strayslost · 2 months
happy fyodor resurrection day!!! :)
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igotanidea · 1 year
Babysitting: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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A/N: there's an easter egg in this story. Let me know if you get it :D
(testing some fandoms vigilance here) :D
"Me and Kori got some business to take care of."
That freaking sentence!
Of course he and Kori had business to take care of together. Not that he was my boyfriend. not that I was the one who was always left behind with Rachel, Gar and now also Conner and Tim.
Jealous? Of course I wasn't jealous.
Not even a little. I loved those kids.
But who the hell was I in this relationship, a babysitter?!
Let me put it straight: I am not hero. I have zero fighting skills (maybe except my wit. quoting someone I knew: sarcasm is my only defense) and I could not hurt a fly, let alone another human. But. I am smart. I am intelligent and I was determined enough to do something more with my life and became a lawyer.  Pretty unusual career for someone who was born and raised in Gotham (even If I moved out of this hell hole after graduation).  And yet, I made it. Feeling like I was doing something right, standing up for people, defending them. 
One day someone decided to put my thinking and beliefs to the test.
“Counsellor. You have a visitor.” Our new paralegal was kicking her heels nervously in front of my office.
“Ok, Amy, first of all calm down. That’s right. Deep breaths. Unless it’s Joker who came to visit me, I don’t see any reason for you to be so flustered. “ I raised an eyebrow at the girl, who all of a sudden turned red like a beetroot. “Amy?”
“I’m sorry, counsellor…..”
“How many times, do I have to tell you, you don’t need to use that title when we’re alone? You’re like what, five years younger than me?” I playfully shook my head at her
“Sorry, I …..”
“Never mind, we’ll talk about it later” a little pat on her shoulder was enough to bring her back to reality “Now. Who is there to see me?”
“Detective Dick Grayson. Bludhaven police.” Ok, now I understood why Amy was so nervous. This guy was really good looking and for a twenty-year-old that must have been a sight. I was far more reserved. In my years as a trainee solicitor I had my fair share of handsome lawyers, detectives and other officials. One way or another all of them were the same – pretty. Pretty conceited. So at this point, at the age of 25 I was not impressed solely by a lovely face.
“Well, morning detective. How can I be of help?” I reached my hand out and he shook it firmly.
“I need some information about an on-going case of yours.”
“All right. As soon as you prove to me you can get the access to the confidential records I can’t see any reason to deny it.” I shrugged and lead him into my office.
And that was how it started. One case somehow lead to another, and another and another. He might have thought he had me cornered, but I was a lawyer. My job was to see patterns and predict the outcomes of actions and behaviors. I had him figured sooner than he knew and before he realized I got him right when I wanted him when he confessed to switching out cases just to have a chance to work with me. And then, some well chosen words, two or three dates, some more or less heated kissed and we were a couple. Oh, how I loved this boy! Like crazy. And he was very eager to use that against me. 
“Detective Grayson? How can I be of help to you today?” I asked with my most professional voice noticing him standing at the entrance to my office. “And how long have you been standing there?” I smirked at him.
“Long enough” he pouted “you are just glowing when you’re working you know that? You have that irresistible spark in your eyes….” he closed the door coming closer to me and crouching on the desk eyeing me carefully.
“I’m sorry, how exactly did you get here?” I tilted my head in confusion.
“You know, Amy has a soft spot for me.” He put on his most charming smile.
“Yeah I’m aware of that. Clear sign I need to hire better security.”
“Is that so?” he grabbed me so I had to raise from the chair and stand between his legs.
“I’m busy, Dick.” I  objected pointing towards the pile of documents.
“Mhm. I bet you are” his hands was now on my waist, pulling me closer, his face inches away from mine “I am too. Extremely busy….” He whispered and leaned in, closing the distance completely. I hated him. He had the audacity to show up in my office, uninvited, in the middle of the day, with all his charm and distract me from my duties. He was reckless, irresponsible and childish. And a hell of a good kisser. Just a touch of his lips on mine made me want more as I let him caress my face and my back. Only for a second though, as my rational thinking made me  pull away and smirk at his disappointed expression.
“Oh, come on, Dickie. Don’t be a child….” I ruffled his hair and sat back down “Now, shoo. I really have a lot of work to do and if you want me back home tonight…..”
“Believe me, I have a whole plan for tonigh.” His eyes turned darker with lust as he said it.
“Can’t wait then. Hope you won’t disappoint me, detective.”
I came home late. Really late. Absolutely shagged, hoping my boyfriend would be there to ease my stress and anxiety with just his presence, but in fact I was about to be disappointed. The lights were off, the apartment cold and empty. No matter how sad it was for me I was a bit used to him working up late. He was a detective after all. Maybe he was at some undercover operation at the moment. Calling him was not an option since it may put him in danger, so trying to shake the emotions of the day by myself I just got ready to bed and before I realized I was dozing off.
I had no idea what hour it was, but at some point in the night I was woken by the squeak of the bed on the other side and a pair of arms sneaking around me. Dick was back safe.
“Hi.” I muttered, recognizing those hands and smell and shifting my position to get closer to him, resting my head on his chest.
“Hi baby” he whispered back, kissing my forehead and running a hand through my hair.
“You have no idea.” He sighed deeply and I caressed his side gently, trying to make him relax, but it didn’t bring the effect I wanted.
“Are you all right?” I was now totally awake, propping myself on the elbow to look straight into those beautiful blue eyes of his “are you hurt?” concern in my voice was so audible that a flash of pain crossed his face.
“I'm fine. I’m sorry I made you worried. And sorry I woke you.”
“Don’t ever be sorry. Honestly, I could never have a good sleep knowing you are out. Remind me why I agreed to have a detective boyfriend?“ I smirked but he was not in a mood for verbal teasing.
“I love you” he whispered closing his eyes, hiding everything there was inside, all the emotions kept under lock and key.
“Dick?” now I was serious too.
“Yes?” he opened them again and looked straight at me.
“You can tell me everything. There’s no need to hide. Whatever you did or whatever happened I have my ways to get you out of trouble.”
“I know. I know. I just love you so fucking much. I… I just need you next to me now, all right? Please?”
„That I can do” I laid back down, hugging him tightly, breathing him in, but at this very moment I knew something was off. We both held to each other, but it was more desperate than loving. More “I have a secret, I can’t tell you and it's killing me” than “I want to share my secret with you.”
I was spending another sleepless night alone just tossing and turning in the bed. Last three days was a disaster. At first glance nothing changed between me and Dick but under the surface …. Tormented by my own thoughts, I was truly thankful when my  work phone broke the silence of the night.
“Y/L/N speaking” my voice was still hoarse, but it didn't stop me from using official tone.
“We need you here, counsellor. It’s an emergency and it requires your immediate attention.”
“On my way. Where exactly is here?”
Holy shit! The place was a disaster! Blood, massacred bodies, about ten injured people and two destroyed buildings. And one person accused of it all on the run.
“How could you let him escape!?” I was about to tear my hair out, but there was no time as I had to deal with the witnesses and potential accomplices taken to custody. Those who apparently were aware of their civil rights and refused to say anything without lawyer present. And Bludhaven police called me to be this lawyer. Fine, after all I had nothing else to do. “You know what, don’t answer that, just… do your freaking job and find the gangster boss who….”
Before I could even finish the sentence, said  boss fell right in front of me.
“What the….?” I muttered looking up noticing the characteristic cape. The colors were a blur but everyone knew it was Robin. I sighed deeply and rubbed my forehead. Whoever was behind that mask I should have hated him, given how many laws he was breaking on a daily basis. The truth was, however, he was making my job slightly easier. And for that, ironically, I was thankful.
It took me another three days after which everything dawned on me. Dick was visiting my office every day, trying to get to know what I was working on and even when I refused to give away professional secrets, I knew he gathered some information. And then, miraculously, during night, all my perpetrators and criminals were brought to  police station by no one other than Robin. Of course he himself never showed up. I would have to be blind, deaf and stupid not to see the connection.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked as soon as he stepped through my office again “and don’t give me that I don’t know what you’re talking about look. Let’s talk seriously, all right?”
“All right." he closed the door making sure it was shut tight and took a step towards me scratching his head "I’m sorry. I was worried that if you find out….”
“No.” I interrupted him.
“Sorry?” his surprised look made me use all the strength to hold back a laugh. He looked like a wigged kid.
“You don’t get to think so little of me. Did you really think I would leave? Or worse – was it the classic I was scared someone would hurt you bullshit? Dick, god damn it! I'm a lawyer. Do you have any idea how many times I got death threats? And here I am! Still alive and breathing! "
“I’m sorry.” He repeated.
“I’m also pretty case-hardened with keeping secrets, so I would never give yours away.”
“I know and….” He looked down, embarrassed and defeated under the weight of my arguments.
“I got a simple conclusion here: you are an idiot. Foolish, egoistic, inane….”
“Ok, that’s enough….” He stood up abruptly, making me shut up by kissing me, pulling me close so all my mind would get blurry and distracted by his toned chest, muscles and the way he was holding me, like his (or mine) life depended on it.
“Nice try, Grayson” I said pulling away too quickly for him to enjoy being in control of the situation.
“Please, don’t leave me. I can’t lose you.”
“You’re only proving my point here.  I'm not going anywhere. But no more keeping me in the dark, all right? I told you once - I can keep you out of trouble, not the other way round. After all, you are a wanted vigilante.”
“Whatever you say” he pulled me in a kiss again and this time I let him. But still, he was about to apologize properly when we were alone.
From then on, everything went quick. Rachel, Gar, Kori. Titans. San Francisco. Gotham again (meeting Batman was a bit weird, but enjoyable experience), Dick dying and coming back to life (I almost killed him for that when he magically resurected). Conner, Tim. Wild ride. Wild. Oh, and somewhere in the meantime Dick ditched Robin in favor of Nightwing. Well, he looked hot in this black and blue outfit and I couldn't...... back to the point!
But I didn’t mind as long as Dick kept his promise of not keeping me away. At least for as long as in his own words it started to get really dangerous. When he reopened the Titans tower, training Gar, Rachel and Jason, I was there, watching over them, helping them crack cases and even joining on the field. I felt like a part of a team. But slowly, especially after Jason left (from the time perpective I think he was the only one to ever understood how it felt like to be cut off) my role was more like a caregiver. I was there to take care of the wounds, to throw a joke or defuse tension. Of course, I was still giving some advice, some tricks on how to play bad guys psychologically etc. but I knew I was being omitted. Dick was more distant, more tensed and more reserved than before, not that I blamed him. But I missed him. I accepted his vigilante lifestile, never complaining, but I wanted to feel like he still needed me to be his. His girlfriend, equal to him (but maybe smarter) and not someone to look after a bunch of kids (who I loved, but still).
Me and Kori has some business to take care of.
In a while he was always doing something with Kori. I liked her, truly, we were pretty good friends, but it was not right. I mean, I get that, she was a freaking fire princess, gifted with supernatural powers, all confident and fierce. All I had was logical thinking, connecting facts, fast reacting, resourcefullnes and imagination. It was more than enough to be a lawyer, but apparently not to be a part of the Titans team.
I wasn't jealous of Kori, really. I didn't envy her, I was just sad that all my good traits weren’t enough for Dick to consider me a valuable member of the team. Never letting me into real action anymore, never allowing me to train with the rest, even Tim, who wasn’t exactly skilled with his gear. Always working with Kori. And I knew confronting Dick about it would end up the same way as years ago. I can’t risk you getting hurt. I don’t want to see you in pain. I’m only focused on you when you are out in the open. Well, I understood his point of view, one way or another he was right, can’t deny that, but he could not possibly be there for me all the time. I had to be able to be more than just an easy to hurt one.
“You good?” oh, now he was realizing something was happening. Great job, Sherlock.
“No, I’m not” I always prided myself of being honest and direct in my communication with him.  Boys can be so oblivious at times.
“Do we have to talk about it?” He looked at me carefully, his eyes begging me to postpone this conversation since he absolutely had to go investigate.
“Yes.” I nodded “Later. Now go.”
“Thank you.” He sighed and kissed my temple lovingly. I missed that.
“Go deal with that business of yours and come back to me. In one piece.”
"Take care of him, ok?" I send Kori a sad look and she just nodded understanding everything he couldn't.
“Hey, brief, are you ok?” Conner used the nickname steming from the times I forgot knocking me out of my trance. Eventually, I ended up back at Star Labs with Conner and Tim, watching them fight against each other. Or rather Conner standing in place and taking poorly aimed Tim’s punches without flinching in the slightest.
“Take a guess.” I muttered “you should aim a bit lower, Tim”
“What?” the newly-appointed Robin looked at me confused.
