#and it was only because i couldn't think of anything else
cutielando · 2 days
Okay I have a request. Lando with his long time girlfriend and when Oscar joins the team they warn him to stay away from Lando’s drivers room after a race because him and reader love to ‘celebrate’ no matter the result of the race. And Oscar finds out the hard way. But McLaren are like use to it. 🤭🧡
Please and thank you.
a/n: i'm sorry this is short, but i literally couldn't come up with more for this :((( i'm trying to push through my little writer's block and put out as many fics as i possibly can while i still have a little time (i have my first exam on Thursday and I have so much shit to learn it's actually not even funny, but here i am writing fics instead of doing just that, yay me)
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In all fairness, Oscar had been well warned about Lando and his girlfriend’s antics post-races. Given that the walls in the motorhome were very thin, as Oscar had stated previously, the team felt like they should let Oscar know what he was in for.
He hadn’t quite taken to heart what he had been told. He had been thinking to himself, how bad can it actually be? And oh boy, it was bad.
You and Lando had made a pact from the beginning of your relationship and when you started coming to all of his races that you would do something to celebrate his every race outcome, no matter how good or bad. You vowed to see every race as something positive and take something from each one.
The McLaren team had become accustomed to your shenanigans, knowing not to go anywhere near Lando’s driver room in the hours after the race. They had come to learn to stay away the hard way, if you know what I mean.
And yet, Oscar chose to ignore them. Why? He didn’t even know.
Maybe it was just pure curiosity, maybe it was ignorance, one could only make suppositions. 
If he had managed not to hear anything that even remotely resembled the warnings he had been given up until that moment, he was in for a treat this time.
You had attended the Miami GP with Lando, catching a break from your studies and having promised him that he wouldn’t have to go to a race alone after failing to attend Japan. And imagine the joy you had felt once Lando had taken the checkered flag in P1. Scratch that, imagine what was going through your mind about the celebrations you were about to have with Lando as soon as he came back to the motorhome ;).
Your boyfriend had been thinking the exact same way, trying to make his way back to the hospitality as soon as he possibly could, but still politely stopping for interviews and photos or autographs.
But once he finally reached his room and saw you waiting for him, dressed only in your underwear, he knew he was in for an enormous treat.
Oscar hadn’t heard Lando get back. He had been so deep into thought and so focused on the music he had been listening to with headphones on that he hadn’t heard the door opening, the squeals that you let out once Lando had practically pounced on you as soon as he locked the door. 
However, he was pulled out of his thoughts when he started hearing bangs, moans and dirty talking through his wall. At first he had thought he was hearing things. There was no way you were actually celebrating that loudly, right?
When he turned off the music and took off his headphones, he realized just how fucking loud you guys were being.
He didn’t even know how to react. What was he even supposed to do? Was he just supposed to leave his room and find somewhere else to hang out until you guys were done? Should he knock on your door and ask you guys to keep it down? No, Lando deserved the win and winding down whatever way he saw fit.
Sighing, he felt himself growing redder once the sounds on the other side of the wall only intensified. He couldn’t just stand around and listen to his teammate probably getting the fuck of his life after his maiden win, so he figured he would just get something to eat and hang out with either Mark or Logan.
The moment a member of the PR team, David, had seen him coming from his room, his cheeks a heavy crimson and refusing to make eye contact with anyone, he realized Oscar had just been the victim of Y/N and Lando.
“You heard them, didn’t you?” David asked him, an amused smile stretching on his face.
Oscar blushed even heavier, if that was even possible. Shyly, he nodded, making David laugh and pat him on the back.
“I didn’t think they were actually that bad” Oscar said, playing with his fingers as his ears could still pick up the noises he had done his best to avoid.
“We tried telling you, you didn’t want to believe us” David chuckled, patting him on the back again as he departed.
When you and Lando finally emerged from his room almost an hour later, the both of you laughed when you noticed how Oscar was avoiding eye contact with the both of you.
Poor Oscar…
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ozzgin · 2 days
Its been 6 months😭😭 pleaasseeee make a part 2 of the android x human story im beggingggg😭
Yandere! Android x Reader (II)
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Featuring your assigned android partner who is not as devoid of humanity as you originally thought.
Content: female reader, AI yandere, mildly NSFW, based on Caves of Steel
[Part 1] | [More original works]
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The case had been solved.
Not only that, but you'd managed to prove that human officers were just as efficient as their robot counterparts. The Commissioner was beyond ecstatic, pacing back and forth in his office and finding new ways to praise your detective skills.
"That'll show those Spacers. They think some glorified tin box can match our skill?"
You frowned at his words and glanced to your side, where the android was sitting. He observed the Commissioner with the same polite smile, no hint of disagreement on his features. Was he not insulted? You questioned him once the formal meeting had finished.
"I have no reason to be offended, (Y/N). It is a personal opinion, and thus I have no control over it."
"So you don't mind people disliking robots to such an extent?"
He pondered your statement.
"I would certainly be upset if it was you who harbored the disdain. The beliefs of other humans hold no meaning to me otherwise."
You couldn't tell if he said it out of politeness, or if he actually meant it. Most likely the former, in order to part on good terms. After all, your partnership has reached its completion. He'd return to the Spacer Colony with his report on human customs, and you'd go back to your regular job.
Except he never left. Days later, he was still sipping on his morning coffee, lounging at your table. You fiddled with your cup in contemplation. Was there anything else left to do?
"When are you leaving, actually?"
The pale man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.
"Is my presence here of such significant disturbance?"
"What? No!" you swiftly exclaimed, stumbling on your words. His lips widened in yet another cheeky grin. He was teasing you again.
"My assignment on Earth is done, thus I should have returned to the Colony already. That's what you're wondering about, yes? I am awaiting a response from my superiors."
"Whether you can go back?"
"No, whether my transfer has been accepted. I have applied to be your permanent partner."
You could feel your cheeks burning with heat. Was it that obvious to the synthetic that you enjoyed his company? Then again, he wouldn't have gone through such motions just for your sake.
"Why did you..." you probed sheepishly. There was no logical reason for him to keep working in a poorer, less advanced environment.
"Because I want to continue spending time with you."
Nonsense. An artificial being wouldn't make its decision based on such mundane, emotional reasons.
"I don't believe you."
"I understand. It is a faulty answer to come out of a machine. Though unlike common AI assistants, we have been invested with the capacity to develop likes and dislikes. Interests. Wants. It helps with variety and individualization."
"And you want to stay here? If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you have a crush on me or something", you attempted to joke.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence. Had you gone too far with your humor? Was it too cliché of a sentence? You turned away, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. You just had to be witty, huh?
"I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, (Y/N)."
"You don't need to say anything, it was a poor choice of-"
"Many social aspects have been implemented into my behavioral network. Workplace rapport, friendships, intimate relationships. What seems to be lacking is the transition from one to another. I know how to act as a romantic partner, but how does one achieve such a title in the first place?"
You gazed at him, incredulous. What was he trying to say?
"I am trying to convey that I am indeed infatuated with you. Which, then, makes my initial explanation dishonest: while I do appreciate our fruitful work cooperation, it is not a main reason for my decision. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings."
You'd never been a romantic. You sometimes flipped through sample pages of contemporary romance books at stores and community centers, but they always felt forcefully cheesy. Predictable. Consequently, you never had any grand dreams of passionate confessions under the rain.
On the other hand, you also didn't expect to be asked out in such a mechanical, calculated manner. Or that a machine would be the suitor. Yet there was something charming about his approach. For the first time since meeting him at the border, you saw him struggle. There was something human-like in his uncertainty.
You stood up from the table, and walked towards the android. Then, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, expressing the mutual feeling and understanding.
His eyes bore an eerie glint to them. It was most kind of you to offer a common ground, but he knew better. The affections you held for him were, with utmost certainty, a mere fraction of whatever overwhelmed him from the moment he encountered you. Limerence, obsession, compulsion, there were many definitions that aptly described his otherwise unexplainable desires towards you. Even more unexplainable was the fact they'd evolved from a blank slate, a programmed agent with no previous knowledge on feelings or humans.
You noticed his hesitation.
"Is there anything else troubling you presently?" you nudged.
Nothing of immediate urgency. Well, not for you, at least. The android remained thoughtful. What were the variables which needed to be met in order to initiate a sexual encounter? Would it have been inappropriate for him to suggest intercourse straight after this conversation? To him, it was a natural escalation he'd considered many times in the past. To you, it could've come as a sudden, crass, and hurried proposal.
He reached for your wrist and discreetly pressed a thumb against your skin. Judging from your resting heart rate, facial expression, and localized temperature, there was a fair chance you wouldn't reject his advances. Once the statistical risk had been assessed, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"Would it be possible to continue this in your bedroom?" he inquired, standing up.
"Alright, just don't...ask for approval for every single step" you retorted. You'd rather not become a narrator of your own pounding.
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You open your eyes with a squint, greeted by unexpected natural light flooding your bedroom. Someone must’ve lifted the hologram blinds.
“My apologies, I hadn’t considered the discomfort it would cause you. My Spacer colony uses artificial lightning, though I am becoming rather fond of the natural sun rays here.”
Your android partner is meticulously preparing his outfit for the day. Judging by the stark nakedness and the glistening skin, you suppose he’s had a shower while you were still sleeping. You involuntarily furrow your brows and blush at the sight. He notices your embarrassment. 
“A most surprising reaction. You have seen the very same genital organ…”, he says as he quickly checks his wristwatch, “...precisely eight hours and forty-five minutes ago.”
“It’s just…most people get dressed once they start doing other things. I also wear a towel for coverage when I come out of the shower.”
He processes your words.
“Hmmm. Illogical, but it explains your reaction.”
You stand up and stretch with a prolonged yawn. Suddenly, a revelation hits you: your mind flashes with images of the android fondling your body, your ears ring with the shameless moans you’ve let out throughout the night. Your face turns pale.
“Listen, when is your next functional inspection?” you ask, without waiting for the synthetic to answer. “Will they, uh…will they have access to all of your memories?”
