#Best Colleges in Vietnam
hellcab · 4 months
{{ Gonna be rewriting Roth's bio to . . . include important and updated details and what not. }}
0 notes
bimbobaggins69 · 11 months
first time for everything…
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virgin eddie munson x experienced best friend reader
summary: Eddie has been in love with you since middle school. But he’d never admit it, no way, he’d never ruin what you two have… once he turns 18 he’s unwillingly drafted into the war while you go off to college in New York. Once the war is over Eddie is sent back to his mundane life in Hawkins and you move back when your grandmother gets sick. As fate has it, you and Eddie find your way back to each other.
warnings: smut ahead, mdni 18+, angst, late 60s—mid 70s au, fem reader, no y/n, pet names (princess, sweetheart etc.), mentions of slut shaming, reader is looking for love in all the wrong places, jealous!eddie, mentions of war, mentions of dying, Eddie has ptsd, mentions of a loved one having only months to live, loss of a family member, loss of virginity, unprotected p in v sex, cream pie, fluff fluff fluff.
authors note: thank you so much to the nonnie that requested this, I’m sure it’s so different from what you had in mind but I got very inspired after watching Forrest Gump. (this has a happy ending) Also, the timeline here vs the actual Vietnam war barely coincide… so ignore that please. Thank you to my loves @take-everything-you-can & @corrodedcorpses for beta reading! <3
wc: 8.1k
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“Hey, what are you doing sitting over here all alone?” A boyish voice calls out from behind where you’re seated; up against an old oak tree with just enough shade to allow you to read the words in your book.
Middle school was rough and you kept to yourself, being the new kid and all. Making friends in Bumsville, Indiana turns out was way harder than making friends in Phoenix. This town was far too small and with the way you’d dress and carry yourself, well… that was clarification enough that you didn’t belong. But that was okay, you didn’t want to belong in a place like this, anyway.
“Just reading.” Your small bashful voice is such a stark contrast to how you are at home, in a place of comfortability.
“Yeah, I see that… whatcha reading?” The mystery voice now no longer a mystery as he steps out from behind the tree, his worn and tattered converse step closer, causing you to look up, meeting a familiar set of brown doe eyes.
He wasn’t in your class but you had seen him a bunch, throughout the halls and at lunch.
He seemed to be the only interesting person in this hick town.
You pick your pink book up, allowing him to read the title, which he does out loud to himself.
“Valley of the dolls.” He says curiously. “What’s that about?”
The book looked far too girly for his taste, but as long as it gave him more reason to stand here and talk to you, he’d indulge.
“Wait, let me guess… something about dolls?” He smirks, while taking a seat on the fluffy grass, beside you.
“No actually, it’s about three best friends who live in New York, they’re struggling to get by so they decide to make their mark in show business, but shit just kind of spirals for them and well it’s not a very happy ending.” You fix your bookmark in place before closing it and placing it into your backpack.
“Oh, also ‘dolls’ is just another word for drugs.” You say with a shrug of your shoulders.
Eddie stays silent for a moment, before he looks over to you, hands nervously picking at the grass below him.
“Mmm, sounds interesting… guess it’s true what they say, not to judge a book by its cover.” He says with a shy smile.
“Would you scoot over!” You screech, while shoving your elbow into the frizzy haired boy, practically sitting in your lap.
You and Eddie had been inseparable best friends, since that very interaction under the big oak tree. You were both immediately drawn to each other like a moth to a flame. He agreed, you seemed to be the only interesting thing in this hick town.
“It’s my couch, woman!” He screeches back, playfully pushing your head out of the way.
“Fine, I’ll just sit on the floor.” you scoff before scooting your butt down from the couch, plopping onto the scratchy brown carpet. You roll your eyes when Eddie decides to dramatically fling himself across the whole couch, as if he’s been waiting for you to move your ass this whole time, the jerk.
“Hey, did I tell you Billy asked me to go to the drive-in with him?” You say as your eyes remain on the television set, hand mindlessly grabbing for the popcorn bowl placed on the coffee table.
You miss the way Eddie visibly swallows, and the way his fists tighten on the material of his jeans.
“Um, no you didn’t.” He mumbles, as his longing eyes burn holes into the back of your head.
“Yeah, well he did.” You take a sip of your Pepsi, washing down the kernels of popcorn stuck to your tongue. “Do you think he’ll wanna go all the way?” You ask Eddie before taking another sip.
His eyes widen into saucers before he begins wiping his clammy palms against his clothed thighs.
You’d never talked about sex with Eddie, maybe about some girls he thought were cute and vice versa, but never sex.
Ahem, he clears his throat before he speaks. “I don’t know, but he’s a guy so I wouldn’t put it past him.” His doe eyes, usually so full of light now droop like one of those precious moments dolls.
He begs the universe for you not to look back at him, he knows as soon as you do you’ll be able to read him like a book.
You’ll know you’re breaking his heart.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’m ready though.” You say, before grabbing another handful of buttery popcorn.
“Then you shouldn’t do something you’re not ready for.” Eddie says with a deep breath of relief.
“But I mean, I kind of want to just get it over with, I don’t buy into the bullshit of ‘waiting for the right one’ it’s such horse shit, and is only a thing because of the patriarchy.”
Eddie so badly wants to say: I’m the right one, lose it to me.
But he could never put his heart out there like that, to inevitably be stomped on. He knows you’d never purposely break his heart, but he also knows he’s in love with someone that couldn’t possibly feel the same way for him, and that’s just something he has to live with.
Even if that means sitting on the sidelines while boys come and go. He knows he’ll always be your number one…well until you fall for some douchebag after high school and realize Eddie’s just your friend, and is eventually replaced when you decide to get married and have said douchebags, douchebag offspring.
But he’ll place that in a box in his mind to deal with later.
You lost your virginity to Billy the night he took you to the drive in.
Those feelings of being wanted and loved, although just for that night sent you on a high you thought you’d never come down from.
Your freshman year, you went on lots of dates, slept with lots of undeserving guys and although those feelings never followed you home, you felt as though it was worth it to just feel them if even for 5 minutes.
You were playing a dangerous game, especially in a small town where word of your promiscuity would travel faster than a forest fire.
And although Eddie had begrudgingly heard the rumors in the locker room and in some of his classes, he never looked at you differently, never judged you.
He’d stick up for you every time, although that led to plenty instances of him getting the shit kicked out of him. He already had a target on his back, being the freak and all, but he didn’t care, no one was going to disrespect you, not in his presence, anyway.
His feelings never seemed to fade, his heart still beat for you no matter who you gave yourself to.
Of course Eddie wanted to be your first, but you were right, it is a social construct in order to make women more subservient to men, Eddie was a feminist afterall.
“Aw, did you wait here for me?” You ask as your hands clutch your trapper keeper to your chest.
Eddie was leant up against the brick wall of the school, the right sole of his shoe was flush against it, knee bent as his skin protruded from the hole in his jeans. A lit cigarette dangled from between his lips, a habit he had just picked up from an older boy that lived in the trailer across from him.
“Well duh, now that that asshole you were seeing isn’t driving you anymore, I thought we could walk together.” He mumbles before taking a puff of his spliff.
“You’re so sweet to me.” You smile before snatching the cigarette that now blazed between his ringed fingers, you take a quick inexperienced puff before passing it back.
He smirks while taking one last hit of his cigarette before tossing it to the floor and stomping it out for good measure under his beaten and written on converse. He’s glad the action has given him a chance to get a good look at you as you walk ahead of him, it was his favorite thing to do when you’d both go on mindless strolls.
“You look pretty today.” The compliment slipped so easily from his lips.
You turn around to meet his eye, walking backwards rather uncoordinatedly.
“You look pretty, too.” You say with a wink, before turning back around.
Eddie was none the wiser that day, when your face flushed for him the very first time.
“Eddie! Put me down!” You shriek as you kick and flail, the water from the pool splashing around and creating tiny waves for the other swimmers.
“Never!” He says ironically before throwing you into the far end, his maniacal laugh can be heard from under water.
“You’re such a dick sometimes, Munson.” You say as you swim to the steps, hoisting yourself up and out of the community pool.
You’re in a little red bikini and the way your hips sway has Eddie mesmerized.
You sit on one of the lawn chairs, drying off under the beaming sun.
“Hey, is this seat taken?” Your eyes shoot open, falling on two round pools of honey.
“Um no, not at all.” You say as you give the boy a shy smile.
“I’m Steve.” He says as he takes a seat in the chair closest to you.
“Hi, Steve.” His name felt like sex on your tongue.
Eddie watched from the pool as you and Steve got acquainted, he wanted to punch himself for practically pushing you into the arms of another guy.
He couldn’t sit here and watch you laugh at this asshole's jokes, he had to get out of here.
“Why am I so hard to love?” You cry out, mascara running down your face, as your head is placed in your best friend's lap.
“You’re not hard to love!” He says before tucking a piece of stray hair behind your ear, and thumbing a tear off the side of your cheek. “You just keep picking the worst douche canoes available.” He says with a small chuckle.
“I thought Steve was different, he really acted like he cared about me, ya know?” You sniffle as your manicured fingers play with the fringe of Eddie’s jeans.
“Yeah well, those jock assholes will tell you anything to get in your pants.” Eddie says with a tick of his jaw.
“You’re right, I should become celibate or something… I’m just so tired of letting these assholes take from me, without getting anything in return.” You murmur with another sniffle.
Eddie liked that idea, you being celibate.
For your own good, of course.
“Oh my god! Can you believe we’ll be out of this shithole soon?” You eagerly say, as you walk up to your best friend's locker.
The glum look in his eyes does not go unnoticed by you.
“Hey Eddie, what's wrong?” Your eyes examine the slump of his shoulders and the bloodshot red in his eyes, although that could be from him smoking during lunch, but the puffiness underneath tells you otherwise.
He slammed his locker before making his way towards the double door exit, not even stopping to take a second look at your stunned face.
You run after him, launching yourself between Eddie and the door of his van.
“Eddie, talk to me, what happened?” The urgency in your voice makes his eyes begin to water, again.
“I got my draft letter yesterday after school, they’re sending me to fucking Vietnam.” His eyes don’t meet yours, they can’t or it’ll make this all so much worse.
“Eddie, I’m so sorry.” Your lip begins to quiver at the thought of Eddie in a foreign place, getting bombed and shot at. “Ed’s, I-I…” you’re not even sure what to say, how to make him feel better, you couldn’t even if you tried. For the first time since you’ve known him, you were unable to comfort him.
“I gotta go.” He says before smoothly stepping around you and getting into his van, his wheels peel off leaving tire tracks on the tarmac.
You knew Eddie wasn’t mad at you specifically, he was mad at the situation. You and him had talked about running off together and getting out of this podunk town so much it had become a common topic when you two would hang out. You had agreed to get an apartment, you’d go to college while he got a good paying job with his diploma. But that dream quickly went down the drain when he got his draft letter in the mail.
All he wanted was to be with you, wherever you both decided to fuck off to, but now you’d be going alone, and he’d be sent off to a war he could potentially die in.
Class of 73’
“Give it up for the class of 73’!” Principle Higgins shouted into the mic, sat on top of the wooden podium.
You and Eddie's eyes had met a handful of times during the ceremony and every time they did, a lump would form in your throat at the idea of this being it for you two.
Everyone clapped and whistled as you threw your green tasseled hat into the air with Eddie and the rest of your classmates.
You make your way into the crowd of parents and friends ready to congratulate their new graduates.
“Congratulations sweetheart.” Uncle Wayne says, while wrapping you up into a grizzly bear of a hug.
“Thanks Wayne.” You say with a bashful smile. “Where’s eddie?” Your eyes scan the crowd as you look for your favorite curly headed freak.
“Oh he’s around here somewhere.” Wayne softly smiles as he gives your back a small pat. “I'm gonna go talk to Ms. Duvall right over there. I’ll see you later, kid.” He says with one last heartfelt smile.
You nod your head in understanding before you go right back to scanning over the herd of people.
“Hey you.” The same voice from that day under the oak tree, calls out from behind you, well you had to admit it was a little more manly now.
You turn around quickly on your heel, eyes meeting your favorite pair.
“Hey.” You say with a bright smile, your heart begins beating a mile a minute, with feelings settling into your stomach that you weren’t quite ready to assess.
“We did it!” Eddie says before grabbing the back of your head, fingers sliding through your hair as he pulls you into a warm hug. The side of your face resting on his chest makes your stomach flutter so hard you think you might puke from the nervousness he’s is stirring within you.
These feelings were too new and they scared the shit out of you.
“So you ready for New York?” He asks with a melancholy smile.
“Honestly? No, not really.” You say muffled into his chest before you pull away to look at him.
You weren’t ready to start a life without your best friend.
“When do you leave?” His hand continues to slide through your hair, making your stomach flip upside down.
“In a couple days.” You murmur before swallowing hard, now unable to meet his eyes.
“You’ll have a good time, meet some cool people.” He’s trying to pretend his heart isn’t breaking but the look in his eyes is not lost on you, your heart is breaking too.
“I couldn’t ever meet anyone as cool as you.” You whisper as your glassy eyes now meet his.
He smiles albeit a weak one, but he wishes those words were true.
“You staying celibate through college?” He joked, giving your arm a little nudge.
“That’s the plan, but who knows.”
The implications set Eddie’s stomach ablaze in the most painful way.
If I don’t find someone, fall in love and replace you.
Fuck the government for choosing him to fight in a war he didn’t even believe in. He could’ve been getting ready to leave with you, maybe even get the chance to finally tell you how much he’s been in love with you ever since he sparked up a conversation under that big oak tree.
There was no way he could tell you that now, he’d hate himself forever if he knew there was any chance you could’ve been his for all these years. It’s too late for him now.
You had stayed with Eddie that night, your stomach was in absolute knots just thinking about leaving him, you needed one more night with him, if this was the last chance you’d get to ever see each other again, you needed it. Just for tonight.
You spent most of it in each other's arms, crying and replaying your favorite memories and then crying some more.
He had confided in you, told you that if he died while overseas he’d die a virgin.
Eddie was never open with you about girls that he was seeing, you had assumed he’d had sex with at least one. The shock on your face was enough to make him want to cower away in embarrassment.
You’d both thought about making love to each other that night. You so badly wanted to be his first, get to have him in that way before life ran its course, but you just couldn’t. You knew it would make leaving each other that much harder, and fuck was it already so hard.
College in New York was chaotic to say the least, life was so fast paced, it had taken so long to get accustomed.
And with your new fast paced, busy life, it left it close to impossible to sit down and write letters.
You and Eddie hadn’t spoken in almost a year.
Then there was Brendon, a guy you had met in your economics class. He was nice, he treated you better than you’d ever been treated but it just never felt right. It was almost as if there was a wedge, something in between you two making it impossible for you to fall in love. Someone.
August of 75’
You had gotten a rather urgent call from your grandpa, glumly notifying you that your grandma was sick and only had months to live.
You’d taken the first flight out back to Hawkins.
Your grandparents were all you had, you couldn’t stay in New York knowing you’d never get to see your gram gram again.
You had worked so hard these past two years, but in the end you had decided family came first. You would take a year off from college if it was required, just to help your papa after gram passed.
Walking out of the airport and into the warm summer sun of Hawkins was bittersweet.
This is the first time you’d be here while Eddie wasn’t. There wasn’t a moment that passed where you didn’t think about him. You questioned whether he’d be mad that he didn’t hear from you after all this time, or even care at all.
More than anything you hoped he was okay.
You never kept up with the news and what was going on over there. It was too much, too real.
September of 75’
Your gram had passed three weeks after your arrival back in Hawkins, you had done your best to stay by her bedside as your papa got things arranged for her eventual funeral.
You were numb for the first couple days until you had eventually broken down and sobbed for a good hour and a half.
The thought of losing Eddie made the tears fall even harder. You loved your gram but you were in love with Eddie, you knew that now. If he didn’t make it, you didn’t know how you’d handle it. How you’d ever move on.
You could kick yourself for not writing to him, at least to ask if he was okay.
What if he thinks you don’t care about him now? You’d hope he’d understand that college was so busy for you.
21st of September 1975
Grams funeral had been lovely, a celebration of her life with her closest friends and loved ones.
The funeral house was a quaint little tudor style home. Her pictures had been displayed beautifully among a table of red roses.
You cried when the funeral director had closed her casket for good.
25th of September 1975
You had spent your morning and afternoon cleaning your grandparents house. Your papa left on a fishing trip, said he couldn’t be in this house any longer.
You understood how he must be feeling, stuck in a place that holds so many memories of you and the love of your life, that would be hard for anyone.
You decide to order a pizza and watch a movie after your warm shower.
You slip into a pink nightgown that sat just above your knees before making your way towards the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth. Just as you were flipping the light switch off and walking out into the hall the doorbell echoed throughout the house.
They sure do deliver pizza fast
You thought to yourself as you counted the money in your purse that had been sitting on the entry table.
“Wow, I just placed my order ten minutes—” the words die on your tongue as you swing the door open. Standing there on the front porch in a Black Sabbath shirt, blue jeans and shorter hair than you were used to, was Eddie.
Your Eddie.
He looked almost as stunned to see you, as you were to see him.
“Hey, I thought you’d be back in New York by now.” Eddie assumed as his eyes took in the expanse of your body.
“No, I uh I decided to stay.” You utter as you nervously play with the hem of your pink gown.
Your action pulls the dress up higher on your leg, exposing more of your upper thigh.
Eddie’s eyes shoot down to the area before looking back up at you.
“I came by to give my condolences to your grandfather.” He says with a sad smile.
“Oh yeah, he won’t be back for a couple days.” You respond, finally dropping your gown before smoothing it out with nervous hands.
“Well, my condolences to you.” He says with a far off look in his eyes.
This man standing here is so different from the Eddie you once knew. His posture is immaculate, his arm and legs stiff as stone and the brightness of his eyes now dull and almost nonexistent.
“Do you wanna come in? I ordered pizza and I was gonna watch a film.” You say with a hint of desperation.
“I uh, I shouldn’t. I should go.” Eddie says before he begins to walk away, he stops in his tracks and shoots a glance back at you.
“Why didn’t you write to me?” Eddie’s face is so stoic you can’t tell if he’s sad or just curious.
“I wanted to, Eddie. I was just so busy—” you begin but Eddie doesn’t want to hear anymore.
His black boots carry him back to his van. He can’t stand there and listen to how you’ve moved on, or had the time of your life in college and forgot about him.
2 days later
You had been beating yourself up for what felt like days.
He had every right to feel the way he did, to be mad and angry. You couldn’t blame him for that.
But you’d be damned if he didn’t at least know these feelings you’d been harboring for him.
You were both home now, nothing was holding you back from finally confessing to Eddie that he’s who you want.
You decide to bake a cherry pie, before getting ready and heading over to forest hills.
You would get on your knees and grovel if it meant Eddie would forgive you. Just because you didn’t write to him didn’t mean you didn’t think about him everyday. You couldn’t count how many nights you’d lay in bed touching yourself to thoughts of him, you hadn’t even gone all the way with Brendan, you couldn’t. Not with Eddie at the forefront of every thought you had.
You pull up to the familiar trailer, not much has changed aside from far less beer cans littering the ground.
You walk up the steps, pie in hand as you knock one, two, three times on the dingy white door.
“One sec.” A familiar voice calls out from the other side.
The door swings open, Eddie is standing there shirtless. The only article of clothing on his very toned and muscular body were his old Hawkins high gym shorts. You were pretty sure he’d never actually worn them in high school.
His face looks even more stunned than when he showed up on your doorstep a couple days ago.
“What are you doing here?” The look on his face was hard and impossible to read.
“Eddie, please just let me explain myself. Can I please come in and talk?” You held the pie out to him as if some kind of peace offering.
“Is it cherry?” He says with absolutely no emotion.
“It is.” You confirm
There’s a long pause before his voice gruffly retorts
“Fine.” He moves out of the doorway allowing you to walk through, your bodies barely rub together as you pass but shockwaves are sent throughout, you could feel them all the way down to your toes.
You set the pie down on the yellowing countertop.
Eddie digs in the cabinets for a knife, two plates and two forks.
The gesture makes you smile to yourself as you sit in the little two seater kitchenette.
Eddie cuts the pie, setting your plate in front of you, while he takes the seat closest to the telephone hanging on the wall.
“So go ahead…” Eddie says with a mouthful of your cherry pie.
“I’m so sorry Ed… I had almost no time for anything, New York is so fast paced and chaotic, I really had no time… but I thought about you constantly.” You admit as you lightly stab your pie with your fork.
“I thought about you, too.” Eddie whispers, your eyes find eachothers before he looks away, taking another bite of the pie. “This is really good, thank you.” He says with another mouthful.
Usually you would be disgusted by a man talking with his mouth full of food, but with Eddie you couldn’t help but find it endearing and cute.
“Yeah, it’s the least I could do.” You say before finally taking a bite of your own.
“So how have you been?” You were almost afraid to ask such a question, after everything he’s gone through, everything he’s had to see.
“I’ve been good, just getting back into the groove of being home, ya know.” He says with a smile that has yet to reach his eyes.
“Yeah, I do.” You murmur before standing up and walking to the sink to wash your crumb filled dish.
Once it’s dried and put away and you’ve repeatedly gone over the spiel in your head about how you want to confess your undying love to the man seated a couple feet away, you turn around, eyes meeting him as you realize his chocolate browns have been on you this whole time.
“Eddie, I need to tell you something…”
He stands from his seat, bringing his plate to the sink, carelessly dropping it in before he turns back to face you.
It’s like he’d grown a whole foot, he was towering over you now, looking down at you with those doe eyes you’d so often thought about.
“What do you need to tell me?” He whispers as he steps closer to you, his black boots kissing your brown wooden clogs.
The words almost die in your throat at his close proximity and how fast your heart is hammering in your chest. You wonder if it could be heard from his place in front of you, surely if he stepped any closer it would be.
“I’m in love with you, Eddie.” Your eyes dart across his handsome face meanwhile biting at your lip out of nervousness as you wait for him to say something, anything.
He exhales a deep breath as his shoulders drop into a relaxed state.
“Fuck,” he huffs before pulling you into a tight hug. “I’ve been in love with you since I met you, sweetheart.” His voice is muffled by your neck as he rests his head on your shoulder.
You pull away, grabbing his face with your small hands. You look him in the eyes before you begin speaking—
“I’m so sorry Eddie, I’m so sorry for everything. I should’ve known that you were it for me. It just took me a little longer, but I promise I’m here now.” Your foreheads meet as tears run down your cheek, “I’m here now.” You repeat.
“I love you so much, princess.” He whispers before he’s pulling you into a tender kiss, that soon grows more and more needy.
He slips his tongue into your mouth and they simultaneously glide together. You can taste the salt from the tears that have fallen onto both of your lips. It makes the kiss that more meaningful.
“You still celibate?” Eddie asks after breaking the kiss. His smirk tells you he’s joking, but you don’t care, you need him. You’ve waited too long for this.
“I didn’t have sex in college, not even once.” You admitted before kissing his lips again, “I’ve been waiting for you.” The longing look in Eddie’s eyes flash to something that could only be described as hunger.
