#I would be so much happier and carefree
prozach27 · 1 year
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ozzgin · 3 months
Hai, beloved....❤️✨
I've liked your blog for a long time and I came here to make a request With the six Handsome Yokai, muehehe ~
With fem reader who is the wife of the Yokai (separately) and is a woman who turns out to be a beautiful and elegant Oni please...❤️💋
Of course! My apologies for the delay, it always takes some time to get back into the mood for a certain story. This will be a yokai harem week hopefully. :D I'm very glad you're still around, Strawberry. 💕
Yandere! Yokai Harem AU: Oni! Reader
Featuring the six demon boyfriends - now husbands! - and a female oni reader.
Content: female reader, monster romance
[Main Story] [Character Guide] [Boyfriend Headcanons]
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Murasaki needs time to accustom himself to any change in the relationship. You've gotten so close that you now wear his wedding ring, but strangely enough, he will be somewhat distant and shy in the first month after marriage. Mind you, he married you specifically because he cannot envision his life without your presence in it. Yet every time he glances at you, his cheeks burn in embarrassment, and he quickly looks away with a huff. It feels different. You're as beautiful as always, except now you bear the title of his wife. It's an intimacy he's never experienced before, making him nervous. Murasaki does not like uncertainty. How do people get used to it? Additionally, he will be extra protective and particularly caustic towards potential threats. You've had to hold him back from slashing a mere passerby once. "What're you looking at a married woman for? The road is straight ahead, asshole!"
Kiritsubo has always been a clingy and affectionate partner and you didn't think it could get any worse. Then you got married. On one hand, it has certainly helped his struggle of feeling insecure and inadequate. Can you blame him? You're stunning, often catching the eye of demons and humans alike. It was difficult to imagine someone like you would be pleased to have him as a partner. Yet here you are by his side, wearing the ring he's given you to tie the knot. He couldn't be any happier. A newfound sense of pride has flooded his entire being. Perhaps he is meant to be yours, after all. On the other hand, he's glued to your side even more so than before. You're married, which means you're basically one, right? It means you can be even more intimate. "Oh, you're preparing a bath for us? I can't wait!"
"Beauty and the Beast" is a fitting comparison for your relationship with Suma, and not just appearance-wise. You're elegant and well-mannered, while the yokai man is, well...nonchalant is one way to describe it. He is loud, carefree, and unapologetically violent. He loves fighting almost as much as he loves you. In the eyes of most people, you're an unusual pair. Despite everything, Suma can be very gentle, especially when it comes to you. And if he does get too enthusiastic, you're thankfully not as frail as one would believe. You are a powerful oni, after all. He's the kind of guy that will shout "This is my wife" so the whole perimeter knows not to mess with you.
Yuugiri might just be the perfect match for someone of your status. He is equally good-looking, with androgynous features and distinguished manners. A perfect, charming husband according to many. He knows exactly how to sweep you off your feet and loves to spoil you with compliments. The snake yokai is very proud to have you as his wife. The downside to this is that he can be extremely jealous. If he suspects someone is trying to flirt with you, know that he is already planning their demise. He'll flash you a confident smile while pondering ways to torment the bastard. Don't worry, he will be equally ruthless if someone tries to get close to him instead.
Ah, Sakaki. Your very own gloomy husband, plagued by doubt and fear. Once again, an intriguing pair to outsiders. The depressed, melancholic yokai and his gorgeous, bright oni wife. Yet this is the very reason the demon has fallen in love with you: you're the light in his darkness, the hope in his despair. He proposed to you in the way most expected of him: a ring in one hand, and a noose in the other. "It's you for eternity, or death. You may seal my fate." Life with him won't change much after tying the knot. Although he might get a little more confident now that you have made things official. "Excuse me, you're flirting with my tomb partner. We'll be sharing a coffin one day; you don't stand a chance."
Sekiya will take forever to propose to you, mostly out of fear. Despite your best attempts to reassure him of your love, he is still very much crippled by the fear of rejection. What if you say no? What if you change your mind at the very last moment? You're an alluring, charismatic oni that could easily find someone better than him. His chances are slim. Thankfully it will tone down once you're officially married. He might even come out of his shell and dare to be a little more assertive. "That's MY ring on her finger, j-just so you know", he'll warn, proudly. (It was a jewelry maker asking you what style you prefer)
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adoregojo · 3 months
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what do i do when i have writing block? write a drabble for reo of course, the cure for my halt and depression, a man that i need in my life
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reo knew this is a bad idea.
maybe if he had a little piece of mind and considered the fact that you will end up inebriated to the point where you were wiggling around like a spaghetti, leaping joyfully every short second you got. even chanting a random melody, handing him a non-existence microphone as if you were in a karaoke, 一a place he grew to love because of you一
don't get him wrong, reo loved a lot of things about you, most of seeing you carefree, like a free bird. shuffling around the street for all what you cared for the world, he couldn't feel anything but the universe thumping in his ribcage.
it was you two engagement celebration. nevertheless, he scored nothing more then be enclosed by other reeking riches bastard, he spent the whole night seething at whoever laid an eye on you. violet hues filled with cold acquisitive greed. that left him drying sober, he just couldn't drift away his eyes of you. and if it wasn't for the cockblooker 一aka his parents一 crawling his way to guests that he bet reading a newspaper would have been more fun than keeping a chat with them, he would've been spent the whole night glued to your figure.
before he knew it, you were all drunk and barely able to walk two steps straight. reo wanted any reason to leave early anyway, so he take off your shoes ever so mildly, caressing his fingers cautiously beyond the pained parts, mainly the heel to the achilles tendon. you mumbled something about the pairs suffocating you throughout the whole night. so now they were hung by his two fingers.
all what he had of despair glided into ashes the moment it was only you and him, it may be left uncharted, but reo always felt like it was only the two of you in this world, a world where he doesn't have to carry the burden of being judged, where he can spin you around without worrying about slamming flatly onto the floor, where he can slow dance with you in his arms without feeling like an idiot every time he stepped on your feet 一out of nervousness, not his fault that your face was too much of a distraction.
"heyyyy, reoo, look at me! don't i look enlightened under the sunlight." you sluggish, a hand under your chin as you posed, feeling yourself as you blow your fiancé's a kiss. reo cold feel an arrow keening throughout his heart, and somehow he still managed to gather himself to not collapse on the dirty ground.
"dearest. as much as you look astonishing as ever, this is a street light, and it's almost midnight."
your face fell off onto a sulk, flipping your thumb downward at reo. "booo, haterr." you say as you stick out your tongue at your soon to be husband beaming back playfully, he wasn't even bothered.
"I assure you, my love. no hater is willing to carry these pair of shoes. they hella stinky." says reo, shoving your pairs away as possible, even blocking his nose holes merrily. and he couldn't be happier when you gasped dramatically, slamming your palm on your chest where your poor, fragile heart shattered at such painful words.
"nonsense! i will not take such a fails accusation! these twins of mine will remain memorized forever," you say heedlessly, whirling around in circles to prove your pointlessness.
reo says something about being careful, but you keep spinning yourself until your vision becomes blurry and your eyes were drifting in different directions. you were dizzy, so dizzy your feet were betraying you, you couldn't keep your balance, and before you meet the ground, a firm arm caught you midway.
"hey! i told you to be careful," reo's hand made it way to your waist, keeping you in shape. you almost felt like a slimy baby in his grip, he wanted to scold you more, for being reckless, for smiling broadly and making him gush, for holding his soul hostage, but he was far, far a goner to be rescued.
"haha, i did it because i knew you'd catch me." your chuckles overcome him any sense of life within him, the amethyst eyes of his only sees you, only felt the wreck of yearning pouring on you, reo's heart was pinning under your spell.
"yeah?" he asked, a stupid lovesick smile on his face.
"mhm! you'd always come to catch me when i fall." you were right, he'd jog his way to the end of the world for you. to make sure your save and sound.
"always," he assures you, tightening his hand to pull you even closer that no such thing as personal space exists between him and you, your light cologne blending with his heavy one. he snuggled his nose against the skin of your neck, drinking on your scents, as if it was the only air that bloomed his lungs. it was ticklish that it made you laugh inwardly, which was a balm on his chest. presses a quick peck on your warm cheek along the way. then carrying you with one hand like a lightweight tool to him.
"let's go home my prince charming, i need to take a looong bath." you babbled, fondling him a sloppy kiss just an inch away from his lips. a little dumbfounded, he still drags you alongside with him, you were a farther goner to notice the struck expression he had glued to his face, a faint reddish hue across his cheekbones and tip-ears.
"I'm already embracing it." maybe you were too drunk to hear that, maybe he didn't say it out too loud, maybe he's too in love to care, who knows.
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spence-whore · 29 days
You are in love
Spencer Agnew x reader
A/N this was inspired by you are in love by Taylor Swift. Yes, I’m a big swiftie lmao. This isn’t so focused on the lyrics or anything specifically in the song. I just thought the idea of him realizing he was in love with his partner was really cute. This is gonna be a really short one but it’s cute. Simple but sweet:) also, forewarning. I do not get to heavily edit this, so you will have to overlook the typos. I have to go study for my exam tomorrow now. Hope you all have had/are having a good day<3
Spencer realized he is falling harder and harder each day. It was so cliche but he felt like a teenager falling in love for the first time. He honestly felt like there was no time or use for things like this during this period of his life but then he met you. You were new two years ago to the cast. You were hired on in the art department and had to help Spencer out one day with something for one of his characters. It was like love at first sight for him, as cheesy as it is to say. You just had such a carefree energy. You were also always so happy. You were like a big cup of coffee. Anyone who spent any time around you was in the best mood and ready to kick the days ass.
