#Bum Later Productions
bkenber · 8 months
Joe Swanberg on the Making of 'Drinking Buddies'
WRITER’S NOTE: This article was written back in 2013. Filmmaker Joe Swanberg has been a major figure in the Mumblecore movement, a subgenre of American independent film which is characterized by low budget production values and naturalistic dialogue. Among his films is “Hannah Takes the Stairs” which stars Greta Gerwig and was actually shot without a script. The way Swanberg works, he gives his…
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ohh i can feel a category five autism event on the horizon
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serafaina · 1 year
I am LOVING the fucking chocolate guy’s netflix show! It’s FANTASTIC! Anf hold on to your fucking boots y’all cause it’s actually not what I was expecting at all!
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Do you miss the gentleness of the Great British Bake-Off? THIS SHOW IS SO KIND AND GENTLE! For fuck’s sake, NO ONE GETS KICKED OFF! No. No, Listen to this! When they lose the first challenge (a pastry one), the punishment is... They get private lessons with Amaury to help improve what brought their scores down instead of competing in the second chocolate challenge. 
When the one black lady contestant messed up the first challenge I was super bummed and like, OF COURSE. But NO. She got lessons! She struggled! she worked hard! and she won a later challenge! GROWTH MY DUDES! They are there TO LEARN and GROW and Maybe Win a Big Prize!
They ALL get to stay and keep doing their best! and at the end the one who did the best overall is the one who gets the money prize!
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Look at this lovely line up! they make COOL LOOKING FANCY THINGS! Amaury tells us how he does some of the fancy things he does! They OFFER TO HELP EACH OTHER WHEN THEY FINISH EARLY AND GET PROPS FOR THAT! (not taunted for not using their own time better). The set up even kinda makes the one who is like, I’m in it to win it, is the villain and doing bad. The rest who are like, I’m here to learn and grow and maybe make friends! AUGH YOU GUYS!
Amaury is soft spoken and kind, and has a pretty voice and a pretty smile and that’s nice to watch too. The chefs are talented and artistic and they actually give the THE TIME to make nice things! It’s not “Wham out some half-assed garbage in 2 hours so we can shotgun the production and laugh at your garbage” like most cooking shows nowadays. NO! 14 hour challenges! They’re still hard, but they get to actually make cool stuff! fancy stuff! Stuff I want to look at and cheer for them!
The episodes average 38 min and aren’t a huge time commitment, the first episode being the longest one, and there are only 8 total so it’s not like you have to really get in for the long haul. \
WATCH IT! Pump it! we need more cooking shows like this and less that are sad and mean!
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ellejos · 1 year
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Get Your Morning Started 🤍
I bet you already read dozens of morning routines but maybe I can offer you a few different tips and tricks with my step by step morning routine.
waking up early is essential to make the most out of the day. If you aren‘t an early bird, try different kinds of alarm clocks (light, nature sounds, etc).
After waking up make sure there is some water on your nightstand and drink it. Start hydrating!
Try to avoid your phone as long as possible - no one needs your attention that early in the morning. Be considerate and put your attention on yourself!
Don‘t make your bed. Srsly! Open your window and air your bedding first. Making your bed right after getting up is a safe place for mites. While ventilating the bedroom you can go the bathroom, prepare your drinks/breakfast, journal or meditate. Make your bed 30 min after leaving your bed.
Meditate. Light a candle or incense sticks. Roll out your fitness mat and choose between guided meditations or non guided meditations (I recommend guided for beginners, you can find some on YouTube or Spotify) meditation is key try to stick to it daily!
Journal for organisation and personal growth. 5 to 10 minutes only (!!!) there are many journals out there, I personally use the 5 Minute Journal but any journal would do. You can use a plain notepad and look up journaling ideas on pinterest I really don‘t want you to spend money on stuff you don‘t necessarily need just for the aesthetic.
Move your body honey! Do a YouTube workout or go for a run. Walk your staircase up and down do whatever you feel like doing but try to ignore your lazy bum trying to make you skip this. Get stared on this one you can thank me later.
Breakfast, baby. Nutrition and hydration is non-negotiable! Have your vegetables and fruits, drink your coffee or matcha, don’t forget to drink your lemon water. Don‘t skip breakfast to loose wait angel. Your organs need the calories to function during the day so treat yourself with love and consideration.
Keep calm and moisturise. Quick shower or wash to get ready for the day. Skincare is everything. I’m currently investing (and testing) Korean skincare for myself but a few products are key: cleanser -> toner -> antioxidant serum (vitamin c) -> eye cream -> moisturizer -> sunscreen
Make up and dress up. Find your personal style you feel comfortable with and you‘re good to go. You can look up outfit capsules on pinterest for wardrobe ideas. In terms of make up I personally think less is more. Mascara, lip oil, some rouge on the cheeks and vaseline and you‘re fine. I personally prefer a sleek hairstyle.
Listen to podcast. This step is easily combined with breakfast or getting ready. I‘m currently listening to Confessions by Anastazia but I’ll probably make a playlist with my fave podcast episodes from various podcasts and share it with you.
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neverinadream · 5 months
Finishing What We Started
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Summary: One dress has Y/N leaving later than she had originally planned.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Yes-ish
Song Inspo: Leaving Me Feeling Confident - The Driver Era
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, nsfw, smut, pre-established relationship, dom!christian (with like the tiniest hint of soft!christian), sub!reader, praise, uses of the she/her pronouns, possessive!christian, mentions of ownership, body appreciation, the reader does get called a whore and a slut, slapping, teasing, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, handjob, mentions of cum,...think that's it
Notes: happy new year whores! this was an idea that the gc discussed like ages and ages ago that i had stashed away, it was that long ago that christian was still at chelsea when we were discussing it 🫣 anyway....did we like it? do we want another part? feedback is really appreciated
A giggle slips past Y/N's lips as Christian wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her back from the mirror and disrupting Y/N as she adds the final touches to her makeup. "Don't you look gorgeous," he compliments, kissing the parts of her shoulders exposed by the straps of her dress. It was old, something he had seen her wear multiple times before, but to him, she looked more beautiful each time she wore it. A goddess wrapped in gold. "And you smell heavenly, too," he chuckles, breathing in the mixed scent of her favourite perfume and the peaches in her shampoo, "you know, I'd smell even better if you let me use your shampoo too."
"Over my dead body, babe," she's quick to reply, trying to decide between two different lipstick shades. She settles on the darker shade, deciding not to go with her usual shade of choice, and applies it to her lips. "We'd have a threesome long before I'd ever let you touch my hair products," she jokingly tells him, holding back a giggle as he lifts his head a little higher, his eyebrows perked as he looks back at her in the reflection of the mirror, "oh, yeah, I'm curious to know what Weston is packing."
His arms loosen from around her waist, dropping both to his sides, and he takes a sudden step back. "Wes?" Y/N nodded her head, remaining as serious as she could. Their eyes catch in the mirror and he searches hers for any sign that she was joking. "You're fucking with me," he scoffs, quickly dismissing her when he spots the corners of her lips twitching, "I know it!"
"Of course, I am.” She slips her lipstick into her purse before spinning around to face him. His arms wrap back around her waist, an instant reaction to her wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'd never want to be shared with anyone."
His head tilts slightly to the side, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a partial smile. The look in his eyes, a hunger and desire made to burn the receiver, has her squeezing her thighs together.
"Are you sure you have to go tonight?" He asks, his breath fanning over lips that were begging to be kissed.
"I've already cancelled plans once this week," Y/N replies, raking her painted nails softly against the nape of his neck, "I don't want my new colleagues to start thinking I don't like them just because I happen to have a boyfriend whose hands seem to have a mind of their own."
"Oh?" He grins, walking his fingers down the small of her back. Each step left her body tingling, the sensation strongest at her core. "You mean these hands, right?" A sharp gasp pushes past her lips, reacting quickly to the way his hands squeeze her bum. He only chuckles when she gives his chest a soft push. "Who would you have more fun with tonight? With some girls in some cocktail bar? Or with me, in our bed, where I can worship this beautiful and always sexy body?" His hands began to roam over other parts of her body, caressing her hips, trailing his fingers up her sides, trying to touch as much of her body as he could. "I bet your answer is with me," he hooks his fingers under her chin, keeping their eyes connected, "Correct?"
"Nope." She shakes her head, holding back a giggle as he rolls his eyes. "But…" His eyebrows perk up once more like a dog excited and ready to obey whatever it was she had to say next. Her hands unwind from around his neck and slide down his chest, his eyes breaking away from hers to follow their path. "...you could always give me a teaser of what I might get later tonight."
He smirks. "How long until you have to leave?"
"I should've left five minutes ago."
"Then I better get to work," he licks his lips, bringing his hands to her sides, already pulling her dress up her thighs, "hike that dress up, baby, let me see what's mine."
