#also WOW. that escalated quick
avaloniaofficial · 2 months
romantic killer is one of my new favs. very very Very good.
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frmisnow · 5 months
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— ‧₊˚ — ☕️ : "oh wow, i just knew i was forgetting something when i leaving ??"
summary. your boyfriend forgets his coffee for practice on purpose every day just so you "happen" to come across it and bring it to him -- what if on one particular day it's hard for him to let you leave the practice room?
warnings/includes. idol! jungkook x f! reader, needy kook (rly rly doesn't want you leaving him), kinda fluffy?? idk he's so dear to me, also kinda SUGGESTIVE tho, pretty new relationship hinted?, making out, cursing, ass slapping/touching
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god you felt like you were in highschool again.
that silly little tingling feeling in your tummy as you made your way through the large hybe building, the receptionist just giving you a quick glance with that familar smile that she has been giving you ever since kook has been making his annual 'slip-offs' or as he calls it: "morning mistakes"
i mean- he was so painfully obvious about it, every time you entered the black dance practice room that instantly made you feel small, his background dancers started giggling somewhere in the background sometimes even pushing him towards you, apropos him- who was always smiling like an idiot, like he just got caught red-handed on an accident yet at the same time his acting always being horribly poor.
this time when you came into the room he was immediately at the door, like he had been studying the clock analysing when you might show up, playing with his left lip ring, eyes wide doed as he pretended to be shocked at the coffee in your hand, "oh wow, i just knew i was forgetting something when i leaving"
before you could even think of what to respond, he kissed you so gently, his hands cupping your face with so much softness as the dancers cheered in the back, he hid his head in your nape like drunk, chuckling till pushing the both of you out the room, closing the door behind, the noises now muffled yet audible.
he kissed you once more, like he had been starved of your presence and lips for days as if he hadn't loved you in any way physically possible the night before, robbing you of any sleep.
pushing him away from your body, his hands which were just beginning to travel over you being seperated just for a split second, "you stink"
his mouth opened and closed again, that faint smirk he always did when you said any of your stupid comments plastered all over his face when he shrugged casually, "probably all the sweat from dancing with all those girls earlier, 3d is really perfor-"
you shutted him up right then & there and truthfully he was probably expecting it as his arms wrapped around your frame, greedy hands squeezing and gently kneading wherever they could - in this case your ass.
"don't do that jackass-" you mumbled against his lips, taking his hands away from your skin when in response he made that instant sound of disapproval, tiny 'tsk tsk' from his direction recognizable.
"my hands just slipped, i just had to- y'know," while he was speaking his hands 'accidently' moving to your tits, getting pushed away by yours instantly, "that's just how my hands work, you wouldn't get it" he rolled his eyes for comedic effect but whined as you guided his hands once again to himself and the choreographer shouted something something about his name VERY loudly.
he pretended not to hear a thing as he kissed you like he wouldn't be able to see you for years, like on the titanic, like forces where doing everything to seperate the both of you - which they kind of were, considering the choreographer was still yelling, footsteps approaching.
you squeezed his ass jokingly, slapping it quickly as you ran away from him, the second the choreographer stepped outside the door - immediately beginning to scold kook as all he could do is watch over your figure which was gradually getting smaller and smaller once you finally stepped into the escalator, blowing him a final dramatic kiss through the air, smiling yourself.
your ass would be getting the attention it really deserved tonight, that's what he promised himself for sure.
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garfunklefield · 2 months
So cute!
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
Fem!reader/Megumi Fushiguro Warnings: AGED UP MEGUMIIIII, fluff, opposites attract (golden retriever reader x black cat Megumi), emo Megumi, girly reader, a very extroverted and dramatic reader be warned, awkward confession, sexual tension, public sex, exhibitionism, grinding, over the clothes grinding, dry humping, thigh riding Megumi, male whimpering, sub Megumi Word count: 3218 DESC: You confess to Megumi
I rushed this shhhhhhh
ASKS and REQUESTS are open!
You were never going to be compatible, at least that’s what everyone told you. You were loud and annoying, laughing and exclaiming your opinion every chance you got. Bubblegum pink shirts and jean miniskirts. Next to you in your college math class was the quiet and stoic Megumi Fushiguro. Wore all black, MCR shirts, and nail polish… he was emo and you were far from it. You never thought you’d ever speak to him, let alone ask him on a date that he’d accept. 
You weren’t compatible. He was cold and unwavering, staring at you through every loud joke you spoke. He never laughed. He never smiled. All he did was look around like he was bored out of his mind. Then you’d say something he found utterly annoying and his signature scowl appeared, shining your way to make you feel bad. So you weren’t sure why you started to develop feelings for him. It started slowly; Your heart would flutter when you got paired up for projects, and then you found yourself scooting your chair a bit closer to him, wearing nicer perfume, and even dressing in tighter clothing. You never thought Megumi looked in your direction like that. He’d give you a once over when you asked him how your outfit was, then he’d say it was fine. Why couldn’t he look at you like that? All you wanted was Megumi to look at you and go “Oh wow”, was that too much to ask?? 
You found yourself pouting beside him on your shared desk, waiting for class to end. Your lips were painted with a gloss that was a light shade of pink that contrasted your skin tone, pink blush atop your cheeks, and your hair pulled back into a style that took you an hour. But no!!! He didn’t even glance in your direction. Was it never going to happen? Was it not destined to be?
Then you heard him clear his throat. It was a small noise so you didn’t turn around. But then he said your name. You turned your head too eagerly and watched his eyes narrow at your curious expression, “Why are you doing that?” 
Your expression morphed into a frown at that, “Doing what?” 
“That,” he motioned to the now scowl on your face, “You’ve been pouting all period. What’s with that.” He blinked a few times and frowned as well, giving you a quick once-over. His eyes only trailed to your shirt, not looking at the skirt that you had also chosen for this class period, “And you’re dressed up.” 
You groaned and turned away dramatically, raising a hand, “Well excuse me if I want to look nice, Megumi! I’m just upset someone hasn’t acknowledged me is all,” your voice garnered a pointed edge, raising in volume. Of course, it did; You weren’t exactly known for being the most quiet student. A few of your peers turned their heads to watch as you over-escalated the situation, as you always did.
“You wanted me to acknowledge you,” he asked blankly, so much it didn’t sound like a question but an accusation. 
“Maybe I want you to look!” You said too loudly, causing the teacher to give you both a warning glance. A few students snickered behind you and a pang of embarrassment filled your cheeks in a warm blush. Now. You were confessing now. You didn’t want to confess now! But the cards were turning that way and you couldn’t stop yourself from the words that tumbled out, “Maybe I like you, Megumi,” you continued, hushing yourself to a lower tone. But it still, as always, was loud. You could feel the eyes of every student burning holes into your skin, as they laughed and judged at the hole you dug yourself in.
Megumi blinked a few times, staring at you blankly. There was no emotion on his face aside from his typical look. Great. He was going to reject you, you knew it. He had every right too! You both weren’t compatible. It was a fact. He was too quiet for you and you were too loud for him. It would never work. And you clearly overstepped. Maybe public confessions weren’t his thing! God, if only you could hide away forever, it would do you some good.
“You…” he trailed off, “Like me? Tch…” he tilted his head to the side, a look of irritation crossing his face. He was irritated that you had a crush on him? God you just wanted to crawl into a hole and die. This wasn’t at all how you planned this day to go. You didn’t want anyone else to see or know your shame. You needed to go home and eat a tub of ice cream at this rate!
“Just get it over with,” you grumbled and raised your hand, attempting to exit this classroom, “May I go to the bathroom?” The teacher nodded and you got up, grabbing your stuff as you did so. You weren’t coming back. Not after this embarrassing moment. You were never coming back to class. You could transfer, right? Transfer schools and then skip town! Megumi watched you get up, taking in your outfit fully. Your blouse was tight and baby pink, unbuttoned a bit to show some cleavage. It was so tight if you stretched the wrong way you could see between the buttons. Then your skirt was purple, with several layers of frills. Each frill was a different shade. You had borrowed it from your mother and never returned it. 
He glared in your direction, a bigger frown pulling at his lips, “So you confess then leave?” 
“You’re rejecting me, of course I’m leaving!” You turned around, motioning with your free hand to him, “I’m embarrassed, Megumi. This is totally humiliating.”
“I… wasn’t rejecting you,” he looked to the side, promptly avoiding eye contact. He … wasn’t? That wasn’t possible. He didn’t say yes! He looked completely annoyed when you told him! Was that not the case? Was he just bad at expressing his own emotions? Was he secretly feeling the same way? Or was this a whole “I wasn’t rejecting you yet” situation? 
“You- you weren’t?” You blinked a few times then groaned, turning around and exiting the classroom dramatically. Your coat dragged behind you, looped around your right arm. You didn’t want to have this conversation in front of the entire class, although you practically already did. It was too embarrassing! The least you could do for yourself was to walk away and hope he wouldn’t follow. 
But secretly you hoped he would. You hoped he’d follow and you could continue this conversation like mature adults, even if it meant humiliating yourself even more in front of the guy you liked.
You closed the door and began to walk down the hallway. It was quiet, aside from your footsteps echoing. It was quiet, making your eyes wander around the hall. Tile floors with long columns rising and touching the ceiling. Cream-colored walls and rows and rows of awards. You were never the sporty type, so you didn’t have any awards on the wall. But you knew Megumi’s friend, Yuji, had like seven in several random sports. You then heard a door open and close behind you. It was a ways away and there were several other classrooms around you, so you didn’t think much of it. You didn’t bother to turn around. 
But you heard footsteps follow you, as they got closer they became louder. Then you felt someone grab you from behind. Large arms grabbed your torso like anchors and braced you against a lankier body. A face rested against your shoulder blade, with hair brushing against your exposed skin. Your cheeks heated up at the sensation and you knew exactly who it was. Was this his way of saying he liked you back? Was this his way of confessing? In some strange way, it was kind of endearing.
Your eyes fluttered closed and a hand brushed against the two clasped around your stomach, tapping a few times, “Megumi… let go,” you mumbled, trying your best to keep your composure. 
“No,” he retorted, inhaling gently. His voice was quieter than yours, barely above a whisper, and raspy. His warmth radiated from his breath and his cheeks, which were against your skin. 
“I want to talk face to face,” a frown pulled at your bottom lip, which jutted out in a glossy pout. 
“Too bad,” he exhaled, “Let me do this. It’s better than a sappy confession, you know.” 
“Are you saying my confession was sappy?” You found yourself snapping back before a smile appeared against your frown, “…Does this mean you’re confessing?” 
Megumi’s body went rigid and you felt him slowly let go. He took a bit to stand up, relishing in your scent and touch before he cleared his throat, “There's a possibility,” he spoke, watching you turn around with the same irritated expression, “That our feelings are mutual.” 
You gasped and clasped your hands together, “I knew it!” 
“No you didn’t,” he shook his head. 
“Yeah no I didn’t,” you shrugged, “So you like me Megumi?” You grinned, letting go of your hands to twirl a loose strand of hair around your fingers. He watched with a different kind of gaze, something almost soft, as you continued, “What is it about me? Is it my eyes? My hair? My outfits?” 
Dark blue eyes looked from your hand to your face, “I like your character, not your body or face.” 
Ouch. So is he saying he doesn’t find you attractive at all? Your eyes widened and you let out a laugh, “Oh so the outfits did nothing…” You looked down in a newfound embarrassment at your outfit. Then at your body. 
None of it? He didn’t like any of it? You could understand if he wasn’t a fashionable guy, but that wasn’t the case. Megumi was emo in every sense of the word. His hair was black and spiky, his eyes covered in a bit of smudged eyeliner, and his outfits were always on point. Maybe a mix between scene and emo… He wore studded belts with black shirts and bits of color popping out. So did he just not like your outfits at all? Were you not as fashionable as you thought?
“Well… I do like the outfits. The whole pink thing is … cute. But it’s not exactly why I like you. You have…” a fat ass? “…unshakable character.” Close enough. 
“Unshakable character? So you actually like my personality? Even though we’re, like, the total opposite?” You blinked a few times then nodded, “I agree. Your personality is hot.” 
Megumi didn’t expect to hear his personality or really any facet about him being hot. Since his cheeks turned a pale shade of pink. He stared at you with wider eyes than yours previously, then turned on his heel, pulling up the collar of his jacket to hide his embarrassment, “Not what I meant,” he grumbled, looking away to the side. Whenever he was flustered, you soon noticed, he just turned to look annoyed or aggravated. Rather than really embarrassed or flustered. It was cute, now that you realized what it was. So then previously, whenever you’d do or say things and he got irritated, it wasn’t that. It wasn’t that at all!!! You felt yourself becoming a bit elated at hearing that. He liked you. He really liked you! Either that or you were incredibly annoying. 
“So what now?” You asked after a few moments of silence, letting go of your strand of hair to put your hands behind your back. 
Megumi looked back at you and dropped his jacket collar, his eyes turning back to their regular neutral state, “What… what now?” 
“Like… are we dating?” You tilted your head to the side, “I think we should. I’ve been waiting so long, and you’ve probably been waiting, I dunno, a while. It makes sense,” you explained, beginning to tilt your body side to side. The air was different now. You wanted to break the distance and kiss him, or anything that would destroy this new tension you felt in your chest. You didn’t want to hold back and keep a gap in between you two, but you did for the sake of being in public. You weren’t sure if Megumi felt the same tension, although you saw his hand flex and twitch beside him. 
He nodded, “I’m fine with that.” You couldn’t help yourself, as a squeal escaped your open mouth and your arms wrapped around his waist. You pulled him into a quick and tight hug. But not tight enough to satiate the tension building in your body. Megumi looked down at you with wide eyes, but wide eyes filled with something different. You never expected him to feel sexual attraction, if you were honest. He never seemed like he expressed that kind of interest. So it surprised you when you hugged him and you felt a tent press against your lower abdomen. 