“Hey loser.” You said as you flopped down in a chair beside his desk. It was the end of the day and usually, the two of you would go to his place and order food then watch something or play a game. Tonight, you two were going over to Shayne and Courtney’s home for a little celebration. “You ready to head out?” You asked giving him a soft smile.
Just your smile alone flooded his chest with the craziest butterflies. He felt heat flood to his chest and he smiled and nodded his head at you. “Yep, we’re going to Courtney and Shayne’s house, aren’t we?” He asked while turning his computer off and grabbing his stuff.
“Yes, I’m gonna go get absolutely plastered and you are gonna have to take care of me for the reeeeest of the night.” You said jokingly, throwing your arm over his shoulder.
Just you touching the man sent sparks flying throughout his body. “Yeah, right. You will take one sip of a drink, complain about it not being good, then give it to me to finish.” He said glaring at you.
The two of you headed out of the office hand in hand, to your car. You were in your head thinking about some of the stuff you had to get done tomorrow and realized someone was burning holes into the side of your head. You looked out of your corner of your eye and seen Spencer staring at you.
“Whatcha looking at, pretty boy?” You asked giving his hand a small squeeze.
Spencer tried laughing it off, slightly embarrassed that you caught him staring at you. He shot his eyes forward then glanced back over at you again, “Something beautiful.”
The two of you finally reached his car and got in to make your way to Courtney and Shayne’s home. There wasn’t much talking. You just played music over the aux while zoning out. Spencer could do nothing but stare at you. There was just something different about you tonight. He didn’t know if it was a certain way you had done your hair or the outfit you were wearing or what. He just felt like he was staring at the graphics in a new video game or something. He couldn’t get over how ethereal you are.
You finally made it to the party and started greeting people as the two of you walked in. You ended up splitting up, as he went with Shayne and Tommy and you went with Courtney, Kimmy, and Amanda.
The three of you stood for a while talking whenever Amanda noticed a certain someone kept glancing at you.
“If someone turns his head to look at you anymore, his neck is gonna break.” Amanda whispered while nodding her head in Spencer’s direction.
“I genuinely don’t think I’ve ever seen him so.. love struck before.” Courtney said giggling. “Ever since the two of you have been hanging out, he just seems so much happier. You just bring so much light to him.”
You started shaking your head while smiling, “No, no. It’s not me that has caused that. He’s just happier in general.” You explained while staring down at your drink and stirring it.
“Y/N. I have never seen that boy blush before until he started talking to you. You are like the sunshine to him.” Amanda said softly smiling at you and you couldn’t help but to blush.
“He honestly makes me really happy. Every other partner I’ve had in the past, I’ve never felt so comfortable with like I do with him. He is like my best friend.” You said while pushing your hair behind your ear.
Courtney just starts giggling while looking towards Spencer, “Literally every time he looks over here, his face lights up. It’s so freaking cute.”
Angela and Arasha walked up, so the five of you started talking about work and Courtney and Shayne.
Over at Shayne, Spencer, and Tommy’s table, they were drilling him about you and giving him shit.
“If you look at Y/N anymore, your eyes are going to burst of your head Spencer.” Tommy said while laughing at him.
“I wasn’t look at them, what are you talking about?” Spencer said while shaking his head and tried to change the topic to a new movie that is coming out. Of course, this didn’t work because he glanced over at Y/N and it was like his brain went to mush. They were standing directly under a light, so it was like a spotlight was on them. They just looked perfect. His words kept getting jumbled together and he kept stuttering. He finally just stopped trying to talk and stared at them for a minute. All he could think about was wanting to go over and kiss them. He was just so enamored by them.
Shayne was looking at him smiling because he knew exactly what it was he was feeling but he didn’t say anything. He knew that feeling because that is exactly how he felt whenever he started falling for Courtney.
It was suddenly like Spencer’s brain just broke down even more than it all made sense to him. All he could think was, holy shit I am in love with Y/N. His chest felt like it was on fire and he started shaking due to nerves.
“Are you okay dude?” Shayne asked noticing that the guy looked like he was about to start crying.
“No. I’m fucked.” Spencer whispered to himself before he chugged the rest of his whiskey.
“What’s wrong?” Tommy asked aloud, looking at the two in front of him.
“I think I’m in love with them.” Spencer mumbled while just staring at the table in front of him. Tommy and Shayne lost it and started shouting nonsense while acting like teenage girls. They never thought they would see Spencer like this because he was always someone who shut down his feelings. They couldn’t get over the fact that Spencer had finally found his person.
Y/N caught on to the two freaking out while their partner sat, looking like he was having a meltdown at their table. You stayed at the table staring at the three till you noticed Spencer was visibly tearing up and starting to cry.
“Oh, shit. I’ll be back, I think something’s wrong with Spencer.” Y/N said before jumping up to go grab Spencer and walk outside. You grabbed a water bottle while on the way and approached their table. “Hey boys, sorry to break up the party for a few minutes. I’m gonna grab curly headed goober here for a second.” You said giving Tommy and Shayne a soft smile.
Spencer just stood up and walked towards the back door that lead to the backyard. You followed behind him and shut the door behind him.
“Hey you, are you okay?” You asked, sitting down beside Spencer on the swing. You placed a hand on his thigh and started rubbing your thumb across his leg then handed him the water in your other hand. “Thought maybe you could use some water. You know, gotta stay hydrated.” You said whispering.
Spencer forced a smile back to you while grabbing the water then shook his head while getting a sip of it. “I’m fucking terrified.” He said while staring at the ground.
“Why?” You asked, taking your hand off his leg and wrapping your arm around his shoulder then resting your hand on the back of his head. You started lightly scratching the back of his head while staring at him, hoping maybe this would calm him down. Little did you know, the little signs of affection you were giving him were driving him absolutely insane. He just wanted to shout that he was in love with you.
You turned a little in the swing to face him but kept your hand on the back of his head. You were giving him a few minutes to try and calm down before asking anymore questions. Out of nowhere’s, Spencer just blurts, “I’m scared because of this.” It caught you off guard. All you could think was, I fucked this up. He’s going to break up with me.
Spencer felt you tense up and all he could do was laugh. “I’m not meaning it in a negative way. Actually, maybe a little. I’m just terrified I’m going to screw this up.” Spencer explained, finally looking over at you.
“Spencer, you could never-“ He immediately cuts you off. “I’m in love with you. I mean I am head over heels, infatuated with you. The second I wake up in the morning, you’re the first thing on my mind. The second I hear news that is exciting, I want to run to find you and tell you. The second I accomplish something, I want to find you and tell you. You give me a reason to be excited about the world, Y/N. I know we’ve only been together for almost eight months but god, I am so in love with you and just want to experience the rest of my life with only you.”
All you could do was just stare at him. “I’m not proposing to you right now, if that’s what it sounds like.” Spencer said while chuckling. “I’m just saying that one day, I want to marry you. One day, I want to do the thing old married couples do with you.”
“Can you say that again?” You asked staring at him in shock.
He looked at you with confusion, “I’m not proposing to you?”
You just laughed and shook your head, “No, no. What you said a minute ago.”
He just nodded his head slowly for a second before turning in the swing to face you. “I am so in love with you.”
All you could do was pull him into a hug and to hold him for a minute. “Is this why you were crying?” You asked laughing a little, pulling back to look at him. He just shook his head yes while looking at you. He looked like he was mentally shitting himself but you realized it was because you had not said anything to him.
“Oh shit, wait, I love you too, you dork.” You said back while giggling. You cupped the side of his face and just brushed your thumb over his cheek for a minute while looking at him.
“God, I am so in love with you Spencer.”
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but he doesn't know who i am
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Summary: Vision learns about Wanda's 2am gym visits and the nightly meetup you'd been anticipating with the witch becomes... something else.
I really can't write summaries: basically Vision's introduction to the series and him meeting R 😭
Word Count: 1357 Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader Warnings: back at it again with the self-doubt Part 4 of 'Half of My Hometown' series masterlist <- previous part | next part ->
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“Miss Maximoff, are you quite alright? You are usually not this tired from training.”
Wanda sighs, forcing a smile as she turns towards the approaching synthezoid. 
“I'm fine, Vision, thank you. I just had a late night.”
“Were you having nightmares again? They can be common for quite some time after going through traumatic events, such as what you experienced with your family and city.”
“I wasn’t,” Wanda snaps, in a tone which comes out harsher than she had intended. She presses the base of her palm to her eyes in a show of exaggerated tiredness in order to hide the growing anger in her gaze – she knows Vision is trying to help, but something about his phrasing, combined with her limited sleep, draws out her ire. Wanda is overcome by a sudden desire to be talking with you instead, you would understand. While Vision clearly pities her for her life’s tragedies, you know what it’s like – you’ve experienced it. Vision wants her to forget her nightmares, whereas you replenish her mind with the happier moments, even patching her near-forgotten memories with your own recollection of events. Vision is telling her to make a life in the present, but you help her rebuild the foundations of her past.
