#Russian langblr
How to build a language self-study plan
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So I’ve noticed, upon combing through pages and pages of youtube videos and google blogs, that rarely does anyone ever actually tell you what you should be studying. There’s a reason for this ! Everyone is different and at a different level, different motivation. It’s impossible to create a study plan that is perfect for everyone... which is why it can also be agonizing to make one for yourself. 
“How am I supposed to know what’s important to study, if I don’t speak the language?” 
Well that’s a good question! You need to gauge how far you’ve come so far and how far you’d like to get. It’s easiest when you are starting from zero because you can learn the alphabet, numbers, basic phrases, and basic grammar. Easy peasy. You can go cover to cover in a text book. 
Here’s a check-list to create the perfect study plan special to you. 
1. What do I know already? What do I need to work on?
- is it worth starting a textbook, if you feel like you already know half of it? It might be worth completing the given exercises and if you achieve an 80% or higher (or you could give that lesson to someone else) then you can move on from that specific point.
- create a list of the points that you still need to master
2. What do I need to include in a study session?
- naturally there needs to be a focus or a few different focuses of a study session, whether it’s a specific activity or a grammar point. I recommend creating a list of things you want to get done (a.) every day, (b) every week, and (c) every month. These goals must be quantifiable. For example, every week I read two news articles in German. As a reflection, I then write a summary of the event of the article as well as a personal opinion. That’s an easy box to check.
- you need a reflection. It’s important to really take time to reflect on how you feel about the time spent and the materials used. What could you do better next time? What went well? 
3. When is the best time to study? 
- are you more active/focused in the morning or in the night? The key is consistency. If you have a routine, you’re far more likely to adhere to it. I know that my own schedule is highly changeable and that can make it very difficult, but I’ve found if I wake up in the same period of time every morning, brush my teeth, make my bed, and then sit down to my work, I feel far more productive. 
- how much should I study at a time? The recommended period is 25 minutes from the Pomodoro Method with a five minute break. You can research time-management techniques but ultimately it comes down to you. 
4. How do I take notes ?
- IT”S ALL ABOUT YOU! What I do is take messy notes in classes or on my own and then I transcribe the finished page to my Notion page. It gives me a chance to make the notes neater and also to review a little bit. I will say though statistically, you will remember better if you write by hand. 
- I like to have a column on each page for words I didn’t know
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duskandherembracex · 7 months
I feel like I’m at a point in language learning where no matter what I do I’m not improving
It’s like I’m not fluent enough to read books or watch shows in the language but I’m fluent enough where all of the beginner learning materials are too easy
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linguafrencha · 11 months
Hi! I want to learn French and Russian. Could you share your favourite resources for beginners? Could you also include books and movies/TV shows recommendations for both languages in your post? Thank you.
That's really cool that you want to learn those languages!!!
I have a bunch of Russian resources that I used because I started out as solely self-learning. So a large part in my absolute beginner phase I spent listening to podcasts, specifically, these: understanding spoken Russian which is great for just getting a feel for the language while also learning a bit of grammar and this one for getting grammar and vocab explained in a very down to earth kind of way without any types of big words you need to know.
Besides these I essentially learned all the Russian grammar I know on Youtube. Especially from this channel. Daria is very cool and also has several podcasts under the same name.
This one has helped me with specific questions about little grammar things, so might also be useful.
Nastya has this year begun doing a Learn Russian in a Year thing where she uploads every day a thirty minute lesson. It's a bit slow for me personally having already learned a lot and just generally me being impatient but it can definitely help with vocab.
He also has good videos and also some free stuff on his website iirc.
For TV shows I unfortunately can't recommend a lot for beginners. What you can do though is watch episodes like Peppa the Pig on Youtube in English and in Russian/French to compare and learn or only in your TL as they're obviously at a low level. What I do highly recommend as a show though is слуга народу for Russian and Lupin for French.
Also, if you're into audiobooks, try typing children audiobooks into Youtube or try listening to the Russian/French version of Harry Potter (that's what I'm doing rn actually).
If you're looking for a book and willing to spend some money I recommend this book with Russian short fiction for beginners. I just finished it and I thought it was very fun with vocab lists and questions for the stories at the end. The same author has also books for higher levels.
Unfortunately, as I learned almost all of French in classes I only have one channel I actually use to recommend, which is this one. You'll find some of my posts where I used this channel as my source.
I hope this helps! I might update in future when I find more. Good luck with your language learning journey!!
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languagespeakingdemon · 5 months
Hello! I'm a native Russian speaker, I can help you practice speaking and writing and answer your questions about the Russian language. I can also teach you how to use gender neutral pronouns for yourself or others as I am nonbinary myself.
