#The Yellow Album
My coworkers are probably like “why on earth is she laughing out loud to herself at her station with no one around?” Obviously it’s because I’m listening to the SpongeBob SquarePants Yellow Album and forgetting how funny all the songs are
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infizero-draws · 9 months
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i'm not really feeling like myself today
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dahypoems · 5 months
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why would i let myself get down in the first place?
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scrypticmetal · 15 days
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Danny Elfman So-Lo album cover redraw with my wife
This is my magnum opus
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heynhay · 11 months
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for if I am not yours, what am I?
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saradika-graphics · 2 months
Hi there! I love your Taylor Swift themed dividers and I was wondering if you could make some for the Lover album, please! I'd love to see them :3 anyways, no pressure. And thanks! All your work is lovely!
hi moon! thank so much, they've been so fun to do! And I would love to do one for Lover - hope you like these!! 💖
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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dorkfruit · 10 days
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shessss the mannnn in the box !! and i think in AtN she should get to rip john's head off as a little treat
+ the full body sketch that i couldn't be bothered to paint in its entirety
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zegalba · 1 year
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Album of Horses (1951) written by Marguerite Henry, illustrated by Wesley Dennis
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florence + the machine lyrics x colors x textiles in art — yellow/gold
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) – Lungs // Portrait of Princess Maria Clementina Sobieska – William Mosman 👑 Only If For a Night – Ceremonials // Isabelle de Bourbon, Infanta of Parma – Jean-Marc Nattier 👑 Over the Love – Over the Love // Portrait of Archduchess Maria Maddalena of Austria – Frans Pourbus the Younger 👑 Over the Love – Over the Love // Portrait of Isabella Charlotte of Nassau-Dietz as Flora – Lancelot Volders 👑 King – Dance Fever // Portrait of Konstancja Krystyna Wielopolska – Pierre Mignard I 👑 Girls Against God – Dance Fever // Portrait of Barbara of Portugal, Queen of Spain – Jean Ranc 👑 Heaven Is Here – Dance Fever // Princess Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart – Alexis Simon Belle
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soft-stims · 1 year
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“Infinity on High” stimboard for @riddlerosehearts
x x x - x x - x x x
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stariteart · 7 months
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what the heck... i made this all the way back in 2020 but it looks like i never actually posted it here
yellow magic orchestra (self-titled album) but with kk slider
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atomic-chronoscaph · 7 months
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Ol' Yellow Eyes is Back - Brent Spiner (1991)
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ringosmistress · 2 months
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vampylily · 9 months
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Notes from the new Rolling Stones Japan article with Pete and Patrick Pt.1 :
[WARNING: The article is in Japanese, I'm not a Japanese speaker. I'm machine translating the article from Japanese to Korean & English, and then doing paraphrasing in English. Thus, the wording is not entirely accurate, and may contain errors. Please don't consider this as a proper translation. This is so I can have a reference more than anything. ]
When the interviewer noted Patrick's Los Crudos t-shirt, he responded enthusiastically that it was a Chicago band! Pete was in a Napalm Death t-shirt.
Interviewer asked about how Summer Sonic was, especially since it was their first since 2019. Patrick said the show went like they hoped, which rarely happens (lol). Said Japanese audiences are special. He gets asked about how concerts in Japan are, but it's hard to explain unless you experience it. Said can't explain it well, but there's a lot of give and take of energy.
Interviewer asked about Pete saying there was a song inspired by Japan on the SMFS album. Pete said "The Kintsugi Kid" was the song about how he felt when he was in Japan, it's obvious by the title. "The Kintsugi Kid'' bridges "I Am My Own Muse" and "So Much (For) Stardust." Said Patrick wrote the songs but in his interpretation, the sonic landscape of the song reminds him of Japan.
Patrick said he's always been quite influenced by Japan, especially on this album. Said people might not register it from the sound, but he's been influenced by the Yellow Magic Orchestra & their synthesizer sounds. He didn't use much synthesizer on the album but a lot of the songs started with synthesizers. He got the same synthesizer Yellow Magic Orchestra used and started writing songs from there. He's a big fan of Studio Ghibli movies and loves Joe Hisaishi's music. Said when doing string/orchestra horn arrangements, he wanted to create a sound that was as appealing to the heart/poignant as his. Even though their music/sound was completely different, he wanted to try it. Said he especially tried to evoke the feeling he got on "The Pink Seashell."
Interviewer asked about TTTYG's 20th anniversary and how they could have done an anniversary tour but they didn't and instead released SMFS with gusto.
Pete said the most important thing is that you stick to what you think is right. Said there was a punk band he liked when he was younger, and they didn't change at all. Talked about how artists like David Bowie or the Clash changed their styles to almost unrecognizable lengths and how some fans left because of it. But when he listens to the albums after getting older, he can reflect on his own changes and find new appreciation for songs he might not have liked at the time.
Pete said celebrating the past too much feels patronizing and not very fall out boy-like. They continue making new music, sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don't. Even if something doesn't work out as well, he's like [it is what it is/that happens], and that some people might say they liked it. He's got albums he likes and albums he dislikes from his own favourite artists. Said they always make new albums that challenge their past works. Of course they hope people like it, but getting good reviews/being appreciated isn't the only reason they continue making music.
Patrick said he doesn't like making an album to celebrate the 20th anniversary, or having an anniversary to showcase past songs. Reasons was that first, the past songs are always in rotation in their sets so they don't stop playing them. Second, like Pete said, they prefer to keep pursuing new music and that stance hasn't changed from 20 years ago. Said deviating from that feels dishonest like they're lying to themselves.
Pete was like [it's how Steven Spielberg didn't make E.T. Part 2.] Patrick was like [exactly!] and said that being honest with themselves was their pure form.
also there's a page 2 to the article but i'm tired :[. they talk about "emo" changing from a specific music genre to the word entering the mainstream vernacular, patrick talked about how when they started out they didin't consider themselves "emo," they were a hardcore band. said he liked playing hardcore though when he sang people used to tell him his voice was too cute. they focused on making the music they wanted to, and before they knew it, they were being called "emo." Pete talked about the word, how it encompasses too much, feeling restricted by that in the past, etc. Talked about wanting to become like Metallica in that the word Metallica has becomes its own thing, Metallica doesn't need a description, etc. Patrick talked about perfoming in Japan, from small venues way earlier to now, etc
I love long FOB articles and I quite liked this one.
Love that Patrick talked about musical inspirations and SMFS. It’s so cool to hear because I love how beautiful and grand the sounds are in SMFS, even with spoken tracks like The Pink Seashell or Baby Annihilation. 
Also him buying the same synthesizers is so real. He’s a music nerd <3 
They’ve been consistently talking about always wanting to make new music and looking to the future instead of the past. And getting questions about their sound changing since forever haha.
It's really cool that they're very self aware and how convinced they are about making new music. Love that Pete can look back at older albums and find new appreciation for them. I’d be down for another half dozen FOB albums if they are, so (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
The new Pete and Patrick photos!!! They've got such pretty eyes <333
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kevinabel · 3 months
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Iris Chacón para su portada de álbum 🇵🇷✨️
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