#Daisies-write prompts list
swiftgreatest · 1 year
That Guy | Eddie Roundtree x Reader
request by anon: "Hi, I was wondering if you could write about Eddie Roundtree with the prompt #6. "This is the guy?", please. (Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language)"
a/n: hi lovee!! thanks for request, hope u like, send more request if u want and english is not my native language too :) your english is good!!
words: 964
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That night haunted you, it's like a ghost, a film of that night replay in your mind every time you see his face. Flashbacks of that night come back every minute and you couldn't let go, the truth is you can't let it go, but you didn't know that.
You just couldn't forget, his hands around your body, you two in your bed, the kisses, the touches, the way he looked at you and made you feel safe and confident enough to do it with him.
Eddie makes you feel so good and makes you so crazy. It was like you wanted him more and more, but something inside you didn't want to let this feeling grow up. One thought says to you leave this, because it wouldn't last, Eddie is not a guy to you.
And you believe in this, you were determined to forget Eddie Roundtree, even if he was your work friend, and you were in the same band. You just want to forget and ignore the way your heart moves faster when he smiles at you.
But how long can you fight this feeling?
– – – –
Warren was given a party in his hotelroom, everybody of the band was there, unless Billy of course and you who had not yet arrived with your boyfriend. Oh yeah, your boyfriend. A few weeks ago you told your friends you were dating a guy. This is new, you always be quiet, never show up with someone in front of your friends. So everybody was excited to meet this guy.
Everyone, less Eddie. He was hating all this, he was furious. How could you ignore all you had and show up with another guy? How you could pretend that night never happened, all you did together, the way you move, different from you, he didn't want to forget it.
"Hey everybody, that's Ashton, my boyfriend. And babe this is my friends and my family" You introduced your boyfriend to your friends, they greeted him. But Eddie was different, he was holding himself from laughing at it, you've got to be kidding, this is the guy you thought could replace him?
While your boyfriend talks with Graham and Karen, you see Eddie roll his eyes, walk away and leave Warren's room. You tried not to follow him and stayed next to that man you call "babe" but you had no control of your feets, it was as if there was a magnetic force pulling you to him.
"Eddie, what's up?"
"Are you kidding, right? This is the guy? This is the guy who wants to be?"
"Ashton is a nice guy, don't talk like that"
And this is the only praise you could give to Ashton, because you knew nothing about him. You don't care with Ashton, you've trying to forget the gorgeous bassist, so one night you meet Ashton and decide that he would be the one who makes you forget Roundtree.
"He's not good for you"
"You can't tell me that you love this guy. You can't be serious."
"Since when did you know what is the best for me? Are you so self-centered?"
You two were teasing each other, as a silent war. There were only the two of you in the hotel hallway. You could hear songs of the party, people talking and having fun while you are here. Facing each other, playing all the cards on the table.
"You're the only who can could decide what's the better for you, but don't fuck with me" Eddie came close to you "But you couldn't tell me that guy is the better for you, that he is what you deserve"
You try to find answers in your mind but couldn't focus on it, having him so close to you. That feeling is coming back again and you don't know how much longer you could fight against it. But why are you still trying to fight? If you were all that each other wanted.
The bassist came closer and closer until he put you against the wall, you put your hands on his chest and he put his hands around your hips.
"Tell me the truth, tell me it wasn't just one night, look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me, that you don't want me" You were so close which were as one thing "Because I love you and I want you, not only for one night but for a lifetime. So tell me what you want, what you really want and I will respect that and leave if that is what you want".
It almost exploded your mind, were so many
thoughts that you don't know what to do, what the people think of you falling for the bassist of your band. But who cares? You couldn't lie to yourself anymore, you want him, you love him and couldn't lose him. He's yours and he was confirming this with his confession, you didn't have to fight anymore.
"You're all I want Eddie, already wanted you before that night, for a long time to be honest" Your eyes were in his eyes, while making your confession you just could look up at the man in front of you.
So he couldn't wait any longer and kiss you, a desperate kiss, you two need that, you guys were thirsty for these kisses and touches which were marked in your mind. While kissing Eddie makes you put your legs around his hips. He didn't stop kissing you for a minute, as you walked to his room with you in his arms. He couldn't let you go. You both couldn't and didn't want to stop.
And that was the second night of the thousands you would spend together throughout your lives.
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if u like reblog and like pls, my request still open. love you guys ❤️
daisy jones and the six masterlist
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jobean12-blog · 1 month
In the Middle of Somewhere
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 1,003
Summary: You and Joel are searching for shelter for the night and come across something unexpected.
Author's Note: A few friends have shared the list of 'Reverse Trope Writing Prompts" and I couldn't get over a few of them, especially the "too many beds," one. Thought this would work well with Joel in this setting. Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely Daisy @firefly-graphics 🥰thank you! I'll share the list below the cut at the end of the fic.
Warnings: it's fluffy floof and Joel is soft
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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The forest seems to holds it’s breath as dusk falls, the rustling leaves and singing birds hushing to a soft murmur. You cling to the fabric of Joel’s flannel, pressed close to his back as he walks cautiously over the dense underbrush.
“How great would it be if we found a treehouse?” you say, trying to keep your voice light even as your eyes dart through the impending darkness.
The trees cast elongated shadows along the ground, their bright green leaves blackening against the deepening purple of the sky.
“I just hope we find somethin’ before the rain,” Joel mutters.
The air is thick with the promise of an oncoming storm and every now and then the distant rumble of thunder echoes through the woods.
You shiver and he stops, turning to look at you with a softness in his eyes.
“Are you cold?”
You swallow hard, wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in the safety and warmth of his arms but instead you shake your head no and give him your best reassuring smile.
He studies you, his eyes narrowing and his jaw working hard with the grind of his teeth.
“We’ll find somethin’ soon darlin’.”
After walking for another mile or so you spot a clearing up ahead and you can just make out the outline of several small structures.
“Are those….,” you start, clutching his bicep tighter, “cabins?”
He stops and nudges you behind him.
“Wait here. I’m goin’ to get a closer look.”
“If anything goes wrong you run.”
Your fingers dig into his arm.
“Darlin’,” he pleads.
He reaches around to run his large hand across your lower back, checking for the gun he gave you.
“Promise me,” he whispers.
“Ok,” you answer after a moment of silence.
He stares for longer than necessary and just as he starts to turn away you grab his face in your hands and softly kiss the corner of his mouth. His eyes are closed with you pull away and when they open again you whisper, “be careful.”
With a nod he quietly moves away from you, motioning to a nearby tree. You move out of sight, your eyes tracking his movement from behind the large trunk as he slowly approaches the cabins.
After what feels like an eternity you see him emerge from the third and last cabin, his steps quick and sure as he walks back to you.
“It’s all clear,” he explains with a relieved exhale. “Let’s take the middle one.”
He takes your hand in his and leads you up the old and worn wooden stairs, glancing around one last time before pushing the door open to reveal an open space with high ceilings and four sets of bunk beds.
“What the…” you trail off, staring unblinking at all the beds.
“Probably a sleepaway camp,” he says with a small sideways smile. “We got lucky.”
You drop your bag to the floor and look around, trying to decide which bed to take and finally picking the top bed of the bunk in the far corner. You step onto the ladder to try it out.
You throw him a smile and climb up to the top.
“I’ve never slept in a bunk bed before,” you admit.
He’s quiet before replying, “actually, me either.”
Once you’ve had a quick meal you hear the first drop of rain, the rhythm quickly becoming relentless against the wooden roof. Outside, the darkness is dense, the thick rain clouds obscuring almost all the starlight and moon glow.
Lying in bed sleep eludes you as your mind remains alert despite the hour. Each flash of lightning briefly illuminates the cabin, casting eerie shadows that dance across the walls before fading back into darkness.
You toss and turn on the hard wood, searching for comfort.
“Can’t sleep?” Joel asks from the other side of the room.
“No,” you answer softly. “Sorry if I’m keeping you up.”
When he doesn’t answer you let out a quiet sigh and curl your arms around yourself.
The sound of wood creaking makes you sit up with a gasp but when you realize it’s only Joel climbing the ladder you let out a rush of air.
“You could have said you were coming up here,” you tease.
“I’m coming up,” he counters, and even though you can’t see his face you can hear the mirth in his tone.
Your only reply is a light chuckle as you shift over to the far side of the small bed and he climbs in, lying on his side to face you.
“What was wrong with your bed?” you ask.
His hand reaches out across the darkness and closes around your fingers.
“You weren’t in it.”
The palm of your free hand presses to his chest before your fingers curl into his shirt. He tugs you closer, circling one arm around you while the other rests between your bodies, your fingers still entwined with his. When your knee nudges against his he hitches his thigh over yours, surrounding you in exactly what you need.
You nuzzle your face into his neck with a soft inhale then press a delicate kiss just under his jaw. He exhales your name and dips his head to find your lips, capturing them gently at first.
The rain has begun to dissipate and a steady breeze carries the clouds from the sky, revealing the bright moon. It’s light filters through the opaque glass windows, highlighting the features of his face.
