#aside from a background poster that kinda looks like him but that was in the original too iirc
sonknuxadow · 6 months
this whole time ive quietly been like its unleashed's 15th anniversary this year ..... and the ghosts have appeared as background characters in idw sonic recently .... and theyre posting a bunch of art of them on the marza account and teasing something for halloween .... THEYRE GONNA MAKE A NIGHT OF THE WEREHOG SEQUEL but i was hesitant to say it because i didnt wanna get my hopes up or get a bunch of other people excited to see it only for it to not happen. but i was RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM ALWAYS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ultraviolet-cello · 4 months
Tristamp rewatch, episode 2! Took me a little longer to get to this because I think episode 2 is like,,,, I never have anything to say about it lmao I don't have too many background details.
Nevertheless, below the cut [Not so long today!] are some theories, details, and character traits I've picked up on today's fine tooth comb rewatch! Also once again spoilers for Tristamp and Trimax.
Once again thanks to @tristampparty for organizing this, I'm having fun :]
So! In sharp contrast with yesterday, I realized that we have a little bit more of Knives in that opening crash sequence - his face is less covered and the camerawork less Vashcentric. I am possibly the worst person to analyze expressions (I have That particular Autism Thing where I often misinterpret people's faces) but here are a few I found interesting
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He just looks a little. again not good at interpreting expressions but anxious? scared, a little upset? I'm not entirely sure he understood how,,, violent the ship exploding would be - and Vash is clearly very very distressed. Also the dark circles under his eyes in that last one - he might have been crying. Much to think about.
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Okay this scene, aside from being really funny, is Frustratingly Overlooked imo. Vash's whole,,, pathetic wet sona thing is often intentionally played up in order for him to get people to see him as less of a threat/weaker/more peaceful. And then to have Meryl and Roberto go yeah no we aren't buying that, Instantly calling him out on his bullshit is interesting.
I guess just as Wolfwood sees through Vash's smiles in 98/Trimax, Roberto and Meryl call him out on his schtick here. I also think that he's doing it more exaggerated than normal to kind of change the subject/alter some perceptions of him.
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Rai-Dei spotted, and Nightow! Slightly higher quality because I realized I was watching in 720p instead of 1080 because I,,,, i don't know why lmao. anyway i like that nightow gets his own little poster its cute
I guess now would be the time to talk about children in Trigun. So as it goes on I'll build on this, but the fact that so many characters in Trigun are motivated by children is very very important to me; Rosa and the people of Jeneora Rock go after Vash not for themselves, but so they can have the money for their children. Father Nebraska appeals to Rosa to help him get Gofsef up on safe land again by pointing out that he's a father too.
A common trait amongst Trigun characters is their protectiveness of children - Wolfwood (obviously), Vash, Meryl, Roberto and Milly clearly, but Knives and Legato leave the children alive in that one town in 98, Livio in Trimax learns to see children as kinda cute - and the arguably most unsympathetic character, Chapel, is kinda the only guy that hurts/abuses children with 0 remorse. Hate that guy lmao.
It reads to me like a bunch of people wanting to break the cycle of abuse on this planet. but they don't really know how :(
On a lighter note, some screencaps I grabbed for fun, ft: The Thomas Loaf
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my closing thought is about Roberto. So clearly he's, yknow, there instead of Milly (unforgivable /lh), but he and Milly have some interesting parallels and ideas - Primarily their observational skills.
In trimax, when Milly interacts with Vash, a lot of the time she's calling out strange expressions or oddities on him - in legato's appearance, that time she asks him why he's still smiling, and the arc where Meryl gets kidnapped.
Roberto is serving a similar role in observing and calling things out about Vash, but he's a little more,,, rough about it. He's nowhere near as (outwardly, the man's got a big heart) caring as Milly! I think it'll be good for Meryl to have Milly in s2 :]
Speaking of Meryl, I appreciate that she definitely has at least someone observational with her, especially while she's less experienced. I love her very much but she happens to be a very stubborn very impulsive person lmao. She definitely needs a balancing.
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fairydust-stuff · 7 months
Rewatch of Heathers 2018 aka Peathers Episode 4
I haven't seen a lot of positive about this show. So I'm going to make some posts about the things that are good here. For each episode.
We see Heather Duke pull Kurt into the bathroom. Then explain they only broke up with him to appease Heather C.
While, I don't give a crap about Heather D x Kurt at all. ( their just not interesting and make no sense. ) Its toxic because Heather Duke mostly bullies him but its not a compelling kind of bad.
But at least Duke has some conflict because they like Kurt but Heather Chandler doesn't want Heather Duke to date some jock. Its weirdly posessive but never goes into full on ship tease catagory. Its highlighted here that Heather Duke is trying to have their cake and eat it to by secretly seeing him.
After some JD & Veronica hook up stuff nothing interesting there and Veronica standing up Betty.
We see, A student named Brianna Parker is shown looking sadly at her empty wallet in front of the suicide tee shirt merchandise. The Heathers are selling, before running off near tears.
The next scene shows Parker in a trailer where we hear people shouting. Someone is passed out on the couch. Suggesting Parker has a bad home life and lives in poverty.
This clever bit of context reveals that some of the students who have reasons to be depressed cann't even afford the merch.
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The next scene shows Parker proudly wearing a suicide t shirt she made herself. The other students, mock and belittle her for being unable to afford a new one.
She is stunned thoughout the day and attempts suicide by throwing herself from the bench into the circle of football players during the game.
This scene showcases the hypocracy of the anti suicide campign. It being valued for being new and expensive and trendy rather then its message.
Even the teachers conclude she should of tried to kill herself weeks ago to spare Ram the football player. Since no one will think its cool if the poor kid does it.
This bit of insensative dialog sounds like something that would come out of the Heathers movie even in the 80's.
It also shows the tv show did its homework in terms of showcaseing the pretending to care about suicide for clout theme that was always there in the franchise.
Parker wearing a knock off version of her merch causes Heather Chandler's brand to be tainted with her posters being covered over in the background to drive the point home.
She confronts Parker in the bathroom " Transfer to Washington, transfer to Jefferson. Because your future at Westernberg is as useless as your legs."
Lizzy the froster care girl Heather Chandler adopts to replace Heather N actually calls the Heathers out. Pointing out she lives in a bubble to the point she doesn't understand poor kids like Lizzy and Parker. " We cann't help that we're poor kinda like you cann't help the fact your overweight."
This class divide as highlighted by Lizzy is further stressed by Heather Duke stateing at one point earlier in the scene, " Just a case of the poor girl, trying to copy the ritch kids and failing miseribly." It also highlights the obliviousness of the Heathers due to being wealthy.
Heather Chandler takes Lizzy aside and is clearly confused at being at the other end a social justice tirade. To which Lizzy implies Heather taught her to call out injustice.
Its kinda ambiguious as to wheather Lizzy is sincere about her empathy for Parker, but it is also obvious she, is trying to manipulate the situation for popularity points. ( I think she does feel compassion for her honestly but she wanted to undermine Chandler).
Side note, Lizzy she seems to have some Heather Duke movie traits. She comes off as timid and being implied to have endured abuse in the past with her saying she learned to apply foundation to cover up the bruises. Also she manipulates her way slowly into the spotlight.
Heather Chandler threats to reveal Veronica and JD nearly killed her. As she needs a new angle if her " I am Suicide" thing doesn't work. By revealing she got JD on tape at her house.
Next scene is Heather Duke rubbing Heather Chandler's shoulders while trying to persade her, their completely loyal. Ok I take it back about their dynamic not being shippy! Dam!
At first Heather C is a little off put by it, but then she lets Heather Duke keep touching her shoulders. While argueing they can take down Lizzy for her. (Seriously, why cann't this be our toxic queer ship?) She agrees but warns Duke if they screw up, their in big trouble.
Cut to veronica monolaging about how America even packaged Teen suicide all pretty. A line that speaks for itself.
Meanwhile Heather Duke slips a note into Lizzy's locker implying Rem will kill himself because of her. Which causes everyone to gush about how lucky she is . With Lizzy playing it up for sympathy points.
Showing how suicide at Westernberg high has been offically romantsized.
Heather C lights a fire in the trashcan and walks off while Heather Duke watches her nervously afraid what she'll do to them.
Then Betty is revealed is put on the trail of realizing Veronica killed the third member of their friend group when they were kids. With her presenting her findings to JD.
JD goes along with it to try and kill her.
Meanwhile Heather Duke has Kurt break up with them because their too mean.
Duke gets Kurt to admit Heather Chandler wrote his lines for him. Then says Duke will end up alone if they continue to treat people badly.
While he's not wrong Kurt is kinda hypocritical here because one, He hung out with Rem and Ram who still bully people and sing chants about killing babies.
Also he let Duke's emotional abuser write his break up lines for him.
( I need to write a post on 2018 reboot Heather C and Heather D's dynamic one day, because its a lot).
So Betty kicks JD's butt six ways from Sunday. I'm not personally fond of this choice because JD is supposed to be dangerous. They already have him failing all, but one murder.
It kinda takes away from his threat factor. This version of him is already super rediculous. So this is just even more of a downgrade. I think I see what their trying to do parody JD, by making him super pathadic, but the problem is the story also wants you to see him as threat. Its like seriously writers you should of just picked a lane.
Tension rises between Veronica after she saves JD's ass. With her being pissed that he didn't tell her, he was going to kill Betty.
Veronica crashes the car to give him an alibi while musing "JD showed his true colors tonight its time I showed mine."
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atopearth · 1 year
Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 5 - Episode INTERmission (DLC)
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I finally got a PS5! Well, I was trying to stop myself but I ended up caving in because apparently my love for Final Fantasy trumps all and I have to play Crisis Core and Part 2 of the Remake asap lol. Anyway, time to play the Yuffie DLC first! It's easy to make a story for Yuffie since her goal has always been to find good materia to protect and fortify Wutai or whatever so she'll go anywhere and everywhere stealing it haha. Her appearance is definitely super childish with the moogle hoodie lol. Kinda cute how you get to see Jessie, Biggs and Wedge in the background. Anyway, I completely forgot how the battle system works so I'm kindaaa mashing buttons and I kindaaa died LOL. Am I too old for this?🥲 As for Fort Condor...very amusing. Honestly, it's not my thing, I vastly prefer the original mainly because I liked the limited units you had to choose from and I enjoyed getting to control stuff like my medic healing soldiers etc, whereas I feel like for this one, I'm just spamming units out until I win lol. As for the Happy Turtle flyers which I assume are like the original Turtle Paradise flyers, it was very weird to have a dancing turtle guy tell me to find these posters lolll. I kinda liked the subtleness of the original because it felt like a fun little game on the side with no pressure. Anyway, the turtle flyers were easier to find than expected, I didn't even try🥲 As for the Fort Condor game, personally, I didn't find it very fun, it wasn't very challenging either tbh but I guess it’s not hard mode haha. But I guess that is kinda how it was in the original lol. Even though I remember the game, it's not like I really liked it that much haha. To be fair though, I didn't like most of the mini games in FFVII aside from Chocobo racing. I never thought I could hate motorcycle racing more but the Remake was able to do it, so I won't be surprised if snowboarding and the submarine game will be the thing of nightmares🥲
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Sonon looks pretty cute! Dangg, killing Ramuh was annoying, had to try a couple of times zzz. Carbuncle definitely helped with the clinch heal, and as usual, limit breaks deal good damage🥲 Personally, I'm not that fond of Yuffie, and she has very exaggerated movements which annoy me for some reason when she's talking hahaha, I'm sorry, I know she's just a kid but still. It's nice to see little fanservice moments such as what Tifa felt when Cloud was gone, but they're pretty minor so yeah. I have no idea how Yuffie can slide up a pole and do it that fast other than some kind of game logic but okay lol, it does look cool I'll admit. I was so happy when Yuffie took off her silly moogle hoodie😅 Anyway, Sonon protecting Yuffie from getting squashed on the train was cute, and I liked how they kept how she gets motion sickness haha, how nostalgic. Poor Sonon lost his sister because of Shinra's weapons that were made by Scarlet. Is it proof that I'm old when I think Reeve is hot? LOL Anyway, I was sick of the breaking boxes game so I gave up after a few tries lol😅 Honestly, I'm sad that we're stuck in the Shinra building again because it's such a boring place loll. Aside from that, apparently Nero and Weiss are from Dirge of Cerberus? They look pretty cool but otherwise, nothing else is appealing about them. Funnily, their boss battle is easier than when I fought Ramuh lol, and I never even ended up using Ramuh for anything! Personally, I am quite fond of Yuffie's skillset though, I love not needing to walk alot, it's so nice to throw her weapon and then kinda "teleport" to the enemy haha, kinda reminds me of the warping in FFXV?
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Sonon dying was expected, but I kinda didn't want it to happen because it was sooo obvious lol. I think it would have been perfectly fine to have him alive because there's so many reasons for Yuffie to be alone. She's such a free spirit and does things at her own pace, of course she would run around by herself lol, but I guess it is what it is. I mean, it's not like I'm particularly fond of Sonon anyway, but that's also because I'm not that fond of Yuffie either lol, but I think they were cute, and it would have been sweet for Yuffie to have a boyfriend in Wutai haha! I mean, the fact that Yuffie was an optional character in the original FFVII gave the writers a lot of freedom to write her story, especially since her main goal is to look for materia, so she can literally do whatever she wants without affecting the story. Anyway, I didn't cry. Seeing Zack was interesting, since it seems to be some sort of alternate timeline, they're definitely intent on pushing the Aerith and Zack pairing, which is expected considering all the marketing and everything but yeah... Personally, the thing I'm most excited to see in Part 2 is Kalm! I honestly don't care about anything else, I just want to see my favourite town LOL. I love the track Ahead On Our Way and it just makes me feel so nostalgic and calm whenever I think of the music and Kalm. I would also really like to play the flashback again because playing as Sephiroth is always cool but we'll see.
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Overall, INTERmission was pretty much what I expected. Was it worth $30? Personally, it wasn't worth it for me because it added no substance to the story or the characters for me but I guess that’s how DLCs are. Sure, it was nice to see Fort Condor and the turtle posters, but if you ask if I enjoyed them? Not really. It's nice to see another Avalanche group, but since Yuffie and Sonon don't really do much with them, it was basically lost potential. Personally, I think the biggest mistake for the DLC was to make it set in Midgar again, and not only Midgar but it's literally the same places. Like yeah, it's kinda cute to think how Yuffie was in the same place as Cloud and them, but at the same time, I'm sick of this place lol. Especially Shinra Building, such a boring place. Anyway, considering Yuffie is a ninja and she was in the open world when you found her in the original, I would have preferred to see more of an "adventure" than this DLC that tries to bait you with some Dirge of Cerberus fanservice at the end alongside a pretty basic plot in which nothing happened. I'm actually pretty disappointed because Yuffie from this DLC feels like a legit kid and sometimes I can't stand her haha! I can't tell if it's because I'm old now or if she's just too childish for me now, or if the characters just translated better as blocks lolll. The best thing about this DLC was Yuffie's skillset, I love playing with her skills!
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Otherwise, if you're curious about whether you "need" to play this DLC or not, you definitely don't. I'd say Crisis Core Reunion which will be coming out in December would probably be more crucial considering how much the Remake wants to sell Zack and his story. The fact that they're remaking/remastering Crisis Core right before Part 2 comes out goes to show that they intend on Crisis Core being important enough to know about for the future. Whether that's a good thing or not, I don't really know because I've never cared for Zack either. Considering my grievances, you might think why does she even bother with the Remake lol, but despite my whining, I can't not play something that is FFVII related, I mean I still need to see my favourite Reno and Rufus again lolll, all I want to do is march as a soldierrrr!😍
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thesims2comics · 2 years
Rating Sims 2 Billboards because why the hell not (long post!)
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Nightlife fashion: 7/10. Very 2000s with the white background and dynamic silhouette, the butterfly wing is the cherry on the trend's cake, I love it. The only thing with this one is that the model/render of the person doesn't seem like a sims 2 render? I don't know what it is that makes it not like a sim, but personally, it kinda puts me off
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Kids toys box: 9/10. I love this! The "letters" very much look like simlish, I love that there is some stuff from the actual game in here and aren't all generic toys, plus, the freezer bunny and the red-white checkered rocket are actually in the Kids Toys box in The Sims 2!
