#Gotta hold them away from his body cause yikes
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
So love my boy Vismay, had silly thoughts he has 4 arms and Arceus has 3 children so slapped in a wonderful Meau belonging to @phlurrii and did a lil age swap and sometimes you're a 4 armed cat creature left to babysit your younger siblings in the void and two of them are VERY unhappy about this
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
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Based on this prompt - Malec au, University students. Alec is a med student, Magnus fashion design. Alec is trying to study anatomy for an exam but is struggling to remind the bones and ligaments of the body. Magnus offers to be his human naked (with boxers because 'you know how we get magnus') model.
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“Why did I choose biology again?” Alec asked.
“Is that a rhetorical question or do you want me to answer that?” Magnus questioned, lying on his bed, his sketch papers and pencils sprawled all around him.
“It is,” Alec replied. “But why would I do this to myself!!”
“Listen to me,” Magnus pinned a pencil behind his ear. “Because you come from a family of surgeons, and you want to make them proud? But I think it’s mostly because you genuinely enjoy healing people and saving lives?”
“Ugh,” Alec groaned. “Why did I have to be such a good guy?”
Magnus laughed.
“You know, I should have been an arsonist or something. I have pretty good aim,” Alec pondered out loud. “But no. I had to choose this instead. Stupid, Alec!”
“Alright. Alright,” Magnus sat up on his bed. “What’s wrong, you drama queen?”
“I have an anatomy test on Friday,” Alec sighed. “And I can’t seem to remember all the names.”
“That’s it?” Magnus asked.
“What do you mean that’s it?” Alec demanded. “Do you know we have 206 bones in the human body? Why do we even need so many??”
“I hope that’s a rhetorical question too,” Magnus chuckled. “Considering you’re going to be a surgeon and all.”
“At this rate, the only way I’m getting into a hospital is as a patient because of all the stress,” Alec closed his book dramatically. “Please make sure they have a closed casket at my funeral.”
“Okay. I’m sure it’s not that bad-”
“206 bones, Magnus!” Alec yelled. “206 bones! Why couldn’t we just have like 12 or something?”
“That would make us very grotesque,” Magnus grimaced. “And then I won’t be able to design us all these pretty clothes.”
“How is your project coming?” Alec asked, not wanting to hog the conversation. “You finished with the design?”
“Nope,” Magnus giggled and helped up a piece of paper. “But I did do a nice sketch of Harry and Draco.”
“He has his mother’s eyes,” Alec giggled back.
“Alright, we got this,” Magnus jumped off the bed. “How many do you know for now?”
“Let’s see,” Alec pouted. “First, you have the paired bones in the skull. They make a total of 28 bones. Nasal, Lacrimal, Maxillary, Zygomatic, Temporal, Palatine, Parietal, Malleus, Incus and Stapes.”
“How do I know you aren’t lying?” Magnus raised an eyebrow. “You could be naming different kinds of spiders for all I know.”
“Why in the world would I know eleven kinds of spiders?” Alec rolled his eyes.
“Okay that’s valid,” Magnus shrugged. “And then what?”
“Well, then we have the torso bones – which are basically the ribs. There are 52 bones there. And I got those covered.”
“See?” Magnus patted him on the shoulder and Alec shuddered at the touch. “It’s not that bad. You are already know like most of them.”
“No,” Alec said. “I need to memorize the appendicular skeleton.”
“How many there?” Magnus asked.
“126,” Alec groaned.
“Yikes,” Magnus winced. “Well…Maybe it has one of those anagrams? Like you know a song that helps you remember these kind of stuff?”
“For 126 bones?” Alec rolled his eyes. “It’s gonna be bloody long song.”
“Hmmm,” Magnus put his hands on his hips. “Do you have one of those skeleton thingies?”
“A what?”
“A skeleton thingy,” Magnus repeated. “Medical students have them, don’t they? I think the visualization helps you memorize the bones or something.”
“Oh, those,” Alec said in realization. “Yeah those are expensive as fuck.”
“Isn’t there one in the biology lab?” Magnus asked. “I swear I’ve seen Simon practicing his flirting skills on one of those.”
“Yeah, we are not allowed to borrow them,” Alec muttered. 
“Oh,” Magnus frowned.
“But we could steal it!!!” Alec said suddenly. 
“Alec, no!”
“Think about it,” Alec said encouragingly. “If we don’t get caught, then I can study for my exam. If we get caught, then I don’t have to sit for my exam at all. It’s a win-win, Magnus!”
“Okay nobody is stealing anything,” Magnus showed a threatening finger. “You are not getting suspended again. I can’t let Raphael move into our dorm room. He is an ass. And he doesn’t appreciate my fashion sense like you do.”
“But you look good in everything you wear,” Alec said quietly.
“Right?” Magnus asked. “I’m not losing this. Nope. Okay I think have a solution for you.”
“You are willing to sacrifice your life so I can practice on your skeleton?” Alec asked dryly.
“Let's hope it doesn’t have to come to that,” Magnus laughed nervously. “But how about you just practice on my regular body?”
Alec blinked. “What?”
Magnus just took off his shirt in one move and Alec coughed loudly. “I mean, you can’t see my bones. But you can probably feel them.”
Magnus reached out, grabbed Alec’s hand and placed it above his chest. “Which one is that?”
“Hhhh,” Alec said.
“What’s that?”
“That’s the pectoral girdle,” Alec cleared his throat. “This is your clavicle. And this is the scapula. And right here, in the middle of your chest is the sternum.”
“Sounds sexy,” Magnus chuckled. “Okay, what’s next?”
“Are you…Are you sure you want to do this?” Alec asked hesitantly.
“I don’t mind,” Magnus shrugged and then looked alarmed. “Do you…Do you not want to-”
“No. No,” Alec said quickly. “I do want your help. I just…I just wanted to know if you’re comfortable.”
“I’m comfortable,” Magnus smiled.
“Okay. Alright. Then let’s do this,” Alec smiled back.
“If we are going to do this, then let’s do this properly,” Magnus announced and took off his jeans without another word.
He was wearing tight black boxers underneath. Not the cute ones like Alec wore.
These were sexy.
Who wears sexy underwear on a Wednesday afternoon? Sexy underwear is only for special occasions, goddamnit!
“Oh god,” Alec gulped.
“Pardon?” Magnus asked, throwing his jeans on his bed.
“I said Thank God!” Alec corrected quickly.
“We got this,” Magnus grinned and laid down on Alec’s bed. Now it’s gonna smell like fucking sandalwood.
Alec already had trouble sleeping at night knowing that Magnus slept just a couple of meters away. This was not going to make things better.
“I’m waiting, Dr. Lightwood!” Magnus called.
Alec bit his lip. This man knew exactly what buttons to push.
Just be a professional, Alec. You just gotta be a professional.
Mercifully there was a knock on the door.
“Hold on,” Alec held up a finger.
He opened the door and sighed.
“Can I borrow your notes from Monday?” Jace asked. “I need to-”
He blinked at Magnus and before he could speak, Alec pushed him out of the room and closed the door behind him.
“Um, why is Magnus half-naked on your bed?” Jace asked.
He couldn’t tell the truth. He knew Jace had to study too. What if he wanted to study with Alec?
Nope. Not happening.
“He is…sunbathing,” Alec answered.
“Inside the room???”
“He doesn’t want to go outside,” Alec explained, trying to sound casual. “He is…shy.”
“He can’t go outside,” Jace said incredulously. “Alec, it’s fucking snowing.”
Fuck. One look at Magnus and Alec had literally forgotten all sense of time and place.
“Exactly,” Alec said, trying to cover up. “That’s why he is sunbathing in the room.”
“But there is no sun. It’s hidde-”
“Don’t you have an exam to study for?” Alec demanded. “I’ll email you the notes. Now, off you go!”
Jace gave him a suspicious look before walking off. “I will get to the bottom of this!!”
Alec rolled his eyes and went back inside the dorm.
“The doctor will see you now,” Alec managed with a straight face before bursting out with laugher.
“Get over here, you dork!” Magnus laughed with him.
Alec sat down on the bed, his body now only inches away from Magnus’.
Alec hesitated. But Magnus reached out and took his palm and placed it on his abdomen.
“And what is this called?” Magnus asked.
Alec’s breath hitched.
Alec couldn’t believe this was actually happening. He couldn’t believe this was real.
Magnus’ skin felt warm – even though it was apparently snowing outside.
He knew he was supposed to focus on the bones. But Alec couldn’t help but focus on all of it.
The line of sunburn just above the waistband of his boxers.
The birthmark right next to his bellybutton.
The way his stomach moved up and down with every breath, the movement almost hypnotic to the eyes.
Alec was so focused (or out of focus?) that he didn’t even realize he hadn’t spoken in over a minute.
“You don’t have to feel weird,” Magnus said gently. “You’re my friend.”
Alec’s hand moved away as if Magnus’ skin had burned him.
Magnus thought of him as a friend.
Magnus was just helping out a friend.
This wasn’t reality. It was just another fantasy.
“I think I’ll go study in the lab,” Alec said, picking up his books.
“What? Why?” Magnus sat up hastily. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” Alec said in frustration. “I just…I’m gonna go.”
“Alec, wait,” Magnus said. “Just tell me what’s wrong.”
“This is…This is weird.”
“I don’t mind you touching m-”
“I don’t want to touch you,” Alec snapped.
Magnus flinched and then immediately got off Alec’s bed. “Right. Of course.”
“Magnus, that’s not what I-”
“I heard you loud and clear,” Magnus replied. “You can stay here. I’ll go out.”
“Magnus, hold on-”
“It’s fine,” Magnus said shortly from his own bed, already picking up his jeans.
Alec grabbed his arm and pulled him up. “I don’t want to touch you. Not like this.”
“Like what?” Magnus demanded.
“Like a friend.”
Magnus blinked.
“When I touch you for the first time, I don’t want it to be like this,” Alec said quietly. “I don’t want to be memorizing stuff. Fuck, I don’t even want to think. I just want to lose myself in you.”
Magnus’ eyes softened. “Well, why didn’t you say that before?”
Alec tried to think of a reason. A proper reason.
He couldn’t think of any.
“Cause I’m an idiot,” Alec said lamely.
Magnus looked at him for a minute then and Alec wondered what he was thinking. He is probably making a plan to get out of here, Alec thought.
“Take off your sweater,” Magnus said.
“I-” Alec blinked. “What?”
“It’s for a project for my design class,” Magnus shrugged. “I want to analyse the fabric. Take it off.”
“But you hate my clothes,” Alec said in confusion. “You always criticize how ug-”
“Alexander!!” Magnus put his hands up in frustration.
And then it clicked.
“Right,” Alec said, taking off his sweater. “Of course. Happy to help. Would this project by any chance require you to analyze ratty sweatpants?”
The smile Magnus gave him in return was enough to make up for the hidden sun outside.
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zevlors-tail · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 8 - “Hey, hey, this is no time to sleep!”
A/N: I can’t believe I just wrote this in one sitting. I know I’m super behind on Febuwhump, yikes...but I think this turned out pretty well! This got longer than I meant it to be, but then, so did most of the prompts in my drafts that I have for this month. This is actually my first time purposefully writing whump so I hope this was okay! Unedited btw, i’ll read it over in the morning.
TW: Burning building, explosions, second degree burns, mentions/descriptions of burn wounds, life or death situation, building collapse, concussed reader.
The first thing Hawks notices when he comes to is the foul taste in his mouth. It causes him to gag and cough with his eyes still closed, though that doesn’t help his situation much if at all. The smell of something burning sears the inside of his nostrils and clogs his lungs, and he finds it incredibly hard to breathe as he rolls over onto his side, eyes finally fluttering open.
The second thing he becomes acutely aware of is how hot he is. No...how hot the floor is. Speaking of which, he couldn’t seem to recall what he was doing down there anyways. If only that incessantly annoying ringing in his ears would stop-
Wait. Wait a minute...
An image of you flashes behind his eyelids as he blinks them shut harshly to block out the billowing cloud of smoke filling the room, and it all comes back to him in a whirlwind.
There were villains. High class villains. Not your every day run of the mill villains, but villains who could really pack a punch when fighting back. They had been occupying a small skyscraper at the time as their headquarters, and you and Hawks had partnered up to take them down after months of steak outs and observation. But something had gone wrong...very wrong. Those details were still a bit blurry, but Hawks remembers something akin to an explosion- a loud noise, the building shaking, and a blast that knocked him unconscious.
All of the sudden he’s hyper aware of what’s going on- and he realizes he needs to move fast if he’s going to get out of here alive. He’s at least twenty stories up in the air on unstable structures, his feathers and hair are singed, and his head is foggy after inhaling too much smoke. Luckily he can still move, and it doesn’t look like he’s been burned too severely, at least not yet. But the flames licking at the bottom of the closed door in front of him cause alarm bells to scream out in his head, and he knows he doesn’t have much time to think. He needs to find you so he can grab you and-
Ohhh, shit.
As he rolls over onto his other side, he can make out the outline of a figure lying on the floor, and he’s almost certain it’s you. None of the villains stuck around after blowing the place up anyways, and he can just barely see the dulled colors of your hero suit behind the thick screen of smoke.
“Fuck! Oh god, Y/N.”
You’re lying too still for your own good, and Hawks thinks he can see the beginning of what he can only assume to be fire slowly eating at the wall next to you. He wastes no time and flattens himself on his stomach, army crawling in your general direction to avoid the worst of the putrid air. It doesn’t help much, but it’s better than nothing. He ignores the uncomfortable heat of his body and pushes onward, his movements still a little sluggish from getting knocked out cold. He’s not entirely sure if he can even use his feathers right now while they’re this singed, and furthermore, he hopes his wings aren’t completely out of commission; he’s going to need those if the both of you are going to make it out of this alive.
“Y/N!” he tries to shout, though it ends in a horrible sounding cough that comes from deep in his chest. As he draws nearer, he hears what sounds like creaking coming from above the two of you, and to his utter horror, the support beams under floor above you have burnt to a crisp and look like they’re ready to collapse any second. It had to have been a sheer miracle that the two of you weren’t already engulfed in flames yourselves. “Y/N! Come on, kid, you gotta get up! Move!”
Even as he tries to urgently get your attention his body seems to move on it’s own accord, and before he can stop himself, he sends a few feathers your way out of habit and concern that you might be crushed any second if he doesn’t move you somehow. It hurts like hell, and he’s pretty sure he’s bleeding. This is by far the worst he’s felt when using his feathers, but it does pay off, and you’re lucky that he made the split decision to move you- no sooner had he scrambled back with you had the ceiling collapsed into the floor.
He turns to you while staying low to the ground, shaking you desperately and firmly smacking the side of your face with his hand in hopes of interrupting your forced slumber. It works but just barely, and Hawks watches as you try to take a deep breath but end up choking just as he had. He gives you a once-over while you struggle to breathe, eyes flitting over your form to assess any damage you may have taken- and to his dismay, there seems to be a good amount of it. The entire left side of your hero outfit is singed, bits of the fabric even burnt into your skin in certain places where the heat must have been too strong. You hadn’t been able to move away or protect yourself in your sleep, and the burns on your arm and leg can definitely attest to that. They’re second degree, at least; some of the fire must have actually made contact with your skin.
“Oh, fuck- Hey, look at me. Y/N, focus here!”
He leans over you to look at your eyes, and he doesn’t have to shine a light in them or have you follow his finger to know that you hit your head a little too hard. They’re glossy and unfocused, and you can’t find a single place on his face to fixate on. You just keep looking all over, and Hawks can clearly tell your concussed. 
Fucking great. He’s got to get you both out, and now.
“Hey, kid. Can you hear me?” He nervously awaits an answer with eyes trained on you, and the second you start to talk he lets out a small breath of short-lived relief.
“Hawks...? Wha...” You look so out of it and dazed.
“So that’s a yes, thank god...” Before you try to ask anything else, he stops you in your tracks and shakes his head at you. “Whoa, whoa, whoa- take it easy, alright? No questions, I just need you to listen and keep talking to me. Doesn’t matter what it’s about, I just need to know you’re awake and alive-” He pauses briefly to look around for something, anything he can do to escape.
There’s the door you both came from, the one that’s barely holding back the raging heat behind it- that’s a no-go. No way in hell is he trying to brave that. His wings won’t last five seconds in that, and you don’t have the means to protect yourself while you’re concussed. Another option is to try and escape through the hole in the floor that the ceiling caused...but that’s way too risky for the both of you as is, and it looks like flames are starting to creep in from that way, too. If he is going to take that route, he needs to do it soon. Maybe he can get to a staircase, or find a-
The sound of you moaning in pain cuts through his thoughts and his head whips back in your direction to find you grimacing and trying to move. “Ah ah- Don’t do that. Just keep talking, come on. I know it hurts, but you gotta keep talkin’ to me. I’m gonna get us out of this mess, somehow...”
Panic starts to set in as he realizes his options are limited. Terror grips him in it’s icy stone-cold jaws as he comes to the conclusion that his odds of survival are even worse.
“Hawks...it hur’s...” All you can do is roll your head back and forth and try to move, but your body just won’t cooperate with your mind.
“Fuck. Fuck! I know, I know...” His teeth grit together as he thinks, his thoughts racing a mile a minute. Adrenaline is starting to kick in, and he’s desperate for anything at this point.
He still has no plan in mind when he makes another split second decision to move you from where you’re currently laying. The fire is only spreading up onto the carpeted floor the two of you are on, and the smoke is getting worse by the second; this room is a hot box with no ventilation at this point. He carefully picks you up and cradles you to his chest, his wings wrapping around the both of you to both support your frame and shield you from the onslaught of unbearable heat. It forces him to take a few steps back, and he does his best to navigate through a screen of black without bumping into any furniture. He almost trips several times, but eventually he hits the opposite wall. Or, rather...
A window. Bingo.
“S’ tired...” you mumble. Your eyes are already fluttering, rolling to the back of your head as your limbs grow heavy in his arms.
“Hey, hey, this is no time to sleep! Y/N!? Come on, stay awake!”
“C’n we go...home now?”
He doesn’t like how ragged your breathing sounds.
He almost chuckles at the absurdity of the situation, but his lungs are already full of tainted air to laugh, let alone breathe properly, so he scoffs instead- and instantly regrets it. Between fits of coughs, he presses his shoulder to the glass behind you both to test the temperature, and it’s much hotter than it should be. Part of the glass is already blown out to his right, but there’s not enough space to crawl out without the jagged edges of it tearing up his flesh and wings. But if he could somehow break it...
His feathers. He’ll have to use up more of them, but if he uses the bare minimum necessary to break the glass and saves the majority, he may be able to make it out the window and fly you both to safety. 
“We can’t go home yet,” he chokes out in response to you, finally. “I’m gonna get you out of here, and then you’re on your way to the hospital, yeah? You’re gonna be fine.” 
He knows that to be true, so long as he can actually manage this. He backs up as far as he can go without subjecting either of you to the hot flames now openly invading the room, the entryway having burnt to a crisp already. From where he stands now, he hopes there’s enough distance to create the amount of force needed to shatter that damn glass. After a quick estimate of how many feathers he can get away with using, he readies them, and it all boils down this moment. If he can’t do this, you’ll both die. Both of your lives are at stake, resting on his weary shoulders. He can do this.
He has to.
“Wanna go home...wanna go...” You’re just murmuring to yourself, and it really puts Hawks on edge.
He hears the glass shatter before he sees it. He stumbles forward, wings still securely wrapped around you, and all but falls out of the edge of the window right before the rest of the floor collapses in on itself. He hears the devastation behind him, feels sparks on his back where the holes of his shirt meet the beginnings of his wings. He knows if he had hesitated or stayed any longer, neither of you would be alive right now.
Replacing his hold on you with his arms, he lets his wings drift open and prays he didn’t overdo it with the feathers, begs whatever gods may be listening that the two of you can at least slow the fall somehow. And to his pure joy and bliss, his wings, though bleeding and burnt and painful, are still very much holding up and allowing him to fly.
Now if he can manage to get you to a hospital...you’ll be just fine.
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
Random AU Sonamy cause you know what?
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It was time to go.
That other dimension… I didn’t figure I’d come back, but I couldn’t let my friends know that.
They each saw through me though, first with Tails and that Team Chaotix. Although Tails tried to send me off with as much hope as he could muster without shedding a tear, his entourage were wiping their tears without holding back or hiding. I respected them for it, but Tails even more, for how brave he wanted to be for me.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take of this…” I slowly raised my hand, expecting myself to say, ‘See ya around!’ but couldn’t muster it this time… instead, I just held it up… and let it flop down as though trying to act just as cool as my little dude.
I kicked the ground with a hop in my step as I moved back and raced off, heading to the next group, which were waiting to hold the portal for me when it opened.
“You’re a brave soul, Sonic… I’ve admired you for that.” Was probably the only directly nice thing Shadow ever said to me. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a swell guy! If you minus all the shady things he did in his ‘awakened’ life outside of Dr. Gerald Robotnik, but I could tell he was trying to be respectful too.
“Hey, it’s not that big of a sacrifice. Besides! With me gone, you’ll finally have a reason to show up!” I gave a goofy grin and put my hand to his shoulder, swaggering up with a wobble of my head and jerked upwards a thumbs-up from my hand.
He actually gave me a crooked smile for a moment… before dispersing off again with Rouge and Omega, looking disheartened.
Rouge looked like she wanted to say something, maybe ‘Be careful, Sonic’ but she didn’t quite get it out in time.
She stepped forward and put her hands to her chest, but as Shadow passed, looked down and decided not to say it. ...Probably for the best, I was getting sick of half-meanings. I wasn’t coming back, and the slim chance I could, I would be barely alive to tell the tale.
As she turned, something triggered in my mind. ‘Oh yeah… I’m forgetting someone.’ I felt myself getting reluctant. The person she reminded me of… the person that would definitely not be okay with any false hope, generalized chit-chat, and who wouldn’t hold her tongue back on how she felt about it.
Neither her tears… She would be the one to say, ‘Come back, Sonic.’ without a shred of regret.
I felt a hand on my shoulder, and lifted my head up from that realization that I would have to face her… and convince her… of letting me leave…
For good this time.
“It’s not like you to look so gloomy, Sonic.” Knuckles… the only one who really wouldn’t put on a front that was fake.
I turned to him and flicked my nose, as we stood and faced each other, saying more with our stares into the other’s soul then any ‘not saying it’ goodbyes everyone else was trying to hold back.
He shakingly held up a hand, and seeing him about to lose himself, I took it immediately, giving him strength to help him rise up and stay strong.
He nodded, but couldn’t look back in my eyes… he was probably gonna cry somewhere off on Angel Island… and I… preferred it that way.
I gave a strong pull and tightened my grip on the embraced hands, giving him a strong look, and he finally smiled with a ‘tsk’, realizing I wasn’t gonna let him go till he could do it.
He returned the gesture and smirked, narrowing his eyes back into mine.
‘That’s it, buddy. Don’t falter the good fight.’ I thought to myself as we held that position for a moment, and finally… he let me go.