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Megumi Fushiguro never considered himself a pervert until he met you. Never in his life had he ever considered touching himself in public until you started wearing those tight skirts, tight jeans, and tight tops. He could see the fat of your breasts protruding out from your bra, poking through your shirt. Then the fat of your thighs, coming out from your tight jean skirts. How you’d try to pull them down but it would be no use because he could still see the plumpness of your ass. 
It was a miracle you didn’t get him hard when he hugged you from behind. But you hadn’t noticed the raging hard-on after the tension began to build. You sensed it, he could see from how you looked around anxiously. Then you hugged him. You had to hug him. He tensed when his erect penis brushed against your lower body, perfectly molding against you. What he wouldn’t give to grab your ass and grind it against him. He didn’t need to be inside of you, if he could just feel you it would be enough.
“Um…” He tried to begin but his voice came out as a raspy whisper, “I’m sorry.” Were the only words he could muster out after all that silence. You pulled back for a moment and stared up at him with wide eyes. You looked so good looking up at him, he just wanted to ruin your perfect face with his cum.
“Megumi…” You spoke delicately, which completely contrasted with your typical volume. One of your hands trailed from his waist to feel around his jeans, “You’re hard huh?” A teasing edge found your voice as you pressed two fingers against the bulge in between his legs. He looked up to the ceiling for a moment, inhaling sharply and making sure he wasn’t too loud. Being noisy after only one touch? Pathetic. 
“I’m sorry,” he breathed out, looking back down at you. But you weren’t looking at him. You were staring at the boner. He wished so badly he could look into your head to figure out what you were thinking. Soon you began to walk and walk, pushing him into a corner of the hallway. Megumi was frozen, a warm blush completely covering his face. Was this really happening? In public? God the thought of almost being caught was turning him on more than he wanted to admit. 
“W…wait,” he whimpered, putting two hands on your hips as you spread open his legs, “What are you doing?” Megumi bit his lip, your plush leg coming in between his own. Then you started some magical dance, grinding against him in a way that perfectly rubbed his cock in his jeans. He let out a breathy gasp and leaned his head against the corner of the walls.
“Shh,” you murmured, leaning forward to rest your head against his collarbone. Two hands snaked around his neck and pulled him close. Your thigh was the only thing giving him any amount of friction and god he loved it. Megumi found himself grinding back into your legs, even if you couldn’t feel it he didn’t care. He needed to cum and he needed it to be with you. 
The pleasure was building between his legs and it was getting harder and harder to keep quiet. He bit down on his lip again and whined faintly into your ear, panting like a dog from just this simple interaction. It was a weird warmth; Like he had been humping a heating pad. But he loved it. He loved it so much. He ground his hips against your chubby thigh and pulled you in tighter, just to feel your warmth. 
“H-hah… f-f..fuck,” Megumi groaned, pressing his head into the crook of your shoulder and neck. He inhaled sharply before he felt himself completely unravel. The warmth got too intense and he felt himself spill into his pants. Hot cum covered his underwear as he kept grinding, whimpering, and moaning into your skin just to get his high. He rode his high on your thigh like a pathetic little bitch, begging mindlessly as he did so. 
It was so hot. You two just did something sexual in public. You know how risky that is?? And you didn’t get caught! He could feel himself becoming hard again just from the thought. He needed you to cum just as much as he did. One of his hands trailed from your waist, down your skirt, and into your panties. You were already wet, of course. You tensed a bit and bit your lip, grabbing onto his shoulder to steady yourself. He couldn’t tell what you were feeling but he could see the pleasure on your face as you let him rub circles around your clit. Megumi wasn’t very experienced in this field but he did what he could, kissing along your neck just to give you more sensations. He licked one area of your skin, before gently biting down. 
You gasped and pressed yourself up against him again, “M..Megumi…” You whined, resting your head back to feel the pleasure. He was working your senses, rubbing circles against your cunt in a way that made you throbbingly wet. He could feel how you lightly squelched against his palm.
“You’re so wet…” He smiled breathlessly, laughing quietly as he went back to biting the area in your neck. He wanted you to be as sensitive as he was. And he really wanted you to cum. Megumi began to speed up his fingers, massaging you with a bit of force now. It worked. You must have been aching to cum since within a few minutes you unraveled against him. You let out a tight gasp and arched your back, grinding yourself against his fingers as you came. He could feel the wetness drip onto his palm and it got him going again.
But as he went to pull his fingers out of your underwear to taste, and savor, your flavor, you both heard someone clear their throat. Megumi’s head shot up as his penis head shot down. He was staring face to face with his best friend Yuji, who was staring at the two of you with wide eyes.
“...Can I join?”
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
hhhrggrhrgrg NL Darling feeling a sort of kinship with mono right off the bat because oh?? not human?? metal bits?? all alone??? :)) friend
Mono 🤝 Nightlight Darling
Lonely Bots with a space theme who long for someone to hold- [just gonna use this ask to slap on the full blurb I made with these two cuties]
Mono finds Nightlight abandoned in a scrap yard on what would've been their last evening on earth for some time - searching for the perfect item to bring with them until they returned. Throughout their travels, Mono had developed an affinity for collecting souvenirs from the planets they stumbled upon. Though its time was often brief - Mono felt a certain homesickness for every planet as they no longer had a home of their own. When they reached earth, their little hobby gradually escalates to a borderline addiction. So many treasures left for grabs in places like junk yards or antique shops simply because humans no longer see their worth.
If it were up to Mono, they would've taken everything they set their eye upon, but all that weight may not be good for their ship. They needed to find the perfect treasure to bring back with them..
And so they did.
When Mono found Nightlight - the poor android was in a terrible state of repair. Their dominant arm was nowhere to be seen, body covered in dirt and small scratches. Mono knew from the moment it saw Nightlight they'd do anything to fix them. Never had they'd seen such gorgeous craftsmanship from humans - only for them to be abandoned in cold, awful place like this. Mono carries Nightlight and the blanket they found the android in to their ship. What Mono thought to be a final gesture of kindess from the humans who cared for them would later be revealed as the cruelest act by far.
"They didn't even bother to shut me off properly... My last owners... They just put me in a blanket and made sure my solar panels were covered...I still remember...everything..."
The energy draining from their body. The loss of mobility in their limbs, unable to move even if they tried after being left in idle mode. Their former owners couldn't even give them the mercy of powering them down completely or wiping their system.
Nightlight isn't their usual self when they first meet Mono, but it isn't long before they're back to their cheerful self with how considerate and caring Mono is. Hints of their former self presented whenever Mono offers to leave their former owners to rot in filth or to rip off the arms of thieves who stole their arms. They haven't known them long, but they can tell Mono would never hurt they soul which they wouldn't.....at least not in front of their new crewmate. It's also hard for Nightlight to feel down when they can see earth right outside their bedroom window.
"Whoa! Is that earth?! It looks so small from up here... Look, I can hold it in my hands!"
Nightlight's energetic self is exactly what Mono's ship needed for it to finally feel like home to the alien. The android's lights are quite useful when the light surrounding the ship are on the fritz again as well. When it's time to repair nightlight's arm, Mono sneaks in parts of their metal into the limb during its construction. Unbeknownst to Nightlight, in Mono's culture that means they're already lovers.
Tiny human sized nightlight rides around on Mono's shoulders or clings to the larger bot's arms, legs, or hip whenever they're exploring. Anyone they meet along their journey can see how quick to iteration Mono is without their Starlight hanging off of them.
As some may know, Mono's native language best translate to Morse code. What some may not know - and something Mono was clearly unaware of is that Nightlight can understand them perfectly-
"Wow....I knew stars were beautiful, but seeing them up close... it's amazing."
"It is true they are a marvel to see in person...."
Mono trails off, sliding their fingers over the collar around its neck.
"-… ..- - / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / --- -. . / - …. .- - / … …. .. -. . … / -… .-. .. --. …. - . .-."
"Oh! Are you talking about me? You're so sweet, Mono - i think you shine bright too."
".-- …. .- - ..--.. -.-.-- ..... You can understand me? How long have you been able to..."
"Forever? You talk a whole lot in your sleep, y'know. It's cute... I love you too by the way."
The embarrassment may temporarily shut Mono's systems down, but hearing Nightlight reciprocates their feelings is what kills them.
[Translations: But I know a star that shines brighter, What?!]
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ellitx · 5 months
elli...!! i dont know if someone has already done this so feel free to ignore but... what if...
venti is a sex worker and he was hired by y/n. usually his customers would be more experienced, and would lean more on doing rougher stuff, so he was surprised when he met y/n in her house, being inexperienced and kind of shy, asking for just a kiss. her reason being, she never had a boyfriend before and her peers are teasing her for being a virgin and not getting her first kiss yet... so she hired venti for.. experience and practice¿ >/////< then of course things will escalate from there since venti gets attracted to her, so he'll seduce her into giving in to him... hehe... then maybe after that they'll meet more and get to know each other better o/////o
word count: 2.3k
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It was unexpected.
Really. What are the chances that the sex worker you hired would be someone you know? Especially if it’s a close friend of yours. Sure, Venti throws dirty jokes here and there for fun, but to discover this was his actual job?
You’re not one to judge but it was really unexpected. Never in your life would you ever possibly think he would be your practice partner in experiencing sexual intercourse when you’re a beginner yourself. And you can’t really blame the company when practically Venti was assigned to fulfill your commission.
You sat at the edge of your bed idly, hands over your knees clenched into a fist as you tried your best to quiet your heavy anxious breaths. You really hope you’re not breathing too loudly lest it’ll make more things awkward with him.
You could feel he was gazing at you occasionally but averted when you caught him. How long has it been since you’ve invited him to your room? 5 minutes? Or more than that? Honestly, you don’t know when all your head was fussing about was how to handle this awkward tension.
It’s not like Venti hadn’t been here. He only visited once and that’s it. You pretty much bond outdoors more than indoors. Ah, if only you could talk to him casually like an afternoon Tuesday and it’ll be an easy breeze.
But that’s easier said than done.
You shifted, fiddling with your hands, trying to find the right words for a starting conversation. But Venti was quick to start before you could even open your lips.
“Hey, we don’t need to do it if you don’t want to alright? We prioritize your comfort over the actual thing.”
Oh no.
This doesn’t sound good at all. Does he want to stop it because he doesn’t want to disappoint you or himself?
Your voice came out so nervously.
“I-I don’t mind at all, please don’t stop it because I also feel nervous. If anything…”
You paused, trying to pick up your nerve again. “If anything we should try our best to get through this!”
You really made things more awkward than ever, huh?
‘Try our best to get through’? Really? Was that the best you could think of?
Archons, you just want to hide yourself, drown in the abyss of the sea, and never show your face to him ever again.
Your frenzied thoughts were interrupted by a small laughter. Venti was laughing but it was obvious he was holding back from bursting out out of courtesy.
“Haha! That’s so like you! I still can’t believe you’d be so interested in this kind of thing, [Name].”
Well, in the end, he did burst out into a hearty laugh after all. And he wasn’t holding back his tears either. Your face warmed up, the embarrassment becoming a shame, and the shame turned to a playful anger. You huffed, cheeks puffed out with your lips pursed.
“Yae keeps on teasing me how I’m still a virgin...” You mumbled under your breath.
Maybe you should be thanking him instead? Even though you’re mad at him for teasing you at least it eased the awkwardness, somewhat.
He gave you a soft look as he replied, “Are you sure you’re alright with this? With me being your partner?”
You quieted down as you gazed at him. His eyes were soft and comforting, as there was also a dash of reassurance. With Venti, someone who you know very well, being your partner to experience within the world of lust, it’s a safe choice.
You could even ask him questions if you have any concerns which makes contact much easier. You didn’t hesitate anymore as you smiled reassuringly at him.
A simple nod from you was enough to confirm and wash away his doubts and worries.
“Alright. Can you close your eyes?” He requested.
You nodded and waited patiently for his instruction. His finger traced along your brow, making you giggle lightly. His gentle touch left warmth running down your spine. No more than a later, something soft and warm made contact upon your cheeks.
You opened your eyes to see what was it that brushed onto you but Venti’s hand softly covered them, making your vision return to its dark state.
“Sorry, I wasn’t being clear.” His voice was now soft and breathy and you shivered from how his breath was fanning your cheeks. “You can open them once I tell you so. In the meantime, keep them close for me, okay?”
You gave a shy nod as you bit your lower lip. Not knowing what was happening made you so anxious, but with how gentle and caring he holds you against him felt so safe and reassuring.
It seems he understood your situation. So you decided to relax a little, closing your eyes and slowly exhaling while he moved his arms around you.
Soon after, he began to nuzzle at your ear, gently caressing the flesh of your neck with the tips of his fingers. The warmth from his hands slowly traveled towards your body, raising your body temperature up.
Then his fingers stopped over to your lips. He traced them slowly and lightly, caressing them as if memorizing every contour of your lips. A few moments passed by before his fingers touched your lower lip and you let out a gasp of pleasure. Then, the pad of his thumb slowly grazed your bottom lip, causing you to suckle on them unconsciously.
You heard a soft groan and your heart raced, your stomach tightening and your core beginning to become warm. You heard him faintly curse under his breath, and the creaking of the bed signified he was searching for a comfortable position.
Because a second later, one hand was on your hips holding you close to him while the other was parting your lips.
“Can I…?” He asked.
It was obvious what he was asking, and your heart beat faster and faster from his short yet heart-throbbing question. It was racing through the roof, chasing the highs of your adrenaline.
You nodded again. The urge to open your eyes was strong but you resisted, scolding yourself to follow Venti’s words.
It felt so sensual, the feel of his rough fingers pressed against your skin, almost tickling it. And that caused another gasp to come from you, however, something slightly warm and soft was pressing onto your pink lips.
Venti moved his head forward, softly kissing your lips, nibbling and sucking the soft flesh of your mouth. You were unsure on what to do and how to reciprocate the kiss. Should you lean? Tilt your head? Or open your lips a bit? You decided the latter option is the safest one.
Slowly parting them, you moaned when he gently bit on your lower lip. You clutched onto his shirt, your brows digging deeply into your temple as you calmed the heat running through you. The kiss felt so good that you almost forgot what you were supposed to be doing. When Venti broke the kiss you whined and you heard him chuckling. Even with your eyes closed, you can sense he had that teasing smile painting on his face.
