#Adrienette child
miraculousfanworks · 11 months
Fanfiction Prompt
With Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated, their Miraculous in his hands and triumph but an invocation away, Monarch takes a moment to bask in his own glory and imagine the new world about to arrive. He-- "Not so fast," a young voice utters from behind him. The villain whirls, startled, and sees Bunnyx glaring at him from a safe distance. "You! Even with your powers over time, you cannot stop me now," Monarch declares. Studying the young heroine, he adds, "You are not the Rabbit host I have fought before." Blonde hair, in pigtails. Blue eyes. A hauntingly familiar face... as if a teenaged Emilie had spawned before him, via some miracle of fate. This was not Emilie, certainly, nor anyone he had ever met before -- but the familiarity in her expression, her body language, her mannerisms was haunting to Monarch from the very first moment. "You really don't want to wipe this timeline away yet," the heroine chides him. "I mean, I'm biased, because I want to happen, right? But you're going to want to hear what I have to say first." "And who are you that I should listen to you?" sneers Monarch. "Now that I have ultimate power in my grasp?" She nods towards the fallen Marinette, and four words from her rock Gabriel Agreste's world. "Her daughter." "...Hi, Grandpa."
Prompt by @dfcfanfics
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kodicoolguy · 7 months
miraculous ladybug very unlikely theory
listen hear me out…
what if…
Mark was Adrien and Marinette’s child Hugo from the future who went to that timeline to check on his parents for some reason perhaps and he made a whole fake identity as Mark to avoid suspicion??
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Tumblr has single handedly got me back into reading comics/graphic novels along with books has straight up created my interest in anime/manga with the help of one of my IRL friends but not only that Tumblr by itself has gotten me into fanfiction and by extension Ao3 something I thought was kinda cringe and on top of all that I remember a time in my life were I was on Tumblr and thought to myself "I must be the only one here who doesn't use Ao3." What I'm trying to say is that The Tumblr to Avid Ao3 user and creator pipeline is real, I swear to the gayest of the fanfiction gods it is
Need to reinstall my old drawing app if I actually want to bring back the bad art comics but I don't think people will miss my shit art, TBH, so here's a new piece (some shit website with shit controls and that's coming from someone who's not an artists (obviously) like I want to draw without moving the whole damn canvas.) and an old piece (try to guess who everyone is supposed to be on the new one. Good luck you'll need it with my art skills or lack there off lol.)
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
The fact that the Love Square is complete and Adrien is fully open to date Ladybug or Marinette but Marinette is so traumatised from Strikeback that she won't let herself be happy knowing well that Adrien and Chat Noir truly love her is making me want to do some stuff to Félix but not those stuff Kagami wants to do to him but the stuff I read Art the Clown did to one of his victims.
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thelocalthembo · 2 years
I spend entirely too much time on Tumblr being utterly obsessed with this kids show. I don't think I'm even ashamed at this point. Why should I be? I enjoy being smol sometimes. It makes me have flappy happy hands. Heal your inner child. They deserve it.
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shortmexicangirl · 1 year
need spotify to add a playlist annotation feature so i can write a series of essays explaining my reasoning for including every single song that i carefully curated for my hyperspecific playlist that's 4 hours long
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shauntaysart · 2 years
An attempt at Marinette turned into Bridgette, a character who will play a role in my fanfiction inspired by my OMEGAkumatized Marinette drawing. Any guess who she's related to? 👀😊😍
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 months
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mikauzoran · 2 years
Adrienette: Taming the Fire Within (One-Shot)
Read it on AO3:  Adrienette: Taming the Fire Within – “I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”
Summary: Adrien has always been taught to fear his fire powers, but after tragedy strikes, Marinette, an air elementalist, teaches him that his powers can be controlled and even used for good.
Pairing: Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: T
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rel312 · 10 months
I forgot the Miraculous Awakening movie was supposed to come out so now I’m gonna ramble about it (spoilers!):
The jumpscare of hearing Marinette sing in a completely different voice took me off guard
I’m loving actually seeing gabriel as a fashion designer and what his stuff looks like
Chloe sounds… very much not like Chloe and it’s off putting (idk if it’s a different voice actor, I’m not looking it up)
“Think you an I were meant to be” I love Alya
Emilie? This clearly in the movie??
