#Sand baby i understand why youre so pissed
hummingbirdsinjune · 8 months
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Mama knows I have sinned in this moment.
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short-honey-badger · 4 months
Just wondering how you think the Dilfs of one piece (Mihawk, Shanks, Buggy, Crocodile, etc) would react to thier s/o being extremely dense? Like in a "I love you but your an idiot" kinda way.
This was fun, so I really hope I did your ask justice! ❤️❤️
Pairings! Draculex reader Shanks x reader Buggy x reader Crocodile x reader Doflamingo x Reader Marco x reader and Smoker x reader
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MIHAWK is a little annoyed at first when he finds that you've completely reorganized his bookshelf by how much you like the covers. He sighs in exasperation, but you look so happy with how the bookshelf now looks that he can't find it in himself to be too upset.
“Oh, to understand the inner workings of your mind, my Darling.”
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SHANKS is always excited to wake up and see what you're going to surprise him with next. You enjoy the simple things in life, so it always overjoys him when you appear by his side with a megawatt smile and a pretty shell or sand dollar.
“Whatcha got there, baby? Gonna add it to the others you're got?”
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You're a clumsy fuck and BUGGY sometimes wonders why he puts up with you. Especially when you come stumbling into the tent on Big Top, trip over the only rope in the floor, catch yourself on his pants and then down you go. Buggy curses loudly when his crew catches sight of his heart print boxers.
“You better be glad that I fucking love you, little clown.”
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It's more than once that the devil fruit user has to pull you away from the banana gators in the feeding area under the casino. It pisses him off that you keep putting yourself in danger, but you always grin and hold tight to CROCODILE, telling him that you always know that he'll save you every time.
“I'm no hero, sweetheart. Quiet trying my patience.”
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DOFLAMINGO loves that you are ignorant of who he really is. He is your white knight. The prince comes to save the princess locked away in her lonely tower. You hold him close after a long day, his head pressed to your chest.
“Mhmm. Such a sweet doll. And all mine, too.”
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You sit in MARCO'S office, a cute frown on your face as you watch your lover unravel some gauze and then carefully wrap it around the cleaned cut on your leg. The wound is recent, from defending the Moby Dick from rival pirates, an unnecessary risk. He sighs once he is finished and kisses right above the wrap.
“I wish you'd be more careful, my love.”
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SMOKER definitely disagrees with your decision to become a pirate. He thought it a dumb ass decision, but he loved you and had vowed to support you in every way he could. However, he has to draw the line when you show up on his ship and demand that he make your bounty higher.
“What? No, I don't need someone I can't fight off coming for you!”
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iwanty0uu · 9 months
Hey guys change of plans. my mom just pissed me off and i wanna run away in my backyard and hide in my dad’s car trunk so imma take it out on yall rn.
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Growing Pains
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I loudly slammed the door, gasping as I came to my senses.. “shit..” I should know better than to slam a door in my Jamaican mother’s household.
Before she could even start cursing, you opened it wide and yelled, “MOMMY I APOLOGIZE I NEVER DID MEAN TO MAKE THE DOOR SLAM LIKE THAT”,
I mentally sanded my eardrums, preparing for the hurricane of curses and insults that would flood from her mouth, “OH SO YOU MOVE TO FOREIGN AND THINK YOU’RE ONE OF THEM AMERICANS HUH? I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO YOUR GRANNY, GIRL.”
Being the daughter of two immigrants was hard enough, and considering you were one yourself made it even more irritating. Your mom decided it would be a great idea to ship you off to the land of the free, alone at fifteen, and send you to live with your aunt in a literal plantation in the city..New York.
The amount of paper colored faces that crossed your path at the airport was enough to send you into a frenzy, so after begging for 3 years (mostly because you would go to the Columbia University this school year and she wanted to brag about you on whatsapp) mommy dearest decided to pack up, take your dad and little brother to New York until you finished college, and explore.
Your brother was only a year younger than you, and always complained about how you got to do more than him, even though the fact that his girlfriend could sleep over anytime he wanted (with the door closed) was enough to prove how subconsciously sexist your parents could be, but whatever, you’re eighteen, homesick, and doing your baby bro who you dearly missed a favor.
But times like these, when your words wouldn’t even go through one of your mom’s ears much less the both of them always made you regret begging. Your words probably deflated and fell to the floor like some cartoon animation the second they came out of your mouth.
But that was how useless they were, and you always felt angry about it.. but you were a big girl and you should be trusted more. You didn’t smoke in the house or barley at all, you hated alcohol, and was still a virgin..mostly! But she still argued, and as usual, it made the tears well in your eyes, and your father attempting to mediate the dispute, and your brother trying his hardest to comfort you, even though he knows that he will never fully understand.
But little did she know..those tears watered the seed of rebellion that grew roots in your stomach and around your torso, sucking and squeezing until there was nothing left but long, smooth dips. The roots twisted and wrapped around your pelvis, making them grow full and round like the mounds on your chest and the one behind you.
Your hair full and thick, sunlight hardly passing through the thick leaf-like coils, and the beauty on your face, as beautiful as a forbidden fruit, the forbidden fruit. The fruit that led to the destruction of mankind.
Her words played in my mind like a record on repeat, I could never hate her, but if she didn’t want to understand me, then why bother be everything she couldn’t be?….
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I loved writing this maybe ill make a pt 2! tell me if ya want it fr this was not planned negl I was on the bus making this but I’ll see yall again tmr!! (yes this is gonna be an aot fic🙄)
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tgmsunmontue · 5 months
It's not who you know 3/4
YEAR 3 - Non-angsty Nepo!Baby Bradley and his years at the USNA and his head-in-the-sand approach to the nepotism and the fact that he ends up being known as the guy with the two hot dads instead...
YEAR THREE - 2003 - PART 3
                Bradley’s time in San Diego is now numbered in days rather than weeks and Tom helps him pack for his first extended stay on a cruiser. Tom wonders if his name was even put into a hat for a place on a submarine; unlike his relationship with Man and him, it’s no secret that Bradley wants to fly. If a carrier had been an option he’s pretty sure Bradley would have gotten that. He’s seen Bradley’s report though, knows he’s excelling in all areas, clearly determined to succeed and he’s so proud. Of course, Bradley still needs to take part in the standard summer activities, despite having grown up and having them happening around him constantly, getting dragged across the country to attend various things in his shadow.
                “You know I’ll be visiting the USS Princeton while you’re onboard.”
                “Yeah yeah, I promise not to have to be thrown overboard for insubordination.”
                “No, that wasn’t… I was more thinking that you might find yourself hearing things about me which are going to make you want to pop someone in the nose.”
                “Like what?”
                “Oh god, all sorts of shit. People think I don’t know what they say behind my back but trust me, I know.”
                “I haven’t heard anything!”
                “You’ve not done any active service yet. Fresh greenie not even a proper upperclassman yet. You’ll hear stuff.”
                The expression on Bradley’s face is equally angry and annoyed and Tom holds back a groan.
                “Bradley, I’m serious. You’re really going to have to hold back if you get angry. Don’t worry about my honor okay. You’ve spent the last couple of years pretending you don’t know me and Mav at all, don’t blow your cover over something stupid that doesn’t matter. You understand?”
                “Yeah. Thanks Ice. And thanks for going along with this whole thing, I know it probably feels a bit stupid some days, but it’s really nice knowing that the friends I’ve made are my friends because of me you know, not because of what connections I might have.”
                “Yeah kid, I get it. Fair warning they might feel pretty pissed when they do find out though.”
                “Nah, I’ve picked good friends. I reckon they’ll understand.”
                “Okay. Now did you need anything else? I know Mav has been riding you hard about your flight hours…”
                Mav of course has made the most of whatever spare time they’ve had and ensured Bradley built up his flight hours again so his license doesn’t lapse. Tom doesn’t think there are going to be very many other upperclassman with as much flight experience as Bradley. Talk about being overqualified. However he also knows it makes for a damn strong application so he’s supported Mav in his undertaking.
                They say goodbye to Bradley on the porch, tell him they’ll see him onboard when he’s mixing with the enlisted personnel and Tom wishes they could watch him board, feels like it’s another milestone he’s going to miss. Reminds himself firmly that he’ll see him again onboard the same damn ship and he’ll have plenty of opportunities in the future to wave Bradley off on deployment.
…             …             …
                He doesn’t punch anyone, didn’t even need the warning, wonders what Ice thinks people say about him. He’d heard them talk, but nothing more than him being brass and being very cool-headed in times of crisis. It’s all been pretty benign stuff really, and no-one had stopped talking when he entered a room or anything.
                For the first time ever he puts up a photo of Ice and Mav beside his bed. It’s weird, but he can see why people don’t see Admiral Kazansky. He’s got a few copies of the photo, Slider having printed him off a bunch in thanks for forwarding him the electronic file and that is probably going to come back and bite him in the ass at some stage. Now he’s back in Bancroft, preparing to help with Plebe Summer, this time older and not being expected to have to deal with people yelling in his face while not reacting. It’s going to be a cake-walk in comparison to two years ago and he’s looking forward to it.
                “You’re not meant to be in here,” Bradley says, seeing Natasha at the end of his dorm bed.
                “I was sent to collect you, I have permission,” she says, hand waving away his concerns. “Let me look at that photo. Holy shit… I thought your first dad was hot, but your other dad? I mean… wow. I know I told you I like girls more than boys, but these are the type of boys that I prefer…” she says, tapping the photo. “Huh. Maybe it’s just men and women, because to be honest I don’t find anyone here very attractive.”
                “Gross,” Bradley states, because he’s very firmly kept the company of his own hand when he’s been on base. His summers are probably a lot wilder than Mav or Ice think they are, but he tries to make use of every night he has home once they’re
                “To you maybe… pretty sure you’d find my brother hot.”
                “If I did, I wouldn’t tell you!”
                “That’s because you’re repressed.”
                “Rather be repressed than find either of my dads hot thanks!”
                “Okay. That’s fair. And you probably won’t be too ugly once you grow into your face…”
                “Wow, you really know how to flatter a guy…”
…             …             …
                Plebe Summer starts and Bradley throws himself into being the best role model he can. He knows that in the future some of these people will be his peers, maybe even be his superior, but right now they have to get through what he still considers the hardest summer of their life. Of course hardly anyone drops out, the selection criteria is far too difficult and physically rigorous to make it something someone would easily just drop-out from without serious consideration first. There’s friendly competition and even friendlier encouragement, the brigades working together.
                There’s one guy that keeps catching his eye and he’s not sure if it’s deliberate on the guy’s part, somehow magically putting himself nearly always in Bradley’s line of sight. Or whether he’s only got himself to blame, eyes just drifting to watch. Either way he’s really fucking horny and the guy is hot. Not that he will do anything, but it doesn’t stop him thinking about it.
                “Now there is a guy who doesn’t need to grow into his looks…”
                He silently agrees.
                God what he wouldn’t do to get his hands on him.
                Ah well. His own hands on his own body and his mind on another it is.
…             …             …
                “Do I have a sign on me that says to tell me if you’re gay? Or a lesbian? Or bisexual?”
                “Um… not literally. But there is the common knowledge that you have smoking hot dads and therefor okay with the gay.”
                Bradley groans.
                “I had another guy come out to me today. No reason. Just to tell me. Also he said he thinks we’re cute together.”
                “I just nodded and smiled.”
…             …             …
                Michael Williams sighs. It’s the second… complaint? Notification? Information? Tips? Regardless, they’re both about Bradley Bradshaw’s relationship with Natasha Trace. They’ve been spied coming out of rooms together, otherwise small, dark, empty rooms like the store rooms. Fraternization. Actions unbecoming. Fuck. The kid wants to be treated like all the other kids, he’d be getting pulled into Mack’s office for a dressing down, short and sharp. Both of them would be.
                Part of him wants to, still a little ticked off at the whole stunt Bradshaw is pulling. He’s not familiar with him outside of watching him last year, seeing a whole raft of his superior officers watch as Admiral Kazansky toured the campus dressed as a civilian. But also Bradshaw is good. He does everything well, more than well. And he’s cheerful and helpful and encourages the underclassmen and there had been no fault in any of his behavior.
                Until now.
                He walks down the corridor to Admiral Kerner’s office, nervous as he knocks on the open door.
                “Sir. Do you have a moment?”
                “Of course, come in.”
                He does, closes the door behind him and notes the eyebrow raise and the lean back in the chair. He has his full attention.
                “Sir. I need you to do a favor and make a call to your friend Kazansky.”
                “Why, what’s happened?”
                “I’ve got two instances of fraternization for Bradley Bradshaw and Natasha Trace.”
                “And you want to do what? Tattle on him to his uncle?”
                “No, I was actually after guidance on how I should proceed. I would pull them both into my office and give them a stern talking to, and a warning. Is that appropriate?”
                “Bradshaw and Trace are the same rank Captain, it’s not exactly forbidden, just heavily frowned upon. The fact you have had two complaints tells me that this is more likely a case of sour grapes on whoever is complaining, so I’d be having a talk with them as well. But let me see if I can get Ice on the blower…”
                Michael will never understand naval aviators and their call signs, but he stands and waits as Admiral Kerner dials, then asks to be put through. Obviously whoever it is on the other end knows not to mess with one Admiral ringing another. He listens to the one-sided conversation and watches Admiral Kerner’s face with interest.
                “Hey Ice, it’s Sli. Yes, well, I didn’t think I’d be speaking to you today either. Look. Yeah. This is about Bradley. Did you talk to him about behavior?” Face curious, openly contemplative.
                “Okay, so you covered that with him. Then why are we looking at two instances of fraternization?” Eyes narrowed and considering.
                “No, it’s with a fellow midshipman. Also an upperclassman.” Serious.
                “Yes, I’m aware it’s not actual fraternization.” An eyeroll.
                “Yes, it is.” Face back to curious, speculative.
                “Oh. Huh.” Surprise.
                “I did think it was maybe a case of sour grapes, jealousy at his general capabilities and the fact that he’s generally well liked amongst his peers. Except by a couple apparently.”
                “Yes well, he’ll be fine. We’ll pull them in and give them a heads up. Both of them. Midshipman Trace is equally talented and capable.”
                “Yeah, was nice talking to you too. Will have to have a proper catchup when it’s not about work.”
…             …             …
                Jake isn’t sure what he has to do to get the guys sole undivided attention, but he’s not going to give up trying. He’s so good at everything, competent in this easy way that turns him on in ways he’s never thought were possible, and he’s a teenager and being horny is pretty much a permanent state for him. Except when he’s too tired to even think, which unfortunately for his first year at USNA is a whole lot of the time. Either it gets easier or people just learn how to cope with everything better because Midshipman Bradshaw makes it look easy.
…             …             …
                “Oh god, it was horrible. I can’t do it again. How do they do it?”
                “What are you talking about?”
                “Submarines! Going under the water…”
                “Uh…” Tom exchanges a look with Pete and opens his mouth. Closes it again. Bradley is back home for part of summer, having just experienced his first dive and he’s at a bit of a loss.
                “Bradley. Buddy. Uh. You realize you’re in the Navy right? And that has, uh, a lot to do with the water?” Mav says.
                “But I’m going to fly planes!”
                “Maybe he should have joined the airforce,” Tom muses.
                “You wash your mouth out right now!”
…             …             …
                “Seriously, if I was going to fuck around I’d do it somewhere far less obvious than the fucking storeroom!”
                Tom winces, because clearly Pete has heard the rumors about Bradley and Natasha Trace. God he loves the rumor mill of the US Navy, bunch of gossipers the lot of them. He hadn’t bothered mentioning anything, because he knew nothing was happening. Mav is of course mentioning it. In the worst possible way. Clearly having forgotten that Bradley came out as gay several years ago and that Natasha Trace is a woman. He’s going to need a coffee.
                “Bradley! What do you mean Bradley? Don’t walk away from me young man!”
                “You said we leave our ranks at the door with our shoes, so this conversation is over! And I said if!”
                “I know what if means in this house, and it definitely means something definitely happened!”
…             …             …
                “Do I even want to know?” Tom asks, taking a quiet sip of coffee.
                “Mav’s scared I might be having sex.”
                Tom raises an eyebrow, he’s fully aware Bradley’s been sneaking out for the last couple of years. He guesses Bradley’s now feeling mature enough to talk about it. Good.
                “Are you being safe?”
                “Good enough for me. Don’t get caught.”
                Bradley scoffs.
                “I learnt from the best remember!”
                “He got caught plenty of times,” Tom says dryly.
                “I meant you Ice.”
                It’s been a long time since he’s blushed.
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fatestayyuri · 10 months
Finished Ward Act 2.
thoughts under cut.
