#Ned’s taking a nap
artsyriv · 1 year
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I relistened to Amnesty Ep 28 today and it HURT.
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banbanfan01 · 2 years
you guys remember that scene from nope where jupe describes the snl sketch based on the gordy's home incident?? and how the sketch described takes a tragedy that ruined (and even ended, in the movie's case) the lives of multiple people, and turns it into a joke?? making a mockery of the real people who suffered real consequences for something they had no control over, for the amusement of an audience watching from a distance??
anyways. that try guys snl sketch.
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dykeminecraft · 1 year
going to take a fucking nap
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rax-writes · 9 months
↬ the morning after
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Notes: Reader is a Stark but no physical description is mentioned. Based on an idea that came to me, as a result of the Tywin brainrot I've been experiencing.
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The suggestion of your marriage to Tywin Lannister had come as quite a shock to the entire Stark family.
Lord Eddard had sputtered out a weak argument, too stunned to form a compelling rebuttal on the spot, but King Robert had waved his hand and said, "Look, I know he's old, but he needs more heirs. Jamie swore an oath, and he won't let Casterly Rock go to Tyrion. There's two dozen lords who are either closer to her in age, or more good-looking, but politically, is there any better option for your daughter than Tywin fucking Lannister? He's Warden of the West, Lord of Casterly Rock, and the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms. She’d be wealthy, protected, and living in the Keep with you and your other daughters."
King Robert had then assured you that you were allowed to reject the proposal if you wished. However, he was not wrong about it being a good match, so you consented to the union. You heard whispers of Tywin being furious with the King for suggesting he take a second wife, but once again, no one could deny that the King was right – Tywin needed more heirs.
So, given your stipulation that you marry in the Godswood, in addition to a small ceremony in the Sept of Baelor, you found yourself wedded to the infamous Tywin Lannister within a few days.
It scared the shit out of you.
And your family.
Even more so when you did not join everyone for breakfast the morning after your wedding.
Tywin had refused a bedding ceremony, so no one had a clue what went on after you and your new lord husband left the feast. But seeing Tywin approach the breakfast table alone the next morning sent a chill down the spines of Lord Eddard, Jon, Robb, and even Theon.
Discreetly, Ned grabbed Robb by the upper arm before the boy could leave the table, and told him to go check on you. Robb nodded, having been planning to anyway, and found that he was quickly followed by Jon and Theon – the latter disguising his worry as a curiosity to know whether "the old fuck could still get it up or not."
All three of the young men braced themselves for a gruesome, heart-wrenching sight as they opened the door to Tywin's chambers after you granted them entry – only to find you sitting cross-legged on the bed, smiling at them.
"Good morning, boys."
"Um… good morning," Robb said hesitantly, confused but pleasantly surprised at the state of you.
"I suspected some concern over my absence at breakfast, but I didn't anticipate a search party," you jested, laughing lightly.
Both Robb and Jon merely stared at you, taking in the sight of your messy hair and the three round, rosy bruises on your neck and collarbone, mentally assessing you for any cause for concern. Ultimately, they found nothing, but feared that you were merely putting on a brave face for them.
"Alright, let's cut the shit," Theon announced, shoving past his companions and leaning against the bedpost, arms crossed and grinning at you. "How was it? Did he force himself on you? Can the old man still get it up? Did he have a nap halfway through the act?"
The way he tried to cover up his worried questioning with jokes did not go unnoticed, but you chose to not comment on it.
"It was, uh…. Well, it was fine, let's leave it at that," you replied with a small chuckle, trying to ignore the fact that your face grew red.
"Absolutely fucking not," Theon protested, looking even more intrigued now. "You didn't even answer a single one of my questions. I'll die of curiosity if I don't get some details."
"Look, we don't need… details. We just want to make sure he didn't force himself on you, and that you're alright," Robb explained, and Jon nodded.
"He did not force himself on me. He was a gentleman about it," you assured your brothers. They both breathed sighs of relief, and their shoulders visibly relaxed.
However, before they could relax fully, you turned to Theon and briskly whispered, "I came four times."
"You what?" Jon shrieked, eyes wide and mouth agape, as Robb let out an exaggerated gag beside him. Theon doubled over in a fit of laughter, having to hold the bedpost to keep himself upright.
"You've got to be fucking joking," Theon managed to wheeze, still laughing.
"Definitely not. Now, all of you run along so I can get dressed," you said, standing to shoo your retching brothers and hysterical friend out of the room, closing the door behind them with a laugh.
sequel ↠ when night falls
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wandixx · 3 months
Ghost of fries and Hero of cookies part 3
All work words count: 14 643
Words in this part: 3 056
Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay
Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway
This part summary: Joker goons are in for an orange surprise and Duke does not like it in the slightest
Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
trigger warnings: gun violence, panic attacks, dissociation, mentions of Joker gas and what it doeas to people (tell me if i missed something, I'll add it)
Duke was having quite a good day. His schoolwork finally got lighter and up until now nothing notable happen on his patrol. Obviously, couldn’t have Gotham without at least one mugging and bank and corner shop robbery. About the last thing, if it was chain store he would conveniently arrive too late to stop it and just follow up to make sure cashier didn’t get fired. He used to be intimately close with hardships of getting necessary supplies like food or gas masks while corporate assholes were trying to suck people dry. But it was family business so he actually had to step in. He did mention secure way of getting resources to would be robbers though. All in all, not so bad, pretty good day. As for now, he was swinging on grapple to meet with Dani, armed with healthy snack Alfred demanded he took for her when he got texted on his Signal-work-phoneTM. It meant important business 90% of the time, so he stopped to check it out. Other 10% were memes from Dani that usually were worth it anyway.
Got it in one, Hoopoe texted. He opened chat expecting funny video or something instead to be greeted by:
Dani: Hey Signal
Dani: Peple aint spossedf t get out f Arkham
Dani: Amirite?
His stomach dropped. He wished it was hypothetical question but he knew better than to believe such fantasies. Things didn’t go so well in Gotham, especially not with Hoopoe.
You: Yeah, your right. What’s up?
You: You’re*
Dani: Nerd
Dani: Whatre you’re thots on clowns
Dani: ?
His stomach officially landed at his feet and decided it wasn’t enough dropping and ended up on a street below. Even if Joker was still locked up, his goons being active were bad news.
You: Where are you?
You: Hoopoe, where are you?
Dani: Clm dow I ned to chek
Dani: I have ni ieda
Dani: The box building rod
Dani: roof*
Dani: Warehouse?
Dani: That the wors
Dani: I think
You: There are over 1000 warehouses in Gotham
Dani: Idk wht yu want me totll yu
Dani: Therere other warehous arond?
You: Okay
You: Check corners for symbol and number
Back in the day everyone other than Bruce decided to take part in a challenge to count all of the warehouses in Gotham manually. They each got their sector and graffiti spray to mark counted buildings. Later it kinda turned into a way of identifying them. 
Dani: Red blb with too wite dots
Dani: #83
Okay, he wasn’t too far. He risked roof hopping and checking texts to make sure she didn’t try anything stu-
Dani: Im goin in
You: No!
You: Stay where you are!
You: Hoopoe!
You: Hoopoe!
Dani: Calm down worrywart
Dani: Jus wante ti get ab look
Dani: Invisible
Dani: M not dump
I doubt it
You entered building with Joker’s goons with no back-up or plan. It’s extremely dangerous
Dani: Yeah, yeah don care
Dani: 5 goons in clown masks
Dani: Maks idk wat of
Dani: Not northern hemisphere of sky for sure
Dani: Weird containter s
Dani: Ari smells funny
Dani: Giggly i guess
Dani: U prbl know better
You: Get out of there
You: NOW!
