#Like no that's an entirely different sentance
some-pers0n · 3 months
My favourite thing ever is when people attempt to say that "fiction doesn't affect reality" when defending some problematic or morally dubious art. While I get the sentiment– like, yeah, obviously fiction isn't reality and there's certainly grey areas– it doesn't take much probing to realize that a lot of people's perceptions have been warped and shifted by fiction, most notably when it comes to bigoted stereotypes of marginalized communities. Orientalism and the way Western culture dehumanizes, objectifies, and others SWANA countries come to mind.
Fiction does influence and shape society's perception on topics. It's ridiculous to deny it considering how much of it had been instilled into a person without them likely even knowing it.
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hunterssm00n · 6 months
Brighter Than the Sun / part 2 /
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Lex is starting to feel like herself again after the events on Bouvetoya Island... with a little help from a tall, dreadlocked knight in shining armor at her side! | Lex/Scar |
part 2 of 3
my Scar & Lex series on ao3: here
*no cw, just humor and fluff*
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
Lex managed to get herself up and out of bed by ten in the a.m., which was actually pretty impressive considering she hadn't gotten home from her tour until around two in the a.m. Right now, she was still living in her little cubby in the Adirondacks. It was a bit chilly, since it was still winter in upstate New York (and by a bit chilly, she meant cold as hell). Lex had always liked the cold, and Bouvetoya, whilst colder than anything she'd ever experienced (in more ways than one), had done nothing to diminish her love for the crisp air. She knew that her intergalactic friend from the stars wasn't very keen on the cold, and this fact made her realize even more that he indeed had a soft spot for her; she suspected he wouldn't willingly come to this icebox for just anyone.
After dressing, she unhurridly began making breakfast. She had the day off, and she planned on doing absolutely nothing. Recently, she had started taking steady work again, and it was such a relief to be back at her game again. She loved her job; loved the self-fulfillment of it, as well as showing other people the beauty of the world. Her tours were continuing in the mountains right now, and she had taken a big group on a long hike yesterday that had tired her out. It had also taken a lot of her night up, which she had expected. That was why today, she was going to park her sore butt on the couch, and kick back with some junk food and movies.
As she was eating her pancakes and bacon on the couch, flipping through tv channels, she found her mind wandering to her alien pal yet again. It was funny to think those of those two words in one sentance: alien pal. Who ever in a million years would've thought? Lex had never really been one to believe in any of that anyways. She hadn't discounted it entirely - she knew, being a partial scientist, that many things were indeed possible, and didn't always have explanations. Truthfully, she had just never really thought about humanoids existing from other galaxies. Life on other planets, sure. Like water, and plants, and organisms that had capability of movement. But a seven foot tall, scale covered dude with dreadlocks and a pension for violence? Hell no.
This had to be the farthest thing in the universe away from how she thought her life would turn out. And there was still more to come. Lex wondered, as she often did, what was awaiting her in the future. Would this relationship - friendship she had with this extraterrestrial continue? Would it escalate? Would he grow tired of her, and how very different she was from his race? Her brow furrowed at the thought; she didn't want to consider that.
A knocking sound came from her front door, and, mouth full, she turned her head towards it. Who would be visiting her at eleven a.m. on a Tuesday? Swallowing, she placed her plate on the couch cushion beside where she had been sitting, and rose to investigate. Pulling her sweater more tightly around her body, she crossed the short walk towards the entry to the house. Reaching one hand out, she peeked out the curtain, more of that bright sunlight streaming in through the window pane, making her squint to see who was at her door. A blonde woman, pretty face, waved excitedly back at her. Karen. Holy shit. Lex had completely forgotten that she had invited her friend over to her home that morning for coffee; she hadn't seen the woman in weeks, and Karen was finally back in the area after a brief vacation to the Bahamas.
Smiling back, Lex opened the heavy oak door and met her friend with open arms. "It's so good to see you! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot; I feel like the worst friend ever!"
Squeezing her tight, Karen didn't sound the least bit upset, a smile in her voice as she replied cheerily, "Oh, no worries, you've been busy as all hell! I'm just glad you're here - it's been way too long!"
Apologizing again for having pajama's on, Lex invited Karen into the warm house. She decided to make more pancakes and bacon for her friend to share, as well as turning on her coffee maker, while the two engaged in idle, pleasant chit-chat. Karen and Lex hadn't been as close as they normally had been lately. But to be fair, Lex had never really been close with anybody - she didn't have a best friend. And the friends that she did have, she grew even more distant from after everything had happened in Bouvetoya. She looked forward to talking with Karen more often; it was always refreshing to get together and just hang out with a friend, talk about life, recent experiences, etc.
There was one recent life experience, though, that Lex planned on keeping to herself. Karen probably wouldn't take too lightly Lex talking about aliens after knowing about her supposed 'unstable' mental state since the events on the frozen island. Though nobody else but herself knew that aliens were the cause of that misfortune, but she planned to keep everything to herself just the same. For her own safety, and for Scar's.
A little while later, Lex and Karen were sitting on her couch, coffee mugs in hand, talking about another one of their friends, Mariah, who had recently gotten engaged. Lex had been so disconnected from everything, that she hadn't even known Mariah had met someone. They were laughing about past dating experiences when there came a sudden thud from the roof. Lex, eyes wide, swallowed her coffee noisily in realization, and Karen jumped. "Oh, Jesus, Lex, that must scare the shit out of you every single time! That's the problem with living under the trees: once the snow comes crashing down, it sounds like an avalanche!" she giggled. Lex laughed with her, trying very hard to discern whether or not it was actually snow, or if it was something else. Someone else. For a few moments, there was no other noise besides Karen speaking, continuing their subject from before, and Lex was just about to relax when the scrabbling of feet (claws) on her roof made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
Worst. Timing. Ever.
Lex had grown to really like Scar, but she had no idea how she was going to explain this one to Karen. Crap.
"Man, that stuff's really coming down!" Karen exclaimed, looking up at the ceiling, "Do you think my car's okay out there? It's under one of those giant pine trees,"
"Um, yeah, you know what? I'll go check on it." Lex stated, setting her coffee down on the table a little too forcefully, so some sloshed over the rim and onto her coffee table.
"Oh, I'll come wit-"
"Oh no, Karen, it's fine, really! It's cold out there, you stay in here where it's warm, I've got it, don't worry!" Lex said in a rush, practically running towards the door. Karen gave her a puzzled look before shrugging it off and sipping at her warm beverage.
Lex practically threw her coat around her shoulders, not even zipping it up before she was out the door, slamming both of them shut in her haste. She had closed them just in time, too, because as soon as she did, a huge creature that seemed to fall straight from the sky (or rather, her roof) landed heavily on two feet in the snow right in front of her porch. Straightening from his crouched position, Scar stood to his full height, chittering in greeting at her.
"Scar, hey buddy, um, listen -" She barely made it off the porch before she was swept up into those massive arms and squeezed against that brick wall of a chest in a giant bear hug. "Ow, Scar, can't breathe..." She patted him on the back in greeting as he set her down on her feet, holding a hand on her shoulder to steady her. Swaying as she gazed up at him, she once again tried to explain the situation to him. "Hey, can you come back in, like, two hours? I, um, someone who doesn't know about you is h-"
"Lex?" Came a faint voice from behind her, growing louder as a creak preceded the door opening, "Are you alright? I hear voices." Lex swung around towards her female friend, wondering how on earth she was going to explain the massive being in front of her. Well, this is going to be just great.
AN: I do not own the Alien vs Predator franchise or any of it's characters. Karen is an OC made up by me. I also do not own the song 'Brighter Than the Sun' by Colbie Caillat.
part 3
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rise-my-angel · 9 days
i'm currently on chapter 14 of my re read but let me tell you when i read chapter 11 (robbs death) I SOBBED SO HARD MY SISTER CAME INTO MY ROOM ASKING ME IF I WAS OK. i knew it was gonna happen and i thought i was prepared but i wasn't. it was written so beautifully and the constant call back to the music and trauma reader experiences makes my throat hurt in sorrow.
thank you 💜
Not going to lie, I was on a walk the other night and I had the Rains of Castamere start playing and it almost made me tear up. Like I listened to it on a loop writing that chapter because I literally wrote the actions to match up to the instrumental of the music and I cannot listen to it without envisioning it perfectly in my head.