“Safe travels… but that would be an understatement.” He folded his arms, still smiling, before looking his head to the ground and concealing his smile… “Tails told me he wanted to say more to you… I would let him.”
“...Haa..!” I breathed out and arched my back towards the ground, not really wanting to face another hard goodbye so soon… but if it meant holding off from confronting Amy… I would do it. “Guess everyone’s taking my vacation kinda hard, huh?” I joked, but Knuckles just grabbed my head and started rough-housing his glove against my spiky quilled head.
“Get in a tan while you’re at it! You’re too pale skinned!” he gruffed.
I tried to push my head up but he kept it down, “H-hey! Knuckles!” but I did get a glance up… and let him keep my head down…
I could see water streaming down his muzzle like a cascading waterfall… guess I was bound to see it. No use keeping it all together and within.
With Knuckles and Tails… I embraced them, closing my eyes as Tails finally said what he really wanted to.
“I won’t forget you!” He cried out, gripping my back tightly. “I will be everything you believed me to be! I will protect the planet and things we love most, and I won’t let Eggman get away with this!”
‘Hang in there, buddy.’ I just lightly patted his back, about two or three, but was really starting to feel the toll now.
My eyes felt droopy, I was losing energy…
“You’re not gonna be alone! In that dimension, I’m sure you’ll meet others that look like us too! They’ll be there to support you, I’m sure of it!” Tails’s comforts only gave me a greater stone in my heart, but I knew he was only trying to help.
“Thanks, buddy. Take care of yourselves.” I pulled away but felt Tails resisting.
I paused as Knuckles saw I couldn’t show Tails my face… and took his arm.
“Come on, kid. He’s got a whole galaxy and then some to save.” Knuckles helped pulled Tails off and redirect his tears and anguish onto himself, having him coil up with his tails around Knuckles and start banging his chest.
“He doesn’t have to go alone! We could go with him!” he cried out, as I froze in my spot… tired. Too tired to even walk ahead… to be away from hearing it… to be away from my friends who were as close as family to my lonely self now… though I’d never admit it out loud.
“...Then who’d be here, Tails? Guarding the Master Emerald? Saving this world?” Come on, don’t give him--or me--that.” He patted his back strongly, “Stay strong, kid. We’ve gotta show him off with strength, it’s that strength he’ll need for the coming battle.”
“R-right…” Tails fought through his tears and turned around, “Sonic… We’re with you. You have our strength.” he held up his fists,... but I didn’t feel strength.
I felt so… weak.
I felt my body wanting to just submit but I wouldn’t let it.
I gave a sharp nod behind me, letting it linger, showing my friends nothing was going to phase me… and took off.
I couldn’t face Amy.
How could I?
I almost collapsed to my knees unable to move from everyone else!
However… my feet brought me to her home, and by now, it was pretty late at night.
She had no idea.
She didn’t know I was leaving, how long I’d be… how I needed her to move on.
A part of me hated to imagine that. But as I approached the home, the lights were out, and I felt a moment of relief.
‘Sleeping…’ my eyes lowered, as I tenderly and sorrowfully looked up to her window. ‘Quietly… peacefully… I shouldn’t disturb it.’
I felt so weary… tired of saying so many goodbyes without actually saying the stupid word.
I hated it.
The tears… the fear no one was admitting… the unknown was now looming over my fate, and at first I felt prepared… but now… I just wanted to get it over with.
‘Keep my friends safe first, then move on.’ I tightened my fist, finding a resolve. ‘I’ve gotta at least see her… Even if it is the last time…’
I felt power rising back to my bones, my muscles tensing and getting ready. I zoomed off to pick a flower, one I had always found to be Amy’s favorite--and well, might as well admit mine too--and took off to a tree branch right at her window.
I was off-balance, flailing a bit as I only had the tip of my shoe to steady myself on the ledge of her bedroom window, but putting the flower in my mouth I started to squeeze my fingers through the small crack under the plane.
It gave way, at last, not being locked.
I slowly rose it up after a few tugs and darted in, rolling on the ground with my quills as a cushion to make sure I landed swiftly but didn’t cause a stir.
Not much of a sound, besides the tumbling of my feet back to the ground.
I rose up and looked to my side…
Even in the night air, her quills swayed in blissful ignorance of the current situation. Her soft breaths lured me in and back, as my feet began to softly tread forward towards her.
I passed her nightstand, with a picture of us holding up peace-signs and hearts with our fingers and thumbs, just something goofy we did at some park or whatever.
Near it, a vase of the flowers I usually brought her. Some were wilted, yikes. I had kinda hoped I would visit at least enough times so she could switch them out frequently enough to not keep the dead ones.
I flinched at that imagery and thought… she kept the dead ones… when I didn’t replace them fast enough… and visit her often.
I took the flower out of my mouth and gently was about to place it on her nightstand… but stopped.
Time froze then, as my eyes darted up.
I won’t accept this.
I pulled back the flower to me and squinted my eyes, turning away from the picture and bent flowers, balding as their petals lay around the vase’s bottom…
I was getting irritated. Amy was the last, I had to do more than this. It wouldn’t be fair… no matter how much I dread it… I can’t just leave her without her final words…
I lightly pressed the freshly picked flower up to my muzzle… taking in it’s scent and thinking how I was going to do this… efficiently… without her suspecting this was my final farewell…
To lose her… to knowly have her lose me…
How to word this… how to even plan this?
All of that faded when I took another glance at her.
My serious expression was replaced with silent admiring.
She was so loyal. Any man would be crazy not to see her fidelity.
...She’d move on without me…
Find someone to love, Amy? I couldn’t say that, it almost made me gag to think about it. Plus, I’d think about it in hindsight once I’m floating in the nethersphere and realize that was too boldly assuming Amy could find anyone besides her miraculous gift at always locating me.
Be loved, Amy? As if no one does, that’s just cruel. She’s constantly surrounded by people and friends that adore her. No… No, I couldn’t say that.
She’d stir and think something was wrong with either of those lines…
I tapped the flower against my muzzle, further watching her quills sway gently in the blowing breeze, as though comforting her from the heat of the moment she was so innocently unaware of.
‘Alright,’ I finally said, having taken long enough time to figure this out. I hadn’t thought about any of my goodbyes this long because the people were already awake and holding up fronts. No fronts here… Just Amy. Sleeping. Waiting patiently for me to come by and replace a dozen of her dying roses…
Man, this was hard.
I leaned my head back and felt myself wincing at the idea I had come up with. Fool her into thinking she was dreaming? It could work, since Amy often daydreams and would go, ‘Is this a dream?’ quite frequently.
Yeah… That outta do it.
I sighed, this would still be faking it unless…
I twirled the stim of the flower between my two finger tips…
Unless I put the front down.
I looked away… I knew what I was talking about, duh.
But… that would be hard. I’m normally really shy about expressing my feelings, especially when it comes to receiving admiration or… Well, or this.
I lightly kissed the flower for good luck, winked to try and get myself into a romantic mood, but also took a long breath in and harshly let it out in a bit of stubbornness to prepare myself for speaking with my heart over my image…
Her hero… deserves to send himself off after wishing her goodnight.
I moved to her bedside and decided it was best to bend to one knee, at least, she may find it endearing.
Lightly, I teased her awake gently by brushing the rose over her eye, twiddling it before lightly stroking her face like it was a paint brush.
She gave little, soft groans of discomfort, tenderly waking up as I smiled in eagerness to see her again.
I didn’t want to think this was the last time, nor play it out like that.
I wanted, at least this one, to be genuine but disguised as a wishful, whimsical dream she was having. I could… send myself off knowing she was happy.
That was the way I wanted it to be. An ideal.
Amy crying in my arms and me having to hold her till it was time to go was too painful to even bare a thought of!
I didn’t want to waste my time trying to comfort when this wasn’t something that anyone could be comforted on!
Strength… Knuckles spoke of strength?
I tsked, I didn’t want to leave Amy with ‘strength’ or take anyone else’s strength when they needed all the help they could get!
They already mustered everything together to see me off, I wouldn’t bare it again, I would never let Amy bare that either…
Maybe she’d hate me when she fully came too, realized what had happened, and sob for centuries…
I felt something stab at my throat, and I forced myself to swallow after a few failed attempts.
‘Don’t cry, Amy… I want to make that very clear.’ I thought I could do this, but seeing her blink her eyes open made me realize how I really just wanted to flee from this whole ordeal.
I didn’t want to break Amy’s heart. Even knowing she’d cry later was just as equally tormenting than having her do so in front of me now.
I wouldn’t break her heart… but I probably should. I wouldn’t dwell too much on it. Amy’s a big girl now, she’ll have to come around and realize that I’m not coming back-
I couldn’t finish my thoughts as she rubbed her eyes and yawned, looking over to me.
“...Emm… Sonic?”
Now was my last chance… to tell her everything or… at least, not put up the charades anymore.
“Heya.” I whispered, finding a smile I didn’t realize I still had. “Long time no see.”
She looked a bit confused, maybe still half-way through dreamland, but relaxed back and took my hand holding the flower, “Flowers~” she giggled, and suddenly my entire night was made.
“Yeah, just for you.” I played, dangling the flower above her head and watched her drowsily paw at it like a cat would a string. She scrunched her nose up, still snickering as though trying to laugh but her lungs hadn’t woken up that far yet.
“I like it.” she yawned again, and her batting reach grew lesser and lesser until I handed her the flower. “I missed you.” her grip on my hand was so light… I didn’t realize how the touch would send me into such immediate, gripping grief.
My heart was being choked, man, I’m so dramatic! I never knew I could feel this intensely about something like saying goodbye to everyone!
It wasn’t goodbye… If I told myself that, I could do it!
“I-” I felt my voice get constrained and had to take a moment to wipe my own face and get a grip. ‘Keep it together, Sonic… or she’ll know.’ I pep-talked myself and shook my head, “I thought you would.”
“Hehe… You’re still funny.” she let her sluggish finger poke and slide around my face, making me watch her with a puzzled but funny look that continued to keep her laughing.
“Am I still in a dream?”
That… made me so happy.
“Well, depends.” I stated, getting comfortable as I moved from my knee to squatting by her side, inching closer and pulling my hands back to give my heavy head some leverage… more than what I could do for my heart at this point. “What was going on in your dream?”
“Hmm…” she thought a second, almost closing her eyes and drifting back to sleep.
Maybe that was for the best… but…
I kinda didn’t want it to end.
“Amy..?” I lightly called out to her as her eyes twitched slightly and she graced me again with their vision… green… darker than mine, but emerald like the sea below Angel Island… highlighted by it’s chaotic glow.
“We were… having a picnic… in Spagonia, maybe?” she rubbed her eyes, still having the other hand holding mine.
“Ah, I remember that!” I instantly found myself looking up, and my spirits soar. “You were so obsessed with the architecture! You barely ate, you had so much to say about how beautiful it all was.”
“Well, it was..!” she lazily commented, her eyes trying to fight the sleep. I didn’t feel bad about keeping her somewhat awake though… I realized… I needed this. I needed this too.
“Amy… You were beautiful there too.” My words I had never uttered allowed, now made me think back and remember all the times I’ve thought it, but wouldn’t dare speak it out loud. “But you know that, don’t you?” I smiled even wider, seeing her pause a second as though falling back to sleep or in disbelief.
“This is a dream!” she exclaimed and started laughing as though evilly, “Then come to bed. I need a good cuddle…”
I looked away and had to hide my snickering, I never knew Amy could be scandalous! ...scratch that, I never knew she would DREAM of something so ridiculous!
“How about just your hand?” I cradled it with both mine, seeing her fiddle with the flower and press it right up to her nose. I worried it’s strong scent would wake her up… but it didn’t. I tossed her dead-weighted hand around and toyed with her a moment, before lowering my head to it, and letting her own scent trail its way into my memory and feel her warmth from the bed’s covers override my own heated anxiety.
“Amy… I-” I felt my eyes growing sleepy too… All the times I could have just teased her by climbing over the covers and laying beside her… how I wanted that more than ever, to just… take a nap and let each other hold the other… No images, no expectations… just.... Tired. “I missed you too.”
“Hmm?” she was waking up more, I needed to make this quick.
“Heh,” In the moments I had had with her… this was bound to be the best, though bittersweet, of my favorites. “I’m gonna miss you… but I need you to go back to sleep now, finish that wonderful dream of yours… and never stop having it.” I couldn’t tell her to move on. Gosh dang it, I couldn’t!
I was holding her hand, I was letting it rest right up against my face and I- … I-!!!
I was getting to invested in this goodbye.
I speedily let go of her hand and got up, startling her awake.
I gripped my fists tightly, “This was a mistake.” I looked away, “I can’t stay here… I can’t say these things anymore.”
“I have to go away now, Amy.” I couldn’t be sweet to her, I’d ruin her!
“What… why?” she started to turn on the bed, “Is this… real?”
A real nightmare. I was gonna die. I knew it. Even if I lived, I would be stuck in another dimension with no way out.
Tails… Even if there was another Tails, Knuckles, and-... And Amy! I would owe it to her but..! But..!
“If I find you again… I won’t hold back anymore, alright?” I didn’t want to make a promise.
“What..? N-no…” She started to sit up on her bed, and I rushed to put the covers back over her, hoping to convince her to go back to bed.
“No other will do… that’s wrong, isn’t it?” I had seen people who looked like my friends in other dimensions… it was foolish of me to think that would suffice. Amy… if she knew what I was saying, she’d probably stomp the ground and cry out that it wouldn’t be fair, that none of those other girls were still her… it would be too cruel. I’ve messed up. I’ve gotta go-!
I felt her suddenly grapple me and turn me onto the bed.
“A-Amy!” I was absolutely startled, I didn’t expect her to be so strong while she was still getting up.
“I’m cold.” she lied, holding me down and tightly. “Don’t go.”
“Amy, I can’t do this. I can’t do this anymore..!” I tried to fight it, but she was absolutely strong, and I even questioned if she was faking being asleep.
But I waved my hand over her eyes and watched as they closed and she was slowly falling back to sleep.
“You make this so challenging.” I huffed, but smiled and chuckled at how even in her sleep, she was a rascal. “I can’t stay…” I lightly put my hand to the side of her face, which she leaned into, and tried to move her head to my chest. “But trust me,... if there is a way… I won’t fail you twice.” I cupped her adorably sleepy but scarily strong head in my hands as she tried to resist it a bit, but was able to move and lower her back to her pillow. Slyly figuring out a way to not disturb her, I pushed the other pillow to have her hold it, and made my way out of her grasp. “Phew…”
Memories of Amy’s antics swarmed me… then Tails… then Knuckles… then everyone…
I ended up falling to my butt and spending a good minute trying to conceal my tears without a sound.
She fell asleep… thank goodness.
I got up and picked up the flower that was slightly crushed from under her back, and placed it back on the counter. I took two petals that had fallen and placed one in her hand… then the other I tucked under my glove and held in the space between my bare palm and glove.
“Don’t wait for me anymore.” I tugged the bottom of my glove down, making sure the petal wouldn’t accidentally fall out and that it was secure. I gave one final, good look over to her…
“...But dream of me… always…”
-A New Day-
I woke up immediately when I groggily read the text from Tails that Sonic was badly injured, but somehow, used the last of the Chaos Energy inside his body to locate the Master Emerald across dimensions, and jumped!
“Jumped!? W-woah-woah!” I fell out of my bed and crashed hard on my chin, but adjusting to the pain, I kept scrolling through the updates.
He was Chaos Controlled directly from the Master Emerald with the help of a confused Knuckles who reacted at once and used his own influence over the Master Emerald to channel it’s power to wherever Sonic was reaching from.
He apparently came back, half-alive…
My eyes shook in terror, “Oh, Sonic!” I felt my heart leap out of my chest as I quickly wrote back as I spoke the words aloud. “Where is he!? I’ll house him. Tell Vanilla and Cream to bring everything to my house! Food, medicine, the works! We won’t lose him again!”
My eyes were still red from countless, sleepless nights of waiting for him to come through my window and surprise me again. I really had thought I imagined it… but I woke up with a petal from a new flower in my hand, and looked to see the one from my hallucinations that night on my nightstand.
When the others told me what he had done, I bashed the trees down and ranted with a mighty thunder in my step and tone how they should have believed in him more, should have given him hope, and the strength he needed wasn’t their undying love for him but their support in that he could do the impossible!
I kept telling myself, ‘Of course, he’ll come back!’ but my anger was from knowing that when he was trying to take my hand and say goodbye… he couldn’t.
He needed me! Oh, how my Sonic needed me to pull him in and shout out to the universe that he was going to be alright, that he was going to return, and that none of this was necessary!
I should have woken up and seen more clearly! I should have… I was the only one who could have contested their naysaying and cheered him up. I would have… I would have gotten so many words out that would be completely incoherent due to my rushing tears…
They brought him to me right away, and I was upset I couldn’t reach them in time to have helped moved him, but they insisted I stay put.
When I saw him… on a white gurney and barely able to stay awake… looking rough and completely done for… I felt my whole being cry out that he would make it… but my whole being slid down the door’s frame at just seeing him look so badly… so drained of life... 
He was out for days… but he had been gone for so long…
I was replacing his bandages, starting with the cooling rag, I was just gonna wipe him down from the sweat. I put him in my own bed and was sleeping by the side of the bed with my head to his side at night… sleeping in my chair, nursing him back to health.
He didn’t make much noise expect for awful twitches that would make me think he was dying… it scared me so much… but I held his hand as he would groan in his sleep, as though trying to move and wake up … but couldn’t.
Couldn’t… shouldn’t… wouldn’t… 
Could, would, should…
These words were infuriating me lately.
I dipped the cool rag into the water on my nightstand, which I had used to replace the vase with flowers, but kept the last flower in a see-through box, letting it sit on my windowsill as I waited through endless nights for him…
My eyes must have made me look like a raccoon rather than a hedgehog by now… but as I wiped them and patted his darling, but hurt face… I finally saw him breath out and roll his head towards my touch.
My eyes widened, was this his last breath or first real moments of consciousness?
“S-…” I felt my voice break against a dam of emotions. “Sonic?” Then flood my mouth, “Sonic!?” the sound vibrated to every cell, sparking me to life as I jolted up and hung over him. “Sonic, can you hear me!?”
His eyes were blurred, but he opened them, looking around as though unable to see me.
“Sonic! Sonic, you’re alive! You’re here!” I said that to assure him of him, not for myself.
I embraced him with restrained joy, trying to not hurt him further, as I heard him cough and try and reach his hand up.
I immediately pulled back and helped him up, hearing him hiss at the pain but fighting it.
“S-sorry! I’ll let you rest more-” I was gonna lower him back down but he put a hand out to my shoulder, as though telling me not too.
He adjusted himself to leaning back and I put pillows in his way to give him some comfort as he was somewhat up now.
“How are you feeling? You okay?” That was stupid to ask, but I was so worried… one peep, one little, measly sound would drown out all this panicking… anything!
He coughed again, and looked around.
Seeing where he was, his eyes widened and he looked back to me, as though stunned.
“You’re home… Sonic, you’re…” I covered my mouth, bursting into tears and dropping to my knees, holding myself up with my other hand gripping the bed.
I turned my hand around to show him the palm of my hand, tucked into my gold bracelet was his petal he had left in my hand, ripped and torn, crinkled and decaying… I never let it go.
He smiled and let out a puff of relief and--what I assume to be--joy as he scratched weakly at his own glove.
“Y-you want it off..?” I was speaking through tears, and blinked several times to see what I was doing, and wiping my tears away before lifting his glove up and seeing…
Not even tarnished. It was as though the petal in the palm of his hand was eternal, as though the dimension was only a blink in time, but it was still a vibrant rosy color, pinkish hue, but leaning more towards the red.
I dipped my head to his hand and just cried, kissing the palm and the petal as I knew what it meant.
“I missed you too.” I finally broke my voice and wailed in my tears.
I knew he hated goodbyes and crying…
But I knew how much he loved ‘hellos’.
