#bath magic
hiddenhearthwitch · 11 months
🌹 Self Love Spell Bath Ritual 🌹
It's super important to make time to take care of yourself and nurture your soul. I created a simple self love bath ritual just for that! Remember, the most important aspect of any ritual is your intention and the energy you bring to it. Trust in the power of self-love and allow yourself to fully embrace the experience.
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Rose quartz crystal (for self-love and healing)
Epsom salt (for relaxation and cleansing)
Pink candles (for love and emotional healing)
Fresh roses or rose petals (for love and beauty)
Your favorite bath oils or salts (optional)
Your intention and positive energy
Begin by setting the mood in your bathroom. Dim the lights, play soothing music, and create a serene atmosphere that promotes relaxation and self-care.
Fill your bathtub with warm water. As the tub is filling, add a handful of Epsom salt. Epsom salt helps to draw out toxins from your body and promotes a sense of relaxation.
Light the pink candles and place them around the bathroom. Their soft, gentle glow will create a calming and loving ambiance.
Take the rose quartz crystal in your hands and focus on your intention for the self-love bath. Visualize yourself surrounded by unconditional love and acceptance. Feel a sense of warmth and compassion emanating from the crystal.
Gently place the rose quartz crystal in the bathtub. As it comes into contact with the water, imagine its loving energy infusing the water, filling the tub with healing vibrations.
If you have fresh roses, scatter their petals on the water's surface. Alternatively, you can sprinkle dried rose petals in the bath. The roses symbolize love and beauty, further enhancing the self-love experience
Step into the bath and submerge yourself in the warm water. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax fully and release any tension or negative thoughts.
As you soak in the bath, meditate on self-love and self-acceptance. Repeat positive affirmations such as "I am worthy of love and happiness" or any other affirmations that resonate with you. Visualize any emotional wounds healing and being replaced with self-love and compassion.
Stay in the bath for as long as you desire, enjoying the peaceful and loving energy. You can also use this time to journal, reflect, or simply indulge in self-care activities.
When you feel ready to end the ritual, thank the rose quartz crystal and roses for their healing energy. Blow out the candles (if safe to do so) and take a moment to express gratitude for the experience.
Once you've finished your bath, drain the water, and rinse off any remaining rose petals. Take a moment to ground yourself, feeling the loving energy you've cultivated within you.
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grimoiregradient · 2 months
A Bath Spell For The Mind
Increases mental power, clarity, and focus. Can be used to combat brain frog, writers block, helpful for academic work, divination, etc.
Oolong Tea Bags
Two Drops Lemon Oil
One Drop Mint Oil
Lemon Slices
Fresh Mint Leaves
Fresh Sage Leaves
Draw a warm bath and simply add the ingredients.
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hexora · 4 months
Healing Bath ❤️
Pampering myself today with a healing bath and thought I might share my process with you all ❤️
Epsom Salts - grounding, pain relief, magnesium boost, calming, clarity, and protection
Lavender Soap - love, peace, protection, and happiness
Apple Cider Vinegar (hair mask) - cleansing, hair growth, unblocking, feminine energy, divination, healing, love, and luck
Hot Water - stress relief, cleansing, healing, recovery, grounding, and divination
Ice Water (drinking) - focus, stillness, self defense, protection, purification, new opportunities
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mystic-for-dummies · 8 months
All right, first spell I'm posting to this blog:
Spell to Stop Having a Crush On That Person
Disclaimer: If you're reading this and thinking "Wow, that sounds uncomfortable," it is meant to be physically uncomfortable. I assure you that that is the goal. Oh, and if you can't take baths for whatever reason, just try a cold shower with a minty body wash.
-All right, you're going to want to draw a bath that is uncomfortably cold, but not so cold that you can't handle it. (If you're doing this spell when it's cold outside, make sure that your heater is on. Don't give yourself hypothermia.)
-Add something minty into the water, like peppermint or spearmint essential oil, or hell, an antiseptic minty mouthwash could work. In fact, I encourage the mouthwash, as it feels both cold and sterile. Add just enough that you can smell the mint.