I don't ask for anything in return, I just wanna hang out. We can chat here on Tumblr or somewhere else
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magistralucis · 6 months
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HELLO?!?!?! 😲😳🤪
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3oey · 5 months
The elementary school i work at has a few ukrainian students and they almost all exclusively speak russian. And i tried to speak russian with them, translated some short sentences and explained that i am trying to learn it and they were super excited about that and showed me how to practice russian on the school tablets (the app they learn german with also has russian and ukrainian versions! So cool).
And today their teacher told me that one student said to her: "zoe speaks russian! Don't say swear words around her, she understands that"
And like. Do you understand how cool that is. I spoke russian to a kid, i had a real conversation with him, and he understood me!! I spoke so well that he told his teacher!!! What?!?! :')
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alteregoauthentica · 1 year
BEST TIP Learning Languages ;
SIMPLICITY is KEY. Simplify the learning process.
Simple & understandable.
Avoid learning useless vocabulary. Do not learn the things that are truly of no use for you in your daily life. 
Think about it …. In reality,
if you NEVER use it ... simply don’t use it .. don’t learn it.
Learn what you will use, and nothing extra. 
For now - Just focus on what you use on a daily basis.
Here’s great exercise to follow this tip ;
Create a realistic list of vocabulary you use day to day - A LIST of only the things you say the most, on a DAILY BASIS.
Focus on learning this list in your target language.
Learn this list
Because you will be forced to learn how to say only relevant and useful sayings.
Try it ... and see how much this focus shift can make a worlds difference.
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thatstudyblrontea · 1 year
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He was akin to a bright evening:
Not day, nor night, – not dark, nor light!
Mikhail Lermontov, Demon
[transl. is mine.]
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russianblg · 11 months
Russian Verbs
Иметь- To have (present tense)
Я имею
Он/она/оно имеет
Мы имеем
Вы имеете
Они имеют
Я имею много друзей - I have many friends
Ты имеешь талант - you have talent
Он имеет большой дом - He has a big house
Мы имеем общие интересы - We have common interest
Иметь" (imet') is a more general verb that can be used to indicate possession or ownership of tangible and intangible things. It is often used when talking about possessing something more permanent or long-term.
Есть" (est') is used when referring to the immediate availability or presence of something. It is commonly used to talk about temporary possession, current circumstances, or the availability of something at a given moment
Я (Ya) - есть (yest')
Ты (Ty) - есть (yest')
Он/Она/Оно (On/Ona/Ono) - есть (yest')
Мы (My) - есть (yest')
Вы (Vy) - есть (yest')
Они (Oni) - есть (yest')
Я есть учитель. (Ya yest' uchitel') - I am a teacher.
Ты есть студент. (Ty yest' student) - You are a student.
Он есть доктор. (On yest' doktor) - He is a doctor.
Мы есть друзья. (My yest' druz'ya) - We are friends.
Вы есть гости. (Vy yest' gosti) - You are guests.
Они есть ученики. (Oni yest' ucheniki) - They are students.
In many cases, both "иметь" and "есть" can be used interchangeably to express possession. However, using "есть" often emphasizes the presence or availability of something in the present moment, while "иметь" is more neutral and can refer to both present and long-term possession.
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languagesandpain · 20 days
The way I have to force my tiny little brain to think in Russian it's taking up every single piece of mental energy I have left
Friend: ohh you kinda speak Russian right? Can we chat for a bit?
Me: sure mate gimme a sec *chugs scalding black coffee down like it's water* *the longest raspiest most pathetic and tired sigh ever witnessed by a human being* ...здравствуй
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linguafrencha · 1 year
Spring vocab French & Russian <3
spring - le printemps - весна
flower - la fleur - цветок
to bloom - fleurir - цвести
to grow - grandir - расти
petal - la le pétale - лепесток
butterfly - le papillon - бабочка
bee - l'abeille - пчела
bird - l'oiseau - птица
rebirth - la renaissance - возрождение
daffofil - la jonquille - нарцисс
grass - l'herbe - трава
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languagespeakingdemon · 5 months
Russian word of the day: Лапша
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Лапша́ - inanimate noun, first declension, feminine
Root лапш
Ending а
Plural form: лапши́ (that a stressed и, not a й)
It means noodles
There's a saying "вешать лапшу на уши" which literally translates to "to hang noodles on someone's ears" and means to lie, to deceive
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kutyozh · 5 months
learning about the partitive and locative cases is like. you said Russian had 6 cases
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3oey · 1 year
Silly little drawing i did to practice body parts in russian (части тела)
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Vocab ru - eng:
голова - head
глаз - eye
ухо - ear
нос - nose
рот - mouth
рука - arm, hand
живот - stomach/belly (? Not sure which one is correct)
нога - leg
стопа - foot
колено - knee
палец - finger, toe
плечо - shoulder
шея - neck
бровь - eyebrow
волосы (pl.) - hair
тело - body
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fantomethread · 2 years
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i took a big break from russian but i feel like it's time to start back up and i forgot how much i loved it! i'm very excited <3
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