#always overdoing it XD
klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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Honeymoon at the Beach
As a little Thank you for donating to my GISH Teams “Make a wish” campaign  @ladymars asked for Adam and Michael spending their Honeymoon at the beach! (Different shirts and high difference were part of the request)
Michael is too cool for the pool, while Adam enjoys seeing some seagulls.
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Hiii everyone, say, how do your Hawkes go go about sharing their estate? If they do it at all? Is everyone free to come and go or are they more private? Or do they only invite their LI to stay? I'm curious!! :)
#lay rambles#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#oc: lilian hawke#both my hawkes are very social w their friends but i love comparing their boundaries around it#theres variation in rules for specific ppl with both of them ofc but theres still general differences#with liam its all very open and everyone can p much come and go whenever#they dont get extra keys (theyll get lost and he doesnt want randos finding them lol) but they know where to find the spare key#and bodhan and sandal and orana know to let them in whenever#hes very lenient in this this regard but he does have rules abt what he does and doesnt want them to do#mostly its about not making too much of a mess lol bc liam prefers to clean himself#(he doesnt trust the crew with his household and also he has particular ways of doing things and Hates when theyre done differently)#so things like keep your dirty garb at the entrance dont cook by yourselves (this was banned after they did it one (1) time lol) etc#also no fucking allowed. do that somewhere else for the love of the maker he does NOT want to walk into that in his own house#(and it also comes back to liam not trusting them with cleaning but also Not wanting to clean that up lol)#also he is not fond of them going into his room uninvited. most of the house is chill but that is *his* space#he accommodates these rules by e.g. having spare slippers and a little washing basin in the entrance hall for dirty shoes/feet#always makes sure to have snacks in stock that he knows they like#food will have notes abt what to leave for leandra/orana/etc but otherwise food is prepared with his friends in mind#and in general he'll make sure to adjust the space/routine in little ways to accommodate them#(air out when fen isnt there cus he doesnt like drafts; keep curtains open cus anders prefers open spaces; etc)#lilian on the other hand doesnt like when her friends come into the estate without a heads up (cept for emergencies)#but once they have her 'ok' its basically mi casa es su casa#dont yknow. overdo it and get too rowdy but otherwise do whatever#however. she also expects everyone to clean up after themselves. she aint here to play maid and youre all adults#also liam has a general 'please try to not be too wild when leandra is here' and lilian doesnt#not cos she doesnt care but cos leandra is bothered by sth she can speak up herself#oh and lilian uses the basement space as temporary refuge for anyone who needs it (mostly escaped mages)#also side note: both offered gamlen to stay but he refused (out of pride/remorse)#...this got long and i ran out of tag space lmfao so this is it for now xD
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
How would the Lords be as parents? We know how Alcina is, but how about the others?
You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable.
I don't mind! In fact, this is my favorite kind of content XD Hope you enjoy!💖
The Four Lords as Parents Headcanons
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-We do already know how Alcina is as a parent, but let's recap a little just so she can be included. She can be very loving but is also very strict. However, she always has her children's best interests at heart.
-It's hard for her to show any loving affection with hugs and stuff like that. She's much better in showing her care with the life she's given them, safety and so forth. It's just hard for her to share her emotions.
-However, she's a very protective mother as we all know.
-She will kill anyone who dares harm her children or their livelihoods. They mean a lot to her, and this is how she really shows it. The more danger they are in, the more anger and stress Alcina gets, leading to her lashing out.
-Alcina isn't afraid to scold or punish. The way she sees it, she's the queen here, the one in charge. None of her children would dare talk back to her or speak badly against her. They have a simple yet solid relationship.
-Despite the level of dominance she holds, Alcina does have a sweet spot for her children. If they want to do something with her, she'll do it. She likes to spend downtime with them. Alcina isn't entirely cold, she does have a soft spot for her children.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna would be a good mother, be it a little absent minded here and there. However, she has rules and those rules better be followed or else. Her first rule is definitely don't go into the basement, and then it would be to stay away from her gardens.
-All her strictness comes from paranoia that her children could get hurt or something. She didn't have a very safe childhood, so she overdoes safety now because she's worried. Even though, if the kids are left with Angie, it's a whole other story entirely.
-Despite her overwhelming sense of fear, she still holds a sense of sereness and acts very calm.
-She likes to teach new things to her children, like her art of doll making, gardening, or even tea. Even though she wants them to stay away from her dangerous flowers, each child would get a little spot in the garden where they could grow their own plants under her supervision.
-Donna likes to do a lot of play with her children when they are young. She thinks the imagination is important, so if they want to have a tea party, a tea party they shall get. And if they want to play with dolls that she made for them, she'll drop everything to join.
-She is the queen of comfort. When I mentioned she's a worrier for their safety, that includes while they sleep. Nightmares don't get to cause her children any pain. Donna will give hugs, lay with them until they fall asleep again, or do anything to bring comfort.
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Salvatore Moreau
-One of the most caring yet most fearful fathers is Moreau. This man has no idea what to do and no instincts seem to come to him. He's kind of just following on principle of keep them alive and safe and cared for. In fact, sometimes he's too caring.
-His children can never go anywhere without him. Moreau starts to see everything as a hazard and goes to "baby proofing" whatever he can. He always tries to find something to distract them, like a movie or something, in order to get him to feel peace for a while.
-But Moreau is also very proud of his children, running around and talking the ears off anyone he finds.
-The other lords are getting sick of him coming around and gushing about what his kids have done that day. To be honest, they didn't really care. Moreau might know this, but he doesn't care. Just getting to say it makes him happy because he knows his kids know he's proud.
-While he's always scared that something will happen to them, he's also aware that they need to feel loved. Moreau overloads his children with loving words and means of affection. All the hugs in the world from him.
-Despite his soft nature, he's also extremely protective. He will go full on fish mode if anything dares try to harm his offspring. In fact, he might even be scarier than the other lords when it comes to that aspect.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Heisenberg is probably one of the most complex fathers in the world to describe because he is just one large mix of everything. He is fearful for both his children's safety and his own status as a parent. Yet, he also loves and cares for them like any parent should. He also has a sense of pride and determination to be a better parent than Miranda ever could.
-Yes, his temper is certainly a problem that he is trying to fix. Every time one of his kids does something wrong, even if it's an accident, he raises his voice. However, deep down, it comes from the fear he felt that they could've gotten hurt. His factory is not a safe place, so they need to listen to him.
-But despite his tough demeanor, his heart has grown three sizes with the addition of children to his life.
-Considering that his factory is a dangerous place to be, he tries to keep the kids occupied while he works. Most of what he does is throwing paper and coloring supplies on the ground and letting them have it. That means he shows up later that evening with them shoving drawing after drawing in his face. He acts annoyed, but he hangs them up all over his workspace.
