spent years in chains. At their master's order, and his desires, by the time I broke out, you were gone. Not a soul knew where. Ever since I've been trying to find you."
"I'm so sorry y/n. If I'd have known I-"
"It's okay. You're here now."
"I'm here, and I can't believe it's you." I smiled "My first kiss, My first love, My y/n. How on earth did you find me?"
"You left a trail, of breadcrumbs I guess." She giggled "What are you doing in this place?"
"Uhh hiding I guess. I've built a life here perfectly law-abiding... Mostly."
"I'm proud of you, So very proud of you Jack."
"Thank you y/n." I smiled widely, "Do you have somewhere to go tonight?"
"No, travel light, has mostly been sleeping where I can"
"Come on, you're staying with me"
"I am?"
"Yes you are I've missed you too much to bear to be away from you"
"Lead the way then Doger." she smiled offering her hand I took it and gave her hand a kiss leading her towards town
"I uhh I should say, some things have changed." I blushed
"I imagine they have" she giggled cuddling my arm "Last time we shared a bed we were only fourteen... I imagine much has changed about my darling doger." She giggled tickling under my chin like she always used to god damn it! I nearly threw her against the tree when she did that... using that cute little name she used to have for me.
"I don't think I've changed that dramatically have I?"
"You taller" she giggled "Your cheeks used to be right in line for me to kiss them, I'm too little now."
"Humm I'll have to bend down for my flower girl then" I told her giving her lips a sweet kiss having to lean a little given she is a fair bit shorter than me now, "But Things have changed. And... as much as I love that name. You can't call me that anymore."
"What why not?"
"Because only three people in this whole country know that name and we are two of them."
"So why does it matter if no one knows?"
"I want to keep it that way."
"Alright, No more Dodger"
"That's my girl," I told her kissing her head as we got back into town I kept her on my arm as I would any other woman and she gave me such a wicked smile giggling at me
"Why can't I hold your hand?"
"Cause this isn't London y/n. People actually care about that stuff here and believe me they will talk."
"I see. So we have to be... Proper?" She pouted
"Perfectly propper my little flower girl"
"Do I have to?"
"Fine" she sighed
"Okay? Propper lady behaviour. and No dodger. I'm Jack Here, just Jack Dawkins. Doctor Dawkins alright?"
"Oooh Doctor Dawkins, you going to take me on a pleasant Sunday stroll" She giggled doing her best upper-class London accent
"Don't Be cheeky." I warn her "It might have been fourteen years But I'm still not against giving you a spanking if I have to" I whispered
"Humm I recall us walking through Clampam Green, snuggled all cosy, one hand in mine the other up my dress, not a care in the world"
"Believe me if I could I would," I told her "Come on this way," I told her taking her into the side entrance of the hospital "Nice and quiet okay?"
she nodded so I happily kissed her and led her up to my room 
"This is all yours?"
"All mine, food and water if you need any, get yourself comfy." I told her slipping my jacket and shoes off
"Where will I sleep?"
"We used to share a blanket then, bout time we shared a bed," I told her sitting on my bed and tapping beside me
"I am very tired" She smirked
"I bet you are."
she giggled and slipped off her cloak hanging it by the door and the moment she was revealed to me-
I uhhh may have had a heart attack-
"What?" She giggled
"... You wonder why I didn't recognise you! Holy- Proportions." I tried very very hard to get my brain to,.... work but it kinda didn't want to. "What uhhh... I uhh I have been gone a while-"
She was confused looking at herself "Yeah, this is what happened Jack, I was malnourished and fourteen last you saw me don't you think things would have.... matured." She explained putting her hands where her hips used to be where I remember them and moving them sideways expanding till they met her hips... now.
"Matured! Look at you your- your-" I stuttered standing and holding her waist looking at her chest in her dress
"Jack" she giggled picking my head up to her face "It was fourteen years ago."
"Yeah! I didn't think you'd have changed... this much."
"Yeah they came in a little while after you left" she giggled moving her arms a little to squeeze them and I watched like a desperate hungry dog,
"Please stop doing that!" I told her holding her arms to make her stop
"Why?" she giggled
"I haven't seen you since we were fourteen, oddly enough I missed you enough! I do not need you bouncing your - Yeah. I'm struggling enough with not throwing you on my bed you really think that's a good idea."
"Hummm" she giggled "Still my darling Dodger" she giggled tickling under my chin and stroking her hand down until she met my pants
"Ummm- enough! enough!" I told her grabbing her hand "Anymore, I really will have to throw you on my bed."
"Alright Sorry Jack." she giggled sitting on my bed and tapping beside her so I happily climbed in sitting with her cuddling her and kissing her making up for all we had missed, "Anything Important I missed?"
"Not really, anything I missed?"
"You... did miss something."
"Ohh tell me then" I cooed between kisses kinda half listening
"I worry it will upset you," she whispered
"Nothing you could tell me could upset me. I'm just so happy you're here, I finally get to see you again, to hold you again, to... kiss you again."
"I left Fagin, for a reason. Not just because of what he did to you."
"Why else?"
"... Because I was pregnant."
"y-you were pregnant? when did you find out?" I began to whisper too
"A week, after your arrest," she said tears welling up
"What... Who got you pregnant, how did this happen?"
"Jack, you a doctor know. I should hope you know... How. it happened." giggled "Well when a flower girl and a little thief love each other very much and... find themselves a dark alley to hide in for the night" she whispered with a smile
"I- I got you pregnant-"
She nods "Once I knew I left for what he had done to you, I wanted to come see you to tell you but the guards wouldn't let me."
"I- I got you pregnant- What was it?"
"A little boy."
I knew I was crying unsure if it was sadness or joy but a mix of the two "A little boy?"
"A sweet little boy, he looked just like you"
"Where is he? Where is he now? Can- Can I meet him?"
"He's dead..."
"Cot death. he was only a few weeks old. I'm sorry Jack."
"Sorry, what could you be sorry for? I had a son. You gave me a son I can't thank you enough for that, and I'm so sorry I wasn't there If I'd known... I'd have broken out that prison and found you. I'm so sorry about what happened."
"It was a long time ago, it still hurts but- at least I have you back"
"You have me, and I have you. I promise I'll keep you safe." I told her pulling her into my chest "What was his name?"
"Jack Jr. After you of course"
"That's sweet." I smiled giving her a soft kiss "I'm so sorry I didn't come find you when I escaped. Everything just kinda... happened so fast."
"You're here now. And that's all I care about."
"Y/n... There is something I need to tell you."
"I uhh I don't quite know how to tell you..."
"Oh no" She said fear across her face "Please don't let it be true Jack-"
"Please, don't say there is another girl. Or worse some... woman who holds your heart now" She said "I knew it was possible I had just hoped that- it wouldn't be so, let me guess this new life you've built came with a wife, and family of your own."
"No, no it's nothing like that."
"Then what?"
And just at that moment, the door opened- Oh god no please be the nurse.
"Jack wha-" He began
"You!" She yelled jumping from the bed and grabbing one of my knives from the table pointing it at him, she always was quick. "What the dickens are you doing here?"
"Y/n. Our favoured flower girl how-"
"Answer the question Fagin!"
He wouldn't speak
"Answer her," I told him
"I found myself shipped here, destined for the chain gang. Old Dodger took me in"
"Why on God's green earth would you do that!" She yelled now pointing the knife at me
"He'd be dead if I didn't-"
"Good riddance! Jack. Do you not remember what he did to you, He left you for dead in a prison cell."
"I know he did. But I also remember all he did for me, for us. you know we'd been dead on the streets years ago without him"
"I know, that doesn't excuse what he's done."
"Y/n... you know I always thought of you as my daughter-" he began
"No, you didn't! You hated me!"
"Because you didn't do as you were told-"
"Because If I had I'd have been locked up with Jack!"
"Both of you enough!" I told them "I know this isn't the best-case scenario, but we're all here now. And we're all staying here." I told them "Now just stop bloody being at each other's neck and makeup,"
"No!" she yelled
"... Fine" she pouted handing me the knife
"Fagin?" but silence "Fagin!"
"Fine" He sighed "Have it your way."
"Good, now whether we all like it or not we're here and we're together. And each of us has enough to make sure the others behave so I'm responsible for both of you. You are both going to behave."
"Alright jack" she nods
"Fine" he groaned
"Good, Now I have surgery first thing in the morning so all of us, Bed."
Fagin slunked himself over to his blanket in the corner and I made the bed up
"Where shall I sleep?" She asked nervously
"Outside," Fagin suggested
"Oi!" I warned "You will share with me sweetheart" I smiled giving her a kiss
"Oh Gordon bennt fourteen years and I'm still forced to watch you to share bloody Saliva" He complained
"That's enough," I told him
"What shall I wear to bed?" she asked
"umm what should you wear indeed."
"A nuns habit might just cover you enough to keep his hands off" Fagin joked
"I'm not telling you again Fagin." I warn him "You can borrow one of my shirts for tonight, tomorrow we'll go see what we can do about some clothes and a nightie for you"
"I'm not wasting my beer money on her-"
"You won't I will." I snapped "Come on let's get to bed."
I gave her one of my little shirts and got sorted myself climbing into bed and soon enough she came over to my shirt hugging her close as she climbed in with me so I tucked the covers around us and cuddled her tight remembering all those nights frozen half to death so much was still the same, we still share the covers, still cuddle the same, still have fagin in the corner complaining,
"Goodnight Fagin" I sighed
"Night. both."
"Night fagin" she yawns "Goodnight Jack..."
"Good night y/n" I smiled giving her a sweet kiss and blowing out the candle before she turned on her side I spooned her and gave her a few more kisses it felt so good having her body in my arms again even if it wasn't all as I remembered she felt my kisses and moved back letting us have not even an inch between us which only made me tighten my grip and kiss her neck a little more she gently giggled in that cute little way she use to do
"I am trying to sleep you two!" He complained
"Out," I told him between giving her neck and shoulder little kisses
"I need my bed too-"
"Out!" I told him
"And go where?" he complained just as she began to grind against me
"Ummm I don't care just get out" I moaned nibbling her neck
"you know this -"
"Out fagin!" I ordered
"Alright, alright" he sighed complaining all the way as he left the room
"He'd have slapped you round the back of the head back then you told him that"
"Well, he's my servant now. he has to do as I say. I can have him flogged if he doesn't."
"Can you?"
"I can. and if... your my little lady, you can to?"
"Don't tempt me." she giggled "so, shall I show my darling dodger how much I've missed him" she giggled moving onto her back
"Humm only if I get to show my flower girl how much I've missed her too."
"Absouely" she giggled pulling me into an intense kiss so I happily climbed ontop of her pulling away to kiss down her neck "I hope I'm still... desirable to you Jack."
"Still? Sweetheart you've only got better. Aged like a fine wine"
"I'm sure you have too" she giggled
"Well, fourteen years is a long time. I'm not the boy I was then. and I have had many years worth of experience more then I did then. So lay back and let the doctor take care of you" 
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 7 months
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You'd heard what everyone in town said about October, about fall, about the Halloween holiday. He came out, it was his favorite time of year, his time to prowl, to take who he wanted. You didn't know exactly what the townspeople meant by "take who he wanted" but your mind certainly wondered. They'd spoken of his wild smile, cuts dug deep into his skin, his skin as white as a ghost, and his hair black as night. All you could think of was him as the month approached.
What if you were what he wanted to 'take'? You felt a chilling fear rise in your chest. You imagined his crazed smile as he did with you as he pleased. Whether that was good or bad you couldn't exactly decide.
As instructed, you locked your windows and doors, making sure the house was completely secure before deciding to head up to the warmth of your bed. You shimmied out of your sweats, letting your long shirt do the covering before snuggling under the blankets.
You found yourself laying wide awake, not able to shake the feeling of someone watching you. It made the hair on your arms stand up and goosebumps prick your skin. After what seemed like hours trying desperately to sleep, you gave up, trudging back downstairs to hopefully fall asleep to a movie. Maybe that would take your mind off things right?
You turned on the TV, the brightness blinding you. As your eyes adjusted you flicked through the movie selection, picking your favorite one and laying back as it began to play.
From outside your sliding glass door he watched. Watched the way you laughed to yourself at the funny parts, jumping when you were scared. Would you jump when you saw him? Scream in fear? Oh how he'd love to hear your delicious screams. Listen to you cry as you begged him to leave you alone. He was slowly growing frustrated at the way your shirt was just barely long enough to cover what it needed to. How he yearned for you to stretch and show him those pretty panties he knew you wore.
He'd been watching you for quite a while after all.
You'd gotten better about closing your blinds, but he was sneaky, and he was quiet. He was surprised you hadn't realized how many of your cutesy panties went missing.
As the movie came to it's peak, he struck. Breaking the lock on your window before sliding in. His blood crusted sneakers hitting the padded carpet as he snuck towards you. As he neared closer he began to wonder what your hair smelled like, how your blood tasted. He didn't think he could kill you like he was supposed to.
You shreaked as he yanked your head back by your hair.
Music to his ears.
"Oh how I've been waitin' ta get my hands on you." He declared through that signature sickening smile.
You felt your heart sink. How did he get in? You swore you locked everything!
"P-Please- Please just let me go! I'll do anything!" You begged, tears springing to your eyes as you clawed at his hands that held tight to your hair.
"Anything huh?" His smile turned into a devious smirk. "No takebacks doll."
He let go of your hair, taking your hands in one of his before using the other to slowly drag your shirt up your ever so beautiful body. He looked at you like a piece of meat to devour. All his.
The way your tears dripped down your cheeks and onto your perky tits had his pants feeling rather tight. He left your shirt just above your exposed chest, taking his knife from his belt. The cool metal sent shivers up your spine as he dragged it slowly up from your core to in-between those perfect tits of yours.
Your voice was barely above a whisper, "please... Please don't hurt me..."
"Oh but hurting you is the best part doll! I can't wait to taste your blood~" He growled as he bit down on your neck hard. Your yelp only made him bite harder, slowly drawing blood. A small moan left your lips as he sucked on the vicious bite he'd just given you. "Oh so you want it more than you're lettin' on!" He snickered, using his knife to cut your panties off you.
Hopping over the couch he was on top of you in no time. His knife pressed to your neck as he brought his slender fingers down to your dripping core.
"Please don't hurt me-" You sobbed for the umpteenth time.
"Shut your pretty mouth or I'll put it to use." He muttered, working his tight skinny jeans off as he rubbed your puffy clit.
No matter how terrified you were, your body betrayed you and your need to be touched. He loved the way that he could get you dripping from simple touches and threats. His lips came back to your neck, continuing to suck and bite enough to draw more blood which he happily lapped up. Your hips squirmed against his fingers as he worked magic on you.
"Oh my pretty thing is getting so worked up just from my fingers! Imagine how you'll be when I wreck you with my cock?" The killer remarked against your neck. He shuffled his way out of his boxers, pressing his hard length against your aching cunt.
No matter how much your brain said no, your body begged for him. He watched as you practically sucked him in, his length disappearing in and out of your tiny hole. His head rolled back at the feeling. It was like you were made for him. Just perfectly tight and beautifully wet.
This was the closest to heaven he'd ever get.
His mouth connected to your erect nipples as his fingers worked your clit and his cock hit all the right places deep inside. You felt your mind clouding over with nothing but lust. The fear subsided and all you could think about was how well he was fucking you, how his cock was just perfect for you, how your orgasm was rapidly approaching.
The killer groaned out as you tightened around him, squeezing him in a way that he knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He felt the way your pussy began to flutter around him, how your moans only got louder and your thighs began to shake as pleasure overcame you. You looked like an angel as you came. If he could've taken a picture he sure would have. He quickly pulled out, giving himself a few pumps before finishing on your stomach.
"Don't you tell anyone you met me. Or I won't be so nice next time I visit." He said as he gave you one final bite on the neck, swiping your panties from you and tucking himself back into his skinny jeans.
"See ya' soon doll!~" He sang as he made his way back out the way he came.