Without another word, he’s picking you up by the back of your thighs, your legs instinctively wrap around his muscular hips. He’s so strong, the throbbing between your legs gets even worst at the thought of him fucking you just like this.
Eddie made his way down the hall to his old room, you took a glance around noticing most of his things in boxes meanwhile more of Wayne’s things have moved in.
“Are you moving?” You ask curiously.
“Yeah, I got my own place. I’m moving in tomorrow.” He says before softly throwing you on his mattress. “Wayne sorted it out for me while I was…away.” You notice the stiffening of his body immediately, as if even thinking about where he’d been causes such inner turmoil.
“C’mere baby.” You murmur with a saccharine grin, his eyes light up at the pet name, causing your insides to flutter.
He slots himself between your legs, his muscular arms now fisting the bed while your head lays caged between them.
You can feel the way his body slightly trembles.
“It’s okay Ed’s, it’s just me.” You whisper into his ear sending shivers down his spine.
“Just you is a big deal to me, sweetheart.” He smiles before rubbing the tip of his nose against yours.
“I want you to make love to me, Eddie.” You say as you push his shorter hair back to get a better look at the face you've missed for far too long.
He groans before dropping his head to your shoulder.
“Fuck, I want to baby, I really do. But I-I have no idea what I’m doing and you’re you, ya know? I’m gonna make a fool out of myself, and I just can’t do that, not with you.” He lifts his head up to study your face before he begins gently rubbing his nose on your cheek, he places light kisses to the area before he places a sweet kiss to your lips.
“I don’t care, I want you… you don’t even have to do anything, I’ll do it all.” You say before placing kisses of your own across his face. “I need you, Eddie… I’m so wet for you, baby.”
“Jesus, you tryna kill me, woman?” He playfully snarks before blowing a raspberry into the side of your neck making you giggle and squirm away. “Okay yeah, I'm ready.” He admits as his beautiful doe eyes meet yours, he holds your chin between two fingers before sweetly kissing you, again. “I’m so glad it’s with you, sweet girl.” He whispers into your lips.
“I love you.” You whisper back
“I love you.” He feels like he’s in a dream, like one wrong move and you’ll slip through his finger, again.
“Lay on your back.” You bashfully demand, you weren’t used to being the one in charge when having sex, but for Eddie you’d do anything.
Eddie gives you a pointed look as his eyebrows raise high on his half concealed forehead.
Your feet hit the brown scratchy carpet before you’re turning around to give Eddie a little show.
Maybe stripping for him will give him a little more confidence, or it’ll probably just make him really horny… either way was fine with you.
Eddie continues gawking at you in wonder, still a little clueless as to what you were doing.
Such an innocent boy.
You begin to remove your blue jean button up vest, slowly unhooking each one by one.
Eddie catches on after the first button, a devious smirk slowly forms onto his face as he lays back with his head on the pillow. He dramatically swings his hands behind his head and crosses his legs as he enjoys the show.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this, sweetheart.” He beams with a wink.
You finally get down to the fifth button before slowly opening it and exposing your bare breast to him.
His eyes widen with shock and his body stiffens along with the member in his gym shorts.
“Holy shit.” He whispers before sitting up to get a better view. “You weren’t wearing a bra this whole time?” His cheeks burn with excitement and nervousness. He flicks his tongue out to wet his pink plump lips before beckoning you closer to him.
You step between his spread legs and look down as Eddie is now eye level with your tits.
He’s only seen boobs in magazines and movies but yours are by far the best. He had a feeling when he used to watch you in that red bikini when you both would hit the community pool during the scorching summers that they were nice. He remembers the way your nipples would poke through the fabric and the way they’d bounce when you’d run away from him.
“Can I touch you?” Eddie asks as if you didn’t just beg him to fuck you.
“Of course.” You purr back.
Eddie quickly brings both hands to your tits gently massaging them before running a calloused thumb over the hardening bud. The action forces a moan from between your lips making Eddie’s eyes shoot up to yours. He wants to pull that noise from you as much as he can.
“That feel good?” He breathily asks as if he can’t believe you’re letting him touch you like this.
“Feels really good, ed.” you whimper before he’s grazing his other thumb across your peaked nipple making an even more erotic moan leave you.
Your body slightly jerks when you feel Eddie’s wet lips encapsulate your nipple, you look down to see he is already looking at you, looking at your reaction to the way he’s making you feel.
Your eyebrows furrow as you vigorously bite at your lip. The sight in front of you is a scene straight out of your wet dreams, the wet dreams that would play on an instant loop in your twin size bed in your muggy dorm room across from your god fearing roommate.
Eddie continues to lick and suck as his confidence grows, every thrash of his tongue sends a searing shock of electricity to your cunt.
You need him now.
“Lay back for me Eddie baby, let me finish the show.” You whisper as your nails softly scrape against his scalp making him groan with his mouth full, he pulls off with a pop leaving your nipples peaked and cold from the wetness.
“Yes ma’am.” He snickers before scooting back to lay in his previous position.
You completely remove the vest from your body, throwing it towards the end of the bed but it slips off and onto the floor.
You’ll worry about that later.
You begin making work at removing your matching blue jean bell bottoms, slowly inching them down your legs as teasingly as possible for the flustered man who lays just inches from you.
Once your jeans are around your ankles, you make hasty work at removing them before kicking them off somewhere to be dealt with later.
You stand there in your pink cotton panties as Eddie’s eyes travel along your body. He adjusts himself in his shorts before his eyes fall to your last garment of clothing and then back up to meet yours. You know exactly what he’s asking.
So you shove your thumbs in the cotton fabric and remove them albeit much faster than your jeans.
You stand upright before kicking your panties towards where your jeans haphazardly lay.
Once you’re fully exposed to Eddie he darts up on his elbows as his eyes take in every inch; from the patch of hair between your thighs to the soft skin of your legs to the way your hips curve. His aloof disposition is such a stark contrast to the way he’s losing his fucking mind on the inside; he’s on cloud nine, he’s thanking a god he doesn’t even believe in for allowing him to be here and alive for this moment, a moment he’s thought about way too often.
You slowly saunter up to the foot of the bed, ready to straddle Eddie’s lap before he’s placing his hand out to stop you. “There’s no fucking way I’m lasting more than thirty second if you’re on top.” He huffs with a self deprecating smile.
“That’s okay, we can go again later…you’ll eventually learn how to hold it, it’s really not a big deal plus this is about you anyway.” You smile reassuringly before he nods his head for you to continue.
The way you said ‘we can go again later’ alone almost made him cum, so he knows he doesn’t have a fighting chance in hell to last while you're bouncing all pretty on his cock.
Nevertheless, you straddle his waist, the hardness in his shorts already hitting your exposed clit so nicely, you couldn’t help but whine.
“Fuck, this is almost too much.” Eddie whispers before his hands shoot down to your waist as you give his lap an experimental drag of your core, along the soft cotton of his shorts.
“Are you sure about that?” You smirk before your hands fall to his painfully hard cock that is far too clothed for your liking.
You sit back on his thighs, dragging the material down his legs. He begins thrashing around trying to kick them off so desperately, you can’t help but to giggle.
“Oh is that funny?” He says in a stern voice that has you clenching around nothing. You definitely want to dive into that Eddie in the future.
Or right now.
“No, sir. I’m sorry.” You pout with a swift bat of your lashes.
Eddie’s jaw tightens at your words, he doesn’t know why that is turning him on so much but Jesus Christ, is it.
Finally, you look down to where Eddie’s cock lays against his lower stomach. He’s way bigger than you expected and so pretty, the prettiest one you’ve ever seen.
It twitches before your hand slowly moves in to grab it.
“Do you think you could last if I got a little taste of this perfect cock?” You whisper into Eddie’s ear, making the skin there tinge a reddish pink.
“I can barely last with your hand wrapped around me, baby.” He groans in pleasure.
“Okay, we’ll save that for later, too.” You wink, before you spit in the palm of your hand bringing the glob to Eddie’s cock as you stroke him, getting him nice and wet to easily slip inside of you.
“Oh my fuck-” Eddie grits before his eyes snap shut, the skin around them wrinkling as he tries to think of anything but your spit on his dick, as you rub him so expertly.
“I’m gonna put it in now, Ed…you ready?” You ask before he’s rapidly nodding his head, his eyes still held tightly shut.
You lift up, rubbing his wet tip against your already soaked pussy before it begins to breach your hole.
“Oooh fuck.” Eddie whimpers.
You begin to inch your way down slowly so as not to overwhelm him. You’re trying not to go too fast, too soon.
Eddie brings the back of his hand to his mouth and begins biting on the skin as a distraction to what’s going on in his lap. He still can’t look down, or it’ll all be over before it begins.
You finally sink all the way down to the hilt, which has Eddie whimpering and cursing below you.
You study his face and how in pain he looks.
“Hey, do you need me to stop?” His eyes shoot open at your question.
“Don’t you dare fucking stop.” Eddie huffs as if he’s out of breath. “Please baby, please keep going…you just feel so fucking amazing and I’m trying here, I’m really fucking trying.” His eyes quickly shut, again.
“Ed’s, open your eyes for me…you’re doing so good, just look at me please?” You murmur as you move closer to his face, rubbing at his scalp like you know he likes.
“I can’t.” He whispers.
“Yes, you can.. just look at me, wanna see you when you cum.” That pulls a growl from the back of his throat.
His eyes slowly open as he takes in the sight of you stuffed full of his cock. You begin to move, slowly grinding before you’re bouncing your hips up and down on him. Your tits jiggle with every move and now it’s like he can’t take his eyes off of you.
Your movements get even faster as you lean down to capture his lips with yours. It’s so sloppy and spit filled, making you clench around him. He gasps into the kiss before his hands are moving down to grab at the soft flesh of your ass.
He begins snapping his hips up to meet your movements, making him hit that spot so perfectly.
“Oh my god…right there.” You moan as your face falls in between his neck and jaw.
You begin to whimper as your unexpected orgasm washes over your body. Eddie doesn’t quite know what’s happening but he physically cannot hold on any longer.
“Oh shit, shit- I’m gonna cum.” His head falls back into his stain filled pillow, he bites his lip so hard he’s almost positive he’s breaking skin, before a groan so deep it almost scares him, leaves his mouth. He wonders if he should feel embarrassed but the proud look in your eyes tells him otherwise.
He didn’t even get a chance to ask you where he could cum, he just filled you up without even thinking. That thought made his dick twitch even though it was beginning to soften.
“You did so good, baby.” You coo before allowing him to slowly slide out of you.
Some of his cum falls out of you and onto his spent cock, making his cheeks redden in what you could only assume is embarrassment.
“It’s okay, I’m doing this new trial of this birth control pill that just came out. It's supposed to lessen cramps during that time of the month but it also helps to prevent pregnancy… so we should be good.” You say before giving him a peck on his bruised lips.
You make your way to the bathroom to clean yourself up before bringing a wet washcloth to clean Eddie, too.
His hips jerk when the rag touches him, making you giggle as he tries and fails to hide his bashful face from you.
You find it so cute how shy he’s being. You’ve never seen shy Eddie before, so this is a nice contrast.
He scoots over, making room for you to lay next to him, which you do after setting the cum filled rag on his night stand to be disposed of later.
“You’re fucking incredible, did you know that?” He asks before scooping you up in his arms and moving you closer to him. His arms wrap around your waist as his head burrows into your chest.
“Are you sure you're okay, Eddie?” You softly ask, not sure you want to breach the topic after you two have finally consummated your relationship.
“Of course I’m okay, why do you ask?” He looks up at you curiously, as if he’s surprised you’ve been able to read him so well. Although you always have been good at that.
“You just seem…different.” You whisper the last part before you feel him slightly tense.
“I’m-I just seen some shit, ya know? And it’s kind of hard to go back to your everyday life after witnessing some of the most horrific shit imaginable.” He can’t look you in your eyes when he speaks, he doesn’t want to see the pity that so often lies beneath the sympathy people have recently given him.
“I get that baby, I do…and I’m here, every step of the way, okay? Whatever you need, we'll do it.” You purr as your nails gently graze his back.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You whisper into his hair before you’re both falling into a post sex sleep haze.
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October 1977
“Eddie, slow down.” You snort as your boyfriend eagerly speeds down Cherry lane, too excited to get to his mystery destination.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask, studying his face for any clues.
“You’ll see, just have some patience, baby.” He knowingly smirks, amused by your uncertainty.
Soon enough, you're pulling up to a light yellow single story house. It’s quite cute, with pink trim on the windows and flower boxes that sit on each window seal.
The grass looks like it’s been very taken care of, it’s almost too green.
Eddie flies to your side, opening your door for you.
You hesitantly step out, your black flats crunching on the orange and brown leaf riddled sidewalk. You’re still wondering where the hell he’s taking you or to who?
“Do you like it?” He asks with a beaming smile as his hand runs through his freshly grown out mane.
“I mean yeah… it’s nice.” You scoff, “who lives here?” You study the house again before looking over to Eddie for an answer.
“We do, sweetheart.” He gleams as he dangles a set of keys in his right hand, a huge satisfied smile adorns his face at your shocked expression.
“This is ours?” You blink at him as if maybe you’ve misunderstood. “Like, you bought it?” Eddie’s face just gets more and more excited with every fleeting moment you stand there in shock.
“Yes, we bought it.” He laughs before throwing the keys towards you. “Go check it out, baby.” You quickly catch the keys and make your way inside, body moving on autopilot as you’re still in shock.
As you look around you notice it’s a charming 1960’s styled, three bedroom house.
You stand in the doorway of the smallest room.
‘It’s perfect’ you whisper to yourself.
“That’ll be the nursery for babygirl.” Eddie says, sauntering up behind you to rub at your growing belly. “Do you like it?” He asks with a proud smile.
“I love it Ed’s, you did so good.” You fervidly muse.
“Let’s check out the backyard, I have another surprise for you out there.” He says before intertwining his fingers with yours and walking you through the house to the beautiful twin doors that lead you to an even more beautiful backyard.
Your eyes take in everything as you stand on the deck, this place is almost too perfect. You’re ready to pinch yourself cause you’re so sure you’re dreaming.
You look around and see a vegetable garden, next to that are gorgeous flower bushes. Whoever lived here before really loved this place as it was treated with the utmost care.
Your eyes continue to scan the yard before it catches on something that causes your eyes to water and your breath to hitch, it’s a big oak tree identical to the one you and Eddie met under.
But that’s not all, Eddie is underneath it on one knee, with a red box in his hand. The tears fall as you walk closer. Yes, this has to be a dream, there is no way this is my life, it’s too perfect.
Once you’re standing in front of your weeping future husband, you realize the ring he’s holding was your gram’s, a beautiful vintage opal.
You remember holding her hand as a kid and playing with it. You’d tell her how much you wanted one just like it, so you could be twins. You sob into your hand at the memory.
“Will you marry me, sweetheart?”
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
Five x TEEN!Y/n
Incorrect quotes pt6
⚠Disclaimer⚠ I made this when I was 15 and I no longer post about Five!
*at Luther and Sloane's wedding*
Five: What the hell were you thinking?
Y/n: I heard releasing birds at a wedding is romantic!
Five: You released OSTRICHES!
Five: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Y/n: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Five: That one. I want that one.
Y/n: Five is playing hard to get.
Y/n: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Five: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it.
Y/n: What- how?
Five: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.”
Five: You’re not jealous, are you?
Y/n: No!
Five: Good, ‘cause I consider my fake relationship with you a lot more meaningful.
Y/n: What happened?!
Five: Do you want the long version or the short version?
Y/n: Sh-short??
Five: Shit's fucked.
Y/n: Okay, long.
Five: Shit's very fucked.
Five: We both look very handsome tonight.
Y/n: You know, if you'd just said that I looked handsome, I would have said, "So do you."
Five: I couldn't take that chance.
Five: Hey, Y/n. What kind of flowers do you prefer?
Y/n: I like sunflowers.
Five, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit-
Five: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer.
Y/n: Why are we so fucking awesome?
Five: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Y/n: That's greatly offensive to my people.
Five: College dropouts?
Y/n: I don’t even use tubberware anymore.
Five: What are you saying? Say it again.
Y/n: Tubberware.
Five: Say it again. Slow.
Y/n: Tubberware.
Five: Slow, very slow - actually, say the first syllable.
Y/n: Tub.
Five: Wrong.
Five: So what do you have planned for the future?
Y/n: Lunch.
Five: No, like long term.
Y/n: Oh...um, dinner?
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katmaatui · 3 months
How old is Hal Jordan really?
TL,DR: Hal Jordan was most likely mid to late 20s when he received the ring and approximately early to mid 40s when he became Parallax.
Few Notes:
I give precedence to mentions of aging + time passing in Green Lantern comics versus his appearance in others.
This will be pre Zero Hour continuity as he was retroactively deaged during that arc (and the timeline was shortened to 10 years).
I will be treating pre-crisis and post crisis Green Lantern comics as one continuity because the pre-crisis Green Lanterns survived the crisis
I will be assuming that at the youngest Hal was 18 when he joined the military because Hal has been shown to be rule abiding in that regard.
How Old Was Hal when he received the ring?
Pre-crisis, he was no younger than 28. Post crisis, he was no younger than 25.
In Green Lantern (1960) #36, it is established that Hal's best friend in the Air Force was a man named Bill who died in the Korean War. As this comic came out in 1965, if he joined during the last year (1953) of the war at age 18 (the youngest possible age), he would be 30 during this comic. While there was not any direct reference to time passing in issue 36, in Green Lantern (1960) #27, at most 3 and a half years had passed since he became a Green Lantern and at least two and half years had passed overall. This makes him no younger than 28 when he became a Green Lantern. This makes sense with other established timelines, such as the fact that Jim (Hal's "kid brother" as he calls him in Green Lantern (1960) #22) is already out of college and has been for a while and that Hal was complaining about kids these days in the 60s. He was written as an older character, with several issues contemplating on how much stuff has changed.
Post crisis, the main timeline changes happened in Green Lantern (1990) and the surrounding Green Lantern books. In Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II #1, Hal is noted as having flown missions in Vietnam and for this to have happened several years before. In addition to flying in Vietnam, he was a test pilot which requires a college degree plus at least 3 years of military experience. He most likely was at the very least 25 during this point.
Timeline Mystery: When Did GL/GA Happen?
Green Lantern (1960) #76 (the first issue of Green Lantern/Green Arrow) most likely happened eight years after Hal became a Green Lantern.
This timeline assumes 3 years between Showcase #22 and Green Lantern (1960) #27 (the midpoint of the smallest amount of time possible and the largest time possible), takes note of the fact that there is a year between Green Lantern (1960) #42 and #52 (note: #52 is set pre Green Lantern (1960) #49, in which Hal self exiles himself from Coast City). In addition, it assumes 3 years between Green Lantern (1960) #49 and #74, taking into account the several six month/year long time mentions in those issues and the fact that Tom had three children within that time frame.
There being eight years between Hal becoming Green Lantern and gl/ga makes sense, especially since in Green Lantern Corps (1986) #201, it has been five years since GL/GA and in Green Lantern Corps #215, it has been 12 years since the start of the Solar Director arc which started in Green Lantern (1960) #8, which was over a year since Hal became Green Lantern but less than two.
How Old Was Hal when he became Parallax?
Hal was, at the very least, 41 when he became Parallax. He was at the very least 40 during Green Lantern (1990) #1 and there was a year long period between Green Lantern (1990) #1 and #48.
This number bases on the fact that he was at least 25, and there is fifteen years between Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn (1989) and Green Lantern (1990).
Hal being at the very least 40 makes sense because during this era he was supposed to be older. In fact, Adam Strange even teases him about going cosmic in his old age (Green Lantern (1990) #38) and he's called old by Guy (Green Lantern (1990) #25). Hal even complains about how much his back hurts and how it didn't hurt this much when he was 30 (Green Lantern (1990) #32). He's supposed to be older than this era, the one people look up to, the one who is tired of always doing what is right but hurts himself in the end. His age is an important aspect of the narrative. Erasing this weakens what the passage of time and growing up means to him.
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thewulf · 1 year
Silly Goose || Nick "Goose" Bradshaw
Summary: Pete and Y/N Mitchell were once thick as thieves. After your career splits the twins up the two reunite in San Diego. Nick Bradshaw is finally feeling normal after the passing of his late wife Carol. You comfort Nick in his loss while he comforts you after Pete can't stop being awful to you.
A/N: Hi friends! I had a friend request this one :) As always, let me know your thoughts! Also - sorry Carole, I did what had to be done.
Pairing: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw x Mitchell Reader
Word Count: 7,000+
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It was remarkable how similar yet so drastically different the Mitchell twins were. Pete Mitchell was one of the most arrogant, cocky yet self-assured men you’d ever come across. And boy did he piss you off. You were convinced from an early age he made it his life goal to make you as furious as he could, often succeeding. He was your best friend though. Your first best friend, your fiercest best friend.
You were both incredibly mischievous particularly when the two of you were around the other. It’d been quite a while since you were around Pete. Your father was killed when you were both young, in the Vietnam War. A naval aviator of course. That sent you off to live with your grandparents. Shirley and Mark weren’t the most welcoming either. The twins were all each other had. You fed off each other sending you both in the principal’s office all too often. These actions alienated your grandparents even further from the both of you, driving you and Pete closer.
Pete was your protector. You knew nobody could really hurt you, Pete would always be there to put a stop to it. The downside being that no boy ever even tried getting that close to you, just knowing Pete was waiting. But that was all when you were younger. You both graduated high school, Pete determined to be a pilot in the Navy like dad. You wanted to be a doctor, not really want to follow your father’s footsteps as a pilot. Moving all the way across the country for undergrad made you miss Pete like crazy.
He went off and did his own thing though. He graduated from college early before enlisting and finding his way as a pilot in training. He constantly pestered you to either move closer or join the Navy with him. He wasn’t a fan of only seeing you once a year like he had been the past few. Eventually, his constant pestering wore you down. You applied to medical school at the Naval Academy. You really didn’t think you would get in knowing your family’s Naval legacy, Pete had already been rejected from the academy for undergrad.
To your pleasant surprised you were admitted. You had a hell of a lot of catching up to do though. You enrolled and were off. Another four years passed, and Pete became Maverick, you met his best friend and RIO Goose and you graduated from the Naval Academy. You did a Military Match with the Navy effectively signing you to another four-year commitment. Pete was thrilled when were selected. You still didn’t see each other as often as you liked. But Pete loved to say that you were both in the Navy, so you gave him that. You were shipped off to San Diego. Not that you didn’t love the Navy.
You were able to visit him a few times throughout the years. Seeing him grow from the young arrogant boy to the cocky asshole of a pilot he was. He was your best friend through and through. Each time you saw him it felt like no time had passed, the twins were always attached at the hip. Nick always joked that he ceased to exist when you came around. Pete dropped him like a hot potato.
Nick, Goose, was always kind to you. He knew how important you were to Pete. You always did your greetings and got on with it, Pete didn’t have any time to spare. He saw Goose all the time. He hardly saw you.