-Heisenberg knows how dangerous the world is, so he is extremely protective. Not overly protective, but he seems to have a sixth sense for when his kids are in danger. At that point, he magically appears and deals with the problem.
-He's a rough man, but he isn't going to let his kids feel unloved. If they want a hug, they get a hug. If they need him to lay with them till they fall asleep, he's there. They aren't getting a shitty unloved childhood like he got.
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multimystica · 3 months
Card of the Day!
Once more the same image, ik it's repetitive but I've run out of Photoshop so I may just start numbering these so y'all don't think it's the same post repeatedly. xD This is #4. Also, please remember to follow me, like and reblog! It'd help me immensely, thank you a lot!
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So take a breath, think of the situation of choice and choose your card, then scroll down! I finally learned how to add the see more thing so y'all won't have to scroll past a giant post, YAY!!! :)
Card 1 - The Emperor
Rules, stability, structure! These are the themes for today. Needless to say, authority is quite relevant today.
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First of all it's time to pay attention to who's in charge here, be it you, your father, a boyfriend, or a boss. This person may be quite authoritarian today, make an effort to follow their rules so things go their way, or else. *threatening tone*
In general, it's important to follow rules and to respect authorities today, but let's move on to more specific meanings.
Someone may be very controlling today - it'd be wise to evaluate wether this is a healthy thing or not. If unhealthy, it is of utmost importance that your boundaries are set today, keep them up.
In case you're the authority here (are you a parent, someone's boss, or the leader anywhere? are you in a leader-less place and feel the need to step up?) - Take charge, build foundations, set your rules and boundaries, make sure to step up to your role or you may be overthrown. Also, make sure to do so in a healthy way, don't be an asshole, know the difference between leadership and oppression, you must instill respect, but make sure you don't mistake that for instilling fear. It is also the time to be ambitious.
If you're on the bottom of the food chain - Make sure to follow the rules today, try not to be too proud, it may be a day to swallow your pride. Keep your job well done, try to stay in the good side of those above you, if you do it well enough you might be rewarded. This is definitely not the day to question orders, at all. Don't fuck up, The Emperor is strict.
Whoever you are and whatever your role may be in the power dynamic at hand, make sure your boundaries are in place & respect is maintained to and from other people. Watch out for unhealthy power dynamics, as they're likely to be shown clearly today. Also a good day for self-reflection on wether you're being too authoritarian, too strict, not placing boundaries or placing too many, anyways, take a look at the Emperor's qualities and analyze wether you're lacking or overdoing them.
Card 2 - The Empress
Creation, nurturing & mothering! These are today's main themes, along with self-care which is also quite important today.
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This is a good time to care for yourself and others, but look at your own needs first. Let's go.
If you've been putting others first all the time or neglecting self-care routines - This is the time to take the day for yourself, put yourself first for once, for God's sake! Idk what your schedule is like today, but if there is any flexibility on it, it may be best to push your plans aside and care for yourself!! Make sure to eat well and nourish yourself, hydrate enough and get enough rest. This may also represent a day to be taken care of by someone else, a spa day, take a break!!! Self-care comes first for you today, no matter what. It's also a good day for getting your hair and nails done, shopping, and getting a makeover,
Now, if you always put yourself first and self-care has been kept in check - Take a look around! Look for people who need to be taken care of for the day. Your friend is down with covid? Go to their place, cook them a hearty meal and do some chores on their behalf. That's an example, but it illustrates well the idea. It's the day to do mother-like gestures for other people around you. Make sure everyone around you is well taken care of, well nourished, well rested, well hydrated, watch out for other people's needs and help them out!!! Have them take the day off for self-care if you see fit. Both topics above are specially important if you're a mother, pay attention to yourself and your children and which of you needs a day off to be taken care of for today
If you're a creative person or into arts and crafts - Today is a great day to work on your creative projects! It's also a good day to go out shopping or redecorating your home. The sky is the limit, go all out on that today. If you've been experiencing a creative block, today is the best day for you to try and overcome it, yet if it remains blocked after your attempts today, go down the self-care route and indulge yourself a bit.
If you have a eating disorder or health issues - Good healthy nourishment and care for your physical needs are a must for today, trust me. Take your bodily signs very seriously today, if anything pops up, go to the damn doctor right away! Don't procrastinate it.
A few general random tips for today - Be generous and giving. Comfort foods may come in handy today. Self indulgence is not a sin for today, it's also good to indulge others if you can. Listen to your body today, bodily needs are top priority for now. If you're into gardening, that's a great day for taking care of it as well. Also a good time for sensuality (have a dead bedroom? This is the day to bring it back to life).
Card 3 - The Lovers
Choices, love, and cooperation! These are the main themes for today, as well as personal responsibility.
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In general, this is the time to make choices and celebrate all forms of love be it friendships, partnerships, committed relationships, significant others, all sorts of love. Let's get into specifics.
If you're presented with a decision or choice today - First of all, be aware your mind and heart must be aligned for it, and it's equally important that you know that if you go down a path it's likely that the other option will be sacrificed. Take your time to think it through and be certain of what you want before you decide so you don't later regret your decision.
If you've been thinking of moving forward with something - This is your confirmation to moving forward with your plans.
If you're wondering wether to take a love relationship to the next level - This is your sign that it's safe to move forward with that as long as you keep your needs in mind. This card is also a reminder that for you to love another you must learn to love yourself first so do some self-reflection about self-love and your needs before you take action to move forward with it. If your needs are being unmet yet you feel like taking this relationship to the next level, sort out your needs beforehand to avoid problems down the line. Either way, beware of relationships where you're looking for a emotional/spiritual connection but the partner is only concerned with physical connection with zero interest on something deeper. Communicate your expectations clearly and see if they're on the same page so they don't get the wrong impression.
If none of the above applies to you today - Take a good look around, there are good chances someone is interested on you, admiring you from a distance and you're not aware of it at all. A new love interest might just pop-up unexpectedly.
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aiura-stan · 29 days
1-6, no new tricks. Just like before, I’ll read some more.
1-7, let’s keep revvin’. This is a double feature, let’s not detour.
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Even I find Hairo inspiring. What a kid. Look at all of the guys blushing when he suggests something with that look of pure enthusiasm. It’s contagious. Hairo is basically the male Teruhashi. However, unlike Teruhashi, it’s possible for him to overdo it.
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I think Saiki should make this kind of face more often. He never does the creepy/morose explanation of how his powers can maim people after this. Disappointing. (the editors were probably like, you do know this is shonen jump, right?)
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Asou sensei still doing nothing to negate the Nensai allegations.