At his tentative expression you slowly brush your thumb across his lips, smiling when he kisses the pad of your finger. Your touch continues, tracing his scruffy jaw before taking his face in your hand and bringing his mouth closer.
He presses another gentle kiss to your lips and slides his hand along your waist, tucking you into the curve of his body. A whimper leaves your throat and he groans at the sound, taking the opportunity to deepen the kiss and press you harder against him.
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@hiddles-rose @kmc1989 @lorilane33 @littleseasiren @lizette50
373 notes · View notes
acourtofwhatthefuck · 4 months
Hello, hope you're doing alright. I have a pretty twisted one shot request concerning our amazing Shadowsinger. I was looking at the super natural dark dialogue prompts list and I feel like the #24 and #36 would fit perfectly for my request.
So basically: I was thinking about Azriel capturing the reader. She's a spy from the Spring Court and she was on a mission wandering at the border of the Night Court. When the reader wakes up, she's tied up in Azriel torture room. She also realizes how Azriel seems to be drawn to her. As she tries to find a way to make him untie her, she remembers something about Illyrians obssesion with bargains and deals. She offers to make a deal with him that the first one to make the other cum earn a favor. If she wins he spares her life, and if not he can kill her. And like as they conclude the pack, a tattoo appears on both of them and bla bla bla... and she ends up winning this challenge maybe?
Can't wait to see if you'll be willing to write this! I think it would have a lot of potential if written by you. Anyways, keep up your good work. I love your writing.
Okay, I know I said my next release would be the POM bonus bits, and then I’d be working on my other pieces, but I got this request and had immediate inspiration for it, so here it is!
Thank you to whoever sent this in! I hope I did it justice. It was very fun to write! I hope you enjoy 🫶🏻
The prompts you requested to be included in this will be written in bold.
Note: I haven’t tagged anyone in this because I desperately need to sort out my tag lists and haven’t had the chance. I’ll add them later if I get the time. Sorry!
Warnings: Smut! 18+, minors dni. NSFW. Some details of aggressive behaviour. Azriel being a sore ass LOSER.
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Lust is a Losing Game — Azriel x Reader.
You can feel the caress of Night before your eyes open.
Every single court you have trespassed and traversed has its own distinct feel. The Autumn Court feels perpetually — and unsurprisingly — like a stroll through a forest, touched by brisk air and hues of oranges, yellows, reds. Your home court — Spring — has a feeling of renewed hope; like the first rays of sun after a long, harsh winter.
The Night Court is blood-drenched, rippling darkness, and the allure of scandal, of want, of lust.
Night time is for secrets and exploration. It’s for burning the bridge between who you are in the daylight and becoming something…else. It’s exciting, and it’s coaxing, and—
Cold, sharp metal prods beneath your chin. Its point is lethal. Any wrong move, and you’re bleeding.
Perhaps even more lethal is the quiet voice that commands, “Eyes open.”
Slowly, you comply — because you are both intrigued and wise. Intrigued by where you went wrong and where you ended up. Wise, because you know that cold, granite voice.
It doesn’t surprise you in the least to open your eyes and find Azriel the shadowsinger stood in front of you, his blade at your throat.
You know of him, of course — spymaster of the Night Court, a rare species of fae, far more powerful than many realise. You’ve sat across from him during terse meetings between courts and been the target of those guarded, icy stares. You’ve never heard him utter more than a few words at a time; he is spoken for by reputation, by violence and threat and battle.
But you’d know that voice anywhere.
You peer up at him through eyes blurred by some sort of power. And when your lips tilt up into a smile, a subtle tick of his jaw tells you it incenses him.
“Hello, Azriel.” You rasp.
The blade presses into your skin as he asks, “What were you doing at the border of our court?”
“Picking wildflowers. Foraging berries. Making a daisy chain. All the things a lady loves to do.”
A quiet noise sounds in his throat. “Is that what you are? A lady?”
“I’m whatever you want me to be, shadowsinger.”
His answering smile is cruel. A harsher press, and his blade nicks your throat. A drop of warm blood blooms on your skin.
Your eyes, rapidly clearing, take quick stock of your surroundings. The room is dark and damp and cold, empty save for the chair on which you sit — to which you are constrained. You can scent the blood of a thousand previous victims of the shadowsinger, and you imagine the vacancy of the space must have been more intimidating to them, somehow, than if the room were filled to the brim with torture instruments. The lack thereof tells anyone who finds themselves here that the Night Court’s spymaster does not need such things to do his work.
You try to shift in the chair, and find yourself well and truly stuck in place. Your gaze drops to your feet, where shadows act as manacles, as firm and strong and steel. Though your hands are restrained around the back of the chair, the cool touch tells you that a shadow binds them, too.
Azriel follows your gaze. A smug smile graces his mouth as he watches you try and fail to move.
“An impressive little trick.” You offer, nodding to the shadows around your ankles. “Now be a gentleman and untie me.”
“Tell me what you were doing at our border, and maybe I will.”
“Tell me your secrets and I’ll tell you mine.”
“You’re not really in the position to barter, right now, are you?”
“And yet, here I am.” You smile. “Bartering.”
He stares down at you, shrouded in shadows, in night. His aloofness has been perfected over centuries, but you somehow know where to look in order to tell — you’re getting on his nerves.
A slight angling of his head. Shifting on his feet. He drags the tip of that blade up, not pressing quite hard enough to draw more blood, but to make a twisted heat enter your veins. The blade stops at your cheek.
“I don’t know how you do things in the Spring Court.” His breath caresses your face. “But I can’t imagine it’s part of your job description to be a smartass who can’t keep her mouth shut.”
Your eyes flick down to that blade. Back up to his gaze. “I can’t imagine it’s part of yours to lust over me so tirelessly.”
The shadowsinger actually falters.
Something tells you he would never do that in front of somebody else.
His teeth grit. He bites out, “Tell me why the fuck you were at the border—”
“I’ve seen you, you know.” A satisfied smirk curls your lips. You will not give away that your arms and legs are beginning to ache. “I’ve seen the way you’ve looked at me for years.”
A clatter bounces off the walls as he tosses his dagger to the floor. Can’t be one that means much to him, then. You almost laugh, but a scarred hand is gripping your chin to the point of pain. He tilts — yanks — your chin up. “Pray, tell, how do I look at you?”
“With hunger.”
“Like you want to touch me.”
“I am going,” he snarls, “to wrap my hands around your throat and—”
“Fuck me?”
“Kill you.”
A mocking pout puckers your lips. “Less sexy.”
"You must be a fool," his fingers bite into your skin, "to laugh in the face of such danger."
"What danger would that be? You've handed me your threats. What are you waiting for, Azriel? Kill me."
He could easily retrieve his blade and gut you then and there. You know it. He knows it.
And yet he doesn't do it.
He clenches his jaw so hard that you hear his teeth clash. He squeezes your chin, calluses and scars grazing you. It feels...good.
But then a growl is ripping from deep within his chest, and he's tearing his hand away and pivoting on the spot. He's confident enough in the shadow bindings to turn his back to you, clearly.
You just smile. He can't do it. Can't kill you.
"I'll do you the courtesy of asking one last time." His voice is strained. "Why were you snooping around our border."
"Perhaps I was hoping you'd find me and tie me to a chair. I'm into that kind of stuff, you know. We could make this fun."
"You think this room is intended for fun?"
"I think you and I could have fun anywhere, shadowsinger."
He says nothing. You watch as he sucks in a deep breath, steels himself. By his command, a shadow dances out and retrieves his blade from the floor. His fist flexes at his side.
Perhaps you can irritate him enough that he'll either kill you or let you leave out of pure exasperation. Or turn on the tears and plead innocence, that you're just a foolish, foolish girl doing her High Lord's bidding.
Or perhaps you can have fun.
You scan your brain for what you know about this court. How you can use it to your advantage — use Azriel to your advantage. An idea knits itself in the twisted avenues of your mind.
"This court has a thing for bargains, does it not?" You watch Azriel's shoulders tense at the sound of your voice. "How about making a bargain with me?"
He chokes on a scoff. "Why would I want to make a bargain with you?"
"Because you want me."
Slowly, he turns. His eyes are narrowed, mouth pinched. He looks two seconds away from using that blade to wipe your head clean from your neck.
But then he smiles, cruelly and coldly. "How very sure of yourself you sound."
You mimic that smile. "I am." Damn right you are. "So here is my deal: you toy with that lust however you like. We tease each other. Coax reactions from each other."
"Where is the bargain in that?" No outright refusal.
"If I make you cum first, shadowsinger," your eyes fall to his breeches. You could swear you glimpse the outline of a bulge. "If I make you cum first, I get to walk out of here with my head still attached to my body. But if you make me cum first...well. You get to know why I was snooping around the Night Court border, and you can send my head back to my High Lord in a pretty little box."
He stares at you for what feels like so, so long. Head to toe, his eyes rake over you. His shadows whisper in his ears, things you don't need nor care to hear.
