#(silver still gonna fight PFFT)
silverwingborn · 1 month
“Lemme get this straight…Adam, the First Man, is BIGGER THAN FUCKING SNORLAX?!”
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
A Spider-woman name Billie 6
(Part 5)
"Papá!" Mariana 2020 launch her tiny body to her dad's arms which caught Hobie 138b by surprised. The little girl was quick enough to response without anyone to noticed. "Haha!"
Hobie 2020 caught his pup, "Careful, darling. What if you fell like Humpty Dumpty and crack your little skull, hmm?" He cooed a bit being a bit morbid with his questions.
Miles 2020 shook his head, "Aye, don't say that." He lightly slap his husband's arm, "It's bad enough I worry about them crawling on the walls!"
"I thought you want me to teach them how to safe?" Hobie 2020 gave a low chuckle still showing off his canines, they were more sharper yet smaller than Alpha's.
Alpha 2010 crossed his arms, "Pfft, pathetic Alpha."
Petie giggles, "Well, he always have a dark humor to his teachings..."
"Why is he so fucking fine?" Mimi 1015 whispers at Miles 1610 and Miles 43, "Like he's so damn- hmmm!"
"What are you saying, luv?" Hobie 138d overhears his girlfriend, "Hmm? Hmm?" He got all up in her face being a bit jealous. "Careful, darling. I will put a baby in you."
"Huh?" Mimi 1015 pucker her lips with her eyes wide.
Miles 42 rolled his eyes, "You do realize she's trans!"
"Biology ain't real. That's capitalism and with the right science..." Hobie 138d grins widely, "Like genetically modified my Sunflower's sex then I can put a baby in her."
"No. No! You will not go there!" Miles 1019 scowls with anger, "I will fuck you up!"
"FUCK YOU UP!" Mariana 2020 shouted.
"Mari no! That's a bad word!" Miles 2020 gasps.
Hobie 2020 laughs in amusement, "You can easily ask Miguel 2299, he's an Alpha and knows how to make regular blokes into Omegas."
"Be quiet! They don't need to know!" Miguel 928 growls at the Alpha.
"They wouldn't do it. They would have to ask a Miguel for help." Mariana added seeing all the Hobies scowling at the idea. "Hehehe."
Mimi 1015 holds her boyfriend's face, "I don't want to have a baby, bae. I am a happy trans woman."
"Okay, luv." Hobie 138d heart melts at his boo's cute peck on the lips.
Hobie 2020 smirks at Alpha, "Oi, how was the fight? Had to escape with some old relics."
"It was terrible. We needed you and you left! Leaving me with that nitwit!" Alpha scowls.
"He told us countless of times he was gonna blow up the place, and I saved important art." The older punker Prowler shrugs, his claw gently hover over his daughter, who's trying to touch it. "Easy, darling."
"I wanna touch it, papá!" Mariana 2020 whines.
"Tu papi is wearing some dangerous weapons, mi vida. It's better if you don't touch." Miles 2020 hums, and saw his son, Karl reaching out for him. "Awe, miss me?"
Karl nodded, "Yeah! Yeah! Daddy!" One of the Hobies handed him back to his daddy, the older Spider-man happily holds his pup. The small boy giggles with delight, "Hehehe, daddy!"
"Yes, mi amor. I'm here." The Omega kisses his son's round cheeks having his scent blooming with sweet protective pheromones for his children.
"Ah-hahahaha." Karl snuggles against his daddy, his chubby hand tugging on the Spider-man suit. "Daddy, hungry?"
"We'll be there soon." Miles 2020 smiles warmly at his pup.
The Hobies watched with awe at how cute the Omega looks. The Miles being bashful by the Alpha. "Come on, guys. Chop-chop! We're starving!" Gwen said at them.
"Yeah, I'm hungry!" Mayday stomp her foot hating to wait any longer.
The group were entering the cafeteria finally making it, then they were bombarded with a Spider-man that had white and red with black accents to it. They were surprised to find Lupe without her mask looking pissed off with her own silver Spider suit, "And how many times I told you do not talk to me like that!"
"Ohhh, finally some good action." Hobie 2020 chuckles darkly with his confused variants looking at him. "Just enjoy and watch this beautiful drama." Mariana 2020's big eyes watches Lupe and the male Spider-man arguing with their Spider sense off the roof.
Petie 2010 saw Alpha smirking widely, "Heh, looks like Miguel 660 is starting trouble with Lupe, again."
"DAD?" Gabriel 660 called out being in shock. Wow how embarrassing for his dad to argue with another Spider-hero.
The Spider-man held his hand up with one finger for his son to wait a moment being busy with arguing with Lupe. "Mira me, I didn't talk to you like that. All I said it doesn't take a pendeja to figure out the implication of artificial manipulation!"
"Oh wow, did he had to call her a pendeja?" Billie winced at the arguments.
The young Spider-heroes never saw this Miguel O'Hara before, in fact he was shorter than Miguel 928 and a bit leaner. When Miguel 660's molecule suit removed his masks to reveal a redhead, pale chisel middle age white man, the whole Spider Band gang eyes widen.
"Ain't no way! That's a Miguel?" Gwen asked out loud.
Pavtri took a quick picture for his blog, "So he does exist! I heard he was one of the main Spider-men doing all the multi-verse stuff."
"Why is he too...." Miles 42 trails off being hella confused.
Miles 43 pitched in, "That's not a Miguel O'Hara," he put on a white voice accent, "That's a Michael O'Hara. Looks like his Irish genetics won."
"Pfft!" Hobies 138b choked up laughing out loud. "Hahaha."
Miles 1610 said, "Come on, guys. It's bound to happen..." His eyes landed on Miguel 928 to Miguel 660 seeing the massive difference.
"So he's a redhead here... makes sense since his boy is freakin' white, too." Miles 1019 added being disappointed at how the man looks.
Mariana 1022 whisper to punk Miles, "I get what you mean. Brown Miguel is much finer." They both nodded in agreement. Punk Miguel overheard feeling pleased with this.
Gabriella 1042 gasps with joy, "OH is he my papá, too!" She looks disappointed at the redhead being confused, "Why he looks... hmmm? Like an old man?" She looks at her dad.
Jess laughs out loud, "Oh honey, it's part of the multi-verse. You'll find a light skinned Jess here, too."
"Oh..." Gabriella being a bit sad, "I want another papá like papá!" She open her arms wide explaining, "Tall, big and have brown hair!"
"Mmhhmm, me too." Mimi 1015 hums to herself.
Miguel 928 said to his gem, "Mija, the multi-verses have so many wonders. You might see more of me or him..." He looks over at Miguel 660 being unpleased with the outcome.
"Come on, guys. Let's go find a table to eat. Knowing Lupe... this is gonna be a long argument." Jess said to her friends.
Alpha said, "She always know how to twist your words..."
"Can you blame her when you have to deal with him and his egoistical smartass?" Hobie 2020 asked with a bit a smirk on his handsome face.
"Yeah, not gonna lie he's a big jerk!" Peter 616 said.
"Oh, Billie! That's Lupe! We can ask her to be your mentor!" Marian 1022 happily said to the teenage Spider-woman.
"Oh, that'll be great. Let's go!" Billie smiles, "Gabe, come on. Let's say hi to your dad!"
"Wait, we need to get seats for the kids! I totally wanna see this Michael O'Hara!" Miles 43 said out loud, "Miles 1610, can you watch over the kids, please!"
"YEAH!" Mimi 1015 and Mariana 1022 nodded.
"Huh, why me?" Miles 1610 shouted.
"Oh look, Pav! Spider Band is here!" Gwen shouted pointed at Peni, Noir, Spider-Ham, and their other friends eating at a big table.
"Oh, hey! Petie, long time no see gorgeous!" Deadpool spotted the Omega while having lunch with his Peter 616b and the Spider-band!
Petie 2010 panics, "EEEP!" Being picked up by Deadpool like a bride. "Put me down, Deadpool! Peter 616b!"
"Ugh, Wade..." Peter 616b sounded tired.
"Hey guys! Have you met the Hobies and Miles!" Gwen went to introduce the Spider Band with the many variants.
"Oh yeah!" Peni said.
Margo chuckles, "Have you met Grayson 2100?" She had the male version of Gwen by her, who was chewing his food.
"Hey!" He waves at her.
"Pavtri had you met Pavtri 50134? He's from this really cool Space world!" Spider-Ham pointed up.
"What's up!" Pavtri 50134 had a much deeper voice and a robotic arm.
"Whaaaa! That's so cool! You gotta tell me everything!" Pavtri got super excited!
Miles 2020 went with Miles 1610 to find spots for the kids and the other adults, "Thanks, Miles 2020 or is there a nickname..." Miles 1610 slowly asked. Hobie 138b carried Gonzalo 1022 and Aaron on the other arm.
"Hmm, you can call me, Millie." Miles 2020 winks at him. "It does get annoying with all the numbers, huh?"
"Oh gawd, yes! Finally someone said it. I can never remember all of it at times." Miles 1610 finally said while he put Gonzalo 1015 in a high chair. "And it's always hard with nicknames too. Because I get it if your name is Mimi and my nickname is Mimi, but we gotta be different."
"Hahaha, it is hard, but will get use to it." Millie giggles as he put his son in a high chair. "Right, honey." He kisses his son's forehead.
"Yeah, daddy. We lea-wn!" Karl nodded.
"Awe, such cuties!" Kitty appeared with her own gang from a mission, Meows Morales on her shoulder.
"Oh wow, you're here too!" Miles 1610's eyes widen seeing most of his friends here in the cafeteria. Sometimes they would find them at different times or they eat after a mission.
"Yeah, what are the odds! Kaine must be freaking out to find his teammates fighting again. I always did say Lupe and Miguel 660 should never be in the same team. They are always fighting."
"Oh hi, Meows!" Billie 1610 gasps at the cartoon cat.
Meow Morales quickly jump from one shoulder to Miles 1610's should to the table to look at Billie 1610, "HI! Are you Billie? I have a sister, too. Her name is Bitty Morales, because she's so tiny and cute! A very tiny kitten!"
"Ohh, kitty me?" Billie 1610 became so excited.
Hobie 138b smiles with amusement, "Well I'll be chuffed! Sunflower, your variant got a lil sprog too!"
"Huh uh!" Miles 1610's eyes gleamed with joy, then had his head turn to Meows, "Awe, when will I see her, Meows!"
"She is a cute little darling." Hobie 138e appeared with May 2010 in his arms, "Isn't that right, Kitty?" He look at the Spider-woman with a grin.
Kitty giggles, "Yup, I saw her once. She's so small even a Small doesn't fit her."
"Aweee, we wanna meet her!" Miles 1610 said as Billie 1610 agreed too.
Meows stood, "Later, because she likes her naps and bottle of warm milk that mamá makes!" Then he went to Miles 2020 for a hug, "Miles!"
"Oh, hello Meows. Surprised to see you here? Where's your Hobie?" Miles 2020 hugs the cartoon cat.
"I dunno!" Meows nuzzling against the omega, smelling his sweet pheromones. For him, it's like cat nip in a way. So addicting and calming. Making a small purring sound.
"Awe, so cute!" Kitty awed.
"Who call my name? I'm comin'!" Hobie Pine appears spotting his Sunflower, with a simple quick run and hop. He took his bae into his arms, "Mine!"
Hobie 138b chuckles, "Nice, lad. A true Hobie knows how to get their Sunflowers."
Hobie Pine stood with a slow nod, while snuggling against his Meows. "Wait, I wanna snuggle with Millie!" Meows whines, being out of his sweet trance.
"Nope! Only me!"
"Hahaha, Meows is so funny." Mayday giggles as she pulled a seat with Gabriella and Gerald.
Miles 1610 said, "Wait, Hobie Pine... where did you come from?" He looks over finding all the Spider-animals appearing to eat lunch.
"We finished a mission and wanted to eat lunch! Meows, why did you leave me, darling!" Hobie Pine pouts.
"I didn't leave you! I went on a mission with Kitty, Ben Riley and Petra!"
"Oh wow, I would think Ben would be with Lupe seeing how he's good friends with Kaine." Miles 2020 said.
"Hahaha, they had different schedules. Kaine ended up with Lupe, Charlotte, Slick."
"Slick joined too? Blimey, what an interesting day." Hobie 138b said as he put Gonzalo 1022 in a high chair and Aaron in another. "We might even find Hobie 138..."
"Hey, Mig! Where have you been, mate?" Hobie 138 appeared having to fist bump punk Miguel.
"Spoke too soon, bae?" Miles 1610 giggles.
"I did." Hobie 138b agreed.
"I hope daddy gets me a burger! I'm so hungry!" Mayday said.
"I want some chicken nuggets." Gerald said.
Gabriella saw her dad getting in the middle with Lupe and Miguel 660, "I hope papá is okay."
"Don't worry, Gabby. He's fine. Besides, this is his job." Miles 1610 comforts the little girl.
"What did you say?" Lupe scowls at Miguel 660.
Miguel 928 had his hands held up, "Okay, Lupe. He didn't mean it like that he onl-" Lupe held her hand up to him to stay quiet.
Miguel 660 sighs, "I said working with you is like pulling teeth! It's exhausting! Te gusta chingar mi vida, Guadalupe! It's frustrating!"
"Oh me? Let's not forget you, Miguel O'Hara got no business to dumbing down basic shit! And how dare you? You act all high and mighty, but when something bites us in the us- It's never Miguel O'Hara 660!" She claps back at him.
Kaine appeared hiding behind Miguel with a soft whisper, "You see how me and Sun Spider gotta deal with."
"Lyla only put you four together because you two always worked well at the end of the day." Miguel 928 tries to calm the two down. "You all did finish the mission."
"Yeah." Lupe sounding displeased.
Miguel 660 sighs, "Barely..." He look at Lupe, "She's the one that didn't follow my plan."
"Oh no way you're gonna throw me under the bus! Ugh, you such an ass!" Lupe said, "Alright, whose fault was it, when somebody decided to break the control panel, hmmm?" She got into Miguel 660's face.
"I only did that because Sun Spider couldn't hack it! Well, who's fault was it, when we need the chip and you threw it into the water!"
The two were yelling at each other like little kids. Miguel 928 sighs, "enough you two. Just apologize and get on with your day."
"No." Miguel 660 huffed with his arms crossed.
"Pfft, like an apology would come out of his big mouth with that big head!" Lupe huffed.
"At least, I don't flaunt mi tetas at the enemy." Miguel 660 bitterly commented.
"What was that?" Lupe asked, hearing his words.
She got right into his face with a dark scowl, "That's right, you better stay quiet." She turns back to her spot, "And that haircut is so ugly. Everyone knows you got a big ass forehead. Hairline receding grandpa! Gonna end up looking like your daddy!"
Miguel 660 gasps in shock then shouted, "AM NOT!"
AM TOO!" The two were shouting in each other faces.
Gabriel 660 shook his head while Billie looked terrified, "Wow, I never knew they can be so scary."
"Lupe is old school and Miguel 660 is always rude." Mariana pointed out.
Punk Miguel looks at Miguel 928, "Are you gonna fix this?"
"At this point," Miguel 928 broke the two apart, "Enough! Los Dos son pedejos!-" receiving a deadly glare from Lupe, "Well, mostly Miguel 660..."
"Dad, come on! Just apologize to Lupe. This is embarrassing! My friend is here." Gabe 660 went up to his dad to say.
"What?" Miguel 660 looks at Billie, "Your friend? I thought she was your girlfriend."
"WHAT! NO WAY!" Gabriel shouted being shy about it.
Lupe noticed the young girl, "Ohh, who is this adorable Spider-woman?" Then looks at Gabriel, "It's fine, Gabe. I know how to tussle with your dumb daddy. Anyway, is she your girlfriend!"
Billie 1613 giggles, "No, I'm Billie Mariana Morales from Earth 1613! I'm a Spider-woman!"
"Lupe, I was wondering if you can teach her the ropes. She needs an instructor... a mentor!" Mariana 1022 said happily.
"Ohh, so this is the famous Billie! Alright, I'm happy to be your mentor, but you might need to know I'm a bit harsh and fair."
"Not to mention una maldita bruja, pinche vieja." Miguel 660 scoffs, then Miguel 928 and Gabriel 660 cover the Spider-man's mouth with panic.
Lupe glares over at them, "What was that?"
"NOTHING!" Gabriel 660 and Miguel 928 shouted together. While Miguel 660 muffling through their hands trying to breathe.
Kaine stood with his hands together, "Oh wow, so fast!"
"Huh uh," Lupe pucker her lip having to eye the Spider-men then look back at the two Spider-woman, "Anyway, can you handle that?"
"Yeah, I'll do whatever it takes!" Billie 1613 smiles happily.
Deadpool holds Petie like he was a trophy wife, "Come on, wifey! Let's eat chimichangas together!"
"Wahhh, someone help me!" Petie cries out loud.
"Wade, seriously? Let go of Petie!" Peter 616b shouted.
Miles 1610 sat in the middle between Hobie 138b and Billie 1610. Lunch was on Miguel 928 seeing how everyone he mostly talk to, and common acquaintances.
Gabriella sat next to her dad as she happily talk to Lupe, "Wow, your web glows like mi papá?"
"Yeah, mi niña." Lupe happily smiles, "Mines glows a bit lime green."
"Oh cool!" Gabriella happily said, then turns to Billie 1613, "Can your web glow?"
"No, actually I make my own web shooters... but I can do this." She can make her fingers have electricity similar to Miles' venom strike. "I'm a bit rusty."
Miguel 660 chews his lunch, "More useful than a glowing organic webbing..."
Lupe elbow hard into his stomach with her snapping, "Shut up, you jerk!"
"You two never learn." Jess sighs.
Gerald chews his chicken nugget while he gawks at Mayday, "Wow, you got two burgers?"
"Huh uh! I'm starving." Mayday happily bites into her burger.
Peter 616 said to Sun Spider, Kaine and Kitty, "Look I get it, we need some sort of upgrade for the app, but me and Margo are swapped!"
"Lyla can do so much too." Sun Spider pointed out.
A bit downward Hobie 2020 casually talks to the Hobies, "Rule one, if your darling Sunflower gives you the silence treatment, always do as he says. But you have to be mad to get there." He handed his daughter a french fry on her high chair.
"Tank coo, papá!" Mariana grab her french fry taking a bite. "Mmm."
"No problem, my little anarchist." Hobie 2020 gently rub his daughter's cheek then went back to the Hobies, "Also, always give him a little shoulder massage. That always work for me. Why you think I've been so happily married?"
"Because we were in love!" Miles 2020 sat next to him as he feed Aaron.
"Were? Darling, are you trying to tell me something? Not tired of me?" His mate leans over being clingy. "Who is he?"
"Oh please, bae! I'm just saying we been happily married because we are in love. I wouldn't marry you and given you three pups if I wasn't." Miles 2020 snorted with amusement.
"Mmm, that's good to hear, my mate." Alpha Hobie rest his chin on his Omega's shoulder smelling his scent.
Miles 2020 said to Hobie 138b and Miles 1610, "This what will happen when you marry an Alpha Hobie."
"Wow, having an Alpha must be fun, huh?" Mariana 1022 asked as she feeds her brother.
Mimi 1015 nodded, "Right, all those heated nights."
Miles 42 scoffs, "Gross."
"Hahaha, I mean, I grew up to this life so I do enjoy being with my Alpha." Miles 2020 smiles brightly, "And my pups are mi vida."
"Daddy, more fw-ies, please!" Karl munch on his french fries only having one.
"Here you go, mi bebé." Miles 2020 smiles at his sons.
Hobie 138b look at Miles 1610 for the moment he wished he could give his boyfriend a child. Just seeing the Omega being so protective of his variant's kin, it got him having massive baby fever.
Miles 1610 didn't seem to pay attention to his partner. "Well, you guys really got some cute kids. I didn't think I would find an Omega of me... I honestly thought I would be an Alpha."
"Well, there is an Alpha variant of you, but it's so rare. I think he stays out of the rest of Alphas since he's very to himself." Miles 2020 giggles, "There's more Omegas of us than Alphas."
"Says a lot about your personality, lad." Hobie 2022 commented, "There's a lot of Alpha Hobies and Alpha Helens."
"Marianas are also Omegas and Betas. I haven't met an Alpha of her yet." His mate added.
Hobie 138b and the other Hobies turn their heads, "Helen?" He asked, speaking for his variants.
"Ohh, Helen. I wonder if we'll see her! She's so fun!" Mariana 1022 said.
Hobie 2020's smirk showing off his perfect sharp canines, "Helens are our female variants, per se. Though, I don't believe in such labels, but she is here."
"Oh wow. I need to see her, too." Miles 1610 gasps, "A girl Hobie!" He tries to imagine his partner with breasts, but it was so hard.
"Sunflower, what are you looking at?"
"Come on, darling. You just imagine me as a woman!"
Hobie 2020 saw his son Aaron yawning, "Darling, did Berserk have his nap?"
"No, they couldn't. Probably after this." His mate answered him.
"Wait, Berserk? I thought his name was Aaron?" Miles 1610 asked.
"Funny story... while I was giving birth to three pups and being so exhausted I let my husband name out pups." Miles 2020 explains, "I let him pick their first names and..."
Hobie 2020 chuckles with his dark eyes on his variants being interested, "Brat, Berserk, and Brute."
"Brat Mariana, Berserk Aaron, and Brute Karl..." Miles 2020 added, "I had to give them a middle name since..."
"Because your kids are named after Powerpuff girls?" Mimi 1015 asked.
"What? No, it was an act of rebellion. When they grow up to be mischievous to society!" Hobie 2020 pouts, "What's a Powerpuff Girl?"
This made some Miles snicker to themselves while the Hobies look lost. "I think those are great names." Hobie 138b pouted at his giggling boyfriend.
"Oh they are, but it's just that..." He kept giggling.
From another table, Gwen and Pavtri talking to the gang. "No way. So that's what happen."
"Yup, it sucked. But we did complete the mission." Peni said.
"Yeah, we kicked butt and all." Noir hums.
Meows being snuggled by Hobie Pine, "Hobie!"
"I like this." His boyfriend snuggles against him.
Then a tall woman with thick braided wicks went over to the tables. She spotted Mariana 1022 first, "Hello, darling!" Slouching over her with one arm wrapping around her friend's neck.
"Oh! Helen, you're here!" Mariana gasp.
"Yeah, I thought I needed to make an appearance. Sometimes this place gives me the creeps- all corporate and mundane. Eck!" The female punk stood with a disgust look on her face.
All the gang from the table gawks. That's Helen Brown, a tall female Spider-Punk, she had similar features of Hobie. The only thing is more piercings and more accessories onto her punk outfit.
"Wow, she's so cool." Miles 1610 gasps.
"And cute." Mimi 1015 hums.
Miles 43 said, "Yup!"
Helen sat next to Mariana having to push punk Miguel, "Anyway lass, what's all this? A party."
"No, everyone happened to have lunch." Marian saw Punk Miguel scowling at Helen's rude gesture, then said, "I can introduce you to everyone!"
"Alright." She shrugs.
Miles 1610 watches all the gang enjoying their lunch. Hobie 138b saw his boyfriend happily eating, "Sunflower, you good?"
"I'm just happy. I got to meet new Spider-heroes and be with my friends." He snuggles against his boyfriend. "Everything feels perfect."
"It does, doesn't it?" Hobie 138b smiles at him.
Miles 42 sat next to Billie 1613, "I'm always here for you, okay?"
"Okay! I'm glad." Billie 1613 hugs Miles 42, "We will be the best siblings ever!"
Miles 1019 said, "Don't leave us out!"
"Yeah, we're a team! We work together!" Miles 43 said.
Billie 1610 nodded, "Yeah! Right, Miles."
"Right." Miles nodded, "We're a family."