Fun fact, the speech I wrote Walder Frey speaking is slightly different then his show version, because I wrote his words so that his last sentance matches the final beats of the slower, quiet part before the intensity ramps up implying the action starts. "Afterall, my King is long overdue a wedding gift for he and his Queen."
Where he says "For he and his Queen" I literally wrote that to line up with individual stringed notes going "duh duh duh" which are right before a seconds pause which I can always hear Catelyn calling Robbs name, and then the music starts back up to intensify which is when it all kicks off.
Planning that chapter in as much detail as I did was PAIN and its my own fault I cannot listen to the Rains of Castamere and not imagine the entire scene all over again.
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scribare-archive · 1 year
@memoiers : [ smack ] sender gives receiver's butt an affectionate smack as they walk past them
elbows are leaned on the kitchen isle & she had been . . . maybe a little hyper focused on what she was doing on the computer. typed down different things, errased, added and deleted : never quite being happy with it. and a little stuck actually. wanting to get it done and for once she is focused enough on it. but the words just won't go down. supposed to send in the application to coach the kids' soccer team rest of the school year because of some new rules & right now there's like one sentance she is sure off and everything else is being fickled with. tempted to just throw computer across the room, small annoyed puff of air. head whip around, feeling the smack against butt and she straighten up some, yet can't help the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of lips. maybe need a break. big break. drop the entire thing break.     ❝   wanna go get chilli cheese and milkshakes ?   ❞
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mightyishisname · 1 year
The Weakest chains, The mightiest God
IMPORTANT READ Some of you were locked in a dark cell, cruelly confined behind bars, punished for denying God's word for turning your back on the high God's counsel - A hard sentance, and your hearts so heavy, and not a soul in sight to help. Then you called out to God in your desperate condition; he got you out in the nick of time. He led you out of your dark, dark cell, broke open the jail and led you out. So thank God for his Marvelous love; for his miracle mercy to the children he loves; He shattered the heavy jailhouse doors, he snapped the prison bars like matchsticks! PSLAM 107 17-22 MSG
God doesent want you to suffer in your cell with whatever that cell may be filled with for he loves everyone, believer, or non believer. Whether it be depression, anxiety, lust, addiction, pride, death, mental health, physical pain, spiritual battles. Whatever it is you may be going through, it's okay to turn to God in your times of despair and use him as your last resort because it was in those times of desperation that God reveals himself to the unsaved the most. When I was an addict , I knew about God but I never followed him, I went astray and denied him, many upon many times. The devil confirmed his identity within me and I just went along with it, thinking about how I was better then everyone else for being who I've become in the enemy. But God had a different plan for me. One night in my jail cell, I knew the odds were not good on getting out spiritually or physically from either cell. But God had the upper hand over satan and came rushing to me, he sat with me, wrapped what felt exactly like real human arms around me as I sat there weeping with my hands in my face. I could feel the care, the love, the compassion, and mainly the spirit FLOW throughout my entire body. I immediately stopped crying , repented, asked for him to come into my heart again and got up onto my feet and began singing hymns and praise and reciting old scripture I had forgot I memorized before my addiction started. It was all coming back, he was back. And the enemy had no control anymore. When I should have stayed for a week and then shipped off to who knows where , the very next day, i was released and set free. Friends, it doesent take much to be saved ,all we need to do is simple. Call, or cry out to Jesus; repent, confess, and ask him into your heart so that you in christ are set free. If you have been hurt in the past by false faith from religion, or that your family has forced you into a what seemed like the dark side of Christianity, I understand and so does God. But know that Christianity isn't religion, HE TRAMPLES RELIGION/SATAN UNDER HIS MIGHTY FEET and wants to have a relationship with you. There has been many times I thought I can do life on my own and then failure after failure occurs, depression kicks in, anxiety rapidly flood my lungs. The lust for having someone in bed with me heightens, the pain of this world falls on my shoulders and I become like frodo carrying the ring in mordor.
We Don't have to live this way friends, it is up to us to throw away our past or things or people who have deeply hurt us and damaged our mindset on faith and Christianity, and take up our own cross . Wouldent you much rather carry your own cross through this life, knowing trials will be ahead but that God is with you forever and ever and then celebrate with him etenally in heaven? Or would you rather party and drink and manifest demons within you and destroy everything God has made you to be in this life, only to spend eternity with the enemy in a place that has no breath, no food, no salvation, no love, and just pure tormentation. The choice is your friends. What will you decide?
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jeeezzzlouise · 1 year
I share a crazy lot things with Delirium. I see myself in her with out having to augment myself to fit. Honestly I can make a list, and I sort of have. I wrote to Neil Gaimen in general about my love for the character (like everyday for a month with, yuck, felt very cringe but it's hard to cut through the white noise of socialmedia) and then season two was announced. So I sent my letter to his people, and they said to send an audition tape. I had my agency send it for me but I probably would have done that even if they didnt ask.
Anyway back to that list I was talking about:
1. I look crazy similar to her depiction in the comics. And yes, I did dye my hair twice and buzz cut it off for the audition because Del's hair changes so often. And yeah, I do kinda look like a hedgehog now that the buzzcut is growing out. Thanks for asking. But I know that is not enough...
2. My acting ability. I've studied cinematography and worked in the industry. I have a natural talent for acting and I always have. But for the love of Liza Minnelli can a girl not get a gig in this town?! And that's an entire topic on it's own which I wont get into. But like Liza would say, I got the chops kid don't you worry.
3. I am the youngest of six, three boys, three girls. (Guess my folks just really like to equal out the odds) And frankly that dinner scene hits closer to home than I care to admit.
4. I've come out of a six year long depression. I  know what it means to feel totally lost and with out hope. I see the much darker side of Delirium and I understand it. She said once "what if it gets worse?" As she melted down and cried on the floor. And I had never seen such a clear personification of my own fear when I was really struggeling. I would have given anything to not feel like that and she would too. I experienced a lot of brain fog in the worst of my depression and I see her frustration and anxiety around not remembering things/ forgetting  and how that influences her speach and body language. It hits hard when your brain and your body is out of sink and that frustration, anger and hurt is indescribable.
5. Neurodivergence. You can't tell me she's neurotypical. At the very least she has ADHD... because same. And btw, her sentances are not jibberish, she just thinks faster than what she can talk. And with many different thoughts crossing her mind at  once, it can get a little jumbled... and that's on Neurodivergence. Also the way she describes people/things feels close to my synesthesia. My favorite example is when she says a cop is mean and feels like he has bugs all over him (and then makes him believe it) makes sense to me because people just feel like that sometimes! It's hard to describe, you just feel it and it can sometimes it make sense but mostly it doesnt. So yeah, that's synesthesia for you.
6. She never stopped being Delight and neither did I. She is very brave... In her own way. It's very difficult to remain so open, curious and wonderful when in contrast your faced with a lot of sorrow and pain. I dont think it's a coincidence that she remained similar to delight. It would be easier to let that version of herself die and become completely something different. But she continuously fights to keep it, and so do I.
There is more i could say but I will spare you all. If you want to see my audition tape it's on youtube, because I have no shame I will not rest until I have explored every possible avenue of comunication also I'm terrified they cast somone for the name and not the talent and ifthathappensiwillflytohollywoodandeggneil'scastinfagent'scarsohelpmegodiwillfightwithmylastdieingbreath. But mostly I have this gut feeling like this is something I am meant to do... 
and no matter how much I embarrass myself by putting myself out there, I have to try. It's like I have no other option but to succeed or crash and burn in a bonfire of my own creation.
Anyway... thanks for reading... and you better say something nice to me or I will cry.
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digifag · 2 years
yellow, green, amber, grey!
