#Yes the reindeer slippers are cute
peskyimmortals · 5 months
Christmas Birthdays
Happy Birthday to all the Christmas babies and fellow Christmas Eve babies!!! May you not get holiday themed presents and compared to Jesus yet again.
Remember, people may be overwhelmed with the holidays but they do love you and wish you a gentle birthday!
Also, it’s okay if you got overwhelmed with the holiday and don’t want to celebrate this year (or if you forgot about it completely, like I do every year)
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nobedofroses · 2 years
December 4
pairing: Marcus Moreno x reader
warnings: fluff city with a tiny bit of spice at the end, no actual smut tho
words: 1k
a/n: new family! using one of the bonus pics because it was perfect for them!
Last, Full List, Next
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This year was your first Christmas as Missy’s stepmom, and you wanted to make sure that all three of you (including Marcus) felt good about it. This was possibly an impossible task, but you were an ambitious person, and you knew it didn’t have to be perfect to be great. 
An idea that you had to make the entire holiday season fun was to start celebrating in little ways throughout the whole month. And since you and Missy shared a love of comfy, cozy things, you decided to create an advent calendar for all three of you (Marcus also loved comfy, cozy things he just never thought to get them for himself) that would start your Christmas season off right. 
The first gift was a mug painting kit, so that each of you would have a personalized mug for all your hot drinks that season. Missy had the idea that you should make them for each other, so she made yours, you made Marcus’ and Marcus made hers. You might have gotten a little misty that night when you saw all the love and care Missy so obviously put into painting yours. 
The next day included everything needed to make gourmet hot chocolate, to have in your mugs, of course. And there was enough for supplies so that you could have it every day if you wanted. Marcus asked how much all the fancy chocolate had cost and you stuck a piece of one of the chocolate bars in his mouth to quiet him, which Missy agreed was absolutely the right thing to do. 
Day three were matching fleece blankets with your initials embroidered in the corners. You used them to watch some of the old claymation Christmas shows to stay warm on the couch. Missy insisted that you sat in the middle between her and Marcus. This was because, “Dad always falls asleep and snores super loud, right in my ear. He’s your husband now, so you should get used to that.” 
Today was the fourth day and the start of a series of connected gifts. You had gotten full matching pajama sets for the three of you, but had to break them up into three days because towards the end of the month you had started running out of ideas. Starting from the bottom, today’s gifts were slippers, and you just knew that Missy would love them.
And you were right, “Oh. My. Gosh. Look at them! They’re little Rudolphs, that is so cute!” 
She held them up for Marcus to see and he looked on happily, “Oh yeah, their red noses.” 
You chuckled at his statement of the obvious and then pulled yours out of the paper gift bag you had been storing your part of the gifts. Marcus and Missy got theirs fully wrapped, but it was a lot of effort to put in for something that you already knew what it was. 
When Missy saw that yours were the same, she exclaimed, “Matching! Oh my gosh, perfect!” 
“Yes, perfect for my favorite girls. Now I’ll open mine and see what kind of slippers my amazing wife got me—”
“Dad’s are matching too! We’ll have a whole family of Rudolphs!” Missy grinned, already slipping hers on. 
Marcus looked at you with slight dismay, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought there was only one Rudolph in the story.” 
You laughed and kissed his cheek, “You’re wrong.” 
“C’mon Dad, put yours on so we can take a picture!” Missy hurried her father along, which was good because it distracted him from the fact that he was putting reindeer slippers on to be immortalized by her Instagram post. 
Missy deftly arranged the three of you so all of the slippers were visible and snapped the picture. Then she flipped her phone’s camera around and took a group selfie with your two smiling faces and Marcus’ playfully grumpy one. 
Thirty seconds later, you got the notification that @peacelovemissy had tagged you in a post. The caption read “don’t let @heroicsmorenodad’s face fool you, he loved the slippers as much as I did.” Since you were on her profile, you looked at her other posts and realized that she had been posting what she had gotten every day and either forgetting to tag you or not doing it because all of the other pictures had just had the items. It flooded your heart with warmth to know that she really was enjoying this at least half as much as you were. 
Marcus saw your watery eyes and, while Missy was busy replying to some friends’ comments that had already appeared, kissed your forehead and whispered to you, “Don’t cry again, you’ll freak her out.” 
That made you laugh and thankfully got rid of your tears. 
Soon, dinner was ready and the three of you went about your night, watching another Christmas movie. This time it was the animated Grinch, as per Marcus’ request. 
In bed that night, after some goings-on, Marcus was holding you close and telling you how thankful he was to have someone who loved Missy as much as he did. 
“You are an incredible mother, step or otherwise, and you are making her feel so loved and special by doing this,” Marcus said softly, pausing for a quick kiss. “But don’t burn yourself out with all of this.” 
You smiled, “You’re a bit too late telling me that, babe. It’s all already picked out and bought. I wouldn’t say I’m burnt out. Except for maybe wrapping them, that could do me in if I don’t give myself enough time.” 
“Then let me do it, I don’t need to be surprised everyday,” he told you and you hesitated because you wanted it to be fun for him too. “I mean it, if you don’t let me help out, I’ll tell you what I got you for Christmas.” 
You gasped loudly, he knew how much you loved surprises and hated spoilers, “You wouldn’t dare.” 
“I would,” and he looked so solemn that you believed him. “Do we have a deal?” 
You huffed, even though he was actually going to take a good deal of annoyance and stress over perfect wrapping off your hands, “Fine. You can wrap them. On one condition.” 
Marcus rolled his eyes fondly, “What’s that?” 
Smiling cheekily, you moved from his arms and started kissing his bare chest and then lower down, letting him guess where you were headed, “That you let me say thank you.”
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razieltwelve · 1 year
An Unconventional Christmas
“I refuse to believe that Santa is a necromancer.”
Timmy looked down – way down – at Katie and gave her a smile so sympathetic she had to fight the urge to kick her master in the shins. She was wearing a pair of fluffy bunny slippers – black, of course, to maximise her intimidation factor – so all she would accomplish was hurting her toes.
“Katie, if you think about it, it makes perfect sense.”
“How does it make any sense at all?” Katie reached out with one hand to keep Spot from diving onto the slices of pineapple on her plate. The dragon had been eyeing them for a while now, and his stomach had finally gotten the better of his manners. “Spot, these are mine.”
But there’s no more pineapple left. Despite being a fiery harbinger of doom, Spot managed to make a sound so adorable that she had no choice but to hand over her pineapple. It was amazing how cute he could be when he wasn’t eating bandits or setting pirates on fire. Naturally, he ruined the picture of adorableness by devouring the pineapple with all the grace of a rabid badger. He then turned his attention to Gerald who had been picking at a peach.
Catching the dragon’s eye, Old Man offered him some of his vegetables. Spot responded with a comical expression of horror that drew a chuckle from both Amanda and Daerin. Avraniel, meanwhile, was adding some gravy to her roast beef, but not before slipping a portion to Chomp who trotted off to enjoy his treat by the fireplace. Not far away, Sam had decided to skip dinner in favour of going straight to dessert, which was a Christmas pudding.
“Oh, ye of little faith.” Her master struck a thoughtful pose and took a long sip of his water. She prepared herself for an argument that would be equal parts insane and utterly convincing. He was an expert on toeing that line, as many a merchant could attest to after meeting defeat when attempting to haggle against him. “Let us begin by considering what we know about Santa. First of all, Santa is supposed to be a jolly fat man who dresses quite outlandishly in red and white.”
“That hardly makes him a necromancer.”
“On the contrary, only a necromancer could dress so garishly and pull it off.”
Katie opened her mouth to reply and then remembered what some of the other necromancers had been wearing at the most recent convention. Garish did not even begin to cover it. “Maybe,” she conceded.
“Santa also rides a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer.”
But reindeers don’t fly. Spot pointed out.
“Santa’s reindeers do,” her master replied. “And since I’ve never heard of any other magical flying reindeer, there must be something special about them.”
“And how does that prove he’s a necromancer?” Katie asked.
“Let me ask you this, Katie: if you wanted to, could you make flying reindeer?”
“Well… I guess.” Katie rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “I mean… reindeers can’t fly on their own, but if you added some pegasus wings, they could fly. Actually, wyvern wings might be better, as long as size isn’t an issue.”
Her master raised one eyebrow.
“Wait!” Katie cried. “The stories don’t say anything about his reindeer having wings.”
“You’re right, but we both know that stories don’t always get the facts straight. After all, look at Spot. If you believe all the stories, dragons are nothing more than merciless engines of doom and horror.”
Katie watched as Spot slithered over to Avraniel to beg for some of her beef. “I guess…” Spot was not doing a very good impersonation of a merciless engine of doom and horror. “What about Santa’s sleigh, then, how would that fly?”
“Maybe he knows a good dwarf,” Daerin said. “My people built a flying city. I’m sure we could throw together a flying sleigh if the pay was right. Heck, with zombie reindeer-pegasi, the sleigh would only have to float. The zombies would provide the propulsion.”
“…” Katie’s eye twitched. She wanted to say that her master’s argument was insane, that there was no way Santa could be a necromancer. Yet, once again, he was showing why he was a Grand Necromancer. He could use his formidable intelligence to discern the most carefully hidden schemes of his enemies… or to argue for utterly ridiculous ideas in ways that seemed ironclad. “How about Santa’s sack full of presents? It would have to be way bigger on the inside than the outside to fit all of the gifts.”
Her master merely smiled and nodded at Gerald.
The bureaucrat blinked. “Huh? What about me?”
“Instead of a magical sack, all Santa would need is someone like Gerald. I’m sure his magic could fit all of the gifts,” her master said.
Katie fought the urge to scream. Her master’s voice was perfectly calm, but there was a teasing glint in his eyes that let her know that he knew exactly what he was doing. “Then how would Santa know if children have been good or bad?”
“Zombie critters. Lots of them. Think about how many people I can keep track of with zombie squirrels and zombie pigeons.”
Katie took a deep breath and then spoke with absolute certainty. “Santa is not a necromancer.”
Her master’s lips twitched. “You’re right. No normal necromancer could be Santa. He’d have to be a Grand Necromancer, one whose ability to command multiple zombies with incredible precision was far above the norm. He would also need to have some like Gerald around, as well as a dwarf with connections to a certain flying city.” He paused. “You see, Katie, the truth is… I’m Santa.”
“…” Katie stared. “You are not Santa.”
“Oh really? Then where did I go wrong with my argument? After all, haven’t you noticed that I disappear for a while every Christmas Eve just before your present appears?”
“You are not Santa!” Katie insisted. “You… you…” The logical part of her mind was trying and failing to come up with a good counter argument. The less logical part was screaming about how her master was only doing this because he thought it was hilarious.
“You’re right.” Her master nodded. “I’m not Santa.”
“I knew it!” she cried.
“Or am I?”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Merry Christmas, everyone. May your Christmas stocking be full to overflowing, and may good tidings and good cheer be all you know.
The characters in this snippet are from The Unconventional Heroes Series.
P. S. Timmy is totally not Santa. The thing Katie missed is that he has no way of travelling fast enough to reach every child in the world. He deliberately left that point for last knowing that his other points would likely distract her enough for her to not notice, allowing him to skip it. Give her a few minutes. She’ll notice the flaw and then leap onto her chair and jab her finger at him. At which point, he’ll argue that Santa is actually a secret cabal of Grand Necromancers working together.
P. P. S. It is possible that Santa is actually a certain cosmic guinea pig. He actually does have the power to pull it off and is precisely the sort of person to do it because he thinks it’s funny.
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Sam Winchester: it's cold outside
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Pairing: Sam W. x Fem!Reader
Pov: Sam
Warnings: Fluff, cuteness, Christmas themes, snowing outside, comfy spots,
Summary: Opening Christmas gifts. AU! Sam and Y/n realize they both got each other the same gifts. They also watch the snowfall. maybe a proposal
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This is the second to the last writing challenge I have to complete. I'm so happy and sad that this challenge is almost over.
Square: Fluffy Jumpers
Sam Winchester Master List
Main Master list
Taglist: @sweetdetectivequeen @band--psycho @wonderfulworldofwinchester
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The snow outside was starting to cover the porch. it was just barely six am, rolling over I grabbed y/n. she moaned slightly into me as I shifted her into my grasp. Y/n felt so warm around my arms she eventually got comfortable around my grasp.
Seven am the digital clock said, the sun was just baby peeking over the horizon yet. This was the first winter, the first Christmas that Y/n and I would be spending together fully alone. So in technical terms, this is our third Christmas together.
She moaned again as she shifted in my arms the morning sun just not bright enough to fully wake her from her dreams, or even her sleep. slipping from her grasp I snuck from our bed and down stairs.
Having hidden a few presents in the closet away from sneaking eye, such as Y/n. I had noticed the last two years Y/n always no matter what has to sneak a peak.
This year I most definitely did not need y/n snooping around my gifts. Bringing them in from the closet I tried my hardest to place the gifts in empty spots under the Christmas tree.
After doing so, I got to work on breakfast. Seeing as I was the better cook between the two of us. I made hot chocolate and coffee because Y/n was mostly going to sleep till dawn I needed something to wake her up even it was Christmas morning. I turned on Christmas music just something low, but sweet enough to in have in the background.
You know what's funny to me, as a child as kids who believe in a magical person who deliveries present. I remember my older brother Dean beating me at waking up every single Christmas morning. My mother and father would come in hours later and tell us that Santa had come. Dean would beat me down the stairs and always had so much energy, but our parents never seemed against it.
It's funny the little memories you hold on to even twenty-plus years later. The deal between Y/n and I was so. The first year we would visit her family up in Utah and the following year we could visit mine in Kansas.
Eight am and Y/n is still not awake. Alright try for plan two, I walked my way up the stairs with a cup of coffee and a bowl of fruit. nothing too heavy seeing as she is just going to wake up.
Walking in through the open doorway. I was met with a beautiful moment, or whatever you want to call it. Y/n was curled up into my pillow tightly hugging it, the blinds that had been left open the night before for the moon's bright beam to cast in were instead the bright sun casting in. It cascaded over her face, down her arms, beaming down slightly onto the skin on her leg.
I quietly set down her cup of coffee and the bowl of fruit grabbing my phone from the back pocket of my flannel pants. Snapping one or two or maybe five pictures of her. In moments like this, a picture is really worth a thousand words.
Throwing my phone back into my back pocket. I walked over to Y/n quietly and gently tried shaking her awake. "My love wakes up," I spoke gently in her forehead kissing it a few times. "My love it Christmas" She didn't budge her grasp on my fluffy pillow only tightening.
"My love I have coffee for you, and I made breakfast." I tried saying a bit louder and more clear. She moved eventually after I spent ten minutes of my morning caressing her arms, her forehead, and brushing through her hair with my hands.
"My dear, it almost nine in the morning," I said pushing the coffee closer to her on the side table in our bedroom. She moaned and groaned as she shifted and was just barely awake. "Good Morning my love," I said gently as I didn't want to bombard Y/n with too much in the morning.
She stretched and reached towards me. "Mornin' Sammy!" Y/n said. I moved out of her way, she swang her legs over the edge of our bed and set her feet into the slippers.
"Coffee?" I asked her, she hummed in response and took the hot cup out of my hands. Y/n hair was wrapped in these odd color things, but according to Y/n, it was to curl her hair in her sleep especially when her hair was wet.
The odd things that women did for their beauty routines. She sipped at the coffee, her head resting on my shoulder. "It snowed last night baby," I spoke as she got up and walked towards the window.
I could write you a dictionary size book of things that I love about Y/n, and that right there, this moment was another I'd have to add to that book.
Nine am. Y/n in the shower, after finishing her coffee and bringing her hidden gifts out and doing the same as I. I worked on dinner ham, muffins for the hell of it. Things I knew that Y/n had fallen in love with when we visited my parents, and of course there were meals that I wanted to desperately try that we had in Utah with Y/ns family.
Ten am. Y/n was done with her shower and currently finishing up her makeup. I slipped upstairs noticing cozy outfits laid out on our now made bed. One for her and me. I made my way into the bathroom, Y/n wrapped in her towel and applying a bit of everything that was laid out against the shared sink space.
I came in and wrapped my hands around her waist. She leaned her head into my shoulder as I kissed her jawbone and her neck. Whispering into her ear, "Merry Christmas, baby." I said unclasping her from my grip, stripping off my pants and tank top.
The hot water ran down my back as I remembered that today I'm asking Y/n the forever question. Last Christmas I had even asked her father for the mission to marry his daughter. Even if he said no, I'm pretty sure his wife would have smacked him and told me 'yes you may, honey'.
Eleven am. I was finished with my shower, Y/n was done with her light makeup. We were both wearing our matching outfits. We made our way downstairs, y/n slipped her phone from her hand and into mine. "Let's take a few pictures, I want to send a few to our parents, and of course Dean," Y/n said as she began to smile awaiting for me to raise the phone in my hands, and up above us.
She never needed makeup, and I made sure to tell her of that every day, or at least every time I saw her with makeup on. "You look beautiful baby, but you don't need the makeup, because I love you just the way you are. And you, you as your wholesome self in more than enough for me." I said as we looked through the pictures.
Y/n started sending off pictures to people, the cute ones were sent to our parents, the one where we were kissing she posted on one of her social media accounts. The last few ones when we made funny faces she sent to Dean.
If I ever lost her, I think I'd lose my mind. Absolute go crazy, not saying she keeps me from going crazy, she's just the love of my life, and I simply wouldn't know what to do with myself if she was suddenly gone.
Twelve pm. "Come on Sammy! Let's open gifts please!" Y/n says jumping all over the living room. I hummed and sat down on the couch. Y/n pulled a few of my gifts out and grabbed hers. Handing a few small ones and a few bigs ones.
Books, cooking books, a photo album, a few other silly little things, but she still had one box for me. "Here open these honey," I said handing her a few boxes that were wrapped in reindeer wrapping paper. She gushed over the paper and then tore into the gifts.
I too had grabbed her books, a few things from the craft store, and literally anything else she had hinted to during the year. A new necklace because the other was tarnished, a subscription to amazon prime because she has a tendency to buy a lot of things.
She smiled having a few tears in the cusp of her eyes. She rushed up from the floor and jumped into my lap, "Thank you, baby! So much!" I wrapped my hands around her waist to keep her in my lap. She was kissing up a storm on my face, missing either on purpose or accidentally my lips.
We stayed like this for a few moments. Just kissing each other, staying in the moment forever. The kissing wasn't harsh or teeth rode. It was sweet and slow, her lips against mine. Moments like this I memorized her shape and the way her lips tasted against mine.
She rested her head against my chest, and we stayed like this for a few, before she got up and noticed that we both two boxes left. "What do you think we can open them up at the same time?!" So we did, opening them and holding the cute jumpers up in the air at the same time. I could barely see Y/ns eyes over the jumper, then noticed something very cute, and funny.
"Y/n, sweetheart?" I asked she hummed in response. "did.. we got the same gift for each other I think." I said finally I could see Y/n's eyes. She gasped and then giggled. There are other things I'd add to that dictionary, or the book, or whatever.
She giggled and got up running towards the bathroom. "I'm going to go try this on Sammy!"She screamed as she slipped down our hardwood floor and into the bathroom. I went and found the box, the box that had the simple ring it, a set of three diamonds on a gold band.
I heard the clasp of the door open, and then Y/n started talking, on one knee I stayed until Y/n noticed I wasn't answering her back. She looked down at me, then at my hands. Back the jumpers that I was also wearing, "You look cute in your jumper love, so I have a whole speech planned out here. I.. umm... I have spent a large portion of my life loving you from afar, then I got you and I could love you up close you are mine, but I want to be able to wake up next to you forever, I want to continue to make you giggle and laugh, smile at the little things I say to you. I so desperately want to be the father of your kids, have more Christmas like this, so I guess what I'm asking you is simple. Will you Y/n L/n marry me?" I asked her.
No moments of silence she was down on the floor with me, kissing my face repeating 'yes' over and over again. "A hundred times yes, thousand times yes. God, I love you, Winchester. "She said as I slipped the three stones onto her finger.
We kissed again but this just felt different, maybe it was because she wasn't just a girlfriend anymore she is the rest of my life, she's my forever. She is my Mrs. Winchester.
We broke from our kiss, she grabbed her phone and took a picture of course of her hand and then one of us again for the second time. Sending it off yet again. She was happy, and that's all I have ever wanted for her.
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Completed on: 05/28/2021
Posted on: 05/28/2021
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liaswritesrobots · 3 years
45 with MTMTE Swerve?
It was Christmas Eve and Swerve's theme in the bar tonight was, of course, Christmas. It was also super encouraged to use holoforms to dress up, mostly to help you feel more at home, and most of the bots did that. 
Rodimus had on an ugly Christmas sweater that had flames and cars driving through snowmen, Drift Was wearing one that had snowflakes, Nautica had a fake bright red nose and sequin deer antlers, even Ratchet and Ultra Magnus joined in, Ratchet sporting a Santa hat and reindeer socks and Ultra Magnus wearing a snowflake shirt and necklace with jingling bells on them. Megatron refused to use his holoform, but Magnus and Rodimus had talked him into wearing one of the jingle bell necklaces on his wrist.
You decided to wear one of your favorite Christmas sweaters too and a Santa hat before going to Swerve's. 
Once there, you took a seat between Drift and Rodimus, Drift complimenting you on your sweater and Rodimus showing his off and asking "Pretty cool huh?"
You were in the middle of chatting with the two bots when Swerve rushed up in his holoform, "Hey y/n! What can I getcha?" He asks with a huge smile, "The eggnog? I bet it's the eggnog! Please say eggnog I made more than I thought I'd need." His begging is tuned out by how focused you are on his outfit however.
A bright red and blue Christmas sweater with Rudolph a red light bulb on the nose, lime green pants with the Grinch in his Santa get up, Santa slippers, jingle bell bracelets on both wrists and a necklace to match, and a Santa hat.
"Wow. That is quite the festive outfit." you say.
"You like it? I was gonna wear my Die Hard sweater but I thought Rudolph would be more recognizable since he's a Christmas icon. Check this out!" He says before stepping back and pressing the inside of his sleeve, causing not only Rudolph's nose to light up, but some other smaller lights around him that you didn't notice before to slowly flash red, green, and blue, "Preeeetty sweet right?"
You let out a sweet sounding laugh, "Yeah Swerve, it suits you, it's cute." You smile at him.
His cheeks suddenly flush at the compliment, "C-cute..." he says so low you can't hear him. He gulps, " Haha ye-yeah, anyway, uh, where was I? Oh, right! Uhhh you want some eggnog?"
 "Sure, I'll take some." 
"Ok one eggnog coming right up!" He says in increasing volume as his voice begins to crack.
He rushes back over to the bar to make your eggnog, 'They think I'm cute?' he thinks, spark pulsing like there's no tomorrow as his cheeks burn red.
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The Twelve Days of Holly, Jolly Tidings - Day 2
Disclaimers: I watched “Dash & Lily” the other day on Netflix. This story is LOOSELY based on that book and Netflix series.  I do not own “Dash and Lily” or Newsies or anything recognizable within the series.  There are occasional curse words throughout the series, nothing too horrible but there’s some.  
Saturday, December 14 
Mornings were the worst for her. It was awful having to drag herself out of a warm bed, only to be cold as soon as her feet hit the hardwood floors. She mentally reminded herself that she needed to purchase some rugs, as the hardwood floors weren’t going to be so forgiving as the winter months continued. 
Quickly getting dressed, she threw on a pair of jeans and a festive winter sweater that was cozy enough to combat the harsh NYC December weather. Slipping her feet into her slippers, she padded out to the living room, shocked that she saw colorful lights reflecting against the wall. 
Pausing, she distinctly remembered unplugging the tree last night before she went to bed, but low and behold it was lit up.  As it was yesterday, a box wrapped in emerald green reindeers was sitting under the lit up tree. 
She bypassed the tree, heading into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Waiting for the drink to brew, she shook her head at her boyfriend. His one mission in life was to make those closest to him happy - as long as those he loved were happy, he was happy. 
They had met accidentally - he had bumped into her outside of the library their junior year of college.  She was studying journalism while he was studying mixed media arts - they should have never met, not in a million years, they had no reason to.  He had apologized profusely, before convincing her to grab coffee with him.  After a few minutes, she agreed and that was the start of their relationship.  She couldn’t stop thinking about him and after a month, he confessed the same thing before asking her out on a date. For the past 5 years they had been together; her effortlessly fitting in with his group of friends and him charming her little group of friends. 
The coffee maker beeped, letting her know her cup of joe was ready. She added some creamer before padding back into the living room, sitting on the floor in front of the tree. Taking a sip of the coffee, she sighed in contentment before picking up the box. As she did yesterday, she smiled taking the notebook out of the box, eager to see what Jack had up his sleeve for today.  Walking over to the couch, she settled in before opening the notebook to see the familiar scrawl. 
Happy 2nd day of Christmas!  Based on what you wrote yesterday, it seemed you had fun on your little adventure - that makes me so happy! 
Today’s adventure - you’re going to see the Big Guy himself.  Head to the Harold Square Macy’s and tell him exactly what you want for Christmas - let your imagination run wild, tell him everything! 
Have fun today and I love you! 
Biting back a cuss word, she shook her head. Of course her boyfriend would send her into a department store with only 10 shopping days left before Christmas.  Pausing, she smiled - she had confessed to Jack how she loved going to visit Santa as a child. There was something special when her parents would take her and her siblings to visit Jolly Old St Nick and tell him everything they wanted that year. 
Maybe Jack knew her better than she thought he did . . . 
Later that afternoon
Pounding down the stairs to the D train, she rubbed her hands together vigorously trying to get some warmth in them as she bounced on her toes waiting for the train to arrive. Her ears picked up the sound of someone playing Silent Night on a violin a bit down the platform. Singing softly under her breath, a smile tugged at her lips as she listened to her favorite Christmas song. 
