#I can still hear the anime expo screams
devildom-doll · 2 years
Look how far they have come 💕
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its-tie-kir-ra · 2 years
I had always heard people liking it. My friend told me it made her cry and I was looking to binge a long show since I was taking an ATLA fandom/fanfic writing break. And I started to like Kakashi and wanted to look at stuff, but started to get spoiled on stuff. So I watched as much as I could for weeks. And it was good.
Anyway. One, I have not learned my lesson. Two. I have spoiled several more developments since I first asked you. But I'm still doing this. I'm just gonna be smarter about it.
The Sasuke vs. Naruto could have had the power to destroy everyone. Wreck us. But no... When I think of the potential, it makes me so angry. A world so rife with conflict and interesting world building, which it had for a time and then just veered in one direction HARD. And not as mad, as the author had to write 20 pages a week with no help for years. Like, that sucks and now it makes sense.
I was screaming at everyone to drop him. I was screaming at that one fight at the waterfall. (But then I just remembered that I had two Sases when I was in elementary. They were really not nice to me and I was still like a puppy for them for years.) But now, I really need them to drop him like a hot potato. I don't care.
Now I'm watching the show from a standpoint of "the writer wrote it that way" that's why that's happening, etc.
P.S. I haven't watched Shippuden. I would appreciate no spoilers even though I already found out that medical nin stuff a few days ago.
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oh i'm sorry for spoiling it! normally when i see "i finished naruto" i assume that they mean the whole thing, because in my mind, shippuden isn't really a sequel, it's the rest of the original story.
i was shocked when it took such a downward spiral in quality. like i'd always heard things, like the filler, but the way people talk about the filler like that's the whole issue. "it's a great series, just skip the filler" is a line i hear constantly, and i'm still baffled that that's the only complaint i hear. i was at a anime expo the month just as i started it, and when i told people they were like "OH IT'S SO GOOD! YOU'LL LOVE IT! JUST SKIP THE FILLER!"
i found myself getting even more frustrated in shippuden. it's where a lot of my passive feelings towards the series (oh this isn't a masterpiece but it's not the worst thing I've watched, i can see why kids would like it) turned into straight-up rage (CURSE EVERYBODY WHO TOLD ME THIS SERIES WAS GOOD).
and you're absolutely right, the bad writing is a result mostly of Kishi not having the time to actually flesh out the world. he has a lot of really interesting ideas that i like a lot, and i'm sure if he took the time to think about it, the series would've turned out way better. if it weren't for his blatant misogyny, i would feel sorry for him.
a lot of the love for Sasuke comes from people who have finished it entirely, so idk, maybe you'll change your mind towards the end, lol. i find him mostly just very frustrating.
hope you enjoy the rest of the series? lmaoooooo. looking forward to what you have to say when you're done.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 5 Part 1
Hello all, I come before you with another chapter of Midnight Striga. Just to let you know, this chapter will mark a shift in the tone of the story. While this shift will not apply to every chapter, and certainly not every scene, things will now move a bit differently. Thank you.
With a sigh, Amity Blight, scion and heir-apparent to Blight Industries, tied back her hair into its usual short tail. And at that, she had officially completed her preparations for today, the day of the Covention. There, she would be presented by her Tutor, Emperor’s Coven Head Lilith, as a standard of excellence. While normally Amity didn’t particularly care to be used as a living advertisement, for a position as prestigious as the Emperor’s Coven, it honestly brought a small smile to her face, a sign that her skills were being acknowledged. Nothing like her mother’s annoying “Private Sales” she had to put up with.
A ding caught her attention. Turning to her scroll, she read off the new message.
Hope it goz great!! Gonna be watching, you rule!!! ~Skara
Amity allowed a soft smile to cross her face. She was surprised, pleasantly so, how much hers and Skara’s relationship had grown. A girl she had originally written off as a mean-spirited bully actually had a lot of depth to her; sure, she was catty, she could be bratty, and was an absolute gossip machine, but she was bright, funny, and always willing to help her. If Amity knew of a way to head back in time, she’d probably try and talk herself out of pushing away Skara. She frowned. Maybe if she had been a better friend to Skara, or at least tried to be a friend at all, Skara wouldn’t be so broken up over Boscha.
Amity scowled at the thought of the three-eyed Witch. She had never had a high opinion of the other girl, she honestly had a high enough opinion about herself for the entire city, but that day, any respect she may have harbored for her died in flames. She snorted at the thought, remembering those strange flames Boscha had been throwing around that day. She had heard the story from Skara, that Boscha wasn’t in her right mind; frankly, Amity didn’t care. Boscha had always been a certain level of difficult, but Skara owed the girl nothing, and still defended even her worst actions.
Boscha was lucky she had been avoiding everyone for the last few days; otherwise, Amity would’ve personally informed her of her… displeasure. Still, today was an important day for her future, no reason to ruin her mood thinking about painful things. Yet, Amity couldn’t help but have her mind wander back to that day; she had humiliated herself, acted rashly, and most likely ostracized herself even further from Willow, and she offended someone she had never even met before because she couldn’t control herself.
Amity’s eyes narrowed. That human girl was an oddity; her kind were not from the Demon Realm, so how did she get here? How did she stop Boscha’s rampage? Amity needed to know. The next time they met, while she would certainly apologize for her conduct, she wasn’t walking away without a guarantee to get answers.
Chomping down on her lighter’s flame, and wasn’t that still a weird thought, Boscha languidly ambled along, having gotten up and ready early so she wouldn’t have to interact with her parents. The Covention was today, one of the biggest events of the year, especially for Hexside Students. Boscha scoffed. She had never really gotten what the big deal was; before, her future was set on the image of being a professional Grudgby player, so the whole Coven thing was an annoying distraction at best. Even now, when she felt lost inside, she didn’t get the full appeal.
Although… she would admit to being rattled from her confrontation in the rain. A shudder crawled up her spine as she recalled the Owl Beast, it’s Witch-like face twisted into an animal’s leer. If something like that came to those who defied the Coven System, not that she necessarily believed it, then she would try to toe the line a bit, at least in public. But, when she recalled that fight, the way her blood pumped, her heart raced, the heady scent of fire filling her nose, she couldn’t fight the feral smile that crawled across her face.
Boscha wanted to fight again. It was something she just knew she had to do. Just thinking about it, the threat of violence and the clashing of strength and skill, made her feel so alive!! But… the screaming would come back if she fought for real, she knew it. She could even hear it now, the screaming, the accusations. Boscha slapped herself, forcing her mind away from the thoughts that were coming.
Still, it was a new day, something she should make the most of. She should probably check out the Covention today, if only to keep word spreading that she was a no-show. She couldn’t help but feel worried though. Would Willow be there? Would Amity? ...Would Skara? Biting her lip, Boscha trudged along, lost in her thoughts, heedless of the eyes in the shadows tracking her every move.
Eda sighed, bored out of her Titan’s damned mind. Business was slow today, but she couldn’t risk the possibility of missing out on a sail, even if it meant having to put up with Luz and King reading those Titan awful books. Seriously, that flowery language was a disgrace to magic!! But… she couldn’t ruin their fun, not after that night. She had just gotten the house all back together, to Hooty’s relief, and Luz had been making sure she had her potion taken every morning before she did anything else. It was sweet of her, if annoying.
Now if only she had something to get through this stupid BOREDOM!!! She let her mind wander to her newest tenant, one who had been rapidly worming her way into Eda’s jaded heart. She wasn’t sure how, but the kid had managed to eek out a soft spot with her, much to her bemusement; maybe it was the little hints of something not being right, the way she clammed up about her past, the oddly large collection of magic books and texts, or the strange injuries she had that, while healed over, seemed to weigh on her at times. 
The kid had secrets, and had shared barely nothing about them, but Eda wasn’t one to pry. But if those secrets got her hurt, then even if it made Luz hate her, she’d pry them out and do everything she could to keep Luz safe and hearty. ...Titans, she was going soft!! Better prepare a crime to keep herself nice and tough.
Hello, it looked like they’d have a customer after all! If she wasn’t mistaken, it was that one kid, the human fanatic that came around every so often, what was his name… Goops? Whatever.
“Welcome!” She cheered, putting on her most customer friendly voice. Her eyes scanned the two, taking note of the details, specifically the lack of uniforms even though it was a school day. A chill ran up her spine. “What can I interest you two fine Witchlings in today?” Maybe she was hamming it up a little, but she needed something, dang it!
“Um, actually, Miss Owl Lady,” The girl, a stout thing with a friendly look to her, a noticeable amount of fearful respect in her eyes. Normally, Eda would’ve found it amusing, if she didn’t now have a better understanding of WHY Witchlings looked at her like that. She was going to have words with Lily next time they met. “We actually came to see Luz?”
“Yeah! I would normally LOVE to buy one of your treasures,” The Goops kid said with his usual enthusiasm, if not tinged with disappointment. “But we really have some awesome news to share with Luz!!” He certainly rebounded quickly, Eda would give him that.
Eda opened her mouth to reply, only to close it as Luz came walking up, King trotting at her heels. He was doing that weird breathing thing again, something that helped with those crazy spells of his, and wasn’t that a thought! “Hey, Hexsiders!” Luz smirked cheekily as she walked up. “Willow, Gus, what brings you two here? Isn’t it a school day?” She asked.
“Nope, not today!” Willow cheerfully said, Goops nodding along beside her. “The Covention’s today!!” Ugh, that thing!? No wonder the market was abandoned.
“What’s a Covention?” Luz asked, looking confused, and just a bit bored. Eda was never so proud to see a child wilfully dismissive of authority before!!
“It’s when the Covens put on a big expo to show everyone what they can offer!” Gus cheered. He settled down a bit for his next. “We were wondering if you wanted to come with us?”
And there was the moment Eda needed to start intervening! “Oh no!! No tenant of mine is ever going to set foot in that den of conformist propaganda! Coventions are for people who have no ability to question their lot in life and blindly accept whatever crap that authority spoon-feeds them.” She stated firmly. At the affronted looks of the two kids, and Luz’s own flat look of disapproval, Eda huffed, but relented a little. “No offense to you two.��� Hey, she wasn’t going to completely back down!
The girl, Willow, Eda thought, shook it off. “Well, maybe coming will help convince you to find a coven to join!” She said trepidatiously, giving a hesitant smile. Now, ordinarily, Eda would’ve used a spell to mess with her for saying that, but after learning what she had about her reputation… she decided to go with a gentler touch.
Eda sighed. “Look kid, there is no possible way I will ever join a Coven. Even if they forced me, I would literally rather die than be in one,” She stated bluntly, steadfastly ignoring the shocked looks her statement provoked. “I don’t know exactly what you kids have been told about me, not fully at least, but there is nothing a coven can offer me that I might want.”
“B-but a Coven gives you a place to belong!” Goops exclaimed.
“Already got one, it’s called my house.” Eda replied, checking her nails.
“It helps you make friends!” Willow followed up.
“I can do that without a Coven, and the kind of people who would be friends with me wouldn’t care if I was in one or not.” Eda said, summoning a file.
““B-But, But!”” The kids stammered.
“Look.” Eda snapped lightly, trying to hold in her temper. “I don’t need to be in a Coven. I am happier without one, and I always will be happier without one. I’m not gonna force my beliefs onto others, however much I might want to sometimes, so the least you two could do is respect mine, okay?” She finished softly. The two meekly nodded.
“I think we should go.” Luz offhandedly mentioned, piping up for the first time since the back and forth started.
“””What!?””” The three shouted, Willow and Gus in glee, Eda in shock.
“Yeah, we’ve got nothing better to do,” Luz shrugged, gesturing to the abandoned market around them, before continuing, “And it gives me an opportunity to check out more of the Isles. And Eda, are you seriously gonna pass up the chance to shake down a bunch of Coven Stands for everything you can get?” She grinned, arching an eyebrow in challenge.
“Using my pride against me, eh?” Eda mused, before snapping her fingers. “Ah nuts, you sold me. But,” she drawled, shooting a look at the two Witchlings, “Absolutely no talk of convincing me to join a Coven, got it?” She said gravely, getting rapid nods from the two. Eh, Eda was willing to milk her worse-than-realized rep for as long as she could.
As the group set off, they were utterly ignorant of the rustling in the trees behind them.
A bloody scream ripped through the Guard’s throat. Why was this happening!? He was just doing his job!! Did these psychos not realize who they were challenging going after a guard like this??
“Quiet.” A gravelly voice, like stone shattering and scraping against steel, drawled from the dark, twisting the knife stabbed into the guard’s ribs. He screamed again, only to be cut off by a hard slap against his mask, so strong he felt his jaw loosen. “We don’t want to hear a peep from you unless it is to answer our questions.”
“DO YOU NOT REALIZE WHAT YOU’RE DOING!?” The Guard demanded, fighting through the pain. “I am a member of the Emperor’s Coven!! If my body turns up with obvious signs of torture like this, the Coven will rip you to shreds for trying to challenge them!!” There… maybe that would get them to comprehend their position!!!
The shadowed group paused, as if in contemplation of his words. Then, one of them snickered, then another, and another. And the entire crowd, a veritable army really, started laughing to the heavens, as if what he had said was the funniest joke in the world, fit only for the Titan’s ears.