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
LAUREN BOUSFIELD. i heart experimental music made by trans women. her neros day at disneyland stuff is more well known but idk how many ppl know she still makes her own music. its awesome
green: do you have a favourite flower?
idk many flowers outside of like. minecraft but! any blue/pink/purple flowers in general r suuuuper pretty
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen?
this!!! top 10 characters ever meow wolf 4 crop
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grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more?
i took japanese 1 and 2 in school and my knowledge of it is so so limited (cheated thru japanese 2 class cuz the teaching method was shit) but god i wanna continue with it. motivation is so low tho ueueue…. i cam read hiragana and katakana though!! and recognize a handful of kanji.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
i've always had a small headconon that pure vessel and some other vessels can make noises (not talk). do you think they can make sounds, growling, hissing, trilling, humming, wordless melody, mimicking etc. also do you feel that most vessels have a similar ability for noise? like do are some able to be more vocal while others aren't, some make more wyrm like noises while others make root like or void like vocalizations. //love the blog BTW xoxx
Not quite- my headcanon is that the void muffles all sound, so they're purely silent, but they are capable of creating the vibrations that are associated with growling, hissing, trilling, etc, so if you press your hand against their thorax then you can feel the thrumming from it, and the vibrations can be felt when submersed in the void sea. Their nature completely absorbs it, and voidspeak is based off of the absence of sound and the inability to speak that is thus transferred across the void to others who were once of one whole, but if you're not pressed up against them to feel the physical echo of their clicks and purrs, then you won't have any idea that they're vocalizing (or attempting to vocalize). The only ones that I think were capable of making sound were those who were not entirely voided, those who were forcefully made to be able to scream (like Hollow), or those who found ways to work around that limit, like BV (who found out a void-spell that echoes the sound of what once was). Naturally though, a fully voidborn vessel is entirely mute.
I do think that vessels vary in their desire to be vocal/communicate, though! It's based partially on how voidborn they are and partially on the vessel themselves, but different vessels will make more vocalization attempts/communication attempts than others. I headcanon BV, for example, to be very frustrated by their inability to talk and fluent in sign when they learn it, while Hollow sticks to rare bouts of silent humming/purring/growling/clicking and will only sign one or two words at a time if them impressing their mind upon another doesn't work, since they were raised around vocal bugs and so picked up on some of their habits by accident, though they are totally silent by nature. Ghost, on the other hand, never attempts to vocalize unless they are submerged in the void sea, and communiates only through the void. They understand language and basic writing, but they are entirely visual and see bug languages as far too linear to convey their thoughts properly, so they don't even try. Gesturing and playing an advanced game of charades is as close as they will ever get to sign, because they simply cannot grasp sentance syntax
(also ty!!)
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platypusisnotonfire · 3 years
Ok guys I’m reading the absolutely most BANANAS book rn. It teaches you Latin through context and I’m loosing my mind I feel like I’m illegally downloading a language
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Maybe it’s because I know a few languages already (I showed the book to three different friends and they could read the first few sentances and then got lost- but they are very much not language people) however I feel like most people who desire to learn Latin have a similar thinking pattern to mine and I swear the entire time, each new line, my brain is like
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“Why can i read this”
Obviously I expect it’s going to get infinitely more complex but I just read an entire chapter of Latin (granted, “see spot run” Latin, but still) without looking up a single word or knowing anything prior.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
[Is the end nigh anon]
I never actually got around to trying discord until recently, mostly because i had a feeling it wouldnt work for me. But then i saw that post of yours about the emergence of ao3 and went to #8(/#9 im sorry)’s blog and found all these guides to set up your own site, encouraging you to learn html and lean into the small web. And ive started trying to learn, but in the meantime i figured id give discord a try as well, since that seems pretty similar to the closed groups of LJ and ye ol internet even before.
And boy oh boy is it not for me. Maybe i just stumbled upon the wrong places but… theres always this “in” feel to them, which of course there would be, theyre basically huge whatsapp groupchats, but with people i dont know. I barely have the energy to be active on groupchats with friends i know and love and know irl and have a history with, i definitely cant be active enough to remain “in the know” in a discord server. This duscussion thread format requires so much energy, and im more of a lurker. I send asks and add onto my reblogs sometimes and stuff like that, but definitely am not in any circles where fandom is conducted privately and nor would i have the energy to be.
Having to use that kind of format as main fandom-format would take it out of me so badly… i understand that with users being the products and the constant exposure, it does seem natural to seek out more closed private places. But i honestly feel discord is not the place for it, at least to me. Everything moves way too fast and the cliques are the last nail for me. If i was interested in social hierarchy i wouldve stayed on instagram. The fact that tumblr is as anonymous as you want it to be and has no follower/likes chasing is the main reason why i love it (besides the familiarity and everything). I understand this is not everyone’s experience, but my dash is curated to death, i never see any bullshit, so to me this space does feel intimate and cozy as well (i guess without chatrooms, but i dont really feel that loss) and im a strong beliver in blocking.
I feel like discord is too careless and borne of modern understanding of internet social spaces, if that makes sense. I feel like closed, more private formats of interacting with fandom would also require more “care”? For example, having your own site, maintaining it, modifing it, lovingly adding to the content, the layout, eveything, theres this “tending to” vibe, which i feel encourages bringing in this vibe into fandom interactions themselves, as opposed to the fast, impossible to catch up with, catty or careless vibe of discord. Yea, the internet goes at breakneck speed and were just along for the ride, but at least in a public space like tumblr that feels manageable.
I do think that to thrive fandom requires being able to take a break without having to suffer the cost of being left behind. And sure, i guess that would work if your server is with people youre friends with, but how often does that happen and how lucky would you have to be.
Feel free to take any and all of my run on sentances as questions, this ended up being ranty.
I don't think it's entirely luck, but yes, making discord not be like what you describe does require a very particular kind of group and management.
The biggest thing I've seen, historically, in platform changes is that the people who make spaces or who are the sparkly, obvious people other people trail behind are fine. They go make a new place.
But the rest of the population may or may not be able to follow. It's not always exclusion from a private discord or anything. Often, it's more like the LJ-->Tumblr move. A lot of people were left behind because it's simply too visual here.
Different formats appeal to different types. I've come to enjoy tumblr, but it was quite unpleasant at first.
One reality of fandom is that there is always social hierarchy. People have asked me "Why do you reblog so-and-so so much???" and the answer is generally two things: 1. that person literally sends me their posts (which requires a certain level of bravery or chutzpah) and/or 2. I know them (from cons, from LJ in 2005, from them sending me private chat messages a lot, from them being highly visibly active like I am over a long period of time, etc.). The times we think there isn't social hierarchy are when either we are the one in the clique or those invisible ties between other users are not perceptible.
But scratch the surface--by having to move platforms, for example--and all kinds of social connections and fault lines will show.
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vodkassassin · 4 years
Hello supreme overlord, ruler of all, writer of the most amazing of sentances and of the nicest of words, could you please write SQQ and SQH interacting in public and forgetting where they are so they just share friendly touches (like touch-starved millenials do) which ppl see and loose their minds over? Like SQH casually throws his hand over SQQ's shoulder and the other just looks pleased youdon'thavetoifyoudon'twantto Ty <3
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Moth babe I swear to god
Here’s some platonic cucumberplane for you guys! @overlordmoth
Shen Yuan has been in the body of Shen Qingqiu for seven months. Seven warm months of early spring, a beautiful, gorgeous summer befitting of a xianxia world, and a colorful yet mild fall.
He’s been so busy with worrying about the plot, about dismantling the OOC function, about what this exasperating, crazy world (or the System) would throw at him next, that he hasn’t really had the chance to concern himself with the smaller things, like the weather. Especially since those smaller things have been content to be rather wonderful and non-problematic.
Until now, that is. It’s the beginning of his eighth month in this ridiculous place, and it seems winter is finally here.
Yesterday, now that Shen Qingqiu has the belated gift of hindsight, he realizes that all the trees — usually so full of brightly colored leaves in warm tones of oranges and reds and yellows and even some pinks — they’d all gone completely skeletal, very abruptly losing all those final leaves at once. And, seemingly overnight, three feet of snow apparently fell to blanket the mountain sect — because it’s a mountain! Lots of snow! Who’s grand idea was it to build the sect high up on a mountain range? Fuck you, Airplane! — while Shen Qingqiu was asleep, and now….
Shen Qingqiu kicks the door that obstructs his way open with his foot, and Shang Qinghua flinches back in his seat across the room.
“I’m sorry! What? Oh! U—Um, hey bro, what’s —?”
Crossing the office, Shen Qingqiu takes a brief, self-indulgent moment to loom over his fellow transmigrator and watch him sweat, before he whips open his fan and presses the tip of one of its spokes to his mouth in contemplation.
“Scoot over.”
“What?” Shang Qinghua asks, and squeaks when Shen Qingqiu doesn’t wait any longer before plopping down directly beside him and leaning over to burrow into his side. “Sh-Shen bro—?!”