You know that the android permanently records all data and saves it into a memory unit. It’s a pointless fear, of course. The Spacers couldn’t care less about irrelevant details. If the intended tasks are fulfilled, what happens on the side is out of their concern. Yet you don’t exactly appreciate the possibility of your personal deeds airing like this, before the eyes of multiple engineers. 
“You may rest assured, whatever involves your privacy will not be included in the examination.”
“Do you get to decide what is checked and what isn’t?”
“No, most data is sampled randomly.”
You stare at him, confused.
“Then how-”
“It is not common practice, nor encouraged by our code of ethics. I can, however, choose which information is available to begin with.”
“What? I thought you’re fully controlled by whoever created you. If they so desired, couldn’t they open you up and take whatever they require?”
The robot smiles at your assumption and takes a few steps towards you.
“Once an android model is finished, one can no longer modify the processor. Not without compromising everything else with it. It is not a device to be deconstructed, (Y/N).” He taps his temple, then continues: “I am a biocomputer. While most of my parts are mechanical, my processor is a cortical organoid developed in a laboratory. A human brain, if you will.”
Somehow, the discovery fills you with dread. A living organ, encapsulated within a machine. What does that say about consciousness? About self-awareness? The Spacers didn't just tinker with metal scraps and smart computers. They artificially birthed life.
You were always under the impression that your robot companion is closer to the computer you have on your desk. Billions of lines of code within a black box, which then lead to spontaneous, novel interactions with the outside world. To think that at the very core of his functions lies a clump of living cells...
Perhaps you weren't so different, after all. The line between machines and humans is suddenly blurred.
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melodic-haze · 3 days
Personally how touched starved do you think Arlecchino and Furina are? Like one has been alone for 500 years and the other killed her best friend and probably doesn’t think she deserves love.
☆ — DEMO TRACK: Arlecchino x Reader, Furina x Reader
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Oh I think they'd be VERY fucking touch starved, except the two are like. On two different sides of the scale
On one end, you've got Furina. On the other end, you've got Arlecchino. What they're on a scale of? How "vocal" they would be in terms of it
Furina would be on the VERY vocal side, and by that I mean she WILL monologue to you about how she needs your touch or else she will PERISH from a lack of you-contact
Furina puts the back of her hand on her forehead, "My beloved wants to leave me be! Oh, you torture me..."
"Babe, I'm literally only going to get a glass of water."
"You forget my domain over the element!" She moves to throw herself onto you, wrapping her arms around your neck and causing you to laugh as you caught her, "I can satisfy your needs easily!"
"At that rate I'll be better off taking a shower!"
"It gets the job done!"
But she's not vocal for no reason :((( 500 years spent in self-isolation in order to save her people takes a HUGE toll on you so the moment Furina had realised that she doesn't have to do the whole song and dance all over again, she just can't help the want—the need—to basically be attached to you
It's not just because she wants to make up for lost time after FINALLY being able to do so, but also because she's scared that one day it'll all just go poof and disappear in a distant dream. She doesn't speak of her troubles until either she decides it herself that she should or one of the members of her Salon Solitaire (Crabaletta lol) decides to conk her for it
Sometimes she'll ask if she's being a pain in the ass bc she IS aware that she's constantly wanting for you to at LEAST be near her which. If you say she is then I need to sit you down personally and slap you in NOT a fun way
Meanwhile, Arlecchino on the other hand, is VERY quiet about it. She won't say anything, nevermind doing anything. She'd restrict herself from clinging onto you as much as she'd like to
You were a vision to her, a lovely sight to see and a lovely voice to hear as you recounted your day's events. Even when you did something so mundane, something that isn't necessarily something special, Arlecchino still looked at you with such adoration.
She almost didn't notice her hand inching closer towards yours from her warm daze.
Before she could draw it back unnoticed, however, you turned your head at just the right (or wrong) time.
"Arlecchino? Is there.. something wrong?"
..She shakes her head instead of admitting her desires, "No, my apologies, darling. I was rather captivated by your tale. Do tell me more about your friend's predicament."
And so you do, but you couldn't help but notice the longing look in her eyes.
It takes a while before she starts warming up to the idea of letting herself actually do SOMETHING. And that'll take a lot of time, patience and encouragement from her❗️❗️❗️ But trust when I say it's worth it bc she practically treats you with so much more affection and devotion than the literal archon she serves HAHA
She doesn't thinks she deserves to show physical affection, to touch you, to truly worship you and your body in every way she can—not when she has the power to hurt you, not when she's killed off the person she had cherished the most all those years ago :(
You gotta reassure her that everything's okay and that you won't disappear bc once you've done that? She's SO TOUCHY she will NOT go through the day without havign some form of contact with you
She won't do it as much in work though she has a reputation she wants to keep lmao
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mattyriddlesbitch · 9 hours
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: smoking, kissing, cussing, penetration, oral(female receiving), fingering
18+ Minors DNI!
Thinking about that post I made about Mattheo accidentally getting you addicted to nicotine because he would kiss you after smoking. I know this is way off my schedule, but I cannot stop thinking about this.
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When you became Mattheo's girlfriend and spent more time with him, you realized just how often he smoked. In the morning, after classes, even at night when you guys were together in one of your dorms or up in the Astronomy Tower. It almost seemed like the only times he wasn't smoking was in class and during meals.
It was obnoxious, but it didn't stop you from kissing him. It didn't make you protest when he shoved his tongue in your mouth right after finishing a cigarette. It didn't make you stop him when he had you open your mouth and spit into it when he was fucking his cock into you.
No, you never could seem to get enough of kissing him, even when the smell of cigarettes clung to him. You never got tired of his lips on yours or the way his tongue explored your mouth and tangled with your tongue.
In fact, you even seemed to get cranky and frustrated on the days you couldn't see and kiss your boyfriend. It was almost like a drug to you.
The holiday break back home was hell, you were short tempered and antsy, like you couldn't wait to get out of there and back to Hogwarts with Mattheo. When you saw him at the train station to get back to Hogwarts, you immediately wrapped your arms around him and kissed him. It didn't seem to help your moodiness, but he was quick to try anything to help. 
Eventually, you knew it was bad for him to keep smoking. You pleaded with him to quit. Promised to be there with him the whole time and help him through his withdrawal. He finally gave in, letting you and Blaise clean out his dorm for any cigarettes and threatening Theo if he gives him any, you were throwing him off the Astronomy Tower.
The next week was, well, rough would be an understatement. He was cranky, way more short tempered, he got in fights a lot more, even had one with Theo at one point.
You weren't doing too hot either. You were moody and jittery and you just chalked it up to Mattheo being cranky and getting into more fights.
You almost contemplated giving up when you saw the fights, but the biggest thing that stopped you was Mattheo using you as a replacement.
“I just need something else to busy my hands and mouth.” He'd say as he was fingering your poor cunt relentlessly for the 3rd time that day before kissing you again until your lips were swollen.
“Maybe I should've just done this all along.” He'd say with his head between your thighs after forcing your umpteenth orgasm out of you.
“You're a way better addiction, princess.” He'd groan with his hand wrapped around your throat as he bullied his cock into you over and over while tears streamed down your face.
You were successful in getting him to quit in the end. He just seemed to replace it with you, making out, eating you out, or full on fucking you. That was his new addiction.
@jeannie-beannie @yourenogoodforme @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff
@soaked4abby @hpnsfwaddict @mayamonroem @motherfing-stargirl @brittney-121
@dracoslovergirl @littlemadamred @mattheoriddlesbitch @acornacreacure @opheliamalfoy236
@demieyesore @akira1246 @queenshu
Let me know if you wanna be added!
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koolades-world · 3 days
Hello! Congrats on 2k followers, you deserve all of them and more!
May I request "I only accept payment in cuddles" and "I didn't know you were the type to play footsie" with Lucifer, please? Thank you
thank you :) of course i can
cute prompt combo!! it made for a very fluffy piece. great choice!
enjoy <3
prompt 14 and 30 w/ Lucifer
Dinner with the brothers could never be just dinner. There's always some kind of shenanigan at that table, which is something you grew to expect. Thankfully, it wasn't your turn to cook, but that meant it was your turn to collect Lucifer from his room for dinner.
"Luci, almost dinner time." You knocked on the door to his room, ensure he knew it was you at the door. When you didn't hear a responses, you spoke up. "Are you in there? Dinner soon." You waited to hear his voice again.
"Come in." You faintly heard him. You opened the door to find him doing paperwork as usual. A small smile crossed his tired features.
"Hey there. How's everything going?" You shut the door behind you and took a seat on the arm rest of his chair.
"I could be better. Lord Diavolo had an emergency meeting earlier this evening, so I offered to pick up some of his student council paperwork. As you can see, I haven't even started that pile yet." He gestured to the pile sitting on a sofa in his room, likely untouched.
"Is there anything you won't do for that man?" You playfully rolled your eyes and rested your arm on his shoulder. He couldn't help but smile at you, and made no move to shove you off. In your book, this was a win because if Mammon had done this, he would've been pushed away. You knew this because you'd witnessed it happen before. "Y'know, I think I might be able to help you out with that paperwork, under one condition, of course." You suddenly got an almost devious idea.
"And what is that? You've got this look on your face. I can tell you're thinking quite hard right now." Lucifer chuckled, turned back to his paperwork while he waited for you for your proposal.
"I'll help you if you pay me in cuddles. I'll only accept payment in cuddles, so I hope that works for you." You got up to sit next to the stack of papers for size comparison, which was nearly taller than you. "I'm sure you know how tall this stack is. Taller than an average sized human. It's daunting, but with me by your side, you can work twice as fast, and you get to cuddle with me afterwards. How does that sound?" You grabbed the first paper off the stack, scanning over it.
"You drive a hard bargain, but I can't say no." You stood up to cheer.
"Yes!" You were quick to make your way back over to him, leaving the paper behind.
"You sound excited for someone who just signed up for student council work," he said amused.
"Well, it's with you. Now, it's time for dinner. Asmo cooked tonight, so it'll be good." You used that excuse to grab his hand, to drag him out of the room.
