#James t Davis imagine
kcrev · 6 months
👶🏻 + emily & wesley²
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name: taylor elizabeth davies
birthday: nove de novembro
personality headcanon: taylor é dona de uma personalidade forte e intensa. muito opinada, não costuma sequer se importar se suas palavras irão ferir alguém, prefere ser sincera a ser mentirosa. é pragmática e inteligente, não tem problema em dialogar, discutir e mudar de opinião quando lhe convir. taylor é quase tão organizada quanto sua tia lauren, briga com todos na casa se deixarem as coisas fora de lugar. é uma amiga extremamente fiel e companheira, vai ao céu e ao inferno por aqueles que ama.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: para a alegria de wes e o descontento de emily, a primeira palavra de taylor foi 'dada', aos dez meses. por uma semana, wes olhava para a esposa e ria da cara dela descaradamente - coisa que quase o fez dormir na sala uma noite.
did they get in trouble in school: algumas vezes, mas não era algo usual. já foi parar na coordenação da escola quando estava na terceira série por fazer um colega seu chorar. defendeu-se ao dizer que só tinha se defendido após o menino dizer que seu desenho era feio. wesley e emily prometeram à diretora da escola que a deixariam de castigo quando chegassem em casa, mas saíram da escola e a levaram para tomar sorvete.
which parent were they more attached to: depende muito do seu momento de vida. quando bebê, era completamente grudada em emily. quando cresceu um pouco mais, wesley se tornou seu maior herói e sua pessoa favorita, coisa que ele fazia questão de pontuar sempre que possível. na adolescência, acabou se tornando um pouco mais próxima da mãe do que do pai, mas ainda vai até wes quando quer algo que sabe que emily vai dizer não.
what was their favorite toy: sua casa da barbie foi seu bem mais precioso durante muitos anos. taylor tinha uma coleção de bonecas, com os mais diversos acessórios. também tinha o carro e o avião da barbie, mas a casa era o que mais gostava, sem dúvidas. ganhou em seu aniversário de sete anos e por um mês não quis deixar ninguém brincar com ela. depois de uma conversa com os pais, acabou precisando ceder e deixar suas amigas brincarem junto.
did they cry a lot as a baby: depois do caos que foram os primeiros meses de vida de james, emily e wesley estavam apavorados com a perspectiva de mais um ano sem dormir. entretanto, taylor era bastante calma. acordava duas ou três vezes para mamar a noite, mas com pouco menos de cinco meses já dormia noites inteiras.
movie they watched over and over: todo e qualquer filme da barbie, independente do enredo. james achava todos insuportáveis, mas taylor não estava nem aí para o irmão e colocava todos para ver.
what was their favorite subject in school: as aulas de artes eram suas preferidas, seguido pelas aulas de literatura.
were they social growing up or quiet: taylor sempre foi uma pessoa sociável e carismática. não era igualmente popular como seu irmão, que colecionava amigos em quaisquer lugares que fosse, mas tinha seu grupinho e nele se sentia bem. com desconhecidos, era um pouco mais fechada, mas raramente conseguia ficar quieta por mais do que dois minutos.
which parent do they take after: todos mencionam a semelhança de aparência que taylor tem com sua tia, lauren. não é tão parecida com o pai, mas os traços dos davies são inegáveis - ainda mais ao olhar fotos da tia e sobrinha quando bebês.
what do they grow up to be: taylor nunca soube exatamente o que gostaria de fazer da vida. quando pensava no irmão e na determinação dele com o futebol, ficava um tanto intimidada. não havia nada que lhe despertasse tanta paixão. pensou em não ir para a faculdade, mas achou que o melhor seria ir e decidir depois no que se especializar. sempre foi muito criativa e artística, então imaginou que iria para algo nessa linha. já na faculdade, descobriu uma paixão pela moda. não era um caminho certo, muito menos fácil, mas acabou desistindo da faculdade que fazia para entrar em outra que tivesse essa formação. foi um momento difícil, mas conseguiu superar as adversidades e se tornou designer de moda.
random headcanons: sempre gostou muito de música e aprendeu a tocar piano ainda bem nova | as bordas das páginas de seus cadernos sempre estavam cheias de desenhos, que ela mesma fazia durante suas aulas | é muito próxima do irmão e enxerga nele um confidente | fez uma tatuagem com dezoito anos e escondeu da mãe até os vinte | sentia um pouco de inveja da relação do pai com o irmão, então decidiu aprender sobre futebol americano para poder conversar com eles sobre o assunto | assim como sua mãe, é muito fã da taylor swift | não gosta de calor, apesar de adorar ir à praia
do they get along with their parents: adversidades não são incomuns na casa dos davies, ainda mais com pessoas de opiniões tão fortes. entretanto, de um modo geral se dão muito bem. os quatro são uma unidade, apoiam-se em momentos de necessidade e comemoram os de vitória.
faceclaim: ester exposito
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invisibleicewands · 3 months
Spooky monks and Michael Sheen murals: behind the scenes of new BBC drama The Way
Michael Sheen says he wants viewers of his new drama The Way “to feel like what it has felt like for the last 10 years of living” in the UK.
That is, “in a society where you don't know if you're in a horror film or a sitcom,” he told viewers at a Q&A for the show on Monday night. “Something that feels life and death stakes suddenly goes incredibly surreal and absurd, and then goes back to being incredibly scary again.”
The Way, which is due to air in February, follows the Driscoll family in the old industrial town of Port Talbot on the Welsh coast. Estranged from each other, they nevertheless have to set out on a cross-country odyssey to safety when they become tied up with civil unrest in the area.
In addition to making a cameo appearance in the show, The Way also marks Sheen’s first directorial role.
“I was never going to direct it. And then they said it's going to be in Port Talbot and then I have to direct it,” he joked.
“And the original seed of the idea was, I had this idea about watching a British family being uprooted and you didn't know why. And having to kind of flee their homes and go on the journey across Britain and then get across the channel. So it was a sort of refugee journey in reverse to the way we normally see it.”
It is also a passion project for the Welsh actor, who grew up in and now lives in Port Talbot himself – while the cast, who are majority Welsh, mostly grew up in the same area.
“There was so much of him in it,” said Steffan Rhodri about Sheen, who plays dad Geoff Driscoll (and who went to drama school with him). “I mean, you see a bit of Port Talbot. The one bit you didn't see is a massive wall with a mural of him on it.”
Was it hard to film the show without including it? “It was very hard,” Sheen joked. “We came very, very close – I mean, we were literally around the corner from it, and Callum made me go and have a photograph with it between takes. So that was difficult.”
‘Callum’ is Callum Scott Howells, best known for his performance in Russell T Davies drama It’s A Sin. He plays the disaffected Driscoll son, Owen – whom we first meet as a lonely figure looking for connection, and who gets caught up in the riots that sweep the town.
“It says in the script, James put something like, ‘we don't know why at this point, but he's feeling something. He’s there now, and he’s present’. And that for me kind of said everything. Like he doesn't he doesn't even know why he's rioting, but he's doing it,” Howells said.
“That was something that I really kind of threw myself into, and Michael was great in allowing me to do that. Yeah, those riot scenes were so fun, we just got to go nuts, you know. I headbutted a riot shield… because I’m nuts.”
The show itself also features the writing talents of James Graham, best known for political film Brexit: The Uncivil War and BBC crime drama Sherwood.
“We talked collectively about not wanting a traditional dystopian future, which was, which was really grim and bleak,” he said. "I think we all got excited by imagining the reverse of that... what if it was the myths and the legends and the folklores that embed themselves in our national psyche. Do they trap us? Do they inhibit us?"
The end result, he said, was a "contamination of genres." Not just social realism: the second episode becomes "a road movie, or an adventure movie on foot.
"So you start to see these elements of the myths and legends that the family carry with them become those stories we grew up with like Watership Down and Wizard of Oz, and it becomes very fantastical and weird."
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minimoefoe · 10 months
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Ncuti Gatwa’s Rolling Stone article, the Doctor Who bits
“My Doctor is emotionally vulnerable. He hides it with humour, but he’s lonely,” says Gatwa of his forthcoming reinvention of the ever-changing Doctor. “I can’t say much more than that; I don’t want to spoil anything. But he’s also energetic! The poor cameramen struggled to keep up.”
To hear Gatwa tell the story of his casting, it almost sounds like he was granted a wish. One day he emailed his agent saying he wanted to play a role like Willy Wonka or the Doctor — and just a week later he was asked to audition for the part of the Time Lord. To prepare, Gatwa spent a week watching every Doctor Who episode since its 2005 revival. Although he had enjoyed the show previously, he never considered himself a habitual fan. He emerged from that binge-watching week a die-hard Whovian.
“I fell in love with it,” he enthuses, and he means it. There is undoubtedly a special quality about Doctor Who that’s hard to deny. “When you watch it, you forget all your troubles,” says Gatwa. “You go to space, or to another time. You have adventures.”
A big part of the show’s post-2005 story revolves around the Doctor having survived a devastating war that wiped out the rest of his people. This is a plot point that has since been undone and then redone; its current status in the canon is somewhat unclear. But it’s this that Gatwa latched onto because in that storyline he was able to see a reflection of his own life. As a child, Gatwa and his family fled Rwanda, escaping the genocide against the Tutsi minority. They settled in Scotland. “This person survived a genocide. This person fits in everywhere and nowhere. I am the Doctor. The Doctor is me. I decided that I had to get this role,” says Gatwa.
“I’m very nervous. I have a lot of sleepless nights where I lie awake feeling my heartbeat,” he says. It’s hard to imagine the pressure he must suddenly be feeling, but it’s understandable nevertheless. Doctor Who is a science-fiction family show that has run, on and off in some form, for 60 years. It’s also a nexus of so much of British culture. Like James Bond, the Doctor is a character through which Britain learns to understand itself, as much an icon of our changing times as a fictional being. The show’s connection to British identity means tensions can run high and fans can be cruel at times, seemingly over-protective because they feel that the show is something they own. They can also be bigoted in the most predictable ways.
“I’m the first Black man to play this character. The British press can be very mean,” he says of the reaction to his casting. But Gatwa is determined to remain steadfast in the face of criticism. “I just have to focus on the job and stay true to what the Doctor is: a mad scientist alien who has adventures and cares about everyone,” he says.
