#I thought why are there so many sirens and red things around here
yourbleedingh3art · 1 year
Wake me up inside + In the arms of the angels
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selineram3421 · 2 months
*is now craving sushi* Dang. 🍣
Other Worldly
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor X Shy Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, food mentions-seaweed, song lyrics Drift Away-Trillian ⚠
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Alastor took the mer up to their hotel room, the halls empty as he made another water pun, which earned him a fin slap to the face.
"I could drop you, you know?", he said but continued to carry them towards the bathtub.
Setting them down gently, he made sure to get a towel and put it somewhere within reach for them to take when their legs returned.
"There you are dear!", he said before standing up straight. "I'll leave you here now. Don't try to get up too soon, you'll just flop right over!", he laughed and turned to leave.
"Wait.", they spoke softly.
Like an exciting rush, he felt chills run down his back as his body followed the command.
"Don't tell anyone about what you saw..", they paused. "Or what you heard from me. Please."
As soon as they were finished, the 'spell' had broken and he was able to move again. Glancing over his shoulder, the Radio Demon snapped his fingers and his coat was clear of the water spots they had left on him.
"Very well.", he said and began closing the bathroom door. "This will stay our little secret~", he placed a finger over his lips before shutting the door.
He stood there for a moment, hearing the mer let out a sigh before the water turned on.
Satisfied with his findings, the deer demon left their hotel room, making sure to lock the door before closing it.
As he made his way to his radio tower, he thought of ways to get the aquatic demon to sing around him.
I should ease their worries somehow.. He thought. I wonder if there is a way to lure a siren.
You hated the transition of your legs returning.
Every time, you felt like your tail was being torn apart. Your scales felt like needles piercing into you when they sunk back into your skin. The webbing on your fingers was the only thing that didn't hurt much, but your hands would cramp a few times the day after.
This is annoying. You thought as you dried yourself completely after taking a bath.
Next was the hard part.
Grabbing the edge of the tub, you slowly stood up. Your feet feeling like you walked many miles without rest, aching as you stepped onto the tile floor.
It hurt.
Step by step, it felt like you were walking on glass, thorns, or hot coal as you made your way into your room to get dressed.
As soon as you could, you dropped onto your bed with a whine, staying there for a moment before crawling under the covers. After turning off the lamp on the nightstand, you hoped that the red dressed demon wouldn't say anything of what he saw.
Yes, you told him a command but the other half was a plea.
Let's not worry about it. He did say it would be our secret. You thought before going to sleep.
The next day was a little odd.
After getting breakfast, the smiling demon began talking to you like you were old friends.
It confused you.
What did he have to gain from talking to a quiet person? There was nothing you could say without hypnotizing him.
It was simple.
All he had to do was get them used to him and they'd be comfortable enough to let their guard down.
What better way to do it other than talking?
Throughout a few weeks, the Radio Demon experimented with all kinds of food. Taking notice of their expressions and the amount of food that they left on their plate. Later, he noticed that they enjoyed snacking on seaweed.
He wasn't sure where they had got it from, but it was something that he made sure was kept stocked in the kitchen and at the bar.
"The fuck? Why seaweed?", Husker grumbled.
"One of our guests enjoys it and the Princess ordered a surplus of the snack.", Alastor said as he watched the cat demon put the box under the bar counter.
Of course, it didn't really work out like he wanted. They were still quiet, still just out of reach, wary of him and his every action.
So he tried a different tactic.
Continuing to talk to them in open spaces but once they left, he hid in the shadows and observed them.
And then it happened.
It was exactly what he was waiting for.
Though he was hiding within the shadows of a dark theater room, he still was able to catch them, to listen to them sing.
Dark brown wood and red velvet from the room had made the area darker than it really was, but they still managed to find a ledge to sit on. They started off with soft hums before a real note came out from their lips.
"Here in the garden
Let's play a game
I'll show you how it's done
Here in the garden
Stand very still
This will be so much fun"
Like before, he felt the pull in his chest, the daze their voice submerged his mind into.
"And then she smiled
That's what I'm after
A smile in her eyes
The sound of her laughter
Happy to listen
Happy to play
Happily watching her drift away"
His shadows held him back from crawling out of the darkness. Something he was quite grateful for as he didn't want to disturb their singing.
"You keep on turning pages, for people who don't care
People who don't care about you
And still it takes you ages, to see that no one's there
See that no one's there
See that no one's there
Everyone's gone on with out you.."
Such a peculiar thing. To feel what they felt through their song, waves of sadness brushing against his mind.
"And aren't I the fool to have
Happily listened
Happy to stay
Happy to watch her drift
They finished their song and sighed, wearing a frown.
Something Alastor couldn't just stand by for.
"You have such a lovely voice.", the deer demon spoke up.
They let out a noise of surprise and stood quickly , looking around the room like a frightened animal.
"It's a shame you hide it.", he continued.
He could hear how quick their breathing became as they backed away towards the nearest exit. Before the mer could touch the door, the Radio Demon came out of the shadows behind them and took their wrist.
They gasped and froze, not daring to look at him as he held them close.
Now is his grasp, he hummed in content and put a finger under their chin, lifting it up so they could look him in the eye.
His smile grew wider once they made eye contact.
"Let's make a deal~"
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I did not have sushi but I did get to eat seaweed.
~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @preciousbabypeter @poppingaround @bishiglomper @darifes @random-3455 @+?
ML I Alastor🎙 | ChL OW🦀
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diariesofthelover · 4 months
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I Put A Spell On You
synopsis: On one of his rare nights off, Dick Grayson decides to check out the bustling, newly reopened underground jazz club in Blüdhaven where he meets a woman that he can’t resist, losing all control of himself.
notes: 18+, Dick Grayson x reader, 3rd person pov, inspired by middle painting & Nina Simone’s “I Put A Spell On You”, put on some jazz while you read💋
Dick didn’t know why he chose to go to a jazz club on his first night off from Nightwing duties in weeks, all he knew was that he had put on his nicest navy silk button up, black dress pants that barely went over his ass, and a black blazer gifted to him by Bruce, all worn with the intention of spending a night at Blüdhaven’s favorite new spot, The Siren’s Den.
There’s been a lot of talk in the city about the former speakeasy. The music was great, hell it was exceptional, the food and drinks were ambrosial, and the singers, the best part, were enchanting.
All of the above were correct. Even though this wasn’t his usual scene, Dick was enjoying himself. The Siren’s Den had the best music, the best food, the best drinks, and by far the best singers he’d ever heard. The space was lit up by soft red lights with one warm spotlight on the stage leaving the table and bar areas pretty dim but light enough to see. Overall, the atmosphere felt sexy and mysterious, and due to the popularity of the place, it was packed this Saturday night.
He’d been sitting at the bar for about half an hour now enjoying the music and the booze when he spotted her. There she was, a woman around his age sitting all alone at a table with a drink in her hand just like him. She had on a silk navy dress that flattered her breathtaking figure, matching perfectly with his button up. One of her straps was teasingly sliding off her shoulder, hair pushed away to the other side leaving the soft skin exposed.
Dick Grayson had seen, and been with, many gorgeous women in his life, but this one felt different. She was tantalizing, swaying to the jazz songs so sensually evoking a familiar feeling deep inside him.
“How could a woman like her be sitting all by herself?” He thought, “How could no one have approached her by now, tried to win her affection? Has she rejected every man who has tried already, god am I about to make a fool of myself?” But when has shame, humiliation, or rejection ever stopped the Boy Wonder, don’t answer that.
With a little more liquid courage, he confidently makes his way over to her without any idea of what he’s gonna say or do when he comes face to face with the beauty.
“Hi,” Dick greets her taking her attention away from the band to him, “Dick Grayson.”
She slowly tilts her head to the side inquisitively, curious as to what he was going to say next. Silence was the only thing to follow his introduction as he himself had nothing prepared making her lips curl up into a small smirk.
“Hi, Dick Grayson,” she broke the silence.
“Hi,” he said again breathlessly, “seat beside you taken?”
“Nope,” she said sweetly paired with an angelic smile that he returned.
“Mind if I join you?”
She didn’t say anything, instead she slowly shifted her herself over making room for him. Without hesitation, Dick relaxes next to her, not using the extra space she gave him resulting in their thighs almost touching. He took off his blazer feeling his body temperature already rising, he already wished to rip off both their clothes and take her right here in this booth, he’s never felt this aroused by a stranger before.
She shifts her attention back onto the performance in an attempt to hide her already rosy cheeks, but Dick was feeling needy and selfish, wanting the beauty’s eyes and ears on him, not the musicians. He gently placed his strong hand under her jaw, slowly moving her head to look at him again, smiling when he does. He had a beautiful smile, the kind that made you smile without even realizing it, even if you tried your best not to.
“How does a beautiful angel like you come here by yourself?”
“Maybe I just enjoy quality time with myself, and you’re interrupting my night,” she giggled sweetly causing Dick’s smile to grow wider.
Dick chuckles, “Interrupting huh,” he leaned in closer, their noses now only an inch apart and thighs touching, “you did after all let me join you, I must be something special for you to let me in like that.” Dick’s always been a forward and bold man but this time around it was different, the place’s erotic energy, the booze, and this gorgeous being in front of him quickly made him crazily hot and bothered.
She felt nervous, knowing that he can read her like a book, knowing that he can tell how attracted she was to him, it was written and painted all over her pretty face. He brushed a lose strand of hair from her face, then dragging his hand down her rosy cheek to caress her, keeping his blue eyes locked on hers. Those pretty blue eyes, she was getting completely lost in them.
“You’re the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever been blessed with,” he softly admits, warm hand still placed on her burning cheek. He made her feel like a little kid talking to a stranger for the first time, like a teenage girl walking past her hallway crush, she was a nervous wreck with him in the best way possible.
“What’s a charming man like you doing single?”
“Looking for a woman like you,” he moved his hand down to her exposed neck, every part of her body was burning up, same with his. His eyes trailed down to her mouth, leaning in closer, brushing his pink lips against her soft ones colored in red from her expensive lipstick.
“Please let me kiss you, I don’t think I can wait a minute more,” he breathed out, looking into her eyes again for approval.
“It’s only been a few minutes,” she teased.
“Please,” he asked again, even more desperately than the last time.
The second she gave him a nod of approval, he pressed his lips to hers, slowly savoring each moment and movement. They hungrily continued kissing each other, like it was the last time they would share this moment together, growing more and more hot with each exchange. Sloppy lipstick stains were marked on Dick’s mouth, claiming him as hers for the night, the sight was salacious. Yes, the place was packed, no, they didn’t care, all they cared about was having each other.
Dick started shifting his lips down her jaw, causing her to lean her head back, hoping he’d soon reach her neck, “That where you want me doll?” She nodded to his suggestive question, “Tell me, tell me how you want me to kiss your neck, tell me how bad you want me to mark you up.”
“Please, Dick,” was all she could muster. Dick didn’t have the patience within him to tease her, he needed to ravage every bit of her, now.
“Anything for you, pretty girl,” He finally connects his lips to her pulsing neck, taking in her sweet scent. He starts drawing purple marks on her neck, licking the spot over once done with his work, earning a sweet sigh from his girl. While continuing his painting on her neck, one hand started to make its way down her body, rubbing up and down the sides of her glorious frame, the other holding the nape of her neck, his long fingers caressing her hair.
She reaches her hands out to feel him up that way he was touching her, one hand in his soft wavy black hair, pulling him closer where she needs him, the other traveling across his muscular thigh.
Dick pulls one of her legs onto his lap, spreading them slightly. He finishes his piece on her neck and focuses back on her eyes again, not wanting to miss a single reaction of hers. He keeps one hand on the base of her neck, the other one now moved down to her spread thighs, rubbing up and down. He watches her closely, seeing how far she’d let him take this in a public setting.
She moves a hand to rest atop his much larger one, guiding him higher up where she’s waiting for him. Once his hand reached the small space between her inner thigh and lacy panties, she pulled herself off, letting him take control.
He rested his calloused hand over her clothed heat, teasingly rubbing small circles in the perfect spot, “Dirty, dirty girl. You want me to please you in front of all these people?” Even if anyone was looking at them, they didn’t care. Their desire for each other was uncontrollable, their bodies felt like they were on fire. The music felt like it was getting louder, the lights more red and the conversations around them more lively.
“Yes,” she breathed out, “Yes, please.”
Her sweet pleads and lustful look was all Dick needed to slip his hand into the fabric she called underwear. He pressed his lips to hers, suppressing any moans she’d make while his he used her slickness to rub her where she craved him and prep himself for her entrance. She moved one of her hands to his shirt, unbuttoning him a bit for her and feeling his toned chest, her arousal growing stronger.
Tell me how much you need this, tell me how much you need me,” he moved his lips to her ear, demanding her response to his risqué request.
She needed him more than air right now. She felt so empty without him, like Dick Grayson was the only man who could ever fill her void, the only man who could sate her hunger. She couldn’t verbalize how eager she was for him, letting her body tell him instead.
She trailed her hand up to his crotch, feeling Dick grow with each movement and sound she made. He was straining against his slacks, desperately trying to free himself, but he wanted to hear her unravel for him first.
Dick quickly slipped in his finger with ease causing her to gasp and bury her head in his neck, “Don’t by shy baby, want everyone to hear how I was the lucky guy to get this pretty pussy tonight,” shamelessly adding another finger in her needy hole that was molding around his long fingers, welcoming him in, hoping he’d never leave. She felt whole with him, he was filling her up so well, making her feel euphoric.
The crude wet sounds of Dick pumping himself into her and her gentle moans were drowned out by the band and crowd getting louder. His curved fingers brushing her sweet spot, thumb rubbing fast circles on her clit, his other hand now pulling her straps further down in an attempt to get more of her, his dirty dirty mouth, “You like this? Like me fucking fingering you in front of all these people yea? You’re a sin,” was enough for her to want to release already.
“Wait, Dick–mm, not here,” she hesitantly pulled herself off of him, “need you all, come with me,” Dick helped her stand up, letting her take him anywhere as long as he had her. Her hair and dress were disheveled, his blazer thrown over his shoulder, button up not even buttoned, bulge very prominent, begging to be inside her, and both their faces red with desire.
With that, the two walked out of the club, hands still all over each other, not even bothering to adjust themselves, to continue their night, consuming each other so they will never forget their night at The Siren’s Den.
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cookiepie111 · 6 months
༊࿐ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 ༊࿐
Part 2 of drink from the leche of sirens
Part 1 here
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A/N: I'm back after what felt like f forever! Crying screaming throwing up it's finally finished! Part two of könig x nymph! Black Reader. I'm over the moon so many people liked part one i loved writing it. Love to hear your thoughts on this chapter or any ideas. Feedback,likes and reblogs are appreciated🙏🏾 also if you wanted to be added to the tag list please let me know. I've read this like a thousand times but if theres mistakes im sorry oop(Yes this title is from the new hunger games. I watched it and I'm obsessed! Please talk to me about it! )
Sisters in order of appearance Aganippe, Bolbe
Tag list: @montenegroisr @kneelingshadowsalome @havikshoochiemama @wordstome
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Red. you wouldn't say it was your colour. It's a harsh and rough colour that didn't suit you. A colour you've never taken any notice of before. But you're seeing it everywhere. It's in the berries, the birds, and the flowers. You're seeing /him/ everywhere.
"Sister! Sister! What about this one? " You watch, fiddling with the braslet on your wrist as your sisters pull up a man from the water, he's tall but too skinny and smooth. not your man. A shake of your head, and he's shoved back down the water. Why was it so hard to find this man? You should have paid better attention to his armour, although that wouldn't help much. You're not well versed in the human wars and their armies.
"When did you see him?"
"Around the willows and lake i think it was xxxx "
one of your sisters hums, coiling her hair around her finger, oak skin still wet from the water. "That was Around the date from the Eastern fight, so he's probably with the reds or the greens " that was something the most you've gotten about him "but they're both pretty big armies." She stills looking up at you
"are you sure you were supposed to heal him" huh what did she mean, were you supposed to do anything with him? he just found his way there to you, you could do whatever you wanted with him right?. You weren't sure what your sister was asking, the look on your face must have made her nervous "I mean, maybe you shouldn't have let him go"
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Magic is believing its a lot faith. There aren't any other options könig has so faith and believing are the only things he can hold on to. Belief, that the charm held tightly in his hands, will bring out a nymph, and faith he'll see you again.