Goose and Mav grew closest after Carole passed leaving baby Bradley without his mom. Carole developed a rare complication after giving birth to Bradley. She passed when Bradley was nearing his first birthday leaving Nick completely shattered. Pete was convinced Goose would never come back not seeing how he would get through it. Mav stepped up for his other best friend though. He brought Goose out of the hole he was sinking deeper and deeper into. Pete stepped up like you’ve seen him do once before for you when dad died. Bradley stayed with his grandparents while Goose was deployed at Top Gun.
You’d only been at the San Diego naval base as a resident for about a year. You were really starting to find your groove as you entered your 27th year. Slowly putting your roots down, you had made a few friends at the hospital. You enjoyed San Diego. You were always an east coaster, but you were learning to love it. You even went on a few dates in your nonexistent spare time, simply enjoying your time. It was the first time in a while you weren’t actively stressing about exams, you were just stressing about getting the proper training in now. You were lucky though, the surgical team at your hospital was top notch. You were learning from the best of the best. Your attending convinced you to take a surgical residency after your first year of basic residency.
You had just kicked your shoes off after a long day in the emergency room, your least favorite place. But everybody had a few monthly shifts there. Your landline ran, you debated answering it not feeling terribly motivated to get up. Sighing when you gave in just hoping it wasn’t the hospital. You weren’t on call, so you didn’t have your pager around. Begrudgingly you got up hauling your ass over there picking it up on the last ring.
“My favorite sister!” Your brothers voice yelled through the telephone.
“Petey.” You giggled to yourself knowing how much he hated that nickname.
“Really Y/N?” His voice turned sour quick.
“Always.” You grinned leaning back onto the wall, “What’s up little brother?” You also knew how to piss him off. You were born first just by a few minutes, never letting Pete live it down.
“I had good news. I don’t know if I should tell you now.” He audibly huffed.
“Aww Petey, don’t be like that.” You laughed knowing he was likely going to hang up on you.
“I’m hanging up…”
“No, you’re not Pete Mitchell. What’s the news?”
“Thank you.” He paused, you thought he really did hang up, “I’m heading to San Diego. Tonight!”
“What?” Gasping you tried to figure out why. Pete coming to San Diego? It’d been over eight years since the two of you lived close, “You’re being serious?”
“Miramar! 100% serious. We’ll be there in like two hours!” You could feel his giddiness through the phone.
“Wait...” You paused realizing he said Miramar, “Isn’t that Top Gun?” Your mouth fell open slightly. You knew Pete was good but Top Gun was serious, next level.
“The one and only.” You knew he was sitting there with a shit eating grin twirling the telephone cord in his hand, just knew it.
You rolled your eyes. He was lucky you loved him more than anything else in the world, “Okay, spill Pete. How? What? Where? When? And We’ll?”
“Me and Goose!” You heard a faint cheer from the background, “Got invited a few hours ago, we’re waiting on our ride now. All packed up.”
“Say hi to Goose for me.” You laughed. He loved that man. He might’ve loved him more than you. He would scoff at that accusation though. You were his first best friend, always making sure to remind you of it. You were worried you’d lose some of that twin spark you had when you went away, but you still did it. You were so worried he secretly hated you for it. The two of you talked it out and he assured you that was okay. He knew you had to follow your own path as much as he didn’t like it.
“Goose says hi.” He paused. Muffled talking ensued on the other side of the line. He picked back up before continuing, “Wanna meet us at Hard Deck once we get there?”
“That’s late Pete.” You whined seeing that a few hours from now was nine at night. Nine wouldn’t have made you bat an eye eight years ago. But seeing as you had to be back at the Hospital by six, nine sounded like hell.
“9:30, that’s not late Y/N.” You heard Goose laughing on the other side of the line. The little shit always listening in.
“Pete. I have to get up at five.” You deadpanned.
“And we have to be up by six!” He countered.
You groaned knowing it was meet there or have them come here. You knew you wouldn’t be able to escape them if they came here, “Fine. One beer.”
“Yes! Score! She’s in Goose!” He called over to his RIO, “Okay! I’ll call you when I’m at the new place. See you soon!” He hung up before you could respond.
“Fucking brother.” You muttered hanging the phone back on the wall. You just couldn’t say no to Pete.
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You walked into the Hard Deck quickly spotting your brother and Nick in their Navy Whites. Slowly, you walked up behind him smiling as you did so. Pete and Goose were very animatedly talking to one another, hands moving and all. You placed your hands over Pete’s face sending them both into defense mode. Pete nearly knocked you backwards before realizing it was you.
“Woah there Petey.” You through your hands up in mock defense after taking a step back stabilizing yourself. Smirking, you antagonized him on.
“Y/N.” He sighed wrapping you into a bear hug, “I know I’ve taught you better than that. We’re going to have to get you back into self-defense classes.”
“Shut up Pete.” You groaned throwing yourself down in the seat next to him. Pete and Nick joining you.
“Y/N.” Nick nodded at you, “Nice to see you again.”
“You too!” You grinned at them both, “I can’t believe you’re here.” You turned back towards your brother.
“Now don’t think so highly of me.” He smirked throwing back some beer.
Rolling your eyes, you did the same. Irritating. So, irritating Pete was, “Shush.” You pushed him lightly. Gosh you really did miss him. You’d never admit it, but you were so excited he’d be here for the next few months, “I knew you’d get into Top Gun. Just never imagined it would be when I was here.”
“Well sis, your wish is my command.” He winked. Shaking your head, you ordered a beer.
“Insufferable as ever.” You earned a laugh from Goose and the side eye from your twin. You saw Pete’s eyes fall to a pretty blond across the bar. He leaned into Goose whispering something earning a dissatisfied groan.
“Sis, I love you. I’m so excited to see you. But we have the next three months to catch up. And I don’t know if I’ll ever see that beautiful woman again.” He winked, ruffled your hair, and disappeared in the crowd. Goose muttered an apology before following him over.
You huffed throwing back another swig of beer. Good old Pete. You should’ve known he’d never change. Just like him to force you out only to ditch you for the first piece of ass he sees come across the bar. You sent her a quick prayer. You watched horrified as half the Naval aviators broke out into song with Pete leading the charge. Your fucking brother.
You ordered another beer, not quite ready to head back home just yet. You watched Goose get caught up in a conversation with some other aviators. Wonderful, the only two people you knew vanished in almost an instant.
“What’s got you so upset?” A voice from your side spoke.
You turned to see a cute blond pilot looking at you curiously, “Oh, nothing. Just a long day.” You turned back to eye your brother, avoiding his gaze.
“Cheers to that.” He grinned holding his beer up. You nodded taking a drink with him, “You work around here?” He asked making light conversation.
“I do, yeah. Down at the Naval base.” You stopped before divulging too much information to the handsome stranger, seeing he was in Navy Whites as well. He had to be a pilot, oozing that overconfidence your brother did.
His entire demeanor perked up in your one sentence, “Are you in the Navy?” He asked, digging lightly.
You nodded, “I am.”
“Curious, I am too.” He laughed at the obviousness of it all, “What do you do?”
“You work for the Navy? I never would have guessed?” You teased eyeing his uniform up and down strategically not answering his question.
“Ha. Ha.” He leaned in a little closer to you, “Name’s Tom. Callsign Iceman. I’m a pilot. And you?”
You sighed knowing the type, relentless. You grew up with one, “Y/N. No callsign. I’m a doctor.”
“I’ll be damned. Beauty and brains.”
You scoffed, “Please tell me you didn’t just say that.”
He put his hands up in defense, “Say what? What are you a doctor of?” He continued trying to keep the conversation light between the two of you.
“I’m a surgical resident.” You smiled to the handsome pilot. You knew not to ever get seriously involved with one, but having fun? Never off limits.
He scratched the back of his neck seemingly unsure of himself, “What’s that mean?”
You didn’t drop your smile, he was a curious one alright, “I graduated medical school and am a doctor. But now I’m in specialized training for the next four years to become a surgeon.”
“Seems intense.” He never broke his gaze with yours.
You shrugged, “I can say the same for you.” You broke the gaze and turned around looking for Pete and Goose. You quickly found Pete staring at you and Iceman. You flipped him off turning your attention back on the blondie. Pete ignored you. You’d ignore him.
Your conversation was cut short when Goose came up from behind you placing his hands on your shoulders, “Y/N! Come on over, Mav wants to talk to you.” You almost jumped out of your skin feeling the contact.
Iceman’s eyes cocked up in surprise, curious on how you knew the two assholes he’d only known for a brief stint, “I’m good.” You failed to shrug his hands off your shoulders. He only tightened down lightly letting you know he wasn’t going anywhere until you left with him.
“Y/N.” Goose tried to pull you lightly.
“Nick, I said I’m good. The idiot left to flirt with the blond girl. Let him.” You shrugged again.
“You heard the doctor.” Iceman chimed in sensing your irritation with the situation.
Goose laughed dropping his hands from your shoulders, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you Y/N.” He grumbled walking back to your twin.
“Sorry about that.” You smiled shyly.
“You know Mav?”
“Unfortunately. He’s my brother. Twin brother.”
He let out a sly grin, “You’re joking.”
“Afraid not.”
“Man, this is too good.” He laughed seeing how pissed off Mav looked across the bar, “You like messing with your brother?”
You perked up, “Oh, do I.”
He nodded, liking you far more than your brother, “Just roll with it.” He winked at Pete knowing how angry it would make him.
Iceman slung an arm around your shoulder after you gave him permission, “Oh boy, he’s on his way already.” Tom chucked pulling your chair closer to him. Not a second later you heard him cough from behind you.
“Hands off, Ice.” The annoying voice of your brother chimed in.
“Fuck off Maverick.” You spat back at him before Iceman could. You hardly ever used your brothers call sign, always feeling weird when you did use it. But it always caused him to pause. You only ever used his call sign when you were pissed.
“Y/N, let’s go.”
“Because we’re going home.”
“Go home then. I’m going to stay. I’m sure Ice would drive me if need be.” You shrugged.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. Ice looking thoroughly amused at your ability to set him off, “Would you just come?” He asked in frustration.
You sighed apologizing to Iceman. Giving into Pete before he did something he’d regret. So, you got up and followed Pete to the other side of the bar. Sitting at his old spot you looked around annoyed.
“I thought you said we were leaving.” You yawned feeling how tired you were becoming.
“Another beer.” He smiled turning back to Goose.
“Pete.” You frowned. He shrugged getting up about to go take another shot. Nick sighed back into his seat apologizing to you yet again.
“I don’t even know why I come when he asks anymore.” You frowned turning away from Goose. Feeling oddly vulnerable as you shared your frustration with Pete.
“Don’t say that Y/N. I like having you here. He loves having you here.” He gave you a goofy grin. You were sure it was a Nick Bradshaw special.
“Thanks Nick.” You mustered a small smile, he was sweet. Sweet and goofy. The perfect foil to Pete.
“Anytime.” He held his beer up. You clanked beer glasses with him finishing your second beer off.
“How are you?” You asked looking at him sincerely. It’d only been ten months since Carole had passed away. Nick didn’t seem too different, but you knew he couldn’t be the same guy. He lost the love of his life. The mother of his son. And from what Pete told you, he was madly in love with her before he lost her.
He paused seeing the sincerity in your eyes. You Mitchell twins could convey a whole lot through a look. You knew it was from being in survival mode living at your grandparents’ house. A form of silent communication formed between you and Pete. To this day you utilized it.
 “I’m okay. Learning how to cope.” Goose admitted shyly.
You nodded slowly, so sad for him, “If you need anything, I’m right down the road. Really, if you need to talk or anything. I know Pete isn’t the easiest to talk to.”
Nick raised an eyebrow laughing, nodding in agreement, “You can say that again. Thanks Y/N. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Alright, I’m ready to go.” Pete huffed standing on the other side of Goose now, the two of you moving closer to chat.
“No dice?” You laughed.
“None tonight.” He frowned putting his jacket back on.
“See you two later.” You laughed having already paid your bill. As you walked back to your car you tripped on nothing, launching you forward. You caught yourself but cursed under your breath. You were a clumsy one, tripping on thin air half the time.
Pete caught Goose looking at you with a certain form of admiration in his eyes. You still weren’t sure how Goose could stand Pete but you sure were glad he did.
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“Pete!” You ran down the stairs of his apartment. You needed to talk to him about plans for that day. Pete could never seem to commit to plans with you anymore.
“Hey Y/N.” Nick Bradshaw stood in the kitchen eating a bowl of mac n’ cheese.
You spun around not expecting the voice of Nick Bradshaw, “What are you doing here?”
He gasped lightly feigning hurt by placing his hand on his heart, “Nice to see you too Y/N.”
Shaking your head you responded, “I mean, Pete didn’t say you were here.”
“Mav didn’t say you were here.” He countered shooting you smirk.
You suddenly felt terribly self-conscious in your oversized shirt and barely there shorts. Nobody was supposed to be there. You ignored it best you could, “Besides the point. Where is he?”
Nick shrugged, “Beats me.”
“No help.” You frowned as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Mav!” He yelled, loudly.
You jumped not expecting that one, “What the hell Nick?”
“I’m trying to help.”
You stood there dumbfounded, “You two are meant for each other. Really.”
He smiled sweetly grabbing another forkful of the mac n’ cheese he was eating, “You aren’t the first person to say that.”
“Take the hint then.”
He let a breathy laugh out, finding that one funny.
“What?” Pete asked sliding into the kitchen
You turned to him, “What’s the plan for today? And what’s he doing here?”
“I can hear you.” Nick rebutted laughing at the table.
“Again, besides the point Nick.” You replied not letting him get the best of you.
“Anyway,” Mav rolled his eyes at the slightly flirty bickering between you and Nick. Truth be told Pete was bit worried about this, Y/N and Goose. It wasn’t like he wanted to stop anything, but he was concerned, Goose was just returning to normal. He didn’t want anything to set him back or for anyone to hurt you. He was worried because he and Goose got along so well. You and Pete were so similar it was only fate the two of you would get along, “I thought we’d go to the Hard Deck.”
You groaned, not thrilled, “I’ll pass.”
Mav looked shocked. Goose cocked an eye. This ought to be good.
“Why not?” He took a defensive stance, arms crossed.
“You’re just going to leave us,” You pointed at Nick, “for the first pretty girl you see.” You spoke calmly to him, somebody had to keep a level head and that certainly wasn’t Pete.
“You’re a big girl. And he’s a big boy. You can figure it out.”
Your mouth dropped slightly, “Why would that be fun for me Pete?” You responded, almost spitting out his name.
“Hard Deck’s always fun! Come on. Don’t be lame,”
You didn’t know if you could frown any further, “Like I said earlier, I’ll pass. Have fun.” You attempted to pass Pete to go back up to the guest room. You stayed there whenever you got too drunk, his apartment always being closer than yours. Pete blocked you each time you tried to go back upstairs.
“What’s your problem?” He groaned in frustration.
“I just don’t want to go to the Hard Deck for the fifth night in a row!” You huffed in just as much frustration.
“Too good for the Hark Deck Y/N?” He asked. You just looked at him quizzically. What had gotten into him? He was being mean to you. You weren’t used to this Pete. He was always tough on you, not downright mean though.
“Would you let me go upstairs?”
“Fine.” You turned around swiftly hightailing it out the backdoor. You weren’t sure what your plan was, but you just started walking. You wanted to yell at him. You wanted to fight back but you couldn’t, not in front of Nick. You didn’t even care that you were still in your pajamas, at least you had a bra on.
Not long into you swiftly exiting the house you felt pressure at your elbow, somebody trying to stop you.
“Fuck off Maverick.” You huffed ripping your arm away from him.
“Not Mav.” Nick spoke softly from behind, keeping pace with you easily. His long strides matching your quicker shorter ones.
“Oh,” you sighed softly, “Sorry, Nick. You didn’t need to see all of that.” Flushing with embarrassment you turned away from him quickly.
He sighed running a hand through his hair, “It’s alright, why don’t we just go back?” He gently nudged you back to the house.
You anchored your feet in the ground, fully knowing how childish you were being, “Not until Pete leaves.” Biting the inside of your lip you continued, “I should just go. I need to prep for a few cases anyway.”
He looked at you softly, feeling a bit sorry for you. Pete was a tough human in general, typically he thought about him and himself only. He hadn’t really had to actively think about how his actions impacted you for a long time, for over ten years now you two had went your separate ways. Of course, you were going to lose some of that twin connection you used to have. You never imagined you’d lose all of it. You felt so out of sync with Pete.
“No, don’t go.” He paused contemplating why he didn’t want you to go. He felt terrible at the way Pete was treating you, feeling like it was his fault somehow. He too had seen Pete transform before him. Yes, Pete had always been arrogant, but his ego just grew and grew in the Navy. Nobody really came close to his skill, and he sure knew it, “I mean… don’t let Pete ruin your day Y/N. He’s just being Pete.”
Your lips turned up at the corners slight, “Pete never fails to ruin my day.” You we’re being over dramatic, you knew it, but he was right. You really didn’t want to work anyway, “Maybe I’ll go to the beach instead. Sounds better than work.”
“Okay,” he took a timid step closer towards you, “Need any company?”
You shook your head, “Best you go with Pete. I don’t want to hear about it later.” You gave him a half smile, already growing tired of Pete’s attitude
“I don’t really want to go to the Hard Deck either.” He admitted while rubbing the back of his head nervously.
“Oh.” You weren’t quite sure what to say to him. His look was begging for you to invite him along. He also needed breaks from Mav. He didn’t want to admit yet how much he yearned to know a little bit more about you. Just from his quick interactions he saw how quick-witted and fun you were to be around, pulling both of their legs nearly flawlessly with Ice. You were carefree, just like Pete. Letting the wind blow you in a direction as you went with it. He already wanted to know more. Not feeling this way in a long time. He wasn’t sure he would ever feel genuine interest for a person again after Carol’s passing. Yet here you came barreling in. Just like Maverick.
You too wanted to spend some time with Nick, easily seeing why Pete was attached at the hip with him. The best friend duo was so incredibly different but so eerily similar. They clicked just like you and Nick were doing right now. You always wanted to respect Pete and his boundaries, but Nick was unique, you couldn’t shake him. So, you did what you did best… silent cues. Nodding your head, you pointed towards the path that led to the beach.
“I’m going to let Mav know we’re going to the beach. He’s free to do whatever.” Nick threw you a carefree smile, “I’ll meet you down there?”
“Sure.” You nodded. Pete was going to skin you alive. But you really did want him to come along with you. He was the one person who knew Pete just as well as you, maybe more than you. You wanted to figure out why Pete was being such a dick but to also understand Nick some more, officially intrigued with the man.
You tried your best to remain calm when Pete was being an asshole. Knowing he just wasn’t thinking straight but it was awfully difficult trying not to snap back at him. You missed your old banter with him, it wasn’t mean and heartless like it’s been the last few times you’ve been around him.
You walked slowly, hoping Nick would catch back up to you on the way. Unfortunately, he did not. You were sure he and Pete were probably going at it right now. Sighing you spotted a bench by the path, gingerly walking towards it. You certainly weren’t looking forward to the argument that was going to come from this afternoon.
Sitting on the bench closest to the path you waited for Nick. Just staring at the water before you. Why was Pete being such an asshole to you lately? What did he have to gain from doing so? He practically begged you and guided your life choices in the military for him. And this is how he treated you?
Pete always cared about Pete. But Pete also cared about you. He had always cared so deeply about you and your feelings. But that seemed absent right now. You didn’t expect the two of you to pick up right where you left off, but you certainly didn’t expect to be treated as if your feelings didn’t matter. Maybe you two were spending too much time together too soon. Maybe you just grew apart. You prayed it wasn’t the latter.
Closing your eyes, you listened to the rough waves crashing against the shore sending the salty sea air in your direction. You loved it here, really loved it here. The lull of waves always seemed to calm you down.
Feeling a soft squeeze on your shoulder you opened your eyes slowly seeing Nick sitting next to you, “All good?” You enquired curiously, referring to the conversation to your brother and him.
“Oh yeah, I’m more than good.” He grinned, “And you?” He replied ignoring your actual question regarding him and Mav.
Your shoulders deflated when you leaned forward, “I’m fine.”
He let off a breathy chuckle obviously not buying your bullshit, “I know I don’t know you like Mav, but I do know that’s a lie.”
You blinked slowly, gathering your thoughts, “Has he been so inconsiderate the entire time you’ve known him?”
Nick paused thinking hard before continuing, “He’s changed a bit. Hardened up. But I haven’t known him the entire time he’s been in the Navy, just the last few years.”
You nodded leaning back into the bench, “Thanks for coming.”
“You saved me. I love Pete but I normally get to go home to Bradley when we aren’t at Top Gun. He’s a lot cuter than Mav and doesn’t talk back nearly as much, yet.” You smiled brightly. Nick had a way of doing that for you, making you smile when all you wanted to do was cry.
Seeing you smile made Nick feel somewhat successful. He didn’t know you at all, but you seemed sad, not at all the way Maverick described you. Nick genuinely wanted to see the real you, the one that Mav never shuts up about.
 “I can attest, baby Bradley is much cuter than grown ass Pete.” You giggled.
Nodding Nick continued, changing the subject back to Pete knowing you needed to talk about it, “It really is nice to have you here. Seems like you’re the only one who can even come close to challenging him.” He didn’t take his eyes off you, couldn’t take his eyes off you.
Nick took you in fully as you closed your eyes basking in the last of the sunlight. You really were pretty. Yes, Pete had pictures with you but most of them were in your adolescence, not many were taken recently. You didn’t look like him, you were you. So unbelievably pretty. He knew he needed to snap the hell out of it, but he was afraid he couldn’t.
“Well, I’m failing miserably.” You sighed turning your head towards him noticing just how cute he really was. You were convinced he was the only man that could get away with the moustache, it looked so damn fine on him. You too needed to stop having these thoughts about your brother’s best friend. Pete would be beside himself if the two of you got together.
Nick shook his head side to side, “Hardly. I haven’t seen him this agitated since the Admiral came down on him a few years back.” He sat back smiling fondly from the memory. It wasn’t often that Pete got nervous but having a 3-star admiral chewing you out? Yeah, that made him nervous.
“Good,” You let out a frustrated sigh, “he deserves it, he’s an ass.”
“While I agree, you probably should talk it out.”
“Nick Bradshaw, are you sure you’re a RIO? You’re acting a bit like a therapist would.”
He suppressed the smile he so desperately wanted to show you, not the right time, “I’m being serious Y/N Mitchell.”
“I’ll talk to him when he comes to me.”
“God, you two really are the same person.” He groaned after observing the similarities between you two. So stubborn. He had a feeling you weren’t going to give in. Maybe Pete would, if he was in the right headspace but not you.
“I think I’m offended by that.”
“Don’t be.” He chuckled scootching closer to you. He couldn’t help being so drawn in by you. What freaked him out the most was just how quickly he had become interested in you. The two of you had only spent about five hours over the last few days together. But he knew, he knew just how fast he could fall for you.
“Alright, fine.” You sighed yet again. Pete really would be the death of you.