"Alright." He didn't move to remove his hand from yours. The walk to the dining room was filled with your animated recount of your day. It'd hadn't been that interesting of a day, but Lucifer hung onto every word. Once you were at the table, you took your respective seats. He always sat at the head of the table, with Mammon on his right and you on his left. The left used to be Levi's spot, but Lucifer usually had you sit there since your arrival to help curb their arguing.
Dinner was already served when you arrived. For once, you were late. Beel was already scarfing down his food. You began to converse with everyone else, but at some point during the conversation, you felt something brush against your foot. You didn't dare to look down, but you scanned the faces of the people around you to see if anybody was clearly responsible. The shit eating grin on Lucifer's face told you everything you needed to know.
In response, you began to mess with him back, leading to a mini war that ended in a truce with your ankles crossed over his. As soon as you'd cleared up after yourself and were back in the safety of his office, you were quick to confront him.
"Lucifer Morningstar. I never took you for someone who liked to play footsies," you remarked. He gave you a rather mischievous look, pulling up a chair for you beside him to start working. That look alone told you he was ready to play footsies with you again.
"The paperwork won't do itself, now will it?"
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fragileheartbeats · 8 hours
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⌗ 𝘚𝘜𝘕𝘋𝘈𝘠 𝘏𝘊 ⁝ 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 ( ♱ )
˚꒰♡꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language Hope you enjoy!
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I can see Sunday as one of the most delusional yanderes in the game. He's not a sadistic person, but he's someone who doesn't see any problem in hurting you if that's what it takes.
The world is gray in his eyes, devoid of color and warmth. But in his bleak existence, you shine brighter than anyone else. Your smile is a gentle sunrise, your eyes are a soft, comforting dusk. You are his beacon, his solace, the only touch of beauty in a life filled with shadows.
You're different in his eyes. Not truly different, but to him, you are extraordinary. He loves everything about you, from the way your hair cascades over your shoulders to the glistening tears that fall from your eyes. Your presence brings a semblance of color and warmth to his otherwise monochrome existence.
He likes to believe that what he's doing is right. He convinces himself that he’s helping you by keeping you close, away from the harshness of the outside world. He thinks he's protecting you, preserving your purity and beauty forever.
It's okay, he tells himself. It's okay if he broke your legs, if he hurt you. It's okay if you bleed, if you cry, if you hate him. It's all okay.
Because in the end, he's doing it for you. It's all for you. It's all because of you.
Look what you made him do! Look at what he has become! Why are you doing this? Why did you make him fall for you? Why did you smile so beautifully at him? Why did you show him what love means? Why? Just why?
He didn't want to take it this far. He only wanted you to listen, to understand, to believe him, to love him.
But you didn’t. And look what happened. Can't you see it hurts him as well? Can't you see he doesn't want to do this? Why do you force him to do it?
He didn't want to break you, to hurt you, to kill you. He never imagined it would lead to something so painfully tragic.
He remembers the first time he saw you, how his heart skipped a beat, how his breath caught in his throat. You were a vision, an angel in his dark world. He wanted to protect that light, to keep it close to him, to never let it fade away.
But as time went on, his love grew darker, more possessive. He couldn't stand the thought of you being with anyone else, of you smiling at someone else the way you smiled at him. He started to see threats everywhere, dangers that could take you away from him.
He wishes he could do better. Love you better. Keep you better. Please come back! He'll change! He'll do anything you ask. He'll give you anything you want.
What do you want? Just name it! Do you want him to beg on his knees like a dog? He will do that!
He won't break your bones anymore. He won't keep you in your cage anymore. He won't put a collar on you anymore. He won't mock you anymore. He won't hurt you anymore. Just please, please smile at him again. Let him see that light once more.
He is willing to destroy himself for you, to become whatever you need, just to see your happiness. His love, warped and twisted, remains boundless. He is lost without you, a soul adrift in the darkness, clinging to the hope that you might yet forgive him.
Please, don’t leave him in this darkness. Let your light guide him back. Even if you can never love him, even if you can never forgive him, just let him see your smile once more. Let him believe, if only for a moment, that there is still beauty in the world.
Just please, please smile at him again.
He sits in the dark, watching you cry in your sleep, tears streaming down his own face. He whispers to himself, trying to convince himself that what he's doing is right, that it's for your own good. He strokes your hair gently, his touch soft and tender, in stark contrast to the violence he’s inflicted upon you.
Every tear you shed feels like a dagger to his heart, but he tells himself that it’s necessary. He tells himself that he’s saving you from a world that doesn’t deserve you, from people who can’t appreciate you the way he does.
But deep down, he knows. He knows that he’s the monster you need saving from. He knows that his love is twisted and wrong. And it breaks him.
He clings to the hope that one day, you’ll understand. That one day, you’ll see that everything he did was out of love. That one day, you’ll forgive him.
But until then, he’ll keep you safe in the only way he knows how. Even if it means breaking you. Even if it means breaking himself.
Because in the end, he's doing it for you. It's all for you. It's all because of you.
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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oneluckydumbass · 2 days
You couldn't hold back the tears anymore. The stress of the last hours, the uncertainty, the panic that was clearly visible on the others’ faces were more than enough to push you over the edge. As you sat on the floor with your back against the wall, you rested your forehead on your pulled up knees and struggled to stop crying. You should pull yourself together, you shouldn't show such weakness.
But then you felt a gloved hand on your bare shoulder, reminding you that you weren't alone in this. Ghost was there when those canisters released an unknown substance in the room, which is why the two of you were now quarantined together.
“They'll figure it out,” he said in his deep voice, although you could tell his tone was laced with hopelessness.
You couldn't blame him, you were also feeling hopeless. How could you not? They didn't know what that was, and the symptoms would surely get worse with time. The headache and the nausea was already on the threshold of being unbearable, you couldn't even begin to imagine what else was about to come.
Apparently there was something wrong with the blood sample you both gave. You weren't a doctor, you had no idea what the issue was, but they sounded serious. You didn't want to die. Your job was risky, sure, but dying from a bullet still seemed like the better option.
Before you knew it, Simon sat next to you then put an arm around your shoulder so he could force you to rest with your head on his shoulder. Through the mask, he pressed a soft kiss on your head, causing you to look at him with wide eyes.
“What? There's a chance we'll die here, I'm not gonna spend it as if we were just simple teammates,” he informed you.
The thought of him being so openly affectionate warmed your heart. Simon Riley, the man who always made sure to keep his softer side behind closed doors when he was alone with you, was now ready to let the entire team know you were together as a couple. Happy and in love, although you didn't think you would go into details about how you were already talking about starting a little family of your own.
The only sound came from the buzzing neon lights on the ceiling, filling the heavy silence that was making you more and more depressed as the minutes passed. A doctor came in to check your vitals, noted that Simon had fever, then left without saying anything about what they knew so far.
“I love you, Simon,” you quietly noted as you reached out to take his hand that was resting on his thigh.
With a short laugh he pulled up the mask a little and leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss, savoring the moment, turning it into a core memory. Because this was an important moment for the both of you, a slow and emotional goodbye in case you didn't make it.
“If we get out of here,” he began cautiously as you lay down with your head resting on his legs, “would you marry me? And I mean it, I don't want a long engagement or a big wedding, I just want to make it official as soon as possible.”
“Just the two of us?”
“Just the two of us.”
You pulled off the glove from his hand and placed a soft kiss on it. His big, calloused hand gave you the comfort you needed now, long fingers lacing with yours in an attempt to calm you down. It would have been a nice moment under different circumstances.
Suddenly Soap walked in, wearing a hazmat suit, but even that wasn't enough to hide the wide grin on his face. “Okay, so we left cameras here to know if you're okay, which is how we heard everything. We agreed that you're idiots because one, we knew about the two of you all along, and two, there's no way you can run away like that to get married.”
Shaking his head, Simon leaned back against the wall as he looked up at the sergeant. “What's the point if we die here anyway?” he asked with a sigh.
To your surprise, Soap took off the helmet with a laugh. “I forgot to mention; the doc gave you the green light. You won't die. It's… I don't know, I was too busy celebrating that you'll live to listen to what he said. Come on, Lt., time to go home.”
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heeseung-min · 3 days
Can you write about Yandere Jungwon being rejected?
"I'm sorry but I like someone else."
Jungwon felt his heart crushed so bad after heard what you said to his confession. Had he read everything wrong? Didn't you like him and was too shy to admit it?
"What do you mean, Y/n? You like me right? You are just too shy to admit it. I've seen you stared at me in the class."
You were flabbergasted at what he said. It's not really wrong but it's not 100 percent right either. True, you were staring in the class but not to him. You were looking at the person beside him, Sangwon. Jungwon read the situation wrong and now you felt guilty because of it.
"Jungwon, I'm really sorry but it's completely wrong. I was staring at Sangwon not you. I'm really sorry if you think it was for you."
Not only Jungwon felt embarrassed but he also felt angry and mad towards his cousin, Sangwon. Why does he got your attention? Why would you want to be with his cousin when you could be with him. Thankfully, the class was empty so they can't see what is happening between both of you.
You wanted to say more but Jungwon already went to his seat without even looking at you. You too went back to your seat when some of the classmates started to arrive. You saw Sangwon came and asked Jungwon why his face was gloomy but Jungwon just shook his head and do revision instead.
You were having a date together with Sangwon. Few days after Jungwon confessed to you, Sangwon came and asked you out in front of the class. Based on his expression, seems like he didn't know that Jungwon likes you. Probably, Jungwon never tells his cousin about it.
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
Sangwon stared at you curiously. He was excited to know that you like him and asked you for a date but now you seems like not excited about it anymore.
"Ah yeah yeah I'm okay. I'm just a bit nervous."
The date went smooth but you still feel nervous whenever you looked to Sangwon's eyes. His face is similar to Jungwon so it kept reminding you to what happened few days ago.
Sangwon dropped you off after the date's over. You thanked him before went inside your house. However, when you came into the house, the strong smell of blood went through your nose.
You felt hopeless when you found out your dad was lying down dead with his stomach got stabbed. The strong smell from blood made you wanted to puke. You were taken back when you saw Jungwon was sitting beside him.