Thankfully, the Doctor Who team are helping him handle the pressures that come with his new role. “Russell T Davies has been amazing, too. He calms me down. He’s such an Earth sign. I can get very anxious, but therapy helps, and they’ve made sure that I have time put aside to have my sessions.”
Gatwa has also drawn support from some of the past Doctors, and has met Peter Capaldi, David Tennant and Matt Smith in person. He ran into Smith at a party before he’d been announced for the role and tipsily said “I’m following in your footsteps!” — a remark which baffled Smith until Gatwa was officially confirmed as the new Doctor. Gatwa tells me that Tennant set up a group chat where some of the previous actors stay in contact with one another, and they’ve all offered Gatwa support and advice on dealing with the press. After all, the only people that can really know what it’s like to be the Doctor are those who have been the Doctor. Once you’re cast, you’ll always be part of the show’s long history.
The series will return to BBC One (and Disney+ in other territories) in three specials this coming November, all — as far as we know — starring David Tennant once more. Gatwa’s first episode will be in a Christmas special set to air in December.
Doctor Who is all about reinvention and with Gatwa, this bold reimagining can be seen in his aesthetic interpretation of the offbeat time-travelling alien. Fashion might not be the first thing people associate with Doctor Who, but what the Doctor wears is an intrinsic part of the show. Tom Baker’s long scarf, David Tennant’s pinstripe suit; those are things that people immediately associate with it. But Gatwa’s Doctor might well be the first fashion-conscious one. “The day Russell invited me to meet everybody, they asked me what sort of costume I wanted. I showed them this Ralph Lauren collection that was in partnership with Historically Black Colleges in America,” he says. “I love those pieces, they’re so preppy and so Black. But then they asked what else, because they’d been thinking about lots of outfits, almost a different one each week. Which is new! I love it. The Doctor has travelled all of time and space; they’re going to have a sick wardrobe.”
Not that previous Doctors were badly dressed, mind. “I love Jon Pertwee, the Third Doctor’s, outfits. Lovely velvet jackets and frilly shirts. I feel a connection to him, our Doctors are the only two who dress like sluts,” he laughs.
The idea of multiple outfits has led to a fun press cycle where Twitter is regularly treated to a photoshoot of the Doctor and his companion in a completely new style each time. The most notable of these was a Swinging Sixties look, with Gatwa sporting a blue striped suit and an Afro. “The hair and makeup department have been incredible,” he exclaims. “Claire Williams and my own makeup artist, Bella, who is an old friend, worked so well together in creating my looks. Originally, we weren’t going to have the Afro, but Bella convinced me and I’m very glad she did. It’s such a shot into the bloodstream. It’s a statement — the Doctor is fucking Black.”
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my fictional band JFKFC
genres: rock, pop, beat, psychedelia, soul, r&b, gospel, jazz, folk, blues, country, traditional pop, experimental, psychedelia, Indian classical, funk, classical, electronic, hard rock, blues rock, folk rock, heavy metal
years together: 1958-1986
year they blew up: 1967
influences: Bob Dylan, The Beatles, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Aretha Franklin, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Led Zeppelin, Carl Perkins, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Gene Vincent, Lonnie Donegan, Phil Spector, Ravi Shankar, Roy Orbison, The Isley Brothers, The Everly Brothers, Arthur Alexander, Eddie Cochran, Smokey Robinson, Larry Williams, The Shirelles, The Supremes, Little Willie John, The Marvelettes, The Shadows, Bill Haley, Buck Owens, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Kidd & The Pirates, Bo Diddley, The Band, King Curtis, Carole King, Slim Whitman, Billie Holiday, Clara Ward, Dinah Washington, Mahalia Jackson, Ruth Brown, Sam Cooke, Sarah Vaughan, Big Maybelle, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Willie Mae Ford Smith, Wynona Carr, Bessie Smith, Dorothy Love Coates, Ella Fitzgerald, Esther Phillips, James Cleveland, Johnny Ace, LaVern Baker, Ma Rainey, Nat King Cole, Nina Simone, Arizona Dranes, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Dave Van Ronk, Hank Williams, Rev. Gary Davis, Woody Guthrie, Allen Ginsberg, Bill Monroe, Blind Willie McTell, Cisco Houston, Hary Smith, Jimmie Rodgers, Leadbelly, Johnny Cash, Little Richard, Mississippi John Hurt, Odessa, Pete Seeger, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Bascom Lamar Lunsford, Clarence Ashley, Dock Boggs, Jesse Fuller, Robert Johnson, John Jacob Niles, Lefty Frizzell, The Carter Family, Victoria Spivey, Alan Lomax, Doc Pomus, Doc Watson, Mississippi Sheiks, The Weavers, Roscoe Holcomb, George Gershwin, Percy Mayfield, Blind Boy Fuller, Josephine Baker, Frank Hutchison, Ewan MacColl, Billy Lee Riley, B.B. King, John Coltrane, The Yardbirds, Little Richard, Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters, Cream, T-Bone Walker, The Impressions, Buddy Guy, Elmore James, Freddie King, Hubert Sumlin, Little Walter, Jimmy Reed, Lonnie Mack, Albert Collins, Bobby Womack, Curtis Mayfield, Earl Hooker, Esquerita, Johnny “Guitar” Watson, Ike Turner, Charley Patton, James Brown, Johnny Jenkins, Randy Hansen, Charlie Christian, Moby Grape, Fairport Convention, Otis Rush, Sonny Boy Williamson II, Willie Dixon, Anne Briggs, Bert Jansch, John Renbourn, The Creation, The Rolling Stones, Blind Willie Johnson, Davy Graham, Fleetwood Mac, James Cotton, Johnny Burnette, Memphis Minnie, Small Faces, Jake Holmes, Spirit, Tim Rose, Vanilla Fudge
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born: James Francis Parker June 3rd, 1940 Toronto, Canada
died: 22nd September, 2001 (aged 61) Detroit, Michigan, US
cause of death: gunshot wounds
resting place: cremated; ashes scattered in Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan
occupation: singer, songwriter, pianist, civil rights activist, record producer, artist, writer, musician
years active: 1957-2001
(btw im not gonna fill in the spouses section on any of these I haven't figured that out yet)
children: 12
(btw im not gonna fill in the parents section on any of these I haven't figured that out yet)
relatives: Mary Parker (sister), Linda Parker (sister), Sarah Sheehan (half-sister), Filzah Ellington (aunt)
genres: soul, r&b, gospel, jazz, pop, folk, blues, rock, country, traditional pop, experimental
instruments: vocals, piano, guitar, keyboards, harmonica
strengths: supportive, reliable, observant, enthusiastic, hardworking, good practical skills, charming, sensitive to others, kind, encouraging, imaginative, passionate, curious, perceptive, excellent communicator, easygoing, good-natured, positive
weaknesses: overly humble, takes things personally, represses his feelings, reluctant to change, too altruistic, difficulty with structure, unpredictable, easily stressed, difficulty with technical-problem solving, fluctuating self-esteem, people pleaser, unfocused, disorganised, overly accommodating, overly optimistic, restless
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birth name: William John Harley
also known as: John Mason Harly
born: 12th July, 1942 Toronto, Canada
died: 18th September, 1986 Toronto, Canada (aged 44)
genres: rock, psychedelia, blues, r&b, pop, indian classical
occupation: musician, songwriter, singer, record producer, film producer
instruments: guitar, vocals, sitar
years active: 1960-1986
children: 1
strengths: charming, sensitive to others, kind, encouraging, imaginative, passionate, insightful, principled, altruistic, creative
weaknesses: difficulty with structure, unpredictable, easily stressed, difficulty with technical problem solving, fluctuating self esteem, sensitive to criticism, reluctant to open up, perfectionist, avoids the ordinary, prone to burnout
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birth name: John Mark Jorgie
born: 9th April, 1938 Detroit, Michigan, US
died: 2nd August, 2004 Los Angeles, California, US (aged 66)
genres: r&b, soul, pop, funk, jazz, rock, classical, electronic
occupation: session musician, singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, film producer, businessman
instruments: bass, double bass, vocals, guitar, keyboards
years active: 1956-2004
children: 5
relatives: Steve Jorgie
strengths: charming, sensitive to others, kind, encouraging, imaginative, passionate, strong practical skills, strong sense of duty, very loyal, sensitive, warm, good at connecting with others
weaknesses: difficulty with structure, unpredictable, easily stressed, difficulty with technical problem solving, fluctuating self esteem, worried about his social status, inflexible, vulnerable to criticism, often too needy, too selfless
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birth name: James William Peyton
born: 19th June, 1944 Stoke-On-Trent, England
died: 25th September, 2002 Birmingham, England (aged 58)
genres: rock, pop
occupation: musician, singer, songwriter, actor
instruments: drums, percussion, vocals
years active: 1959-2002
children: 3
strengths: bold, rational, practical, original, perceptive, direct, sociable, positive, enthusiastic, hands on, observant, excellent people skills
weaknesses: insensitive, impatient, impulsive, unstructured, may miss the bigger picture, defiant, sensitive, conflict averse, easily bored, poor long term planner, unfocused
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smokeybrandreviews · 8 months
Gum-Gum no Excellence
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I finished Netflix's take on One Piece yesterday and, i must say, it was superb. I did not think they'd be able to actually capture that kinetic, endearing, emotional, slapstick energy that the Straw Hat's exude but, to my joyful surprise, they absolutely did. This version of One Piece is every bit as valid as the manga and anime versions. In some regards, I'd say it's even better. Certainly the pacing is far superior. I mean, we spent, like, two episodes in Syrup village which is all you need. I hated that arc because it was so goddamn meh. Not in this adaption. You get in there, you get what you need (Usopp and Going Merry) and you're out. It's actually kind of amazing how adept the writers on this show were able to distill forty-five half hour episodes, into eight hour long entries, without losing the plot is borderline miraculous. There were changes made due to budget concerns and the like but, overall, the alterations were more positive than negative, something that is quite rare in modern Hollywood. I have an issue with the fact that this thing cribs way too much from that Pirates of the Caribbean aesthetic (this show is nowhere near as colorful or explosive as the manga and anime) but that, i think, is just for normie yankee appeal. I doubt the masses would except the technicolor camp of the original vision but who am i to day? What i can say is that the cast is pitch-perfect.