Billie 1613 smiles widen, "I'm glad I got the courage to come here and meet all you amazing heroes. I can't wait to be apart of this." Everyone went to enjoy their lunch having their own conversations and laughing at their jokes. Billie 1613 became part of the Spider Band without any doubt.
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sunghun · 2 years
“oh, baby!” - 19.0
warnings: cursing, arguing, food mention, jay and gyu are lowkey jerks :/
wc: 906
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You opened the door to Silver Spoon at 6:52 and smiled at the sight of Beomgyu already sitting in the booth in the corner, right by the window.
“Missed me so much you couldn’t help but get here early, huh?”
Beomgyu’s head snapped up at the sound of your voice, and the smile that overcame his face was breathtaking.
He really was so pretty…
“Pfft, you wish. Maybe I just had some extra time to kill.”
You slid into the seat across from him with a roll of your eyes. “Sure. Keep telling yourself that Gyu.”
“I intend to.”
You grabbed one of the menus from the end of the table and scanned the list of ice cream flavours, though it was pointless seeing as you ordered the same thing every time.
“Why do you even bother looking at that? We both already know what you’re going to get.” Beomgyu voiced your thoughts.
“I don’t know. Maybe some time something different will catch my eye.” You crossed your arms. “Why do you never look at it even though you get something different every time?”
Beomgyu huffed. “It’s called being adventurous, and living life, Y/N. You should try it sometime.”
“I wouldn’t call trying different ice cream flavours adventurous, but to each their own I guess.”
“Yeah, because you’re so boring you don’t know what it’s like.” Beomgyu stuck his tongue out and you couldn’t help but snort at the childish action.
It was silent for a moment, and you sighed quietly, looking out the window.
“What’s up?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I guess it just kinda feels weird without Jay here, you know?”
Beomgyu’s face fell for a split second before he gave a tight lipped smile. “Yeah, I guess so.” He cleared his throat. “Here, let me go order our stuff and then we can go to the park.”
You straightened up, excited. “Sure! Sounds like fun.”
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“Look all I’m saying is that if the Autobots were human, Optimus Prime would be total sugar daddy material.”
You took a bite of your ice cream with a sigh, sitting up from where you had been laying on the end of one of the slides. “I hope you know that normal human beings don’t have thoughts like that.”
Beomgyu aggressively took a bite of one of his sour gummy worms and continued to swing back and forth slowly, completely unbothered. “So? Being considered normal by society is overrated anyways.”
You nodded, taking the spoon out of your mouth. “Fair enough.” You stood up and stretched, taking note of the way Beomgyu’s eyes glanced down to where your shirt had ridden up a bit.
You decided to store that away and revisit it later when you had time to properly freak out and overthink it.
“I’m gonna go use the bathroom and throw this away,” You held up your empty cup. “Be right back.”
“Have fun!” Beomgyu called out.
You smiled and shook your head, continuing on to the public restrooms.
When you were done and walking back to the playground, you stopped in your tracks, surprised to see Jay there as well.
He and Beomgyu were talking, or what looked more like arguing, and things seemed to be getting pretty heated. You started walking again and picked up your pace. The last thing you wanted was for one of them to snap and start a fight.
Once you got close enough to hear them though, you stopped once again. They still hadn’t noticed you.
“-and they’re mine now.”
Jay rolled his eyes. “Please. You think just because Y/N took pity on you and became your friend that you’re getting anywhere with them? I’ve been working with them for almost a year, that’s closer than you could ever hope to be.”
“Is it?” Beomgyu stepped closer. “Because last I checked you worked with them for months and completely ignored their existence until I came in the picture. Sounds more like someone got a little scared the second it looked like they might be more interested in someone else. So really you should be thanking me.”
“Thank you?” Jay narrowed his eyes. “For what, exactly?”
“For making you have the courage to finally ask Y/N out instead of being such a wuss.”
“Yeah, right. I could’ve gotten them easily any day, and I certainly didn’t need your ‘help’ to do it.”
Beomgyu raised a brow. “Wanna bet?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You finally spoke up. Both their heads turned to you with wide eyes. “This is why you both started wanting to hang out with me all the sudden, huh?”
“Listen, Y/N-“ Jay stepped closer but stopped when you backed away.
“Oh I’ve done plenty of listening. I had to stand here and listen to the two people I’ve gotten so close to in the past month fight over me like I’m a toy that they only want because the other one has it. And then you want to bet on it too?”
Beomgyu shook his head. “No, Y/N it’s not like that-“
“Sure it isn’t.” You sniffed. “Just- Forget it.”
You turned and started walking away as fast as you could without running.
“Y/N wait!” You weren’t sure who it was that called to you, but it didn’t matter.
“Leave me alone!”
Once you felt you were far enough away, you finally let your tears fall.
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taglist (CLOSED): @mahalau @odetoyeonjun @nikieskoo @acciomylove @hobistigma @youreverydayzebra @softforqiankun @jongsaengseong @maeumiluv @heatrache @mika-monalisa @mysticore-replies @en-sun @jdyunvrs @lovinsunoo @ccheddar @baekhyunstruly @wonderwrench @ivyfromnowhere @fylithia @msxflower @pixyseeun @junityy @jejenono-ren @heelariously @bluhr @04lshya @simpforsung @kac-chowsballs @w3bqrl @cha-raena @kai-g2titos @multi4lifer @stoatwashere @lovejungwonie @youngbinusf9 @liliansun @hoodiebangtan @meiiiwa @atinysparkle @nyujjan @nyfwyeonjun @angxlsj-wi @urresidentdrugdealer @leefelix-gf @jae-of-sunshine @pr0dbeomgyu @rein-deer-stuffs @jaycheoluwu @lemonqi @beomi-e @belligerentbaddie @hyunjinsbeb @ryumiko221 @strawbrinkofdeath @chaebb @pitchblacksmile @yizhoutv @enhacolor @planethyuka @meiinumaki @chae-darling @from-xero @jeeongyeeon @beomslonghair @tenten-67 @missmadwoman (bolded @‘s couldn’t be tagged!)
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Brothers - Chapter 11
Summary- You're hit with the bombshell of Chris coming home after a month away and after he left you questioning everything, completely heartbroken. How were you meant to confront him after so long?
Word count- 2K
Pairing- Chris Hems x reader
Warnings- Swearing, a smidgen of violence
18+ only!
Posted: 3rd August 2021
Taglist:- @everything-is-awesomesauce @nicolemt23 @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires
Brothers Masterlist <<<
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You haven't felt like this about anyone for a very long time and Chris has just made your fear of rejection all too real. You couldn't help the way you felt about him though, still feel about him. You love him and he'd told you he loved you, you'd felt it when he'd said it, you'd seen the look in his eye. So why were you even questioning it? 
In the morning you finally felt the courage to check your phone - Liam had stayed with you all night until you'd calmed down enough to go to bed when the sun had rised and you were no longer taunted by your demons in the dark.
There's multiple text messages and missed calls filling up the screen of your phone. 
I'm sorry I had to leave like that, are you ok? Xx
Read the first one. Your eyes scanned over the rest, mostly saying the same thing.
Y/N please answer. Let me explain myself. I didn't have time to speak to Liam about it all right then and I didn't want to leave on a bombshell.
His excuses made you feel sick to your stomach. You could understand why he did it but there were much better ways for him to go about it that wouldn't have left you feeling heartbroken.
You sighed heavily, putting your phone back onto your bedside table a little bit too forcibly and sinking back into your feather pillows. If you gave in to your impulses you would've text him back straight away but knowing deep down that would be the wrong thing to do, you restrained yourself. It took willpower but you just about managed, he'd made you feel like shit there was no way you were going to forgive him so easily.
As the weeks passed by it became more and more difficult to ignore Chris, he wasn't giving up without a fight which admittedly made you feel a little bit better. You'd ignored him for so long it had become a habit and the fact he wasn't giving in told you he definitely did care about you but he'd made a major mistake and you were going to make him pay.
"Have you spoke to Chris yet?" Liam asked you over lunch. 
"Nope." A sly smile played on your lips, you were kind of enjoying making Chris sweat but you'd never admit it.
"Maybe you should, he's been blowing my phone up trying to get in contact with you. You do know he's coming home this week?"
"What? You stopped with your fork in front of your lips, eyes wide. "No I did not know that, has it been a month already?"
"Uh-huh, and its gonna be massively fucking awkward for me if you two are still arguing." 
"We're not arguing..." You brush your hair behind your ear, sitting up straight in your chair. " We're not even speaking." 
The thought of Chris coming home fills you with dread and excitement all at the same time. You're so excited to see his face and yet dreading the thought of having to deal with your problems.
"When will he be home?" You ask, trying to be casual.
"I don't know, he just said this week. I haven't exactly been speaking to him myself, I'm still pissed off with him."
"And you didn't think to ask what day?.and why are you pissed off? He didn't do anything to you." Your voice was a little too high, it always was when you panicked. Chris could come home at any minute and you weren't mentally prepared for it.
"No, but don't you think him hurting you effects me? You've had a face like a slapped ass for a month for a start and if you want to know so badly why don't you call him?" Liam raised his eyebrows at you, unamused at the whole messenger thing he had going on.
"Pfft, I can't." You push your bowl of food away, suddenly not very hungry anymore. "It's been so long I wouldn't even know what to say." 
"Your drama is honestly making me go grey." Liam runs his hand through his hair, looking at you with raised eyebrows.
"I think you'd look pretty good as a silver fox." You tease.
"I would but still, please sort it out." He gives you the glare. "Anyway, I'm going to have a little get together tonight. You up for it?" 
"A get together or a party?" 
"Well you know how it usually goes, it starts off as a get together but usually turns in to a party." 
"Exactly, well I'm off out with the girls so we'll be there later." 
You finished up your meals, Liam refusing for you to pay as usual, he was such a gentleman, you really wish his brother was a little bit more like him in that way. 
You help Liam greet his guests, smiling and mingling as you go. The ratio of women to men doesn't suprise you one bit, Liam was newly single after all but you roll your eyes anyway after leading yet another group of girls through to the living room.
You watched Liam greeting the girls with the most genuine smile on his face than you'd seen in a while, he was happy, finally and it brought you great pleasure.
Your heart stops beating when you hear Chris's distinctive Australian accent carry above the noise in the room, you can feel his eyes burning into your back as you turn around to find him. Your tummy fluttering when your eyes meet, unable to hide how much you've actually missed him from your face. He smiles sheepishly at you making your tummy somersault, excusing himself politely from the group of girls that had circled around him and making his way over to you, when Liam steps in his way, blocking his path.
"I don't want to make a scene here but you've got some serious explaining to do." Liam says sternly.
"I know... I... I wasn't honest with you before I left." 
"That's putting it lightly. Y/N told me everything." You watched the exchange between the brothers, your nerves going into overdrive. You could hear Liam's friend talking to you but you weren't focusing on him, his words just a distant noise, your attention solely on the brothers. Brothers who looked like they were about to fight. Because of you.
"What are you, her bodyguard? If there's anyone I need to answer to it's Y/N, are you gunna let me past?" You watched as Chris' jaw tensed, the muscles in his neck becoming more prominent and you knew things were getting heated.
"If you're gunna treat her like shit Chris then yeah I am, the manly thing to do was come clean. It was a pussy move and you know it." People were starting to watch and your cheeks were burning but you were routed to the spot. Unable to move all you could do was stare blankly.
"Are you calling me a pussy?"
"Yeah, I'm calling you a fucking pussy." Liam shoved Chris square in his chest, he barely moved but his jaw clenched together, the tendons in his neck straining with rage.
Why, why, why were you stood watching this and not doing something about it? Your two favourite people in the whole world were about to fight each other and you're stood watching like it's a fucking soap opera.
You could see Chris thinking, debating about what he should do. Should he give his brother a free pass - he did deserve it, or should he fight back - he'd already called him a pussy he didn't want people actually believing it. 
He decided to let it go, moving past him to get to you when Liam shoved him again, this time he wasn't expecting it and almost fell over, recovered himself and then went for Liam. Your mouth hung open, your legs started moving before you registered what was happening.
"Stop! Please stop!" You screamed, Liam's friends coming to the rescue and holding them both back. Tears in your eyes at the thought of them fighting each other
You looked up at Liam's friend holding Chris back. "It's ok, I've got him." You took Chris by the hand, leading him away from Liam, weaving through the crowd that had gathered, pissed off that they'd caused such a scene in public but you needed to get them away from each other so they could both calm down.
Chris walked into your room and you closed the door behind him, resting your head against it for a minute.
"What the fuck was that?" You question, turning around to face him.
"Don't ask me, what exactly did you say to Liam while I was gone?" 
"Are you really trying to blame me? I told him the truth Chris, like you should've done." He hung his head in shame. His elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands.
"Yeah I know but let me explain."
"I haven't got time for it now." You start shuffling through your wardrobe. "I need to get ready." You say with your back to him.
"Ready for what?"
"I'm going out with the girls." You turn around slowly, looking at him, taking him all in. You've missed him so much, why does he have to be so damn attractive.
Then he gives you that sexy smile and your knees almost cave but you remind yourself of the things he said, willing yourself to stay angry with him.
"Do you have to go? I've only just got back." You start going through your wardrobe, if you had your back to him you could distract yourself from the heavy sexual tension between you. The need to run up to him and wrap you legs around him, telling him all was forgiven while you kissed every inch of his damn fine body. 
"Yeah I'm going. You don't get to treat me like that and then just come back and act like nothings happened." 
"Y/N can you please stop being so stupid, this is ridiculous." He said sitting down on the end of your bed with his head in his hands.
"I'm being stupid? Are you for real?" You take off your clothes until you're left in just your underwear, turning around to look at him with your hands on your hips.
"Ok sorry that was the wrong thing to say, I've been trying to speak to you every day for a month. Did you not miss me?" He looks up, his eyes widening when he sees you in your underwear.
"You're always saying the wrong thing aren't you?" Now can you leave, I need to get ready and I want to do it in peace." You point to the door, your hand falling limply by your side when you watch Chris licking his lips, his eyes focusing everywhere but your face.
"Do you have to go? I think I can find a way of making you forgive me." 
"You can't just fuck your way outta this one Chris, I'm not a toy for you to do as you please with." 
"You're so hot when you're angry... I'm really trying not to fuck you senseless right now." He bites on his fist watching your anger falter.
"We're just friends aren't we?" You say rather bitterly
"We're not just friends and you fucking know it, friends don't do this shit -" he says as he moves in front of you, his hands wrapping around you and resting on your plump cheeks. "I told you I loved you and I fucking meant it. Can we please forget what I said? I didn't think about it until after I'd said it and I tried to call you straight away to apologize."
"Do what?" You reply trying to keep your calm as his hands electrify your body.
He cups your ass and lifts you into his arms, you instinctively wrap your legs around his hard torso. He lays you back onto the bed and kisses you deep, his tongue desperately finding yours as he thrusts his bulge into your tingling pussy. Your body betrays you as you let out a low moan, you feel him groan from deep inside as his prehistoric nature takes over.
"That." he says breathlessly.
"I'm still going out tonight but I'll be back later." You say between him kissing down your neck, savouring every last inch of your taste. "You can think about how you can make it up to me while I'm gone and before that you better go grovel to Liam, I think he's even more pissed off than me."
"Oh baby, you're not even going to know your own name by the time I'm finished with you never mind anything else." 
"This doesn't mean you're forgiven, this means I'm giving you a chance." 
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g4rous · 3 years
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader)
tags: slight mentions of blood, no warnings really
words: 1.5 k
notes: this one is slightly longer than the two before bc I had to put in a lot of stuff here lol but anyways aa here it is finally! Tried making it a bit lighthearted <3
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Chapter three
After lazily opening your eyes, pain spread through your head. The blackness from your vision cleared away, leaving a fog in your mind and the painful sensation was the first thing you could register before you felt the cold brick wall you were leaning on.
What just happened? Trying to recall how you got in that position, your eyes trailed to the opposite wall, now realizing you didn’t even remember being in this alley in the first place.
“Yo, you’re awake.”
Looking over at a few large wooden crates, your focus now shifted to the silver-haired teen sitting on top of them. You didn’t even make out a response upon witnessing the injuries behind his torn, black shirt. The puzzle was coming together.
Last sight you remember before going unconscious were the heroes from that mini-market fighting the same person right in front of you now. For a moment you almost thought you were being delirious, yet those wounds only proved your suspicions. Was he the self-proclaimed “Hero Hunter” everyone has been wild about recently?
“So…” he looked at you with an awkward expression, “ you gonna go now or?”
Slightly flinching as you snapped back to reality, now you were left completely perplexed on what to do. On one hand the realization made you feel quite uneasy, but on the other you were safe for some reason, despite getting caught up in the ruckus from before.
“What happened to those guys earlier..?”
“Oh, their bodies are probably still lying face down right around the corner,” he grinned, “if no one found them already, that is.”
However after picking up your distraught expression that boastful tone faded in an instant.
“Hey, hey they’re not dead, jeez quit freaking out.”
You only frowned after giving him a small glare. Your head still ached, although not as strong from a few minutes ago. How long have you been out? Judging by the still-sunset sky it shouldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes, much to your relief. The street was still deserted and silent as well.
“Well, thanks for saving my skin back there I guess…” you looked over at his injuries, staggering for a moment after standing up.
“However, you should definitely get those injuries checked out. I think I saw a hospital or something around here somewhere.”
A few seconds passed as he looked at you with a blank stare.
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Dude you’re literally bleeding all over.”
“I said I’m fine!-“, he exclaimed only to flinch in pain. “-why are you so worried anyways? Just go home.”
“Talk about stubborn,” you thought to yourself.
Though, on second thought you do see a good reason why he shouldn’t. It’s almost as if you had forgotten that you witnessed him straight up thrash some A-classes. That and all the other questions that piled up still haven’t left your mind, but be as it may now wasn’t the time for overthinking. People must be pursuing him everywhere now, huh?
You leaned against the wall, still contemplating the situation. Water droplets from the roof were the only thing breaking the silence as you both stood there quiet. That is, until you got an idea.
“I don’t plan on talking you into it anymore…” you spoke with a tinge of nervousness, “but I do have some bandages at home. It’ll just be ten minutes until we get there, I give you them and you can leave. I don’t think sitting on those crates until you bleed out is really practical.”
The teen almost reflexively wanted to protest but not a single sentence came out. He really couldn’t think of anything that made your idea sound regrettable, and as much as he hated to admit it he wasn’t in the best shape. You on the other hand felt almost obligated to help him out. Putting aside that shocking realization from earlier, he did watch over you after you got KO’d.
After finally jumping off the crates, he shrugged and put both hands in his pockets.
“Eh, sure.”
You gave a relieved smile before taking a look at the still empty street you were both heading for. The sky turned into shades of amaranthine and bit by bit street lights began illuminating the path. The streets nearing your house weren’t as deserted as the one you woke up in, and occasionally you had to move to a more hidden route. Fortunately you’ve been greeted by your neighborhood cat soon after, indicating the destination- your safe home.
“I don’t think you told me your real name yet, if I may know? I’m y/n by the way.”
“It’s Garou,” he responded after looking around, almost hesitantly.
“So… Why were you doing that today?” you spoke as you reached out for your keys.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Dunno, you don’t see someone beating up heroes every day.”
Taking a quick glance around your surroundings, you opened the door at last.
“You sure like answering questions with a question, huh?” you gave a tired smile, “ah, I won’t force out any answers from you I guess.”
The lights in the hallway were already open, illuminating the other rooms, some half empty. After all you still had some work to do in the house. Making your way to your room, the bag of trash next to the wall caught your attention briefly. You couldn’t remember the reason you left off in such a hurry, not even throwing it away.
“Well, come in!” you shouted from the other room, “just don’t get any blood on the carpet please.”
But much to your amusement the on-the-outside intimidating man just stood there with a blank expression ever since you stepped into the apartment. You weren’t sure was it politeness or just plain awkwardness but it made you cackle internally.
Even so, after your call he cautiously stepped out to the living room, actually being careful not to dirty the carpet as you told. The room was pleasingly decorated, and even if he didn’t know you it simply radiated with your energy. It was oddly comfortable.
And as you finally stepped out of your room with that first-aid kit, a ring on your doorbell caught you both by surprise. You almost asked yourself whether that’s a hero in front of the door, before your memory got jogged again.
“Well shit.”
You gestured an already alert and intense Garou to step away from the door, to which he only raised an eyebrow.
“Ah…” you whispered, looking over to the side, “I kinda forgot I called a friend over.”
“You remembered just now!?”
“I was knocked out!” you complained, much to his discontent.
What were you supposed to do now? You thought to yourself as your eyes trailed from the door to the teen. The doorbell rang once again as to make the atmosphere grow even more unsteady.
“Guess we have to improvise…”
“You’re joking right?”
“If she saw a beat-up guy jumping out my window I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”
He only rolled his eyes as you went to the door to finally greet your friend, adjusting your shirt along the way.
Frankly, you felt somewhat guilty for roping him in, all bloody and bruised to socialize with your rather concerned friend. Well, who wouldn’t get a little suspicious to see a strange man in their friend’s living room. To make things even more awkward he hadn’t said more than two sentences in the past hour, not that it’s surprising.
“So-,” your friend smiled, desperately trying not to glare at the man’s injuries, “- how did you two become friends?”
“Ah, it’s from that monster incident I told you about earlier,” you smiled back.
“So that’s why he’s so bruised,” she glanced over at him sympathetically, to which he only glared at you deadpan.
“Nothing special.” He spoke in a bluntly before yawning.
“Oh, how come?”
“He delivers stuff!” you exclaimed before any other thoughts came to mind, “sometimes he comes across them there too unfortunately. Poor guy.”
As if his deadpan look couldn’t get any drier.
It was crystal clear he hates being pitied, and you desperately tried not to let out a chuckle because of the ridiculous situation. Truthfully you weren’t even nervous anymore since you let out so many laughs. And your constant teasing only made him talkative since he just had to drop something even more embarrassing for payback, making the evening even more amusing. You didn’t even notice the clock struck midnight already from all the banter.
After saying farewell to your friend, you came back to your living room to see Garou already at the window.
“Looks like you really don’t wanna use the door today huh? Well, way better now than having to explain why some bloody dude jumped out my window earlier,” you grinned, to which he scoffed.
“Pfft, yeah, yeah. Don’t drag me into any more of these things though.”
“Aw, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Well, it better not happen anymore,” he rolled his eyes before flashing a small grin.
“See ya.”
You only gave your small wave before finally closing the window. The apartment was now rather serene, contrasting all the playfulness from earlier. Yet still you couldn’t help but notice that smile caught you by surprise. Nothing like that cocky smirk in battle- this was genuine.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Shackles Finale: Free
[Part 12]
Destiny is a fickle thing. For some it’s real, and for others it’s as fake as fairy tales. No matter what however, time still goes on. Things still happen. Ruby was never one to think too hard on the topic despite all she’s been through. However, as she walked into Menagerie’s hospital soaking wet from the extreme downpour happening in the middle of the night, Ruby couldn’t help but wonder if it was destiny to test everyone’s resolve; or karma coming to collect.
Her self imposed mission had been going well. Adam cooperated, Blake planned ahead, and things progressed steadily. It should’ve stayed like that for three more months. Unfortunately things don’t always go as planned. Jacquelyn went into labor early, too early. The woman woke up today looking fit as a fiddle. Who could’ve guessed she would be fighting for her life today? Her, and her daughter?
Hospital staff were in a frenzy from the storm just like the public. It made getting to the back where everyone was without suspicion easy for Ruby. Certain doctors were notified ahead of time of the complexities of their patient and precautions had already been in place for Jacquelyn and company to have no disturbances. Though nobody factored in an unhealthy birth creating this island’s worst storms to date. Ruby made it to the sealed off waiting room. What should’ve been a haven of calm was another conflict. Blake stood arms folded and ears back in the way of guards and her conflicted father while Adam sat behind her, silent.
“You know I expected more from you, Saber. That goes double for you dad.”
