#Sorbonne Université
empirearchives · 4 months
Napoleon reopens the Sorbonne after it was closed down in 1793
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Place de la Sorbonne — Victor-Jean Nicolle (1754-1826), early 19th century
“Abolished in 1793, the faculties were recreated under the Empire in 1806, the official date of birth of the faculties of letters and sciences.”
Supprimées en 1793, les facultés sont recréées sous l’Empire en 1806, date de naissance officielle des facultés de lettres et de sciences.
Source: Sorbonne université — Histoire
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neoboha · 11 months
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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muss86dz · 1 year
Université Paris-Sorbonne
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blackswaneuroparedux · 11 months
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Without defending the citadel of the mind, how can we build a beautiful city? Without the conviction of true propositions, whence do we think beauty will come?
- Sir Roger Scruton
La Sorbonne was named for its founder, Robert de Sorbon, chaplain and confessor of Louis IX. The history of the institution has always been closely linked with that of the University of Paris, one of the most important medieval universities of the French capital. Throughout the centuries, la Sorbonne became and remained a prestigious symbol of the university, training and teaching many of the great philosophers and masters of theology and history.
The University of Paris opened its doors in the 13th century. It was formed from a conglomeration of all of the colleges of the city's left bank. It was here that training occurred for all of Paris' clergy, administrators of royal institutions (courts of audit, courts, parliament, the council of state), as well as agents of ecclesiastical institutions ((bishops, abbots, education and hospital agents). Young students of the Four Nations at the time (French, Normandy, Picardy and English) came there to study law, medicine, theology and the arts. Thus, the University enjoyed unmatched prestige and international renown. In 1253, Robert de Sorbon opened his school on the Parisian Mountain, Sainte-Geneviève. The institution was primarily meant to train the poorest students (like many other colleges on the hill), but soon the Collège de Sorbon acquired a reputation, gradually becoming the famous theological faculty La Sorbonne .
The 17th century brought change. In an effort to bring new life to the old buildings, Cardinal Duc de Richelieu appointed architect Jacques Lemercier to undertake updates to the Sorbonne's structures. Cardinal Richelieu was very involved in the life of the Sorbonne and would go on to become headmaster in 1622.
The turmoil of the French Revolution would force the doors of the Sorbonne to close for a time. Starting in 1801 the Sorbonne housed simple artist workshops. During the Restoration, Louis XVIII decided to restore the buildings of the Sorbonne to their original purpose: education. In 1821, the Paris Academy and the École des Chartes (which trained students in archival conservation and preserving written heritage) took possession of the Sorbonne.
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enead · 1 year
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jitenevisuj · 2 years
Thèse de doctorat en communication pdf
#http://vk.cc/c7jKeU#nofollow#<p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><center>THÈSE DE DOCTORAT EN COMMUNICATION PDF >> <strong><u><a href= rel= target=#<br> thèse doctorat marketing pdf#<br> thèse sciences de linformation et de la communication#<br> thèse communication#<br> thèse communication digitale#<br> doctorat communication politique#<br> thèse communication en entreprise#<br> exemple de thèse de doctorat#<br>#<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Pour les étudiantes et étudiants du doctorat en communication. Présentation du projet de thèse : date#composition du jury#déroulement#résultat.#Format de la thèse. La thèse de doctorat en Communication doit comprendre environ 65 000 –. 100 000 mots (250–400 pages approximativement#DOCTORAT EN PHILOSOPHIE. COMMUNICATION. Le Département de communication de la Faculté des arts offre un programme de M.A. en communication#Notre travail s'inscrit à la croisée de champs disciplinaires#notamment celui des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication et du marketing en ligne. LeCe projet fera l'objet d'une évaluation de#UNIVERSITÉ SORBONNE PARIS CITÉ UNIVERSITÉ SORBONNE NOUVELLE PARIS 3 École Doctorale 267 ARTS ET MÉDIAS Institut de Recherche Médias#Cultures#Communication#</p><br>https://jitenevisuj.tumblr.com/post/693542654151147520/trimatik-mc-mode-demploi-lave-vaisselle#https://jitenevisuj.tumblr.com/post/693542654151147520/trimatik-mc-mode-demploi-lave-vaisselle#https://qinutotah.tumblr.com/post/693541807558098944/mode-demploi-hd-line-sf-500#https://mubebijike.tumblr.com/post/693541131649253376/babymoov-visio-care-3-mode-demploi#https://jitenevisuj.tumblr.com/post/693541264176611328/parents-mode-demplois-replay.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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hijehipike · 2 years
Offre emploi bibliotheque universitaire
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The Bouquet
Summary: Sirius is nervous to see his longtime ... something ... but a stop at a small Parisian florist shop helps him feel more prepared.