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Months ago, when the cast was first announced, i wrote an entire essay about how perfect it was. If you're curious, it's titled "Bon Voyage". Search that up and give it a read. In short, i thought the cast was perfect. There was a lot of frustration about "forced diversity" and perceived "wokeness" but that wasn't the case at all. The characters actually skewed to how Oda, himself, saw them. Luffy was Brazilian, Zorro was Japanese, Sanji as French, Nami was Swedish (i think), and Usopp was Black. That sh*t is chock full of proper diversity and, surprise-surprise, the cast reflected that. Hell, Oda even praised Inaki Godoy for his portrayal of Luffy, even though he's Mexican, not Brazilian. To be perfectly honest, i think that cast, the chemistry of the main characters, is the strength of this show. Godoy's Luffy is a standout, capturing that naive yet powerful energy Luffy exudes. Dude is the engine which makes this show go but his energetic presence doesn't overshadow the rest of his crew at all. Emily Rudd's Nami is every bit the sardonic straight man i expected her to be and Mackenyu's take on Zorro is every bit the bad ass i imagined the Pirate Hunter could be in live action. The lone weak link, i think, is Jacob Gibson's Usopp but that's mostly because Usopp is useless in these first few arcs. Kid gets much more bad ass as the narrative progresses. Hopefully, we'll get to see a bit of Sogeking before Netflix inevitably axes this show because, if we're being honest, that Alabasta arc is about to cost a ton of f*cking money, and Netflix is notorious about not cashing out. I'm curious if this thing makes it past the three season death date because, seriously, even the supporting cast kills. Morgan Davies' Koby, Aidan Scott's Helmeppo, and Vincent Regan's Garp are perfect contrasts as the stalwart Marine contingent in pursuit of the free-wheeling Straw Hat pirates.
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The villains, too, were pretty solid. I thought Arlong was kind of rushed but both Buggy and Mihawk were perfect. Their portrayal gives me hope that cats like Crocodile and the CP9 can be executed in live action rather faithfully. I don't know what the future holds for this adaption but i adore what we've gotten so far. and so do general audiences. Outside of the weird slather of grime the US perspective pushed on this technicolor wonderland of camp, Netflix seems to have cracked how to adapt anime. Well, if I'm being honest, that was more James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez with Alita: Battle Angel but One Piece is the next step in that growth. In terms of Comic adaptions, I'd say Alita is akin to Blade and One Piece is this genres X-Men. Cats can look at this show and see the ground work laid. They can crib that formula, tweak it as necessary, and really understand how to translate the very Japanese feel of anime toward the more mundane and formulaic notions of the American palate. I love what I've seen in these first eight episode and look forward to what comes next. I want Skypiea. I want Lougetown and Dragon. More than anything, i want Alabasta because i NEED Nico Robin. She's my favorite character of the entire series and it would be an absolute shame if we didn't get such an integral part of the Straw Hats. Hell, even Tony Tony Chopper needs to at least make a cameo. Netflix's One Piece was excellent. On it's own, as a show, it was fun, whimsical, entertainment. As an anime adaption, it's one of the best I've ever seen, up there with Alita and Speed Racer. All eight episodes are out right now. Go binge them right now. Support this fantastic show because we need more of this and less of sh*t like Bebop and Death Note. Even though i kind of like Netflix's Death Note.
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smokeybrand · 8 months
Gum-Gum no Excellence
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I finished Netflix's take on One Piece yesterday and, i must say, it was superb. I did not think they'd be able to actually capture that kinetic, endearing, emotional, slapstick energy that the Straw Hat's exude but, to my joyful surprise, they absolutely did. This version of One Piece is every bit as valid as the manga and anime versions. In some regards, I'd say it's even better. Certainly the pacing is far superior. I mean, we spent, like, two episodes in Syrup village which is all you need. I hated that arc because it was so goddamn meh. Not in this adaption. You get in there, you get what you need (Usopp and Going Merry) and you're out. It's actually kind of amazing how adept the writers on this show were able to distill forty-five half hour episodes, into eight hour long entries, without losing the plot is borderline miraculous. There were changes made due to budget concerns and the like but, overall, the alterations were more positive than negative, something that is quite rare in modern Hollywood. I have an issue with the fact that this thing cribs way too much from that Pirates of the Caribbean aesthetic (this show is nowhere near as colorful or explosive as the manga and anime) but that, i think, is just for normie yankee appeal. I doubt the masses would except the technicolor camp of the original vision but who am i to day? What i can say is that the cast is pitch-perfect.
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Months ago, when the cast was first announced, i wrote an entire essay about how perfect it was. If you're curious, it's titled "Bon Voyage". Search that up and give it a read. In short, i thought the cast was perfect. There was a lot of frustration about "forced diversity" and perceived "wokeness" but that wasn't the case at all. The characters actually skewed to how Oda, himself, saw them. Luffy was Brazilian, Zorro was Japanese, Sanji as French, Nami was Swedish (i think), and Usopp was Black. That sh*t is chock full of proper diversity and, surprise-surprise, the cast reflected that. Hell, Oda even praised Inaki Godoy for his portrayal of Luffy, even though he's Mexican, not Brazilian. To be perfectly honest, i think that cast, the chemistry of the main characters, is the strength of this show. Godoy's Luffy is a standout, capturing that naive yet powerful energy Luffy exudes. Dude is the engine which makes this show go but his energetic presence doesn't overshadow the rest of his crew at all. Emily Rudd's Nami is every bit the sardonic straight man i expected her to be and Mackenyu's take on Zorro is every bit the bad ass i imagined the Pirate Hunter could be in live action. The lone weak link, i think, is Jacob Gibson's Usopp but that's mostly because Usopp is useless in these first few arcs. Kid gets much more bad ass as the narrative progresses. Hopefully, we'll get to see a bit of Sogeking before Netflix inevitably axes this show because, if we're being honest, that Alabasta arc is about to cost a ton of f*cking money, and Netflix is notorious about not cashing out. I'm curious if this thing makes it past the three season death date because, seriously, even the supporting cast kills. Morgan Davies' Koby, Aidan Scott's Helmeppo, and Vincent Regan's Garp are perfect contrasts as the stalwart Marine contingent in pursuit of the free-wheeling Straw Hat pirates.
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The villains, too, were pretty solid. I thought Arlong was kind of rushed but both Buggy and Mihawk were perfect. Their portrayal gives me hope that cats like Crocodile and the CP9 can be executed in live action rather faithfully. I don't know what the future holds for this adaption but i adore what we've gotten so far. and so do general audiences. Outside of the weird slather of grime the US perspective pushed on this technicolor wonderland of camp, Netflix seems to have cracked how to adapt anime. Well, if I'm being honest, that was more James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez with Alita: Battle Angel but One Piece is the next step in that growth. In terms of Comic adaptions, I'd say Alita is akin to Blade and One Piece is this genres X-Men. Cats can look at this show and see the ground work laid. They can crib that formula, tweak it as necessary, and really understand how to translate the very Japanese feel of anime toward the more mundane and formulaic notions of the American palate. I love what I've seen in these first eight episode and look forward to what comes next. I want Skypiea. I want Lougetown and Dragon. More than anything, i want Alabasta because i NEED Nico Robin. She's my favorite character of the entire series and it would be an absolute shame if we didn't get such an integral part of the Straw Hats. Hell, even Tony Tony Chopper needs to at least make a cameo. Netflix's One Piece was excellent. On it's own, as a show, it was fun, whimsical, entertainment. As an anime adaption, it's one of the best I've ever seen, up there with Alita and Speed Racer. All eight episodes are out right now. Go binge them right now. Support this fantastic show because we need more of this and less of sh*t like Bebop and Death Note. Even though i kind of like Netflix's Death Note.
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ohnohetaliasues · 11 months
Stones to Abbigale {Ch. 10}
Here we go again. I am still alive and actually still active on tumblr, but I mostly do writing and fanfiction now. I still enjoy the occasional fic review, though.
If I have to read Abbi and James going any further than kissing I’m going to need either a brain transplant or a lobotomy, whichever makes me forget faster. 
But I know they will. I know they will and I will have to read it with my two eyes and you will be able to read my suffering. I will put a warning when that chapter comes around in case any of you want to skip it. I honestly wouldn’t blame you.
Let’s get into it.
The next morning I was surprised Davis didn’t leap up to greet me as I walked on the bus with Abbi. We sat across from him but he just looked out his window, surrounding himself in a silent gloom while paying us no attention. 
I mean, there’s the chance he’s traumatized. He did just survive a shooting.
“Hey Davis, how are you today?” I asked. 
Davis replied without turning towards me, “Why don’t you have a car? You’re 17, only losers like me ride the bus.” 
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Well, that’s a rather rude way of responding to a friend asking you how you are.
Abbi gave me a look of concern.
As she should. 
 Though Abbi didn’t know Davis too well yet, she understood him to be a happier person; neither of us expected Davis to say something so negative.
 I responded to Davis, “Not everyone has a white picket fence life Davis, some people have to ride the bus.” 
I hate the way the dialogue tags are written before the actual fucking dialogue. It’s so irritating to read and it is nOT HOW YOU WRITE DIALOGUE.
Davis turned angrily and spoke as he pierced me with the most intense glare I had ever seen, “You don’t think I know that? You should get a job! Buy your own car! What are you even doing with your life?”
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In case you forgot, Davis, teenagers usually don’t have everything figured out. As much as I hate James, there’s no reason for him to be attacked for something as completely fucking mundane as riding the school bus. 
I sat back, giving up on changing his mood and thought to myself “Happiness, as far as I care, can’t be acquired through any means if love is not involved.”
 If I got a job on top of school, I’d have barely any time to spend with Abbi.
She now apparently lives with you, plus you go to school with her. You’ll see her plenty.
I needed her more than anything and I thought Davis knew this. 
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Broski, he probably needs you, too. 
He’s supposed to James’ best friend, but all James cares about is Abbi and I imagine Davis is probably annoyed and hurt that James is only paying attention to his girlfriend and not making time for his best friend after something like this happened.