The gold satin of her dress slips easily up her body, bunching around her waist, and reveals the tiniest piece of lace Christian had ever laid his eyes on. It covered what it needed to and yet still managed to leave nothing to the imagination. Her giggle snaps his eyes back up to her level.
"What is this?" He asks, hooking his finger under the thin band. He pulls it back, snapping it against her skin. "You were going to go out in this?"
"I thought about going out in nothing at all," she answers, his cock twitching at the thought of her bare pussy hidden underneath all this gold, waiting to be discovered, "but then I remember you wouldn't be there to fuck me in the toilets when the two of us are too tipsy to care, and decided there's no fun in that."
"Do the people you work with know how naughty you are?" Christian sinks to his knees, pulling the piece of lace off her hips and down her thighs, scooping it up into his hand and stuffing it into his pocket. "Do they know you cover your pussy with tiny bits of lace and beg to be fucked in nightclub toilets?" He kisses her left thigh and then the right, running his hands over the backs of her knees. She balances on one foot as he lifts her leg over his shoulder. "Do they know behind all those sweet smiles and little laughs that you're just a whore?"
"Well, I prefer the term slut," Y/N replies, carving a path through his short curls, "but being called a whore is perfectly acceptable too."
"I'm sorry," he chuckles, pausing to suck on the inside of her thigh. She jolts, tugging on his hair, whimpering as his tongue licks over the spot. "Do they know that you're just a slut?" He asks again, correcting himself.
"No, they don't, but they might if you keep trying to leave hickies in places that are hard to hide."
"Just making sure that cocky prick, who works on the front desk, knows you already belong to someone," he pleads his case, words becoming muffled noise as he licks his tongue over her cunt. Her body shudders in his hands as he blows warm air against her clit, soft mewls escaping her lips as he flicks his tongue back and forth over it. "Taste so fucking good!"
She holds the crown of his head in a firm grip, keeping him tucked between her thighs. "Feels so fucking good!" She mirrors his enthusiasm, rolling her head back and moaning.
"And to think you wanted to go out tonight-"
"-I'm still going out tonight," she corrects him, tugging on his hair, making him look up at her.
"You say that now," he fires back, licking the taste of her off his lips, "but once I have you coming in my mouth, there's no way you'll want to leave." He sucks her clit harshly into his mouth, making her whine and pull on his hair. He releases it with a sharp pop. "You'll be cancelling your plans faster than it takes for me to get the rest of that dress off."
Back on two feet, she makes her way over to their bed but softly yelps as Christian leaps to his feet and takes her by the waist. He presses a moan out of her pressing his cock, hard and strained against the front of his jeans, into her ass. "Feel that, baby?" He holds her hips still and grinds against her, panting hot breath past the side of her face. "Really gonna let me eat your pussy and then just leave me like this?"
"God gave you two hands, right?" Her smart mouth replies. "Just use your left," she taps his left hand, "maybe then it might feel like someone else is doing it."
"Don't need it to feel like someone else is doing it." His hand finds the small zipper and yanks it down. She laughs, fresh arousal trickling through her body and down to her cunt as he pushes the dainty straps off her shoulders, pulling the rest of the dress with them. "I need it to feel like it's my girl stroking my cock."
She looks down at the dress, a halo of gold silk at her feet. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm giving us both a head start," he says, mouth pressed to the back of her ear, "now get on that fuckin’ bed."
"On my back or my stomach?"
"Should that even be a question?" He gives her ass a slap for her blatant stupidity. The sting lingers as she crawls onto the bed, feeling his eyes watching her with hunger inside as she gets into position. "Perfection," he hums, kneeling behind her, running his fingers down the path of her spine and over the curve of her ass. He gives it another slap, his cock pulsating at the whine that leaves her. "You're staying in this bed tonight, princess," he tells her, grabbing at the back of his top and pulling it off.
"Then you better-" The words stop coming, her voice silenced by a single finger pushing slowly inside. She whimpers, grabbing at the covers, laying her face down against the mattress as he pumps his finger in and out of her, gradually stretching her tight walls. He withdraws his finger and circles it around her hole, teasing her until she whines for him to stop. "Christian!" She begs his free hand snaps to her hip, holding her in place as she tries to push back onto his finger. "I'm already late, so stop teasing me."
Goosebumps rise on her skin as he covers her back with gentle kisses, starting from the middle of her spine and working up to her shoulders. "Did your ears suddenly stop working?" He asks, propping himself up, his large hand splayed out beside her head. He listens for her whimpers, sliding two fingers inside her cunt and then back out. "Me and you are staying in this bed tonight," he repeats, pushing his fingers back inside, "you can go out with your new friends when I'm not here."
"What are you going to do?" She turns her head, meeting his lust-filled eyes with raised eyebrows and the trace of a grin. "Tie me to the bed?"
"Don't give me any ideas, princess," he replies, flicking his eyes to her lips, "we still have some ribbon leftover from Christmas."
A chaste kiss is placed on the corner of her mouth before he rears back on his knees, his focus shifting to the fingers withdrawing from her. His cock twitches and a soft groan slips past his lips, watching his fingers become coated in her arousal the more he pumps them inside her.
"One day, baby."
Christian pictures her laid on her stomach, her wrists and ankles bound together, wrapped in scarlet red ribbon, finished with a bow. The perfect present. A new toy for him to play with.
"One day," he repeats, withdrawing his fingers, and slapping her right cheek when she whines about the emptiness. He sucks them clean, groaning as her taste bursts on his tongue.
"Taste good?" Y/N asks, wiggling her hips, enticing him to taste some more.
He chuckles, unfastening his jeans and pulling his boxers down with them. His cock springs free, the tip engorged and a deep shade of red, leaking a lot of pre-cum, and he tips his head back, a moan trickling up his throat, as he wraps his hand around the head. With two slow strokes, he jerks his hand, squeezing the crown on the upstroke.
"C'mon," he grunts, digging his knees further into the bed to ground himself, "I think it's time you paid me some attention."
Y/N crawls onto her knees in front of him. "This morning wasn't enough for you?" She teases, poking her nails into his chest and scratching them down his skin. Four red lines directing towards his stomach gradually appear, the soft tingle of pain shooting straight to his cock.
He hooks his fingers under her chin, directing her eyes up at him. Christian wasn't the biggest of men but there was still enough of him to make her feel a little bit intimidated. "If I could, princess, I would have my cock stuffed between those sweet lips all the time," he says, running the calloused tip of his thumb over her lips, purposely smearing her lipstick. She grins, nipping gently at the digit. "But you would like that, wouldn't you?" His words aimed to degrade her, but it just leaves her squeezing her thighs tighter together. "You've always been so hungry for this cock; always desperate to get your smart mouth around it."
"I can't help it," she purrs, wrapping her hand around his wrist, pushing his thumb into her mouth. She bobs her head, sucking his thumb deeper until there's nothing left. His thumb pulls out with a sharp pop. "It's just so tasty."
A soft grunt catches in his throat as she wraps her hand around the centre of his shaft, holding it still as she licks her tongue over the tip. It's salty taste has her eyes rolling, a torturous moan rattling deep in her throat as she draws it into her mouth and sucks gently. He pushes on the back of her head, urging her to take more, and she obliges, swallowing him deeper, and pumping what she cannot fit with her hand.
"You're mine forever, okay?" His breathing grows more and more laboured as she switches her pace between slow and teasing and fast and hungry. "I'm the only one who gets to see you like this," he croaks, rutting his hips to meet each of her movements, "this is my mouth to fuck, no one else's."
"No one can compete with you," Y/N reassures him, licking her lips, breaking a string of spit.
He smirks. "I know."
"Not even Rocco-"
"The cocky prick, who works on the front desk," she giggles, not even surprised that Christian had forgotten his name as quickly as it took him to dislike him.
He shrugs. "Cocky prick suits him better."
Her hand takes over stroking him to release, ascending kisses up his chest as she sits up. Her thighs clamp tighter, a new wave of arousal flooding her core, listening to his groans growing more and more desperate.
"Y/N!" Her name slips off his lips like it was a prayer of sorts. Sacred to him and only him.
"That's it," Y/N nods, feeling him twitch in her hand, squeezing and pumping him faster, "watch me as I make you come."
She watches, mesmerised like always, unable to tear her eyes away from the swirls of gold in his dark eyes, even as his cum wets her fingers. She loved seeing him like this. Limp and spent, struggling to catch his breath, hiding the blush that always crept up his neck and made a home on his cheeks, seeking comfort in the crook of her neck.
"Don't," he mumbles, moulding his arm around her waist, trying to keep her close as she attempts to leave the bed. He kisses up her neck and over her jaw. "I haven't finished with you yet."