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Saiki already knows that Nendou is good at athletics, even though as of the beginning of volume 1, Saiki’s never seen him play sports.
So, this could imply that the volume 0 works hold a degree of canonicity. Let’s call it “cherry pickingly canon.” Parts of it are canon and parts aren’t, and you the reader gets to guess based on what is changed from volume 0 to the main comic and what is referenced. Or maybe Saiki just knew from off-screen events that he’s good at sports. That’s always possible.(<— words of a woman who is too used to ignoring occam’s razor)
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this is so sweet though???
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And so it begins: Saiki’s terrible luck.
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Saiki… that is an exaggeration. Honestly. You wouldn’t become a school hero after one dodgeball game. Especially considering your previous ‘gloomy average underachiever’ reputation.
And also Hairo would very much NOT be marked as a war criminal. Saiki’s social senses are always so off…
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saiki can throw a baseball at the speed of sound??? daaaaaaaaaaamn.
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Lmaooooo. Saiki’s completely obsessed with maintaining averageness. I like how this implies the average interpersonal favorability rating doesn’t exceed 99. So if you like someone more than that, you break the meter. Like his parents.
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And Saiki healed him 🥺 I’m going to assume Saiki also touched him really quickly, because otherwise that raises questions of if he can heal people without contact.
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Yeah, people DEFINITELY think these two are dating by the end of the manga. Sorry, Saiki.
Thus ends 1-6 and 1-7💫
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galaxywrites · 2 months
Smoke headcanons because I absolutely love him XD (MKX timeline, not MK1 because.. of reasons)
◇ trans masc hehe :3
◇ black cat. you guys remember when he was constantly picking fights with anyone when he wasn't with Kuai Liang in MK9 before the invasion? this man screams black cat and I won't be taking no for an answer.
^ to add onto that, Subsmoke is very much black cat/golden retriever.. but Kuai Liang also gives dobberman (?) vibes so.
◇ my headcanon is that Bi-Han was the one who found him. He was on an investigation mission, investigating the cult, and found Smoke just as he killed the cultists.
^ atp Smoke is a child, and I headcanon that Bi-Han is 10 years older than Kuai Liang is. So all Bi-Han sees is a hurt child that harbors a great power, and all he sees is his little brother back in Arctika. So he takes Smoke in, and takes him back to the Lin Kuei.
◇ Smoke had a hard time learning to control his powers.. and he was constantly teleporting into the weirdest places.
(He got stuck in a wall one time and Bi-Han, Cyrax and Kuai Liang made the group effort to get him out.)
◇ Fear of fire. Like, he did not like being in warm places or eating hot foods in the slightest. And he could never explain why there was an uncomfortable pit in his stomach whenever he couldn't avoid hot foods or warm places.
◇ I think sometimes he'd dream of the past. Like not the memories of what he'd been through, but like Prague in general. And he always woke up with tears running down his face, but he could never remember his dreams so he never knew why he was crying.
♧ The only part about Smoke in MK1 that I enjoy is the fact we get information that he had a twin sister before he joined the Lin Kuei. I think this could also apply to the previous timeline, with some differences.
◇ Because of my trans masc headcanon for him, I think he has a vague idea that he's Czech because Bi-Han found him in Prague. So the name Tomáš came from him picking out a name to go by when he transitioned.
◇ I like to think he and Bi-Han would wrestle a lot. Like not when the clan elders were around, but when they're not being watched. Tomáš is basically another little brother to him.
◇ I think he would've been very deliberate to be slow, or do anything that could make his body temperature feel like he was roasting on the inside. This was done especially when he was on his own with the defenders, when both Bi-Han was dead, and Kuai Liang was being cyberized. Having a cryomancer nearby meant not freaking out over being warm, but with them gone, he'd have to make sure to not overdo it.
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hopelessrandomwriter · 9 months
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Here is my ✨lazy✨ start of introduction, and which fandoms I will be writing for from now on, and, if you (and I) want, you can ask me to add some fandom you like, If I know It, of course, but who knows, maybe I'll try to find out about It for you, huh <3? However, there are rules too, but don't worry, it's no big deal~
Undertale/Deltarune(and Au's are accepted!) ★ . . .
Omori ★ . . .(Au's are also accepted, I know some of us would like to..delete some stairs from this story)
The owl house ★ . . .
Heartstopper ★ . . .(I need fluffy requests if they are about this one please-)
Amphibia ★ . . . (Mostly about the Calamity trio, however, I don't mind overdoing it from time to time if you want!)
Doki Doki literature club ★ . . .(After-mc/after the main character season, but if you want you can request for while It, or even before!)
Chainsaw Man ★ . . .
Oshi no ko ★ . . .
The promised neverland ★ . . .(I don't think anyone remembers this anime anymore, but...what's the harm in including it, right?-)
Fnaf ★ . . .(mostly afton stuff ngl, but I accept anything)
Sally face ★ . . .(if this fandom still lives, I'm with y'all)
Coraline★ . . .❤️(You weren't expecting that, huh? Xd, anyway, Au are also allowed)
——— Rules ★———(Yes, I made a reference on this part's decoration, Who knows these colors...we're together in the same boat guys)
No 18+ inappropriate stuff! I want to propose acceptable content, for me as for you guys, that is, without nhek nhek, however, I accept romantic and fluffy requests! (such as cuddles, First Kiss, etc.), and definitively NO cursed ships(an example? Eda x Luz, Sunny x Mari, just no) and if possible, put the canonical ships <3 but if you want an "X reader/or a three-way relationship" or put together a fictional couple that you think would work together, as long as neither of them in your couple is committed(unless the person the character is with is a piece of shi-)/doesn't like the other character's gender, that's fine! And I definitively can do a "match me with one character of the (you choose) show" (aka...Simp's favorite game)
And about anguish, it's always welcome (or not, it depends-), but let me know if you want something specific or If should mention a very specific or explicit type of anguish (things like s-h, more expresso and less depresso, complicated injuries or illnesses/Diceases etc.) so I can delve deeper into the scenario, and also let you know if there are any possible triggers!
And finally, but most important of ALL rules, a rule you CANNOT, NEVER, break....
Have fun, I'm out of ideas lol Xd~ requests(scenarios, match-me-with, fanfic, etc.) are..
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 months
pre-reconciliation sarumi's sex tape is leaked, how do everyone react?