Or Onion wants to create drama, and making Davis angry for some reason is the most low effort way of doing so. My money is on that since I don’t think that man is capable of intelligent, complex thoughts, nor is he capable of any kind of decent storytelling. 
Davis was probably just upset over everything that had happened recently and this was his way of coping.
It’s honestly more concerning that James isn’t as affected by the shooting. Davis is reacting in a normal way to a massive, traumatizing, and tragic event. All James cares about is the girl in his bed. 
Trying to close the conversation on a less negative note I said, “Well buddy, I’m here if you need me!” with the same tone he always used on me.
No, you’re not.
He rolled his eyes, scoffed and scooted closer to his window. Abbi remained next to me, running her fingers over the hairs on my hand. It was such a positive distraction.
Why is she doing that instead of just holding his hand? That’s not a thing I’ve ever heard of someone doing. Did Onion forget that sometimes people hold hands and like, run their fingers over the person they’re holding hands with’s knuckles? 
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Later that morning I found myself in my History class staring at a very nervous Mr. Hanson. 
“You all realize the President of the United freaking States is going to be here right?” he asked the class. 
Okay, two things.
That was actually formatted how a quotation should, but that’s probably not going to stick.
Secondly, WHAT?!
I think this was released in like, 2015 or so, meaning that was Obama, so does this just make this book a very elaborate ‘Obama was there’ meme? I will choose to look at it that way since that makes it a minuscule amount less insufferable. 
I know that the President sometimes goes to schools to speak. President Obama once just arrived at a DC high school. He just casually strolled into a classroom, like the legend he is. I guess it makes sense for him to show up to speak in the wake of a tragedy like this, but it was just so fucking jarring that this was announced the day it was happening instead of, I dunno, days in advance like how planning usually works?
Whoever planned this needs to be fired. 
Most the students looked confused, as we were not briefed when exactly we would see him.
Why? Why not?
A voice erupted as our classroom door was swiftly pushed open. 
“The President of the United freaking States is about to arrive ladies and gentlemen,” said a large man wearing a black suit.
This is all happening so fast I don’t even know what to say.
 Mr. Hanson laughed nervously over the fact that, what we soon realized was a member of the Secret Service, had overheard him. 
Thanks for that unnecessary comma after ‘Secret Service.’ Also, that whole sentence in general was just a fucking mess. 
It should be written something like: “Mr. Hanson laughed nervously when he realized that someone had overheard him, and we later realized said person was a member of the Secret Service.”
See? The sentence structure is better, it reads easier, and it doesn’t make your brain hurt. But no, no editing allowed, no criticism, it’s against Onion laws.
Throw me in Onion Jail then, I guess. 
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Also, did the Secret Service member just announce the president arriving by saying “the President of the freaking United States,” like he’s surprised by the person he works for? Is he an idiot, or is he just constantly in awe of the President? My money is on both.
Edit: I realize he’s quoting Mr. Hanson, but I like my joke that I made and I’m keeping it there even if it’s stupid.
Mr. Hanson turned to the class and in a rushed tone said “Alright, think before you ask the President anything, no stupid questions!” 
Ah, there goes the proper formatting of dialogue. We had a good run.
Another voice came from outside the door “You’re right Mr. Hanson, there are no stupid questions.” 
Hello, Obama. 
We all froze to see it was the President who had spoken.
As he walked in the room I quickly realized he was much taller than I had assumed from watching TV. The President centered himself in the room as the Secret Service asked Mr. Hanson to take a seat at his desk.
Four members of the USSS stood behind the President as he began to speak, 
Why? It would make more sense for them to be stationed at the doors, but I’m not an expert on the US Secret Service so I really wouldn’t know. It just seems crowded as fuck to have four people standing behind you while standing in an already not very large classroom, but I digress.
“I’m not here to bring a dark cloud into this room. I want to be uplifting, to be helpful, and I want all of you to feel like you can say whatever you like, without any fear of criticism or repercussion”
There is no period at the end of that sentence. 
 Chris Jenkins, the class clown, blurted out “Why are you such a D-Bag?”
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I have met stupid people. But I don’t think I’ve met anyone that stupid.
Actually, that’s a lie, there were some massive dumbasses I went to high school with. And, truthfully, who I go to college with, currently.
 Most everyone in the class sat in shock as Mr. Hanson violently lurched up like a frantic animal yelling in a high-pitched tone “Chris! How dare you disrespect the...”
If I have to read the words ‘most everyone’ again I am going to have a fucking conniption. I don’t think Onion ever passed high school English class. Hell, I don’t think he passed middle school English. 
He has the IQ of a fucking life raft, though, so nobody is surprised by that. 
If you’ll allow me to go into a writer rant here for a second, I’ll tell you why this is wrong. ‘Most everyone’ is not proper grammar. The word ‘most’ means the greatest part of something, as all of you undoubtedly know, so ‘most everyone’ means the greatest part of everyone here. What greatest part are you talking about? Their heads and torsos? Their legs and torsos? 
While people do use it, it sounds fucking wrong. Like, if you replace it with ‘almost everyone’ it works and sounds normal, but ‘most everyone’ sounds fucking stupid. 
“Mr. Hanson.” the President interrupted, “Thank you.” 
A USSS member then asked Mr. Hanson to return to his seat.
The dialogue formatting is making me so goddamn mad that I have to correct it because it’s such a headache to read. I leave the dialogue tags as they are, because that means I can make fun of them, but I cannot read something where there are no fucking paragraph breaks when somebody speaks. 
There is nothing more impersonal that critiquing someone’s grammar, but even when fans offered to help correct spelling and grammar, Onion refused. So, like a moron, he released the book unedited. Or he let his partner edit it. I don’t know, they didn’t do a very good job if that’s the case.
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The President walked over to Chris, pulling his own pants slightly back so he could crouch.
 Why the fuck does he feel the need to crouch?
 “Now you may feel I am what you said, a D-Bag, but you should know to address me as President D-Bag as I, and many Americans, believe I earned the title of President.”
Uh. Okay. 
Sick burn, I guess?
Chris, now shaking and not knowing what to say let out a nervous and horribly awkward chuckle. 
Why is he shaking? It’s not like the President threatened him.
The President smiled and returned to the front of the room as he said “Now what other questions do you all have for me?”
 Literally everyone in class aside from Chris raised their hand. 
‘Literally everyone’ is a nice change from ‘most everyone.’
Y’know, because it fucking makes sense. 
Also, why the fuck is he taking questions instead of making a speech about the shooting, or saying what his response plan will be for gun violence so these kids don’t have to be afraid? Nah, he just pulls up like ‘so who wants to ask me a question?’ Like this is a Reddit AMA.
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The President looked directly at me and said “James Patrick, the boy who nearly saved the day, what is your question?” 
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Nearly saved the day? James didn’t do shit. All he did was run around looking for Abbi, he didn’t save anyone’s lives. The incessant praise James receives for doing absolutely fucking nothing is baffling. 
I replied, “You know who I am?” 
He responded, “I’ve read up on this school and the recent events quite a bit. How are your feet healing up?”
Why would some random ass dude who got glass in his feet be in any kind of official report? Sure, his name would be among the survivors and witnesses, but he didn’t really do anything of note. This is absolute bullshit.
 I was overwhelmed but I had to keep it together so I quickly replied, “Really well actually, the ambulance guys did an amazing job getting the glass and dirt out.” 
You mean the EMTs? The paramedics? They have a technical name. This makes it seem like Onion forgot what they were called and just didn’t bother to google it. 
Which, honestly, is probably what happened.
The President followed with “That’s wonderful to hear, what was your question?” 
I replied, “I just wanted to know how you feel about the things people call you, in the news and around the world.”
Completely irrelevant to the situation at hand, but okay.
The President gave a slightly sad smile and replied “I cannot, and do not want to control what people say about me.
Why? You wanna have a good approval rating, don’t you?
All I can really fully control is what I myself am saying and doing. I find myself repeatedly stating that I came into office with the best intentions, and I continue to lead as President with those very same intentions. Some decisions I have to make aren’t always fair to me, my family or many people around the world, but sometimes your only options lie between the end of a slipknot or the blade a guillotine, and that’s the burden I chose to carry.” 
Why does this sound like something Trump would say?
Also, ‘sometimes your only options lie between the end of a slipknot or the blade of a guillotine?’ That is an absolutely bonkers thing to say to a room full of high school students.
The class paused for a few seconds and then all at once everyone but Chris & myself raised their hands again.
Why— Why the ampersand? That’s not proper grammar. You do not use an ampersand to replace the word ‘and’ in a sentence in prose writing, the two are not interchangeable. 
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One of the USSS members spoke up “Mr. President we need to move on.”
He was there for like, two minutes. Why the hell is he going from class to class individually instead of just holding an assembly and speaking in front of the whole school?
 The President lifted his hand and said to the class “I want you all to know there are going to be some major changes around your school. I’ve approved a budget shift that will help fund significant renovations and an effective security program that will promote a safer environment for everyone here.”
Uh. Great. Thanks. Better than thoughts and prayers, I suppose.
“I will not stand by and do nothing when these incidents occur. So I’m doing what any responsible person in my position would do to make you all feel safer in this learning environment.” 
As much as I hate Onion, we apparently share the same views on restricting guns and gun laws. Not sure how I feel about that. 
He then smiled as the USSS opened the door behind him. “Thank you all, and Chris, remember our talk, ok?” 
The ‘President D-bag’ talk? That was not really a life lesson, it was just a thing that happened.
Also, Onion should be called President D-bag.
Chris remained speechless as the President walked out.
I relate.
Mr. Hanson then stood up while looking at Chris as if he had just slapped Mr. Hanson’s mother right in front of him. Mr. Hanson maintained his glare as he walked to the front of class.
Uh, I mean, he’d probably get a stern talking to. Even the idiots I went to high school were a bit less fucking brazen than calling the POTUS a douchebag. 
Mr. Hanson sighed deeply and looked down at the floor, he then asked, “Did anyone else almost pass out?” 
No, just you.
The class erupted with laughter as the teacher wiped sweat from his forehead with the towel he used as a white board eraser. The towel smeared ink all over his forehead, which made us all laugh even harder. Unfortunately I was faced with the reality that he would blame his humiliation on me if I did not tell him right away, as my next period still required I act as a Teachers’ Assistant for him.