"It's gonna have to wait." She strokes her clean hand over his jaw, the stubble pricking her palm. He tilts his head, his head still foggy. She leans in and kisses his lips, catching the faint chuckle that trickles up his throat. "I'll message you when I get there," she says, grabbing some tissues from off the box on the dresser, cleaning up most of his cum.
Too tired to convince her to stay, and too aware he was just being selfish by keeping her away from her new colleagues once again, Christian collapses onto the bed.
"Finish this later?" He asks, watching her pick up her dress and disappear into the ensuite. Several minutes later, she returns with a cleaner hand, fixed hair and makeup and her body covered once more by the dress that had made her late. "That thing you called a thong is in my pocket," he mumbles, pointing to the end of the bed.
She walks back to the bed and kisses him goodbye. "Think I'll go without it," she winks, giggling as he lets out a torturous groan.
Football Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @brasiliangp @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @landoslover @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @kathb59 @emcv1427 @gagaslonina @afterpills @pulisicsgirl @ricciardhoe3
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essektheylyss · 7 months
I really need to emphasize how gutting the camera shot in the arena of Liam in profile with Matt in the background, half of his face obscured behind him, while Caleb was just listening to the messages Trent had left him. It was so goddamn eerie, and it was phenomenal.
Thematically unhinged to make you feel like this was the devil on Caleb's shoulder, the voice in his head, everything he'd managed to move away from six or seven years ago, now given voice again by this horrible Solstice that Caleb couldn't prevent. They used it with most of the messages, as well as the "Let him come." They also later used it when Caleb told Beau to make sure Luc got out safe in the event of Caleb's death, in which Marisha leaned forward into the shot (I'm not even sure it was intentional on her part considering they had to really crane their necks to see the screen, but it was just timed so perfectly) to lean forward to tell him to shut the fuck up with that line of thinking—which made Caleb dropping later absolutely HEARTWRENCHING, and the Shapechange even more cinematic in the end. It was absolutely stunning from a narrative and production perspective, and I'm a little bummed none of it was kept for the broadcast (please, guys, release the director's cut).
I do not know who crewed that show but I would like to shake their hands, because between the camera work and the direction, it was fucking phenomenal.
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johnwickb1tsch · 3 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 20 all chapters
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gif credit to dilfgifs
WARNING: NSFW, SEXUAL CONTENT, YANDERE SH!T. Plz take care. I luv u all. 😘
-You try to go as long as you can, but later that night you decide you just can’t stand it anymore. You’re pretty sure it’s been days, and you feel gross.
“Can I…use your shower?”
He turns to you with a small smile. “You mean, our shower? Yes.”
Hoping that’s the end of it, and this exchange won’t get weird, you slip out from under his arm to go into the bathroom. You check your prospects, finding expensive shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, shaving gel…but no razor. You guess you get it, kind of, but really. Then again, maybe you'd better not ask. Why send mixed signals by shaving off your body hair? It’s just an aesthetic mostly catering to the male gaze anyway…
But it bugs you.
You pop your head back out of the door. “Razor?”
He doesn’t even look up from his book.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
This annoys you for some reason. “Just so you know, I am not going to try to kill myself.” Brave words for someone in your situation, but at least at the moment, you mean them.
“I was more worried you might try to kill me.”
You open your mouth again, until he fixes you with that laser-like stare. “Just take your shower, y/n, or do I have to come in there to help you?”
The thought of his large hands on your body slick with soap sends an inconvenient spear of desire straight to your center.
You disappear fast as a groundhog into its burrow, closing the door behind you.
“Door open!” he yells in that particular tone, and sensing the shift in his mood, you comply rather than pull his tail some more.
Well done, you, you chide yourself as you strip out of your dirty dress and your ACE bandage in the cavernous shower. He was actually in a good mood, somehow, after you tried to knock his head off with a book. And now you…what? You did something to piss him off, at least a little bit.
Learning his moods was going to take some doing.
It was the only way you were getting out of here alive.
You keep looking over your shoulder, half expecting to see him looming behind you. That man moves silent as a ghost when he feels like it.
It’s creepy. And…kind of hot, if you’re being honest, but that is not a helpful thought.
You feel a thousand times better with all the grime washed from your hair and your body. You wrap yourself in a big fluffy towel that feels like a cloud on your skin, and put off going into the bedroom by drying your hair.
There are products on the sink that you use, face lotions and hair creams, and more expensive versions of the same type that you could never afford. How did he know?
Then again, he has fucking gorgeous hair, he probably knows more about styling product than you do.   
You turn to look at his handiwork upon your bum. The bruise is a red and purple swirl nearly the size of your fist. You can actually see the neat lines of his teeth marks. “Jesus Christ.”
His eye was going to heal way before that was.
When you can’t really dawdle in the bathroom anymore, you war with the next conundrum.
Fresh clothes.
Fuck it. You march out, heading for the closet without making eye contact with the reclining leopard on the bed. You can feel his eyes on you, and fuck if it doesn’t turn you on to be watched like that. Like you are some kind of prize to be desired.
It feels utterly insane to you, to say the least. You’re not that beautiful, but he looks at you like you’re Helen of Troy.  
With your hand on the closet door John clears his throat pointedly.
You know you can’t ignore him. Risking his wrath while you’re wrapped in nothing but a bath towel is so not a good idea.
You turn to find he’s laid something out at the foot of the bed for you already.
“Wear this,” he says. It’s an order clothed in velvet. Polite, but…you sense the unyielding directive underneath.
You pad on bare feet to the foot of the bed. It’s a silky lavender nightie with lace at the bodice. Nothing too wacky. No embarrassing peep holes or extraneous straps. You are somewhat relieved.
Until you see the underwear he’s paired with them.
Your underwear, as a matter of fact.   
Those went missing a long time ago.
Speechless, you look to him, knowing you look like a fish out of water but unsure what to say.
This has been going on for way longer than you even knew, and you didn’t have a clue.
“You took these from my apartment.” You manage not to yell it.
“I didn’t want you to wear them for anyone but me.” He has the cheek to sound grouchy about it, like you did something wrong.
You feel your temper rising like the mercury in a thermometer. You know you’re going to say something stupid, but you just don’t know how to keep it in.
“How. Fucking. Dare you?”
He just sighs, like he already knows how this is going to go. “Don’t play this game with me, baby.”
You bite down on the impulse to demand he not call you baby.
“You could have just…asked me out. I would have said yes, you know?”
He actually looks away as you tell him this.
“Maybe you would have. Until you realized I’m just a bitter old man, and you would have left me.”
You blink at that. How can he be so smart, and yet so blind?
“I knew you were a bitter old man all along! But you know what? I liked you anyway. I thought you were interesting, and funny, and so fucking handsome, and I wanted to fuck you. But now…” You clench your fists, shaking with all the vitriol you know you can’t unleash on this unpredictable man.
This unpredictable killer.
He takes your fury, seemingly nonplussed. You’re not sure any of it registers at all, and it takes some of the wind out of your sails. “This isn’t love, John,” you say quietly, your throat tightening with every syllable. “Love is…having the courage to bare your heart to the sword, and take what comes. You can’t control it like this.”
He tilts his head at this, a wave of that lovely dark hair covering his face. You get the feeling like he’s hiding from you, when he does that.
Finally he asks, “Have you ever been stabbed, y/n?”
Your heart skips a beat, as you wonder if he’s threatening you. “No.”
“Well let me tell you. It fucking hurts.”
Then he reaches down the bed to pluck up the panties, sticking them in his pocket. “I guess I’ll just keep these. You’re not going to need them anyway.”
You glare daggers at him.
He offers you the slightest, smuggest, smile.
“You sonofabitch.”
“Watch that mouth, kitten. Unless you want me to fill it up with something else.”
You bare your teeth with the thought. “I fucking dare you,” you spit, snatching up the nightie to take it to the bathroom to change.
“Nuh uh,” he interjects. “Change here.”
You freeze in your tracks, understanding exactly what he’s demanding of you.
This is how it’s going to be, you tell yourself. He’s going to be sweet, and then he’s going to be insufferable, and if you’re not careful, he’ll get downright mean. Don’t be fooled by the sweet moods, because all the rest is just beneath the surface waiting.
It was so hard to remind yourself of that, when he was being good to you.
You don’t turn around. You moonlighted as a drawing model after college. You can handle this, right? He’s already seen parts of you anyway…
It’s soooooooooo much different than being in that classroom, when you undo your towel and let it fall to the floor. You can feel the weight of his gaze on your bare form. In the end, knowing it’s just your backside, that he’s already gotten way more than an eyeful of…doesn’t really help. With shaking hands you quickly you pull the nightie over your head.
You hope he feels guilty about the size of that fucking bruise, but you have a feeling he probably likes seeing his marks on you.
“Come here.” He practically purrs, and your flesh aches for the sound. Fuck.
