#( except for that one person who wanted one of their own but I wanted to make this post jkdghd 0
tobiasdrake · 1 day
By the way, while we're talking about Gohan, Piccolo, and that moment, I want to take a moment to focus in on what he says here. Because it's fascinating to really stop and think about.
In his dying moments, Piccolo says this to Gohan.
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"You were the only one who ever really talked to me."
Piccolo's existence is so complicated at this point that there's some ambiguity here. The first person ever to really talk to him. That's a bold statement. What does he mean by that?
What does Piccolo mean when he says "ever"? Let's stop to really think about that.
The first interpretation is that he's referring to this incarnation of himself. Going back to the day he was "born" anew.
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I love how he was born wearing clothes apparently. Maybe he popped out of that egg and immediately used his signature Clothes Beam, an obscure technique but a valuable one.
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For real, Piccolo's ability to create matter from ki is probably the most underutilized ability in Dragon Ball. This is, like, the one and only time we ever see it. It is never explained. Even Cell wound up having to create his arena from existing resources nearby.
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But I digress.
Piccolo was reborn to finish the work he'd started: Kill Son Goku and take over the world. The 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai was his opportunity to do just that.
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So. When Piccolo says "ever", he's talking about this, right? He talks to attendees at the tournament but their interactions are strictly hostile. He's here to kill Goku; He's not interested in socializing.
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This is the closest thing to a friendly chat that this incarnation of Piccolo ever had prior to Gohan's training. So it's easy to hear him say "You were the only one who ever really talked to me," and go, "Yeah, that checks out." Though that's not really their fault.
But. Hang on. Piccolo's sense of self goes back further than that.
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"Majunior" is always referred to and always refers to himself as though he and Piccolo-Daimao were one and the same. He is not Piccolo's son. He's a copy, splintered off from the Daimao and given a new body.
Kami explains it like this.
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Effectively, Daimao split himself in two. One piece of him created the egg and sent it across the horizon for the other piece to escape inside, and that piece hatched into "Majunior".
It's a popular fanon to treat Piccolo Jr. like he's a totally newborn baby saddled with the Sins of the Father, but this is never how the source material treats him. Piccolo is Piccolo is Piccolo; the two are one and the same. Except one's a Mazoku and the other is not.
A revelation that comes at the cost of Goku and Raditz's lives.
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So when he says "You were the only one who ever really talked to me," he's probably not talking about this incarnation. He's probably reaching all the way back to the birth of Piccolo as an entity.
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When the Nameless Namekian ascended to the throne of God, he had to purge himself of the evil that had accumulated in his soul. That evil took form and shape, and it became Piccolo.
Given the description of Piccolo having "escaped", it sounds like they tried to imprison him moments after he first came into being. Makes sense; He's literally evil incarnate. A half-person Mazoku formed of pure evil, incapable of moral agency. Why would you want to let that loose?
But they failed. Piccolo got free and descended from Heaven into the human realm to wreak untold havoc upon humanity.
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So. Y'know. Nobody's out there having civil chats with that.
But. Hang on. Piccolo's sense of self goes back even further than that, doesn't it? After all. As much as "Majunior" is a fragment of Piccolo-Daimao, Piccolo-Daimao too is a fragment of the Nameless Namekian, and he retains that knowledge, memory, and experience as well.
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When Piccolo and God begin to speak candidly with one another in the ring, they don't speak Japanese. Instead, they're speaking their own language. A language not of this Earth. With courtesy translation for the audience.
They are speaking the Namekian language. A language from a race neither Piccolo nor God even knows exists. This is confirmed by Bulma and Popo, when they discover the Nameless Namekian's spacecraft.
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This was the first language Piccolo ever knew, in the very first incarnation of himself.
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This isn't God's history he's sharing. It's theirs, his and Piccolo's together.
Because Piccolo is pure evil. But he isn't. Like. The concept of evil. He is Nameless's evil. The corruption, the bitterness and resentment and fear and anger and uncertainty and despair that's cultivated in his heart over a lifetime of loneliness and isolation.
A Ryuzoku Namekian, child of Katatsu, sent to Earth to escape a climate catastrophe that destroyed their planet and killed their entire race, but two. An orphaned child landing in a deserted wasteland with nothing but an empty promise from a parent who would never make the trip.
We don't know what happened between then and his ascension to Godhood. All we know is that these days were spent alone. And a worm of evil grew in his heart.
This, it should be noted, is not standard procedure for becoming God. When Dende took the throne, he did not have to do anything to purify himself.
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That's basically the entire vetting procedure for Dende's ascension.
The way God describes the process, creating Piccolo was something unique to his experience, because his predecessor had noticed a growing darkness unworthy of God inside of him.
I legitimately wonder if God spit Piccolo out as an egg, the way he later spit out the egg of his copy.
In the Namekian language, the word "Piccolo" means "Another world".
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It's a word that Nameless knew intimately. Not just because it's from the first spoken language he ever knew. But because that voice command opened and closed his home.
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Every day of his lonely life, waiting for a parent that would never come, this is how he came and went. Piccolo as he goes out and Piccolo again once he steps outside. Piccolo on his return and Piccolo once he's safe inside the only home he knows. Piccolo, Piccolo. Piccolo, Piccolo. This word defined his childhood.
This word was the only parent he had.
When he fractured, breaking off the darkness in his soul and externalizing it into a new body, that body took Piccolo as his name.
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This has been his existence, since before he could remember. The life of a Namekian whose name has been lost to time. The man who became the man who became Piccolo. God, in his temple in heaven, has Popo by his side to offer companionship and assistance. But for the life he lived before that and for the part of him that fractured off, not once in this long and winding 300-year journey has he ever had a friend.
So when you really stop and take a look at where not just the original Piccolo but the original came from, at the foundation of where Piccolo truly began, those words take on a bit of a different meaning, don't they?
When Piccolo says, "You were the only one who ever really talked to me," that cuts a little deeper when you stop to really think about it.
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semisomnosres · 2 days
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I'll try to throw in a little bit of lore
A mysterious disease that only the Norisu clan could resist at the cost of their lives. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely eradicate it and it terrorizes the city to this day, and only a ninja, thanks to the mask, can fight monsters without being absorbed by this filth. The disease is called the “Sorcerer’s Curse”; in ancient Japan it was believed that all illnesses and misfortunes were the fault of demons/yokai/punishment of the gods and other evil spirits. It all started with the fact that one of the first infected was mistaken for an evil sorcerer who cast a curse on everyone, which was completely wrong, but rumors spread like wildfire, and somehow, imperceptibly, this name stuck. (The First already has a shitload of things to do, he is one of those people who, if he could, would not blink so that he could work more, but coming up with an adequate name and then accustoming people to it is clearly not what he wants to spend his time on.)
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Mutated beasts appeared just as unexpectedly along with the infection. Ugly, evil, hungry creatures, wreaking chaos and eating everyone they find. They usually live and hunt in their own territory, but at the same time they have the audacity to sneak into the city to hunt. The curse had a strong impact on the environment, poisoning the land for years and changing it over so many years so that some places resemble nightmares. (For example: Trees that look like a trypophobic hell, boiling swamps where even the steam burns to the point of pain, living pieces of meat growing straight from the ground and other delights that an adequate person would not want to see in person)
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It’s relatively safe within the city, except for moments of monster attacks (which a ninja can handle) and shitty weather: hail of icy needles, acid rain season, etc. This is already common and people have adapted to such conditions over so many years. But there are also truly dangerous places where only a ninja or a complete idiot would go. (the level with the swamp from Dark Souls says hello)
From time to time, Randy has to go there voluntarily (forcibly), because only there can he get ingredients for some drugs (like those cones for creating smoke bombs) Infected people - It is quite easy to distinguish from animals - by preserved human features, personal belongings, hair, and the ability to speak humanly (but usually it turns out something incoherent, or the infected person repeats the same word) Over time, their consciousness and body will change more and more: they will begin to forget about themselves, become more aggressive and experience constantly incessant pain from body deformation and insatiable hunger (The speed of development of the virus depends on the person, some can retain their sanity and control over their actions to the last, while others They immediately break down and begin to attack those around them)
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Although there are difficult situations, it will be possible to reverse the transformation, but there is an exception. - if they eat a person, or simply taste blood, then they are immediately classified as beasts and belong to extermination. (there is another point of infection, which I will talk about a little later). As in the canon, they are also called Abominations, but for a slightly different reason. In origa, their breath simply stinks, here the unpleasant odor appears due to the decomposition of cells by parasites. They smell like rotten meat in swamp soil and metal.
Logically, I decided to make changes in the approach to battles. (combat medics) They also use weapons/magic, etc., but in the original the ninja has a choice of how hard and how deep he will push the nunchucks into someone’s insides, there are more choices of poisons and types of heals.
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Another idea is that it depends on the character of the ninja whether the treatment will be painless or even the feeling of an injection will be the same as being hit with a knife
And I will mention a person who has an important role in the city - McFist. As a true smart-ass capitalist, he managed to make money from the epidemic. (And more precisely, selling all sorts of devices for home protection, umbrellas against acid rain, alarms, etc. And his second profitable industry is the funeral home) Not to say that he is a straight-up villain here, he rather has the vibe of an annoying neighbor. It infuriates him that a ninja, in the heat of fulfilling his duties, can (accidentally) ruin some of his stores, and the ninja is annoyed that it’s up to him to clean up the consequences of some of his awesome ideas (for example, he will build a plant right near the borders of the city, where in the end the pipeline became for monsters highway directly to the city sewer system.)
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Too Sweet
Ok, so here's my hot take (or maybe not, who knows) about the Hozier song Too Sweet being Nanami-coded. When the song first came out, everyone was screaming that it's Nanami-coded so obviously I gave it a listen and when it was done...I was a bit confused.
There is nothing about this song that makes me think of Nanami. Save for the chorus:
"I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three"
With the exception of those lines I fail to see how any of the rest of the song relates to Nanami. The song talks about a man who (apparently) is in a relationship with someone who lives a contrasting life to his own. His s/o seems to be someone who likes structure and a more stable life with a plan, whereas he prefers spontaneity and some of the darker aspects of life.
Now, I can't help but picture Nanami as someone who craves this kind of structured lifestyle as well. We know he's tired and I think he would love it if he could find someone that could bring a touch of domesticity into his life. The song narrator sounds like the person Nanami is right now, like making the best decisions he can with whatever he has but I just don't feel like he'd reject someone trying to provide him with comforts like making sure he gets enough sleep, or that he's living life to the fullest.
As for the "you're too sweet for me" I can imagine Nanami saying this when he finds his s/o doing things that he doesn't necessarily expect of them, like staying up waiting for him when he gets home late, or bringing him his lunch if he forgets it. The song though, almost makes it sound like the narrator is patronizing the s/o because they're "too sweet" for the rough and almost bitter lifestyle he prefers.
"sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait"
This almost makes it sound like the narrator is asking s/o to wait on him and see if they'll change their mind about the type of lifestyle they want vs the one he's leading. That almost feels like he's not making promises to the s/o but rather, he's waiting for them to accept his lifestyle and maybe ease up on their own expectations as to how they want to live ("You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate, The rest of you like you're the TSA"). I can't imagine Nanami leading someone on like that, or asking them to change their mind on something that they clearly have worked hard to attain.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is Nanami isn't someone running away from wanting a structured life and stability. He very much wants it, but he's stuck with the current lifestyle of working long hours and sleeping whenever he can. He doesn't want it, but it's what he has and he's doing his best to make it work.
Anyway, I fail to find the connection between Nanami and this song. This is just my opinion and thoughts, of course, everyone is free to feel how they feel. No shade to Hozier though, it's a nice song on it's own, just not Nanami-coded.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
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blazethecheeto · 2 days
hi so i watched the supergirl finale. and like. what the fuck guys.
that might have been the biggest queer analogy i've ever seen without it being explicitly stated. the whole talk where kara compares how she feels like she's been trapped, how she's been hiding and never living her authentic truth to alex feeling free and joyful with her wife.
the life she wants to have. the metaphors of her not feeling ready to come out. the constant parallels to alex's journey and her wedding vows resonating with kara so deeply. CAT SAYING "most of all, i hope you choose to become your full self."
and then, AND THEN- out of every single person, lena luthor is the one she has her last conversation with. she is the one to support her, to believe in her, like she always has. lena comparing how both of them were always being told who they were supposed to be, the roles society set up for them, and how they both defied it by becoming friends.
no, because don't get me started with how lillian said in the very beginning of the episode to lena: "live your life the way you want to live it." the insane queer metaphors and parallels with her magic being programmed out of her as a kid because 'it wasn't how the luthor family was supposed to be".
lena turning to kara in that conversation, saying she's finally living her own life and it feels amazing, inviting kara to join her and go through and take on that journey together. kara wondering how it would feel like to connect with someone as her full self NOT KNOWING THAT PERSON IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER? lena just responding "i think it'd be empowering" WISTFULLY? i can't do this guys i sobbed.
like TF DO YOU MEAN "i didn't get to grow up to be the person i was supposed to be, and i think it's the same for you" and "i give people speeches on how to live their best lives, but i'm too afraid to live my own".
also, ain't no way they killed off william AND made mon-el come back JUST to confirm that ship was never becoming canon. the writers really said yeah, both of them will be the only people at the wedding with absolutely no other love interests except each other!!
finally, on a less serious note, in that last cat + kara conversation, the way she said-
"i just feel..."
tl;dr: that was an insane show to go through, i can only imagine how the fans reacted, but man. queerbaiting's really something isn't it. i'm gonna cry and read more supercorp fanfiction.
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dorthyanndrarry · 22 hours
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i'm so sorry I fell off the face of the earth. I didn't mean to😥.
I was renovating the house I was living in while getting ready to move for the first time in 12 years then moving and staging the house I had been living in (my parents owned it, they paid me a percentage of the house sale for the work I did) Oh and I was also moving in with my sister who had been in s korea the last eight years.
So I might have burned myself out, a lote.
I've been trying, very very slowly, to start writing again. I don't know if there's anyone here anymore but I forced myself to at least post and say something even though my anxiety says I'm a terrible person and I'll be yelled at. it's like the opposite of that meme, except instead of getting a good grade in therapy, I'm gonna get a bad grade in tumblr. But I've been on tumblr long enough to know we are all f students, and I think that's kind of the point?
anyway. I've started by editing/rewriting one of my old stories cause that's less stressful. And I'll post it here, if anyone wants to read it? fingers crossed I can gently ease myself back into this without doing another crash n burn
and also I've missed you all🥰
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antianakin · 1 day
Yo. What are your thoughts on people who unironically claim that - prior to his talk with Yoda - Luke was right about the Jedi Order in TLJ?
There's definitely other people who can probably discuss this more eloquently than I can, but basically the argument I've seen that works the best for me is that the whole point of Luke's journey in TLJ is that he's WRONG. Luke loses himself to his own fear and grief, and that turns him into a bitter, resentful person. And what we often see when people hit that sort of rock bottom point is that they refuse to be truly mindful and self-reflective and instead turn their fear into anger and then lash out at someone else just to have someone to blame that isn't themselves. And, within the context of Star Wars, the Jedi so often end up that scapegoat. There's even a pattern I've pointed out in other posts of Jedi choosing to turn on their own when they lose themselves to darkness (Krell, Barriss, Malicos, even Bode to some degree, and obviously Anakin).
But just because the Jedi often end up scapegoats for other people's failures doesn't actually mean these people are RIGHT to blame the Jedi for the galaxy's woes.
