#because Steve was still a minor at the time I'm pretty sure
grandwretch · 1 year
I think hcs were the Harringtons are fine, actually, are cool or whatever, but I genuinely don't know how you justify "good parents" accepting their son was nearly beat to Literal Death twice in one year and apparently not doing a damn thing about it
#shut up az#like Steve gets his shit rocked in October#and then in July of THE NEXT YEAR#like first of all if that was my kid Billy would be in jail forever#because Steve was still a minor at the time I'm pretty sure#and so was Billy but like. your high school aged son almost died#this is ignoring all the shit he went through in junior year btw like FORGETTING THAT CONTEXT#thats enough#anyway so he bombs senior year#and you make him get a job if he refuses to do more college applications instead of like. getting him therapy#okay its the 80s whatever#but then at this job he almost dies again#like he disappears for 24 hours and then shows up and is like hey guys and he's been beaten almost to death AGAIN#IN ANOTHER INCIDENT INVOLVING THAT SAME BILLY KID#like you might accept the fire excuse except that fire doesn't beat the shit out of you and he has no burns or smoke inhalation symptoms#but okay#and you wake up and you see the news that Billy died in the fire and you're like#holy shit did my fucking son kill a guy? and like no question about self defense eight bc Billy has already done this once#but at that point you would be like oh . My son killed a guy in self defense because the guy was trying to kill him again#LIKE IT WOULD AT LEAST CROSS YOUR MIND RIGHT???#and anyway even if you ignored all of that and didn't immediately send your son to therapy to find out if he's okay#or like at least ground him for the rest of the summer#when he DISAPPEARS AGAIN THE NEXT SPRING#NEVER CAME HOME FROM WORK#WHILE THERE IS AN ALLEGED SERIAL KILLER ON THE LOOSE#KILLING BASKETBALL TEAM MEMBERS SPECIFICALLY#IDK I FEEL LIKE MOT BEING ONSCREEN MEANS THEY SPECIFICALLY ARE BAD PARENTA#oh this got out of hand very quickly#anyway like yeah they're probably not cartoonishly evil#but even if they're home every day and have never mistreated him
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Just A Kiss
Joining the congrats train for @withacapitalp, happy birthday Liam! You're not escaping the frog theme and cursed Steve, not on my watch.
"Look man, I don't really care if you're actually a prince, a model or a lying hobo, the answer is still no."
The frog looked at him with so much sass Eddie actually considered caving in, but...nah. It was disgusting. Even though it looked kind of cute with that weird pattern on its head that looked like a really fluffy mane of hair, light brown eyes and slight pout. "Like it's going to kill you, man," it croaked out and Eddie took another drag from his cigarette. Talking frogs. Yep, just another normal day in Hawkins.
"Look, even if I wanted to, which I don't - zoofilia isn't cool under any pretense, just for your info - I'm pretty sure I'm just high as a kite. You're a frog, which duh, you probably know that, but...uh. I don't want to wake up in the morning with the unsettling knowledge that I smooched some poor non-consenting animal and all I got from that was some rash on my mouth. Hey, can animals even consent? That's...no, you can't." One more drag of his cigarette. Maybe two. Make it another cigarette, shit. He didn't think that one joint was so strong.
The frog rolled his eyes again. "I'm not telling you to go and such face with a dolphin or something. Plus animals don't give consent because they a) can't talk, b) aren't cursed human beings. Like yours truly."
Eddie bit the filter in a futile attempt to sober up. Didn't help. "So you've said. Cursed human. Sorry if I don't believe you, froggy."
"It's Steve."
Eddie snorted out the smoke through his nose. "Steve. A frog named Steve."
There it was, that adorable eye roll again. "It's a temporary frog, otherwise full-time human Steve." It even tried to put its...paws? No, not paws, frogs don't have paws, legs? Front legs? Cute legs. Those, on its...hips? Eddie didn't know enough about frog anatomy but hell. It was adorable.
He giggled, brushing back his hair. "Sure, full-time human Steve. Is this a part-time job, then? A hobby?"
"A fucking curse, that's what it is." The frog almost growled, except it ended the annoyed tone with an unintentional ribbit. "Shit. Have you ever had hiccups? This - ribbit - oh god fuck why - ribbit - is worse."
Eddie just shook his head, wondering if he'd remember this trip the next day. He hoped so. "You'd think it would be natural to you." When the frog - sorry, Steve - just stared, he corrected himself. "For a frog, I mean. Which you're obviously not, except now you are-"
"Which part of a it-was-a-curse-from-an-old-hag-my-dad-pissed-off-a-few-decades-ago don't you understand? Ribbit, god make it stop-"
"Pretty much everything that wasn't a ribbit, pal," grinned Eddie and lit another cigarette. But it was a bit too quiet and when he turned to part-time-frog Steve, he wondered if maybe the trip was finally going away, if he'd just been chilling with an innocent frog for which his nerdy brain made a full page of lore, except- "What?" he asked the frog who was eyeing his smokes.
The frog groaned and tried to rub its still-not-sure-if-leg-or-paw over its forehead. "Look, if you're not willing to put me out of my misery either by - ribbit fuck this - stepping on me or giving me an absolutely consensual kiss, at least give me a cigarette. After the day I've had, I really need it."
"Uhhhh..." Eddie thought for a moment. Was it animal cruelty if he lit up a cigarette and put it next to a frog? The frog didn't have to smoke it, right? And he had no way of verifying if the frog was a minor. In...frog years or whatever.
The frog narrowed its eyes at him. "A kiss or a cigarette, dude. Choose now."
"Geez, so demanding for such a little guy," grumbled Eddie but obliged, lit another cigarette and handed it to the frog...the frog who grabbed it with both palms and took a long drag from it, closing its eyes.
"I really, really needed this," it muttered. Eddie wondered it being a frog would help him save on the smokes. It looked like its lungs were fairly small, one cigarette would last him for ages, but how would he buy them? So many questions...questions interrupted by Steve blowing a tiny puff of smoke from its - his? - mouth and looking at Eddie. "Don't you have better things to do than smoke with a temporary frog on a Friday evening?"
Eddie rolled his eyes. "I liked you better when all you could say was ribbit. But actually no, I'm waiting for a few of my friends."
And wow, could that frog smirk. "Can't wait to meet them."
Eddie was still pretty convinced that kissing a frog was off the table. But when a familiar pizza van parked next to him, Jonathan and Argyle jumping out, he found himself reconsidering. Just a little. Because it would have saved him from the following conversation.
"How are you doing, my man?" smiled Argyle and pulled Eddie into a hug, cracking his spine in the process. Argyle's bear hugs tended to do that.
Jonathan just stood there, staring. "Is that frog smoking a cigarette?"
The world slowed down and Eddie was just about to explain that the weed was a bit too strong this time and he might have hallucinated that the frog was talking to him, but then it blew another cloud of smoke from its tiny mouth and glared at Jonathan. "You've got a problem with that?" it asked in a dangerous croak.
"Oh yeah," offered Eddie weakly, "guys, this is Steve. Steve, this is Jonathan and Argyle."
And Argyle, bless his perpetually stoned heart, just walked towards Steve and shook his front leg/paw/hand/whatever. "Cool, nice to meet you, dude! Hey, do you just smoke cigarettes or are you in for some Purple Palm Tree Delight?"
Full time Steve or whatever just gave a pleased ribbit. "I thought you'd never ask."
And that's how Eddie, Jonathan and Argyle ended up stoned out of their minds...along with a frog. The nights were warm and they ended up napping next to each other in a patch of grass next to the Lover's Lake, setting tiny stoned Steve to the side to make sure no one crushed him in their sleep. And Eddie, in his blissed out state of mind, really didn't look forward to the next morning. Froggy Steve was fun. He liked Steve. He didn't look forward to the moment he'd have to accept that Steve was just a shared hallucination between the three of them.
Except in the morning, he got woken up by someone cuddling him. And that wasn't unusual, Argyle was a cuddler, except he was wrapped around Jonathan like a very dependent octopus. Maybe it was the blanket. Yes, definitely, the blanket must have fallen off him and crumpled behind his back and-
And the blanket snored.
Flipping around, he found himself face to face with an absolutely gorgeous young man. The bitchy slope of his eyebrow, furrowed in sleep, the numerous moles...Eddie's breath hitched.
Before he realized what was happening, his eyes opened and the lazy smile he gave Eddie made him want to jump in the lake and swim to the other side and back. Just to cool down a little bit. "Morning, Eddie," he yawned and Eddie recognized that voice. With or without the ribbit.
"...Steve?" he tried, and the smile just widened. "Oh god, this is going to sound so weird, but I was really convinced that you were a frog when I met you yesterday."
Steve just stretched those biteable arms above his head and groaned, closing his eyes again. Only then did Eddie notice he was wearing his spare clothes, a bit too tight and mismatched, but it was all he had in the van. "I was a frog, man. Is your memory usually this bad?"
Eddie's mouth hung open. Oh okay. That explained everything. Except it fucking didn't. "Uhhhh...no. I mean. I remembered you being a frog so it's a good thing, no?" Squinting at Steve, he slowly added, "how come you're not a frog anymore?" It sounded stupid, even to him.
But Steve just rolled his eyes with clear affection. "It's what I told you when I met you. A kiss."
"Did I kiss a frog? I mean, you?!" he blurted out before he could catch himself, unsure which one of those two things shocked him more.
One more disapproving head shake. "Shit memory, told you. Nah, it was Argyle. We were high, I mentioned the curse thing and Argyle just said "anything for my bro" and kissed me. I turned back and you...uh. Kind of freaked out because I didn't have any clothes on, so you raced back to your van to get me something. Then we smoked a bit more and went to sleep."
"Oh." Maybe the weed really was stronger than usual because Eddie's mouth had no filter that morning, even more so than usual. "Is it weird that I'm kind of jealous of him?"
Steve opened one eye and smirked at him. "What, you dream of kissing frogs often?"
Eddie hit his shoulder and laughed, mindful of the sleeping pair next to him. "Nope, but sure will dream of kissing you, pretty boy. Unless that would turn you back. Would it?"
There were hands on his hips pulling him down, back to the inviting grass and towards Steve's warm body. "Only one way to find out," he grinned.
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luveline · 9 months
Sooo im still not over your hockey player Eddie and I absolutely love love love your hurt/comfort fics so I would love to see one where he's teaching something to reader and r gets injured and fluff ensues!
tysm for requesting, 1.3k
"You warm enough?" Eddie asks. 
Your hand is your only warm appendage where it's held in his. You're using your wobbly footing on the ice as an excuse to touch him, hand like a viper clinging to him. "Is that a joke?" 
You're wearing upward of three layers. The icy chill permeates through. 
"You'll feel warmer once we start moving, I promise." Eddie wears a simple compression shirt and sweatpants.
You kind of wish every other person here of single status would be blind to him. Like, they'd look at him and their eyes would just miraculously skip his figure, but alas. If anything, his impressive bulking attracts attention. Eddie drew looks before he started taking hockey seriously, but for a different reason. Now he's started building muscle, he's like honey to flies. 
You're not shallow, but muscles are muscles. He looks good. Hopefully he knows it, but Eddie's generally oblivious to his own looks, more focused on other people. Even now he drives you both backward on the ice while watching your face. 
"Don't be nervous," he says. 
"That's easier said than done," you say, grabbing his arm with your free hand as your left skate slides forward. 
"I've got you, honey," he says. It's not as strange from his lips as you might suspect because he says it in such a particular way. Easy-going, verging on cocky, he doesn't think for a second that you're going to slip, and he knows for sure that you're his honey. He has the cheese ball grin to prove it. "This will be fun! You said you wanted to try." 
"I do want to. Or, I did. Now we're here, I'm not so confident."
"You don't think I can teach you?" he asks. 
"No, I just don't think I can learn," you say, seizing as Eddie begins a gentle figure eight. You've watched him enough to know what shape he'll take, but that doesn't stop the instinctual fear. 
"If I can weasel my way into minor league, you can learn to play. I promise it's easy." 
"It's not easy, Eds. You worked so hard, I mean," —you wiggle your eyebrows at him suggestively— "just look at you." 
"Charmer! No, I mean learning to play is easy. Scoring a goal is easy. You know, so long as there's no goalkeeper there to stop you. I'm gonna let go of your hand now, okay?" 
Eddie skates to just behind the goal where his stick awaits, a puck on the floor beside it. He skates and keeps the puck close, stopping it by your feet. You've managed to skate closer to the goalposts without falling, waiting with your hands out like a tightrope walker. 
"Doing good," Eddie praises, dropping a cold kiss into your temple. He hands you the stick and stations himself at your side.  
You straighten it out. You've held it a few times and Eddie had you practising on dry land before the ice, but it feels heavier now. Your balance isn't automatic anymore. 
"You want help? We can do it like a movie." Eddie sidles up behind you and wraps his arms around you. You feel better knowing he'll catch you before you can fall. 
"How much am I pulling back?" 
"Not a lot from here. If you were skating you might wanna pull it up real high, but the puck's not moving and neither are you." 
"What does Steve say?" you ask, lining up your shot. 
"Put the biscuit in the basket, dickhead?" 
You laugh and hit your puck. It slides across the ice and between the goalposts easily, a small feat for you and a big cause for celebration in Eddie's eyes; he shouts a nonsense sound, his arm behind your back as he shouts, "Yes! Easy-peasy, babe, you're a natural." 
You feel pretty happy about it, all things considered. Even if it wasn't as hard as you imagined, Eddie's pleased, and for a moment you forget you're untrained on the ice and attempt to return his half hug. 
You fall because you think you're going to. Sudden, you remember you might slip, and the panic has you pushing your skate forward in an attempt to dig in. It slides out from under you and Eddie's not on guard, catching your arm but not your back as you smack into the ice. 
"Shit! Shit, come here, sweetheart," he says, pulling you up. 
"Ow, wait," you say. More of a yelp, you wince as your skates slide about, thighs rigid and cold, the bottom of your spine aching, but worst of all is your arm. In his attempt to keep you standing, Eddie's yanked your arm sore in its socket. You don't mean to be dramatic but you're desperate for the hot pain to stop. "Eddie, let go." 
He drops your hand. Unafraid of being unable to stand again, Eddie goes down on his knees. Any skater will give you room. 
"Did I hurt you?" he asks. 
You put your hands on the ice in an attempt to sit up. Eddie holds you down, hands on your thighs. 