You turn to face him, but do not move. Once again, that glorious boner is making an appearance. It’s almost flattering, how often this man has a hard-on when he’s around you. If this had been a normal relationship, you would have made it your mission to oblige him at every opportunity, just to see what the old man could take.
As it is…all you want to do is fight him, and you know you are destined to lose.
He pats his thigh, as though he expects you to sit on his lap. Without underwear. Or a bra. Or a sense of self-preservation.
You shake your head no with the glitter of moisture in the corners of your eyes. You’ve never felt so helpless in your life, and you hate it.
 He frowns at your defiance. My god, no one can do a forbidding frown, like Mr. John Wick. It lodges your heart in your throat, even while you find him magnificent.
“Are you going to make me make you?”
And there it is.
You sigh, and you feel like a piece of your soul exits your body. Good. Good, be empty. He can’t hurt an empty husk.
“I guess so.”
You close your eyes, and you wait. You wait for his rough hands, for the violence that is surely coming to you. You shake like a leaf, unable to stop. You don't know why you'd allowed yourself to hold out some hope, that maybe he really wasn't going to hurt you.
Yet, it does not come.
You open your eyes to find him still frowning at you. He hasn’t moved a muscle.
The longest three seconds of your life tick by. You count them in your thundering heartbeats, and then he scoots over on the bed. “Fine. Come lay by me then.”
You are shocked to your toes. You forget how to move. 
“Now.” He snaps his fingers, pointing to the bed beside him, and you scurry over before he loses his patience with this kinder offer. Cautiously you crawl up beside him, and when he holds up his arm you understand the cue, snuggling into his side with your head on his shoulder. 
Alright, this, you can do. 
This feels almost…normal. The way your head fits into the divot of his shoulder is just…divine, if you’re being honest, and your body shudders as you suppress a sob, hiding your face against his chest. It’s not fair, that you still want him so much, and you mourn for the promise of sweetness that was snatched from your table before you ever really got a chance to taste it.
“Shh,” he soothes, touching your hair, his big hand dwarfing the crown of your head. “I’ll try to remember to be patient with you.”
You nod against him, wanting to believe him, knowing that makes you a sad little fool.
“But my patience has its limits. Remember that, kitten.”
Oh. You weren’t going to forget.
He continues to hold you, and eventually your heart slows, the tension in your body finally relaxing.
It’s incredible, really, how you just can’t leave well enough alone.
Now that you’ve both calmed, you feel bold enough to ask, “John?”
“Yeah, baby?” His lips on the top of your head make your eyelids flutter, it’s so sweet.
“Do you…at least know that it was wrong, to break into my apartment?” You feel like the answer to this one question will help you gauge everything about his state of mind.
He is silent for a long time. Long enough to let your imagination run rampant with the things he might do to punish you for this impertinence, after he was so generous as to just let you lay down with him and snuggle.
Yet there’s no anger in his voice when he answers, “Yeah. But I’ve been breaking the law my whole life, sweetheart, and no one’s stopped me yet.”
It’s the truth, and a nice neat little warning, all wrapped up in one.
You should be scared again, but you just sigh against his chest. Maybe you’ve used up whatever hormone is responsible for adequate fear responses for the day. Or maybe…his games are working on you already, claiming your sanity inch by inch.
You lay there in his arms, and eventually you start to doze. He strokes your hair, a sweet and lulling touch that makes you curl your toes. When those featherlight fingertips find their way to the back of your neck, and the tops of your shoulders, you cannot help but squirm. In your half-asleep state, this is your kryptonite, and your leg tangles with his, your pelvis pressing against his hip. It feels like the most natural thing in the world, to crane your head towards him.
Only when you feel him shift to lean towards you for a kiss, do you realize what you are doing.
You turn your head at the last second, and his grip on you tightens from comforting to bruising in a nanosecond. “Wait—”
He has you on your back before you can blink.
 “Are we still pretending you don’t want me, kitten?”
Suddenly his hand is between your legs, manhandling you like he owns you, raking up your thigh to swipe at your folds. He finds you soaking wet with slick, of course, and he makes a point to press your clit with his thick fingers as he withdraws. It sends an agonizing jolt of desire spreading through the cradle of your hips, the ache in your stupid little cunt nigh unbearable. You hardly recognize the keening sound that escapes your mouth.
Was that you?
It worsens ten-fold as you watch him bring his fingers to his lips, sucking them clean. “Tastes like lies to me.”
You can hardly believe it, when he slides off of the bed, leaving you cold and alone, confused and filled with desire. The pulsing ache between your legs drowns out any rational thoughts you might have had a moment ago.
“Little liars don’t get to cum. I’ll let you think about that tonight.”
You feel like you did that night in Italy, watching him walk out the door when all you really want is to feel his thick, insatiable cock teeming inside you.
Which is fucking insane, of course.
And you were thinking he might be the crazy one?
 “Same rules, sweetheart. Don’t you dare touch yourself tonight. I’ll fucking know.”
With one last baleful look over of his shoulder he touches his hand to the lock, and sweeps out of the room. He leaves you stunned on the bed, disheveled and unsure, once again, of what the fuck just happened?
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liveontelevision · 13 days
Hello friends,
Sorry about the lack of content recently, I've been running kinda low on energy :,) but I have some little treats, never fear.
Here's a short Vox thing I wrote awhile ago, it's angsty it's kissy, it ends with a cliffhanger. Classic fic by me.
I meant to turn it into a full thing, and I just might later? We'll see
CW: Smoking and smooching
Human | Vox x Reader
You cringe, scrunching up your nose when the familiar scent hits you. You approach the TV-headed demon, who was lounging on the large balcony of the Vees' Penthouse. Or was it lamenting?
"Yuck. You still smoke here?"
"It's Hell, doll. It's not like it'll kill me. Can't even feel the high anymore, actually."
"I guess not.. Then why do you even smoke? If it doesn't affect you?"
"Eh. I don't know. Try not to think too hard into that shit." A comfortable silence falls between the two of you.
"Can I bum one?" With a mocking scoff, he reaches into his pocket to pull out the pack. In a thoughtless decision, you place the cigarette between your teeth, pulling his face in your direction and inching impossibly close to him. He seemed startled by your sudden attack.
You hover just in front of his lips, lighting the end of your cigarette with the cherry of his own.
That was definitely an interesting move for someone with absolutely no history of smoking. As you inhale, you choke up and immediately cough out the rest. Vox is only watching you, a smile tugging at his lips while you cough up a lung. Your eyes water and you let out a whimper before propping your arms against the railing.
"Smooth." He comments.
"W-Watch it." You snap back.
You do manage to draw out a smoother hit, looking down at the city that, ironically, seemed so lively.
All that time went to waste. All those years you'd spent chasing over this CEO, being a part of the paparazzi, stalking the media for any buzz, passing his building when you have the time.. had the time. The fact that he's seemingly replicated his dream headquarters in the center of the underworld seemed like a Hell in itself. Constantly mocking you for never getting your big scoop. For wasting your life on him.
You couldn't help but approach it at first. You reluctantly enter the stores and offices that surround the first floor, inspecting all his products. You didn't recognize him at first. I mean, he has a TV screen for a head. His voice is what gave it away. His charismatic facade and sauve persona he uses on any television program. That's what you recognized. Apparently those are skills that stick with you after death.
He found you eventually. You'd been residing on the barren side of Hell. It was cozy. Not everyone had family members with them, you were just the lucky few. Your sweet grandma was here. Sinners who are visibly older seemed to be avoid by most clear-minded demons. Why bug them? And what kind of decisions did they make to end up here and survive for so long? They probably don't even remember why they're here. But some seemed to remember their lives.
Your grandma recognize you almost immediately. She was quick to take you into a part of hell that seemed to bypass the cities and dangers. It, of course, had its flaws. The Hellborn rodents were bothersome, but it somehow managed to be peaceful on its own.
It didn't last long, though. Extermination Day finally caught up to your little home. You have no idea how you survived, it was a miracle. but you were the only one. You started appreciating your aftlife in another fit of irony. You're nearly immortal, maybe it's time to give the city a try.
"Thanks for taking me in, too. You didn't have to do that."
"I can't leave my favorite stalker on the streets." He nudges you, having to lean down a bit to do so. He was towering. You let out the softest chuckle, leaning into his touch, despite it's teasing motivations. You sigh, taking another drag.
"Wait these aren't Valentino's smokes, are they?" You hold it over the edge, ready to flick it from your fingers, if that's the case.
"Definitely not. I wouldn't give you those if you asked." You hum at his words, releasing a puff of smoke. "But, uh.. let me know if he offers you any, alright?" You let out a little laugh and nod.
Your comfortable silence was broken, with the end of your cigarette. You let it crumble to the ground, stomping it with your nice business shoes. Vox rolls his eyes, shooing you away.