Wait, they made a sex tape, when and how XD I feel like this is something they wouldn’t do on purpose pre-reconciliation, since they’re likely having angsty angry betrayal sex and neither one wants to admit that they’re getting anything out of this at all. Maybe it’s Hisui being a creepy pervert, like he can hack into the cameras around the city and pick up things that even S4 is unaware of. Fushimi is generally cognizant of the location of just about any camera that S4 has access to, even when he’s dragging Yata into an alley and tearing at his clothes Fushimi makes sure he’s well out of range of S4’s cameras. Still, he doesn’t know where every camera in the city is and there’s always the possibility of getting caught anyway, say Hisui has spotted bits and pieces of Yata and Fushimi’s trysts over the jungle cameras and thinks it would be an amusing humiliation for both the Red and Blue clans, if this sort of thing got leaked. He releases it as a mission, to capture these two in illicit acts, and then just sits back and waits.
At some point Fushimi and Yata end up having angry sex in an alley, totally unaware that someone nearby is watching and filming. Fushimi has this vague feeling of danger but he’s too busy biting Yata’s lips and egging him on to really care, the only thing in his head right now is Misaki. So then both of them are blindsided when this small video starts making the rounds on the internet, of Homra’s vanguard and S4’s number three having sex in a dirty alleyway. Yata I think would be horrified, like he’s already having enough trouble processing the whole angry sex thing and now everyone knows and people watched it and it’s embarrassing and awful and how could people watch them that’s disgusting.
I feel like Homra would be mostly sympathetic to him though, like they know Yata and Fushimi have a fraught relationship and it’s not like this is a simple case of ‘sleeping with the enemy.’ Kusanagi in particular I think would be facepalming way more over the ‘you had sex in a public place’ than ‘you had sex with Fushimi.’ Yata’s miserable and apologizing and Kusanagi puts a hand on his shoulder and says he’ll see what damage control they can do, like utilizing Homra’s resources to claim this was AI-generated or something in order to save poor Yata some humiliation.
Fushimi is mostly irritated that the whole thing got leaked, the last thing he wants is this reminder of what he’s been letting himself do with the person he wants to hate him. Munakata I think would also be focusing mostly on Fushimi getting caught in a public place, I imagine him giving Fushimi a talking to while Fushimi just keeps responding with bland ‘yes sir’s. Awashima is somewhat more terrifying about it, I can totally see her giving him this lecture about doing such things in public and how Munakata’s going to have to smooth this over so they don’t get in trouble with the other government entities. Fushimi is given the task of erasing his own mistake from the internet, though I can see Munakata being a bit gentler about it and encouraging him to not overdo it and please request assistance from other members as needed. Even so Fushimi does it all himself, spreading rumors that it’s fake, deleting videos he finds, releasing similar edited videos in order to flood out the real one, just totally focused and not letting himself think about that video or what happened in it.
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luna-loner · 8 months
Take that as me considering you the Kanzaki connaisseur, but I was genuinely curious about your point of view on a trivia:
Yoshida Taisei crush on Kanzaki Yukiko. It's only ever mentionned in the character profiles, and they don't interact in canon.
The logic goes that he sees her - and his expression softens up - when he turns his head to his left, since their seating is next to each other. (and Hazama has the time of her life observing the shenanigans from her seat behind Kanzaki 😂)
I don't ship them in the slightest, but I think that we can look at it as yet another point on how Kanzaki is percieved by her classmates;
Yoshida is her polar opposite, and I personally imagined the crush to be very surface-level, attached moreso to her exterior and assumed identity of "sweet, demure girl with good grades" (very realistic middle school crush, in a way 😂).
But still, I was wondering what your thoughts on it, your input, are. Their constrast is interesting, to say the least, and I guess we can either ignore it/find a way to go around it, or use it to see what it tells us about these two.
Do you have any headcanons or anything about Yukiko's point of view, etc etc.?
Thanks in advance, have a good day! :)
What if I told you I briefly shipped them at one point? The Tough motorcycle guy x Madonna gamer girl dynamic is pretty fun to think about. Give me a proper lady on her boyfriend's bike and I'll kiss your generous hands. (Meanwhile, Papa Kanzaki looks like he's about to have a panic attack XD)
I've never invested in Yoshida, so this ship didn't sail for me. The ideas above were me seeing him as a trope rather than a character. And GakuYuki's already living rent-free in my mind
That said, from what I've read about him, I interpreted his character as a secret softie with a tough exterior. A nice guy who likes other nice people; it'd make sense why he'd like Yukiko.
I think Yukiko has noticed him looking at her, and it has made her uncomfortable given her horrible luck with men. It doesn't help that the Terasaka gang weren't the most cooperative and agreeable bunch early on in the series.
But as the year goes on and the gang gets along with the rest of 3E, she starts to see them in a more positive light. As for bike boy, he challenges her to racing games as a way to get close to her. (Also because he was surprised she turned out to be a master gamer and thought it was cool) Yoshida would always drop some vehicle facts. Sure, it's mostly bike-related but he knows some stuff about cars, trains, and even planes. Yukiko may not be interested in these things, but she respects him for cultivating such vast knowledge on something he's passionate about. My girl can relate since she prolly knows so much about her hobbies and passions (flowers, Japanese, games, elderly care, etc...).
And ofc, we can't NOT bring up Hara. I like to think Yukiko visits her often to learn recipes for the elderly, and Yoshida tags along (when he's not hanging out with the gang). This gives them more opportunities to interact, and Hara probably has some funny stories from Yoshida's childhood. I can also see the three eventually forming study groups even during high school, and Yukiko helping Yoshida with Japanese (and maybe other subjects) either through texts or in-person. Another thing, they'd definitely partner up to plan Hara's birthday surprises and figure out which gifts to buy.
Hazama would not be Hazama if she doesn't tease the living daylights out of Yoshida. Picture the two sitting together when Hazama casually says Yukiko's behind him (she's not) and Yoshida just jumps. She wouldn't overdo it, or tell the rest of the gang about it (though I don't doubt some of them have noticed, like Itona for example). She'd also try to talk to Yukiko and tactfully bring Yoshida up just to know how the other girl feels about him, or if she's aware of Yoshida's crush on her, which brings me to the next point: All of this fanon interaction can lead to one of two things:
Yoshida starts to see her in a platonic light and they become good friends.
Yoshida's romantic feelings for her grow stronger now that he's gotten to know her a bit more. As for Yukiko, she may or may not like him back.
(Or he starts to see her as friend while she starts to catch feelings for him, which is both hilarious and sad imo...also, why must I torment my girl??)
One more thing, you pointed out how similar they are. I'd like to add that their reason for falling into E Class is virtually the same. She spent too much time at the arcade, while he spent too much time at the racetrack. Whether their relationship takes a romantic or platonic route, I'd like to see them discuss this eventually and bond over it.
And that's all I've got. Sorry it took so long; I was busy irl and didn't know how to properly articulate all my thoughts. I tend to be a perfectionist when it's something related to my best girl, but this was really fun to think about. Hope you liked it!