Was that Luka I just saw next to Juleka? At school???
The black cat on the book!
Adrien looks so pretty in that shot
Are… are Nino and Adrien already friends??
Gabriel’s hair
The loss of Emilie seems to be a lot more recent/present than in the series
Ohhh it’s her birthday
The lore is very interesting in this, we’re getting a lot more that wasn’t there in the show
So the miraculous have a choice in this for their holders I guess
Fu is so funny
The moon!
Was… was the black cat a coincidence? How did it get there? I don’t think it was Plagg so what was that??
So the first akumatized victim is not a child this time
There’s a ladybug too? I’m so confused
“Who saves a life saves the world” interesting that it’s more prophecy-like
I keep forgetting this is a musical
I love the beats of the theme song though
Is- is Tikki rapping???
No transformation sequence?
So she’s aware it’s a musical?
Is the yo-yo sentient???
No Adrien and Plagg intro scene?
Adrien is so funny he’s so excited to be a hero
Pretty different ladynoir dynamic, cat noir’ not immediately smitten
“A she-ro” please no
She called him Kitty!
Now he’s smitten
“Like a dream in a dream” Adrien you have to work on your lyrics
But the moon
Fart jokes? Really?
Adrien going from she’s my side kick to she’s better than me in every way
Puss in boots
“I have nothing to lose” um your son??
Gabriel villain song kinda goes hard ngl
Is he making multiple villains? I’m so lost
Are they making Mr. Mime a real villain now? Not Mylene’s dad?
Also who is this pink haired lady?
“Dr. Love” Nino I love you but you’re so wrong
So Nino already has a crush on Alya and not Marinette
Aww Tom gets to hear Marinette call him the best
Only to immediately think she’s embarrassed by him
Nino losing his glasses on the ride is legit my biggest fear when going on rides
Transformation sequence!
Where did she actually transform though? She was just in the middle of the fair
They learned to work together fast
So I guess he doesn’t need to say the word cataclysm?
I love Ferris wheels rolling around scenes
Lmao Marinette really went I’ll save your life but you’re going in the dumpster
The timeline of this movie is very confusing, Nino is in love with Alya? But wasn’t it just the first day of school? Or was it just in the middle? When did Nino and Adrien meet? I have so many questions
Was the balloon thing a person? If not who created him and how?
Are we really getting all this adrienette development in a montage?? He told her about his mom, they went to the movies, they had a double date with Alya and Nino, and were barely getting it???
I love the glitter in Cat Noir’s mask
Ladynoir moment by the moon!
Marinette stood up to Chloe!
Adrien you cannot scare a person like that
The hearts in the balcony and the moon again!
I’m loving the visuals in this movie
“For the first time I feel truly free, it’s all thanks to you” my heart!
Ladynoir seems to be the main ship of the movie and I’m not mad about it
Oh my god their dance by the moon! I knew it was coming but I love it so much!
“How could I ever think she’d fall for me” Adrien stop she does love you she just doesn’t realize it’s you
Gabriel looks like shit and I’m glad to see it
I’m glad Adrien was able to stand up to him though
She actually managed to ask him out holy shit!
I mean I know it’s sad cause he rejected her but she actually managed to do it look at her!
I… did not think her shirt was a tank top this is so weird
Hawkmoth is akumatizing himself???
Careless Whisper again??? Are the writers ok??
Did they really need the takeout death?
The- the moth miraculous just… ate the ladybug miraculous???
I guess they don’t quite have cataclysm and lucky charm, their powers work a bit differently
Gabriel’s face at seeing Adrien, now you finally see what you’ve done you SOB
I’m glad they get to reconcile
So she can just… fix everything without a lucky charm??
Her dress is so pretty!
And she’s not wearing a mask!
The reveal in this is so interesting but pretty cute!
The way she took off his mask and put it on her was so freaking cute!
