#Empire Crime Siblings. The dream
definitely-not-an-alb · 2 months
ooh, how do you think molly would grift essek?
Alright. Let’s grift Essek.
First I need to note that any objection along the line of ‘Essek is too intelligent to fall for grifts’ is unnecessary, because whatever you think of Essek’s specific characterisation, assuming you are to intelligent to fall for a grift is one of the major ways people fall for them, in a ‘renowned high pressure social group researcher proclaiming on twitter that Sissy Porn is real and dangerous’ kinda way (look it up it’s some hysterical terf bs).
Gonna use that joke as a sidenote that if I am conflating grifts and high pressure social groups in this, it’s ‘cause as far as I care the difference is how self-aware the people running the show are. Watch any MLM-Doku (and I think we can all agree MLMs are grifts) and you’ll inevitably get to the part about weird aspiration culture bs and group pressure. It’s all one soup.
With that out of the way, let’s establish a baseline: What’s Molly’s reason for grifting Essek? Probably money and also the fun of it/being bored. Considering Kingsley abandoned his perfectly fine shipping company job to run off to be pirate king, I don’t think ‘Molly keeps grifting long after the M9 have become financially stable for shits and giggles and because Jester enjoys it’ is too outlandish a projection. Additionally, I don’t think Molly is great with impulse control nor this whole thing where current actions cause future consequences.
Now; why would Essek fall for a grift. Grifting relies on the dupe wanting something more than having good sense about it. Most people want money, so most girfts are structured around greed, but we know money is no object to Essek (though this does make him a juicy target – what he would barely miss might make a good haul for any grifter). We do know he is primarily motivated by knowledge instead, as well as a desire to be recognized as intelligent and exceptional. Additionally, we know he needs (in the character development sense) The Power of Friendship. Lastly, I think it’s fair to say he subconsciously longs for excitement (happy, fulfilled bureaucrats don’t become heretic spies; nor do they befriend a gang of mercenaries; implicitly, Essek is happier living the life of a wayward refugee-adventurer wizard than that of an Evil Gay Vizier Court Wizard or whatever papers a Shadowhand stamps nine-to-five.).
Being a paranoid bastard makes him a harder target, though the fact that we know he has fallen for someone’s bs before (I’m counting the spectacularly bad decision that is him allying with the Assembly as falling for a grift here. That’s a stupid decision to make!) makes him an easier target. Being so socially isolated makes him an easier victim, too, though his general rejection of people and clear discomfort with social interactions makes him an unlikely target for something like a romance scam. Essek’s relationship to tolerating bullshit is a weird one; on the one hand, he does put up with Jester’s (and the rest of the Nein’s) shenanigans, on the other he clearly knows how to and dares to tell someone to fuck off, and there’s that time he just ditches everyone via teleport (hilarious). So boundaries-wise, he could go either way. Lastly, I’d argue he’s at least somewhat impulsive or at least not risk averse. Always remember we are looking at an NPC next to Sword’n’Sorcery Adventurers – Essek might look cautious next to ruin-trawling wizards, but compare him to Gundula, 55, who works in Insurance and just clicked on a phishing link to claim her Totally Real Oilve Garden Gift Card, and you’ll see what I mean – most people are too risk-averse and unimpulsive to, again, commit treason via international conspiracy and then run off without a moment’s notice to dig around a cursed-ass ruin to save the world from a Cronenbergian nightmare.
Conclusion: He’s rich, he’s bored, he loves pretending to be a spy or grand discoverer, he wants to buy your dodgy foreign papers and incredible discoveries about the Luxon so, so badly and he has absolutely no one left in his life who’ll tell him it’s a bad idea.
So, for example, Molly could Voynich him. All he needs is a battered notebook and some writing supplies, whatever knowledge of what wizards’ and alchemists’ and spies’ scribbles look like he can easily pick up from traveling with the Nein and an opportunity to ask Essek to have a look at this encoded notebook he’s been lugging around all over the continent with him, why, he was at this party in Zadash and everyone else was some boring old pompous wizard (such a bore!) so he pickpocketed one of them, just for the fun of it, but, well, turns out neither Caleb nor Beau can make head nor tails of the weird sign code it’s written in (how tragic, if only someone happened to be so much cleverer than both of them!) and if Essek wants to have a look Molly would be more than happy to lighten his pack. For a small pittance, of course.
What’s small change to Essek is probably pretty nice to have for Molly, even by that level and especially if we’re mostly doing this for the fun of it. Essek gets to fall face first into his desire to show up Caleb, Beau and potentially an unknown Assembly member with his clearly superior decoding, espionage and wizardly skills and gain Secret Knowledge, maybe even Assembly Secrets on top of that.
Arguably, this one does rely very heavily on the fact that it’s hard to prove a negative, or in this case, hard to prove a barely-literate conman’s scribbles are just that. Do keep in mind Essek doesn’t know Molly is a habitual conman, but even so, it’s not a fantastic con (Essek isn’t dumb and knows his arcana after all and Molly doesn’t, or at least not enough to make a proper Voynich).
You could make it a better Voynich by getting Caleb in on it, but instead let’s pep it and turn it into a proper Real Stradivari by changing the hints that this manuscript might be legit to being alchemy-related and adding in a shill. Let’s go with Jester, because she’s down to clown, can lie and has a way with Essek’s boundaries.
So this time around, we aren’t asking Essek outright to buy our bogus notes – instead Molly gives him the whole spiel, hands him the notebook, fucks off with as little time to actually look at it as possible before Jester enters the scene to ask what THAT is and go oh it’s about ALCHEMY well, that DOES look like the signs she saw around Yezza’s house, pretty suuuure, oh, do you think it might be Yezza’s? Do you think Yezza might want it? Do you think she should ask Molly to sell it to her so she can give it to Yezza as a present to be nice because she’s such a nice friend who does nice things?
Honestly, the money part is optional if this is wholly about making Essek look up to see if the ceiling does indeed say gullible (and if Jester is involved, it might well do so! Always better to check, with her!), but a proper Violin Drop concludes with the Grifter returning to take their worthless thing back only to be asked to sell by the victim, who thinks the grifter doesn’t know what worth he has. If it was real, offering to buy the notebook would mean Essek outsmarted a minimum of three people (Beau and Caleb can’t crack the code, Molly is too dumb and illiterate to know valuable research notes from the morning paper) and gets his hands on potentially unknown-to-him luxon-related secrets! Alas, it’s not real, as he will realize soon.
So these are two (related) ways to scam Essek. But there’s a third one I want to mention one that is a lot of cinematic fun and I didn’t know had a name until Wikipedia told me no one does it irl (boo! That’s no fun!). It takes a lot of prep, math, and a lot of people and combines Essek’s obsession with the Luxon’s secrets and Molly’s penchant for passing himself off as psychic.
Molly would need something people in Rosohna bet on, like some kind of sport, preferably one with only two results and places people do said betting on said sport in groups. I’m assuming this exists on account of gambling and sports being culturally pretty universal concepts that love to go together.
Anyway. Imagine you’re Essek Thelyss, and one day a bunch of weirdos show up in court with a piece of the god you’re atheistically-heretically obsessed with. A few weeks later, you, having your ears to the ground about new developments regarding said not-god-pieces, hear one of the weirdos has made a name for himself as a outright oracle, correctly predicting the outcome of Fantasy-Dodgeball (Rosohnas’ favourite sport) perfectly six weeks running. He swears it’s because proximity to the Luxon amplified his inborn and long-trained psychic powers to predict the future.
Now, this is obviously bullshit. Except if Essek, being regrettably acquainted with the weirdos, were to ask, Molly would certainly confirm that sure, he has mystic powers and certainly they were amplified by the Luxon and predicting sport results is a hobby of his wherever they go, does Essek want to see? and lead Essek to a bar where every regular can swear on whatever he likes that Molly has correctly predicted the results of Fantasy-Dodgeball since the first week of being in Rosohna, in fact since before he himself knew the rules or track-record of any of the teams. Not only that, but there’s a second bar full of people Molly can introduce him too. And if he wants, he can certainly come back for a drink in one of them again next week when Molly has done it once more. Just call on Molly, he’ll tell you the time and date to meet some true believers, not all of whom can possibly be his shills.
(And, incidentally, barely worth mentioning, really, since Molly’s psychic blessings from the Luxon are so accurate, he has Exciting Business Opportunities for anyone willing to place more than their weekly betting budget in his trust, and he’d love for Essek to take a look at his powers. For a small compensation of his time, of course.)
Of course Molly can’t predict the results of Fantasy-Dodgeball. Instead, the first week of downtime in Rosohna, he found out what people like to bet on in Rosohna and where, picked one or two places in each district, go there and make predictions with a fifty-fifty split, then eliminate each watering hole where he was wrong each week, slowly cutting his audience back to only people who are getting to know him as That Outlander Who Always Knows The Results of Fantasy-Dodgeball, all the while escalating the story from him being just some dude betting and drinking with the guys to the whole Chosen By The Luxon thing. Considering this is a double-scam involving a faith aspect, he might very well still cash in in places he’s been wrong once only since victims of faith-based scams are very likely to overlook inconsistencies in their scammer’s stories or promised results. By the time Essek gets involved Molly’d be down to one or two places of true believers coming to him for ‘always accurate’ tips and a bunch of other people all over Rosohna he might get some money off based on the faith-aspect. And now perhaps one intrigued high-ranking government official who’s more than willing to overlook the hereticism inherent to the whole thing and is instead very likely to fall in the academic glue-trap of trying to disprove something clearly bogus that you do kind of want to believe in because like.
Wouldn’t it be cool? If the Luxon had more awesome powers? And one of them happened to fall in Essek’s hands, with no oversight and no need to cooperate with someone like Trent or Ludinus? Would he not want it to be real?
Anyway. The real answer to this question is: Enlist Beau to send bogus stuffed bills to Essek’s secretary. Bureaucrat on bureaucrat violence, let’s go.
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martplays · 2 years
Interactive Fiction Recs
It’s been a while, so I thought I’d update and expand on my previous list of favorite interactive fiction works in progress! 
Did anybody ask for this? No. Am I making it anyway to satisfy my obsession for list making? Maybe. Anyways, recommendations under the cut! Damn this got long...
