#and seeing that she still has soo much life left. and wanting to help her not fall into ultra mega depression moment (which .
penguin--person · 9 months
i dont know how profound their romance is in the musical or whatever but in the book pierre meets natasha when she’s like 13 or something and then for the rest of the book it’s just like bruhhhh h h h . Russian novel moment ! this always happens. so i cant take them seriously really but maybe in the musical it’s normal . maybe
iim gonna be honest with you dude i didnt even know they were romantic when i first listened to it:( i thought it was like a found family moment. and yea he says "i have known her since she was a child and long carried affection for her" pierre FAIL moment but 'affection' isnt inherently romantic ! and. mannn i misread some moments so bad. after anatole fails to steal natasha away and her reputation is ruined, pierre goes to her and sees how messed up her situation is. how sad she is. and he goes "if i were not ugly and stupid and dumb but someone cool and awesome. id get down on my knees this minute and ask you for your hand and for your love" but i thought that was just like fuckinggg. "its not over for you. youre still young. if i could id restore your honour, but i cannot, but there will be someone out there that can, youre not over, you still have so much life left to live. id help you if i could but i rlly cant. youre going to be okay." and not. as genuine as it turned out to be. hes a poet and shit right hes a philosopher. i thought he was just being all cool and stuff with his words for no reason . pierre fail moment. poor natasha... auughhh
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frogchiro · 8 months
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HII HII ur writing is perf 4 this idea but you don’t hav 2 do it !! i js thought of u <3 little red riding hood reader & big bad wolf (ko, ghost, price) any cod guy & i think it’s js soo cute !!!
[art by doujinpearl]
ARE YOU KIDDING ME THIS IS SO CUTE??? YOU NEVER MISS LOVE!!! And thank you it really means a lot to me that you like my silly writing <33
tw// horror elements and this has like one mention of a 'off-screen' death but no one major
I think I'm gonna go with König for this one?? Bc something about him just screams big bad wolf to me y'know? Also for the sake of this story, König is described like on the pics above, so his lower half is life a literal werewolf.
okay also i'm putting this under the cut because this somehow grew into a whole fic?? My dear @9irly9irl if you see this know that I love you and this was so. freaking. enjoyable to write??? I love this so much??? Also I'm sorry for the horror themes but I'm getting ready for October and the gloomy weather outside made me do this. I hope you still enjoy and PLEASE send me more for this au!!
Big bad wolf König who is on the prowl for some time now, he's on a hunt for you, the sweet girl who lives alone with her mother on the edge of the dark forest your good old momma always tells you to stay away from and for good reason. The townsfolk from the villages around whisper in fear and dread about a monster lurking in the woods, half man-half wolf with an insatiable taste for blood; they call the beast König, the undisputed King.
And honestly? König likes that rep. It means less annoying pests wandering around his territory safe for a groups of young guys from time to time who think they have the balls to try and 'kill the beast' but they are dealt with...pretty quickly.
But no, König has his glowing eyes set on something more...Exquisite. On something soft and pliable, sweet smelling and so so pretty. Namely on you. The werewolf guesses he has to be thanking his lucky starts or whatever bullshit that while sniffing around your cottage he overheard your mother talking about going out into the forest to bring her sickly mother, your grandma, a basket full of food and some other supplies and being the sweet little thing that you are, you of course cried and volunteered to go yourself, that your mother is already older and that you will make quick work of it.
König swears that day that his blood never rushed downward to his dick so fast. You, soft little you, all alone in his forest? His territory?? It's like you're begging to get taken and mated! The trek from your cottage to your grandma's home would take you about 2-3 days as she lives deep in the woods, the perfect timing for him to reveal himself and take you away for himself into his den in the darkest parts of the forest where you will have the perfect life with him! No more worrying about food or warmth during the cold, dreary winter months, he is more than a capable provider for his future mate, not to mention your future litter of happy yipping pups you will birth for him! It's a perfect plan!
And so he waits. And waits. And waits until the day you finally leave with your cute basket in tow and a tearful goodbye with your mommy dear that you will return as soon as possible. Yea, sure sweetheart.
I think he'd reveal himself by the time it's getting nighttime, when the sun sets, the air is getting cold and a ominous darkness sets over the forest where your trembling body sits in a makeshift nest made of a blanket and a thick animal pelt under a old, big tree. Everything seems so loud, the cries of nocturnal animals sound much more bleak and unnerving, not to mention the weird, chilling feeling of...something following you. Like there were a pair of eyes trained on you since a few weeks ago but you never mentioned this to your poor mother as you didn't want to worry her, but the feeling only amplified ever since you left your home and went on a trip to your grandmother.
You couldn't help the loud yelp you let out when suddenly a pair of glowing golden eyes appeared in the small clearing around the tree; a pair of glowing, unblinking orbs that seemed to be suspended in the air in the surrounding darkness, the weak fireplace you managed to make doing basically nothing to light up the area and your poor little heart started to beat like crazy when you noticed the eyes moving forward, closer and closer to you until the light finally caught what was moving towards you...or more like who.
It was an enormous man, easily over 7ft tall, his broad, bulky shoulders moving as he stood from the position he was in to his full height and those ominous glowing eyes still were unblinking as they stared at you like you were just some lamb and...you probably were.
The one thing that somehow stood out the most, even amidst literally everything else unnatural about this man, were a pair of ear on top of his head, which only now you noticed was covered in some sort of tattered old hood with holes for the eyes and ears, and a huge fluffy tail which was wagging faster anytime you seemed to look the man over, but what really brought it all together was his lower half...it-it was all fur. His legs were that of some bipedal wolf and in that moment a silent scream tried to make its way out of your throat; it was König, the brutal and unforgiving beast that resided in the surrounding forests, the one that people tell horror stories about around campfire and...he was here. He was here before you to tear you apart and leave nothing behind, not even bones.
Tears were streaming down your face, a look of utter defeat on it because after all, what more could you do? You can't possibly fight him, you can't outrun him, hiding is out of the picture too...You were ready to feel the unimaginable pain of those jaws locking themselves on your throat and draining you of your life but the you felt...warmth? A slick, warm feeling on your cheek and when you opened your eyes a bit you saw what it was. It was König, or more like his long tongue licking away at your cheek in an almost comforting matter, his wide unblinking eyes still trained on you though his pupils seemed to grow in size, now taking over most of the glowing yellow and when he deemed you to be clean of your tears, a large crooked nose with a scar running across it nudged into your cheek and took a deep sniff to get your scent. A stray thought ran through your mind when you took a closer look at his uncovered face and noticed another huge scar across his face and a few smaller ones, who or what in their right mind got close enough to inflict such wounds on someone like König?
When you stayed still and just stared at him wide eyed and out of breath König let out a deep growl like purr of content; he could hear your small aborted breaths still coming out quick and your heart fluttering in your chest like a small erratic bird but he could see that you were a tiny bit calmer now and not on the brink of hysterics like a few seconds before. He couldn't help but grin in delight, a nasty, wide thing that revealed rows of sharp teeth. He finally had you. He had you exactly where he wanted and now you were his. Well not completely yet, you two would need to mate first but still, everyone had to start somewhere right? For now he had you calmed down even for a bit, showed you that he wasn't a threat to you and wasn't going to hurt you. It was still only the night of the first day of your travels and he will offer to guide you, he couldn't possibly allow such a cute young lady to just wander around the deep dark forest all alone, right?
Of course he won't mention it that he will be herding you away from the path and instead guide you deeper and deeper into the heart of the woods where his den in. He won't mention it that he will be making very obvious and insistent advances at you, insisting on staying close at all times and wrapping his huge body around you at night for warmth, nosing and nudging at you to cover you in his scent and maybe make you a little bit hot under that deliciously low neckline of the dress that you're wearing, the cape in a lovely shade of red acting like a blanket to shield you away when König is nosing at your neck and bosom, greedy for all the tiny, shy, flustered noises you make, greedy for making you all hot and ready for him.
And of course he certainly won't mention to you about your poor old granny's corpse, rotting for weeks already in her old, decaying house where she died of some illness or old age. No, no, your new life is here, with him. Forever.
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celiafufflie · 3 months
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OC that I made which was heavily inspired from @jazjelspen's platonic x reader fic "My Angel Baby" cause I love it a lot! if u haven't read it give it a it's soo good!!;;
ok idk more info abt her again below the cut ((it might be long)):
After being killed by the one person who she admired, respected, and loved the most, Elise spent her first few years in Heaven feeling miserable as she felt like everything that she'd experienced and lived through with her beloved father was all a lie. It was depressing.
Of course she wouldn't show her pitiful state with the others, why would she? They're in heaven, it should be the happiest place anyone could possibly be in! No need to be a bother.
Emily, being the seraphim who's job is to bring joy to all of heaven, saw through Elise's front. 
Having dealt with some poor mortal souls similar to her before, Emily zeroes in on Elise and does her best to keep her from being left on her own thoughts, always including Elise to anything she thinks she would like and find fun. (Elise initially didn’t want to, though she also couldn’t say no. Emily was so sweet and kind, and that makes her guilty.)
It somewhat helped as Elise’s focus shifted on Emily’s efforts, something that she’ll eventually grow fond of. This kept up until they became best friends! …somehow.
Elise seeing what Emily does daily as a Seraphim? Very admirable. But also Elise decided that she wanted to help Emily with bringing happiness and peace to others, making them both always together almost everyday.
It was taxing, but knowing that Emily does this all on her own, Elise would keep on helping her as Emily has helped her before. Plus, doing this with Emily helped her meet interesting people! Like St.Peter! Or maybe Ruth– or Troy! (the guy who dutifully keeps heaven’s dog park clean, bless you Troy)
Or… Adam? He leaves a lot to be desired.
She also met this really pretty, and sweet, older woman that kind of makes her feel somewhat nostalgic. Elise likes her a lot, and the woman also seems to feel likewise! She’d often invite the younger girl over for tea and such, something she’s always happy to attend to. Unfortunately it was an occasional thing as she’d dedicated herself to assisting Emily with her duties.
That was how her (after)life went by as decades passed in Heaven.
Though… Elise sometimes still thinks of him, her father. He’s down in hell, damned for eternity for all the sins and deceit that he’s committed. Deserving for Alastor, fitting for the monster that he truly was.
They both will never meet ever again, and she strongly believed in that.
How much she misses her beloved father.
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tetitous · 3 months
I wrote a lot, and not everything at the same time, but like brain got too full of Wakfu so yeah, thoughts time. I tried organizing it chonologically.
I wonder if Ruel will end up going back to Arpagone eventually, to me it seems like he decided he was done with her for good. That seems crazy but at the same time I'm pretty sure she did the most toxic thing you can do to an Enutrof. I mean, they haven't been together for a long time, I kind of wish they did talk to each other, set the records straight and left it there, but I'm okay with what happened too. Also good for Arapgone on finding something that makes her feel worthwhile by helping others.
Ruel really said the real treasure was the son we got along the way in the end, and he was so right for that.
Yugo getting the shit kicked out of him because Iops seem to have face blindness is some real comedy, the lightness in the whole scene really helped me feel that Yugo was still very much him. And given how heavy anything about the antagonists is that felt warranted, that made me feel very good. He's very chill though. Retrospectively I think it confirms what a lot of people like me may have been thinking, that Yugo was generally very tense due to body dysmorphia on top of everything else. Good for him.
I'm going to be real, Pin calling for Flopin got me so hard. I said "oh no" out loud.
Eva went full big sister mode upon seeing Yugo ;-;. I always loved their bond, it's at the center of one of, if not the best solo episode of the whole show, s2 ep 16, so the fact that it never weakens has me in a chokehold. I see the little gestures and I think "oh, they're family", with them it's all in the little gestures.
Yugo recieveing a big iop group hug and going :> was so cute. Kind of surprised Goultard also was part of it but Yugo deserves all the hugs so I absolutely am taking it.
Yugo telling Eliatrope to do something or fuck off and being the only one to manage to get her to do something has to be one of the biggest nat 20 on persuasion of all time. She's coming back to deliver the kids once things are safe though, right? And without the eye thingies right? Right?
No more Brakmar? Damn, that feels weird.
King Osamodas can take my fists, the way he just refuses to listen to Amalia and is barely willing to do the same to Armand given the nature of the invasion is really irritating.
The joy of Ad upon seeing Yugo still alive ;v;
Little interesting parallel of Yugo and Eliatrope both using the same force field technique. Not sure if it means anything, but I know it felt relevant to me.
Amalia going "are we about to kiss rn" and Yugo going "nah babe there's a war that'll leave a bad taste. Promise I'm hyping up my game for later though" was perfect. I got scared that they would kiss at that moment because it didn't feel right, but at the same time you cannot tell me they wouldn't want to soo damn bad.
Ad and Armand's eyes turning purple upon using the Eliasphere, huh...
Oh so Dathura is still there and places herself as a last defense for the Tree of Life, interesting but like, she just disappeared in the meantime? Well it's not her story I guess we didn't need to know, but still.
Joris asking Yugo if he knows what he's doing. Joris, he knows about as much as usual, he's just doing his best but thanks for making sure.
The way Eva and Tristepin react to their family being put in danger is interesting to me. Pinpin will jump to their rescue, but he's the one moving, that makes sense to him. Eva is, and has always been, the type to stay in place at the face of danger, whether out of fear or stubborness, so she asks for Pinpin to be the one to move away from the danger, but she won't move. Their dynamic is precious.
I'm curious about Pinpin's hair... burning? What's going on there?
Armand's sacrifice was powerful, he wasn’t a great prince, but he was an amazing King.
Joris! Joris! Joris! Joris! Imma hype that little man. Him and Yugo making the Team Blue Shorties (well, not so much anymore) was great. Team Demigods was also pretty damn cool.