Why the fuck would be blame James for that? James didn’t do anything.
The first thing Abbi said to me when I met with her later that day in gym class was “So it looks like Mrs. Stanley’s getting a new desk.”
 I replied “The president?” 
“Yep, he met with you guys too?”
I nodded and she added “In other news, Jason has been hitting on me, not sure what to do about it.” 
Tell him to stop? I mean, easier said than done, but you could try that. Or you could break his arms, whichever comes first.
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I replied concerned “Like just flirting, or is it heavy?” 
She answered, “I think the whole saving our lives thing went to his head. He just grabbed my butt in class after the President left the room.”
 I went silent.
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Trying to reassure me she said “I yelled at him not do it again.”
Uh, good. Holy fuck. What a tool. 
 I replied, “Did you talk to the teacher?” 
She answered “Mrs. Stanley saw I was uncomfortable and said she would give him detention if he tried to do it again.” 
No, give him detention immediately, he fucking groped someone. Hell, suspend him.
I loved that she did everything I would have done, leaving no room for me to imagine potential alternatives to what she felt about Jason’s chauvinistic act.
She isn’t helpless without you, James. Fun fact, women are autonomous beings who can care for themselves. We’re cool like that.
 I smiled slightly and said “Well, thank you for telling me...” 
She interrupted “What about you? Any girls grabbing your butt these days?”
Interesting topic of conversation. I, too bond with my nonexistent significant other over ass grabbing. 
I replied with a slight smile, “Nope, guess my butt just isn’t as good looking as yours.” She squealed and hugged me
Why is that her response?
as the substitute walked in and blew his whistle.
Oh I forgot they were in gym class.
“All right everyone let’s play some badminton!” the sub said, pronouncing everything as it was spelled. 
Raymon responded “Don’t you mean bad-mitten?”
Oh god, did he not read this out loud?
Badminton is often pronounced more like bad-mitten when spoken out loud, so—Why would the sub say it like that? You know what, nevermind.
Jesus Christ, these attempted jokes are exhausting.
 The teacher replied “I didn’t Ray-man, is that ok with you?” 
Now angered, he responded, “It’s Ray-mon!” 
This is aggressively stupid.
The sub laughed and said “Alright everyone, do you want to see Ray-man vs. your sub in bad-min-ton?”
 A lot of us screamed “Yeah!” and so the game ensued.
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Raymon seemed to get hit with the birdie more than the actual racket did. We kept laughing because he was trying so hard to look cool but kept failing repeatedly and as a result, looked completely goofy.
I’m actually decent at badminton, and it’s honestly not very hard, so this guy is apparently just really uncoordinated. 
After the teacher had scored on him for the 10th time Raymon threw down his racket.
 The teacher loudly asked, “So is that game? No more bad-min-ton?”
 Trying to sound tough Raymon screamed, “This is a sissy game anyway!” 
Shut your face.
Someone watching yelled to everyone “Uh oh watch out he might try to shoot us too!” 
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Who the fuck would say that?
Why the fuck would you say that?
Like, holy fuck that is not okay on every level.
We all went silent; one girl jumped up and walked off in a hurry. I could see she was holding her cries in until she could get out of the room.
A valid response, Jesus Christ. The insensitive asshole who said the deserves a kick to the teeth.
Raymon angrily looked over at the person who made the comment. The individual who yelled put their head down.
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In what fucking world would it be okay to make a joke like that after something like this happened? In the place it happened?
This person would be suspended. They’d be in huge trouble. Jesus Christ I hate this book more than any book I’ve ever read. This makes Blood Raining Night look like fucking Shakespeare. I had more fun reading My Immortal than I have had reading a single letter of this drivel. At least My Immortal doesn’t rely on shock and outrage to forward its (dubious) storyline, it’s just pure insanity. But at least it’s fun insanity.
This is just nihilistic, pretentious insanity.
They were obviously trying to avoid being pierced by Raymon’s glare. Raymon then furiously walked off, throwing a tantrum by kicking a garbage can while pulling off his shirt as he passed through the boys’ locker room entrance.
“Alright everyone, pick a partner and start playing!” the teacher said just before following Raymon into the locker room.
Honestly, I’d worry if he was okay. In no way was the shooting Raymon’s fault, and I cannot fathom why that person said that to him. That last section was wholly unnecessary.
Naturally Abbi was on my team and we played against a couple of people who were equally unenthusiastic about the sport so we basically just stood around talking about how dorky our uniforms were and basically anything we could to keep our minds preoccupied.
Usually not what I talked about while playing badminton in high school PE, but to each their own, I suppose.
Later that night at dinner, we had to put together a makeshift chair for Rick as Abbi was still staying with us. 
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A makeshift chair??? What would that even look like? A bunch of pots stacked on top of each other? A stump cut from the back yard? Do they not have like, a folding chair or even a stool? Why the hell does he get a makeshift chair?
My mom began to talk about their move “So Rick let me know he’s happy to help cover your food, utilities etcetera while you stay here in the condo.” she said, Abbi and I looked at each other happily and hugged excited that it was confirmed. Abbi and I didn’t have to move anywhere.
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Okay, let me get this straight. 
James’ mom is just completely fine with her teenaged son living with his also teenaged girlfriend in a condo, alone, and is just chill with having her rich boyfriend who she has been dating for not nearly long enough pay for food and utilities? And said rich boyfriend is also fine with doing this?
She’s just… fine with this? In what goddamn world would any parent allow that? She deserves to have CPS called on her.
I’m going to walk into the goddamn ocean if this is just an excuse to get rid of adult supervision so these two idiots can have copious amounts of sex that I will then have to read with my two eyes.
My mom continued, “Your sister is going to come with us.” 
I looked at my sister and asked, “What’s up sis?” 
She just pushed food around on her plate and mumbled, “It’s whatever. I don’t want to talk about it.” 
My mom gave me a look that I should just drop it, so I did.
Okay, why though? If we’re going by this logic, why isn’t his sister staying behind with them? She goes to the same school and is half way through her senior year, it would be stupid to rip her away from school so close to graduation.
 I had a friend in high school whose father got a new job that sent the family to Hawaii, but she wanted to stay and finish high school, so she stayed with a friend for the school year. But the difference there is that she was staying with adults instead of alone in a house her parents paid for. She was a minor, and not an emancipated one, so she had to stay with a guardian by law. This whole thing makes absolutely zero fucking sense.
Abbi squeezed my hand; she was still smiling widely at me. I was pretty overwhelmed with what this all meant as well. One of the greatest pending burdens hovering over my head had been removed from my life completely. However ridiculous it sounds, knowing I could be separated from Abbi, to me, was the equivalent of a doctor telling me I might have cancer, only to reveal later, it was nothing. I felt like I was getting my life back, without ever really having it taken away in the first place.
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Okay. I can put up with a lot without getting utterly furious, but that pisses me off. You do not get to compare almost having to move away from your girlfriend to a possible diagnosis of cancer. My mother just recently beat cancer, and the effect that this diagnosis had on my family when it was given was earth shattering. It was not even comparable to having to move away from a significant other. It was one of the hardest, most terrifying periods my family has ever been through, and it traumatized my sister, effecting her in ways that it didn’t affect me or my father. It was horrifying, all of it, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Onion​ is an insensitive dickweed, and the fact that this comparison was even made is insulting. Having to leave a significant other is sad, sure, but it is not on the same level as a life changing diagnosis like fucking cancer. Don’t you dare make that comparison, you fucking ingrate.
Onision, fuck you. I hope you choke on your next meal, wherever you are. 
Back to this stupid fucking trash book.
After dinner, Abbi and I cuddled in bed while listening to some of her favorite bands. She would sing along to the songs, knowing most the words, as I just kept my eyes closed, paying close attention to how her skin felt pressed against mine.
In that room alone with her, I often found myself feeling like nothing else mattered. She gave all my senses something to devour to the point where I began to feel like the rest of the world barely existed at all.
The level of obsession James has with her is not healthy. A person’s life should not merely revolve around their partner. At least, nobody mentally well and stable.
I fell asleep listening to the sound of her beautiful voice, softly singing.
Great. I love that this book has inspired rage among the bottomless void of utter apathy that I’ve been feeling thus far. Makes for an amazing and totally not draining reading experience. 
Now, I have come to a very obvious conclusion. Onision, Greg, whatever you call yourself nowadays, I frankly don’t care. I don’t know if he’ll ever see this, and I don’t care about that either, because interacting with him sounds like an exhausting waste of time, but I need to say this anyway. 
Onision Gregory James Jackson cannot write. He cannot create interesting characters or stories, and he uses topics that need to be handled with respect and care as plot devices. Abhorrently, he uses horrible, traumatic events as some sick form of character development, but these events that are supposed to cause character development cause none of the aforementioned at all. All of these characters are more static than a broken television, and have the same amount of flavor as a single slice of white bread. I also hate all of them. He has been given every opportunity to improve, but refuses criticism, one of the main things that helps a writer grow. I value criticism above all else as a writer, and without it and the practice at my craft, I would not be where I am today.
Also, Greggy-poo, if you do see this, you can’t get this review taken down. You can’t do shit. Because this is transformative content since it’s commentary. I am adding my own insight into this, and making it into something new, and it is therefore protected by fair use. And I’ll just keep on posting. 
Whatever. I’ll see you later.
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Yesterday I watched this wrestling thing, and it featured Matthew Crosby, and that reminded me of how much I like Matthew Crosby every time I see (or hear) him, which isn’t all that often. That made me decide I should listen to some of his actual comedy, which I’m now going to do, but before I do that, I thought I’d make a list of everything I know about Matthew Crosby:
- Turned up in Catsdown’s dictionary corner a couple of times, was very funny both times. I think I mixed him up with Adam Buxton at first because they both sat in dictionary corner, wore glasses, and discussed something vaguely nerdy.
- I also saw him in an episode of 8 Out of 10 Cats, where I think he said almost nothing.
- Got referenced sometimes on Russell Howard and Jon Richardson’s radio show, and I think he co-hosted the show with Jon sometimes after Russell left, though I haven’t actually heard any of the post-Russell episodes.
- Does a radio show with Ed Gamble, which I also haven’t heard.