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Car advertisement: 5/10. Not sure what's really going on here. To me, it kinda looked like the car was surfing on a giant sea wave which is cool as hell! but now I'm not so sure whats going on. He drives so fast he leaves the Light Blue World and drives in the Dark Blue World??? that have weird cloud leafs or something? I can't figure this out for the life of me
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Movie poster: 8/10. This is really cool, this looks like a real movie/game poster that the sims could actually go watch! It reminds me of those Sims videos with dramatic stories, which makes me like it even more! The only personal thing is that the logo looks SO familiar, and I can't figure out for the life of me why. Everytime I looked at this I'm like "yeah but where does that 2 with that line come from?" that personal little frustation aside, i really like this poster
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Shop at the Store! poster: 3/10. I hate this. Ew. Why the non-simlish letters. why does the "h" looks like a "u". why is this so generic looking. the only redeemable feature is the artstyle which is nice, but despite that, i hate it.
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Red robot poster: 6/10. I cant figure out what the hell this robot is supposed to be. some kitchen device? a drone, maybe? But it looks kinda nice. I like the yellow tone and the word placement; the composition is quite nice, i would only like to know what the hell this thing is
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Generic travel (?) sign: 6/10. This is cute! On its own, it looks a bit boring, but I think it could make a tourist attraction a little more realistic! Not super interesting but not bad either.
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Sims 2 road signs: 5/10. I'm putting these together since they're basically the same thing, except the one with the roof is smaller. I don't know what to think of these. The roof one I kinda like because the structure probably inspired by on of those map signs you see on a hike trail or something. But overall, I dont like these. They take me out of the game rather than in it. The other signs make sense with the context of the game but these one does the exact opposite. this isn't a sign for the sim but for the player
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Cow Udder Plumbob: -10000/10. Some bored Maxis employee was probably like "hey you know what would be fucked up" and then proceeded to make this and put it in the game. I both love and hate this. and WHY ARE THERE UDDERS?! there's enough weird implications of this guy having hands, eyes and a mouth (are the plumbobs alive? do they have feelings? do they have their own plumbobs) and there was NO reason to put udders on him. this not only implies this plumbob is sentient but can also can be milked. I can't believe this is actually in the game. Glitches, bugs, corruption, i can all understand but this was intentional. someone, give-or-take 15 years or so, sat down and consciously(?) made this. what the fuck
One last thing,: I'd like to say this is all my personal opinion! I love doing dumb things like these, I find them fun, don't take it all too seriously! also, if you disagree with me, that's totally fine! You don't have to agree with me, and can have your own opinion
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 10 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Meta)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Unclean Realm
Lan Wangji has a Louis Henry Sullivan moment on seeing the Nie family home, becoming enraptured by its overwrought monumental architecture after a lifetime of restrained good taste and single-story buildings.
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He approaches the fortress with the expression of delighted wonder that he usually reserves for when he’s looking at the moon or at Wei Wuxian.
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Wei Wuxian is like, yep that’s a building, all right, but he supports Lan Wangji’s kinks.  
Meng Yao tells them about the Wen Clan directive, and has what appears to be a moment of genuine, affectionate amusement at Nie Huaisang’s reaction.
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Jiang Cheng kinda blames the Lans for inventing the whole “indoctrination” thing and for encouraging his brother’s disaster bi tendencies. Wei Wuxian responds by complimenting the Lan Clan, almost like someone who met his true love got some real value out of the instruction he received there.  
(more after the cut)
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One of the great ironies of this story is that Wei Wuxian sort of becomes a rogue Lan disciple because of his relationship with Lan Wangji. He relies on Lan temperament techniques, uses music as a primary cultivation method, has committed all of the Lan rules to his supposedly terrible memory and cites them on multiple occasions, and is an important mentor for the younger generation Lan disciples. Because Hanguang-Jun is just that good in bed.
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Xue Yang in the background of this conversation is channeling OP’s church-enduring, school-enduring inner 10-year-old.
Nie Mingjue, Chifeng-Zun, appears, and couldn’t be more different than his brother. On first watching this episode, I saw him as a grumpy, sexy, very emotional leather daddy man who is quick to anger. Rewatching, I see someone who’s struggling with a growing illness...the resentful energy kind.
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Nie Mingjue’s handling of resentful energy is very different from Wei Wuxian’s straightforward interest and acceptance. NMJ has a traditional cultivator’s view of it, regarding it as evil and as something to resist, while he is literally carrying it on his back. He’s like a secret alcoholic who is preaching temperence, and can’t find a way to be reconciled with himself.  
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At this point of the story, Nie Mingjue is keeping it together, but is under a hell of a lot of stress, and Baxia’s blood thirst is already maybe a problem.
The Yunmeng bros think that Nie Huaisang’s fear of his brother is hilarious, because they don’t understand the situation. They think he’s just living in a hideously toxic family dynamic like theirs, when actually he’s in a loving, sorta healthy, if parentless, family that is being crushed under a generational curse.
Compliments for the Yunmeng Bros
I’m not the first meta poster to notice how happy Jiang Cheng is to be praised by Nie Mingjue.
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He never gets this at home. Jiang Yanli praises him, but in that watery “you tried your best” way that doesn’t really stick.  Nie Mingjue’s praise really means something, because he is a fearsome warrior and stern authority figure. And this is a double compliment, because Nie Mingjue says he heard it from Lan Xichen, and agrees with it.
Let’s Make Terrible Decisions
Keep Xue Yang alive, says Wei Wuxian, and Meng Yao immediately agrees, although I’m pretty sure he would have proposed that even if WWX hadn’t.
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So they do, not realizing that “kill him later” is never a good plan for someone who 1. super needs killing 2. has a whole lot of death-dealing skills.
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Future clan leader Jiang Cheng notices how smart and talented Meng Yao is.  Xue Yang finds it hilarious when the trio praises Meng Yao, possibly because their evil team up is already underway.
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Boss’ Bed Warmer Son of a Ho
The constant insults toward Meng Yao are about his mom, but there’s another level of leering implication, that Meng Yao seems to encourage in his conversation with the soon-to-be-murdered guard captain.
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Nie Mingjue elevated him way above his expectations, and he is ridiculously pretty, which has to create rumors. In the Nightless City scenes when he’s fondling Baxia and telling Nie Mingjue’s family secrets there’s definitely a sense of intimacy that’s not just “loyal retainer.”
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I feel like maybe this whole exchange is a bit of theater designed to show Xue Yang something without showing it to anyone else. Meng Yao didn’t need to have this conversation in front of his prisoner.
Let’s Do Exactly What We Said We Wouldn’t
Once the younger quartet are alone with Nie Mingjue, Wei Wuxian crosses the room away from his friends and practically into Lan Wangji’s pocket, if Lan Wangji had pockets.
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He has no pockets and also has no personal bubble any more, when it comes to Wei Wuxian.
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We could make a weapon out of Yin Iron, Wei Wuxian says, completely forgetting his entire conversation with Lan Yi, apparently. Lan Wangji doesn’t argue with this idea.
Nie Mingjue warns Wei Wuxian not to try it.
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I stabbed a man in Qinghe just to watch him die
Nie Mingjue is like the Johnny Cash of the cultivation world, carrying the weight of his poor choices and trying to steer the young folk to the path of righteousness. But--like Johnny Cash--his bad choices have made him really fucking cool, so he isn’t very good at deterring anybody.
Meng Yao Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends
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Immediately after Meng Yao’s fellow Nie clan people call him “son of a whore” again, Wei Wuxian meets him, is nice to him, addresses him by his military title, bows to him, asks why he’s away from the party, and thanks him for his service.
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But Meng Yao has already decided to make friends with Xue Yang, so Wei Wuxian goes onto his list of people that he doesn’t give a crap about except if they can be useful to him.  Then Meng Yao goes to make out hatch a plot with Xue Yang.
I’ll Sleep On Your Roof
Meeting SongXiao seems to have done away with the last of Lan Wangji’s resistance to his connection with Wei Wuxian.
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He hears a noise on the roof and, when realizing it’s Wei Wuxian, he smiles one of his tiny reserved smiles before heading outside.
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When he sees Wei Wuxian drunkenly sprawled on the roof, limbs akimbo, wine on his chin and neck, mouth full of poetry about the open road, Lan Wangji gives him the most fond look imaginable.
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Then he reluctantly leaves, with his signature “say goodbye, but only when he can’t hear you” thing.
They’ve both come a really long way since their first meeting. Wei Wuxian is openly and vocally attaching himself to Lan Wangji...but is not actually entering his space or asking for anything from him; he just wants to be near him, and wants to let him know that. “I’ll sleep on your roof tonight.”
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And Lan Wangji just...loves him. Wei Wuxian is drunk, embarrassing, demonstrative, eager to make a hell weapon out of yin iron, touchy feely, and absurdly sexy. And Lan Wangji is pretty okay with all of that.
I Might Have Been Drunk
Wei Wuxian carefully avoids telling Jiang Cheng where he was last night.
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Even if he did get blackout drunk, he would have woken up on Lan Wangji’s roof. And I don’t think he was as drunk as that. He just knows Jiang Cheng wouldn’t like the truth.
Wen Fucking Chao, Again
Wen Chao shows up to be annoying and boring.  This leads to a pretty good fight between Nie Mingjue and Wen Zhuliu. Note that when the chips are down, Nie Huaisang stands with his Gege without any cowering. Almost as if he had hidden reserves of bravery, and is not as helpless as he lets on.
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Wen Zhuliu isn’t styled to be super hot, although he’s certainly compelling, and in Dance of the Phoenix he looks good with sensitive-guy hair wispies. I wonder what actor Feng Mingjing looks like out of character?
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BRB, adding a tag to my follow list
Battle Bros
When the fighting breaks out, the Yunmeng brothers are decisive and united, with Wei Wuxian giving orders to Jiang Cheng and JC following without hesitation.
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I feel like if these two could have gone through a few big battles together, instead of being separated during most of the Sunshot campaign, their whole relationship would have improved. On the battlefield, they respect, trust, and understand each other.  
The Pointy End
Nie Mingjue is holding his own against Wen Zhuliu, but he gets distracted by Meng Yao hollering “Xue Yang has escaped” and then shanking the guard captain right in front of him.
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Wen Zhuliu takes advantage of the distraction to aim a very slow stab at Nie Huasang, and Meng Yao jumps in front to get stabbed on his behalf.
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When the Yunmeng bros show up to help NMJ, Wen Zhuliu immeiately yanks Wen Chao back behind him and points his sword at Wei Wuxian. He absolutely sees these two as a serious threat.  Considering that eventually WWX is going to kill Wen Chao while JC kills Wen Zhuliu, this concern is not misplaced.
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Wei Wuxian tells Wen Chao to stop being such a jerk, and Wen Chao menaces Wei Wuxian and gloats about the burning of cloud recesses. The burning, that is, of some part of cloud recesses that doesn’t include the library, the Jingshi, the main cultivation chamber, the rabbit warren, or Lan Qiren’s house, unless the Lan Clan is really really good at rebuilding things to very exact specifications.
In a rare moment of seeing Meng Yao’s internal thoughts, he is worried about Lan Xichen when he hears about cloud recesses.
The Yelling Part
Now we have the particularly nasty breakup between Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao. It’s...got some layers. Meng Yao is cowering on the floor, but is not apologizing.
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He never apologizes throughout this encounter.
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孟瑤無悔  - Meng Yao (has) no regrets
This scene is amazing and excruciating to watch, even more when you know what’s ahead.
What the Fuck is Meng Yao’s Plan
On one level this is Meng Yao, manipulative sociopath, setting up a cover story for his aiding and alliance with Xue Yang.  On another, this is Meng Yao, loving subordinate, being tossed aside by his lord because he dared to stand up for himself.
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He uses the same “scout’s honor” gesture we’ve seen Wei Wuxian use to swear he’s telling the truth. Wei Wuxian is always lying when he uses this gesture.
I’m...not sure exactly what Meng Yao’s plan is, with all these chess moves? By stabbing the captain in front of NHS, he created an opportunity to plant a cover story about Xue Yang’s escape. He might be hoping that Nie Mingjue will forgive him and keep him on, while Xue Yang can stay in his back pocket to be used later.
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Dry eyes? Try Visene
Or he might be intending to get kicked out, given his non-apology. In any case, Nie Mingjue is weeping during this encounter, and Meng Yao...isn’t. He is signaling distress in his voice, expression, and body language, but his eyes are dry up until the last moment, and even then they just glisten a bit. In a show where every actor is an expert at crying on cue, that’s got to be a deliberate choice.
Which isn’t to say that Meng Yao is faking being full of emotion in this scene. It’s just that the emotion isn’t necessarily sorrow.
What Does Nie Mingjue’s Head Think
Flip the view and this is about Nie Mingjue being betrayed by a subordinate, who has turned out to be a self-serving murderer. And on another level it’s Nie Mingjue being betrayed by his lover, who was just using him for advancement.
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I rewatched the later episode where we get the scene as Nie Mingjue’s head perceived it, and he’s particularly brokenhearted and disillusioned from his head’s POV.  In that version there is a telling addition to the conversation.
Nie Mingjue asks about the guys who were roasting Meng Yao behind his back. He asks, if I hadn’t come, would you have murdered all of them?
Um. No, dude. Of course fucking not. That’s what a patriarchal authority does. That’s the way an angry Nie Mingjue/Baxia team might solve a problem.
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Meng Yao has to use subterfuge to kill his enemies. And while he super hates being called “son of a whore” it’s absolutely not enough to make him kill someone, with the risk murder brings. Likewise, being treated well isn’t enough to make him spare someone. Nie Mingjue totally doesn’t get this, because he’s been the patriarch of this clan his entire adult life.
And Here’s the Actual Problem
There is a betrayal here, but Nie Mingjue is not simply a victim.  Whether it’s a sexual relationship or a non-sexual bond of affection, there can be nothing solid in Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao’s relationship within a feudal society, because it is fundamentally unequal. Even if they love each other deeply - which I’m not convinced either of them does - every encounter they have is tainted with power dynamics.
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Meng Yao has been elevated by Nie Mingjue and quite probably taken into his bed, as well as being told many family secrets, but has not been given a new surname (like, for example, Wen Zhuliu was) or independent power. More importantly, Nie Mingjue has not used his authority to remove or punish the many people who disrespect his subordinate.  Lan Qiren would have had all of those gossipy fuckers kneeling in the snow, and Wen Ruohan would feed them to his mosh pit zombies.
Meng Yao is a murderous little snake, but he is right to be angry with Nie Mingjue about some things, and his pursuit of his own agenda is understandable.
Well, That Was a Slice
Meng Yao leaves, hurt, with a dignified bow; just as he did that one time when his dad kicked him down the Carp Tower steps.
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Take note, both patriarchal authorities: that is his way of saying “I’m going to murder you one day.”
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Nie Mingjue sits with his broken heart, as we realize that we’ve only spent 20 minutes with this guy and we’ve gone on an entire emotional journey with him. This episode packed in a LOT.
Soundtrack: Johnny Cash, Folsom Prison Blues
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buffaloborgine · 3 years
A compilation of Genesis’ bitemarks in Remake that you may have missed
In preparation for his glorious “return” in the next title of FFVII Remake (either it’s Episode Intermission or the next one), let’s look back at what could have hinted us about Genesis’ influences in Remake. 
1. The Banora Apple Juice poster As seen in several places around Midgar, those posters are the very first clue that give you the feeling like Genesis is somewhere around, as Banora apple maybe tied to Banora village, or Angeal; but Banora White Apple Juice can only be related to Genesis. He was the creator of it. 
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2. Sephiroth’s speaking manner  The dramatic feeling that Sephiroth’s speeches give surely don’t feel like it’s him talking. And in this certain scene the hand motion and the screen point is exactly like how Genesis talked to Sephiroth before the Nibelheim incident (just with different hands). 
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3. Hojo mentioning project G and project S  To be fair, Hojo has never really acknowledged Genesis and Angeal in Crisis Core, calling them as “degrading monsters” and “Hollander’s freak show”. Why did he mention G and S project now? 