“Seriously though. Talking this one out with him might really help.” Nick genuinely wanted to help the two of you. He didn’t like walking on eggshells just as much as you.
“I already said alright. Don’t push your luck Bradshaw.”
“Yes ma’am.” He dropped his head in mock shame, knowing you’d find it amusing.
And you did find it amusing. You noticed just how animated of a person Nick was. Not afraid to show what he was thinking right on his face.
With a breath of courage, you grabbed one of his hands in yours as you too scootched closer to him, thighs almost touching now, “How are you, Nick? Really?” Fuck it. You decided to throw caution to the wind. If you could build a dream man he was it, sitting right here waiting on you to make a move. He was so sweet and hilariously dorky. You saw how much he adored Bradley, making your heart skip a beat every time he talked about him. You weren’t sure how Pete had managed to trick him into becoming his best friend but you sure were thankful.
You looked at him with almost pleading eyes, begging for him to open up to you, “I’m uh…” He took a breath looking away from you, “I’m surviving. It’s a lot. Too much. Never in a million years would I have expected to do this alone.” He gave you a sad smile turning back to you.
“Well, you’re not alone. I know that. You’ve got Pete… and me” You whispered.
He nodded, “I know. And I’m so grateful. But I’m still alone. I miss her like crazy.” You saw the pool of tears well up. Not hesitating to comfort him you pulled him into a side hug.
“I can’t imagine Nick.”
“It’s just Bradley has to grow up without his mother. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.” He looked down, defeated. Carole ran the show and he knew it. She was his rock, and he was beginning to float away without her.
Squeezing his side, you tried your best to comfort him. You didn’t know what to say that would help him. You were far too out of your own depth to comprehend it all, “You don’t know that. You could fall in love tomorrow with a pretty Navy girl. You don’t have to know everything either. That’s what me, Pete and your family is there for. We’re all here for you Nick.”
He leaned into you, feeling the same pull that you had earlier. Your words comforted him, immensely. He had yet to get it all off his chest. Yes, he’d been to a few mandated therapy sessions from command, but they didn’t help at all. Mental health wasn’t a thing in the military, “Thank you.”
Closing your eyes, you took everything in. To any passerby you two probably looked like an adorable couple snuggling up and basking in the last rays of sunshine. You wouldn’t have minded if that were the case. You realized you needed to relax. You were there to comfort each other, not jump his bones, “Anytime Nick.”
“It’s nice to hear my name again.” He mumbled lazily into your hair. He was enjoying this all too much. Why’d you have to be so damn sweet? So adorable? Why’d you have to be Mav’s sister? Why did Mav’s sister have to be so damn beautiful? All questions he wished he knew the answers too.
Laughing softly before replying, “It feels weird calling people by their call sign.”
He pulled back from you abruptly. Forcing yourself to bite the frown away you looked at him, “Please don’t use it. I mean it. It feels so nice to hear my actual name.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal Lieutenant Bradshaw.”
“You make that sound better than the admiral.” He sheepishly admitted. Was he flirting with you?
“I better.” You laughed.
“Certainly.” He stood from his spot offering you his hand, “C’mon, let’s go for a walk.”
“If you insist.” You happily obliged but had to give the illusion of annoyance, it was in your blood. Taking his hand he pulled you up to him, harder than you anticipated. Accidentally stumbling into him he took the opportunity to grab your waist so you wouldn’t run knock him over.
Cheeks flushed you hurriedly looked away from him, “Sorry about that.”
He chuckled seeing your reaction. Feeling slightly guilty over just how much you enjoyed his hands around your waist you turned away. How awkward were you?
Pete was really not going to be happy with you.
Nick didn’t drop your hand in all the commotion. He decided to pull you along, hopefully getting you to feel less embarrassed as the two of you started walking. He thought it was downright adorable how clumsy you were. If you weren’t tripping over someone, you’d be tripped by something, inevitably. He didn’t want to admit how much he enjoyed you stumbling into him, “Don’t worry about it. You’re not as coordinated as the average bird, it’s okay.”
“You noticed?” You giggled softly, feeling comfortable around him as the two of you strolled along the water. Walking slow the both of you were enjoying each other’s company.
“It’s hard not to Y/N.”
“Pete always makes fun of me for it. It’s not my fault I have two left feet! He stole all of the coordination in the womb.” You grumbled.
He laughed, a full hearty laugh. Enjoying your response, “It’s cute.” Shit, he let it slip. Too late to go back now. Not that he wanted to. He already thought so highly of you. A cute, sweet doctor? Pete’s sister to boot? How could it get better than that. He knew Mav would be rather mad at him at first, but he also knew Pete could grow to love the two of you.
“Thanks Nick.” You decided to look to him. Not hiding your cherry red cheeks. You couldn’t hide how he made you react.
“Question for you.”
“Shoot.” You replied, looking up to him.
“What’s your favorite type of food?”
“Why do you ask?” You deflected.
Shaking his head with a small smile on his face he retorted, “Why are you always so defensive?”
“Am not!”
“Are so.” He was laughing now enjoying how easily he got under your skin.
Crinkling your nose at him you refused to respond, giving him the cold shoulder as you walked ahead. It wasn’t often that somebody got the best of you. You weren’t exactly prepared to be bested like that.
“Y/N.” Nick grabbed only your elbow again. You had a mental battle with yourself. It’s not like you could outpace him and he certainly wasn’t going to give it up.
Sighing to yourself you decided to answer, “I like Mexican food.”
“Now was that so hard?” He bit his lower lip while he smiled at you.
Narrowing your eyes in on him you thought hard about your answer, “Yes, it was very difficult Nick.”
“And here I thought Maverick was the most stubborn person in the world.”
Rolling your eyes you continued, ignoring his comment, “Why do you want to know anyway?”
He grinned stopping you in your tracks, “So I can ask you out on a date.”
“What? Me? Pete will kill you!” You gave him a bug-eyed look.
He shrugged, “He’ll get over it.”
“This is Pete we’re talking about.”
“I know how to handle him.” He squeezed your hand anxiously waiting on your actual answer. He decided right then and there that he wouldn’t give up even if you rejected him.
“You really want to go out with me?”
Nodding his head he answered you, “I’d love to.”
“I’m kind of the worst person to date.” You sighed softly trying to deter him. You were so good at that. If it wasn’t Pete sabotaging your love life it was you instead.
He cocked his head slightly, curious as to why you would think that, “And why’s that?”
“I don’t have anything to give.” You looked away wanting to take it back. You wanted to go on a date with him, “My life revolves around the hospital.”
He shrugged again, “I don’t mind.”
“You say that. But when I get called in every night for a week straight you might not think the same.”
“Y/N,” He waited for you to look back to him, “I really don’t mind. Don’t tell me you don’t feel it too. There’s something here.”
You nodded looking everywhere but his face, “I didn’t say I didn’t.” Replying quietly, you finally made the eye contact he was looking for.
Softly smiling, “There’s that Mitchell attitude I love.” He took a small step closer to you looking back and forth between your eyes and mouth.
Your breathing became slightly erratic as your heart raced. You could smell the cologne wafting off him, “Yeah?” You mimicked him, taking a step closer.
“Oh yeah, so what do you say Y/N Mitchell?”
“I say, let’s do it Nick Bradshaw.” You felt his body heat radiating off him, sure he could hear your racing heart.
You could’ve melted right then and there when he smiled down at you, “I’m going to kiss you, if that’s alright.”
Nodding your head eagerly you replied, “That’s more than alright Lieutenant.”
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ereardon · 1 year
Friends Don't || Chapter 3
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Summary: Bob Floyd has been your best friend for almost a decade, ever since he quietly agreed to tutor you in college. The two of you have spent years chasing each other around the globe – Bob as a WSO, you as a travel blogger. You’ve always been the anywhere-but-here girl, and he’s been your rock. But when a surprise diagnosis threatens to crumble your picture-perfect life, you’re on the first flight back to San Diego, desperate to put down roots for the first time. Will Bob finally have it in him to admit that you could be the love of his life? What will he say when he finds out the secret you’ve been skillfully hiding from him? Or worse, what if he doesn’t find out until it’s too late? 
Pairing: Robert “Bob” Floyd x OC [Reid] 
Tropes: Friends to lovers
Warnings: Cursing, angst, alcohol
WC: 2.8K
Series masterlist here; previous chapter here; next chapter here
You met Denver when Bob got stationed at Lemoore. You had still been living in New Orleans, planning your move up to San Francisco, but it was taking a while because the magazine had you doing an Asia tour: Vietnam, Laos, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Nepal. 
On your way back from Tokyo, you stopped in San Francisco to do some apartment hunting, before renting a car and driving down to Lemoore to visit Bob. 
He was still a newer member on the team; everyone but Denver had been there for years. They were a knit family, and he was the odd one out. But at least he had her. 
“You’re going to love her,” Bob said. He was teeming with excitement. Seeing him happy made you happy. You knew that he hadn’t quite fit in at Newport, his station before Lemoore. You knew that he desperately wanted to be part of a team. 
And he had found that with Denver. 
The bar was crowded. And hot. You were wearing a tiny tank top and a pair of denim shorts, not much of a going out outfit but Bob had insisted the two of you go straight to the bar so you could meet his friends. 
Bob weaved through the packed bar, his hand warm in yours, over toward one side of the curved wooden bar. You spotted the familiar khaki outfits that screamed military. Bob raised his free hand excitedly in a wave and you smiled up at him. 
“Hey guys,” he said, and a few of the khaki uniforms turned. Their eyes shamelessly rolled over you, and your hand in Bob’s, jaws going slack. 
“Floyd,” one of them, a classically attractive guy with a broad jawline, said. “Who’s the girl?” 
“Reid,” you said, sticking out one hand, keeping your left firmly in Bob’s. You shook his hand. 
“Harvard,” he said. 
You squinted. Another guy, even more ridiculously handsome, sidled up behind him. “I’m Fritz.”
You nodded. The other two were Omaha and Yale. The callsigns went in one ear and out the other. You were notoriously bad with names. 
And then you heard a small voice, like a delicate bird. “Stop drooling all over her, fuckheads. She’s way too hot for any of you.” 
All eyes turned to the right. A tiny redhead was making her way over to the group, her hands full of beer bottles. She handed one to Omaha and then another to Bob. Finally, her piercing green eyes landed on you and she smiled, holding out the remaining beer bottle. “You must be Sunny.” 
You grinned. “I am. You must be Denver.” 
“Sure hope so, otherwise I’m wearing someone else’s uniform.”
You laughed and took the beer, sipping it carefully. You watched Bob’s face light up as he spoke to the pilot. The casual way she put her hand on his forearm. How easy and light they were together. The way his eyes tracked her across the room. How she always brought him back into the conversation where he might have fallen out of it. 
For the rest of the night you snuck glances at the two of them. And for the first time you saw what Bob looked like when he was in love. 
“Hey.” Fritz approached you from your right, leaning against the wall where you had your butt pressed, staring out across the bar at Bob and Denver. 
“Hi,” you replied, taking a swig from the gin and tonic in your hand. You were tipsy, edging on drunk. 
Fritz followed your gaze. “They’re good together, don’t you think?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, they are. Never seen him like that before.” 
“Like what?” 
“So happy,” you replied. “Carefree.” The two of you watched as Bob laughed at something Denver said, her eyes sparkling as she faced him. 
“He looked pretty damn happy when he told us you were coming,” Fritz said. 
You shook your head. “Nothing like that.” 
Fritz moved slightly closer and you looked up at him with a smile. 
“Live nearby?” you asked. 
He grinned. “In fact, I do.” 
You took his hand, weaving through the crowd toward where Bob was standing near the bar next to Denver and Yale. “Bobby?” you said softly, raising a hand and pressing it to his upper arm. 
He turned around with a smile. “Hey Sunny, where’d you go?” 
You looked up at Fritz. “Just got another drink. I, uh, think we’re gonna head out. Can I call you tomorrow, get a ride back to your place?” 
He frowned. “Are you sure?” 
You felt Fritz’s hand slide into the back pocket of your jeans, fingers gripping the swell of your ass. “Yeah, I’m sure.” 
Bob looked between you and Fritz with narrowed eyes. “Sunny? Gonna ask you one more time, darlin’, are you sure?” 
You nodded then leaned up and kissed his cheek, letting your hand fall from his arm. “See you tomorrow, Bobby.” 
You let Fritz’s hand migrate to your low back, guiding you out of the bar and into the humid California night. You weren’t sure why, but it took everything you had not to turn around and take one last look at Bob before you walked out the door. 
Bob looked up at Denver with angry eyes. 
“I shouldn’t have let her go. She’s been here twelve hours, she has no idea where she is. Fritz is a goddamn stranger to her.”
“Reid can do what she wants, Floyd,” Denver said, leaning her small arm against the bar. “She’s a grown woman. Besides, Fritz is a puppy dog. You don’t have anything to worry about.” 
He shook his head. “I’m going after her.” He put his glass of seltzer down and started to walk toward the door when Denver grabbed him, yanking him back shockingly hard for such a small person. 
“Floyd! Snap out of it man. She isn’t yours.” 
“Yes, she is. She’s my responsibility, don’t you get that? I brought her here.”
Harvard shook his head. “Fuck, man, you’re down bad for her aren’t you?” 
Bob squinted his eyes. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Harvard laughed. “See, I always thought you had a thing for Denver over here. But apparently you’re just the nerd in love with the hot girl next door. And she ditched you the first chance she got.”
Bob felt like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. He lunged forward, but Denver grabbed his arm. “Come on, let’s get some air, Floyd.” 
He let her yank him out onto the back patio of the bar, anger already starting to pool in his stomach. 
“Is it because of Fritz, or is it because she left with anyone but you?”
Bob shook his head, taking a deep breath. “Please, Denver, just drop it.” 
“No. I won’t drop it. Tell me the truth. What is it about her that has you so wound up, ready to fucking combust?”
Bob sighed. “It’s just been me and Reid for a long time, OK? It’s a hard dynamic to change. That’s all, I promise.”
Her green eyes scanned his face. “You wouldn’t lie to me, would you Robert?” she asked softly, stepping closer. 
Bob raised his eyes to hers. “No, Sarah. I wouldn’t lie to you.” 
She nodded, lips pursed in a tight line. The two of them stood side by side, leaning against the railing of the patio, staring off into the distance in silence.
You hadn’t meant for it to happen, but somehow you ended up hosting a pizza night at the house as a way to repay the team for helping to unbox all your stuff that had finally arrived from Brooklyn, along with all of the new items you had purchased that had shown up on the doorstep, much to Bob’s dismay. 
The two of you arrived home one night to no less than twenty boxes from Crate & Barrel on the front porch. Bob turned to you with wide eyes and you gave him a small shrug across the middle console of the car, hopping out to examine the boxes. 
“Sunny,” he said, exasperated. “I said yes to redecorating. But what on Earth? Did you buy the whole store or what?” 
“Hate to break it to you, honey,” you said, opening the door and scooting the nearest box inside. “But your house? Your stuff? It’s depressing.” 
“I’m offended,” he said, following after you with a box in his arms. 
“No you’re not,” you replied. “And if you are, you’ll get over it when you see how much cute shit I got for us.” 
Bob groaned, digging in his pocket. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Calling in backup,” he said, hitting a button and lifting the phone to his ear. “Rooster? Yeah, can you and Hangman and Phoenix come over? Bring Coyote. Reid bought all this stuff and we’re never going to be able to unload it all ourselves.” He paused, nodding. “Yeah, we’ll buy you guys dinner.” 
He clicked off the phone and you laughed, already headed to your room to change into athletic clothing. “Remember that you love me!” you called from down the hall. 
“How could I ever forget?” Bob replied, shaking his head and grabbing a box cutter from the top drawer in the kitchen. 
That was how you found yourself sitting on the floor in the middle of Bob’s kitchen unwrapping a set of Estelle colored wine glasses and handing them to Phoenix, who was carefully placing them in a cabinet. 
In the living room, Rooster and Hangman were fighting over the instructions for the media center that you had ordered, while Bob was chatting with Coyote as he built a coffee table. 
You handed a blue stemless wine glass to Phoenix who took it with a smile. “So, how are you liking San Diego?” 
You shrugged. “It’s alright. I like the beach nearby.” 
“Bob said you’ve lived all over the place.” 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’ve bounced around a lot. I did New Orleans, Seattle, Austin, SF, London, Barcelona. Most recently I was in Greenpoint.” 
Phoenix put one hand on her slim hip. “Can I ask you a question?” 
“Of course.” 
“Why here, then? Sounds like you’ve lived in the best cities in the US, maybe even the world. So why the hell would you want to move to San Diego?” 
You looked out over into the living room. “It’s the only place where I can see him every day.” 
Phoenix raised an eyebrow as you stood up from the floor, dusting off your knees with your hands. “Bradshaw is gonna ask you out. Even got a blessing from Floyd.” 
You turned to her. “Bob said yes?” 
She nodded. “Wasn’t too convincing, but he said Bradshaw was free to do whatever he liked. So just keep an eye out. He’s a good guy, Rooster. You could do worse.” 
You ducked down, opening a new box to reveal a set of ivory plates. “I’m not really looking to date right now.” 
“Anyone, or does that just apply to Rooster?”
“You two gossiping about me?” Bradley appeared in your field of vision, guzzling from a water bottle on the counter. He set it down and wiped his mouth, revealing a wide grin. 
You looked at Phoenix with panic and she cleared her throat. “Was just telling Reid here that you’re a sore loser because Hangman beat you at darts last week.” 
“Fuck, it was one time!” Rooster tossed his hands up and his genuine nature made you laugh. He dropped his hands and smiled. “Listen, Reid, if you’re not busy tomorrow, I’d love to take you to dinner.” 
You hesitated. What you had told Phoenix wasn’t a lie. You moved to San Diego to spend time with Bob. It wasn’t about a new crop of potential suitors. But the way that Bradley was smiling down at you, and the broadness of his shoulders, and the air in the kitchen, all had you nodding. “Sure,” you said softly. “I’d love to.” 
Bradley smiled so wide it threatened to split his face in half. “Great. I’ll pick you up here, say seven thirty?” 
You nodded. The rest of the night was spent unpacking boxes, you and Phoenix largely sequestered to the kitchen. Hangman and Rooster finally stopped yelling at each other long enough to get the black wood and cane media console set up and you watched with a grin as all four men argued about how exactly the tv should be set up. 
At the end of the night, you swept the empty pizza boxes into a trash bag and followed everyone out into the driveway to say goodbye, dumping the trash inside the can near the garage door. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said lightly to Bradley and he stepped closer, kissing your cheek softly.
“See you tomorrow Reid.” 
He walked away and you heard Jake huff to himself, muttering under his breath, “What does fucking Bradshaw have that I don’t?” 
You smirked to yourself, waving to Phoenix as she got in her truck, before heading back inside. In the kitchen, Bob was wiping down the counter, placing the last beer can in the recycling. 
“Good work tonight,” you said, looking around with your hands crossed over your chest. You still had some boxes to unpack and you were lacking a dining room table, but the living room was practically brand new. 
Bob shook his head. “You didn’t have to do this, Sunny.” 
“Um, I kind of did if I didn’t want to live in a frat basement for a house.” 
“It wasn’t that bad.” “Whatever you need to tell yourself.” You slipped past him, opening the fridge and pulling out a water bottle. “Alright, I’m gonna take a shower and head to bed. Goodnight.” 
You started down the hall when Bob’s voice stopped you. “Are you really going out with Bradley tomorrow?”
You turned. Bob stood in the middle of the hallway, his hands in his pockets. There was an air around him that you couldn’t place. You nodded. “Yeah, I am. Phoenix said you told Bradley it was OK to ask me out.” 
Bob grunted, turning around and heading for the kitchen, breaking down a cardboard box in frustrated silence. 
You followed him back into the kitchen, one hand on your hip. “Bobby? Are you mad? Do you not want me to date your colleague, is that what this is about?” 
“You always do this, Reid,” he said, shaking his head. There was something unnerving about Bob calling you by your first name. It was always Sunny, honey, darlin’, sweetheart. Never Reid. 
“Do what?” 
Bob looked up. “You leave a trail of men everywhere we go, Reid. I get it. You’re the anywhere-but-here girl. But you have to realize that you can’t do that this time. This is my life you’re walking into. You’re meeting my friends, living in my house. You told me you were settling down this time. But you’re still acting like the same Reid as before.” 
“And who exactly is that?” you demanded, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Bob let out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t want to do this right now.” 
“You started this,” you practically shouted. “So fucking end it, Bobby. How am I acting?”
“You’re doing what you always do!” he yelled. “You’re acting like the Reid that fucks any guy that’s halfway decent to you. And then you run away before it can become anything more than a one night stand because you’re fucking terrified of having to stay and owning up to responsibility for the first time in your life. You just steamroll over everyone and everything, have your fun and then you’re gone. And you’ve always been like that. But this time you don’t get to just flit off to Mexico or Sweden or Croatia and send me a little gift basket and act like it never happened. This time you’re fucking with the people in my life, Reid, and it will have consequences. For once can you care about someone other than yourself and look at the situation and realize that what you do impacts me, too?”
The two of you stood, frozen, in the kitchen. The tension in the air was palpable. You could count on one hand the number of fights you and Bob had gotten into over the last nine years. 
This was one of them. 
Your eyes were locked on Bob’s blue ones. You watched as his face fell. As the realization of what he had just said washed over his familiar face. 
“Sunny,” he murmured, stepping closer and you shook your head, backing away. 
“No.” You whispered it, but there was venom laced in the word. “Don’t you dare try and take that back,” you added. “Because you can’t.” 
“Honey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said it.” 
You whipped around, practically jogging down the hall toward the stairs at the front of the house. 
You climbed the stairs, two at a time, and slammed the door to your room, locking it behind you, sliding down against the back of the door onto the ground in a heap. 
You hated fighting with Bob. But this time, what you hated the most was that he was right. 
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mrs-liebgott · 9 days
Ya'll bitches who watched Masters of The Air?? Our boys Cleven and Crosby went WILD in academics.