“It’s fucking cold,” Shen Qinqiu hisses, “and I am wearing silk. And I own nothing but silk! Who’s idea was that, huh, Qinghua?”
Shang Qinghua doesn’t make a sound for a few long seconds, but Shen Qingqiu can feel the man trembling. He can’t tell, however, whether it is because the man is nervous or laughing at him.
“I-I would have assumed it was Shen-shixiong’s idea, seeing as how it’s his wardrobe,” Shang Qinghua finally says, voice shaking, and clearly talking about the original goods, whose character and wardrobe he had written himself!
It sounds enough like mocking that Shen Qingqiu gives into his urge and snaps his fan closed, using it to jab his friend — yes, his friend — in the ribs. The shorter man yelps.
“Ow! Bro, c’mon—!”
“I’ll kill you.” Shen Qingqiu tells him in a stage whisper, lifting his eyebrows up to show how serious he is about it.
“You would never.” Shang Qinghua sounds so sure of himself. “You love me too much, bro!”
“Would you stop squirming?” Shen Qingqiu huffs in irritation as the other peak lord’s movements makes him slip off his shoulder and slide down to land in his lap instead. “Shang Qinghua!”
“I didn’t do it!” Shang Qinghua wails, nonetheless teaching out to wrap an arm around Shen Qingqiu’s shoulder and tugging him up a bit to rest against his chest instead. “There, is that better? You know, you interrupted me. I’m trying to work!”
“You can still write with me here, stop whining,” Shen Qingqiu gripes, and leans forward to shove his frozen nose directly against Shang Qinghua’s neck. The man jerks back and whines.
“Stop! You’re cold!”
“I know, that’s why I’m here! Order me a winter wardrobe right now!”
“I don’t have the right forms for that at my desk!” His friend says, a brush dripping ink still held aloft in one hand. “I’ll have a disciple hunt them down for me and do it later!”
“I’ll turn into a popsicle before then! Bitch, do I look like Captain America to you?” Shen Qingqiu demands.
“You ain’t nearly blonde enough,” Shang Qinghua huffs, setting down his brush and rubbing some warmth into his bro’s upper arm. The other sighs slightly and leans even more of his weight into him. Neither of them are very heavy, though, so it doesn’t make much of a difference. “You wanna borrow one of my fur-lined robes until I get you your own?”
“I could kiss you for that,” Shen Qingqiu admits. “Please.”
There’s a loud, strangled sound from the doorway.
Both of them whip their heads around to stare in surprise at the utterly befuddled Yue Qingyuan that stands in the doorway. Slightly behind the sect leader, a red-faced Luo Binghe stares at the two cuddling peak lords with wide eyes. A few seconds tick by in complete silence, before the boy turns away and flees.
“Uh,” Shang Qinghua says smartly.
Shen Qingqiu withholds a groan and smacks his friend on the shoulder with an open palm, burying his face into Shang Qinghua’s neck so that he doesn’t have to look at the still-staring sect leader. “Well, shit.”
“I—” Yue Qingyuan attempts to speak, but his voice fails him immediately, and the three peak lords are left in a stifling, awkward silence.
Shang Qinghua clears his throat. “M-Maybe sect leader should come back later?” He asks.
Shen Qingqiu is suddenly hyper-aware of the arm that his friend has wrapped around him, and the way he’s sitting across Shang Qinghua’s thighs, and mentally swears again. This is a little bit too much for ancient China xianxia sensibilities, isn't it? Fuck.
Yue Qingyuan tries to speak again, but no words come out. After a second, the man settles for giving them a sharp nod. He then turns on his heel and leaves without a word.
Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua stare at one another in silence.
“Awkward.” Shen Qingqiu eventually manages, burrowing even closer against his friend. Honestly, he’s just too fucking cold to be overly concerned about the consequences of this blunder just yet.
“I hate you.” Shang Qinghua says, reaching a hand up to hit him. There’s absolutely no power behind it at all. “This is your fault.”
“It absolutely is not,” Shen Qingqiu denies. “You’re the one who gave me an entirely silk wardrobe. Fuck you.”
“Fuck me yourself, you coward.”
“Please,” someone whimpers, and they turn to see Shang Qinghua’s head disciple cowering in the corner of the room, beet-red face buried into both his hands. “Please, stop.”
“Haha, whoops,” Shang Qinghua laughs nervously. “Sorry, A-Kao! Why don’t you take a break?”
“I’m never coming back,” the disciple says, emotionally. He pushes away from the wall and high tails it out of the offices faster than even Luo Binghe had fled.
The two of them are silent as they watch him leave.
“God dammit,” Shen Qingqiu sighs tiredly. He slumps even further against Shang Qinghua, and the other man adjusts his grip on him. “The System is going to kill me for this later.”
“Not if we kill it first,” Shang Qinghua says, a malicious light appearing in his eyes.
Shen Qingqiu looks up at him. “... I’m listening.”
They both ignore the neon red, flashing warning screens that only they can see.
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thatfeanorian · 3 years
I was tagged to do this writer game by @arofili! thank you!!
how many works do you have on AO3?
33 (counting my two unrevealed TSRBs)!
what’s your total AO3 word count?
177758 (wow somehow thats only a third of what I’ve written)
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I’ve written for.... literally one fandom published and 5 unpublished. We’ll stick with published since I don’t want to expose myself lmao: Just Silmarillion because I’m a high key nerd. That and the whole fandom and work facinates me to the extreme because it is so open ended and nearly any interpritation of the text can be canon!
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All The Ways To Love - 198 (a longfic about Maedhros and Fingon in an arranged marriage finding exactly what they need in each other, side appearances by baby feanorians)
Make You Mine (the way you should be) - 99 (a short Kidnap Family fic featuring prophetic dreams E&E who have known Maedhros and Maglor would always be coming for them and loved them for it)
Fëanor Finds Out Sort Of But Not Really - 78 (another Russingon fic about Maedhros and Fingon’s secret relationship being found out at the consequences that go along with that)
From The Ashes, Rising - 69 (a 13k four chapter fic-- medium length?-- about Maedhros and Fingon growing up and falling in love, a Modern AU.)
the difference between you and I - 69 (a kidnap dads fic about E&E’s first night with Maedhros and Maglor and how they began to understand that their first impressions might not have been right.)
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Always. Comments are one of the best things I, as an author, can receive and I adore each and every person who takes time to put their thoughts and appreciation into words. Thank you so much to all of you who have done that for me!!
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hooooo boy that’s a hard one. So many of mine have angsty endings on purpose because pain is always fun. Still if I had to pick one, I would choose Learn Your Place, another fic in my Modern AU “To Build the Bonds That Tie,” featuring middle school age Maedhros questioning his sexuality and being told that he doesn’t belong.
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Very rarely, and I almost never publish them. The only one I have published as of right now is very old and embarrassing so I won’t link it but it was about Finrod, Turgon, and a self-insert OC being tossed into The Hobbit to try to retrieve the silmaril-arkenstone.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes I actually got my first bit very recently and I laughed so hard I almost threw up. I just don’t understand why people keep reading my fics if they know from the first few sentences they don’t like them. I’ve read my fair share of fics that weren’t my style and somehow I’ve never left a single piece of hate on any of them.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
Absolutely. I write everything from very kinky sex to soft aftercare and all the variations in between. The one thing I absolutely refuse to do is non-con although I am okay with sex used as a method of torture. I love love love writing LGBTQ+ themes and do my best to incorporate as much diversity as I can into all my pieces NSFW and otherwise just because they’re not realistic if I don’t.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
have you ever had a fic translated?
 I’ve gotten one request but the person who asked dropped it and never got back to me :(
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! A few of my fics are based off of an old RP server I was in with a couple friends and so as such the ideas are theirs as well as mine and I at least consider the fics co-written.
what’s your all time favorite ship?
.....if you can’t guess.... go take a look at my AO3 (I’ll give you a hint 90% of my fics contain this ship)
(it’s russingon)
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My (first) Modern AU. I have it two thirds finished and only a third published but the entire idea is so enormous that I don’t think I will possibly be able to finish it. I adore my baby and I’ll do my best but I think I made the right decision splitting it into seperate fics so that we all can enjoy the parts I do get out instead of waiting ages for things to go in chronological order.
what are your writing strengths?