“Lower” I emphasized “Conner may be superboy, but he’s still half human. And humans have weak points, so aim lower.”
Tim shrugged in a whatever  manner, but stuck to my advice and to both, his and Conner’s surprise the latter hissed in pain.
“What the…..?” Superboy gasped turning his gaze on me. So did Tim and Bernard.
“Do you want to tell us something, Y/N?” the scientist asked “are you hiding some supertalents?”
“Just observational skills. Mixed with experience in medical records during my lawyer times.”
“That is interesting. You see anything else to use against Conner?”
“Wait. What? Use against me? I did not sign up for this!” Conner protested watching as my eyes twinkled in excitement. Now, I had my chance to prove to them I was more than met the eye.
“What is going on here?!”
“Oh, hey, Dick, your back. How was your business?” I brushed the sweat from my forehead and smiled at him. I couldn’t remember last time I was so happy and fulfilled. For the last two hours I was sparring with the boys under Bernard’s watchful gaze. It was exhilarating. “She’s the business I suppose.”
“Not voluntarily.” The pink-haired girl smirked “so you’re the girlfriend he was worried about on the way here?”
“I was not worried…..”
“I’m sorry about him. He can be …. Intense…” I cut Dick off. "I'm Y/n?"
“Tell me about it” she rolled her eyes “I’m Jinx.”
“The witch? Can you show me any spell to …..”
“All right. Y/n, I think we need to have that talk now.” my boyfriend, if that was still the case grabbed my hand and started dragging me away.
“It was nice to meet you, Jinx. I’ll catch you up later!” I managed to say in her direction before Dick picked me up and threw me over his shoulder still walking away. "Put me down, now!"
“What were you doing there?”
“It turns out, I'm pretty good at finding opponents weakness and turning it against them”
“Tim being the opponent?” Dick laughed
“Conner, in fact. And don;t be condescending.”
“Mhm. Did you know that he has a soft spot just right under his belly button? I might have bruised him with the impact I put there.”
“You did what?”
“Yeah. So many years of wasted potential." I blew a raspberry "And that’s because of someone who has been treating me like a babysitter for the past couple weeks.”
“You mean me? I never…..” I cleared my throat suggestively and it made him hesitate “ok, maybe I did. But you never said a word!”
“Because I knew it would lead to fighting with you. And despite everything I hate seeing you lose those arguments. Come on, you always surrender in verbal sparring.”
“It’s always you and Kori going everywhere together, dealing with stuff together, cracking cases together. I felt like I wasn't needed anymore. Apart from watching over kids.”
“Because they trust you. You are a role model for them.”
“One of the role models, Dick. Just one. And that’s nice. I just want you to realize I am so much more than just a bystander.”
“I don’t…..”
“Blah, blah, blah. I know all your arguments inside and out. Hurt, pain, loss… Please."I rolled my eyes at him "I’m good, all right? I want to learn to fight.”
“Are you jealous of Kori? There’s no need.”
“You idiot” I smacked his head. Lightly but he still hissed and looked at me with hurted expression. “You don’t get a word I'm saying! I am not jealous of her. I'm furious beacuse of you treating me different than anyone else!"
“Because you are the one I love!”
“I love you too." I said, more sofly, more gently and locked my hands on his neck, playing with the hair on his nape. That little gesture always made him relax and this time was no different as he hummed in pleasure "but I never told you to stop fighting, did I?"
"No...." he leaned into my touch so just to tease him I withdrew my hands. "Please, don't stop" soft, almost inaudible whisper got me melting "I missed that....."
"So, you agree with me that you've been pushing me away."
"I never said that and ....." I kissed him before he said anything else. Oh, the way it turned him on instantly.... Out of instinct his hands found their place on my waist holding onto me, caressing my skin, bringing me closer. Clearly he did miss me. I almost gave up, so lost in his touch, his warmth, wanting more and more and ......
"So, you agree with me....." I pulled away, not letting him get away with answer this easily.
"Yes, I fucking agree with everything you are saying." He rested his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry. I never meant to push you away. Never meant to make you feel like you didn't belong. I don't know what I would do without you."
"Hm, I know" I hummed "you would be absolutely lost. And probably dead. More than once."
"Mhm" he muttered. "Please I need you. You are like the only stable thing in my life...."
"I'm always here, Dick" I hugged him tighly, knowing well enough he was on the verge of breaking from the last weeks' stress and pressure and in desperate need of comfort and warm embrace "I'm always here. But I don't want to be a liability, ok? Or a housemother."
"Ok....." he held me tighter, not ready to let go.
"Let me train. I won't go against you, but please...." I kissed his temple, not to make him break, but just to assure him I was going to be fine. That we were going to be fine.
"Ok....." he chuntered "I'm tired....."
"I know, Dickie, I know. But you are not alone in this mess, babe. You are not alone."
Guess I was babysitting again. but this time, out of my own volition, and the fact that I had a choice in the matter made me feel good. After all, he was my baby.
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Golden Egg
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Clint invites your family to the farm for an Easter celebration and egg hunt
Note: Happy Easter to all of those who celebrate! I spent my day with family, so this is coming out a little later than I planned but I still wanted to post it today. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
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Holidays with Natasha are always your favorite. Despite not having much of a childhood, the woman makes your children’s day the best it can possibly be.
This morning you got the kids dressed nicely and took photos before you let them change and run around the farm with worries.
Natasha stands by your side now as you wait for the egg hunt, or as the kids think of it, the highlight of the day.
“Are you excited?” You ask her. Every year she gets really into it.
“Very,” she says. A smirk rests on her perfect lips. “I think I know which egg has the money in it.”
“Natasha! You’re not supposed to know,” you scold her. She just chuckles. “You better not cheat and tell one of our kids.”
She wraps an arm around your waist and leads you to the trailer Clint has set up to drive to the egg hunt.
“A hayride!” Belle shouts as she waits for her turn to hop on.
“Yeah, baby. We’re going to the egg hunt,” you explain.
“Yay!” Nate yells from beside her.
You and Nat take turns lifting the kids onto the trailer and sitting them on the hay. They listen to your instructions to stay seated as the Laura joins Clint on the front of the tractor.
He takes off and drives you all to a field where the older kids just finished hiding the eggs. The kids are bouncing on the hay bails they’re so excited to hunt for the eggs.
“Okay, everyone when we get off y’all need to line up at the starting point,” you explain. They nod their heads and you begin helping them off. Soon enough, it’s time for the hunt to begin.
“Give us a countdown, Coop,” Clint says.
The boy counts to three and the kids take off. You and Nat try to keep up with Belle while also watching Taylor do her best at it.
“She’s missing her basket,” Natasha says, chuckling at the way the littlest girl is picking up eggs but not putting them in her basket successfully.
“Poor baby. Go help her Nat,” you tell her.
“But the golden egg,” she says. “Belle has the best chance at finding it.”
“Natasha,” you scold her softly. She gives you a sweet look that border lines puppy dog eyes. “Fine. I’ll help her.”
“You’re the best!” Natasha says as she runs after Belle to help her.
You help Taylor figure out how to use her basket and it goes much better for her. At some point, she just plops down on the grass and starts opening her eggs.
“I found it! I found it!” You hear Belle yelling as she runs back towards you.
“Whatcha got there, sweetheart?” You squat down to her level.
“It’s the golden egg!”
“Oh, wow! Great find, kiddo,” you say.
Natasha comes up behind the girl with a beaming smile on her face. “Do you want me to hold it to keep it safe?” She asks.
“Please!” Belle hands it to Nat and runs off to keep hunting.
“Why were you so dead set on her getting this egg? What is it, like five dollars?” You ask her.
“Why don’t you see for yourself?”
She hands you the plastic egg and you raise a brow at her.
Still, you open the egg and inside there’s a ring.
“We’re already married, babe,” you tease, but you look at the ring further to see that it’s the birthstones of all your children plus your’s and Natasha’s. “Nat, this is-“
“The Easter bunny wanted to surprise you a little differently this year,” Natasha says. She takes the ring and places it on your hand. “Perfect.”
You pull her in for a kiss, ignoring your big kids’ response to the pda.
“I love you,” you tell her.
“I love you too, detka.”
You stay in her arms as you watch the kids continue to run around and find eggs.
“Baby, you do realize that Belle expects some kind of prize in this egg,” you say and Natasha shakes her head.
“I did not think about that,” she admits. “Hey Clint, you got 5 dollars?”
He gives her the cash and seems pretty oblivious to why she needs it, but Belle is very excited to come back to her egg.
You all load up to go back to the house and the kids empty their eggs to see what all they got.
The smiles on everyone’s faces shows just how happy the day was. And Natasha wears the biggest one.
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raina-at · 1 year
Breakfast in Bed
Sherlock re-arranges the scones on the tray and pulls the cozy more firmly over the teapot. He adds a jar of his home-made marmalade and a small dollop of clotted cream.
Then he gently pushes the door to their bedroom open and sets the tray down on the nightstand. He opens the curtains to let the sunlight in and watches as John slowly wakes up.
“What time is it?” John mutters as he squints at Sherlock through half-open eyes.
“A bit after three.”
John groans. “Great. A week of nightshifts and my sleep schedule is fucked.”
“I tried to wake you earlier, but you were out like a light.”
“Yeah, I was completely exhausted this morning, the shift was a nightmare,” John says as he slowly sits up. That’s when he notices the tray. “What’s all this then?” 
Sherlock shrugs, suddenly embarrassed, suddenly one hundred percent convinced that John will think this is stupid, that John will expect something else on this day. “Breakfast in bed, John, obviously,” he says, keeping his tone offhand and nonchalant, even slightly dismissive, to hide his uncertainty.
“Well, let’s have some, then,” John says as he reaches for the scones. “Still warm, brilliant.”
Sherlock sits down and pours tea for both of them.
John drinks his tea and closes his eyes in obvious appreciation as the caffeine seems to turn him into a more fully functional human being.
“Not that I’m complaining in the least,” he says, eyes still closed, leaning comfortably against the headrest, “but what’s the occasion?”
Sherlock blinks at John, surprised. “Surely you can’t possibly be serious.”
John opens his eyes and frowns at Sherlock over his coffee cup. “I’m sorry, my brain’s not quite online yet. I’m missing something glaringly obvious, aren’t I?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Sherlock mutters, all nervousness forgotten in his irritation that John doesn’t seem to be aware of the towering significance of today. 
“Be nice,” John chides him, tapping his toes against Sherlock’s shins. “So, it’s not your birthday, or mine,. Excellent scones, by the way,” he muses between sips of tea and bites of scones, “it’s not Christmas or Easter. Neither of us has won anything or been promoted or something, and you’re far, far too calm for a marriage proposal.  Also, I’m pretty sure neither of us is pregnant. So, what have I missed?”
Sherlock rolls his eyes. “Think, John. What day is it today? I know it’s hard, but think.”
John casually flips him off. “Git. What’s so special about September 22nd?”
“It’s our bloody anniversary, for heaven’s sake!” Sherlock all but yells, truly annoyed now. “Today’s the day we first met!”
“No, our anniversary is December 16th,” John says, gesturing at Sherlock with a half-eaten scone. “That was the day of the Bake-Off final when you asked me for dinner.”
Sherlock opens his mouth to argue, but he realises that John has a point. They weren’t technically anything other than fuckbuddies before that. Of course, Sherlock was arse over teakettle in love with John before that, but still, technically, John is right.  Partially. “That’s a very arbitrary date to pick,” Sherlock argues. “Just because that’s the day I asked you to dinner doesn’t mean we weren’t in a relationship before that.”
John sighs and puts down his scone. He takes Sherlock’s hands in his and looks at him with a sort of serious, exasperated affection. “Sherlock. Love. That’s the day you let me in. That’s the day you decided you wanted me in your life. That’s the day you chose me. So fuck, yes, I’m going to count that day as special,” he says, pulling Sherlock into a sweet, sticky kiss.
Sherlock’s irritation melts with John’s lovely words and he falls into the kiss head-first. He puts the tray aside and climbs into John’s lap for a proper snog.
“Fine,” he finally mutters against John’s lips. “Fine. You make a good point.”
“You make a good point, too,” John says, smiling at Sherlock, open and fond. “The day we met was highly significant as well.”
“You know why I picked today?” Sherlock asks, drawing back a bit to look at John, who’s rumpled and still a bit bleary-eyed and yet the most beautiful sight Sherlock has ever seen.
“Why?” John asks, running a gentle thumb over Sherlock’s cheekbone.
“Because a part of me was sure about you right away. Right the very second we met, when you sponged off me to get the good workstations. I knew right then and there that you’re extraordinary.”
