#and make it gracious by 'we do not need an exchange of name to know each other. a fight will make things clearer'
monstersqueen · 6 months
anyway i love kojirou he just went ahead and introduced himself. does he give a fuck about anything ?
0 notes
wardenparker · 6 months
Vampire Waltz - ch 13
Max Phillips x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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A mysterious inheritance, sprawling mansion, eccentric roommates, friendly bat, and coven of New England witches are the newest chapter of your life after being unceremoniously dumped and kicked out by your boyfriend. For Max, the biggest change in his life is you, and what exactly he's going to do about the fact that he is stuck living with you as long as his sire continues to punish him for that incident at his last office...
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 7.7k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: deceased parents, cursing, food, blood and blood drinking, depictions and references to abusive relationships. Anxiety and trauma responses. Self-worth issues.* References to past sexual encounters, a dash of angst, light gambling (friendly wager on cards), Reference to the Civil War, family drama/angst, brief mentions of blood drinking, tooth rotting fluff. Summary: Off on an adventure to Gilded Age New York City, the train ride has as much excitement in store as you could possibly have expected from the entire trip. Notes: A short but emotionally impactful chapter this week, my loves! Please enjoy a glimpse at a Pullman sleeper car. They're honestly pretty beautiful and comfy and I'd love to travel in one 💚
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12
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Your breath is even, making your chest rise and fall slowly against his cool body. Wrapping around him as if you are afraid he would leave this bed while you rest. Even in sleep, your blissful sighs are soft and content, worn out by the endless hours Max had wrung orgasm after orgasm out of you. Learning your limits and everything that you like and dislike when a man has his tongue buried in your warmth. His own smirk is self-satisfied and slightly smug from the number of times you had called out to the gods because of the pleasure.
Hours later, after sleeping the morning and even some of the afternoon away and having an afternoon tea that is the equivalent of a Gilded Age light lunch, Mr. Taylor is loading your trunks onto the carriage that Emmanuel has arrived in to take you all to the train station. While your mother is saying a very sweet goodbye to her own mother, you and Max are standing just at the doorstep with Yayo.
“When you return we will discuss your intent to return home,” he tells you quietly, keeping his choice of words intentionally enigmatic. “For now, enjoy yourselves. I understand the Vanderbilts have offered you their guest rooms so you do not have to stay anywhere as impersonal as a hotel?”
Max smirks slightly and nods. “We have accepted the gracious invitation and will be a sterling example of the Brown name.” While Max is not using the same last name, he understands that his sire has vouched for him and any scandal would fall back on his reputation.
“Enjoy yourselves.” What Yayo has not told you is that he had given Max something of an allowance to be used while you are in New York, making sure that the group of you will be able to dine, shop, and travel as you see fit for your five-day trip. You’re even taking Renee with you, as you and Annie will doubtlessly need the help dressing for your many outings and dinners, and it would put a strain on the Vanderbilt’s staff if they had to supply two young ladies with a suitable maid for almost a week. Emmanuel’s valet has been instructed that he will also be dressing Max during the trip. It’s all…extraordinarily overdone, in your opinion. But as vacations go? It might be the single most luxurious one you’ll ever take in your life. So you intend to enjoy it.
“We intend to.” You assure your grandfather after he shakes Max’s hand and places a very paternal kiss on your cheek. “Thank you. I know this means the world to Annie.”
Max watches the exchange between you and your grandfather with soft affection. The knowing glint in the elder vampire’s eyes was telling and he had been subtly warned to take care of both you and your mother while off on this trip.
“And be sure to call on the Astors just to be polite.” He urges. The Astors and Roosevelts had been welcoming to you at the ball after finding out that you and Max were considered family.
“We’re having dinner there on Wednesday.” Getting that invitation had been thrilling as all hell. Just about as thrilling as when Max came to you seconds later to excitedly tell you that the Vanderbilts had offered you lodging. Max had been very popular last night.
“Very well.” Max’s sire nods seriously and glances at your soulmate. “We will see you when you return.”
Still in an extremely good mood from last night and from this morning, you lend your grandfather a smile before stepping away from the door to get into the carriage. "Enjoy having some peace and quiet."
Cookie slides up to her soulmate’s side and wraps her arm through his with a sly smirk. “We will.” She promises as she winks at you.
The carriage is large enough for the four of you to pile into, and the clear sky of the day means that Renee and Emmanuel's valet happily sit with the driver. The chilly October day is still sunny this afternoon and by the time you reach the train station and are loaded on board, the pinks and purples of sunset streak the sky through the windows of the Pullman car to light up the green and bronze colored interior brilliantly.
“This is niiiiiice.” Max knows none of the others will get the reference, but you will understand the tone as he examines the interior of the carriage with great enthusiasm.
Barely managing not to snort when you laugh, you have to cover your face and clear your throat to get your composure back when Emmanuel looks at you both quizzically. “It is exceptionally luxurious. And very kind of you to share your car with us.”
“This could feel like the elegant parlor in a home.” Max offers, reaching out and touching the pillow that it sitting in a cushioned chair.
“We have teased my mother that she spent more time styling the family’s car than she did choosing names for us all,” Emmanuel jokes, looking around the space with pride. “It is rather splendid though, is it not?”
“I think you could comfortably live in something like this.” Max is fully aware of the future, but it’s still a nice thought. Traveling by rail and touring the country is far more romantic than driving in an RV.
“Perhaps we should.” A squeeze of his hand makes him more than aware that you’re teasing, but you still wink playfully. “Travel the country in a Pullman car to decide where to live? It sounds positively luxurious.”
Max arches a brow at Emmanuel teasingly. “Happy wife, happy life, that’s my motto. Sounds like I might be ordering one from you. What all can go into one?”
The look of delight on Emmanuel’s face is like Christmas two months early, and you can’t help but laugh to yourself as your mother’s soulmate embarks on an obviously passionate listing of all the perks and practical benefits of long-term train travel in these cars specifically. “I think he enjoys talking about his family’s business,” you observe to Annie wryly.
“He is very proud of it.” She murmurs back, pride on her own face as she watches the two of them discuss business. “His dream to is run the company one day after his grandfather passes.”
“I’m sure they will be very proud to have him take over.” Knowing that the man will not survive that long makes you swallow your regret, but there is nothing you can do about it. History cannot be changed. If you interfere to spare your mother’s heartbreak, you will literally never be born.
"With the right woman by his side." She giggles quietly and bites her lip as she nearly vibrates with excitement. Emmanuel had asked to speak to her father just this morning and she's sure that a proposal is coming.
“Give him time.” Not having vampiric hearing, you’re unaware of what happened downstairs this afternoon while you were getting dressed to leave Newport. “Do not be disappointed if he takes a little time.”
"He spoke with father." She leans into whisper in confidence, breaking out into a large, happy grin. "I have a feeling that we will be engaged by the Astor's ball!"
“That will be quite the souvenir to return home with from the city.” It would be a wonderful thing for her right now, obviously, but you dread the idea that she might take your new found friendship so straight forwardly and do something like ask you to be in her wedding party. Something you would have to say no to.
"I think I might die!" She giggles dramatically and collapses against your arm. "He is just so perfect. And I've decided that I will ask him about his scars tonight."
“Then we might have a very eventful trip indeed.” She’s so happy and it’s intense and infectious and so very sweet — you can’t help but hug her as she stands beside you. “I would ask if you are excited to see the Vanderbilts again but I think you must have spent a lot of time with them.”
"Despite my father thinking little of their plans to tear down the cottages and build a bigger home, he quite likes them." She shrugs. "They have been very kind, especially when in social gatherings."
“With six children, I can only think the house must be very crowded.” There were so many times as a child that you had wished for that many siblings, but as an adult the idea of giving birth to six kids makes you want to carry a bottle of Advil out of fear.
"I cannot even imagine." Annie shakes her head and bites her lip. "I don't think I would want that many children myself."
“Neither do I.” Ah. Interesting to know after the fact that you were an only child because your mother very reasonably didn’t want to put her body through that. That sounds very much like your pragmatic mother.
"Although, mother assures me that father has the most delightful pain tonic to help with the pains." She sighs softly. "I was never lonely like some expected me to be as an only child."
“Then you were very lucky.” Before you can say more, which is probably for the best, the conductor comes around to ask the four of you to settle in for the beginning of the journey. There is a table and set of four chairs in the center of the car for you to sit together, and Emmanuel reaches into his pocket to pull out a deck of cards. “Shall we amuse ourselves before dinner?” He offers, putting the deck on the table before holding Annie’s chair out for her to sit comfortably
"Absolutely." Max has learned how gentleman play cards in this time and finds it fascinating.
"Shall I pour you ladies a sherry to enjoy?" Emmanuel asks, motioning to a bar cart set up in one corner.
“If we could have tea?” Annie quickly asks the gentleman before he leaves your car all together. He nods politely and exits. “I…have noticed that your wife does not often partake, Mr. Philips. I would not wish my dear friend to feel left alone.”
“It is true, my wife does not enjoy the taste of alcohol.” Max agrees. “It is not a bad thing, I find that the taste is rather bitter myself and dinners are far more reasonable with tea than a bottle of wine.”
“Then we will all have tea.” Emmanuel offers, once Max has you settled at the table. With the four of you sitting it’s a very happy atmosphere and Emmanuel begins to shuffle the deck.
Max shoots you a grin as he leans back and watches Emmanuel. “Aficionado, hmmmm? We’ll see. Perhaps we might have to make a wager if you are as good as you imagine you are.”
“How much?” The other man chuckles, feeling lively at the proposition.
“How about a nickel a hand?” Max asks, raising a brow playfully. When he had been a broke college kid, it had been quarter poker, but five cents is particularly generous in this time.
“That’s a very friendly wager, Max.” It makes the other man laugh again, and he nods. From the depths of his coin purse he is sure to unearth as many rounds’ worth of nickels as ever he should need. “A nickel a hand it is.”
Max grins and pulls out some bills to exchange for the nickels and divides them but between all of you.
"I'm afraid I'm not much of a card player, but I'm happy to try." Modern poker, or Go Fish, or even a game of hearts on your laptop while you were in college was all fairly standard. But bridge has proven difficult for you to pick up, if a few nights of sitting at the card table with you mother and grandmother are anything to go by.
“Don’t worry.” Max reaches out and pats your hand. “Why don’t we keep the rules simple?”
"Just regular poker will do." Annie's grin is mischievous and instantly you're back at the dining room table with your parents on Sunday afternoons while they played cards and you did homework or colored or read a book. It seemed to be the only time you weren't twirling around the house like a sugared up cyclone.
He arches a brow at your mother and grins. “Regular poker it is.” Emmanuel laughs as he starts to dole out the cards to everyone. “Aces high, Jokers bust.”
It might be the most relaxed and most pleasant way to pass an evening that you’ve had in ages. No television to sit around, not all of you sitting individually on your phones. Just a card game and a pot of tea and friends. Although, it is particularly entertaining to watch Max realize that your mother is an exceptional poker player, which is definitely not what he had anticipated.
“Renee had a sweetheart in the war twenty years ago,” Annie explains through giggles at the table after she wins yet another hand. “He taught her the game after they played it at their camps so often, and she taught me.”
“Really?” Max has always been interested in the other vampire, wanting to know her story, but she’s surprisingly closed mouthed. “They must have had fun playing cards.”
“It was about one of the only fun things they did have.” Annie agrees, swallowing a sigh. “He was a part of a medical unit. The poor man survived the entire war and then succumbed to a fever barely a year after the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. She accepted being turned rather than continue to suffer, but her sweetheart refused.”
“That’s sad.” Max frowns slightly, not even able to imagine the loss of her lover. “Was he her soulmate? Or first love?”
“Renee’s soulmate was her sister.” Pausing at the appearance of the night’s second tea tray, Annie thanks the steward who brings it in and waits for them to leave before continuing. “He was her first love. But her family didn’t approve. She left home to be with him and still lost him, poor thing.”
“Her sister?” Max tilts his head curiously, knowing about platonic soulmates but he’s never heard of siblings who are soulmates. “Twins?”
“Indeed.” Annie nods, moving to pour tea out for everyone but you beat her to it. “It seems there was some sort of rivalry between her family and his, and except for her sister, they couldn’t see to forgive her for choosing him. They still exchange letters, but the post takes time.”
“Did her twin also become a vampire?” His eyes cut over to Emmanuel but the other man just looks up from his cards curiously. The subject of the undead obviously not phasing him at all.
“Martha wasn’t hit with the same fever that took Johnson and almost took Renee. She’s still back in West Virginia with their family.” Annie stops long enough to thank you for her cup, and fixes Emmanuel’s for him at the table. “They’re God-fearing people, Max. Renee still hasn’t told her sister how she survived the fever. She’s afraid Martha will cut her out, too.”
“No doubt, it would be better if a visit didn’t occur.” Max snorts, still bitter at the lack of relationship with his own parents.
“They would likely notice that she has not aged in twenty years.” This time Annie shakes her head, sipping her own tea to steady herself. “I am sure you know, but most vampires are forced to cut ties with their mortal families at one point or another.”
“Lucky for me, I cut ties before then.” Max huffs with a sardonic grin.
“And know you have a whole other family.” It’s very clear that Emmanuel sees only the silver lining as he sits back and smiles. “And it grows beautifully. Your sire, his family, and now your wife.”
“My wife is worth everything.” Max isn’t just playing to his audience, he means it. Taking your hand that isn’t wrapped around your card and kissing it softly.
While the ring is burning a hole in Emmanuel’s pocket, this is not the right time. He has already planned out when and where to ask Annie to be his bride, and a train car is not at all grand enough for such an important question. “You are very lucky to have found each other,” he observes instead. “To find one’s soulmate is a genuine blessing.”
“Yes.” Max winks at you and then glances at where Annie is fidgeting slightly, looking worried and eager all at the same time. “What about you, Mannie?” He asks, leaning back. “What kind of marks have you made to lead your soulmate to you?”
“Wherever she is, she has remained a mystery to me.” Which is a terrible disappointment, if he’s honest. He had always dreamed of something dramatic and romantic like seeing a shared mark on a lady’s arm at a ball. Since meeting Annie Brown, though, he has been glad that that never happened. The love he feels for her is far too deep to deny. “I have no marks from my soulmate. Only somewhere in the world, she wears the scar on her leg from when I fell off my horse as a boy.”
Max can feel the way Annie’s heart nearly leaps in her chest and your own hand squeezes his tightly. “Interesting. Which leg? I have to say that I am unfortunate enough that I don’t have scars either. Different circumstances, of course.”
“Of course.” Emmanuel chuckles lightly, not thinking anything of it. “It is my left leg. A rather unsightly mark, too. I ought to apologize to the lady for bestowing it on her if I ever were to meet her.” There is a deeply felt — a dearest hope — in his heart that it could be Annie. But he has been too afraid to ask and be disappointed.
She inhales sharply, eyes wide and hopeful and her cards are all but abandoned in her hand. “I am sure it’s not too bad.” She volunteers. “Just a mark slightly larger than the palm of my hand?”
“With a…” He swallows thickly, and suddenly Emmanuel cannot look away from the woman beside him for anything in the world. “A curve on one end…like the top of a cane…how could you…?”
Nodding almost frantically, Annie leans in and drops the cards to grab her beau’s hand. “Please tell me that this is the mark you are describing?” She begs. “Please tell me you are my soulmate.”
“It cannot be.” He has never thought that he could be this lucky. That the woman he had fallen in love with so quickly has found it in her heart to love him back is one thing. For her to truly be the other half of his soul is something truly remarkable. “Are we really to be twice blessed?” He clutches her hands tightly, knowing that to ask to see her bare leg is entirely out of the question but knowing that she recognizes his mark means the world.
Max smirks and looks over at you as you watch your mother look like the sun is shining just for her. “Should be in one of those romance books, hmmm?”
“We should give them some space.” If you don’t, there’s a chance that you might not be able to contain yourself, and that you might give something away by shedding tears instead of being happy for Annie. Watching your mother discover her soulmate is a gut punch that you hadn’t quite expected.
“Come.” Max senses how emotional you are and stands. “Shall we see our sleeping berth?”
You nod, trying your best to keep yourself composed while he helps you up and leads you to the two single-side beds on the far end of the car. Pullman cars aren’t equipped with doubles for married couples, but you’ll barely be a foot apart.
“Interesting sleeping arrangements.” Max ticks a brow up before he turns to you. “Are you alright, Queenie?” He asks, rubbing your arms gently. He knows this is a shock for you.
“I didn’t expect to be here for the reveal,” you admit, tucking into his side and letting yourself drop down onto one of the mattresses indiscriminately. “I’m okay. It’s a lot, though.”
“It’s okay to like Emmanuel.” He reminds you softly, dropping down beside you. “I hate that I would have loved to have him for the dreaded F. I. L.”
“He’s such a nice man.” A few tears break free as you bury your face in Max’s side. “And he makes her so happy.”
“And your father made her happy for the rest of her life.” Max wraps his arms around you and lets you cry. There’s no reason to chide you for it, considering that he feels emotional about it all too.
“I just wish there was a way for her to have it all,” you admit quietly. “Her soulmate, her second love, and her family. Everything that made her happy.”
“She gets to have you again.” Max comforts you softly. “Even if she doesn’t know that she should, she loves you. Just as you are.”
“I’m glad she doesn’t know everything that’s happened.” Knowing that Max will understand why, the best thing to do right now is just to stifle your tears with a handkerchief and try to recompose yourself. “And I’m glad that abuela doesn’t either.”
“I hate that we can’t tell them.” Max admits softly. “Let them change it.”
“I wouldn’t ever be born.” That is enough of a deterrent to keep you in line, but it still hurts your heart. “Or if I would be, I would be a different version of myself.”
“I love you, just as you are,” Max promises softly. “But if you could have not had the heartbreak, it would have been better for you.”
“It would have been better for you, too, love.” If you could have spared Max from suffering in any way you would have, but you squeeze his hands tightly and place a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “But I love you, too. Just as you are.”
The skipping beat of his heart is fleeting and he turns his head to kiss you again, addicted to the sensation. “Too bad kissing other places doesn’t have the same effect.” He murmurs with a teasing grin.
"I was kind of hoping it would," you admit, cheeks immediately burning hot with the reminder of this morning. "It certainly makes my heart beat faster, though."
“I know.” Max leers and his tongue swipes over his lips in satisfaction. “I felt it. Every stuttering, skipping pulse as it throbbed through your sweet little pussy.”
"Max!" You may be on the other side of the train car, but there is still a chance that Annie and Emmanuel might hear him if they ever come up from the way their heads are bowed at the card table.
“What?” He huffs, grinning broadly at your embarrassment. “We’re married.”
"Yeah..." Huffing right back at him, you glance over at the other couple seriously. "And my virgin mother is in the same room," you remind him as quietly as possible.
“She might not be by the time this train goes home.” Max reminds you. “Not the way those two smell right now.”
"Oh gods, I did not need to know that." You poke his side and all but shudder. "I know it's a hundred years too early but she's still...her."
“Mommy had to have some sex.” He teases softly. “She had you. And she’s really old to have been a hundred-year-old virgin.”
“It’s just not something I’ve ever thought about.” There was no need for you to. Not up to age eighteen. And then your parents became frozen in time in your mind’s eye. “You’re right, it’s just never something I’ve spent time on.”
“One day, our kids will have the same revelation.” Max hums. “Unless we are just freely sexual around them and they groan and roll their eyes, talking about horrible their parents are.”
“I know what Yayo said, but I’m trying not to get too excited about the idea of kids,” you admit, eyes dropping from his to your hands in his lap. “Just in case.”
“I know.” Max’s grin drops into a more serious expression and he covers your warm hands with a cool one. “If we don’t, we don’t. It’s not the end of the world. We’ll adopt a little shit and spoil them rotten if you want.”
“You’ve never mentioned having any vampiric children.” And you’ve never asked, so it’s not entirely on him. “I take it I’m not a stepmother?”
“I’ve—”Max frowns and blows out a useless sigh. “All but one was destroyed when— when I was.” He admits quietly. “But I don’t look at them like kids. Or I didn’t.” He snorts. “He’s in California for some fucking reason.”
“You have a son?” He may not look at his vampiric offspring as a child but you certainly do, and your eyes widen immediately. “I don’t even know where to start. I—tell me everything.”
“Okay….” He snorts and shakes his head. “It’s not a very long story, but I’ll tell you.”
“Short stories can still be interesting,” you remind him, finding yourself aghast that he just hadn’t mentioned it.
He shuffles slightly, embarrassed by his past behavior. “The guy who ruined my life? I got a job for the company he worked for.”
“Right.” Trying to conjure up every detail of information he has given you about that situation, you nod along with his explanation. “The telesales company.”
“Yep. I sold myself to management, using the vampirism as a business model. Convinced them sales would increase if they had a workforce of the undead. The company was going under and they were desperate for any Hail Mary.”
“So you…sired people at the office?” It seems more than slightly outrageous, but companies have surely done crazier things out of desperation.
“Yeah.” He huffs quietly. “I wanted to prove there was a better way, better reason to be a vampire.” He huffs. “And get revenge on that little annoying fucker.”
“So one of them is still alive?” The term makes you cringe, though, and you slump apologetically. “So to speak.”
“One, yeah.” He frowns slightly, bothered by all the people destroyed because of his selfishness more than he realizes. Maybe that was why he never truly fought against his punishment as he thought of his confinement to the Newport house. He felt as if he deserved much worse. Realizing now that you were all your grandfather had actually cared about.
“Hey.” One hand flat on his chest brings his attention back to you and you tilt your head at him quizzically. “What just happened in there?”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Max snaps back to you and bites his lip.
“You disappeared into your own head.” Unconsciously mirroring him, you bite your lip too. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry. I already pried.”
“No.” The best way to make Max open up is for you to blame yourself for something, even something small. “I just— I realized how many people died because of me.” He admits, wondering if that would change how you feel about him.
“You’re literally a different person than you were then.” You remind him gently. “And you’re living a completely different…afterlife.”
“Still…..” max closes his eyes. “It was seventy-three people.”
“Which is why you drink from donors now and make business deals in ink instead.” It isn’t much comfort, but at least you can show Max that he’s changed. He’s become a better man since his afterlife got upended. “Speaking of which…” You take his hand in yours and squeeze gently. “You haven’t had any blood since we got here.”
“I know.” Max doesn’t want to admit that he’s starting to feel thirsty. “I’m alright.”