The water ripples in the centre, slowly then rapidly, as bubbles ascending into the air.
This is what könig hates about magic it's too unpredictable, it's recklessness, and lacks control. Makes it hard to challenge and counter it. He needs to be in control, know all the moves his enemy could make, and magic doesn't allow that.
The lady standing in the water isn't the one könig's looking for. Her presence is off in every wat, from her appearance to the way the air moves around her. Her hair falls straight down her body it only moves at the tilt of her head. He expected this. Of course, finding his little nymph wouldn't be in easy task, but he more than ready.
"You're not the one I'm looking for," his efforts to keep composure are wasted on her, try as he might to stay neutral, its hard to miss this annoyance that slips in his voice.
"I'm sure I can be just as good," she responds, wearing a warm and gentle smile that never reaches her eyes. It's wasted time trying talking to her, he needs answers not idle conversation.
The waters are calm and still, yet his legs weigh heavy in the water. He's fighting against the waters just to make it to her, he shadows the sun just standing infront of her. He knows his presence is off putting, most women would have turned and run they wouldn't let him get his close. She only smiles the closer he gets.
König feels his feet sinking, or at least it seems that way. When he turned to gaze at her, she's still adorned with that same smile. Only König's looking up at her, not down, His knees are immersed in muddy water. She's now beaming with joy from her new catch.
Her hand catch könig's chin as he struggles to break free, forcing his face to her "hey don't worry. I'll tell her how good you tasted!"
So she does know where she is. That's all könig needs to know, ripping himself from the mud. She stares blankly at him, unimpressed by his display of strength.
"Where is she?" König's hand wrapping round her throat
"Haha, what's this? Are you trying to hurt me?" she dismisses him. König watched as her body phased between liquid and solid trying to worm her way out. Her face drops as she panicked, clawing at his hand while he tightened his grip. " You'll talk"
They struggled for a bit before she let out a screech, causing König to loosen his grip just enough for her swim away. Regaining his wits, könig stands straight in the water, looking around. He'd lost her, but He'll remember this for next time. The spirits are tricky things
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A high-pitched shriek ripples through the air, your sister rushing by, tears streaming down her face, complaining to everyone she passes, "YOUR STUPID SOLDIER ASSAULTED ME!"
"Your soldier?" Your attention sharpens at her call – she found him. She found him! Oh, she found him.
"That stupid man asked for you. He nearly killed me! He's such an ugly and scary thing, why else would he cover his face?". I thought you said he was cute!
Another sister chimes in, "You're just mad you have terrible luck with masked men." Your sister's face burns, her eyes sharpening as she turns to you, "If I see him again. That man is as good as dead." Ah, she's serious. It's best you find him soon.
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There isn't a better colour for könig than red. It suits him quite well. It's the colour of the flag he waves high, the flames that light the night, that clear the way for a sege.The blood that paints his body in all its many shades after battle. more than that. It's His source of comfort, his efforts, and proof of his labours turned physically in the form of a carnelin bracelet that sits on his wrist.
The only proof of his nymph he ( had). He'd never be so careless as to lose it. in all his years, he never lost it, if its gone, it's only because it's been taken. He can't lie he is a bit annoyed You took it, but in exchange for his life, he couldn't complain.
He should go clean up he's a mess from that encounter with that other nymph. It's not enough to warrant a full bath, just his face he can wipe his body down with a towel. He wipes the towel across his face, reaching down to wet the towel. In that moment, he freezes, there atop the bubbling water, a carnelin bracelet.
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Day 3: Exploring Eachother
Mershark Kirishima x Human AFAB Reader
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You always loved taking a walk on the beach, when suddenly, the most beautiful voice was calling to you, from beyond the waves
(NSFW Warning)
Warning: Two dicks tbh. Mentions of abandonment. Reader not believing that Kiri is a masc mer. Oh well... seeing is believing. Fish Katsuki appears at the end.
You had always loved visiting your gran by the sea. She lived to a house right by the sea, just a bit above sea level where the water wouldn’t touch it if the oceans rose at night. She lived a bit away from the town because she believed in beings that lived under the waves, older than any human could live up to. She used to tell you of all the things she would do to help them. She would sit you by the waves, the water by your feet and warm sand under your hands and tell you stories of her advantages.
She would tell you of the handsome and beautiful mers that she was friends with and all the times they would take her under the waves to a world beyond your imagination. She told you of times where she would help provide food for them when the fisherman had overfished one too many times.
Your parents always told you to never listen to her. Your father often told you how she had swallowed one too many drops of sea water in her life. Of course, your gran knew that everyone thought she was crazy, but some of the villagers knew she wasn’t and she knew she wasn’t too. She had always hoped that one day when you were older, she could introduce you to them so that you would love them just as much as she did.
But that day never came.
With gran gone, you didn’t have anyone to visit by the coast anymore and there were not anymore visits. However, once you had learnt that your parents wanted to sell her cottage, you couldn’t let that slide. So you offered to drive to the coast and find some way of convincing them not to sell it or at least to let it be rented out. Which was how you got to the coastal town of Yuuie. Most of the villagers remembered you, recalling crazy times with you and your gran. They were glad to hear you were going to be at her cottage, but they advised you above all else.
Don’t go walking out at night by the coast.
Most of them said that’s how your grandmother got bewitched by the sirens. You obviously thought that it was just a bunch of townspeople nonsense.
Which is why you made the stupid decision to head down to the coast at night. It was a beautiful night, with the wind blowing cool air in your face, the smell of the sea at your back and salt and sand lined your calves and feet. You smiled in happiness at the beauty of the ocean. It was breathtaking. Even with the moon just over the horizon and the waves deep, dark and abyss like, it still was like no other view you had ever seen.
As you hummed to yourself as you walked the coast, you stopped as you heard something. Floating to your ears, amongst the sounds of the waves crashing against the coast, was a voice. You kept moving forward hearing the voice grow louder and louder. It was singing. Gorgeous singing that had you enchanted before you even realised you were. As you walked forward, almost in a daze, you noticed that the voice wasn’t feminine. It was masculine. A voice unyielded and free. You found yourself heading towards the base of a cliff and giant rocks. You could tell the voice was coming from here.
You moved around and then you found a dark hole that led into the unknown. Thoughtlessly, you followed the voice, having to get on your knees and crawl in. It wasn’t a long crawl until you could stand at your full height. The voice was louder now, echoing in the dark tunnel of the cave walls. Now accompanying the voice was the dripping of water and slight twinkle. You moved deeper, following a luminescent blue light.
Soon you found yourself standing in the darkness, blue light illuminating your face as you were left in shock. Sitting in front of you, on a rock, I shit you not, was a long red-haired being of the sea. Your mouth dropped in shock. They were moving their head side to side as they sang, enjoying the toon of the song. You noticed multiple scars on their back and by their waist was where skin blended into a thick tail that reminded you of a great white shark.
“I don’t know when... I don’t know how...”
You were left flabbergasted.
You had found motherfucking Ariel and you were literally about to cry. “Ariel?”
The singing stopped. “Ariel?” The deep voice asking, turning around to face you was a beautiful face, with ruby red round eyes and thick lashes. “Who in All Might’s seven seas is Arie-” He stopped talking as you both looked at each other face to face. His face dropped once he realised that you were not a mer talking to him. His pupils constricted in fear and worry. “It’s a human...” He stated. “Oh my All Might, it’s a human.” He voiced out in disbelief. For a moment, nothing happened between the both of you. You just stared at one another, shocked to find the other there. You watched as his pupils blew out as he gasped with a bright expression with a smile. It was then you saw razor sharp teeth that were lined to perfection. “A HUMAN!” He shouted in excitement as he held his hands to his face.
Your face was split into one of slight confusion at the sounds he was making. It sounded almost like cat noises. You tilted your head. However, that was short lived as you watched the red head dive into the waves. Your face fell at that. He left.
You took a few steps forward closer to the rocky pool. “Hello.” You voiced out uncertain as you took a few more steps forward. “I’m sorry I scared you.” You apologised. “I promise I won’t kill yo- wow that’s a stupid thing for a human to say.” You voiced out to yourself. You shook your head as you got closer to the glowing pool. You went down on your knees as you brought your face close to the pool, hoping you would be able to see him again. Maybe if you made some high-pitched noises as well, he would come back.
However, you didn’t have to, as not more than a meter away from you, peaking out of the surface were two round red eyes. They looked at you with interest at your presence. You looked at him in surprise to find him back. He tilted his head as he swam closer to you, slowly. You stared right back at him. He stuck his whole head out the water, allowing you to see the gills that were still open underneath the water. He smiled broadly up at you. Even though his smile was lined with sharp teeth that could no doubt cut you with little to no effort, his smile was beautiful. Real and almost as bright as the sun.
“A human. A real human.” He whispered in surprise and excitement. “It has been ages since I’ve talked to one of you guys again. I can’t believe it. I-” You watched as the merman talked to you, but you didn’t understand a word he was saying. It all came out in sharp trills, growls and other noises you couldn’t understand. He seemed really invested in what he was saying to you. You didn’t want to interrupt him but you really wished you knew what he was talking about. “And this is so-” He noticed your expression and his expression dropped. A smile left his face as he stared at you with his mouth in a thin line. He pointed a finger to himself. “You don’t understand me, do you?” He asked. Considering you didn’t answer him back, just staring at him, he took that as a yes. He sighed with a shake of his head.
As fast as lightning, before you could even realise what was going on, he grabbed your head between his hands and pulled your face to meet his. Your eyes widened at the kiss. His eyes closed as he used his tail to reach your height out of the water easily and kiss you. He was rather warm for a fish. His hands were wet but they weren’t slimy like you expected. Before you could even freak out that you were kissing a merman, he sunk back into the water, letting go of you.
“Sorry about that.” You heard him say in your language. Your eyes widened in surprise that he was speaking to you and you could understand him. His voice was much lower and really suited him. It was rather beautiful just like the rest of him. “I forgot you don’t speak Mer.” He spoke truthfully as he scratched the back of his head, in embarrassment with a short giggle. You found him cute. He placed one webbed hand onto his broad chest. “I am Eijiro, of the Kirishima clan.” He introduced with a bow of his head.
“Uh...” You forgot your name. You placed your hand on your chest and followed his actions. “I am Y/N of the... the L/N clan?” You sounded rather unsure whether you were saying that right, but considering his face lit up, you probably did. “Are you a mermaid?”  You asked.
His face scrunched up at the question. “A mermaid! Do I look like a femme to you?” He asked clearly offended by your question. He folded his large strong arms over his chest with a glare.
Your eyes trailed the part of his body that you could see. He had round rather feminine eyes with thick lashes and blinked in a slow way that reminded you of that of a siren effect. He had long thick red hair that pooled around him in the water that suited him perfectly and even his cut-out features seemed soft in some places. His chest was large and broad, thick pecs on his chest with a body covered in muscle but since he seemed rather relaxed, he had a rather soft effect to him. He had a smaller waist though, that made him have a sort of hourglass figure. Honestly, whatever gender he was, he screamed gender envy to you.
You leaned back with your arms up in surrender. He let out a grunt with a huff, happy that you took back your statement wordlessly. He pointed a finger to his chest. “I’m a mershark. A masc Mershark.” He informed you, puffing up his chest a bit more in pride.
That’s when you truly took notice of how big his body was. He was huge, even though he was making himself seem smaller. His broad body was no doubt bigger than yours and if he was out the water, he would no doubt probably be twice your size. He had cute little finned out ears that moved every now and then. You tilted your head as you poked his nose. Kirishima looked down at his nose and twitched it and frowned as he felt his head become a bit lightheaded at the tap. He had a real sensitive nose. He then smiled again and looked back up at you.
“What do you use your nose for?” You asked him.
“To smell!” He grinned up at you. “I breathe through my gills in water, so I only really use my nose for smelling things.” At that last point you heard him sniff. Kirishima moved closer to you as his eyes trained on you in interest. “You... you smell...” He sniffed again, following his nose to the end of the pool.
He was trying to find the scent that followed you. He finally took notice of how you smelled and he wanted to know more. However the pool only went so far. He put his hands on the edge of the pool and with no issue whatsoever, he pushed himself up. Your eyes widened at his large build up close. His large muscle stacked arms, held him above water. Water dripped down his muscles and thick skin as he leaned over down to you. You looked up at him with a heated face as it finally realised that you were faced to face with a predator that could easily take control over you. He sniffed closer to you. At any moment, you got ready to punch him in the nose, just like you would a shark.
He stopped for a moment. “You smell nice. Really nice. What is it?” He asked as he tried to sniff over your body, trying to find the origin. You fell back on your butt trying to put space between him and you as he sniffed you inquisitively. He bent down to sniff at your chest and then down your stomach until he got freakishly close between your legs.
“Oi!” You pushed his face away with your foot. Easily disorientating the mershark. “That’s not nice!” You scold him. You pointed a finger at him in disappointment. You watched as his ears fanned down almost like puppy ears and his pupils went big. He let out a whine as he frowned. It was a cute sound, almost like a sad puppy. “You don’t go around sniffing people d-down... down there.” You frowned, trying to block of your embrassed expression.
Kirishima looked down as he took in what you were saying. “Hm... but that’s how we make friends and introduce ourselves to potential mates.” He told you honestly.
“Well when we want to make friends or... or meet someone, we talk to them, Eijiro. We talk.” You emphasised. “Like how I am talking to you.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he thought over what you said. “So... are we friends?”
You hesitated and shrugged. “If you want to be friends.”
Kirishima’s face lit up as he nodded his head furiously.
That’s how you became friends with your redheaded mershark fellow. With him, you could barely keep track of time, because the hours would just slip by. He was such a sweetheart and really just cared for all of those in his pod and all around him. For a mershark, he really wasn’t vicious or blood thirsty at all. Maybe it scared you at first, how easily his eyes would home in on the fish you would bring for him to snack on, but you soon got used to it. He was funny and great at story telling.
He would tell you stories of when he was just a seapup and would navigate the oceans on his own. Apparently, some mersharks were a lot like regular sharks, lacked the necessary paternal instincts to raise their kin. So once mershark pups would learn to swim and grew in their sharp talons and teeth, they were left on their own. It made you cry when you first heard about it. At first, Kirishima was very confused as to why water was coming out of your eyes, but then he saw it as a sign of sadness. He apologised for making you sad, but you tried telling him that it wasn’t him necessarily making you sad. To make you feel better, he told you about how he had met his aunt and her mate and were raised by them.
“Most sharks are real nice.” He told you as you sat with you feet in the water with him floating on his back, his hands resting on his abdomen. “They really just mind their own business unless their hungry. Mersharks are nice too, but we’re a bit more aggressive.”
“How come?” You asked as you raised your eyebrow at that.
Kirishima hesitated as he thought of an answer to that. “Uh…  It’s hard to explain.” He told you. He sighed as he sunk a bit lower, swimming back to float vertically. He swam closer to you, placing his arms on the edge of the pool, and resting his head on them. “Everyone sees us as predators so we aren’t often received well. It causes some tension and natural bitterness towards others because of it.” He explained to you.
You nodded your head understanding why mersharks might behave in such a way. “Ah…  I see.” You looked down at Kirishima who was looking up at you with wide red eyes. You smiled down at him, placing your hand on his head. You moved your hand to behind his ear to scratch there. “Well, you’re nice Eijiro.” You informed him. This earned you a cute purr like rumble and smile as he leaned into your hand almost like a cat.
He also told you many tales of his adventures and mishaps with, what sounded like a very violent friend, named Katsuki of the Bakugou clan. He was apparently a very pretty but also rather angry merman. A prince apparently. He was the son of the chief of the pod and took his job rather seriously. Kirishima had expressed how he wanted you to meet Bakugou, but the merman was very sceptical of humans, so Kirishima would have to butter him up first.