"Venti?" You called when he didn't make any sounds or movements. The said male hummed then the bed shifted. Were you supposed to open your eyes now? But Venti hadn't given you any signals yet. You opted to keep them close and it was good that you did because your face was beet red as you fiddled with your fingers.
"Can we continue the kiss, please?" You asked in a small voice. Venti chuckled at your shy plea.
"Of course."
It didn't take any longer for him to return his lips to yours. You hummed lightly, relaxing against him. He hugged your waist, carefully holding you close. With his hand cupping your cheeks, you wonder if your shyness was being dissolved because of his comforting presence. 
The kisses were short and sweet and Venti would break away for a second and then return to you immediately. Perhaps so you can breathe effectively, but you paid no mind to it because you'd chase after him every time he parts.
This time it lasted longer. You were beginning to adjust to such intimacy that your breathing began to accelerate along with the increasing warmth and tingly sensation in your stomach. The flush in your cheeks deepened when you felt something prodding at your mouth's entrance. 
You fell onto your bed with a soft landing and Venti planted one hand beside your head while still cupping your cheek. He licked your lips, asking for permission, and when you granted him he wasted no time to taste you deeper into the sweet nectar. He tilted his head, kissing you again and again and again but with passion.
Softly moaning against him, you returned his kisses. You clutched, gripped, and held onto his shoulder as you fought back against the orgasmic pleasure. This has been going on for a while and yet, he hadn’t given up yet. You enjoyed each kiss and bite from his tongue and teeth, not stopping until he earned another moan from you.
He kissed you deeper, this time pushing his tongue into you and you gasped. Your legs squirmed, reaching out for something until they locked onto his hips. Venti grunted, one hand moving over to cover your eyes while the other kept your hips against the mattress as he lightly bucked his hips to yours.
Oh god…
For your first kiss, this man feels so good… You whimpered beneath him. A low sound escaped your lips. He chuckled. He doesn’t mind at all, does he?
“Cute,” He murmured, brushing some hair off your face and tilting his head up to look at you with lustful eyes. You blushed again and averted your gaze down. His lips curled upwards. It must be something about you that made you so sweet, like sugar and honey mixed together.
You shook your head and looked back at him. “I-I’m sorry… I’ve never been with anyone… So this isn’t… I don’t—“
As you were rumbling, you were cut off by the same pair of lips that had you instantly melting. You gasped as he took your lips with his, aggressively making you gasp again and causing more goosebumps to pop up on your body.
With one hand wrapped around the nape of your neck, the other still holding your face to his, you heard him whisper. “I told you to close your eyes, didn’t I? Just relax and enjoy, [Name].”
The warmth in his voice caused you to nod, relaxing and feeling his hands glide from your face to your shoulder blades.
His fingers spread over your skin and then glided lower, gliding across your lower back and dipping under the hem of your shirt.
And he kissed you again, deep and soft. The tip of his tongue flicked against the roof of your mouth, sending shivers down your spine.
You whimpered louder, unable to suppress the shy excitement bubbling within you. Your hips begin to squirm again, craving more friction and movement.
His tongue continues to dance between your lips, making you shudder against him. Slowly, he lets go of your lips, kissing down your chin and neck. His lips met the spot where your jawline meets your collarbone and you felt his hot breath on your skin. He nuzzled against you, quietly admiring how pink you were just from a long kiss. You turned your head, keeping his hair from tickling your skin.
A moment passed before his lips started to lick and suck at the area, sending another wave of bliss rushing throughout your entire body. God, is this what making out feels like?
Your entirety was burning hot, your nerves receiving one shock to another, and you felt so wet between your legs. All of these, all of what Venti is doing to you is making you feel an immeasurable pleasure of bliss.
You don’t know what you were doing except to moan and whimper his name out from your pretty mouth.
“Hmm… Venti…”
The said man grunted, his teeth grazing your flesh before biting and sucking your skin. You muffled your screams with your hands. With the darkness and bites combining with each other, it’s difficult to grasp what Venti will do next.
Because by the time you were thinking of it, his lips traveled to your neck and returned to kissing you. After giving you a good long and deep kiss he parted, a small string of saliva following after him.
He gulped his heavy breaths and permitted you to open your eyes. Your whole face was red and sweaty, your lips once coated with balm were now gone and replaced with the dripping of saliva, and your clothes were slightly disarray.
But you’re not complaining.
“You can open your eyes,”
As you obliged his words, Venti was gazing at you deeply. His green optics swirled with a great amount of lust. He hovered over you, his hands slipping beneath your shirt to caress your soft and warm skin so he could remember all areas of your body from his palm alone. 
Through your hazy vision, you can faintly make out some of your tinted balms were all over his lips. It'd be nice to paint his face with your lipstick...
But maybe on another day.
Putting his temple against yours, his breathy voice gave you shivers. “Continue or stop?” He asked.
You too were panting, so occupied by those delicious kisses he fed you that you eventually forgot to answer him.
“Yes or no? If you don’t answer I’ll take that as a no, [Name].” He kissed your jaw, his palm so dangerously close to your breasts that he was already fiddling with the underband of your bra.
Without hesitation, you replied, “Continue, please.”
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2cmtall · 11 months
Diluc x y/n: a game of chess
Context: diluc works up the courage to invite you to a game if chess in his most favored room, and it's all well and good. . . With a little extra spice at the end.
A/n: this was written a while back that I've just never posted because I'm lazy, so here we go, I guess 😅. Also this was supposed to be a continuation of the voice line scenario writing but it sort of escalated into its own thing.
Diluc looked up from his desk, having just finished his stack of urgent mail and papers that needed reviewing. He noticed that you were nose deep in that book of yours that you've been interested in reading lately. Something about pirates, he thought as he searched within himself for what to do next. Usually he would take a quick break before moving on to his next task, but in this case, he feels a great need to spend more time with you. He tapped his gloved finger on the deep mahogany of his desk, racking his brain for something to do, but he grew more and more impatient the longer he gazed upon you reading.
It wasn't long before you decided to look up tentively from your book, having felt his intense eyes on you for what felt like forever. You couldn't even focus on the exciting scene playing out in your book, your mind racing as you stared hopelessly at the words. Was there an issue with me bring here? You thought. "Hey, Diluc, is there something wrong?"
With hearing your voice, he startled out of his trance and felt the full force of your questioning eyes on him. He really did enjoy looking into your eyes, loved seeing the multitude of shades when sunlight hits your irises, liked seeing how your facial expressions molded how your eyes looked to him, how your eyes-- "ummmmm. . Diluc. . I asked if you're okay . ?"
Shit. He was so enamoured by those--EYES of yours he didnt even reply to your question. He tried to compose himself and answer you. "No, everything's fine." He said with an awkward grimace to what you could only assume is a smile.
Feeling how the air around them suddenly became awkward, he attempted to right itself by blurting out the first thing that came to mind, "ahem. . say, y/n, It's been a long while since I played chess with anyone but my butler, and I just so happened to have a moment." A hesitant beat. "Care to play a round?"
You didnt answer in the beats that followed, scrunching your eyebrows and gazing this way and that in contemplation. You aren't very good at chess, and strategy based games really aren't your thing. But looking at diluc's eager expression made you consider saying yes. Ah, but you dont want to waste his time with your lack of skills. . .
Diluc noticed your hesitation but didn't want to pressure you. "Don't worry if you don't know how to play, I can teach you. . . If you're willing, that is," he said with a reassuring smile. You felt a bit of relief wash over you and smiled in agreement (diluc's heart soared a little when he saw your bright smile).
He escorted you to another room, claiming that it was the absolute best place to play chess. Now curious, you raced a little to the door, earning a small chuckle from diluc. He opened the door to the room and you eagerly went in, wanting to know exactly why it made for such a great room.
Seeing the room for yourself, you were not disappointed by its beauty. You gasped, "Wow, Diluc, this room is stunning!" Diluc smiled fondly towards you. "Thank you, y/n. I'm glad you like it."
You took some time to look around the room, taking in the elegant decor and the soft lighting. And the chess board! Sitting on a table stained deep brown to match the rest if the room, you gaze your wide eyes on the marble chess board, its pieces more intricately detailed than some of the statues you had seen. The more you looked at the room, the more you came to find and appreciate. "I 100% agree with what you said earlier now. I dont even play chess, but seeing this masterpiece makes me want to play just so I get the chance to use it- and beat you, of course!" You looked back at him cheekily, a Cheshires grin playing on your lips. Diluc huffed with a smile, "and to think I was willing to go easy on you. . . Hmmm, maybe I shouldn't, after hearing how confident you are. . . " he playfully added, an eyebrow raising in amusement.
You grimaced, instantly regretting your words and tried to backpedal. "Aah! But of course you should teach me! Ya know, it's been a while since I've played chess and I fear I've simply forgotten how to play. . . So! Be a gentleman and teach me your ways, why dont you?" You childishly grinned up at him, your hands on top of the other on the table, awaiting his guidance.
He chuckled, his voice a deep timbre, as he sat down on the chair across from you, his hands working gracefully in a practiced dance to set up the board, its pieces reflecting softly against the candle light. After setting it up, he went on to explain the rules of the game and how each piece moves. He was patient and kind throughout the whole thing, making sure to explain again whenever you were confused or had a question, offering up small compliments whenever you understood something. Diluc was impressed by your eagerness to learn, even though with the first round you lost within a few simple moves. You were slightly discouraged of course, but with a few reassurances and advice, you kept playing. The more rounds you played with him, the more confident you seemed, maybe even a little cocky, and the longer the rounds lasted. You were of course nowhere near as skilled as diluc, but you held your own against him considering your lack of experience.
Throughout the many rounds of chess, diluc has noticed a few things about you. The way you make those absurd faces with every dupe or skilled move he makes (one of his many favourites is of the pure distress that runs through your face everytime its evident that you're in a tight spot. He feels a bit guilty for putting you through it so many times, but it simply fills him with a childish joy everytime you strike a face. Your so expressive! He cant quite remember the last time he's felt such unabashed joy in his life).
Or the way your rash decisions often leave even him surprised, your lack of strategy often helping you come closer to winning a few rounds with how random they are (that is until he caught on and predicted your moves, earning himself a prominent glare from you).
And in an ironic twist, he came to enjoy the nonsensical rounds of chess with you, with each round you had with him becoming more absurd then the last, until the games simply became a speed run of stupid decisions and petty cheating, not caring about rules in the slightest.
It left you winded from laughing, your lungs sore from it. Loud banters ran rampant, and you both tried your hardest to stop the other person from playing, slapping and even grabbing each others arms to do so. It got to a point where you stood up, intending to put your body in front of diluc to stop him from moving his own pieces, but when push came to shove and diluc grabbed your hand wanting to pull you away from the board, you tripped and landed on top of him, one of your legs bent on one side of him while the other is between his legs, your arms braced on either side of his fiery head. 
Instantly, the room became quiet, both of you not daring to speak up or apologize, scared of breaking the heavy atmosphere you both were put under. the only thing diluc could focus on was your lips and the way your back was arching in such a way, his mind racing with illicit images of you. His hands could only hover over your hips, wanting so badly to feel the curve of you but not wanting to scare you away.
You on the other hand, was wishing so badly that he would hold your hips in place, feeling the warmth of his large hands just cm from your hips, your waist, your thighs. . . You couldn't help but inch closer towards his broad chest, grazing it slightly, all the while looking at his face, his lips. You gasped softly when you felt diluc reciprocating by placing his hands firmly on your waist and hips, pulling you forward so that your chest was now pressed against his. You angled your face so that your lips were mere inches apart, lifting one of your hands from behind his head to graze your fingers through his hair, slowly trailing your fingertips to caress his lower lip, begging him silently to make a move with your eyes.
Diluc saw that look in your eyes, those damned eyes that could make him do anything with just a simple gaze. It took only a single expression from you, and now he wanted nothing but to kiss you. Kiss you until your lips are puffy and you're clutching at his shirt and his hair. To wrap your plush legs around his waist, pressing yourself on his body, allowing him to caress every inch of skin on you, over and over. One look from you, and now he wants so desperately to pin you against every surface imaginable, his walls, the door, his bed. . .
The only warning you were given was a whispered "fuck. . ." From his lips before one of his hands was firmly intertwined with the hair on the back of your head, pulling you until his soft lips met with yours. You closed your eyes to savoure the feeling of his lips kissing yours with the smallest pecks, and although your mind soared with joy from these small kisses, your body ached for more, adjusting yourself so that both of your legs were on either side of him, lowering yourself down on his hips, earning yourself a slight groan from diluc. He stopped kissing and gazed upon your eyes with a dazed look, ". . . Y/n. . "
"Please, Diluc. . " your hands caressed his chest under his dark coat, attempting to slide it off his shoulders, your hips pressing down on his in the process. The hand placed in your hips was now digging slightly on the plush of your hips and ass, stopping you from moving any more.
That was all it took for diluc to deepen the kiss, his tongue now exploring the cave of your mouth, springing tears in your eyes. Both of your hands moved feverishly across his body, clutching his clothes in an attempt to keep yourself grounded, but to also pull him in closer.
He couldn't get enough of you and your body, either, his large hands roughly caressing your body. He caressed down your nape to your shoulders and arms, you back, feeling the arch of it. Both of his hands came back up to slide down the sides of your body, his fingertips grazing the sides of your breasts, making you inhale sharply in between kisses. His hands lowered even further down your body to the plush of your ass, to your bent thighs pressing against him. He was obsessed with them, his hands caressing up and down, digging, pulling, molding the fat, loved the way your body responded to his touch by grinding your ass on his crotch, the friction of it making his mind go blank.