The train came into the station with a screeching whine, before coming to a complete stop, allowing passengers to leave and others to hop into the car. She took a seat, her bag on her lap as the train continued its journey. 
Secretly, she had always loved the Subway, even as a child, though her parents hated it. She always loved that everyone was together in that car just to get from one place to another. When she was on longer train rides, she would try to figure out where everyone was going to - meeting up with friends or family, first dates, old dates - but as she got older, she stopped playing the game, opting to write on the longer journeys. 
She was knocked from her thoughts as the train pulled into her station. Making sure she had everything, she made her way out onto the platform before ascending the stairs and heading to Macy’s.  Biting back a groan, she watched hoards of people make their way to the famous department store before walking inside. Sighing, she pushed herself forward and joined the queue to get into the store. 
Taking a moment to get her bearings, she inhaled deeply before pushing forward. She headed to the 8th floor, where Santa Land was located.  Trying to hold her frustrations down, she put a smile on her face as she made her way up the escalators. 
As she stepped off the escalator, she was surprised the line wasn’t very long. Joining the queue, she ignored the looks from the parents in the line, pulling out her phone to see a message from Jack. 
Ignore the haters - enjoy your time with Santa. Remember, tell the big guy alllllll the things you want
She grinned, her finger dancing across the screen texting him back.  Do you have an in with the big guy? Trying to figure out what to get me for Christmas? 
Three dots bounced up and down as he typed something.  Nah, your present is bought and wrapped and hidden away. But Race might need some help so he’ll be conferring with the big guy
She threw her head back laughing at his response. He never failed to make her laugh, one of her favorite qualities of his.  If Race needs ideas, he can ask me himself.  I’m in line at Macy’s. 
The three dots returned as she moved closer to Santa. I know . . . have fun. 
Her head whipped around the area, looking for a telltale sign of Jack being near. Looking around, she didn’t see him anywhere. Her phone vibrated again in her hand. You’re cold as ice, sweets. Don’t look for me . . . just have fun and tell the big guy everything on your list.  
She shook her head, watching a little girl enthusiastically greet Santa. BTW, you look really cute in your Santa hat.  After your visit with Santa, look in the notebook. 
Glaring at her phone, she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her mouth at his text message.  She watched the little girl hop off Santa’s lap before the elf gave her a look, motioning her forward. 
Walking up the steps, she gave Santa a look before he patted his lap.  She grinned, pushing away her embarrassment before taking a delicate seat on his lap. “Hello Santa.” 
“Hello Katherine.” Her eyes went wide, as Santa grinned at her. “Merry Christmas. Tell, what would you like me to bring you this year?” 
She thought about all the things she could tell him but one thing came to mind. “I just want my family and friends to be happy.” 
He chuckled deeply, a typical Santa laugh. “Jack did mention you’d wish for something not for yourself but for others.  Now, Katherine, what can I bring you?” 
“You know Jack?” She whispered, giving him a look before scanning Santa Land. 
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Yes, our friend Jack is a mutual friend. But, Katherine, what do you want for Christmas?” 
“I want to believe again . . . and a new fuzzy blanket.” She rushed out, chuckling along with his deep chuckles as he shook his head. 
“Merry Christmas, Katherine. I hope all your wishes come true.” He handed her a candy cane before a photo was snapped. As she stood, he winked at her before becking the next child in line forward. 
She skipped down the stairs, pausing to look at Santa once more before heading towards the exit.  She scanned the area once more before heading towards the escalators. She headed down to the third floor, where she knew a Starbucks was located. Walking in, she quickly ordered a Peppermint Hot Chocolate before picking a table.  Putting her bag on her lap, she grabbed the notebook from it before flipping it open.
Did you tell Santa I say hello? Did you tell him everything you wished for?  Santa and I go way back . . . he’s an old family friend who loves the romance of the holidays. 
Now I want you to think about your past Christmas’ - what are the things that stand out when you think about those memories? Write them down . . . 
A smirk tugged at her lips as she thought of Christmas’ past. Her sixth Christmas especially stands out because she ended up in the Emergency Room with a broken wrist from a sledding accident gone horribly wrong. And the seventh Christmas when she received Samantha, an American Girl doll that she begged her parents for for months prior to Christmas. She remembers how still she got really still when she unwrapped the doll - absolute shock and awe across her face as she looked up at her parents. Her teenage Christmases were filled with rambunctious yells from her siblings as they uncovered whatever was under the tree.  
In that Starbucks, she wrote line after line of precious memories, some of which she had never told a soul.  The memories were easily recalled, tumbling into her mind faster than she could write them down. A smile was on her face the entire time she thought back on 24 years worth of Christmases. 
Now re-read everything you’ve written down - you’ve had some great memories, all associated with Christmas and the magic the season holds. Now head to the second floor and look for the Teddy Bear display. Leave the notebook with the teddy bear with the green bowtie and there’s a surprise awaiting you. 
Picking up her cup, she tucked the notebook back in her bag before leaving the shop. Hopping on the descending escalator, she took a sip of her hot chocolate, sighing and reflecting on the day she’s had. Stepping off the escalator,  she went right, eyes wide looking for the teddy bear display. 
As she rounded the corner, she found the massive display of more than 50 teddy bears. Stepping forward, her eyes searched high and low to find the teddy bear with the green bowtie.   She grinned, finding him in the very center, holding a white box in its hands. Taking the white box, she slid the notebook in between the green bowtie bear and the adjacent bear, making sure it wouldn’t fall. Backing away from the display, she slipped into the doll section, careful to stay out of the way of serious shoppers. Taking the red ribbon off the white box, she smiled opening it up.  A smile curled over her lips as she saw the small Santa charm nestled in the cotton. Picking it up, she grinned seeing his little red hat and jolly smile. Putting it back in the box, she put the box in her bag, eye looking at the display but noticing the notebook was already gone. She laughed, shaking her head before heading down the escalator and out into the city. 
He grinned, opening his phone and looking at the photo he took of Kat on Santa’s lap. She had the biggest smile on her face and she looked so at ease sitting up there. An old family friend had been playing Santa at Macy’s for years and was only too happy to help Jack out with his request.  Locking his phone, he followed her as she made her way from Starbuck to the second floor where the toy department was.  He watched her bounce on her toes, looking for the specific bear he had told her about before finding it, a smile lighting up her face.  Watching that she was distracted, he quickly grabbed the notebook before slipping back amongst the toys. He grinned, this was turning out to be too easy and that was the way he preferred it. 
Thanks for reading Day 2! I would love to hear your thoughts! Feedback is especially appreciated and loved! 
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yandere-sins · 4 years
A Father’s Care
Part 1 [ - Part 2  -  Part 3]
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-«« 
Rating: Explicit Characters: Fem!Reader, Endeavor / Enji Todoroki, The rest of the Todoroki-Family, minus Rei Word-Count: 5015
Warnings: Dub-Con, Actions that could be seen as Cheating, Molesting, Lemon, Violence against the Reader
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-«« 
a/n: Okay, I didn’t think this idea would get so out of hand but it ended up being way to many pages so I had to split it in two. Here’s part one and I just... ah, what did I do... Please, read with caution. (Especially part two, this one is still quite harmless...) However! It’s my Christmas present for you guys, so I hope you still can enjoy... it... to some degree, let me know what you think!
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««
The holiday season was a joy for you. You could not remember a time you didn't like it, even with the hassle and bustle that came with the years that you grew up. Still, you always looked fondly upon the days, planning gifts and presents for your loved ones, wrapping them up nicely, and eventually giving them to your family and friends. Seeing their faces light up and maybe a tear or two when they remembered how much they wanted this or that - what else was there to make your heart swell and generate a little bit of peacefulness in your life?
You loved all the lights and twinkles around your home and the city. To decorate and make everything festive, only to sit back relax with hot cocoa and some Christmas movies, what better way to spend your free time could there be? Some people might be miffed about all the jingles and colors, but for you, the streets never looked better, never shone brighter, and were never more heartfelt than in these few Christmas days.
There had been so many Christmas parties in your life, before Christmas, and the days afterwards. Days, where everyone had been merry and joyful, laughing and singing together. It had never mattered to you what you did on these days. Karaoke, hot pot, going to a fair - everything had always been a joy. And once it was over? You looked forward to the next year. Each year the same, and yet you never got tired of it, no matter how repetitive it was.
But this year, this year would certainly not be repetitive.
This was the first year with Shoto. Gripping his hand a little tighter, you felt him squeeze back through the mittens, your head turning towards him, a bright smile on your lips. "I can't wait to celebrate with your family," you revealed, the excitement vibrating in your voice. And it was true, even with all the tension in your husband's family, you could NOT wait for your first Christmas together. It was a family celebration after all, and it would be the first you two had as husband and wife.
The wedding had only been recent, winter-themed, which was very fitting for you and him as you thought. He was partly your ice-prince after all, even if you did not just marry him for his quirk, and certainly, he did not marry you for yours either. It was way to minor anyway, probably not transferring into a child should you two ever have one. And yes, you were planning on one, maybe even… as a little Christmas wonder.
"Don't get your expectations up, I suppose it will be very mediocre," he stated nonchalantly, pulling the scarf around him a little tighter. "You know my family."
His last words were spoken in a half-amused, half-apologetic smile, and you immediately cupped his cheek, brushing your thumb over the cold skin of his. "Shoto, it will be amazing. Simply because you will be there and your siblings. We will have tons of fun and eat tons of gingerbread, it will be good."
Nodding hesitantly, he took your hand from his face, kissing your knuckles. "I hope so. I want you to have a good Christmas, [Name]."
"It'll be the BEST Christmas," you chuckled, leaning forward to kiss him. Him and hopefully his worries away.
Everything was splendid. You two were greeted warmly by Fuyumi, and even Natsuo showed up briefly for a welcome, before disappearing again. Shrugging, all of you decided to have tea, you, and Fuyumi instantly falling into chatter about how you wanted to decorate the rooms for your Christmas party and what you should cook. Shoto kept mostly quiet while you two brainstormed ideas as if there was no morning, though you always felt his reassuring touch on your back while you noticed him look around quite a few times.
"Is something wrong?" you whispered to him as Fuyumi went to get more tea water, and he sighed shortly before shaking his head, his attention shifting from you to Fuyumi, calling out to her. "Is father not here yet?" Shoto asked, and you felt the heavy tension that immediately fell over the room as the topic of the head of the family was brought up.
"Oh, well, no, he is. But he went out to find a photographer…" Shoto's sister explained, refilling the teacups thoughtfully. "A photographer?" Shoto asked, brows furrowing as the questions arose in his mind. Setting down the cups on the table again, you thanked her for the effort before she tried to explain what she knew, still somewhat vague on the topic herself.
"Yes… I think he saw it on TV that families take pictures of themselves on Christmas for postcards or something. He thought it would be a nice idea now that you and [Name]-" she made a short break to smile at you warmly, making you feel very welcome "-are married and over for Christmas. A memory, so to say."
Smiling back at her, you welcomed the idea as you found it to be quite cute. You knew not everything was okay and dandy, but you appreciated the effort Enji Todoroki tried to put into this. Shoto must have told him on some point that Christmas was your favorite holiday, and you could imagine it was because you were in the family now, that he was trying to make an effort. "That sounds like fun!" you chimed, and Fuyumi had a moment of hesitation before she grinned and nodded, agreeing with you.
From the corner of your eyes, you could see the frown on Shoto's face, but you only brushed over his arm, holding his hand, silently trying to calm him at least a little. It was still tough for him to have a good opinion on his old man, but when he sighed quietly, you knew he was trying - for you.
Admittedly, you had never lived in such a big, fancy house before. Part of you had worried it would look weird to decorate a traditional, japanese home like this, but all the more positively surprised were you that it looked quite so splendid. "[Name]-chan, should we go inside again?" Fuyumi asked, rubbing her hands together. Both of you had been outside decorating for a while now, and your breaths were visible as much as the shivers in your bones.
"Yeah, I think we're done! Sorry, I went a little overboard," you laughed it off, quickly making your way back inside into the warmth. Discarding of your outdoor clothes and shoes, you slipped into your own slippers before marching deeper inside the building with Fuyumi, you two giggling as you passed all the cheesy decoration you had put up. It had taken you the whole day, but even the inside of the house was now decorated in candles and lights, colorful bulbs, and even reindeer statues in the hallways. Everything seemed splendidly like Christmas, and you wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
You found your husband in the living room, together with his brother, under the kotatsu, watching some news program on the television. They both looked up when you entered, Shoto lifting the blanket on his lap to let you crawl into the heated table with him, your body quickly sticking up to his warm side and driving your fingers over his soft pullover. "Done already?" he asked, pulling you closer to him, and you shivered as the warmth enveloped you.
"Yes!" Fuyumi chirped, having brought some new tea for all of you and handing it out to everyone. "How do you like the decorations, Natsuo?" she asked, giving her brother a poke with her foot until he sat up to participate in the conversation. "They're flashy," he grumbled, having a sip from his tea, appreciating the aroma of it for a second before adding, "But otherwise it's quite different from usual."
"That's not bad, right?" you asked carefully, gripping into Shoto's pullover a little tighter. It was a dangerous question, really, something that could turn the mood sour in a matter of a thought. But surprisingly, Natuso smiled, shaking his head. "No, it's actually quite ni-"
"HOME!" it echoed through the halls, a booming, irritating sound. Followed by loud footsteps, you noticed how all the siblings tensed up, especially Shoto, who you leaned against. Out of respect, you sat up, hoping to not look too casually next to him as you felt his fingers this time grip into your side, almost painfully so. Natsuo's relaxed, happy expression faded from his face, a big, serious scowl coming up instead, while Fuyumi tried to keep calm, a wry smile on her lips as she let out nervous giggles.
You could hear some grumbling from outside as the footsteps approached, but it was hard to make out the actual words to the voice. All you could do was hope that it wasn't complains about the decorations when one moment to the other, the sliding door flew open, Enji's bulky figure appearing in the frame. "There you are," he grunted, letting his eyes sway from person to person. Eventually, his view got stuck on you as he noted, "Oh, Shoto, [Name]. You're already here, way earlier than expected."
No one at the table dared to say a word, while Enji's where more of a fact than really a question. So as the uncomfortableness spread, you decided you would be the one to speak up, putting on your best smile before facing him. "Oh, yeah. We actually wanted to come early and help with the preparations… and decorations," you laughed, and he nodded in understanding.
Honestly, you two had never talked much before, you had barely met him before your wedding too, so it was awkward enough talking to him, if not for the three sullen children with you at the table. "Oh… yeah, the decoration. They are…" he took a moment to look back over his shoulder into the hallway, giving it a proper inspection once more. "... quite delightful."
At that, you could barely hold your pride, giving Fuyumi a short, triumphant glance. You two had made it, you actually had decorated the house in a way the great Endeavor would approve of. She looked at you with the same happiness, and you two grinning idiots turned your attention back to Enji as he finally entered the room. Natsuo looked like he was about to jump up and run, but all of you kept your composure as Enji sat down at the table, receiving a cup of tea from Fuyumi too.
"How was it at the photographer, Dad?" she asked, and he grunted instead of a thanks as she gave him the tea, sipping on it. "He's booked for tomorrow morning, everyone should be ready by then."
A wave of agreement went through everyone in the room. However, Natsuo was the first one to break out of the family gathering after receiving the information he needed. "I got to finish up some work on my laptop. I'll go ahead first." For a second, Fuyumi tried to hold him back before releasing him, a wave of good night's falling from everyone's mouth. "We are quite tired too," Shoto noted, brushing off the warming blanket from his legs in an attempt to leave too. "[Name] did a lot of decorating, and we need to settle in."
Giving Fuyumi an apologizing look, she waved you two off, even though you felt bad for leaving her with her dad. Then again, from everyone, she had the probably best relationship with him. "You two do that," Enji mumbled, continuing sipping on his tea. "See you tomorrow then," you chuckled, trying to sound rather joyful still as Shoto led you out of the room by hand, closing the door behind you.
"Are you sure, Fuyumi will be okay?"
"She'll manage," he sighed, feeling the same kind of burden you had felt over leaving her behind.
But what you two did not notice anymore, was the look Enji sent after you two while Fuyumi told him about the decorating process and peeled some tangerines. The way he looked at you was like he seemed to know something you had yet to think about, his glare hotter than anything Shoto could produce. You were to find out soon just how different families were, even when they were celebrating something so lovely as Christmas.
"NATSUO!" it boomed through the hallways as Endeavor called for his son, who was the last one to come down from his room. The photographer, you, and Fuyumi shared empathetic glances over the loudness that shook even through bones, your sister-in-law returning your meek smile apologetic.
"It's fine! I am here!" Natsuo complained as he sprinted down the stairs, binding his tie as he walked. All of you looked formidable. Together with you, Fuyumi had rearranged some decorations to the background of your photograph, and every one of you had suited up to fit the celebration, no matter how heavy the air laid over all of you. The photographer was a sweet, older man who seemed to not be too bothered with your father-in-law's sternness, smiling at him whenever they talked even.
To you, all of this seemed reasonably normal and like a sweet family-thing to do.
But what you had gathered from Shoto last night, he seemed to view it differently, even upset his father would do something like that. Natsuo, too, didn't look too happy, deep bags under his eyes, and his jaw clenched. Fuyumi did her best to hide it, but even on her shoulders, you could see the tension, and beside you, only Enji seemed to be in a fairly good mood.
Adjusting the chair he was supposed to sit on carefully, he looked over his assembled children. Natsuo clicked with his tongue, and Shoto simply looking away as you tried to smile back at him. The photographer took his place behind the set up camera while Enji sat down. He was simply too tall to be in the photograph with all of you otherwise, and all of you squeezed together beside him, two on each side. You were sure, it would look like a great photo nonetheless.
"Ah," the old man exclaimed calmly, though you could see him pucker his mouth behind the camera in thought. "Young Lady…" he mumbled, looking up to make some eye connection with you. "Oh- Yes?" you quickly replied, feeling how the people beside you went from tense to impatient in a matter of seconds.
"You are out of the frame I am afraid… Now where to put you…" he explained, and you gulped, feeling like a burden, especially to Natsuo, who sighed heavily as the photographer thought.
"[Name]," a deep voice said calmly, and you turned to Enji, feeling Shoto's hand that he had on your back, push more into your body reassuringly. "Come sit here," he instructed, patting his leg.
If you had not known it better, you would have described it as hell freezing over. You didn't see any ice crystals coming from Shoto, but you felt the temperature drop quite a few degrees around you as the offer went through to you. "O-Oh, Dad! Maybe I should-" Fuyumi tried to save the situation, but she was quickly interrupted by her father.
"No. This way Shoto can be by her side still, and we will have the numbers even on the photo. Come on."
He patted his leg again - strictly and without a chance of refusal - and all of you siblings shared a surprised and shocked moment of quietly looking to each other. Even Natsuo seemed to have very mixed feelings clearly written in his face. But you gave yourself a push, deciding you would not be the one to ruin the family's Christmas by any means. He was sort of your father, after all, there was nothing weird about sitting on his lap - right?
Pushing the skirt of your dress down, you stepped inside his spread legs, seating yourself very far out on his knee and holding yourself as best as you could so you wouldn't weigh down on him. It was a surprisingly comfortable seat his leg spacious to sit on, even when the situation still seemed strange in your mind. Shoto's hand wandered from your back to your hand farthest from Endeavor, holding it tightly in his. His skin was ice cold, which was nothing new, but you seemed to notice it more now that there was quite such an awkwardness in the air.
When you thought you had settled quite nicely, you looked up again, nodding to the photographer who proceeded to get back to his camera. However, before even the first shot could be made, a large hand came around your hip, roughly yanking you towards your father-in-law. You took it in the best way you could, holding back a squeal. But reflexively, you had reached up your hand to support you, feeling a warm body under the tight dress shirt Enji was wearing. His muscles had never been so prominent to you than in that moment, but you snapped out of it immediately as you felt Shoto's hand restricting around yours tightly.
"Father-" he started, sounding like he was spitting poison rather than talking.
"No reason to be shy. We are family, right?"
With an open mouth, you started to nod, using your hand to pat Shoto's calmingly, shrugging it off to keep the situation calm. "It's fine, it's fine. Was just a surprise!"
He looked at you for a few, meaningful seconds before you could see him relax a little, stepping back and nodding. The photographer went back to his preparations as everyone settled in their position again. Even though you too put on your best smile, your thoughts were rampaging in your mind as you felt Enji's hand not budging from your hips.
While you had always admired Shoto's delicateness, this was so different that you could not help yourself but notice. Even with just one hand, you felt secured in his grip, even ignoring the lingering feeling of his palm against your buttcheek, sometimes massaging a little into your flesh. And though only your shoulder was leaned against him, there was an energetic drumming of a heartbeat running through you. A heartbeat so differently, so wild and overwhelming, it was nothing you had every synched yours too before. It was almost threatening to you and yet, thrilling. Like watching a very good movie, it was hard to focus on anything else.
"Everyone say 'Cheese'!" the photographer instructed, and you momentarily snapped out of your entrancement, blinking and grinning like the Christmas-enthusiastic-idiot you were. The camera shut once, everyone blinking a sigh of relieve. "Halt!" it boomed from the head of the family as you started to sway while Enji adjusted, sitting even more towards you and pressed up to you now. "I would like a few pictures so I can choose properly," he explained calmly, and the photographer smiled at him while you heard Natsuo sigh deeply.
Getting yourself ready again, you very faintly noticed Endeavor's free hand coming down to your knee, the other one still around your body to keep you in place. You fretted not having worn tights that day, but his hand rested calmly over your leg while you wondered if he could feel any stubble from shaving the day before. In fact, it laid warm and heavy on your limb, restricting your movements further and making you slightly turn away from your husband for the sake of accommodating the hand.
That one… was big too. It felt scruff against your skin, but its fingers wrapped nicely around your leg. Only now, you also realized you sat so close, Enji's head was right above yours. You were totally and fully enveloped by him, and you instinctively shifted a little more in his hold until a sudden, small groan caught your intentions. Apologetic, you looked up, ready to apologize for fidgeting so much when you met his sharp blue eyes, which looked down at you in a way you could not quite understand, other than it made you freeze.
Smiling weakly, you turned your attention forward again as best as you could, clearing your throat quietly as to not pull any attention and sat up straight. The pressure on your leg grew as the camera shutter did a few more takes, your legs slowly but surely and unwillingly spreading apart until there was no more room to go. Enji's hand was overtaking most of your lap as he slid it up further. Like you were sitting on his, so he was touching yours.
Until you felt it clearly against your leg.
A resistance.
In between the takes, you took one second to look down, seeing your knee was as far up as his crotch, pushing into it already and held there in position by your father-in-law. There was a creeping feeling on the lower side of your inner thigh as Enji noticed your concern for the position, fingers crawling upwards, soon covered by your skirt.
Nervously, you started to stir in his hold, but what you had previously admired, was now what kept you from going anywhere. 'Oh god,' you thought, biting your lips as the need to just jump up and back into Shoto's arms arose. This was your own family, but surely… to anyone, your position would seem wrong. Latest when you suddenly felt something throb against your leg was when you were ready to bail.
You spared one more glance into the direction of the throbbing. It was like the worst nightmare come true as you could see - even through the black dress pants - a bulge grow beneath the fabric. Every time Enji so much but took a deep breath, it pressed up to you, rubbed against your skin. You were no child, and neither was Endeavor, so you knew what that was, but when you looked up, his eyes were straight ahead, in all seriousness.
Taking a deep, quiet breath, you looked ahead again, too, trying to smile once more. If… he didn't notice, maybe it was all a misunderstanding? Perhaps you were just overreacting and daring to destroy a perfectly lovely family gathering because you were overthinking? So you got a grip on yourself, telling yourself to stop being an idiot and tried to ignore it.
The camera seemed to never stop as you kept your thoughts on positive things. Shoto, the decorations, Christmas! Right, you would not be the one to ruin everyone's holidays because of that little bit of inconvenience from you. Even when his hand crawled a little further up under your skirt, you still ignored it, gulped, and continued to smile. You even ignored the tip of his pointer finger against your sex, poking at it carefully while you tensed. His hand on your hip tensed too, pulling you closer and keeping you immobilized as if he was afraid of you jumping up and go.
The only thing you heard after a while was a grumbling in his throat next to you, resembling a chuckle before he pulled at your leg, pushing it even deeper in his own crotch region. By now, the bulge wasn't just big, it was enormous, fabric spreading all around your leg while you felt the hard inside rub against it. At the same time, he used his finger to swipe over your panties, hitting places he wasn't supposed to, causing you to let out a high-pitched squeal with your closed mouth, clutching Shoto's hand tightly out of reflex.
And then it was all over.
As if nothing had ever happened.
The pulling and squeezing up to his body vanished, and you were let go from his hold. No fingers or fabric against your leg and the camera slowly stopping taking more pictures while the siblings breathed a sigh of relieve. "Alright, folks. I think that's it!" the photographer laughed heartily, and you almost desperately jumped up from Enji's lap, stumbling back to Shoto's side, who gave you a questioning look. Surely, he had noticed the squeeze of your hand before, and your cheeks were colored oddly for a photo shoot after all.
Releasing your lip from your bite, you smiled at him reassuringly, hugging his arm and giving his cheek a kiss. As if you needed to reassure him when in reality, you were reassuring yourself. Even now, you still didn't want to believe what had happened, but it burned into your mind. Though you tried finding reasons such as age and just coincidence, you were still not convinced about Endeavor's real intentions, and you smiled sheepishly at him as he stood up and gave you a spare sideglance. One that, much to your own dismay, made your blood boil.
"I think I need a nap," you conveyed to Shoto, and you gained a confused look form him as he asked if you were okay. It was still early, after all. "Yeah, just… a little weird."