His pod lived in the area (underwater of course) and hunted in the waters around. The fisherman usually stuck to one side of the coast so they were able to hunt on the other side without harm. They did however hate it when the big ships came by with their large propellers and big nets catching and scaring away all the fish. That was never fun for them. They also didn’t like all the pollution and how the seas were getting warmer. However Kirishima said they were adapting alright, so they should be okay. Besides, the town was rather eco-friendly, so they didn’t have to worry much here.
He told you all about the members of his pod like his best friends Bakugou, Mina Ashido, Hanta Sero, Kaminari Denki and Kyouka Jirou. He also told you more about his aunts, Yua and Takea, that he absolutely adored and loved with all his heart because they took him in. He told you about all the fun traditions the pod had and whenever they migrated to deeper waters for events.
He also told you about how his one friend Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, another mershark, had recently just got paired with a mermaid named Istuka Kendo. Apparently being paired was like getting married, but the way he made it sound, made it much more interesting. There was apparently so much food collected for the occasion, then there was some ceremony where they marked each other's shoulders (apparently tapping your nose on someone’s shoulder was a very intimate thing), then there were celebratory games. He had so much to his people and his life that he wanted to tell you, but he also wanted to learn about you.
Like how come humans had little fingers on their feet (toes) and what they were for. Why did you all have short nails and rather blunt teeth. You all seemed really bad at hunting by yourselves. Also why you all liked making so much noise. Why did you give each other rocks when you love each other? Were you coping penguins? Also why do you guys take all the penguins? Why didn’t you guys have gills on your necks? How do you know when a year has passed? Why did you treat your females so differently from your males? Why do you sometimes have more than one mate in a life time? Is it because you have so many choices?
He was really confused with how humans worked an with every one of his questions, you grew more confused in human kind as well.
Over the next few weeks, almost every single day of yours was spent with Kirishima, hidden away in your cave with the giant mershark. Plus, everything was so eased between the two of you, you didn’t think much about your next meeting with him.
“Are you sure this is okay, Eijiro?” You asked him as you sat beside him.
Kirishima lay back in the sand with most of his lower tail in the water for comfort. He nodded his head in affirmation as he tried to stay comfortable. He had his elbows supporting him as he leaned up slightly to keep his eyes on you. “I don’t mind. We’re learning about each other. I think it’s fine.”
You glanced between him and his body. He was indeed as big as you thought he was. If you lay down next to him, you probably would equally to half his height. You carefully brought your finger up to tap his nose. You watched Kirishima’s eyes dilate before he let out an annoyed groan and covered his nose away from you. You giggled at his reaction. He hated whenever you gave his nose any sort of attention. He glared at you but you just giggled. With that out of the way, you looked at the now closed gills on his neck. You leaned closer to them, you tapped one. For a moment nothing happened. You hummed, noting that they stayed closed above water.
Continuing your inspection of him your eyes wondered down to his skin. He seemed to have thicker skin than you, even on his supposed human half. On his arms, you admired the muscles that made them up, watching his large and tough hands with sharp talons for nails. Considering he was a predator, it made sense to you for him to have them. You continued down to his waist area, where tanned skin melded into his great white lower half. You put a hand there trying to feel if there was much of a visible difference. Only slightly.
You turned to him inquisitively. “Does this hurt when I touch it?” You asked.
Kirishima shook his head. “No. Feels normal to me.”
You hummed at his answer, really interested in his anatomy right now. You decided to leave him be and go down to his thick grey tail. You noticed that sharks weren’t smooth like dolphins. They appeared that way but they had small tooth-like scales for skin. You admired how his underbelly was white while the rest of him was more of a dark grey. He seemed to also have more fins than a regular shark. However, you couldn’t get far because you noticed something.
A slit.
You turned your head to the side. It was small, in line with the centre of him and rather hidden away. You had never noticed it before. You wondered what it was for. You raised a finger to touch it.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Kirishima warned you with a slightly worried expression. He seemed really worried about whatever the slit was and you interacting with it. “It’s getting real close to that time of year and I don’t think you’ll get the reaction you want out of it.”
You glanced between his face and the slit. You then turned to him blank faced. “You’re a femme aren’t you?” You asked him.
Kirishima’s face fell at your question only making you giggle. “For the last time, I’m not a mermaid nor a femme.” He arched his back slightly, raising his lower waist area where your attention was. “If you really want to know, check for yourself.” He raised his hands, almost trying to say that he tried to warn you.
Deciding to go against the loud sirens going off in your head, you decided to touch his slit. At first nothing happened, however you did notice that the area around it was rather soft. You stuck your finger through it, making Kirishima take a sharp inhale at the breach. His face was flushed pink slightly as he looked away from you embarrassed. You removed your finger, noticing a sort of slick like substance leave the slit. You looked at your hands and then down at the slit and then back at him. You were literally about to accuse him of lying to you when you now noticing something peeking out from the slit. You tilted your head in surprise at the sudden appearance of something. You tapped it a few times. It was soft. Smooth but it seemed to be getting harder. It looked eerily like something you had. Before you could comment you then noticed that it was growing.
Rapidly growing.
Until you found yourself face to face with what you could only think of calling, a dick. Actually there were two of them. You tilted your head in wonder at the both of them. You touched one of them making him twitch. You heard Kirishima whine at that. You turned up to look at him. His face flushed as he bit down on his bottom lip, his hands balling up the sand underneath him so that he couldn’t lose control and possibly hurt you. You returned your attention back to his twin cocks. You wrapped your warm hands around the base of them, your fingers couldn’t even touch. It was coated in that slick like substance you notice earlier. You moved your hand up and down and then you noticed from the end of it, a white substance, trickled down in a drop.
Kirishima let out a soft groan. “If... if you... I don’t want to hurt you. It’s close to mating season and I really don’t want to harm you.” He let out worried for your safety.
“Do I... do I just put it… them… back?” You asked.
“Uh no...” He let out nervously with a chuckle. “They sorta just goes back on their own after a while. Just ignore them.”
“Well it’s kinda hard to ignore when your cocks are out, Eijiro.”
Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. “I don’t know what a ‘cock’ is, b-but...” Kirishima closed his eyes briefly as he relaxed for a moment. You hadn’t stopped your touching or prodding on him. He let out a soft moan, trying to remember what he was saying before getting lost in the pleasure that he scarcely felt outside of mating season. “I... I don’t think I have that. Those...” He pointed down to what you were still holding in your hand. “Those are tendrils.”
“Why do you need two of them?” You asked shocked. He shrugged as an answer to your question. You looked between him and his coc-... tendrils? Yah you weren’t calling them that. You sighed feeling ass though you had put yourself into quite the situation that you didn’t know how to get out of. Well, at least you could cross off giving a hand job to a merman off your list. “Seems like we need to put them away then.”
“H-How…” Kirishima looked at you hesitantly. “How are you going to do th- Fuck!” He moaned out as you licked the heads of his cocks. You moved your head back shocked that he didn’t taste as salty as you thought. You hummed as you brought your mouth to the head of one while you moved your hand up and down the other. Kirishima whimpered at the feeling of your hot mouth on his cocks. He didn’t understand why you had put your mouth there, no one was supposed to do that, but at the same time, it felt so good that he didn’t want to tell you to stop. “Oh... oh fuck. That’s... that’s good.” He expressed to you, his eyes closed as he tried to control himself and not grab onto you and probably fuck your face.
You tried to focus on dragging your tongue around his sensitive length. He was pretty vocal but tried to hide it by biting down on his bottom lip and partially covering his mouth with his hand. The sounds he released went straight to your sex, only encouraging you more and more. You continued to move your hand up and down his other cock, using the precum that dribbled out of it to make gliding your hand easier.
He wiggled and writhed in your grasp. Kirishima tried so hard not to hurt you. He really didn’t want to hurt you, but you were making it so hard for him to push his instincts back. You were making it so hard not to just grab you and rut against you as if he had no other goal in life. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry but...” Kirishima apologised profusely as he brought his hands down to the back of your head. “I’m so sorry but I need your mouth.” He apologised as he forced you down around his cock till he was hitting the back of your throat. He bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy. He groaned out loudly as he held you down. Tears sprung in your eyes as you chocked against his cock, you tightened your hand around the other as you braced yourself against his tail. Remembering that you couldn’t breathe, Kirishima pulled you off his cock for a second.
You gasped, saliva dribbling out of your mouth. “Holy-” You didn’t even get to finish your two word sentence as you mouth was forced back onto his cock, your warm cavern providing shelter for the normally cold blooded mer underneath you. Kirishima whimered at the feeling as you swallowed around him, trying to take him in deeper.
“Oh my All Might’s seas.... fuck... I’m gonna cum. I’m... I- I'm so sorry but you’re just so...” Kirishima groaned as you held you down for a few seconds. That’s when you noticed the twitching of his cocks and the sudden explosion of cum in your mouth. Kirishima rolled his eyes back with a moan as he thrust into your mouth. You choked almost immediately at the overwhelming amount of it all in your mouth. You tried to swallow as much as you could but coughed, removing your head gasping for air.
You coughed at finally able to breathe. You sat back trying to finally get air back to your lungs. Unlucky for you, Kirishima was far from finished. Suddenly you found yourself on your back. You coughed as you looked down at the huge mershark that now had you pinned to the sandy floor of the cave you were in. “E-Eijiro... Wha...” You tried to cough out, but everything you were saying was met with a silent mershark on a mission. His pupils huge as he was trained on your body underneath him.
He spread your legs easily, pulling at your short and easily tearing through them with his claws. You gasped at the violent action as he found himself finally face to face with your sex. He stopped for a moment, taking notice of how different it was from femme mers. He moved slightly back, settling between your legs as he watched your sex. It was already glistening with slick which he knew as a good thing. He sniffed again, affirming that he was right. The nice smell was coming from you. Inside you most probably.
Maybe you humans also got affected by pheromones too. He sure hoped so.
Kirishima’s mouth got closer and closer to your sex. “Uh... Eij...” His eyes flicked up to you. You looked embarrassed as you looked down at him. You squirmed under his heated gaze. “Be careful with the teeth.” It was then that he remembered he couldn’t just, quite literally, eat you.
He nodded and without another word, he licked up your slit making you tense. His hands easily gripped your thighs as to hold them in place to allow him to access you without hindrance. Kirishima groaned as he moved back, his eyes practically black as his pupils took most of his eyes. He seemed to find his new favourite place. Deciding to dive back in, he licked and sucked at your sex making you whimper and squirm.
For a man who was half fish, he seemed to be really excited about this. Really excited, because it felt as though you couldn’t catch a break with him. You whimpered as your thighs tensed around him. Kirishima flicked his tongue up by your clit. You thrusted down against his face on instinct and he stopped for a moment. You had let out a moan that was louder than the rest. So clearly that was a sensitive spot. Focusing on the nub that was starting to harden and make itself known, Kirishima gripped you harder as he sucked against you.
Your hands balled up the sand as you moaned, grinding down against his face. You were too caught in ecstasy to care about much else. You moved one hand to bury itself in his red locks of hair. You pulled him closer to your sex, wanting him- no... needing him closer. You whined and cried out as he continued his onslaught against you. Lapping and drinking you up as if he was a man starved, as if there was no greater thing in life than to serve you and give you pleasure.
Kirishima wiggled squirmed in the sand, already lost in your pleasure alongside you. “O-oh. Oh fuck, Eijiro.” You whimpered as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten as your thighs started to tremble. You felt your heartbeat increase as you knew you were going to fall off the cliff of pleasure, hard and fast. “Shit! Shit. Eijiro I-” You tensed for a moment, before rolling your eyes back and moaning loudly. “Fuck!” He didn’t stop as he continued to suck on your clit and lick up your slit, prodding at your hole in alternating movements. You were tense as you came hard against his mouth. You finally relaxed down against the sand, your breathing heavy and your eyes closed in relief.
However, Kirishima didn’t get the hint. He continued lapping you up, not letting a drop of your slick escape his tongue as he viciously continued to eat you out. You whimpered at the overstimulation as you started to quiver in his hold. Your whimpers sounded like music to his ears as he continued to lick and lap at you.
Then Kirishima heard a chirp. He stopped for a moment and turned his head away from you to look at the pool behind him.
Staring with judgement was another set of red crimson eyes. They glared for a moment, looking at you and then at Kirishima. The mysterious mer had blond hair that fell down with the water. Kirishima perked up at the familiar face. He smiled broadly, slick and cum dripping from his chin and face as he looked over at his friend. He then glanced at your still heavily breathing state, with your legs spread wide for the blond’s eyes to also see. “Look Y/N, it’s Katsuki!” He told you, but you weren’t really listening as you tried to finally relax and catch your breath.
Kirishima pulled his body over to the water closer to the blond. The blond lifted the rest of his head out of the water, orange finned ears moving down as he hissed at Kirishima almost scolding him. Kirishima seemed unbothered with the hostility as he chirped over at Bakugou.
“Shitty hair, what the fuck are you doing?” Bakugou asked glancing between you and the redhead mershark. “Eating a human! You know how much serious trouble you can get into for doing that!” He reminded Kirishima. Eating humans was forbidden now, due to how advanced and determined humans were when one of them died. “It could put the whole pod at risk.”
“Come on, Katsuki. I’m not eating them! I’m just licking and tasting. Don’t you want a taste too!” He asked with a whine as he moved closer to the blond.
Bakugou’s eyebrows bunched up in confusion as he looked at the redhead with judging eyes. “Taste of wh-” He was interrupted as Kirishima’s lips were on his.
Now that caught your attention. You moved your head up to find the two mers sharing a kiss. Kirishima was first to move back, happily glad about what he had done. He had a grin on his face as he looked at the blond mer. Bakugou licked his lips, tasting you on his mouth. He didn’t say anything. You watched as the blond mers’ pupils went wide as he turned his eyes to you. Specifically, to your sex that he could still see easily. You knew that predatorily gaze.
You tensed.
Now there were two of them.
<KiriBakuDeku Monstertober Week>
<Previous Day> <Next Day>
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wh3nturtlesfly · 1 year
Villain raced up to the rooftop, chest heaving. They could hear the sirens in the distance, ones meant for them. Only they hadn’t done it. Not this time.
The steel door was cold on their palm as they slammed it shut. It made much too loud a sound, though Villain couldn’t find the energy to care. No one should hear from here. The stars were Villain’s only witness, gazing upon them through thousands of speckled faces. At least, that’s what Villain had thought.
“It’s awfully late for you to be out here,” The voice spooked Villain, who shrieked in surprise. They whirled around to face none other than Hero, a sly smile on their face, “the wind is quite brisk this time of night, you could catch a cold.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Those sirens are on for a reason sweetheart.” Hero said the name with such ease, it left Villain flushing a bright red. They hated it. Hero took a step forward to which Villain inched back. The wind indeed flowed cooly, tousling Villain’s already battle-mussed hair and leaving them looking even more of a mess.
Villain tried to string their words together calmly, though the stress of it all left them spitting out sentences as if their life depended on it. By the sounds of the distant sirens, it did. “You don’t understand- I- it wasn’t me this time, I didn’t do it.”
“Is that so?” Hero raised an eyebrow. They were awfully unfazed over the whole endeavor. It left Villain unsettled.
“You have to trust me, please.” Cold concrete cells and iron bars. Villain could already imagine the icy grip of handcuffs around their wrists and the barked orders screamed in their ear. They couldn’t go back, not when this time it hadn’t been their fault.
And yet, the Hero stepped closer. Villain’s hands balled into fists. They couldn’t crumble now, not when they had no reason to be taken and definitely not beneath that stupid grin.
Hero seemed amused with the whole scene. “Tell me now, why should I trust a criminal?” They narrowed their eyes in question and the Villain wished to wipe that wretched smirk off their face.
“Would I really lie to you in a time such as this?” Villain backed up another step and made the mistake to glance over the edge. Their gloved hands brushed against the railing, but beyond that-
Down, down, down. Cornered, and Hero was well aware.