The man frowned. “Blake, this wasn’t my-”
“We have held our end of the agreement.” Saber interjected, “Adam was to be free until the child was born. Not my problem that day came early.”
Blake grit her teeth. “You know damn well that’s not why I’m standing here right now!” She said through her teeth. His kid had just been born moments ago and just like that, she was rushed to intensive care. Meanwhile Jacquelyn was slipping in and out, her body failing her during the labor. “Let him see this through.”
“What good would it do him to hear terrible news? He’ll lash out for all we know. That can not happen in a hospital!”
“You just want to kick him while he’s down!”
Okay, Ruby had enough. “HEY!” She yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. She brushed her wet hair out of her face. “I set up generators across the island. No one's gonna lose power. I also told people Menagerie’s guards were making their rounds to make sure everyone was accounted for. I don’t mean to overstep being an outsider and all but…” her eyes burrowed into Saber’s “Get to work.” It wasn’t kind or even right necessarily, but Ruby didn’t care.
Feeling the pressure, Saber made the wise decision to take his people and leave. Ghira looked at Blake with guilt in his eyes for letting it get this far. “Listen I-”
“You know I understand mom not wanting anything to do with this, but I didn’t expect this from you. It’s like you’re trying to create every reason to push him back into old habits and make all this worthless. We will hold up our end of the bargain, so teach them what you tell me and have some patience.”
Ghira didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. There was caution, and then there was insensitivity. He had no words, just a nod before walking away.
Ruby grabbed his arm in passing. “She knows this wasn’t your call. Blake is stressed. Your house still has power. Ilia is with Kali trying to calm down Sienna and Sun is helping check on people. Maybe you should go home too?” Ruby smiled softly. She knew a worried father when she saw one. Ghira needed something to do.
“I appreciate the concern Mrs. Rose, but I think I’ll just stand guard outside this room.”
“Understood, and hey, things will work themselves out.” Ruby let him go and headed from one worried feline to the next. “You know he’s not to blame right? He’s just…trying to keep everyone connected.”
Blake let out a sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “I know that, and I also know he’s not going to lose me. But right now I really need everyone to not jump the gun. Thanks for keeping the peace. Maybe I should’ve paid more attention to your leadership skills.”
“I just got snippy with faunus officers on their own island. Really testing my boundaries with my status as an important huntress across Remnant.” Ruby patted Blake on the back. “You should go check in on the doctors. I’ll do my job watching our person of interest.”
“Okay.” Blake looked back at Adam. He stayed quiet throughout all of this, eyes closed and arms crossed. He must’ve figured the best thing he could do right now is not look threatening. “I’ll let you know first if anything changes okay?”
He still didn’t move but that didn’t stop him from speaking. “Thank you.” He heard Blake run off in a hurry while the sound of chair legs rubbed the ground in front of him. Adam opened his one good eye and saw Ruby sitting in front of him with her scroll in hand.
“You know…I can’t remember when a day has felt this long.” Ruby sighed, “Moments like these is enough to just make you want stop time ya know?”
“I don’t need sympathy.”
“Wasn’t giving any. Just venting I guess. My husband sent me a text. I’m missing a very important arrival today; not that it’s your fault by any means. I just know it’s gonna be grounds for a conversation later that might get feisty, again.”
Adam could see how tired Ruby was. The normally energetic woman was leaning back in her seat, eyes closed.
“Maybe you shouldn’t take long missions then?”
“Pfft nah. I don’t regret helping where I can. Besides I didn’t know until after I took the mission. Things will work themselves out though. That’s how family works. Believe in each other and the impossible happens.”
“I know what you’re doing. It’s not gonna work. Just stop talking okay?”
Ruby pursed her lips. Years of leadership didn’t prepare her talks like these. She had to say something though. It was hard to explain, but Ruby could feel the importance of this moment. Good or bad news, bottling this up would make anyone go insane. Ruby reached down her shirt and lifted her necklace. It was a silver cross with red roses wrapped around it. She took it off and dangled it on her fingers, scooting closer to Adam.
“My dad and uncle gave this to me on my birthday. They said…sometimes you need a piece of faith when you don’t have any yourself. I’m not really religious but apparently my mom used to pray after she knew there was nothing left she could do herself. Hehe, it’s a Rose mentality.” Ruby put it in Adam’s hand and curled it. “Don’t tell anyone this, but it’s pretty cool that you are your own kind of rose. Makes me feel like we’re connected in a way. Keep that. I know it’ll fit you.”
Adam remained quiet. He stared down at the trinket in his hand until his vision blurred. His body trembled. Slowly he clenched the cross. “I have no right to pray for anything. If destiny or whatever you want to call it exists then it’s only fair I get punished.”
Ruby frowned, “Hey that’s-” she cut herself short, not expecting Adam to put his other hand over the cross; his forehead pressing against them as he closed his eyes.
“Punish me.” He uttered weakly. “Me, not them. Leave everyone else out of it.” The first and only prayer he’ll ever make. His life could be at destiny’s whim forever as long as the ones who fought for him didn’t get burned.
Ruby stood from her seat and knelt down, grabbing his hands and joining the prayer. All while Ghira watched silently from the entrance.
For several hours, It was out of everyone’s hands. A roll of the dice, luck of the draw, fate, gods, destiny, whatever anyone wanted to call it; that was the only thing left and no one dared to keep track of the time out of anxiety. It was a scary, humbling feeling for certain. It was also the purest reminder that life wasn’t fair. Bad things happen to good people, hard work is left with nothing, and sometimes… a sinner’s prayers get heard.
The doors flung open with Blake breathless. “Adam…” she panted, eyes bigger than the smile on her face. “She’s-” the tears shed caught her off guard. The two roses stared blankly before Adam stood. Blake moved out of the doorway and he took it as a sign. ‘Run.’ Adam ran and no one dared to stop him.
“Back room.” Blake said, walking to her father. Ruby got up as well and joined the two. Blake looked at the red faced girl. The feline giggled softly while wiping Ruby’s tears. “And here I thought I knew how big your heart was?”
Ruby laughed as she tried to stop sniffling. “It’s not what it looks like. Seeing him sit there with his demons like that, it reminded me of how my dad and uncle qrow used to look when mom was brought up. Sorry, got a little compromised.”
“Welcome to the club. Dad, sorry I-”
Ghira wrapped his arm around Blake. “Don’t apologize. I tell you to take things slow and yet I tried rushing to the end of this. I’m sorry. I can’t say what lies in store for Adam next, but I suppose…I’ll have to keep more of an open mind. He’s earned that much.”
Ruby shook her head and sighed. “If I’m being honest, personally I think everyone has been a bit silly. Including my lovable sis. You all make it sound like he’s been trouble free for six months when that isn’t the case. I can’t say if he’s been perfect or not but the fact that Remnant thinks he died at Argus has to mean something, right? I certainly can’t link him to any world threatening incidents since then. He’s been minding his business for a couple years now. Is locking him up really gonna change anything? I mean it wouldn’t matter if Cinder was in or out of jail for me. I’d still be wary and pissed. Your men’s feelings about him wouldn’t change because of a cell. But hey, that’s just me.”
Ruby put her hands behind her hand and walked off. “I’m gonna step out for a moment and make a call.” She looked out a window. To her surprise, the rain had stopped. Ruby dialed Yang’s number. “Hey sis! Beautiful day to start a family. So, what’s my precious little niece’s name?”
Adam reached the back room and pushed the door open to find Jacquelyn in bed, startled by his entrance before giving him a grin. Her skin had a sickly yellow dinge to it and she was covered in sweat. Still she smiled, holding a small infant as doctors looked at vitals and did their work.
“Awe, have you been crying? I’m sorry. Guess we gave you a fright.”
One of the nurses looked at the maiden like she was crazy. “Ma’am you slipped into a coma. Please don’t try and move around much.”
“I was a little tired, that's all. Heh…guess we finally found something I’m not good at? That’s un- oh…” Adam put his arms around her and the baby. Odd, to think he could hold something this gently? His presence soothed her into leaning into the embrace, humming quietly to both him and the new arrival. A premature baby with red hair, and tiny horns.
The doctor, naturally sworn to confidentiality, watched from the sidelines. “I’d like to congratulate you with confidence, but these two aren’t out of the woods yet. While I expect Jacquelyn to bounce back with time, your daughter is pretty frail. We have her stable for the time being but the heart is a complex organ even when fully developed. We’re going to have to keep her for a while just to make sure she’ll grow up healthy. Rest assured, I will do everything in my power for her.”
“Thank you.” Adam looked at his daughter’s round face. She opened her eyes to reveal two pools or bright blue. “Hmmm.”
“Something wrong?” Jacquelyn asked.
“She’ll have a hard time, with these features going for her. I was hoping she’d look more like you.”
“Oh hush. She’s beautiful like this. Though maybe I am a little jealous she doesn’t have my hair. Still, real big fan of those eyes.” She kissed his cheek. “We’ll do our best and then some.”
The doctor pulled out some paperwork. “Now then, I’m going to need a name. Her record won’t be too expensive in terms of…background history, but she’ll need the basics as best as possible. Especially in her condition.”
“Wanna name her after your mother, or even your sister?”
Adam shook his head, “I think we already have enough namesakes. Let her be free from that. You decide. I was never really good at these kinds of things.”
“Oooo okay. Don’t come crying later if you think of a good one. A free spirited name for our little kid.” Jacquelyn giggled to herself. “Got it. How about we name her…”
“Hehe, That’s a perfect name.” The two roses spoke.
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maandags · 4 years
Requests are open!!! *does an excited hoppy dance* oh my goodness the excitement. May I suggest a) something with Matt Holt, perhaps in an au with some sort of power (like a demigod or witch or ATLA au, etc.) or b) something for HTTYD with no pairing and plenty of dragon presence! Bonding/interacting with dragons, etc. Thankyouthankyouthankyou you are such an amazingly skilled author and making requests like this is a very special privilege. Thank you for sharing your writing :)
it’s Capture the Flag day at Camp Halfblood, and nobody lets you forget it.
of course, the nervous jitters get to you, as well. you’re not immune, even though you’ve never been a particular lover of the game. but it’s Camp tradition, and Camp Halfblood is your home, so you’ll fuck up your friends (and not-so-friends) every once in a while to keep things interesting. sure.
it’s Hephaestus, Demeter, Ares,  Apollo -- that’s you -- against Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus. you’re not worried about Dionysus’ kids -- their heart isn’t in the game, and it’s easy to tell. Athena and Hermes are the ones who will pose an actual problem, you suspect. 
as you get ready, fingers making quick work of the straps on your breastplate, swinging your quiver over your shoulder (holding blunt-tipped arrows -- so they’ll still hurt like a bitch, but won’t do serious damage); strapping on your bracer, then pulling on your leather glove. you reach for your helmet, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at the red plume sticking out of it. it’s tradition, Y/N.
“you think you’re gonna win today, L/N?”
you squint up at the boy decked out in full Capture the Flag regalia, a sword at his side and a knife strapped to his thigh, brown hair mussed and glasses slightly askew on his nose. “half your team aren’t fighters, Matt. not like you and I am.” you lean back, cross your arms. “let’s just say I’m not disliking my chances, here.”
Matt shakes his head with a grin. “we’re going to crush you.”
“HOLT!” both of you whip around to the source of the voice -- it belongs to a tall Hermes kid, one of the only campers older than Matt and you, standing with his hands on his hips, glaring intensely at his teammate. “stop fraternizing with the enemy!”
Matt snickers, then bows. “well. I guess duty calls. I’ll see you after we win the game.”
“you’re so full of shit.”
“I love you, too.”
as he turns, you shout after him, “I’ve got an arrow with your name on it, Holt!”
the team captains convene -- Matt’s sister Pidge, on one side, and an Ares kid named Tyler on yours. the flags are hidden, everyone moves to their side of the creek. as you walk, Tyler and Keith, a Hephaestus kid, go through the battle plan one more time. you’ve heard it countless times before, so you listen with one ear. 
Tyler points to you. “Y/N, up in the trees. slow ‘em down as much as you can.”
“always, boss.”
“don’t get distracted by brown-haired sons of Athena,” Keith quips with a grin.
without missing a beat, you reply, “as long as you don’t get distracted by blue-eyed sons of Aphrodite, fuckwad.” Keith goes red and shoves his middle finger in your face, so you respond in kind.
“guys,” Tyler says, sounding both annoyed and tired and resigned, “focus, please.”
some obscene gestures and mouthed insults later, you’re stationed up in your tree, standing on a sturdy branch, bow at the ready, an arrow nocked. (special arrows. Keith helped out with this; you’ve got some stinkbombs, some explosive arrows, some sticky ones... they’re nasty. you can’t wait to use them.) you’ve tied yourself to the tree by your waist, having made the mistake of not doing so in the past and paying the price with bruises and cuts.
the horn sounds. the game’s begun.
border duty isn’t the most exciting part of the game. if you were a close-range fighter, you would have killed to be in the scouting group, or the flag-capturing group. but you’re not, so a spot up in the trees it is.
after a couple minutes, you spot the group of campers charged with capturing the actual flag leap over the creek like cheetahs, splitting up into two groups immediately after crossing over into the other side. despite everything, your heart rate speeds up, just a bit. your grip on the nocked arrow tightens. 
then, out of the depths of the forest in front of you, three campers race towards your side of the creek. trying to go fast, while also being quiet. heh. not if you have anything to say about it.
you bring your bow up to your face and aim, loosing it almost immediately. elegantly. effortlessly, as Matt would say. it sinks into the earth in front of the nearest camper with a dull thud, and a split second later it explodes, sending dirt and loose branches and leaves everywhere. 
before the three campers can do anything to react, you’ve let loose another arrow. this one, when it explodes, poofs out a cloud of thick red smoke, which rises high above the treetops. could just as well have been a flare. stealth mission? not so much.
but you’ve given yourself away, now. not that it matters much, now. worth it. 
“FUCK YOU, Y/N!” that’s Lance. son of Aphrodite, one of the few who is actually invested in the game. (a little too invested, in your opinion.) 
you blow him a kiss, send him a wave. “I love you, too!”
Lance yanks his fellow campers up, shakes his fist up at you. “you play dirty!”
“I’ve been here for eleven years, Lance. I deserve to play a little dirty.”
at that, Lance laughs. you narrow your eyes. “eleven years, huh?” he grins. “still can’t recognise a simple distraction?”
“what are you –” you cut yourself off, cursing, whirling around, only just managing to spot a head of brown hair zipping through the trees. 
before you realise you’re doing it, you’ve already drawn another arrow. this time, as you pull it back, you breathe out, relaxing, concentrating on the tiny shifts of movement you can still see through the trees. behind you, Lance is still shouting – “he’s gone, Y/N, we’ve outsmarted you, just admit it, you’re gonna lose –” but you drown him out. 
you let the arrow fly, and a whole second later there’s the unmistakable “augh!” of someone who just ate shit. (tangling arrow: its impact triggers the uncoiling of a spool of iron thread, hopelessly tangling the target’s legs.) 
you throw Lance a glance over your shoulder. he throws up his hand. “for the GODS’ SAKES, Y/N.” 
“do not,” you say, lips curling into a grin when you spot your group of flag-catchers, three strong, approaching from the other side of the river, the silver Athena banner rippling between them, “underestimate a child of Apollo.” 
Keith and Tyler are being chased by a growing group of blue-plumed campers, but you know it’s no use; those two are fast bastards. for the fun of it, you send another exploding arrow towards the pursuers’ ankles. the dull pop! and consequent yelps make you grin.
Keith takes a final leap over the creek and skids to a halt on the other side. the banner shifts in his hand, from silver to blood-red. 
he holds it above his head, and you let out a loud whoop before sticking two fingers in your mouth and letting out an insanely loud, piercing whistle.
the game is over. you’ve won.
you descend from your tree, dropping the last five feet to the ground, shaking your head at the mob of campers who’ve hoisted Keith and Tyler upon their shoulders and are jumping up and down. you cross your arms.
“fucking eh. I really thought we had you this time.” 
an arm drapes itself around your shoulders, and you grin, shooting a glance up at your boyfriend. “I told you I had an arrow with your name on it.” 
“you did. I’ll outrun you eventually.” Matt dips down, presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“pfft. good luck with that. you almost fooled me this time, though,” you add, poking his side. “almost.” you look down at his red-streaked legs. his knees are also scraped and slightly bloody, but his eyes are twinkling with mirth. “sorry about your ankles.”
he sighs. “yeah. I think I’ll need someone to carry me back to camp.” 
you shake your head again with a chuckle, leaning your head on his shoulder. “you’re so full of shit.”
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miss-tc-nova · 3 years
An Understanding - Xehanort x Reader
I’ve been simmering on this one for a while. The ending didn’t quite come out how I wanted and I’m not sure if I’ll had a part 2 to this or not, but this is what I have and it’s time to move on!
              Dirt scorches where I’d been standing not even a second ago. My boots scrape to a halt while I bare teeth at the enemy. Internally, it’s an entirely different story; my spine shudders at that simper while goosebumps infest my skin.
              “Gotta be careful, doll,” he goads as if he didn’t just try to fry me. “Unlike me, you might actually end up dead.”
              “Fuck off,” I snap, launching a barrage of fire blasts. I hate that miniscule relief I endure when he reflects them.
              In a flicker, he vanishes. Instincts compel me to turn around, but as I do, a hand against my elbow halts the swing.
              “Don’t be mad,” he purrs directly into my ear. “You know I would never do anything to seriously harm you.”
              Despite the debilitating flame alight in my heart, I retort, “The scar on my leg from last month would disagree.”
              “Oh come on. I apologized for that.” I can feel every hair on my body bristling at the feeling of his lips trailing the shell of my ear.
              Gloved fingers glide along my arm, freeing the weapon from my grasp and letting it dissolve in a flurry of light. Taking its place, his hand lifts my arm to twirl me around. My heart hangs in suspension when I find myself chest to chest with the opposition. The brain reels, screaming at me to shove him back, attack, anything to ruin this invasion of space. In disregard of logic, the body revels in the proximity, craving to erase what minute gap exists and capture his mouth. Behind twisted lips, my mouth waters in desire, spurred by the musk wafting off him. He’ll never hear how much I admire that glittering gaze, not within the lives we currently lead; though based on the number of times I’ve been caught staring, he probably doesn’t need to hear it to know.
              He mocks me with a dip of his head, ensuring our lips barely brush together and it takes everything I have not to take the bait. “Or are you implying that you’d like me to leave a few more marks on that lovely skin of yours.”
              “As I said, you can fuck off,” I growl, fully aware that he’s taking in my breath ghosting his mouth.
              Hopes I had been denying are spoiled by a fleeting peck followed swiftly by retreat. A large part of me demands that I take him to the ground and take everything I want by force, but that would be playing right into his hands.
              “Always so heated, aren’t you,” he hums, casually strolling a few steps farther.
              It’s always been like this: this taboo banter that inevitably snared us in barbed infatuation. Our first encounter was filled with taunts and retorts and ended with one strange remark on his behalf—a compliment. It was a shoddy, back-handed one, but it was a compliment nonetheless. Intrusive thoughts slithered their way past my integrity, sinking fangs into my focus and injecting delusions of civility and fascination—even in my dreams he flaunted his control over my feelings. And then he conned me into a kiss. Perhaps conned isn’t the correct term—I’d been fantasizing about it long before he ruined the close combat with something much closer. Honestly, I was condemned since that first fight, but my ties to the light—a chosen Guardian—versus his status as a Seeker create the afore mentioned barbs; every move, whether closer or farther apart, creates gashes in my rationality.
              “You ask as if I shouldn’t be condemning these affairs.”
              “Pfft. Affairs,” he scoffs. “You say it as if we’re in love.”
              That statement stabs at my heart but the pain comes in snarls. “Oh? And what would you call this idiocy we’ve partaken in?”
              A digit taps against his cheek in faux thought. “Hmm. I prefer to describe it as an intense interest in each other. Though I suppose others may call it adoration, infatuation, fondness—”
              “You mean love,” I interrupt.
              That thoughtfulness turns into something akin to those synonyms he listed. “And if I do?”
              I didn’t expect him to actually admit to it—even if I implied it, I hadn’t outright stated it myself. The tightening grip of those barbs around my heart is almost physical.
              It never should’ve gotten this far.
              “Then we have one very serious problem on our hands,” I say, finally letting go of all my hostility. There’s no use in pretending otherwise anymore; I love him and we’re screwed.
              Haughty attitude faltering, he sighs. “We certainly do.”
              Weeks had gone by in my own silent agony, overwhelmed by guilt of things that shouldn’t be. Somehow, right now, even though I’m still drowning in shame, it’s easier to cope with knowing I’m not alone.
              “You know that offer still stands.”
              “No,” I reply immediately. There’s a glint of disappointment he hides incredibly well. “No, I can’t—not again.”
              He closes the gap he made. “From what I hear, you were a force to be reckoned with when you let the darkness guide you.”
              An arm crosses my chest to keep the miserable memories in. “It ruined everything I had.”
              “Then let me help you fix it.” I’ve seen this sincerity maybe a handful of times and the fact he’s using it chips at my resolve. “If we succeed, everything will be perfect. There won’t be years between us, light and dark won’t keep us apart, we can be together.”
              I can’t help resisting. “But there’s no guarantee of that.”
              “It’s everything I’ve been fighting for. You have to trust me.”
              “And you don’t trust me?” That snaps his mouth shut. “You don’t trust that I know what hell I lived through? You don’t trust that I know the light is better for me?” His furrowing brows poke at raw nerves. “And what about you? You could always defect to the light?”
              His arm waves. “Have you seen the Seekers of Darkness? They’re me. Nearly every one of them is another version of myself.”
              “So. Don’t you think about being a better person?”
              That golden gaze diverts and I think I may have tread on something sensitive. “Who says that person is in the light?”
              “Who says they aren’t?” I venture. “For all you know, what you’re doing will destroy everything and there will be no future for anyone, let alone us.”
              “You wouldn’t be alive to suffer through that.”
              “Just the thought of it doesn’t worry you?” The lack of immediate response confirms his agreeance. “I don’t know if I can jeopardize our chance together on that.”
              “There’s no guarantee we’d be happy following the light either,” he says. “I followed that path once and—” There’s painful hesitation. “—and now I’m here.”
              I’m not stupid; I know there’s a reason behind all of this, something very serious. However, just as he’s lived in the light, I’ve drowned in the dark and going back frightens me.
              The weight heavy in my chest, I drop my gaze. “I guess things are just too different between us…”
              An arm sneaks around my waist, pulling me in. Soft leather presses to my chin, forcing me peer up. “I don’t care if we’re opposites, I’m not letting you go without a fight, do you understand?”
              Before I can voice my apprehensions, that mouth jams against mine. Immediately, my hands snag into his silver hair, attempting to wretch him away, but his hold is stronger. Desire pours in, consuming any fight I had left; the brain has fallen to the venom the body has suffered for weeks. The tug in my fingers softens, attempting to pull him ever closer. Flutters in my chest become a craving, granted by every move he makes, each one tainted by the desperation of his claim. There’s no fighting anymore, not now, not in the future.
              I could never give this up.
              “Do you understand?” he repeats firmly.
              With every cell in my body, I do. “What are we gonna do?”
              His forehead drops to mine, the gold in his eyes molten.
              “Whatever it takes.”
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Sonamy snuggling after the metal virus
Additional notes:  It’s after the metal virus outbreak and healing has begun, Amy is still going around trying to help people out and is currently tending to Sonic before he finally gets some much needed sleep. Sonic notices her still driving herself ragged and tells her she needs to rest as well, not only for herself but for others. This ends up with two sleep deprived hedgies snuggling in for some sleep. -Sonic normally isn’t this affectionate and the intimate closeness spooks him for a second but he’s too tired to do anything about it. And starts to admit to himself he really missed contact with others when he was infected. He also realizes he wouldn’t really want anyone other than Amy this close either. It doesn’t hurt she’s warm, soft, pretty, and smells like flowers.