"Don't ruin those, they were expensive." He mutters.
"Well I would've been fine if you didnt essentially set my wardrobe on fire." You scoff.
"Your wardrobe? Was a bunch of country bumpkin dresses with poofy sleeves, doll. Even Vel was ready to get rid of that mess." The silence overcomes again. The breeze coming from the sheer height of the building seemed refreshing. You looked up to Heaven. How cruel of them to put it in sight.
"I really thought that was it. That life was short and then you die. That there was no point in trying to get rich and famous as long you were doing something you liked."
"So you liked stalking me?"
"Fuck off, Vox, you know what I mean." You couldn't help but smile. "How could I have wasted all that time on you? I could've been building my skills. Maybe I wouldn't be mooching off of some big shot like you if I did." You looked away, not willing to make any eye contact while mentioning him.
"Hey, you know I don't mind.. you can't prepare for death." He reaches out, he's not sure why, maybe to offer you some comfort. Maybe he just wanted to see your face, again. You darted away from him unknowingly, making his hand recoil.
"But, I mind! I don't want to rely on you. I should be able to do this by myself, I came here the same way you did, I had the same chance to get to where you are now." You huffed, embarrassment from your confession turning your face red. "But I just.. I didn't. I keep wasting my time..."
A cool touch hit your cheek, and before you know it your head had been turned to face Vox. He kept his claws holding your chin upwards, despite your attempts to pull out of his grasp.
"Stop it. There's nothing but time here. Listen, I know this isn't exactly what you had in mind, but- for the first time in years.. I feel... human, again." You blink slowly at him, not exactly minding his touch at this point. "And that's because of you." You hated getting flustered, but his words alone caused you to tense up. He felt your jaw clenching in his hand, bringing him back to reality. With a quick release, he brings his fist to his mouth and clears his throat.
"So.. yeah. Don't get it in your head that this is some sort of.. sugar daddy thing. You're free to do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want. And- you uh.. you're always welcome back." You stare at him for longer than you'd like to admit. Looking for some kind of excuse for your gaze, you hold your hand out for another cigarette. He gets the memo after awhile.
You place it between your lips and before you get the chance to think, his hands are back on your chin, bringing your face close. He mirrors your actions from before. It startled you, the cigarette falling from your lips and rolling off the balcony floor. Both your eyes follow it for a moment, before looking at eachother and sharing a little laugh.
His own cigarette falls from his lips. And with his hand still on chin you're pulled into an expected kiss. The sight of his dazed eyes when he finally pulls away only leaves you wanting more. But.. you can't. You pull away with a sullen look and step away from balcony. Without a word, you leave him alone. He's lost yet another independent spark. His heart can ache later. For now, he's cursing himself for letting anyone see that side of him, again.
Womp womp
Love the pics where they knew eachother in life 👌
( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness / @misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora / @the-maladaptivedaydreamer / @carrie0-1 / @shamblezzz / @cassandras-nest )
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Thoughts on Dune: Part Two
General Impression: I adored this movie from start to finish. Having just rewatched Part One a week ago, it felt like a seamless transition hopping back into the story. The score, the set design, the costumes, all of it was impeccable.
Chani: her character arc was obviously the biggest deviation from the book, and although I felt a lot of surprise watching it unfold, I think some reflection has left me alright with it. I've admittedly only read Dune and Dune: Messiah, but both books are clearly meant to illustrate the dangers of religious fanaticism and the ways that religion and prophecy can be manipulated and utilized as a tool for oppression. While these ideas can (hopefully) be discerned fairly clearly by the reader, I think it makes sense to have an audible voice of dissent in a film adaptation, particularly from someone among the Fremen. The only concern I have is wondering how Denis will handle Dune: Messiah, since the plot sort of hinges on Paul and Chani being together. But I guess that's a worry for later.
MY BOY MUAD'DIB: Timothee is just so utterly perfect for this role, I genuinely could not imagine anyone else doing it with such grace and gravitas. Seeing the gradual spiral of innocent teenager to reluctant leader to religious icon was heart-wrenching. Paul has honestly become one of my favorite fictional characters because his story is so complex and layered with tragedy. He's simultaneously a product of manipulation and coercion, and an angry young man seeking revenge against those who have hurt him. He lacks agency in many ways, yet he still makes decisions that lead to so much destruction. He tries so so hard to avoid the holy war, but it becomes an inevitability he can't escape. Reading Dune: Messiah for the first time a few weeks ago really helped me to understand how the prophecy controlled him as much as he used it to control others. I could literally give a ted talk on this, and how it's such a fascinating take on the messiah figure trope.
Jessica: I saw an article recently where I think Denis called Jessica "the puppetmaster," and I think that's very fitting for her depiction in this movie. I like how it openly shows the manipulation tactics of the Bene Gesserit, particularly how they prey upon the "vulnerable" Fremen first. Rebecca did a fantastic job giving the creep factor.
Feyd-Rautha: I still don't know why Denis had a vendetta against Harkonnen eyebrows, but I guess it was cool? I LOVED the black and white lighting on Giedi Prime, and the arena scene was SO. GOOD. Denis really went for it. Feyd's accent caught me off guard a few times, but overall I think the ruthless and brutal nature of the character really shined through. He's the antithesis to Paul, and I think Denis captured that theme well enough.
I thought all the other characters were well done too. Stilgar was maybe a touch too comic relief-y at times, but nothing catastrophic. Gurney was great, but I would have liked at least one more baliset scene :(
Things we missed: I'm a little bummed we didn't get Harah. I know the movie was already pretty stuffed, but I honestly thought they could have used the actress that played Chani's friend (I can't remember if they ever mention her name). Even if the idea of Paul "acquiring" her was a little icky, they could have done something else with her character at least. I was also sad they didn't do the full funeral scene with Jamis, but oh well. I think the greater omission was Thufir Hawat, but again I can see why they chose to cut him. I just think the dynamic between the Baron and Feyd-Rautha had a lot more friction in the book, mostly because of Thufir conspiring them both against each other.
I'm honestly not upset we didn't get to see freaky-toddler Alia. I was excited for Anya though!
Overall, I really loved this film. No adaptation can get every detail perfect, but I can see the ways that Denis and the actors adored this story and wanted to tell it in a powerful way. I thought the themes stayed true to the book, and I'm really hopeful we get Part Three!
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
week of april 14th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: you're on a post-eclipse wind-down. no matter what happened last week, although of course you must deal with it, i hope you are resting! the astrology is helpful with this - rest, nourish, it gives you strength.
taurus: mars sextiles jupiter and uranus in your sign, and meanwhile mercury in its retrograde conjoins your ruling planet venus. okay, mercury retrograde is not a crowd favorite. but overall this is auspicious for you; any change you need to make can be made. avoid grand actions, and actually avoid any action if possible, but make plans now to execute in a few weeks' time.
gemini: if you have been despondent or bummed out about mercury's retrograde, it does at least accomplish some nice little conjunctions. try to use the time well, even if it means spending a lot of time in your head. you don't have to go driving all around or sending a million emails to be productive.
cancerians: cardinal (especially aries) vibe rages on. but with that said it is a good time to beautify your public image. even if you don't go posting your headshots all over your linkedin or whatever, take a nice photo today, see how you feel. you can post it later or not. or now! or not. but at least see how it goes, or something similar if social media isn't pertinent to your social status.
leo: jupiter-uranus makes you a public persona. if you have wanted to develop an online presence, a political shift in the world, a legacy of any kind, sudden "viral" yet positive outbursts are likely for you around this week. you just have to give it the first little push.
virgo: although it is still a somewhat wild time it's actually a pretty sturdy period for virgoans, especially those with closer affinity to ceres than to mercury. if there is something you need to do or learn, it is a great time to lock in and get it done!
libra: venusian nodal activity means you're still not quite done with eclipse themes. hopefully that's not dreadful; hopefully it means great things are coming for you relationship-wise. there is also a jupiter-uranus conjunction in your 8th house, bringing positive changes to intimacy, magic, and/or shared resources.
scorpio: relationships are a very major focus at this time, with a lot of (mostly positive, try not to worry) changes but the end of the week also features a sun-pluto square in fixed signs. pluto is your ruling planet, but it is in aquarius at this moment. so these two bodies may well make a T-square to any natal scorpio points. it is uncomfortable but it brings about transformation, which in the end is kind of your whole deal.
sagittarius: the long-awaited jupiter-uranus conjunction happens in taurus this week. taurus is not a sign you are likely to feel much natural affinity or understanding with. but jupiter is your ruling planet - this is the biggest thing affecting you this week. try to live a little bit like a taurean, but one who embraces change and all the electricity alive in nature. be outside touching grass literally. the miracles then come easier.
capricorn: most modern astrology has you painted as something like a miser or suited up businessman but you're still the old god pan at heart. this week's jupiter-uranus conjunction brings that out of you - let it.
aquarius: even if you stay at home, the weirdness finds its way to you. so there's no need to alter your plans, although if you feel compelled to do so it won't hurt or keep opportunities away either. besides, weirdness has always suited you. this week's style of it is bold but benevolent. this is one of the last major uranian things of this uranus in taurus age, so enjoy it.
pisces: most of this week's events, large as they are, affect you only indirectly. have patience with others who are deeper in the trenches. not that compassion is any real difficulty for you. if you get the chance to volunteer to help someone it is good to take it.