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4. The “Unknown Entities” and “Failed Experiment”  Fought in the Shinra’s Underground Basement, the “Failed Experiment” along with its mini size “Unknown Entities” share many similarities to the G-copies in Crisis Core, the most blatant similarity is the color theme: red and black.  Yellow arrows pointing at the similarities between “Failed Experiment” and the “G-Devastator” designs, including: Round spot in the middle of the face, shown ribcage pattern and clawed hands.  White arrows pointing at the similarities between “Failed Experiment” and “G-Eliminator” designs, including: Multiple appendages on the back with one pair larger than the others and clawed feet.
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5. The group of figures depicted in Aerith’s mural The theme of one figure in red supported by four people in white/grey seems kinda familiar, must have seen somewhere before? 
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6. The looming red-black galaxy in opposite to the light filled one as seen on the two sides of the Edge of Creation So far, asides from Vincent Valentine (who is affected by Chaos), the only character that really has red-black theme is Genesis, this kind of color looming in the background really gives the vibe of him lurking somewhere beyond the grasp of fate. 
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7. Zack Fair’s return and that Stamp posters flying by  Let’s be honest then, if you would think about someone that knows about Zack’s death and wants to save him the most, after having so many memories shared between Zack and that person, who could it be?  Also, that person has to know that Zack is called as “Zack the Puppy” as well. So there you got it.
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That’s the end of my little listing for you all, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.  (=^・ω・^=)
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lilchibi-chan · 3 years
So I was listening to the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack and had a thought. Kenma and Yamaguchi (separately) having a crush on the reader 🥰 Kinda like “If I could tell her” (that’s the song name)? Could u maybe write something for it? 👉👈🥺
Of course!! I hadn’t seen the show previous to this request, so I took a watch and did my research. Also, it’s so nice to see you requesting again💖 I hope you’ve been doing well and if not, I hope this helps and I’m open to talk if you need someone 🌸 Hope you enjoy 🌸
You, Kenma and Kuroo were all at Kenma’s house doing homework/studying. You all live close to each other, so it’s not completely unusual that you all are at one of the other person’s house. Whether it be doing homework or just hanging out, you guys are always together.
You all had a literature assignment to write a poem about love, whether it’s in the form of a person or a place that makes you feel that way and etc.
Kenma decided to write his poem about how he feels about you. He’s had a crush on you for a while and he’s never had the courage to tell you. He still doesn’t, but he thought a good way to get his feelings out would be through this poem.
You all decide to switch papers to see what the other think of the poem you each wrote. Kuroo and kenma switched papers first, or so you thought, and you were gonna go after the two of them read theirs out loud.
“I’m going to read Kuroo’s first to get it over with,” Kenma says
You and Kuroo get comfortable to listen to Kenma read.
Kuroo secretly cheers him on, which you don’t notice
“The poem reads Her hair is dark like the wings of a raven Eyes bright like the sun is behind them Heart made of gold and skin made of satin These feelings I have stay quiet as I hide them Behind these eyes, she doesn’t see I wish she could because I want her with me I lay awake, thinking of her Wishing one day that I could tell her The way she smiles makes my heart skip a beat The way she laughs sets my soul on fire We’ve been friends for a while But I feel like we’re miles apart Due to the feelings I hide in my heart”
“W-wow,” you say taken aback by the words written on the paper
You also noticed that Kenma looked at you the whole time he read it. He was usually the type that avoided eye contact, but it was like he wanted you to hear his feelings and feel them pouring into your soul.
“Kenma, w-would you mind if I took a look at the paper,” you ask
“Uh.. um.. sure,” he says reluctantly handing it over
You read the paper and see that it’s Kenma’s name at the top.
“Kuroo, would you mind if Kenma and I spoke alone,” you ask
“Uhh.. no, go ahead,” he says, leaving the room
“S-so, how long have you felt this way,” you ask Kenma lowly
“A while,” he says not wanting to look you in the eyes
“Kenma, you can face me. I’m not scary,” you say trying to comfort him
“I-I know, but I’m not really good with people,” he says
“Well I’m not just anyone, I’m your best friend and...I kinda..have feelings.. for you..too,” you confess
“R-really,” he says surprised
“Yeah. I love spending time with you and your passion for video games and you teaching me how to play. I love that you never go easy on me either. I know games are like your everything and for you to share that with me took a lot and I know that.”
“Everything is easy with you, y/n” he confesses,“it kinda feels like I’ve known you forever and I’ve never really been that comfortable with anyone.”
“What about Kuroo,” you ask laughing
“He kinda just claimed me as his, but I don’t mind having him around. To be honest, I do feel lonely without him being here, but sometimes even then, I think of you and I don’t feel lonely anymore. Just the thought of you being here brings me comfort.”
You sit there again, this time almost on the brink of tears.
Kenma looks up at you and notices the tears brimming your eyes.
“A-are you okay,” he asks worried
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” you say,“it was just really nice to hear you say that because I feel the same way. You’re my comfort person and whenever I think of you, I just feel warm and fuzzy inside. It sounds cliche but that feeling is indescribable”
“Y-y/n, would you..maybe...wanna hang out this weekend...but like, a date,” he asks
“Of course, Ken. I would love it.”
He smiles and you hear Kuroo open the door
“Ugh finally! I thought you two were gonna let me stay out there forever,” Kuroo says being dramatic, causing you to laugh
“You would’ve been fine,” Kenma says
“Gosh Kenma, you’re so cold. Why can’t you be nice to me like you with y/n” Kuroo says, fake crying
“You’re both two different people who I have different relationships with. You are not the same,” kenma says
“Wow Kenma,” Kuroo says holding his chest where his heart is
“Guys c’mon,” you say interrupting,“we all love each other now let’s just hang out like we usually do and have fun.”
And you all do just that until you and Kuroo decide to leave.
Today at Karasuno, there is an assembly being held with a talent show right after.
A couple weeks ago, when the talent show was announced, Yamaguchi decided that he wanted to do something big. He wanted to confess his feelings to you through a song.
Yamaguchi isn’t the most confident, but he wants to prove that for you, he would do anything.
He spent the two weeks doing research on different songs that explained exactly how he felt about you until he found the perfect one.
He also asked Tsukishima to help him by playing guitar and asked Daichi and Kageyama if they would do background vocals for him.
Tsukishima agreed because he was glad to see Yamaguchi grow some balls and take charge. Kageyama took a little more convincing and finally agreed when Yamaguchi offered to by him as much milk as he wanted and snacks after school if he helped. We all know Daichi being the dad friend agreed no questions asked.
They practiced everyday after practice.
Although they were tired, they knew how important this was for Yamaguchi.
Finally, the day has arrived and the boys are backstage getting ready.
You and Yachi are sitting in the crowd anticipating their performance.
“Wow this is so exciting. I know I could never do it because I’m really bad at dealing with people staring at me, but the good this is that it’s not me up there,” Yachi says to you
“I know,” you say, smiling big,“who knew?! Yamaguchi, Kageyama and Daichi can sing and Tsuki can play guitar!”
“I know this is amazing,” Yachi says gushing with you
After the student council presented what they had to, they announce that Yamaguchi, Tsuki, Kageyama and Daichi were the first act.
They all walk out on the stage and you can see Yamaguchi tense up once he turns his eyes to the sea of people.
You start cheering louder so that Yamaguchi can find you in the crowd and you hold up the poster that you and Yachi made last night.
“H-hi,” Yamaguchi says into the microphone,“I uh..I’m going to sing a song today that describes a really special girl in my life. It’s called Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction. Y/n, I hope you like it.”
“I haven’t heard this song before,” you say to Yachi as you both clap for them to hype them up and know that they have your support.
“Me neither,” you say,“but it should be good. One Direction have some amazing songs.”
Yamaguchi starts singing and you couldn’t believe your ears. He was actually really good. You couldn’t believe that he had hidden this talent from you.
You start listening to the words in the song and you realize that this is Yamaguchi’s way of confessing his feelings to you.
You didn’t know that he did, but there were times you thought maybe and you just were never really sure.
At this moment, they were solidified. Yamaguchi has feelings for you and he’s done hiding them. He also wants the whole world to know about it.
This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you and you think to yourself ‘this is the kind of thing that happens in movies’
This felt like a dream to you. A dream you didn’t want to wake up from.
He looked in your direction the whole time and it felt like you were the only two people in the auditorium.
The song was beautiful and everything about this moment was perfect.
Sadly for you, it did come to an end.
The rest of the acts perform and the talent show ends.
Yamaguchi got second place.
You go see Yamaguchi and the rest of the boys back stage.
“You guys did amazing! You totally deserved first place,” you say pouting
“Y/n, can w-we talk for a second,” Yamaguchi says pulling you aside
“Yeah...you did amazing by the way. I really wish you would’ve gotten first place,” you say reiterating that he should’ve won the talent show
“It’s fine y/n,” he says honestly,“this performance was for you and only you, so I feel like I did win.”
“Yamaguchi,” you say smiling
“Y/n...I really like you and I had to tell you. I couldn’t hold it on anymore.. I hope you’re okay wi-,”
You interrupt him by crashing your lips on his.
“I couldn’t ask for a better confession. That was so romantic and I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend...if you’re okay with it too,” you say with a giggle
“I would love nothing more than to be your boyfriend y/n”
You kiss again and walk back over to the group hand in hand.
There’s clapping and cheers and whistling.
You were so happy. The both of you were.
You couldn’t ask for a better day or a better boyfriend.
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I hope you enjoyed this. I really wanted to try and make it perfect for you. I hope this met your expectations 🥺🌸
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
Winter prompt fill 67 for sternclay? Doesn’t have to be a wedding I just love the 2nd half of this prompt. nsfw would be great
Here you go! It is indeed NSFW
67. you were supposed to have a beautiful winter wedding but you were ditched during the vows and my idiot sibling/best friend just cracked a joke about how maybe I’d finally tell you how I feel about you and you h e a r d
“She’s not coming.” Joseph whispers over his shoulder. 
“Joe, for all we know she got hung up in a dress emergency or something?” Lily, the best woman and Joseph’s sister, squeezes his shoulder.
When the groom turns his blue eyes on Barclay, the groomsman does his best impression of someone who thinks things will be fine.
“It’s only been five minutes.”
“Her entire wedding party is here without her. And they look as confused as we do.”
Barclay spots a member of the event staff slip in a side door and hand a piece of paper to Indrid, their friend who’s acting as an usher. 
“I, ah, have some bad news.” The pale-haired man joins them at the front of the church, “it seems the bride has had a serious change of mind and will not be joining us.”
Joseph grabs the paper, reading it over as the bridal party crowds around him. The upshot of all the commotion, and the arguing that follows the commotion, is that the bride has indeed called off the wedding and is en route to an airport. 
As the family confirms she’s alright, Joseph picks up the microphone.
“Obviously this is a, um, unexpected turn of events. It’s safe to say no one is getting married today, but everything is still in order for the reception and we’re all dressed up so, um, if people want to stay and take advantage of that, you’re welcome to. You’re also welcome to leave if you want.”
Several groups break off towards the reception hall, and Barclay pulls Joseph aside. 
“Joe,  are you sure? I mean, yeah, we’re all here, but I don’t think anyone is gonna hold it against you if you want to send everyone home.”
“It’s important to be flexible.” Joseph replies blithely. Barclay knows his best friend hates when plans change and is unlikely to suddenly lose that piece of his personality at the same moment he lost his fiancee. 
“Besides, I’d hate for that menu you helped us pick out to go to waste.” There it is, the Joseph Stern Professional smile ™, a sign that Barclay’s hunch is right.
“Screw the menu, man, I’m worried about you.” Barclay sets a hand on either of his shoulders. Joseph’s gaze snaps all the way onto him, and he knows he is losing this argument. 
“It’s still my wedding, Barclay. That means I get to run it in whatever way I think best.”
“Right, yeah, sorry.” He steps back, brushes lint from his arm, “you go on ahead. I join you in a sec.”
Joseph nods, turning to stride though the room in his dark suit, while Barclay watches the love of his life walk away.
“Uh, hi, I’m Barclay. You must be Joseph?” Barclay stands in the door of the dorm room, his backpack in his arms. 
“Yes. Um, nice to meet you.” The other guy stands, black hair and well-fitting X-Files shirt making him look like Agent Mulder on his day off.
“I didn’t choose a side yet, it seemed fair to wait until we were both here. I’m partial to the left but that’s more habit than anything else.”
“I’m cool with that. I, uh, I don’t have a ton of stuff to unpack so, uh if you need help let me know.”
“Thank you.” Joseph smiles, taking his face from cute to heart-stoppingly handsome, and Barclay decides he hit the roommate jackpot.
Barclay didn’t fall for Joe so much as cliffdive, throwing himself after the feeling he got whenever Joe laughed at a joke or told him a secret or talked for fifteen minutes about the methodology flaws in Ghost Hunters. Yes, Joe was hotter than convection oven and Barclay wanted to fuck him on the floor of every space they ever lived in, but more than that Barclay was so happy with him, and his friend felt the same way. 
The problem was, Barclay had a shy streak and was far from the only person to see Joe as a catch. And so they dated other people, sometimes happily and sometimes not, but never each other. By the time Joe met Iris, Barclay’s unrequited love had been thrumming in him so long it was no more than background noise. So when Joe ran proposal ideas by him, announced the weddings, asked Barclay to stand up with him, Barclay felt genuine happiness for him and the woman he loved. There’s no rule that says one cannot feel joy and knife-in-the-gut sorrow at the same time.
He’s only gotten better with age he thinks as Joe works the room, fielding condolences with ease. Barclay helped him choose the suit, black with blue lines in the stitching, because it flattered  but did not flaunt the well-maintained figure beneath. The last time Barclay saw him in just his underwear was when they lived together after college, and he fumbled his phone when he saw him at the beach last summer. He can picture it so clearly, what that body looks like under those clothes, and it makes him want to scream
“This whole day has been full of surprises.” Indrid sits down next to him, glass of soda in hand. 
“Kinda figured you and Duck would head home.”
“Most of  our friends are here, and the food looks good. Not to mention we’re both worried about-” Indrid nods towards Joseph.
“Yeah, me too. I mean, I admire his holding it together but, like, what if Duck had left you at the altar?”
“I’d have turned into a hideous red-eyed monster and flapped screeching into the night.”
“That was a joke.” Indrid grins. 
“Right. Man, hard to tell with you sometimes.”
“While this is an upsetting situation, there is a bright side; maybe now you will finally tell Joseph how you feel.”
A crash makes them both turn in their seats; Joseph is wiping his dropped (plastic) cup up with a nearby napkin, well within earshot. 
“Indrid I swear if he heard-”
“Oh, I am certain he did.”
“Dude” Barclay hisses as Joseph steals an unreadable glance at him. 
“For goodness sake, you two are a good pair. A pair you’ve been dreaming about for years. Tell him.” With that the other man stands, leaving Barclay alone with his thoughts. His thoughts are no help, so he joins Indrid, Duck, Aubrey, and Dani for some cake.
As the venue finally empties, he realizes he hasn’t seen Joe in an hour and panics until he finds him standing (swaying, really) in the staging room. 
“You, hic, know, hic, this explains, hic, why she didn’t want to move until hic, after the wedding.”
“Seems like it’s for the best, going home to a place where all her stuff is would fucking suck.” Barclay puts an arm around him only for the shorter man to slump most of his weight into his chest.
“The hotel’s paid for, and I have a week hic of vacation and a packed car.”
“You’re not driving anywhere. I can and will lock you in a closet if you try.”
“Or you could, hic, come with me.”
“On your honeymoon?” Thank god Joe is too drunk to notice his voice creeping up.
“On my it’s this or be miserable t home trip. Please, Barclay? We can hic, swing by your place to get your stuff.”
Barclay says yes. Purely to help a friend in need and not because of how said friend feels pressed up against him.
They’re an hour out of the city when Joseph fumbles with his phone, “Change of plans, were going here instead of the hotel?”
“I thought the whole point was the hotel was paid for?”
“It is, by her family, so fuck it. I’ve always wanted to go here and it’s the kind of place she’d never let us stay.”
They take the next exit and find the highway North rather than East. By the time they reach the massive pink building with an airplane in the field out front, snow is falling and Joe is half-asleep, mumbling “okay” when Barclay says he’ll go get them a room. The clerk welcomes him, shows him a list of available rooms, and he notices a high number of them have heart-shaped bed, “tubs for two,” and the word “fantasy” in the name. 
Just as he’s wondering what the fuck Joe’s gotten them into, he spots the perfect room at the bottom of the list. 