"Take five. Did I hurt you?" he asks again, not urgent but teetering, his hand imploring as it travels to your waist. 
You don't want to say yes. "My arm went funny, that's all. Sorry." 
"I'm the sorry one. Said I wouldn't drop you and I did… that's not right, huh?" His hand curls behind your back. 
You're not as hurt as you'd initially thought. Your arm aches sharply and your back will definitely bruise, but Eddie gives you a minute to get to grips with things and stands up expertly, hoisting you into his arms. His arms are lined with fingernail embeddings by the time you get back to the bench, and then you're both sorry. 
"Eddie," you murmur, rubbing your thumbs over the small red crescents softly. 
"How bad is it?" 
"I don't know." You shrug. "Not so bad now." You know Eddie's letting you do what you want because you're hurt, and not because he doesn't want badly to be assessing your arm and your back. "It's my bad, I got spooked."
He catches your gaze, holds it tenderly. Sugary brown with a deep dark iris and the big white grain of the lights above reflected. You skip from one eye to the other. He has more caramel coloured flecks in one. Both are soft and sorry. 
"Is this gonna put a stop to your illustrious hockey career?" he jokes weakly. 
You can't believe you scratched him so bad. "No way. If you want me to be great, I'll be great, just… maybe when my back doesn't feel all tingly." 
Eddie untucks your many shirts with a low hum, fingertips drawing an invisible line over your pain. "It looks okay." He drops his forehead into your neck and hugs your naked stomach, saying, "You're so warm," with his lips pressed to your shoulder. "...M'really sorry I dropped you, babe. I got too excited." 
"Not the first time that's happened," you say. 
Eddie pinches your tummy, his smile audible as you squirm. "Very funny." 
His hair is soft where it lays under your cheek. You let him cuddle up to you until you can't take the cold nor the aching anymore and ask to go home. Eddie insists on carrying you to the changing rooms, you insist on him not doing that, and you compromise by walking with his arm behind your back. 
"I'll try again next weekend," you promise. 
Eddie kiss-kiss-kisses your cheek in thank you. 
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rogersideup · 3 months
。°✩ ♊︎ The Gemini♊︎ ✩ °。
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Chapter 6
Little Birdie
Series masterlist
Previous part: Rearview next part: Twinkles
Word Count: 7,800
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions and descriptions of sexual acts, anxiety, and sever depression.
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One week.
Steve made it one whole week without you.
It was one of the longest weeks of his life.
Every day for seven days straight he needed Bucky to convince him not to text or call you. That conversation usually happened as Steve paced around his living room, while Bucky sat on his couch, threatening to get up and rip the phone out of his hands.
He couldn't even text you outside of work hours considering you blocked his number from being able to do so, but that still didn't stop the itch he felt to just see your name on his phone screen again.
Both boys were in agreement that Steve eventually should reach out and try to fix the damage that was done, because if your situation at the compound needed to get better just for the chance that you would stay, you at least needed your best friends back. But Bucky knew you deserved time and space away from all of the drama to really process it and figure out how you wanted it to end.
Bucky also knew a week of no contact with Steve would help the both of you stop fueling the fire. The harsh words would settle, reflecting back on the situation wouldn't feel as dramatic, and maybe now Steve would finally find the right words without the sight of you every day.
Plus, he would be damned if he let Steve have a conversation this serious with you over the phone.
Sure, both boys were extremely worried about you. There were a few times Bucky wanted to call and check up on you too, but he knew his own feelings shouldn't come before yours right now.
Meanwhile, the week did you wonders. You spent your days reconnecting with everything you used to love. Your favorite restaurants in the area, old friends you barely got to see now that you lived so far, the old yoga studio you attended 4 times a week, and seeing your family every day was healing in ways you didn't even know your heart could reach.
Filling the mornings and afternoons with everything you loved was important, but you knew better than to completely disregard the real issues at hand. So every night you'd go on a walk to the pretty park a few blocks from your childhood home, and meditate under the moon.
With the one airpod you had left, you'd let music shuffle and allow the lyrics to guide your thoughts. Some were a little to sad to bare, others were so on the nose you couldn't help but to listen over and over again while allowing the words to comfort you like a hug you've really been needing.
You and Steve were still friends and shared a playlist on your favorite music streaming app. Every night at the park you could see he was listening to sad music, and knew he could see you doing the same. Dramatic? Maybe. Were the sad melodies making you feel understood and less alone? Absolutely.
Eventually he got brave and while you sat under the moon and admired the stars, your headphones read the newest notification.
Steve Rogers added new song to playlist: Little Freak by Harry Styles.
You sighed, but against your better judgement you let the song play to understand what he was trying to say to you. Though the song was familiar to you, all this music was new to Steve. He loved listening to all your favorite artists and bonding over the modern music. The message was loud and clear when you heard it.
"I was thinking about who you are, your delicate point of view, I was think about you. I'm not worried about where you are or who you will go home too, I'm just thinking about you. I disrespected you, jumped in feet first and I landed too hard. Broken ankle, karma rules."
You knew deep down that you shouldn't give him the satisfaction of a response. He didn't deserve to be invading your sacred space, he knew how much music meant to you. But on the other hand, he deserved to know how much he hurt you. If he got to send you a message through song, you deserved to speak your mind too.
So you added a new song to the playlist as well. My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift.
"Even on my worst day, did I deserve babe, all the hell you gave me? Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you till my dying day. I didn't have it in myself to go with grace. You're the hero flying around saving face. If I'm dead to you why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed? Look at how my tears ricochet."
After that, your phone was silent and nothing else was added to your playlist. You could see he listened to the song, then once it was over he was no longer active on the app.
You'd usually let your mind really reflect on what happened and what you wanted going forward, but you found that Steve took up most of your thoughts, and what to do about your career always came second to him.
It seems like your Mom and Dad's advice always leaned towards joining the Avengers. But why wouldn't it? All they ever wanted for you was to find something you love and run as far as you could with it.
Jane would've preferred you leave the field completely. You knew the nature of your job left her in a permanent state of unease about your safety, but you always reassured her that you were in good hands so you'd be okay.
Nathan was a little more understanding that not everything was so black and white, so he played devils advocate for all sides, and of course Luca wanted you to join the Avengers.
Hearing all of their perspectives was helpful to see the bigger picture, but at the end of the day, only Jane and Nathan knew the extent of what happened. You kept the whole Steve and Bucky situation away from your parents for the same reason you kept it away from Luca, you didn't want to ruin the illusion of a superhero for them.
Also.... Your parents really didn't need to know the nitty gritty on your escapades with the winter soldier.
All good things came to an end, especially having your whole family under one roof. After a whole week together, Jane, Nathan, and Luca had to go home to get back to their own life, while your mom and dad left to go on a few day vacation they had planned months ago. So it left you, and the family dog, Rocket, you happily agreed to take care of in their absence.
It was actually kind've nice to have time to yourself. You filled the day with morning yoga, brunch with a friend, some journaling and therapy, and a much needed nap. As the sun went down, you threw a toy around the house to try and get Rocket's energy out but it didn't help much. So after you cooked and ate dinner, you grabbed a tennis ball and walked him a few blocks to the park.
Luckily he was allowed off leash, and there was one other dog there for a little while that took an immediate liking to him, so they ran around and tuckered each other out while you sat on the grass and watched.
Eventually his little friend left, so it left just the two of you, the tennis ball, and the twinkling stars above head.
As lame as it felt to admit, the small spotty brown dachshund filled your soul with so much joy that you couldn't wipe the smile off your face. Throwing the ball, and watching his little legs carry him so far, so fast with tiny little hops was definitely one of the cutest things you've seen in a while.
He was a brave and trusting little creature in most aspects of life, but when the rumble of an approaching motorcycle got a little too loud for his liking, Rocket came running back to your side with his tail between his legs.
Sitting by your side, you picked him up and held him close to your chest while speaking calming words to him that he definitely didn't understand. You pressed little kisses to his forehead, and he licked your cheek in return causing you to laugh.
Feeling a little annoyed that the motorcycle pulled into the parking area for the park you were occupying on your own, you stayed vigilant of your surroundings. Fully prepared to leave when the man got off the bike, you set Rocket down and started reaching for his leash before the dog started running towards the man who was now walking towards the both of you.
"Hey! Rocket, no!" You jumped up from your spot to chase after the irrationality fast weenie. Tail wagging, and happy wiggles took over his little body as he hopped up on his back two legs to greet the stranger. "I'm so sorry! He usually never does this, I don't know why he's... oh."
I'm front of you stood none other than Steve Rogers himself, looking delectable and cozy in a cute teal crewneck and some casual pants with sneakers on. You immediately had a billion and one questions, but he was very obviously taken by Rocket who was also very obviously taken by Steve. There was a serious love as first sight situation happening as Steve leaned down with a big smile on his face to say hi to the little dog.
"It's okay!" Steve giggled, squatting down to get closer to Rocket. "He soooo stinkin' cute!"
"What are you doing here?" You asked, feeling throughly confused, and immediately feeling a little defensive and protective.
When he looked up at you, your arms crossed over your chest as a form of self soothing. It had been so long since you felt this uncomfortable energy, and having it ripple through your body once more felt like reconnecting with an old friend.
"Oh, I was just in the area." Steve said sarcastically, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders.
"Right." You agreed. "Casually in the area two hours away from home... on a motorcycle?"
"An hour and 45 minutes is only an hour and 20 on a bike." Steve noted with a shy smile.
"And how did you know that this area you so happened to be in was the same place I was, even though I never told anyone where I was?" You tilted your head to the side.
"Oh, it's easy. A little birdie told me." Steve noted.
"What was the bird's name?"
"That's not important." He denied, still smiling at the dog but standing to his full height.
"I don't know, feels kind've important to me." You hated that you had to hold back a smile as you looked at him. And you hated even more that you couldn't stop thinking about how stupidly cute he looked with helmet hair and a cozy crewneck on.
"Do you want to sit and chat?" Steve asked, suddenly seeming nervous. "...if not that's fine we can talk a different time if you want."
"You came all this way just to talk?" You questioned.
Steve swallowed nervously as he nodded.
“You could've called me." You challenged.
"Sometimes I think the old fashioned way of doing things is better." He shrugged. "...Also you blocked my phone number after work hours."
You sighed and pointed to your blanket on the grass. "Sit."
He quickly nodded and obeyed your orders. He sat first, and you sat next to him, Rocket trailed behind with the tennis ball in his mouth before happily handing it to Steve.
"Who is this little guy?" Steve asked, throwing the ball for him.
"Like the raccoon?"
“No, he's my parent's dog. They just thought the name suited him. But they're out of town for the next 3 days so he's mine until then." You explained.
"I heard you spent some time with your family. You look a lot happier, do you feel better?"
"So Jane was the birdie who told you where I was." You noted.
"Will not confirm nor deny."
"Mmm" you hummed, reading between the lines. "Yes, it was very nice spending time with people who love me. I do feel a lot better, but it's going to take a lot longer than a week to heal from everything that happened."
"Of course it will, but all that matters is that it's getting a little better everyday." Steve noted. "I don't know if this helps, but I think I put the fear of the devil into Harvey and all his friends. Should you choose to come back, I don't think they would be an issue for you anymore."
"Do I even want to know what you did to them?" You asked.
"I don't think the details really matter too much right now." Steve shrugged once more.
A very uncomfortable silence fell over the two of you, so you threw the ball for Rocket this time.
"Would you like to talk about the hard stuff?" Steve raised.
"Can't we just talk about the weather?" You complained, dreading the inevitable.
"It's pretty chilly out tonight." Steve noted. "You're not cold?"
"Nope." You exaggerated the P at the end of the word.
"Good chat." Steve giggled at the astronomical amount of discomfort and awkwardness you were exuding. "This is never going to get better if we don't talk about it."
"I haven't cried in a few days." You told him. "I'm dreading losing my streak."
"Crying is healthy, and so is expressing emotions." Steve told you. "For example, I really missed you and I've been worried about you for a while now, so I'm here to express that."
"Oh, so you weren't just in the area?" You questioned.
"I took my motorcycle to get to you as fast as I could, because I waited a whole week and every single day that passed by without me giving you a much needed apology was killing me slowly with an amount of guilt I didn't even know was possible for a human being to feel. So no, I was absolutely nowhere near the area."
"Was that the apology?"
"No." Steve denied. "I'm really sorry for everything that's happened. I feel like every interaction I've had with you this past month has been a really bad reflection of my character. I should've went about the whole situation with a lot more logic and understanding, and I should've just listened to you and Bucky before letting anger get the best of me. It wasn't fair to you."
Your eyes stayed fixed on Rocket as he hopped around the grass, he watched you slowly nod while processing his words. "I never meant to hurt your feelings, and if I knew back then what I knew now, Bucky and I would've never..."
"I know." Steve saved you from having to finish that statement. "And our last training was just... completely unacceptable. I wish there was a logical explanation as to why I was so upset that day. Quite honestly, every time I even start to think about it I feel just horribly embarrassed and completely mortified. I'm sorry for not listening to you and telling you that I didn't care. I'm sorry for scaring you and completely breaking your trust. Most importantly I'm really fucking sorry for hurting you. I should've listened better and walked you to medical the second you said something, and the fact that I only made it worse has kept me awake every night since it happened."
"Bucky said you were having a tough few days." You noted.
"It doesn't matter." Steve declined. "I need to do better than that, and I will. You were having some really hard days too, but you never used it as a reason to treat me like shit."
“I was pretty shitty to you."
"But within reason."
"I told you to ignore my existence, called you some not so nice names, yelled at you a few times..."
"Because I pushed you to that level of anger."
"The fact of the matter is that you felt that way because you felt disregarded and disrespected by Bucky and I, and for that, I'm sorry too." You apologized. "I know you weren't interested in hearing me out before when this all happened, and at the time none of the words really came out right. So if you're open to it, I feel like I'd really like a chance to explain the choices I made."
"Of course." Steve practically whispered with a subtle nod, throwing the ball once more for the dog. "But don't feel obligated to. I don't think I would've come all this way if I hadn't already forgiven you."
"This is never going to get better if we don't talk about it." You used his own words against him.
"Ah, so you do think we could make it better?" Steve asked.
"Why wouldn't I want it to get better?"
Steve sighed. "You made it pretty clear in a few different ways that you didn't want me as a friend or even around you at all anymore. A big part of me was expecting you to turn me away for good when I showed up here."
"Oh... sorry." You mumbled sadly, suddenly feeling bad about all the words you shouted at him out of pure, hot red anger.