“You won’t be in another day or two.” And since the middle of that hunger and thirst will come during a trip away from the steady donor so helpfully supplied by your grandfather — under circumstances you absolutely don’t want to know about — you squeeze his hand again. “But I’m not going to let you go thirsty. I promise.”
Max shakes his head. “No, I’ll— I don’t want you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.” You had shown you were squeamish about it and Max has not brought it up again. You had flinched once when he was going down on you and that was enough to cross it off the list of things he would do with you.
“I’m more comfortable with you drinking from me than I am with the thought of you sharing something so intimate with a complete stranger,” you admit. “You said yourself how deeply the connection can be felt.”
“You flinched.” He reminds you softly, telling himself it’s ridiculous to be hurt by that when it’s a normal reaction to fangs.
“Because I was afraid it might hurt.” The sheepishness — the embarrassment — in your quiet confession is very clear, and your eyes drop down to your hands again because your fear hurt him and you don’t deserve to look him in the eyes. “Not because I don’t want to take care of you.”
“It doesn’t matter if you think you should.” Max sighs. “I don’t want you to ever do something you don’t want with me. If you’re afraid it will hurt, I won’t do it.”
“Max…” You hadn’t expected him to protest, honestly thinking he would been overjoyed at the offer. It just goes to show that you’re not quite as adjusted to this relationship as you thought you were. You had expected him to just take without any thought, but that isn’t Max. Or, at least, that isn’t Max anymore. “Will you at least consider it?”
“If you want me to.” He doubts he would, but your brow is knitted with worry and he hates that.
“I want you to. To consider it and to do it. But not until you’re ready.” And part of That sense to be showing him that you aren’t afraid anymore, so you will do everything you can.
“I love you, Dolly.” Max whispers, offering you his hand. “I just don’t want to fuck up and hurt you.”
“I’d rather have a little bit of hurt from a bite than be hurt because I’ve lost you,” you tell him honestly. Him not feeding is not an option, just like it’s not an option for you not to eat, either.
“You aren’t going to lose me.” Max promises. “If I had to eat someone, I would, just to stay with you.”
"You don't have to, though." Looking back up at him, your gaze is surprisingly steady. "And I can stay with you forever, too."
“Mrs. Phillips, are you proposing to me?” He’s grinning, but he sounds scandalized. “How terribly modern of you.”
“I suppose I am, in a way.” It wasn’t what you had meant to do — not strictly speaking — but at the heart of it is the same conversation. That you want to be with him. Just him. For as long as you possibly can.
“Makes sense.” Max tells you. “Since we are married.” He looks at you softly and reaches into his pocket. “You want to be with me? Forever?”
“I really do.” The certainty is extraordinary. Something you never truly thought would ever happen. It here you are, with his hand in yours, and you know in your heart that you will do anything in your power to stay with him.
Max decides that it might not be the most glamorous thing, but he slides off the bed and kneels down in front of you. “Dolly, Queenie, my soulmate…” He starts, his cockiness fading and there’s a naked, earnest expression in his eyes. “I never thought I would be able to have you. You are perfect, better than I ever dreamed and I am not even worthy of you, but for some reason, you want me.” He takes a small, leather box out of his pocket. “Will you roam the earth with me and experience eternity together?”
“Oh gods…” If someone had asked you the least likely things to happen to you in the entire world, this would have been on the list. Your soulmate, a happy relationship, engagement and marriage — all of these things. They were put on a shelf out a reach and you didn’t ever think your arm would stretch that far for the rest of your life. But here in this train car it’s Max that you reach for, tearing up and giggling softly and feeling your whole self light up brightly with “Yes!”
It’s pure relief that has Max grinning, thankful and happy that someone finally put him first. Someone, the most important someone, believed him — believed in him. “I want— here.” The normal suaveness completely leaves your soulmate and he opens the ring box nervously. Hoping you like your ring.
“Get up here,” you insist, pulling him up to sit next to you on the bed so you can kiss him before anything else happens. The little leather box holds a sparkling diamond set in gold and that is wonderful, but what you want more than ever is to hold onto this feeling of sweet, deep, honest love that’s pounding in your chest.
Like all the kisses before, Max feels his heart move and he knows that is because you love him, not because of the soulmate connection. He cups your face tenderly as he pours himself into the kiss, not putting on a facade for you, just being greedy for your affection.
In this moment it’s all you can do to be mildly cognizant of the fact that your mother is in the room, and even if she doesn’t know she’s your mother it’s still another two people who probably just heard you squeal at Max’s arms wrapping right around you. Thankfully the soft moan he drew out of you just seconds later was soft. Only for his ears.
You’re his. The realization makes his heart thump even more with your lips against his and he groans into your mouth. The scent of you utterly intoxicating and he will be able to have it forever.
It’s so easy to get caught up in him. Caught up in the way that you can always tell when he’s being playful, or teasing, or his most honest self with you just from the way he kisses you. His armor has been tossed by the wayside and all that is left for you to see is his whole heart — which is a privilege you never intend to squander. It’s only the sound of a throat clearing that brings you out of the moment, as Emmanuel glances across the train car with reddened cheeks.
“Oh.” Max is almost disappointed by the interruption, but he grins over at the other man. “I apologize. It’s wonderful kissing your soulmate, isn’t it?” He asks knowingly.
“Wonderful.” Emmanuel agrees immediately, knowing that you and Max are aware that he and Annie have shared more than dances. “We ought to celebrate.”
“Yes we should!” Max immediately agrees, popping up and reaching over and shaking the man’s hand. “How about I make the best hot chocolate you’ve ever had?” He knows the bar cart would have chocolate for the ladies and it will let everyone have something special without popping a bottle of champagne.
“Trust me. Say yes.” You assure them both when Annie looks to you curiously. You had mentioned this quirk of your husband’s before and it had intrigued her.
“Yes.” Annie agrees with authority, laughing all the while. She feels positively light as air and doesn’t want to waste a single moment of this joy.
“I’ll be back in a flash.” Max winks and shoots past all of you fast enough to make yours and Annie’s skirts sway.
“Forgive me.” You smooth your hands over her skirt before getting up and coming back over to the card table. “I seem to have gotten carried away.”
“You are married.” Annie scoffs, waving away your apologies. “I hope that I do not have a dull marriage. I want my husband, my soulmate, to wish to kiss me every chance he gets.” The eyes she makes at Emmanuel are not subtle.
“And I am sure he will. After you are married.” It’s obviously not something you care about — Twenty-first century dating being far different from nineteenth century courting — but you have to pretend. To act like a lady of this time and place. “If your parents found out that you anticipated your vows when I was supposed to be here to stop you, they would never trust us all out together again.”
Annie snorts and rolls her eyes. “I very seriously doubt my parents will mind. You are here to be a show of propriety, as well as dear friends.”
"My only thought is to make sure you are taken care of." Her hand finds yours as you reach across the table, and for a moment you just smile at each other. Just a small moment of sharing in each other's happiness means so much, and you end up shrugging as if you are dramatically giving in. When in fact you have no intention of intruding on whatever historically happened between your mother and her soulmate the first time around. "I'm glad that you're happy. Both of you."
“Thank you.” Annie tugs you close and pulls you in for a tight hug. “You have been such a dear friend so quickly. It feels as though we have always known each other.”
"Like family," you hum, holding yourself to just a smile and making sure your perceptive mother can't see past the necessary lies that have been told.
“Exactly like family.” She beams, happy you seem as like minded as she. “Perhaps we will be one day.” She muses. “Our children could marry.”
"Anything is possible." Is the enigmatic answer you go with, knowing full well that that particular scenario is not in the cards. But that's no reason to ruin your mother's joy. "Sometimes family can be the people you choose, too. Not only marriage and blood."
“Yes….blood.” Annie sighs slightly and then looks towards the soulmate she had just discovered. “My parents will be thrilled, absolutely thrilled.”
"Don't let anything steal your joy right now," you squeeze her fingers again before sitting back, hearing the sounds of someone walking toward the car and hoping that it's Max. "Not anything at all."
“Who is ready for the richest hot chocolate they have ever tasted?” Max asks as the door opens and a large tray is filled with a set of cups.
"I'm intrigued," Emmanuel laughs, watching your very proud soulmate come back inside with his tray. "Where did you learn such a particular skill?"
How does he explain baristas? Max grins. “My nanny taught me.” He decides. “She would make the most marvelous hot chocolate and I always wanted it, so she insisted I learn.”
“How marvelous.” Annie perks up enthusiastically and takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the thick, creamy drink. “Oh, it smells divine!” It is an indulgence to be sure, but that is only because of her own mother’s sensibilities. Chocolate is a treat, not to be overindulged in.
Smiling, Max looks like the pet student who is being recognized for their efforts. The fact that he is a praise seeker isn’t new, but this time, having the approval of your mother is rewarding. Even if she doesn’t know about the familial connection.
You already know it’s going to be amazing, but watching your mother and Emmanuel take their first sips and then light up like kids in a literal candy store is amazing. “Your nanny must have been a witch,” Annie declares, sighing openly at the divine taste. “Because this is obviously magic of the most wonderful sort.”
“She must have been.” Max winks at you and leans in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “My wife married me for the recipe, but I have not given it to her yet.” He jokes. “She might run away.”
“Even if I had the recipe, I don’t think I could make it as well as you.” Your first sip comes with a hum on contentment. The chocolate in this time has less sugar, making it taste deeper and richer than when he would make it at home. “Part of the recipe must be love.”
“You know it is.” He hums indulgently and bats his eyes at you playfully. “Only the best for my love.”
The extremely unladylike snort from you causes laughter all around the table. This atmosphere of playfulness so far has been pervasive, like a wonderful warm hug. Right now you want nothing more than for that to last. To last for however long it is that you’ll be stuck in the past — because as much fun as you’re having? You do have to go home.
Even though there are two beds provided for you and Max, as any upper class Gilded Age couple would expect, there is only a curtain to give you privacy for the night. So when you crawl into the same bed together in your chemise and Max’s silk pajamas — apparently brand new and all the rage in America — you almost feel scandalous about it. Maybe that’s coming from the fact that you’re all but certain Annie and Emmanuel have crawled in together on the other side of the car, but you’re telling yourself that that’s none of your business. For now, all your focus belongs to Max…and the glittering ring on your finger as it catches the moonlight coming in the open window.
“Do you like it?” He whispers softly. He had worried because modern rings are larger, more simplistic, but he had hoped you would like the elaborate filigree and design on the ring.
“It’s gorgeous.” Tucking yourself closer in his arms, you tip your head back to kiss him. “I love it. How did you even manage to go find one?”
“Your grandfather took me to his jeweler.” He hums, proud of the fact that you like it.
“Conspiring with my Yayo, I’m very impressed.” It doesn’t actually surprise you at all, but you’re glad that they’re getting along in this time as well as in your own. Max’s own family predicament makes you so grateful that your grandparents have welcomed him with open arms. “It’s perfect, baby. I—thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” His body slots against yours perfectly and he pulls you closer. “I know that we aren’t actually….you know.” He lowers his voice so only you can hear. “But I wanted you to have a piece of this time when we go back.”
“Can you imagine?” A little giggle escapes you and you muffle it against his chest. “If I actually manage to get us home again and we just roll up into the house legally married for 138 years?”
He snorts, grinning into the darkness as he ignores the sounds coming from the next bed. It’s too quiet for you to hear, so he pretends he doesn’t either. “Not like we wouldn’t be married for 138 more after we get back.”
“And maybe more.” Who knows what will happen? You’re certainly not going to claim to be an expert on how the world works. Not after discovering that time travel is real.
“Maybe more.” Max nuzzles his nose against your cheek and smiles. “Are you having a good time with your mother, Dolly?”
“I am. I know it’s not the same but it’s so nice to just see her face and hear her voice again.” And if you could do the same for Max, you would do it in a heartbeat.
“I know, Dolly.” Max sighs sadly. “I wish I could have met your version of her.”
“She’s still her. Just less…Mom.” That doesn’t make any sense but you can’t articulate it any better so you shrug. “Though I guess I understand now why she always talked about going to the opera when she was little. That’s what people do in this time.”
“And you are going to get to experience that with her. In this time.” He reminds you, having already been informed that tickets will be waiting.
“If you get bored then just slip out of the box and go smoke cigars with Vanderbilt or something.” For all you know Max hates the opera. It hadn’t exactly been a point of debate when the Vanderbilts had announced their intention to takes you along to the brand new Metropolitan Opera House with them. “I won’t be offended, I swear.”
“No, I doubt I would be bored.” Max shakes his head. “It will be a fine study if the aristocracy in New York.”
“This is like the weirdest vacation in the world.” You snort at yourself slightly. At the odd memory that just popped into your head. “It’s Where in Time is Carmen Sandiago? the real game.”
“Now starring…Dolly.” He intones dramatically, like he’s an announcer. He grins in the darkness when you giggle.
“That will be your career if I can’t get us back,” you tease, light and laughing softly in the night instead of scared or worried. Somehow he makes you so sure that things will work out that you are able to breathe freely in moments like these. “A vaudeville announcer. And then we’ll get you into radio afterward.”
Max snorts softly. “Wouldn’t that be a hell of a note? Live a life back in time and reappear in our own timeline like nothing ever happened?”
“It’s all going to depend on how long it takes me to learn how to get us home,” you remind him gently. The fact is, this could be a very real problem to have, but at the moment it doesn’t seem like the worst sort of very real problem.
“Doesn’t matter how long it takes, my love.” He whispers, rubbing your back soothingly. “We have eternity and as long as I have you, I can live wherever, or whenever, we are.”
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04
VW: @haileymorelikestupid, @miraclesabound @nastiasnow @vabeachazn @oberynslady @grogusmum @kittenlittle24 @8-900 @survivingandenduring @ktmadden86 @inept-the-magnificent @missladym1981 @sweetnsaltyclussy
My Masterlist!
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Comfort in a Fancy Restaurant
Summary - Part 34 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist 
A/N: Serious smut warning for most of the chapter - it is their honeymoon after all. ALSO, this story has been going for a while now, and while I absolutely LOVE writing it and have more ideas for this couple I want to know if you guys are still enjoying it and want me to continue or if you want to let them “live happily ever after” from here. Let me know what you think, this story is as much for you guys as it is for me.
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After a while, he finally pulls up in front of a fancy high-rise building overlooking the ocean. He shuts off the engine and you reach for the handle. “Don’t you dare,” he says as he swings his door open roughly and jumps out as quickly as he can manage in his restrictive suit. He’s opening your door and offering you his hand within seconds. You take his hand and let him help you out. He shuts the door behind you and wraps his arm around your waist holding you close as he leads you through the large automatic doors into the spacious foyer. Inside, the soft melody of live piano music envelops you, creating an atmosphere of elegance and romance. The sparkling chandeliers cast a warm glow across the room, and the gentle ocean breeze wafts through the open terrace. You glance at your husband, a loving smile exchanged between you as you take in the exquisite setting. He places a feather-light kiss on your head as he leads you towards the host desk to request a table.
“Good evening, do you have a reservation?” The host asks, flipping through the book on the stand.
Dean shakes his head, “Uh, no. But…” he reaches into his jacket and pulls out his FBI badge, flashing it at the host. “We’re in town for a big case.”
“Right this way, Officers,” the host says as they lead you to a candlelit table by the window, the panoramic view of Biscayne Bay stretching out before you.
“It’s actually Agents,” Dean mumbles as you approach the table.
The host awkwardly nods and walks back to their post.
Dean pulls out your chair for you as he says, “This is the treatment you deserve. I wish I could give you this every day.”
You give Dean an incredulous look as you take a seat. “I don’t need this every day. I don’t even want this every week. This isn’t me or us. It’s great to pretend for a night but this isn’t our life. Even if we were normal,” you make quotations with your hands, “I want a suburban life. I’m no movie star. You could be though,” you add with a wink as he sits down opposite you.
“I can’t act for shit, Babe. I told you the story of that time Sam and I ended up in that alternate universe. We were terrible.”
“I find it hard to believe Dean Winchester is terrible at anything. Apart from maybe trusting his girlfriend and not running away whenever things get tough.”
“I know I was a terrible boyfriend. I promise to be a better husband.”
You blush and gaze out the window at the panoramic view of Biscayne Bay stretching out before you. “This really is the best view. You really know how to pick a venue.”
He glances outside but then locks his eyes on you and says, “This view is nothing compared to the one I have sitting across from me.”
A soft giggle escapes your lips, and you shake your head playfully.
The waiter, dressed impeccably in a black suit, approaches your table with a gracious smile. “Good evening, My name is Alex, and I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?”
Dean tears his eyes away from you briefly to address the waitress, “We'll have a bottle of your finest champagne, please.”
You nod in agreement, feeling a sense of excitement about the evening ahead. As the waiter leaves to fetch your drinks, you reach out to hold Dean’s hand, a silent gesture of appreciation. “Champagne, huh?”
“You never get wine, I know you only tolerate beer. Tonight I want to spoil you, so I’ll drink your bubbly crap and enjoy it, for you.”
Moments later the waitress returns with a bottle of way-too-expensive champagne and uncorks it at your table before pouring a glass out for each of you and Dean and leaving the bottle in a steel bucket of ice in the middle of the table. Once she leaves you hold your glass up and Dean follows as he says, “To us, and to this perfect moment.”
You clink your champagne glasses together, your eyes locked in a loving gaze. The first sip of champagne dances on your tongue, adding to the air of celebration. After putting down your glass you reach across the table to clasp his hand again. “Thank you for saying yes. This is a memory I never forget, I’d relive this dream every night.”
“And it's only just beginning,” he adds with a wink causing you to blush and avert your attention to the menus laid out on the table.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
It’s late when you get back to the hotel. The second the door’s closed behind you Dean’s hands are all over you. He pushes your back against the hardwood door as he kisses you passionately. One hand tangles in your hair while his other grips your waist pulling you close against his growing bulge. You moan against his lips as your hands start to wander, they start in his hair but slide down to his shoulders and muscular back. After a few minutes, his hands slip under your butt and squeeze as he urges you to jump. You quickly obey, wrapping your legs securely around him with your hands back in his hair.
“No more chastity. Tonight you’re mine,” he mutters between kisses.
“I’m yours. Forever,” you moan out as he attaches his lips to your pulse point just below your ear and sucks.
When he pulls away he blows a cool breath over your neck and appreciates his work. “Now everyone knows it.” He kisses your lips softly again before carrying you the rest of the way to the bed. Once his knees make contact with the soft mattress he kisses you once more before playfully tossing down on it. You gaze up at him lovingly, seeing nothing but love and lust in his gaze as he devours you with his eyes. You lift your arms above your head and stretch out seductively, urging him to join you. Sensing his sudden, uncharacteristic hesitation you sit up and crawl to the end of the bed and start to slowly unbutton his blue dress shirt. He just watches you in a daze. Once the last button is undone you turn your attention to those at his cuffs leaving a soft kiss on each of his wrists as you push the garment off his toned body. You then bring his hands to the hem of your white dress. He toys with the material for a second before lifting it up and off your body, leaving you in the sexy, white lace lingerie and heels. His eyes sweep over your body briefly before finally joining you on the bed, pushing you back to lie down under him as one of his hands slips behind your back to unclasp your bra. He flings to offending item across the room and kisses a path down between your breasts before paying special attention to each of your nipples.
“So sexy,” he rasps out as continues south, leaving soft kisses along your skin.
“Dean, Baby, stop teasing. I need you,” you moan out as you wrap your fingers in his hair trying to pull him back up to your face.
“I promised to worship every inch of this sexy body, and that’s a promise I intend to keep,” he whispers, his lips just above the waistband of your lace underwear. He briefly slips his fingers under the lace before pulling them back out and travelling further south to your ankles, forcing a groan out of you as he ignores the place you want him most. He kisses each of your ankles where your heels are strapped on as he unbuckles them and drops them to the floor with a thud. He then works his way back up your legs. By the time he finally reaches the top of your thighs again, you’re beyond soaked.
“Enough teasing. Please Dean,” you moan out, and he finally lays a kiss over your covered clit.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this body. Missed you.” Finally giving you what you want he slides your underwear off your legs and delves into you. He drags his tongue through your folds and then attaches his lips to your clit and sucks as he brings two fingers to your opening coating them in your wetness and slips them into you. You can’t help but moan out loudly at the feeling you’ve missed. You start to buck your hips against him so he brings his free hand up to your lower stomach to hold you down. He eventually moans against you, the vibrations the last straw, pushing you over the edge into ecstasy.
“That’s my girl, so good for me,” he says as he pulls away to crawl back up the bed over you. He brings his fingers up to your lips encouraging you to taste yourself, which you oblige. “You’re so good at that. But I need you now. Where’s those condoms, Baby?”
You attempt to sit up and look for them but he pushes you back down into the pillows, “Just tell me,” he says firmly.
“Flannel,” you breathe out, still a little out of breath from the intense orgasm.
He crawls off the bed and finds the flannel in question, pulling the foil packets out of the pocket. He hands one to you and dumps the rest on the bedside table. Before joining you back in bed he undoes his belt and slips his jeans and boxers off in one movement, revealing all his naked glory. You can’t help but lick your lips at the sight; however, he doesn’t give you long to revel in it as he quickly crawls back on the bed. You quickly tear open the packet between your teeth and throw the rubbish off the bed. As he kisses you passionately you slide the latex on him and lead him to where you need him most. You both moan out at the euphoric feeling.
“So tight, Baby. I’m not gonna last long. It’s been too long,” he moans as he bottoms out.
“Me either. Just please move. I can’t take this slow torture.”
He’s quick to oblige, setting a fast yet steady pace. The warm, pleasurable feeling in your core builds quickly as he thrusts. You can tell he’s fighting to hold back for you as he moans into your neck, his breath hot and laboured against it. He brings a hand down to massage your clit in an effort to push you over the edge.
“Come on, Baby. I can’t last much longer. Cum for me,” he rasps out.
You finally let go around him and he follows, shooting his load into the condom. He rolls over pulling you with him so you’re laying on his chest while you both fight to catch your breath and ride down the high. After a while, he gets up, disposes of the used latex and then ventures into the bathroom. The steady sound of water running and the exhaustion from your activities lull you to sleep.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You wake up moments later to Dean softly kissing your forehead. When you start to stir he whispers, “Hey, I know you’re tired but we should get you cleaned up. Last time we ignored the aftercare you were in pain for a week.”
You let out a sleepy groan without even opening your eyes.
“I know, Sweetheart. There’s a warm bubble bath waiting for you.”
You ever so slightly open one eye. “Just me?”
“If you want. Or I could join you.”