(resisted Italics this time lol  Better with or without them? -meaning both Bold, Underlined, etc.-)
(ALSO! I remembered I was gonna do kissing but I was so wrapped and enthralled in the drama that I forgot o-o; Eh, makes it more in-character XD)
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
we decided to watch all story cutscenes from the new resident evil village videogame on a whim, since it’s not really our cup of tea gameplay-wise but seems to be this massive zeitgeist moment that made us morbidly curious. And I know how much everyone cares about my thoughts on things I know very little about, so. let’s get into it huh gamers. and yeah spoilers?
for context, I’ve only played resident evil 4 and a small portion of 5. I also read the wikipedia entry for 7’s plot recently. all this to say I was only vaguely aware of how tonally wacky the series was going in
I also completely gave up following the plot of the mutagens’ soap opera, so that paid off in spades here as you might imagine
anyway so that baby in the intro. that baby’s head is just massive. humongous toddlerdome. when ethan finds the baby’s head in a jar later on. there is no way that head would fit into that jar. bad game design. no not even game design. basic stuff. one hundred years in prison for jar modeler
if I see a single functional hetero marriage in video games I will cry tears of joy. I understand their misery is kind of The Point irt them badly working through the hillbilly romp trauma but like. sheesh. at least set that up as an emotional story goal the plot will help resolve. but nope they start off miserable and it goes nowhere
I know I know the mia thing has a huge wrinkle in it but like. not really in terms of dramatic function?? set up a happy end to the re7 nightmare (miranda can keep up appearances for all she cares) and then take that all away from angry griffin mcelroy for manpain. it will still absolutely work to set up the dramatic forward momentum. why throw in this cliche Hollywood Tension in their marriage if you’re not going to address it oh maybe because it’s normalized as automatically interesting because nuclear families are a self-propagating pit of a very narrow chance at emotional happiness relying on social stigma to preserve their empty function oops my baggage slipped in yikes abort mission
I called him griffin mcelroy because I saw his face on twitter and. yeah. I will continue to do this occasionally. my house my rules
... fuck the reason I’m hung up on this is specifically because the rest of the game is so tonally dexterous (which is a shining point to me! more on that later!), and yet they felt weirdly compelled to create the aesthetic trapping of a family-at-odds trope without following it through too well. a sign of both the good and the bad stuff to come
but listen the real reason why I wanted to talk about any of this is to nitpick the fascinating backwards-engineered nucleus of the entire thing; in that this game essentially creates a melting pot of just SO many disparate horror tropes and then makes a no-holds-barred unhinged effort at weaving thick lore to piece them all together. it is truly a sight to behold. like straight up you got your backwoods fright night situation, your gothic castle vampires, your rural-industrial werewolves, and don’t forget your bloated swamp monsters over there, with then a hard left turn into robotic body horror, and the entire ass subgenre of Creepy Doll writ large, and the bloodborne tentacle monsters, and a hellboy angel bossfight, which rides on the coattails of a mech-on-mech pacific rim bonanza, and just jesus henry christ slow down
almost all of these are textural hijack jobs that don’t really get into the metaphor plain of any of those settings but the game sort-of makes an argument that the texture IS the point and revels in it. It is kind of admirable almost. The same reason why the intro felt boxed in and unmotivated is also why the rest of the game just blasts off of its hinges to the point of complete and self-indulgent tonal abandon. I kinda loved that about it. lady dimitrescu made sure to hold her hat down as she bent forward in mahogany doorways and then suddenly she’s a giant gore dragon and you settle in your temp role as dark souls man with Gun to take her ass down. Excellent??
this rhino rampage impulse to gobble up every horror aesthetic known to man comes to head when the game wrestles with its FPS trappings in what is the most hilarious solution in creating visceral player damage moments. Since most cinematics and the entire game is in first person, that leaves precious little real estate for the devs to work with if they really want to sell griffin’s physical crucible. To wit. This dude’s forearms. Specifically just the forearms. They are MASSACRED throughout the story. The poor man lives out the silent hill dimension of a hand model. by the end cutscene he looks like a neatly dressed desk clerk who had decided to stick both his grabbers into garbage disposal grinders just a few hours prior. like in addition to everything else it manages to rope in that tinge of slapstick violence into its general grievous genre collection except this time it IS for a lack of trying! truly incredible
but wait his miracle clawbacks from everything his poor paws go through are retroactively explained away, yes, but far too vaguely and far too late to console me as I sat and watched everyone’s favorite baby brother reattach an entirely severed hand to his wrist stump by just. placing it on there. and giving it a lil twist ‘n pop terminator-style. and then willing his fingers back into motion right in front of my bulging eyes. this game just does not care. it does not give a shit. and boy howdy will it work to make that into one of its strongest suits
cause generally speaking resident evil was THE premiere vanilla zombie content destinaysh for like a decade, right? and as the rest of the world and mainstream media started encroaching and bloodying its blue ocean it went and just exploded in every single conceivable horror trope direction like a smilodon on catnip. truly, genuinely fascinating franchise moves
yeah the big vampire milf is hot. other news; grass... green. although I do love the implication that her closet is just identical white dresses on a rack. cartoon network-level queen shit
apropos of nothing I’ve said there’s also this hobo dante-devimaycry-magneto man, and I can’t believe this sentence makes sense. anyway he made that “boulder-punching asshole” joke referring to chris redfield and it was probably the only easter egg that really landed for me and boy did it land hard. I have not seen him punch the boulder in re5, mind. I had only heard about how funny it is from friends. and here this dude was, probably in the same exact mindset as me, trying to grapple with that insane mental image. with you on that ian mckellen, loud and clear
I advocate vehemently against the shallow pursuit of hyper photorealism in art direction but I gotta admit it works really in favor of immersive horror like this. the european village shacks especially gave me super unchill flashbacks to my rural countryside retreat in western georgia. I could smell the linoleum dude. not cool
faces are weird in this game. can’t place it. nice textures, good animation, but the modeling template is... uuh strange? and the hair. it has that clustered-flat-clumpy look that harkens to something very specific and unpleasant but I just don’t know what. sue me
griffin’s mental aptitude to take all this shit in stride and end every seemingly traumatizing bossfight involving some fucking eldritch being yet unseen through mortal eyes by essentially throwing out an MCU quip is just. What the fuck dude? I mean that was funny how you casually yelled the f-word at a god damn werewolf that you considered a fairy tale an hour ago but are you like, all right?? it was swinging a sledgehammer the size of a bus at you, ethan
oh oh the vampires are afraid of cold and your last name is winters. I get it haha
Pro Gamer Nitpick: boss fights seemed a bit unnecessarily long?? idk why the youtuber we picked decided the ENTIRE propeller man fight counted towards the vital story scenes he was stitching together, but man mr big daddy lite there really had some get up and go huh??
why are they saying dimitrescu.. like that. is it really how you say that word or is the english language relapsing into its fetish for ending every single word with a consonant at all costs
I’m not saying it’s a dramatic miss of a twist in context of all that’s going on, but the “you died in the last game actually and have been DC’s clayface ever since” revelation is low-key. it’s. it’s just funny to me, I dont know what to say. century-old god-witch fails her evil plan after she mistakenly removes heart from what was definitely NOT just some white guy with eight fingers after all
chris realizing he’s about to become the player character and immediately swapping out his tsundere trenchcoat for the muscletight sex haver sweater
the little bluetooth speaker-sized pipe bomb he taped to his knife was nuclear?? really??? I must have missed something because that is just too good. I buy it though I totally buy it. chris just got them fun-sized nukes in his car trunk for, you guessed it, Situations
anyway this is all for now just wanted to briefly touch on how unexpectedly funny and tonally irreverent this seemingly serious game turned out to be. did not articulate any cathartic story beats whatsoever but my god it had fun connecting those plot points. he just fucking put his severed hand back on his stump and it Just Worked todd howard get in here
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vv3nti · 4 years
i mean it — part one
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jj maybank x reader
summary: jj would take the fall for any of his friends, he’s always ready to intervene and save the day. whenever y/n needed his help without question he was ready to move the mountains for her, he would do anything for her even if it meant giving up a lot himself. 
warnings: drug usage, soft jj, i didn’t read this over yikes
inspired by the netflix original series the society and the heart-warming scene of jj taking the blame for pope so he could keep his scholarship. there is a chunk of dialogue from the society— all rights to them. 
a/n: hello this is my outer banks side-blog you can find my other writing here at @nostalthicc​. send some request. 
you never want to be the one on the outside looking in but for y/n’s friends that precisely what they were going through. for the last hour or so, kiara, pope, and jj have been posted outside of y/n’s room door waiting for her to let them in and explain what’s going on. she was honestly an open person, so this caught everyone by surprise, what would happen for y/n to spend hours crying in her room? none of them knew what to do or what to expect; that’s why the pogues stayed at her door listening to the horrifying sobs, waiting for john b to get here with some food and drinks.
“what do you mean she won’t come out?” john b asked calmly as he pinched the bridge of his nose, pondering for a solution. food didn’t work, nor did her favorite drink. they needed to get creative because everyone was restless, and jj was ready to kick down the door- this was strongly disapproved by all the pogues. “okay, okay, listen. clearly, she doesn’t want all of us to see her right now, so we send one of us, right?” everyone nodded in agreement before all their eyes trailed to jj.
he rolled her eyes, gesturing john b to give him goods, it was no lie when it came to jj and y/n, the two of them had an unbreakable bond, and they were hoping that would help him get through to the girl. “i’ll call you in an hour.”
once the rest of the pogues were gone, jj slid down the wall, he knocked a few times announcing he was the only one left but still no response. after many failed attempts, he did the only logical thing to do, jj pushed a perfectly rolled blunt under the door.
a few moments later, he heard her hoarse voice. “i don't have a lighter.”
a smirk graced his lips, jj knew weed would do the trick, it always does. he was close to sliding his lighter to y/n, but an idea popped into his head. “if you want it, you gotta open the door.” he hesitantly spoke, hoping it wouldn’t cause her to inclose herself back into the room but to jj's luck y/n opened the door. it was difficult for him to take in her appearance, her hair was a disheveled mess atop her head, her eyes and nose were red from crying, tear stains ran down her cheeks, and y/n had a broken look in her eyes. jj hated seeing his friend like this, he would give anything to see a smile on her face instead of her dull expression.
"stop starring and give me the lighter." y/n held her hand out. "please." she added, not looking the boy in his eyes in fear of him asking her more questions. but she should have none better; this was jj.
"hey, wait, wait, wait." he began, getting onto his feet. "you don't get to lock us out of your room when you're clearly hurting and then act as though nothing happened. uh-uh y/n, not with me. you and i both know i don't work that way."
"well, maybe you should have let kie or pope stay because i have every intention of pretending nothing happened. i'm fine." a scowl was evident on your face, but he knew she was hurting and trying to push him away, he'd done it a thousand times himself.
jj drew a long breath before stepping into the room, noting she didn't try to stop him. "doesn't matter. i'm here, and you are not fine, so tell me what's up."
y/n wanted to tell him, she really did, but none of this was his problem, y/n knew jj already had enough on his plate and didn't need to be plagued with her difficulties- none of them did. she needed to figure this out on her own, the pogues wouldn't help her get out of this one. the smoke from jj's hit drew y/n out of her thoughts, she hadn't even noticed he had made himself right at home on her bed.
"okay, hit me." he leaned towards the girl, handing her the lit blunt. she declined, turning away and dragged her fingers through the mess on her head. "something's definitely wrong, you don't want to smoke. what's going on, you opened the door for my lighter but not to light the blunt? that doesn't make a lick of sense, not one bit. you know you have to light it to smoke it, right?"
his rambling was overwhelming the girl, she couldn't even begin to think when jj wouldn't shut up. of course, she knew she had to light the blunt, she wasn't an idiot, but the consequences that came with the blunt weren't worth it. before jj could send her into another spiraling break down y/n rushed to the bathroom, unintentionally slamming the door. little did she knew it allowed jj the perfect opportunity to get some answers, which he indeed found.
"y/n, i'm not playing this game again, open the door." he hissed while tugging on the doorknob. "the rest aren't here to stop me, i will kick this down." silence. "i know, y/n, i know you're pregnant, just come out."
"i'm scared," she confessed, a sob raking through her body.
"i know, sweetheart, but if you open the door i can help you, we'll figure this out, okay?" jj smiled triumphantly when y/n slowly appeared, but it instantly faded when he regarded her broken stance. quickly he swept her into his arms, holding her in a tight embrace as she cried.
y/n momentarily pulled away. "i fucked up bad, i fucked up so bad. what am i supposed to do?" jj didn't want to engage in such a touchy conversation until she had calmed down and was in the right headspace, so he held onto her tighter, rocking back and forth.
when y/n finally regained herself and dried all her tears, the two were able to sit face to face, one pogue to another, and have the awaited conversation. although y/n would admit it, she was relieved to have the weight lifted off her chest.
"it's not mine, though, right? i don't remember anything, but i've been pretty drunk in the past." the boy teased, earning a small smile from his best friend, a smile he has been waiting to see for ages. y/n threw a pillow at his face claiming this wasn't a joking matter, but jj didn't miss the giggle passing her lips. "seriously, do you know who the father is?"
"i don't ever want you to ask me that question again ." y/n was slightly offended he would even fix his mouth to mutter such a question, but she pushed her offensive away to reply. "just respect that one thing,  i don't want him in my baby's life, ever. that's the end of it, don't ever ask me that again."
jj apologized; those were not at all his intentions, but he was curious about who had landed the girl, not many others. he had a few ideas of his own; however, he chose to not further push the subject. he adverted his attention and proposed more simplistic questions, the basics; when did you find out? how did you find out? how are you feeling? do your parents know?
most we easy, straight-forward questions, yet one specifically caught notice. "yes, they know, i needed to ask my mom for guidance, they just want to know who the father is and i can't tell them, i won't tell them, but i fear what will happen if i don't."
"this guy, you really don't want him anywhere near you or your baby?" jj entreated, y/n replied with a nod. she could see the wheels turning in his head, which never resulted in a good idea. "then i'll be the father, i'm the father, simple."
y/n eyes grew the size of saucers, she had no words, no thoughts, all she could do was stare closely at her friend who wore a look of eagerness upon his features. y/n wasn't sure she heard him right. "no, you don't have to do that?"
"why not? jj counted.
she scoffed, rolling her eyes at his attempt. "this isn't like taking the blame for me when i almost blew up the chemistry lab-."
"-god, you owe me so much."
"i'm serious, this isn't a joke, jj." she tucked a few fly-aways behind her air. "it's big, and it's forever. you don't get to say that if you don't mean it." a mix of emotions were coursing through her veins; sadness, confusion, anger, gratitude, hatred. y/n couldn't pinpoint exactly which one, but they all were making her dizzy.
"you're my best friend, and i love you. of course, i mean it." jj placed a light kiss on the top of her head, he often made impulsive decisions especially when they involved the people he loved, but this one felt right. y/n felt right, she had done so much for him, and he was ready to do this for her and the baby. his baby. "i'd do anything for you y/n, and that'll never change, i will do everything to protect the two of you."
she watched with admiration in her eyes as jj explained all the details, she has a new level of respect and love for him, one that can never be replaced. y/n was content; finally, an emotion she never thought would plague her being after she found out the news, she was awaiting the future, but the future didn't have as glorious as plans as the pair hoped for.
jj had convinced y/n it was best if they told her parents as soon as they got home, he didn't want her to face y/f/n and y/m/n's wrath any longer. they were typical, uptight, materialistic kooks, and he had soon how disapproving they could be up close and personal. once they were informed, y/n and jj could better plan for the future, like a doctor's appointment as soon as possible. maybe it didn't go as smoothly as they planned, but at least it was over with.
"a pogue?" y/n's mother gasped, earning a stone-cold glare from her daughter. her father's reaction was much less surprising as if he expected the news. "as if you hanging around them wasn't enough."
"y/m/n, calm down." mr. l/n spoke in a somber tone, sure maybe he wanted to throw around some unkind words of his own, he was keeping his composure together for his daughter's sake. "that's not what we need to focus on." he began, scratching at his chin. "i'll make an appointment with dr. chen on the mainland, we will help you financially, but we expect you two to show some initiative as well."
y/m/n scoffed, her eyes zeroed in of jj, disgust was written on her face. she hated pogues because she used to be one and since she married y/n's father. y/m/n had wholly forgotten where she came from. "we'd be better off sending y/n to live with your aunt, you think he will be able to support y/n and her baby."
"-our baby." jj intervened. "you're not sending her or my baby away. i may be a pogue, but i know better than anyone how important family is, and i will assure i will do everything for these two." y/n's heart clenched as he spoke, she couldn't help but feel guilty for the way her parents were treating him when the baby wasn't even his. he shouldn't have to worry about providing for the baby, none of this was fair, and y/n felt ashamed for allowing jj to do this.
shortly after jj's rant, the two were able to get out of there and away from her mother. now it all came down to somehow explaining this the pogues. the entire drive to the cut y/n kept asking the boy if he was absolutely certain he wanted to go through with this, that there was still time to back out and live his life, but jj continuously assured her this is what he wanted to do, and he wasn't changing his mind.
the group had mixed reactions, which jj and y/n had expected. john b was mainly confused as to how this happened, the pair had never shown a romantic interest in each other, or a sexual one either. many questions plagued through his head, but john b decided to wait because he understood how overwhelming this is for his friends. pope was freaking out, going on about how a baby is a lot of work and it's presence throwing off the dynamic of the group. he shared his troubles with y/n's schooling as well as other minor concerns, pope sounded more like their parents than a friend. and lastly kiara, she was a bit leerier about the subject, she was a hard believer of the no pogue on pogue macking rule and with good reason to. what's done is done, and she made it clear she was the baby's godmother, this caused john b and pope to start bickering about how got to be the godfather.
y/n was happy with her friend's reaction, sure they may not know the entire truth, but the pogues treat her or act any different. it was merely another hardship they'd have to face together because it takes a whole village to raise a child, right? but no all good things last and y/n's pregnancy announcement spread very fast through the outer banks, and it may have caught a certain kook by a bit of a surprise.
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since0202 · 3 years
Chapter 20: B-word
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Grace woke up to the soft glow of Paul’s digital clock on his nightstand: it read 5:02 a.m.. She felt exceptionally warm, a feeling she was coming to be very familiar with sleeping in bed with a member of the pack. Paul’s white t-shirt hung loose on her frame and was the only thing she was wearing. She crept out of bed to the bathroom quickly to pee. When she looked in the mirror to take in the state of herself, she placed a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. 
Her cheeks were flushed red, and she let her fingers caress the red warmth. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes held their half lidded shape somewhere between sleep and a flutter of immense pleasure. Her mind lingered back to just a few hours ago as she and Paul were clutched together, Grace on top of him this time moving needy and quick over him as he cradled his hands on her hips and ass helping her to move up and down on him and sucking softly at her breast. 
She pulled the hand across her mouth back to gingerly touch her lips that were swollen and soft from rough, wanting kisses that asked for more and more. She quickly combed fingers through her hair to smooth it down, snapping herself from her reverie, and then crept back into Paul’s room looking for her clothes. She had to get back to the Cullen’s before Bella woke up. She was going to tell Bella about Paul, but she just didn’t want to cause a fuss so early in the morning. As she shuffled quietly around the room gathering her things, she heard Paul stir from the bed. 
“Mmm, where do you think you’re going before the sun’s even up?” his deep morning voice made her lower body tingle and she smiled warmly, whispering: 
“I don’t want anyone to think I’ve been kidnapped and my honor taken under the cover of night. I have a reputation to remain on this rez,” Grace laughed. As she spotted her underwear just under his bed and leaned close to get it, he reached out with one swift arm and grabbed her. She shrieked trying to turn out of his grasp, but he held fast and pulled her to him, pressing her back against his warm chest. Grace giggled and tried to pretend to struggle against him as the hand he had wrapped around her belly snaked its way up toward her breasts. 
“Paul for real, I gotta go!” Grace protested only half serious. He smiled, kissing on her neck and grumbling low in her ear: 
“You wiggling is not helping your case here.” She could feel how much isn’t wasn’t helping, alright. Paul hadn’t bothered to put his boxers back on after the third time they’d gone at each other last night, so there was nothing between them—she felt him pressed against her back loud and clear. 
“They’re going to worry!” Grace tried again, turning her head ever so slightly so his kisses could land closer to her lips. 
“Letting my nearly naked girlfriend leave my bed to run back to house full of vampires does not appeal at all to your short-fuse boyfriend,” his other hand had pushed under her waist and was moving it’s way down her hips, sliding between her thighs and pushing them open. Grace let out a gasp as he gently stroked her there—she closed her eyes and leaned her head back, triggering an eagerness in Paul to roughly kiss on her throat and clutch her breast. 
“Say you’re my boyfriend again,” Grace exhaled, eyes still closed. Paul chuckled running his lips across the edge of her ear before saying, 
“Maybe later. Don’t want to wear my name out,” he teased before fully cupping her mound and pushing down, causing Grace to instinctively arch her back. He quickly entered her from behind, rushing into her and causing Grace to let out a sharp cry before happily matching his rhythm as early morning light poured through his window. 
6:14 a.m. 
Grace clicked the front door of the Cullen home softly behind her before hurrying up the steps to her guest room. On the landing, Rosalie was standing at the other end of the hallway, arms crossed and giving her a knowing smile. 
“And where have you been all night?” Rosalie asked, not trying to keep her voice down. Grace looked around panicked and held out a hand. 
“I was, was, was, uuuuhh, tending to business on the rez,” Grace said quickly and not convincingly. 
“Well, your business stinks. I can smell you from here,” Rosalie wrinkled her nose and turned to walk back toward the study. 
“Thanks,” Grace breathed to an empty hallway before quickly retreating into the guest room. She made a beeline for the shower, trying to smell herself. She didn’t think she smelled that bad, but who knows. 
Grace took her time in the shower, letting her mind wander back to last night as she touched parts of her body that Paul had lingered on, clutched to, or gripped. She knew what would be waiting for her on the other side of all of this. Someone was going to get hurt, but she needed to sit in this moment of happiness for just a moment longer. 
Before she had left, much to the continued protesting of Paul, she begged him to do his best not to let what had happened creep into his head during rounds. He gave her a wicked grin and had the audacity to ask why, before she let out an aggravated groan and said: “I’d really like all of this to be a ‘your-eyes-only’ thing.” 
She motioned up and down to her body which Paul was aggressively staring at. 
“Say no more,” he said seriously. Grace had a feeling that watching a pack member drool over or make a comment about Paul’s picture of her naked body would result in some serious mauling. 
Grace didn’t bother drying her hair, opting to let it dry natural and wavy before pulling on some dark wash jeans, a black fitted t-shirt and grey zip up sweatshirt. Grace plugged in her phone and before going downstairs to appear totally normal and not like she had been rolling around in bed with her newly anointed boyfriend last night, she checked her phone. 
SMS Text—6:33 a.m.: Paul
Be safe. I’ll call you after rounds tonight
Signed, your boyfriend. 
Grace laughed before quickly typing her reply: 
I will. Thanks for last night < 3 
I’ll talk to you soon, from your very exhausted girlfriend
She clipped her phone shut and left it on the nightstand and contemplated mussing up her sheets to make it look like she had slept there last night. Shaking her head, she left them perfectly made up instead and made her way down to the kitchen, peeking around the corner to scope it out before busting in like she owned the place. 
Alice was tentatively at the stove prodding at pancakes when Grace came into view with her hands folded in front of her. 
“Good morning!” Alice cried. “Oh my goodness, I didn’t think you’d be up so early!” Alice said, a tone of lilted recognition in her voice. 
“Oh!” Grace said a little surprised as she came to sit at the island across from Alice, “Just an early riser, I guess. School’s been a grind lately so I’m used to it I guess.”
“Right,” Alice looked at her with a knowing smile and then back at her pancakes, “Well! Breakfast is not ready just yet, I’m trying to learn the perfect brown of a pancake, but they’ll be ready before you know it! Help yourself to some coffee.” 
Bella woke up a couple hours later and stumbled still in her pajamas into the kitchen while Grace and Alice chatted away easily. 
“You’re chipper this morning,” Bella said off hand through a yawn as Alice placed a cup of tea in front of her. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Grace said aghast. Could Bella really tell so quickly? 
“Pink cheeks, happier than I’ve seen in weeks,” Bella said sleepily as she leaned into her cup. Grace looked at her over her second cup of coffee and raised her eyebrows. “You’re happy is all, jeez,” Bella laughed. 
“Thank you, I am. Very happy.” She enunciated the last two words and broke out in a giggles as she made eye contact with Alice. Grace had found it very easy to get along with a feel close with Alice. She understood now why Bella liked her too. Alice was easy to love, warm, knowing, but always true. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bella echoed Grace’s earlier statement. Alice finished cutting some fresh bright peppers and scattered them elegantly across Bella’s stack of pancakes before sliding it in front of her. 
Alice looked to Grace for permission who gave a short nod and eye roll before Alice blurted out excitedly, “She’s got a boyfriend. A real official boyfriend!” She finished the announcement with a squeal of utter delight. Bella almost choked on her tea. 
“What?! Oh my god, really? Jake?!” Bella said wide eyed. It was Grace’s turn to choke on her coffee. Between cough and sputters that she got out she shook her head no. 
“No! No, no, no. Paul!” Grace said before clearing her throat and saying, “Paul Lahote is my boyfriend.” The words rolled off her tongue easily and she liked the taste of them. Paul Lahote was hers. Her boyfriend. She crossed her legs to help quiet the throb that had returned when she thought about last night. Get a grip, Grace. She told herself. 
“Oh Paul!” Bella said somewhat surprised before she changed her tone and said, “That’s so great! You guys are-are great together.” 
“Yikes, Bella,” Rosalie said as she entered the kitchen and sat next to Grace. Bella squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. 
“It’s an easy mistake to make,” Grace interjected. “Honestly, I get around,” she toasted herself and bust out laughing. Bella relaxed and laughed to shaking her head. 
“So what happened?” Rosalie asked, her eyes curious and invested. Grace wasn’t sure why Rosalie seemed to like Grace as much as she did. The entire night before when they were in the girl’s night part of their sleepover, she had doted on Grace, fixing her hair, pushing back her cuticles, tending to her like a doll. Curious. 