The more he touched you, the more feverish your body felt, wanting to touch more of him, your hands worked to get rid of his coat and shirt, but your mind was too dazed to unbutton the shirt right so diluc had to help you remove the articles of clothing. One by one, more clothes were stripped and thrown across the floor. Diluc lifted you up from the chair and carried you across the room, still kissing you, and pinned you against the wall, your bare skin sandwiched between the wall and his toned chest, muscles working in tandom to keep you lifted. His lips worked his way down to your neck, kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin, making you moan in his ears. His assault on your skin didnt stop, hickey's continuing to form on your skin. He kissed your shoulder, your collarbone, and back up to your lips.
"Y/n. . . " he whispered into your ears, causing you to gasp softly. He looked at you with anticipation, in question. Do you want to continue this?
And you did. You did want to continue, you wanted to continue touching him, kissing him, wanted him to drag his hands and lips across your body, to carry you into his bedroom and continue exploring down each others bodies, feeling his chest press against yours above you on his bed. . . . You wanted it all.
You pressed your body more harshly against him and whispered in his ear, "I want to continue diluc. . . Please . . . On your bed?" You dragged a hand slowly down his chest, his abs, feeling each muscle and scar. You could tell he was hooked by the way his breathing stopped, the way his sharp gaze followed your hand's slow drag across his skin. He cupped your chin, forcing you to look back up to him, allow him to angle your face closer to his. . .
You were both going to make out again, your lips mere cm away from his when a sharp knock on the door scared the both of you. You both stared at each other in horror upon realizing what position the two of you were in, chests bare and pressed against each other, your clothes strewn all over, your hair and faces a mess, and your hickey's! And all while one of his maids was just outside his door, too.
"Master diluc, are you alright? I heard noises coming from inside. . . "
Diluc attempted to clear his throat but his voice still came off hoarse, "ahem, I'm fine, no need to worry."
"Oh, I see. Well in any case, I have your coffee and a letter with me? Shall I come in?"
You shook you head immediately at that, but of course diluc didnt want that either. "No, thank you, just leave it on the table outside beside the door." It wasn't until you both heard the maid set the platter down with an audible clink and walk away completely that you heaved a sigh of relief. But now that the hot atmosphere was interrupted. . .
"Here, something to cover that up with. . . " you looked behind you to face diluc, holding up a woman's scarf. "Surely you know its rude to give a lady another woman's scarf, right? Perhaps a secret lover of yours?" You teased him with a conspiratorial grin, the awkward atmosphere already dissipating upon your words. He stared at you with incredulous shock before huffing a hoarse laugh, his deep voice turned scratchy from your previous. . . Activities. You tried your best not to let your face show your thoughts.
He stepped closer towards you, gently wrapping the soft cloth around your neck, "I assure you, y/n, that i do not have a secret lover hiding in these walls. . . It wouldn't reflect me well as a gentleman if I that were true."
You laughed in that sweet song of yours, your voice hitching up an octave, and your eyes positively glittering, "oh? And ravishing me against a wall until I have hickeys and swollen lips does?" He stared down on your giddy face, shocked for the second time. He opened and closed his mouth in an effort to retort back, to defend himself, but found he could not, resorting in defeat to rest his head on your shoulder with his hands clutching your arms, feeling the shudders of your bountiful laughter.
Your face burned from embarrassed at what you did with diluc, and it seemed that diluc was bearing the same burning fate. He settled you back down gently and allowed you to retrieve your clothes from the floor, saying thank you when you chucked him his own clothes as well. You both redressed in silence, not knowing what to do next or how the other person is feeling. Upon looking at the mirror to fix up your hair, you realized another apparent problem. Your hickeys are proudly peppered on your neck and collarbone, spots of purple and red trailing all the way up to your swollen lips.
You both ended up staying in that room for a few hours more, laying down together on the couch with dilucs coat blanketing you both, his strong arms enveloping your body in warmth.
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002yb · 9 months
I love Tim in your dickjay content😭😭 its lovely. Especially with Dick being a possesive ass. So i was wondering what if Tim has a little way too obvious crush on Jay (only Jay doesn't know) and Dick is very:)) because Jason is *his*
Thank you so much!! Something about Tim being infinitely exhausted by his smitten in love/lust brothers is so funny. He's perpetually brought in to the dickjay shenanigans and he can't find the unsubscribe button lol (though lbr he likes to watch 👀)
Anyway, a bit of a spin on the usual with Tim genuinely crushing on Jason; thank you for the prompts!
Said crush is entirely based on physical attraction though
Tim gets a face full of toddies one day and it changes him as a man
There's no going back after experiencing the majesty that are Jason's pecs - so plush, so ample, so lewd
He's never fallen so hard for someone in such a shallow, superficial way but he isn't even mad about it
Jason's breasts? Hot damn.
This attraction leads to a lot of subconscious staring
Jason doesn't notice, but Dick most definitely does
A lot of Dick's time goes to admiring Jason's chest; it's his choice wonder to marvel - of course he notices when someone else is awed by them, too
There's nothing respectful in the way Tim watches their heft or bounce though. The punk is perving; Dick would know the look anywhere.
Dick looking between Tim and the toddies before scowling something fierce as he comes to the conclusion: he needs to assert his dominance over Jason's bountiful bosom. Tim is out of line--
Meanwhile Tim honestly doesn't care. He recognizes that this 'crush' is just his hormones running wild. Jason has an allure about him that attracts attention. He's unintentionally obscene and like -- it's a sight. Tim likes pretty pictures. So he doesn't have any real intention to act; Tim just wants to watch.
And watch he does because Dick comes out with so much aggression in showing Tim who Jason belongs with:
Post-training cool down. Dick, Jason and Tim running through stretches on the mat. Tim very clearly staring off into space as he catches a glimpse of pec through the low side slit of Jason's top and Dick bristles.
It leads to Dick pulling Jason into the space between his legs with Jason's back pressed to Dick's front before Dick wraps bodily around him, hands raised to hold Jason's pecs steady and keep him modest.
And like, joke is on Dick because Tim isn't even bothered. Still hot.
And so it goes. Again and again because Dick recognizes that Tim isn't the sort to scare easy. Of course not - Tim is Robin, Dick's protege. He shouldn't expect any different.
Jason and Tim reading in the manor library. Or Jason reading, Tim does research for a case. A lower priority consideration given how Tim looks over his laptop to stare at the stretch of Jason's shirt over his pecs.
Dick, a looming night terror over Tim's shoulders. Tim might jump a bit when Dick asks about the case - so absorbed by Jason that he hadn't been aware of his surroundings and oh, that's a problem.
Dick laying over top of Jason to obscure the view and Tim pouts a bit - both because Dick is blocking the view and also because Tim might be a bit jealous. Jason's chest looks comfortable to nap on.
And more:
Where Tim coughs to get Jason's attention as they're getting dressed for patrol.
When Jason turns to look at Tim -- the kid holds bandaids out to him and at first Jason is ??? but then Tim casts a quick glance down to his chest and then he flusters because omfg
The toddy nips are being lewd through Jason's shirt
Embarrassed as Jason is, he takes the bandages. Grateful because they're actually really sensitive. Stupid Dick and the recent escalation in his tit fetish.
Jason taping them on and Tim watching with wide eyes and flushed cheeks because oh. Tim can't blame Dick's fetish at all - this is...wow.
And to wrap it up:
When Jason and Tim are dressing down post patrol, Tim is legit taken out at the knees. They straight up give out on him at the sight of Jason's chest being marked up - ravaged
It doesn't help matters that Jason gives Tim a side eye and pouts about it.
Tim wants a picture so bad. Jason is so damn pretty
Basically Dick really just exacerbates the problem of Tim having a crush on Jason and it's amazing. Jason is none the wiser.
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zero-is-nebulous · 11 months
Okay I can't take it anymore
Here's an in depth analysis on Sonic and Knuckles, their relationship to the other, and the sun and moon design trope
Sonic is, at his core, a free spirit. He is constantly looking for adventure, and jumping into action whenever he is needed. This often puts him into opposition against various bad guys, because the more he defeats them, the more that pop up and want to have a go at the impossible challange.
And like, take over the world, I guess. Typical villain stuff
It's also important to note that, in cannon, sonic is 15 years old. Being a hero at such a young age, I mean, wow that's gotta be some responsibility. Originally, speaking from origins, Sonic just started out using his speed to help little animals get out of traps. Then, just a kid, he encounters eggman and finds out he's behind such a terrible thing. He doesn't know what to do, obviously, because he's a literal child, but knows he can't let his animal friends be hurt like this.
He also knows that he's not like the other mobians, he's faster, more resilient, and that makes him the perfect candidate for the job. He takes down eggman's bigger bots, rescues flickies, and everything is good!
Until eggman retaliates. Because obviously the evil bad guy can't let anyone foil his plans! Anyway, this is a rough timeline of events as to how Sonic most probably got stuck being the hero. He helped some animals, and the threat got bigger, but he stuck with it because he realised he COULD do some good with his powers. Then the threats escalated, and now the entire world depends on him.
(Also, it's worth noting here that Sonic has the 'live in the moment' mentality. Obviously he does heroism because he CARES, like a lot, and he wants OTHER people to be able to enjoy their own 'live in the moment' mentalities because he's an optimist and wants the best for people. Obviously that's also one of the driving forces of his heroism, he's a surprisingly complex character ok it's hard to put it all into words all at once. But this also means that he tries to have fun with it, he DOES enjoy his adventures. Hes clearly a bit of a thrill seeker, he makes the most of a bad situation no matter how dire it is because not only is that a coping mechanism, but one of his personal life mottos. I also personally beleive that he knows how dangerous his line of work is, and that if he DOESNT live life to the most while he has it, he'll regret it in the event that he doesnt make it back one day)
Along the way, he's stopped worrying about himself, because he's developed a hero complex. All the pressure put on his character makes him disregard his own safety for others, always making HUGE personal sacrifices for the 'greater good', and pushing his pain aside just so he can help. Sonic is still a child, and he's grown up around violence and heroism and now he has a duty to protect people. Because he can.
Because he's the ONLY one who can
People say so on multiple occasions. When it's, not entirely true? I mean, don't get me wrong, Sonic is a force to be reckoned with, and at some point that statement may have even been true! But its just,,,not, anymore??
When shadow first arrived he was established to have speed that matches sonics, at least to some extent, and a steely moral compass as a result of his past with Maria. He joins GUN in an attempt to make good on his promise (and probably some other government stuff, I mean being an experiment from 50 years ago gets you tangled up in some shit), and he can TELEPORT, as well as hone chaos energy in ways that Sonic can't even manage.
Well, we've never seen him manage, at least.
Here's a quick list of all of Shadows abilities:
Super speed
Increased stamina
Ability to use firearms
Chaos control (teleportation)
Chaos control (ability to slow or stop time, apparently?)
Chaos spear
Chaos blast
Increased healing factor
Super form
Now, here's a lost of Sonics abilities:
Super speed
Increased acrobatics and agility
Resilience to damage
Strong sense of spirit
Increased stamina
Hand to hand combat skills
Chaos control (+1 emerald)
Super form
Both hedgehogs have an impressive arsenal of abilities under their belt, for sure. But even with Sonics collection of skills, some of them are just that. Skills
For Shadow, Chaos energy runs through his veins so extremely that he needs to wear POWER CANCELLING cuffs. He was designed, built, for such power. Take note of how Sonics list includes more generalised and LEARNABLE skills, while Shadows includes more actual 'powers', so to speak
So. Is sonic the ONLY one capable of saving the world? NO! in fact, Shadow has helped do just that on multiple occasions. I'm not saying one is more powerful than the other, or better suited to the role, but Sonic is under the impression that he's alone in this when he's not
Shadow may not have sonics optimism, or social superiority, but he's a GOOD hedgehog, and they both possess amazing abilities that they choose to use for good. Sonics often telling people that they don't have to fight alone, but often takes the leap and does JUST THAT When he deems a situation too dangerous for anyone to risk their lives for
Once, he was the only mobian with powers strong enough to face great evils. Even with the help of Tails and Amy, they were both still kids, younger than himself, who were normal all things considered. Yes, Tails could fly, and yes, Amy could haul a hammer twice her size, but they were still not as strong as him. So, they couldn't be risked. Underneath it all, despite their help, he was always stronger, always the most fit for life threatening missions, and he would take it all in stride
And then there was Knuckles, and then Shadow, and then Silver and Blaze somewhere down the line. All superpowered beings to some extent, having chaos energy (or sol energy) running through them at such a rate that they could ACTUALLY compare to Sonic.
Once, he was the ONLY person strong enough to take on the threats alone. But now? There are others, strong and diffrent like him, who could equally take on the fight with or without his help.
And yes, as they grow and get stronger, the threats DO tend to get more dangerous, but that's why they're all there together. Obviously the threat level will increase, and they will always find away to defeat it per the age rating on the game being allowable for the delicate emotions of optimistic children (and me) that our hero's can concour ANYTHING. But still, they have so many allies that that almost doesn't matter
My point being; he does not need to take on all this pressure by himself.
A lot of the time, at least with major threats such as the metal virus or neo metal sonic (shout out to IDW comics for consuming my brain and producing the most gut wrenching storyline to ever exist in the sonic universe) he's almost FORCED to accept help? I'm not saying he wouldn't have already, but he had a bit of a tendancy to be like 'hey, I got this' *finger guns* when he does not in fact got this. And sure maybe he does eventyally and all that, but you have to admit a LOT of the threats he takes on are like ridiculous to the point you have to brace yourself when he goes into battle. Likes we know sonic is strong but Jesus, that little man takes on some POWERFUL enemies
(Quick case and point: metal virus, being captured on the death egg in forces, being KILLED BY MEPHILES!!! Clearly he isn't indestructible, sometimes he bites off more than he can chew alone)
Ok back on topic now.
The MAIN reason why people look to him as 'the only one who can help them' is because of reputation and carisma. You know why Shadow was disposed of so quickly during the metal virus arc? Because he would have been a GREAT help, and the two of them working together would have toppled the virus MUCH quicker
(And bc they reversed his goddamn character arc AGAIN bc nobody can get it right apparently)
Anyway, because Sonic has gone his entire life with his mentality, people have looked up to him on some kind of pedestal. This just deepens the cycle of it all, making him hold himself accountable, or bare too much burden, and the confident facade is just the icing on the cake.