It also would quite honestly just make zero sense if Luke was right because he talks about wanting the Jedi to all die out, he wants there to be NO MORE Jedi at all, and then the end of the film is that Rey goes on to continue being a Jedi and Luke makes the big declaration that he won't be the last Jedi as a triumph over Kylo and the First Order. None of that seems to indicate that Rey continuing to become a Jedi is a BAD THING the way Luke would have thought earlier in the movie. So if Rey becoming a Jedi is a good thing, then it automatically means Luke thinking all the Jedi should die with him was WRONG. This is basic media literacy.
Luke is unkind and cruel and insensitive throughout the entirety of his interactions with Rey. And he is very DELIBERATELY written this way, you're supposed to be sort-of taken aback and cringing away from this version of Luke. This version of Luke is broken and warped from the person we last knew him to be. This is not a kindly master of any kind, so why would we listen to anything he has to say while in this mindset?
One of the other things done in TLJ to really slam home that Luke's perspective on things isn't always trustworthy is the comparison between the two flashbacks to Kylo's turn. Luke and Kylo both have very different versions of that night and so it's implied that we cannot necessarily just take Luke at his word when he says things. Luke is not an inherently trustworthy person anymore. So when he says shit like "The Jedi should die with me" it's said within the context we are being given that Luke is now untrustworthy and consumed with bitterness, so EVERYTHING HE SAYS has to be taken with a bucket of salt.
Luke isn't right about the Jedi, he can't be in order for any part of his story to make any sense and for the ending of the film to be in any way satisfying.
What I WILL say though is that this entire storyline is pure bullshit anyway and executed in the worst way possible. It's written in such a way that it's not hard to see WHY people would jump to the interpretation that Luke was right about the Jedi. I hate that they have Luke saying these things to begin with, I hate that his entire relationship with Rey consists of Luke being an asshole and refusing to teach her anything except how awful the Jedi were when he barely even ever KNEW the Jedi. This feels like a character assassination of Luke for no good reason. Making Luke into a broken hero completely sidelined Rey in her own story and made that entire plot about LUKE'S growth instead of Rey's. So not only is it really jarring and uncomfortable to see Luke as a bitter old man instead of a wise master, it's an absolutely shit writing decision that sidelines the first main female character of a Star Wars movie in order to focus on a man. Making Luke a kind, wise master would have forced the story to focus on REY and REY'S fears and doubts and REY'S growth and development into being a Jedi because Luke has ALREADY HAS HIS FUCKING STORY TOLD AND DOESN'T NEED TO GO THROUGH IT A SECOND TIME.
There's just so much that is badly done about this storyline, so I can't really blame people for reading it as "Luke was right about the Jedi being bad and it's good that Rey is going to be a Jedi only because she's going to be a different KIND of Jedi that is better." It's so so awful and I appreciate that TROS tried to fix it by making ghost!Luke a kindly master who retracts some of his statements about the Jedi when he sees Rey again, but the damage was already done and it was too late. That being said, I do think that despite how badly it's written, the intent is that Luke is WRONG and he is very much an unreliable narrator in TLJ and people don't really pick up on that in their interpretations.
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justatalkingface · 2 days
Let's talk about the Nomu and the Remnants
So, among all the other fuck fuck games Hori played with late-game MHA, I don't think anyone has really... picked up on just what implications he's made when it comes to Remnants.
You see, once upon a time, Remnants only existed because OFA let them, kept them, empowered them. Even when it wasn't really expanded on at the time, the fact that Izuku had them was a sign of his Heroic Mandate (TM) and Destiny(TM), it was something unique to him, something that even All Might didn't have. But... you know, now AFO is just filled with a screaming chorus of those he has damned or something.
Let's... let's ignore the general clusterfuck of AFO for this, and just... all the late game stuff. Let's just talk about one thing: the fact that he has Remnants, and the fact they've been trying to talk to (murder) him.
And first off, that's a big retcon, because even if the OFA Remnants didn't want to murder their users, I'm pretty damn sure they'd want to talk to them all the same, and yet somehow only Izuku noticed, even before the clusterfuck of the extra Quirks kicked in.
But even that's not the point, that's just an appetizer. Because the thing is? The Quirks AFO is holding aren't the only Quirks he's taken, far from it.
There are the Quirks he's given to various people throughout the years, subordinates, would be supporters and probably some random people he wanted to torture.
The Nomu he's made, experimented on for decades.
Hell, all the Quirks he and Dr. Diablo Ex Machina have made (somehow) throughout this time.
That's hundreds, maybe thousand, of Quirks. Millions potentially, if we're looking at the copies and trying to get a number out of the vague 'and then we invented a whole new science just to fuck other people over' bit. And according to this late game stuff? Every single one of them is host to the mental copy of the person they were stolen from (or cloned from, presumably). And outside of a few exceptions, (vanishingly few; while there were people in the past, and in rare occasions the present, who didn't want their Quirks... the magic dream copy in the Quirk would still have their Quirk. For them, the problem hasn't gone away at all! Maybe some of the reason they hated it is gone, but even at best they're still bearing that thing they've always hated... and that's not even getting into people who just... hated them, or thought they were wrong. Or were afraid of hurting someone... only to be given to someone who doesn't share those same concerns, or even the same level of restraint they had. Even though the actual person got what they wanted, there's a copy of them that is still in hell, and knows they're never going to escape it, because they are their own nightmare.) every single Quirk was stolen by force. Every single one of the remnants in these people are just... suffering, and for all intents and purposes will remain that way, until the person bearing them dies.
And all of that? All of that doesn't get into the Nomus. The largely brain dead living corpses made smashing together likely Quirks with the same energy of a child trying to force together Legos, even before whatever process happens to condition them into being loyal. What the hell does that do to a mind? Do they stay separate? Do they... blend together? Does the body/dominant mind/most powerful Quirk just get implanted with memories and desires of complete strangers?
Every single one of those exposed brain monstrosities is a walking, talking torture device filled with damned souls of some unknown number, and who even knows about how much is in the High Ends.
Hell, what about the copied Quirks? Do they retain the full knowledge of who they were? Or does each copy... lose something, each in generation away from the original? Do they realize that they're missing some fundamental portion of themselves, that they're not real?
I'm pretty damn sure that this, like so many things, is something that just happened because Hori didn't think it through, because this is horrifying on levels it's hard to comprehend. It's a level of human suffering on the level of you'd get from the Dark Eldar in WH40K, and on both Hori and AFO's parts, it's entirely accidental. And yet, I don't think there's one part of this that isn't canon compliant, that there's nothing to disprove the idea that, somewhere in Aoyoma, there's some poor sod that was shoved in there, that inside AFO there's a copy of Eri.
Just... just something I want people to think about, because I don't want to be the only one.
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suffersinfandom · 1 day
Heyo, @nidmightcookies! This is my response to your reply on Atticus' post over here -- I didn't want to take away from the message of that post or the additions from other POC.
Sidenote: I'm extremely white and have no credentials that make me qualified to talk about race (I'm just a person who reads and tries to listen), and my takes are probably going to show that. That's another reason I didn't want to clutter up the original post with my reply.
In response to this
“Why is it racist to depict Ed as uncontrollably violent?  Because he's not actually depicted that way in the show.”
you talk about Ed baiting the crew to murder him and committing other violent acts. The original point is stating that Ed is not depicted as uncontrollably violent in the show, not claiming that he perpetrated no violence full stop. Yes, Ed does violence. No, he is not uncontrollably violent.
What Ed does is purposeful, not uncontrollable. He doesn’t push Lucius off the ship after he gives up all hope because he’s a violent guy who just does stuff like that, and the mutiny situation in S2E2… as allthinky said in a response, “that’s Ed at the end of his rope,” not him being uncontrollably violent. He’d been working towards suicide ever since he started baiting Low. As a backup plan, he’s been working the crew hard, disregarding their well-being, and being an overall awful boss in an attempt to incite a mutiny. 
Yes, he was “a serious, immediate threat to his crew” by the time he was out of other ideas to make someone take him out. Ed commits acts of violence -- I don’t think I’ve seen anyone claim he doesn’t -- but he always does so with some amount of reason (not necessarily good reasons) and control. 
“Upon reflection, my biggest issue may be with the people who argue that Ed's never been shown to be violent, or that any time he has resorted to violence, he's absolved of blame by the fact that someone was mean to him first. Which... I don't think I've seen you make either of those arguments at any point in the past.”
I’m really glad that you mentioned that OP hadn’t made either of those arguments (that you know of), that was genuinely very cool. As for the rest of it, I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone say that Ed is “never shown to be violent” or that he can always be “absolved of the blame” unless you want to remove all of the nuance from common talking points. 
He is never shown to be more violent than the average pirate and, due to his deep-seated trauma relating to his own capacity for violence, he’s actually on the less violent end of the pirate spectrum. He can’t be absolved of all blame for his actions because he’s a grown man who makes his own choices (and saying otherwise robs him of his agency). What I’ve seen said is that Ed’s actions are informed by things like trauma, abuse, and racism. His actions make sense. They’re not spontaneous violence committed because Ed flies into rages and homicidal spirals out of the blue.
“Not saying we shouldn't consider it [that is, are we “assigning more weight to Ed's violent actions than those of other characters or assuming he's worse than he actually is”], but I mean. If a white character on the show had cut off his employee's toes and fed them to him, shot him in the leg, ordered his death, held a gun on his other subordinates, marooned some/tossed one overboard, threatened to drown the ones that remained... because he was pushed into it, with the same combination of abusive childhood/hostile work environment... would he be equally deserving of that consideration? Would it be an overreaction to call him dangerous?”
Probably, but if everything was the same except Ed Is White Now, his baggage and his relationship with Izzy wouldn’t be exactly the same. Ed's race isn’t inconsequential. We can't really remove race from the story and end up with the same character, y'know?
Also: I do think it’s inappropriate to turn this question back on POC. I don’t think that POC are obligated to reconsider biases against a white character.
“Izzy is crew”
Ed’s relationship to Izzy is not comparable to his relationship with the crew. The crew have done nothing wrong and haven’t behaved antagonistically towards Ed. Izzy and Ed have a complicated, toxic, and difficult relationship (regardless of where you stand on whether or not Izzy’s abusive), therefore any harm caused to Izzy has to be considered differently than harm caused to the rest of the crew.
“Even if we say that he doesn't count, Ed still pushed Lucius off the ship.”
Yes, Ed did do that, but I think that Atticus is talking about Ed’s S2 actions in that point, not what happened in S1. Most (I think all?) meta I’ve read does consider Ed pushing Lucius off the ship an act of violence that Lucius himself did nothing to provoke. 
This might be controversial, but I’d put Ed pushing Lucius overboard on par with, like, a particularly unjust firing in a workplace that isn’t a pirate vessel. When we watch OFMD, we have to adjust our physical violence meters to account for the fact that we’re dealing with an environment that’s full of physical violence.
“Also, emotional abuse directed at the rest of the crew is still abuse”
I don't consider Ed emotionally abusive. He works the crew hard. He’s a terrible boss who doesn’t give his employees vacation days or paid time off and then throws them a sad pizza party. That sucks, it’s not okay, and his final death spiral in S2E2 is terrible and he never should have involved the crew in that. 
Abuse is a pattern of behavior that’s meant to control people. Not all harm is abuse. When I say that Ed isn't abusive, I'm not saying that he didn't hurt people.
“So... I was raised by a physically and psychologically abusive parent. I get that Ed's been hurt, is still hurting, and why. The "why" doesn't matter for the question of "did he or didn't he", though. It may or may not be his fault, he may or may not have done it because he felt unsafe. The point is, his actions did hurt people.”
Same, friend, and I'm sorry you went through that. (That’s actually one of the reasons I’ve always been wary of Izzy. What he says and does in S1 is too familiar to me, sometimes to a point where I can’t watch certain scenes.) I don’t think anyone’s saying that Ed isn’t hurting anyone, or that all of his actions can be attributed to abuse. If that’s not what you’re getting at here, apologies for misunderstanding.
“His boss that he was trying to control was brown.  Was that a factor in his power play though, or was it because Taika wound up being cast as Blackbeard? Any other (white) actor in the role, would Izzy be as bad for trying to control him? Would the scripts have gone a different way?”
Here’s the thing. In the show we have, Blackbeard is played by a Maori/Jewish man, and this fundamentally alters the character. There are things in the show -- whole episodes, if you want to look at S1E5 and the fancy party guests who treat Ed like exotic entertainment and not a peer -- that wouldn’t be the same if Ed was white. 
And yeah, Ed being brown changes the dynamic between Ed and Izzy. It would still be bad if a white guy was trying to control another white guy, but it wouldn’t be bad on the same level. Same goes if they were both brown. A white man trying to control the behavior of an indigenous man is worse.
“Izzy got permanently disfigured, crippled, and dead, while Ed came out largely unscathed in a physical sense, due to Muppet logic. Not to say one is more deserving than the other, but for a bunch of fans, there's probably a sense of Izzy getting the short end of the stick, to consider.”
That’s fine if some people feel like Izzy got the short end of the stick. It’s fine that some people feel like Izzy’s arc was kinder to him than it should have been. It’s okay to feel whatever! We connect emotionally to different characters and that biases our opinions and meta. That’s not a crime. We just need to be aware of our biases and why they exist.
The thing with OFMD is that Ed is a main character with more background and a story that, at every turn, asks you to sympathize with him. We’re given a look into Ed’s psyche. We understand at least some of his trauma and hurt and why he acts the way he does. Izzy has virtually no backstory and we’re never offered a glimpse into his mind; we don’t know why he’s like that. You can totally like a secondary character (or even an antagonist!) with no real canonical background or mental groundwork. It’s fun to ask why characters do what they do when canon doesn’t offer us any answers, and who doesn’t love a mystery box? 
But with OFMD, it can raise eyebrows when people say their main concern is the suffering of a white man who behaves antagonistically towards a brown man, especially when that brown character is a well-developed lead who also suffers (and suffers at the hands of aforementioned white character). It’s not inherently racist for someone to care more about Izzy than Ed, but it’s also not unreasonable to ask that someone to think about the possibility that subconscious racism could be factoring into their point of view.
“I don't think it's fair discussion to have a rule saying ‘even though you didn't directly call out the brown man, your argument is still racist’... even if it's true in many cases, it effectively means that no criticism of the character can ever be considered valid. If someone wants to argue ‘removing your employee's toes and feeding them to him is abusive behavior’, they can't, because of the unspoken skin colors involved? I don't know what the solution to this is.”
No one is saying that all criticism of a character of color is racist or invalid. As allthinky said in response, we’re saying that “those critiques have to be based on real evidence, and placed in a careful context, so that their actions can be understood as human, and not just the brutality of some brute.”
Criticize, but criticize with evidence and with awareness of the context of the criticized behavior. 
With the Izzy example, you have to consider the context of their relationship and Izzy’s actions throughout S1. Izzy isn’t just an employee: he’s a trusted second-in-command who has been insulting, controlling, and disloyal; he endangered not just Stede but also Ed and the rest of the crew; he told Ed that he was better off dead than acting as he was, and that Izzy's loyalty belongs to the violent worksona that Ed wants to shed. Is Ed being abusive when he’s reacting in response to abuse from his abuser? 
“[T]he show has layers (like an onion). Sometimes the meaning is not entirely surface-level, and everyone has a different level of comprehension. Sometimes obvious things to us aren't obvious to other fans/vice-versa. There's a whole 'nother discussion of media literacy to be had.”
I think that Atticus said it best here: “This is not a subtle show. That's not to say it's a simple one [...]. It's amazingly layered and emotional responses by characters are often extremely complex. However, when the show is trying to tell you something, it's not subtle and it never tries to hide it.”