“And then you left me to dangle for three months as the rest of you caught up to your gut instinct, is that it?” John asks, but it’s clear he’s teasing.
But he’s bang on the money, and he knows it, too. “Pretty much,” Sherlock admits.
“I have a compromise suggestion,” John says, pulling Sherlock in again. “This is our breakfast anniversary,” he says, pressing a soft kiss against his lips. “And the December one is our dinner anniversary.”
“Deal,” Sherlock says, catching John’s smiling lips for a lingering kiss.
Have some more soppy, happy Bakers. For the prompt Breakfast by @notjustamumj
I have no idea who's done it already and who's already been tagged, so I'm tagging some people: @jrow @keirgreeneyes @khorazir @inevitably-johnlocked @thetimemoves @catlock-holmes @totallysilvergirl
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Chapter 4 - it’s all about the…
Series Masterlist
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A/N: yeah I know it’s late…I’m sorry! I’m just so so busy with uni and Easter (which reminds me; happy Easter!!). I’m tired af but I just couldn’t sleep another night without posting this! I feel awful for no reason, here some flowers as an apology😬💐 love ya, enjoy! And thank you @jamneuromain for some of the ideas, especially about Brock 👀❤️
Pairing: stripper!Steve Rogers x Sugar!Mommy reader
Chapter summary: You go out with steve to buy him some new clothes. The day is all about giving and receiving…
Warnings: hand job, semi public, oral f receiving, subby Steve, needy Steve, mommy kink, a hit of mommy issues,
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A few days later a chilly breeze reminded you of Steve’s thin jacket that he was probably still wearing, too thin, too cold. Not even close to what he was supposed to wear in such weather. You felt bad for not having bought him a jacket sooner, especially since you were cuddling in your own fuzzy coat, always warm and soft hugging your body.
Sitting in your office you couldn’t stop thinking about this issue.
Your Babyboy needed a high quality jacket. Something that would keep him warm and be comfortable, not just a thin worn out coat. You didn’t want him to freeze or get sick. It would probably break your heart to see him sick while you could’ve prevented it a bit.
Were you thinking ahead? Again? But it’s just the little voice in your head that told you to take care of him, make sure he’s fed, comfortable and appropriately dressed.
You were definitely caring a bit too much for just knowing him less than a week, but Steve was really a sweetheart. He had probably already stolen a part of your own heart.
But maybe you should just casually mention wanting to go shopping? Maybe asking if he wanted to accompany you?
You’ve already made up your mind. He’s coming with you. And he’s getting a damn warm jacket.
Taking out your phone you found Steves contact, typing a text. > Hello, Steve. Are you free today? We could go shopping, maybe grab some food on our way home and I’d drop you off later at your place. Tell me when I could pick you up. < Reading over the message one more time you added a little heart emoji, before sending. It was immediately delivered and seen only a few seconds after. You hadn’t had time to even put your phone away, before a reply came.
> hi CTN have classes. BRB < You squinted your eyes at the reply for a moment, not being sure if these weren’t some typos-but no, thinking it through you assumed it meant ‘can’t talk now’ and ‘be right back’. That’s the only thing that would make sense. Jesus, this kid.
You decided to reply anyway. >Just let me know. I can pick you up whenever you’re free.< With that you put your phone aside, rereading the documents you had filled out before texting Steve. Just when you sighed them and put them in a binder for later to go over during one of the upcoming business meetings, your screen lit up.
> iirc my classes end in 40 but iu2u when youd pick me up just lmk <
You stared at the message for a solid three minutes before huffing and throwing your phone in your purse. How could a person shorten a sentence so much that you couldn’t understand it? The only thing you assumed was his classes ended in 40 minutes. Hopefully.
After closing your office you walked to your assistants desk, telling her you wouldn’t be back today. For a moment you considered asking her about the text message, if she could translate it into your old school language.
God, you thought it would be easy to be with someone younger, but…whatever.
Sitting in your car you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at the last message one more time.
IIRC... I really care? No, that can’t be right, there are two i’s
My classes end in 40…minutes, right?
but iu2u…I used to you? This also doesn’t make any sense. Why the hell is there a number in it?
When you'd pick me up just…lmk…Love me kiss me?? Huh. So should you kiss him? Or what does he mean?
Only when you look in your rearview mirror do you notice the grimace on your face, the squinted eyes and pouty lips. Jesus. All this over one text message. Now you feel even older than you actually are.
After putting your phone and purse away you started the car. Not needing your GPS since you knew where Steve’s university was, you turned on some music before finally leaving the parking lot, quietly humming to yourself.
Within twenty minutes you arrived at Steve’s university, to be exact in front of the art building. Opening your car door you turned down the volume of the music, but not fully down. It was quite chilly and windy so you threw your fur coat over your shoulders, leaning against your car.
Steve's class should end in ten minutes so you decided to let him know you were already waiting. > I parked at your art building.<
It didn’t surprise you when the replay came within seconds. > rnbbbb? <
“What the fuck does this mean”, you whispered to yourself having no idea what Steve meant. Not even a hint. Sighing, you shook your head. Not wanting to look like a total moron by asking him what he meant you took a picture of your view, to show him where you waited. > I’m here <
While waiting for Steve’s classes to come to an end the sun slowly started shining, the wind stopping. It started to get warmer immediately, making you feel too warm in your coat, so you quickly took it off, throwing it over your arm, leaving you in your black suit, the Gucci belt shimmering in the bright light.
Since it would take a few more minutes till Steve’s classes come to an end you grabbed yourself a cigarette, lightening it and bringing it to your lips. The red lipstick staining the stumble, while you breathe out the smoke.
Your phone vibrated again, four times. This many messages could mean business so you quickly took your phone out-only to see all four were from Steve. A small smile crept onto your lips while you opened his chat, surprisingly seeing a picture of yourself, leaning against the car and smoking.
> picture <
> I see you! HOT! <
> omw <
> bbbbb <
You pulled your eyebrows together, a quiet chuckle escaped your lips, still not understanding half of the things he meant-well, omw you knew was on my way. Wanda used it sometimes, too, being the youngest in your friend gr- “hello gorgeous”, interrupted you a voice. A voice you didn’t know.
With raised eyebrows you lifted your gaze, looking into the gray eyes of a stranger with a predatory grin. “Hello, and you are?” You smiled as friendly as possible at the man, who was in your opinion standing a bit too close to your personal space.
“I’m Brock and you seemed like you needed some company, so I’m here to help you out, gorgeous.” A scoff escaped your lips. “Please, leave me alone, I’m not interested in you nor your company.” You didn’t like men who behaved like they could have everyone. Especially you. His grin made you actually feel the opposite, making you slowly back a bit away from him. “Thanks, I’m just waiting for someone”, with that you looked to the doors-just then did Steve leave the art building. Finally
Your lips curved upwards. “There’s my boy. You can go now, Brock.” He wanted to say something more but you turned away from him, instead awaiting for Steve to come.
Behind you Brock snorted when Steve stopped in front of you, a bashful smile on his face. “Hi”, he mumbled leaning a bit down when he noticed you wanted to kiss his cheek-which you did, leaving a red lipstick stain behind. “Whops, sorry, Stevie, now everyone can see who you belong to”, you grinned; licking your thumb before trying to wipe away the red color from his skin. Of course this made him blush immediately.
There was another unfriendly reaction behind you, an unpleasant groan. “Really? Steve? That’s who you’re spending your time with? Come on, that doesn’t make sense. You can do better-or maybe he’s just some waiter boy huh? Earning a couple more bucks, because there’s no other reason such a gorgeous woman would be with a poor, sick nerd that-“ “oh for fucks sake aren’t you bored of standing here and watch us?” You hissed, throwing your fur in the back of your car while nodding for Steve to get in the car, before turning around to address Brock again.
“Maybe you are wondering how he lands with a rich af girlfriend, but I'm not putting up with your shit because he's the one having a relationship between the two of you. In fact, he's a million times better person than you are, you arrogant misogynist prick." With that you got in the car yourself, wanting to drive away. Your gaze once again falling to the young man that had bothered you-but then you looked back at Steve, who was visibly uncomfortable and upset.
Sighing you took his hand. “Don’t think about him. I only met him ten minutes ago and can tell he’s a total idiot. You’re not what he-“ “fucking Gold digger!” You heard Brock's voice, making your grip on the wheel tighten-thank god you weren’t driving or you’d have hit the brakes till they’d squeak.
“I won’t let him do that to you”, you hissed under your breath, leaving the car, loudly throwing the door shut. Brock was already standing with his friends, talking shit about Steve that you could hear from your car.
So you decided to teach him a lesson.
Nobody messed with your boy.
“Hey Brock!”, you called out, noticing how a grin spread onto his lips while he turned around, already saying something. “Gorgeous, I’m glad you changed y-“, before he could finish the sentence your fist met his jaw so hard he stumbled back into one of his friends. All of them left shocked and speechless, while you smiled at the group one last time before walking back to your car. Behind your back you could hear some mutters that made you grin even more.
When you finally sat back behind the wheel, Steve was also shocked. His beautiful blues wide, at the same time feeling how his heart was thudding wildly. “Now where were we? Oh right, don’t listen to Brock, he’s not worth it,” while you tried to cheer Steve up he seemed to get even more upset.
“He may be not worth it but…he’s not wrong. I’m poor and sick and a total nerd, while you’re this amazing woman that deserves to be with a real man,” he looked out of the window, ignoring your hand when you tried to take his. “Steve, why do you think that? Money is not important-that’s why we have our agreement and…you’re not sick, right? Do I need to know something? If you need medicine or anything, I’ll get it for you. You just need to tell me.”
There was a sigh next to you and Steve carefully took your hand. “Just look at me”, you did just that, your gaze falling over Steve for a second, but the only thing you noticed was his hurt puppy dog eyes. “What do you mean, Stevie?”, you chuckled, having a hard time understanding what he meant.
“Take a closer look-“ “Steve, if you want me to take a closer look we might end up in a tree, you have to tell me,” there was another loud sigh.
“Look at my ear,” his voice was quiet, even sounding a bit insecure. That’s when you had to stop at a red light, making it way easier for you to finally take a look at him. He wasn’t looking at you, completely avoiding your gaze.
Only after a few seconds did you notice what he was talking about, or, well, because he pointed it out. “Stevie…how have I not noticed it before?”
Steve had a hearing aid.
It wasn’t even much noticeable, just a bit of light blue around his ear.
“And Brock bullies you about that? What a dick. You shouldn’t feel self conscious about that. You’re still perfect-maybe even more than before”, you said softly, leaning over to him and kissing the shell of his ear, noticing how he blushed. His whole chest swelled up, his throat felt a bit tighter, while butterflies erupted in his stomach. His whole body.
Which he quickly tried to ignore.
Instead he cleared his throat. “So you don’t mind it? There’s more stuff. I also have asthma-and I-“ Softly chuckling you took Steve hand again, while pulling over. You hated how he was trying to talk himself down. Steve was an amazing person, with an incredible soul and heart.
His gaze was glued to your hand that was holding his, your thumb stroking the back of his hand, his skin tingling under your touch. “None of that, Stevie. I really like you the way you are-but I don’t like it when you talk yourself down, okay? You’re amazing-and so much better than this Bully Brock. I’d rather spend my whole life with you than a day with Brock.”
A that you both were shocked.
But the composed person you were, you tried to ignore the blush creeping up into your cheeks.
“Well, I-I wanted to ask you about something you texted me-or…a few things even”, you chuckled, probably making yourself even more nervous than before. Somehow you felt like you walked right in a dead end with all that, which Steve partly noticed too, so he grabbed your phone. “Could you enter the password so I-” “I don’t have one, don’t worry.”
You could feel the side eye Steve was giving you.
You could feel it burn a hole in your skull.
“What? Don’t look at me like that. I forget my passwords all the time.” Steve still wasn’t convinced with your explanation, but didn’t say anything. Instead he opened your chat watching over the messages he sent you. “So? What did you wanna know?”
Surprisingly you felt yourself blush again. Which hadn’t happened often…before meeting Steve.
“Could you…could you explain the abbreviations to me? I know a few-I think-but not all of them”, at this point you felt your whole head burning. The last time you were this nervous was…maybe in highschool. Which also was quite a while ago. You really didn’t want to get deeper into it.
Since you couldn’t remember the shortened messages Steve had sent you before you leaned a bit over to him. “Oh right, there were a few. iirc, iu2u, lmk…? Like…I really don’t know what this means. Lmk? Love me, kiss? If you want me to kiss you just-“ Steve’s laugh interrupted you, the blush on your face deepening immediately.