Because people look up to him, as a hero, a role model, and as a GOOD, and FRIENDLY person. They see him, caring and kind and never giving up, and rely on him. In contrast, Shadow keeps to a distance and is mostly cold to civilians, with the exception of Cream and possibly Vanilla and the Chaotix (Although wether the chaotix should be considered civilians is up for debate). This means that less people call to HIM, when they're in danger. He's under less pressure, people don't put him under a spotlight, but they DO with sonic
And now, whether he wants it or not, he is THE hero
Admittedly, I think Sonic does enjoy being a hero
To an extent, he sort of has to be. He's kind and caring cause that's who he is. He runs because he wants to, and he saves people because he wants to as well. Obviously there's pressure there, but he got into it in the first place because he wanted to do good. And doing a good thing makes him...Happy. content. Proud, even
Hes free like the wind, is what they say, and he IS. He doesn't WANT to quit being a hero, but I'd imagine sometimes he thinks about it. It's a stressful life, every eye on you when something goes wrong, waiting for you to fix it. And sometimes he doesn't have the answers, and that's okay
But some people won't see it that way, see him as a failure. And that's the true bitterness of being worshipped
So yes, while he's sort of trapped in his role, I wouldn't say he wanted to let go of it anyway. He knows someone has to do it, which is a daunting feeling because he also knows that person has to be HIM- but, he enjoys saving people, so it's not all bad
Knuckles the echidna, the last of his tribe, stuck on a floating island in complete isolation.
Well, there's a lot to say about him, I'll admit. So, let's just start small
First of all, Knuckles' isolation has left him slightly naive, which was the original reason that he fell for eggmans lies. This is, of course, because he's been alone for SO long, that he hadn't a clue as to the social clues of a lie. That, and his ONE presumed purpose in life was to look after the master emerald, in which he would do anything to protect
So, a mixture of passion, protectiveness, rage, and naivety, were what lead to the events of Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
The absolute isolation and lack of alterior purpose leave knuckles struggling a lot. He has other ambitions and goals, obviously, he LOVES exploring, and he can read many ancient dialecs which come from his architect passion. The one thing keeping him confined to his island is the emerald
And the implications that follow. See, he's the last of his kind. And, because of that, he has NOBODY who can understand the EXACT and finite details of his situation on an emotional level. He can ask nobody for guidance, instead fumbling blindly under the belief that 'this is what they would have wanted', without actually being able to ASK
Knuckles protects the master emerald because he thinks it's what he's supposed to do. And, It is obviously, but he's so focused on not disappointing his fallen tribe that he disregards his own wellbeing a lot for it
He stays at the shrine 24/7, only leaving when the fate of, quite literally, the ENTIRE WORLD is at stake. He's on his island, alone. Speaking realistically, no one person should be assigned that task. Within the tribe before their passing, many would have protected the emerald, and in healthy shifts
Except, Knuckles doesn't have that choice. So he's cemented to his fate, but he does WANT to do other things. In fact, his time on the island has probably INCREASED the hunger for exploration and adventure
So, let's think forces for a second.
Knuckles was the captain of almost an entire ARMY, he lead them, and took on the pressure of responsibility, and that's something quite interesting. See, you'd assume that his time on the island would null his skills with others in that regard, but he has a striking skill when it comes to organisational battle plans.
Hes the same in the metal virus arc
Knuckles is often taking up big, important positions despite his initial lack of social grace. And, deep down, I think this is connected to his tribe.
See, he has this task that he's been confined to, with no guidance at all. He thrives off of the assumption of his tribe, and does his job with steely focus. When he takes up that position as a leader, he takes up the responsibility that weighs similarly to the responsibility of taking care of the master emerald
(Here, he's also able to give OTHER people the guidance he so needed in his times of struggle. By being that someone that can be trusted, and looked to for answers, I feel like it almost quenches some of his deep rooted abandonment issues)
In both scenarios, people are expecting him to protect something, and lead. Be strong, responsible, and altogether a beacon of hope. The key difference is that, this time, he has reassurance. He can see his efforts paying off, he can see his plans play live infront of his eyes, and he saves people. Directly, not just through avoidance, but ACTIVELY protects people
But it's a lot
Even for Knuckles, it's a LOT. because when you're guarding something with expectations of people who aren't there, there's no disappointment. There's only assumedly so, (which im pretty sure hes prone to exagerating because he holds his old tribe up on the same sort of pedistal that most hold sonic. In the sort of heavenly devinity that makes the 'they can do no wrong' thing really prominant, but also he knows about traditions and rules and probaly assumes that they would be SUPER strict, so he holds himself in extremely high expectation as if to please a god) and there isn't death. There isn't pressure that grows as tides change, as people leave and get presumed dead, as lives under his watch aren't at risk. War is an ever changing responsibility, where REAL lives that you can actually comprehend because they're right in front of you, are at stake
I imagine he originally took up the role because watching the master emerald is similar. He protects mobian and human lives alike by doing so, if he watches the emerald and stops it from being stolen, he protects people. And if he watches over this army of people and steers them in the right way, he protects people
Also, it's clear from frontiers that Knuckles is actually really interested in strategy and ancient combat and the like. So it's also possible it's a part of his architect and exploratory interest in diffrent historical events peeking through
When Sonic was taken to the death egg, people assumed he was dead. Sonic was, by all means, a beacon of hope. He provided determination, and gave everybody the idea that, eventually, they would get out of the tough spot
So, when he 'died', Knuckles was left with that job. He had to keep moral high, and hope imminent.
But he's not that good at it. He preaches glory, victory, an end to the war, but people lose hope anyway because Sonic is held in such high regard that people can't seem to beleive that he was bested. And if sonic was bested, then, well...what's the use in trying? NOBODY could match his skill, and he's dead now. So hope is gone and what's the point?
So, it's a tough spot for him. He's lost a friend, everybody is depressed, he doesn't know the first thing about sonics impression of hope, and he's stuck playing leader to a war he himself is giving up on
Don't get him wrong, he wants to WIN. wants to avenge those who killed his friend, and face glory and peace once again. But he just...can't. The pressure is piling up, and while he gradually builds up others confidence, he sees EVERYTHING. He sees the lies put in place of hope, and he doesn't know what to do
Sonic was the one who introduced him to the concept of anything and everything outside of his island, taught him hope and friendship, and now he's dead.
Anyway, while knuckles is a good leader, he's not mentally adjusted for all of its tribulations. As is common for leaders during GENUINE warfare, but I digress
Knuckles and Sonic are simular in the way that they both take on so much pressure. They both have tasks that they 'NEED to do' because they're the ONLY ones fit for the task. In knuckles' case it's much more literal, but LIKE sonics case, it just isn't like that anymore
Having friends now makes looking after the emerald easier than ever. He may not have his tribe, but he's sort of...built a new one, out of the friends he's made. He doesn't have to be there ALONE. People would help, hell, they could take a note out of Sonic underground's book and hand Knuckles a bunch of island defense systems. We all know tails would be more than up for the job
Still, he takes on this responsibility because he assumes its expected of him. And, maybe it WAS
But he's his own person, and he deserves his own life. He has a connection with chaos energy that makes him perfect as the protector, but thats not all he is. And he knows it.
Also, I want to bring back the hidden magic cave for the master emerald to live in. It would be so much harder to steal if it wasn't just sitting at an open air alter on the top of a floating island like a BEACON. Sonic 3 and Knuckles had that hiding spot on POINT, imagine how much safer the emerald would be, and how much more FREEDOM knuckles would have, if tails just upgraded that bad boy a little bit
It's a fixable problem, guys. I know sega wants to have an open plot point at ALL times, so they make the master emerald easier to steal, but Jesus man, you gotta give my guy a break. Why introduce an entire hidden space, perfect for the containment and protection of the master emerald, and then NOT put it there??? DUDE
(That's also probably another reason for the game not being considered cannon. Ik another reason is hyper sonic, obviously, but both concepts kick ass and I want them back. Petition to make sonic 3 and knuckles cannon)
Sonic and Knuckles
Okay, I know I touched up on their relationship a bit in the Knuckles' rundown, but there's a lot more to say. Also, I'm aware that the Knuckles section was disappointingly short, his character has a LOT going on, but there's not a lot to actually say since a lot of it is pretty obvious. Most of Knuckles' interesting attributes actually come out when prompted by others, due to his isolation, which is where Sonic comes in
Sonic and Tails were the second people he met in his LIFE. and he has a good relationship with Tails that I may talk on at a later date, but his relationship with Sonic is genuinely really interesting
See, Sonic was a literall PROPHECY. He was engraved into the rocks on the island, and he was most likely studied and theorised about in his time on the island.
For knuckles, with nothing to do but wait, I have no doubt that he read those texts RELENTLESSLY. so he knows of this hedgehog, prophecised to protect the world from threat, and then he meets a hedgehog. Obviously he's been tricked, but the dots don't connect until they're on the same side, because he's so disconnected from things outside his island, that he can't actually comprehend at first that THIS, right here, infront of his very eyes, is an actual PROPHECY. I bet he wasn't expecting to live at the same time as him, maybe he assumed it'd already happened, or would soon happen long after his own life. Its just not every day you befriend a prophecy okay, I Don't blame the poor guy
(Also, sidebar. How does he know how to read? To talk??? Ik echidna come from eggs so him being born there, fine, I can accept. But HOW is he possibly able to comprehend writings not only in ancient texts, but the more modern language as well??? Was it the master emerald? Does it talk to him? Did it TEACH knuckles how to fucking read? Talk??)
And in a way, that gives Knuckles a link back to his tribe. And that link, of all things, is SONIC
Because somehow, his tribe has prophecised his existence, and the good he'd bring with him. They had deemed this mobian so important that they carved his image into rock. Surely, he must have been a common topic
Would they be proud of knuckles for being the one to greet him? Or would they shrivel up in disappointment at their first interactions?
Sonic and Knuckles have an interesting character dynamic, because they're both simular, while also being drastically opposite from one another
They both uphold ridiculous responsibility. Sonic is the protector of the people, there to fight off any threats and keep them safe. Knuckles is the protector of the master emerald, a more behind the scenes method of protection, as if it was left in the wrong hands, people would surely die. More than that, they're both hero's to the public
They also both adore adventure and exploration
Knuckles is a solitary creature, moreso by habit than by introvertedness, and his passions in traveling are often squandered by his job
Sonic is an outgoing creature, always social and optimistic. This is partially his extrovertedness, and partially his general likeness. While I wouldn't say sonic is an introvert either, maybe saying he's an extrovert Is also not necessarily true. In sonic x especially, he's shown to very much enjoy his time alone, although fluctuates that mantra when in the company of those he trusts
Anyway, Sonic is free flowing, able to do whatever he wants really. And knuckles is the opposite. While they both strive for simular things, their actual actions are very diffrent
Sonic is also optimistic, outgoing, energetic, and generally quite relaxed. Knuckles on the other hand, is reclusive, cold, calculating and fierce. He often refuses to 'relax', taking his position as guardian VERY seriously
Their personalities mesh surprisingly well, considering all of this
When Knuckles was introduced to society via flying fox and prophecy 'god', that cemented the end of an era for him. Obviously he knew there was things outside of his island, but things like technology, and all the things that existed outside that he'd never even heard of, often turns a guys perspective upside down.
So Sonic and Tails introduced society, and friendship. Sonic is stubborn, not one to give up on things he's pursuing, and his friendship with Knuckles is no different. Because Knuckles is so used to isolation, he struggles to accept the drastic change that his life Is undergoing, and part of that change is the inclusion of people
So he acts cold on purpose a lot to deter people, as a protection for himself, and the master emerald. Cause, if someone gets close to him, he may let his guard down and then the emerald would be at risk. He's afraid of forming any type of relationships at first because he's never had to forge one before, and he doesn't know how to feel about it all
Luckily for him, Sonic is stubborn. He sees someone lonely, and able to kick his ass, and thinks 'yeah, we are actually going to be best friends I think'
Anyway because of Sonics stubbornness, and consistency, Knuckles and him are friends. I imagine that Sonic visits him, as well as their other friends, but Sonic specifically doesn't seem the type to just LET knuckles be alone on an island
Plus the tornado IS his plane, he could fly it up if he really wanted to
Anyway throughout the years, Knuckles and Sonic have a healthy respect for one another. They were rivals once, and then friends, but they aren't afraid to challange eachother because they're truly equals
So Sonic and Knuckles are friends. Cool, great. HOW does this relate to the sun and moon dynamic further than their original opposites?
I'm so glad you asked!
Sun and moon
So for some context, for those of you who are unaware, Sonic and knuckles designs are representing the Sun and moon by CANNON DESIGN CHOICES. Sonics tummy fur is meant to represent the sun, and obviously, Knuckles sidewards crescent moon is meant to represent, well, the MOON
The way that the sun and moon dynamic works is like this:
"a merging of opposites , unity and cooperation instead of conflicts, and rebirth"
Thanks Pinterest matching tattoo post!
Anyway, at the start, Knuckles and Sonic are at odds. They're complete opposites at a first glance. And then they're given the chance to be better, be friends, and suddenly their dynamic is just the best thing in the world ever oh god its SO PURE AND SLAY?!?!