“You tell me. You’ve lied to me before, and seem to express no shame in doing so, so how could I ever find reason to trust the one who had committed so many wrongs?”
“Because I’m telling the truth this time,” Villain grit out. They gripped the railing like a lifeline, they had forgotten how much they hated heights in their attempt to escape the authorities.
Hero tsked with a shake of their head, “Not good enough. I need more.”
Villain nearly lost it at that. Here they were, dangling on the edge of life or imprisonment only to play Hero’s little game. Fury boiled in their veins. “More? What more could I possibly give you when my fate is on the line!”
“If you were truly desperate, I think you’d say anything.”
“Then ask me your bloody questions, and let me show you I’m not lying!”
“Actually, I think it's less of a question and more of… an admission.” The stars were reflected in Hero’s eyes, a gaze full of something utterly cunning. Villain hated it.
“What kind of admission?” they dared to shrink back another inch. Hands braced on the railing, the wind tousled their hair. Villain’s cheeks flushed red from the bite of the cold; that, or maybe it was the way they could feel Hero’s breath fan across their skin. They would never know for sure.
Hero’s lips split into a grin. “Tell me you love me.”
“I- what?!” Villain sputtered. The space between them grew twice as tense, Hero leaning dangerously close. Villain had forgotten about the sirens, forgotten of the sight of a cold dark cell. All they saw were Hero’s eyes, yearning for the one thing Villain had tried so hard to hide.
“Come on, just three simple words,” they pressed forward and Villain stumbled back with a shriek. Hero looped an arm around their waist before they could plummet backwards. Their fingers trailed along the back of Villain’s suit like fire, “It’s so easy, just a silly little sentence for me.”
Villain tried to squirm away, though Hero’s grip was much too strong. They had no choice but to gaze into the eyes that glimmered like stars. Hero was right, it was nothing but three insignificant words, but to Villain, it was everything. For too long they had tried to conceal it. Pushing down their deepest feelings, Villain could never admit it, never concede such secrets. It would have been easy if such a sentence were a lie, but to the Villain it was anything but.
And the Hero knew.
“Might want to make up your mind soon,” Hero whispered with a hot breath that tickled Villain’s ear. There was the sound of pounding footsteps. The police, they were coming.
“You’re horrible,” Villain hissed.
“You’re quite endearing when you're stressed,” A finger ran down Villain’s cheek, tipping up their chin, “Now, what will it be?”
The echo of footsteps only grew closer. Louder and louder, it was like a thunderclap in Villain’s ears. They couldn’t take it, forced to gaze into those beautiful eyes they had tried so hard to escape, or face an imprisonment like no other. It was impossible-
The door to the roof slammed open and through it filed a chorus of dark uniforms. Villain tensed. Pick your poison.
Villain thrust forward, gripping Hero’s suit tightly and dragging them both over the edge of the railing.
Down, down, down they plummeted. Speeding towards the ground, Villain grasped at the open air and resisted the urge to scream. Fifty feet, twenty, ten. They were snatched away just before they could hit the ground.
Villain observed the rush of shadows and shapes. A hand placed along their back gripped them tightly as they soared through the air. It was quite fortunate that the Hero could fly.
Then, in a sudden stop, the Villain felt the ground hard under their feet. Their knees buckled from the pressure and when they finally managed to gain their bearings, Hero was there to meet them.
“What was that?” They huffed, chest heaving.
“Figured you wouldn’t want an audience,” It was Villain’s turn to smirk as they stalked forward and leaned inches from the Hero. Eyes half lidded, they looked once to Hero’s lips then back up before closing the gap. It was nothing more than a press of lips, though when they broke apart Hero’s eyes were wide with wonder.
Villain spoke in a bare whisper, “I love you. Don’t make a thing of it.” They traced the curve of Hero’s jaw with a grin before slipping away without another word. Villain would never come to admit that such a display of affection nearly left their heart exploding out of their chest. Hero would find out soon enough after all.
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lostfirefly · 4 months
If you wake up in your bed, alone in the dark, I'm sorry I gotta leave you before you love me
You're the owner of a bar where one evening a blue-haired pirate comes and you both play a drinking game.
Just a random shitty shit :) Masterlist
OPLA Buggy x F!Reader
Words: 1301
The title is talken from "Leave Before You Love Me" Marshmello and Jonas Brothers.
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Taglist: @gingernut1314 (idk if you wanted to be tagged :))
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The bar was full of pirates that night. The air smelled of rum, whiskey, tequila, and cheap tobacco. You, the bar hostess, was wiping down the bar counter, made of solid oak, listening to different stories from the drunken sailors. Some told about mermaids, others about how they miraculously avoided meeting with sirens, others in their stories were invincible pirate kings. 
“Alright, Benji, no more whiskey for you. You need to go home, your wife is waiting for you,” You said, taking the half-empty glass from the hands of the man who was barely standing. 
“One more glass, please! Hone-e-y! Don't be a pest! O-o-ops!” The grey-haired man reached out for another glass, but he couldn't help himself and fell to the floor.
“No more! Get out of here. I’ll tell Frank to walk you home,” you said and threw a towel over her shoulder.
It was late and it was raining heavily outside the window, but the bar was still full, despite the imminent closure.
The front door swung open, and you heard heavy footsteps.
"A bottle of whiskey," the man's voice came. 
You, who was wiping her glass with a towel at the time, looked up. A large man with blue hair, green eyes and red nose, dressed in a brown fur coat, leather pants and vest sat behind the bar counter and stared at her intently. 
"Whiskey. The best one!" He repeated his order once more and put his gloved hand on a counter. 
You turned to the shelves behind her and among the many bottles of different alcohol, picked out a huge bottle of well aged whiskey. 
“Here. Enjoy,” you moved him the bottle, which was decorated with drawings of dragons and ships, "The best in our town." 
You glanced at him for a moment. “You're not from around here, aren't you? Because I haven't seen you in my bar before."
"Your bar?" The man raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Yeah. Why are you so surprised? Don't tell me you're the kind of man who thinks a woman should stay home." You poured whiskey into a glass and slid it into the man's hand. He remained silent. 
"Not at all. It's great, I guess." He took a sip of whiskey. “Tell me, isn’t it scary for such a nice girl to hang out in this bar at night, among drunken sailors?”
“I’m already used to it. At least tell me your name, stranger. There shouldn’t be a person without a name in my bar.”
"What strict rules. Buggy. Buggy the Clown."
"Very nice, Buggy the Clown. And me (Y/N). Well, what are doing in our city?"
"We'll dock to replenish our supplies, and then we'll move on."
"So, are you one of those treasure hunters? Or one of those good pirates?"
"Baby, it's rude to ask things like that when my poster is on your wall." He pointed his finger at the poster stand. "I'm kind of a celebrity, you know?"
You laughed. Continuing to keep order in the bar, you could not get rid of the thought that the green eyes of this strange man, who was wearing makeup, were watching your every step.
“You know, Buggy the Clown, I’m a little embarrassed that you’re staring into me with your eyes.”
He made a face and crossed his arms.
"Listen, drinking alone is boring. Join me." 
"I’m working." 
“Come on, you've got some drunken bilge rats here. Grab a glass and let's play 'I've never..'"
You looked around the bar, assessing the condition of the visitors. Half of them were already lying somewhere on the floor. The other half was about to leave.
“Okay, let's play." You took out a second glass and placed it on the counter. You poured whiskey into a glass and added ice. “Well, a cute stranger with the name Buggy the Clown, I’ll start. I’ve never have never fallen asleep in public.” 
Buggy looked at you and the glass for a long time. And took a sip of whiskey.
“I thought so!” You laughed.
“What about you?” Buggy asked, sipping whiskey.
“Noo! I’m a good girl.”
“You work in a bar, you can't be good!” He laughed like a maniac. “Ok, my turn. I’ve never have never had a one-night stand.”
You both looked at each other and sipped your whiskey. 
“And you say you're good?" Buggy said in a mocking tone. "Na-ah!"
“I work at the bar. Can you imagine how many pirates come here? But I have to admit, you're the cutest." You took a sip and blushed. “What about you?”
“I’m a pirate. Is it necessary to continue further?” He smiled widely. “Well.. I’ve never have never tried to make an ex jealous.”
You sipped your whiskey. “He was a jerk. He needed to be taught a lesson. You?”
“No! I swear!” He raised his hands.
“My turn! I’ve never have never sneezed on a stranger.” You looked at the clown pirate with curiosity. He smiled, started laughing and took a sip from his glass. “Ew! Gross!” You started laughing too. "Ok, ok! I've never have never spent money that wasn't mine to spend."
"Seriously? Is this a question you ask a pirate? Better bring a bottle of whiskey right away." He poured himself another drink and drank it in one gulp.
You were playing when the last customer left the bar and you were already finishing your fourth bottle of whiskey. You could hardly stand on your feet.
“Ok! Last question! I’ve never have never held a grudge longer than a year.” You waited for a couple of seconds and took a sip of whiskey. “You?”
“It’s a long story. I want to skip this question.” He became visibly saddened.
“Who is that bitch that broke your heart?” You said in a drunken voice. “She’s the greatest pig ever. Look at you! You’re cute!” Staggering, you came out from behind the bar and walked towards him.
“You really think I’m cute?” Buggy took your hand and pulled you towards him.
“Of course! Your blue hair, your red nose, your makeup. You are unusual and cute.” You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. Buggy looked at you with a clouded look.
“Listen, when are you leaving?” You asked, trying to focus your gaze.
“In a couple of days, what?” He asked quietly and hugged you.
“So we have time!” You grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to the room.
The next morning you woke up alone in bed. You felt the pillow that was lying next to you with your hand. A sheet on which there were traces of cosmetics and clearly not yours. The other half of the bed was empty. You clearly remembered last night. His heavy breathing on your skin, his hands on your body and the words he said to you. You put on a shirt and went downstairs. Buggy was sitting on a chair and was already pulling on his second shoe.
“Are you going to leave like that and not say goodbye to me?” You walked up to him, put one arm around his neck and looked into his eyes.
"You were just fast asleep. And I.. well, well.."
"I see. Listen.. It seemed to me that.. Well.." You walked closer to him and kissed him on the lips. “if you’re still in our towns or will be one day, come to see me. I liked you. In every sense.”
You noticed how he became noticeably nervous. He took his coat, and returned the kiss.
He ran his gloved hand through his hair. "I will keep that in mind, baby."
You closed the bar door behind him, leaned on it and whispered. "Damn, I really wanted you to stay."
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dearest-painter · 1 year
My little girl
summary:When your parents don’t care what you do,what you eat,what you say,what you wear,or how you look or throw you out in the cold with only slippers,a t shirt,and shorts you do anything to survive the world is Gotham especially little old Y/N. She is known to steal just so she can survive the streets of Gotham. Once you run away to New York and still have the same life you gain some attraction especially with hero’s,villain,anti hero’s,and vigilantes.
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior.abusive relationship,being force to grow up,Title from ‘Daddy issues by the neighborhood’,Y/N’s parents fully neglects Y/N to the point their basically homeless,SELF HARM,kidnapping,drugging,sedation,stalking,murder,death,villains being better parents then Y/N’s real parents,threatening,death threats,abuse
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The coldness comfort you usually but now your running away from the only home you knew,Gotham city but you knew it was better to leave. Your parents never cared honestly and you knew it as they’ve thrown you out in the middle of the snow with barely any cloths,you had to steal proper clothes for you and the people who gave shelter to you. Sighing as you watched the places go by you saw all the heroes that didn’t do Jack shit for you when in need
It was always the villains that save you,Deadshot would always give you a ceral bar,the sirens would take you around town treating you like a daughter or sister,killer croc would let you sleep on his back while he went through the sewer,bloodsport would make you stay around him while he got you food and clothes. They were the best as they took care of you. Your parents didn’t care about your mental health or physical health but the villains did,they made sure you were always safe.
To you it felt like betraying your family yet you knew it was needed. “New yooork!” It was your area so you got up then walked out taking a look around. Everyone seemed confused at you but said nothing. You understood why because they were dressed for winter while you had a hoodie,shorts,worn out sneakers,fingerless gloves,a bandaged leg,many band aids on you,and a tank top plus your bag. It was like it was autumn to you. “Where do I go…” you thought everything out but you knew one thing,men were going to try and take advantage of you.
You took a deep breath then walked to a woman who looked friendly enough. “E-excuse me ma’am…do you have money you could spare so I can call someone on the pay phone. Sorry for the bother” the women looked at you,short red hair is the first thing you notice of her. “Of course,calling your parents?” You forced a smile. “Mhm! Lost my phone so I gotta tell them where I am” she nodded as she gave you money then you went to the pay phone.
You hitched your breath. “Hello?” “Thor! You answered thank goodness! Your in New York yes?” “No I am not Y/N! I’m sorry!! Why do you ask?” “Damn it…I was gonna visit you but never mind! I gotta go!” You hung up then walked out plotting how to get by. Walking out the subway you just went with the flow.
New York was a bit safer then Gotham but something caught your eye. ‘Car for sale! Free!’ It’s as if something took pity for you. Running to the area where the car was you smiled wider then usual. “Ma’am! Can I have this car?” She puffed out air then look at you smiling motherly at you. “Of course sugar,I’m Charlotte harlot but may I ask. Where ya from honey?” “Gotham city ma’am” “oh dearie. Here the keys but do you know how to drive or have a job?” “Yes I can drive but no job” she looked at you sadly then took out a paper. “Here,my works hiring. Just say Charlotte gave you it” nodding you head she left and smiled. You got in then drove to a run down but safe parking lot.
You got in the passenger seat laying the chair plus your body down. Looking at the paper it was titled ‘villainously tastey’ it was definitely a restaurant but you sucked ay cooking and didn’t have any history with cooking extravagant food but only food for easy and quick food so being a waitress might be your job. Yawing it was time to sleep so locking the doors,getting protection the putting a sign up saying ‘I am fine! I am just resting as I’ve just moved here so I do not have a home yet!’ Then you brought out your blanket and pillow falling asleep in seconds.
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iamthecomet · 10 months
How do all the ghouls murder there prey
Oh man, I will try to keep this from getting away from me but I have so so so many thoughts about murder ghouls. I could talk about them FOREVER. But I will try not to. Preferred methods for each ghoul, under the cut. Current ghouls (plus Aether and Sunny) only, but I have THOUGHTS about the older ghouls too if anyone wants them. <3
Aether: Uses his quintessence to pull their life force from him into them. Usually happens over the course of days/weeks. Fucks with their memories/experience while he does it--it makes them taste better. Likes to play with his food. Leaves the body for his packmates to eat--doesn't really have a taste for blood. Aeon: Much like Aether, feeds primarily on their energy/life force. But unlike Aether who likes to keep them trapped in their own head--Aeon likes to bring what's in their head to life. Big on hallucinations. Uses his earth magic to twist the world around them into the stuff of nightmares. Has literally scared a few people to death (he thinks they taste best that way). Will share his kill with other ghouls. Likes a little blood and guts, as a treat. Cumulus: Prefers with someone else kills someone for her. They always taste better when they're a gift. Usually hunts in tandem with Cirrus who does most of the heavy lifting. If she has to kill, she prefers it to be bloodless (really hates washing blood out of her curls). Has perfected the art of using her magic to steal the breath from their lungs--suffocating them in a matter of terrifying minutes. Cirrus: In a word, efficient. Doesn't really want to chase anyone. Likes it better when they're settled between her legs happy and pliant and she can just slip her fangs into their carotid and end it quickly. Doesn't mind being covered in blood (because then Cumulus will clean her up). Sunshine: Loves a hunt, a chase. Likes her prey to fight. Wants them to run. She and Mountain tag team a lot (I wrote a whole fic about it here). Very much into ripping and tearing. Makes an unholy mess (which is why she only kills as deep in the woods as she can get. Aurora: Doesn't particularly like to kill. Does it out of necessity. Will share with other people when they offer. As much as she likes to indulge in blood and flesh she doesn't really see the appeal in killing. Sometimes can use her water nature (siren powers babyy) to lure Siblings into letting her nibble on them, drink a little blood to satisfy the need without actually killing anyone. Rain: Uses his natural siren-esque water powers to lure victims into the lake with him. He says he drowns them, but it's up for debate on whether they actually drown before he sinks his teeth into them. He's been known to turn the lake red. Once he gets them under water he's free to tear into them. Compelled to rip them to shreds. Only hunts out of water when he's hunting with Dew. Dewdrop: Quick. Brutal. A quick bite or slash to an artery or two usually does the job. Doesn't waste much time in playing with his food--doesn't really like to unless he's hunting with Rain. Usually shows his true from when hunting--he blends into the dark better that way. Only willingly shares his kills with Rain and Cumulus. Mountain: Poisoner. Teams up with Sunshine just to make things a little more fun. But when he kills alone, he brings a victim back to his greenhouse. Sometimes he feeds them poison in their food--their tea. Other times he pulls them into his lap, kisses them, pushes it into their mouth with his tongue. Always makes sure to give them enough that when he drinks their blood he'll get high off of it. Swiss: Mixes murder and pleasure. Thinks blood tastes the best when it's full of horny chemicals. A quick bite to the femerol artery while his victim is mid-orgasm is his favorite. However, he can be seen, late at night, filling victims with his shadow and consuming them from the inside out. Using his little bit of quintessence to make sure he devours every single atom.