When he noticed you were serious he promptly shut his mouth. “I’m sorry-I didn’t mean to laugh, I’m sorry. I thought you were joking…”, he mumbled, averting his gaze. “Okay, so, iirc means ‘if I remember correctly”, there was a pause, so you looked up at him but he didn’t say more.
“So do you remember or not?”
And that’s when Steve realized it’d be a long, long time till he explains everything.
He was right.
It took him twenty minutes to finally explain everything and till you two finally stepped out of the car, your hand immediately wrapping around his bicep. “Just one more question, you didn’t explain what the whole ‘bbbb’s mean? That I Waldo couldn’t figure out” “oh, no, that’s nothing just typos, my screen broke and now it sometimes…does this”, Steve laughed quietly, the blush from before reappearing.
He definitely needed a new phone. You’ve seen his phone before, but you hadn’t expected it to be that bad.
“Would you mind?”, you smiled at him, giving him your purse that he took without hesitation. There was even a little happy smile on his lips, feeling helpful.
You walked into the shopping mall, your heels clicking coudly against the tiles. Many heads turn to watch you, eager to see the source of the clinking.
And Steve? Steve didn’t like all the attention.
The looks of other people’s faces first interested, then thoughtful and after a second judging. Him. They were all looking at him. They were all judging him. His simple collage hoodie, while you were wearing a whole elegant suit. The Louboutin heels loud and clear for everyone to hear, to see. To notice.
“Don’t do that”, Steve’s head turned so quickly you feared he might hurt himself. “What? I’m not doing anything?” Softly chuckling, you shook your head squeezing his biceps a big harder to comfort him. “I can feel you thinking. Ignore it. The thoughts, the people. They’ll always look. It’s what people do”, you tried to reassure him, succeeding only partly. He was still tense, but his lips twitched to a smile.
For a moment you watched as he watched his bottom lip, his cheeks covered by a soft pink blush. “Can we get some food first, tho? I haven’t eaten anything today and-“ “you what?? But it’s three pm?! You must be starving, baby. Let’s get you something to eat first”, with that you grabbed him a bit tighter, pulling him with you.
Half an hour later Steve was fed, happily still holding your purse while the two of you walked into a clothing shop. A very, very expensive shop. At least compared to the clothes he’d usually buy-mostly stuff on sale or second hand. And now he was in a shop surrounded by premium brands he didn’t even know how to pronounce.
You didn’t even look at the prices while showing him all the clothes he should try on. “I’ve noticed you like blue, right? Would you mind trying on some suits? I’d love to see your beautiful body in a real suit, maybe a blue one…or gray…or..well, we’d see which one would suit you best”, while talking you couldn’t stop yourself from brushing your hand along his muscular chest. To no one's surprise his face was covered by red spots, again.
“You’re so cute”, you whispered, pulling him a bit closer. His smile widening to a grin, his hands automatically falling into your waist.
He’d love to kiss you.
At the thought his chest tingled a bit. A bashful chuckle escaped his lips, while his grip on you tightened.
It’s weird how much happier he felt with you. How much more desirable he felt because of you. He didn’t even know you a lot, having only spent a bit time with you and yet he felt amazing with you. Like he mattered…like…you really liked him.
But maybe that’s how it's supposed to be. Nothing was real, it just was supposed to feel and look like it’s real. Or not? Was it real? Slowly he got confused, so he decided to push these thoughts away. It was all about money, he shouldn’t be seeing too much into it.
“Now go try these on…and whatever else you’d want to, there’s no price limit if you’re worried about that. It’s on me”, you gave him the clothes, continuing to look for something for yourself, maybe a new blouse or skirt.
Maybe some new heels…
Or a coat? Maybe- “could you please come with me? I…want you to help me…decide and just tell me what looks good”, Steve seemed nervous, maybe even a bit uncomfortable with the attention he was getting from some shop assistants that always checked if he needed any help-which he denied.
“Sure, sweetheart. Let me get something for myself then”, after finding a few pieces for yourself you followed Steve to the changing rooms-hust when he wanted to walk into one of them you grabbed his arm. “The last one is bigger.” Without further explanation you pulled him into the last one, immediately hanging your clothes up.
Steve looked a bit around, his gaze falling to your hands when you started taking off your suit jacket and slowly opening the button down. He didn’t even notice the smirk on your lips, while you casually let the blouse slide from your shoulders, his gaze still glued to your body, now to your bra covered breasts. A very pretty bra, if he had to be honest, black with lace, perfectly pushing your breasts up, making them look nicely. Very, very nicely…the image of your naked breasts popped up in his head, reminding him of the incident a few days ago.
Then your pants dropped to the floor and you stepped out of them, with this coming a step closer to him. The matching slip nicely hugging your hips, the hip dips making him wanna grasp your body even more. You were so beautiful. And so, so sexy.
Without saying a word you turned around and bent down to pick up your clothes, his breath stopping for a second. Your round ass on display. So close he could touch you if he’d reach out. Your legs look incredibly long, especially with the heels. The heels with the red bottoms.
Now he had a little problem.
Or a big one.
Definitely a visibile one.
And he knew you’d notice it, too, as soon as you’d look back at him.
What he didn’t know is, you did all of it on purpose, knowing exactly how your body, clad in only underwear, would affect him. You took a skirt, sliding it on then finally turning around to watch Steve’s reactions.
Just as expected his head was red, the blush creeping up his chest to the very tips of his ears. His hands folded before his crotch, making you raise your eyebrows. “You’re hiding something from me, Stevie?”, you whispered teasingly, slowly pushing his hands away, your palm pressing against his hard cock. A soft gasp escaped his lips.
“S-sorry I-“ “you got a bit excited, hm? Was it because of my breasts? Or my ass? Did you imagine how it’d be to grab my body? Pressed against you, while you’d fuck me?”, you whispered against his neck, leaving some kisses behind. His pants felt tight around his crotch, especially with you palming him with every word, “come on, baby, tell me what you’re thinking about.” A quiet whine escaped his lips while he buried his face against your neatly made hair.
“Thought about-about holding your hips-squeezing-feeling you close”, he mumbled, pushing into your palm, while you slowly opened his pants, your hand stroking over his boxershorts, grabbing his thick shaft tightly. “My naughty boy getting all worked up in a changing room. My filthy babyboy. Want me to make you cum? Are you this needy? Coming while being in public? In a changing room? Aren’t you scared of getting caught?”, you felt how his dick twitched at that, leaking more precum into his underwear, soft moans leaving his mouth.
You kissed underneath his ear, sucking gently at his skin, feeling Steve tense against you. His face pressed even harder into your neck, the moans turning to breathless gasps, while he slowly filled his boxershorts with cum.
A chuckle escaped you, while you slowly pulled out your hand from his pants. “Sweet”, you mumbled watching him cover his crotch, the redness in his face darkening. He looked down at his hands, before back at you. “I just came.” “I know.” The smirk on your lips reappeared and you quickly changed into the clothes you’d worn before, while Steve seemed frozen in place.
“Stevie, don’t worry. I’ll get you something to change into and it’ll be fine. Wait a minute, I’ll get you some underwear…just…wait for me. Don’t make a mess while I’m gone”, you added teasingly, watching as the man whined quietly, a bit embarrassed.
Or a lot.
Giving him a last kiss you left him to find some underwear, already paying for it and bringing it to him. After he changed and tried a few other things on, especially pants which he needed to wear now, because the other pants were…a mess.
After leaving the shop you looked once again back at Steve, who was carrying four to the brim filled clothing bags and your purse, a smile creeping on his lips when he noticed your gaze. “Need any help, baby?” “No, no I’m good”, he immediately refused to give you any bags, wanting to carry it all by himself. Laughing you shook your head at him, but finally let him have it his way.
“I need to do some errands, it’d take half an hour, max. In the meantime you could maybe…go order something? And we could go home then-unless you want me to drive you to your place?” He thought about it for a minute, before shaking his head. “I’d like to stay with you tonight.”
You shouldn’t feel as happy as you did.
After deciding where Steve could go order something to eat, you went back to the clothing store, finding a jacket Steve had not so subtly looked at, a very simple one but very thick, perfect for winter and cold evenings.
You bought something else, too, what you knew he’d be very happy about.
It wasn’t too hard to find Steve with all the bags hanging from his arms, looking a bit funny even. And probably a bit overwhelmed.
“Let me take the food, okay? I don’t want your arms to lose circulation from all the bags”, you grinned, taking the food from his hands, pecking his cheek. Leaving a soft red lipstick stain behind. You decided to leave it.
Your place wasn’t far away so it only took you twenty minutes to arrive. “Bring your stuff to your room and I’ll get the plates ready”, you said while taking out the food and bringing it to the couch so you could watch a movie together.
He turned around to look at you with all the bags in his hands. A grin on his lips while he came a bit closer to you, pecking your cheek. “Thanks, my sugar mommy. Can't imagine having a better mommy”, he definitely meant it kicking my, but seeing you blush and gasp softly made him pretty curious. But maybe he just imagined it.
You only smiled at him lightly, nodding before averting your gaze. Your smile turning goofy as soon as he walked out of the door.
While Steve was gone you took the jacket out and laid it out on the couch, already imagining how pretty Steve would look in the clothes you bought him.
His heavy steps echoed through the corridor and a few seconds later he was standing next to, looking at the jacket in surprise. “I-when did you get that?”, he asked quietly, lifting the jacket, a smile immediately appearing on his face.
“I may have lied about the few errands…just wanted to get you something nice-“ “but you bought all the clothes-” “but you chose it. I wanted to buy you something from me”, you smiled at the blond man pushing him down to sit on the couch. He dropped willingly, the jacket still clutched to his chest.
You took the jacket to put it aside. “I have one more thing”, you grinned, taking the bag again and pulling a little box out. Steve gasped loudly, his hand grabbing onto your thigh. When you looked back at him he seemed shocked, his mouth agape.
“You-you did not?”, he whispered letting you put the phone box into his palms. A soft laugh escaped your lips, while you leaned back, watching him fondly when he opened the box, slightly speechless. “I love having a sugar mommy”, his whisper made you laugh quietly but your chest immediately felt warmer, a bit tingling. You stayed quiet, not trusting your own voice.
His eyes had a little glimmer in them, a soft expression on his face while he slowly took the phone out, looking over the screen and back, before putting it once again away. “Thank you so much, I-…I really don’t know what to say…just…” “it’s why we’re having this, baby. Besides, I have a party coming up. Stark organizes a charity event so… let’s say…it’s a little gift for you joining me”, you smiled at him, winking.
Steve giggled quietly and shook his head lightly, leaving the box on the glass table. “I’d love to come with you. The phone is incredible-I’d never be able to afford it myself-but I’d have joined you anyway, you know? It’s actually not so bad…I thought it’d be weird but I really enjoy spending time with you”, Steve grinned, scooching a bit closer to you, his hand not leaving your thigh. Maybe sliding a bit higher.
“I want to thank you for this nice gift-“ “but I told you it’s for you joi-“ “I’ll probably need a suit anyway so…you’d need to buy it too…let me thank you properly, once in a while,” he whispered into your ear. You hadn’t even noticed how close he’d gotten until his lips trailed down your throat. That’s also when you noticed holding onto Steve’s blond hair. “But Stevie…the food…” “is it really that important? Do you really want me to stop? I want to thank my sugar mommy”, the last word made your grip in his hair tighten and he definitely noticed that.
Steve slowly kissed along your neck before uncrossing your legs and pushing them open, slowly dropping to his knees between. You couldn’t stop yourself from spreading them a bit further, your heart already thudding uncontrollably. “I’m sure it won’t be a problem to reheat it later…”
He helped you out of your pants as quickly as possible, admiring the pretty underwear he had seen before. You had no idea how many times Steve had seen women in underwear before but if he looked at all of them like that you definitely felt some kind of jealousy. No man had ever looked at you like that, his soft lips gently kissing your thighs, not really doing anything else.
Slowly kissing up to your core, Steve felt his own dick harden, but he decided to ignore it for now. All that mattered was to make you feel good-and he hoped he’d do it right.
His lips finally found your slip, slowly kissing your dressed pussy, his tongue licking over the material teasingly, curious. A quiet moan rumbled in your throat while you pulled his head a bit closer.
“Fuck Stevie-“, you moaned when he pushed the slip aside and licked over your slit, his nose nudging your clit unintentionally. You tried to push down your slip but before it could go any down Steve grabbed the material and yanked it from your body, ripping the material apart.
This made you gasp even louder, even a bit surprised. You had no time to say anything, Steve’s tongue immediately entering your hole licking up the wetness. His arms wrap around your thighs, holding you against his mouth as he moans against your core, his arms tightening.