You: Try not breathing it in
Dani: K
Dani: Ill stop brething then
Dani: K
Dani: Why so agressive
Because Duke knew what Joker gas could do to person. He knew how it took wonderful people (like his parents) and left shells wand shadows of who they used to be. Because every gas release left him with panic attack. Because he knew it was more dangerous than even some vigilantes thought it was.
You: Wait until I get there
Dani: K
He almost tripped with how much he tried to speed up.
Dani was actually vibrating when he arrived but stayed quiet. Good. If she breathed in some Joker gas it wasn’t working dose yet. Duke had deep feeling not even Alfred’s cookies would be enough to deter her from entering. Offering her a granola bar he sat at the edge of the roof with bone deep sigh. Girl took snack eagerly, bouncing around like puppy high on caffeine.
“How about we take a note of this happening and get going? Other Bats are better equipped to deal with this,” They weren’t but he didn’t want Dani anywhere near this mess. He himself didn’t want to be anywhere near it either.
Kid got deadly still, staring at him as if she could read his deepest secrets if she looked hard enough.
“They’re scaring you” she whispered with strong feeling but Duke had trouble reading what feeling was it. He put his face in his hands for a moment. How was he even supposed to answer that?
“Joker is one of the most dangerous people in Gotham and these guys are working for him. They have guns. Of course I’m a little scared”
Judging by the face Dani made, she wanted to call him out on his bullshit but thought better of it. She floated to sit next to him, swallowing granola in few bites.
“My friend Johnny mentioned him,” she started between chewing ”he said ‘bastard murdered my baby bro Jay and Jay knew his way in fight, stay away from him Dani’. Normally Johnny isn’t so careful”
“All more reasons to leave it for others!” Duke almost shouted, hope growing in his chest. Maybe he could steer her away from it!
“He also told me to hit him if I happen to meet him. He would owe me ‘big one’ then. Do you think I could get ‘small one’ for couple of goons?!”
“Hoopoe no!”
Girl looked thoughtful and after over two weeks of working together he learned to fear this expression.
“Whatever you’re thinking, no. I’ll buy you biggest fries, just leave this–” he waved vaguely at the warehouse hoping it would get message across “–whole mess alone” There was lump in his throat.
Dani haven’t abandon whatever thought got her like that and nodded to herself few time. She drifted around a bit, shifted under her way too long cloak and finally settled with a soft smile.
“You’re scared… Terrified. You’re terrified of them,” she started calmly, like she would talk to a victim if she actually knew how to do it ”It’s okay. It’s great. Fear is what keeps humans alive,” she nodded as if she recounted something from textbook properly in front of the class “But I’m not scared and I fought people much stronger than them and I’m even better now thanks to you. If you’re so terrified, it means they need to be dealt with and it needs to be done fast. It’s okay,” her grin from soft turned devilish “I was itching for some fun fight anyway”
“It’ll be quick, I promise,” she said, serious again “Don’t worry,” she stood up, saluted and fell through the roof, all too fast to react or not miss it with a blink. Frankly, it caught Duke so off guard he couldn’t even move for a few seconds after the whole ordeal anyway. He threw himself down to the nearest window as soon as he regained control over his body. His heart was stuck in his throat.
Dani tackled first goon with delighted giggle right when he crashed inside. He checked if his mask was secure on reflexes he plummeted towards the ground, moving his body to land safely on top of the shelf. Warehouses were weird place to fight. Easy to get vantage point like Duke just did but was also hard in a way. Little space made it hard to use wider streaks, easy get backed into corner. Annoying more than anything.
Dani’s wrestling match was so attention grabbing that nobody even looked at Duke, despite his far from subtle arrival. He threw himself forward when he caught telltale shine of the gun in one of goons hands. It was dumb move when Dani was so close to his ally, but who he was to criticize Joker goon’s live choices. It didn’t take Signal long to understand he wouldn’t make it on time. He had to but there was no-
Two gunshots rang in rapid succession split second before Duke got to the goon and, with swiftness granted only by adrenaline and fury people got when someone their got hurt, knocked man out cold. Before body could hit the ground he spun around to see the damage because Dani still refused to wear any armor and from this close goon would have to be Storm Trooper to miss her. Because she was most likely bleeding heavily. What if they hit something instantly lethal?
He faced a fight right in time to see Dani jumping at another goon also openly wielding a gun. He wanted to yell at her but bullets were fired before he got a chance. He looked for blood dripping from her torso while dodging another man  barely taking his eyes off Dani.
“That wasn’t nice,” she sounded like she pouted! At being shot! “If I was anyone else I would be seriously hurt right now, you know?” her voice was somewhat off. Like it wasn’t quite made by her vocal cords but some awkward voice generator.
Before the appalled man could react, he got technically not too good right hook to the jaw. It was strong enough to make him unconscious and get quite loud creak out of his neck. Duke hoped Dani didn’t mess up the guy's spine. He was criminal but he didn’t deserve this type of treatment.
Duke focused back on his own fight when he made sure that girl wasn’t in immediate danger of dying. He dodged running goon again, who literally ran himself into the shelf because of that. Signal used his short confusion to hit him in the side of his neck, rendering the opponent unconscious. Okay, they made it, this was the last-
Another gunshot made his sped-up heart skip a beat. Lump in his throat suffocated him.
No, no, no, no, no-
“I shot you in the face!”
 He looked her way ready to see unmoving body and red decorating concrete floor.
“There was a good quip for- oh right” she started cheerfully, entirely unharmed, before her face twisted into something actually demonic.
“Y̶o̸u̵r̵ ̶p̵e̶s̴k̶y̵ ̴l̷i̷t̶t̸l̶e̸ ̵b̷u̸l̴l̴e̶t̷s̵ ̴w̸o̴n̵'̸t̵ ̵h̶u̵r̶t̸ ̸m̷e̶, ₥ØⱤ₮₳Ⱡ₴”
She laughed in distinctly Dani way, all bright and joyful while also so not like herself, distorted and echoey it mage hairs at the back of his neck stand.
Duke froze when goon fired again and there was no way she dodged it. There was not enough space. She had to get shot. She got shot and he did nothing to stop it. A child got hurt because of him-
He looked at but hadn’t quite seen how Dani knocked out last goon and flew up to him. He heard her voice but words were impossible to understand over rush of blood in his ears. He could tell she was laughing. They should get out. Dani mentioned giggly smell in the air. It had to mean Joker gas. They needed to be out yesterday.
He stumbled a bit, forcing his leg to cooperate, half caring, half dragging girl to the nearest exit point. Fact that he could touch her and didn’t feel any blood was grounding a bit.
“-gnal, Signal are you okay? Your heart is beating weird,” Dani asked, sounding a bit scared for the first time today. Duke’s brain felt too fuzzy to care “Signal, you’re freaking out, calm down, please”
Light assaulted their eyes the moment they were out. Before he got fully used to it, he set girl in front of him and detached her cape. She may have squawked at this action but he didn’t care. She was shot, he needed to check her for injuries.
She got shot, she got shot, she got shot-
“Signal what-” he was clearly freaking her out “Oh. You think I’m hurt. I told you I could handle it. I’m fine. Signal I’m really fine. I have intangibility, bullets can’t hurt me. I’m fine Signal”
Duke wanted to make sure. Adrenaline or simple wish to not worry him could make her ignore something. He couldn’t let her. He made her turn maybe a little to roughly.