"Growing up, I was never really the center of attention for anything. I was never good at anything, I got straight B's in school, I had 2 friends at most. Even as I got older and went through high school I wasn't paid much attention to. I never had a boyfriend, I struggled a lot to make friends, once I even went to my teacher to ask him a question 4 months into senior year and he thought I was a new student even though I had been sitting in the second row of his class every single day."
"...yikes." Steve cringed.
"Yikes is right." You agreed. "I never thought I would exceed at anything at all in life. My big plans were finding a 5-9 desk job to make ends meet then just keep going until I didn't have to anymore. Then I discovered the joy of helping people, realized maybe I'm not all that bad at it, and before I knew it I was at Shield. Then all of the sudden I went from never getting much attention my entire life, to having all eyes on me at all times. I was being held to impossibly high standards, the boys wouldn't leave me alone, it felt like regardless of where I was in the building, there was this big huge spotlight on me."
Rocket had finally gotten too tired to play with his ball, so he came back to you and Steve, and laid down right next to Steve's leg. "Even I was hearing about you before you had made it to high enough ranks to work with me."
"Getting no male attention your whole life will kind've mess you up a bit, but going from no male attention to getting thrown into the compound where only a handful of other women work will mess you up a lot."
"Like throwing a zebra into a pack of lions."
"Even that feels like an understatement." You grinned. "Harvey was the first guy I met that didn't feel like he was going to eat me alive, so I stuck with him."
"He was your first boyfriend?" Steve asked, sounding genuinely appalled.
"He was my first everything." You admitted shyly. "I thought he was one of the good ones, like that one boy you waited your whole life for. But obviously I was stupid, and that turned out to be one of the bigger mistakes of my life."
"He's the stupid one, not you." Steve denied.
"When I met you and Bucky, it was a big breath of fresh air. You guys helped me realize that Harvey was bad for me, but at that point I was already convinced he would be the only guy who would ever be stupid enough to fall in love with me. So I stayed way longer than I should've, but in the meantime I felt like I had opened up to you and Bucky far more than I ever had to Harvey. We started training together and talking more, and at that point I felt like I had given you so much more of myself than I had ever given anyone else in my life. Which I know sounds odd, but we were having these really good conversations that made me feel really vulnerable but in a good way, and we had built so much trust and understanding of each other that I never had to question what your intentions were when you were around."
Asshole. Asshole. Asshole. That was the only word Steve could think of at the moment. How he felt, how he treated you, how he made you feel, he was an asshole.
"I'll spare you details, but after Harvey and I officially called it quits obviously I was really fucking sad. I wanted to see you, but you were away on a mission and I just needed to be with a friend so I went to Bucky's place instead. I had all of this new found freedom, paired with this gut wrenching feeling that I was going to be alone and unloved for the rest of my life, and a good friend in front of my face who was just so kind and gentle...things just happened. I wasn't the one to initiate, but I definitely didn't put a stop to it because for once it was really nice to feel wanted. We didn't even kiss or see each other naked, it felt like less of a big deal to me and far less vulnerable or intimate than most of the stunts and challenges I let you guide me through in training. Bucky and I weren't trying to be malicious and we had no bad intentions in our choice to not tell you, I was just afraid that you wouldn't understand and that you'd take it the wrong way. Which, with all due respect, you didn't understand and by the time I even got a chance to try to explain it to you, we were both so angry and defensive that none of the words would come out right."
Working up the courage to look at Steve to gauge any sort of emotional reaction from him, his face was full of remorse as his eyes stayed set on the dog as his hands gently pet his long body and scratched the top of his head.
You took the chance to take a deep breath and let your palm sink into the fluffy park grass, one last ditch effort to ground yourself before the getting into the hardest part of the conversation. "That fear of misunderstanding and miscommunication is exactly why you didn't tell me or Bucky or anyone for that matter that you liked me. And just like how the information about what Bucky and I did got to you in the wrong way at the wrong time, that information got to me in the very wrong way at the very wrong time. And just like you, I didn't understand, and I felt hurt and betrayed because of it."
You watched Steve's cheeks turn red before he hid his face in his hands and let out a groan, earning a little smile from you that he couldn't even see. "Can we just talk about the weather again?"
"Sure thing." You agreed. "I think I lied to you on accident, because now I am kind've cold."
"Wow I'll never forgive you." He joked dryly, mumbling into the palms of his hands.
"That's okay, we can add it to the list of dumb shit we gotta talk through." You giggled. "Well, seems like that covers the weather category again. Are you ready to come out of hiding?"
He peeked one eye out between his fingers. "No. I kind've wish the floor would swallow me whole right now."
"Wow, I didn't think that you had a weak spot, but I found it." You enthused.
Although it was at much too high a cost, seeing a genuine smile on your face for the first time in over a month was like a big breath of fresh air to Steve.
"I'm not covering my ears, I can still hear you perfectly fine. Please continue." He grumbled.
"Just to put you out of your misery and conclude that horrifically long sob story I just subjected you to..." You started. "I was only hurt in that moment because after fooling around with Bucky and getting the information that you liked me sprung on me, it felt like I had lost the only two people in the compound who didn't see me as or treat me like an object of some weird sexual fantasy. Part of me even felt mad and embarrassed at myself for believing that we could've been friends without you guys seeing me that way. Plus, I had all those people in the compound already saying the only reason I was getting so far in my career was because I was sleeping with you, and I so desperately didn't want them to be right. So, all of that being said, I'm sorry too, I should've never been so mean to you. I'm sorry that Bucky and I hurt you, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and not letting you explain yourself while accusing you of things you'd never do."
"Like I said earlier, I already forgave you." Steve slowly let his hands fall from his face, cheeks still stained a pretty pink color.
"That doesn't mean you don't deserve an apology." You reminded him. "We both hurt each other, it's not fair for you to take all the blame."
"I feel like I'm going to throw up" Steve took a deep breath.
"Don't do that" you shook your head. "Please don't throw up."
"I hope you know that our friendship has always meant a lot to me, and absolutely none of it was a scheme to sleep with you." Steve braved through the hard part of the conversation he absolutely wished he never had to think about again.
"Yeah, I do now." You reassured him. "I'm sorry I said that."
"I really just didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Steve explained. "Especially in an environment where you were already getting eaten alive. Plus I was your boss, and you had Harvey, and I didn't want to ruin our friendship... and, yeah, I dunno. It was just a mess. I didn't tell Bucky because I didn't want him to tell me to tell you. He figured it out on his own, by the way. Apparently my eyes twinkle too much, whatever that means."
"I'm not uncomfortable, and yeah, you do have really twinkly eyes." You grinned.
"I guess that's your fault" Steve jokingly sassed.
"Oh so now we're pointing fingers?" You took fake offense.
"From this point on, I'd really like it if everyone could just ignore the twinkle in my eyes so we can all get back to being friends like we were before." Steve said, giving you a really easy escape to officially denying him.
"But I think the twinkles are so pretty!" You enthused, giggling when you could practically see his heart drop.
"You shouldn't be saying things like that when you know I already feel like throwing up." Steve shook his head and clutched his stomach.
"But I mean it." You confirmed. "Knowing what I know now, why would we ever go back to being how we were before?"
Steve swallowed thickly, then his hands started exaggerated movements to further get his point across. "I'm trying to give you an easy way out of telling me you don't want me back in the same way."
"I understand, but that wouldn't be true." You giggled. "I do remember you stating very clearly that you aren't my boss anymore, am I remembering that correctly?"
"No, technically I'm not you b-" He rambled quietly.
"Do we think this would do anything to harm our sweet little Bucky boy?"
"No. He's been going out with Natasha and has been trying to get me to ask y-"
"You we're so kind as to cut me some deals, so I've got one for you too. Let's take some time to let everything settle and heal over, then when the time is right, we'll explore more of that little twinkle, alright?"
"Okay." Steve nodded wide eyed and enthusiastic.
"Yeah? Are you going to throw up?" You questioned with a smile.
"Maybe only a little bit." He continued nodding.
"I guess that's better than a lot-a-bit" you justified.
"So we're okay?" Steve asked, twinkly eyed and puppy dogged face.
"We're okay." You confirmed. "Can I give you a hug? You look like you really need it."
Steve opened his arms for you, and you both had to awkwardly lean over Rocket who was instantly stayed tucked next to his leg. Embracing him tightly, you realized just how badly you needed it too.
Both unwilling to let go for a little while, you took the time to appreciate his body heat that was a stark difference between the cold air outside.
"I'm sorry." Steve quietly apologized again.
"It's okay. I'm sorry too." You accepted. "I really missed you, Stevie."
"I missed you too, Bug. I've been so worried about you lately." One of his hands was very sweetly rubbing your back.
"Sorry." You sighed. "I've been trying my best."
"I know. That doesn't make me worry any less."
"I love you." You reminded him for the first time in a while.
Steve relaxed and let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding onto. "I love you more."
Although you could've hugged him forever, the two of you mutually unwrapped yourself from each other.
"How is your shoulder?" He questioned remorsefully.
"Oh, it's fine." You told him. "It feels so much better. I've been doing yoga all week and it's held up nicely."
"Good, that's good." He nodded. "And have you put any thought into what you're going to do about your job?"
"Everyone seems to want me to do something different." You sighed. "I've been coming here almost every night just to think about it. It's really nice that the sprinklers don't turn on at 10 pm."
“What do you want to do?"
"I think I know what I want, but I'm really scared of making the jump." You explained.
"I'm not here to talk you in or out of anything, I was just curious." Steve grinned. "You still have the rest of the week to think it through. But just know that I have no doubt in your ability to handle a big scary jump"
"I can usually only handle big scary jumps because most of the time, you're down at the bottom waiting to catch me." You admitted.
"Well regardless of what you choose, I'll still always be here for you." Steve reminded you sweetly. "I just hope you do what you think is best for you, and not what other people want you to do."
“That's the thing, I don't think I know what's good for me."
"Are you kidding me? You have great intuition." Steve said. "Your just need to gain back trust for that little voice in your head that's telling you what to do."
"The same voice that bullies me every day?!" You asked with a giggle. "Absolutely not, she gets no say in any of my choices nowadays."
Steve close lipped smiled at you, his dimples setting deep into his chiseled cheeks. "Then forget you even have a brain and listen to your heart."
"She's also been really problematic recently." You noted. "I don't like her very much right now."
His smile turned into a pout. "That sounds like a very tough thing to not like about yourself."
"Tell me about it." You agreed. "But we're working on it."
"Once again, I guess that's all that matters." Steve noted. "So you can't make a big decision with your heart or your head, and your shoulder is out of the question. We're running low on body parts."
"Maybe I'll let Rocket make the choice for me." You grinned at the sleepy dog.
"I think Rocket should be an Avenger... actually, I think Rocket should come home with me and be my dog instead." Steve smiled, petting the dog once more.
"My parents would hunt you down for sport if you ever took this dog." You giggled. "He's their favorite child."
"But I love him!" Steve pouted like a child. "He's just so fucking cute! Have you seen these ears?!"
"No pets allowed at the compound" You reminded him, nudging his arm. "Maybe that's all the more reason to quit."
“I think that's reason to break the rules, not to quit." Steve corrected.
"Captain America suggesting I break the rules?!" You questioned with a gasp.
"Am I not the same man who's whole career was founded off of breaking the law?" Steve questioned right back. "When have I ever followed the rules?"
"Wow, bad to the bone."
"That sounded sarcastic." He noted as his eyebrow raised in question.
"Me? Sarcastic? Never." You denied.
Rocket readjusted to get more comfortable, but crawled into the hole within Steve's crossed legs and curled up into a little ball in his lap, with his head resting on his thigh.
"Okay that's it." Steve declared, fists balling up to keep himself from unleashing his cuteness aggression on the creature in the form of hugging him so tight his eyes popped out of his head like a stress ball. "I can't take this anymore. How bad would your parents beat me up if I stole this dog? Because really, I think I could take the beating."
"I simply cannot express to you how much taking this dog away from my parents is not an option." You laughed at his question. "I think my Mom would run you over with her car."
"No way she would do that." Steve shook his head. "She was so nice when I met her!"
"She would not be nice if you stole her weenie." You pointed out.
"Come on, she gave me a hug. No mom that's giving out free hugs could ever hit me with a car."
"That's where you're wrong. Because any woman that has so much love for her kids would do anything to seek rightful justice if you did anything to fuck with them." You corrected him. "Even if she's five foot nothing, and you're Captain America. Don't mess with her baby."
“Oh no" Steve's eyes went wide.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh shit." He panicked. "Do your parents hate me?"
"No? Why would they hate you?" You questioned with a nervous laugh.
"Because I accidentally fucked with your Mom's baby and now she's going to do anything to seek rightful justice." Steve clutched the fabric of his sweater right over his chest. "The throw up is coming back."
"I didn't tell them anything about you or Bucky, other than that you didn't let me quit right in the spot." You explained. "They love you and all of the Avengers too much for me to ever ruin their perception of the people who make them feel safe."
"So why do they think you're here?" Steve asked.
"I only told them about Harvey and the general issues I'm having with all of the other agents."
"Your sister knows." He said. "She made a weird comment..."
"She always makes weird comments, that's just what makes Jane, Jane." You smiled. "Yes, she knows, but she likes you a lot. I think she even took your side, she's been advocating for you the whole time."
"She's going to tell your mom, and your mom is going to hunt me for sport."
"No she won't, and even if she does find out about it, she's a very rational person. As long as we're fine, she's fine." You explained. "Look I'll prove it to you, say cheese!"
Quickly taking your phone out of your pocket and pointing the camera at Steve and Rocket, he smiled and you snapped a picture. He watched you type away for a few moments.
You sent the picture in a group chat with your mom and dad, then immediately got a response.
"See! Look! I said, look who came by to hang out with your favorite child." You giggled at your screen, turning it towards him so show that you sent them the picture. "My mom responded and said omg, Dad is honored. We don't know who is cuter, Rocket or Captain Rogers."
"Okay now ask if I can steal the dog." His cheeks turned an even brighter shade of pink.
"I thought the point was to make sure my mom liked you" You laughed, locking your phone and putting it on the grass besides you. "Trust that I'm doing you a favor."
"Fine, but I'm not happy about it." He joked.
"I didn't know you felt so passionately about wieners, Steven." You giggled.
"What can I say? There's nothing better than kicking back and playing with a wiener." He ran with your joke.