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Preview image from @uhsecretaccount (x) Thank you so much! Please support the artist!
Amy put the medical supplies away and shut the lid of the tin box, sighing out her final bit of stress as the peace of success electrified down her weary arms and all the way to her toes.
In a moment of glee, she tensed up and smiled, then shot her arms straight up, “We did it!” she exclaimed, giggling before Tails walks up behind her.
“Did you clear section C?”
“And B, and just finished D.” she threw him a thumbs up as she twisted her back to him, then stuck out her tongue in a silly flare of pride.
Tails’s eyes blinked a moment before the realization of that set in. “You did!?” He flinched himself back, shocked, and stepped back a moment to continue processing how that was even possible. “When did you start-!?”
“11 o’clock.” Amy chimed back.
“O-oh, this morning?” He seemed to be calming down a bit.
“No, last night.” she yawned, lifting a casual hand up to her mouth like it was nothing, then stretched out her hands by putting them together, turning them, and extending her arms with an arch in her back. “The second I got news.... ahhh~ That you had re-intented the cure.” she acted like it wasn’t a big deal, but that was literally minutes after the news got out.
She had woken up, strapped up the injections and wispons and rushed to the many different locations they had localized the infected citizens in.
“A-Amy...” He was jawstruck. “Did you not sleep all day!?” He sounded amazed.
She took that as a sign that she did the right thing, “Cream started helping once she was cured, and then I heard Section A was already taken by Silver and Whisper, so I thought I’d get a step ahead of them and save some of the trouble.”
“W-well, now everyone’s everywhere but...” He scratched the back of his head, “You and him both deserve some rest...”
“Hmm?” Amy tilted her head.
“The virus had been held back so long by Sonic... that when we finally did cure him, it left him with zero strength, and barely any fight left. He wants to help and refuses further care. I figured... I’d come see you and maybe you’d fight the stubbornness out of him with your own will power.” He gave her a sheepish smile, hoping she found that as a compliment and not an excuse.
“Oh...” her demeanor turned solemn again, “He’s probably tired of feeling useless by now...” She pondered out loud, and Tails nodded his head, lowering it to show some respect to that thought, as though he had also shared it too.
Confidently, and trying to gain further energy back for the undertaking, she patted the sides of her hips and let her hands push to straight her back out, standing tall. “Leave it to me!”
“B-but... I didn’t realize you had already-”
It was common for Amy to cut him off at this point...
She placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it twice as well, “Cheer up, Tails! We’re all running on steam at this point! The last of us will become all of us... Let’s not forget that.” She gave him a positive wink and took off, but Tails felt bad... seeing her rush away with barely any juice left in her to do so. She jogged, holding her head down and then whipping it up to say, “Okay, come on, let’s go!” as though trying to motivate her own body not to give just yet.
“We’re counting on you... Amy.” He bent his ears back, worried Sonic may take the last bit of strength out of her.
Upon arriving, she heard munching sounds and turned to see Sonic staring out a window, angrily chewing before driving his hand into a bowl of chips and shoving them back into his mouth.
She smiled weakly, panting in her hurried jog but realizing he was probably just grumpy at not having enough strength to stand... and no one allowing him to try again.
“Hey there, crunch.” she teased, as he smacked his jaw as he chewed before turning to look back at her. “Gonna save any of those for me?”
He frowned, “Resting isn’t my specialty,” He pushed the bowl towards her, laying on what looked like an elevated bench made into a bed for him. “But saving is.”
She found that funny and took some chips, tossing one in her mouth. “Kinda dry.” she complained, wiping her now crumbs-filled gloves off on her dress, not caring while a war was going on.
“That’s what I said.” he quipped back, rolling his eyes back to the window. “They mock me worse than the moon...” He made a tight line with his mouth as he watched Shadow, Rouge, and Knuckles assisting others with shots of the cure. “I could help... I’d get people injected with the cure faster than-”
She flopped on the bench next to him, her back facing him.
“Ah!” He lifted an arm up, unsure if she just passed out or not. “A-Amy? What are you-?”
“...Hmm?” Amy opened her eyes, then pushed herself up, “N-nothing... it just looked... comfy.” she leaned back down to sneak a whiff of Sonic’s scent, but he noticed the rascally move and shoved her up.
“Quit that! Have you no shame?” he shook his head, “Geez, that’s worse than your normal flirtations...”
“Hehe~ Opps.” She stuck her tongue out, but he noticed her shift on her feet and get woozy again.
“...Amy?” He looked back at her and saw her grip her head suddenly, catching herself from falling again as her hand braced her against the bench. “Woah! Hold on, have you rested yet?”
“You know I can’t do that.” She rubbed her eyes a moment, trying to wipe the blackness away from them. “Just light-headed.”
He watched her closely, already leaned up, he reached a hand out to her, prepared to catch her if she fell forward again. “How long have you been up?”
“Working for the two of us.” She turned her head and gave him a thumbs up.
“So that means long.” He narrowed his eyes, putting two and two together. “At this rate, they’ll be dragging you across the field, you won’t be any good to them without taking a second breather.”
“Oh, look who’s talking?” She sassily put her hand back to her hip, still leaning on her hand that pushed off the bench. “Driving myself for others is what I do best.” she took another chip, “And driving you wild.” she winked, charmingly bad at the deliver--per usual--and then took a bite of the chip.
He just stared at her, unamused by her remark. “You expect me to laugh at that?”
“I expect you to sleep on it.” she lifted up her hand she was balancing herself on and pushed her finger against his forehead, driving him to lay back down. “Now... you... just... lay there-!” she suddenly fell forward again and he caught her.
“Sheesh! Cool your jets!” he thought she was flirting again but when he saw the pain on her face, he realized she was suffering. “Amy... Alright, I’m not usually one for deals, but this is how it’s gonna work.” He took on a bit of a leader’s tone and transitioned her off of him, onto the side of the bench. “You’re gonna rest, and I’m gonna take over from- HERE.” he was yanked back as he started to get up, and she caught him in a death grip on the bench.
“Emm... pillow.” she held him there, sounding like she was half-losing it, being sleep-deprived but also knowing she needed to check Sonic’s condition.
The cure was doing well, it seemed the metallic flakes that still remained were chipping off as though fake silver furnishing. 
She smiled, her eyes growing droopy, seeing that he would be alright. He was just as sleep-deprived as her, but he patted lightly against her hand in a panic, spooked that she would strangle him.
It was funny, so she closed her eyes and let him struggle.
“Emm... ow!” with all his minimal thrashing, one of his quills wiggled itself to it’s pointy end and stabbed her closed eye, making the other jump awake and her arms let go of Sonic in a chain reaction to the pain. “Spiky pillow!”
She rubbed her eye as he got up to a sitting position lower down the bench, then leaned over with his hands between his spread legs, still looking exhausted as his eyes seemed to finally reveal his true condition.
“You don’t give up... do you?” There was a tad bit of fondness over her extreme actions to keep him down, but seeing as those weren’t gonna work, she blew a raspberry and got comfy, putting her hands under her cheek to sleep.
“If I didn’t... would you ever notice me?” she yawned, “You’re sleepy. I’m sleepy. There’s a reasonable solution for this~” she wiggled her finger down by him, but he flinched a leg away so she shot her flirty finger up to his nose and started fondling it like a child would play with a door-stopper.
He spread his frown so far down his muzzle that she was surprised it could stretch that long, but continued the insistent, repetitive fiddling and spastic movement with her finger to his nose. “You seem to very much dislike this.” She giggled, finding this so entertaining. “Ohh... look at it go. It’s got more energy than you do right now-Noooo...!”
He pulled his head away from her reach.
“Bring it baaaackkk..!!!”
“You’re acting like a loony, you know that?” He gave her a disapproving look but that only made her ‘pfft’ to hold in a bigger spurt of laughter.
She buried her head into the bench’s actual padding and smiled, “It’s warm... soft... inviting.” she lightly stroked the other side of the bench, looking up to him in weary pleading. “Wouldn’t it be nice... to just take your own advice?”
He lost a bit of his agitation then,... staring at the pretty scene.
“...You calling me a hypocrite?”
“Oh, most definitely, accurate. Shall I get it in writing?” she continued to joke as he sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
After a moment of hesitation, she realized he needed some more coaxing, seeing that he was looking off and to the side, nervous.
“I know you don’t usually do these things... but I’ll probably get up and insist on shaking off the rest of the silver from your fur if you don’t.” the light threat made him realize that further, and far worse intimacies could be had and slowly lowered himself back down.
“Alright, alright, you win. No need to shake me down!” he awkwardly found a comfortable spot but Amy eyed his hands and then looked back to him.
Without a word, Sonic looked away and put his hands around her. “There’s not enough space.”
“I know.” she lightly mouthed, blushing a faint pink that he dared to notice before looking away again.
She softly took a deep, cleansing breath in, before fully seeping into the curve of his body and resting by him.
She could tell by the random twitches that he wasn’t used to her being this close, and mentally pouted at his immaturity.
This was everything she loved and hoped for in their relationship, could he just enjoy it for a minute?! A good solid,... sweet... minute?
But Sonic did miss this. Ever so gently, he pulled her a little closer to his chest, held her a little tighter, and found that her own scent of flowers was like a natural muscle relaxer... and the exhaustion took over from then on.
His breathing became more naturally rhythmic, and good few seconds went by of silence, but not the awkward kind he was so used too.
This one was filled to the brim with security, understanding the other’s needs and giving in to exactly what Amy had stated.
“You’re right.” He finally spoke up, as Amy’s eyes batted as though she was practically asleep before he spoke up again. “Is it warm... and soft...”
“Heee... I keep my quills down for a reason. Shampoo a softener too...” her voice was laxed as she grinned widely and went back to scooting her face closer towards his neck, angling down as not to upset him.
 Amy was probably the only one he would ever feel this comfortable doing this with... he had gone so long without her hugs, without her teasing... that this moment was finally like saying, ‘I’m back’.
As though wondering if her hugs always felt like this, he leaned his head to let her head take some of his own weight, resting it down by it.
Amy tried to not ruin the moment, but that subtle acceptance made her chest jump in puffs of excitement.
She kept her snickering to a minimum, before finally laughing as Sonic looked down at her, confused because he was finally starting to think resting might not be such a bad idea.
“What?” he felt her turning to her back and adjusted his hold on her, loosening but keeping his hands around her still. “Thought we were napping?”
“Hehehe... haha..! Did you just..?” She wiped a tear from her eye, pointing a crooked finger at him, “Smell my head?”
He looked horrified she had noticed.
“BAH-HAW-HAHAHAHA!!!” She clutched her stomach and howled in rolling laughing, picking her knees up as Sonic was tempting to just flop her off and onto the cool, hard steel floor beneath them.
“Yeah, so what? They smell of flowers!” he let her go and turned to his back, pouting that he ever thought snuggling with Amy was actually seemingly alright.
He would have to remind himself from now on, never to let his guard down again!
(I originally thought of something else but I think I like this version better XD)
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greatcheesiness · 3 years
Hope: MSBY
Synopsis: In which a shooting star decided to make their prayers come true…
Characters: Atsumu/Sakusa/Hinata/Bokuto/Child! Y/n (little cameo) They’re all the same age except Y/n.
Genre: Angst, hopeful, Sad, a bit haunting at the end idk how that happened, mysterious, fate
W.c: 2k9
Moral of the story: Don’t think like this kids. Life is very valuable tsk.
[a/n] pfft I’m back y’all. Y’all missed me? Lmao no one asked. I have arrived with another short piece to satisfy your masochistic selves. I had no Wi-Fi and I thought I wasn’t gonna live a normal life. I was also a lazy bean who promised to work out but ended up eating Danish bread. They’re really good ngl. I did not proofread this so I am sorry for the errors. Sleep deprived again. I didn’t proofread this, sorry.
edit: this is a repost. I don’t think this was sent properly.
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Little sparks emerged from the blazing mixture of red and orange. The colour of fiery and passion. But in the middle, there was a vibrant colour of yellow. Even if a person is angry and the things they do will not go as passionate, there’s always a little bit of hope. That was what Sakusa interpreted as he observed the fire. The ashy smoke floated upward into the sky and turned invisible where they will not be seen again. That is what they want, right? Just to die out...
“I’m going to find some more wood,” Bokuto said out of the blue and stood up from the barky log he just sat on. Hinata got a fright that he almost fell off of his side of the log. Bokuto then ran towards the darkened woods. Hinata’s eyes widened. He scuttled backwards and jogged into the woods, just to make sure he doesn’t wander off. Just to make sure he’s safe.
“Kotaro, wait up!” he shouted and the woods mimicked his voice of worry. It was a cold night. A blanket of navy covered the sky with a sprinkle of shimmering stars.
“I hope they don’t get lost. I heard that this is the largest forest in our area or perhaps the whole country,” the blonde head muttered. His fingers fiddling on to silver key necklace dearest to his heart. It was a gift given by his grandma just the day before her decease. That day felt like the day he lost a true friend. Sakusa stared into the sky. To become one of those shiny sequences high up the vast navy.
Small, slender, slim sticks were thrown into the fire by Atsumu. His eyes granted no mercy as he stared at them burning in the little hell he created. Sakusa could see the reflection of the fire in his chocolate eyes. Knowing the reason, he sighed. It conveyed his feelings. His pent up fury.
The long silence was interrupted by a trivial question. “Have you ever thought of what you want to become as you grow older?” Atsumu wondered. He had never really heard or knew much about Sakusa despite having each other’s presence in existence for a while. He blinked, his long lashes brushed through the air. “I don’t know,” he simply replied. His voice so curt that Atsumu’s feelings were hurt. He clutched his heart with a pain expression to emphasise the dramatic. “Omi kun, y’know that’s not the answer I want,” he whined at him. There he goes again, Sakusa thought.  
Atsumu hummed as he looked at the fire “Y’know.., it has always been my dream to become an astronaut. What do ya think Omi kun?” Sakusa scrunched his face at the thought. “What should I think??” The only responsive thought he had for that confession was that it was unbelievable to be true. He thought he wanted to become a volleyball player and join the national team. Maybe get the hot girlfriend of his dreams while he’s at it. But an astronaut? Does he even have the grad-?
“Haha if only I had the grades. I can see it right through you Omi kun,” he smirked as he pointed the stick at him held by his fingers. “To bad I’m not a smartass like my twin brother. Such a nerd without glasses,” he murmured at the mentions of his twin.
“Achieving high grades doesn’t make you a stereotypical ne-“
“I said what I said, Omi kun. I said what I said”
Sakusa stayed quiet after that. He had nothing else to add after that mild conversation. His eyes lingered at the book lying on the grassy ground. Atsumu’s five year old diary. To this day, he still remembered the contents inked in those pages. Hinata and Bokuto saw them as well. He pitied Atsumu, but dared not to speak a word of it. In that diary, Atsumu undergone what you call affliction. Even now, it still disturbed them.
Beside them, they set up a telescope that they had recently bought. They got it after dodging that expensive price. Bokuto’s bargaining skills were useful. The trees waved side to side with the gusting wind. Sakusa’s dark curls wavered. They’ve always wanted to see the stars together. Earlier this day, they heard from the news that there was going to be a shooting star passing earth. It was very exciting as no one would ever expect to see something like this in their time of life.
There was a lot of things around their temporary property. Tents set up, sleeping bags, coats, stocks of food and drinks, you name it. They fully decided that they would never ever come back home. All of them hated where they came from. It just wasn’t for them.
At around five or six in the evening, the four of them were in school cleaning up toilets and classrooms. This was Sakusa’s nightmare. His duty was in the boys’ toilet. All the grime, stench, dirtiness tainted each cubicle he entered. He felt like regurgitating, but if he was going to faint, at least faint outside the bathroom. Nonetheless, he pushed through this hell and managed it somehow.
Suddenly, a burning smell wavered through the air and entered his nostrils, sending him to alarm. He rushed out of the boys’ bathrooms. His eye’s enlarged at the sight of flames eating the corridors. His mouth gaped as he stood petrified. What in the world?
Someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from danger. Sakusa turned around to see it was Bokuto. His heart was racing as he tried to process what the fuck just occurred. “Kotaro, what on earth is going on?!” He didn’t answer for a while until they’ve reached outside the burning school.
“It was Atsumu’s doing. He threw a cigarette in the bin and the bin caught on fire!” Bokuto used his arms to demonstrate the fire. Sakusa glared at Atsumu and grabbed him by the collar. “I know you hate this fucking place, but did you have to fucking burn down the school!?” Atsumu shoved him away from him. “So what if I fucking did?!” Sakusa’s eyes were filled with anger. Who goes to this extent from hatred? Especially from a teenager.
“You… YOU BASTARD!” he cursed at his selfishness. A punch swung onto Atsumu’s face and he fell to the ground in an instant. The blond head swiped the blood off his busted lips and gave him a deadly glare. Oh if looks could kill…He collided into Sakusa causing him to cough out his saliva. Therefore, a dog fight transpired between them. Sakusa had no care for the dirt sticking on to him as his only goal was to knock some god damn sense into Atsumu’s brain.
Hinata panicked and attempts to pull Atsumu away while Bokuto did the same for Sakusa. “Look we tried to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher! But it…it just wouldn’t work at all!” Hinata explained while he still held onto Atsumu. Sakusa’s brows furrowed. “Then what the fuck did you do then?” All three of them looked at each other. “We ditched it,” Bokuto shrugged his shoulders “It would go out”
Sakusa groaned in his clammy palms. Oh my fucking god…Since this happened, what’s gonna happen to them? Will they all get in to trouble? Obviously. Should they just mention that it was Atsumu’s fault and he shall bear the consequence? Or should all of them step out and stay along with the blond retard? Everyone remained quiet. Sirens were heard and police cars and fire brigade were approaching their way.
“Do you just want to go home and pack our stuffs secretly? We can buy that telescope we all wanted and watch the shooting star that’s coming tonight….”
And that’s how they ended up here, in the meadow deep into the woods where no one will find them. If they decided to give up on them, just like how the others would. Sakusa admitted that it was a beautiful scenery. Atsumu and he didn’t fight anymore. What’s done has been done. Everything happens for a reason.
Hinata and Bokuto arrived with more sticks cradled in their arms. They were dropped onto the beryl green grass. After that, Hinata plopped down and his chest heaving up and down “Oi no more. I’m tired from running around,” he waved his hand at him without looking at Bokuto. The owl-like man plastered a huge grin on his face “You lack strength, Chibi chan. C’mon toughen up those muscles,” Bokuto wacked his shoulders that sent Chibi forward. They laughed. Only the corner of Sakusa’s lips curved.
Boys in pain come together to diminish those pains.
A spark occurred in the middle of the dark sky. Hinata noticed this first and mirthfully swore “Guys I see it!” All of them ran to the telescope, even having little arguments of who should go first. It ended up being Atsumu. The rest of them quietened down and all they could do was admire. It was absolutely spectacular without a doubt. Not only was one shooting star but there a shower of them. A celebration perhaps?
“There’s so many of them! We should make a wish,” Hinata encouraged. All of them clasped their hands together with their eyes closed. Sakusa joined and he wished that he would have a happy life. That was all he wanted.  
“Atsumu… is that other shooting star approaching us or am I losing my mind?” Hinata asked worriedly. His knees shook like jelly. “Atsumu...” His body quivered with uncontrollable nervousness. Atsumu didn’t say anything back but gulped. “Well aren’t you going to answer us?” Bokuto asked with a lump in his throat.
Sakusa gazed up, following the track of the star before it split into two after crashing a certain part of the atmosphere. He knew. Everyone knew, that it was bound to reach them any minute.
“Will be able to get out of here in time?” Bokuto asked fretfully, brushing his hands through his grey strands. It wouldn’t be called a shooting star anymore. It was meteorite. The little thing drew closer and closer each time they blinked.
They just knew they wouldn’t make it out in time…
Atsumu sighed. “I’m staying here. I have nothing in this world to live for,” he gazed up and muttered as salty essence well up his chocolate eyes. He said it quietly, yet it was enough to be understood. He walked around a log and sat down with his head hung low. It was getting closer. Hinata swiftly sat beside him with his arms wrapped around him. His eyes closed “I’m staying with you. Staying with you until the end. Who knows we might end up somewhere beautiful. A magical land called Us”
When he said those words, a tear rolled down from Sakusa’s glistening ebony orbs. All of them wanted that. For a long time. A magical land called Us. This world gave them so much pain to the point that they had to imagine a wonderful world.
Bokuto, who used to use happiness to shield his sadness, embraced the both of them. The three of them cuddled. Some sniffles and sobs were heard from their trembling lips. Sakusa patted the left side of his chest. He was breathing quite heavily. This was most emotion he had ever displayed.  All of them turned their heads to face him. Atsumu’s arm stretched out. He smiled wearily “Come with us”
A lot of thought rushed through his mind. His head went racing. Was this the right choice? Was this what he wanted? What he if he still want to liv-
Before he could move a muscle, a bright, yellowish light flared behind them. His eyes reflected the light. Everything happened so fast and after that, they…. vanished. Long forgotten in this world.
 “A lot of things have happened during this week. Firstly, the “shooting star” also known as a meteorite, crashed in the meadow of (xxx) wood, the largest in this country. No one has expected this phenomenon to split into two and destroy so much nature. Even almost damaging some parts of nearby towns. Another talked about topic, is the burned down school at (xxx) province with four boys that attended that school, missing…”
 The little girl watched the enormous meteorite from afar. “Wah it’s huge,” she said as she dangled her tiny little legs. An ice cream was in her hands as she watched the workers inspecting the rock. Maybe they could extract minerals and become filthy rich. She took a lick of the ice cream. The wind was howling that evening. She enjoyed a vanilla ice cream during cold season.
“Y/n, come here!”
Her mother yelled. Y/n shouldn’t be out in the open. It was too dangerous, who knows what will happen. Y/n stood up from the edge of a cliff and admired the amber sky before realizing her ice cream dropped to the ground. Her mouth gaped in disbelief. She paid for that using her own money by collecting reusable garbage for hours. She exhaled and tossed the cone away.
“I’m coming mom. I’m coming,” she called back. She dusted her hands off her skirt and jogged on. There was a valley close by so she needed to be cautious otherwise she might roll off the cliff and that wouldn’t be good. However, as she took another step, her foot slipped and her face fell flat on the ground. Blood dripped down from her nostrils. “Great…”
Luckily for her, she had an extra packet of tissue deep in her pocket. She took a tissue out and wiped the blood off that dried. All of a sudden, from the corner of her eyes, she caught something shining in the grass. Curiosity aroused her and she moved closer to the object. Mother told her that she shouldn’t take or even touch something that’s not hers. It could bring bad luck.
Y/n didn’t remember her mother’s words when she picked it up. It was a silver necklace that took the shape of a key. “Wow…” she mumbled. It had a simple design to it, yet to her it was the most beautiful thing she had seen that day. The wind blew even harder as the wind whistled.
“Y/n! If you don’t come this instant, I will leave you here,” her mother called out for what seemed like the last time. Y/n shoved the object into her pocket and rushed to her parent. She shuddered. How cold was it? She wrapped her arms around her and rubbed for heat.
“Y/n, what happened to your nose?”
“I just fell”
“That’s karma for not listening to me for the first time. I just fell”
 So this was what the afterlife looked like? It looked the same as their world, yet maybe more magical. In this world, there was only the four of them and no one else. It had everything they needed. It was tranquilized. The trees consisted of wisteria. All of their stuff that they had with them before their very last breaths was placed exactly the same way, same place. However, the boys weren’t there.
A burning door stood in the middle of the meadow. All of them watched it, sitting down with bittersweet smiles on their faces. Was it worth it after all? Atsumu was the first one to hop off his position and run out into the wild. His appearance changed. He took the form of a little boy and had a book about stars in his hands. Ten years of age. The last time he felt a sense of happiness before all crashed down. Hinata turned back to a fifteen year old and Bokuto, a twelve year old. It made Sakusa feel old. He remained the same after all their transformations. A seventeen year old.