I live in hell, lament.
I don't mean to be a hater more than like, what's comedic in the liveblogs to sell the bit. but also whenever i give this fucking serial an inch it throws sand in my eyes and spits on my face. when i go "oh this interaction with children is sweet, i'm glad that Vicky is at least to get some measure of comfort vicariously" they hit me with the "actually one of them might be powered so we have to funnel them into the paramiltary death squad fasttrack" and "Victoria is now going to be a freelance strikebreaker, but this time with Less Oversight". she also wants to fuck her therapist so like, sure. fuck it. i guess we're at that point now.
it's so fucked up very clearly seeing the artifice surrounding the actual genuine compelling core of the story of someone with terminal copbrain due to her trauma and upbringing learning to heal get fucking, impaled fourteen hundred times over by Wildbow moments. There's nascent themes here! of healing! of loss! of taking uneasy, shaky steps forward and trying to mesh the inherent hypocrisy of knowing your abuser deserves a second chance but feeling like that you'd rather kill both of you than be the one to give it to them. I Get It. i really do. but also please stop framing the strikebreaking like it's a good thing.
Sorry i just need to go on here to say that it's supremely funny to me that throwing cars in front of people during a panicked evacuation because they disrespected her Special Baby Girl authority is AFTER all of the conflict counselling is so fucking good. Like??? this is after, huh. it's okay since civies aren't people i suppose, just cargo and luggage
I'm not actually sure if wildbow knows what a strike is. "they're not striking, the two construction groups have just banded together to withhold labor", you say? I don't know maybe it's an intentional oversight on the character's part but at least mention that, goddamn. was he really that proud of the insult Glory Hole to use it twice, too? every time he tries to be witty i genuinely sink into my seat and start boiling alive in second-hand shame. that flirting scene was fucking terrible and the "wow so witty" he gave himself was fucking terrible.
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^Wild thing to put slip in there, by the way. "yeah they acted like a union, y'know, making sure the kids were educated, sane, not being SLUTS, not being abused, etc etc"
These writeups aren't edited or like cohesive or coherent at all almost entirely because if wildbow doesn't feel the need to why should i. fuck off, it's ward.
oh right! the therapy group! the therapy group pisses me off so much dude I hate that i love them all i hate that their dynamics are good i hate that they have good chemistry and play off each other and that they feel believable and I hate that i'm gonna read more of this just to see them. Fuck me
uhhh lemme just go down the list... I haven't been given enough information on Chris but I'm liking what i'm seeing tbh, he's cagey and kind of idealistic but also he's like. 13. that's just how they are it's very convincing
Kenzie is good! i like her! she[realises i'm gonna write "is very convincing and compelling for all of these] uhhhhh mirrors a lot of the hangups i had as a kid but also I do in fact completely understand why everyone else wanted me Not In Danger back then
Ashley is too good and hot for Victoria "Cop" Dallon. that is all.
Byron and Tristan are a really interesting character concept to me actually; I have cogent thoughts whirling around in my brain but the only joke i have is that what if they starred in a variant of All or Nothing wouldn't that be fucked up
Rain O' Fire Frazier. She's so trans-coded it's unreal. I love her and how fucked up she is and how she's literally just in this to not get Murderized by her metaphorical family. Girl Same. It is really funny that she gets introduced with a functional kanji pun,
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shows up with all her shit fucked up and cracked,
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and then leaves with the closest thing of explicit lesbianism that Wildbow has written other than Victoria Dallon's weird thing with the milf therapist.
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but from what i hear of Wildbow i'm pretty sure he'll add in a passage about her wanting to settle down with a nice Decidedly Male guy and get pregnant or whatever.
the main thing about Sveta is that she goes "well i *see* myself as disabled" while being like. a quadruple amputee. girl if you are not disabled who is
god. i love these characters. it's such a shame that they're gonna become cops. i hate it here. i hate that i'm gonna read like 1.8 million more words of this. fuck me. fuuuuuuuuuuck.
all in all 7/10 so far
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invisiblegarters · 8 months
OF Character Rankings and Ramblings - Ep 10
Last week, everyone decided to be mature and actually talk to each other for a change and it was very jarring. Mew boomeranged back to being sensible, Nick and Sand tried to feel the power of love with each other and failed spectacularly (and were very adorable about it), Top and Ray did some boundary pushing that the people they were infringing on were into in spite of their protests, and Cheum was back to her usual MO of having three lines if she's lucky. Atom was very creepy and I looked at him and said oh boy you're gonna cause all the trouble. Boeing showed up to prove that Top has a type and also to make us all understand exactly why Sand's still pissed. I get it, Sand. Also, Nick decided to move on with Daddy Dan but still made time to stalk Boston and a hookup to the toilets and give him a heartfelt speech that was actually really sweet and clearly got to him, and Ray and Mew finally fucking broke up thank all the gods in every universe. They had a great conversation that was my second favorite thing about the episode. There was lots of great communication happening.
So of course we had to make up for it this week with a lot of people being very stupid.
And be forewarned, I am very ornery today and also frustrated. So maybe don't read if you don't want to see that frustration expressed. That said, if you continue and you want to talk about any point, that would be a lot of fun. I'm always up for a friendly exchange of views.
So let's get to it, shall we?
Character Rankings (Fave to Least fave atm)
Boston. Nope, nope, and nope. Fuck you show. Fuck you for having your characters imply or outright state that Boston's sluttiness means he's on par with being a sexual predator. And fuck you for the "Atom likes girls. What did you do to him?" line. I really hope that this isn't going to be left at that, because I'm incredibly over the constant conflation of Boston's promiscuity with deviance or some sort of moral failing. He's an asshole. He likes to sleep around. The two things aren't actually related and I'm SICK of seeing them treated like they're one in the same. STOP IT. And don't think I don't see parts of fandom doing the same, because I do. People really need to stop treating promiscuity or lack thereof as though it has anything to do with morality.
That done with, I have to say that I've been super impressed with Neo and with Boston as we've gone on. I don't need or want some big sob story to be the reason that he's an ass, and I am tentatively hopeful that it won't be the case. But I have been enjoying the way we're seeing him grow by increments. Boston's not nice, he's not a very good person generally, and I think that he's been coming to terms with that and with how he feels about it as the series has gone on. It hasn't been flashy - in fact it's been subtle enough that I almost didn't notice it - but the Boston that he was in episode one is not the one we're looking at in episode ten, and I love it to bits because the type of reflection he's doing is the type I've done with myself. I really really REALLY hope they don't pull the "reformed character is now monogamous" thing because as I've said, that's not actually a problem and shouldn't be considered one. But I do really love that he's clearly reflecting on some of the choices he's made and trying to decide if maybe he doesn't want to keep making some of them in the future.
Also his reactions when he realized that his friends really believed he could do what Atom was accusing him of...just great work.
Simply put, I adore him.
Sand. My ride or die baby, this one. I've already said it, but I'll say it again. I do not care what this man does. I support him. Every stupid decision, every misstep, every ridiculously misguidedly noble thing. I will just be like "you do you baby, because you are amazing."
Was he dumb to not keep Ray's daddy's money? YES. Did I actually expect him to? Lol no. That's just not my man. Not even a little bit. It's not just limited to Ray, either. Sand has some noble ideas about money that I really would like to smack out of his beautiful dumb head because that kind of thinking only really works for people who can afford it, but I love him anyway. That said, I will maintain until that I am blue in the face he did nothing wrong (maybe that's my bias showing but let's be real here, whatever Ray's dad said Sand's desire to help Ray was always going to come from caring for him first and foremost). Honestly he should take the money as reparations for all the shit Ray's put him through. Putting the blame on him for Ray's hurt boggles my mind, because something hurts you it doesn't automatically make the other person wrong. That's a lesson a lot of people could stand to learn, frankly. But I half expect Sand to blame himself for it anyway, because that's what he does. He internalizes, blames himself, subsumes whatever he may be feeling in favor of the other person. I no longer think he's going to snap (although who knows a lot can happen in two episodes in this show) but I still think the man could use a good hug, and for someone to tell him that his constant care for people who like to throw it in his face is appreciated. You know. To him, and not an imaginary version of him that can only be full of calm acceptance.
Now, when it comes to the alcohol business. While yes, that is a source of income for him, if he's serious about helping Ray and it's going to be a real problem for him to do that (and there's every indication that it is), if he chooses to get rid I will not blame him or consider it particularly stupid. To me, it's different from dad's money because one hurts Ray's feelings, the other could legitimately fuck with his road to recovery. If he wants to stay with Ray (and there is no indication given by him that he doesn't, even after that fight), then that is a step he might need to take to help him, if he can safely do it. And to be fair, we've been given no indication that he can't do that, either. Although it would be interesting to explore what might happen if he couldn't, I don't think we have enough time for that.
Mew. God help me, I love a petty bitch.
Look. I don't do the OF tags anymore because I've found it's better for my peace of mind overall, but I've seen enough around here and elsewhere to know that a lot of people are now sick of him (although a lot of people were sick of him from episode one, lol). They think that this episode he took the petty shit too far, and that if he's not going to just take Top back he should tell him and let him move on. There's also a lot of annoyance with the way he acted during the confronting Boston scene.
To all that I say I hear you, but I'm going to have to disagree. I get him a lot with the Top thing, in fact. He was hurt, but worse, he was humiliated, and all this is because he doesn't want to be fooled again. He still doesn't trust his own judgment. He's back to testing everything Top does and says now because he wants to believe him, but if he believes him and Top does it again, then it's no longer Top who's to blame. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And Boeing is really really good at playing with those fears.
I do feel a little more iffy about the Boston thing, though. The little pat on the shoulder amused me at the time, I won't lie, but the more I think about it the more annoyed I get. He had no right to open his mouth, and he wasn't really there to give moral support to Cheum or even because was concerned about Atom. He was there to watch Boston suffer. Not cool, my dude. I'd be more amused by the whole thing if not for the SA subject, and for the constant slut shaming that goes along with it.
Boeing. Speaking of petty bitches. This man is out here doing the most for this episode at least, I'm not mad about it (he hurts Sand though and all bets are fucking off, did you not read what I wrote about him?). I wish that he'd been brought in a little earlier, mostly because he feels extremely plot devicey, but I can't say I don't like looking at him or don't admire just how petty he can be. I genuinely don't know if he actually wants Top back or if he just wants to break him, and that's kind of fun. Also his little digs at Mew were hilarious. I kept trying to manifest a threesome between him, Mew and Top but I guess I wasn't doing it right because the show did not oblige. There's always Ray and Sand or my personal favorite, a flashback to one with Top and Sand. And that's why Sand doesn't do threesomes.
Ray. Oh, Ray. Raymond. Here's another one that I came out of the episode with initial thoughts and then the more I sat on them, the more they changed. Or not changed but. Sigh. Okay, let's try to be coherent here.
I want to start off by saying I do not blame Ray for going off the way he did when he thought that Sand was taking money from his dad. I know that sounds contradictory when I have also said Sand was stupid for not taking the money, but being able to see why Ray was upset doesn't mean I think Sand should pretend he couldn't use the money. And as I already said he kind of deserves it for all the shit Ray puts him through.
Anyway, I don't blame Ray for his upset, mostly because I really do think he was coming at it from a place of hurt, because look. I am not Ray's biggest fan and probably never will be since he is constantly hurting my personal favorite, but it seems extremely clear to me that what went down with Ray is the same thing that happened with Sand in episode 5: he found out a piece of information that made him recalibrate his entire relationship with Sand, and he came some very unhappy conclusions. The fact that he's wrong doesn't change that. Because from Ray's POV Sand went and made him fall in love with him, convinced him he cared, and now Ray's doing this huge thing for him (which is part of why I love that first therapy session - Ray treats it like a chore, like something he has to get over with so that he can appease Sand and fulfil his end of a bargain he half thought Sand would back out of, and that's EXACTLY how he should have treated it because that's how he felt about it then) and the whole time Sand wasn't doing any of it because he cared like he made Ray believe, he was just doing as his father paid him to do. He was always gonna find a way to get out of it initially anyway, but this was delicious to me personally because god help me, I love the kind of anguish that comes with caring so much for someone and then having to suspect that every time they claimed to feel the same they were doing it under false pretenses. Sue me. Only don't because I don't have a lot of money.
And I do think deep down he probably knew better. But when has rationality ever gotten a look in with Ray? He's a live wire, he's too fucking reactive to sit down for two seconds and think. Which is where my issues come in but just a sec, we're not there yet.
I really liked his second therapy session. I liked how different it was from the first, how obvious it is that he's now determined to at least try, even if he still doesn't think that he needs to be there. He's still doing it for Sand, but less in a "I'm going to tick this box so he'll shut up" way and more in a "I want to try to be better for him" way, which to me does make a difference. As the therapist said, people go to rehab for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes it's for themselves. Often it's for someone else. And that's okay. Sometimes it's easier to fight for someone else than it is to fight for yourself.
The entire last scene with Ray breaking down was painful to watch, and like everyone else I have to commend Khaotung for his performance. He really went all out and that's what makes the scene so powerful. I commend First as well, because I can't imagine how hard it was to walk the line he had to walk as imaginary Sand, and also not start crying in sympathy. I mean, it got me and I wasn't even in the same room, and we all know how First gets whenever Khaotung cries. They've certainly talked about it enough. I swear, this drama is a crash course in forcing First not to cry.
The scene was raw and painful, and I really felt Ray's desperation and sadness and remorse.
That said, I can't help but have trust issues. Ray is very good at apologizing and then demonstrably learning nothing. With one exception (Sand told him to stop throwing money at him because it makes him uncomfortable, and to my knowledge Ray has not made a habit of doing so since), Ray seems to think that apologizing means that he can go right back to the same behavior. This one does seem different in that he's way more devastated, and it was clear enough that he was apologizing for a lot more than going off at Sand in his apartment, but I can't help but worry that he'll just retreat back to form when Sand inevitably forgives him as he has so many times before (and that we'll never hear him say even a fraction of that to Sand's actual face, which if he doesn't I really hope bites him in the ass later).
I want to believe in Ray, I do. Despite myself I like the guy and I would really love to stop seeing him take one step forward, two steps back all the time. But as I said I have trust issues.
Ray's Dad. I knew he actually gave a shit. He's horrible at expressing it and he's clearly at his wit's end with Ray and his self-destruction, but he cares. And I believe him when he says that he wanted to pay Sand because he admires him. Here this dude is out here doing so much for his unappreciative son, and he clearly doesn't have the same resources that this man has. It'd impress me too. And frankly for that much alone he should have offered him money. I get that he thinks that Ray will be more likely to listen to Sand than him but also he's asking a twenty something year old to do something that he apparently can't. Hell yeah he should have put money on the table. I appreciated him setting Ray straight. I can definitely see why his way of dealing with Ray doesn't work, though. Still, it's nice that he's not the stereotypical only cares about his reputation guy he appeared to be at first, especially when seen through Ray's eyes (although I already suspected he wasn't, since Sand was so adamant that Ray's dad gave a shit. I loved the "I don't want him to end up like his mother" line, too - it made me think that maybe her death haunts him just as much as it does Ray).
Top. Still rooting for him, like I am every week. Would love to know why he's so damn passive with all of his exes. Think he's aware of exactly what Mew is up to and has decided to weather it out. That's about all I got for him this week, though.
Nick. For some reason he just didn't work for me this week, which is weird because I think his scene on the roof with Boston is one of the best of the episode. I think I wanted him to make Boston work for it more but well, that's not my pathetic dude at all. It'll never be in him to make Boston work for it, lol. Oh, Nick.
Cheum. Okay, before I say anything else I want to say that I get where she was coming from, going at Boston. I also get her not being able to calm down enough to register that not only is Atom not nude in any of those pics, he also looks the complete opposite of coerced. She's already mad (whether fairly or not) at Boston for what happened with Top, and now she's got her baby bro telling her that Boston not only sexually assaulted him, but that he's trying to continue doing so via blackmail. It's no surprise that she's so mad she can't think.
That all said, I'm still not pleased with some of the things coming out of her mouth. I can understand where she is coming from and still not like the way she's expressing herself, and boy howdy is that the case here. I've said it before, but I am SO done with the slutshaming. And I was really not down with that "Atom likes women. What did you do to him?" line. Fuck all the way off with that shit, too. I am actually really worried about what she's going to do about this, because I actually don't think she's gonna calm down and have a think before she does something really fucking stupid.
Atom. Oh, this little fuck. I knew he was gonna pull some shit, I could feel it in my bones, but I didn't expect him to go quite that low. More fool me. I don't care how upset he is, going around accusing Boston of SA because he wouldn't fuck him again is vile. Just gross. And he knew what he was doing. This shit was planned and purposeful. Vile. Just vile.