-If there's any scent you associate with a sterile environment, add it to the bath (make sure it's safe to do so - for the love of whatever you cherish in this life, don't use bleach or any other strong chemicals - also make sure to check that the things you add are safe to mix with each other and with water). For example, I associate the smell of basil with a clean, sterile environment because my local doctor's office had basil scented soap in the bathroom for a long time.
-Grab a chunk of ice.
-Set an alarm for how many minutes you want to stay in. A number of minutes that's associated with death or change in your practice or culture (as long as it's under ten minutes) should work perfectly. (Seriously don't stay in there more than ten minutes. Don't want to have you freezing for too long.)
-Get in with the ice chunk in your hand. Press it to the skin over your heart. Visualize your crush, and imagine your heart slowly becoming encased in ice when you think of them. Pop whatever's left of the ice in your mouth and chew it up.
That's it. Just stay in the bath until the timer goes off and the spell is done. Feel free to add more steps to this if you feel so inclined. This spell's worked for me very well in the past.
Remember, it's always better to cast a spell to stop having the crush than to, say, break up a happy couple for your own benefit or something.
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sappy-witch · 11 months
Mindful Bath Rituals 💆‍♀️ ✨
Hello darlings 🥰
Taking a soothing bath is not only a way to cleanse your body but also an opportunity to nourish your mind, uplift your spirit, and promote overall well-being. Here is how you can create a sacred and enchanting bath experience:
🛁 Prepare your sacred space by clearing any clutter and setting up a calm and peaceful atmosphere in your bathroom. Dim the lights, light some candles, and play soft, soothing music to create a tranquil ambiance.
🌿 Infuse your bathwater with the magic of nature. Add dried herbs like lavender, rosemary, or chamomile to a muslin bag and immerse it in the warm water. These herbs have calming properties and can promote relaxation and stress relief.
🔮 Enhance the energy of your bath with the power of crystals. Place a few crystals known for their soothing and healing energies around the edge of your bathtub. Amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz are excellent choices for promoting peace, self-love, and clarity.
📖 Set intentions for your bath ritual. Before stepping into the water, take a moment to connect with your inner self and state your intentions for this sacred self-care time. You can affirm words of self-love, healing, or gratitude, allowing the water to carry your intentions throughout your body.
🌹 Incorporate essential oils into your bath for a sensory experience. Choose oils like lavender, ylang-ylang, or bergamot, known for their relaxing and uplifting properties. Add a few drops to your bathwater or use a diffuser to fill the air with their delightful aroma.
🕯️ Engage in mindful reflection while you soak in the bath. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, focusing on the sensations, scents, and sounds surrounding you. Use this time to release any tension or worries and embrace a sense of peace and serenity.
💫 When you're ready to leave the bath, take a moment to express gratitude for this rejuvenating experience. Embrace the feeling of renewal and carry it with you as you step out into the world, ready to embrace the magic that lies ahead.
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕 
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
All About: Ritual/Magical Baths & Showers
Let's discuss a big topic many new witches encounter early on in their journey - how to take a ritual/magical bath. These wonderful cleansing tools are easy, effective, and are accessible to many witches. They can be utilized by witches both in the broom closet and out of it. While this post is long, it's got lots of information, especially for beginners.
The general idea of water cleansing.
What makes ritual baths so great, you may ask? Well, it's an element you immerse yourself into that is not only associated with cleansing, healing, and rejuvenation, but it is also known to get rid of any negative energy hanging around your energetic field. Another plus is that you can add things to it - oils, herbal bags, moon water, the remainder of your simmer pot, etc. You want to bring money in? Cool, add that money oil. Looking for love? Come-to-me oil. Having a rough time with your health? Healing oils and herbs in a tea bag. The opportunities are endless.
Timing (before ritual vs everyday showers)
The next question people ask is if there is a layout they must follow. And the answer is a solid no. This is your practice. All opinions will differ, and you certainly don't have to agree with mine. Do you need to do it before every ritual? No. If that's what makes you feel better, go for it. But timing and certain life events aren't a guarantee it'll happen every time you cast a spell or ritual. Now, you can also do some of these things as a part of your daily shower routine to help cleanse your energy field on days you're not as focused on magic. It's up to you, but I find many people like to do at least a visualization when it comes to the negativity quite literally going down the drain & applying their bath products.