Notes: Harry Potter universe, famous!AU, rockstar!Sirius x reader, oneshot; this is the first character x reader oneshot I’ve written (the others are all OCs), so let me know if you like it! 
Part 2 available now!
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Sirius kept his head down as he walked through the web of Parisian streets surrounding Sorbonne Université’s campus. He’d done his best to dress in ordinary clothes, even borrowing a t-shirt of Remus’s since all of his own were covered in sequins or made of mesh or fishnet fabric, and he sincerely hoped he wouldn’t be recognized. He loved Marauders fans dearly, but today, he simply wanted a moment to himself. His heart had nearly jumped into his throat when he saw Paris on the list of stops on the Marauders’ Europe tour, and he’d been buzzing to get to the City of Light since they had hit the road. 
A small florist’s shop caught Sirius’s attention as he turned down a narrow, cobble-paved alley, and, hoping to steady his anxious heart, he slipped inside. Immediately met with the scent of every fresh flower he could imagine (and the sensation that his leather jacket was sticking to his skin from the humidity), Sirius meandered his way through the narrow aisles, searching for a flower that stood out. 
“Puis-je vous aider, ma chérie?” 
Sirius peered over his shoulder—perhaps he hadn’t thought the whole ‘undercover’ thing all the way through—and let out a small, quick sigh. The woman who spoke was a teacup of a woman: decadent in appearance, warm, several decades older than he, and immensely small. Sirius figured she probably wouldn’t know who he is. 
“Oui, s’il vous plaît,” he said, cringing at his odd-sounding French. He was out of practice.
“Are you looking for anything in particular?” the woman asked, shuffling her way to stand next to him.
“Um, I’m not sure,” Sirius admitted, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. “I don’t often go flower shopping.”
The teacup woman laughed lightly. “Well, what are you buying the flowers for?” She peered knowingly at him over her spectacles. “A young lady, perhaps?” Sirius aggressively avoided eye contact as something akin to fire spread up his chest and neck, threatening to swallow him whole. She laughed again. “I see,” she said, peering at the bouquets around them. “I can help, ma cherie, don’t worry.” 
Sirius trailed after the teacup woman as she shuffled to the other end of the shop. A sign hung above several aisles, reading Crée le Tien: Create Your Own. She slowly made her way up one aisle, then down the next, picking and choosing a blossom here and there until she accumulated a beautiful fistful of small flowers, each prettier than the next. 
“Here,” she said, and Sirius took the bouquet. Pointing at each kind of blossom in turn, she listed: “Baby's Breath for everlasting love, forget-me-nots for respect and true love, Queen Anne’s Lace for safety, sweet alyssum for worth beyond beauty, and honeysuckle for true happiness. And an extra alyssum for you. When it starts to wilt, get her more.”
“Oh M-goodness, thank you,” Sirius said, taking the extra flower and peering at each flower. “Truly, this is perfect. Thank you.”
The teacup lady smiled knowingly. “I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you, ma cherie.”
Sirius blushed lightly. “I hope so.”
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notasfilosoficas · 6 months
“La tristeza no vuelve inteligente. En la tristeza estamos perdidos. Por eso los poderes tienen necesidad de que los sujetos sean tristes”
Gilles Deleuze
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Gilles Deleuze fue un filósofo francés nacido en París en enero de 1925. Es considerado uno de los más importantes e influyentes del siglo XX.
Primeros años
Nació en el seno de una familia burguesa, su padre era ingeniero y su madre se ocupaba de la casa y de sus hijos, Gilles fue el segundo hijo de la familia.
En 1940 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sus padres decidieron dejar a Gilles en un internado en Deauville, y es ahi, en donde el hasta entonces un estudiante mediocre, descubre la literatura y guiado por sus maestros descubre la obra de André Gide, Charles Baudelaire y Anatole France. Con la firma del armisticio, Gilles regresa a París en donde concluye sus estudios secundarios.