Relationships (Most to Least Fave atm)
There weren't really any friendship moments this go around (well, I guess you could say the core group had a moment, but uh), so I'll just be doing the couples this time.
TopMew. What can I say. It's still the one. I've already explained how I see things above, and I still think that these two are definitely end game. I do think that by next ep they'll be actually working things out though, as opposed to Mew paying lip service to it while he tests the fuck out of Top to see what he does. I appreciate that this ship isn't for everyone but it is for me, apparently. Come on, guys, I believe in you.
Threesomes - the order in which I crave these is TOPSANDBOEING followed by TopMewBoeing, but honestly SandRayBoeing will do in a pinch, even though I'm still in camp "Ray says he wants the threesome but what he really wants is to scare the third party off." Boeing is the last person to be scared off by that though, I feel, so. We'll see what happens. That said, Sand really doesn't appear to be Team Threesome nowadays and hopefully his opinion matters, hence my desire for a TopSandBoeing flashback.
SandRay. Yeah, I know. I'm surprised too. Still think they're made to break, but I liked their stuff this time. Everything about it was really good from an angst lover's perspective. Preview wants me to think that Sand and Boeing have a chance (and honestly I would not say nay) but let's be real here, Sand ain't going there. He might have conflicted feelings about Boeing but he's far too focused on Ray now to be with anyone else. If anything, we'll see Ray fuck Boeing first. And Boeing does seem to like going after the love interest...
BostonNick. I don't know why it wasn't firing for me this ep, but it wasn't firing for me this ep. Still think they deserve each other. Still rooting for them. But for this episode only, they did less for me than Ray and Sand.
SandBoeing. The way I need these two to kiss on the mouth. Look, my GramYok heart wants what it wants. I thought they were gonna kiss in Not Me and I was denied. Actually, they denied me a lot in Not Me. Asshole show (not really). But now that Mond's here and actually kissing guys instead of faking me out this needs to happen (and I think it will. Via flashback, most likely).
BoeingMew. What? I could get behind this. That one brief moment where Mew kissed him back really worked for me, although I don't think Mew could go through with it.
In Conclusion
I really liked this episode. The apartment fight and Ray's end scene were particular standouts, but so were both BostonNick scenes. I will appreciate it if Boeing has more to do than just cause stupid mess, but I'm guessing that he's mostly here to cause mess and either kiss or try to kiss every one of these dudes. There are worse things to exist for. Plus he's pretty.
I'm kind of glad that we only have two weeks left. I suspect that this is a show that might do better on binging overall, so if the ending is good (and by good I mean something that I personally find satisfying - I'm not claiming any objectivity here) I will probably do that. A week between episodes leaves us all with too much damn time on our hands to come up with dumb shit (ask me about how I have convinced myself Ray and Boeing are gonna do the do).
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. See you next week.
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fisheito · 8 months
i understand you perfectly!! i think maybe some people have less coordination to catch the bouncy ball brain that can happen when someone's excited and passionate abt smthn is maybe why others have said they have trouble understanding what you mean sometimes? but it made perfect sense to me and YHHEEESS!!!!! YES I WANT YAKUMO TO BE SEEN BY CHICKENS!!!!!!! i think about him as a wee one a lot bc there's SO much sand in the sandbox to make little sandyakus out of. like are forest animals less likely to be wary of him because more yokai (as far as we've seen) are in the forests? COW YOKAI WHEN?? (just olivines halloween costume and i just finished polishing my milk bucket)
thinking of a very scared little snakey boy crying hysterically over a duck flapping at him is so sad but also. too funny im so sorry yakumo. grandma and grandpa have their work cut out for them to not only raise a semi feral child but whatever yard birds they have keep trying to fight and there's only so much you can do while holding a long and terrified child on your hip who may or may not understand the common language at this point!! child yakumo is FASCINATING and i want to know so much more about what they had to deal with, like the only humanity he's ever known was 1) cave murals for him to base his DIY human form and 2) fuckers both small and adult size terrorizing him in the cave
personally! i like the idea that even after operation cave adoption yakumo was pretty immediately in fawn mode and probably had a very deep understanding of behavior that gets smiles and soft touches vs behavior that gets loud and angry (like most full ass human children do) but like? what if he had a biting streak like a lot of other full ass human children do? is it just instinct? does he have fangs?????? (i say yes but im a monsterlover first human third) i also think it would be funny and also sweet if the chickens are PISSED at a snake coming into their yard and their hutch but wait! snake has corn? corn? corn? corn? this snake can stay. i think little yakumo should get to hug a chicken!!! they're very friendly and like people and many of them like to be pet and snuggled it's his right as a country boy to show up at his grandparents and have many excited birds running to see him. ladies LOVE this guy
also grampa harvesting(?? is that the word. collecting. idk) eggs and yakumo helping for the first time and he's like "look :) this is an egg for us to eat. it's how the chickens say thank you for giving them a house :)" and baby yaks just. holds egg every carefully. eyes big with wonder. places a raw ass unwashed still has some straw on it egg into his mouth and swallows it whole. grampa watches his jaw pop in and out of place. grampa needs a smoke after this one. stories to tell eiden while looking at the baby pictures when yakumo is in the bathroom. he comes back to the main room and eidens like "aww yakumo why didn't you tell me you solved your grandparents mouse problem within the first month of you staying here 🥺 that's so sweet" "mmhmm mmhmm. he just slurped them up like spaghetti and i only fainted twice seeing the tail hanging out of his mouth" (yakumo is so embarrassed he levels the entire klein continent)
AND AND speaking of small animals and me having 0 memory of canon did bring it up i DESPERATELY want to know how topper felt the first time he had to meet yakumo. did he get super poofy and do the weasel war dance because predator with essence close to Quincy range? or did he just scamper into the kitchen one day and tug on the hem of yakumos pants like "excuse me papá said you would make me a sandwich" bc we know they can understand each other and that topper is a chill little guy, but just how smooth was the first interaction!!!
i also! feel like i am a bit incomprehensible here ahaha. i think a lot of it is the excitement, and my very scattered attention span and energy levels. we are playing intellectual racquetball. but you are very understandable to me and very funny and very kind! thank you for appreciating the creatureness of yaks and giving him lots of thought and love and chickens. and for allowing me to put this long ass ask in your box 🩷🐟
i didn;t think any of that was incomprehensible but then again who am i to act as a baseline for comprehension sfoijiseojclokls thank u for ur long ass ask every paragraph filled me with visions and made me engage in More THan Just Sensible Chuckle
(side note: i kno we all joke about olivine being cow but . kinda makes sense. they're curious and intelligent... they have complicated social structures and bffs... they are gentle but also tanks and will destroy u if that is their true desire. does olivine like being brushed? i'll have to wait to find out)
-i cannot believe it didn't click but grandma and granpa rly DID raise a feral baby. i always wonder how lil yaku ... ebven formed his human body? like, what informed his knowledge of human anatomy? behaviour? processes and??? uhhh i'll just pretend it was magical Great Serpent generational knowledge embedded in his DNA or smth bc aint no way yaku learning how to be People from the bullies, like u said 😥
DO SNAKES MOUTH ON THINGS? like, gnaw on things with their gummy litl mouths to figure out the world? i know they usually use their tongue to investigate but the image of a baby snake... who doesn't know that a certain food item is too big for them... so they keep trying to eat it from diff angles. but it's not working and tehy're not venomous so their only weapon is to squeeze something , which is not helpful in subduing the stationary giant food item but i guess this is the point where they try to figure out how to unhinge their jaw properly (technique is important!!) so. i guess they succeed in the end? How big is too big for an unhinged snake jaw?? child yakumo pouting because he can't eat an entire pampo in one bite? 😅
-desperately necessary visual: yakumo and eiden pulling up to the ol' farm in their carriage. they disembark. eiden spots the ladies (hens) running from the horizon. the chickens keep comin'. some are HAULING FEATHERY ASS. some are more casual trotters. eiden starts to recognise the speed demons in the flock (he will name them and narrate a race in his head every time they visit). yakumo is surprised they recognise him, even tho they do this EVERY TIME he visits. he promptly gives them snacks from his stash.
re: topper... i'd guess that since topper met yakumo post-eiden, he wouldn't register yaku as a threat. yaku has chilled out by that point, and always smells like tasty human food. WAS THERE A CANONICAL MOMENT ALREADY DISCLOSED WHERE TOPPER MET YAKUMO FOR THE FIRST TIME??? I DO NOT KNOW. topper just seems abnormally chill and friendly sooo I shall guess that topper would survey the vibes of yakumo and go "that seems like. a quiet fella. smells like meat. will he give me treats? paPA, does he provide treats???" quincy: idk go ask topper: NOICE (hops off to investigate yakumo's treat quotient) so drama-free. finally someone who speaks your language. both squeaks AND food 🥰
anyway your entire ask is just a compilation of things i need to see PLEASE FORTHE LOVE OF SNAKES the images are so vivid. so cute. i simply must (clenches fists) (clenches toes)
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thevoidstaredback · 15 days
We're watching Let There Be Carnage today, bois!!
This would be so much more enjoyable if my prescription wasn't going out....
Also. 'Cletus'? Who names their kid that? I refuse to believe there are really people named Cletus. Just like there are no babies named Bob.
Maybe don't taunt the pretty lady with the badass scar and the supersonic scream...
Venom's a mood. I love him.
He's so nice to Eddie.
Eddie, my dear, we both know that Cletus is shady af.
I want Venom's ability to draw!
Why did you have to go piss off Cletus? We know he's shady. I don't care if he calls you his friend, he's not.
Eddie called Venom abusive!
Chickens do have tiny brains. It's funny.
Good job setting boundaries, Eddie.
Poor Venom, stuck eating chickens.
Calm your tits, though, my dear.
He's like a puppy dog when Anne calls!
Golden Retriever energy.
Poor Eddie, though, being forced to take a phone call while dangling from a roof...
I love the dichotomy of what Eddie's saying vs. what Venom is saying. It's really funny.
"I'm going to make you cry now. Cry. Cry!"
Cletus just called you "Paly, pal" in a letter to invite you to watch him die. Listen to Venom. Do not go to his death sentence!
"You feel like home to me." That's mildly concerning.
Hello, Carnage.
It's cute that Eddie thinks he can beat Venom in a fight.
It's cute that Venom thinks he can kick Eddie out of his own apartment.
His bike!
Hello, Carnage!!
Bullets aren't working. Maybe, idk, crazy idea: Stop firing?
Cletus escapes. Knocks on Eddie's door. Eddie opens door. Fucking idiot. It's the chief of police, but still-
Eddie, Cletus is gonna be gunning for your head on a pike. You don't open the door when someone is coming for your head!
"I am out of the Eddie Closet!" Honey. Sweetie...Babe.
I can appreciate Cletus's taste in cars. That's a nice car he stole, smh.
Venom thinks this rave is for him and everyone else is too drunk to correct him and are just going along with it. The only people not too drunk are too scared.
No! He died!
Eddie, you fucking idiot. You are not invincible anymore. Do not go to the creepy ass mansion!! You'll die!
Dad says I can't drive like Cletus.....😞
Don't taunt the pretty lady with the badass scar and the supersonic scream!
Awwww! They're together again!
He's so soft with her! He even stole her dream car!🥰
Prof. X would be horrified by Francis' treatment.
Eddie really just pulled "I can fix him!" when talking about Venom.
Poor Dan.
Aw! Cletus is inviting Eddie to his wedding!
Now Anne understands the dichotomy of having Venom in her head! Poor Dan is stuck watching this all go down.
Again, mister cop, sir. Bullets aren't working. Stop firing and run.
She has a beautiful dress. I love it very much. Cletus could've matched better.
The priest looks terrified. Poor Anne.
Venom! Perfect timing.
"Death to you, father!" "No!" "Not you, father. You father!" Patricide at its finest.
Eddie looks scared out of his mind. Venom doesn't wanna deal with his kid.
Carnage! You can't just slap people!
"Time to die!" "That's the spirit!" "I mean us. We are going to die."
Poor father just got called a power up
Maybe going to higher ground was not the decision, mister cop man sir...
Good job, Dan!
Shit, now he's a target.
"Manno a Manno", Cletus? There's a ringing bell! Missed opportunity to say "For whom the bell tolls" but whatever.
He said the thing! Carnage said the movie title!
FB Is going down screaming!!
Oof. Crushed by a bell...
Goodbye, Cletus. Goodbye, Carnage.
Filicide. Venom ate Carnage. Yucky
Cletus just wanted a friend.....
Venom says no. He ate his head.
He's got his toes in the sand! He doesn't have hair, though...
"...When you love someone..." I see you, Venom. Eddie sees you, too!
I am so fucking excited for Along Came A Spider to come out!!! Words cannot describe-!
(I swear I've seen a trailer and an announcement for it. Unless I hallucinated it......I'll cry if that's the case)
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shitshowkb · 4 months
okay so i haven't watched in MONTHS but i saw those super bowl commercials with max so i am back baby, let's gooo!
✧ fire country - season one, episodes 13 - 22 reactions below the cut ✧
✧ fire country - season one, episode 13 reaction ✧
• man i love vince
• also i do not like this probie, the vibes are off
• OF COURSE this dumb bitch is chained to a tree and there's a forest fire
• oh fun bode just heard jake ask to be sharon's donor
• i get that he asked so bode doesn't have to go back to prison & leave sharon again
• but i 100% understand why bode is pissed, he wants to do this for his mom so badly
• oh yay, fire's here
• "i don't care about the save, it's about them, not me"
• this dumb girl is gonna be bode's voice of reason, isn't she?
• they're taking bode chicken for his birthday 🥹
• and sharon and vince were bringing him a cake 🥹
• "is that a chicken?" LOL i love vince
• jake's here too 🥹
• i'm not crying, you are
• look at gabs and manny & bode and jake talking things out
• "i just want her to live, doesn't matter who saves her"
• and more tears
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
✧ fire country - season one, episode 14 reaction ✧
• "i look like the mattress king" lmaoooo vince
• "you are the mattress king of this house" okay sharon, okay
• rebecca girl you gotta chill
• lmao not bode just standing there talking to gabs while rebecca loads up the sand bags
• alright, what's gonna pop off at this fair?
• gonna be something crazy because these poor people can't ever have a semi normal day
• what a dick
• what'd i say? something crazy
• and THIS is EXACTLY why i do not ride any kind of fair/carnival ride
• oh god that poor kid
• oh great, where is this asshole's kid?
• manny baby, you gotta chill too
• gabs needs help :(
• 29 out of 30
• oh god that kid was on the ride, wasn't he?
• is bode gonna be the one to find this kid?
• i knew bode was gonna find this kid
• jake got approved 🥹
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
✧ fire country - season one, episode 15 reaction ✧
• excuse me WHAT
• oh yay, shar is DNR
• oh good lord
• shar is having surgery and gets taken out by a tree
• can my man bode please have a normal chill day for once in his life???
• look at jakey being all grown and loveable when i used to want to fight him every time he was on screen
• if bode can't save eve it's going to WRECK him
• someone is obviously gonna die in this episode
• who's it gonna be? eve? rebecca?
• it sure as hell better not be sharon
• it's gonna be rebecca, isn't it?
• i swear to y'all right now if shar dies i'm done watching for another several months
• what no
• i had a feeling rebecca was for sure dying but
• WHAT THE FUCK is going on with jake
• bode baby don't do it
• oh thank god jake's okay
• but shar didn't get her kidney :(
• he just wanted to help shar
• brb am crying
• and now manny is being investigated for arson??
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
✧ fire country - season one, episode 16 reaction ✧
• eve and bode are going through it and i hate it
• this probie is weird as hell
• "you keep my name out of your google search"
• get him jake
• this fire is insane
• i just know some crazy shit going to pop off
• this hotshot superintendent is a dick
• so manny is in the clear, thanks @ god
• "we believe the arsonists is a firefighter"
• and they believe it's someone at 42???
• how do they know that though???
• show me the evidence
• this man and his need to save lives is SO hot but he's STRESSING me out
• oh great bode's gonna stay, fantastic
• daddy vince being a badass is my favorite
• bode is such a good firefighter
• man i love these leone men
• alright who the fuck is starting fires
• dickhead superintendent hotspot redemption
• 5th grade jake purposely set his bedroom on fire
• i feel like this is not a good thing to admit to the probie???
• oh great all the evidence points to jake and shar knows he's started a fire before
• this is not a good look
• but i feel like he's innocent???