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dazed--xx · 1 month
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Summary: I've spent all of the love I saved. We were always a losing game, Small town Girl(boy) in a big arcade, I got addicted to a losing game. Oh,Oh.All I know, all I know……Loving you is a losing game
Member: Felix x Reader
T/W: Break Ups, arguments crying, heartbreak, ANGST…, swearing, yelling, sad ending, Bet Au!, depressing thoughts, lack of communication, childish behavior, Avoiding S/O, mentions of sex, bullying, denial
Word Count: 2.1K
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A broken heart is all that's left. I'm still fixing all the cracks. Lost a couple of pieces when I carried it, carried it, carried it home….I'm afraid of all I am; My mind feels like a foreign land. Silence ringing inside my head; Please, carry me, carry me, carry me home
The smell of coffee filled the air as you sat quietly in the cafe, waiting for your boyfriend with his friends. You listened as they teased each other back and forth as you pulled out your phone sending a quick text to Felix.
Hey, when are you getting here?
You place your phone on the table as a redheaded girl, whom you believe was your boyfriend’s friend Changbin’s girlfriend. Your eyes widen as she begins to take selfies on your phone as she speaks “You're so quiet, Do you talk at all?” She asks as you reach for your phone. “Y-yeah…can I have my phone back?” you ask nervously, the girl ignores you as you look at her in disbelief. “So…” She trails giving the brunette girl beside her a mischievous smirk “You and Felix have been dating for a while right?”
You nod, “Yeah? Almost a year.” your voice is shy and hesitant. Why is she asking? You thought to yourself. “Is he, you know…..as good as the rumors say?” the brunette girl asks with a glint in her eye you couldn't place. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion “What do you mean??” you ask innocently. The redhead snorts as she looks away from you covering her mouth as the brunette smacks her friend's arm playfully. “Is he like, good in bed?” The brunette asks suggestively, being sure to keep her voice lowered. You shake your head panickedly. “We-Weve never—I never—Im a…” you stammer nervously.
The two girls look at each other and begin to laugh hysterically; clutching each other's hands they continue to laugh and laugh. An overwhelming sense of embarrassment fills your gut. Why are they laughing? Was it embarrassing to still be a virgin at your age? “Felix is so losing this, I don't know why he was so confident” The redhead snickers to her friend. Losing? “Losing what?” you ask innocently. The girls' laughing stops, their eyebrows scrunch together in confusion. “What do you mean?” She asks with a confused pout. You look at her bewildered. “What do you mean? What is Felix going to lose?”
“The bet of course?” The redhead states matter-of-factly. You laugh awkwardly as you scratch the nape of your neck. “What are you talking about? What bet?” your voice is just above a whisper as the brunette girl sighs “Felix made a bet with the guys that he could get you to go out with him and give him your virginity within a year” There was a hint of amusement in her tons as she spoke. You felt your heart shatter in your chest as you felt tears build in your eyes.
“T-That's not funny…”
“Who said I was joking?” The brunette responds harshly “Be in denial about it all you want but, once your delusion clears up you'll actually notice all the signs. Why else would Felix talk to someone like you? Let alone date them?” She crosses her arms over her chest “Don't feel bad about it, just make him lose the bet at one year then he'll dump you and you'll never have to talk to him again….and you can say you dated someone WAY out of your league so,” the redhead chimes coldly. You sat frozen in your seat for a moment as the redhead handed you back your phone. The two girls give you mischievous smirks as you lift yourself from your seat. You feel your phone buzz with a message from Felix.
So clingy😒…Ill be there soon
Your heart sinks into your stomach; not wanting to see him any longer you walk out of the cafe with your phone in one hand and bag in the other. Your mind raced as you rushed out of the door. Everything you thought you had known about your relationship was a lie.
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I've spent all of the love I've saved, We were always a losing game. Small-town girl (boy) in a big arcade I got addicted to a losing game……
It had been three weeks since that painful day in the cafe. Your heart had yet to recover. Felix had reached out a few times, completely and utterly confused by your grand disappearing act. The night you had learned the truth about your relationship with Felix. Puzzle pieces began to come together. You had never understood why Felix had treated you so differently than he did with his friends. While you were falling in love with Felix, he was counting down the days until his little game was over. You felt disgusting and nauseous knowing that not only were you used as a pawn in some sexist game but you weren't even seen as a person with feelings when it came to those who made the bet. The longer Felix pretended to love you the more anger boiled in your gut.
You had fled back home to Gimhae; deciding to take a few weeks to yourself to figure things out. As the time ticked on you felt more and more irritated as you found yourself doing exactly what the two girls who so rudely exposed the truth wanted. Your leg shook in frustration as you felt yourself growing more and more angry.
Angry at those two girls….
Angry at Felix…..
Angry at yourself….
How could you not be? It was obvious like the girls said. Every time you held his hand, he'd allow his to sit loosely in yours. His kisses were always hesitant and seemed forced. His smile never fully reached his eyes when you were alone.
How could you have been so stupid?
Felix stared at his phone with furrowed eyebrows as his friends Jisung and Minho played video games. His leg was shaking as he hoped to see the messages he'd sent you go from delivered to seen. He was so confused when he walked into the cafe 3 weeks ago and you were nowhere to be seen. He'd asked Changbin’s and Hyunjin’s girlfriends of your whereabouts but they shrugged him off explaining you said something came up and then left. He hasn't heard from you since. He knew you were still physically okay from your posts on social media but, he hadn't heard your voice or seen you for weeks.
Felix felt drained, wishing you'd breathe life into him as you once did. He didn't know what caused you to suddenly go AWOL but for some reason, he felt anxious. Why weren't you responding to him? Felix nibbled on his bottom lip in frustration as he lifted himself from the couch, walking into his bedroom he pressed the call button on the top right of the chat. His heart races as he hears the call trying to connect.
One ring… Felix paces around his room nervously as two, three, and four rings go by. He groans as he ends the call losing hope of you answering.
Why weren't you talking to him?
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Do you love me, or love me not? Peeling pieces from my heart And my rose-colored lens is gone Still I carry, I carry, I carry on
When you chose to return home you found yourself feeling lighter. While you've chosen to accept the truth, you also chose not to contact Felix right away. You had spent a little over a month in Gimhae, missing major lessons in your chosen field of study. Opting to prioritize catching up academically; once you arrived back in Seoul you quickly dropped off your bags and made your way to SNU for your 10 am lecture. What you hadn't anticipated was Felix showing up to his lecture for the first time in a while.
You quickly tried to avoid his gaze as you passed him on the quad. Your heart raced as you power-walked toward your building entrance. You were no more than two long strides from freedom when you felt a hand wrap around your wrist. “Y/N…” that familiar deep voice called “Where have you been?” Felix asked confusion lacing his tone. You pull your arm from his grip “I went to see my parents” you state offhandedly looking away from him. “You randomly disappeared for a month, because you wanted to see your parents? Without saying anything to me about it or contacting me during that whole time?” He grits trying to contain his anger.
“Yeah, so?”
Felix scoffs “So?! You're fucking kidding me right?” his eyebrows are scrunched together as he contorts his face into a scowl. His arms cross over his chest; you give him a bored expression. “No? I don't really see the problem” you run your fingers through your hair as you shift on your feet. “Don't act like an oblivious idiot, Y/N. Why wouldn't disappearing on your boyfriend for a month be a problem?” Felix growls and you scoff in return “Don't act like you're really my boyfriend, Lee Yongbok” Your tone is full of venom.
Felix gives you a look of confusion and bewilderment. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?!” He exclaims as he clenches his fists at his sides. You shake your head “Nothing. Forget it.” you grit turning to walk toward the door. Felix holds you in place by your wrist as he steps in front of you. “No, you seem like you have a lot to say all of a sudden. Like you're not wrong for at least answering one of my calls!”
“Stop pretending to give a shit! I know! I know about your disgusting bet! I know about how you need to sleep with me before a year is up! I know that this is a game for you! So just stop!” you snap.
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I don't need your games, game over; Get me off this roller-coaster…..Ooh, ooh…..All I know, all I know…..
Felix felt all the blood drain from his face. His heart stopped as your words rang through his ears. No…No…That can't be true….please, don't let this be true.. Felix thought. His blood ran cold and it felt like someone poured a bucket of cold water over his head. “Y-Y/N, L-Let me explain….” He states, his voice almost inaudible he takes a step toward you. His heart cracks when you take a step back and look away from him. “N-No….Please, you weren't supposed to ever know about this. Please let me explain” He pleads.
You shake your head “Honestly, I don't care about an explanation from you. Nothing you say would matter to me at this point.”
Felix feels his resolve crumble at those words “Y-You don't mean that…” He states in disbelief “Y-you love me…you can't possibly mean that.” you scoff at his words “You really think I'm stupid enough to still love you after finding out the disgusting reason you asked me out in the first place?” Tears fill Felix's eyes as he stares at you with a pleasing expression. “It's not like that….please I-I know you still love me. I can make this right, I-I can fix this….” he caresses your cheek as he stares into your eyes. You look at him in disbelief “You can't ‘fix’ this. It's broken and done with.”
A devastating cry is released from Felix’s throat “Y/N….i-it can't be, please. I-I just need one chance, I love you I'm sorry; I shouldn't—I shouldn't have made the bet…but, it's how we got together s-so, please I-if you can overlook this one mistake…” he looks at you with hopeful eyes and you return his gaze with a glare. Some nerve…you think to yourself. “What? You want to keep playing this fucking game with me? I don't want to ‘overlook this one mistake’ because it's not a fucking mistake. You manipulative, gaslighting fuck. You have your head shoved so far up your own ass you don't hear how stupid you sound. I'm breaking up with you. The game’s over, I won't continue to lose because I love you. I'm done being your fucking puppet.” you growl before you walk around him, bumping into him with your shoulder as you pass him. Opening the door you enter the building heading to your lecture.
Felix stood there, tears streaming down his cheeks as you walked away. His chest clenched tightly as he cried to himself wishing to turn back time and never make that stupid ass bet.
Loving you is a losing game
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Taglist: @yangbbokari @havenwithleeknow
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hopleii · 4 days
should've said no,
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content: dazai x fem!reader, toxic relationship, lovebombing, gaslighting, manipulating, cheating, fighting, swearing, angst no comfort, kinda ooc but kinda not, semi-proofread, trashy writing
a/n: had a mental breakdown abt my ex so i was like 'our whole relationship would be a good story' so yeah!
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you knew, you always knew that dazai had a way with women. he was handsome and charming, he could easily get any girl he wanted with just a few words, and that's how he got you.
a year ago, you went to a formal event with your friends. you were third-wheeling with them and their boyfriends, as expected. taking small sips out of your glass, enjoying the tart and sweet taste of wine, you sat there unaware that you had caught someone's eye.
"what's a pretty girl like you sitting alone here?" a feathery voice from behind you snapped you out of your thoughts, you turned back to see a brunette man with a handsome face, no, handsome was an understatement. he was gorgeous.
"my, my...you are indeed pretty," he says in a gentle voice as if you'd float away if he wasn't careful. you got a bit shy and looked away, averting your gaze to cover up the flustered look on your face. "hey...look at me." the man whined,
those were the exact same words he said that pulled you back to reality, stopping your sweet moment of reminiscing on the first time you both met, at a party, where you both danced the night away.
and now you barely even hold each other anymore, "y/n...look at me!" he yells as he grabs your chin to face him, "listen to me! god, what is going on with you?" he yells again.
oh...right. the two of you were in the middle of an argument, it all started off with a backhanded comment, now both of you are fighting in the middle of the night. "what's going on with me? what's going on with you!?" you yell back, "you've been staying out late and you don't even tell me why! don't you know how worried i get?"
"how many times do we need to talk about this...I'm out working okay!? I just got home and you're already yelling at me...give me a break, I've had a long day..." he groans as he adjusts the collar of his blouse, a habit he does when things get too heated. but as he adjusts his collar, something caught your eye, something red.
"what is that?" you asked, dazai's face went pale when he hears your question because he knew exactly what you were talking about, "what's what?" he replied, his tone becoming calmer and quieter to avoid suspicions
"that." you said as you walked over to him and pulled down his collar, lipstick marks.
you let go of his collar as you let out a quivering gasp, tears forming in your eyes. "b-baby...it's not what it looks like, okay!?" dazai gently grabs your shoulders before pulling you into a hug, trying to comfort you and stop you from crying, but instead, it only fueled your anger even more because you got to smell the cheap, floral perfume on him.
"it was for a case at the agency okay? i...i had to get information from someone a-and.." he paused, losing the words he was about to say when he saw your face stained with tears as you looked at him with disgust and betrayal. "baby...just trust me, okay? it was for a mission...nothing more, okay? you're the only one i love." he says as he tightened the hug, making soothing motions on your back to try and comfort you, to earn your trust again.
"believe me..please? I'm sorry I didn't tell you...forgive me please? forgive me if you love me, baby...you trust me, right? because you love me?" dazai shaked your shoulders gently, looking at you with pleading eyes, urging you to believe him.
but you were always an understanding girl, weren't you? you always gave people second chances. and that might've been the worst mistake you made.
"y/n..say something!" he shakes you again, "I..I believe you." you say with hesitation, to be honest, you didn't. but he loved you, right? just like he said in that party a year ago...he loved you.
"r-really? I'm glad...you're not mad at me, right? you don't hate me?" he sighed, relief washing over him. his words made him seem so genuine, his face looked so innocent but there was still a part of you that didn't believe him at all. "fuck...you hate me, don't you?"
you get nervous at his words, your heart ached as he said that, "n-no! no, I believe you...I promise. nothing you do could ever make me hate you.."
dazai smiled softly and kissed you on the forehead, his mood shifting as if none of this happened.
months went by after this incident, he still came home late, some nights he didn't even come home. everytime you tried to talk to him about it, he'd get defensive and start yelling at you, calling you stupid to think that he was anywhere else but work, defending himself when all you did was ask him "where have you been?"
your friends warned you, your parents told you, your colleagues tried to talk to you but dazai had messed up your head so much that you were blinded by a false sense of love,
"so you'd rather listen to your friends than your own boyfriend!? why won't you trust me? y/n...come on, trust me!"
dazai's words echoed in your mind, you wanted to believe him. you wanted to trust that the man you loved wouldn't betray you, that there was a valid reason. his late nights turned into weekends away, excuses grew flimsier, and the distance between you widened with each passing day. yet, every time you tried to confront him, he would turn the tables, making you feel guilty for doubting him, for questioning his loyalty.
your friends' warnings fell on deaf ears, drowned out by dazai's promises of love and devotion. you clung to the hope that things would get better, that the man you fell for would return to you.
as the months passed, the weight of your doubts grew heavier, suffocating you with each passing day. you tried to bury them beneath layers of false assurances and forced smiles, but they refused to stay hidden for long.
the click of the door jolted you from your thoughts, but the sight of dazai didn't bring the relief you craved. his expression was unreadable, his eyes avoiding yours as he shuffled into the room.
"hey, i'm home," he mumbled, his voice barely audible above the silence that hung between you.
you opened your mouth to speak, to confront him, but the words caught in your throat. instead, you watched in silence as he moved past you, his presence heavy with unspoken truths.
"we need to talk," you finally managed to whisper, your voice trembling with emotion.
dazai's gaze flickered with guilt, and he nodded wordlessly, the weight of your words settling on his shoulders. you took a shaky breath, preparing yourself for the conversation that would shatter everything you thought you knew.
"hmm? okay..." he hummed as he sat down in front of you, "what did you wanna talk about, pretty? oh, before that, i got you a gift! do you like it?" he says as he presented you a big box of chocolates that would probably take you weeks to finish. he was always like this, wasn't he? showering you with love and gifts, burying you with compliments every time he knows you're about to slip away to make sure you shut up and forget about the messed up things he did.
"it's not about the chocolates, dazai," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
he frowned, confusion flickering across his features before he plastered on a charming smile. "of course, my love. what's on your mind? you know you can tell me anything," he said, his voice oozing with faux sincerity.
you took a deep breath, gathering the courage to lay bare the truth. "i know about the other women, dazai," you said, your voice trembling with suppressed emotion. "i know about the lies, where you've been going all these nights. i can't do this anymore."
for a moment, there was silence, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air. and then, with a scoff, he leaned back in his chair, his smile slipping into a sneer.
"oh, is that what this is about?" he said, his tone dripping with condescension. "you really think you can just walk away from me? after everything I've done for you?"