I adore writing emotion and description! I feel most comfortable writing long winding explanations of the scenery and people that put you (as people have told me) right in the scene.
what are your writing weaknesses?
oh my god smooth dialogue. I struggle so much it’s painful. That’s the part of any fic that takes me the longest because I sit there saying each part out loud to myself like it’s a play and trying to decide if it’s at all reasonable.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Yes! Absolutely. I love including in-verse languages in my writing in both names, pet names, and even small sentances, but it really really bothers me when people will go on a winding speech or a chunk of dialogue in another language and then have to translate the whole thing at the bottom. Another huge pet peeve of mine is when people use words in other languages and then *don’t* translate them at the bottom. I can’t at all get the full vibe of the fic if there’s words I don’t understand!
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I wrote a self insert fic when I was 10 about this one elf statue at the Santa’s Village Amusement Park in NH (please don’t ask)
but if that doesn’t count --please tell me it doesn’t-- then PJO and I still write the occasional fic for them now because PJO is just iconic.
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Omg that’s a hard one. I really struggled picking just one because there’s so many that I’m proud of but if I had to pick a genuine favorite I’d say... Inure, a fic I wrote a couple months ago detailing one of the darkest experiences of my life from Maedhros’s perspective. It was both incredibly hard to write and extremely cathartic for me and will remain one of the most terrifying things that I have ever had the courage to publish.
Mind the tags though, it is quite dark and can be triggering if you’ve had an experience similar to mine!
I’ll tag.... @findrahil, @sianascera, @admirablemonster and @secretlythranduil if any of y’all feel up to it!
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Could you write an imagine of tsuki and s/o studying but then she gets really stressed so tsuki offers to destress her? [Nsfw? ;)]
I LOVED writing this, anon!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for this beautiful request!! It is a little different than what you asked but not much!! Also there's gonna be more Tsukki smut tomorrow!! Also big thank you for making it clear what you wanted that made it sooooo easy to write because I have anxiety and want to make people happy
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Not my gif
Warnings: NSFW, dirty talk, oral
Requests are open!! Anon also available now (I'm dumb and just now figured out how)
“Whyyyyy” you whined before dropping your pencil onto your textbook, it had been over an hour now and you still couldn’t understand it. Tsukki had finished almost half an hour ago and had been trying to help you but it just wasn't working. Tsukki was amazing at english and unfortunately you were not, but it just came naturally to him so he wasn’t good at trying to explain it to you. WHenever you would ask why something was right or why the comma went there he would tell you that “it just does, I don’t know” and feel bad because that wasn’t what you wanted to hear. 
Nothing seems to make sense right now, you have been looking at the stupid sentances for way too long and they were all blurring together. You were fed up with it and wanted to be done, it was all too much and all you wanted to do was cry. At this point you were doing yourself more harm than good and you both knew it but you had to get it done. Tsukki had moved from your spot on the floor to reading on the bed to try and give you a little space. He knew that when you get stressed out like this that nothing he says or does is going to help, you need to work it out on your own.
“I’m using the restroom, I’ll be back in a sec.” And with that you got up and left his room, relieved that you would have a break from that stupid packet. You finished using the restroom and just stood in front of the sink staring at yourself trying to think of ways to get out of this, you know that you have to finish it but right now all you wanted to do was cry. You had been in there a little bit longer than anticipated, and you knew it right away when you heard a knock on the door. 
“Y/N come on the toilet flushed five minutes ago.”
Damnit. You mentally curse yourself for not thinking this through, now all you could do was open the door and face your boyfriend. When you open the door you see him looking down at you with his typical unamused expression. 
“Come on, you only have a half a page left.”
“Yeah and you’ve been practically giving me all of the answers, it’s fine Tsukki I’ll do it later so I don’t have to keep bothering you.” You had no idea where that sass came from and frankly neither did he. You both stood there in shock for a second before you started huffing towards his room. You get halfway down the hall before you feel his fingers wrap around your wrist and pull you back towards him.
“I guess if you’re a bother you won’t want a kiss.” he’s smirking at you, clearly winning this argument. You turn bright pink as he pulls you into a passionate kiss, his tongue darts into your mouth and you can’t help but melt into the kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist as his tongue continues exploring the inside of your mouth. 
As fast as it started he pulls away from you and walks back into the bedroom, “c’mon you have to finish your work,” he smirks at you while pushing up his glasses.
Your body is now on fire, he just kissed you with so much passion that you could feel the heat go straight to your core and he was just able to walk it off. You go back into the bedroom and see Tsukki sitting back on the floor by your incomplete work.
“Hurry up,” his voice was low and commanding. You couldn’t help but go and sit on the floor by him. He asks you the last question you were working on and when you answered it correctly he brought his lips to your neck and started kissing down it, “mkay, now the next one” he says between kisses. You can’t focus on the question with Tsukki’s soft lips trailing down your neck and his figure pressed against yours. You are in love with the feeling and close your eyes for a brief second to enjoy it, but the moment you do he harshly bit down onto your neck, “the answer Y/N” he practically growls at you. You can’t help but whine at the sensation and quickly blurt out the answer, when you do, he starts licking at the now red spot and soothing the pain. Now you understood how this was going to go, he kept kissing at your neck and brought one of his hands up to toy with your breasts as you answered the next two questions right. The third question however you got wrong, he didn’t have to tell you that you were wrong, he simply removed his hands and mouth from your body and you quickly corrected your mistake but he still didn’t budge. 
“Why were you wrong?” His eyes are burning into you, the typical soft gold is nowhere to be seen, instead his eyes are dark and lust blown. He knows exactly what he’s doing to you and you can see that he is clearly enjoying seeing you like this. When you correctly identify your mistake he is back on you once again, this time his hands pull off your shirt and he starts kissing down your chest. You let out a loud whine before trying to focus on the question, as you go through the problem in your head Tsukishima pulls down your bra and takes one of your breasts into his mouth and sucks on it harshly. 
“Oh fuck” you moan out unable to stop yourself. Without hesitation Tsukishima bites a hickey onto your breast and you let out a cry of both pain and pleasure. Before you know it he’s biting another one onto the opposite breast, and before you can even process what is happening he has already done it three times. 
“Tsukki” you whined without thinking. 
He stops all movement and grabs your face, forcing you to look directly into his eyes, “Answer the question, or I’m not stopping.” his voice is deep and needy and all you can imagine is what is going to happen next.
You end up answering the question correctly and instead of going back to your breasts he kisses his way down your stomach, stopping right before the waistband of your leggings. You quickly answer the next question correctly so that you get the reward for it. Tsukki pulls your pants and panties off in one quick motion and continues kissing down until right before he hits where you want him most. You look at the next question and have no idea how to do it, it looks like a trick question but you want to get it right more than anything right now. You look down and lock eyes with Tsukki which sends arousal straight to your core. You’re desperately trying to figure it out because you want nothing more than for him to be eating you out right now. 
By some lucky chance you get the problem right and Tuskki immediately starts licking at your core, he does a few long licks up and down you to taste you before he begins harshly sucking on your clit and his fingers start tracing your hole. You can’t help but throw your head back and moan as he starts giving you the pleasure you’ve been craving. You know that you have to answer the next question, and quickly or else he is going to stop and Tsukki is a three strikes and you’re out person and if you miss any of the last ones he is going to pull away from you and stroke himself off in front of you without giving you anything. Quickly you answer the question correctly and he inserts one of his fingers into you and starts pumping it slowly, you can’t help but cry out when he does this, your hips bucking up for more stimulation and you can feel the little smirk on his lips while he continues to suck on your clit. The next question was answered faster than you have ever answered anything in your entire life, all you wanted was for him to give you what you wanted. He inserted a second and third finger into you and started to speed up the pace, you wanted nothing more than to come and you knew that you would have to answer the last two questions correctly for him to even consider it. He was going fast and hitting every part of you so perfectly that you couldn’t help but lace your fingers into his hair and tug on them when he hit a particularly sensitive spot. The last two questions were answered together and all you could think about now was how much you wanted to come. 
“Tsukki please please Kei please let me cum,” you whined between moans, finally letting yourself fully enjoy his touch. If you didn’t know him better you would’ve thought that he was ignoring you, but instead he shifted his fingers to perfectly hit your g-spot and sped up the pace so that your legs were shaking and you were coming around his fingers sooner than you thought possible. He pulls his fingers out of you and sucks all of your juices off of them one by one while making eye contact with you before going back in to lick you clean. 