Really? Cut to the end right before the kiss??
So he does have Emilie in the basement?
Wait a minute I don’t think we ever got to see Chloe and Adrien interact in the movie lmao
The movie started a bit more cheesy and childish but overall they did a pretty good job of telling the story. The visuals were stunning, though the story was a bit rushed but they did a good job. There wasn’t quite enough time to develop the characters and their dynamics but they did the best they could with the time they had. The person who did Marinette’s singing voice was amazing, but I wish they found someone who sounded more like Marinette if they couldn’t use the same voice actress. The lore was a bit different but I kind of like it better than how much we started getting in later seasons, I just wish we got a bit more explanation on some things cause we don’t have the show to give us answers anymore. The only reason I feel like this ending with gabriel and Adrien works is because they didn’t have as much of an abusive relationship and he actually had a chance to redeem himself, but I’m glad he has to actually deal with the consequences. I know there are tons of fanfics about it but it’s so sad that while Marinette knew who Adrien was, he had no idea if he’d ever see Ladybug again but I’m glad that got resolved pretty quickly. I’m confused on what they want to do next cause they clearly were setting up for some kind of sequel but gabriel is already out as Hawkmoth and Nathalie only helped him during that time but I guess we’d just have to wait and see.
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galahadwilder · 1 year
Listen I am an absolute sucker for any fic or AU or scenario where an Adrienette child comes back in time somehow and just. Has absolutely no respect for their parents’ secret identities. Emma telling Marinette that her name is Emma Agreste and then yelling “Daddy!” when she sees Chat Noir. Hugo excitedly telling Adrien about making cookies for Tikki with Grandma Sabine last week. Louis wondering loudly where Plagg is because he wants to play and then going “Papa!” at Marinette’s Adrien Collage. Accidental reveals through the Adrienette kids are yes.
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Why Gabriel doesn’t deserve a redemption - the Hypocrisy of the Writers - Miraculous Season 5 Finale spoilers Ahead.
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If you have seen the finale then you already know what happens to Gabriel . He dies but gets remembered as a hero and his reputation was unscratched. The writers have the audacity to say a teenage girl will never become a better person because her actions are unforgivable but they go ahead and redeem Gabriel Agreste - a literal terrorist and abuser - who has done a lot worse. This post will explain why Gabriel doesn’t deserve a redemption arc and how his character feels ruined. 
Part 1 - Gabriels crimes and why the writers think they are justifiable. Triggers of Child abuse and terrorism
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This man has committed atrocious crimes of which the most obvious was child abuse. Mainly towards Adrien. The writers think due to Gabe losing his wife - it is justified why he neglects Adrien - it is a sign of grief. That he spends every day terrorizing Paris because he wants Emelie back to complete Adrien's family. They say he does all he does because he cares about his son. While this was the case during seasons 1-4 , his character changes in season 5. He no longer does it for Emily and Adrien but for power. He abuses Adrien even more this season by trapping him in a room and separating him from Marinette.
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However his Character is ruined in the season 5 finale. He wishes Emily and Natalie to live and pleads with Marinette to make sure Adrien remembers him as a good father. That's not her burden to carry or her responsibility . Gabriel had the audacity to ask the girl he traumatised to keep every crime he has committed a secret from his own son ! Despite everything Gabriel has done to Marinette - she finds out he was Hawkmoth - she still forgives him and helps build a statue of Gabe in his honor. The writers think Gabriel deserves redemption because he did show remorse for what he did to Adrien and cried when he watched Emilie's tapes.  But Adrien wasn’t his only victim and child abuse wasn’t his only crime. Gabriel never showed remorse for what he put Marinette through (he knows she's a ladybug .) He never apologized for separating her from Adrien or for the trauma he inflicted on her as Ladybug. Even when Ladybug gave her a chance , he blew it by paralyzing her. 