"i deserve better than this, dazai," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the roaring storm of emotions inside you.
but he just laughed, a cold, mocking sound that sent shivers down your spine. "deserve better? you think anyone else would put up with you?" he spat, his eyes ablaze with contempt. "you're lucky to have me, y/n."
with a heavy heart, you rose from your seat, the weight of his words like chains around your ankles. you wanted to scream, to lash out at him for the pain he had inflicted, but you knew it would only fuel his cruel satisfaction.
instead, you turned away, your resolve hardening with each step you took toward the door. his laughter followed you, a haunting echo reverberated in the empty space between you.
"you'll be back," he called after you, his voice laced with venom. "you always come back."
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© — hopleii
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the-au-thor · 2 months
Must've been the Wind | Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
based on Alec Benjamin's original song 《Must've been the Wind》
Synopsis: You. Spencer. A strange noise and Spencer's inquisitive nature will lead both to the obligation to cross the boundaries that fear and shyness have forced you to draw.
Word Count: 1k.
TW: Read this please! We're gonna explore some sensitive topics.
〔Part 1〕〔Part 2〕
The days passed quickly after that, especially since the case had been tough. When he returned after those days of work, it was another stormy, windy, and icy day in Virginia.
He had decided to occupy his time by doing what he had been procrastinating for a while: organizing his library and, well, the entire apartment.
It was in the midst of the bustling cleaning work when he heard shouts from your apartment. At first, he tried to ignore it. It could be anything, right? Plus, you didn't seem to have been very comfortable with him the last time you talked, for some strange reason. It wasn't until he heard a too loud thud coming from the same place that he decided to set aside the bleach bottle and rubber gloves to leave the apartment and go upstairs with a knot of worry in his stomach.
He knew he shouldn't be interested in other people's affairs, but the problem is that there were certain things he couldn't ignore, and those were the signs. The crying, the arguing, and your clear and evasive response were signs that something was wrong.
When he climbed the stairs and went to knock on the door, almost as if by a vision, you opened it. Just enough for there to be space to see you. Your eyes were teary again, and your lips swollen. Your slightly reddened nose accusingly shone; you had been crying.
"Hey, I know I might sound pushy, but I heard loud noises again, and I just wanted to know if you're okay," he said.
You nervously bit your lips, and Spencer saw your eyes filling with tears that you refused to shed.
"Yeah, I know, but listen," you pointed to the ceiling, "it's raining heavily again, maybe...” You paused, nervously swaying and clutching your vest tightly around your body, as if protecting yourself from something. “…maybe there's a leak in the attic of the building and the wind is blowing through there. I'll talk to Larry, and he'll send a technician to check it out."
The sleeve of your vest slid down, revealing your reddened wrist.
Spencer frowned with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked alarmed.
You quickly lowered your eyes to your wrist and covered it up. You disguised your distress with a smile and denied, pretending to be unconcerned. "Yeah, it's just a bruise I got while working out at this gym I'm going to. Someone is clumsy lifting weights," you laughed, "it's nothing," you reassured him, "it'll heal."
Spencer didn't believe a word you said.
"Okay," he finally nodded, "I'm sorry to be a broken record, but when I said you could call me for anything you need, I meant it."
You smiled without showing your teeth and then looked over your shoulder. "I know, thank you," you looked back at him, "Now I have to go back inside, but thanks again for caring. I guess it's part of the job."
It wasn't just that, but it was part of who he was. But he chose to nod and bid you farewell. He returned to his apartment equally or more worried and uneasy.
He decided to find a way to show you that you could trust him. A creative way that only you would understand.
"I think my neighbor is suffering PTSD and is being abused," he announced one day at work while sharing coffee with his friends from the BAU.
J.J stopped just before taking a sip from her cup and looked at him for a few seconds, trying to understand Spencer's concern.
"Have you tried offering her help?" Spencer nodded. "And what did she say?"
He pressed his lips into a thin line and then clicked his tongue. "She doesn't trust me. I've heard her cry, and I've seen bruises on her arms when I go to make sure she's okay..."
"Wait, son, have you gone to her apartment to see if she's okay?" Spencer nodded slowly before seeing Derek curl his lips into a wolfish smile. "Charmy."
Spencer frowned and turned to Emily and J.J.
"What do you think?"
Emily, taking Spencer's dilemma seriously, took a sip of her coffee and adopted a seriousness befitting an agent with her reputation.
"It's okay; you've tried the direct method, and clearly it's not working. She's scared and probably very ashamed if someone is really abusing her. Does she have a boyfriend?"
"Ex-boyfriend," Spencer clarified. "My neighbor, Mrs. Phillips, says he sometimes comes to visit."
J.J pursed her lips as if she genuinely regretted what she heard.
"The cycle of violence."
"If he's her ex, it's a step; a woman leaving her abuser is a very vulnerable person, and if you say he comes back occasionally, we're talking about a charismatic and very manipulative person," Derek raised his eyebrow and chuckled half-heartedly.
"Maybe you could try something more subtle; smile at her and ask her how she's doing," Emily added. "Actions speak louder than words; if you've already gone to check on her, you're already proving that she can trust you."
"I'd tell you to send her a letter; but you might confuse her if she's vulnerable," Rossi intervened for the first time. "And I guess you don't want to hit on her yet..."
"I-I n-never. Uh-I don't want that, I-I'm just worried,"
"Sure," Emily murmured just as she drank coffee.
"Of course," J.J spoke. "Use what you know to gain her trust; remember that sometimes even the details help us feel safe with someone."
Sensory Stimulation, he had thought; something she would hear and relate to calmness and safety.
So he decided to go to the record store and went straight to the counter.
Randall, the guy behind the counter, looked at him through his thick red-framed glasses with a tired expression and sighed.
"For the tenth time this month; no, your order hasn't arrived yet," he said impatiently. "Stop being a cliché for your own nerd class and put your compulsive obsession and your weird fetish for Beethoven somewhere deep in your mind where I can't see it anymore," he requested.
"That song that goes 'When you're in trouble or somethinglikethat, I'll be your friend.... etcetera, etcetera, I'll help you carry on.'"
He frowned. "You mean Bill Withers?"
Spencer frowned.
"I don't know who that is, does he sing that song?"
The man in front of him looked almost offended.
"You say it as if we were talking about the composers of Sesame Street."
Spencer pursed his thoughtful lips.
"Is that an indie band?"
The man grunted, staring at him as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him.
"Look Spencer, I've learned to put up with you because you're a customer, and because no matter how much I could kick you out of here, you being an agent is still intimidating, but I have much better things to do than stand here listening to you terribly offend all of pop culture history..."
"...And good musicians and bad musicians, and damn it, even me. We're not friends, but I've been serving you for years, I thought there was a buyer-provider relationship here"
Spencer pointed at him.
"You call me a nerd at every opportunity. That's not respect, Randall, it's condescension. Now, what about the song?"
"Well, but you have to tell me why you suddenly have an interest in musicians who have been dead for less than a century."
"With all due respect, but it's not your business," Spencer replied softly to avoid sounding rude.
"You came to my store for advice; it's completely my business."
Spencer grunted.
"I came to your store for a record, not for advice."
"Do you know what record you're looking for?"
"No," he gritted his teeth.
The man smiled, clasping his hands on his counter.
"Then you're looking for advice. Now tell me why you're looking for the record of a musician you don't really know."
Spencer looked at him for a few seconds. He could easily leave and go to another store. But first, he already knew Randall well enough, and he didn't have the personality to go to another store and hum a song he barely knew without feeling embarrassed. Plus, one of the reasons he chose that store was that Randall could be sometimes rude and unpleasant, but he didn't play those horrible top 40 songs or allow dirt in the store, nor was he a scammer like in other places.
"There's a girl..." he began to explain and heard Randall's amused laughter.
"You're not going to impress her with that Bill song."
"See, this is more important than impressing her..."
He shrugged.
"You definitely want to impress her, you're not gay," he wrinkled his nose, "trust me," he laughed, "I would know."
Spencer rolled his eyes, losing his temper.
"Can you give me the damn name of the record?" he muttered under his breath, "Normally our conversations don't go beyond two or three sentences, and I'm already getting angry."
Randall gave him a huge smile.
"It's just that you've just started to seem interesting to me."
Spencer grunted again, and he sighed. "Bill Withers, the album Still Bill," he finally said before Spencer went in search of the record.
When he returned home, he turned on the record player and made sure the music was loud enough for her to hear it.
He played the same record daily whenever he was in the apartment.
He didn't hear from you until two weeks later. When he crossed paths with you at the entrance of the building. You were digging around the rose bushes so that the water could reach the roots more easily, and he was coming from another tiring case involving teenagers and a rather elusive serial killer. You surely noticed the exhaustion on his face when you greeted him, and he could barely return the greeting.
When he entered the apartment, he sank into his sofa and contemplated the idea of sleeping pills, but instead, he opened the first book that was at hand and started reading it. He was in the middle of his reading when timid knocks sounded on his door. Somewhat surprised, he walked to the door and opened it to find your face on the other side. You were wearing a long earth-colored wool dress and military boots with a thick heel. In both hands, you held a tray with steaming cookies, the same ones you had given him on your first day in the building.
He looked up from the cookies to you with a curious look. You looked at him, and then into the apartment, seeming to be attentive to the music coming from the record player.
"You..." you cleared your throat nervously, "...I saw you were feeling a bit down, and I..." you handed him the tray with cookies, and when Spencer held it in his hands, you nervously scratched your neck, "I made cookies and thought maybe they could cheer you up," you shrugged.
"This is very nice, thank you. I like your cookies," he admitted, and you smiled at him shyly.
"I'm glad, I really don't know if you're really a person who likes sweet things, I hope you enjoy them," you paused for a few seconds and nodded, "I hope you feel better, I won't interrupt you anymore."
"Hey, can I make some coffee? Do you want to come in?" he offered.
You nervously toyed with your hands and shook your head. "I shouldn't."
Spencer then smiled kindly. "No problem, really, I wasn't doing anything productive. I was too distracted to pay attention to anything."
You finally relented somewhat insecurely. "Okay, but just for a moment, actually," you paused after putting one foot inside the apartment, "I also came to thank you for your concern, I know... you're good and honest, and those are things we take for granted but are unusual."
Spencer decided to take the compliment with humility and nodded with a small smile. "It's just the least I can do, come on in," he invited you to the kitchen, where he left the tray on one of the countertops and began to set up the Italian coffee maker on the stove.
You looked around somewhat uncomfortably; it must have been strange for you to enter his apartment, after all, you had spoken little to nothing; you really didn't know each other. And for that same reason, it had also been very strange for him to invite you.
"That's... very good music," you nodded approvingly as you listened to the song, "You play it quite often, I always hear it from my apartment."
He half-smiled, satisfied that his plan had worked. At least, you had noticed.
"I'm more of a classical music fan, but I think Bill Withers is a good singer-songwriter, plus the song Lean On Me..." he shrugged, acting naturally as he listened to the water boiling inside the pot.
You nodded in understanding. "It's really good. Music is a good stimulus; I work in the oncology wing of the hospital, usually with children," you commented, leaning against the entrance to the kitchen, "When they're undergoing treatment, I usually play music for them, and they respond better to treatments in a positive environment."
"Music creates peaks of emotions that increase dopamine," he explained, "So if you play happy music, the brain processes that emotion even when they're only at a subconscious level," he added.
You nodded with a half-smile, letting Spencer give that explanation even when you already knew it.
"And dopamine helps control pleasure in the brain," you commented, then furrowed your brow, "What do you really do in the FBI?"
He watched you for a moment before starting to fill two cups with the steaming and fragrant coffee.
"If I talk about my job, will I make you uncomfortable? I noticed something happened when Mrs. Phillips mentioned it."
You seemed troubled, and you put a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"No, it's just that people with guns unsettle me more than give me a sense of security," you tried to explain, "No matter if you're one of the good guys or the bad guys, a man with a gun is a man with a gun."
He furrowed his brow. "Well, it's true, that's why to do my job, there are strict psychological tests," he explained, "Besides, I've only used my gun when strictly necessary."
You looked somewhat distressed at the idea.
"I've seen men in uniform carrying guns who don't deserve them, that's all," you replied simply.
"I have a friend; she works at the FBI as our tech. She would understand what you're feeling," Spencer nodded. "I've never been fond of guns, but there were a couple of times I had to use them, and that meant a lot of pain for her."
You furrowed your brow, accepting the coffee cup Spencer offered.
"Why did she have to use them? She was a tech."
Spencer smiled, pleased that you were paying attention.
"Well, you see, we work for a department of the FBI called the BAU, Behavioral Analysis Unit, we profile difficult-to-find or dangerous criminals and their victims to find them."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. "Wow, wait, you're basically detectives, that's... super dangerous but intriguing."
Spencer invited you to sit on the couch, and to his surprise, you settled in to listen. You placed the cookie tray on the coffee table and took one out.
"Something like that, and Penelope, that friend I mentioned, is really sensitive, if you saw her, you wouldn't understand how she worked in the midst of so many crimes. One day I was shot when we were out of town, and the local police were very corrupt, and we had found out. That's when a nurse tried to administer me carbenicillin, and I'm allergic," he explained.
You put your hand on your chest with empathy.
"Oh no. Poor thing, I really wouldn't know what to do with a gun in my hand."
"With the mitigating circumstances, I'm sure you would know what to do," he said.
You nodded, seeming to reflect on it. You drank the rest of your coffee in silence and looked at him attentively. You were so pretty, Spencer thought. And it gave him immense sadness and anger to know that someone was making you suffer.
He saw a lock of your hair fall onto your forehead, and he reached out to tuck it behind your ear without really thinking about it. Before his fingers touched your hair, you jumped in surprise, looking at him in fear, covering yourself with your forearms.
Spencer stood still, and you immediately looked remorseful for overreacting in that way. You left the coffee cup on the table and stood up, rubbing your hands on your skirt nervously. Spencer got up in the same way, calling your name softly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done anything."
"It's not your fault, it's mine, I... I think I should go home now, thanks for the coffee, and you can return the tray whenever you want, no rush," you babbled, avoiding eye contact and starting to walk towards the door.
Spencer approached you with his hands raised so you wouldn't feel threatened. With sadness in your eyes, you stopped with your hand on the doorknob without making eye contact.
"Wait, wait," he asked softly, "I'm sorry if I crossed a line, I usually don't," he explained, "I'll put my hands on your shoulders," he warned, and then slowly placed his hands in that spot, feeling you tremble under his palms, "I know something is wrong," he said, eliciting a whimper of sadness from you, "but I know you won't talk about it with me, you don't know me," he shrugged, "So for now, it will be the wind that makes the noise," he nodded, "until you decide to trust me enough for it to stop being like that, okay?"
With teary eyes, you silently nodded. For a moment, it seemed like you wanted to hug him, but instead, you hugged yourself with a sad smile.
"Thank you, Spencer."
"I know we're not friends, but you can lean on me if you need to, okay? If you want to talk or just exist, you can do it here with me."
You nodded silently and slowly walked away from him, but you didn't seem scared anymore, and that was enough for Spencer to see you leave calmly.
That afternoon he played Bill's record again.
After that brief but hopeful encounter, Spencer didn't hear any noises again, no crying or slamming doors. Not until two weeks later. It was on a gray afternoon, while Spencer was enjoying a hot chocolate and a good read, that he felt that procession of infernal noise again. He heard a murmured argument, like being underwater, a slam of doors, and the crying. Spencer wanted to run there, he wanted to go where you were and cradle you, save you. Whatever you needed. He was truly willing to give it. But he couldn't push you: if something was happening, you had to be the one to open up and seek help. Spencer had seen too many similar cases to know that you were the one who needed to want to get out of this situation; otherwise, if he forced you, it would only be a matter of time before you fell back into that cyclical pattern again.
After a couple of minutes trying to calm his concern, Spencer felt soft knuckles tapping on his door. He got up somewhat puzzled; he rarely expected visitors, and when he opened the door, there you were.
You had a red nose, a giant sweater wrapped around you, and those leggings you seemed to always wear when you were at home. As soon as your slightly swollen eyes met his, you nervously rubbed your nose.