He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if she bled out.
She was actually fine.
Relief hit him so strong he crumbled against the wall, his mind finally succumbing to the haze. It was fine. It was all actually fine.
He may have heard some yelling.
Next thing he registered was something tad too warm, almost burning his palms. His gloves did their job of protection well though. There was a herbal smell. Melissa, he registered after a moment. It took him some more time to realize that the source of the smell was in his hands. He had scathingly hot cup of melissa in his hands. He stared at a little bit squashed paper again trying to get used to the light. He didn’t even realize he closed his eyes. Sound of the paper bag made him look up where Dani, still without her cape, crouched few feet away from him.
“You back?” she asked cautiously. Duke wasn’t sure how to answer. He was and he wasn’t. His mouth didn’t work anyway. He shrugged, mindful of the cup in his hands. Blanket, he didn’t even know he was wrapped in, fell from one of his shoulders.
“I don’t know what happened but Jazz likes this tea when she needs to calm down. Though she usually needs to drink it to make it work,” Dani rambled, gesturing widely “You’re still breathing kinda funny, can you slow down? It’s not good for humans to breathe so fast. It doesn’t let good stuff from air get in your blood and travel around your body and it’s not healthy. I know, Jazz told me and she is really smart. She wants to be this doctor who stabs brain back into working. She had this smart word for it… Neurosurgeon, I think it’s this one. She said breathing like that is not good for brain so slow down? In for four, out for four? I don’t know, Signal, just calm down?”
Right, he still was hyperventilating. Duke focused on his lungs, forcing them to expand, trying to match up Dani’s slightly gasping breaths.
He really was freaking her out, wasn’t he?
Melissa was almost lukewarm by the time he was back in his body enough to drink it. It was sweet, a bit too much for his taste.
“You good now?” Dani asked and Duke nodded. He was as good as he could at the moment “Great, I didn’t want to leave you for too long so I don’t have BatBurger. I got cookies though. And I can go get it now”
“Don’t,” he caught her arm and squeezed, not sure why he did it himself.
“Don’t go anywhere”
“Sure. Wanna cookie? I have chocolate chips and healthy, wheat ones”
“Okay” she nodded and fixed blanket on his arms. It was comfy. If Duke was firing on all cylinders, he would wonder where she got it.
“Don’t ever do it again”
“What is it though?”
“Jumping into danger like that”
“Oh, really? It wasn’t that dangerous, they were normal humans”
“They had Joker gas and guns”
“Intangibility means I can ignore bullets Signal, don’t be such worrywart. It’s bad for your health. What’s Joker gas?”
Question and the whole statement felt so surreal that Duke couldn’t help but laugh, choked and hysterical as it was. She didn’t know what Joker gas was. Worrying about her getting shot was bad for his health. He just had a panic attack and was comforted by a ten years old girl with cookies and melissa. What the fuck?
“Hey!” Dani pouted “Don’t laugh like that! Jazz always says that you shouldn’t laugh when someone doesn’t know something, just explain it to them! Signal!” she whined but the damn broke he couldn’t rear his hysteria back in “Alright, I’m Googling it”
She did as Duke’s laughter winded down. He was almost calm when she deemed her research enough.
“Alright, this is some nasty shit”
This sentence startled him into full silence. Dani was ten, swearing wasn’t something she did, like, ever. He must’ve scared her a lot.
“I’m fine though. I didn’t breathe it in. Did you? This laughter sounded a bit worrying to be honest”
“I’m okay, I had gas mask. People sometime laugh to release tension”
“Yeah. But you were in the building with it and didn’t have gas mask”
“I wasn’t breathing”
“You were talking”
“Our fucked up biology, as Danny likes to put it, means that one doesn’t mean another. I just don’t use it often because humans find it uncanny and my throat gets itchy after some time”
Something in Duke wanted to argue more but it was squashed but utter exhaustion that crashed him.
They sat for a long moment.
“Are you ready to patrol now?”
Duke would laugh again if he had any energy left.
“I think we should end for today. I would be useless like that”
“Okay, valid. You go home I’ll fly around a bit”
“No. You’re going home too. I don’t have enough emotional energy to worry about you getting into some mess like this again”
They stared at each other for a long moment before Dani looked away with angry huff.
“Okay. You’re worse than Danny, you know?”
“I don’t care. Go home and stay safe”
“You sure you will be alright if I go now? I can walk or fly you somewhere, not home if you don't want me to but maybe somewhere closer?”
“I’ll be fine. I can call my brother. Just go please”
“Sure. See you tomorrow, Signal. You were really brave today”
“Thank you, Hoopoe” If she answered, he didn’t hear her. He fumbled with his comm to turn it on with still shaky hands. Finally he managed and called a pick up in the form of Jason. It was great to have older brother who always had time like that. Even if it meant a lot of unnecessary questions about what happened Duke wasn’t up to answering it yet and threats of serious violence on his enemies.
Duke couldn't force himself to let go of the orange blanket. It was grounding.
Though Alfred made him hot chocolate with marshmallows. He wouldn’t repeat today for that, but it certainly was nice accent.
"Humouristic" summary of this part
Dani: Yo, there are goons here. Gonna investigate.
Duke: *quietly freaks out*
Random Joker's goons: *do normal goon things*
Dani: *attacks them* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Duke: Is this what minor heart attack feels like?
Goons: *start shooting*
Duke: Is this what major heart attack feels like?
Dani: Dude, you good? Here, get some tea, cookies and blanket
Dani, few hours later, texting: Hey Signal, remeber to bring back my cape tmrw
Duke, internally: Wait, this is her cape?
Duke, also texting: Wanna better one? Like Spoiler has?
Dani, somehow conveing Ghost Speak via text: Don't you dare
Thank you for reading this <3
Next part
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ullybug · 2 months
if ned starts i will 1) lose my mind 2) hope most ardently that he just, like, takes a snooze in net. i hope he takes a nap and sleeps like a baby. really really obviously, too. some HONK shoo mimimi type shit. and if not this i hope he dials his union rep immediately and with vigor
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Peter Parker Masterlist (MCU)
this boy is gonna have a whole post just for himself cause damn
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The Spider Boy
14 and 46 with Peter Parker
“Dont you love me?”  
“I’ll ruin you if I ever see you talking to my love again”
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?”
Not Crushes Soul Mate
Comforting recently broken up Crush
Pretending to be a couple
Copycat trying to court Crush
Valentines Day
Yandere Copycat
Bullied S/o
Oblivious crush
S/o that loves Physical Affection
Panic attack comfort
S/o who doesnt believe in marriage
jealous cause the kissing scenes in your preforming play
Happy Birthday
Trying to get S/os parents approval
S/o with invisibility power
S/o with a bad home life
Aunt May finding out Peter kidnapped S/o
Kidnapping headcannons
Peter coming into S/os dimension via Movie
S/o who ran away/Disappeared
S/os a mermaid
starting college before him
Teenage pregnancy
Scary movie marathon
Pumpkin Carving contest
Married in LA
Zombie Apocalypse
S/o being frightened from watching horror movies alone
Post Infinity War, Ghost! Peter
First meeting, stalking, and taking pictures of Crush
S/o w/ superiority Complex
S/os the daughter of Tony Stark
Queen S/o
The type of Photos Peter will have of S/o
photoshoping himself into pictures with S/o
Manipulative S/o
“Dont say youre lonely, you have me!”