“Got a surprise for you.” He helps Joe from the car and unlocks the door. His friend takes in the silver and green decor, the posters, and the UFO-shaped bed. 
“This is the exact one I was hoping for.”
“I know, you giant nerd.”
“Be nice, big guy, or you’re sleeping on the couch.” Joe stumbles to the bed and starts stripping, at which point Barclay zips back outside to get their bags. By the time he’s back, Joe is under the covers and out cold. The king bed does look comfy…
Barclay sleeps on the couch. 
Joe remains dead to the world until almost noon the next day, so Barclay works on his cookbook edits and sends yet another thank-you email to Mama for letting him take his vacation with such little notice. He grabs breakfast, including a sandwich for when Joe wakes up and some aspirin to go with his coffee. 
“I hate myself.”
“Good morning to you too.”
Joe rolls over, dragging the pillow atop his head, “I didn’t mean to get so drunk, it’s just the only way I could get through all those conversations yesterday was to take a drink every time I felt like crumbling.”
Barclay sits on the bed, petting his head, “It’s okay, man, getting me to drive you to a weird sex hotel is not the worst thing you’ve done drunk.”
“I threw up in a mixer one time.”
“And I’ll never forgive you for it.” He laughs when Joe whacks him with a pillow. In the silence that follows, he remembers Indrid’s comment, and wonders if Joe does too. 
“...Is this really a sex hotel? I just thought it was kitsch aimed at couples”
“Go look at the tub.”
Joe groans, stepping out of bed in just his--god help him--silk boxer briefs. They must have been under the suit. 
“Are these...they are, there are handcuffs hanging by the tub. Well, weird as that is, I’m taking a bath.”
The day goes in an oddly non-awkward direction after that. They’ve lived together often enough that getting dressed and clean in close quarters is nothing new. Joe votes for hiding from the world  bit longer, so they settle in on the very squishy bed and watch a silver plated T.V, Joe laughing whenever Barclay yells at cooking shows they way other people yell at football games. 
He still sleeps on the couch that night. 
The next day Joe is up bright and early, suggesting they drive to a nearby tourist trap, using his phone to pick out a breakfast place that serves Barclays favorite local coffee blend. They follow that same process the next two days; find some strange roadside attraction or nearby bookstore, eat, and return back to the motel to lay side by side on the bed and to read or watch T.V.
It’s as they’re wandering around a strange, knock-off Carhenge that Joe sighs, “I sort of saw it coming, you know? Iris leaving. I proposed because I cared about her, but she was the one who brought it up, and every time we were visiting her family or she got off the phone with them, she’d bring it up more forcefully. I think she was under more pressure to settle down than I grasped. If our places were switched, I might have run too. Lord knows I wouldn’t want to marry me.”
Barclay crunches to a stop in the snow “Why the fuck not?” 
“Because I’m exactly the kind of guy you’d want to bring home to your family but not spend your life with. My job has weird hours and travel, my non-work clothes have cryptids on them, I can be too particular, and I’m not that exciting for someone whose job is special agent-”
“No, fuck that, you’re a catch.”
“You’re just used to me, big guy. Your objectivity is in question.”
“Yeah, well, you’re even more used to you, so I’m really the more objective one here.” 
“Maybe you’re right.” Joe stares at his footprints, then elbows the cook, “come on, lets go get lunch.”
Barclay is still full and happy, having warmed up via a soak in the tub (where he thought of four different ways to use the cuffs and then had to calm down his cock enough to get out), when he comes into the main room and finds Joe staring at his phone. 
“Oh shit, did she get in touch?”
“Yes. Iris, um, is on a cruise ship. As a yoga instructor. She says it’s something she’s dreamed of for years, that she’s sorry for hurting me, but that marrying me would have been a step in a life she did not want to lead. So. That’s that.” He puts the phone face down, cards his fingers through his hair, “Lord almighty I wish she’d just said no when I asked.”
“Me too.” Barclay imagines a different past, where Joe asked him instead, where he said yes because it’s what he’s been dreaming of since he was twenty-two. Where Joe is sitting in front of him, not sad-eyed and tired, but happy as can be. 
This hangover is somehow worse than the one the morning after his non-wedding. Then again, he drank more in a shorter period, hoping to drown out the memory of the words on the screen. 
Or the words he overheard at the reception.
“Tell him how you really feel”
He’s had his suspicions about Barclay from time to time, most frequently when they were younger and he felt those deep brown eyes on his ass every time he turned around. But Barclay never took a chance; there were times after break-ups when Joe is certain anyone who was interested would have taken advantage of him being vulnerable and available, but instead Barclay cheered him up, the same way Joe did when Barclay’s relationships ended. Stern concluded neither of them wanted more. 
He would have taken more in an instant. His love for Barclay walked the line between romantic and platonic, and he would have crossed it the moment Barclay asked him to.
Now, he’s bathing with his eyes shut because any light is murder on his skull, his best friend waking up on the couch where he’s insisted on staying because clearly Joe’s lost his appeal. Who’d want to sleep with someone who got roaring drunk and needed babysitting?
He pops aspirin, drinks water, and lays down with his sleep mask over his eyes. Barclay moves around the room, talking softly in that gentle baritone that, not for the first time, makes Stern wonder what he sounds like when he cums. 
“You want me to run and grab breakfast?”
“No, I can get it for both of us. Lord knows you’ve done enough for me this week.”
“You gonna go downstairs blindfolded?”
“For you, I’ll risk a headache OW, owow.” His back locks up just as he tries to sit upright.
The bed sags, “Holy shit man, you’ve got a huge knot right here.”
“My back always does that when I’m stressed, it’ll be fine.”
“Nuhuh, lay down and let me see if I can get it out.” Barclay nudges him onto his stomach and he flops willingly, mask still on. 
“You don’t need to Ohhhhhhhhhnnn, I forget about those bakers hands.”
“Gonna knead you like dough, babe.”
Stern blushes at the name; he was always a little jealous when his friend called his boyfriends that. 
When thumbs pass below his shoulder-blades he moans, arches at the second of pain, “That’s it, that’s the epicenter.”
He can’t stop sighing as Barclay runs his hands over him, can’t stop wiggling his hips at every burst of relief. He pushes his ass up without meaning too, and a bitten-back whine reaches him. 
Fuck it. Even if he’s about to make a huge mistake, he wont have to look Barclay in the eyes.
“What did Indrid mean? At the reception.”
“Uh.” Barclay’s hands still, “uh. That I was worried about you.”
“Try again.” He grinds his ass back deliberately. 
“Joe, please, I’m hanging on by a fucking thread here. You’re underneath me shirtless and I am not gonna do this a dumb way.”
“Do what?”
“Tell you that, that I, no nope, I’m gonna do this back home, at the Lodge or something, make you dinner first and be all romantic so that you don’t think I’m talking with my dick when I say I love you.”
Barclay’s whole body tenses. Joe flips onto his back, regrets the sudden movement, and lifts his sleep mask. He takes one of his frozen hands from the air.
“I love you too.”
“Really?” Barclay sounds like a teenager whose crush just said yes to prom.
“Really. And I don’t think it’s just your dick talking. Although if you wanted to bring it into the equation I wouldn’t mind.” He sends a pointed stare at the half-hard shape under worn denim.
Barclay’s breathing is picking up, his posture trapped between movements. 
“Do you, um, do you want to kiss?”
His friend drops down in reply, smashing their lips together and parting his own imploringly until Stern slips his tongue between them. His big hands cup Stern’s face and his hips grind like he thinks his parents will be home any minute. 
“I love you, I love you so fucking much, Joe, ohgod, babe, please, please let me be good to you” the kisses on his face and neck are messy and the sweetest sensation he’s ever felt. 
“Barclay, you’ve always been good to me.”
“I meant this” he drags their dicks together, “kind of good.”
“Ohlord, yes okay, good point. Get your clothes off and bring me the purple bag that’s in my suitcase.”
Barclay grabs the bag, upends it and sends several sex toys, his strap-on underwear, and lots of condoms onto the bed, undresses as Stern sets one of the toys into the harness. 
“I need to put this back on.” He lowers the mask and hears a soft whine.
“I like seeing your eyes.”
“You’ll see them plenty, big guy, I promise. Now, open yourself up, please.”
“Oh hell yes.” A rip of foil, a pop of lube, and then Barclay straddles him, grunting delightfully. 
“Tell me when you get to three, that should be enough for this toy.”
Pre-cum drips just above the waistband of the underwear, and he gets a thrill remembering the few times he’d caught an accidental glimpse of Barclay’s dick. It’s big, that much he knows, and he’s going to have a lot of fun with it once he’s done reducing the man above him to tears. 
“T-three, babe.”
“Get my dick wet and then get to it.”
When he gets the gasp that tells him the toy is in, he smile and reaches to the underside of the base, “Remember that new dick I was excited about?”
“The vibrating one? OHFUCK, fuckyeahbabe” Barclay jerks and moans, his movements erratic even as he sinks all the way down. Stern echoes him, the pressure of the other man’s body makes the vibrations hit all the right spots. 
“Here’s how this is going to work, big guy; I’m going to get off while I fuck you, and if you can hold off on coming until I’m done, I’ll let you fuck me.”
“God yeah, Joe, fuck me, please.” 
He thrusts up and there’s a thud of Barclay’s hands hitting the headboard. The movement is rough on his stomach but he doesn’t care, grabs hold of thick thighs and fucks him, the other man working his hips in an attempt at rhythm.
The mask catches on a pillow, letting him see Barclay from the neck down. Lord, he looks good like this, big (Stern’s always loved how big he is), letting out the most appealing grunts and growls, dark hair covering most of his softly muscled body…
Wait a minute. 
He claps a hand over his mouth, laughing. 
“Whats, aAAhnnn, what’s so funny babe?”
“Remember when you found that Sasquatch dildo and bigfoot romance novel in my stuff?”
“Hard to forget.”
“I just discovered the source of the fantasy.”
“Are, are you saying I look like bigfoot when I fuck?” Barclay is shaking with laughter. 
“Kind of?”
“I’m putting that on a sign in my den.”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Too late AHHhhnnnfuck, fuck, baby, pleasepleaseplease say you’re close.”
“Why? In a hurry to fuck me?”
“After ten fucking years? Yes.”
He focuses on rubbing off on the toy, holding Barclay in place to keep it at the right angle, orgasm building sudden and swift when he works his hips just right and Barclay starts whimpering.
“Shit” he bites out as it ripples through him, aftershocks jerking his hips and making them both groan. 
Barclay climbs off and he wiggles the underwear off and kicks them off the bed. 
“Okay, big guy, now you can fuck meSHIT, lordalmighty you  feel good.”
“Fucking knew it would, knew you were fucking made for me Joe, fuck you’re incredible.” The hand that’s not balancing him on the mattress is shoving Sterns left out and up so he can drive deeper, shaking the walls on each thrust. Stern wonders if there’s a way recreate ten years of pent up desire so that Barclay will fuck him with this same furious affection every night of his life.
He’s limp post-orgasm, happy to let Barclay manhandle him to his hearts content. When the other man sits up, dragging his hips into his lap, he moans louder than he had in years. 
“That’s it babe, lemme hear how good it is, fuck, no one’s ever looked this good taking my dick, c’mon, take it all the way, take me all the way while I cum in you.”
“Ohlord.” his toes curl weakly as bucks into him faster and faster.
“Fucking years, years I’ve wanted cum in whatever hole you’d give me, now I’m gonna and you’re gonna feel it for weeks, fuck, babe, that’s it, ohhhnn Joe, Joe” there’s a final growl as Barclay holds his legs open, the last jolts of his orgasm making his fingers dig into his skin. 
As he’s coming down and pulling out, Stern slips off the mask, blinking at the sight before him. Barclay, flushed and slick with sweat, staring at him like he’s a prize he’d never thought he’d see.
“Will you be my boyfriend?” He winces at how childish it sounds. A week ago he had a fiancee, for gods sake. 
“Yeah, hell yes, wait, Joe, you just got out of an engagement. You, you sure you don’t want some time alone or to, like, explore other options?”
Stern crawls over to him, beard scratching his palm when he turns his cheek, “Barclay, I’ve always been one step away from falling in love with you, and it turns out this was the step. I trust you, I get along better with you than anyone else, and apparently we work well in bed. If, um, if you don’t want this, if it’s too late, I understand. But if you want to be together, I want that too.”
Barclay blinks. Then he blinks again. And then he’s crying and Stern pulls him into the hug.
“Oh lord, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-”
“Joe, don’t apologize. I’m so fucking happy, I’ve wanted to hear this for so long it’s just” a shaky breath, “just didn’t expect it to hit so hard. I love you, Joseph, and nothing would make me happier than being your boyfriend.”
They stay like that for awhile, talking in confessions and professions of feelings. Then Joe kisses him, and pulls him towards the bathroom to clean up (and maybe use those cuffs) before heading out to lunch.
Indrid opens the message on his phone, smiles, and texts four words in reply. 
I told you so
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chaeshosie · 3 years
What’s Happening with Legacies Season 3 and How do all the Theories Fit?
hello quick disclaimer i am very confused with tumblr and i haven’t used this in years i’m just lazy to summarize the essay so i’m putting it here
also this is a 6-page essay i just think i should warn people beforehand
Season 3 focusing a lot on consequences and obsession
As we’ve seen through most of what season 3 has been released so far, a lot of the character arcs and plot developments that the writers are trying to pull off have something to do with consequences. Some of the observable ones are the consequences of Hope’s actions from the recent episodes, Josie trying to find a sense of normalcy at MFHS after dealing with the consequences of Dark Josie during the earlier parts of season 3, the consequences of Lizzie kinda betraying MG in 3x08 being MG leaving the school, etc. I think that the “big bad” of the season isn’t really a creature, Malivore, or the artifact, but rather the antagonist of the season considerably be the consequences that the characters deal with as a result of their actions. If we take into thought the Puck theory and how his character in the Shakespearean play mismatched the couples, the dynamics between the characters and the ship of the show (mostly Handon-Hosie) in the episodes after the 3x03 can be considered the consequences of Puck matching the wrong people together. The most noticeable of these consequences are Hope and Josie’s lack of interactions and Hope’s obsession with Landon.
While we’re on the topic of obsession in relation to consequences, let’s tackle how 2x11 can possibly be foreshadowing to Hope’s character arc in season 3. Hope and Alyssa Chang are essentially reflections of the same character. They’re both considerably reckless with magic and both come from tragedies in their families (parents’ deaths) that they at least partially blame themselves for. In 2x11, the audience watches as Alyssa tries to kill Kym and MG while under the influence of the Obsession arrow. What we can consider the consequences that Alyssa faces here is not only Kym leaving, but also MG (who she had a crush on) distancing himself from her. Now we can see parts of that being reflected in Hope’s arc throughout season 3, most noticeably starting by around 3x04. Hope has been obsessed with Landon and even just protecting him in general (but let’s be honest, it’s been like that partially in season 2 also) that she’s going through such lengths just to make sure that Landon’s safe. This reaches to the point that she’s already hurting the people she loves like Josie and Lizzie while her obsessive love for Landon seems to be her driving force this season. This very much reflects how Alyssa willing to hurt MG, whom she had a crush on, just to get what she wanted. I think it’s good to note also that in this episode, it was Pothos that was pulling the strings and not Cupid. In mythology, Cupid or Eros is the god of attraction, affection, and passionate desire while Pothos is the god of longing, yearning, desire. Seeing as to how obsession is quite linked to one’s desire we can see how this plays out for Hope’s arc involving her desire to keep Landon alive while balancing her relationships with the other characters. In relation to Hope and Josie or rather Hosie in general, longing and yearning can be referenced to how they’ve been slowburn for most of season 3 with their very small amount of interactions and how their ship has always been mostly about longing and yearning, even stemming from Josie’s crush on Hope when she was younger.
Even the references they make throughout 3x09 have something to do with consequences and/or obsession. Let’s start with the monster references they’ve made. In fact, the first monster Hope references, which is a cherub, is very often mixed together with imagery of Cupid. Cherubs are known for helping people deal with sin that separates them from God (Judaism) and also said to keep record of everything that happens in the universe (Christianity), but more on that will be expounded later on. On the other hand, pixies grant wishes in exchange for favors, which can fit to the kitsune!Hope theory with its similarity to how kitsune grants supernatural wishes in exchange for kindness. The Jinni reference can be related to how Lizzie was “obsessed” with trying to find the perfect reality; we’ll go back to this reference in a while. We also have a reference to an artifact similar to the Inari wishing pot which is the Monkey’s Paw. The Monkey’s Paw is said to be a story that acts also as a cautionary tale which reminds us that unintended consequences often accompany the best intentions.