The last time he felt happy was just a few months ago. Despite that, he never really intended to die. It was just a last minute wish he made that he regretted. He believed to have many things to do on his bucket list. It was too late somehow and he thought that this new life wasn’t bad after all. He could maybe tick them all of in this afterlife.
From the corner of his eye, he spotted a necklace. His brows furrowed at it and he leaned forward to capture it. Now it laid on his palm and began his inspection. It was an open door with no handle… He gulped. What was the meaning of this? If he was being honest, Atsumu didn’t have his grandma’s necklace with him. He started connecting the dots.
The fire stopped burning the door. He looked up and moved backwards. It was dark and the atmosphere couldn’t be anymore spookier. He whimpered and started to shake.
A little girl clad in a ripped strawberry dress. Her shoes dirtied. Her skin pale as snow. Her hair in a dishevelled state and her eyes were the worst. They were fully pitch black. And before Sakusa knew it, he ran as fast as he could and…
…never turned back.
The shooting star, after all, just granted their wishes. Without them knowing the consequences…
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
Fight or Flight, Rider [4]
Poe Dameron X Pilot!Reader
A/N: MEET THE SILVER SQUADRON PEOPLE! My babies, my pet project, my post precious creation! - Nemo
Summary: (y/n) has never been so excited - today she gets to meet her Resistance Squadron. She finds they all are rather different, but at the end of the dy they still get the job done. 
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[Gif isn’t mine, t’was a Google find. Credit to it’s creator.]
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You and Poe didn’t really talk about what happened last night. As cliche as it sounds, you didn’t need to.
You both decided not to bring it up, not because you were embarrassed or avoiding it, but because it would simply be easier that way. Word spread fast in the Resistance, for better or worse, and that could get anywhere by the end of the day.
Today you weren’t worrying about it though, because today was a big day. 
Today you officially met your new Squadron, and today you got to fly with them for the first time.
You were even more excited now than what you were when you raced Poe. Joon, your fellow Nephimmian, stood beside you, shaking his head. Not only was he assigned as one of the Lieutenants of your Squad, but you pulled him out of his bunk at daybreak just to get him to wait around with you for the past hour. 
“You’re being too loud,” he said, “You need to calm down.”
“Oh,” you scoffed, “I’ve barely said anything since I greeted you!” 
“You think very loudly.” 
“Shut up Joon, look they’re coming!” you said, ignoring him as he rolled his eyes, looking over at a crew of pilots headed your way.
A blond man approached your first, holding out his hand for you both to shake as he introduced himself. 
“Hey, I’m Commander Gareth Longo, Poe’s told me a little about you two and your venture to help everyone off Creit. Very noble thing for you to do.” 
“It wasn’t just us, sir.” Joon said, staying professional as ever, while you rolled on the balls of your feet.
“It’s appreciated just the same Lieutenant. Now let’s introduce you to the others.” Gareth said, turning to the others that came with him. 
“That’s Captain Dalyn Menryth,” he said, gesturing to a man with greenish hair, “He’s from Naboo, one of their pilots.”
“One of Naboo’s best pilots, don’t forget!” Dalyn said, catching your eye and sending you a wink.
“Sure. Next to him is Lieutenant Grey Saeth and Cadet Amry, they both came together from Tatooine.” A taller man waved at you with a very wide grin - he seemed as excited as you - and next to him was a much smaller woman - she seemed much less excited. 
“We’re a team, Amry and I.” Grey said, pulling Amry to his side as he grinned down at her. 
She shot him a smile, before pulling herself away from his side.
“Over there is Lieutenant Lup’ia Tetsuu,” a yellow Twi’lek looked over at you nodding, “She’s a little more of a mechanic than a pilot, but she’s just as useful either way.” 
“I’m Cyro Sythen. Cadet. I can introduce myself.”  A teal Mirialan stepped forwards, thrusting her hand out to yours. “I heard about you -  you almost beat Commander Dameron in a race. You’re cool.” she said as she shook your hand. 
You looked back at Joon, smiling.
“You hear that, I’m cool! Sadly, Dameron just happened to beat me by that much.” you said, sucking in a breath through your teeth. “He’s just too good.”
“No such thing Major,” Gareth said, turning his helmet over in his hands, “You can never be too good, only too confident. Now get your ships in the air, let’s get this thing started!”
“I must say, you all were pretty good. Saw some nice moves out there today.” 
Your Squad - the Silver Squadron - had all been out for hours, practicing moves, perfecting comms, and learning how each other flew. More training would be needed, but for a first day you all did rather well, even if you thought so yourself. Poe seemed to agree.
“You can all get out there and do it again tomorrow. Fun, right!” he said, enthusiastic as ever. 
Grey was bouncing in his seat across from you - which you could already tell was normal for him - while Lup’ia was stuck in the seat next to him, rather unimpressed at being placed next to the human embodiment of sunshine and optimism. 
She wasn’t a people person at all. 
At least not until Finn came in. Then she brightened up - ever so slightly.
Joon was by your side, tapping his fingers on his leg as he always did when his superiors were droning on about post-flight checks. While on your other side was Dalyn, he’d practically stuck to you since he got his ship in the air next to yours. 
“... And I think that’s about it. You’re just about free to go clean up or whatever.” Poe said, dropping the datapad on the table as he smiled everyone’s way. “See you this time tomorrow.” 
“You busy tonight Rider?” Dalyn asked, slinging an arm around the back of your seat. “I know a really cool place just down the hall that serves some of the best food in the base.” 
“It’s the only place with food in the base, you fool.” Amry said, as she stood from her seat, leaving promptly after with Grey trailing after her. 
“Pfft, sure it ain’t exactly delicacies, but maybe we could snag a table and chat for a bit?” 
“No thank you.” You said, shaking your head with a light smile.
“Why,” he asked, suddenly going a little quieter, “You busy?” 
“No.” You stood, making your way behind him also. Joon was holding back snickers from his seat, while you were caught between sending sympathetic looks at Dalyn and smirking over at Poe. 
“Okay.” he drawled, “So you’re not busy, you just don’t wanna eat with me?”
“Listen, Dalyn, you’re a decent guy, and a hell of a pilot, but you’re also a serial flirt.” You said, letting out a quipped laugh at the knowing smile that reached his face. “The other gals and I in the Squad all pulled together before we came in here. You’re a ‘no’, but if you wanna hang over dinner then that’s cool - I’m sure you have more than your fair share of stories to tell.” 
“That’s true!” Dalyn said, practically dismissing you and leaning over the table to speak to Gareth. “Did you know, this scar came from a lady -”
“- Captain, I couldn’t care less.”
“Nonsense, of course you’d wanna know, it’s one great story!” 
“Joon,” you leant down to whisper in Joon’s ear, “Let’s scram before we get caught too.”
You’d never seen him get out of a chair quicker.
You’d barely gotten out the hallways when footsteps came after you.
“(y/n)! Jeez, you and Joon are fast walkers.” Poe said, finally catching up to you both. “I was gonna ask you something but now I’ve forgotten what it was.” he huffed, resting his hands on his hips.
“So what, are you gonna stand there and breathe really heavily, or are you gonna walk with us to get some food?” 
“I was actually contemplating retracing my steps to see if I could remember my question, but I like the sound of food a little more.” 
“Ayee,” you smiled, “I knew we were similar!” With that you went back on your quest to the cafeteria. 
It was a decent sized place, although smaller than the one back of Nephimm, but it was cosy and snug like that. You rather liked it. The food even tasted a little better, despite the fact it looked a little less appetizing.
Practically as soon as you were seated, Rey came over and took the spot on your left, while Poe was on your right. Joon was unimpressed at his seat being taken, but decided Finn was probably a less rowdy person to be sat next to anyway. 
“Dalyn was trying to pull one move on you back there.” Poe said, smirking at you as he sat sideways facing you in his seat. 
“Yeah, well, takes more than a wink and a good-looking smile to get me to do things for you.” You said, looking over at him while stuffing your mouth full of food.
“Did you know you’re a vision when you eat (y/n)?”
“It’s her goal in life, I’m sure.” Cyro said, stepping up to the empty seat next to Joon. “Can I sit?”
“Of course.” 
“I’m always a vision, so it doesn’t matter what I’m doing.” you said, holding back a snicker. Poe looked over at you, resting his chin on his hand, and just smiled over at you.
“What is he doing?” Cyro asked Joon, the two of them looking between Poe staring at you and you unceremoniously eating your dinner. 
“The common name for it, I think, is called ‘giving her heart-eyes’.” Joon said, looking up at Cyro. “In other words he just really, really likes her.” 
“What?” Both you and Poe looked up at the duo across from you, you cast a glance beside you to Rey - she only smiled widely at you - before looking to Poe at your other side.
“You’re not really making it a secret.” Joon said. “At times you’re both as subtle as a shotgun.” 
“Harsh.” you said, smiling slightly.
“I’m not sure I’m following?” Poe trailed off, his chin now back to resting on his hand. 
“Dameron! The General wants to see you.” An officer said, choosing to call across the hall rather than make his way over to the confused pilot.
“Later. Poe. We’ll explain later.” Finn said, showing he was in fact listening, despite being more invested in eating than you were.So with that Poe upped and left, shooting goodbyes to your group as he went.
“You think it’s serious?” Cryo asked, both her eyes and yours keeping on Poe and the Officer as they left.
“If they want Poe?” Rey said, snickering. “No one can answer that.”
Series Taglist: @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @writefightandflightclub​ @robindoesntloveme​ @kiaralein​ @daniellajocelyn​ @americasass-romanoff​ @morgannope​ @smolpeachees​ @afootnoteinyourhappiness​
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The Rise Of Iron Maiden
Chapter 4: Failure to Launch
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Word Count: 2.9k
Originally Requested by: @amateurwriterbigdreamer
Previous Chapter: We’re in the Endgame Now
Next Chapter: The Return Of Iron Maiden
A/N: this chapters kinda slow, but I gotta fill the plot. Next chapters gonna be pretty Tye heavy (mostly from his POV)
“Wrah!” Nebula stood up, putting her hands in a fighting stance.
“You don't need to do that. Because uh... you're just holding position.” Tony mimicked a football goalpost with his hands as she flicked a paper football towards him. “Oh yeah, that was close.”
“I would like to try again.”
You and Tye watched from the front of the ship, both of you previously watching the stars. Both of you are silent, neither of you wanting to talk. You were still too shaken up from the events of nearly last month. Nebula had attempted to fly you back to Earth, but the Milano broke down and now you were floating in space, hopeless.
“Fair game. Good sport. Have fun?” Your dad asked Nebula.
“It was...fun.” She nodded slowly.
“Tye, Y/N, wanna play?” Tony looked over to the two kids.
“I’m good.” Tye mumbled.
“Hey, come on.” Your dad urged. “It’s fun. Right, Nebula?”
“It is fun.” She nodded, face deadpanned. Tye sighed, but eventually joined them.
“Y/N?” Your dad offered.
“Um...I’m tired, I’m gonna go sleep for a little bit.” You give him a small smile as if to say you were okay, before retreating to the back of the ship towards the bedrooms.
You lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. You think about everyone at home, and the frustration of not knowing who was still alive. Were Eduardo, Jaime, Peter, Quill, Drax, Mantis and Doctor Strange still alive? Or did they die? Would they ever come back? Could you bring them back?
Usually Eduardo was there to tell you you were overthinking and to calm you down, but he was gone. He turned to dust in your hands, and you couldn’t do anything about it. You hated it when you couldn’t control something, much like your father. If you couldn’t protect the ones you loved, you felt useless. You felt guilty, believing it was your fault that Eduardo, Jaime and Peter were gone. You were even guilty about the Guardians of the Galaxy, even though you barely knew them.
You looked over at your pile of armor on the floor. You dragged yourself out of bed, sitting against it. You clicked a button on your helmet, and waited for it to light up.
“This thing on?” You ask nobody in particular, then let it scan you. “Alright. Hey mom. Uh...sorry for not listening to dad. Again. I should be down on Earth, I’m sorry I’m worrying you. Dad makes you do that enough already.” You chuckle softly. “Um...it’s day 22, just floating in space. The blue meanie tried to fly us back. You’d like her, she’s very practical. It’s only her, me, dad, and Tye left. He doesn’t talk much-well, not that he did before. He’s pretty broken over Jaime. Peters gone too, poor kid. Aunt Mays gonna kill him. Um...I lost Eduardo. He just...turned into dust. I couldn’t do anything about it...I really miss him, mom. I won’t miss him much longer though, in fact, I might see him in the next...48 hours of oxygen. It won’t last long with four people on here though. I didn’t think I’d die like this, it’s so pathetic.” You scoff and shake your head. “I thought I’d die saving people. I want to die saving people, that’s how I’ve always wanted to go but...nope. I’m gonna die because this piece of junk broke down in the middle of the universe. So uh...I’m gonna go play some paper football with the two grumps and dad. I’m really sorry, mom. All you do is put up with our shit, and tell us when to stop. I should’ve listened this time.” You go to turn it off, quickly saying, “I love you.”
You fall back against the bed, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. The low oxygen levels are already effecting you, which meant your dad and friend were both feeling them too. You wanted to go join them, but you couldn’t move your whole body enough to do so. You lied there, staring at your Iron Maiden suit. The suit you used to save people, but you couldn’t even save yourself. You failed Eduardo. Jaime. Peter. Quill. Drax. Mantis. Doctor Strange. And who knows who else.
You feel yourself being lifted off the ground, and you look up to see Nebula. She was mostly machine, so the lack of oxygen wasn’t effecting her as bad as you. She carried you over to a couch that she had dragged into the control room, facing the window. Your dad was sitting in the middle, Tye beside him. Nebula sat you on his other side, then left.
Tony gathered enough strength to lift his arms, resting them around the two kids’ shoulders and pulling them closer to him. He wanted to comfort them, but he couldn’t speak. You all stared out at the stars, awaiting your deaths.
A bright light pierced your brain, making you cringe as you wake up. You open your eyes and blink until they adjust. You see a woman outside of the ship, looking in. You weakly shake your dads leg, trying to alert him. His hand rests atop of yours to tell you he’s okay, as he slowly sits up a little.
“Who’s that?” Tye mumbles, half asleep.
“Not sure, kid.” Tony replied. You pass out again, not able to hold consciousness. You wake up again when someone shakes you awake, opening your eyes to see your dads best friend, Rhodey.
“Y/N? Hey, think you can stand?” He asked softly. You nod, and he helps you to your feet you lean on him as he walks you down the ramp to outside.
“Is mom...?” You breathe out, still blinking away black spots in your vision.
“Y/N! Tony!” You hear her yell from somewhere, before Rhodey can even open his mouth. “Oh my god! Oh my god!”
Your mom practically crashed into you, holding you tightly to her. You fall into her, not having the strength to stand any longer. Your dad walks by himself over to his two girls, hugging them tightly. Back in space, he truly thought those would be his last moment, so he was eternally grateful that he got to live long enough to hold them both again.
Tye watched the scene from where Natasha was helping him stand, feeling alone. His mother was in a different dimension than him, and Tye felt like she probably didn’t even miss him.
“Nat?” He breathed out.
“What’s up?” She asked, looking down at the exhausted boy.
“You have food that isn’t freeze dried and in a silver bag, right?” He asked.
“Yeah, come on.” She chuckled, helping him walk towards the Compound.
“Don’t you two ever do that again.” Pepper began to cry.
“No promises.” Tony kissed each of his girls on top of the head, as Steve approached you guys. “Couldn’t stop him, Cap.”
“Neither could I.” Steve nodded.
“I lost the kids. Peter. Jaime. Eduardo.” Tony shook his head, guilt washing over him once again.
“Tony, we all lost.”
You’re brought into the compound, each immediately given an IV and some food. You and Tye eat like animals, not having any rations for the past couple of days. You watch a holographic screen listing the heroes that disappeared in the Decimation; Wanda Maximoff, Nick Fury, Jaime Reyes, Bucky Barnes, Peter Quill, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, T’Challa, Eduardo Dorado Jr...
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.” Rhodey announced.
“World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures.” Natasha paced slowly in front of the holographs.
“Where is he?” You ask timidly, still nervous about him.
“We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through.” Bruce Banner said slowly, trying to not scare the kids even more than they already were.
“What's wrong with him?” Tony asked, motioning to Thor, who was staring into space.
“Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?” A talking raccoon spoke up from behind you.
“Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.” Your dad pointed at him.
“You’re with him, kid? Really?” The raccoon looked at Tye.
“You know a talking raccoon?” You asked Tye, staring at the raccoon.
“He’s not a-.”
“I’m not a raccoon!” It snapped at you. “Why do you humies keep saying that?”
“We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep Space scans, and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, Y/N, Tye, you fought him.” Steve interrupted.
“Who told you that? I didn't fight him.” Tony scoffed. “No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleecker Street Magician gave away the store. Nearly killed my daughter, and Tye. One hit away from it, in fact. That's what happened. There was no fight.”
“He was unbeatable.” Tye shook his head, and you agreed.
“Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?” Captain America asked.
“Pfft! I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming.” Tony said.
“Dad, calm down.”
“Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus.”
“And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need?” Your dad stood up, slapping things off a table. Everyone winced from the sudden noise. “I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse-“
Tony lunges at Steve, but Rhodey stepped between them and held your dad back.
“Alive and otherwise what we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not-that's what we needed!” Tony yelled at Steve.
“Well, that didn't work out, did it?” Steve kept his composure, only angering your father even more.
“I said, "we'd lose". You said, "We'll do that together too." And guess what, Cap? We lost. And you weren't there. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the Avengers, we're the Avengers. Not the Prevengers.”
“Dad! Stop!” You shout at him, your head spinning.
“You know what, honey? The adults are talking, alright?” Your dad said, with a little more venom than he intended.
“Mr. Stark you made your point just-“ Tye started.
“Nah, nah. Here's my point. You know what?” Tony turned back to glare at Captain America.
“Tony, you’re sick.” Rhodey insisted, trying to get him to sit back down.
“I got nothing for you, Cap! I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust. Liar.” Tony slowly walked up to Steve, getting right in his face. You all tensed when Tony ripped his arc reactor out of his chest, smacking it into Steve’s hand. “Here, take this. You find him, and you put that on. You hide.”
“Dad!” You shout when he suddenly falls to the ground.
“Tony!” Steve reached down to help his old friend up.
“I’m fine. I...” Your dad trails off, falling unconsciously to the floor. You try to get up, but Natasha pushes you back down by your shoulders.
“Get him to a room. Call Pepper.” Natasha ordered the men, before turning back to you two. “He’ll be fine, Y/N. Just needs to rest. So do you.”
“Not tired.” You shook your head stubbornly.
“Nebula, Rocket, think you can handle watching them for a moment?” She asked the two aliens, sitting on the wall behind you.
“Yes.” Nebula nodded.
“Sure.” The raccoon, or, Rocket shrugged.
Natasha gave you a reassuring smile before turning to help the other bring your father to a room.
“Sorry about your friend, kid.” Rocket hopped down and rounded the couch you and Tye were on to face him.
“Yeah. Sorry about the others.” Tye nodded, expression not changing at all. Your eyes drifted back to the screen, watching more and more names and pictures appear onscreen.
“Where are you going?” You hear Natasha ask someone.
“To kill Thanos.” The lady that flew you home stated simply as they emerged from the hallway.
“Hey, you know, we usually work as a team here, and between you and I, morale's a little fragile.” Nat mumbled.
“We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too.” Steve nodded.
“You even know where he is?” Rhodey joined them.
“I know people who might.” The lady said, blank faced.
“Don't bother. I can tell you where Thanos is. Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. And when he worked, he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled, I wanted to please him. I'd ask "where would we go once his plan was complete?". His answer was always the same: "To the Garden." Nebula stood up, walking over to them.
“That's cute, Thanos has a retirement plan.” Rhodey joked, earning small smiles from you and Tye. He smiled back, glad to bring the two kids joy, even for a moment.
“So where is he?” Steve asked, and the adults walked over to a round table. You and Tye joined them, regaining enough strength to stand. You still leaned on Rhodey, which he happily let you do.
“When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions. No one's ever seen anything like it... Until two days ago.” Rocket showed a hologram of a planet, with a shockwave visibly traversing the surface. “On this planet.”
“Thanos is there.” Nebula added.
“He used the Stones again.” Natasha muttered.
“Hey, hey, hey. We'd be going in short-handed, you know.” Bruce piped up.
“Look, he's still got the stones, so...” Rhodey said.
“So let's get him... Use them to bring everyone back.” The lady told you.
“Just like that?” Tye raises an eyebrow in disapproval.
“Just like like.” Steve nodded.
“Even if there's a small chance that we can undo this... I mean we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try.” Natasha tried to convince everyone. You looked down, feeling the guilt from letting your friends die in the pit of your stomach.
“If we do this, how do we know it's gonna end any differently than it did before?” Bruce asked.
“Because before, you didn't have me.” The lady crossed her arms.
“Hey, new girl, everyone here is about that superhero life. And if you don't mind my asking, where the hell have you been all this time?” Rhodey put a hand on his hip, making sure to balance so you wouldn’t fall.
“There are a lot of other planets in the universe. And unfortunately, they didn't have you guys.” The lady narrowed her eyes at Rhodey.
Thor walked out of the shadows, towards the lady. They stand in front of each other as if challenging the other. Thor holds out his hand, and Stormbreaker flies into his hand. Then they both grin at each other.
“I like this one.” Thor said.
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch.” You growl.
“Like hell you’re going!” Natasha laughed.
“No way, kids.” Steve shook his head. “Adults only on this one.”
“Would you quit treating us like children?” You glare at them.
“We probably got more punches in on Thanos than all of you combined.” Tye said venomously.
“First of all, not possible.” Natasha said. “Second of all, you are not coming. Tony and Pepper would go into cardiac arrest if you came along.”
You and Tye exchange looks, looking to the floor in compliance.
“Look, we know you’re hurting. But going at him all malnourished and seeking revenge is not the way to do it.” Rhodey told you guys.
“You’ll stay here with Tony and Pepper, okay?” Natasha asked. “Rest. Let us take care of this.”
“...okay.” You sigh.
“Thank you.” She pulled both of you into a hug. You melted into it, Tye tensed up.
You hugged each of the remaining Avengers, even Thor let you hug him, though he didn’t hug back. You and Tye stood and watched at they boarded the now fixed Milano, then watched them take off. You stood there for a little bit after, staring at the dark sky.
“Tye?” You whisper after a long stretch of silence.
“You think they can do it?” You ask
Tye hesitates. You’re scared, he’s scared, and both of you just want even a glimpse of hope. He debates what to tell you, what he truly thought or what he knew you wanted to hear.
You nod slowly, agreeing with him. A single tear falls down your face, dropping onto the paved pathway.
“I miss them, too.” Tye took a shaky breath, fighting his own tear ducts. He never cried, let alone in front of anyone.
“I’m sorry you lost Jaime.” You turn to him. “I know how much he meant to you. Eduardo too.”
“I’m sorry you lost Peter. You guys are as close as Jaime and I are. And I’m sorry you lost Eduardo, too.” Tye quickly blinked away tears.
“Can you believe they’re all gone?” You ask.
“No.” He shook his head. “I wish it could just be a month ago. When we were on that one mission.”
“The one where Jaime and Peter accidentally broke into Scott Lang’s house?” You giggle.
“How do you accidentally break in?” Tye laughed, shaking his head. “They’re truly idiots.”
“But they’re our idiots.” You nod, smiling sadly at the sky.
