#French Language
losttranslator · 2 months
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me when people ask me how to say "I don't care" in french
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The IASIP meme of Charlie Kenny gesturing wildly at a conspiracy board, with the second picture added to his papers - the second picture being a table with 7 columns classifying an exhaustive number of ways of saying "I don't care" in French, based on how common, vulgar and funny they each are.
Column 1: Socially acceptable and common: -Je m’en fiche -J’en ai rien à faire* (*less formal variation of “Je n’en ai rien à faire” which still belongs to this category)
Column 2: Vulgar and common enough to not be shocking: -Je m’en fous -(J’en ai) rien à foutre
Column 3: More vulgar, and common with a ‘teenage’ connotation: -(Je)* m’en tape -(Je) m’en branle -(Je) m’en balec’ -(Je) m’en bats les couilles -(J’en ai) rien à battre -(J’en ai) rien à branler -”Balec’” (* omitting “je” is frequent and makes the expression even less formal)
Column 4: ‘Familiar’ (only somewhat vulgar, completely informal) and uncommon enough to be considered somewhat funny: -J’en ai* rien à carrer -J’en ai* rien à cirer -Je m’en tamponne (le coquillard) -Je m’en balance -J’en ai* rien à péter (* can be replaced with “Je n’en ai rien à …” to give it a formal connotation, in which case the expression belongs to category 6)
Column 5: Socially acceptable and uncommon/formal enough to be considered funny: -Je m’en contrefiche -Je m’en soucie comme d’une guigne -J’en ai rien à fiche
Column 6: Vulgar and uncommon, somewhat formal: -Je m’en contrefous
Column 7: Socially acceptable and very uncommon / very formal, enough to sound snobbish (and therefore a bit funny): -Peu m’importe -Il m’importe peu -Je n’en ai cure -Je ne m'en soucie guère
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todayontumblr · 7 months
Wednesday, September 27.
If ever you're in France, accompanied by your kitty cat, and you find yourself unintentionally (and quite unexpectedly) projecting intestinal gas produced within the body by bacteria that has broken down food, and said kitty cat looks a little alarmed, and you don't know what to say, well. Fortune smiles upon you this day. Consider #langblr your knight in shining linguistic armor. Chat, j'ai pété.
It really can happen to anyone. But langblr is here for all your polyglot needs: learning how to say chai tea in Czech, the frankly adorable etymology of peninsula, Greek paleographic fonts, for words of support for those underway with their language-learning adventures, or if you're in need of some support yourself. It is a particularly wholesome corner of Tumblr, for those with an interest in the slow-burn magic of learning another language. 
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cerisep0urrie · 1 year
📺 words & expressions i have learned from french shows, movies, & tiktoks
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c’est pas grave - it’s okay / it’s no big deal
(ne) t’inquiète (pas) - don’t worry
qu’est-ce que tu fais là ? - what are you doing here?
tu me manques - i miss you
on y va - let’s go
bien sûr - of course
j’suis là - i’m here
je vous en prie - you’re welcome (formal)
mytho - liar
ouais - yeah
un truc - something
voilà - there it is, that’s right, exactly, there you go
oh là là - wow, oh my god
bof - so-so, whatever
hein - the french “huh” or “eh”
ben / bah - well… / uhh…
s’il te plaît ➭ s’te plaît - please
félicitations - congratulations
un mec - a guy (slang)
une meuf - a girl (slang)
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bloggingboutburgers · 8 months
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Conversation with a coworker from a bit ago that won't leave my head
…And yeah I do get the irony of translating this conversation into English so y'all will understand, it's part of the joke I guess
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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The British Isles but French influence got a bit out of hand
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erovalkyrie · 1 year
WHY DOES JEAN SAY "SHITKID" - a language theory
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Ahh, I saw a post on tumblr here asking why Jean uses "shitkid" as an insult, and I forgot to respond, here is my theory:
English swears in most in sexual manners, "fuck" being the main one, French in scatological manners, "merde" being the big one.
Thus, French uses "de merde" (-of shit) as emphasis, like English uses "fucking", i.e.: "putain de merde" (fucking asshole), "truc de merde" (fucking thing that isn't working), "peur de merde" (fucking scared)
"shit" (noun) is just his native language way of using emphasis.
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So he is calling Harry a "fucking child", putting emphasis on his tantrums, misbehaviour, immaturity, etc. As people can switch back to their native language when getting emotional, his native "gosse de merde/petit merdeux" probably became "shitkid", and it stuck, that is my theory.