- Is wearing a 30 Rock t-shirt in his Wikipedia picture, which immediately makes me like him.
- Co-created and co-wrote Hypothetical. I thought I remembered him appearing on the show at some point, but I just looked it up and he hasn’t.
- Did an episode of Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled, in which he talked a lot of shit about Cliff Richard and discussed how he used to be a terrible teacher.
- Used to date Josie Long, so he has to be pretty cool, right? I assume that if Josie Long likes or has ever liked someone, they have to be, at minimum, all right. Like how I don’t know much about Ellis James but I assume he must be cool because Isy Suttie likes him.
- Was referred to by Daniel Kitson, in 2007, as his hipster friend. Given what Kitson himself was like at that time, I cannot imagine how hipster Matthew Crosby must have been to get that title.
- Is in a sketch group called Pappy’s Fun Club that has existed for a long time. They turn up a lot when I watch videos from comedy festivals, even the ones from many years ago. They also have a podcast that I haven’t listened to, but have heard a couple of episodes recently (a regular one and this Christmas special they did) and really, really enjoyed both.
- Did one of those radio show episodes with Daniel Kitson, as part of a series of episodes that Kitson did from 2-6 AM, while at the Melbourne Comedy Festival in 2008, with a different comedian as a guest each time. Crosby spent much of the episode rolling his eyes (or doing the audio equivalent of that) about Kitson’s insistence on playing an entire Lucksmiths album all in one go, and trying to show off for his then-new-ish girlfriend, whom he said was listening from England.
My main thought about that one is that Matthew Crosby came off as the most normal of all the guests on those radio episodes, though that might just be because he was following Steve Hall, who wasn’t so much a human radio presenter as a hundred balls of self-loathing stacked on top of each other under a trench coat. Matthew Crosby managed to come off as relatively normal compared to that.
It’s like – okay, you know how everyone in comedy, very much including the heterosexual men, sort of has a crush on Daniel Kitson? It’s like that Heat Magazine thing that people made a lot of jokes about for a few years, with Jon Richardson and Russell Howard being declared people’s weird crushes. Well Daniel Kitson is everyone’s weird crush, in the sense that it causes everyone to be a bit weird while working with or talking about him, and in each case that comes out in a slightly different way. Steve Hall might be in the top position as the person with the weirdest crush on Daniel Kitson (I’d put Stewart Lee in second place, in case anyone’s wondering, though David O’Doherty has to be in the running), and Matthew Crosby on the more normal end of the spectrum. He was able to spend a night doing radio with Daniel Kitson and be, especially compared to the others, almost a normal person about it. My main takeaway from the episode was “Wow, that was surprisingly normal.”
- Did a really accurate parody of annoying fight hype reporters at The Wrestling event yesterday.
Anyway, I think those are all the things I know about Matthew Crosby, before actually listening to any of his comedy, which I shall do soon.
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zaenight · 7 months
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You've heard of Lucas scott , The bastard of Dan scott , one of the most powerful men in Tree hill.
But this story Isn't about him , but rather one of his bestfriends , a sixteen boy named Carlo Galindo Delgado , commonly refered to as Rico.
The two along with a girl by the name of Hayley James , have known eachother since childhood.
The two boys played sports together , It was awkward when the truth about who Lucas's father was , but more so when the truth of Luisa Galindo's abusive husband Marcelo Delgado , the second most powerful man in Tree hill , had come to light.
He would beat the woman black and blue , Luisa however stayed stong for her son , however , he too would feel his father's rage.
One day however , the man left abbruptly , divorce papers on the table , Free , they were finally free.
Later on in life , Luisa remarried , giving birth to a baby girl , Sirena Mendoza , Carlo's step father , Antonio , often called Toni or T by his gang , was a better father to Carlo , then Marcelo ever was , The best husband and father he could ask for.
He even got Toni's motorcycle when he turned twelve , however that was cut short a week after sirena was born , he was killed in a shoot out , Carlo knew him since he was six years old , however Sirena barely knew her father , the photographs and stories , along with home video's filled her imagination.
Carlo played sports like his friends , but his heart resided with his music , his mother knew , but others didn't , Hayley also knew , however when his father shows up again Could anything prepare him for the shit storm about to happen.
Little did carlo know that a certain cheerleader by the name of brooke Davis , would worm her way into his heart , and who knew that she would be his saving grace.
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beatlesonline-blog · 1 year
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gslomo · 2 years
Musicality of a movie
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But songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez brought out their Broadway chops just as effectively for the film’s comedic highlight, a snowman’s ebulliently naïve ode to that which would destroy him. Not wanting to split the vote, Disney submitted this to the Oscars as the movie’s sole song candidate. The real version comes fairly early (arguably too early) in the film as Menzel - voicing a snow princess who’s warmly embracing her inner iciness - delivers an empowerment ballad that pretty effectively has Wicked’s “Defying Gravity” as its model. “Let It Go” is the Best Song front-runner, in spite of, not because of, the lame Demi Lovato radio version that runs over the end credits. PHOTOS: An Ode to ’60s Folk Music: The Making of ‘ Inside Llewyn Davis’
It’s likely not as flattering as Spears might have imagined when she licensed the track, but it’s the moment in the movie that best makes the case for how short a distance it is from not-that-innocent to totally debauched. A simple pop number then becomes a lurid clarion call before moving on to Britney’s own studio version as the backdrop for a violent crime montage, complete with hog-tied and pistol-whipped victims. The four-girl crime wave at the heart of Harmony Korin’s bacchanal established themselves early in the film as Britney Spears fans, with a parking lot group-sing of “Baby One More Time.” So when would-be mentor James Franco sits down at the piano for a sensitive version of Spears’ “Everytime,” the thug draws the bikini-clad gals one step further into his world of violence and gives the scene an eerie creepiness, especially when the girls don’t take their pink ski masks off as they sing along to the ballad. But much later, when he sings “Queen Jane” at a pivotal make-or-break audition moment, there IS something slightly comical about how the title character has such integrity that he thinks singing an ancient ballad about a dead baby is the thing that’s going to get him over in his career. Right at the outset, the Coen brothers set a very sober tone as the protagonist sings “Hang Me” straight through, with no cuts or chuckles. Justin wrote that Coasters vibe about it.” The rest of the music in InsideLlewyn Davis was no laughing matter. “That’s like a Coasters song or something. “That’s a rock & roll song, right?” said Burnett. As producer/co-writer T Bone Burnett pointed out to THR recently, that tune is an anomaly in this faux folk biopic, and not just because it’s the only comedic number. Kennedy” not being eligible for a Best Song Oscar, since it’s very loosely based on a couple of existing ‘60s folk-pop tunes.
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doctorwho-rewind · 2 years
S2 E1: "New Earth"
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The Doctor and Rose arrive on New Earth and meet old friends and enemies in a hospital which can cure every disease. But the cures come at a terrible cost. (IMBD)
Episode: S2, E1: “New Earth” Date: April 15, 2006 Writer: Russell T. Davies Director: James Hawes
Doctor: 10th Companion: Rose Tyler Main Villain in This Episode: Cassandra
Note: I watched this episode (and Tooth and Claw) ages ago and then life got crazy and I haven't watched anymore since, and also completely forgot to review them. So let's try and do this from memory 2 months later!
Let's start by saying I really wish that shower lift was a real thing. Imagine being able to get in your shower fully clothed and then be blasted with warm air and come out clean and dry?! Amazing.
In terms of the storytelling, it was really good. Things are constantly being revealed that aren't expected, and it was interesting to see how they deal with the idea of being able to cure all diseases, but what that means for humanity to make that possible. But it was also very funny and had some lighthearted moments as well.
Great characters too – first introduction to the Face of Boe! And when Cassandra is reintroduced as the villain again, it's a genuine surprise considering we thought she was well and truly dead.
A great episode :)
⬅️ Previous episode: Christmas Special (2005): “The Christmas Invasion” ➡️ Next episode: S2 E2: "Tooth and Claw"
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Meeting and Dating James T. Davis
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You first met James when the two of you were young. He was a friend of your older brothers and had; on account of this, spent countless days at your house.
- He relentlessly teased you and; at times, completely infuriated you, but he could also be a sweetheart when he wanted to be. Like the time he’d driven an hour out of his way to pick you up after your date; whom he had told you from the start was an asshat, bailed on you or when he’d tutored you for months on end so that you could pass physics.
- While he oftentimes adamantly denied it, it was obvious that he cared about you; though at first it was in a purely platonic, brotherly way. It was when the two of you were in highschool that that all changed.
- Your brother had graduated the year before leaving both you and his best buddy behind in your crappy highschool. James was in his senior year and you were a sophomore.
- Your brother had asked James to keep an eye on you while he was off at college; not that he really had to since the boy was planning on doing so anyway. Because of that, you and the boy started to hang out more and more which is why you were comfortable shyly admitting that you had a crush on; and a budding romance with, a boy in your class
“Who?” James wrinkled his nose, squinting his eyes as he scanned the parking lot of your highschool, hands stilling inside his backpack where they were once fishing for his car keys.
“Don’t be so obvious!” You whisper yelled and he glanced down at you for a split second before moving his eyes to search for the boy once more. “He’s the one by the red car, the one with the denim jacket.”
“Him?” He’d asked as though it were ridiculous that you liked him.
“Yes him,” you replied defensively. “Why? ...what’s wrong with him?”
“Nah, nah, nothing,” He told you initially though the way he said it betrayed the words. “C’mon, lets go. I can see the drool starting to show and I don’t want to mess up my shoes.”
- That night, James laid in bed, staring at his ceiling, an indescribable feeling washing over him. His mind ran through everything you told him, touching upon this and that and wondering why it all made him so ...angry?
- Sure that was part of it, but there was something else to it, something much more complicated. He glanced at the clock in his bedroom and sighed; it was going to be a long night.
- He took a few days to watch you closer detail and think things through. It was during that time that he came to a realization.
- He wasn’t sure when it all started but he’d begun to find you ...cute, and not in that “oh she’s such a cute little girl” sort of way either, he found you pretty, beautiful even. Perhaps that was part of the reason why it made him so angry to see another boy pursuing you and why it bothered him so much that you seemed to like him back.
- His feelings for you grew more and more, or maybe he was just more perceptive to them now that he knew how he felt about you. Either way, he’d officially fallen for you and had begun to think of ways to ask you out.