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
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For anyone who is curious, here was my process for doing the Felix vs Marianne swordfight illustrations!
Since I had to complete multiple images in sequence, I wanted to focus on lighting contrast and inked lines while making sure everything was done consistently while not spending an obscene amount of time.
The tools used were PaintToolSai 1.0 and Wacom Intuos 4S.
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1) I start with the rough draft and composition. Since the poses are most important at this stage, characters are drawn from memory
2) I do the underdrawing. I check the official character art and make sure the designs and outfits. This step will ensure that I know where the rendered black lines should go. Transformations can be done at this stage to ensure proportions (such as head vs body size) are correct.
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3) I render the lineart in black. This is the most time-consuming part. Because of all the double-checking I did in step 2, there is no need to keep looking at references. I may apply minor transformations to adjust proportions. I use different line weights to make the lineart more appealing - heavier for outer lines, thinner for details
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4) Color placement - I choose similar colors as the official art, but adjust for higher contrast. I also do the eye detail.
5) I create a shadow layer using the Multiply mode, with clipping enabled. I used a color that complements with blue and provides a shadow tone for the skin. Since the illustrations feature two characters in combat, a single shadow layer keeps everything simple.
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6) I decide on the directional lighting and use Sai's transparent brush at a solid setting to erase away at the shadow layer on one side. Then I use a soft airbrush on the other side. I decided not to blend shadows too much or do a separate layer for ambient occlusion so that the lighting is more dramatic.
7) I create a highlight layer at Luminosity setting, but all I did was use the airbrush very sparingly for a slightly backlit effect. If this were a more detailed illustration I would also add highlights using a more solid brush, but I skipped this step since the shadow layer provided a lot of contrast already
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8) Here is what the image looks like with only the lineart and shadow layers. At this point, it is mostly touch up. The shadow layer is airbrushed with darker or lighter colors at the edges either to make it more intense or to soften the lighting. Color is added to the line art, but not too bright colors since it still needs to stand out.
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9) Finally, a bit of background accent is added. The image is also cropped for better composition.
And that should be it! I'm always happy to share my process and will answer any questions to clarify things. :) I'm by no means an expert and am always learning. This process skips a lot of the usual steps that I would normally use for a full and more detailed illustration, but was effective for emphasizing action and form while keeping multiple images consistent. Why overdo it, ya know? XD
Hope that helps!
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phoelipop · 1 month
9, 10, and 4 :3c
Hi Shiloh! Thank you so much for the asks!!! 🥹💖
9 - How did they know they were right for each other?
This is tricky… for me it's kind of hard for me to fall for someone as hard as I did for Guz, i knew almost right away. I always felt so comfy around him like i can be myself around him and he loves me the way I am! I can't speak for Guz, i wish i knew what he sees in me…
10 - Who brings up the subject of kids first?
Guz does, surprisingly… in a casual convo, not really actually considering them. He's ok with not having any kids though of course (the grunts are like our kids now anyway hehe)
4 - Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names?
UM he does!!! Big time!!!!! I'm OK with PDA, tho I am not as physically affectionate as he is in public. It took a little while for him to be as affectionate as he is but I really think he overdoes it in public to embarrass me xD but I do feel very loved..!!!
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
Bob's Burgers Zeke x Tina Head Canons and Story Scene Ideas.
I'm separating headcanons and ideas because the headcanons are more solid in their stance while the ideas are just shaky story scenes that I think would be cool to do but I'm not sure if I would be into it being my main line headcanon.
1. While Tina is still dating Jimmy Jr. She tries to apologize to Zeke for being so hostile towards him at the beginning. She admits that she was jealous of how close he was with Jimmy Jr even though she knew him longer, how he seemed to thrive at everything that she hoped to be good at, and how despite being obnoxious, loud, rough, and gross he still was able to get nearly everyone to like him. Meanwhile, she struggled with being tolerated by her Wagstaff peers that weren't her siblings.
Zeke thinks it’s insane that Tina could be jealous of him when he’s jealous of her. Zeke wish he had Tina’s life with parents that aren’t divorced and siblings he could he could hang out with all the time. Not to mention Tina had years to develop the relationships she has with people. Zeke’s family moved around a lot so he had no choice but to make a quick impression on people because he never knows when he’s going to move away again. Even if Tina thinks she has no friends, she always had her Gene and Louise to turn to; Zeke had no one in his family because they were either too old/busy to bother with him, too young to even walk, or only visits for a little while because they live in another state.
Tina grows to appreciate Zeke more after this conversation and officially sees him as a friend rather than Jimmy Jr’s friend that she just has to learn to live with and has mixed feelings over the fact that he has a crush on her.
2. Zeke becomes Louise and Gene’s plan B (or Z for the initial humor) whenever Tina is down in the dumps after Jimmy Jr cancels a date last minute (That is if Zeke isn’t the one Jay Ju canceled on Tina for already). Just a platonic get together so Tina can get her mind off of how much of a jerk Jay Ju is being again. (Kind of like Peppermint Patty forcing Charlie Brown to go to the fair with her so she can help him gets his mind off Snoopy leaving for his original owner in in “Snoopy, Come Home”)
3. Tina succeeds getting Zeke into The Equestranauts series and Zeke unironically talks about the show in the open with her whenever she brings up first.
4. Tina is the first to join Zeke and Peter’s Women Issues Group to help support her friend.
5. Let’s face it, probably one of the reasons Zeke has a crush on Tina is because she probably has some of the biggest boobs in their grade (not the biggest but one of the biggest anyway). It’s not the only reason, but we can’t deny it’s not part of the reason. Zeke being a boob guy is part of his character and we just have to deal with it like we have to deal with Tina being a butt gal. Darn hormonal teenagers! Lol (Heck I should have named my Zekina Beauty and the Beast idea, Booty and the Breast XD)
6. Tina basically becomes 50% of Zeke’s impulse control while everyone else holds the other half of his impulse control which is dangerous since one of the holders of the other 50 percent is Louise.
7. Tina learns to put her foot down more and not be as easily influenced by Louise thanks to Zeke’s help (which also helps in turn to help her be more solid in her being 50 percent of Zeke’s impulse control).
8. When Zeke and Tina get together, Zeke loves giving pda and Tina loves receiving it, but she tries to not overdo it so she isn’t responsible for her family losing business by being too obnoxious with their affection.
9. When they start dating, it’s easier for Tina to count the times Zeke doesn’t have one of his arms around her or hold her hand than it is when he does.
10. Zeke and Tina get married on the beach. Though, they joke about getting married at the aquarium due to it being a church once.