Looking back at your father-in-law, you saw him discuss the further production of the pictures with the old man, Fuyumi eagerly at his side, hoping to see some of them. "Well, that was strange," Natsuo mumbled as he passed you two, sneaking out of the room before any other 'stupid' ideas he would have to be involved in could rise. Nodding to yourself, you agreed with him, ready to leave too. With how complicated you were feeling, you wanted nothing more than go and rest for a while, sorting this mess out.
"Well, if you will excuse me…" the old man mumbled, grabbing his suitcases with the camera and bowing lightly to you. Fuyumi led him outside, and you and Shoto followed to see him off. Behind you, you were terribly aware of Endeavor's presence, and you let go of Shoto so you two could hold up with his chipper sister.
However, the moment Shoto was out of the door, you felt a yank at your shoulder, a familiar, big hand holding you back. "I have some decorations stored in my room. You should come and get them," Enji grumbled from behind you, sounding more like an instruction than a piece of helpful information. "O-Oh, I will do that later, Sir," you mumbled, smiling awkwardly back over your shoulder and meeting his sharp gaze.
"Don't take too much time," he grunted and passed you by. "Y-Yes…" you whispered, feeling incredible meek all of a sudden. His hand left your shoulder, and all of a sudden, you felt freezing without his body heat close to you. As if someone had just robbed you of your own warmth, and also clear thinking, you found yourself seeking the warmth.
Hugging yourself, you took a few deep breaths, feeling the pressure of having to go after Shoto or else he'd be worried, but barely able to walk. And then, you realized something that gave you a slap of shame over your head. You couldn't be surprised, but you felt the wet fabric between your legs, your head giving you short memories of the feeling of Enji's big fingers rubbing and poking right there. His heartbeat was like a metronome in your head, pounding and pounding in your ears, and you wondered if your heart ever could feel like that. You could imagine it clearly still, and it worried you immensely that you could not help but think about that huge, immense bulge against your knee. Even wonder about what was beneath these black dress pants.
Feeling your own body heat return to you, especially in your cheeks and ears, you quickly banished the thoughts, reminding yourself of exactly what you were thinking about. Of course, sometimes, these kinds of thoughts would come up when faced with something very different you were used to. It calmed you as you reminded yourself that you had surely wondered before what other celebrities were packing, it was… instinctual. Yes, instinctual.
"[Name]? Are you okay?" your lover's voice rang out to you, Shoto's frame appearing in the doorway. Immediately, your heart jumped in joy of seeing him, and you were relieved of the change of mind it gave you. You loved him so much. And you loved Christmas! To be together with him was all you wanted, and no little incident - no matter how weird and awkward it was - could stop that. "I'm fine!" you assured, jumping to his side and kissing him.
"I love you so much," you muttered to him, and his forehead wrinkled for a second over the spontaneous confession before his lips quirked upwards into a smile.
"I love you too."
You shared another, long, passionate kiss with him, sinking in his arms that he wrapped around you, knowing this was right where you belonged. This was what made you happy and thankful, and you were eager to show just how amazing Shoto could make you feel. A chuckle was enough to signal him just what you wanted, his body pressing up to yours quickly before he took you by the hand.
No one said anything when you two excused yourselves for a few hours to take a nap. However, you felt Enji's eyes drill into you while you, Shoto, and Fuyumi were conversating about the times you would be eating and needed to be up again to help. With a wave, you two said your farewells, for the time being, shutting the door behind you as you left the living room. It was a freeing feeling of the two orbs that seemed to not have let go of you as you were still in Endeavor's sight, uncomfortable and nerve-wracking for you. But you forced yourself to think about nicer things, like your husband at your side. And as he wrapped an arm around you, you leaned against his shoulder, you sighed blissfully.
Only for a moment, you couldn't help but notice the feeling of something missing. But how could you have ignored it?
Shoto's hand was just so much smaller than his.
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sunnyborabora · 4 years
Angel (Jaehyun x Reader)
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It was a request and I am so sorry it took that long, I have no excuses...It was supposed to be published for christmas but lmao It’s very long and I hope I did well! The next one should be on Taehyung from BTS. It was also supposed to be published on december, with a bit of luck it will be there before spring!
Genre: Smut, awkward reader, voyeurism, fluff, christmas au
You were kinda a specialist of awkward situation. You were always finding a way to put yourself in embarrassing positions. Which can be finding yourself locked out of your apartment in pajamas because your door closed itself while you were out to take your uber eat order, from developing a sick ass crush on your brother’s best friend. But honestly no one would ever blame you. Jaehyun was, truly something else. He was so kind, since your childhood. He was the one who was taking you for a ride on his bike when your big brother Sicheng was being a dick with you which was almost all the time. You were two years younger than them but sometimes they made it seems like there was a decade between you. Jeahyun was always treating you well, taking care of you, patting your head like you were some puppy. Which as making your heart beat fast when you were 15, but which was annoying you more and more now that you were 20. You had left your house to go to university 3 years ago and you were so happy about it, studying something you truly liked. But it inevitably caused you to be away from your family. You were calling your parent regularly but being busy with work and classes had made you more distant. You haven’t spoken to Sicheng in a long time except from a few texts here and then, asking him how he was doing. You had not seen Jaehyun in years now, stupidly your feelings were still here. So when you were coming home for Christmas this year you were wondering if you’ll be finally able to see him. You had packed the presents you had bought for your family, a weird feeling in your chest. You had quite changed yourself since you left, you were three years older, you had live countless adventures mostly dumb one. « I can’t believe you are leaving me for Christmas, this is real betrayal » You turned around smiling at your best friend. « Girl, you know I have to go, I haven’t seen my family in an eternity. I don’t even know what my brother look like anymore. -Still hot obviously » You gagged at her answer. You obviously knew what your brother looked like, you were closer than what you made it seemed, but no way you were saying to Jisoo.  She always had a thing for Sicheng that you could not comprehend. You thought he was repulsing in every aspect as the good sister you were. « Please, don’t say that ew -You can say whatever you want Sicheng is hot. I only you could take me with you… -So what ? You can jump on his dick as soon as you saw him ? -Yes » You threw her the first thing that you had in your hand. « Ouch ! » Even if her favorite pass time was to annoy you, she was still your best friend. And who will pay the other part of the rent if she wasn’t there ? And you remember not to annoy her too much because she was the one who was going to drive you to the train station, and she was totally able to drop you in the middle of the road. « Let’s go we are going to be late. » You caught your train just in time, hugging your roommate for the last time before leaving. « Think about me while you catch up with your hot best friend hoe love you ! -He is not my boyfriend ! -Don’t care ! » The three hours of traveling were long but you finally arrived in your home town. It was snowy and you admired the immaculate landscape as you were not used to it anymore. You heard a loud honking noise looking already annoyed. « Obviously it’s you ! I thought mom was going to come get me ! » Sicheng had stayed in the car, looking at you frowning. « Three years without seeing you and you are still that annoying. -We saw each other three months ago when you came crashed at my apartment » He laughed at you, coming closer as you sat inside the car, hugging you. You hugged him back, happy to see him. Even if he still was your idiot big brother. « So how are things going ? -Mom is ecstatic, she missed you a lot I think. » You knew your mom missed you a lot. Since your dad left when you were in high school, she had taken over herself to make you the happiest kid ever. You felt bad about it, maybe you were just an ungrateful child, and you didn’t deserve such a loving mother. « Anyway, she prepared enough food to feed the entire town, be ready. Even if it never had been a problem, you fat ass. » You hit his arm but stopped remembering he was driving. « Who will be there ? -You, me, mom, Jaehyun and his parents » You almost stopped breathing. « Oh Jaehyun and his parents. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them, damn. -Three years or something, yeah. » You did not ask anything else, Sicheng wasn’t stupid, if you started becoming too curious he would flip you off. « He’ll come in the afternoon anyway, we have to put that stupid Santa Claus and his reindeer because mom insisted. -Good luck » You had missed your mom terribly so when Sicheng parked in front of your old house, you almost jumped out immediately. Your mom was already opening the door, her arm wide open and a smile plastered on her face. You hugged her as strong as you could : « Mom I missed you so much. » You heard her laughed, hugging you back. « Oh my god you changed so much Y/n, what, it has been a year and you had become so gorgeous. » You could see tears starting to form at the corner of her eyes. « Was the journey good ? Not too long ? » She told you to come inside, pointing out that it was starting to snow again. Sicheng was just behind you, your bags in his hands. « Wow, you are carrying my bags, is that a joke or are you really starting to be nicer to me ? -Don’t get used to it. » The house had changed since you last came, but it still gave that cozy and gentle vibe. You felt like home. A big tree was standing at the very far corner of the dining room, still naked from any decoration. « Come on, take of your coat and shoes and come in the kitchen I’ve prepared hot chocolate. » And she did. You found yourself sat in the kitchen, your feet plunged into fluffy slippers. You had the impression to be a child all over again. It made you smile. « You had changed a lot since the last time I saw you ! Did you cut your hair ? -Ah, yes a bit. Does it suit me ? -A lot » It was easy to talk to your mother. She always had something to say, about what she had done, what she had seen, or about something someone told her. « We are going to decorate the tree ! I’ve been waiting for you to do it » She seemed very excited about it and it made your heart swell. You wanted to take her in your arms but something stopped you. You helped your mother decorating the tree, following her direction, putting the little wooden snowflakes where she was telling you and installing the lights where she wanted. « Oh Y/n ! It looks very pretty ! Wait I am going to turn the lights on » And indeed it was pretty. You smiled at your work, admiring the tree. It was way different from what you have done last year, both you and Jisoo being broke, you had found your Christmas tree a trash cane beside your building. You had to tape the poor thing all back together. You were really proud of it at the time. But you had to be honest it looked miserable next to this one. You had to send a pic of it to Jisoo. At the moment you were going to press send your mom called you. « Y/n come here a minute ! » You did, walking toward the entrance door. Sicheng, your mom and another man were standing there. « Here she is ! Look darling, it’s Jaehyun ! » Indeed, it was Jaehyun. The moment he turned around you swear you could fall down, trip over the air and just smash your face against the floor. But you didn’t, you smiled big, trying to look confident walking toward them. He seemed surprise seeing you but it passed fast as he was returning your smile. The more you were approaching the more you wanted to scream. And you were screaming, internally. Because you didn’t know what had happened, you only left three years. Jaehyun was fucking hot, already at the time, during high school he was hot, but it had nothing to do with now. He was the embodiment of that reddit post of a woman asking if it was okay to cry because people were too hot. Right now you felt like you could cry. « Hi Y/n ! Long time no see ! -Hi ! Yeah, time has passed fast » You stand behind your mom like a child, trying not to stare too much. Because if you could right now you would be snapping pictures of his perfect face to look at them all day. Who could blame you. He was so cute, his scarf tight around his neck and his little beanie secured around his head. « Come on Sicheng, let’s do this before it snows to hard » And like this they started getting that horrible Santa Claus and its hideous slide up on the roof. You were sure it was dangerous as hell, that it must slide like a skating rink up there but nothing could make them change their mind. « I am pretty sure Sicheng is going to bust his ass. -Y/n !? Be polite please ! » You shrugged still sure about the accuracy of your words. You were on the living room, wrapping up presents for the family when Sicheng and Jaehyun came back. Sicheng was covered in snow. « You fell down didn’t you ? -Shut up » For the first time in forever you wish your brother had stay with you because now you were left alone with Jaehyun. He took off his coat, and sat at the table, he wasn’t really looking at you and you could understand it. After all you didn’t speak to each other or even saw each other in three years. You were just his best friend little sister in the end. « Do you want some hot chocolate ? You must be cold », you asked trying to break the awkward silence that had settled itself between you. « Oh yeah ! Thank you ! » He smiled at you his little dimples showing. He was soft. You turned around to pour him a cup when you turned back he was looking at you. He turned around as fast as he could but you had seen him. You smiled giving him a cup and as you saw he was just looking at his cup you decided to start a conversation : « It’s been so long, what have you been doing ? » He almost seemed chocked when he heard your voice. « Well nothing much really, I just work in town and everything. I graduated uni last year but you know what they say about having a degree but never using it » You laughed. « Hell yeah I know. -And you would have you been doing ? -Well studying for the most part. I am living with my roommate, and I am working on the side you know, the usual student life. -That’s great, I am happy that you are leaving your dream. You were always the independent type anyway. -Really ? I remember being glued to you and Sicheng my entire childhood tho -True, but it never bothered me to be honest. You were like my little sister », he said smiling. But you wanted to cry. His little sister of course. Sicheng arrived at this precise moment and you took this as your cue to leave. When you came back Jaehyun had left and dinner was ready. The day had passed fast but it also seemed like it was an eternity. « Do you fucking realize ! The audacity ! -I can’t believe he called you his little sister bitch I am crying » You suddenly wanted to hang up on her. « What am I supposed to do ? -You still have a crush on him ? After all this time… -Yeah, why ? You're judging me ? -A little to be honest » You rolled over your bed, stomping your feet like a child. « He literally see me as a child. I am not 17 anymore. -Maybe that’s the problem. -What do you mean ? -He sees you as a child. If you change the way he is seeing you… -How am I supposed to do that ? -Flirt with him, make him see you like you truly are. -How am I going to make this not awkward ? -Just do it, if he is awkward he’ll tell you. And you’ll be able to leave and never see him again » You thought about it for a second, still doubtful. « I don’t know… -Just do it ! You’re such a flirt usually, this wouldn’t be difficult ! -It is ! » It really was but the next day, when you dressed up you find yourself putting on that cropped sweater and your favorite pants that made your ass look good. You had the intention to spend your holidays in pajamas but it wasn’t going along with your plan. « I am going to town, I have some things to buy. -You want me to come with you ? -No stay here ! Your brother is at work but Madam Jung is going to come to deliver us something for tomorrow. » You said as your mother had told you and stayed at home. It didn’t take long for the bell to rung and for you to go open. But it wasn’t Madam Jung who opened the door. Jaehyun seemed surprise to see you, and it took you a second to get your self together and flash him the brightest smile.
« Hey Jae ! What’s up ? » He gasped at your friendly tone, probably chocked by the contrast between the awkward exchange you had the day before and now. « I-I- my mother told me to give this to your mom… I don’t know what it is, is she here ? -No she is gone, but she told me someone would come. Come on in ! » You stepped aside, letting him in. You lead the way to the kitchen, and maybe you were swinging your hips a bit more than you originally would and you heard him choke. « Apparently it’s something for tomorrow. You’ll be there ? -Hmm, yeah ! -Oh that’s the plate for the turkey ! My mom told me hers wasn’t big enough » He was standing there, his hand in his pocket, looking anywhere but at you. « Do you want something to drink ? Eat ? My mom bought stuff to bake Christmas cookies -Oh, I don’t know… I think I should go. » You turned around clutching the plate against your chest, pouting. « Oh, okay no problem… -It’s not because I don’t want to ! I swear ! I have to go back to work, but if you want, this evening, I- I would be happy to eat your cookies, if you had decided to bake some… » You smiled at him. « I can do that ! I can even bring them to your house if you want to ! » He nodded smiling at you, leaving you alone in your kitchen. You didn’t know how to take what just happened. Maybe you were just doing too much. Did you make the situation awkward ? You didn’t think so… But now you had to cook the best cookies you could and that was the problem. You were the worst cook ever, like really. Once you set your kitchen on fire and now with Jisoo being as dumb as you when it concerned cooking. You should probably wait for your mom to come back, after all she was the best cook you knew. You looked for a thousand of recipes on internet but it was a literal mess. You gave up, finally accepting that you were a dumb bitch. « I’m home ! Did Madam Jeong came ? -Yes ! Mom I need your help ! » She seemed the more and more confused as you were telling her the story. « Cookies are easy to make Y/n ! -They are not ! » But it seemed as when it was your mom, everything was easier. « Just put the melted chocolate in the dough, not too much at the same time » It seemed like a thousand years later that you put the cookies in the oven. The one your mom did were round and beautiful. Yours were a bit awkward, one was even looking like a square. « Why are mine ugly ? -They are not ! They are perfect » She pinched your cheeks smiling at you. She was just too nice. When you packed them to go out, you let yours in the plate, still tacking a bite of the square one. At least, they were good. « Did you put on the frosting ? -Yeah, it’s really good ! -Of course it is ! Have you seen all the sugar you put in this, it can only be good ! » You walked in the street, thankfully it was not snowing. The Jeong family was leaving just next to your house so it just took you a five-minute walk to arrive. « Y/n ! Oh my god ! Child you grew up so much since you came last time ! » You smiled at the little lady. Madam Jeong always had been nice to you. She was giving you extra dessert when you were dining at their house, she had drive you back from school when your mom couldn’t. « Hello madam Jeong ! It’s been so long! » You were soon sitting around the table, the cookies in full display, a cup of coffee in front of you. « So what have you been doing ? -I am still studying and working on the side ! -This is great ! Jaehyun told me you were living with someone ? -Oh yeah ! We’ve met in first year, and we connected well. It’s easier to have a roommate », you laughed. « Oh so it’s just a roommate ? -Oh, well, Jisoo is also my bestfriend but yeah » She laughed suddenly. « Oh my, you should tell that to Jae, the poor boy was convinced you were already married or something » You were shocked. When did you even implied that you were in a relationship ? You laughed in disbelieve. « I am not, Jisoo is my best friend really. -Ohh so you really don’t have a boyfriend ? » You had the exact same conversation with your mom over the phone a thousand time and thinking about it you were surprised she hadn’t brought the subject yet. « No, I don’t. -Hey mom, I’m back ! -Jaehyun we are here ! » You didn’t look up right away but you still saw his face when he entered. His jaws clutched as his eyes fell on you. You smiled, winking at him. He almost tripped. « Hey Y/n… -Hey Jae » He smiled blushing. « So what have you been talking about ? -Nothing special, Y/n was telling me about her life, university, work, boyfriends » Did you already mentioned you loved this woman. It was like she wanted to help you, without even realizing it. « Yeah, I was telling your mother that I was all alone -A beautiful girl like you, everyone would be lucky to have you » You laughed shyly. Yeah, it was not what your exes were saying about you. Madam Jeong suddenly left to go to the kitchen leaving you and Jaehyun alone. « Sorry if she was asking you personal stuff… -It doesn’t bother me. I didn’t see her in a long time, I missed it. » He nodded avoiding your eyes. « So you don’t have a boyfriend ? -Nope. -That’s good » You rose our brow and he started to stutter. « No. That’s not what I meant. It’s not good that you are single. There is nothing wrong with that ! Even if you deserve someone great you know, but you don’t need one ! » You laughed, not holding back anymore. « Don’t worry Jaehyun, I understand », you said as you keep giggling like a child. He seemed mortified but you couldn’t help it, it was too cute. « I mean, I am not dating either so... » You turned your head in his direction. Was he giving you hints ? Or was it just an innocent answer ? « Really ? You and Soohyon are not together anymore ? » Your brother had told you they had broke a year ago but you still asked. « Oh, no, we broke up last year. -Wow, I mean you literally stayed together all high school, we all thought you were like, going to marry each other or something. -We just weren’t meant to be, I guess» Thankfully for you. « I hated her anyway », you said not controling your mouth. Jaehyun laughed hard, and you felt embarrassed. You really needed to shut up. « This was why you were always avoiding me when she was around ? -Yeah, that and other things. -Other things ? » You were really not going to say it. His mother called you from the other room anyway, saving you from embarrassment. « That’s a story for another time », you played off, hitting his shoulder with your fist playfully. He grabbed your wrist not letting you go. « Y/n, just, I wanted to tell you, it ‘s good to have you back » You smiled, your heart swelling. « I am happy to be back too » You walked back home with your head full of question. This seduction mission was more difficult than you thought. What was even more weird, was that feeling in your heart, a strange swell that occurred every time you saw him. It wasn’t about Jaehyun being handsome anymore. It was about you loving him. Maybe you were just hurting yourself. « You’re already back ? Was the cookies good ? -Yeah they were, thank you mom. » You didn’t say anything else, still wondering what you were going to do. « Just tell him. If you are correct, he is pretty much reacting to you in like a good way ? -I don’t know ? What if he rejects me ? I’ll die -No you won’t, you drama queen. » You weren’t that sure. You pretty much loved this man. « Jisoo, I gotta go, someone is calling me » Actually nobody was calling you but you just wanted to stop this conversation. You ate and went to your room without more words. It was actually pretty late already but you were unable to sleep. It was those type of moments where no position was the right one. You knew something that could help you sleep but just thinking about it made you blush. Maybe it was the fact that you were in your childhood bedroom, the fact that you were suddenly very aware of the fact that your family was sleeping not that far away. But you still did it because fuck, you wanted it. You kicked off your pajama pants, dragging your hands over your thighs. You lied back on your bed as you started by just teasing yourself with your hand, not pressing to hard yet, just tracing the outline of your labia. Maybe it was her brain, that was playing her tricks, because she could almost feel the heat of someone mouth at the secret sensitive place beneath the corner of your jaw, just below your ear, hands firm around your waist... You thought of Jaehyun. How his lips would taste, how his hands would feel. You took in a quick gasp as your fingertips grazed your clit. You pressed your fingers harder, circling the bundle of nerves, suddenly feeling as electricity was running down your body. You wish they were his fingers, they would be so much bigger and longer than yours. They would stretch your walls so good. You put two fingers  inside, and even if you were stretched you weren’t full. You were so desperate, your fingers bumping inside you fast but you were still not there. It was so frustrating. The image of Jaehyun between your legs was making you whimper harder. His dark eyes were watching yours as he was smirking, his tongue flickering on your clit precise motion, his upper lip just brushing against your clit as he teased you more… You came with the image of Jaehyun above you, as you were moaning his name. You slept like the dead and thank you, for the first time since you came back you didn’t dream about Jaehyun. You woke up early in the morning. It was Christmas and your mom had told you a long day was awaiting you. And indeed you had no time to think about anything else than mashed potatoes and how to stuff a turkey, which was terrifying. Sicheng had been helping all day too, which wasn't taht surprising, he had always been a sweetheart for your mom. He had been pouting all day but at least he had been carrying stuff around the house, occasionally helping you in the kitchen. « How many more potatoes do we need to peel ? I already cut myself twice ! -Ohhh poor baby look at this little cut on his pinky boohoo. -Shut up. Mom ! Y/n is being mean again ! » You threw an apple peel at him. « Why are you such a kid ! -I am not ! -You are both children ! » You almost jumped out of your chair. Jaehyun was standing behind you laughing at Sicheng that was still scolding you. Maybe it as the fact that he looked particularly good or that you looked like trash in this very moment but you were strangely shy around him suddenly. « Hey Jae , what are you doing here ? -My mom is stressing me out at home, I thought it would be calmer here. -It’s not, my mom is literally treating us like slaves since this morning. -She just asked you to peel potatoes what are you talking about. » He was going to say something, but he didn’t have the time before your mom entered the kitchen. « Oh Jaehyun, sweety, what are you doing here ? -I was just passing by ! Do you need help ? -Actually, I need someone to drive to the nearest mall and do some purchase. -I’ll go with Jaehyun, said Sicheng as fast as he could. -No I need you here ! Y/n is going with Jaehyun ! -Why her !? Am I an assistant ? -Yeah why me ?! » You really didn’t want to go with Jaehyun. In your mind he would have come just before dinner and you would already wear your cute dress. He would be his usual soft and shy self while you’ll be kissing him under the mistletoe. Now you were peeling apples in the middle of your living room, not washed, still in pajamas, your hair like a bird nest. Jaehyun looked at you and smirked and you felt your face hit up. « I need Sicheng here, so come on Y/n go ! » You stood up like a zombie and walked to your room. You jumped in the first clothes you find which was not better than your pajamas, before putting on your hood’s sweater and joining them in the living room. « You’re ready ? » Asked Jaehyun with a smirk. You simply nodded, not looking at him in the eyes. It was cold outside, and as you were walking toward the car you stopped in your track. « Oh wait, we- ouff » You bumped into something, rather someone, almost falling back, if the certain someone didn’t catch you. « Be careful, the road is slippery » You were pressed against his torso, his arms not letting you ho anywhere. « It’s just, that, I don’t know what my mom wants… -She gave me a list don’t worry, let’s go » He grabbed your shoulders and you both walked toward the car again. You sat next to him, finally in feeling warm as he started the car. You didn’t say a thing during the entire trip, just looking around shyly. « Y/n ? Is everything okay ? -Huh yeah, why ? -You seem less talkative than before. » You laughed awkwardly trying to play it off. He reached for something next to you brushing your thigh making you gasp. He smirked at you completely aware of what he just did and you screamed internally. You wished Jaehyun would have stopped playing with you but he really didn’t. You were being kinda petty because all you did those past few days was to provoked him. Considered it Karma. You came back home to your mom two hours later. You took longer than you intended to inside the store because it was packed with people, obviously it was Christmas day. « Stay near me, so we don’t get separated » he said looking at you waiting for your response. You nodded looking around you as you started to panic. You weren’t the most comfortable with crowded places and you were usually avoiding going shopping when you knew there was going to be a lot of people. You really didn’t want to lose Jaehyun. You followed him around the store feeling useless, because he seemed to know the place perfectly and you were as lost as ever. You insisted into pushing around the shopping cart trying not to roll over people. « Jaehyun, I think- Jaehyun ? » You turned around not seeing anywhere. You grabbed the cart hard and tried to walk away but you stopped maybe you should just stay here to not get lost even more. But you suddenly realized that staying in the middle of an aisle with this many people, actually the lady behind you seemed to start being annoyed with you. So you simply walked away, looking for Jaehyun but not seeing him anywhere. Someone pushed you rather strongly and you almost started crying. You looked around like a lost child looking for their mom but nothing. It was all rushing people and noise.