(Updated 9/5/22)
THE EXILE (18+) by @exilethegame - Play as the once-famed Commander who has fallen from grace after committing a horrific crime you have no memory of. You’ve lost everything... your title, your home, your loved ones; but when a mysterious noble hires you as their bodyguard, you are ripped out of your forced retirement and thrust back into a life you never thought you’d see again. It seems fate isn’t done with you yet...
(GENRE: dark fantasy; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: March 21, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~530k)
LARKIN by @larkin-if - Play as a vampire-hunter-turned-priest... Not a path you would have necessarily chosen for yourself, but your mentor and surrogate father-figure Wyatt left you little choice. In the process of hiding from the bounty on your head, you’re forced into your biggest con yet, fooling the small town of Larkin into thinking you’re their new preacher. However, things in the town aren’t as they seem, and soon you’re dealing with a cult, the strange family who runs the town, and a string of mysterious deaths. What could go wrong? 
(GENRE: supernatural western; FORMAT: twine; LAST UPDATE: July 2, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~101k)
A TALE OF CROWNS (16+) by @ataleofcrowns - Play as the long-lost Crown of Arsur, hand-picked by the spirits to rule. You’ve been running your whole life, but with the death of your parents (and your father’s last words ringing in your ears) you decide that it’s time to come out of hiding and be the Crown that the empire so desperately needs. With assassins nipping at your heels, a desperate public searching for stability and guidance, and annoying nobles breathing down the back of your neck, will you rise to the occasion and save Arsur? Or will it fall under your hand? 
(GENRE: high fantasy romance; FORMAT: twine; LAST UPDATE: March 21, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~257k)
THE NORTHERN PASSAGE (18+) by @northern-passage - Play as a hunter tasked with investigating a series of disappearances up north. When your latest job takes you to the shady port town of Blackwater, you discover that things are different than you thought and much worse than they seem. With a corrupt government, mysterious disappearances, and not to mention the disturbing dreams of rot that haunt you when you sleep, you quickly discover that this job is bigger than you could’ve imagined. Can you save the people of Blackwater and beyond from the supernatural (and human) forces that threaten them? And more importantly, can you save yourself?
(GENRE: horror fantasy; FORMAT: twine; LAST UPDATE: July 5, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~378k) 
WAYFARER (MA-17) by @idrellegames - Play as a Wayfarer, a non-magical fighter, one of the only ones left after your order was destroyed years ago. After you and your partner take a mercenary job in a pirate city that’s... less than ideal, to say the least, you wind up having to accept a contract that you and your fellow Wayfarer never imagined you’d take. Tasked to steal an ancient magical artifact said to be blessed by the gods, located in the biggest magical city you’ve ever been to, all while dealing with conflicting politics, enemies, and rising tensions... What could go wrong? Will you manage to save the city and its people, or will your choices lead it to its doom?
(GENRE: dark fantasy; FORMAT: twine; LAST PUBLIC UPDATE: July 1, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~927k)
ATTOLLO (17+) by @attollogame - Play as a normal young adult who gets sucked into a world bigger than you ever could’ve imagined. When your little sibling goes missing, leaving you only with a cryptic text to go off of, you never imagine the trouble you’re about to find yourself in. After a seemingly normal stop at a gas station and some weird black goo, you find yourself transported to a city known as Attollo--a city you never knew existed. Dealing with known and unknown dangers in a totally unfamiliar environment, will you find your sibling before it’s too late? 
(GENRE: cybernoir thriller; FORMAT: twine; LAST UPDATE: August 12, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~408k)
PROJECT HADEA (18+) by @nyehilismwriting - Play as the best elite operative that secret government organization Scytha Industries has; a title indicated by the hyper-advanced AI module currently living in your head. An AI module that is coveted by many and going for billions on the black market. Good thing nobody knows about it, right? Not that they’d be able to take it from you anyway, what with your skillset. At least, that’s what you think. Hopefully there won’t be any pesky planetary invasions or morally questionable strangers with a surgical compass anytime soon!
(GENRE: sci-fi; FORMAT: twine; LAST UPDATE: March 11, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~50k)
THE BASTARD OF CAMELOT by @llamagirl28 - Play as Mordred, bastard child of King Arthur and Morgana that almost nobody knows about. Few know of your... controversial origins, nor the fact that you are the only heir to the Camelot throne. With a dark, mysterious prophecy hanging over your head, will you wind up bringing Camelot to its knees, or will you prove the people (and the prophecy) wrong?
(GENRE: arthurian/fantasy; FORMAT: twine; LAST PUBLIC UPDATE: February 9, 2022; unsure of WORDCOUNT)
MYRK MIRE by @catt-nuevenor - When you and the child in your care stumble across a mysterious, half-drowned body at the edge of the water, you never imagined how much your life would change. Will you discovery why supernatural forces both good and bad have taken notice of you before it’s too late? Discovering the mysteries of the Mire while protecting both you and your charge will prove harder than it seems... 
(GENRE: low fantasy horror; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: August 15, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~401k)
FIELDS OF ASPHODEL by @asphodelgame​ - When all-powerful Zeus betroths you to his brother, Hades, without your consent, your life as a demi-god is upheaved. Will you fight your newfound situation every step of the way, or will you find the Underworld to be the chance of freedom you never expected?
(GENRE: greek mythology/slice-of-life; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: June 6, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~559K)
OFNA: BIRDS OF A FEATHER by @ofna - After a strange encounter with a bird, your normal, unassuming life becomes anything but. You never exactly imagined yourself joining a bird cult ornithological society, but hey, how bad could it possibly be? Besides, they’re not exactly taking no for answer... 
(GENRE: urban fantasy/romance/mystery; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: August 9, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~99k)
SPEAKER by @speakergame​ - You escaped the family curse by mere minutes. The first child in each generation is born a Seer, haunted by visions of the future they have no power to stop. Your twin sister inherited the curse, and you, as the second-born twin, were born with the rare gift of being a Speaker, the sole person who can understand and interpret your sister’s visions. However, your sister’s visions are becoming more frequent, and more strange. Will you, along with the companions you picked up along the way, be able to figure out what’s happening before it’s too late?
(GENRE: modern fantasy; FORMAT: twine; LAST UPDATE: August 25, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~238k)
DIASPORA by @diasporatheblog - Play as the heir to your Clan Maghnus, as you try to find a new home for your people.  When you land on the small island of Divio to gather supplies, you quickly find yourself immersed in a land of politics and negotiations you’ve never experienced before. Will you be able to find your way through them? And will you stick to the CIne’s roots, or will you help your Clan discover a new way to live?
(GENRE: low fantasy politics; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: December 16, 2021; WORDCOUNT: ~799k)
DEFILED HEARTS: THE BARBARIAN (MA) by @defiledheartsblog - Play as one of the last of a tribe that the Romans all but destroyed. In a desperate search for vengeance, you enlist in the Legion under a fake name and a fake past. When a mysterious voice urging you to kill appears in your head, will you fight its influence and discover who or what is behind it? And will you find the strength to heal from your past, or will the burning flames of vengeance consume you? 
(GENRE: romance/low fantasy; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: August 9, 2022; WORDCOUNT; ~160k)
WOLFSBANE (18+) by @wolfsbane-if - Play as a Wolfsbane, a professional hunter of the supernatural. However, unlike many of your kin, you know that being supernatural and being a monster are two very different things. 
(GENRE: low medieval fantasy; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: June 28, 2022; unsure of WORDCOUNT) 
RAIDERS OF THE CARAVAN (16+) by @leftski-if - Play as a human, elf, or an orc who has been forcibly uprooted from their once quiet life. After being taken from your bed by people with less than noble intentions, a pair of Orc brothers sweep in to save the day. How will you adjust to your new life in the city?
(GENRE: low fantasy slice-of-life; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: April 8, 2022; unsure of WORDCOUNT)  
DEAR DIARY, WE CREATED A PLOTHOLE by @ddwcaph-game​ - The day after you and your twin finally finish writing the story you began long ago with your mother, it becomes clear why she never finished it. The two of you unknowingly created a plot hole--a portal to different story worlds--and all of the villains from past stories you’ve written have come to life. Now they’re here to crash your field trip and end your mother’s story for good... 
(GENRE: lighthearted, slice-of-life fantasy; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: September 4, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~227k)
SHEPHERD’S OF HAVEN by @shepherds-of-haven​ - Play as a newly appointed Shepherd, one of the few magic users in the realm with the authority to actually use their powers... but only to protect the world against the evil endarkened. Will your organization of fighters manage to save the world, or is it already too late? 
(GENRE: fantasy; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST PUBLIC UPDATE: August 2021; WORDCOUNT: ~270k)
WITCHES OF FERNGROVE (18+) by @witchesofferngrove​ - Play as the eldest sibling in a family of witches who hail from the small town of Ferngrove, a quaint town where nothing ever happens. You grew up sheltered in a town full of humans, unaware of the magical world apart from the few aspects your parents deemed safe enough to tell you. Now a successful journalist, you haven’t stepped foot in your hometown for years... that is until the phone call that changes everything. With your mother now dead, will you be able to unravel the mystery surrounding her death and the secrets she carried during life? But be careful, there’s a storm brewing... 
(GENRE: urban dark fantasy; FORMAT: choicescript; LAST UPDATE: January 30, 2022; unsure of WORDCOUNT)
FALLEN LIGHTS (18+) by @fallenlightsif​ - Play as the half-sibling to your High General brother, in a country gripped by war and drenched in forgotten secrets of the divine and arcane. You’ve lived the last 12 years of your life in the capital city, training and honing your skills. You’ve died once already... will you be able to avoid dying again?
(GENRE: fantasy; FORMAT: twine; LAST UPDATE: June 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~79K)
OUR LIFE: NOW AND FOREVER by @gb-patch​ - A coming of age story where you grow up alongside your two neighbors in your quaint, quiet cul-de-sac. Grow and shape not only your personality, but the personalities of your neighbors, and form relationships that will last a lifetime. 
(GENRE: nostalgic slice-of-life/coming of age; FORMAT: visual novel/itch.io; LAST UPDATE: June 18, 2022; WORDCOUNT: ~50K)
BLOOD MOON by @barbwritesstuff (finished, undergoing editing) - Play as a werewolf, part of a pack who just moved to a new city, an environment uncharacteristic for your kind. Things start normal, but everything changes when you run into a packless werewolf all by herself late one night. The encounter throws you deep into the city’s underground paranormal scene, and soon you’re dealing with vampires, witches, hunters, and a whole host of things who want you dead. Lucky for you, you won’t have to face it alone.