Wanda tries to bury the comparison; the android is trying his best to understand, and she has only had one full conversation with you since you reunited, so could she really say that all conversations would be like that? She hopes they are, since memories of the five hours of carefree talking still linger fresh in her mind, tugging the corners of her lips upwards whenever she dwells on it.
“I didn't have nightmares,” Wanda continues at last. “Not last night. I went to the gym and lost track of time” – not quite a lie – “it's nicest at 2am, I think, always quiet.”
“Ah, I see,” Vision says, seemingly oblivious to the Sokovian’s inner turmoil, “shall we focus on powers together this session then, if you’ve already exercised in the night? Overworking on the machines can lead to-”
“Yeah, Vision, that sounds good,” Wanda interrupts, not wanting another explanation, “let's work on powers.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
You’re lucky that the Compound is sparse in the early hours, because you’re certain you look like an idiot having to fight a grin every time you let your memory wander back to the night before – five hours spent talking with Wanda, yet it had been so comfortable that it hadn’t felt like any time at all. And to top it all off, she had been the one to ask you to do it all over again, with her enthusiasm so explicitly shown that it had left no room for doubt in your mind; she had enjoyed the night just as much as you.
So you smile all through your patrol route that night, watching the clock tick closer and closer to the promised 2am until, eventually, you round the corner and she comes into view.
“Wanda!” you greet cheerily. She’s leaning against a pillar and looking down at her phone but her head shoots up and, upon seeing you, a beaming smile spreads across her face.
“Hi,” she says, and there's once again an awkward moment where neither of you know the right move or what to say. Do you hug her? Kiss her cheek? You'd like to, but, once again, you're interrupted before you can take action.
“Ah, Wanda, you're still here!” a voice calls out. Wanda’s gaze drifts behind you and you abruptly swivel in place to see who is interrupting your time together. Whatever you expected, it isn't this.
Despite the English accent in his voice, the man was decidedly… not English, or human for that matter. The red, humanoid figure floats his way towards you, with the yellow jewel embedded in his head glowing softly.
“Vision, what are you doing up?” Wanda asks, clearly familiar with the man as she takes a step forward, while you take a step back to the sidelines.
“My sleep cycle is only designed to replicate that of a human’s, it's not actually necessary for me.”
You consider asking if he needs to recharge, and how long his batteries last, but you think better of it, not wanting to insult anyone close to Wanda.
“You said this morning that you go to the gym at this time, so I thought I might join you. Then you won't lose track of time and be tired during training, like today,” Vision continues. The same pang of guilt as last night hits you again, since it was your fault that Wanda stayed up so late – Wanda's request to meet again had pushed the responsibility to the back of your mind, but if she's complained about the tiredness to her teammates, then perhaps she had wanted to sleep earlier, but only stayed around and asked to meet at 2am out of politeness, to fit your schedule, rather than her own.
“That's kind of you, Vision, but, uh-” she glances briefly at you, and it's like Vision only just realises you're there too.
“I'm Y/N,” you interrupt, holding a hand out for the newcomer to shake. He looks over at you somewhat indignantly, as if shocked that you would interrupt Wanda's answer, but you know her well enough to know she had been stalling for her next words. Wanda’s relieved reaction to your words is only further confirmation of that.
“Vision,” he introduces, “do you two know each other?”
You glance over to Wanda now, unsure what she wants to reveal to the robot. She takes the hint and seamlessly continues the conversation on your behalf,
“Y/N and I grew up together, back in Sokovia.”
“Oh, and you both ended up here. What a coincidence.”
“Yeah.” You laugh awkwardly. Although there's still the comfort of Wanda standing by your side, the conversation feels stilted and forced with Vision in the room. “I should probably get back to my patrol,” you say after a few more minutes of discussion – which felt more like an interview of Vision against you and Wanda.
Wanda nods her head and shuffles closer to you, but Vision speaks up before she can.
“Yes, Wanda and I should probably get started at the gym too; then you won't have to be up too late!” he says, the last part directed to Wanda only.
Her eyes flick between you and Vision again, the choice of who to go with and who to disappoint suddenly presented before her. Her head is low and she’s fiddling with her rings again, so you make the choice for her before she next speaks.
“Vision is right; I'm sure you both have to be up early for training tomorrow so don't let me keep you.”
Wanda’s head shoots up at you with a wide-eyed glare and you duck your head to avoid meeting her eyes; if she could see into them, then maybe she would see that you didn't want her to leave, that you wanted her to come around with you and talk like the night before. 
But to say that would be selfish.
Wanda and you aren’t 12 anymore, you both have responsibilities beyond each other and you can’t allow yourself to get in the way of that for her. Wanda is an Avenger now, and you have to remind yourself that the eyes of the world rest on her, constantly judging and scrutinising her performance in the field. She needs public opinion of her to stay positive – that comes from good performance, and good performance comes from properly training with her teammates. You’d kept her from the gym the night before, and caused the tiredness which had impacted her training enough that had taken note; you couldn’t let that happen again. So you pretend to want her company less than Vision, make the choice so she doesn't have to, and walk away with nothing more than a forced smile and a wave, even when you catch the disappointed look on Wanda's face as she watches you leave.
It's for her own good.
You'll always do what's best for Wanda.
next part ->
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General Taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
Series Taglist: @holiday-house-of-m @emiliaisdead @wonderingnerd @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @chasethemoon
A/N: I might give up on the gifs at the start, I'm gonna run out at this rate 😭 Anywayyyy, shortish chapter and sorry for the delay! Been a busy week of avoiding my uni work. As always, reblogs and comments are amazing and keep me going, and I hope to have the next part out soon :)
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igotanidea · 6 months
Snow: Jason Todd x reader
Christmas bingo day 20: snow
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No one was truly expecting a white Christmas that year.
It was rather wise to not get ones hope up because the weather forecast on every channel were only predicting rain instead of snow.
There's this saying that Christmas is a time of miracles.
The first flake was almost shy, landing on the windowsill of their apartment. Quiet and curious almost as if it was trying to take a peak of what was happening inside and stirring Jason awake when he opened his eyes the most amazing and magical view came to his eyes.
Dozens and dozens of little pieces of snow falling from the sky turning the dark, gloomy landscape of polluted and crowded city into a real winter wonderland.
Jason smiled to himself observing it for a moment enjoying the moment of peace and quiet. A luxury he didn't get to indulge in very often. But just for now everything was good in the world. Just for a moment he wasn't a vigilante but travelled back in time to happier times, to his childhood at the Wayne manor. He was a boy playing outside the walls of his house with Alfred, laughing and just having fun, being carefree and content.
No Batman, no robin, no villains and vigilantes.
Just a boy and his grandad making a snowman and warming up in the kitchen with a cup of hot tea each.
This memory was so vivid that Jason could almost see that little 12 year old rascal waving at him in a funny gesture trying to tell him to not be so serious.
And it made him sigh in reverie shifting position to get a bit more comfortable and able to observe the weather.
"Hmmm...." A groggy, half asleep voice came from the right side of the bed.
His y/n.
His anchor in the world full of awfulness and coldness.
His Ariadne leading him back to himself when he was getting lost in the twisted paths separating Jason Todd from Red Hood.
His saviour. His light in the darkness.
His voice of reason.
He sighed again, but this time for different reasons.
This woman. This wonderful woman sleeping so peacefully next to him, due to some miracle feeling safe in his presence.
She would never fully comprehend how much she meant to him.
How she saved him from himself.
Staying despite all the blood, pain, hurt and worries.
'what time is it--?" She muttered rolling on her side rubbing her eyes in that cute manner she had since teenage years. The lightness coming from the window made her squint but her gaze immediately moved back to Jason's face and all that loving and caring she saw in his eyes sped her heartbeat immediately. "Hi..."
"Hey pretty girl." Second later she was being hugged and held close to his chest learning that his heart was beating equally hard and fast "missed you." Jason couldn't help nuzzling into her hair breathing the sweet scent of her shampoo. Of her.
"We literally slept together."
"Even worse!" Jason laughed "I spend the night with the most amazing woman to walk the earth and cannot remember it!"
"It was just a couple hours -'
"Too long." He cut her off by pressing his lips to hers welcoming that familiar tingling that always came with her closeness.
"What time -" she tries again but he only repeated the action. To hell with the time.
"Too early babe. You're not going anywhere -"
"Are you keeping me captive now?" She teased raising an eyebrow
"Can't see you actively fighting love-"
A seductive brush of his hand on her leg moving up, up, up...
Such a nice prelude to a very nice morning...
"Daddy! Mummy!"
Such a lost opportunity.
"It's snowing! It's snowing!" Their little 5 year old daughter rushed into their bedroom not realising that she interrupted something very personal, jumping on the bed and pressing her little hand and her cute tiny nose to the window admiring the white landscape. "Do you think Santa will find a way to us with all that?" A slight frown appeared on her pretty face and both Jason and y/n laughed at the confusion.
"You're so thoughtful aren't you little one?" Y/n opened her arms inviting her daughter for some morning cuddles.
"I just want presents..."
"Aren't you just like your father..."
"Hey! I'm here!" Jason hissed playfully before grabbing his child and retrieving it from y/n, starting rolling in the bed and tickling both of his girls at the same time. "You'll get your gifts kiddo no worries. Santa got his ways. But before that..." He layed d/n on his chest "were gonna get the sleight and have some fun outside, how does that sound ?"
"Yay!" D/n jumped in excitement and hugged him closely "love ya daddy!"