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satureja13 · 5 months
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CrHappy New Year - Part 2 Part 1 is -> here
Soon it went dark and the party started with dinner. They didn't turn the lights on and went with candlelight to not draw any uneccessary attention on the winery. And Vlad is still wondering why Jeb is dressed like this... That's so not his style - at all...
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Saiwa held a little speech about how happy they can be that they are all together again - and healthy. And that they finally found a home. And about their plans for next year. Doing anything to get Kiyoshi's absent mind out of tree mode. Get that device build by Rubyn that will be able to teleport them between their home in the Otherworld and the Muggle World. Making their crappy home a happy home. Staying together. And help other creatures where they can, now that Ji Ho and Vlad finally said 'yes' to each other and their Bond.
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And then they ran around a bit because they can't stay sit even if their life depended on it... *sigh* But they all agreed how amazing Jack's Ice Wine was.
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Jack: "I love you, pal." Vlad: "I know, pal."
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I first thought Vlad would go over and sit with Ji Ho but he went to sit with Kiyoshi and showed him how to use this strange thing in his hand. Vlad: "That's a glass. Put it to your mouth and drink. Don't forget to spread your little finger... Exactly. Well done!"
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Hahaha Ji Ho and Jack ^^'
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No matter how hard the times were Jack had because of Kiyoshi, it hurts him to see Kiyoshi so lost and helpless.
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After Dinner they went upstairs. Jeb and Ji Ho were chatting about Ji Ho's progress on his Siren's Songs. Other Jeb had insisted in his message that Ji Ho should continue working on them. So it must be important.
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Ji Ho: "I started working on them while I was living with Genji. I'm getting better and it sounds quite good but I still struggle to influence things and persons, like my grandfather did, you know?" Jeb: "Let's hear anyway?"
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Ji Ho: "Uhm... ok ^^' So I found out it's not really about composing a new song but to get into the right mindset and use a certain tone and voice." And then Ji Ho started to sing a song they all knew very well. The Misty Mountains Song from The Hobbit:
'Far over the misty mountains cold to dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day to claim our long-forgotten gold Goblets they carved there for themselves and harps of gold, where no man delves There lay they long, and many a song was sung unheard by men or elves The pines were roaring on the heights the winds was moaning in the night The fire was red, it flaming spread the trees like torches blazed with light The bells were ringing in the dale and men looked up with faces pale The dragon's ire, more fierce than fire laid low their towers and houses frail'
And even though Jack was not in his wolf, his hair on his neck stood to an end. Something felt strange. And his sensible nose cought the scent of ozone. But the song was so beautifully sung.
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None of them could stop themselves from humming along with Ji Ho, just like the dwarves did with Thorin in 'The Hobbit'. And then it happened. Six little lights appeared and danced around them. It was just like magic. (In fact it actually was magic ^^')
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So Ji Ho was able to influence with his voice. But it seems just his friends and just when they're all together. They'll yet have to figure what to do with this new trait.
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A little while later a werewolf ran along.
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Just to make sure his son and his friends are safe ;)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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weemsfreak · 1 year
The Board Pt 4: The Second Day
Larissa Weems x Anura Ricci
Plot and fluff ~2400 words
Link to Pt 3
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Friday you found yourself sitting in on a few classes at Nevermore. The history class was certainly something. The teacher knew her stuff, and was very diligent and outgoing, as you found out at trivia the night prior.
You made your way to the greenhouse and found Ms. Thornhill tending to a few plants. "Good morning Ms. Thornhill, how are you today?" You must've been too quiet when entering and then spoke too loud, because you startled her. "OH- Mx. Ricci, I'm fine, how are you? Does your brain hurt from last night?" Giggling, she turned away from what she was doing and went to her desk. "Yes, a bit, but it'll go away soon" you said with a wink. She was cute and bubbly, always adorning red boots, most of the time with mud on them. "Class will start soon if you want to take a look around" she said and you nodded, doing just so. There were so many plants in the greenhouse, it would've taken you all class to get through them if you couldn't identify them visually. The board loved your efficiency, it was probably why they kept you on. Halfway through the class you stopped to listen to Marilyn. She seemed to have a professional yet fun demeanour around her students, and she sounded like she knew what she was talking about. You scanned over the plants she was tending to when you came in, writing in your notes everything you found in the greenhouse. 'Solanum lycopersicum - tomatoes. Solanum nigrum, black nightshade - you can eat the ripened fruit cooked, it's actually quite good. Atropa belladonna - deadly nightsh- ' "ohhh wait a minute" you mumbled out loud. Was she allowed to have this? There were many dangerous things at a school for Outcasts, sometimes including the outcasts themselves, but some things can and should be regulated. It was just a small plant, looked like she had just started growing it. It was good that the students were learning about poisonous plants as well as safe plants, school should be the safest place to learn about dangerous things. Done with your search, you said goodbye to Ms. Thornhill and made your way back into the school.
Down at the fencing class, Coach Vlad boasted about your trivia performance. "Everyone meet Mx. Ricci. They kicked everyone's butt at trivia last night, especially Ms. Heimrich." The class looked happy to see that someone had bet her at her own game. That's probably the history teachers name, you thought. A girl with dark skin and bright piercing eyes shot a look at you. "She may be good at trivia, but is she any good at fencing?" You could tell right away that she was a siren. Smirking at her, you shot back, "Oh I know a thing or two, but it's not good to fence on an empty stomach, I've been pretty busy all morning." She gave you a smug laugh and turned away. "Alright everyone, Mx. Ricci works for the board and is here to observe, not participate. Let's get in position." As they all sparred, you took note of the coaches safety. Jacket - check, gloves - check, masks - check. As they finished, the siren made her way back over to you. She gave you the vibes that she was the best in the class and was looking for a new rival, you. "Hey Mx. Ricci, why don’t you go get a snack and I'll be here waiting for you when you get back" she laughed as everyone went to take their equipment off. You were going to respond when the door opened and the principal walked in, saving you from the siren. "Hello Coach Vlad, Bianca, Mx. Ricci." She turned to you and smiled, "I hope you had a pleasant morning visiting our classes. Care to have lunch with me?" Thank god it was lunch time, you were really hungry. "I'd love to" you said, winking at Bianca and following the principal out of the room.
As you walked to meal hall with Larissa, you noticed she had a smirk on her face and she was side eyeing you. "Why are you smirking at me?" She looked at you, still smirking but ignored your question. You sat down in meal hall with a sandwich. "Why did you wink at Bianca before we left?" she asked. "Oh, that. She wanted me to fence with her, but I haven't eaten anything until now." Larissa giggled and took a bite of her sandwich. "She is always trying to prove she's the best at things. So, can you even fence?" You acted offended that she would even ask such a thing. "What? Of course I can fence. I can do everything this school has to offer" you said in a joking manner, but you were being dead serious. "Just because I'm good at things doesn't mean I have to prove it every time, I already proved myself at trivia" you laughed. After finishing your food, Larissa looked to you, her eyes told you that she had something in mind. You smirked at her, once again getting lost in her eyes, and then in her skin, milky and soft. She noticed how your smirk slowly dropped to a frown. You weren’t really frowning, just using all your concentration to take her in, it was easy to get lost in her. She reached a hand out and you froze, you didn't know what she was doing. She fixed your bangs, following with a "There, that's better." You met her gaze as you unfroze. "I was going to ask you if you had any other classes to attend, but then you zoned out." She knew that you were staring at her, obviously, but even before that she decided she liked messing with you. "Oh, yes, um- no, I think I saw everything I need to" you said with a shy smile, trying to keep a firm tone. "Well, that's great Anura. You do have a few more hours before you leave though, correct?" She phrased it like a question, but she knew you had time. You nodded, confused. "I thought maybe you could try your hand at one of our electives before you go. Are you any good at archery? I mean, now that you have some food in your stomach."
When you got to archery, there were only two boys there. You thought their archery skills were pretty good, although you assumed that more students would be interested in archery as an elective. "Hello Xavier, Ajax. Mx. Ricci here would like to try her hand at archery" the principal beamed at them in her signature principal smile. "Sure" Xavier said, handing you the bow and arrow. "Thank you. I do believe, though, that Principal Weems had said she wanted a turn first" you said, holding in a laugh and handing the bow and arrow to her. Her eyes widened as she looked to you sternly, before a smirk crept up on her face and she took them from you. "Oh Mx. Ricci, you do remember everything." Lining the arrow up, she pulled back and took a couple seconds to steady herself. You thought anything that she did with her hair done like that while adorning those dresses and kitten heels was hilarious. She was so cute, but often looked out of place. You admired her confidence in her style, as it was so different from everybody else's. As she should though, she always looked ravishing. Letting the arrow fly, it hit the target level with the center, but a little to the right. "Don't laugh at me boys, it's been years since I've done this" she said giggling, but you could tell she was embarrased. "Here, try another" you smiled, passing her another arrow. She lined it up again, and you again stared at her figure. Long fingers attached to long arms holding the arrow back aiming it just right, perfect posture, immaculate form. You smiled, she was going to get it this time. She let go and it was a bullseye. You threw your hands in the air and hollered "WOO GO PRINCIPAL WEEMS!" She watched you and let out a laugh, walking to you and handing you the bow and arrow. She leaned close to you and whispered "your turn, Anura." You felt a shiver run down your spine. You were ready to beat them all at this. The keyword there is 'were'. She was trying to throw you off your game, and you knew it. You took a minute to breathe, not wanting to psyche yourself out. When you were ready, you looked to the target and pulled back the arrow, lining it up. You tried to ignore the eyes on you, which usually wouldn't bother you. Letting go, the arrow landed dead set in the center of the target. Turning to them you bowed, then looked to the principal with a cocky grin on your face. She picked up an arrow and walked to you, "Here, try another." You looked to her and scrunched up your face, but took it none the less. Feeling good, you picked up an apple from the table. You haven't done this in forever, but you wanted to try. You heard one of the boys snicker behind you, and you turned to them. You walked toward them slowly and last second turned to face Larissa. "Would you throw this for me, Principal Weems?" you asked her in a flirty tone, but not loud enough for the boys to hear you. "Sure" she replied, caught off guard. You walked back to the target, pulled back the arrow and aimed. After a bit, you hollered "now" and she threw the apple in the air toward the target. Second guessing yourself, you almost let go too quickly, but kept your cool. When you let the arrow go, you knew it was through the apple, but where it would end up on the target, you didn't know. Aw well, you hit the moving object anyway, that was impressive in itself. The principal started clapping which was followed by the boys. You realized you hit it, bullseye, with the apple. Smiling, you turned to them and bowed, muttering a "thank you, thank you."
You walked to the target and started pulling the arrows out as the boys left for their next class. "I am very impressed with you Mx. Ricci" the principal stated as she came up behind you. Turning to face her, you forgot how much she towered over you. "First you beat everyone's ass at trivia, then you beat everyone at archery. I'm sure you would've bet Bianca at fencing too" she said with a nod of her head as she clasped her hands. "Well, if you're impressed with that, you should see how good I am at shutting down schools who don't follow the rules" you joked. Thinking about it, it probably wasn't a good idea considering her last board visit, which in your defence, you had forgotten about. In your books at least, Nevermore was following every rule and was very safe. You were sure she knew that with how much she was on top of everything. After all she worked day and night, you both knew that. But maybe she didn't know that you knew that. Maybe she didn't know that others saw how hard she worked, how much she cared about the students, how much she wanted them to be safe and accepted in the world. Her jaw dropped at your sentence, and then your heart dropped too. Maybe she wasn't as confident as she came off. Maybe you absolutely sucked at portraying your emotions right. You were being sarcastic, and she thought you were dead serious. Shit. "Larissa, I'm sorry, I was only joking around." Her mouth shut and she stared at you until you continued. "Forgive me, that was insensitive considering your last board visit, which in my defense, I forgot about. Everything here is fine Larissa, you know that. I haven't found much of concern, and everything seems to be up to safety standards. I am very impressed with your dedication to this school." Her frown turned up into a small smile, and you smiled back at her bigger. She looked to the ground and said "Thank you Mx. Ricci, people don’t often acknowledge my work." You stepped closer to her and took her hand in yours. She looked down at you as you said softly, "People don't have to acknowledge it for it to be meaningful, but I'm telling you as a board member and a friend, that you're doing amazing work." She looked back down at her shoes as a blush took over her face. "Let me drive you to the train station" she mumbled before turning on her heels and fast pace walking back to the building. You had to run to catch up.
Sitting in Larissa's van, well, the Nevermore van, you were actually sad about leaving. Usually, you liked the calm days at home in between school trips, but you really liked being here in Jericho. There was way less people here than in New York, yet it was friendlier and somehow more interesting. Starting the car, Larissa looked at you and stated, "I can't believe you don't like hot chocolate. What is wrong with you?" This made you snort rather unattractively, and you buried your face in your hands. You rarely got flustered or embarrassed, but every second thing you did around Larissa embarrassed you. You looked at her with gleaming eyes, she flustered you. "Let me take you to the Weathervane, I want you to try it" she said softly, like hot chocolate was the best thing to exist. Her offer was really tempting, but you looked to your watch and realized you had to get to the station, there was no more time. "Larissa, I'll let you take me for hot chocolate, but next time." She looked satisfied until she realized you said 'next time'. "What do you mean next time?" she stated rather abruptly. You just giggled at her, "I'm going to miss my train Larissa." On the drive to the station, Arctic Monkeys 'Snap Out Of It' came on the radio, and you hummed along to your favorite band. At the station, you pulled out your luggage and walked to her side of the van. Taking a deep breath, "It was nice to meet you Principal Weems. I'm very pleased with your school and I am leaving you with a great review." You leaned down at her window and looked her in the eyes. You winked as you cooed "Keep up the great work, I can't wait for that hot chocolate."
Link to pt 5
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
broken trust and the wounds hidden behind - 7
title: broken trust and the wounds hidden behind
words: 3064
Chapter 7 of 7
Story Summary: Jack wasn't meaning to snoop in his son's room when he found a box of medical supplies and a USB with a tag that said IF I DON'T COME HOME. Danny’s secrets revealed, Jack is desperate to earn his son’s trust, to earn the right to this secret he stumbled across. After almost two years of unknowingly hunting his son, is Danny's trust too broken to heal? NO ONE KNOWS AU
Tumblr Chapter One
Danny POV One-shot
It was a week later and more treated daily injuries than Jack cared to think of when his phone beeped late at night. It had to be well past midnight as he groggily slapped his hand around on his bedside table until he clumsily managed to grip his phone, yawning. He blinked blearily at the bright light as he opened it, though his exhaustion quickly cleared away as soon as he actually read the message.
From: Phantom
Can you meet me at the clearing?
He shot from the bed, stumbling towards his closet as he responded.