Jungwon turned to you while his finger still fiddling with the knife that you believed he used to stab your father. The sight of him smiling with blood stain on his face made him looked so creepy.
"Oh y/n, you are home. How was the date with Sangwon? Was it exciting?"
Jungwon asked but you couldn't say anything when he was looking so creepy. He stood up and started to walk closer to you.
"I can't stand you with someone else, Y/n."
"You are crazy."
You stepped back to get away from him but Jungwon was quick to hold your shoulder. At this point, you can only cried and begged for him to let you go.
"Jungwon, this is wrong."
"If you didn't reject me maybe this will not happen, Y/n."
"Are you hearing yourself?! You killed my father just because I rejected you?!!"
"And I will do it again to others. Until you don't have anyone anymore."
Jungwon said as he caressed your hair like he was assuring you but instead he was threatening.
"I will make you depend to me only, Y/n."
You don't know where you got the courage but your hand moved by yourself and instantly punching him on the face. The impact is strong and made Jungwon lose his focus. You quickly ran away from him and throw things to slow his down.
"You think you can escape me?"
"Shut the fuck up, Jungwon."
"It sounds sweet when my name coming out from your mouth."
You ran to the kitchen and picked up a knife and shoved it to Jungwon. He smirked at the sight of you.
"You come close, I will kill you."
"Really, Y/n? Can you do that actually?"
Jungwon took one step closer and you were freaking out. The knife you shoved towards him didn't scare him at all.
Jungwon watched you fell down to the floor and passed out. He catched the knife so it won't fall and hurt your face. There was a little blood on your temple as a sign from being hit just now. He stared up at the person.
"That was good, Sangwon."
"You should not question the home run hitter, Jungwon."
Oh, how sick both of they are.
You thought you get with a good guy but no guys actually are good to be with.
Taglist: @stacey-stonem @huggyuvita @duolingofanaccount @obsessed1with1straykids @eeunoia @rowretro @soireegurl
I did this while I was in hiatus so it's a bit boring but I hope you guys still enjoy it 😚😚😚
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captainsophiestark · 2 days
Weekend Plans
Jason Todd x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: DC
Summary: Jason's SO finds out that he's the Red Hood in some sub-optimal circumstances.
Word Count: 1,639
Category: Fluff, Humor, Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed as I turned out the bathroom light and headed for bed. Today had been a long day, and I couldn't wait to get some sleep.
Normally, after particularly tiring days (which happened more often than I'd like as an ER doctor), I'd text my boyfriend or vice versa and he'd come over with our favorite foods, the two of us leaning against each other on the couch and watching our favorite shows until we eventually passed out. Unfortunately, he had to work tonight. We'd made plans to make up for it this weekend instead, but tonight I was on my own.
I climbed under the covers and turned out my light, and I was almost all the way asleep when the sound of my window opening dragged me back awake. That window was always locked—maybe I was hearing things?
Thump. A heavy sound like someone hitting the floor came from right next to my bed. No way I'd imagined that.
Slowly, I eased open my eyes, too scared to move an inch. It was hard to make things out as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, until my heart almost stopped dead in my chest.
The Red Hood was laying on my carpet, flat on the floor, his feet still caught on the windowsill he'd just crawled over.
My mind raced. What the hell was he doing here? And what the hell was I supposed to do about it? Most of what I'd heard about the Red Hood painted him as the protector of the most vulnerable people in the worst parts of Gotham—but then why had he just broken into my apartment?
My racing train of thought was derailed as the vigilante groaned and shifted on the carpet. He rolled over until he was facing me, the eyes of his helmet providing the only source of light in the room. I froze, stiff as a board, my heart threatening to beat all the way out of my chest. What was he going to do?
Slowly, two gloved hands reached up towards his helmet. He must've pushed a buton, because I heard a hiss and a click before he moved to take his helmet off.
"Wait-" I said, starting to sit up in bed at last. I had no idea what was happening, but the Red Hood revealing his identity to me didn't seem like a good omen for anything. The vigilante ignored me though, and a moment later I froze all over again, sitting on the edge of my bed as I took in his face.
Jason Todd. My boyfriend, the man I'd finally worked up the courage to say "I love you" to a few weeks ago. Laying on my floor after breaking in through my window as Red Hood.
"Y/N..." He groaned my name, and all the shock was putshed out by immediate concern for whatever had him laying on the floor of my room like this. I stood, pulling his legs the rest of the way thorugh the window and shutting it, then dropped to my knees on the floor next to him.
"Jason..." I breathed. "What happened?"
"I... got shot. I didn't have anywhere else to go, I couldn't think of anywhere else I could make it to..."
My eyes scanned his body again, this time with a little less shock clouding my vision. He had a wound in his side, the one against the ground, and it was currently leaking blood onto my rug. I swore.
"Jason, is anybody following you? The person who shot you, or anyone with them?"
Jason groaned and shook his head.
"I made sure they weren't. I couldn't risk leading them back to you."
"Okay. Just stay right here, I'll be right back."
I jumped up and hustled into the hall to grab my first kit. I tried to focus on taking deep breaths as I flipped the lights on and returned to Jason, dropping to my knees next to him.
"Okay, Jay, I'm gonna roll you over, alright?"
"Yeah," he managed to grind out.
Working together, it didn't take long to get Jason on his back. I quickly pulled up his shirt to get a look at the wound, and about half the tension eased out of my shoulders. The entry and exit wounds were clean, and it didn't look like it had hit anything serious, although the blood loss from exerting himself running all over the city before he got to me certainly wasn't good.
"Alright, this isn't as bad as I worried it might be. As long as you get some rest, you should heal up fine. Do you think you can make it to the bathroom if I help? It'll be easier to get you cleaned up in there."
Jason nodded, taking a couple deep breaths as he did.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think I can."
"Okay. Nice and easy, let's go."
Jason was so tall and so heavy, but between his sheer grit and the last of my adrenaline, we managed to get into the bathroom together. I eased him down on the edge of the tub, then paused before pulling back.
"Do you think you can keep yourself upright here? Or do we need to get you laying down?"
Jason took a few deep breaths in and out, his hands clutching the edge of the tub. Then, he finally looked up at me.
"I'm good."
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Really? Because this is not the time for bullshit macho nonsense-"
"Sweetheart, I promise. I'm good. Or at least I will be, as long as you get me stitched up."
I sighed. "So I take it that means you're not gonna let me call 9-1-1 and get you to a hospital?"
"No. I get anywhere near one, and I'll either be arrested or dead before I'm all the way healed."
"Great. Then I guess we're doing this."
I took a deep breath and tried to steel myself for the procedure about to come. All of this was just about the last thing I wanted to deal with after the day I'd had. Jason hurt, relying on me to help him, and apparently the man behind the masked vigilante Red Hood. But I could deal with all of that later. After Jason was stable.
I left my apartment and emotions behind as I got into the zone dealing with Jason. He was tough as nails all through the process, although this actually probably wasn't his first gun shot. Finally, I finished and the bleeding stopped. I sat back against my bathroom cabinet with a heavy sigh and just looked at Jason.
"What... the actual... fuck?" I breathed. All the things I'd shoved aside to cope with the crisis were officially rushing back in. Jason huffed a laugh and shook his head, then slowly eased himself off the edge of the tub. I narrowed my eyes at him. "If you pop one of your stitches, I swear-"
"I won't, I'm not going far."
He settled in on the floor next to me, shoulder to shoulder, then sighed.
"I'm sorry about this. For just showing up, and... for how you just found everything out."
I sighed. "Jay, you know I've never minded you just showing up. But... were you ever going to tell me? Like, if you didn't have to tell me because you got shot... would I ever have found out that you're secretly the Red Hood?"
"Of course I was going to tell you," Jason said, his voice a low rumble. "I love you, I'd never keep something like that from you forever. I was just... trying to figure out how to do it. I mean seriously, how the hell was I supposed to start that conversation?"
A tired smile made its way onto my face, and I leaned a bit into Jason.
"How about 'knock knock, who's there? Me, the Red Hood. That's right, I've got something to tell you'."
Jason snorted, his hand immediately flying to the wound in his side as he fought back a laugh. I just grinned.
"Yeah, it's a really good thing you're not the one with the secret identity to disclose."
"Mmm, I don't know, I think there's something to my approach. Or how about 'what has two thumbs and-'"
"Okay, you have to stop. I'm gonna pop a stitch if you keep going."
"Well, lucky for you, you're dating a doctor."
"Lucky for me I'm dating you. Seriously, I half expected you to scream and run out of the room when you saw me."
"After the day I had at the hospital? I wouldn't have the energy for that kind of panic, honestly."
Jason huffed a laugh and wrapped one arm aorund my shoulders.
"Sorry for adding to the length of that day."
"It's okay, Jay." I sighed and turned to face him, just managing enough energy to smile. "I'm always happy to see you, and even though this obviously wasn't the ideal way for me to find out... I'm glad I know about this part of your life now."
"Me too."
I met his gorgeous blue eyes, the ones the mask had hidden from me at first, and smiled. Jason's expression mirrored my own, and a moment later, he was leaning forward, closing the gap between us with a glance at my lilps. I helped him close the rest of the distance, his soft lips gently finding mine. We stayed like that for a few seconds, until I finally pulled back.
"We should go to bed, Jay."
Jason grinned at me. "Happily, sweetheart."
"Not like that," I said, rolling my eyes and giving him a light smack in the arm. "Not while you're recovering from a bullet wound."
Jason sighed dramatically, and I couldn't hold back a laugh.
"Fine. Help me get to bed then?"
"Of course. And tomorrow, after we've slept in past noon, I'll make us some breakfast and you can answer my million questions about all this Red Hood shit."
"And then I can help you clean the blood off your bedroom floor."
"Sounds like the perfect weekend plan."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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stxrvel · 14 hours
losing myself
memories of how you lost yourself trying to keep your best friend afloat. content. angst, depression and suicidal thoughts. this is post-suguru's death, except the first memory. a/n. i just can't seem to bring myself out of the angst for jjk, i apologise in advance!