16 notes · View notes
desktopdust · 4 years
Forge Ahead
In the dead of night, two iron candlesticks created an island of luminescence in the vast sea of darkness that filled the chamber.  Between them, a spear stood upon a wooden pedestal, shaft made of gold, rings of colorless jewels embedded down its length; a head of untarnished silver shone at its end, carved into elegant designs that all met back into a single point.  Sitting before it was a young man of olive complexion, black hair short and neat, having an athletic body that did not quite fit the timid aura he exuded.
He sat perfectly still, focusing entirely upon the spear.  His soul reached out to it, finding a wellspring of otherworldly power bursting forth from the weapon, and he steadily waded into its depths.  He breathed deeply.  Reaching even farther, he drew from the spring, pulling only the tiniest sliver of the power into himself, and at once new strength exploded throughout him.  He called upon his training to temper the power, quieting its wildness and merging it with the natural energy already flowing through his body.
It was exhilarating and terrifying and humbling.  This primordial magic was old, older than the air he breathed and the ground beneath his feet, perhaps even older than the darkness he drifted through.  According to legend, even the gods did not fully understand this spear, only able to deduce that it was made from the bones of the very entity that thought their entire world into being.  They had entrusted it to humans as a sign of good faith, but even after two thousand years, there was not a single one in existence who could adequately describe the truly alien feeling that waited in the depths of the spring.
He scrambled to his feet, letting go of the magic as he spun to face the one who had called him.  Emerging from the dark sea was a man with scraggly, snow-white hair and skin that looked pale compared to Gerulf, supporting his weight with a simple wooden staff, a frayed eyepatch covering one side of his face while the remaining eye stared straight through him.
“Yes, Master Serhan!” Gerulf said, stiffening his back.
The old man came closer, not making any efforts to disguise his pronounced limp. “So much tension?  Don’t mistake it for focus.”
Gerulf tried to relax his shoulders, only partly succeeding.  “Y-Yes, Master, my apologies.”
Serhan came to a stop beside Gerulf, staring up at the spear with an almost weary familiarity.  “Working to the last minute, huh?  If you’re not confident in your ability to commune with Gungnir, then postpone the trial and continue your training.”
Gerulf was no longer surprised by his teacher’s bluntness, but still he fumbled for words.  “No, no, I’m ready!  I only...er, well…”  He rubbed his neck, feeling a bead of sweat taking form on his brow.  Serhan waited for him to continue.  “...I...want to be as sure as possible.  I do not want to waste any time, not when I could be honing my ability further.”
Serhan closed his eyes as he stroked his beard.  “Remind me again why you’re here.”
“I have been chosen to protect one of the Seven Sisters of my home country of Pleiades, contingent upon completing training at one of the Four Schools of the Primordial Arms.”
“Hm? There’s seven?”
Gerulf nodded.  “Yes, always seven.  When the time comes for a successor to be chosen, a Sister will receive a vision from Celestial Zempyst making that choice.  Three years ago, the current Sister of the Southeast received such a vision...and in it, she saw only one Satellite protecting her successor.  Me, apparently.”
Serhan glanced at him.  “You doubt?”
Gerulf’s hand twisted of its own accord.  “...I do.”
“Yet you accepted.”
“How could I not?  It is the will of a goddess—of one of the Nine Geneses!  I had hoped that I would understand it by the time my training neared completion, but still I do not.”  Gerulf fixed his gaze on Gungnir, watching the candlelight glint off of it.  “I must not fail.  I must be ready as I possibly can be, so I cannot waste any time.”
“Hm. Quite a duty.  Answer this!”  Serhan pressed the head of his staff against Gerulf’s chest, making the man flinch. “Is time spent caring for a spear a waste?”
Gerulf blinked.  “...I’m sorry?”
“That time could be spent training.  Should a spear only be thrust into battle?”
After thinking a moment, he answered, “Um...well, were that the case, the spear would be worn down at a considerable speed, Master.  Some time should be taken to maintain the weapon, so that it can be dependable for a long time to come.”
He jumped slightly as Serhan beat his staff against the floor. “Exactly!  Without rest, a weapon grows dull.  People are the same.  Hard work is good, but don’t dull your edge, Gerulf.”
“Oh...I see.”  Slowly, Gerulf’s shoulders lowered, the remaining tension gradually seeping out of him at last.  “Thank you, Master.”
Serhan nodded once.  “Alright. What now?”
Gerulf turned back to Gungnir.  His shoulders began to tighten.
Gerulf tried to speak, but Serhan raised a hand.
“A spear is meant to be thrust at a single point with all your might.  To carry one, you need to be decisive.  Good night, Gerulf.”
Serhan retreated back into the darkness.  Gerulf continued to stare at the spear for a minute or so, and then picked up his candlestick and ventured towards the chamber’s exit.
And that is precisely why… he thought.
The hall sported several candles of its own, holding the night at bay but unable to stop the formless shadows dancing along the stony walls.  Gerulf snapped to attention as a door opened up ahead. Out stepped a man of fair skin nearly a foot taller than Gerulf, carrying himself with a sureness that one could simply feel was unearned.  Spotting Gerulf, he paused and laughed, saying, “Look who’s up!  Shouldn’t you be resting, pal?  You’re gonna need all the help you can get.”
“Good evening, Achard,” Gerulf greeted.  “I was just retiring for the night, actually.”
“Heh, right.  Man, I still can’t believe you and I are the only ones from this class who passed the assessment.  I was sure Prem had you beat!”
Gerulf fidgeted.  “Ah, I’m a bit surprised myself.  I suppose the points I lost in combat were made up elsewhere.”
“Guess that makes sense,” Achard said with a shrug.  “Still, combat’s all that really matters—the whole reason we’re here is to learn to fight using Gungnir’s power!  And what a power it is, right?”
Trying to smile, Gerulf said, “It’s, uh, certainly very potent.  The primordial magic it’s made from is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.”
A toothy grin crossed Achard’s face.  “One of the four weapons older than the whole world...with power like that, I’m gonna be able to do anything!”
“Ahah...I suppose.  So, um...what is it you plan on doing when you pass?”
“Head back home first of all—got to give everyone a chance to be proud of me and all.  After that, I’ll probably go on a world tour and see how many heads I can knock!  Who knows, maybe I’ll come to Pleiades and kick you around a bit.”
Swallowing hard, Gerulf tried to reply, but his jaw was frozen shut.
“Haha, don’t be so serious, man!  ‘Sides, you’re probably in for another course anyway.”  Achard walked past Gerulf, smacking him in the shoulder. “Sweet dreams, pal!  I’ll see you at the trial tomorrow.”
Gerulf glanced over his shoulder at Achard’s receding form.  Facing forward once more, he shook his head and resumed walking.
The island where Gungnir was kept was a lush valley within a ring of mountains, an unusually temperate spot for being so far North.  From where he stood atop one of the border peaks, Gerulf could trace the rivers as they sectioned off the forests and plains, several of them coming together to feed the central lake.  The school was built on the edge of this lake, a stone keep half the height of the mountains surrounding it, sturdy enough to withstand a siege of several months and lined with metal spikes that seemed to taunt some unknown enemy into attempting just that.
He shivered a bit as he tightened the straps of his leather training armor, taking a step back from the edge.  Master Serhan stood not far away, staring off and letting the salty breeze and rays of the rising sun soak into his body, and Achard (having forgone the training armor) was warming up nearby as well.
Stretching his finely-toned arms, Achard said, “Hey, is it time to start yet, Master?”
Not looking away from the point on the horizon he was staring at, Serhan said, “Patience, Achard.  I’ll explain everything in just a moment.”
The student grumbled under his breath as he moved on to stretching his muscular legs.  “Yeah, alright.  How about you, Gerulf: you ready for a challenge?”
Chuckling quietly, Gerulf said, “Aha...we’ll see, I suppose…”
Achard sprang up.  “Pfft! What kind of answer is that? You’re never gonna pass with such a wimpy attitude!”
Gerulf shrank back, saying nothing.
“Heh, whatever.  Guess I shouldn’t complain, being the only one from this class to make it out at the first trial point!  I’ll see ya in another three years, buddy.”
Serhan walked past them and up to the edge, saying, “Learn the difference between confidence and arrogance, Achard.  There’s no guarantee either of you will pass.”
Achard rolled his eyes, choosing to hold onto his smirk just the same.
“First time I’ve seen so few taking the trial.  This lot—you’ve all got potential, but you’re all chipped blades.”
Serhan faced the two men and spun his staff around, two simple spears materializing in its wake.  Grabbing the weapons, he tossed them into the hands of his students, and then struck the ground with his staff.
“Now!  You two’ve completed a three year course and earned a chance at the Forge Trial.  The only tools you have are these spears, and whatever strength you can muster.”  Serhan turned and waved his staff over the valley.  “You have until midday to find enough ore to craft a spear of your own!  If you can do that and make it back to the keep in time, you’ll show your skills by channeling Gungnir’s power in a fight.  Show me you’ve learned something, and I’ll let you forge your own spear and send you on your way.”  He turned back to his students.  “Any questions?”
Gerulf shook his head.  Achard tested the weight of his spear.
“Good.  Begin!”
Instantly, Achard rushed over the edge and bounded down the mountain. Gerulf instead approached the edge and stopped, carefully scanning the wall below to plan his way down, and then began a long, slow climb.  As he went, Gerulf cast a look over his shoulder to note Achard’s progress: the other man was just disappearing into the trees, his hollering just barely audible even from such a great distance.  Gerulf’s hand slipped slightly, so he pressed himself against the mountain and froze until he verified his handhold.
I wonder how quickly he’ll make it back?
He reminded himself that speed was not the determining factor.  Cautiously, Gerulf resumed his climb.
Finding a spot to procure ore wasn’t difficult for Gerulf: he had paid close attention to Serhan’s lessons on where to search for deposits, and once in an appropriate area he tapped his spear on the ground a few times before giving a satisfied nod.  Calling out to Gungnir, he again mixed its energy into his own, this time directing that energy through his hand and into the spear to give it a subtle shine. He then began to gradually chip away at the ground with his spear, carefully positioning his strikes so as not to damage the glittering ore he quickly uncovered.
The task took not even an hour.  Bundling up the ore, Gerulf made his way back to the school that had been his home these past three years, glancing about for any sign of Achard.  He made his way across the wide-open foyer and down the central staircase, no company aside from his echoing footsteps at first, but slowly he felt the temperature rise, and the smell of smoke and slag came to meet him. The stairs terminated in a great sprawling chamber where the air itself stung like flames, rivers of magma flowing along its edges and across its width towards a massive furnace in the distance. When Gerulf made it there, he found Master Serhan sitting upon an anvil, arms crossed and staff balanced on his shoulders as he watched Gerulf with a stony expression.
Gerulf choked on the heat as he tried to speak up.  “Master...I have gathered the necessary amount of ore.”
Serhan grunted.  “Well done.  Take a seat.”
Gerulf complied, sitting on the floor next to a rack of tools.  Nearly two hours passed before Achard finally appeared, his dark scowl made all the more menacing by the chamber’s orange light.
“How the hell did you get here so fast?!” Achard demanded.  “I left you in the dust!”
“Achard,” Serhan said. “You had trouble mining, didn’t you?”
Achard glanced aside. “I mean...it didn’t take me too long to find a place.  But it kept breaking into such tiny pieces, and I couldn’t tell what was ore and what was rock—rounding it up was a pain in the ass.”
Serhan grunted again. “I thought as much.  Set down what you’ve got.  The two of you step back and get ready.”
Achard wasted no time getting in position and brandishing his spear, white light coating it as he drew upon Gungnir’s wellspring of magical energy.  Gerulf’s body was rigid as he did the same.
“I won’t outright forbid anything, but don’t overdo it.  I didn’t teach you to be murderers.  Begin.”
Gerulf leapt aside as Achard thrust at him.  A pinpoint shockwave flew from the weapon’s tip, blasting a hole in the wall.  He tried not to think of the destructive power he was dealing with, instead focusing on the flow of his and Gungnir’s energy, directing a bit more than usual to linger in his feet.  Achard thrust again, so Gerulf dodged again. With a yell, the taller man rushed forward, and Gerulf jumped away as he unleashed a flurry of blows.
“Is dodging all you’re good at?” Achard said.  “Draw this out all you want!  No way am I losing a battle of stamina!”
Gerulf realized he was now teetering on the edge of a magma duct.  Achard moved to strike a finishing blow, but Gerulf leapt up and over his spear, realizing his opponent would take a second to regain his own balance.  Gerulf aimed his spear…but then spun, kicking Achard in the face instead.  As Achard stumbled back, Gerulf landed and moved to a safer location.
“Huh…lucky hit,” Achard said.  “Won’t happen again!”
Achard sprang into the air, falling spear-first towards Gerulf.  The maneuver was easy enough to dodge, but when Achard’s spear pierced the ground, energy pulsed out from it, blasting away some of the rock and surprising Gerulf.  Achard stepped forward and swung his spear in a wide overhead arc, now topped with a rectangular chunk of stone.  Gerulf only narrowly avoided the makeshift hammer, the head bursting apart and spraying him with stone shrapnel; Achard pressed his advantage, and after keeping Gerulf on his toes with a few spear thrusts, followed one immediately with a punch that sent Gerulf sprawling.
Achard lunged.  Gerulf suffered a grazing blow as he scrambled to his feet, but thankfully it only hit his armor.  He made ready to attack, so Achard hovered at the edge of his range, keeping his own weapon ready.  Pointing his spear, Gerulf shouted.  The head of the weapon lit up, and the spear surged forward under its own power, dragging Gerulf along behind it.  Achard sidestepped and retaliated.  Thinking quickly, Gerulf ducked and swept one leg out, successfully tripping up Achard just as his spear began to slow.  Gerulf turned to see Achard’s exposed back, but instead of attacking, he created more distance between them.  Achard came up fuming.
“Damn you!  Annoying little…you won’t even take advantage?  Are you insulting me?!”
“N-No, not at all!” Gerulf said.  “I simply…I mean, you’re not…”
The aura around his spear flaring higher, Achard shouted, “Spit it out!”
“You…you don’t have armor!  If I’m not careful, I could seriously injure you…is all…”
Achard could only gape at this.  Serhan stroked his beard, murmuring to himself, “So that’s what you’re afraid of. Now I get it.”
Grinding his teeth against each other, Achard said, “You…don’t you dare pity me!  I can sure as hell take a hit from a wimp like you!”
He hurled his spear upward, it transforming into a bolt of energy until it impacted with the ceiling.  Willing the weapon to teleport back to his hand, Achard advanced as stalactites loosed from the cavern roof began to fall at random, bearing down on Gerulf with deadly focus.  Put into a panic, Gerulf acted on instinct, running away from Achard while deftly dodging any stalactite headed his way.  Achard eventually drove him into a narrow space between two magma flows, pausing for just a moment to channel even more power to make the finishing blow. At the same time, Gerulf realized he had no room to dodge the next stalactite falling towards him.  With no other choice, Gerulf dug his heels in—he gripped his spear with both hands, and with all his strength, thrust it up at the falling rubble, hitting it dead on its point and splitting it neatly in two. One half fell into the magma behind him, and the other fell towards an Achard in mid-thrust.  The taller student was struck by the debris, losing his wits all at once, and stumbled back towards the magma.
Serhan prepared to act.  However, he didn’t need to.  Gerulf jolted forward, plunging his spear into the bank of the river, and yelled. With a tremendous flash of light, a new trench was blown into existence perpendicular to the existing one, disrupting the lava flow just long enough for Achard to safely land in the recession and roll clear.  Gerulf dropped to his knees with a long sigh.
“…Hm,” Serhan said.  He popped one shoulder, knocking his staff into the air where he could snatch it up, and then dismounted his seat and approached his students.  “Interesting.”
Achard put a hand to his head as he sat up.  Looking around, he said, “What…how did this happen…?”
Gerulf got back on his feet.  Examining the new results of his handiwork more closely, Serhan said, “A lot of power you called on just now.”
“I…well, I really just acted on reflex,” Gerulf said between pants.
“Doesn’t matter.  I’ve seen what I need to see.”
Serhan began to walk back.  Climbing out of the trench, Achard said, “Hang on!  I’m not done yet!”
“No. You’re not.”  Coming to a stop behind the anvil, Serhan again faced his students.  “Achard. You can use Gungnir’s power easily, but you still don’t know how to use it properly.  You’ll be taking another course.”
Achard’s eyes shot wide.
“Gerulf.  Truth is, your position isn’t all that different.”
Gerulf hung his head.
“However.  Your problem is that you lack conviction.  I don’t think there’s any more I can do to teach you that…but carrying out your duty ought to do it.”
Looking back up, Gerulf said, “Master?”
Serhan beckoned.  “Come here. It’s time for you to forge your own spear.”
Gerulf’s eyes widened, yet he still didn’t see Achard storm off.  Serhan tossed Gerulf the sack of ore he had gathered and gestured to a mold laying near the furnace.  Still in a surreal haze, Gerulf crossed the chamber and emptied the bag into the indented metal, only coming to as he carefully lifted the mold onto the metal rack reaching out from the furnace’s maw.  He turned towards the tools to find Serhan already passing him a long pair of tongs.  Gerulf pushed the mold into the flame, closed the window, and then waited.
“Master,” Gerulf said, “I—”
“No,” Serhan interrupted.  “Focus. You’ll know when the time is right.”
Gerulf watched the furnace in silence.  Eventually, after only a moment’s hesitation, he uncovered the window and reached in with the tongs, retrieving the mold from the fiery depths to find it now filled with molten metal.
“There,” Serhan said, pointing to a slotted section of the rack.
Once Gerulf fit the mold into it, Serhan detached the segment of rack, its wheeled legs squeaking as it was pulled a short distance away from the furnace. Serhan then pointed his staff at the ceiling, where Gerulf now noticed an odd carving; suddenly, Serhan’s staff lit up and extended into an impossibly long pike, puncturing the carving, and after giving it a turn, Serhan willed it to retract and take the chunk of ceiling with it.  Water poured from the hole, dousing the mold and unleashing a monstrous cloud of steam. Extending his staff once again, Serhan plugged the opening, and then faced Gerulf and gestured toward the anvil.
“Take a hammer,” Serhan said as Gerulf moved the spear.  “Call upon Gungnir, but focus its power farther than before. Don’t stop at the hammer—pour it into the spear.”
Gerulf held the tongs in one hand, keeping the spear steady, while raising the hammer with his other.  He took a few seconds to focus Gungnir’s magic, and when he was ready, he struck the spearhead with the bludgeon, releasing a shower of white sparks with a thunderous clanging that shocked him.
Furrowing his brow, Gerulf breathed deeply and swung again.  More noise, more sparks.  This time light surged down the length of the spear.  He struck it again, and again, and again, infusing more and more of Gungnir’s primordial magic into his work.  The spear was beginning to change shape: no longer was it the simple form the mold had been carved into, but now a thick-shafted weapon with an aerodynamic, almost star-shaped head with two long, thin tails that spiraled three times around the shaft before terminating.  When he delivered the final strike, Gerulf felt all his breath leave him at once. The spear glowed white-hot, a hypnotic shine in which Gerulf saw his own soul reflected.  Not stopping to think, he dropped his tools, reached out, and took hold of the spear—instantly, the heat and light burst out from the weapon, rendering it cool to the touch.
A smile could be seen within Serhan’s beard.  “Well done, Gerulf.  Now, name it.”
Over the years, Gerulf had wondered many times what to name his spear if he ever completed his training.  But now, holding it aloft in his hand, he somehow knew exactly what this weapon’s name was.  “Heliacal Asterism.”
Serhan nodded.  “A fine name for a fine weapon.”
Gerulf lowered the spear and turned back to Serhan.  With a bow, he said, “Thank you for everything, Master.  I am forever in your debt.”
“Just remember what I’ve taught you.  Find your conviction.  I’ll summon a boat to take you back to Pleiades first thing tomorrow.”
Gerulf nodded and headed back for the staircase, marveling at Heliacal Asterism as he went.  It slowly sank in that finally he was headed home, and when he arrived, he would begin an even greater task laid before him by Celestial Zempyst herself.  His next few steps were stilted.
I must not hesitate. If I am the only one who can protect the Sister of the Southeast, then I must work as hard as possible.  No one will suffer from my inaction ever again.
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart S2 ep 7
Matters of the heart Season 2 Episode 7 How the tides turn Special thanks to @1a-lchemist for help with the Romanian {OPENING CREDITS} {Zapada comes down the stairs to see Isaiah sewing something} Zapada: Copilul meu? Isaiah: Oh! Good morning Zapada! Zapada: what happens here? Isaiah: oh, I’m sewing something for my baby brother or sister! Zapada: May I see? {Isaiah holds up a tiny red bear with jingle bells attached to the limbs} Zapada: Ohhh! Isaiah! That is so…*sobs* Isaiah:...Zapada? {Zapada pulls him into a tight hug} Isaiah: ACK! Zapada: Copilul meu dulce! {Varian walks in with a cup of tea but stops when he sees them} Isaiah: Dad! Wait! Save me! {Varian sneaks back out} Isaiah: Ah!..W-wait!...no! You traitor!! {Varian smirks and goes to walk away when a villager runs through the front door; Varian drops his teacup and Zapada and Isaiah are immediately at attention} Villager: Varian! Sir! Message from the King and Queen! Varian: What’s wrong? Villager: The cult made an unprovoked attack on a neighboring kingdom! Multiple casualties, homes destroyed and crops burnt… {Isaiah gasps and Varian covers his mouth in horror} Varian: a-anything else? Villager: The King and Queen are going with a small group to help aid the survivors. The Queen requests the Royal engineer’s attendance. Varian: Understood. Tell Rapunzel I’m on my way. Villager: As you wish sir. The group will leave at noon. {The villager leaves and Varian hurries over to his desk and begins packing a satchel; Zapada walks over to him} Zapada: Varian? Varian: I don’t understand...they’ve never made an unprovoked attack before… {She takes his hand} Zapada: are you alright? Varian:...I’m...I’m fine…*he brushes her cheek*...I’m just confused and I feel like I could have prevented this... Zapada: Perhaps we have answers when we get there? Varian: We? Zapada: Isaiah and I are going with you! Varian: Zapada no! You’re too heavy with child! I won’t risk losing all of you. Zapada:  Varian! Te iubesc, dar oprește această protejare obsesivă stupidă sau te voi sugruma până la ultima răsuflare!