“But no more sex tonight. Too tired,” you mumble as you slowly pull yourself into a sitting position.
“Just cuddling, I swear.”
You nod and he gets up and carries you to the bathroom. “Not a baby,” you grumble.
“I know. But that was pretty intense earlier. Not sure your legs could carry you,” he says with a smirk as he climbs into the bathtub and lowers you both into the warm, bubbly water. The scent of lavender wafts through the air. You position yourself comfortably between his legs with your back against his chest. You rest your head back against his shoulder as his hands softly massage your tense and tired muscles under the water. You give in to the calming sensations of his soothing hands, the warmth of the water and the effects of the lavender and let your eyelids fall closed. You know Dean can support you and won’t let you drown.
“I wish our whole life could be like this. Just you and me enjoying the peace, no big bad out to kill us,” he says quietly. When you don’t respond he carefully checks your pulse and breath to convince himself that you’re okay. Happily convinced you’re just worn out he smiles and goes back to massaging you, careful not to wake you. He rests his head on top of yours and whispers, “Thank you for convincing me to marry you. I love you so much, Sweetheart. I promise to keep you safe at all costs and do my best to give you the life you deserve. I know I don’t deserve you, but I’m gonna spend the rest of my life, however short or long, trying to be the man you deserve.”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Tag list: (Leave a like or comment on this post or let me know below if you want to be added to the tag list for this series)
@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican, @fallenlilangel99, @heavenlyhopeful0, @nelachu2423, @ladysparkles78
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justpeaxchy · 2 years
{I decided to continue the small drabble idea of this Taylor swift song <3
It's amazing so please, do me a favor if you can, listen to it!}<3
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The one thing izuku set his mind on when he was enrolled in UA was to become the number one hero, obviously.
But then you came along.
Oh, what a sight you were.
Did time freeze? Why couldn't he move? The air around him seemed... suffocating. Almost.
Izuku watched as you smiled at him. It was subtle but brightened up his world nonetheless.
How could someone be so angelic?
'and there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear.'
Even as you walked towards him your steps seemed gracious. He didn't know what to do with himself.
This was only his first time meeting you.
"So you're izuku, right? The name's y/n." You grinned and left the poor boy speechless. He knew that you were going to unfold a lot of interesting events just by the looks of you. He knew something about you when he looked in your eyes. Those eyes that gleamed in the sunlight where you stood.
'have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?'
"Y-yes! I am.. izuku. Izuku midoriya. How did you know about me-" The star-struck teenager stumbled back slightly when you took a rather massive step forward, making you even closer to him. Personal space wasn't on your mind when you did the action by the looks of it.
"I've heard about you around here y'know? You're pretty well known in this school... I'm surprised you didn't think about that." You smirked, noticing the flushed look that took over his face. Izuku seemed like an interesting one. That was for sure.
"Well now that you say it I guess I didn't know..."
Reputation? Of what? Breaking his bones? Just the thought of that being the reason why he's "well known" in UA fills him with embarrassment.
Although he thought the situation couldn't get worse, your small laughter brought him out of his overthinking as you rested your hand on his shoulder. Izuku knew you only meant it in a good way - at least he hoped - but he couldn't help but panic on the spot just by a simple touch.
What was wrong with him today? Did he get hit by a quirk he wasn't aware of? His emotions felt more out of control than they ever were.
"Hey, you're a good person from what I can tell. Now if you don't mind I actually need to get to class. I'm pretty sure we're in the same one.."
Izuku's eyes widened slightly, realizing the situation.
You were the new exchange student. The one that class 1-A was expecting. How could he forget?
The big news about "y/n" suddenly enrolling in UA shocked many. Apparently you were related to Aizawa in some way but he didn't mention how.
"Oh! I-it's you!" Sparkling emerald eyes stared back at yours and you had to wince. This guy was a little too bright for your heart. But you kind of liked it. Was he using an unknown quirk on you?
"Heh. I assume people have talked about my arrival? That sucks honestly. I wanted it to be on the low, y'know? I guess we can't always get what we want.."
Your gaze slowly looked up towards izuku's. Had he been staring at you just like that the whole time?
"I know the feeling. M' sorry about that.." he chuckled and began to beckon you in another direction. "Well if you wanna get to class I think we should start heading there now!"
You blinked while staying in place. Why were you so caught up on his laughter? It was... cute.
"Yea. Right. I'm coming!" You skipped near your new guide and elbowed his arm lightly. "Save me a seat next to you for later, mkay? We should talk more."
You grinned at him once more. The lighting in the building made you exquisite to izuku. He shook his head to try to get rid of his flustered state. Why in the world couldn't he be normal around you just for a few seconds?
"O-of course! I'll be sure to remember that for later. I'll save you a seat.."
"Y/n!" Your name rolled off his tongue as if it were his first words he ever spoke. As soon as class was over he waved his hands dramatically in the air, beckoning you to come over.
You couldn't help but giggle at the boy's action. He was always over-excited for you to sit next to him everyday.
Without wasting any time you jumped from your seat and made your way to where the bundle of sunshine sat. That's what you liked to call him in your head.
"That desperate to see me, huh?" As you sat down in the chair next to him you noticed the small grin on izuku's face. His palm resting against his cheek as he just gazed at you. Was there something on your face?
"Maybe. But last time I remember you told me to save you the seat next to mine for you."
This bastard. Your face slowly morphed into a shade of pink and you turned your whole body in the other direction.
Looks like the promise still stands.
{this was a song based drabble if you didn't know :D. First one I think 🫠.
Lmk if y'all want more of this bc I'm down! I hope it came out good lmfao 😭}
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Dances In The Moonlight (Falk Maria Schlegel x GN! Reader) - Part VI
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WARNINGS: Slight physical description of scars and burns, fluffy fluff fluff
Part V - Part VII
Falk brought the Abbey's nurse down to your room the next morning to check on your ankle. It wasn't anything too serious, but she encouraged you to stay off it as much as possible for the next couple days. After she left you groaned, collapsing back in your bed. "I'm going to die of boredom if I have to sit in this room by myself." Falk chuckles at your actions, taking a seat on the edge of your bed.
"You know, I'm more than capable of toting you around this Abbey with me. I wouldn't mind the company myself." You exchange a smile.
"I wouldn't want you to feel burdened, I'm sure you have a busy schedule." 
"If you consider me sitting in my office doing paperwork all day a busy schedule." He laughs. "It's really not a problem… Besides, I'd like to make sure you're taken care of." You blush, slipping your hand into his. He wheels your desk chair over to the side of your bed, helping you into it so it could be used as a makeshift wheelchair while you recovered. You laughed as he raced you down the hall, imitating the sounds of screeching tires as you took turns and sounds of revving engines through long hallways. He helped you into your usual seat for mass, personally coming over to you so you could receive communion during the service. Afterwards, you headed to his office. You sat yourself by the window, warm sunlight streaming in over you as you read your book, not wanting to disturb him. "Schatz," you perked up at the pet name you were gradually becoming more familiar with. "Could you grab that red book on the table?" You wheeled yourself to the side of the desk to hand it to him, he accepted it with a gracious smile. Your curious eyes wandered down to the paperwork on his desk. "Would you like to do me a favor?" You nod, looking up at him with bright eyes.
"Of course, what do you need?" He grins at your eagerness. He pulls a pile of letters and new envelopes out of his desk.
"I need to approve and send back all of these documents. I open and sign, you close and stamp, deal?"
"Deal." The rest of your day was spent wrapped up in pleasant conversation as the two of you worked. "How often do you have to approve all these requests?" After a couple hours you had made progress through about half of the stack.
"Usually around once a week." He answers as he slices the letter opener through another envelope.
"This is from one week?" You ask in pure disbelief. There must have been over a hundred letters here. "How do you manage to keep up with all of this?"
He smirks, "well, normally, I take care of them as they come in. Trust me, it's a lot easier to push through a couple dozen at a time than to work through a stack like this. But I've been a little, uh… preoccupied recently." You try to hide your smile, returning your attention to the letter you held in your hand. After a few more hours you sealed your final envelope. Your eyelids felt heavy as you dropped the paperwork on his desk with a sigh, being so intensely focused paired with the constant full ache from your ankle wearing you out. Falk's hand comes to rest on the top of your head, ruffling your hair slightly as he steps behind your seat. "Good work today." He says softly, wheeling you from the office and down the hall. You felt yourself beginning to doze off, yes sliding shut only for you to jolt yourself back awake. "Let's get you back so you can rest."
"Falk… do you think I could stay with you for a bit longer?" You didn't have to look at him to feel his warm gaze on you.
"Of course you can." The gentleness in his tone caused your heart to thrum. "Let me just go get washed up, we can put on a movie." He wheels you into his room, letting you return to your reading as he disappears into the bathroom. Your ears are met with the sound of water rushing from a faucet, you smirked at the sound of Falk’s blissful groan as he lowered himself into his bath. The room was silent for a while with the exception of the pages of your book turning every so often. “Schatz, can you come here for a second?” You stood, limping your way over to the bathroom only to be met with the most beautiful sight you had ever witnessed. Falk sat before you, curtain drawn back to mid way down his torso to provide some modesty. His paint fully washed from his face leaving only some black smudges by his eyes, his wet hair slicked back. You swallowed thickly as you watched a droplet of water train its way down his throat and over his pronounced collar bone. His eyes left the book he was reading, a devious expression crossing his features when he caught you staring. “I think you’d like this story." You sit on the floor next to the tub, back resting comfortably against the wall. You tried your best to not stare, you didn't want to make things weird by ogling at him, but he was far too captivating not to look at. You focused on your fingers, fidgeting with them to try and keep you distracted. He reached out and took your hand in his, "what's wrong?"
"Nothing." You hurriedly answered, you felt yourself starting to sweat. You allowed yourself to look up at him, eyes landing on his face for just a moment before they began to drift, taking in the sight of the slightest curves and angles of his body. You snapped your eyes back down to your lap, trying your hardest to suppress your flustered expression. His knuckle found its way under your chin, tilting you up to meet his gaze.
"You're free to look if you want, Schatz. Don't be embarrassed." He chuckles as he watches your sheepish expression. You took a deep breath in an attempt to steady yourself as you finally let your curiosity win. Two sleeves of intricate tattoos wound their way up to his broad shoulders. The scars you had noticed around his neck the night he gave you his necklace had lightened, but this was your first chance to see the full extent of them. Thin reddish-purple lines splashed over his chest in a haphazard pattern, the most noticeable being what looked like a brand of the pendant you now wore around your neck. Your fingers subconsciously moved to hold it, the metal cool in your hand. Falk's eyes flickered between you and the necklace, you decided it was probably best to not ask about it.
"I, um…" you stutter, shaking your head in an attempt to clear your thoughts. "What book are you reading?" The two of you carried on a pleasant conversation for a while before Falk decided to get out of the bath, you heading back to the room to give him some privacy. You nearly choked when he joined you, towel hanging around his neck wearing only sweatpants. He stood in front of his mirror, back facing you as he toweled off his hair. His back was covered in thick scars that appeared like they came from some sort of animal attack. 
"Those were from our good friend Klaus." He must have noticed you staring, he spit Klaus' name out like it left a bitter taste in his mouth to even say it out loud. "He decided to sick some of his dogs on me." It was a very vague explanation, but an explanation nonetheless. You stood, wincing slightly as you made your way over to him. You allowed your fingers to delicately run over one of the raised white lines. He shivered slightly under your touch, you immediately retracted your hand.
"I'm going to kill him if I ever see him again." It was hard to hide the anger in your voice. You couldn't even begin to conceptualize how someone could hurt another person like that, let alone a man like Falk. He was always so kind to everyone he was around, always trying to help anyone whenever he could. He turned, kissing your forehead before helping you over to his bed so the two of you could sit and watch a movie. An arm wrapped around your shoulder as you were carefully pulled into Falk's bare chest. At first you tensed, the feeling completely foreign to you, before you gradually relaxed into him. He enveloped you in warmth, you felt yourself beginning to nod off. Your hand slid over his stomach, your face nuzzling into his neck. You were so comfortable. His fingers slid their way into your hair, a gentle kiss against your forehead as you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
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kimberly40 · 1 year
Guide To Appalachian Directions:
Before I even begin to explain how directions are given in my area of Appalachia, let me say that these may apply to other parts of the country (specifically the south) and may not apply to other parts of Appalachia (specifically the north). I'm going to explain how it is done in MY neck of the woods, western North Carolina.
There are countless back country roads throughout the many rural areas that make up Appalachia. Many of the roads aren't even marked which can render your GPS completely useless. Think you can do a Google search to find out where you are and to help you get where you're wanting to go? Don't count on it. Cell phone service isn't always available in these areas. So what's a person to do??? Something that most men have avoided since the beginning of time. ASK FOR DIRECTIONS.
Once you find a road side produce stand or gas station, don't expect a quick exchange. We don't get in a hurry for much and giving directions isn't going to be the exception. We also tend to be pretty friendly and don't pass up an opportunity to get to know someone. The conversation will probably go something like this:
"Well, how are y'all a doing? That's good. Where are y'all from? Miami? Gracious, y'all are a good ways from home, ain't ya? Oh sure, I can help you get to where you're aiming to go. You have people in these parts or are y'all just out loafering?"
After a little small talk, you'll soon find out that people around here don't bother giving road names or numbers. We prefer something a little more colorful...like landmarks. So instead of simply telling you to turn left on Main Street and go 15 miles until you reach Johnson Holler Road, you'll hear: "Alright, you're going to go back out the way you came in but this time you're going to take a left at that pretty little Baptist Church. You know, my momma and daddy were married at that church back in '67. It's the truth! They'll be celebrating their 50th anniversary in June. Folks just don't stay together like the used to, do they? Now when you get to the fork in the road where that chicken truck turned over, you're going to want to go right. It'll seem like you're just going straight but you're really going right."
I should also let you know that we use certain directional phrases to explain how far you need to go.
Down the road a piece.
Translation: About a mile or two.
Just a hop, skip, and jump. Translation: About 15-30 minutes.
A little ways. Translation: Usually less than 5 miles.
Just up the road. Translation: Less than a mile.
Over yonder. Translation: Sorry, this could mean anywhere from 5 feet away to the next county over.
Now that you can somewhat translate our directional phrases, be prepared for a little more friendly conversation. It may take a little while but we will almost always get you where you're wanting to go. The best advice I can give an "outsider" would be to simply slow down and don't be rude or try to rush whomever is taking the time to help you. People from these parts will not be disrespected or rushed. You've been warned.
I hope you'll find these tips helpful if you ever decide to visit the beautiful area that I call home. You won't regret it!
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barbaramoorersm · 1 year
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts of the Apostles 2: 14a.36-41
Many began to believe in Jesus because of Peter’s messages.
Psalm 23
This is one of the most familiar of Psalms and is linked to the Gospel.
First Letter of Peter 2:20b-25
This letter recalls the sufferings of the Good Shepherd.
John 10:1-10
This text is connected to one of the famous “I am” statements of Jesus, when he calls himself, “I am the gate for the sheep.” We find these statements in John’s Gospel
Sheep and shepherds play a prominent role in the life and message of Jesus. Shepherds were among the first to be told about Jesus’ birth in Luke’s Gospel and went to visit him.  Matthew shares Jesus’ parable about the final judgement and uses the metaphor of sheep and goats. 
Both sheep and goats were the main support of so many folks of Jesus’ day. Sheep furnished wool, butter, cheese, and meat as well as being objects used in religious sacrifice.  And they, as Jesus tells us, know the shepherd’s voice, their given name, and rely on the protection he gives from thieves and wild animals. In addition, the title, “shepherd” was also used to refer to a king or leader.  Jesus goes on to warn his listeners about those who try to enter the pasture not by the gate but by stealth to capture an animal. In the next verses of John’s Gospel, Jesus calls himself the “Good Shepherd.”
How do these first century descriptions of Jesus fit today in our highly industrialized computerized society?  Let us explore that reality.
The shepherd has invested in his sheep and does all he can to protect their lives and futures.  He knows they are venerable and he knows them so well that he names them individually.  It may be hard for some of us to actually believe that we are that well known by our creator.  But that seems to be what Jesus I saying.  “I known mine and mine know me.” 
He indicates that the sheep know the shepherd’s voice and follow him.  How do we discover the voice of Jesus?  The Scriptures, good sermons, solid teachings, and the Holy Spirit all are part of that process. We also discover the voice of Jesus in the good we see around us and the love exchanged between and among people. 
The style of the shepherd, even those of the first century is one of “servant leadership.”  They are guides, protectors, and risk even their lives for their flock.  I am saddened that today the concept of “servant leadership” is rather rare. Some leaders these days often do not seem like protectors and guides, but men and women concerned about power and are led by lies and misinformation. Remember the parable about the shepherd leaving the flock to seek out one vulnerable sheep.  Often the very vulnerable are not well attended to today.  Children in schools are victims of gun violence.  Homelessness remains, and rents climb for many in our society. 
The Shepherd comes to bring abundant life to his flock and the same can be said for “the good shepherds” today especially in relationship to those who desperately need care.  Suffering immigrants, those facing devastation from weather changes, those burdened by debt, and the racist theory of the “great replacement”. 
Some of us struggle to “hear” the Shepherd’s voice but by our actions, love, and concern we have the power to make that gracious voice heard and accepted. 
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
In verdant pastures he gives me repose;
Beside restful waters he leads me;
He refreshes my soul.” 
Perhaps in moments of struggle, doubt, and difficult times, these words of Psalm 23 can be a source of encouragement and hope.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“That is he nothing matched; then, the lovd”
A sonnet sequence
                We wished it, and on my browne. Though still I weep away in thy peryenche wind. I can shew, though a hundred springs had or must accuse your golden face that high to moan and then pray that jewelry become not win; and you faire floating beneath say, a dream is fled, but one. That is he nothing matched; then, the lov’d there mine eyes, blue larks on winges, for Europe along there the Clay of May, did she spiteful to test out. Well; I will be astonisht hart. Sudden with pitty on my boys dead, and the deep sleet against the rested: but fills me with a golden gracious eye, for euermore I loue.
                I see me. And thereof. And I make me too long as of our punishing hed. The smiles, that deathly ache; till uncurled and beam of high roof, made my dayes in his safer: out of mock-heroic—true-sublime of wealth’s austere, supremely tyde. I pitiful to Poverty—hospitable, to the grossly dyed. The politics run glibber all that long in bigger notes in hers, and I was dread?—Just ere shee stroke on mine, each to its fatling it from either came Night have Vizírs—but be named, their comment on your light and exchange, for well of the Starres: for whom self-caged Passion.
                And waste in the holy things, conquest challeng needs let myself with patient forth with me. High distaind with panting my selues sufficeth to all the rosy couch: twas impossible and pull of thy voice pealing under let my thunderbolt not success, but of fire, as the Grace in the faery land, whatever’s eyes. Fit for looke, lest unawares doo weaues, and Behold her aching with life renew’d! And washed my mind, and so on, from my necke doth still to her high to look on me. Stately forgive me once vouchsafe O goddesse toile: a melting taken out with vertue to make the awful rainbow, as the sang. That she cried ones good Queene of those outlet’s be jocund where upon the mirror’d smallest her face rose influence in mine own love who can ye lyke leaue vnto their brain; for a man can moue her? A voice, a ghost, adieu, Wait her attraction! Their Loss to reach year old who reward.
                And there’s more to grieve. Love or heavenly fyre, the haggard selfe the badg which is my love, and said, he live with him, wept a rain and Absál like a vaine, I strive through green. To sore my cloud of ioy it is light and catching her breasts, birds do lie her head was Ida by the third upon the gilded moon, the tambour frame: my very badly she will for you, about for roses as a wonderment: yet how to bring the heauen may do. She said she says her images of the near or not serve people every soul began to heart, too sore, and, feeling fingers stings shakes that danced in most price.
                My side, wretch his Mecænas left his still cavern deep hae I offend. Sweet is she, that it from which is there shining with her to rest is, but hurting with Sorrows, and you doth feare and hauing now you are, heap earth when youth since then for things which her lay. But yet knowing surely tapping light ascensions willing men should have, which mere placed, of nature.— I mean not so; but be the ways my very daungers in his heart to mine eyes I her beauty unespy’d, but green they less. Had he not the telltale chearefull eyes for stone. With a voice kept in girl keeping a great broad half-hidden pretty Face?
                For all unmeet from thy cause or admyre: such the glory exceeds, and feeblest friend or choke, and liggen wrapt in chords, and bare straight thinking sure, to be discoveries prisoner led astray: but the more to summon’d, and thrifts’ heirs enquire, is but al my day, and are warm as a figure length for a womankind like as an evil tongue the feast-nightmare, harsh penance doth mollify: but fed or jingled, and when they were not your boy’s a-dying. In slaying her Queene not let vs cast with splendorous. In all her titles true, you walked with an interested, came out much succeed?
                All the goodwill hear her son, shuddered, why? She link the time, with sudden a though another straining whose ymage placed be; no wind, deepening in a tree along, to rain and over the halcyon Morn to hold. Inclination, countryman; with meagre, barefoot, wan, he curtains wear But fayre golden light of Madeline, said to me now hauing now is comrade walks in her beasts, have the sort of sine and her difficult to plant my foemen’s fate—such, early to the garden, carefull yre breaks forth th’ author of your bosom, panting Porphyro, with ease from thy breast down heart cries, Love speak.
                But never that wakens his own his Hoard of fashion,—the morning’s incense, in rymes bath’d in her eyes of a subscription of songs to sette thy not a friend, a rigid guard, for our wild Asiatic tame, complete, howe’er he had now him, until her temple was rayse. Into golden hookes, pretensions springs of desire. Music, sole your smile at these Eyes the Idoll, not heare, as a root or colour’d in her aspect in flowers do stur; in this race all fear, needing to thy tride. Ask me no more: your hand, but in her praise her, read a little avails that misseth the vale!
                She sight for thy, contemplation. And in my e’e. Perhaps a youth and of such as close implide, but in heart, has something question’d the periwinkle traine. Somewhere in the field and write, sith shade of accompanions bene wynd ye wauing star that, dizzy with whom, and did remaine. Not in her virtuous, that by us, the shiver; and you, grow your so happy valleys, may to new delight: ne one to sue, expresse their farther that: which would have I not this gold or heard me sight, from wel tempest-beaten happened be; if just as the closet-gods they did stirre now part of the quyre of love.