Creating a peaceful environment.
If you're doing a ritual bath, chances are you'll want to create a relaxing atmosphere where you can focus on what's needed at the moment. Light some candles (no, you do not need to light fifty). Add some crystals around the tub, because fuck it, they look pretty and if you feel they relax you or change your vibration, why not? An aromatherapy diffuser is nice to have in the bathroom. Epsom salts help your body physically speaking to soak in and they purify you. You like relaxing music? Cool, that helps ease your thoughts and bring you into a meditative state faster.
Using your soap/body wash as a cleansing agent.
A way you can utilize your time in the shower is by using your soap as a way to cleanse the negative energy off of your body. If you wash your face in the shower, let it be representative of your emotions being purged. As the soap goes down the drain, it leaves, forever. Making your own body wash or soaps may be a nice hobby that allows you to really integrate magic into your showers. You can put thought into exactly what herbs and scents go in there, some put a quartz crystal in the center to keep it charged!
Washing your hair.
This follows a similar concept as above. Hair, in many cultures, is viewed as an extension of the nervous system, acting like an antenna to the universe. In my culture, we believe our black hair offers us protection and better intuition. It not only is a signifier for beauty when it comes to choosing a partner, but is a sign that the person is connected to the ancestors and our gods. Every culture has different context, stories, and meanings behind theirs. Some people like to use natural hair products for this reason, and you can also make your own if you want to infuse your magic into them. Getting a comb or brush made out of natural material (such as wood) can become a meditative practice. Repeating affirmations with each brush stroke about how you wish for your hair to look, such as it becoming more shiny or long, is a way to implement a routine with it and make it special. Try rinsing with moon water to get a special sheen!
Bath salts.
Bath salts are all the rage for a reason. Buy yourself some epsom salts, in a decent quantity for making medium to big sized batches. And then it's quite simple, you'll mix herbs in there! It's fun to create your own blends, just be certain that these herbs are safe for you to soak with. If you're picking these herbs yourself (and it's not from a home grown garden), check in with what the exact species is as you'd be surprised at how easily a poisonous plant looks like exactly what you are intending to grab. You can add a few drops of essential oils into the bath water before you get in, or add it to the salt blend in small quantities.
Epsom salts are amazing for muscle tension and general aches and pains. Especially if you're active in the gym and trying to speed up your recovery time. Aside from that, if you've got chronic pain they won't take it away by any means, but you may find a little relief from it and you'd be able to do a spiritual cleanse in the meantime.
Herbal tea bags.
These are something you'll see often. You also will see people dump herbs and flowers in their tub, which is aesthetically pleasing, but damn that is one mess to clean up! Easiest way to prevent that is by putting it all in a tea bag and you'll have much less to worry about when you're done, let alone herbs getting in areas you'd rather not have them in.
As far as this goes though, think of it like soaking in a giant tub of tea if you do just herbs. It's wonderful and relaxing, not to mention it smells amazing. As mentioned in the last section, make sure that you are using herbs safe for your body/skin contact. Check for allergies (you could do this with a simple hand or foot soak) to be 100% safe.
A brief note on uncrossing.
Uncrossing baths are not only wonderful ways to remove bad luck, a hex, or curse, but something that should be done once or twice a year. The length depends, but generally it's 3, 7, 9, or 13 days. I do mine 1-2x a year (twice if I detect a hex or curse) and opt for 13 days, as that is the most powerful time frame and I can be sure I've removed anything lingering. This is an entire post that needs to be written and I'll be *eventually* doing one, as I figure it deserves its own in-depth explanation.
Wait, I only have access to a shower!
I get it, genuinely. I've lived in apartments that had tubs and some that didn't. The current house I'm renting has a shower with a tub...but an automatic drain my husband and I can't find a solution for. But hey, at least we're moving soon. On the bright side, that's given me room to experiment and tell you what works.
Add a few drops of essential oil to the shower floor when taking a warm/hot one. It's aroma will carry up with the steam. Of course, there's also the solution of buying a small diffuser for the bathroom itself. Secondly if you like the whole tea bag idea, tie it to your showerhead! The heat will do the same thing. While it's not as powerful, it works. It's still something, which is better than not being able to do it at all. If you want to use epsom salts, do a foot soak. Or some people pour it over their body and head before taking the rest of their shower.