I quickly checked what his real French insult is, and it is "clown de service" (service/professional clown). Again, stressing Harry's unacceptable behaviour *at work*. "Clown" definitely goes harder in the French language as an insult, stressing the unprofessional conduct.
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So we have both French with "professional clown" and German with "jelly head" as localisations for "shitkid", and I really like both of them, they fit their respective languages really well! And the English one gives him a unique insult that loops back to the structure of his native language! :D
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How to build a language self-study plan
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So I’ve noticed, upon combing through pages and pages of youtube videos and google blogs, that rarely does anyone ever actually tell you what you should be studying. There’s a reason for this ! Everyone is different and at a different level, different motivation. It’s impossible to create a study plan that is perfect for everyone... which is why it can also be agonizing to make one for yourself. 
“How am I supposed to know what’s important to study, if I don’t speak the language?” 
Well that’s a good question! You need to gauge how far you’ve come so far and how far you’d like to get. It’s easiest when you are starting from zero because you can learn the alphabet, numbers, basic phrases, and basic grammar. Easy peasy. You can go cover to cover in a text book. 
Here’s a check-list to create the perfect study plan special to you. 
1. What do I know already? What do I need to work on?
- is it worth starting a textbook, if you feel like you already know half of it? It might be worth completing the given exercises and if you achieve an 80% or higher (or you could give that lesson to someone else) then you can move on from that specific point.
- create a list of the points that you still need to master
2. What do I need to include in a study session?
- naturally there needs to be a focus or a few different focuses of a study session, whether it’s a specific activity or a grammar point. I recommend creating a list of things you want to get done (a.) every day, (b) every week, and (c) every month. These goals must be quantifiable. For example, every week I read two news articles in German. As a reflection, I then write a summary of the event of the article as well as a personal opinion. That’s an easy box to check.
- you need a reflection. It’s important to really take time to reflect on how you feel about the time spent and the materials used. What could you do better next time? What went well? 
3. When is the best time to study? 
- are you more active/focused in the morning or in the night? The key is consistency. If you have a routine, you’re far more likely to adhere to it. I know that my own schedule is highly changeable and that can make it very difficult, but I’ve found if I wake up in the same period of time every morning, brush my teeth, make my bed, and then sit down to my work, I feel far more productive. 
- how much should I study at a time? The recommended period is 25 minutes from the Pomodoro Method with a five minute break. You can research time-management techniques but ultimately it comes down to you. 
4. How do I take notes ?
- IT”S ALL ABOUT YOU! What I do is take messy notes in classes or on my own and then I transcribe the finished page to my Notion page. It gives me a chance to make the notes neater and also to review a little bit. I will say though statistically, you will remember better if you write by hand. 
- I like to have a column on each page for words I didn’t know
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narriaa · 7 months
Je suis peut-être la dernière au courant, mais j'ai découvert que le Projet Voltaire a mis en ligne un programme d'apprentissage des bases de la LSF (langue des signes française). Et c'est gratuit :3
Je dis pas que ça va nous permettre de finir bilingue, mais ça peut constituer un début :)
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vangoghs-other-ear · 6 months
les signes de ponctuation en fraçais
le point - period (🇺🇸) full stop (🇬🇧) [ . ]
la virgule - comma [ , ]
le point-virgule - semicolon [ ; ]
les deux points - colon [ : ]
Les trois points de suspension- ellipsis [ ... ]
le point d'interrogation- question mark [ ? ]
le point d'exclamation - exclamation mark [ ! ]
l'apostrophe (f) - apostrophe [ ' ]
les guillemets - guillemets [ « » ] (En anglais, on n’emploie jamais de guillemet français)
les guillemets anglais/les guillemets en apostrophe - quotation mark [ " " ] (🇺🇸) [ ' ' ] (🇬🇧) rarely/never used in French
les parenthèses - parenthesis [ ( ) ]
les crochets - brackets [ [ ] ]
les acolades - curly brackets/braces [ { } ]
le tiret - dash [ - ]
le tiret long/tiret cadratin - em dash [ — ]
la barre oblique/le slash - slash [ / ]
la barre oblique inversée/ le backslash - backslash [ \ ]
l'esperluette (f) - ampersand [ & ]
l'arobase - at sign [ @ ]
l'astérisque - asterisk [ * ]
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French essential verbs
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em-nikolaev · 9 months
A Few Fun Little Language Learning Tips
Hello, these are a few little tips I've found on my language learning odyssey that you may find fun or helpful