• like my head is screaming at me that it's the probie
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
✧ fire country - season one, episode 17 reaction ✧
• is jake really an arsonist?
• i will throw a fit
• is this show really gonna go that route?
• not shar trying to keep this whole arson thing from vince but him hearing the whole conversation
• okay jake is being weird and this is not a good look
• nah see this is why i don't think it's jake
• this probie showing up to a fire when he's not even on shift??? because he was close???
• he's a little too eager which makes him SUSPICIOUS
• good lord jake just tell everyone why you were in drake county
• yes gabs you throw that ladder baby
• oh shit the ammo in the fire is going off
• girl your house is on fire, why are you standing that close to it???
• i KNEW jake telling him was a bad idea
• i'm telling y'all now this probie is setting fires and framing jake
• nah i don't like probie going into this house with jake
• bode out here solving crimes and shit
• oh fun, jake is trapped
• "why can't anybody in this family just stay out of it?" lmao i love vince
• this kid is a fucking psycho
• damn jake is going through it too
• he tracked down his secret brother to see if he could match with shar for a kidney 🥹
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
✧ fire country - season one, episode 18 reaction ✧
• B is up for parole already?
• please free my boy
• manny is doing everything he can to make sure bode gets paroled 🥹
• that redheaded lady wants manny so bad, girl me too
• something terrible is about to happen to this party bus full of kids, isn't it?
• jake and eve are at each other's throats rn
• y'all babes gotta chill out
• oh good lord of course this train is gonna hit the party bus
• oh hey kane brown 😍
• fire camp or no fire camp, bode is one hell of a firefighter
• the way this man takes charge 😮‍💨
• eve baby you gotta calm down
• listen i know manny doesn't want anything to jeopardize his chance at parole but he's gotta chill and let bode help
• oh good lord what's on the train???
• is this train going to explode???
• because a train crashing into a prom party bus just isn't enough drama???
• now we add in JET FUEL???
• oh good lord
• that was close, lil too close
• eve baby, take your leave please
• oh shit i forgot about the backpack
• and of course it's full of money
• if this leads to bode not getting parole i stg
• why would you keep a sibling a secret from you kids??? wild
• okay manny get it
• gabs y'all are all alone in the forest and you're not trying to climb that man like a tree???
• eve baby :(
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✧ fire country - season one, episode 19 reaction ✧
• oh great
• this guy is not gonna be good for fire camp
• i do not like this sleeper guy at all
• if this guy ruins B's chance at parole omg
• what da hell is this weird place
• a root fire???
• can we ever just give these poor people a simple little fire where everyone is not in immediate danger for once???
• if bode keeping this kid being high a secret costs him parole i will RIOT
• "dmv opens at 8" lmao I love shar
• oh god that poor woman
• dude this kid was pretty much dying and sleeper comes over and suddenly he's all better???
• how did this trash ass man get into fire camp???
• i really do not like this guy
• bode and freddy have been friends since the beginning and this guy shows up and ruins it???
• nah, fuck that
• eve baby :(
• that fight between freddy and bode was fake??? give those men an oscar cause for sure thought it was real
• bode wants to take down sleeper before he leaves fire camp
• i'm telling y'all if this man doesn't get parole i stg
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✧ fire country - season one, episode 20 reaction ✧
• honestly fuck this sleeper guy bc bringing drugs to fire camp is dangerous for SO many reasons
• like the drugs in general are dangerous but these men are firefighters
• high firefighters??? their lives are already in danger but add in being high and that level of danger is infinitely higher
• oh cool, yes let's beat bode up
• this man wants gabs BAD
• let's goooo, eve and jake are teaming up to help freddy get released
• oh fun, uncle luke is here
• lmao they did not name the trucks bertha and lucille
• "don't ever threaten my people" GET HIM BODE
• OF COURSE there are people in the mine
• what the hell
• i can not stand this man
• oh yay there are a bunch of kids trapped in there
• and eve & jake are off to save the day
• bode baby you gotta tell cap about the drugs, get the hell outta fire camp & live your life
• awesome they're out of supply line & the kids are yelling for help in the distance
• i absolutely do not like this whole mine rescue situation
• deep in this mine and we're having a diabetic emergency, fun times
• vince cheated on sharon after riley died???
• but why is papa leone yelling about it on his hospital room right now omg
• fantastic now eve, jake & the kids are trapped in this mine
• did this stupid mother fucker hide his stash in bode's stuff? or freddy's stuff?
• i'm going to lose my mind
• this mine situation is stressing me tf out
• vince only kissed another woman? papa leone made it sound SO much worse
• are they gonna get freddy out?? 🥺
• vince and jake making up 🥺
• gabs now is not the time for you sneak up on bode omg
• gabs out here being bode's voice of reason 🥹
• but i have a realllll bad feeling about how this gonna play for bode
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✧ fire country - season one, episode 21 reaction ✧
• bode baby please focus on your parole hearing and not those assholes
• i know it's gonna be a process after fire camp but i genuinely cannot wait to see bode working cal fire with his family
• you idiots can't fight fires to the best of your ability if you're using
• bode essentially saved your lives
• pull your head out of your asses and realize that
• nozzle started the backfire??? of course they did
•i have suddenly decided i do not like faye
• "how are you feeling?" gabs baby that man does not look good at all
• eve baby, you gotta tell freddy the truth
• yeah i do not like faye
• here we go, these nozzle idiots are about to make this so much worse
• what'd i say???
• "my parents" MY HEART
• lol man is bleeding out and still wants a picture with kyle
• freddy is gonna finish his sentence before the conviction can be overturned???
• i know this is a tv show but the justice system really is FUCKED
• man i feel so bad for freddy :(
• these idiots are really trying to escape???
• bode baby i love how much you love helping people but can you please not run off right now??? and freddy too???
• if he doesn't make parole because of this, i'm going to LOSE it
• nooooooo, oscar died
• i'm not crying, you are
• this is so sad 😭😭😭
• oh thank god bode was right, they didn't escape
• but they're in this house on fire with no hoses
• can we not have a family reunion IN the fire? please take it outside fellas
• the way it just started pouring rain, and ccr started playing has me in tears lmao
• "yeah, i want him by my side" me too vince, me too
• sacramento calling???
• what the hell
• "i'm not happy" go get your man gabs
• "i can't wait another day, bode"
• it's truly insane that she managed to wait this long because LOOK AT THAT MAN
• i'm gonna throw up
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✧ fire country - season one, episode 22 reaction ✧
• this man has not be using so what the fuck???
• he's still up for parole???
• oh god, i'm already stressed
• manny baby, you gotta calm down and believe your boy
• "you still haven't told him" TOLD HIM WHAT LUKE
• lol i love eve and jake
• why don't they just test bode again at his parole hearing???
• can we get to the parole hearing because i am stressed
• OH GOD NO, not a mudslide
• and cookie and the baby were in it? fantastic
• investigating three rock??? bitch for WHAT
• oh god this man put his son in the fridge to save him but what if they can't find him in time???
• oh dear god
• so much is happening
• i am stressed the fuck out
• and freddy is about to realize cookie and the baby are here
• oh god
• i refuse to believe this man used, REFUSE
• oh great, that wasn't even the right fridge
• this is a mess
• "we kind of wanted to tell you together" TELL US WHAT LUKE
• is cookie gonna be okay??? i'm stressed
• is uncle luke gonna donate a kidney to shar???
• is that why we're being secretive???
• he is gonna donate his kidney 🥹
• that little "hello" 😭
• oh thank god he's still alive in there
• i'm gonna throw up
• this is too stressful
• eve, jake & that little boy are are okay
• now where the hell are freddy, cookie & bode
• brb am crying
• oh thank god they're all okay
• "i'm proud of you mijo"
• brb crying again
• bode might have a kid????
• what the actual fuck is happening right now
• i'm gonna throw up
• bode what the fuck
• no way in hell is that true, he lied so freddy could get out
• i'm PISSED but i love this man and how he protects his people
• also fuck this mel bitch, i don't like her
• i'm sad
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
season 2, episode 1 reaction post coming SOON!!!!
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jiminzfilter · 2 years
shine on me | preview
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→ Pairing. Seokjin x Reader
→ Genre. lifeguard!seokjin, strangers to lovers... 👀
→ Summary. Turns out going to the beach isn't as bad as you thought. Especially when a lifeguard caught your eyes
→ Word count. 2.4k
→ I already miss the summer so I wanted to share some glimpses of this fic that, for some reason, I really love. You can thank my sister for the idea that gave this fic birth. Ngl, releasing this makes me kinda anxious but I really hope you'll like it:,)
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It's been more than five years since you last went to the beach, the reason being you moved to a different city to pursue your studies. 
WelL you also maYbe have a love/hate relationship with the sun ( it’s more hate than love though) that would explain why you were never out when you were home for a few days during your vacations. It’s not that you don’t like the beach, it’s just that…
MAYBE you don’t like the beach.
Who could blame you though ? There’s seaweed everywhere and it sticks to your body when you get out of the water or flies in your eyes when it’s windy. [don't ask why but for some reasons, each time you went to the beach, there were seaweeds EVERYWHERE]
Also it gets sO cold when it’s windy, one moment you’re in the water and it’s all nice, the next one you’re freezing because of the ~wind~
Let’s not forget the sand, and the sun 
Oh the sun
Ball of fire that literally burns you to the point you don’t know if you’re a human or a tomato
Last but not least, the beach is always SO crowded and, let's be honest, you like the company of your friends buT you despise crowded space where everyone sits so close to each other you can literally hear their breaths. UGH
Yeah, you’re not much of a beach person. 
Too bad your friends LOVE going there. Especially during hot summer days.
“Come on y/n, don’t be such a killjoy.” Hoseok teases “We will have so much fun at the beach”
You groan “ahnnn. Let me think about it…” you tap your chin and look up “no?”
Disappointed but not surprised, your friends sigh in harmony. 
“Come on you can go without me. It’s not like I will be missed anyways. Plus I could stay and take care of your cat” you look at Jimin whose eyes grow bigger
“ABSOLUTELY NOT” he points at you “Last time I let you alone with Luna, poor baby was dressed up with ribbons and you bathed her with super scented shampoo.” 
For your defence, the cat smelled like poop and Jimin only uses expensive shower products from fancy perfume brands. You hAd to wash her. The ribbon was just there and you thought it’d look cute as a collar. It’s not like the cat complained anyways.
You huff and cross your arms over your chest. “I am noT coming, nothing you could say or do will make me change my mind.” 
You stand up from the couch and leave for the kitchen to take your phone while Jimin and Hoseok exchange an understanding look and nod. 
“Y/nnnn??” Jimin calls sweetly and you reply with a hum "What about lunch? Or dinner? I heard there was a restaurant at the beach we’re going to. Apparently they have a starred chef.” 
You look away from your phone’s screen, suddenly very interested. “Well, as long as you’re offering” You smile ; “I hope you know I will order the most expensive dish from their menu” 
To that, Hoseok rolls his eyes “yeah yeah we’ll see about that. Now go get changed. We’re going in ten minutes. Namjoon should be here anytime”
“Sur- WHAT??” You almost choke on imaginary water "Didn’t you say we were going tomorrow ?”  
“yes. We are going tomorrow AND today” Jimin tells you “If you listened more carefully instead of saying no all the time, you would’ve caught that”
You huff ; “fiNE. But you’re paying for food both today and tomorrow” 
They laugh at your pissed expression as you rush to your room to find something appropriate to wear. 
Thank god you shaved yesterday, you give yourself a mental pqt on the back for that. The first bikini you find is the one you change into. Quick check in the mirror. Okay. A dress is thrown over all of this and you then proceed to very dramatically throw everything you might need in your bag. 
“Y/n Namjoon is here we gotta go” you hear Jimin call 
“Just a minute” You run to your bed and grab your phone.
You notice they already left when you arrive at the door. 
Penalty for the last one out, uh? Dammit those boys are still 3. 
You sigh and grab the apartment's keys. 
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“There is no such thing as too much sunscreen!” 
As you thought, the weather is scorching hot. You all settled in the shades of your umbrellas, bottle of water close to you to stay hydrated. Namjoon brought Taehyung with him. You haven’t seen them for the past years, they changed quite a lot (and thank god because the emo look Namjoon was going for a few years back was aWfuL). Namjoon is all muscles now and Taehyung has a girlfriend!! Incredible right? He used to be so shy around the opposite back in high school. He said she would come later today. Everyone is chatting happily, the waves as a background music. You were starting to unpack your bag when Jimin pointed out your insane amount of sunscreen. This boy loved teasing you. 
“Don’t you think bringing one bottle was enough? Do you really need…” Jimin counts the bottles laid out on your towel “SEVEN?! What are you even doing with those ? EaTiNg them?” You all snort at his comment 
“They don’t have the same use!!! There are different SPFs and some are oils and there’s also.. wait. Do you even cAre? Can’t someone just help me apply some on my back ? Yes? Oh god Joon you’re my saviour thank you!” 
As you remove your dress, you notice Hoseok’s smile before he once again teases you ; “You’re so pale Yoongi would be jealous”
You laugh “If I burn to death because I don’t have sunscreen on, I doubt that he will envy me” 
You sit, back facing Namjoon, and hand him the biggest bottle of sunscreen, which he applies very carefully. You thank him when he is done and lay on your towel, being careful to stay in the umbrella’s shadow, as everyone runs into the water. 
Earphones now plugged in, you open your overused notebook and, a pencil in your hand, get ready to drown the pages in randomsmall poems. 
The blue of the sea
Is like the blue of your eyes tears
You look smile at me
This picture of you smiling at me// it smiles at me?
And I know you’re… ????? far away from here?
(because??) I am blue now, just like you
You sigh and look at the sea. The page is all covered with various doodles now and half of the words you wrote have been scratched off and replaced by others. It doesn’t make sense :(
Where are the boys anyways? They haven't come back and it’s been what? An hour? Maybe two? You check your phone and sigh. 11 am. It’s only been thirty minutes. You sigh in frustration, wishing the day was over already so you could go back home and have your sun detox.
Your notebook is settled aside and you change the music to a much calmer one before laying down completely. 
Never too late or too early for a good nap.
“Hey, y/n, do you want to go swimm-“ Jimin stops himself when he sees you’re sleeping. “hasn’t been at the beach in two years and here she is sleeping” he shakes his head 
“Jimin? What time is it? I’m kinda hungry” Hoseok calls as he approaches
He checks his phone “1pm. We should go eat. Call the boys”
The boys are being loud enough to wake you up as they get prepared to leave.
Annoyed, you sigh and open your eyes, almost instantly regretting as the sun blinds you despite your sunglasses and the umbrella. 
You’re about to tell them to shut uP when you hear someone say your name. ; “what about Y/n ? Shouldn’t we wake her up so she can come eat with us?”. You recognise the voice as Namjoon’s
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve already sent her a text saying where we’re going. Let her have her rest” Jimin replies and you hear the boys’ voices fade as they walk away. 
It’s quiet again now. Perfect, you can go back to sleep- wait a minute 🤨
Did Namjoon mention eating? Last time you checked it was 11am but that was before you took a nap so… 
Oh my god
They did noT-
You check your phone and 1) it’s already 1 pm how did you sleep for two hours?? 2) Jimin didn’t even send you a text when he promised he’d pay for your meal 3) THEY WENT FOR LUNCH WITHOUT YOU
You feel betrayed. Very much betrayed. You hate Jimin
Well, if they plan on leaving you behind, might as well take some time to organise your stuff and reapply some ✨sunscreen✨ 
When you finally arrive at the restaurant, it's already 1:40 PM. Namjoon kept a seat empty next to him, which you gladly take. As promised, you order the most expensive thing on the menu (fancy cooked fish with vegetables or something like that,, whatever, Jimin said he was paying and you plan on making him regret not waking you up earlier). The food has a divine taste by the way. 
You feel like doing a victory dance when you see Jimin’s face as he takes the bill and a big grin spreads on your face when he looks at you, eyes wide. Take that 
After this day, Jimin decided to never leave you behind when it was time to eat. Not when his wallet was at stake at least.
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This morning, you made it clear that going swimming was NOT in your plans but, hundred of supplication and a cone of ice cream offered by Hoseok (this man really knows the way to your heart) later, you give in and dive your feet in the coLd water. 
“YOU TOLD ME IT WAS WAY HOTTER THAN THIS!!!” You scream at the four dumb-asses that are your friends, already regretting doing this.
“But it IS hot!” Jimin replies “you just gotta dive right in” 
And he starts to lightly splash water at you, like the good friend he is. You run around and try to avoid getting wet. 