(GENRE: supernatural romance; FORMAT: choicescript; WORDCOUNT: ~439k)
THE PASSENGER by @the-passenger-if​ (full game submitted) - Play as an Eldritch abomination forced to live in a human’s body after narrowly escaping your demise. Will you be able to regain the energy you need to free yourself from your human prison before the monster you were fleeing finds you? And more importantly, with the human connections you’ve made... will you even want to?
(GENRE: eldritch shenanigans; FORMAT: choicescript; WORDCOUNT: ~150k)
I, THE FORGOTTEN ONE (MA) by Bacondoneright (full game submitted) - You were only a child when you were disinherited by your royal parents, cast from the family and marked as a bastard; and you were only a child when your father sent you to lead your kingdom’s army to fight in The Border Wars, witnessing atrocities no child should ever see. Five years have passed since then, and when your father is assassinated, the entire kingdom is thrown into turmoil. Will you be able to fight in a new war when you haven’t even recovered from the last one? And will you manage to be the guiding hand your younger sister needs to successfully rule? (TW: graphic depictions of medieval violence, self-harm)
(GENRE: medieval war; FORMAT: choicescript; WORDCOUNT: ~337k)
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ordinorultor-if · 1 month
Tarot pt.2
Okay I got distracted playing Mount & Blade yesterday, but here's part 2 of the tarot associations.
B/Bertie is XV - The Devil. The Devil is a card of ambition, sensation and temptation, oppression, and corrupting figures. I think of all the characters, B plays into the dualism between the Reversed and Upright meanings the most. B is jealous of MC, and I wouldn't put it past them to stage a coup if they feel MC is dealing with the Liege poorly, hence the ambition and temptation readings. However, they're probably the member of the Council most against the Liege, and the Reversed meaning of The Devil is all about freeing oneself from oppression and divorcing oneself from corrupting figures. And if MC gets a high enough relation with B, then B is able to (mostly) let go of their jealousy, letting go of their own internal temptations.
A/Alb is XVIII - The Moon. The Moon is a card of trickery, illusion, imagination, and the messages that can be found in one's dreams. Alb is MC's chancellor and diplomatic advisor, responsible for hosting other rulers and communicating with them, hence the association with dream messages. However, they're almost a second spymaster - extremely underhanded and willing to go behind everyone's backs if it furthers their family's goals and/or the deposition of the Liege.
M/Mel is XII - The Hanged Man. The Hanged man is a card of sacrifice, martyrdom, and knowledge. Mel, due to their issues, works themselves to the bone as MC's spymaster, dealing with a spy network that feeds them information from as far away as the capital of the empire or the northern border of Sayland. However, The Hanged Man in its Reversed position is specifically a card of pointless sacrifice, leading back to how the rest of the family would prefer if Mel chilled out.
E is a mix of V - The Hierophant and XVII - The Star. The Hierophant is a card of spiritual authority, conformity, and occasionally mercy, compassion, and education. The Star, meanwhile, is a card of 'the light at the end of the tunnel', joy and hope during a dark time. E, as MC's religious and legal advisor, has a link to the church, especially through their mentor, Bishop Rosalie. Personally, they are a source of great comfort to their family, and a good source of interpersonal advice.
P/P'enfant is XI - Justice. Justice is a card of... well, I don't think you need me to tell you. Once MC decides how to depose the Liege, P begins to become one of the Liege's most vicious opponents, constantly demanding justice for all of their crimes, representing the Upright meanings of karma and justice; additionally, P, as Akize's highest tax official, is the one dealing with the brunt of the Liege's pettiness and abuse of authority (aside from MC), and they also were there to find out when the Liege attacked one of MC's siblings, both of which represent well the Reversed meanings of abuse and miscarriage of justice. Admittedly, this is one of the shakier associations.
The Liege is IV - The Emperor. The Emperor is a card of temporal authority (contrasting with V - The Hierophant, which is similar but more spiritual), leadership, and control. However, the Liege is more associated with the card's Reversed meaning than its Upright meaning: they're a tyrant, they're petty and immature, they're domineering, they're stubborn - all things associated with The Reversed Emperor. There's also minor associations with XVI - The Tower in that by destroying them and upending the old order, MC paves the way for something better... probably.
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fluffypotatey · 4 months
SO. mythical j. sausage infodump time.
(note: i will only be talking about his empires smp s1 lore here bc that’s what im most familiar with, but just know that he’s one of the most lore-heavy CCs i watch, and it shows in his empires smp lore, which spans across like 3 different servers lol) (also btw: empires smp is a minecraft series in which 12-13 players each rule their own biome, or “empire,” and each has their own main item that they export, and have a monopoly on)
lord mythical j. sausage of mythland started out as a generally friendly and peaceful guy, but conflict quickly broke out between him and codfather jimmy, ruler of the neighboring swamp, over a series of escalating thefts and pranks. in this conflict, sausage teamed up with Wizard Gem of the crystal cliffs and Count fWhip of the grimlands, forming the Wither Rose Alliance. (note: these guys were so heavily sibling coded. it was fantastic)
within this alliance, sausage was often the odd one out. gem and fwhip’s empires were right next to each other, while mythland was a lot farther away, and it was also kind of their bit that gem and fwhip would mess with sausage a bit. also, there was the fact that gem had magic, and fwhip had cool tech, and sausage had neither of those things, instead dabbling in blood sacrifices and dark magic (both of which gem very much disapproved of).
this came to a head when xornoth, the demon menacing the server, trapped the wither rose alliance in the nether, and fwhip and gem decided to sacrifice sausage to reopen their portal and let them out. xornoth had been tempting sausage for some time at this point, so at this betrayal, he lashed out and eventually became fully corrupted, leaving the wither rose alliance.
oh shit this got long so i’ll sparknotes the rest:
after being corrupted, sausage would often black out, and during this time “dark sausage” (aka evil him with no morals or anything, fully corrupted) would start wreaking havoc
after leaving the WRA, his main allies were Farmer Queen Pearl (a later addition to the WRA, liked the demon bc he kept trying to kill her and it was like enrichment in her enclosure) and Joey of the Lost Empire (known monsterfucker, also corrupted by the demon)
many crimes later, he was eventually cleansed of his corruption when gem killed him with her magical staff. he was dead For Real for a while after that, and came back to life jesus style after taking a walk with his dog (actually a magical interdimensional being) through 5 of his past lives. since coming back he started getting prophetic dreams, and also rejoined the wither rose alliance
at the apocalyptic end of empires smp season 1 (which happened when count fwhip and codfather jimmy put salmon and cod into a power reactor together, causing a huge explosion that fractured the whole continent), sausage had to watch pearl, his best friend and the person who stayed by his side while he was at his worst, wither away in front of him as her empire burned (her life force was connected to her land, so when it died she did too) (it’s okay she canonically ascended to godhood lol) and then went home to find mythland overrun with the same (evil and magical btw) sheep that he used to sacrifice for his blood magic, and they were completely trashing the place.
and then he blew up in a magical explosion trying to get rid of all of the sheep and also his evil double, dark sausage (which you may remember from earlier- he split off from sausage when gem cleansed him of the corruption)
(also btw, empires smp is a vanilla server- all of the magic and cool tech and stuff were done through a combination of roleplay and a custom textures mod they added for immersion stuff)
this is barely touching on most of the roleplay and shenanigans that went on in empires smp season 1 btw. these are the important beats of sausage’s story but like. i haven’t even told you about the fishfuckers man. there’s so much. there were 12 players on this server and all of them had some absolutely wild shit happening. i didn’t even tell you about the human sacrifices sausage did
this is a vanilla server?????
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 (𝐩𝐭.𝟏) || 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩
“𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴, 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘐 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘐𝘯 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘖𝘩, 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘦“
Inspo: Justin Bieber - Mark My Words
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Barton!Male!reader
Requested: @deafeningsharklimeempath
Summary: Your entire life had been filled with secrecy. Your parents opting to try and make you the child to divert from their ways. But you didn’t want any of it and soon left when Thanos attacked. Finding the girl of your dreams and becoming the man you wanted to be. But what are you suppose to do when your past and present collides, causing secrets to arise?
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Warning: Angst, angst, and even more angst
Words 3919
Life had never been easy for someone like you. With your dad who was an Avenger and your mother being an ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, you were left to grasp at whatever straws of normalcy you could. Envying all of the kids you knew that had normal lives, normal parents, normal aunts and uncles, you resented them all for it.
There wasn’t a single time in your life that you believed you ever had a chance at something like that. And not once did you ever think getting that could be possible. Safe to say, you were right to think that. You were right to assume that this intense and unfilling lifestyle would be something you were subjugated to for the rest of your life.
And not once did you misconstrue the loneliness with ungratefulness. You were grateful for the life your parents gave you and you were grateful for the love they had for you. But you hated them for not understanding where you stood with this family. They couldn’t comprehend that you would feel alone when you had friends and siblings to keep you company.
Sure, you maybe took their past lives as an inspiration for what you wanted to be. Fighting crime, catching horrible people for the rest of the world to sleep easier at night. But it was their denial, their excuses that broke the camel's back.
“You don’t know who you want to be yet, Y/n.”
You had to live questioning who you were and what you wanted to be. Going through the days stuck, likely, in a life you never even wanted. And them blowing you full of hot air made it difficult for you to be around them anymore. Moving to Chicago and working as some nobody at a law firm while occasionally visiting your aunt. Finding the comfort of her to be the only person to understand and encourage you to be the person you wanted to be.
So, when Thanos came and wiped out half the population in the universe, taking your mom and siblings, you were left with only Nat. Father having disappeared, travelling across the world and killing powerful criminal empires. But this created the drive you needed to learn after your aunt to become a hero. Someone that could put away murderers, like your father, for life. Hoping that it would be what helped you get back at him for everything he put you through.
Time passed, Thanos was defeated, restoring the universe, and you moved away to New York. Natasha and Tony being lost in the battle left you distraught and needing a new start. Changing your name and losing all contact with your parents and everyone in the Avengers as well. Occasionally sending a letter to Bucky to tell him you were still alive. Finding retribution to live your life freely the way you wanted. Working as a salesman during the day and the Red Hood at night. Doing what you wanted in return for never having to see your parent's faces again.
Then you met Kate Bishop. It had been at a museum you had decided to head to with a few coworkers. Wanting to get some relaxation before a night of roaming New York and hoping to not run into Peter Parker who would badger you comments of where you had been.