Spencer frowned. This time you weren't trying to hide that you'd been crying, yet he didn't know what to say.
"Hey...a-are you...? Are you okay?"
You put your hands on your hips, trying to compose yourself, and then nodded. You let out a nervous laugh.
"It's the wind again; I don't think I can stand another second in the apartment. Y-you...was your invitation serious?" you asked shyly.
That broke Spencer's heart: you still didn't want to talk about it, but at least this was progress. Spencer opened the door fully and invited you in.
"Do you want some hot chocolate?" he asked when he saw you standing in the middle of the living room looking like a lost puppy.
That seemed to cheer you up, and you nodded with a smile.
"Yeah, please."
"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked from the kitchen while you timidly approached Spencer's bookshelf to browse.
"That's fine; I brought my iPad because I'm studying a new case of Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia that has come to the hospital and we'll start treating it this Monday."
"Ouch; that sounds complex," Spencer walked over to you with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. You thanked him with a smile.
"It is, but it's in the early stages, which gives a lot of hope," you murmured, looking around until you noticed the small sofa by the window. "Do you mind if I sit there? I promise not to be a bother."
Spencer wrinkled his nose.
"You're not a bother; sit wherever you want."
In silence and somewhat nervously, you approached the couch and nestled among the cushions, unlocking your iPad while sipping your chocolate and putting on some reading glasses that somehow made you look innocent and fragile.
Spencer watched your nose hold the curve of your glasses as you paid absolute attention to your reading. He observed your body language: your shoulders were slightly slumped, your legs folded relaxedly; you trusted him. You knew you weren't in danger. And you were so pretty; you were always pretty; in your dresses, in your sportswear, in your uniform, and in your leggings. You were pretty even with the red nose and dry tears on your skin, although he hated seeing you like this.
His name on your lips snapped him out of his fascination.
"Uh, yeah?" he asked.
"Can you play the song?"
He didn't have to ask which one; Spencer already knew.
As suddenly as he knew, like a slap in the face, he liked you, a lot.
"Hey," you smiled at Spencer as both of you retrieved mail from your mailboxes in a comfortable silence. Both of you smiled, and there was a slight tension as if you had something to say but neither of you dared to speak yet.
"Hey," you finally turned to him, leaning against the wall to look at him. "I don't have to work today, but it's Ollie's last day at the hospital; the rest of the nurses and I wanted to throw him a farewell party with the other kids. Do you want to come help me with the decorations?"
Spencer smiled back at you; you had rosy cheeks, and it seemed like it had cost you a lot to ask for his help even though after months of starting to spend a little more time together. That day when you came crying to his apartment wasn't the only time; after that, it happened a couple more times, but you had never really talked about it. It was happening less and less, and Spencer had mixed feelings about it. He knew you were getting better, and apparently, your ex-boyfriend no longer visited you, and you didn't give him the opportunity to hurt you. But he also missed your presence in the apartment; your crocs hanging off the tip of your foot unconsciously while keeping your eyes on your iPad screen. Spencer had noticed that when you entered his apartment, it was filled with a soft scent of green apples that lingered for a long time even after you left. You brought cookies, and sometimes you talked about your jobs. Spencer had seen a more relaxed disposition in you when you talked about violence at the FBI and the cases that sometimes affected Spencer. He had built a friendship with the tormented girl from the upstairs apartment.
"Ollie is leaving the hospital already? Wow," Spencer smiled enthusiastically; he didn't know the little boy, but you had told him about him.
You had talked a lot about him.
He decided to accompany you that afternoon and get to know you a little more; you weren't just the neighbor in dresses who seemed to work with kids, love plants, and puppies. Spencer noticed other peculiarities; you were shy around adults and totally extroverted with kids. You really liked cake; you had eaten three servings and seemed to share the same love for sweets as Spencer. Suddenly, intrusive thoughts started attacking Spencer. What would happen when you found out the truth about him? That he was a former addict and had been briefly in jail for a crime he didn't commit but where he was forced to do things he never would have imagined to survive? He couldn't imagine you running away from the scene after telling you; it was too painful.
You had also discovered things about Spencer. And much of what you were discovering terrified you. Because that meant he wasn't like anyone you had ever met before; you couldn't anticipate any of his moves. You are always surprised by his warm conversation and social awkwardness. With his sense of morality and justice. You trusted him, which would be great, but the problem is that you didn't even trust yourself.
The last time you had trusted your judgment to judge someone, you had suffered too much.
But you couldn't walk away, especially when Spencer showed strength for you and on evenings like this: vulnerability.
Something had happened to him on the way from the hospital to the apartments. He was quiet, and although he tried to make conversation, he couldn't help but have moments of silence where he looked too introspective with a slightly worried frown. When you said goodbye to him before going up to the next floor where you lived, you asked him once more if something had happened. He only replied that he was tired. You weren't going to pressure him; he didn't do it to you.
So when you entered your lonely apartment, you turned on the kettle and opened the window of your living room wide, which was right above Spencer's, and felt the warm breeze of an impending rain. You leaned just a little to see him opening his window. You leaned out just a bit to see him looking out onto the street just like you, and you began tapping rhythmically on the wood of the window.
"Lean on me," you started singing. "When you're not strong. And I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on. For it won't be long, till I’m gonna need …"
"Somebody to lean on," Spencer's whisper was barely audible, making you smile sadly.
"I know it's not the fancy vinyl you always play but...I don't have one, and my phone died," you heard his chuckle, and then a realization hit you like a punch in the face.
You realized that you couldn't expect Spencer to trust you without taking a leap of faith yourself.
Spencer heard a small murmur and saw the tip of your shoes hanging just above his window. Worried, he leaned out to see you sitting on the frame of your window, just getting comfortable with a cup of tea in your hands, looking at the sky. He remained expectant, not knowing what to do: it was a somewhat strange situation, but you didn't seem to want to jump anytime soon.
They stayed like that for a while.
And then you decided to break the silence.
"I had-have," you clarified. "An ex-boyfriend. He was my first boyfriend; the guy I moved out of my parents' house with, you know? He was a big deal," you added, pausing for a moment. "He's a cop. And you know? It's funny, cops swear they'll protect the nation, and my ex did. And I was so proud of him," you remembered, feeling the first tear fall down your cheek. "He isolated me; he told me how suffocating my family was, how narcissistic my best friend was. He even went as far as to make me change my gynecologist to one of his choosing."
Spencer was speechless; he knew how that story went. He had heard it so many times with different protagonists, yet he felt an immense urge to know how yours continued.
"I stopped talking to my parents and pushed away my friends. Then that wasn't enough anymore; he accused me of cheating, said I spent too much time at work and was neglecting him. His ex-girlfriend wasn't like that; neither was his mother. He said, 'if you were better, maybe I'd stop looking at asses on the internet,'" you laughed without humor, wiping your tears. "Can you believe it? Now I can't, but at that time...damn...at that time, I thought I could change him. That deep down he was a good person, and who the hell would I have if I left him? No one; he had made sure of that," you murmured, trying to hold back your tears for a few more seconds. "One day, that wasn't enough anymore; that's when the shoves started. If we went out, he used to squeeze my wrist with his fingers until it left marks. And over time he got bolder; he would hit me with doors or try to choke me every time we argued. My breaking point was one night when I came home later from a shift, and he was...oh God, he was so angry. He put his gun right to my temple and asked me to give him three reasons not to do it because he had thousands to do it. When I begged and cried on my knees, he pulled the trigger just to show me the gun was never loaded. He called me a useless bitch and said if I told anyone about it, no one would believe me; he got promoted to detective after that," you finished the story out loud for the first time: told to someone else. And you had never felt so free and yet so empty.
"Sometimes he comes; he used to come all the time until a few months ago. It usually started sweet and then turned violent. I let him in because I didn't want him to escalate further or endanger any neighbor. I-I just wanted peace," you closed your eyes trying to explain yourself, but even then, everything you had allowed was unjustifiable to you. "It's been over a year since we broke up, and I'm still trying to repair my relationship with my parents. I don't have the face to apologize to my friends because I'd have to explain and Th-that. Oh, Spencer," you touched your chest needing air. "That's impossible."
You felt Spencer move in his apartment and a couple of doors closing. Panic shot through your back; he had left. He had left you alone. Or so it was until you felt the doorbell ring and hurried to get to it, looking through the peephole. When you opened it, there was Spencer, ready for you to throw yourself at him, giving him a hug and letting go of the tears you had accumulated with shame for over a year.
"I'm sorry, Spencer."
"Tss," his nose was pressed against your neck, and his hands massaged your back affectionately. "It's okay, cry."
"I-it wasn't the wind," you sobbed. "I-it never was."
He felt you nod.
"I know. Don't worry; you're safe," he promised.
And you believed him, truly did.
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mooniania · 10 months
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Hardly Ever Smile (Without you) PT2
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SYNOPSIS - You are typically the quiet girl that no one talks to and who has a hard time showcasing any emotion, so what happens when a very good-looking guy starts to pay attention to you?
PAIRING - soobin x fem!reader
GENRE - angst, fluff, friends to strangers? to lovers!
WARNINGS - mentions of cheating, cussing, mentions of kissing (if i missed any more let me know!)
WORD COUNT - 6,428
part 1 if you haven’t read it yet! -> Hardly Ever Smile (Without You)
a/n - i’m so sorry this took forever to get out it’s been months i apologize and i hope the word count makes up for it! If you enjoyed please like and reblog it’s appreciated.
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You were such a fool to think Soobin would like someone like you.
But whatever, that was over now, and that was past you. You didn’t want to stay upset about Soobin; he wasn’t yours to begin with. But you couldn’t be friends with him anymore. It wouldn’t be fair to his girlfriend if he had a friend who was a girl who had a crush on him. You didn’t have any clue what to do. Ignoring him at school would be awfully impossible, so truly, your only option was to just stay friends with him, distance yourself from him, and then you would be able to say that you guys had fallen out naturally.
After the plan was over and you weren’t friends with Soobin, you weren’t quite sure what you would do with yourself. Would you just go back to being regular old you, or, most importantly, would you ever be able to find someone who made you as happy as him?
That was a question for after the plan.
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You entered your first class of the day and took a seat in your spot. This class happened to be history, the only class you had with Soobin. Since you and Soobin only had one class together, he usually walked you to your other classes, and then during lunch, y’all would part ways, he had lunch with his group of friends.
and you, well, you had no one.
It was sad, but it was the truth. It was your fault, though; you never let yourself get close to anyone, and Soobin was now a reminder of why you never got close to anyone.
As you were patiently waiting for class to start, you put music in your headphones and listened to it until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You instantly knew who it was. You looked to your side to find Soobin with a huge smile on his face. "Y/N, guess what?" he said excitedly while bouncing his leg really fast. What?" Your cold response seemed to make his excitement go down, and you can see the shift as he frowned. "Are you okay?" he asked, and before you could respond, he started to talk again. "Actually, this reminds me, why didn’t you show up for our study session?" You wished he would’ve just not brought it up, and as you remembered what you had witnessed that night, you felt your eyes watering. "Oh, um, I caught a cold," you responded, looking down to fidget with your fingers. "Then why didn’t you respond to my message?"
Why does he have to ask so many fucking questions? "I fell asleep, sorry, just continue with what you were going to tell me," you say, looking back up at him and giving him a small smile while continuing, "you seemed very excited to tell me.” “Oh right, well, I've been meaning to tell you this because it’s been about 2 months, but we decided to keep it a secret until now," he says, shyly blush, covering his cheeks, and you feel your heart drop. You knew exactly where this was going. "I have a girlfriend; you know Moon Haeun, right?" How could you not know? She was the most beautiful girl in the school, and what makes it even worse is that she is the sweetest girl ever; she's a sunshine, she’s outgoing, she's popular, and she is also the complete opposite of you.
"Oh, congrats, you say in an unenthusiastic tone, your voice slightly trembling. You quickly face the front of the class, hoping that class will start soon while trying to hold back your tears. "Y/N, I thought you would be happier for me." You look back at Soobin, and you can see how disappointed he was, and you can’t help but feel like a monster. "I am, but you know I can’t express my emotions well." You felt anxious. You were bouncing your leg up and down. Your tears were extremely obvious by this point, and all you wanted was for the teacher to finally show up and start class. "I’ve seen you be happy before when we were at the amusement park. You were smiling and having fun. So why can’t you showcase happiness for me right now?"
because I'm so in love with you that it physically hurts.
That's what you wanted to say, but you didn't, and to your luck, your teacher had finally arrived. Every student stood up and bowed to the teacher before taking a seat again. You looked over at Soobin, and he quickly looked away from you, shaking his head in disappointment. You could tell he was upset at the fact that you never gave him a response.
Your plan was never to end things on bad terms with Soobin, so during class you were planning on talking to him while he walked you to your class and just telling him that you still felt off from the cold.
That's what you wanted to tell him, but you didn't have the chance. When class ended, he walked out almost immediately; he usually waited for you. When you finally walked out of the classroom, you saw him with Haeun, who was leaning on the lockers. Both were giggling and having fun while you felt your world crashing down. You weren’t the one for him, and you never were. Seeing how cheerful she made him after you made him gloomy proved exactly that.
School today was so different than usual. You were so used to Soobin walking you to your classes, and now you had no one. The only thing that would be normal today was lunch. During lunch, you went and sat on a very old bench outside of school. It was comforting for you. You got fresh air, and you didn’t have to worry about anything. Today would be exactly the same, or so you thought until you saw a girl you had never seen before sitting on one side of the bench. Normally no one ever sits there because of how the bench looks, but she did. You decided to take a seat next to her and mind your own business.
"Oh hi," she said, bowing her head at you. She was extremely beautiful. She had plum lips and beautiful wavy brown hair. You bowed your head back at her and continued to unwrap a sandwich you had made for lunch. As you were about to take a bite of your sandwich, you heard her speak again. "I'm sorry if I’m bothering you, but I’m new and I was wondering if you could help me get to my classes," she says, leaning a piece of paper towards you that has her schedule on it.
You put down your sandwich and wiped your hands with a napkin before touching the edge of the paper and tugging, indicating to her that you wanted to grab it to look closer at her schedule. She lets go of her schedule, and you both fall into silence while you look at her schedule.
You finally speak again and break the extremely awkward silence by saying, "I can help you. We have most classes together," you say while handing her schedule back. "Thank you so much. My name is Yunjin. Huh Yunjin." She bows her head at you again. "No problem," you reply, grabbing your sandwich so you can take a bite. "May I get your name?" she asks. "My name? Why do you want to know my name?" You didn’t intend for it to come out sounding impolite, but it did. “Sorry, I was just hoping you would like to become friends with me." She looks down at her fingers, embarrassed at her attempt to make friends. “Y/n," you say. "My name is Y/n. We can be friends if you want, but just so you know, I don't have any other friends. I- I’m not very good at being friends with people." She looks back up at you with a smile on her face.
“I can teach you how to be friends with people. We can be the best of friends if you let me. I pinky promise." She said she was raising her pinky and waiting for you to raise yours as well. You said you wouldn’t let anyone into your life again, but maybe this could be different. She was different. “Alright," you said, raising your pinky next to hers, and you felt Yunjin tighten both of your pinkies together. You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, and she couldn’t help but also let out a giggle while letting go of your pinky. You look down at the sandwich that is in your lunchbox and then notice Yunjin has nothing to eat.
“Yunjin, do you? Would you like half of my sandwich?" you ask, splitting your sandwich in half and signaling for her to take one half with your hand. "But wouldn’t you be hungry?" she asks before hesitantly grabbing one half of the sandwich out of your hand. "Oh no, it’s okay; I usually never finish my sandwich either way." Complete lie, but you couldn’t help but feel a soft spot for Yunjin; she was probably one of the only people besides Soobin who was not afraid to approach you and talk to you.
You and Yunjin ate in comfortable silence; lunch was about to end, and you both didn’t want to have to throw away your sandwiches. You then wondered why you hadn’t seen Yunjin during History class since that was the first class of the day. You wanted to ask, but you felt too shy to bring up conversational stuff like this. "Are you done with your sandwich? I can throw our napkins away in the trash bin nearby," Yunjin asks, standing up and reaching her hand out so you could give her your dirty napkin. “Oh, thank you," you say, handing her your napkin.