Suddenly you feel strong arms wrapping around your waist and- oh no- you know where this is going. Hoseok laughs in your neck and lifts you up. Your friends laugh even louder
“As you wish” and he drops you 
In the water. And it’s cold!!!!
“OHMYGOD HOSEOK I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS” you point a finger at him as you try to push him away from your face your now-soaked hair. Of course, you fail (I mean, have you ever actually tried to brush a hand through your hair when they’re wet? That’s right, you CaN’t).
Hoseok is having a hard time catching his breath looking at how much he’s laughing, oh god you wish a siren would come and drag him to the bottom of the ocean.
Or maybe not. You still need your friend to comfort you when you’re sad. Plus, as dumb as he is, he’s your best friend.
That doesn’t stop you from splashing water at him, making him scream in surprise. And suddenly everyone is splashing water at each other.
Yes. You guys are children.
You probably all start screaming a bit too much and are surely extra loud because someone is calling you out. 
“Hey. Stop it!” A masculine voice calls in your back, startling you. “You plan on causing a tsunami or what?”
There’s a moment of silence before you slowly turn around and-
oh my god- 
what a sight 
There’s a handsome lifeguard standing on the shore pointing at you and your friends. Sun-kissed skin, slightly damp hair gracefully falling on his forehead, plump lips, swim shirt leaving very little to the imagination… yup. So handsome. Your eyes catch up to his and you hold his gaze, your body suddenly hot and you look away
“ Hey,Seokjin!” Namjoon waves at the lifeguard
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tehkatie · 9 months
Only Friends Ep4 Live Blog:
2 years ago we’re starting off strong!!
A bestie being your emergency contact is not a bad thing.
Ray is breaking my heart. I’m already teary eyed wow.
You know what now I can understand Mew more when it comes to their friendship. I will elaborate later.
I feel so bad for Ray, I feel so bad for Mew
I can not take this omfg. I’m literally sobbing.
That’s why he’s so attached, why he hates being alone. Oooooh I cant.
Omg and I wouldn’t be surprised if Ray misconstrued that.
Awww Cheum.
Me and Cheum are the same person I will say.
He’s not a heavyweight like he’s just not.
Mew is a good friend. We just caught him at a fed up stage.
Why they got me over here shipping Ray and Mew a lil????????
Oh so Mew REALLY knows.
I can see why Boston would film it but why would he keep it for so long?
He said what about your boyfriend??
The poor boy shirt being the designated drunk shirt.
Gosh now I really see why Mew is so into the idea of Ray and Sand.
I think he’s lovely too Mew
Lying liar that lies.
Why would you say that Ray?!
Mew has a entered my top 5 officially.
He said think about what you’ve done.
I will say that first 13 minutes has poked holes in so many of my theories.
Nah you watched Top and Boston fuck.
Nick would know.
I love this friendship.
Now you know.
Top is at the top of my shit list. Like get off my screen HARLOT!! Like not you calling him your boyfriend knowing what you’ve done!! Come outside we not gone jump you!!!
Not Ray walking up like heeeeeey.
I am glad that Ray listened to Mew I will say.
Ray got his tea.
I get it Sand I truly do.
You can play the guitar but please don’t start sing.
Ooooh I love that he asked and didn’t just buy it.
Sand I am not on your side with this one. Like not at all.
It’s the communication for me. Wow.
Sand is gone.
Periodt Sand me too.
I need Boston to stop like wtf are you doing????
I really hate him.
Top is gathering him.
I would not piss off Boston to that degree though because I don’t think he has any reservations about being the one that tells Mew himself. They are barely actual friends in my opinion. Like at least at this point.
Poor Nick.
I just said poor Nick and this man gone start going through Boston’s phone. Like baby stop.
Oh he didn’t catch him. Trailers can be deceiving.
OH INTERESTING!!! Boston’s dad must be one of those ‘I don’t care if you’re gay just don’t broadcast it’ types. Interesting very interesting.
Stop playing with his emotions omfg.
Why is he torturing himself?
Wtf Nick?!
Legit asked him to do the one thing he’s been trying to do.
Shocked pikachu
This is what the fight is about? It’s not funny but I’m cackling. We really played ourselves. P’jojo and them laughing at us hard.
I can not believe how much I played myself. Wow omfg.
C’mon roommate besties!!! I love them.
God Ray is such a good apologist. That’s my favorite thing about him.
You would give him more.
Mew being honest makes my anger with Top so much worse. LIKE YOU COULD HAVE TALKED TO HIM AND HE WOULD HAVE BEEN HONEST YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
This episode is a lot.
I’m just here mad as hell.
Move on Ray. Honey it’s time.
Listening to music with someone can be so personal.
Sand is gone I say again.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
bittersweet ☆
possessive!rafe x plus!sized reader.
warnings: crazy rafe, possessive and obsessive behavior, swearing, underage drinking, reader gets hurt, physical fight, ect.
words: 2,167.
summary: you went to a local party by the beach when rafes unstable side peeked out. jj maybank finds you alone, and decides to talk to you. rafe gets possessive and upset, thinking that jj was hitting on you.
request?: no :)
a/n: i’m working on requests but since my computer is down it’s taking longer because i hate typing on my phone especially because tumblr always deletes what i’ve written. i’m hopeful that my computer will be fixed by tomorrow, until then i’ll try and produce a few stories since i’ve been MIA for a few days. remember to like and comment if you enjoy this! <3
my masterlist
“please just come with me.” rafe frowned as he sat on your porch pleading to you, telling you why you should go to a beach party with him. “why rafe?” you frown, not in a partying mood. instead, you would much rather stay home and do a movie marathon. “please baby, i swear i’ll make it up to you.” you roll your eyes at his begging. “fine, but only because you are so cute.” his eyes sparkle as a smile lifts on his lips, you pull him into a quick kiss.
you walk back inside to get dressed for the bonfire. rafe was wearing blue and orange, and you wanted to match him. so, you grabbed a pair of dark blue ripped jean shorts, and an orange v-neck. you apply some perfume and jewelry before putting on some shoes. just as you were finishing up, rafe walked into your room smirking. “awh, you wanted to match with me.” he smiled. despite you knowing his look was filled with adoration you couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable under his long glance. “obviously, don’t you want people to know i’m yours?” you question him, waiting for his response. “well, matching clothes won’t change anything. everyone already knows.” you nod smiling before pulling him into a kiss.
once you pull away from the kiss, he grabs your hand and leads you to the car as he drives to the beach. his hand finding its way on your thigh; gripping it tightly. while he drove to the beach, you paid close attention to your phone, checking social media for any major updates. rafes grasp on your thigh loosened as the car came to a halt. you were parked on the beach, the sun was already setting.
you both exit the car, rafe swiftly moving from his side of the car to yours. “thank you for coming with me.” his hand finds yours, pulling them together. “of course, i love hanging out with you.” he lets go of your hand, and moves his arm to hold closely around your waist. the two of you begin to walk towards the already drunken teen filled beach.
you frown at the amount of trash that litters the sand. you stay close to rafe, as he approaches topper and kelce. “hey guys.” you say to them to make conversation. they nod in your direction, acknowledging you before their attention turns towards rafe again. you don’t pay any mind to what the boys are discussing. after a while you become bored, so you slowly slip out of rafes arm to go get a drink. “i’m going to go get a drink, do you want one?” you ask rafe, and he glances at you smiling. “yes please, thanks baby.” you lean in for a quick kiss before leaving to go get drinks. you weren’t a heavy drinker, always scared of what you would say or do under the influence, so you grab yourself a water and grab a beer for rafe.
you return to the spot you were in earlier, but it’s now vacant. rafe, topper, and kelce all leaving you behind. you frown, looking around for them but coming up short. you had no idea where they could be since this beach was huge. you don’t bother wasting your time looking for them, instead you start to head for the bonfire.
you weren’t surprised that rafe had left you all alone. this always happened. he would beg you to go to something, just to abandon you half way through it. it didn’t bother you, it just worried you, scared of what he was doing without you.
once you arrived at the bonfire, you decided to down the drink once made for rafe, the beer stinging your throat. you drank three more chugs before drinking water as well. it doesn’t take long for the alcohol to come into effect. you knew it had clouded your judgement when you were laughing at jj maybanks jokes of all people. “i’m telling you, these people were fucking crazy.” you giggled as he made exaggerated reactions. “you’re telling me! that sounds scary as fuck. i wouldn’t have survived.” he shook his head looking down at you, “i’m sure you would have figured something out.” you nod at him.
“have you seen those dudes since?” you ask, intrigued by his story. “actually, yeah. their story isn’t the brightest… sheriff told me that they-” his voice cut off as he made a slicing noise above his throat. your eyes widened in shock. “oh my god! really??” you grab his arm, “what if they came back for you! bro no way…” your heart rate quickens at the thought of evil men chasing random kids. “no, i know right, scary as shit. i guess it’s bittersweet because they died, but now they aren’t after us anymore.” he shrugs, sipping his red solo cup. “i guess. it’s still scary. so many people are unexpectedly dying nowadays, i definitely-” you were interrupted as rafe put an arm around you, eyeing jj up and down.
“continue baby, what were you saying?” rafe asked, smiling at you for a split second before it disappeared when his eyes focused on jj again. “oh we were just talking about bad men, and how this town is scarier than it used to be.” he nods at you. “jj what are you doing talking to my girl?” jj stands up straighter, “why do you care? do you own her or something?” rafe scoffed, “yes.” the confusion on your face was evident and jj was quick on acknowledging it. “oh really? by the look on her face, she doesn’t agree.” he glances at you, but you have quickly recovered. “what are you talking about maybank?” you interrupted the two immediately not wanting a fight to break out. “i was just talking to jj because he had a funny story. it wasn’t anything like that, i swear babe.” you words slurred together and it was evident you weren’t in the right headspace.
rafes eyes widened as he fully realized that you were so intoxicated that you had no idea what was going on, “what the fuck maybank? you got her drunk for what? you trying to fuck her?” jj couldn’t believe rafes nerve. “one, she was drunk when she came up to me, and two, i don’t need to fuck her, i already have.” your heart dropped at jj's confession.
“maybank, do you want to take that back?” you could tell rafe was trying to give jj a chance to redeem himself before all hell breaks loose. your hand tightened on rafes bicep trying to get him to move on, but he wouldn’t budge. “can't take back what’s already happened.” jj shrugged again, smirking.
rafe was the first one to throw a punch, you stumbled back as he had pushed you away. with your luck, your head had landed right against the beverage table, scratching the side of your face from your temple to the side of your cheek. you hiss in pain, moving your fingers to feel it. when you retreat your hand you see it covered in blood. you groan in pain, hissing as the cool air makes it sting.
you clumsy stand up, looking ahead to see rafe and jj were still fighting. “rafe!” you weakly call out, but he was stuck in his own little bubble as he pounded his fists against jjs face. you stumble away, walking far from the beach. you were too tired to even try to process what was going on. the yelling behind you quietly faded as you made your way farther along the beach.
not even a minute later you hear rafe running after you. “what rafe?” you ask, but your back is still turned to him. “baby, please just- i’m sorry okay. i, i don’t know. i was just scared he’d take you from me. i don’t want to lose you, you are all i have. you mean too much to me for some pogue to take.” his rambling only pissed you off more. “rafe, please. i have a headache, all i want is to go home.” you frown.
his eyes moved from the sand up to your face, surprised by the huge gash on your face that was oozing blood. “baby?! who did this to you?” you couldn’t contain your anger any longer. you used all your strength, pushing his shoulders back. “you did! you fucking asshole.” the fact that he didn’t even budge from the push you sent his way, pissed you off even more. “baby, i, you know i would never do anything to intentionally hurt you?” your silence only scared him even more.
“baby, i wouldn’t- i didn’t mean to hurt you.” his breathing was heavy as the realization hit him. he had undeniably hurt you, and he had undoubtedly lost you. “no, because this can’t be happening. i can't lose you. baby, i- it was an accident. please, you gotta understand i didn’t want to hurt you, it was just jj fucking all over you, and the way he tried to claim you, saying he already had you, it just- the anger i couldn’t even hold myself back.” you nod at his words. “rafe i understand that. i, just. i don’t want this. do you think i want you to assault every guy who even looks at me? it makes me feel like shit. do you know how shitty it makes me feel? that you think i would chose anyone else when i have you. it hurts to know that you think i’m not loyal enough.” you frown, tears easily falling out of your eyes.
“baby- it’s not you i’m worried about.” you nod, “i know… it just doesn’t feel that way.” he goes to speak again but you quickly interrupt him. “can we please continue this at your house? my head seriously hurts.” his eyes soften, his hand cupping your cheek. he hesitated before he pulled you into a kiss, when you kissed him back he could feel his smile come back. “rafe.” you say again, before pointing to your head. “right baby, i’m sorry. let's go.” you nod.
he walks you to his car, opening the door for you before you hop in. he puts your seatbelt on for you. his protective side shining through once again. he walks around, before hopping in himself. he starts the car. “seatbelt…?.” you question. he laughs quietly. “of course, baby.” you nod as he puts his seatbelt on. his hand reached for your thigh again, before he drove the two of you to his house.
when you arrived, your head was pounding. you could feel it throbbing, the blood dripping onto your orange v neck. you frown at the sight. the two of you walk inside, and he immediately pulls you into his room, placing you on the edge of his bed. he runs to his bathroom grabbing a table cloth and the first aid kit.
he opens the first aid kit, placing it beside you. he takes the wet washcloth, wiping away the blood. after cleaning it, he added antibacterial cream, and then covered it in gauze. he kissed the bandage covering it before walking to his closet.
“here. wear this, and i’ll wash your t-shirt.” you nod, “thank you rafe.” he turns around and you swiftly change your t-shirt. he turns around, his heart hammering inside his chest, still scared about where you stood.
“rafe. i don’t want to lose you. i love you a lot, but i don’t want to continue this if every time a guy looks at me funny, you beat him up. i appreciate you protecting me, but they aren’t worth it.” he nods, soaking up every word. “if you can promise me that you won’t fight random people anymore, then i think we can work this out, and work through this.” he smiles softly, “is that a deal?” you ask. “of course baby. i promise i won’t fight anyone unless they really deserve it.” you roll your eyes, “fine. that’s good enough; but please, let’s hope it doesn’t get too bad.” he laughs, “let’s hope.” you grab his hands, realizing they were quite bruised. “let’s ice these.” he follows you to the kitchen, as you prepare an ice pack.
once the ice pack is ready, you place it on one hand, the other is intently grabbing your thigh. “baby you don’t have to do all this.” he reached for the ice and you lightly pushed his hand away. “you fixed me up, let me fix you up.” he sat back and watched as you cared for his bruises. rafe was glad he didn’t lose you, and he was glad you were still there with him. having you so close to him made him realize he couldn’t sacrifice anything to lose you. he kissed your bandages once more before you two prepared for bed and started to comfortably cuddle together.
357 notes · View notes
theconstantsidekick · 3 years
The Sound of Silence and Static (2) | b.b
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Past!Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader
Genre: Angst, Mystery, Crime
Summary: While Y/n sits in custody she is visited by a couple of her friends; old and new, some intend to help her, others? Not so much. Which side is Sam on?
(Set after the events of The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static, Static: Get, Set, Glitch, and Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been? While this series can be read as a stand-alone story, it would make a lot more sense if you read those beforehand. And you know? They’re fun.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma, Minor Shang-Chi spoilers (just one offhanded mention)
This one is for my best friend, Rocky. Cause she asked me to write her into the story, and I did. Cause I love her.
a/n: read Age of Ultron (ft. Static) to get a better backstory. Highly recommended. Gives context to her powers, but not so necessary. @freeflyingphoenix is half the reason this thing is a real possibility. Thanks!
sidenote: Please, please, please read Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been? cause it ties in directly with this story.
The Sound of Silence and Static (1) | Series Masterlist | The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Static | Static: Get, Set, Glitch | Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been? | Static Verse Masterlist
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“Aruba, Jamaica, oooh I want to take ya, Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama! Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go. Jamaica… Off the Florida Keys, there's a place called Kokomo. That's where you wanna go to get away from it all… Bodies in the sand, tropical drink melting in your hand, we'll be falling in love to the rhythm of a steel drum band, down in Kokomo.”
“Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take you to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama! Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go—”
Sighing loudly, she jumps off from where she was lying on the steel table in the middle of the room. Looking at the person who just entered the room and began screaming at her, she salutes. “Reporting for duty, Captain.”
Huffing, “What the hell are you doing? And what the hell happened to your cuffs?” Sam asks, eyeing her chain-free hands.
“I got bored,” she shrugs. Walking around and grabbing a chair opposite Sam, she sits down.