Because you might not have his shadows, but you are a spy, just as he is. And you know his mind is already made up.
Shadowsinger, spymaster, feared member of the infamous Night Court — but still, a male weakened by lust. Lust for you that has driven him mad for a long, long time.
Still, he tries to keep up a front. He sneers at you, "You'd so willingly barter away your life?"
You smile. Simply, prettily. "It turns me on."
Oh, he's lost to his need. There's a newer scent that has joined the present ones of cedar and night-chilled mist and bloodstains. This one is deeper, smokier. Spicier.
He points his blade at you, the tip glimmering. And the shadow binds fall away as he demands, "Undress."
Your hands fall back to your sides. "Are you saying you agree to my terms?"
"Yes. Now take. Your fucking. Clothes off."
"What way is that to talk to a lady?"
"You are no lady—" His words fall short as, with a snap of your fingers, your clothes disappear. Leave you in nothing but your undergarments. His eyes drink in the brassiere, the silky little fabric that hangs from your hips. He swallows. "And I am no gentleman."
A spy you may be — someone who throws themself into danger and risk and dirt and blood, time and time again. But you never see a reason not to wear pretty underwear while doing so. And gods, in this moment, you're very glad of that choice.
It's the same colour as the siphons that adorn the male before you. The coldness in Azriel's eyes is replaced by intense, raw heat. He takes a step towards you, but you kick out a leg.
"Your turn." You say.
He pauses. Chucks his dagger aside again.
And then his clothes are gone.
He doesn't seem the slightest bit fazed by the fact that he stands utterly naked before you. So much golden, sculpted skin on show. All over, white scars tell the stories of previous injuries. His body is a novel written over time.
That silky underwear of yours is already soaked as you take your fill of him. For a moment, you think you might stumble in your bravado. He's huge and hard and standing to attention. Utterly perfect.
But you sit up straight in the chair and plant your hands on the arms. Your legs part, and Azriel hungrily tracks the movement.
"There is only one rule." You tell him. "We don't want to make this too easy, after all."
His jaw flexes. Eyes don't stray from the growing damp patch between your thighs. "What's the rule."
"You can touch me. You can lick me. You can put your cock in my mouth and my hand and rub it against my skin. But you can't fuck me."
He starts, pupils blowing wide. "But—"
"Not today." Your lips curl up. "But if I win, and I walk out of here? Some other time, Azriel, you can fuck me."
"You are wicked."
"Do you accept my rule?"
You are wicked, indeed. You widen that gap between your legs until you're hooking them over the arms of the chair. Baring your silk-covered cunt to him. His eyes damn near roll into the back of his head at the sight.
"Do you think you can stand to touch me without fucking me?" You hum, your fingers dancing down to that, sweet, sweet spot. You run them over the dampness, biting your lip. "I don't think you can."
"You underestimate me." Azriel growls. "And you're going to cum first."
There is no opportunity for you to volley a response. Not as Azriel surges forward and yanks you out of the chair, his arms securing you. His firm, velvety cock presses against your stomach. His lips slide over yours in a harsh, bruising kiss.
A male of natural elegance and grace, he doesn't even falter in the kiss or his steps as he marches you back, back, until you're pressed up against a cold wall. You nip his bottom lip and reach between your bodies, wanting to feel the pulsing weight of his cock in your palm, but his hands are grabbing your wrists and holding them above your head.
"No hands." He snarls onto your lips. "Just my cock and your cunt. Whoever cums first is the loser."
You almost want to laugh. So, so easy this will be.
But then he's letting go of your hands and pinning you with a knee. And out of fucking nowhere, a slim bottle appears between his fingers. You watch, leaning against the cold surface of the wall, as he pulls the stopper out of the bottle and tilts it towards you.
Oil drips onto your chest. Rolls down your breasts, your stomach. Azriel watches with predatory focus as it floods to where he wants it — soaking your underwear.
The blue silk darkens, sticks to your skin. Showcases everything that Azriel so desperately wants, but everything he will not get — today.
And then so quickly, he's hoisting your leg at his hip. So quickly, his cock is pressing into your soaking undergarments.
He positions his length between your thighs and guides it through your clothed folds. Both of you let out an immediate gasp at the taunting sensation — that a mere bit of fabric separates you from what you both want.
"Is this how you're going to play it?" Your head falls back, teeth digging into your lower lip. "You think thrusting through my clothes is going to stop you from cumming?"
"No." He makes a small noise, slowly rolling his hips. Watches his glistening cock rubbing against the silk. "But I think I'm going to make you cum fast from it."
"And then you get to kill me."
"And then," the head of his cock nudges your clit, "I get to kill you."
The sensation is divine, you can’t deny it. A coiled, aching pleasure that sits tightly in your lower belly. Azriel hears your intake of breath, and he smiles like this will be easy for him. You’re having none of that.
You’re thankful for your refined stealth and balance as you clamp your leg tighter around him, pull him harder against you. His hands press flat against the wall either side of your head, and you both gasp as his cock rubs so torturously against you, up and down and up and down.
“Gods,” He grunts, dipping down to brush his lips against yours. “This is torture.”
You smile. “Does it feel good?”
“Do you want me to remove my underwear? You still can’t fuck me, though.”
A suffering groan chokes out of him, and he throws his head back. Because yes, he fucking wants you to remove your underwear. Yes, he wants to feel his bare skin rubbing against your bare skin.
But gods, the temptation to slide his cock into you is going to be unbearable.
But even though he knows that, and you know that, he smiles like this is nothing. He bites out, pleasure wavering his voice, “Why not? It’ll only make you lose.”
“I think you’re giving yourself a little too much credit.” You say, and then your underwear is gone, leaving you naked and dripping with nothing to shield you.
Not expecting it so fast, Azriel’s cock slides easily through your folds — and the head nudges your entrance. Very nearly slips in. He growls and halts the roll of his hips.
“Oops.” You smirk. “Careful, shadowsinger.”
“You’re fucking insufferable.” He bites back, and then he’s kissing you.
The kiss robs you of breath and of words. All you can do is twine your arms around his neck and welcome the sensation of him fucking through your folds, your wetness his pleasure. You’re lost to the feeling of him bumping against your clit, rubbing against it. Your legs are beginning to tremble.
“I want to fuck you.” Azriel moans, dropping his head to take in the sight of his cock against your pussy, never entering, never going deeper.
“I know.” Your fingernails dig into his shoulders. “And you have wanted to for a very long time.”
“Yes.” He can’t even deny it. “Yes.”
“You think about me.”
“You wonder what it’s like to be inside me.”
“But not today.” Your hands stroke down his muscled arms, and you moan as he grinds his cock against your clit. “Not today.”
“Nor any other day.” His hand fists in your hair, yanking your head up. “Because I will have your head. Cum for me, lady.”
He kisses you again, and gods, you want to cum. Every single inch of you begs and trembles for it. You’re clenching around nothing, desperate to feel him inside you, fucking into you, spilling into you—
But through your pleasured haze, you remember: you will be victorious. Azriel cannot win.
And so when he’s kissing you and kissing you, moans catching in his throat and landing in your mouth, hips faltering with every thrust, you pull your lips from his and sink your teeth into his neck with a harsh bite. You’ve always imagined he’d like that.
And simultaneously, you lock him between your thighs and roll your hips torturously slow, dragging every last sensation from him.
Azriel’s cock, nestled snugly between the folds of your cunt, spasms and twitches. He slams his hands against the wall and goes still. Tries to pull back the control.
But it’s too late for that.
“Fuck!” He shouts, and then ropes of cum are spurting out of him and landing on your stomach, your breasts, your arms. Beads of it roll down his cock. He trembles hard, panting, groaning, growling.
And you suck harshly at his neck. Suck until it leaves a mark. And then pull away with a smile.
Breathing so, so heavily, Azriel’s gaze drops down to his cock like the damn thing has betrayed him. He’s wide-eyed and outraged. He’s not sure what’s just happened.
A horrid longing still aches between your legs and makes you want to continue until you’re exploding, too. But the triumph of a win is pleasure in itself.
“Well, well, well.” You glance down at the cum now coating your skin. “I do believe I was right.”
“What—” Azriel breathes, shaking out of his lust. “What kind of witchcraft was that?” He touches his neck, where you bit him. As though the answer lies there.”
You shrug. “No witchcraft, though I’m flattered you think so. You simply lost the game.”
“I. Don’t. Lose.”
“You just did.” You pat his shoulder. “There, there.”
He rips away, so fast that you almost fall. “Get the fuck away from me.”
“Gladly.” With a snap of your fingers, you’re squeaky clean and clothed once more. Azriel’s clothes return, too. “And I’ll do so with my pretty head still on my shoulders—
“Get out.”
“Because I won the game—”
“Get. Out.”
“A bargain’s a bargain, after all—”
“I will not tell you again.” His hand grabs the back of your neck, hard enough to bruise, and he marches you to the door, yanking it open. “Out.”
You’re thrown into a dim-lit hallway, your body colliding with a cold brick wall. You throw Azriel a smile over your shoulder, despite your teeth singing at the impact.