“Uh, well,” Grace looked from Rosalie to Alice. They of course knew that she had snuck out the night before and now it was clear where she had been. 
“You don’t have to say,” Alice suddenly waved it off. 
“Nooo!” Both Rosalie and Bella chorused, surprising each other. 
“No secrets, remember?” Bella said. Grace looked to her and then bit her lip, holding back a smile and said: 
“I went to see him last night. He texted me and well, he gets under my skin, you know.” Grace said, suddenly getting nervous at all of the eyes on her. “And…” 
“And?” Rosalie prompted. 
“We… we had sex,” Grace finally got out closing her eyes tight and letting the exulatations from the others rush over her. “Like a lot...of sex.” 
“Oh my god,” Bella said, blushing profusely. She was suddenly hiding her face in her tea. 
“Oh, I forgot, Bella’s a little virgin. Not too many details now, Grace,” Rosalie chided. Bella’s face flamed hot as she looked up with a grimace. 
“Rosalie,” Alice groaned. Grace looked quickly to Bella. 
“Bella, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” Grace started to which Bella became even more embarrassed. 
“Oh jeez, please don’t apologize. I’m not some innocent little baby. I know what sex is. I grew up sharing a house with Renee, remember? She wasn’t entirely secretive about her conquests.” Bella stammered trying to gain some composure. 
“Okay,” Grace said still apologetically. Rosalie leaned in and said quietly. 
“So how was it?” Grace blushed and tried to hold in her giddy laughter. She was a woman possessed. And she leaned into Rosalie, while Alice tried to feign disinterest but still leaned toward them while Grace tried to spill some details. 
Bella speared a strawberry and looked out the window.
Back at home, Grace unpacked her bag and started a load of laundry. When she returned to her room, Bella was sitting on her bed picking at the tips of her fingers. 
“Bella?” Grace asked. Bella looked up suddenly and said. 
“You can tell me stuff, you know. I’m not a total prude.” Bella said a little dejectedly. 
“Oh my god,” Grace said as she dropped her laundry basket and moved to sit next to her. “I know! And it’s not a big deal really. I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. You just seemed….uncomfortable.” 
Bella fidgeted some more. “I wasn’t. I just-” Grace looked to Bella’s fingers. “I know me and Edward aren’t there yet, but I can still talk about these things.” 
“I know! And hey, it’s totally okay to go at your own pace okay? I didn’t mean to make you feel left out. Come here,” She pulled Bella into a hug, “You’re like my sister. Okay?” 
“Okay,” Bella mumbled into her hair letting out a light laugh. They each pulled back from the hug. 
“No secrets,” Grace said holding out her pinky. Bella let out a laugh and looped her pinky with hers. 
“No secrets.”  They sat quietly for a second swinging their pinkies back and forth before Bella shyly asked, “So...what was it like? Was it your first time or?” 
Grace broke into an overwhelming bright smile. 
“So, if I’m being totally honest, no it wasn’t my first time. Brad Boychen was my first, ugh,” Grace stuck out her tongue and pointed to the back of her throat indicating a gag, “But this time, everything felt so new and right and he was so sweet.” Grace felt her hand creeping up to hold around her neck. “And I honestly can’t stop thinking about it. He just knew what to do, and I felt like with him, I knew what to do too. We just clicked together.” Grace flushed and let out a sigh before looking at Bella who was enraptured. 
“How did you know he wanted to...you know?” Bella blushed and then forced herself to proceed, “I mean, how did you know that you were ready to have sex. With him i mean.” 
“Well, I honestly did not know when I went over there last night that that was the plan. Like at all. But when I got there, I just felt like something had changed between us and we acknowledged something in each other we knew had been building for awhile. It was definitely a mutual decision. He waited for cues and I responded to those cues I think. Does that make sense?” Grace cocked her head to one side. 
“Did he initiate it? Or did you?” 
“Definitely him, he said he was tired of the ‘back and forth’ so he was making a decision. And then he just kissed me and-” Grace paused smiling again, shaking her head. “It just happened. And it was so wonderful.” Grace watched Bella’s face carefully for the next few minutes. It seemed like she was mulling something over so Grace went out on a limb, “Are you and Edward thinking about….you know?” Grace nudged Bella with her shoulder. 
Bella’s gaze shot up and her eyes were wide, “Oh no! No definitely not. I mean….Edward is….very old fashioned,” she scoffed. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to.” she admitted. 
Grace paused before asking her next question. “Can I ask? Ummm, like how will that work? I don’t claim to be an expert on the mechanics of vampire-human sex, but...I don’t if you had..thought about it?” Grace stumbled over that last bit and blushed profusely. She really didn’t hope Bella thought that she was thinking about how her and her boyfriend would have sex. 
“I think it works like normal?” Bella said a little unsure. “I mean, we’ve definitely gotten to a point where I thought things were about to go farther, but he always stops. It’s so….” she made a face, “Frustrating. I totally get that he wants to wait, but if it was up to me…” Bella stalled there, letting her curtain of hair cover her face. 
“Woah, Bella,” Grace said jokingly, “You’re a total sex freak.” 
Bella’s jaw dropped before she made a sound of protest and smacked Grace with her history binder. 
“Whatever,” she laughed, “I’m not the one having wild all nighter sex with a half human, half wolf.” 
“Hey, he’s fully human when we do it,” Grace laughed. She heard a car horn honk out in front and looked over her shoulder. 
“Who’s that?” Bella said. Grace crawled across Bella’s bed and opened her window that looked over the front yard. Paul was leaning against the passenger side door of his forerunner, arms crossed in a cream colored crew neck sweater and jeans, smiling up at her when she leaned out. 
“What are you doing here?” She called out, a smile breaking over her face and her belly swelling with warmth already. 
“Come down from your balcony, Juliet so I can say hi to you the right way.” Paul called back up. Delighted, she pulled back from the window and bolted toward her door saying over her shoulder, “It’s Paul!” to Bella. Once down the stairs, she pulled on her boots and bounded out the front door, running full tilt toward him and crashing into his open arms.
They’re lips collided effortlessly and he kissed her like he hadn’t seen her in weeks, holding her to him and lifting her body up off the ground. When she broke away from the kiss she said, breathy: “Hi.” 
He put his forehead to hers, kissing gently at her nose before saying softly, “Hi.” 
“Was that the right way to say hello?” Grace asked, cocking her head to the side and feeling her feet touch the ground. 
“To your boyfriend, yes,” Paul laughed, leaning down to softly kiss her again. 
“What are you doing here, again?” Grace asked. 
“It’s bonfire night babe. Go get dressed.” Paul patted her hip and let another hand come up to tuck her hair behind her ear. “We’re ‘coming out’ tonight, so I want to show you off a little bit” 
“Oh!” Grace said, her eyes widening nervously. Did everyone already know? 
“Word gets around the rez,” Paul said shrugging and letting his hands move up and down her arms instinctively to warm her up. “Don’t worry, your rep is cleanly in tact. Pack’s honor.” Grace laughed at this and kissed him again, relishing in the feeling of getting to do it anytime she wanted. 
“Okay, just give me ten minutes?” Grace said stepping back. Paul nodded and Grace turned to jog inside. 
In her bedroom she got dressed quickly, pulling on a cream colored chunky knit sweater with a thick turtle neck to match Paul’s and some black, tight jeans. She ran a brush through her hair a few times and opted to tie half of it up in a loose knot, letting the rest fall down around her shoulders. It was getting long, she’d need to get it cut soon. She patted some orange red lip tint on that blushed against her warm brown skin. 
“Can you do me a favor?” Grace said over her should to Bella who was propped on her bed with a book. 
“Yeah, sure.” Bella said. 
“Can you cover for me? I might be getting home kind of late tonight.” Grace said smiling knowingly. Bella smiled. 
“Of course!” Bella replied. 
“Are you going to be okay tonight?” 
“Oh yeah, Edward should be here soon.” Bella said. Grace came over and kissed the top of her head before waving goodbye and hurtling down the steps, pulling on her boots once more before she skipped down the steps toward Paul. 
He broke into a wide smile and when she reached him again, he bent his head down and kissed her softly before whispering, “You look beautiful.” 
“Thank you.” she smiled up at him. He opened the passenger door for her and when she got in he closed it behind her. 
When he hopped into the driver seat, he took her hand into his and said “Ready?” 
“Ready.” She breathed. She hadn’t been this excited since her junior prom. Something about declaring her and Paul as a couple to the rez felt so satisfying and nerve wracking and thrilling. 
He pulled her hand up to his lips to kiss and then they were off, the sun just beginning to set behind them. 
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corpse--diem · 3 years
Tell That Devil | Josephine & Erin
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @corpse–diem & a special guest (npc) SUMMARY: Erin’s past comes back to haunt her and tries to make a deal. CONTENT WARNINGS: none
Painted concrete brick walls jutted upward, connecting at the top to create a building as uninteresting and identical as the rest that lined this road. This one was different though. While the street outside murmured quietly, chaos and violence rattled the interior, alive and thriving. Erin hadn’t wanted to believe the rumors or even the flyer that had somehow made its way to her door--a small ‘fuck you’ from someone inside that building, no doubt. She had to know, had to see these walls for herself to believe it. Showing her face in this area was as stupid as it was dangerous, so she’d risked the trip down Amity Road on her own.
The moment she turned the corner, dread swarmed every part of her as she realized the rumors were true. The Ring had been rebuilt. An old anger filled her as she watched from across the street, watching the paying audience discreetly slip in and out. “Motherfuckers,” she murmured on a humorless laugh, shaking her head slowly. The blood, rubble and fire were long gone. Just another mess that had been wiped clean and rebuilt with ease. No real, permanent change was possible in this world, was it? Not when one Roy fell, three more popped up to take the reign. Her naivety stung harsher the longer she stood there, hood drawn to hide her features. She’d taken down her Roy and fought the good fight but this wasn’t her fight anymore. Eyes were starting to burn through her, suspicious and sharp and likely not far from making an unfortunate recognition. Time to get the hell out of there.
She was halfway down the street when her eyes turned up at the sound of another pair of feet coming towards her. She almost missed it but a second glance nearly knocked her onto the sidewalk, eyes wide and horrified. “You,” she hissed, feet planted firmly in place as she tried to ground the rest of her. “Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Josephine wore a smug smile. She’d felt it long before she’d seen the other woman. The anger that had festered deep inside of Erin had grown now, and it was calling to Josephine louder than the roar of the crowd inside. Hands in pockets, striding with ease, she had followed the taste of it all the way down here and wondered what it was Erin could have possibly seen in this place to evoke such anger. She’d almost wished she’d stayed in White Crest long enough to have watched it happen in real time, but another pull had dragged her away from the town. Being back didn’t feel so different, really-- the town was nearly the same, it was as if she’d never left. She held her arms out in a fake curtsy and bent to greet Erin before sticking her hands back into her pockets and pulling out a cigarette and lighter. “It’s me,” she said simply before flicking the lighter. “Oh, so sorry,” she held out the box, “did you want one?”
How long had it been since Josephine had left Erin on that curb or since she had come home to find her decomposing father tearing apart her office and office assistant? She didn’t know how but she’d nearly forgotten the events of last year in light of everything that had followed. Erin’s jaw set tightly and she shook her head, stuffing her hands into her jacket pocket. This wasn’t happening. She was supposed to be done with all of the nonsense that last year had brought, including Josephine. “No,” she answered curtly, only just noticing the way her body stiffened, boiling over with a long forgotten rage. “What are you doing here?” She asked, skipping right to the point, eyes narrowed sharply in her direction. “Usually when you fuck someone’s life over and skip town, you don’t come back.”
Josephine just shrugged and patted out the box before sliding it back into her jacket pocket. “Suit yourself,” she said, winking. Lit up her own and gave it a puff as she contemplated how to answer Erin. Held it in her hand as she looked back over at her. “Is that what you think I did?” she asked, then, flicking some of the ash away before taking another swig. “Interesting.” She looked at the building behind them, leaning over to glance at it, before looking back at Erin. “Can you believe it? I heard this place blew up. Must make you pretty…” she paused, for effect. Josephine liked to add a little drama to her appearances, “angry.” She reached out with her free hand and tapped Erin’s chest. “Wanna fill me in on why? Whatever happened with your father wasn’t my fault. I was just doing what you asked for. I just wanted to show you that that anger inside of you could be used for something better.”
There was something about the way Josephine seemed so unbothered right now. Did she truly not understand the trauma she had inflicted on her way out of town? That unearthing her recently deceased father to roam the streets like a George A. Romero movie wouldn’t leave an impact on her? “Really? Because it feels like that was one-hundred percent your fault,” she spat back. Fuck. Erin was angry. And she hated that Josephine knew that. How did she know that? “It did,” Erin confirmed, her jaw set tightly after she answered, but gave her nothing more than that. She didn’t deserve it. “Something better? Something better?” She almost laughed, not because anything that Josephine was saying was at all funny, but because it was almost unbelievable. Again. “Get out of my way,” she shook her head, scoffing as she tried to brush by her, walking through the cigarette smoke.
“What’s that saying?” Josephine mused, resting her hand on her hip as she drew in another puff. “Don’t shoot the messenger?” She watched Erin with an interested eye, feeling the anger flowing through her as if it were in her own blood, her own veins. She chewed her lip, shrugged. “If I recall, correctly,” she started out slowly, turning to watch Erin brush past her and head towards the door, “you were the one who made the wish.” She flicked her cigarette and let some of the cinders fall to the ground. “You’ve gotta admit, though, don’t you? That just for a moment-- a tiny moment-- it felt good, didn’t it? Yelling at him, getting your frustrations out. It’s what you wanted, after all, isn’t it?” She let her head tilt to the side, as if contemplating her next words. “Why are you so afraid of your own anger?”
“That’s not what happened, that’s not what I wanted and you know it. You set me up and then you just--” Erin shouted back, her frustrations getting the best of her. A few heads turned their way and she felt their eyes falling onto the two of them. Her face burned and she was probably flushed and she hated the way this woman could rile her up only moments after a year of absolutely nothing. She huffed out a breath, trying to contain herself. Her voice leveled with some effort. “You just fucking left.” Skipped town and left Erin to deal with the aftermath of dear old decaying dad. She could still hear the sound of his head thumping to the ground after Alain’s sword sliced through his neck. The blood dripping from his chin onto her mother’s antique rugs. Josephine’s last question left her more unsettled than she was prepared for. Erin cast another glare in her direction. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” was all she could manage.
“Oh, yikes,” Josephine said, frowning. She took one last long puff of her cigarette before dropping it and putting it out with her heel. “Is that what you think happened? Listen, sweetheart,” she shoved her hands deep into her pockets, before pulling out a little business card with her name on it. “You’re not my responsibility. You sought me out, you made a wish, and you got to deal with whatever consequences your own actions gave you. I don’t control the wishes, Erin, the people who make them do. All my magic does is take what’s in here,” she pointed at Erin’s chest while simultaneously pressing the business card to her with her finger, “and makes it real. So you can deny all that anger all you want, honey, but you can’t hide it from me.” She let go and backed up. “So...do you wanna start again or would you rather go watch a pointless fight that ends in death? I heard they’ve got a bugbear on the docket tonight.”
“I asked you out for drinks, not a midlife crisis.” The longer Erin stood there, the hotter the blood coursing through her burned. This woman had some fucking nerve. “Not your responsibility? You tricked me into making a wish and used your fucking magic to unearth my dead dad without my consent but it’s not your responsibility?” She grabbed the card pressed against her without thinking, wide eyes staring incredulously in Josephine’s direction. Was there something she wasn’t understanding here that was apparently allowing the other woman to absolve herself of all blame? She didn’t want to go anywhere with her but she couldn’t pretend her curiosity hadn't peaked. Briefly, her eyes flitted around them. Whatever minor scene they may have caused had settled, attendees focused on the match that was starting inside the building. She tried not to think about it. Wasn’t anything she could do. She shook her head, glancing at the words on the business card. “What even are you?”
“Is that not a midlife crisis? If I remember correctly, you cried after I kissed you,” Josephine pointed out. She couldn’t help it-- egging people on was part of herself. Part of what she was. “Tricked you?” It was her turn to balk, suddenly. “Oh no. No, no, no. I did not trick you, Erin Nichols. I used your words against you. What’s that famous saying? Careful what you wish for? If you hadn’t known the word wish was dangerous, you do now. How did you learn about fae? Or magic? Or undead? Did anyone hold your hand through that? You and I both know you’re not actually angry at me,” she explained, “you’re angry at your helplessness. That, I can feel clearly.” She tapped the card in her hand. “I’m the solution to all your problems. What I am is more than magic. Spellcasters have nothing on me.”
Josephine kept pushing and pushing. Why was she doing this? Did she get a kick out of it? Was it feeding into whatever mysterious thing she kept alluding herself to be? A fury, she recalled suddenly. Whatever magic she was, it had taken three witches to remove her father from this world, she remembered. Erin could feel how close she was, and it was getting harder to force the anger that came with her familiar presence. When she was close enough to tap the card in Erin’s hand, something snapped. Something that had been there for a long time now, something that Josephine already knew, somehow, was boiling under the surface. Something that Roy’s destruction hadn’t been able to destroy within herself. Her fist flew through the air, connecting with Josephine’s jaw. Her knuckles pounded, aching with the impact but her anger struck too hot for her to notice. “You don’t know anything about me.” She shook out her hand but kept coming towards Josephine, her anger and bravado overshadowing her legitimate fear of the woman. “I am not some helpless human you can fuck around with and I sure as hell don’t need you anywhere in my life.” They were standing in front of the proof of that. “Stay away from me. Do you understand?”
The act was not really a surprise, but Josephine still couldn’t help but recoil with it. That was what happened when you got punched, after all. Kinetic energy and all that. Her head had whipped to the side and a small trickle of blood came from her now split lip. Wiping her chin, she licked the remainder of it off as she turned back to face Erin. The wound was already stitching itself up. She smiled. “Nice right hook,” she said, rolling her neck to stretch out the kink. “Obviously,” she said, wiping her hand on her jacket, “I know more about you than you’re comfortable with. But, fine.” There was a sense of relinquishing in her voice as she shrugged again, shaking her head. “I’ll be leaving town soon, anyway. But think about what I said. If you want power, real power, to stop things like this--” she gestured to the new Ring, brimming with fans swarming in and out-- “then you know how to reach me.” With that said, she deposited her hands back into her coat pockets and started heading towards the building. “Oh, and-- maybe ice that hand. Otherwise, it’ll hurt in the morning.”
Real power. Her hand throbbed and all she could see was red, but those words kept echoing in Erin’s mind. The pain in her hand wasn’t even worth it. She didn’t feel any better and it was healing right before her eyes. There was a metaphor there between that and the newly reconstructed Ring, she was sure, but she was too annoyed to find it. Real power. What did that mean? Josephine’s words were as enticing as they were infuriating--much like who she seemed to be as a person--and she knew she should have crumpled the business card. Tossed it away and forget this whole interaction ever happened. But she couldn’t. And she didn’t. “Don’t hold your breath,” she murmured darkly. She didn’t want anything to do with her. She didn’t need whatever power she was offering. She’d taken down a supernatural crime lord. Being human didn’t have to mean weak. She didn’t need whatever Josephine was offering. Her eyes fell onto the Ring again, then to the man who brushed by her on his way inside. Like it’d never happened. Fuck this. She turned on her heels, not willing to give Josephine even another moment of her time and headed back up the sidewalk. She didn’t need this right now and she sure as hell didn’t need her.
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Beach Scene
I found it haha. Because I don’t really like just copy and pasting, I did add a little extra dialogue and stuff just in case I already shared it haha
Waves crash against the whitewashed sand as the sun glistens like starlight on the surface of the water, creating a sparkling display of prismatic lights.
"What the hell are we doing—" Pierce's words get cut off by Robin's shushing, accentuated by the arm he throws around the firebrand's shoulders.
"Hey now, no complaining! Just treasure this moment. Even a hardass like you can enjoy this, right?"
"Stop touching me! And enjoy what?"
Robin points in the direction of the extensive ocean, and Pierce watches as Emma and Snipper race towards the water's edge and leap enthusiastically, causing a large splash on the once calm surface. Robin shifts his finger towards the beach itself, pointing out Fray, who lounges underneath an umbrella in a silken blouse with a fan in hand.
Pierce shakes his head, huffing and throwing Robin's arm off of him. He wipes an invisible stain off of the hoodie he wears,  "Whatever, I'm gunna get the food. Don't…be you." Pierce squints at Robin in disgust before turning around and walking towards the large van that brought them here. It's this van that Leah is just now getting out of, a large straw hat shading her face as she steps hesitantly into the sunlight.
"It is…quite hot out here…" Leah's fingers lightly caress the cover of a book she ended up bringing with her.
"Fray set up an umbrella." Pierce juts a thumb backwards as he walks past the blue haired scholar. She takes his suggestion and begins tentatively stepping towards the royal.
"Come to bask in the shade I have so graciously provided. It would not be the first time people have contented themselves amid my shadow." Fray's mouth is hidden behind the fan she carries, but her eyes belie a smug countenance.
"Um…is it alright if I sit here…?"
"If you must ask, then the answer is no."
"Just sit the fuck down." Pierce commands as he throws down two baskets of food. He calls back behind him, "C'mon, hurry it up Matthew."
"It's…heavy…" Matthew sets down two more large umbrellas with a sigh, "I think…I need a…small nap…"
"Naturally." Flay drones as she rolls her eyes.
"Ya got everythin' set up?" Snipper calls as she jogs closer, the two piece swimsuit clinging slightly to her sun-drying body. Emma is close behind, having stayed behind to enjoy the cool water a little more.
"No thanks to you two." Pierce huffs.
"Hot." Vin sighs from the position he took underneath the umbrella, causing Snipper to jump.
"Yikes, where'd ya come from? It's almost like—"
"They appeared from nowhere?" Raven speaks from behind the sandy-haired motorcycle driver, causing her to jump higher in surprise.
"How…adorable…" Matthew hums, while Emma hides a slight laugh.
"Bunch’a jokers, huh…" Snipper grumbles as she strains the water out of her hair idly.
"Hello, everyone~" Robin calls out, a happy grin plastered across his face as he drops a stack of brightly colored toy guns in front of everyone.
"Where the hell did you get—"
"It's a natural tradition when you go to the beach! You always have a water gun fight!"
Vin rises slightly, his body tensing as his eyes affix to a nearby water pistol, "…Gun fight…?"
A silence washes over the group as they all turn to the silver haired soldier. Raven is the first to move, dashing quickly to grab a small pistol and shooting a stream of water towards Vin. The soldier blankly pulls Flay towards him, using her as a shield as the water collides with the royal's face.
"How dare—!"
Vin quickly pushes her aside and dives towards the gun pile, scooping up two pistols and firing them simultaneously mid-roll, taking out the stationary Matthew while Leah reflexively dodges the stream. The soldier sprints away from the group, vanishing behind a rocky outcrop.
The group is silent for a moment until Pierce turns towards the golden haired student with a look of stressed fury, "Now look what you've done!"