The moons characteristics are as follows
Straightforward / blunt
The sun's characteristics are as follows
Strong willed
Knuckles is often the one to have a level head. Yes he is shown to have bursts of anger, or lapses in judgement, but it's driven by his passion (And his emotional stunted upbringing). People often turn to him in times of need within their friendship group because he's well known to be wise, at least about chaos energy (which is most often what they need to know about anyway, hoorah for world centric magic types). He's blunt because of his lack of social awareness mostly. And while he's getting better, he's still pretty straightforward. He doesn't seem to care about sugar coating things for people, with the more 'this is how it is, undiluted, face the world and its problems' vibe
And Sonic. He's impulsive because he wants to live while he still can, he's energetic because speed literally RUNS THROUGH HIS VEINS like a vice, unstoppable and unrealistic. He's strong willed and determined, never backing down, STUBBORN in a way that Knuckles can almost match. Knuckles has been proven to share that drive, its one of their common grounds, but he also knows when to quit. That's their separation, because Sonic doesn't take no for an answer when lives are at stake. He's intense, all encompassing. His presence is almost distracting. Not only because of his social status but just because of his general vibe, sunny and bold
I like to bring actual science into this because it makes the metaphor even better IMO, so let me set the scene
Knuckles is the moon, because he is distant. He likes to keep to himself, and he is steadfast. He is strong, steady, and confident. He has an important purpose that he takes very seriously, and has lived his life in gentle solitude in tune with the nature away from him. He has spent a lot of his life floating, separated from people and their kinship
Enter: Sonic T. Hedgehog. He's intense in a way that is so noticeable that knuckles CANNOT ignore. Its a passion that he respects, and eventually, he finds himself closer than ever to him. You'd think being so close to the sun would get you burned, and it's maybe that apprehension that keeps him at a steady distance even still. Even when his light seems to bring out all of the best parts of him
Just like the moon only lights up the night sky because of the suns grace, Knuckles is only able to let himself flourish because Sonic had brought all of the best parts about him to light. It's cheesy, sure, but it's something he cherishes because he feels more like himself than he ever has in his solitude
There's still this fear, at arms length, because Sonic is so good. If he's a sun he is worshipped. He is looked up to and loved, people bathe in his light and leave gifts at his alter. He is so far away, it's insane
But maybe he doesn't notice, that people worship the moon too. And the sun is the biggest supporter. He shines so that people appreciate him, see all that he does. And people regard them together, because its the sun and the moon. They both float so far away from everyone else, only close enough to eachother by sheer magnitude. They're imposing and intense, and nobody else can even get close. And no matter how many people worship the sun, there is only one who may get close enough to FEEL his heat
And that is the moon
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hardstraykidshours · 2 years
[5:52 pm] - [yjg]
pairing: jeongin x afab!reader
genre: smut, also kinda fluff, 18+ (minors dni)
length: 1.1k
warnings: profanity, sexual/suggestive content, inexperienced!jeongin, experienced!reader, oral (f. receiving), afab reader, nsfw 18+ (minors dni)
Tumblr media
"oh fuck fuck fuck, yes, baby!" your eyes roll back, and your legs start to shake as your second climax of the evening comes crashing over you. jeongin slows his mouth as you cum, making long, languid strokes with his tongue as you ride out your orgasm. 
"oh my god," you mange to say between gasps as you try to catch your breath after you settle back down. you slowly untangle your fingers from where they had a death grip in his dark locks, running your hands through his hair a few times to smooth it back down. "like, holy shit." 
"yeah?" he shoots back, propping himself up on his elbows between your legs, a glimmer in his eyes and a shy grin on his face. 
"most definitely yeah. like...wow...fuck. i can barely form a proper sentence to tell you how absolutely mind-blowing that was. you're a quick learner," you throw him a teasing wink and his smile grows, a blush starting to stain his cheeks. he pulls himself up the bed towards you, using the bed to wipe your juices from his face before nuzzling into your neck to hide his embarrassment. 
he does this every time you shower him with compliments, he just gets so shy when you praise him and his ever growing skills. you know it's just because he's still getting comfortable with the idea of actually being good at this. 
when you and jeongin first started dating, he was somehow both very eager but also extremely reserved about anything physical. he would initiate little things like hand-holding or quick hugs or brief tender kisses, but nothing beyond that. initially, you thought that maybe he just wasn't that interested in you. 
but then one day, you decided to be a little more bold and just went for it with a kiss, and he didn't back down at all. in fact, he did quite the opposite, and you ended up having a very heated make-out session. he didn't push it beyond that though. 
you quickly noticed it was always like that. every time you would escalate things, he was always there with you, passionately matching whatever you were giving him. but still, he just would not start anything or take things to the next level. 
finally, you gently confronted him about his lack of initiative, and his response melted you a little. a deep blush colored his cheeks, and he could barely make eye contact while he told you about his limited sexual history. he was so nervous to tell you he didn't have a lot of experience, because he thought that he would disappoint you and not be able to bring you as much pleasure as he wanted due to his inexperience. even worse, he feared that you wouldn't want to sleep with him at all when you found out. 
his confession made all the pieces fall into place, and it made perfect sense why he was taking things so slow. no wonder he would never start anything but was also so willing to continue if you did. it wasn't that he didn't want you, he was just afraid of failure or rejection. 
you were quick to reassure him that past history is completely irrelevant to you and that getting to learn with your partner is half of the fun. you didn't miss the way his pupils dilated when you explained how you couldn't wait to experiment with him to figure out exactly what makes him fall apart. 
since that day, he has been much more open to just jumping in and trying new things. he's such a good student, always eager to please and willing to take your advice, never getting offended when you give him instructions on what he needs to change. there has been a lot of trial and error over the last few months for sure, but you two have had fun the whole time. 
he's quickly becoming an expert on your body, not needing to ask nearly as many questions as when you first started your sexual endeavors. he now knows that when he's fucking you from behind that you like it when he pulls your hair slightly to tip your head back while he plays with your clit. when he hears you start whimpering beneath him, he will push your chest into the mattress before you can even think to ask because he knows that the angle will have him hitting that spot deep inside of you and make you cum in record time. 
even just today, you didn't have to give him any guidance while he ate you out. the only things that left your mouth the entire time his tongue and fingers worked you over were moans and soft curses as he pulled two devastating orgasms from you. 
"so...where did you learn all that from?" you murmur to jeongin while playing with his hair. 
"hmmm?" he rumbles back, not caring to pull away from his spot buried in your neck. 
"well a few of those moves i definitely didn't teach you, so where did you learn them? you experimenting with someone else too?" you poke him in the side teasingly, knowing he's dedicated only to you, but unable to resist the urge to mess with him a little. 
his head immediately flies up in alarm, his blush back in full force. "no! of course not, baby! you know i'd never sleep with someone else, i-" he stops his nervous ramble when he sees the grin on your face. 
"just kidding," you throw him a sly wink. "but i do really want to know where you picked up on that little tongue trick." 
he smiles sheepishly, averting your gaze while bringing one hand up to rub the back of his neck. "well, i wanted to see if i could surprise you with something new, something you didn't have to teach me, so...i may have...done a little research." 
your mouth drops open slightly, shocked by his confession. "wait, you're telling me you figured that out and executed it that incredibly on the first try after just some internet searching?" 
"ummm, yeah?" he replies meekly, secretly pleased by your enthusiastic reaction to his efforts. 
"holy shit. well then i'm begging you to please continue to do as much research as you want. however, not right now. right now..." you pause for a moment as you push his shoulders gently, guiding him onto his back and slinging a leg over his hips to straddle him. once you're settled, his hard cock pressed against your still dripping pussy, you lean in close, your lips tickling his ear as you whisper seductively, "right now, it's my turn to surprise you." 
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superrstars · 4 months
poppy playtime chapter 3 spoilers ( i am watching a lets play, this is a live blogging)
bioshock vibes with the radio messages.
seems pretty spooky so far. though, man, the escalation is pretty quick. poppy playtime is doing its best to beat the 'horror for children' allegations it seems.
like, the line about the dead kid in the duffle bag really isn't even. that horrifying as far as horror games go, i think? but it caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting it to be that blunt about it.
ah. the huggy from the trailer IS, in fact, a hallucination. cool
oh! kissy missy! cool! i wonder if they're going to get into the horror of Her existence. There seems to be some strong implications here.
ah. we're getting to actually hear the children talk now. that's gonna help with the horror escalation. before the kids were just... an implied reality. didn't have to really face it deeper than a surface level awareness. with visuals or audio of the kids? that is gonna help make things a lot more scary.
have the devs said how many chapters this game is going to be?? i wonder how much more there is planned for this.
wanted to make a 'would you rather be stuck in the superstar daycare (fnaf) or playcare (ppt)' but like. objectively superstar daycare is better. fazbear ent is not intentionally trying to murder children like, as a whole, they just keep having rabbit-dressed people kill people in their establishment. playtime co is actively and intentionally murdering people as a whole.
unfortunately, i gotta say, ppt is starting to fall into the batim... 'this building could not possibly be this big'. it reminds me of portal in a way, and I've never questioned how big the aperture building was, but thats because its Comedic. I am having trouble suspending my disbelief on playtime co being able to make this much underground factory without the world knowing that they HAVE that large space, even if not whats down there. batim escaped this by being semi-reality, and aperture is. comedic. but ppt has yet to justify itself to my brain. small thing though, unimportant.
oh kissy and poppy time! hi!
oh, player got tortured? interesting. mommy long legs also said player worked there, though. interesting.
he trapped poppy in the case? also wow, 'god awful'. I was caught off guard by that. just didn't think she'd use that. phrase?
oh hey! huggy confirmed dead! rip huggy boy.
ollie why do you speak like dora explaining what us kids at home should do. who are you. what are you.
'why does catnap avoid the school?' because it used to be a kid. I would avoid it too.
hm. okay well dawko's title sorta spoils the name of the shadow lady from the trailer. but okay. oh wait no its brought up in the game like two minutes in. fair enough.
ohh she knows us too and also confirms player used to work there. is miss delight like. an actual person???
Ah. wanting to murder all of the children. Well, hello Mrs Afton, I guess.
oh nope she is a toy. i think? she has a cut out. probably a toy. oh. yep thats a toy. has a lights on lights off weeping angel mechanic too. neat. not that scary to me, though. partially because i cant get a good look at her dang design. partially because she's so brightly colored. sorry girl the bright blonde hair is not helping your fear factor. dawko disagrees with this opinion evidently lol.
oh oof she keeps clipping through a closed door. with her mechanic, in such a tight space, doesn't seem fair. rip dawko.
why does she have that moon laugh.sfx i know, unfair comparison, but it just sounds so much like moon's laugh but. female voice actor.
dawko brings up lack of checkpoints, and that paired with the clipping through closed gate thing makes me thing the devs thought this segment was a lot easier than it seems to actually be. partially because of that clipping bug, probably.
end of liveblogging part 1
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ris-multi-fandom · 2 years
Here’s day 25 of Housevember22!
Fandoms: House MD
Pairings: Gregory House x James Wilson
Characters: Gregory House, James Wilson.
November 25th: Wedding day.
Wilson stood there looking into the mirror, fiddling with his bow tie, when he felt arms wrap around his waist and saw a head in the reflection that planted itself on Wilson’s shoulder.
”You look fine,” House told him as he planted kisses on his neck.
”Well I don’t want to just look fine, it’s our wedding day, I need to look great at least,” Wilson replied.
”Well there are other words I could think of,” the taller man said, “handsome, gorgeous, stunning,” he placed a kiss with each word, “sexy,” he growled, nibbling lightly at the younger man’s ear lobe. Wilson felt the heat filling his body as House spoke and he subconsciously moved his head to give the other man more access to his neck.
House was disrupted as his phone went off and Wilson groaned. He checked the device, still keeping one arm around Wilson’s waist. When his grip loosened Wilson huffed and faced him.
”You’re going to the hospital?” He asked.
”It’s a really good case,” House replied.
”It’s our wedding day!” Wilson countered.
”And I’ll be back before then,” House said, “look at these symptoms,” he showed Wilson the phone screen.
”Oh wow,” he replied as he read, he looked back to House’s open face, “if you’re not back in time then I’ll marry someone else in your place and you’ll just have to die alone,” Wilson told him, House smirked and gave him a quick kiss before rushing off.
”I love you!” He called out behind him and Wilson smiled.
House looked through the window at his patient on the operating table below. It had been a hectic day, their patient had been in intense pain when she came in, it quickly escalated to her urinating blood then she began to show neurological symptoms, chest tightness, jaundice and many other seemingly unrelated symptoms. They luckily managed to find some moisturiser that she had bought online which contained an odd mixture of chemicals which had made her sick. Sadly they were too late to save one of her kidneys, which is the surgery that House was watching when Wilson found him. The oncologist stood next to him and House glanced over at him before checking his watch.
”Shit!” He said, looking back to Wilson.
”You missed the wedding,” he told him, “it was beautiful, the food was wonderful, everyone seemed happy, you should have been there I’m sure you’d have loved it.”
”I’m sorry, things got really busy here, I’ll make it up to you,” House replied but he raised an eyebrow when he noticed that Wilson didn’t look angry, “why aren’t you seething? I’d expect at least a bit of shouting in this situation.”
”Because I’m not an idiot,” Wilson answered, “I knew you’d never be back in time so I already changed our plans,” House looked at him, not sure what to say, “c’mon, let’s go,” Wilson led House out to the corridor and they made their way onto the elevator.
”Do I still get the post wedding sex tonight or is that out of the question?” House asked.
”Shut up,” the younger man said as the elevator dinged and the doors opened out to the hospitals entrance which was decked out with flowers and fairy lights and was full of people.
”What’s going on?” House asked.
”Well you couldn’t make it to the wedding so the wedding made it to you,” Wilson replied and House smiled at him.
”You’re such a dweeb,” he said and Wilson chuckled.
”Well how about we turn me into a dweeb who is also your husband,” he chuckled holding his hand out to House. The older man took it and they took their first steps to their new life together.
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lesbi-nyan · 1 year
wow. the enbie person i'm going on a dinner date with tomorrow night literally just said they want to give me head. um. bold??? um??? but they also said they respect that im demi and it's no requirement. so. huh. 🧐 um. i told them i'd consider it. but. yea that escalated pretty quick ~nya
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kiruamon · 9 months
Part 2 Daycare
Huh. This place is really impressive. And it seems even bigger now that there are no more visitors roaming around. It's suddenly so much quieter that you could almost believe you've landed in another reality. "Sure. I'm the last person in this world. A lost soul doomed to wander around this halls forever," you joke to yourself, smiling. You will surely get used to this sight. In fact, it's not so bad after all. You walk up the escalator, which has already been turned off, to get to the upper area. Some of the staff bots are already on their way, armed with mops and buckets of water, to do their daily… nightly work. They're followed by a smaller group of wet floor bots, each equipped with a round pair of ears on their little monitor heads. Whoever came up with their design did a great job, because the sight of them definitely makes you smile. You give a quick wave to the bots you pass. You have no idea if they even notice you much or are able to understand you, but ignoring them when you run into each other also seems wrong. If they were human colleagues you wouldn't ignore them either! Now and then you can still hear an automatic message being played over the loudspeakers in one of the areas you pass. But the music you heard during the opening hours has long since fallen silent. So let's see. From up here you have several options how to continue. Either by elevator or… you could also take a closer look at the daycare area. For some reason, Jeff left that out of your tour. You fold up the map again and put it in your side pocket of your uniform jacket, walk around the photo booths to the right and towards the passageway that leads to the daycare and the playground.