Halloween HC
“i love you, and ill do anything to prove it”
Body image issues
Yandere Crush
Dealing with another Yandere whose after you
crushs a weeb
Youtuber S/o
S/os protective best friend
Joining the side of his Villain S/o
Jealous cause S/o likes WWE
S/o whose close with their family
Touch starved S/o
“dont run away from me”+ “i need you”
Movie Star S/o
S/o who loves to be doted on
Movie Star S/o prt2
Jealous caused youre shipped with others
Being separated in classes  
Jealous cause S/os spending more time with Ned
Jealous because of S/os protective, clingy Little sister
S/os parents finding out about his yandere traits
Youtuber! Peter obsessing over S/o
S/os friends trying to separate you
Someone else asks S/o to be their Valentine first
S/os father, Tony, not liking peter
Workaholic S/o
Popular S/o
Vampire S/o who feels bad for feeding
Touch starved Peter
Straight Forward S/o
S/o with a terrifying Father
Relaxing w/ you after Spiderman duties
S/o who finally escapes
Athletic S/o
Thinking your cheating
S/o who constantly loses her glasses
Druggie S/o
Childish Drunk S/o
S/o being taken advantage of
Jealous of your friendly Teacher
S/o hiding her chest
S/o Hiding behind him
Comforting Workaholic S/o
Constantly tired S/o
S/o who stalks, takes pictures, and steals peters underware
Trying to break up with Peter
Proposing to Peter
Suddenly jumping on peter for a piggy back ride
Taking a depression nap
Someon flirting with Naive S/o
Selfless Kidnapped S/o
S/os Parents disapprove of the relationship
Short S/o struggling to keep eyecontact
Fighting anyone who bullies peter
Online Crush coming to visit
pyromaniac S/o
Recharging after Finals
Villain S/o dating Peter to kill him
Stoping Server Workaholic S/o
Stopping S/o from fighting
Another yandere kidnapping S/o
S/os Suicide TW
S/o with acrylic nails
Pregnant S/o running away
Getting better score than Peter after he Tutored you
Surprised by how muscular Peter is
S/os a unknown Hero
Peter paranoid at S/os birthday party planning
Stalker S/o forgetting to turn of their cameras Flash
S/o that does archery
Voice actress + Cosplayer S/o
S/o coming to America for College
S/o on her period
S/o asking for tech help at ungodly hours
Emotionally immature affectionate S/o
Sterile S/o
Someone trying to get your pantie shot
Intimidating but sweet S/o
S/o whos chill with Peters yandere traits
Player S/o
S/o with negative affiliations
Learning Sign Language to Adopt a deaf child
Bad, corny pickup lines
College S/o bringing back gifts from their Home Land
embroidery w/ S/o
Avengers finding kidnapped S/o
Gamer Rage S/o
What kind of parent Peter is
S/o accidentally revealing their powers
S/o being harassed because of “Thin Privilege”
S/o Shuting down when kidnapped
Autistic S/o
Tourist Crush
Comforting S/o whose parents are divorcing
S/o who loves to do calligraphy
S/o who Friendzones everything
S/o hacking into Stark Industries
Gluten allergy S/o
Pissed S/o punching a whole in the wall
Starving Succubus S/o
The Purge + Hunted down
S/o whos not allowed to celebrate Halloween
S/o who is immune to Incubus Peter
Kuudere S/o + Haunted House
Overworked S/o due to parents
Stockholm S/o with a Crippling phobia of the outside world
Monster fucker S/o being disappointed she wasnt kidnapped by a Orc
Saying a Werewolf pun to Werewolf Peter
Kidnapped S/o asking for videogames
Stockholm S/o with a Crippling phobia of the outside world PRT2
Werewolf S/o
S/o that can bring dolls to life
Bad Necromancer S/o
Telepathic S/o
Demon S/o
Escaped Naga S/o
Monster S/o Attacking peter
S/o who speaks in older languages the angrier they get
S/o having a breakdown
S/o who is secretly a DJ
Going to halloween party with Dullahan S/o
Exhausted yard worker S/o
S/o not caring for their birthday anymore
Finding out S/os a harpy
Finding S/os sleeping on the streets
People Pleaser S/os friend commits suicide TW
Tsundere S/o
S/o being upset for what peter did in their dream
S/o sneaking out to go Black Friday shopping
S/o staying home for their birthday
Knowing Spidermans peter when he saves S/o
Android S/o finally showing a huge step in affectiom
S/o just moving to NY
S/o escaping to go to McDonalds
Independent Crush in a Zombie Apocalypse
Immortal S/o pranking people in brutal ways
“What if we ran away together, JK kidding… Unless?”
Crush trying to get peter and their friend together
Stalking S/o to their safety
S/o has hyphema
Darlings brothers are terrifying
S/o sneaking out to star gaze
Murdering someone S/o knows
Yandere S/o not liking Aunt May
Witch S/o giving peter a magic Romba
Artist Male S/o gifting peter a portrait of Uncle Ben
Kuundere S/os parents not supporting them
Cat girl/boy S/o
‘Dead’ s/o being found
Dotting on stressed peter
Succubus eating off of affection rather than lust
Bullied s/o fighting back
S/o who acts like a cat when they want his attention
S/os name is hard to pronounce
Yandere letters
1st generation immigrant S/o who isnt good at English
Bratty S/o
S/o has a friend thats basically their kid
S/o who forgets to eat
S/o who forgets to sleep
Joining S/o in gym
Darling with Fainting spells
S/o who forgets to take their meds
Depressed darling comfort
S/o addicted to monster energy drinks
Izuku Midoriya vs Peter Parker
S/os obsessed w/ space
Keeping naive S/o out of trouble
Male s/o that flirts alot
Motherly S/o
Hunted down by Werewolf peter
Aro S/o who loves physical affection
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Pleasing prt2 
NS FW alphabet A-Z
Sub Peter w/ Male S/o 
Creampied w/ Male S/o 
NS FW headcannons
Using your underwear 
Jerking off in S/os bed when theyre away 
Watching S/o masturbate through closet door 
Omega peter convincing that hes a worthy mate. slightly NS FW
Breeding + Submissive 
Breeding kink 
Worked up in the middle of school 
NON-CON Breeding kink 
Sexually frustrated S/o 
Sitting on Peters face 
Indulging Male S/os dirty fantasy’s of Spiderman 
Soulmate + Somnophilia 
Sensory deprivation w/ Sub Peter 
Somnophilia HC 
Naga Peter NS FW HC
Somnophilia w/ male s/o 
sending him sexy pics 
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comprehensive list of how ofmd characters would fare if tasked with destroying the ring of power in the fires of mount doom
would be immediately corrupted by the ring:
badminton twins
prince ricky
would use the ring for evil and/or chaos for fun:
calico jack (and it would get Weird(tm) )
spanish jackie (jackie loves her some eternal power over all living creatures in middle earth)
roach (love the guy, but the chaos would be too enticing)
ned lowe (duh)
anne bonnie and mary read (sometimes you gotta spice things up. god forbid women do anything amirite)
evelyn higgs (god forbid women do anything x2)
pre-stede, peak blackbeard era ed (his heart wouldn't really be into it, but it would be expected of him, and he'd do it for the image more than anything else)
would make an attempt to get to mordor but wouldn't make it:
pirate queen zheng (has too much power already, she'd pull a boromir, or more likely, pull an aragorn and accept that she can't be the one to take it, and instead would take down saruman and lead the battle outside the black gate)
ivan (has good intentions, but is too much of a traditional pirate and would inevitably get corrupted)
the swede (he would give it the ol' college try, but would get lost, and fall into the dead marshes, or get stepped on by a tree ent or something)
ed and stede (they would try, but would 10000% lose the plot, probably as early as rivendell when they start dicking around dressing up as elves and pretending to be elven royalty, and then, through a series of wacky misadventures, would somehow end up opening an inn in the shire and being completely unaware of the fact that all the hobbits really don't love having men living among them, but they sell cheap drinks and good food, and that's all hobbits really care about so they let them stay)