11.  After their first time together Tina calls Zeke Zbee assuming that all this time Tbird was just the first letter of her name and a reference to the birds and the bees and had no idea Tbird was short for the name of a car. Zeke got a lot of mileage out of that one (no pun intended)
12. Wrasslin’ is Zeke and Tina’s euphemism for hanky panky, Louise and Gene teases them every now and then about it once they found out.
13. Zeke handles the money related problems in the relationship because he is better at math in comparison to Tina, not the best but still better than Tina.
14. Their first child will be named Daniel or Danielle (depending which gender on I choose) either way the kid will be nicknamed Dani
15. What Zeke loves most about Tina is how she’s always full of surprises. She can be a weird, sweet, insecure, do gooder nerd one moment and the next a fearless, troublemaking badass. A strange anomaly wrapped in a mystery that he wants to solve.
16. What Tina loves most about Zeke is the fact that he really believes she’s this interesting, unsolvable mystery. The girl from her inner world she wishes she was is someone that Zeke already believes she is and she never wants to lose that.
17. Zeke and Tina tried to help set up Saucy up on hermit crab dates at one point, but it didn’t work out. You can’t force love in the wild.
18. Zeke probably hates robots because they keep taking the jobs his family applies to and forcing them to move. Either that or he saw the Terminator too young and now is scarred for life.
19. I can see Zeke reading an erotic friend fiction at one point and leaving the review, “Hot stuf Tbird! Cud use more boobies tho ;].” Tomatina (tomato faced tina) appears after that. (Yes Zeke also spells bad XD)
20. Because of his wrestling background, he probably has the potential to give good massages. Tina certainly would want to put that to the test as soon as possible when they are married.
21. Tina makes it her mission to get the best gift for Zeke every birthday and Christmas. Zeke likes to tease her about it and make it a challenge for her to figure it out. It’s frustrating but she knows he only does it to make the point he’ll love whatever she gets him no matter what, as long as it’s not a robot of any kind.
22. Back to when they were teenagers, Tina and Zeke probably used his hidey hole a lot to privately console each other and talk about their current issues troubling them once they became closer friends.
Shaky fanfiction scene ideas (but I’ll still format it as the headcanon list even though the majority of the numbers are part of one story narrative):
1. Everyone comments about how close Zeke and Tina’s friendship has gotten which both deny and Tina feels that Zeke’s that way too everyone because of his personality. Even Jimmy Jr. is a bit threatened by how close Zeke and Tina are now even though Zeke never and will never cross a line. Jimmy Jr. honestly preferred when Tina hated Zeke because he knows how easily she falls in love with guys that are nice to her (especially ones she knows has a crush on her). Tina would of course be insulted by how little Jimmy Jr trusts her loyalty to their relationship.
2. Tina breaks up with Jimmy Jr. after high school when she realizes he’s never going to fully commit to promising her to be faithful during a long distance relationship. Jimmy Jr. and Zeke’s friendship falls apart as well when Zeke chooses to go to comfort Tina first before JJ.
3. She takes a break from dating for a while after the Jimmy Jr. heart break. After her date break, despite the chemistry she feels with Zeke, she will still continue to date other guys before she’s ready to acknowledge her feelings. Zeke’s also has his fair share of dates with other girls as well. They like to laugh over their failed dates and help each other move on.
4. Tina leaves to go to college to become a novelist. She’s delighted to see Dillon and Susmita to be going to the same college and thanks the heavens above that she may finally have a friend group to call her own that’s not terrible to her. Unfortunately, her personal hell comes true when finds out she’s roommates with Tammy Larsen.
5. To afford to go to college, Zeke tries to join the navy but they reject him because of his ADHD. His dad kicks him out at 18. So with nowhere to go he offers to work at Bob’s Burgers for a place to sleep until he can find a job and his own place to stay. Zeke is right at home with the Belcher family and is delighted that Bob is willing to teach other things besides burgers upstairs in the Belcher kitchen. This confirms to Zeke even more that he wants to go to culinary school.
6. Zeke and Tina would still text each other a lot when Tina is away in college (Tina would eventually get her own phone that’s not only for emergency before college, don’t ask me how XD). No way is Zeke going to let Tina and him become estranged, much to Tammy’s annoyance (a girl’s gotta sleep sometimes lol) and massive jealousy.
7.  On summer break of college, Tina would visit her family home. She as well as Zeke would be shocked by all the changes their bodies and attire went through while they were apart. Zeke would lift her up in a big, bear hug to greet his good friend and push down the funny feelings in his tummy while everybody else joins in on the hug.
8. The sexual tension in the air would be so thick that it would need a chainsaw to break it apart. Louise and Gene would have fun with making it worse while Tina is home.
9. Jimmy Jr. would also be back in town during Tina’s summer break. Tina would be lying if she said that Jimmy Jr didn’t take care of himself well as well. Jimmy Jr would happen to be single at the time and also found Tina she aged gracefully too. Jimmy Jr. would ask her to dinner with him to catch up. Knowing full well he is trying to do, Tina agrees to go. Zeke finds out about Tina seeing Jimmy Jr and tell her to have a nice time even though he’s dying inside. He can’t force her to love him, so why try to stop her from who she wants to be with more.
While Tina goes to meet up with Jay Ju, Zeke “borrows” some beer to ease the pain of letting go. Louise would find everything out and slap some sense into a drunken Zeke. Whether she admits it or not, she’s on team Zeke and there’s no way she would let Tina let Jimmy Jr hurt her again or see her practically adopted brother be sad over this easily fixable thing.
Louise would remind Zeke that him and JJ aren’t friends anymore so what is stopping him from barging in to the restaurant telling Tina that he wants her bad and killing JJ. Even in his drunken state Zeke wouldn’t want to kill JJ, but he would agree with Louise that he’s been playing it safe in the friendship for too long and it’s time to rock the boat.
When Louise and Zeke make it to the restaurant, Tina would already be leaving the place looking like she did something very cathartic. It would be revealed that Tina basically only agreed to meet up with JJ again just to make it clear to him that she outgrew him and that there’s no chance that they will ever get back together again after everything he put her through, that and get a free meal.
Louise would be proud of her sister to finally overcome the JJP drug while also pushing Zeke to say what he went there to say. Zeke nerves and drunken state would get the better of him and he would zoom to the nearest trash can to barf. After an awkward ride of silence home, Tina would help give Zeke water until he would be sober enough to talk things over.
Zeke would pour his heart out that he still holds a torch for Tina and never stopped even when they were doing great as just friends. He wanted to tell her so much sooner but it was never the right time. Then when Tina came back for summer, he thought fate finally gave him and Tina a chance to start something.  That is until Jimmy Jr popped in back to town at the worst possible time. He was so heartbroken that he thought he missed his shot again that he was going to drink the pain away until Louise stopped his pity party.