“Gilihihihihihi!!” An oily, sickly voice laughed from the shadows. “As if any of these backwater weaklings could challenge us?” A note of hysterical madness crept into the stretched out figure’s voice, when suddenly, his long thin arms darted forward. For a moment, the guard didn’t realize what had happened, until a familiar wetness dripped down his palm. He screamed. Giggling, the figure stretched his hand out of the shadows; resting in his palm, were four of the guard’s severed fingers, ripped directly off his hand. The figure lightly tossed the digits up and down… and threw them back down his gullet, a sick laugh ripping out of his throat after he finished swallowing and chewing the bits.
“Now, now, we need him alive to answer our questions, gentlemen.” Another voice peaked out of the dark, this one smooth, polite, and as cold as the coldest nights on the Knee. “We wouldn’t want him to feel stubborn enough to deny us, now would we?” The cold voice chided, getting solemn nods from the other two figures nearest to the guard, almost like children being scolded by their parent. “Now, my good man, we’ve been at this for hours! You’ve resisted our attempts at bribery, even spat into the faces of my soldiers. Why, we even had to remove that left eye of yours to make you realize we weren’t bluffing!” He proclaimed, holding up the eye in question, the guard’s own familiar tawny coloring staring back at him. The figure bent down, smirking. “Now, just tell us what we wish to know, and your suffering will come to an end, okay? Otherwise…” he sighed, gesturing to the chuckling figures behind him, many hoisting up cruel instruments, such as hooks and skinning knives, all aimed towards him. “We’ll have to use you as a message for the next guard.” He finished ominously.
“N-next!?” The guard whimpered, finally realizing they were willing to kill him, to torture him to death for what they wanted to know. And just like that, all the wind left his sails, his resistance crumbled. “I’ll tell you.” He whispered. “Anything I know. Ask away. If I know, I will tell you.”
“Good.” The figure smirked. As he rapidly rattled off his questions, gesturing to his cohorts to record the guard’s answers, his smirk grew more and more as the guard answered in detail. About the Covention. About the special guest. About all the people who came to see it. About what it meant for the Emperor’s Coven. “Thank you, my good man.” He sincerely stated. Then, without preamble, he slashed his dagger across the guard’s throat, relishing the shocked horror and betrayal as the life fled his eyes as his blood poured down his front. He could even divine the question. Why? “I said your suffering would end.” He whispered to the soon-to-be-corpse. “I never said you would live.” And with that, a look of utter despair coated the foolish guard’s eyes… and they turned lifeless.
Tossing his knife to the figure who had eaten the guards fingers, ignoring the sound of the blood being licked off the blade, he calmly ordered his men to move, the large group mobilizing around him. As they exited the dilapidated castle they had appropriated from the recent demise of that rotten Octopus, he grinned in satisfaction as strategically placed flames went off, consuming the structure, and any trace he and his organization were ever there. ‘We shall devour this world.’ He thought, chuckling darkly. ‘And not even their precious Titan and Emperor will be able to stand against us.’
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 years
Second Chance
Somewhat inspired by @unmaskedagain and her stories. Or well the pairing came from it. 
If you like my stuff, maybe support me on Ko-Fi?
 After it’s all over, after Hawkmoth is dead, Marinette breaks down screaming. She screams and rages. Not just for the fact she finally can- she can finally break without worry- but also for her partner. Chat Noir lays on the ground… Adrien lays on the ground with a sword through his gut and her frantically trying to heal him while Hawkmoth- Gabriel whatever- stares in horror.
 “It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” Hawkmoth screams as he’s led away by police, as Paramedics try and heal Adrien. “It wasn’t…”
 It was.
 Adrien was pronounced dead five minutes after Hawkmoth was removed from the scene. And Ladybug left the scene. She left the scene and then as Marinette accepted an internship she’d been offered years ago, vanishing to New York while Lila sprouted claims of having helped lead Ladybug and Chat to Hawkmoth, of her fake sobs about being forced to go along with Gabriel’s plots. 
 Who’d believe the terrorist over a pretty Italian girl?
 Marinette vanished into America and never resurfaced. She didn’t care that Lila was lying. She’d gotten over that years ago thanks to Adrien finally realizing how bad her lies were and trying to help. She didn’t care that her class was still following Lila. She didn’t care her parents barely realized she was gone- treating her like an adult for most of her life helped with that. All she cared about was her shattered heart. 
 Luka and Kagami kept in contact. Chloe she saw when the blonde visited her mother. Everything else was gone.
 She was broken. After all, Ladybug and Black Cat holders were two parts of the same whole. They were yin and yang. And she’d lost her Cat. She was broken in a way only another Black Cat could heal. But she couldn’t let herself find one. 
 She was lost. 
 And then she ran into a redhead who was carrying a little girl and talking on the phone.
 “Yeah, I’ll be there. Just got to figure out who can watch Lian for about a week. Or more depending on how long this… stuff will take.” Roy Harper says into the phone while Lian whines about being bored. Jason snorts over the phone.
 “You have her with you? Trying to keep her vocabulary clean still?” Jason taunts his friend and Roy laughs. 
 “Oh bite me,” Roy tells him just as a young woman nearly runs into him, the woman busy talking into her own phone. “Whoa! Watch it!” The woman jerks.
 “Oh, Kwami- I’m so sorry.” She does look sorry. “I wasn’t- no Luka I’m talking- look can I call you back? Thanks.” She hangs up her phone as Roy hangs up his after a similar conversation with Jason. “Marinette. I’m sorry for nearly running into you.”
 “Roy. And I’m more worried about what would have happened to my kid.” Lian is hiding her face in his shoulder. Good girl for being wary of strangers. Marinette looks even more apologetic.
 “There’s a cafe near here with cute cookies that look like animals if you’ll let me make it up to you?” And well cookies and animals are Liam’s weakness. Or maybe they’re every seven-year-old’s weakness. Lian eagerly accepts the offering and Roy laughs while Marinette leads them to the cafe. 
 It’s fun and light and soon they’re trading numbers to keep in touch. Roy has his mission with the Outlaws but he finds himself texting Marinette often. Lian when he calls her- staying with Tim Drake for a few weeks- wants to see the pretty lady again. And Roy… wouldn’t mind it. 
 They meet up when Roy’s back in New York and Marinette isn’t running around dealing with a fashion show. They meet up at a park to play with Lian and get ice cream, Marinette telling the story of how there is a magic ice-cream seller in Paris who can give you ice cream based on the person you’re in love with and well Roy has heard weirder things. Sounds like this guy isn’t trying to take over the world. Not like that Hawkmoth guy who the Justice League only realized was real when he got arrested. That had Green Lantern looking stupid while Wonder Woman ripped him a new one. 
 Marinette tells stories about Ladybug and her team to Lian who loves them and adores hearing about any hero. Luckily she doesn’t mention Roy and his skills. It’s safe and wonderful and he loves it.
 Roy and Lian are bright lights in a long sea of pain for Marinette. She loves spending time with them, laughing and playing games together. She loves going to the park with Lian or going to a movie with Roy. 
 Roy winces when she mentions alcohol and so she avoids it- not enjoying drinking anyway- and focuses on other things like movies or museums or even some science expo Roy was thrilled about. 
 Max was there to and he’d seen her. He came up to her to speak and apologize for never believing her as a kid about Lila. Apparently, she was lying about dating him now as she tried to catch some fame Max had concerning his AI and robotics research. They hug and Marinette… she’s better then she was before. She’s still broken and pained but she feels human enough to say it’s okay and she forgives him now. Roy gets a bit of a rundown of how Marinette was treated in college and lycee, and also it brings up her parents and their expectations and treatment of her.
 She keeps in contact with them, but they stopped being parents long ago. They started treating her like an adult at ten and she never really looked back.
 Roy’s quiet for a few minutes after hearing this before he rolls up his sleeves to show track marks and begins his tale of being adopted by a billionaire from a Navajo reserve. He speaks of loving his adoptive father but being thrown out by him upon becoming addicted to drugs and struggling to get clean only to fall into alcoholism. How his friends helped him get clean, but Lian was what had him stay clean. 
 “I know a thing about bad parents.” He finishes and Marinette hugs him tight. It’s not the same but they both carry trauma from their parents. 
 They aren’t dating but something about Roy makes her feel alive again.
 Roy introduces Marinette to Kori and Jason when they’re in New York for Lian’s birthday. Marinette came to the party with handmade dolls of the Heroes of Paris. Lian adores them and happily plays with them while Marinette gets along famously with Kori and finds that she can tease Jason well enough. 
 She’s sunshine and adorable and Roy can’t remember the last time he laughed so much or smiled so bright. Jason and Kori sure notice and drill him about his relationship with the girl. There isn’t really one outside of friendship but both know they find each other attractive. There’s just something stopping them. For Roy it’s Lian and Jade and Oliver and his addiction. It’s being Arsenal and being part of the Outlaws. 
 For Marinette… well he doesn’t know but she hides her own scars. They’re just not ready yet, and his friends accept it. They still tease though.
 “He’s the next Black Cat isn’t he?” Marinette asks Tikki late at night. The Kwami nods.
 “He is. You need a Cat Marinette, you couldn’t keep going without one without going insane.” Marinette has come a long way since she was a teenager. She misses Adrien, misses her kitty but she’s no fool. Soulmates are a thing but many people can be soulmates. Souls come in many. 
 She just wishes it didn’t hurt so much knowing this.
 She has no idea how to tell Roy. She has no idea how to explain it all to him. She doesn’t know how to tell him she’s the Guardian for a box that holds what amount to magical nukes. She just doesn’t.
 She thinks she’s lucky when aliens attack and Roy suits up in front of her, apologizing for lying, saying he’s sorry. 
 She kisses him and it’s their first kiss and means so much. She grins at him and transforms.
 “Roy Harper.” She says to him, pulling out a silver ring. “This is the Miraculous of the Black Cat, the Kwami of Destruction inside. Every Ladybug needs a Black Cat with her. I fell for you without knowing you’re a possibility. But you are. Will you take this responsibility… and be with me?”
 “...Hell yeah.”
 It’s not perfect. Roy and Marinette know they need to speak more, that more stories need to be told, and more pain needs to be uncovered. But as Roy and Marinette power up and fight, all they can think is that they got their second chance.