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He is also an international terrorist who primarily targets children. He threatened to kill Alya’s family and murdered many Parisians in Strike Back but still gets remembered as a hero. Even in the final fight , he says he doesn’t care about the innocent victims he hurted. He never felt bad about what he did. It gives kids a bad message. While I think Gabe dying in Emily's place isn’t a bad idea , the fact that Gabriel gets away with his crimes and is celebrated as a savior is disgusting. At the very least , he shouldn’t be presented as a good man and should be remembered as the villain and a terrorist. It’s a slap in the face for all his victims. The fact that all of Gabriel's other crimes are forgiven just because he felt remorse for one is sickening.
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Especially in Season 5 , where the writer makes Gabe to be sympathetic by having his relationship with Emelie mirrors Adrienette’s relationship because he and Marinette both came from humble backgrounds. That's why the writers think Gabe is redeemable ,  because he and Marinette are similar and both care for Adrien. The fact he basically got what he wanted and is being remembered as a savior is so unfair to Marinette and Adrien. Sure he died , but Emelie came back or he reunited with her (depending if you think it was Amelie or Emelie). Therefore , Gabe doesn’t deserve redemption because he never proved himself or felt remorse for most of his crimes. He manipulated Marinette till the very end into thinking he was a good person when in reality , he doesn't care about anyone except for himself , Adrien , Natalie and Emelie.
Part 2 - Obvious hypocrisy
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It is no secret that Thomas dislikes Chloe. However in Season 5 he has taken his hate for her way too far that he sacrificed good writing to bash her character and hurt her fans.  He repeatedly says on his twitter Chloe will never become a better person because she is a bully and has done too many unforgivable acts. Surprisingly , in season 5 episode 26 , they go ahead and redeem Gabriel - a terrorist , child abuser , groomer and manipulator - who has arguably done so much worse. I don’t mind if the writers don’t give Chloe a redemption arc , not all characters need a redemption but it feels hypocritical saying a teenage bully is irredeemable but an adult terrorist is sympathetic. Especially of how rushed and badly written Gabriel's redemption arc is.
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So when Chloe does something evil , the writers say she in irredeemable and deserves every bit of Karma but when Gabriel does something worse , the writers justify what he has done because of his sympathetic motive and give him a redemption story. This disgusts me because it is shown time and time again that Gabriel likes to use Chloe in his heinous plans. Three episodes ago Gabriel was manipulating and grooming Chloe into joining his side. Gabriel is partly to blame for Chloe's worst crimes , he enabled her and put the ideas in her head. But the writers act like Chloe is more in the wrong than Gabriel when he is clearly more guilty than she is !! They act like it is OK for Gabriel to manipulate and akumatize Chloe because it's for the sake of getting his wife back. Chloe is not a good person , but it is unfair how she is the only character to face consequences when Characters worse than her are getting rewarded and receive happy endings !! Chloe is disowned by her father and sent to live with her abuser while Gabriel reunites with Emelie (depending on which sister you think it was at the pool party) and is celebrated as a saviour. Gabriel being more moral in the eyes of the writers than a misguided teenager - who also is one of his main victims - is sickening.  Therefore Gabriel redemption isn’t deserved because it shows the double standards the writers have for Chloe. 
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To conclude - Gabriel's character in the Season 5 finale is basically ruined. Gabriel receiving a redemption is an example of bad writing and feels rushed. He only felt remorse for what he did to Adrien but never felt bad for terrorizing Paris or using Chloe. He never apologized to Marinette for separating her from Adrien or for other crimes he did. His redemption feels Hypocritical compared to the character of Chloe - who was one of Gabriel's main targets. Hopefully in season 6 , Adrien finds out about what happened and Paris receives the justice they deserve. However if you like what they did with his character , that is perfectly fine . I’m not saying you are not allowed to dislike Gabriel. This is just my opinion . Feel free to disagree :) . Please stay respectful.
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geekgirles · 2 years
We all know Gabriel is a heartless bastard regardless of how he likes to see himself as a tragic villain just doing everything he can to get his family back, but I really hate the new levels of hypocrisy he is reaching as of Protection and Emotion.