Now that we’re on the topic of artifacts, let’s talk about what the artifact, which is believed to be an Inari wishing pot, is connected to the whole plotline of season 3. We see three different historical figures connected to it, namely Einstein, Rasputin, and Napoleon. In relation to consequences, these three people have all experienced some kind of consequences that may or may not be related to the artifact. But with the fact that the writers take the effort to acknowledge that they owned the artifact, it can be assumed that these consequences have something to do with the wishing pot. We’ll focus on Einstein more compared to the other two because he was seen having a direct relation to Clarke in the flashback scene in 3x09. Considering that in the scene where Einstein and Elsa were seen, it looked to be like they were leaving their house so I assume this is when they left Berlin to go to the United States. Based on what I researched on this history, before they reached the train station, Einstein and Elsa had to close up their house at Caputh. In the scene, we saw them about to leave their house right before Clarke and the guys he was with (I’m guessing Triad at the time) raided the place looking for what I assume would be the artifact. Clarke also mentioned that they had to find it before “der Fuhrer” got there. “Der Fuhrer” was actually a term used to refer to Hitler at the time, which lines up well with history given Einstein’s historic distrust of the German political body especially with Hitler’s sudden rush to prominence. This line suggests two things, either Clarke meant that Hitler and/or the military was going after Einstein or that Hitler knew about the artifact’s existence. Moving later on to history, Einstein was said to indirectly have caused the atomic bomb due to a letter he wrote to the U.S. President Roosevelt about the Germans possibly making an atomic bomb, which then led to the death of thousands with the bombing of Hiroshima. In fact, if we look at the history of these three historical figures, their “consequences” have something to do with death. Einstein with the deaths caused by the bomb, Rasputin having been said to predict that if he died because of a Russian nobility, their whole family would be assassinated (which did end up happening), and the deaths associated with Napoleon due to his persistence towards victory with the French Revolution. Given that we’re going to see a banshee in 3x10, a supernatural creature which is said to literally be the “harbinger of death”, I’m thinking that we get to see these consequences to Hope’s wish of bringing Landon back finally coming into play, seeing as to how the consequences of the past three historical figures had something to do with death. Aside from that, as observed by some people, the wishing pot can be seen in the background of the season 3 poster as some kind of window of sorts.Interestingly, windows are often associated with symbolism for opportunities, fresh starts, beginnings, protection, views or opinions or perceptions. I think the opportunities part could be attributed to “opportunities” that would come depending on what wish you made with the Inari wishing pot while the “fresh start” could not really be fresh but more in the sense of Hope starting to finally have something to her character or possibly even a fresh start as a tribrid (??). Windows can also mean that one is too quick to judge, which can be applied to how Hope’s obsession over Landon has made her too quick to judge everything around her thus affecting her relationships with the other characters in the Super Squad.
Hope’s Character Arc and How the Theories Affect It; The relation of Kitsune to Sprites in the context of the Puck and Kitsune!Hope Theories
Now that we’ve covered most of what 3x09 really adds to the theories, let’s go to the theories themselves. So for this, we’ll be covering the Puck theory, possessed!Hope or kitsune!Hope theory, and the “the Landon that came back is actually MaliLandon” theory. Let’s go over the Puck theory real quick first. So in short, a sprite named Puck Goodfellow was the MOTW in 3x03 aka the musical episode and was sort of a “good” monster in the sense that he didn’t really directly affect the plot or try to kill the students but then he was more of a psychological monster that influenced the relationships of the characters with one another (Hope and Landon in particular). Seeing as to how he was able to control or implant memories/thoughts into the students’ minds makes me assume that he has some kind of telepathy powers. In fact, in some folklore it is said that some sprites have telepathic powers, specifically to project thoughts in the sense of psychic persuasion and confusion inducement/misdirection which I think is what we see Puck actually practice a lot in that whole sequence with MG trying to figure out his identity. Although they actually did tackle three celtic supernatural creatures in season 3 alone, I think Puck is the one with the most important role. Several stories describe sprites as mystical beings that either help humankind or trick some unsuspecting human into a sad tragedy of sorts. I think we would be able to watch Puck do both of that as seen in the earlier episode and later on in season 3 if/when he does come back. 
So how does the Puck theory relate to the kitsune!Hope theory? Well in Japanese folklore, sprites exist as yosei. They’re said to more or less have the same powers as yosei are simply the Japanese counterparts for sprites and the difference is mostly just in the term used to call them. Yōsei or Yousei, are small magical creatures (specifically fairies or sprites) which can regularly attract ghosts to them. What differs Yōsei from their European counterparts is that they can learn the human spoken language, and they also have mastered sign language. The one thing that actually directly links Puck (as a yosei/sprite) to the whole theme of consequences surrounding death is that many folklore actually included beliefs that yosei could bring the dead back to life. The thing is though, that there’s this thin line between yosei and yokai, the latter being where kitsune usually falls under. In fact, some kitsune are often mistaken by several folklore to yosei (depending on which story you read). One example would be Hakuzōsu, a kitsune that takes over the place of a monk it killed, who is often mistaken as a yosei in some stories. The essential difference between yosei and yokai is that yosei are shape shifting animals and water-spirits and city ghouls (if you know spirited away, those are practically yokais). Meanwhile, yokai are, yes, demons, but are the embodiment of a moment: a feeling of dread and bewilderment, or even awe and wonder of an event; OR a strange sound or peculiar scent. This doesn’t necessarily mean that yokai are automatically evil, it’s just the strong association of a specific distinction to them such as emotions or a scent. This is the reason why some kitsune are often mistaken for yosei, as they are also shape shifting animals with a strong connection to nature. Some yosei can also be mistaken for yokai, one example being tsukumogami which are spirits that haunt household objects. This is why some stories have both kitsune and yosei interacting with one another or at the very least acknowledging each other’s existence, a favorite reference yosei make about kitsune being the Tamamo No Mae. Another thing that helps connect kitsune to the whole theme of consequences involving death is that kitsune can be consumed by negative emotions easily, especially when it comes to seeking vengeance, to the point that it can lead to death. 
How I think the rest of s3 will play out if these theories do end up happening, esp with artifact
Now that we’ve established the connections between the Puck theory and the kitsune!Hope theory, this is how I think these two theories would play out in season 3 alongside the Inari wishing pot (the artifact) and the possible MaliLandon theory. 
First of all, let's connect the theories to the episodes of season 3 that have already aired, basically 3x01 to 3x09. In connection to what Clarke said in 2x01 about Hope being Malivore opening the gates which would most likely end up allowing other monsters including the kitsune to escape at some point during season 2. While Hope was in a coma from 2x16 to 3x01, it's assumed that the kitsune possessed her, which would be easier for the kitsune since it's easier for them to possess people who are asleep or in a comatose state. From late 3x01 to early 3x03, this is the closest we get to Hope's actual personality outside of being obsessively in love with Landon. We even get to see Hope being critical of Landon and upfront with him in the end of 3x02 and for the first three-fourths of 3x03. In fact, we can actually connect Hope starting to become more attached and we could say obsessed with Landon after her interaction with Puck. For most of 3x03, we see Puck mess with the minds of the students, making them believe that he was always a faculty at the school. This could obviously be taken as a form of psychic persuasion as part of the telepathic powers that several sprites have. Then we see Puck talk to Hope right before she goes on stage to sing Always and Tomorrow. Interestingly, their conversation hardly has anything to do with Hope and Landon's relationship entirely. In fact, it was more focused on her legacy as a Mikaelson and how opening herself to feel that heartbreak that came with the loss of her parents is what allows her to grow. It would've been the perfect chance to see Hope grow as an individual character outside being Landon's girlfriend and finally see her live out the Mikaelson legacy along with the build up of her character in The Originals. But instead we see her sing a song directed towards Landon, get back together with him, and proceed to become more and more obsessively in love with him in the future episodes. I think that Puck didn't exactly put any kind of love spell/potion on Hope, but rather he mostly used psychic persuasion. The fact that we've already seen him do it throughout the episode might as well be the writers priming us to consider the possibility of Puck telepathically messing with Hope's brain. But if you take Puck's lines about losing people and feeling that heartbreak and think of it from the kitsune's perspective. Many kitsune usually travel in packs (similar to werewolves) so imagine what it would feel to the kitsune who's been consumed by Malivore thousands of years ago, having lost the rest of her pack at this point and as alone as Hope probably does. I honestly think that the kitsune might have even possessed Hope not purely out of spite or for revenge against Malivore, but because it was still weakened from being stuck in Malivore for so long without being able to feed that it relied on a powerful body she could find. And honestly, what's more powerful than a tribrid? So I think Puck's words spoke not only to Hope, but to the kitsune as well. But along with these words, Puck did some kind of telepathic psychic persuasion that allowed the kitsune to surface more with Hope and have more control. Considering how both Puck and the kitsune know what it's like to be stuck in Malivore, it would be understandable for Puck to take the kitsune's side. This is also putting into consideration that by the time of the musical, the kitsune must have spent a few weeks to at least a month in Hope's body which would allow them to have enough strength to gain control. In the episodes after 3x03, this is when Hope begins to use her "wolf eyes" more. The noticeable difference though with her eyes is that they are more gold-toned compared to the usual yellow color of the other werewolves' eyes. This along with gold lighting from the previous season 3 episodes can be attributed to the connection kitsune has to the color gold. Aside from this, kitsune often flash their eyes as a sign that they're in control (this was also utilized in a korean show centered on kitsune/gumiho so I'm taking reference from that also). Then we reach 3x04 where it's very possible that the kitsune killed MaliLandon/Landon by having sex with him, taking his life force, and reducing him to his original goo form. The catch that the writers included here is that he took Hope's Mikaelson necklace with him, which can also possibly be the kitsune's life orb in its jewelry form. Then we move to 3x05 where the artifact is first introduced. Seeing as to how the artifact is an Inari wishing pot based on the jewels, structure, and the fact that it opens, it makes sense for Hope to be the only one able to open it considering that she's possessed by a kitsune. Here we get the wish that Hope makes which is to bring Landon back. But then we also put into consideration the kitsune's wish which is to get back their life orb. I believe that the artifact mixed these two wishes together, bringing back MaliLandon and creating a mirror version of Landon that's the more "idealized, perfect" version of him. This is in the sense that a new malivore portal appeared (which would give the kitsune a way to get the necklace back and a way for MaliLandon to come back) and hope got her idealized version of landon (which was missing the necklace because he's not really Landon or MaliLandon). By 3x08, Hope starts to work to get Landon back which ends up with her putting Lizzie and Josie in danger. Considering how the Malivore portal can be assumed to have opened somewhere around 3x07 and Hope getting Landon back the episode right after, this could be the artifact granting their wishes. But then to get her idealized version of Landon, the wishing pot can only grant wishes involving material things. This is where the dark magic in 3x08 comes in which gives the artifact something tangible to form into that idealized version of Landon that we see in 3x09 and possibly the later episodes as well.
Focusing now on 3x09, the lines "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" vs. "those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" are very easily applicable to the situation with the artifact and with Hope's character arc. We see that Hope has already seen firsthand what obsession does to a person yet she still hasn't "learned" from it which is why she's repeating it in season 3. Aside from this, we can also take into consideration that Puck matching the two people together and being wrong could also mean that he does end up fixing it later on. The line is also a reference to Handon and how they’ve broken up and gotten back together way more than the number of k-pop albums I have. And that they also need to learn from the history of the artifact and the consequences that come with using it. The line about not remembering the past can be a direct nod to how those who are consumed by Malivore are forgotten by everyone. This could be in reference to how the kitsune was forgotten by the world because of being consumed by Malivore, and this is also considering that kitsune existed mostly in the Edo period (1603-1867) which is also near the time Puck must have existed (if we take into Shakespeare’s years of being alive which were 1564-1616). This allows us to consider the possibility of Puck and the kitsune having at least aware of the existence of the other considering the close relations between a lot of the supernatural creatures. That being said, this could have a factor in the psychic persuasion that Puck did in 3x03. To address what other people are saying that “Puck’s dead why are you still making theories you’re just desperate” whatever, remember that sprites/yosei are literally shape-shifting animals and/or spirits. Puck could’ve easily just shapeshifted when the Necromancer stabbed him, especially since the original form of sprites are usually depicted as small creatures that are often not easily noticeable by the human eye. In relation to the kitsune, the color of Hope’s wolf eyes have become more similar to the common yellow color of other werewolves as compared to the gold color earlier in the season. This is most likely because of the kitsune spending too much time away from her life orb (in the form of the Mikaelson necklace) which caused it to lose its control over Hope over the episodes.
Given that Hope/kitsune has already used the artifact, certain consequences which would most likely involve death would follow in the next episodes; explaining why we get a banshee in the 3x10. I think that there’s three possible options to how this would go: mirror version Landon would die which would cause Hope to go crazy obsessed over protecting him again, the kitsune would die because of being separated from her fox marble/life orb for too long, or Alaric would die since they’ve been hinting at it already with the sphinx which would allow for Josie to enter the storyline and back into the SBS drama. Given that the mirror version of Landon is bound to die anyways since it’s not really Landon but something that the artifact conjured from dark magic, he has to die at some point. Given how Hope feels this need to protect Landon, I think that there would be some kind of conflict with Hope’s character in that context when it comes to the two versions of Landon (mirror version Landon and MaliLandon). On the other hand, if they go through with the kitsune dying, I think it would end up being anticlimactic in the sense that they never really had to deal with the kitsune in the beforehand. Lastly, if they do kill off Alaric as part of one of the consequences  from Hope’s wish would obviously cause something to come up between Josie and Hope’s relationship, especially given that Hope had guilt tripped Josie to help her in 3x08. This would also cause another rift between Hope and Lizzie given how Lizzie reacted for the most part of 3x09. This would allow the audience to see Hope finally go through the consequences of everything she’s done in 3A just to get what she wants.
On how Puck and the kitsune can come into play in 3B, I think that Puck would most likely come back after the death to sort of patch things up in a sense which works with his “putting people back together.” I also think the part of his plan to “break people apart” would be pertaining to separating Hope and the kitsune so that Hope wouldn’t be possessed by the kitsune anymore. Once the two are separated, this would allow Puck to “put them back together” by suggesting a sort of team up between Puck, the kitsune, and the Super Squad to get MaliLandon and the kitsune’s life orb back. This would serve the goals of the kitsune and Hope so it also seems likely that they’ll reach that agreement some point in time. Lastly, Lizzie saying people get hurt whenever Hope gets in the way and that she’s only there when she needs something could be some sort of foreshadowing towards Hope needing something from the artifact which was her wish, even if it is very OOC for this line to describe Hope’s character in the earlier seasons, but it also hints on the possible consequences being that someone gets hurt, possibly leading to the death of someone that majority of the characters have a direct relationship to. Oh and also, Emma being in Shanghai seems to be either intentional or coincidental considering one of the most popular kitsune figures, Tamamo no Mae, was born in China.
~ END ~
i have no idea what tags to put lmao
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radramblog · 3 years
Radiohead Retrospective Part 4: We’ve got heads on sticks
Your name is Thom Yorke. You’ve just released what is considered one of the best albums of the 90s, if not of all time, and you’ve achieved a level of fame that at least one band member considers akin to the Beatles. Through the release of OK Computer, you’ve proven that even if people are pretty much over Oasis at this point, British rock bands still rule the airwaves. You’re also stressed the fuck out over just about all of this, and having a very hard time accustoming to the life of a celebrity- let alone the usual mental health issues.
What will you do?
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Apparently, the answer was to write the fourth album to be as far away from the previous few as possible, seeking influence from IDM groups like Aphex Twin, jazz stuff, and just some bizarro instruments and experimentation and leaving a lot of the “rock” stuff behind. The primary genre listed for Kid A is usually Electronica or Ambient, with various off-kilter rock subgenres lagging behind, crying “you’re still gonna do guitars and stuff, right?”