He would say screw it whether it was the right or wrong time to say it because he’s done staying silent just so the next long necked Casanova can come and steal her heart while he just learns to live with it. If Tina still didn’t want to give him a chance, he would be fine with that, but at least he got what he needed off of his chest. His only hope now would be that if Tina did reject his confession they would still be friends.
It would be Tina’s turn to get something out of her hand and give it to Zeke, it was an after dinner mint from the restaurant. Tina would tease him that she didn’t want to kiss someone with barf breath. Zeke never would have dreamed that he would be trying to suck through a mint so fast.
Their kiss would be soft and innocent at the start but get more and more intimate once Tina wordlessly gives Zeke permission to do so. Years of unreciprocated love pouring out and being shared by one another and it makes them both feel like the only people in the world that matter to each other for a moment.
10. After they become official, Jimmy Jr apologizes to both of them for real this time and hopes that one day maybe they could all be friends again. Not wanting to hold any grudges, Zeke and Tina want to bury the hatchet with Jimmy Jr. but make it clear they aren’t pals yet and they want to see that Jimmy Jr. earns their trust first.
Okay, that’s all that I have stored up in my brain for ZekexTina headcanons and fanfiction ideas (which is basically just a bunch of scenes that form into one big story honestly, I’m not very good at making my ideas small XD)
Okay here’s a bonus headcanon for Gene. His favorite song from Veggietales is Barbara Manatee and thus formed his attraction to the manatee puppet in that ship kidnapped episode.
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hannah-heartstrings · 4 months
from the cottagecore asks:
🌻 Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today?
🌿 Herb: What is a scent you find relaxing?
⛰️ Mountains: Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest?
And the most important: ☕ Tea: How do you take your tea?
Hi Dru! 👋
What is one thing that brightened your day today?
Receiving these asks have.
What is a scent you find relaxing?
That fresh earthy smell that always comes after rain. <3 I think it might be the mud. XD
Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest?
I'm more a mountain girl so I'd pick that one, but I also love forests and beaches. Farm sims always plop you in the middle of those three, can I live there? XD
How do you take your tea?
Iced black tea, specifically the way my aunt makes it because she doesn't overdo it with the sugar like pretty much everywhere else in the US does.
OK, I haven't been to a lot of it, but from what I hear that's true. And a lot of places have unsweetened iced black tea, but that just tastes like water to me.
Hopefully that answer isn't too horrific.
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dhabitahpunk-art · 11 months
Hi! Your art is absolutely gorgeous and I loved that Paint With Me video!
I'm also a digital artist and have also gotten an anon ask like that saying they were convinced I was an AI :/ Even though I've literally made a long post about my process which included ugly WIP pics but oh well
Anyway, my point with sending this was mainly to just send you good vibes, and say I hope you don't let comments like that bother you too much, and tell you, as a fellow artist with a very similar style and process, how beautiful and inspirational your art is ;u;
Seriously the colors, the rough brush strokes, the mood, it's all I always want my own art to be like but only sometimes succeed at... I think one thing that makes a big difference, which I've been trying to be more conscious of lately, is the choice of references. Sometimes I just choose pics because I wanna draw the subject in them but don't think so much about the harmony of the colors involved or the lighting or the compositon etc etc and then it's only when I'm like 70% through the drawing that I start noticing how underwhelming it is compared to what it could have been like but at that point it's too late to make such drastic changes so I just end up frustrated and disappointed.
And that's all stuff that could have been avoided by choosing a better ref in the first place and I think you always nail that you know? Like I never have any pre established interest in the subjects you draw but the art is so beautiful on its own if that makes sense, I really love it. And I also love how loose you're able to keep your brushstrokes by having a lower res ref so you can't see too much detail. I struggle with that sometimes.. either I work with a low quality pic to keep the drawing rough or I have a better quality ref so I can draw some nice details in the features, but then I overdo it by adding too much detail anyway. So having the multiple versions of the ref for different purposes makes a lot of sense and I was actually just thinking about that today XD
Anyway uh this got a lot longer than I meant it to, sorry for the rambling, but yeah really love your art and your style and your process!!
Aw, thanks so much for writing in, dear anon!!! My blood is always boiling whenever someone accuses me of using AI. 🤣 I get those comments a lot on Instagram especially.
I get that issue sometimes too when the piece just feels underwhelming. But I usually just push thru and it's all about the experience. Sometimes we get to learn new things during the process even tho the end result isn't what we expected.
You should totally try to have a lower resolution version of your reference. It's helped me a lot and also stopped me from over-rendering which I am sometimes guilty of. 😆
Also, I bet your art is really cool and you're so kind. If you don't mind, you could private message me your account so I can give you a follow!!😇 No pressure, of course!
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Fluff ask it is then!
The demon brothers or side character are sick, how does your oc Sapphire take care of them and their reactions?