When questioned about dating Marinette, Adrien point-blank reminded his father he and Emilie came from different worlds too, which judging by the Fathom/Graham de Vanily background and Audrey explicitly saying back in Miracle Queen it was thanks to her Gabriel ever became who he is, seems to hint at Emilie being the rich girl while Gabriel was middle class at best. And yet he is hating on Adrienette just because Marinette isn't part of his creepy, magic-fuelled eugenics rich club.
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And if that weren't bad enough, there's also the very heavy implications that both Tomoe and Gabriel explicitly created Adrien and Kagami with the intention of the two becoming an item.
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Which is just plain wrong for a plethora of reasons, but for now let's settle on the fact that, while he clearly got to be with his one true love and for whom he claims to have become a literal terrorist, from the moment Adrien was born he deliberately chose to refuse giving his son a chance to experience real love by himself.
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Seriously, this coming from the guy whose main motivation is supposed to be bring his beloved wife and mother of his child back is just revolting. And then people wonder why I cared more about the effect cataclysming Monarch had on Chat than the fact that Gabriel's body is literally being destroyed little by little...
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Been reading some asks claiming/fearing they wrote Zoé to crush on Marinette to “paint the haters as homophobic” and/or to “stomp on the hcs of Chloé crushing on Ladybug” but I want to add some silver lining here if it’s possible?
I’m not saying Zoé coming out as sapphic is immune to criticism + those who criticize it are being “homophobic” because that’s a bit much (her being used as a set piece for Adrienette bugs me), but I also feel like it’s also a reach to say this all is linked to spiting Chloé.
Like you said, I think Zoé being queer was a character trait they added to flesh her out, but they also skipped over the “fleshing out” part bc why Marinette (other than the fact she was nice to her first, other than the fact for the sake of Love Square drama). They just make her more of a satellite, a lot of characters suffer this but Zoé has a terrible case (Chloé’s nicer sister, Andre’s favorite child, Cat Noir’s understudy, now Marinette’s unrequited admirer)
I don’t have plans to watch “Adoration” (season 5 for the matter) but that’s my thoughts on the ordeal
I suppose you make a decent point there, especially as Zoe was introduced right as Chloe started to hate Ladybug.
I don't entirely agree with the idea that it was done solely to stop Chloenette shippers, but I see where you're coming from.
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Okay so we went down the Rabbithole with the Princess Bee AU and now I have a bunch of Nextgens I slapped together! Some may end up being yoinked over to HC/LL eventually but for now! Let's go down the list!
(Note: obvs I am limited in color pallet by the picrew so some colors are not accurate to the show so like. Take what their parents' colors are and roll with that)
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Name: Dawn Mellifera
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Lesbian
Info: Chloé's daughter! Main character energy. Snarky as hell but genuinely kind.
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Name: Louis Dupain-Cheng
Gender and Sexuality: Male, gay
Info: Oldest of the Adrienette kids. Got a lot of the high-energy and the occasional brain cells from his parents.
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Name: Emma Dupain-Cheng
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Lesbian
Info: Charming and sweet middle child! Absolutely overthinks her romance options.
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Name: Hugo Dupain-Cheng
Gender and Sexuality: Male, Aroace
Info: Baby of the family(by like a year and a half but still)! Somehow 100% done with everyone's romance nonsense. Soft and sweet, but boy has a TEMPER
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Name: Blossom Lahiffe
Gender and Sexuality: Female, bisesxual
Info: The older of the twins! A bit brighter and more cheery! Loves mystery novels and pranking people by switching with her sister
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Name: Carmen Lahiffe
Gender and Sexuality: Demigirl(she/they), Pansexual
Info: The younger of the twins! Slightly more mature, but loves doing voicework. And also pranking people with her twin.
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Name: Asphodel Couffaine
Gender and Sexuality: Male, gay/ace
Info: A bit peppy but morbid as HELL. I love him so much actually.
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Name: Erika Couffaine
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Pansexual
Info: Dresses punk, acts polite enough that everyone assumes it's for aesthetic purposes rather than genuine, absolutely punk rock.
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Name: Lê Chiến Summer
Gender and Sexuality: Genderfluid, Pansexual
Info: Into every sport possible and wrecks house at all of them. A touch competitive and one-track-mind, but a good friend!