« Y/n » Jaehyun placed his hand on your shoulder and you almost jump out of your skin. « Hey it’s just me, everything is fine » You wanted to kiss him, even more than before. « I-I couldn’t see you… » He smiled gently. « Don’t worry I’m here now. It’s over we can go check out » He took your arm and hooked it with his while he drove the cart toward the entrance. The drive home was silent but more relaxed. You were stuck in a bit of traffic but listening to some Christmas music. « You still hate crowds ? » You looked at him, his eyes still glued to the road. « Yeah… Still not the most comfortable. I should just work on that but sometimes it’s just -Too much ? -Yeah.  -I remember when we were younger, and we used to carry you everywhere with us. Your mom would insist that Sicheng would bring you along. He never wanted but I actually liked when you were there.  -Yeah I remember. I would climb on one of your bike behind you and you would carry me around like I was a lost puppy"  Remembering had made you calmer and as you looked at him you understood. You smiled at him gently. Jaehyun helped you carry the bags inside, your mother inside seemed eve more panicked than before. Jaehyun left saying he’ll see you in a couple of hours. You helped your mom settling everything she had in mind and you were ready faster than you thought. Your mom was finally able to go take a shower and relax and you intended to do the same. Before that you texted Jisoo, telling her that you missed her and wishing her a merry Christmas. You took a long shower and you decided to play along. After all if Jaehyun had been flirting with you, maybe you should just continue. But being in the shower you had time to think about your day and how, even if you were close to a panic attack, domestic it felt to do things with Jaehyun. You got out of the shower and settled into wearing a little tied black dress That would maybe a bit too much for your mom to take in so you put on a pair of black thighs and a magnificent Christmas jumper that would make you look modest. You did your makeup and added red lipstick. You loved it as it was making your lips look like cherry candy. It was already dark outside and you should probably go see if your mom needed anything before anyone arrived. As you were going downstairs you heard the door bell but no sign of your mother or brother. You opened the door, greeted by a huge rose bouquet. You looked up to see Jaehyun smiling at you. « Hi again -Hi » You let him enter quick followed by his mom and dad. You hugged them both, always happy to see them. Your mom arrived, and they all started talking, visibly enthusiast of seeing each other even if they literally live next to each other. Suddenly feeling out of place you thought you would go look for a vase for the flowers you were now holding. You disappeared into the kitchen but to be honest you had no idea where you could find a vase. Maybe if you putted them into a big bowl or something… « The vase are in the last cabinet I think… » Jaehyun smiled at you, you nodded trying not to stare too much. You might have dress up a little tonight, but he really was looking like an all movie star. His satin black dress up shirt was hugging his torso perfectly and maybe his black jeans were making his thighs look fucking perfect. You wanted to ride them. You shook your head thanking opening the cabinet. Suddenly you thought about something. « Could you hold the chair while I climb on it, I don’t know why it’s that high, no one is that tall in this house. » He nodded as you bring the chair close to the wall. Jaehyun walked toward you and you tried once again not to overthink his presence but it was hard. You put the bouquet in his arms as you climb the chair, maybe arching your back little more than you needed as you were getting in your tip toes to finally grab the vase. That dress was anyway doing god’s work as it ridden up your thighs. « Got it ! » He didn’t answer, his grip on the chair still solid. You smirked getting of the chair. « Thanks for the flowers again, my mom love those. » He didn’t watch you in the eyes right away, but he seemed to regain his composure pretty fast as you were fill up the vase with water. « Do you need help ? -No it’s fine, you can join the others if you want. Sicheng must be there now. » And he left. You joined them some minutes later, after taking a pause in the corridor just to take a deep breath. « Here she is ! -You look great sweetheart ! Come here ! » And you sat down. It was actually enjoyable, your mom cooking was excellent and you were actually impressed by your own work. « The meat is so good ! How did you do ? » Your mom was more than happy to tell how she did and you laughed at her enthusiasm. Sicheng and Jaehyun were talking and laughing while you were not really paying attention. You were trying to ignore the fact that you were sitting right next to Jaehyun, as Sicheng was sitting in front of you, on the other side of the table. You were so concentrated on what your mother was saying that you didn’t realise right away someone had put their hand on your thigh. It’s when the hand started to ride up along your thigh. You looked down seeing Jaehyun hand under the table, grabbing your thigh. You looked at him baffled. Maybe he didn’t realise… But he turned his head toward you raising one of his eyebrow smirking slightly and you understood. He totally knew what he was doing. You tried and move, but he squeezed your thigh making you gulped. It was so inappropriate, but why your heart was beating that fast, and it was not only from embarrassment. « So Y/n ? When are you going back to the city ? » You cleared your throat, trying to regain your componance. « I am leaving tomorrow actually » You felt his hand coming closer to hip. « Really ? Already ? Why won’t you stay longer ? » Jaehyun grazed his finger along your underwear and you froze. « Y/n ? -Hmmm my boss didn’t give me more days off actually. I have to work as soon as I come back. -Oh what a shame ! -Yeah I wish I could have stayed for the new Lunar Year but it’s a very busy time in the city, and they need the team to be complete .
-You’ve always been such an obliging person Y/n, such an angel.» You heard Jaehyun huffed at the nickname. He squeezed your inner thigh harder as you started to shake a little bit. You put your hand on his, squeezing his finger. Everyone was suddenly looking somewhere else and you whispered to him : « What are you doing ? -Nice dress » He smirked cockily and you stayed speechless. The rest of the dinner went well, Jaehyun needing both of his hands to eat, he left you alone. Soon Jaehyun’s parents invited your mom at their place to drink more and your mom accepted. Sicheng came with her and you were ready to put your coat on, joking around with your brother when someone attracted your attention. Jaehyun was leaning on the opposite wall, watching you like a hawk. You walked toward him, confused. « You are not coming ? -I thought we could stay behind just a few minutes. I have something to tell you. -Oh okay... » You told your mom you would come in a few minutes, and she simply nodded, already leaving the house following her friends happily. Sicheng was following cheering with mister Jeong about something. « What did you wanted to talk about ? -Let’s go upstairs. -Yeah… okay... » You went to your room, and as you were entering you heard the door closing behind you. You sat on your bed looking at him. « Honestly, it’s more me who should ask question. What you did during dinner- -Was just teasing you back for everything you did. The short clothes, the flirting, everything… You thought I was going to stay impassive ? » You stayed quiet, not knowing what to answer. « Since you’ve come back, I don’t know it’s like you’re torturing me, hm… You’re having fun angel ? » You tensed at the sudden nickname. « Maybe. Maybe I was just having fun. -Oh so that was it. Having fun ? I don’t think so. -Hm, and why ? » He came closer to you. « I think that someone, might have a little crush on me, don’t we baby ? » Yeah you wanted to die. « What ? Don’t flatter yourself… -Are you saying I am a liar ? » He wasn’t, and you were totally unable to hide your feelings. He reached your burning face with his hands as you closed your eyes from the embarrassment. « Look at me in the eyes » But you really couldn’t right now. « Y/n open your eyes » His hands slided along your neck, but you yelped in surprised when he grabbed your scalp hard yanking your hair. You opened your eyes looking at him directly. « Tell me now Y/n, what went through your little perverted mind ? - I- I don’t… -That’s funny, because those last days had been a nightmare for me. » He let go of your hair, his hand running down your back, the other still on your hips. « First you come back after years, looking like a woman and not that kid that I knew. And I know that you are my best friend little sister but hey you keep flirting with me, and you are fucking amazing. » You were speechless, all you could do was look into his eyes, mouth agape. « I know I shouldn’t feel like this. Toward you. But- I can’t help it. The more I speak to you, the more I see you… » Tears were prickling at the corner of your eyes, and you did what you had been dreaming of. You kissed Jaehyun like your life depended on it. He kissed you right back, his arms circling you as you wrap yours around him. It wasn’t a sweet kiss, it was needy and passionate. You couldn’t help it but moan in his mouth. He started to lead you to the bed, you taking steps back until you hit the end of your bed. He pushed you lightly as you fell into the mattress. « You know what really made me see you differently. Fuck��� That night where your brother ask me to go see you and tell you that you could come with us to that party a friend of us organized. But when I arrived to your room » He has joined you on the bed, (staying) over your body, caging you between his arms. « I fucking saw you, touching your needy cunt, moaning my name. » You wanted to die, you wanted the earth to split open and swallow you up. But no, you were still there trapped. « Close your door better next time baby » And he kissed you again. With the same passion, but he seemed to be more and more needy. « So tell me Y/n, why would you do this ? » He got on his knees, looming over your body, a smirk on his lips. His hands trailed on your waist, your hips and finally on your thighs. Even through the thin fabric off your clothes you could feel the heat of his skin. You shuddered. « I-I didn’t do it on purpose… -Oh really ?! Because fuck it really seemed like it. -No I didn’t ! I never anted you to know… -Well I know now » His hands gripped your black thighs and took it off in a fast motion. Apparently clothes had to get off. « I always thought you were a good girl, pure and innocent, was I wrong baby ? » Fuck, his words, you were getting so wet by the seconds. « I didn’t… -You didn’t what ? Was that the first time you were touching yourself while thinking of me ? » Your breath hitch as his hands finally made contact with your bare skin, so cold against your hot thighs. You moaned , wanting more of his touch. « Answer me or you won’t get anything. - Maybe... » He nipped at your thigh, his mouth so warm. You were feeling his hot breath against your skin still so far away from where you really needed him. « Maybe ? Common tell me - When we were in high school, you’re the first person I touch myself to… » He stopped his motion, suddenly freezing. « I-I always wanted to be with you, but I was young and you were interested in other girls, more mature, so I stayed on my side » He gripped your thighs harder, making you moan a bit. Jaehyun smiled against your skin, nose trailed along your skin as he inhaled deeply. « Fuck, no one could compare to you… I fantasized about you- taking my virginity a lot... » He groaned letting go of your thighs. « Fuck, baby you are so fucking nasty. I can’t believe this, such a pervert » Your dress was now rolled up all the way to your hips, and he took it as an opportunity to finally touch you. His hand cupped your mount, his thumb pressing over your clit. You whined, struggling to breath as you were squirming to get closer. His fingers were brushing harder, the fabric of your underwear clinging to your soaked folds. « Your soaking wet… » He mumbled something you can't understand before taking of your underwear and tossing them. « So pretty. Fucking » he helped you taking off your dress, you were now completely exposed, « Perfect » You thought you couldn’t get more embarrassed, you were wrong. « Baby I want to eat you out -Yes, please Jae » you needed him to do anything. Really you would beg. He buried his face between your thighs, his hands keeping them as open as you could. You never felt that exposed but at the same time fuck it felt so good. « Jae, fuck please more -Then tell me baby, what were you imagining in that dirty mind of yours ? -No please… -Y/n, baby you know the deal... » You cried out in frustration. « I thought… I thought about your hands a lot… You would feel larger than my own, I would feel better when it’s you who touches me...Fuck please don’t stop… -Your little fingers can’t do anything for you baby, right ? -No ! They can’t ! » He inserted one finger in and your eyes almost rolled in the back of your head. « Jaehyun oh my god- » You moaned hard, completely possessed by the feeling of him stretching you like this. « Yes baby? » He held your gaze and slowly licked his lips. « Please, I want you, more… -Don’t worry baby, I am not going anywhere » You grabbed his sleeve and tugged at it the best you could, trying to make him understand. « You want me to take it off baby ? -Yes please... - Okay, » Jaehyun’s dimples appeared when he smiled and your heart skipped a beat. He took off his dress shirt as fast as he could and you couldn’t help it. He was beautiful. You wanted to touch him so bad. « Can I touch you ? Please… -Yes of course » He kissed you again, and allowed your hands to roam over his body, « Jaehyun... » and it was a whimper at best. « Yes Y/n. » Nothing came out of your mouth as he smirked. You started fumbling with his belt as you were kissing his collarbone, and he let you do it, enjoying your touch, your breast against his chest. He grabbed your legs lifting you in his arms. « I need you, fuck, I need you so bad. » You were in his arms pressed against his body. You were whimpering, trembling from anticipation. Your heart would explode soon. « I need you too Jae, please » He lowered you onto your bed, his arms tight around your body. He bent down licking his lips biting at the skin of your thighs. « Ouch, Jae » Your words sounded more like a plea than an actual cry of pain. « Want you to remember me, remember this.. » He said. « When you’ll go back to the city » He kept sucking at your skin, and you feel yourself drift off more and more. You whispered his name again and again your eyes screwed shut as you struggled to breathe. « Please, Jae ! More ! -You are very demanding » You whined,grabbing at the sheets beneath you. « But don’t worry, I am not going anywhere » He caressed your thighs, appreciating the feeling of your skin. « Since you’ve been good I am going to tell you what I want to do hm ? » You gasped loudly. « First baby, I’m gonna eat you out, hm, because you must be tired of just cumming on your fingers. Do you want me to ? -Yes ! Please ! -Ok, baby, and after » He kissed your core « I’m gonna make love to you, okay ? Because fuck baby, no one is able to make me soft and hard at the same time like you do » You moaned at that, your heart swelling from all the love you felt at this moment. « Jaehyun, please- » He flattened his tongue, parting your cunt, as you couldn’t do anything but moan. A few languid licks later and you were already coming. You thought he was going to stop he didn’t. You fisted your hand in his black locks, admiring his beautiful face. But it was so sinful you couldn’t look for very long. You cried and you heard him chuckle as the devil he was. It didn’t take long before you were greeted by your second orgasm that left you breathless. You started to become so sensitive. « Please, Jae- Fuck, stop… Too much- -It’s too much ? Hm, I don’t know Y/n, how you're going to do for what I planned after. Maybe you want me to stop ? -No ! No… Please... » He smirked , his dimple showing. His black hair were a mess, completely your fault as you had tangled your fingers in them. « You tortured me since you arrived and I can’t even take my revenge a little bit… -I didn’t do anything… -Of course, you’re an angel aren’t you ? -Exactly » You were blatantly lying, obviously. « You are lying angel… You’ve become so naughty. Who Would have thought. Everyone thinks you are such a cute, shy girl. Do they know you’ve been having naughty thoughts about me all this time. » You were speechless, your mouth gaping, not finding anything to answer. He licked his lips, closing his eyes and furrowing his brows. « You taste so good, angel, fuck » You opened your arms, inviting him. He hugged you, tightly, kissing your lips as if it might be the last time. His tongue caressed yours as your legs parted wide, allowing him to rest between them. He finally kicked his pants away and his underwear. You were feeling him, heavy and hard against your thigh. It was maybe the last time you were seeing him like this, so you made sure to look at him with attention. He was beautiful. Something you'll never forget. He positioned himself between your legs, and you felt his hard dick between your bodies, leaking precum on your stomach. You eased your hand between the two of you, finding his cock. You let your fingers toy with his sensitive tip. « I want to make you feel good too… » He moaned as he buried his face in your neck. You nibble his bottom lip between each one of your pecks. You collected the wetness from his dick and you used it to move along his shaft. «You are going to make me feel good angel don’t worry... » He whispered, grabbing your legs. « I need you, Y/n, now » He brought your thighs almost flat against your chest and you felt yourself spread out for him. « I want you so much... » Just before entering you he looked into your eyes and you saw something you didn’t think you would see. Maybe it wasn’t only sex, maybe it was more. With a guttural groan, he entered you slowly, your breath hitching at the sensation. Sinking down inch by inch, his dark eyes carefully watched yours until he was fully seated. You felt him deep inside you, so deep you were already shaking around him. « Angel you feel so good... »
He was going slowly at first, deliberate strokes, in and out, as a regular pace.But you felt him grew more impatient, more needy. His trust were becoming harder and harder, his skin slapping yours, the noises of your wetness almost deafening. His forehead was pressed against yours, his eyes closed as he was feeling so much pleasure. His hips began to piston erratically while his stiff cock repeatedly dragged across your g-spot. You closed your eyes as your vision started to blur. « Do you feel good angel ? Fuck- -Jae- You feel so good » You wanted to scream his name, but you remembered where you were and you simply whispered his name again and again as you were feeling it coming. « Yeah angel, please, let it go » He kept moving, looking you as you were loosing yourself. He felt your pussy tightening around him. He looked at you, promising himself to remember everything of this night, of this moment with you. He finally had you, and even if it was only for a few hours, he will never forget it, always recalling your perfection. « Y/n- He wanted to tell you something, but he didn’t. Instead, he just let himself go diving completely into the pleasure he was feeling. He whispered your name,as he came. It shouldn’t felt this intimate, this meaningful. But it really did. He laid down beside you, his hand caressing your cheek. You were looking into each other eyes. You wanted to tell him, how you felt, but it wasn’t the right moment. So you stayed quiet, simply smiling. He smiled back, coming closer to kiss you again. Jaehyun had to leave soon after, but before he made you promise you won’t leave without saying goodbye. You promised, your heart heavy from just the thought of leaving without seeing him before. He kissed you one last time and left. Maybe you shouldn’t feel bad about what just happened but you did. Suddenly you weren’t so sure about your departure tomorrow. You kissed your mom goodbye, and you cried as she started telling you how much she was going to miss you. You promised her you’ll be back soon, this time more meaningful than last time. Your brother was waiting for you ready to drive you to the train station. « Sicheng ? -Yeah ? -Could we just pass by Jaehyun’s before ? -Why ? -To say goodbye to his parents. I didn’t have the time last night. » He stopped just in front of the house and you got out. Madam Jeong answered the door. « Oh darling you are already leaving ? -Yes, I am on my way to take my train. » You hugged her, and you promised her to come back soon, too. « Hm, is Jaehyun here ? -No sweetie, he is gone in town. » You wanted to cry. You had no time to wait so you simply told her to greet him for you and you left. « Is everything okay ? You look sad. » Sicheng was looking at you, almost worried. « Hmm, no I am fine. I just- Kinda don’t want to leave. -Well I was not expecting that. » It had always been kinda hard to talk to your brother. Maybe because you were radically different. « You know you can come back as soon as you want. Mom misses you, I miss you, damn even Jaehyun told me he had miss you. » Yeah you definitely were going to cry. « Thank you. -Don’t thank me. You are my sister. » At this moment you didn’t need any words. You smiled at him and hugged him goodbye. If you didn't’ knew your brother better you could swear you saw tears peaking at the corner of his eyes. « Go away now, before I change my mind and tell you to never come back. » You were waiting inside the train station, your luggage clutch in hand, as you were trying to stay warm. You were trying not to think about Jaehyun, and the fact that once again you were leaving without telling him. Your train arrived and you were walking toward your wagon, a strange feeling inside your chest. « Y/N ! » You turned around. Jaehyun was running in your direction. He arrived in front of you, out of breath. « What- what are you doing here ? -You left. -I tried, to come and say goodbye, but you weren’t there. » He just looked into your eyes, and you understood. « I couldn’t. -Couldn’t what ? -Letting you go like this. » You hugged him tightly and he answered. « I wish I could tell you not to go. -I’ll come back soon. -I know. » He kissed you, and you felt yourself leaning into his embrace more. « So goodbye… -Can’t believe you ran all the way here to kiss me goodbye. -It’s not the worst. Sicheng is waiting for me in the parking lot. I am wondering what I am going to say to him. » You laughed. Kissing him again. But soon you heard the speaker announcing the departure of your train. « I have to go… » He didn’t say anything, simply smiling sadly at you. He walked you toward your wagon watching you climb inside. « Good luck with Sicheng. -Don’t remind me please. » You smiled one last time at him before the door closed and the last thing you saw was him smiling back and your departure was feeling less bittersweet suddenly.
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excindrela · 4 years
12 Days of Demon Ayno -Day 9 (18+)
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Supernatural AU
Pairing: demon! Ayno (Noh YoonHo) VAV / Female reader
Genre: Fluff/ Angst/ Smut
Warnings: Cussing, alcohol consumption, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you snap it!)
Word Count: 5031 (...I did not mean to write War & Peace...)
AU: OMG DAY 9 IS FINALLY DONE! (So I guess we’re having Christmas in July)  I’m sorry this one took so long. I knew where we needed to go, I just couldn’t get there. Good news: Day 10 is started, Day 12 is done! (We might skip 11) I have also started NYE & Lunar New Year (I’m writing all of them simultaneously) I love feedback- so if there’s something you like, or something you want to see- tell me!! Thanks to everyone who has stuck around! Special thanks to @quyennie​ for being my editor!!
Demon Ayno: Summoned, Thanksgiving, 12 Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11| Day 12 | NYE | Lunar New Year
On the 9th Day of Christmas: You Took Ayno to the Office Holiday Party
It was a little after three thirty when you came through the apartment door wearing baggy sweats, a zip up hoodie with nothing but a tank underneath, fuzzy flip-flop slippers, and no gloves. Even with the calf length down coat on you were freezing, but you couldn’t risk wrecking your once a winter pedi and once a year mani. Even though the heater was on and it hit you like a blast furnace the minute you came in, you were still shivering.
“Ayno? Are you here? I’m home.” The question was rhetorical. You knew your beautiful demon was there somewhere because the TV was set to a music channel playing Christmas standards, and something smelled good.
Ayno came striding out of the kitchen. “Good. I have made you lunch.”, he said as he took your coat. Like a typical human male, he paid no attention to your fancy nails and hair and instead focused on your outfit. “Why are you dressed so inappropriately for the weather?! You will catch a chill and die, and I will have to go back to being a…what was it you called me?”
“Interdimensional hooker. What are we having?”
“Macaroni and cheese. I am told that this food brings comfort, and you seem very agitated today.” He said as he bent down and wrapped his arms around your legs just below your butt and carried you into the kitchen.
“Out of the box?”
“Is what out of what box?” he looked around confused as he deposited you onto a barstool.
“Why would macaroni and cheese be in a box? Cheese must be kept cold.”
“You know- the blue box? With the orange powdered cheese? It’s like its own food group.”
Ayno looked horrified. “I do not know what kind of witchcraft would be necessary to turn cheese into an orange powder, but it should not be trusted and I do not know why you would dare to consume it.”
You privately thought he was missing out. Instead, he removed a baking dish from the oven with cavatappi noodles he had baked with some mixture of cream and cheeses and topped with panko breadcrumbs. He dished out a large helping and retrieved a bowl of salad from the fridge and set it next to the mac & cheese. You took a bite…it was creamy and cheesy and delicious…and you were so not hungry.
“It’s delicious, but not exactly cocktail dress friendly.”
Ayno frowned. “You did not eat breakfast. Now you do not want lunch. You are…stressed” he said, happy that he remembered the right word. He moved around behind you, fastening his lips to your neck and slipping a hand inside your jacket to fondle your breast through the thin tank. “You do not smell right…too much cortisol…” he said as his lips worked their way toward your ear. “If you do not do something to relax, then I will have to make you relax.” He gently threatened as his thumb flicked over your erect nipple.
You sighed and closed your eyes, “Ayno, so help me God, if you ruin a $60 hairstyle before I get to that party, I swear I will pour holy water over your head myself!” you gritted out through clenched teeth.
He wisely released you; then reached over and picked up the glass of water above your plate, and poured it out in the sink while muttering something that sounded like “I’d like to see you try it” under his breath, before going to the fridge, grabbing the open bottle of wine, removing the cork with his teeth, filling the glass and setting it in front of you.
He stepped back and looked meaningfully from the glass to your face and back again. You took the hint and drained half the glass in three gulps. Ayno refilled it.
He moved back to your side and picked up a forkful of mac & cheese and held it up to your lips. You obediently opened your mouth and took the bite. “We should not go to this party if it is making you this unhappy”, he said gently rubbing your back.
You placed your forehead carefully against his chest. “Oh Ayno – I don’t mean to be like this to you. Yes, you are right, I am stressed. The Office Christmas Party is one of my least favorite nights of the year. But this is one of those weird human social things that you have to attend even though you don’t want to.”
He continued rubbing your back comfortingly. “I will stay home if it will make you less worried.”
You put your arms around his waist and looked up into his concerned eyes. “Not a chance. Having you as my date is the one thing I’m looking forward to about tonight.”
*          *          *
You came through the doors of your building at 7:41 and the Atrium was already packed with people and the party was in full swing. Ayno slid your coat from your shoulders and went to take it and your bag to the coat check. Meanwhile, you glanced around and saw Tenley & Kara leaning against the wall by the elevator bank and headed straight over.
“Hey!” “There you are!” They called as you trotted over as fast as the slippery soles of your strappy sandals would allow. You all engaged in the typical “girl hug” that involved leaning over with your butt sticking out and the bare minimum of contact while patting the other’s back.
“Cute dress Ten!” you said. “Thanks! I was accused of being boring by Danielle, so I decided to embrace my ethnicity!” she replied, smoothing the peony embroidered satin of her mandarin collared mini-qi pao. “But it’s still black. Festive is Kara’s job.”
“What? It’s still a neutral! Just because I refuse to join the sea of black dresses with you two…” she retorted, giving her hips a little shake that made the silver beaded dress shimmy with her.
“I like it Kara! Perfect for New Year’s Eve too!” you supported.
“Right?! Kill two parties with one dress!” she affirmed.
“I thought Ayno was coming tonight?”, Tenley questioned.
“Oh, he’s here. He’s just dropping my things at coat check.”
Then Kara’s brain caught up with the conversation and she turned to Tenley looking confused “Danielle? From the Data Matrixing dept. called you boring? They only have one ‘Danielle’, right?”
At that, Tenley launched into her story the way only catty girlfriends can about another woman throwing them shade. She was just wrapping it up when you noticed Kara’s attention had been diverted.
“I don’t know what department that belongs in, but whatever it is, I will find out, and then I am transferring there whether I have the requisite skill and experience or not.” Kara said, her gaze never wavering.
You understood. You smiled at the tall, well-built man that had captured her attention, his fire engine red suit tapered from his broad shoulders to nip in at his slender waist and the pants caressed his muscular thighs. A black mesh shirt peeked out from underneath the jacket and was accented with a couple silver chains at his throat. He was stunning – and oblivious to the attention he was garnering: wide eyed open mouth stares from the ladies and looks of undisguised envy from the men. He glanced around and spying your little group he made his way over with four filled champagne flutes tucked between his long fingers. He handed out the champagne, gave a blinding smile and said “Hi!”  