Aurora is building a very bad rep for the Osamodas Kingdom by flying away, but I undertand the pain she must have felt at the moment. Her father still was treating their countries' alliance as something purely strategic, but she loved him. To her that meant something, and Amalia's simple movement of rejection while under intense distress and grief was enough for her to decide to listen to her father and not to fight by everyone's side.
Actually Eva IS very much the one to get people to move. She gets Amalia back up too.
Yugo turning Oropo's words against Toross is interesting. Wonder if it has any weird implications for the future. Maybe not though, maybe Yugo has been warned enough, he's not the type to enjoy the feeling that comes with being extremely powerful too much after all. The Eliacube freaked him out, the 6 Dofus made him scared the whole time and the consequences sucked, and the Eliasphere can litteraly cause his death. I think if anyone can hold that much power, that would be him (or Joris, Joris looks like he can be trusted with pretty much anything)
Big nope on Toross for trying to make Nora his bride. Nopenopenopenopenope go away. I'm surprised Yugo managed to keep a straight face, because I think I would have just gone for the throat.
Also imagine being a walking talking pan flag and people still assume you're straight.
There are definetly implications that Toross is the one being responsible for the disappearance of the gods. If he can tell the difference between the strengh of a god and that of a demi-god, that means he fought both, and won.
Nora going from forcing herself to be distrustful of Yugo to believing him fully did warm my heart. The short time they spent together doesn't mean they aren’t family.
What do you mean Pinpin never told Eva he loved her??? What??? Really?!?!
Efrim's pain and Nora's love are such a beautiful contrast I feel so much for them I'm not sure I have the words for it.
Flopin is developing his hearing, glad that in a way he didn't miss the wedding.
Btw totally unrelated but Yugo carrying Goultard bridal style during the final fight was NOT on my bingo list.
In the end, Toross' pain and loneliness are eternal, and there litteraly no saving him from his own personal hell. In a lot of ways his story is similar to Qilby's, but the one thing that separates them is the choice: Qilby could still choose to stop hurting his own in service of himself, Toross condemned everyone, including himself, and he can do nothing about it anymore.
Are Nora and Efrim stuck wherever they are together for all of eternity or are their Wakfu going back to their Dofus?
Omg. A wedding. My dude it all happened too fast, the worldwide political chaos that's going to ensue, I'm here for it.
I feel like they did originally want to show us the transition from the Era of Wakfu to Waven but they ended up focusing more on the characters, and that's a very good thing, that allows for Yugo to have a truly, undeniable win thanks not just to being overpowered, due to the main antagonist somehow being worse, but also thanks to the power of friendship and plus if affinity.
Overall those last 3 episodes I was hyped the whole way, and it's crazy because I don't think I felt a feeling that strong so regularly for an entire hour. I write that part about an hour after having watched everything and I still haven't come down, but now I'm having a bit of a feeling like I'm about to cry in the back. That means season 4 of Wakfu was even more amazing than everything I hoped for, because when I'm hoped for something there typically always is that empty feeling. Not here. I'm very, very happy.
The ending really feels like there's more, so I'm happy to know that there will be a manga.
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levis-coffeecup · 5 months
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chapter 22| Lovesick
The underground is filthy and dark. Dim lights, dull alleys, and desperate hearts. A place Levi knows as well as the back of his hand, and a place he would do anything to get out of.
Chapters of life roll by and with the turn of a page, things drastically change. In front of him is the opportunity to live on the surface. And the flimsy bridge that he has to cross. From an uncivil criminal to a disciplined soldier.
But life on the surface seems tougher amidst all the mockery, civilities, and the gaping hole left in his heart, after the demise of his dear friends Isabel and Farlan.
canon- compliant, canon-typical violence, spoilers for No Regrets OVA, descriptions of PTSD, grief, depression, heavy angst and themes, strong language, self-hate, physical assault.
Author’s Note
Hi guysss!!!
I'm sorry it's been soo long. But the next chapter is finally out!!
It's similar to the Trost fair chapter, if anyone remembers... but the scene is rewritten. And scene 2 and 3 are completely different! Also, if you find any grammatical errors please comment about it to let me know!
Song for this chapter is Seneca by Novo Amor.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Masterlist | Playlist | Other Works
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SEPT 847
The streets are muddy, the clouds are gray, and Levi shakes off the muck from his boots as he stands in front of Mae's door.It's been a minute since he's been knocking on her door, and still there's been no answer.
His lips pull into a frown. As much as he hates to admit this, he likes to be welcomed by her jumping into his arms.
His fingers slide down to his pocket, bringing out the spare keys to her home that he always keeps. And he opens the door.
The walls have been repainted yellow. She's knitted colorful pillow covers to keep on the settee. His favorite books are all stacked on the shelf. And the kitchen is always stocked with all kinds of tea.
His gaze turns soft as he takes it all in. Mae has taken her sweet time to make her house theirs.
He climbs up the stairs, making his way to the bedroom.
The curtains are drawn close. And Mae sits on the bed, huddled in a thick blanket. Her face is almost red, and her eyes are dull, clearly unwell. The sight makes Levi freeze at the door frame.
"I knew it was you...," Mae beams with pride, her voice scratchy. "I could tell by your footsteps."
Her forehead is burning up, and it hurts to smile through the pain. But she's so ecstatic to see Levi, she can't help herself. "I want a kiss." Her lips shift into a cheeky grin, and she stretches her arms forward, towards him.
And Levi leans on the doorframe, meters away from her. Unsure of what to feel.
They've only kissed a few times before. But the thought still knocks the wind right out of his lungs.
"N-no, you are sick. Stay away from me." He somehow manages.
"Humanity's strongest can handle a little fever, can't he?" She teases.
"Tch.. y-you're so gross." He pivots and walks away. Only to come around a minute later. With his hands cleaned, and his clothes fresh.
"You're burning up." He scolds as he keeps her hand on her forehead. "How the hell did you end up like this?"
"The weather change-" she coughs.
"Ssh," he silences her off. "Don't talk, your voice is almost gone."
He goes back down again and comes up with some water in a bowl and a clean napkin. "How many times have I told you to not be so careless," His voice is almost angry, but Mae doesn't miss the concern woven in it. "And why didn't you write to me and let me know that you were unwell?"
The tray is set down on the nightstand. And he drags the chair from her work desk, to sit next to her.
"It's just been two days, and a letter takes a week to reach... I'm sure I would have been fine by then."
"Tch," Levi frowns. He dips the napkin into the bowl of water. Squeezing it out and putting it on her forehead. It's cooling, and Mae shuts her eyes close. Warmed by his love.
"Should I call a doctor?" He suggests, a few minutes later.
"Levi! I am a doctor..." she retorts.
"Well congratulations then Ms. Doctor, for falling ill." He grumbles, pissed. The space between his brows is crinkled, and he seems incredibly focused keeping a wet cloth on her forehead.
The relentlessness in his actions gives away his stress.
And Mae doesn't understand why he's getting so paranoid over this. It's a simple fever, that's all, nothing she hasn't had before.
It takes her a minute to realize that his mother died of sickness, too. And perhaps what is making him act this way are the wounds that have been left long forgotten.
Her face softens, and she places her hand over his lap.
"Take a breath Levi. I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon." Her hand lands on his, she gently squeezes it in reassurance.
And Levi's icy blue eyes widen for a millisecond, before he catches himself. Then he grunts, pressing his lips into an unamused line.
"Try to sleep, instead of staring at me," grumbles. He grabs her shoulders as he helps her lay on her back. Then he tucks her in the blanket, for good measure
"You're not mad that I'm unwell, right? I know you're here to take a break... but I don't have anything prepared as I was sick yesterday too..."
"No shithead, why would I be?" he questions, as he blinks at her. There are words buried in his lips that are hesitant to come out. But somewhere down the line, he knows they'll make her feel better.
"I," his voice trails off. "I-I'm glad t-that I'm here and you're not alone, having to take care of yourself."
And Mae's eyes light up. She's blessed indeed, to have someone as wonderful as him next to her.
Her fingers interlock with his, as he sits on the bed, next to her.
"Baby," she sighs. Tempted to bring his hand to her lips and peck it.
"Tch, is that your way of calling me short," Levi's face turns serious all of a sudden, and he raises a brow.
"What noo!" she exclaims, "Raz found herself a guy, and he calls her baby."
"That's such an uncommon thing to call your partner, is he a pedophile or something?"
Laughter escapes past Mae's throat at that. Trust Levi to make the cutest things dark. And then she starts coughing.
He turns her to the side, and starts rubbing her back.
"But isn't it cute." she pouts.
"Tch," Levi clicks his tongue in disdain.
"But Leviii, " Mae huffs, her brown eyes sparkle playfully. " I don't want to be 'brat' anymore, I want to be 'baby'."
"Well unfortunately for me you are a brat and a whiny baby as well." Levi smirks.
"I knew you weren't going to give in to this, which is why I'll find cute nicknames for you instead!"
She ponders for a minute.
"Sweet cake?"
He frowns.
"Okay Mr.Frown Face, how about buttercup then?"
"You're horrible at this" he blinks.
Thunder cackles and raindrops run down the window like tiny rivers. The overcast sky dims the room further. The sound of rain fills up the space, but the dreary weather doesn't dull the mood.
And when Levi places the napkin on Mae's forehead again, her heart races.
"Not at all."
"Sugar Plum."
"Mae," Levi sighs, exasperated and partially embarrassed. "I'm an army officer who has killed hundreds of titans with ease. I'm Humanity's Strongest for god sake!"
And Mae sports a toothy, teasing smile. Fully knowing she's the only one who can get away with this. "But... but you were Humanity's Cutest before you were Humanity's Strongest."
And Levi looks back at her. Turning pink and ridden speechless.
"Okay how about pumpkin pie then?"
"I'm not the menu card of the bakery you dream of opening in the future."
"But all my desserts will be inspired by you and you only."
And Levi tries his best to act annoyed. But she has flustered him too much now, much against his own wishes.
He decides that someday if they ever end up having kids, he'll never let Mae name them.
Sunlight slips past the narrow gaps in the curtains, making the dim room a tad bit bright. The morning sun rises past the trees, making the world get up from its slumber.
And the first thing Mae sees when her eyes open is Levi.
He's on the chair next to her, fanning her body.
Sitting exactly where he was, before she drifted to sleep.
And slowly the clogs in her brain start spinning.
"Levi," she gasps, almost horrified. "Did you not sleep at all?"
"I'm alright..." he mutters, but there's a softness in his gaze. "You're doing so much better now, I guess the wet cloth helped."
Surprisingly, he's not grumpy after not sleeping the entire night. Instead there's a tiny smile playing on his lips. He's happy she's gotten better.
"If you're feeling good, I'll do the other chores then." He says after a few minutes.
And Mae sits up at that, propping herself on her elbows. "I'll help too, my fever is almost gone-"
"No, you rest," he shushes her off by keeping his hand on her forehead. "Take it easy today."
And truly, Levi doesn't let her lift a finger.
He mops the floor. Cleans the cobwebs on the ceilings. Dusts the shelves.
And Mae watches, stuck to her bed.
Now he's sitting on the carpet, with his back to her. Folding all the freshly laundered clothes.
Guilt gnaws at the bottom of her stomach. He's stepping out for a mission the day after tomorrow. And yet she's making him work so much.
It's him who deserves rest, not her.
"I'm sorry for making you do all of this." her voice comes out timid. Still hoarse from the cough that has accumulated in her throat .
His actions pause, and he thinks for a moment, before answering. "Actually I like it... Makes me think of the type of life we would have if the titans didn't exist...Just the two of us, living together."
And Mae doesn't see the smile on his face as he stares down at the pile of clothes. She thinks it lies he's spouting to make her feel better. After all, who likes doing household chores... she hates them for sure.
And so she gets up from her bed, determined to help. But the mirror attached to the adjacent wall makes her stop in her tracks.
A frown forms as she catches her reflection in the mirror.
Her hair is oily and matted against her scalp. And she's not as toned as Levi in any way. Her thighs touch and her belly is not flat. Insecurities crawl underneath her skin.
"Why don't you date someone like Petra?" She asks, thinking out loud.
"Mae." Levi swivels around to see her. "She's not even an adult. How could you think something like that?" He speaks distastefully.
"But she'll grow up, you know... She's pretty, she's strong, and she's got a good body for sure."
Moisture wells up in her eyes. It's not just the guilt of him doing all the chores, it's something that has been troubling her for long.
And Levi sits baffled. He has no idea where this is coming from.
"It's so hard Levi... dating long distance," she sniffs. Her gaze still doesn't come off from the mirror in front of her. As she stands, so obsessed with finding faults in her. "You would be better off dating someone who's in the Corps. That way they'll at least be there for you when you need them, they can help you with all your work, and every message won't take a week to get delivered."
And Levi is on his feet in an instant. His arms reach out to her, and he pulls her into a hug
"Is it becoming too hard for you? Do you want to end it?" he whispers, masking his own heartbreak at the thought.
"It's hard," she ruminates. "But that's not the problem... The problem is that you deserve better." Her voice breaks, and another tear slips past her eye.
Because she sees all the women in town gawk about Humanity's Strongest and how attractive he must be. And she sees all the children that find their hero in him. She's nothing in comparison.
And one day she does hope to be slightly successful. With her own clinic, and a few regular patients. But for now she's just some doctor at a hospital in town. And her dreams seem so far-fetched.
"Look at me Levi... I'm not the best doctor, I'm not the smartest, and I'm not the prettiest... And you're Humanity's Strongest... Don't you see it? You can do so much better than me."
Their gaze meets in the mirror. And Levi stands stumped as he sees how moist her have turned moist.