You two had literally bumped into one another. Her champagne soaking your dress shirt. She had apologized profusely, but you had been lost in her beauty. Not even realizing the inquiry that left your mouth about going on a date with her. You don’t know if it had been your forwardness or your easy-going conversation, but she had accepted it.
That was a year ago and you two were still together. Going strong even after the obvious hesitance Elenor felt about you two being together. She was still going to school and you were still working your job while doing your hero gig on the low. There were secrets in your guys’ relationship besides that. Well, other than the fact that you were the son of her idol, Hawkeye, your father.
Tonight, you had been forced to work late at home because you had been late on a paper for your boss. Having sat in your office for most of the day, looking down on the city you lived in and protected with your life. It had been going like that for a while, but that’s beside the point. Kate had left for a charity event that her mother requested her to go to while you stayed home working.
So, as you typed up the document a third time that day, you sipped from your beer. Leaning back in the leather chair located in the living room. Sighing in exasperation as you stared at the words typed out. Just another tedious and unfulfilling day. As always.
Glancing over at the bookcase, you could feel the tiniest itch. Fingers twitched before you clamped your eyes shut, forcefully turning your head away to stare back at your laptop screen. You took another sip of your beer as the TV played in the background.
“We are following a breaking news story,” the reporter announced. “A high society gala rocked by an explosion when it went off at Park Avenue and 68th Street tonight.”
That caused your head to snap up and look at the TV. Seeing police cars outside of the building you had known Kate would be attending tonight. Moving your laptop off your lap and onto the coffee table, you stood up with growing anxiety in your stomach.
“The explosion is still under investigation,” the reporter said. “But witnesses captured cell phone of a masked assailant fleeing the scene.”
Footage of someone flipping over a car and landing in the middle of the street, covering a dog was shown. But as soon as the person turned their head, the mask and outfit were revealed.
“Authorities believe the assailant could be the Ronin who terrorized crime in New York and elsewhere.”
By the time the man was done saying his sentence, you were rushing out of your apartment with your jacket and keys. A permanent frown etched onto your features as you dialled Kate’s phone number. Pressing the device to your ear as you quickly went down the spiralling staircase.
“C’mon, Kate,” you muttered. “Pick up the damn phone-”
“Y/n!” Kate exclaimed. “God, you won’t believe what just happened!”
“Kate, are you okay?” You questioned. “I’m on my way over. Just tell me where you are and I’ll come to pick you up.”
“Wait- Don’t!” Kate suddenly yelled. “I’ll come to you. Just stay there and I’ll be over soon.”
You felt your brows knit together in confusion. “Kate, what’s going on?”
“I’m fine, really,” Kate reassured. “Just, please, stay home. I promise I’ll be over in a bit.”
Sighing deeply, you glanced down the street. You could go out, find her with your suit. She wouldn’t even know it was you.
It wasn’t like you didn’t trust that she was telling the truth. You knew she wouldn’t ever keep something from you. But it was the tone of her voice. It was shaky, and forceful with a lot of what she was saying. It just left an uneasy feeling in your stomach that you weren’t sure would be at ease until you finally figured out what the hell was happening out there.
But taking her word for it, you nodded to yourself. “Ok, fine,” you grumbled. “I’ll stay home. But you get here as soon as you can, alright?”
You could almost see the smile on her face with your willingness. “I will,” she promised. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Hanging up the phone, you glanced down the street again. Clenching and unclenching your hands as you went back upstairs. Fighting the urge to go out and do what you were good at. Just for tonight, you would spend it worrying about your girlfriend.
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You don’t know how long you sat at the kitchen table with a beer in your hand. Leg bouncing anxiously as you continuously glanced down at the watch Tony got you before he died. Occasionally getting up to look outside your apartment window, hoping to spot your girlfriend arriving. But it felt like the time drew on longer and longer the more you waited. Begging to whatever higher being was out there that Kate was alright and it was just your anxiety making you feel this way. Sure, Kate could handle herself, but that didn’t help ease the protective nature you had built for the ones closest to you.
And when you heard the jingle of keys and the lock coming free, you shot up from your chair. The door slowly opens with a sigh of exasperation falling from your lips.
“If you had taken any longer, I thought I was going to have to-”
The oxygen in your lungs had been sucked straight out of you. Kate was there, a few cuts on her face, but your father stood behind her. Eyes just as wide as yours, but without the growing rage. Both, the worst part of your past and the best of your present were colliding. But out of anyone, it had to be him? It couldn’t have been your mother?
“I’m sorry I took too long and I will explain, but-” Kate tried to say.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Kate stared at you, finding your gaze focused past her and on Clint. She glanced between the two of you, confused by your sudden change of attitude.
“Y/n,” Clint breathed. “W- I thought you were dead.”
“Kate, come here.” You opened your hand, holding it out for your girlfriend.
She frowned, letting out a nervous laugh. “What’s going on?” She inquired. “How do you know Clint?”
“I’ll explain, just come-”
“You haven’t told her?” Clint asked. “What else have you kept from her?”
Your lips pursed, swallowing the lump in your throat as you felt Kate’s eyes burning into you.
Not now. Not yet.
“Shut your mouth,” you growled.
“Y/n, here, is my son,” Clint announced. “Y/n Barto-”
Before he could finish, you grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall. “Shut your fucking mouth!”
There were so many things you wanted to do to this man. Beat him to a pulp, toss him out the nearest window, kill him, none of it was off the table at this point. Especially with the burning gaze from Kate focused on your back.
But before you could do anything, a hand grasped your arm. “Y/n, let him go.” Kate’s command had you twitching your nose. Hands tightening on the fabric of Clint’s jacket as you fought every fibre in your pleading to just punch him. Just one good punch that could get the message across.
Love won over hatred and you backed away from your father. Removing your eyes from the man to look at Kate, who looked up at you in worry. “We should get you patched up,” you muttered, softly taking her hand in yours and leading her to the bathroom.
You went through the mirror cabinet, grabbing everything need to clean her up. And while you did that, she stood by the door, leaning against the frame quietly as the sound of Clint moving around could be heard in the background of the TV talking about Kate’s apartment having been set on fire.
Kate licked her lips looking down at the ground. “Were you planning on telling me you were his son?”
The question had you freezing up as you glanced up at her for a moment before looking back down at the medical supplies. Inhaling deeply and exhaling shakily. “No,” you muttered. “There’s a reason why I wanted to get away from it. A lot is there to unpack that I would prefer being kept away.” Your lips formed a smile as you looked at her. “It would’ve also been weird if you were dating your idol's son.”
For the first time that night, Kate smile and chuckled softly. Following you out of the bathroom to the kitchen table, sitting down with you standing in front of her. Using all your knowledge from Natasha to patch your girlfriend up.
In the background, Clint was scanning the apartment. Taking in all the information given to him about his son that had disappeared without any warning. Finding all the pictures of you and Kate scattered through the apartment. One of you two at what seemed to be a wedding, Kate in a red dress and you in a suit. The both of you dancing with large grins on your face. Another with you two with what Clint suspected to be Kate’s mom.
So much of it was unrecognizable to the boy he remembered raising. You didn’t smile as much as you did now. You didn’t care for much as now. Clint remembers all the times you held a frown or deadpan. Only the rare occasions did he ever see you smile was with your siblings or when you saw Tony and Natasha.
Clint stopped in front of the large bookcase, brows knitting together. Pointing at it, he looked over his shoulder at you. “You picked up reading?”
Sparing a glance at the man, you sighed. “A lot has changed since you left,” you pointed out. “So, yeah. I picked up reading.”
Clint hummed before he spotted Don Quixote, a book he knew you hated since your mother bought it for you. “Interesting.” Before you realized it, Clint pulled the book just enough that a loud click could be heard throughout the apartment. The bookcase pushes out of the wall and slides to the side to reveal your secret compartment.
Inside held guns. From pistols, sniper rifles, and assault rifles. Ammo boxes along each side of the small closet. In the centre stood your red and grey suit. The helmet was a crimson red with a dent in the side from a bullet you had taken to the head. You stared at Kate as she glanced between you and the armour. Utter guilt infested in your eyes, telling Kate that she wasn’t just dreaming this.
Kate stood up with you glaring at your father. She crossed the room in slow steps, advancing on the suit and all the weaponry inside. You couldn’t think of the right words to explain that. What would even be the right thing to say to her? That you were just like most criminals? Killing people that were just as bad as you?
“So, you didn’t tell her about this?” Clint asked.
“Shut-” You stopped yourself, pointing at him. “Shut your fucking mouth for a moment.”
The man stuffed his hands in your pocket as you walked up towards the girl. “Kate?” You said. “Kate, let me explain-”
“I don’t even know who you are anymore.” Kate’s words left you breathless as you stared at her. She slowly turned around to you, resentment in her eyes as she shook her head. “This is what you’ve keeping from me?”
“Kate, I can explain, okay?” You said. “I do this so I can try and make a difference in this world. Be someone that can protect the ones who need to be protected. I am not the greatest human being - I know that - but I do it because I have to.”
Kate's eyes were clamped shut, raising a hand, silencing you. She inhaled deeply as she pointed to the suit. “Was… Was there ever a Meridian Project?”
Ah, yes. The Meridian Project. An excuse you had been using most nights on your girlfriend to cut your phone calls short. When in actuality, it was just a get-out-of-jail-free card to go out and do your job as Red Hood.
“I…” You were a loss for words. Not knowing how to hide the fact that you’d been lying to her this entire time. This isn’t how you had wished for it to go. You wanted to build up to it, ease her into the triple life you lived. Maybe never introduce her to your family, but let her in on the fact that you were the child of an Avenger and that you did more than just be a salesman. But the cat was out of the bag and you were forced to watch your girlfriend unravel more of your secret each moment that passed.
A scoff fell from her lips as she stormed past you towards your guys’ bedroom. You followed closely behind, hands trembling by your sides. “Kate, wait!”
She stopped short of the door with her head hung low. “I don’t get you.”
“I wanted to tell you-”
“You know what, enough!” Kate interrupted, turning to you.
“No, I wanted to!” You repeated. “But how could I?”
“I don’t know, just say?” She replied as if it was the most simple resolution to the problem you had been feeling for the past year.
You scoffed. “I had to protect you.”
“That is bullshit, Y/n,” Kate spat. “You just didn’t have the nerve to face me.”