Kara giggled. You just shook your head. Tenley took command of the conversation. “Hi Ayno. It’s good to see you again. I like your suit! It’s a much better look on you than the reindeer sweater.”
“Thank you, I think so too. It itches less. Although, it does not have lights like the sweater, so I think it is unlikely I will win a prize. I think you look better too.”
You laughed. “Kara, this is my boyfriend, Ayno. Ayno, this is Kara- she’s our department assistant.” “Which means she’s the only one who has any idea what’s going on.” Tenley supplied as Ayno, excited to once again be practicing traditional human greetings, extended his hand to Kara.
Kara shook his hand and then downed the whole glass in one gulp. You followed suit, and then handed the glasses back to Ayno. “Will you be a love and go get us 2 more?”, you asked him sweetly. He bent down until his face was even with yours. “Please?” you smiled at him. He smiled back, “Yes Mistress. I am always happy to serve you”, he whispered as he planted a quick kiss on your lips and then turned on his heel and headed to the champagne fountain.
“Ho-lee crap!” Kara said to no one in particular. She looked at Tenley, “You said he was hot, you didn’t say he was the male equivalent of a Victoria’s Secret angel.”
You snickered at the idea of Ayno being an angel of any kind. Kara turned slowly and looked at you. “He’s cute? He’s tall? I love his smile? Seriously??? How about he’s breathtaking and sexy as fuck??”
You laughed. “Sorry Kara. After my last boyfriend…I just sort-of downplay things now. And yes, Ayno is breathtaking…sometimes I think people look at us together and wonder what a man like that is doing with me.”
“Whatever! He’s with you, right? And he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.” She grabbed your arms and turned you to face her, “Please tell me he has a single brother?” she mock pleaded.
“Actually, he has six brothers.”
Both of them stared at you wide eyed. “SIX BROTHERS?” they chorused in unison. “Are they all single and do they all look like him? I just want one.” Kara said. “Yeah, one for you & one for me” Tenley agreed.
“I don’t know, I’ve never seen them. But they’re…uh…adopted, so I’m not sure what they look like.”
“Well, you clearly hit the jackpot on this one. He’s gorgeous and seems totally devoted.” Kara said with a touch of envy.
“I know, right? I want a man who follows me around and does whatever I say without question while looking at me adoringly too.” Tenley agreed.
The conversation was halted by the ding of the elevator doors opening to reveal a couple of drunk colleagues from accounting stumbling out tipsy and looking slightly disheveled. They looked around nervously before slipping back into the crowd. “Like we didn’t all know about that…” Tenley said rolling her eyes.
You were glad the conversation shifted away from Ayno. Not only was answering questions about him like walking through a mine field, but something about the champagne or the girl’s words had made you uneasy. You didn’t doubt Ayno truly had feelings for you, but you sometimes wondered if he would stay if he had a choice. Did he only stay with you because he had to? Was this like Stockholm Syndrome where you fall in love with your captor as a coping mechanism?  Was he devoted because he had to be, not because he wanted to?
Your thoughts were interrupted by Ayno’s arrival with more champagne. You took the glass he offered, and then turned away to eye the crowd- causing Ayno to frown slightly. Kara, emboldened by the alcohol now coursing through her veins, pounced on him in full getting-to-know-you mode. Normally you would have jumped in and changed the subject, or answered for him, but you were so edgy you decided to just let him handle it. If he freaked out, transformed into his natural form, and rained hellfire on the building then so be it. You still listened with half an ear, proud that he remembered the answers you had practiced to common personal questions.
Your sudden coolness was not lost on Tenley. Sensing that Ayno might need to be rescued from Kara, and the two of you might need a moment, she nudged you, “Hey. Have you shown Ayno our floor yet?”
You looked at her with something between distain and annoyance. “No. I can’t imagine why Ayno would want to see our cubicle farm.”
“Nope. You don’t get a choice. It’s an unwritten rule that all new significant others must get a tour of the prison cells at their first Christmas Party, so they have a frame of reference for stories of office shenanigans and sympathy for the conditions we are suffering in when we have to work late”, she said matter-of-factly. With that, she punched the elevator button, snagged your champagne glass, and shoved you in when the doors opened, Ayno following right behind you trying not to laugh. The last thing you saw was her giving you a cheesy grin and a wave of her waggled fingers.
The elevator ride to the 9th floor was quick but felt like an eternity with the two of you standing in silence, you just out of Ayno’s reach. You walked at the same speed you did during your workday, lengths ahead of Ayno who strolled along behind you down the hall past the conference and break rooms, eventually arriving at the center of the floor full of cubicles.
“This is it.” You sighed, bored.
Ayno nodded. “I have seen this before.”
“Someone summoned you to their office building?”
“No. Purgatory. There are several levels that look just like this. I recommend avoiding it.” He paused, “Which chamber is yours?”
You started walking and Ayno followed you to your desk. “This is it. This is where I spend most of my day”, you said gesturing to your glass walled box full of pre-fab office furniture.
Ayno stepped inside and sat in your chair. You were surprised how normal he looked sitting there, as though you might have come around the corner and found your handsome coworker at his desk.
While you absentmindedly stared off into space, he took in your workspace, thinking to himself that it was rather like a cage, and feeling sorry that you spent so many hours there. He smiled when he saw that the one truly personal thing on your desk was a small photo of the two of you.
Knowing Ayno would follow, you slowly began strolling out of the maze of cubicles, idly wondering how much longer you’d have to stay at the party for people to consider it an “appearance” and what you needed to do to give the impression that you had had a good time.
“What is this place?” you heard Ayno’s voice behind you as he stuck his head into an open doorway.
“That’s the break room.”
“Ah!”, Ayno said with comprehension, “The domain of Cody the Coffee Snob and Amber the Refrigerator Nazi!” You almost laughed– he always asked how your day was when you came home, and you were impressed he had paid attention to your rambling stories about office drama …but it made you feel even less worthy of him. “Was the identity of the Lean Cuisine thief ever discovered?”, he asked as he continued to follow you.
“Nope. It remains a mystery.”
“What is this place?” he asked stepping into yet another doorway.
You followed him. “This is the conference room. We come in here when we have important things to discuss. That triangle thing in the middle of the table lets us watch Power Points, call other offices, make announcements…or sometimes we just use the table and talk.”
You turned to leave, but the door slammed shut. You didn’t need to ask how. Taking a deep breath, you turned and walked back to your waiting demon.
“What is wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong- I’m fine.”
“No. Something is very wrong. You have stopped speaking to me. You are not looking at me. You are pushing me away”, he paused looking sad and confused “What did I do wrong? Please tell me, because I do not know.”
You sighed. “Nothing…you haven’t done anything wrong – I swear…I was just thinking about things the girls said to me and about you being with me…it just made me question whether you would be here if you had a choice.”
Ayno slipped a hand around your waist and pulled you against his body, his other hand tipping your chin up to look him in the eyes. “Do you really doubt my feelings for you?” he asked gently.
You looked into his deep eyes and shook your head, “No, I believe your feelings are very real. I just wonder if you would choose to be with me if you had another option.”
Surprisingly, Ayno smiled. He gave a small laugh and a little shake of his head, “How old am I?”
“Uh…Eight hundred and…something…”
“Fourty-four.” He supplied.  “You are not my first patron. I have had so many masters and mistresses in these years that I lost track long ago. You are not the first to want to keep me…but you are the only one I have ever stayed with. I assure you that if I wanted to leave, I could make your life so miserable that you would release me and beg me to be gone.”
Then he threaded his fingers into your fancy hair and pulled your face to his. He kissed you hard, tongue pillaging your mouth as he pressed his body tightly against yours. He backed you up until your butt hit the conference table, and then lifted you slightly so you were sitting on it. He finally released your mouth and dove straight for your neck. “No! Ayno! What are you doing?” He pulled his head up and looked at you with eyes so deep they bordered on maroon, “This is a conference room. We are having a conference. Apparently, I need to explain to you again how much I want you. That I will willingly be your slave until the end of time. That I am wholly yours…not just because you keep me, but because I choose to be. So, I’d start taking notes, Mistress, because I am going to fuck you until you get the memo.”
With that he pushed you down on to the table and resumed his attack on your neck. You could feel the heat of his mouth even as the cold of the glass covering the table penetrated your thin dress. You shivered, unsure if it was from that or Ayno’s sudden aggression.
Ayno put one knee up onto the table and pressed his other thigh against your waiting heat as he continued sucking harshly on your neck and chest working his way ever lower. You felt yourself growing warm and wet as he ground his thigh against your core. “Ayno! You’ve got to stop… someone could come in and find us!” you pleaded. “Let them”, he growled low in your ear, “I don’t actually care.”
“I care! Anyone could just walk in! And one whole wall of this room is glass!!” Making an inhuman sound, Ayno raised his head and held one hand up toward the door. A rope of red energy shot out and zig zagged around the door and frame stitching the door closed. Then he waved his hand in the direction of the windows and you watched as they turned black like magic demon limo tint. “Better?” he hissed. He had that determined look on his face – the same one he’d had when he showed up the night of the Halloween party…and once again you realized there was no escape. Ayno in pure demon mode was a dangerous force that both scared the crap out of you and turned you on in a way you could never have imagined. You suddenly noticed that his shirt and jacket had disappeared from his body and recalled his warning about why conjuring his clothes was a bad idea.
His hands roughly yanked the straps from your dress down and to the side pushing your dress down and causing your breasts to spring free. He brought his other leg up onto the table and pushed your dress up to your waist before he reached down and flipped the crotch of your thong to the side plunging his fingers into your already dripping pussy. “Always so wet for me…”,he hummed, “I know how much you want me, and I am going to show you how much I want you”, he said as he worked his fingers in and out of you rapidly while he sucked on your nipples. Your barely there underwear were finally in his way so he pulled them off and slingshot’d them somewhere unknown in the room- not caring about where they landed or how you were going to find them, before plunging his fingers back in and rubbing at your G spot at a frenetic pace. You could feel the pressure building in your belly. Needing an outlet for your own desires, you consciously willed him naked (enjoying that particular power you had) and once your will was done, you reached down and grabbed his cock and begin stroking it. You knew that you didn’t need to, but feeling his length running up and down in your hand felt so good…and you knew that he enjoyed it. “Do you like that?” You choked out. “Yes”, he whispered. “I like it when you touch me.” His fingers rubbed your G spot in time with the strokes you made to his cock. The tingling sensation you were feeling in your fingers and toes was causing your hips to buck. “Oh! Oh!” you cried as you whimpered his name like a mantra as your walls clenched and your juices ran down onto his hand.
 He lifted your ankles to his shoulders and slid easily between your folds with how worked up you were. He leveraged his weight and trapped you between him and the conference table as he speared into you hot and hard. Every thrust sent you sliding backward across the table. Your nails dug into his biceps as his thrusts gained in strength and speed and the table began to groan in protest. Somewhere around the middle of the table Ayno’s hands finally found a grip and you stopped sliding.  You couldn’t help the loud moans escaping your lips and mixed with the sound of skin on skin as his hips slammed into the back of your thighs, the creak of the table and Ayno’s soft grunts, it was intoxicating - you closed your eyes and let it echo in your head and overtake your senses.
You reached between your legs and firmly pinched your clit, rolling the ball of nerves between your fingers. Your mind was empty as you looked at Ayno’s beautiful lust filled face and saw his ab muscles rippling as he drove himself into you. Robbed of the ability to form coherent words, you settled for the vocal equivalent of a keyboard smash as your legs began to shake and your orgasm overtook you. Ayno continued his thrusts until you had ridden out your high before he lowered your legs and unsheathed himself from your over stimulated body.
You laid there on the table, sweaty and panting. Something gleamed out of the corner of your eye and lolled your head to the left. It was a small red light. The world came back into focus as the realization hit you: Ayno’s hand had finally found purchase on the command console in the center of the table…which was where the red indicator light was coming from…on the “Intercom- all office” button. Oh shit. Oh shit no. That thing over-rode everything else…including the music being piped into the party. Your moans of ecstasy weren’t echoing in your head, they had just been echoing through the entire building – including the party in the atrium and on every single floor. Everyone in this building had just heard you and Ayno going at it on the conference table. You reached over and gently pressed the button again, watching as the light went out.
You were in such a state of shock and horror at the realization of what had just transpired that you almost failed to notice Ayno’s naked body, covered in a light sheen of perspiration, planking over you. His eyes, still burgundy ringed with pink, bored into you. “Have we reached an understanding Mistress? Or would you like me to explain it again?”
“I got the memo, and while I’d love to go over it again, I think this is not the place.”
*          *          *
It had only taken a few moments for you to assess the situation. Your up-do was ruined, you were sweaty and smelled like sex, and you couldn’t find your underwear. You were a hot mess. Worse, the keys to the apartment – and the car- were in your purse that Ayno had politely coat-checked…right by the front doors of the building…so any thoughts of sneaking out an exit door on another floor and just going home without having to see anyone were dashed. You were going to have to do the ultimate walk of shame. The only good thing you could say was that it took only a heartbeat for you to desire Ayno back into the red GQ suit – and there he was- looking like nothing had happened.
As soon as you had finger combed your hair, adjusted your dress, and given up hunting for your thong, Ayno un-tinted the windows and released the door.
The hallway and elevator bank were mercifully empty.
If the elevator ride up had seemed to take forever, the ride down felt like an express. You wanted to just stand in the corner, but Ayno wasn’t having it. He pulled you to his side and wrapped one long arm possessively around your waist.
You took a deep steadying breath, squared your shoulders and lifted your chin as the elevator thumped to a stop. The bell dinged, the doors slid open, and your heart began pounding. Maybe the system was turned off? Maybe everyone was so drunk they wouldn’t notice you?
No such luck. While you were sure it wasn’t really the whole room it felt like everyone turned to stare at the two of you. You felt your face go hot, and you were certain that your cheeks matched Ayno’s suit. Ayno, who wasn’t the least bit embarrassed, kept his arm tightly around you and steered you straight into the crowd. You heard giggles, saw knowing smiles, got some judgmental frowns with accompanying head shakes, and a few hissed “yes girl!”s as you passed people. You saw Kara & Tenley over by the snack table, both sporting giant grins, who as soon as they caught your eye held up a cocktail napkin in each hand like Olympic judges- at least they gave you four 10.00s. You were almost there when Santa, who was in fact Ernie from Accounting, walked by and said “Ooooo! Someone’s on the naughty list now!” …and you could have sworn Brandon from IT high fived Ayno who simply continued strutting along unfazed, with a cat-that-ate-the-canary smirk on his face.
You finally reached the coat check, and Ayno handed the pimple-faced college age clerk the ticket. He returned a moment later with your coat and bag, looked at Ayno and said, “Well at least I don’t have to ask if you two enjoyed the party.” You snatched your bag from him and pushed your way out onto the freezing sidewalk, making a beeline for your car. A moment later, you heard Ayno’s laughter as he ran up behind you and threw your coat around your shoulders before sweeping you up into his arms and carrying you the rest of the way.
 *          *          *
When you got out of the shower, Ayno was lounging on the bed shirtless in a pair of pajama pants. The intense gaze had never left his eyes, so you avoided it by heading to the mirror to comb out your hair. You were about three strokes in when you felt yourself being pulled backwards around the waist. Looking down you saw the red energy rope that was dragging you to your demon’s waiting arms. As soon as you got there, he pulled you against him and the ropes wrapped around the two of you, binding you together. You remembered that struggling would make them tighter, so decided to just enjoy the feeling of being forced against him without escape. The intense look in his eyes was now accompanied by an arched eyebrow. He knew your mind was busy. He was waiting.
You sighed. “I’m sorry about tonight. I know I ruined the party for you…I get so nervous & stressed about things like this… I feel like I keep questioning you Ayno, and it’s not fair. Never once have you not been perfectly clear about your desires, feelings or intentions. So, no more – it’s not your fault I’m being insecure. I apologize for treating you this way, and I will do better.”
Ayno smiled and pressed his lips to your forehead. “I am not upset. I understand. The reality of me challenges everything mortals assume demons to be. We are all supposed to be ugly, deceitful minions of evil, not humanoid in appearance and capable of honesty and feelings. This is not about you or me – it is about whoever damaged your heart before I came. Your questioning comes from fear- the fear that you will experience the same pain again. I am used to this. Do you think I am summoned by people who feel secure and happy and loved? Quite the opposite. I am called to fill a void, and my temporary nature makes me ‘safe’. I told you, I will take good care of you and I will not hurt you. I promise this. You may doubt all you wish. I will just keep explaining it to you over and over and over until you know”, he said kissing your cheeks gently as he finished.
You kissed him deeply before meeting his eyes. “I already know Ayno. But I’m happy to let you remind me as often as possible.”
And with that, Ayno turned out the lights, and reminded you again.
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fanfickittycat · 4 years
The Price
TITLE: The Price CHAPTER NUMBER/ONE SHOT: Chapter 10 AUTHOR: fanfickittycat CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Roman Godfrey x OC GENRE: Romance, Smut FIC SUMMARY: Ginger makes a deal with popular bad boy Roman, if he helps her up the social ladder by pretending to be her boyfriend then she’ll be his dog in return RATING: M AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: Spitting in people’s mouths and Christmas
The news of my parents getting snowed in at a relative’s house came as a huge disappointment. I had waited for the annual tradition of decorating the house and tree to come around and the weather had postponed any chance of doing so.
“You can do it by yourself” my mother had suggested, and I had been appalled by the suggestion. 
“It’s a family tradition” I insisted “it needs to be done with the family.”
“Maybe invite some of your friends around instead” she sounded irked by my protests “or what about your gentleman caller?”
I groaned at the term and then proceeded to listen to my father in the background of the call object against Roman and I being home alone together. After a few minutes of listening to my parents (and then my aunt and uncle) debate if I was mature enough, or if Roman was to be trusted I hung up the phone and wandered around my depressingly empty house. The tree stood naked in the living room; only a smattering of pine needles embellished the floor and served as the sole Christmas adornment in the house. The whole scene only became more pathetic and dismal when I tried to play seasonal music. 
 So my fingers ended up twitching. My new friends who were much nicer had plans already, or the snow had meant that travelling all the way over to mine would have been too much. Only Roman was left to contact and he didn’t pick up when I called.
“I’m an adult” I reasoned, even though I was far from being grown up in any sense of the phrase. The reindeer sweater my grandma had made for me three years ago didn’t help, but dammit, I was not going to let it stop me from trying to retrieve the boxes of dusty decorations from the attic. Now, me tripping with the box almost stopped me, and the tears the threatened to fall after the accident made it almost possible for me to give up but I didn’t. Mostly because a rapping at the door meant that I couldn’t cry, lest I wanted to scare away the carollers, or children from the elementary school who always sold wrapping paper door to door this time of year.
 I looked through the peephole like I had been taught to do when someone knocked on the door and my parents weren’t home. It was Roman, with a light coat of snow decorating his hair.
“Wow,” he said when I opened the door “you go out in that thing and I’ll have to start fighting guys off left, right, and centre” he poked the knitted red nose on Rudolph, and I felt the cold of his glove on my abdomen. I shivered and quickly pulled him in to get him out of the cold.
“I like it. It makes me feel Christmassy.”
“How old are you again?” I swatted his arm playfully and he laughed, dodging my attacks easily “are your parents in? I didn’t see their car in the drive.”
“They’re stuck at my aunt’s,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest as we walked into the living room where the box who tried to kill me sat. 
“Home alone, huh?” He tried to sound nonchalant about it but I could practically hear the grin in his voice.
“I didn’t call for that,” I said, fiddling with my hair “I just… Look, nobody’s home and we were meant to decorate and now we can’t.” I tried to avoid Roman’s gaze “I guess I thought that maybe you’d like to help decorate.”
He was quiet for a moment which was surprising when you truly considered how much Roman loved making fun of me. I peered at him cautiously, confused by his silence as his eyes moved around the room.
“I don’t know how much help I can be,” he said, sounding remarkably earnest “I’ve never decorated at Christmas.”
He looked down at his slacks and brushed them with the palm of his hand “my mom always paid people to professionally decorate the house so…” he trailed off, only punctuating the sentence with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Well it’s not hard,” I said, trying to sound encouraging “you just have fun and try to make things look pretty. You should be good at that, you always look pretty.”
He finally cracked a smile “you better not tell Peter that otherwise, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Can’t help it if you’re a pretty boy” I teased “Roman Godfrey: the prettiest boy in Hemlock Grove; no, in Pennsylvania; no wait, the prettiest boy in America.”
“I can always leave” he mock threatened, standing up again only to have me join his side and squeeze his hand.
“Please don’t.”
He pursed his lips and considered me thoughtfully “fine. Show me how Christmas decorations work, puppy.”
 Roman, it turned out, was terrible at arts and crafts. The paper snowmen that I had shown him how to make were meant to look whimsical, with a little bit of string tied to them so that they could be hung with ease. Roman’s looked like Frosty had been hung. The stringing of popcorn onto thread had ended with Roman licking pinpricks of blood off of his finger.
 “Are you a vampire?”
He smiled slyly “duh.”
 He ended up finally being useful by being tall enough to put the star on top of the tree, though he didn’t see it as a big deal. He was better at decorating the tree, and clearly had an eye for aesthetics. The way his forehead creased as he debated where to hang the ornaments was a sight to behold, and his cautious hand moved carefully around the tree to find the best place to put the stars and baubles. 
“It looks great” I clapped my hands in excitement, unable to contain my glee when Roman plugged the twinkling lights in.
“It’s… okay, I guess” he admitted, “but only because I‘m such a natural at this.”
I rolled my eyes, earning me a playful nudge in the side.
“Do you want anything to drink?” I asked, “I have a hot chocolate mix.”
“Only if we can add this” he pulled out a bottle of bourbon and I wrinkled my nose.
“My dad drinks this kind of stuff,” I said, giving it a cautious sniff. 
“Then your dad has good taste,” he said flippantly “come on, live a little puppy.”
I ended up letting him add a splash into the hot chocolate, and I had to admit that it paired well with the drink. The warm milk and added alcohol made my throat warm, and I leaned my head against Roman as we drank.
 “Does your mom really pay for people to decorate your house?”
“You’d be surprised where money can get you.” He stroked my hair absentmindedly, telling me about one year where a decorator had accidentally dropped one of the artisan glass baubles that had been flown in from Venice, and his mother had lost it. His impression of her was uncanny.
 “Yikes… I was really about to quit scooping ice cream to decorate your house” I teased, lapping up the last of the hot chocolate, and placing my mug next to Roman’s empty one on the coffee table.
“Hmmm,” he mused, letting his fingers trail down the side of my neck to play with a tendril of my hair “maybe you should quit your job and be my personal, full-time pet.”
“I’m already your pet” I mumbled, still feeling halfway between pleased and embarrassed to be saying the words.
He was contented by the words but continued “yes, but think how cute you’d be curled up at the end of my bed. You could bring me my slippers in the morning.” He curled a strand of my hair around his finger and then let it go before repeating the action.
I scoffed “Oh yeah? What else? Feed me scraps of ham when I give my paw?”
“See” he squeezed my cheek “now you’re getting the gist.” I rolled my eyes, attempting to shake his hand off of my chin but he didn’t let go. His fingers gripped lightly, and I watched with a dry throat as his eyes lingered on my lips.
 “You know what I’d do if I got to come home to you, my little pet?” He mused, and I bit the inside of my cheeks, waiting for him to tell me.
“Well, let’s see…” He started, letting his finger trace my collar bones “I would come home and you’d be waiting by the door like a good girl. I’d have to praise you, wouldn’t I? How could I ignore you when you’re being so sweet for me? I’d just have to let you sit on my lap.” His hand trailed down, landing on my hip and curling around. He tugged, gently at first and then more forcefully. I crawled onto his lap, straddling him as though it was second nature. My Christmas playlist had since finished, and the only sound was the crackling of the fire I had insisted we turn on. One of his hands remained curved around my waist, whilst the other snaked up my back, petting my hair. I relaxed against his touch though I trembled in anticipation.
 “Just like this” he ghosted his lips over the side of my neck, pleased when he heard me gasp. His tongue darted out, drawing a tantalisingly slow circle on my skin. He pulled back and admired the blush he had managed to draw out from me. 
 “Puppy” he crooned, silently commanding me to meet his gaze. His pupils were blown, and a wolfish smile on his face only further complicated my breathing. The navy turtleneck he wore that I had admired before now irritated me. I pawed at it. 
 “Take it off, Roman.”
 “You first,” he insisted, letting his hand slide under my jumper and rest on my side. He drummed his fingers lightly, taking pleasure in me clumsily trying to take off the garment. He watched, eagerly devouring my new found flesh with his eyes. He hummed in approval, caressing up along my back; feeling the sharp edges of my shoulder blades; revelling in the softness of my abdomen; pressing his lips to the area below my collar bones. My hips began to writhe crudely, enjoying the new sensation with no abandon. It was only when Roman began to fiddle with the clasp of my bra that I pulled back a little. He tossed the article of clothing to the side carelessly.
 “Roman…” I murmured, looking down at my exposed form. 
 “You’re so pretty” he mumbled, lowering his head as his tongue pressed itself against my nipple, coating it in wetness. I couldn’t help but gasp louder, surprised by how the feeling shot down to between my legs. He retreated a little and blew on the damp skin, enjoying the way I shivered. I clawed at his back again, prompting him to meet my gaze.
 “Roman you promised” I tried to pull up his roll neck again, only to be pinched suddenly by him.
 “Remember your place, dog,” he said, though not unkindly “you have to do something for me first.”
 I groaned “isn’t this enough?” I looked down at my half-naked body. He laughed and tutted.
 “Oh trust me it’s very much appreciated, but I wanted a little something more. Surely a good, little pet like you doesn’t mind? Don’t you want to do this one tiny thing for your owner?”