- Everything came to a head the day you found out your crush; and the boy who flirted with you, got himself a girlfriend. You felt silly getting upset over it but you couldn’t help it. You felt stupid, you felt like you weren’t good enough for anybody.
- It was enough to make you feel sick, so much so that you weren’t even lying when you went to the nurse to tell her you didn’t feel good. You’d walked home in the middle of the school day after the nurse excused you from class and spent the rest of the afternoon in bed.
- James came to check on you after school, a bit worried that something had happened after you didn’t meet him for a ride home. He let himself into your house, knocking on your bedroom door until you hesitantly and weakly called for him to come in.
- The minute he saw you, he immediately asked what was wrong and refused to let you deny that you weren’t upset until you finally admitted everything. A little ways into your explanation, he’d made himself comfortable on your bed and pulled you into a hug, all but cuddling you as you ranted to him miserably.
- He interrupted you as soon as you began to put yourself down, softly telling you that the kid was an idiot if he chose someone else over you and listing off a bunch of things that made you a “total catch”. You sniffled and laughed as he made a light hearted joke, resting your head on his shoulder as the two of you sat in a comfortable silence.
“Hey, y/n?” He asked and you’d replied curiously. “...Did you really like that kid?”
“I don’t know,” You answered truthfully. “I think; more than anything, I liked him because I thought he liked me.”
“...I like you.”
“I know.”
“No y/n, I mean I like you,” he straightened up, letting go of you in the process and turning so that you were facing each other. “Listen, I know that this might come as a surprise to you and that it might be a bit strange but I can’t help it.”
“I know I can be a bit of a jerk sometimes and that I don’t drive a stupid looking Oldsmobile fiesta; how could you look at that thing and still want to get in that guys pants is beyond me.” he shook his head as though he were clearing his thoughts.
“But I do like you, no, I love you. And if you like me, even if it’s just a little bit, then I would appreciate it if you told me so that I can stop feeling so stupid and at least get my ass beat by your brother for a good reason.”
- You should have seen his smile when you admitted that you’d always thought he was kinda cute. He asked if you’d like to go do something with him and you smiled for the first time that day. You spent the next couple of hours driving around town and stopping to do whatever the two of you thought looked fun. You doubt that you could ever have as much fun just mindlessly wandering around with someone as you did with him.
- The two of you shared your first kiss on your third date. You’d gone to a carnival with him and he’d insisted that he could win you the big teddy bear prize that one of the games had had. You didn’t get your hopes up but a small part of you did get a little excited.
- Much to your surprise, he actually won and you were soon the proud owner of a four foot tall stuffed animal.
“Think that earns me a kiss?” He asked teasingly.
- You most certainly did.
- He’s always happy to touch you so don’t expect him to hold back when you’re out in public. He wants his hands on you constantly, usually in an innocent way though he does get an inexplicable urge to smack your ass in public.
- That being said: ass smacks, usually out of nowhere.
- Long hard kisses, especially after not seeing each other for a while or after he’s had a really rough day.
- Slow makeout sessions. He likes savoring the time he spends with your lips pressed against his, his hands wandering and the world around you disappearing.
- Hand kisses. Whenever you grab his, he’ll pull your connected hands up to his face and press a kiss to the back of yours.
- Long hugs.
- Ruffling each other’s hair.
- Soft punches and play wrestling.
- Dancing to records together.
- He’s got a thing for brunch. The two of you go out; at least, every week and get it together.
- Tons of nicknames, namely sweetheart and angel; he’s particularly fond of those.
- Private Joker, obviously he’s a pretty funny guy. He always seems to know how to make you laugh or smile. And he loves hearing you laugh, it’s like music to his ears.
- He leans his head on your shoulder whenever you’re sitting together. It’s sort of funny since; considering his height, he needs to bend completely out of shape or sit a good foot away from you to do so.
- Lazy mornings spent in bed. He always wakes up really early but usually just glances at the clock and groans, cuddling closer into you as he falls back asleep. He definitely spent like a full three days just sleeping after he got back from Vietnam, only taking breaks to eat, go to the bathroom, and give you a kiss.
- He refuses to sleep on his back once he gets home from the war. He cuddles close to you, wrapping himself around you like he’s giving you a bear hug in his sleep. Every now and again his arms will tighten around you the slightest bit more or he’ll wake up with a start, nuzzling closer as he tries to steady his breathing.
- Comforting him after nightmares. Sometimes you’ll just sit and stay awake with him for the whole night because he doesn’t want to go back to sleep. He insists that you don’t have to but you wouldn’t feel right just leaving him by himself like that.
- He doesn’t talk a whole lot about the time that he spent in Vietnam or recruitment camp but he does tell you about Cowboy and some of the sights that he saw.
- He most likely brought you back something when he was discharged; maybe some pressed flowers or coins, a knickknack, something like that.
“Either my eyes are going or you’ve gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw you.”
- He moans over your cooking. He’s had to eat shitty MRE meals everyday for months so anything else is a blessing to him.
- Clingy boy, especially after he got back. He didn’t have the company of a decent woman for a long time so he feels like he has to make up for it, although, even before he left for war, he was still a touchy, needy little shit.
- Sometimes, he likes to act like he’s some big tough army guy; a trained killer and all that jazz, but he’s actually just a huge softie, especially when it comes to you. You can baby and tease him all you want and half the time he’ll just lay down and take it contentedly.
- Anytime you ask him those embarrassing coupley questions, he always replies with a shy “I am” and an uncontrollable smile.
- He likes when you put your hand on the side of his face. Feeling your touch; so soft and warm against his own skin, always makes him feel content.
- He likes going out and doing things for dates. Amusement park and carnival visits, bowling, mini golf, roller skating, going to the movies. He’s fine with sitting alone, and on some days he prefers it, but generally, he likes adventures.
- Watching westerns together.
- He’s always there to help you when you need it and he’s always the sweetest about it too. He never belittles you for what you don’t know, he just shows you how to do it/explains it and praises you when you learn.
- He likes helping you get ready in the morning/night: brushing your hair, helping you put on your coat, etc. He knows you don’t need him to but sometimes he needs it, the monotony and closeness of it calms and soothes him.
- So many compliments. You get; at least, one a day from him. R.I.P. your ears when he catches you feeling insecure, he’s going to list every single thing that he loves about you until your ego is so inflated that you could pop at any minute. 
- Looking over his writing for him. I’m convinced he got a job in journalism. 
- Exchanging letters when he’s active duty. He; quite literally, kisses them whenever they arrive, a big smile plastered across his face.
- He carried a photo and/or wore something of yours; like a ring or bracelet, wherever he went while he was deployed. It helped him to not feel too homesick and remind him of all the good things he has waiting for him at the end of the line, specifically you.
- You may or may not be the star of his erect nipple wet dreams and great homecoming fuck fantasies.
- He enjoys annoying you, but in an endearing way. Goofily attacking your neck with his lips as you squeal and push him away, messing with your hair, talking about stuff he knows you dislike (like insects or gore). He likes getting a rise out of you.
- There’s no way he got out of the war unscathed and without any lingering trauma. I’m sure he gets his fair share of nightmares and days where he’s far worse for wear; both from his time spent in combat and his final day at the recruitment camp.
- For a long while, he didn’t know if he was gonna last until thirty so he’s thankful for everyday he gets to spend with you.
- He’ll occasionally get jealous for real but mainly, he finds people being attracted to you amusing; because he has you and they don’t. He’s so smug about it too, pulling you into a kiss right in front of them and giving them an arrogant smile once you break apart.
- Overprotective. He’s lost a lot of people that he’s cared about so he never wants to drag you into anything dangerous or see you; potentially, get hurt in any way. So, while some of the things he disapproves certainly won’t kill you, you can sort of understand where he’s coming from.
- Having to hold him back from fighting people; he can be a bit of a hothead at times. As stressful as it can be, you can’t say that it isn’t attractive when he bites his lip and breathes all heavy.
- The two of you don’t fight very often; he can never stay mad at you. He’ll try to give you the silent treatment but it isn’t long before he caves and talks to you. If the two of you get really riled up, he has a tendency to smash his lips to yours and release all his pent up frustration in other ways.
- Depending on the situation, he’ll be a bit reluctant to apologize but will at some point, usually when he can’t stand not talking to you anymore. Although, sometimes neither of you will apologize; especially if you use an ...alternative method to release your frustration.
- He says he loves you all the time, mainly because he values you above everything else and never wants you to doubt that he does. Even though he tends to say the words with a lingering, joking tone, you still know that he means them from the way that he looks at you.
- He’s had a bit of time to think about what he wants to do with his life and you’ve been a doll: loyal, loving, caring. He can’t wait to marry and start a family with you. He can’t think of anyone better to spend the rest of his life with.