“I knew you would react like this.”
Kate inhaled sharply, staring at you incredulously. “How would you react?” She exclaimed. “You lied to me… for months- maybe even longer.” She shrugged, a tear slipping from the corner of her eye. “I would’ve only found out if you were killed when they unmasked Red Hood. And now you are the son of Hawkeye.”
You held your head low, not finding the tiniest bit of courage to face the disappointment and hurt look in your girlfriend's eyes. She stared at you, unable to recognize the man she had fallen in love with all those months ago.
“Who are you?” She whispered.
“C’mon,” you said. “It's me. The same person you met. I don’t even care about all this other shit.”
But Kate saw through that lie and felt even worse. Shaking her head with a shaky sigh. “If you’re done lying to me then you should stop lying to yourself.”
And like that, she entered the bedroom and slammed the door shut. The lock signifying you would be sleeping in the living room for the night until the two of you could hash over the problems Clint’s arrival had caused. You thought that telling her would finally relieve some stress from your shoulder. But now, it had only built up with the fact that she saw a completely different man.
A roguish tear escaped your eye and you wiped it away instantly. Not giving your father the satisfaction of seeing you hurt over something like this. “I told you this life wasn’t one you wanted to live, Y/n,” Clint scolded. “I told you that if you didn’t find someone that lived the same, it would destroy one of you sooner or later.”
You moved to the island, bracing your hands on the edge with a shaky breath. “Your mother and I, we didn’t want you to live this,” Clint told you. “We didn’t want you to live a life full of danger and risk.”
Bring a hand up to your eyes, you used your index and thumb to rub each consecutive eye. Pinching the bridge of your nose with a chuckle falling from your lips as you sniffled. Pointing at the man with a shake of your head, “It’s about time you heard the truth about who you are and what I am.”
Clint stood cross-armed in the living room as you grabbed the beer from the kitchen table. “Well hear this, Clint,” you said. “This is me. This is who I am.” You stated, hands waving in exasperation.
“You wanna know why I left home?”  You inquired. “Because I tried that lifestyle you and mom were always telling me to get. Work a job, be a drone, and don’t turn out like either of you. I ended up getting sent to prison for having a lifestyle like that. Guess who was there for?” He didn’t answer and you pursed your lips. “Natasha was.”
The mere mention of his best friend had the man’s prideful mask cracking. Lips slightly parting as you shook your head. “I’ve tried every job under the sun and I never got anywhere,” you stated, sucking in a harsh breath, jabbing a finger at the man. “‘Cause you and mom blew me so full of hot air, I could never stand taking orders from anyone. That’s who’s fault it is and it’s about goddamn time you heard it, Pop.”
A soft laugh escaped you as you looked off into open space, motioning with your hand. “I work a salesman job, you hear me?” You said. “And when I was in Chicago, I kept stopping during each document I wrote and-”  You noticed Clint with his head down. “Do you hear this?!”
Clint’s head snaps up, clenching his jaw as he forces his eyes to focus on you. So, you continued. “I kept stopping and I finally noticed the city I lived in.” Your lips curve into a smile. “I finally saw the things I love. The city, the people, the hotdog stands- all of it.”
“Then I thought to myself, “what the hell am I doing with myself, huh?”.” You said. “Why am I trying to be something I don’t want to be? What am I doing in an office making a contemptuous begging fool of myself when all that I need is out there! Waiting for the second that I say I know who I am! Why couldn’t I say that, Pops?”
Again, Clint couldn’t meet your eyes. Seeing the tears stream down your face as you poured your heart out to him about all the bullshit he and his wife have caused you. How they could accept the fact that you were more than just a normal kid. Or that they couldn’t handle the possibility of you wanting to be just like them and use the fact that you were able to have a normal life.
“Dad, look at me!” You pleaded with the bottle in your hand being tossed across the apartment. The sheer impact of the glass shattering caused the man to painfully meet your broken gaze.
“I’m a dime a dozen!” You explained, body movement showing the hysterics you were lost in. “So are you! I am not a normal guy and neither are you! You were never anything more than a superhero that got forgotten after Thanos was defeated. And me? I am an afterthought! I tried everything to make you two proud, but it cost my happiness for your approval! An afterthought- that’s what I am to you!”
A sob racked your body as you waved your hand. Hiccuping over your tears as you sniffled. “I am more than what you wanted me to be,” you cried. “And for you to come back into my life and try to tell me how I should be living my life is cruel. You know that and I know that. So you gotta stop trying to act like my parent. You weren’t one then and you aren’t one now.”
With tears in your eyes, you grabbed your keys and phone. Clint couldn’t even question where you were going before you left the apartment. The door slammed behind you, echoing the words of pain you had never gotten to speak until now.
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SW Sibling Appreciation Gift Exchange
A Rebel Pride by Jedi_Knight_Leia_Skywalker - Luke and Leia somehow end up at a Pride at the Hoth Base. Featuring Luke, Leia and Amilyn.
A Story In Three Acts by ameliasstories 
Compulsory Sibling Bonding Time Leads To Mario Kart, Cookies, Feels, And Other Disasters by kanerellas -  When Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Fives, and Echo get stuck in a bunker because of a snowstorm, they have to find some entertaining themselves. Things get a little chaotic.
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How to Fill an Empty Gravity Well by InsertSthMeaningful - Prince Luke Organa of Alderaan is safe no more on his home planet. His parents decide to send him into hiding - on a small moisture farm at the heart of Tatooine, where a lonely girl lives and longs for change.
Leap of Faith by Courtesy Trefflin (Amina Gila) - Captured by the Empire, Omega's only hope of escape, and survival, lies in her estranged brother. She hasn't seen Crosshair since they parted ways on Kamino, and she doesn't know how he'll feel about her coming to him for help. But she has to try. She has to trust him to help her, even if it won't be easy.
Lightspeed by Courtesy Trefflin (Rivana Rita) - When Anakin and Ahsoka capture Letta, she reveals that she was not alone in the bombing. Their worst fears have been realized when the truth comes out that a Jedi was involved. After Ahsoka is arrested, the Jedi already know she is not responsible for the crimes, but Anakin is determined to protect his little sister anyway.
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Multiples - Ahsoka in ROTS by Courtesy Trefflin (Tirana Sorki) - Ahsoka's reunion with Anakin becomes strange when four other versions of her unexpectedly show up. The elder two have secrets and burdens, ones which they struggle to bear, but perhaps, their knowledge will be enough to save the galaxy. And the one fundamental truth of all is that Ahsoka will always be drawn back to Anakin, caught in his orbit. But that's not a bad thing.
slipping through my fingers by lady_mab - She’s never afraid in that dream. She’s alone, and it’s dark, but she’s never afraid.In her dream, Leia can do magic on her own. She’s not hobbled by needing her twin, by needing to hide behind stone walls where the Emperor can’t find them.So no, not a nightmare. It’s a moment of freedom, of being someone she isn’t.
Vode An by Courtesy Trefflin (Amina Gila) - “We were brothers once. We can be again.” Torn apart by the Empire, Clone Force 99 has been divided for far too long. Trust, once lost, is not easily regained, but maybe, all that it needs is a chance, taking a risky gamble based merely on hope. Crosshair has been missed. Sorely. And now, perhaps Hunter can get through to him and convince him to come back.
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Twins and Flowers by Icey Gemini - In an AU where Anakin raises his twins, little Luke is braiding pink flowers into Leia’s hair.
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soaplessromantic · 5 months
pspspspspps c!bedrockbros + c!crime enjoyers i am dangling this fic in front of you like a very enticing cat toy with a bell pspsppspss. yes it’s a frozen au but hear me out.
copying the essential fic summary here and placing the ao3 link below the cut so i don’t clog ppls dashes :D
“or: tommy learns that a brother doesn’t always have to be by blood.
or or: the crimeboys + bedrockbros frozen au that i wrote because i wanted an excuse to write bedrockbros fluff and banter”
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/51487474"><strong>One word from you</strong></a> (20069 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/soaplessromantic"><strong>soaplessromantic</strong></a><br />Chapters: 2/5<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Dream%20SMP">Dream SMP</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Video%20Blogging%20RPF">Video Blogging RPF</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Kristin Rosales Watson & Phil Watson | Philza, Niki | Nihachu & Technoblade, No Romantic Relationship(s)<br />Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Kristin Rosales Watson, Sam | Awesamdude, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Niki | Nihachu, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), (regretfully), Technoblade's Chat (Video Blogging RPF), Carl the Horse (Dream SMP)<br />Additional Tags: Sighs., It's a Frozen AU, Alternate Universe - Frozen (Disney Movies) Fusion, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Royal Wilbur Soot, Royal TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Phil Watson is Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit's Parent, before I forget, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot-centric, bedrockbros, Protective Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Fluff, Angst, Families of Choice, Hurt/Comfort, basically wilbur's elsa. tommy's anna., Enemies to Brothers, i mean they’re not enemies but they def don’t like each other at first, Magic, Goddess of Death Kristin Rosales Watson, kind of?, Angel of Death Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Instead of ice powers it’s death magic !!, Fae & Fairies, fae!niki saw human!techno and went 'a human child thats so funny look at him' and yoinked him, Brotherly Bonding, Brotherly Affection, Road Trips, technically!, Songfic, Kinda, Song: First Love / Late Spring (Mitski), does this count as a christmas fic, fuck it hell yeah, ok that's it for tags i cast this into the void now, actually i lied, Touch-Starved TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Has Powers, Technoblade is Bad at Feelings (Video Blogging RPF)<br />Summary: <p> <em>Sam’s voice sounds hollow as he announces, “I now present to you, Orpheus William Innes-Craft, King of the Antarctic Empire.”</em></p><p> <em>The instant he finishes, Wilbur practically rips the crown off of his head and places it back upon the pillow. He tugs his gloves back on and faces the crowd with a smile.</em></p><p> <em>That smile is a façade, a flat-faced lie.</em></p><p> <em>The people don’t know that.</em></p><p> <em>The people rise, cheering for the new King.</em></p><p> <em>Tommy cheers with them.</em></p><p> <em>Wilbur’s heart fills with dread.</em></p><p> </p><p>---<br />or: tommy learns that a brother doesn’t always have to be by blood.<br />or or: the crimeboys + bedrockbros frozen au that i wrote because i wanted an excuse to write bedrockbros fluff and banter</p>
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 9 months
The dark doesn’t frighten me, but you do
by lovelesmae
Two boys, one commoner, one prince, two strangers. They meet in a cold forest just outside of the Empire of the Arctic. Their unfortunate meeting and reckless choices leads us to a long-lasting adventure of escaping their present and forgetting their past.