 “Yes,” I admitted quietly, biting my lip when he asked me to repeat it louder “yes, I want to.” He closed the gap between our mouths, kissing me in a way that had me curling my toes in mere moments. His lips moved so effortlessly with mine I lost myself easily. His mouth opened a little, persuading mine to do so too. 
 He pulled back again, earning a groan from me. “Open” he commanded, and I did so without thinking. He leaned in again and spat in my mouth. “Close” he directed and then said, “swallow”. I was so shocked I couldn’t help but follow his instructions. He watched, gauging my reaction to the act. I was caught between being turned on by the gesture and being disgusted at myself for enjoying something so lewd. 
 “Again,” I said, feeling more brazen than before, pressing my palms into his chest and leaning in desperately. He grinned in victory, stroking my hair in appreciation. He looked almost proud.
 “I thought you were trying to get under my shirt.”
 I whined, “why can’t I have both?” I was stopped when the garment was taken off and observed, entirely enthralled with the vision of Roman’s body. His skin was such a pale shade that if he was still enough he could easily be a statue. I smiled, biting my lip to hide my giggles.
 “Nothing. Just…” I shrugged “do you need to wear like, SPF 5000 or what?”
 “Bad dog,” he said, pinching my side again but he was smiling too.
 “No really, what’s it like to know that Jack Frost is your real dad?”
 “Stop. I’m warning you.”
 “Sorry, I know how much it hurts that they turned you down for the role of Edward Cullen.”
 “That’s it.” He turned us over so my back was against the floor and he was on top of me, pinning my wrists above my head. I yelped and laughed, struggling against his hold on me. I panted, aware of our state of undress, but not caring all the same. 
 “You’ve had your fun” he warned, smiling wickedly “but don’t forget who’s in charge, dog.” He reached over for a leftover piece of ribbon from decorating and tied my wrists with a practised hand. 
 “You’re no fun” I complained but stayed put. We both knew I could easily manoeuvre out of the flimsy bow but I was excited by the move and I knew he was too. He reached under my skirt and pressed the pad of his finger against the soaked material. I bucked against his touch, seeking something more but he refused.
 “See what happens when you disobey me,” he said, with a smug smile on his face. He lightly danced his fingers up and down the small pathway of cotton, and I exhaled sharply making puppy eyes at him in an attempt to convince him. He shook his head.
 “Please” I begged, looking at him up through my eyelashes.
 “Aw,” he said, his voice dripping with mock sympathy “you’re all wet, puppy. I bet you’d love it if someone was able to help you out with that, especially seeing as you’re all tied up.” He laughed darkly.
 “Roman, please.”
 “Please what?” He continued, moving his digits lethargically over my centre. I whined again and he blinked innocently, moving his face closer to mine as though inspecting for the cause.
 “Please touch me.”
 “I was under the impression that I was.”
 “You know what I mean.”
 “No… No, I don’t think I do.” I pouted and he sucked my bottom lip, even daring to bite once or twice. He pulled back, looking at my swollen lips and the frustrated tears in my eyes.
 “Alright,” he conceded “let me throw this dog a bone.” He hooked his fingers onto my panties, dragging them off before giving me the direct pressure of his finger against my clit like I so desperately wanted. He tried drawing different patterns; circles, lines, zig zags before he could judge which one would be best. The fire beside us was already hot but the blaze burning inside of me threatened to be brighter. Roman added one finger and then another, working up a rhythm that my body craved. I could feel the tightness in my stomach and the curling of my toes telling me that my orgasm was approaching, but it felt as though I had lost grasp of it and I wasn’t able to reach completion. I was annoyed but opened my eyes when I heard Roman shift to remove my skirt and his trousers. 
 “I want you to cum with me inside you,” he said in explanation to my bewildered face. A wave of affection flooded me. He drew up one of my knees letting it press against his abdomen. I could feel him, hard and hot against my opening. He looked to me and I swallowed, nodding my consent. He pushed in, and my head fell back giving way to a moan. He took a moment to let me adjust to him. My walls fluttered around him, making him mutter ‘fuck’ under his breath. Just as easily as before he found the right rhythm, and my knee untucked itself and wrapped around his back. He took the hint when my heel pressed into him and started to go harder than before. His name became the only word I could say, and even then I couldn’t always manage to say it in full. The feeling in my stomach returned.
 “Roman…” I warned, listening to the sound of his thrusts become more erratic as he reached his climax too. I couldn’t be sure if we came at the same time, but I remained dazed and dazzled as my orgasm crashed upon me. My mind was totally, perfectly blank. Roman’s hot breath on me and the pounding of my heart were the only things keeping me from floating away. 
 I watched, listlessly as he fumbled to remove my restraints. He kissed my cheeks and the tip of my nose, making me giggle.
 “You there, Ginger?” I butted my head against his chest, and he put his arm around me. He talked a little, making sure I was okay before retrieving us a glass of water and some Christmas cookies I had baked that morning. He let me lick the icing off of his fingers before I relaxed against him, savouring the bliss I felt. 
 “Hey,” he said softly, prompting me to look at him. The sweat had made his hair stick to his forehead and he looked uncharacteristically defenceless. He looked down and then back up at me, clearing his throat nervously as he did so. 
 “Are you blushing?” I asked, watching in amusement as he flushed a pink that I knew wasn’t sex or fire-related.
 “Shut up dog, I need to say this.” He rubbed the back of his neck and then exhaled audibly before speaking “I love you.” He crinkled his nose “God, that’s cringey to say out loud. How do they do it in movies? I-”
 I cut him off with a kiss “I love you too Roman.” He opened his mouth and then closed it again, leaving his sarcastic comment to the side. I basked in the light of his love, feeling more than I could have ever hoped to. 
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katefiction · 4 years
Cora, Chapter 8: Princess in the Tower
by katefiction (Maria) / 2013
St. Michael’s Church, London
December 2165
Pine cones and orange is my favourite smell. The way it gets right up your nose as if forcing you to acknowledge that it’s Christmas time. I breathe it in fully, revelling in my favourite time of year.
‘Could this get any duller?’ Annie says, shifting uncomfortably in the pew.
‘Seriously, there aren’t even any cute guys to look at’ she huffs.
‘It’s a charity carol concert Annie, not an opportunity to pick up men!’ I whisper.
‘You wouldn’t be saying that if you weren’t cozied up to Nicky’
I blush.
I had told Annie what Louisa had said, how she’d made me doubt Nicholas’ integrity.
Annie had told me straight, ‘it seems like you’re just looking for an excuse to break up with him’
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‘That’s not true!’ I protested. ‘Why would she say it?’
‘Because she hates you?…’ Annie said unhelpfully.
I hadn’t asked Nicholas about it, I didn’t want to cause a rift between him and Jonathan. The more I thought about it, the more I began to think Annie was right. Nicholas was a good man who treated me well and cared about me. Why would I want to ruin that?
The choir arrives at the front of the large church, and the orchestra warms up, filling the huge space with music.
‘Do I have to sing?’ Annie mumbles under her breath.
‘Yes or at least pretend’ I laugh.
Nicholas and his family are on the other side of the aisle; he catches me laughing and flashes me a smile.
I smile back awkwardly.
We are asked to rise and all hold up our song sheets to sing O Little Town of Bethlehem.
I had gone for a black A-line dress tonight with netting underneath which I immediately regret as Annie starts to tease me.
‘That netting is invading my personal space’ she says as we get to the second verse.
“The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight”
I giggle, ‘get on with the song!’
She is clearly bored, but as she is always in America for Christmas, I force her to spend time with me whenever she’s in the country.
She begins looking around the church, presumably for a guy to flirt with.
“We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell”
‘Um Cora’ she says, turning around.
‘What now?’
‘Ben’s here’
“O come to us, abide with us Our Lord Emmanuel”  
The carol comes to a rousing end and I spin around, hitting Annie with my skirt.
I see him immediately on one of the back pews. He is wearing a long dark coat with a scarf wrapped around his neck, which he’s pulling at. On his face is a one, or possibly two day layer of stubble.
I turn back around before he catches me staring as we launch into Away in a Manger.
Had he seen me?
‘Go talk to him’
‘Don’t be so petulant!’
‘What is he even doing here?’ I say, more to myself.
The people on the front row turn and give us the evil eye.
‘Sorry’ I mouth.
Annie hushes her volume, ‘maybe he was feeling festive?’ she shrugs.
I give her the side eye, and as I do, find Nicholas looking directly at me. He gives me a curt nod and turns to look at Ben.
We are given an interval to rest our voices. I try not to look over to Ben as I’m aware of Nicholas’ eyes fixed on me, but from the corner of my eye, I see him wonder to the back of the church by himself.
‘Hey you’ I say to Nick as I approach him. ‘Having a good time?’
‘Naturally, you?’
‘Yes yes’ I say, smoothing my dress down.
He pulls me to one side, away from Jonathan and Louisa, who are giving a bored Annie the schedule for their wedding.
‘If you want to go and talk to him, now’s the time’
I burn red, am I that obvious?
‘Don’t be silly…’
‘It’s fine…I’m fine with it, I trust you’. He says it so sweetly but for a moment I’m annoyed that he’s speaking to me like a child.
‘I’ll be five minutes, ten tops’ I say.
He nods and lets me hurry off to where I saw Ben heading, my heels clattering on the stone floor.
I find him in one of the alcoves with his back to the entrance, staring up at the carved wooden ceiling, presumably admiring the architecture. I watch him for a minute, not wanting to disturb his moment.
‘Are you going to say something?’ he says, his voice making me jump.
‘Oh…you knew I was there?’
‘I could hear your horse shoes coming a mile off’, he says, still with his back to me.
‘They’re not…’ I begin, but think better of it. ‘How are you?’
He turns around finally, his dark eyes fixing on me, ‘good, and you?’
‘Good good, happy birthday…for last month’ I say awkwardly.
He smirks at me, ‘happy birthday for last January’
I can’t help but roll my eyes at his nerdy joke. ‘So what brings you here?’
‘My cousin’s a member of the choir. And you?’
‘Nicholas’ family go every year, he invited me’
Ben stuffs his hands in his pocket defensively, ‘ah yes, good old Nicholas’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
The conversation turns unpleasant in a split second.
‘He swooped right in there didn’t he?’
My blood begins to boil. ‘I hardly call a year after we broke up “swooping”’
‘He was still there in the shadows waiting for his moment’
It’s only at this moment after all this time grieving, that I realise how angry I am at him.
‘Don’t be so ridiculous Ben’
‘Speaking of ridiculous, nice dress’. He reaches out and fluffs the netting up.
‘Stop trying to change the subject, it doesn’t work anymore’
‘Doesn’t it?’
I suddenly realise how close he’s standing to me. And the fact that no one else is around.
‘I don’t think you know how pissed off I am with you’
‘Why?!’ he says incredulously.
‘For not having the balls to stick around!’ I say too loudly. ‘I thought we had something…and you gave it up over a stupid tennis match that you didn’t even win’
He laughs as he backs away from me.
‘And why do you think I didn’t win Cora?!’
I’m too angry to take that as a compliment.
‘Well you got over it this year didn’t you?’
‘You can talk’
We stand there in silence, our chests heaving.
‘Does he make you happy?’
I don’t know what to say. He doesn’t make me unhappy.
‘He understands my life’
Ben moves closer again, ‘that’s not what I asked you’
‘He won’t walk out or get scared away…’
‘I didn’t get scared away, you pushed me out’
‘You called it off, not me!’
‘You will never admit you were in the wrong will you?’
‘Because I wasn’t’ I say stubbornly, trying to ignore his honey and wood scent that I love so much.
He sighs, as if defeated.
Fight for me. Please fight for me.
‘I hope he makes you happy Cora’
The music starts up again, telling us that we are to return to our seats.
He signals for me to walk out first, knowing that we can’t be seen together.
I do, and I don’t turn back.
‘A royal flush!’ Dad laughs as he pulls out the novelty toilet paper that I’ve bought him for Christmas. Each piece has his face printed on it. ‘Thank you darling…I think’
It had been tradition for years for our family to buy each other joke presents at Christmas. This year was no exception.
Dad always bought me some novelty Christmas-wear, and this year I was proudly sporting some cosy reindeer slippers.
The rest of the family buzz around the Christmas tree, exchanging comedy gifts and laughing with each other.
‘Any gifts from Nicholas?’ Dad asks, trying to be casual.
‘I told him not to bother’ I say quietly, trying not to catch the attention of the rest.
‘Well that’s a shame, perhaps he’ll have something for you anyway’ he looks around the room like he always does when he’s hiding something.
‘Like what?’
‘Oh I don’t know, a ring maybe?’
‘Daddy! Don’t be stupid!’ I shout, prompting strange looks from around the room.
‘Ignore her’ Dad says to everyone, and they dutifully get back to their business.
‘He is not going to give me a ring’ I whisper.
He was talking about marriage just last month.
‘Wouldn’t you like that? Surely every girl would like a big diamond given to them by a nice man’
‘First of all, I hate diamonds, and secondly, even if I did want that, I wouldn’t be telling my father!’
Dad laughs conspiratorially.
‘What? What’s so funny?’ I say, getting increasingly agitated.
‘Let’s just say me and Nicholas have had words’ he pushes on of the baubles on the tree, making in swing and shimmer in the light.
‘Daddy, please don’t say…has he asked you…for permission?’
Rather than beating fast, my heart feels like it’s slowing down. Dad’s expression turns to concern.
‘I thought that’s what you wanted?’ he says.
Sometimes he can be so naïve.
‘To get married one day…yes, but…’
‘Not to Nicholas?’
‘Dad, shh!’
‘Sorry’ he whispers. ‘I just can’t see why you wouldn’t want to marry him, he’s charming, kind, affable, and he’d be great with the public…’
‘Are you sure you don’t want to marry him?’ I say sarcastically.
He tuts at my joke.
‘I didn’t say I didn’t want to marry him, but don’t you think it’s too soon?’
For all my worries, I can’t see Nicholas proposing this soon. He’s far too sensible.
‘Perhaps. But your mother and I got engaged after nine months’
‘And look where that got you!’ I scoff.
‘We had many good years Cora’
‘But I don’t just want years, I want a good life, to grow old with someone who I can have fun with’
Dad leans in, ‘Don’t you think it’s time you let Benjamin go sweetheart?’
‘That’s not what I meant’ I say, my heart quickening.
‘I know you were crazy for him, but he’s not here, and Nicholas is. It’s not fair to keep comparing them’
‘I’m not’ I keep my eyes focussed on one of the baubles.
‘You will never be happy if you don’t accept it, trust me’
‘I have accepted it’ I lie.
I just miss him so much, I want to scream.
Dad puts one arm around me and I snuggle momentarily into his round chest.
‘I just want you to be happy’ he whispers.
‘So do I’ I say back.
The Boxing Day shoot was always my least favourite part of the festive season. I was no shooter, but Dad forced me to come along every year anyway to ‘spend time with the family’.
I’d much rather be spending time with a mince pie and a Christmas movie.
It is freezing on the Sandringham Estate, with the open spaces allowing the wind to bite nastily at my ears and fingertips. I stand with my gun hanging limply in my hand, watching as Dad expertly aims at his target. I’m so bored I could cry.
‘MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!’ comes a booming voice behind me.
I turn around to see Nicholas, Jonathan and their parents striding towards us, all clad in their finest shooting gear.
Nick beams at me as he approaches. God knows what my expression must look like.
‘What are you doing here?!’ I ask as we exchange kisses.
‘Your father thought you might like some company’ he says, giving a curt bow and handshake to Dad who is greeting everyone. ‘He called us last night’
‘That’s all a bit sudden’ I say nervously, recalling my conversation with Dad yesterday.
Nicholas rubs his hands together for warmth, ‘yes well, he wanted a chance to congratulate Jonathan and Louisa on the wedding, seeing as he can’t make it next week’
Of course he did.
‘That’s…nice’ I say.
‘Aren’t you happy to see me?’ he says with a smile.
I press my hand against his chest, ‘yes of course Nick’
It is the truth, Nicholas was great company and I was glad to see him.
My good mood is cut short in a second, when from the corner of my eye; I see a blonde ponytail swinging in the distance.
Louisa and her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire walk purposefully in our direction.
‘They’re here too?!’ I say, probably quite rudely.
‘Is that a problem?’ Nicholas looks a little annoyed.
‘No…it’s just, Dad rarely invites anyone to this shoot…’
Why on God’s earth would he invite Louisa?Was he trying to ruin my Christmas?
‘It is her wedding too’ he says sensibly. ‘And he’s known the Devonshires for years’
‘I suppose’
‘Right Cora, Nicholas’ Dad calls, ‘let’s not mess about, get involved’
Nicholas takes my hand in his and leads me to where the rest of the party are shooting. He curls his arms around me and helps me point my gun to the sky, ‘just like old times hey?’
I giggle because I don’t know what else to say. It did remind me of the day Nicholas had asked me out. When he was the only man in my life. When things were so much easier.
I wish I could get back to that.
I look over to Dad who looks very pleased that his plan to cheer me up has worked. He gives me a small wink. I wink back, if only to please him.
Later in the afternoon, I retreat to the small cabin on the grounds where eggnog and warm snacks have been laid out for us to enjoy.
I take a sip of the eggnog, closing my eyes and enjoying its warm silky texture on my throat.
‘Is there anything else to drink?’ comes her squeaky, grating voice.
I don’t even want to open my eyes. But I have to.
‘There’s mulled wine’ I point, not bothering to offer to pour it for her.
Louisa shrugs and heads for the wine.
As much as I want to walk out and ignore her, the princess in me (and my father’s voice in my head) stops me.
‘So, you must be getting excited for the wedding’ I say.
‘There’s still a lot to do, working out where all the members of Jonathan’s family are going to sleep for one’
I nod, pretending to be interested.
‘Still, you’ll learn all about that soon enough’ she smiles sarcastically.
Does she know Nicholas had asked Dad for permission?
‘Not for a long time yet’ I smile back.
‘Are you sure about that?’
She runs her perfectly manicured finger over the rim of her glass, ‘I just wouldn’t be surprised if Nicholas chose our wedding day to pop the question’
‘Oh grow up Louisa’ I say, beginning to lose my temper.
She doesn’t flinch, but stays frustratingly calm, the smile fixed to her face, ‘you don’t know him at all do you?’
‘What is your problem with us?! Do you fancy him or something?’ I know it is out of line, but I can’t help it.
‘Oh please’ she laughs. ‘Nicholas is a pale imitation of Jonathan and he knows it’
‘That’s ridiculous’
‘Why do you think he’s so competitive with him, he’s constantly trying to live up to his big brother’
I clutch my glass tightly.
‘Don’t talk about him like that’
‘And now he has to live up to your ex too’, she sticks her bottom lip out tauntingly.
‘You don’t know anything about us’
Louisa steps towards me, ‘I’ve known those boys for years, I know how they work’
‘If they’re so bad, why are you marrying Jonathan?’
‘I’m at his level, you are not. Nicholas will eat you up and spit you out’
As I’m about to respond, to tell her how much I trust Nicholas, he walks in, a look of suspicion on his face.
‘Everything ok ladies?’
‘Fine’ I say quickly. ‘I was just telling Louisa how much I’m looking forward to the wedding next week’
He puts an arm around my shoulder, ‘it’s going to be a great day’
A look passes between them, not of passion like I thought, but of warning.
‘It should be fun’ Louisa says, placing down her glass and moving towards the door.
‘I can’t wait’, I say grimacing at her.
She leaves the cabin, pulling the door shut behind her.
‘Are you sure everything is ok’, Nicholas asks as soon as she leaves.
‘Yes…she was talking crap, that’s all’
‘About you. About us’ I look at the floor, wishing I hadn’t just admitted that.
‘What did she say?’, his eyes darken.
‘Just that you aren’t who I think you are, that you’ll “eat me up and spit me out”’
‘You don’t believe her?’
I hesitate, ‘no of course not, but I do wonder why she has it in for you’
‘She’s never liked me…and she’s deathly jealous of you’, he bends to my level, ‘that’s all it is’
I can’t help myself, I have to ask him, ‘Nick…you’re not trying to live up to my ex are you? Because you know you don’t need to!’
He curls his lips, like he’s insulted, disgusted even. ‘No Cora, I’m not’
‘Oh, well good’ I say, slightly taken aback.
‘Anyway’ he says, softening, ‘I came in here to talk to you about an environmental project my father’s starting…’
Nicholas proceeds to tell me all about his father’s new project involving home grown food on British land.
‘…so I was thinking with your background managing the estates as well as other things, you’d get involved?’
I had hundreds of requests for my patronage a year, and even more now that I’m the Princess of Wales. I chose them all carefully and made sure I was passionate about each of them. I can’t say this one was getting the blood pumping.
‘I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to work together just yet’
‘Why not?’, he looks crestfallen.
‘Because people will accuse me of favouring your cause for other reasons’
‘That didn’t matter to you when you were working with Ben’s Trust’ he says resentfully.
I flinch. The truth was I never worked with Ben’s Trust. Ben told me all about it of course, but my involvement with the Trust was nothing more than an excuse when I had to explain to Nicholas why I was inviting him to the Highland Fling.
‘That was different’ I lie. ‘And I’m not working with them now’
‘Please just consider it, ok?’ he says stroking my arm.
‘I will’ I lie again.
‘We’ll be spending the rest of our lives working together, might as well start now’ he says, thoroughly ending the discussion.
I want to argue my point but I don’t have the energy.
Instead I follow him out of the cabin, thinking about the fact that he spoken about marriage twice now before he’s even said he loves me.
Dunrobin Castle, Scotland
New Year’s Eve
Louisa has gone all out with the decoration of the castle for her wedding. The bannisters on the staircases are wrapped in holly and twinkling lights. Swathes of red and gold fabric drape from the ceilings and a band plays festive music in the foyer.
I have to give it to her, it’s magical. And the same can be said for Louisa herself. For as much as I don’t want to admit it, she looks beautiful.
As she and Jonathan walk back up the aisle, I admire her gown. Made from the finest lace and skimming gently over her slim figure, it frames her shoulders to highlight her doll-like face. She looks like elegance personified.
Shame the personality doesn’t match.
Nicholas walks behind them as best man, with the maid of honour, the ‘chocolate and orange’ Louisa-clone, Martha.
He grins at me brightly, for once seeming happy to be in his brother’s shadow. I return the gesture, glad to see him so relaxed.
It feels like a long wait for the evening reception to start. I sit with Jenny and our friends in the parlour watching the sun set through the glass doors.
‘Your wedding will be so much better than this’ Jenny says conspiratorially.
I laugh at her sudden bluntness, ‘this is pretty good, you have to admit’
‘Yes but your reception will be in a palace, that trumps a castle every time’
‘Oh I don’t know, I love it at Balmoral’
‘You won’t be able to travel from London for the wedding all the way to Balmoral for the reception…’
‘Why are we even talking about this?!’ I say, realising how much I don’t want to talk about my imaginary wedding.
‘Come on Cora, everyone knows you and Nicholas will be next’.
Jenny had changed her mind once again when I told her I was with Nicholas. Apparently we are perfect for each other after all.
Before I can affectionately tell her to shut up, the wedding planner hushes the room to make an announcement.
‘All those asked to partake in the official photographs are to report to the main hall in twenty minutes’ she says sternly.
I give Jenny my most despairing look.
‘Off you go’ she teases.
As much as I’d protested and as much I knew Louisa probably had, Nicholas insisted that I be in some of the official photographs. I was his girlfriend and date after all.
I leave reluctantly, making my way up the grand staircase to the east tower, where a round dressing room had been allocated for me to and Nicholas to get ready in.
Turning the little brass key that I’d been given, I enter the room and reach for my comb and hairspray that I’d left on the dresser. I smile at the sight of the vintage lace and silk emerald green dress that my mother had leant me hanging on the mirror.
Beside the mirror is the only window in the room. From way up here in the tower, I feel like I can see the whole galaxy. It’s beautiful.
I slip out of my day dress and put the evening gown on, as per Louisa’s strict instructions. My hair is another matter. After being in an up do all day, it has begun to sag. I take the bobby pins out, deciding to attempt to re-do it.
Clutching twenty of them in my hand while attempting to reposition my hair, they tumble from my grasp, scattering all over the floor.
‘Oh crap’ I mumble to myself, kneeling on the floor to retrieve them. ‘Where’s Annie when you need her?’
Under the dresser, I spot Nicholas’ bag hidden in the shadows.
Maybe it’s what Louisa said, maybe it’s my own doubt, but my curiosity overcomes me.
I unzip the main section of the bag and see nothing but Nicholas’ clothes. Patting my hand on top of them, I suddenly feel something suspiciously cube-like in shape.
It can’t be.
I carefully take out his shirt and unwrap it.
There in the middle is a black box.
I shouldn’t open it, just like I shouldn’t have opened the bag in the first place. But I do.
The diamond dazzles me. It’s huge, bigger than any ring I’ve ever seen. Bigger than Louisa’s. I pull it out of the box and place it against my ring finger. It engulfs my whole hand.
He can’t seriously be doing this tonight. On his brother’s wedding day.
My heart is racing with panic.
I’m pulled out of my shock by the sound of laughter down stairs. I look at my watch, my twenty minutes is almost up.
My hair still hangs down in loose curls. I have no time to fix it now. I put the ring exactly how I found it and hurry out of the room, locking the door behind me.
When I get to the hall, everyone is waiting.
‘Sorry’ I say to Nicholas as I find my place beside him.
‘What were you doing up there?’
‘Oh just sorting my hair out…but I still made it on time!’ I joke.
‘Everyone knows when Louisa says twenty minutes, she means fifteen’ he says irritably.
He must just be nervous.
‘Oh I’m sorry’
‘Shouldn’t your hair be in some sort of style?’ he says, eying my loose tresses.
‘Sorry, style expert’ I say, trying to lighten him up.
Our conversation is interrupted by the wedding planner and the photographer shepherding us all into place for a group shot. I watch as Nicholas wrings his hands together.