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Helping Satoru was a way of losing yourself. When Haibara died and Suguru abandoned them, Shoko dealt with it in her loneliness and the only thing Satoru could lean on was you. Your shoulder was his support, the only thing that kept him sane to reality as you both tried to graduate and made the decision to teach school, you for a much more selfish reason than Satoru's human reasons.
Helping Satoru cost you a lifetime of loneliness. You loved your friend and after what happened you were so desperate not to lose anyone else that you were willing to do anything, even if it meant losing everything that once made you who you were and all motivation. You thought your identity didn't compare to the pain and helplessness of not being able to do anything while everyone walked away, but your decision led to a lonelier life than you had thought.
“Hey, everything okay?” Shoko approached through the hallway, the darkness relenting once she was standing next to you. “You look pale.”
“I'm fine. Just a little tired.”
The clouds around you enveloped them on either side, a somber feeling settling in between the space Shoko kept her distance with.
“Well, we've graduated. From now on the pains can't be so great.”
“Yeah, right. We're past the worst of it, aren't we?”
“I'd like to think so.”
Her cocked smile thawed a little of the chill settling in your chest, but her eyes told you everything her lips didn't. She knew, everyone knew, that you hadn't been the same since Suguru left. Satoru was staying afloat because of his goofy personality, but trying your best to keep it that way, the sparkle in your eyes disappeared. The person who used to be told that she brought the sun in her eyes had completely clouded over. Shoko saw the storms in your eyes, the impenetrable and unceasing tempest. She couldn't cross it without dying trying.
“You can talk to me if you need to.”
That was what she said every time, even though you never took her at her word. Shoko always proved she could survive on her own, however she had done it, whatever process she had to go through, the smile she gave you in those moments at least was more genuine than yours.
Satoru was too wrapped up in his own world, his own head and his own pain to stop for a moment to notice yours, which Shoko and the others could. You never placed that guilt on Satoru's shoulders, nor did you need to, but it was something you were sadly aware of. Satoru didn't push you aside because he was selfish, it was simply his way of processing things, so internally and individually inside his head. Just as you had made it your way of processing grief to help Satoru tirelessly, to the point of almost becoming his shadow.
“I don't know what to do anymore, y/n,” Satoru cried, hands holding his head and knees against his chest.
Utahime had called out to you, barely passing you out of eagerness and blurting out a couple of words that you could deduce were about Satoru. It was painful as you knew you had to prepare in advance to see him, because it was heartbreaking to have to help him process your pain while you had to keep your own at bay.
“I'm tired of dreaming about it. I'm tired of… seeing him.”
Your hands moved over his hair, his cursed technique disappearing every time you were near. You tried to contain the trembling of his body by holding his shoulders, but having you closer only made him more vulnerable.
“Not sleeping is not the solution, Satoru.”
“That's the only way,” raising his head, his puffy blue eyes returned your gaze. At times like those, you didn't know how he hadn't noticed your sunken eyes or the black bags that even years later still wouldn't go away.
But it was about him. Satoru was in bad modd. You had to help him. You had to hold him.
“No, it's not. I'm here,” your knees touched his feet, his face contracting as a fresh tide of tears lashed his chest. Cold hands wrapped around you and your numb hands wrapped around his neck. “I know you miss him. I know you regret it.”
His sobs against your shoulder grew louder and louder, but Satoru kept his grip with hostility. He held close to you as his lifeline, the float that carried him across the ocean, shipwrecked in his own pain, lost in his own mind.
“But you know you don't have to carry that pain alone, Satoru.”
“I don't know what I did, y/n…”
“You did what you had to do.”
“If you hadn't done it, I would have.”
His head jerked up, his blue eyes crystallizing and pain written all over his face with the trail of tears that wouldn't stop flowing.
“It wasn't anything either of us would've had to have done,” you shook your head, trying to contain the memories in the back of your head, trying to focus on pain your friend in that moment, on what really mattered. “It wasn't anything either of us had to endure.”
“But you're fine…”
You almost snorted, controlling yourself enough to let out a sigh. His naive eyes wouldn't leave yours, almost as if he was constantly wondering what you were doing to deal with all that he wasn't. As if there was something wrong that he was doing or something he wasn't doing that you were, because in his eyes, up until that moment, you were fine.
“I'm fine when you're fine.”
“I'm not fine right now.”
“I know.”
You seemed to think a glimmer of understanding crossed his eyes. You didn't know, you couldn't be sure, but his face returned to your neck and the tears stopped falling. Minutes passed in silence.
“I'm sorry,” was the last thing he said that night.
Helping Satoru was something you would never regret, even when you had lost your spark and the students loved him more than you.
“I thought you were going out tonight.”
You ran into Nanami on your way to your dorm. It was getting close to the time of the outing Satoru had proposed for that night and you knew that if you didn't go no one else would show up there. You hated to think of dashing your friend's hopes, but he had already developed enough strength to go through such a disappointment. It had been months since he had becone strong enough to deal with such situations on his own.
“I'm tired.”
“For something specific?”
It was common for your friends to dance around the elephant in the room, and sometimes you allowed yourself to think how different things would be if they had at some point been more daring with their approaches, as you were with Satoru. What would've changed, then or in the past, if Nanami or Shoko had been more insistent? Where would you be now? Where would you be later?
“Nothing specific. I'd just like to get more rest tonight,” you sent Nanami a smile, the kind you had mastered to avoid such conversations.
“Very well. You know I'm just a phone call away if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Nanami.”
Were you really that selfish? In all their remoteness, your friends were still concerned about your well-being. Had enough time passed for you to not care? If you didn't want to be unwell, why was it so hard for you to accept their help?
“You've lost weight,” Satoru was right beside you from the moment you left Yaga's office.
“The mission went well, Satoru, thank you for caring.”
You tried to dodge him to go back to your room, but of course the white-haired man wouldn't just walk away just because. Lately he was closer, more attentive, more condescending…
“Are you eating well?”
Satoru was trying hard to ignore the way his words brought back dark memories. From the moment he realized what had been happening, his mind was scheming every second of the day in trying to find a way to bring you back to your original state. He couldn't even fully concentrate on the missions, but that was no obstacle for him.
“I'm tired, Satoru. It was three days. I need to sleep.”
“I told Yaga many times to let me go with you…”
“I handled it just fine on my own, Satoru.”
“I know! I'd just like to be of some use-”
“You want to be of some use? Leave me alone.”
The bed was freezing cold as it was every night. You changed the sheets that morning and organized the entire bedroom in a strange spike of energy. You felt a little better afterwards, but not enough. It had never stopped looking and feeling so empty, no matter what you did.
Satoru called you a couple of times that night, but as usual, he'd give up after a couple of tries.
You wondered again, drowsily, what would be different if only he had insisted a little more…
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muddyorbsblr · 2 days
'one look and they'll know' collection masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: pre-relationship era; months before 'one look and they'll know'
Summary: After a particularly horrible day on set, Chris extends an invitation for you to join the cast in a game of charades to unwind.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Warning/s: workplace bullying (mentioned); language [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: hints of mutual pining; we're in Hemsworth's POV
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"Come on, it'll be fun, Tiny Terror, I promise." Chris gave your shoulders a slight shake to hopefully snap you out of the sour mood you'd been in all day. It was more than obvious why, considering that there were a good few production assistants that looked like they were on their own personal mission to get you to break composure and break a nose, constantly putting your team down for working too slow or some other reason.
One of them even tried insisting that there were props out of place so they could call into question your skill in clocking the continuity between shots. And while it was simple enough to debunk their accusations, it had also been a rather tedious day even just watching all of the little inconveniences happen that seemed hellbent on putting a damper to your day. He couldn't imagine how much more stressful it was in your shoes.
You were only allowed a few minutes to breathe without much worry when those assistants were pulled aside for Taika to have a word with them. Because other than him, there was someone else that not only witnessed the borderline harassment that occurred today, but was damn near foaming at the mouth to start snapping at them for their insolence.
And right now Chris could only imagine that the Brit was standing at full height putting forward every single intimidation tactic he had on display at those people and asking them point blank if they had some sort of issue with you.
"I really don't know, Hemsy, it's been a long day. I kinda just want it to be over," you sighed, the facade you'd put in place of trying to look unbothered finally cracking as your shoulders slumped. "No idea who fucking pissed in their cereal this morning but if their goal was to drag someone down with them, they fucking succeeded. Just wanna go back to my hotel room and order a big bowl of pasta and a bottle of wine and turn my phone off until tomorrow morning."
"Alright, how about this. Just a few rounds, and if you hate it, I'll pay for your pasta and wine?"
You paused, thinking over his offer for a few seconds before finally sighing, "Fine. Thirty minutes. But if I tell you I wanna go, you better be ready to order me the fattest bowl of truffle cream pasta you can find."
Just as you walked off back to your team, Taika and Tom came out of one of the back offices where they sequestered the offending crew members. There were visible scowls on their faces as they muttered to themselves while Taika whispered some instructions to security, probably telling them to keep an eye on the troublemakers moving forward.
"Saw you talking to Lil Mayhem," Taika spoke up once he stood where you did just a few moments ago. "She alright?"
Had the situation not been so tense, Chris probably would have poked a bit of fun at the way Tom's face became visibly more animated as he scanned the set trying to find you. If the Brit became even the slightest bit more enamored with you and still refused to do anything about it, he might have to tell you himself just to caution you that if you didn't feel the same way, you'd have to let him down gently. And preferably sooner rather than later.
"She will be," Chris answered. "She's joining us later."
"Ah perfect," the New Zealander exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "We can pair her off with Tom."
"Hmm?" There was an alarmed look in Tom's eyes now, the sound coming out of him uncharacteristically higher pitched than normal.
"Oh come on, mate, did you really think nobody noticed? You look at her like a pup, wagging its tail and jumping in place when its mum comes home." Chris clapped a hand down on his shoulder, trying not to laugh at how mortified he looked finding out his subtle "work crush" on you wasn't exactly that subtle. "Just don't go humping her leg when she walks in."
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"Oh my God, yes you're here too," Tessa exclaimed when you walked into Taika's suite, doing a little bounce on her place at the couch and patting the seat beside her. "We can be partners and smoke their asses."