“Try not to wank over me too much!” You call, as he slams the door shut behind him. “See you around!”
It’s only once you’ve winnowed back to your own court, and you’re bathing the day from your skin, that you notice the small black band inked into your upper arm. You scrub at it until it’s red raw. It doesn’t budge.
The mark of a bargain. But you had always believed that the tattoos of bargains disappeared once the terms were fulfilled…
But if I win, and I walk out of here? Some other time, Azriel, you can fuck me…
It had all been bravado. And yet…it had unwittingly been woven into the bargain.
Some other time, Azriel, you can fuck me.
That’s the only way you’re getting that mark off your skin.
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fairykazu · 1 month
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this event is to celebrate my blog, fairykazu, hitting 500+ followers! as it is spring, it's themed after flowers! this event includes genshin / hsr characters (which will be listed under from sender), prompts are listed below flowers and the bouquets (fics) will be sent.
HOW DO I ORDER A BOUQUET ??⋆。˚ send an ask to order! as for an example, "can i have a bouquet with prompt and character ?" feel feel to add more to your request so i can write it better. bouquets are closed
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒PICK YOUR FLOWER ⋆。˚ daisy - collecting flowers on their way home carnation - walking in the park iris - new beginnings daffodil- picnic dates red rose - falling head over heels in love aster - weekend trips tulips - making flower crowns magnolia - riding the bike to the bakery in the morning lily of the valley - dancing in the rain in bright sunshine liliac - a gift of fresh flowers every week rosebud - spending their days outside petunia - realising their feelings blossoms - enjoying spring in the countryside poppy - risking something in order to achieve something jasmine - tea parties in the garden snapdragons - the park becoming their second home
𓍢ִ໋🌿FROM DESIRED PERSON ⋆。˚ this is likely going to be a genshin-centric event but i might write for other hoyo characters if i can. (i might write new characters that i haven't yet & please note that it might be written out of character.)
genshin: scaramouche, albedo, xiao, kaeya, kazuha, childe, heizou, lyney, itto, yelan, ayaka, yoimiya, ganyu hsr: dan heng, stelle, gepard, aventurine, topaz, seele
𓍢ִ໋💐༘ BOUQUETS ARE SENT ⋆。˚ located in tevyat: liliacs from kazuha
out of this world: petunias from dan heng multi flowers from aventurine
THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING THIS SERVICE !! vidia's note: thank you so much for 500 followers, i didn't even know i'd make it this far! it feels like yesterday that i had only 50 followers. i might take a long time on writing these fics so keep that in mind!
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lychniis · 4 months
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⚘ ― EVENFALL ! ( valentines day event ).
( # )ㅤ evenfallㅤ —ㅤ twilight ; dusk. the period or the light from the sky between full night and sunrise or between sunset and full night.
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syn. a valentines day / white day event inspired by hozier lyrics ( and also seconding as my 1000 follower event i suppose XD ). feel free to drop by and select a prompt from the list below alongside a flower / genre. you could always opt for more flowers. however please note that minors are not allowed to request for / interact with nsfw works. please note that the maximum character limit is three.
this was more of a last minute bout of silliness, but i'd love to write some requests for you guys after supporting me and my bs for nearly two years now XD. so hey hey, my inbox is open to be raided! i'm currently taking this event for genshin impact and honkai star rail!
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prompts. the prompts and flowers available are listed below. you can request a single prompt + one of more flowers of your choice! you could also add some additional suggestions if you'd like, say a setting or an au or a scenario! requests close by the 20th of febuary. i'll start posting on white day, march 14th.
daisy — fluff.
hyacinth — angst.
tulip — crack / humor.
orchid — smut.
i. ❛ there’s nothing sweeter than my baby. ❜
ii. ❛ no grave can hold my body down, i’ll crawl home to her. ❜
iii. ❛ you knew who i was with every step that i ran to you. ❜
iv. ❛ some like to imagine. the dark caress of someone else. i guess any thrill will do. ❜
v. ❛ honey, when you kill the lights and kiss my eyes. i feel like a person for a moment of my life. ❜
vi. ❛ i’d suffer hell if you’d tell me what you’d do to me tonight. ❜
vii. ❛ honey please, try to love me. my love will never die. ❜
viii. ❛ know that i would gladly be the icarus to your certainty, oh my sunlight. ❜
ix. ❛ you don’t understand, you should never know, how easy you are to need. ❜
x. ❛ idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on his sword. ❜
xi. ❛ honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips. ❜
xii. ❛ i'm so full of love I could barely eat. ❜
xiii. ❛ honey you're familiar, like my mirror years ago. ❜
xiv. ❛ i know who i am when i’m alone. i’m something else when i see you. ❜
xv. ❛ there’s something tragic about you. ❜
xvi. ❛ there’s nothing sweeter than my baby. ❜
xvii. ❛ still my heart is heavy with the hate of some other man’s beliefs. ❜
xviii. ❛ i’ve known the warmth of your doorways. through the cold, i’ll find my way back to you. ❜
xix. ❛ screaming the name of a foreigner's god, the purest expression of grief. ❜
xx. ❛ i couldn’t utter my love when it counted, but i’m singing like a bird about it now.
xxi. ❛ the only heaven i’ll be sent to is when i’m alone with you. ❜
xxii. ❛ i’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies. ❜
xxiii. ❛ i have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me. ❜
xxiv. ❛ honey please, try to love me. my love will never die. ❜
xxv. ❛ i had been lost to you, sunlight, and flew like a moth to you. ❜
xxvi. ❛ it’s not my arms that will fail me, but this world takes more strength than it gave me. ❜
xxvii. ❛ i need you to run to me, run until you feel your lungs bleeding. ❜
xxviii. ❛ i will not ask where you came from. i will not ask and neither should you. ❜
xxix. ❛ be still, my foolish heart. don't ruin this on me. ❜
xxx. ❛ honey, i wanna race you to the table, if you hesitate, the getting is gone. ❜
( all the dialog prompts presented here are taken from songs by hozier. i own none of them. )
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tamlinweek · 1 month
Tamlin Week 2024 Master List
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Once again, we want to thank each and every one of you for making this event so successful! If you would like to do us one more favor, please fill out this anonymous feedback form to let the mods know what you thought of Tamlin Week. Last year's survey was super helpful, especially in letting us know how to improve the event.
This post is the Super Mega Ultra Tamlin Week 2024 Master List! It has links to all the master lists for each day of Tamlin Week, with every single submission. At the bottom are links to more of the fun/helpful posts we've made in the lead up to Tamlin Week. Enjoy!
Tamlin Week 2024 Master Lists
Day 1: Heir of Spring/Human Tamlin
Day 2: Poet/Warrior
Day 3: Mates/Flower Language
Day 4: Calanmai/Happily Ever After
Day 5: Shapeshifter/Masquerade
Day 6: Dreams/Fairy Tale AU
Day 7: Free Day
Additional Links
Tamlin Week 2024 AO3 Collection (Instructions here)
Tamlin Week Statistics
Tamlin Creator Appreciation Posts
Tamlin Coloring Pages
The Language of Flowers
How to Participate in an Event
Tamlin vs. Tam Lin: A Brief Retelling
Tamlin Week 2024 Prompts, FAQ, and Rules
Tagging all the event's participants so everyone knows this is up!
@achaotichuman @alizangc @arson-09 @b0xerdancer-writes @balladoffeylin @bettdraws @booksnwriting @climbthemountain2020 @copypastus @dopeartisanprincess @duaghterofstories @elliemarchetti @feyres-divorce-lawyer @fieldofdaisiies @fourteentrout @foxcort @goddessofwisdom18 @goforth-ladymidnight @justatouristhere @loonyloomy @lorcandidlucienwill @lordofhaterism @mathiwrites @mirandasidefics @nocasdatsgay @northern-polaris @ohnyxlin @positivelyruined @praetorqueenreyna @queercontrarian @readychilledwine @rin-u-pos @shi-daisy @simmanin @songofthesibyl @sonics-atelier @szalonykasztan00 @tadpolesonalgae @tamlinfairchild @taymartiart @teddyhoneybear @the-new-mandalor @thelov3lybookworm @thisblogisaboutabook @thrumugnyr @umthisistheonlyusernamenottaken @vivictory-draws @wingsdippedingold
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jeeyuns · 3 months
writing patterns
tagged by @exhuastedpigeon ✨
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 8 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Buck's Coma vs. Real World Checklist
0.3k | rated G | multimedia art Turn over & look at the digital alarm clock. If the numbers can all be read, this is real. Try to breathe through a fully closed nose. If impossible, this is real.
morning glory
2.6k | rated E | buddie non-linear: the morning after the night before He wakes up slow as molasses trickling out of the pan. A line of warmth is searing down the length of him from the back of his neck to the ticklish points behind his knees. Buck can tell the sun is up too by the weak bands of light creeping their way over the bed and just inside his field of vision.
hope is a sword 
5.5k | rated T | whumptober 2023 prompt #5, debris, pinned down, "It's broken." The next call sounds through their radios and A shift is in the engine as one in the next minute, all jammed in like sardines with sweat trickling down their backs, grins and bellies sharp with hunger. There’s no other place in the world Eddie would rather be (aside from his couch with his son and Buck, but that’s a story for another time).
proof of concept: ach tagais 'nós na hoíche
part 1 of a series | 8.2k | rated E | eddie helps buck through a bad drop Buck’s just closed his utensil drawer as softly as it will let him, hardly gripping the edge of the kitchen counter with his other hand, when his phone chirps. The unexpectedly piercing ding of his message tone rends straight through the eardrums, making him gasp and lose his grasp on the edge of the granite.
slouching towards bethlehem to be born
ch 3/8 | 23.7k | rated M | eddie is haunted by memories that don't belong to him Awareness blows through his eardrums and he’s rudely yanked back into the ability to chronicle two of his senses. “Come on, Eddie! Eddie, hang on. Eddie–” the pleading, formless voice blooms out and begs him. 