A/N: Anon, I love this, thank you I’m going to change it a bit Aka I’m just going to do stories because I love this idea sm I don’t want to do reactions XD I used this opportunity to share more about Sapphire and how their relationships are with the brothers Sorry it’s kinda all over the place, it’s because I worked on this during times where I didn’t know what else to work on, so varying levels of quality Warnings: Not proofread, not suitable for anyone who is sensitive to illness  ---
Lucifer The eldest overworking himself, that much is clear to the human, but unfortunately Lucifer being how he is never stops working. “Sapphire, please check on Lucifer for me, I worry he’s overdoing it.” Diavolo has asked her to check on the prideful demon, and she isn’t afraid to admit she’s also worried for him. She already knew he was overworking himself, but what else could Lucifer be ailed with? Sapphire makes her way to Lucifer’s office and notices the door is slightly opened. She goes to push it open more and peek in, noticing Lucifer at his desk looking deathly pale and sick. The human frowns and walks over. She heard Lucifer sigh as he was quickly face to face with an angry looking Sapphire with her hands on her hips. “Lucifer.” “Sapphire, what are you doing here?” “I’m here to save you from yourself.” Before Lucifer could respond, Sapphire takes the paperwork off his desk and puts it somewhere else, before taking his pen and putting it on top of the papers. “C’mon, we’re going to bed.” One trait of Sapphire’s is she was incredibly stubborn, so there wasn’t much Lucifer could say or do that could make her change her mind. Sapphire and Lucifer had a glaring contest, as the eldest debated throwing in the towel and sleeping in a nice warm bed or keep his pride up. “I’ll stay with you if you go to bed.” Sapphire offered. That was a tempting offer as she was always warm and nice to cuddle up with Now, they were in bed, Lucifer’s wings out and wrapped around Saph as they both shared each other’s company. Sapphire had no doubt that he would be actually sick in the morning from overworking so much, but that allows her to be in his company without the other brothers wanting her attention as they do almost everyday.  Mammon
It was unfortunate that the second eldest got the flu, or the Devildom version of it. Sapphire wasn’t even aware there was some sort of demon-flu!  Right now, the human was tending to Mammon, making him some soup and whatever else he might need. He was much clingier when sick, which Saph didn’t mind as long as he didn’t spread the sickness to her. “Yer really warm..” “So I have been told.” Saphy chuckles as Mammon clings onto their waist and cuddling up against them. There was a moment of silence before Mammon moves away and sneezes, catching Saphy off guard. She gave him a tissue and sighs. “You have to be more careful, Mams-” “Yea I know.” He huffs Leviathan
“I told you, Levi. Your diet would eventually lead you to be sick.” Sapphire wasn’t even sure it was his diet, but she chalked it up to that or just germs.  Levi didn’t respond, as he wasn’t use to being cared for, but it wasn’t like he was complaining, it got Saph to spend time with him. It also reminded Levi of those times in anime where a character gets sick and another character has to take care of them Levi watches as Sapphire cleans his room, not wanting him to get sick again. She obviously checked with Levi where his anime merch went, carefully putting it to where he said to put it. By the time Sapphire was done, she plots herself on some pillows, laying against the bathtub Levi was in. “You have to promise me to try and eat healthy or I’m going to have to shove medicine down your throat.”  As Levi didn’t want to invoke the wrath of Saph, he just nods. He never knew Sapphire was so adamant about health. Satan
The Avatar of Wrath didn’t mind being cared for, he found it endearing how Sapphire used human ways of solving sickness on demons, which probably weren’t the most effective. “I didn’t expect you of all people to get sick..” “At least I have a lovely human to take care of me.” Sapphire huffs. “Sorry, but sweet-talking won’t get you out of this one.” There was a moment of silence as Saph glares at him. “You were studying too hard, weren’t you.” “N-No!” Sapphire rolls her eyes as she checks his temperature. He was burning! “Yea, your temperature says otherwise, now let me take care of you” He isn’t getting out of this one, is he?
“Darlinggggg~” Saph sighs as she hears Asmo call her from his bed. She loved him, but he got drunk the night before with some surprisingly strong alcohol and thus got hit with a hangover, and now he was wanting her undivided attention. She walks over with some food set it on the table next to him, humming. She set a bucket nearby in case Asmo gets sick. Asmo looks up at her with a pout. Saph returns the look with a resigned expression. “What’s with that look?” “Will you stay with meeee?~” She sighs again, as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t stay all that mad at Asmo. She scoots Asmo so that he’s sitting up and sits beside him.  “I guess I can stay-” Beelzebub
“This is why you never offer to taste-test Solomon’s food.” Sapphire sighs, kissing the giant’s forehead as he lays in his bed. “I thought he improved, and I was hungry...” Beel frowns, happily accepting the forehead kiss.  “You’re always hungry.” Sapphire counters, giving him some water. “How much did he give you to get you this sick?” “A lot..” She tsked and turns the fan on to keep the air circulation going, before getting some liquid medicine, which Beel takes when offered.  “Please don’t accept Sol’s cooking anymore until I taught him not to put potions into the recipe.” “Okay...” Belphegor
Belphie has a bad enough immune system as is because of the activities he participates in, or lack thereof. So Sapphire finds it not surprising when it finally catches up with him. She does all the normal things, check his temperature, make him soup, feed him medicine and make sure he was cozy, but she didn’t need to do much for that one.  Belphie kept staring at her, and thinking she doesn’t notice, but she does. “Okay, what’s with the staring?” She asks, huffing.  Belphie blushes a bit and shrugs. “Just can’t believe you’re taking care of me.” “Well I can’t have one of my demons staying sick and festering, now can I?” The response made Belphie chuckle, as he motions for her to come cuddle. “Yea no, not happening, I’ll cuddle you when you aren’t sick.” Belphie huffs, stopping the motion and flopping back on the pillows and falling asleep. Sapphire sighs and walks over, kissing his forehead. “Good night, my sleepy prince.”
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ofluminance-a · 10 months
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what does your muse smell like?
i hate to say it, but he probably uses some kind of cheap axe-like body spray that he thinks makes him smell good. does it? yes, when he doesn't overdo it. i just googled it: blue lavender! because it reminds me of him. :)
What does your muse's hands feel like?
calloused, rough, average. they're not big, but they're also not small either. they're covered in scars and cuts. yet, they can be surprisingly gentle, too despite all they've been through.
What does your muse usually eat in a day?
asdklfjn;. at school in the past verses, bento, ramen, too much junk food. he occasionally likes sweets too. reading the manga, it's canon that his parents are present. but then in the future, at a point, he says he ran from home -- so, no home cooked meals besides like ramen that he can do himself. basic things. probably doesn't eat right at all, honestly. i've always hc'd his parents were busy people and not around much to begin with, and then later on, he did run away to protect them. so yeah, ramen or whatever chifuyu feeds him. pretty much, lol.
Does your muse have a good singing voice?
absolutely not!! lol! he would probably try singing at karaoke or the shower or something, and i am just imagining everyone boo-ing or trying to get him off stage.
Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
oh yeah, for sure. i mean we all know in the future when he's on his own, he's a slob. doesn't care much about his appearance, dress, job, etc. but i think that all stems from like-- depression? like why bother if i have no one to dress up / clean up for? and not having parents around, who would tell michi otherwise? i mean, as he grows and becomes more takemichi, that changes of course. but some habits are hard to break and i can certainly see partners, yelling at him to get a hair cut orrrr make the bed, etc.
What does your muse usually look like/wear?
there are times he overdoes it. especially when he's younger, trying to be ' cool ' takemichi, no, please stop, lol. honestly, my favorite looks for him are when he's not trying. jeans, a tee and some sneakers. a hoodie, etc. when he's older that doesn't change much.
Is your muse affectionate? How so?
ohhh yeah. too much at times. takemichi wears his heart on his sleeve, and i am pretty sure that it's plain for all to see. but, he will show his affection in simple ways that may not outright express his feelings: but, it's his own way of making someone smile: a gift ( hina's necklace for example ) as a way of showing that even when he's not with his partner, he still cares about them, and is thinking of them. it will very much be acts of service: flowers, sharing food, picking up their favorite drink / food. or more physical being: brushing hair behind an ear, soft smiles, cuddles, holding hands. and just letting them know? - he will outright tell you, and speak his mind, or show you. <3
What position does your muse sleep in?
tighty whities. i mean ... boxers. xD
Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
oh god, yes. he's so freaking loud and doens't mean to be, but have you met him?
tagged by: @prudenze / thank you!!! <3
tagging: the dash! take it if you haven't & you want too!
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