"A nice, long wiener."
"This is ridiculous" Steve's face scrunched up, earning more of your adorable laughter.
Like no time had passed, you and Steve sat and chatted away for a few hours. You could tell the comfortable conversation was helping him resolve his own internal guilt, so you were happy to stay and chat for as long as he needed. But selfishly, you missed him more than you ever wanted to admit to yourself.
His adorable smile and pretty pink cheeks lit up a part of your heart that you had felt so disconnected from for so long now. And as the night grew colder, and significantly later, he couldn't just ignore the occasional chills that would make you momentarily shiver. You kept ignoring them and playing them off just to spend more time with your sweet friend, but eventually you ended up tucked underneath his arm and snuggled up to his side for warmth while Rocket stayed glued to his lap.
There was little you could do to ignore how comfortable and familiar it felt to be sharing warmth with the soldier. By all means, both Steve and Bucky were touchy people on a normal day to day basis, plus all of the training you did with Steve made you very comfortable with his skin on yours.
But this was different. His head that nestled on top of yours that rested on his shoulder, his big hand on the top of you arm keeping you close and snug against him, paired the gentle and quiet volume in his voice wasn't just friendly.
His hold was apologetic, and almost regretful. It was reconnecting, and mending. You could feel all of his unspoken words seeping out from his warm body to into your cold one, and you wondered if he could feel the same thing happening to him through your timid hand resting between his shoulder blades.
Just based on his calm breaths, but still racing pulse that you could feel on his neck, you knew it was different for him too.
But it was a good different, a hopeful and very exciting different.
Much like your shivers that you ignored and played off, Steve was trying to mask his yawns. Unfortunately, this was something that you couldn't ignore. Especially when you pressed the button on your phone and the screen informed you that it was already 11:52pm.
"As sad as I am to have to put an end to this, it's already almost midnight and your crazy ass drove an hour and a half here on a motorcycle." You reminded him.
"I just got you back, I don't want to leave you again." He pouted.
"I don't want you to leave either, but I'd prefer if you got home safely." Your timid hand now gently rubbing short stripes on his back. "Or you can stay the night with me here if you'd like."
A sleepy grin overtook the sat pout. "Thank you, but once again I don't want your parents to hate me. Plus I have my stupid annual physical in the morning."
"My parents wouldn't hate you, they'd rather you be safe than drive home tired."
"I'm not that tired, I'll be okay." He reassured you. "And you can't come back to the compound?"
"No, I have to watch Rocket." You reminded him. "But I'll see you in a few days at least. I'll be back before the end of the week."
"Oh, you'll be back?" He raised an eyebrow, challenging your statement.
"To give my official resignation at the very least, or to move all of my stuff into the Avengers sector at the very most. Who's to say what's going to happen?" You giggled.
"Well, when you need help moving let me know. I know a couple guys that can lift a few thousand pounds at a time, it helps the process go by really fast." Steve egged you on.
"Uh huh, I'll keep that in mind." You rolled your eyes with a smile, and wrapped your other arm around his front to squeeze him in a sideways hug. "Thanks for coming all the way here. It was really nice getting to have a conversation with you, I really missed spending time together."
"Of course. Thank you for even giving me the chance to explain myself. If I were you, I don't know of I would be able to be that gracious." He squeezed your shoulder in appreciation.
"There isn't much I wouldn't do for you." You grinned.
"Oh yeah? What wouldn't you do?" Steve questioned with a chuckle.
"I won't let you steal my moms dog." You stated. "Which reminds me, I'm going to need that back."
"Okay, I guess you can have him back. " Steve smiled and picked up the little fur-ball from his lap and placed him on yours instead. "Thanks for letting me play with your wiener."
"Feel free to come back and play with my wiener anytime." You laughed at his joke, unwrapping yourself from him as he started standing up.
"What an incredible offer, thank you" Steve smiled, now standing over you and offering you his hand to help you up.
"Like I said, anytime." You playfully winked.
Quickly putting on Rockets leash, you set the dog on the grass and accepted Steve's hand. He pulled you up effortlessly and bent over to grab your blanket from the grass.
"How far away is your parents house?"  Steve questioned, subconsciously folding the blanket.
"About two blocks" You shrugged.
"Can I walk you guys home?" He asked, eyes twinkling once more as he shoved his hands in his front pockets to keep them warm.
"Absolutely not" You denied.
He was immediately pretending to be offended with a big gasp and hand whipped out of his pocket and over his heart. "Ma'am, it is pitch black out here and it's already midnight."
You laughed at his response. "Sir, it's pitch black and midnight. Your motorcycle is right there. I'm not letting you walk me two blocks in a neighborhood I'm familiar with because that means you'll have to walk another two blocks back here all by yourself somewhere you've never been. Logistically it makes no sense."
Steve puffed and furrowed his eyebrows. "What if some creepy dude comes and tries to mess with you? Huh? Then what?"
"Then I use all my big and scary self defense moves that Captain America taught me." You answered. "Also, do you not see this big scary guard dog? Nobody is going to fuck with me."
His pout deepened. "What if you start walking home and some dude on a motorcycle follows you all the way home?"
"Is that what's going to happen?" You giggled at his question.
"If you keep saying you're not going to let me walk you home then maybe it will." Steve shrugged.
"I've been walking by myself this late every single night for a week now." You told him. "It's always been fine, it'll be fine again."
"Now you're just trying to give me a heart attack." Steve deadpanned, earning your laugh once again.
"So I'm a good enough fighter to be an Avenger, but not good enough to walk to my parents house by myself?" You asked.
"Yes, exactly!" Steve enthused. "So glad we could have this conversation to clear that up, come one let's get you home."
His arm linked around yours and he started walking. "I think you're absolutely out of your mind, but I appreciate you nonetheless."
Looking up at his face just in time, you caught his smile. "The second half of that statement is really the only part that matters to me."
Your steps synched up with his, and Rocket walked ahead of the two of you. "Hey, Stevie?"
"If you actually want to get me home, we should be walking in the complete opposite direction" You grinned.
Steve stopped and laughed. "Okay, you lead the way."
You did eventually make it home, and only when you stood on the door step did Steve let your arms disconnect.
"Look we made it here and nobody died!" You enthused. "Do you remember how to get back?"
"Of course I do" Steve giggled at your question. "It wasn't even two full blocks."
"Just making sure" you raised your hands in defense. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?"
"I would if I could." His thankful grin showed off the shallow dimples in his cheeks. "See you soon?"
"In a few days" you nodded in confirmation.
He stuck his arms out for one last hug, and you accepted happily. After he let go of you, he bent down to say bye to Rocket.
"Drive save! Text me when you get home." You told him.
Steve's face scrunched up for a second, causing you to look at him in confusion.
"What's wrong?"
"You blocked my phone number" He reminded you with a loud whisper.
"I'll unblock it, but text me when you get home" You giggled.
"Okay great!" Steve smiled big and did a little happy dance. "Goodnight!"
"Goodnight, love you!"
"Love you more!" He waved as he walked down the driveway.
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Next Part: Twinkles
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185 notes · View notes
gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
pretty when you cry.
pairings: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
n.r masterlist | navigation | n.r one-shots masterlist
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summary: you and nastaha were once a happy couple, until she became a whole different person. 
warnings: extremely toxic!natasha, degrading, alcoholism, verbal abuse, cheating, pure angst - 18+ MINORS DNI.
author’s note: just did this anon request! hopefully you enjoy this!
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Natasha was the ideal girlfriend. She was tenacious, loving, generous, and irresistibly romantic, among other qualities that are difficult to put into words. The redhead was everything through your mending heart during the first year of your relationship. She took you on daily dates, brought you flowers every week, took care of you whenever school got in the way, and would make love to you in your bed until the sun rose again. She took you to her favorite forest, where she had a small cabin in the middle of the woods, and you'd sometimes spend time alone with her there. You sighed at those happy memories, they were once good when she suddenly transforms into a completely different person.
"I'm going to the compound for a bit," Natasha murmured as she grabbed her coat and walked to the front door without looking over her shoulder or even kissing goodbye. "You don't need to cook dinner; Steve will do it anyway."
You only responded with a nod, knowing she wouldn't say anything else but leave the house. As soon as she was gone, you could feel your own tears streaming down your cheeks, not knowing when they would stop. The pain consumed you, the loneliness fed into your system, and the sense of betrayal lingered in your mind for a long time. One thing is certain: you're not sure if you still trust Natasha. Would you? She's been acting this way for nearly two years, so you're not sure if she's still faithful to you.
You'd like to believe she was still faithful.
When the sun goes down and the air becomes colder, you decide to go to bed early because you were expecting Natasha to be late. You were used to this routine because she was gone every night. She'd come home around midnight on occasion, but most of the time she'd return the next day but not sleep in the same bed as you. She'd either sleep in the other room or on the couch, drunk from the night before. Most of the time, she comes home and then goes out to drink with her friends. The Avengers were no longer her friends; they had turned against her because of everything she had done to you. You were constantly fighting, which caused the older woman to leave the house. And whenever you mentioned these fights to Sam, he'd always say, "I told you so, Y/n."
He was right, but you still had your hopes for your girlfriend.
Surprisingly, before you got to bed, Natasha came home early that night – not even intoxicated. She goes to the kitchen and pours herself some orange juice, while lighting a cigarette from her mouth. You leaned against the countertop and asked, “Why are you home early?”
The woman scoffed.
“Can I not be home early?”
“Of course you can,” you stated quietly under your breath, knowing that within the next few seconds she would be yelling at you. “I don’t know, it’s just that you are never home.”
“I got work, Y/n. I save people’s lives, I need a fucking break from all of this shit in my life.”
You are not saving our relationship.
Knowing that she was right for the whole time, you decided to end the conversation there by saying: “Okay, you’re right. I’m going to bed.”
But she didn’t stop there, she continued to speak.
“What have you been doing all day?” she asked, almost in a condescending tone. She swung the cigarette away from her lips, chuckling. “I bet you were just lying down in bed all day, expecting me to give you everything.”
“I work too, Nat,” you sighed, pressing your fingers onto your forehead. “I don’t want to fight, okay? Can't we just go to bed?”
“You’re avoiding this conversation.”
“That’s because I know what you’re going to say.”
“What do you want me to tell you, hm?” she takes a few steps closer to your frail body, looking down at you with so much power in her green eyes. You dared yourself not to gaze back at her, because if you did – you were doomed. “Look at me!”
“I can’t.” you whispered with a voice crack, causing her to groan.
"You're so difficult to talk to," she grumbled, hurling a glass against the wall, which splattered all over the floor, your body flinching at the harsh sound. She didn't bother to console you, and she was even moved by the sound of your whimper. "You little bitch, don't cry at me. You expect me to give you everything you fucking want?!"
“I don’t even ask for anything anymore, Natasha!” you yelled back at her, wiping the tears away using the back of your hand. “We barely talk! Do you expect me to ask something from you when we don’t even communicate?”
“But that’s what you are, a greedy bitch!”
You let out a painful sob as the sound of her voice and the use of her words made your knees weaken. She's been calling you these things lately. You tried your hardest to remain strong, but it eventually caught up with you. It really does.
"I-" you stammered, afraid to look into her angry eyes. She was breathing heavily through her nose, pleading with you to speak up. “I don’t want to fight, please.”
"You keep avoiding this type of shit," she said vaguely. "Whenever I called you out, you'd tell me to go to bed. Y/n, I'm not a fucking kid. "I'm an adult!"
“Then act like one!”
Natasha raises her hand to strike you as you close your eyes, but she stops. She looked at you for a moment before dropping her hand, noticing that she was completely unaware of what she was doing, despite the fact that she wasn't drunk. She sighed as she pinched her nose bridge, mumbling: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
"Whatever," you replied, walking back to your room and closing the bedroom door behind you. You cried yourself to sleep that night, knowing that you would have to leave her at any moment.
What happened to us?
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The next few days were crucial. You and Natasha never discussed that night, and she never intended to. You were fine with the idea because it was just another way to avoid a fight, but you also wanted your girlfriend back to the way she used to be. Despite your optimism, you were beginning to give up. You had a strong feeling she would never return. She'll stay this way forever.
For some ethical reason, you took a visit to the compound, finding out if Natasha was there or not. When Tony let you in, you were surprised that she wasn’t there. Huh, you thought. Where has she gone?
“She’s not here, Y/n,” said Tony from behind. “She uhm… left somewhere.”
You turned over your shoulder, giving him a frown. What did he mean by that exactly?
“Can you tell me where she is?”
"I'm not sure if I should," he admitted, his face flushed. He rested both of his hands on his waist, still debating whether or not to tell you. He continued, “I think you’ll be very angry if I–”
Steve speaks up, his arm crossed. “You should tell her, Tony. She is entitled to know.”
"But Natasha is our family," he said. Were you also not family? His words pierced your heart, as if a knife had been thrust through it. “She’ll be very upset.”
"We've been upset with your girlfriend for a long time," the old man sighed, leaning uncomfortably against the wall. You sat down on the stool, silently requesting that he continue. "She's been cold with us, and there's something you should know before it's too late."
"I'm sorry," Tony apologizes to you. You could tell he was sincere because his eyes weren't looking back at you, and you already knew where this was going. "I'm sorry for disappointing you, sweetheart."
“Tell me what’s going on.” you whispered in final, hearing Steve breathe deeply.
"Natasha has been flirting with one of our young recruits for the past year," Steve said, his head low. "But she's gone now because Natasha asked her to. We couldn't get a hold of her, but she had every right to leave. She had no idea Natasha had a girlfriend, which made her very upset. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be mad at the girl, but that’s what happened.”
You have known this from the very beginning; all you needed to do was stop wishing that Natasha would change into a better person. There was a mixture of anger and sadness in your throat, and you didn't care much if you cried in front of them.
"Oh," you murmured, unsure what to say next..
“I know this is very hard for you, and I’m sorry that you had to hear it this way. You deserve to know what she has been doing, Y/n.”
“Did they ever had sex?”
Steve shrugged. “I’m not too sure about that, but maybe they have.”
"They probably did," Tony says. "Natasha is family, but we don't support her actions. We all know how much she loves you, but I don’t think she’s right for you.”
"That is certainly a wake-up call," you sniffled, wiping your tears away with the back of your hand. "I had a feeling she'd do something like this, let alone fuck them. I'm not sure if there are any more girls. I just…”
I just want to love you again, but I don’t know how.