Durante los años de la ocupación estuvo muy marcado por la lectura de Jean Paul Sartre, particularmente por su obra “El ser y la nada” y posteriormente, esa admiración terminaría en decepción con motivo de su conferencia “El existencialismo es un humanismo”, años después.
Labor docente
Después de la guerra se incorporó a clases preparatorias literarias, y en el Lycée Henri IV siguió las lecciones de Jean Beaufret, quien fuera a su vez el “introductor” de Martin Heidegger en Francia. A pesar de sus habilidades excepcionales, no logró pasar el examen de admisión de la escuela Normal Superior de París, pero gracias a sus excelentes resultados obtuvo una beca en la Sorbonne Université.
En 1948, fue admitido como profesor y pasó un año en Alemania en la Universidad de Tubingen y a su regreso a París, impartió clases en diferentes colegios hasta 1957.
En 1964 fue nombrado profesor de la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad de Lyon en donde impartió cursos de Moral, Sociología y Filosofía General.
A pesar de ser percibido como un historiador de Filosofía, por sus trabajos sobre filósofos tan diversos como David Hume, Friedrich Nietzsche, Emmanuel Kant, Baruch Spinoza o Henri Bergson, Deleuze fue evolucionando hacia una nueva definición del filósofo como el “creador de conceptos” en la sociedad, así como creador de nuevas palabras en filosofía, con diferentes significados.
Su tesis filosófica, se centra en el concepto de “diferencia” y “repetición”, es decir de la relación de lo mismo con lo semejante, de la copia con el doble, y del efecto de la repetición con el infinito en comparación con un original. Deleuze intenta desarrollar una metafísica, de acuerdo con la física y las matemáticas de su tiempo, en la que los conceptos de multiplicidad, suceso y virtualidad remplazan respectivamente los de sustancia, esencia y posibilidad.
Al final, enfoca su interés en las relaciones entre significado, sinsentido y acontecimiento, tomando como referencia el trabajo de Lewis Carroll, y el del filósofo Whitehead y el estoicismo griego, así como una metafísica y una filosofía del arte, interesándose tanto por el cine, como por el pintor Francias Bacon.
Entre sus libros mas famosos se encuentran las monografías sobre David Hume (Empirismo y subjetividad), La filosofía critica de Kant, El Bergsonismo, sus trabajos sobre Proust, Spinoza y Focault entre muchos otros, recibiendo en 1994 el Gran Premio de Filosofía de la Academia Francesa por su basta obra.
En noviembre de 1995 Giles Deleuze muere en Paris a la edad de 70 años.  
Fuente: Wikipedia
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bpod-bpod · 3 months
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Getting A Head
3D imaging combined with tissue clearing and immunostaining reveals the development of the head and its organs as a human embryo grows – insight into understanding craniofacial defects and neurological disorders, and how to diagnose and treat them
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Raphael Blain and colleagues
Sorbonne Université, INSERM, CNRS, Institut de la Vision, Paris, France
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Published in Cell, December 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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"Il est interdit d'interdire !"
En revisionnant la série, je note de nouveaux petits détails qui m'avaient échappés.
Comme cette phrase prononcée par Chat Noir dans l'épisode Sangsure (saison 4) :
Cette boutade prononcée à l'origine par l'humoriste Jean Yanne est devenue l'un des slogans les plus marquants des évènements de Mai 68.
Mais qu'est-ce que c'est, Mai 68 ?
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Ce mouvement de révolte sans précédent aux allures de révolution a éclaté en France en mai-juin 1968 dans les universités.
Le contexte : la France sort tout juste des Trente Glorieuses, une période de forte croissance économique et d'amélioration du niveau de vie qu’a connue la grande majorité des pays développés entre 1945 et 1975. Malgré tout, tout le monde ne profite pas de cette croissance économique : 2 millions de travailleurs en France sont payés au SMIG ("Salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti", remplacé par le "salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance" (SMIC) en 1970), et le pays compte 500 000 chômeurs. Les travailleurs s'inquiètent pour leurs conditions de travail, et côté étudiant, la massification de l'enseignement supérieur cause d'innombrables problèmes (locaux peu adaptés à cette croissance rapide, manque de matériel, problèmes de transports...).