From here on, you can't possibly get lost. The colorful lettering with the cute drawing of a rainbow and stars appears again and again on the doors and walls and shows you your way. Here and there you look what is hidden behind certain doors. However, it's mostly empty restrooms where just a few of the little wet floor bots hang out and stare at you curiously out of their yellow eyes. "Hi, didn't mean to bother you," you murmur to two of them, before gently pulling the door shut behind you again and keep walking on. You pass a small fountain whose water is still running. Wasn't it supposed to be turned off by now? It seemed like a waste of electricity to leave it running after hours. Not to mention that the lights on the artificial palm trees were still burning. Well… it wasn't your job to tell the company how to spend their money. Hm. You pause. You notice the posters and drawings on the walls. A cartoon sun and moon are portrayed on them. "Sundrop and Moondrop?" you read aloud. You're not sure if these are the names of the characters or if it's just an advertisement for the candy pictured on them. Although… wait, a moon? Could that be an illustration of the safety program? Jeff had mentioned that he worked at the daycare. Right? Clearly curious, you walk through the last door that leads you into the reception area of the daycare. You freeze for a moment as you see the huge construct in front of you. What the…
It's more of these gold-painted statues. On your tour, you've already seen the ones representing the band members. But the ones before you don't show the band, they show the figures from the posters. Haha… wow… the two statues looked a bit intimidating, which was probably due to the poses. Standing right in front of them, you feel like they tower over you in an ominous way. If they started moving right here and now, you'd probably get the scare of your life! You look at the two figures for a while. They are dressed in slightly peculiar clothing. Their style doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the Glamrocks. Must be a conscious decision when the company designed them. "Let's hope that the real ones aren't as big as these," you say with a halfhearted smile and head for the barrier gate at the stairs. Through the grid you can already make out the first details of the playground. The hall is truly spacious! You can't wait to take a closer look at the facility and step towards the gate, which automatically opens for you when you get close to it. It seems that it also reacts to the chip in your name tag. Cool. At first glance, you didn't see anyone down there, but that doesn't mean much considering the way everything is so laid out that it's hard to see in every nook and cranny. You jog down the stairs, sometimes taking two steps at a time instead of one until you reach the bottom. Large glass window fronts give you a first glimpse of the place down here.
The daycare somehow reminds you more of an oversized indoor playground than a classic nursery or kindergarten. Everything is colorful and bright and filled with a wide variety of fun playground equipment. You have no doubt that the kids are having a great time here. Curious, you peek inside through the open wooden gate. It's probably not actual wood but looks real enough. Wow, the jungle gyms don't look bad at all, and you're almost itching to climb to the top of one of them to see what kind of view it would give you of the rest of the area. It still doesn't seem like anyone is here. Despite the lights still being fully turned on. Maybe the cleaning bots will come to mop through later? You think about calling for someone, but you don't know who to call. You could just go in and walk around a bit. See if everything is okay. After all, this is your new job!
You grin a little, want to take your first step, and stop. You notice the play mats that cover the floor. You frown. Can you just walk in here with your shoes on? They're not really dirty - you've taken extra care to put on a clean pair for work that isn't covered in dirt - but there are usually a lot of kids in here. Maybe even some toddlers that still crawl around on their hands. So you unceremoniously take off your shoes and leave them in front of the gate. On socks - your favorite ones with the flower pattern - you enter the playground with a clear conscience and start to look around with great interest. In addition to all kinds of toys and play equipment, you also discover a few scattered stuffed plushies of the local mascots. It is logical somehow that they use their own products in the daycare center. Probably brings the kids to beg their parents for an own plush toy of their favorite band member. You continue walking across the mats, discovering a ball pit connected to a slide. Oh, so that was the hole you saw on the upper platform at the reception. Definitely a fun way to get in here. As a kid, you would have loved this! You turn around and see what looks like a counter some distance away, a little different from the rest in here. You recognize several computer screens and other technical stuff. Most likely, the place over there is for the staff from this area. Maybe an attendant or supervisor working with the animatronic. Jeff did mention that the moon worked here. Maybe that includes its counterpart, the sun as well? You run your left hand over the bars of one of the many jungle gyms. The bars feel like they're sheathed in rubber or something. A little flexible, but firm. Each of the large jungle gym complexes has several exits and entrances. In this one, you can see slides leading from the top points back to the ground, or small tunnels and tubes inside connecting the different sections.
During the day it must be quite busy here. The image of a cartoon Roxanne smiles at you from above the jungle gym. You gently tug on one of the bars. It is absolutely tight, though, and you don't doubt that it would hold the weight of a child or your own. There is still no one around and again the urge rises inside you to just give in to your childish impulse. "Oh well, why not," you mutter, giving in to it. You slide your foot between the more than large enough gaps between the bars and climb all the way to the top without much trouble. "Hah, piece of cake." This is nothing compared to a climbing wall or the countless times you've climbed up some trees since you were a kid. The bars make it so much easier for you to get a good grip. As you reach the top, you push yourself over the edge. You're careful not to accidentally slip off of the bars with your feet to not end up caught in one of the gaps. Instead, you just sit down and enjoy the new panorama with a cheerful smile on your lips. Yep, you like the view from up here. For a while, you simply take in your surroundings. The ceiling lights shaped like clouds, the small "stone wall" surrounding the ball pit. The platform attached to the wall with the curtains and the tower drawn on the wall around it. You wonder what it's good for. It doesn't seem to be possible to get up there from this side. But it looks way too elaborate for a mere decorative element. Suddenly you hear a movement. It sounds like someone is dragging something through the area. And with every passing second you can make the noise out more clearly. Confused, you crane your neck and try to pinpoint where the sound is coming from.
A… a giant plush version of Freddy emerges from behind the jungle gym with the Monty display. Your hands clasp the bars to your right and left a little tighter. You lean forward a bit, squint your eyes a little, and see only two thin arms wrapped around the stuffed animal from behind. Looks like someone is here after all… The teddy is carried another step forward and it looks like whoever was carrying it is half buried under it. The person abruptly stops. Doesn't move anymore, but doesn't put the stuffed toy on the ground either. You tilt your head a little to the side. That thing must be awfully uncomfortable to carry alone. "Need some help?" you call out from your elevated position to the figure hidden behind the plush Freddy. You don't get an immediate response. It takes a few seconds before the stuffed bear is set down on the ground. And to your surprise, it is not a human face that appears behind it, but a yellow sun! For a moment you stare down at it in surprise. Somehow you had assumed to meet a human being. But that is no human down there. It's… an animatronic. Like the one on the poster. Oh. Oooooh! The statue! Of course. You're so stupid. That's why the two statues were placed up there! So the moon and the sun both worked here at the daycare. Well… that made some sense. Kind of. Maybe. From here, you can only see a pair of white eyes staring up at you. At least, that's what it looks like, because his face has lifted to point it in your direction. But it's hard for you to make out finer details from this distance.
"Hi," you smile at him a little sheepishly and raise a hand to wave at him. Your feet dangle a little in the air. Okay, now you do feel a teeeeeeeny bit silly for sitting up here. Especially because he still hasn't said a word. Maybe he's overwhelmed and doesn't know how to react to a situation like this. It's probably not often that a strange adult sits on one of the jungle gyms after closing time. Or at all. Yep… that could be the problem. To your surprise, he just leaves the plushie and comes closer to the climbing frame you're sitting on. His head tilts… no, rotates slightly to the side. His gaze is still directed straight at you. "I'm the new guy from security," you explain as it occurs to you that maybe you should introduce yourself properly so he doesn't think you're some crazy intruder, and you call out your name to him as well. His head now rotates over to the other side. You see what looks like individual spikes moving slightly around his head, retracting and then extending again. The sight is a bit strange and you're not sure what it means. "I… um… wait a minute, I'll come down," before you continue talking, you might want to climb down to the sun-shaped animatronic first so you can look each other in the face properly. You don't wait, and climb back down from the jungle gym almost as fast as you made it up. No problem at all! When you feel the soft floor of the play mats under your feet again, you spin around to face him. "Hi again," you say, throwing a smile at him. Wow… now that you're standing here in front of him like this, you realize just how darn tall he is! Thankfully, not as tall as his golden counterpart. To be honest, you like his real colors a lot more, too. They have a friendly look to them? Cheerful? Something along those lines.
"You… are the new guard?" Thank god! He finally talks. It had started to feel a bit awkward that he stayed silent for so long. Still, he sounds a little surprised while speaking. Well, no wonder considering the circumstances. His gaze falls on your name tag, then on your face. You have the feeling that his eyes, which strangely enough have no pupils or iris at all, look brighter for a moment than they already do. "Ah! Ahahaha, I see! Right, right. I forgot we had a new face to welcome here with us today!" His voice almost sounds a tad too excited. Like he's going out of his way to sound overly cheerful. But since this is the first time you two speak to each other, you can't tell if that might be normal for him. Instead, you notice that he begins to gesture much more noticeably. His hands are literally whizzing through the air while talking. No comparison at all to before, where he had seemed almost as stiff as an oak.
"Yeah. That would be me, then. It's my first day… or more like my first night here," you confirm with a bit of an embarrassed grin. "Sorry if I startled you a little," you point to the climbing frame behind you with a small nod of your head and look at him with an apologetic smile. "Not at all! It's no problem! Not in the least! It was just… surprising! That's right, a teensy bit surprising! I didn't expect to find anyone up there! Doesn't happen usually, does it? The little ones aren't allowed to climb up the outside of the jungle gyms, you know. Not at all. That's a big no-no. After all, they could fall and hurt their tiny little selves. And we wouldn't want that, right?" It's impressive how normal he sounds. The way he moves. Bringing his hands together and nudging his fingertips together in turn in a thoughtful motion before pulling his hands apart again and waving them around. Like a real person, it occurs to you. You stare at him, fascinated. It's honestly your first time interacting with an animatronic or something comparable. You've heard here and there how real the Fazbear Company animatronics can appear, but you didn't know if people were exaggerating or not. But experiencing it for yourself is something else entirely. It feels incredibly real. Maybe today's A.I.s kind of already were. And if they weren't, it felt like they were damn close to become real beings.
You realize that you have completely forgotten to say anything. So you make up for it as fast as you can. "Sorry again about that. I just… couldn't help myself when I saw how easy it was to get up there, I guess. But I solemnly vow," you stand up a little straighter, place your hand over the place where your heart is as if to make an oath, and put on your most serious face. "Never to do such a thing in front of the children here, so you don't have to worry about them turning into a bunch of copycats," you finish, grinning a bit from the silliness. Surprised, you notice how his smile seems a little wider. Either he liked your performance or he's laughing at you. You could live with both.
"I hope we will get along well," you add with a smile and hold out your hand to him. However, for some reason he hesitates to take it. The rays around his head move again. Just a tad. A little confused you lower your hand again as you realize that he is probably not a friend of handshakes. That's okay, too. No big deal... "Sure! Sure we will! It's always nice to meet new friends! And," he extends his hand in the air, index finger raised. "Your oath has been heard. Still, you shouldn't be climbing around up there either. It's simply against the rules. Too dangerous. It would be a shame if you fell and we had to scrape you off the ground," you grin a little, laughing at the last part of his sentence because you didn't expect him to make such a joke. "It's not half as hard as going up a climbing wall, but fine. Your playground your rules," you add with a smile, raising your hands in mock surrender.
"By the way... Can I ask for your name?" He stares at you in surprise. Then his hands shoot up to his face to make his surprise even more obvious. He gasps theatrical. You can hear a soft tinkling of bells as he moves. "Oh no! How could I have forgotten! Today just doesn't seem to be my day! How terribly rude of me! I haven't even introduced myself yet! That's no good. We must change that immediately. Forgive me, friend. You can call me Sun." Again, you grin a little. "Sun. Got it. That's pretty easy to remember." It's not hard to guess why he was named like this, of all things. And at least now you know that Sundrop must be the name of the candy then. Your eyes linger on his face again. The engravings in it give it a lot of depth. There are small indentations on his nose that, with a little distance, look like freckles. A curved line that runs below and above his right eye like a tiny vine. Bright yellow spikes that are probably meant to represent rays of sunlight. Your eyes move on to the red puffy collar around his neck. It’s all warm colors with him, isn’t it? Your gaze travels further over the joints of his shoulders, along his arms and down to his wrists with the red ribbons around them. Oh, there are the little bells you heard as soon as he gestured more wildly again. His fingers look quite flexible. His body has a bit of a wooden puppet to it. The one that artists sometimes use as a reference. Only he looks much more detailed. His outfit has something of a jester. Everything about him somehow radiates warmth and cheerfulness. Absolutely not intimidating, even though he's so much taller than you. But the way he towers over you like that… The flat, round face, the long rays sticking out from his head like petals, he reminds you of… one of the sunflowers from your garden! The thought makes you smile on the spot.