I can’t let him go through with this.
As the reception gets underway, I pull Nicholas to one side, ‘can we talk?’
We go outside onto the grounds, the same place that Ben and I went on the night of the Highland Fling.
‘What’s the matter’ he says, holding himself to keep warm.
I don’t know where to start.
‘Nick, I think I know what you’re going to do tonight, and I can’t let you do it…’ I begin.
‘What am I going to do’ he looks confused.
I take a deep breath, ‘I found the ring’
He stays still, the cold air not even leaving his mouth. ‘You went through my things?’
‘No…well yes, but I knew what you were planning’
I just didn’t want to believe it.
‘Well that’s the surprise ruined’ he says bluntly.
‘Nick, I wanted to tell you not to do it’
‘Don’t call me Nick’
‘What?’ I say startled by the change of subject.
‘Don’t call me Nick. I hate it’ he says, looking past me.
‘Since when?!’
‘Since always’
‘Why are you only telling me now?’
‘How do you tell the girl you’re chasing that you hate the nickname she’s given you?’
I feel deflated and confused at his sudden change of character. When I stopped things between us at the Highland Fling, he was so gracious, but this time, it couldn’t be more different.
‘I just think it’s a bit soon to be thinking about marriage’ I continue where I left off.
‘But it will happen eventually, why not do it now?’
‘Because I don’t want to’ I say, getting frustrated.
‘You don’t want to do it now, or you don’t want to marry me at all?’
‘Because you know I’m right for this Cora. Your Dad loves me; I get the rules, the traditions…’
What about “I love you”?
Ben never said it either.
He carries on, not letting me speak, ‘Ben Evans isn’t going to understand your future like I do’
‘This isn’t about him!’
‘Really? You know he probably just used you to promote that Trust of his?’
Nicholas is taken aback, by me losing my temper or by what I’ve just told him, I don’t know.
Suddenly he is calm and collected again, ‘how about we go and enjoy the party and talk about it later?’
‘Fine’ I nod, ‘give me five minutes’
He heads inside, leaving me in the cold. I’m confused and frustrated. A whirl of information is spinning in my head.
Why did he take it so badly?
 Why does he keep bringing up that damn Trust?!
My mind hurtles back to the night of the Highland Fling:
“‘So how do you and Cora know each other?’, Nicholas asks.
I butt in before Ben can speak, ‘like I told you, we met at Wimbledon and I might be getting involved in Ben’s Trust’”
And then propels forward to the newspaper article that revealed mine and Ben’s relationship to the world:
“Sources reveal to us that the pair began dating last year after Cora began working with Evans’ charitable trust, the Marion and James Evans Tennis Trust.”
My breath catches in my throat. I’ve been so stupid.
I run back inside, my heels clattering on the floor. Nicholas is by the grand staircase still heading towards the hall for the reception, where the other two hundred guests are.
‘NICHOLAS!’ I shout, not caring who hears me.
He turns to me, ‘great, we can go in together…’
‘It was you wasn’t it?’ I say, panting from my sprint.
‘I’m sorry?’
I step closer to him, fury building, ‘you sold the story about Ben and I to the paper’
He laughs coldly, ‘don’t be silly, Cora, now come on, the party’s started’ . He grabs my arm but I snatch it away.
‘I was never working for Ben’s Trust, Nicholas’
‘This again?’
‘I told you I was going to work with Ben because I needed an excuse, you were the only person I told that to, and it just so happens that was how The Sun said we became close’
Nicholas stands there in silence.
‘I can’t believe I’ve been so stupid, I should’ve realised it was you’ I say shaking my head. ‘But how did you know we were even together?’
Finally his façade cracks, the charming man I thought I knew disappears, ‘you think I couldn’t see it at the Fling? You were all over each other’
‘But why would you want to ruin things for me?! If you hadn’t have sold that story, we would still be together!’
‘Don’t be so naïve! You and him were never going to work, I just quickened it up for you’
 I want to punch him, slap him, anything.
‘You don’t know that’
‘Don’t tell me that you broke up because your affair was revealed’ he says smugly.
He is right.
‘What did you do it for? Do you even like me or want to be with me?’
‘Life isn’t a fairy tale, we will work well together, I’ll be a great consort for you, and in time we’ll learn to love each other’
That’s why he didn’t want to get intimate with me. He doesn’t even like me.
‘You’re ridiculous’ I whisper.
‘Look, whatever you think of me now, you’ll see I’m right eventually. All the complications that come with your life don’t suit a relationship like yours and Ben’s. Just look at your father and mother, and all the other failed marriages in your family. If we were to marry me, you know we’d never divorce’
I believe him. We would have the perfect royal marriage. On the outside at least.
It’s not like I have a better offer.
‘Just think about it’ he says. ‘Come and find me later’
He wonders off to the reception like all he’s done wrong is left the lid off the toothpaste.
I can’t face all those people, so I head up the staircase to my dressing room in the tower. When I get up there, I slam the door shut and lock it.
I should be angrier, Nicholas has ruined everything. But in my heart, I know he didn’t. I ruined everything.
I close my eyes to think when there is a sudden tapping on the window. I ignore the noise and try to un-jumble my thoughts. The tapping continues, louder this time.
I walk towards the window hesitantly. It’s dark outside, but as I get closer I see something that makes me scream for my life. A man’s face is looking right at me.
I back away from the window, ready to run to my protection officers who are waiting in the hallway outside.
‘Your royal highness, are you ok?’ one of then says at the door.
But the man begins to shout through the window, ‘Cora! It’s ok, it’s me! It’s just me!’
I step forward, and he continues, ‘open the window!’. It’s only then that I recognise his dark eyes.
My heart leaps.
I pull the old iron window wide open, and Ben climbs inside.
‘What the hell are doing here?!’ I whisper and then shout through the door, ‘I’m fine, just a spider!’
‘Nice to see you too!’
‘Ben, are you crazy, how did you even get up here?’, I stick my head out of the window and look down at the dizzying drop below.
‘It’s was pretty easy, I climbed out of one of the lower floor windows and up the ledges on the outside’
‘You’re insane!’ I say despairingly.
‘I know’
I can’t quite take in that he is standing here in front of me, clad in his best dinner suit, that’s marked with dirt from the castle walls.
‘How…why…?’ I can’t even express all the questions I have.
‘Why don’t you sit down’ he says, and I comply as my legs are like jelly.
‘Your father called me this morning. He said that he thought that Nicholas might be proposing to you tonight’ he looks down at my hand to see if I’m wearing a ring. ‘He said that despite the fact that he likes Nicholas, he hasn’t seen you happy since we were together…’
I want to cry, I can’t believe Dad called him.
‘He thought that we should talk before you agreed to anything. So I got here as fast as I could. The security had no problem letting me in, Wimbledon champ and all that. I saw you heading this way, but there were too many people around to go knocking on all the doors, so I thought I’d just go from the outside and peep through the windows’
I’m too stunned even to call him a peeping Tom.
‘I should’ve known the princess would be in the highest bloody tower’
‘But why did you come at all? I thought you were over us’
He tuts, ‘because I love you’
He loves me. It sounds so beautiful coming off his tongue.
‘We’re not engaged’
‘I figured that much out’ he laughs.
‘Ben…he was the one who leaked the story about us’ I immediately regret telling him.
‘He did what?!’ he eyes widen in anger. ‘That fucking little toe rag! I told you he was no good! Where is he?…’ he pounces at the door, but I jump up and block his way.
‘Don’t be stupid!’
‘He can’t do this to you and get away with it!’
I’m suddenly furious. At Ben. At Nicholas. At myself.
‘I’m not a damsel in distress! You can’t just climb up a tower to come and save me!’
‘I’m not…’
‘You left!’ I realise I’m shouting, ‘You left me, you can’t just waltz in here and tell me you love me and expect me to fall into your arms. If you really loved me, why didn’t you tell me months ago, why did you let me believe it was over?’
Ben is shouting now too, ‘because you were with him! I wasn’t going to ruin things for you without knowing how you felt’
‘You must’ve known how much I love you!’ I push him backwards.
He stops for a moment. This wasn’t how I had imagined myself telling him that.
‘I hoped, I didn’t know’ he says.
‘Nicholas thinks I should marry him because we won’t have the complication of loving each other. He thinks it’d be a perfect royal marriage’
‘And what do you think?’
‘That he’s right, it would be easier’
‘Is that what you want?’ he steps towards me, ‘an easy life with no arguments, no one to tell you when you’re wrong, when you’re being an idiot?’
And then he’s kissing me, one hand is through my hair, the other is clutching at my skirt. We back up against the door, his lips are on my face and my neck.
‘God, I’ve missed you’ he mumbles.
 I grab his face and bring it back to mine, kissing him as deeply as I can, before pushing him off me.
‘I was scared of losing you’ I say suddenly. ‘That’s why I didn’t want anyone to know about us, I was never ashamed of you’
He stays quiet, letting me speak.
‘I saw my parents break up, and I’ve always thought it was the press that got in the way, I didn’t want that for us’
‘You couldn’t have hidden me away forever’
‘I know, but I thought the less people that knew, the better chance we’d have’
He runs his hand through my hair, ‘it doesn’t work like that, Cora’
‘I’m sorry…I was wrong’
‘I’m sorry too … and thank you for finally admitting to being wrong’ he can’t help but tease me, even now. ‘So what now?’
‘Now, I think I need to sort this all out myself’
In the process of falling in love, being heartbroken, then being with a man who never really wanted me to be myself, I’d lost who I was.
The old me would cringe at how weak I’ve been. I didn’t need any man to save me, not even Ben. I needed to act like the Queen I would one day become.
‘I just need some time, if you can be patient’
‘I’ve waited this long, I can wait a bit longer’. He kisses me on the cheek and goes to leave – through the door this time. ‘Oh, you look incredible by the way’
I blush despite myself, brushing down my dress and messed hair, ‘thank you’
Now alone again, I gather my belongings and text Jenny, and ask one of my protection officers to put everything in the car.
When I get to the entrance of the hall, the noise is overwhelming. Music is blaring and the guests are taking part in a Scottish jig. Apart from Nicholas, who is standing against the wall watching Jonathan with a disgusted look of envy on his face. I recall the conversation we’d had on our first date about how competitive the brothers were, and then conversations with Louisa, who kept hinting at something to me.
It’s only now that I realise why Nicholas had pursued me so hard. It wasn’t the money or the status he was after – he had both of those. His motivation was purely his life-long competition with his brother. After all, what could top marrying a duchess? Marrying a princess.
He catches my eye and I beckon him over to just outside the hall. I feel more in control and more calm than I have in months.
‘Have you had time to think?’ he says, a hint of desperation clear in his voice.
‘I’m afraid you won’t get the chance to upstage your brother tonight’ I say. ‘See, your offer was good, I’m not getting any younger and the chance to be guaranteed a life-long marriage is tempting…’
‘Great, maybe in a few mon-’
I put my hand up to stop him, ‘please don’t interrupt me. It is tempting, if the sight of my future husband didn’t make me want to vomit over his perfect suede shoes. I would rather spend the rest of my life alone than spend it with you’
I smile at him sweetly. Princesses don’t punch.
‘You will never speak to me or any of my family again, do you understand?’
He looks at me but doesn’t say a word.
I turn to leave, but turn back around for a moment ‘oh and Nick, maybe next time do some research before you buy the ring, because I fucking despise diamonds’
Maybe my language isn’t very princess-like, but it’s Cora through and through.
January 29th, 2166
I’m twenty-eight today. And I’m by myself.
Sitting in my apartment in Clarence House, I open the birthday cards given to me by my family and friends. I’d spent the past month alone, getting myself together, working hard, and trying not to call Ben.
I had told Dad and Mum everything that had happened. Dad suggested we lock Nicholas in the Tower of London and Mum proclaimed that she never did like him. We’d also sat together and talked for hours about their divorce. And about how to have a relationship in the spotlight.
They had both assured me that the good times were worth all the hassle that came afterwards. I was still scared, of course I was, but I realised taking a risk would be worth it. It was ok if it failed, I would be ok.
I prop up my cards on the side table next to the picture I have of King William and Queen Catherine. I put it up there to remind myself that they took a chance once too.
A knock comes at the door and I hurry over to open it, fixing my hair as I go.
‘Hello’ he says.
I haven’t seen him in a month, but it feels like forever.
‘Happy birthday’ Ben says, clutching something rectangular in his arms.
‘You didn’t get me a present did you?’
He laughs that deep beautiful laugh, ‘no, not quite’
He places the packet down on the counter and unwraps it.
‘Lemon drizzle cake!’ I say happily.
‘I hope it doesn’t upset you, you know, being your tradition with your granddad and everything. I just thought you’d like to continue it…with me maybe’
‘I love it Ben’ I say, trying not to be a total idiot and start crying.
I go to kiss him on the cheek, but he turns his head purposefully and catches my lips with his. It’s like we haven’t been apart.
‘And I love you’ I add.
‘You’re alright too I suppose’ he says.
I slap him on the shoulder, ‘don’t be mean’
‘Ok ok, I love you, despite the fact that you drive me absolutely insane’
‘Good’ he mimics.
He cuts a slice of the cake and gives it to me, one slice of many more to come, I can only hope.
‘I’m sorry I don’t have an extravagant gift for you’ he says, stuffing the cake into his mouth.
‘I have everything I want’ I smile.
‘Look at you with the cheesy lines!’ he laughs.
‘Shut up!’ I say, burying my head in his shoulder.
He wraps his arm around my waist, keeping me there, ‘so you weren’t expecting a diamond?’, he raises his eyebrows tauntingly.
‘No I wasn’t, I would throw it back at you’, despite my attitude, I don’t move from his side, and he doesn’t let me.
‘Quite the model princesses aren’t you? Princess Cora, Rejecter of Diamonds, Potty Mouthed Queen of the People’
‘You better get used to it, princesses aren’t all what they’re cracked up to be’ I snigger.
‘Don’t I know it’
As it turns out, Ben never did give me a diamond ring.
Because on Boxing Day the following year, he gave me an emerald one.
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I'm thankful for friends, making new friends, meeting the band in two weeks, and road trips ❤️ hope this works in a magical way as a fic
You squeeze your arms around Chris, a warm, fuzzy feeling settling over your shoulders as you look around the home you’ve made together. It’s perfectly decorated for the holidays, much to his dismay, but it’s important to you to get into the spirit. You want to wake up every day to the smell of gingerbread candles or pumpkin spice, shove your feet into warm slippers and walk into a livingroom prepared for Christmas despite Halloween was two days ago.
“This is going to be such a good year,” you say excitedly, pleased at the Christmas tree looming in the corner of the room, decorated in reds and golds on one side, blacks and silvers on the other --- neither of you could agree on the colors, so you compromised.
Honestly? You kind of like it, it shows both of your personalities, both of your tastes.
“You’re not going to try to get out of meeting my parents this time, right?” You ask after a moment, twitching your eyes up at the tall black-haired man beside you who was looking at his phone rather than at the decorations you’ve been laboring over for days.
“Last time was an accident,” he mumbles defensively; it’s not his fault that there was an emergency band meeting about the album that he sort of planned as a way to get out of meeting your very country-bumpkin parents for the first time. He just knows they’re not going to like him, and you’ve only been dating a year! Isn’t it a little fast to meet the family just yet?
Sure, you might be living together, you have for the last six months, but that’s different! Sure, you might also be in one of his music videos, and on one of his bank accounts just in case there’s an emergency, but --- well, those things had all seemed natural to happen at the time! No rush, no force, not like this whole parents thing.
It makes him uncomfortable.
He’s an adult, technically old enough to be a parent himself now, but that doesn’t make the impending situation any less doom-filled. Maybe he can say one of the band broke their leg and he has to go to the hospital, and make one of them limp around for six months in a cast when you’re around. That seems like a more logical thing to do, actually, maybe Ricky would ---.
“Stop plotting for a way out of this,” you wag your finger firmly at him as you step away, gathering errant tinsel decorating his black livingroom suite. “You can’t bail on me this time, I won’t allow it. I don’t care if someone is dying, you’re meeting my folks.”
“Do I have too?” He grumbles unhappily, sitting down heavily in the armchair, grimacing as he realizes he’s squishing Rudolph. He’s not near as into the holiday spirit as you are, and it sort of irks him to come home and see all this nonsense hanging around, but you were just so excited to decorate he couldn’t exactly tell you no. He frowns down at the reindeer he holds in his tattooed hands, the bright red nose he has the sudden urge to rip off.
“They’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time, Chris, so yes! We’ve been together over a year now!’
Not quite a year, Chris thinks. He tosses Rudolph away from him, not caring where he lands as he looks at you. “Yes, but we don’t want to rush anything. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind giving us more time before they meet me.”
“Are you afraid of my parents?” You frown at him, garland hanging from your neck as you try to gather your holiday supplies. You have some glitter on you from who knows what, some ornaments are hanging off your fingers by their delicate strings, and under one arm is apparently sticks you can buy to apparently stuff the tree and make it look fuller? He’d never heard of such a thing before. “Is big bad frontman of a metal band afraid of meeting two old people? My mom crochets and my dad runs the local bingo, they’re not exactly feral.”
You look... amused.
Chris face sours. “I am not afraid of meeting them! I just --- well, I don’t know. It just seems soon. Why don’t we wait another year?”
“Why? Do you plan on breaking up with me sometime next year?” You quirk a brow at him curiously, slowly putting your ornaments away. “Is that why you don’t want to meet them?”
“No.” Chris squirms.
“They’re just people, Chris, you meet new ones every day! There’s nothing different and nothing to be worried about,” you sound exasperated, struggling too get the tinsel off of you and into the designated box.
“But it’s different,” he replies, getting to his feet to help you. He lifts the tinsel off of you, tossing it into the box already overflowing with decor. "It's your people."
"They're going to like you," you say, brushing at your ugly, obnoxious cat sweater. He swears you've pulled out a box that has a sweater for every single day until the holiday, and now you're talking about making him wear some! He does have a reputation to uphold! Although, it would be a funny card to send out, both of you wearing horrid looking sweaters.
Actually, that would be cute, he's not quite so opposed now.
"Are you sure they're not going to think I'm the devil luring their little girl to the dark side?"
You roll your eyes. "No. If anything, I think I'm more devious than you are, you just look the part. Don't let my cat sweater fool you, Mr. Cerulli, I'm quite the devil myself."
"Oh really? Chris chuckles, feeling your arms curling tightly around his waist again as you snuggle into him. He holds you, giving you a light squeeze as he presses his lips into your hair.
Yeah, still doesn't want to meet your parents.
Still will try to find a way out of it.
Just won't mention that detail to you.
"Oh, and when we sit down at Thanksgiving, we have this tradition of going around the table saying what we're thankful for because we really are that basic, but you're going to have to play long. Say something cheesy, my mom will love that," you say, your voice muffled by his shirt. "It doesn't matter if you really mean it or not, but that'll make them like you more. Which I also don't think you have anything to worry about. My mom keeps telling everyone she slept with a member of Motley Crue back in the day, so I don't know how true that is or not, but be prepared for that story since she knows you're in a band."
Chris chuckles, his lips curving. "Sleeping with the band runs in the family, huh?"
"You could say that." You reply, shrugging your shoulders. You nudge him until he's taking a few steps back, falling back into the armchair still warm from his occupation earlier. You sit down in his lap, curling your cold toes against his leg as you snuggle into him, his warm arms keeping you against him. "Do you want to practice what you're thankful for?"
"Not really."
"Oh, come on," you shuffle a little, letting your head rest against his black-clad shoulder. "Humor me."
"I'm thankful for --- you being my girlfriend. Baking lots of cookies, making it smell girly as fuck in here at all times." Chris glances dubiously at all the lit candles.
"Well, there's a start," you bite your lower lip, cheeks pinkening. He started off so well.
"I'm thankful for --- all that we have together," you say after a moment. "Our apartment, the things we do together."
Oh, are you going back and forth now? Crap, what else can he be thankful for?
"Uhh --- I'm thankful for... um... I don't know." he grimaces. This is a lot harder than expected. What is he thankful for? He tries to think, but his mind is just completely blank.
"Well, I'll go again. I'm thankful for friends, making new friends," you chew your lip thoughtfully. "Meeting the band in two weeks." You haven't met any of them, not because you don't want too, your life is just busy and they're his work buddies, you don't think it's important to meet them until he wants you too --- turns out now he does, which made you so happy to know he wants you more involved in his life! "And road trips."
"Road trips?"
"Yep. We're taking one next year, remember? You might have got to see all fifty states, but I'm still lacking seven of them! I need to finish my tshirt collection."
Oh god.
Chris forgot about that.
"I can always buy you one when I go through the state."
"It's not the same! I want to see it for myself. You did promise me, remember?" You boop his nose lightly with your finger, amused when his pale cheeks turn bright pink. "I want us to go together for the experience. It'll be fun. You can take a week off work, and we can just spend it together."
"Like... are we driving or flying?"
"Well, we can rent an RV, really spend some close time together," you say, pretending to be thoughtful and not ignore his horrified look. "You remember that movie with Robin Williams? It'll kind of be an adventure like that! It'll be fun!"
Absolutely not.
Chris has not sunk that low!
"Doesn't he get run over by the RV?"
"I'm sure you'll be fine, honey." you pat his shoulder reassuringly.
Chris sighs.
Sure he will.
"You know what else I'm thankful for?" You say after a moment, snuggled in his lap in your warm sweater, his arms keeping away the chill of the room. You love little, simple moments like this when it's just the two of you, when it's quiet and peaceful, all you're missing is the crackling of an open fire.
"What's that?"
"You." You press a soft kiss against his chin, smiling. "Putting up with me and my holiday obsession, letting me decorate this space and tease you about RV's but going along with it anyway. I love you, and you're important to me, I'm so thankful that I met you and that we've been able to spend all this time together."
Chris blinks, his cheeks a nice rosy hue as he absorbs your words.
"How am I supposed to top that?" He mumbles, and you smile warmly at him, snuggling close again.
"You're not supposed too, so long as you feel the same."
His arms around you tighten. "I definitely feel the same."
He gives it a moment, then, "But were you serious about the RV thing? Because we can seriously just fly to whatever state you want to start in and rent a car or something."
"Well, I'll guess we'll find out next year when we start planning for our trip, won't we?" You say lightly, drawing circles with your fingertips along the lines of his dark shirt. "After you meet my parents."
He frowns.
Why do you have to keep reminding him about that?
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taste-thewaste · 5 years
Reindeer Games (Madderton fic)
Hiya, friends! The inspiration for this fic came from a number of places! This is a fill for an anon ask I received for fluff prompt #25- “why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.” Second, it’s very much inspired by an idea that my lovely friend @ilikeyouxactually came up with and batted around with me, which was inspired wholly by an adorable picture of Richard in a pair of footie pajamas (which I can’t find at the moment lol). Thank you Jess, and thank you anon! This is fluff on top of fluff, so i hope you all enjoy. Also it’s long af, 1300 words.
Also, I feel like this would’ve been more fun posted around Christmastime but since Taron posted himself with Santa today, who am I to say it’s not Christmastime now? Have a holly jolly Christmas, Madderton friends!
There was nothing in the world like Christmastime in London, Richard was convinced. Snow blanketed the city, coated the street benches, made everything quieter. Strings of twinkling Christmas lights covered every surface, it seemed, hung suspended from street posts and lit up the dark, early evening sky. His hand, covered in fuzzy wool gloves, held Taron’s, their fingers intertwined. 
He snuck a peek at T’s face, his hair hidden by the stocking cap pulled over his head and an oversized scarf wound tightly around his neck. His nose and cheeks were pink from the cold, flushed and adorable, but his eyes were what made Richard’s heart trip. He watched as they lit up with wonder at the snow and the lights, almost child-like in their innocence and simple happiness. 
Richard couldn’t help it as he stopped short, stopping Taron as well. Taron looked at him with confusion in his eyes until Richard tugged him, gently, close to his body by his scarf and kissed him softly. “My beautiful boy,” he whispered, and bit down just so on Taron’s lower lip. Taron’s face flushed deeper, and a tiny whine came from the back of his throat.
“Richie…” Taron whispered, pushing his hips into Richard and pressing his body against him.
Richard smiled into Taron’s mouth, and kissed him quickly on the cheek. “Later, bubs. Remember why we’re even out tonight?”
Taron sighed, rolled his eyes and pouted, annoyed at the fact that he couldn’t continue to kiss his boyfriend underneath the snowy London sky. “Yeah, yeah. I know.”
Ten minutes later they found themselves in a brightly lit, garishly decorated department store, shopping for last-minute gifts. They’d pushed off their Christmas shopping as late as Richard would allow it, a week before the holiday, and then he’d dragged Taron off to search for gifts. 
Taron was off hunting for the perfect present for his younger sisters, while Richard scanned the aisles for something for his mum. She was impossible to buy for, she never gave him any idea what she wanted, and he’d gotten her that robe for Mother’s Day and...
“Oh. my. God.”
Richard heard Taron’s voice drift from the next aisle over, and he paused, his fingers touching a pair of slippers. It was Taron’s eager voice, his excited voice, and Richard knew from experience that this would be interesting, to say the least. If not a little frightening.
“Oh. My GOD.” Taron’s exclamation the second time around was followed by what Richard could only ruefully call a giggle. Richard sighed. 
“Oi, love. What on earth are ya doin’?” Richard called, pitching his voice so that it traveled over to the next aisle. 
There was the sound of scurrying footsteps, and then Taron burst into Richard’s aisle, a gleeful smile on his face. “Would you look at these?” he asked excitedly, holding up a pair of pajamas enthusiastically in Richard’s face. 
They weren’t just any pajamas, however. Taron was clutching a brown pair of footie pajamas, designed to make whatever poor sap had to wear them look like a reindeer. The hood that flapped from the shoulders had a pair of bright red antlers sticking out of the top with eyes and a red nose like Rudolph. The belly of the pajamas was a lighter brown than the rest of it, and the they ended at the bottom in slippered feet made to look like animal paws. Richard’s jaw dropped. 