wouldn't go to mordor in the first place:
lucius (um, that sounds like a LOT of walking, and he has much better things to do)
pete (would volunteer, but it would be unanimously decided that "maybe you should sit this one out, bud")
wee john (the ring is too basic and tacky and wouldn't go with his Look(tm), and also he'd prefer to stick to what he's good at: napping, sewing, and arson)
archie (would be prepared to go, but the second she gets her hands on it, she would start using it as a party trick like, "lol, look guys, i'm invisible!" and then would inevitably get murdered by ring wraiths)
could go to mordor and destroy the ring, but wouldn't:
auntie (she could definitely destroy the ring, but she's too busy making sure the red flag stays afloat, and keeping the pirate navy in check--she doesn't have time for petty concerns like "the fight between good and evil")
buttons (mad galadriel energy--would be able to refuse the ring, and this would then elevate him to the next phase of his transformation into an all-knowing, all-powerful being, who is also probably a bird)
would make it to mordor but wouldn't destroy the ring:
frenchie (he gets to the fires of mount doom only to realize he dropped the ring somewhere along the way and has no idea where it is)
mary (could make it to mordor, but the feeling of power for the first time in her life after years of being subservient in a shitty society would make the allure too strong in the end)
jim (would probably become corrupted if they were the one carrying it, but could 10000% act as a cutthroat body guard throughout the trek)
would make it mordor and would be able to destroy the ring:
oluwande (the purest of heart, perfect cinnamon roll, too pure, doesn't know how to pronounce "china"--he would never become corrupted)
doug (he would be the sam to mary's frodo, but in a very casual chill way, like "oh, you're being corrupted? no worries, babe, i got it")
is gollum:
izzy hands
my assessment is perfect and correct, but feel free to add your thoughts if you think i'm wrong (but i'm not)
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marvelfanfics1 · 1 year
Could you write something for little!mj or little!kate? maybe they slip during class or smthn and cg!reader takes care of em?
"Don't wanna be here anymore"
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Pairing: little!MJ x mommy!Stark!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, fluff
You rolled your eyes when Flash yet again made some dumb comment during class. It had been a long day and just his presence was already annoying.
Not even listening to the teacher explaining something you decided to scribble a bit on your notes, turning to look at the clock from time to time and hoping the day would be over soon.
It seems you're not the only one. MJ suddenly leaned against you, her head resting on your shoulder. She let out a small huff and you turned your head a little to get a better look at her face, seeing she was pouting a little.
"You okay?" you whispered, not wanting to get the teacher's attention.
"I guess." She mumbled, rubbing one of her eyes which didn't go unnoticed by you.
"MJ, look at me," you told her a bit sternly and she lifted her head.
You know that look on her face all too well. MJ was on the verge of slipping in her little space and you knew it would happen today since you picked her up for school. She was quiet the whole day and only talked when spoken to.
"We can go home soon, yeah? Just hold on a little longer," you said and she shook her head.
"Don't wanna be here anymore."
A minute later the bell rang, thank god. You and MJ quickly gathered your belongings and made your way through the halls hand in hand. You smiled when you saw Ned and Peter standing by your locker, probably waiting for you and MJ.
"Hey guys!" you greeted them and opened your locker putting your books inside, MJ did the same, her locker directly next to yours. "Were you waiting for us?"
"Don't you remember? We wanted to go to the library today and look for a main topic for our history essay." Peter said and you grimaced. "You forgot it! Y/n, the essay is due next week!" he almost whined.
You saw the disappointed look on your girlfriend's face, knowing you can't possibly leave her alone for the rest of the day. You closed your locker and turned back to Peter.
"And who couldn't go with me two days ago because of his Stark Internship?!" you said and tapped his chest.
He gave you a look that says 'You know why I couldn't' and you sighed. "I'm sorry, Pete. Listen, I promise I'm gonna write my part at the weekend."
Peter debated with himself and when you smiled at him pleadingly he threw his head back with a groan. "Fine."
"Thank you! We'll see you tomorrow!" you said and walked off with MJ, holding her hand tightly in yours.
Walking outside you saw Happy leaning against his car, talking with someone on his phone. You both made your way over to him and he opened the door for you to climb in.
You put your seat belt on, helping MJ with her own, and reached forward to close the window that shielded you from the driver.
Finally, you slumped against the car seat, sighing in relief. Now you could let yourself lose and take care of your grumpy and tired little one.
"Come here, baby." you smiled and draped an arm over MJ to pull her closer.
You could see her flashing a small smile your way before laying her head on your shoulder and closing her eyes.
"Enjoy your nap, I'll be here when you wake up," you whispered and pressed a gentle kiss on top of her head.
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight
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hirofall · 1 year
Little Peter Parker hc’s!!
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•He either regresses to 0-3 or 4-6
•His caregivers are Tony,Ned and aunt May
•But he also has other people that take care of him a lot when he’s small,like Mj,Happy,Steve & Wanda
•Pretty much all of the avengers will not hesitate to take care of him tho
•His favorite stuffie is a monkey and he carries it with him absolutely everywhere
•The only people that know about him being a regressor are in his closer inner circle.It’s something he likes to keep private
•Before he told anyone about him being little,he used to absolutely neglect his sleep for it.At night he’d already be outside spidey-ing,and instead of napping in the afternoon he’d use it as his little time and watch cartoons and play
•But he told people and they helped him get a healthy schedule for it
When he’s 0-3:
•Absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs.
•The Land Before Time is his absolute favorite movie
•He’s fussy with food a lot.He drinks up bottles and eats food he’s familiar with without making much of a mess and behaving really good,but the second someone tries to feed him something he doesn’t know,he will be a mess.He closes his mouth shut,cries,and if he keeps being pressured he’ll throw a whole tantrum.It could even be food he already knows just in a different shape,nope,nuh-uh,he’s not eating that (in the end he’ll think it’s yummy and eat even more off his cg’s plate)
•Sometimes sleeping is very difficult for him.He needs lots of reassurance,kisses,cuddles,a warm bottle,a nightlight,a bedtime story or lullaby and his stuffie
•He also gets lots of bad dreams,so often less than half the night is spent in his own bed and the most of it in his cg’s
•He’s a curious baby,whenever something happens he’s gotta be there and see
•Sometimes walking can be a little hard for him,but he crawls absolutely everywhere (luckily he doesn’t know how to use his spidey powers when he’s that young…)
•He loves the ocean sooo much,so aquarium trips are a must!!