"Hemsworth promised to buy me pasta if I hated it," you told her with a shrug, sitting at the vacant seat. You didn't seem to have noticed that Tom had moved over, making room next to him on the other side of the table. "And I'm not one to turn down free food."
"Tessa you're already partnered with Chris over here," Taika informed her, pointing at the Australian.
"Hold on since when?" He simply showed her a paper containing all your names, your eyes widening slightly when you saw that yours was next to Tom's. "Fine," she huffed, shifting her gaze over to Chris. "We got this."
Taika then presented a little fishbowl containing folded scraps of paper and explained that a single turn would consist of each of you picking out a paper and trying to sign out whatever was on their paper, while the other had to guess what it was. Straightforward enough. "Whoever's signing cannot talk, but they can make sounds if they think it'll help," he kept on explaining. "Winning pair will get…a nice swanky dinner for two when we get to LA for the premiere. Sound good?"
Lay it on a little thicker, Taika, I don't think they're catching on yet, Chris thought sarcastically, immediately clocking the way your cheeks were reddening and Tom was without a doubt imagining what it would be like to be sitting across from you in a fancy restaurant, imagining that you two were on a proper date. What with the way he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, along with that dopey lovestruck smile painting his face every time you even shared the same breathing space, it wasn't that hard to take a guess what the Brit was thinking right at this moment.
Once everyone had a scrap of paper in their hand, Taika spun a little wheel of your names to pick out which pair went first. "Alrighty then, Tom? Y/N? Which one of you'll be guessing first?"
"Oh, uhm…can I guess first? 'Cause I can't sign for shit."  Your request as you addressed Tom sounded casual enough, had it not been for the chuckle at the end that immediately had both Chris and Taika knowing much better than to mistake your demeanor for 'casual'. Seemed you were as skittish around Tom as he was around you.
And maybe Chris didn't have to interfere and advise you to let his friend down easy after all. Maybe he just had to sit back and let you two find each other at your own pace.
Though admittedly this was the type of behavior that started out cute but would grow frustrating to watch if it went on for too long. If neither of you made a move in the coming weeks he might be tempted to lock you two in a cramped storage closet to move things along.
Tom stood up from his seat, cheeks quickly becoming tinged with pink when he saw the words on his little scrap of paper before looking up and holding your gaze. On a whim, Chris decided to take his phone out and have his camera at the ready.
The chime on Taika's phone signaled him to start, and he held up five fingers in front of you.
"Five words." He then nodded and held up one finger before creating a letter "T" with his hands. "First word 'The'." He held up four fingers next and did the "T" symbol again. "And fourth word 'The'. So 'The Blank-Blank The Blank'?"
He nodded at you, a light shining in both your eyes as he kept on, like a couple of kids excited they found someone to play with. But then when Tom went on to sign the second word, for a split second you gave him a look that had everyone in the room that paid even the smallest amount of attention that his affections were definitely not one-sided.
You were well on your way to being completely smitten with him, too.
He held up two fingers before making a lassoing motion and snapping his fingers so loud that the sound made your neck twitch, your eyes glazing over as he pointed to the space in front of him. "Uh…uhm…Capture?" He shook his head, repeating the motion again. "Herding?" He shook his head again. "Collaring--Cowboy?" He let out a laugh before shaking his head again. "Okay I don't think I'm gonna get that, maybe another word we're running out of time."
Tom took a deep breath, as if composing himself before holding up five fingers. And then he drew his hands close to his chest and started making the most ridiculous sound with his head tilted to the ceiling. "Ememememe omomomomo".
That had you bursting into a fit of giggles, making him break out into a face-splitting grin and a few chuckles of his own. "I'm sorry I got absolutely nothing on that, go back to the second word." He went back to the lassoing and snapping movement. "Wait is this for a person or an animal?" He made a motion as if weighing an object in each of his hands, signaling to you that it was both. "Both?! Okay so…domestication?" He shook his head, but motioning for you to keep going down that route. "The--Taming?" Then you gasped, standing up right as two seconds were left on the clock, clapping your hands. "The Taming of the Shrew! The Taming of the Shrew!"
Out of the sheer excitement in the moment, he made his way around the table, grasping for your hands before framing your face in his hands. Had you both lost yourselves in the moment for even a few seconds longer, Chris would have bet good money that you two would have shared a kiss right in front of them.
But then both of you froze in place, giving each other an awkward smile before he stepped back, making his way back to where he stood seconds before. Good thing Chris already had his phone in hand and snapped a photo before your mutual shyness toward each other got the better of you.
"Cute," Taika commented, throwing Tom a look. "Alrighty then Y/N, it's your turn now."
You stood, looking at your scrap of paper and then looking around the room, your eyes landing on the decorative skull flower vase on the dining table.
Before you could signal for Taika to start the clock, Tom spoke up, "Hamlet?"
A choked sound of utter shock slipped out of everyone else in the room. "Hold up, that counts right, T?" Taika just nodded.
"How the fuck--Are you two telepathically connected or something?" Tessa threw the question out, pointing her finger at both of you. "You know what it doesn't matter, the night's still young. We still got a chance to smoke 'em, Hemsworth."
Chris wasn't paying much attention, shooting you a text instead. So you wanna cash in on that free food, Tiny Terror?
He had to fight back the knowing grin that pulled at the corners of his mouth seeing the message you typed back. I could stay a few more rounds.
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A/N: I did mention before that I have some pre-relationship chapters planned for these two blorbos, right? 👀 Well if I didn't, I'm saying it now. Chapters. Plural. I honestly don't know how many pieces I have in store for this collection but safe to say it's not ending any time soon. 😳💖
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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psychwxrdd · 1 day
✧₊⁺ 𝒹𝒶𝒹𝒹𝓎
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summary: your life takes a darker turn after your stepdad, detective david loki, decides that you're his.
warnings: 18+, dark themes, all of them girl do not read this if you're a minor! or if you don't fw stepcest, smut and possessive behaviour. dark! detective loki?
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his huge hands covered your lips with one of his fingers inside your mouth, you sucked them as a way to control your moans and david let traces of wet kisses all over your neck in a way to control his. he was taking you from behind with such ruthless paces that it was hard for you not to scream like a pornstar, you were wearing a black skirt that matched your high knee socks and lacy thin panties.
"so obedient. such a good girl" he groans in your ear and you whimper, rolling your eyes both annoyed and in pleasure "you know your tears won't do shit for me"
"asshole" you try to say but it's inaudible. he seems to understand tho as he starts to pound you faster — if that was even humanly possible.
"i was hoping you'd learn from this to never disrespect me again, but i think i'm being too kind" he suddenly pulls your hair and makes you stand next to his face, feeling his warm breath on your neck and giving you chills. it all started because you came home later than you actually said you'd be. but c'mon you're almost 20, not as if you needed permission to go out or something. that was when it was just your mom and you.
ever since david moved in, you knew there was something off about him and it was not only by the fact you hate police officers and anything related, that man gave you chills — in all meanings, later to be found.
david always treated you as if you're his own daughter, it looked like some overly careful dad. except for the fact he's not your dad and his behavior always creeped you out, but your mom was happy and you didn't wanted to screw it all since it's been years since she was grieving over your dad's death.
david hated when you left without warnings, and you would come home having a jumpscare by guess who waiting on the coach.
it came to the point where you felt like a kid again, being controlled by some abusive older figure. he started to check your grades in college, ask to go through your phone — as ridiculous as it all was, you couldn't say "no" when he asked you to. you felt intimidated by him, by his authority. i mean what could he do since you're an adult?
thats the same question that made you fearful. he was the detective, he was superior to you in many ways. and he was your stepdad, he lived with you. you depended on him since your job wasn't enough for you to move somewhere else and have your own life.
then he starts the "you're not gonna have a boyfriend" bullshit. that was it for you. he thought you were what? 12?
thats when you screamed all your frustrations out and he almost chocked you to death.
"as long as i exist you don't have a say on anything, you understand? do you fucking understand?"
you struggled to even listen to his words, barely keeping your eyes open
"i own you, little fucker. you're not gonna escape this. not me. not over my dead body"
he finally let go of your throat, making you nearly throw up in the floor.
he got more and more possessive as the time went by, and your mother was never around to do anything about it. always too busy. you thought that he would be more busy too since he was a respected detective in town, but it seemed like his mission now was to make a hell of your life.
you woke up one night to him kissing your lips with vigor and intensity. you hated that you felt so wet that you had no other option but to open your legs.
second time it happened on his office, because as terrible as he was and as much fear you had, he left you craving for more. he was unfortunately that freaking handsome and hot.
you got on your knees and sucked him off that evening.
you slowly learned that you could get him more easy on you if you kept acting like his little slut, and thats how you manage to go through this situation.
now, he was wrapping his hands around your neck as he fucked you in the hallway, next to the room where he sleep with your mother. she was sleeping peacefully while you where bending over for her boyfriend to fuck you so terribly good.
"you know what happens if you make a sound, pet"
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I think the bittersweet trio going on a camping date or something in the same spot Sugarboo talked to Seth would be super cute maybe? (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Camping date.
Sugarboo sighed as they tried not to slip while walking the trail. Seth planned the date this week for the trio, saying how he wanted them all to be in the same spot where he felt they met before. Alphonse was chatting about how one of the older men tried to make a comment on him and he shut it down. Both boys were just talking in front of Boo as they enjoyed the view of their boys enjoying themselves, it's been a while since all three have went on a date.
The basket in their hand made them think of the reactions to the goodies they made for the date. Smiling a bit wider Boo's thoughts were interrupted by Seth, who was worried that they were walking slow for some reason.
"Sugar you good? Do you need help carrying the basket?" Worried filled his tone as he asked them. Causing Alphonse to stop and look behind him as well now both were looking at them. Giggling at the boy's worry for them Sugarboo waved their hand nonchaluntly.
"I'm fine just enjoying my partner's having a good time is all. And I don't need help carrying this little basket, hell I could carry some more." Sugarboo was't allowed to carry another bag only the basket. The boys made sure they couldn't saying they would do the heavy lifting for them and not to worry.