She walked back to the bench, about to take a seat again, when the bell rang. “Oh, that’s the bell. We should get to our art class." You said you were standing up and dusting off your uniform, which was filled with breadcrumbs. “Alrighty, show me the way," she said enthusiastically, taking you by surprise when she linked her arm with yours. You weren’t quite used to physical affection, but Yunjin seemed to love it, so you didn’t mind.
You and Yunjin walked into the cramped halls arm in arm. You could feel the stares of students when you both arrived at art class. "Never knew she had friends," you heard a student say out loud, and the others laughed at this remark. As you were about to walk Yunjin to your desk, you heard the teacher speak. "What’s so funny?" the teacher said while entering class, immediately going silent. “Oh, you must be Huh Yunjin, right?" the teacher said while signaling her to come forward. You let go of Yunjin’s arm and took a seat. "Please introduce yourself." "My name is Huh Yunjin, and I come from a performance school in New York." She bows towards the class and waits for the teacher to give her further instructions. "Thank you, Yunjin. I hope we have a good year together. You may take a seat wherever you’d like, "the teacher said, signaling empty seats. Yunjin took a seat next to you; she turned to you and gave you a smile before facing forward to hear further instructions from the teacher.
The rest of your school day was spent getting to know Yunjin more. You both laughed in class telling each other silly stories about your childhood, and sure, you got looks here and there, but she didn’t pay attention to them, so you didn’t either. At the end of the day, you and Yunjin exchanged numbers. You had expected today to be horrible, but thanks to her, it wasn’t.
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Tuesday was going to be a good day, and you knew that. You had Yunjin and Soobin for history class. You wanted to clear things up with Soobin so you could end on good terms. But unfortunately, things never go your way. When you entered, you saw Soobin sitting with his friend, who had called you a weirdo, and when you passed him, his face had a sour expression. You sat down in your regular spot soon after Yunjin entered the classroom looking for you. When she spotted you, she gave you a huge smile and walked towards you to sit on Soobin's old chair. Soobin noticed how excited Yunjin looked to see you, and when he looked back, he was shocked to see you return a smile at her. From what Soobin knew, you had never had any friends, so how come it was so easy to replace him, or were you just lying to him to catch his attention?
“Hey, why doesn’t anyone ever sit by you?" Yunjin said she found it weird how in every class she had with you, you never seemed to have a tablemate. "Oh well, someone did sit there, but he changed his seat," you replied, looking at Soobin. "Why?" she asked. She noticed how everyone found you weird, but she didn’t understand why. Well, we used to be close, and then something happened. I wanted to end things on a good note, but he hasn’t talked to me since," you explained quietly so Soobin wouldn’t hear you. "What an ass," Yunjin replied, "sounds like he needs to know how to have a conversation." No, it was my fault; I was the one who pushed him away, if anything," you said, looking down at your lap. "Oh well, that’s what I’m here for, right? I'm going to teach you how to be friends, remember?" She says this, grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze.
Soobin noticed this interaction and was not happy at all. He hated how Yunjin was probably falling for your stupid sob story. He hated how you didn’t care about his feelings. He hated how you didn’t even try to talk to him, but you could quickly open up to a new girl. but he doesn’t know why he hated it. He had his group of friends, not to mention his girlfriend, so why did he care so much if you had other friends who weren't him?
During lunch, you and Yunjin decided to share both of your lunches together on the same bench where you both met. You were having fun, and occasionally Yunjin would make an extremely bad dad joke and would get jokingly upset at you when you wouldn’t laugh at it. The first time she got upset at you jokingly, you really thought she was upset, and you were almost in tears, but she had to clarify that she wasn’t upset, and she gave you a hug to cheer you up. You felt comfortable with Yunjin; she was an easy person to talk to about anything. You even told her about You and Soobin instead of judging you. She was understanding and didn’t try to solve the issue; she just comforted you, and you really liked that.
You really did still want to talk to Soobin to clear things up, but he was busy with his girlfriend anywhere you and Yunjin went. Soobin and his girlfriend were also there. It's like you couldn’t escape them, so over the week you gave up and stopped trying to fix your friendship with Soobin.
After a few weeks turned into months, you stopped caring what Soobin was up to. You had Yunjin, and as bad as that sounded, it was true that she was there to uplift you when you were down. You and Yunjin were stuck by the glue; y’all had started doing everything together, going shopping for clothes and makeup. You normally didn’t really care for your looks, not that you hated makeup or were against it. You just didn’t know how to use it, but Yunjin was kind enough to teach you. You and Yunjin went to lots of bookstores, music stores, and arcades. She truly was your best friend. She even taught you how to express your emotions more, and by the end of the school year, you were more talkative than you were before meeting her.
During the summer, you both decided to get a job at a local bakery for some extra money. You enjoyed spending your time with Yunjin. You were surprised that you guys hadn’t run out of anything to talk about yet. Y’all spent almost every second of every day together when it was time for University to begin. Both of you decided to get a dorm together. You girls were truly inseparable.
University was like a fresh start. There were more people in a University than in a high school. You hadn’t been trying to find love ever since Soobin, and to be honest, you hadn’t been curious about Soobin for a long time, but you did know that he was still with his girlfriend. He had shown up on your Instagram feed a week ago, and you couldn’t help but look through his account. Although you weren’t happy with the way things ended with you and Soobin, and you knew that the chances of you ever reconciling your friendship with him were slim, you were just happy he was happy.
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On your first day of university, you were excited and nervous because you and Yunjin weren’t majoring in the same thing; you were majoring in photography while Yunjin was majoring in business. So you didn’t have any classes together.
You decided to take a seat not too close to the teacher but not too far; you couldn’t see that far. Your first University class had begun, and it was the most boring thing you had to sit through, so the relief your body felt when you were able to leave was unimaginable. As you were leaving, you spotted a familiar person in front of you, but you couldn’t make out who he was. That was until he turned back, suddenly bumping into you. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t looking," he said without looking directly at your face and bowing down. but you instantly knew it was Soobin from his voice. “Oh, it’s okay," you replied, bowing down and getting out of his way so you could continue to walk out. "Y/n?" Just like you recognized his voice, he recognized yours as well. You stopped and turned around. "Oh hi," you said. You didn’t know what else to say. He stopped talking to you, and suddenly he wanted to finally talk to you. "How’ve you been?" He asked Soobin realized how much of an ass he was back in high school; he never fully let you explain why you weren’t great at showing your emotions, and he felt bad about it. He was such an asshole, assuming that you had bad intentions. "I’ve been good." You wanted to keep it short and simple. You knew he had a girlfriend, and this was probably wrong in some ways.
Oh, that’s good," he said with a small smile on his face. "How have you been?" You decided to ask back because you didn’t want to seem self-centered. Oh, I've been good as well; thanks for asking." Soobin said, and then you both fell into an awkward silence before you decided to dismiss yourself. Alright, I have to go goodbye," you said quickly, turning away from him as fast as possible. "Can we possibly catch up later or whenever it works for you?" he said as you were about to leave. "Oh sure, just text me." You are the stupidest person alive; why would you accept his offer? You didn’t know if you could stop yourself from falling in love with him again.
When you arrived at the dorms, you immediately told Yunjin everything. Well, just make sure that he has the right intentions." Yunjin said, and that was truly not helping you. How the hell were you supposed to know what his intentions were? Alright, we’ll go shower; I need to relax," you said, entering your bathroom. As you put your phone down on the counter, you saw your phone light up with a text notification on the lock screen.
Soobin 6:17
"Do you want to meet up tomorrow at Sugar Rush Cafe in the morning before class at 8 a.m.?"
You didn’t want to make yourself look desperate, so you decided to take your shower before responding. During your hour-long shower, you were wondering how you would reply and what both of you would talk about. There wasn’t much to say, and you weren’t even sure if you wanted to be his friend again. You weren’t sure if you could handle it yet. After your shower, you finally decided to reply.
Y/n 7:40
Yeah, sure, that sounds good!"
Soobin 7:41
Alright, see you there!"
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The next morning, you woke up early so you could do some light makeup and catch the bus in time. You were anxious; you’d been overthinking anything that he might ask you and how you would respond. You even decided to get to the cafe 20 minutes earlier than planned. “Hey, Chaewon, I’m going to wait for someone, so I’m going to take a seat before ordering." Sugar Rush Cafe was the bakery you and Yunjin worked at, and you both met Chaewon, who was the daughter of the people who owned the bakery, and you all got pretty close, even hanging out multiple times with her during the summer. “Ooooo, are you waiting for a special someone?" She teased, wiggling her eyebrows up and down while you stood near the counter talking to her. “No, Chae, he was my old friend, and we fell out of friendship, and now he wants to chat, I guess." He definitely wants more than just a friendship," she said, continuing to tease. "Chae!" you exclaimed. "He has a girlfriend. I would never date someone who is taken. That’s shitty." You replied defensively. "Sorry! I had no idea." Chaewon said, “Okay, well, since it’s not busy yet, we can chat until he arrives." Alrighty," you said with a smile on your face.
It didn’t take long for Soobin to arrive, as he arrived 10 minutes before you both had planned, and he was shocked to see you sitting on a stool near the counter laughing with the worker. Both of you seemed to be deep into conversation. He finally decided to enter the bakery, the doorbell ringing as he walked in. "Oh hi, Soobin," you said with a huge smile plastered on your face, which wasn’t super normal for him to see. "Hi, have you ordered yet?" he asked. “Nope, I was waiting for you, but now that you're here, we can order!" You said since you had been talking with Chaewon, you felt your energy level go up, and instead of feeling nervous, you felt more calm. Before he could speak, you had already started ordering with Chaewon. “Okay, Chae, I’ll take an iced caramel macchiato. What would you like, Soobin?" you say, looking at him. Oh, an Iced Americano will do, thank you." He said he had never seen you order for yourself when you both were friends, and he would be the one to do it despite being shy. It was like seeing a new person. “Okay, that will be 6.82," Chaewon said, reaching for Y/N’s card before Soobin put his card in front of yours. "I’ll pay; I invited you after all," he said with a smile on his face. “No, it’s okay, I'll pay-" you tried saying before he interrupted you. “Chaewon, please run my card," he said, handing Chaewon his card. Okay, both of your drinks will be ready in a few minutes. You may take a seat until I call y’all’s names."
"Thank you," Soobin said while bowing his head to Chaewon. "Where do you want to sit?" Soobin asked. “Oooo, let’s sit in that corner," you said instinctively, grabbing his arm but quickly letting go. Sorry, I'm just so used to linking arms with my friend." You said you were embarrassed, but he had just found it cute. When you both were friends, you had never let him grab your arm or hand. He liked how your friends brought out the happiness in you. "It’s alright, let’s just take a seat," he said, chuckling. He didn’t want you to feel awkward with him as well.
"Thank you for buying the coffee; you really didn’t have to." You said you felt bad that he paid for the drink, and you were practically death-staring Chaewon when she took his card. "It’s alright, it was nothing," he said. Anyways, how have you been? You know in depth this time, not the basic "I’m good" answer," he said, slightly mocking you with a smile that showcased his beautifully dimpled cheeks. “Well, it really has been good. My friend and I went to a lot of places during the summer, and she really has taught me a lot." You said you couldn’t help but talk about Yunjin. She was a huge part of your life. “Oh, Yunjin, right? I’m glad that you had someone like her." He said he felt bad that he hadn’t stayed friends with you. He was so quick to assume, and he wanted to clear things up, which is why he wanted to meet with you. He had also just hoped that maybe the two of you could be friends.
"Me too; she's great." You were happy just thinking of Yunjin; she was a really big part of your life. "Y/N, I’m sorry that I was such an ass in high school." Soobin suddenly comes up, and you are confused. He was never mean to you at all. What was he talking about? "I’m sorry, Soobin, I don't know what you mean; you weren’t an ass."
"You know, I just stopped talking to you randomly, and I could see that you were hurt when I did," he explained nervously. "It’s okay, Soobin; I never tried to reach out, so it was also my fault as well.
"But enough about that, Soob; how have you been?" you asked. Yunjin told you that whatever happens, continue the conversation and don’t let it go dry. "Oh, I've been great. I also hung out with my friends during the summer; I'm not sure how I feel about University yet," he said. "Me neither, I mean Yeah, I know it’s only been a day, but I’m still adjusting," you replied. "Same I-," Soobin began before getting interrupted by Chaewon yelling out both of your names. "I’ll go get the coffee," you say, standing up from your chair. "So how’s it going with Soobin?" she says teasingly. Chaewon, you know he has a girlfriend," you replied. You didn’t want to ruin his relationship; that was not your intention. "Right, sorry, I forgot. Well, well good luck," she said, handing you the coffees. "Thank you; have a good day, Chaewon," you said. "No problem, and you too," she said before you walked towards Soobin. "Hey, would you rather us walk and drink our coffees? You know, get some fresh air while chatting." You suggested the cafe was starting to get busier because of all the people waking up to start their days. "Alright," Soobin replied.
On this walk, you got to know a bit more about him again, and vice versa; it felt like both of you had never stopped talking to each other. “So, Soob, how’s your girlfriend?" you asked. You both stopped at a park nearby a couple of minutes before class started. You two didn’t want to be that early; you got on a swing and signaled Soobin to get on the other one. You wanted to know how his relationship was going on Instagram; they looked like the happiest couple, but his sudden quietness when you asked made you think otherwise. "Oh well, I don’t know." "What do you mean you don’t know?" you replied, confused. What could possibly be wrong with his relationship?
"I caught her cheating on me during the summer with one of my friends." He looked like he was trying to hold back tears from falling down, and then he spoke again. "And then again more recently." You felt your heart drop for him. You knew how it felt to be heartbroken. Oh, I'm sorry, Soobin. I didn’t know," you said, rubbing his back in an attempt to comfort him.
"Why haven’t you ended things?" You spoke again. Why would he just let her continuously cheat on him? " I did, but she told me I wouldn't ever be able to find someone who loves me as much as her, and I know that it’s true. Who would ever like someone like me?" You felt terrible for him; he truly believed this, and you could tell. Soobin never had much confidence, and this was a well-known thing. You wished you could’ve told him how you felt about him at that moment, but you couldn’t. "That’s not true, Soob; I’m sure lots of girls would like you." You said you were trying to comfort him, but you could tell that didn’t help.
"May you please get up?" You asked what you were about to do, which required you to be standing; otherwise, it would be awkward. "Hm?" Soobin said, but complied. You opened your arms, moved them under Soobin's, and leaned in for a hug. It was indeed extremely awkward, and he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. "Thank you," he said as he let go, a smile on his face, so you knew you had indeed cheered him up. "Yunjin said it would cheer people up," you said, now slightly embarrassed. "I see Yunjin has taught you a lot. Maybe one day I’ll be able to meet her properly." He had a smile so big that the tears that were previously forming started to fall. You watched as he wiped them off with his knuckles. "Let’s go to class; it's getting late, cmon!" You mentioned fleeing from him. "Wait for me!" he said, running behind you.
“God, I’m out of breath," you said, entering your University class. "We wouldn’t be out of breath if you didn’t decide to run." Soobin exclaimed. "Did you want us to be late?" you said while walking up the steps towards your seat. "You're right," he said, accepting defeat. "When am I not?" you said jokingly. He takes a seat next to you; you weren’t quite expecting that, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a friend in class.
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Your mornings continued like this for the past 2 months; it was a daily routine. You both would go to the cafe, take a walk to the park, and then go to class. And university was so much better with a friend who you had classes with. Although sometimes you would have to deal with Soobin being sad because he suspected his girlfriend had been cheating on him again, You felt horrible for him, but you could never tell him how you felt. Never. You both hang out in and out of school. When he met Yunjin, it was quite awkward, but with time, they warmed up to each other. And same with his friends; you met his best friends, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai. They had become very important people in your lives as well.