The group disperses, each taking with them a toy gun. Flay and Matthew stay behind, one of them resting while the other fumes over getting the water out of their hair.
"Do we really gotta do this?" Snipper groans as she tinkers with the toy rifle she's carrying.
"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Emma laughs, mimicking aiming down the sights of her own rifle.
Both of them laugh until a high pitch scream could be heard, causing both of their faces to flush. They run towards the origin of the sound and peak over a rocky outcrop that separates them from the event of Raven shooting Leah repeatedly in the face, maniacal laughter emanating from the black haired girl as she stands over the pleading scholar.
"P-Please, I-I give, I give! Y-You'll ruin the book…!"
Raven pauses, letting out a sigh as she turns towards the rocky outcropping the two girls are peeking over, showing an ecstatic smile "…This is quite fun."
Snipper lets out a silent shriek as she turns around and begins running away, only to be suddenly shot in the back of the head. Emma watches as Snipper tumbles and falls, taken out by a source which now hovers over her, a sharp thin smile casting down at her from a top the rocky outcrop she ducked behind.
Emma gives a hesitant smile and lets out a small, "H…Hello…" before being shot in the forehead. She collapses, defeated, and Raven moves on, humming a slight tune. --------------------------------------- "Am not."
"Are too."
"Shut up."
"That'll cost you."
Pierce ruffles his hair in annoyance, "Why the hell are you following me?"
Robin shoots a confident smile, "I figured I could use you as a shield. You're a bigger and more dangerous target, so they'll shoot you first while I run away."
"How very fucking magnanimous of you."
"You flatter me."
"Wait," Pierce pauses, his eyes narrowing slightly, "Did you hear that…?"
Robin pauses slightly, looking around before shrugging. "Probably the wind—" He lets out, before a stream of water impacts his skull, causing his head to snap to the side as he falls down. Pierce steps slightly away from him.
"What kind of guns did you get…?"
"I won't…make it…" Robin coughs out, raising his head slightly to look up at the redhead, "Save…yourself…"
Pierce shoots Robin in the head himself, "Shut up and stop that."
"Jeez, you're ruining the moment." Robin sits up and wrings the water out of his hair, "That's why people don't hang out with—" Another stream of water blasts against Robin's head, cutting his words off.
"Stay down." The quiet monotone voice carries across the sand as Vin steps slowly towards the two students, each hand carrying a pistol while a rifle can be seen strung to his back. His eyes are steeled and focused as he regulates his breath, "Surrender."
"Shit…" Pierce quickly leans over and pulls Robin up, placing him in front.
"What are you doing?!"
"I'm using you as a shield!"
"That was my plan!"
"Shut up, damn it!" Pierce places the barrel of his gun to Robin's head, causing him to raise his hands slightly while speaking in a level tone.
"Let's not do anything drastic, now."
Vin fires another stream of water at Robin, "You're dead. Be quiet."
"Yeah, stay a corpse!" Pierce echoes.
Robin grumbles, playing his part. Pierce turns the barrel of his gun towards the slight soldier, "You'll have to win over my dead body, Vin.”
"Okay." Vin shifts his foot forward, leaning forward before pushing off the sand and propelling himself forward. Streams of water whiz past his head as he closes the distance. Three meters. Two meters. One…
A shot hits Pierce in the back of the head, causing the redhead and white-haired student to pause.
"Got you!" Raven calls out gleefully. Pierce sighs in frustration as he drops Robin and moves to the side. The rest of the dead group have come to spectate as well.
“You weren’t planning to throw me at Vin when he got close to us, were you?” Robin remarks to the recently defeated redhead as they join the sideline.
“No, I was hoping your fucking hair was going to reflect the sun into his eyes.” Pierce laces his voice with sarcasm as he rolls his eyes.
“Not a bad strategy, ya know.” Snipper snickers.
“As if you hold a fraction of strategic thought in your fickle-celled brain, grease monkey. This event has been a farce to begin with.”
Snipper gives a mocking tut, “Someone seems a tad miffed she got kicked before the game even started. I didn’t realize ya were such a sore loser!”
Fray’s expression darkens, “Rest assured such a targeted humiliation will be addressed in due time.”
“That’s enough, you two!” Emma pushes between them with her hands on her hips in a dutiful stance, “Friends shouldn’t fight so much!”
Either by shock or assurance, the two fall into silence.
The wind seems to slow as Raven and Vin face each other. A stranded umbrella rolls between them, setting the atmosphere as Vin drops his two pistols and unslings his rifle. Raven checks her pistol, a thin smile spreading across her face to express her anticipation. The second the umbrella hits the ocean, Raven drops down low and sprints forward. Vin drops to a knee to stabilize his aim and fires a volley. Raven strides between the water, crossing the gap in rigid zig-zag patterns until she comes upon the soldier.
Raven raises her gun to fire, only to find Vin duck under it and push her arm up. He kicks his legs out, throwing her over his shoulder while simultaneously disarming the black haired student. Vin spins around, lining up the barrel of his gun with his target. Raven extends a hand towards the ground as she falls, scooping up one of Vin's discarded pistols and aiming it towards the soldier. Water flies. ------------------------------------------------------- Raven laughs gleefully as she drains the water out of her hair, while Vin silently sits, the water dripping down the blank expression on his face.
"Well, that was…interesting…" Emma offers.
"That mighta been a bit traumatizing, I gotta admit." Snipper groans, and Robin nods silently in agreement.
"We should do it again sometime!" Raven states.
"No." Flay and Pierce state at the same time, both with equal venom.
"What…happened…?" Matthew looks to everyone curiously.
"Perhaps it's best if you don't ask," Leah forces a smile as she attempts to dry the drooping wet brim on her hat.
Vin's eyes stare off towards the ocean, his lips parting slightly as the seabreeze passes his body, "It's cold."
I wrote this a while back for the Discord. I tend to spoil them a bit with certain things that get my attention haha. I believe the discord is also who decided the genders of the ROs. I hope you enjoy!
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the-golden-ghost · 3 years
1-3 for Marsha, 8, 10, 11, and 12 for Infernus, 14-16 for Vesper, 20-23 for Sylvetta, 24, 27, and 28 for Illumina, and 33, 34, 36, and 41 for Molch!
Oh, this is fantastic, thank you!
1. What is your OC’s favorite color?
Probably brown or green. Lucky she lives in a swamp, isn’t it? Somehow I don’t think Marsha really gives a damn about color, though.
2. Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
Nice woven baskets to keep stuff in 
Cool rocks (bring her a cool rock and she’ll give you 50% off a spell but don’t tell anyone)
3. What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
I’m pretty sure if she had allergies they cleared up a looooooong time ago.
8. What is your OC’s theme song?
Disco Inferno lmao
10. What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
Hmmmm maybe envy? He kinda wants to be recognized as one of the most powerful and useful wizards but while he has power, his abilities are more what you’d usually call “a nuisance.” He’s a bit resentful over that.
11. What are your OC’s hobbies?
Apparently baking, as of recently. He also does alchemy and... probably landscaping, via burning down and melting the landscape around him. Fun?
12. How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
He’s surprisingly not that hot-headed for a guy who is made of lava but that doesn’t mean you should pester him incessantly. He DOES have his limits.
14. What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?
Vesper doesn’t need to eat (none of them do) but they prefer light, sweet but not-to-sweet foods like those little cake things that are hollow inside. I can’t remember the name of them right now. Their least favorite food is definitely liver because of the texture and flavor. Nasty.
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
Something nocturnal! Maybe an owl or a raccoon. Probably an owl though, since they sing in the evening.
16. What does your OC smell like?
Night air, wet grass and moonflowers.
20. If they came from their world to ours (if not already in ours) how would they react? What would they do?
Well, it would be really weird since Sylvetta looks like a living puppet so I think people would scream and run. But probably she’d just go shopping and hoard a bunch of crap and then take it all home with her and try to figure out if she can mess with it. I think she’d LOVE video games.
21. What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
She’s just kinda odd? She’s doesn’t really have any restraint on what she can and will do which causes problems, less for herself than for others. She’s pretty inconsiderate overall and her modus operandi is “who cares, everyone will either die or forget about it in a hundred years anyway so why bother being accountable to anyone” and she’s not totally wrong. She also doesn’t see her “creatures” as fully autonomous (her main ability is creating life, a la Frankenstein, and she’s about as kind and responsible for the life she creates as he is). So there’s that. I could probably list some of her other interpersonal issues but there’s a WHOOOLE lot
As for pet peeves, uh... huh. She doesn’t like termites or fire (for obvious reasons) and she gets annoyed when people bring up shit she did in the past like “MAN that was like three hundred years ago, get over it already!” Like I said, she’s not a fan of Accountability.
22. What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
Probably a straight-B student. She did complete high school before she did her wizard training, so that’s actually certainly what she was. The kind of student who’s actually really smart but doesn’t care and can’t be bothered, so doesn’t study.
23. What is a random fact about your OC?
Because she’s made of wood she can saw off parts of her own body and reattach/replace them. Which is creepy but sometimes if parts of her crack or wear away, it’s gotta be done!
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
She knows she’s gonna live forever so she tries to be chill about it. Holding on to things is kind of pointless when you know for a fact that life is changeable and things do not stay the same. 
She’s actually quite attached to the other wizards because of this, seeing them as the only constant in her eternal life, but when Molch dies, even that becomes suspect. Which pretty much leaves her to take a “live fast die young wreak havoc and care about nothing” approach.
27. What kind of childhood did your character have?
A pretty good one, if a bit dull. She just lived in the village, went to school, went home. She had a little sister and loving parents who supported her in everything. She actually discovered she had Magical Talents at a young age, probably around the age of 13, but the other wizards refused to train her until she was certain she wanted to take this path. The assumed she wouldn’t, since she had a loving, stable home and a future ahead of her, but she actually did.
28. What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?
Sometimes she uses her magic to distract from awkward situations (she’s an illusionist) but she does not stim that I’m aware of yet, and although she may be addicted to Causing Problems on Purpose (delicately, though. Only pranks, she’s not malicious) she doesn’t really have any others.
33. Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why?
I’m not sure he could kill someone if he wanted to. He’s physically large, clumsy, and slow-moving, with soft delicate skin and a fragile neck. His only real advantage is that he’s big, otherwise he’s more likely to get killed in a physical brawl. His magic isn’t any good for attacking, either.
He’s also too gentle-natured and gullible to really want to kill anyone (or to not be tricked into switching sides).
To push him into attempting to kill... well, yikes. You’d have to not only be a major threat to virtually anyone around you and have done deplorable things to innocent people, but also declare that you have no intention of ever changing and will absolutely do it again.
34. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
Sometimes he gets visits from the village children, who treat him as a Wise Old Mage, which is funny to him, since Wise is one thing he isn’t! But within the group of wizards, when he gathers with them, he likes to play the role of the Helper and Emotional Support Salamander. In reality he’s usually the goofball, the Team Idiot. He simply isn’t very bright, and the others know it. But he likes to feel needed.
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
This is corny but he mostly just wants love and companionship. Unfortunately wizard life isn’t much good for that. He used to keep pets but they’re mortal, obviously, so that’s a problem. He contents himself with the visits he sometimes gets from the villagers. If he can’t live among them, he can at least make himself useful to them.
Actually, that Need to Be Useful is quite a drive as well. He collects things and gives them away to anyone who’ll ask and rarely denies any kind of request. There are things he Won’t do (he won’t hurt anyone else, for example) but any cost to himself is worth it.
Which makes him, in essence, the ultimate self-sacrificer and that’s where the plot comes in!
41. What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
Molch is one of those people who cries when he’s angry rather than when he’s sad. Since he’s rarely angry, very few people have ever actually seen him cry.
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divine-bangtan · 5 years
Solidarity • I  (m)
BTS x reader, reincarnation!au, supernatural!au, angels and demons!au, slow burn, smut, angst, violence.
Summary: A few weeks away from your 22nd birthday, there are a number of things one would expect to have on their mind. Partying? Oh yes. Drinking? Most definitely. Being told by seven strange men you are the reincarnation of a powerful goddess and the key to winning a demon war? Uh…come again? 
Pairing: OT7 x reader, Goddess reader x demon Prince Taehyung, goddess reader x vampire Prince Namjoon, goddess reader x warlock Yoongi, goddess reader x incubus Seokjin, goddess reader x angel Hoseok, goddess reader x shapeshifter Jimin, goddess reader x werewolf Jungkook.
Warnings: None of note.
Word count: 2.1k
Masterlist I Next
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Chapter One
It took you a moment to realise the question was in fact directed at you, if the expression of disbelief on the young man’s face was anything to go by. For a few moments you could only stare back at him, wishing that you were in fact the person he was mistaking you for because seven hells this man was attractive. His brown hair, which was swept up in perfectly charming waves framed his enchanting brown eyes. Their endless depth had you enraptured, and you felt like you were swimming in them.
You realised just how long you must have been looking, because he took a step towards you. 
“Eve? It’s me, Jackson,” he repeated with a tone that held more hope. The slight daze you were in was suddenly shattered, and you blinked a few times before pulling yourself together, and gave him what you hoped resembled an apologetic smile.
“Oh...no, sorry. My name is (Y/N), not Eve. I think you’ve got me confused with someone else,” you explained, flashing another small smile before turning away from him and beginning to weave through the mass of bodies. However, you only made it a few steps before a strong grip closed around your upper arm.
“Hey! What do you thi-”
“I know it’s you Eve, stop lying to me. You could’ve at least changed your appearance or something, it’s so obvious,” he spat, eyes narrowing whilst yours only widened in shock. “Not in a fighting mood this time, hm?” He drawled, a grin spreading across his face slowly. Before you could muster a response he was tugging you towards him, spinning your torso so that your back was flush to his chest. The caress of his breath at the shell of your ear sent shivers down your spine, and as he moved closer, his breath tickling your jaw, you stiffened. There was no warmth to it whatsoever.
Your wide eyes landed on those of your equally shocked friend Isabella across the bar in a silent plea for help, right as he buried his face into the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply.  
“Mm, you smell just as delicious as always,” the complete stranger growled into your ear, causing mild panic to stir within you. His hold on your torso only caused to tighten as you began to squirm, attempting to break free. 
“Hey, knock it off, you creep! Can’t you see how uncomfortable she is?” She yelled, barging through the crowd. Once again you were being dragged away, however, this time you were grateful for it.  Before you could look back to get a glimpse of his reaction you were being pulled in the direction of the bar, not that you really wanted to look at him again. “You need to learn how to shove your knee into their balls or something, that isn’t the first time that’s happened. Remember last week?” She scolded, still not letting up on the grip on your hand.
You worried your bottom lip between your teeth in thought, because yes, you remembered. Another guy unbeknownst to you had shown up at your work, twice. He never actually entered the shop to order a coffee or anything, no. Strangely all he did was stare at you through the glass window front for a little too long before disappearing.
As if that wasn’t strange enough, there was a similar occurrence to what just happened. On the train a couple of days ago you had almost toppled into a man in the crowded space due to an abrupt stop, and you could’ve sworn he took the opportunity to get a whiff as well. You could feel his eyes burning into you as you got off, but you didn’t dare to look.
“Yeah, maybe I should just stop using deodorant or something, really give ‘em something to smell,” you joked, pretending to actually consider it for a few moments. 
Isabella screwed up her nose, giving you a disgusted look as she slotted into a seat at the bar. “Y/N, please tell me you aren’t seriously going to, I live with you for god’s s-”
“No, of course not!” You exclaimed, tossing a straw at her and rolling your eyes. Pulling your phone from your bag, you unlocked it to check the time. “Shit, it’s almost two thirty. I don’t really feel like rocking the walking dead look at work, do you want to go?”
Izzy took another look around before huffing, shoulders sagging defeatedly. 
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna do the same. Nobody’s taking the bait tonight,” she sighed, pushing her chest together with her arms and wiggling her eyebrows at you suggestively. You prodded a finger into her ribs, causing her to jerk away and drop her arms with a yelp. “Hey! That was uncalled for.”
“We get it, you’ve got a rack to die for, and an ass to match. It’s so unfair how you can easily lure men in, they practically fall at your feet. What are you, some kind of siren?” you huffed, pushing the jealousy that began unfurling within you to the back of your mind. She was truly stunning, being Hawaiian and all, and just to be unfair, she possessed the voice of an angel and was somehow the nicest person you’d ever met.  “One day you’re going to meet a man who is worthy of you. You’re wasting your time here, if that guy back there is anything to go by.” 
“Well it’s not like I’m gonna meet a prince anytime soon, am I?” Isabella mused, staring solemnly into her glass as she swirled the leafy dregs of her mojito around.
“One can only dream I suppose,” you sighed. Before she could dwell on it in her mind any longer, you tugged her out of her seat. “Come on, let’s go say goodbye to the birthday girl and head home.” She nodded in agreement, downing he remains of her cocktail. As the two of you left, you couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling of being watched.
So much for not looking dead. Despite not holding any religious beliefs, you quickly said a silent prayer, thanking God for concealer as you dabbed away at your prominent dark circles with a makeup sponge. Normally you didn’t need any, however, as of recent your sleeping regime had been anything but normal.
Nightmares wasn’t the right word, they were more like extremely vivid dreams. Ones that woke you with a start, leaving you all clammy and breathless. 
You dreamt you were dying. 
You’d had bad dreams on and off for about five years now, but nothing like the ones that currently plagued you at night. They had started out of the blue a while ago, weeks back, and with each dream it seemed to be getting worse. It was beginning to show, you noted, as you continued your ministrations with the sponge. The makeup did a good enough job of covering your fatigue, but even then you could still see it. Not as much as you could feel it though, yours eyes felt like lead. It was definitely catching up to you,  and the fact that you were afraid to fall asleep certainly put you in a bit of a predicament. However, you had to make ends meet somehow, and this job was just a temporary thing...right? You scoffed at yourself, recalling all the times you had said that, the first time being over three years ago.
Just pick a major you thought to yourself, that’s all you had to do. Just make a decision and you can finally enroll in university, but somehow that seemed all too impossible, no matter how hard you thought about it. Maybe I’m destined for greater things you had once joked, well these greater things were really taking their time to manifest if that was the case.  
A soft knock at your door stole your attention, and you looked over to see Isabella leaning against your doorframe. You squinted at her in annoyance upon seeing how she looked like heaven incarnate, despite the slight hangover. “Oh, you didn’t sleep much again?” She questioned, raising an eyebrow in concern. “You tried the sleeping pills I suggested, right?”
You peered back at your worse for wear reflection, knowing that even if you lied to her she would be able to tell. “Yes,” you sighed. “But they aren’t working. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll get some answers soon. First thing’s first though, gotta go get that money.” You joked, attempting to reassure her.
“Well,” she paused, taking a moment to look at the time on her phone, “you’re not gonna have a job at this point if you keep being late, and well...you’re late.”
“For fucks sake!” You cried as you too checked the time, abruptly standing to search frantically for your shoes. “God, I am so fired.”
The good news was that you were still employed upon your arrival, despite a very very pissed off boss. By some miracle your commute was not as long as you thought it would be, which was strange. It was as if time had been on your side this morning.  The bad news was that you were struggling a great deal to concentrate, having lost count of the amount of drinks you’ve almost spilled in a few hours.
“Here you go, Abigail!” You mustered, cringing at how your cheerful tone seemed a little too forced.
“My name is Ashley,” the customer deadpanned, and you garbled out a flustered apology. “Whatever,” she grumbled, snatching her drink and sauntering away to her table of equally rude company. Maybe you should become a psychology major, just so you could pick her and her friends apart insecurity by insecurity until they burst into tears in front of you. Then again, you couldn’t read people for shit, just the thought of going through that gave you a headache.
“Yikes, what did that coffee machine ever do to you?” Your colleague asked nervously, noticing the way you were stink eyeing the perfectly innocent apparatus. Upon hearing her voice you were snapped out of your murderous daze.
“What? Oh, nothing. I’m just really tired is all,” you responded, eyes seeking out the clock on the wall behind her. One hour to go.
“I can see that…but really, is everything okay with you?” 
“Gee, thanks,” you said rather dryly, followed by a deep sigh. “Not exactly, but don’t worry. Things will change for the better really soon, I can feel it.”
She cocked her eyebrow and eyed you skeptically as if silently calculating your sanity, before her attention was captured by an awaiting patron, and once you were no longer under scrutiny your shoulders relaxed. You always hated being the centre of attention. 
By the time the last hour of your shift had crawled by at a painstakingly slow pace , the sun was sinking low in the sky, casting magnificent hues of pink and orange across it. Perfect weather for a green tea, you thought, pulling out your wallet to place an order. 
As you were reaching out to receive the paper cup, you bade farewell to your colleagues, and in your tired, distracted state your grip wasn’t quite right. Before you lost your hold entirely you attempted to grab the cup properly, but it only crumpled and you yelped in pain as the scalding liquid spilled all over your hand. 
You snatched up a dishcloth that was sitting on the counter, swiftly wrapping it around your burnt hand, causing you to hiss at the rough fabric’s contact with your sensitive skin. One of your coworkers guided you over to the sink in the back, turning on the faucet to cold before you could insist you were capable of doing it yourself. Shit, you thought. This feels like it’s going to be bad, exactly what I need right now. Peeling back the cloth to take a look, you gasped right as someone was walking toward you asking, “Is it okay? Do you need some ointment for the burn?” 
“What? Oh, no I’m good.” You quickly covered your hand back up before they could see the damage. “I have some at home, so I should get going.” Before any more questions could be asked or concerns raised from those who had witnessed, you ducked past her and the others, making a beeline out the door. It was only when you had gone a few blocks that you turned down an ally, coming to a stop. Your breathing was uneven, and your hands trembling as you pried the fabric away once again, blinking in disbelief.
Your hand was completely unharmed. 
No burns, no redness, nothing. But you felt your skin blister and burn, you felt the stinging pain, surely you can’t have imagined that? For a few minutes you stood there staring at the undamaged skin, jaw opening and closing like a guppy. When your head finally wrapped around what had happened and was certain you hadn’t made this up, you decided that you weren’t going crazy like you thought.
Something strange was definitely going on.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Please tell me what you think, comments are really important to fic writers! 
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 @self-righteous-dumbass @sugasheart @jessilliam-caronday @yikesskaina @moniebuns @wonzigyumin  @impossiblytinytraveler  @chocoflagcutii
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alexthepartyman · 4 years
Fine Line
Chapter Two: Hold it, focus.
“I was teaching an in-serivce at the Baltimore field office when this came in,” Derek tells us as we walk through the house. “Baltimore PD’s seen some pretty grisly stuff, but never anything like this. We got two bodies ID’d as William and Helen DiMarco.” I look around, the house seems very antiqued. “Retired, lived here for thirty-seven years, no kids.Neighbourhood reports a white male, twenty to forty years old, fleeing the scene, and I quote, hopped up on those damn drugs.” 
“Eyewitness accounts are notoriously unreliable.” 
“So far, it sounds like a standard double homicide. Why are we here?” Aaron asks as we walk up the stairs and into the master bedroom. I note the blood smeared on the walls. 