"Did you hear that y/n?" Jason smirked and looked at the older girl "you got competition"
"I'm not giving you up that easily!" Y/n snuggled into his side "but maybe can share"
Jason wanted to say it.
To tell them both how much he loved them and that he was never letting them go.
But the lump in his throat made it impossible.
Or maybe it was because of that 12 year old looking at him, and feeling proud of what he achieved.
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pimosworld · 1 year
Like nobody’s watching
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Marc Spector x f!reader x Jake Lockley x Steven Grant
Summary- Marc comes home to your private dance and decides to join your intimate moment.
CW-NSFW,18+ MDNI, explicit, strip tease,lap dance,cursing,fluff,smut, dry humping,unprotected piv,fingering,piv cream pie, soft dom Marc
A/N- I know the pic isn’t Marc but we needed a chair for inspo. I will link a playlist below as a suggestion for the strip tease/lap dance. But you can certainly use your imagination.
Not beta read
Like nobody’s watching playlist
You used to dance alone when you were stressed. The way the music made you feel just made all the worries in the world float away. It’s so freeing, letting your body do what it wants, you don’t have to think about what you look like or where your feet go or if you look ridiculous. Alone in your own home when the stress of life got too heavy,you would dance. 
  Now you find yourself dancing for a very different reason. Alone in your boyfriend's flat, you’ve never been happier in your life. They were supposed to be gone on a mission for khonshu for another day or two, something that used to worry you but over time you got used to it. They would always come home, usually in one piece. Before they left on this latest mission they asked you to move in. Marc and Jake wanted to wait until they got back to ask but poor Steven couldn’t contain himself the night before they left and blurted it out after you’d spent hours making love.
  Move in with me…?
  Your hazy state and look of utter confusion had him worried. 
  Umm…move in with us? That's if you want to,of course you don’t have to. 
  Jesus hermaño give her a minute she doesn’t know which way is up. 
  Of course you said yes once you regained your bearings. The four of you agreed to let you stay while they were gone and then would move your stuff when they got back. 
  That’s how you find yourself in Marc’s shirt dancing in front of the couch without a care in the world. The orange hue casting the last of daylight among the flat is so calming and romantic. The scent of him overwhelms you as you’re lost in the music swaying your hips to the beat. 
  Marc is running on autopilot, the missions weren’t always this hard but sometimes khonshu had more than normal demands being that he was a god. He took over the body hours ago knowing Jake bore the brunt of the dirty work and Steven was still getting used to all this and he didn’t want to overwhelm him. He could hear the faint sound of music coming from his flat as he searched for his keys. An unfamiliar warmth pooled in his belly, he’s never come home from a mission with you here. They finished a few days early and he didn’t think to let you know first. He hasn’t had to communicate like this since Layla. He made a mental note to work on that. 
  He’s grateful you don’t hear the rustling of the keys or the door open albeit unsafe as he enters the flat he sees you. Bathing in the sunset light cast across the flat, wearing just his shirt and Stevens ridiculous socks, you’re floating around and he swears he could die happy at this very moment. To see you so comfortable and carefree in their your home. He feels something else building as you raise your hands above your head and sway your hips revealing the curve of your ass and those pink booty shorts he loved so much. You still don’t notice him leaning against the door as he palms his jeans to adjust the growing bulge in his pants. 
  You don’t know what’s got you feeling so bold, maybe the half a bottle of wine you had to yourself. You start to wonder what they would do if they were here. Would you dance for them? Would they think it’s silly? You start to slide your fingers up the side of Marc's shirt pretending you’re doing a strip tease, you can feel the heat pooling between your legs at your sudden surge of confidence. Just as you begin to lift your shirt over your head you hear the screech of the wooden dining chair. 
  You’re frozen to the spot, the only sound you can hear over the music is your heart beating wildly in your chest. You don’t dare turn around for fear of what might be behind you. You’re not sure at this moment why people always say fight or flight when there’s always the third option of freeze. As the song fades out you turn slowly in your spot, you’re met with the piercing gaze of your boyfriend sitting in the chair with a smug grin on his face. His dark eyes bore into you and the obvious erection in his pants tells you he’s been watching for awhile. 
  A million emotions flood you at once in what feels like minutes but is only a matter of seconds. Relief that you’re not about to die, embarrassed at your current state, upset that they didn’t tell you they would be home early. None of that really matters in this moment as he states you down like a lion stalking his prey. Is it Marc or Jake? You don’t dare ask, you’ll just wait for an obvious tell. As the next song cues up he reaches for the half-drunk bottle of wine and downs it in three gulps wiping the excess off his chin with the back of his hand. That didn’t help at all. 
  “I didn’t tell you to stop sweetheart.”
  “Hi Marc.” Your voice comes out half cracked and you clear your throat awkwardly. You haven’t spoken in hours, seeing as though you were alone.
  He chuckles dark and low, sending a shiver down your spine and a tingling in your core. “You know Jake wouldn’t have stood in that doorway for as long as I did, and he definitely wouldn’t be sitting in this chair.” Those things are all true but you couldn’t think straight after being caught so vulnerable.
  “Continue.” You know it’s not a question, you were already imagining doing this when you were alone. He obviously doesn’t think you look silly and the thought of him watching you gives you the push you needed. You turn around to face away from him as you begin to sway your hips again to the music. 
  Marc was feeling bold when he saw you dancing, as you started to undress he felt like he was intruding on a private moment. Yes this was his home but he was just standing there like a creep and had yet to make his presence known. He didn’t want you to feel embarrassed or startle you, I’ll just have a seat.
  The sound of the chair causes you to freeze as you slowly turn around; he can tell you’re studying his movements. He certainly had his differences from Jake but physically they were the most alike. At this moment you’re not thinking straight, it’s so obviously not Jake but he scared you so he can’t fault you. He sees the half empty bottle of wine on the table and decides to level the playing field.
  You’re still staring like a deer in headlights and he wants to make you squirm but he was the one that came home unannounced after all. The less time he takes to reveal himself the more time he will have with you. He’s hoping you’re feeling relaxed enough to not turn down his proposition. As you turn around he thinks he may have gone too far but you start to whine your hips again as if you’re the only one in the room. 
  You slowly start to lift the shirt above your head but decide to stop again. You want to draw this out and make it memorable. You turn to face him again and drop to your knees as you start to crawl towards him. You would feel ridiculous in this moment if not for the way his chest was rising and falling. You settle in front of him and place a hand on each knee, you run your fingers along his muscular thighs as you feel him tense beneath your grip. As you drag your body up his legs the friction of his rough jeans through the shirt makes your nipples hard.
  The music and the wine coursing through your veins is giving you a confidence you never knew you had. You straddle his hips as you tilt his head back, dancing just above where he wants you. You sink your hips down onto his cock strained through his jeans and give an experimental roll eliciting a moan from deep within him. The eye contact is sensual and intimidating all at once. You’re leaking through your panties for sure leaving a wet spot on his jeans. You give another roll of your hips as he bucks up to meet yours and his jeans catch your clit, the wanted friction causing a whimper to leave your mouth. 
  He smirks knowing you’ve lost some of the control you had over him and grips your waist tight with his hands as he brings you down again rocking you back and forth. He can tell you’re chasing the high as you bury your head in the crook of his neck, soft whimpers of his name leaving your mouth.
  “Come on baby I know you can come like this.” He says breathlessly in your ear.
  No this is not how this was supposed to go. 
  You smack his hands and will yourself to stop as you catch your breath.“If you can’t keep your hands to yourself I’ll have to stop. You wouldn’t want that now would you?” 
  He looks up at you wide eyed as he shakes his head. He’s never been so upset and turned on at the same time. He’s aching for release but you’ve never looked so beautiful and confident as you are right now. You both know he’s stronger than you but this need to submit has him reeling. This must be why Steven loves when you take control. You’re looking at him inquisitively and he’s wondering if you asked him something. 
  “Words.” He suddenly remembers and it's  not a question. 
  “No…please don’t stop, I can keep my hands to myself.”
  You take off your shirt and throw it to the side, you watch his pupils blow wide at your lack of bra and see him fighting to keep his hands at his side. You clasp your hands behind his head and play with the curls at the base of his neck. You raise your body from his lap and draw your breast up his face, dragging your pert nipple along his bottom lip. He opens his mouth slightly and lets out a ragged breath. The hot air in contrast to the cool flat causes goosebumps to raise on your skin.
  You slide off his lap and drag your teeth along his clothed erection on the way down, you watch as his mouth drops open and his hands white knuckle the chair beneath him. You take off his shoes and begin to work on his belt, he hastily helps you discard his jeans and boxers in one fail swoop and all but rips his shirt taking it off. His thick cock is leaking and angry and his resolve is quickly fading as he takes deep steady breaths. 
  You sit in his lap again facing away from him. Your thighs straddle his and you can feel the weight of him on your back. 
  “You can touch me now.” You’re breathless and you can’t hold out any longer. A gasp escapes your lips as he rips your panties as if they were made of paper. 
  “You better let them have a turn when I’m done, they’ve been very impatient.” He growls into your ear.
  “Wha-.” He doesn’t give you a moment to finish as he lifts you and guides you down on his thick cock setting a brutal pace. The pain gives way to pleasure and all you can do is hold on for dear life as he bounces you on his lap over and over. 
  “Is this what you thought about when I was gone?” 