On my way. What's wrong? He sent as he hurriedly pulled on clothes and shoes, running a mental check of what all he had ready in the GAV. It was surprising, how often he’d needed to refill it after only three weeks of this. He’d wondered how Danny kept his first aid kit so well-stocked, though he’d quickly pushed the wonder away.
He had no doubt Danny had been using his own allowance to do it - using money from his parents to buy the thread for the stitches he needed for the wounds also given to him by his parents. Some things were still just easier to not think about.
Jack didn’t bother to check Danny’s room on the way out. He knew it would be empty.
The drive to the park was again short, though he didn’t bother with the sirens this late at night. Ghost activity spiked the later it got, so many people stayed home once the sun set. The only souls he passed on the way there were some police and ambulance on standby, and a few blob ghosts.
Jack’s anxiety, however, grew as he got closer to the park. Danny hadn’t messaged him back, normally he told Jack at least what kind of injury he had - burn or laceration, typically - so Jack could be prepared. But now there was nothing, no information, and it made Jack’s heart twist in fear.
As he made the now familiar trek to the clearing, first aid kit in hand, thoughts and images flew through his mind so fast his head began to ache. He was terrified he was about to find his son - human or ghost - unconscious and bleeding out into the ground. The mental image constantly flickered between red blood and green ectoplasm staining the grass - neither options were good.
Jackno longer needed the tracker, at least, as often as he’d come here recently, though his stomach seemed to sink lower as he got closer, as he didn't see the brilliant, bright white of his son’s aura as he normally should with it so dark.
“Phantom?” He called in a panic as he pushed through the branches, immediately sweeping the ground for his fallen child, who he quickly saw flat on his back in the center of the clearing, one arm reaching up towards the sky, a dark rainbow engulfing him.
“I’m over here.” Phantom called back as his arm moved in a pattern Jack couldn’t identify.
“What’s wrong?” Jack asked, looking for the green glow of ectoplasm but coming up empty.
“Nothing’s wrong, Jack.” He responded softly, lowering his hand to rest on his stomach.
Jack had never been called out here for any reason other than first aid, so he was still on alert despite the assurance. He did settle down on the warm ground next to his son, though, finally realizing why he hadn’t seen the white glow of Danny’s aura.
Instead, Phantom’s aura breathed and swirled like a nebula, constellations again dancing and fading across his cheeks, along his nose. He’d been tracing the stars with his hand when Jack had arrived, he realized.
Silence stretched between them, though not an uncomfortable one. A companionable one, a safe one. Jack mimicked his son, leaning until his back pressed against the ground, staring up at the stars glittering so beautifully against the darkness of night.
“Are you okay, Phantom?” Jack asked after several minutes. As wonderful as this moment was, he wanted to make sure Danny was alright. Once he knew that, he would be more than happy to spend the rest of the night stargazing with his son, as they had done so many times before, from the top of the ops center, though it had been many years since they'd actually done so.
“Do you want to know what I wanted to be?” Phantom asked, eyes still on the night sky, completely disregarding Jack’s actual question.
“What you wanted to be?” Jack repeated, confused.
“Before I died. What I wanted to be when I grew up.”
Something was different tonight and Jack couldn’t help the way his heart began to race. Despite the lack of blood, of injury, the air felt heavy, it spoke of impending change. Anticipation curled into Jack’s chest.
“What did you want to be, Phantom?”
“I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to join NASA and fly. Get closer to the stars. I think about it, sometimes. It hurts to think about too much, to remember I’m dead and this is all I’ll ever be, when all I ever wanted was the stars.”
Jack’s heart rate rapidly accelerated, though he just reached out and laid one of his hands on Phantom’s shoulder, long since used to the chill of his son’s body. “Don’t give up, Phantom. I have faith in you.”
Phantom’s eyes finally left the sky, turning to Jack, a burning green boring directly into the older man's soul. “Do you? Have faith in me?”
“More than you know.” Jack answered, gently squeezing his son’s shoulder.
Phantom pushed himself up into a sitting position, scooching away from Jack’s reach. Jack followed, bringing himself up to a sitting position, though he didn’t move closer as Danny pulled away.
“You’ve said your son was really into space, wanted to work with NASA. Do you have faith in him too?” Phantom asked softly, plucking at the grass beneath him.
If Jack’s heart did any more leaps or acceleration, he was going to need to see a doctor, but it was beating a rapid staccato within him. Was this it? Was Danny finally admitting it, letting Jack in?
Was Danny finally about to trust his father?
“I do. I have full faith in whatever he does.” Jack answered.
“Do you know where your son is?” Phantom asked, plucking a single piece of grass from the ground and beginning to methodically rip it into shreds.
“I do.”
“Is he safe?” He questioned, dropping the decimated bits of grass to the ground and pulling his knees to himself, curling up slightly. The colors of the sky faded, brightening again to Phantom's usual pure white.
“Absolutely and undeniably.”
Phantom laughed slightly and seemed to pull away. “Dumb question, right? It’s like 1am. Of course he’s safe, asleep at home.”
Jack slid closer to Phantom, placing a hand on the ghost’s knee, though unsure what to say. Did he admit to knowing his son wasn’t at home? Did he just continue playing along with his son’s secret?
Instead, Jack elected to slightly change the topic. “Are you safe, Phantom? Here, with me, do you feel safe?”
“Do you?” His son responded, looking at his hands. “Everything I can do, have done. Do you feel safe around me?”
Jack didn’t answer verbally, instead choosing to move closer to Phantom, until they were sat side by side, and he threw his arm around Danny’s shoulders. Danny immediately leaned into his side, accepting his father’s embrace.
“I don’t feel safe around myself,” Danny admitted. “I’m scared. I’m dangerous.”
“What do you mean, kiddo?” Jack asked, rubbing small circles on Danny’s shoulder.
“I… Jack, you don’t understand what I am, the things I can do. I’m not safe.”
“I don’t need to know what you are or the full scope of your abilities to know that isn’t true. You’re good, Phantom. Hell, you’re probably safer than my driving at the very least!”
That pulled a small chuckle from Danny. “That isn’t a very high bar to pass.”
“Would you call me dangerous, though? In an overall sense, like the way you’re calling yourself?”
Phantom relaxed slightly. “I… I guess not. I just… I’ve hurt people, Jack.”
“Phantom, I can say with absolute confidence you have never hurt anyone beyond maybe minor bruising, and even that has never been intentional. It was one of the things we monitored back when I still thought you were bad.” Jack admitted.
“Not… not in this timeline. It wasn't in this timeline that I did awful things.”
“Uh. Huh?”
“There was… I’ve mentioned the time ghost, right?”
“Yes?” Jack said, loosening his grip on Danny. This seemed like something that was making Danny uncomfortable and he didn’t want Danny to feel trapped. Apparently this was the correct decision, as he relaxed further against Jack, actually burrowing in closer.
“His name is Clockwork and he can see other timelines. And he showed me one where… where I lost everything. Everyone. And then I lost my mind. And Earth paid for it.” Danny turned slightly, burying his face into the rubber of Jack’s hazmat and breathing raggedly. “I enjoyed it! That part of me enjoyed it and I don’t want to be like that.”
Well. That at least explained Danny’s insistence to never stop seeing Phantom as a threat, he supposed.
“Then it sounds like we need to make sure you’re never in a place to lose everything,” Jack determined. “Because all I’m hearing is a good kid terrified of loneliness and in possession of a good conscience with incredible power who never wants to hurt anyone.”
“That’s easy for you to say, now… but I’m not sure of that. You didn’t see what I did. How many I hurt… I killed.”
“I am, Phantom. I am entirely sure. Anything you have done, anything you fear I’ll damn you for, any secrets you keep from me? I will always support you and try to lift you out of the darkness. It sounds like that’s what you needed - that lonely version of you needed. Humans need help when the darkness is at its worst, Phantom. What you’re describing is just humanity. What’s bringing this up, kiddo?”
Phantom turned slightly, resting his cheek against the orange suit, head tilted up towards the stairs. “Today’s… well, today’s the anniversary of the event that caused the other me to lose everything he - I - we loved. It’s just… brought back some unpleasant memories.” Jack racked his brain to try to remember any significant event roughly a year ago that could've yielded the kind of tragedy Danny was describing, but he came up empty.
Jack squeezed Danny to him briefly. “Thank you for reaching out to me.”
“Of all the things I expected to come out of your mouth, that was not one of them.”
He chuckled. “You did what I asked - you didn’t suffer alone and you didn’t pretend to be perfect. Thank you for letting me in. If you didn’t expect me to thank you, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.” Jack teased.
“Actually, I think I know you better than I thought.” Phantom said, hesitating then pulling away from Jack. “But…don't freak out, but I don’t think you know where your son is.”
A repeating mantra of don’t miss this up, Jack, don’t miss this up began to play in his head. “What makes you say that?”
“Because…” Danny gulped, hovering up and settling down a few paces away. “Because, I’m right here, dad.” Jack watched the transformation sweep across his son, the first time he’d ever seen it in person. Watched the glow fall away, watched the jumpsuit change to familiar clothes, watched eyes and hair that he knew so well reappear in front of him. Until all that remained was his black haired, blue eyed son, wearing clothes that were too baggy for him, nervously wringing his hands as he watched Jack in apprehension.
Apprehension, but not fear.
“Then he’s right where I thought he was, kiddo.” Jack said, standing up and smiling. “I’ve known for a little while, Danny.”
Danny’s mouth dropped, blue eyes wide. “You knew? How? Wait. That’s why you’ve been so nice to Phantom lately?”
“I… I’m sorry.” Jack said, nervously pulling at his fingers as well. “I found out on accident. I found the first aid kit in your room and saw the USB. When I saw all that gauze and a drive that said to watch if you didn’t come home…” Jack gulped. “I panicked, I was worried about you and I watched it… I saw the video. I saw how scared of me you were. I wanted to earn your trust, prove you were safe.”
“So you decided to go through my things and then lie to me more?” Danny asked.
“Wait, no, that - it isn’t what I -“ Jack stuttered but he was cut off when Danny rapidly approached, throwing his arms around his father. Jack immediately wrapped his own around his son, significantly warmer in this form yet still with a slight chill about him. “I needed to earn it, son. I didn’t know how broken your trust in me was.”
“I didn’t either,” Danny confessed. “But you listened. That’s all I’ve ever wanted from you or mom.” Danny suddenly tensed. “Oh God, mom. What do we do about her? She isn’t home for another month. Do we tell her? Will she take it as well as you did? Oh Ancients, what if she doesn-“
“Shh,” Jack said gently. “We’ll figure it out together, son. She will accept you just like I did. I know it.”
“Are you sure? She’s a little more, uh…”
Jack ruffled his son’s black hair. “I know what you mean. But I promise. We’ll get through all of it. Together, okay?”
“Okay.” Danny said, finally pulling away from his father. “Want to watch the stars for a little longer?”
“There’s nothing else I’d rather do right now, son.” Jack responded and they both settled back to the ground, each of them practically inhaling the serenity of the night under the sky’s diamonds.
“I trust you.”
“You defy us yet again for the half breed.” The cloaked ghost said, the scowl audible in his voice.
“I have done no such thing,” the accused responded smoothly, not even deigning the other important enough to stop watching the show before him.
“You were told explicitly to not directly interfere in Daniel Fenton’s life. His choices and his consequences are his own.” A second cloaked ghost said, voice much more nasally than the first despite lacking a nose.
“And I have not directly interfered, you will find.” The purple clad ghost said with a smile, red eyes fixed on the orb in front of him, where time yielded to him like a puppet to its strings.
“Clockwork, we saw what you did. You set Jack Fenton on a path that changes the most likely timelines drastically.” The first, elder Observer said, throwing his hand forward so the time looking glass began to shift.
Clockwork watched with boredom on his face as the Observer played their so-called proof before him.
“Time out,” came Clockwork’s voice. An intradimensional clock appeared, swirling away the time until it settled as a portal. Jack Fenton stood in his son’s room, duct tape gripped tightly in his right hand, a longing look in his eyes as he took one last glance at the rockets along the shelved blue wall.
In the past, Clockwork stepped from the portal, staff clutched securely to him. He floated towards the orange clad man, a thoughtful look on his timeless face. The gentle ticking of his internal clock was the only sound in the frozen time.
He reached forward and placed a single finger against the inconspicuous roll of sticky silver. The tape turned intangible and immediately fell from Jack Fenton’s grasp, though it too returned to suspended animation as soon as Clockwork withdrew his touch, ready to fall and roll under the bed as soon as the clock began to March forward again.
Satisfied with the new direction of time, Clockwork smiled.
“Time in.”
“What have you to say for yourself, Time Master?” The more nasally Observant asked.
“I see only that you prove my point for me, Observant. I did not directly interact with Daniel Fenton nor his ghost form at all within that scene.”
The older Observant scoffed. “You interacted with his father, Jack Fenton, specifically in order to avoid that future.” He said, again waving his hand.
Clockwork really did loathe it when they took control of his viewpoints. They always changed the settings.
Still, he watched with bored disinterest as the scene changed, a future of a timeline now never to pass. A future where, in only seven months, Danny Phantom dies violently by his own government after being recaptured, his family and friends too late to save him, none knowing he was their son and friend.
“I have still yet to see proof of my direct interference with the child’s life.” He said. “I interacted with the father, which I was not forbidden to do. I do not control Jack Fenton nor how he responded to the information he stumbled upon.”
Both Observants seemed stunned into angry silence as they processed his words - his loophole. Clockwork continued to watch them with expressionless eyes.
“Is there anything else you will be needing?” He asked, motioning his staff to the door. “Otherwise, do see yourselves out. I dare say you know where my door is by now.”
“This isn’t over, Clockwork.” The first Observant growled, turning and dramatically spinning his cloak as he stormed from the room, his young charge following behind.
Sealing the door behind his employers, he returned his focus to the view screen, pressing a hand against the smooth, glass-like surface, an actual smile gracing his aged face as the scene shifted again, to show the new future he had nudged the timeline towards.
A tearful apology from a father, a beloved acceptance from a mother, a fierce protectiveness of a sister, and a bond stronger than life or death itself between a trio of friends.
Clockwork nodded to himself the dismissed the image, a swirl of green and purple dancing idly on the screen instead.
“All is as it should be.”
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
I See Red:
Someone catches Marko’s eye, the rest of the boys want a piece.
Tag list: @vechkinfan @dickspaghettii
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Marko’s POV:
My eyes scanned the boardwalk for what seemed like the 100th time that night. I was starving but everyone out here was so boring. It was like seeing the same five faces over and over again. Tall brunette with that stupid superman curl on the centre of his forehead. Short blonde girl twirling her unbrushed curls around her finger. Girl who’s black hair dye is facing and her roots make her look like she’s balding. Man who is actually balding. And kids, so many fucking kids.
I cut my losses, making my way over to the carrousel. Maybe if I wasn’t so bored I could think straight. Settle for once of these losers that probably tastes like diner food. I snuck onto the ride, not wanting to pay. If I started a fight on the boardwalk, at least then I could cure my infinite apathy. I hope the boys were having better luck, each were insufferable in their own way if they hadn’t fed. David in particular was what I was worried about. I couldn’t bare to be in the same cave as him when he was hungry, I’d take my chances with the sun.
As the ride started up I relaxed a bit, letting the scenery wash over me. But that’s when I spotted her. And what a sight this girl was. Her bright red hair flowing against the current of the ride. The next thing that hit me was her laugh. It was melodic, like a siren calling a sailor to sea. I see now why so many of those idiots drowned.
I watched as she threw her head back, laughing in joy about something the person next to her said. I couldn’t help but glare at them, nothing they said could have been that funny. I moved closer, taking in more of her outfit. It was nice, not something I was used to seeing people wear. Not in a long time at least. When she got off the ride I was quick to follow, remaining in the shadows.
I thought I’d have to convince their friend to leave, but it seems luck was on my side tonight as they hugged and parted ways. Now she was all alone, and leaving the boardwalk.