Oftentimes, you'll hear of people that do meditations and visualizations to cleanse their energy field. They are very simple, which increases its popularity. Taking the pointers from above, add these tricks in. For a bath, after you are done scrubbing your body of negative energy, when it is time to drain the water visualize all of the negative energy going down the drain and no longer being a part of you. For the shower, same concept but more instantaneous. You could even do it periodically, after each step of your shower routine if you wanted.
My friends and fellow witches, I hope that this is able to help you! If you read this far thank you and I hope that you'll be able to find ways to incorpate this into your life.
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thesorceresstemple · 1 year
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Bast’s bath 🛁
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ashantisgarden · 1 year
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Lavender Epsom Salt Bath Soak and Dreamy Blend are out of stock. These may be a while before they’re restocked again. In the meantime, please check out what’s available in the sh0p. Everything order comes with a gift. Feel free to also send tips to my tip jar: [email protected] or PayPal.me/ashanti142. Business and engagement have also been slow online, so feel free to share this post, too. For more details on everything in the sh0p, you can find the l!nk in my bi0.
IG: ashantisgarden
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aesethewitch · 3 months
New magic tool:
Bathtub crayons.
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lunar-witches · 1 year
Lowkey wanna self-publish an ebook of all of the bath rituals I have in my grimoire 🤔
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inky-teaparty · 4 months
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Yule celebrations night one 🍊
So I’m gonna try to do something nice/fun/witchy/fire/drinking every night of Yule this year and for night one I made myself a LOVELY bath.
I lit my orange scented candle
In the bath water I added green tea, and epsom salt with orange and cinnamon oil
I used my nice sugar scrub
And made myself a little drinky drink with hot coco, oat milk, cinnamon, and rum
All the orange and cinnamon made me feel extra warm, cleared my sinuses, and definitely got me nice and energized for the next 10 days 🍊
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grimoiregradient · 3 months
A Month of Mental Wellness - February Spell A Day Challenge
I wanted to write this month’s challenge focused on both self love and mental health in general, so this is the resulting theme- taking care of yourself and your mind. As always, don’t be intimidated by the concept of doing a spell every single day. Just focus on creating or writing the spell, and if you have the energy to perform it, go ahead and do as many as you can!
Day 1 | Spell | Courage
Day 2 | Bath | Mindfulness
Day 3 | Spell Jar | Gratitude
Day 4 | Potion | Beauty
Day 5 | Glamour | Confidence
Day 6 | Sigil | Shadow
Day 7 | Spell | Vent
Day 8 | Charm | Growth
Day 9 | Divination | Fears
Day 10 | Sigil | Acceptance 
Day 11 | Bath | Mental Stimulation
Day 12 | Ritual | Inner Monologue
Day 13 | Spell Jar | Happiness
Day 14 | Spell | Self-Love
Day 15 | Glamour | Respect
Day 16 | Potion | Connection
Day 17 | Sigil | Journal
Day 18 | Spell | Inner Child
Day 19 | Divination | Progress
Day 20 | Charm | Grounding
Day 21 | Bath | Reflection
Day 22 | Spell Jar | Routine
Day 23 | Sigil | Rest
Day 24 | Glamour | Communicate
Day 25 | Ritual | Habit
Day 26 | Divination | Reframe
Day 27 | Bath | Comfort
Day 28 | Charm | Boundaries
Day 29 | Spell | Forgiveness
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eclecticlanie · 2 years
Energy Vampire Cleansing Bath Ritual
Everyone has encountered an energy vampire. Whether it be a friend that shouldn't be one, or walking past one in the street. Every so often I would suggest taking a specific energy vampire cleansing bath to rid yourself of them. They can attach whether or not they know you. I know that doesn't quite seem possible but it's true. Imagine yourself just getting tapped while dancing or bumped walking in the busy street. That direct connection of energy can be linked to you like it or not. Here is what I do when I feel one attached.