  You can’t think let alone answer as the sounds of your pussy slamming down on his length fill the flat. He pulls your hair causing you to arch your back, his pace doesn’t falter as his hips thrust up to meet yours. You’re whining and moaning incoherent chants of his name.
  “Answer me.”
  “Oh fuck…yes.” You clench down on him as your orgasm steadily approaches, his cock throbs and you can feel his thrusts growing erratic. 
  “You're gonna come with me baby.” He’s panting in your ear as he reaches around to rub slow circles on your clit.
  “Shhh, you’ve been such a good girl taking my cock so well. I’ll tell Jake to take it easy on you.” He chuckles in your ear knowing Jake would never do that. 
  His thumb quickly circles your bundle of nerves and you can feel yourself coming undone as he drags you back and forth on his thick length. You reach forward and gently stroke his balls,pressing your thumb to the base of his cock. He comes with a shout as he shoots hot ropes of cum into your walls, he’s relentless on your clit as your vision goes white and you’re screaming his name.
  His arms are wrapped tight around you as you collapse into his chest, both of you trying to catch your breath. His soft kisses to your neck help you steadily come back to your body. He’s still hard inside you as your cunt flutters, dripping his spend onto the chair beneath you. 
  “You’re perfect,you know that right?” As if this man isn’t aware of how perfect he is, you give his arm a reassuring squeeze and drop your head back to place a kiss on his cheek. 
  Aren’t you glad I asked her to move in early?
  Sí hermano 
  He’s somehow still hard but the mess between your legs is evident. You start to lift off him when a strong hand lightly wraps around your throat. His cock throbs and soft whimper leaves your lips. 
  “Princessa…es hora de mi baile.”
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated.
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taey0ngsvape · 1 year
ateez as boyfriends
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He’s very busy, constantly at the studio producing something new or at dance practice perfecting something for a new stage. He has very little free time, and I think he’d show his love for you by devoting every spare minute to being with you.
Shows you that you are just as important to him as being an idol and that he wants to spend as much time together as he possibly can.
I think he’d like your hands a lot, playing with your fingers, tracing shapes on the back of your hand or on your palm. Probably his favorite type of skinship tbh, it’s something subtle but gentle and lovely.
Dotes on you a lot, is always asking if you’ve eaten or slept enough.
But he also trusts you and totally believes you’re capable of handling things without his help. He just likes to offer it, a small reminder of how much he cares about you.
Will want to build legos with you.
He likes sharing his hobbies. Doing something he loves with the person he loves? Nothing makes him happier.
LOVES your laugh and is always trying to make you smile.
Would play video games with you. On days when you don’t want to, you guys will compromise. You’ll watch him play for a little while and then he’ll let you pick the activity for the rest of the day. But he does like when you watch him play (he wants to impress you, no matter how long the two of you have been together).
Idk why but I feel like you’d bake together, that just seems like something he’d love. 
A lot more mellow with his feelings.
Teases you a lot for how “obsessed with him you are,” especially in front of the members. But when you’re alone? He’s all over you.
Even during times when you're together but aren’t talking and you’re both doing your own thing, he wants you as close to him as possible, usually in his lap or curled up by his side. He just likes having you near.
I feel like you’d be his comfort person and he’d go to you with his problems or worries. He doesn’t expect you to fix everything, he just likes that you listen to him and are always ready to shower him in affection until he’s feeling better.
OBSESSED with you fr.
Is always talking about you with the other guys and bragging about something you did. Is a lil annoying about it, but you love him anyway. And all the other members love you too because you make San so happy.
Would always be so sweet to you. Greets you with a kiss, holds doors open for you, rubs his thumb on the back of your hand when he can tell you’re stressed or uncomfortable, and when it’s time to leave he never lets you go without reminding you he loves you and a quick goodbye kiss.
Literally just prime boyfriend material.
Whipped as hell.
Even after you get together he still can’t believe you’re actually his.
Stares at you a lot, but entranced by how pretty you are and how much he loves you.
Which by the way, he definitely says “I love you” first and when you said it back he looked so happy you thought he might cry.
You definitely would tease him about being head over heels for you and he’d own up to it every time, completely turning it on you and telling you how “you’re so perfect how could I not fall for you?” until you’re the one blushing. 
Genuinely is like a best friend to you.
You trust him so much and you feel so carefree around him. He brings you a sense of comfort.
Very touchy, likes having you in his arms at all times. Likes it when you sleep over just so he can fall asleep next to you.
Is constantly making you laugh.
The two of you together encourage each other’s behavior, meaning you’re everyone else’s worst nightmare, but at the end of the day, the other boys love you because of how much joy you bring. You and Wooyoung together are bright enough to put the sun to shame.
Very domestic.
I feel like he would want to know you very well before ever making things official, and because of that you have a very deep and understanding relationship from the very beginning.
Likes playing with your hair, whether you’re cuddled up with him watching a movie or you’re in his lap rambling about something.
Sings you to sleep for sure and gets all blushy when you compliment his voice.
I feel like he’d get flustered pretty easily whenever you compliment him in front of the members. It’s harder to get the same reaction when it’s just the two of you, but there are certain things that you know can make him melt, like telling him you love his voice.
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miyaur · 1 year
𝄞 — capitano, tartaglia/childe (fem reader) — ❝ you're both ours, don't complain. ❞
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summary: you were a rather cute secretary that was under capitano, a well known, and mighty harbinger. walking in on your boss and the 11th harbinger having a duel, deciding to have a change of plans the moment you walked in.
a/n: i've been trying to write this for so long but prince kaeya had to come first 😔😔.. ok but i'm so sorry posting some thing later than usual schedule, school finally started and not that proud of my exam scores, writing is fr my only escape <;/3
warnings: nsfw, threesome, dom!capitano, dom!tartaglia/childe, sub!reader, pussy eating,
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being capitano's secretary, doing groceries, helping him out with paperwork, is the usual, but every year, there comes a time where capitano gets into the mood, and need to take it out on something, or someone, whether it'd be stress, or sexual frustration. and you.. ohh you.. you were really just the cutie he needed.
tartaglia, the youngest of harbingers. you've met him before, what a pretty man! he was very much somewhat carefree, constantly asking every good fighter he meets for a spar. he always asked your boss to duel a ton too! you understand why though, capitano is quite strong, and big~
although, you definitely didn't know how tartaglia had convinced capitano into sparring with him. maybe he felt bad? oh well. but it was just a normal day, finishing up a bit of paperwork for capitano, wanting to see if they both had finished.
"hi sir! are you.. finished?" peaking through the door of the room, watching them both covered in sweat, tired from fighting, clothing almost torn off fully. getting flustered and apologizing till a huge hand grabs you by your waist
a husky voice whispers into your ears "stay. i believe i need help with a special something. actuslly me and my good friend, childe." pulling you back to the position him and tartaglia were in. "i- anything for you sir?" stammering over your words, yet confused, placing you on his lap, revealing what was under your skirt, nothing (lol), "dirty girl, wanting to be fucked so bad." he said taking off your shirt, chest being revealed, "oh, you must be so excited, already wet for us hm?" childe questions, slowly sinking his tongue into your pussy, licking your clit, as capitano's hands rub over your boobs. chulde lapping at your juices like it's his last meal, or beter yet his first meal in a long time, but it's true that he's never tasted something better than his cooking.
both of them pleasuring you, making you closer and closer to finishing, to reach your high. feeling a knot in your stomach, fonally breaking you cum all over childe's mouth, and he's glad to clean of your mess. "that feel good, cutie?" looking happier than ever, chukde wipes off any excess cum from his face, "i'm very sure my little secretary enjoyed it." capitano replied, he lifts you up so his cock can enter you, feeling his head, what if it.. it didn't fit? how is soemthing so big supossed to fit in your tight hole?
your ass is already so tired, and slowly you felt tartaglia put his cock in your mouth, making you slowly rock back and forth (indeed you are on all fours..), for hours on end. you fainted after they both finally released inside you, next thing you saw, you woke up in capitano's room, as he was reading something to you, "i'm sorry about last night.. we both brought you here, taetaglia would like to give you this." a little box of chocolates, jewelry, and a note that says "sorry for rearranging your insides, please accept this apology."
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lurkingshan · 4 months
Cooking Crush is the Ultimate Romcom
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I have been singing this show's praises and lamenting it being so underrated for weeks, and I am simply never going to stop because it just keeps getting better. This week was episode 10, a spot where many Thai shows stumble as they set up their final arcs, but this show sailed right on through on the strength of its writing and incredible character and relationship development. This show believes that relationships should make us better, and it shows us how each of the pairs do this for each other rather than telling us.
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Ten is probably one of the best romance leads we have ever gotten in bl. He is just so kind and genuine, and his commitment to honest communication is what drives the story. He's a great match for Prem, who is more naturally cynical and struggles with self-esteem issues. We see over and over again how Ten's steady support and affection buoys Prem through hard times, how Prem never waivers on his feelings for Ten even when he is feeling low, and that even in tough moments they give each other so much joy. Every time something happens that would set up a major conflict in other shows, it is dismantled by Ten and Prem talking to each other about their feelings and getting on the same page. They make each other happy and they want to be together; it is as simple and natural as that.