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kitashousewife · 9 months
iwaizumi hajime doesn’t consider himself a nostalgic person.
but when summer crawls to an end? he’s feeling it for sure. every good memory, every long night for the last three months floods his mind. he finds himself longing for the early summer feeling of freedom and excitement, dipping his toes into a few months of bliss.
so, to mourn the time gone by so soon, iwaizumi has spent the last few days on the beach.
his broad shoulders shine in the sun, golden brown and littered with freckles. his cheeks, littered with freckles of their own turn to face the sun. he’s rotated to his stomach, deciding to rest his eyes while he suns his back. after this, maybe he’ll run into the ocean.
he’s trying everything in his power to make time slow down.
iwaizumi pouts when he rests his forehead on his hands, face nuzzling the fuzzy towel beneath him. he knows he’s being ridiculous, he knows his last year of university will start on monday whether he wants it to or not.
the beach is fairly empty today, which he assumed. everyone has slowly entered into their post-summer routines, leaving him to his thoughts, save it be for the few other people trying to pack in as much as they can during these last few days of summer. the sound of waves seem distant as iwa attempts to filter through the nagging thoughts of productivity.
he sits up, muscles flexing as he rises to his feet. the light blue shorts hugging his legs are pulled back down to his mid thigh before he walks into the water. he allows the waves to push him and pull him lazily, enjoying the steadiness of it all.
iwa is conflicted. sure, he quite enjoys not having anything to do besides hit the gym, call his friends and family, and take care of himself. but really, you can only spend so long at the gym (despite his best efforts of course) and when your loved ones live across the world, phone calls and facetimes can be limited. at least once he’s in school he will have a routine, a little more structure, and many more things to fill his time. that can’t be all that bad, people thrive on consistency and schedules!
he so strongly wishes that wasn’t true as he trudges back to land. despite wanting to be a beach bum gym rat without responsibilities, iwa knows that isn’t him.
a sad feeling creeps into his stomach as the sun begins to fall slowly. he packs up his things and takes one long look at the ocean. i’ll be back, he thinks. i can always come here to study, he shakes his head, almost laughing at how completely untrue that is. when he begins to walk home, the end of summer blues hit hard. to soothe his hurt, he decides to order a pizza for himself tonight. an end of summer, beginning of his last year celebration.
when he shuts the door to his apartment, he’s got his phone pressed to his ear between his shoulder, both hands full of his belongings. after he sets them down, iwa swears he hears something on the other side of the wall. pulling the phone from his ear, sounds of the pizza place’s hold music becoming a little less painful as he listens for the sound. as soon as he puts it back to his ear, he hears it again.
just as he hangs up to call the building manager, he hears something fall over, followed by a very disgruntled sound, and the front door slamming shut. about three seconds later, there’s a knock at his door.
iwa’s heart beats a little too quickly for someone with his stature, answering the door alone. when he checks the peep hole he sees you, arms crossed and lips pulling into a small pout.
“hello,” he opens the door just a bit, enough to show part of his body. really he’s a little embarrassed at the state of his apartment, but realized as well that he is still in swim trunks.
only swim trunks.
you notice, eyes going a little wider at the absolutely gorgeous man in front of you. tan body, muscular biceps and messy hair. before you get too distracted, you remember why you came over here.
“h-hi, i just moved in next door. i wanted to say sorry for all of the noise,” you wince as he nods. “i wanted to ask, do you have much experience building furniture?”
iwa is sure you’re embarrassed, but he can’t help but smile just a little bit.
“i have a little,” he opens the door a bit wider. “do you need-“
“yes!” you light up, thrilled that you’re finally getting some help. “come over, whenever you’re free. i would really appreciate it.” you wave, giving iwa possibly the prettiest smile he’s ever seen before turning on your heel to walk back home.
he shuts the door, snatching up the t-shirt on the kitchen counter before slipping it on and heading out the door once more. he decides that pizza can wait. who is he to not help someone in need?
“oh wow, you’re fast,” you open the door and motion for him to come in, and iwa’s cheeks turn pink. you introduce yourself quickly, he returns the favor, and he follows behind you to the living room. spread out are different parts and instructions, and based on the photo on the box, it appears to be a coffee table.
“the website said it would be easy to set up but i’ve been trying for thirty minutes,” you sit on the floor and sigh. iwa joins you, grabbing the instructions.
“it never is,” he thinks back to the absolute nightmare it was setting up his bed frame. “did you move in today?”
“this morning,” you nod, grabbing one of the many boxes in the room. “do you mind if i unpack? would that be rude?”
“no,” he says a little too quickly. “i would do the same thing. i hate having my things in boxes.”
you laugh, and his cheeks turn pink again. he cringes, knowing if any of his friends saw him right now he wouldn’t hear the end of it. sitting here in a pretty girl’s apartment, stinking of salt and sunscreen in a pair of shorts and some random old t shirt.
“how long have you lived here?” you’re in the kitchen now, moving different cups around with a furrowed brow. iwa is beside himself, he can’t believe someone this cute is going to be right next to him every day.
“about three years,” he tightens one of the screws, making amazing time building it. he almost wants to slow down so that he can stay longer, but he won’t bother you.
“that’s good to hear,” you move the now empty box to the corner. “i don’t want to have to move again any time soon.”
i don’t want you to either, he thinks.
the two of you talk while he finishes building, getting to know each other. you learn where he’s from, what he’s studying, and vise versa. you two chat about school and before you know it, your table is complete.
“oh my gosh, thank you!” you give him a tired smile. “can i pay you?”
he snorts. “no, don’t worry about that. i’m happy to help.”
“can i at least get you dinner? you have no idea how much this helps me.”
he stands in your kitchen for a moment, before nodding.
“that would be fine,” you smile at him.
“i’ll order a pizza, does that sound okay? i haven’t been to the store yet,” he nods, and you pull out your phone to call them.
iwa forgets his summer blues for an evening. each minute he spends with you, the longing feeling in his stomach is replaced with excitement. instead of mourning the summers end, he welcomes every opportunity coming to him in the new season.
as he eats pizza with you on your living room floor, he can’t help but smile. after three years, he finally has his first real “college” experience.
and when he goes home, he thinks of any excuse he can to get you over to his place.
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ITEM: "Glycon's Grove"
ITEM HISTORY: Broadcast from 1987-1996, Glycon's Grove was a children's puppet show that debuted on public television stations accessible in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa. After three episodes, the anomalous properties of the show were confirmed, and access to public television wavelengths was restricted. An agreement with Glycon's Grove production team (Oddy See) and the Office was reached wherein Oddy See would receive funding and distribution through OPN-approved channels, while all scripts, dialogue, and visuals were sent to the Parafiction Department for approval and study. After a brief interruption, Glycon's Grove was then broadcast nationwide (and in Canada and Mexico through agreement with RCOE and SER) on thaumic wavelengths decryptable by "analog augury"-compatible television sets, cable TV packages catering to the extranormal community, and distributed via VHS consumer hardware.
Glycon's Grove centered around the adventures of the titular Glycon, referred to as a "snake" despite his crude sock-puppet appearance. Glycon, often the energetic but patient voice of reason, would counsel his friends during common children's show storylines of the time, teaching lessons such as manners, the importance of reading and creativity, and honesty. The idea of snakes as "important, friendly creatures" was a common recurring topic. The show took place in the Grove of Olympus, with the rest of the cast being more typically-constructed puppets of a minotaur, hydra, cyclops, aquatic creatures, and in later seasons, a large "Cerebus" requiring multiple puppeteers to operate. Every few episodes, one of "the gods" (played by one of the human puppeteers in costume) would enter the Grove and provide the cast with that episode's challenge or conundrum. "Dio" was portrayed by actor Kenneth Young as a "surfer dude" always holding a family-friendly can of grape soda. "Heff" (Baker) often cajoled the cast into trying his new inventions, while "Arty" (Brown) asked for help in locating her lost pets.