Currently, you are on Soobin and Yeonjun's dorm couch, working on a project that you have to finish with Soobin. "Hey y/n, let’s do something else. I want to take you somewhere." Soobin said out of nowhere, and that had taken you aback. "Where are we going?" you said, looking up from your laptop to look at him, your face filled with confusion. "It’s a secret; just trust me," he said with a light smirk on his face, and now you are curious as to what the hell he was up to. “Fine, let’s go," you said, closing your laptop and getting up from the couch. "Wait, you need a blindfold." Soobin says to run to his room to grab something to close your eyes with. "Alright, put this sleep mask on," he said, handing you a black sleeping mask. "Is this necessary?" you asked. “Where on earth could you be going that you needed an eye mask? "Very c'mon, you can put it on when you are in the car so you don’t have trouble walking to the car," he said, grabbing your hand. You felt your cheeks heat up.
A long car ride later, without being able to see where you were arriving, you finally felt the car jolt to a stop. Alright, we are here. “I’ll help you get out, don't worry," he says, and you hear the car door shut and feel your side of the door swing open. Here, grab my hand and make sure you don’t hit your head on the car." Soobin was very attentive when talking to you. He didn’t want you to get hurt. You feel Soobin's hand and move your leg out of the car as you were about to move the other one and take a step outside. You felt yourself starting to lose balance until you felt Soobin's hand lay on your waist. "Don’t worry, I've got you," he said, chuckling. You were completely clueless and had no idea when you had both gone, but he knew you would love it. "Just hold onto my arm and I’ll let you go," he said, latching his arm with yours. "Okayyy," you say. You just wanted to take off your mask and see why you were so impatient.
After a few minutes of walking on a trail, Soobin stops. Okay, you can take off your mask now." Soobin says, and so you do, and once you do, you are greeted with a field of flowers of all different kinds. “Wow, Soobin, this is amazing! I haven’t seen anything like this before!" you said with a huge smile on your face. “C'mon, let’s continue walking the trail; there’s more," he said, chuckling down at you. Seeing your excitement and happiness was one of his favorite things by far. You both continued walking, and you continued talking about how pretty all the flowers were while Soobin was admiring your own beauty.
At the end of the trail, you saw a red and white plaid blanket with a picnic basket and a bunch of cut-up fruits surrounding it. “Wow, Soobin, this is awesome," you said, looking up at him. Both of your arms were still linked together. “Let’s take a seat." And so both of you walked towards the picnic blanket and took a seat. "Why did you bring me here, Soob?" you asked curiously while eating a strawberry. “Well, you know how me and Haeun have been on and off," he started, and you now felt nervous as to what he was going to say. "I broke it off with her a month ago. I haven’t told anyone." Soobin said nothing and stayed quiet before continuing. "I realized I deserve someone better," he said with a small smile on his face. "That’s good, Soobin; I'm glad you learned that you are worth more than how she treated you," you replied, rubbing your hand against his shoulder. You were happy that he realized that she was never going to change.
"But what am I doing here?" you asked him, now confused. “Well, in that one month, I realized that I really liked someone, so I prepared something special for them, and if it goes according to plan, then I hope I will be able to date her." The smile was so big that his eyes turned into crescents. Whoever this girl was, you just hoped he made her happy. “Well, I hope she treats you better," you said with a smile on your face. “Yeah, well, I hope so too," he said, putting his hand on your thigh and looking around. "When are you planning to confess?" you asked, making him look back at you and chuckle at your cluelessness. He grabbed your hands and caressed them with his thumbs. You felt yourself blushing.
"Y/n.. I really, really like you. You’ve been there for me when no one else has and I was so stupid that I hid my feelings away in high school .Will you be my girlfriend?" He said he was looking deeply into your eyes. With his face close to yours, you could feel his breathing. "Yes," you replied with tears in you eyes and that was all you had to say before Soobin captured your lips. One of his hands was grabbing your waist while the other was caressing your cheek. Your arms were thrown around his neck. The kiss was nice and gentle; there were lots of feelings that were built up, finally letting go. For the longest time, this was the thing you had been wanting, and now it was finally yours. When you both let go for a breather, you both laughed while holding each other. You looked into his eyes filled with joy and happiness and knew that everything you had ever dreamed of him at night was finally becoming reality.
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© mooniania 2023
do not copy, translate, rewrite or repost any of my works on any other social media platform.
taglist: @pinkisthenewangst, @alexs-mardy-bum, @sato-chan-2709, @sheeshhhhfelixsworld
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justmystical · 2 months
The Forgotten-5
Pairing: Lucifer x Butterfly!fem!reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel x Star vs the forces of evil
Warnings: Takes place before Hazbin Hotel, Alternative Universe
Navigation |six
You and Eclipsa were currently huddled up together as you listen to your mother's storytelling.
"Monsters are vicious and vile creatures, it's not something you want to be messing with my little ones. They eat our kind,Mewmans" your mother spoke with a serious tone.
"mother but what if some monsters aren't bad ?"Eclipsa voiced out and you look at her with a curious look.
What if...
"believe me little ones, I've been in the Battle field against monsters long enough to know they aren't good."
"let's also not forget...Demons... They reside in underworld.They are wretched, they live for pure darkness and pure evil.If you wondered if they can be good,sorry to disappoint you little ones, they can't be redeemed "
After that night you were terrified to the core,about Monsters and Demons. You didn't want meet any of those creatures again after that.
But Eclipsa being Eclipsa,she tried reassure you that there's nothing to be afraid of... with that you grew up contemplating what to believe...You asked a lot of the people about their perspective about the monster but you left with more negativity about them.
It only got worse when...
You were happily waiting for your mother near the Palace Gates with your sister and Father...
"I'm thrilled that mother is finally going home!"You shook your sister and she almost stumbled forward.
"n/n let go of poor Eclipse,she looks like she about her balance"Your Father scolded you and you just gave a nervous laugh.
"but Father I'm just soooo excited!i haven't seen mother in months or is it almost a year?"
Your father just chuckled at your antics,as for Eclipsa she was also happy her mother coming back after the battle, even though they don't have the same vision the still loved her dearly.
You watched as the Knights who's with your Mother during the battle came back... however you noticed someone was missing...
Where's mother?
Mina Loveberry has a grim expression on her face as she bowed infront of you...
You had bad feeling, you don't wanna assume the worst,you knew your mother was the bestest Warrior out there.
"I'm sorry your highnesses..."
"Queen Solaria was unfortunately killed during the battle..."
Eclipsa gasped and your father remained silent...
"no...your lying!"everyone looked at you.
"she promised she'll come back!she promised! please! I beg you! Tell me it's a joke"Mina was disappointed in herself that she couldn't save her Queen and even telling the royal family in adding salt to the wound.
"I'm sorry..." It was all she said until you felt tears fall down from your eyes,you ran as fast as you can and didn't even looked back.
You were currently in your bed , currently staring at the wall, you haven't gone out of your room in days.
Since finding out Lucifer is a Demon you haven't gone out the Palace since. No point of going out now.
You only go out if you had to eat and have magic lessons bur Glossaryck stopped giving lessons because he said:
"you look like you some time to yourself and i also do want to blast with magic spells...."
You been accidentally hitting him because you were to out of focus,the reveal dug up some memories...
Keekee walked up to the side of the bed you were currently facing, she has the portal scissors on her mouth. Keekee knew what you were truly feeling...
"i don't want to see him Keekee...never..."you rolled to the other side and tried to ignore her.
She went infront of you again trying to convince you.
"KeeKee i said NO!!" You stood up and you yelled at her , Keekee's Ears flattened.
You noticed this and instantly felt guilty.... you never shout at Keekee,she only wanted to help...
"I'm sorry..."you flopped back to your bed and pulled the covers over your whole body.
You didn't noticed that the Plants in your room withered at your outburst.
It was the next day ,you were going to eat breakfast with your sister and her husband Shastacan.
He was a selfish man,and a narcissistic idiot...
Once you reached the dinning area,you saw Eclipsa with a weak smile while Shastacan has huge grin
You raised a brow and Eclipsa just waved nervously.
"what's got happy this morning?"you asked as you sat down and your started to eat your breakfast.
"well... it appears we were blessed by the gods above"you looked confused at Shastacan as you drank your drink.
"Eclipsa has been experiencing morning sickness and appears there's will be heir born" with that you spar your drink.
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lacyscabinet · 8 months
Taking care of Nat after she got into a fight with her dad, please bless us with your writing (sorry if there is anything wrong, english is not my first language)
A/N: Hiii!!! you literally read my mind because i've been thinking about writing this one-shot for a while (also "bless us with your writing"!? Ur too kind <3) hope you like it!!!!
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It was a regular Saturday night, the soft chill of fall outside, a big contrast to the warmth of your house. Music was playing softly in the background, you scribbling in your notebook bobbing your head to the beat.
In your peaceful state you almost didn't notice the faint tapping on your window, curiously you perked your head up and noticed small pebbles being thrown at the glass.
Already knowing who it was, you got up and closer to the window, there she was, Natalie, your girlfriend
She was looking up at you and you couldn't help but notice her tear stained face, messy hair and...was that a bruise on her face?
You rushed to the front door, opening it quickly and motioning for your girlfriend to come in, after that you took her hand and led Nat upstairs trying not to wake up your parents, long asleep.
Closing the door behind you when you reached your room, you finally looked at her in the eyes, the once bright and full of life orbs you loved to stare at, now were just full of fear and sadness, and yes, that was definitely a bruise on her upper cheek
One of your hands fell on her waist and the other stroked her cheekbone, in an attempt to soothe the purple bruise
"What happened baby?" You asked, already knowing the answer
She looked down, Natalie never liked being vulnerable in front of someone, so when tears threatened to spill out again she lowered her eyes
"He was mad, he was mad and I was listening to music, he said it was too loud...and then..." her voice broke
"Hey hey... it's okay, it's okay now, you're here" you whispered, pulling her in for a hug, nestling her head on your shoulder Nat let out a loud sob
You held her tightly, stroking her hair and rocking back and forth trying to provide her some needed comfort
You didn't speak, the only noises were the loud sobs and heavy breaths coming from Natalie as she let all her pent up emotions out, she was the one who broke the silence
"I can't, I can't do this anymore, I'm so tired, so so so tired" she spoke between sobs
At that point, you decided in your head that it was time to do something "You are not going back there, you're spending the night" it wasn't a question, it was an announcement, your tone soft but firm at the same time "You're safe here"
At those words she pulled away from the hug and looked straight in your eyes "Thank you y/n" she said with a weak voice
You simply kissed her forehead "You can stay as much as you need Nat, but we can think about it in the morning, it's late and you need to rest baby"
Moving to your bed, you opened the covers, letting her climb in before you, and when you joined her she instantly wrapped her arms around you
"Nah nah" you said quickly, turning around "You're the little spoon today"
You saw a soft genuine smile on her lips as she turned around, waiting for you to cuddle her, and you did, you held her close and peppered kisses on her cheek, keeping her warm and safe.
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tyuninthemirror · 1 year
— monster among men: c.bg
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— pairing: childhood friend!beomgyu x fem!reader — genre: fluff — word count: 1631 — disclaimers: asshole beomgyu. — synopsis: beomgyu's biggest regret in life was how he treated you in high school. can he redeem himself? — series masterlist
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— author's note: sobbing while i write this because i gotta save up to buy the sweet album D: also, monster among men is one of my favorite 5sos songsss! (one of many.) go listen!
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Growing up with Choi Beomgyu wasn't an easy task. All the CDs in the world could never cover the number of times you've gotten into trouble because of him. Regardless, you wouldn't trade Beomgyu for anything in the world.
You and Beomgyu had been friends since your family moved across from his house in third grade. You had always admired his infectious energy and ability to make you laugh. You both shared a love for music and often spent hours singing and dancing together.
In middle school, you started to develop feelings for Beomgyu. You couldn't help but blush whenever he was around, and you found yourself daydreaming about him. You didn't know if he felt the same way, so you kept your feelings to yourself.
Despite your crush, you and Beomgyu remained good friends. You would often hang out after school and on weekends, talking about everything and anything. You felt comfortable around him and thought things would always be that way.
But when you both got into high school, he started to hang out with a different crowd. They were the guys who liked to seem cool and make fun of other people. You didn't like how they treated others but didn't say anything. You didn't want to ruin your friendship.
As time went on, Beomgyu started to change. He would skip classes and get into trouble with the teachers. You tried talking to him about it, but he would brush you off, saying he was just having fun. But you knew better. You knew that he was just trying to fit in, to be someone he wasn't. You didn't want to be a part of that, so you drifted apart.
You would see each other in the hallways and say hello, but you no longer hung out like you used to. You tried to hold onto the memories of when you were kids, but it seemed like those days were long gone. One thing never changed, though, your feelings for Beomgyu.
And then came your senior year.
One day, you finally mustered the courage to tell him how you felt. You had been planning it for weeks, rehearsing what you would say in your head. You took a deep breath and walked up to him after school.
"Beomgyu, there's something I need to tell you," you said, your voice shaking.
"Hey, Y/N, what is it?" he asked, smiling at you.
"CHOI BEOMGYU," his friend yelled from the bleachers behind you. "LET'S GO!"
"GIMME A SECOND!" Beomgyu yelled back before returning his attention to you. His eyes glanced slightly behind you, hoping none of his friends come over.
You took another deep breath when you knew you had his attention. "I've had a crush on you since middle school. I don't know if you feel the same way, but I just wanted you to know."
Beomgyu's smile faded, and he looked at you with a shocked expression. He caught his friend's gaze, who was smirking and wiggling his eyebrows, taunting him.
Beomgyu then burst out laughing, and you could feel your heart sink.
"What's so funny?" you asked, feeling embarrassed.
"You actually like me?" he said, still laughing. "That's hilarious."
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. You turned around and walked away, feeling humiliated and hurt. You thought Beomgyu would just say he didn't feel the same way, but never in your life would you have thought he'd laugh right at your face.
"Goodbye, Choi Beomgyu. Have a good life."
From that moment on, you lost all respect for Beomgyu. You didn't want anything to do with him and cut ties with him completely. It was the end of your friendship and felt like the end of a chapter in your life.
But life goes on, and you have to let go of the past. You focused on your studies and your own goals, secretly hoping that he would one day find his way back to who he truly was.
You walk down the familiar streets of your hometown, feeling a sense of nostalgia. It's been a few years since you've been back home after studying in the UK, and you're excited to catch up with old friends and family before heading back for your new job.
As you stroll down the sidewalk, you hear a familiar voice call out your name, and it's not exactly a voice you're thrilled to hear.
"Y/N! Is that really you?" You turn around and see Beomgyu. You haven't seen him in years, and although he broke your heart many moons ago, your heart still skips a beat at the sight of him.
"I heard from my mom you were visiting from the UK. Long time no see, Y/N," he said, his voice shaking. "Can we talk?"
You hesitated for a moment before nodding your head. "Sure."
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry," he said, looking down at his feet.
"Sorry for what?" you asked, even though you knew exactly what he was talking about.
"For the way I treated you in high school," he said, looking up at you. "I was a stupid kid who wanted to hang out with the cool crowd. I didn't mean to hurt you."
You feel a pang of sadness in your heart. It really did take a while for you to get over how Beomgyu responded to your confession. His actions left you lonely and hurt and moving abroad and being in a completely new environment helped you overcome it.
On another note, Beomgyu felt like the universe was giving him a sign when he saw you just now. Ever since your confession in high school, he's been beating himself up over how he treated you. All for what? His 'friends' approval? The ones that made him try to do their college essays for them?
"I know I hurt you, and I regret it every day," Beomgyu continued before you could say anything. "I was stupid and immature, but I never stopped thinking about you, Y/N. I never got to say this, but you were always in my heart, and I want to make things right."
You feel a sense of shock and disbelief wash over you. You never expected Beomgyu to apologize, let alone confess his feelings for you. Part of you wants to push him away, to tell him that it's too late, that you've moved on. But another part of you wants to give him a chance, to see if there's still something to salvage from your past together.
"How do I know you're not just saying that?" you asked, still unsure of everything he said.
"I know I have a lot to prove," he said, looking directly into your eyes. "But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to you."
"Beomgyu, I don't know," you said, your voice wavering.
"I understand," he said, looking down at his feet. "I just wanted you to know how I feel. I'll give you space and time to think about it."