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"After the Second World War, Cleven stayed in the US Air Force serving in Korea, Vietnam and with a spell at the Pentagon. He retired in 1964 with the rank of Colonel. While in the service Cleven had earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a doctorate in physics and following retirement initially worked in IT for Hughes Aircraft. Later he took over the management of Webber College in Florida which at the time had only fifty students and a poor reputation. He was able to turn it around and it later became a university specializing in business studies. " - Gale Winston Cleven | American Air Museum IM SORRY A FUCKING DOCTORATE IN PHYSICS???? COLONEL. DR. GALE WINSTON "BUCK" CLEVEN???? Croz:
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"On returning to the US, Crosby resumed his studies, completing his M.A. in 1947 and his PhD in 1953. He taught English composition, writing several books on the subject. He also carried out work for the US Air Force Academy and the Pakistan Air Force Academy. In 1993, Harper Collins published his memoir of his wartime experiences, titled A Wing and a Prayer." - Harry Herbert Crosby | American Air Museum
"Returning to school, Crosby graduated from the University of Iowa in 1947 with his master's degree, and then earned his PhD from Stanford University in 1953, where Wallace Stegner supervised his dissertation. Harry taught English composition and American literature at the University of Iowa, and was the Writing Supervisor of the Rhetoric Program (1950–1958).[2]
In 1958, Crosby moved with his wife and four children to Newton, Massachusetts, for a faculty position at the College of Basic Studies (CBS) at Boston University. He retired from Boston University in 1984, after chairing the Department of Rhetoric at CBS and authoring or co-authoring with CBS colleagues six textbooks on college writing:[2]
College Writing – The Rhetorical Imperative; Harper & Row, 1968 Just Rhetoric, Crosby/Esty; Harper & Row 1972 The Shape of Thought: An Analytical Anthology, Bond/Crosby; Harper & Row, 1978 Building College Spelling Skills, Crosby/Emery; Little Brown; 1981 Better Spelling in 30 Minutes a Day, Crosby/Emery; Harper Collins 1994 Skill Builders – A Spelling Workout, Crosby/Emery; Harper Collins, 1997
During his early retirement, Crosby served as Director of the Writing Center at Harvard University." - Harry Herbert Crosby - Wikipedia CROZ GRADUATED FROM FUCKING STANFORD, A PHD TOO!!! in conclusion, these boys are academic weapons P.S. Croz's Autobiography in case any of ya'll were interested: Amazon.com: A Wing and a Prayer: The "Bloody 100th" Bomb Group of the US Eighth Air Force in Action Over Europe in World War II: 9781504067331: Crosby, Harry H.: Books and a list of libraries it's in across the world: A wing and a prayer : the "Bloody 100th" Bomb Group of the U.S. Eighth Air Force in action over Europe in World War II | WorldCat.org
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The Outsiders x EPIC : The Musical -
so i was listening to the new EPIC saga yesterday and naturally, because i can’t listen to music w/o relating it to my hyperfixations, i started thinking about the outsiders. specifically, i was listening to luck runs out and my friend and i were talking… and we were like “this song is so soda talking to darry about going to war,” so this sparked this post!
so i got to re-listening to the entirety of epic and was thinking how much it fits if soda were to genuinely survive the war but come back only a shell of himself… so this is what were going with.
(i will say before we even begin, i have limited knowledge on the vietnam war so if some of this is vague or inaccurate, forgive me)
i think there two ways you could picture this, a greek mythology au and realistic, vietnam war au. i was thinking, if we’re talking in reality standpoint, all the gods or even monsters are visions in soda’s mind (due to ptsd, other mental illness gained from war or physical injuries) as he’s traveling and committing more and more violence. is some of this a strench…? yes but this is js for kicks and giggles, humor me here lolol
either way, these are my assignments of characters. i need you to HEAR ME OUT (there’s explanations of songs under the list of characters) on these -
odysseus : soda
polites : steve
eurylochus : tim
zeus : dally
polyphemus : ……..bob
athena : darry
aeolus : cherry
circe : marcia
hermes : two-bit
penelope & telemachus : ponyboy & darry (these can be switched, doesn’t matter rlly)
calypso: sandy (…get it, cause calypso lives on an island)
poseidon : dally
tiersus : johnny (cause i HAD to include him somewhere)
song and character explanations under cut ~
song explanations :
the horse and the infant - i like to think that, while it was awful and so much worst than soda could of ever imagined, because of his constant optimism and general skills, he was someone many of his fellow soldiers looked up to. i’ll get into details when i get to luck runs out, but if we’re relating this specifically to epic, making him apart of the navy would work best (being all the time they spend traveling and at seas). anyways, therefore, overtime, due to his higher morale and just general skills, he gets a higher rank and a crew to care for. soda is rallying his crew for an attack, and thinking of who he was fighting for, ponyboy and darry.
now this is where it would differ from a greek mythology au, but just for the sake of making it easier on myself, this is the more realistic possibility. i like to think that being how in epic, this is the end of the trojan war, this would be a kind of flash forward, after soda had already been dealing w all this trauma. but, as i’ve mentioned, i like to envision dally‘s ghost (a vision soda has of him at least) as zeus, specifically before soda has to do something terrible to the enemy. dally is like, “you’re in a war man, just *do it*.”
for a less interesting but more realistic answer, you could say zeus was one of soda’s commanding officer or something but that’s less fun lolol
anyways, this is the beginning, as it is for odysseus, of soda completely losing his innocence.
just a man - (tw for child-related violence and war crimes) so, as it is in epic, you could picture this as an enemy leader’s son, and how this boy reminds soda of ponyboy in a way. this song is kinda self explanatory tho, soda takes this blow, and this guilt plagues his mind for the rest of the first act.
full speed ahead - so, with the vietnam war, there was an insaneeee draft process. and in relation to the story, those who were poor were more likely to be drafted than those who were going to college and able to pay tutition, being how they got an exemption from the draft. so i think the idea as tim of all people getting drafted and getting put under soda’s command (which is a shock to both of them) really interesting, being how we never really got to see their dynamic in the outsiders. so having tim, whose more on the ruthless side, as soda’s right hand and being more quick to violence makes sense to me. on the other hand, my favorite character headcanon, steve as polities. i think the idea of steve not giving a second thought to following soda into war makes a lot of sense, and being how soda had more of a responsibility on his shoulders, steve keeps more of his naiveness and “innocence” than soda does.
open arms - my stevepop heart loves this so much. over the time of war, soda became less and less like his normal self and steve knows that. he could always tell. so once they finally have time to themselves, he tries to remind soda of how life used to be, how there’s still good. the roles switch from soda normally being the optimistic one, reassuring everyone else, to steve doing the same for him. they mean sm to your honor :((
warrior of the mind - now, from a plot standpoint, i can fs see this as what soda pictures how darry would think of him now, or even how ponyboy would. soda kinda flashes back to their childhood, how both darry and soda were really close when they were kids, being how they both balanced each other out. but after their parents died, darry became a parental figure instead, athena-like you could say.
but ignoring plot, i think song really fits darry and ponyboy, espically with the “don’t disappoint me” and “he’s a warrior of the mind” because of ponyboy’s academic achievements.
polyphemus - now do i know how this would fit into the plot to be honest.. i just think the idea of bob (bob’s ghost if you will) or some soc showing up in soda’s path makes sense.
butttt once again, if you want something more realistic, you could make it someone on the enemy side.
survive - soda just seems like he’d be hella good with battle morale and strategy, what can i say? …also, as much as it breaks my heart, steve following soda into war and dying an early death makes sense but is equally as heartbreaking ;(
remember them - i think the slow fade-in near the beginning of the song gives very big soda energy. disassociating but then switching right back into gear (masking emotions for the sake of others) is something that comes natural to him. i also commented on this earlier but for as much as soda calls himself dumb, i think his street smarts are really good and being able to talk his way out of things or tricking people into believing lies is something he’s great at (which makes sense in context of the cyclops plot). plus the stupid decision of having mercy on…bob, a soc, an enemy, idfk, and then telling them his name makes more sense in the context of just losing steve and therefore making rash decisions because of this sudden lose.
my goodbye - soda seeming to “lose” darry’s positive view of him, at least in soda’s mind, because of all he had done and lost. this, of course, is simply what soda thinks darry would say if he was there. because of this, he pushes the “what would darry do?” mindset out of his head.
storm - not much to highlight in this song except for how soda is a badass captain™️
luck runs out - now of course, i keep mentioning this song as the beginning of this war au because while s.e. hinton technically said soda was drafted, i think it’s very possible that soda and his optimism view on life would easily be more swayed to propaganda to enlist rather than be drafted. plus, with becoming a soldier, a certain amount of money is given to you monthly (at least i think-). this, i think, is another pro to the idea of enlisting in soda’s mind because he wants to help better provide for his brothers.
but generally plot wise, soda taking on this positive mindset of “i can just go and ask for help” is almost a tribute to steve and what he wanted. but on the other hand, you have tim, who knows that not everyone is as welcome to help, especially after dally died from police brutality.
keep your friends close - not much to say about this either but for the fact that aeolous being cherry is very fun to think about. while the meaning of this lyric means very different things in the context of the outsiders versus epic, the line “keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” does really fit with cherry. ponyboy being the “enemy” that she quickly befriends and keeping him close. but soon, she starts giving info to the greasers, the socs in her eyes almost becoming the real “enemy”. might be wrong though, interpret it however you like, i just think it fits cherry!
also the “everything’s changed since polities” line really fits into how i think soda would grieve for steve while still at war. he has to stay strong for his crew but they all sense, *know* something’s off with soda, and put the pieces together that this is because of steve. without steve, soda doesn’t have as high of a morale on life in general, and therefore the crew doesn’t. which fits in with them (kinda accidentally) turning on him.
ruthlessness - now HERE ME OUT HERE, if bob is the cyclops, rather than dally seeing him as a “son”, him being like “you had mercy on a SOC.” but the “you had mercy on the enemy?!” also works. just in general, i think dally’s memory coming back to haunt soda, espically paired with dally also being zeus, is fitting honestly. while dally wasn’t always ruthless, we gotta keep in mind in this au, this is in soda’s mind. these “gods” or visions of people he once knew, in my eyes, are people coming back to haunt him in his most shameful state. no matter what dally would’ve really said, i picture soda thinking how disappointed the people he loved most would be in him if they saw him in that very moment. also, “ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves” is SO dally.
puppeteer - now again, being how circe is a witch, it’s a bit hard to fit this into a realistic setting but i js thought having marcia as her would be fun bc paired with…
wouldn’t you like - two-bit as hermes, i just think i’d be hilarious. i like to picture this as soda and two-bit on two ends of a phone, and for whatever reason, marcia is there distracting the crew from their goal. soda on one line would be like “so do you know of a soc named marcia” and two-bit on the other end like, “OMG WE WENT OUT ONE TIME, this is how to scare her off”
done for - self-explanatory, not much to say here tbh. marcia’s just iconic.
there are others ways - (with my stevepop heart) if like to think that *right after* steve’s death, it would be pretty much impossible for soda to be “seduced” as well as the idea of pony and darry waiting for him would keep him focused on the end goal in that moment.
the underworld - i kinda like the idea of the underworld not being the actual underworld but a very dark and dangerous place, with the visions of the dead and soda’s past traumas coming back to bite him in that moment. the line between reality and fiction is a hard line to draw in that very moment. ALSO STEVE AND SODA’S MOM😭😭
no longer you - you know i HAD to include him somewhere, so here’s johnny finallyyyyy. i don’t really have much of an explanation other than being johnny’s quieter personality, him seeing everything in a way, him being tierras just makes sense.
monster - soda losing his mind finally and willing to do anything to drive these ghosts of the past out of his mind and get home to his brothers. self-explanatory :)
being how all the songs aren’t out yet, i’m just gonna stop here. thanks for listening to my yapping my boredom has created :) enjoy listening!
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max--phillips · 1 month
Anyway I just saw a post saying that the protests here in the US are “taking away attention” from what’s actually happening in Gaza and “LARPing oppression” as if 1) the whole point of the protests is to put attention on Gaza and call for a ceasefire and 1.5) shows they’re exclusively getting their news from mainstream cable networks and 2) it’s not the fuckin media’s fault they’re more interested in covering protests than the actual genocide, and 3) the students are somehow not facing oppression ???????
For one, what’s the solution here? Tell these students who feel very strongly (and rightfully so!) about this issue to just give up and go home? Who exactly does that benefit? Oh, right, the universities who are benefiting from this genocide, as well as the federal government. Good plan.
For two, I realize that the university at the center of this is an Ivy League school, and that the students who are there are privileged in many ways. However, that does not change the fact they are facing violence from the university and from police. That does not change the fact many of these students are Palestinian, Jewish, or other minorities. Beyond that, Columbia is not the only school where protests are happening. Emerson, USC, Yale, Harvard, MIT, Tufts, Cal Poly Humboldt, NYU, Vanderbilt, Brown, University of Michigan, UC Berkeley, Emory, Indiana University, Purdue, George Washington University, UCLA, Northeastern, Ohio State, UT Austin, Arizona State, Washington University St Louis, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, University of Georgia Athens, Sonoma State, San Francisco State, Sacramento State, University of Washington, Virginia Tech, Princeton, University of Minnesota, UConn, USC, University of Illinois, University of Utah, McGill, Portland State, UNC Chapel Hill, Tulane, University of Florida Gainesville, University of Colorado Denver, Case Western Reserve, City College of New York, Rutgers, Johns Hopkins, University of Maryland College Park, Barnard College, Pomona College, DePaul, Georgetown, University of Delaware, University of Arizona, University of New Mexico, University of Wisconsin, Virginia Commonwealth University, Oberlin, UC San Diego, University of San Diego, and I’m sure many others have or are currently participating in protests. Many of these schools are not elite universities only the best of the best (or the most money) get in. For crying out loud, my ass got into Indiana University.
That begs another question as well. Yes, these students at Ivy League schools have privilege. How else would you prefer they use it? When one has privilege, it is imperative to utilize it for the benefit of those one has privilege over.
Anyway. Free Palestine. Defund the police.
“Taking away attention from what’s actually going on” this is like saying the university protests against the Vietnam War were taking away attention from what’s actually going on in Vietnam. (Which I’m realizing now was probably an actual talking point at the time, but sounds ridiculous now.)
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Title: Please Love Me Drabble Bonus (05) - Camping
WC: 10,279
Tags/Warnings: foul language; alcohol consumption; talks of pregnancy, birth control, tattoos; semi-public nudity/evening skinny dipping; explicit sexual content (kissing, dirty talk, fingering, breast play, pussy slapping, overstimulation, oral (m & female receiving), unprotected penetrative sex), lots of fluff (18+)
Series Masterlist
A/N: This is not requested and purely self-indulgent bc Jungkook had to look both adorable and hot in his camping vlog. I don’t know how this got to 10k but I hope you enjoy! 💕 
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“What do you… wear when going camping?”
With furrowed brows, you look at Nari and Yeji on your phone screen as you stand inside your walk-in closet, eyes shifting around, past your floral dresses and silk trousers and pastel tops for the clothes you need to pack for this weekend’s adventure with your husband. You’re clearly not into the outdoors, and though you’ve gone on a few hiking trips with Jungkook, camping is altogether different. You’re not quite sure what to expect. 
“Hmm, it depends on where you’re going,” Nari responds, and you pout even more. “Do you even know where you’re going?” She chuckles. 
“Uh, not really,” you sigh. “Kook just said camping and nothing more. We could literally be out in the wild or in some fancy tent somewhere, I don’t know.”
“Why did you agree to go, anyway?” Yeji asks. “That’s like, not your thing.”
“Because he’s been wanting to do it since he came back from that trip to Vietnam with his college buddies,” you reply. “He was supposed to go with the guys but when Tae realized he wasn’t gonna be sleeping on a king-sized bed, he opted out. Then Jimin was called for a work trip. Kook was so excited already so I offered. Plus, it’s his thing and he and we said we’d indulge in each other’s things every once in a while.”
“Cute,” your best friends say at the same time. 
You pout and whine that they’re not helping, but they tell you to just pack whatever comfortable and sporty-type clothes you have, so you start looking through your shelf of yoga outfits and ask them which, between the purple and yellow pairs, you should bring. 
As they take turns in making a case for their chosen color, you hear your husband’s voice calling for you, and you yell that you’re in the closet. 
“Hey, babe,” he greets, kissing your cheek. 
He waves back at Nari and Yeji who both tell him that you don’t know what happens during camping, and you frown at them for outing you because you didn’t want to seem so out-of-touch to your husband. 
Jungkook looks at you as if to ask for more context, and you say that you’re packing for the trip but don’t know what to bring. 
“Anything, really. You can bring whatever you want,” he says, walking to the other side of the closet and removing his suit. “Just be comfortable, that’s all I need you to be.”
“Yeah but like… I want to dress appropriately. Do I bring a raincoat for when it rains? Boots to look for frogs? Sneakers to climb a mountain? Thick coats for when we sleep on the ground?” 
You’re pouting out of confusion but Jungkook is giggling, pulling you towards him and kissing your nose. “You’re so cute, you know that?”
“Kook, I’m serious! I need to be prepared,” you furrow your brows. 
“Yeah, Jungkook. We’ve been in the closet for an hour now because she can’t make up her mind,” Nari says. “She’d bring her trolley luggage if you let her.”
“Nari!” You shriek, prompting her to apologize and say that she's just teasing.
“But now that he’s home, maybe you can ask him, don’t you think?” Yeji presses, knowing that the only reason why you didn’t ask him is because you think you’ll sound silly, which she thinks is silly because this is a man who thinks everything you do is adorable. 
You hesitantly nod and your friends bid their goodbyes, leaving you with your husband in his unbuttoned white polo and black trousers. Jungkook coming home to you after work like this is one of your favorite things in the world. 
“Hey, why didn’t you just ask me what we’ll be doing instead of assuming that we’ll be chasing frogs,” he chuckles. “And babe, do you seriously think I’m gonna let you sleep on the ground?”
“Well, you and Beatriz did so I just assumed,” you shrug, referring to the woman he’d told you who accompanied him when he went backpacking in South America after college. They were also hooking up during those entire 6 months, something he’d mentioned in passing but of course, it was the detail that stuck with you.
You walk  to the drawers where your pajamas are and Jungkook follows, hugging you from behind and taking in your post-painting session scent. 
“Well, you assumed wrong,” he says, turning you around now and holding you by your waist. “We’re not gonna chase animals or climb a mountain. We’re gonna relax, okay? By camping, I meant a chill time outdoors. Actually, not even. I mean, we’ll cook and hang out outside but we’ll rent a caravan and we’ll sleep and shower there. We’ll find a remote spot by the beach to park so we can see the night sky and wake up to the view and sounds of the ocean. Everything will just be compact but all the comforts of home will be there. Does that sound good?”
You nod, and the gradual way that your lips turn up makes him internally gush. 
“So that’s camping,” you hum.
“Hmm, yeah,” he responds. “There are different ways to do that since it’s a general term of just being outdoors and enjoying nature. I’ve done climbing and sleeping on the ground but I don’t want to do that with you - I don’t wanna be tired, and sex in a tent is messy and uncomfortable; I don’t recommend.”
Your eyes widen and he merely laughs, hugging you again and not giving you a chance to pull away. 
“The weekend is gonna be filled with long drives and yummy food and cuddles in a small space, but I promise that I’ll take care of you, okay?” He smiles, wanting to excite you, given that he knows that anything outdoors isn’t your thing, and you’ve been indulging him in his hobbies because you want to experience them with him. 
“So just wear comfortable clothes or none at all, I wouldn’t mind,” he winks. “But bring a swimsuit; I found a secluded beach where we’ll stay.”
“Okay, then,” you finally smile. “I’m actually pretty excited for this, Kook. I’m glad we’re doing this.”
You wake up the next morning to Jungkook kissing your nose, his soft whispers of your name in his gruff voice immediately making you smile. You open your eyes and see him already dressed in jeans and an oversized gray sweatshirt, and you wonder if he’ll choose his bucket hat or his baseball one to pair with his outfit today. 
“Time for your shower, babe,” he says, helping you off the bed then dragging you to the bathroom. 
“What time is it?” You mumble, barely seeing light from outside. 
“Almost 5,” he answers, as you enter the shower and moan at the hot water on your skin. “I’ve packed everything we need and loaded our luggages in the car. I bought iced coffee and mini croffles, too, for us to munch on but we’ll pass by for food on the way.”
“Okay, Boy Scout. Why are we so early, though? How far away is the place?”
“About 4 hours, but we’ll have to go to the grocery and I wanna be at the campsite by lunchtime.”
You hum in response and take a few more minutes before you exit from the shower, feeling more awake this time. You dress up in leggings and a yellow sweatshirt to contrast Jungkook, and when you put on your beige bucket hat, he goes ahead and wears his black one. 
“Ready?” He grins.
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The sun is on its way up by the time you hit the road. It’s a beautiful Saturday morning for a long drive down south, and with your iced coffee and caramel-drizzled croffles next to you and your husband who’s constantly humming to his road trip playlist, you already feel relaxed with just this. It’s been a tough week of preparing for an art exhibition and you need this, much as you wanted to just accompany Jungkook to one of his hobbies.
“We’re gonna pass by a service center for some snacks, is that okay?” He asks, slowing down to turn. “But if you’re not too fond of the food, we can grab something else.”
“What, why? I love service center food!”
Jungkook looks at you suspiciously before easily finding a parking spot, and you laugh at his unbelieving face because of course, there are still things he doesn’t know about you. 
“So, Mrs. I love service center food, what do you want to eat?” He teases. 
“Tornado potato,” you answer. “And… sotteok-sotteok,” you respond, to his surprise. Your eyes wander until you find the stalls of your chosen snacks and start leading him there. “What about you, honey?”
“I’ll get what you’ll get, and maybe some chicken, too. Divide and conquer?”
“Divide and conquer,” you confirm, smiling at him before he goes the other direction. 
You make your orders and your mouth waters at the sight. It’s been a while since you’ve had these, and you recall a time when you had them almost every weekend, during out-of-town trips you used to make all the time. 
Jungkook meets you at one of the eating tables with a small bucket of fried chicken and shrimp glazed in sweet and spicy sauce and some drinks - soda for him and cold tea for you. He sits next to you and promptly halves the serving of food, whereas you eat immediately, causing him to gush at your satisfied face. 
“Where did you learn to eat service center food?” He asks curiously, popping a piece of chicken in his mouth and moaning at the delicious taste. 
“It’s not a skill, Kook,” you laugh at him, earning you a shrug.
“It’s just not something our families used to do in all our trips growing up,” he clarifies. 
“It wasn’t,” you chuckle. “But, uh, I learned it through Mingyu, I guess. We used to drive out of town a lot to go to art museums and art exhibitions and would always pass by service centers and try out the food in every stall.”
Mingyu, your ex. The first man you ever let love you, the first man you ever loved. 
Jungkook doesn’t harbor ill feelings against someone from your past, but the fact that the memories you hold include him, it does sting a little. Perhaps that’s how you feel whenever Jungkook mentions in passing things he used to do with the women he used to date. Though he’d argue that he never really loved them, the fact that his memories include them still means something, and that’s probably a thought you’d had, too. But he shakes off the thought. You’re here enjoying with him, yet his curiosity still gets the better of him, so he asks.
“How is he, by the way?”
“He seems great,” you respond. “He and his wife have 3 kids already, and I love that for him. He always wanted a big family.”
“You guys still talk?” Jungkook wonders, but you shake your head no.
“Instagram. Do you talk to your exes?” You arch an eyebrow.
“Nah, too many to keep track,” he half jokes, peppering your face with kisses after you pout at him. “I’m kidding, babe. You know it was never serious with them, and even if it was, I wouldn’t have a reason to talk to them.”
“The same way I wouldn’t have a reason to talk to my married-with-3-kids ex-boyfriend,” you counter. 
“You’re absolutely correct, and I was being silly,” he shakes his head this time, but you don’t seem to mind, as you continue on eating while also wiping off the food stains from the corners of his mouth.