{Isaiah looks on shocked and Varian shrinks back} Varian: I...Have no idea what you just said but I feel like I should fear for my life... Isaiah: Dad please let the severely hormonal albino lady go with you...I don’t wanna die. Varian: *sigh*....fine Zapada: good...I go pack my saddlebag… {She walks away; Varian slumps against his work bench} Varian:....Get married dad said...it’ll be fun dad said...ugh. {Cut to the forest with Noremoth sitting in a tree with Catalina} Catalina: haha! Stop it! Noremoth: and why would I do that? You make the funniest face! Boop the nose! Catalina: haha...I can’t believe your mission is almost over… Noremoth: yeah… Catalina: You’re gonna come back sometime right? You’re super fun to hang out with… Noremoth:...*sad smile*...Yeah...I’ll be coming back. Keira: Hey love birds! Catalina: Keira! Stop calling us that! We’re not “love birds”! Keira: Whatever, Eugene and Rapunzel need us… Catalina: what for? Keira: that cult attacked another kingdom last night. {Noremoth jumps down} Noremoth: WHAT!? Catalina: You know about them? Noremoth:....yeah… I heard of them...I have to go… {Noremoth runs over and mounts his horse} Noremoth: Catalina it was lovely to meet you...Keira...bye…. {He gallops off; cut to Isaiah on a horse looking conflicted and Eugene notices and rides up next to him} Eugene: Hey kiddo. You alright? Isaiah: yeah...just...I kinda feel like this is my fault. Eugene: W-what? How? Isaiah: I made the cult mad cause I attacked miss Cass...and then she attacked me and now I have some of her power. And...now they’re attacking innocent people and it’s all because they want the moonstone sliver! {Pink magic crackles around him} Eugene: Hey easy buddy...deep breaths okay? Isaiah: sorry… Eugene: it’s not your fault..these people are...unstable...they’re crazy with anger and I bet half of them aren’t even angry they just are cruel and bloodthirsty. Isaiah: Then how do we stop them? {Rapunzel rides up} Rapunzel: With Corona spirit! Eugene: Sunshine! Rapunzel: We’ll all get through this...it may seem bleak and hopeless at times but as long as we have each other and keep the faith we’ll make it through. {Isaiah smiles at her} Eugene: Oh my god… {Isaiah looks and gasps in horror as they ride up to the kingdom; in the distance, Noremoth rides over a hill and sees the carnage and looks shellshocked; the place is practically burnt to the ground with people trying to dig through the remains and set things back in place} Varian:...They’ve never gone this far. Rapunzel:...Varian go with Eugene and help make plans to rebuild, Angry and Catalina look for survivors, Zapada and Isaiah you can help the wounded, I’m going to go find the leader here and get what happened. All: Yes you’re majesty… {Everyone goes to do their respective jobs and of in the background Noremoth skulks in the shadows looking at the destruction in utter horror} Noremoth:...I don’t understand...why did they…? {He steps on something and it crunches; he lifts his foot and picks up a singed toy wooden horse; his eyes widen and he drops it and covers his mouth as he runs over to a wall and gags; after a few moments he just rubs his head against the stone wall} {begin song “fighting”} {NOREMOTH} So many things happen in a year
But mostly bloodshed paints all my time I watch eyes fill with fear So many things in my life I regret but still I’m fighting So many days I wondered “was my birth a crime?” But as I grew I realized my only crime
Was being an orphan! “A drain on society” “a filthy pest” Well maybe now they’ll feel Remorseful.  As I run my sword through their chest So many times I wonder is it worth it? To keep on going or to give up and die. My existence until now had no meaning. So why? Why do I keep Fighting!? I see the destruction that I cause and kills me It kills me deep inside. I hear children cry the same cry I did I wish to help but my hands are tied I ask in my mind that they forgive me. So why? Why do I keep fighting? Oh, why? I’m fighting… But why...do I still fight?
{End song with Noremoth wiping his tears and overhearing talking and he lurks closer in the shadows to evesdrop} Kingdom leader: It was just terrible you’re majesty...we stood no chance… Rapunzel: Just take a breath and try to explain it. Kingdom leader: Well they came in the middle of the night... none of us were expecting them.  they were like animals.  setting fire to everything, pillaging,  they killed a great many of us,  but I know what they mainly wanted, they broke into the treasury of our kingdom... they took so much I fear for my people… there was one woman who I assume is the leader once she had what she needed from our Treasury she told her band to retreat... but by then... the damage has already been done. {Noremoth growls with anger and slinks away} Rapunzel: I assure you Corona will do whatever they can to help this Kingdom get back on their feet… Kingdom leader: Thank you, your majesty… {Cut to evening and Isaiah walks over to a basin and washes blood from his hands with a sigh} Varian: Hey buddy… Isaiah: Dad… {Isaiah hugs Varian and snuggles into his torso} Varian: Rough day? Isaiah: a lot of these people are really hurt...Dad, why are people so mean? Varian:...That...That’s a good question, buddy. And unfortunately, I don't think anyone will ever have the answer to that one. {Zapada walks over} Zapada: Isaiah was quite the little helper today... he helps me tend a lot of burns and cuts today. He’s a little hero. Varian:  tell me something I don't already know. {Isaiah smiles and suddenly Zapada jumps and grabs her stomach} Zapada: Oh! Varian: Zapada!? Are you alright!? Zapada: I’m fine!...little one is kicking me!..wanna feel? {Isaiah nods and gently puts his hand on her stomach} Isaiah: ….wow...hi there!... Varian: we still need to decide on a name… Zapada: we said Clover for girl...we need boy name. Isaiah: I got one! Varian: Oh ho...really? Let’s hear it. Isaiah: Sterling! Zapada: Sterling? Varian: Like sterling silver? Pfft.. {Zapada smacks his vest} Varian: OW! Zapada: act nice! Isaiah: *laughs* {Cut to the Cult HQ where Larkspur sits drinking from a goblet; Noremoth then storms in and walks up to her} Noremoth: YOU HEARTLESS WENCH! Larkspur: Well you're back... how was your mission did you learn any valuable information? Noremoth: Yeah I learned your backstabbing cutthroat! Larkspur: oh am I now? Noremoth:  you knew I would never agree with a plan to pillage and commit genocide Larkspur:  I wouldn't call what we did “genocide”. {Noremoth slaps the drink from her hand} Noremoth:  what would you call it then!?  did you even see what you left behind!?  both men, women, and children slaughtered like pigs!  when I joined this movement I joined because I too wanted to see a new world order and I also wanted Corona to pay for what they did to me.  I did not join to slaughter countless innocent civilians.  do we even need the money you stole!?   or was this just a little fun Rendezvous for you!? Larkspur: you know how the men can get...they tend to get a little tense when they haven't battled something in a while.  and our vessel did need the exercise. I needed to make sure her powers were still at full potential.  well potential enough without the moonstone that is. Noremoth:  this is not what we originally stood for. Larkspur: is that so?  and pray tell how do you plan to fix it in your little mind? {Noremoth unsheathes his swords} Noremoth:  it's time we got back on track. Larkspur:... are you truly sure you want this, Norie? {Noremoth swings his sword at her and she blocks it with her dagger} Larkspur:  you filthy bugger… {Larkspur shoves him away and they circle one another} Larkspur: who would have thought this is how it ends? you know I did like you, Noremoth. Noremoth:  no you didn't…. {she shoots some throwing knives at him; he deflects them with his sword and charges her; Cassandra hears the fighting from her cell} Cassandra: What the hell? Larkspur: Urgh! Noremoth:  you know I always wondered why you never listen to me but now that I'm fighting you I think I finally understand. Larkspur:  oh really? Noremoth:  your pathetic little girl who's had nothing go right for her in life.  what's wrong mommy and daddy didn't love you enough? {Larkspur charges with a scream and swings down at him; they lock swords} Noremoth: admit it I'm right! aren't I!?  you're pathetic and scared, and were pushed around all your life!  you put on this front acting like you care but in reality, you don't care at all you just want everyone to suffer under your thumb for the crappy hand you were dealt!  you're no better than a whiney child! {Larkspur punches him and Noremoth falls back on the ground; Larkspur goes to jump on him with a knife and cuts his arm but he kicks up and flips her over; Larkspur lands harshly on the ground} Larkspur: AUGH! {Noremoth gets up and points his sword at her and wipes the blood from his lip} Noremoth:  as I said before...  pathetic. you don't even know how to fight. Larkspur: ….. that maybe but I do have one thing that you will never have… Noremoth:  and that is? {suddenly swords are at his throat with cult members surrounding him} Larkspur:  I have faithful followers… Cult member 1:  what should we do with him, Mistress? Larkspur: Throw him in the dankest little cell that we have here... and let him rot for the time being... I'll figure out what to do with him eventually… Cult member 1:  yes mistress… {The grab Noremoth and drag him away} Larkspur: Buh-bye Norie… {He’s taken to a cell and harshly thrown in; Cassandra looks up and sees him in the cell across from her; Noremoth groans and clutches his injured arm; Cassandra tears part of her clothes} Noremoth: Urgh!... Cassandra: Hey!... {Noremoth looks up and sees her toss some bread with a cloth wrapped around it to his cell} Cassandra: tie the cloth around your arm tightly... it'll stop the bleeding.  and I was saving that bread but you can have it… Noremoth: ...Thank you… {END CREDITS}
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #198 & #199
Mon Aug 26 2019 [12:46 AM] Wack'd: It probably bares pointing out that this story is being billed as "The Greatest F.F. Epic of All!". I disagree [12:46 AM] maxwellelvis: I thought that kind of hyperbole on the covers died out with the Silver Age [12:46 AM] Bocaj: I wonder what the greatest FF epic of all is [12:47 AM] Wack'd: Thus far I'm not sure anything's topped the Lee/Kirby epic of the Four being trapped in Latveria, if only for its sheer manic energy as it ping-pongs wildly from one twist to the next, only to end on a shaggy dog note when Doom gets bored and lets them leave [12:47 AM] maxwellelvis: Some people would argue it's the original Galactus Trilogy. [12:48 AM] Wack'd: I mean. If you define "epic" as "more than two issues". Otherwise it's probably the Thomas/Conway/Buscema one where a janitor gets a sentient cosmic cube to turn the world into a bonkers 50s mashup [12:48 AM] Wack'd: Isn't Galactus just 49-50? Otherwise I guess you could include that [12:48 AM] maxwellelvis: Man, that story got kinda last-episode-of-The Prisoner-y in the middle when they're both captured. [12:49 AM] maxwellelvis: People count the Silver Surfer stuff in #48 as part of it. [12:49 AM] Wack'd: That's probably fair [12:49 AM] Wack'd: Anyway! Reed has the Pogo Plane and is going to get Doctor Doom [12:50 AM] Wack'd: Weirdly, he figured this out because only Doom could've designed all the neat stuff he saw at his new job, funded the rocket that got him his powers back, and captured his friends so easily [12:50 AM] Wack'd: And not because his boss is the spitting image of his old college roommate [12:51 AM] Wack'd: Seriously there's one bit where it looks like Reed might recognize Son of Doom and instead it's like "that face? where have I seen that face?" [12:51 AM] maxwellelvis: How could he know what Victor Von Doom looks like? WE barely see his face even in flashback. [12:51 AM] maxwellelvis: I just assume he always has a shadow around that he lurks in. [12:51 AM] Wack'd: Pffft [12:52 AM] maxwellelvis: Like, from what I remember from his origin story, we see his face when we see him as a boy, but as he grows to college-age, his back is turned to us or his face is obscured more. [12:52 AM] Wack'd: The Four have left Latveria alive. Numerous times. But okay.
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[12:53 AM] maxwellelvis: When did Doom start hiring goons? I thought his only human employee was Boris. [12:53 AM] Wack'd: We've seen him have human goons numerous times! [12:53 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh [12:53 AM] Wack'd: Just last issue a human goon he had in the 60s came back! I made a joke about what a ridiculous continuity pull it was and everything! [12:54 AM] maxwellelvis: Right [12:54 AM] Wack'd: Okay this feels like a little much but I'm sure everyone will forget he could do this soon enough
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[12:54 AM] maxwellelvis: It's just weird because I'm used to him having an army of robotic henchmen, aside from the Doombots even. [12:54 AM] Wack'd: He does run a country. It'd be weird if there were no federal jobs [12:55 AM] maxwellelvis: These guys, to be specific. His Servo-Guards. [12:55 AM] Wack'd: I never said he didn't have robots
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[12:56 AM] Wack'd: Man, those are some Tony Stark lookin' goons [12:56 AM] maxwellelvis: Wow, they look way less efficient than the Servo-Guards. [12:57 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Reed tries to rewire one of the robots and as a safeguard it explodes, knocking him unconscious and into a nearby lake [12:57 AM] Wack'd: Yeah, Reed's gonna die less than halfway through the issue, I buy this
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[12:58 AM] Wack'd: "Face down in the water." Keith Pollard wins yet another art award [12:59 AM] maxwellelvis: Don't they write the scripts after the art is drawn? [12:59 AM] maxwellelvis: This could be on Marv's head. [01:00 AM] Wack'd: To the extent that this wasn't a myth perpetuated to justify Stan's writing credit, it was dying out by the 80s as comics became more of an auteur medium [01:00 AM] maxwellelvis: Ahh [01:00 AM] Wack'd: So possible, but unlikely [01:00 AM] Wack'd: Last time Doom was thwarted when someone pointed out he probably didn't want to destroy all the historical artifacts in the building so he's learned literally nothing. Very in character for him
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[01:01 AM] maxwellelvis: This is the same guy who burned an original Renoir because he didn't like looking at it. [01:02 AM] Wack'd: Also apparently the statue Alicia's sculpting is "a gift to the UN when they vote not to condemn Latveria for its...more aggressive policies" [01:02 AM] Wack'd: Presumably also why Doom's "stepping down"--makes him look good in the run-up to the vote [01:03 AM] Wack'd: Little does he know the UN has no power and any condemnation they issue is basically just to make themselves look good! A rare day one manages to get one over on Doom [01:04 AM] Wack'd: Doom's also convinced the spaceship explosion killed Reed. For some reason. Even Sue has to point out that's a really dumb assumption [01:05 AM] Wack'd: Love me a good "Ben doesn't know when to quit" moment
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[01:08 AM] Wack'd: Love a resistance. Don't love that they're big into hereditary monarchy
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[01:08 AM] maxwellelvis: Especially because the guy Doom overthrew was a genocidal monster. [01:09 AM] maxwellelvis: Or maybe Doom just does that thing were every Latverian nobleman he undermined and disposed of, in his mind, he always saw the face of the man who killed his father. [01:09 AM] maxwellelvis: Y'know, like Batman. [01:10 AM] Wack'd: Possibly. Marvel Wiki says Rudolpho appeared in person occasionally through the 70s but doesn't mention anything about him being the guy who killed Doom Daddy [01:10 AM] maxwellelvis: I didn't mean to imply that. [01:11 AM] maxwellelvis: But Doom IS the kind of guy who would probably hold him just as accountable as that man was. [01:11 AM] Wack'd: Fair [01:12 AM] Wack'd: So we get to see a bit of the statue carving and the back of Doom's head looks like he's melting and Ben says he "has a puss that makes mine look like Robbie Redford's" [01:12 AM] Bocaj: I wonder if Doom will ever do a T'Challa and make Latveria a democracy so he doesn't have to put in the hours anymore [01:12 AM] maxwellelvis: Never [01:12 AM] Wack'd: Is basically every interesting or sympathetic aspect of this guy besides his origin a massive retcon [01:12 AM] Bocaj: Historically, Doom has walked away from ruling the world at least once because he found it tedious [01:12 AM] maxwellelvis: He loves being in charge [01:12 AM] Wack'd: I'm starting to feel like it id [01:13 AM] maxwellelvis: That sounds more like he didn't realize how much work the entire world would be compared to Latveria. [01:13 AM] Wack'd: So Son of Doom shows up and is like "it's time for the transference" [01:13 AM] Wack'd: I feel like we can all see where this is going [01:13 AM] Bocaj: Whats funny is that I think Doom keeps trying to conquer the world after the Emperor Doom story [01:14 AM] Bocaj: I guess wanting is better than having [01:14 AM] maxwellelvis: He's transferring his mind into his son's body, isn't he? [01:14 AM] Bocaj: He also definitely had some airs of ennui during God Emperor Doom in Secret Wars [01:14 AM] Wack'd: I also guessed this but apparently not [01:14 AM] Wack'd:
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[01:15 AM] Wack'd: He's gonna give Son of Doom all the Four's powers [01:15 AM] maxwellelvis: Ah [01:15 AM] Wack'd: Minus one [01:16 AM] Wack'd: hahahahaha
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[01:16 AM] Wack'd: This is basically a Superdictionary entry [01:16 AM] Bocaj: HAY THAT MACHINE [01:16 AM] Bocaj: THAT’S THE SAME MACHINE HE USED AS A SKRULL DETECTOR IN AVENGERS EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES [01:17 AM] Bocaj: "It does more than one thing. SHUT UP!" [01:17 AM] Wack'd: Huh! [01:17 AM] Wack'd: Deep cut! [01:18 AM] Wack'd: Love me some casual mook dialogue
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[01:18 AM] Wack'd: God so much of this issue is just letting Reed show off [01:19 AM] Wack'd: "How will we climb this mountain?" "I'm a rope now!" "How will we hide from this drone?" "I'll make myself look like part of the mountainside!" "How will we cross this moat?" "I'm a bridge now!" [01:20 AM] Bocaj: So him giving Reed his powers back is thus implied to be not about Doom's self-serving definition of a fair fight but to fill that fourth bubble? [01:20 AM] Wack'd: Probably yeah [01:21 AM] Wack'd: Marv Wolfman: Should I pace this slower so that everyone that's been complaining about Reed not stretching has time to nut? [01:22 AM] Bocaj: pfft [01:22 AM] Wack'd: I fucking love these two
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[01:24 AM] Wack'd: I would watch a sitcom about these people [01:25 AM] Wack'd: ...weren't you trying to put a king back on the throne?!?
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[01:25 AM] Bocaj: Maybe they don't know what democracy means [01:26 AM] Wack'd: Latveria doesn't seem to have a robust education system [01:27 AM] Bocaj: But they do have a robot education system [01:27 AM] Bocaj: Every latverian schoolchild is taught how to make a Doombot [01:27 AM] Wack'd: So all of the rebels but the main one get trapped between sliding doors and gassed, thus massively simplifying the plot [01:28 AM] Wack'd: Zorba is distressed his men might be dead but Reed reassures him they can still win, which I'm sure was his main concern [01:29 AM] Wack'd: So it turns out Hauptmann is the brother of the original Hauptmann, who died in that Latveria epic [01:29 AM] Wack'd: I forgot [01:29 AM] Wack'd: He's totally on board with overthrowing Doom since his brother...was killed by Doom? Died on Doom's watch if nothing else. [01:30 AM] Wack'd: FINAL SHOWDOWN TIME [01:31 AM] Wack'd: I like that Doom assumes this was a clever ruse on Reed's part and that he did not, in fact, almost die
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[01:31 AM] Wack'd: Anyway not final showdown time I guess! Cliffhanger time!
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[01:32 AM] Wack'd: Boy the "soul-shattering secret" thing kinda makes me wish I hadn't looked him up
Mon Aug 26 2019 [01:32 AM] Wack'd: FANTASTIC FOUR VOL 1 NO 199: [01:34 AM] Wack'd: I like that Doom plays the piano. That it's just a thing he does and incorporates into his plans just because he likes it.  It's a nice little thing
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[01:34 AM] maxwellelvis: That's an organ setup [01:34 AM] maxwellelvis: Just as cliche and ten times as bombastic [01:34 AM] maxwellelvis: Which suits Victor [01:36 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Zorbo is...back outside, now? And he's leading a mob? [01:37 AM] Wack'd: Doom tries to fire on them with his suit weapons but the entire mob pulls out guns and draw on him [01:37 AM] Bocaj: Normal guns? A trifle for one such as VICTOR VON DOOOOOM [01:38 AM] Wack'd: You'd think [01:38 AM] Wack'd: But he backs down and redoubles on his promise to retire [01:38 AM] Wack'd: The mob has formed, essentially, because they don't believe him [01:39 AM] Bocaj: Do they know his plan to put his son on the throne? [01:39 AM] Wack'd: Yes [01:39 AM] Wack'd: Zorbo is threatening to expose the "dark secret" behind Son of Doom [01:39 AM] Bocaj: So they're fine with that but they just don't believe Doom is really retiring? [01:40 AM] Wack'd: Well, they don't know what it is yet [01:40 AM] Wack'd: Zorbo is keeping us them in suspense [01:41 AM] Wack'd: stupid 👏🏼 baby 👏🏼 word 👏🏼 games
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[01:43 AM] Wack'd: So apparently UN is threatening to expel Latveria [01:43 AM] Wack'd: This is a weird set of circumstances to slowly unfold over the course of the story but I'm digging it [01:44 AM] Wack'd: Meanwhile: Reed punches out of his sphere and frees the others while Doom is distracted with statue stuff [01:45 AM] Bocaj: Ego is his downfall as happens [01:46 AM] Wack'd: I hadn't thought about it until now but it's very interesting to me that this arc ends not with Reed learning to value his other virtues in lieu of his powers (before of course getting them back) but with him completely forgetting his midlife crisis and reforming the team
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[01:47 AM] Wack'd: Like in modern comics there'd be some kind of character beat before the big return but nah, Reed can stretch again! All problems are solved forever! [01:49 AM] Wack'd: Anyway they fight some mooks, dodge some lasers, the usual, before reaching Doom. And Alicia, who is being threatened with a dislocated finger
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[01:50 AM] Wack'd: So naturally the Four surrender [01:50 AM] Wack'd: Doom's speech here has big Mother Gothel energy
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[01:51 AM] Wack'd: Zorbo frees the Four and Alicia. Quick turnaround time, but then the arc is ending [01:52 AM] Wack'd: The Four show up, reveal Son of Doom as a clone, fight fight fight [01:53 AM] Wack'd: ...huh. Did not see this coming
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[01:54 AM] Wack'd: So anyway Son of Doom declares he has no interest in his dad's petty cruelty and thirst for revenge, and the two duke it out [01:55 AM] Wack'd: It's...pretty cool
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[01:56 AM] Wack'd:
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[01:56 AM] maxwellelvis: I don't think I've ever seen Doom have a breakdown like this before. [01:56 AM] Bocaj: "Learn some self-care, Doom!" "NEVER" [01:57 AM] Wack'd: As with the thing with Agatha and Nick Scratch I kinda wish the hammer had dropped sooner so we had more room to explore this dynamic [01:58 AM] Wack'd: But we definitely get some good mileage out of it in the final moments
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scarletroseofrwby · 5 years
TCSE AU Chapter 15:
Ruby had rushed back to the dorm room as soon as that moment had ended. Yang followed in pursuit right after giving Blake a peck on the lips. Their relationship had just been founded, and Yang was very accepting of the fact that Blake had been a Faunus. And though she was completely ecstatic with her new relationship, she had to stay focused and help Ruby. Ruby needed as much support as Yang could provide, and Yang did not plan on failing to deliver.
But the first order of business was what happened in the ballroom.
“Ruby, what happened in there? That was your chance!” Yang immediately pointed out as soon as the dorm door closed.
“I couldn’t do it! Not like that!” Ruby ripped the mask off and pulled out her pony tail. “If I’m gonna kiss her, it has to be honest! No masks, no hiding! She didn’t even know it was me!”
Yang stared blankly. “Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.” Ruby groaned in frustration. She wanted so badly to kiss Weiss, but Weiss wouldn’t have known. Ruby could tell her, but if Weiss didn’t feel the same...
“Hey, Sis, it’s okay,” Yang placed both her hands on her sister’s shoulders and caringly looked into silver eyes. “I’m not mad. I understand that you want your feelings to be honest.”
The two girls checked the clock that sat on the bookshelf by the beds. It read 9:46 pm, which meant there were still less than fifteen minutes before the dance ended and a little under an hour before the delayed curfew would settle in.
“How’d it go with Blake?” Ruby asked as she undid her tie.
“She--I mean--just...wow I have no words. Like she told me she was a Faunus, and I felt like I should’ve been surprised, but I wasn’t. Her ears made her even more attractive. And now we’re girlfriends! Agh, I can’t even describe how it felt! How it feels!”
“Yeah, I could only imagine,” Ruby said, trying to be supportive of her sister.
“Oh...I’m sorry, Rubes. I wasn’t being sensitive of you, I’m really sorry.”
Immediately, Ruby shook her head and smiled. “Oh no, don’t be. I was the one who asked, don’t feel bad.”
Ruby had proceeded to change from her formal wear to something more comfortable and suitable for outdoors. She wore her leather jacket once again, her red t-shirt from earlier, her black jeans, but instead of Converse, she chose her black leather boots. It’d be more painful for Neptune when she kicks him, especially with the solid half-inch heel on the boot.
Now all she could do was wait. The anticipation of something to happen--anything to happen between those two--was killing her. She wanted to go now, she needed to leave, but her fear of hurting Weiss more than Neptune could had held her back.
Those fears had left as soon as 10:30 was displayed on the clock and her scroll. Curfew was in, and Weiss wasn’t back. The seconds turned to minutes, and by the time it was 10:34, Ruby had felt a small pain crushing her wrist. She rolled up her sleeve and saw a bright silver mark in the shape of a hand wrap around her right wrist.