Well…not as much anymore. But this era of Radiohead, this career-suicidal swerve, still proved monumentally successful, and showed that the band still had it, and that sometimes artistic risks do pay dividends.
A side note: I usually link music videos for the tracks I discuss as part of each post, as you’ll have seen in previous parts of this series. Kid A, however, doesn’t have any singles, and it sure doesn’t have any music videos. So…maybe just listen yourself. I’m probably in over my head here anyway.
I think the first 5 notes of Everything In Its Right Place are some of the most iconic in all of music.
Some personal background- Kid A was the first Radiohead I ever listened to. A particular cool and good mate of mine was a fan in high school, but I’d never listened to them at all, and I trusted his opinion musically, so I went to buy one of their CDs the next time I was at the shop. And for whatever reason, the cheapest one was Kid A at 10 bucks, and I didn’t want to gamble more than that, so that’s the one I got.
So the opening notes of Everything In Its Right Place were the first Radiohead I ever heard. And considering how much I obsessed over this band, in high school and beyond, it’s no surprise that this song is one of my favourites.
Not only did this song introduce me to Radiohead, it was effectively a gateway track for electronic music in general. This was the early 10s, and the majority of what I knew as electronic stuff was the EDM that was drowning the airwaves at the time. I hated that stuff out of principle, because being a hipster like that was definitely a personality. I don’t think I would ever have gotten into Vaporwave, into IDM, or into any electronic music the way I eventually would were it not for Everything In Its Right Place.
Now that I’ve spent 250 words talking about myself and not the actual song, we should probably stop that. Everything In Its Right Place is defined by this steady build of layering vocals and effects onto the relatively calm synth line, distorted vocals and word salad lyrics and manipulated noises growing and getting more chaotic before it just stops- the vocals fade out, the effects drop, and you’re left with the synth line- except it’s been slowly changing itself the whole time, and you don’t realise because you’ve been distracted by everything else at the same time.
It’s worth noting (and I don’t know if this was the case with OK Computer, because I don’t have an original copy of that one) that this was an album without liner notes, without the lyrics in the cover booklet. But at least in this case, the lyrics don’t matter as much as the v i b e. At least, that’s what I think.
On the topic of unintelligible lyrics, Kid A has a title track! I believe literally two Radiohead albums do this, the other being The Bends (though Hail to the Thief and In Rainbows do appear as lyrics). The song itself is an ambient, quiet piece that feels something like a twisted nursery tune- incredibly affected vocals, a syncopated (?) percussion, and a synth (I think???) that…I don’t know how to describe it, but it feels nursery-rhyme-y. If you’ve heard this song a few times, or you know what to listen for, you can piece together the lyrics somewhat- and they are, frankly, kind of unsettling. What is standing in the shadows at the end of your bed, can it please leave? And imagery of the Pied Piper is always either extremely silly or extremely unnerving, with this clearly leaning towards the latter. There’s a lot going on here- especially for a track most probably wouldn’t listen to outside the context of the full album. I know I generally don’t- not the kind of thing I generally am in the mood for.
 We’re at 850+ words, and we’re only up to The National Anthem? Fuuuuck. Well, anyone who wasn’t on board the IDM train can at least appreciate this one more, it’s got an actual bassline. A killer one, at that, that drives the whole track. Well, you know, that and the B R A S S. Seriously, it sounds like they invited a marching band to this bad boy. The combination ends up sounding mostly like controlled chaos, a jazz band traffic jam wound together by that B A S S. But the bass can’t hold it forever, and eventually that shit breaks free and just, it just honks all over the place.
I’m frustratingly running out of things to say about this song I really like, as opposed to the other songs I really liked. Unfortunately, ya boi forgot to take his neurotypicalification pills today, and so I’m getting very distracted. Hopefully, that slightly unhinged nature suits the album somewhat.
The next song, How To Disappear Completely, is a Big Mood with a fun story attached. The main lyrics- I’m not here, this isn’t happening- were allegedly something none other than Michael Stipe from R.E.M. told Thom to help him deal with that massive stage fright that came with Getting Big. Fun trivia aside, this song is gorgeous, luscious with massive strings, an acoustic bend, aethereal vocals, and a background drone running through the thing that makes sure your hair is always a little on end through the thing. It’s a song whose lyrics are an attempt to escape anxiety, whose instrumentation serves more to reinforce it- a calm, melodic piece that builds into nervous swells and threatening strings. A song about fighting your fear, and losing.
Fuck me it’s a bit depressing isn’t it. It’s potentially the most emotionally revealing song the album has- a lot of the lyricism on other tracks is more metaphorical, or subtle, but the meaning in How To Disappear Completely is evident even just from the title. You get lost in the strings and they go from calming, to imposing, to downright menacing (and then back again) in the song’s final minute.
Treefingers, on the other hand, has a lot less to say, and by that I mean it’s an instrumental. A very atmospheric, ambient one, and thereby one I don’t have a lot to say about. I’m not sure I’m particularly good at commenting on regular music, but this kinda thing is a whole different animal. I have no idea how to interact with discussing this. I like it? I will say, that one note right at the end, that echoes for a bit, the one piece of clarity in this muddled, reverbed sphere, feels especially poignant, for reasons I cannot describe.
We go from ambient instrumental to arguable the most rock-song-like track on this album, Optimistic, certified banger that it is. Some might argue that it doesn’t fit here, but like, did they even hear the lyrics? The bridge? It more that deserves its place on one of the best albums around. The little way the guitar scales up during the chorus is excellent, the proggy drums and riffs are glorious, it’s just a very good rock song.
Also this is the first song with the lyric “dinosaurs roaming the earth”, which, aside from being a bit of a non-sequitur, would return two albums later. And I’m really looking forward to that one.
In Limbo is a song I kind of always forget exists until I hear it again. It’s antimemetic, the way the song goes slipping from my mind until I hear those opening notes again. I’m going to be honest, it’s probably because it’s also the most mid song on the album. Far from bad, but it isn’t doing anything that How to Disappear Completely or Optimistic aren’t doing better. If I had to remove any track from this album, it might be this one?
Watch me get fucking lynched from the fandom for that one, if I ever post this to r/Radiohead or whatever. Which I might, though as much as I’d like more people to read my things I’m also extremely anxious about the potential response. Like the album I’m discussing today, I’m terrified of fame.
Incidentally, In Limbo is also the shortest track on the album (Treefingers beats it by 11 seconds), though this isn’t initially obvious online at least, because people keep messing with Motion Picture Soundtrack. But we’re not there yet, hang on.
We go from the forgettable (to me) In Limbo to the utterly mesmerizing Idioteque. Anxious but danceable, confusing but emotive, messy but tightly controlled. I love this fucking song to death. The reason I got the particular Radiohead poster that I did was because it has lyrics from this on it.
I’ve heard that lyrics for this album were largely pulled from a hat, and nowhere is that more clear than here (or maybe Everything In Its Right Place). Despite this, there’s a pretty clear theme in them, a continuation of some of the themes of this and the last albums. A condemnation of wealth and cowardice in the face of ecological disaster. In the form of an apocalypse disco.
What a lot of people don’t know about this track is that it actually samples an extremely old electronic music piece- one written in 1973, on a particularly old computer. The track, mild und leise, is a very interesting track considering its age- I’m reminded of Selected Ambient Works by Aphex Twin- not so much musically, but about how that reason was as influential as it was because it was the first time songs had sounded like that, because it was the first time songs could sound like that- I suppose it’s somewhat similar in that way, if older. These pieces and their composers inexorably linked by the allure of technology, and how that could be used to define new eras in music history- in Radiohead’s case, it certainly defined the next few albums in their lifespan.
Jesus mild und leise is long, it’s still going as I write this. I need to get back to Kid A, man!
Idioteque leads directly into Morning Bell, admittedly another less memorable song. Largely percussion lead, plenty of falsetto, and with a very unsubtle theme if you listen to the lyrics. I recall seeing someone saying that “cut the kids in half” was a really surprising and spooky line, and, yeah, sure, it sort of is, but it’s only particularly bad if you don’t pay attention for the rest of it. It’s about divorce, dude, it’s not subtle.
Or apparently not, according to one interview, but Thom said the interpretation isn’t invalid, so haha still winning baybeeeee.
I think the only part of this I really can’t do without is the outro, because the last minute and a half of this song is really cool. The mumbled lyrics go really well with the rising percussion and eerie effects that end the track.
Our final song is Motion Picture Soundtrack, or, Exit Music (for Walt Disney’s Depression Nap). This and Street Spirit I think are what really cement Radiohead’s reputation for brutal closers, both of them being tragic but hauntingly beautiful in different ways. In this case, it’s the instrumentation- glittering harps attempting the echo 50s Disney. There’s actually a version of this song from the OK Computer era with extremely different instrumentation, piano rather than organ, and no harps (and a third verse that is utterly brutal). Regardless, this is the song they chose to close the apocalypse that Kid A is on- the final lyric being “I will see you in the next life”, as the glittering echoes into the night. Poignant and tragic, but a little hopeful- the next life hopefully won’t have the struggles and pain of this one.
And then, of course, there’s the hidden track. Nicknamed Genchildren by some (that’s just the username of the dude who uploaded it to Napster back in the day), officially known as Untitled, and the true closer to the album. With Spotify slapping it right at the end of Motion Picture Soundtrack, it’s not clear the true nature of this song- it’s actually hidden on the original album, after several minutes of silence, just long enough that you’ve forgotten you left the player running (or you’re still crying from Motion Picture Soundtrack). I don’t think there’s a real word for what this sounds like other than heavenly, and incredibly brief piece I’ve heard compared to the pearly gates. After all, if we end on “I will see you in the next life”, then what can this be but that?
 Thus closes Kid A, a gorgeous and powerful album, yet an insane swerve for any rock band to pull, not just Radiohead. A bold strategy, and yet it paid off for them- Kid A would not only be massively influential, it was also massively successful both critically and commercially- but not to the standard of OK Computer before it. But they obviously weren’t trying to do OK Computer part 2, just as that album was deliberately not The Bends part 2.
Kid A would pretty much get a Part 2, though, less than a year later. And it’s that album we’ll be discussing next week, obviously. Until then.
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coreancitizen · 4 years
Of saviors, traitors and, yes, that happily ever after in ‘The King Eternal Monarch’
I came across a post about “The King Eternal Monarch” the other day and found the questions it raised — and the answers it provided —  interesting. I’d seen some of the same questions either here or on Twitter. While I agreed with some of the original poster’s answers, I have a slightly different perspective on others. I didn’t want to hijack the post so I’m writing a separate. But you can read the original here. Obviously, I’m not saying these are the definitive answers. But if you have any questions about anything on the show, feel free to drop me an ask. I think you can tell my thoughts are still consumed by “The King Eternal Monarch,” LOL!
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2 saviors?
I’ve seen the theory going around early during the show’s run. And I’ve seen the photos. I initially thought it was just a trick of light that made the shoes look different.
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But the original poster’s theory about Gon having different shoes from different timelines and it all just merging together to emphasize the time loop makes sense as well. To borrow Gon’s words, it’s a beautiful solution to what could just be a production inconsistency.
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Lee Gon being a good shooter
The theory about the time loops and how at this point it’s like muscle memory makes sense to me. God knows how many times he’s gone through this.
But why do people think Gon is a bad shooter? Because of the shooting game? I thought it was pretty clear that the game was rigged, as most of these types of games are. Other than that I don’t think viewers were ever shown or told that Gon is a bad shooter. He was supposed to be last in his class in combat, but even then I’m not sure that his mentor wasn’t just pulling his leg.
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What was Lee Lim’s plan?
“I plan to become the very being who gives punishment from the skies.” That’s what Lee Lim told his brother, the king, right before he killed him. He basically wants to become a god, with dominion over “eternity and infinity” through the Manpasikjeok. With the power to open doors to different worlds and have the breadth of time to do so, the possibilities for Lee Lim were endless and quite mind-boggling, to be honest. I do think he still wanted to rule Corea, part of the reason he was replacing all those people with his minions. 
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The ending ...
I think this is the part where I’ve seen the most debate. I fall on the side of Gon and Tae Eul ending up living in Corea, married and with kids — which, of course, means Tae Eul became queen. Without being explicitly shown a wedding, plus that line about going back to their daily lives after their weekend dates, I see how it could be viewed as our couple making the best of an impossible situation.
But interpreting the ending to mean Gon and Tae Eul lived separate lives and just got together on weekends would mean ignoring everything that the show set up about Gon’s and Tae Eul’s characters as well as what the king’s duties entail. This is a point hammered throughout the series, he needs to make sure his royal line continues. 
Then you have Gon’s repeated proposals — a storytelling trope. The payoff was her finally accepting it: in the penultimate episode when she put on the necklace, and in the final episode when she accepted Gon’s flowers. Don’t forget that she was willing to abandon her life in the republic and go into the in-between place with Lee Lim, risking death or being trapped on the other side. That’s why she told Luna to take care of her dad.
There’s actually no obstacle to them being together that they can’t overcome. As Gon repeatedly says, he’s quite an influential person in Corea (Netflix keeps using the word “decent,” which doesn’t make sense in the context of his conversations. I’d say influential would be closer, maybe even powerful). Luna exists, yes, but they can always say, “Hey, everybody has a doppelganger” and laugh it off. Tae Eul’s identity? I’m sure Lady Noh and her creative Royal Public Affairs Office can come up with some beautiful fiction to explain the new queen’s origin/background.
It also helps that Fate or the spirit of the flute seem to be on our couple’s side, first by allowing them to keep their memories, and then later nudging them to basically get on with it by bringing them back to Corea to be discovered by Jo Yeong and the Royal Guards — a repeat of the last time.
One of these days I’ll write a longer meta on the many ways the series showed that marriage and queenship for Tae Eul were not just possible but inevitable.
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What’s the purpose of the chief’s solitude?
To show the effects of compassion — or lack of it — on people’s lives, it’s one of the themes explored throughout the series and emphasized in the finale. The chief uses the excuse of “solitude” while basically looking after the grandmother and sister of someone he knew who went to prison. Because of his “solitude,” the lives of two people are a little better than they would have been. 
We see this again with Prime Minister Koo’s mom and the young “Luna,” who ended up being an officer of the law instead of running from the law with just a little compassion from the fish shop lady. And when Gon and Tae Eul discover a world where Gon is a tyrant, the king immediately surmises that bad Gon must have grown up without a Lady Noh, an Uncle Buyeong and someone’s ID to guide him.
On the flip side, you can see the impact of Lee Lim’s utter lack of compassion for the poor souls he manipulated to serve him.
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Why did Lee Gon’s grandfather bring Head Court Lady Noh into the Kingdom of Corea?
This was frustrating because I definitely wanted to know more about Lady Noh’s past, especially after this revelation. From the little we heard about the situation, it seemed like the king had seen the devastation of the war and took pity on a young orphaned Noh Ok Nam. It didn’t feel like there was a romantic connection there from the way Lady Noh told her story.  But while it may feel like it was a storyline that was dropped, I see a couple of purposes for the revelation. 
A) To show that somebody from the republic could have a life in the kingdom (psst, Tae Eul). 
B) To show why Lady Noh was more accepting of unexplainable things such as encountering —  and letting go — a young man who claims to be her king on the Night of the Treason.
How did Lee Lim come back before the king in episode 15 and how come he wasn’t dead since in 1994 he was beheaded by himself?
Could be as simple as Lee Lim’s gate was much closer to the palace than the king’s. As for why he wasn’t dead, it was 2020 traitor who got beheaded. 1994 traitor went on to live his life like his previous self, without learning any lessons, and that’s the version Tae Eul ends up shooting inside the in-between.
Who succeeds the throne after Lee Gon?
His and Tae Eul’s kid, of course. The one Lady Noh has been praying for and kinda hinted at in the last episode with the reference to the Royal Ancestral Shrine. “Will it be completed next year?” she asks. Why next year? Because if they started now, it would take Gon and Tae Eul about a year to have a baby, LOL! 
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What about Se Jin, you might ask. Well, we don’t know that she exists in the new timeline since her traitorous father’s neck was snapped by Jo Yeong back in 1994. Here’s the thing with that character, she was never really more than just a plot point. That’s why aside from blurry photos and a few details about her doing well, we never got much information about her. Because when all was said and done, when the timeline was finally restored she wasn’t going to be relevant.