•Playground trips are always great too,that boy could play in the sand for hours in pouring rain and he’d still be all smiles
•Wherever he goes,his stuffie Monkey has to come with.It’s not a want,it’s a need.If it doesn’t come,he doesn’t either
•Loves Bluey!!His favorite episodes are “Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound” and “Sleepytime” (Seriously tho,Sleepytime is the best episode)
When he’s 4-6:
•He’s a very creative kid,give him some legos and he’ll build an entire castle
•He likes to color!!Especially with crayons
•Still obsessed with dinosaurs.Although with this age range,he prefers to watch the jurassic park/world movies over the land before time
•Loves loves loves superheroes so much!He has an iron man Halloween costume that he wears like every day
•He’s a good kid,he doesn’t break rules…but he does like to push them a bit (a lot)
•Will randomly drop fun facts all the time,like “Did you know that Australia is wider than the moon?”
• And how could I forget,he is OBSESSED with Star Wars (Me too,Petey,me too)
•Has multiple lightsabers (thanks to Tony,these things are so expensive),his room is full of Star Wars posters,he has a massive R2-D2 pillow,and on Halloween he likes to dress up as Chewbacca
•Will also reference Star Wars at any chance he gets.Does anyone (but Ned) get it?No.Will he still continue?Absolutely
•Also,MOVIE NIGHTS.Like,every movie night it’s a decision between dinosaur movies and Star Wars,and believe me when I say that is a very hard decision.Sometimes he’ll just sit in front of two dvds for half an hour just to decide which one to watch
•Discovered that he can stick to things.Luckily he doesn’t know about the webs,but every now and then his cg will just hear giggling above them and when they look up he’ll just be chilling on the ceiling
I have so many more oh my god
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I've been trying to get an idea of the timeline in s2. Big caveat before I share my thoughts: s1 had a very loose timeline, too, and I think trying to figure out exactly how many days pass between seasons is a waste of time because this show is powered by vibes. But here's what I'm thinking!
Episode 1 is our baseline - we don't know much time has passed exactly between seasons, but it's enough for Ed to break Ned Low's record and for Stede and co. to get settled in at the republic. I think episode 1 most likely takes place over several days - Stede's section does not clearly establish anything, and Ed says "we've got a record to break" right after he shoots Izzy, meaning the record is not yet broken during that scene.
Episode 2 most likely takes place right after ep 1, at least on Stede's side of the equation - Stede acts surprised about the wake-up call on Zheng Yi Sao's ship and they're all newly assigned roles; it's clearly their first day. I would buy it, however, if Ed's story has a few days between ep 1 and ep 2 - Izzy's leg might have needed some time to start rotting, and it would give some extra time for things to get dire for Ed's crew before the Red Flag finds them if their ep 2 events took place a few days before our timelines catch up.
Episode 3 isn't clear; there's been enough time for Stede and co. to get settled in with Zheng Yi Sao and enough time for Ed's crew to need to resort to hunting seagulls. It's probably not a lot of time; it's likely they didn't have many rations to start with (given they hadn't been returning to land) and it wasn't enough time for Ed to actually die of his injuries.
Ep 4 is easy, immediately after ep 3.
Ep 5 seems like it takes place immediately after ep 4, but personally I like to think there's another day in between. That would give Stede time to talk to the crew and figure out their conditions for Ed's probation and for Stede to write and make Ed memorize that little apology speech (Ed clearly didn't come up with that, Stede is mouthing along and Ed fumbles the safe space ship line). I also like to think Ed gets a day to nap and recover from his many concussions.
Ep 6 is the hard one. Lucius and Pete tell everyone they got engaged during this episode, but I honestly think that's just because there wasn't an episode in-between. Many people have talked about how it feels like there should have been an episode between 5 and 6, and I agree - I think it probably would've started with a "time is passing" montage like s1e6 did. In any case, enough time has passed for Ed to get out of probation (which he and Stede specifically agree would take more than a day in ep 5) and make good progress towards re-earning the crew's trust. The crew are much more comfortable with him in ep 6 and we know things have been calm enough the crew are feeling kinda bored. Personally I think it makes the most sense for there to be at least a week between 5 and 6.
After that, 7 and 8 are easy; they take place immediately after 6 and directly follow each other.
So, depending on how you interpret things, s2 could all take place in about a week or it could take place over a couple weeks. I lean towards the latter; I'd believe anything under about a month.
One thing that makes me lean towards a longer timeline is Ed's makeup. He's got a bruised cheek and a split lip following the mutiny, and given that this show likes to hand-wave injuries when they're not plot-relevant and TV shows don't usually waste time on makeup just for fun, I think that serves two purposes. First, and most importantly, it's a visible reminder Ed survived a suicide attempt not long ago, he's still in a fragile place. Secondly, it lets us know time is passing.
Ed looks like warmed-over shit in ep 3:
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Still has visible bruises and a scabbed lip in ep 5:
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And by ep 8 he's still got a faint bruise on his cheek but his lip has healed:
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Again I know this show is hand-wavey with how injuries heal but I think the healing of Ed's injuries is an intentional enough sign that at least a week has passed between ep 3 and ep 8.
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It’s The Avengers (04x07)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 4 Episode 07: My Ride or Die
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of the housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: that there is no fluff content...just an ominous sound of some mystery
Word Count: I know it’s a small chapter but I wanted to wish @tarithenurse a happy birthday and thought of putting this up as a birthday gift? I hope you like it Tari. I love you!
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The camera recorded the silence looming in the private jet with all the Avengers present in that small space. One could hear the clinking of ice with the glass that Ned held in his hand with his pinky out. Half of them slept; Pepper and Tony enjoying a cat nap while holding hands, Bucky snoring in his seat at the back, Wanda dozing off on Vision's shoulder, Bruce murmuring something in his sleep while Natasha softly patted his head with what one would dare say was a hint of a soft smile. Scott and Pietro were out cold, never even budging when the jet hit a little ten-second turbulence. Clint slept like a 'dad'. Arms crossed, head bobbing in and out of sleep, popping his eyes open at any foreign sound.
The other half were busy in their own world. Peter and Ned were sipping their ice water with their headphones on, binging the latest episodes of One Piece. Vision watched Cocomelon. Natasha put on a crime documentary. Steve kept looking out of the window and clicking pictures of whichever cloud he fancied. Sam was lost in his copy of They All Fall Down by Rachel Howzell Hall.  And you. You were reading something on your phone. The null expression on your face was not giving away anything. Nada. Zilch. Loki sat next to you, finally getting to adjust his legs, sliding down in his seat and letting out a big sigh before closing his eyes. The camera seemed to settle just there, with you and Loki in the frame, as if waiting for something. You would wriggle your nose, take a deep breath in between and adjust yourself in your seat, scratch an itch on your arm or neck, but you never looked up from your phone. The camera panned in a little. Loki's arm, supporting his chin, went limp and fell in his lap. His head kept shifting to his right to fall on your shoulder eventually. Your body jerked just the slightest. You looked away from your phone and into the camera lens with eyes a bit surprised. You did not move even an inch, frozen in that position in your seat, your face looking like it was trying its best not to scream. Or cry.
Half Hour Later- On the Airport A shriek of 'Oh My Fu****g God!' came out of the ladies' washroom and a minute later you walked out from that direction, refreshed. Your legs did seem a little wobbly though.  The camera pans out and zooms in on a very shaken Steve standing in the back with a hint of worry.