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Similarly, we are seeing clearly how good Fire and Dy's relationship is for both of them. Fire is basically a whole new man now that he has accepted his sexuality and his feelings for Dynamite, and he is growing in his confidence, even starting to be affectionate with Dy in front of their friends. And now that he's gotten out of his own way, Fire can see Dynamite for who he is and offer him the kind of love and support that has been sorely lacking in his life. Dynamite is a character who seems carefree and confident on the surface, but who is actually hiding a well of pain that is closely tied to rejection because of his sexuality and the way he presents in the world. They see and understand these struggles in each other and they are happier when they're together.
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And let's not forget Metha and Samsee, who are not in a romance (yet?? please show I will love you forever) but whose relationship is also about forming a bond through which kindness, affection, and support can flourish. Metha is always here to support Samsee when he's struggling with his friends, and Samsee relies on him even as he maintains some defensive posturing to avoid getting hurt. But I trust Metha not to hurt him. I love the way Metha moves through this story giving people the pushes they need and generally just being an excellent dude.
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And this show doesn't only care about romance! This is one of the more serious treatments of queer friend group dynamics we have ever had in the bl genre. The friendships in this show are not here as joke fodder or secondary to the romances; they are treated as just as important to the narrative as the romantic beats. Samsee's hurt over being excluded and the changing dynamics of his friendships was taken seriously, and all the other characters gave him space and grace to work out his feelings. I similarly expect that as the show wraps up, we'll return to Ten's family dynamics and come to some solid resolutions there.
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I don't know how else to say it: this show is excellent, the writing is much stronger than anyone expected, and the characters are all-timers. Let some joy into your lives and watch Cooking Crush.
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candyskiez · 9 months
rewatching once upon a time in the waste makes me so emo dude. because catra was so, so much happier the second she got far away from the horde. no constant question if she would be replaced, no constant need to justify every action, no feeling like the only reason people respected her was because of her rank. scorpia had shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that she cared about her, genuinely. I think that's why she was so carefree in the wastes. she was away from the constant expectations, and someone was watching her back. she could take her damn time because hordak didn't expect it all under a short deadline. she had scorpia to look out for her, they could goof off because they had time to mess around and she didn't have to constantly prove every single bit of worth. she showed she could do shit and people listened.
and the part that gets me is catra denying that she's miserable in the horde. when...yeah, she is. she literally hated it there, she was constantly stressed, she was constantly on the verge of a breakdown and it was completely unsustainable. scorpia was genuinely stating the facts. she hated the horde. she felt safe in the wastes because there was so much less pressure and she had someone who had her back. without that "come back with results, or else." over her head, she was so much less on edge.
but she goes back, because letting shadow weaver get away with hurting her feels like admitting defeat. it would be the best for her mental health, no doubt. but all she sees is that shadow weaver HAS to pay for what she did, she has to make her hurt like she did because of her. shes so caught up in rage and hurt. she could've been happy. she was just too scared to. she wanted to make shadow weaver feel the hurt she did, and all that ended up doing was denying herself what she really wanted: to be safe and wanted.
scorpia chose catra. catra was just too blinded by the fact shadow weaver didn't to see it until it was almost too late. fuck, man.
made princess scorpia hit so much harder. scorpia tried so hard to help catra. but she cannot fix her problems if catra wasn't willing to change. catra had to make that choice herself. scorpia deserves to be treated well too, and seeing her realize that was so cathartic. and no matter how much I love catra I am SO glad scorpia got out. god I love this show.
basically s3 was so good and set up the rest of the show so well thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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milaswriting · 10 months
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Teasing Firsts
⇢ you, B, banter & a first date.
Happy birthday to my darling B! I’ve never loved another werewolf more <3 and thanks so much for being my comfort character asdfghjkl.
I wrote this whilst travelling back home from the Netherlands, so I hope you enjoy it.
B’s cool, calm and carefree approach to many things in life is something they’re always commended for. Their heart of gold, their lack of anxiety, their ability to put others at ease amongst a load of other things.
So, the simple concept of a date with you shouldn’t make them feel so on edge. But it does. B remembers casually asking you out, with a smile on their face and a hammering heart — they almost talked themselves out of asking. Prepared to hear a rejection and console themselves afterwards, but that never came.
Instead, after a confident leap, you said yes without hesitation.
And they’re thankful. Truly. B’s excited, there’s a skip in their step. But the nerves are bubbling. It can be shown by the state of their bedroom. Their wardrobe is all over it. Literally.
Shirts. Trousers. Gold jewellery. Sunglasses. It’s as though their bed isn’t even visible under it all.
Standing shirtless, B gazes at the mess around them before clicking their tongue. “Shit then,” they murmur, and their thoughts would still be on their outfit if their phone hadn’t started ringing.
They scramble to it, all whilst flinging a pair of socks over their shoulder.
“Hello,” B says after swiping across.
“Hi,” you reply in a cheerful tone.
B can’t help but let a smile press across their lips. “Hi,” they reiterate before pulling the phone from their ear and checking the time. They haven’t got long at all. In fact, they’re running late.
“I’m almost ready,” they say, their tone of voice a little more high-pitched.
“Uh-huh,” you utter back with a laugh. “Try again, B,” you add with a smile.
They raise a brow. “Should I be concerned that you picked up on that so quickly?”
You snort. “Maybe I just know you so well,” you murmur before positioning yourself to feel more comfortable. “So what’s up?”
B clears their throat and takes a seat at the edge of their bed. “I just don’t know what to wear.”
“Hm, we’re going out to eat, so something casual,” you say. “Whatever you usually wear. The two of us have been out before.”
B taps the speaker button on their phone. “But we haven’t been on a date before.” They inhale a short breath, wondering whether they’ve misread this whole thing and this isn’t a date at all.
“True,” you say, your voice ringing out in B’s bedroom. “But that makes our date, and future ones, exciting.”
B smirks. “Oh, future dates?”
“If you play your cards right,” you utter, and B can hear the teasing smile in your voice. “But, seriously, you look good in everything.”
B stands and picks up a necklace before wrapping their fingers around it. “Throwing out compliments before our date’s even started, aren’t I lucky?”
“Of course you are,” you say confidently. “You’re about to go out with me.”
B nods. “I can’t deny that.” Their words trail off as they glance at their hopeful outfit. “Are you ready?”
“Why? Are you trying to colour coordinate?”
“Are you into that?” B banters back, genuinely curious about your answer.
“I’m into you,” you utter quickly.
“Oo, very smooth. I’m rubbing off on you.” A little laugh escapes B but they’d be lying if they said your teasing phrase wasn’t music to their ears. “I think I’ve found an outfit.”
“You have?” you ask. “Go on, FaceTime me and show me.”
They begin to slip on their shirt. “Where’s the fun in that? You know I like to compliment you when I’m looking at you.” B pauses. “And before you say the smart-ass thing like, ‘it’s FaceTime, you will be looking at me’, I mean when I’m looking at you in person.”
You snort. “Aw, you beat me to it.”
This bit is nice for B. It’s easy when the two of bounce off each other like this, when there are no supernatural worries to contend with. When B can show the much happier version of themselves without the fear of their supernatural side causing a sudden burst of fatigue.
“Do you want me to get off the phone so you can finish?” you question.
“Uh,” B begins as their trousers go on next, “you don’t have to. I’m almost done and…”
You tilt your head. “And…?”
“Just,” B breathes out, beginning to realise what they’re about to say. And maybe they’re saying it too soon, but they’ve already started. “I like hearing your voice.”
It’s said in such a soft and serious tone that you almost don’t catch it, that you almost don’t believe the words that have fallen from their mouth.
“But if you ever find my voice annoying, you’ll tell me?”
B lets out a humourless chuckle. “God, I’d never find you annoying,” they murmur softly as they slip an earring into their earlobe.
“What was that?”
B clears their throat. “Nothing,” they mutter quickly, wanting to keep the words to themselves for a moment longer. They look in the mirror, and it takes almost a minute, but they finally get the wave of satisfaction they’re looking for. “Are you ready too? I’ll come and get you.”
“No need,” you chuckle. “I’m outside your door.”
B smirks. “Stalker.”
“Last time I checked, you were the one who was supposed to be monitoring me when you got sent out to Lehsa.”
“Hm, fair point.” B suddenly finds themselves sauntering towards the front door. They pull it open and the sight of you takes their breath away. “You look..” they trail off, tongue-tied in the best way. “Wow.”
You can’t help but smile. Though you’ve been speaking on the phone, actually being face to face with B is different. It’s heartwarming, comforting, pulls you in so much that a mere date probably wouldn’t be enough for the night.
“I wouldn’t even be able to tell you spent so long stressing about what to wear,” you say playfully. “And I mean that as a compliment.”
B laughs. “You’re a charmer.”
“I do try.” Despite all this teasing being carefree and fun, being only friends with B is practically long gone from your mind at this point. “Ready to show me what a B Holden date looks like?”
They smile. “Oh, of course.” They close the door behind them and join you in the corridor.
The two of you aren’t far away from each other. In fact, if you both started leaning in, your lips would be pressed together.
You’ve both taken note of that. It’s hard not to when you’re looking at each other like that.
“One question,” B breathes out.
“What are your rules when it comes to kissing on a first date?”
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arctickat2400 · 10 months
Celebration ∞ Prince Kit
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Prince Kit x Reader
A/N: This is my first Richard Madden fanfic/imagine. I thought of this the other day and I'm now just getting to writing it. I didn't have any notes like I usually have for my stories so I'm not really sure if it came out how I wanted it to or not. But either way, hope y'all enjoy it and please request more if you're into Richard and his characters, or you can request other people/characters as well.