He's never compared her with any other person he's met.
"But don't you see it?" He questions as if he's stating out the obvious. "You're the closest thing I have to normalcy." And normal sounds so wonderful to him. She doesn't have to be any more capable, or beautiful, she just has to be.
Of course there must be people who are better than her in many ways. But comfort, warmth, home, these are all words he only attaches to her.
His finger reaches below her chin, and he turns her face away from the mirror. Making her look at him. "You're more than your looks Mae, and you're more than your career... I hope you know that."
And she closes her eyes, as he presses a kiss on the top of her head.
"C-can I sit next to you while you fold those clothes?"
"I-I thought y-you were mad at me":
"Why would I be mad, silly?" He says as he ruffles her hair, making it a bigger mess.
"Don't let such crappy thoughts stuff up your head." He flicks her forehead. The next morning Mae wakes up feeling much better. Her throat still feels sore, and a mild headache still troubles . But there is peace in her heart and Levi in her arms.
That's all that matters.
The night is young, and Mae and Levi have returned back home from their impromptu dinner date.
The curtains are drawn shut. The hearth is warm, cackling with fire. And Mae sits on the bed, changed into something more comfortable.
She was feeling better, and she really wanted to treat Levi to a good meal, before he leaves tomorrow morning.
Next to her bed is the sketch of her and Levi that she got at the Trost Fair. With her smile so big, it makes her eyes squint. Levi obviously sits with his poker face, and his arms crossed in front of him. But Mae loves the way the painter has colored his cheeks and the tips of his ear, slightly red.
A few minutes pass by, and the gears of the bathroom door shift into place.
The door is nudged open, and Levi slips inside. Fresh from his bath. With his inky wet hair clinging on to his face, and pearls of water still dripping down them.
Mae places the sketch in her hands, on the nightstand and withdraws a bottle of essential oil from the drawer. She raises a brow, slightly shaking the bottle as she gestures to levi.
And Levi feigns a sigh as he ambles over to her, and sits in front of her. With his back to her chest, and his butt positioned in between her legs.
She takes the towel that rests on his shoulder, and gently rubs it on his head. To dry his hair that is still dripping wet.
Mae likes to do all these small things for him, from buttoning the shirt he wears to tying the cravat around his neck. It makes her happy. Like she's being of some help to him.
"Are you using all the oils and seasonings I gave you?" She asks as she tosses the towel aside, and picks up the bottle of oil kept on her nightstand.
She pours some of the essential oil onto her palms Then she slides her oil-slathered fingers through his hair strands
"I try to," Levi mumbles, and his eyes flutter close, as he feels her fingers work their way through his scalp. "Tch, my hair is greasy again now... I hate this so much."
"Levi this is expensive, and Lavender really helps in aiding sleep, so you better shut up and follow the routine I have set for you." She speaks with seriousness. "And you take a shower like 5 times a day anyways."
And Levi knows the only say he has in this matter, is to complain, and then comply. So he closes his eyes, and enjoys the sensation of her fingers running through his hair.
And Mae feels sentimental too. She wants to make time pause.
Because when the sun rises tomorrow morning, Levi will be far away from her. Outside the walls. It's a feeling that she's still not used to. Of not knowing whether this moment she's spending with him will be their last together.
"Levi..." she calls out. "You remember the day when you became Humanity's Strongest... back when I was working in the Survey Corps? ... You came back injured and I was treating you."
Levi hums, in correspondence.
"That day Petra told me, that you fight as if you have nothing to lose.... But now that we're together. Does that change anything? Does that mean that you have something you are scared to lose?"
The question renders Levi quiet for some minutes. Or maybe it's that he knows the answer fully well, but he is just hesitant.
He drums his fingers on to his chin, and after some serious contemplation, he finally answers."You are i-important to me Mae, but you aren't more important than humanity... And I do have something to lose now, but I can't let that change the way I fight.. Because if I start fighting like a person who is scared to lose what he has, then humanity might lose as well, and that is something that everyone fears."
It's the bitter truth, the pill that's hard to swallow. She's fallen in love with a man, who will always keep his duties first.
She slides her arms around his chest, and pulls him closer. His back presses her chest, and she rests her chin on his shoulder. "That's the right decision. After all, I'm just a person."
Her fingers graze across his bare chest, caressing all the scars his battles have given him. The moment is delicate yet heavy with emotions.
And Mae decides that it's time to release the feelings that have consumed her heart since forever.
"I love you Levi." The words are tender, like a kiss on his nape.
He doesn't have to say it back.
He doesn't even have to turn his head and look at her.
Because love is the softness in his eyes when he looks at her. And the sweetness in his emotions when he comes home to her.
And Levi closes his eyes as he relishes the moment. It feels safe here in her arms, like no force in this world can harm him. And for once he doesn't hide the red that settles on his cheek.
"Thank you..." he speaks with a certain heaviness.And a sigh escapes his mouth, as he realizes that his weekend getaway is close to an end. Just a few hours from now he'll be outside the walls
Sometimes he fantasizes about what it would be like if he wasn't in the Survey Corps. Just him and her, living their life as a simple couple.
To divide all the household chores, and cook meals together. To go on dates on the weekend, and to bicker like a couple. Marry her, after a few years and maybe have little versions of him and her run around the house.
It's a far fetched dream, but Levi can't help but indulge in the thought for a couple of minutes.
The Survey Corps, the title of Humanity's Strongest, and the titans outside the walls. He wants to run away from it all. He's strong and no one would be able to track him down.
But the guilt in his mind would haunt him forever.
And it's indeed a curse that such exceptional strength and skill lands on his shoulders. And he wields the responsibilities as Humanity's Strongest soldier. He can't let all the people that look up to him down.
The weather is dreary today. Heavy gray clouds loom over the sky, like a blanket. And occasional drops of rain fall to the ground. In a light drizzle.
Not many people line the streets, but there's still a small crowd. And they watch wide eyed, as the Survey Corps trot with their horses. Dawned in their olive capes.
Mae stands in the crowd as well, lost . Her height doesn't help much at all. And she tries balancing on her toes, tipping left and right, in the push of the crowd.
"LEVI HEICHOU KILL ALL THE TITANS FOR US." The crowd raves, and Mae stands on the sidelines.
Moisture settles in the corner of her eyes as she looks at him longingly.
How can she ask him to not go when everyone is counting on him?
How can she ask him to stop, when he is leaving to serve all of humanity?
She thought this would get easier as the time passed by, but nope.
It's a feeling she still hasn't gotten used to.
Fleetingly, his eyes meet hers. He sees the way they glow, heavy with tears and the way her lips tremble. His gaze softens, almost caressing her with the way he's looking.
He flashes her a small smile, his gaze flickering to the gate and then back to her. To anyone, the action is hardly noticeable, but Mae gets his message loud and clear.
Let me go, will you? He says to her.
The tear caged in her eye falls freely. Her hand flies up and she bears a shaky smile as she waves at him.
The moment is short-lived but etched forever in his heart.
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This chapter may feel like a filler chapter, but I just wanted to talk about how Levi and Mae's relationship is now that they are long distance. And how they are in a relationship as well (before I start getting to the actual AOT plot lol)
It's been a few months now, so Levi is more comfortable initiating physical touch.
I hope their character growth is noticeable, because it isn;t really obvious.
Mae says I love you but doesn't expect it back, and Levi doesn't say it back. That's something that would have crushed Chapter 18 Mae. But now Mae feels secure.
Its kind of rushed but Levi and Mae have grown, understanding each others imperfections better. Mae is more secure, she doesn't need Levi reminding her that he needs her again and again, because she sees his effort
And Levi too is trying to communicate his feelings even though they make him feel weak and vulnerable. (Him saying he's glad he's here). And he's trying to be sweeter when Mae needs sweetness (telling Mae that she's more than her looks and her career).
Let me know your views on the chapter!
As always constructive criticism is also welcomed!
To all the people who keep up with this fic despite all the irregular and late uploads, I am very very grateful to have you! &lt;3
I will see you again with the next chapter! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Taglist: @keijikunn @evas-leslas @leviackermanmyhero245 (message me if you want to be added)
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mayy-bby · 1 year
Idk if it’s just me, but I find that 911 has a hard time following through with their character arcs and this leads to redundant storytelling (in some cases). We’ve seen buck go through this journey of never feeling enough/wanted/loved time and time again and somehow we always end up right at the start of it? After buck begins is seemed like they’d keep us in the loop of buck’s therapy and do check ins to see where he’s at in terms of his belonging but they sidelined that and brought it back up now in season 6. Which some people see as them not forgetting the important details, but is that what it is? Instead showing his progress from last time, we get a whole episode on buck coming to the same realization he always comes to (that he is loved and wanted and enough/family is not always blood you you build it). And this isn’t to say I didn’t like the episode but we’ve seen this exact thing before, just with a different set up. And the thing is we always see this part but we hardly see what comes after that. The part he follows through with his realizations. The part where the progress is shown. I know some people are gonna “growth is not linear”. Well yeah, but first, it’s not completely stagnant either and two, this is a tv show and you have to move the story forward at a quicker pace and show progress for storytelling. This doesn’t mean the person can’t have the same issues arise again, but let’s not take the person right back to square one to where the lessons from last time become non existent. Now we have Eddie going on another date which most people are saying is going to be some sort of failed attempt at getting back into things and what will lead eddie to the final buddie realization. Ummmmm, what was Ana’s purpose then? That breakup was so pivotal but there was zero follow through/follow up. And I can already feel some people wanting to say, “well maybe the follow up will happen now after his date with marisol.” But no. We shouldn’t have to wait like this insane amount of time to see the the after math of something major. I can’t even recall if Eddie had a proper conversation about the breakup with anyone? Or even a decent passing mention? It’s like it never happened. Maybe if he continued to talk about it after it happened here and there, then him going on this date would make more sense. Like just knowing a little more about Eddie’s mindset when breaking up with Ana/coming to the realization (beyond the whole instant family thing which was sort of vague ngl) that she isn’t the one and why - it would be soo telling. I mean, they could have at least had Eddie mention something along the lines of “I don’t know exactly why, but I knew for sure Ana wasn’t the one for me. I think maybe because Shannon and I got together and then pregnant so young, I didn’t have that much experience with love and dating. I feel like I’m still figuring that part of myself out and dating Ana helped me find my footing even though she isn’t the one.” Blah blah, etc etc. By getting some insight into his mindset after the breakup, him going on a casual date like this one would make so much more sense. It still would be annoying but at least we’d have some insight into why he’s even trying this when things with Ana ended the way they did. But they just left us with a very ambiguous and coded breakup that said a lot but also very little. But anyway. I actually don’t know if this date will be a one time thing, but either they’re going to be redundant with his love life once again or they’re going to settle with her as the final love interest. Kinda annoying either way
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1kinaimo · 2 years
Gon and Killua's farewell, it's all good between them + The Misunderstanding about Gon and his rage!
It's something I'm dying to say about Hxh. it is a bit important to me. so I'll write my thoughts here. it will be a bit long. I would be happy if you read it to the end.
We know that both Killua and Gon owe each other a lot. that Killua has become a new person thanks to Gon. A person with an incredible character development, from a cold killer to a better person. gave him a purpose in life. Finally, after years of abuse and torture and cruel upbringing, found a friend who took him away and protected him from his horrible family, made it clear that Killua would no longer be a killer. Broke Illumi's arm for sending Killua home, which is where he feels most uncomfortable. Gave him a childhood having fun with Gon and showing him the world. Also that Gon is the reason Killua removed the needle. And, and, and…
As well as Killua was always on his side. Always supported Gon, trained with him, helped him out of many dangers and obstacles. And both have never asked anything of each other.
What I want to talk about is, that I still see a lot of people who don't understand gon's rage and why he acted that way, and a lot of ppl just ignore his trauma and then blame everything on gon. and also i can‘t believe those people who say that killua left him in the end of hxh for what he said during the Pitou rage because he was mad at gon, even though Killua knows gon better than anyone and understands what was going through gon's head and what a trauma he went through. It's true that killua was upset and sad about it at first, but that's not the reason he left him! because if so, their bond wasn't strong enough, which isn't true at all. Their bond is still as strong as ever. There is no way Killua is mad at Gon. Gon did soo much for him. And all the things he owes Gon that I mentioned above eliminate what happened during the Pitou rage scene. Killua owes him so much!
And literally everyone who's ever been really angry in films or real life has said something to someone they didn't mean afterwards, especially when gons felt bad afterwards and apologized to killua. this is totally humane, and then people come and ignore gon's trauma and just stick to this scene forever..
Gon had this bad feeling about Pitou in his head the whole time. It hasn't let go of him since he saw Pitou. A monster that killed Kite and did bad things to his corpse. Where Gon thought that such a monster would never do good things, suddenly became a caring protector that Komugi had to heal. A monster that did such bad things with kite, suddenly showed compassion and feelings just because she was in a braking situation? Pitou wanted to be understood and make it clear to Gon that she will be the one to be listened to, and used it to her advantage! And that absolutely broke Gon as he couldn't take that and he saw Komugi as kite. that was the very last thing Gon wanted to see.
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Gon thought to himself, "First you torment Kite, play with his corpse and use him as a guinea pig. Then you also want me to wait, listen to you and try to calm me down??? You still want me to follow your orders? Ignore my process and try to wrap me around your finger while YOU heal a girl that's yours? What kind of horrible person are you?” That just added fuel to the fire. This only made Gon angrier, because Pitou feels powerless right now and needs someone to heal after all the terrible things she did to Kite. She still wants Gon to wait and calm down. and all of a sudden, where she can't fight in this situation because of komugi, she has to show compassion and play the poor little cat. But in reality, she just wants to use this to her advantage, and when it's all over, she'll lie to him too, say Kite was dead the whole time, and then chop off his head. while gon was kind enough to obey pitou's orders. isn't that unfair? This is a very valid reason for him to be angry.