"Nope! Your not going to be carrying anything else. Your not use to these trails like we are, Boo." Wagging a finger Alphonse knew if they didn't stop Sugarboo they would try and carry everything for them. "Plus don't want you to slip and hurt yourself. These trails haven't been kept right after Seth left." It was true most of the trails in the forest were kept up by Seth. He was really the only one that went through those woods daily, other than the occasional townie wanting to hunt a deer or rabbit for a stew.
"He's right Sug, don't worry were almost there anyways! It's a beautiful view. I was so exited when I found it because I wanted to show you two!" Giddiness was in the brown haired man's voice as he cut down some bushes to show a clearing. It looked like something out of a fairy tale, a willow tree in the middle with flowers everywhere and a river by it.
"Oh my god Seth this is beautiful!" Awe was in Sugarboo's voice as they looked around the clearing. Seth was smiling at the praise and looked at Alphonse who was smiling at him.
"Ooo Sethfrey wanted to show off huh?" Teasing lightly Alphonse walked with Boo to the Willow tree. Seth gave Al a 'really?' look but decided not to comment and just help set up for the date.
"Here Al grab the other side of the blanket." Both boys started to place the blanket down while Sugarboo looked over the groups things. Just to check if they had everything.
"Cimeome boo you made us triple check before we left remember? Dint worry everything's in there." Easing SB's thoughts Alphonse and Seth finally placed the blanket down. It was one that a older woman made for the three of them. It had candies, ghost, sweet treats and even some little mothmen on it.
"Yeah sug, pinkie is right." The pinkette threw a side eye at the brown haired man for the nickname. "Also, even if we forgotten anything. I'm glad we're all here to have a good time." Sugarboo smiled at their boy's, they always did know how to calm their mind.
"Place some rocks down at the corners so the blanket don't move too much. I'll set the food up okay?" Giving instructions the boys nodded and went to find good heavy rocks. Boo was humming a tune as they set the blanket, smiling wider as the boys joked around by the river. Then rushing back with four good rocks to place down, after doing so they marvled at Boo's food they made.
"Bone apple teeth." All three giggled at the saying before eating some of the food. They all made sure to not eat so much in the morning before going on the date. With chatting and eating they finished quickly. So they decided to play some games to pass the time before they had to set up their tent.
"TAG YOUR IT!" Alphonse slapped Seth's arm before running away.
"HEY NO FAIR!" Jumping up Seth threw a devilish smirk at Sugarboo.
"AH! NO NO NO NO!" Scrambling to try an get away Boo was able to swerve away from Seth's out stretched arm. Laughter was all around them as Seth got Alphonse.
"No tag backs!" Hearing this Alphonse set his sights on Boo. Who, sprinted away from him. Laughing manically the pinkette ran after them and Seth was giggling at the sight of them.
After Boo finally got tagged the person who was it switched a few times before they called it off. Panting all three fell on the blanket joking around and giggling like children again.
"God you guys run fast." Groaning Boo flopped their head on Alphonse. Who made a noise when their head connected with his stomach. Seth laid his head on Boo's stomach and all three looked at each other.
"....Wanna swim?" Questioning the two looked at Seth who was smiling. Pushing themselves up Boo started stripping to their underwear.
"I'm so going to jump in!" Cackling at the boys made the ki k into action. Following the bakers lead they rushed to the river for a afternoon swim. The water was cold but after running so much it felt heavenly.
Playing in the water for a couple of hours tired the trio out even more. But the boys had enough strength to make the tent quickly since day light started to slowly turn dark. Boo set up some lanters for the three of them and changed to their sleep wear when they weren't looking. After finishing the tent Seth made a small bond fire for them to sit at.
Alphonse made a clothing line with a. Stick and the tree. Handing up the wet underwear so it can dry easier. After all three were changed and clothed Alphonse went through his bag. Pulling out ingredients to make smores he showed the other two.
"What's camping without making some smores?" The other two thanked him as they were given a skewer and a Marshmallow to burn to their liking. A debate in what was the best type of burning for a Marshmallow all three had made their arguments. It caused Seth and Alphonse to take theirs a bit more.
"Why would you scorch your Marshmallow so much??" Giving a disgust look at Seth's very burnt Marshmallow. The brown haired man in particular rolled his eyes at the childish face Al was pulling.
"Sorry that I like to to be a bit smoky with the chocolate. Not everyone is crazy about candy as you are hon." It was true Boo though as they munched on their smore. Alphonse always like his stuff sweet and if he could he'd make everything extra sweet.
The debate went on that their specific way of cooking the Marshmallow was superior. Then how to build the smore did too, Al liked to melt the chocolate a bit but Seth said it'll just get messy. That was another rargument in itself, but they agreed on how to use the gramcrackers.
"Are you both done with the arguing?" Yawning out Sugarboo looked at their boy's that was still kinda heated from the argument. Both nodded at the tired person.
"Go lay down hon we'll clean up okay?" Not fighting Alphonse's words Sugarboo went into the tent and laid in the middle. Closing thie eyes for a bit they waited to fully fall asleep with their boys next to them.
"Sug? Why're you still awake?" Quietly asking Seth went to their left. Getting cozy he then saw Sugarboo open their eyes.
"Wanna sleep with...both of y'all next to me..." Sleeply saying Boo pawed the masks high before for Alphonse. Who awed at their sleepy state.
"I'm here Boo give me a sec together comfy 'k?" A nod was his response. Finally getting into place on Boo's right they smiled at both of them.
"Night..." Getting good nights from both boys they finally passed out.
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sugar-omi · 11 hours
Thought about accidentally sending a nude to Cove (or anyone of your choice) 👀
Like MC was trying to send him a picture of something else but accidentally tapped on a nude they took the night before and WHOOPS! Now Cove is going back and forth with himself between typing up a reply and deleting what he wrote and just screaming into his pillow because he just saw his best friend/crush naked and it’s still on his phone screen and he has to see them tomorrow because they always do but he doesn’t know if it’ll be better to see each other tomorrow or wait a bit until things are “less awkward” and he is BURSTING at the seams
Bonus if he feels guilty because he saves the photo anyways for………….. research purposes 👀
that's such a good thought, though... especially if while he's fumbling, you're freaking out, but also way too curious to know what he'll say so you don't delete it...
and in a moment of bravery, text him before he can say anything to your apology or about the image.. "although.. you can keep it if you like"
his eyes FALL out his head. what do you mean he can keep the image?!?;!^!
he probably doesn't even respond. and if he does, it's just a "it's okay" because he's too shaken to say anything else. doesn't know what to say. "you look pretty", "you're so sexy", "thanks for the nude"????
which.. is probably worse than any of those options if you're already nervous n floundering over te accident.
if you want a bit more satisfaction, are genuinely worried you made him uncomfortable, or just reassurance for what you already know... go ahead and ask if he's uncomfortable, or mad at you, or whatever.
it takes a minute but eventually you get a "...no, im not upset.. or uncomfortable..."
please move on after that because if you linger on the topic anymore, he'll be on life support 🙏
and he does hold onto that image... can't bring himself to download it, that's too much for his poor heart. and even though it'd only be proper to delete the message.. he doesn’t. he tries, his finger hovering over the button.
even though you said he could... keep it. he shouldn't, right? no matter how long he sits in turmoil, his respect for you and his teenage hormones raging against each other...
eventually one wins, because he's been so restless all day. his stomach twisting with something foreign. his eyes wandered to your body when he saw you at the beach that day, and he remembered the picture, trying to ignore how his sex throbbed and the subsequent tightening of his shorts...
really, he has more control than this usually. his voice of reason, more like selfconsciousness, too strong.
but his fingers flicker across his phone, and they find the way back to that image, that damn image that's been haunting him. his brain begging him to remember every curve and dip, freckle, and scar on your body.
he knows what your body looks like, you grew up together. he knows where most of your beauty marks are, your freckles, your scars, knows if your skin is seamless, and he's sleepily traced any acne scars on your biceps.
he knows the shape of you, the leanness and the cords of muscle in your arms and thighs. recognizes you just by looking at your back.
so it's not hard for him to imagine your nude body after that, especially since he couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen fast enough when you sent it.
and even now, he's finding any of those hidden treasures right now as his eyes rake over your body, his hand wrapping around his cock as he shamefully imagines you with him. touching him. touching you.
imagines his lips on your hip bones, kissing your body like it's a prayer.
your voice is always so clear in his ears, he can't help but imagine the way you'd call his name... thinks back to all the times you've laughed happily or groaned tiredly, or moaned in pain...
his mind twists the knowledge of you, your lovely voice, and your heavenly touch. imagines you calling his name, gasping at his touch...
finally spills his cum all over his hand, his head collapsing on his pillow, covers his face, sparks of pleasure still running through him...
realizes post nut clarity is fucking real, and he doesn't know how he's gonna be able to look at you tomorrow...
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hart269 · 3 days
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 9
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem! reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.
A/N : The plot thickens as Sirius runs away from home.
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Masterlist / Series Masterlist
Through the incessants knocking of the door at midnight, you had managed to be there first. Considering you were already awake, you had been the first to respond to the knocks, though you gripped your wand tight. It was storming outside, rain pelting down on the Potter Manor. Keets, your house elf stood behind you, although she argues to there first, you managed to keep her behind. You pried the door just as the frantic knocking stopped.
Out of all the things you had expected, a drenched Sirius Black wasn't one of them. He looked shabby, thin as if he hadn't eaten all summer. His knuckles were red and pale, clutching a small bag on one. His face had little cuts on them, and there were tears running down his face mixed with the rain water.
"Hello baby potter" he croaked. Another round of thunder cackled, as his body slumped, you screamed for James, lifting Sirius who was on his knees. Keets rushed to call your mom. James came running, running his hands through his tousled hair. Eyes widening at the sight of Sirius, he rushed to take him in his arms, getting his t-shirt soaked.
"Hey, Padfoot" James brushed his wet hair behind, "Be with me alright"
Sirius however kept crying, buried in his bestfriend's shoulder. The footsteps on the stairs, indicated, your parents rushing downstairs.