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kingofthecon · 3 years
@flynnfletchr​ Stanford was doing that thing where he tried to pace a hole into the floor of their hotel room and it had become aggravating thirty minutes ago. "Ford." The slightly older twin didn't seem to hear his younger brother and continued pacing in the same spot - arms behind his back as he mumbled about whether or not he still had time to come up with a different project for the science fair. The answer? No. Not unless he could come up with something in less than twelve hours. "Ford. Please. I don't wanna knock you unconscious but so help me I will if it means we both get some sleep. It'll be fine." Stanford Pines looked towards his twin who was laying flat on his stomach at the edge of the bed with his arms beneath his head. The scowl he wore read as 'try me', and caused Stanford to slow to a stop. He looked bent out of shape, almost miserable and Stanley Pines didn't understand why. They went to several science fairs and Ford was always a shoe-in for first or second place. Maybe that was the reason why? The teenagers from Danville were competing in this particular contest of dorks and though Ford appreciated the friendly competition and the challenge that came with trying to one up the boys each year, it was clear that Ford didn't like it when he lost to them. He wasn't exactly a sore loser, but he wasn't a gracious loser either. He would put on a front, accept whatever place he'd taken, and then go back to the drawing board to hopefully come up with something even better to showcase his intelligence all while grumbling under his breath and talking like an actual super villain. Who uses the words RUE THE DAY in a legitimate conversation? "For one, you literally don't have time to come up with something else for this thing unless you decide to make a Mentos and Cola volcano using a Styrofoam cup cause that's what I have on me, and I don't think that'll even win a first grade science fair project. Secondly, you're a genius in a room full of geniuses. If you're that desperate then I can probably steal or sabotage someone's project for you which--don't look at me like that, I just wanted to make sure you weren't too far gone which brings me to bulletin three. Everyone knows that you have a high IQ. The highest IQs. The tallest mountain in the world of IQs. You don't really have to prove yourself so just relax." "Stanley, you don't understand. Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher have an extensive history with their creations. I'm just a kid from Jersey who came out of nowhere." "Sixer, everyone loves the underdog. Besides, you three practically share the limelight at these things. You guys are top brass. Nothin' wrong with a little friendly competition to keep the blood flowin'." "Stanley, you're supposed to be on my side!" "I am on your side. One hundred percent. Otherwise I would have shoved you into the hallway so I could get some semblance of sleep. Instead I'm trying to talk you out of coming up with a list of junk you could make in the next like, eleven hours. You created a functioning robot girl complete with artificial intelligence and everything. You've skipped like, a hundred of these fairs to perfect Stannabelle." "She's an android and that is not her name." "The point is that you'll probably have even Tony friggin' Stark or Bruce Wayne lookin' your way. I mean, that's part of the reason why you chose this particular science fair, right? Who knows. Maybe once you're outta West Coast Tech you'll get picked up by Stark Industries or Wayne Enterprises? Oh, what about Star Labs?" "That's why this has to be perfect!" With a whine, Stanley rolled over and allowed himself to fall out of the bed. He wasn't on the floor long; rising to his feet he made his way towards the closet where the robot girl was sitting in her charging station. If anyone looked at the bot they would believe it to be a human with Stan and Ford as her big brothers. Stanley crossed his arms and presented to Ford his own creation. "Earth to nerd. The kid's perfect." "She sounds like I installed a Speak & Spell as her voice modulator." "Okay, so you missed something when you programmed her. Just, I dunno, take apart the TV if ya gotta do somethin'. Just...you need to relax. It'll be fine." He pat the android on top of her head and closed the closet door before flopping back down on the bed. "Just...you know, do it quietly? Some of us wanna walk around the Expo and sneak into places they shouldn't." "You're going to get us kicked out." "Probably yeah, so make the most of it. I'm goin' ta bed. Try not to stay up too late. Night, nerd." "Night, pain in my side brother who occasionally makes sense when it's convenient for him." "Too long. Try again." With that Stanley pulled back the covers and spread out for sleep leaving Ford to figure out what to do. He'd brought extra parts and equipment in case something went wrong so...like Stanley had suggested, he began to work on fixing the voice modulator with parts around their hotel room. ____________________________
Morning arrived way too fast and was thus slept through meaning that Stanley woke around noon. His awakening was accompanied by a terrified scream as a face way too close to his for comfort came into focus as he opened his eyes. He rolled off the bed in his attempt to get away and orient himself with his surroundings. His fall came with a one man laugh track which caused Stanley to zero in on the culprit. "Are you alright, Uncle Stan?" a little girl with the too expressive for what should have been a robot's face asked him. Stanley, a little unnerved with the realistically human sounding voice looked passed her and towards his twin who was far too proud of himself. "Peachy," he answered as his twin tried to hide his laughter behind a six fingered hand. Stanley pulled himself up so that he was kneeling against the side of the bed. More awake and aware now he realized what this meant. He turned to Ford and he grinned at him while patting his "niece" on top of her head. "This is great! So ya managed to fix the voice issue. Good job, and nice to finally meet you, kiddo." "My designation is not "Kiddo". I am Alpha 001 - SP." Stanford had such a proud look on his face while Stanley just slow blinked at the two of them before he began moving around the room to change into his clothes for the day. "Okay, but I'm calling you Allie for short. "But my designation--" "--Is a mouthful. No one is gonna call ya that except for the uppity geeks who want to sound professional and use big words all the time. 'sides, when someone has a long name like that people usually give'em nicknames. For example, Stanford over there tends to go by Ford while I, Stanley, go by Stan or Lee." The little android was silent for a moment, most likely computing the information she'd received or something before she finally nodded her head in understanding. "Very well. I will accept this as a secondary form of address. "Excellent! You've really outdone yourself, Sixer. Allie's perfect! Though I hope you slept. Anyway, I'mma go walk around the place and get breakfast." A look to the clock had him groaning. "Or brunch, apparently. You two should get ready for later this afternoon. I'll meet you at your booth or whatever." Once completely dressed with his hair and teeth brushed, the younger twin made his way from the hotel room and sighed as he headed towards his destination. Though he was happy to be here to support his brother, he didn't really feel as though he belonged. There'd been a few times in the past where he'd gotten mistaken for his brother, but once they realized the mix-up and asked him questions pertaining to his brother's project Stanley had only succeeded in making a fool of himself. He wasn't smart. He was barely above average and in a turn of crazy events he ended up being made fun of. It reminded him of the bullies back home in Glass Shard Beach, specifically Crampelter and his cronies, but back then it was never this...bad? This humiliating? Though it didn't happen often, it did happen enough that he hated coming to these things. He'd never tell his brother though. Stanford had been teased all his life for his Polydactyly and for being the smartest person in any room. Stanley could bite the bullet of being the odd one out for a change, especially when it only happened once every year or every other year. Stanley hummed to himself as he entered the elevator which went from hotel to convention center. He rocked back and forth on the heels of his feet the balls of his toes as he mentally counted the floors as they lit up. Once the doors opened and he stepped out he found himself tripping over something. He blinked as he stumbled out of the elevator. A part of him wondered if he'd tripped over some nerds project garnering the reaction of, 'oh shit!' and 'at least that'll knock out one of Ford's competitors. When he actually looked at what he'd tripped over, however... "What the heck are you s'posed to be?" He crouched in front of the teal duck bill beaver tailed...thing, and poked at it to make sure that he hadn't hurt it. "You lost and tryin' to catch the elevator, little guy? Or are you a girl? whatevenareyou?" He moved to pick up the creature just to make sure with no regards for safety (the creature could absolutely bite him after all), but his love of animals outweighed his need to be careful.
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All 65 ho! 😤
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
I mean I guess kind of sometimes? As someone with ADHD, object permanence is a big thing so if I don't see you, you aren't real xD
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Um, it varies, actually. Generally speaking, I'm not afraid. But sometimes I have lots of nightmares and the darkness is awful and I will deadass sleep with the light on. Also while I'm not afraid, if I hear sounds, I am terrified xD
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Jason Mamoa. He seems like a fine person but something about his appearance triggers my fight or flight.
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
I think maybe either a birch or a weeping willow?
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
That's not yellow
7. What shirt are you wearing?
I'm wearing a green Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time shirt that my sister got for me a few years ago at Fan Expo.
8. What do you label yourself as?
Panromantic asexual. Gender identity wise, demigirl. I recently learned what omnisexual is and I'm curious, but I don't want to come out again so panromantic it is xD
9. Bright room or dark room?
Bright! Lots of sunlight for plants and reading!
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was being trained at work
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I think 18, just because mentally I'm still there.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My boyfriend :3 I miss him.
13. Your worst enemy?
Dickface. He called me his step daughter once and I almost fucking lost it in that Tim Hortons. I had to fight so hard not to say anything. I was also fighting some pretty rough food poisoning that week so I was not in the mood to argue xD
14. What is your current desktop picture?
On my computer? I think it's a rat xD it's either me with Cortana on my shoulder or Willow peeking through some bars, I can't remember.
15. Do you like someone?
I like my boyfriend. A lot. I mean I hope I do since we have been dating for 6 years xD but I also have a celebrity squish. Patrick Dempsey. Motherfucker. Yes. That smile. Those EYES.
16. The last song you listened to?
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
That power hungry cheeto. But only if I wouldn't get caught.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Dickface. He is a child abuser and just a shitty person all around. I called him a stupid idiot on my birthday and lost my fucking mind because I didn't actually mean to and he looked PISSED.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I don't know who, but I would make them cuddle because I am touched starved and need a fucking hug xD
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
I'm doing this all in my phones notes so I can't add a picture, but I love my tattoos and piercings! I have both nostrils pierced, my septum and snakebites. Tattoo wise, I have the Triforce of Courage on my left hand, a small blue hard on my right thumb, a beautiful memorial rat tattoo on my left leg, Midna's Fused Shadow on my left arm and Expecto Patronum on my right wrist. I. Need. More.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Not gonna lie, I'd probably jerk off xD
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
If I shared it, it wouldn't be a secret.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I... don't know
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
I would stick with my normal Subway order: lettuce, tomato, red onions, LOTS OF PICKLES, cheese, black forest ham, mayo and salt and pepper.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Not gonna lie, I would probably get some Subway and maybe some candle making supplies.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
California. I miss my boyfriend. Let's go.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
Joke's on you, I don't really drink alcohol! I would instead request all the apple juice :')
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Pet rats for everyone!!!!
29. What is your favorite expletive?
I enjoy cunt :3
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My little stuffed lion. I would also grab my teddy bear seeing as they are always together.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? (Tw rape for this question)
I mean... all of these experiences have made me who I am. But if i can erase one experience without changing who I am, it would be nice to not have been raped.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
I would say Indonesia because volcanoes! But I am also very gay and I don't believe that is a gay friendly country... so... maybe Japan? All of this assuming that the boyfriend is with me. If not, then California.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My grandpa. I really miss him... I want him to see how far I've come and I want to spend more time with him.
34. What was your last dream about?
I have been having a weird amount of sex dreams lately...
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Rat mom? I like to think so! Shameless plug, but I have a blog here called @ratpotatoez where you can see my beautiful chonks. I'm also on Facebook and YouTube.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
I mean yes? But not for like an overnight stay.
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
Fuck socks
39. What type of music do you like?
Depends on my mood. I love heavier, alternative rock but my heart will forever belong to Simple Plan.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I think they're both really lovely!
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don't like football. The only sport I watch is hockey.
43. Do you have any scars?
I am covered in self harm scars (I'm working on covering them up with tattoos). I don't really have any scars with cool stories. I had one that went down my arm but somehow it healed??? Someone in gym class accidentally took a chunk out of my arm with their finger nail and I had a hole in my arm for the longest time!!! I also have a scar on my knee from when I was really young, maybe 3 or 4. I was balancing on some bricks in someone's garden and I lost my balance, fell, and hit my knee on the brick. I remember there being blood running all down my leg as I screamed and cried. So that was fun.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I don't know. I do know, though, that I want to go to culinary school. I also want to go to school for creative writing.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My weight. I gained 100+lbs when I went off my anti-depressants and I swelled up like a balloon. I've felt like shit about myself ever since.
46. Are you reliable?
I sure as shit hope so!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Was it worth it...?
48. Do you hold grudges?
I try not to, but I think I do ._.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
"I just really want to punch this horse in the face, okay?"
51. Are you a good liar?
I think so, yes. Trauma does that to you.
52. How long could you go without talking?
When I get super super drained, I go mute. I can stop talking for days at a time.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
I once left the hair dressers with essentially what was a fucking bowl cut. Yea, I wasn't thrilled. I refused to remove my hat.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes. At 3AM. Because fuck a healthy sleep schedule.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
I can do an okay British accent and an okay Indian accent.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter. Just butter.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Um... I don't remember the last time I drew. Actually, that's a lie. I tried drawing a "small town doctor" while playing Drawful. I drew a very tiny doctor with a city skyline behind him.
58. What would be you dream car?
Literally anything with the popup headlights.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I talk to myself in the shower. Granted, I do that everywhere xD it's the only way I can work through my thoughts. I also cry in the shower a lot.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
Yes. We can't be the only ones here.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
I don't really have a favourite. But I do like D. Mostly because it's the first letter of my boyfriends name, but also it reminds me of a woman I helped while working in tech support. She needed help figuring out her gif keyboard so I helped and she was so excited when I told her how to search for gifs. She then started giggling like a little girl saying she wondered what might happen if she searched for DICK. She made my day xD I think about her a lot. I hope she's doing well.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Don't do this to me...
64. What do you think about babies?
I like babies a lot. Like so much. I have super colourful hair, too, so they seem fascinated with me :') but their little chubby cheeks omg
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
Fun fact: I actually really like the smell of wet dog. It's kind of a really comforting smell.
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comicsteve-blog · 4 years
23ish Things I’ve Learned about the World from Coronavirus.
This is not meant to belittle any of the chaos but to offer some slightly humorous perspective. Here are my quick observations on our new world:
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1)      ‘Driveway drinks’ are all the rage. - I’m a ‘social social’ distancer (SSD) and proactively socialize from 10-12 feet away.  Most of us have reluctantly embraced social distancing.  However, if you’re a social person, the creative emphasis is on the “social” part, not the “distance”.  New taglines are emerging such as “Hey let’s eat not together”, “Facetime drinks anyone?”, or “Love to see you from 7 feet away!”  Personal space will never be…. the ……     same.
·        (as an aside, there’s definitely a subset of the population who's thrilled to have a valid reason to be as anti-social as possible... you people know who you are).
2)      Join me for a scotch by phone!  Zoom video happy hours (ZVHH) will be a new thing.  And they’re much cheaper to host - I open the Zoom room, you bring your own alcohol. Pants not required.
3)      Household dynamics have changed - Stay at home moms & dads now have stressed out working from home husbands & wives, plus children learning at home. You’re forced to share your space, which can cause major distress.  Soon each person will be assigned a room. Who gets the kitchen as their safe space? Who gets the bathroom? Trades will be made, fights will occur.  I’ll trade you an avocado for use of the toilet.
4)      Pre-Corona sanitizing – was there any?  With everyone’s justified obsession with constant handwashing and sanitizing, it begs the question: Were we all dirty and unsanitary beforehand??  Was the subway ever sanitary?  When was the last time my crappy gym was cleaned? Howie Mandel aside, I’m just not clear on where we stood on cleanliness in the past?    
5)      Demographic trends are emerging – Here are the top predicted trends that will emerge in the coming months/years: Corona-babies.  Corona-divorces.  Highest percentage of babies born to the recently divorced.  Babies named Corona to honor their conception.  Babies born very, very clean.
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6)      Spouse anxiety inequity (SAI) – This occurs when your spouse is exponentially more worried than you are.  You’re ok with washing hands and taking basic precautions. But you’re not as keen to go apesh*t with your paranoia.  One spouse is freaking out, the other is fine. Kids are confused, households divided.  There are hand washing timers and toilet paper square limits.  Of course, intimacy is out of the question until everything has been sufficiently washed for 20 seconds or more.
7)      Newfound family time (NFT) - People have discovered things they never knew existed: 1) walks are a thing 2) family togetherness 3) nature.  We didn’t need Trump to make America great again, it was the coronavirus.  If there’s one thing we can be grateful for:  newfound family love 😊.  (note: too much of this will promptly lead to divorce).