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I could see her clearer now, he hair wasn’t all red, just the ends. Normally I’d be disappointed, but I’d never seen anyone dye their hair like that before. Who cares if she didn’t commit fully to one look, what she had going was working for her. There were little splotches of pink on her white boots, stains perhaps.
It was weird to think, someone who attempted to look so polished, wouldn’t properly clean their shoes. She turned into an alleyway and it seemed like she was doing all the work for me. Isolating herself, walking home alone in the dark, taking “shortcuts”, pretty, but naive. It’s a shame I’d loose my new little toy so quickly. Oh well, a man’s gotta eat.
I followed closer now, getting ready to pounce. Maybe I’d get her name before I dug into that pretty little neck of hers. Would it matter though? I’d be talking to a corpse. Right as I was about to reach out and grab her, I was slammed into a wall. A knife held to my throat.
“What do you want with me, blondie?”
“Interesting choice of insults cutie, considering your natural colour.” I quipped.
It was cute, the way she looked up at her hair like she’d forgotten. Like she never even thought about what colour it was. I didn’t attempt to fight against her, I was having too much fun now. I could easily dispose of her if she tried something stupid.
“Wait, did you just call me cute? You can’t charm your way out of this stalker boy.”
I grinned up at her. She was taller than me with her heeled boots. I might have to steal them sometime, they looked nice.
“I’ll call you whatever you want if you drop the knife.”
She scoffed, throwing her head back in another of her laughs.
“Not a chance. At least until you tell me what you were planning.”
“No can do.”
She frowned, shaking her head. She pressed the knife further into my skin, it kinda stung a little:
“Would you like to know how I got my hair this colour?” She asked suddenly.
I had to admit, I was caught off guard by her question. But I did kinda want to know. So I nodded, a stupid choice when there was a knife dug into your skin. But it would heal.
“From slicing up pretty little things like you. We could match you know. One flick of my wrist and everything will be all red. But it would suck to ruin that neat jacket of yours.” She smirked, seeming pleased with herself.
She couldn’t be serious right? A killer. This could seriously be fun if I played my cards right.
“Wait, did you just call me pretty?” I mocked her from earlier.
She rolled her eyes.
“Very funny stranger-“
“Marko. The names Marko.”
She hummed, testing out my name. It sounded heavenly coming from her tongue.
“Trying to humanise yourself Marko? It’s cute, but it hasn’t worked for any of my previous victims. Always pleading about how they have a family, or they’re important. News flash, they never are.”
“On the contrary love, I’m far from human. Can I get your name?”
“Let me think… no.”
It was my turn to role my eyes. Time to switch things up. In a second her knife was thrown across the alley and I pushed her up against the adjacent wall.
“Your name, sweetheart. I won’t ask again.” I smirked at her.
She looked down at me, licking her lips.
“Since you asked so nicely, people call me the Kanima.”
“So you’ve made a name for yourself?”
“Not here in Santa Clara, not yet at least. You could help me you know? Would you like that Marko?”
She batted her eyelashes at me, and I almost forgot I wanted to eat her. God I was so hungry. She seemed to notice my discomfort cause she reached up to gently stroke my cheek.
“What are you?” She asked.
It didn’t seem demanding, but soft, like she was genuinely curious. But I pulled back, scared she’d be afraid of the answer. Why did she care.
“You said you weren’t human.” She continued. “Show me.”
I was more curious about her than she was me. How could a human be the way that she is. Showing no fear, no anxiety.
“Come with me.”
I grabbed her hand and dragged her towards in unsuspecting victims. There’s was a bonfire down by the beach, they’d be easy to pick off and dispose of. She stumbled behind me, her heels slowing her on the sand a little. But I really didn’t have time to feel bad, I was starving and somebody was about to die. I stopped suddenly.
“You want to see what I am, then I’ll show you.”
In a flash I sank my teeth into the neck of one of the unsuspecting teens. There were only four of them, I could easily polish them off without the boys. I didn’t need all that blood, but I didn’t really care. It would be fun. I heard three screams, just three. She wasn’t one of them. It’s a shame, I wanted to hear her.
I chased down two of the other teens as they tried to flee, but the last one slipped through my grasp. David would be so mad, not to mention max night actually kill me. But in came my guardian Angel. I watched as the girl clung to her, begging for her help and thinking she was safe. She shushed her, petting her hair in a comforting way.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let the bad man get you.” She said.
For a minuet I thought she was disgusted. As she should be when faced by a vampire. But I watched as she pulled the long pin from her hair, letting it fall. She swiftly jammed it into the other girls neck. I couldn’t look away as the blood sprayed onto her face. Staining her clothes and her hair.
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The teenage girl stumbled back, holding the wound on her neck. She looked up at Kanima with betrayal. She just backed the girl up right into my grasps.
“You said you wouldn’t let him hurt me.”
“Yeah? Well I lied. Get used to it kid.”
I quickly disposed of the young girl. Her blood tasted sweeter somehow. Maybe it was because I was excited, finally in a good mood again. I threw the body to the side, looking up at her. She was smiling at me. She stepped forward, embracing my cheek like she did earlier.
“You got a little-“ she started.
I cut her off with an abrupt laugh. Was she really worried about the blood on my face, when hers was currently also covered in it. She had to be the strangest person I’d ever met. But I had to admit, she looked stunning like this, by the firelight. She wiped a little blood off my cheek, starring right into my eyes.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you dyed your hair like that?” I said, twirling a strand of it on my fingers.
“You weren’t kidding when you said you were far from human.” She quipped back.
She suddenly looked back, seeing the trail of bodies we left behind. A sigh left when mouth.
“We should clean up. This is a popular beach, don’t want anyone finding this and ruining our fun.”
“That’s cute.”
“What?” She asked, looking back at me with shock.
“That you’re worried. No human can stop me. There would be no consequence.”
She frowned.
“Look, maybe you’ve been doing this for a while, probably longer than me, but I do know what I’m talking about. You never leave the first bodies to be found. Especially not the day after you just moved to town. I’d be the first suspect of the cops found anything. So unless you want the good times to end Marko-“
She gestured to the body, asking for my help. I chuckled, but did as she asked anyways. She was beautiful, and smart, an actually deadly combo. This girl we now dragged into the fire was proof of that. When we finished cleaning I grabbed her, pulling her close.
“Do you trust me?”
“Not even a little bit!”
But her eyes told me otherwise. I grabbed her tight, flying us away from the gruesome scene. We floated in midair for a second, and I watched as she opened her eyes, looking around. She was in awe. But I couldn’t just let her have this moment, so being the asshole I am, I dropped her into the water below. It was odd, even then she didn’t scream.
I knew I’d find her again another night, but I figured it was in my best interest to let her cool down. But at least now she wouldn’t have to walk home covered in blood. She could keep her secret, for now. I quickly entered the cave, but remained lost in thought.
“Somebody looks like they had a good time!” Paul whistled.
I rolled my eyes at him, pulling him in by the hair and roughing him up.
“Did you clean up after yourself?”
“Of course I did David, believe it or not I’m not stupid.”
“Could have fooled me.” He joked.
Dwayne had a more gentle approach, he always did.
“You’re more cheerful than usual… what gives?”
I debated telling them. She’d probably try to kill me again for doing so. But David would kill me if I kept a secret.
“I may have met someone?”
David rolled his eyes once more.
“That’s not exactly news, you’re a slut.”
I don’t know if I was supposed to be offended or not. But he wasn’t wrong.
“I wanna hear about mystery shag!” Paul defended.
“I didn’t fuck her dumbass.” I don’t know why that upset me when David’s comment didn’t.
Dwayne actually set down his book, and motioned for me to continue.
“I’m gonna cut to the chase, so none of you get mad at me. But she knows.”
“What?!?” David shouted.
“But it’s cool, she likes it. She kinda helped me hunt earlier. It was nice.”
“Oh you are smitten.” Dwayne smirked.
“What? No.”
“Yeah you are dude. You’ve got that dreamy look in your eyes. You said she helped you hunt?”
I couldn’t reveal that it was my fault that one girl almost got away. David was already and enough.
“Yeah, she held my dinner still for me.” I smirked.
“Damn, and where is she now?” Paul asked, excited.
I frowned, scratching the back of my neck.
“What was that?” Dwayne asked.
“I said I might have dropped her 50ft into the water. Humans can survive that right?”
“You are hopeless Marko! You had a cute girl who’s ok with you being a vampire and you dropped her into the water?” David asked.
He seemed less mad now, more amused by my suffering.
“Yeah not your smartest move buddy.” Dwayne pat my back.
“What! She was covered in blood, she couldn’t go home like that.”
“You could have offered to take her home.” Paul admitted.
I hated when he was smarter than me.
“Ok, so I panicked. You would too if you saw her standing there, covered in someone else’s blood, looking at me the way she was.”
“I would have fucked her” David laughed, lighting his cigarette.
“Agreed.” Dwayne and Paul said in unison.
I huffed. Plopping down on the couch. I crossed my arms over my chest. I knew I’d have to make it up to her tomorrow, but the sun would come up soon, so that would have to wait. The boys would never let me live this down.
An: this thought popped in my head this morning so I wanted to share it. Poor Marko, he’s gonna be bullied forever 😂
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skylarmoon71 · 10 months
Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)- Chapter 1
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Reincarnation was something of a myth.
Even in the future where technology ruled, no one thought twice about something so irrational. Unattainable. You remembered reading scripts where men would sacrifice anything for a chance of existing forever. The burden you carried with you from birth was a gift in the eyes of so many
“Think you’re so cool with the whole mysterious girl crap going on. Let me tell you the next time you sit with John I’ll-”
The fist connecting with her face was the only response she received. When the blond girl’s body hit the floor, her entourage took a step back in horror. You didn’t even flinch. Massaging your knuckles.
Detention it is.
“I hope you learn that there are consequences to your actions. “
The teacher slammed the door, and the students in the room went about as if nothing happened. The laughter and cell phones dinging seemed to echo. When a chair pulled up to your side, the teen sat down. You expected some nuisance, but he looked more nervous than anything.
“Hey, sorry I know you would much rather sit by yourself. Seeing as I am the nerd here I figured you were the safest bet.” Your eyes scanned the male. You recognized him. Brown hair, brown eyes. Glasses, young, intelligent.
“Peter Parker. Spiderman.”
Your mind did a mental download.
“You’re okay.” You spoke.
That comment seemed to calm him down.
“I’m Peter Parker.”
He held out his hand, and you shook it.
“(Y/N), nice to meet you.”
Detention wasn’t the worst thing to happen. 
You knew once you got home you would have to explain to your parents why you were once again being punished for starting a fight. Technically that banshee started it. But life really never worked in your favor. So what’s to say it would this time either. 
To delay the inevitable, you figured you might as well make your punishment this time worthwhile. Tightening the strap on your backpack, you headed for the subway. There was a perfect spot where you could enjoy the peace of being alone. No stupidly oblivious teens, or unhelpful teachers to bother you.
Bodies jumbled as you made your way through the streets. Your desired destination was on the other side of town. Even when the sun began to go down, your eyes stayed trained ahead. It’s only when you turn a corner that you hear a scream. There’s a woman ahead, surrounded by two men. From the looks of it they are after her bag. That only stops when they spot you ahead. One of them is holding a knife.
“Beat it!”
He screams.
The woman turns to you with pleading eyes, and you turn around, heading in the opposite direction.
You clench your fist, but keep walking forward. You only stop when you hear the grunts in the background. The woman releases another scream, running right past you with incredible speed. Especially for someone in heels. Your eyes drift back to the men that are now lying on the floor groaning. You can hear the sirens in the background, no doubt the cavalry has been called.
It’s a hiss from the darkness.
“Raph let it go!” Another voice cuts in. You straighten, just barely making out the two figures covered by the shadows.
“Ya really was just gonna let her get mugged!!” He sounds furious.
“I don’t remember signing a contract to risk my life for strangers.”
Your response pisses him off, and before you know it a giant green being walks out. Red bandana, green eyes. Two sais in his hand and a scar very prominent on his face.
“We can’t all be vigilantes, Rapheal.” You say.
He stops, and another moves forward.
Raph is stunned.
“You know who he is...” His brother states.
“Better get moving before the cops show up Leonardo. It would be bad if they found out about your brothers.” 
You don’t say much more. Leonardo’s expression hardens and he grabs Raph’s.
“We need to go.”
This is possibly the first time that Raph gives little resistance, because now they are both concerned. That sounds alarmingly like a threat. They don’t stick around to find out, and when you hear the sirens get closer, you take off.
The boys watch you from above, and Leonardo clenches his jaw.
“Have a good day.” Your mother calls.
You nod at her. It’s a bit tentative. Both your parents share that look. The one concern that they’ve worn ever since the doctors assured them that your advanced level of development at such a young age was nothing to worry about. That was the issue with dying at a young age and being constantly reincarnated into an infant’s body every time. They’re scared. Whether it be for your future or your present, you wouldn’t know.
You try not to think about it, adjusting the bag on your back as you make your way to another tedious day of school. Maybe this week you can get through without a fight. One can hope. You would think your temper would be better seeing as you’ve lived so many lives. Your head turns at the honking and you curse. The yellow bus takes off and you grumble.
“Damn it.”
This is the fourth time you’ve zoned out and missed the bus.
You start running, heading for the shortcut that you have memorized. Sliding past the back of the building, you dodge dumpsters and other obstacles. When you get through a more secluded area, you move to exit that spot. Something yanks you backward, and you let out a yelp of surprise. Your mouth is covered, and your eyes move to the green hand that has covered your mouth.
“During the day..”
This isn’t normal. They never operated in broad daylight.
“You’re going to tell me who you are and how you know about my brothers.”
You aren’t given a chance to respond, his body seems to propel into the air. He’s going up, taking you with him. When you get to a certain height, he lands on a roof, releasing you. Taking some much needed steps back, you try to create distance. Leonardo draws his blades.
“Who are you, what do you want with my family!!”
He looks enraged, and you raise your hands. You were reckless. You’d taken for granted that he was a hero, but above all else, family was important to him.
“I’m not some psycho after your family, okay!!”
You drop to your knees, lifting your hands. He briefly sees a flash of golden light in your orbs.
Leo stops.
You squint, cursing for letting your guard down.
“Who are you?”
He hasn’t sheathed his weapons, but he doesn’t look like he’s going to chop your head off.
A good sign.
“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Try me.”
His tone sounds anything but pleased.
“I’m..” you swallow.
You’ve never had to disclose who you are to anyone. Not even your parents are aware.
“I’m…a reincarnation..”
Silence follows. Leonardo’s hand tightens on his blades.
“Are you trying to be funny?”
“I swear to you I’m telling the truth. I-I know it sounds crazy trust me. There’s nothing more messed up than dying at sixteen and coming back ten times. I wish I was making this up. Trust me."
Leonardo studies you. In a way you can tell he’s making his own assessment.
“If that’s true, then that woman last night, you knew she was about to get mugged. Since you’re reincarnated you’ve lived this life before. "
Sighing, you lower your hands. The shift in your expression is not something Leo missed.
“That’s not how this works. I don’t control where I end up.” Quite frankly you’re shocked he even believes a word you’re saying.
“I’ve been to the past, present and future. It's never the same place. The knowledge that I gain are from general events. I know about April O'Neil because she has ancestors who were very much like her. Curious, persuasive, Willful. The vigilantes from reports that I’ve seen, it wasn’t hard to put the pieces together. You and your brothers were the product of a failed lab experiment when she was a child. She lost her father to the fire. Tossed you five into a drain.” You slowly rise to your feet.
“You aren’t the only heroes in this city, or this world.” Leo finally lowers his sword.
“Why didn’t you help her?”
Your brows furrow.
“With all you know, you could have helped that woman. But you turned, you just walked away. “
This was not a question you wanted to answer.
“I’m not some hero.”
“It’s called being a decent human being.” 
That statement angers you.
Your outburst catched him by surprise. The glow returns in your eyes and your teeth are clenched. You turn you head, agitated. When he sees the tear run down your cheek, he feels a bit guilty. You wipe it swiftly in hopes that it wasn’t seen.