Two boys, two equals, two brothers. They hope it'll always be like that.
 OR; Crown prince Wilbur runs away from the palace, but he has a questionable encounter with a child. Now he has to actively avoid guards and angry higher-ups who is out after them both.
OR OR; Crimeboys do crime together (angsty edition) :D
Words: 1745, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Dream SMP
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Mentioned many Dream smp members, Child Neglect, Past Child Abuse, Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Bad Sibling Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Needs a Hug, They get a hug, many different endings, I'm Bad At Tagging, The Author Regrets Nothing, Temporary Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Crimeboys - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, maybe..., Sad TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Sad Wilbur Soot, Runaway Wilbur Soot, Blood and Violence, Alternate Universe - Historical, Crown Prince Wilbur Soot, King Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Royal Guard Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Tired Wilbur Soot, Protective Wilbur Soot, Protective TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
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Spy: You are a spy for the Rodorian Empire, a foreigner outside the lands where the entrance is you killed and took over the life of a criminal who was sentenced here. The origin level has the avatar sneak into a prison kill the prisoner, and then exist via the wagon sending criminal into The Hollows. (Rogue)
Fallen Nobility: You were the child of the Revian noble family in Scophunis, someone has framed you for crimes and now you are being sent here. The origin level has the avatar enjoy a average day in their home before a series of mercenaries break into their home and murder most of their family, their younger sibling who desired to rule the noble house has framed them for the murder, this ends in a fight they cannot win with so many opponents they will fall, afterwards they are sent to The Hollows. (Warrior)
Child of The Hollow: You are a child of someone who lives in The Hollow, use to the darkness and always dreaming of what the sun must look like, you hope to find a way out and see the surface. The origin level has the avatar just finish paying off the doubt of their dead parents to a powerful crime syndicate in one of the few towns/cities of The Hollows, however they are kicked out of their city and let loose down one of the underground highways. (Rogue)
Archaeologist: You are a researcher of the ancient ruins that predate the use of The Hollows as a prison located outside its entrance. The origin level has the avatar searching ancient Vaulx ruins, finding off thieves, dangerous wild life, and traps. However they end up stepping into a trap room that opens up a huge drop into a underground stream with high speed, they then wake up within The Hollows. (Warrior, Rogue, Spellcaster)
Bounty Hunter: You are a bounty hunter, so dedicated to your mission that you chased a target into The Hollows. Origin level has the avatar making camp for the night with a prisoner, only for a dangerous animal to attack them which gives the prisoner a chance to escape, they bum rush into the entrance of The Hollows and the avatar follows. (Warrior or Rogue)
Witch: You are a practitioner of magic in the south which bans the use and study of magic, whatever your reason you chose to study this mystic art. The origin level has the avatar facing off against Templars, who hunt magic users in their homelands, after killing them the avatar almost escapes only to be hit on the back of the head and dumped into The Hollows. (Spell caster)
Missionary: You are a member of the Church of Radiance as we’re given your mission into The Hollows to kill the wicked and convert the worthy. Origin level has the avatar face off a series of combat training after being told The Church has ordained that they go to The Hollows. (Warrior and Rogue)
Warlock: You belong are a warlock from the northern realms, you have studied magic all your life and decided to unlock seek out magical knowledge in The Hollows. Origin level has the avatar doing a magical duel against a fellow warlock, after winning they walk off into he distance to enter The Hollows. (Spellcaster)
Nice, my class would likely end up being the Bounty Hunter
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peachblossomstudy · 1 year
i was tagged by @hermionesplants, thank you lovely!
nickname: gracie i guess but it feels weird if anyone other than family calls me that
sign: aquarius
last thing i googled: wine and crime podcast
song stuck in my head: glory days by the federal empire
number of followers: 4.9k aaAAHH
amount of sleep: i aim for 7-8 hours
lucky number: 2
dream job: i don’t really have a specific dream job yet, but hopefully something in cybersecurity
wearing: just got back from the gym so workout clothes at the moment
favourite anime noise: don’t watch anime sorry!
favourite instrument: piano
favourite song: silver bird by mark lindsay
aesthetic: hmmm maybe minimalist(ish) academia?? not really sure on this one
movie/book that summarises me: ahh this one’s hard as well, i don’t really think i can pick a single piece of media, but i think booksmart is a pretty good fit
favourite author: i’m going to cheat on this one any say my sibling - they’re not published yet but i’m her one-woman fandom lol
random fact: during ww2 a few spitfires were modelled to carry beer kegs instead of machine guns to deliver chilled beer to troops in france
i’m tagging @la-galaxie-langblr, @bulletnotestudies (sorry if either of you have been tagged before) and anyone else who wants to take part <3
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drawnecromancy · 1 year
Vano was once a large, powerful kingdom north of Lonna - further away than the northern mountains, further away than any other kingdom Lonna had encountered, so far in fact that it was rumored to be a legend, a dream within a dream. Lonneans referred to it as the land of magic.
In truth, Vano was a kingdom that had perfected the art of magic notation, channeling, and categorizing. One's natural abilities could meet their full potential in Vano, and rumors said that even nonmagical people could learn. Learn magic ! Learn a power that was so innate and intimate to a person that who they were could shape their powers !
Of course, when the Emperor forsook the name of his kingdom and started wars, his empire would expand. And one day something peculiar happened : he found a true, tangible frontier with Vano.
Vano's sibling royals had different approaches to this impending threat.
The sister wanted to fight, for their safety and their happiness, to find a way to destroy the Emperor that had causes grief and people to flee to Vano in fear.
The brother was what you might call an opportunist. The Emperor was the most powerful man in the world, and the Vannean royal line had the most intimate knowledge of magic. Surely they could come to an agreement.
The sister died in mysterious and suspicious events. This was soon eclipsed by the marriage of the Emperor and the King of Vano.
Decades, centuries later, even when Vano had been absorbed into the Empire, the royal bloodline still existed. They had expanded into an incredibly large family of many branches, their name being passed on to any who would join - spouses, children. The De Vano lines soon became the Emperor's most trusted advisors. Sometimes, to reaffirm the family's eternal bond to their Emperor, they'd wed one of their kin to him.
And then, right near the end, there was Lumeria.
The De Vano had betrayed him, spearheading a rebellion, as it happens sometimes when your family legacy is that of serving and honoring a tyrant and one or two people get sick of that. There were apologies and promises to do better, and then, against all logic, the not-yet-judged-and-sentenced-to-death leader of the rebellion offered to marry the Emperor to redeem her family in his eyes. She'd been swayed by the wrong people with the wrong advice and could see now that she'd failed an ancient oath.
Of course, the Emperor didn't believe her. He was simply curious of what exactly she might try if let into the palace. Would she creatively attempt to murder him ? He was, after all, deeply bored. Rebellions and assassination attempts were all the same now. So, he accepted.
The day of the wedding, as a festivity, all the rebels were killed, their blood decorating the great reception hall where the party was happening.
Lumeria smiled and acted as if none of her friends had died. As if she'd truly repented for the crime of wanting better for the people under the Emperor's rule.
In truth, she'd seen one of them survive and flee before the beginning of the ceremony. The only thing she could think of during its entirety was hoping that her friend would forgive her for seeming so willing to throw their ideals away and marry a monster.
As the future would prove, though, it would not really matter in her lifetime. And Lumeria de Vano became the Emperor's last wife.
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sandsofdteam-moved · 2 years
5 and 12 :D
heyy!! hope ur doin well :D (dteamblr ask game)
5. when did you first start watching their content? what got you into it?
I’m gonna be real honest and say I really didn’t like Dream when I first got into their content in early 2020, not bc I specifically disliked him or anything, but because I was a bitch about liking the same mcyts as my sisters—my younger sister was actually the first one to watch dt content in my house! Eventually I got one of the death shuffles recommended to me and I caved, albeit in the middle of the night with headphones on so no one would hear. Got hooked on the dnf dynamic from their duo videos, then the dteam dynamic off their challenge vids, and here I am 2 years later still going strong off the same 3 losers even though my sister’s lost most interest lmfao
12.  talk about your favorite dynamic that they have with each other or someone else
Oh this could be a long one, I could talk about dteam dynamics for ages and go on and on, I don’t really have a preference because they’re all wonderful
First off, Dreamnap, the ultimate brothers from another mother, partners in crime for a decade, and absolute soulmates. Their dynamic is crude and hilarious and so full of love that they even have their own little nickname of “brother” when they want to convey all of their care in just a word—from the tweet after Sap had surgery to Dream’s 30k donation on stream, you can tell that behind the angry gamer exterior they’re a couple of softies! Dream gives the world and more to Sapnap and Sapnap acts like he’d defend the guy until his own lungs give out, so as long as Dream isn’t directing his anger towards him. They’re toxic in the best way possible where behind every jab is a bastion of history and trust. Their friendship has been through ups and downs and from what it seems, they’d lay down their lives for one another if it came down to it.