8)      Emails, so many emails! – Every company I’ve ever shopped or transacted at in the past 15 years has sent me emails.  I get hundreds a day from businesses I forgot all about.  It’s good to be back in touch Pilates studio I went to once 11 years ago! And I’m glad to hear you’re disinfecting your counters.
9)      Physical greetings have eternally changed - Hand shaking is gone forever.  Fist bumping is thankfully gone.  Elbow shakes are a new thing. Head nods are nice.  Finger guns are making a strong comeback.  What else will emerge?
10)   Rules about remote schooling – While teaching virtually, schools are encouraging kids to use Facetime and social media to be safe. Education by Tik-tok??  Despite the near term logic, everything we’ve been yelling at them about the past 10 years is out the window!  Between social distancing and strictly electronic communication, I worry if kids will ever learn to talk to people in person?  Is eye contact still a thing?
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On the other hand, it’s a strange kind of torture for kids to be out of school yet unable to see their friends or play ball in the park.
11)   Conversation about anything but Coronavirus is no longer a thing - I for one am burned out.  I’m not trying to downplay the chaos; I’m just anxious and frustrated at having the same conversation repeatedly.   Can we maybe discuss something else - even for a minute?  Still, regardless of whatever topic you begin to explore during dinner, it inevitably gets turned back to COVID-19 in the end (even sex).
12)   Watching the news is the most dangerous activity you can do - Nothing brings panic and anxiety more than CNN.  By the way, has anything else happened in the news in the past week?  Isn’t this an election year?  I don’t know that I’ve heard any other stories. I feel badly for people who get sick or injured from non-COVID19 things… no one seems to care. (unless of course you’re Tom Hanks and have contracted COVID-19).
13)   Reevaluating what you buy in the grocery store - You used to have a plan.  Now you gladly take whatever’s left on the shelf. We don’t eat this.  We do now!  
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·        Only loser pasta is left.  Gluten free, pasta made from chickpeas (what??).
·        While the chicken is gone, there’s tons of fake meat available.  Impossible!
·        As a related aside, is there a reason everyone’s buying 18 cartons of toilet paper?  Does coronavirus cause diarrhea? (does fake meat?)
·        What’s the protocol for produce?  It’s out and has clearly been touched.  Hmmm. To be safe, I recommend turning all fruit into sangria “to kill the germs”
·        Finally, I almost got into a knife fight at Shoprite last night because some fool tried to grab a bag of that delicious yellow Vigo rice out of my shopping cart.  Some things are worth fighting for (as an aside, you can have my gluten free bread and oat milk).
14)   The accidental cough (TAC) - God forbid someone coughs or sneezes publicly; they’re immediately met with dread.  How dare you! Stay away! A sneeze on the bus is perhaps the most appalling thing anyone could do right now.  The dry cough?  Even worse.  Please keep your non-corona bodily reactions to yourself.
15)   Homemade hand sanitizer is a thing – I heard some are wasting perfectly good Tito’s vodka to try and make their own hand sanitizer.  Tito’s had to put out a statement that it doesn’t work because the alcohol content is too low.  In unrelated news, the moonshine business is really taking off nicely.
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16)   Watching sports – Seems like the sports networks, having run out of things to discuss, are now playing classics.  I enjoyed the Mets-Expos 17 inning game from 1988 but seriously there’s got to be better programming options.  We’re all home watching TV after all.  BTW, if COVID-19 can’t boost network TV ratings, I’m not sure what could. (also please stop broadcasting video game football, that’s not a real sport).
17)   Avoid large gatherings - Done.  Small gatherings are all the rage.  50+ no good. 49 or under… no problem.  (note this # changes daily, soon 7 will be the new cap).
18)   Bars were closed on St. Patrick’s Day ☹ - This is an oxymoron.  So what are we to do?  Host a Zoom happy hour of course.  Up to 49 people can attend (not sure I know that many people).  I do feel bad for bar owners – their Superbowl has been cancelled.
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19)   No fighting – Somewhat related to St. Patty’s, fighting is now a thing of the past. You can aggressively curse someone out for coughing in public.  Unless that person is unconcerned, there will be no physical retaliation.  Go ahead, try it.
20)   Travel deals anyone?  Sure I imagine all travel may be shut down soon…. But in the meantime, you can quickly (and irresponsibly) book a trip to Florida for $50, the Caribbean for $75, or the space station on the moon for $179.  Depending on your risk tolerance and recklessness, this is a great opportunity to see the world.
21)   Ignore the stock market – Like everybody else, I watch in disgust as my investments plunge.  But I don’t need this money tomorrow, so I’m doing my best to ignore it.  Plus there are some obvious areas to potentially invest in:  Zoom.  Reckitt Benckiser (owns Lysol).  Gojo Industries (owns Purell).  P&G (TP).  Netflix.  And of course alcohol and cannabis companies are always a safe bet.
22)   Classes at the Polo Club are shut down – this is perhaps the worse tragedy of all. The Polo Club in Boca Raton has canceled its classes. For fk’s sake!  If my 75-year-old mother can’t start her day with Zumba, all hell is sure to break lose.  As a related aside, mah-jongg tiles are basically carriers in and of themselves. You’ve never seen a Florida community spread a virus until a mah-jongg tournament gets underway.
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23)   Observe young children and animals -  I realize that sounds awfully inappropriate.  But I love the fact that my dog and kids playing outside are so innocent and naïve during these times. They don’t seem to have a worry in the world and keep enjoying life with a smile (or tail wag).  Think like a child or a puppy, maybe you’ll feel better for a moment or two.
 Kidding aside, we’re all doing our best to control this pandemic and get over the hump…. I leverage humor to treat my pain, and I think we all could use a little levity right now. Eventually, we’ll overcome and be back to a new normal (minus handshakes and in-person happy hours).  
If you need me, I’ll be performing in an empty comedy club down the street.  Stay tuned for my next post – foolproof tips on working from home!   Stay safe my friends, Steve
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Stephen Strauss survived the corporate world for 20+ years and is now a content and marketing consultant. He’s performed stand-up comedy hundreds of times at comedy clubs and corporate functions including sales meetings and customer events. Research confirms his jokes made his fellow co-workers 47% happier.
Please connect at [email protected], via LinkedIn, or just open your window and scream his name (that's probably safest).
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signor-signor · 5 years
Fan-Written First Part of S3, Cold Open Idea, CM Permission, and D23
It’s been 6 years since the sneak peek of the third episode of Wander Over Yonder premiered (The Greatest was first, The Egg was second, The Picnic was third). It’s also been slightly over 4 years since The Greater Hater premiered. And in case you haven’t guessed by now, I recently had one of those “Fine, I’ll do it myself” moments.
Taking into account what @suspendersofdisbelief said about the start of S3 as well as my fan-made premise of The Stranger, I put together a mini-script of how I think the first minute would go. Disney’s apparent inability to appease Wander fans has given me cause to take on such a task. Remember, I came up with it all by myself. I may be a full-fledged Disney employee, but I doubt the majority of what you’re about to read would be used in the real thing if S3 actually happens.
DOMINATOR, livid and ragged, is shown on the left side of the screen, still walking in her orbble.
DOMINATOR: (cursing to herself) Sazza-frazza galaxy...
DOMINATOR: My ship... My bots... My powers... All GONE! (screaming at the top of her lungs) HOW DID I LOSE TO A BUNCH OF DORKS?!!
Dominator sits down and grumpily sighs.
DOMINATOR: What’s the point? (looking behind her at the recovering planets) That bonehead Hater overpowered me, the planets I destroyed are teeming with life again, and I’ve got nothing.
MEDIUM SHOT of Dominator
DOMINATOR: (pulling out her smartphone) If it wasn’t for that fuzzy banjo guy and his zbornak friend, I totally would’ve won!
Dominator’s POV - The PICTURE she took in The Flower appears on the phone’s screen.
DOMINATOR: Still, I had so much fun tormenting those two...
MEDIUM SHOT of Dominator
DOMINATOR: (smirking a little) ...and I’d do it again if I could. (putting the phone away and standing back up) Well, that’s enough reminiscing. I gotta find something else to eat. (looking straight ahead with wide eyes) Huh?
DOMINATOR: (approaching the door, quizzically) What the grop...?
Dominator sticks her hand through the orbble, turns the knob, opens the door, gasps in amazement, and enters the VOID, closing the door behind her.
Cross fade to a shot closing in on a DOWNED SPACE POD from the USA, flashing green lightning irrationally.
A faint figure in a space suit steps out. All we see are a silhouette and a pair of eyes, on which the camera zooms in. The eyes very briefly glow green.
The face of the figure fades to that of LORD HATER in a close-up shot.
And that’s my prediction of the first minute of S3. Don’t ask me to keep it going because I still have no idea what the threat of S3 looks like. If someone can make a storyboard of this, great. If we get Noël Wells to record the lines, also great.
Also, since Disney’s still taking WAAAY too long to appease the fans, consider, if you will, a cold open taking place before the new title sequence, which would take place just before the first minute of S3 with Dominator...
In this one, Ms. Myrtle the Eternal Turtle would read from a massive book and give the viewers a recap of the important highlights in Seasons 1 and 2. She would then find the last chunk of pages missing from the book (representing Season 3) and suspect that Phan Gnee (AKA “Dizz” Gnee - get it?), a stubborn archivist who is shown with a large paper bag on his head, was responsible for hiding the pages from the public for a very long time.
Ms. Myrtle warps to a recovered planet that is home to the Dizz Gnee Company and asks Dizz why the book is incomplete. Dizz claims that no one was interested in Wander’s story because everyone was more interested in the more popular properties, including the Mystery Kids Mysteries cartoon, Storm vs. the Demons of Doom anime and manga, the QuackTales reboot comics, and the new Phunnie Phinster (mascot of Phunulon) shorts. He also says he published the book and only he gets to call the shots.
Ms. Myrtle tells Dizz there’s so much more that must be revealed, especially Lord Hater’s origin story, as evidenced in the book’s table of contents. She also states that the author of the book has many years of experience (referencing Craig himself) and most likely worked harder on it than anybody else did on the works favored by Dizz Gnee. Lastly, she kindly asks Dizz to save the book so anyone who reads it will have complete satisfaction and be even more inspired to help folks and spread kindness. When Dizz refuses, Ms. Myrtle menacingly talks him into giving back the last pages or she’ll destroy the universe, and when he does as he’s told, she politely asks him if he would like to hear more of the story of Wander’s adventures in the Watchdogs’ galaxy.
It’s all just an idea. I thought this would be a fun way to summarize the overall story so far, acknowledge the executives’ incompetence (like Futurama once did), and get S3 started. It might turn out to be a 2-3 minute pre-S3 short instead. Who knows? I may even come up with a transcript in the future.
Anyone who loves the show and shows interest in the plans for S3 deserves to know everything about S3. I wonder, are Cast Members such as myself able to take a peek at the pitch for WOY’s third and final season? I mean, I didn’t work over 3 and a half years at Disneyland, sign the highest beam for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, get an education in life painting and engineering technology, spend a number of weeks working on fan stuff with Illustrator, or put together a Star Nomad microgame to be denied to know what was presented in February of 2015. So please, Disney bosses, prove to us Wander fans there’s kindness in your hearts and show the world how @crackmccraigen would make the world a better place (once he’s done with Kid Cosmic, that is).
Here I go again, rambling as usual. Anyway, if I as a Cast Member can see the pitch, I promise not to tell the public.
And one last thing: if anyone is going to the D23 Expo this month, please-please-please spread awareness of the show’s existence and its unresolved cliffhanger. Just be sure you do it in a way that isn’t off-putting, though. Believe it or else, Wander Over Yonder was promoted there back in 2013. This is the 10th anniversary of D23, so it should be a good time to bring up our interest in WOY’s shelved S3 plans. If you find anyone who worked on WOY, especially Frank Angones, let them know that SaveWOY will never surrender! Also, while you’re there, feel free to share my Illustrator images - you have my permission.
The Season Covers (inspired by the Star Wars trilogy VHS set)
The First 5 Years (includes a Hidden Mickey)
The Drastic Attempt to Escape (intricate way to portray ownership)
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thewhitefluffyhat · 5 years
So this week has been a rollercoaster in MagiReco for me.
Sorry for not getting to replies from last weekend until today - was traveling to LA to see the Anime Expo MagiReco panel!
Which was very cool, by the way.  Maybe if you listen closely to a recording of the stream you can hear me screaming about RikaRen and “is that Kuro?!?”, haha.
Also, since the f4 producer was actually there, I’m really regretting not cosplaying as Karin and bringing a “Have you seen my senpai?” sign.  (whyyyy did that idea only occur to me AFTER the panel?  lol)  
Unfortunately, while AX MagiReco NA panel was fun, on literally the same day, I got around to reading the updates on the JP server... and it promptly cratered my interest in the game to a new low by killing what I enjoyed about my favorite trash ship.
Yeah that was a weird 24 hours.  
In hindsight, it was pretty hilarious how such a tiny, inconsequential little thing destroyed so much of my trust in the game.  I guess I hadn’t consciously registered just how much this game’s writing was on thin ice for me when all it took was a poorly done joke to be the last straw.