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powerdragonmoon · 4 years
❄️Keep Me Warm❄️
Another akuma attack, another afternoon spent drawing for Nathanael, this time with a special guest.
I’m @edendaphne ‘s secret santy claws! 🎅oh ho ho ho!!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays you wonderful bean!! and to everyone good night! Thank you @kuu-sama11 for the endless and amazing lukanath inspiration! ❤️❤️ 
(ao3 link)
Nathanael hummed quietly under his breath, reaching to push his hair back before returning his pen to his sketchbook. The soft strum of a guitar in the background made the soundtrack for his art, melding in with the sounds of the city outside as Paris was enveloped with snow. The power had gone out hours ago. Another snow-themed akuma of some sort had wreaked havoc on the city, encasing the university in an avalanche, leaving Nathanael stuck in the library. He found himself lost in between the bookcases, sitting on the floor, passing the time searching for inspiration… 
The guitar paused. 
“The acoustics in here are amazing,” came a calm voice, from across the aisle, followed closely by another strum of the guitar. “I think the snow is making the perfect sound absorber.” 
Nathanael glanced up at his only companion, the only person to have round up stuck with him during the akuma attack. His long legs stretched out into the aisle with his guitar on his lap.  
The snow covered windows allowed only limited light into the building, flooding the library in a cool and soothing atmosphere. The tall guitarist sat across from Nathanael, strumming notes on his guitar as the room grew colder with each passing hour. His bright blue eyes were intensified in the darkness of the library, sparkling like snowflakes and ice, however in their coolness, Nathanael could only feel the heat rushing to his cheeks. 
He had never been so conflicted over wanting an akuma attack to be over. 
Finally, Nathanael cleared his throat, still unable to find any words for a reply. Instead he nodded, smiling shyly in agreement as he pushed his hair back behind his ear, not able to meet Luka’s piercing gaze. He tried his best to focus on his drawing even as he heard Luka’s guitar pause once more. 
Over the years the two had grown closer, Nathanael was close friends with Juleka and Rose afterall. He even had assisted creating posters for one of Kitty Section’s final performances before the band broke up and then later assisting Luka and his new band with cover art for their album. And now they were attending the same art school. Even if they shared no classes, they still found time to spend together. They became fast friends, bonding over music and art and finding themselves in an easy symbiotic relationship, Luka’s music inspiring Nathanael’s art, and Nathanael’s art inspiring Luka’s music. It was good. 
And it wasn’t something Nathanael wanted to ruin. 
To admit to Luka how he truly felt for him would surely ruin their friendship, and so Nathanael tried his best to put his feelings aside. He tried to keep his eyes glued to his sketchbook and not on Luka’s shaggy blue hair. He tried to focus on his comics and not on Luka’s small, soft smiles. He tried… 
And yet he couldn’t help the skip of his heart as Luka settled down beside him, leaning against the same bookcase and propping his guitar back onto his lap. He leaned back, eyes closed and took in deep breaths. It had gotten so cold in the room that Nathanael could see each exhale in clouds of vapour from his mouth. 
…Nathanael tried not to focus on his mouth for too long. 
He was so tall that Nathanael could easily rest his head against Luka’s shoulder.
He tried not to focus on that either…
Luka’s eyes opened, meeting Nathanael’s for a moment before Nathanael ripped his eyes away, focusing back on his sketch and hoping Luka had not noticed him staring. Luckily, his long red hair fell from behind his ear, forming a barrier from Luka’s pale blue eyes and hiding Nathanael’s blush—
At least until cool fingers traced his cheeks, pulling his hair back behind his ear. Nathanael froze, turning to see Luka leaning down close, his fingers still tangled in Nathanael’s hair, black nail polish against red hair.  
“Your hair has gotten so long,” Luka remarked, and Nathanael felt himself shiver, unsure of whether it was the cold or the deep timbre of Luka’s voice. The white vapour from their breaths took up the space between them, and as if by instinct the two of them moved closer to one another, seeking warmth and heat. Nathanael hadn’t even noticed that Luka had put his guitar down. 
“Y-yeah,” Nathanael stuttered. “I really need to get it cut.” 
Luka’s hand ran down the length of Nathanael’s hair, his eyes tracking the movement and reaching down past his shoulders. He smiled, wide and bright, staring back at Nathanael, his eyes sparkled, “I like it. I think it looks great.” 
Nathanael quickly decided he would never have his hair cut again if it could get Luka to smile like that. 
“I, um… t-thanks,” he finally replied, blinking up at Luka. “I should probably wear it up more often… it gets so tangled and messy.” 
“Nothing wrong with tangled and messy,” Luka hummed with a wink and Nathanael sputtered. He was going to have to go open a window at this rate and fling himself out into the snow to dampen the heat rising to his face. 
“It’s kinda badass,” Luka continued and Nathanael balked that the association to such a word, shaking his head with a laugh. 
“Is it badass to have my hair always in my eyes when I’m trying to draw?” Nathanael remarked. 
Luka shrugged, “There are some amazing musicians that can perform with long hair. Makes the headbanging all the more awesome.” 
“I’ve never headbanged in my life,” Nathanael laughed. 
“Well then we should go to a concert,” said Luka, nudging Nathanael’s shoulder with his own. “I’ll take you to a real rager.” He smiled, raising his hands up with his pointer and pinky finger raised, sticking his tongue out for good measure. 
The two broke down into a fit of giggles, causing Nathanael’s hair to once again fall in front of his face. 
“Really though, do you want me to do your hair?” Luka asked once Nathanael had combed his hair back into place with his hands. 
“What?” Nathanael wasn’t sure if he heard him right. 
Luka shrugged, “I used to do Juleka’s hair all the time growing up, plus you remember my man-bun phase.” He smiled, grabbing an elastic from his wrist and untangling it from his many bracelets. “I think I can help you tame this mane.” 
Despite the rising heat to his cheeks, Nathanael managed a scowl in Luka’s direction. 
And yet, just a few moments later, Nathanael found himself sitting between Luka’s legs, blush beyond controllable as Luka’s long calloused fingers combed through his hair, gentle and well-practiced as he untangled knots and lightly massaged his scalp. Nathanael was in heaven, put even more at ease as Luka hummed a sweet tune under his breath. 
The cold was no longer a problem for Nathanael as he felt the warmth radiating from his proximity to Luka. And as far as he was concerned, Ladybug and Chat Noir could take their time. He was in no rush to leave and Luka seemed to be happy to keep him warm. 
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helihi · 4 years
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty: Spop season 5
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I’ve stopped screaming, and I took the time to rewatch season 5 with my little brother. So, here are my thoughts:
The Good
Horde Prime - The cult™ : I really dig the aesthetics, that combo of religious fanatics + fascism hit good. The crew did a good job at portraying Horde Prime as the ultimate villain of the show. He was engaging to watch and his ideology was pretty clear. The way they played with the hive mind concept was really fun, and it was Horde Prime’s biggest strength. He was also a very good manipulator, successfully playing with Glimmer and Adora. He was unsuccessful with Catra because she had already hit her lowest point.
Entrapta: honestly, she was the most hilarious character this season. Not only was she engaging to watch and listen to, I felt really connected to her this season. The fight with Mermista hit really good and it hurt, but you could see her trying her best. I love how open she is and how accepting of everyone and everything. I’m glad we got to see so much of her this season.
Scorpia: baby, she only deserves good things in life. When she got mind control, you could see how fucking powerful she is, but luckily for us, we got to see her shine independently before that. Her interactions with Swift Wind, Perfuma, and Double Trouble made her shine. She’s smart, talented, and without an evil bone in her body. I’m happy she can move on from Catra and find love and friendship. (I hope she reconnects with Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle in the future too)
Mermista: babe, you were always mood. She has been consistently funny, her get ups and plans are so entertaining to watch, but also: her relationship with Sea Hawk is great! They are definitely made for each other. I’m sad she was mine controlled for the other half of the season, but I’m happy we got to see a lot of her before. (Also she burned someone’s ship OMG GANGSTER SUIT)
Sea Hawk: happy to see him back. He was funny as always, and I’m happy he got his moment with Mermista at the end. 
Perfuma: “ADORA, WHAT DO YOU HAVE THERE?” “A TANK” “NO!” Her relationship with Scorpia is so good! I wish we could’ve seen more.
Netossa: I was one of those who was sad to know the 2 canon lesbians of the show were just background characters. I am so incredibly happy to see her shine this season! SHE SAID MY WIFE. She is the queen of the roasts and I stan.
Spinnerella: Dude, I didn’t know you were this powerful what the fuck. Also, your wife is super cute and she draws like Noelle.
Emotional Support Cat: Bro, I love Melog’s design. I think it was a really clever way to have Catra express her feelings and process them out loud for the audience by giving Catra a supernatural cat.
New She-ra design: I see the subtle reference to Bow, Glimmer and Catra in the design. Honestly, Adora looks 100% more badass.
Not Hordak: I really wish he had picked a name from himself. Aside from Entrapta, this might be the other hilarious character of the season. He goes through his individualization process in a healthier way than Hordak and showcases that the clones can be different from Horde Prime and rehabilitated. I wonder how he will feel about Hordak? But we got no epilogue so idk I guess.
Darla: I can’t believe they named the ship, but I love it.
The Best Friends Squad: I swear to god, when Bow, then Glimmer and then Catra interrupted Adora’s train of thought, I knew we were going to have a great dynamic. The way their characters play of each other is hilarious. Bow, who usually has the only braincell, is cautious and a total dad; Adora is the dumb jock with the heart of gold that gets herself into trouble; Glimmer is the chaotic enchantress with no patience; and finally Catra who’s got all her walls up, but gets shit done. I want a show of them together going on misions and almost dying in the process, thank you.
Catra Redemption: You wanted it, and here you have it! I was cheering for Catra this whole season while proclaiming I’d die for her (which I had only reserved for Scopia previously). Though things may be a little rushed, Catra takes her time to process things, and goes back and forth a couple of times. She deflects, lies, and runs away, but in the end she opens up and rushes back.
In general, the season was packed with content. I was never bored through any episodes and I honestly laughed outloud while watching it alone and later with my brother. There were moments when we paused the episode to discuss what had just happened or to process new information. This makes me feel even more weird about the bland season 2/3 division.
The Bad
Okay so, let me make this clear: I will never attack a ship or anyone who supports it. In this blog we multiship like adults and respect other people’s OTPs.
That being said, while this season was long and packed with content, it also felt rushed when it came to the relationships of the main cast
Glimmer - Catra: The prison episodes had barely any interactions between both of them. I wish they’ve had had more time to talk and to connect. There were Glitra moments that make me feel happy, and my brother was for a moment convinced that they could be canon. They are foils of each other after season 4. The conversation they had, where they realize they had a lot of things in common could’ve been a catalyst for both of them to grow and heal. However, Catra has her change of heart really soon and saves Glimmer, which prevents any deep interactions between them in the future. Aside from the jokes, Catra must be with Adora, and Glimmer must be with Bow, so everything else gets dropped.
Glimmer - Adora: The conflict between them after Angela’s “death” was one of the main plot points of last season. When they reunite again, their issues are solved in a couple of minutes and then brushed off. They really don’t have big interactions after that, which feels completely OOC and empty.
Glimmer - Bow: I wasn’t the only one who felt the sharp turn of their relationship. In previous seasons, it was really platonic, but as soon as they see each other again you know they are going to end up together. The camera zoomed on them, Bow was always holding her protectively, the way they looked at each other change. Since Glimmer is not allowed to have intimate moments with anyone else, it kinda dulls everything up. Don’t get me wrong, I love some best friends to lovers, but in this case it felt rushed for me. If I pinpoint the moment things turned romantic for them, it’s the first time they interact in person this season. It didn’t feel organic (contrast with a ship like Korrasami, where you can point at the moment Asami realized she had feelings for Korra, and then later when Korra’s attitude towards Asami changes after the time skip).
Adora - Catra: Honey, we all knew this was going to be end game, and I love the fact that Catra is dealing with her feelings and Adora acknowledges that. However, after the end of season 3, I’d have expected things to progress a little slower. Catra did put some resistance with the chip scene, but even afterwards, what would’ve been better paced with more episodes, was condensed in a few. Don’t get me wrong. I love that Catra redemption, but I’d have loved a better pacing.
BTW for anyone interested: I ship Glitradora, so any of the 3 ships ending up canon were good for me, and I liked Bow/Glimmer, just preferred them as bffs.
There’s a list of characters that barely show up that could’ve had more screentime:
Huntara: barely appears at all. She’s seen fighting, but there are no references to her or a storyline with her.
Lonnie, Rogelio and Kyle: briefly shown. The gay couple of the century have adopted the baby demon and are now the best dads in the desert. Lonnie is their braincell.
Double Trouble: at least they had a scene and lines, but I feel like they could’ve been more involved after they were discovered by Scopria, especially since they escaped with Sea Hawk and Perfuma.
The Star Siblings: idk man, they were part of a whole episode and then faded into the background. It was a glorified cameo for an episode where Glimmer and Bow fight.
Glimmer’s Aunt: sorry but I was asking “where the hell is she?” until she finally showed up late. She barely had any purpose.
The Dirty
Hey, guys, girls, and nonbinary pals, can we sit down and talk about redemptions?
IDK about you, but just because a show is aimed at kids you shouldn’t “redeem” all the villains. This trend bothers me specially when it touches on abuse or totalitarian leaders.
Shadow Weaver was an abuser until the end. She shouldn’t have had a heroic sacrifice, and her “I’m proud of you” line was bitter for me. I’ve said before I was raised in an abusive household and I don’t think it’s healthy to tell children that you can change your abuser or that you can expect them to change without therapy. I’m glad Shadow Weaver died, but I wish her death wasn’t in any way shape or form considered a “redemption”. A heroic act of sacrifice doesn’t erase all the pain she cause and the years of trauma Catra and Adora have had to endure.
Hordak. HEY HEY ETRAPDAK SHIPPERS DON’T COME FOR ME! I was weirded up by the ship until I realized Etrapta is in her late 20s. I’m happy they found each other but I think it’d be better if Hordak had to redeem himself through a life of service to Etheria. He can't erase the horrible things he has done, but with the help of Entrapta and others, he could give back to the community he ruined. Since we don’t have an epilogue, we just see him reuniting with Entrapta at the end and that’s it.
ALSO SOMEONE GIVE MICAH A HAIR TIE. My man, you are not in a hostile island anymore, go rock a dad bun or a dad ponytail!
How do you guys feel about it?
I’m here looking at cute GIFs of Catra and that kiss scene on repeat. I want a Rogelio poster, he was my boy.
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 12•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Also shout out to my Beta super.rose.cosplays!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: After some investigating, Stanley finds Bill has been doing some shocking research of his own. Eddie struggles to pack for a sleepover and requests Richie's aid. )
“Hey Bill” Stan greeted with a smile when Bill opened the door.
“Hey Stan” Bill returned the smile as he stepped aside to allow Stan to come inside.
Stan and Bill had made plans to get together after school that Friday to work on their project for religion class. An hour before Stan left for Bill’s house, he received a very odd call from a frantic Richie and Eddie. He requested that Stan do some digging and see if Bill knew about their secret. Stan, of course, needed context, which he received after threatening to not help at all.
Yes he agreed to look around, as he was already going to Bill’s house. Though he didn’t tell them that he didn’t believe them. Yes they’re supernatural creatures and he should be used to believing random shit by now. But Bill was a good guy, he’s known him for as long as he can remember, so he cannot imagine him betraying his friends like that.
Bill led Stan into the kitchen where they usually set up to work. As Stan began to unload his bag he heard the rumbling of feet running down the stairs. The two turned towards the stairs that led to the second floor just in time to see Bill’s younger brother, George, charge towards them.
“Stanley!” He exclaimed, jumping to hug Stan.
Stan was taken aback by the sudden force as the kid hugged him. But he soon straightened up and returned the gesture.
“Hey Georgie, how’re you doing?” Stan smiled down at the kid.
“Good!” He beamed up at Stan before turning to face his older brother, “Billy can I have some choky milk please?” He asked with a tilt of his head, he looked like a sad puppy.
Bill took a moment to think as if he hadn't already made up his mind. “I guess that’d be al-alright” he said as if it was a special occasion.
Georgie pumped a fist into the air and cheered. Then he ran to the kitchen to retrieve his favourite cup from the cupboard.