And in that moment, as he escalates, it's almost impossible to stop Gon with anything to tell him not to freak out like that. So trying to calm him down is like the other person is trying to put the blame on him. As if Gon is not heard. Therefore, trying to calm him down will only make things worse. He doesn't need anyone to tell him what to do now!
Gon wanted everyone to know that his anger is understandable! he wanted to be understood. He wanted Pitou to know that She is now bad and wrong. And since soo much emotional anger is flowing through Gon's body and it's rampant, especially in such a state where Pitou has killed someone important to Gon, the worst thing is when Pitou tries to tell him to calm down and wait target.
It always depends on the situation, but in this case it's something completely different. It made Gon extremely angry! (Trying to tell someone to calm down when they're upset is never a good idea. It only makes things worse) at the same time with the injustice that you heal Komugi and meanwhile the broken body of Kite is lying around somewhere outside, it only makes things a lot worse.
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Since Gon is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and then a calm and composed person, as Killua and Pitou wanted to try with words for Gon to calm down, one certainly wouldn't expect Gon to calm down immediately and listen to this person. Especially not in such a critical situation. Nobody would. It just throws more salt in his wounds. Namely, it makes Gon feel that you understand his cause of anger, invalid, or unworthy. like he's overreacting. That he's wrong to feel something.
Can't let out the anger he's been feeding on for so long. That his emotions are not taken seriously. It seemed patronizing to him. So he thought his feelings weren't understood. It is sensitive to its feelings. He feels angry for a reason. And that just added more fuel to Gon's emotional state because he hears that from both sides. He didn't want to be told how he should feel. He wanted to be understood.
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If someone is tormenting someone close to you, you will naturally get angry at that person. and someone tries to calm you down, do you calm down? Definitely not! Especially not with a 12 year old kid like Gon! This only makes things worse!! A quote that says: "Don't make me angry and then try to calm me down. It's like shooting someone and telling them not to bleed."
Because someone who tries to calm gon in such a situation, where he is already angry only allows the anger to escalate much more. so Gon wanted to take control of his own emotions and act on his own. Since Gon also knows how calm, kind and careful Pitou was and had control over the situation, she was selfish and ignored Gon's process. And that made Gon feel like she wasn't taking him seriously. Gon sees this as a loss of power and a form of manipulation. and that got his blood boiling because he wanted to take back control and ended up breaking down completely.
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And in this state of gon, it's almost impossible to calm him down. all anger accumulates in him because he is not taken seriously. why should he still do what pitou tells him after all this? She has no right! this is degrading and humiliating for him after all she has done. and I can 100% understand why it escalated like that.
When Gon has tried to put an end to this anger, this feeling amplifies because it feels to Him as if it is telling him that he is irrational and what he feels or wants is less important what the frustration is and thus increased anger. It is also known that Gon has often experienced severe trauma, such as in childhood or on his journey. was reminded again and again how weak he actually is and how frustrated he was (but he always wanted to prove the opposite) and no longer wanted to be weak and worthless. Finally, in such cases, he can react particularly strongly because it reminds him of these terrible experiences. And I sort of understand how Gon feels about this, especially when his anger feels 100% justified, having experienced it many times myself.
But in the end it always depends on the situation. if it's a person who's stressed out about homework or something, that's normal. But certainly not in such circumstances as Gon!! And no one likes to be ordered what to do when they are angry.
And since most people feel uncomfortable when others are angry, they don't know exactly what you're going to do next. You don't know if you're going to harm them or yourself. They care and want you to stop being angry and you saw that with Killua. Killua did this, certainly not to make Gon angrier, but rather to find a better way to solve this, he was worried about Gon harming himself. Luckily, the situation got out of the way in the end.
And to me the "none of your business" and that he wanted to defeat pitou alone, line came from the fact that Gon never considered Kite's death Killua's fault, only his. So it's not Killua's job to avenge Kite or be punished for his death, the way Gon thinks he and Pitou should be. Gon has no problem letting Killua join him in everything, but he said back in Yorknew that it was okay if he died, but not Killua.
A lot of people point the finger at Gon and it makes me sad honestly. To see this poor kid go through so much trauma, carrying all that guilt while trying to make sure Killua never felt guilty at all, and then by the end wanting to die because he felt like everything was his and Pitou's fault (and not Killua's) was heartbreaking. Then to see these people, mostly Killua stans who think Gon is the worst because of how he behaved in the caa, while ignores and handwave Gon's trauma and blaming him for everything? (Don't get me wrong, I like killua, my top3 hxh char)
And if you pay attention to the show, it's perfectly obvious that Gon would NEVER insult Killua on purpose or intentionally! Gon is still a child who went through a lot of trauma in his life and couldn't process it all. And I think Killua understood that later, he's not stupid! Because even after what Gon said to him, Killua still cared about Gon so much. We saw him do everything in his power to protect Gon!
He wouldn't go so far as to say that he wants to commit Shinjuu with Gon "a lover suicide between 2 lovers to be reunited in the next life"! He has also turned against his entire family to save his friend. That he confronted Palm and told her to please take care of Gon because Killua doesn't think he can. Whereupon Palm said that Killua is the most important for Gon! We saw him running to Gon and Pitou extra, running so fast to help Gon, and running to the hospital after the explosion.
We also saw Gon with Leorio when Gon said he had to apologize to Killua as well as he had a bad feeling of guilt and not feeling well.
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I have no doubt that togashi made the scene where Gon apologizes to Killua properly off panel, because we see him tell Leorio that he needs to apologize to Killua but we don't get to see the scene.
Killua basically said "well you already apologized to me". To me, that indicated that Gon had previously apologized and Killua was just playfully teasing him by bringing it up.
But it wouldn't really make sense for Gon to acknowledge he needs to apologize and then just not do it until Killua brings it up. That makes 0 sense. and Killua wouldn't joke about it if he was still upset about it. I hope togashi will show when they are back in the spotlight. But Gon knew he owed Killua an apology and said as much to Leorio so I have no doubt in mind he gave a heartfelt and genuine apology to Killua.
It's just that Alluka needs Killua more right now. Because how stupid would it be of Killua if he would send Alluka right back to the Zoldyck estate and continue his journey with gon again. So after the shoot "Okay Alluka thanks for healing Gon, now please go back home, maybe we'll see each other sometime" No, that would feel wrong. That's not Killua's character.
Alluka would be very offended on Killua for otherwise only using her to his advantage. She would be locked up again. Gon would have even more guilt inside him. And if Gon were in such a situation again, this time Alluka will definitely not help Killua again. And his family won't let Killua get Alluka out of there a second time.
Since he's already traveling with Alluka, he at least wants to make up for lost time with her. Because She would be disappointed if she was only used as a tool and sent back home. especially at Killua, where that's unthinkable. Because then she would think if he doesn't even want me, then nobody wants it.
He must protect her from Illumi as he will pursue them by any means possible and Killua has been targeted by his family. Means that it will definitely not be a fun trip for them! And Killua knows that! he is aware of that. Alluka also said that she will give Killua back to Gon, which made Killua a bit nervous. Both Gon and Killua have a tendency to push their loved ones away if it means keeping them safe, just like Gon would not allow Killua to die with him in the CA Arc and here Killua is keeping Gon safe by staying away until he gets a better handle on the situation.
Unfortunately, Killua couldn't take Gon with him either, as he would drastically increase the risk of something bad happening to Gon again. Gon and killua have other things to do now. since he can no longer use Nen either, he doesn't want to risk Gon's life again. That's too much for him and would be too dangerous. So he had to focus on Alluka for now.
Especially not when Killua knows Illumi is after him. So gon be pretty sure and returned to Whale Island. Since Killua also knows that Gon is now in close contact with Ging, and gives him lots of tips and advice, Killua feels Gon is safe right now.
So he can rest assured. Because everything is straight, in perfect harmony. killua also literally said he'd like to come with him, but he can't because of Alluka.
Gon needs to recover from the events and figure out what he wants to do next and Killua needs to protect Alluka and make up for lost time with her! Once he clears this situation with Illumi and his family, he and Gon will surely reunite. Because they are the heart of HxH.
Also, we're forgetting that Gon is not always just thinking of himself. Yes, he is a thickhead, and made mistakes but he cares about his friends and will go out of his way for them a lot. For example, he broke Illumi's arm for manipulating Killua and interrupted his search for his father to rescue Killua from his family. He let canary beat him so he can get killua out of there.
That he was worried about Killua all along, in greed island, that he was being poisoned. etc.. The problem is that Killua hides his own needs and insecurities, which leaves Gon thinking everything is okay. But you can be sure that if Killua asked for help or made his needs known, Gon would put everything down to help.
And that doesn't mean that Killua wants to brag to Gon and thinks "look here I have also a person on my side now and get out of here" that feels sooo out of character. And it's not Killua's nature to do that, especially with his best friend, someone he owes so much to. This is Killua's sister, whom he has known since he was little, and not a girl that he suddenly found along the way and thought "yeah I can make Gon jealous with that" No! That is absolutely wrong and completely out of character
Also, when Gon met someone with Killua on his journey, Gon never intended that he could now neglect Killua or make him jealous in any way. (And no, neither with Palm. Killua was jealous because he went on a date with her, but Gon didn't know that and it was never Gon's intention, since Killua also hid his feelings about something like that.) Of course, Killua knew from the start that Gon's goal is Ging and that they will meet a lot of new people, he would never have met, for which he is grateful. Gon was finally glad that he met Killua and is on his journey, because Killua was his priority, always! Gon knew that. but he only really realized that when he met Ging. when Ging said that what matters most is not the goal but what he met on his journey. (namely Killua)
Also, Killua didn't care how many people were with him and gon. he just wanted to be with gon, accompany him on his journey, have fun with him because he feels most comfortable with him.
Killua more than anyone knew that Gon was going through one of the most traumatic experiences in his life. If Gon was just cruel out of the blue, that would be one thing, but this was said in the middle of a understandable complete breakdown, especially that Gon apologized and felt bad about it later. And it doesn't suddenly discredit everything else Gon has done for him. Despite all the good he's brought into Killua's life up until that point. This was a moment they could learn from, not something that broke their friendship! He's been through enough already and Killua has forgiven him, and now has a better understanding about gon, more than the whole audience! as well as how real friends forgive each other in real life. All they need right now is to talk about their feelings, and I think breaking up will make it perfect.
And if Killua heard that something bad was happening to Gon, he wouldn't hesitate to help him! Exactly the other way around. Every good and strong relationship has its ups and downs and no relationship is perfect. Their relationship is way too strong to be broken! Also seen in the anime when Killua dragged Gon and Alluka into an alley and Killua looked at Gon with such a loving look for 5 seconds and thanks to Gon Alluka was freed too! Literally, Gon really is a light to Killua.
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Two people who are indispensable to each other
Also remember that Killua said something hurtful to Alluka/Nanika. It would be a bit hypocritical of Killua to never forgive Gon, given that he said some pretty harsh stuff to Nanika (yelling at her to go away and never come back after she saved Gon. He apologized and was forgiven. Why shouldn't he offer the same forgiveness to Gon, his sisters gave to him?
They promised to keep in touch on good terms. They're still as close as ever. and I'm sure their relationship will be even stronger when they reunite.
There is also something the director of the 2011 anime said "That Gon and Killua are like a married couple. Gon is the Free Spirited Husband, and Killua is a wife who silently supports him. The Golden Duo"
It seems to me that Togashi brought Gon to the brink of death to introduce Alluka. He could have chosen any other way that Killua finds someone to heal Gon! It didn't even have to be killua who saved Gon, it could have been anyone else. but no togashi did it. He never wrote himself in a corner that absolutely required Alluka now in this arc. Imo, He wanted to introduce Alluka!
She should foresee the dark continent and the kind of insane threat that transcends Nen.
She also adds some lore to Zigg Zoldyck, since we now know that he explored the DC and likely brought Nanika back.
Togashi would need something to heal Gon and a reason for Gon and Killua not to travel for an indefinite period of time.
Give killua a reason to admit his family confront, show its growth
Because you also notice that Togashi has so many other ideas in mind that have nothing to do with gon and killua, such as the succession war arc, Kurapika, the princes, Phantom Troupe backstory etc.. All of this would not work so well if gon and killua were still together. He also deliberately omits the MC. because you can also tell that Togashi wants to show that he's not afraid of showing a full arc of not showing the MC.
And their friendship is a perfect parallel to Meruem/Komugi. Killua would commit with gon Shinjuu, two lovers who will be together in the next life (like Komugi did with Meruem) Because in Chp. 286 after this Shinjuu panel by Killua, a shooting star followed, which is supposed to seal this wish.
The same thing happened at Whale Island Chapter, when Gon and Killua promised to stay together forever, and then a shooting star sealed their wish. And this promise connects these two panels. Killua wanted to grant that wish at all costs, even as Gon lay on his deathbed. Since Togashi intentionally made these two scenes so similar with the idea of ​​staying together forever, it's obvious that these two scenes are connected.
It's just something i really wanted to say. because I overthink it all the time. Even Hxh's Ending 4 is obviously a song from Killua's perspective, about his deep feelings about Gon. If you look at the lyrics you can also see how much Killua misses Gon. And I'm pretty sure he misses him a lot, just like gon miss him!