“Massive overkill.”
“You don’t say.” 
“Helen DiMarco was found here, tied to the chair in front of the vanity. No defensive wounds. Ligature marks around the wrists, one clean lacertation from ear to ear.” 
“She was either too weak or she knew she wouldn’t make it,” I comment. “But that is a weird amount of overkill.” 
“Looks arterial. Probably the carotid,” Elle says. “At least she went quickly.” 
“The husband, William, was found in the shower. But he wasn’t quite as lucky.” I look into the bathroom, noticing the shower floor covered in blood, dried blood splattered on the glass sides and door. Yikes, it looks like the aftermath of the shower scene from Psycho. This amount of blood outside of a human body makes me nervous. “Ligature marks on the wrists and ankles and one long laceration up the abdomen through both layers of muscle.” 
“Evisceration - that’s typical of disorganised behaviour.”
“Despite all the blood, this crime scene shows method, order, control. I’d say it’s pretty organised.”
“There was also evidence of torture with the husband. Burns, contusions, lacerations. You name it, this guy tried it.”
“If torture is the unsub’s signature, the methodology is usually unique. A person who burns someone usually doesn’t use a knife.” 
“So maybe he have more than one killer, or we have one killer with more than one personality,” Aaron says. 
“We also have three victims. Blood on the vanity, wife’s body was found there, husband was in the shower. From the looks of the level of the ring in this tub, whoever was in it lost thier entire blood volume.” 
“I’d say that about all of the victims,” I add, peering into the bathtub. 
“Approximately ten point six pints.” 
“Which means the victim was dismembered.”
“Pints?” I ask. 
“It looks like our guy took all the parts with him.” 
“Okay, so I’ve got Helen DiMarco tied to the chair,” Derek says. “He probably killed her first.”
“To prove to the others that he had no mercy. Psychological torture before the physical pain.”
“Only there was no satisfaction from her death.”
“The death was too quick. Arterial, jugular, trachea, she died within seconds, especially with a cut like that.” I answer. 
“The husband...with him, he took his time. There doesn’t seem to be any wasted effort, no hesitation on the unsub’s part. I mean, Gideon, look around. What he did...it’s a lot of work. We’re either dealing with a professional or -”
“A pure psychopath.” Uncle Jason stares blankly at the bloody shower. “Nothing more we can do here until the third victim turns up. I’m guessing there’s a connection to him.” 
“He doesn’t want that victim identified.” 
“Have Garcia go through open files in Maryland, see if any of the involve this level of torture.”
“Got it.” 
“Have her check the surrounding states as well. If...the guy’s a pro, why do jobs only close to home?”
“How far back do you want her to go?”
“At least ten years. Guy’s no rookie,” Uncle Jason answers, walking out of the bathroom. 
“Where is he going?” I ask.
“I don’t know, kid, but you should stick around here.” 
“Third victim was positively ID’d as a low-level mob guy,” Derek reports. “Frederick “Freddy” Condore. He was the nephew of the older couple. Body parts were found in seven different trash cans two blocks from the crime scene.”
“Were they able to completely reassemble the body?” Spencer asks. 
“Killer didn’t keep any trophies.” 
“Is there any evidence he got off?”
“Garcia has a number of unxolved murders in DC, Virginia, and Maryland over the past fifteen years. Many of them have ties to organised crime, all different MOs.” 
“What’s the connection?” Elle asks. 
“Torture. Marks on the ones are consistent with the same cutting tool.” 
“Tortured victims, most tied to organised crime...no signs of sexal sadism.” 
“Hitman,” I answer. 
“Excuse me?”
“You’re looking for a hitman.” 
“No, a hitman doesn’t need to torture to get the job done.”
“Two things - Baltimore just forwarded a sketch of the man running from the scene, and uh, you’ve got some agents out there who think you’re poaching on their turf,” JJ cuts in, hanging Jason a sketch. 
“I’ll handle it.”
“Doesn’t federal trump over local?” I ask, looking up from my book again. 
“Come on, we’ll set you up in my office,” JJ offers, grabbing my backpack.
“Because you’re gettin distracted from your school work, and Aaron said you can’t be here if you can’t get your work done.” 
“JJ, I can do my work, I promise,” I tell her. Kids don’t steal my assignments and cheat off of me for nothing, you know. 
“So, we just going to drop it?” Derek asks as Jason comes back and approaches the whiteboard. I slip my bookmark in place and put my book away. 
“These guys don’t know what they’re dealing with.”
“Our unsub is male, intelligent, organised, and methodical. He has the confidence of a man who’s been killing for a long time. Only victim removed from the scene is Freddy Condore, indicating some tie to him. Elle, you and Reid stay on Condore’s background with Garcia. Dig deep, see what turns up.”
“Condore worked as a supervisor at a scrap metal yard in Baltimore. It’s owned by a guy named Michael Russo, boss of a small mob crew. I’m gonna grab Hotch and go check him out. Jamie.” I nod and throw my bag over my shoulder, jumping from my chair. 
“Michael Russo?” Aaron asks. “Agents Hotchner and Morgan, FBI. This is our intern, Rossi.” 
“What do you want?” Michael asks.
“Freddy Condore.”
“He didn’t show up for work today. He didn’t call, nothing.” Well...you can’t exactly make a phone call when your body is divided between seven trash cans. 
“Probably because he, his aunt, and his uncle were murdered last night,” I state. 
“Really? Too bad.”
“I can tell you’re all busted up about it.”
“Look, I don’t speak smart-ass, so you got something to say to me…”
“It was a professional hit. Either you’re in charge of your business or you’re not.” 
“What kind of business do you think I’m in, huh? Look around. I’m in scrap metal. It’s all about recycling. That’s where the money is, my friend. Saving the earth.”
“You’ve got a big problem. You know, the mob isn’t what it used to be.”
“Ain’t easy always fighting for respect, is it?” Derek steps closer to Michael. “You always gotta fight for what’s yours. One of your boys steps out of line, tsk, tsk, tsk. You hit him hard, you make it count, right? Is that what happened to Freddy?” The man chuckles.
:Look. You got a case to make, run along, get your papers, and come back with the bracelets. Otherwise, I got a business to run.” The two men walk away from us.
“They don’t dress scrap metal,” I retort.
Derek kicks the door in, and he and Aaron storm in, guns pointed. “CLEAR!” Aaron yells. 
“Copy that.” 
“It’s clear here.” 
Aaron and Derek holster their weapons. “Morgan, this is weird. There’s nothing here.” I step into the room and look around, finding a barren home. “It’s like nobody lives here...guess he wasn’t expecting company.” 
“Something’s wrong?” 
“Yeah, I know.”
“Look at this place. It’s an artifical dwelling...to match an artifical past.” We start searching through everything, and I hear Derek tapping on a wall, before a loud thud. 
“Derek, what the - what the fuck? Why did you punch that?” I ask, peering up from the other side of the oven. 
“We got a hot weapon. Jamie, get back.” Derek gently pushes me away as Aaron approaches us. He pulls out a towel and sets it on the stove, unwrapping it to reveal a gun and a cartridge. “Oh, no.” 
“What? What is that?” I ask.
“It’s a Glock nineteen. And this round is standard law enforcement issue.”
“So you’re saying Baker’s an undercover cop.”
“I’m saying I did eighteen months deep cover, and this place has got all the makings of a crash pad.”
“That does make a lot of sense. You can tell a lot about a person by how they decorate their house and if you just have nothing...then they can’t figure you out.” 
“What the hell is wrong with you people?” A guy with a yellow tie bursts in, slamming the door behind him, I can hear him over my music.
“I told you, this is my case!” 
“Alright, first of all, don’t shout at me,” Aaron says, rising to his feet behind his desk. I sneakily pause my screamington playlist so I can hear this whole thing. “And secondly, you don’t decide what cases the BAU works on.”
“You ran my agent’s gun through IBIS?” I look out of my periphreal and see Uncle Jason standing outside the office door with files in his hands. 
“Cause I wanted to know who he worked for, and now that I do, I’d like to talk to him.” 
“You don’t have him.”
“No. You don’t know where he is?”
“He’s missing,” the man says, sitting down by me and sniffling. Uncle Jason opens the door and lets himself in, closing it afterwards. 
“How long?”
“Twelve hours.” 
“Before or after the murders?” I look back to my book, scanning the words to pick up where I was.
“You think Jimmy’s a suspect?” 
“Well, there’s a sketch of someone who looks an awful lot like him leaving the scene.” 
“That’s because he was there. After. Look, he ran into a couple of Baltimore detectives, and they made him while he was with Condore. Now, Jimmy tried to play it off, but he didn’t think that Condore had bought it, so he wanted to  go back and talk to him. When he saw what was left of the DiMarcos, he called us for a pickup. We showed up. He didn’t.” 
“You think he ran?” Aaron asks.
“No. Jimmy’s too experienced to run without contact.” Contact, contact, contact, con...con...con-tact. No, that can’t be it. Con-ca...that sounds even worse. “If he’s not calling in, then someone’s keeping him from doing it.” 
“Who’s Jimmy Baker’s target?” Uncle Jason asks. 
“Michael Russo. We’ve been after the guy for three years. Jimmy’s been under for almost two.” 
“We talked to Russo yesterday. He seemed genuinely surprised by the murders.”
“And you bought that? Let me tell you a little something about Michael Russo. The guy is a liar, and a good one. If he didn’t do it, then he knows who did. Oh hell, you know what? I’m wasting my time with you. You obviously don’t get it.”
“Agent Cramer, we’re not the enemy. Please sit down,” Jason says, blocking the door. Agent Cramer sits at Aaron’s desk, and Jason joins him. “We;re dealing with a very dangerous killer here...and we need your help. You know these people better than we do.” 
“This guy - if he is what you say he is and he has Jimmy, did he kill him already?”
“We don’t know.”
“I’ll help you in any way that I can. You help me get this man back to his family.” I pull off my headphones and put my book away again, grabbing my bag to go hang out with someone else.
“If it’s any comfort, Agent...I knew he was lying. They didn’t dress scrap metal,” I say, before walking out of the office.
“You’re gonna need a bigger board,” Penelope says, bringing in a cardboard box. 
“Please tell me you brought some breakfast.”
“Huh. Trust me, sugar, you’re not going to want to eat when you see what’s in here. What is Jamie still doing here, I thought he had school?” Penelope asks, turning to me.
“Two day weeks for the rest of the month. Doctor wants me to take things slowly,” I answer. 
“This place is not slow, Jamie. You should be staying home with your dad.”
“He thinks it’s good that I get out. As long as I’m with one of you guys, I’m fine.” 
“How many more are there?” Derek asks Penelope. 
“Well, I’ve gone back fifteen years, and there’s over a hundred.” 
“A hundred unsolved murders?”
“Yeah, that we know of. And then there’s more coming in.”
“I can help bring in boxes,” I offer.
“Sorry, little noodle. You have to focus on school, and you can’t do any heavy lifting.” I pout at Penelope, who ruffles my mop of hair. 
“Torture’s consistent. You know, we thought this guy might have been at it a while, but this many victims, Garcia?” Derek sighs. “John Wayne Gacy killed at least thirty people. This guy’s more than tripled that.”
“Yeah, but this guy gets paid for it. He’s a hit man.”
“No...he’s more than that. Not all these victims were mob hits. You know, my guess is that he started hunting when he was really young...perfected his craft...moved on to bigger prey. Garcia, look at this, there’s no hesitation in the wounds, one clean cut through flesh and bone.” 
“Okay, so what does that tell us?”
“Most people wouldn’t imagine doing something like this to another human being, but this guy, he doesn’t even flinch. He’s got no conscience.” 
“Is that psychopathy or sociopathy?” I ask. 
“Sociopath. We’ve got ourselves a serial killer with the perfect career. Russo has no idea what he’s dealing with. I think we can shake him. Keep looking. Jamie, stay with Penelope and do your work.” He says, ruffling my hair and walking out of the room.
“Do I really get that distracted that easily?” I ask. 
“Yeah, you do.” My phone beeps and I peer at it, finding a text from Cal. “Give the phone. Ooh! A text from a boy!” 
“Is this gonna work?” Elle asks.
“The beam is reflected off the pane according to the law of optics.” 
“Yeah, the angle of instance is equal to the angle of reflection.”
“Uh-huh. Is it gonna work?”
“Hey, it’s me.”
“We’re gonna find out right now,” I comment.
“I need to see you tonight. I’ll call you from a secure line.”
“Apparently, it does.”
“Hey. Listen, you brought a lot of heat taking down Freddy like that...What - I’m dealing with the feds...Listen, meet me here at the office...they don’t know nothing...I’m dealing with them...stop being paranoid, Vinnie…”
“No. Vinnie.”
“Look for either VIncent or Vincenzo. Mob members are usually Italian, so focus on names of Italian origin...and keep it around Baltimore, look for a rap sheet indicating sociopathy to this level,” I ramble. 
“Well, he’s got eleven associates named Vincent,” Spencer says, collecting files. 
“No, make that ten. Vincent Cellito died last summer,” Elle corrects him. “You know, here’s something. What can you tell me about Vincent Sartori?” Elle then gives Penelope a look of surprise. “I was still drinking that.”
“Not only is this equipment expensive, it’s also extremely sensitive.”
“Don’t leave your coffee on the files next time,” I reprimand her. 
“Vincent Sartori.” 
“Currently doing six at Dannemora for racketeering.” 
“How about this Perotta? There’s not much on him.”
“Can you get into those records?” Elle asks Penelope. 
“Despite the fact that they were probably expunged, she can find the faintest echo of deletion and successfully re-create the file, thereby sending us all to prison for computer felony fraud counts.”
“We can make bail. Garcia?”
“Already in. Alcohol addiction at fourteen. Violent outbursts. Assaults. Once threw a molotov cocktail at someone sitting in their car.” 
“That sounds like a party,” I comment, not looking up from my book.
“Several notations for aggression. He once scheduled a visit to an infirmary to gain access to a boy who looked at him for too long?” 
“No hear, no remorse. Quick temper. And he was smart enough to stay off the radar as an adult. Paranoid personality. He could be our guy.” 
“There’s absolutely no information on him as an adult. No driver’s license, no utility bills, nothing. It’s like he became a ghost.” 
“Let’s just hope that they can catch them.”
“This was all in his van?”
“Yep. The guy wasn’t exactly neat.” 
“Classic anti-social personality.” 
“What are these tapes?” I ask. 
“I don’t know. Why don’t Reid and Garcia take a look, let us know, alright?”
“Yeah. Movie night. I’ll make popcorn.” 
“I’m gonna join movie night,” I comment. “I’m not innocent, Derek, and I don’t need to tell you how.” 
“You’re twelve.”
“Fourteen. In case you haven’t forgotten, I’m not like the other kids, either.” My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it out to see an image from Jasmine, a drawing of us and our friends. 
“Is that the boy?” Penelope asks.
“No,” I remark, typing back a quick ‘looks awesome!’ before tucking my phone away again.
“A boy?” 
“Derek! It’s not a boy!” 
“You got that address?”
“In Glen Burnie like you thought.”
“It looks like Frank Perotta died in a suspicious hunting accident with Vincent, he was seventeen, it was like, thirty years ago.” 
“My guess is that it was no accident.”
“Well, you said he was looking for bigger prey, and it looks like he found it.” 
“Garcia...you’re my girl. Thank you. Jamie, keep it up, get ready for school. It’s Thursday morning.” Derek kisses her head and then leaves, closing the door to the cave behind him.
“I’m gonna need, like, five energy drinks to get through today,” I groan, throwing my head back and taking a light spin in the chair. 
“What are you even doing on my system?”
“Helping. I heard you say Frank Perotta and I just...did it. I’m gonna head to the bathroom, try to look like I haven’t been awake for the past three days. Gym class first thing in the morning fucking sucks ass.” I tell her, kissing her head and walking out of the cave with my bag on my shoulder. I stop at the glass doors to the bullpen, watching as officers take a man away in handcuffs, before stepping into the bullpen and heading to Derek’s desk, nicking his 3-in-1 from his go bag. 
“Why are you stealing Derek’s...soap?” Elle asks me from her desk. 
“Is he coming yet?” I ask.
“He’ll be a few minutes. What are you doing?”
“I was going to use the gym showers so I don’t go to school and people think I live in a cardboard box and then hitch a ride to school from Grant, but if you’ve got better ideas-”
“Come shower at mine and tell your dads.” 
“I only have the one dad.”
“You mean Hotch and Gideon aren’t your dads, too?” She jokes. “Just come on, I’m headed home, anyways, I’ll take you to school.”
“You don’t have to-”
“I insist. Besides, Grant and Spencer are probably going to want some time alone.” I sigh and pull out my phone as Elle grabs her things. 
“Hey, Dad, so I’ll be home tonight...I’m getting ready at Elle’s house this morning...the case just ended…”
“Make sure you eat, and tell Aaron and Jason where you’re going. How long was the case?”
“It started Monday morning, and I’m so...I’m gonna need a nap when I get home, we had to deal with the mob in Baltimore, and… I slept, I promise, I’ll make Elle get me an Egg McMuffin or something.”
“Alright, piccolo, just make sure you’re taking better care of yourself. I left yesterday to go to another signing, so go home after school and feed the dogs, and if you need a ride home, call one of yourr brothers or the BAU. And get a decent night’s sleep.” 
“I will. I love you, Dad, I’ll see you next week.” I hang up and put my phone in my pocket and climb into the passenger seat of Elle’s car. “Let’s go.”
“You don’t eat breakfast. Something’s wrong.” 
“Nothing’s wrong!”
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
Feelin the Shadamy feels lately, so would you care to write a story where Shadow survives the end of SA2 and goes back to Amy on the ark? Thanks for what you do!
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Ugh, me too. Me too.
And thank you ;u;
Gentle reminder that Prompts are on Shutdown! Don’t send me a prompt request till they reopen! :Db
Tails approaches Sonic, wearily watching him gaze out the window. “Sonic?”
Sonic shakes his head down, “It was a close call.” He turns and smiles as Shadow approaches the two from behind.
“Ah! Shadow!” Tails exclaims, spinning around and not sure if he should attack him or not.
“Easy, buddy. He’s cool.” Sonic explains, somewhat, and walks over to Shadow. He playfully whacks his shoulder, “Tough job, you may have the workings of a hero in you yet, Shadow!”
“Hmph, I wasn’t created for sporting a hero’s smile.” He steps away from Sonic, dusting off the place where he touched. “All this has done for me is left me with more unresolved questions. I don’t need your gratitude, just your compliance.” he folded his arms.
“Oh? Is that so? I see.” Sonic, without skipping a beat, cheerily leaned his body a bit and folded his own arms, as though to mirror Shadow but in a more relaxed way. “Well, you’re still getting one. Thanks, Shadow!” He charmingly gave him a thumbs-up, and Tails jumped with his fist held high.
“What’s the compliance?” Knuckles and Rouge entered then, angling their bodies towards each other, but looking squarely at Shadow.
“You aren’t sayin’ you’re gonna ask for our quiet demise some other time are ya?!” Knuckles swung an arm out, but Rouge placed a hand on her hip and sharply turned her head to him.
“Enough. He’s clearly not being hostile. You are!”
“What!? You-!” Knuckles stepped toward her but she broke eye-contact and turned her cheek to him, addressing Shadow again and ignoring Knuckles’s outburst toward her.
“You were saying?”
“Wha?! Hmph!” Knuckles saw the blatant turnaround and kicked the ground as he turned away from her, walking off by Sonic.
“Only to stay out of my way…” Shadow unfolded his arms, then looked to Tails and Sonic.
Sonic nodded, closing his eyes and opening them in the process.
Shadow lowered his head, acknowledging that Sonic had heard his request and accepted it.
“I simply want answers. Nothing more.” Shadow began to walk off, moving passed Rouge as she followed him with her eyes.
“Kinda moody for an ultimate lifeform, don’t you think?” she teased, tilting her head as Tails rushed over to the center of the bunch.
“B-but! What if he tries to hurt people again! We’re just gonna forgive him like that? Q-quick! Someone put a tracker on him!” he pointed to Shadow’s direction, but Knuckles and Sonic looked to each other, then away as Sonic gave a smirk to Tails.
“Come on, Tails. He kinda did help me save the planet.” He stood beside him, comforting his worried friend.
“Y… yeah, I guess that’s true.” Tails looked to where Shadow had left, then Sonic, and then to the ground, letting the topic go.
“Besides, he’ll have to face me again if that happens! And everyone knows I’m the fastest hedgehog alive!” Sonic struck a pose, and Tails happily laughed with him.
As Shadow continued down the hallway, he looked at the battered metal with old bullet holes in it… contemplating exactly what had happened, to the best of his memory.
“If this is what you wanted, Maria,… then I’ll stop this path, and find another way to achieve the purposes you asked for.” He continued to study the area, but nothing was triggering his mind. “Whatever those may be… and however much I may not agree with it.” he shook his head, not sure if saving the earth was right, but knowing that if Maria wanted it, then he had no choice but to follow it.
“Huh?” He stopped to turn around but was ambushed by the girl’s doting arms in yet another accident. “You never cease to forget to look first before jumping.”
Amy continued to smother him before realizing this texture felt a little off. “O-oh..?” Her arm felt fluff… that wasn’t right.
She also squinted her eyes to the black and red contrast on Sonic’s features… wait…
“Oh no!” she pulled away, “It’s Shadow!” she reached her arms back and quickly pattered her feet away from him. “Wait, if you survived, then Sonic must have come back too, right!?” she put her hands gratefully to her chest. “Oh, thank goodness. I was really worried about you two!”
“…You were… worried… about me?” Shadow looked a bit in shock, unable to understand that.
“Huh? Silly, of course I was! You both had me scared! When you dashed off to help Sonic save the world, I just knew you weren’t a bad guy!” she swayed a bit in her words, then pointed very sternly to Shadow. “Bad guy’s don’t say they’ll keep their promises! What was that promise you were referring to, anyway? I don’t remember asking you for anything.”
As she continued to speak, Shadow grew more… was it embarrassed?
He looked to the ground, his eyes darting around before turning away from her, gesturing to the world. “I remembered making a promise long ago to someone… your words… they brought those memories back to me.” he tightened his fist, bringing it in before his shoulders fell a bit from their rising tension, and then he nodded to Amy. “Before, I asked for no thanks… simply because I realized this was what I should have done all along. You… The thanks I received should be given back to you.”
He walked towards Amy, making her a little nervous as she looked up into his serious eyes, “Shadow…”
He placed a Chaos Emerald in her hand. Its glow and radiance looked much like the earth’s surface in hue and light…
The two stared at the emerald… before back up at each other.
“Thank you…”
“For what? Reminding you of a long lost promise? You really are kinda weird, but for that person’s sake, I’ll gladly accept your thanks.” Amy nodded, but something tugged at her heartstrings then. It didn’t really feel appropriate to have him thanking her, she didn’t feel like what she did was really the cause of his sudden change of heart.
“You’ve had that promise buried in you all this time. If anyone should give thanks, you should give it to that person you made a promise with, right?” she tilted her head cutely, and he seemed to be processing her words.