You moved your hips against his lips, grinding against his face. He was all enthusiasm, lacking the finesse of an experienced man but his eagerness made up for it, especially when he started sucking on your clit. When you felt your high coming closer two of Steve’s fingers pushed in your hole, feeling how your walls throbbed around his digits. A quiet curse left his lips imagining how it’d feel to really fuck you. So warm and wet. How your pussy would tightly grip him.
“Curl your fingers upwards-and-and suck on my clit-I’m so fucking close babyboy.” Gasping louder when Steve did what you said you felt your peak approach. Steve felt how your muscles tightened around his fingers.
For not being experienced Steve sure did know how to use his mouth, having you moaning and shaking in no time. “I want to see you come-wanna make you come”, Steve moaned into your core, slurping and smacking loudly.
He looked up at you from under his eyelashes. His eyes being a bit glazed over, the blue being swallowed by his black pupils. A sudden urge overcoming him he definitely needed to try. “Mommy, please.”
And he was right.
Wetness gushed around his fingers, your walls sucking him in, your face scrunched up in pleasure. “Oh babyboy-you’re incredible”, after riding out your orgasm you slowly released the grip on his hair, moving your hand to lift his chin, running your thumb along his lips, the wetness glistening on his face.
A little smile widening over your lips. He was breathing hard and his eyes were all soft and needy. Your cum dripped from his chin onto his hoodie having left a wet spot behind.
“Sweetheart, you’re amazing.” , you mumbled, kissing his forehead before pulling him up and next to you onto the couch. “I’ll help you better with that…” Your hand trailed down his chest, but before you could grab his belt he stopped you. “It was about you, not me”, Steve kissed your knuckles. After taking off his hoodie he threw it over the back of the couch, an uneasy feeling erupting in your chest. Didn’t he even want a bit cuddling? You always enjoyed a hug after being intimate, but at the same time you knew you shouldn’t be thinking about it that way. It’s not like you were together. It was strictly business.
Steve kissed your forehead and took the food from the table. “I’ll warm the food up, you should wear something more comfortable than your work clothes-I thought we could watch a movie together”, he seemed sure about his words, but still seemed somehow nervous.
Which he was.
Because he now realized he had called you mommy.
And you seemed to enjoy it more than he’d imagine you’d do.
But the worst part of that?
He had definitely enjoyed it even more.
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Taglist: @slutforchrisjamalevans @joannaromanoff @marvel-wifey-86 @buckysteveloki-me @patzammit @barnesboo1967 @sebsgirl71479 @sapphire-rogers wanna be tagged? Be active (FEEDBACK AND REBLOGGING) and let me know!
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bubble4u · 2 years
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
Dress shopping with you and your three husband's for your child's birthday.
Polyship reader × mitsuya ×taiju× south
You only had three days and this was the 4 store today and still your daughter had no luck picking out her birthday dress.
Mitsuya insisted he make the dress but your daughter didn’t wanna have to put her dad through the trouble, it was already enough he was help pay for the center pieces and cake he’s got enough on his hand. “OK princess we’ll look around pick out a few and try them on and see what you’ll decide” south holding open the door for everyone “besides, we all took today off for you so if it’s not this store there’s always another” he added. Taiju made a beeline to section while everyone else collectively groaned, he unfortunately was another reason why you’re daughter hasn’t selected a dress as of yet “look at this angel it’s so cute has little sparkles on it” everyone including your daughters eyes bulged at the suggestion “babe she cannot wear that” your daughter was walking away from taiju trying to hand her the three tier ruffle rainbow doll dress “besides tai why are you in this section?” mitsuya added “she’s turning 17 shiba this is for fuckin snot nosed brats” “language south” You reminded him.
Taiju rolled his eyes “fine” he shoved the dress back on the rack and within 2 seconds he picks up another “what about this one princess it has a cute flower print and look on the side it has a tiny flower decoration” your daughter’s face twisted in disgust “ tai put that back we are not going to church” “what are you talking about woman this a cute dress” your daughter groaned looking at the garment “dad that’s a Easter Sunday dress not a party dress” You couldn’t help but tighten up your face you didn’t wanna laugh you know he's trying but “shiba this is just as ugly as that rainbow skittle disaster” taiju scoffed “tai were supposed to let her pick a dress SHE likes” mitsuya added.
With a huff taiju walked away following after your daughter “oooo mother look isn’t this cute” you looked at the mid length blue shimmer dress your daughter held up, smiling you nodded in agreement only for second later taiju snatching the garment out of your daughter’s grip “nope nu uh never matter a fact” he walked towards A full bed displays and buried the dress under the nicely folded sheets “ taiju!” you smacked his arm “no way will I let my daughter out in something that flashy and short” mitsuya took ahold of your daughter’s hand already leading her away from you and the blue haired male.
A few more hours passed and almost every dress your daughter has picked has been shot down, from a silver cowl neck mid length dress, to a see through lace top mini dress which you also agreed was too showy. Reaching the end of your daughter’s rope she was sitting in the stores bench already about to give up for today, she felt a nudge on her knee looking to see south with a dress in hand “here squirt I saw you eyeing it earlier” she noticed the color right away her eyes lit up in hand was a pale pink chiffon bandeau tiered mini dress, he was right she was eyeing it earlier but after the first dress being shot down by taiju she figured everything she picked would also be buried in another bed display.
As everyone was still looking around south was already in line with your daughter dress in hand along with shoes, some cute jewelry and even some makeup. “Dad, are you sure it’s ok for me to be getting all this mom said just the dress and shoes” south waved away your daughters concerns “don’t start you know damn well I can’t say no besides” he places the items in his hands down next to the items your daughter placed “your father is covering it” in hand south pulled out an all black credit one that looked reassembled just like taijus.
Everyone waited towards the entrance,  you growing concern while mitsuya and taiju looked over the different venues for the party, “there you two are” you hugged your daughter eyeing the different bags in hand “I see you two were busy?” She nodded setting some bags down picking up a shoe box to show what she had picked out. As you two looked over the items in the various shopping bags, south tossed a familiar wallet in taijus hands “thanks again hubby~ our little girl is happy” mitsuya covered his mouth realizing what the blonde male meant.
 @festive @aasouthteranoswife @bontensucker @danni-k @puprut
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swampstew · 8 months
Wanna know who binged What's The Magic Word last night and then read tonight's chapters with a smile on my face? THIS GAL!!!!😁😁😁
The whole thing with the Raven calling out Kid for being a lover boy had me in stitches, and the little Kim Possible easter egg was a cute touch. XD I was listening to videos of ravens mimicking human words earlier today, and it never fails to amaze me just how clever they are.
So happy you included Three-Eyed Killer too! It's one of my favorite headcanons and the fact that Kid gets way more upset about Killer being perceived as a freak than Killer does is very in-character. Rowena's right about all three of his eyes being beautiful!😭😭 If only someone could have told him that much sooner. Still baffles me how in the One Piece world where people can look like literally anything, someone with three eyes is considered freaky. 🙄
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it fills my lil heart with joy that you've enjoyed the fic especially these recent chapter drops :D i never thought i'd be here posting such intimate fantasies i created for myself and my comfort character and it brings me all the good brain feels when y'all come into my comments and ask box that you've even read past chapter 1! Your praise and enthusiasm makes me excited to drop more in the future ~ not just for OC fics but stories in general♡
Some fic talk below the cut so avert yee eyes if you don't want to be spoilt ~~~
I had to sit down and bury my face into my gengar plush from how hard i was cheesing. my cheeks hurt and its all your fault!
NGL the Raven was actually me self inserting <in my self insert story> shenanigans for the gag ~ I love bullying the big dope! It is CRAZY how Ravens and other birds can talk - that's one of the reasons i both respect and lowkey fear birds. They're SO smart. I wanna befriend one. But im sure it could lure me into a pyramid scheme.
Thank you! I've read the head canon on Tumblr a few times but can't pin the source. I think it's a theory with merit! I try to do slightly different traits/characteristics of canon characters across fics so that each fic has it's own canon of the Kid Pirates. In What's the Magic Word? - Killer is a hybrid three-eye tribe member. In other fics - he's just as precious and special but in other ways.
ALSO THE DISCRIMINATION! INSANE! In this house we loathe Big Mom (she's an AMAZING character and I want to study her in a lab 60 floors under ground) but i HATE HER ASS. straight up abused tf outta her kids for being the variety snack pack kingdom she WANTED.
For Chapter 29 - I'll just leave it at TYSFMISSGDHRNIHH (thank you so fucking much im sobbing so god damn hard right now i have hiccups). As much as I romanticize the fuck out of Eustass Kid, I wanted to make sure his wedding day fit his brand of chaotic♥
I'll make a better quality post of the cover art in a few days after the chapters sink in a little! All my love for this crazy pirate culminated to this moment♥
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onekisstotakewithme · 5 months
mashnoir because I'm hungry for more and also sperm donor!
i will... do sperm donor first so I can post mashnoir below the fold (since it'll have spoilers for post-ch 6).
anyway the gist of sperm donor (which I set aside to work on president CJ) is that during season 5, shortly after the supremes, a whole bunch of events conspire to make CJ think about kids and the having of them, and she starts considering using a sperm donor. guess who the number one candidate might be. (it's danny).
I had a lot of fun writing it because it was a lot of the day to day political stuff that ASorks excelled at. I had to do like six years of research for the like 12k I had of it.
Snippet (featuring my favourite, CJ + press corps banter):
“Have you changed your stance on your right to adopt?” “Okay,” CJ says, as Katie grins at her. “Just, right out of the gate, that’s what you’re going for?” Katie raises an eyebrow, but Mark holds up his pen beside her. CJ looks between the two of them, before saying, “… Mark?” “Will you be adopting a boy, or a girl?” “Do you two rehearse this act, or…?” Katie and Mark both laugh, exchanging a look, before CJ asks, “Do either of you have a real question?” “Does this law favour younger parents?” “No. Typically the kids who are adopted are younger, generally infants and small children. The older you get, the more likely you are to age out of the system. The Federal Adoption Opportunities Act is designed to streamline the process of getting more kids out of the foster care system and into families that want them, with a focus on getting older kids into foster families and eventual adoption. Chris?” “Will there be any studies conducted on the effects and outcomes associated with adoption, or is that considered a state matter?” “It is one of the requirements of the bill that adoption outcomes will be studied at length, and recommendations will be made to Congress once those studies take place. Steve?” “Do you know who’s dressing up as the Easter Bunny this year?” “You know what? I don’t, but that’s a great question. If any of you see Toby Ziegler around today, you should tell him to do it. That’s a full lid, everyone, thank you. Have a good night.”
as for mashnoir... was literally cackling and kicking my feet over the plot twist in chapter six. the real question of why did i add more chapters... the answer is because I want more interactions between the three of them. Did I maybe pick a more mundane version where I could've written something more gritty (Hawk sleeping with both Hunnicutts and them putting a hit out on each other?). sure. but i'm enjoying subverting the noir twists and turns ;)
also a love letter to your favourite state of maine will be in this fic.
anyway this bit from chapter eight:
Hawkeye should feel relieved, now that the whole scheme is out in the open – now that he’s a co-conspirator in a mercy killing instead of a co-conspirator in a murder – but he doesn’t. If he thought the weight on his soul and his conscience would be eased by the knowledge that he’s easing a dying man’s suffering, that was blown to hell with the knowledge that he’ll be leaving a child without a father. Worse still, he genuinely likes BJ, despite barely knowing him, and the loss of it tears at him. And given this madcap little scheme that he’s hatched of leaving a proper paper trail for any enterprising Barton Keyes-in-training, he’s only contributing to his own suffering by putting himself in close proximity to BJ on a regular basis. The first of these appointments falls in late July, the dead of summer, on a day so hot that there seems to be a permanent haze hanging over Boston, hot enough that the only flowers not wilting are the wax ones sitting on the nurse’s station.
(yes this is the start of chapter eight, don't @ me, I've been pulled in 1000 directions for the past week).
many twists to come. maybe not many. twists to come :)
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doorbloggr · 2 years
Wednesday 4/8/22 - Media Recommendations #37
At the start of 2020, my friends and I set aside a day a week to get together and play Dungeons and Dragons. While the four I played with had some experience in D&D, I had never played before, after playing together for 2 years now, I think it's an experience all nerds should take part in.
And since I have grown a light obsession with D&D over the last couple years, I have been lightly keeping up with the latest season of a podcast called Critical Role, and it has only fueled my obsession further. So today let me tell you what Critical Role is all about.
Critical Role
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Just like any other at-home D&D group, Critical Role started out as a group of friends playing a table top RPG. But one day, they decided to upload a recording of their sessions to Twitch, and changed the internet's perception of Dungeons and Dragons.