3.1k | rated E | buddie feelings realization and a demonstration They find themselves, like any other easy, lazy night, on Eddie’s couch. Buck looks over from his usual sprawl, attention already drifting past the moody resolve of John Wick choosing violence over the death of his dog Daisy on the Diaz’s TV screen.
slip like freudian
4.5k | rated T | slightly cracky: eddie is taught a lesson by a witch After a rather sideways, unusual morning, Eddie finally makes it to the station parking lot. He’s somehow five minutes early, so he allots three whole minutes to lightly smacking his head against the steering wheel. 
how life goes on the way it does 
ch 12/12 | 39.6k | rated E | buddie & past lives movie au Ravi’s just finished collecting the last of the devices ready for the probie charging pool when a woman with a wild halo of curls strolls into the station’s engine bay. “Hi! Can I help you with anything?” he calls out to her. 
definitely love to set the scene with descriptions that i always hope can help you visualize...feel like you're plopped right in the middle of a scene with a character. also like to switch povs every time i switch fics. indivdually, i can't do multiple povs within one story though. i feel like i take my cues from screenwriting more than anything when i set out to put words on the page. this is making me hungry to blow dust off my fics again!
no pressure tagging: @kitkatpancakestack, @transboybuckley, @shitouttabuck, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @devirnis, @malewifediaz, @spagheddiediaz, @puppyboybuckley, @pirrusstuff, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @pantsaretherealheroes, @lemonzestywrites, @thewolvesof1998, @captain-hen, @rewritetheending, @athenagranted, @butchdiaz, @housewifebuck, @honestlydarkprincess, @homerforsure, @anakinfallen and anyone else who wants to! it's been an age and a half since i tagged anyone for anything. mwah! 💞
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flowers-of-april · 2 months
april showers bring may flowers: prompt list
I wanted to make a flower-based April writing prompt challenge, so I did. Flower meanings are sourced from this book on flower meanings
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PROMPT LIST 1: Daisy: Innocence 2: Lilac: First Love/Reminiscence 3: Violet: Modesty 4: Anemone: Forsaken Love 5: Oleander: Caution 6: Honeysuckle: Devotion 7: Poppy: Eternal Sleep 8: Laurel: Glory/Victory/Success 9: Orchid: Elegance/Beauty 10: Petunia: Anger/Resentment 11: Iris: Valour 12: Heather: Luck/Protection 13: Fern: Magic/Secrecy 14: Oak: Bravery 15: Tulip: Love Declaration 16: Magnolia: Dignity 17: Pansy: You Occupy My Thoughts 18: Lavender: Distrust 19: Mistletoe: Surmounting Difficulties 20: Queen Anne's Lace: Sanctuary 21: Protea: Transformation 22: Myrtle: Love 23: Hyacinth: Please Forgive Me 24: Nettle: Cruelty 25: Hemlock: Death 26: Dandelion: Divination/Fortune-Telling 27: Mint: Consolation 28: Jasmine: Amiability/Cheerfulness 29: Rue: Regret 30: Lily of the Valley: Return of Happiness
ALTERNATIVE PROMPTS Bouquet 1: Apology Hyacinth: Forgiveness Bluebell: Humility Peony: Bashfulness Olive Branch: Asking for Peace Bouquet 2: Courting Blush Roses: Blossoming Romance Cornflower: Hope in Love Sweet William: Gallantry Honeysuckle: Devoted Affection Bouquet 3: Marriage Roses: True Love Ivy: Fidelity Myrtle: Hope/Love Dahlia: Commitment/Eternal Love Bouquet 4: Bitter Ends Datura: Deceitful Charms Tansy: Hostility Thistle: Misanthropy Wormwood: Bitterness Bouquet 5: Regret & Sorrow Asphodel: Regrets to the Grave Azalea: Fragility Snowdrop: Consolation/Hope Rue: Regret Willow: Mourning
The only 'rule' is to please have fun. You may tag "flowersofapril2024," if you'd like, and I'll reblog anything I see. If you feel like filling these prompts on AO3 then "Flowers of April" or "Flowers of April 2024" would be a suitable tag. You may also submit to the FlowersofApril2024 collection on AO3
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swiftgreatest · 1 year
who i write for:
Daisy Jones and The Six
Camilla Dunne, Daisy Jones, Karen Sirko, Eddie Roundtree/Loving, Warren Rojas/Rhodes and Graham Dunne
Slash, Jason Newsted, Nikki Sixx, Izzy Stradlin , Steven Adler and Brian May
my requets are open and you could request anything of something from the prompt list
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Hello hello hello~
Can you please write Sunflower, Pink Camellia, and Daisy for Dan Heng ? I cannot get over this man these days
Plant Ask Prompt List
Dan Heng
🌻daisy: what is their love language, both giving and receiving?
Give: Acts of Service
Everything that Dan Heng doesn't tell you, he makes up in the way he keeps a close eye on you: attentive and vigilant, but never overbearing. Whenever you're within his vicinity, a part of his attention is immediately on you like it's second nature, regardless if you can handle yourself or not. For some reason, he tries not to let it show that he pays this much attention to you, but it's obvious in the way he is always right beside you before something happens, even when it's as trivial as you about to drop something.
Receive: Words of Affirmation
Dan Heng wonders what you see in him that he himself couldn't. It's not as if he doubts you when you point out his good sides, but there are times when he is too into his head. Are his good sides enough to compensate for everything else that he lacks? His thoughts aren't so prevalent that it affects the way he treats you, but it happens often enough that it bothers him from time to time. He isn't a vocal person so he's caught off guard at how much your words affect him, although it will take a lot of time before he can internalize all your reaffirming words that are only meant for him to hear.
🌻pink camellia: how do they react when their s/o is gone for a week? a month?
Dan Heng thought your absence wouldn't make that much of a difference since he tends to keep to himself even when you're around, but after you're gone he learns the hard way that there's a huge difference between being alone and not having you nearby. There are times when he is too occupied with the archives that he half-expects you to check up on him like you always do, so when he is reminded that you're not around he tells himself to get a grip. He knows what it's like to be in solitude, he should be able to handle your absence without a problem.
🌻sunflower: how would they confess their feelings to their crush?
Dan Heng doesn't want to say anything that would easily give him away but he also wants to get his feelings across, and he ends up settling with a simple You're important to me. Depending on how well you know him, it could be easily misunderstood especially if you're around the others, as if he is putting you in the same pedestal as the Astral Express: like family. But Dan Heng isn't one to be honest about his feelings without reason, and because of that you figure that there's meaning behind the subtle, uneasy glances he shoots you and the quiet of his words that shouldn't feel so charged if he didn't mean it as a confession.
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luvfae · 1 year
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summary: no 33, first date. from my scenario prompt list.
fandom: daisy jones & the six
parings: eddie roundtree x f reader, karen sirko x friend reader
warnings: swearing, alcohol use, smut, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering
a/n: rising from the dead because there’s a serious daisy jones & the six smut shortage. i’m here to solve all your problems, send in requests you can see which characters i write for here
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“He’s a nice guy, Y/N,” your friend, Karen Sirko, said to you, a smile on her face. “I promise.”
You gave Karen a blank look. “Last time you said that to me the man ended up crying mid date because I was wearing the same perfume as his ex,” you said, arms crossing over your chest.
Karen laughed. “But this time I mean it,” Karen said. “He’s in my band, Y/N. Just trust me.”
“Whatever,” you sighed, opening the car door and stepping out. You were wearing your favourite outfit, your hair done nicely, thanks to Karen. “If this goes bad you owe me a drink.”
Karen rolled her eyes. “Have fun!” She yelled before driving off, leaving you no choice but to go inside this restaurant and find your date.
Karen hadn’t told you much, all you know is he’s got blond hair, he’s the bass player in the band Karen’s apart of, his name is Eddie and apparently, he’s a really good guy.
You looked around, there was people everywhere. Most people were in groups of two’s, three’s or even more. There was an exception of two people who were sat alone, one was a red haired boy who was half way through his meal and the other a blond boy, tapping his foot as he waited.