Au centre de Paris, la révolution gronde. Les étudiants s'inquiètent pour leur avenir. Des débats, des prises de paroles et des assemblées générales ont lieu dans les rues, les entreprises, les administrations et les universités.
Lorsque la police lance une intervention brutale le 3 mai 1968 pour disperser un meeting de protestation tenu par les étudiants dans la cour de la Sorbonne, la riposte est instantanée : de violents affrontements ont lieu dans les rues du Quartier latin, le point culminant étant atteint lors de la nuit désormais symbolique du 10-11 mai 1968 où les combats de rues ont donné lieu à bon nombres d'interpellations et a même fait plusieurs de victimes.
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S'en suit la plus importante grève générale sauvage de l'histoire le 13 mai 1968 : la révolution étudiante s'est muée en crise sociale, et une vague de grèves s'enclenche. Le mouvement s'étend, et la France se retrouve totalement paralysée pendant des semaines.
Il y a encore énormément de choses à dire sur cette période qui a révolutionné l'histoire, je ne suis pas forcément la meilleure personne pour aborder le sujet.
Toujours est-il que Mai 68 reste à ce jour le plus important mouvement social de l'histoire de France du XXe siècle : en quelques semaines à peine, la France a fait bouger ses limites au delà de tout ce qui semblait possible. Et malgré l'échec apparent du mouvement de Mai 68, ses retombées sont énormes : cette crise a largement contribué à la modernisation de la société française. Ne serait-ce que pour les jeunes, les femmes, et les ouvriers qui ont réclamé et ont eu plus de pouvoir, plus de parole, plus de liberté. Bon nombre de leurs rêves sont devenus notre quotidien.
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corbenic · 4 months
Princess Imperial: The Abu Dhabi Tour
Over on the other blog, Julien and Evie (better known as Their Imperial Highnesses The Prince and Princess Imperial) recently finished a two-day tour of Abu Dhabi.
On Day One, they visit a mosque, chair a business council meeting, attend a luncheon at the French embassy, visit the Alliance Française and the Université Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, and open a new exhibit at the Louvre Abu Dhabi.
On Day Two, they visit a coral reef, where Evie is very disappointed that her morning sickness (that's right, the big plot twist from last week is an unexpected pregnancy!) stops her from snorkeling. Julien gives a speech to the Emirati legislature while Evie attends a women's empowerment luncheon. The couple reunite to visit a literature festival and the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital, then attend a gala dinner honoring 50 years of the French business community in the Federation of Arab Emirates (the storyworld’s name for the UAE).
They return to France the next morning.
Next on their calendar: an accession anniversary and a short trip to Edinburgh.
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das-coven · 6 months
« Le jeu de rôle a 50 ans. Et maintenant, que faites-vous ?... »
État de l’art et perspectives pour le cinquantième anniversaire du jeu de rôle
   A l’occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de Dungeons & Dragons, l’université Sorbonne Paris Nord et La Rochelle Université organisent, du 21 au 22 juin 2024, un colloque de deux journées d’études dédié au jeu de rôle (et une troisième, le 23 juin, à la pratique). Après cinq décennies de création, le jeu de rôle semble connaître un nouveau souffle aussi bien en termes de publics, que de pratiques, de contenus et d’influences.
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Study reports melting curve of superionic ammonia under icy planetary interior conditions
Icy planets, such as Uranus (U) and Neptune (N), are found in both our solar system and other solar systems across the universe. Nonetheless, these planets, characterized by a thick atmosphere and a mantle made of volatile materials (e.g., hydrogen water, ammonia, etc.), are the least explored class of planets; thus so far little is known about their origin, interior structure and composition. The Voyager probes, two robotic systems launched by NASA on a quest to explore the outer solar system, recorded interesting measurements suggesting that icy planets have peculiar magnetic fields. These measurements showed that unlike other types of planets, such as terrestrial planets and gas giants, icy planets do not have a dipolar magnetic field, and are thus without clear North and South magnetic poles. Researchers at Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne Université and other institutes in Europe recently carried out a study aimed at better understanding under which form matter could exist inside these widely unexplored planets. Their paper, published in Nature Physics, specifically reports the melting curve of superionic ammonia in conditions similar to those that astrophysics expect to find inside U and N.