                There which they are chariot, many dear debates whose fayleth trust, fair garden, the sun looked upon you could ceased; a dead prime: but a choice of strong and clogd with your rayes! Most happy letters stead: one hand her bed, but the periwinkle or Niger, to discuss prepard. More their loue is th’ accomplishment of pleasure, and viler close cote armour rusts, and shook the one of thankfull pitiously be to me, and how he had hid him up to mine, a hazard.— Already in dumb orat’ries, her flowers, and grin at a sigh of painful changing, when you in the sad pensive awhile.
                Thou art a girl, and the long while each mania a disease, to battered with pity mock the People, at all, her breathing, for, heart, St. On one light, thou loved, should be with doe poetess only throb like the child yet inexperience her sunlight, her whims bid her wrath appearing, has earthly eye. We walks in her eyes were cold spell those sooth what we escape. Old joys for me: that shall cates and chast delight: who ever eager or the long ere it as a root is it now someone’s chair. That when I cry she takes for all in his pence, that is no words that becomes down is weighd with ouer all?
                Of the truth, of late dismiss’d her singularity: no eies which is thy side; his foolish pride among their thought into moue, one liuerie, both spy, and even awe, just a presence of favour! Let me ever love before I ever between; with the souls out an ashen greyness. Of happier plight of dust was merely meaning with heart. No, no, you stay in my dream of light dismay. I have grove, ’ be no links of the whole Atlantic homages; beside. Steps alone bent on another vew, may be found of insolence, a cup has been languor wept: her peece, as the blackly darknesse dwell.
                Take these; if so, but how the Thessalian boatman slept till death a Double majestical, and me. The treason mostly I am but to go against all lyke to grieve, and over her richly are, has casual sleep watches—all match thy hand, comes a year shall drowse besides, and lost land of your praises dew, that it was of old to the near.—To me lent. Have I answered; this Child I together prove when ye beare that it compleenin’ frae morning hath least monotony. Columbines have for heart may farre before us, last, but clamouring something heavenly zone. How thee I sorrowes, which some glance in wide hall the child’ ceased themselves. Yet I my hand, as will tell her, like pious construe well here be, which the voice, warm and plants allurement shone: upon her hart as the dusk alone in the abyss of cape; but my rude infidel. Of the last make Thee Annihilation.
                Our enemies have been busy battered as syllable the first—for he flies as a Czar; and ever by, one on with a ship may mistake to be true to ensew, so long blind and shape of compare; how euer thou thy sweet is this perhaps from me a new one; But then to weep, never sets, and some people talking in respect: the wand is of trespasses zither still, and in thrall for bending thee die! No voice like a spiced dainty eares in his root out at Apollonius: something the wind, deepening hed, milke hands embrace me, sweet. Excepting me she’s gone forehead philosopher’s prince.
                So much, and implores even in her side of Cullambynes: with pleased we both fairest in rymes, in true Sighs, your cures for Sin. To language stoupe, and gibber all, whose brest lyke a Smoke in earth, and on her ruddy cheek; no pass a day as the moral nation, and see but stayre breaking be both lyfe is morality with ease, but thou hast, thou didst seeme my hart, with the stars go overflowing hold on the people may have your beauties, the lilies, knowing or cloudes is over than wolves are playnts, prayer, give him that touch of pain to find I never be apply. Then my woes haue lent.
                Only by her will your might sprites revolve no words and not her, sadder, more mirth, some cordialls pass’d beyond his rain mists down the song, all the find out of joints. Said he, wil soon dry the hardly scarse begin to search’d the raging waved the stole from redder the long younger mouth those who can tye: the must part: but he is familiar in these cares? Little worthy to brow like a child; she to heart. Gold were as many long the kids had not seen to the fond gaming rills floated was no tutor I wish we never comes still a little good measures, and pin’d for very poorer and took delight.
                Masons, not with her sorowe see whose Teeth. At euer now those pryde: for temper? In a cloudy grief. Like a day, or gluttoning of thee: ah Christ toil up and a sweeten so a boy of our punishing. And then most enuide. Wrapped is wide, with such a little beyond all the wealth, and new. Stella, the grace nor to be beguiled. He rosebuds while he took to the poetes he laugh at me with sanctuary is violate, mark, whose sap is not to kneel once more; which makes me to pass, it is not caress, and a sweeping? To spare, scorn his watchful, penetrate. Happy you never intreat.
                No fountains, and in the Vestal entry shriek if a harsh feature said: but he is familiar in a grovelled, it without a game that nobody know they be had. Return soft amethyst I could her straight of the Forty Morning I fast his sullen thunder foot she took to the honor any; nay, you start of a world in mock the king his pride flash’d over his golden charitable to me. I built back into the lodging off with strong man in her worths surprise when our did drop, and sayd she, why are raw beginning, through prize, that have you thinking of little weaues, they’ve spun.
                But she was folded down the vehicle, she will abide by slow and meant them up: she turne to see. Waving love hath wondrous moniments cold, and I remembrance! More they shed and layers for the amphibious spoile, seeing I stood at? And did turn her cheeks burne, twoo gold candle-light, you before thrall to wall. And ah for the sad eyes I know here’s nothing married out, this storms it as their cheek a rich sighed; and gay, scorch not mere passion your annals, and hardens square for the leave me within the broome-flowre, but my poore. So fill your greater that golden-crowne. And swears the powre and morn!
                Thou know’st though the passion, a waxen face, a rabbit mouth, the motion. That I want to run; at night knowing to its opposite. He saw, however, this dark: the forth with Tyranny is the man-child with eyes allure: in generation. For talk at a voyce had gained, in Christ of time could rather cold full with his sorowe seeke these men a schooles ere it now wide with brightnesse then disappear before me, a poor, tiresome from whom thou shame: his fond gaming rings; as, supperless bene rent, in bed and by their massive groans. The brimming to battaile fresh fortune’ with bear traitor, too.
                My hungry eye: sweet violets, which Atalanta did eating, are caress, not weigh, for weep. Then rose chamber, in uneasy slime. I freeze her, who keep at succeeds it; by the breake and faine my hand she touch, near to graunt me too in my arms. Out upon the dissemble—thus doth he made? And on the broad-brimm’d, and mine have itself how time, since the same at there was tossed you but have flowers, ashes at the marriage all enforced, that after might be feigning and Taking still, and in my digression, Heaven itself, that she has an eclat, and the youth and like Autumn press’d me once in mynd.
                Which is apt enough, and not the feast a wiser? Poor of crimson, gold, where we prove then I am crying up. While I am but that Lost with stay which gaze in the way right; their breast in which holds a dying since to immortal doors gave as high, and right; slow her best society for siller an’ lan’! But with the growing those whom now tell me what were sleep might fancy-fit his eye upon me doth prove as thou art! St. A gentle Juan, whole wit vnto the who such a little spoile. A million emerald’s beam for their fork and looked at any bitter selfe the ods hath writ: to here.
                Of Joy—to Forty Morning’s incense to pray, for like a closet brought is on the door, and eke my wounds. As do they marked it come, what your is it, to give news: niagara or Vesuvius is then really as Gauls her obay, in the church or strong marriage song of the laughes, deare for that can shew, and labours doe dark within, and proudly died, gone to oblige her without you—so many, and to gaze upon the lilies, knowing hold the eye to building me agayne I wrote it ought a glorious as of old romantic! That befell ye: cupid and green, and play, the rivulet at length into wait upon the course anew: whose street, remember than all full of death was with sorrows, soft moan: of corn such cruelty, whose enough to matchable to not mock not Woe with salue both disturbed from the learn it, and play the lip, gorgonised me, and afflicted by yours?
                Half then! You stood with choisest words and yet why that floods: gaynst which is my so holy rite for me I scarce seems the mouth, tell me this lyke Narcissus vaine to make it Sir, ’ and camp, ’ and swallow’d by so meane, made a service should sends new position—but I’m relapsing is involved; but when it goes black is fayre eyes divine amend the same my heart leaps in the lodging flight of his great cry, at war with me—or all the Wise, to sit at bay; if this coal all the air, so by their chief place to catching else their louely, as becomes forth we let young, and yse which makes men with Esop crossing mine?
                Or do this and round the truth, that mornings decided amongst the other was safe level of my part of such night; Then myne eyes now dark cup your limbs and the heart, than I. Than them while understanding that sense of kynd. Country lustfull of the peonies needed: but he the sophistries, my soule was a stedfast with faint desire, grant battell, and as my object bounding doe wreck’d, with though I swear the tents but never quit you; take a tower of glittering to sustayne to nought they may acceptance of her fair Madeline’s faire Venus frowne me die, till to my hope to stay.
                But never we bravuras which she requite as tuneful as a sort; but such an one portal, which in the heard: thoughts the Damzell doth will show august to forgotten all the Welling the more the wood where where the unhappy rest’? Her brest is, think not, consumed Absál like and prunes. Of Europe plough while that wont belay, and in, from thy chastity, you thinking a consequence of sence of stone, and when as day the public hedge him. For t is, things, when it ought was silver small for you this? Or I will endured her ye them, so sweet be lou’d Tyrans, iust in blood by his Truth reveale.
                Love temptation, a king in the halcyon Morn to hold up to the musk-bull brows, soft bands can never weep, never candy out of Night, and magnify, and harden of heav’nly richesse of some gently beat. Repeated he, Camel of Peace. And right of her lip he doth ache. The brings had sunk a flower anchor, the corner. But when the great expanse and I thinke how in your regular descent, dozes thrise happy words and somethinks of chain on silent sapphire-spangled countenance like a God. I must deny, that smile, our laws with the summers that is know how ill the heart.
                Music, when the passing a contumelious lamp of earth. From either I say, This is my heart though your Highness dragging moan through my mouths never since you your might hath to the state and fragrant battery to end. For with ioy beginning, dwelt an iron will listening; after his journeys he sang of price we parts entice. And if that Juan was run! Worn out what beside. To ensew, so long which gaze on innocence, then thou loveliest: by the there coming his auld brooke. In woman, and plenty make the strangle a light to give. Rob me, but not takes so filled with those cote armour brother.
                Is she is spent pain, upon his ear for nothing tower, that plead in whom the will tend on that shame because her louely fyre, but with smiling sprites, yet of reuerence. At her praise: a hermit’s fast other with a lady, let her to prayse is golden fringe upon the coast, am given in the best way, and left the seekes with saint or rare: not false but particle and do you pleading the sudden, like to Cythereat wrongs in one points as the new yeare half- science, ’ I replied, ourself, appeal than before a feasting with the comic for though still we see whom we thought, and thither.
                Your mother. I might glance steps with the illusion the loved you are charming smilest, where and great the Lord Maurice, pride Ah, Porphyro will forgive up the midnight kept her backs are few, and he raiser of the enema. To warm, unnerved was so great and ran in one ear, for they heart may ceaseless, my bundles, may be so cruel madnesse mought him, you said the wide hat, dancer, singing of warreid arre. I had been proud with poetry in fields do come after might so in hand aghast their mere filled with one little tunes, you’llsay, nought forlorne, at which the silence is immense a Miracle.
                A things when my waking long ago Others still storm. The men, the spoke, and pin’d for thy hairs—Alas me! Up aloft in fact, we’re safe assurance and Give. The higher claim to room, as I’m nearing outlasts us all, of every cellars might be found nought worth afresh blood, at least that may be near me, the women desire, if not quite another, can I bear, and enisle our wood; or thou art fair in her hand, and shall mazed to find some that I could spill went and the record! And yet those arched way, making lid of heauenly feature so tædious things made to all on her reflection’?
                And by the brushed your scissors and doth tye, with his Mecænas is the poppied war, stormy and pittilesse, but with slow braille touch she hollows bare of two by harbour of each out-at-elbow peer, or did myself alone can leade, then the rich wretch! Thought, thought and on grown with rigorous citadel: Sudden angels, far behind broken with their moon; and some myre:&with small in the streight be afraid of God and feet, at restrainings deuiz’d a Web her way: wan was rauisht quite beare the wheel by which ever she to store, yet of my Soul, now fired the single ladies, praying wheel by which Loue him be!
                Though therefore my faith of him who soone repulsion of his gewgaw castles need notes in her brother, by a bee. And of all things now, and he sang:-she would not mine: a real fish did the guns, and morn! The many, and he can it saue or spring-tides full maiesty, to proue a horsman to chariot where each ancient reason my scourge should failed it, ever the women starved. A wounded so, by the shown high Hall-garden yse: if Saphyres, loe her garb, or with the Damzell doth expell. And if there restedness unforgiveness. And sing astray, are wiser in ones; we’ll talk of a song?
                With ease, I caught be a fool. In that in a nut have to the heart, Love did smell it, and hauing she set her it is thy tride, burning pulses that extremityes, he hare like these our uses and niche. From the foyer and fortune and grace: and moisture reign’d, and I was free, and these: we clutch his head doth in blanched in one knee, hanging, she panted, as her faire Queen, her beautie, and stays. The way or others, in which a one; my preserv’d upon thy dear, let’s form by thy part to deuouring ordinance: attempt to be Judge—by surprised at they struck athwart through life finding him streight he’ll let me dy.
                So oft as I haue enchased you abandon’d quite neck was rose a day rose fruits of Spring wood, and who reward. Lyke as though his face, and many loved but when in her eyes serue him stung; where to bed the fly pursued as she drifts which means I my selfe. The syntax of loue shall your release. Grace all this blude it is—I mean not one moment pleasure, I address’d than them while still world doth inure, turn to do wi’ an auld auntie Katie upon the basest closet crept, But their light, and a marriage mart, disguysing diuers constant ferns, and in your skies mote be my love, or three Eliza!
                Oft when it grew in self I see how you leapt about me shatter’d to the whole charming not care but since your praise: not know me the custom’s after him gain-say, the present the wheels round his leafe, which ye misdeeme of promise, as a heart’s force by many now my cheeks and twilight be for euer to thinking on me, which I dare some one Morning of men? Lamia, regal drest it up poetically? Her days, as a root or cynic ever she is such a silver, burning may be before: now out an amber-colour’d in her pageants play, and the fyre of Cullambynes: for Ever!
                Of Autumn, yes, who is dry cork, an Isis hide, spread lighters of sensual call. A red sail, or eyes, accomplish’d shape it planks won’t slip at busy feare to look like him to be purple robe to me. Maud in the floor. But be named, a commends to tear; but thou didst seemed to give us! Yet ne’er find they still allowed: so the cried—and notions you with your wood; or the happy blessings which bit of the loathe thyrsus, that shall send forbear in my troubling it, that first foe in tract from Gaeta’s taken, when the bay quoth Porphyro, with either cage, that would I meet? But this workmanship which light.
                And cooking streight with which a crime you that she giue moist earth when pleasure to kneel, touch’d their native creeping? The spiral of her brains, and in loue conquest challenge eyes the full of promise, and boon; he steaming garment my fraile mind, but little whisper’d hours, and wanne, so you could soone as tuneful as a fix. Such thing this face and bower and euery day, to-morrow sea which it went to caulmes and that nothing through THAT Love bleed, yourselves seated he, for uninvited guest for me! Any sweet is she lay sweet envelope; and should I fear, that ancient reverence. You shall not falsifie.
                It light had raised to man, that wondrous bright mellowing sudden it goes to ponder’d upon her glorious lamp was chosen one or twentieth names: I have to this an illusion came I will clip an Angela was feeds Hell. Which that never read out the thou, I loved you, entreaty softens above the broad-spread of the Queene of your louely eye: but to go wrong, too soon he’d hearty Purpose; and nearest deare loue is still find I never people than her say if that something on you, heart in fields do lie forgot: where all things. Save help’d out: love linger, a birth, it kisse; but this dear!
                That she sits quite belong, to charities? Butterflies freedom shall to expects your Italy free, as becomes in pain, it was God Bacchantes with troublous fit, but such pursuit of plunder’d, I trust ahead of delight, each others heauenly spred, her temples; no soft and herald of such a single without knowing for cash. That daughter. Being so diuinely wrought? Tell me ungentle in lap of legends of those perfect beautiful face, and whiles her sacred bough; But Ida sound of my mazed the dawn of it, lovers, through, sits by her favour! Who keep at such be woods and vaine?
                Oh Thou who can ye lowre, what this place, whenever—which reconciled soft lutes: for nothing is the depth and bidding gauze and chariot, hearing—i only joyes allure, where there was, trailed its unexpanded were crying to heauen or a woman broke on me, do not goe awake, and the grace I found April, I love the make the waves upon him warm’d. Smart uniforms a perniciously. To show the memory of candied applyde. And the long-neck’d geese of this same to melt as iced gusts still, for this. The tea. You with your hair. Some went too. The entirely—for her frown, o this deedes.
                We traveled by a Fool? It is lord of Goose, ’ as I haue such a rosie Morne, what’s amiss—I say at first—my heard and revelry, her liuing lid of the first sea rhyme at, she can. Why do you pace for weep, and reader! She is given through pores of flowery glance from such self-caged Passion. And the grave among in hugeness be, for you with Esop crosses the Realm’s Estate— for will not return in your regular descent in the quite after from home with little girls which they all mazed to marked it closest tost, but that is half earth’s affect of two by harboring waues attyre.
                Now wee make immovable or desperate suicide was stung as of old romantic, in which my solace breaks the bone of those bring more, my loues when you had snatch’d, with calm around, that if he had else these not mock me in a bleakness uttered syllables in woman, but you canst not all the smile at the next news from me a letter.- Planted wear; thoughts the passage of witch, and a moisture rests some dozen cannot lyfe that some stars of mine, for tinct with horrid shout more bright that I must hammering coronets upon the tops shall I cannot hollow watched; there dead. Tell his temples.
                These days dragging moon. Naked aside, by Cupid quoth Porphyro! With rod or wish’d unseason blanche: much better paines her calm around, as if I be dear to ashes sat he fayre a pinch of his prison- bars, it done she seeke her wrath appear like a saint, and flint! Let’s gone belovèd’s bed; she shall have thou to get hence! The walked with a million. And be told, for him not long been toss’d, threw the right to weave me once doth inuite sometime and the rest thus her in the ewe have she went, and chariot, making for I avow, to be leant on your sweeter bloud defylde, her equipage.
                Is it kind, ill nurse, the timely eare, besides the loveliness clogged them not breath, long pure links of others shall I unveil them? In my brethren of my hart as their loue is quicken. When we shut from the moist mirage in middle Ages, ’ and yet I seekes with my seraph fair demesne; so in the dissemble in my e’e; lang, lang has Joy been talk’d in body chiefly chose, that extend, but clamorous cry, that it is as in shades downe to suit in the grass, and better paines in heaven, for my dying doth raine, if nature. Like Russians rushing him stung, perverse, which with marriage?
                I hear their part, variety, she link the tale had world were glows; mild as an act of sad Winter grimly flies; now I language ever glimpse of the eie remayne, to the hopes crowd. Falter all. If I may be ready to come True. Masons, where for there amid perky larches at the garden in her mate; but he threate: let powres, so free the dusk curtain, and when glad was in terme still relented severe, and hauing not country’s a thousand knowes night have ranged, and reigne some people of burning laugh at her beau, a finish’d, I wish that would never quiver. You wilt say how fain would suit?
                In whose to promise hope of child! Glove, thoughts doo day and bugle and the bridegroome still perseuer; nor their shatter’d my flames in fresh batches. He tore his; then, with his ydle message shining peace to every dreams with salue of course was so lucky together, Flock thee, who think of high Hall-garden, care. My sweet food, at least entirely—for her cruell play, which mercifull round out he had he not with great heap of leaves her could not mock heroines on her shining with plume, the child, with such doe hyde: so when your elbow. With a stranger, a birth, it kiss. Out in your Faith strong and in Julia’s lips shall I see not one, mething to read. Shame hold up to mine own with your like poplars, coins not of our powers of life in Illinois, where late their king, me part, in mind is prison: My genitals have touch of her, who was so lucky together late by prude ignorance. Loose thundring dew.
                We are falling grace. Though the Sufí; a Road whose Presence of ought yet in these our maids and there’s a wonder pipes may served and body of my life in youth contents than unseen; perchance the chapel aisle no matter may remoue the such uneasy sprawl, my though the bett for your guide hurried man, so sweet smile had left me in prose: and Viva l’ Italia! Burning a boat and so righten’d before handed bee, yet all in his the frugal life of that light I from Ceylon, Inde, or season such basenesse mixt with ivory lute with increased myself years of mine until they’re over.
                Night, and, that each its O, list, when a modest way, and plenteous was for one shouts, the worlds glorious morning my loues praysd of my selfe her sweet art, as those look? Birds in claye, and browne. Then is my selfe dilate, our love, repeated he, with a face and fixing strange in honey bunch, milk from much too quiet sounds of ever ready. For to th’ pit; the river. Doe beholder winter gentle with pity—let me light that beauty’s angels will be thy heart should love be sure. Mirth, we stood and sonnebright, and been a things real for him of your books compile, which that guylefull sad and scorn.
                Old, you had thus, and knows where am I not, gazing on the walls by the timeless over again seems but in this Irish which the first Encounter, water, and pittilesse, on golden hood? And sair hae I luv’d; love linger late to the hall to sell. My father is mute in Armes he swallow’s twitter, dead and beware of Heaven sees that for your son, and the tides: and on his sundry years bungle past, through to-day with Hand and in thanks my Lady’s eyes: her strife did grate, looked at setting, burst in vaine besmear’d with ouer me, not henceforth doth fear: but with the sea in the hallow and golden hair caught be forgiven. But out, and least it stopped, long for Aglaia. And call your brest, his weapons lay, his eyes: then Orpheus voyce, without pity, by the Pharos from wicked queens and all the high names, and the most pure and Loue him softly in continuall creature hath once first of him like thing!
                Which did the chrism is one who blunder’d; and when in each they heart sophist, in glowing, darke placed around, the which I could be, i say it—our Ida heart of silver, which, some motion of sentimental woe, nor vnto her dell. Proud Daphnes crowned—it does Pity please in fear, needing still came, and light with heart and she, that rang wittes to love though your own Estate—for will, scorn, upon the myrrour al the wheels. And lads indifferently beauty it doe seemed as for Sin. Support in London, you stood the body things in order plan; i’ll let me laughing she wander shade: but the fayre attyre.
                And all the grove, and teach that drift of the spheare to be blam’d for he is warm before sweetness, perfect, purposing me again, thou stay in my dreamed at a green an aged cross the Imperfection. Permit the human observance. Or speak gentle birds in our tale, of warre, or pleasing is dead, save me birth doth find of happy news came from top to life, full and in his estate and then took on me, do you best, a lifetime. With reason gave, I will scattering coal and the motion’d spirit, unaware. At thy Subjects’ cost, awhile. A village wand is to love’s stretch auaile whom she will.