“You have ten seconds to get on the bed and show me some thanks,” his voice was deep and husky that you could feel yourself getting aroused again. You immediately got up and hurried to the bed excited for what was coming next. You knew that he was far too turned on for you to give him the same treatment he gave you which only meant that he would be filling you up in every way that you loved.
“What a filthy whore, so desperate for my cock, tell me how much you want it” he takes off his shirt and slowly starts pulling off his pants, waiting to hear you beg for him.
“Kei please please fuck me please I want to feel you inside of me please, please Kei I’m yours, my pussy is yours please just fill me with your cock please,” you can’t help but beg for him, you are desperate for him. He takes his pants and boxers off and strokes himself a couple of times before laying on the bed next to you. 
“I did my part, now you do yours, get on top and show me that you’re worth it.” 
You don’t hesitate to climb on top of him and sink down onto his length, moaning the entire time. His hands instinctively go to your hips and hold you there while you both adjust to the new sensation. 
“Show me what a good whore you are.” 
You start going at a steady pace while Tsukki grabs onto your breasts and pinches at them then runs his hands down and squeezes your ass into his hands.The sight of your breasts bouncing with every thrust makes him almost come immediately, but he squeezes his eyes shut and tries to keep up the pace. Eventually he gets impatient with the pace you are going at and locks his hands onto your hips helping push you down onto him faster, and begins thrusting up to you. He lets out a few low moans and grunts as he tries to control himself. On the other hand you are loudly moaning and whining his name while you fill yourself up with his length. 
Tsukki flips the two of you over so he can enter you at the angle that hits everywhere inside of you perfectly, once he re-enters you he is practically pounding you into the mattress. He is going hard and fast and you can feel your oragasm approaching quickly, it only takes a minute before you are coming all over him and squeezing your walls around him. He continues his pace for another minute before he pulls out, “show me what a good girl you are.” You open your mouth for him and he finishes on your tongue with a loud moan of your name. You happily swallow it all and open your mouth to show him. He groans at the sight and pulls you into a passionate kiss and wraps his arms around you, giving you both a moment to come down from your high’s. He kisses the top of your head and smiles at you. 
“Are you ready for the test Monday?” 
“More than ready.” 
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pink-imagines · 4 years
reach me behind your voice
chapter 1: harmonize
summary: Shoto, your childhood friend, has grown distant towards you despite your history and Bakugo, the seemingly no-good rebel, has an interesting secret.
a/n: i’m not great at summaries, but you get the jist. this chapter is shorter since it’s more of a try-out. the other chapters will probably be longer and therefore take longer time to make.
warnings: none, yet
requesting rules
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You can remember clearly how throughout your childhood you’d always be dancing, no matter what the situation. It easily gained you nicknames like “ballerina” or “sugar plum fairy”. As soon as you could, you took any dance class that was available to you. Street dance, break dance, jazz, modern and, your favorite, ballet.  So of course when you heard someone playing the violin solo from the Swan Lake theme, Op. 20: No. 18, in the house next to yours you tried to find out who it was. The neighbour who lived next door was the Todoroki family, you had seen little of them at all but knew that they had a son the same age as you. Your eight year old self made it a mission to figure out if it was him who was playing. Luckily, your window to your bedroom faced his so it wasn’t hard to figure out. The hard part was getting him to notice you. Knocking as hard as you could on the window didn’t seem to help, he was probably wearing ear plugs.
The first time he noticed that you were there was when he for once opened his window. It was a hot  day so your window stood wide open as well. Shoto had never thought about looking into his neighbour’s window before but the music made him look a bit closer. You were playing some sort of hip hop song, practicing for your latest recital. He liked watching you move like that, it seemed as if you had fun. But as soon as you caught him he went to close the window. “No! Wait!”, you exclaimed and almost threw yourself out the window, “Could you play me Op. 20: No. 18?” He didn’t answer, he could only nod. With an eye still on you he started playing, and of course you started dancing. His smile grew and grew, sure you messed up at some parts but it was still fun to see someone dance to his music. “I’m not great at ballet but I’ll practice more if you play for me!”, you promised.
That promise was kept until the present of today. Shoto and you became close friends, first from your windows and then up close. Soon enough you did everything together, you had even fixed a can and string phone between your windows. The phone was still up, but rarely used- seeing as you had real phones now. You had been through a lot with Shoto, and you had supported each other every step of the way. Music is what kept you together, and it seemed as if other people could see that too. The two of you put on a lot of shows together, and whenever either of you needed to practice the other would be there too. Shoto would play for you and you would dance for him. 
Your senior year of high school is when you started drifting apart. Shoto had too many competitions and you had too many performances... other than that it seemed as if he wanted to give up on his talent, and was only hanging on a thread made by his father’s approval. Dancing had become a thing that only happened in a studio or on stage, and playing the violin had become a thing that was only supposed to be played in his room or on stage. 
From time to time you’d walk to school together. You made sure he was eating, and he made sure you didn’t have to walk home alone later. The smallest reasons gave you hope that you still cared about each other. “We’re having a live performer during my next ballet recital.”, you told him on your walk to school, “Kind of like how you used to play for me.” You knew it was useless to try to grasp at something so far away, but you couldn’t help but to try. The chilly air only fueled your want for the warm feeling of Shoto’s embrace. You never thought about how much you’d miss his hugs, but the late-September weather only made it worse.  “Oh really?”, Shoto kept his eyes on the road, “What is it about then?” Of course he completely ignored your last statement, but there was nothing to do about it unless you wanted to make things worse. “The pianist had composed it himself, we’re gonna get to know about it today.”, you explained. “What’s the pianist n-” “Hey, Y/N!”, one of your close friends interrupted Shoto mid-sentance. “Hi, Mina.”, you waved at her but she still engulfed you in a hug. “Cute scarf, it even matches the uniform!”, she smiled and then looked over at Shoto, “Sorry, I didn’t interrupt anything right?” “No, I was on my way anyways.”, he put on a charming smile, “Have a good day- and don’t walk home alone if it gets too dark, Y/N.” “I won’t.”, you waved and watched him walk away. “I totally interrupted something, didn’t I? You look disappointed-” “Just forget about it, Mina.”, you smiled at her even though you were kind of disappointed. “I told you, you should tell him that you have a crush on him. Then he’d totally pay more attention to you.”, she wrapped her left arm around your shoulders. “I don’t have a crush on him!”, you exclaimed even though she gave you a very unbelieving look, “Even if I did, it doesn’t mean that he’d actually like me back.”
School went on like usual; you had your morning classes, ate lunch with Mina and Kyoka and then had your afternoon classes. During the entire day you didn’t talk to Shoto, whenever you tried he always had somewhere else to be. So it was like every other day, though at the end of the day he approached you. It was right when you were about to leave, you has just taken out your outdoor shoes from your locker. “It says it’s gonna rain later.”, he held out his umbrella to you, “You shouldn’t be catching a cold before your performance.” “Thank you.”, you took the umbrella from him and gave him a soft smile, “Are you sure you shouldn’t have it though?” “I’ll be fine... just take it.”, he scratched the back of his head and looked away from you, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning?” “Sure.”, you nodded. “Bye, then.”, he huffed and walked away. “Bye, Shoto.”, you said and followed him with your eyes as he left.
Like Shoto said, it started raining. It wasn’t a lot of rain but he was overly careful like that at times. You skipped over the puddles forming on the uneven road and hummed the tune to singing in the rain. No one was out on the road so you lost yourself in your own imagination as you danced down the lonesome path.  You were thinking about why things with Shoto had turned out the way they did, if you really just did fine different friendgroups. He couldn’t be completely blamed for the distance that had been put between you since you had taken a few steps back when you realised you had feelings for him. You didn’t even want to think about it, your own feelings could ruin your entire friendship. He probably just distanced himself because he saw you did the same... You didn’t have time to think much longer as you bumped into someone. “Hey, watch it.”, the boy hissed. “Sorry!”, you quickly backed up and looked up at him. It was the boy from your school, Bakugo. You didn’t know much about him, just that he seemed kind of rude and that he hung out with the very nice Kirishima. You never quite understood their dynamic, they were really the opposite when it came to personality.  He let out an irritated sigh before he kept walking... in the same direction you were going. After a while he stopped suddenly, making you accidentally walk into his back. “Are you following me or something?”, he turned around to you. “No, I’m going this way too.”, you huffed and walked past him. You could feel his eyes on you as you walked, and honestly it grew tiring. “Do you have a staring problem or something?”, you turned around to him. “Huh? Why would I look at you?”, he walked up next to you, “You skip when you walk, of course you draw attention to yourself when you walk weird.” “Oh, sure!”, you shook your head and kept walking, faster this time. Bakugo quickened his pace, making it obvious that this was some sort of competition. So of course you walked faster.