There are a lot of things in OFMD that are subjective and open to interpretation, and those things are fun to discuss even when we have different takes. There are also a lot of things that are very clear. When people try to subvert the messages and ideas that OFMD is conveying loudly and openly, other fans get suspicious and wonder if the folks doing the subverting have an agenda, a bias, or just misunderstand what the show is saying.
I hope that reply was sufficient!
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losyash · 2 days
SHIMON ARC: Hibari to Tsuna
Recently I've been liveblogging my Shimon arc reread to my friends.
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On chapter 323 one of them said they always wondered if the headband being there meant something. And yes, curtains might be blue because it's a nice color. But no. No, curtains being blue is incredibly goddamn important.
First, to recap what is happening: Shimon arc, pre Adelheid vs Hibari battle they briefly argue about Tsuna and Enma and decide on their pride and the rules of the battle: to seize each other's handband. Adelheid creates an ice prison that is impossible to penetrate from outside and 500 ice clones to fight Hibari. He fights them all, tells Adelheid she is wrong about Enma and small animals (which i will talk about later) and uses minirolls to crush the ice fort from the inside. After this he gets her handband, they talk about Tsuna again and Hibari drops his "it is because of the sky the cloud can float freely" thing.
Before I delve into it, however, I feel like I should take a quick dive in Tsuna-Hibari relationship from Hibari's perspective.
To put it simply, at first Hibari does not give a single fuck about Tsuna personally. Even after this glorious scene happens
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All Hibari thinks about that day is that he wants to meet Reborn again. During the course of Daily life arc however Hibari messes with him plenty. Ny the time 43rd chapter (sakura viewing) rolls around, Hibari's opinion on Tsuna is summarized by this:
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And this is actually the key. Hibari does not understand Tsuna. To him Tsuna is some weird ass alien creature who does not fit his rigid worldview. At first Hibari tries to make him make sense again by asserting himself over Tsuna and putting him back to the role of herbivore which he does follow every time except when he doesn't?? For some reason?????
Kokuyo arc is the arc that changed the manga tone in general but it's also the arc that changed Hibari himself. He is brutally shown that he as he is does not have the power to do whatever he wants. Something has to change. And Hibari seeks that change in Tsuna, who somehow managed to defeat Mukuro when Hibari himself failed.
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chapter 123, cloud battle aftermath
He stops trying to still Tsuna. Instead he wants now to understand what the fuck is up about him and what can he do. The answer is Tsuna can burn a man alive in a fit of rage btw.
Now, the obvious thing: headband symbolizes Hibari's pride.
Here is what he says, when first asked about it:
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But also Hibari vs Adelheid battle is the one that finally clears up what the hell does "pride" mean.
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The thing is. What Hibari is saying (and what he tried to make Tsuna understand, because the whole battle here his two goals are to win (duh) and to help Tsuna find his conviction again) is that the actual meaning of "What is your pride?" is "What makes you yourself?". You, as a person, should be proud of who you are. And he tells Tsuna, that it is whatever he cannot give up, whatever makes the very core of Tsuna's self is what he should fight for (And then Tsuna tells Enma "You are my pride" which is very juicy but deserves its own post).
Okay, now with this out of the way, let's get to the next thing:
Hibari vs Adelheid (but not the violent edition)
Hibari and Adelheid are not only fighting, they are also talking to each other. And by talking I mean arguing. About Tsuna and Enma and little animals.
Here is important thing to note first: asking around some people who know some people who know japanese gave me information that actually "small animal" is. Not different from herbivore at all. They are apparently used intechangingly based on how much space speechbubble has.
This does affect things: when it is usually thought that Tsuna in Hibari's eyes carves a new category for himself, not worth calling by name nor insulting nickname, nor he can be classified as a simple herbivore, he is just his own thing. Instead it seems like Tsuna changed Hibari's opinion on entire population of herbivores-small animals. (and if those people just got me confused ill die of shame (;-;)b)
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yes i had to put it all here. it's good. read it.
Do you see it guys? Do you see how far he came from daily life? He now really does understand Tsuna. He cracked the code. And he does now acknowledge that yeah Tsuna (and by extention other ppl like him. Like Enma) has his own way to live life and it does work for him. Tsuna is not weak. Being a herbivore does not automatically mean being weak.
Another interesting thing here is this:
"Why is a man like you with the likes of Sawada Tsunayoshi?"
"I'm not with him"
And I think it's important to remember here that Adelheid does see Tsuna=Vongola boss thing. To Tsuna it's Him and His Friends against Enma and His Friends. To her? It's Vongola vs Shimon
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And when she talks to Hibari about Tsuna, she is saying "Why are you with Sawada Tsunayoshi?" but what she means is "Why are you with Vongola?" and this difference does impact Hibari's answer. Case in point:
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A drifting Cloud, whom cannot be bound. Protecting the famiglia from an independent standpoint.
I am sorry, I am very normal about this, promise.
And so Hibari basically admits that he will not be bound to Tsuna, but he will be around, involving himself when he feels like it. They're friends your honor.
The attribute of the cloud flames is propagation. Why is it relevant?
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this is the hype up text at the end of chapter 322.
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and this is the last page of chapter 323.
Remember i briefly mentioned Hibari stagnating in daily life arc and realizing that there must be something more during Kokuyo arc? He found it. Tsuna is the one who gave him this opportunity. Just being around Tsuna allowed Hibari to grow. To propaga- Okay, that does sound silly. But I think the point still stands. Tsuna gave Hibari space to grow, and frankly, Hibari is grateful for that.
now we are entering the deranged territory
Hibari watched Tsuna grow all during the course of the manga and at some point Tsuna DID outgrow him. Not psychologically, but powerwise? Def. And Hibari cannot be not aware of that.
You might ask, how is he okay with that, but the thing is, Hibari is actually very chill with not being the strongest person in the room. What he actually needs is people to respect him and his authority as Disciplinary Committee chairman and Namimori protector. Reborn respects it and is stronger than him. Does Hibari want to fight him? Yes. But he is not actually going out of his way to attack him.
Tsuna has a great deal of respect for Hibari, and in turn Hibari does not feel the same hostility to him he does towards Mukuro despite Tsuna being totally able to win against him in a fight. Once again, rip Byakuran.
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medialog april 2k24
ok. sick day catch up part two
monkey man - this was gnarly and fun and dev patel, quite simply the hottest man ever to live, is upsettingly hot in this film, like SO hot oh my fucking god
white room - this was a VERY weird movie that (as per the filmmaker q & a) totally flopped at a film festival and never received distribution... you can kinda see why but i more or less liked it. it's about a weird sheltered repressed dude who accidentally sees the murder of a mysterious pop star and then accidentally befriends and falls in love with the woman who was actually the reclusive songwriter and voice of the act... the filmmaker described it as a "journey through genres" and it was very artistically ambitious in a way that maybe didn't totally work but it had some really good stuff about art/consumption/fame/women (my jam) and it frequently looked gorgeous and also all of the mysterious/reclusive pop singer's songs were big late 80s/early 90s style upbeat synth-bombast numbers with lyrics taken from emily dickinson poems which is soooooo funny and a great idea
alien - this is like die hard in that if i'd seen it ten years ago i would not really have understood the hype but seeing after i had a backwards education in film by watching all of the mcu movies and developing curiosity about the question of why they were bad and ugly in such distinct ways and from there developing a nascent and unsophisticated appreciation of the filmic qualities of film i'm like, wow what an incredibly fucking well made movie!!!!!! some things in particular i liked were (1) no substantive backstory for anyone, no dark secrets except the one that really counted, no traumatic pasts, no explanation for how this world works or why anyone was here except needing a job, just giving us the bare minimum to understand the situation the characters find themselves in and trusting the story to do the rest (2) very good spaceshippy spaceship (another way it's like die hard is lots of great Texture, another thing that the MCU lacks which like many other MCU traits was actually a totally fitting design choice for tech bro billionaire tony stark in iron man but simply did not need to expand to Everything...) (3) sigourney weaver so good! ian holmes also very good (4) lots of suspense through silence which is one of the most lost of lost arts in the realm of big expensive Cool Shit Happens cinema!
roy cohn/jack smith - this was a filmed recording of two monologues performed by ron vawter, a gay actor who died of AIDS, each in the character of another gay man who had AIDS - the notorious roy cohn & the experimental cinema icon jack smith. i don't really have much to say about it but i feel very lucky to have seen it and vawter was incredible - i'm glad also that he happened to come to our attention a few months ago because he played the therapist in sex lies & videotape.
mad max: fury road - ok i kept putting this off because the way people talked about it on the internet frankly emphasized to an off-putting degree the ideas in this movie and did not adequately convey to me personally the most important thing about it which is that it Fucking Owns Lmao Wow. we happened to pause it for some reason like 50 minutes in and i swear to you i would have guessed 15, maybe 20 minutes had passed, that's how much it flies by... the coolest shit ever, i wanted to live there forever! also lottie yellowjackets is one of the wives????
mission: impossible 3 - the worst movie in the entire world. we only revisited this one as part of our ongoing marathon with some friends and we spent the whole time complaining about jj abrams' totally inept camera work... seriously watch this movie and look out for (1) every time an already fast sequence is torn up with a zillion stupid little cuts some of which actively prevent us from seeing something that could have been cool (2) every time we get to a new location and the camera starts aimlessly drifting to the side literally immediately because he's afraid we'll get bored if we sit in a location for one whole second (3) every time 3 people are having a conversation and the camera spends the whole time just purposelessly wafting back and forth side to side for, i cannot emphasize this enough, no reason at all. literally nothing in this, an installment of the Stuff Looking Cool franchise, looks even a little bit cool even one time. people hate on 2 for the male gaze of it all re: thandie newton but her character has more personality and agency than ethan's sexy lamp wife in this. the closest to a redeeming value this movie has is that it really feels like part of the goal was to remind everyone of how even though tom cruise jumped on that couch one time he's actually a very normal american heterosexual man (he passes out at one point and flashes back to his wife in her underwear sdksoeroser it's SO dumb) but because he's tom cruise (a total insane freak) he can't convincingly portray that at all and just comes across as insane and maybe a sociopath. "what about philip seymour hoffman" i'm not going to give abrams credit for knowing PSH was a good actor, that's like saying defending a doctor accused of malpractice by saying he knows that feet generally have toes. be serious. i will give a shout out to simon pegg, who is in this less than i remembered but who comes across as the MVP (across what should be a deep bench of a cast!) of making abrams' horrible comic-book-bro-patter come across as something a human might say, mostly so i can also share my friend's insight when i said that which is that it makes sense pegg is suited to the task given that he cut his teeth largely on movies that are parodies of shitty action movies.
mission: impossible - ghost protocol - a wonderful and perfect treat :) i've gone on at length about this one before and really have nothing left to say but it's so good and so specifically good at all the things 3 sucks ass at... my friend was physically squirming next to me on the couch during the burj khalifa sequence, as is right and proper :)
beautiful losers - this is a novel leonard cohen wrote in the 60s that is very weird and experimental and i'll be real with you and say i did not get it. it's about a guy whose wife and best friend he had a weird sexual relationship with are both dead and now he's kind of obsessed with an iroquois saint... i am not sure how to describe it but i guess i would say if you think the music of leonard cohen is too optimistic and insufficiently horny for you maybe you would like this. it is probably the most aggressively sexual book i've ever read but not in an erotic way... it's very like about the nastiness of sex and bodies... which i admire ideologically on a certain level but it's really quite unrelenting with it... occasionally there are snatches of deeply beautiful writing though.
sourpatch, stagger & fade - nick put on the vinyl of this and i was like oh that sounds nice and i wound up listening to it a bit... fuzzy indie rock (i'm not educated enough to parse genres more finely than that) that makes for very pleasant background listening
ariana grande, eternal sunshine - i've never kept up with ariana because i just find her voice kind of annoying and i had never heard a song to challenge that UNTIL we reviewed "we can't be friends" at singles jukebox and ariana teaming up with max martin to do kidz bop body talk era robyn turned out to be everything i wanted from her... unfortunately the rest of the album was incredibly boring lol. love that song tho!
maggie rogers, don't forget me - i don't know that i find this one as interesting as her last album or quite as likable as her first (although that might be me somewhat overrating her first because i love "light on" sooooo much) but she's such a capital-M Musician she's always a pleasure to listen to. "drunk" was an early fave but recently i found myself returning a lot to "the kill"
girl in red, i'm doing it again baby! - girl in red comes a lot when other people are talking about the g*yl*rs as one of the actual queer artists they should support but first of all they actually love her and second of all i listened to this album twice straight through and have let some of the songs play on shuffle since and i could not hum you one single line :/
taylor swift, the tortured poets department - speak of the devil! i mean i've talked about this. i like this album a lot - at this point i'm ready to call it easily her best work except for maybe folklore, and honestly i find it hard to assess folklore out of what a special lockdown treat it felt like at the time. i don't expect a world insistent on calling 1989 pop perfection to eventually agree with me but i think people will mellow out about it in time and forget that it was so divisive on release much as has happened with reputation (an album far worthier of scorn if not without its occasional merits) and at the VERY least i think in like 5 years it will be more or less consensus that it's better than midnights.
the starting line, say it like you mean it - i listened to this album mostly to fact-check claims i was making about emo in the taylor swift piece but then i kept listening to it cuz it was kinda full of bops!
fall out boy, take this to your grave - @voidofcourse recommended this as a stepping stone from the starting line for loud guys offering bops and indeed it too was full of bops!
an enemy of the people - i saw this on broadway, yes, 1000% literally just because my boy my king my number one guy jeremy strong was in it. the production was interesting and good if not flawless, and although i think some of the younger cast members got a little lost in the old-fashioned theatrical language (even in a new translation) and could have used some direction towards really pulling out the meaning of individual sentences they were saying, the more seasoned actors all did a great job, including, of course, jeremy strong, who got to be shoved into a pit and have pretend ice thrown at him, i'm so happy for him. also the play was incredible? like as a play? i said as much here after seeing it but basically it's about this doctor who discovers that the town baths that are about to open have a contaminated water supply that is definitely going to result in people getting sick and some of them dying, especially since they are being advertised partly for their health-restoring properties for people who are already not doing well, and he's like, wow, good thing i caught this thanks to the help of science so we can change plans, and then everyone else in town is like, but have you considered that would be expensive? why do you hate poor people? (there's a thread specifically about the editor of the radical leftist newspaper going from being the doctor's number one champion to being totally coopted out of both politics and self-interest that was particularly brutal to watch...) like it was truly SO incredibly specifically relevant to some Extremely Contemporary Issues that i was just agog and also it was incredibly fucking upsetting to watch! really really great playwriting, such a clean example of how a work can best encompass & comment on ideas by developing them through character and dramatic action rooted in wants, needs, choices, conflict, etc., a lesson many people could stand to learn. i kept thinking it had burrowed as deeply into the core issues as it could and then it found another layer. this ibsen guy... he really knew some stuff about stuff....
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triplesilverstar · 23 hours
Everyone needs an omega to make a trio, and yet you hate being one
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Wolfwood X F!Reader, Vash X Wolfwood, Vash X F!reader
CW: Smut, Shameless Smut, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Penis In Vagina Sex, Oral Knotting, Knotting, Spitroasting, Creampie, Sex Toys, Condoms, Alternate Universe - Modern
Word count: Roughly 12.5K words
A/N: You were born an Omega, and you hate it. Having been able to hide it thanks to another orphan you grew up with, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Nico, except now as an adult he's still helping you while trying to deal with keeping his Alpha Vash from meeting you. So what happens when it goes sideways when you try to return Nico's leather jacket to him, only to find Vash at the door of his Beta's apartment instead of Nico?