Will probably write a longer post on it this weekend after Mifuyu’s costume story releases.  Still feeling in a ranty mood and wondering if others will see it the same way I did.
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linearao3 · 5 years
Challenge prompt for February; Rey and Ben are texting each other filthy things to rile each other up before they get home to do said filthy things to each other
The prompt does not explicitly specify, but I have derived from, uh, context clues, that this is intended, like the last anonymous prompt, for the Rey and Ben of Kohelet 3:16, in their LA life.  And that is what I have delivered.  Doing the text formatting I did in the story proper is kind of exhausting on Tumblr, so you will have to figure out who is typing from their style.  (When I answered the prompt on Friday night, I was like, “This is probably among the dirtiest things I’ve ever written.”  But I may have topped myself?)
i miss u
Oh, you do, do you?
I’ve heard that one before.
yeah u have
so u know what i mean
You mean you miss my mouth on your cunt.
oh I miss lots of things
but yeah now that u mention it…
its a very nice mouth
Yes, well, I’m extremely busy clerking, so you’ll just have to wait.
ben. we both know how good u are @ waiting.
But we’re talking about YOU waiting.
uh huh
u kno i went to work in just a camisole today
it’s too hot out for bras
if I get too turned on someone might notice
but ur busy clerking so i guess im just gonna have to finish out the day like this
but ur answering ur texts
I’m going to stop now. I’m going to put my phone in my bag on silent and read this brief.
ben if i come to ur office wd you fuck me in a bathroom?
if u came to mine we have this nice supply closet full of snacks
u cd have fruit leather AND get ur dick sucked
sounds fun right??
sounds fun to me
i love it when im sucking ur cock and u start pushing ur hips
like u cant help it
like u need it
does it feel good?
fucking my mouth like that?
i love it when u pull my hair and make me take ur cock
oh u cn def see my nips thru my shirt ben
someone’s gonna walk by and see and think code compiling makes me hot
or maybe they’ll think
oh she’s prolly texting her bf i bet he fucks her good
bet shes a dirty little slut for him
bet shes wet right now just thinking about the sounds he makes when she gets on her knees and sucks him off
shdnt a brief be short ben its called a brief
I’m not your boyfriend. And “good” doesn’t apply to what I’m going to do to you when I get home, Rey.
u kno thats how i like it
Yes; I know just how you like it.
you do. 
I would have anyway. You didn’t have to go through all this. All you have to do is ask nicely, once, when we’re both home.
i AM asking nicely.
arent i?
oh shd i say please?
Yes. You should. You have no manners.
PLEASE show me what happens to dirty little sluts with no manners
You murderous little bitch, you’re going to kill me.
dont die ben
if u die i might have to fuck someone else, and they wouldn’t be as good
English lacks vocabulary to express how evil you are.
but i only want u
because ur my favorite and i love you best
You daughter of Lilith.
I’m going to make you scream.
lol guess what
What, Rey.
delays on the expo line
im still downtown
u at home yet?
I wouldn’t be texting you if I were driving.
a safe driver AND a nice cock what a husband i have
She knows Ben’s going to be waiting for her just inside the door and he is. He grabs her from behind, her keys still jingling in her hand. “You filthy little brat,” he breathes in her ear, as his right hand moves slowly over the curve of her hip and his left one draws her close. “You made me blush in front of a federal judge. I had to tell her you’d sent me a compliment.”
“I did.” She works her hips against his stiffening cock. “I sent you lots of compliments.”
“You sent me pornography.” Rey wasn’t lying about having forgone a bra. It’s hot; the AC’s on but he has his sleeves rolled up above his elbows. Both his hands come up to toy with her breasts, kneading and teasing. “You sent me a lot of texts about sucking my cock.”
“Oh,” she says. “Did those catch your interest?”
“Get on your fucking knees,” he says, but she can’t; he’s holding her too tightly against him. She tries to pull away, to show him that she can’t do what he says, but he only strengthens his grip and grinds into her.
“You like it?” he asks her. “You like sucking your husband’s cock? Like a good little slut?”
“Not good.” She turns her head, trying to kiss his jaw, his neck. “Naughty. Dirty. Bad.” She licks him, the rough, shaven skin of his neck. It makes her feel like an animal, but she doesn’t care; she can be an animal with him.
“You are bad,” he agrees, “you’re so bad you make me crazy. So bad you make me cry.” He kisses her. His lips are so soft; his tongue is so subtle. “But you look so good with my cock in your mouth.” He loosens his grip and turns her in his arms so he can kiss her more thoroughly. “Show me, Rey.”
She likes to tease him, draw out playing with his belt while she smiles up at him, but he has no patience for that now; she isn’t even on the floor before he has his cock out and one hand on her head. She purses her lips at the head of his cock and takes him into her mouth slowly, stroking him lightly with her tongue. He almost staggers, his other hand grasping her shoulder to keep his balance as he buckles with pleasure.
Their apartment is small, without much empty space; it only takes a little shove from her to have him against the arm of the couch. He leans on it and looks down at her as she works at him with her hands and her mouth. He sighs brokenly before he can gather himself to whisper to her. “Yes. Fuck. Look at you.” She turns her head slightly, looks up at him. His eyes are wide, dazed, staring at her; after only a moment he groans and throws his head back, as if meeting her gaze was too much for him. His hand strokes blindly, clumsily at her hair.
His hips are beginning to make the small, pleading thrusts Rey’d texted him about. She slides her mouth off his cock and stoops a little to take one of his balls in her mouth. His hand clenches on her head and his moan is almost a sob as she sucks gently, then moves to the other with a pop of suction. His free hand clenches on the scratchy felt of the couch. She licks up a drop of pre-come, and puts his cock between her lips again. The taste of him goes so perfectly with the smell of him; she bobs her head at a leisurely, savoring pace, and reaches down to rub herself through her jeans.
He hisses at her, and drags her off him by her hair, ignoring her noises of protest. He turns her around again, unbuttoning her pants, as he pushes her against the arm of the couch. “I know how you like it.” He yanks her pants and underwear to her knees and pushes lightly on her shoulder blades; she falls eagerly. “I know just how you like it. And I am going to make you scream, aren’t I?”
“Yes,” she says into the cushions, and then his fingers are inside her, flexing, beckoning, while the tip of his thumb settles just shy of her clit, pulling at the hood without ever touching the pearl, and Rey groans and twists and kicks her legs helplessly, but his fingers are relentless and her groans become small, aching cries.
Then his other hand closes in her hair, pulling her back into an arch, and she knows what’s coming; he pulls his fingers out of her, and her body, which must have no sense of self-preservation, clenches down as he pushes his cock in. She screams around the wet fingers he thrusts into her mouth as he fucks her, bracing himself against the couch, and he does know just how she likes it; she likes it just like this, just like he gives it to her, her forearms burning where they rub against the felt, her back tight as a bow, and her hips driven into the arm of the couch as he rides her.
“Such a bad girl.” He’s so deep inside her. She ruts back against him frantically; she’s mad with pleasure; she’s an animal in his arms and he will keep her with him. “Don’t I give you what you want?”
“Yes,” she cries. Fuck – fuck – she’s so close. “I need it.”
“You do,” he agrees. “Look at you. Ah. You do.” And he fucks her even harder, until she comes, gasping and thrashing and screaming, again.
The instant she’s quieted down, he pulls out of her and drags her backwards; she isn’t sure if he wants her on her knees or on her back, and she ends up half-slumped against the couch with his left hand in her hair and his right jerking furiously at his cock.
“You wanted to see,” he grits. “Want to see what happens – to dirty little sluts – with no manners?”
“Yes,” she says, “yes, please.”
His jaw is clenched; his hand on her head is clenched. “Call me sir.”
“Please, sir,” she begs, and he drags her close and comes on her face in hot, shocking spurts, choking and groaning above her.
He sways and falls to his knees, cradling her face in his hands, with a stunned look, like he’s bewitched, like he can’t believe what he sees. Then he falls again, backwards, onto the floor, taking her with him, clutched to his chest. “Rachel,” he says, and she can feel it in her bones, the way his deep voice is torn from his chest. “Rachel.”
They lie there on the floor, still half-dressed, soaked with sweat and come, and she hears his heart, like hers, begin to slow. Around the edges of the blinds, the sun is still warm, and the AC hums from the bedroom. His fingers run through her hair, catching on tangles he’s put there himself. They will get up; he will carry her (if she lets him) into the shower, and he’ll wash her carefully, rubbing the soap in thorough, soothing circles, repeating variations on her name, Rey, Rachel, Ruchele. Shaina maidle, habibati, dodi. They will put on clothes again, and order a pizza, or he’ll run down the street to the taco truck on Venice. But for now they just lie here, and she feels him shift, and tells him what he wants to know before he can ask it.
“You are still my favorite,” she says, and kisses his hand, “and I still love you best.”
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josukesonsen · 6 years
Psst you hear the news about them Golden Mafia Bois?
The only worry I have is how David Productions are going to even pull off Vento Aureo and redeem themselves. As much as I love and adored Diamond is Unbreakable anime, I am still bummed out that every intro for part 4 was 2D while the CGI ones always never fail to pump me up. Now, during the JoJo hiatus, David Productions was still working on other anime. At first, I thought David Pro had to hiatus on JoJo due to lack of budget. Understandable. They blew so much money for Stardust Crusaders that Dio ended up looking like this for the finale
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Fortunately, I heard they fixed these Walmart Dios for the Blu-Ray version. But it still doesn’t hide the fact that David Production struggled. And? David Productions had the balls to work on other anime such as Monster Hunter Riders (2016-2018) and Sagrada Reset (2017). So seeing this, I suspected that it wasn’t budget that made us scream “Vento Aureo Never” for two years. I am worried and wondering who is in charge of budgeting in the JoJo team of David Pro. Not to also mention, David Pro tried to satisfy us with these Rohan OVAs but let’s be real, we were all that kid from that one vine where he got an avocado for Christmas. Why am I concerned about all this? If they had a hard time with Dio in Stardust Crusaders and even other characters in Diu (DO NOT FORGET THE BUDGET QUEEN)
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Then I really don’t feel good about David Productions meeting so much high expectations when they are required to draw a cast with crazy patterns
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MISTA’S SHIRT AND PANTS ARE THE FINAL BOSS DAVID PRO HAS TO FIGHT. Jokes aside, I was looking so forward to DiU anime back in 2016 until I began seeing animation errors so early in the season. My JoJo anime magic feels was getting depleted. I love JoJo with all my heart. I genuinely do and it’s one of the series I still constantly obsess over on a daily basis to this day, after my love for JoJo resparked in 2012 (technically introduced to JoJo as a child but I was only read Phantom Blood by my dad who had been following JoJo since it began it’s debut in Shonen Jump and I didn’t follow until Crunchyroll streamed JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure).
As much as I am excited that Vento Aureo anime is even concerned, I really don’t want to sound picky but I would rather wait another year for David Pro to finally get their shit together and save more money to really start of Vento Aureo with a big intro using CGI or at least better and consistent animation. Mind you, Vento Aureo’s protag is feminine. GIORNO IS GONNA BE PINK FOR VA ANIME FOR GOD’S SAKE. And alot of people already shit on Giorno for being “quiet” or not as fun as other JoJos. I don’t want any more Giorno hate fueled with the justification due to poor animation quality. I want JoJo fans (who only follow anime) to be absolutely breath taken from Giorno, his friends, what they are all capable of and how Vento Aureo contributes to the JoJo lore especially that the cursed arrow has a bigger role in this part than its rare air time during Stardust Crusaders and Diamond is Unbreakable.
What made my love for JoJo still consistent for DiU despite so many animation/style changes? The music. Listen, I still blast Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town and other JoJo music in my car because it was so catchy. The music helped me get over the transition to 3D CGI intro to 2D real quick. I am yet to say anything for what will be of Vento Aureo’s debut as an anime. I can only say that I have to wait and see. So the premier of Vento Aureo anime is to be shown at Anime Expo 2018 at Los Angeles, which I will be attending (and bringing my Josuke cosplay for that premier too). I will go and watch Vento Aureo anime screening and update you guys on what’s new and what’s kept the same in Part 5. But as a conclusion, I can only wait until Anime Expo and see what David Productions can manage to cough up. Vento Aureo is so close to my heart and I really don’t want it to be half-assed because David Production wanted to pump this thing out ASAP.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Crunchyroll Features' Favorite Anime of Fall 2018!
The Fall season, and 2018 anime with it, are finished. We’re looking at a lot of big anime titles wrapping around into 2019, so now is the perfect time for our editors to honor our favorites from this season before the Winter premieres begin. This was a huge season with a ton of big returning titles, so it was particularly hard selecting our Top 3 from the season. You can check out our top anime from summer season, see how our picks compare to our most anticipated titles, or scroll down and check out our favorites!
Peter Fobian
Fall 2018 was absolutely ridiculous. The season looked huge going into it with the shonen fighter RADIANT, returning giants JoJo AND SAO, and 2 mega hyped isekai in Goblin Slayer and Slime. Oh yeah, also a new TRIGGER anime. Then it got EVEN BIGGER with some unknown quantities turning into awesome favorites. We’re still riding the crest of this wave into Winter as so many of the top series are continuing, but the ones that are coming to an end this year really left an impression on me.