"You must have tons of luck to bump into Choi Beomgyu on your first day back?" Chaeryeong chuckled.
"Good luck or bad luck?" you raised an eyebrow as you sipped your coffee.
"Depends," your friend shrugged. You looked at her, confused. "Whether or not you still like him."
"That was years ago, Chae," you awkwardly laugh, trying to dismiss what she said. You didn't know the answer yourself.
"Oh please, I might be your best friend now, but I could never replace Beomgyu in your life," she rolled her eyes. "Heck, maybe we're best friends now because I was destined to be your maid of honor."
"Maid of honor? Find me a boyfriend first," you joked.
"I did. Choi Beomgyu."
"That's not funny, Lee Chaeryeong," you warned her.
"Come on, Y/N," she sighed, sliding over to sit beside you on the sofa of the cafe you were having tea at. "Did you say he was on his knees begging for forgiveness?"
"I don't think I said that," you shook your head at her over exaggeration.
"Same thing," she waved it off. "If you asked him to, he probably would have. Just give him a chance, Y/N, see what kind of cards he'll play."
Over the next few days, you couldn't stop thinking about Beomgyu and the possibility of giving him another chance. After another round of convincing from Chaeryeong, you finally decided to meet with Beomgyu again.
It wasn't hard. He still lived across from you, after all.
"I've been thinking a lot," you said as you sat across from him in your backyard. "And I've decided to give you another chance."
Beomgyu's face lit up with a huge smile. "Thank you, Y/N. I won't let you down."
"But," you quickly stopped him before it got too festive. "I got a job in the UK, so I'll be there most of the time, and I don't do long distance, so-"
"Y/N," Beomgyu grinned, holding his phone to show you an e-mail. "I got approved for transfer to our UK branch if I can hit quota every month for the next three months."
"You planned this?" you asked in disbelief, rereading his e-mail. "What if I hadn't said yes to giving you a chance?"
"I probably would've sung BLINK 182's I Miss You outside your window at 2 am in the morning or gone on my knees begging for forgiveness," he answered. "The possibilities are endless."
"Choi Beomgyu," you laughed, enveloping Beomgyu into a hug he happily returned.
"I'm not going to mess it up this time. I promise, Y/N."
from: chaeby to: y/n :* what color will the maid of honor dress be? i think i look good in purple.
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travlersjoy444 · 1 year
'My Brother's an Idiot' Blues
2012 Leo x reader
Part two to 'I've Been Tired'
Bad end: "No." and No pt.2
Good end: "Yes."
Chapter Summary: Discussions at midnight, an angry ADHD kid who somehow ends up the temporary family therapist while he wards off his violent urges, tough choices, platonic Raph & reader, and sleep deprived turtles.
...All in all, it was very fun to write.
  Raph punched a wall.
  Leonardo was an idiot.  
  Raph groaned, stomping on the ground. 
  “Why is the guy so obsessed with hanging out with The Shredder’s daughter who’s tried killing us  multiple times?! Leo’s gonna get himself hurt, and then what?! And it doesn’t help that none of them bother to listen to me ever, Spi-”
  He deflated, staring at the empty tank.
  “...Spike.” He mumbled, reminded of how his friend had become…Slash…and tried to kill his brothers….
  Raph swallowed, clenching his fists tighter.
  “You okay, Leo?’ Said Donnie from down the tunnels, in the living room. 
  Raph felt like screaming. They were comforting him, as if he hadn’t just gone off and risked his life for the millionth time! But when Raph did impulsive stuff, they just laughed or got mad! This wasn’t fair!
Raph punched his pillow, biting down the impulse to break something, and physically biting his mask tails.
  ‘Calming down’ was clearly not working, he decided as he spat out his even-more-torn-now-mask tails. …Time to go topside.
  Leaving the lair really did do wonders for clearing his head, he noted as he shoved the manhole cover up and emerged into the alleyway. The air was warmer and fresher, and- 
  “Ah!” He yelped, jumping back. 
   Someone had just thrown a rock at him?!
  There was a clattering sound from the fire escape, as if someone was jumping up from a seat.
  Oh great, it was Leo’s crush. Of course you were the one throwing rocks at him.
  “(Y/N), seriously?!” Raph growled, glaring up at where you were perched on the fire escape.
  “Sorry Raphael.” You said, cringing as you looked down towards him. Admittedly you did genuinely look sorry, with tears in your eyes and regret written all over your face…and Raph doubted it all came from your overwhelming remorse for throwing a rock at him.
  Still, his arm hurt now, on top of everything else in his life, and Raph frankly didn’t care about whatever the hell your damage was.
  “Why the fuck were you throwing rocks at me?!” He barked, feeling slightly silly as he craned his neck up to meet your eyes.
  “Why the fuck were you in my rock’s way?” You said back, but your voice was flat and tired. The apologetic expression on your face had faded too, shifting into a bored and mildly disappointed look that Splinter wore all the time.
  “Well sue me for wanting a break from my-” fucking- no, that felt too mean- “ -stupid brothers. I can’t even leave the lair without someone messing with me, apparently!” He snapped, and he picked up the rock and chucked it as hard as he could at the wall.
  “Well sue me for wanting a pleasant and harmless way of relieving stress and anger.” You said, tossing another rock off the fire escape. Raph flinched as it sailed towards him, but instead of striking him, it hit the manhole cover a few feet away. He picked it up, taking in your words.
  Raph tossed the rock back and forth between his hands. “Stressed and angry?” He echoed, looking up at you again. 
  Honestly, the idea of you being angry, of all people, felt pretty foreign. Sarcastic, sure, sassy, definitely, and even irritable…but mad? 
  You frowned boredly, leaning your face on your fist casually as you stared down at him. “Well, dear Raphael, why else would I be out here throwing rocks off my fire escape? Target practice?”
  Raph spluttered, trying to think of a comeback. “Well- I don’t know, maybe?! How the hell am I supposed to know what humans do?!”
  “...C’mon. You’ve known me since the first time you guys emerged from the depths of the sewers, you’ve picked up some things…especially if your fun new vocabulary of non-Sensei-approved-language suggests anything.” You said bluntly, and he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
  “We’ve been over this already (L/N), I knew the word ‘fuck’ before I met you.” He said, crossing his arms as you looked at him condescendingly. 
  “Did ya Mr. ‘sewer apples’?” You teased, doing air quotes.
  “...You know I’ve watched TV, right?” He said flatly.
  “Ooh, Raphie’s seen PG13 films?! Gasp!” You exclaimed dramatically. He growled and chucked the rock at the fire escape.
  You jumped back as the rock hit the wall a few feet away from your head, and your eyes widened as you realized you were actually riling him up.
  “...Sorry, Raph.” You said finally, slumping over. “I’m mad and I’m messing with you because it distracts me from being mad.”
  Raph froze. He hadn’t meant to scare you…. He coughed. “I…I shouldn’t have thrown that, huh?”
  You shrugged. “Well, I guess we’re even now.”
  Raph sighed, letting himself relax a bit. “Well…it worked both ways. I…was distracted too.”
  “Still, you were obviously in a bad mood as it was, and I pushed ya anyways.” You said.
  “Well…I guess we’re even now.” Raph offered, echoing your line.
  You smiled. “Yeah?”
  “...Hey, Raph?” You said, leaning over the railing of the fire escape. “You’re mad at your brothers, I’m mad at your brother…you wanna come up here for a being-mad-at-your-brothers-popsicle? …I meant to share them with Leo, but…y’know.”
  Sugar and taking something that was supposed to be Leo’s? Fuck yeah, Raph was all for it.
  “...’Kay, gimme a sec’.” Raph smiled, climbing onto a dumpster to hop onto the fire escape.
  “And then- get this- he says he’ll  ‘make it up to me’ again!” You exclaimed, biting into your third popsicle.
  Raph gave an affronted ‘Ha!’ sound through his popsicle, which- judging by the amount of wrappers surrounding him- was his sixth one.
  “Right?! Like c’mon Nardo! Just say you don’t like me already!” You groaned.
  Raph snorted, taking his popsicle out of his mouth. “Yeah right , you’re all he ever talks about aside from Karai. …And Captain Ryan, come to think of it.” He said, pausing to consider it. 
  (Was Leo bisexual? …Did Leo even know what it meant to be bi? Was Raph’s brother gay for a fictional character? …He’d revisit the thought later.)
  You shrugged. “I’m his proverbial best friend aside from you guys. Of course he talks about me.”
  Raph shook his head, trying not to give away too much of his brother’s obvious crush on you. “Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, princess.” Was what he finally settled on.
  You raised an eyebrow. “You mean…you think he… likes me?”
  Raph stuck his popsicle back into his mouth and shrugged unhelpfully.
  You faltered at his lack of response, and licked your own popsicle uncertainly.
  Raph sighed, leaning back onto your pillows. “Look, (Y/N). My brother is…difficult. More so to me than to you since I live with him, but still. I don’t know what he wants or why he does the things he does, but I do know that he’s a good guy, at his core. He’d never hurt you on purpose, he’s just…” 
  Raph tried to think of a polite way to say ‘a dumbass with a hero complex’.  
  “...Kind of a dumbass with a hero complex.” He finally said, a bit miffed at his failure to come up with a nicer description.
  You chuckled though, and Raph felt admittedly proud of the fact that he’d made you laugh- wait no, he was being serious, why was he proud? He didn’t care what you thought!
  “He is .” He insisted, but smiled despite himself. “So whatever the heck is going on with ‘Shredder: Hot teen girl edition’ is probably just…y’know. That. If it makes you feel any better, he probably doesn’t have the hots for her…especially now that she’s tried to kill us.”
  (If Raph were in the mood for introspection, he could have probably related to Leo after the incident with Slash. Something about how affection for someone didn’t just vanish because of how horrible that person was, but it definitely lessened or something... But Raph didn’t like introspection, so he didn’t.)
  Then a thought occurred to him, and he sat up and stared at you. “(Y/N), do you have the hots for Leo?!”
  You blushed, and stubbornly stared at the quilt of your bed. “...Maybe. Maybe I do, Raph. He’s my best friend, why do you sound so surprised?”
  Raph shook his head, a throb of irritation running through him for some reason. “I dunno, maybe because you’re a nice-looking human while we’re…you know, mutant turtles who scare people even when we’re saving them? Like, no offense, but what about that is attractive to you?”
  You somehow blushed harder. “Gee I don’t know Raphael, do you really want me to tell you about what I find attractive in your brother?” 
  He wrinkled his snout and chewed on his popsicle stick. “...Well when you put it that way, hell no.”
  “ Thank you.” You said with a smile of …relief and a hint of smugness. 
  “...So what’re you gonna do?” Asked Raph, begrudgingly curious.
  You shrugged dejectedly. “I don’t know. This is hard, man. I…I like Leo a lot, but maybe I’m sick of being second best to his hero-pet-project. …Does that make me a bad person?”
  “No,” Raph scoffed. If that made you a bad person, then he was a worse person- He was sick of their team coming second to Leo’s dumb forced redeeming of Princess Foot Clan, and it had taken far less than three weeks for him to snap.
  Besides, you were way too cool to be a bad person. You’d given him popsicles and let him rant.
  “I hope it doesn’t. I…I really don’t know what I’m gonna do, I was a total bitch to Leo though still, regardless of how much I deserved to be…” You sighed.
  “Well…you have fun with that.” Raph grinned, patting you on the head patronizingly.
  “Jerk.” You grinned back. 
  “Anyways- I’m gettin’ sick of this mushy stuff.” Raph said, straightening. “Do you have any VHS tapes to watch or somethin’?” 
  “Gettin’ comfortable, huh?” You challenged.
  “No…! Shut up!” He squeaked. You didn’t have anything to do tonight, and Raph didn’t wanna go back to the lair! It made sense!
  Now it was your turn to do the condescending head pat. “There there Raphie, I’m enjoying your company too.”
  “I don’t enjoy your company that much, you’re just supplying me with- with popsicles! Do ya now how hard it is to steal frozen food? Fucking hard!” He snapped, tearing open another popsicle.
  You smiled good-naturedly and pulled up your laptop.
  “Alright Raphie, alright. I see where we stand now, I’m just a popsicle dealer to you.” You sighed dramatically as you popped a Mulan DVD into the media player.
  He rolled his eyes but peered over your shoulder at the screen. “A princess movie? What are ya, nine?”
  “Shhh. You’ll love it.” You said, patting his shell. “It’s about a girl who fights people.”
  He sighed. “Fine. If it’s a musical though-”
  “Leo’s reported you singing the Hamilton soundtrack in the lair, so you can’t even talk.” You grinned.
  “Leo !” He hissed, clenching his fist.
  Raph opened his eyes to a black laptop screen…right, he’d gotten tired while watching that Mulan movie with you. 
  His Tphone was blowing up with notifications from his brothers, which he ignored in favor of checking the time…2 AM. Fantastic.
  He sat up from where he sat buried in your pillows and stuffed animals, and awkwardly tried to open the window without waking you up. You were seated with your back against the wall, slumped against the curtain, which made things a bit trickier, but Raph was literally a ninja, and he managed to get it open enough to slip out through.
  He glanced around your room one final time, trying not to feel like he wasn’t supposed to be there. It was an eerie feeling, being there without you conscious. Like some secret he wasn’t supposed to see.
  But he also felt guilty just leaving like that, without saying bye or anything…Leo would call that bad manners. And Raph didn’t usually care about manners, but…you’d given him popsicles. And let him vent about his brothers. And you’d even shown him an admittedly fantastic movie…
  He sighed and climbed back off the bed and onto the floor, grabbing a pen from your desk.
  ‘Thanks’ he wrote on a piece of crumpled notebook paper, and set it on your desk. After a moment of hesitation, he also closed your laptop and set it on the bedside table. 
  “Okay. That’s enough of bein’ a good person for me today.” He mumbled, and finally climbed out the window onto the fire escape.
  He thought about what you’d said about Leo as he slid down the ladder into the alleyway. 
  Raph really didn’t think Leo liked Karai, especially considering how often he’d talked about you since…day one, pretty much. It’d be as annoying as Donnie’s thing for April if it weren’t for the fact that you and Leo actually did things together- Raph had honestly been a little jealous. Not of Leo or anything like that, but of the fact that Leo and you just seemed to… get each other in a way that Raph had only dreamed of. You just… understood each other. Did Leo even know how lucky he was to have that sort of connection?!
  … But then again, apparently that sentiment wasn’t as true as Raph had assumed, considering…well, everything you’d told him.
  He shook his head and climbed down the sewer ladder, hopping over the turnstiles as he reached the lair.
  Leo was in the living room glaring towards him, as he always was when Raph was out late. Leo liked to guilt trip him about how he’d been ‘forced to stay up and keep watch for you’ as if Raph didn’t know Leo had insomnia and would be awake at 2am regardless, and Raph liked to storm around and kick things as if Leo didn’t know Raph felt guilty. It was a fun game they played.
  “Where the heck were you?” Leo said, without the usual irritation in his voice.
  …Actually, upon further inspection…without the usual anything, really. Instead of a dramatic Captain Ryan-esque heroic pose, Leo sat slumped against the couch. He wasn’t even on the couch, he was just leaning on it, which looked incredibly uncomfortable considering how cold the floor was. 
  Not only that, but there were unfamiliar stains on his mask and arm wrappings….uh, wet marks? Tear trails, Raph realized with a pang, stepping closer.
  “...You okay, brother?” He found himself asking. He wasn’t fully done being mad at Leo yet, but honestly, Raph didn’t think he could be mad at Leo right now…the guy looked so…so sad. It was kinda freaking him out.
  Leo shifted, hugging a couch pillow to his plastron.
  “I’m fine Raph.”
  Raph frowned. “No, you’re clearly not. Ya look like someone told you that Space Heroes got cancelled.”
  “It’s been completed since 1974, they can’t cancel it.” Leo said with a half smile, clearly proud of his somewhat-weak comeback.
  Raph rolled his eyes and sat on the floor across from Leo, grabbing the pillow out of his hands so Leo was forced to look up. “Look I’m not good at this whole ‘reading other people’s emotions’ shit, but I know you well enough to know that if you were fine you wouldn’t be here with this…wet pillow…ew, is that snot?” He said, wrinkling his snout in disgust.