Oh. Vash is also getting ready to start his rut too. Aren't you a lucky one.
So. Never written something like this before so I tried my hand at it. I hope that you can at least enjoy this crazy smut filled thought all thanks to a friend of mine, a certain person that here goes by the name @awkwardchick87 . Thanks a lot Awks you horny person you.
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“Harder Ni-” You let out a long moan as the man behind you increases the tempo of his hips slapping against yours. Your hands grip the pillow under your chest with enough force that the joints of your fingers hurt from the way you’ve stretched the fabric taut. The sound of squelching from your core and the wet slap of Nico fucking you like he plans to breed you has your blood pounding in your ears. The omega part of your brain has you squirming as it floods your system with the hormones from your heat. That’s exactly what it wants, to be bred. Your hatred for that feeling always rears its head after your heat passes.
A feeling that since you were fourteen you’ve hated because it makes you powerless. In a world where your secondary gender has so much sway, being an omega means to a large part of society you exist for one reason: offspring. Sure, not everyone saw omegas like that anymore, but you knew better from experience. 
You had been an orphan, brought up by an organization that looked clean cut yet just under the surface you could see the rot. In your time under their care you had seen five other omegas have their first heat, and five times you saw them adopted within hours after a bidding war by rich old men who wanted an omega regardless of how old they were. You had been certain you were going to be next when you felt the first bubble of heat low in your belly. 
“That hard enough, Darlin?” The deep husk from your savior has your cunt tightening around his length. Another orphan that had caught you stealing some of the suppressants kept for the alphas. An orphan that could have sold you out and instead helped you hide what you were. 
One Nicholas D. Wolfwood. 
Glancing upwards you look in the mirror on your dresser and let out a low whine as you glush another round of fluid. His tanned hide is covered in sweat that glistens in the hair of his chest as it rolls downwards along his well defined muscles, licking your lips as you try to gather your scattered mind to answer him. “Close-” Gasping when the tip of his cock hits your cervix, a noise that has him briefly grinning before closing his eyes. 
Nico is a beta. And is the whole reason that, now in your mid-twenties, you haven’t been claimed by anyone forcefully. A few years older than you, he had been more than willing to keep your secret, even going out with the money from his part-time job to buy you the correct suppressants. Those first few years had been hell until you were eighteen and could go find a place of your own. That first night that you didn’t need to fear being sold off had been freeing. It wasn’t just the drugs he had bought for you either, Nico helped you get your first job, and your first apartment. Nico had, after you turned nineteen, learned you had to have a heat once in a while to let the medication to suppress it work properly so you didn’t turn into a puddle of hormones the second you missed a dose, been the one to help you through each and every one. 
“Good” Grinding his teeth for a moment. “Because I’m soon gonna blow and I need a recovery period.” You let out another whine, this time because the omega part of your brain doesn’t like the sudden empty feeling in your core. Clenching around nothing you arch your body to raise your ass a little higher, as if you could tempt him back inside your slick walls. “Hang on Darlin.” Blinking you watch his motions in the mirror, as he grabs the thick ring that serves as a false knot and slides it down over his condom covered cock. He doesn’t need to be an alpha to put a pup in your belly. 
“Nico!” Moaning this time your voice has a twinge of hoarseness to it, this is far from your first round this heat. “Fill me up! Please!” Tears prick your eyes as you watch him line himself up again, sweeping one of his large palms over the meat of one of your ass cheeks before giving it a slap. 
“Patience Darlin, I’ll give you what you want. A nice big load of cum.” You both know it’s a lie. Arching more into him as he slams forward suddenly and you’re stuffed to the brim with his cock, the base of the toy hitting your entrance. It makes your toes curl, the simulated knot being worked more and more into your body with the snap of his hips. You catch his eye in the mirror as your walls start to flutter, a soft little moan echos around the room as he sends you a wink. His dark locks are plastered to his forehead with the effort he’s put into making you cum several times on his dick while holding off his own orgasm. His control is iron clad, it always has been. “You want my knot?” His voice is strained, no doubt ready to reach his own peak as he whispers it against your ear with both of his hands now planted over yours pulling them away from the pillow. 
“Please Alpha!” You need it, need to feel that length and knot plunging into you freeze as you reach that plateau and fall over it. It’s words you’ve screamed before and Nico has never questioned it. As if he knows your rational mind is no longer the one in charge. 
“Then take it all” Snapping his hips a final time and you shudder as you grip his cock and knot feeling your core flood for a different reason that makes your omega sigh in contentment. Nico takes every precaution to make sure he doesn’t empty his balls inside you, something the omega in you has never liked and delayed the end of your heat. The toy knot took care of that, the reservoir inside of it flooding your walls to simulate your partner spilling himself inside you. 
“Nico” You whisper in the afterglow as your body relaxes, all tension washed away with your orgasm. 
“You alright?” His hands are on your sides as he moves you so you’re both laying on your sides and spooning, his nose pressed into the back of your head as his fingers start to rub gentle circles into areas you both know will have bruises later. 
“Hmmm” You know what he’s really asking as the omega side of your brain has released its hold on any higher level thinking, taking a breath as you take in how your body feels. “The churning in my belly is subsiding.” 
“Good, because my dick is starting to hurt.” You chuckle at the playfulness of his complaint. A rustle and a bit more light appears in your peripheral, Nico has his phone. “This has been the longest one in a while, almost a full twenty-four hours.” 
“I’m starting a new suppressant after this heat, the doctor said I was starting to metalobish the last one too quickly.” Nico had been the one to find you this doctor, most hadn’t wanted to prescribe any of the stronger ones to you. Instead, they had suggested you just find a mate and get to having pups. You were glad for the more progressive alpha who didn’t think you should be made to do something you weren’t ready for.
“On that note, how’s the datin going?” Another normal part of your post heat cooldowns, Nico and you talking about your lives. 
“Terrible.” You snort. “Every date has either fallen off the cliff the moment it starts or at the end when they say they just want a little barefoot omega at home.” You weren’t against the idea of having pups, but you didn’t want to have them with someone who thought your place was to stay at home and always be pregant. You liked having a job, you liked having something to define you that wasn’t just your place at the bottom of the social ladder. “It’s not like finding Mr. Right is as easy as walking through a door.” Jerking your elbow back to hit Nico. “Serious how did you find your partner so easily?” 
“He hit me with his car.” You roll your eyes, opening your mouth to respond as the phone in Nico’s hand starts to ring. “Speaking off.” Hitting the button he places it to his ear, well aware you’ll be quiet during his phone call. “Hey, Vash.” The difference in his tone as he starts chatting is evident, Nico might try to act like a stoic hardass but there’s no hiding that tenderness as the two talk. “Yea, I should be back in another few hours.” 
You bite your lip hearing that statement. Nico has his own life to live and his own alpha to go home to at night. You try to sigh quietly, it’s something that’s been bothering you for a while. The fact that Nico still comes to help you with your heat when he has a pack of his own, sure it’s just the two of them but you can’t imagine his partner is happy knowing his beta runs off to fuck an omega once every few months. 
“Someday you’ll meet her, Vash. Promise.” His hand is trailing along your side again as if he knew where your thoughts were going. “As always, she says thank you for letting me help her through this.” You hadn’t said it, but you sure felt it. 
When Nico had first started dating this Vash person you had wanted to meet him, you still do. Nico however, put his foot down. “Neither of you have a mate yet, with my luck one of you would trigger the other and I’d have an omega and alpha trying to fuck with neither of them wanting it to happen because of biology.” You had learned that like you, Vash didn’t want to just mate the first omega he met that was unclaimed. You could respect that, even if it did make you a little jealous. Nico was so stubborn on the issue he didn’t want you to even hear one another’s voices. 
“Alright, see you later.” A huff and you hear a much lower “Love you too.” Nico has the call ended before turning his attention back to you. “Does it still feel like your body is cooling down?” 
“Yea. I think in another few minutes you can pull out and get going.” 
“Not yet.” A quick press of his lips to the top of your head, the only place Nico ever kisses you. “You still need to be cleaned up and these bed sheets need to be changed, don’t need you sleeping in them and smelling like you’re still in heat.” You try to argue that you can do all of that yourself, and like always, you lose the argument. Nico is just too much of a caring beta to let you look after yourself after your heat. You’ll miss it when you start dating someone or his alpha stops him from coming to help you. 
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A few days later, while cleaning your room you spot it sticking out under the bed. Tugging it into view you frown. It’s Nico’s leather jacket, you remember him wearing it when he came to help you, he must have forgotten it after the haze of helping you fuck your brains out. Grabbing your phone to send him a quick text with an image attached. 
Forget something?
I’ve been looking for that all day. 
His response was almost immediate and you grin, typing back to him. 
Want me to bring it to your place? 
See you soon then, unless it’s a bad time?
Nah, you’re good
With that you grab your shoes and purse along with his jacket before heading to his apartment. 
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Elsewhere, Nico placed his phone down before hearing a knock at his door and frowning. There was no way you were here already. Opening it, he blanched. “Vash.” 
“Um, were you not expecting me?” The blond man has his head tilted as if in surprise. “I thought you were the one who suggested us trialing living together?” 
Slamming a hand to head Nico groaned. “I did, but I thought you’d be at work for another few hours. Shit, I need to text someone.” Turning to grab his phone while Vash followed him in a large bag slung over his shoulders. 
“Is this a bad time?” Vash, while he has all the physical appearances of an alpha almost never acted like one. Preferring to act more meek, something that in the past once had someone confuse him for an omega when he was a child. That had been a sight when Vash had kicked the man to the curb along with his twin. Vash wasn’t violent by nature, but the alpha in him did not like being compared to anything but what he was. 
“No. Just, I left my coat at my friend's and she’s bringing it over. I need to meet her somewhere else.” Bitting his lip as Nico sent out a flurry of quick texts to you before looking for his shoes to pull on. 
“Oh, the little omega you help?” It sets a small churning in his gut, Vash is aware he’s very much in love with the tan man. He knows the reason Nico helps out his friend and some of the things that had happened at the orphanage when you had both been younger. It just doesn’t help soothe the alpha in his head who wants to keep his beta in his bed. Giving his head a small shake to rid himself of the thoughts that were starting to intrude. Thoughts that when he voiced them to Nico were shut down before they could manifest into anything. “I understand, and I’ll see you when I get back.” 
Nico stops before he leaves, pressing his body to Vash’s and going in for a searing kiss that leaves both of them weak in the knees. “I’ll be back soon, then we can get you settled for that oncoming rut.” 
Vash can’t help but smile as Nico steps outside, touching his fingers to his lips with his heart warm. Of course his beta remembered the other reason for him coming to stay over, they might have been together for a while but adapting to a shared space was still something they were both working on. 
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Climbing the stairs to Nico’s apartment you check your phone, sending him a text saying you were almost there. You had sent him one when you got off the train too which is currently saying is gone unread, that isn’t normal for Nico when he knew you were coming. Maybe he was having a nap while waiting? Shrugging your shoulders as you reached the landing for his floor and headed to knock on the thick door. 
Quirking your nose as you wait for Nico to answer the door you can’t help but notice the whiff of something different in the air. Maybe the building has a new cleaning agent being used for the hallways? Tilting your head, it smells nice in a very subtle kind of way. 
Hearing the door crack you turn with a grin. “Here’s your jack-” It isn’t Nico at the door, taking a step back you look at the door again. You have the right apartment. “You aren’t Nico.” It tumbles from your lips before you can realize how rude it sounds. 
“No, I’m Vash.” You’re floored. This is the man Nico is dating? He looks like a total sweetheart with his golden blond hair and wide orbs. You can’t tell with the lighting if they’re blue or a shade more like aqua but you know one thing, you feel at ease with the way he’s looking at you. “You must be…” Trailing off as he thinks before he says your name and you nod. 
“That’s me! I didn’t think I’d run into you.” Tucking your hair behind your ear before you remember the reason you came. “Right, here’s Nico’s coat! He must have fallen asleep or something.” Handing it to him you feel your face heating up for some reason. Well, you have a good assumption of the reason with the way Vash is looking at you. Like he’s sizing you up and you can’t help the flush. You are the reason his beta disappears for hours, almost days sometimes. Maybe he’s trying to figure out if you’ll somehow pull Nico away from him. It’s a laughable thought, Nico has always been more like a family member. No matter how much you sometimes wished he was interested in your that way.
“He stepped out actually. Would you like to come inside?” You aren’t sure why, maybe something about him is just calming as you nod. Once the door is open large enough for you to step inside you do just that. Following him into the space that leads almost immediately to the kitchen. 
With his back to you, you don’t notice the deeper inhale Vash makes with the coat just under his nose. The scent has him blinking rapidly as the alpha in his mind roars. He can smell the lingering scent of an omega prime for breeding. The rational part of his brain knows it's from days ago, but to the part of him that was stirring to start his rut, it doesn’t matter. 
“You know it’s a little strange to meet you at last, with how adamant Nico was about us not meeting.” Turning back towards you, Vash has to suppress the low growl deep in his throat. You look so… so… tempting as you rub the edge of your ear as if pushing some of your hair back behind the shell of it once more. Is the real reason Nico didn’t want the two of you to meet? Did he just want to keep you for himself? Glancing down to your stomach and wondering if his beta didn’t have a pup growing inside of you. No. The smell from the jacket hangs in the air, tricking his mind into thinking you’re still in heat. 
“He kept saying it was because he was afraid one of us would trigger the other. I wonder if it was because he wanted to keep you away from me.” Vash, was a rational man. He spent his life making his own decisions and one of them was that he never wanted to take an omega by force or overpower their senses with his scent. Right now, however, with your scent on the air laced with his beta’s and his rut starting he was anything but in his right mind. Starting to let his scent gland flood the kitchen with his own unique smell, watching as you blinked in a way that seemed cute to him as you tried to process his words. 
“I mean, Nico just wants people to…” You trail off as your mind feels a little fuzzy. Licking your lips as your core throbs and you feel the slick starting to form in your walls. What is wrong with you? You just had your heat? 
Blinking again, you find your back pressed against the door of the pantry and Vash pressed to your front with Nico’s jacket just under your nose. “Why do you smell so fertile? So breedable ?” 
A short breath in, and under the cloying scent slowly encapsulating your senses you smell it. The smell of your slick laced with hormones from your heat. Your mind replays the scene in your head like a video reel. 
The moment Nico stepped into your bedroom you had been on him, naked as you whined with your hands on his shoulders. “Nico! Please I need you!” Panting as you rubbed your body against him before he chuckled. 
“Not even going to let me get undressed before I make you cum?” Grinning as one of his hands tangled in your hair and the other ran down your side. “So needy little omega.” Jerking your hips forward as those large digits of his play with your sex, smearing your fluids around your folds and up to your clit. Sinking one of his fingers up to the knuckle, the leather of his jacket sliding across your dripping hole as your body arched into his. “Let’s get that first one of the way shall we?” 
The fluid had since dried, but Vash could still smell it, and now so could you. “I’m not, Vash, the smell is from my heat. I’m not in heat anymore.” Trying to get the words out as your brain grows fuzzier. 
“Really? Is that because my beta fucked his pup into you?” Growling as he hisses the words in your ear you find your core clenching at how harsh his tone is. “Nico knows I want a pup one day, but I want us to find an omega we’re both attracted to. One that’s attracted to us.” As quickly as you had been forced against the door, you find yourself free again with Vash stepping further away from you with a hand to his head. “You need to leave.” Giving his head a shake. “My rut is starting and I’m not in control. It’s taking everything to not take you and I don’t want to force you.” The smell that was starting to permeate the air fades, not a lot but enough for the fuzz to leave your mind as you realize it was from Vash.