“You have no idea what I’ve been through. You think humans were cruel in the past or even the present. The future does not get any better. Even with all that we’ve accomplished, all the progress that we’ve made. People are still nothing but selfish. You’re risking your life, your family for a losing battle."
You turn your back to him.
“The human race is despicable. You of all people should know that first hand.”
Leo isn’t sure how to refute that. Yes, there were terrible people out there. But there was still a lot of good. That’s what he fought for. What they all did. To see another person lose complete faith in their own race was..heartbreaking.
“I’m already fifteen. One more year and I’ll be gone. I’ll start this entire cycle over. It can’t come soon enough.” 
You eye the ledge, and Leo sheaths his blades slowly. Now he’s concerned for a different reason. When he sees you moving closer to it, he panics.
“Hey don’t!!”
He grabs your hand and you jolt. Turning you stare at him.
“You don’t have to choose this way out. You may not believe it but life matters, your life matters. Every life matters!”
His words somehow pierce you. It’s not like you were planning to jump off the balcony.
That would be painful.
“You really think so. I left that woman. I could have cared less what happened. “ He still holds your wrist.
“I don’t believe that.”
“Why is that?”
“Because if you were truly a bad person surely you would not spend it living such a regular life. You’ve lived multiple lives right. You could have easily manipulated that to your advantage, But you’re here, attending a high school from the looks of it. I think you’re still looking for someone to change your opinion. You want someone to change your perspective. “
“What is with him..”
There was a lot you knew about the boys, but that was what you’d read in comics of the future. Fables almost. You never thought you’d actually meet one. Much less have him convince you of the goodness in humanity. Just a few minutes ago he was interrogating you like you were his worst enemy.
“This could all be a trick. What if I’m lying to you and I am some psycho.”
“You wouldn’t be a very good one if you’re telling me of your plan."
He’s naive, or maybe just holds too much faith in others.
“It’s not like I can go around telling people I know big green turtles.” 
He loosens his hold with a slight smile.
“That sounds a little crazy, don’t you think?”
Now he’s teasing you.
You turn your head, because it’s clear you’ve already lost this battle.
“Since you basically kidnapped me, I’m gonna need a ride to school.”
“I think I can do that.”
You’re about to tell him that you’re kidding. The last thing you need is being spotted with a mutant at your school. He picks you up and you squeak, clutching at his shoulder.
“W-What are you doing!!”
“Getting you to school, hold on.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, just takes off.
For the first time, you’re not sure how this will play out, and you aren’t even worried. 
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2toplibrary · 2 years
There are 10 new TDBKTD fics in the September round of Planet BNHA exchange and a new beautiful fantasy art!!!!. See if you can guess who is behind these works!
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don't wake me, i'm not dreaming by Anonymous for sobashouto (snowandfire)
(E, 2.7K, 1/1)
They say déjà vu is when, for a moment, two parallel universes line up with each other.
Katsuki considers this, as Shouto rests his hand on his chest—pads of his fingers lightly brushing constellations on Katsuki’s skin, tracing invisible starbursts close to where his heart resides—and a tide of familiarity, so powerful it almost knocks him off the bed, sweeps through his body. It’s their first time touching, like this, so why does Katsuki feel like he’s been here before? As if the single touch of Shouto’s fingertips breaches the surface of skin, unearthing alternate histories and timelines where they’ve been in this exact place
EXT. HEIGHTS ALLIANCE by Anonymous for fizzseed
(G, 3.2K, 1/1)
Ochako had watched his hands, had watched the way Todoroki just nodded and then reached out and caught Bakugou’s shaking hands between his own, rubbing them together and murmuring you’re cold as Bakugou had stared, slack-jawed, and she had thought, oh.
Ochako knows Bakugou Katsuki, and she knows him with Todoroki Shouto, and she looks at this not-Bakugou’s shaking hands as he snarls at his Todoroki about gruesome ways of dying, and thinks: oh.
Thinks: some things are the same in every universe, huh?
All right, sure, Todoroki is right, Bakugou shouldn't have taken that sword, but how was he supposed to know it would tear a hole in the fabric of his universe?
Visit Again Soon by Anonymous for lovesid
(T, 2.7K, 1/1)
“They both hear a squeak from the other side of the counter, and they’re reminded of Bakugo’s presence. The young blond is trying to look away from the couple, face looking both uncomfortable and jealous. Shouto laughs to himself, ruffling Bakugo’s hair with a hand.
“Don’t worry, I could never forget about you, Bakugo.”
The smaller blond gives Shouto a smirk, puffing out his chest. “I’m that unforgettable, huh?”
“I could never forget the boy I fell in love with,” Shouto says, looking into Bakugo’s eyes.”
Katsuki and Shouto get a visit from a familiar face, stirring up old and new feelings.
Something old to keep my promise by Anonymous for alchemicink
(T, 1,7, 1/1)
It’s a soft landing, palms down on fresh snow outside a modest, white-roofed cabin surrounded by dark trees and quiet. A dim orange light radiates from its windows, warm and inviting. Familiar. Katsuki looks around, icy winter breeze cutting at his cheeks, and traps in his throat the exclamation of surprise that bubbles up when he recognises the chipped wood of the door, the lantern bought at the shop down the mountain, the first car he bought parked in front of the porch.
He’s actually there. Niseko, Hokkaido, sixteen years into the past.
late in the evening by Anonymous for AnnieLucas
(M, 2k, 1/1)
Todoroki Shouto falls in love on a hot, damp night in a far-off town to the tune of ancient odes turned shanties turned siren call to wild abandon, to an ill-fitting youth, to touch for pleasure not for violence. To the raising of voices not in but in ecstasy. To a two-man dance, ungainly and as-yet untrod, though not wholly unfamiliar. No, his very blood awakens for it, thumps in his head to keep him in rhythm, rushes to his cheeks and the tips of his ears, creeps down his chest and lower still to color him red with intent.
Shouto falls in love without ever having really considered the thing itself. It’s happened by degrees, by turns so small and steps so many that when the last of them drops it takes him entirely by surprise.
It goes a little something like this:
His to Hold by Anonymous for linzbees
(E, 4.1 K, 1/1)
One minute he had been watching Shouto fly in a sharp arc between two buildings, only steam left in his wake. And the next minute Katsuki was nineteen again, sitting in Sero’s shitty apartment listening to Mina gossip, the smell of weed and stale socks thick in his nose.
Katsuki time travels and comes back absolutely down horrendous for Shouto
Like I Want You by Anonymous for maynope
(M, 5K, 1/1)
Katsuki's been going through it. Not only was he sent to another world, he's stuck with the asshole version of himself. And the guy he's married to... who just happens to be this world's version of his ex. Who also got sent through with him. Gods, help him.
Or -- Nothing like seeing another version of himself succeed where he's failed can fire up Katsuki to get what he wants.
Dreambusting by Anonymous for bblueraven14
(M, 5k, 1/1)
Top heroes Shouto and Dynamight just want to indulge in a chill dinner with a side of pathetic mutual pining following a successful villain take-down.
What they get instead is quirk-induced mind-fuckery, exposed desires and a need to reinvent their dreams.
Forever Rain by Anonymous for class1akids (BrusselsSprout)
(T, 3.7, 1/1)
He smells like rain and the grass and everything Katsuki wants, with a hint of a scent that is characteristic to him and him alone. Katsuki kind of wants to figure out what it is, take his time doing so. Spend hours like this, hugging him close if he has to.
"I'm coming with you," Shouto declares with a finalty.
Katsuki pauses and looks at him baffled.
"The fuck?!"
Shouto shifts to face him, "I said, this time and all the other times after. I'm coming with you. Wherever you're going."
Oh no way in hell are they doing this. Katsuki can't do this. Doesn't want to, at all.
Or, Katsuki hates the rain but the rain brought him the one he loves the most.
out of this world by Anonymous for sobashouto (snowandfire)
(E, 3K, 1/1)
Todoroki and Bakugou's first time is... anything but ordinary.
visitor by Anonymous for novaephemera
(G, ART!!!)
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thatfanficgurl · 11 months
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Chapter Three: No One
"Viktor, I need to talk to you." She said. Long fingers lingered on the heart shaped locket. Jenn stood in between the metal gated doors leading down into his clinic. Antsy aura dripped off of her, her knees brushing past one another rubbing them against each other, another way to combat the anxiety she was clearly feeling.
Vik tilted his head to the right, nodding his head in the same direction, "Over here, we can talk." He wasn't going to deny her, he didn't have the heart to do something like that. Leading her through the clinic; past the chair where he did most of his ripper work on clients. Past where his punching bag was strung up, it shifted slightly from the breeze that was created as they walked by, to the old worn leather sofa in the back of the clinic. Sitting down, Vik stretched his long legs out while Jenn walked around him settling into the cushion beside him. Out of his peripheral view, he eyeballed her. She was jittery with nerves.
"I don't want to do this," her face pained. Vik sighed, was his presence asking too much of her?
He swallowed hard, if he had to do this. If he had to walk away from her, he didn't want to cause her any additional pain. "We don't have to do this, Jenn. We can-"
"No," her hand shot out, grasping his own. Long elegant fingers entwined within his hard working hand. "Viktor, I want to be with you. I always do. But I don't want to put you in any danger. When they come for me, and they will, I don't want you caught in the crossfire."
A frustrated breath exhaled from Vik's nostrils, he wanted to pull his hand away. Make his point crystal clear. But he couldn't. Instead, he took off his black tinted glasses. Dead serious cyan eyes glared at her, "I can handle more than you think, love. You don't think I'll understand? Then why don't you tell me what happened that night? Let me decide if it's more than I can handle."
Jennifer closed her eyes, taking a long deep breath. She could smell leather, tobacco and sandalwood. All things that reminded her of home. All things that brought her comfort. Though, the leather was certainly from the couch. Not from Viktor's blood red motorcycle jacket. Too many nights she spent running her black nails under his white shirt beneath that jacket. Those nights sang their siren song in her veins. "I went into Netsafe after a job I did for Wakako, the fixer in Japantown, went wrong. It went really, really wrong, Vik. I hadn't seen so much blood. I swear I can still smell it..." She trailed off. Memories dancing off her recollection. The concrete floor of the clinic stained with pools of blood that weren't even really there. Shaking her head slightly, Jenn forced her mind back to the present. He deserved to know. "I dove in just to relax. There were rumors though to be careful. That Arasaka runners were going to be in there doing a training exercise. I was smart and cautious. I threw up my firewalls like Akira taught me just in case." Her eyes opened, and darkened in Vik's reflection. "But there were no Arasaka runners. There was only me and the Blackhawk Militech Assassin Squad. They released a virus into Netsafe called the Void. It's a nuerovirus that clings to your DNA, mutating itself. For anyone else, it would cause cyberpsychosis but it molded to me. And I found myself being able to do things I shouldn't be able to do while in submission to its control. I could practically manifest in the room, in digital sequences. To anyone else, I would have looked like a zero and ones computer data analog system manifestation. A virtual cut out of myself. I fell into a coma and that's when I guess Misty and Akira found me and contacted Trauma Team." She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts and shaking her head before she looked back into her lover's cyan eyes. "Needless to say, they tortured me. When I finally awoke, it wasn't natural. It was violent. It was chaos, a waking, living nightmare. I wasn't even sure what year it was, Viktor. They put me in a white Militech surgical room. Have you ever tasted silence? Ever smelled cold? The room was ungodly, unjustifiably cold. Sub-zero temperatures 24/7. The air I was breathing smelled cold, clean and dead. There was a point where I was sure a morgue held more warmth." She stared off across the room, metal walls began to provide a warmth she longed for. Out of the corner of her eye, Vik shifted. She was right; when they come after her it will be dangerous but the rules along the lines of safety always blurred when it came to his love for Jenn. Naturally. "When I escaped, I found out that they had extracted the Void onto a data shard. It's a purely mutated strain. Once slotted, the abilities would be supersonic but would come at a deadly cost."
Viktor sighed, turning his deadly glare to her, "Tell me you don't still have a copy of that thing." Her silence and sheepish smirk was the answer he didn't want. "Fuck." Careless! How could she be so careless? And why, why would she hold onto something so dangerous?
"Hear me out, Vik. I've been working on it. Perfecting it. I've been filling in the cracks and-"
"What?!" That was it! Vik stood up, tearing his hand from her grasp. Blood rushed to his face and arms while he began to pace. "Not only had you kept the one thing that almost killed you, but you keep diving into it?!"
"It mastered me, Vik. It bonded with my DNA. It responds to me better than Militech's researchers. That's the only reason they kept me alive. If it helps, the damage was already done." See, I told you he wants you dead. The darkness called to her. She could feel it's cold touch reaching up her ankles, awaiting its grasp to pull her under. Closing her eyes, she shook her head. An ill fated attempted to push it away. "No, not here." Passing through her black matte lips no more than a whisper, Vik turned to the sound.
"Jenn?" He stopped pacing, turned and walked immediately to her side. He squatted down before her, his hand on her chin tilting her face up. "Jennifer. Dollface, look at me." But her eyes were screwball shut.
Stupid, pathetic fucking fool! Worthless insolence! You left him behind! You slept for five years and left him brokenhearted. Rotting in the dust. Stretching her right arm out, Vik watched as she brought her left hand to the inside of her right wrist. Black nails dug into the soft ivory flesh, pulling back forcing red lines of irritated skin to appear. "Jenn, stop." He said to her.
Voice blur, echoed so far away. The metallic room of the clinic faded. Smoke filled the room; entangling itself in her hair, twisting around her limbs, engulfing everything. The corners of her mind flashed orange. Fire. Snapping her eyes open, she looked straight into cyan pools of concern, relief and determination. She wanted to dive headfirst into the twin oceans of his eyes.
Holding her by her shoulders, Vik looked at her. "The voice ya hear, is it your own?"
"Yes. It's depression. That's what the ripper at Castle Crimson told me." She answered allowing her head to rest on his shoulder.
"Hmm, more like PTSD." Hard working calloused hands slid on the silky material of her shirt past her shoulders, he held her close. "I can handle this," a smile swept across his face. Jenn pulled back, looking at him. "I can handle anything you throw at me." Words evaded him as her lips found his own. A deep groan somewhere in his chest escaped his lips. She tasted of a sunset; endless beauty, streams of colors and light. Feverishly he kissed her back. His tongue swept the inside of her soft lips. Finding her small, pink tongue, he swirled his own with her.
Running her fingers up his neck, her nails raising goosebumps across calm skin. Circling at the nape of his neck, where black hair had started to grow. Jenn moaned into the kiss, lowering herself from the couch to the floor. Viktor had gone from squatting to resting on his knees and now had Jenn straddling him. His cock twitched underneath his black cargo pants. "Fuck," he growled inbetween heated kisses. He wanted her. And he wanted her now. The kiss was broken when Jenn grabbed his jaw, pulling back and forced him to look at her.
"Are you mine?" her voice seduced him, it oozed fire and oh how he wanted to burn alive in it.
"Always." his voice was nothing more than a deep, gruff whisper. A devils grin danced across her lips. Reaching between her legs, she grabbed a hold of his stiff member, adjusting in his pants. His eyes rolled back from the outline of her touch. It was there and then it was gone. "I'll be your champion, your protector. Anythin' doll. Just," he pulled her into a deeper kiss. This time standing, Vik held her in his arms. Leaving heated kisses down her slender neck. He could feel her hand reach up between his chest and her own, touching the heart shaped locket.
"I can't." She said, pulling away. Her body swayed slightly as the room spun. "Not tonight." Just keep hurting him, Freak! The darkness screamed, her eyes looked away from him. Panic setting in. In a flurry, Jenn spun away from Viktor's grasp and out the doors of the clinic. She was low on it. She needed it and soon.
Following her, Vik quickened his pace to a jog out to the alley, only to see the tail lights of her bike. "Stay," he whispered to the rain that had begun to fall. Looking around quickly, he reached into his pants to adjust himself when a text in on the hallo:
Jenn 💕: Come to Castle Crimson tomorrow night. And I promise, you'll have more answers. I love you.
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