“You can’t take off your goddamn handcuffs just cause you’re bored,” Sam rebukes, leaning on his palms against the small table in the interrogation room. He hovers over her with disapproval radiating off of him in waves.
He seems genuinely angry, and if Y/n is being honest, she kinda expected it. The last time they talked, they didn’t exactly end on the best note… Alright, she kinda pissed him off a bit… Okay, she pissed him off a lot. She disobeyed direct orders and killed the one person who they were supposed to bring in alive. She had her reasons, of course, but she lied to his face and told him she'd follow his orders regardless of what they were.
So, yeah. She understands. She does.
But that doesn’t mean she likes it. She misses him. A part of her even regrets being such an asshole to him about the whole thing, seeing as she was the murderer in that situation.
“Or what? You’re gonna put me in jail?” She asks with a smirk on her face, looking around the claustrophobic little interrogation room.
What? She said she regrets it, not that she’s reformed.
“No. We’ll extradite you to Madripoor, asshole,” a new voice chimes in as the door opens.
Oh, what a day, what a day indeed.
“Pia Rockwell,” Y/n greets, leaning back on the chair.
“Y/n Stark.” The woman nods back at her. She is about as tall as Sam’s shoulder, with absolutely glowing brown skin, short chin-length black hair, a hint of a smirk on her lips, and a file in her hands. She’s wearing a striped navy pantsuit, looking as professional as ever with enough mischief in her eyes to give Loki a run for his money.
There’s a second of tense silence before Y/n breaks it.
“Rocky,” she greets again, now with a smile.
“Morgan,” Rocky nods again, with a matching smile of her own.
But oops! the mention of that name makes Sam’s head spin fast enough to give him whiplash, “Wait, you know her real—”
“AAAH! AAHHH! NO! No, no!” Y/n interrupts in a rush, leaning forward and sitting up on her chair. No one needs to know her old alias. Especially not a precinct full of officers and countless C.I.A. agents who will watch the recording of this interrogation on repeat. “No, ugh, um—Morgan’s my nickname, cause I drink too much rum… you know? Captain Morgan? The rum?”
With furrowed brows, "But you do know her…" Sam muses aloud.
“I recruited her for S.H.I.E.L.D,” Y/n tells him.
“I think you mean ‘poached’,” Rocky interrupts.
Rolling her eyes, Y/n retorts, “From the fucking C.I.A., Rocky. Nobody wants to work for the C.I.A. Even the C.I.A. thinks the C.I.A. is lame.” She pauses for a second, and then, “Come to think of it, I did you a huge fucking favor… huh?”
“By bringing me into an organization that was infiltrated by a bunch of fucking Nazis? Yeah, you did me a huge favor. Thanks. My gratitude knows no fucking bounds,” Rocky bites back easily, taking a seat opposite Y/n and dropping the file on the table in front of her. She looks up at Sam then, "I'm the first and last person she recruited for S.H.I.E.L.D."
The cocky tone of her voice makes Y/n crack a smile.
Turning to Y/n, "Of course, you know her. You always know everyone," Sam complains, sitting down himself.
"That's not true. There's this new kid, entering the superhero business; Xu Shang-Chi, I don't know him," she argues. But then again, "I do know his sister though, Xu Xialing. I used to fight in her underground fight club in Macau after the whole Accords situation," she explains, regaining composure and leaning back against her chair. "It was fun."
“Underground fight clu—What the—”
Rocky cuts Sam off. “One crime at a time, Stark.” At the mention of her last name instead of the nickname she’s so accustomed to, she winces. Rocky, though, continues on unfaltering, “Where were you last night between hours of 7 p.m. until 10:30 p.m.?”
Clicking her tongue, Y/n slowly brings up one leg after the other onto the table, resting them off to the side. “Between 7 and 10:30? Hmm,” she pretends to wonder. Then shaking her head suddenly, she clicks her fingers and replies, “Oh yeah. I was here and there, doing this and that, with him and her. You know how it is.” She looks straight at them then, “Why do you ask?”
She’s being annoying. But she has a right to be annoying.
“I know for a fact that testing my patience is the last thing you want to do while you’re being investigated for murder,” Rocky warns with a cocked brow and nothing but patience painted over her face. “I owe you a lot, but I don’t owe you enough to let you be a little shit about this. Someone was murdered, and if you did it, I’m gonna make you pay for it. I’m gonna make you pay for it so fucking hard that your days at HYDRA are gonna feel like a goddamn spa in comparison... Your shitty little magic tricks don’t scare me, Stark. You don’t scare me. You know that. You’ve always known that. So,” she smiles, “why don’t you be a peach and answer my questions before I make you answer my questions?”
Fuck, I missed Rocky, she thinks.
Most people cower in front of Y/n, as they should. She’s got powers that no one really understands, she’s got a big beefy boyfriend with a very stunning vibranium arm whom also, no one really understands. She's got a group of big burly men as her perky little gang of misfits… Well, four big burly men and one Harley Keener, but the kid’s working on it, alright? Anyway, point is, everyone should cower away from her because most of the time she can kick their ass without breaking a sweat. Rocky, though… Yeah. She’s a whole different ball game.
Rocky’s been unafraid of Y/n’s grand posturing since day one. Y/n has always admired that about her. Fuck, Y/n probably hired her because of it. But here’s the problem… the posturing isn’t just posturing.
“Unfortunately for you Rocky, I’m not in an answering mood,” she counters, pushing her legs off the table, she sits up straighter. “See the thing is, you’ve already charged me, which means you’ve got enough evidence to put me on the scene. Which means no matter what I say, nothing changes. I’m going to be prosecuted for Ross’s murder either way.” She leans forward, “So, pray tell, Rocky, why in God’s name should I answer any of your questions when I know for a fact that you’re just doing this to fuck with me?”
“Because I said so,” Rocky replies, simply.
“Now that might have worked in the bedroom, Rocky Bear,” she looks around at the drab and grey interrogation room, “but this isn’t that, is it?”
“You guys have slept together?” Sam balks at the same time as Rocky shouts, “Why the fuck would you say that?”
Looking over at the still balking Sam, Rocky clarifies, “No! No. We have not slept together.” She turns to a now laughing Y/n, she asks “What the fuck, Morgan?”
“Come on! It was getting too serious,” Y/n counters, drawing out her words. Sitting back, she smiles, “This is bullshit, okay? This is absolute bullshit. I mean, you know me, man—”
“I don’t know you,” Rocky states.
That makes her pause for a few seconds before she gathers up her wits and says, “The fuck does that mean?”
“It means that I don’t know you,” Rocky reiterates. When all she receives in response is a confused look from Y/n, she elaborates, “I don’t know any murderers.”
Yeah, that one makes Y/n pause for far more than a few seconds.
“...Rocky, your dad killed four people while he was robbing a bank.”
She shrugs. “Yeah, and I don’t know him anymore.”
“He’s dead,” Y/n supplies.
“Exactly, so now I don’t know him,” Rocky replies.
What the actual fuck?
“That’s not how knowing people works—fuck! It doesn’t even make sense,” Y/n throws back. “I’m alive.”
“You’re dead to me,” Rocky objects.
“I can’t believe you’d say that—”
“You can’t believe it? You? I can’t believe you’d do something—”
Both their bickering is cut short by a booming interruption.
“I need you to take this seriously, Y/n!” Sam shouts. “Just this once, take this one fucking thing seriously. Okay?”
“I am taking this seriously,” Y/n replies, her voice softer.
“Then answer the damn question,” Sam’s voice doesn’t falter, it stays loud and firm.
“What’s the point? If you’ve got enough evidence to charge me, what’s giving you my alibi gonna do? It’s not gonna change fuck all,” she says, because it won’t. She knows it, he knows it, Rocky knows it too.
“It might if you actually tried,” Sam states, his eyes glued to the table, where his hands sit, interlocked grimly.
There’s a ferocity in his voice that Y/n can’t quite recognize. He sounds off, but off how, she can’t put her finger on it. She doesn’t know what’s wrong but this isn’t her Sam. He’s stiff and harsh and… And there’s something akin to doubt in his eyes but… but it can’t be, right? Of course, not.
Come on!
Sam wouldn’t think she actually did it. He knows her too well.
It must be the pressure he’s getting to solve the case. So, she decides to cut him some slack.
“Fine, okay,” she begins. “Hypothetically speaking, if I had done this, do you really think I would’ve gotten caught?”
Sam looks up at her then, “That… that is your defense?” She just cocks her brow, so he continues, “Your alibi is that it couldn’t have been you committing the murder, because if you had you wouldn’t have been caught?”
She looks at him with her brows knit together and her lips morphed into a scowl. It’s the most obvious thing ever, isn’t it? If she’d been the one murdering Ross, why the fuck would she be dumb enough to get caught?
“Are you fucking kidding me? Y/n—”
“It’s not a bad defense,” Rocky chimes in.
“What?” Sam looks absolutely confounded. “You’re buying that?” He asks. “Seriously?”
Rocky just shrugs at Sam. “She’s a trained assassin who has more confirmed kills than the Winter Soldier, and that’s only the ones that we know about.” She looks at Y/n then. “So, why would she fuck up and get caught this time?”
“I didn’t,” Y/n states. “Because I didn’t kill Ross.”
“Wish I could take your word for it, Morgan, but I can’t,” Rocky states. Opening the file in front of her, she spreads out the pictures of the crime scene. “See, I know why you fucked up this time.” She pushes a photo towards Y/n. It’s Ross, cold and dead with a gunshot wound right between his brows. The back of his head is a splash. She can’t see the whole thing in this photo but the way the bits of his brain is splattered across the floor like a fucking Jackson Pollock painting, she can tell it’s not a pretty sight. “The reason you fucked up this time, is because this time, it was personal.”
Excuse you?
“Excuse you?” She objects, verbalizing her discontent and her brows shooting up in confusion.
“Ross was building a case to prosecute you for the murder of Daniel Whitehall,” Rocky states, pushing a couple of court petitions her way.
“The Nazi war criminal who worked for HYDRA?” Y/n asks rhetorically, unimpressed.
“You had direct orders to bring him in alive,” Rocky continues, giving zero fucks about Y/n’s defense.
“I am not a soldier for the U.S. government. Their orders are guidelines for me to keep in mind, not rules set in stone. I’m an outside agent hired on a case-by-case basis,” Y/n argues.
“You got me there, Morgan,” Rocky acquiesces. But Y/n knows her too well to know that it would never be this easy to make her admit defeat. "Only problem is, Whitehall wasn't the only one you killed. You killed the assassin for The Orphanage, along with their head, Hera. The government of Madripoor wants to try you for those crimes in their own courts, and seeing as technically you're more of a global citizen than an American one, we can send you off at any time, without hesitation."
Yeah. Okay. This is getting a little out of hand.
"One, I'm too valuable an asset to be put behind bars for the murder of three very very bad people," Y/n begins, holding up one finger at a time, counting them. "Two, Ross and I already solved the matter behind closed doors to avoid scandal. I was supposed to go on three missions for him, no questions asked. That's the bargain we struck. And most importantly, three, why the fuck would I kill the man investigating me to get out of being investigated? How dumb do you think I am?"
"I don't think you're dumb at all." Rocky smiles all cunning and sly. "But I do know you have a tendency of getting emotional… The thing is, the case wasn't just about dear old you, Morgan. It would make every single member of your team your accomplice, leaving them to either turn against you and sell you out or admit their own participation in the crime… and I think, that means there would be at least one very handsome blue-eyed Super Soldier, who'd also be put behind bars… right? The question is, would he be brunette or blond?" Rocky lets out a snide laugh.
Y/n's jaw clenches.
Sensing the sudden shift in the room, Sam intervenes. "Pia—"
"I'm kidding. I'm kidding!" Rocky says, throwing up her hands in mock defense. "The real question is how long will it take before Barnes breaks? If Ross hadn't prosecuted him here, he would've thrown him to Madripoor… and from what I've heard, they aren't exactly the best hosts. So the question is how far are you willing to go to save Sergeant James Bucky Barnes?"
"Pia—" Sam tries again.
"Because I'm willing to bet good money that the answer is 'as far as you possibly can’.” She leans back with a smile, “Am I wrong?” She smiles. “Cause from where I’m sitting I think he’s all you’ve got left, right? Rogers left you. Romanoff’s gone, and so is To—”
“That’s enough, Agent Rockwell!” Sam cuts her off.
Good thing too, cause Y/n is seething. The anger is too fierce, too hot for her to say anything. She knows Rocky can feel the heat radiating off of her in waves but she also knows Rocky’s just doing her job. Well, she at least hopes that’s the case…
“I’m sorry, Captain,” Rocky says evenly. “But the thing is, this is not your interrogation. It’s mine. I’m just letting you sit in on it as a courtesy to you cause I think you’re pretty damn hot. Doesn’t mean you get to call the shots, big guy. Like she said, this isn’t the bedroom.”
And the way that Sam’s jaw hits the damn floor shouldn’t make Y/n chuckle, not with how angry she is right now, but it does. It makes her fucking snort like an idiot.
“Rocky, behave,” she chides.
“Yeah, yeah. I know,” Rocky dismisses easily.
Suddenly the door swings open, an officer leans in, looking at Rocky, he motions her to come outside.
“I’m gonna be right back,” she gets up off the chair and leans forward. “And when I do these,” she pulls out a new pair of handcuffs and chains Y/n back to the table, “better still be on.” Eyeing her closely she adds, “Or I’m bringing out the vibranium ones.”
“Whatever you say, Major General Asshole,” Y/n bites back with a smile.
“That’s Major General Asshole sir to you, Morgan,” Rocky calls out as she closes the door behind her, making Y/n smile.
The moment the door falls shut, an uncomfortable silence falls between the pair. It’s itchy and new and the fit is all wrong. So Y/n decides to break it.
“So, you gonna ask her out?” Y/n asks.
And that apparently is the wrong question because it pisses Sam off.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, man? You’re being accused of murdering a decorated government official and you want to set me up with the woman in charge of the investigation?” He runs a hand over his face in nothing but exasperation. “What is wrong with you, Y/n? What the fuck happened to you?”
Yeah, about that—
“Nothing’s wrong with me, Bossman. I’m just wasting your time till my lawyer gets here,” she tells him and just then, the door flies open.
“Good evening, Captain Wilson. My name is Matt Murdock and I would like to respectfully ask you to stop talking to my client and get out.”
“When the fuck did you call a lawyer?” Rocky calls out from behind Matt.
Y/n shrugs as Matt turns around and answers for her, “My client declines to answer any further questions without being granted full immunity for any and all information she shares.”
“In your dreams Murdock,” Rocky bites back.
Matt smiles, a small Matt kind of smile. It could easily be mistaken for a shy smile, but shy is the last thing it is. “If that’s the case, Agent Rockwell, I guess I’ll have to respectfully ask you to get out as well.”
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With one last roll of her eyes, Rocky motions Sam to follow her and he does. Matt holds the door open for them both, and even waves as they exit. Once they leave, Matt discards his briefcase on the table in front of them and begins folding his walking stick. Unbuttoning the collar of his shirt in haste, he takes the seat which was occupied by Sam only minutes ago.
“Hey, Matty!”
“I hate you.”
She smiles. “I know. But come on. It’s been so long since we last saw each other.”
“It wasn’t funny the first time, it’s not funny the 100th time,” he chides, leaning back on the chair. “Can we just please get this over with?”
“Whatever you want, Matty.” Still smiling she leans back too. “Where’s Foggy?”
“Where are your handcuffs?” He asks instead, looking straight at her. She can’t see his eyes behind the red glasses he’s wearing but she knows he’s staring at her hands.
“Got bored,” she replies. "They weren't doing much, anyway. Foggy, on the other hand, who would be do—"
“This isn’t funny, Stark,” Matt sighs. “This is actually pretty damn serious and if you did this—”
“I didn’t.”
His jaw clenches, as his head tilts to the side. “And I’m supposed to take your word for it?”
“Listen to my heartbeat if you like,” she offers. His enhanced senses have always been his best asset.
“It won’t work on your stupid alien biology and you know it,” he throws back.
Best asset apart from his very big brain.
“I don’t know what I could possibly do to make you believe that I didn’t do it, but I didn’t!” She’s pleading. She’s in deep shit, she knows it better than anyone else here. She knows she’s in deep shit because she literally did not do this. But someone seems to be trying awfully hard to make it seem like she did. And she cannot figure out who that is without help… Preferably help from a dude who is a lawyer by day, vigilante by night, and has weird superpowers that dial-up all his senses (except sight) up to 11, who can also hold his own in a fight.
Yeah, she needs Murdock on her side.
“Swear on Tony.”
“Excuse me?”