You watch as his back hits the counter, letting the jacket fall from his fingers as he swallows and the smell of him fades more as he tries to reel himself back in. “What do you mean an omega you’re both attracted to?” You feel so confused, Vash is attracted to you right now because of his rut but your feet are firm on the ground. Nico isn’t attracted to you. 
“Nico wants you, but he won’t say it.” Seeing those wide eyes peek at you from behind his fingers as he tries to slow his breathing. “He won’t talk about it, but he’s afraid your feelings for him are out of gratitude.” Panting now as he pulls his hand away. “He wants you as badly as I do right now, he’s too afraid you’ll see it as him having groomed you to be his.” 
“That doesn’t make sense, he’s always pushing me away.” You blurt, all the dates he’s pushed you into going on. Except. It does make sense. You’re well aware of your own attraction to Nico, something you’ve shoved down for a while because you thought he didn’t care about you that way, in retrospect you were on the far side of the spectrum for knowing his true feelings. You’re a bit of an idiot. “I’m so stupid.” 
“You’re not.” Vash moves closer, trailing one of his hands along your chin to tilt your head upwards to look into his eyes. “From what I hear you’re very smart, the head is just good at keeping the heart in check.” Like this you can see his pupils are blown wide again, swallowing as you realize that maybe, you don’t want to leave this apartment and this charming alpha. 
“What do you want?” Your tongue feels thick in your mouth as you speak, watching his face for any sign that he’s playing you. You don’t know him well enough for his tells, but deep down you’re certain you want what you think he’s offering. 
“Easy. I want to be happy, and I want Nico to be happy. We both make him happy, so I want you to join us.” Dipping his head down for a kiss that while it feels chaste has your head spinning, working his plush lips against yours and swiping his tongue along the seam of your mouth before pulling back. “I want both of you in my bed, I want both of you to be mine. I want you to be as possessive of me and Nico as he is of you.” You don’t miss the unspoken words. Vash is possessive of Nico and by extension, you. “Now my rather cute little omega, do you want to stay here with me and let me breed you, or do you want to leave? I promise we can pick up this conversation another time when my head isn’t screaming to just fuck you over the dinner table and force you to be ours.” 
Ours. Not his. A very clear distinction in your mind and it's one that has your heart thundering in your chest. Licking your lips at the offer and his option to let you walk away and talk about it another time. “You’d just let me walk away?” Your hand is slowly creeping up his chest, feeling the muscles under his t-shirt. He feels solid and warm under your fingertips, like he's burning up under the thin layer of cotton. 
“I would.” Slotting his hips forward and rubbing up against you, the bulge in his pants grinding against your covered sex and belly. “At least until my rut is over, then I'll be dragging Nico with me to see you and for us to have a conversation when my hormones aren't running rampant.” Tilting his head once more as his lips descend towards you, except he doesn't kiss you this time. Keeping just enough distance that you can feel his labored breath washing across your face, laced with just a hint of the pheromones from his rut. “We're running out of time, if you're going to leave you need to do it soon.” 
It's like time slows with his comment, you're hovering on the edge aware that he's left the decision up to you. Your mind is spinning lost in your own swirling thoughts about Vash's offer and all the times you've been with Nico and purposely ignored the undercurrent of his feelings. What you keep coming back to is simple. Vash is willing to let you walk away. He might not be saying it but you both know what it means, he might want you but he's willing to let you go, fully aware that while he deals with his rut you could find another alpha. That if that did happen, Nico and Vash would lose the chance to even try and bring you into their pack. 
“I want this.” The smallest movement on your part and you're the one instigating the kiss this time, almost melting into Vash as he quickly takes the lead dominating you. A growl from him as his hands slide up your ribs, pushing the fabric of your top up with it. While you've certainly kissed someone before, you've never delved too far past just tentative licks to your partner's lips. Or them doing it to you. Maybe because deep down, you always wanted to kiss Nico, to feel his stubble crusted chin against your face. So when Vash starts trying to work his tongue into your mouth, you part your lips and let out a noise of surprise. It's a different sensation as the wet muscle glides across your teeth, sweeping into the space as if trying to coax you to respond in kind. Your brain is going haywire from the way he slides his tongue and you try to tentatively press back, an action that rewards you with a deep rumble from within the blond's chest. 
Letting out a soft whine when he pulls back, at least before you realize your chest was heaving as you tried to suck in air to alleviate the burning in your lungs. Slowly blinking as you become more aware of your surroundings, no longer sensing just the hammering of your heart and the pounding of your blood in your ears. At some point during the kiss, both of your hands had moved to tangle in his hair. It's so soft, almost like the feathery down of a bird. 
“Why do I feel that was your first real kiss?” Resting one of his arms above your head as he pants the question between nips to the corner of your mouth. His other hand has slipped under your shirt, his fingers ghosting along the material of your bra. Still trying to catch your breath and let your brain catch up to process the question you moan as his fingers squeeze one of your fabric covered breasts. “I asked a question, and I expect an answer omega.” 
You shouldn't find it as hot as you, but the low growl as he referred to you by your caste has your heart beating a mile a minute and a warmth spreading in your belly. “No, alpha.” The rumble from his chest at you referring to him as such has your knees trembling, if he didn't have you wedged between him and the wooden door you're certain you'd have fallen to the floor. 
“You mean to tell me.” Rolling his lower body so his cock is firmly against your belly, the heat through the fabric has slick pouring from you like a tap. “In all the years Nico has helped you with your heats, he never once kissed you?” His voice is so deep you could almost feel it in your bones, nodding before giving him a verbal answer. 
“Never. Nico wouldn't even let me try anything.” Turning to slide the tip of your nose against his while your hands keep playing with the shorter strands of his hair. “He'd just please me, he'd never let me return the favor.” For the longest time, it had bothered you, now you know why. If you didn't get to touch him he could pretend he wasn’t attracted to you like he was. 
“Have you only been with Nico?” 
A loaded question, but you have no issue answering it. “Only Nico.” The tanned man had been your first and only for so many things. The thought of it has you rocking your body back in response.
He's grinning, a quick lick of his lips and a glint in his eyes. “You've never sucked Nico off?” You shake your head in a gentle negative, feeling more than seeing his arm move from the place above your head. “Never enjoyed the taste as he sent a searing load down your mouth? Never felt your throat convulse while he held you in place with his balls against your chin?” Another shake of your head in the negative, inhaling deeply you can smell his scent starting to flood the room. Your belly feels like an inferno is starting to rage inside of it, the slick from your weeping cunt has seeped into your underwear making the fabric stick to your skin. All because of his voice, so deep as it rumbles out of him. 
“Today you are!” His fingers hook into the hem of your shirt, ripping it up and away from your body. The force of it has your fingers tugged away from his hair, so you do what the quieter part of your brain is whispering. You grab his shirt as well, yanking the fabric up and letting out a soft noise of appreciation for the skin on display. 
He's so different from Nico with his tanned skin and the thick patches of hair along his chest. Vash, is pale and covered in scars, the tip of your fingers tracing one of the larger ones. It doesn't take away from how attractive he is, at least not to you. It makes you wonder what kind of life he's lived up to this point, the jagged lines tell you one thing for certain about his story. He's a survivor. He'll come back time and time again for Nico and you. 
“Do you like what you see?” Growled in your ear as he paws at the snaps of your bra like the garment offends him. A noise of triumph from him once the lined material falls away and he can grasp the smooth skin in one of his long-fingered hands. “I certainly do.” 
“You're handsome.” You whisper before his mouth slots against yours, emboldened by the previous kiss and the haze from his scent starting to flood your senses you find yourself moving your tongue against his. It's not smooth, or coordinated as you feel the saliva from your sloppy attempt drip from the edge of your lips and down your skin. If anything it seems to drive Vash wilder as his hand rolls the mass of your tit around your chest, his palm gliding over your hardening nipple as his free hand works at the fastener of your pants. 
The rational part of your mind is growing more and more silent as the kiss goes on, the taste of a cloying sweetness added to the smell of his musk and the sweat starting to form on his skin. The omega part of your brain is screaming to move faster, to let this alpha fill you to the bursting. You had read of alphas that could pull an omega into heat, and had even heard stories of some triggering heats just with a passing hint of their scent. Vash, has done just that. Your body doesn't seem to care that it just went through a heat cycle, that it isn't actually fertile right now. The churning of your stomach that always comes with your heat and the throbbing of your core is almost painful, but you want it. No. You need it. 
Gasping into Vash's mouth as his fingers work their way down your open slacks and trail against the soaked fabric of your underwear. Another rumble from him as his knuckles press against your slit, tracing the opening that is gushing fluid to prepare you to take him. You're going to need all the benefits of your heat if the heaviness under your hand and trapped inside his pants are anything to go by. Giving it a quick squeeze earns you a long growl with the gnashing of his teeth as his head snaps back from your mouth. 
“You make me want to ram my cock down that throat of yours.” Grabbing both of your hands in one of his as he works his belt free before working on the zipper keeping his length hidden from view. “I was going to have you on your knees to undress me, but after that little stunt I can't wait.” Shoving his pants and underwear to the floor, your core lets out another flood of liquid. The tip of his cock is gleaming under the natural light flooding into the kitchen, the length of him is covered in fluid and you wonder how long he's been pumping pre cum from the opening on his dick. 
Vash smiles at the way your lips parted when his cock bobbed free from his pants, he knew he wasn't massive compared to some alphas but from the way you were drooling his inner alpha was preening in delight. You were perfect, and he was about to be the first to fuck that pretty mouth of yours. 
“On your knees omega, and open wide.” You drop as soon as you hear the words, opening your lips as wide as you can and sticking your tongue out. “Such a good girl.” Vash had let go of your hands at some point, you aren't sure when too focused on his length and the thought of it being inside of you. Humming in delight as one of his hands lands atop your head, watching and waiting as he wraps his fingers around his base before guiding his cock closer to your lips. “Stay just like that.” Tapping the head of his cock against your tongue smirking as he does so, the look in his eyes has your toes tingling and the fire inside of you building hotter and hotter. It’s almost burning you alive, and the heat coming from the head of his cock isn’t helping. Tasting the salt from his leaking dick almost made you cum on the spot. 
Making a soft whine Vash pauses to tilt his head at you as if thinking of something. “You probably don’t know much of what to do for a blow job do you?” Rocking on his heels so his shaft slides along your tongue and partially into your mouth. “Today, I’ll show you the basics, but after this I expect you to do the work when I want you to suck me or Nico off.” You let out another whine, you do know the basics of how a blow job works, you’ve watched porn. This, however, still turns you on, watching his stomach move closer and closer to your face as he works more of his length into your mouth. Even with his slow and gentle pace, it doesn’t take long before your lips are stretched around his girth with fluid, a mix of your spit and his pre cum dripping from the corners of your mouth. 
Both of his hands and on your head now, his thumbs near your jaw as he starts to increase the tempo of his movements. It feels so deprived having your mouth used by Vash, almost dirty, your pussy is a mess of fluid and you’re certain at this point you have drenched your panties and your pants. You don’t know what to do with your hands, and Vash didn’t say you could or couldn’t move them, feeling your fingers ball into fists before you force them to relax. Letting out a choked noise when his tip hits the back of your throat, your lips pressed firmly to his balls, and something is swelling inside your mouth. 
A delayed reaction, you know what it is. “Fuck, omega, you look so good with my knot inside your mouth.” Gagging as he moves with shallow thrusts so he doesn’t have to remove the mass that would have locked his dick inside of your walls. “In through your nose.” As much as his thrusts are shallow, he’s picked up speed, your throat convulsing around him as tears start to drip from your eyes along with drops from your nose joining the rest of the mess on your face. 
It’s too much. 
You never want it to stop. 
“You’re doing so good.” Panting Vash watches your face, feeling the swirling in his stomach and the spamming of the muscles of his abdomen as he holds himself back from fucking your mouth with abonden. “Can’t wait.” A groan that sounds more like growl rings out past his lips. “To tell Nico” His balls are starting to tighten, hitting the bottom of your mouth with the swing of his hips. “I got to cum down your throat first.” Letting out a roar as he jerks his hips and places more pressure on the back of your head, the feeling of your throat massaging his length and knot pushing him into his first orgasm. 
As the first thick splash of his cum hits the back of your throat you moan around him, it’s almost searing, and with his knot just past your lips, your only option is to swallow it down. Involuntary jerking your hips as you work, your body trying to chase its own release as your sense of taste is overwhelmed by the salty fluid still coming from him. “Every drop Baby, drink every drop.” Cooing almost as his fingers play with your hair, watching as choke on his cock and seed. The wire inside your body has grown so tight yet you can’t seem to find release, the omega in you screaming to do as your alpha wants and drink his seed down like a wine and maybe you’ll find that edge. 
Eventually, the spurts slow, until a final trickle is all that’s left. “You did so good.” A long drawn out sigh as Vash says your name, using his fingers to work your jaw open to pull out his partially deflated knot. Lowering himself to his knees to take in the sight of your blissed out face and noticing your gentle rocking. Your mind is lost, trying to figure out how to get rid of the burning inside of you without the alpha before you aiding you in your pleasure. You don’t want him to be upset with you. “Open your eyes.” 
You don’t remember closing them. Blinking you react, closing the distance to kiss him and rub your still clothed core against any part of him you can reach. If Vash minds the taste of his cum in your mouth, he doesn’t show it, plunging his tongue into the space as if it was still his cock fucking your mouth. You’ve never felt so alive as you do like this, like you’re hyper aware of each and every fiber in your being while you rock your body more against his. 
“You’re a needy little thing aren’t you.” Tugging your head away from his lips with your hair trapped in his fingers. Opening your eyes at the teasing in his voice once more and blinking slowly before licking your lips, letting the point of it peak out past the edge of your lip. 
“I’m so desperate.” Aware of his eyes falling to your tongue, watching the way his pupils widen. “I need to cum so bad it hurts alpha.” Tacking on a whine at the end, you’ve never had to beg like this before, not with how quickly Nico would tend to your needs. You really are desperate, desperate enough that the smell of the impromptu heat you’ve gone into is starting to flood the apartment with Vash’s scent. 
“You just want to cum?” Smirking as his cock starts to stir once more, Vash has never needed too long of a recovery period. Knowing your only partner has ever been Nico takes the way you're acting away from the realm of an omega wanting to manipulate him into one where you are simply desperate for him. Another thing that has his inner alpha preening, you’re doing this for him and him alone. He can smell your body on the air and it’s one of the sweetest scents to ever grace his nose. Giving his lips another lick as he gives your body another tug to create a barrier between your bodies of open air. 
“No!” Your hands are scrambling trying to touch more of his flesh, wanting to be close to him as your clit throbs. “I want you inside me alpha!” A pathetic murmur that can’t quite be called a whine as you claw for him in the air. “I want your knot!”
“I was just inside you, did you forget?” Vash can’t believe the change in your personality from when you first walked in the door. That shy little omega washed away under the effect of his hormones. Well, and perhaps your own too. Watching you writhe as you try to get closer to him without tugging too hard against his grip on your hair. 
“Alpha please!” 
“Please what?” Vash is loving this, watching your eyes blink rapidly as your bruised lips part and your brain scrambles to find the words. “Tell me what you want, use your voice little omega and I’ll give you what you want.” 
“I want your knot in my cunt!” Practically screaming the words at him as the pinprick of tears almost becomes too much for you to handle. 
“Just my knot?” Asking his question as his hands grab the edges of your pants, pulling them down your legs after pushing you onto your back and slightly away from him. A long inhale and his cock twitches between his thighs, with nothing to hide your sex the smell of your slick is thicker. 