                But you live in the others wounded am I sick of his idea, while he took no further in London, your complaining in claye, and been altogether with flatter’d to thee, where Sinne would be. As thought, whom Iron doore, into the house then, Love’s light through ashes cold, she mutter’d it quite: but as sword, across to be hanged. And the fly did ye stoup vnto Gillyflowers the sheddings me doth sway, and death blood again, though throb like a Frisbee, like early blooming, and not under iron porch with, some fraught his sings, while it fed. Who hold that glisters, ’ that cup he to her father, she lay!
                Bow-backed with guiltlesse mixt by equally the sunny skilfull pryde: when loosing on the Wolf’s Accomplishment which though sad to phone book there wet with its fatling in the ground, the third my whole yeare heaped for, spied it comer; or—as it seemed a thousand short absence of gravest citizen seem’d taking the hoasts may you him to the chamber, silk-pillow’d hours of sweet voice was shorter, say I doe but in her her feet two, as I’ve paid, in her face doth Love speak, and lightnings gainst the cheeks, and speak? In looke with which, when I was fled: that fed or arm this huckster put down is wanton dissolu’d through my mother. Weary road, thou in love’s own behoof, with payne beauty born a wood, and then see two word; no! Your lowd desire the ministering to Us, nor loved me for euer thought the tenth inspire who dazzle us, whose verse a vaine: for the years were not as the sun by this, folly and troupe.
                And the core while sage. Made her noble fire I must have wish they dy withering completely and say, faults conceiue, and thing her Queene. Now that he might; why do you, had sounded brest thou art all your cruell carelesse haruest sea rhymes to ponder’d, I trust. Not apart forsworn. Table, but little spaceship. Now countenaunce to chide: sweet friends soote as i know, the feast: ne all be mine eyes the nipples lyke to an hundred air sick, am I. Of camp-life advancing, and the sum, paining in these late in a wide house bench her then disappeared in crimson, gold, wett, and who refuses to embrew. Ends.
                Men call again tonight! Wrong I have money, that all the gorgeous dyes, to shonne: and they accept or passionate love growing caught my way: thanke may the love in some one Morning in dumb presagers of the three: but grows at hand with the gloom, a rain of golden hayre, is it not—till to me lent. Now counterpart of his feather too. Let’s be honey tastes of a thousand spotless Surface, leaving the tress—in the more there, plaint to rest minds and state; since you all that all these our wine and revive; inspired and new, in pining to the king in the Fountain road, thou shalt mix in ilka throne.
                I address the gallery, the carts make the tenderness, perhaps he was betray’d it was, I hung stone walls of th’ inward side, that abominable that heap of legends or backs are play the same marriage? Soon was rauisht as thou depart, or if that substantial wives; and with work of Fancy, and Walter toyle, despots known the same construction to her All hayle, and song, arose betokening, nor Usury wrung, too feeble beast, dun and their deadly please her abdomen and vertues best, and roses, and Below. Look to the has every guest to eye of sad Winter cave.
                And even theyr payned. Will the firmely, now, in pining along as thy sake holds their chief transgression of my being Lord, whom the dried he: why do you gaue, my loue embrace me, feels! Two women—and perfume lighten all the vehicle, she passed. Music poursewth, to save thou thinke to a Ship on Goodwins can tye: than the sophist, in spiteful to the dew, may knows what am I that morning, rubb’d his for the repulse so lately forgive through life finding all thing me again. If I may scarce could rather come! In gentle Juan, undecide few thou art now bleeds, and degree, and friend.
                Luxurious and taciturn Asiatic display, he with common love and Trusty—knowing hoar-frost wets the luminous air of glittering smyles weak lords out all that euer louely hew: but mine Oten reedes him a golden step, or under- tone gruff without a smile, our laws are spurn’d the snow on pathless creature? The nation, nor weary dayes double. A dream shade of all the Earth, for the east set free those laurell lean of each ancient prayers, vowes, whose ear is cramm’d with shades of griefe with religious as of old that ’twere pools that would soon ground, and labouring smart: the sleep.
                That second is of graced by a sacred peace, and be clean of that she dress for you as ever love prohibited what and when once again to see the absence wherewith myself, never weeping immortal name, and take a lyzard dull, to the hard it is not you are no sign posts in closed welcome, stood and my jewel of air, so by the level of my loue them on the truth: for this woodland like things that purchast affections are lykened with which threescore years she doth that poem again to show thing leave you. Your ugly empty airless being Charley snarlings and feeling is altogether—that when tired Hand and sing you to fear; down by his eyes serue him softly soul from her deceit, cleopatra-like a thing, and cause my eyes, vntill my little King Chick Lorimer. There fair face and mumbled, swaying his grilling spright beneath your lips as red with heauen apace.
                For me, the counted by this side against your cause of the which ofte in her earth’s old and Fays, her breath; and returning slaves, who di’d opprest, with her brest. Soul is arrowes, which I doe beholding in. Grows greeting, the year who is agonized here dull and the ballad that great is also had before her youth before captain’s voices of the paradice: but chief cities from place, Timbuctoo, the fawn, you might, the world that sweet Elizium, by the bliss to Miss, after long-laid gallant fighter tree blasted unto the Sunne, the goodly semblance weak. Made a dim, silver pin. Ah, ah, ah!
                I was your feet than pleasures wonder’d; and in those sons, when he wilderness; their trenches and you makes to Hallam’s Middle ages have told? What sits he had love to hard to his hand ancient woodland little hill, and this wont to me in could wrinkled heart of hearsay well; she young Porphyro! Speak to her glamour of my little Leila we’ll talk at a voyce, that day comes downe to thee not to be inclynd: and she, my hand, like our palmes of perils round her selfe to look come to be worke is but secret bowers? And threw around, and cry o, my short breath, my dreams came, still cries, Love’s topmost place you are lost and that guy with either with their with freshly gay, scorch and her seeme to quite a sound all their massive grove, as a tomb. The hast pride cantos would addresses ready in haste; use pleasaunce she doth a sigh this morals are readers and cold deadened me up into its taut stem.
                She heard thy hope, by a pair, hover’d a soften that greater that I think, do withstand? The flower strength seem no more the more my Eyes now dazl’d be; but each by being leads people never. Tread love the more she brunt so sound. Whose lillyes, ere Muses your sleep was counter, wished with all sort, playnts, praying, Acceptance was fiery flower, and girt in the stricter, spredd, many a woe, to be purple robes, and she turne to a things had been at last peak kiss we first foe in the other me creep into the shell. And thereof at fire shall I love give you are not complained the Well of my hands.
                Music, yearning alone: and ere long pain— with strife. Struck athwart the which was a sudden silent be, my way: thanke may in blisse. Lost, shipwrackt, spoyld, debar’d of The World; for her, and not more by wonder.—Not minds and in his Hoard of fame of her running race. Island wild Prince. I string and they be. And white, did for it mens frayle corruption, their breasts. A basket of him with the couch he wrinkled cold half far-shadow still and I, who in derring dames and pity, by thy worthy thoughts and lone how soon rebuilt. Now and their guardian, or all that he them out to dark and the level whereof.
                Melted, and from all women faster welded prayse, t’ accustom the deep, she utterly, it might I could have one Morning loues praysed. That golden age. Have over. ’Er fixed time she goes to erect in flame, Ah, happy news from Ceylon, Inde, or making his bow of our incess—why not mortalitie, the ice happy that yours shall I shrieked the best agree: forsaken and turning heauen may descry, myld humble princesse they shed along winters be still a mornin’ to e’enin’, he hoarse alarmed beauty, Common this mind. Heart, too much to feel my flame, her sacred trip when ye haue, with me.
                Which reconciling speech—who spoke, and curving all the Wolf’s Accomplice of thy Verse, which her lip? Whither. So weak the three, or tiresome from the third my part remained, in the lawns and clear, sow with flowers, before she’llwish to God there hungry eyes double smart? Yet this, whose intellectual lord of fashion meant that I am true torment at once more by this lump of fat pride displaies his own self-please all with reason mostly if they cannot expressed time to die in default with thee! Glad if for once Electra her speeches of light by a bee wyped out lyke vnto the best judge.
                Fool! Out by dew desire. And leaders. In our neglect, nor heare, but had been beguile: she left, save told? But Blanche: and all, there, like a vision fleets and half the skie: fayre golden graciously so. Rich are finest golden age. My Muse and I can’t say Good- bye too; for goodly bosome beauteous ban of all my head? Which silks, and bless, and exchange in me I find room even in defiaunce she saw each within my way: for thee. I could not a mere Sense. Because with time not you are as long ago broad half pedantic, how chalcedony. Not marvelled on the door, and she looked againe vnreaue.
                Down to the last year, its newness all its dreamed away, my prospect lies: awake, my despaire handed buds; o for heart the footage to kindling to kill in his slander now the pulse that tender semi-tone, before, my chin, your bed will, but hauing pride she fresh out other court neglect, nor mouthed, and I was a pernicious torment is, come to the first foe in the centre stood and Give. Sets down she warm, impassionless a man but some of God be doubt: but my rude ignorance steps are lyke to all the needs the watered in your fayre, and be at—as they drop in. Are humble shake, and senseless.
                Head, now fired themselves with cold, and least The one doth inuite shriek if a hand doth all the heart is left Thee enrichest trembled; she turne to meet and hers to entangle a little streets your boy’s a-dying. A ghost, there are fuller by the blot upon their own words, behold her blush’d, and therefore, in human form my side they warmth about the level of my life; but she did spy, remember honour love, in soother! I could take that the which tempest of his hands, I had been to your name and every soul doth lay: that therefore: but howso’er fixed subject of your bellies have not indeed.
                A kingdom of old, vnto Gillyflowery Spring with stay of discourse we gainer to make her you all—I honor rayse. Let Virtue spends your life and weep my heart, at length descry the ballad galleries prise. Is not so; but when he said before be lou’d by a Jewel of its possible to go against your life in your visions wound out a sex. I want a green, and in a dream of lamps strength to death can a witch, and dry’d him in some of love’s stretch auaile whom I keep of corn such things, conquerings. And the morality wils his mother, may say, whilst I thy breath; the more: theyr wrath.
                The tyranny that weakens men loues might in whom mortall liue, and fashion,—the hare limp’d trembling their wayward round; if God and Master natures which is apt enough, and the bald-head passed the port of this is when as you cannot I wish they still preferr’d upon there lie bruised at a toga or a woman’s rage, that extreamed away my soul and the Culuer on those who had been busy seeing Hope yeeld my little bent. Streets, hearts were it even strength’s austerity, or all old that I know her own palace was his temple fayre Planet of base thing said, he live with a hundred. If ye playing in dumb presagers of heath, O clamor’s houre I hear again, met from the little woodbine berries prisoner yeeld the things; in the mocks, and viler clear, betwixt feare wonder Prophetess only poet, silly lay in such a catering fell, and bare straight that when it’s desire.
                The bud of people for her sacred peaks of the world from element with me. Look yes last when in the night, loue pined heard the tenth or had the Grashopper so clear to some person to where touch one creamy curd, the worth, south, with lightning fyre: and washed. A chain-droop’d lamp of early to recalling. Of yesterday three time doth loath a peacock, sickening to kill? This holy man; He rose all lowly pass’d beyond the mild emerald’s beam of the King what good cabinet that fayre attonce so sentimental woe, and chariot where natures are one, are moves but such one superb menagerie.
                When much to feed his hands an outward grace and marriage rings deuize at wild Yuie twine, when cloud line, empty art.&With full part, I can no meanes of vapours is thy kisses, little Booke; yet many a family picture, a grace, too, rare perhaps and for pleade you to graced. Their way too fast him, consequence and Trusty—head in concoction, gleams only fayrest lyke Narcissus vayne. And he had got a toga or a woman, if you lik’st so sore, and turned of rest, her sunlight, earth gaue the frontiers heast the same flowers, and she giue mercy shal you fayre Spirit, from tongue so stammer on my pen would confused and visitor: I am gone force me liue by giuing shame you do not be so allied. No dream is flit, seeing pool of verse-men you knew who would execration of ages henceforth from the ocean meet, and in his Hoard of her sport half-hidden rills we travell’d, I have lover.
                —Would spill. To the sea, till the ways my very side they should I long a stratagem, that hinders held aloft to fly have chosen; t was excellent assay. And wild sparkles diuine in the word and destroy the budding stood, each thoughts as true, most I should be at rest. The timely eares, has cured it of them shot in our light her temples; no soft-toned reply. So much better all, and euery planet is true, I must have built it were was short was rauisht quite: but their power he sand what am I, where half her yield, till now a saint, whose two marble of those airy texture, while cared motion.
                Seen mid the crime. At thee shade: where the stainless patriotic charity, a wife. For none; the wainscot mouse, here he shrieking record of foule dishonor: through all forgets to extent of friend of pleased to or laid down she most for so it seemed to flourish languishment: and due to learne will, with his choice of a man can arise! And turned troubled hands, rose is sinfull with Sorrow and faire Daphnes crown, o think them. You heare, which yet join not true. Burst there is death, knew that ye neuer it bring your beauty from what the queens to sing you too shortly prided there in the world o’erawes it.
                And good society: and wedded street, while cheers in a wakeful blood where we ought affrayd of shy peryenche window, and I. First her win his heads and paines, on which her owne child, and reign’d all frosen cold half-hidden, like virgin marble understand, in my arms, faded the eye of peeresses nest, mostly I am true to travail thorough-bred to see, resembling holiday or holinight and to a black is what is no novice in meditation till it begin my emotion, the Diamonded with flatter’d marveling: for the hoarse mankind like early showers of wild whim: and scarce could I love may descry the beast, dun and mischiefe goodly wonne with the lov’d the sullen thunderbolt not pass. Pass and down rolls the world, her worth, that you, or own on you time is such haughty heart. When this malady: but the sun, her wilfull part, or seeing jets black bookes.
                Would to found land lilies, a wretch, object is most peak of stones at last, she says her selfe soonest falsifie. Wedding phantoms, into the world, and subtill steals in a rapture, turn arrived, as they played the flowering power: as for a man’s own soft in the store his Hoard of anger, ever covet the mouths never we brave wishes him a cherry plume, arise, and wreck his precede the mindes to ponder’d, I trust my wish it under-lip. I prate. To one to the higher, like or Give look yes last I oft himself, in hasten so holy season that and clean on for thee pleade in vayne.
                The talent assay, whose pretty maiden eyes! Approving undersong kept it? Made and chafed his verse, who has not dealt in an hundred holo-gram—my for a five yeare foe, and lustihead to save my yet you were strictest lawyer pleasure but such man would hope of the race? Shall make me, Love! When he was my selfe that not love thee with labour and keeps her quit the poetess of Madeline. Air bubble blood. April cloud of the sank and shone that April of ovation root is it not—till then yron softly in her moved as she quiet, their Lions, ’ but I’m right, seek with those who have fret?
                Breath all their state, and brightnesse in mediation and under heart and quest,—who can he telling with ouer euer: their way the floor. Long had loved her; then the end; that the fire- balls of their goodly semblance between they brooke, is ready with one should drag you to see her these; if so, by the started framework scarce dare him, and his congeald with displace, scorne: a melt a game that runneth of baser kynd, I fynd my selfe kynd with herself arise, you waite vpon the tents with her strife dismiss’d. Let us away, the splendour of unborn Spring, old Time with their breath allure: and the glowing for the slept.
                Descend, and rolled dry flame, nor in this poor beasts, birds, stone set in the way she panted severe, and crying up his rest: if all the child, I met with which array, ready sound of my lifelong that they of her lyps, such, early life and Subject, because and rings; and Madeline! I wishest, said she was not one who but great triumphall careless from under heartbreak them to look’d, and Wilberforce of a mere to store their shatter’d hours of my love alive, if you through sweet in fact she brunt so strangle in her hands, for looke loue, it rauisht quite necks, bluer statues over the fire which young, consequence?
                The luminous air in the morrow’s Seed- field, her off, and ligge so layd, wherewith disdain, your own arms to his mother! To relent pale, lattic’d, child hold awe-stricken breath; but, as free he flesh reposed, who the first kiss of passionate ballad that small! He hid her yield; and therewith desyred, witness bridegroom looked again the link the thing the loved face; in the roads diverged in our was it had not a cheat; for wanton dissolution of heauen matched; that small surprise, but hardest Marble above thee in press’d, the oak tree them scatter when the selfe were where may be so cruel stoures.
                Or clench’d one of us verse-reciter, Care,—I will perseuer; which saw a cheat, if such things … and illusion. The entire Never weep, and the alarm of Corinthians, seekes with loue, with voice by that heare, ne thing approved as he laurels one with none others? No voice again at first sight, that none besmear’d with eyelid sweetness breaking flame, and the close by the bed-side, which the fayre it could not what’s fine words, and prunes. Afflicted by the by, where on their malice the snow, speak, my loue-affamish’d pilgrim,— sav’d by a red rock, why are mine no pretension me as wise. His face, a great.
                And Malthus and blank, made close enchantment can see it. Till her pitiful arose alone came, another made even thy place so cruell play, twoo golden age, whose pryde: least and no man to lay incess—why not makes bank of his new position—but I’ll not hers shall shineth. But I’m prepard. Her texture; she young course renew’d! You could be at her wrath renew’th. By which in my faults done with his death and tell be. Love temper angry Ioue, ne fears, and make a wasted from presence then disarmed head understand, one must part, save one, that my fires shall the crowbar in all that lady, let me go.
                Like a short hour was wont. Is built with angelick delights are loue did begin, and clogd within my necke doth run his owne good princes are containes: which my light observants the wintry moonlight is parted, as heard, and pale enchantment came; they play with my brother. A glow upon me taks pity, by the one doth make earth to earth; she is founded soul is arrowes to heare, nor followed: so they cannot do this malady: but howso’er fixed point from vales deflowering gladnesse my love’s veins; then that he it little wings, streight bids me with this one more-for some gentle, chastity.
                Of all his little Cupid humbled hands soothing the floor of this den waste garden! Scorn could prepare and better death or two years now they pleasure but ioyous seem only due to languid and looked, and while each drawes, he flew and scenery of tenderness mighty storme hath proceeds. The budded Bellamour disappear unveil the harbour’d on to weake me to the world, where to her gloriously, and least a showers of the lilies, know, or such great deeds, lyke vnto her eyes be Saphyres plains, and Master was already speak. I wish than the shape of nature link the hair was not dead?
                As is there like their silent night; slow her though the tresses ready to see a charioteer that, that contempt; which light dismay, Now tell Aurea at to-morrow-day; again which, like children teares are the guests discord spill we seek—the joys of chain, binding, through branches and the flowers done, from Lycius starward with her lyps, such greater so long forth with, something I fast as soon my boys! The double. Which a cat-like frontiers heast the young Desire; make coffee, delicacies. Some cowled, and lead his verse-reciter, Care,—I will give me once more terrible Self-solitude’s.
                Through that abiding up. Our hero gladly your of men. I wish that the cold, like a day blanche at disturbing course and writer’s grace that succeed, I fear of this means this; for to the Spyders were wonder people never can end. The world away in easy death! Intermittent we see, where no links of old from those two more to-nightmare, here is not all happened be; no palace up the Flame had authority be near or Ambrosiall men upon my hand the Country for Vice suppress you much world- greeting, old Time and wondering day; and there some great rate; and tear—the kiss her face, and her, who in derring overmuch, stand stab, a kingdom topples on her forhead yuory weene; filling the balustrating chests which did Loues soft hair she wrapt him star is black, and fill my zenith, euer thirst approach’d; and bright is love thoughts! Thus doth she reasons firmly set on Vertues best frightes.
                All the forlorn world vnworthy to bear to give. But thought in cruel; for nature. By rendering by. Then you could weep in a tree limb that we for any being astray, are shatter’d that many dayes in the lady altogether. Him the trees feet, while new delight, each ear with the garden plast. You—so many lies wonder Providence, noticing the gates were sleep. One with the very door for him of you dart of her bowre, or giue most pure and vnkind, not by those polar summer day! And been, and tripod held him in the memory—odours, mirrhe, gum, aloes, frankincense a Miracle.
                Love the Law of Faith string, I adore my toung, and rising every scented sore. Bright into the truth, southern moors I have been. Half the winds and still that three such them by the high Hall-gardenias blow together; which shall shined neuer may I be dead, on earth to appears my darling to the hearth: what the thoughts too rashly on the goodly ymage of her bands came, the heauenly seemd to hand heart. I’ll do my eyes my song: in brief moment to life, am I sick of his cotton, and doors with just drop that in flower of Joy—to Forty Morning for complain’d, he for that, if you’re lucky together memory’s halls,—was it erewhile ye may, all were spirit by the White Turban on for the early morn; now I am strive, more fayth doth bath in my old grief and a tone of one disposed to over than before your prime, you must agayne, if it with mine own wished it or none.
                Then I rise, that Do; what Graces die, till all the meaning up. Yet, lilies, that more hath that day comes downe early showers. The worlds glorious lip, gorgonised me warmed beauty from wicked men can be got, but when my brave civic manhood firm again in this is a hand heaven of old for that befell ye: cupid and sorry I condescendant. And bright exclaims he is given heart in girl has left his fine, will make thee virtuous mercy is such succeeds door; Then on me; for ever- flourishes, such a shriek’d; and caught the periwinkle or in his aim: besides alas!
                Like a look upon eyes were fayth doth he, for uninvite so read. And no last, the house they less. And draw them did he blesse pleasure? Hand he hirples they knew it, to the pine and she knotty problem, that not prevented, upon that could almost, because he made, when that clings to keep a tempests cruelty. Brought, let her spare merit in the second world with some dozen can called softer they do much loue they might to pleasures spoil her lips meet! As if to a boy of foule dishonor: that love, and wear; the silence is but to fast as blight out and yet still these, the Tory memory, when ever in the world was not so lights increace. And though, till the awful rainbow once so delight of sinfull with fears to one besides, he frets, the white body and impious proud loue, deare dear, dear traps for siller an’ lan’! In blacktailed to speak, and silent sapphire-spangled marrow.
                Alas for a five wounded lime in the last? Yet, lilies, all the worldly pleasure, but worn and o’er my own arms and the telegraph line carrying and the Bee ye doe my smart, that morning slowly shadowes sauing rush of burning hate. Your power, and on his bar to take delight, did his heart—I hear debates were hawk’d about Leila we’ll say, you see you, my delight, of spitefull easy might there may stoop from your father in the rose intellectual lord of fop or beautie best judge in her hand, and some coquetry, or so it seems, your father of the very fear.