The SUVs all had their dashboard cameras recording the avengers getting in. The vehicle you were in had Scott, Loki, Peter and Sam- who was still buried in his book. All three cars left the airport for a scenic view back home. Your face was stuck on the window, smiling at something only you knew.  "Oh-" your eyes caught something outside, "a big wheel!" Everyone turned in the direction you were looking. "Must be a local fair," Ned chimed in, looking at the big wheel and balloons floating in the air. You hummed. "I've never been to one of those." Without wasting a second, Scott leaned forward and switched a button. "Hey, Tony. Y/N says she's never been to a local fair."  A screech of tires came from the front before the cars in front started to turn towards the fairgrounds.  "Everybody go stretch their legs. We'll leave in about an hour or so." Tony had not finished talking when the camera caught Scott running past him. "I call dibs on the bumper car driver seat!!" he yelled, still running straight for the gate. You, Peter, Ned, Bucky, Pietro and Wanda looked at each other for barely a second before dashing in Scott's direction, giggling and screaming. The camera focused back on Tony, who was disappointed but not surprised.  "Oh, come on! That's not fair!!!" the camera could hear Scott yell in the background.  Tony looked straight at the camera while Natasha joined him. "Tony, I don't think they know they have to buy tickets."
Inside the Fair Grounds The grounds were relatively quiet, giving the people present there a sight to remember- the avengers walking about casually, wondering which game to play first.  You squealed, running towards a stall with toy guns kept on the counter and three sections made at the back. One with balloons, the other made of moving animated targets and the last one a pinwheel with a bunch of heroes and villains painted on them. "I want to try this one," you stated excitedly, taking the toy rifle in your palms. "What do I win and how do I win it?" The camera saw Loki and Clint follow you towards the stall, standing behind you as the man at the counter explained you'll win a stuffed animal for making seven shots out of ten. You nodded with sheer thrill before tilting your head a little. "And how do I shoot from this?"  The camera saw Clint breathe in to start with his in-built instruction manual to help teach you a thing or two about guns.  "Aw, let me teach you, babygirl." A voice came from next to you, beating Clint to it. A well-built white boy with a snarky smile showing unsettlingly white teeth took a step towards you and grabbed the rifle from your hands. "Just know that you're learning from the best marksman here," he chuckled and moved closer to you. You looked in confusion towards Clint, mouthing 'best marksman?'. Before he could plant himself behind you, the camera caught Loki grabbing the back of your shirt and pulling you away from the boy and towards himself, letting Clint gladly take your place. "Come," Clint declared with a smile, wrapping his hands around the rifle and never looking away from that boy's stunned face, "I'll be your baby girl."
The Roller Coaster "I'll pay you seven dollars to whoever rides this coaster with me," Ned declared at the entry gate of the ride. Scott high-fived him and walked in with Bucky right behind him. Sam followed, the book still in his hand as he seated himself in between the two.  "I'll take it!" you announced. "Woah!" Peter tried to stop you. "I thought you suffered from nausea whenever you got on one of these." You nodded and smiled. "But I need seven dollars to visit the ghost house and buy a laser pointer." Peter blinked and stared at you with disbelief before looking at the camera. 
Peter: You are the daughter of a Billionaire, Y/N!! *raises his hands in disbelief* The camera pans out to show you standing right behind him. Y/N: *whispers close to Peter's ear* Tell that to my traumatised childhood  *Peter lets out a shrill scream before jumping away from you*
Four Hours Later Your cackle filled the Facility grounds as everyone walked through the concrete path to get to the building. "Yeah, I think Bucky enjoyed the Pendulum the most," Natasha declared. The camera cut to the footage of Bucky screaming in the pendulum, calling out for Steve as the teens sitting next to him looked at him in awkward silence. Everyone burst out laughing. "No-" Clint tried to complete his sentence through chuckles- "but he got nothing on Scott in the haunted house." Another footage plays of Scott jumping into Vision's arms when the Nun from the Conjuring franchise jumps out at him. The ant-man proceeds to cry for a few seconds. "Should we go back, Scott?" Vision asks. "No," Scott wails, "keep walking. I want that candy at the end of this house." The guffaws and giggles echoed through the night sky. Javier's camera noticed you pressing an inevitable smile as you looked at the God walk at the very back of the pack, smiling with the others. "Now, now, Natasha. That does not mean we'll forget you almost burned down the Chilli Station," Loki purred and everyone else howled. Wanda nodded and high-fived Loki for reminding everyone of that incident.  The camera caught your smile again.
You: How was today? *tilt your head* *smirk* Surprising. The footage of Loki falling asleep on your shoulder plays. Thrilling too, I'd say...
The frame cuts to Loki sitting next to you on the roller coaster and letting out curses the moment your ride reached the top of the track. "You okay?" you ask him in a whisper.  He is breathless at this point. "Loki?" You put your hand on his knee, jerking him out of a trance. "Huh? Yeah. I'm fine. It's just that I forgot how much I despise heights and...and falling down." Without giving it much thought, you shook his sweaty hand away from the support in front of him and wrapped your fingers around his. "Hey...I'm here with you. If at any point you feel like it's not going well just teleport your way to the ground. Easy as-" "And leave you in this death machine alone? I'd rather die," the God objected in a single breath, stopping yours for a moment there.  The rest of the ride seemed to go in slow motion as everyone screamed and cried around you, as Loki cursed the Norns and the Midgardians; and you just looked at the face of the entity who made sure to rest a hand at your end of the cart to prevent you from falling off (if that ever were to happen).
And...um...it was beautiful too *you licked your lips*
Javier's camera saw you waste fifty dollars on the rifle game to finally win the biggest plushie on that counter- Ice Bear from Bare Bears- and sneak to the back of the stalls and text someone.  A few seconds later, Loki came to your spot, only to be handed the Ice Bear to him. "Hug him, you'll feel better," you advised, pushing the plush into his arms before running away to join Wanda for a ring toss game. Loki stood there, perplexed.
The frame came back to you sitting in the recording room trying to hold back moisture in your eyes by smiling and cursing a bit. You: *rubbing your face with your hands* I can't hold it in, Javi. I have got too much love bubbling inside me now. *inhale* *lock eyes with the camera* I'm...I'm gonna confess my feelings to him, Javier. A sound comes from behind the camera. The lens captures your expression going from a tender lovestruck fool to a concerned friend. "What's wrong?" you seemed to be looking behind the camera in Javier's direction, tilting your head to get a better look at him. A sniff can be heard now. You are slowly getting up from your seat, brows furrowed with concern. "Javi, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"
Late Night Snores of tired Avengers could be heard from the dorms to the Lounge. Friday's lounge clock tick sweetly on the wall while one single camera sat on the kitchenette island and recorded Sam sitting on the sofa turning to the last page of the book. His bloodshot eyes bore into the final page, reading the lines over and over again till he seemed to absorb whatever emotions they were meant to tickle in him. Closing the book, he gently kept it on the coffee table and brought his palms to his lips, sitting there like that for the next three minutes before finally letting out a crackled, "Holy f*****g shit!"
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gendrie · 11 months
tyrion vii
is it wrong that i think tyrion poisoning cers is funny?
lancel is so dumb and he was turned so easily. he was one of cersei's biggest mistakes
"knighthood is nothing" true
tyrions like. i feel bad about playing the game but im gonna play it! he reflects - accurately imo - on why ned and jon both fell before him too.