I'm sorry it was too long
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saltygilmores · 10 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 17, "Dead Uncles and Vegetables”, Part 4
There are about 7 minutes left in Dead Uncles and Vegetables, let's wrap this up. Emily got swept up in Sookie's wedding planning because she never had the opportunity to plan a wedding for Lorelai (of COURSE. why didn't that click for me? It's so obvious.) Emily lays on the passive-aggressiveness thickly, "I gave up on you having a wedding a long time ago", "If you ever do get married you're just going to have the wedding in this diner and serve burgers and fries to the guests", "Let me tell you about the wedding that I had always envisioned for you" yada yada yada, typical Emily shit. Despite this, Lorelai is still being unusually patient and reasaonble with her mother. I'm still not convinced she's feeling well.
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And there it is.
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Dirty. I mean, she did just leave work in the middle of the day to help him look at coffins. And apartments. Just gonna go on the record that the Luke/ Lorelai build up until the point they started going out was SOO GOOD (Teen Girl Squad voice) and then shortly after it finally happened, the magic quickly deflated like a popped balloon.
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And then what, they broke up in season 6 and didn't get back together for good until the final 30 seconds of the last episode of the series? Am I remembering this correctly? It's been 3 years since I've bothered with the Yale/Logan/Insufferable Rory/Garbage Seasons. Sadly this is pretty typical in many tv series, the will they wont they is infinitely more satisfying than watching some boring couple have a relationship and get married and wash dishes together and shit. Lorelai is like "Luke did you feed Paul Anka" and he's like "Yeah" and she's like "Okay, can you pick up more dog food at Walmart? And don't forget to take the garbage out.". and Luke is like "Tomorrow's Wednesday, garbage day is Friday." I know you don't want to think about it too much, but the same thing would happen if Rory and Jess got married.
Don't get me started on the precious little I still remember from a Year In the Life.
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Friends leave work in the middle of the day to help friends look at coffins for their uncles. Just friendly friend things.
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Friends, friends, friendly friends, time to meet my friends!
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Oh pity my dear Lucas. What kind of Therapist's Wet Dream did you just walk into?
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A crystal clear #TomatosSign and a face that says it all.
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Luke: "Whatever you say, mother of one of my customers."
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LOL, that squint. You're thinking about killing her right now, aren't you Lorelai?
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God help me, I love these two. In the conclusion of the episode, Lorelai is the only person to accompany Luke to Dead Louie's burial, which was awfully nice of her.
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Stop! This is so tender. Luke worries that like Dead Louie one day he's going to die alone and nobody will come to his funeral. You're mind is clouded with grief Lucas, that's not you, you must be thinking of Dean Forrester. His own family won't come to his funeral. Clara might but she will kick his coffin. You'll be fine. Just had the thought that Jess is definitely going to be the one to plan his funeral but eh let's not dwell on that.
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So am I. You're fine. Lorelai runs down all the ways Luke has showed up for her : Making Rory's birthday cake, helping her around the house, building her a chuppah, taking in Jess. Ugh I'm getting a misty eyed. I'm not used to this show inspiring such sappy feelings in me. The Convention of the Male Karens/War Re-Enactors who just spent several minutes yesterday reminding Luke that his uncle was a piece of shit and that they were happy to see him croak have shown up to send him off. Welcome to Stars Hollow where everyone you meet is a two faced phony. The sign welcoming you into the town says "Welcome to Stars Hollow. Trust no one." This must be the longest weekend ever because Rory has not gone to school in like 4 days.
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Hippie has packed up his farmer's market. He tells Taylor he just grows the vegetables in his backyard as a hobby. He sold them off to make money for traveling. Taylor: If this was only temporary, why did you put me through all that hoo ha at the town meeting? Hippie: You bought it on yourself, Taylor. *calmly walks away* If we can't end the episode with Jess taking Rory down a peg over her weird power trip, then fine, I'll take someone humbling Taylor.
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I love it when Jess bears his naked forearm like such a saucy strumpet. Good little vegetarian loading his plate with bread and beans.
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Jess organized the wake himself? is that what I'm hearing? Is that the reason behind Rory's power trip? Just so in the last 2 minutes of the episode she could be like "Even though you're 17 years old and your work ethic is so ridiculously solid that it will eventually cause you to drop out of high school, a work ethic which surely violates some child labor laws in the state of Connecticut and Luke should be investigated, a work ethic which has arisen out of sheer survival because your mother is an unemployed alcoholic and you had to help pay her bills, and even though I'm Miss Rory No Job Gilmore, you took some breaks, so I thought you were a slacker. But I see you put together this wake, so I guess you're actually capable of doing stuff."
She said it in fewer words, but you know.
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I know that voice of unflappable modesty. He claims he only unlocked the door for Miss Patty and then he went back to sleep. Is sleeping code for jerking off now? He's been doing a lot of sleeping.
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Baby, you did such a good job unlocking that door. I love you. Have a cookie.🍪 And my hand in marriage.
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NOOOOOOOOOOO. Do not assimilate!!!!! DANGER. DANGER.
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Milo told AmyShermanPalladino he wanted Jess to die after getting stabbed in the neck so I wouldn't be surprised if he floated the idea of a botched liquor store robbery. I actually had to google it because I will swear up and down I read that "killed in a botched robbery" was one of his ideas, but I only found "stabbed in the neck" or "hit by a bus." This episode was so nice. It was funny. It was sweet and touching. There was no Dean. Rory was a pest to Jess but everyone else left him alone. I honestly didn't even recall that this episode existed before I started this rewatch, but now that I've seen it again, I'll stick it in my top 10 episodes (which I should post soon). The end.
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nebulouscoffee · 5 months
much love to you 🫂🫂🫂 here's a star trek ask: what do you think ezri's childhood was like? or alternatively: do you think seven and naomi wildman stay in contact after voyager, and if yes, how do you see that friendship developing?
Thank you friend!! And these are both great questions :D
I think Ezri's childhood was, for lack of a better term, very confined- which is why I'm always so moved by the fact that her destiny (hehe) was to take on an existence so fundamentally expansive. I think her mother did spend a lot of time with her, but it wasn't necessarily time invested in Ezri's needs or dreams for the future- it was more training her in how to be a ruthless hash tag girl boss so she could eventually take over the mining business. We know from canon that her father was barely ever around (mostly because of his bad relationship with her mother), so I think he was originally in the family business but started taking up work elsewhere to get away more, and eventually just never came back? Maybe he took her out on business trips once or twice, and this is where she came to see travel as an escape. She was infused with a lot of curiosity about the galaxy, I mean who knew there was soo much more out there than just mining and business! And this is what gave her this deep desire to explore and meet people of different species and cultures (which her mother never approved of- she wanted all her kids to stay in the Sappora system), which motivated her to join Starfleet- I mean, if she was looking for a way to get out and "seek out new life and civilisations", that was it. (I think given that the place she was born was called "New Sydney", there must've been a fair amount of Humans too- plenty of walking Starfleet brochures lol!) I also think she was raised to be a perfectionist, and that's why she's so hard on herself in canon- I don't think Ezri was this adorkable goof who couldn't do anything right pre-joining, I actually think she was one of those people who literally did everything fine but was just never satisfied with herself. Canon also says she and her brother Norvo were super close; I think he was fundamentally an underachiever so they never really had a competitive relationship (while Janel was more the "model" kid). I think they often took solace in each other and gave each other a much-needed safe space to simply suck at things and be otherwise vulnerable, and so he secretly felt very abandoned when she left
As for Seven and Naomi, lol I'm way too much of a softie to imagine them falling out of touch! I think, given that neither of them really had much of an "Earth/Alpha Quadrant equals home" association, they'd sort of rely on each other to deal with the loneliness that would undoubtedly come with being the only ones not going back, but just... going somewhere else. Samantha would be thrilled to see her home and friends and husband (here's hoping Greskrendtregk survived the Dominion War!!!) but to Naomi, all these people are just strangers. Seven also has extended family on Earth, but she doesn't know any of them, and she's still finding her feet re social skills- she wouldn't immediately feel comfortable going Out There and making new friends imo. I think they'd help each other a lot! And I think, as Seven comes to understand herself more and more, she'd reexamine the dynamics she had with Janeway and the EMH, and then her own mentorship-like dynamic with the Borg kids- and feel sort of like determined not to make her relationship with Naomi a mentorship of any kind. I see it turning into a cool older sister type of vibe :)
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moons-cozy-corner · 1 year
Rescued Pt.3
Sorry this took so long lovelies! Life has been busy lately, soo regular posting has been a bit rough. Hope y'all like reading this as much as I liked writing it ^^
tw: restraints, hospital setting, overstimulation, implied past abuse, needles, attempted murder
*Pet and Villain are the same character, it is not an editing mistake I swear*
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It'd been about four days since Pet was snatched from home. Most of that time was spent in the hospital, in this very bed. Being cuffed down to the frame was annoying. Any time he had to do anything a nurse would have to assist him with supervision from an officer. Bathroom, eating, walking. It wasn't like he had many privileges that required moving to begin with, but walking was (according to the nurses) to ensure his full recovery.
Nothing was wrong with him as far as he was concerned. The scars were signs of his past mistakes and lessons learned. In a way they were a sense of pride. That was what Master had told him. That the scars were marks of their love for Pet.
Hero hadn't visited yesterday. That fact should not have bothered Pet as much as it seemed to. Master never would have let Pet feel these difficult feelings. Master would have kept him safe from any dangerous thoughts.
But it wasn't that easy to just hate the hero. There was something in Pet's head just beyond reach. It tugged at him this way and that. It was the reason he stupidly opened his eyes the other day. The reason he cried when Hero turned and left.
And now Hero hadn't come back.
It was his fault anyways for scaring him off. Refusing to talk or move after someone risked their life for you tends to put people on edge.
But- but he hadn't saved Villains life. Pet's life. No, he'd ruined it. The stupid hero had stolen him, and that was all there was to it.
Someone knocked on the doorframe. Pet turned away, reclosing his teary eyes. "Oh don't be a coward, Villain. Face your death with some dignity, hm?" Superhero again. She walked closer, the same clickity-clack of her heels against the linoleum ringing through his ears. "Nobody cares about you," she whispered all up and close to his ear. The tears were seeping through his lids. Superhero huffed a single laugh as she grabbed his IV. This what it then. She was going to inject him with something that would drain him of his useless life. Pet was only supposed to die by Master's hand. But in the back of his head, where Villain still resided, he didn't want to die at all. He wanted to live.
Help. It was a small thought at first though it grew rapidly. Help. Help me. Please. "Help!" Villain yelled, pulling roughly against the handcuffs holding him down to the bed. "Somebody help me, please! Master!" Hero...
Superhero cursed under her breath, quickly injecting the liquid into the IV before holding Villain down, flaming eyes boring into his own.
"Superhero! What's going on in here?" A couple nurses rushed in surrounding Villain and Superhero. It was difficult to get a word out while hyperventilating, so Superhero stole the light.
"He's trying to attack me, he needs sedated or something!" He clenched his jaw.
Villain would not die like this. Not to this woman. Not without seeing his Master again. Not without seeing Hero one last time. "H-help me please! She drugged- she drugged me! Pl-please believe me I don't- I can't die. Please. Please. Please." The nurses blurred into the walls as they surrounded him. Closer and closer they got. At some point Superhero had melted into the crowd, letting the nurses poke and prod at him, shining lights in his eyes.
Soon, even the brightest of their pocket lights weren't enough to penetrate the black that invaded his vision. "Hero... please..."
"Villain..." The voice lifted him through the darkness. It was a floating sensation, but not that of laying on a cloud or sifting through water. It felt as if he was buried in mud and someone was pulling him in all directions. "Oh god, please wake up. Villain, please."
His eyes fluttered open for a second, but the lights hurt. Hero gasped. "Villain, I'm here, I'm right here." Someone grabbed his hand softly. "If you hear me can you squeeze my hand?" Villain did. Villain squeezed it so tightly as he cried and gasped for air. "Shhh, shhh, Villain. I'm right here. Deep breaths." Hero's soft lips found Villain's head. Cool lips against feverish skin.
Every breath came out wrong. Or went in wrong? It was all wrong. Villain was wheezing and coughing in an attempt to get air into their lungs. His throat hurt. It burned. Hero held his hand, rubbing circles into the back of it with his thumb. Something pierced his neck, only for a second, but with Hero there it felt like nothing. Slowly Villains' breathing calmed to a slow rasping. Breathing deeply was not working. If anything, it was making his chest hurt worse.
"...so- sorry," Villain tried. He was barely able to breathe, let alone talk. Hero just held his hand tighter, allowing Villain to soak the warmth into his own skin.
"You've nothing to be sorry for, love." With his other hand Hero combed through Villains hair. "All you need to worry about is healing."
He nodded, leaning his head into the other's hand. His eyes were closed, but this time it wasn't because of some voice inside his head. The hero massaging sore muscles and rubbing circles along his skin was heaven that the Villain had no memory of ever have experiencing before. It was... nice. And nice was something that Villain had not felt in a long, long time.
As tears fell down his cheeks, Hero wiped them away. At each whimper, a hand squeeze. The feeling of gentle hands on his skin was foreign and familiar, and while Pet knew he should pull away and fight, Villain knew he was in the right place.
It was cute. Really. Real touching, to see Hero and Pet getting along so well after only a couple of days.
Whumper would simply have to fix that.
It would be two approximately days before their pet would be sent home with Hero. It would have been sooner had Superhero not messed with things. She'd always been so head strong and stubborn. If she tried something again, Whumper may just have to show her the dire consequences or meddling with things she shouldn't.
Either way, Whumper had Pet in their sights again. That was all that mattered. Nobody really knew what Whumper looked like, but it was still a good idea to change up their appearance and go into hiding. It may be as a nurse today, helping their beloved Pet heal from the poison Superhero had given him. Tomorrow, who knew.