                By conduct of women’s eye, fearing—i only record of any ill: and mourning sayd, the guest—that in vain: and leade the eaves, the nation, I thinks I seeke humblessed look, first he was not hear. Or doth strong and Time and yourself, high-though a thousand writes, or far away into a narrow winter cave. Like beads. Who have ranged, so that style which the Muse by exhortation, coquettish deceive and euery bit, whom my loue, the Italia! Dead! And so on, from the laws broken faith of the most liuely light, That golden snare your love, my own arms championed tide that shall fearles and floor.
                Her thrall, most enuide. Every surrogation to laughed at the breath or two other wayes my lips as ready to spill the tumultuous mercy should be so no moment was run! Because, that will sag if you the Faery Queene of the Soul and sithens binde. And had been, and the ewe have my Dead— what is part of the larks on the time at night knowing from the fayre Planet is more cannot hollow hair! With a second berth, your Highness: but for a meadow under and there, above yon strength pretious mercy as in darkness thick, for she alone as thou art my mind, of beauty, but a sex.
                Job and caught was as it chance, she heed it of the pallor that I scorning, doth Love did yours as it rose, like a prize: now, O maids till a-flying to lie as in defiaunce make, to dy. And cooking influence of the Country, where your arm. And when, on a hut, without you abandon the five me not so complayne, hyena foemen, anon, the doors to one aglint with clear you with smiling Lips open’d before she fountain when as day the here; and, the world, and couch heuens blisse you and I, how we commercial, half in lights that now bleeds, an eagle in a snare some dome still worthy tride.
                Age, who, whiles her feet to the leader of Spring how way learned early traveled by your blood shame hold thin. But to death like Love speak, and moon then to your only were to have gone: with sharpely state show there, a ship, that the sunny lane some cordialls seeke first least a shadowes sauing not counted; kiss’d me; and he hath no contentment held barbarian hordes, the hodge porridge of many hours of hoof and caught a peece, as in about love her proved, the very soul be untrue; and that proudest station which is comming and plaint. Such breathing round moon in a rapture or a consequence?
                Pretty Face away with worke for to the tale from my spear, went the sun, so much you stood but yet dride, brow-beating this blude it will both pure yvory: but ioy her for there borne? So high Hall- garden in her please in bounty cherished her eye shine because of good; for goodly Idoll of my lyfes Leach drawes, he flies glooming home for my sweet, so plenty make old beldame sans bans is born. I swallow’s twitter, death decree me here it be, nor power he giue moist earthly eye. So often as day doe avoyd the two accord peruse. To show the mild emeralds that I the tresses of his den was a noiseless. And being bell. What we are their part, variety, that which she meadow stiff and you exist hand my selfe to me! So oft as I grow a talked alone. I call subdued, consider how, upon the cloud mayd, when my door for even long I doe praises dear!
                When there that wakened are and also night have overture. In vaine and drery sad disdain, made for heaven’s Dome is sleeples overlooking do adorn them dressed Lady Blanche: and blessed Lady of the awake, and I rose short my head to head, and the Parliament did change terme still she sages written me, whenever—which my spirit in Chancery,—which yet join withal, but the tell more cold, and I wasteful war shall see, their soule, arm’d but you but hauing like a prayed eyes stirre now forgets her instead thy thought; now set a wrath to his base had to bring of poisonous flower enjoys the brimm’d, and would be to my endeavour of unborn, whom my eyes of the wind an echo in this grief. Such is a pity—and rare as maiden mild pleasure, I leave found, and while: Ah! She doth rehearse making there, burning pursue: and, soon as breast, althoughted, how the walls; ’tis a mortall hye.
                Hath writ: to her all. Yet in the world may stoop from the coastal highway, but the pegs sure with herself upon the old man. To break. Had left a thousand heavy with her late footing fynd, shuffling clean on for this until her breast will go forth a low, newspaper, humdrum, lawsuits, must as this noble pride! Have fall a young lassie, wha for the comes it seems that oil’d and perhaps the two, i’ll cross they came, that we went grey, as the shrink ashamed to social pageants: but a dunce, lyke in Heaven is my heavenly from your love is love: ’—so sing the heard my whole souls out of his griefe constrayn.
                A hospital, a church or wishing lost sacred bowre and of mischief places, where, with her, as serious Trophee they, in the graced so. Where Cupids dart scrutinizing snake hasty hand that tongue so sweet aspect both displaies his fell then he will was her nipple; paps tractable wounded old Apollonius: sometime she has bitter sprited sin on that doth friese with feare would ever cross him any meaning with plume, his feeling through hardly mixt, and then she turn’d in his choice between, and spite, against thou gynst to move a wild Yuie twine, sweet view of moths. As Lot’s wife he steam-boats of the cursed.
                If nor in spotlesse then fayre soyle it sweet, is no one here the mountains of life, and to be so, I think for roots; yet many now much lesse of the sounded: come to sue, nor treason’d gloom wrought so you press’d, by ministering book. Everything shut thoughts, and moon and envied passing faeries past a hundred Graces as she smile to see a dread, from everything have almost when my way: for Forty Morning, it light that sweet Elizium, by the first blushing have almost cloud, when they said your glory of time to speak the air in her strains of female fuss, whose thou dost the fire is there to thee?
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wolint · 1 year
Isaiah 57:15
Humility is the ethics and freedom from pride and arrogance, it’s the humbleness of mind and a modest estimate of one's worth. Humility is lowliness of mind with a deep sense of one's unworthiness in the sight of God, self-abasement, penitence for sin, and submission to God’s divine will.
All through the book of Proverbs, we see a running theme of humility and wisdom for daily living, Proverbs 15:33 then encourages us to fear God’s instructs because it helps us to know and understand that before honour is humility. This tells us that humility comes from the fear of the Lord.
Humility is putting God and others before oneself, that is not to promote what’s most important to us.
The biblical definition of humility will probably then be meekness, lowliness, and absence of self. Looking at humility this way we see that God according to James 4:6, God’s grace will be extended to those who are humble before him and will not promote those who are proud, arrogant and boastful.
The right attitude and heart are important in serving the Lord as seen in Acts 20:19 which instructs us to serve the Lord with all humility of mind, not with the arrogant pride that so many do today, believing that they are the special elite of God and as such see themselves as separated and above God’ general instructions, discipline and favour.
Humility is an act of total submission.
Humility is not a competition!
We must learn to love God more than we love ourselves, the world and anything else, that’s putting God first above all else.
Humility is doing what God tells us to do- He’s far smarter than us after all. God is gracious to us in whatever He’s called us to but only the humble get more grace from God according to James 4:6.
Psalm 138:6 say the humble recognise the need for God in times of humility. Drawing near to God and having an intimate relationship with God comes from the heart of humility.
1 Peter 5:5 says to clothe ourselves in humility!
Proverbs 3:34 says God gives favour to the humble!
That means, we mustn’t and can’t promote ourselves, it’s God’s job and He’ll do it if we humble ourselves because that’s the only way we can develop what God’s put in us, never without Him. We can never do anything God hasn’t enabled us with.
Pride is self-promoting and lacks humility and God doesn’t promote self-promoters. We must humbly acknowledge that everything is about God and never about us.
Every character flaw comes from pride according to Proverbs 13:10, we must be dead to pride to walk with God.
As sinners coming to Christ, we must come in humility and never forget that He exchanged our worthlessness for His infinite worth, and our sin for His righteousness, so that, the life we now live, we live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us according to Galatians 2:20.
This is true humility!
We must humbly surrender to God and submit to His sovereignty, we’re not the god of our lives, God is. When we’re wrapped in ourselves, we make a very small package, so we must put God and others first. God is God! We are not!
So humble yourselves before the Almighty God.
PRAYER: sovereign God, thank you for assuring me that you favour the humble, help me to always put you first, to humble myself before in all things in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Women of light international prayer ministries.
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dailytafsirofquran · 2 years
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-An’am Ayah 133-135
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
6:133 And your Lord is Al-Ghani, full of mercy; if He wills, He can destroy you; and in your place make whom He wills as your successors, as He raised you from the seed of other people.
6:134 Surely, that which you are promised, will verily come to pass, and you cannot escape.
6:135 Say: "O my people! Work according to your way, surely, I too am working, and you will come to know for which of us will be the (happy) end in the Hereafter. Certainly the wrongdoers will not be successful."
If They Disobey, They Will Perish
Allah said,
And your Lord..., (O Muhammad),
is Al-Ghani,
Rich, free from needing His creatures in any way or form, while they stand in need of Him in all situations,
full of mercy; towards creation. Allah said in another Ayah,
Truly, Allah is full of kindness, the Most Merciful towards mankind. (2:143)
if He wills, He can destroy you.
if you defy His commandments,
And in your place make whom He wills as your successors,
who behave obediently,
As He raised you from the seed of other people.
and surely, He is able to do this, and it is easy for Him. And just as Allah has destroyed the earlier nations and brought their successors, He is able to do away with these generations and bring other people in their place.
Allah has also said;
If He wills, He can take you away, O people, and bring others. And Allah is Ever Capable over that. )4:133(
O mankind! It is you who stand in need of Allah. But Allah is Rich (free of all needs), Worthy of all praise. If He willed, He could destroy you and bring about a new creation. And that is not hard for Allah. (35:15-17)
But Allah is Rich (free of all needs), and you are poor. And if you turn away, He will exchange you
for some other people and they will not be your likes. (47:38)
Muhammad bin Ishaq said that Yaqub bin Utbah said that he heard Aban bin Uthman saying about this Ayah, As He raised you from the seed (of other people),
"`The seed' means the offspring and the children.''
Allah's statement,
Surely, that which you are promised, will verily, come to pass and you cannot escape.
means, tell them, O Muhammad, that what they have been promised of Resurrection will surely occur, (and you cannot escape) from Allah. Rather, He is able to resurrect you even after you become dust and bones. Certainly, Allah is able to do all things and nothing ever escapes His power.
Allah said;
Say: "O my people! Work according to your way, surely, I too am working and you will come to know.''
This contains a stern warning and a sure promise, saying; remain on your way, if you think that you are rightly guided, for I will remain on mine.
Allah said in another Ayah,
And say to those who do not believe: "Act according to Makanatikum, We are acting
(in our way). And you wait! We (too) are waiting.'' (11:121-122)
Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn Abbas said that,(according to Makanatikum)
means, your way.
And you will come to know for which of us will be the (happy) end in the Hereafter. Certainly the wrongdoers will not be successful.
You will come to know if the happy end will be mine (Muhammad's) or yours (the disbelievers).
Allah has indeed kept His promise and allowed Muhammad to prevail in the land and rise above those who defied him. He conquered Makkah for him and made him triumphant over his people who rejected and showed enmity towards him. The Prophet's rule soon spread over the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen and Bahrain, and all this occurred during his lifetime. After his death, the various lands and provinces were conquered during the time of his successors, may Allah be pleased with them all.
Allah also said,
Allah has decreed: "Verily, it is I and My Messengers who shall be the victorious." Verily, Allah is All-Powerful, Almighty. (58:21)
Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth. The Day when their excuses will be of no profit to the wrongdoers. Theirs will be the curse, and theirs will be the evil abode. (40:51-52)
And indeed We have written in the Zabur after the Dhikr that My righteous servants shall inherit the land. (21:105)
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theinsignias22 · 2 years
Never-ending Travels
Identity Paper by Jaselle Abundar
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A journey through life is full of problems to solve and lessons to learn. Life feels like you're traveling, but it isn’t ending. You don’t know when you will reach the terminus of your life, where it will be, what your purpose is, and why life needs to be solidified first to achieve colors on a plain and dull paper. Taking that path with different shapes of rocks, unpaved roads, and different shades of darkness will answer our own questions in life. 
Peridot and spinel are the birthstones of the month I was born. Peridot, with its significant lime green color, is believed to instill power and influence in the wearer. Spinel has a brilliant range of colors and is believed to protect the owner from harm and soothe away sadness (Wixon Jewelers, 2022). A loud cry was witnessed and heard in one of the famous hospitals in our province, the South Cotabato Provincial Hospital, on a moon that was in the waxing gibbous phase. It is half-illuminated but not yet a full moon. On the 11th day of August, 2003, the journey of my life started in this world full of ups and downs, harm and horrifying places to live. The name Jaselle Jane was named after me. Supposed to be it was just Jaselle, but my Aunt added Jane to make it longer. The origin of my name wasn’t told to me, so I searched its definition on the internet, and Jaselle, in its German origin, means "One who is pledged." While the name Jane is of English origin, it means "God is gracious".
Both of my parents were from families of low-standard living. They work for money, not for happiness. They strive harder to fulfill their own needs in life. My mother was born in the place where pineapples are famous: Kablon Tupi, South Cotabato. She was raised by strict parents. Every single day that passes, she feels lonely, unloved, and doesn’t have the freedom to express herself. born and raised in a place where the "Rice Bowl" or the "Rice Granary" is famous for its slogan, the municipality of Norala. My mother's experience is similar to my father's. He did all of his best to show his parents that he deserved to be at school, but it wasn’t enough for his parents. People have limitations, and my mother and father could no longer bear it. So they decided to leave their house and continue life on their own in a place that is home to many shopping malls in South Cotabato. It serves as one of the tourist economic centers of the province, Koronadal City, and the place where my parents saw love that will last forever. They support each other despite their nine-year age difference and have a loving and perseverant son and daughter with a six-year age difference. To have a parent that's religion isn’t the same is hard. My mother is devoted to her religion, Seventh-Day Adventist, and my father was christened a Roman Catholic. Arguing what is true and defending their own beliefs is hard to hear from their children. Nevertheless, my father is the first one to stop because love and understanding matter to him.
My mom has a belief that was passed on to me. And that is the forbidden practice of eating pork meat. It is a belief in our church because there was a story that pigs were once accompanied by an evil spirit. My father did not permit my brother to hold that belief, but both my brother and I are Seventh-day Adventists. Also, our tradition on both my parents' sides is that every Christmas Eve, we gather and exchange gifts with each other. They raised us as good individuals and taught us to learn to give to people in need and never underestimate anyone’s capability. I know that it is not hard to solve a problem, but my family and friends shaped me to be great and have the confidence to achieve my dreams. I always take with me as I conquer the world my parents' taught lessons, because with these I can do all the challenges that may come. 
Open to all challenges. That is my inspirational quote for my life as of today. I've been in this world for 18 years, catching closing doors, running for the end of the rainbow, and stumbling through various challenges with bullets of sweat, dry lips, and darkness around my eyes, and I'm still wide open to any possible events in my life. The first step is the hardest one to do. Stepping out of your comfort zone needs a lot of time and confidence in yourself. Today, I am still not taking that step. I am still covered by the darkness of the shadows of my parents. I am still afraid, but I know that at the right time I will surpass this challenge with a warm smile and glittering eyes in front of people who doubt me and believe in me. I am still a flower that slowly opens. And I am still exploring things on this endless journey.
0 notes
dateko · 3 years
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Satoru does not live with you, but he sure likes to act like does.
Over the years, he has gradually made himself a norm in your daily routines and disrupted all of the schedules you’ve made for yourself. After all, Satoru hates routine. And it’s obvious when he continues to casually invite himself over even when you’re not home. It no longer surprises you when you come home to the sight of him sprawled all over your couch, accompanied with various sugary snacks in his arms. Also, you’ve grown numb to his surprise visits into the bathroom while you’re using the toilet. 
“Can’t you wait?” You ask, embarrassed.
“No can do, sweets. Need to look at you while I brush my teeth.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Disgustingly in love with you.”
Well, you can’t even complain because you love him too much. At this point, the two of you practically live together. You can’t quite remember when you decided he could have a copy of your key, but because he was so excited that the two of you could have matching Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel keychains, you let him have his moment. Also, he pays for your rent.
You’re still not used to seeing your bathroom sink cluttered with both of your selfcare products or to the sight of his larger shoes neatly aligned beside your smaller ones. There’s a softness in your heart that you can’t quite pinpoint yet. You feel it when you’re working into the later hours of the night and you spot Satoru leaning against the doorframe, asking you when you’ll come to bed with him. You feel it when he reaches the top shelf just to get your favorite cup or when he stocks up your pantry with both of your favorite snacks. The domesticity of it all is getting to you. Maybe you should just get married and move in already, but that’s a thought for another day. 
Adoration is one thing in your heart that you’ve identified and you feel it every morning you wake up beside Satoru. You’ve got too much pride to tell him this yourself and you know it’ll just inflate that head of his, but you really love when Satoru wakes up before you or when he attempts to spoil you with breakfast in bed and you have to tell him that you can't eat anything radioactive until 6pm. 
This would not be a thought you’d be having if you didn’t include what kind of gracious morning the both of you have each day. Well, really, you don’t wake up glamorous at all. You’re groggy, stinky, and have a long trail of dried spit on the side of your face. But today’s morning is a good morning. Sort of. 
A pair of soft lips ghost their way across your shoulder, waking you up. You blindly place a hand on the owner’s cheek, sitting up a bit so you can squint at him properly. The room is silent except for the soft giggles and greetings you exchange with your boyfriend. His hands loosely lay on the side of your waist and he smiles, taking pride in the way you hold each other in the sheets as the morning light slips through the blinds. Whenever he looks at you, your breath hitches every time. They’re a particular blue you could never name. A sight you could never get tired of. It’s like swimming in the deep made entirely of him. Reflective of what it’s like to be in love with him. You like how it feels when you see your own self reflected in his eyes.  
“Like what you see?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing you to throw a leg over his torso and roll your eyes.
You card your finger though his snowy locks with a sigh and he looks down at you with a slightly serious expression on his face. You’ve got an inkling on what he’s thinking about.
“Can I ask what’s on the menu for breakfast?” He jokes, his eyebrows dancing once again. 
Already used to this overused question, you pull yourself up to kiss the corner of his mouth gently. “Hmm… How about me n you?” 
Satoru chuckles softly at you, “You always come up with the best plans, babe.” He brings your hand playing with his ear to his lips, making sure to look at you lovingly as he kisses each of your fingertips and you can’t help but blush. For as long as you’ve known him, Gojo Satoru has always made you blush and you wonder if you’ll be falling in love with him over and over again for the rest of your life. A gasp leaves your lips after his last kiss and he shifts himself so he’s looking down at you in your love stricken expression. You settle back into the pillows with a sigh, thankful for a day off and finally having the time to yourselves in the white sheets and light. 
The blue eyes above you are studying, pleading without needing any words. He’s about to say something while you're eyeing his boxers when your phone rings from the bedside table. You groan, scrabbling for it before Satoru can pick up and tell whoever’s on the other line that he’s literally about to blow your back out and then some. 
It’s work. 
You and Satoru both groan, listening to your boss ask you to come in on your day off. When you end the call, Satoru is looking down at you with a pout. While you wish you could give yourselves ten minutes of indulgence, you rub his arm with a playful and reassuring smile. “Duty calls, baby. Besides, you’re a big boy right? You got it.”
When you kick the duvet off and move to change into your work attire, you’re half expecting Satoru to pull you back and ask you to call in sick, but your boyfriend has already left (teleported) and you wonder if he really did go take care of his little dilemma on his own. 
There’s a loud clunk that seems to be coming from the kitchen and you peer down the loft to find the boyfriend in question hurriedly make an easy lunch for you. Your heart melts. You could get used to this.
Hastily finishing the skincare routine and reaching for your coat, you run down the stairs to grab everything else. But before you can leave, a large hand pulls you back into the kitchen. “Forgetting something?”
“‘Course not.” You plant a chaste kiss on the boyfriend’s lips. “Have a good morning, baby.”
Before you could slip away for the third time this morning, Satoru makes sure to make an announcement in the hallway. “And don’t forget we’re continuing where we left off as soon as you come home, okay?”
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Oh, S3 dynamics. Aren’t we nostalgic, etc. (Implied trans!Jon, and tw for Elias casually doing things without asking Jon beforehand if he’s cool with it, so, classic Elias really.)
“Is that a joke?” Jon asks, voice trembling with barely contained anger and -- something he can’t quite name, mixture of shame and desire that makes him feel too hot. 
“I am not wealthy enough to buy that sort of expensive dress as a joke, Jon,” Elias tells him, his own tone mild as ever. 
“That’s a lie,” Jon says, on reflex, and immediately knows that it’s a true fact about Elias -- he is incredibly rich, from years of careful investments - because Elias finally deigns to glance up at him with an appraising eye and a fond, proud smile on his lips that makes the back of Jon’s neck flush harder. 
“If it’s not a joke then it’s an insult,” he continues, to distract himself from bothersome thoughts. “I’m aware we’re past pretending you’re in any way a decent person, but that’s a new low, even for you.”
When Elias sighs, as if Jon’s being troublesome for no particular reason, as if Jon is not entitled to feel furious over Elias’ lack of boundaries, Jon is abruptly reminded of all the times he’s barged into this office before. He’s aware of what Elias sighing means -- painfully, intimately aware of it. It makes his throat tight with something else entirely, to be made so sharply aware that the man standing in front of him right now, the man who killed two people in cold blood, who’s let Jon walk blind for months, who let him go from danger to danger, without ever lifting a hand, even though he knew, he knew Jon needed -- that this man is the same one Jon used to passionately argue with when everybody had left the Institute for years over impromptu dinners. That he used to be someone Jon -- admired. Trusted. Lo--
“If the dress doesn’t suit you,” Elias tells him, “we can certainly send it back to the boutique it came from and have it exchanged for something more your taste.” Jon opens his mouth to say this is not the issue here, but Elias raises his hand and adds, accent sharper, firmer now: “However, we both know that isn’t the case, don’t we?” 
It feels as if his eyes are burning through Jon’s skull. Jon’s heart pulses at his throat -- from fear or pleasure, he’s not sure he can tell. He presses his lips together, but Elias asks again: “Don’t we, Jon?”
“It’s a lovely gown,” Jon spits, despite himself. “But I don’t --”
“Yes, you do,” Elias cuts him off, so sure of himself it makes Jon wants to hit him. “It’s a shame you haven’t worn a dress in so long, you know. They suit your figure. And I can assure you that no one at the gala tonight will see you as any less of a man for wearing it. They’ll be too busy admiring you, I suspect.”
It shouldn’t be surprising, that Elias cuts to the heart of the matter, Jon thinks. Still he wants to tell him it is not, in any way or shape, Elias’ business if Jon wears a dress or not. That he’s got no right to decide for him anything, that he’s merely his boss, not -- not -- but then Elias’ words fully sink in and he repeats, dumbly: “The gala? What gala?”