Keeping up with Critical Role has been a fairly unique experience for me. I do indulge in Podcasts quite often these days, but Critical Role is different to your run of the mill podcast, because there's an overarching plot and narrative.
Unlike my usual recommendations, I can't really give a plot synopsis, since each campaign is hundreds of hours and any major plot detail is a spoiler. But I CAN say that each adventure is a unique and gripping plot that has you keen to listen to the next episode.
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Clara Daly (@ eldritchblep on twitter)
Critical Role explores the original world of Exandria, a fantasy realm of numerous cultures and deep worldbuilding. Each of the three campaign spans different continents across the world, and explore issues of rotten monsters, corrupt organisations, and the meddling of deities beyond their realm. The system is based in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, and despite how perfectly the plot seems to go sometimes, every session is spontaneous, and largely unplanned by the players.
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The DM Matthew Mercer has collaborated with dozens of other creators to craft a huge world, and there are several 5th Edition source books they have built from this world. Matt also works with his players to craft engaging backstories that have the others at the table, and those watching from home, on the edge of the seats.
I must also commend the players, Sam Reigel, Laura Bailey, Travis Willingham, Liam O'Bbrien, Marisha Ray, Ashley Johnson, and Taliesin Jaffe on their amazing voice acting and improv skills to make these beautifully enthralling characters with multi faceted personalities and lore.
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Despite the concept being a bunch of white nerds doing a very white thing, the world, and community of Critical Role is a bastion of diversity and representation of various cultures, gender and sexual identities, and mental and physical challenges. Both the main cast and guest stars explore a variety of complex issues including PTSD, abuse, body dysphoria, substance dependency, broken homes, and broken souls. And that's just the stuff from campaign 2!
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Finally, I will lay out the actual structure of how one would go about experiencing Critical Role.
At the time of writing, there are 3 campaigns of Critical Role. Each story can be viewed without prior experience, but faithful viewers will get a kick out of Easter eggs and callbacks to earlier parts. Each episode is usually around 4 hours along, with a half hour break somewhere in the middle.
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Campaign One, also known as Vox Machina, is 115 episodes, plus spin-off episodes released later. This series was their first to be broadcasted, and I've been told the production value at the start is not amazing, but it improves. Campaign Two, The Mighty Nein, is 141 episodes. They really hit their stride with this season, and despite the end of the campaign running into the start of the Covid 19 pandemic, it never lost its spark. Campaign Three, Bell's Hells is still ongoing, and at the time of writing, up to episode 28.
All three campaigns are archived on their YouTube Channel, and new episodes are streamed to both YouTube and Twitch on Thursday Nights (Pacific Daylight Time), and then the vod is released on YouTube the following Monday (Tuesday for me).
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Subscribe on YouTube or Twitch
I personally have only just finished watching Campaign 2, and am up to date on Campaign 3. I have not watched Campaign 1, but if you are looking for content on that adventure, there is a series on Amazon Prime called the Legend of Vox Machina (reccomended earlier) that chronicles part of that campaign. You can watch the Campaigns in any order, but my personal advice is try to catch up on Campaign 3 at least sooner rather than later, since it is the easiest to catch up on.
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Hope you enjoyed the read, and let me know if you enjoy the reccomendation.
Also, the fanbase, the Critters are amazingly passionate, so check out the artists I tagged on this post, and more if you get the chance.
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lovemesomesurveys · 9 months
How old were you when you learned how to drive? I don't drive.
Have you ever been to a baby shower? What was the baby’s name? Yeah, I've been to a few.
What mode of transport did you take to high school? My mom took me majority of the time, but occasionally my dad or aunt did.
Name a personality trait of yours that you like. I think I'm a good listener.
Name something about your physical attraction that you dislike. My physical appearance? Uh, like everything. My smile is a big one.
What’s in your purse right now? I use a mini backpack, which right now has my wallet, a thing with some of my medicine, a 2 pack of Reese's (lol), and a Barbie pin I still need to put on the front of my backpack.
Do you vote in your country’s elections? Yes.
What was your first kiss like? It was unexpected and awkward, but I was just giddy about having had my first kiss. It's not like I had anything to compare it to.
Shuffle your music and skip twice. What song is playing? Nah.
Have you ever been a freelancer? No.
What mood were you in when you woke up today? I felt okay.
What storey is your bedroom on? I live in a one-story house.
What gifts do you usually receive at Easter? Gift cards and something like a stuffed animal and/or a shirt.
Do you use a planner to keep track of your life? I use the calendar app to remind me when my bills are due, and I also use the notes and reminders app for stuff.
Who was the last person you sent an email to? I don't recall the last time I sent an email.
Are there any posters in your bedroom? Yeah, I have a few canvas painting and framed ones. Most of them are giraffes, but I also have some beach ones, a couple paintings my uncle did for me, and a Stranger Things poster (the well-known ABCs on the wall one with the strung lights).
What was your favourite fairytale as a kid? I've always liked Alice in Wonderland.
Is there anything in your freezer that you really need to get rid of? I have no idea what's even in my freezer. I'm still mostly bedridden and need help transferring and when I'm up in my chair checking the freezer isn't something I've had a need to do in awhile. I just haven't had a reason to; if I want something I'd just ask someone.
Have you ever played Second Life? No. I'm a Sims gal.
What do you like about the town or city you live in? Just the fact a lot of my family is here.
What do you dislike about the town or city you live in? My town is awful. It's not known for anything good.
Are your parents good cooks? Yes.
What’s the first thing you notice about a person? >> this will vary from person to person <<<
Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Did you like it? I have not.
What is your favourite museum? I don't have a particular favorite, though I've only been to a few. I enjoy historical type ones with artifacts and whatnot. I think I'd love The Smithsonian if I ever get to go one day. I love all that kind of stuff.
Do you know anyone who is an actor? No.
Have your wisdom teeth come through yet? I had those taken out when I was a young teenager.
How many weddings have you been to? Just three.
Do you watch Youtube? What channels do you like? I watch a shit ton of YouTube. I'm subscribed to many channels of various types. I like ASMR (a lot of ASMR channels), vlogs/lifestyle, hauls, mukbangs, abandoned places, Disney history and related stuff.... stuff like that.
What’s your alcohol of choice? Barf, none. I don't drink.
Have you ever used a public pay phone? Yeah. It was like back in 2010, I think. The community college I attended had a few and I needed to use it cause my phone had died.
Which one item would you save from your burning house? This is such a hard question cause I'd wanna try and grab so many things.
Do you have a Twitter account? Yeah, or "X" as it's called now. *eye roll* I don't go on it much anymore.
What is your hair like right now? Short and no real style to it right now. I'm in the process of growing it out after cutting it like pixie cut short over a year ago for reasons. It's in that awkward phase, but it is starting to really grow out.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Over-easy, scrambled, hard boiled, deviled, egg salad. I like eggs.
What’s the longest you’ve been without showering? A few months while in the hospital. Like an actual shower I mean. I had bed baths of course.
Name one of your guilty pleasure songs. I didn't want to admit to liking some Justin Bieber songs at first like when his Purpose album came out. lol. I don't care now.
Have you ever made an item of clothing? No. I've never tried to learn or attempt to.
What was the most expensive bill you paid within the last month? I have a few high credit card payments. :X
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squadron-goals · 9 months
Jagdstaffel Boelcke, 8 April 1917
My dear Miss Annamarie! Today I wanted to look for Easter eggs with you at the Hubertusmühle. Now I want to check in with you from afar at least with a letter. The return to the squadron [Böhme was injured on his hand in February and spent some time in hospital] was sad. When I arrived in Cambrai late in the evening, the first thing I learned was that two good comrades-in-arms had fallen: König and Wortmann. They were the last two in the squadron from the original Boelcke squadron. Now only Richthofen and I are still alive. The cup of Valenciennes seems to have passed me by [Böhme was ordered to the fighter pilot school as an instructor] - I even have the prospect of receiving the leadership of squadron 5. By the way, you must not think of the matter of Valenciennes as if being commanded there means being pushed aside. It is a task that is as important as it is responsible, because the quality of the entire replacement for the fighter squadrons depends on it. Only - I'm not up to this task. I am such an oddball that I prefer the smallest dogfight to a whole morning of playing teacher. There is a fabulous air traffic here. The English are coming in mighty swarms with new, very fast planes. But we also have a passion here now that is quite splendid. What a joy Boelcke would have! This morning I went to see Richthofen, who has now become a Rittmeister. He had just shot down number 38. It is amazing how high he has brought his squadron in such a short time. He has a lot of great guys around him who go through fire for him; his younger brother Lothar has also recently joined the squadron. Richthofen himself is as fresh as a daisy; although he climbs five times on some days, there is no sign of fatigue. What pleases me is that he is so completely without boastfulness, a distinguished but quite natural person - he is always particularly affectionate towards me. It would be good if he were put at the head of all fighter aviation soon. After to Boelcke, he would be the man to do it. At night, Richthofen and his men organized a merry target shooting because the English would not let him sleep peacefully. After these, flying very low at night, threw a few bombs at his airfield, he had 17 captured English machine guns installed near the casino. Then they expected the guests and, when they boldly came down to fifty meters, surprised them with a brisk fire. This way they have brought down no less than three in one night - something new for an aviator!  Now they will probably be safe from nocturnal disturbances. You will probably not discover much Easter spirit in this letter. You see: I'm back in the middle of a war. Hopefully it stays that way and I won't have to go to Valenciennes.
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survey--s · 10 months
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At the moment 1. How are you? I’m doing pretty good apart from having period pains. 2. Are you with anyone? Simba is asleep behind me, Purrlock is on the bookshelf and I think Toby is on the fridge. Mike and Archie are both upstairs. 3. Are you doing anything besides this survey? Watching a re-run of Below Deck. 4. What are you listening to? Below Deck. Simba is also purring right in my ear lol. 5. Are you talking to anyone? Not at the moment, no. 6. What are you wearing? Black leggings and a black and white floral tunic dress/top. 7. Are you eating or drinking anything? Just a can of Pepsi Max. 8. Is there anything going on in the room you’re in? Just the cats sleeping and me doing this survey. 9. How is the weather outside? Windy and getting dark even though it’s not even 8pm yet. 10. What time is it? It’s currently 7.37pm.
Lasts:1. Who is the last person you talked to? Mike. Unless you count the cat, lol. 2. What is the last food you ate? Salt and vinegar crisps. 3. What is the last text asleep? That makes a ton of sense, lol. 4. Where is the person you last hugged? He’s upstairs playing on the xBox. 5. When is the last time you cried? I can’t remember the last time I cried. 6. What did you do for your last birthday? We had a snow day. I had a couple of cat visits to do and then we just chilled at home as most of the roads out were closed. I think we got takeaway too. 7. Where is the last person you kissed? Upstairs in bed. 8. Besides anything computer related, what is the last thing you touched? My nose as it just got really itchy. 9. When is the last time you changed clothes? This morning after I took a shower. 10. What was the last TV show you watched? Below Deck. Before that it was Two and a Half Men.
What’s/Who’s your favorite: 1. Color? Purple. 2. TV show? FRIENDS. 3. Food? Steak, fries or pizza. 4. Season? Autumn as long as it’s not too wet. 5. Movie? Alice in Wonderland. 6. Item of clothing? I don’t really have a specific favourite, it depends on my mood. 7. Band? The Beatles.
8. Place to be kissed? My lips, cheek or neck. 9. Friend? My closest friend is Mike. 10. Sibling? I don’t have any siblings.
Listings:1. List five green things in the room you’re in.There isn’t really much in here that’s green. Uhh…a pair of shorts, some wax melts, a book cover, a DVD box and there’s some green in a painting too. 2. List four best friends. Mike, Susie, Jenn, my mum. 3. List seven things you’ve done today. Had a lie in, had a shower, made a bacon sandwich, binge-watched Below Deck, played “find it” with the dog, took a bunch of surveys and watched Alice in Wonderland. 4. List one place you’d like to visit. Japan. 5. List three holidays you like. Christmas, Halloween and Easter. 6. List two favorite stores. Fat Face and Waterstones. 7. List one reason you and your ex broke up. He lied to me about how many children he had. 8. List four things you like about your appearance. My height, my piercings, my tattoo and my nose. 9. List eight things you like about your best friend. He’s honest, kind, hard-working, loyal, funny, sarcastic, animal-loving and an all-round good egg.