Accents! This can be a great way to 'warm up' before speaking more in depth, or a training exercise, but a fun way I've found to get myself to make French sounds (it works for any language really) is to speak English (or insert native language here) with an exaggerated accent that comes from someone speaking your target language, I find this a fun way to get the sounds of a language you're trying to speak into your head in order to make speaking easier (great for speaking exam practice)
Use addictive social media for profit! So this would be best for intermediate to advanced learners, but a way to learn more slang, grow your vocabulary, and just generally get more language input in an easy way is to create a dedicated social media account in your TL and simply lurk, do you spend hours doom scrolling short form video content? Do it guilt free by doing it in your TL, do you like cat memes? read them in your TL, it's addictive, and low energy, so you can do it even when your brain feels like a fried egg
Need a pen pal? Try Ai! So, speaking to real people in your TL can be a daunting task, for reasons ranging from the fear of saying something wrong to just plain stranger danger, so a safer (and totally free) alternative can be through ai chat bots, you can do this with dedicated language learning bots or with just plain old ChatGPT
Nostalgia Bait! One of the most beautiful things about visual art is the fact that it is a universal language in itself, certain symbols can hold significance wherever you go, so re-watching animated TV shows from your childhood or watching new TV content made for kids in your TL can be a great way to add to your vocabulary, and in call & response shows, generate responses and make them more complex if you like, to add more intrigue
When in doubt, write it out! I personally struggle a lot with conjugation, so if you do to, here's a solution I found, use Quizlet learn to help drill conjugation, and when your free rounds run out, you can manually use the flash cards to use the same effective learning strategy (or pay for Quizlet plus, but I, personally would rather eat a dusty lamp then pay for something that, in my opinion, should be free to all learners)
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polyglotguru · 7 months
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cerisep0urrie · 5 months
skin care and makeup in french
aka how to have your own vogue beauty secrets moment en français 🧼
(doing this mainly for myself and a very niche audience)
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face - le visage, la figure
skin - la peau
skin care - soin visage
eyes - les yeux
lips - les lèvres
cheeks - les joues
eyebrows - les sourcils
eyelashes - les cils
water - l’eau
cleanser - le nettoyant
makeup remover - le démaquillant
toner - le tonique, la lotion tonique
serum - le sérum
face oil - l’huile
lip balm - le baume à lèvres
moisturizer - la crème, la crème hydratante
exfoliant - l’exfoliante
massage - le massage
face mask - le masque
foundation - fond de teint
concealer - l’anti-cerne, l’anti-tache
powder - la poudre
bronzer - la poudre de soleil
highlighter - l’highlighter, l’illuminateur
lipstick - le rouge à lèvres
lipgloss - le brillant à lèvres, le gloss (à lèvres)
eye shadow - le fard à paupière
mascara - le mascara
eyebrow pencil - le crayon à sourcil
eyebrow gel - le gel à sourcil
makeup brush - le pinceau de maquillage
eye liner - l’eye-liner, l’eye-liner liquide
blush - le blush, le fard à joues
to put on makeup - se maquiller
to wash - se laver
to take off makeup - se démaquiller
to do skincare routine - faire des soins de la peau
to massage- masser
to apply - appliquer
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french language resources masterlist
Last updated: 02/11/2023
RFI Savoirs has lots of listening and reading activities (from A1 to B2)
Apprendre le français TV 5 Monde has listening activities from A1 to B2
Tester son niveau - this is a free placement test (just listening)
CNTRL Dictionnaire is a dictionary
France Université Numérique - free MOOCS (massive open online course) with different levels: Level A1 - Level A2 - Level B1
Kwiziq (a website that you can test your level and study grammar)
French songs you should listen to
french aesthetic songs (youtube)
Crème French playlist (youtube)
GEO Magazine is a online magazine with articles about nature and history
Library Genesis has many books in french and other languages too
TV 5 Monde has series and movies from France and other countries (for free), available for desktop and mobile (ios and android)
TV 5 UNIS has series and movies in French (mostly from Quebec). Some of the shows are not available outside Canada (but you can use it with a vpn)
Artips podcast (art, music, science)
France culture podcasts (various subjects)
WLINGUA app (both IOS and Android) teaches grammar
French grammar pdf exercises - if you search the topic you're learning (example: le passé composé) + pdf, you're going to find many pdf activities from University of Quebec. Like this one: Passé Composé UQuebec
Artips is a newsletter about art, music, science and ecology that you receive in your email. You can chose the topics you wanna subscribe (example: I subscribed for art and music newsletters).
Bon courage !
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Use of French as Official Language in Africa
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fantomethread · 2 years
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me + my addiction to reading french books well beyond my level
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