Secondly is SNF, the original duo of menaces to their tired keepers. I remember back in the day during early dteam content where I genuinely thought they hated each other, especially after they “bonded” to annoy Dream during one of the dteam videos. In retrospect I was an idiot 😭 their antics came from their kindred spirit—even now, they egg each other on to do the worst things possible and act like actual siblings. Sapnap looks up to George like an older brother (and has apparently said as much, to George’s chagrin) and George could give less of a shit about a brotherly dynamic, and sees in Sap someone he can drop his guard and be himself with like the gremlin he really is. Ofc, the two of them do genuinely just have fun together and can spend just as long as any other dteam duo, evidenced by their apparently characteristic long calls in teamspeak that Bad alluded to in a past stream. Idk I just love that they’re so in sync about all of their shenanigans and bits (mcc roleplay…) but when it comes down to it they do just genuinely find comfort in one another’s presence and can build each other up just as much as they can knock one another down :]
And finally the elephant in the room, the shitshow of DNF. Idk where to even start with these two, I feel like Dream’s tweets honestly sum it up better than I ever could—their dynamic and teamwork started the entire Drempire of content, with George putting all of his trust into some 20 year old from Florida despite having a lucrative degree and what sounds like an insanely competitive level of talent, and Dream working like hell to make sure that George didn’t waste his shot. They started the empire, roped all their friends in, and managed to create one of the most successful content groups in internet history. The trusting bond they share seems almost inhuman. That’s not to mention the amount of care and love that goes unsaid but not unheard. We’ve seen them tunnel vision within calls filled with upwards of a dozen people. Despite never having met, they know each other scarily well, knowing the intricacies of how each others’ brains work, how to annoy each other, and especially how to fluster the other. There’s just something particular about the ways that the two of them constantly gravitate towards each other, use those disgustingly sweet voices, and, well, play into the dnfing. I don’t think anyone is advocating harder for dnf to be real than dnf 😭 from fanart likes to quips to lord knows what kind of off-camera conversations they have, no one is doing it like them. Anyways. I said SNF are in sync and while that’s true, it doesn’t hold a candle to the shit that these two pull with the equally horrible sexts and fond reactions to each others’ voices and presences. They’re obsessed with doing things together sometimes and it makes everyone in the local vicinity want to gouge their ears out and I can’t say I blame them! I’d do the same 😒😒 Idk I just adore the dynamic capabilities of their relationship that can be pulled and interpreted in a million different directions, when at the end of the day it does just come down to them having an insanely strong love for one another :>
and all together they are just complete menaces needing parental supervision, egging each other on to do the dumbest shit or working in duos to fuck with the other person. but like all the other duo dynamics, their bond is immeasurable and a delight to get to witness, and I can’t wait to see that translate to them irl!
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kenneth-carson · 10 months
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NAME: Kenneth Carson AGE: 46 OCCUPATION: Owner of From Farm to Table! Fashion designer and owner of the brand Favorite Accessory! On the Board for Carson’s , his family’s furniture business! Also a mob boss! CURRENT LOCATION: All over the place, but spends most of his time in Swynlake <3  RELATIONSHIP STATUS (IF APPLICABLE): None. :(  CHILDREN (IF APPLICABLE): Also none :( 
Ken broke the demon deal. Because of this, he gained everything. 
Getting From Farm to Table had been before the breaking of the deal and a dream come true to work around clothes all day. From there his family found him, needing help with a rival operation. As a result he lost his parents and brother, Kevin, as well as many loyal friends. He was forced to do something he did not want to do and for that, the rest of those loyal to the Carson family looked to him to take over. His younger siblings, as much as he wished they would, didn’t step up and backed the decision. They took their consolation prize of becoming CEOs of the furniture business in place of their lost parents, leaving Ken with enough share of the company to sit on the Board and weigh in when needed. 
Without his mother’s looming figure over his shoulder, Ken put his head down and got rid of the demon deal once and for all. The Carson’s were left to fend for themselves. He had hoped it would sink the company and the organized crime. Instead, everything stayed the same. 
Unable to escape from his criminal life, even hidden away in the comfort of Swynlake, Ken decided to make the most of it, and his funds, and start his own brand of clothing. At least without the demon deal he would know it was of his own victory or total failure. He began making designing and making the clothes right from the back room at FFtT. At first people were skeptical, but when the clothes actually turned out to be beautiful and fashionable, he started to be noticed and well liked. 
So, he sits on a bit of an empire, completely unsure of how he got there! But very happy to be there!  
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skipppppy · 3 years
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Character design concepts for my Carmen Sandiego timeskip au!! I imagine it takes place about 3 years after the final scene of the show (which seems to be a 2 year timeskip, making it 5 years altogether); It follows the characters slowly coming together as V.I.L.E’s faculty properly break out of prison and are hellbent on revenge and rebuilding their criminal empire.
I have explanations for what each character is doing under the cut!
Carmen and Player:
After spending several years reconnecting with her mother and helping out at the orphanage, she heard whispers of V.I.L.E returning and decided it was once again time to throw on the red coat and get back into action. She takes a less active role this time round, as she knows that there are other people on the case, but she still shows up to kick ass when necessary. Mostly she’s just there for fun
This time, however, her good friend Mr. Bouchard had just graduated from university, and decided to join her on an “apprenticeship” so they could travel the world together. They’re basically crime fighting best friends/siblings who stop heists occasionally and then spend most of the time doing really dumb shit together
Zack, Chase, and Julia:
You know those movies where a character stumbles into great fortune and success by complete accident? Yeah that’s EXACTLY what happened to Zack. After a couple years of working for ACME he decided to leave and finally pursue his dreams of being a race car driver; not only did he make it to the top of his field, but through a series of unpredictable events he also became a wildly famous model, a respected food critic, and AN ACTUAL DUKE. Nothing about his personality changed, he’s still a goofy Bostonian himbo, just living his best life in Italy where all of this happened.
Unfortunately for Zack, with great fame comes a couple of haters, notably ex-V.I.L.E operative Dash Haber who was plotting his downfall from the shadows. Chase was assigned to investigate, and then Chief realised how much chaos Zack and Devineaux would cause if they were in a room together, so she assigned Julia as well so someone among them would have a brain cell
Ivy, Sonia, Xifeng, and The Troll
When Zack left ACME to go pursue his dreams, Ivy initially stayed behind because she liked her job, but eventually started questioning what she wanted to do with her life. That is, until, one night when she ran into Sonia, who had followed in Carmen’s footsteps and was now acting as the new “femme rouge”. Ivy found purpose in the work she did for Carmen, so she decided to assist Sonia in her work by providing her with tools and a getaway driver, just like the good ol’ days.
While on their travels they ran into Xifeng, who joined the two of them on their travels, since she wanted to see the world (and also had a bit of a crush on Sonia oop). They also ran into ex-V.I.L.E operative The Troll, who they were initially going to turn in to the authorities, until Sonia remembered that Carmen had a hacker on her team who made their capers run a lot more smoothly. So they basically blackmailed him into going with them. While Ivy was naturally suspicious of him at first, he actually warmed up to the group eventually, since he was still committing cyber crime and making money, he had no reason to betray them.
With the new Team Red assembled they basically did the same stuff the old Team Red did, although Sonia’s strategy and the group’s general chemistry made their capers go WILDLY different to how Carmen’s used to. Sonia is much more mischievous and playful than Carmen used to be, and she isn’t as hesitant about fighting dirty. Xifeng is the only chill one on the team and The Troll is still a bit of a jerk, and Ivy is frequently driven up the wall by their antics. I can genuinely imagine her yelling at them after their goofing around got them into trouble and calling them “unruly pranksters” and feeling Shadowsan’s spirit physically channeling through her
Taking a well deserved nap and being bullied by his brother. Do not disturb him
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leftovercheesecake · 2 years
dream smp au where they're in the promised Neverland and the Goldy Pond kids are from Empires SMP
(Under editing)
(Maximum age at Grace Field is 15)
Emma - Tommy
Shows general optimism and care for his family and friends.
14 years old
300/300 score
Norman - Tubbo
Has kindness towards people like Tommy, the ability to plan out, and eventual malicious intent.
14 years old
300/300 score
Ray - Techno
The oldest of the top score trio, the most realistic and down to earth.
15 years old
300/300 score
Gilda - Ranboo
Close with Tommy, Tubbo and Techno. Likes fashion and is one of the most responsible escapees.
13 years old
284/300 score
Don - Fundy
Headstrong and confident. He is determined to prove himself to the people that expect less of him.
13 years old
267/300 score
Anna - Puffy
Medicinal knowledge and general kindness. Despite seeming innocent and naïve, she later proves herself to be smart, mature and a valued asset of their family.
12 years old
189/300 score
Nat - Wilbur
A somewhat confident boy with kindness deep down. A musical genius, who just wants to live in a true home.
12 years old
167/300 score
Thoma - Karl
A teasing prankster who, deep down, only has his friends' best interest at heart.
11 years old
148/300 score
Lannion - Sapnap
Karl's closest friend and partner in crime. If it came down to it, he would do anything for his best friend.
11 years old
136/300 score
Jemima - BadBoyHalo
A shy, but talented young boy, who only wants to finally lay down and rest in a happy, healthy and safe home.
10 years old
115/300 score
Yvette - Skeppy
A small, lighthearted child, fascinated by the new world surrounding him.
10 years old
107/300 score
Alicia - Sam
Despite it taking a while for him to gain confidence in himself, Sam is
10 years old
Phil - George
An intelligent child, who is willing to wait as long as he needs to to be free.
9 years old
141/300 score
Isabella - Schlatt
A heinous man who only has his own interest at heart
36 years old
300/300 score
Krone - Quackity
Schlatt's assistant in L'manberg orphanage, who secretly resents his boss.
31 years old
300/300 score
Peter Ratri - Dream
The sadistic SMP Clan leader who slaughtered his own sister for the sake of the farms.
36 years old
Presumed 300/300 score
William Minerva/James Ratri - Drista
A traitor of the SMP Clan, who only wanted for the children of the future to have their own chance at life.
Deceased, died at 29 years old
Presumed 300/300 score
Yuugo - Phil
A traumatised man who would do anything to see his friends again, but is too scared to return to the town that tore them apart.
38 years old
294/300 score
Lucas - Mumza
A kindhearted soul that only wants to see her allies again, but she can't. Not in the state she's in.
38 years old
287/300 score
Sonju - Jack Manifold
An ex-royal demon who strives to taste human flesh once more.
1000+ years old
Unknown score
Mujika/Musica - Niki
The evil blooded girl with a heart of gold.
1000+ years old
Unknown score
Leuvis/Lewis - Eret
A hunter that thirsts for blood, and the rush of a true fight.
1000+ years old
Unknown score
Legravalima - DreamXD
An ancient, immortal demon that will never relinquish control from the society in his iron grip.
1000+ years old
Unknown score
Oliver - Scott
23 years old
295/300 score
Zack - Joel
23 years old
282/300 score
Paula - Lizzie
A caring,
22 years old
291/300 score
Violet - Gem
18 years old
267/300 score
Gillian - Katherine
20 years old
178/300 score
Nigel - Joey
21 years old
234/300 score
Sonya - HBomb
22 years old
276/300 score
And if you're wanting to get technical, that makes Jack, Eret and DreamXD siblings
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maxdark158 · 3 years
Wooo! Writing shoes are back on and i’m actually really happy that i’m finally able to write again. This chapter is a bit shorter than normal but the next two are heavy hitters so it’s alright
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
Damian typically liked patrol.