10. List two favorite colors. Purple and grey.
Random questions 1. Would you care if a friend was friends with an enemy of yours? I mean, it’s not up to me who other people are friends with. 2. What was the last book you read? I honestly don’t remember. I’m not really a big reader. 3. Are you looking forward to going back to school? I haven’t been in any kind of education for 12 years now. 4. Was this one of your favorite summers? Why? I mean, it wasn’t a bad summer but I wouldn’t say it was one of my favourites. 5. Is there anything you’ve always wanted to do? Visit Japan. 6. Where is the person that means most to you right now? Upstairs. 7. How many best friends do you have? I wouldn’t really describe anyone as being a best friend. 8. Do you have any cuts or bruises on your body right now? Sure, I always do. I work with animals so it’s kind of part of the job. 9. Are you holding back doing or saying anything? No. 10. What time will you go to sleep tonight? I’ll probably go to bed in about an hour, but I don’t normally go to sleep until closer to midnight.
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azuresins · 2 years
I'm about to go off on a long-winded tangent, but. Shout out to the kind people who supported my theory that the Phantomhive Family had strong Irish and Celtic connections and lineage from day one three years ago, or who supported it the moment they read them. The hate has quieted down some, but now and again I'll get hit with a very anti-irish sentiment, specifically. Usually from an anon who either doesn't know much about the history of Ireland, Scotland, or Wales. That don't understand that events of the past are on-going and affect these nations today-- the political nightmare, that is brexit, the division between Northern and Southern Ireland (when the island became divided, why it's divided, who BENEFITS from that, how it affects people today, ect)-- and it's important. Do you *know* how many people are already suffering very real live-life consequences in day-to-day life just because the Queen died? How much is just "on pause" until the grieving period is over? To be honest, it's worse when the sender allegedly does know these things, and...have a very loyalist-mindset; That the inhabitants of Southern Ireland are traitors, and Northern Ireland is somehow... better. That Scotland is "basically wholly integrated" and superior to Ireland, and not in the playful banter kind-of-way. They almost never even mention Wales at all. ...Anyway. I think I just pissed-off the wrong person or something, I want to believe this is just one person trolling me. That's what I tell myself. -- Gradually, more artwork has come out supporting the connection, and more people in the fandom have found additional 'hints' and 'easter eggs' that support this idea that I certainly didn't catch, and I love to see it, SO much. Even if it's outside of manga-canon ( rewatching one episode of Season II of the first anime, 'Solo Butler', the second episode -- I don't know how it escaped my attention but it's of particular interest. ✨). Even if you have different ideas about what o!Ciel's birth name is ( I say 'birth name' -- this is only further complicated if you believe there's a chance the twins were switched ), ultimately I think, one of the driving themes of kuro is that despite namesakes, despite the expectation of others, you are who you choose to be. "Fionn" was a name that the warrior earned, it was not his birth name, either. Maybe that parallel should be added to the theory at a later date, I always second-guess myself when it comes to what might be important. I didn't include this in my theory post. Because whether or not there is a direct connection to what I am about to say to Kuro, is hard to prove. I'm not entirely sure. But, it's still important to me. I feel it's meant to be said, should be known, and acknowledged even beyond kuro, for those who are curious. Historians have all agreed unanimously, that the most important part of the Fenian Cycle, is a portion called the "Acallam na Senórach" ( "Tales of the Elders of Ireland"). It's a later tale, told well-after the death of Fionn the Warrior, that features St. Patrick. It's believed and accepted by many, because of this portion, that the Fenian Cycle was allowed to continue to exist AT ALL... and wasn't destroyed, by christians. I don't know how much I, or anyone, can stress the importance of integrating the values and culture of pre-Christian Ireland, with the ... "new ways" of the catholic church. It was critical in preserving any of the "old ways." There are only five original manuscripts in the world that contain the "Acallam na Senórach".
That being said, the oldest surviving manuscript of that five, is in something that was called at the time it was written, "The Book of the White Earl." The "White Earl" was a man named James Butler, an Anglo-Irish lord who also had ties to the 'Ros' family. His scribes and contributions were invaluable, to Irish culture. Celtic culture for many centuries relied on telling their stories and passing them on generationally, not writing them down. Much of what did manage to be written down by scribes was destroyed by the church and St. Patrick himself. -- So when I see a father in a piece of fiction set in Victorian times, of noble birth, said ALSO to be interest in philanthropy, deeply vested in caring for people living on his estate, connected to the Royal Family and meant to be LOYAL to a FAULT, reading his sons 'The Fenian Cycle' as a bedtime story... and then we find out later in the story, this father was brutally murdered. I don't think to myself, 'HUH, HOW IN the WORLD did THAT HAPPEN?' I think there's a reason why he and his mother died young. The multiple appearances of this book and who's touched it, are important in Kuro and MUCH MORE than just a touching fairytale. To me it's just so...obvious, I let my excitement get the best of me and I forget there are people who literally hate my theory to the point, where it's become a sort of ritual to send me disturbing asks. It's been made known to me that people literally BOND over hating the idea and this name, for whatever reasons. ... which is fine, you can have your reasons, you can tell me my ideas are cringe, or whatever and DESIRE for the Phantomhives to be pure Anglo with some possible French decent. By all means, you can dislike the way the name sounds. But now, it's turned into something else... Just. Don't take it out on Irish people in particular, or any of the Celtic nations, or try to downplay or deny, how Integral and influential Celtic culture is to the UK, when you do so. Whether it's "Bait" or not, if I get even a whiff of that kind of message in my askbox I ignore it. The most recent one I got however was incredibly nasty. The sentiments are not only offensive, prejudicial, and in terrible taste, but incredibly tone-deaf and ignorant. It's called The UNITED Kingdom for a reason, and you shouldn't say "UK" when you're only talking about England (or even Britain for that matter). I'm entitled to my interpretation of the in-canon events, the narration, the dialogue, symbolism, and historical context as much as anyone else is. I'm allowed to think objectively, "Finnian" is a grand name. ....So does Sebastian. .....So did Joker. ....So does Our!Ciel. .....So does the gardener, Finny. If you think it's a plain name, that's fine, but that's your objective opinion outside the source material. It's a plain and common name to people NOW. It didn't USED to be. And Finally in all this time, I've never once said anyone else's ideas or theories were 'bad' or 'cringey' or that anyone was forced to agree with me. Literally anyone can headcanon out of them. The entire first season of the anime is an AU of the manga and there isn't a twin at all. So again I say, thank you, to those who have been kind to me whether you agree with all of it, some of it, or none of it. I appreciate it deeply. ... And a big no thank you! To those who have been annoying at best and actually-racist and horrific, at worst. You're driving me to the point where as much as I want to be polite, to respond with your "criticism" with .... Seethe? Cope? Touch some grass, maybe? 🤷 ? I don't know and I don't care, anymore. I'm not going to sit here all day long and "debate" with ... that, I literally wont.
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You know what they say, "Trouble Comes in Three's!!!"
Hey guys, sorry I've been away. My phone finally died on me for like two weeks. I got it semi working, And now working. But it's iffy (can't have it on without battery zapping). I also took longer to get back to a normalish routine. Still getting there (I mean after pulling graveyard shifts) so it kinda messed with my update... That and sadly my computer decided to EVERY SINGLE NIGHT have an issue where it restarted, or I had to restart it. Clip studio didn't want to work... UGH it's been a stressful. But good news it's coming. I should have new art (Including just a THSC Easter post out soon). Today was literally one of the first days in a while I got everything, and I mean everything to work. It's what i've been mostly focused on. I just have to push back the initial update plan I gave due to the complications I was facing. i should have updated sooner. But literally any time on my computer was spent working in some way, or trying to get everything hunky-dory.
Anyways. You should hear from me soon. I have several #THSC small pieces I drew while waiting out these stressful times. They're just fun sketches. But since I don't have my regular pens all out or dried out. i'm going to have to redraw them long as my computer cooperates on the tablet. So stay tooned.
Glad to have good news to share all the same.
LOve you guys take care!!! <3
(BTW's tech issues including having issues for NO Reason logging in to Tumbler and all my other accounts. Like I said all my tech was having nightmarish situations... I pray it's all better now. SHould have something to post soon [in the next handful of days] so stay tuned).
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Dungeons & Dragons was hilarious and excellent, turn your brain off and just enjoy the show movie. I went in with semi-low expectations so maybe that's why it exceeded them so much. Lots of fun easter eggs and nods to fans of the tabletop system. I'll discuss some stuff below the cut but I am just gonna put myself on blast here but holy hades....Michelle Rodriguez's barbarian character? I know she was going to be hot because it's Michelle Rodriguez so it's just a given.
But she beefed up for this role and not to call myself out for my subby tendencies but I need a hot barbarian girlfriend who will pin my ass to the wall make me her bottom b*tch and or potentially crush my head between her mountainous thighs. Fuck me running. Hi yes, I am very, very gay for Holga.
Like, she was distracting and making me feel all sorts of ways.
Also, now to be the utterly ridiculous bi that I am, Regé-Jean Page was ALSO unbearably hot in this movie, especially when he was being super competent and just mopping the floor with fools. I never thought a paladin could be that hot. I don't know which god he's sworn to but they obviously imbued him with that smoldering hot holy warrior spiciness. When he cast smite on his sword I was done. Sir, you are already unfairly attractive, how dare you level up in sexiness somehow?
I also kinda high key love he was kinda coded maybe overly serious maybe could be read as autistic? Like I totally read him as autistic which is awesome if that's what they were going for.
Honestly? Everyone in this movie is pretty. Of course they all are.
After the movie, I ended up going to ulta, sorta mentally checked out and bought way too much stuff. So much so I'm like....I need to return some of this. So I guess I'm going back on Sunday. Some of it I thought was on sale but I guess I misread the ads.
And I stopped by the local Vietnamese place and got some pho which was....very good and I have a bahn mi sitting next to me that I should really eat but I'm kinda full from the pho because I always underestimate the portions you get at pho places. It's quite literally pho for days.
EDIT: Somehow I managed to eat that bahn mi but I legit might need to pass out now. I've had a piss poor appetite the past few days thanks to being stressed out and just in bad head space. So I've had like one meal a day the past two days and today I didn't eat at all. Because I was mainly busy. But by the time I got done with eating to say I was famished is an understatement. I think I just made up for the past three days of not eating.
I really need to edit Seeds but I think I might just pass out and go into a food coma instead.
SO MY MAJOR COMPLAINT. We went to the Underdark and didn't SEE A SINGLE DROW??? So my major knowledge of D&D comes from Forgotten Realms. I know the system, have watched some Crit Role. But I just I loved those books and Drizzt to DEATH growing up. And then they introduced Artemis Entreri and Jarlaxle and I was sunk.
I STILL buy a Forgotten Realms book if I know those two are going to be in it. They're like my trashy comfort characters. You will see a predictable pattern in my trashy comfort characters.
I knew I wasn't going to get Drizzt or Jarlaxle because they are FR characters but the moment they mentioned the Underdark I was still screaming in my seat mentally because I thought they'd bring the Drow in somehow.
And they didn't. And I was very, very sad.
Also? If I ever get a black cat somehow, I am naming her Guenhwyvar, that's how much of a FR nerd I am. And literally no one but .5 % of the population will get that reference. Also it's hard enough to get my vet to spell Genji's name right, can you imagine trying to get them to spell Guenhwyvar? FORGET ABOUT IT.
But, eh it's a minor bitch in the grand scheme of things. I was still so stoked to see/hear things like Icewnd Dale and the Spine on the map and Neverwinter and Waterdeep etc.
Also THEY HAD A CAMEO OF THE OLD D&D CARTOON CHARACTERS. SCREAM. I used to that that with my mom as a kid, that was one of those few stark childhood memories I have of watching D&D and Voltron with her.
There was a Mimic which made me squee and a gelatinous cube. Not super deep easter egg shit but enough to make me feel in on the jokes, you know? And freaking displacer beasts.
And some Dragonborn and Aarakocra! Ugh my nerdy heart is full of joy.
Suffice it to say, I loved it. I might go see it again though I also want to go see the Super Mario Movie and maybe John Wick 4. There are way too movies out I want to see.
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drwilfredwaterson · 1 month
The Fourth Holy Sabbath After Easter Weekend: Sunset April 26th to Sunset April 27th, 2024: The 2016 Apocalypse, Signs of the Abrahamic Messiah, and A Tortured Poets Department Post-Release/Sabbath Weekend Swifties Playlist: Part 2: Chapter 4: 318 To The Rescue, Swiftie Deadpool 3 Rumors, and the Messiah.