“Honey, the sauces are all over your lips now,” you chuckle, but he continues on munching and even puckers them for a kiss, which you give him anyway. 
“I know, so you can wipe them off and then kiss me,” he winks, causing your cheek to warm because even if he’s currently dressed like a college kid and eats like a little child, he still has his way of charming you and making you weak in the knees, and if this is how he is now, you can only bet how he’s going to be later on in the day.
You go back on the road after cleaning up, with Jungkook telling you stories of his other adventures, the activities he’d do again - he really wants to go caving with you - and those he doesn’t want to, like, surprisingly, cliff diving because it “hurts like hell.” You tell him about this mural painting you’ve been commissioned to do for a children's art school, and Jungkook excitedly says that he wants to be your assistant for that specific project.
It takes a while before you get to the supermarket for some shopping. He doesn’t want to stay too long, he says, so he decisively picks out the items he needs with food input from you. He hauls the firewood in the cart, as well as some fresh pork belly, cooked rice, some side dishes, and your liquor of choice. You pick out ingredients for s’mores, and he places a pack of sparklers on the counter right before you both check out, a giddy smile painting his face at the end of it.
“We’re about a half hour away from where we’ll pick up the caravan,” he says. “Then we’ll drive out to a nice spot near Baekdo beach. My contact told me of a little cove not far away, and the area was newly opened for big vehicles. It’s not well-known yet. I think it’s just gonna be the both of us there,” he smirks.
“Ah, making sure you have me all to yourself, I see,” you giggle, kissing his cheek. 
“Baby, I always do,” he replies, taking your hand and kissing it. “But I’ve always wanted to try caravan camping here. It’s different from what I’m used to.”
“Seems like it. You talked about being in the wild and catching your dinner and sleeping on the cold ground and that’s what I thought we’d do,” you chuckle. “But it’d probably stress me out and that would stress you out.”
“It would,” he laughs. “I want you to always be comfortable, and that’s also why I rented the biggest caravan I could find. It’s like a tiny home for one but it’s the only type with a double-size bed and a spacious bathroom. But we’ll be spending most of our time outside anyway.”
“How would we fit on a double bed, Kook? You sleep like a child sometimes.”
“Hey!” He tickles you in protest. “Only sometimes. But you can always sleep on top of me. That would be romantic, yeah?”
You playfully roll your eyes, already used to your husband being as cringey yet adorably cheesy as he is. He’d always been like that, you think, as you two grew up with you watching him be expressive. You’d know when he’s angry, irritated, confused, upset, and that also means you know that he doesn’t fake the times when he’s grateful and happy, and very much in love. 
It’s been almost 3 years since you’ve been married; over two since you both admitted your love, yet the spark hasn’t waned. You wake up in the mornings feeling giddy when you’re enveloped in his warmth, his gruff voice greeting you and his soft lips tracing your shoulder. Your heart still skips a beat when he gives you that quirked-eyebrow smirk while he undresses himself after a long day at work. The twisting of your insides is still immediate when he takes your hands to trace his bare torso, leading you to his hardened cock that lets you know what you do to him. You still feel like it’s a dream when he hovers over you and gazes at you with so much adoration, telling you in words and actions how lucky he is that you choose to love him. 
“Baby,” he caresses your thigh.
“I lost you there a bit. You okay?”
“Yes. Just thinking about how excited I am to spend the weekend with you,” you smile, taking his hand. 
You don’t know when you’ll be able to match his ability to express how he feels, but you try. You’re incredibly tired from your late nights. You still have a piece to finish, and you really don’t know how you’d fare on a trip that doesn’t include your little luxuries, but as long as you get to do Jungkook’s things with him, you reckon he’d know just how much you love him, too. 
 “Good, because we’re here.”
He exits the car then goes over to your side to guide you towards the caravan. It has a simple gray exterior with various compartments. It’s compact inside but it’s designed beautifully. There’s a small kitchen right when you enter and a small table and seating area across it. On one end of the space is the shower and toilet, and on the other end is the elevated bed. There are windows so you can see the view outside, as well as on the roof so you can stargaze at night. 
“Honey, this is so pretty,” you chirp. “Looks like it has everything we need. It’s also quite cozy though. We won’t be bumping heads in here?”
“No, and if we were, that wouldn’t be bad,” he says defensively. “I’ll be attached to you the whole time!”
“Alright, Kook. I know I should be used to this but why are you even more clingy this time?” You arch an eyebrow. 
“I’ve missed you these past weeks,” he huffs. “You’ve been busy with your art pieces and I’m really excited for your exhibition but you’ve been working all night until the early hours of the morning. And I’m actually quite thankful that the guys ditched me because then, I get to be with you before things get hectic for you again.”
He’s holding you by your waist now, his eyes soft and wanting as he gazes at you, and the butterflies in your stomach come out for a party. Jungkook has this way of just taking your heart and caressing it in a way only he can, and with those pretty thin lips formed in a pout, you really can’t say no.
“I’ve missed you, too, and I’m sorry I haven’t been cuddling with you much at night. Inspiration keeps striking me at odd hours and I’m quite glad the guys ditched you as well,” you giggle, your hands around his neck now and your faces awfully close to each other. “You looked really sad and I thought, why not join you?”
“I upped my acting game so you’d offer,” he smiles guiltily. “I hope I didn’t force you into coming here.”
“Not at all. Who knows? I might thoroughly enjoy this.”
Jungkook’s about to ask if you hadn’t enjoyed your other adventures like the hikes and snorkeling but someone’s throat-clearing distracts him, and he sees the coordinator of the site peeking in the doorway.
“All good, Mr. Jeon? Are there other items that you want me to load?” The man asks. 
“Oh, no more,” your husband replies, letting you go but taking your hand. “I’ll just sign the papers and we can go ahead.”
You stand by and watch Jungkook as he helps the man connect your car to the caravan. You watch in awe as he drives away, expertly maneuvering the heavy vehicle down the road to a secluded area another half hour up north. There’s an entrance to a shorter stretch of beach from the main one, and it does feel like paradise made for only two. 
The white sand is riddled with tiny shells, which lead the path to the refreshing ocean not far away. The sky looks perfect this late morning, and you wonder what Jungkook has in store for both of you today. 
He parks the car and detaches it from the caravan. 
“Stay there and let me do the work, alright?” He says, as he takes out a chair for you to sit on while he sets up the site. 
You nod and giddily watch him work. He still has his oversized sweatshirt and bucket hat on, so he still kind of looks like a college kid on some field trip, but he knows what he’s doing. He uses tools to secure the vehicle, he pulls out the awning and attaches the ends on nails he hammered on the ground. He unfolds the table and chairs for the eating area from the caravan’s compartments and then pumps air into the portable couch he packed. 
You offer to make the sandwiches and fruit platter for your lunch while he walks to the common area a few hundred meters away with a barrel to get some water. He gets back with lunch served, including fresh lemonade and little desserts you bought at a bakery on the way, and you settle in with a view of the ocean, the cool breeze lending itself for a perfect midday snack. 
“Reminds me of our meals with this view, like in Fiji, Bali, Belize,” Jungkook hums, reminiscing the beach trips you’ve taken in the past years. 
“Yeah, those were amazing. And we still have that Bora-bora trip with our families coming up. But I’ve actually been wanting a safari trip,” you say. “Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana… One of those places. I think it’ll be really cool.”
“I was thinking that, too. There are so many places to visit and experience and I want to do them all with you.” Before we start a family, he thinks, and the smile you give lets him know that you understand. “I’m tempted to take a full-year leave from work and we’ll just travel the world. Wouldn’t that be ideal? Why don’t I just quit my job and start my own company and you can do freelance and we can work from anywhere?”
“Honey, I don’t think our families will be too happy about that,” you chuckle, but you know deep down, it’s a desire that Jungkook has. 
He’s always loved being out and about, discovering new things and places, never being idle, doing activities that get his heart pumping and his adrenaline rushing. It’s his duties that keep him rooted here - his duty to you as his husband and future father of your children, and his duty to his family and their company. 
“They’re why we’re able to be together in the first place,” you remind him, but even the words are quite icy to you. 
Much as you owe your families, you also know that the life they’ve set for you is one neither of can escape, yet the desire for a life outside of all those expectations and responsibilities starts to eat at you as much as it’s been eating at Jungkook. You wonder how differently things would be if he followed his own path, too.
“Well, I think this is a price I’d gladly pay,” he says, surprising you a little. “I know I’ll always yearn for a life of adventure but at the end of the day, you’re the best one. Our occasional trips make the entirety of this whole adventure with you the only one I’ll need.”
“You know, I get it now. My brother and your brother say that you often speak to and about me as if you’re saying your vows,” you teasingly smile. “It’s kinda cute.”
“It’s because we never got to make proper vows,” he frowns. “So I just act as if I’m making them every time.”
“Makes sense,” you hum, feeling appeased by his words and his presence, which you feel even more as he scoots closer and wraps his arm around you.
You stay like that for a while until he says that he wants to go for a jog and you reply that you’ll be reading a book as he does. Jungkook comes out in nothing but just black shorts and training shoes, sending you a wink before he heads to the shore to jog around the short stretch of water. 
You do get a peek every once in a while; he’s half naked, after all, and he’s got his hair in a bun, too. But you try to enjoy your own time, until, of course, he starts doing his stretches and push ups that has you glancing at him a lot more often. Jungkook has always liked his gym time, either alone or with his friends, and you never bothered to join him because yoga is the only exercise you’re able to do. So anytime Jungkook does this, you’re unable to look away. 
He returns to where you are and is greeted with Gatorade and a towel, his teasing smirk making you feel even hotter than the sun above.
“Are you trying to be a tease, Mr. Jeon?” You ask, as you pull up your sunglasses and watch him flexing his very toned, naturally-oiled-with-sweat body while gulping his drink and making moaning sounds.
“Is it working, Mrs. Jeon?” 
“Sort of. I didn’t get to finish a chapter,” you pout. 
“I’m sorry,” he chuckles, half meaning it. “Why don’t we go for a quick swim and then chill after? I’ll play my games and you can read your book. I won’t tease or bother you, I promise.”
“Fine,” you give in, heading inside the caravan to change into your two-piece swimwear. 
After spraying sunscreen on each other, you both head to the water and soak up the sun this way, with the light breeze offering a bit of comfort from the mid-afternoon heat. You stay in the shallow end while Jungkook dives and swims about and you let him; he’s always loved the water and you know that his body can never stay still. 
He surprises you when he comes up on the surface, that smile he always sports when he’s got his heart racing, greeting you. 
“You good, babe?” He asks as he hugs you from behind. 
You hum in response, leaning on his shoulder. You like this simplicity, this carefree way that you both spend your afternoon in each other’s arms. 
He kisses the side of your neck, causing you to jolt from the sensation. You turn around and he pulls you closer, kissing you deeply, his hands moving south to squeeze your ass cheeks. You giggle in the kiss and he smiles in response, loving the way you sound, how you feel, how you taste.
“I haven’t kissed you properly today yet,” he hums against your lips. 
“Well, you have the rest of the day, and the night, and the rest of Sunday,” you moan, enjoying the warmth of his mouth on yours. 
“I do. What I’m thinking now is… what am I gonna do to you tonight?”
He’s got that naughty look on and much as it gets your insides in a twist, it’s also kind of funny. 
“Kook, whatever it is you’re thinking, just remember that we’re only renting the caravan, okay? We can’t… break anything,” you warn, knowing of your husband’s tendency to go hard and rough on you, as you like sometimes. 
“I know, that’s why it’s gonna be all about you tonight, okay? You’ve been stressed and I want to make you feel good,” he says sweetly now. “I don’t need much to make you come, anyway.”
You pull his ears in retaliation. “While you are absolutely correct, you don’t need to state it like that. You’re being a little cocky, honey.” 
He joins you in laughter but it’s a badge of honor he proudly wears. He’s proud that he’s able to make you come with his cock, his tongue, or just his fingers, and you’ve said they’re all so good that you forget which part of him had done the deed.
“You did join me this weekend,” he continues. “And you know that as long as you’re good, then so am I.”
“A true gentleman,” you giggle. 
He kisses you one last time before you both walk back to shore. You put on your button down shirt dress for cover up while Jungkook, fortunately, opts to not wear a shirt. He sets up the fire then scurries to you, who’s back on the inflatable couch with your book and a bottle of beer for each of you.
And that’s how you spend the rest of the afternoon - with his head on your lap as he goes in and out of sleep and you, halfway through your novel with your free hand on his bare torso, caressing him as he likes, while he kisses it every once in a while.
By the time the sun has started its descent, you’re back on the shore with your second bottle of beer, snug between Jungkook’s legs. With your back against his chest and his kisses on your neck, you let the relaxing day transition into the evening, but somehow you know, things are far from over.
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With the soft sounds of your island playlist, you both settle on the outdoor dining area to cook your dinner. Jungkook lines the pork belly on the edges of the pan and waits for the fat and oil to pool at the center, a trick he learned that he was excited to show you. He then fries the kimchi there, the sizzle making you both so giddy at being able to enjoy this in this setting. 
You feed each other your own variations, until there’s enough space on the pan to cook the rice in it, and it’s nothing but the soft music and your alternating moans at the delicious food you’re eating.
After you’ve cleaned up, you serve the sangria that you prepared the night before. The fruits have completely soaked up the wine and you know you’re gonna feel buzzed after this, but it’s nothing that s’more you make and your husband’s foot massage can’t handle. 
Jungkook lights up the sparklers and you both watch in awe as it shines against the night sky. It’s not much, but it’s pretty; it reminds you of all your other trips and how you liked to spend your evenings. 
You’re both basking in each other’s tipsy presence when your phones ring, and it’s not long after when you’re in a laughing fit with all your best friends - Nari, Yeji, and Minhyuk are having dinner together, Tae and his girlfriend are in a resort after playing golf, and Jimin is up early due to jet lag after a long haul flight to New York. 
It’s after your husband - who, in his drunken state forgot that you’re on a call with your friends - mumbles that he can’t wait to have you, that they decide to give you both your time together, as clearly “these hormonal late-twenty year olds can’t get enough of each other,” as Jimin teasingly states. 
“Kook, that was so embarrassing,” you pinch his reddened cheeks after hanging up. “Remind me not to go on a call with them when you’re drunk.”
“But I’m not drunk,” he insists. “I’m just tipsy. There’s a difference, babe.”
“If you say so, Mister,” you chuckle. “But come on, let’s take a shower now. It’s getting cold.”
“But I wanna swim in the beach again,” he whines, pulling you back on your seat. 
You look at him and the glimmer in his eyes. This isn’t a man you argue against doing something he wants. The alcohol has sort of made you feel hot and the mix of temperatures from the cold air and the warm water will do you good, so you agree, taking his hand this time and guiding him to the shore. He promises he’s alert enough to make sure neither of you will drown. He is, however, a little horny.
“What do you say, we strip and swim?” He grunts in your neck, his hand already trailing down your bottoms.
“Honey, this is a public space. This isn’t like our private villa in Bali or the private beach in Belize,” you argue, recalling those vacations where you at least had the privacy to skinny dip. This is different, though. And you’re in your home country; you’re pretty sure there are laws against public indecency.
“Babe, look around. Is there anyone here?”
“No, and actually, that’s quite concerning,” you say, starting to panic.
“They’re some hundreds of meters away, okay? But they’re not gonna be around to patrol campers. Plus, I introduced myself earlier and they know I’m pretty harmless, just here to enjoy time with my beautiful wife. They’d be creeps if they come down here,” he counters. 
You think about it. There doesn’t seem to be any harm, and it actually excites you a little, so you agree, assuring that he isn’t forcing you, and that you want to feel all of him, too. You’ll probably stick your hand inside his swim trunks anyway so might as well have him naked for easier access.
Jungkook runs back to the caravan to grab some towels and then lays them on the ground. Because you’re both still a little cautious, you walk to the water and undress each other there, with him running back to shore with both your swimwear. 
“Cold?” He asks, pulling you close to him. 
“Just right,” you reply, sighing into the kiss he gives you. 
His lips move to your jaw, then your neck, and then your breasts, his tongue swirling around the pert bud. You moan in response. 
“There you go,” he hums, doing it to the other one. 
You both kiss, again and again and again, with his hands on your ass and yours on his cock, squeezing his balls for added pleasure. 
“Okay, fuck. I was being too cocky with this. I need you on the bed, now,” he groans, and all you can do is laugh at his rushing state, running to where your clothes are for his trunks and then running back to you with a towel. He wraps you in it and lets you shower while he fixes up outside.
You’re done by the time he gets back inside, taking his turn to shower now. He returns with you sitting on the bed in his oversized sweatshirt and sleeping socks, looking cozy and someone he wants to hug until he falls asleep. After he makes love to you, of course.
“No, Mother, I didn’t pack it.” You say the same words you do every time she asks you about this. “We’re here just for the weekend to relax. And it’s a tiny space, okay? We’ll get to that eventually, after he and I talk some more.”
Jungkook, in his gray sleeping shorts, takes the inner side of the bed, lying down while he massages your outstretched legs. He watches you hum and answer your mother over the phone, no doubt asking you about the same thing she does every time you both go on a trip, regardless of where. 
“I will. I’ll see you all at the exhibition next week, alright? Bye, love you!” 
You hang up and return your husband’s soft smile, taking your place in between his legs as he sits upright on the bed. You both look up at the roof, appreciating the stars that have come out tonight.
“Mother asking about the baby-making blanket again?” He chuckles. 
“Yes,” you groan. “It’s literally way bigger than my luggage. Plus, we haven’t talked about it again. I told her that last time.”
There’s a beat of silence before he replies. “Do you want to talk about it now?”
There’s no irritation in his voice, no hint of pressure or fear. 
“Do you? You know I’m always okay with talking about it,” you say. 
“I do. I’m the one who’s a little sensitive.”
“You aren’t, Kook. You have valid concerns, about me, about us,” you assure him. “We were just talking about more trips and that would be challenging with a kid, right? We have more adventures, more nerve-racking and slightly crazy things to do… We said we’d do them, together.”
“Yeah, but having a kid is part of the adventure, too, isn’t it?” 
He nibbles his lips. He knows you want to start a family; it’s just not something you directly say or ask of him because he’s the selfish one who still wants you all for himself. He knows when you both have children, he wouldn’t be able to just plan a weekend camping trip with his friends, and you wouldn’t be able to just accompany him when they can’t go. 
He lives for these trips with you, for these moments of pure joy and peace. He wants that family with you, too; thinking of the little human you’ll both create and love with your whole beings also gives him the butterflies, and that at least lets him know that he’s not hopeless. 
“Yes, an adventure we get to decide when to take,” you answer, turning to him with comfort in your eyes. “I don’t want you to want it just because you know I want it, Kook. The only way we can truly love our child is if we want them, together, at the same time. And if it isn’t time for you yet, then it isn’t time for me, too, and that’s perfectly fine.”
He lets your words settle in. He thinks of how much he loves you, of how much he’d give the entire world to you if he could, and he thinks that maybe, that world may be in the form of a life you’ll both create. Maybe the trips will be those to a family resort, or a family beach; maybe the moments of pure joy and peace will be when you’re both exhausted after getting the little one to finally sleep, maybe it’s when they take their first steps and say their first words. 
“What if we just let life take its course, then, the way we let it with us?” He wonders. “Maybe get off birth control and we just… plan to not plan?”
“Hmm, sounds good to me,” you respond. “Maybe I can have my implant removed after my next exhibition and commissioned work in 2 months? I’m gonna have to hold off work for a bit just to make sure I don’t stress myself.”
“Okay,” he hums, feeling much lighter that you’re able to talk about it again. “I think we’re gonna be amazing parents.”
“Yeah?” You giggle, moaning once you feel him nibble your ear. His hand sneaks inside your sweatshirt, tracing patterns on your belly. 
“We’re so good at taking care of each other, and our child is gonna be spoiled as hell. But we’ll also enroll them in anything they want. And we’re not the eldest, there’s no pressure for our kids to work in our families’ companies. Let their older cousins do that.”
“You’re silly,” you laugh, but he does make good points. It’s what frustrated him growing up, after all, and it’s the freedom that you fortunately had. 
“Am I?” He grunts now, his hand cupping your bare breast underneath. 
You respond with a whine after he pinches your pert bud, and there’s something about the vibe of the caravan, with its compactness and cozy feel, and with the rain now pouring outside, that makes Jungkook feel much closer than usual. 
“Kook, need you to touch me please,” you beg, feeling your body awakened now.
“Hmm, I’m gonna do this all night, babe. I’m gonna make you feel good all night.”
His active hands make their way to their spots - one expertly kneads your breasts, while the other removes your underwear and spreads the slick that’s already pooled around your cunt. Jungkook opens up your legs for easier access and locks both of them to keep you in place. 
He nudges you with his nose, and you turn to him for a long, heady kiss, the type that lets you forget everything, that lets you not hear anything else but the way you slightly lose your breaths and the moans that you exchange, swallowing each one. He knows just what to do, knows just how to squeeze your breasts in a way that complements the way he slowly, almost teasingly plays with your clit. 
You pull away from the kiss to catch your breath, so he licks and nips your neck instead, knowing it’s another one of your erogenous spots that aids in the buildup of your orgasm. But he wants it slow, he wants it all-consuming; he wants you to feel it in every nerve of your body. 
“Yes, Kook, so good, baby,” you moan, your eyes closing as you savor every sensation. “Keep going, don’t stop.”
“You’ll take everything, yes, babe?”
He slides in two fingers inside you, then three, curling to hit that soft spot he’s memorized by now, while his thumb continues to rub your throbbing nub. Everything feels too much but you can’t get enough. You want more, and you know that Jungkook will give it.
“Yes, baby. I’ll take every—aah, yes, right there,” you mewl, your back arching now. “Oh god, yes.”
He hums his satisfaction, loving the sounds you’re making against the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof and the windows. He loves how vocal you are, how lost you are in what he’s giving, how ready you are to take more. 
Jungkook presses that spot again and it has you keening, and this time, his movements on your breasts slow down, as he gently traces circles on your nipples while his fingers pound on your cunt, leaving you a crying mess. 
You yell his name, your legs shaking this time as the pleasure becomes too good, too much, too overwhelming. He removes his fingers from inside you, all of them working on your clit now. You’re so close. The heat in your belly is getting intense, and then you feel it, the light smack of his hand on your pussy, sending a buzz way deep inside you that causes you to jolt and yelp in pleasure. 
Jungkook soothes you with gentle rubs. “You like that, baby? Want me to do it again?”
“Yes please,” you pant. “Kiss—kiss me.”
He does as you ask, swallowing your screams as he increases his movements on your clit before he smacks it again, catching you by surprise. He presses on it then smacks it once more, and it feels like electricity that you accidentally bite his lip but neither of you minds. Your whole body is shaking but he’s got you locked in place, and the restriction makes it even more overwhelming, more undeniably and insatiably good. 
“Just one more, okay? Then come for me,” he says, pinching your clit and catching you by surprise that you come without warning, that you feel your slick slide out of you, that you feel your body have that mind-blowing orgasm that leaves you tired but incredibly satisfied.