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop under the cover of the night was always exhilarating. Parkour just wasn’t the same without a belt of weapons and a costume, it was always a good way to burn of excess energy and get his mind focused.
Sure, it was his job to protect Gotham so he couldn’t be joking around, but he had to admit he liked the physical activity. He took his job seriously but taking it seriously didn’t mean it had to be unenjoyable.
Patrols were a time when he didn’t feel constrained, didn’t have to play a part or meet expectations. Nothing could ruin the cool gotham city nights on the rooftops.
Well, almost nothing.
After all, Damian’s father had the insane habit of adopting shitty ass kids for his crime fighting ring. Which meant Damian had this awful sickness called siblings. And the only thing that could ruin his nice patrols were the chortling of the other costumed idiots.
The worst nights were when all his brothers went.
Every. Single. Brother.
And what made it worse on top of that?
When they had something they felt they could tease him about. And when they were all teasing him about the same thing at the same time.
He was going to snap and stab one of them. His father might be anti murder but he didn’t have to know…
Damian shook his head. Bad thoughts.
“Thinking of your Angel?” Drake seemed to have a death wish and Damian was all about granting fucking wishes right now.
“Why do you all insist on being here?” he grumbled to himself. Because really they didn’t have to be. No bat signal, probably a few minor purse snatching crimes that one or two could handle easily. Why were they all in costume? Take the night off, stop fucking bothering him.
Annoying Fuck #1 snorted next to him when he said that, clearly not planning to be reasonable. “What, don’t like us teasing you about your Angel, demon spawn?” Todd snorted.
Damian ignored him. “Batman, shouldn’t he not be allowed to patrol with us?” His father could at least tell Todd to go home. Then when his back was turned he wouldn’t witness what happened to Dra-
“C’mon, I haven’t killed anyone and I want to hang out with my little bro! It’s not every day that Robin gets his first crush!”
Annoying Fuck #2, Drake, nearly slipped and fell from laughter.
Damian’s face warmed under his mask. “I do not have a crush you-“
“Focus on the job,” As always, father was on his side. “You can make fun of Robin later when we aren’t patrolling,” the traitorous bastard added.
Damian didn’t want to be the fucking blood son anymore.
He glared at Batman, scoffing to himself. “Then if you’ll excuse me, I’ll take my own route.”
“I’ll go with you little bird!”
Fucking fuck fuck.
Because of fucking course Grayson suggested that. And of fucking course Damian momentarily forgot that Grayson was back and patrolling too, leaving him unprepared for the suggestion. Grayson’s uncharacteristic quietness was the worst thing at times.
Fucking hell why’d they all have to be here tonight?
Proving himself to truly be a traitor, his father nodded to Grayson’s suggestion. So Damian, previously wanting to get away with his brothers and dream of murdering them alone, now had a tagalong stopping such a fun activity.
At this rate he’d have frown lines at 23.
Damian went off, not waiting for Grayson. He knew he’d easily keep pace though, so the halfhearted dream of being fully alone wouldn’t happen.
“Robin, wait here a second.” Oh fuck no. That’s Grayson’s I want to talk voice. Too bad for him because Damian did not want to talk. At all. Especially about anything Grayson might want to talk about. Because Grayson wanted to talk about French Angels and Riddlers and Spars and-
“Robin, are you listening?”
“No, Nightwing, I’m not.” Damian stared at him and raised a brow. “What is there to talk about?”
Grayson huffed, annoyed. Good. Fucker deserves it after what he and the others put him through these last few days. “I was asking if you actually had a crush or not. They’re teasing you but I’ve been,” at WE all day, Damian knew, “busy all day. I can’t tell if they’re making something out of nothing and I’d rather hear it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.”
There was a time when Damian would have said he wasn’t a horse. When he was younger, he didn’t know idioms and expressions that well. He considered saying it now, to try and change the subject, but he also knew Grayson didn’t let things go easily. Which wasn’t very good.
Because Damian wasn’t sure how to answer.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to answer it, even to himself. His weedkiller wouldn’t arrive for a few more fucking days, he wasn’t prepared for this.
Though maybe that in of itself showed the answer to Grayson’s question…
Fucking fuck fuck.
He shook himself from those thoughts. Grayson was waiting on an answer and he didn’t have time to get lost in thought about his Ang- Marinette. Marinette.
Damian settled for glaring at Grayson. “My private life is not any business of yours.”
Grayson snorted. “Suure little bird. She’s one of the French students, right?”
“Don’t say that right now,” he snapped. Not while they were in costume, not while they could be listened to. “Focus on the job, Nightwing.”
Grayson put his hands up in surrender. “Race you to Wayne Enterprises?”
Damian didn’t wait for an answer, jumping to the next roof and making his way as fast as he could. He was determined to beat his adopted brother’s sorry ass, not that he cared about winning. It wasn’t that he was competitive, he simply didn’t want to continue this discussion. That was all. That’s fucking it.
Grayson laughed behind him, and the race began.
They were taking a break near the Batcave. No activity yet, but they stayed suited up incase that changed. The night was still young, after all.
Batman instructed them to meet there through the comms. Damian and Grayson, further from the cave, made it there last. Grayson luckily hadn’t brought up and other conversation during patrol, and Damian hoped that would hold ou-
The other two idiots were waiting like the fucking lunatics they are.
Fucking fuck fuck.
“Did the demon spawn tell you about his precious Angel?” Todd clearly decided that he would die in seven days by saying that, big dumb fucking grin on his face and hair messy from removing his dumbass helmet.
“What was her name again? Mary?” Drake knew her name and was just being a little bitch. Damian decided not to give him the fucking bait, going over to a place to sit-
“Marie something, French and I think with brown eyes?”
“They’re blue,” Damian bit out. Fuck, their stupidity had infected him, he spoke before thinking. Was there a cure? He doubted it as they were all still stupid and have been for years. Fucking fuck the last thing he needs is to be on their level of idiocy.
“Right, right,” Jason’s wolfish smug grin was showing exactly how much of a fucking bitch he planned to be. Damian wanted to kick his face in.
“Little bird was pretty tight lipped on patrol,” Grayson said lightly as if he didn’t just stab him in the back.
“It’d be rude to kiss and tell,” Damian was going to strangle Drake with his own two hands.
“I haven’t kissed her!” He snapped again. His face was very warm, did he get sunburned somehow?? “We’re friends you imbeciles!”
“Friends that hold hands,” Drake pointed out.
“And tour Gotham together, alone.” Todd shortened his life span even more.
“And invite each other over to their house, where they never invited anyone before, to eat lunch.”
“Look how red his face is!”
“Little bird probably even planned to buy her ice cream! That’s why they were there when the Riddler showed up!”
“I’ll bed demon spawn-“
Damian stormed out of the room. Blood was roaring in his ears and he needed to- he just. He fucking needed fucking out of here. Away from those fuckers. Or he’d actually follow through with his thinly veiled threats and he’d rather not get blood on his costume.
He hated siblings with a passion. If his father ever considered adopting again Damian would fill all of his shoes with centipedes and rip the third seam out of every pair of pants he owned.
I don’t have a crush on her. I don’t. She’s wonderful and amazing, an angel, but I don’t like Ang- Marinette like that. She’s a friend I made and that is all.
Damian grabbed some throwing knives for target practice. Not on his brothers this time. He wanted to clear his head without those fucks nearby.
He threw one. The aim was a bit off, and he frowned. His aim was impeccable, why was he off right now? Why is having a crush on Marinette a bad thing?
No. He shook his head. He didn’t want to think those fucking thoughts right now. He threw another, harder. It went deep into the target, still off by more than he was happy with. He growled lowly.
Ange- Marinette is pure and good and wonderful. I was raised by assassins and I can’t completely shake their ideals.
Another knife. Damian’s grip on them tightened. Why was he missing?
I’m a vigilante and Damian Wayne. I have blood on my hands and money to my name and she wants to make her fashion empire herself.
Damian got more knives. His frustration was growing with each thought. They kept coming back as he tried to dismiss them, kept distracting him from the target.
She’s a talented designer. She’s incredibly smart, knows how to fight. Beautiful, dark hair and freckles and blue eyes.
Another knife sailed through the air.
I’m not anything of note without my last name or costume. She’s amazing without needing either.
Damian walked over and began taking the knives off the targets. Maybe they were fucking with his aim. He should get rid of them. Focus on removing them. Stop thinking about her.
But no matter how many fucking times he tried to redirect his thoughts, they came back.
She doesn’t have to tolerate me.
She’s wonderful and innocent.
She doesn’t deserve to be dragged down.
I don’t want to hurt her.
Damian’s hands were on his face, pushing at his eyes and trying to stop the thoughts. His Ange- Marinette was wonderful he knew that, but he didn’t think the other things. Not constantly anyway, he helped people as Robin. He was his father’s blood son. He wasn’t unhappy with himself.
But that doesn’t mean I’m good enough for Marinette.
He grabbed a knife from the table he set them on and threw it blindly, as if throwing the thought itself out and away.
It hit the center perfectly.
Damian took a deep breath. Everything was fucking overwhelming right now, and he didn’t want to think about it anymore.
But it seemed he’d have to.
Fucking fuck fuck.
Okay, okay. He… He might have a crush on Marinette.
Admitting it, oddly, seemed to lift a weight off his shoulders. Damian took another deep breath.
He has a crush on Marinette. But he values her a friend very much. He isn’t going to do anything about his crush, because she deserves someone as amazing and angelic as her, and Damian isn’t that.
But that’s okay. Because he already loves being her friend. And his weedkiller isn’t too far away.
Damian calmed down. He threw some more knives. They were all on target.
She’ll always be my friend and Angel, if I have any say in it. I’ll make sure whoever she choses is worthy of her.
Damian had just thrown his third when his father spoke through their comms. “Poison Ivy sighting at Gotham Hotel.”
The six words turned Damian’s recently found peaceful mood onto its head. Ice water poured into his and filled his limbs with dread. His chest was tight, as if someone was grabbing at his lungs and they were closing. The weeds of worry were strangling him.
That’s my Angel’s hotel.
He had dropped her off there with Alfred just earlier that day. She was staying there with her class. They were supposed to be safe and protected, she was supposed to be safe and protected.
Damian’s knives hit the ground but his feet hit it faster as he ran through the cave to the exit. Ivy best not lay a finger on her or she would lose her entire arm.
His Angel wouldn’t get hurt, not if he could help it.
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