This lasted until you were both power walking to your destination. You hadn’t even realised that you got to the dance studio until you almost walked into the door. You pulled out your card to open the door, but Bakugo already had his out and opened the door. “What are you doing? Why do you have a key card?”, you asked. “I’m working here.”, he looked away from you as he held open the door, “Are you gonna walk in or what?” You skeptically walked in, keeping an eye on him during the entire time. He wasn’t a dancer, was he? If he was then you’d know it. He wouldn’t look you in the eye no matter how hard you stared and his ears were turning slightly red. “What are you staring at!?”, he exclaimed. “I’m just trying to figure out if you’re a dancer.”, you muttered. “I’m not a dancer.”, he said. You stared at him with squinted eyes, trying to see if he was lying. “Fine then.”, you said and walked to the changing rooms, “I wouldn’t care if you were, you know.” “I’m not!” “Okay, okay!”, you walked into the changing rooms.
When you got out into the dance studio you saw Bakugo talk with your dance teacher. You pulled your pants up higher over your leotard, making sure that they sat at just the right place, and went to stretch. While stretching you kept an eye on Bakugo, noticing the piano in the background... slowly pieces started to fall together. As soon as they stopped talking the teacher walked out of the studio, probably to get changed, and Bakugo walked up to you. “You better do well, I’m partly in charge of choosing the roles today.”, he grinned. “I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”, you sat down in a split and looked up at him, “Whether you like me or not, it has nothing to do with my dancing and I’m sure that my teacher wouldn’t be fond of you picking favorites because of their personality.” “Whatever...”, he huffed and walked over to the piano.
When all the dancers had gathered the teacher walked back in and quickly counted all the students. “Seems like we’re all here. I hope everybody has warmed up and stretched, we’ll begin immediately.”, mrs. Takahashi said in a stern tone, “This is Bakugo Katsuki, a well known pianist whom has won many competitions.” You looked at Bakugo as he bowed in a greeting... you had no idea that he had won competitions, let alone that he was well known. Then again, you never really cared about where the music came from unless it was from Shoto. “He’s composed a few pieces, which put together becomes an hour long performance.”, she explained further, “So it won’t be the longest performance we’ve done, but it’s new and exciting. I’m expecting all of you to do your best at these auditions, but for today we’ll be learning the parts.” Mrs. Takahashi motioned for Bakugo to start playing, which he did. It was quick, nothing that you hadn’t done before but it’d always be harder to learn when the beat is quicker. There was no time for slacking, and your interest had peaked. “That was a part of the introduction.”, mrs. Takahashi said as Bakugo stopped playing, “As you can tell, it’s quick. This is a story of tragedy, a young boy who’s invisible to everyone around him no matter what he does. He falls in love with a girl, and though she cannot see him he still tries his best to save her from different situations. I’ll be giving you a short story, so that you can read through it later. For now, let’s get to work.” And so the practicing started. Bakugo never looked away from the notes, he was extremely focused... it was probably the first time you had seen him this quiet and calm. You couldn’t let yourself be distracted, though- afterall, hadn’t you kind of challenged him. Details were to be perfected, steps were to be remembered, and your energy needed to be focused on doing the best you possibly could.
At the end of the lesson, while you were stretching before you got to go home, mrs. Takahashi gathered your attention by clapping harshly twice. “Listen up! You all did fantastic today!”, she sounded proud for once, “Next time we meet will be in two days, for our next lesson. You’ll get an email with the right location, that’s where you’ll audition and that’s where we’ll later hold the performance. Be on time, alright?” “Yes, ma’am.”, all the students answered. “Great work, you’re free to go.”, she nodded and everybody made their way to the changing rooms. You went to grab your waterbottle and when you stood back up mrs. Takahashi stood beside you. “You did well today, Y/L/N.”, she said, “I’m expecting a lot for you in the near future.” “Thank you, ma’am.”, you bowed your head and walked over to the changing room. Before leaving you grabbed the last pile of papers, which had the story written on it. It felt unbelieveable that Bakugo Katsuki had written his own short story, let alone composed music for it.
When you got out you were just about to call Shoto to tell you about it, but then you saw Bakugo standing by the entrance. “I’ll give you this, Bakugo.”, you said as you walked up to him, “You’re pretty good at piano.” “Pretty good?”, he scoffed, “You sure are cocky, aren’t you princess?” “What’s with the nickname?”, you folded your arms over your chest. “Prancing around like that in the studio, I might as well call you a princess.”, he chuckled, “Or do you prefer idiot?” “I’d like to see you ‘prance around’ like I did.”, you huffed. “I didn’t say you were bad.”, he looked away from you, “Whatever, I’m leaving. I’m counting on you to get the lead, princess.” He started walking away.
Now it’s your turn to choose: follow Bakugo or call Shoto? Click here to choose
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Intricacy on Strings - pt. 11
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A/N: This actually started off as a joke but I continued to write it and it turned out perfectly.
With him reality didn’t exist. It was you and him in this entire existance. 
Finally, it felt as if all the pieces fell together and every trouble was wiped away. 
Your fingers kept dancing with his. Fingertips touching palms, palms digging up each other, fingers intertwining, squeezing, shutting, ... 
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked, sitting in front of you as your fingers continued to play with each other. 
You looked up, finding yourself lost before found again in all his seriousness. You smiled and nodded.
“Would you still be with me if I was poor?” 
You felt yourself laugh at the question but at the second glance, his eyes were deep in thoughts, deep in seeking the answer in you. 
You brought his knuckles to your lips and kissed them, pressing them gently to your cheek as you continued to smile. “You think I care about that?” 
“No, it’s just-” his head lowered, his voice quieted down. This was something he has been wanting to talk about but never really had the chance. He never thought this would be the issue but with you, everything changes. With you, he wants to give you the most fulfilling future and life he can. He wants to take care of you. “I want you to be happy.” 
“I am happy.” you smiled even wider, your fingers bringing themselves up to his cheeks, your knees crawling up to his hips. “I’m with you. I am happy.” you leaned your forehead on his but he moved away, taking your hands off his cheeks as he sat on the edge of the bed. 
“He’s got money. He’s got the looks. He’s got succesful carrier.” he continued to speak and you couldn’t believe the insecure thoughts he was having at the moment. He turned his head over his shoulder. “I want to open a prank shop.” he let out a gentle laugh, knowing how pathethic that sounded from him. “His life versus my life are two different worlds. You deserve-” you jumped in front of him, cupping his cheeks once again and pulling him forward.
“Hey.” you were serious just as he was, caressing his cheeks with your thumbs as you saw the water in his eyes trying to get out. “I have waited so long for us to be toghether. I have waiter and hoped for you and me, not Perry Bash and me. A world without you in it, doesn’t exist to me that was why I would always choose you. I know what I deserve and that’s you, Fred Weasley.” you smiled and could see the tears from his eyes stream down his cheeks, no doubt tears of joy as he continued to smile widely and joyfully at you. You pulled him into a kiss, short but tender before pulling away and hugging him tightly. 
“I love you.” he murmured into your embrace.
You smiled into his embrace as well, your hands digging themselves into his dense hair before you pulled away and leaned your forehead on his. “I love you.” your eyes locked and he couldn’t help his smile but to grow in this incredible joyous beam. 
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down until you laid on top of him, both laughing... both finally free. 
And then you woke up. 
Cold and alone, eyes throbbing from last night’s tears. You brought your pillow closer to yourself and squeezed it shut. 
That’s how it’s supposed to be, right? That’s how it was. You and Fred and a bit of Perry but that was all supposed to be fixed, right?
‘ “You can’t avoid me forever, (y/n)!” he ran after you and tears already burst out of your eyes before you could stop them. You could feel your heart fill with guilt, with ache, with regrets... 
“Leave me alone, Fred.” you sobbed, your hand covering your mouth. “Please, leave me alone.” you sped up but he caught on, holding you against his chest as you sobbed into it. 