You were disgusted by the thought of Natasha fucking another girl. Were you not providing her with the satisfaction she required? Most importantly, what happened to you? You had a feeling you were the source of the problem, but you couldn't hurt Natasha in this way - it was too much.
All you know is that you wanted to leave her, you didn’t care if she cheated on you, you just wanted to stay away from her presence.
“I’m going home then,” you stood up from the stool as you walked towards the front door, giving them a small smile from your lips. “I’ll see you when I’m around.”
You quickly left the compound and returned home with a scream, throwing vases around the living room area as you reflected on the times Natasha had degraded you as a person, doing infidelity scenarios behind your back, doing the things you were supposed to do with her without your presence. You returned to your old bedroom with her as you packed your belongings, leaving the jewelry she had given you as well as the books she had also given you. You had enough of her horrible behavior; you were done being hers.
Natasha returned home a few hours later, with broken glasses all over the floor, ruined picture frames from the wall, and the bedroom thrashed with pure rage. When she looked at you, you were sitting on the ground, and she already knew what was going on - she was just too embarrassed to admit it.
You muttered to yourself, your eyes getting heavy, “You finally came home.”
She asked with a choking sound in her voice, “Did they tell you?”
“They told me everything.”
“Can we talk about it?” she asked, her voice becoming softer as she looked at you.
“If you're willing to change,” you said so bitterly that you didn't recognize yourself. “If you're willing to give up the girls you've been messaging.”
“I will,” she rushed onto her knees and embraced you, kissing your collarbone. But this did not seem to have much of an effect on you, as you continued to have a trusting nature toward the woman who has caused you god knows how many problems. “I promise I will, okay?" I'm sorry, baby. I'm truly sorry. I didn't intend for this to happen.”
You nodded, your nails digging through her jacket, wishing that you could die today without being hers. But if you didn't have her, then who were you to begin with?
“I know,” you patted her back as you felt her lips lightly brush against your skin. “I know, don’t worry.”
Natasha was only perfect for a week before returning to her old routine after convincing you to stay. She was out of the house once more, drinking until she passed out on the road, then texting a girl on her phone with no shame. You were sick of her by this point. You were tired of being her partner in everything, of being her individual. Heck, she never asked you to marry her, so you weren’t that serious for Natasha. You felt lonelier and lonelier, until you were consumed by the thought of being a bad person for leaving her again.
But you knew tonight was the night of leaving, and Natasha had to just take the fact about it.
The redhead came home around midnight – as expected – and sat down with you, surprisingly kissing your knuckles. But you pulled away instantly, disgusted by her. She frowned.
“What’s wrong? I’m trying to be affectionate here.”
“I saw you texting another girl.”
She laughed, scratching her nose. “I was texting Maria about the mission, that’s all.”
“Maria isn’t named Angela,” you pointed out with a dead pan look on your face. “You don’t talk sex with Maria, you also don’t text her about it. So why would Maria be in your favorites then?”
Natasha sighed, cupping her face as she could feel irritation boiling through her veins.
“Y/n, I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s always that,” you chuckled with sarcasm, standing up from the table as you picked up your duffel bag from the kitchen floor. Natasha raised her chin, noticing that you were holding two bags. She gulped and stood up slowly, trying to hold your face. “Don’t touch me, I’m leaving you.”
“I know I’m stupid, okay? And I'm sorry,” her voice was pleading, and you were sick of hearing it. She pulls you into a hug before shoving her away from your tired body, marching you to the front door until she blocks your path. “I love you, I’m still in love with you! Don’t leave me, please. Baby, don’t.”
“Move out my way, Romanoff.”
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she chanted, her cold hands meeting your arms and stroking your skin as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her pupils were bloodshot. “I’m just going through something right now, I’m sorry. Please, my love, stay. Don’t go, don’t leave…”
You sobbed loudly, stomping your foot on the ground pitifully. “God damn it, Natasha! You always do this! You only tell me you love me the minute I’m leaving you, and it makes me feel tired! I’m tired of you, don’t you understand that?”
“I’m tired of your mess, you picking up a fight, degrading me as if I’m stupid, and making me feel foolish too! I’m tired of you cheating on me, not spending time with me, choosing a girl over me, and everything else you have done! So please, spare me some remorse and let me leave you!”
“I can’t!” she screams, rubbing her eyes furiously. “I can’t, okay? I need you here with me! Through thick and thin, remember? I will move heaven and earth for you–”
“Do not even do that.”
"I love you so much," she said softly, pecking your lips. You let her kiss you because you knew it was the last time she'd kiss you. “I want everything from you, including your love. I promise to change, okay? I’ll stop drinking, I’ll stop it all! Just don’t leave me, baby… don’t leave.”
You pushed her chest away with all of your might, crying in front of her, feeling defeated once again. You looked at her for one last time before saying, “If I see you change, I will decide if I should take you back or not. But if you don’t, expect me to never see you again.”
You parted ways with her that evening, walking to the bus stop while simultaneously texting your mother to tell her that you'd soon be moving in with her after a separation of five painful years. During the night, Natasha let out all of her pent-up emotions, finally acknowledging the magnitude of what she had lost. She took a broken picture frame, memorizing your face as if it were the last time she looked at you. She smiled brokenly and kissed the picture, whispering for you to come back.
I’m sorry.
Are you?
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“So, when’s the baby shower?”
Your sister smiled happily at you as you rubbed her swollen stomach, amazed with the idea of a woman carrying a child. You sometimes thought about having one, but that was a long time ago. You continued to rub her rounded stomach, smiling fondly at it.
“Probably next week since James is still finding a crib for the baby,” she sighed, smiling down at you. “Are you excited to meet your niece?”
“Of course,” you responded with a grin. “Are you excited to be a mother?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
You were washing the dishes while your sister, Alica, was sleeping in her bedroom because you both ate lunch. While your father was at work, your mother was at the farm. You enjoyed being at home again, finally leaving the city and returning to the rural town where you grew up. When you peeked out the window, you noticed an unusual car going to the gravel and abruptly stopping. At first, you couldn't believe what you saw.
Natasha stepped out of the car with sunglasses on and a leather jacket slung over her shoulder. You felt your breath hitch from the sight of her, unsure whether you should leave or not. But before you could, Natasha knocked on your front door.
Don’t open the door.
Oh, but you did.
Her eyes and her glowing face greeted you. She smiled warmly at you while lowering her head, scared to gaze further into your eyes.
"How did you find out about me?" you inquired, looking around to see if anyone else was nearby.
"I came to get you back again," she said confidently. "Y/n, I want you back. I'd like to get you back again."
You crossed your arms at her and asked, "Look me in the eyes and say it."
That she did. Natasha smiled as she took your hand in hers and brought it close to her lips. She stroked your skin gently, moving your hand into her hair. You sighed contentedly, knowing that this was the Natasha you remembered.
"I stopped drinking and left the compound," she admitted. "Right now, I live in an apartment; I sold the house we used to live in because I don't see the point in me staying there. But I saved our photos on my wall, as well as the mugs you gave me every month."
You laughed, recalling the times you used to give her odd mugs.
"And I, uh, brought a ring with me so that I could ask you to marry me."
Your eyes widen as she pulls a black box from her pocket, opening the cover to reveal a little diamond heart in the center of the ring, glittering beyond your vision. You looked up briefly at her, taken in by the situation.
"Natasha, what-"
"Marry me?" She breathes out, her forehead pressed against yours as she inhaled your scent. "Oh, God, marry me Y/n. Make me the happiest woman alive, and I swear I'm changed. I'm ready to be with you again and finish our story. Accept and adore me once more. Because, lovely girl, I can't live without you. I can't live without my girl."
You lifted her chin and smiled, tears on the brim of your eyelids as you closed your lips together. When she eventually kissed you again, you felt her tongue caressing your bottom lip, almost falling to the ground. You drew back, your thumb caressing her cheek, and nodded joyfully.
"Yes, I will marry you, Natasha Romanoff."
You moved back in with Natasha in New York, and lived with her with the happiest decision of your life.
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Vampire!bucky x innocent!reader. We have a mighty need
Strawberry juice
pairing: vampire!bucky x innocent!reader
warnings: blood / blood sucking / kidnapping/ dark!bucky / non-con use of body for buckys orgasm / release in pants
a/n:I hope you enjoy I tried my best! I'm still new to writing smut and I'm still learning please be nice 🥹 I also wasn't sure if you wanted this to be a dark fic 😅
18+ only
minors do not interact
this is a dark fic if you're not into that please do not read!!!
masterlist / bucky / part 2
You've been working at this coffee shop near your place for 6 months, and you've been loving it. The people are always so nice to you even when you make a mistake, which was so surprising as people used to yell at you at the place you worked before. To be fair, the coffee shops' uniforms were little maid outfits that leave very little to imagination, but to you it never clicked that everyone was nice because of that.
And even the tips were amazing.
You loved your job, it was really fun to talk to people all day and receive compliments, you've never heard so many compliments in your whole life!
The regular customers always left big tips even when you spilled something on them! You'd be apologising, then helping them clean up the mess and you'd feel so bad, but they would just reply with a smile and give you double the price of the coffee you'd spilled. When you tried to deny the tip they'd just put it in the pocket of your outfit.
Recently, a new customer started coming, and he was very pretty. You've started to wait for him to show up all day, you even changed shifts since he usually comes an hour before closing.
The man usually sits in the far back corner of the shop, he sits in a place that has the best view of the whole place. He never finishes his tea or coffee just sits there and reads.
You thought he looked lonely and you've really wanted to start a conversation with him, but the opportunity never rose until now.
The place was empty, only you and the man are left, you've got another half an hour before closing and you've already done everything. So you gather the courage to go talk to him. Maybe you want him to pay attention to you because he's the only one who doesn't, and you're not used to being ignored and not called pretty.
your heart stops when the man looks straight into your eyes, the intense blue of his eyes making your legs shake.
"Hi? Is there a problem, you're still open right?"
you try so hard to break the eye contact but something won't let you, it's like you're stuck.
"Oh there's no problem just wanted to ask if everything was okay?" you feel out of breath by the time you finish your sentence.
"Oh, everything is great. Don't worry about me, but if I could ask for your company just for a few minutes?"
You can't deny a lonely man, he just needed a friend you were right! So you smile and sit across from him.
"What are you reading?"
And that's how you two started hanging out every evening. He'd read his book and you'd ask questions, sometimes you would get lost in your own world by talking about your day or the flowers you saw in the flowershop and he wouldn't even get to say anything.
You'd try to apologise but he'd always say that he enjoyed listening to you.
Bucky is a patient man, he'd like to think he is but he was getting impatient and hungry. He'd been watching you since the first day you've started working at the coffee shop. The sweet smell of you had brought him to the place. He'd never been fond of coffee even when he was able drink it.
Usually, when he smelled the delicious food, he'd eat it as soon as possible, but with you, he decided he'd rather play. Steve always told him not to play with food, but you were just irresistible.
About a month ago, you finally talked to him and just never stopped. He'd started to wait for you to close up since there's a lot of creepy men around, he would know.
But he was getting very hungry, he's spent too much time with you that he'd forgotten to eat and that's all he could ever think about when he was with you.
Bucky is ready to have the most delicious meal of his not life.
"I'm ready!"
He turns and smiles at you, he said he'd wait for you to finish and walk you all the way home, you thanked him over and over.
"Thank you so much! I get really scared when I'm walking alone." you say as you lock the door and check twice if you did it properly.
You grab his arm and walk with him happily, you don't even notice he'd lead you to an alleyway.
Bucky pushes you against the brick wall his hand on the back of your head, he can't let any blood go to waste. The whole reason he's here with you in the first place. He tasted the rarest blood type and he'd tasted virgin blood too, but never two in one, he knows he's about to have the tastiest meal.
His nose runs up and down your neck, pressing it to the most prominent vein.
"You smell so good pretty girl."
you giggle when his stubble tickles your neck.
"It's my favorite strawberry perfume." you say and Bucky laughs.
"Is that so?"
"Yes I love strawberry!"
Oh that's precious, Bucky thinks, you have so much in common with strawberries, both are sweet and when you bite into them red juice comes out.
"Well, strawberries are my favourite too, you're my favourite one."
You blush and put your hands on Buckys shoulders, he's caged you between him and the wall.
"You're not scared little one?"
"Why would I be scared, that's silly we're friends!"
Bucky smirks.
"That's right we are friends. You're gonna be a good girl for me." It's not a question it's a statement.
"You're poking me." you try to push him off you a little. Bucky might have gotten too excited to have you for himself. His buldge was indeed pressed against your stomach.
"Is that so?" He mocks and rolls his hips which grants him access to your tongue when you whined and opened your mouth. He forces his tongue into your mouth and starts kissing you. Nothing about the kiss is gentle but he's enjoying it, your lip starts to bleed when his fangs cut it. He sucks on it and moans at the taste.
Oh the taste is just incredible and Bucky decides that he will keep you. He won't drain you he'll just take you home and snack on you whenever he feels like it.
"Stop, please." you cry out but Bucky is too strong and you can't even move an inch.
"Don't worry, sweet girl I won't kill you you're safe with me."
He grabs your jaw and forces you to look at him, he wasn't planning to hypnotise you to obey him but he didn't really want you to become fussy, that would be a disaster..... imagine if any drop of your precious blood spilled - not allowed.
"Good girl."
Bucky picks you up completely off the floor, putting your legs around his waist so his croch is exactly on your clothed pussy. Instead of biting your neck he picks up your arm and bites into your forearm.
The taste overwhelmed him, it's so intense like nothing he'd ever tasted before - humans would probably describe it as biting into a lava chocolate cake when all the filling just drips out.
Bucky feeds off of you slowly, but his thrusts are fast and unreserved, and the moment he stops sucking you, Bucky releases his load into his pants and rides out his orgasm.
"See, little one I just took a little."
Bucky caresses your cheek and your eyes are barely open, you're on the verge of passing out.
"Mhm." you whimper when Bucky let's you down for a second before picking you up again, princess style, he sets your head on his shoulder and you instantly fall asleep.
"Master, I told you not to play with your food."
Steve, Buckys familiar and friend says from the beginning of the alleyway.
"I know, I'm taking this one with me couldn't take all of it at once, she filled me up with just a few drops." Bucky says feeling surprisingly very full after taking maybe 200ml and usually he needs a lot more.
"I'll see you at home!"
Bucky says before flying away.
Steve curses under his breath he always needs to walk.
You wake up in an unfamiliar room and look around, your eyes take bit to get used to the dark around you.