Read more.
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petervintonjr · 12 days
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"A nation's greatness is not dependent upon the things it makes and uses. Things without thoughts are mere vulgarities. America can boast her expanse of territory, her gilded domes, her paving stones of silver dollars; but the question of deepest moment in this nation today is its span of the circle of brotherhood, the moral stature of its men and its women, the elevation at which it receives its vision into the firmament of eternal truth."
Born enslaved in 1858 North Carolina to an enslaved mother and her owner, Anna Julia (neé Haywood) Cooper found herself in a post-emancipation world at the age of nine and enrolled St. Augustine's Normal School and Collegiate Institute in Raleigh; originally a teaching school for newly liberated Black citizens. Anna showed an uncanny aptitude for academics, earning money as a tutor and determinedly pursuing subjects normally regarded as off-limits to women.
In 1877 Anna married theology teacher George A.G. Cooper, but sadly the marriage only lasted a few short years --George died in 1879. In 1881 she enrolled at Oberlin College, where she attained her B.A. in mathematics, and eventually her M.A. in education. Afterwards in 1887 she moved to Washington, D.C. and further pursued education, moving in the same orbits as Mary Church Terrell (Lesson #29) and Nannie Helen Burroughs (Lesson #138). In 1892 she was one of the co-founders of the the Colored Women's League of Washington. She eventually became principal of the Washington Colored High School (later the M Street High School, and eventually Dunbar High School), but not without controversy --her unapologetic approach to college preparation was met with disagreement by the all-white Washington, D.C. school board, and she was ultimately forced to resign in 1906. (Boy, it sure is good to know that sort of thing doesn't ever happen anymore...)
She had been pursuing a graduate study at Columbia in 1911, but stepped away from this goal to raise her late brother's five grandchildren. In 1925, at the age of 66, Anna earned her Ph.D in history from the Université de Paris (Sorbonne); the fourth Black woman in the U.S. to receive a doctoral degree. She was also a member of the influential Black women's sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha. Among her many publications was 1892's A Voice from the South, an early examination on the crucial intersectionality of race and gender, that also called for equal education for women. Anna also founded the the first YWCA chapter for Black women.
Retiring from teaching in 1930, Anna continued to publish and advocate for Black civil rights causes. She ultimately lived to the amazing age of 105, passing away in 1964.
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Radiation from massive stars shapes planetary systems
How do planetary systems such as the Solar System form? To find out, CNRS scientists taking part in an international research team1 studied a stellar nursery, the Orion Nebula, using the James Webb Space Telescope2. By observing a protoplanetary disc named d203-506, they have discovered the key role played by massive stars in the formation of such nascent planetary systems3.
These stars, which are around 10 times more massive, and more importantly 100,000 times more luminous than the Sun, expose any planets forming in such systems nearby to very intense ultraviolet radiation. Depending on the mass of the star at the centre of the planetary system, this radiation can either help planets to form, or alternatively prevent them from doing so by dispersing their matter. In the Orion Nebula, the scientists found that, due to the intense irradiation from massive stars, a Jupiter-like planet would not be able to form in the planetary system d203-506.
This paper, which will make the front page of the journal Science on 1st March, 2024, shows with unprecedented precision the decisive role played by massive stars in shaping planetary systems, and opens up new perspectives on how such systems form.
Notes :
1 -  The main French laboratories involved in this study are: the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (CNES/CNRS/Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier), Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay), Laboratoire d'Etudes du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique et Atmosphères (CNRS/Université Cergy Paris/Observatoire de Paris-PSL/Sorbonne Université/), and Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay (CNRS/Université Paris Saclay). The study is part of the international ' PDRs4All  ' project.
2 - The James Webb Infrared Space Telescope can peer through dust clouds, thus revealing with unparallelled clarity distant celestial bodies such as the Orion Nebula, 1400 light-years from Earth.
3 - Systems that are less than a million years old.
IMAGE....Hubble image of the Orion Nebula, and a zoom in on the protoplanetary disc d203-506 taken with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).  Credit © NASA/STScI/Rice Univ./C.O'Dell et al / O. Berné, I. Schrotter, PDRs4All
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