Numerous interviews and investigations conducted by the Office concluded that while each other puppet in the cast (a list in the image above) was credited to and clearly played and voiced by a human puppeteer, Glycon's puppeteer, if they existed, was never credited or seen at any point. When interviewed, other members of Oddy See insisted that Glycon was "just Glycon" and did not acknowledge any puppeteer. During studio tours, Glycon was observed to move around the studio in ways that would be challenging for a human-puppeted character, EG, in one room and suddenly another, manifesting on multiple parts of a sound stage in rapid succession, always behind a barrier that could have reasonably obscured a human puppeteer from any Office observer. Attempts to isolate all visual angles in a given room often failed, resulting in Glycon appearing from a loose ceiling panel or other improbable locations.
Glycon "himself" always agreed to interviews, providing they could be done on Oddy See studio property, citing his "bum leg" as an inability to leave the property. He was at once forthcoming and evasive, simply repeating that he was "a puppet" when asked about his state, and that he "needed a new gig" as one of the reasons he started Glycon's Grove. Interviewers commonly reported Glycon as "charming" or "funny".
Parafictional research into Glycon's Grove and similarities to a mytho-folkloric figure of the same name are ongoing to this day.
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la-niolue · 9 months
“She,” Angua corrected. “This is Ankh-Morpork, you know. We’ve got extra pronouns here.”
She could smell his bewilderment. Of course, everyone knew that, somewhere down under all those layers of leather and chain mail, dwarfs came in enough different types to ensure the future production of more dwarfs, but it was not a subject that dwarfs discussed other than at those essential points in a courtship when embarrassment might otherwise arise.
“Well, I would have thought she’d have the decency to keep it to herself,” Carrot said finally. “I mean, I’ve nothing against females. I’m pretty certain my stepmother is one. But I don’t think it’s very clever, you know, to go around drawing attention to the fact.”
“Carrot, I think you’ve got something wrong with your head,” said Angua.
“I think you may have got it stuck up your bum."
Feet Of Clay
Honestly I love that Carrot's the one who doesn't immediately accept Cheery. Carrot is undoubtedly a good guy, and we know he does accept her later, so this really illustrate how pervasive prejudice can be.
I mean, Carrot is the one who accepts everyone, he's good and nice and open-minded. But he is a dwarf, and was raised with their traditional values that a dwarf isn't female. And so he is unconsciously prejudiced.
Like he says : he got nothing against it, per se, he knows some female you know, it's just that it's not done, see, it's wrong.
And that's a very common attitude in real life, when people have prejudice that they don't even realise are prejudice, because they grew up with them and never thought to question them. So of course that's not racist or transphobic or whatever, it's just common sense/how the world works.
So it's very nice to see that attitude being called out, because Carrot isn't being overly rude or insulting, and he even respected Cherry's pronouns when answering... But it's not much better and he's still wrong.
And also we know from later books that he does learn better! He got called out on his bullshit and he listened! And he got over his prejudice!
And so can we. I think most everyone grew up learning some bullshit ideas. And we're not automatically bad people for integrating them, we can't know what we don't know and blinkers are hard to get rid of. But we need to at least try to think critically about what we learn and more importantly, we need to listen when someone tell us we're full of shit.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Timeline Part 3: May 2017 - June 2017
Previously: 2015 - April 2017 | Update to April 2015 - April 2017
As I mentioned before, I'll be doing these in smaller chunks because Tumblr keeps crashing when I do longer posts. In this edition, we'll look at Sussex PR from May 2017 to June 2017.
A quick note first. There isn't as many pieces from Meghan's mouthpieces during this window as there were earlier in the year. I suspect either a) Harry caught on to how much Meghan talked to the press so she scaled back to keep working him or b) the articles were handled when Meghan's team was scrubbing the internet.
This is also when we start seeing the Daily Mail start dripping hints about Meghan's dossier.
Here we go!
And as always, if you have updates, corrections, additions, please share!
5/2/2017: Meghan gives an interview to Good Housekeeping. This is the first known "roast chicken" reference.
5/3/2017: Meghan teases that Harry uses caviar pills to cure his male pattern baldness. "He" credits Meghan's holistic wellness.
5/4/2017: Buckingham Palace announces that Prince Philip is retiring after the summer and will stand down from royal duties. Anna Wintour is made a Dame by The Queen.
5/6/2017: The BBC claims that Harry's father is actually James Hewitt.
5/6/2017 - 5/7/2017: Audi Polo Challenge 2017 at Coworth Park. Meghan attends to watch Harry play polo and she is photographed with Mark Dyer. On Day 1 (May 6th), paparazzi catch Harry and Meghan kissing in the car park. On Day 2 (May 7th), William also plays polo and allegedly has Meghan thrown out of Coworth Park for stalking. Also on May 7th, Meghan leaks that she will be attending Pippa's wedding.
5/8/2017: Meghan wears a wedding dress for a movie.
5/9/2017: It's revealed that Meghan ditched Serena William's baby shower to go to London to see Harry.
5/10/2017: Mark Dyer sells his pubs to move out of London. The article is the first confirmation that he/his pubs had hosted Harry and Meghan for dates in the early days of their relationship. Speculation begins that Dyer doesn't like Meghan at all.
5/12/2017: Risque photos from a production Meghan did in 2011 resurface.
5/16/2017: Meghan flies into London for Pippa's wedding, although it isn't reported until May 17th and it isn't confirmed until May 18th.
5/18/2017: Meghan confirms she is in London to attend Pippa's wedding.
5/19/2017: Meghan does a pap walk in leggings and shows off her bum. The photos lead to the headline "Wedding of the Rears" and a front page photo by The Sun. Eugenie gives a tone-deaf interview about her "career" and mentions that she loves "The Crown."
5/20/2017: Pippa's Wedding. Meghan is not invited to the ceremony but is allowed at the after-party. Harry leaves the wedding midday to drive 3 hours round-trip to pick Meghan up from Nottingham Cottage. Rumors begin that Meghan wasn't allowed at all to Pippa's wedding, making Meghan angry, so to keep the peace, Harry left the wedding early and picked Meghan up so they could drive past local press to pretend they were going to the wedding.
5/21/2017: Meghan is papped leaving Kensington Palace early in the morning to fly back to Toronto.
Meghan gives an interview to Glamour UK about her fashion sense and style. She gives an infamous quote about how she likes to wear monochromatic neutrals (which later bites her in the butt when she says the royals made her wear only neutrals).
The Daily Mail reveals that Meghan's legal first name is actually Rachel.
Risque photos from Meghan's 2013 film resurface.
Meghan claims she was given rooms at the hotel where Pippa's wedding breakfast was being held and that she stayed away from the service out of respect to the bride. This completely contradicts her earlier story that she had stayed at Kensington Palace and that Harry left the wedding early to collect her for the after-party.
Priyanka Chopra gives an interview in which she speaks about Meghan and hints that she and Harry are engaged, saying she hopes for an invite to the wedding.
Meghan leaks that Harry plans to take her to Lesotho.
Sentebale's financial report is published.
5/28/2017: Meghan teases that she and Harry are house-hunting in Norfolk to be near William, Kate, and the children.
5/29/2017: William's GQ issue is published, in which he gives an intervew speaking about Diana's death and new photographs of the Cambridge family (in black and white!) are released.
5/31/2017: Camilla Thurlow (of Love Island) gives an interview about having dated Harry back in 2014 when they were photographed at a nightclub together.
6/4/2017: Harry travels to Singapore for four days to play polo in a fundraiser for Sentebale. He also does AIDS awareness work. The polo game is where he meets and befriends Nacho Figueroa.
6/7/2017: Harry travels to Sydney to promote the 2018 Invictus Games, merching his Meghan bracelet. Also, Pippa and James Matthews are in Perth for their honeymoon at the same time.
6/8/2017: Andrew applies to the UK Intellectual Property Office to trademark his Pitch@Palace initiative.
6/9/2017: Meghan is just like Queen Letizia!
6/10/2017: Meghan the yoga influencer. Meghan gives an airport papwalk in Texas ahead of the ATX Festival, merching her Panama hat, The Economist, and Chanel. Patrick Adams gives an interview to ATX about Meghan's relationship and speculates Harry ought to make a cameo on Suits.
6/11/2017: US Weekly speculates that Harry and Meghan could be getting married soon.
6/14/2017: The Sun recaps Harry's past relationships. They also reveal that Meghan had been invited to the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando. The Sun claims that Meghan accepted the invitation and attended the games, but she and Harry didn't meet.
(June 14, 2017, is also the Grenfell Tower fire.)
6/16/2017: The Daily Express speculate on what Harry and Meghan's children could like.
The royal family celebrates The Queen's Birthday Parade, Trooping the Colour. (Kate and Charlotte wear pink.)
Meghan merches a gold and diamond thumb ring that she claims is from Harry. She also claims that Harry gave her a Cartier Love Bracelet (which we know now is actually from Trevor).
E News reports that Harry flies to Toronto after Trooping festivities to visit Meghan. E News also claims that Harry will propose by the end of the year and that Meghan is preparing to move to London. They later update the article to say Harry's camp denied that he went to Toronto and instead went directly to Malawi/Africa.