"it is not what we do, so much as why we do it" hmm
tyrion is preoccupied with being "faithful" to shae. mess.
at least alayaya gets to take a nap
not tyrion hiring ugly gay guards
"concubine" ok............
well, he's in love
arya vii
arya is officially in her cinderella era
everyone: oohh the castle is haunted. / arya: its the wind dumbasses 
she even notes the direction that causes it and that its going thru the cracks in the stone where they broke from fire. observant af
"it was the living men she feared"
arya is already concerned that she will "forget" those on her list. which i think speaks to how she feels responsible to right the wrongs she’s witnessing while imprisoned. its such a heavy burden for her to carry tho 
harrenhal’s stable can hold 1000 horses and its great hall has 30+ hearths. everything is built to an "inhuman scale" so cool
the cooks spit in harys swyft's food lmao 
beric's resurrections are well known already
arya is one of the few povs? to be familiar with the dothraki before even stepping foot in essos
the show robbed us of zebras!
swyft’s squire got stabbed to death. nonstop Ls for this guy
“i'll kiss her and beg her pardons like a proper lady, she'll like that.” so sweet but it does bug me that theres absolutely nothing on sansa’s end to compare with this. 
alright we got 3 dozen northern captives in the house: freys, manderly, karstark, cerwyn
she thinks lord cerwyn would be "honor bound to help her" baby not every northern lord is like your dad
she also thinks about ned saying sellswords will betray anyone for enough gold. not untrue and good to keep in mind. she thinks a lot about ned’s lessons in this chapter. 
and lord cerwyn is dead. arya remembers she cant rely on anyone for help
wolf dream!
"i was always a girl" this line serves as meta commentary bc despite a certain level of non conformity and temporarily concealing her gender arya's arc is still defined by the experience of being female and furthermore-
i really think arya is going to end up in a similar situation in braavos with arya stealing from *the many faced god (*you can tell the FM were not that developed here with the red god reference)
chiswyck's story is truly one of the most disgusting things ive read in asoiaf......arya would be justified in ripping out these guys throats with her teeth
she refuses to talk to the soldiers and gets beaten bc of it
they didnt just rape a child but killed her brother and tormented a whole family. how do you process and cope with that (and the fact that it goes unpunished!) when its happening right in front of you? it would be weird if arya WASN’T angry about it 
and that night there was one less name to hate!!!!!!!! 
catelyn iii
brienne, melisandre, and catelyn in the SAME scene???? showstopping!
catelyn got the worst job in westeros: playing mommy to a couple of manbabies
baratheon bros couldnt just tolerate each other huh
trying to think of one sibling reunion in asoiaf that hasnt ended poorly? 
catelyn @ renly: you should pray.....that you grow a brain! renly decided to have gay sex instead. . 
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verxn · 11 months
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Description: you guys go on the trip to Italy but it doesn’t end very well
Pairing: Peter Parker x black fem reader
It’s been a while , I didn’t know what to write about please don’t get me 😭 - v
They were everywhere…literally everywhere, i couldn’t even turn the corner without seeing them smooching off of each other
We are currently in Italy for a school trip and I kinda regret coming, there’s so much couples everywhere and I cannot seem to escape
Plus looks like Peter is hopping in the bandwagon right behind ned with trying to get with MJ
“What happened to being American bachelors in Europe” I heard peter say to ned
“Dude I’ve changed those were words of a little boy, I’m a man” Ned said to peter
“Jesus Christ Ned you just get a girlfriend now your acting like your some kinda of saint” I said flipping through my engineering book
“Y/n- you weren’t even in this conversation” Ned replied frowning a bit “she’s kinda right through” Peter said to Ned
“Peter you still trying to do that plan?” I looked at him “yeah hopefully I can go through with this without any problems ahead” he said
“When is there never not a problem Peter? Guarantee you might have to pull out the suit” I whispered to him “but anyways enough with the couple talk I can’t stand it” i put my book back in my tote bag
I wore a green tan and brown striped shirt , black slacks with checkered print vans, I put my dreads in a lazy ponytail and I had glasses on even though I could see perfectly fine I just wanted to wear them with my outfit
“Y/n your style is weird” Ned said, I looked up at him “whaddya mean?” He thinks for a moment “I don’t know it’s lazy yet so professional” he added
“Lazy yet so professional? Hm I’ll take it” I said smiling at him “how did you even come up with this style anyway?” Peter said I looked up at him “oh I just had inspiration from certain people” I nodded to myself
“That’s cool, who are those people?” He said curiously “uh- favorite artist like people I listen to” I said to him it was a bit awkward probably because I confessed to him 5 months ago and he sadly turned me down but I moved on …..kinda?
“oh nice nice” he said to me I nodded and folded my arms “well long trip ahead I better go get some snacks” I said to the two and walked away
While I was walking away to one of the random stores I heard “WAIT” I turned around and saw peter running towards me “what the..” I mumbled confused on why he was running towards me
He stopped right in front of me out of breath “are you good?” I said to him “y-yeah I’m fine you just walk really fast” he said to me still out of breath
“yeah I get that a lot” I chuckled to myself “but why did you run over here for ?” “I needed your advice about my plan-” I shucked my teeth and walked away “nope I don’t wanna hear about couples”
We arrived at the hotel and everyone else left but, I didn’t feel like going out so I stayed in, plus all that lovey dovey would rub off on me
I sighed and pulled out my phone and started scrolling through social media, but it was filled up with couple posts and pictures of our classmates on the trip
I groaned and turned off my phone “let’s just take a nap” I said to myself, I laid down and got comfortable and drifted off to sleep
Knocking woke me up from my nap, I sat up rubbing my eyes “just a moment” I said getting off the bed “what the hell” I said to myself
I opened the door and found peter and Ned standing there “what?” I said clearly tired Ned opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off “wait wait wait, before you start if it has to do with anything couple related I will shut this goddamn door on your face” I said now fully awake
“We got attacked” Ned said “attacked how what?” I said confusedly “actually wait come in” I said opening the door wider so they can step in the hotel room
“What happened?” I said with my arms crossed “some big water giant attacked us” Ned said “thank god that guy was there, without him we’ll be toast” he added
“You got Spider-Man right there what you mean?” I said pointing to peter “did you do anything peter ?” I turned to him
He nodded “yeah I webbed up some buildings so they wouldn’t fall and also held up a tower but it fell” I nodded “okay at least nobody is hurt” i said while sitting down
“But what do you want me to do about this? You guys had to come to me for something” I said looking at the pair
They stared at me
“What…?” I said shifting uncomfortably
“Y/n….can you…”
“Don’t tell me you want me to upgrade your suit” I said grabbing my brown coat
“Listen…I know you only do that if it’s necessary but I really need it” Peter said desperately
I looked at peter “look…I’m sorry but, I have no lab to work in and I didn’t bring my materials with me…I’m sorry Peter” I said looking at him sitting on the bed next to ned
Peter nodded and got up while leaving the room , ned slowly looked back at me and mouthed ‘sorry’ and closed the door behind him
I then plopped down on the bed and held my hands to my face “why the hell would I do that”
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hotchkiss-and-tell · 1 year
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I’ve never before stopped to envision the start of this game with Nancy sitting in a run down cabin, the friend she was here to visit is long gone, car blocked in, no smartphone, no books to read, unable to go for a walk, take a nap, or call another friend as she waits for the phone to ring. And she decides to sit down at the kitchen table and write a letter to Ned to pass the time and to keep calm in the eerie surroundings. 
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nicohischierz · 1 year
what do we think devs player and nico’s joint pregame ritual is? i can imagine anything from naps, to listening to a certain song, to even some elaborate handshake-
they always take a pregame nap together. it’s a must.
they also listen to a specific playlist on the way to the rink and their handshake is basically the one from spider-man with peter and ned.
nico also always chooses the colour of their suit and gives her a kiss on her forehead and both her cheeks before kissing her lips.
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