* * * *
Being queen had its advantages - your closest friends were royalty from around the world and you could throw galas and balls whenever you want to, among other things. More specifically, being the wife of your husband Kit came with many advantages, too. For your birthday, Kit would throw a huge gala in your honor. He knew you weren’t big on parties and huge crowds, but how could he not throw such a party to celebrate the love of his life? This also allowed all your friends from all the kingdoms to come and celebrate with you. This allowed you to see the joy it caused all the people invited as they danced and talked to people they don’t get to see often because they have their own kingdoms to rule. And it made you so happy to see them all so happy, having a carefree night to enjoy themselves and have fun. You also got to dress up, which you loved, and seeing how everyone dressed up in their respective kingdoms piqued your interest. 
However, being queen and attending such events had their disadvantages. You were not big on parties, as was stated previously. Although you loved your friends and loved seeing everyone having a good time in your kingdom, crowds made you anxious, and being in the company of so many people for so long made you tired and drained. And no matter how much you loved your dress and loved dressing up, your mind seemed just a bit more hyperaware than usual of how tight your corset felt. 
After your dance with Kit to celebrate your birthday, you’d been chatting with some of your friends, talking about the things going on in your different kingdoms, laughing about random things. Every now and then, a king, queen, prince, or princess would come up to you and wish you a Happy Birthday, to which you would respond graciously with “thank you” or something alike. Another friend or two would join your previous conversation, but after a while, you started to feel lightheaded.
You excused yourself from your friends, telling them simply that you needed a break and for them to enjoy the night before you make your way up to the balcony to overlook the gala. On your way, you passed by Kit to see him conversing with some of his own friends, kings from neighboring kingdoms, and some princes who haven’t ranked up just yet. Kit let out a joyous laugh and it made you smile, the way his smile reached his sparkling eyes. It’s already been a year since you married Kit, and yet, you still couldn’t get enough of your husband. 
Balling up your dress in your fists to lift the hem of your dress, you ascended the stairs up to your balcony, sighing as you were finally able to sit down. The night was hardly over and you were already getting close to being done, you were so tired. Of course, no one would mind if you left early, but you wanted to be there for everyone, to relish in the festivities. Plus, Kit had done so well with the whole celebration and worked so hard to create a night in honor of you, you didn’t want to miss a thing.
As you people watched from your throne above the ballroom, you spotted Kit, speaking with a different group of people. He laughed once more. It seemed he was hardly without a smile on his face, which made you so much happier that you were married to him. Before him, you’d been in a rough place, but after him, everything seemed so much brighter. He made all the bad days good again. He could put a smile on your face with just a simple hug or kiss on your forehead. Everything was just so simple with Kit.
Just then, Kit’s eyes locked with yours, his ocean eyes swimming with such love and adoration, it was almost overwhelming. You offered him a sweet smile in return of his before the Grand Duke came up behind him and whispered something in his ear. Kit nodded and the Duke walked off. Kit met your eyes once again before turning back to his friends. Your eyes wandered off around the room, then.
“Is everything alright, my queen?” The Captain inquired beside you as you rubbed at your forehead, willing away the on-coming headache and lightheadedness. 
“Oh, yes, just feeling a little out of it is all,” You answered him, trying to give him a reassuring smile.
“Can I get you anything? Something to drink?” He insisted.
“No, thank you, Captain. I was thinking about going to get some fresh air here soon, actually. I’ll probably get something on the way out.” You responded, and he nodded, keeping guard next to you while looking out over the crowd. He knew you’d ask if you needed anything.
Just as you were about to stand to go outside, Kit made his way up the stairs and was by your side in what seemed like seconds. You offered him a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes as your headache had gotten progressively worse and your corset seemed to have gotten tighter. 
“Hello, darling. Are you alright?” Kit asked as he knelt down in front of you, taking your hand in his. He hated standing over you, looking down at you, so if you were sitting, he would get down to your level, to be able to look you in the eye.
“Yes, I’m fine, my love. Just needed a break, is all. You know how I am,” You squeezed his hand reassuringly. Kit let out a slight chuckle. “How are you? Having a good time?” You requested.
“Of course. I just hope you are as well. I would hate for something to be wrong during your own celebration,” Kit acknowledged. You assured him that you were having a great time, steering away from the fact that you were not feeling quite yourself. You didn’t want him to worry, because you know he would.
“But, I was just about to head out for some air,” You mentioned. “I should be back shortly.” You added.
“Would you like some company, princess?” Before you were married, Kit had come up with many nicknames for you. Although you were now queen, he continues to call you princess sometimes. 
As much as you would love some alone time with Kit, maybe a nice walk through your garden on such a beautiful night with him, you declined. You needed some alone time, despite hating spending even a second away from him. You knew the longer you spent with him, the more he would notice something might be wrong. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Go entertain our guests. I shouldn’t be long,” You stated. Kit left it at that, not wanting to pressure you.
Instead, he stood up, leaning over to the Captain, asking him to keep an eye on you, although you could hardly hear over the music and voices. The moment Kit married you, he assigned the Captain as your personal guard. He didn’t trust anyone more than he trusted the Captain, so who better to look after his love than his right-hand man? Kit took both your hands in his to help you stand before you wrapped your arm around his. He began guiding you down the stairs to the main floor, the Captain following close behind. 
At the end of the stairs, Kit pulled you in close and placed a kiss on your forehead before he went back into the ballroom and you made your way outside. You walked down the path towards the garden. You wished you had taken Kit up on his offer to accompany you. Of course, you loved being alone, but you loved being alone with him even more. 
Suddenly, despite your still closeness to the palace, the sounds of the music started to fade away, and your vision began to blur, stars that were not from the night sky obstructing your sight. You stopped in your tracks as your head pounded and your stomach swirled with unease. 
You bent forward, your hands on your knees despite all the fabric of your dress, and the Captain was by your side instantly. 
“Are you okay, Your Majesty?” Captain exclaimed, one hand on your back, the other around your arm. You breathed heavily, you couldn’t see, your legs became weak, and you collapsed to the ground. The Captain knelt behind you and you leaned back against him, your eyes squeezed shut.
“We need to get you inside, my queen,” Captain insisted. You opened your eyes once more when you felt the Captain lift you into his arms, then everything went dark.
* * *
Kits POV
I should have gone with her. She didn’t seem like herself. But, I know she likes her alone time, so I granted her that. Shouldn’t she be back by now? As I spoke to a close friend of mine, I was about to go find Y/N but one of the guards came up to me before I could.
“My King, you need to come right away,” The guard insisted, and my mind thought of the worst.
“What’s happened?” I questioned, my brows furrowed as I turned to him and he began leading me out of the room. 
“It’s the queen, Your Majesty,” He didn’t have to finish his answer before I came to a run towards our bedroom. Once I was in sight, the guards stationed outside our room opened the doors and I rushed inside. My eyes immediately drifted to the bed to see my love, her eyes closed, her face pale. She was changed from her dress to more comfortable clothes, her hands placed on her stomach. I rush to her side, sitting close to her on the bed, taking one of her hands in mine. I caress her cheek, hoping to coax her eyes open, but they remain closed. I look up to see the Captain standing beside the bed and then to the doctor on the other side who had just finished looking over Y/N. 
“What happened? Is she alright?” I demanded, looking between the two men before landing on the Captain who answered first.
“She’s okay. She fainted while on her walk outside. But, she’s going to be just fine, Mr. Kit,” Ever since I first met Y/N, that was when I had the Captain start calling me Kit and he continues to do so to this day. Since my father, only two people call me by my first name - Y/N and the Captain. 
“Thank you, for staying with her. I don’t want to imagine what would have happened if she’d been alone,” I worried as I looked back to Y/N, lifting her hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles. 
“Sir, I believe I have some information that may be of importance to you,” The doctor’s voice brought my gaze to him, silently telling him to continue. “Her Majesty will need lots of care as she is with child,” My eyes grew wide. Oh, how I wish Y/N were awake so I could relish this magnificent moment with her. I guide my gaze back to my queen, a smile coming to my lips and a single tear sliding down my cheek. 
“We’ll leave you two alone,” I barely heard the Captain comment as he gestured for the doctor to follow him out of the room. My sole focus was on Y/N.
I leaned toward her, pressing my forehead to hers. “My baby girl,” I sighed as I brushed my thumb over her cheek. There were no words that could tell just how much I love this woman, no actions that could show just how amazing she is. From the moment I saw her, I knew she was the one. And now, she’s growing such a great gift. 
Y/N needed to rest, but there was no way I could leave her. I removed my jacket before moving to lay beside her, propping up against the headboard. Just then, she moved to lay her head on my chest, her hand against my stomach. “Hello, my precious girl,” I whispered to her. I let her get comfortable, my adoration for her becoming tenfold as she nuzzled her nose against my chest. I brushed the back of my hand against her cheek, soothing her. 
Slowly, Y/N’s eyes opened. She took a deep breath before guiding her head up to look at me, my never-ending love for her the only emotion she could find. 
“I’m guessing you know,” Y/N stuttered, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. I only hoped they were tears of joy and not sadness or fear. 
“I do, my sweet girl, and can I just tell you I am over the moon with delight, my love!” I marveled. She stared up at me, stunned. “You’re not mad?” A tear slipped from her eye.