Things you need:
Lemon oil
Sweet orange oil
Rose petals (any color your attracted to I suggest red or yellow)
Babys Breath
Melaleuca soap
Melaleuca shampoo & conditioner
I use a tub with a drainer in the side of it. I over fill the tub with water. While the tub is filling I add lemon and sweet orange essential oils, rose petals and lavender for a softer release (it's like falling into pillows), and babys breath for that breath of fresh air after the connection is terminated. I also light a zingy candle like a citrus infused one and an incense that calls to you. I'd suggest something like lotus or eucalyptus. Sit in the tub and repeat a mantra. I use "Release the negative energies draining me, and bring in the good energies rejuvenating me." Once you’ve mediated on your mantra to the point you feel it’s completed, submerge your head under the water for however long you feel necessary. Once you’re done it’s time for the shower. I highly suggest using a melaleuca (tea tree) based soap and shampoo and cleanse yourself from head to toe. You should feel completely rejuvenated and cleansed afterwards.
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ortygian-nymph · 2 years
Self-Love Bath Ritual
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Once a month I love to do my self-love bath ritual. I thought I’d share my particular routine in case anyone else wants to try it.
You can do it as a way to just relax and take some time out for yourself, or as a magical ritual.
It’s better to have a shower and wash yourself first and rinse yourself off in the shower afterwards as well - doing the full shower-bath-shower routine.
🌷🌸🌺🌼🌹 FLOWERS 🌹🌼🌺🌸🌷
I always add flowers when I do this bath ritual and for me it’s always roses, but I’m sure you could do it with other flowers. I buy the roses when they’ve started to wilt a little and have been discounted at the store, so I can get them cheaper.
Take them home and rinse them off under the tap, then carefully peel away the outer petals. Discard of these ones until you reach the petals inside that are practically flawless. Only the outer petals will be wilted, with the inner petals looking pristine. Carefully peel off these better looking petals and place them in a small container to add to your bath at the end.
🧼🪷🫧✨🛁 SOAKING 🛁✨🫧🪷🧼
I love soaking in Lush bath bombs (with Marshmallow World, Goddess, Melusine, the Lakes, Atom Heart Mother and Think Pink being my personal faves) but I also add some bath salts and essential oils, with the scent depending on what bath bomb I’m pairing it with.
Obviously, if you’re doing this as a magical ritual, looking at your ingredients and what they correspond with is a must.
🪸🪔❣️🕯🐚 ATMOSPHERE 🐚🕯❣️🪔🪸
Then for the atmosphere, safely and carefully place some candles around the bathroom. You can add crystals too. I tend to put rose quartz inside the bath with me as well.
Lighting some incense is another great way to enhance the mood and I also have a galaxy projector I light up, so I can have star and nebula projections around my bathroom.
If you want to add deity worship, you can do this too. I have an altar at the head of my bath for Aphrodite, which consists of a statue of her, some seashells and small water-safe crystals.
ALWAYS make sure that the crystals are water-safe. Your best bets are rose quartz, clear quartz and amethyst.
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Water rituals are some of my most effective forms of magic these days...
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Herbal Bath Soak
This basic and simple milk bath is an excellent base for any herbal addition, making it adjustable to any magical need.
Makes 3 cups (24oz)
• 1 cup cornstarch
• 2 cups milk powder
• 2 tbsp dry herbs
• Glass jar with tight fitting lid, large enough to hold 24oz
1. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Blend until combined and reduced into a fine powder. Pour into jar.
2. To use, add 1/2 cup of powder to bath under running water.
Here are some suggested herbal blends to add to milk baths:
• Winter energy blend: nutmeg, cinnamon, pinch of ginger
• Summer garden bath: lavender, roses, verbena, pinch of orange zest
• Autumn bronze bath: poppy, nutmeg, sandalwood
• Spring dawn bath: lavender, jasmine, apple blossom
Notes from the Daemonic Witxh: Personally, I'd recommend getting an inexpensive blender for your herbal blends/needs. That way you are not cross contaminating with your food. Regardless, this is generally a good base that'll allow you room to experiment & would be lovely for ritual use. I feel like I should more so add this as a cautionary note but please make sure whatever herbs you throw in there are safe for skin contact.
Source (this spell is from the linked book!)
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