William and Kate make their first Royal Ascot appearance.
Meghan puts Beatrice and Eugenie on notice that she knows they're trying to take her down.
Rumors of Meghan's attitude/behavior causing problems on the Suits set begin. She brushes it off in an interview saying the cast is upset she keeps ditching them to spend time with Harry and that it'll blow over when she introduces Harry to them.
According to unverified claims by E News, Harry leaves Toronto and flies to Malawi for conservation charity work.
Meghan's character arrives on "The Windsors."
6/21/2017: Harry's Newsweek interview to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Diana's passing, and is part of his Hero Harry PR drive. Infamous snippets:
He's in no rush to get married or propose (clapback to all of Meghan's PR trying to hustle him down the aisle).
No one wants to be king or queen.
He wanted to quit the royal family at one point.
Meghan "communed with the dinosaurs" date night at the Natural History Museum.
"Small window of when people are interested in me before George and Charlotte take over."
6/22/2017: Fleet Street criticism of Harry's Newsweek interview begins. It lasts for about a week.
6/25/2017: Sexy photos from Meghan's 2014 model shoot resurface. Meghan leaks that Harry is making her engagement ring with diamonds and emeralds from Diana's collection and that he is collaborating with the royal jeweller, Harry Collins. She also says that Harry wants to marry sooner rather than later while Philip is still around to attend. (This comes after news that Philip was hospitalized for an infection and immediately causes speculation that Philip is seriously unwell/knocking at death's door.)
6/26/2017: E News claims that Harry's discussion about modernizing the monarchy and his role in the modernized monarchy is him preparing for marriage. This immediately causes speculation amongst royal watchers that he and Meghan had fought about the monarchy's way of charitywork (versus her issues-based campaigning) and Harry's sudden discussions about how the monarchy was modernizing was his attempts to fix it.
Also on 6/26/2017, the Court Circular confirms Harry is in Malawai. It is his only Court Circular appearance between 6/17/2017 (Trooping) and 7/6/2017.
6/27/2017: Meghan flies to London. Harry merches Sandals' Grande St. Lucian resort in a promo article. He stayed at the resort during his Caribbean tour in November 2016.
6/28/2017: Meghan merches her clothes and Channel 4 announces a "Meet the Markles" reality show/docuseries about Meghan's family.
6/29/2017: Meghan merches her clothes again and again tries to be a fashion influencer by plugging the "Meghan Effect." The trailer for Suits Season 7 drops and Charles and Camilla travel to Canada for a 3-day tour.
6/30/2017: Meghan leaks that she and Harry are very private homebodies and prefer to stay at home.
7/1/2017: The Cambridges, Harry, and the Spencers attend a private memorial service at the Althorp estate for Diana. (Meghan is in Toronto filming the 100th episode of Suits, courtesy of Patrick Adams' instagram.) Meghan's relationship history is published. Charles announces plans to throw an enormous 70th birthday party for Camilla.
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not exactly wild for this wednesday; but i love how jake always looks sleepy.
imagine him coming home later than usual from the studio, especially grumpy considering he also didn’t get much sleep last night (oh so dreaded night owl tendencies, and a constantly musical brain). he sighs and takes off his shoes and coat the second he comes through the door, the air smelling of his favorite warm meal of yours. and when you meet him at the kitchen door with a small smile and open arms, he practically melts on you, humming and hiding his face into your neck.
“long day, sweet boy?” you’d mutter, and he’d sigh (both tired, and absolutely smitten for you)
“would you visit me in jail if i committed just a little bit of manslaughter?” he mumbles, but can’t help the small smile that grows on his face at your giggle
“maybe, i think you’d look hot with some jail tattoos” you run a hand through his hair to push it off his face, while the other one holds his cheek sweetly. jake closes his eyes with an almost purr. “will some casserole and a glass of wine keep your murderous tendencies at bay?”
he smiles, and nods with a yawn. you run your thumbs lightly over the dark bags under his eyes and kiss the tip of his nose. “take a seat, our glasses are already poured. ill fix our plates”
you set his plate in front of him, with warm bread next to it “hopefully its good enough to at least save danny from you. you know i love my daniel” he chuckles into his glass and squeezes your bum lovingly
“you know damn well danny wasn’t the problem” he grumbles. “i’ll become the problem if i have to listen sam and josh bitch at each other over a 5 word sentence again”
you smile into your glass and squeeze his arm, tracing the scar on it lovingly. “im sorry that it wasn’t a productive day, love”
it was fine, really. jake knew that he was just too tired, he probably would’ve bitched about a sentence too if he had the energy.
a warm full belly and a fuzzy wine feeling are enough to make jake’s eyes drop apparently, as he startled awake at the movement of your chair and the clanking of plates. he streches and shakes his head “no, no, let me” a yawn interrupts him “you made dinner, ill do the dishes”
you chuckle, and settle the plates in the sink. “id like you to not fall asleep on the sink and drown, thank you very much” you kiss his cheek, and smile at the soft blush that his face always betrays him with when you baby him, and pull on his arm “you and i are going to bed, after brushing our teeth and doing our skincare, of course. unfortunately we don’t stay this youthful and pretty on wine and casserole”
jake could have a hundred bad days, but in one night, you could wash them all away.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Sir, really random question, but Wich one of your Yans would have the worst reaction to reader dying?
All of them would be pretty harsh, but let's Speedrun some of the worst. (Heavy Angst. Implied cannibalism for Liu. Implied suicide for a few others)
Marshmallow Milk would fall into such a deep state of denial they would go to sleep and never wake up again, living on with you forever in their dreams
If you were killed rather than dying of natural causes, Mono would hunt for your killer and conduct inhumane experiments on them to try and bring you back. It's likely the ai/android they've been working on for when your time came is incomplete and they'll never have the chance to perfect it. The memories you shared, the notes you leave behind. It's not enough. The finished product always wrong - imperfect. A failure....just like them.
Liu either loses what little grasp of humanity they have, or steals your face and lives out their life as you. If you have a bucket list they'll do everything in the order they're listed and importance. They eat the foods you liked - forcing themselves to replace certain ingredients with human meat when their stomach can't handle the human meals anymore. Those are the nights they remember who they really are. When they remember you're gone. Liu would preserve your body for as long as they could, but at the first sign of decay they have one final meal with you. Their lack of emotions lead to them devouring you whole, but for some reason - they could never eat your heart.
As with Mono, Selene would be unable to cope if your death was not by natural cause. She blames herself the entire time - ghosts of her past and present haunting her for as long as she remained on this earth - without you.
With Daina, you'd likely die at the hands of some slasher while making your escape. She's the final girl, she'll survive, but her heart won't. Daina kills your attacker in the gorest bloodbath possible and when all's said and done she'll turn their machete on herself - waking up in the hospital a week later as the sole survivor.
V's only had one tragic loss in his life that he would count. His grandfather died on his birthday. The aunt that always sent him gifts died on her way to finally visit that faithful holiday. He was bummed, sure - but neither of those deaths mattered to him. Nobody's did, til the death of his beloved childhood friend and pet... and now you. Just like when his cat died right in his arms, V shuts down. He didn't cry then, and he won't now; but his eyes sting everytime he blinks.
He can't look at his computer. He'll think back on all the days you asked him to get off and go for a walk or decide on dinner with you instead. He can't sleep in his bed. He'll remember the first night you held him and he told you he... he... Oh, God. He never told you that did he? Not as often as he should've. Idiot. V sleeps the days away on the floor, clinging onto the only thing of yours that doesn't make him want to put a gun to his head. Your pillow. Even K drops her attitude and tries to get him to eat or even sit up for a while, but he never does.
The Rubik Cube Yans would never know peace again. If you're still breathing they'll probably be able to save you, but either way they blame each other and it's complete hell. White has to front as Blue is too emotionally shattered to go near you without crying so hard they get a headache, Yellow has used up all the bandages in their home and keeps ordering more, Red has probably cause a lot of property damage, and Green aiming to lock you in their basement never to see the light of day again
Pin hates themselves even more. They hate they weren't born a healer or even with the power of creation so they can't bring you back. Pin preserves your body as well and by the mercy of their creator their abilities are able to keep you well for centuries. They stop making dolls of their own and only make them in their imagine. They throw on the body they first met you in and have tea parties and pretend weddings with your dolls. They're never seen outside this body again as behind that smiling face is nothing but a repulsive, pathetic, cowardice creature that couldn't do the simplest job and keep their love safe
Amyas straight up just dies...or becomes an heartless abomination bent on destroying the very idea of love as humans know it... Or an incubus.
Ventri would never be able to detect themselves from the puppet they made of you, and only uses your voice from then on. Overtime their impression loses it's accuracy and the day it loses every hint of you is the day they never speak again
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