“Oh my god, Kook,” you heave, your limbs being released now and you sink into his hold. “That was… oh god.”
“Good,” he giggles, licking your essence off his fingers and humming. He takes some tissue next to you and wipes you off, the pads immediately being drenched. “Babe, you made a mess. Good thing the rules only state not to break anything.”
“Oh my goodness, Kook!” You squeal in embarrassment. This is probably the wildest you’ve come from just his fingers. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot, babe. I could come right now.”
“Wait until you’re inside me, please,” you flutter your eyelashes, and it’s impossible for him to say no, so he says okay. “But can I breathe a little? That was uh, that was intense.”
“Okay,” he says again, hugging you tightly and peppering your face with kisses. 
“You meant what you said earlier, about waiting for it to happen to us?” You ask after a while.
“I did. I do. You can be off birth control. We don’t have to plan or track it. That might put unnecessary pressure on us. And let’s just be surprised. We won’t actively try but we won’t keep it from happening, either. Is that something you’re okay with?”
“It is. Part of the adventure, right?” You smile. 
It’s better than avoiding getting pregnant completely, you think. Much as you want it to happen, you also know what you’re gonna need to give up because of your health. Perhaps the best thing to do is to just let life happen. 
He nods, kissing you again, his wandering hands slowly removing your sweatshirt so he could feel more of you this time. You shift and turn towards him, tugging his shorts and urging him to remove it as well. 
You feel so much for Jungkook, and if earlier you’d just been able to ogle him, now you get to do more. You lift yourself and straddle him, catching him by surprise. 
“Can we do this gently?” You ask sweetly. “I want you to feel good, too, while you’re inside me, but we can’t break anything.”
He chuckles. Inside you is where he likes it best. He does have a tendency to go a little too rough sometimes, but he wants tonight to be gentle, too.
“We won’t break anything, I promise. Just feel yourself, just feel us. I’ll be okay.”
You nod, bitten lip and all, and you start stroking his semi-hard cock, tracing the veins that decorate it. Jungkook hums in satisfaction, even more when you touch yourself for that needed lubrication and slide your lips against his length. You know he likes it when you pleasure yourself, something he’d blurted out when he was drunk so he probably doesn’t remember, but you took that to heart, used it to your advantage to get him going, knowing that between both of you, he’s the one always who makes sure you’re pleasured, sometimes even if he doesn’t get to be. 
You start to moan, and you feel his dick twitch in your hand. His hand reaches out to you, fingers tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, his tattooed arm cradling your head as you gently rock against him. 
He’s so beautiful, it drives you crazy. You’ve admitted to him as much that his body art does things to you, and you’ve noticed him add more, put color in, and change things up a bit so they’d have more meaning that relates to both of you. 
You want to share in that, too.
“So I was thinking, I want to get a tattoo,” you say, catching him by surprise again. 
“What? Where? Why? Are you serious?” He furrows his brows. You’re unsure if it’s good or bad news to him. 
“Yeah. Uh, I want a tiger lily. Here.”
You point to your chest, on the valley between your breasts, somewhere close to where your scar is. You want to tattoo his birth flower on your body, on your chest, a part of you that hurt for a time, that you get your strength from.
“Baby, why?” He asks, looking more emotional than upset.
“I know underneath this is a heart that’s a little broken, but I also know that it’s why I love deeply, and I love you, more than I’m able to say sometimes,” you explain. “I get my strength to continue loving because of you, Kook. And I want to always remember that. I want you to remember that, and I want our future children to know that.”
He looks at you with even more adoration, with even more love. And you know you mirror it, too. He’s only able to nod and trace the canvas on your body, imagining how the flower would look on you. 
“I love you so much, ___,” he mumbles, taking you for another kiss. 
It starts off gentle, but the more he lets your words settle in, the warmer he feels, the stronger the need to be one with you gets. He cups your cheeks as he pulls you closer, wanting to inhale you, to meld with you the way your lips are. He wants to feel that edge of you and go as far as he physically can. 
Jungkook raises you and you slowly slide down his cock, feeling the sting from his girth and length that has you moaning in his mouth; you already feel so full. You gently grind against him, knowing that if he does the work, you might not have a bed to sleep on.
“Stay still, babe, let me,” he whispers in your ear, his low, confident voice sending shivers through you. 
You follow and you halt your movements, giving him the space to secure you in his hold as he grips your waist. He decides on an angle that’s comfortable enough for you, and he raises his hips to go deeper, moving you against him so you could feel him dragging your velvet walls, making you moan instantly.
He’s not thrusting roughly; he’s not unrhythmically pounding into you, but he’s making all the effort in this angle, grinding and moving against the current of your hips, hitting that soft spot that his dick does so amazingly at. 
“Touch yourself, babe. You know how good it would feel,” he instructs, closing his eyes and biting his lips as he feels you suck him in.
Your fingers do the work this time - on your breast and on your sensitive yet still throbbing cunt. Every part of your body feels like it’s on the edge, and it’s exhilarating. 
“Kook, oh my—oh god, baby,” you moan obscenely. 
You’re music to his ears. 
He sees you work on your nipples, how you squeeze your breast and pinch your buds. He sees you rub your clit, gently and in circles, your mouth parting in sheer pleasure.
“Hold onto my shoulders now,” he instructs. “I’ll be gentle but I need you to hold onto me, okay?”
So you do - body anchoring on his as you grip his broad shoulders, his muscles flexing at the act as well. He briefly massages your thighs before his one hand clutches on your waist again and the other works on your nub - pinching, smacking, pressing to keep the stimulation going. 
He continues to drag you against him and you can feel him, way deep inside you that you don’t know if he can go any further. And it’s absolutely mind-blowing. 
“You’re taking me so well, babe, like you always do,” he praises. “Looking so fucking hot on top of me like this. You look so good when you’re close to coming, baby. You’re close, aren’t you? I can feel you sucking me in. Fuck, baby, keep doing that.”
So you clench around him, trying to meet him as far as you can with your pelvis. You’re grinding, clenching and unclenching, your mind going crazy with how well he’s able to do all this. 
His fingers go back to your cunt, more desperately fondling you now as he feels your heat envelope him even more.
“Kook, baby,” you keen once more. “You’re so deep and you’re so good. 
“Yeah?” He smirks. 
He brings you closer to briefly suck your breasts before he’s back to building on your impending orgasm, and it’s when he surprises you with a pinch then a press of your clit that you come without warning, clenching around him. He’s caught by surprise this time, as your walls continue to tighten around him, your nails creating marks on his shoulders form the intense pleasure, and this causes him to spill his seed inside you as well. 
“Fuck, baby,” he moans, wrapping his arms around you as you fall into his chest, both of you heaving now as you come down from your highs. “You feel so good.”
“And you feel amazing,” you smile at him sweetly, as if you didn’t just scream obscenely earlier. 
You kiss his nose then his lips, somehow still wanting more of him. Your movements are languid this time, tongues just lazily dancing with each other.
“Baby, you’re gonna make me hard again,” he groans.
“Sorry,” you pull away. “I’m tired though, and I just want to cuddle.”
“Me, too. I’ll go clean us up.”
Jungkook lays you down on the bed and proceeds to get a warm washcloth to wipe you off. You two were messy, alright, but he assures you that they do full sanitation of the caravan after every use. 
He helps you dress up then pulls you close. The rain is still going, and you’re glad the skies cleared for you early on and you got to enjoy the beach together. But now it’s just you and him and the sounds of raindrops in this tiny space, and with Jungkook, everything is nice and warm and comfortable and free.
“I love you,” you tell him, and he responds with that sweet, boyish smile of his, giddy and soft and full of love. 
You don’t say that as often as he does, so when you do, he knows it’s a build up of many things, and each word, each letter means something. They’re laced with every ounce of your beating heart in them. 
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The smell of rain is one of your favorites - after paint and bakeries and bookstores, of course. There’s something so grounding about it, especially in the morning when its fresh scent seeps through the half-opened windows, joining the saltiness of the ocean not far away. 
You’re seated in bed, opposite of Jungkook where you can bask in his sleeping form - blanket covering his lower limbs, head turned to the side, giving you a beautiful view of his gorgeous neck, lips slightly parted where his soft snores escape, and tattooed right arm raised above his head. His chest rises and falls, and he’s stunning this way - no problems or worries, no fears or concerns. You want to kiss the plane of his torso until they’re marked by your love, by your desire, but your own pleasure. 
You look back at the semi-finished work in your sketchbook. You’ve been into drawing since you started classes a few months ago, and you’ve found joy in just being able to draw what you see in charcoaled ink. It’s more practical, too, although you’re definitely biased with painting. 
You gaze outside - foggy window now clearing up but the view of the ocean from the little glass rectangle is enough inspiration. There’s so much beauty outside, but so is here, inside, in your own little paradise with the man you love the most. 
“Drawing me again?” Jungkook’s low, morning voice gets your attention. He shifts to lie on his side, arm propped up to cradle his head while he cheekily smiles at you. “I know I’m a good muse, babe, and it’s nice to know you’re a little obsessed with me.”
“I am not,” you shake your head and scrunch your nose. “I’m drawing this little space to remember.” 
You show him what you’ve done, with the white wooden panels surrounding the window and the view outside. The overhead lamps are included, and a silhouette of a man under the covers. 
You heat up at his first statement, though. You’ve drawn him another 2 times after painting him naked after you won your bet, and he’s right, he’s an amazing muse. He’s got a sculpted body, and drawing him is an excuse to ogle and appreciate all that he is physically. 
“That’s pretty,” he hums, shifting towards you to lie on his stomach now. He removes your sleeping socks and starts kissing your ankles. “But I really hoped you drew me again, though. I like knowing how you see me. I like seeing how I look when you look at me.”
His lips trail upward - to your knees then your inner thighs. You hold your breath and grip your drawing pad, the dampness in your underwear now pooling. 
“Honey, what are you doing?” You croak, biting your lip as you feel his warm breath on your clothed cunt. 
He nibbles your mound before he slides the cover to the side, his tongue sliding past your lips before you feel him flick his wet muscle on your now throbbing clit.
“Having breakfast,” he moans, diving further into your cunt that has you jerking against the wall. 
“It’s, uhm—” Your voice breaks as you let out a satisfied moan, your eyes closing as you feel his languid movements against you. He’s being gentle and that’s what you need; you haven’t recovered from last night, if you’re being honest.
“What was that, babe?” He asks, smirking, as he finally removes your underwear and spreads you out for more access. 
“Nothing, just, uh… just keep going.”
“I intend to,” he grunts, gripping onto your hips now and pushing you against his mouth.
You’re heaving as you savor the pleasure he’s giving you. The view of his head between your thighs adds to the sensation, so do his flexed arms as he holds onto you, his taut and perfectly-lined back, his smooth and large thighs, and his fine ass that’s clenching as he exerts all his efforts in eating you out. He’s so gorgeous, it’s insane. And he’s gobbling you up like you’re the only meal he needs. 
You’ve let go of your sketchbook now, and his hand travels upward to fondle your breast, and it’s what has you shaking, keening, moaning his name as you feel your orgasm build up again. You comb your fingers through his long locks, pulling them slightly as you grind against his mouth. His moans send vibrations all over, and you’re crying in pleasure before you tell him you’re close, and it’s his nip on your nub that has you letting go, enjoying the ride of your high as you come down from it.
He gets on his knees and smirks at you, hand wiping your essence from his mouth and sighing satisfyingly. 
“Fuck, I’m full.”
“No, you aren’t,” you tease, knowing that at the end of the day, food is food and he always needs to have his fill in the morning.
“Well, my dick is,” he chuckles, standing up now to point at his hardened length against his torso. 
“Let me, then,” you reach out, stroking him gently. “I can make iced coffee and then you can enjoy it while I make you feel good.”
You’re almost pleading. He knows that you want to pleasure him just as much as he pleasures you, though he’s selfish sometimes. He loves your sound more than anything, but he does admit that seeing you on your knees triggers something primal in him that has him yearning for you even more. 
“Okay, babe. Panties off, though.”
He sits on the stool across the tiny kitchen and watches you work. You playfully groan at him when you find out he’s put all the things you need on the top shelf, which means you have to reach up to them. Your sweatshirt raises as you do, giving him a peek of your bare ass, which he squeezes to your surprise. 
Jungkook is already hard just watching you move about, in this tiny space while wearing his white oversized sweatshirt that looks better on you. You turn to him with a cup of iced coffee, then you kneel in front of him, shy smile on your face after he takes a sip and moans; you’d like to think it’s also because you got his drink right, and not just because of your hand that’s stroking his aching member already.
“It’s good, babe,” he nods, and then you work, taking him in your mouth, as deep as you could go, and bobbing your head up and down as you swallow him whole.
It doesn’t take long for Jungkook. You take him so well, knowing the pace and the movements that make him lose his mind. He’s coming in your mouth in no time, and your nose scrunches at his satisfied face, liking that you get to make him feel this way, too.
He pulls you up to sit on his lap and he hugs you tightly, amorously, taking in your morning scent and how comfortable you feel. 
“I love you,” he whispers in between giggles. “Now, uh, can we eat?”
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You cook your spam and eggs kimchi rice breakfast outside. You chill on the sofa with soft music after, thankful that the rain has stopped and it’s a perfect-looking day. You lay on Jungkook’s lap this time, enjoying the cool breeze and the sound of the waves. You both go for a swim after, taking in the cold feel of the water and then sunbathing for a little bit before preparing lunch of sausage and ramyeon.
You spend the early afternoon doing your own things - Jungkook does his exercise and strolls down the beach, while you sit comfortably on a chair near the water with your sketchbook in hand, wanting to capture the scenery before you. 
After cleaning up and taking a shower, you nibble on crackers and cheese before heading back to return the caravan - with nothing broken, fortunately - and then drive home to Seoul. You pass by a nice lake on the way and watch the sunset there, then find a nice family-run noodle house for dinner.
You’re now settled in bed - tired, but satisfied and happy. Jungkook is lying on your chest as he often does when you both sleep, and he looks up at you with a curious look.
“When do you plan to get your tattoo?”
“Hmm, maybe in a few weeks. Why?”
“Can you make sure your artist is a woman?”
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat @fan-ati--c @cravingforhotchocolate @adoraminie @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @preciouschimine @gukssunshine @nch327 @petalsofink @shatzkrinslinzki @kookxin @petuliii @yoursthv @libra04 @jvngkooker @fancycollectormoon @yoonqkiss @twixxxpie @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g @bids97​@minyoongiboongi @main-bangtansmauyeondan​
Series Taglist: @apolluke​ @koremis​ @daydreambrliever​ @moonchild1 @loolylily​ @topanga27 @ppeachyttae​ @bbtsficrecs​ @lilyflowerguk​ @drumsofheaven​ @mrcleanheichou @princessswan
729 notes · View notes
absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - A Blah Week
May June 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 - It’s so damn cute. Seme is still sus... but cute. I didn’t even mind the pratfall since they clearly both wanted to take advantage of it. These two are great kissers - like MaxTul level. I am PLEASED. Meanwhile, sides have a drunken MOMENT. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 2 of 10? - I’m enjoying it which is fucking with my head, trash watch here! 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 2 of 6 - Dome has aged so pretty! Do we think the café owner doesn’t want him because he is happy in love? I’m enjoying the high school story arc a lot, and I wish we were just watching that and none of the others (Dome or no Dome). I finally figured it out the actor playing Mai is from Manner of Death.
The Promise (Weds YT & WeTV) ep 10fin - Soap opera brother relationship suddenly? Also more not communicating and more separation? Just bullshit. The best part of the ep was the interstitial cat. It feels like this show dragged on forever I am so glad it’s over and I intend never to think about it again. Full review below (although I pretty much just said it all.) 
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - no ep this week, no idea why. It better not be because of the ZeeNew freakszoids or I am banhammering with a will. Our Skyy 2 (Bad Buddy & 1k*) eps 13-14 - skipped it this week as it concludes next week so I’ll binge all 4 at once.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - It’s just so good. I say it every week but it IS. Oh the running of the gays trope! Japan1 For us? How thoughtful. Awe, Yutaka’s confession in tiny was the best. SMILEY KISS! It took 3 BLs but Inukai Atsuhiro has finally actually kissed a boy. 
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI & Gaga) ep 5-6 of 8 - Oof this is such a hard show. Too much angst. It is a complicated story worth further analysis, but it’s too much for me and I don’t wanna dwell in it. Also, sweetie, you don’t get to cockblock the boy you rejected then invite him to sleep over, I don’t care how confused you are. Good for Hanjoon for standing up for himself, but holy shizz is this hard to watch. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - Cats are not caretakers. The neighbor is a cutie. Fun convo for a VBL - top/bottom & everything. Faen fatale showed up + a pratfall kiss and frankly I’m finding this show a bit dull now that the charm of the initial premise has worn off.
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 8 of 12 - I never know what to say about this one. This was the dark separation doom episode. I was pretty blah over it. I’m just not engaged with this show. 
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It’s Airing But ...
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
Stay (Pinoy ????) 7 eps - It’s mostly in English and set in LA so I’m not bothering to hunt.
Let’s Eat Together AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai (Japan movie) cinema release means no inter distribution. Looks cozy: daily lives of college students and roommates who enjoy meals together, and a v codependent, adaptation of yaoi Let’s Eat Together Aki and Haru. I’ll keep an eye open for it but assume we can’t get it for now.
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan Sun ????) ep 1 of 10 - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I? (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*) 
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Ended this week 
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) ended. I have been reliably informed it’s better left a DNF.
My Story (Pinoy YouTube) ended. I bounced at ep 4. Someone tell me if I should bother with the rest?
Pure Vanilla (Singapore) - 10 min short on Gaga featuring a cafe, boss/employee, friends to lovers. It’s very sweet. Bit awkward acting. I love seeing real tats on my screen. I wish Singapore would give us a full proper BL. 7/10 RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS 
The Promise (Thai YouTube) - Although well acted this show dragged a too simple premise out into the ultimate manipulative miscommunication repeats of idiotic "why don’t you just TALK!?” Phu & Nan are childhood bffs through college (almost lovers) until Phu disappears. After looking/waiting for him, Nan gives up and self isolates, and the actual story takes place 10 years later. Phu’s “reason” and inability to say it out loud makes the whole show just frustrating, squandering good chemistry, and a stellar cast of multiple faen fatals (whose personalities would’ve made them better boyfriends). Seriously do not bother. What a damn waste of talent, time, and electronic bandwidth. Fatally flawed. 4/10 NOT RECOMMENDED 
Okay it ended a while ago but I finished it:
Make A Wish (Thai grey) - 6 part PNR (from Sammon - Manner of Death & Triage) about a doctor who can see the dead and strikes a bargain with a wish-granting irreverent tree angel - naturally they fall in love. Stars Fluke Natouch opposite not Ohm, but who cares bc Fluke has chemistry with everybody. Once again the Thai afterlife is incredibly bureaucratic but I enjoyed the premise and the unfolding of the story (it’s not predictable but still satisfying and with nice little twist). I like that the doctor is just gay af and has a fag hag bestie and everything. The cast is excellent but the comedic stylings are too overblown and tonally off. It had sad parts and did make me cry but is ultimately happy with a great sex scene, good smiley kisses, and all the agency. 8/10 RECOMMENDED 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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6/7 Love Tractor (Korea iQIYI) 8 eps - announced in 2022 from WATCHA (Semantic Error) I've been WAITING for this one. About a stressed-out law student who family obligations force into the countryside where a series of strange encounters and misunderstandings with his hunky young farmer neighbour. Will this be an extended version of Strongberry’s Some More? Or Korea’s take on Restart After Come Back Home? I'm chuffed. Country boy meets city boy is a very underused romance trope in BL.
6/9 Boys Love Omegaverse AKA The Boys Love sequel no one asked for (Japan movie) - everyone jockeyed to release the first ABO but it looks like Japan will take it. They do like to do all things BL FIRST. This seems to just be borrowing the branding of Boys Love, showing little resemblance to either original, since it's about 4 men in an idol group. (But could go very dark with that title. Boys Love is technically the first and one of the darkest BLs ever made.) Movie+Japan = no inter distribution.
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Still Coming June 2023 
6/15 Tokyo in April AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Gaga) 8 eps - Based on a yaoi, this is a reunion romance that takes place in an office. Japan does Our Dating Sim? Yes please.
6/22 About Us but Not About Us (Pinoy movie from 2022 on Prime) - A professor grieving the loss of his partner meets an ambitious literature student.
6/24 Why You (Khmer BL ????) - Billed as a horror romance, not sure if this is a movie or a series where it will air... nothing except that it exists.
6/24 Tie The Knot AKA Under the Same Sky (Pinoy movie on Prime) Trailer - I guess Prime is coming for our Pinoy BL? From OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince), announced for 2022 based on a true story, Briggs's family runs a bridal business but he has never had a chance to fall in love until he meets Shao, a groom to be.
6/25 Dinosaur Love (Thai iQIYI) Trailer 5 eps - from Ultimate Troop about a uni student, Rak, whose partner cheats on him with Rak's best friend. This gives bad boy hazer Dino an opportunity to hit on Rak at last. From The Yearbook people so I will not watch this as it airs. After Remember Me? Never again with them.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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From Make a Wish. 
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Found my side dish. (Be My Favorite)
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We asked this question literally the ENTIRE show. (The Promise) 
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My point exactly! 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? BTOB on Killing Voice - honestly I’m ded, end this show, no one else can ever be this good. 
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comic timeline
All non-holiday dates are approximate but should be accurate relative to each other. Using past tense for events before the comic, present tense for Day 1 and beyond. I'm not inferring anything that isn't explicitly supported in canon even if the events seem obviously linked.
Last updated 2/13/2024.
Referenced events from before the comic, undated. Sorted by main topic:
Showfall productions:
Riptide from JRWI was produced but canceled early.
Bizly played Florida Man in the original 100 days film. Tommy played Patient Zero on contract.
Slime Demon had an ad-libbed baking show. Niki's character debut was written out and show was canceled in the middle of filming only a few episodes in, supposedly due to lack of viewership.
Sneeg had an 8-episode-run detective show.
Hetch fired 5 people over the years, including Criken.
In pretty quick succession, 1) Frank was hired, 2) Jerma left, 3) then Charlie was hired.
Frank and Charlie are the non-founding members who have worked at Showfall the longest without breaks.
Showfall fired Charlie's stunt double without notice.
Criken worked alongside Sneeg and others. He was fired 1 month in.
Before the tapes, employees were still leaving or planning to leave.
Hetch had at least one parent who treated him poorly (implied to be due to the parent's trauma from serving in the Vietnam War)
Hetch previously wanted Ranboo involved in Showfall.
Hetch got his jacket as a birthday present.
Hetch stopped filling Ranboo in on Showfall's production details.
The Founder used to be Hetch's best friend until she said something inappropriate to Hetch about Kate (Hetch's former girlfriend, implied to happen around or after Kate's death)
When Charlie was 20, he posted homework from a college film course on Youtube. He was approached by Showfall to do the original 100 Days film.