Obviously it wasn’t the red haired boy. You took a deep breath and walked over to the blond boy, praying to God this was Eddie and not some random guy.
“Eddie?” You asked, grabbing his attention, his eyes shot up to meet yours and you swear you died and went to heaven.
“You must be Y/N,” Eddie said, standing up, his chair scraping against the floorboards as he moved to give you a hug. “Karen has told me so much about you. She didn’t mention how beautiful you are though.”
You smiled bashfully, rolling your eyes as you took your seat across from him. “Thank you,” you said.
A few drinks and a meal later, you and Eddie were laughing with one another and getting to know each other. You had told him how you and Karen met and he had told you how he had joined the band. You and Eddie had really hit it off and for once Karen’s blind dating idea was actually working out.
Eddie paid the bill and shortly after you both stood up. “I had a lot of fun,” you smiled at him. Eddie took your hand as you walked out of the restaurant and onto the chilly night air of Los Angeles. “We should do this again sometime soon.”
“Who said the date was over?” Eddie asked with a chuckle. By now you were both drunk, and normally when you got drunk you liked to end the night in your own bed at home, but you just couldn’t leave Eddie’s side. You didn’t want too leave his side. “Wanna come back to my place? Have a few drinks and watch a movie?” He asked.
You smiled, “sure.”
Eddie waved down a cab and soon enough the pair of you were back at his house, which coincidentally was also where Karen lived. You had only been there once, briefly, when Karen was the only one home. You and Eddie were sat on his bed, watching a movie, except the movie had long been forgotten about because his lips were on yours and somehow you had ended up in his lap.
Your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, undoing all of them and pushing it off of his shoulders. Your clothes came next, Eddie undressing every article of clothing on your body in less than a minute, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. He kicked his jeans off and you pushed him back, flat against the mattress.
“Is this what you were expecting to come out of tonight?” Eddie asked, breathless as your lips trailed along his jawline and neck.
“I thought i’d end up going home tonight and never contacting you again,” you replied, pressing your lips against his once more.
You felt his fingers slip under the hem of your panties. You gasped as his fingertips brushed against your clit, slowly making his way towards your entrance.
“Is that good?” He asked, pushing two digits inside of you. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
“Yes,” you managed to whimper out as his fingers grazed the deepest parts of you. Pressure was building and you could feel your orgasm already approaching, but you weren’t ready yet, you wanted more.
You pushed his boxers down, his dick popping free from the fabric. You slipped away from his fingers and looked him in the eye as you aligned yourself with him. Eddie’s hands landed on your hips, guiding you down onto him.
His fingers clamped around the skin of your hips, Eddie’s fingers turning white from the grip he had on you. “Fuck,” you whispered, legs shaking as he filled you thick.
You moved your hips back and forth over and over again, gaining momentum with each move. Eddie was starstruck, too busy listening to the pretty sounds coming out of your mouth to even make a noise.
You switched from back and forth movements to bouncing up and down, skin slapping against skin until your calves started to burn and your vision started to blur. Eddie shoved his hand over your mouth, keeping you quiet.
“You’re being so loud, sweetheart,” He whispered. “You’re gonna wake the whole house up.”
You looked down at him, crying into the palm of his hand as your orgasm washed over you, growing so tired and weak that you collapsed onto his chest, whimpering into Eddie’s ear.
“Aw, are you all fucked out, huh?” He teased, you nodded your head, eyes fluttering shut. “Well I haven’t came yet so…” Eddie’s hips snapped up into yours, making you yelp. “You’re gonna have to keep it up for a little while longer.”
Eddie fucked himself into you, hitting angles that he wasn’t before. You kept your lips on his neck, sucking bruises into his skin to keep the sinful noises that desperately wanted to escape your lips in.
“Good girl,” he whispered, hands tangling through your hair.
You moved your mouth towards his ear. “Thank you,” you whispered, tears brimming your eyes. You were so sensitive but so needy at the same time. You didn’t want it to stop but you needed it to before it became overwhelming.
You pressed your lips against his, shoving your tongue inside of his mouth, moving your hips in time with his and it didn’t take long for Eddie’s movements to falter and his hips to start stuttering and you felt him finish inside of you.
There was not much talking after that, in fact you didn’t even get dressed, didn’t even move. The pair of you woke up the next morning fully naked, on top of each other, stone cold sober.
After the initial shock, you got up, changed back into your clothes from last night. “I really have to go,” you said with a smile as Eddie tried to convince you to stay.
“Well come back later,” Eddie begged. “Please?”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine,” you said before shoving your feet into your shoes. “I’ll come back later on tonight.”
Eddie smiled, triumphantly and you blew him a kiss as you walked out his bedroom door, hoping to sneak out of the house before anyone woke up. But right as you rounded the corner into the kitchen you came face to face with Karen.
Karen’s eyes widened upon seeing you, makeup smudged around your face, your hair ruined. She nearly choked on her coffee.
“I’m assuming it went well?” Karen asked with a smirk.
“Yeah…” You cleared your throat, your skin heating up. “It went great.”
“I told you so,” Karen laughed.
“Now leave me alone, i’m doing my walk of shame,” you said, pushing the front door open. “But i’ll be back tonight!” You yelled, waving goodbye to her.
Karen laughed, shaking her head.
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shoshiwrites · 3 months
Orange sunsets for Jo & Egan? 💚
Friend, this prompt would not exist without you and your Gale senses, @mercurygray's military vehicle expertise, and @junojelli, because I have never driven stick in my entire life, much less a 1940s jeep. Prompt list here.
Bucky Egan/War correspondent OC, also on Ao3!
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Somewhere between writing up her latest story and the blue censor’s slashes that render it half as long, she runs out of typewriter ribbon.
She thought she’d been careful — both in the writing and in the paying close attention to her supplies. Jo — reporter Jo, Your Trusty Correspondent Jo, she figures out her own shit. Doesn’t ask for even so much as a pencil. 
She’d thought it was a good piece, too. 
The things she does have to ask about — meals, jeep rides up to Norwich to report on the bombing runs there, woven through with conversations with the civil defense men, almost all of them veterans of the last war — those are careful things, done in uniform and with something in her voice that approximates flattery. Apologies without apologizing. It’s a relief when a Red Cross girl or two offers to go with her, the way they can talk without minding themselves.
Longhand’ll be fine, for a bit.
It’s warm enough to sit outside, in the grass, in the shadow of a Nissen hut. Overcast, as usual, an early summer day. The air smells like pollen, half like the promise of rain. 
“Hey, I know we’re short a few things up here but I think a chair might not be too big an ask.”
She squints up at him in the brightness from behind the clouds. “Major.”
“Seriously, you need a chair?”
“I’m alright, thank you.” It’s not the mud of spring anymore, at least. “Ground’s nice, on a day like this.”
The look that crosses his face seems to be considering a joke. “Where’s the machine?” He means her typewriter, the Underwood portable. Sitting inside.
She makes a noncommittal wave. 
“I’m sure we could figure you one of those too,” he says, even though they both know full well that hot commodities like typewriters aren’t just growing out in the grass. “Sticky keys? Bad spring? Screw loose? Space bar not doing its job? I mean, I’d still read it, but-”
“Nah, just the ribbon.”
“You need a ribbon?”
God, he’s worse than the boys at the office. She laughs, just a little. “Has anyone ever told you you’d make a great copyboy?”
If he were chewing gum right now, it’d be a lazy clack on his back teeth. “Well, not too different than what they’ve got me doing now, if I’m honest.”
“If you’re honest.”
“Jeep’s right there,” he says, even though it’s not. “I mean-”
She weighs her options. Jeep ride. Typewriter ribbon. Maybe even one for Kay or to squirrel away for later. She wonders about ration books and cigarettes, not that she bothers much with anything besides Luckies these days. Small bars of wartime soap, small, pretty tins of hard candy, boiled sweets, they call them here.
On the other hand. No ride. No ribbon. No sweets. The air’s gotten thicker as she’s been sitting here. It sounds nice — careening through the greenery with the wind on her arms. 
And he’d talk the whole time, she knows he will. 
“What’s your afternoon look like?”
“Wide open.”
She highly suspects it’s not. 
“Just the ribbon,” she says.
“Yes, ma’am.”
She’s glad she’s wearing trousers in the passenger seat, the open vehicle, the way she has to hold on to stay in. He’s used to the thing by now, he says, the way it handles, the good noises, the bad ones, the bite of the clutch. The road to Norwich is a straight line, and long, and he shouts over the wind, “oldest Roman road around! ‘S what I heard, at least.”
“And here we are, driving on it!” 
The fields run by, the rows of trees, wagons, the Queen Anne’s lace, cow parsley, clusters of daisies. 
“So, what’re you working on?”
She tells him, out here where it feels like they’re the only ones around, in the middle of the afternoon, even if they’re not. And he knows, of course, exactly what she’s talking about, the major who drinks among locals, the ones who tell stories and the ones who don’t. 