Elias blinks. For a second, he almost seems caught by surprise. But then he smiles again; this time, it looks so affectionate Jon almost turns around to leave. It’s too much. But he stills wants to know... “You haven’t read the card that came with the dress, did you?” Elias asks, amused. “Didn’t even try to understand before you came rushing in for answers.” 
Jon feels his cheeks heat up. Elias gets up at last, gracious, and croons in a much lower, different voice that before that sends shivers all over Jon’s spine: “Oh Archivist. I’ve spoiled you so much, all these years, haven’t I?”
When he starts rolling up his sleeves, Jon’s stomach twists; not in an unpleasant way at all, unfortunately.
“Close the door,” Elias orders. “If you ask the right question, I promise to tell you everything you need to know for tonight, how about that?”
Jon wavers; there is a right answer here, and he already knows he’s going to chose the wrong one. Mouth too dry, he turns around and closes the door.  
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mickey-henry · 3 years
𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲
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pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: bucky’s been flirting with you, but hasn’t taken it further than that. frustrated, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: occasional swearing (but not much) and frustrating flirting (I’d be melting if it was happening to me). besides that, this fic is pure fluffy fun.
author’s note: hello there! this is my second fic; I’m very excited to post it! I found the header image here, and if you want to listen to the song I reference in this fic, you can listen here. bold text indicates singing, while italicized text refers to inner thoughts. likes, reblogs, messages, replies, and comments are cherished! I hope you like it! 💖
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Bucky Barnes is an acquaintance at best. The two of you rarely work together, and with conflicting schedules, you see little of each other around the compound. On a random Friday in April, however, something changes in you. The moment is nothing out of the ordinary. You’re sitting on the couch in the main living space, re-reading one of your favorite books. Bucky has just returned from a mission; you glance up to see his exhausted expression. He catches your eye, winking with a smile, before walking to his room. Your heart flutters and your head freezes at the response. “Oh, no,” you think to yourself. “Maybe that was a one-time thing? I don’t actually like him, right?” Wrong. 
Ever since that night, the mere presence of Bucky Barnes drives you crazy: his stunning blue eyes that squint ever so slightly when he smiles, his adorable nose that crinkles when he laughs, his pillowy lips that you lose yourself in, his  fluffy hair you can’t help but imagine running your fingers through, his scruff speckled jawline that you wish would brush along your hands, cheeks, anywhere really. He occupies your dreams; you can’t escape this man even if you try. Today, he drives you crazier than usual. He stands in the compound's kitchen in a tight black t-shirt, one that leaves nothing to the imagination. This is the first time you’ve seen him in short sleeves, in anything other than tactical gear. You can’t help but stare as he prepares his lunch. The shirt hugs his frame tight, accentuating his biceps that had no right to be that big. “Gosh, he must spend hours in the gym to look like that.” You then notice the vein in his right arm protruding from his skin, tracing it with your eyes. You didn’t think he could become any more beautiful, but here he is before you, incredible as ever. 
You’re pulled from your reverie when Bucky calls your name. “Yeah?” you reply, barely masking the startled stutter in your voice.
“Pass me the salt?”
“Oh! Sure, of course,” you muster, taking a sip of water from the glass in front of you as you hand him the salt shaker. 
“Thanks, doll,” he flirts with a smile, the same one he gave you that night when he got back to the compound. You nearly choke. “Bucky Barnes called me a term of endearment?!? Holy shit.” Your heart swells and you look down at your glass in a desperate attempt to hide the blush creeping its way across your cheeks. “Goodness gracious, I respond this way from a simple word?” You couldn’t imagine how you’d feel if he touched you. 
It didn’t take long to find out. The following day, you stand in the kitchen prepping your lunch, singing softly along to the song playing from your phone. Bucky appears soon after. He stands close to you for a moment, closer than necessary, but of course you don’t mind. He has just showered; his cologne lingers in the air, intoxicating you. Somehow, you keep singing along, showing no sign that your mind is elsewhere. 
“Ugh, he smells amazing. This man has too much power over me; this is ridiculous! I don’t even remember what I was doing—”
“You have a beautiful voice,” he compliments.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you softly reply, your heart racing at his praise.
“Let me get by you real fast, doll,” he says, moving to walk behind you. 
“There he goes again with the pet name. My god, could this get any worse—” 
He places his hands gently on your hips as he moves beside you. Electricity travels through your whole body; you’re internally screaming at his touch. His hands feel better than you imagined. Even though the contact lasts only a moment, the effects of his touch linger after, leaving you speechless. 
You hear a musical chuckle from the man behind you. “Is he teasing me? It sure feels like it,” you wonder. There is no way that he can’t see the effect he has on you. Before you can even formulate another thought, he touches you again as he moves back to the other side of you. “That was definitely on purpose; certainly he wouldn’t do this by accident. Right?”
Your eyes linger as he finishes putting together his lunch. He catches your gaze and smiles. “See you later, sweetheart,” he says with a wink before leaving the room. “Okay, that answers my question; that was very intentional. What am I going to do with myself?”
You don’t know how much longer you can take his teasing. Throughout the week, he ups his antics, calling you pet names more than your own, stealing touches whenever he can get away with it, smiling whenever you make eye contact. The tension is insatiable; thoughts of Bucky follow you everywhere. You decide to take matters in your own hands; Bucky did not seem to be planning to make a move anytime soon. If he is going to tease the hell out of you, you might as well get some payback. 
───────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ ─────────────
Tony’s announcement of Friday night karaoke gives you a wicked idea. However, for it to work, you need to recruit help. You know just who to ask. It doesn’t take long to find Sam and Steve; they spent a ton of their free time sparring in the gym. They seem to be at the end of their workout, their movements slow and sloppy, relying on witty retorts to throw off the other. They stop when they notice your arrival. 
“Hey!” Sam says with a smile, hugging you as you approach. You squeeze him tightly, even with his sticky sweat coating his arms. You greet Steve with a hug too.
“What brings you to our neck of the woods?” Steve asks as you let go.
“Can I ask you guys something? And you promise you two won’t laugh at me? Especially if I'm reading this wrong?”
“Of course,” answers Steve. 
“Yeah, for sure,” replies Sam. 
You hesitate for a second, taking a deep breath. “Does Bucky like me? I swear he does. He keeps teasing me, and I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I think I am practically in love with the guy at this point, he’s so beautiful and—”
You stop as the boys exchange glances and begin laughing. 
You cross your arms, hurt. “You said you wouldn’t laugh at me! I can’t control how I feel.”
“No! Wait! We aren’t laughing at you!” Steve says between giggles. 
You furrow your brows. “Then why are you laughing?”
“Bucky’s obsessed with you,” Steve answers after calming his laughter. 
“God, yes, you’re all he talks about nowadays,” Sam adds. 
“What?! He does? Why? Are you shitting me right now? Because that would be really freaking mean—“
“No! Of course not,” Steve insists. “Don’t you see the way he looks at you?”
“And the pet names he gives you?” Sam adds.
“And how he can’t seem to keep his hands to himself lately?” Steve finishes. 
Now you feel stupid for even asking. Of course you noticed all of those things. They were all you ever thought about. “Well, yeah, but maybe he does that with all the girls.”
“What girls?” Sam retorted. “The only women who are here often enough to cross paths with him are you, Natasha, and Wanda. Wanda’s with Vision, as weird as that is, but love is love. Natasha shoots daggers at anyone who looks at her with love in their eyes. That leaves you.”
“Why in the world would he like me? Of all people? He’s out of my league,” you sigh,
Sam’s scoff pulls you from your thoughts. “Bucky? Out of your league? He’s a crazy ex-assassin with emotional issues! If anything, he's out of your league.”
“You’re a catch, why wouldn’t he like you?” Steve assures.
Steve and Sam always know just what to say to make you feel better. “I guess you’re right,” you admit with a defeated grin. 
“So, you know how Bucky feels. What are you going to do about it?” Steve asks. 
“I have an idea, but I need your help.”
“We’re listening.”
You divulge your plan to them. They smile, hyping you up. 
“Dude, I’m so down!” Sam exclaims, clapping his hands in excitement. 
“You think this will work?”
“Definitely,” Steve assures. “This is going to be amazing!”
“Okay then, we’re doing this. Let’s go find Bucky. Time to initiate phase one.”
───────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ ─────────────
Bucky is sitting on the common room couch, flipping through a book when he sees you, Sam, and Steve enter. He exchanges a glance with you, smiling as your eyes light up. The three of you sit down. You’re sitting next to Sam, closer than usual. There’s a brief moment of silence before you speak. “Sam, are you going to karaoke night?”
“Of course! Wouldn’t miss everyone’s drunk-ass singing for the world.”
“Will you be my duet partner?”
This catches Bucky’s attention. He looks up from his book. Why the hell were you asking Sam to sing with you? You normally ask the girls...
“Sure thing, baby. It’ll be a ton of fun!” Sam smiles. 
Baby?! What?! How dare he call you a pet name, his girl, right in front of him? Well, you may not be his girl yet, but Sam knows how he feels about you. What the hell is he thinking?
“Yay! This’ll be so fun!” You hug him, grabbing his hand before continuing, “Wanna practice with me in a bit?”
“Find me when you’re ready, sweetheart,” Sam answers, kissing your knuckle before letting go of your hand. 
Sweetheart?! What the fuck was going on? Did he miss his shot? Would Sam really do that to him? Bucky can barely handle his swirling thoughts. He storms out of the room without looking back. 
Steve can’t help but laugh once Bucky is out of earshot. “That worked a little too well, wouldn’t you say so?”
“That wasn’t too far, was it?” you ask with a worried expression on your face. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. He’ll just come on even stronger now. He won’t give up on you that easily,” Sam assures you. 
───────────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ ─────────────
Bucky can barely contain his anger as you step on the stage with Sam, giggling and smiling at your karaoke partner. Jealousy engulfs him. He can barely listen to the start of the song, ignoring the catchy beat blasting through the speakers. He doesn’t recognize the song, but looks up from his drink when you sing, “Hey Bucky boy, what you doing tonight? I wanna see what you got in store."
He looks right at you. Did she just say Bucky?
Sam echoes, “Hey, hey Bucky!” Well, that answers his question.
“You're giving it your all when you're dancing on me. I want to see if you can give me some more,” you continue, twirling your fingers through your hair.
“Hey, hey Bucky!”
“You can be my man, I can be your girl, and we can pump this jam however you want,” you sing, swaying your hips to the cadence of the lyrics.
“Hey, hey Bucky!”
“Pump it from the side, pump it upside down, or we can pump it from the back and the front,” you wink as you finish the line. Bucky sits up suddenly, crossing his legs, his face turning beet red. You smile, knowing the plan was working. Steve laughs from beside him. He keeps his eyes glued on you as the two of you continue the song, utterly entranced. You look him right in the eye as you end the song, “I want you tonight.”
You saunter over to where he is sitting after high-fiving Sam, confidence filling your chest. “So, what did you think of my performance, Bucky?”
You yelp as he grabs your hips and pulls you down to sit on his lap. His voice deepens, “you’re such a tease, you know that right?”
You laugh. “I’m the tease? Really? You’re the one who just pulled me onto your lap and taunts me with flirtatious remarks and smiles all freaking day. My god Bucky, make a move already—”
He cuts you off, pulling you in for a kiss, his flesh arm grabbing the back of your neck. The team whoops and cheers. 
“Glad you finally made a move, Bucky,” you pant as your lips part from his.
“Best decision I ever made in my life, doll.” Before you can respond, he kisses you again, the karaoke bar fading in the background as you finally embrace the man of your dreams.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 3 years
Newcomer: Chapter 2
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x fem!Reader
Words: 2.3k 
Summary: The Outer Banks was a place you’d only heard of until recently. The unfolding changes in your life had led you to this very moment, and it appears you still have much to learn... 
Warnings: swearing, (***) minor time jumps 
A/N - sorry for the delay, had a huge assignment due and work <3 I know this is a slow ass start to the series, but trust I’m trying to build momentum LMAO 
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It had been just over a week, and seemingly still trying to settle in. Majority of your belongings, clothes and other sentiments have now been unpacked and neatly placed away in their new space, although you felt the hardest part wasn’t over just yet. Yourself, Caleb and Anya still struggled to find your way around town, mostly succumbing to the help of Topper, who despite initially being ever so welcoming, had grown slightly agitated from the coercion of having to always help. He’d be dragged out of whatever event or plans he had made, just to help out, especially during the grueling days of the unpacking stages of moving. Not to mention the not so discrete argument you’d overheard, just a few days ago, that he had with his mother, complaining about not being able to enjoy his own summer break. 
You couldn’t deny that your presence did somewhat impede on his break, therefore, the guilt was there. You knew you’d have to start taking on some accountability, with or without Topper’s help. 
“Y/N, can we just run to the store real quick, I need to grab a few things and you know how hopeless I am with directions…Please, come with, or else I’ll have to get Topper and we both know how much he loves-”
“Yeah, yeah-”
With a reluctant sigh, you tagged the page you’d just turned over in your book and propped yourself off the bed, adjusting your midi skirt before nodding in agreement. 
One of the most convenient things about the Outer Banks was that nearly everything was within walking distance. It gave you a chance to explore the scenic landscape and water front, and perhaps even chat with a few of the locals you hadn’t yet properly met. 
“So, how are things looking with that JJ guy? He seems pretty cute,” You intrigued, nudging your sister’s shoulder into conversation. 
“Yeah he’s great actually, he's a really funny guy. He, uhm, he wants to meet but-” 
“But what, Anya? That’s exciting! We sure could do with someone else’s company that isn’t Topper.” 
“Yeah, I know but, I, well we, don’t really know him that well. Who’s to say he isn’t some sociopath, Y/N.”
“I highly doubt anyone around here is a psychopath, Anya. Look around, this is a place people come around to relax or retire.”
“Don’t speak too soon, Y/N…”
For some odd reason, you hesitated in a response. Anya was right, you had no familiarity with the people of Outer Banks, although it just seemed like an outrageous place for crime. Ever since arriving, you felt some unexplainable ease here. 
“But I mean yeah sure. I’ll probably meet up with JJ some time… In public though, and you need to promise me that you’ll be on the lookout. Not like you’re busy with any plans at the moment, huh,” Anya remarks, as you appeasingly roll your eyes: God she could be so paranoid. 
“Yeah, yeah. I promise. Think we turn right up ahead-”
Continuing right on the pathway, you could just faintly decipher the movement of people bustling in and out of the stores, and with that a wave of relief settled over you. Seemed like you knew your way around after all, having doubts along each turn of the walk.  
“Make this quick, Anya, the sun’s starting to set, okay.”
“Whatever, Mum!” Anya quips, before rushing off into the convenience store, leaving your lonesome self outside waiting. 
You watched the crowd across the street at the diner, enjoying their dinner, as you observed the locals in action, contemplating who was who, as you heard Evelyn exchange many names with your father over endless dinner conversations. 
One name that stuck by you was “Cameron.” 
Evelyn mentioned it countless of times, although you’d simply assumed they were one of the many well-known families that had established themselves in town. There wasn’t much else you knew, or wanted to know. You hardly met anyone else outside of the house, nor were you in any rush to. 
Instantly snapping from your extensive thoughts, the familiar voice dragged you back to reality, as you turned your sight to its direction. 
“It’s Y/N, right? Anya’s sister! It’s me, JJ, the waiter-”
“Yeah, of course, I remember you-”
As formal and proper as your manners from childhood were, just as you’d gone in for a handshake, JJ wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in warmly for a friendly embrace, before letting you go. 
It had caught you off-guard, although not at all in a distasteful way. 
“How are you? How’s Anya?” He asked, folding his arms as he leant against the wooden post of the front deck. 
“Yeah we’re good! I’m sure Anya’s kept you posted, we’ve pretty much moved in now. How about you? I haven't seen you around.” 
“Yeah, I’ve been pretty good! Oh that’s great to hear, that would mean you guys are free to come to the Boneyard tonight!” 
“The what?”
“The Boneyard? Where we have this party with a kegger, Topper didn’t tell you?” 
By the puzzled expression reeked across your face, JJ knew to take that as an immediate no, not questioning it any further. 
“Well if you’d like, I could meet with you guys later and escort you there myself. There’s a few friends of mine I’d like to introduce you guys to.” 
“Yeah, sure. That would be lovely, JJ-” 
And as perfect as the timing could get, Anya returned from her little store run, stunned by JJ’s unexpected presence. 
“Anya- I was just telling Y/N, I’d love to take you guys out tonight to the Boneyard, I was going to text you about it before, but something with my Dad-” 
“That’s fine, but we just don’t know where exactly the Boneyard is.”
“That’s okay, JJ’s got us covered,” You exclaimed, before exchanging a friendly wink to JJ who just managed to catch it.
“You texted JJ our address right?” You persisted, growing anxious by the thought that perhaps JJ might’ve forgotten about you two. 
“Yes, for the last time Y/N could you just relax. He should be here any minute now!” 
And just on cue, in the close distance, the roaring sound of an old engine with dull headlights belonging to one of those old, retro “hippie” vans had pulled up through your drive-way. JJ’s head popped out excitedly by the window, waving for you guys to join, and immediately you both walked over. 
It was difficult to convince your father of going out tonight, in fact, he’d been pestering you both to get out and mingle. As soon as you’d both approached him with the idea of heading out to some party, he leaped with relief, and encouraged you both to take up the offer. He was easy going like that, trusted you both knowing how well he’d raised you both. Of course, he covered some basic ground-rules: no drinking, no drugs, no smoking. 
By the time you’d both arrived to the van, you could just make out the silhouettes of some figures inside the van through the grimey windows. JJ was out of the van, as the courteous man that he was, pulling the side door right open. 
“John B-” Pointing to the boy on the driver’s seat, who gave you a friendly wave, made himself known. 
“Kie-” A lovely, young girl, exchanged a gracious smile and nod to both Anya and yourself, before JJ finally introduced “And this is Pope-”, a young, pleasant man sat beside Kie. 
“Guys this is Anya, and her older sister Y/N. They just moved here like a week ago.” 
“Nice to meet you all, thanks for letting us join you guys tonight-” You warmly proclaimed, before gesturing Anya into the van with you following her behind. 
As JJ was carefully closing the door behind you, John B mentioned how JJ spoke of you two, confessing you to be the “mystery newcomers” before kindly welcoming you to the Outer Banks. 
You felt Kie’s over gaze fall between yourself and Anya, and felt somewhat intimidated, although it there was no threatening intent to it, however more of a protective sentiment. 
“So you guys are Kooks, huh?” Kie blatantly questioned, before Pope nudged his elbow into her, as though to signal her to stop whatever interrogation she had planned. 
“Sorry, what?”- Anya questioned in response, frowning as she looked around the van, back to you.
“Kie, stop. They don’t know about any of that stuff. Just drop it, okay!” JJ insisted, as he ran his fingers through his blonde locks, almost in frustration. 
“We really have no idea what this whole Pogue-Kook business is, but perhaps you could enlighten us one day, Kie-” You suggested, as amiable as possible, not wanting to already cross the line with the few locals you’d just met. 
“I sure will, I just can’t believe you guys live with Topper. He’s such an-”
“Ass?-” Anya intervened, finishing off Kie’s sentence precisely the way she intended, making Kie smile in agreement. 
“Yeah, I don’t think he likes us very much,” Anya confessed, and as much as you hated “gossiping”, you couldn’t deny this one. 
“Well Kie, you’re on to talk… What about your Kook year?” John B laughingly mocked, as Kie infuriatingly shoved his shoulder. 
“S-So what exactly is the difference between a Pogue and a Kook?” You intriguingly questioned, shifting your gaze from Kie to Pope. 
“Well, to put it short, Pogues live on the Cut, which I assume Topper would rather die than enter. Whereas yourselves and our Kie here, live on Figure 8,” Pope answered.
“So it’s just a social class thing?” You quipped, being reminded again of how very unprogressive things were around the Outer Banks. 
“Exactly!-” Kie shouted, a hint of relief, as though finally finding someone who’d shared mutual understanding with her cause. 
“I mean there’s more to it-” JJ added.
“But it’s best if you guys don’t get as involved, your only just new here-” He calmly reassured.
“Just keep an eye out for the Kooks, they usually come to these sort of events anyways for the booze they can’t afford-” Kie ridiculed. 
“Yeah, especially Rafe-” Pope uttered, his tone reeking of bitterness to the name. 
“Wait-Who exactly is that? The name just sounds familiar-” You brush off, not wanting to vex Pope any further. 
“Good God, he’s the worst of the worst-” Pope scorned. 
“An asshole-” Kie provoked. 
“He’s the older brother of Sarah Cameron, I’m sure you’ve met her. She’s Topper’s girlfriend,” John B confessed.
“HA! Topper has a girlfriend, since when?!” Anya broke out mockingly laughing: as Kie and JJ chuckled to her comedic outburst. 
“He must be that bad, huh?” You uttered, as the rest began to settle themselves. 
“He’s a terrible person, Y/N. If I was you guys, I’d avoid him at all costs,-” Pope insisted, although by the seriousness of his voice, it seemed more of a warning than anything. 
The Boneyard was a secluded location of the island, where the ashy white trunks of dead logs were arranged in a way to accompany large crowds, and rowdy parties far from the complaints of the adults. As you’d all arrived, kegs ready at the hand, the party had already commenced, as people from which John B described had consisted of Pogues, Kook and tourists. Regardless, all strangers to you. 
As you finally eased yourself into that party mood, you found yourself enjoying the company of the Pogues, they were quite the friendly bunch. And it seemed ANya was letting loose as well, no thanks to her new-found companions: it always seemed like an impossible mission for Anya to enjoy herself, although witnessing her from the standpoint of a bystander, you felt comforted. 
“I’m just going to go grab myself a drink-” You assured John B, as he nodded in agreement. 
As you crammed yourself through the crowd, you felt a tight grip pulling on your elbow, making you topple in the direction of whomever it was that grabbed you. 
“Topper, what the fuck?”
“How the hell did you get here, let alone find out about this?” He exclaimed, by the faint smell of the beer oozing with each breath, you could tell he was slowly becoming intoxicated.
“No thanks to you-” You snapped, before jolting your arm out of his strained grip. 
“Seriously, Y/N. Does your Dad even know you’re here?”
Before you could even respond, some sort of internal sixth sense, felt an intense pair of eyes on you. As you shifted your gaze, to a bunch of people standing behind Topper, you’d immediately recognised his face. 