“Swear on Tony,” he tells her solemnly. “Swear on him and I’ll believe you.”
With a clenched jaw and a matching pair of clenched fists, she says, “I swear on Tony, I did not kill Ross.”
Matt exhales audibly and then nods. “You wouldn’t have gotten caught if you did,” he admits. “That would work as your defense, but they have you on the scene.”
“I wasn’t on the scene,” she defends.
“Where were you?” He asks.
“Does it matter? They can always argue that I glitched from wherever I was.”
He nods. “They will, because there were sensors in Ross’s house that picked up trace radiation of interdimensional travel.”
That doesn’t make sense.
“Why the fuck would he have sensors for that?” She questions, her brows furrowed.
“That would’ve been a good question if there weren’t CCTV footage of someone glitching in and putting a bullet in his head.”
Fuck me gently with a goddamn chainsaw.
“I’m screwed, aren’t I?” She asks, her voice even, her face far calmer than she feels inside.
In front of her, Matt exhales, giving a curt nod, “Yeah. But it gets worse.”
She almost whines, “I don’t want to know—”
Matt continues, ignoring her completely, “They have motive.”
Throwing her head back in exasperation she sighs, her fingers pressing into her temple on each side. “I know, Rocky told me already. It doesn’t make sense, though. I sorted out the whole thing with Ross. We hunted down every single high-ranking member of The Orphanage and I agreed to three ‘no questions asked’ missions for the Whitehall debacle.” She leans back on her chair, “I remember him shaking my hand and congratulating me for—and these are his words by the way—’killing the Nazi bastard’,”
“I’m guessing this was a handshake deal?” Matt asks.
She nods. “Of course, it was. It’s Ross. He won’t leave a fucking paper trail of his shady business deals. He’s a smart motherfucker.”
“Was…” Matt corrects. “He’s dead now… And it seems like you’re the one who killed him.”
Yeah, she has to agree. “Looks like a straightforward case. I’d even call it pretty if I wasn’t the one at the center of it.”
Matt hums in agreement. “Too pretty.”
Their eyes meet.
“I’m being set up, aren’t I?”
Matt just shrugs in assent. Licking his lips, he runs a hand through his hair. “What do you want me to do?”
She exhales heavily. “Get me out of here first. We’ll focus on the 'who' of it all once my bail is posted.”
“Yeah, you’re not getting bail,” Matt interrupts.
Motherfucker on a shit stick.
“What do you mean I’m not getting bail?” She balks. “Why the fuck wouldn’t I?”
“That’s why it took me so long to get here,” he replies. “I was filing for it but—and I don’t know how they did it, but you’ve been refused bail.”
“On what fucking grounds? I get that this is a murder investigation and all but last I checked, I still am a fucking Avenger!” She shouts back.
“On grounds that you could abscond while out on bail,” he informs her. His voice remains calm but the way his body remains stiff, she can tell he’s quite ticked off, just like she is.
“But I fucking cooperated. I came here,” she motions at the room they are currently sitting in, “willingly! If I wanted to run off, I could do that from anywhere! What the fuck is a jail cell gonna do?”
“They—” he hesitates. “They aren’t putting you in jail…”
When he doesn’t finish his damn sentence, “Matty?” She urges. He remains silent. Yeah, okay, this is scaring her. Matt Murdock usually loves being the bearer of bad news for her. Despite the similarity in profession, Matt doesn’t really approve of her methods or her for that matter. But his current silence and reluctance to spill is uncanny. So much so, it’s terrifying. “Matt?” she tries again, more urgent this time.
“They’re putting you in the Raft.”
“That—” she pauses. “That doesn’t make sense. I could glitch out of there too.”
He opens and closes his mouth a couple times before he finally begins, “I’m not supposed to know this—and I don’t,” he adds with a stern look from behind his red glasses. When she nods, he continues, “Apparently the government managed to get their hands on the schematics for th—for the cage that—” he cuts himself off.
“HYDRA used to put me in,” she finishes for him, her voice unfeeling and numb.
He nods, looking somewhat guilty for being the one who tells her. “With some added adjustments of their own, there’s now a custom-made cell in the Raft with your name on it.”
How could they get their hands on those plans? They haven’t surfaced in a long time, she thinks. Howie and Peggy couldn’t find it either. We thought it went down with the base I was at. Then how do they have it? It had to have been in an old facility somewhere. Somewhere I wouldn’t suspect so it wouldn’t have the HYDRA name attached to it. But even then, whatever info they gather I’d come across it at one point or another—
“Motherfucker!” She exclaims, standing up. “MOTHER OF A WHORING FUCKER!!” She shouts, flipping the chair. “CUM GUZZLING SLUTTY WHORE FUCKER!” She yells out, banging her hands on the table.
“Is there a reason for your outburst, or are we just angry?” Matt asks, completely unfazed by her.
Running a hand through her hair and pulling at the ends, she screams out in pure unadulterated annoyance. It’s been a shit day. A really shit day. She misses her home, she misses Bucky. God, it’s been a long and a shit day and she’s just found out it’s about to get longer and shittier still.
“We were the ones who got them the plans. Bucky, Sam, Steve, and I—fuck,” she lets out a humorless chuckle. “We went on a mission a couple months ago; a milk run as a favor to Ross. Steve and I got captured and drugged so I’m not sure how it went down but we were supposed to raid a facility and steal some intel off their system… It was this. Ross sent me in to get the plans to a CAGE HE WAS GOING TO BUILD FOR ME!” She loses composure mid-way through her sentence, her volume rising.
“Oh,” is all Matt says. He looks around and then, “Cum guzzling slutty whore fucker, indeed.”
tag list: @aryksworld @freeflyingphoenix @arikarapli @jakey-stan @justab-eautifulmess @ceo-of-daichi @jn-wolf @asimovethroughthisworld @paintballkid711 @starkleila @heyitsmereading @fairlygothparents @goldenflickerx @sidepartskinnyjeans @mini-kunoichi @third-broparcelicito @siwiecola @haleybutnotthecomet @jaderonan @mvaldez7821
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Read about what happened with Whitehall here.
Read about the mission where Static and Steve got drugged.
Find other Static Verse works here.
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thatharringrovehoe · 3 years
So I've been playing Dishonored which is my favorite game and this popped into my head so now you all have to suffer with me. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
He's so fucking cold. Like he’s been plunged into a lake mid winter and can’t find his way to the surface. Hands shaking, Billy sifts clumsily through the box of his mother’s things he keeps hidden in the back of his closet. He's found that if he thinks about the good times, picnics at the beach under the California sun, the thing oozing it's way though his brain losses just a bit of it's grip. Leaves Billy with enough motor function to stumble around his bedroom, trying to find the right pieces. And fucking hell it’s been so long since he's done this. He can remember helping his Ma when he was little, chubby fingers clenched tight in her cotton sundress as she arranged the items on the table just right. Pricked her finger to draw sigils in a language long forgotten, her voice a soft cadence through the bedroom as she hummed Billy’s favorite lullaby. No words, just a beautiful mournful thing. Humming a song of grieving loss. Billy doesn't know why he likes it so much.
“Remember baby. When you offer your gifts they have to be special. Well loved. Something that brings you joy every time you use it.”
His mother kept a pair of earrings on the cloth covered table. She never wore them when his father was home. Took them out and put them back on the little rickety stand in the back of her closet every day before he came back from work. Dangling silver daggers with the onyx beads. Billy shoved one straight through his left earlobe when he turned fifteen and has barely taken it out since.
His Ma told him that everything he built his shrine with had to mean something. Had to be something he treasured. From the fabric to the stand itself. So Billy tried his best. Draped his best leather jacket over the milk crate that held all of his favorite hair products. Placed his Ma's Fleetwood Mac album next to one of his mother's silver earrings (the one he always wears), arranged as neatly as he can manage. He’d had to prick his thumb seven times because to his dawning horror it kept healing over. Just another tally mark towards something being really fucking wrong. And he remembers the warehouse. Can still feel the slimy caustic sludge being pumped down his throat by a fucking tentacle. But he’d hoped it had been a dream, a nightmare from reading to many Lovecraft novels. Billy curses as he slices open his thumb for what feels like the millionth time.
Apparently not.
He's drawn the characters just how he remembers. His mother had made him practice every day, showing him each and every shape and line, drawn in colorful crayon. She gave him a cookie every time he got them right. Never hung them up on the fridge though. Didn't want his father to see.
He can feel the shadow creeping through his blood, dragging it’s claws against his veins. It might not know exactly what he’s doing yet, but it must be able to feel the intention. Billy thinks of ocean waves and a soft hand running through his curls. Fights the pull at the back of his mind to just give in. To sleep. His hands shake harder.
Fuck, where is it?! Billy combs through records and trinkets, a bottle of her perfume. He’s desperately hoping it didn't get lost in the move because his mother never taught him how to make one. Hell, he's pretty certain that he wouldn't be able to find the pieces he needs in Hawkins anyway. Not like Melvalds has a supernatural voodoo isle.
Then finally, finally he finds it. Lifting up his mother’s satin scarf it comes tumbling out to land on the floor with a clatter. Bleached white and beaten smooth by the waves, it's about the size of a sand dollar. Billy picks it up, places it in the palm of his hand. He still remembers the day he found it out on the shore. Washed up between some sea glass, the leather bindings still somehow soft even soaked with salt water. Etched with symbols and shapes Billy will never understand. When Billy showed it to his mother an unreadable expression crossed her face. It was that evening she showed him her shrine.
The rune seems to hum against his skin, an otherworldly song from far away ghosting past his ears. The thing that’s trying to Shanghai Billy’s brain writhes. It's angry, but more than that it’s fucking terrified and Billy has never been more sure of anything in his life. This was a good idea. But his limbs are getting colder, heavier. Whatever this evil piece of shit is it doesn’t like what Billy’s doing. He has to fight against the deadening of his limbs, crawling towards his shitty attempt at a shrine from his place on the floor. His vision is starting to grow dark when he finally clutches on to the milk crate, placing the rune between the earring and his cassette tape. And he knows that there's no guarantee. That whatever his Ma prayed to every night never shielded her from Neil’s fists, didn’t do a damn thing as the cancer slowly drained her down to nothing. That sometimes (most times) when someone would call out to the void the only thing they heard in return was their own disappointment. But he's got no other options. This is his trump card. His last resort. If this hocus pocus bullshit doesn’t work then Billy is up shit creek without a paddle. With a frustrated shout against the nightmare pulling him in, Billy begs.
“Please! Fuck, help me! I'll do anything, c’mon just- please!”
The air in Billy’s bedroom all of a sudden seems to shudder. The shadows flicker and meld together, reaching outwards. The sound of dry fall leaves blowing in the wind, a wail of a thousand dying worlds ricochets off the walls. Then nothing. Billy scrunches his eyes shut against the sting of tears. Fuck, of course it didn’t work. Story of his life. He called for help and just like always it doesn't mean shit. No one is coming to save him.
“Well well well. Certainly been a long time since someone summoned me like that. Very old school.”
Billy’s eyes snap open, the surprise and adrenaline enough to fight the heaving weight of his limbs to raise his head. And there, perched on his shitty milk crate shrine, sits the most beautiful boy he's ever seen. He's got hair the color of soil after it rains. High cheekbones and full lips, milky white skin dotted with a constellation of beauty marks. Billy didn't know what he expected but it certainly wasn't this. The boy god is dressed in a swanky leather coat the color of charcoal with pants to match. Eyes like an oil spill, inky black and endless. With a good look at Billy, they narrow dangerously.
“I thought I fucking told you not to touch this world. You want a repeat of last time?”
Whatever deity he summoned looks pissed as hell. Did he not do it right? Maybe the items weren’t good enough. That would be just his luck. He's so confused he almost doesn’t notice it right away. The shadow slowly working it’s way through his body has stopped, retreated a little even.
“I-... I don't know what you’re talking about. Please, there's something wrong with me. Something got put inside of me and I need it out. Please, help me.”
Billy hasn’t begged since his Ma was takin her last breath in that damn hospice bed. Didn't see the point when it always got you nowhere. But now he can't make himself stop. Cuz he's never been this scared before. The things this monster inside him wants him to do. It's so strong, like he’s fighting a steam roller. He's got no hope on his own.
The boy sitting on his best leather jacket stills. Cocks his head to the side slightly, considering. Then those pretty pink lips are spreading out into a gleeful smirk. Slides off the shrine to settle on his knees in front of Billy. Reaches out his hand to cup Billy’s jaw gentle enough it makes him want to cry.
“You can't get a good enough hold of this one can you? Interesting. Tell me trouble maker, what's your name?”
That voice, deep and ethereal, seems to echo from all around him. He can feel it vibrate in his bones. He wants, no, needs to answer.
“Billy. Billy Hargrove.”
The boy smiles now, all gleaming pearly whites. If Billy looks long enough reality starts to flicker. And for just a second all he can see is teeth sharp like knives in a Cheshire grin. There for a moment and gone in a flash. The hand on his jaw tightens just the slightest fraction.
“Well Billy Hargrove. You seem to find yourself in quite the predicament. That parasite sucking on your soul is an old acquaintance of mine. He's one nasty little shit.”
If a brain washing shadow monster could feel indignant he’s pretty sure that’s what's happening now. Whatever was hijacking Billy's mind has curled up somewhere tight, sunk it’s teeth in deep. Cornered like a threatened animal.
“Please, I’ll do anything you want. I can’t… I can’t fight it. It's too much.”
There’s enough tears leakin down his face that it's soaking the front of his shirt. The boy is giving him this look, almost amused. The longer he holds Billy’s jaw the more the monster losses his grip, and Billy is ready to do anything at this point. Because that thing stuck to his brain wants him to find people. Feed it people. Wants Billy to drink all the chemicals in the supply shed at the pool. Told Billy that if he tried to fight it would take Max first and he can't let that happen.
The boy seems to come to a decision, grabs Billy’s hands to help him shakily to this feet. He doesn’t let go even when they’re both standing.
“You know there’s not many who can fight his hold for this long. I'm impressed.”
He steps forward until his chest is practically pressed up against Billy's. He smells like ozone and smoke, bottomless black eyes trained on stormy blue. Reaches up to tangle his fingers into Billy’s curls, sending tingles across his scalp. Smiles wider at the small noise that escapes Billy's throat.
“I'll help you Billy Hargrove. But in return, you have to do something for me.”
Billy's nodding before he can even really register what’s being said. Anything. He'd do whatever this pretty boy asked as long as he keeps touching Billy like this. Gentle, with a reverence no one has ever bothered to show.
“I need you to kick this little shit back into the hole he crawled out of. Can you do that for me Billy? I wanna see how your story pans out trouble maker. Wanna see what you do when someone gives you a chance.”
Billy nods again, breathless. The boy chuckles, the sound saccharine. Like warm honey dripping down his spine.
“Gunna have to use your words baby.”
Billy swallows, the click of his dry throat loud in the warm personal bubble they’ve created.
“Yes. Yeah. I’ll do it. Whatever you want pretty boy, please.”
It comes out a whisper but the boy hears it all the same. The boy smiles bright, pulls Billy forward. Soft warm lips press against his own and Billy is floating. He's never been kissed like this before. Slow and deep, the boy's tongue pressing in to curl and slide. Stuff him full. Billy's shaking for a whole other reason now. Reaches out to grip the boy's coat, cool to the touch where Billy is burning. Fire rushing through his veins, and he's already so close just from this. Whimpers brokenly into the kiss.
The boy pulls him in impossibly closer, slots his thigh between Billy’s legs, pushes up up up. And Billy is right fucking there, grinds down as he swaps spit with an old god in his shitty bedroom with the peeling yellow paint and the door that locks from the outside. Can feel the tell tale tingle spreading behind his navel.
“ ‘m gunna cum! Fuck, more please!” Billy mumbles curses into the kiss, breath hitching as his balls draw tight. The boy smiles against his mouth, yanks his curls back to bite into the meat of his neck and Billy’s gone, pulsing rope after rope of cum into his underwear.
“Oh my- .. Fuuuuuck. Yes! Uhhhnn!” He's panting like a dog as he slumps forward into the boys shoulder. Gentle fingers card through his hair as aftershocks zap up and down his body. A kiss is pressed behind his ear, a soft warmth flooding his core. He can't feel the shadow anywhere.
“So good for me sweet thing. Makes me want to keep you.”
It's said so quiet, like the boy doesn’t intend for it to be heard. Billy presses his face into his neck. There's no heartbeat under the boy's skin.
“You could. I want you to.” Whoever this is, whatever he is, he came for Billy. Answered his literal cry for help when no one else did. He doesn't know what he has to offer but he wants to give this impossible boy everything.