He waits outside while she makes her purchase, and then ducks into another store to buy that tin of candy, slipped into her pocket. A magazine too, a small, short thing printed on rough paper. She ought to get him something, for the favor. A beer or a meal would be the real thing, if this wasn’t just an errand. 
They walk back around the corner to where the jeep is parked, and he makes to toss her the keys. “Spin for the lady?”
She looks at him, unable to hide the confusion on her face. 
Even if they let her have a jeep, she couldn’t drive it.
“Would if I could,” she says. “Though I hate to make you take the wheel all the way back, too.”
“Hey, it’s fine, I like this thing. But seriously, you never-?”
She looks at him, maybe a little too long, trying to figure out who he thinks she is. “City girls don’t get a lot of lessons in motoring.” Like it’s 1922 and she’s got a parasol and a skirt that doesn’t let her move. Steelworkers who drink away good wages don’t usually go for nice cars, either. William’s family had cars, plural. The two of them went for drives sometimes, out to the quieter, greener spots around the city. She always felt like she was going to do something wrong, smudge something that had just been polished or cleaned.
“Why don’t you hop in, I’ll show you.”
She looks at him again. “I’m sure the last thing anyone needs is an accident that puts a major out of commission.” And she’s pretty sure her on a ship home would be a welcome relief for at least as many people as she can count on her hands.
He makes a noise of dismissal, good-humored. Kind of a snort. “You’ll be fine.”
“You can tell that to the MPs.”
“Hey, would I tell you that if I didn’t think it was true?”
No, you wouldn’t.
“If I can park a plane, you can drive a jeep.”
She gets in the driver’s seat.
“So right here’s the steering wheel-”
She’s quick enough to bite it back. You know I got to England all by myself, right?
He sees the look on her face, puts his hand up. “Just covering all the bases, Brandt.”
“Steering wheel, roger.”
“Steering wheel-” he points, “shifter. This thing-” he points to the long handle protruding from the dashboard, “parking brake. Don’t worry about that one yet.”
He reaches an arm over, down to the well where her legs are. “Left is the clutch. That’s important. Right foot’s the brake. Also important. Long pedal’s the gas, you guessed it, important, if you wanna get back to base before chow or there’s someone chasin’ you.”
“Who’s chasing me?”
“I don’t know, somebody.” 
“I’ll think something up.”
“You’re the writer, right? Now, you’re gonna start this baby up.” He hands her the keys, fingertips brushing her palm. "First turn that ignition, press the starter-” she does as she’s told, “and give it a little gas.”
It starts, mercifully, with a noise that he doesn’t wince at. “Now, if you wanna go faster than a farm wagon you’re gonna need to switch to second. But, can’t do that without gettin’ to first first.”
She’s fairly certain every window along the lane has someone looking at them, but she can’t worry about that right now. 
“So, shifter’s in neutral, keep your foot on that brake- and the clutch, yep- just like dancin’-” he sees her face, “ok, maybe harder than dancin’, unless it’s a fast song playin’-” The clasp of her watch digs into her wrist against the wheel. “Doin’ great- now, I shoulda had you look at these before we started so I’ll just tell you- you’re gonna push down good on that clutch pedal, take the shifter, like this-” 
She does, rewarded by an ungodly metallic noise and a corresponding smell. Her stomach wobbles. Nothing about his manner changes, except a handwave to get the smell away from his nose. This must be what’s he’s like up there. She’s surprised there hasn’t been a baseball metaphor yet. “You’re fine, just didn’t press hard enough is all. Need to get you some good boots like mine-”
She tries again, and the whole vehicle seems to take a cue from her stomach. “I hope you didn’t have anywhere you needed to be this afternoon.”
“Nope.” It’s clear she doesn’t quite believe that. A beat passes. “...you let me worry about that. Now-”
She reaches for the shifter again, just as he does the same, the tiniest spark of static. How, in this weather? If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear she heard something in his throat. “So I’ll handle this part now, you just focus on the clutch.”
“I’ll tell you when.”
She nods, tries to look decisive about it.
“Alright- right- now-”
It bites, just like he said it would. 
It’s almost a laugh, the breath that escape her.
“Now, we’ll try second.”
She doesn’t get too excited, because it stalls out again. But she gets it going out of neutral, to first. He looks proud.
And second gear- the second time- it works.
“Hey, see, you’ve got this!”
“I think steering might also come in handy.”
“You may be right.”
She’s not very graceful about it, but she doesn’t land them in a ditch as she slowly maneuvers onto the main road. “I think you ought to take us back if you want to get there before dark.”
He looks like he’s thinking about it. “Ah, alright. But this ain’t over.”
“Part two?”
“Third gear. On the strip. When we get back.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Kind of a requirement.”
She gets it back down from second, stops it, hands him the keys. She’s shivering a little, back in the passenger seat, from the nerves, energy. He looks over at her and smiles. “Passed part one.”
“How do I stack up?”
“Well, Buck still has me drivin’ him around so, I’d say you’re the top of the class.”
She laughs, from relief, from the fact that it’s still not raining, from the fact that she’s forgotten the typewriter ribbon in the little box in her pocket, from his smile.
“I expect you to keep this thing running while I’m up there,” he says.
She wants to laugh, but the unspoken if hangs heavy, like clouds pregnant with rain. 
“I don’t think that’s allowed,” she says. 
He glances over at her, East Anglia passing them on both sides once again. “Well, I’ll get you permission.”
It’s not even your jeep, she wants to say. It puckers on her tongue, like the cherry-flavored sweets in her other pocket. None of this belongs to us.
By the time they make it back to Thorpe Abbotts, the sky has miraculously cleared, soft and blue, the other side of the afternoon.
“Now, we can just call this practice,” he says. “For the gear shifts.”
Gamely she gets in the driver’s seat again, bolstered by his confidence.
Another stall, again, this time from first to second, but she handles it. No one’s ever accused me of having a bad memory. Quite the opposite, sometimes. 
The sensation of it runs through her arms, her legs. Something new, something she’d learned, something that might actually serve her, and not just what lipsticks to wear and how to dress for the season. Something he’d shared with her.
“I’m glad we’re not in Pittsburgh,” she says. “All the hills.”
“Hey, you’d handle them too. You’re a pro now. More practice than some of us got.” She’s a little afraid of what this looks like, although it’s not like discipline’s been the letter of the day at Thorpe Abbotts. Hardly something she’d write home about, aside from the swagger, the boldness. It meant something to her, though. Professionalism. William never thinks about any of it, she’s sure. “How about trying that third gear?”
“I hope whatever you’re missing right now isn’t too important.”
“Thought I told you to let me worry about that.”
“After dinner,” she says, unsure if she means it.
The next voice belonging to neither of them, low and a little amused, approaching. “Thought we’d have to send out a search party.”
“Just taking Josephine here for a little spin. Driving lesson.”
She shoots him a look. “An errand. I ran out of ribbon.”
“How was it?” Gale still looks faintly amused. “The lesson.”
“I told her if I can park a plane, she can drive a jeep.”
“Your ability to park a plane is questionable at best.” He smiles, just a little, before his expression is measured again. “John, Huglin wants to see you.” He can’t say what about in front of her, obviously. Jo hopes it isn’t about this. Something about what she knows of the colonel might tell her it’s not. Still, she feels guilty.
He leans over conspiratorially. “Jo, I won’t mind too much if you run him over.”
“Nice thing to say about your best friend,” Gale says.
“You’d be walking everywhere if it weren’t for me. Jeeps, bikes-”
“Sure, sure.”
“I’ll let you bring this back where you got it,” she says. “Better than me taking an hour to do the same.”
“After dinner, though?” Her mouth twitches a little. 
“Come on, you’ll be thankin’ me one day.”
“He likes to say that,” says Gale.
If the sky stays clear, it’ll be beautiful. Clear blue until late, and then pink, orange, lemon yellow. Red streaks like the sweets in her pocket, dusted with powdered sugar.
How many sunsets like that could you hope for?
“Alright,” she says. “Keep the keys ready.”
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starry-hughes · 1 year
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recent production: blurring the lines (matt rempe x reader)
requests: open
nhl zodiac sign distribution
about me!
blog rules
star’s birthday bash
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works & who i write for
prompt list
star’s 2023 ficmas
field of daisies (au masterlist) quinn hughes x reader
daisy's au (quinn hughes and y/n 'momma')
kasey tkachuk and mackie samoskevich
sawyer tkachuk and quinn hughes
caroline hughes and kent johnson
charlie and trevor zegras
dakota and mark estapa
eden lee and matt rempe
brooklyn barzal and luke hughes
kendall and elias pettersson
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reidsaurora · 11 months
You are invited to:
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reidsaurora's twentieth birthday bash! ☆
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The Orders:
🧁 Leo Baby Birthday Cake - send me a character + a prompt from this list and i'll write you a blurb!
🧁 Confetti Cupcakes - send me a character + concept/trope/au and i'll write you a blurb!
🧁 Birthday Batch Cookies - send me a character + concept/trope/au and i'll write you some headcanons!
🧁 Birthday Breakfast - send me a character + concept/trope/au and i'll make you a moodboard!