See you soon, Pet.
Part 4
@alwaysalilhigh @nicolepascaline @whumped-inc @littlespacecastle @hollowgast1 @edkore @ramadiiiisme @writereleaserepeat @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @pleasegodno31375 @subval01 @bleeding-letters @whumpkinz @aswallowimprisoned @nicolepascaline @vermillion-emerald
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sometimesoliloquy · 2 years
The Handmaid’s Tale 5x08 “Motherland” (or “This is Not the Beach you’re Looking for”) 👀
Whoo boy, sorry this one’s so late, life and stuff has got my brain feeling broken this past week. Let’s see if I can string some coherent sentences together about this episode, where in addition to heavy parallels on motherhood (and Serena and June again, of course), some big/dramatic events also seem to finally be put into motion, and it only took 4/5 of the season to do (yay I can do fractions, my brain isn’t fully broken!). I have to say, though, taking everything into consideration I am nervous as hell for episode 9... 
So we open 5x08 with June daydreaming: a flashback of June making pancakes with Hannah, but jarred to reality by blaring car horns, as asshole protestors yell in the background. Apparently now they have to deal not only with the wannabe Gilead cult member nutjobs, but also a suddenly Canadian nationalistic fervor bringing mobs who look and sound like they just came from a Trump rally, but carrying beaver signs and saying “eh” a lot more. June’s phone rings and we learn it’s Serena (again), apparently she’s been telemarketing the shit out of June for a month while in detention. Moira expresses surprise that Serena even thinks they would help her, meanwhile honestly I’m wondering how she even got June’s digits. Luke can tune out the protestors and doesn’t seem to give a shit about newborns dying in the woods (does anything bother this guy? (spoiler: we find out later).
Dramatically ominous music plays over a cut of crashing waves and cawing seagulls and I’m thinking someone on THT is definitely a Hitchcock fan (first the Vertigo inspired Wheeler household and now an ode to The Birds). We narrow in to our favorite pithy commander Lawrence giving several other commanders a tour of the shiny new location for The Real Housewives of Gilead New Bethlehem. The only one I recognize aside from Jlaw and his sidekick puppy Nick is that smug bastard Calhoun (who really reminds me soo much of a youngish Republican senator), so ostensibly they’ve done a good job of whittling down the competition. Calhoun seems fully on board with what Jlaw touts as the more modernized, liberal Gilead, where they can welcome back prodigal sons and daughters to get away from those nasty Canadians and reunite with family (more on that in a second). New Commander McBeardy expresses skepticism and wants to know how they’ll keep this from their “people” in “Gilead Proper” because after all if the people who Gilead proper isn’t super amazing for start trying to defect to diet Gilead, who will they have left to oppress and torture? Jlaw  however  reminds him that Gilead isn’t exactly free press friendly (RIP Globe reporters). I mean not to mention half their population gets body parts cut off for reading. And here I am skeptical, because while Jlaw certainly has a point about the press, if one of the intents was to reunite the new New Bethlehemites with family in Gilead… wouldn’t… people in Gilead proper come to know about it? Would they just be secretly kidnapping these people from Gilead and forcibly relocating them in NB? McBeardy is likewise still not convinced but Nick reminds him of the bullet he put in Putnam’s head lack of moral fortitude and the Commander changes his tune reeeal quick. He concedes, admitting he was hearing the “deceased Putnam”  in his ears (I thought I heard “diseased” at first but my subtitles say deceased and honestly I guess either works), as our Gilead mafia duo walk smugly away.
Speaking of smug, for once Serena is not: sadly pumping in a not so private corner of the detention center visitors area (hm why does this look familiar?).
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For, as we soon see, Mrs Alanis Wheeler arrives to (very reluctantly) pick up, because OF COURSE she’s stealing the baby fostering Noah while Serena's detained. Alanis talks about pregnancy hormones like they are  something she knows about, while being the utmost amount of condescending and complaining about the baby she’s stolen (hi, Naomi!). She's doing the "crying it out" method on a one month old and I really don't know shit about babies but even I can tell that's not right. Such a warm woman, it's a wonder why little Noah cries so much! Serena is clearly too emotional and sentimental and weak minded to be a mother, though, because if there's anything newborn babies need it's discipline. Serena reminds Alanis (and us) that she's a big baddie who overthrew a country... but unfortunately she gave all that up to chase after June's baby, who she was trying to steal, who she's also completely forgotten about now that Noah has filled the baby sized hole in her womb. Back at the Bankhole/Osborne/Strand household, the three are scrubbing anti immigration graffiti off their sidewalk while the aforementioned mob of protesters obnoxiously parades by. I guess it only took a few years of US refugees streaming into their country, and for some reason being able to afford really nice houses in their crowded city, for Canadians to stop being polite, and start getting real. June very casually relates the task to scrubbing blood off the wall in Gilead (ya know, from the hanging dead bodies. Same same). Luke pretends like she didn't say that, and asks if they should just say fuck it and move to one of the 2 far away remaining US states or Europe as if the entire show hasn’t been about trying to get back their daughter who’s trapped just right over the border in a hellish regime, which June reminds him of (oh, right). But before this can go any further, she gets a surprise call from Mr. Commander Lawrence of all people (I wonder what he wants).
June meets JLaw for a lovely stroll along the waterfront while he rambles esoterically about his esoteric vision for Gilead and how it all went wrong because he underestimated the depravity of religious nutjobs (really, my guy? I thought you were supposed to be a mental giant or something but ok, maybe my bar is just skewed from having grown up Catholic). He gives her the New Bethlehem sales pitch, which she extremely side eyes until he claims she will be able to reunite with Hannah once she's "grown" (so like 14 I guess) and running her own household. At this point I have to be super skeptical, because for Jlaw to "bring Hannah to New Bethlehem" I assume her new husband, whoever he might be, would have to be OK with it (not to mention I can't imagine Cmdr. MacKenzie would just be super cool with it), so I' not sure if he just has that much confidence in his far-reaching power or he's bullshitting her to win her over, but I'm kind of leaning towards the latter. But he does know June's achilles heel. Seeming to miss the fact that Hannah would already be married off in this case, which is her #1 goal in trying to stop, she's just emotionally overwhelmed with the possibility of being able to be near Hannah. Lawrence reassures her of her safety by saying Nick has been helping with this pet project, he's been grooming Nick, not sexually (I mean clearly Nick is so attractive that it bears clarification). Luke is shockingly not so excited by this proposal. New Gilead Bethlehem is one place he does not want to move to (not that I blame him in this case). June argues that she would risk anything to be with Hannah again, "wouldn't you?" and Luke says "of course" but I mean he is also  literally saying that he wouldn't, here, so it seems like a bit of a contradiction. He insists they focus on getting Hannah out, because that's worked so well so far, and June reminds him of what a fucking disappointment Tuello is (sorry, Mark!) and the uselessness of the entire remaining US government in general ("they're politicians, they don't give a shit about us"/"what has the American government done for us?"). He proceeds to call Jlaw a nazi and I was half expecting him to bring up June's "nazi" boyfriend as well but of course they dance silently around the topic of Nick as usual. The only thing I agree with Luke on here is that they should NOT take Nichole anywhere near those motherfuckers (or child fuckers, I guess). When Luke tries to egregiously mansplain June’s trauma and womanly emotions to her, it surprisingly doesn’t go over well. I'm also calling BS on his "I did that (turned Serena in) for you!", nah, my dude, you clearly did that for you. What also doesn't go over well is him saying "just let me protect you sometimes", but I very much appreciate that June and I seem to be on the same damn page here, because a second after I yelled "she doesn't fucking NEED your protection!!" at the tv (what, you don't do that??) she says basically the same thing to him. Amen, June. She doesn't need his protection, but Hannah does. Lawrence visits Serena in detention, and tells her he's generously "helped her" by convincing the Wheelers to let her return to her handmaid room in their house to nurse Noah. Lawrence talks about her breasts and then is done talking about her breasts. He reminds her the Wheelers have legal status to care for the baby, which I guess finally answers my question of their citizenship because they must (technically) be Canadian citizens then, not Gileadean, right? She still insists she will not "live in the same house as her child's kidnappers" which makes Lawrence correctly ask if she has an "irony deficiency" (I mean). At this point I think Serena does actually see what a flaming hypocrite she is but doesn’t  give a fuck because she still thinks she's better than the hundreds of women she helped enslave as handmaids.
It’s nighttime and June is comforting an adorable little baby Nichole who is disturbed by the asshole protesters again. She sings her to sleep with a song she used to sing Hannah "let me be your mirror" and it's a very sweet moment (I didn't even notice the doll from Nick until others pointed it out but I love that attention to detail here). June softly tells a now peacefully sleeping Nichole that she wants her to know her big sister, that she would love her, and at this point I'm very much thinking about The Testaments, and I'm both sad about it and also kind of excited for it? I’m also kind of hoping they incorporate the song into the Testaments, as maybe a kind of vague hazy memory they both have. June wakes up the next morning still in Nichole's bed, hearing Luke and Tuello talking downstairs. She interrupts and Tuello tries to appeal to June's patriotism and sense of civic duty but she "not without my daughter”'s him. She continues to bully classified military information out of him but she's not happy with it. June has a heart-to-heart on the porch with Rita, who apparently has not actually dissipated into thin air after all. Rita tells her it would be crazy to consider going back but also that if her son was still alive, she would do anything and go to the ends of the earth to see him again. They have a touching moment of bonding and given how little we’ve seen of Rita this season I hope it’s not actually the last time we’ll see her.
June visits Serena (for a person with no friends she sure does seem to get a lot of visitors) to try and get more information on New Bethlehem. Interestingly, Serena knows that Lawrence has been pitching it "since the beginning" and it's been in the works for years, but she doesn't know much more. She says it seems he has more power than ever implying that maybe because of that he can actually make it work now, which is also interesting because he seemed very powerful, or at least revered, when we first met him, but I think back then he was probably trying to fly under the radar to protect Eleanor, now he's much more cavalier with blatant power moves since he has nothing left to lose except for his life (which he already thought was a goner after Angel's Flight) and his legacy (which ostensibly he is trying to save with this plan). Serena has her own agenda, though, she wants June to help her get out of detention and get her baby back. Really I'd think she'd have better luck trying her boyfriend Tuello, because June finally says what I think we were all hoping she would ever since last episode: "Serena, we are not FRIENDS". Serena, ever the narcissist, assumes June forgave her because she helped her and Noah, but June's like "actually I'm just a good person and a better Christian than you, bitch". June tells her to march her Viking ass back to the Wheelers scary mansion and gives her the 101 on how to be a vengeful, scheming handmaid, and it's pretty fucking delicious. She tells her "you can't help your child if you're not with them", clearly mirroring her own thoughts about Hannah and New Bethlehem. I like that there was kind of a mirroring and chain reaction of women and motherhood here: June asking Rita what she would do and then Serena asking what June would do, and it's different situations but basically the same answer.   June walks away with new resolve and clarity, and pays a surprise visit to Lawrence, who appears to be at the Gilead embassy propaganda hub" information center" even though I thought it was supposed to be shut down, but maybe in the month that's passed they got the proper permits or whatever? She asks Lawrence to stop Hannah from getting married but hey, "Gilead's gonna Gilead". Not an acceptable answer, June does not want to stand by while her daughter is raped by someone twice her age, although honestly from what we've seen it's more likely to be 3 or 4 times her age (gag). She calls him out for being a sick fuck who created a world where women are abused and tortured, and in a rare moment of seriousness, he shows a glimpse of the full burden of guilt on his shoulders. If he'd known what would have happened he'd have just let the human race die out. He desperately tries to convince her of his plan working, not just to form the "utopia" of New Bethlehem, but for its more modern, liberal values to spread further into Gilead, making it a better, kinder, less murder-y, torture-y Gilead (in like 10-15 years). That's the thing, though. He seems desperate: for this to work, for it to not all have been for nothing, for Eleanor not to have died for nothing. I wonder if that will end up leading to his downfall.
Speaking of Eleanor, the next scene we see June out in her garden at night (her baby seedlings have graduated), and it reminded me of the scene in season 3 where June has to bury  the killed Martha at night and sees Eleanor "gardening" in that spot the next day to help cover it up. She's looking up at the moon and thinking about Hannah, but then Luke interrupts her daydream to tell her she got a "package". Inside, they take a disc out of the mysterious envelope and I'm thinking 1) do people really still have disc drives on their laptops anymore?? and 2) I really wish we could tell whose handwriting that is on the envelope... It's a video of a line of girls at the wives school, and we see it zoom in on Hannah as she seems to notice someone filming, and stops for a second until her peers prompt her forward. I have to wonder who or what she’s seeing, as well as who sent the video. I at first assumed Lawrence as most logical(?) but if so he definitely shot his plan in the foot there (unless it’s part of a larger more devious scheme). Nick?? Will we ever know or is it just another mysterious plot device that will never be properly explained? Sigh.