Bill happily shook his head as he opened the fridge and took out the big jug of chocolate milk.
Stan’s brow furrowed as he watched Bill take a second jug out of the fridge. “Why two?” he asked.
The older brother began to pour his brother a cup, he handed it to the kid before he turned back to Stan. “W-Watch” Bill instructed as he took the cap off the second jug. Bill ducked down to grab something from one of the lower cupboards and screwed it onto the jug. Once it was secure he grabbed the handle and tilted the jug upwards and began to drink straight from the bottle. That’s when Stan noticed that Bill had replaced the normal cap with the iconic orange gatorade cap.
Stan’s jaw dropped in fake shock, “Holy shit” He laughed. Bill lowered the jug, the usual milk mustache he would’ve received if it was the normal cap was nowhere to be seen. He did a little bow as if he had just presented his secret talent. Though the gesture was small and in no way intimate, Stan’s heart still found a way to beat a little faster in his chest. He might've denied it when he was with Richie but Stan knew deep down that he had feelings for Bill. The two teens had known each other for a really long time, and they always shared a connection, like they always knew what the other was thinking.
Bill gestured the other, normal, jug to Stan, “W-Want some?”, just like that, he read Stan’s mind.
Stan and Bill had about half of their project. Their religion teacher had told them to research a separate religion and make a poster board display that showed all of their findings. So of course, as Stan is Jewish, they decided to do Judaism. They had everything drawn and written up, now all that was left to do was glue it onto their poster board. But Stan couldn’t find his glue.
“Big Bill, do you have any glue? I think I forgot mine” Stan asks.
Bill looked up from the title he was writing in long flowy cursive letters. “Yep I sh-should have some in the spare room on the desk” Stan nodded and stood up then made his way up the stairs to where the spare room resides.
Stan slowed his pace once he reached the top of the stairs, Hm, when was the last time I went into Bill’s room? Not since his dad passed…. Ever since Zack Denbrough’s passing, the Losers have usually agreed it’d be best to get Bill out of his house and try to get his mind off of the things worrying him.
First things first he went into the spare bedroom and retrieved the glue.
Afterwards the curly haired teen found himself standing before his best friend’s bedroom door, suddenly worried about what state of disarray his friend’s room might be in. Stan shook his head, he tried to shake off his worries but all he did was knock a couple of his golden curls into his face. He mentally cursed out his hair that he had let grow out.
Without wasting anymore time, Stan sighed and pushed the door open. He was happily surprised to see that Bill’s room was fairly tiddy, with his window open it created a nice breeze that blew in. His bed was made and the floor was clean. The only thing that was a little messy was Bill’s desk, covered in random papers and books. He looked up at the wall behind the desk, his jaw dropped at the display that had set up.
“Shit…” Stan gasped, Richie was right.
He could barely believe his eyes, surprised that he didn’t notice it sooner. The wall looked like a background from a detective movie, pictures and newspaper clippings taped to the wall and laced together with various pieces of yarn. Quickly he snatched his phone out of his pocket and began snapping pictures.
There was a picture of a white rabbit in the middle of an empty field, newspaper clippings, some from his dad’s death, others from other cold cases. Eddie had his own corner, with a picture that Bill must’ve secretly snapped during school in the middle. Surrounding the headshot was the same picture of the rabbit and a picture of an open field, and various other notes that Stanley didn’t have time to read.
The sound of Bill’s voice made Stan freeze in place. “Find it?” Bill shouted out from the bottom of the stairs.
“Yep!” he tried to keep his voice steady as he relaxed his shoulders. Stan stole one last look at the fucking Buzzfeed unsolved board before heading back downstairs.
“W-What took you so lu-long?” Bill questioned while Stan reclaimed his chair beside him.
“Nothing, just thought I saw a spider” Stan shrugged, using his arachnophobia as an excuse. If Bill was suspicious he didn’t mention it, he simply nodded and got back to his writing.
Another 20 minutes went by and the boys had half of their project finalized and glued onto the board.
“Would you w-wanna come over to-tomorrow for a sleep-over?” Bill’s voice sounded soft, vulnerable almost.
It made Stan’s heart melt. “Yeah! That sounds like fun” he tried so hard to keep his voice from sounding too excited.
“Okay, good…” Bill sent Stan a warm smile before he continued, “I’m gonna see if the rest of the g-gang wants to come.” Stan’s gut twisted, of course it wouldn’t be just us. “Y-You guys have done so much for me, ah-and I wanna repay you gu-guys”.
“Oh, Bill you don’t need to do that. It’s what friends are for” Stan forced a smile.
“I-I know… But still, it would be fu-fun” He smirked over at the other boy.
“With Richie coming? Yeah it’ll be chaos” Stan mused, which got a little chuckle out of Bill. Seeing that reaction made Stanley happy, either way, as long as he’s happy, I’m happy.
The Losers Club
Bill: Sleepover @ my place tomorrow night?
Beverly: FUCK YEAH!
Mike: Sounds fun!
Ben: I’ll be there.
Richie: Should I bring the good stuff?
Stan: Richie no one is going to smoke weed with you.
Bev: Speak for yourself
Bill: guys no smoking in my fucking house
Richie: fine…
Eddie clicked out of the conversation as he wasn't interested in listening to them argue about drugs. Instead he opened up his chat with Richie
Trashmouth <3
Eddie: Are you going to the speelover?
Richie: yepperoni Richie: you?
Eddie: Not sure, I’m kinda suspicious of Bill
Richie: i know… but if everyone else is there then we should be safe
Eddie: Yeah you’re right
Richie: i know
Eddie: Can you come over?
Richie: you good?
Eddie: No.
Eddie’s phone immediately went off, vibrating and emitting his annoying ringtone. He swiped to answer the call. “Richie?” He asked.
“Eddie are you okay?” The wolf’s voice sounded worried.
“What? Yeah I’m fine I just-”.
“Cause you said you weren’t okay-”
“No, no, not like that. I’ve never been to a sleepover before and I have no clue what to pack” Eddie explained, he glanced over at his backpack and wondered what he’d bring.
“OH thank god, don’t scare me like that. I thought you were in trouble” Richie let out a heavy sigh. “Wait what do you mean you’ve never been to a sleepover before?” Eddie could practically see the confused look on his face. “Did you not have sleepovers in The All Lands?”.
“No asshat we had sleepovers, I just wasn't allowed…” Eddie’s voice drifted off, recalling a time when his mother used to control every aspect of his life. He shook it off before it could get to him, “So can you come over or not? If you get ready beforehand we can go together” he suggested.
“Yeah sounds good. And hey, don’t worry about Bill okay? This’ll be fun!” Richie cheered, “See you tomorrow Spaghetti”.
“Richie that’s not my name” Eddie drew out the A. He let out a small sigh, “Bye Trashmouth” then he hung up.
Richie hummed while he inspected Eddie’s room, hands on his hips, “You’ll also need toiletries, like toothbrush and stuff.” Richie said as Eddie popped his head up from under his bed where he was retrieving his pajamas.
“Yep I got them already. Hey Rich?”
“Yeah Eds?”
“Grab me my fanny pack over on bay window”
“A fanny pack? Dude no one uses those anymore” Richie tried to stifle his laugh as he retrieved the pack from the bay window.
“Well I use it, so shut it” Eddie said, but his voice held no anger.
Richie held his hands up in defence “alright alright” he chuckled as he tossed it into the backpack Eddie was preparing for the sleepover. Eddie stood up and dusted off his pants. “Okay I think you should be good” Richie went over the mental checklist he had created.
“Okay… And you’re sure this is a good idea?” Eddie raised his eyebrows questioningly.
“Yes, for the hundredth time, we’re gonna be okay” Richie walked over to put a comforting hand on Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie sighed and leaned into Richie’s touch. “Alright, fine”.
“C’mon, it’ll be a blast,” Richie said with a smile.
Word Count: 1864
GUYS, WE'RE HALFWAY THERE! I started posting this story way after I began writing it so I've always been about 10 chapters ahead of the updates LOL. And I'm pretty sure I have about 2 chapters left to write, so we're halfway there! Ah I'm kinda sad cause this story is my literal pride and joy but IT'S SO FRICKEN GOOOOD! Okay enough about the future, let's focus on the present. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are excited to see what happens next because trust me, shit is about to go down next chapter (; But also like, comment, share this chapter as it shows how much you care and it inspires me to keep writing!
And don't forget to check me out on Instagram @Stellar.Cosplays if you want to see more of my real life and some behind the scenes content!
That's all for me, until next time
So Long and Goodnight.
@richietoaster @s-onora @that-weird-girl-blog @beproudtozier @ghostnebula @bellarosewrites @s-s-georgie @lermanslogan @iamcupcakefrosting @madidraw @gazebobullshit @thoughtfullyyoungduck @aangzukos @ambitiousskychild @reddieonwheels @breadheadscorpius
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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all-might-blog · 4 years
Teacher's gonna PARTAY
Hizashi (Present Mic) invites Toshinori (All Might, or, as I like to call him, Smol Might) and Aizawa (Eraserhead) over to his apartment for a "small" New Year's celebration.
This fanfic is inspired by a fanart I can across the other day. It is a drawing of All Might, Eraserhead and Present Mic having what looks like a small drinking party. There were originally two fanarts, but I couldn't find the one that inspired most of the story TMT. It is a picture of All Might, who is sitting on a couch reading a manual (teaching 4 dumbies-- literally). Present Mic can be seen in the background preparing snacks. And Eraserhead is on the floor, sleeping in his yellow worm thing XD. The original one (the one that gave me the idea) was the three of them drinking soda and alcohol. All Might had a shoping bag in one hand filled with actual food and a big bottle of something clutched in the other. Eraserhead had a cat lying on his lap and was holding a glass of something. Present mic was using a can of soda as a microphone. Just a warning: there is alcohol involved in this.
This is the fanart: 
Tumblr media
Mic: Heeeeeeeey! I was wondering if you guys are free today for New Year's!
Smol Might: Young Mirodiya is spending New Year's with his mother, so I don't really have any plans for tonight. Why?
Mic: Wanna come over to my apartment for a small party?
Eraser: Will there be drinks?
Mic: Yas.
Eraser: then count me in.
Smol Might: I will come too.
Mic: Perfect! See you soon!
9:03 pm
Toshinori closed the door of his apartment behind him, stuffing his hands into his pockets after adjusting the scarf he was wearing. He descended the staircase of his building and exited out into the cold night. People crowded the streets, there was music and light and the air was filled with hope, promise and happiness. No one really paid attention to All Might, but he wasn't really bothered about it. People were used to seeing him in his muscle form, after all. He stoped at a small supermarket, knowing that Mic wouldn't be serving any actual food. He got a cooked chicken, rice, salad and bought himself a cup of coffee. He paid for his stuff (the cashier asked for his autograph, which he accepted to do) and left for Mic's apartment, which was about ten minutes away.
9:15 pm
Toshinori knocked on Mic's door, which opened almost instantly.
"Smol Might!" Hizashi said loudly. "Glad you could make it, my man!"
"Thanks. I got us some stuff as well," Toshinori said, holding up his shopping bag.
"Awe, you shouldn't have!"
"Actually, I did. Were you planning to serve any food?"
"Do... chips count as food?"
Toshinori chuckled and Hizashi let him inside his apartment, shutting the door after him.
Mic's apartment was interesting. The sofas, which were placed facing a big television, were vibrant purple with green details. There was a dining table behind them which was laid with cans of soda and what seemed to be a bottle of wine. The walls were decorated with posters of musicians from older and newer times, such as Michael Jackson or Imagine Dragons, as well as music disks and such things. The TV was big and it had been turned on as Hizashi had been looking in Netflix for a movie.
“What should we watch?” Hizashi asked, walking to the dining table and throwing a can of soda to Toshinori, who caught it with both hands and nearly let go of the bag.
“I don't mind.” he answered. “Where do I put all of this stuff?”
“The chicken in the oven. The rest in the fridge, I suppose. I was also preparing milkshakes. Do you know what flavour Aizawa likes?” Mic asked as he went into the kitchen. Toshinori followed him with the shopping bag.
“I honestly don’t know. You can ask him when he comes.”
“Eh. Will do. What about you?” Hizashi asked. “I have vanilla and chocolate at my disposal…”
“Either will do.” Toshinori replied, getting the food out of the shopping bag. At that moment, someone knocked on the door. They exchanged a quick glance before Hizashi exited the kitchen at top speed, throwing the door open.
“Aizawa! finally!” he said.
“Since I know that you wouldn’t be serving any actual food…” Aizawa held up a shopping bag.
“Toshinori did the same,” Hizashi laughed, moving aside. Aizawa slipped inside.
“Hi,” Toshinori said with a wave, which Aizawa returned.
“So. What’s the plan for tonight?” he asked, entering the kitchen.
“Mic was going to put on a movie.” Toshinori replied. “Want me to put something in the fridge?”
“If you could…” Aizawa passed him the shopping bag. Toshinori went through the contents, putting the soba noodles in the fridge along with a packet of sushi.
“Oh ho ho!” he said. “You got ice cream as well?”
“Wait! Aizawa likes Ice cream?!” Mic butted in.
“Only if it’s dark chocolate.” Aizawa said, fishing the container out of Toshinori’s hands and placing it in the freezer bit of the fridge.
“So you will be okay with a chocolate milkshake?”
“I will take that as a yeah.”
9:27 pm
“So… what movie?” Mic asked, handing them all their milkshakes and taking his spot on one of the sofas.
“So long as it’s not my little pony…” Aizawa said.
“I don’t think they even have that here. It’s outdated.” Mic said. He landed on one of the movies. “How about Jumanji?”
11:30 pm
“What did you guys think?” Mic asked, switching the TV off as the credits rolled in.
“Eh. It was okay, I suppose.” Aizawa replied, popping open a can of soda.
“Should we eat something? I am kinda hungry…” Toshinori said. At that moment, someone knocked on the door.
“Yeah… did I mention I got us pizza?”
As Mic dealt with the pizza delivery guy, the other two got the stuff out of the fridge and onto the dining table. Soon they were all seated at the table, Toshinori just having finished heating up the chicken.
“I saved up a big bottle of champagne for today!” Mic said, returning from the entrance with two boxes of pizza in his hands.
“I feel like we shouldn’t have brought so much stuff along…”  Toshinori said with a laugh, seeing how much stuff they had.
“Whatever we don’t eat today can be saved for tomorrow!” Mic said, placing the pizza boxes on the table and giving them a fond pat. “Quoting my father.”
11:48 pm
“New year is in an hour, boys!” Hizashi said, glancing at his watch.
“How many cans of beer have you gotten through already?” Aizawa asked, noticing the strange look on Hizashi’s face.
“Like… I think… two? Three? I don’t know?” he giggled.
“Aaaand he’s gotten himself drunk.” Aizawa said with a sigh.
“You sound surprised.” Toshinori said.
“Nah. It’s happened many times already.” Aizawa said.
“Why am I not surprised?”
“HEY! I know! Let’s do KARAOKE!” Hizashi shouted, getting to his feet.
“Crap. I forgot the earplugs!” Aizawa hissed as he ran to his bedroom.
11:54 pm
Toshinori and Aizawa had taken refuge in the toilet. They could hear Hizashi singing at the top of his lungs in the living room. Toshinori pitied his neighbors.
“Does this happen every time he drinks alcohol?” he hissed.
“More than it should, but not excessively.” Aizawa said. “I swear that I feel as if my ears are about to begin bleeding.”
“You know what? On that I can agree.” Toshinori said. Hizashi finished the song he was singing with an insanely high pitch.
“It’s nearly twelve.” Toshinori said, looking at his watch.
“Yup. Hopefully we will be able to see the firework displays… And Hizashi has finally fallen quiet.”
“Couldn’t you erase his quirk? Then at least he would be quieter.”
“That’s a great idea.” Aizawa said, pushing past him and throwing the door open. “Hey! Hizashi! We wanna sing too!”
“Really?!” Hizashi staggered, only to be wrapped in Aizawa’s scarf. Toshinori stepped out of the bathroom.
“That was easier than I thought it would be,” he said. “ Let’s go see the fireworks.”
They went out onto the terrace, Aizawa keeping Hizashi tied up but taking him with them anyways. Just then, the fireworks started, marking the start of the year.
A new start for all of us, Toshinori thought, leaning on the railing, things are going to change...  
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