“Perhaps you’re right.” He started to think about it, before turning around and walking off.
“Oh, that reminds me.” He turned his head to look over his shoulder somewhat back at Amy, “I never did fully learn your name…”
“It’s Amy! Amy Rose!” She let out her signature vocal pattern and then waved to him. “I’ll always remember your name, Shadow! Shadow the Hero!”
“Amy…Rose… And a Hero..? You sound just like him.” He walked forward, repeating her name as he departed. “Farewell, Amy Rose. Sonic The Hedgehog… and Space Coloney Ark…” He then closed his eyes.
“Huh?” Amy watched him round the corner, not sure what he meant by that…
She placed her hands over the Chaos Emerald and close to her chest as Sonic and the others came by.
“Hey, Amy. Long time no see!”
“Oh, Sonic!” She spun around, rushing into his arms. “How could you! I thought you were-! Ohhh, Sonic!” she dug herself into him, remembering that for a moment, he had almost died from a trap that exploded in space!
“W-woah! Hang on, Amy! It’s all good! Yikes! Don’t pull me so hard! Amy..!” she kept on laughing as Sonic protested little by little, but something still plagued her thoughts.
“Hey…” She pulled away, revealing the Chaos Emerald as she brought her hands forward from her chest. “Shadow gave this to me… And for saving my life back there… I’ll give it to you.”
Sonic looked down at the Chaos Emerald. He took it a moment and nodded to her. “Thank you.” then stuck it away.
“Hehe! That’s the second time someone’s thanked me today!” she chimed, as Tails walked over to her.
“What do you mean, Amy?”
“Well… Ah! That’s right! Shadow! I forgot!” She suddenly grew panicked and took off. Waving behind her, she encouraged them to not follow, “I’ve gotta make sure he gets back to earth, alright! What if he tries to use that fake Chaos Emerald!”
Knuckles suddenly jolted back in spot, “Oh no! That’s too far a distance! He’ll not make it!”
“You mean… if that’s what he was planning.” Rouge argued, “I don’t think the bloke’s stupid enough to consider that…”
“We needed the Chaos Emeralds… but maybe he thinks he can get by with Sonic’s fake Emerald?” Tails looked to Sonic.
“Either way, I’m not leaving a new friend behind!” Sonic struck a cool pose, showing his resolve as he took off. “Come on! We’ll find him! Leave no asteroid unturned!”
“Got it!” the others agreed, taking off.
As Amy searched, she gasped.
Seeing Shadow prepare an old containment pod to put him back into sleep, possibly killing him this time since he probably didn’t know exactly how to do it…
And there was a location… he was going to blast himself into space…
“No!” Amy shook her head, her face full of horror as she read the screens he had momentarily programmed to start up on its own. “Shadow, stop!”
She dashed to the pod as he approached it, grabbing his arm.
“L-…Let me go.” Shadow struggled a bit.
“Don’t do this! You belong on earth! Like the rest of us!” she wouldn’t cease, and he was somewhat confused by her odd strength.
“This must be… I’m not like anything on earth. I don’t belong there. I don’t belong here, either… You don’t understand what I am.” He tried to fight against her, but it was clear he was lenient in actually repelling her away. He didn’t want to hurt her.
“I don’t care what you are!” she shouted out, stopping him a moment from tolerating her moxie against him.
Her words shook him to his core.
“You… What?” his eyes quaked, widened by her sudden outburst.
“If what you are scares you from living a full life… then reinvent yourself!” she ducked her head down, making sure her arms were like iron bars he couldn’t escape from.
It was an awkward hold, her still gripping him from behind and him trying not to hurt her while attempting to move away and get in the pod that would make him sleep while he drifted aimlessly into space for eons and endless years.
“You… You don’t know what you’re saying. Let me go!” he tried to be a bit more forceful in his voice now, but she continued to struggle against him.
“No! This isn’t right, Shadow! What about your promise to me? Do you remember!? I have a new promise, promise you’ll stay! Promise me you’ll try and understand what you just saved! See the world for what it really is, a beautiful new home for yourself! You can be whoever you want to be on earth! No one will despise you!”
He couldn’t believe her words this time.
“That’s enough. Release me!” he was threw listening to the ramblings of a child.
“No!” She felt him using more of his strength now, his large hands finally placing themselves on her head and shoulder.
“Amy… You don’t realize what you’re saying.” She knew nothing of him. Nothing of his origin. He was a monster, that’s all he needed to know. Earth didn’t hold the answers he so desperately desired. Nothing did. It was all dead and gone… like he should be.
“I do! I know far more than you because I’ve seen earth! I know the precious lives that you’ve saved and you don’t, Shadow! You don’t know!”
“I’ve never saved any lives!” growing more frustrated, he bent his knees and began to push back against her, realizing he doubted her initial strength. His memories swarmed with Maria, the ones he could recall, anyway. “All I do is end lives… even if I don’t want too, and even if it costs me a promise!”
“Make a new one! I dare ya!” she pushed back against him, and for a moment, his feet scooted back and almost gave way at the sudden velocity of her shove.
“Ah…” He was actually kinda impressed, but quickly withdrew the thought. “I’m growing tired of this..!” he threw an arm up, whacking her back as she fell and landed on her back. “You may have swayed me before, Amy. But this isn’t something you can interfere with again!” he spoke with much more firmness in his voice now, a dark essence dripping from his tone. “If you only knew… the destruction I could cause to your precious earth… you’d let me turn into a forgotten curse.” He held his hand up, picturing the earth before lowering his hand into a shaking fist. “Leave me…” he swiped his hand back and began to load himself into the pod.
He put his arms in a similar position as when he had awoken from Eggman triggering his activation. He intertwined his fingers and let his head rest back, breathing in the fumes that would place him back into a warm, comatose state.
“Maria… Forgive me.” He closed his eyes, “I should have never been created… or you’d still be with us.”
“Preparing launch sequence.”
“Grr… ughh… GRAAAHH!!” Amy swung her Piko Piko Hammer into the pod.
It cracked the pod.
“What?” He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing the electricity spark and red lights flash on with yellow sirens spinning around.
“Containment breach. Launch in jeopardy.”
“HAAA!” Amy continued to swing into the pod.
Shadow’s eyes studied the girl, the powerful swings, the tears in her eyes..?
“Why… tears?” Then something happened, he felt an emotion pour from a heart he didn’t know he had.
With each swing, Amy’s arms would lift and he would see her. When it crashed down, he would see Maria, crying and desperately placing her hand on the containment pod.
His heart melted again, and he tightened his jaw, leaning back and kicking the pod to escape.
“Launch still imminent. No emergency code registered. 10…9…8-”
“SHADOW!” Amy cried out.
He strained against the militarized, seemingly glass surface.
“You promised!” Amy cried out, her eyes like shattered pieces of a prism, shining with an endearing love for the stranger she had only just met. “Promise you will stay!”
“…GrraAAAHHH!!! I PROMISE!” Shadow shouted out, the two’s force finally breaking the pod as it blasted out into space.
“Shadow!” Sonic and the others finally arrived, as Sonic threw the Fake Chaos Emerald, having found it slammed dunked like he remembered.
Shadow, being tossed around by the speed of which the pod was launched, finally was able to maneuver himself to grabbing the Fake Emerald.
He looked to Amy, “I’ll keep my promises… I’ll see you on earth… I’m not a bad guy, then… right, Amy?” he looked at the Fake Emerald in his hand, her image on the other side of it.
“Hmph, very well. I’m no hero, but I’ll keep my new promise to you.” He held up the Fake Emerald, “Chaos..! Control!”
It shook him to his core, but because he had far more chaos power than Sonic, the Fake Emerald was enough to send him to earth’s surface.
He fell unconscious, landing after the shining light had brought him to a beautiful forest.
The Fake Emerald rolled out of his hands, shattering from its final use, and Shadow blinked his eyes open.
The first thing he noticed was the rays from above, the sun hitting his fingers and causing light to part into shadows on the ground around him.
He tried to focus his exhausted eyes, then looked to see trees… felt grass… heard nature for the first time.
“Ma… Maria…” He barely could mouth it out, feeling his consciousness slipping away again, his eyes getting blurry as they faded in and out… he spoke one other sound…
“I see it… A-… Amy… I see what we’ve saved…”
And then, darkness… as was his fate.
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moon-beam95 · 5 years
Friends and Family
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By Moon-beam95
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Ben Hargreeves x Reader
You weren't entirely sure how it happened but one moment you were being held hostage and the next you've seemed to have gained two limpets. One a sarcastic shit starter and the other an angry bad-ass with a knife kink.
You'd just gotten in from a long day of College followed by hours at work, you had just toed off your shoes when you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head and the world tilted before turning black. You came too, tied to one of your kitchen chairs while some idiot ransacked your front room.
"Ugh" your head ached like fuck "Really, what the fuck did you hit me with?"
"Shut up" the figure said slamming a drawer closed, another you hadn't seen slapped you upside the head, yeah ouch as if you weren’t in enough pain.
'In case you haven't noticed, this place is a shit hole. The most expensive thing in this place is those shiny ass boots you have on."
"I said shut it," the first man snarled.
"Wow," you said raising your eyebrows, "just trying to make a little conversation."
You tilt your head to see the other man before jerking it towards the first, as if saying get a load of this guy. "But, seriously, fuckin' moon shoes, kinda throws off the whole ascetic you got going on."
The silent one said nothing, exchanging a glance with his partner, who stalked towards you pulling out a gun.
You let out a low whistle. "Yikes, someone's a little touchy."
The man cocked the gun as two more figures appeared behind the gun roaring thug wearing black eye masks. One grabbed the first and the curly haired mask wearer moved to the silent thug.
While grateful for the save all that was running through your mind was. "How the fuck do you people keep getting in my house?"
As a fight broke out your two saviours seemed to have the upper hand as they wrestled through the flat banging into everything.
"Hey watch the TV"
"Ouch that gotta hurt"
"Careful! Blood is a bitch to get out."
The thugs thoroughly out if it, the knife toting hero cuts you lose while the other rocks back on his heels. "You know most people would be grateful."
Springing out of the chair, you ignored him pushing past. Seeing the mess you drop to the floor and gave a wail.
"Errr Lady, you ok?"
They crowd you wanting to see what caused such a sound only to see you carefully cradling a cactus above a broken plant pot. The curly haired one gave a laugh, but knife kink just looked extremely bewildered, before tentatively patting you on your shoulder.
"There, there," he said. "Sorry about the mess and err, your loss but we gotta go."
And with that remark they were gone and you were left with two passed out thugs gazing around a wrecked apartment, looking mournfully at Hector, wondering how the hell you were going to explain this to your mother.
The next night after a long conversation on home safety with your mother and questions by the police the doorbell rang. Opening it you were greeted by the two men from the night before.
"You," you said, shaking a finger at them dramatically.
"Klaus" said the curly haired one.
"Diego" said knife kink.
They held out a rather large plant pot containing a small cactus wrapped in a sparkly green bow.
"For you know," Diego snorted, "Hector."
You opened the door further and invited them in taking the offering cooing and saying. "I shall call you Judith." Before kicking the door closed.
That was the start of a rather strange, albeit dangerous friendship. You learned that Klaus could see the dead and that Diego despite being extraordinarily good with knives, it was not his power but could in fact hold his breath for an astonishing amount of time. Which, BTW, prompted a lot of jokes.
You three often stumbled into weird situations and you watched them fight off crime from the sidelines providing a running commentary. They were beyond cute, despite often bickering you could see how much they cared for each other. Klaus seeking any sort of thrill to hide from the dead and Diego a total mother hen, a worrier.
It was one such situation that saw you meet Ben. Who worried about Klaus' disappearing and thinking he was out scoring drugs saw the two of you and followed you intent on warning you away from his brother. Which quite frankly was adorable!
You can see why he got the wrong end of the stick, you were after all skulking around an alley in the dark.
After leaving the two brothers you began the trek home, slipping down alleys to make it quicker. You could hear footsteps behind you and sped up only to let out a shriek when a hand grabbed you, spun you and pressed you against the wall.
Eyes wide, you stared up at the Hooded Hottie™ caging you in, one arm across your neck the other above your head.  You gulped as the boy glared down at you, despite the situation you noticed that he was rather beautiful, even when looking like he was inches away from killing you or perhaps that was what made him so attractive.
He opened his mouth but paused at the sound of people running and suddenly he was wrenched from you as you gulped air. Klaus and Diego. You slid down the wall, body shaking as they stared at the boy.
"Ben," said Klaus. "What the hell?"
Ben, you thought, their brother, as Diego helped you up and dusted you off
"Why" Diego bit out when he didn't answer, "did you have Y/N by the throat?"
His eyes flickered between his brother and the girl who shifted behind Diego more, eyes wide in fear. Diego would never allow Klaus to buy drugs which meant that he had royally fucked up. He lowered his hood.
"I thought you'd gone out to get drugs."
"What" Diego said crossing his arms.
"He's been acting shifty, leaving at all hours, more hyper than usual."
Klaus laughed, slinging an arm around Ben's shoulders, tugging at his cheeks cooing. "Awe, so sweet. He cares."
Ben slapped his hand away looking at the half hidden girl, before rubbing his neck rather sheepishly.
"I'm so sorry about all that."
You stepped out, smiling. "Eh, shit happens."
He let out a laugh, grin stretching across his face. You blushed, he really was cute.
The brothers looked on in amazement at you both flirting.
"You act like this is an everyday occurrence."
"Well, when your friends with these two," you trail off, jerking a thumb in their direction. "Also a guy usually buys me dinner before we get to the whole choking thing."
His laugh rang out, echoing throughout the alley and you were gone, never knowing that the sentiments were returned.
The three amigo became four and you all often holed up in your apartment. It wasn't uncommon that you'd get home from work or school and find them there, having tea with your mom, helping make dinner, just making themselves at home.
Your crush on Ben grew and you found yourself a blushing mess often lapsing into silences. You were drew in by his rather obvious devotion to his brothers and his mischievous personality .
Unknown to you, Ben had noticed you change in attitude whenever he was around vs how you acted when it was just his brothers. He hated that you didn't feel comfortable around him, especially since he was becoming rather attracted to you.
Ben scarcely talked about his powers and you soon found out why. All four of you had just left the cinema after watching a musical (Diego's choice) when on the way to the pizza shop you came across a robbery. A rather large group if people holding up a gas station. The boys jumped into action and you stepped a safe distance away but still close enough that you still had a full view of the fight. It never ceases to amaze you how they moved so separate yet as part of a unit. You were eager to see how Ben would fit into the dynamic.
With Klaus and Diego getting quickly over run, you let out a gasp as Ben stepped into the centre of the room drawing fire. He doubled over, clutching his stomach before springing back up and tentacles burst forth from his chest. They whipped round subduing the predators. His eyes caught yours and his face went white. Now that the robbers had been dealt with you all quickly made your way from the crime scene. Slipping down an alley you all pause, catching your breath. You turn to face Ben and he shifts not looking at you.
Diving at him, his eyes go wide as you fling your arms around him, he raises his arm pulling you close. He breathes in your scent, relishing having you close. You squeal into his ear -
"That was so cool."
He lets out a relieved laugh, before you pull back and whack him upside the head.
"How could you do something so dangerous, idiot."
He stares on in shock as you rant, Klaus in the background letting out a mournful "You never say that to me."
Ben's eyes drink in your impassioned figure, admiring the fire in your eyes. Steeling himself he surges forward, one hand wrapping round your waist the other reaching to cup your face and pressed his lips against yours.
You pull back blushing in shock and he starts to apologise before you return the favour.
So there you were down a grotty alley pressed against a blood covered boy while his brothers hooted and whistled in the background.
It was about damn time.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 23
Last time: Ling debated leadership philosophies with Bradley, we got a flashback to Scar’s bro, and Winry was Good. Onwards!
Episode 23 - “Girl on the Battlefield” Run for it, Ling! Looking a little worse for wear, Ling’s booking it through the streets as some very confused civilians look on, and Bradley gripes that “that reckless fool” is beginning to annoy him. Uh, I assume that when you tell Gluttony to follow his scent that you aren’t going to travel together? Even the most basic NPC might be curious about seeing their Fuhrer run through the streets with a Goth. In the alley Ed’s still comforting Winry as some cops clean up the rubble, he hands off the pistol to one of them and asks for Winry (still wearing his coat, daw) to be taken somewhere safe, he’s gonna go help Al out with Scar and NOPE NOPE NOPE [Ed]: “I’m sorry… When this is over, I’ll explain everything.” NOPE NOPE NOPE Boy you just guaranteed something bad is gonna happen to one of you two, do you even realize you’re in an anime? What, are you gonna ask for a picture of her “for good luck”? For Leto’s sake, Winry’s lingering grasp on Ed’s arm as he walks away… you turn around right now, buster! Don’t you DARE let things end on this note! [Winry]: “Why… why is waiting the only thing I can do?” Ok, first of all you are FAR from the mere damsel in distress, Winry. Second of all, as much as it would cheapen the whole “Winry is the creator of the Blonde Trio” thing from last episode, I can’t help but think it would be SO COOL for Winry to use this incident as a drive to learn Alchemy, or build an Iron Woman suit to help out in battle/rescue. Roy and Riza are still fiddling with the radio as reports of Winry going to Central Command come through, Riza’s off to support them in the field. Roy takes a moment to say they’ll meet up at an abandoned house outside of town and give her the address- ha, yeah no. This is Colonel Mustang we’re talking about, as if it could be that simple. Calling it now, despite Riza insisting he stay out of the field, the “address” Roy just gave her is secret orders to do something or other, and of course she won’t read them until after everything’s over. Yeesh, Ling’s still running, with Gluttony keeping close tabs on him. Aaand either he or Lan Fan are bleeding a fair amount. Bradley’s keeping up with the red trail, at the sound of an explosion just gripes about “Scar, again” and tells Gluttony to go deal with it. Ok, so it’s Lan Fan’s who’s bleeding out, she’s trying to get Ling to drop her, arguing that as much as he holds to “A king needs his people” that they’d be just as lost without him. Their clan versus one injured bodyguard? To Lan Fan there’s no choice, for the greater good someone must be left beNONONONO. Young lady you put that shuriken down this instant! Ling, stop her!
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Oh for Leto’s sake, now we’ve cut away from that awfulness to Scar vs Al, who is an absolute BEAST when it comes to combat now. Earthbending giant stone hands, all Scar can do is keep jumping back and pity Al for the harm Alchemy has caused him. But Al rejects his pity, argues that it was through Alchemy that Ed saved his life, and to reject his Alchemy-supported form (but isn’t rejecting it kinda the whole point of the show? Eh, whatever) would be to reject what saved his life and the efforts of Ed. Scar’s response is Sudden Steam Cloud and an attempted sneak attack, but Ed enters the fray. Alright, time to get this battle going in earnest! [Gluttony]: “Oooh! I found you!” Ok, still of two minds about Scar and what should happen to him, but damn me if this isn’t a perfect Enemy Mine scenario. Oh hey, is this the first time that the Elric Brothers have seen Gluttony? While they’re reacting to seeing yet another Goth, Scar lays the smackdown. Alright, let’s- Cut back to the Xing alleyway? Bradley still walking along the blood trail? But what about Lan Fan? Nevermind, back to the train depot where Scar’s Hand O’ Doom did some harm to Gluttony, but then Headbutt. And a shoulder charge right into a shipping crate, good Leto. Then back to Bradley with his now [hurried footsteps] Then Gluttony getting double-kicked by the Elric Brothers to Scar’s shock (Enemy Mine, Enemy Mine, Enemy Mine…) Then Bradley turning the corner and drawing his sword What Lan Fan’s blood-covered hand Bradley shocked What No Ling, why? Why didn’t you stop her? Wait what ok what the Leto is going on now? Shirtless!Ling has just jumped out of a storm drain and holy crap he’s all pirate badass now with scimitar in his teeth and a grenade shoved down Gluttony’s gullet. But, Lan Fan… Ok, have to set that aside for now, the grenade was brutally effective against Gluttony… for just a few seconds, his upper body’s already reforming. Ling shouts for some strong cable from the Brothers, not sure if tying him up is going to be all that effective. Actually, it’s very effective; Gluttony’s regeneration is trying to counteract the pressure of the cables, meaning unless he can break the metal (which is still a possibility) then Ling’s gone and caught himself! But he still had to leave- Oh. OH. Oh my Leto that is disturbing and genius at the same time. Also, that poor dog! Seriously, dogs have had a real hard time in this show, haven’t they? [Bradley]: “That was well played, girl.” Ok, so… Lan Fan is a badass. But maybe you should get that stump looked at? Please? Up top Scar’s shocked at the revelation of a Homunculus- right, sorry buddy, but you’re still a murderer, so Riza’s gonna kneecap you while driving up in the getaway vehicle. Gotta say Riza, the white coat, glasses, and hair down look is good on you! Ah right, their Conspiracy means they have to pretend not to know it’s Riza as the MPs run up, they need to trust Roy on letting this Mysterious Stranger get away with Ling and the captured Gluttony. In the meantime… Alright Scar, just stand down and what the oh my Leto NOT NOW! I wanted you to come back to the show, little girl, but this really isn’t the time! Ok ok, we can still salvage this, she’s come all this way to see Ed so… oh, no. She’s looking for a short Alchemist in a red coat! Winry! Winry, get over here! Well ok, she’s protecting her “savior’s servant” now, deems it time to retreat so she good Leto blows up two train cars in a matter of seconds with Alchemy. Note to self: do not make May mad. Damnit damnit damnit, things were going so well but now the music’s all oppressive, Scar’s gotten away again. Meanwhile Riza’s heading to the safehouse when Ling says they need to go back for Lan Fan, Riza says ok as long as it’s quick AAAAARGH welp we’re boned, Bradley saw them and through Riza’s disguise. So much for the Conspiracy. Bradley: “That woman driving… I’m sure she’s Mustang’s. I’m tired of playing games with that upstart.” AAAARGH oh my gosh how are we only halfway through the episode AAAAARGH daw that’s a cute picture of Lan Fan eating AAAAARGH oh wait she’s armless now so she can’t even do that AAAARGH oooh is she gonna get an automail arm? Away from the depot May is patching up Scar’s leg as he broods about Winry, how no matter what he does hatred keeps spreading. The MPs are searching, so they start sneaking away… but where’s Shao May? Pffft! Looks like Al picked her up from the battle, didn’t want to leave the poor thing in danger. Said poor little panda bear tries biting back, but Soul Armor, so no. You’ve got a new master now! The Elric Brothers have been brought to Central by the MPs, where Winry’s waiting… along with Bradley. Whuh oh. [Bradley]: “That’s a nice, honest friend you’ve got there. Make sure you both take good care of her.”