Earthquake: April 27, 2024 14:13:40 Jerusalem, Israel, 05:13:40 PDT Local Time The Geysers, California (10 hours, 11 minutes, 38 seconds after the 2:02:02 UTC Point Possession, Alaska quake)
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TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Pages 24 and 25: Genesis 14:11 [The invaders] seized all the wealth of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their provisions, and went their way. Genesis 14:12 They also took Lot, the son of Abrtam's brother, and his possessions, and departed; for he had settled in Sodom. Genesis 14:13 A fugitive brought the news to Abram the Hebrew, who was dwelling at the terebinths of Mamre the Amorite, kinsman of Eshkol and Amer, these being Abram's allies. Genesis 14:14 When Abram heard that his kinsman had been taken captive, he mustered his retainers, born into his household, numbering three hundred and eighteen, and went in pursuit as far as Dan. Genesis 14:15 At night, he and his servants deployed against them and defeated them; and he pursued them as far as Hobah, which is north of Damascus. Genesis 14:16 He brought back all the possessions; he also brought back his kinsman Lot and his possessions, and the women and the rest of the people.
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Taylor Swift - Speak Now World Tour: Arm Lyrics: October 29th 2011, Lexington, Kentucky: “Cause happiness throws a shower of sparks” - The Fray, ‘Happiness’
"The way you move is like a full on rainstorm And I'm a house of cards You're the kind of reckless that should send me running But I kinda know that I won't get far And you stood there in front of me just Close enough to touch Close enough to hope you couldn't see What I was thinking of Drop everything now Meet me in the pouring rain Kiss me on the sidewalk Take away the pain 'Cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile" - Taylor Swift - "Sparks Fly"
Taylor Swift Arm Lyrics - Speak Now World Tour: Auckland, New Zealand: March 18, 2012: “You know wherever I am, I’ll come running to see you again” – James Taylor, You’ve Got A Friend.
"And there's something to be proud of about moving on and realizing that real love shines golden like starlight, and doesn't fade or spontaneously combust. Maybe I’ll write a whole album about that kind of love if I ever find it." - Taylor Swift (Red liner notes)
Touch: "Pilot" (alternatively "Tales of the Red Thread") is the first episode of Touch. It originally aired in a special preview event held January 25, 2012, on FOX.
"Today we'll send over 300 billion e-mails 19 billion text messages. Yet we'll still feel alone. The average person will say 2,250 words to 7.4 other individuals. Will these words be used to hurt or to heal? The ratio is always the same. 1 to 1.618, over and over and over again. The patterns are hidden in plain sight. You just have to know where to look. Things most people see as chaos actually follow subtle laws of behavior. Galaxies, plants, seashells. The patterns never lie. But only some of us can see how the pieces fit together. 7,080,360,000 of us live on this tiny planet. This is the story of some of those people. There's an ancient Chinese myth about the Red Thread of Fate. It says the gods have tied a red thread around every one of our ankles and attached it to all the people whose lives we're destined to touch. This thread may stretch, or tangle, but it'll never break. It's all predetermined by mathematical probability, and it's my job to keep track of those numbers, to make the connections for those who need to find each other, the ones whose lives need to touch. I was born 4,161 days ago, on October 26, 2000. I've been alive for 11 years, 4 months, 21 days and 14 hours. And in all that time I've never said a single word." - Jake/Jacob/Israel Bohm
October 26, 2000: Strong's Concordance #4161 motsa: a place or act of going forth, issue, export, source, spring, growing place, a mine. Original Word: מוֹצָא
A Web search leads Jake's father, Martin, to the Teller Institute, a rundown home at 318 West Tesla Street. Arthur Teller explains that, on his own, Jake discovered the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical ratio concerning patterns repeated in nature: a wave's curve, a shell's spiral, segments of a pineapple. Jake sees vast connections that amount to road maps, and it's Martin's job, his destiny, to follow them for Jake.
"Imagine the unspeakable beauty of the universe he sees! No wonder he doesn't talk." - Arthur Teller on Jacob/Israel Bohm
In the 2012 television series Touch, season 1, episode 9, "Music of the Spheres", Jacob "Jake" Bohm, a mute boy who mysteriously feels the suffering of those along his path and aims to positively adjust their fates, is revealed as possibly one of the "Lamed Vav Tzadikim" by a Hasidic man. In the second season of Touch, Jake and other people who have special gifts are referred to as members of the 36; throughout the episodes they are exploited for their capabilities and are hunted down by one who believes they hold too much power. The final episode features consideration of the Kabbalah and the mystical roots of the legend of the 36. Lamedvavnik (Yiddish: למד־װאָװניק), is the Yiddish term for one of the 36 humble righteous ones or Tzadikim mentioned in kabbalah or Jewish mysticism. According to this teaching, at any given time there are at least 36 holy persons in the world who are Tzadikim. These holy people are hidden; i.e., nobody knows who they are. According to some versions of the story, they themselves may not know who they are. For the sake of these 36 hidden saints, God preserves the world even if the rest of humanity has degenerated to the level of total barbarism. This is similar to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Hebrew Bible, where God told Abraham that he would spare the city of Sodom if there was a quorum of at least 10 righteous men. Since nobody knows who the Lamedvavniks are, not even themselves, every Jew should act as if he or she might be one of them; i.e., lead a holy and humble life and pray for the sake of fellow human beings. It is also said that one of these 36 could potentially be the Jewish Messiah if the world is ready for them to reveal themselves. Otherwise, they live and die as an ordinary person. Whether the person knows they are the potential Messiah is debated. (Wikipedia)
Touch - Season 1 Trailer
Published: 12/5/2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvQ_qJYZ-7A dvQ_qJYZ-7A (7) adjqqvyz 1+4+600+70+70+700+400+500=2345. 2345+7=2352. Strong's Concordance #2352 chuwr: hole, cave, a pit, to bore; the crevice of a serpent; a prison cell, a grave, a tomb. Original Word: חוּר
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Pages 870 and 871: Isaiah 11:1 But a shoot shall grow out of the stump of Jesse, A twig shall sprout from his stock. Isaiah 11:2 The spirit of the Lord shall alight upon him: A spirit of wisdom and insight, A spirit of counsel and valor, A spirit of devotion and reverence for the Lord. Isaiah 11:3 He shall sense the truth by his reverence for the Lord; He shall not judge by what his eyes behold, Nor decide by what his ears perceive. Isaiah 11:4 Thus he shall judge the poor with equity And decide with justice for the lowly of the land. He shall strike down a land with the rod of his mouth And slay the wicked with the breath of his lips. Isaiah 11:5 Justice shall be the girdle of his loins, And faithfulness the girdle of his waist. Isaiah 11:6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard lie down with the kid; the calf, the beast of prey, and the fatling together, With a little boy to herd them. Isaiah 11:7 The cow and the bear shall graze, Their young shall lie down together; And the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw. Isaiah 11:8 A babe shall play Over a viper's hole, And an infant shall pass his hand Over an adder's den. Isaiah 11:9 In all of My sacred mount Nothing evil or vile shall be done; For the land shall be filled with devotion to the Lord As water covers the sea. Isaiah 11:10 In that day, The stock of Jesse that has remained standing Shall become a standard to peoples--Nations shall seek his counsel And his abode shall be honored.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1053: Jeremiah 17:13 O Hope of Israel! O Lord! All who forsake You shall be put to shame, Those in the land who turn from You Shall be doomed men, For they have forsaken the Lord, The Fount of living waters.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1459: Psalm 39:7 Man walks about as a mere shadow; mere futility is his hustle and bustle, amassing and not knowing who will gather in. Psalm 39:8 What, then, can I count on, O Lord? In You my hope lies.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1616: Proverbs 10:28 The righteous can look forward to joy, But the hope of the wicked is doomed. Proverbs 10:29 The way of the Lord is a stronghold for the blameless, But a ruin for evildoers.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1617: Proverbs 11:7 At death the hopes of a wicked man are doomed, And the ambition of evil men comes to nothing.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1620: Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred sickens the heart, But desire realized is a tree of life.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English): Page 1678: Job 14:7 There is hope for a tree; If it is cut down it will renew itself; Its shoots will not cease.
“I believe with complete faith in the coming of Mashiach. Though he tarry, nonetheless I await him every day, that he will come.”.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." - Audrey Hepburn
"The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm or honey." - Sarah Fielding
"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." - Robin Williams
"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." - Buddha
"The language of friendship is not words but meanings." - Henry David Thoreau
Deadpool 3 Spoilers? April 27th, 2024: Taylor Swift wore a green "Regina" dress from the designer who designed her "Begin Again" dresses.
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Deadpool & Wolverine Trailer
Published: February 14, 2024 (45th day) Duration: 1:49 (109 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YwBdQVfvWU 3YwBdQVfvWU (3) YwBdQVfvWU bdfquvvwwy 2+4+6+70+200+700+700+900+900+400=3882. 3882+3=3885. 3885+109=3994. 3994+45=4039.
Strong's Concordance #4039 megillah: a scroll; reveal, revelation Original Word: מְגִלָּה
The 5th of Av 5783/August 9, 2024: The 218 year anniversary of the revelation of the Megillat Setorim (“Scroll of Hidden Things”).
What One Rabbi Said About Messiah Was So Shocking His Words Were Hidden For 200 Years. Now, Find Out the Truth Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz Biblical News August 11, 2016 4 min read
A highly secret teaching from one of the most renowned Jewish scholars and thinkers in Jewish history is slowly becoming known, revealing shocking details about the character of Messiah which are so explosive that they were hidden, in code, for over two centuries. Megillat Setorim (“Scroll of Hidden Things”) has been a secret of the Breslov branch of Orthodox Judaism for over 200 years. It was revealed by the revered Rebbe (Rabbi) Nachman, the founder of the movement, exactly 210 years ago, on the fifth day of the month of Av in 1806, to two disciples during a long carriage ride in Ukraine. Some of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings were recorded by his students in hints and code, though he forbade them from passing on his words, and collected into the first manuscript of Megillat Setorim. After death of the rabbi’s disciples, the manuscript was allegedly lost, though many believe it was purposefully hidden in order to prevent it being sought after and revealed.
“Rebbe Nachman did not want the Megillat Setorim publicized,” Rabbi Gedalia Fleer, who plays an important part in the history of the scroll, told Breaking Israel News. “Reading it is not enough. Interpreting it is another issue entirely.”
In 1963, Rabbi Fleer became the first Western Jew to visit the gravesite of Rebbe Nachman in Uman, Ukraine, where a Russian Jew entrusted him with the manuscript.
Rabbi Fleer brought the coded manuscript to a rabbi in Jerusalem who knew the secrets of how to read and translate the encrypted text. After initial reluctance, the rabbi taught the secret writings to Rabbi Fleer, forbidding him from taking notes or recording the lessons. Since then, and very slowly, the hidden writings have spread.
Rabbinical interpretation of what Megillat Setorim says about Messiah will upset most preconceived ideas about the man who will bring redemption.
Though “Rebbe Nachman says very little about the Messiah,” said Rabbi Fleer, “What he does say in Megillat Setorim is that when he comes, he is not going to appear like we think he will. People are going to look at him and say, ‘That’s the Moshiach (Messiah)?!’
“It seems to be that he is not going to dress in a rabbinic manner, and he is going to be a young man and not an old man with a long beard.”
Rabbi Fleer went on to warn that Rebbe Nachman’s disciples did not believe anyone should anticipate or try to guess at the coming of the Messiah.
“Messiah is going to come by hesech ha’daat (inadvertently). If you think he is going to come at a certain time in a certain way, then he won’t come. That’s why Breslov Hasidut (Hasidism) doesn’t delve into the subject very much,” he explained.
Dr. Zvi Mark, chairman for the study of Hasidism at Bar-Ilan University, became the first person to make the Megillat Setorim accessible to the general public when he published The Scroll of Secrets – The Hidden Messianic Vision of R. Nahman of Bratslav.
According to Dr. Mark, the Messiah is described in the teachings as a man of enlightenment and art. The secret scroll even sheds light on the sequence of events in the Messiah’s lifetime.
“Megillat Setorim describes the Messiah as conquering the world without firing even a single bullet,” Dr. Mark explained to Breaking Israel News. “He is described as an innovator of wisdom, medicine, and music. A character who deals in making peace between Israel and embodies religious leadership also to the nations of the world.
“Although initially the Messiah will not be acknowledged, Megillat Setorim is writing about when he is young, less than 12 years old,” Dr. Mark continued. “But later, when he is older, he will be recognized by all of Israel as a rabbi and scholar, and then he will begin to act as the Messiah.
“Not in Megillat Setorim, but in other places, Rabbi Natan writes that he understood from his teacher Rebbe Nachman that the War of Gog and Magog would not be a physical war, but a spiritual and cultural war.
“The Megilla itself is a wonderful vision of the order of the coming of the righteous redeemer, whose influence is spiritual rather than military, and the revolution he brings to the world will be spiritual, increasing wisdom, and empowering the place of music in human culture.”
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