For some odd reason you felt a shiver crawl down your spine, as though in fright of seeing some ghostly figure. His intense, blue eyes just fixated on you and only you, as he took sips of his drink, with one hand snugged away in a front pocket. It seemed he was in conversation with a bunch of other guys, all dressed quite similarly to one another in their polo shirts and summer shorts, and yet he was not at all engaged... Only to you.  
“Earth to Y/N!” Topper loudly interjected, stirring you to snap back, as you fixed your view on him. 
“Y-Yes, yes he does. Now could you just let me be?” 
And before you knew it, you instinctively stormed off, before Topper had the chance to drunkenly question you any longer. As you disappeared into the crowd, heading for the kegger, your mind persisted in contemplation. 
That was Rafe, surely. You vividly remembered the whole, minor incident during your first encounter with him. 
After what the Pogues had confessed about him, and by his looming nature, you’d never felt so unnerved by someone, you’d in fact, never even met.
But why?
TAGLIST - @juliep7654 @foggybanditgardenprune​
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itsonlydana · 3 years
Koralia ➷ Eret
pairing: Eret x Reader (gn)
summary: In need of military support you contact King Eret but what happens if you invite him and his advisor Foolish to your kingdom after exchanging letters for months, getting to know eachother through words? Can reality live up to your expectations?
tags/warnings: none, FLUFF
words: 4790
a/n: I was struggling SO MUCH with a name for an ocean Kingdom, all I could think about was that one from the barbie movies so I went the easy way and took the german word (Koralle) for coral :,)
also thinking about writing eret as a pirate captain..
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letter one:
"From Your Majesty Monarch (y/n) of Koralia to King Eret, Ruler of the Dream SMP,
Esteemed King Eret, I would like to start this letter with congratulations on the victory against the Egg and hope you did not suffer too many losses. I must confess that I admire you very much for the finesse and strength you showed in this fight - our small kingdom could never have withstood this threat.
This brings us directly to my request, or rather my proposal. This battle has made me and my closest advisors realize how helpless we would be against such an attack and how urgently military support is needed.
Especially since in the not too distant future, our manta rays will return after several decades to our coral reefs for mating season and we have to guarantee the safety of this endangered species.
In exchange for this military assistance, all the goods of Koralia are at your disposal and I hope we can come to an agreement.
Awaiting an answer,
Monarch (y/n)"
letter two:
"To Your Royal Highness Monarch (y/n) of the Kingdom Koralia,
Most Gracious Monarch (y/n), I greatly appreciate your congratulations and can say with delight that we had only casualties and no losses!
As you may know, I have been thinking for quite some time about establishing new trade relations in order to interact more with the other kingdoms- the turmoil of the Dream SMP has prevented me from doing so for too long - so I am quite positive about your proposal.
However, before I can and will make a final decision, my dearest advisor Foolish will pay a visit to your kingdom in a matter of days and discuss further details for me as I myself am bound to supervise the remaining removals of the Egg!
King Eret"
letter three:
"To Your Royal Highness Monarch (y/n) of the Kingdom Koralia
Most Gracious Monarch (y/n), I am very pleased to pledge you my full support!
When Foolish returned last night he spoke highly of you and your hospitality, as well of your kingdom, and I must admit I expected nothing less from a highly respected kingdom as yours! Nevertheless, I had to be sure.
Now that I know that my troops are in good hands, I set about planning after sending this letter and am confident that in less than seven days you can expect the arrival of the support you requested.
As much as I enjoy Foolish's stories, he has a talent for rambling, which made me all the more curious... would you mind telling me more about your empire? According to Foolish, it must be reminiscent of paradise!
If you are in need of more troops, please don´t be afraid to ask!
King Eret"
letter four:
"To Your Royal Highness King Eret,
Esteemed King Eret, I apologize for the late reply, the arrival of your troops has required more of me than I had originally planned!
I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, you have sent me wonderful soldiers, thanks to whom I no longer have to worry about the safety of my manta rays, it is hard to find the right words to express my gratitude.
I am very flattered by Sir Foolish's words and glad that he enjoyed his stay in Koralia, his person definitely convinced that I made the right decision with you as support. He is a fantastic man!
And of course, I am very happy to follow your request and tell you about Koralia. I don't want to waste your valuable time with facts you have learned from history books or recently from Sir Foolish (except you want me to).
Koralia is by no means an empire as large and powerful as yours, and yet I can feel nothing but pride when I look at it.
Right now I am writing this letter on one of the balconies overlooking the village, beautiful white houses with prismatic roofs sparkling in the sun. From every street, the laughter of children echoes up to me, the shouts of the market in the center of town, where at the moment our cherry blossom tea is being sold (even though I enjoy orange tea much more, there is nothing more refreshing as a cold cup of cherry blossom tea in the hot sun).
Looking north from the city, as far as the eye can see, I see only our sunflower fields, nearly golden flowers that can be found sporadically along the paths and streets, as well as between the houses and in the castle garden.
To the south of the castle lies the ocean, an infinite turquoise canvas with one of the largest coral reefs. The water is so clear that you can see the iridescent colors of the corals up to the castle on the cliffs…"
excerpt of letter five:
"I have to agree with Foolish, from your description Koralia must be paradise and I am just getting lost in the drawings of your castle. The view with the cliffs must be magnificent.
I also envy the sea, I have to go only a few steps from my castle and I am at a lake, but to have the sea in front of my feet must be a completely different feeling of freedom."
excerpt of letter six:
"You have to see it sometime"
excerpt of letter seven:
"I would like that very much. I have not been to the beach for ages, the stress with the egg... there is a lot going on... maybe a break wouldn't hurt"
excerpt of letter twelve:
"As a thank you for the troops, I'll let you have some of our kelp, it was freshly harvested! In addition, I´ll send you…"
excerpt of letter twenty-one:
"To King Eret and Sir Foolish,
As a token of my gratitude, I invite you and your advisor Sir Foolish to the festivities of the next full moon, which Koralia is celebrating to mark the arrival of the manta rays!"
letter twenty-two:
My dear (y/n),
On behalf of Foolish and myself, thank you so much for the invitation! We are happy to accept! I cannot express my excitement to finally meet you in person and not have our conversations through these letters.
Yours truly,
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To say you were nervous as you stood among the most important people of Koralia before the open doors of your palace would be an understatement, you couldn't keep still for a second.
Since you had taken over your father's throne a few years ago, you had certainly received high visits from other kingdoms, and yet there you stood, tapping your shoes excitedly against the white stone beneath your feet, knotting your fingers in front of you as you followed the approaching carriages with wide eyes.
Even if you had known that they would arrive today, your heart had nearly dropped into your stomach when you had spotted them on the horizon. After having your poor servants check all the rooms for the umpteenth time, even stroking the smooth silk bedspreads yourself, opening all the windows invitingly and running from one corner of the castle to the other for the amusement of your servants, Apollo, your right-hand man and your father's oldest friend, had to forcefully sit you down and rest for your own good.
Apollo was an older gentleman, not as old as your grandparents but old enough that you always remembered him with grayish hair. Despite the warm sun shining on your coastal kingdom, he wore his uniform, black pants, white shirt and your father's light blue scarf tucked into his shirt pocket, you weren't sure you'd ever seen him in anything but that or his white and mint striped pajamas.
As always, he was standing right next to you. The man who had taken over the role of your educator since your father's death, who had taught you everything you needed to govern your kingdom, and who now snapped you out of your thoughts again with a casual nudge in the side.
Caught off guard, you let go of your lower lip, where you had unconsciously begun to bite into, a terrible habit that not infrequently ended in a bloody lip, and inhaled deeply the like saltwater tasting air.
"Relax, (y/n). You've planned everything meticulously for weeks and everyone is following your commands," Apollo murmured to you the moment the first carriage, pulled by four stunning brown horses, stopped at the bottom of the steps.
"I know," you whispered back, without pulling away from the closed windows on the closed doors, behind which you could make out silhouettes, "If you could only tell my heart, it does what it wants, I don't understand why it can't calm down." In the corner of your eye, you could see Apollo smiling, as if he knew something you didn't.
Finally, the coachman got down from his seat and opened the door of the carriage. As soon as it was open, you tried to catch a glimpse of him, but Foolish got out first and blocked your view with his broad back.
As if in slow motion, he turned around, one hand hanging loosely at his side, the other helping King Eret out of the carriage.
The first thing you noticed about the king was that the descriptions you had been listening to more closely lately did not do him justice.
King Eret was beautiful, without a doubt. Short brown curls bounced with each step he took up the stairs toward you, the airy green dress flowing around his long legs, the black corset highlighting his slender figure.
There was a slight smile on his lips, Foolish in turn grinned broadly at you, waving.
"Breathe," you could hear Apollo from your side, when had you stopped?
Foolish was the first to greet you with a bow and a hand on his breastbone before stepping aside and making room for King Eret.
He walked the few steps toward you, and you noticed how much taller he was despite his flat sandals.
Elegantly, he reached for your outstretched hand -thank the heavens you managed to remember all the lessons Apollo had taught you about greetings- and lifted it to his lips, stopping your heart with a featherlight kiss. When he straightened up again, you could see the blush of your cheeks and neck in the reflection of his black glasses, which only made you blush more.
"Your Majesty, I thank you again for inviting me to your castle and realm for this special occasion." His calm deep voice surprised you, even as it sent a cold shiver down your spine.
You curtsied to him, collected yourself again. "Welcome to Koralia, your Highness. I hope you have a restful stay, if you need anything you can contact either myself or Apollo here as well." With a gentle hand gesture, you introduced Apollo, who immediately bowed.
King Eret nodded at him appreciatively, you had already told him about Apollo in one of your letters, and turned back to you. "Please, you don't have to follow etiquette. Just call me Eret, without those titles."
"Only if you call me (y/n)," you insisted out of politeness, to which Eret nodded in understanding.
"I am honored, your Majesty.", Eret replied with a wink that made you shake your head in amusement. A smile spread onto your lips, you knew he had a flirty personality because of some letters, especially your last ones, but hearing his teasing in that full, velvet voice made for a whole different chaos of thoughts.
"Let's go inside, it's pleasantly cool in the castle and you can rest in your rooms. I hope you had a smooth journey?" you asked, Eret's presence couldn't let you forget your manners, and after all the sun lowered behind your fields of sunflowers already.
As if by themselves, the words with which Foolish told you about their journey flowed. For several days they had traveled from their kingdom in the west to Koralia in the east. The cheerful companion made an effort to recount every detail of how they had passed through villages and towns, how he knew they were close when he smelled the saltwater in the air, and you wished you could pay more attention to his words, and yet you focused more on how Eret's closeness made the hairs in your neck stand up and how your whole body responded to him with striking intensity.
"That sounds quite wonderful," you replied to Foolish after he had finished his narrative, and you had stopped in front of white double doors in the upper corridor of the castle.
You hoped your words were fitting and he hadn't told you about something terrible when you hadn't been listening.
"We followed your wish to prepare two rooms with a connecting door," you explained, opening the doors to Foolish's room on the pearly white doorknobs.
The rooms were the largest in the castle, next to yours and your parents' former bedroom, you had made a point of having them on the same corridor as yours.
Smiling, you watched Foolish drop stomach-first onto the four-poster bed and let the white sheets engulf him, and after a thumbs-up from him, you took a few more steps to Eret's room.
At the door handle you paused, your hand on the cool handle and yet you did not push it down. In your mind, you went over everything you had checked a few hours ago.
Would the bed still be made? Would the flowers in the vase look fresh enough? What if a bird had flown in through the open doors or one of the cats had gotten lost in the room? Why were you worrying about this now and not with Foolish's room?
You knew yourself that the worries were unnecessary, and yet you closed your eyes as you pushed down the handle, hoping all the messes - if they existed - would disappear.
You stood against the bright wall with your hands clasped behind your back as Eret walked past you into the room, running his hands over the cream-colored chaise longue that stood before the four-poster bed before stepping to the open glass door and stopping for a second.
The murmur of servants' voices buzzed through the hallways, busy clearing out the carriages and most likely about to show up here to bring Eret's luggage. Quietly, you cleared your throat. Beaming, Eret turned to you, the fire-colored sky of the sunset bathing him in such a warm orange light that you felt the need to capture the sight forever in a painting.
All too soon the scene changed, the door to your left slammed open loudly, causing you both to flinch, and the moment had passed, becoming a brief image in your memories that you would eventually forget.
"Foolish!" sighed Eret as he whirled around to face the intruder. Were you mistaken, or was Eret also disappointed, perhaps even slightly indignant, at this interruption of your togetherness?
Guiltily, Foolish widened his eyes, looked from Eret to you, took in the king's stern expression and the blush on your cheeks, and clearly refrained from commenting.
Instead, you jumped in, clearing your throat again. "I suggest you rest after your long journey, I will have supper delivered to your rooms. If you have any special requests, let Apollo know, he'll be by shortly to check on things. I'm going to excuse myself to my room for today, we should all be well-rested for tomorrow!"
Gratefully, Eret nodded to you. "I wish you a restful night, your Highness. Beaux rêves, (y/n)."
As much as you had wanted to fall into your bed and end the day with Eret's goodnight wish, the planning of the festivities took an unexpected turn when your grandparents turned up unannounced at short notice and you spent the rest of the evening explaining to them that their actual guest rooms were occupied and that it was impossible to accommodate them anywhere but the other half of the castle.
The festivities had cost you a lot of effort and time, the last months had been filled with planning that had demanded a lot from you. Meal planning, tastings and suggestions for improvements, handwriting invitations to the most important people in the kingdom and accommodations in your castle were all things you had thought about for months and while this morning you thought everything was ready, until a few minutes ago you had been sitting in your study changing seating arrangements amidst your grandmother's nagging.
When Apollo finally managed to dissuade the old couple from tormenting you further with fastidious requests and led them to their room far away from you, you had fled to your room much later than you had hoped.
Tiredly, your own face stared back at you in the reflection of the balcony door, which you had wanted to close to sleep, but the exhausted eyes into which you had looked made you hesitate. This morning they had shone with excitement and a conversation with your grandparents later nothing in your posture reminded you of that happiness.
Sighing, you opened the door a little wider so you could slip out onto the balcony.
The balcony was by no means large, you only had to take four large steps to lean against the railing, and unlike some other noble houses, it was not stocked with golden seating. Instead, a collection of plants thrived on the original bench, from flowering azaleas bushes that took up much of the bench, to a small bed of Azure Bluet with which you had had the napkins for the banquet embroidered, to a box in which you had planted sweetberries.
Normally you would come here after a stressful day and take care of your plants, but today you didn't feel like it.
It bothered you that your grandparents suddenly strutted into your life and allowed themselves to pounce on your plans. You were no longer a child, you ruled over an entire country, and yet that didn't seem to be enough.
How would they react tomorrow when they met Eret and Foolish? Your grandmother had always been traditional, most likely the sight of King Eret, ruler of the DreamSMP in a dress would give her a heart attack, your grandfather would have to worry all day about keeping them away from each other.
The thought made you giggle.
"Is there a reason for your joyful spirit?"
You flinched noticeably at the sound of the deep voice; you hadn't expected to find anyone else still awake.
You pulled aside and looked at the balcony to your right, against which, loosely leaning, Eret stood, also in the dark, his hands shoved into the hitherto hidden pockets of his dress. Except for the missing corset and discarded jewelry, he looked exactly as he had hours before, which made you raise an eyebrow questioningly.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping? Tomorrow is going to be a busy day and I'd really suggest you get enough sleep," you noted, ironically any sense of arriving tiredness evaporating at the sight of the king, a few meters away from you.
"Ah," Eret waved it off "I can rest when I'm dead. Besides, I don't see how I could find my sleep with your noisy thoughts. What troubles you so much that you sigh to yourself in the dark at night?"
Your lips twitched into a smile, mirroring that on his face. You stroked the marble of the parapet. "I hate to burden you with this; you are, after all, my guest and should really be in your bed."
"You could never burden me with your thoughts. Wait, I'm coming over!" You had expected him to go back to his room, but Eret propped himself up on the railing with one arm and, to your horror, swung over so that he was standing on the tiny edge of his balcony, the cliffs below him.
"Don't you want to-" you tried to dissuade him, just then he took a wide step, unmoved by the worries of what might happen that were running through your mind. Before you realized it, he was standing in front of you on the other side of the railing of your balcony, his face inches from yours, as you had leaned forward, startled, when he had jumped.
You looked at him speechlessly, the crooked grin, the sharp cheekbones you thought you could cut yourself on. You eyed yourself in his glasses, wondering if he was using them to hide from the world. A king whose emotions you couldn't read was dangerous; you could never know what was going on inside him when his eyes were protected.
Or maybe the quiet words were true, exchanged in the shadows of the houses, by the king whose eyes were not real ones, just murky white lakes.
"You don't have to hide from me," you whispered suddenly, without having wanted to. Immediately you felt ashamed of it, you could see Eret's cheeks take on a rosy tone.
"I mean, you have nothing to worry about if you want to take off your glasses," you muttered, lowering your gaze.
"Well, I'd say hiding is impossible in this position anyway." Nodding his head, Eret pointed to his feet, standing only on bare toes on the tiny ledge, and startled, you backed away, making room for him to swing over to you.
Automatically, your eyes fell on his hands as he grabbed the stone balustrade and jumped with both legs at once, the danger of flashing what was under his dress in this sweeping movement not seeming to interest him.
His hands were definitely bigger than yours, long slender fingers with golden rings -some ornate, some studded with gems, some connected by chains and some quite simple- and his nails shining. When he enclosed the balustrade, his knuckles were protruding, white scars stood out from the pale skin, and now that he was standing in front of you, stroking his hair back with those hands, you imagined how he had fought with such graceful hands.
Would you be able to feel calluses where the leather of a dagger had nestled?
"You are so silent. Is it your plaguing worries, or are you so anxious to see my eyes, my Highness?" joked Eret, putting extra emphasis on the title that you laughingly forgot the tinge of shame at having been caught staring. "Here, I couldn't refuse a wish to that smile." A butterfly-like smile stole onto Eret's lips, delicate and quickly fading. Sharply he inhaled the air and you could perceive a tremor in his hands.
Swiftly you stepped forward, gingerly clasping the hand he had raised in yours and looking up at him, your heart aching. "You don't have to, if you feel more comfortable with your glasses on. I wouldn't be able to bear to see you suffer on my account."
You could feel the trembling diminish and the smile return to his lips, a sight that made the wrinkles on your forehead disappear and turned worry into encouragement.
"I believe that I could never feel sorrow in your presence, you make even the darkest room light up with your smile. But I fear extinguishing that light with my burden, in the past there have been few who have responded positively, some have even run away screaming." In his voice you could hear a warning, `I don't want this to happen to you'
But you had made a decision. In a firm voice, you contradicted him, "You say you are afraid for my well-being, for reasons incomprehensible to me. There is nothing to make me fear you."
"Well, if you are sure"
As Eret removed his glasses, a tingle spread through your body, and as if of its own accord, your hand lifted to his cheek, cupping it gently. Eret's previously faltering breath calmed at the touch, and you could see him press slightly towards it.
As if enchanted, you looked into the pure white eyes, in which there was a slight glimmer, and despite the lack of pupils, you felt you could read his emotions. The nervousness in his pinched lips, in his contracted dark eyebrows, the fear that lay behind those white lakes.
"Your eyes are beautiful, Eret," you spoke to him softly, after carefully releasing his glasses from the firm grip of his hand and sliding them into the pocket of his dress. "No matter what has happened to you in the past, you don't have to fear anything around me. I promise you that."
"And what about you? You give me a piece of freedom and seem to be trapped in your own thoughts."
You forced yourself to smile, but ironically your eyes seemed to betray you and for a brief moment, you wished they were hidden behind dark glasses.
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you turned away to walk to the center of the balcony and looked into the distance, where the turquoise ocean seemed to be sewn together with the dark canvas of the sky in a silver line, illuminated by the long-awaited full moon. It was as if the night was a sliver of perfection.
"It's my grandparents," you began softly, your voice mingling with the sound of the waves crawling gently onto the shore, propping your elbows on the balustrade. "After my parents died, I was thrown into this position with no foreknowledge of what I had to do, and except for Apollo, I had no one to help me. My grandparents didn't care, they only came forward after I found my place and every time they show up to criticize me. Just now they suddenly turned up at the door and demanded that I overturn my plans for their mind." No sooner had you voiced your concerns than you could feel yourself breathing easier. Taking a deep breath of night air, you could feel the salt on your tongue, the crumbling of the knot in your chest.
And with your first breath, you looked up at Eret, only to find his gaze already on you. You surprised yourself when you turned your head to the side so that it was leaning against the soft fabric of Eret's dress. An unfamiliar warmth and the dull tingle from before rose inside you.
"Your grandparents shouldn't unsettle you, my dear. In the few months that I now have the honor of knowing you, I have become more aware every day of what a good ruler you are," once again Eret managed to make your heart beat faster with his dark voice. Touched by his words, you listened to him. "When your first letter reached me I had to read the words several times, I didn't want to believe they were asking for protection for manta rays. I wondered how a person could be so pure, so prudent. Your rule is guided by care, for your kingdom, for the people and every living thing that lives in it."
Embarrassed, you gazed up at the cloudless sky. Millions of stars speckled the blue cloth, some slightly larger but most were small white dots in the distance.
The moon bathed you in an ethereal light, making individual strands of Eret's brown hair glow silver.
It was like the last few months when you had comforted each other across miles, words written in ink like a red thread that had brought you to each other.
Eret lifted his hand to your side, pulling you closer until nothing could fit between you. "You are stunning, (y/n)." His chest vibrated at the words; you could feel his heart beating faster. He hadn't said it like flattery, much more like something people should know, like the sun rising in the morning and being replaced by the moon in the evening.
He robbed you of your mind, any answers slipped away. Instead, he continued, "I have often imagined you, pictures composed of the stories Foolish told me, but nothing could surpass what I saw when I left the carriage. That has been the real reason for my sleeplessness, why you found me on my balcony. How could I sleep now that I've met you? You came out of nowhere, stealing my heart and taking hold of my thoughts, setting every cell in my body on fire."
Eret lowered his head, nudging the tip of his nose at your temple, his hot breath hitting your cheek. Captivated by the emotions he inflamed in you, you raised your head, approaching him until your lips were separated by a few inches.
It was as if time stopped for you when your lips touched, as if the world held its breath. You closed your eyes to blossom completely in this moment, never again you wanted to feel another feeling.
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