🧁 Ice Cream Sundae - send me a 💞 and i'll write you a handwritten note! (mutuals only)
🧁 Rainbow Sherbet - send me a 🎶 and a genre and i'll make you a playlist! (mutuals only)
🧁 Sparkling Strawberry Lemonade - send me a thing and i'll cast my mutuals as it!
🧁 Party Punch - send me ask games! fmk, would you rather, etc!
🧁 Cake Batter Martini - send me a character + kink and i'll write a you nsfw blurb!
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The Rules:
🧁 This event will run through leo season! - as a leo my baby myself, i love taking the opportunity to celebrate my fellow leos because i don't think we get the love we deserve! that being said, this event will run through leo season, meaning it will start July 23rd and end August 22nd! (give or take, depending on how many requests i get and how long it takes me to write them)
🧁 Send asks to designated blogs! - please check my pinned post for request rules! this account is exclusive to criminal minds and daisy jones & the six requests, but this doesn't mean i'm not taking requests for this event over on my stranger things blog, @honeysuckleharringtons!
🧁 NSFW asks are designated to my NSFW blog! - while there is an option in this event for nsfw blurbs, that does not mean to send them to this blog!!! any and all nsfw asks should be sent to my nsfw blog, @hornyhornyhimbos!
🧁 Please be respectful to the blogger and to others! - use your noggin when requesting things. if it sounds offensive, it probably is, so just keep it to yourself. treat people with kindness!!!
🧁 Please be understanding when putting in requests! - writing blurbs and headcanons and such can be time-consuming so please be gracious when leaving requests! i will try to answer everyone's asks in as timely of a manner as possible!
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🧁 tagging some mutuals to spread the word if they'd like! -> @dungeons-are-too-cold @reidsbookclub @reidselle @broken-stardust @nomajdetective @writer-in-theory @lcvingprentjss @serenity-lattes @writingquillsandpainpills @sadgirlml @rupsmorge @lukeclvez @foxy-eva @bejeweledmunson @gay-prentiss @orchidmunson @letarasstuff @milla984 @coldbrewreid @stevesmunsons
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Okay okay okay I just thought of a really cute prompt for a LotR fic, since you said you were wanting to write for the og trilogy again. Feel free to get to this whenever works for you!
Merry and Reader are in the like early stages of a relationship, maybe they're officially courting, maybe not, but there's an understanding there. Anyway, they're at some party or other, and one is dancing while the other watches with a soft smile on their face. Their eyes meet from across the room and suddenly they both have goofy, lovestruck expressions on their faces.
Idk how much detail you want or if this is enough for a whole one shot but I thought it'd be cute and would love to see your take on it.
(This is such an adorable idea, and thank you for suggesting it!! I won't tag anyone in it because this might be a complete flop and everyone hates it. LOL! But I do indeed want to branch out and get back into Lord of the Rings fics.)
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Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Merry x Fem!Hobbit!Reader
Warnings: Lots of fluff.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be added to my tag list, please let me know. This is my first Merry fic, and my first fic back in Lord of the Rings, so please be gentle with me. LOL.
The Green Dragon was heaving with patrons. It was Rosie and Sam's wedding day, and everyone in the Shire had been invited to the celebrations. Some hobbits were still congregated up in the main party field, devouring the wedding cake, while a large group of you had retreated back to the Green Dragon for drinks, a smoke and cosiness by the open fire.
A few of your friends had pulled you up to to dance in the centre of the main room. There was laughing and giggling the girl hobbits who were all around you. Your friend, Daisy, grabbed your hands and spun you around, while others sang.
Merry was on the opposite side of the room, sat at a table with Pippin and Frodo. He couldn't help but keep averting his eyes over toward you.
"Are you even listening?" Frodo chuckled, raising his tankard for a sip. Ever since Merry had first kissed you, he was constantly day dreaming and pre-occupied. No one but you seemed to be able to get his attention.
Pippin sighed, trying to hide the sadness of losing his best friend and partner in crime, despite being happy for him and you.
"What?" Merry asked, his head shifting turning to face Frodo.
Your head was spinning and you kept giggling, your cheeks glowing in happiness. And as you slowed down, the song coming to an end, you looked over toward Merry again. He had his gaze on you, and he smiled. Your heart fluttered and you felt the flush on your cheeks burn even hotter.
Daisy rolled her eyes playfully. "You are Merry are making me feel sick."
By the end of the night, as everyone filed out of the small tavern, Merry waited for you by the door. He held his arm out and you curled yours in his, giggling again. Whenever you were with him, or in close proximity, and the contentment washed over you. It rested in your heart.
Merry looked at you as he walked you home, studying your bright eyes as they took in your surroundings. Your curiosity was what he had fallen in love with first. Every little thing around you was special; flowers, animals, the sun, the moon and the stars. He watched the reflection of the stars in your eyes as you looked upwards at the heavens.
You could feel Merry watching you again and suddenly you stopped, grinning. Not able to hold back, you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
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wooahaes · 1 year
Hi, hope you’re doing well. If possible, I’d like to request #1 “I’ll be there in 10” and #6 “Be more careful” with Seungcheol, please and thank you! I hope this prompt list helps you get out of your funk. Take care! ❤️
stormy weather
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pairing: non-idol!s coups x gn!reader
prompt: 1 + 6 from these prompts   
word count: 0.7k
warnings: storm w heavy rain mention!! worried cheol. implied shower together post-fic but its not rly written to be sexual. intentional lowercase + no proofreading!
daisy’s notes: im doing ok!! kinda trying to fix my sleep schedule a lil rn since i can afford to now lol its been helping a lil when i can sit down and write! you take care as well <3
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seungcheol had reread your last text to him about twenty times over the past half-hour: i’ll be there in 10!!!
of course, that was sent almost thirty-five minutes ago, and seungcheol was starting to worry. it was raining hard outside, so he’d eased off at first since public transit could take longer when the weather was bad. he texted you a few minutes after your estimated arrival time to ensure that you were in your bus to zero response. seungcheol had started pacing near the entryway to your apartment, eyeing up his own raincoat. he knew where your stop got off... he could at least go wait for you so he knew you came home safely.
seungcheol let out a long sigh and could already hear your playful nagging. that you’d be home soon enough, that he worried too much over you (he never saw it that way: it was dark, the weather was awful, he worried the right amount about you getting home safely), that it was just “a little rain” and that you wouldn’t melt from it. the elevator ride down to the lobby of your building was enough for him to start planning: he’d just go to your stop. if he found you walking home, then that was fine. either way, he’d be there waiting for you.
except he took maybe three steps into the lobby before he watched you talk in through the front door and immediately slip upon trying to dry off before you trekked too much water into the building. seungcheol quickly made his way over to you to steady you.
he’d already begun scolding you for not texting back, and then frowned when you fumbled with your umbrella. “be more careful,” he said, fingers fiddling with the buttons on your raincoat. “i was about to go looking for you--why didn’t you answer me?”
“my phone died,” you looked up, “and you took my portable charger.”
that he did. he frowned again, wiping away a drop of water from your face. he took your hand, holding it tight within his own to keep you steady as he guided you back to the elevator. soon enough, he’d leave you within the front door of your apartment to find towels for you. when he came back, you were pulling off your soaking wet shoes to put them away. he merely threw a towel over your still-wet head, beginning to dry you off despite your whine.
“i can do it myself, you know,” you reached blindly for his hands, pulling them away. he watched as you pulled the towel back, leaning in for a kiss that he dodged. “cheollie....” you pouted, “i didn’t mean to scare you.”
“what happened?” he took your hands, guiding you with him. “was your bus late?”
“the traffic was bad so i got off early and decided to walk,” you said with a shrug. “the street was empty, it didn’t take that long. i was only off the bus for maybe ten minutes. the traffic was bad.”
“how long after did you regret it?”
he watched the way you sucked in your lips, fully caught in your regrets. “like. three minutes later, but the bus was already gone so i decided to commit.”
“i would have paid for your taxi,” he pouted, before leaning in to press a kiss to your temple. “go take a shower or you’ll get sick.” 
“then join me and i will,” you teased. you looked up to see seungcheol, unimpressed, and staring back at you. “oh. cheol,” you frowned, the weight of his worries finally hitting you. “i’m sorry--”
“it’s not your fault--” he immediately said, pulling you in to rest against him, “i just want you to be safe. okay? it’s my fault for taking your charger, too,” he shut his eyes.
you reached up for one of his hands, just to curl your fingers around it. “i’m home now. and you saved me from busting my ass downstairs--”
he chuckled softly. “go turn on the water,” he said, letting you go. “i’ll be there in a moment.”
you’d laughed after saying something that, on a good day, would have made him blush and whine at you. the idea of cuddling with you in the shower (and, maybe, cuddling with you in bed, too) felt better once he let go of the worries he’d been carrying still. you were home now, after all. now it was his turn to make sure you didn’t get sick after your rainy adventure home.
if that meant staying in the warm water with you for a few extra minutes, just to hold you close? then so be it.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune
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