“Of course not, darling. How could I possibly be mad about something as wonderful as having a child with the love of my life? This is absolutely amazing and I can’t tell you how much I love you, baby.” I finished, my eyes filling with their own tears. I shift down to lie beside Y/N as she positions herself on her back. I hold myself above her, looking deep into her beautiful blue eyes, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She places her hand against my cheek, “I love you so much, my Kit,” She beams, and I can’t hold back a smile before I lean down and press my lips to hers. The kiss is passionate, every emotion I feel for her in a single kiss.
Shifting down, I cup her waist in my hands and press my lips to her belly. My whole face brightens at the sound of her laugh. Oh, what this woman does to me. Laying beside her, I hold Y/N in my arms, her head laying against my shoulder, my hand placed over her tummy, rubbing the smooth skin there. “I love you, my sweet girl,” She hums in response as I take pure delight in the feeling of my queen in my arms.
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winniethewife · 3 months
In Reverence of the Duke.
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(Duke Leto Atreides x F!Reader)
Chapter 3: Foolish
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Words: 850
My darling,
Is it silly to write to you while residing in the place? Quite possibly. But is this the best way to speak with you with my whole heart without anyone over hearing. The difficulty of being such an important figure. Always under observation. Someone is always listening. A sealed letter is the best way for us to communicate undetected.
I’m still reliving the moment you stepped onto the castle grounds again. The way you looked, enchanting as always. I forgotten how beautiful your eyes are, the way they look in the dawn, when the sun is just beginning to rise over the hills. I’d forgotten how lovely you are in the moonlight. The way it brings out your features. I can’t help but be ever so grateful that you have returned to me after all this time.
I hope to hear back from you soon, and see you this evening.
I am yours for all time
My Dearest,
I will admit I was a little surprised to see your letter. But happy to read it. I understand the need to keep our conversations private. I wish it wasn’t the case. The days of carefree talk in the halls of this castle are far behind us, like the days of our youth. The days in which our conversations are considered nothing but the fantasies and musings of children are far behind us. I wish now I had cherished the last time we spoke so freely, savored the moments we could love in the open. No one tells you when you’re young how quickly all the freedoms will slip away.  You spend so much time wanting to grow up, not realizing what you lose with age.
As for seeing you again after all this time apart, I couldn’t be happier to have you near me again. The sight of you after all this time, I was sure I was dreaming th moment I saw you. There was a moment where I thought of doing something ever so reckless, to take your hand and run with you. Run as far as we could, as fast as we could. Leave this world far behind and never let them catch us. Live a life where we never have to answer to anyone but ourselves. Just the two of us, no obligations, nothing to tie us down. Of course, that couldn’t be the case. I will have to be happy with our lives as it stands currently, be thankful for the fact we can even be together. It is both a blessing and a curse, to be so close, and yet unable to be what we so yearn to be.  I should not linger on what we could be, and enjoy what we have. Please do not think less of me for my desires and dreams being so foolish, my dearest, they are but the remnants of a childhood dream that I have yet to grow out of.
I am yours most sincerely.
My Darling,
If I were to call you foolish or to think less of you for this type of thinking it would be unjust of me seeing as I feel the same way. I am always thinking of running, of taking you somewhere where there would be no expectations of either of us. Somewhere in the far reaches of the galaxy where we could be free to do as we want. To be whoever we want, however we want, no rules, no expectations. If that is foolish thinking than I am the king of fools. I want nothing more than to live that life. To turn back time, to play games again, to love you in the way we did as children. I could never ask you to stop dreaming that way, I never want you to. These dreams, however impossible are worth dreaming. I want to lay beside you and gaze into your eyes in the way we would if we were husband and wife, I want to believe that is how we are meant to be, two fools, deep in love. I would have it no other way.
I hope it is not too much ask you to keep that childlike dream alive. For us, for our future. Keep it alive and remind me of it when the days grow colder and the nights seem endless, for the times we can barely spend a moment with each other while duty pulls us apart. Please keep being foolish, even when we are far apart, by distance or by ideals. Is it too much to ask, that you keep the love of two naïve children in mind when you look to me, while the pressures of the choices of rule dig their claws into my flesh, keep the man who wanted to run with you across the galaxy in your mind, and guide me back to being him when I stray too far. Please my Darling, never let me stray so far from your heart that I forget how to be foolish.
I am yours for all time
Tag:@silver-night-m @asherlockfandom
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blackcathjp · 4 months
in eighth year, animagus harry unexpectedly transformed into a 3 month old black kitten.
the trio didn't understand why his animal form was so young, but he still had full capacity of his human abilities and magic. he roamed around the castle at night, avoiding other students and animals, but a group of slytherins took a liking to the cute little black kitten that lurked around the dungeons.
he visited the slytherins a few times a week, who set out water, food, and even toys for him. it was different being around them, far nicer than he expected - he was just a cute castle cat, not harry potter the savior. he hated being in the spotlight, but he didn't mind the adoration or pampering he received as a cat. he liked being cared for. he felt carefree and comfortable when they played with him, made him refreshed and relaxed the next day. he liked not having to think each day, be stared at, or live up to expectations.
maybe that's why he was a kitten. his magic sensed something, manifesting this form so he could feel like and be a child again. whenever he thought about that, he felt so much grief and sadness that his magic might be compensating for his childhood and teen years. on those days, it was easier to be in his cat form because he didn't have to think so much. and on those days, he found comfort in someone he least expected: draco malfoy.
draco was reluctant at first, deterred by a mysterious cat who seemed to understand him, purring or meowing at just the right moments as if they were talking. the cat hissed and placed paws on him whenever he said something self-deprecating, as if scolding him. he noticed how the cat politely refused others' attempts to pet him, but welcomed draco's affection, nuzzling and asking for more. it was strange that a cat would drag a blanket over to him when he so much as shivered, or nudge a goblet of water to remind him to drink.
he noticed a pattern: on the days harry potter skipped class, the kitten was found asleep in the middle of the day, curled up on draco's favorite seat in the common room. the next day, the cat was gone, but harry potter was there, softer and calmer, less twitchy and alert like he'd been days before. sometimes harry's hand would linger as he brushed against draco, reminding him of a soft cat tail wrapped around him.
eventually, it clicked.
the startling green eyes, the heart marking on one paw, the zigzag lightning marking on the other. it was unsettling to know the cat sleeping on his lap was harry potter all along, who's been secretly living among them the past few months, pretending. yet, he was thrilled to have his attention, to be his favorite, to have harry potter come back to him, every single time. it was such a heady thought, and now draco couldn't stop staring at harry potter, couldn't stop thinking about kissing him senseless.
"you're such an idiot, potter! you're a much better listener when you've got the whiskers on," draco accidentally blurted during an argument in potions.
harry's spoon clattered to the table. "what?"
"i know, you know," draco scrambled out, softer and quieter this time. "i won't tell anyone."
harry stared silently at him, before glancing away, blush high on his cheeks. "how did you know?"
"i didn't at first. but i must say, it's such a classic move of yours, following me around even when you're, well."
"you seemed really sad and lonely," harry whispered as he resumed his stirring. "but you became happier and kinder when i was like that. i felt really comfortable and safe around you, not like when i was with the others, and it made me like you. a lot."
"oh," draco whispered back, brain short-circuiting. "oh. well, i quite like you too."
to the slytherins' disappointment, the kitten's visits slowly dwindled down, along with draco's presence in the dorm. it was common to find him in the corridors, the library, or the lake, sometimes with the black kitten, but most of the time with a smiling, happy harry potter.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
Now listen I love yandere/toxic konig in the just friends universe, but I don’t think I could put up with that level of clingyness even for konig. What do you think konig would do if reader expressed some annoyance with how clingy he is? What if she asked for more physical space at times? How would he handle it?
I can see him being mad about it, OR getting very sensitive from rejection and going into a bad thought spiral…. What do you think?
Ooooooo (I love these asks 💕😭), König wouldn't get angry or mad...outright.
König would realize how clingy he is only after reader pointed it out to him. And he would be kinda mortified at first?? Then he would try to change his behavior and pretend he's less interested. Like, "Ja, sure, I need more alone time too." And then he would sulk and yearn for her in silence and in secret: he would think on the times he could just touch her anytime he wanted, squeeze her, sniff her, follow her everywhere...
And then he would start to build a good amount of resentment. His eyes narrow just from the thought of her wanting more distance.
She looks happier now that he gave her some space, looks more carefree when he lets her breathe a little. Does this mean she likes it when he's away? Why doesn't she want to spend as much time with him as he wants to spend with her? How can she stand to be apart for so long? What if she doesn't love him after all??
Yeah, bad-thought spiral on its way. He would not feel secure at all when she's so independent.
And what's even worse is that König wants to feel needed. This woman was supposed to need him, not the other way around! He's not going to be a lovesick puppy who rips up a sofa every time she's away. It's bad enough that she noticed how needy he is and had to ask him to give her some air. It's not manly at all to be clingy like that.
Then when they finally see and touch and cuddle he would be tense & intense, the way he was when they first met. When he finally gets to close her in a hug...he squeezes her until she makes an annoyed, squealy noise. The noise that erupts from his chest is not a rumble, it's a growl. He almost sinks his teeth in because he has missed her so much.
...which the reader senses and thinks "Damn. It's only getting worse," and tries to pull away some more. Which in turn would send König deeper into that downward yearning spiral... 🥲
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