“Cum too! I want your cum alpha!” It’s like you’ve said the magic words, the last of the fabric encasing your legs removed along with the soaked material that had once been your underwear. 
Flipped onto your stomach with a hard slap to your ass that makes you whine, feeling the skin warm from the harsh impact. “You’ll have it. Now put that rear end of yours in the air.” It’s a command, and the wire that’s coiled tightly in your belly grows ever more tighter. Struggling to get to your knees with the fire inside you, aware of your slick dripping down your thighs and onto the floor. 
Vash licks his lips once more at the sight, to think his beta was hiding you from him. All the fun the three of you could have been having with how much fluid is pooling on the floor. Lowering his head to the space between your thighs and taking a deep inhale, the scent driving him wild. A quick hard lick from your clit to the edge of your opening and he lets out a long hum, his brain processing the fluid laced with hormones. You taste so perfect to him, but you are missing that tang of being fertile. Something his inner alpha doesn’t like, it wants to put a pup in your belly and you won’t be able to make use of his seed. 
Pausing as his brain tries to make sense after smelling Nico’s jacket earlier and now the confirmation of what his rational side already knew. A soft whine and a shake of your shapely rear bring him back to the present. “Alpha please, I need you!” A choked-out sob and he smiles, one filled with teeth and a bout of possessiveness, he might not be your first but he is about to be the first, and only, alpha to feel those sweet sweet walls of yours. 
Shuffling on his shins to get closer to you, Vash lines the tip of his cock up with your slit moving it against your folds a few times and groaning at the whimpers coming from you that sound oh so pretty to his ears. “Beg.” One word. One command. 
Vash doesn’t have to wait long. 
“Please Vash! Please alpha, I need you to breed me!” Your control and sense of shame snapped a while ago. Probably when he was pouring his cum down your throat, your voice sounded nothing but broken and desperate as you begged for Vash. 
“Good girl.” His hips surged forward and you both cried out as he went as deep as he could on the first thrust. Your hands shake from the effort of trying to remain in your position as he stretches you out with his cock. He feels so different from Nico and his veiny dick, at the same time you squirm as the shape of Vash’s length hits different places inside of you. 
Vash. Feels like he’s in heaven, his shoulder blades arching back at the slick, tight walls surrounding his body. The pull of your inner muscles as you try to somehow take him in even deeper, has him groaning. If you hadn’t of sucked him off he has no doubt his knot would have swelled immediately to send ropes of cum into you. Glad he’ll get to give you a proper fuck before pumping you full. One of his hands lands on the small of your back, sweeping over the curve of your body as he waits for you to adjust, ignoring the sound of a ringing phone in the background. “Just a little more, and I’ll breed you just like you deserve.” Chuckling as your walls tighten around him at his words. 
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Nico is panicking. Running his fingers through his sweat-laced hair as he taps his foot on the bus trying to get closer to his apartment. 
When he got off at the stop near the coffee shop the two of you normally meet at he realized he messed up. In his flurry to text you, he had accidentally turned his phone to airplane mode, and those messages hadn’t been sent. Biting his thumb as he paced waiting for it to reconnect and seeing two new messages come in from you he felt his stomach drop to his shoes. 
You were already at his apartment. “Fuck!” Screaming while ignoring the people around him sending him glares from his outbursts he bolted towards the bus stop checking the online schedule to see if he should just start running. Luck for the first time today was on his side, the bus had just arrived and he was quick to dart inside. 
Now standing by the doors to get off at the closest stop to his home he’s back to biting his thumb nail. Every message he’s sent you has gone unread. It’s the same for Vash. “Shit, you two.” Switching tactics Nico hits the call button for Vash, praying to whatever power might be listening for his alpha to answer. 
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You feel like you’re in agony, torn between being satisfied with Vash deep in your cunt stuffing you to the brim, and wanting him to move to finally help you find your release. Every muscle in your body is tense while the arousal flooding your system wants nothing more than for that fine line to snap and send you into blissful oblivion. 
Letting out a soft whine before biting your lip, you know begging isn’t going to get you what you want right now. A small shift from Vash and your entire body trembles, panting at just how good he feels without moving. “Almost ready, you just need to relax a little more.” His voice is strained, something you might have missed if you weren’t paying such close attention to each thing he did.
Swallowing you try to will your body to do just that, trying to let the tension fade. It’s almost impossible. Your body is so wound up it refuses to relax, it wants to be pounded into slumping to the ground while Vash pumps his seed inside your walls. 
Watching you Vash bites his lips, you’re just so tight and he can’t help but wonder if it’s because of your recently passed heat. If your body wasn’t trying to recover. Glancing to the oven he lets out a small noise. 
Nico should be back soon.
Vash, very much wants you locked onto his knot when that happens, suspecting the beta would come bursting in and trying to separate the two of you. Honestly, he reasons in his own head, he’s doing this to make the three of you happy. Giving your side a squeeze he weighs his options. You’re still so tight, but he needs to move. 
“I’m going to give you what you want, it might hurt, but we can tend to that later.” Bending forward and pressing a soft kiss to the center of your back. Upright once more, Vash starts to pull his cock from the warm confines of your body all the way to his tip. He can feel the churning in his gut once more, well aware his balls are filled to the brim again after that first load he shot off. “Now be a good omega and take what I give you.” Ramming his hips forward at a blistering pace with his head thrown back Vash starts breathing through his mouth, you feel so good surrounding him, like you were made for him. 
You start breathing like you’re running a race as soon as Vash starts hammering into your core, all of this movement so quickly as the head of his cock hits your cervix with each and every thrust you can’t help but whine his name between breaths. A chorus of Vash and alpha litters the air as he spares your body no thought of comfort, lost in the feeling of your walls clamping down around his length. You’re not in any better state, the omega in your head screaming in delight at the treatment. You hate to admit it, but you’ve always loved when Nico would fuck you rough and hard during your heats. Of the three, betas are the caregivers, the ones that look after the other two. The bridge between them. You love Nico, but the omega in you loves the feeling of Vash plunging into your slick walls even more. 
It isn’t long before you feel a mass starting to press against your core, a warm as it hits your opening but not quite breaching you. One of your arms shakes from the increased effort of keeping your body upright so Vash can keep slamming into you with abandon. Licking your lips as the sweat dripping down your body makes the tiles harder to put your weight on. Your heart is pounding inside of your chest once more, and the fire in your core has been stoked to levels you didn’t think were even possible. All because of the man behind you who is moving with the intention of breeding you. Gasping as the mass hits your folds a little harder, his knot wants in and he is bound and determined to lock you to his body. 
“Vash!” Crying out at another harder hit, your arms finally give out and you fall forward with your face pressed to the puddle of your own mixed fluids. His grip on your hips grows tighter, and you glance upward catching the reflection of the two of you on the surface of the stainless steel fridge. You look like a mess, draped across the floor while Vash looks feral with the pistoning of his body trying to drive his knot past that tight ring of muscles. It feels so much better than the toy used to trick you. Your eyes are slow to process his hand lifting to harshly slap one of your butt cheeks once more. 
“Wrong.” Panting and you can almost see the exhale from his exterion. “Name.” Grunting as his hand returns to your hip he sets a blistering pace, the sound of wet skin on skin echoing in the space as his knot starts to slide into your core. “Who’s breeding you?” His words are fast, and you catch your mistake. 
“Alpha!” Screaming it as his hips snap forward with enough force to finally push his knot through the muscles of your slit and locks your bodies together. His voice joins yours as he screams an answering cry of omega, and you could swear you heard another, very familiar voice scream your name. 
You freeze and feel your body spasm with enough force that your vision fades to white as Vash does exactly as promised flooding your womb with his seed that has nowhere to go with his knot blocking your opening. 
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Nico takes the stairs two at a time, racing up them to his floor. The sense of trepidation grows as he catches a familiar whiff closer to the landing. It’s your scent. “Fuck!” Launching himself up the final stairs, his heaving chest taking in more oxygen. 
His senses might not be as sharp as yours or Vashs, but he knows the scent of a rut and heat well enough. Especially when they both belong to the only two people he’s ever truly loved. 
Almost ripping his doors from the hinges to freeze in the opening to his apartment at the sight before him. Clothes strew about the kitchen in haphazard piles with two bodies intertwined. Watching with his jaw open as the sound of you screaming reaches his ears before you slump to the ground, Vash behind you and the scream he wasn’t aware he made falls on passed-out ears. 
Vash is panting like he’s run a marathon, one arm moving to wipe the sweat from his face and flicking his soaked blond locks from his eyes. Setting those bright orbs on Nico’s face and licking his lips. “You’re back.” Tilting his head with a smile that makes the tanned man shudder. “Now close the door beta, and come help me breed our omega.” 
Turning as if underwater, Nico realizes he’s been standing there with the door wide open, too lost in shock at the scene that had been playing out in front of him to notice. You don’t need the embarrassment of being seen by his building naked. Stepping inside, Nico swallows. If he was anything but a beta it would have been a mistake, his apartment reeks of the musk of sex and hormones. 
“Please tell me you didn’t knot her?” 
“Tsk, tsk Nico.” One of those long digits in the air as Vash waves it as if speaking to a child. “Of course I did, but only because she asked me.” 
“Vash-” It starts out as a growl before Vash sets his shoulder and cuts him off. 
“Beta. If you had gone to her with my proposal this could have been settled a while ago. You don’t get to grouse about it now, it isn’t like I forced her.” Wiggling his eyebrows at the end before gesturing to Nico’s crotch. “Besides, it looks like you seem rather turned on by the thought of her being ours at last.” 
Nico, doesn’t need to look down. Not when he can feel exactly how tight his jeans are. It’s no use trying to argue that he isn’t turned on by the sight of the two of you locked together, but it doesn’t mean he needs to be happy about how it came about. The scathing remark he opens his mouth to make lost to the sound of Vash cooing your name. 
“Looks who finally showed up.” You’re awake once more, slowly pushing your body up which is hard with the way you feel. It’s like your bones have turned to jelly and you’re floating underwater as you roll your neck languidly while a palm goes to your belly. You can feel Vash still locked against you, his hot cum sticking to your wall has you shivering from the pleasure. You could certainly go for another round of that before the day is out. Letting Vash use his hand to guide your head to look where he wants, you smile as you slump backward, a warm chest pressed to your back as Vash adjusts both your bodies. 
“Nico! I brought your coat back” Giggling as Vash makes another minor adjustment, ensuring the tan beta has a perfect view of the bulge just above the opening to your sex and where Vash is connected to you. “Oh, and I met Vash.” Another giggle, almost as if you’re drunk as you try to hide behind your hand. “He’s wonderful.” 
“Hear that Nico? I’m wonderful.” Pressing his lips to your shoulder and planting a small trail of kisses. 
“Oh! But you are too Nico! You should come closer so I can kiss you.” Reaching out one of your hands towards him leaves Nico reeling. He’s never seen you this out of it, but the twitching of his cock in his pants tells him his body doesn’t mind. 
“You want to kiss me?” 
“Of course silly! I’m your omega, and you’re my beta. Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you?” You say it almost as if you’re speaking to a child, that soft smile still on your face that has Nico entirely disarmed. “And Vash is our alpha, so come join us! Plus I wanna tease you after learning you were afraid I loved you for the wrong reasons.” 
The dark haired man finds his chest suddenly full of pain like a hand has reached through the sinew of his body and wrapped around his heart and started to squeeze. The phrasing of your words has him shocked. Did you just say you loved him? “You sound a little drunk.” It’s blunt and to the point, you don’t seem very much like yourself right now. 
“I’m not” It doesn’t seem all that believable to him when you start giggling again. 
“I think, my caring beta, our omega is high on whatever hormones her body is pumping out to counteract any of the pain she might be feeling.” Vash still has his lips near the side of your neck, his hands wandering along your sides. “She’s in a false heat after her real one, if I had to guess she’s still recovering from that.” 
“She isn’t ours Vash.” Grinding his teeth Nico is finding this situation harder and harder to ignore. The more he hears from the two of you, the more he just wants to give in to accept that you’re here with him and Vash. 
“She wants to be.” Lifting his head and letting the point of his chin land in the muscles of your shoulder, a pleased little hum coming from you at Vash remaining so close. “I told her she could leave and we could talk about this when my rut was over.” Shrugging his shoulders before making a small adjustment again, once that makes you let out a soft moan feeling another stream of cum pour from his slit. “She decided to stay.” 
“Nico, please.” You can feel Vash still hot and heavy deep inside your walls, the difference between a simulated toy and a real knot evident as he keeps making more cum shoot inside your body. You know his knot will soften at some point, but right now with how tight you are his sex is reacting to your own clamping around it. “You’re starting to make me think staying was a bad idea.” 
The soft whine that echos around the space does Nico in. He might have his reservations but the noise you made just has the caregiver in him quaking, you’re starting to look dejected and it’s all because of him. “No, no.” Finally moving closer and lowering his body to the ground so he can cup your face in his rough palms. “I just.” Pausing Nico tries to think of a better way to word his reluctance. “I’m worried both of you are feeling more hormones than anything else, and I don’t want this to turn into a regret.” A long swallow on his part as he stares long and hard into your eyes, he knows what you look like when you’re lost in the haze of your heat. He doesn’t see that right now. “I want a promise from both of you right now, no claiming, no marking. Just sex, I can’t put this off anymore but when you’re both clear headed the three of us will talk about this alright?” 
You’re quick to agree, both of your hands running along the corded muscles of his arms. Vash however. 
“Beta.” Growling the word out as his arms tighten around your body more. “She’s already ours.” 
Nico sighs, turning his attention to Vash and seeing the glower on his face at the thought of letting you learn with nothing to say you belonged to them. “Vash. You’re being irrational, and that’s why I want that promise. We can all talk about this without hormones later.” 
Another growl and Nico looks to the sky in a silent prayer before trying again. “Alpha. She might hate you for it. Can you handle that?” Nico knows what he’s doing, manipulating Vash to get him to agree with him by playing on his emotions. A tactic that works in this case as the other man relents. 
“Fine. I don’t want my omega to hate me.” Grumbling his agreement, his hold on your body loosens. “Now will you finally strip and join us?” 
At that question you smile, dropping your hands down to Nico’s crotch and trailing your fingers along his length that is hard to miss with the outline of his jeans. Enjoying the heat from his skin and the short hiss of his breath as he inhales in through his teeth. He didn’t tell you to stop and you keep going, working his pants open and pushing some of the fabric of his underwear aside to touch his skin directly. “Seems someone can’t for me to do it myself.” Pulling his shirt off before wrapping his fingers around your wrists to remove them from his skin. 
“But I wanna touch you.” Blinking up at him with a pout, you wanted to touch Nico and try to make him feel as good as he made you feel so often with no thought to his own pleasure. 
“You will.” Closing the distance to press his lips to yours. You almost swoon at finally feeling his rough skin against yours, something you’d wanted for so long without realizing it. Almost like you had been dying of thirst and never noticed the spring of clear water beside you, moving your lips the way Vash had as you tried to deepen the kiss. Nico, is more than willing to oblige, letting you slip your tongue into his mouth as you explore. He knows you’re inexperienced, but it doesn’t change the fact that he lets you lead and guide the kiss. 
Vash turns his body, letting out a noise of satisfaction watching your sloppy attempt to repeat his actions. You’re so willing to learn and to try and imitate what you learned. Vash can’t wait to have Nico and him teach you so much, of all the new things the pair of them will get to try with you as you explore each other. Licking his lips at the saliva dripping from between the two of you before reaching out to wipe some of it away to pull both of your attention to him. 