June and Luke fight about New Bethlehem (again) and she lets out some resentment she must have held deep inside for a loong time:"What are you going to do? Same thing you've done for the last 7 years? Fucking NOTHING?" She immediately regrets it but while I think she was definitely sorry it came out in the way it did, I also think she still means it. And not even that she thinks Luke just happily sat on his hands; she knows that he did what he could, within his skills set and imagination. But she also knows from experience how useless, how in vain, that kind of action can be. And it was actually very refreshing to see her pissed at Luke for once, not deferential, or so careful of his feelings. While he is right that they could certainly be walking into danger with Jlaw’s proposal, that the minute they  cross Gilead could put her on the wall, she's also right that his "I don't know, we'll figure it out" just isn't good enough any more. Luke's resentment comes out, too: "you stayed, you stayed for so many years!" , echoing him asking Moira in season 4: "did she choose this? She knew she'd probably never see us again". Which I feel like still comes from a place of ignorance and insecurity (and selfishness?) on his part. I mean, June literally passed up ONE opportunity to escape (end of s2 when she handed Nichole to Emily) and Nichole was born by then so "by  choice" she "stayed" like 1 year max., but ok. I mean she tried to escape before while pregnant but got caught, and then she sacrificed herself to make Angel's flight even happen, if she didn't stay back as a distraction, none of them would have gotten away. June and Luke embrace at the end, after she breaks down, and they obviously have love for each other and always will for Hannah, but their relationship is clearly broken. Back at the NB gated community, Lawrence is now laying the sales pitch on Nick. Nick plays it close to the vest as always but he seems very skeptical. I don't think he wants June or Nichole anywhere near Gilead considering he's risked his life to get both of them out, and his number one priority is to keep them safe. He does not seem tempted by Jlaw's "sister wife" proposal. He wanted the beach in Maui with June and Nichole, not polygamy on this cold-ass beach in Gilead, damnit.
June and Luke have called Tuello about the Hannah video, and they're talking about metadata, and I'm thinking I really liking Tuello's contrasting clothing patterns here, when did he become such a fashionista, and then I'm thinking that I feel either really old or like an idiot or both because I have no fucking clue what metadata is. Data about itself? What does that even mean? How does one obtain a location from that? Was it included in the video on purpose so they  could find the location? Or was it an unintended side effect? I still can't help but like Tuello even if he does have terrible taste in women and is kind of useless. Serena arrives back at her other prison the Wheelers, and is forced to suck up, much like June was in 2x04, except she’s not just been fully broken into a hopeless shell of herself, and she's still getting the extremely  cushy  version of being a handmaid.She’s putting on a contrite face to her wife and commander, but we can see how pissed she is by how tightly she’s clenching her hands behind her back.
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Finally, after a quick and insincere "praise be!" (I think one of my favorite things in this show is actually when people say “praise be” as a “fuck you”), she hears her baby crying and runs up (all those) stairs, somehow not gasping for air,  to find him being looked after by  a sweet and lovely nanny, (so at least it's not just "cry-it-out" Alanis) who leaves him in her care. Serena has a beautiful, emotional reunion with Noah, who finally stops crying as she holds and breastfeeds him, certainly different from the scene where she tries to do that with Holly/Nichole back in the day (yikes, awkward, right?). Part of me wants to see what schemes Serena gets into as a handmaid-by-any-other-name but the bigger part of me would be extremely fine with her story line being at least much reduced, because as amazing of an actor Yvonne is, I really don’t think we need “The Handmaid Lite's Tale”. We get it, Serena is getting a taste of her own medicine, can she now just fade into obscurity?
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June is super on edge waiting for Tuello to get back to them about the metadata (still don’t know what that means), and she excuses herself  in the middle of dinner to go get apples for Nichole, because Nichole needs apples and they're out of apples, we don't have any apples, Moira! but she doesn't need help getting the apples. She's spacing out at the market, getting apples, when her phone rings and finally Tuello is on the line, miraculously telling her the news she's been dreaming of: the metadata(??) pulled through and they  have the location of Hannah's school, and they're going to do a raid, they're going to get her out (you really can't actually hear that last part but I cheat and use the subtitles, so). June is overwhelmed, she is overjoyed, she is over these apples. She makes a mess and hugs the kindly grocer, before running giddily back down the street, full of hope and joy. And listen, I obviously know it was just a random excuse to get out of the house and keep busy but I also can't help thinking, "WAIT BUT NICHOLE NEEDS THOSE APPLES!" and honestly I have no idea why a toddler would need apples anyway (do they?? Do they even have strong enough teeth to eat apples? Apples are pretty hard. I told you I don't know shit about babies) and I don't know why I'm overthinking the apples this much, but still it kind of bothers me that she just completely abandons the apples the second she gets the news about Hannah and oh my god are the APPLES A METAPHOR??
Anyway, June arrives back at the house, much less breathless than I would be, having sprinted all that way (seriously, what is these women’s workout routine?) and tells Luke and Moira the amazing news. They're of course incredulous and overjoyed as well, jumping up and down in glee, and poor Mark FINALLY gets some love (geez, the poor guy's bound to have self esteem issues by now, right?).
The hopeful music swells as we cut to a beautiful preteen Hannah in another garden. It's not nighttime and the moon isn’t out but she is peacefully  planting, looking up at the sky, and that still seems very  a much a mirror to June earlier. The sound of jet engines roars in the background as we pan out to the birds eye view of the wives school yard, laid out in interlocking "U"'s. ** OK, I'll say it: god, could Luke have been any more condescending this episode? As much as he pissed me off, though, I was actually glad for their fighting, because at least it means they’re not skirting around the real issues anymore (well, except for Nick, I guess). It's so clear to me that the divide between them has been growing again ever since 5x06, with a distinct turning point coming at the end of 5x07, leading directly to their arguments here. He has tried to get on the same page as June, tried to understand her (and she's maybe tried...like, a little bit(?)... to see his perspective). But the fact is that despite their shared bond of their daughter, and as much as Luke hates what has and what could happen to Hannah, and that she's not there with them... I think at least a part of him has given up that they'll ever get her back. He never thought June would escape, probably never thought he'd have her back and be raising another child together. And even if he'll always mourn the loss of Hannah and feel guilty for not being able to protect her, it could be enough for him: to live a life with June and Nichole, move away, move on. But June will never be able to move on; not with Hannah in Gilead, her fate uncertain, married to god knows who. Nothing will ever be "enough" for her as long as Hannah isn't with her, or at least safe. Their arguments in this episode also speak greatly to their different experiences over these past years, which have informed how they now think and operate. Luke has been safe in Canada, though for the most part he's felt helpless here. Maybe at first hopeful that the Canadian government, or what's left of the US government, can do something, but growing more and more jaded of potential progress as time goes by. He's barely had any  news or visibility on Hannah since she was taken at the age of 5, just a few photographs and what June relays to him. So I also think maybe Hannah, and the chance of getting her back, has become less and less concrete over the years, less and less of a possibility  to him. June on the other hand, has actually seen Hannah multiple times, talked to her, even if the last time was traumatizing. She's been so close for years, which both makes Hannah, especially the current version, more real to June, and also makes June's guilt, and desperation, to save her even greater. But while Luke's sense of impotency probably grew as the bureaucratic avenue continued to fail, June actually found a greater strength she never knew she had in Gilead. Her will to survive, her burning anger and love for her child and then children formed her into a bolder, more empowered version of herself. She's achieved impossible things, or things that should have been impossible in Gilead: falling in love, having a healthy baby and getting her away to safety, getting 86 other children and 9 Martha's out, killing multiple commanders, getting out herself. So why shouldn't she keep believing, that no matter how crazy  and impossible it may seem, that she can get Hannah out as well, and save her from the certain fate that awaits her in Gilead. More than that, she has to believe it, much like Lawrence has to believe he can make New Bethlehem a success and eventually reform all of Gilead. Also similar to Lawrence, she is desperate, and that can be dangerous, can cause a person to take serious chances despite the obvious risks. But I think that as long as she can be confident in Nichole's safety, she will risk her life and anything else for the chance of seeing Hannah safe as well. Like Lawrence, she feels like she will either see her mission to fruition, or die trying. And if this raid does not go as planned (which I don't think it will because you know why), even if June doesn't end up going to NB, I can't imagine that she and Luke can keep on like this. So we come full circle with the episode title, "Motherland". Lawrence of course refers to Gilead and New Bethlehem, specifically, as the "Motherland", which is interesting because considering the misogynist patriarchal bullshit that built it, you'd think he'd say "Fatherland". Whether it' Jlaw's nod to the fact that it's the mothers who are really doing the work in perpetuating the human race, or just PR lip service to June, the title also certainly speaks to the very specific and far-reaching territory of motherhood itself: as we see from June, and Rita, and even eventually Serena: a mother will never give up on her child, will risk her own freedom and safety to be with them (no matter who tells them they're being too emotional), and to protect them. It's perhaps the most powerful bond that can exist.
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londonspirit · 1 year
Well, it has been a year indeed. 
Talk about rollercoaster. 
Looking back, two things immediately come to mind: the loss of my father, and OFMD. 
Yeah, I know, that’s some insane comparison. 
But once again, fandom helped me through real life horrors.
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Losing dad was hard, but (yes, there’s a but) overall it was a relief. He’s been sick and weak for a while, and everyone who only remotely knew him, knew how terrible that was for him. He wasn’t able to do the things he wanted to do, couldn’t really do anything much at all towards the end. He was suffering a lot (as was my mom) so him finally finding peace was the best for him. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s what it was for us. 
The time after that was…weird. 
But we got through it, made sure mom was doing okay; and after the funeral life continued - as it tends to do. 
Everything was a tad dulled and tinged with grief but when I (finally) listened to Tumblr which kept raving about that ‘gay pirate show’, well things… changed.
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I will forever be grateful for those i follow that they kept screaming about it otherwise i’d never checked it out. But I was fandomless, there wasn’t anything I was currently obsessing over, and I needed something to distract me from that massive loss. 
And by the Gods, that they did. That perfect little show, full of queer love and wonderful friendships, of beautiful sentiments and funny quips was JUST what I needed. It filled the empty space in my heart and helped me through the toughest times. 
I have lost count of how many times I’ve watched it by now (and will again once the UK will finally get it officially just to experience the SQUEE that will happen when it airs!). 
I love every damn thing about that show: its amazing creator, that insanely talented cast and the wonderful crew making sure every single one can shine and sparkle as they deserve!!! 
Nothing was ever the same after April 3rd, the day I left hanging with the most gruesome cliffhanger in a while and no renewal in sight!!! 
Once again I am soo soo glad for the friends that fall in love with the same things - but then again, this damn show is just soo fucking perfect and everyone else really need to get their shit together to even get close to the level of perfection that show has!!! 
The show and its cast has occupied my mind ever since (and will continue to do so once season 2 comes out so expect more screaming about it in next year’s review). 
But there have been more lovely and wonderful things - it’s almost as if this year wanted to make up for the pain. 
I’ve been to London again!! TWICE!! Six glorious days in the summer, and four in autumn. Summer was on my own, and boy did I enjoy that. Having time for myself, doing the things I wanted to do, being on my own with  my thoughts - there’s nothing better to recharge the batteries. 
But I wasn’t lonely: finally met some old friends again and got to spend some quality time with them; I saw one of my fav musician again, after almost a decade of not being able to do so. London in summer is gorgeous, London during Pride month is even better! I saw an amazing queer Shakespeare which I wished I could’ve seen twice; Come From Away will ALWAYS make my heart soar and I’ve spent hours in a beautifully immersive Van Gogh exhibition. 
When I came back, I even got to spent more amazing time with my dear C, went to see Queen - even though the one souvenir i didn’t ask for put me in quarantine for 10 days! (Still so thankful for 3 vaccinations and a very mild case!) 
There was a brief visit at B’s to see her boys and spent some time with her as well - it’s been too damn long since I’ve seen her (even though I LOVE her video chats when she can squeeze them in in between her kids!) 
Another London trip, seeing David Tennant (hating the play - a very first!), LOVING Letter Live at the RAH (beautiful beautiful place; def going to go back!); getting tipsy in the skies and walking all the steps!!! 
And just when I thought the year couldn’t get any better, there’s the chance to see the one and only Taika Waititi live and in colour! (Massive shoutout to the like minded and equally obsessed people that helped me secure a ticket for the show!) 
GAH!! That’s still a thing I never thought to happen! And yet it did. And once again, a new fandom always comes with the most lovely people - thank you, Twitter (even though you’re currently a terrible hell hole!) for connecting fandoms across borders!!! 
WHAT A NIGHT that was!!! Even though he was tiny and far away on that stage, that night will forever be seared into my memories! (hell, even just typing it out makes me grin like a loon!) 
There was one small hiccup as mom had to go to hospital for an astonishing four weeks, but she’s back home again and feeling more or less okay, so I’ll take that!!! (Plus, she’s gotten through her 1st Covid infection rather nicely, thanks to 4 vaccinations and despite everything else a rather healthy constitution it seems!)
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And now it’s New Year’s Eve - another one for the books. 
Closing out 2022 on a more optimistic note though. 
Pandemic slowly but surely turning into an endemic which means less restrictions and more travel for me. Maybe even working without face masks in the spring. 
It’s getting there.  And I'm hopeful, and looking forward to all the things 2023 has to offer. 
For seeing old and new friends again. 
For seeing my beloved London again. 
For making plans and doing things and enjoying life to the fucking fullest because it is too damn short to not do all the things you want to do!!! 
BUT once again, I will not make too many plans, these days being spontaneous is the better way to do things without being too disappointed. 
So, for the new year: hug your loved ones; tell them you love them; look after them; make friends; let go of the things that are not good for you! 
ENJOY life as much as you can. Be it in big things or the small ones - as long as it brings you joy and makes you smile, it’s a GOOD thing!!! 
Here’s to a glorious 2023 - have the most wonderful year, my darlings!!!