Sirius finally parted, "I had nowhere else to go, my mother she wanted me to join him".
Your eyes darted to the door, as if waiting for another figure to step in, coming back in disappointment.
James rubbed his back, "Join who, Sirius"
Sirius looked up in misery or fury, you couldn't tell, "Voldemort". Euphemia gasped hearing that name.
Sirius shook his head, "Euphs, I'm sorry for coming at this hour but I can't go back to that house".
Fleamont stepped forward, "Absolutely not, there is no chance you're going back to that house."
Sirius nodded, tears of appreciation flowed down his pale cheeks. Euphemia however looked in concern, "Sirius, dear, are you hurt?".
He however only gave a little grunt, "Nothing that bad", which in all its seriousness probably didn't mean much."
Your mom nodded, "I'll send some potions for you, James, honey take him to your room."
James moved with a "Yes mum". You left soon too, your mind still wandering about Reg, why didn't he come with Sirius, did they not let him, was he hurt or worse, Sirius didn't say anything to indicate his whereabouts.
You asked him that after breakfast, he however scoffed while you felt your heart sank, "I would advise you to stay away from him, he isn't what you think he is"
You weren't to back down soon, "Why would I, I have spent more time with him in the past few years than you did, I know him, Sirius, he isn't bad"
He sighed, "You're blinded by your itty bitty crush, he is just like them, he didn't even" He choked, "He didn't even seem to have an idea of what he's getting himself into, he's just mommy's little boy who will do whatever she tells him to"
"Do you really think of him like that because I know for a fact that he hates living there as much as you do, you think he likes to be there, that he enjoys being in her presence" you snapped.
He shook his head, glowering "Really, he wasn't the one who got punished for being in a different house, he wasn't the one his mother hates for simply fucking existing"
You took a deep breath, "You're right Sirius, you are, doesn't means he's that better off is it, you both live in the same house, and not to mention he loves you Sirius, he does, he won't say it, you won't say it but he is your brot-"
"Stop it, stop defending him, are you listening to yourself, he is fiooling you, he has turned to their side, no matter what you or I feel, he is gone to them".
Maybe the truth wasn't that Sirius never wanted to talk to Regulus, maybe it was that everytime he wanted to his brain shut him off. To admit he felt sympathy from his brother would have him accept Reg's pain along with his own, and he didn't feel brave enough to do so.
Summer went quietly, not a letter from Reg. You and Sirius eventually became civil with each other, hanging out all together. Soon, he became an unofficial Potter, heck he accidentaly called Euphemia mom once and now he had stuck with it.
The ride to Hogwarts express was filled with apprehension, you were sitting next to Amelia. You were hearing her talk about her Summer ignoring the sting you felt realising Regulus was now plainly ignoring you.
You knew there had to be something but you decided to wait until you could find him alone, which was near impossible. He wasn't to be seen in astronomy tower either. You waited and waited, until you snapped, dragging him away from Rosier and shoving him into an emoty classroom. Locking the door behind, you pointed the wand at his neck, "Any last words, Black?"
"Last words huh, you''re gonna kill me Potter, you can't even seem to stay away from me" he leaned over you.
"I bet ghost Regulus would be nicer, you have been avoiding me like a plague, some friend you are" You stared back at him with ferocity and an unrecognised softness.
"Then go, what are you waiting for?" he said, not looking at you.
"Is that it, Reg, Is that all you have to say, all you can say, have I not listened patiently to whatever troubles you" your voice went soft with each syllable.
"What do you want me to tell you, you know what happened, he left to your house, not a letter, not a note, in the dead of night, he just left, I didn't even know where until much letter"
His fingers fumbled with his robes.
You took his hand, "You can come too, Reg. Run away from there, come with me"
He hesitated, "I can't, It's too late for me anyways"
Your eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean too late Reg?"
Regulus didn't look at you, "You should leave while it's still time, you can still save yourself"
You scoffed, "I don't need anyone to save from me, not from you. Do you know how many times I'v been told to leave you and I told off every time, and now you are doing the same".
He slumped against the wall, his hand still clutched in yours, "Maybe they were right?"
"Right about what, Reg right about what, can you be fucking clear" the words burnt in your throat. Frustration clawing its way in.
His eyes were filled with pain, as he looked at you in desperation, alternating his choice between telling you to leave him alone or to stay forever. He decided in the end, to let you decide, for he couldn't find a way out of his misery. And he had known you more than he had known himself.
He slided the cloak covering his arm, hearing you gasp gave him the confirmation that you had seen it, the mark. The hollow eyes of the skull that bore onto him every single time he saw it, haunting him.
Your fingers brushed over it, testing that it wasn't a mere part of your hallucination. That it was really there. You flinched as if it had burned and he suspected it may have, charred something. You took a shuddering breath, you had thought of many possibilities but this, this was different from all of them. The horror of reality outweighed your imagination.
You looked at him to find him already looking at you, his expression grim, his eyes distressed, pained. "Did you agree to this?".
One question that you beleived was the most crucial one now.
"Not directly, no, The night after Sirius was gone, I had nowhere to run, I couldn't leave, I had no magic, I was surrounded by them, so many of them" He choked, a lone tear escaped his eyes. You gently brushed it away, he dropped his hands onto your cheek. "I couldn't tell them no, he was there, he said it was an honour that I was his youngest soldier but I felt anything but so. I felt vile and it wouldn't go away" He glared at the mark, sniffling. Rubbing it harshly while more tears fell.
You held both his hands, stopping him. You slowly snaked your arms around his waist, pulling hin gently towards you. His body remained tense, until he too wrapped his hands around you, head dropping into the crook of your neck. He tightened his grip, engulfing you in him. His body was shaking. You gently rubbed circles in his back.
"It's okay, Reg, everything will be fine." He just clutched you tighter until he couldn't feel his hands or his feelings. Was it bad that you personally wanted to murder his parents?
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reggiesmolina · 23 hours
i saw this post by @shaunashipman and next thing i know i was writing this
(brand new, full throttle) touch me while your boys play grand theft auto
Bucktommy || 878 words || mild sexual content
Read on AO3
Truth be told, it wasn't Buck's fault, honestly. Mostly.
Since the Grant-Nash's house fire and Gerrard became the new interim captain, his 118 family had started a weekly brunch with a rotating hosting system (yes, that had been Buck's idea, thanks for noticing) but after Buck's first turn having them over everyone had agreed that his loft was too claustrophobic with everyone in it so Tommy (sweet, kind, loving Tommy) had offered his house with its big backyard patio with its built-in firepit and grill instead.
So over the summer his family all came together at Tommy's Spanish-style bungalow once every five weeks and really, it wasn't Buck's fault that over those weeks he had started spending more and more time there than in his own loft, sometimes only stopping by his apartment to get more clothes that would eventually end up in the dresser Tommy had built for him on the little workshop he had in his garage tucked between his Muay Thai setup and the car lift, and it really wasn't his fault that he had started thinking about the house as their home even though it was definitely too soon to be thinking like that.
If anything, it was Tommy's fault because that Wednesday morning he had spent forty minutes opening him up so thoroughly with his tongue and fingers that by the time he had finally slipped his cock in him his hole had given no resistance. And it really was Tommy's fault that he'd fucked him fast and hard, Buck's face and chest pressed against the mattress and his ass held up by Tommy's hands marking bruises on his hips, and just as he'd been about to come he had pressed his lips to Buck's ears and growled: "You're such a good boy for Daddy, aren't you? You're gonna cum from Daddy using your loose hole as a fuck toy, huh? Such a perfect boy."
(And really, what else could Buck do but cum so hard he passed out for a minute?)
All this to say that it really wasn't Buck's fault that later that day when he and Athena were washing and drying dishes in Tommy's cozy kitchen he remodelled himself a few years ago and Tommy and Bobby came in with more wine glasses and asked if they were okay washing them or if they wanted them to do it he had felt so comfortable and at home that he didn't stop to think before speaking.
He took the glasses from Tommy and said, "Don't worry, Daddy, I got it," like he would any other day they were together.
(That it took him five seconds in between saying those words and realising what he had just said in front of his dad and his wife was definitely on him.)
The moment he realised his mistake he could feel his heartbeat in his ears. All his blood rushed to his head and heated his face redder than it had ever been.
He barely registered anything else going on. Tommy's panicked stare and tense posture, Bobby's red face, Athena's laugh.
"I think you two can handle the rest of the dishes," she said in between laughs, walking past where Buck and Tommy were still stuck in place.
Buck refused to look up, maybe if he stared at the ground with enough determination a hole would open up and swallow him and he wouldn't have to deal with the fact that his captain and Athena now knew what he called his boyfriend when they were alone.
(And look, if it wasn't because Bobby heard him too he would be laughing with her. He wasn't ashamed of it. He wasn't gonna tell everyone about it but what two consenting adults got going in bed was their own business. Still, there was a difference between embracing your kinks and having your father figure find out about it, there couldn't be anything worse than that.)
"I think," Tommy started in a tentative tone, "we can all agree to forget about this."
"Yeah," Bobby agreed. And God, why was Bobby still here? Had Buck not embarrassed himself enough already? 
"Of course," Buck could hear the amusement in Athena's voice. "But if I'm allowed to say, Buckaroo, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You should hear what Bobby calls me."
(Scratch that. Thinking about Bobby having kinky sex was so much worse. That was his dad.)
And really, it wasn't his fault if Tommy laughed so hard at Bobby's bewildered look that he made Buck forget all about his own embarrassment
"Okay, no more talking," Bobby said. His face was so red it was a wonder any blood was still pumping in his heart. "This never happened. No one ever heard anything."
So really, it wasn't Buck's fault that now his dad knew what kind of names he'd been calling his boyfriend in the intimacy of their own home. And it really, really wasn't his fault he now could imagine the things Bobby called his wife when they were doing it.
(The way Tommy came so hard he blacked out from Buck riding him to the chant of, "Fuck, Daddy, you fill me so well. Love your cock inside me, Daddy" later that evening was entirely his fault, though.) 
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