Charlie got a day off on his birthday. once.
Charlie and Hetch used to get along, but Hetch treated Charlie coldly.
Ranboo used to want to be an author until a dumb thing happened at school.
Ranboo "did" something which the cyberbully told all their (former) friends about.
Other characters:
Wilbur and Niki used to stream before she was hired by Showfall
Mark and Ethan were popular let's players who were going to start a collab channel (Unus Annus).
Mark Iplier went to Chuck-E-Cheese many times.
2007-ish (when Ranboo was 4):
Hetch taught rats to "talk" by coding a program with pre-programmed phrases and a standard computer keyboard.
Ranboo had nightmares that Skitters the rat was experimenting on them.
2010-ish (11 years before early 2021):
Showfall had a Youtube channel for shows/movies before later creating their own website. Original team consisted of Hetch, Founder, (implied) Jerma.
Doll House (Showfall's first production).
April 3, 2013:
Showfall was officially founded. (Presumably the Youtube channel predates this and this date refers to the website - if not, the above events move down here.)
A couple years before comic start:
Hetch used to be a better director to Charlie.
2 years before comic start (2018):
Vinny was hired at Showfall.
A year before comic start (2019):
Ranboo bought a varsity jacket at Homecoming (presumably 10th grade).
A couple months before comic start (Fall 2020):
Ranboo's mom died ("earlier in 2020," implied autumn).
Ranboo's 2020 birthday, they couldn't leave their bed (also only implied autumn or winter).
Hetch became an asshole.
Showfall sold its building and moved to the mall.
Ranboo liked to hang out in the woods and pretend they were being chased by a serial killer.
Ranboo found the tapes. (implied)
Dec 14, 2020:
Charlie's first interview.
Dec 15, 2020:
Sneeg's first interview.
Showfall has only 5 current shows. 1 of them is the 100 days TV remake.
Charlie meets Ranboo.
Ethan fights geese.
Twitter blows up about Hetch's misgendering of Ranboo.
Founder threatens Hetch into hiring Ranboo for a 1-year contract.
Dec 16, 2020:
Ranboo has his first interview.
A light almost falls on Vinny.
Ranboo meets Niki.
Midnight meeting between Hetch and the Founder in order to further threaten Ranboo.
Dec 31, 2020, NYE:
The crew plans a strike.
Last day/s of refilming the 100 days pilot with Ranboo written in. 14-hour work days.
Cast party was moved up to be a New Year's Eve party.
A light almost falls on Vinny.
Rebrand is announced.
Hetch warns Ranboo not to get attached to the actors.
Frank is mentioned.
Jan 1?, 2021:
Ranboo runs off set of 100 days in tears.
1 month hiatus begins.
Some point in January 2021:
Vinny breaks his arm due to a falling item.
5 new actors are being hired. Hetch was not consulted due to being busy with editing.
New projects greenlit: 2nd season of 100 days, soap opera, a game show for Austin, slime demon baking show reboot.
(possibly later into February) Frank is promoted to head of HR.
Jan 31?, 2021:
Ranboo passes out 3 times in one day, attributed to low blood sugar.
Feb 1?, 2021:
1 month hiatus ends.
100 days tv show was popular.
New Showfall streaming service and VIP pass.
100 days is filmed at a rate of 1 episode per week (at least?), filmed in a single day. The first season is wrapping up.
5 new actors are hired.
Feb 2?, 2021:
First day of work for Wilbur Soot (approached Showfall), Mark Iplier (1 year contract), and Valkyrae (was approached by Showfall).
We meet Frank.
Austin is rehearsing for a game show.
Sneeg and Vinny are forbidden from greeting the new actors.
Valkyrae works as an assistant on Austin's game shows (implied/offscreen).
Feb 3?, 2021:
Mark and Ethan get Unus Annus greenlit.
Vinny writes a song with Wilbur and Niki.
Cameron, Mike, and Ashley's names are shared with the audience.
Cameron is masked.
Hetch gets drunk after work.
Sneeg drives Ranboo home - they talk about true crime.
Feb 4?, 2021:
Frank gives Cameron the rest of the day off due to weird behavior.
Hetch greenlights "Untitled: The Musical" for Vinny/Wilbur/Niki.
Ranboo wants to stay at Showfall for the rest of their life.
Feb 5?, 2021:
Hetch plans Unus Annus filming to start in a month.
Hetch confronts the Founder about the secrets she's keeping and is told to take the day off.
Ask the Actors: Lightning Round before another month break.
Hetch almost tells Sykkuno to suck it as Sykkuno's first on-screen appearance.
Unus Annus has its first 8 episodes written at this point.
Ethan recently splurged on a new plant for his fish.
Ranboo has another on-set outburst while trying to defend his dad.
Jerma is revealed.
Niki? is invited to coffee dates with Charlie and Sneeg.
1 month hiatus begins.
Feb 6? - March 4?, 2021:
Charlie starts a prank war with Jerma.
Twitter teasers for the convention in Lostfield town square.
Ranboo remakes their twitter account
March 5?, 2021:
1 month hiatus ends.
Ranboo sees Charlie and Sneeg at the coffee shop.
Lostfield town square convention. Unus Annus's first 2 episodes and a teaser for "Your New Boyfriend: A Musical Obsession" are released.
March 6?, 2021:
Ranboo is up in the wee hours of the morning getting cyberbullied by a classmate.
Fan meetups.
Ranboo feels anxious from cyberbullying and lost sleep. They stick by Charlie at the audience's suggestion.
Founder confronts audience on their "roleplay."
Charlie and Hetch fight over who deserves Ranboo's trust more.
Charlie and Hetch are arrested. Founder bails them out with 1/4 of the Unus Annus budget.
Charlie sees a drone, yet unnamed.
The Box.
March 7?, 2021:
Ranboo greets Hetch at home after Hetch has been gone for 24+ hours.
March 8?, 2021:
Hetch leaves Ranboo at home and returns to Showfall.
March 9?, 2021 (2 days after Hetch survived the Box):
Charlie interviews other workers (Sneeg is the only one onscreen) about working conditions to bring about the "death of Showfall Media" - to spend his last months at Showfall getting as much evidence of worker abuse as possible. The terms he uses imply a legal case.
Hetch meets the askers with less of a filter.
Ranboo is left behind at home again.
The crew's behavior has become stranger lately and they rarely interact with cast.
Cameron appears with a mask and without, seeming his normal cheerful self.
Frank organizes an HR meeting with all Showfall employees except Ranboo and Founder. They discuss working conditions, the missing funds (allocated to death traps), and Hetch's behavior. Hetch apologizes.
Frank makes plans to "fix the Founder's issues" via HR
Hetch confiscates Ashley's iPad and uses it to contact the askers that night.
Hetch reveals that the mind control "wasn't supposed to get this bad" and was just to make employees stay at Showfall and follow directions on set.
Hetch agrees to work with the other employees to get them out of Showfall.
Hetch is told about Ranboo's cyberbully.
March 10?, 2021:
Hetch comes up with the "Sorry" pilot, an improv-based show made as an apology to Showfall cast.
Hetch uses the iPad and two spare earpieces to make a non-censored audio-based method of communicating with askers. Hetch later gives the iPad back to Ashley, but it is broken.
Ranboo confronts both Charlie and Hetch on the fight at the coffee shop.
Hetch gives Charlie one of the earpieces. Charlie doesn't believe the askers' uncensored warnings.
Half of the crew is out sick, which Charlie attributes to COVID.
Ranboo locks themself in a storage closet while their cyberbully messages them.
Hetch lends his own earpiece to Ranboo. The askers convince them to leave the closet. Ranboo apologizes to Charlie.
The Founder is aware of the situation and frustrated. She has created a black mask with red circuitry, apparently Hetch's mask from TSE, to "get him back soon."
Later in the day, filming for Sorry begins.
Hetch is reminded of the vote, confusing Charlie and inspiring Ranboo and Charlie to cheer him up with a "try not to laugh challenge." Hetch agrees for the sake of winning Charlie's trust. Ranboo seems to recover from earlier.
The Founder encourages Jerma to invite Hetch out to drinks as a distraction. Jerma and Hetch argue but end the night getting along.
Charlie explores the mall overnight for proof for his ongoing battle against Showfall, ignoring warnings from the askers; Sneeg waits in the car and notices someone enter the building.
Ranboo meets up with their stalker in the mall and pushes them during an altercation. A light falls on the stalker, killing them. The Founder and Charlie both witness this.
The Founder offers to hide the body in exchange for Charlie's silence and Hetch's cooperation regarding the earpieces. Charlie argues with the Founder and, with Sneeg, takes Ranboo home.
Something prevents everyone from contacting the police.
Ranboo explains what happened before going to bed.
Hetch warns Charlie and Sneeg about Showfall's future plans.
March through May, 2021
Ranboo continues to rise in popularity at Showfall. They start keeping a journal and socially withdraw.
The police have still been unable to be reached.
Sneeg, Charlie, and Ranboo are given extra work by the Founder.
The Founder makes Hetch watch her experiments.
Hetch buys a gun for himself and a pocket knife for Ranboo.
Hetch makes financial preparations for himself and Ranboo to flee Lostfield along with Sneeg and Charlie.
May 10?, 2021
After a 2-month gap where he tried and failed to contact the askers, Hetch manages to get through.
Hetch plans for him/Ranboo/Sneeg/Charlie to leave town at dark, asking the viewers to watch Showfall from now on on his behalf.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months
Historical recs? thanks!
Hi - it's best to try our historic tag here as there are so many great historical fic, and it really depends on what era you are looking for. Here's two from 1960's. ~Jen
Can’t take my eyes off you by @gleekto
1969 Klaine AU.
Blaine is a gay. He’s known for years and he’s not ashamed. He just wants to be sensible about it as it carries a lot of risks. So he chooses to study Arts at one of the best colleges in the country - Columbia - that makes his parents happy. And it also happens to have the first college sanctioned gay group in the country - the Student Homophile League - for people like him. And that makes him happy. He hopes. He just has to muster up the courage to actually go to one of the League meetings. Instead he wastes his time staring at that icy hippie in his music history class who doesn’t know he exists. He needs to stop pretending people are gay in his head and actually meet some real homosexuals.
Blaine coming of age in 1969. Hippie!Kurt. Elliott and Sebastian as Blaine’s mentor-friends. Unironic use of ‘groovy’. Coming out and fitting in and falling in love.
Gimme Shelter by @kurtswish
On a joyride out with friends, Blaine stumbles upon a man that would change his life forever. It is a time when changes are coming swiftly with Civil Rights laws and Vietnam on the forefront of everyone’s minds. Finding each other and romance should have been the hard part, but what will two young men endure in the time of free love and war. Story is complete.
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walder-138 · 9 days
Okay, Pookie. I forgot my precious ask, so I’ll send in new ones for the other OC ask game. 👁️👄👁️
5. what was your character's dream job as a kid? is it different than what their career ended up being?
6. what is the thing your oc likes the least about themselves?
16. how does your OC feel about their parents? (No hope for Ozzy and Annika 😭)
23. what are your OC’s biggest flaws and biggest strengths?
26. least favorite food and color?
28. is your OC a dog or cat person?
Pookie I’m so sorry 😭
(5) Oz’s dream job was to play in the NFL, which he was extremely close to doing. He loved football, was very talented and got an athletic scholarship to a college known for its team. Two years in, ‘68, his little brother, Johnny, gets drafted. For Oz’s entire life, he was the one expected to go into the military as the oldest, so the guilt he had overwhelmed him into joining as well. That’s why he joined the Army.
Annika wanted to be a Veterinarian because of “her” childhood dog. (some crusty ass stray she found on the side of the street) He got sick and died, and she wanted to stop that from happening to other animals. (Boris is literally the reason why Annika has any semblance of empathy. Dawg was the best)
Now… oh shit. She’s a mass murderer who kills people for a living, dead opposite of what she wanted to be. Oh well, lives a bitch and then you die.
Abbey, as a kid, wanted to do anything that supported her caregivers’ ideology, which she truly didn’t know jackshit about. She thought that they could do nothing wrong and needed support; she would’ve died for them. Instead, Abbey also took the exact opposite route. She went into the FBI to take those people down. Another drastic change in the list.
(6) Oz hates who he was between leaving Vietnam and having Jenny. “A depressed, abusive, drug-addicted piece of human shit.” as he calls it. He hates it when he exhibits any behaviors that remind himself of that time. If Oz yells at Jenny, or feels the urge to relapse, he punishes himself by not taking care of himself.
Annika hates that she isn’t as ruthless as she used to be. She’d used to kill for money, for power, now Annika can barely kill for self defense. She wishes she could go back to being apathetic, but now that scab’s been peeled off, and everything’s bleeding out.
Abbey hates how obsessive she is. Not stalker-like obsessed; I’m talking obsessive-compulsive obsessed. There’s a constant presence in her head telling her how she should be, what she must do or else something terrible will happen. How deeply she thinks about how somebody else’s acting. Girl barely sleeps at night because of her rituals.
(16) Oz HATES his father. That monster abused him physically, emotionally, and psychologically for his entire life. Nobody believed him growing up that his father was abusive, not even his siblings, because Old Man Clancy was a ‘war hero’. War hero his ass. All Ozzy saw was a monster.
However, he was a Mama’s boy through and through. She was the only person that believed him, as she went through the abuse herself. They spoke to each other in German when Old Man Clancy was away and made dinner together for rest of the family. Best memories of his life with his mom.
Annika, it depends which AU. In the original one, with her as Bell? She couldn’t care less about her parents. They never had that ‘love and attention” thing that y’all seem to be obsessed with. Her parents were more coworkers than parents. Everything was transactional within the “family”.
However, in the AU where her dad becomes Bell, she’s only about 9. Girl looks up to him, wanting to do all the things he does, and loves him more than anything. Well, she was in one of the cars during the airport thing at the beginning of the story, so now she thinks he’s dead. She was screaming out for her dad while Mason was carrying her off.
Can’t do Abbey as she doesn’t know her parents 🙃
(23) Keeping this one short:
Oz’s greatest flaw: Chronically low self-esteem; dude hates himself so much he unknowingly takes it out on everyone around him.
Oz’s greatest strength: Resilience; dudebro’s gone through hell and back, and is already up for round 4. He ain’t giving up any time soon.
Annika’s greatest flaw: Pookie look at her. Her lack of empathy; she can’t understand other’s emotions too well.
Annika’s greatest strength: Her ruthlessness. She don’t give a SHIT. She will get the job done.
Abbey’s greatest flaw: She’s a perfectionist, about herself and the people around her.
Abbey’s greatest strength: Her genuine kindness.
(26) Oz is a macho man, he hates the color pink. Dawg has PTSD surrounding non perishables, he will not eat canned food cause he found a BUNCH OF COCKROACHES IN A CAN OF CORN DURING HIS DEPLOYMENT AHHHHHHH HOW THE FUCK DID THEY GET IN THERE????
Annika hates meat. She’s a vegetarian, the smell of meat makes her gag. She’ll throw up if she has to eat it. She doesn’t like the color orange, reminds her of Captain Asshole (Adler).
What food DOESN’T Abbey hate? Girl is very picky, but her least favorite is ONIONS BECAUSE THEY SUCK. ONIONS SUCK. I FUCKING HATE ONIONS. THEYRE DISGUSTING. HOW COULD YOU ENJOY THEM???? SHE WILL GAG. Oh and her least favorite color is blue 😊
(28) Oz is a cat person through and through. Dogs remind him of Vietnam.
Annika doesn’t give a shit. If it has 0-4 legs, 0-2 eyes, makes an adorable noise (or tries to), she will LOVE it. Get her a rat, she’ll love and cherish it.
Abbey’s a dog person. They’re so funny and are always happy, and always serve as a good distraction.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #24: 1973
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Tony Orlando and Dawn, Jim Croce, Roberta Flack, Marvin Gaye, Paul McCartney and Wings Kris Kristofferson, Elton John, Billy Preston, Carly Simon, Diana Ross. End description]
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*Turns my chair around so I can sit in it backwards*
So. You were just caught trying to cover up a major break-in into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in order to cement your reelection.
As I alluded to last poll, one major historical event I need to mention is the Watergate scandal. The actual break-in took place the previous year, but the resulting investigations and trials won't start to take place until this year -- after Nixon's reelection. However, there aren't many songs about the incident from this time, or at least not in the charts. Most of the songs protesting Nixon tended to focus on the war.
Speaking of the Vietnam War, 1973 does not mark the end of the war, but it does mark the beginning of the United States' exit. To bring it back to the music, one of the 60's polls included the Monkees' Last Train to Clarksville, a song that wasn't explicitly written about the war, but had the war projected onto it because it's a song about someone leaving home and not knowing when they're coming back. It seems fitting that one of the songs on today's poll is Tony Orlando and Dawn's Tie a Yellow Ribbon[...], a song that wasn't explicitly written about the war, but had the war projected onto it because it's a song about someone coming home and not knowing what his welcome will look like.
Soul music is continuing to have one of its golden ages, with artists like Roberta Flack and Marvin Gaye topping the charts. It's been a while since I talked about Billboard from the business side of things, but the explosion of this genre gives me a good excuse to do so. In 1973, the Billboard chart for R&B songs was changed from "Best Selling Soul Singles" to "Hot Soul Singles". This change may not sound that significant, but it becomes more notable when you see how often this title changes. This article goes more into depth about Billboard's complicated history when it comes to its representation of Black music.
Which reminds me, it's time to start talking about disco. It will reach the polls soon, I promise, but now feels like a good time to set the scene before we get to that point. As I mentioned in a previous poll, the disco scene really came out of soul. Especially Philly Soul, which had lush instrumentation that worked really well with the overall atmosphere of early disco. At this point in history, disco is still an underground subculture, and musically the line between it and soul music isn't that clear. Disco as its own genre of music that could be identified as such by the average listener will come later.
I don't usually talk about the formation of genres until they reach the charts, but I'm going to make an exception here. Because 2023 is the 50th anniversary of this genre, the genre has grown into a dominating musical force across the globe, and it's the only genre I actually studied in college.
In 1973, a Jamaican-American teenager named Clive Campbell (more widely known as DJ Kool Herc) and his sister, Cindy, started hosting parties out of their apartment in The Bronx, New York. These parties would play a lot of funk records, but he wouldn't just play them. Instead, he would play two copies of the same record on a turntable so he could extend the percussion section of the song, also called the break (which is where breakdancing comes from). This would lay the foundation for hip-hop, further expanded by artists like Grandmaster Flash and Afrika Bambaataa. All three of these men are still alive and I've linked interviews with some of them.
Hip-hop and rap are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference. Hip-hop exists both as a subculture and as a style of music. It incorporates art forms such as DJing, breakdancing, graffiti, beatboxing, rapping, and many other elements. That's why I said DJ Kool Herc helped set the foundation of hip-hop. Within early hip-hop culture, the MC was mostly there to bounce off of the DJ and keep the energy up. That isn't to discredit the difficult work of early MCs (trust me, if you were bad at it, the audience would let you know). Rap itself as an art from has a plethora of different artistic roots in Black culture, from scat singing in jazz, to various traditional West African storytelling techniques, to early 20th century gospel groups, to rhyme games, to Black radio DJs. The genre started to get more notice outside of the party scene as wordplay and flows started to expand further, especially as the first hip-hop groups started to form and the MCs became part of the "band". Like disco, hip-hop was still very much an underground subculture, but it would soon take over the nation.
It will be another 17 years before the first rap song reaches number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 (Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby). We won't see a rap song featured on these polls until 1995. But it's hip-hop's 50th birthday, and so much of modern American culture doesn't make sense without its involvement.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Headcanons about Mar'i and Lian being honorary batcousins?
(they're like 12 in my mind)
Despite both growing up in America, Lian calls it "soccer" while Mar'i insists it's "football"
Mar'i's pet peeve is Lian leaving the strings on the oranges, meanwhile Lian can't fathom why Mar'i doesn't peel her apples
They made money for their school's fundraiser by selling Gatorade outside a stadium on game day
Mar'i has a stronger throw but Lian has the better aim
They hid in Billy Batson's house for a week, accidentally sparking the biggest missing persons story since Jimmy Hoffa, all because they cut each other's bangs with safety scissors after being told not to and couldn't face their parents
They're banned from baking until they're at least 13 because Lian put 1/4 cup of baking soda into the cake batter instead of 1/4 teaspoon
Mar'i built a fort out of Charmin extra-strong rolls believing it'd be enough to keep her mother out and hide the bearded dragon she and Lian bought with their allowance
They hid Jason's keys in a cantaloupe when they didn't want him to leave
In winter, they fill the Wayne Manor pool to make an ice rink
Lian is a skater kid. Mari is a Razor scooter girl
Nobody knows when and how the girls acquired a boat and at this point they're too afraid to ask
Same for the bobsled
Lian had an archery-themed birthday where Roy and Jason took her, Mar'i, and some other kids to an indoor range and one of the targets was a hyper-realistic cake
Lian taught Mar'i how to cuss in Vietnamese, Mar'i dropped a long string in front of her parents thinking neither of them would understand and she lost TV privileges for a night, and after Roy found out Lian had to write a formal apology to the Graysons
Jason, on the other hand, secretly high-fived them and bought them ice cream
They did the "two kids in a long winter coat" trick to get into an adults-only ski lodge
And Mar'i kept their thermoses warm while Lian showed off her snowboard tricks
The first time they saw a shooting star, they wished for the same thing: VIP tickets to Taylor Swift
Lian keeps a bow and arrow in the empty locker next to hers. In the locker after that, Mar'i has batarangs and escrima sticks
They don't want candy or snacks when they go to the grocery store. No, they beg Kory to buy a tuna that's bigger than both of them
They do separate after-school activities with the batfam. Mar'i learns photography from Tim while Lian gets dance tips from Cass
When one's having a bad day, the other will climb through the window with ice cream, pizza, and Home Alone movies
They have $350 on the line and counting for who's gonna get their period first
Mar'i got a gender reveal cake when Lian came out with new pronouns
Neither of them can do a good cartwheel even though Mar'i can defy the laws of gravity and Lian has agility training
They cosplayed as Sailor Mars and Sailor Neptune
For Mar'i's parents' anniversary, she put together a candlelit dinner while Lian sent death threats to any villain that tried to bother them
They don't remember when they met. All they remember is at some point, they appeared in each other's life and just rolled with it
They went to a beach on Tamaran and came back with a space oyster
When Bat-Cow had a calf, Damian let the girls name it. They named it Horse
They also have shared custody of a goldfish they won at the carnival named Booster Goldfish
Lian keeps her wallet in her pocket and a rock in her purse. Mar'i does the opposite
They already mapped out their dream college trip through Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia with every single detail planned... except money
For the next triathlon, Lian's gonna be biking while Mari runs. They're holding tryouts for anyone willing to swim in Gotham's water
They get third place in the state fair photography contest
And second place in growing the best petunia plant
And first place eating through a cherry pie in 30 seconds
Their contact names for each other are "Katniss" and "Jean Grey"
They have a running bet to see who can get their parents the most over-the-top "World's Best ___" merch
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