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ebbarights · 1 year
alright so people won't be annoyed at me liveblogging a three day old episode with thoughts they have already seen a million times i will compile all my thoughts into one post so you can just skip this
SHIV PREGANTE??? i was 80 percent sure this was happening but i'm still fucking surprised just like with logan's death
the intro sounds soo fucky. like i thought there was something wrong with my speakers but this happening right after logan's death I LOVE IT
hiam abbass in intro we love to see it
i feel like i do have to add (since no one will read this anyway) that the reason it has taken this long for me to watch it is that i really really think watching succession is bad for me. like it kind of counts as self-harming behaviour i think. but yesterday i went on a long walk that really helped and now i feel more equipped for the episode. let's see if it undoes all the progress!!
this really is the season of hugs
'i'm sure it'll crush me eventually' 'pre-grieved' relatable repression king
my one wish for when the show is over is that someone makes a greg-less cut. just remove all of the scenes where greg's there
first sympathetic karl moment
the HEAVY swedish accent oskar has i love it
willa absolutely slaying that dress and marcia. queen on queen violence
krank real
'i have been worried that this was gonna happen for ages' real. whenever anything bad happens i have already anticipated it and so my emotions never feel real in the moment? like i've practiced them already so often that it's hard to feel something u know
kind of weird to say and probably gonna bite me in the ass later but it really seems like kendall is the most well-adjusted of all of them
'he's a bit racist' interesting use of present tense there roman. sure you've pre-grieved enough
kendall's second name is logan officially confirmed huh
frank openly laughing at greg i loooove it roman fully saying he hates him i am so here for this
is it real motif showing up yet again
i actually can't bear this frank kendall dialogue
did frank say 'he left you' or did he say 'he loved you'
roman just immediately leaving when tom shows up. same
i never would've guessed that shiv would blame herself. honey being on the plane didn't kill him. but it makes so much sense that she feels left behind and alone
i still want to know about how shiv and tom met and what that difficult time was
like i fully believe tom loves shiv and that he means what he says when he tries to comfort her. but with the background of his one ally being dead there's just no way that shiv can believe a word he says, and it's gotta be at least one motivating factor for him
DOG WITHOUT IT'S PERSON roman take a look at that mirror and see what you might find in there
clogged toilet -> bodily fluids motif really all the motifs making a comeback this episode
why is shiv like half a head taller than roman her heels aren't that high
greg stop talking about being distasteful you fully asked for a job while logan was in a coma
i love roman being nice to kerry maybe i'm naive but i can't see an ulterior motive for that? unless he wants to be like logan oh my god please don't please no
romtom real (also i just accidentally typed rimtom. accidentally? guess we'll never know)
stewy lore his dad is 95 and is 'normal' enough to just randomly sue his neighbour
haunted house motif real
i love willa's mom
roman's joking about growing old sharing a bed with his siblings like charlie and the chocolate factory but i'm serious i want that. in my life. both for them and for me and my friends
roman yet again being the only one who thinks about connor. at all
helping old ladies cross the street somebody kill me
roman admitting he betrayed them just so he can get a shot at ceo. well at least he told them himself?
here's the thing i kind of think kendall's right about shiv not really working but. god emotionally i will kill him for you shiv. cutting her out again?????
'i'm not trying to fuck anyone' ace king
connor's mom?????
jesus kendall. i knew he would do this but jesus.
once again the end titles music is so fucking amazing.
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lonespektr · 8 months
Swallowed (2022) & Black Mirror
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Two besties
One is living town to become a porn star (ben)
Last hurrah at the crap small town dive bar that had a queer night
Bestie driving him home last stop
Sister didi is very high and her contact makes a drop his problem more or less sister kinda lied about the situation
The connect alice says they got to swallow the product
They say no
Connect insists via gun
It legit doesn't look like drugs it looks like gnnochi
Dom starts swallowing all the stuff
Didi is throwing up in the garage
Dom left to help
And connect made him swallow the rest
Temperature control! She emphasizes
Very low self esteem soon to be porn star who's getting all expenses paid by somebody is taken aback by a Love confession (platonic)
Only reason we haven't fucked is because i love you too much (dom)
Also you're straight
To which Dom responds eh fuck that
Ben oblivious to the world says you should come with me to LA
Rest stop
Very stereotypical redneck doesn't like that they are talking to each other through the stall and also that they are not heterosexual
Stupid 1 (ben) won't just lock himself inside a stall while the bigot yells
Stupid no 2 (dom) decides hes gonna machismo white knight and surprise gets socked in the stomach
Dumbass ben says in LA there won't be bigots
Yea no way this twink survives a day without his lil friend
And of course the thingys he swallowed are not Happy being punched
Dick out! Lovecraftian creatures unknown out( of his butt)
Think they just left the creatures on the bathroom floor
Ironically the non porn star is the ones who's dick we are seeing
Connect meets them at the rest stop and kinda helps?
Explains they are bugs that can get you high
Doms legs aren't working
And he is high and bricked up (we all noticed)
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They drive to the connect s lil hideaway instead of the hospital
To get the bugs
There is a prolonged porky pig situation
Reiterating this is kinda Bens fault because he is likely getting himself into trouble moving to LA on sketchy porn employment position that's"all expense paid"
And dom white knighting wanted to set him up with some cash on arrival he keeps telling ben the porn job paying for everything is to good to be true
This is an extremely fancy log cabin drug hideout
Um didn't she say that outhouse WASN'T for you buddy
Bossman coming equals expedited times table equals fisting although i think biologically they might still be in his intestines and a stomach message probably more helpful but certainly less gay tension between our besties soo 🤷🏿‍♀️
Also did i miss the part where they took any laxatives because it seems like they didn't
Fisting with no prep is nuts
You gay and you don't have actual lube?
Tense fisting screaming dom being held ay gunpoint with hand up his ass pobreceito
Bossman here
Dumbass fighting for his life his friends fist up his ass and he's still mouthing off about the money
Escalated gun threats with a side of gun fellatio
Useless ben too much whimpering not enough fisting
Bossman dismisses connect and as always we see the mid level person was actually doing their best to make sure the lower end randos don't have to even see the boss cause they will kill anybody or do anything
I know they are gonna do it but it's very wack the only brown guy is kickin the bucket
We know he was going to do the sleeping beauty thing but they shoulda had dom friend zone it again
It's deeply unsatisfying for the audience to have someone dying the whole time then they just die it's like a mystery but you never get any answers it's very futile and it never like.. Grows the character, it's just trauma
Oddly enough the bossman comes in justifying why he shot the connect (they eent outside to have him chill off she was trying to get him to a hospital)as if he has to
Already grooming cause he just killed dom
So he needs a new dad
Still haven't addressed that ben has one in him still
Now that two murders are over with bossman gas escalated to sex crimes
Ben is order to strip and bathe
(Dick count is now two)
Which was well my first guess for how to get those buggies out laxatives and bath
One of the abusers where they just do stuff and then say the exact opposite as if that makes it true
Peak white behavior because there's no soap and not even the bath salts promised and he was digging foreign (alien?) Bugs out of a bootyhole but no soap
I just realized they gotta do these scenes in one take because the hair has to be dry
Hes chatting him up in the tub about gay glory days and baby gays who don't know who barbera Streisand is
Literally looks dirty post bath because no soap
I hope the connect would jump in for a final wounded play
Tense game of firt/run/assertive/
Boss mag took bens clothes but gave him his shoes so 🤷🏿‍♀️
Bossmang has graciously offered to give ben 15g
Ben found his moment and scalpel him in the neck
Now he's running
Left dom body, haven't cut to him since
Wup stick shift??
Didn't cut deep enough
Ben is peak useless gay
Didn't snag the keys running off into unfortunately Forrest which is the bossmangs territory 🥴🥴
And yea the thing is still in you
Bolted now it's out
Can't back with the bug bit bossmang and collected dom
And put bodsmang in the outhouse
Black mirror 6x1 - joan is awful
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Fancy tech job
Great husband
Texting ex
Oof addicted to chaos
Netflix is streamberry
Selma hayak is on tv bring her exactly
Like data mining you for a tv show??
Lol everybody is watching it??
The other Netflix shows have title cards with fake names
Mam turn that shit off immediately
Also everyone elses life as well
How do you forget you cheated an hour and a half ago?
There's no way you won't forget that
The episodes literally right up to them watching Netflix
Bizarre real time truman show
She gets up at 7 because she's a tech person who can come into the office at 10?
Lol everybody saw it
You let slip
Lol why the fuck would you say that how is it her fault
How is that not the first thing you do sis
I guess just loose commentary on cancel culture and social media being a permeant place where your mistakes are permanent
And terms in conditions in software contracts and of course AI
Water tight,
Not air tight
Lol mam literally cancel your service and ditch your phone mama
Wunmi 💛💛
So many guest stars
And commentary on like reality tv and then not having real tv content
Why would Netflix admit all this on camera
Bold move interesting move she did something crazy
That the actress didn't like so she went to get lawyer
Who obviously said the same thing
So far the message is tech owns your ass
They are teaming up 😂😂
She pulled a Beyonce
Your selma hayak
Thank you
Not a the bride costume
The break into streamberry to break the AI machine
Also articulated how algorithms specifically feed negative content because it drives engagement
You know this would be good as a short story
It's a great concept but it comes off as.. academic because everything is spelled out
You're not the real Joan
Fictive level one
Lol they have just been told they aren't real they are AI
Quantum computer is basically magic
Lol we're in reality reality now?
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recaphub · 1 year
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Trolley Episode 9 recap
Hye-joo discovers a shocking piece of information about Ji-hoon’s death. Meanwhile, Soo-bin disappears from home.
Hye-joo found a message on Ji-hoon’s phone. This led her to realize that Ji-hoon’s death was not an accident, but a suicide.
Hye-joo tries to collect herself and walks to Soo-bin’s room. But she finds out that Soo-bin has already left the house. What Hye-joo wants to know is what Ji-hoon said before he decided to end his life. Because the phone records show that Soo-bin was the last person Ji-hoon talked to. Hye-joo thinks that Soo-bin might be staying at a single mother’s shelter.
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Soo-bin goes to find her mother. After her mother abandoned her, they haven’t seen each other for more than ten years. She tells her mother that she is pregnant, but her mother doesn’t seem to care at all. At that moment, a high school girl student walks in, this girl is the new daughter of her mother, named “Yoon-seo” (the same name as Hye-joo’s daughter.) The sound of her mother talking to the new child is different from the sound of talking to her. Soo-bin could only feel a little heartbroken.
After that, Soo-bin goes to see her mother again, but her mother still has a cold attitude towards her and when Soo-bin asked about her new daughter, her mother’s mood immediately worsened. “How would you know? If you just go to compete with Yoon-seo, I’ll kill you.”
Hearing this from her mother, Soo-bin’s eyes well up with tears immediately. “I don’t ask for anything, mom. I just wish you happiness with your new child.” Soo-bin can’t help but wonder how much pain and deep heartache a mother’s rejection can cause. Her mother’s behavior is like that of a stranger and Soo-bin’s tears won’t stop flowing. She throws her phone to her mother and quickly turns around and walks out.
Politician of the Human Race
Meanwhile, the opposing politician finds out that the girl who became a victim of the medical student is a sex worker. When this news comes out, public opinion immediately views the law that Rep. Nam Joong-do is being pushed as meaningless.
After that, Nam Joong-do releases a video of his visit to the parents of the medical student. It’s a video where he just stood by and let the parents of the medical student vent without interruption, and allowed his assistant, Woo-jae, to secretly record the video for political gain. It’s a video that was staged for political gain!
After the aforementioned video was released. Public opinion began to change, shifting back to supporting Nam Joong-do once again. This is politics, the people who are said to be the owners of power, but in reality, they are just tools that politicians use to justify their actions. Even Nam Joong-do, who is almost considered a model politician, is no exception. All that he is, is just a facade created for political gain. This is called “Politician of the human race.” No matter the country, they are all the same.
Image via SBS Korea
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Yu Yu Hakusho offers one of the best portrayals of Feminine Based Badassery. You cannot change my mind.
Like they may not be as physically/spiritually/magically as powerful as the main male team.
Shiori treated her child with such love and kindness that she literally had a Millenia old Trickster Demon willing to give his life for her. She was so generally human and good to other people that she made a demon renouned for his self preservation to willingly give it all up for her…. And she didn’t even have ulterior motives.
Keiko can have some questionable moments (i dislike how anime makes female physical violence against their male love interest seem normal)…. But for the 90’s, she was a rather unique female love interest, she didn’t just wave her boy off to war and wait around at home. She tried.
Shizuru was one of my first female crushes. Her smoky English voice dub was urgh. Her willing to defend her girls at the Dark Tournament despite only just meeting some of them? Amazing. Just a generally awesome woman.
Yukina might seem sort of Damsel ish. But she is still recovering from an extended amount of trauma soo
Yu Yu Hakusho is one of those rare shows where there's not a single female character I hate.
Even Atsuko, Yusuke's mom, doesn't garner my outright hatred like so many shounen parents do. She's an 28 year old alcoholic (who gave birth to Yusuke at 14 so there's a lot being implied there) and is not the best of mothers but she legit loves Yusuke and wants the best for him and it's obvious. She rags on Yusuke but it's because she wants him to be better than her, not because she thinks he's worthless. The way she absolutely breaks down at his funeral? Perfect. She's also much more present in the manga unlike in the anime which ended up being her true saving grace in my eyes.
Botan is delightful and bubbly but also strong in her own way. She shows her determination and strength over the series as well as her pride in her job.
And like, yeah Keiko has her issues but most of them can be legit chalked up to her being young and overwhelmed and even then she's still a little badass with the way she sticks with Yusuke and accepts him and what his life has become.
And Shizuru? Ooohhhh Shizuru. Love her so much and seeing her character honestly explains so much about Kuwabara. She's a beautician who wears traditionally masculine clothes but is still feminine. She smokes, she's a bit rough around the edges and cynical, but she's also protective and willing to fight for others and what she believes in.
Yukina? Baby girl was just as strong as Hiei but in the opposite direction. She left her home to find her twin brother, endured brutal torture, and still stayed so kind and helpful.
Just, there's a reason YYH is one of the greats.
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