“It’s a onesie!” Taron crowed, and Richard looked at him like he’d gone insane. 
“It has antlers, for Christ’s sake,” Richard muttered, and Taron nodded enthusiastically. 
“Yeah! And look at the bum!” Taron flipped it around, revealing a tiny tail right over the seat of the pajamas. “They’re so cute! We have to get them.” 
“Taron David Egerton. No.”
“NO. There’s no way you’re getting to me wear those. I’m a grown man!” 
“Darling, you’d look positively adorable. We would look positively adorable. Please?” Taron stared at him happily, looking like a tiny, eager puppy. His eyes held the same look of childish wonder that they’d held earlier, and Richard felt his heart start caving. Keep it together, Madden, he wants to dress you up like a reindeer.
“Oh, it’s we now? Now we’re going to match?” Richard asked, crossing his arms stubbornly. 
“Yes! They have both of our sizes. It’ll be lovely. Please, Richie? Please? Just something fun for our first Christmas together?” Taron’s lower lip stuck out, just slightly, in a maddeningly adorable pout that Richard was no match for. He sighed wearily and closed his eyes. 
“Fine. But so help me God, we wear them at home, alone, and no one sees, alright?” Richard said, pointing his finger at Taron sternly. 
“Yes, yes, of course. God, I’m bloody excited,” he said cheerfully, rushing over to the next aisle to comb through the stack and collect the other size he needed. 
“Did you find presents for your sisters?” Richard asked, joining him the next aisle over, having decided on the slippers for his Mum. 
“What? Oh, right. I forgot all about them when I saw these,” he said, holding up the matching onesies. 
Richard sighed. 
The next week flew by, and before they knew it, it was Christmas Eve. Richard had promised Taron they could wear the pajamas on the night before Christmas, but he had secretly hoped that he’d forget about it. 
He’d hoped for this, despite knowing that Taron’s mind was like a steel trap, especially for things he was excited about. 
Sure enough, as soon as the family was gone, he thrust Richard’s pajamas into his hands excitedly and said, “Go! Change!” 
Richard sighed, grumbled, and went to their bedroom, shutting the door behind him with a soft click. He stripped off his jeans and sweater, feeling particularly vulnerable for some reason as he approached the brown footie pajamas in nothing but his underwear. He wriggled into them, shoved his arms into the sleeves, and zipped himself up the middle. With trepidation, he turned and faced himself in the full-length mirror, wiggling his toes around in the sweaty booties. 
“Bloody hell.” 
Richard shuffled into the living room, his antlered head hung low, and only looked up when he heard the unmistakable sound of Taron’s giggle. He was standing by their Christmas tree, decked out in the same onesie as Richard, his hands clasped together in glee. 
“I hate you,” Richard said, but there wasn’t an ounce of truth to it, the hardened front he was trying to put on betrayed by the small, sweet smile on his face. 
“You are the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” Taron said, slipping his arms around Richard’s waist and drawing him close. He kissed him, softly, sweetly, his eyes closed and a smile on his lips when he pulled away. His long eyelashes fanned his cheeks and Richard’s heart fluttered. He laid his head on Taron’s shoulder gently. 
“I love you,” he murmured into the soft fuzz of Taron’s onesie. 
“Back at ya, darlin’,” Taron said. “I made you a drink, figured you might like one since you’re forced to wear this.” 
He handed over the Manhattan he’d made him, and as Richard sipped it he noticed Taron staring at him frankly. 
“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer,” Richard said with a smirk, setting his drink down on the table and playfully wiggling his makeshift tail in Taron’s direction. 
“Okay,” Taron said with his own grin, and suddenly his arm was around Richard, pulling him close, and his phone was in the other hand, snapping a quick selfie that was reminiscent of their Carpool Karaoke shenanigans. Richard’s face was open in surprise, and Taron’s grin was spread from ear-to-ear. 
“T, I told you no one can see us in these!” Richard cried. 
“Hey, you told me to take a picture! Besides, you look fucking adorable. They’re going to go mad over this.” 
“They? Who’s they?” Richard asked suspiciously as Taron tapped away on his phone. 
“Our adoring fans, of course,” Taron said, wiggling his eyebrows as he clicked ‘post’ on his Instagram. “Think of the ideas it’ll give them.” 
Richard sighed, but, as usual, was unable to be mad. How could he be mad at his boyfriend when he was this adorable little reindeer? 
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anubislover · 5 years
Examination (Chapter 4 of Heartstealers Get Jealous, Too)
“Ummm, Tora-o-kun, you know you don’t have to be here, right?”
Glowering, Law crossed his arms as he sat on Chopper’s desk. Everything in the infirmary was built to accommodate the smaller doctor’s size, making the Surgeon of Death appear even more lanky and intimidating. “I’m just making sure Tony-ya does his job right.”
The small reindeer looked offended while Nami frowned. “Ok, first of all, I just rolled my ankle, so I’m pretty sure a doctor isn’t even necessary, but secondly, Chopper’s been treating me literally since I met him. I think he can be trusted with my health.”
“You don’t know it’s just a rolled ankle because you’re not a doctor, Nami-ya. There could be hairline fractures neither of you can feel through the swelling. It’s better to let me cut the leg open so I can get a direct look at the bone. It’s much easier to see if anything’s broken when there’s no skin or muscle in the way.” He scoffed at their twin looks of horror. It was a simple, efficient procedure he did on his own crew all the time. Honestly, they were acting like he suggested amputation.
“That is completely unnecessary!” Chopper cried. “I don’t care if your powers make it easier; I can check Nami’s leg without cutting it open!”
“See? Chopper knows what he’s talking about! Now shoo!”
“And what if I’m right and there is a break? You could be walking across the deck, every step putting more and more pressure on those minuscule cracks in your bone, when suddenly your femur shatters underneath you. Tony-ya’s talented in pharmacology and internal medicine, but I doubt he has the surgical skills to repair something like that. Plus, I’ve been studying medicine for far longer. I should be the one examining you.”
Brown eyes narrowed at his flippant remarks. “Yeah, well, your bedside manner sucks compared to his.”
“You’ve never complained about it before,” he replied with a sultry smile. “Last time I even wore the lab coat with no shirt like you asked; isn’t that putting my patient’s needs first?”
Despite the blush staining her cheeks, she stood her ground. She was not going to let him seduce her to his side. Not this time, at least. “Chopper is more than capable of taking care of me without you hovering like some ominous specter of doom. Right, Chopper?”
Looking nervously between the two, the blue-nosed doctor squeaked, “Yes?”
“Checking for breaks and sprains require skilled hands, not hooves. He could easily cause more harm than good.”
This time, the smaller doctor glared, though it wouldn’t have much effect on a skittish mouse, much less the jaded pirate captain. “I’m perfectly proficient in this form, but if you’re that worried…” He shifted into his more human-like form, holding up his furry hands and wiggling his fingers.
Law just scoffed distastefully at his larger, burlier physique. “Color me unimpressed. Now you’re more likely to crush her ankle than examine it. Slender, more fragile bones like Nami-ya’s require a delicate touch.”
“You sound a lot like Sanji right now. Did the two of you switch bodies?”
“And give him the opportunity to feel up my woman? I’d kill him at the mere suggestion. Clearly, your logic and reasoning skills need work, too. Unless you’re delirious from the heat? If that’s the case, go lay down while I check on Nami-ya’s ankle. I can’t in good conscience allow her to be treated by someone not at peak mental capacity.”
“Says the insomniac,” Chopper grumbled under his breath, cowering as the full force of Law’s piercing glare fell on him.
“Says the doctor who’s been practicing medicine longer than you’ve been alive.”
“Ok, seriously, quit being an ass to Chopper,” Nami snapped. She really should have stepped in sooner, but she was hoping Law would come to his senses, especially since Chopper had actually managed to stand up for himself. “He’s an excellent doctor and my friend, and I won’t have you belittling him like this.”
“Shut up! I don’t need your help!” the reindeer replied even as he beamed at her praise.
Gold eyes rolled up to the ceiling in exasperation. “Fine, he’s not a bad doctor, but I’m still better.”
Stubbornly crossing her arms, she said, “Well, Chopper’s more cuddly than you are.”
“The hell does that have to do with anything?”
“Being more cuddly and approachable means that people actually want to be under his care. Compare a cute, fuzzy reindeer to a creepy insomniac with ‘DEATH’ tattooed on his fingers who insists on cutting people open at the drop of a hat, and which one do you think I’d rather have treating my injuries?” she huffed.
Though he should be pissed, Law couldn’t help but smirk seductively. She was damn cute when she back-talked him, tempting him to pin her down and tease her until she submitted. Getting up from the desk, he crossed the room in a few easy strides, tilting her chin up so she had no choice but to meet his hungry gaze. “Bet he can’t kiss them better like I can.”
“I’ve never understood that,” Chopper cut in, scratching his chin as he shifted back down into his default form. “It’s a placebo effect at best, and mainly just risks exposing the wound to the bacteria in your mouth.”
Annoyed, Law glowered at him. He really did respect his fellow doctor, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t ticking him off. Had it been Zoro or Sanji that had been hurt, he’d be giving Chopper his full support, perhaps even tossing in a few threats to better convince them to comply to the reindeer’s commands. But this was Nami; when it came to the welfare of the few people he cared about, Law was a total control-freak. Unless he was the one taking care of them, his thoughts would spiral with all the worst-case scenarios, making him an anxious, irritable pain in the ass. The Surgeon of Death knew it was completely irrational, but his woman was injured, and the cotton candy lover was preventing him from checking her over and assuring his restless mind that she was fine. “Well, if you don’t know that, I’m not sure you’re qualified to examine Nami-ya,” he sneered petulantly. “You do realize that if your prognosis is wrong and she isn’t given proper treatment, she could end up crippled? And if that happens, she’ll be easy pickings for the Marines or Kaidou’s men if she’s attacked. Are you willing to risk that, Tony-ya?”
The blue-nosed doctor stared at the floor, unable to come up with a good response to the blunt, cutting remarks. Of course he knew the risks of a misdiagnosis; it was a fear that haunted him every time he had to patch up or examine someone. The wrong dosage of medicine administered, a missed crack in the bone, mistaking a poisonous mushroom for one that could cure all diseases; it could all spell doom for his precious nakama.
Cold, earnest fury pumped through Nami’s veins at Chopper’s defeated expression. She knew Law was a massive worrywart and wasn’t intentionally trying to hurt her friend, but one more word out of him and she’d throw him straight into the sea. How could anyone possibly pick on such a cute little creature, especially when he was just trying to help?
Resisting the urge to cuddle the dejected reindeer and punch her lover, she instead forced a gentle smile towards the smaller doctor. “Chopper, would you be a dear and bring me my slippers from my cabin? I probably shouldn’t walk around in my high heels for a bit, no matter the prognosis.”
Despite knowing this was just an excuse to get him out of the room so Nami could have a private word with her overbearing lover, Chopper agreed, more than happy to put some distance between him and Law so he could regroup. The last thing he needed was to show weakness in front of the skilled surgeon; that would only cast further doubt on his skills.
The moment the reindeer was out of the room, Nami turned and grabbed her lover’s shirt, yanking him down so he was inches from her face. “Law,” she whispered harshly, “you will be nice to Chopper! Even if he hadn’t saved the life of every member of this crew at least once, that is no way to talk to someone who’s been screwing up the courage to ask you for some mentorship.”
Guilt mixed with surprise in the surgeon’s expression. “He has?”
“Yes! He’s a great doctor, but he’s young and hasn’t had a proper mentor since he left Drum Island. If he plans on accomplishing his dream, he has to learn as much as possible about every type of medicine, and why not learn from the best? Hell, if he plans on keeping the idiots on this crew alive, he needs to improve his surgical skills! I even told him you’d be willing to do it, or at least let him sit in on some of your surgeries, but you being such an ass is completely killing his confidence!”
“I’m sorry.”
Her eyes narrowed further, though her anger seemed to diminish. “Don’t apologize to me; apologize to Chopper, or else I’m going to tell Zoro and Luffy you’ve been bullying him. Or worse; Robin.”
Law shuddered. Normally, he wouldn’t consider her sicing her crew on him much of a threat, though he knew for a fact that Luffy was scarily protective of his friends, and the swordsman seemed to have a soft spot for the reindeer. He could probably handle the pair if they decided to attack him. Robin however…
Shoulders slumping, he rested his forehead against her bright orange hair, inhaling the mikan scent that never failed to calm him. Loathe as he was to admit it, Nami was right; he was being an ass, and Chopper deserved his respect as a fellow doctor. “Alright, I will, and he’s more than welcome to shadow me on some examinations and surgeries.”
The gentle peck she rewarded him with made his lips turn up in a slight smile. “You’re such a softie, Tora-o-kun. I didn’t even have to dress up as a nurse to convince you.”
Eyes snapping open, he stared at her, mouth agape. “Wait, I could have gotten that out of the deal? I take it back; no mentorship unless I get my naughty nurse.”
Smiling like the cat that ate the canary, she giggled, “Too late; you already gave your word.” She was glad she didn’t have to give up that particular bargaining chip; Law was a lot easier to manipulate once she found out he was really into the sexy nurse fantasy. He’d even bought her the uniform, but she was saving it for a special occasion; most likely as a reward for saving her life, or possibly getting her an entire shipload of treasure.
Growling, his tattooed hand teasingly ran up and down her thigh. “That’s hardly fair; I wear the lab coat for you all the time.”
“That’s because if someone walks in on you in the coat, no one bats an eye. I get caught in that uniform and everyone knows what kind of kinky shit you’re into.”
“Then I guess we’ll just have to do it somewhere we won’t get caught.”
Mirroring his devilish grin, she slowly nibbled along the sharp line of his jaw. “Or you’re going to have to do something to earn it.”
“Mentoring Tony-ya isn’t enough?”
“Not by a long shot.”
Before Law could be tempted to “convince” her, there was a timid knock at the door, coaxing the couple to break away. The last thing they needed was for Chopper to see anything inappropriate in his own infirmary. The door opened, the young doctor looking through to check it was safe, though notably he was peeking the wrong way.
Assured he wasn’t walking in on one of the couple’s make-out sessions, the small doctor walked in, not making eye contact with the tattooed surgeon as he handed Nami her fuzzy bedroom slippers.
Guilt gnawed at Law’s stomach. Nami was right; he shouldn’t be so hard on Chopper. Not just so Robin wouldn’t tear him to pieces; the blue nosed reindeer had the potential to revolutionize medicine, and it would be a shame if all that was wasted because he didn’t have the right training.
And damn it, he looked like a miserable stuffed animal when he was sad. Even Law wasn’t that heartless.
Awkwardly, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Go ahead and check Nami-ya’s ankle. You’re right; surgery is completely superfluous unless you actually feel a break. Even then, it’s your call if she needs it. This is your infirmary, so I should respect your authority. Mugiwara-ya wouldn’t have asked you to join his crew if your skills weren’t up to scratch.”
Though the cloud of misery that hovered over his head started to dissipate, Chopper’s smile was more self-deprecating than anything else. “Luffy only asked me to join because I’m a monster, and Sanji thought I was emergency food.”
Ok, Law was going to have a serious talk with the cook later. For starters, if you’re going to eat your crew, doctors and navigators were, on principle, off-limits, even if they weren’t human. Better to start with less essential positions. “If Black Leg-ya even thinks about cooking you, I’ll transplant his mind into the ugliest person I can find. I trust you with Nami’s care. You’re a great doctor; the fact that Zoro-ya is still alive is a testament to that.”
“Shut up! An idiot like you doesn’t know what he’s talking about!” Chopper gushed, dancing about as stars twinkled in his eyes.
“Then I suppose you wouldn’t want to assist me in surgery sometime?” he asked with a smirk, chuckling when Nami smacked his leg.
“What? No! I mean, yes! I’d love to assist you! I mean, if that’s ok…” he replied anxiously.
“Excellent. Of course, we’ll need a patient. Perhaps we’ll get lucky and Zoro-ya and Black Leg-ya will injure themselves in their next argument.”
“That’s not lucky!”
“Then we’ll just break into a hospital on the next island we land on and practice on the patients there.”
“That’s insane!”
He shrugged. “I do it all the time. Honestly, it works out for everyone; the hospital gets free surgeries, the patients get excellent treatment, I get extra practice while restocking my supplies, and my crew isn’t constantly acting as my guinea pigs. Marine bases are the best, though; they’ve got the most advanced medical equipment to play with, plus plenty of wounded men in need of fixing up whose deaths you won’t feel guilty over if something goes wrong.”
Chopper looked at Nami in horror. “He’s serious, isn’t he?”
Rubbing her temples and wondering if she should have encouraged her friend to find a less sadistic mentor, she sighed, “As the plague.”
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Hiya!! Are requests still open for the holiday prompts?? If so, can u please do #9. Persons A and B must convince their child that yes, Santa is real. Where the parents are sana and tzuyu from twice and their daughter is minjoo from iz*one becuase the resemblance is uncanny!
Holiday Prompts
9. Persons A and B must convince their child that yes, Santa is real.
Idols: Sana and Tzuyu (Twice)
Admin Kiwi
A/N: Sorry for taking so long with this one, I hope it turned out how you wanted it!
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It was the first week of December when Sana came to Tzuyu with a problem. 
“Honey, I think Minjoo is beginning to realize that Santa isn’t real.”
Tzuyu stared at her wife for a few seconds, processing what she’d just said. “Really? But she’s only six!” Minjoo was currently at school, so there was no chance of her overhearing them, but Tzuyu still kept her voice low. “How would she already know?”
“We must have slipped up somehow last Christmas. Maybe she found the present stash?” Tzuyu shook her head.
“Impossible. We would have known had she gotten into our closet.” She paused, pressing her lips together. “Why do you think she’s beginning to doubt Santa?”
“I overheard her talking to some of her friends at school talking about Christmas. One of the girls said that they had to be good, and Minjoo says ‘do you really think Santa can see all of us?’ Thankfully the other little girl’s parents answered that question before because she had an answer, but Minjoo didn’t look convinced.”
“Maybe she’s just growing up,” Tzuyu said, and Sana let out an offended gasp.
“She’s only six! She should believe for at least another few years!” Sana crossed her arms, and Tzuyu felt a smile make its way onto her lips. Her wife was so cute when she was determined. “I say that we need to do our best to keep the magic alive this year.”
“Do you have any ideas?” At her words, a grin spread across Sana’s face.
“Yes. I call it Operation: Make Minjoo Believe in Santa Claus Again.”
The only problem was that Minjoo, as shy and gullible as she looked, was pretty sharp. Early on, she’d caught Sana putting money under her pillow and stopped believing in the tooth fairy, and ever since, she’d been on to her parents. She knew that movies were fake and rarely ever had nightmares, even after the time she had snuck out of bed and went downstairs to secretly watch the horror movie Sana and Tzuyu were watching. So it was really no surprise that she had started doubting Santa. But still, Tzuyu wasn’t going to give up this easily, and neither was Sana.
Most likely, one of them had slipped up with something last Christmas. Maybe Minjoo had heard them talking about gifts for her, or maybe she’d seen the wrapping paper in the storage room. So the first order of business was to be extra careful. The second was to go above and beyond.
“I found a device that plays the sound of hooves on the roof,” Sana said one day during breakfast after dropping Minjoo off at school, showing Tzuyu the Amazon page. “Do you think that would work?”
“That would probably convince me,” Tzuyu said, eyes wide as she looked over the page. “We should definitely get that.” Sana looked triumphant as she turned off her phone and took a sip of her coffee.
“Did you find anything?”
“Actually, yes,” Tzuyu said pulling out her own phone. “I looked up ideas on how to help your kid believe I Christmas and got some great ideas. Like feeding the reindeer, and making sure to leave something of Santa’s around like he left it. And making better hiding spaces. Or even better, setting up a camera and having ‘Santa’ caught on tape.” Sana raised her eyebrows at the last point, obviously intrigued.
“How would we do that?”
“Basically we set up a camera, and then one if us dresses up like Santa and puts the gifts under the tree after Minjoo is asleep. When Minjoo wakes up, we suggest we check the video and boom, there’s proof of Santa.”
“That. Is an incredible idea.” Tzuyu grinned at her wife, who grinned back, eyes sparkling.
“We’ve totally got this! Minjoo isn’t going to give up on Santa just yet!”
Everything was in place. All of the presents had been wrapped and stashed away in a new hiding place (the attic in Tzuyu and Sana’s closet), the noise device has been hidden in Minjoo’s room near the window, and the camera had been bought, explained to Minjoo, and then placed at the perfect angle. All that had to happen now was for Sana and Tzuyu to pull this off.
“I can’t believe I have to be Santa,” Tzuyu grumbled under her breath as Sana helped her get into the padded suit. Her wife couldn’t hold in her giggle.
“Come on, honey, you’re the taller one. It just makes sense.”
“You’re being Santa next year .”
“Shhh, it’s all over the moment we wake up Minjoo.” Tzuyu quieted down and glanced towards the door.
“You’re sure she’s asleep?”
“She was when I checked on her. I can tell when she’s faking it. When she’s really asleep, her mouth falls open and it’s so cute, but when she fakes being asleep, her mouth is closed.” Tzuyu smiled, knowing exactly what Sana was talking about. At least Minjoo hadn’t learned how to properly fake being asleep yet.
“Okay, help me with this beard and get the bag with the presents and then we’ll be all set.”
The camera was rolling. Tzuyu wasn’t sure how Santa was supposed to act, and she’d never pretended to be a man before, but she did her best, walking slow and taking big steps. Once she’d laid out the presents in a way that looked right, she turned her gaze to the cookies. Damn, the fake beard. How was she going to do this?
Making sure to keep her face away from the camera, she moved over to the table and picked up one of the cookies, eyeing it warily. She was really glad Minjoo had chosen to put out small cookies this year. The fake hair ended up in her mouth along with the cookie, and she really wanted to spit it out, but the camera…. She just dealt with it, choking it down and hoping that the milk would wash down the stray hairs in her mouth.
Finally, the cookies and milk were done, and the note from “Santa” (actually written by Jihyo) was planted, and Tzuyu walked away with hair still in her mouth but feeling accomplished. Sana was waiting for her at the door to their bedroom, and she quickly and quietly shut the door behind her as Tzuyu pulled off the fake beard and stuck out her tongue to pick off the stray pieces of hair.
“You did great, babe,” Sana said, giving her a bright smile and locking the door before walking over to help her take off the suit. Tzuyu grimaced.
“I could have done without the beard getting in my mouth,” she replied, but a smile was making its way onto her face as she thought about what Minjoo’s reaction would be. “All that’s left is to set off the sound.” Sana held up her phone with a Bluetooth link to the device and grinned.
“Finish changing. Once we’re in bed I’ll start it. Since she might hear it and come over here.”
Later, once Tzuyu was in bed and Sana had pressed the button, Tzuyu listened to the faint sound of hooves and let her eyes close, happy with their effort. She’d swallow all kinds of hair if it meant that Minjoo was happy.
The next morning, they were woken up bright and early by a wide-eyed Minjoo clambering onto their bed.
“Wake up, Santa was here! Mommy, I want to watch the camera!” Usually, this would be much to early for Tzuyu, especially after being up so late. But hearing the excitement in her daughter’s voice woke her right up.
“Let’s go downstairs, then,” Sana said, sleepiness in her voice as she sat up and stretched her arms overhead. “Come on, honey.”
“Right behind you guys.” With a little yawn, Tzuyu threw her legs over the side of the bed and slipped into her slippers before following her wife and daughter downstairs. Minjoo went immediately to the note beside the cookies and held it up, eyes still wide.
“Look! Santa heard what I said about him!” Sana gasped and got down on the six-year-old’s level to look at the letter, and Tzuyu smiled as she sat down on the couch beside them. Sana was so good with kids. 
“What did you say about Santa?” Minjoo seemed to think for a second before pulling the note close to her chest.
“Can we watch the camera first?” She was still a little skeptical, but Tzuyu understood that. She’d been counting on the camera to know for sure. With a smile, Sana stood up and grabbed the tablet and joined Tzuyu on the couch to show the video to their daughter.
Sure enough, there was Santa Tzuyu on the screen. However, with the suit, beard, and her face turned away from the camera, she looked like the real Santa. Minjoo’s mouth dropped open as she watched Santa Tzuyu put the presents under the tree and then move over to the cookies, then place down the note before leaving.
“My friends are not going to believe this. We caught Santa on camera!” Sana and Tzuyu shared a secret smile over her head. Everything had been worth it. “I even heard reindeer on the roof last night . So I wasn’t dreaming!” She jumped up, excited, and Sana laughed, putting away the tablet.
“Should we see what Santa brought you now?”
Later, after presents had been opened and Minjoo was happily playing with the new toys she’d gotten, Tzuyu sat down beside her wife and held up her mug of coffee.
“How about a toast?” Sana giggled and brought up her own mug.
“To us?”
“To us. And to Christmas magic.” They clinked their mugs together, and turned to look over at their daughter, who was blissfully unaware of everything they’d done the night before. Again, Tzuyu found herself smiling. This was definitely a Christmas they would never forget.
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aqrosie · 6 years
Alaska is the type that would order matching pjs for Christmas every year and they’d be v cute and festive and complete with matching slippers and Santa hats embroidered with their names on it and Sharon would make her world famous cinnamon rolls
Omg yes! They all have a little decorative stocking above the fireplace but then they get actual stockings stuffed with gifts under the tree along with their normal presents because they’re what? Spoilt and loved and their moms can’t hold back. And on Christmas Eve they help the girls set out milk and cookies for Santa and a carrot or two for the reindeers, and once they’re finally asleep Alaska and Sharon nibble on the cookies and even the carrot and it’s a cute little late night tradition because they’ll be giggling in the kitchen lit only by the Christmas tree lights trying not to wake the girls D: 
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