A soft noise escapes you as you break the kiss humming as you look at Vash, the pressure in your core having relented, his knot soft Vash had pulled out of your pussy. “Are you ready for the next round?” You clench around him, liking the idea of another round and this time with Nico joining both of you. Nodding your head quickly and making a noise caught between a moan and a purr. “Good girl.” A whisper of praise as Vash slides one of his hands over Nico’s. “I was thinking, I stay right where I am, and you put what you learned earlier to use. How does that sound?” 
“Yes! Yes alpha.” You're arching your body at the thought, the idea of giving Nico a blow job while Vash keeps pounding into you makes you smile. The fluttering in your chest was matched only by the shifting of your walls, another round of slickness starting to form in your core. 
“What did she learn earlier?” Nico has a frown on his face, putting a bit of distance between the three of you to remove his remaining clothes. As much as his cock being free has him sighing in relief he doesn’t like the tone in Vash’s voice. 
“Oh yes,” Vash is smirking now, moving your body into a similar position as before so you’re on all fours with your ass in the air. “Our little omega let me fuck her mouth, you’d be proud of her for her first blow job.” Catching the other man’s eye and letting his pride shine through. “She drank. Every. Last. Drop.” Putting emphasis on his words and ending it with a slap to your ass. “Now I want her to do the same for you.” 
You're grinning, trying to reach out and grasp the length bobbing between Nico’s legs, something you’ve wanted to touch for so long and it’s finally going to happen. A shiver of excitement races up your spine, you’re not just going to get to touch him, you’re going to get to taste him. “Nico~” Another soft whine passes from your lips as you focus on his crotch. 
“You fucked her mouth?” He might want to be mad, but he was the first to feel you cum, the first to have his fingers in your core and his cock pressing to the deepest place inside you. 
“I did.” Tilting his head like the preening shit he was being. “She loved it.��� Lining himself up once more, Vash surged forward ensuring his dick was all the way inside your clenching hole. Groaning at the tightness surrounding him, a vice formed from muscles that wanted to keep him there. Watching your head tilt upward as you moaned his name long and loud. “Now hurry Nico, I want us to cum at the same time.” Rubbing his hand along your back as he started a gentle pace to keep his mind occupied while he waited for the show to start. 
“You’re always bossy when you’re in a rut.” Grumbling as Nico moves closer, one hand on his cock to make it easier for you to grasp it. “Good thing you’re hot.” It’s the usual song and dance the two of them play, teasing back and forth except this time they have a third partner. Turning his attention to you Nico sends you a soft smile, one hand cupping the side of your face. “Two taps if you need a break.” 
You nod, replacing Nico’s hand with yours and enjoying the silky smooth feel of his skin under your palm. As your fingers touch you feel a pulse under them, almost like you can sense the blood being pumped by his heart running through the veins along his length. A wave of apprehension washes over you, what if Nico doesn’t like what you do? Almost as if sensing it, he brushes the wet stands of your hair from your face. “Just try your best.” With that reassurance, you part your lips and slip them over the head of his cock. Moaning and curling your toes with your eyes closed at the taste on your tongue. It has more of a tang than Vash did. 
Nico slides closer, to make it easier for you as you grip his cock and start to bob along his length. You don’t have much experience but you’ll have more soon enough. For now, Nico watches with hooded eyes as more and more of his dark skin disappears into the warm cavern of your mouth. The bubble of want and need in his gut grows as the spit trails down to his base and into the dark hairs there. 
Vash grins, watching from behind with his head turned on an angle, he can’t see much of what you’re doing but both you and Nico are making a symphony for him with the sounds of your pleasure. Sighing himself as your walls clench around him like a vice as you suck Nico off, it’s something Vash thinks the three of you are going to do a lot because your body clearly seems to like it with the force your insides are exerting on his length. Done with his gentle pace, Vash starts to move faster, smirking as the movement has you jerking forward and a choked moan leaving Nico. “Good girl.” Starting to breathe deeper as the pleasure starts to mount and he plans to chase it. 
Your eyelids flutter as you find your lips touching Nico’s base after jerking forward for the snap of Vash’s hips, a whine of surprise before you moan around his cock. You can feel him twitching near the back of your throat and it sends a flood of slick down your walls, making it easier for Vash to buck into you harder and faster. 
Nico groans, all of the times he imagined how you’d feel don’t compare in the slightest to the real thing. The sudden jerk of you to his base and he almost came on the spot. Grinding his teeth to hold off before hissing at Vash. “Alpha, I’m not… Gonna… Last.” 
Vash looks up from where he’s watching his dick slamming into your welcoming cunt, taking in the sight of Nico and the clench of his jaw. Nico does look like he’s at his limit. Vash knows Nico doesn’t want to cum without permission, not when Vash had said for them to cum together. Pistoning his hips and slamming his knot against your folds, the three of you will have at least a day until his rut passes. What’s letting Nico enjoy painting your throat white without having to wait too long just the once? 
Letting out a roar as Vash feels his knot starting to push past your opening before catching on your walls and locking him into your welcoming sex. “Then fucking cum beta, make sure our omega drinks it all down.” One of his long arms snaps forward to grab Nico’s shoulder and forcing him to close the distance so Vash can plunge his tongue into the other man’s mouth in tandem with his cock inside you. 
Both men groaning in your ears and the feeling of being split open as both of them pump their seed into you sends you over the edge. With your nose deep into the mess of curls around Nico’s base you smell the musk of his arousal and sweat, using it to ground you from passing out and to keep breathing through your nose. Using it to moan around him as you tip over that edge once more. 
When they break the kiss for air, Nico notices your slight distress moving away just enough that you can pull your mouth from his cock. Groaning again when you look at him with a look of pure debauchery as you slowly stick out your tongue to show him the spatter of white on the muscle. “Fuck me.” Hissing as you make a show of swallowing it. 
“Oh don’t worry my beta, I plan to.” A devilish grin that seems out of place on his face Vash can feel the burning in his gut growing once more. You, now that you don’t have to fear passing out, let your eyes close as you need to rest for a moment. The omega in you content to belong to a pack and aware you are far from done.
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Almost a full day later, you pant under the sheets of Nico’s bed too exhausted to move. “So. When are we talking about what we just did.” 
“Later” both men whisper, equally as exhausted. 
“After a nap?” 
“Yes.” You want to laugh at how funny it is, but that takes effort. Instead, you let yourself drift off, a nap sounds wonderful, and you’re curled up with the two people you think you can easily spend the rest of your life with. 
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Well... I tried
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transmothofaman · 4 hours
Batfam AU
Okay so I have only come across one or two reverse!robin posts and don’t know how original these takes are. But whilst weeding i couldn’t help but think about the Batfam’s dynamics and how that would be altered, so I decided to dump a few hcs below (in order of appearance):
1. Duke Thomas: On paper, not much of his origin story really changes. Still has powers, is still Signal, still led something akin to the We Are Robin movement (except it wouldn’t be called that, because ‘Robin’ doesn’t exist yet), and still is part of The Outsiders. He is the first superhero/vigilante to really work with Batman on a regular basis, which of course is a struggle in of itself. He’s no sidekick by any means, but his help when needed becomes vital to Batman and helps the bat become more lenient to working with people.
2. Damian Al-Ghul Wayne: while Damian would have no older siblings constantly at the manor to be jealous of, I think his snobby attitude of instantaneously deserving the Batman mantle is something he still struggles with. He doesn’t really come up with a hero code-name for himself early on in his career (he thinks it’s beneath him); but goons and innocent civilians alike make comments about how he’s always lurking in the shadows and nickname him The Shadow. The nickname sticks, and many a joke can be made about Batman and his Shadow. (if anyone has a better hero name for Damian pls let me know)
3. Cassandra Cain (Wayne): her backstory and such remains the same, except she’s the one who created the mantle of Batgirl (which, of course, looks different from Barabra Gordon’s original batgirl). She’s the first of Bruce Wayne’s adopted children, and I personally don’t think their bond would differ any more than it would from canon. Because she’s introduced earlier in B’s life and can bring out a softer side of the dark knight, Batman’s relationship with the kids that follow are slightly shifted.
4. Timothy Drake: meets Batman because he kept trespassing on Wayne Manor property. Tim has been stalking Batman, figured out his identity, and wants to fill in the vacant spot left by a recently departed Damian [who either A) went rogue B) went off to partner with Jon or C) formed his version of the teen titans, dealer’s choice]. Batman, while comfortable enough with having Batgirl and Signal as assistance covering patrols or messy cases, is at first hesitant to have another constant “sidekick”, but eventually comes around to the idea. Tim would have his own cool name but I’m not that creative.
I didn’t want to dump Jason’s trauma on Tim now that he becomes the second son, but narratively I do think he would’ve ended up dying as well (if so, it’s because Joker Junior was fatal). Yes he ofc comes back, probably angry, but Tim is NOT Jason and will have different reactions/ ways to cope with that.
5. Stephanie Brown : Steph gets introduced mid-Tim’s sidekick run. I don’t think her lore would change much really, you’re doing great sweetie.
6. Jason Todd: Jason meets Batman the same way he meets him in canon, except this time Batman’s trying to cope with loosing Tim and his failed partnership with Stephanie (she’s killing it as Cass’ partner though), but decides to recruit and later adopt Jason anyways. Jason would take on Tim’s old mantle, but I think he would eventually carve out his own vigilante identity when he got older. He still becomes Red Hood after a very rough falling out with Bruce, but like in canon they’re slowly able to rebuild their relationship.
7. Dick Grayson: our boy wonder gets introduced in the same manor as in canon, he just does it later when Bruce has already gotten a bunch of kids. He still creates the outfit and mantle of Robin, and becomes Batman’s new main partner-in-crime fighting.
8. Barbara Gordon: Her overall dynamic with the other bats would change from canon (it would be her looking up to Cass and Steph rather than the other way around). I think she and Dick would have the same dynamic as in The Batman (2004).
I haven’t read every bat-related comic ever and would love to hear any thoughts/suggested changes you all have! Thanks for reading this monstrosity of a post!
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you know, i like hordak as a character. he's interesting, he's likeable, he's a good example of an abuse victim who isn't overly infantilized and coddled by the narrative. his relationship with entrapta was cute, his relationship with horde prime was tragic and i like that he at least gets a proper confrontation with his abuser, where he is able to declare his own independence and get some closure from his trauma.
however, there are two main problems i have with his character (some of which i've already talked about but i want to go into more detail):
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1. hordak was not an effective villain. heck, he was barely a villain at all.
you cannot tell me that hordak was the main villain of the first four seasons when the majority of his screentime was spent with him either lurking in his sanctum or canoodling with entrapta.. in his sanctum.
at first i thought that hordak was going to be this looming presence that had control over everything and puppeted everyone's every move, and was this evil masterpiece who orchestrated everything behind the scenes but.. nah. turns out he's just an incompetent manchild who needs a literal teenager with no battle experience to plan everything out for him. how did he conquer half of etheria before that? who knows? not important.
hordak also has no meaningful relationship with adora, the hero. there were actually a lot of parallels that could be drawn from hordak and adora both being raised by abusers who valued perfection over everything else. granted, in that aspect, hordak is more like catra but there isn't even that many parallels with him and catra. there are, in fact, more parallels with catra and shadow weaver or catra and horde prime.
and okay, not every hero and villain needs a deep intertwined relationship or complex narrative parallels. but at least give us something? a proper interaction?? the show even acknowledges the fact that hordak and adora have absolutely no connection with each other, when adora asks him why he kidnapped her and he basically replies with "lol who are you again". and then he just randomly remembers her at the end of the finale and it’s supposed to be this touching, emotional scene except you feel nothing because these characters literally never interacted, what are we looking at?
adora is supposed to be fighting the horde, but it seemed like she was just fighting catra most of the time. as the hero who opposes etheria's oppressors, shouldn't adora mainly be targeting hordak, the person who started it all? and shouldn't hordak, as the leader of the horde, be more concerned about the rebellion having an actual god on their side? i guess it doesn't really matter if said god can be easily defeated by a inexperienced catgirl
it just feels like hordak didn't have to be a villain at all. we only know he does horrifying things, because the narrative says that he does. oh, and he tortures catra once and sends her to crimson waste, so i guess that qualifies as being a villain.
the point of a villain is to drive the central conflict of the story. to oppose the hero and to pose an actual threat to the status quo. any character who doesn't do this is merely an antagonist. in hordak's case, i don't even know if he counts as an antagonist. he's like that one edgy antihero with a dark past where he murdered countless people but it doesn't really matter in present time. it’s just there to add flavor and to enhance his tragic past, because war is obviously a fictional fantasy trope and totally not something that has happened in real life. /s
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2. like many other characters in this show, hordak's character almost completely revolves around his love interest.
yes, entrapta taking care of hordak and boosting his self-esteem is endearing. yes, hordak breaking his defenses and being vulnerable around entrapta is very sweet. but apart from entrapta, the only characters who have any kind of effect on hordak is horde prime and catra. and.. i guess, imp? but again, imp is mostly just a stand-in for the cute animal sidekick.
i know that hordak was supposed to be a recluse but it's impossible to believe that this kind of person was able to start an army and feed them with false propaganda. again, if you read my post about cults and their methods of indoctrination, you would know that cult leaders are often very charismatic and friendly people. and i know the horde isn't exactly a cult but we are supposed to believe that at least some of the cadets raised there genuinely believed that they were on the side of good, when their leader was a mysterious shut-in who basically didn't do anything substantial and their mentor/superior officer was just actively radiating Evil Vibes™.
i just wish they did more with hordak’s character and actually made him interact with some of the other characters. he doesn’t even interact with shadow weaver that much, and she was his second-in-command. even if it’s not direct interactions, it would have been interesting to see the characters mention hordak more, especially the ex-horde soldiers. apart from the general “oh no he’s evil and wants to kill everyone”, that is.
like we see people talking about shadow weaver. we see adora open up about her relationship with shadow weaver and ponder about whether there’s some good left in the woman who raised her. we see glimmer talking about how powerful shadow weaver is and how she could help the rebellion. we see catra complaining about how shadow weaver treated her in comparison to adora. we see angella talk about how shadow weaver shouldn’t be trusted.
when you think about it, shadow weaver was much more of a looming menacing presence in spop, despite not even being a villain, let alone the main villain.
even when she was on the good side and helping the princesses, there was always a ceaseless feeling of unease and fear, because we’ve seen what she’s capable of. we weren’t just told that “shadow weaver is sooo abusive, she’s bad!” we see how she treats adora and catra, we see how she manipulates situations and people for her own benefit, we see how she slowly starts to get into glimmer’s head. the show actually does a good job with shadow weaver, and i have to give credit where credit is due. shadow weaver was genuinely a well-written character.
hordak is just.. there, most of the time. he acts evil enough to be considered as one of the villains but he’s not actually a villain if you consider it for more than five seconds. he doesn’t really do anything for the bulk of the narrative, he has one kinda cool scene where he stands up to his abuser and then he just peaces out with entrapta.
i don’t really understand the point of taking a main villain of the show and turning him into this. sure, the OG hordak was more of a comedic villain and wasn’t super complex, but from what i know, he still played an important role in a narrative and his humorous moments made up for the lack of a tragic backstory.
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perseephoneee · 2 days
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥
In which, you, a lady of the ton, are forced to participate in courting season. Except that courting season comes with one particularly silver tongued Prince who is making it his mission to drive you absolutely insane.