"I see you're awake, precious."
"Where am I?"
"Your new home of course!"
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Reader 
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Tags: NSFW TITLE CARD, SMUT, angst, fluff, seducing, mentions of masturbation, mentions of using sex toys, lingerie, fingering (female receiving), cum eating, finger sucking, Bruce transitioning into the Hulk (not sure if this is a trigger, but I'm not taking chances), kissing (both Bruce and Hulk receiving), handjob (Hulk receiving… again Idk if this is a trigger but noting it anyway cause after some research I've learned that even his cum is green.), making out, biting, hickeys, fucking against a wall, choking, implied all night fucking, and I think that's it. 
Word Count: 4,129
Beta and Title Card: Yours Truly 
Written For: My amazing bestie and beta, Tiffany. <3
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Being married to an Avenger had its perks. You got to live in Tony Stark's swanky tower, you had your own team of expertly trained bodyguards, and the best part of it all? You stole the heart of Bruce Banner. The two of you met under unfortunate circumstances, but it was still the best day of your life. 
You'd been caught in the crossfire during one of their missions, a monster took you hostage to use as leverage for their escape. The thing had a knife held against your throat, threatening to kill you on the spot if any of the Avengers moved an inch. You looked into their helpless eyes. Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, and Iron Man all stared helplessly back at you contemplating how they were going to save you. 
In the distance, Natasha was holding her upturned palm to a furious Hulk. He was grunting and clenching his fists as she took a tentative step toward him.
"Hey, big guy. The sun's getting real low."
He trained his eyes on her, as his anger started to dissipate. Just before he was about to give in he heard you scream.
He snapped his head in your direction, a loud, angry roar shaking the surrounding buildings as he ran towards you. Cars, signs, sidewalk benches, nothing was safe from his wrath. It all happened so fast. One moment your captor was pressing the blade harder against your skin and the next you were in the Hulk's arms. 
At first, you were startled, his big green eyes scanning your body as he held you in his large green hand. He was breathing heavily, his nostrils flaring, as he spoke.
"Hulk save you."
You smiled and were about to respond but Captain Rogers beat you to it.
"That's good, buddy," he set his shield down and slowly walked towards the two of you. "Why don't you put the lady down now, okay?"
The Hulk tightened his grip on your waist and snarled, "NO! Hulk keep pretty lady!"
Steve went to speak again, but you turned around to look at him.
"Wait. It's okay. Let me try something."
They all watched in wonder as you brought both of your hands to his face, your thumbs brushing his hard skin.
"Thank you for saving me," you smiled. "If it's okay, I'd like to meet Bruce too. He's a part of you, and in a way, he saved me as well."
He held you for a moment longer, taking time to mull over your request. Finally, he set you down on a nearby barrier and transitioned back into the well-known scientist. 
You smiled as you recalled the fond memory. You and Bruce had been married for two years, and he made you the happiest woman in the world. Sure, it was difficult when he'd go on missions, but that wasn't what bothered you the most.
What you really wanted was for him to make love to you. Ever since the start of your relationship, all he'd ever done was kiss you. Sometimes he'd go as far as fingering you, but it never went further. He was terrified to do anything else because he didn't want the Hulk to accidentally hurt you. He'd never forgive himself if that happened, and he made you fully aware that being with him meant no sex. 
You didn't have to have sex to be happy with him. It wasn't a deal breaker, but you couldn't help but want to feel him inside of you. God, you bet he made the prettiest sounds. You had plenty of toys to keep you satisfied, and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't made yourself come to the thought of him fucking you into oblivion.
Natasha and Wanda helped you try and seduce him a number of times, but that always ended with a heavy makeout session and a very, very aroused Bruce. 
That's what the three of you were doing now. Planning yet another attempt in getting him to fuck you. You were dressed in short lacy lingerie, a pair of stockings with little black bows at the bottom, and your favorite pair of black pumps.
"I don't know about this, guys. What if someone sees me on the way down to his lab?"
Nat grinned and crossed her arms. "Don't worry about that. I've got it all taken care of. Steve and Bucky are out on a mission, Sam and Clint are in the gym doing their weird juice cleanse workout, and Thor's in Asgard. That only leaves Tony, Vision, and Rhodey to worry about. Wanda, you're taking Vis on a date, right?"
She nodded. "Yep! Typical dinner and a movie, but it'll be fun getting some fresh air."
Nat turned her gaze back to you and smiled. "That leaves the two iron wonders, which by the way, I've decided to take on a supply run."
You sighed, playing with a strand of your hair. "Okay, let's do this. Get me to the lab." 
Surprisingly, you made it there without being seen by anyone. The girls gave you a little nudge toward the door before blowing kisses and waving goodbye. Once you were alone, you took a moment to watch Bruce through the glass.
He was concentrating on some new prototype, his teeth worrying his bottom lip as he silently worked. God, he was so beautiful without even trying.
Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and walked past the threshold. There was no going back now.
"Oh, hey honey! Is it already time fo-"
The words died on his tongue as soon as he looked at you. The test tube in his hand clattered to the floor, his mouth hanging open in shock.
You smirked and sauntered towards him, slowly running your hands over his chest. "Hey, baby," you breathed. "I thought you could use a break." 
He swallowed thickly and let out a shaky breath. "What um… what're you d-doing?"
You brought his hands to your hips, his fingers making the barely-there dress bunch up to reveal your ass. "Bruce, touch me…please."
He closed his eyes and moaned. "You know I can't. I-I can't risk hurting you, Y/N."
You brushed your knuckles against the stubble on his cheek and smiled. "You won't hurt me. I trust you...both of you."
You grabbed his right hand, "besides, feel how wet I am." He gently circled your clit, a desperate whine falling from your lips. "See baby? See what you do to me without even trying?"
Bruce gripped your waist tighter, his breathing becoming erratic as he slowly continued sliding his fingers between your folds. You were close, so close to cumming already. All the built-up sexual tension, seeing him like this, was almost too much. 
Just before the coil of arousal inside you snapped, he pulled away, his hands coming up to grab his hair. "Fuck, baby, I… I can't. He's too strong, and if I ever lost you because of him… god, I can't even think about it."
You hated seeing him distraught like this. Bruce was an amazing, kind, loving man who gave you the world. The Hulk may be destructive, but he was still gentle with you. He'd never once hurt you, and in your heart, you believed he would hold true to that promise even during times like this.
You pulled him back into your embrace and kissed him like it was the last time you'd ever get the chance. He sighed against your mouth, his tongue sliding against yours slow and sweet. 
He eventually pulled away, still holding you close as he looked at you with hooded eyes. "Y/N, it takes all of my strength every day to hold myself back. I want to, god, do I want to, take you apart, make you come over and over again."
His fingers curled a strand of hair behind your ear and you bit your lip. "Baby, can you hear me out? I… I think I may have a solution for both of us."
He sighed. "Yeah, honey, go ahead."
You moved him to his chair, pushing his shoulder lightly so he'd sit down. His hands found purchase on your hips as you straddled his lap.
"Bruce, I know you won't hurt me. I know the Hulk won't either because he's never shown any aggression towards me. Give me this, try for me, just this once. We can start slow and if you feel like you're going to lose it then we can stop. You have total control, baby." You kissed his lips softly. "Please?" 
For a few seconds, he just looked at you. His brown eyes raked over your entire body. He swallowed, blowing a deep breath out of his nose as he held you a bit tighter.
"Okay. Okay, I'll try."
Your eyes widened, "thank you, baby. You have no idea how much this means to me."
He moved his calloused hand slowly up your thigh again, his fingertips tracing small circles on your clit. Your eyes rolled back, his darkening with unbridled lust.
"Fuck, Y/N, you're so pretty like this. Watching your body shake, those sweet little moans and whimpers, I swear I'm the luckiest man in the world." 
You began moving your hips, the sounds of your wetness echoing in the small space around you. "Oh, Bruce… baby I- …please. Oh, please don't stop!"
He quickened his pace, the newly added pressure of his fingers causing you to fall forward and grasp onto his shirt. He groaned, low and deep, his breath hot on your neck as he kissed your sweat-slicked skin.
"C'mon, baby girl. Come for me. Show me how pretty you look." That was all you needed, his command sent you over the edge, his hand and your legs becoming coated with your release. 
If Bruce wasn't holding you up, you'd have fallen to your knees. He peppered sweet kisses along your jaw to your lips, rendering you breathless.
"Gorgeous. God, baby, you're breathtaking."
Words failed you but that didn't stop your wandering hands. They eagerly began undoing his pants trying desperately to feel more of him.
"Whoa, honey. Hey, hey, hey, slow down. I know you're eager, but we gotta go easy. I don't want him to hurt you, remember?" Reluctantly, you stopped, but then an idea popped into your head. 
"Bruce? Can um… can I ask you a question?"
He pulled back, his thumbs brushing your upper arms, "you can ask me anything, Y/N."
You bit your lip and looked at the floor, suddenly nervous your request would end this whole thing before it even started. "Do you promise not to get mad at me?"
Bruce immediately wrapped his arms around you, "sweetheart, you're the only person I'm not angry around."
You blew out the breath you'd been holding and closed your eyes. "Can I talk to him?" 
He stiffened. "Y/N, I-I don't think th-"
"Please. He won't hurt me, Bruce. He never has. Please, just… please."
Just when you thought he was going to shut this whole escapade down, he slowly stood up. "Promise me you'll run if he gets out of hand."
You nodded and watched as he closed his eyes, his skin, hair, nails, everything turning green while he doubled in size. At first, Hulk was confused. His big eyes look down at you with interest. He huffed and held his hand out for you to take it. 
"Hey, big guy. Can you sit down for me against the wall over there? I wanna talk to you."
He tilted his head and haphazardly stomped to the opposite side of the room before plopping unceremoniously onto the floor making the lab equipment around you rattle.
"Thank you. May I sit on your lap?"
He looked up at you, his large hand gathering the thin material of your outfit between his fingers. "Y/N pretty. Hulk like clothes."
The corner of your mouth turned up into a crooked smirk. "Why thank you, honey. Can I sit down?" You gestured to his huge thigh and watched as he nodded. 
You straddled your hips over one of his legs, because it was impossible to do both, and cupped his face.
"You know how much I love you and Bruce, right?"
He blinked, "yes, Hulk know that."
"Well, I'd like to show both of you how much I love you, but I want to make sure you're okay with everything first."
He waited, the fingers on his right hand holding your waist.
"I want to be with both of you, in a more…intimate way. I wanna make the two of you happy because I love both of you with all my heart."
A low grunt rumbled through his chest. "Hulk love Y/N. But what intimate?" 
You scooted closer and smiled. "Can I kiss you?"
He nodded again, and you slowly leaned in, pressing your lips against his gently. At first, he didn't react, his whole body still except for his steady breathing, but then you felt him kiss back.
You pulled away to see his reaction and moaned when you saw the heat in his eyes.
"How was that, baby?"
His grip on your hips tightened a fraction. "Hulk want more."
You giggled and took his other hand. "I'll give you more, love, but first, I want you to feel how excited I am. You have to be careful with me though, okay?" 
"Hulk no hurt Y/N. Hulk be gentle."
You curled his fingers into a fist, save for his middle one, and brought it to your soaked pussy. "Do you feel that? Feel how wet I am here?"
He slid his large digit back and forth, watching curiously as you bit your lip, and then pulled his hand back to look at his finger. "Yes, Hulk feel."
You maintained eye contact as you sucked and licked your arousal from his skin. "Do you wanna try?"
He wasted no time, a little more sure of himself as he collected more of your juices. He inhaled your scent, a low growl reverberating in his chest as he tasted you. 
"Y/N good. Hulk need more."
You kissed the inside of his wrist and looked at him lovingly. "We can do more, but you really have to be careful, okay? Just one of your fingers is a lot for me to take, so you'll have to go slow."
He sighed softly and gathered a bit of your hair in his hand. "Hulk go slow. Always careful with Y/N."
You brought his hand between your legs again, but this time you guided his middle finger to your entrance. Bracing yourself, you sank down on him and whimpered from the slight stretch.
"Y/N okay?"
You licked your lips and let out a shaky breath, "yeah, baby. I'm fine. You feel so good."
Switching your position, you maneuvered yourself so your back was against his chest. He looked down at you, his free hand tilting your chin up.
"Hulk like when Y/N feel good."
You pulled him down for a chaste kiss and spread your legs so they were draped over his big thighs, "carefully move your finger, okay? Slowly in and out." 
As soon as you felt him pull out and push back in, a breathy moan fell from your lips. "Yeah, baby, just like that."
The sound of his soft grunts, the feeling of his toned muscles rippling against your skin, the way he brushed the sweet spot inside you, it was all so toe-curlingly good. Your second orgasm was building rapidly, making you whine desperately.
"Y/N feel wet. Hulk stop?"
You shook your head and moaned. "No, please don't stop. You're - oh, god! - gonna make me cum. D'you wanna see me do that, baby?"
He adjusted slightly, and suddenly you could feel his very large, very prominent erection pressing against your back.
"Yes. Hulk see Y/N" 
You canted your hips upward, meeting every thrust. "Go a little faster and do this with your finger."
You crooked yours to show him and he obeyed immediately making you cry out. "Oh, my god! Yes, oh, right there… don't stop please baby I'm so close!"
He huffed and grabbed your hand with his free one.
"Oh, fuck baby…yeah, oh, shit! Gonna cum… gonna come oh my g-FUCK!"
You squeezed his hand, your whole body convulsing as your walls fluttered around him repeatedly. He pulled out of you and examined his finger as you recovered from your moment of bliss.
"Hulk do good?" 
You turned around in his arms and kissed him again. "You did, baby. Thank you. Can I make you feel good now too?"
You let your fingertips ghost over the large tent in his shorts and watched as he closed his eyes and growled. The noise alone would scare anyone away, but not you. You knew he'd never harm you.
"Yes. Hulk feel good too."
Carefully, you freed him from his shorts, marveling at his impressive length and girth. "You're so big, baby. Being so good for me." He watched you spit in your hands and snarled when you began to stroke him. 
"Is this okay, love? Does this hurt?"
He threw his head back and panted. "No hurt. Feel good."
You smirked and began twisting your hands as they slid over the shiny green head.
"Remember, honey. Try not to hurt me, okay? I know it feels good, but when you cum you gotta try and stay still for me, alright?"