This might be the single biggest anime dark horse that has emerged since I started following seasonal anime and that was kind of part of its design. Everything from the show to the promotion was masterfully orchestrated, with the studio giving away little more than the title and Mamoru Miyano’s gorgeous face leading into the season. The way this anime took both tourism and idol anime to the extreme with one of the best concepts and pretty meta. The writing was on point, the comedic timing was perfect, and it even had great emotional beats. I’m really hoping a few of those loose plot threads mean a season 2 because this anime could easily deliver more.
I watched the first episode of this series back at Anime Expo 2018 and was extremely surprised at how serious it felt. Although it loosened up during the fight scenes, Gridman has to be TRIGGER’s most reserved project to date with some really great storyboards, character drama, and a slowburn mystery that are typically absent from their high-octane visual circuses. It even stuck the landing. This series wasn’t just good in its own right, but really proved TRIGGER is about to deliver in multiple styles of storytelling.
Golden Kamuy
There's never enough space to talk about all the good things in Golden Kamuy. The story is an amazing treasure hunt/survival game in a wonderfully articulated historical set piece of Hokkaido, Japan following the Russo-Japanese War. The characters are as adorable as they are psychotic. The mysteries just keep building up. The violence is magnificent. The food looks delicious. This manga has a the best bit of everything and continually shows new faces as the story develops. Hopefully the wait for more of the manga wont be too long.
Ricky Soberano
Woo! This fall season has been a chock full of great anime that varied from each other in many aspects so I ended up staying consistently caught up with almost everything that came out this season and shows that haven’t stopped going. Trying to pick three took many rounds of questioning from myself to the people that I care about and the conclusion was ‘Ricky loved everything.’ However I came up with my top three by only choosing the ones that made me 110% happy every single time I clicked to watch the latest episode.
Fairy Tail Final Season
  I’ve been a diehard Fairy Tail fan since the beginning (tattoo on my hip for proof) and frankly I’ve cried during every episode this season simply knowing that there will be no more of this amazing shonen that has saved my life more than once after this is done. This season exceeds expectations by not only doing a victory lap and bringing on almost every character that has ever shown up in the show but also by tying up every loose end, answering every burning question, and naturally showing every individual guild member’s badass power has gotten to a level so high up that one could barely fathom. Each episode has me screaming at the screen from the new insane revelation that they just revealed.
As Miss Beelzebub Likes It.
  I don’t usually watch cute anime. However watching Beelzebub be super encapsulated by the presence of fluffy things, show her an affinity for tasty snaccs, and captivation for adorable animals pulled me into a hug as warm as an alpaca sweater and I never want it to stop. The color palette of pastel glory has kept me in a happy mood all season and the stories told are ridiculous but make for a never ending sweet dream.
Run with the Wind
  This was a wild card for me since I may’ve ran track on high competitive levels but I don’t have a preference to sports anime. However the cast of 10’s journeys not only as runners but also as individuals take place with such high stakes on the line made it hard to not want to continue watching especially since the show did well to realistically show competitive running and the realistic sacrifices and training that goes behind it. With such high tension and drama circulating, I was truly on the edge of my seat the entirety of every single episode.
Nate Ming
Y'know, I thought I was gonna watch more JoJo… but I got my mom into JoJo over Christmas break, so that's gotta count for something. From retail hell to the frozen wilderness of Hokkaido to the sacred ring, my Fall 2018 season was full of emotional ups and downs… and I'm still screaming about that season finale for Golden Kamuy.
Skull-faced Bookseller Honda-san
All the built-up trauma from working retail and customer service for almost half my life came back in one huge wave with Skull-faced Bookseller Honda-san. No anime this season has made me laugh so hard I pulled a muscle (I'm not joking), and no anime this season has made me curl up in the fetal position remembering the insanity of working a Harry Potter book launch at Borders. But aside from all that, Honda-san himself is refreshingly positive and upbeat--work is work, it's tiring and frustrating, but if you love what you do and like sending customers home happy, it's all worth it in the end.
Golden Kamuy
The treacherous journey to find the stolen Ainu gold continued with a second season, bringing back our favorite characters while introducing plenty of new faces. Unexpected team-ups, shuffling of group rosters, and then pitting everybody against each other kept me watching every week, needing to know what was coming next--and that infuriating season finale means I'm absolutely tuning in for whenever season 3 starts airing.
Hinomaru Sumo
I keep joking that "no cowards allowed" is the tagline for this intense adaptation of the Weekly Jump manga, and it's a pretty fair assessment: characters may feel doubt and fear, they may question the decisions that led them to get into the ring, but there's nowhere to run in sumo, so finish the fight and worry about the details later. This show has so much heart, and I'm here to continue cheering for Hinomaru and team into 2019 as we head into its second cour.
Nicole Mejias
I gotta say, this fall season was STACKED with a whole bunch of great shows from start to finish! It was a season where my queue was at its fullest and trying to find time every week was actually a bit challenging to make sure I watched everything. There were so many shows that I ended up liking way more than I thought I would, so it was difficult to pick a top 3, and in some cases I feel my top 3 are mostly continuing from things I really enjoyed before, or last season; but that said, this was a tough season, and if I had more than 3 slots, I’d be in even more trouble picking!
Golden Kamuy
Golden Kamuy is a must-have on my list, and frankly should be on almost everyone's! I really had no idea what to expect from the series when I first heard about it, but whatever I thought it was, Golden Kamuy surprised me with it's amazing characters, fast and severe action, and its balance of comedy and suspense. As the second season draws to a close and some of the serious questions are about to be answered, I'll be waiting to see what's next for Sugimoto and Asirpa in the future. I probably would never get tired of this series, so I'm hoping we hear about a new season soon. Golden Kamuy is a series of feel almost anyone can enjoy, and I hope more people get sucked into it like I did!
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
JoJo's is one of my favorite series of all, and when Golden Wind got announced I was extremely excited to see what was in store for me, since it was the JoJo part I knew the least about. Part 5 really does have a unique feel to it, from the mafia trappings to the unique and interesting Stand abilities, and now that things are really getting underway, I'm excited to see what's next! Giorno and the rest of the gang are quickly becoming one of my favorite collections of JoJo heroes, with their mix of fun chemistry and personalities, and I can just see Part 5 being in my favorite anime lists throughout 2019 too!
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
I'll be honest: I'm not a big isekai fan. I've never really found the power fantasy aspect of them interesting, and so I've usually found myself giving them a few episodes before getting bored or finding myself watching something else. Slime really grabbed me, though, because from the first parts of episode 1, I thought I was in for a similar experience, but it soon turned things on their heads! While Rimuru is super powerful, the world built in Slime is fascinating, and all of the interactions between characters is great. Also, seeing Rimuru put the smack down on baddies is incredibly satisfying! I'm excited to see where this series goes and how Rimuru's little collection of followers and hangers on grow!
And that's our editor's favorites for the Fall 2018 season! I'm surprised no anime got repeated twice except for Golden Kamuy with 3 votes, which is a fitting send off to an awesome series that reached its conclusion this year after an insane climax. But there's more to come. Prepare yourself for tomorrow when we'll be putting up our most anticipated titles for Winter 2019!
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
TL;DR the TL;DR:  I’m so tired of fans attacking other fans for telling companies what they want, totally disregarding that any business would kill to know what would sell for them, all while creating this fandom toxicity. ;_;
TL;DR:  If you think that fans telling companies what we want to buy from them is nothing more than bad etiquette, then you don’t know anything about business, have not listened to people from these actual companies speak at panels/interviews, and you have no concept about the quickly globalizing market.  Be honest. You’re just spoiled by your tailored algorithms so much, you’re instantly tired when seeing any discussion or passion from fandoms you’re not in. I’m so tired of fans attacking other fans for telling companies what they want, totally disregarding that any business would kill to know what would sell for them, all while creating this fandom toxicity. ;_;
And to the jerks saying "Atlus already said they were going to talk about Catherine" and "screaming for Persona 5 Scramble and SMTV in all caps isn't going to get you anything." 
Shut the fuck up. 
1)  Where did you hear that they were only going to talk about Catherine?  Not everyone heard about that beforehand.  I didn't hear ahead of time about what they were going to announce at new Game Plus Expo.  And even if I did, that's not confirmation that Catherine would be the ONLY thing they'd talk about!  
2)  If listening for years to companies/producers and representatives at convention panels SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES has shown, they WANT the public to tell them what we want.  So sit your ass down with the rest of the whiners who say "Why don't they ever give us what we want?" or concede to the delusion that "Japanese companies don't care about their potential Western markets"!  If you want something, you tell them!!!!  So many anime figures, videogames, tokusatsu, etc., are recently coming to the West only because the fanbase kept screaming about it, kept proving that we still care about these franchises and titles!  Just yesterday, Team Rider got recognized by the actual producers of Kamen Rider, to get their official backing, and reflected that by Toei requesting they change their name to "Team Kamen Rider".  3 weeks ago, Video Game Story Time posted a video titled "How American Fans Saved Xenoblade Chronicles".  Good Smile Company's CEO and representatives have been going to American anime conventions for what might be a decade now, repeatedly telling the audience to "harass" them on social media about what figures we want them to produce.  They've even gone so far as to have audience voting for future figures at conventions (which happened with the Persona 5 Nendoroids at Anime Expo 2018), constant surveys on their main website, more frequent online figure voting request campaigns, and updated their website's figure request form for easier submissions!  And as a small business owner in artist alley, I can tell you, the biggest question we have is, "WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM US?!"  Companies WANT you to scream from the rooftops, unsolicited, about what you want them to make, so they can get more of your money!  And hey, I am happy to throw money their way if they'll give me what I want.  And if all I have to do is yell, "localize Persona 5 Scramble for the West!" then I am doing my part!  What are you doing?  Shaming people for helping their fellow fans and helping support the companies that make the fandoms we love?  Get the f out of here.
Yesterday, I re-watched Crunchyroll’s documentary about how Good Smile Company makes Nendoroids. (” How is a NENDOROID Made? | Behind the Scenes at Good Smile Company ”; https://youtu.be/JFCPqLmJraI at 27:39/33:04 to 29:28/33:04)  In it, Good Smile Company’s CEO spoke at length about how the market is globalizing, how if they want to stay in business, they have to stay attuned to what fandoms in America and China want too.  If they want to stay in business, they have to keep growing their potential markets, even outside of Japan.  And I’m sure if a figure company has that savvy, then so does an internationally known videogame company!  So I don’t want to hear this MYTH anymore about “Japanese companies aren’t going to cater to the West”.  Because that myth comes with the implication, “so stop trying to tell them what you want; it’s a waste of time.”  What you really want to say is that YOU’RE tired of hearing it.  YOU’RE tired of hearing Persona 5 fans asking Atlus to bring Persona 5 Scramble to the West, and of Shin Megami Tensei fans asking Atlus to announce they’re working on SMTV.  You’re no better than those jerks who go onto Good Smile’s Facebook to complain about figure announcements for fandoms they’re not in, and additionally complain that they’re tired of hearing fans of other fandoms asking for figures of their fandom.  Those jerks that won’t tolerate discussion about any fandom that’s not theirs, just because it’s “cluttering up their tightly tailored, algorithmic feeds”!  Get out of your bubble!  There are other fandoms besides yours!  You’re going to hear about it, because there are other people in this world, and sharing the same medium!  You’ve been spoiled by your tailored algorithms catering to your every whim!  Let people ask for what they love!  If you’re tired of hearing about it, just because you don’t share the same passion, then you can just leave!  Take a break from social media!  It can happen!  And more importantly, reflect on why you get sooooooooo annoyed the second something isn’t new, exciting stimulus, nor catered specifically to you.  Maybe you need a break from social media’s constant Skinner Box more than that tailored algorithm. 
(omg I can’t believe how long I ranted.  I need to spend less time on Twitter.  It is truly a hellsite.)
The funny thing is that I too get annoyed when social media algorithms don’t tailor specifically to me.  Like when they show an ad completely irrelevant to my tastes, which from all the invasive data gathering, I had assumed they would know by now.  But the thing is that I don’t attack other people for expressing their fandoms in a shared space that I also happen to be in.  And real life people are not algorithms that are going to cater to me.  I’m not going to try to belittle other real life people’s passions or hurt other people’s real feelings, just because their content-generating isn’t tailored to my likes.  
0 notes
hagarenmovie · 7 years
AX 2017: Fullmetal Alchemist Live Action Panel Transcription
The Fullmetal Alchemist World Whirlwind Tour!! First stop Los Angeles!
| Transcription of a major part of the panel that took place on July 3rd, at Anime Expo 2017 in Los Angeles. Although the panel was listed as 11am to 12pm, it only actually lasted about 35 minutes since it started late and then ended a bit early in order to clear the room. Still, a lot happened in that short time! Here’s the complete transcription! Very Long Post!! |
- NOTE: the MC is Ken Ayugai from Tokyo. Mikey’s the interpreter. I cut their self introductions and their final remarks which let the audience know that the next stop on the live action promo tour was Paris.
- ALSO we weren’t allowed to film or take pictures till after the footage was shown and they were real strict about it, but I’m sure the live action team will release pictures and some footage after their world tour ends in Japan on July 12th, so we just gotta wait like a week.