The boy in question hums. Brings Billy's left hand up to kiss the back of it. His skin feels hot under his lips, bordering on uncomfortable. Like stepping on sun scorched pavement. When the boy pulls back there’s a tattoo on his hand. A strange design that looks vaguely like a compass. It's the same mark as the one on the middle of the rune sitting behind them.
“I haven't given my mark to someone quite so special in a while. Try not to disappoint me Billy Hargrove.”
The boy goes to pull away but Billy still has his hand clenched tight on his coat. Panic wells up in his chest. Doesn't want to end whatever this is quite yet.
“Wait! What’s-…what's your name?” Which is a valid question he thinks. And probably one he should have asked at some point before he started grinding his dick on the guys leg. Oh well.
“I've had many names, none if which would hold any significance for you. Call me what you want trouble maker. I'll be there when you need me.”
Billy believes him. Then between one blink and the next the boy is gone, tendrils of dissipating smoke the only evidence he was ever there. A deep voice whispers from nowhere and everywhere.
“Ask your sister about the monsters in the woods.”
On the shrine the only thing that remains is the rune, both his gifts having apparently been accepted. Billy gives a hysterical bark of laughter at the thought of some higher being listening to Fleetwood Mac somewhere out in the void. It gives him an idea. He drags his lips across the fresh mark on his hand, mumbles into his skin.
“Thanks Stevie.”
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Fire meet gasoline | Draco Malfoy one shot
Request: yes, from the prompt list and by a lovely anon. (Hi! So I was wondering if you could make a Y/N x Draco fanfic with this prompt: “Please be quite, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live”? The details would be like Draco and the reader had gotten into a fight about a stupid thing but make up in the end? Also...can it include fluff?)
Word count: 1,984
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin reader
Used prompt: 1. Please be quite, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live
She was fire and he was gasoline. If people didn’t know better, they would have thought Malfoy and Y/L/N hated each other. They were always arguing about something, screaming at each other, ignoring the other, death stares and cold shoulders were the right description for their friendship. And it became even worse, when they smelt each other through the Amortentia potion. Draco became the most possessive and overprotective boyfriend ever, only letting his friends to talk to her. But just because he was acting like an arrogant asshole, it didn’t stop Y/N to be her own person and live her life the same way she did when they were only friends with the blonde boy. Of course Draco always picked a fight over this, and they would entertain the whole Common Room and sometimes even the Great Hall with their arguing. They were clever, one of the brightest in their year, so their fights were smart too. They were the explosion when fire meet gasoline. They were burning, but they burned in their love. 
Neither of them could have tell the exact reason of their argument. Both of them were tired, couldn’t sleep enough because they were up all night studying for their upcoming exams. The tiredness made them irritated and sensitive, and the whole week, they picked fights over the stupidest things. Like why was Draco always so mean to everyone who only wanted to be nice with him. Or why did she felt the sudden urge to help Harry and Ron with their essay for History of Magic. Malfoy even managed to get detention, because he almost hexed a first year old who picked a flower to his girlfriends as a thank you gift for helping him found his way back to the Hufflepuff Tower. They were fighting all week, and they were tired of it. But it wasn’t enough for them to actually push their pride aside and apologise to each other for being a bitch. No, they chose to argue over everything they could. 
“Do you think they will ever get tired of arguing so much?” Pansy Parkinson asked Blaise Zabini with a sigh, and rested her head on the chuckling boy’s shoulder. She was glad for the few minutes without Malfoy and Y/L/N, she had been listening to their bickering and arguing all day. On the other hand, Blaise found the couple rather entertaining, and often mocked them for being so stubborn and hot-headed. No matter what some people said, they were actually a match to happen. 
“I think they will argue even on their wedding day” Theodor Nott said with a huge smile and watched as the famous Slytherin couple entered the Great Hall. Both of their faces were red, and even though they were holding hands, it was evident they were still fighting about the same thing.
“Yeah, only if she doesn’t kill him until then” Blaise laughed with Grabe and Goyle, who were more occupied by the huge amount of food in front of them. Draco and Y/N joined their friends by the table, but they didn’t sit next to each other. Draco hopped down next to Blaise, and Y/N sat next Theo. Their friends watched them with amused looks.
“Look, all I’m saying, if you want to be with saint Potter, go and be with him” Draco spat and grabbed the plate from Y/N’s hand to put on some steamed vegetable for her. She rolled her eyes at his comment, and poured a glass of water and another glass of orange juice for him. Pansy chuckled at them. She found it funny, how they still cared and went along with their usual routine while they were clearly pissed at each other “But don’t forget that…”
“What?” Y/N raised an eyebrow at Draco “Don’t forget that your father will hear about this?” She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, but her eyes were smiling “Please, you know that Lucius actually likes me” she shook her head and placed a stuffed potato on Draco’s plate.
“Bitch” Draco murmured and took away his plate from her “Everyone is head over heels for him, and I don’t know why” he rolled his eyes and aggressively cut the meat of his plate “And I don’t understand why’d you go and help him with that stupid essay, Y/L/N. You are a perfect pureblood, with a powerful family and you’re my girlfriend” he kept on renting. Their friends sighed in union and grabbed turned back to their food. It was going to be a very long night “Plus, should I mention that he is probably only using you for your looks? He is so pathetic, like who on Earth would actually be friends with an ork like Hagrid?” 
Pansy looked at her best friend, seeing the familiar look on her face. Y/N had enough of Draco’s childish behaviour, and how he was accusing everyone for every single thing, acting like he was so perfect. It was one thing when he was acting jealous and obsessive with her, but she couldn’t stand hearing him talk shit about nice and pure people like Hagrid. He was one of her favourite teachers, and she just wanted to put him in a bubble and protect him from the cruelty of real world. And she was certainly tired of arguing with him all day. She thought they were over the little incident, which was actually just a quick study session with Harry and Ron in the library, but it looks like Malfoy couldn’t drop it and believe that they were only friendly with her when they hugged her in the end. Those two would have failed History of Magic if she didn’t help them with their essay. But mostly, she was tired of hearing Draco talk and talk and talk and talk. She understood why Lucius was usually so annoyed when his son talked. Draco had the tendency to overdramatise things and make them look like it was the reason of the world ending soon. 
“Shut up, Draco” she said and put down her fork. Y/N felt a headache approaching, and she couldn’t afford resting for the rest of the day. They had an important Potions test on Monday, and she didn’t want to spend her whole weekend in the library. Not, when they had plans in Hogsmeade. She stood up and made her way out of the Great Hall. She needed space and silence, and she couldn’t get neither there. Malfoy was fast on his feet, rushing after her, and stopping her by grabbing her hand. They were standing in the middle of the Hall, most of the students’ eyes on them.
“Excuse me?” He said with concern. He didn’t mean to upset her and make her angry. He knew his behaviour wasn’t the best, and how he acted was a little bit toxic, but this whole love thing was so new to him. He never thought he could someone like he loved her, and he certainly believed nobody would ever love him. Not until he realised why he felt his blood boiling in his veins every time he was Y/N with a boy. And not until he realised why he was always so excited when he saw her, and why he felt that strange feeling in his stomach when she would hug him or just touch him. He was in love with her. Deeply, crazily and madly in love, and he didn’t plan to let her go so easily. That boy, honestly wanted to spend the rest of his life by her side. Marrying her, buying their own mansion and filling it with little Dracos and little Y/Ns. 
“Please, be quiet. I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live” she said annoyedly and tried to free her hand from his grip, but Draco was stronger. She looked up at him with a determined look, ready to tell him to go and fuck himself, but the amused look on his face confused her.
“Drop the attitude, woman” he said and bend down just enough to be able to pick her up and through her on his shoulder. He knew she wasn’t used to be told what to do, so it always silenced her when he did it. 
“Draco, put me down right now” she commanded, but he acted like he didn’t hear her. All eyes were on them, their own group of friends laughing at the pair. They knew this was their way of ending the argument and making up, so they continued their meal with the thought of not having to worry about the scene they would walk up to in the Common Room.
“Come on, princess” Malfoy playfully patted her butt and made his way back to the Slytherin Common Room. He smiled innocently at the students who were passing by them, looking at them strange and wondering why on Earth he was carrying a cursing Y/N on his shoulder. 
When they finally reached Draco’s dorm room, she refused to say anything. She just let Draco drop her on his bed and watch her pouting and looking up at the ceiling. He always found his girlfriend rather cute when she was mad at him, which she was a lot of time. He didn’t even know why they made such a big deal out of his jealous tantrum. They should have been so used to it by now. He gave up and with a sigh, he climbed on top of her, so she no other choice but to look at him. 
“Baby” he said in a soft voice, kissing the top of her noise and nudging it with his “Don’t be like this” 
“Piss of, Malfoy” she turned her head and stared at the picture of the two of them, hugging each other. It was taken last summer, when they visited the beach together and spent the whole day playing in the water, chasing each other in the sand, and cuddling under the stars, making future plans and talking about baby names for their kids. Even though they both knew they had plenty of time for those things, it was something very intimate and heartwarming, talking about their future together.
“I know you love me” he laid down next to her, and pulled Y/N on his chest.  He played with the ends of her ponytail. It was something that calmed down both of them “And you know that I love you” he tilted her head just enough to see her beautiful pace. She wasn’t angry. She was annoyed with him. She didn’t understand why he had to act like a baby when he was almost eighteen years old. They could have spared so much time for themselves. 
“No, I hate you” she buried her face in the crock of his neck. She breathed in his amazing scent, and felt how the stress and annoyance slowly left her body and mind. She relaxed under his soft touch, and let herself to enjoy the small kissed he was showering her face with.
“You can hate me as much as you want, as long as you don’t leave me” he said with a smile, and with a sudden movement, she was under him. She blushed at the way he looked at her. It was pure love, lust, admiration and loyalty. She knew he was the last one who would have heart her. Draco might have been the biggest cry baby ever, but he knew when he had to act like a man and protect his lover. 
“How could I ever leave you, you annoying little twat?” She laughed and pulled him down by his tie and kissed him sweetly. They both smiled in the kiss, and knew they were done fighting. At least for the day. 
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ginanosakka · 3 years
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We Meet Again
Preview | Next
Summary: You set up a meeting with Katsuki after all these years to tell him your little secret.
“Tch. This is getting old fast, and I’m tired of pretending I care about every little thing you do, you know.” Those red eyes you’d spent months studying and trying to figure out the emotions behind them refused to meet your own, but you could assume that was for his own good. . . “You’re nothing but a spoiled brat, and your old man’s money was nice along with his promises, but I don’t need to owe someone a debt to become number one.”
. . . I mean, what kind of sadist would want to watch someone’s world come crashing down right before their eyes?
You took a sip of your tea as you went over everything you needed to say, the dread that continuously washed over you like waves crashing on the sand becoming a part of your daily life. Six years ago, you wouldn’t have imagined facing him, Katsuki, again after he all but ran out of your life. Still, you owe it to Ryu, who wanted nothing more than to meet his father, to at least try and speak to him.
Getting a hold of Katsuki was hard, he was busy doing hero work day and night. You’ve seen his face on your television on many occasions — it still hurt like the day he left to see his face, but you learned to master your own composure — and it was clear that he made no bluffs about chasing number one. It probably didn’t make it easier that he wanted nothing to do with you, so you resorted to getting to him through Mina, finding it easier to contact her again after all these years out of all of your “old friends”.
She was apprehensive about speaking to you in the beginning, but you explained to her that you had no interest in buying her friendship or time. All you wanted was to have a one on one conversation with Bakugou, tell him what you failed to six years ago and see if he’d like to meet the child he never had. Where you’d go from there? You had no idea, but you’d find a way to make this work as long as Ryu was happy. The thought of someone else so close to the son you birthed and raised on your own certainly made your blood pressure rise, but there was nothing reasonable you could do about it that wouldn’t hurt Ryu.
The bell of the diner door rang as Katsuki walked through the door, red eyes scanning the area until they found yours. You looked up and he felt a sense of nostalgia hit him, remembering how different you used to look in your teenage years compared to now. He remembered you used to wear those ugly fancy threads that your mother would force on you like a Barbie doll, but today you were in a fitting long sleeved black shirt and sweatpants With your h/c tied up and your black sneakers on, it was clear that you weren’t dressing to impress him like he’d assume you would, but you still somehow looked better than ever before.
You met his eyes and gave him a nod of acknowledgement as he walked over and took a seat across from you in the booth, feeling odd to be out and about in everyday clothing since he was so involved with hero work lately. It pissed him off that on his day off he had to meet you, but Mina said that what you had to say was more important than him taking a day off to go to the gym or lounge around his apartment for the whole day. You used to talk too much when you were in high school, and he wasn’t looking forward to that. Everything he remembered about you was negative; from how you talked to how much time you spent on him.
“What is it?” Katsuki asked bluntly, red eyes glaring into your e/c ones not really caring how rude he sounded. He didn’t expect you to have a good reaction to that, but was silently surprised to see that your face barely expressed anything you were feeling.
For some reason he couldn’t understand, that bothered him.
“There’s something I’ve kept you from you after we stopped. . being on speaking terms, and I think it’s past time I tell you.” You said, trying to think of the right words to come out with what you needed to say, but he spoke before you could.
“Look, I don’t know what you didn’t get back then, but I want nothing to do with you. Whatever bribe you have, you can keep it. I knew you were going to pull something like this again,” he snapped.
If his glare could get any colder, it did, and you felt yourself beginning to lose your cool. If you had to deal with his hotheaded, above everyone else, attitude for too long, you were sure you’d be tossing the tea you were clutching tightly on the table into his face. You just had to remember this wasn’t for you, because if it was you’d have just gone to the media and presented this information as a scandal where you were the victim.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dynamight,” you mockingly said his hero name but your face never showed even an ounce of emotion.
“I was pregnant when you left, and I had the baby.”
You watched his face that went from pissed to blank in seconds, and he stared at you like a statue. You leaned back in the booth and took another sip of your tea, waiting for him to regain brain power and glad that he hadn’t immediately started yelling and causing a scene.
“You’re lying,” was the first words out of his mouth when he came to, but the words were spoken in an apprehensive tone rather than belief.
Reaching into the left pocket of your sweatpants, you pulled out a picture taken on the day of Ryu’s birth with you holding him in the hospital bed that was dated. You slid it across the table towards him so he could see the boy that was growing to be his spitting image, inheriting nothing but your eyes and parts of your personality. Even in that photo he resembled his father, the head full of ashy blonde hair he came out with being the main indicator. It was obvious Katsuki couldn’t deny it either as he stared at the picture, feeling like an entire world had just been opened up to him. . .
And he was angry.
“You kept my kid from me?” He growled, and you raised a perfect brow at him with your arms crossing your chest.
“You wanted nothing to do with me, remember?” You responded smoothly.
He slammed the picture on the table but you didn’t flinch, “because I don’t. You’re still nothing but a spoiled brat that can’t handle getting her way! Is that why you kept him from me? Because I told you the truth?!” He began yelling, the eyes of customers now on the both of you who were beginning to record the interaction.
That familiar searing pain in your heart came back, the same one you felt the day he ripped into you and left you to piece yourself together. It was clear he didn’t see you any differently than what he did six years ago, and after years of becoming someone entirely different it hurt like hell to hear. Though, this time you could see that he was projecting his own insecurities onto you because anyone could tell that you weren’t entirely to blame for him not knowing about Ryu. Maybe if he hadn’t blocked you on everything and pretended like you never existed, he’d have met his child a long time ago.
Katsuki didn’t know what to feel after looking at his own son that he had never met before, but he believed anger was the right reaction to this situation. In his eyes, you selfishly kept him from his kid and left him in the dark until it was convenient for you. He didn’t know whether you actually kept him in the dark, or your father did so no one would know his daughter had a child at a young age. You were always under your father, getting whatever you wanted from and doing whatever he asked like a dog.
“I’m nothing like that anymore.” Those words brought him back from his whirling thoughts, and he was the one who nearly flinched at the chilling way you looked at him. “Maybe instead of assuming things about me, how about you actually ask some questions about who I’ve become, because trust me, everything I have is because I worked hard to get it.”
You slid out of the booth and pulled out the paper with your number written on it, ”here. Text me when you’re ready to think about my son and not yourself, Dynamight.”
Taglist <3 : @fandomgirllover @cloudsgathering @that-bipolar-renegade-romantic @jazzylove @that-chick212 @bonbonthedragon @hawksnugget @misssugarless @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @bakugous-bakahoe @pinkykookie17 @byakuyaswifee @animexholic @arielting @samkysnks @simpforeveryone @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @liznoonz427
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