He gritted his teeth and brought a big hand to your cheek. "Hulk never hurt Y/N. Promise." He let out another choked cry. "Hulk feel funny...here." he pointed to his lower abdomen and you kissed his lips sweetly.
"That's good, baby. It means you're close. Just lean back and close your eyes for me. Let me make you feel good."
He listened and you watched his chest heave and his fists clench. 
"That's it. C'mon. Show me, sweetheart."
A few more strokes were all it took, a loud guttural roar filling the lab as thick ropes of cum coated your hands and his chest.
He stayed like that, panting and twitching, while you looked for a towel to clean him up. Grabbing one of the extra lab coats, you knelt in front of him again and planted a sweet kiss on his forehead.
"You're incredible, baby. I'm so proud of you. Bruce will be too. I knew you'd never hurt me."
He rubbed your sides affectionately as you cleaned him and your hands up. "No way hurt Y/N. Hulk love you."
You kissed his lips. "And I love you, baby. Can I see Bruce now? I wanna tell him how proud of you I am."
He gave you one final smile and closed his eyes, his body slowly becoming smaller until a sweaty Bruce lay slumped against the wall. 
He blinked a few times before he frantically ran his hands over you, looking for any sign of injury.
"Bruce, hey, calm down." You laced the fingers on both your hands with his and looked into his worried brown eyes. "I'm fine. He didn't hurt me, okay? In fact," you held up the lab coat that was now covered in sticky green liquid. "Things went more than okay."
He looked from you to the coat a few times before crashing his lips to yours. His kiss was possessive, nowhere near gentle as he explored your mouth eagerly.
"You were right, baby. I shouldn't have doubted you, but I was just so scared. I can't ever lose you."
You sat back on your haunches and grinned. "I know, honey. We can talk this over later, but right now I need you inside me." 
Bruce stood and pulled you to your feet, immediately pushing you against the wall. "You're perfect. Absolutely perfect, Y/N. I love you so damn much."
He kissed, nipped, and licked at your neck, littering a trail of purple-ish marks anywhere he could reach.
"Fuck, Bruce…"
He hummed and tore the front of your lacy top down the middle. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart. Smooth skin, perfect body, gorgeous face, amazing personality, you're an absolute work of art. I'm so lucky to call you mine. 'M gonna fuck you over and over again until you beg me to stop." 
A needy whine filled the small space between the two of you, your hands fisting in his hair. "Please! Please…want you so bad!"
He spun you around, pressing you against the wall as he undid his pants, kicking them off to the side. "Spread your legs, princess. That's it, brace yourself against the wall too."
You did what he asked and sucked in a sharp breath when he hooked your left leg over his thigh and pressed the head of his cock against your slick hole. "Don't you dare be quiet, you hear me, Y/N? I want every single person in this tower to know you're mine."
Your response died on your tongue as he slammed into you, setting a steady pace. 
You couldn't stay quiet even if you wanted to. Nothing compared to the way his cock made you feel. No toy, no vibrator, not even your fingers felt this good.
"Oh, Bruce! Oh, my fucking god!"
His left arm hugged your middle holding you up while his right wrapped around your throat, squeezing deliciously. "Good girl. Love hearing you scream for me. God, your pussy feels so good, warm and wet around my cock, pulling me in every time I slide home."
You clenched around him and he bit your shoulder. "Fuck! I gotta fill you up, baby. 'M sorry, but I'm not gonna last when you feel this good." 
Your left hand began rubbing your clit in time with his thrusts. "'S okay, Bruce… I-I'm close too. Feels - oh, fuck! Oh, my god! - s-so good!"
He was relentless now, the delicious drag of his cock against your walls was hard and fast. "Oh, fuck! That's it, princess. Yeah, that's right, squeeze me just like that. Come on, Y/N…let go with me."
His words were like a trigger, your third orgasm shooting through you like a bullet as he stilled inside you.
The two of you didn't move for a few minutes, the labored sounds of your breathing the only sound around you. Finally, he pulled out and turned you to face him, his lips colliding with yours in a passionate kiss.
"Fuck, that was…that was amazing."
Bruce caressed your cheek and smiled fondly. "Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for being patient with me and with him too. We wouldn't have made it this far without you, and we owe you everything." 
You kissed him slowly, taking your time to feel him against you. "I love you, Bruce. I'll always help both of you with anything. You both complete me, in every way, and I can't imagine a life without you guys."
He held you close, his fingers sliding up your back and into your hair. He opened his mouth to respond, but F.R.I.D.A.Y. cut him off. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt Mr. and Mrs. Banner, but Mr. Stark requests entrance to the lab."
Your eyes grew wide in fear of him seeing you naked. "Tell him to give us five minutes please, F.R.I.D.A.Y.."
"Of course, Mrs. Banner." Bruce threw you his clean lab coat, tossing the other one in the trash before pulling on his clothes. 
"Let's take this upstairs, Y/N. I'm not even close to being done with you." He winked and a jolt of arousal shot straight to your core.
"As long as you promise not to go easy on me, baby," you smirked. He swatted your ass and walked past you to the door.
"Oh, princess, now that I know you're safe with me I've got so many plans to take you apart over and over again. You're gonna be putty in my hands when I'm done with you."
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as you looked at his hooded eyes. Literally and figuratively, you were fucked. That was just a bonus though because you had everything you wanted. Bruce was yours in every sense of the word. 
Tony walked past you shaking his head, "there better not be a mess in there!"
You giggled and followed Bruce into the elevator. "No promises, Stark!"
Yeah, you thought to yourself, this is finally the start of our forever.
He glared at the closing metal doors, the sight of you and Bruce kissing being the last thing he saw. He smiled against your lips and you saw the happiness in his eyes.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
Steve harrington x reader
Steve won the poll last time so this is a Steve fic :) ❤️
Part one
You and Steve grow closer after he saved you from the monstrous bats, you begin to spend the night with him, no sex just comfort.
It doesn't take long for feelings to deepen between the two of you.
18+ minors go away.
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The first night once Eddie left was horrendous, you were exhausted and hurting all over. After taking some pain meds you still couldn't sleep.
Every position hurt like a bitch, when you closed your eyes all you saw was those vicious bats, heard that shriek that would haunt you for months on end.
You could have died. If Steve hadn't turned up you would have and that thought has anxiety choking you, clawing at your throat and making it hard to breathe.
This continues the next night as well which leaves you and into the next. By the time it's Monday you're cranky, sleep deprived and in no mood for Eddie's continued annoyance at your moment with Steve.
"For goodness sake Eddie, would you cut this shit out. He saved my life, he's a good guy. Just drop it" Eddie quietens but still drums his fingers on the table, a habit of his when he's annoyed.
"Wow, someone is bitchy today" Stacy snipes and Eddie glares at her exasperated. Dustin said they had some kind of argument on Friday but you don't know about what, honestly you're sick of the drama from her.
"Sorry of lack of sleep from nearly being bat chow and finding a dead body is making me a little out of sorts" usually you ignore her itchiness but you aren't putting up with it today.
By the end of the day you're eager just to get home, have a shower and head to bed and attempt to relax, you're head is pounding and the wounds are still hurting from time to time.
You can't head home though because Hellfire has an extra meeting today and it's past five before it finishes. You're suprised to see Steve but remember he will be picking up Dustin, Lucas and Mike.
He walks over to you looking concerned, gently touching your shoulder.
"You okay? How are your wounds healing?" the way he cares about you, even though he barely knows you makes you feel all warm and happy.
"I'm okay, they still hurt but they are healing, are you okay?" he nods and shrugs like it's no big deal.
"I've had worse, it's the nightmares... He shudders, it's better now than it used to be but they can come back out of nowhere" you definitely can sympathise with him and find yourself telling him about your own nightmares.
As you do his frown grows increasingly and he runs his hand through his perfectly styled hair, he opens his mouth then pauses before speaking.
"If you want you could come to mine, my parents are never around and it gets lonely. We could watch movies, just hang out for a while. I don't want you to be alone in this sweetheart" you brighten at this and nod.
"I'd like that"
It was like a weight had been lifted of you when you were with Steve. Mostly you just talked and set up a den of sorts in his lounge. Blankets, snacks and movies.
Robin joins you and Steve for a little while and watching their affection for each other fills your heart with joy. You're pretty sure they are platonic soulmates or something.
You find yourself opening up more to Steve about your complicated feelings for Eddie, he confides in you about Nancy and it feels good to get a lot of things of your chest, things you could never say to Eddie in fear of ruining your friendship.
"The burden of unrequited love. Shit, we're hopeless aren't we" Steve jokes and you snort, you really were.
When you head upstairs with Steve to his room you're struck by how bare his room is, there's not many personal touches at all. It hurts your heart that his parents don't seem to care about him one bit, only sending home the latest fashion and pushing Steve to be like them.
He could never be like that, he was too warm, full of love. You're just getting to know him and you can see that, plus Dustin, Lucas and Mike worship him.
"Uh, I can sleep on the floor, you take the bed" Steve offers. As he makes up a bed on the floor you tug his hand gently.
"There's plenty of room, can you sleep beside me just for tonight" The minute you look at Steve with a pleading puppy eyed gaze he's putty in your hands.
"Sure" he slips in beside you and you just talk for a little bit, talk until you're both struggling to stay awake and Steve's voice is thick with sleep.
Your eyes grow heavier and you fall asleep, to your surprise it's peaceful and when you wake in the morning nightmare free you feel so full of relief.
Steve's arm is slung around your waist and pulling you close to him. It feels nice, really nice and you're happy to fall back into a deep slumber.
You don't know when it was suddenly decided that you would spend every night at Steve's. At first it was because Steve's parents were never around, he was lonely and craved company, while you craved comfort and you helped each other.
It's so you both didn't feel so alone in dealing with all this monsters and shit that were in Hawkins. There was no way those bats weren't from some sort of hell dimension, they weren't normal that was for sure.
When you were around Steve the nightmares weren't so vivid and frightening, you'd wake up beside Steve and his arms would instinctively wrap around you, holding you close and whispering that you were okay.
One time you sleep so well with Steve, that you wake up late for classes and you're in a rush to get to school.
Steve drives you and Robin, who woke the two of you up, the little smile she had on her face, seeing you and Steve entwined leaves no doubt she will be grilling Steve about it.
Steve who look pink cheeked and didn't notice, when you stole one of his grey hoodies to wear because it was freezing outside.
He's not the only one who notices, Eddie was curious why you were late and at lunch Dustin looks at you wide eyed and points to the hoodie. ''Hey, that's Steve's"
The whole of Hellfire turn to look at you with varying expressions. Jeff and Gareth uses it as ammo to tease the shit out of you, Eddie is stunned and the rest are more interested in the campaign to care.
"Wait so you're dating Steve now?" Mike asks confused and you shake your head, though the thought of dating Steve gives you butterflies, which you ignore. No way are you entertaining what that means.
So yeah Robin knows, and now Dustin and the rest of Hellfire are aware that you and Steve are close.
"So you sleep together but not actually together?" Eddie asks looking confused and a little suspicious when you explain that you're spending the night at Steve's again.
"I can't explain it Eddie, it's just really nice and comforting, he's turning into a great friend" you say and Eddie grumbles and slams his locker shut.
"You have me, you can confide in me. We used to have sleepovers and shit all the time" he points out and you stifle a smile.
"Eddie we were kids then and besides you have a girlfriend who wouldn't he happy with that" he sighs and shakes his head, the look in his eyes concerns you. Did something happen with Stacy?
"We broke up, she was just too jealous and possessive. Last I heard she's dating some dude from the swim team now. Anyway, can we get back to you and Harrington"
You sigh and know that no matter what you say it's just going to cause him to be annoyed because he can't see that Steve is a decent dude.
He gets distracted by Gareth asking questions about the campaign but his reaction to Steve and news about his break up with Stacy is in your head all day, strangely it doesn't fill you with the happiness you thought it would.
Steve comments on your head being in the clouds later that night while he's making dinner and you shrug apologetically and let him know what's happened.
"Eddie broke up with Stacy" he stops chopping vegetables and his stance is suddenly tense, his jaw clenched.
"Oh, yeah? I guess that makes you happy, I mean maybe the two of you might end up together" his voice turns quiet and you want to know why he's suddenly went so... well moody judging by the way he's acting.
"I thought that's what I wanted but now I'm not so sure" Steve turns to face you and he looks less tense this time.
"Thought Munson was your dream guy?" he teases and you really don't know what that is anymore. So when the image of Steve as that guy enters your mind it throws you for a loop.
Well fuck.
A few days later you lay beside Steve, very sleepy and keen to ignore the beeping of his alarm. Steve is awake and absentmindedly tracing your arm with his thumb.
He looks lost in thought and you gently nudge him wondering what's going on in his head.
"Are your scars healing well?" you nod and narrow your eyes at him, you know very well he will look after everyone else first and himself last.
"Are yours?" he nods and you pin him with your best stern gaze that makes him laugh.
"Yes. I promise sweetheart. Shit, Nance gave me a telling off last time when I didn't" this makes you bite back a laugh but you know Nancy takes no prisoners so Steve will have been well and truly chastised.
He tugs off his shirt to show you and you pause as you remember the last time you and Steve were like this. That kiss...
The kiss that was so chaste and lasted only a few seconds but made you eager for more, kinda punch drunk and giddy whenever you remember it.
You focus on his wound thats completely healed and left only a tiny scar. Ever so gently you trace over it and your heart beats faster when you hear Steve exhale, then you kiss the scar tenderly, a soft sweet kiss.
"All better" you murmur and scarper out of bed when you hear Robin downstairs. Pink blooms up Steve's cheek and there's an ache inside you that wants nothing more than to bridge the distance between you and Steve, kiss him again.
You really were screwed.
Steve had a date. The words ring in your ears and you try to hide your reaction from Robin but from the way she's staring at you, it's obvious she knows something.
You had shower up at Family Video eager to see Steve and discuss plans for tonight, maybe Robin could stay over and the three of you could make a night of it?
However when you bring this up to Steve he suddenly went really quiet and a strange pit filled your stomach.
"Uh, I can't tonight honey. I have a date, you know the blonde who comes in here every Thursday for 60's movies, well she asked me out"
The pit in your stomach intensifies and you nod feeling incredibly foolish.
"I can cancel, I mean if you think there's a reason why I shouldn't go" he says to you and you shake your head. No, you can't be selfish and want to have him all to yourself. Maybe he really liked this girl and she could make him happy.