Also check out: Description of scenes in the footage
MC: So first of all, I'm sure most of you are aware of this but I'm gonna run you through the history of Fullmetal, really quick.
 Mikey: Just a little bit, so you guys, you know there might be some people who don't know Fullmetal Alchemist up here.
 MC: So first of all, Fullmetal Alchemist is a popular japanese manga, which I'm sure you know, and it's written by Hiromu Arakawa and published in the monthly magazine Shonen GanGan from 2001 to 2010. And this series has sold over 70 million copies worldwide and there's been like a tv series in 2003 and 2009, the animated series. And the movie was in 2005 and 2011. And [when the] author gave birth to her children, she continued writing hoping that her kids would read it one day.
 Mikey: Exactly, she wanted her kids to read this one day, so that's a really touching story, right?
MC: Yeah. And since the first anime in Japan was produced in January 1917, that's just like 100 years ago.
 Mikey: Wow, the 100th birthday of anime! Wow.
 MC: Yeah, in japan.
 Mikey: I think that deserves an applause, right guys? 100 years. So i think, you know, so i think it's only appropriate that on the hundredth birthday of anime Fullmetal Alchemist gets a live action adaptation, right? Yeah?
 *audience cheeeers*
 MC: Ok so they [FA movie team] got a lot of offers from around the world and so the FA team has come to anime expo!
 *audience cheers*
 MC: Ok that's about it haha for the history.
 Mikey: Alright.
 MC: Alright, so what do you say, do we want to welcome up or - oh no, first we're gonna do the footage, right? Ok so let's take a look at the trailer first of all!
 *audience cheers*
 {the latest trailer released on april 6th is shown to the audience}
 MC: And now let's welcome our special guests!
 *audience goes wild*
 MC: Let's give a round of applause. from the live action cast Ryosuke Yamada
 *fangirls lose their shit as he walks on stage*
 MC: And director Fumihiko Sori!
 *Director Sori comes on stage as the screaming continues*
 MC: A big round of applause for our guests please!
 *audience calms down*
 MC: [to Yamada] Alright so first of all, would you like to say hello to the crowd?
 Yamada: *testing the mic* hah, hah. [He introduced himself in English] Hello everyone, I'm Ryosuke Yamada playing Edo! thank you for coming today. Please enjoy!
 MC: thank you. and Mr. Sori.
 Sori: [in English] My name is Fumihiko Sori and this movie's director and please enjoy.
 MC: Alright! So, welcome to anime expo
 Sori: hai, thank you
 MC: please be seated. So we're gonna ask you a few questions, first of all welcome to LA and how's it been so far?
 Yamada: *tries to talk into the mic but it doesn't work and makes derp faces*
 *audience chuckles as MC gives his own mic to Yamada*
 Yamada: [Mikey's Translation = MT] Well, it is really warm and everyone's really nice to me so I'm really enjoying my time here.
 Sori: [MT] I love LA! I've been--I lived here about 20 years ago i wanna say.
 MC: So is it any different from 20 years ago?
 Sori: [MT] I don't think it changed that much in 20 years
 MC: Ok, so still the same good ol LA?
 Sori: [in English] It's great, yeah. I love LA!
 MC: So, looking at this huge crowd for you, how do you feel right now? 'Cause for Anime Expo it's the first time to actually have a live cast come on stage, I guess
 Yamada: [MT] I mean, I'm really happy and proud to be Japanese right now, to see the crowd you know. this room is full of fans who love and share japanese anime and content so I'm really happy
 MC: ok. and Mr. Sori can you tell us what led you to create this live action version of this manga that has so many fans?
 Sori: [MT] So as you guys know, a lot of american comics have been adapted in live action formats, and you know and it's really really cool as i see it, watching from where i am. and you know, we have a lot of good content, a lot of good properties and stories in Japan, but we haven't really had the chance to do a live action adaptation at the level and quality i really wanted to, but i feel like finally we're at a point where it's ready.
MC: [to Yamada] So how did you actually feel when you got offered this role?
 Yamada: [MT] So you know, i'm not really tall per se and when i got this offer i was like, 'maybe it is kinda cool being chibi sometimes'
 MC: Ok, during [playing] Ed there must have been so many challenges
 Yamada: so i mean, of course the performance itself is one thing, acting as Ed, but i think the hardest part was Alphonse, you know he's done in full CG so all my acting i have to do kind of not looking at anything really so all the acting really came down to my relationship with Alphonse there.
 MC: Ok so, we would like to just... go on to the footage maybe?
 Mikey: You guys wanna see some footage?
 MC: Ok, and as mentioned before, no cameras please. No phones or otherwise we have to stop, ok. Let's ask Mr. Yamada to cue [the footage].
 Yamada: nihongo de shitsurei shimasu. Kore dewa goran kudasai, dozo. [translation: I'm sorry for the Japanese. Now, here you go, please watch.]
 MC: Let's take a look at the footage!
 *footage rolls. it's like 6 solid minutes and the audience goes through a rollercoaster ride of emotions*
 MC: Alright! [to Yamada, translation:] What did you think of that reaction?
 Yamada: I was really happy to hear you guys' reactions throughout that. We were listening back there.
 MC: so first of all, i understand that filming started in Italy in June 2016 so why did you choose Italy actually.
 Sori: So of course the first work was set in a sort of European city and there wasn't really a specific country but after going through Europe we found that Italy had a lot of really good backgrounds and scenery that we liked for the movie.
 MC: Ok, so Mr. Yamada, what was it like, you're actually acting a role which is not quite Japanese...
 Yamada: [MT] So the original work of course is written by a Japanese mangaka so i really didn't have too much resistance trying to interpret and understand what kind of character we were doing but there was of course fear in the back of my mind as I was acting so i mean, i hope you guys all saw that footage and didn't really feel anything weird, did you?
 *audience cheers, many yell out 'Nooo, you're perfect!!'*
 Yamada: [in english] Thank you!
 MC: And I have a question for Mr. Sori, what was it like actually, for you, working with Mr. Yamada?
 Sori: [MT] Well he is a professional through and through and it made my job really easy to be honest, i didn't have to give him too much direction, he just got what i wanted how i wanted the character to be portrayed and a lot of the action he did himself -- all of the action he did himself, so that made us really really--
 Sori: [in English] No stunt, no stunt!! (Director Sori said this while Mikey was interpreting)
 Sori: [MT] No stuntman here!
 MC: that's amazing!
 Yamada: arigatou gozaimasu
 MC: you got a big one in the face [during the footage, while Ed's running away from the transmuting walls that attack him like giant pillars, he ends up running into one face first]
 Yamada: [MT] That was harder than it looked because i had to react to basically nothing right there
 MC: so how does it feel like, what do you think about it [the footage]? Actually when you looked at it, that footage.
 Yamada: [MT] So when i was acting and portraying the character, i had an idea of what it was going to look like, but seeing it kind of put together with all the edits --it blew my mind and it was way beyond my expectations, i really have to thank the director and all of his awesome skills so thank you very much director.
 MC: And throughout the film.. actually when you were filming the film, your brother isn't actually here but did you feel him here or what was that like?
 Yamada: So while I didn't actually get to see Alphonse in front of me the actor portraying him was next to me acting on his behalf, so as we progressed through production, more and more i started to see him as Alphonse
 *audience awws*
 MC: And Mr. Sori, you've been using a lot of digital technology in this film. Could you tell us about that please?
 Sori: [MT] So I mentioned that I lived in Los Angeles about 20 years ago, i think you guys remember that right? So i was working at a company called Digital Domain and i was actually an animator, a VFX animator there, and i worked on a little movie called Titanic which you might have heard of. And I learned a lot about VFX there so i took a lot of that skill, so my specialty actually lies in the VFX field so i came back to Japan and slowly kind of grew into the role of director and i always thought 'man i wanna take a Japanese IP or Japanese content and turn it into a very VFX heavy production and i think finally i had the chance, and now here we are back in LA 20 years later showing you guys this clip so i'm really really happy and proud to be here.
 Mikey: And one more thing! (Director Sori wanted to add to his previous statement)
 Sori: [MT] but that does not mean this is a VFX only movie and i think you guys, the fans, know that more than anyone, that this is a very story driven, emotional journey. [Sori in English] Yeah, everybody knows, yeah.
 MC: One more question, so when you first met for this film, Mr. Yamada and Mr. Sori, what was the first thing you kind of agreed to focus on in creating this film?
 Yamada: [MT] So I was always a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist and when I was offered this role i mean, of course i was really really happy and pleased, and at the same time when we went to Italy and production started, when we were on set and we kind of talked and met each other, i think there wasn't really any doubt in the direction we were gonna take the character and the production. i think it was really a very seamless transition from when we first took it from pre-production to production.
 MC: [translation:] And Director, what about you?
 Sori: [MT] I think it was the best combination ever, even looking back now, looking at all the actors and the talent in the world, i don't think anyone could have portrayed Ed as well as he has so i'm really really glad.
 MC: Ok and now actually, we have a surprise for everyone. We have... the creator of Fullmetal Alchemist...
 *audience starts going wild*
 MC: ...We have a message from her and I'd like to read out the original actually, in Japanese so [to Mikey] can you help me out?
 Mikey: We have a message from the creator and we're going to read it out to you guys right now.
 MC: Ok. [he reads Arakawa-Sensei's message in Japanese]
 Mikey: [Arakawa-sensei’s message interpreted:] So the manga I feel like is my child, I created it, and all these spinoffs and other iterations of it, the anime, the games, everything else that you take, it really feels kinda like my grandchildren, and here they are flying, leaving the nest, exploring, you know i'm really really proud to see them leave the nest like this. And I got to take a look at the footage as well. And it really felt like all these characters i created are there, present in our world. Ryosuke, the way you played Ed was so kakkoi. Everyone out there throughout the world, i hope you take really good care of my grandchild when he goes to see you!
MC: That was a message from Hiromu Arakawa. Ok and now we'd like to give it up to you guys and go into the q&a maybe. You guys have any questions? So if you have a question please raise your hand, okay. You look really ready (some guy in the first few rows was standing with his hand raised)
 Mikey: Are we doing the mic? Are we having them line up or are we gonna run it? Ok, we're gonna line up so please if you have a question line up over here...
 *a ton of people scramble to get to the mic, myself included*
 Mikey: Ok, I don't know if we have that much time guys. Moderators help us out.
 MC: Oh and about the cameras... We were worried about the footage, so yeah you can take photos if you guys want to
 *audience goes crazy*
 Mikey: Let's get started without further ado
 Fan 1: [i know a lot of people here] ...have mixed feelings about this, but maybe 8-10 years down the line, what do you guys think [about an American movie remake]?
 |I missed the complete answer to this one, but the Director was for it|
 Fan 2: How did you come to the conclusion of like where in the manga or anime to finish the movie?
 Sori: [MT] So in my mind I kind of consider this a part one and we have a really good book end to kind of bring closure to the movie as a movie so it can stand alone. But at the same time, if you guys like it and continue to support it, i don't see why there can't be a part two and hopefully beyond.
 Mikey: Thank you very much.
 Fan 3: Ok i have a question to Ed. Will there be a lot of like in the anime, like a lot of when you're fighting with Alphonse, there's a lot of jumping around. Do you think you can do that? Or is it not possible?
 Yamada: [MT] All I can tell you right now is please look forward to the action, there will be a lot of action, not only when i fight against Al, but with him alongside me so I can only tell you to stay tuned and look forward to it.
 Fan 3: Alright, that's cool man! Thank you.
 MC: Thank you.
 Yamada: [in English] Thank you.
 Fan 4: Hi Yamada, hi director. I have a question. So my question is what was the weirdest thing or thing that stood out to you while filming in Italy or during your time here, in LA?
 Yamada: [MT] So this is my first time appearing overseas in front of fans of the movie or of the anime so really your reaction as you saw the footage was kind of a really big pleasant surprise for me. It really made me feel like it was worthwhile playing the part, you know, it was just a pleasure to hear you guys. A lot of times in Japan, people are most embarrassed and shy so they don't openly express that kind of emotion and you know it's just really awesome hearing you guys see that first.
 MC: We're kind of running out of time so we’re gonna have maybe two more questions. We’re very sorry.
Mikey: I'm very sorry guys, two more questions. Yes we're running out of time, unfortunately.
 Fan 4: Ok, so one) I made it. Yes, I'll ask my question real quick. Two) Thank you for the trailer, it was great. Saw a lot of characters that we all know and love, but there was two people I did not see in the trailer. I was wondering if Scar and Armstrong are gonna be in the movie, 'cause I didn't see them.
 Sori: [MT] So I say look forward to seeing them in the movie, but also look forward to part 2.
 MC: So this will be the last question, I'm sorry.
 Fan 5: Hi, Yamada-kun, hi director. I want to ask a question to Yamada-kun. Before the shooting, did you prepare or practice anything for shaping the character of Edo?
 [For the answer to this question, Yamada ran like Ed to show how Ed's running is different from his own and the audience cheered]
 Yamada: [MT] So i think you guys remember the scene where I was running in the beginning, right? So a lot of times when Ed runs, he has a very unique way of running (Mikey not translating anymore:) I'm not gonna do it for you guys (back to translating) It's leaning back and running. And normally when I run, I would run leaning forward like a normal person so I think having the manga on the set and at the production was a large part, and we would always use it as kind of our guidance so we had all the scenes, you know, and obviously getting into costume having it there really really helps. So we wanted to stay true to the manga and that was I guess my technique to building the character.