↳ fic masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist
a/n: i'm so sorry for the delay in this. i was in spain this past month, and then i was finishing out my classes before i graduate!!! i am graduating this next Saturday with my bachelors which is crazy. and then i'm off to Columbia journalism school for the summer. i'm basically just rory gilmore at this point. anywho...thank you for being patient with me. i love you all.
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Vulnerability was not something you often expressed, and unfortunately, it opened a floodgate of emotions you weren't ready to approach. Every night that passed was plagued with the same sly grin or those mischievous green eyes. You felt yourself going crazy, waking up with a beating heart and shaky hands. You needed to get your act together and fast. Even your family was starting to notice your strange behavior.
It was already evening, and you had another dreaded dance to attend. Apparently, there were professional dancers this time. Anything to entertain the Queen, of course. You stared at yourself in the mirror, a sage green dress hanging from your figure, delicate beads embellishing the bodice. With gentle hands, you also put on a golden locket, one of the last things you had of your mother. Sometimes, you wished it was societally appropriate for women to wear breeches. They were much more comfortable anyway and made for a better escape.
Ivy was already waiting in the carriage when you arrived. Grandmother liked to always take her own carriage, something you appreciated more often than not. It allowed you to be left alone with your own thoughts. You sighed deeply when your back hit the cushion, and the horses carried you off. Ivy shot you a look. 
"I thought you would be more excited to be seeing your lover," she cooed, slapping your knee playfully. 
"I find these events exhausting," You sighed, brushing your hair out of your face. "And he's not my lover."
"That's not what I've heard," Ivy said. "The grapevine whispers of an imminent engagement. I heard Grandmother discussing it with a representative from the Odinson home."
That was news. News that caused a pit in your stomach rather than butterflies. Marrying Thor was the goal, was it not? He was kind and respectful and would make a suitable husband. Still, you couldn't help but feel resent the idea. Ivy noticed the look on your face. 
"You don't want to marry him."
"I didn't say that," you tutted, folding your arms defensively. 
"It's evident by the sour look you wear," she frowned, but not from disappointment. More so, concern. “Y/N.”
"I will do my duty; is that clear?" You hissed. Any other person would've recoiled from your sharp tone, but Ivy had known you too long. She placed a hand over yours, every part soft and nurturing. 
"It is alright to say no," Ivy said softly. For the first time in a long while, she felt every bit your older sister and not the ditz your Grandmother loved to portray her as. "You have permission to say no."
You didn't get the chance to respond as the carriage pulled to a stop. Her words soothed your heart in a way you didn't expect. Permission to do something for yourself wasn't anything you'd heard before. It was always the expectation that you would protect your family and secure your future. No one had ever told you that you were allowed to choose otherwise. 
Entering the ballroom, cream gauze adorned the walls, accompanied by flickering candlelight. The mood was intimate, and everyone seemed to twinkle like the fountain in the middle. A performance was occurring with scantily clad dancers, but you weren't fazed. You're sure the ton would have something to say about it, though. Unlike them, you found being able to see their bodies to make the movements captivating, and you envied how they moved with such freedom. You were so enraptured by the dance that when you eventually noticed the Odinson brothers across the room, you froze up. Ivy hadn't left your side yet, and you grabbed her hand, hoping she'd stay by you. She gave you a worried look, but you ignored her. You were insanely nervous. If a proposal was imminent, then your anxiety was going to get the best of you. This is what you want; you kept chanting to yourself, hoping to believe it.
You saw Thor try to make his way over to you, and you quickly ducked behind a couple, dragging Ivy along with you. You kept finding ways to have someone blocking the path to you and the blond prince. At some point, you fetched a drink and had it in one go, smiling kindly at the waiter, who looked at you bewildered. You let Ivy's hand go when you reached for the drink, and she maneuvered off despite your protests. Hiding in the back, you allowed yourself to grab a second drink right as the dance ended. Unfortunately, that meant the path to you was straightforward, and Thor quickly approached. 
"M'Lady, it has been an adventure to reach you all night," he smiled. You quickly put the glass back on the tray and looked him in the eye. 
"Apologies, your grace, the…dance was quite enrapturing," you choked out, feigning a smile. 
"Dancing can be quite entertaining; I always fancy myself a dance with a beautiful woman when I can," Thor looked out to the crowd with his hands clasped, returning your gaze fondly. You heard the orchestra ready a waltz as Ivy walked close to you. You cut off Thor right as he was about to ask you to dance. 
"My sister is an excellent dancer; you should give her a twirl," you grabbed Ivy as she walked by, forcing her in Thor's direction and quickly maneuvering away. You couldn't deal with suitors at this point. That meant potential marriage proposals, and frankly, you were terrified at the prospect of getting proposed to right now. 
Your quick escape led to an unfortunate collision with the only other prince you were hoping to avoid– Loki. He stabilized you before quickly pulling his hand away as if you were a fire too hot to touch. His green eyes look at you inquisitive before his lips pull up into a smirk. 
"Running away from the ball? Scandolous." He cooed. Your brows draw down at his smirk, rolling your eyes. He gives a glance at the waltz. "Care to join me?"
"Excuse me?"
"Typically, when a gentleman asks you to dance, one answers' yes' or 'no,'" Loki chides. "So, care to join me?"
You paused, taking him in before giving him a slight nod. He extends his hand and leads you out onto the floor. You can feel Ivy's gaze on you, but you ignore her as you both bow to each other. The music starts, the cello reverberating through the room as you take the first step into the movements. Loki never takes his eyes off you, something that would unnerve you if you didn't live in a fantasy world. His eyes were a forest in which you could perpetually wander. His hands reached for yours, twirling you around before capturing you close. You felt your breath hitch at your proximity and, luckily, could move away before you showed how his presence affected you. When the dance ended, you bowed before leaving, looking for any exit outside. 
You sighed in relief as the cold air touched your skin, caressing your cheeks. You heard the door close behind you and couldn't tell who you hoped it would be more. 
"Lady Chilton," Thor's voice spoke, disturbing the quiet of the night. You turned around, taking in his gentle expression. 
"Your grace," you breathed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "You startled me."
"Thor, you can call me Thor," he chuckled, hands clasped behind his back. "I was hoping to talk to you." Your heartbeat picked up, but you nodded, brows furrowed. 
"You can always talk to me."
Thor pauses. 
"I had planned to ask for your hand in marriage."
Your brain processed his words. It took you a second for them to register. "You had planned?"
"It has nothing to do with your character," Thor reassured. "I find you quite intelligent."
"But you no longer plan to propose?"
"You don't want me to propose; I can see it clear as day," Thor, for his part, doesn't look upset. "I am not the one you want…I respect that."
"The one I want?"
"I admire you deeply, which is why all I wish for you is a love match," Thor smiled. "I never would've been able to keep up with your wit anyway."
"I'm…sorry for disappointing you," you say, feeling immense guilt. 
"You could never disappoint me, Miss Y/N," Thor smiles. You soften, taking in the tall prince. Thor was kind and gentle but masculine. You should be head over heels for him for all intents and purposes. But you just couldn't find yourself to feel that way. 
"I hope we can continue being friends," you say sadly. 
"I expect you will be more like family," he nods. "I wish you the best, Lady Chilton."
"Thor, I'm not sure I know what you mean."
"You will; my brother is not a patient man."
And with that, he left you alone in the courtyard. The door closed with a click, and an owl hooted overhead. The sky was a navy blue, the clouds obscuring the moon hanging over your head. As the breeze picked up and the leaves rustled, you pondered over Thor's parting words. 
My brother is not a patient man.
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taglist: @gruftiela @eleniblue @iwrite-things @youneedanap @huntress-artemiss @linaax @pisces-celeste @marygoddessofmischief @saay-karani @choki.laufeyson @foxherder @lover-of-books-and-tea
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tommyarashikage · 1 day
what colour is your aura?
tagged by @rhettsabbott and @voidika to do this quiz, thank you! this one has a lot of results, so definitely worth checking out 👀
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lattes, dry fields, footprints, easels, cat fur, pottery, fresh-baked cookies. your essence is beige: you are an even-tempered and comforting presence. you take refuge in your sanctuary and creature comforts; the warmth you exude flees from spontaneity or change. you are consistent and indulgent. you are the sleepy. you are the satiated. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of brown, umber, tawny, and ashen, who share your patient nature. you are also drawn to the expressive souls sky and cream, who will help you grow and teach you to explore new ideas. however, you may struggle to get along with the spontaneous personalities of blush and lilac who seem too frivolous.
I just have to point out that no sentence describes Laurie better than "you are the sleepy." 10/10 quiz.
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succulents, key lime, glow-in-the-dark stars, blown glass, honeydew, garter snakes, notes in bottles. your essence is honeysuckle: you are quiet and avoidant, submerged in your own privacy. you compartmentalize effortlessly; you are many pieces, and rarely do others see the whole picture. you are creative but trepid -- cautious to address your feelings even in solitude. you are the recluse. you are the librarian. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of moss, chartreuse, sage, and peach, who share your profound curiosity. you are also drawn to the expressive souls seafoam and apricot, who will help you grow and trust others to listen respectfully to you. however, you may struggle to get along with the people-pleasing personalities of rose and cream who come across as shallow and pandering.
barely anyone knows Jana well, except for her family and people she's really close to. she doesn't trust easily but when she does, she becomes loyal, devoted and protective. the people-pleaser part is also very important. she may be an introvert but she'll always stay true to herself and speak her mind.
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bundled flowers, ribbon, merlot, overcoats, gemstones, lipstick prints, red velvet. your essence is amaranth: you are engaging and passionate, but never out of place. you do what needs to be done; your confidence is unflinching, least of all when something has slipped beneath your standards. it is hard to live up to the image you imagine others have of you. you are the demonstrater. you are the debutante. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of wine, pearl, noir, and magenta, who share your inner intensity. you are also drawn to the ambitious amethyst and indigo, who will help you grow and inspire your actions. however, you may struggle to get along with the mercurial personalities of teal and bronze who wish to be free spirits.
the embodiment of sunshine, not only in personality but also in raw power. she's very devoted to the life of a guardian and knows her duty. being sun-coded also means that no one and nothing can stop her when pushed over the edge.
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plums, nail polish, planners, theaters, pursed lips, mosaics, sewing thread. your essence is wine: you are ruled by determination to bring your grand vision to life. you are a pillar of your chosen family; reliable and moral, there is never a situation for which you are not prepared. you are an idealist and accept nothing less of yourself. you are the activist. you are the dutiful. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of amaranth, pearl, grey, and pink, who share your need to devote to a cause. you are also drawn to the expressive orchid and mauve, who will help you grow and learn it is okay to not live up to expectation. however, you may struggle to get along with the excessive personalities of jade and fire who do not know what they truly want.
duty and expectations have always been top priority in Alex's life. what she only realized later on, is that she didn't choose this for herself.
taglist (opt in/out): @risingsh0t @bbrocklesnar @carlosoliveiraa @sergeiravenov @alexxmason @icecutioner @imogenkol @finding-comfort-in-rain @confidentandgood @josephslittledeputy @aceghosts @stardustbee @thedeadthree @hollytanaka @shadowglens @purplehairsecretlair @fourlittleseedlings @strangefable @kyberinfinitygems @leviiackrman @jacobseed @captastra @a-treides @cassietrn @ri-a-rose @shellibisshe @justasmolbard
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cheesus-doodles · 17 hours
If you don’t mind, I’d like to submit an ask!♡
For your platonic bff/Yan!Baji works.. Baji starts to notice the person he’s always admired and sought to protect begins to lose pieces of who she/they are by being forced into domestic chores alone… they may be living comfortably, but they lack routine, and becomes depressed, feeling as though she/they have no purpose, wasting time. Someone perhaps suggests Baji offer her a useless clerical job in a Bonten owned office where she at least has a routine and reason; it pays abnormally well, three days a week, and only 6 hours per day, overtime optional (Baji hates when he comes home to an empty home after all). Finally, Baji gets back the driven and willful person he’s always loved. She/they also pull less of a fight to move out, since he went through all the trouble of landing her such a nice job in the first place. She’d feel guilty leaving him when he’s already done so much for her. The least she can do is be there to support him emotionally as his best friend, right?
It’s all about compromise and manipulation~♡
of course, asks are always welcome! sorry I took so long to get back to you <3 ah man i feel the BFF here so hard HAHAHAHA forcing yourself to do anything is so difficult
BFF Baji Fics | BFF Baji Asks
Awwww :’( Baji definitely thought that he was doing his BFF the biggest solid by removing you from your job and stopping you from having to work yourself to the bone. You were always so stressed from your job and all the bills, so when he could finally stop pretending that his only income was from his little pet shop down the road. I mean sure, he must know that you liked having something to do to pass the time, but this boy definitely thought that you would enjoy having that extra free time to pursue whatever you wanted (under his watchful eye of course).
It becomes quickly obvious that once removed from your routine, no matter how stressful it had been, you quickly find yourself lacking the motivation to do anything but the bare minimum you could force yourself into doing. Spend a lot of time just lying in bed, scrolling on your phone, bored out of your mind. Sure you didn't need the money to pay the bills, but earning an income that you could call your own, feeling like you were needed somewhere, and having someone telling you that you had a purpose and a hard deadline to complete your work by - it isn't something that you were going to be able to find yourself in the comfort and lulling nature of your home.
And it becomes very apparent to Baji that his BFF is becoming more and more lethargic and unresponsive as the days past, uninterested in anything and almost depressed to a point, barely reacting when he returns from work and not leaving the house except if forced to by Baji. Of course you not wanting to go outside should be a plus for this black-haired boy, given you would be the safest in this penthouse at the top of a Bonten-owned building guarded by Bonten security, yet seeing you languish like this - it didn't make Baji happy one bit. He wanted his happy, cheery, motivated BFF back.
This former delinquent is sympathetic to your cause - he knows what it's like to not be able to do anything but stand aside and watch the world turn. His Toman friends and you gave him a purpose, and he couldn't imagine being able to keep his chin up if he didn't have either. With enough moping about at Bonten headquarters, and having almost snapped when Ran teasingly asked about his love issues, Baji eventually gets ordered, ordered, by Mikey to go sort out his mess before coming back to work. The lost black-haired boy gets advised by Kakucho to find something for you to do, preferably something you would genuinely enjoy, if he wants to see you happy.
As your bff for years, he would at this point be quite familiar with all your childhood dreams of what you would like to have done as a job, but just to be sure, Baji will be sure to feel your current thoughts out. And whatever it is, as long as it is within his ability, Baji is sure to grant it to you, because how can he not? He promised to give you the world one day, and as your BFF in his current capacity now, he could.
You still want to be a doctor? Sure he'll have the university open a slot for you to study medicine, fully paid for, and you can practice at the Bonten infirmary or at an affiliated hospital. You want to start an art studio? All yours, when do you want to start? Run a cafe - Baji'll have the kitchen renovated and open in a Bonten shop just a stone's throw from headquarters. You also get whatever pay raise/promotion you think you deserve, and Baji makes it happen according to what he thinks you want (even forces all his Bonten colleagues to go and patronize your workplace while under his supervision).
The only caveat would be that whatever you want to do can't be too dangerous, and it has to be regular hours and near him. Baji wants to be able to look after and keep you safe, stepping in whenever he needs to to get people to back off from you. Anything that you have to travel further than a street away from him gets vetoed immediately, and this baby boy will pull out the puppy eyes to get you to fold and pick another job.
Never overtime, absolutely not, Baji will throw a fit if you stay even a minute longer working when it could be spent pampering and spending time him (and he wonders why the rest of Bonten laughs at him). Don't get him wrong, this boy has no qualms letting people know the business end of his gun and fists to get his way, but not that you would know. He just wants you to be happy so you can focus all that hapiness on him.
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