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Name: Vivian Bruel
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Lesbian
Info: Takes after her father very much in being large as FUCk, but is sweet softie like her mom!
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Name: Viola Kubdel
Gender and Sexuality: Agender(they/them), Achillean
Info: Quite soft and shy. Likes to spend their time painting, hoping to one day be as great as the ones in the Louvre. They do have quite a sense of humor though, as they joke about the idea that their mom adopted them from another timeline. (no one knows if it's really a joke)
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Name: Abigail Anciel-Kurtzberg
Gender and Sexuality: Female, Straight
Info: Absolute mom friend. Somehow the most stable of these idiots.
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Name: Westley Keynes (Wambli)
Gender and Sexuality: Demiboy(he/they), Bisexual
Info: Probably the only one of the group who /expected/ to become a Superhero, though had yet to begin training as the next Sparrow by the events of Canon.
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Name: Artemis Graham de Vanily
Gender and Sexuality: Male, Pansexual
Info: Just as socially awkward as his parents, which makes people think he's innocent. In reality, he's the most likely to commit vigilante murder.
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ladybugpowermakeup · 2 months
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Because I'm Greek mythology trash.
An Odyssey AU for Miraculous Ladybug. Think about it. Adrien is the most Odysseus character I've ever seen. Fake piano playing? Hiding in a fountain? I mean, it practically writes itself. And Marinette as Penelope is equally as perfect - she creates, but she's smart enough to pull it all apart at the end of the day.
Now here is where things get a little strange: Telemachus. Being an avid MLB fanfiction reader (and ignoring all of seasons 4 and 5), I'm very well aware that Adrienette's kids are supposedly going to be Louis, Hugo, and Emma. Now tell me, what could Emma be short for? That's right, Telemachus. So hear me out - Adrien was drafted into the war *Before* Emma was born, so he never knew he had a daughter and his last request for his child was to name them Telemachus. But when she was born a girl, she was nicknamed Emma. Hugo and Louis don't exist in this version, obviously.
So we have our main family, what about everyone else? Well, we have Adrian's two crewmates, Polites and Eurilochus. Or in this case, Nino and Felix. Nino is his friend who fought at his side and is tragically killed along the ride back, causing Adrian to go into a spiral of grief, whereas Felix is his somewhat suspicious and angry second in command who can't understand why Adrien is being so reckless with his own life and that of the crew to get back to his wife and child. So eventually he starts straight up sabotaging the trip to try and get through to Adrien, which doesn't ever work because when Adrien is in love, he doesn't notice other people.
As for the people they meet on their travels:
Circe is Lila - this one feels pretty self explanatory, except for the fact that Lila would never care that much about the nymphs around her, so I'm thinking she lives alone on the island and basically functions as a non-water siren - she draws men in with comfort and beauty and then turns them into pigs.
The wind god Aeolus is just Trixx - they're weird and whimsical and would absolutely give someone a bag of wind with the word "gold" written on it.
Calypso is Chloe, left there alone on this island for "protection" from her overbearing father, a minor deity. Again, this just kind of makes sense in my brain. And she gets a little bit of a redemption when she finally willingly lets Adrien go home.
When the crew of the ship go down into the underworld, they meet "Tyresius", who in this case is Master Fu. Weird cryptic old wise guy who's maybe dead? Yeah. That fits.
And finally we have the deities themselves. Like I said, Trixx is already accounted for, so we have three main ones - Posideon, Athena, and Hermes.
Posideon is most definitely ShadowMoth - not really any meaning behind this, we're just making him mysterious and powerful and angry at Adrien for seemingly no reason. But he's doing his best to keep this man from reaching home, possibly because early in the journey, Adrien was instrumental in killing a sentimonster, which canonically is kind of a piece of the creator.
Athena and Hermes are two of a pair - Tikki and Plagg, obviously. Wisdom and trickery, sounds just about right to me.
Anyway, this has been on my brain. Enjoy the weird crossover! If you do anything with it, please tag me!
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