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bbcsherlock · 3 years
ummm dont talk to me unless youve read
Effeminate England: Homosexual Writing After 1885             by Joseph Bristow;                            Secret Selves: Confession and Same-Sex Desire in Victorian Autobiography             by Oliver Buckton;                            Sacred and Profane in Symbolist at the Art             by Luigi Carluccio;                            Virtuous Vice: Homoeroticism and the Public Sphere             by Eric Clarke;                            Nameless Offences: Homosexual Desire in the Nineteenth Century             by H. G. Cocks;                            Talk on the Wilde Side             by Cohen;                            An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method             by Morris R. Cohen, Ernest Nagel;                            Sex Scandals: The Private Parts of Victorian Fiction             by William Cohen;                            London and the Culture of Homosexuality, 1885–1914             by Matt Cooke;                            Family Likeness: Sex, Marriage, and Incest from Jane Austen to Virginia Woolf             by Mary Jean Corbett;                            American Sympathy: Men, Friendship and Literature in the New Nation             by Caleb Crain;                            Emulation: Making Artists for Revolutionary France             by Thomas Crow;                            Love Revealed: Simeon Solomon and the Pre-Raphaelites             by Colin Cruise;                            Queer Beauty: Sexuality and Aesthetics from Wincklemann to Freud and Beyond             by Whitney Davis;                            Friendship's Bonds: Democracy and the Novel in Victorian England             by Richard Dellamora;                            Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian Aestheticism             by Richard Dellamora;                            "Beautiful, Aesthetic, Erotic." The New York Review of Books             by Richard Dorment;                            Romantic Genius: The Pre-History of a Homosexual Role             by Andrew Elfenbein;                            British Aestheticism and Ancient Greece: Hellenism, Reception, Gods in Exile             by Stefano Evangelista;                            The Trials of Oscar Wilde: Deviance, Morality, and Late-Victorian Society             by Michael S. Foldy;                            The History of Sexuality: An Introduction (Volume I)             by Michel Foucault;                            Queer Dickens: Erotics, Families, Masculinities             by Holly Furneaux;                            Idylls of the Marketplace: Oscar Wilde and the Victorian Public             by Regenia Gagnier;                            Selected Poetry             by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, David Luke;                            The Story of Art             by E. H. Gombrich;                            Queer Others in Victorian Gothic: Transgressing Monstrosity             by Ardel Haefele-Thomas;                            Homosexual Desire             by Guy Hocquenhem;                            "Burne-Jones and Gustave Moreau." Horizon: A Review of Literature and Art             by Robin Ironside;                            The Homosexual Revival of Renaissance Style, 1850–1950             by Yvonne Ivory;                            The Symbolists             by Philippe Jullian;                            Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime             by Immanuel Kant, John T. Goldthwait;                            Sexual Justice: Democratic Citizenship and the Politics of Desire             by Morris B Kaplan;                            Sodom on the Thames: Sex, Love, and Scandal in Wilde Times             by Morris B Kaplan;                            Painted Men in Britain, 1868–1918: Royal Academicians and Masculinities             by Jongwoo Jeremy Kim;                            Between Women: Friendship, Desire, and Marriage in Victorian England             by Sharon Marcus;                            The Other Victorians: A Study of Sexuality and Pornography in Mid-Century Britain             by Steven Marcus;                            Pleasures Taken: Performances of Sexuality and Loss in Victorian Photographs             by Carol Mavor;                            The Last Pre-Raphaelite: Edward Burne-Jones and the Victorian Imagination             by Fiona MacCarthy;                            "The Homosexual Role." Social Problems 16.2             by Mary McIntosh;                            Victorian Keats: Manliness, Sexuality, and Desire             by James Najarian;                            Walking the Victorian Streets             by Deborah Epstein Nord;                            Catholicism, Sexual Deviance, and Victorian Gothic Culture             by Patrick O'Malley;                            The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern             by Alex Owen;                            The Renaissance             by Walter Pater;                            Flesh and the Ideal: Winckelmann and the Origins of Art History             by Alex Potts;                            Art for Art Sake's: Aestheticism in Victorian Painting             by Elizabeth Prettejohn;                            Art of the Pre-Raphaelites             by Elizabeth Prettejohn;                            Beauty and Art: 1750–2000             by Elizabeth Prettejohn;                            Beauty's Body: Femininity and Representation in Victorian Aestheticism             by Kathy Alexis Psomiades;                            Art and Homosexuality: A History of Ideas             by Christopher Reed;                            From Realism to Symbolism: Whistler and His World             by Allen Reff, Staley Theodore;                            Men in Wonderland: The Lost Girlhood of the Victorian Gentleman             by Catherine Robson;                            Edward Carpenter             by Sheila Rowbotham;                            Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire             by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick;                            The Epistemology of the Closet             by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick;                            Sexual Anarchy: Gender and Culture at the Fin de Siècle             by Elaine Showalter;                            The Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde, and the Queer Moment             by Alan Sinfield;                            Aubrey Breadsley: Dandy of the Grotesque             by Chris Snodgrass;                            Postal Pleasures: Sex, Scandal, and Victorian Letters             by Kate Thomas;                            Cities of Dreadful Delight: Narratives of Sexual Danger in Late-Victorian London             by Judith Walkowitz;                            "Queer and Then?." Chronicle of Higher Education             by Michael Warner            
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loveablefangirl29 · 2 years
Hey :) [I saw some people doing this, so I thought I would as well xD It's also so that you all know some stuff about me ♡]
You may call me Kenzie, I'm 23, my zodiac sign is Gemini ♊ [I'm a dragon in the Chinese zodiac], I'm bisexual [& a demisexual], also I'm female. I want to be an author and publish a few books eventually, hoping in two years or so [I'm finishing other stuff before I continue with writing a book xD], being a writer is my passion in life and it's something I truly love to do 💜 🖋️📖
Fandoms that I'm into [only gonna mention ones I post about on here, I'm into many others like Devil May Cry 5 & Twdg (mostly the final season game), I'm just listing some but if you want to know all of them, then check out my AO3 profile] ♡ -
Grand Theft Auto 5 [Gta V]
Life Is Strange 2 [LIS2]
Rising of the Shield Hero [Rotsh]
Baldur's Gate 3 [BG3]
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Detroit Become Human [dbh]
Ships/Pairings that I love with all of my heart & I really like to write about and read ♡ [I'm just naming a few, you'll find others I love in my AO3 works] -
Franklin Clinton x Lamar Davis (Framar) [Gta V] 💚 🏙️
Trevor Philips x Lamar Davis (Tramar) [Gta V] 🧡🌇
Sean Diaz x Finn (Sinn) [Life Is Strange 2] 💙🌲
Astarion x Tav [Baldur's Gate 3] (I really love his storyline) 🕯️🖤❤️
Iruma x Asmodeus (IruAzz) [Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun] ❤️💜💙
Kalego x Opera [Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun] 😈🖤♥️
Black Hat x Dr. Flug (Paperhat) [Villainous] 🎩
Angel Dust x Husk (AngelHusk/HuskerDust) [Hazbin Hotel] 💗
Alastor x Angel Dust (RadioDust) [Hazbin Hotel] 🔪
Blitzo x Striker [Helluva Boss] 🐍
Legosi x Louis [Beastars] 🐺🦌
Barnaby 'Bunny' Brooks Jr. x Kaburagi T. Kotetsu [Tiger & Bunny] 🐇🐅
Connor x Hank Anderson (Conhank/Hankcon, Hannor) [Detroit Become Human] 🌆 🥃
Danny Parker x Karl [Black Mirror] 🌃
Chiron x Kevin [Moonlight] 🌌 🌙
Louis x Clementine (Clouis) [Twdg] 💜
James x Louis [Twdg] ♥️
V x Nero [Devil May Cry 5] ⚰️🖤
Other stuff I love -
Reading/writing fanfiction 📃🖋️
Listening to music 🎧 [I'm into a lot of different bands/singers xD Like Falling In Reverse, Yungblud, Halsey, Rain Paris, lil Nas X, Hollywood Undead, Skillet, Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, t.A.T.u, Avril Lavigne, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Imagine Dragons, Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco, NF, Nico Collins, Sum 41, Papa Roach, Billie Eilish [& a few others that I can't think of at the moment xD So etc]
Taking pictures/I'm very much into photography 📷
Painting & some drawing (but I'm not really good at it xD) 🎨
Making aesthetics 🌈
I love the winter season ❄️ Because I can just put on a blanket and have some hot chocolate ☕
Teddy bears 🐻 & Candy (like chocolate) 🍫 Also soda, like Coke Zero and Dr. Pepper, even Pepsi sometimes (if I feel like it) 🥤
I also love foxes, wolves & cats 🦊🐺🐈
Watching my favorite tv series and movies 💻 I'm into zombie apocalypse stuff & disaster kind of movies, some horrors/thrillers as well (but I also love dramas and romances, a few comedies too [though it depends, especially if I like it or not])
I love to watch anime as well, I really enjoy it and have a few personal favorites :) Like 'Vampire Knight' (which is actually the first anime I ever watched), 'Sword Art Online' (I'm talking about the first season), & there's a lot more that I still love 💙💜
Talking to my close friends or anyone else who loves the same things as me/are into that kind of fandom and really love a pairing [& ship] like me ♡
My AO3 account [I post everything, all my fanfics/one-shots on there] - LoveFandoms828
Wattpad(s) [though I don't really post on there anymore, just so you all know] - ThatDemon828, InsanityLover828
Fanfiction.net [some of my fanfics are on there, but I don't post often on that website] - YandereGirl828
Instagram - loveablefangirl29 [Just like on Tumblr]
Well that's mostly it, some things to know about me, if I think of anything else then I'II add it later on ♡ Until the next post/fanfic 💕❤️
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asgardianhusband · 3 years
What i Write:
Mostly Fluff, Angst and Positive stuff.
I will only write Slight nsfw and slight yandere, since this is mostly a Wholesome blog.
[Info's to Requests:
If you want me to write a specific story , you need to:
Tell me the character name, if you want a Specific reader(male or Neutral), a plot or what it should be about like Headcannons or Imagines, if you want it to be fluff, nsfw, Angst ect. And then I'll read through the request and tell you if it's okay and of course if you want to I'll Tell you when the story is done!]
Fandoms i write for:
Tony Stark [Iron man]
Peter Parker [Spiderman]
Thor Odinson
Loki laufeyson
Steve Rogers [Captain america]
Bucky barnes[The winter soldier]
Sam wilson[The Falcon]
Peter quill [Starlord]
Natasha romanoff [Black widow]
Clint Barton [Hawkeye]
Wanda maximoff
Pietro maximoff
Doctor strange
Bruce banner [Hulk]
Scott lang [ANT-MAN]
Eddie brock [Venom]
Wade wilson [Deadpool]
[Stranger Things]
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Jim Hopper
Dimitri (Enzo)
Murray Bauman
Joyce Byers
Billy Hargrove
Nancy wheeler
Yuri ismaylov
001 /Henry / Vecna
Robin Buckley
(The kids like Dustin or will can be requested but only in platonic ways, or aged up but no nsfw)
[Star Trek; AOS,TNG,TOS]
James T. Kirk
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
Montgomery scotty
Pavel Chekov
Khan Noonien Singh (AOS)
Nyota uhura
William Riker
Jean Luc picard
Jordie LaForge
Dean winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby singer
Lucifer / Casifer /Samifer
Mick Davis
Rowena McLeod
Batman (Games&Movies)
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham series)
Ed nygma (Gotham,Games& 2022 Batman)
Jim Gordon
[There will be More characters and more Fandoms, just you wait ;) ]
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