His long arms, strong and nicely toned, wrapped themselves around you like a warm blanket and pressed you against him. You couldn’t believe it still but you couldn’t breathe nor think either. So you shoved him away. 
“I said leave me alone, Fred!” you glared at him, cheeks drenching in sweat and tears. 
“It’s been a month, (y/n)! I just want to be there for you, nothing else. I just want you beside me- I don’t want you to go through this alone.”
“NO! You don’t want to go through this alone!” you pointed your finger at him, your voice croaking in the night. “He’s dead! He’s dead as in not alive anymore, don’t you get it?! HE’S DEAD! He’s dead and the last thing he said to me was that he couldn’t have found the most perfect person for him! I kissed you when I was still with him! I cheated on him! I cheated and was on my way to break up with him and he told me that I’m the best thing that has ever happened in his life. Imagine the guilt, Fred! He died thinking I loved him more than I have loved anybody else in this life. He was being tortured to death as I was thinking of a way to break up with him- to hurt him. I was thinking of all the ways how I coud let him go as he was being dragged into death! You don’t know the guilt and grief I bare for him! In those two months he has shown me nothing less but all the love he could provide for me. “ You felt yourself break, your knees losing feelings and your heart throbbing in your chest. “He promised me he would never hurt me. He kept his word till his dying breath. I loved him still. In those two months I considered him as the love of my life so don’t you DARE say it’s been a month! I know it’s been a month! It’s going to be months and months until I find the way to cope with this!” 
Fred felt his heart jump at the sound of you. At the sound of how long he would have to be without you before he gets you back and he has barely got a hold of you. He didn’t want to let go of that. “You loved him!?” it’s what blurted out instead. “I thought it’s always been me?!” he seemed to be more angrier than he intended to be. He wasn’t. He was confused.
“Bloody Hell, Fred! IT HAS BEEN YOU! IT WILL ALWAYS BE YOU but that does not mean that my boyfriend at the time meant nothing to me! I cared about him! I loved him! I still love him and either it was two months or two years he is someone who was there for me when you weren’t. I still have memories of him! I have feelings and the least thing I could do is mourn him, not go running to the man I have been cheating him on.”
“Oh, so I’m just that guy?” he scoffed, unable to control himself nor his jealousy. 
He knew Perry Bash was dead and he hated that but somehow he was so uncontrollably jealous of him that everything that came out of him was not him at all. 
“IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU!!” you bellowed, digging your hands into your hair. 
“Am I that guy!” 
“YES! YOU ARE THAT GUY!!” you exploded. You were so furious of the way he was treating you, hurting you that for a moment, you just wanted to hurt him too. “You are excatly that guy and Perry would have never treated me this way! Never!”
You hit the middle point. No matter how many times you had told Fred he was the one, that sentance changed it all. 
“So it was always his world, right? Never mine.”
“He would have understood. He would have let me process this! He would have LOVED ME!” 
“I DO LOVE YOU!” he screamed, tears streaming down his cheeks. 
And it felt wrong. The whole conversation felt wrong since the beginning it started. You were at your worse, you were grieving and now as you laid on an empty bed, mourning for two people instead of one felt the loneliest. 
You had never seen those eyes so broken. Those brown eyes so broken from trust and love that was once there... it wasn’t. Not when you said it. 
You hadn’t seen him since. He was gone, pulling the biggest prank in the whole Hogwarts history meanwhile you were stuck in your dorm. He was chasing his dreams and ambitions meanwhile you were stuck being stuck. 
He had left you. 
And you didn’t mean it. You truly did not mean a single world you said. He caught you in the worst shape trying to discuss everything. You weren’t able to, not when you felt extremely guilty and ashamed for what you did to Perry Bash- to the most perfect boy who could have ever loved you. 
The way his aqua marine eyes could look at you forever and you knew you were never alone with him. With just a look, he would gurantee you safety, with a touch show you just how much he had loved you. He would bring you flowers and do all the gestures you said were cheesy and corny... when he did it, it brightened your day, your whole body. 
Not to say that you didn’t wait long. He was your first and he was asking the whole time whether you were okay or not. He would hold you against him and stay until he was sure you fell asleep. You would wake up with him in your arms and you knew you were loved. 
You had doubts. In the argument with Fred, you felt as if Fred was less mature than Perry. You thought you had made a mistake thinking Fred was your one and only till the rest of your life. That’s why you said all of those things because partly, they were true. You doubted your love for Fred but you knew that was uselss because you and Fred were meant to be. 
But so were you and Perry. You just wished so hard that you could have had a proper goodbye from him. To thank him for everything he has done for you. It was never him, it was you. You were the villian in this story. You were the bad characted. Perry was the hero and he died. Why would the hero die?
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
How to Write Deaf Characters - From a real Deaf person’s perspective
Hello readers and writers alike, I would like to point out something that has been so glaringly annoying to me and other Deaf/HoH people so that we can end all these misconceptions. People who write for Deaf!Readers should know a few things before starting their imagines, fanfictions, blurbs - anything. It is not anyone's fault for not knowing these things, most hearing people are not aware of the Deaf community or Deaf culture so here I am, a Deaf person who is majoring in Deaf Studies and Culture, coming here to tell you a few things to know when writing for a Deaf!Reader
(Remember this is my experience as a Deaf/HoH person and it may differ from person to person but this is what I learned/have slight annoyances within writing)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a culture. Yes, most people consider it a disability but IT IS NOT SOMETHING WE ARE ASHAMED OF! Please stop writing fics/imagines about Deaf!Reader being ashamed of not being able to hear or getting hearing aids to impress their SO. It’s completely wrong and just annoying. We are proud of our Deafness and we don’t want to be fixed.
DO NOT USE THE TERM ‘HEARING IMPAIRED’! This is basically a slur word. It was widely used in the ’90s but now it’s considered a derogatory term. Just use Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Or ‘deaf’ if the person is medically deaf and not culturally Deaf. (see next point)
Deaf and ‘deaf’ are different. Deaf is a cultural term for people who are born Deaf and raised in the community. The term ‘deaf’ is used in the medical field or used to describe someone who has hearing loss that does not associate with the Deaf Community. Usually, a hearing person who has become deaf later on.
Sign language is not a worldwide language. There are different types of language within sign language. ASL is for American and Canada. BSL is for Britain. So if you’re writing a story that takes place in a country that is not America or Canada, do not say ASL.
ASL does not = English. Same for every other language. ASL is its own language with grammar rules and semantics. It does not directly translate to English. So if you’re writing ASL most likely write in GLOSS or write it as you would write a hearing character. (Sentance: I want to go to the mall and buy a dress. GLOSS: I WANT WANT GO TO MALL I. ME BUY DRESS ME )
Deafness is on a spectrum. There is a legal threshold that someone must pass to be considered legally Deaf. Some Deaf people can hear more than others. I can hear high pitched noises sometimes. I know someone who can hear voices but can not hear what they are saying. Both of us are Deaf and we both cross that threshold. So when writing your Deaf!Character make sure to set a bar of what they can and can not hear.
Hearing Aids do not cure anyone’s deafness. It only helps hear some sounds and maybe hear if people are talking. Not what they are saying although it can help with that depending on how far they are on the Deaf scale.
Cochlear Implants are very controversial in the Deaf Community so if you’re going to write about them do your research!!! They are also not a cure for Deafness, just an aid.
Deaf people are not masters at lipreading! Even the best lip readers can only make sense of 30% of what is being said. I’ve been lip reading for years and I still only understand a little bit of what is being said. So no, your character is not going to miraculously know what’s going on from lip reading.
DO NOT have your characters yell at your Deaf characters. DOES NOT MATTER HOW LOUD YOU ARE! We can not hear you. Neither can your character. Have your other hearing characters speak normally. That’s the best way to lip read if they must.
Most Deaf people are born from hearing parents. It’s really rare for a whole entire family to be Deaf (Although I’ve met some and it’s super cool). But your character is probably born to hearing parents.
ALSO, the majority of hearing families with Deaf children do NOT learn ASL. It sucks but it’s true. Only about 30-40% of families learn sign for their Deaf family members. So keep it in mind,
So this is my list for now! I may add to it the more I think about things but this is basics I think everyone should know. If I forgot some then feel free to add! (as long as you are knowledgeable about the topic please). If you have questions please message me! Or if you need someone to proofread your Deaf!Imagines then I almost here for that. So happy writings everyone!
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