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Wow. Subtle. Aaaand now it’s time to tell Winry everything. Yay. Aw, Winry. It’s not selfish to want your parents to have come back. And don’t beat yourself up over waiting. Aw! Ok, that is adorable, getting a call from Rush Valley about how everyone misses her (work). But horrid flashbacks to needy retail customers aside, this is just what the doctor ordered. [Winry]: “I’m sorry… I’ll be back home soon.” (Somewhere Pinako looks up sharply and snarls “Excuse me?!”) “Just hold on… I won’t be much longer. I’ll help everyone… Thank you all.” Sorry Ed, but you’ve gotta let your mechanic get back to work. And hey, her heading back to Rush Valley means being away from Bradley’s grasp! We’re giving goodbyes at the train station, promises to take care of their automail… come on boy, spit it out! Aw, don’t chicken out on me now Ed, you turn around and- [Ed]: “The next time I make you cry, I hope they’ll be tears of joy! And Al and I will be back in our normal bodies, and I’ll make you cry out of sheer happiness! That’s a promise!” Heh! So while Winry does have to see the backs of two people she loves again (Al bumping Ed with his elbow and Shorty yapping at him), it’s on a much better note. Maybe…? [Winry]: “All this time, have I been… falling for him?” YYYYYYAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS [So Tephi actually stopped by right when this scene happened, she’s cackling over my shoulder. I’m too giddy about this to complain, moving on.] Hey Roy! You gonna take the Elrics to the safehouse now? Oh hey Doc, what’s your role in the Conspiracy now? Ah right, Lan Fan and her missing arm. Yikes, no anesthesia? I know this isn’t a hospital but dang, Lan Fan I’m so sorry. So is Ed, but Ling shuts him down, saying he was the one who suggested this. Aw dude, please stop beating yourself up. Hey, she’s awake! And got the idea to use her arm as bait from when Ed did it fighting them, hah! Still, hard to be a bodyguard when missing a limb. Perhaps a certain mechanic could help you out? Come on Ling, get up and check on your lady friend! Or chat with Roy, that works for now. Alright, good to see everyone getting along. Now to deal with the Goth Ball you have in the side room- [Roy]: “He and his friends appear to have connections among some of the military’s senior staff.” [Ling]: “Just some, you say? It goes far deeper than that. Your Fuhrer, King Bradley…” *Open Eyes of Seriousness* [Ling]: “I believe it’s possible that he’s a Homunculus too.” Here we go, reveal time! Ling recounts how he saw an Uroboros tattoo under Bradley’s eyepatch, working with Gluttony against him and Lan Fan. But Ling doesn’t get the same “Goth-Sense” from Bradley that comes from Gluttony, and the others argue that Goths can’t reproduce and he has a son. But Doc says that the kid is adopted. No direct blood relation. Roy says regardless of him being monster or human, it just makes it easier to kick him out of the boss’ chair. For now, it’s time to interrogate Gluttony, then get his Stone to heal Havoc/be taken back to Xing/heal the Elric Brothers… aw man, it’s Ruby Madness.
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Come on guys, it’s a Philosopher’s Stone! Horrific origins aside, it can work for all of you, just set up a schedule and- Uh oh. Gluttony just overheard “Colonel Mustang”, recognizes the name as the one that killed Lust. And he Bulks out and oh good Leto what’s wrong with your stomach buddy, eyes do not go there. Fellas? You may want to ru GAH what the Leto was that?!
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auspicious-lilana · 4 years
Ultimate Spiderman (Peter Parker x Stark! OC x Sam alexander x Danny Rand)
Summary:When people hear 'Maya Stark' everyone would think about the perfect, smart. good looking, rich, student body president of Midtown High.Nobody but her childhood friend Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and her new team of heroes. Ava, Sam, Danny, and Luke AKA  white tiger, Nova, Iron fist, and Power Man knows about her secret of being Queen's very own Mistress, soon to be ULTIMATE Mistress
Part 1  Part 2
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This is it, the test to see if I can make it into the superhero big leagues.
“This exercise will gauge your efficiency against superior numbers. Disable all attackers. You have 60 seconds. FYI, Captain America did it in 10.”  I stood in a battle stance ready for whatever Fury would throw at me.
“Easy-peasy.”  One of the large robots that surrounded me started to attack as I dodged it and quickly shot a web to its head but another robot came and threw me on the ground as they all fell on top of me. “Uh! Uh!” I groaned as I squeezed myself out of the pile of robots. “This is more humiliating than Parker family game night.” I quickly got up and punched all the robots while webbing a few. After I threw another one of them grabbed me and held me up as I struggled to get out from its grip. How weak is this? I'm going to land on the superhero wall of shame for dying ten minutes after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. It started to shock me to which I yelled in pain before I grabbed four arms of it and quickly snapped it back to it making it let me go. The second I got down I ran as I dodged four drone-bots before I got ahold of one of them to see they were bombs that exploded making me hit back on the wall covered in slime as I slowly slid down. I got up quickly as I saw more big bots coming at me, so I tried to work the web shooter.
“Where did S. H. I. E. L. D. tech put the web control? Nope. Nuh-uh. Score.”  I threw a web at two drones and crashed it with two of the big ones. “Yeah!” One of the drone heads fell on me making me groan.
While Spider-Man was taking the test. Fury laughed a bit at the sight.
“I finished this thing under 20” iron fist said.
“I finished mines under 18” Luke chimed in.
“There's no discipline to his fighting technique, he's thrashing around hitting things. But Fury says he's good for the team.” White Tiger said as she watched Spider-Man get thrown around.
“His training may be off but he has more experience than the rest of you and his heart is in the right place” I imputed, defending my partner. “I’m just glad he agreed to do it”
“Why is Fury testing another new candidate? I didn't approve of this.” Nova said running up to us.
“So you didn’t approve of me?” I raised an eyebrow and fixed a glare at Nova who’s eyes widened.
“N-no! Your fighting was good, just not his!” I rolled my eyes.
“Look who thinks he's still in charge. That's so cute.” White tiger said to which I nodded my head in agreement.
“If Fury thinks I'm going to lead that lame-o in battle…”
“In your dreams, you're the team leader,”  Luke said placing a hand on Nova’s shoulder as Iron fist joined in.
“He is rough around the edges, but not without potential.”
“Yeah, but he named himself Spider-Man. How sad is that?” White Tiger said as I rolled my eyes. 
“Well, unlike you guys he had gotten his powers under pressure, and the fact he had nobody but me to tell his secret to”
“What was he supposed to call himself?” Iron fist said backing me up.
“Something cool that didn't scream, "Hi, I have low self-esteem and identify with bugs."
“You know what they say about a book and its cover, dude.”
“Dude, I'll clean this Helicarrier for a month if he makes it.”
“Toilets, too?”
“Toilets, too”
“Your on”
“I’m in” Luke chirped in taking Iron fist’s side.
“Me, too,” Nova said also high giving White Tiger. I sighed as I took White Tigers side knowing Spider-Man won’t pass without the right training and I don’t like being in the highest possible losers team and if Spidey does pass, I can just cast a few cleaning spells to help White Tiger out.
“I’m in as well I guess,” I said high fiving the boys, earning a smile from White Tiger. I checked the time and excused myself. “I gotta go. Work to be done, people to visit, someone to tease” the rest said their goodbyes as I walked off and teleported myself to a place near the hospital before I took off my mask making my cloak disappear showing I was wearing blue shorts and a white shoulderless blouse with my black hair down. I jogged from the alley to the hospital a few buildings away before stopping in front of the counter.
”How may I help-”
” I need to see Harry Osborn” I demanded out of breath.  The lady nodded and looked at the computer.
”Room 230 on floor 3” I thanked her before running up the stairs too impatient to wait on the elevator. when I peeked in the room I heard Peter.
“Hey, hero. I brought you something from school.”
“Cheerleaders?” Harry guessed making me chuckle.
“Homework” at the moment I came in.
“Hey Harry”
“I guess Maya’s close to an cheerleader” I rolled my eyes.
Harry really stepped up yesterday when the Frightful Four attacked our school. Unfortunately, all that heroism won him overnight stay in the hospital.
Yikes. Wish I was there to help out
Me too,Maya, Me too
“Peter has your best interests at heart, son. He's a true friend” Mr.Osborn said placing his hand on Peter’s shoulder.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a dad like that?
“How about a ride to school, Peter? Maya?”  
“You don't have to hold a gun to my head, sir.”
“How about you, Maya?”  I shook my head.
“Sorry, my Dad’s coming to get me” like magic my phone rang showing my dad. “Matter of fact this is him now, bye Harry, Peter. See you at school tomorrow” I left the room answering the call.“Hey dad!”
“Hey, sweetpea. How was the S.H.I.E.L.D test?” 
 “I think I aced it. Tell you more in the car ride home I see you”
“Okay,”  I ended the call and got into the car.
 “So? Details?”
“So I finished the test under 14 seconds”
“That’s my girl”“And I met my future team”
“Did you guys show your identities?”
“No.not yet but I know they know Peter’s identity”
“You’ll learn their identity-“
“Oh I already did”
“You did?”
“Yeah, Fury enrolled them to Midtown high so I may or may not have looked through their files”
“I bet other dads don’t have a daughter like you to have bragging rights with” Dad mumbled.
Meet my dad, Tony Stark aka Iron man. Since he has Stark Interpers I barely get to see him everyday but he tries his best to get some quality time together and he makes sure we eat breakfast together so we can catch up on what happened to us yesterday since he’s busy at night. Plus I get to hang out with the avengers daily so I call them uncles/aunts.
“It isn't my fault my daughter is beautiful, genius AND a future avenger! I got the full package!”  I sighed as I smiled and hugged dad. No matter how many times he would brag, I know he means well and loves me just as much as I do.
“I love you dad”
“I love you two my favorite daughter”
“I’m your only daughter”
“...don’t ruin the mood” I laughed as I snuggled close as we got home.
“We’re here,” Happy said from the driver’s seat. I nodded and thanked him as I got out with my school bag on my shoulder.
“I’m gonna go and do my homework real quick and check in with the vice student body president cause I’m sure Peter forgot to do it for me” Dad kissed my cheek before ruffling my hair.
“I’ll be in the lab if you need me. Capsicle  wants to see you in an hour for your training”
“Thanks, Dad,” I said as I kissed his cheek and went up to my room.
“How did I get lucky with her?...” I smiled as I heard my dad before I went into my room.
“Smile, Spider-Man,”  MJ said to peter flashing a camera at him making him lose his balance and fall as he started rambling nervously.
“Oh! Whoa, I'm not... How did…”
“Wow, nervous much? I'm practicing what I'll say when I finally meet Spider-Man maybe even Mistress. Here”  MJ handed him a paper he read. ‘Spider-Man and Mistress: I will tell your side of the story. Call me. Mary Jane Watson’
“You really believe those two hang out here in Midtown?”
“ They’ve been seen on campus often enough.they could be anybody. A student, a teacher, or…” Stan walked by pushing a cart full of mobs and such before turning to them.
“Thwip Thwip” And he left.
“Ok, well maybe not anybody,”
I know how much it means for MJ to get that reporter job with the Bugle and I'd love to help her out. I'm afraid I'd blow it once I started talking to her. I mean, MJ knows me so well.Maya would help her much better seeing how she takes Drama and can act it out but I don’t think she’ll want to take that risk either....
“Even if Spider-Man and Mistress are a student, They’re going to keep it on the down-low. There's no way They'd let anyone know who they really are”
“Maybe, but I'm not giving up. Also, Have you seen Maya?”
“No, not since yesterday. Maybe she’s in the council room?”
“Most likely, seeing how she wasn’t able to check in yesterday” Peter’s eyes widened. ‘I completely forgot about checking in for her! Maya must be extremely busy now! All cause of me’ Peter gloomed at the thought before smiling again.
“I’ll go check on her since we are walking home together”
“Make sure to get her something to eat on your way there, she hasn’t touched her lunch at all”
“Okay, bye” MJ left as Peter went off to get Maya so they can leave for S.H.I.E.L.D as promised.
“Sir, ma'am. Yo, what's up?”  Spider-Man said to every passing agent we saw making me sigh. I wasn’t going to come here with him but after he kept telling me I can get back to the paperwork later and I had to take a ‘break’ I eventually came around.
”Spidey, what are you doing?” I asked unamused.
“I'm just trying to blend in now that I'm an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“An agent? You're barely a newbie.” Fury pitches in making me smirk at the look of Spidey’s face as Fury scanned his eyes at an entrance.
“ID confirmed. S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, Nick Fury.”
The doors slid open revealing a testing room for gadgets I’m guessing as we went in.
“Get in here and don't touch anything.”
“Cool!” Spidey exclaimed looking around as I stood there watching him. “Awesome!” I looked over to see him looking at a guy flying with web wings before looking over to a guy climbing a wall with spider legs/claws. “Eh. It’s been done”   Spidey and I walked over to Fury who stood by a doctor
“Yo, Doc. Meet the new kid. Spider-Man, our resident tech genius. Dr. Curt Connors. And I know you’ve already met Mistress or Maya.” 
“Yes, we did, didn’t we?”  I nodded as I smiled. Spidey decided to make himself known and stuck out his hand.
“Always glad to meet a fellow genius” When Doc didn’t shake his head and Spidey saw Doc didn’t have a hand. “Awkward” Doc pulled up his sleeve and shook Spidey’s hand with both of his hands.
“A pleasure. I followed both yours and Mistress’s career closely, very impressive.”
I like this guy
Of course you would Peter, of course you would.
“Even before Director Fury approached you about joining us, I had my R&D team develop an array of Spider-Man and Mistress inspired weaponry.”  Spidey looked around confused.
“Then where’s-”
“It’s in another room. We like to have separate weaponry rooms for you two since we had a lot and Mistress had already seen hers, yesterday”  I nodded as Spidey nodded his making an ‘Oh’ face.
“What if we said no?”
“Not an option”  Fury replied sternly.
“Huh, that's funny, you're using our web-shooter out of camo mode.” Doc pointed out as he took Spidey’s wrist and placed it into camo mode.
“Oh, yeah. I had it in camo mode. But then I couldn't find it.” Doc and Fury just stared at Spidey unamused as I resisted the urge to facepalm.  “Joke. Don't you people ever smile” I’d be surprised if they ever did.
“Over here is something we think you'll find particularly interesting,”  Doc said as he leads Spidey to something covered.
“I reserve the right to be awestruck.” Before Spidey could touch it he was quickly hit with a metal whip. “Ow,” he groaned out as I cringed. Ouch.
“Hold it. Director Fury, I've never questioned your choices when it came to the others.” Coulson said.
“Others?” Spidey questioned. I was about to reply before I remembered, he doesn’t know about the others yet.
“But in this case, we're dealing with a complete wildcard. Daily Bugle Communications calls Spider-Man a threat to public safety.” Coulson continued.
“But I’m so cuddly,” Spidey said rubbing his head with his arms intertwined making me giggle a bit as his silliness.
“Spider-Man's my responsibility, Coulson. That's what he's here for. To learn responsibility.” Fury sternly replied.
“We’ll see” Coulson left just like that as Spidey quickly uncovered the thing and looked at it unimpressed.
“We call it the Spider-Cycle,” Doc said as Spidey looked back at him.
“Uh, yeah. Useless”
“Excuse me?” Doc said taken back.
“I mean it's cool and all, but why do I need a motorcycle? I can get anywhere by thwip-thwip.” Spidey said illustrating what he meant by ‘thwip-thwip’  
“ I calculate you can make it from 80th to 34th street in 3. 7 minutes while using up what I'm guessing is fairly expensive webbing and at maximum muscle stress.“
“Uh maybe” Spidey rubbed his muscle to stubborn to admit Doc was right to which I rolled my eyes at. Unlike him, I levitate my way so I have no need to waste strength nor use any expensive webbing.  
“The Spider-Cycle can make it minute-and-a-half. If you're not scared thwip-less to climb on” Fury added on knowing full well out competitive and ‘prideful’ Spidey is. It seemed to work cause Spidey glared at him.
“One side” and he climbed on….wait…...he never took driving lessons ...or have a permit…..this won’t end well…this is soo gonna get recorded. I placed my hand behind my back and muttered  a summoning chant spell and summoned my phone from my backpack back at my room (Yes we stopped by my room on our way here to drop off our stuff) “and the starter is…” Spidey touched somewhere starting the Spider-Cycle up and running as Spidey yelled and I laughed a bit as I placed a spell to make my phone follow his Spider-Cycle, recording.
“You should go and follow him” I nodded at Fury’s suggestion as I stifle my laughter as I levitated my way to catch up to him.
“Brakes, THE BRAKES!” I saw Spidey yell as agents quickly dodged him nearly. I flew a bit faster in an attempt to catch up to see him blast a hole. “NOT BRAKE!”
“Aaah! Not a problem. I'll just pop another parachute and” Spidey tried to do it to see he ran out of the web. “Okay, now I'm scared thwip-less Aaah!”  I stopped at the hole fully knowing I wouldn’t fly down so I cast a teleportation spell and got to a rooftop to see Spidey riding on the side of a building as I watched in amusement before he ended up in the streets screaming, that's when I got up and flew above him.
“ Kid, what's wrong with you? You act like you've never driven before.” Fury said as I giggled.
“That’s because he never did!” I yelled.
“I don’t even have my learner’s permit!”
“You what?”
“It’s new york! Who needs a car?!” Spidey said as he jumped over a school bus as I flew above. “OH COME ON” Spidey yelled as he went through a sign reading ‘road closed’ I sighed knowing I can’t keep this up, guess fun’s over. I picked up Spidey as I saw Luke pick up the bus the Spider-Cycle would’ve hit and White Tiger quickly hopped on the Cycle stopping it as Nova helped me carry Spidey. “Let me go, Buckethead!”
“Calm down preschool, we’ll take it from here.”  We let go of Spidey as I stood next to Nova as White tiger hopped off the cycle with Iron fist’s leg on the wheel and Luke next to him.
“We-” I coughed as Spidey rolled his eyes. “Okay I appreciate a hand now and then, but I really didn't need to be saved by-who're you guys?”
“Iron Fist, Nameste. Iron Fist. Kung fu master with a fist of well...iron.”
“White Tiger. Acrobatic ninja with steel claws and cat powers. And the big guy there is Lu-”
“Power-Man. If he calls himself Spider-Man then I'm calling myself Power Man. It's cool and doesn't scream ‘I have low self-esteem.’ Super strength and bulletproof skin.”
“Okay, Power-Man” White Tiger said rolling her eyes.
“And I already met Captain Buckethead over there,” Spidey pointed at Nova.
“Names Nova, creep”
“Nova creep, catchy”
“Nova, the human rocket.”
“Okay. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get this bike back to HQ. You see, I'm with S. H. I. E. L. D.”  Spidey bloated in smug, little did he know hehe.
“Small world,” Power-Man said with a smirk as Nova gave Spidey a smug grin.
“No, no, no, no, no. I never signed on to be part of a team.”   Spidey complained as the rest of the team and I stood behind Coulson who was trying to reason with Spidey.
“It’s not a team, its a program. If you just let me explain” Coulson said.
“No! Nix! Nein! Nyet! Na-uh! No way! Never!” Spidey stormed off in anger.
“We won the bet!” White tiger and I high fived. “No toilets for the Tiger and Sorceress, Whoo!” I smiled before I looked back at where Spidey left.
He’ll come around. I know he well. Stubborn  is one thing he is really good at but I know he’ll realize being in a team instead of a Duo will help a lot learning about responsibility and make us stronger heros too
I sensed danger somewhere as my eyes widened and gasped as  White Tiger must've noticed since she placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You good Mistress?”
“I sense danger somewhere.” White Tiger turned to the team who are now alert.
“You heard her, there is danger somewhere, let’s head out ASAP” I nodded as we all got out to see Thundra throw a large metal cap at Spidey as Power-Man quickly took action and kicked it away as White Tiger pounced on top of Spidey.
“What are you guys doing here? I had them on the run. “
“Except for the part you didn’t” White Tiger countered as she brought out her claws and cut off the anti-gravity pad that was on Spidey’s chest as soon Spidey fell on his butt while White Tiger landed safely. Klaw sent a sound wave a the two as Spidey dodged it and Tiger fell back. I quickly took action and sent a blast of fire at Klaw sending him flying back in pain.
“Okay, Nick. I'll join your junior "Glee" club. But I still operate Duo as Spider-Man and Mistress, It's our version of ‘Me Time’”
“Done” they shook hands before the web shooter shot a parachute falling on them.
*** [Peter’s POV] ***
Finally, both school and Spidey lives are back to normal. I opened my locker and sighed happily as I smiled. Maya should be here any minute now since she probably finished all that council work she had to do and have that meeting with the new principal I heard about.
“Oh, Puny Parker. Locker knocker time” I sighed remembering my normal life...has Flash in it. Before Flash could push me in Someone pulled me away making Flash fall in my locker and lock himself in. “Ow” I looked up to see my   ‘savior’
“Wait, do I know you?” I saw three other kids behind the guy looking oddly familiar. “Any of you?”
“Say hello to your new classmates,” Said the blonde guy, “Danny Rand” now known as Danny.
“ Luke Cage,” Said the guy who ‘saved’ me.
“Sam Alexander,” said the Latino guy.
“Ava Ayala, think about it” That’s when a light bulb went off my head as I realized, these were my new team.
“Huh?” was all that came out, I was speechless, AND right where I thought everything would be back to normal!
“Oh, some idiot gave Fury the bright idea we needed ‘me time’ away from S. H. I. E. L. D,” Sam said hinting at Me sarcastically.
“ FYI, don't sweat the secret ID. Code of silence man”  Somehow Maya came in just in time.
“Hey Peter, seems you already met the new students huh?”
“Maya! Please tell me this is some sort of mistake!” I plead. Being the head president of the school, basically, like a vice-principal, she had to have control on who enrolls, right?
“I’m sorry Peter but my job is to welcome students not the opposite and besides I placed myself the job of giving them a tour here”
“Why do you have to be their tourist?”
“Cause one, I’m the head president of the school, and the second is Fury wants me to so they can grow accustomed here plus ‘get to know each other as civilians’” Sam smirked as he came closer.
“Well, how lucky we are to get such a cutie to tour us” Maya smirked as she cocked her hip.
“I don’t think you should be flirting with your teammate,” She said mockingly.
“Teammate?” Maya’s smirk widened as the rest’s eyes widened.
“Funny how you didn’t recognize me as I quick as Peter”
“W-Well it's just that you where a large cloak with a black mask so we couldn’t see you properly aside from half your face and your hands s-so-” Maya laughed a bit.
“Don’t sweat it. I’m cool with it besides the whole point of the mask and cloak was for nobody to get a slight hint about my identity.”
“Hey, this is great. Really, really great. I just got to go talk to a guy.” I said before running off to the principal's office leaving Maya with them.
“ I need an immediate transfer”
“Denied, Mr. Parker”
“But why?” The principal turned around and I saw...Coulson?!
“Because Fury wants you where he can keep his eye on you.”
“Acting principal Coulson, Thwip-Thwip,” He said with a mocking grin. I went out gripping on my hair in frustration.
“ I said it before, I'll say it again. N-o. No, no, no-no, no, no.”  I said walking by my locker.
“Hello? Can somebody let me out? Please. Anyone?” I backed up and looked at my locker with a smirk.
“Okay, maybe yes”
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