  Leo snorted. “Gimme back my pillow, Raphael. That’s an order.”
  “Yeah no shit! I don’t want your snotty pillow, Fearless!” Raph gagged, tossing the pillow at Leo’s face.
  Leo smirked and held it to his chest again.
  “Ugh…you’re proud of that, aren’t you?!” Raph said, furiously wiping his hands on the floor.
  “To be fair, it was rather funny.” Leo pointed out.
  “I hate you.” Raph grunted, crossing his arms. “But you’re distracting me: Are ya really this hung up over the (Y/N) thing? Like… crying hung up?”
  Leo’s smile faded, and he looked away. “No…yes… Yeah.”
  He sighed, hugging the pillow tighter. “Raph… Am I a bad friend?”
  “Well, you screwed up, brother. But- and if you tell anyone that I told you this I’m pounding your skull in- But (Y/N) obviously likes you…a lot . So you’re doing something right, right?” Raph said with a shrug. 
  Leo moaned, shoving his face into the snotty pillow. “Did you talk to (Y/N) or something?!”
  “...I am far too tired to decide whether or not that’s a trick question, so I’mma just say yes now. Yes, I was with (Y/N), and yes we ate popsicles and said the word ‘fuck’ multiple times.” Raph said bluntly.
  Leo glanced up from the pillow. “Is (Y/N) okay?” He asked instantly. “I was such a…such a moron- Hey wait you ate my popsicles? -uh- Nope, not getting sidetracked, we’ll unpack that later- how is (Y/N) doing Raph?!”
  “Fearless, if you get one single inch closer to my face, I’m burning your room down.” Raph grunted, shoving his brother back a few inches before answering. “(Y/N) is mad at you. And sad. I don’t know, it’s none of my business. You should probably talk it out or something that couples- uh I mean ‘best friends’- do. I don’t know, I’m aromantic.”
  “I’m not dating (Y/N).” Leo said, rolling his eyes.
  “Oh right, you just talk about how ‘awesome it is to have someone like that’ and how much you want to ‘stare into those (E/C) orbs and get lost in them’ or ‘get in a romantic fistfight’ platonically.” Raph smirked. 
  “I do not say that. But that's irrelevant-”
  “Yeah, you do, actually.” Said a third voice. Raph looked up to see Donnie draped over the previously-empty-couch dramatically and did a double take.
  “Fucking- Jeez! Breathe louder or something Don!” He sputtered.
  “How long have you been there?!” Leo said, wearing a matching look of shock.
  “Since Raph came out as aromantic. Congrats on that, by the way! You hear that Leo? Now the aspec-siblings are half of the team. Now we’ve just gotta bribe Mikey into joining our side and we’ll outnumber you three to one!” Donnie said with a gap-toothed grin, shooting him a thumbs up.
  Raph nodded, still reeling. “God, Dee…”
  “I have always thought I deserve godhood, yes.” Donnie nodded, clearly sleep deprived. “But then again, I’d miss you guys. Maybe. Maybe just on Tuesdays! Ha! Ha….ha… Good god, I need sleep, don’t I?” They laughed hysterically. 
  Leo narrowed his eyes. “Donnie…how many coffees did you have?”
  “Hahaha…six. …Gasp , maybe I already am God!” 
  Raph rolled his eyes. “Yeah okay I’m gonna ignore them. Back to (Y/N). You’ve gotta apologize.”
  Leo seemed to shrink further into himself as he pressed his shell to the couch again.
  “Well…what if I’m too late? What if I’ve screwed up so much that (Y/N) won’t even want to be acquainted with me? What if…”
  “You’re gonna kill yourself with ‘dem ‘what if’s, Leo.” Donnie said, leaning over the couch arm to stare directly into Leo’s eyes. (Which looked hilarious, and Raph wished he had a camera)
  “Yeah, great advice from the guy who made a literal flow chart about his crush, Donatello. ” Leo sassed.
  “Yeah! I became master of the ‘what if’s! (Ooh… God of the ‘what if’s.)" He coughed. "Anyways: As God, that method works great for me. But you’re what Mikey would call… squishy, Leonardo! Those what ifs will simply tear your mortal soul apart!” Donnie said, miming an explosion in Leo’s face.
  Leo blinked at them, unimpressed. “Mikey coined the term ‘squishy’ to describe you. ”
  “Ooh, I’m a god of Squishy too?!” Donnie gasped. Raph shoved them off the couch.
  Donnie proceeded to simply lay on the floor, and after a few seconds it became apparent that he’d fallen asleep.
  “...I need to get rid of our coffee supply, huh?” Leo said, sighing.
  “I’m pretty sure he actually orders it from online Starbucks, so no dice.” Raph grunted, conveniently not mentioning that Donnie also let Raph order frappuccinos during those Starbucks-runs.
  “Well, nix on that idea.” 
  “I’m gonna make you apologize to (Y/N) tomorrow, you know.” Raph said, looking up.
  Leo nodded, squeezing his pillow one more time. “Okay.”
  “...D’ya think we should just leave them on the floor?” Raph prodded Donnie’s limp body.
  “Well, he’ll probably get back pain…eh, yeah, let’s leave him here.” Leo said with a shrug. 
  “He’s gonna hate themself tomorrow.” Raph smirked, already looking forward to it.
  Raph was gone in the morning when you woke up, and your laptop had been closed and set on the side table. You were on top of your blankets and leaning against the wall, as you had been while watching the movie…you must’ve fallen asleep.
  There was a crumpled paper on your laptop with a messy ‘Thanks’ scrawled onto it, and you smiled lightly.
  You’d never really spent much time with Raph compared to his brothers, but you were pleasantly surprised by how nice it had been to hang out with him. 
  And- oh yeah. Leo. 
  Your smile faded as you remembered the problem with Leo.
  What were you gonna do? …Apologize? No, you shouldn’t have to apologize, you hadn’t done anything wrong, really…
  You could go talk to him, maybe. 
  What did you even want from Leo, anyways? Sure you liked him, but your feelings were hurt. Did you even want to hang out with him right now?
  Maybe you needed a break. April had taken a break, so what was stopping you?
   Guilt, maybe… You mused as you plugged your laptop in and scrolled through your notifications mindlessly.
  And you didn’t want to take a break from Mikey, Donnie, and Raph. Sure Leo was your self appointed best friend, but the others were great too. And you’d finally hung out with Raph, and you didn’t want to throw all that progress down the drain…
  Was it petty though for you to want to not hang out with Leo? 
  He clearly didn’t want to hang out with you- no, but Raph said that Leo did want to hang out with you.
  Raph had also said something about how he and his brothers ‘weren’t exactly attractive by human standards’…was Leo insecure or something? Why would he be insecure? He was a badass ninja who saved people, he had like, nothing to be insecure about.
  You exhaled in frustration, wishing someone would just- make the decision for you-
  There was a thud, and you jumped and stared out the window.
  A rock.
  You sighed and shoved the window open to see which turtle it was, hoping for Leo but also dreading Leo-
  “Sup (Y/N).” Said Raph, waving up from the alley below..
  “Hey Raph!” You said, feeling both relieved and disappointed. Until you noticed the figure behind him in the shadows. Leo.
  “Um…hi?” Said Leo weakly, and he gave a small wave.
  Raph shoved him forwards, glaring up at you in a way that would have read as hostile if it weren’t for the glint of amusement in his eyes.
  “Go get ‘em, Fearless.” He grinned.
  Leo shot Raph a glare, but looked back at you.
  “Hey (Y/N)...can we talk?” He said slowly.
  You sighed, and climbed out the window and onto the fire escape.
  “Yeah, I guess so.”
  “Cool cool.” He said, staring at his hands.
  Raph gave you a thumbs up before vanishing into the shadows, and then you and Leo were alone.
  “So. Rocks at my window? You know that’s what texting is for, right?” You said with a light smile you didn’t fully mean.
  Leo blushed. “Sorry. That was Raph. I think he just wanted to throw rocks, but I told him it was a bad idea-”
  “It’s okay.” You said, a bit awkwardly.
  “Oh. Well, sorry, still.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
  “So what did you want to talk about, Nardo?” You said, cutting to the chase.
  Leo swallowed. “Uhm…talking, right. I just…You’re right. I’m a terrible friend. I was avoiding you…And it’s not because I don’t like you, it’s just because…well, I don’t know. Because…”
  “You’re a ‘dumbass with a hero complex’?” You offered, quoting Raph.
  Leo narrowed his eyes. “What? No, I’m- Maybe? …Yes.” He finally said with a sigh.
  “So…yeah, what’s your point then?” You said.
  “My point is…I’m gonna try to do better. Be a better friend, if you’ll have me. And if not…I get it. I’ll be like, totally crushed, don’t get me wrong, but it makes sense.” He said, bowing his head. “But um…either way, I just want you to know that I…I like you a lot, (Y/N), and I should have done a better job of showing it.”
  You swallowed, trying not to look into his blue eyes.
  Well…time to make a choice.
Author's note: So this baby is a multiple-parter now. There's gonna be two separate endings, one that'll be angsty and one that'll be happy depending on your choice.
Side note, sorry about the excess of Raph in this chapter. I promise next chapter is very Leo-centric, but I guess...well, Raph is my favorite, apparently.
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froottalks · 8 months
Watching Your Back - Carol Danvers x reader
(A/N: Saw this prompt by @ghostly-prompts and thought it'd be a fun idea.)
Prompt 606 “Where were you when I needed you? When I faced my greatest enemy?” “Watching your back.”
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[summary: carol is angry and upset that reader wasn't there to help her but didn't know that reader had her back all along.]
The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city's skyline. You stood on the rooftop, the soft breeze ruffling your hair as you stared out at the twinkling lights below. It had been a long day, and the weight of the world seemed to rest on your shoulders. The thought of the battles you had fought, the enemies you had faced, and the sacrifices you had made made your heart heavy.
"Where were you when I needed you? When I faced my greatest enemy?" a voice echoed from behind you, filled with a mix of frustration and hurt.
You turned, finding Carol Danvers leaning against a nearby ledge, her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes held a storm of emotions, a mixture of anger and sadness that you had never seen before. It was a stark contrast to the confident and composed Captain Marvel you were accustomed to.
Your heart ached at her words, feeling the depth of the pain in her voice. You took a step toward her, your expression softening. "Carol..."
She held up a hand, cutting you off. "No, just listen. I don't want excuses. I want to know why you weren't there when I needed you the most."
You took a deep breath, struggling to find the words to explain. "I... I never meant to let you down, Carol. You know that, right?"
She sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I know. But it's hard not to feel abandoned when the person you trust the most isn't there when it counts."
You walked closer to her, your heart aching with every step. "I'm sorry. I never wanted you to feel that way."
She looked up at you, her blue eyes searching yours for sincerity. "Where were you?"
"Watching your back," you replied without hesitation. "Even when you couldn't see me, I was there. I was supporting you, believing in you, every step of the way."
Carol's expression softened, the anger in her eyes melting away. "Even when it felt like I was alone?"
"Especially then," you said, your voice gentle yet resolute. "You've always been strong, Carol, but even the strongest need someone by their side sometimes. I wanted to be that person for you."
Tears glistened in her eyes as she reached out, gently cupping your cheek with her hand. "I've faced countless enemies and challenges, but this... this was the hardest. Feeling like I had lost you."
You covered her hand with yours, leaning into her touch. "You'll never lose me, Carol. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
A small, almost imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I guess I should've known better than to doubt that."
You stepped closer, wrapping your arms around her in a warm embrace. She hesitated for a moment before returning the hug, her strong arms enveloping you in a comforting hold. In that moment, as the city lights danced around you, you knew that no matter the challenges that lay ahead, you and Carol would face them together. And as long as you were watching her back, she would never truly be alone.
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jenniquinn · 7 months
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Joseph Quinn X FemReader
"Fuck man, she is clingy. She hangs on me even when I don't want her too" you hear your boyfriend Joe say to a friend. Tears hit your face. You were at a premiere for an upcoming movie of his. You don't keep listening, running away. You don't hear that he was talking about a castmate and not you. But you thought you heard enough.
You get home and 30 minutes later he comes through the door. "darling you left me is everything ok" you just ignore him under the blanket pretending to sleep. He sighs and dresses for bed slipping in beside you. He moves closer and you Scoot forward. He frowns "is she mad" he thinks and moves to place a hand on your hip but you move again. You planned to not letting him touch you or you touch him. Hurt and rolls over to his other side and falls asleep wondering what's going on.
Two weeks pass and you let him kiss your lips but move when his hands try to touch you. You barely let him touch you. It's been two weeks since you've let him have sex with him. He decided enough was enough. You protest as he pulls you to sit on the couch and he sits in front of you on the coffee table.
"What's going on love? Why won't you let me touch you" he asks reaching his hand out and you flinch. "See that! Why do you suddenly not like when I touch you" you stay silent. He sniffs and you look up to see tears hitting his cheeks.
"So what? Do you not love me anymore" he starts and you start to talk but he keeps going "I know my life is so hectic but baby please this is breaking my heart" he pleads and you sigh. "I know I've been to much for you" he looks confused but you continue. "I know I touch you and want to kiss you all the time but I don't want you to think I'm clingy anymore". Tears fall down your face now.
"Oh sweets where did you get the idea that I would ever think you were to clingy" he asks and you sigh. "At the premiere, I heard you talking to someone and you said I was clingy" you blurt out and he sighs "oh darling that's why you left" you nod and he grabs your face wiping your tears. "Darling I was talking about someone I worked with on set. She was all touchy feely even after I told her I had a girlfriend who I love so much" your eyes widen then you look towards your lap.
"I feel so stupid" you say and lifts your face "oh baby your not stupid. I mean how could ever doubt my feelings for you. Besides I cant go more than a few minutes without your touch. I'm clingy not you. Yet you deal with me" he says and you pull him close kissing him. "I'm sorry" you whisper. He grabs your hand and makes you stand. He strokes your face "fuck sweets I missed your touch, your kisses. I thought I was gonna go mental with them" you smile.
"Well then Mr Quinn you might want to take us to the bedroom" he grins. He pulls to to the room. He sets you on the bed and you both strip. Once naked you pull him close as you lay back. He hovers over you, kissing every part of your face when he moves to the sweet spot on your neck. "Mark me up" you say and he looks at you and he nods "only if you mark me" he says and you move your mouth to his neck, biting and and nibbling.
You thought he would find it weird. How much you loved to wake up the neck day covered in bruises or hickeys but fuck if he doesn't love that about you. He moves down your chest leaving more hickeys as he makes his way down. Finally he gets to your pussy. He moves a hand to rub your clit.
Your hips instantly when his mouth starts sucking and licking your cunt. "Fuck Joe I've missed your mouth on me" you gasp out. He moans sending shivers down your legs as they shake. Suddenly two of his fingers enter to you and suddenly you begin to bliss out as you cum. He mouth moves from you and you sit up.
You grab his cock and give a few pumps before you take him down your throat. He pushes your head down, you gag at first but once you get used to it it's fine. He suddenly moves your mouth off his dick. He lays you down. He lifts your legs and places one on each of his shoulders as he sticks his cock in you. You moan, eyes rolling back. He starts slow then grabs your hips and begins fucking you harder. You feel a hand move to your tits and you take his hand and move it to your throat and he gives a light squeeze.
"Fuck I'm so close" you scream, legs shaking. You feel him twitch inside you. "Oh baby me" suddenly you cum faster and stronger than you have in a awhile. You both gasp as you come down from your orgasms. He pulls out and bends down to grab a shirt from the floor to clean yourselves off.
He helps you move back on the bed, he lays beside you and snuggle in his chest. "That was amazing" he says and you smile. You look at him and peck his lips. "Please for the sake of both of us, if you ever feel slighted in any way please come talk to me. I thought you finally decided that you didn't love me anymore" he says and you frown. "I know you love me. I should of just talked to you instead of ignoring you" you say and he kisses your forehead. "I love Y/N, so much" you smile "oh sweets I love ya too" you say laying your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
You fall asleep to the sound, something that always calmed you. And then things went back to normal like nothing ever happened. After all that happened it was like you two loved each more than you did before, something you didn't think possible.
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