Suddenly, she felt a pang against her back and her shoulders, the wrist pains worsening as both arms were now subjected to this agony. Ruby felt a slap to the face, more pangs and silver marks appearing all over her body. That’s when she realized--
Weiss was fighting him.
Ruby grabbed her helmet, stopping an inch short of the door when Yang called out to her.
“You were really right about him,” Yang said quietly, “weren’t you?”
The young girl didn’t respond directly, only giving an empathetic frown before leaving. She ran as fast as she could through the halls, the silver marks hurting badly as she could feel the tight grasps on her arms and legs. Weiss was doing a remarkable job of fighting back for so long.
Taking out her scroll while running, Ruby tried to reach Weiss. The phone picked up, but she hadn’t expected to hear a different voice on the line.
“Hello?” Ruby spoke.
“Rubes, Weiss left her scroll here! You need to hurry! Go save her, Ruby! She needs you!”
“Will do, Sis.”
Another call was coming in, it was a group call from several of her helpers.
“Ruby, it’s happening! You’re on your way, right?” The voice belonged to Blake.
“I’m on it, I’m already in Beacon’s main clearing.”
Nora’s voice came through next. “WE BELIEVE IN YOU RUBY!!! KICK WATER BOI’S ASS!!”
“We’ll all take our leave and let you settle it once you get there. Good luck, Ruby.” Ren’s calm voice was reassuring to Ruby.
Ruby hung up and ran faster outside, rushing past a few students and to her motorbike. She put on her helmet and turned the key, revving up the vehicle and rolling out immediately.
There was barely any traffic to beat, which Ruby was grateful for. The stop signs were all green, not a single red light in sight. Speeding was the least of her cares right now, the pain intensifying throughout her body. Weiss was getting slammed into walls and the floor.
I need to hurry. I need to hurry. I need to hurry.
Hoping her semblance would help somehow, she tried to boost herself even more. Rose petals flew behind as she revved the bike up even more.
She needs you, Ruby! You need to hurry, you need to hurry, you need to--
A high-pitched scream of agony was released. It was strained, and it was painful to let out, but Ruby couldn’t bare it. Not again.
Weiss’s torture was beginning.
The piercing pain nearly sent her straight into a tree on the sidewalk. She slid and swerved on the road, desperately trying to get back up and steady herself. The pains below only got worse and worse, the horrible memories returning to her mind, surfacing before her eyes.
She needed to shake them off, shake them out of her head. Now wasn’t the time for this, bu the torture was making the task at hand very difficult to focus on.
Ruby moved even faster, the apartment building now in her field of vision. As soon as her bike reached the pavement in front of the building, she got off her bike and took out the key, running quickly inside. From there, she recalled the apartment room she was told and rushed to the stairwell.
Honestly, what kind of a fancy-shmancy apartment doesn’t have a frickin’ elevator?!
The steps kept coming and coming, but she still had plenty of her aura left to supply her semblance. Calling upon it, her body moved hastily up the flights with rose petals falling behind her, making it up to the fourth floor in little time.
Running through the halls, she stopped at apartment 406. She could hear her partner’s screams and cries, Neptune obviously not complying to her desperate pleads. Ruby tried to turn the doorknob while ramming into it with her shoulder, but the door was locked shut. She removed her helmet and tried to thrust it into the lock, but to no avail. Given no other choice, she raised her foot in means to break the door down. Poising her leg, she impelled it below the doorknob, effectively breaking the lock and opening the door.
She scrambled around the apartment to find Weiss, finding her in the master bedroom with Neptune torturing her. Her clothes were ripped to shreds all over the floor, leaving her stark naked.
Weiss looked to Ruby, shocked to see her there at the entrance of the bedroom. Ruby wasted no time in shoving Neptune off of her, pulling Weiss away from him, being careful not to hurt her too much. She was covered in red marks and a few bruises, but thankfully nothing too serious. Running away from the bedroom, Ruby brought Weiss to the main entrance. The brunette removed her jacket and placed it over Weiss’s shoulders, keeping her close to the door of the apartment.
“Go downstairs as quickly as you can and get on my motorbike. It’s parked right out front, you can’t miss it. Take my scroll and call the police, I’ll be down as soon as I can,” Ruby instructed, handing Weiss her helmet. “You’ll need this too. Now go.”
“But what about y--”
“I’ll be fine, just go!” she barked.
Weiss didn’t hesitate, leaving the room immediately. Ruby made her way back to the bedroom to find Neptune with his weapon in hand. He held the electric trident like a spear, his twisted expression sickening Ruby more and more.
Shit, I should’ve brought my weapon.
“You should’ve minded your own business, Rudy. She was going to be mine and you ruined it!”
Ruby growled at him. “You’re fucking sick! And my name is RUBY!!”
She charged at him with speed, dodging his weapon and jabbing at his ribs. He staggered back, leaping at her to attack again. She dodged, a jab to the liver and an uppercut to the chin.
“That hurt. Shall I return the favor?” Neptune push-kicked Ruby in the stomach, leaving her on her knees.
“Perhaps that match wasn’t enough. Remember when I said no mercy? I’m going to finish you.”
Neptune converted his weapon to range attacks, firing the trigger rapidly at Ruby. Each shot was a small dust crystal piercing into her body. Her aura was already hard at work to replace the damaged cells, effectively healing her wounds. But it was already draining as quickly as the first match.
“You know Weiss always asked me why she had to be so rude to you. It was simply because you were better than her. You’re better than anything she could ever amount to, and as soon as you make your mark on this world or some crap like that, she was scared that she’d get left behind. She figured these things on her own, Rose.”
“No, that’s not true!” Ruby roundhouse kicked the man in the face, knocking him back. “She cares, she admire me! She told me herself at the dance!”
“I had a feeling that was you. She only says that for show, she doesn’t truly care for you. She never will because that’s her family. Her family never cared, therefore she will never care. It’s in her blood.”
“I knew it. You’ve been tricking her. I don’t know how the fuck you did it, but she doesn’t deserve this.”
Neptune cackled, forcefully pinning Ruby to the wall. “Pfft, how would you know what she deserves? Her family is literally the worst of the worst. I only care because they’re rich.” He smiled proudly, his greed disgusting Ruby. “And I can get loaded if I get close enough.”
Ruby didn’t struggle to escape, remaining calm and using the technique Yang had taught her for these situations. She pushed him back and lifted her hands up in a guarding stance.
“I don’t care for her money or her family. I know how her family treats people, the life she had to grow up with, the experiences she never got to have because of them. But I don’t take advantage of that and use it against her, a grave mistake you made.” Ruby elbowed Neptune’s jaw. “Her past is not to be violated. Her heart is not to be shattered. And lastly, her virginity is not to be taken away by some selfish bastard who doesn’t understand anything about women. You and all the rapists are the same.”
The blue-haired man was now fuming, charging at Ruby with his weapon in full form again. He managed a few strikes, missed the majority of them. Eventually he got frustrated and dropped his weapon, going straight at Ruby with raised fists and a poor fighting stance.
“Your fucking idiot ruined everything! I’m going to finish you once and for all!” Neptune landed a devastating blow to Ruby’s stomach, the young girl falling in front of him. She grasped her stomach in pain, hearing the psychotic laughter above her.
“I’m gonna fucking finish you now! I’m gonna kill you, Little Girl!”
Ruby didn’t listen, springing up and head-butting his stomach. She kicked his crotch, leaving him disabled for the next moments, giving her the chance to tie him down with whatever she could manage. Using the blankets on the bed, she wrapped them tightly around Neptune’s arms, getting up to leave him.
“You won’t finish me. Nobody will. Because I am a Rose. And I promised someone to be the greatest huntress in history. And I promised myself that Weiss will be everything she wanted to amount to and more.”
As soon as she stepped foot out of the bedroom, Neptune had gotten back up and jumped out the window, landing on the fire escape balcony, unbinding his arms and escaping.
“Shit!” The word slipped out of Ruby as soon as she realized there was one more thing to still worry about. “Weiss!”
With the remnants of her semblance, she used it to rush down the stairs and to the motorbike. Weiss was sitting there with the helmet on, a great relief to Ruby. Hopping onto the bike, she turned the key and successfully turned on the bike, revving it up once more and riding off as fast as she could. Weiss held her tightly from behind to ensure her safety.
He’s now out there. He could come back for us, for Weiss, and there’s no knowing how long it’ll take before the police get him. We can’t go back to Beacon until we know he’s contained.
Ruby looked around desperately for a place of refuge, anywhere they could take shelter for the next few nights. All she could see were convenience stores, hotels with no vacancy, gas stations, and department stores. None of which were what they needed right now.
Within the next few minutes, Ruby had finally found a vacant hotel. A well-rated hotel, one she had gone to before when her family went on vacation years ago. Valian Suites was the best and only option they had, and probably the only one Ruby could afford at the moment.
 All the others were full thanks to the national holiday weekend. Driving in and parking her bike, she helped Weiss off and carried her in with a piggyback ride. Walking into the lobby of the hotel, she set her partner down in one of the sofas by a fireplace. Weiss had removed the helmet and held it in her lap as she looked around. The hotel was neat and high quality, but definitely not fancy enough to be too pricey (and match Weiss’s standards of a proper hotel). Ruby walked up to the front desk and greeted the young woman working behind the counter.
“Excuse me, do you happen to have any vacant rooms for the next few nights? My partner and I need a place to stay. I’m willing to pay however much.” As Ruby looked back to Weiss while the woman checked for rooms, she noticed a few of the men in the lobby staring at her.
Ruby’s voice frightened everyone in the small area, including the young woman behind the counter. The men looked away, going back to their original business.
The young girl left the desk for a moment to check on her partner. “Are you doing okay, Weiss? Do you need anything right now?”
Weiss shook her head in response, Ruby nodding back and returning to the counter.
Within a couple of moments, the employee at the desk looked up from her monitor and nodded, handing Ruby a keycard. “Room 342; free breakfast is provided from 6:30 to 9 am. You may pay when you leave.”
Ruby took the card gratefully and bowed her head out of respect. “Thank you so much.”
Walking over to the silverette on the sofa, Ruby took Weiss’s hand and swept her off of her feet to carry her in a bridal hold. They went into the elevator, Ruby pressing the button for the third floor.
“R-Ruby,” Weiss’s voice was very hoarse and quiet, “why are we staying in a hotel?”
“I tried to tie Neptune down, but he escaped through the window and down the fire escape. So until we know he’s arrested and contained, we have to stay away from Beacon and any other place he would know to look for the both of us now.” Ruby sighed out of exhaustion, but she didn’t lose her strength. “Now rest your voice, you don’t want to strain it even further.”
The elevator dinged, signaling that they were now on the third floor. Ruby made her way to their designated room, unlocking the door and placing Weiss on the bed provided. Beside the bed was the bedside table, the couch which Ruby assumed to be a sofa-bed, and a coffee table in front of the TV that sat on the dresser. To the left of the TV was a small dining table, to the right was a counter with glasses and bottles of water as well as a microwave and coffeemaker.
It was cozy, and it was enough to provide for the next few nights.
Glancing at Weiss briefly, Ruby realized she needed to get her new clothes. Thankfully on the drive, she saw a couple of department stores that were still open.
“Weiss, you can go ahead and wash up. Take as long as you need. I’ll go buy you some new clothes,” Ruby said as she took out her keys. Weiss handed Ruby her helmet. “We can talk later if you want.”
“P-Please hurry back, Ruby. Don’t l-leave me alone.” Weiss was about to remove the leather jacket until Ruby stopped her.
“You can hang onto this for now. I’ll be fine, I promise. It’ll only be a few minutes. Go ahead and take your shower.”
As Ruby left the room, she outside and realized another small problem. If she were to pay for Weiss’s clothes, she wouldn’t have enough to pay for the hotel. And the only department stores open at this time were the really pricey ones, the top franchises. She couldn’t ask Weiss to pay for it, that just wasn’t right. Blake wasn’t the best choice either, she really didn’t want to seem rude. Maybe Yang could help...
Taking out her scroll, she thought it’d be worth a shot. The phone dialed for a few moments, the other line picking up suddenly.
"Rubes, are you alright? How’s Weiss?”
“I’m fine, Weiss is doing okay, and I need to ask you a favor.”
“What’s the word, Little Bird?”
Ruby sighed, explaining how Neptune escaped and the details leading up to this moment. “...the clothes would really be an impact to my supply, so I need a little bit of help to pay for the stay.”
There was a small moment of silence from the other line.
“It’s okay if you can’t, Yang, I just thought--”
"Say no more, Lil Sis. Big Sister Yang has your back and is willing to pay for however long you stay!”
“Yang, are you serious right now?”
“I am dead serious right now.”
In that moment, Ruby nearly teared up, not knowing how to handle the situation without crying in gratefulness. “Yang, I can’t ask that much of you.”
She heard a small chuckle on the other line. “No, you can’t, but I’ll tell you what: since it’s nearly Christmas, take this as an early Christmas gift. Besides, you just went through a lot. You should take this time to relax and take care of Weiss. Blake and I will cover you should you be asked for.”
Ruby nearly burst out in tears from hearing that. “Thank you so much, Yang. I can’t thank you enough for this. I love you.”
“I love you more, Sis. Stay safe now, take care of Weiss.”
Hanging up her scroll, Ruby went back and drove to the nearest department store. Having dedicated Weiss’s clothing sizes to memory, finding her clothes should be easy. They had gone out shopping a few times, which was how Ruby was introduced to ripped jeans and Converse sneakers. Her dad thought Ruby looked nice in skirts when she was little and continued to purchase only skirts since then.
Then she realized she needed some sleepwear as well. Wearing what she currently had on was not appropriate for sleeping in, as well as uncomfortable in bed. As soon as she entered the store, she was glad to see a few other customers around, though none of them looked remotely close to her. They were all wealthy snobs wearing animal skins and gold accessories.
Ignoring them, she proceeded to carry on her mission. She grabbed a few pairs of pants, shorts, and tank-tops for herself, a few nighties for Weiss, and enough undergarments to last the both of them for their stay. She just hoped the bras she got would fit Weiss.
After paying for all the clothes, she was left barely anything to pay for extensive splurges, such as her weekly visit to Vale’s bakery. However, it was enough to last her and Weiss for a few days of lunch and dinner at any fast-food place. Or maybe she could just go out and stock up on frozen meals. Weiss will most likely not enjoy them, but it’s better than starving.
Unlocking the door to the room, she found a towel-wrapped Weiss sitting on the couch provided, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees. She seemed to have been waiting for Ruby intently.
Ruby set the bag of clothes down and separated their garments, handing over the ones she bought for Weiss. “Here you go, Weiss.”
Weiss thanked her before taking them and changing in the bathroom. In the meantime, Ruby changed from her outdoor attire to the new clothes she had just purchased, removing the tags on each article.
In the bathroom, Weiss examined each garment she had received. They were of very high quality. These were the kinds of clothes she’d order her butlers to shop for, and she was surprised Ruby could afford them all. She first grabbed the underwear and bra, realizing the cup size was a little too big for her small chest. But she at least appreciated the effort Ruby put into finding the smallest size available. All of her bras were custom made because she was...special, as her brother would’ve liked to put it.
By the time Weiss was finished, she found Ruby in a black tank-top and shorts that stop halfway up her thigh. She was laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling and contemplating the events of the night. That is until she saw Weiss come out, sitting up and patting the spot beside her on the bed. Weiss complied and sat with her.
As soon as she sat by Ruby, she started to tremble. Ruby noticed this and placed a hand on her partner’s back, gently consoling her. As tears threatened to fall, Weiss gave up and immediately started crying.
“I was such an idiot. I sh-shouldn’t have listened to him, but my infatuations got the best of me. He tricked me into hurting you, he tricked me into falling in love with him when I wasn’t!”
Weiss’s crying only came down harder. A tempest had been stirring up in her, finally being released. “It hurts, Ruby!” the heiress hiccuped. “I-It hurts so much...”
The white-themed girl was in so much distress, so much pain, Ruby knowing exactly what she was going through. Having someone you trusted turn on you like that--it’s excruciatingly painful, especially in the way they experienced it.
Ruby wrapped her arms around Weiss, trying to comfort her as much as she could. “I know, Weiss. I’m so sorry I couldn’t have been there sooner.”
Weiss sniffled. “W-Why did you come for me? You said you wouldn’t come t-to save me. And I-I’ve been horrible to you lately, d-don’t I deserve punishment?”
The younger girl shook her head. “Not at all, Weiss. I wouldn’t wish any of this upon anyone, especially you. I know you didn’t mean what you said. If anything, I should be the one to apologize.”
“F-For what?” Weiss looked up, her puffy eyes meeting silver ones.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you and for saying all those careless things and doing reckless tasks that weren’t beneficial to the team, to you. And even if Neptune wasn’t...it doesn’t excuse my behavior, and I shouldn’t have acted the way I did towards the both of you.”
A moment of silence filled the room.
“Are you doing okay, Weiss?”
The girl in question nearly flinched upon hearing Ruby ask. She wasn’t sure if she was okay, she wasn’t sure if she was anything at all.
“I-I’m not s-sure, Ruby. There’s just so m-much in my head right now and I’m struggling t-to think properly and I--”
Ruby held the girl tighter, not wanting her to drift too far from reality. “Weiss, it’s okay if you don’t know. I’ll be with you to sort it out, every step of the way. No one shoulders anything alone.”
These were the same words she and her teammates had spoken to the young girl when she had been going through this very situation. The fact that Ruby brought it back up left Weiss on the edge.
Staring into silver eyes, Weiss grabbed Ruby’s shoulders to ensure she has the younger girl’s attention. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I’m sorry I made false accusations against you and I’m sorry for not being the partner I promised to be. I’m sorry for--”
Ruby gently brought Weiss’s hands down from her shoulders and held them in her own “None of that, Weiss, none of that. I’ve forgiven you from the start. It’s all water under the bridge.” The brunette looked into Weiss’s remorseful eyes. “But if it makes you feel any better, apologies accepted. All is forgiven, Weiss. I can never stay mad at you, and I’ll never hold any grudge against you.”
Silence filled the room. They sat there for another moment, maybe two, before Weiss spoke up again.
“Ruby, what about the hospital? R-rape kit--”
“Tsk,” Ruby sneered bitterly. “They won’t run it.”
“Why not?”
“Because we trusted them!” Ruby grimaced at her costly mistake. “They won’t run it because we trusted them! It’s so stupid! Valian law is so stupid!” The young girl sighed and shook her head, not pressing it any further. She’d blow her top if she continued thinking about it.
“But they still put him behind bars,” Weiss said quietly. “I-I described Neptune to the operator...” She quieted down, not knowing what more to say.
“Your aura will heal your wounds anyway. Mine took longer because of how long I stretched myself out,” the younger girl huffed. “That really sucked. But at least I’m still in one piece.”
Weiss leaned into Ruby, both girls embracing each other tightly. “How long are we staying here, Ruby?”
“As long as it takes. National holiday means extended weekend, so we won’t miss classes on Monday or Tuesday if we stay that long.”
“I-I wouldn’t mind staying that long.”
“Weiss, are you sure?”
The silverette sighed. “I just need some time. I don’t really want to see or interact with anyone.”
Ruby seemed a little disappointed to hear that, her heart sinking a little when Weiss said she didn’t want to see anyone, but she understood how she was feeling. She needed time to sort herself out. Ruby had asked for the same thing when she was still in that phase.
Weiss noticed Ruby’s little shift in demeanor and immediately clarified what she meant, since it was clear Ruby misinterpreted her request as total solitude.
“I-I meant aside from you, Ruby. I want you with me. I just need some time from...society I suppose.”
“I get that,” Ruby nodded in agreement. “You need to rest now, you’ve had a rough night.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you either, Ruby. It can’t always be about me,” Weiss murmured.
Ruby smiled. “Funny I’d hear that from the one who thought so highly of herself in the very beginning.”
For once in this whole mess, Weiss smiled genuinely, only after pouting at Ruby’s joke. “I wasn’t that bad.”
“But you kinda were, Weiss,” the young girl giggled. “You kept saying how you were leagues better than I was and how you weren’t perfect yet.”
Weiss covered her face in her hands. “Oh my god, don’t remind me.”
“But that only proves how much you’ve changed, Weiss. You’re a completely different person than you were a few months ago. I knew Neptune couldn’t keep this wonderful person inside for too long.” Ruby sighed with ease as she hugged Weiss a little closer than they already were. “But really, we should both go to bed now. It’s already very late.”
The young leader proceeded to tuck Weiss into bed. She laid the large comforter over the slender heiress and patted it down, leaving no cool air to linger inside.
“Did your mother ever tuck you into bed, Weiss?”
Weiss shook her head. “No. Neither one of my parents gave a care about anything related to family. My mother was an alcoholic and my father only cared for his wealth.”
“Oh,” Ruby gave a sympathetic frown. “I’m sorry.”
Again, Weiss shook her head. “Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. In fact, I had a butler who would tuck me in often; he was a true father figure for me. Did your mother happen to tuck you in?”
Ruby’s smile came back as soon as Weiss asked. “Yup! Every night she’d make sure I was nice and cozy, even in the summer time. She’d tuck Yang in as well and read us bedtime stories every night about hunters and huntresses before she--”
She paused, her face completely devoid of it’s usual charm and giddiness. Weiss felt a small pang of concern, wanting to hear the rest of her sentence without urging her too much. “Before she..?”
Ruby shook her head, her original happiness returning. “Never mind that. I’m not making you feel bad about your mother, am I?”
“No, not at all. I actually enjoy hearing your stories about your family. It makes me imagine the life I could’ve had when it wasn’t mine.”
“When it wasn’t yours?”
Weiss nodded. “Yes, but I suppose it is now mine.” The heiress looked at the bed and back at Ruby. “You tucked me in really well, Ruby.”
“Yup! This is how Mom did it every night!”
The silverette tittered a little, a small smile appearing on her face. “I can see where her daughter gets it.”
Although it truly pained Ruby to talk about her mother, she wanted to be strong and smile for Weiss. She didn’t want to ruin the mood with what happened in the past. Neither of the two were responsible, so there was no point in bringing it up.
Just as Ruby was about to leave and set up the sofa-bed, Weiss grabbed her hand to restrict her from moving any further. Ruby turned back, her gaze meeting Weiss. She expected Weiss to be looking at her, but what she didn’t expect was Weiss looking away as soon as their gazes met, a blush appearing on pale cheeks. Bright pink glowed on a pristine, pale complexion.
“W-Would you sleep with me? I...I still feel scared...” Her voice was quiet, timid, a tone Ruby was not used to hearing.
Ruby didn’t respond, turning off the lights and closing the curtains. Weiss took this as a sign of rejection, turning to her side and closing her eyes in slight disappointment. As she was about to drift into a lonely slumber, she felt a warm body slip in beside her, a strong pair of arms wrapping around her waist.
“You don’t have to feel scared. I’ll always be with you, Weiss.”
Weiss could feel her face heating up, most likely redder than her partner’s signature cloak. Her heart rate had increased rapidly, nervousness settling in. “Th-Thank you, Ruby. I appreciate it. And I t-truly appreciate you.”
“It’s truly an honor, Weiss. Allow me to be your hero from here on out.” Ruby said with her signature grin, hiding the fact that she was just as nervous as she felt Weiss was.
Turning around to face Ruby, the older girl wrapped her arms around Ruby and nuzzled into her neck. “Thank you so much, Ruby. I am forever in debt.”
“You have no debt to pay, Weiss. It is simply my job as your leader, partner, and best friend to protect you.”
“Good night, Ruby.”
“Goodnight, Weiss.”
“Will you be beside me when I wake?”
Ruby smiled and held Weiss tightly, the latter girl smiling gently.
Yes, it’s nearly Christmas. Thanks to my needless hiatus between chapters 4 and 5, the timeline was messed up quite a bit. So consider the Christmas and New Year’s chapters as early gifts for this year.
Until next chapter!
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