"Soooooo… to come back to my first question. Do you need any help with that big fellow over there?" you ask, pointing back over to the stuffed toy he has left lying around. Curious, you look up at him. Ready to help him out. His gaze wanders from you to the plush Freddy and back again. "That's mighty kind of you friend. But please do not bother yourself with it! It's my job to clean up the daycare as soon as all the little ones are picked up from their parents. Cleaning, tidying up, putting everything back in order! All done in no time! Not a problem at all for silly ole me!" You look at him with a tilted smile. Is he trying being considerate of you? "Honestly. I don't mind lending you a hand for a bit. I'm quite good at carrying heavy stuff around!" you assure him, and it is true, after all. "Besides, just between you and me. You'd be doing me a huge favor if you said yes. I'd would give me a good excuse to hug a giant Freddy plushie without it hurting my reputation. So basically you would be helping me", what kind of reputation that should be, you don't really know. You are just looking for a reason to offer him your help without making him feel bad about it. And if you are honest, you are a little curious about how this oversized teddy bear feels.
You try to keep a serious face as you look at Sun, whose face has come a little closer to yours. He seems to be examining you carefully. Maybe he suspects what you are trying to pull off. If so, he doesn't bring it up, because as he stands back up and puts his hands together, he says: "Perhaps a little help wouldn't hurt, indeed. It would go a lot faster. Easier. All right, friend! You've convinced me", he starts to move with big steps and waves you to follow him while his face remains turned towards you the whole time. Without hesitation, you follow him. "Where do you want him to move?" you ask, and Sun points to the jungle gym with a row of children's chairs and tables in front of it. "Over there, please." The face of Chica's cartoon self is attached to its frame. "Okay, alright!", you give a motivated nod and line up behind the big plush Freddy who, oddly enough, has a different design than the one you've seen in the pictures of the website. Whatever. You put your arms around the plushie's belly and lift it up. It feels super soft and cuddly. Okay, you could definitely imagine yourself burying your face in the plush toy or using it as a pillow for a power nap. However, good Freddy here is also heavier than he looks at a first glance. Sun helps you out right away by putting his hands around the bottom of the stuffed bear and lifting it up. Together you can carry him much easier to the place where Sun wants him to be. Together you carefully set him down and lean him against the play structure so that he sits upright in front of it. You would offer Sun a high-five for your good teamwork if you didn't kind of suspect that it would end up like your offer for a handshake. Instead, you stuff your hands into your jacket pockets to avoid the temptation in the first place. "Thanks for the chance to cuddle with your friend here," you say instead. "Don't you worry friend. Your dark secrets are kept safe," Sun retorts, and it sounds almost teasing. You laugh softly at that. "Okay. Good to know. It would be absolutely horrible if anyone ever found out," you emphasize as much as you can, smiling at him. Well… it's probably time for you to slowly head back out of the daycare.
"I guess I should move on now. I've only just started my round. And from what I've seen so far, I've got quite a bit more legwork ahead of me." "Oh yes. The Pizzaplex is indeed very large! Very spacious! Packed full of fun attractions for the whole family! There's so much to see! Have a great time while exploring, friend!" You chuckle softly. "You do realize I'm here to work, right? Even though it might not have seemed that way earlier," you admit, clearing your throat slightly, not able to stop smiling, before taking a few steps towards the exit. "Well, anyway, I'll let you get back to cleaning up in peace instead of standing in your way. I'm sure I'll see you again soon though! I'm on night shift the whole first week. So… see you Sunflower!" you call to him over your shoulder with a bright grin and leave the daycare center through the gate, where you slip back into your shoes. You no longer see him staring after you with a puzzled smile. Or how the fingers of his left hand dig firmly into the ribbons of his right wrist.
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calronhunt · 11 months
i saw on th mate, son and daughter were all in quotes for scout warbler and condors relationships to crane, what does that mean and how did they all meet? whats warbler and condors relationship like with scout?
They're mostly in quotes cause they're like. for Warbler and Condor, they're like, adopted kids but are also Crane's "kids" because I envision their group, The Flock, as a like. sort of-but-not-really crime family. Where they call each other mom and son and daughter and stuff. Crane treats anyone in the flock as her children, but only people in her like "inner family circle" get titles like Son and Daughter while everyone can call her mom if they wish. Scout's her "mate" in quotes because they used to have a thing and they didn't. really. break it off so they're still. kinda? together???? but not really. I think they were like "thinks it's love at first sight and then you learn about the other's personality and then it's like oh god what am I getting into." Scout never joined The Flock anyway (he didn't take a bird name) so it's not a big deal that he comes and goes.
Crane and Condor have known each other for a long time I think, not entirely sure how they met. They're both individuals who like goofy fun but can be undeniably cruel if they feel like it. Maybe they met each other and were like "wow you're also messed up" and it escalated from there. They're both about the same age too i think (Condor's a bit younger) but they have a weird mother/son vibe going on anyway. It makes everyone uncomfortable.
Warbler on the other hand, is a teenage cat who was orphaned during the war after a battle. Crane found her and decided to take her in and stick her in the role of her daughter and condor being her older brother. She's a very excitable and friendly little cat, but she was taken away from her family and stuck in this situation a bit too quick. She's thankful and grateful to Crane and Condor! she just feels like she wasn't given the chance to properly grieve her old family before being stuck with this new one. She's got some complex feelings on it. She hasn't seen any combat or been trained how to fight or anything. now that the war is over she hopes she never has to.
Condor doesn't like Scout at all, doesn't like that someone so close to Crane didn't join The Flock. He wants to kill Scout but that would upset Crane so he doesn't. Scout barely bothers talking to Condor. Warbler on the other hand doesn't really mind that Scout comes and goes. He kind of reminds her of her bio dad with how laid back he is, you know? Scout will bring Warbler mice or other things he caught if he remembers to sometimes.
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surrealsunday · 1 year
SO I FINALLY CAUGHT UP THR LAST THREE CHAPTERS AND WOW- so much to say ngl and kinda glad you split chap6-7 in two, very grateful for that :))). okay so little rambling time ahah
• chapter 5: what a rollercoaster on its own holy shit! it went from weird vibe, flirting to quickly escalate to an argument and then to sth very intense with the last scene 😏 but as always i really loved it! the first scene with basile and eliott’s interaction made me smile ngl, like i said earlier their dynamic would have been so worth showing in the show 👌🏻 also the flirting part when eliott is just staring at lucas’ face and blushing when he notices 🥺 my baby 🥺and that line im so obsessed and soft pls “no need when Lucas is sitting in the sun looking like that - like a fallen angel. Fallen perhaps because no one who looks that sinfully good could ever remain untouched in heaven.”
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oh yeah also idriss with manon…seriously one of my fav thing💗 elu’s hug at the end with the “it can wait” warmed my heart, i smiled like an idiot sjsbsb
• chapter 6: probably one of my fav chapter! i love how they’re already so gone for eo (literally), their teasing is exquisite every time omg i love them sm 🤌🏻 also the moment when lucas explained the thing with ch*rles…i never wanted to punch someone that hard in the face, seriously sbsjdbd i kept repeating “wanna slap him omg i so wanna slap him”, and then eliott saying “i will kill him”, like same bestie!! 😭 also idk if it’s just me but you can already see that kind of domesticity between them, like it’s as if they’ve been tgt for years dbdjdb
• chapter 7: again. the rollercoaster that chapter was! eliott wanting to look nice for lucas 🥺 lucas taking the initiative to hold hands with eliott and saying “i feel safe with you” I DIED OF CUTENESS PLS. also basike drunk is so fucking funny LMAOO, he’s such a mood here 🤣
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plus, that moment where eliott learns lucas wants to move out from his fam house and he already can see them living their little cosy life tgt doing domestic stuff, my heart just explode he loves him so much 🥺 they’re gonna be the death of me, in every universe istg 😭
the fact i already knew what was coming but still- it was hard, very hard 🥲 like i couldn’t stop nervously laugh knowing what’s gonna happen. but then even that “sack of shit” said those words omg 😭 i imagined the look of lucas’ face, how he was feeling,…i felt so fucking bad and wanted to hug him forever🤧 i literally screamed and insult him even more, then queen daphy bite the crap out of him 😌 and then again, u broke me with “i hate u more”
little summary of my mood throughout this chapter:
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they better figure everything out quick or imma jump into this story and lock them in a room to have a proper talk lmaoo. no but seriously i know they’re gonna be okay but still this moment is tough, but worth it 😌
anyways, i hope you’ll have a nice nye’s celebration and wish you the best for this new year! (also never more looked forward to get the new update than now ngl, i kinda feel hollow now 🧍🏼‍♀️🤣)
Omg adlkfjasdlkfj your reactions and memes are just the actual best and I'm dying 😂😂😂❤️️❤️️❤️️.
The line you pulled out of chapter 5 (Lucas as a fallen angel), literally how accurate tho? Eliott was so right for that.
I love how much so many people loved chapter 6 ☺️! I didn't really have a fave chapter in this fic but peoples reactions to that one made me appreciate it so much more. And wanting to punch Charles... very much a mood. I was forever grateful that him getting punched was something that actually happens in the movie. I was happy to stay true to that. I also agree that they settle very quickly into comfortable domestic vibes. That's definitely the point. That instant comfort that comes from being around the right person. It's the same vibe in the next chapter when Eliott is immediately imagining them living together. He's right that it's a little ridiculous to be thinking about something like that when he and Lucas are still so new, but when it's the right person, it's the right person. And there's really no timeline when that's the case.
Lucas deserves all the hugs though, it is true. Poor bub is definitely going through it 🥺. Let himself fall for the 'cool hot guy' again and got so much more badly hurt. Lucas's last line though... ngl... I love it 😌. Truly a fave for me.
Your moodboard throughout the chapter tho 😂😂😂. Yeah that seems about right. Exactly what I was looking to evoke too. The 'laughing nervously' one makes me seriously lol.
Thank you so much for sending your thoughts! I love love love reading what you were thinking!!!
I hope you have a lovely New Year's as well! I will be doing nothing (which is how I like it) aside from maybe a fun makeup look for nobody but my cat. I really do need to work on the next chapter tho so that is the goal for the next couple days!
Happy New Year to you too! 🥳💗💗💗💗
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hopeymchope · 2 years
Initial Persona 5 (Royal) Thoughts
I got Persona 5 Royal for Switch on launch day and started it immediately. 
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NOW, five fucking years after its release, I finally have Persona 5 in a format where I can experience it. It’s taken long enough that even the updated release (Royal) is three years old! And given how long these games are, there’s a good chance I’ll be playing it ‘til Christmas or something.
Game Status: I just completed the second of the “Palaces” and am working towards identifying my next target, with my Phantom Thief team now numbering five.
Quick info on my Persona background: I’ve explained this before, but so far I’ve played P3P and P4G already as well as P4DAN and the “Arena” spinoffs. I tried to play P2 Innocent Sin, but I bounced off it pretty hard, so I didn’t get too far. That pretty much scared me away from trying the first game or Eternal Punishment; I guess I understand now why everyone (including Atlus) seems to treat the third game as though it’s where the series began. :P
Initial thoughts on P5R from a newcomer:
When I started out, I strongly suspected that this whole “in media res” opening and the interrogation framing story weren’t present in the original P5. After all, they’re spoiling a bunch of stuff that is otherwise only implied or not yet known at all - showing you the characters that’ll make up your team (implied by the box art but not confirmed), spoiling every single target you’re going after WEEKS before the characters in the game even meet that person, etc. I was surprised to learn that they’ve always been there! I really feel it’d be much better if I wasn’t constantly being spoiled on what my next target’s gonna be all about and sometimes even shown pictures of them. I’m also a simple person who likes seeing narratives gradually escalate in intensity, but now we start out doing a RL heist in the rafters and then we have to step back to invading “mind palaces” where we can expose our identities willy-nilly and it will have zero effect in reality. So I’m like “Wow, this feels REALLY unimportant compared compared to where I need to catch up to.”
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“You’re not wrong, Sae. You’re just an asshole.”
Why must every one of these games include a Good Boy who most of the squad treats like utter shit for no fucking reason?! Out of 3, 4, and 5, the guy who came the closest to maybe, kinda-sorta deserving his treatment as “the bitch” of the group was Junpei. But you better back the fuck off Ryuji right now, squad.
Speaking of those two... I both appreciate and resent Morgana in equal measure. He doesn’t seem like a bad person (cat?), and he’s obviously very helpful. He’s even kind of fun/cute at times. He’s the main resource of information for everybody, all the time. He’s also bossy and controlling in a way that made sense for like, Mitsuru in P3, but like... why must we dance to his every whim constantly? Why must our every action feel like it’s dictated by him? I understand that the answer is most likely “because somebody has to be an exposition dump and provide tutorials,” but you could do the tutorials JUST via the pop-up windows. Morgana feels like the the puppet master and true leader of the group. Protag/Ren is a figurehead who is dancing to his tune. They should’ve done like P3 and just said “Protag/Ren is the field leader for combat and exploration, but MORGANA is the actual leader who makes decisions and oversees plans.” But no, they had to put it all on Ren despite any evidence for that at this point. Which is irksome to me. ................ But hey, at least Morgana isn’t a repeat of Teddy or something, which I admit was my initial fear when I saw the “odd-looking mascot character who we first encounter in the other world and is somehow warped by it.”
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He means Morgana, right?
Ann just... doesn’t really stand out to me. I guess this series already has a habit of repeating character traits and personalities, and there’s only so many tropes you can smoosh together (plus there are undoubtedly characters that I never even met), but Ann still feels like she’s not much of a unique person yet. There are elements of Yukiko (P4) and Lisa (P2) and Rise (P4) in there, but I’m still not feeling like I know her as herself yet, if that makes sense? This is the kind of thing where the individual bonding levels will probably fill in the gaps. At least she’s likable enough for the person she is right now. And hey, I found her efforts to deceive/avoid Yusuke during the second arc to be legit hilarious.
Yusuke? Him, I like. He seems distinctive from any characters I’ve met before in this series. Of course, I might just be ignorant of someone similar from P2EP or P1, but my limited experience finds him to be unique and generally likable.
The fact that it took MONTHS for anyone to ask Ren why he has a criminal record and what his side of the story is feels pretty insensitive to him. But the way Sojiro never cares ONCE to hear what happened, just shits all over you constantly and treats you like a little piece of crap and distrusts you non-stop and only softens at all when you start working for him for free? Yeah, FUCK Sojiro. I said it.
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