 Fan 5: arigatou gozaimasu
 | Closing remarks |
 Yamada: [MT] I'm very very happy and honored to be able to have a project like Fullmetal Alchemist that is so loved around the world being produced into a live action adaptation in Japan. So i hope that everyone around the world will be able to see this so thank you very much and yoroshiku.
Sori: [in English] I'm so happy now so please enjoy this movie!
(MC and Mikey end the panel.)
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soveryanon · 7 years
Back from Japan Expo day 1 and the ~movie 20's first screening~:
- Turned out that tickets were still accessible far into the day, because they had planned around 3000 people for this. Which meant: lots of people apparently having to sit on the ground behind people sitting on chairs, in a warehouse with a flat floor and a big screen not very high (understand: there was no way to see the lower half of the screen (including subs) if you were sitting on the ground, I stayed standing and my feet hurt but it was VERY WORTH IT).
- Some bits of French subs were absolutely "what the hell".
- No sign session nor any way to approach Rica BUT she!! gave us the big surprise of singing a short version of the “Mezase” remix <333 ... and despite introducing Rica as ~one of the most famous seiyuu in Japan~ and despite inviting every year very obscure idol groups and presenting them as super-famous, the MC was *suprised* that people had the reflex to scream "GETTO DAZE" as soon as Rica went "POKEMON: ... !" without needing any indication. Get the clue. Make the Japanese version legally accessible with subs. =w=
- RICA WAS SO PURE AND CUTE AND AND AND- She said that it was her first time coming to France (come back sooooon, with official concerts and sign sessions!!), she was VERY HAPPY to witness the crowd cheering at one Big Moment during the film, she was the biggest gleefullest troll having us scream AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN for TV (while telling us we were perfect, every time! ... but now, do it again :D), my throat hurt and my head was spinning but :D I'm glad. She can step on me if she wants to.
- Sadly, the questions-from-the-public moment was cut short and half of the questions weren't especially... interesting or workable (no possible "good" answer with those ^^')
I'm not against spoiling people in private but. It's a movie that works really really well if you are with a bunch of friends knowledgeable about early series. Some not-too-spoilery things: * #feels. I almost cried. I also laughed very hard. * HANAKO IS STILL A QUEEN, SHE APPEARS A FEW TIMES :DDD * ALL THE KIDS ARE VERY PRECIOUS ??? * It's a movie that. loves Pokémon. Sadly not a lot of random-Pokémon-with-humans-doing-casual-things in the background (excluding the wild Poké and battles), but all the kids from the movie had a few things to say about humans&'mon, and their own stories with 'mon, and it showed. * sHOUJI ???? Shouji is precious (also lol @him coming from Tobari City of all cities, #sinnohconfirmed, #shinjiconfirmed) * MAKOTO IS PRECIOUS and adorably mischievous * CROSS IS TERRIBLE THEN ALSO PRECIOUS??? * Satoshi was maybe a bid tad too heroic here and there BUT it kinda works in this movie and. He learns!! a lot. He's forced to learn, it's hard, he makes mistakes, he apologizes and... they did a good job at portraying him as indeed raw and inspirational and kind and pure, BUT while also having all those traits feeding an inner form of arrogance, that he has to refrain. * There are LOTS of small references here and there to events from the first series, as nods or "it could have happened like this" bits. * ... there are also 1°) a scene very reminiscent from Kimi No Na Wa, 2°) another that personally reminds me a LOT of Yue's trial in the CardCaptor Sakura anime. * Okay, this comparison is a cliché in itself... but there are a few scenes which really gave a Miyazaki vibe? (I'm thinking about one, in a cave, which was... very powerful in the way it created a feeling of deference and respect). * PikaShipping is canon. * Pikachu made the bestest faces <333 * I feel like the movie punched a few ~edgy tropes~ regularly associated with the anime (/better Satoshi etc.) in the face, and it did it weeelllll =D * I'm cry. They're precious, Pikachu is adorable, HITOKAGE IS ADORABLE * I'm now doomed to cry every time I hear "itsumo". * Wet!hair Satoshi made a cameo. * I got a lot of feels.
A bit more spoilery but also very general:
* SHIGERU MADE A NON-SPEAKING CAMEO, the back of his hair when he took Zenigame in "this world". Shigeru exists. * Ending credits showed quick (moving) cameos of all past travelling companions, INCLUDING KENJI ???? KENJI WASN'T FORGOTTEN * That's all you'll see of them: please, don't expect their arrival in the movie itself, enjoy the ride, it's a good movie. * :DDD I spotted three "... they're playing with us expecting to see Kasumi, aren't they." moments, tho. * Makoto's Big Secret is about someone she's related to. And it's so big that I'm still "... wait, maybe I didn't see it right? It was quick and I was far", so I might also be wrong about it. * TR is here. * BIG movie flaw was... Marshadow's intentions/why the fuck is it doing what it's doing? Seriously, it's still jarring how there... is no explanation, it switches from this to that and. damniiit... * The promotions with all the hatchus lied: there is only m20!hatchu in the movie. And although there is a bit of a UA at some point that I'm laughing about while still being "... THAT WAS SO RUDE TO YOUR AUDIENCE??? HOW COULD YOU???", there is no connection to ~other timelines~/our regular anime: it's a movie made to be seen as another world, where some elements went differently... and it's kinda striking how some encounters were still Meant To Happen despite it all ;w; * "... Itsumo..." HNJ?UIHJNKYUHNJ NO BUT SERIOUSLY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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anwo-prinz · 7 years
Anime Expo Anisong World Matsuri ~kawaii live~ 2017 Post-concert essay
Okay so here’s my really long write up about the concert. Includes pictures and background info on call books I helped with. tl;dr I cried a lot.
pre-concert: I had already been planning to attend Anime Expo 2017 since I’m fairly local to the area (I live in Southern California) so it was easy for me. However, the moment AX announced WUG and Cinderella Girls for a Day 0 concert, I was so shocked! I never thought that WUG would return nor that imas would ever come to the US. I’ve been a fan of both since the WUG anime came out, and for CG through the original mobage (mostly rolled over from 765 animas though). Of course, most people know me as an ArisuP. 
Once the announcement was official, I caught wind of people who wanted to organize creating fan call books for the live. I signed up to help as an artist for the imas CG call book and the WUG call book. I was happy to be able to contribute to those teams and was really excited about our books! 
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Here are the pages that I helped with. WUG chara chibis, Nanamin, Miria, and Arisu doing calls.
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Bonus - I did the back cover for both of them! 
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While signal boosting for WUG call books before the show, the WUG character designer, Sunao Chikaoka, noticed our book! He said the outfits were cute.
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I was able to get a copy of all 4 of the call books that were passed out! 
actual concert time:
CG Setlist: 
Yumeiro Harmony 
Yes! Party Time! 
Onegai! Cinderella!
Performers: Mika, Anzu, Kirari, Miria, Frederica, Kanade I couldn’t believe that CG was the opening act because they were the group I was most hype for. They opened with the first 2 songs, then did introductions, they did a short MC section where they showed the Cinderella Girls Theater clips and Cinderella Girls anime clips and had the girls voicing their lines. Mika/Miria was the first one, followed by Anzu/Kirari. Frederica and Kanade did theirs solo. I was really happy that the audience seemed to like it and new fans could put faces to the characters. By the way, I was pretty much crying through the entire thing and cheering as hard as I could being choked up. My favorite was Yes! Party Time! and that was SO HYPE! Seeing their outfits glitter up close, every girl was so cute. I especially loved Iidashi since I have a Cool idol bias haha. 
Mika was also the designated leader & center, which I loved - felt very old-school CG (back before Mio became the poster passion idol). The only thing is that I wished they had done some solo songs (Hotel Moonside, Ankira, Tokimeki...) or some group songs like Orange Sapphire or Tulip. Ah, well. It felt really like it was a very safe approach. 
Also, none of the girls tried to speak English to the audience if I’m remembering correctly. My Japanese isn’t fluent, but I can understand a bit. So the impression their act came off was kind of like “Well, to like iM@S, you should already know Japanese! Also, come to a proper live in Japan to experience us fully” haha. They didn’t bring a fully cohesive unit so I think that’s why they mostly stuck to the group songs, which did feel a bit generic. But that’s not to say I didn’t cry like a little baby because IMAS FIRST WESTERN APPEARANCE AHHH I LOVE ;_; 
WUG Setlist: 
Shoujo Koukyoukyoku
Koi? de Ai? de Boukun desu!
Beyond the Bottom
7 Girls War 
Gokujou Smile
Performers: Full Group (7)
MY GOD WUG WAS SO STRONG. They were such a cohesive group. Mayushi and Yoppi’s vocals were AMAZING, I really loved them. The last time I’d seen one of their lives (BD, not in-person), it was one of the first ones they did so they were very unpolished. But seeing the difference in the 3 years that’ve passed... It felt very emotional, realizing that they had really worked so hard to become as amazing as they are now, and that there’s a 4th Live Tour (which I’m planning to see, hopefully!). 
Having them open with the 2 very strongly anime-based story songs, and having come right after CG, I had NO TIME to recover at all, so I was really a huge screaming sobbing mess during WUG’s performance. During the intro segments, I was again crying as I cheered on each girl. It was really cute, they told us their nicknames as well “Please call me Ai-chan!” or “Please call me Yoppi!” (though, in Japanese mostly)
I felt that most of the audience wasn’t very familiar with WUG when they first started, but by the end of it I could feel that so many people had become fans of theirs. Their choreography was absolutely stunning to see, and hearing them perform live was a whole different experience to seeing their lives on a computer screen. Not to mention the emotional bond of following them as the underdog idol series, it was truly an amazing experience I’ll never forget. 
Walkure Setlist:
Ikenai Borderline
Bokura no Senjou
Ichido Dake no Koi Nara
Rune ga Pikatto Hikattara
Performers: Minori Suzuki, JUNNA
Thank god we had an intermission before Walkure or else I may have gone through cardiac arrest right on the spot. I was able to collect myself a bit though I spent the entire intermission still sobbing and reeling from the two groups I regarded the most highly. Anyway, I’m not familiar with Macross but I did listen to a lot of Walkure songs since they’re very catchy. It was really something to be able to see it performed live.. with just 2 out of 5 members present, Minorin and Junna really captivated the theater and you could feel their amazing presence. The songs were incredibly hype, really pumped up the audience and not to mention Junna’s talent is just... I’m really speechless! 
Walkure was really cute because Minorin interacted a lot with the audience (”Do you like ANIME? Do you like WALKURE?”). They asked what countries people had come from to see this concert, so of course USA, but also Canada (”Ah, that’s right! It’s near America!”), China, and they even heard Dis shout out “SCOTLAND!” at which they were very surprised. They also asked where was the best place to eat burgers, so everyone shouted in unison IN-N-OUT! and it was very cute. 
The last song being Rune ga Pikatto Hikattara made me extremely happy! It’s my favorite song by them. Minorin taught the audience how to do the Woa-woa, whoa-whoa-whoaaa call before they performed it. She wasn’t satisfied with us at all! She kept making us repeat it at least 3 times! She is so cute, and her acapella singing for the chorus part was great. I definitely cried and now I feel very emotional whenever Walkure songs come up on shuffle. 
Also it was adorable how Junna wasn’t allowed to say the good-bye because she’s 16 and can’t work after 10pm hahaha.
Aqours Setlist: 
Aozora Jumping Heart 
Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai?
Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM
Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou
Performers: Full Group (9)
I have to admit here: I am a fan of Love Live’s μ's but I have very, very little emotional bond with Aqours and Love Live Sunshine, nor am I familiar with their songs. However, that’s not to say they weren’t great! I thought they really were stunning live. It was amazing how in sync they were with each other, not to mention the seiyuus are sooo pretty. During their songs, in the background screens it showed the animated scenes of the songs and their dancing matched up perfectly. It was really cool to experience! Plus, the audience was really hyped up (of course, I’m sure that’s what most of the people were there for). However, by the end of the concert I was already tapped out of energy so it was a bit hard to enjoy, and I felt that the Aqours songs were about the same generic, safe sort of songs like the CG full group songs, and that their vocals were weak and not very distinctive in comparison to Walkure and WUG. But I’m also glad they were the last to perform since all the Love Live people were forced to stay until the very end and experience every other idol group. lol. They also had the most English of each group, I think? Iirc, Riko was pretty fluent almost. 
Overall, it was a seriously amazing live and I can’t believe I still survived the remaining 4 full days of Anime Expo after that. I really truly hope that this concert showed the Japanese industry how much of a western audience there is for idols, and that there were lots of new fans for WUG and CG after that concert! 
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Also: I was able to sit quite close up and in the center since my friend snagged an orchestra seat for us! I was happy to get seat 315 because I love SideM. 
Lastly, there are no pictures or recordings allowed DURING the live. However you can usually find stuff from staff twitters of the performers and behind-the-scenes pictures from them. That’s pretty standard and mostly why you’ll only see drawings or tweets from people after JP lives.
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