"Don't be silly. Go and have fun. Don't worry about me" you force a smile onto your face, you wouldn't ruin his opportunity for happiness just so he could comfort you. You needed to deal with this yourself.
Was it just your imagination or did he look disappointed when you said that?
Before you can figure out why that is, the girl comes in and she's gorgeous. Tall, blonde and bubbly with killer blue eyes. There's a full ache in your heart as you greet her and find out she's called Emily and works at the arcades.
Quietly you slip out and leave Steve and Emily to bond. All the way home you feel sick to your stomach, the realisation that you've fallen hard for Steve sinks in.
And he doesn't feel the same way.
It's getting pretty late once you finish watching one of the films you've rented. Its past midnight and you're eyes grow heavy sleep beckoning.
The doorbell rings and you jump, it's unexpected and you never have visitors at this time.
When you find Steve waiting outside you're definitely surprised.
"Steve? How was your date?" he shakes his head and you worry that it hasn't went well.
"What happened?" you motion for him to come inside and he shrugs off his jacket, then turns to you his smile tender, his soft gaze makes your heart skip a beat.
"She was great, she's sweet, pretty" of course she was perfect. Perfect for Steve, you smile brightly even if you don't feel so chirpy.
"That's great Steve" his hazel eyes capture yours and he shrugs, the intensity in his gaze is making you feel all fuzzy.
"Really? Doesn't feel that great, I should be happy but I wasn't because all I can think about is you"
Hope blooms as you take in his words and move closer to him. His knuckles graze gently across your cheek, you lean into his touch and he looks at you with complete adoration.
"You're amazing, you're beautiful and kind, I can't stop thinking about you" He pulls your closer to him and kisses you, elated you kiss him back and run your hands through his hair.
Soft moans issue from your throat and he pulls back smiling, then presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"You wanna be my girl?" he asks you and there's a shyness in his tone which is very endearing.
"I'd love to Steve"
Fin 💕
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bree-cheesy · 1 year
Sticky Club
Older Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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A/N: Look at me pumping out two fics within like a day and a half. Be proud of me. I decided to try out the Older Eddie hype since I've seen these fics everywhere lately. I hope I did the whole trend justice. It's a little short, but I didn't want to write a huge fic and just wanted to get straight into the shit y'all wanna read anyway.
Side Note: I deleted this cause I wasn't super proud of it at first, but I'm reposting this because I feel like it definitely could've done better than it did. Not to be cocky or anything.
Credit to @patrick-stewart for the gif!
Warnings: SMUT 18+!! MINORS FUCK OFF! Porn with a little bit of plot. Not much plot in this. (kissing, dirty talk, sort of rough eddie, fingering, nipple play, public sex (club bathroom), dirty club dancing, unprotected p in v sex, doggy style rough fucking, loud reader, giving of hickeys.) Older Eddie Munson (early 30's), Younger reader (mid 20's), language. No use of Y/N. Strange guy tried to grind up against reader on the dance floor. I think that's it. As always, let me me know and I'll fix it!
Word Count: 1873
You were kind of a hermit. You didn’t like to go out much and parties just weren’t your scene. You obviously went out occasionally, but it was probably once a month if that. It’s not that you hated people, you were just focused on your college work and trying to keep up good grades. Your best friends Robin, Nancy, and Steve were avid party goers. They always tried to get you to go out with them, but being the youngest of the group and the only one still in school, there just wasn’t much free time to go out with them. Tonight was different though. It was the end of the semester and all grades were final so you could finally let loose a little. Your friends were taking you out to a concert. It was for a band you hadn’t heard of before, but they said it was an old friend they all had from high school.
“Girl, you look great, don’t even.” Nancy looked at you and smiled. You were wearing an outfit you usually didn’t. Most of your outfits consisted of jeans and sweatshirts, not short tight skirts and tank tops like this. You frowned and looked at yourself in the mirror again.
“You sure?” You pulled the skirt down a little. “Seems a little… skimpy.”
“Trust me, you will be getting laid tonight wearing that. Trust me.” Robin announced, barging in the room uninvited. She looked you up and down and gave you a thumbs up. “You ready? Steve and I are ready to leave.” Nancy nodded and pulled her shoes on before walking out. You sighed and followed the two girls out.
You got to the club the band was performing at and noticed it was packed. There were huge groups of people everywhere. Girls wearing tight band tees and skirts that pretty much showed their whole ass. It smelled like sweat and vodka. Kinda made you gag a little, but you toughed through it. Nancy led you over to the bar to order drinks for everyone while Steve and Robin claimed a booth. You two walked back with the drinks and you slid in the booth next to Robin. You were all talking when a tall man with long brown curly hair, a guitar strapped across her shoulder, and had a t-shirt of the band on it.
“Eddie!” Nancy stood up and hugged him tight. Steve fist bumped him and Robin gave him a high five. Steve introduced you to Eddie and you noticed he stared a little longer than normal. You blushed softly and nervously sipped your fruity drink when he complimented you. “We’re super excited you’re finally performing here! We missed being able to see you.” Nancy scooted over so Eddie could slide in next to her.
“Yeah, missed seeing you guys! This will be good, I promise.” Eddie chuckled and stole a sip from Steve’s drink. Steve scowled and snatched the drink back.
Eddie soon left and the rest of you got up to get close to the performance. You were so nervous. The spark you felt with Eddie was such a huge shock, now you were scared to be so up close to him. The performance started and you didn’t notice how hard you were biting your lip while staring at Eddie until you tasted blood. He glanced at you and smirked while playing the guitar when he saw the blood on your bottom lip. You blushed and looked down. When he started singing you were dancing with Robin while Steve was dancing with Nancy. Eddie’s eyes were on you like a hawk. God, he couldn’t look away. That tight skirt you were wearing was riding up while you swayed your hips. He could almost see the bottom of your black lacy panties.
At the end of the performance, you were still dancing with Robin. You felt someone come up behind you and the strange hands held you tight against the body behind you. You turned your head and saw a weird man practically drooling at you and grinding up against your ass. You pushed him off and Robin stepped between the two of you. He put up a fight with Steve until suddenly he was thrown on the ground. Eddie pushed him to the ground and got security to kick him out.
“You okay?” Steve looked at you and put his hands on your shoulders. You nodded and smiled.
“Yeah. He didn’t do anything serious.” He nodded and let go of you.
The group, with Eddie, sat back down at your booth and Eddie slid in next to you, pushing up close to you so Robin could fit in next to you two. Your breath caught in your throat. He smelled like sweat and faded cologne. It was a scent you could get addicted to. It was dangerous. You learned Eddie was 32. He was a little older than the rest of the group, but that just made him all that much hotter.
“How’d you meet these idiots?” Eddie asked, looking at you with a smile and a tenderness in his eyes.
“Oh, I met Robin when she was graduating and the rest of them kind of just took me in.” You looked down at your drink and sipped it. Eddie put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him, squeezing you slightly.
“Well, any friend of these people is my friend.” You chuckled nervously and glanced up at him.
Steve was talking about something that happened at his job when you felt Eddie’s hand on your thigh. You gulped nervously and felt him run his fingers in soft circles on your inner thigh. You bit the inside of your lip when he leaned a little closer into you. He squeezed your thigh and raised his hand higher. You put your hand on his, stopping him from going further. He cleared his throat and kept his hand on your knee.
The group had all gotten up to dance and Eddie took your hand, pulling you with him. You gasped softly when he pulled your back into his chest and held onto your hips, swaying the both of you to the music. You bit your lip and shut your eyes, leaning your head back on his shoulder. He ran his hand up your thigh and over your belly, lightly rubbing your breasts over your shirt.
“Eddie…” You moaned softly and he leaned his head down, kissing the side of your neck. You reached a hand back and tangled it in his hair. He tucked his fingers into the top of your skirt and squeezed your ass with the other one. He kissed up your neck and pressed his lips against your ear.
“Feel good, sweetheart? Everyone’s looking at us. Some of the girls look like they wanna kill you.” He flipped you around and you gasped, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grinned and grabbed your ass with both hands, pressing your hips more up against him. “Such a pretty girl…”
You moaned softly and he pressed his forehead against yours, grinding harder against you to the music. “Eddie… please…” 
He grinned and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the bathroom. He locked the door and pressed you up against the sink. His lips crashed down on yours and you groaned into his mouth, kissing him back almost immediately. You hitched your leg up around his waist and he lifted you up onto the counter. Your hands went to the buttons on his black dress shirt and started undoing them, running your fingers over every expanse of skin you exposed. He kissed down your neck and sucked a few marks into it. You smiled and moaned, pushing the shirt off his shoulders. He pulled your tank top off and dropped it on the floor. He kissed you again and squeezed your breasts over your lacy bra.
“Eddie, fuck… that feels so good…!” You moaned into his mouth and he grinned, reaching back to take the bra off, throwing it off somewhere in the sticky club bathroom.
“Yeah? Feel s’good when I touch you, baby? Wanna feel my mouth?” He pulled back and wrapped your legs around his waist. You nodded and moaned, digging the heels of your heels into the back of his thighs. He grinned and his lips instantly attached to your nipple, sucking and biting it. You cried out and threw your head back, tangling your fingers in his hair.
His hands went down and hiked your skirt up so he could slip his hand in your panties. “Fuck… So goddamn wet already…!” He groaned and swirled the tip of his tongue against your nipple. He rubbed your clit in time with his tongue and you panted heavily, grinding up against his hand. “Such a good fucking girl…” He grabbed your thighs and pulled your panties down your legs, shoving them in his back pocket. He slipped two fingers inside you in time with his thumb rubbing your clit. You instantly clenched down around his fingers and moaned, grabbing onto his shoulders.
“E-Eddie, your fingers a-are so big…!” You whined and bucked up harder against his hand. “I need… I need more… Please, Eddie…”
“Please what, honey? Use your words.” He mockingly pouted and fingered you faster.
“F-Fuck me! Please fuck me!” You cried out and sobbed in pleasure, pulling at your nipples.
He pulled you off the counter and bent you over it. He pulled his aching cock out and spit on his hand, stroking it a little before slowly pushing in. You groaned in unison, creating a song of pleasure between the two of you. He didn’t hold back at all. He growled like an animal and fucked you hard, the slapping of skin loud and could be heard over the muffled music behind the bathroom door. You sobbed, your eyes filling with tears of pure pleasure, moaning and gripping the counter hard.
“Goddamn, baby… So fucking tight around me… Gonna fucking milk me dry, huh? Want my cum deep inside you, honey?” You nodded and moaned louder.
“Y-Yes…! Please cum so deep inside me! I want it so bad…!” Your mouth hung open and he went faster.
“Cum for me first, baby. I’ll give you anything you want if you cum all over my cock.” He groaned and rubbed your clit in time with thrusts.
You cried out, finally given permission and came harder around his cock, squeezing hard around him and moaning loudly. Eddie grunted and groaned, grabbing your chin and pulling you up to kiss you hard, still pounding into you from behind. You begged and pleaded with him to cum and he finally granted you your wish, cumming deep inside you and moaning into your ear. You both caught your breath and your eyes shut as you slumped against the counter. You heard him grab some paper towels and get them wet, wiping your sensitive cunt clean before helping you fix your clothes. You both walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later and your group all gave you knowing looks. Eddie grinned and kissed your cheek while you blushed and buried your face deep in his chest in embarrassment.
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I'm rereading THE OUTSIDERS so I can catch the stuff I missed and annotate stuff :) I will be updating my thoughts as I go, spoilers under the cut
BTW, please don't fight me!!! These are just my thoughts and opinions!! There is some minor hating on Dally, like about how rude he can be! And mentions of Sodapop's worse traits! I still love both of them as characters!!!
You can look in the reblogs for the next part
I feel a lot of people downplay just how rude and disrespectful Dally is. He's my favorite character but I've now realized just how horrible he is. The movie def made him a better person. Like jumping children??? What joy is found there??? He has good traits though, that's just not really shown to strangers. He's still my favorite character though, he's tragic. Just pointing out his negatives.
I feel kinda bad for Sandy because Soda was constantly flirting with other girls or saying dirty things abt them. Like I understand "They're greasers, it's what they do!" and "it didn't mean anything to him!" But like, people hate so much on Sandy, I'm not justifying her cheating that was not good, but I understand if she was insecure
Cherry should have punched Dally hard enough to knock him out. Though she would prob be jumped later, if that wouldn't happen she should've decked him
"He would kill the next person who jumped him. Nobody was ever going to beat him like that again. Not over his dead body..." p.34 abt Johnny
I like Cherry's character a bit more, she's a little more interesting. I didn't pay attention much the first read to all the details and the movie kind of made her boring. Like it's missing several of her good lines.
Steve was really beefing with Pony, and it was real one-sided. Pony was really like "I thought he was pretty ok since he's sodas bestie, but he sure don't like me." Probably a case of unreliable narrator
I like Sodapop a lot more because the book really showcases both his good and bad traits. A lot of posts on here have turned him into a sort of, he's a perfect little innocent man. I understand some people are joking but it can be a little ooc.
I like that Darry goes skiing, glad he has some sort of activity he can enjoy :)
Random thing, but first time I read the book I imagined Darry with glasses. I might draw him later with them
Please don't attack me because you disagree with my opinions!!! These are just my thoughts and stuff, not trying to call anyone out!
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Inside Connection
18+ Minors DNI
Warning: smut, inappropriate older woman with younger Steve (past mention), asshole fathers, mention of an abusive relationship, not sure what this is
In which, Eddie and Steve are trying to see if they're connected via the bat bites by staring into each other's eyes all the time, and concentrating would be hilarious. They would drop what they were doing and try to do it even when they had a hangout. Like, maybe the Spicy Six are hanging out at Steve's when they start to do it.
"What the hell are they doing?" Nancy asked Robin.
Steve and Eddie were sitting on the couch, quietly staring into each other's eyes.
"They're trying to see if the bat bites have connected them telepathically," Robin replied.
"What gave them that idea?" Nancy asked.
"I may have suggested an idea or two," Robin said. "Now they're trying to do it so that they can complain about Dustin while he's still in the room."
"All you guys gotta do is concentrate, focus. Breathe in. Breathe out. Let everything else fade away, brochocos. Focus only on each other," Argyle said, calmly cheering them on.
It was the longest that Eddie had ever been quiet for, besides that time he was in a coma. It was almost unnerving how quiet he was, how quiet Steve was. He did what Argyle suggested and focused only on Steve, letting everything else fade away. It was a little hard to do with two women giggling obnoxiously in the corner.
"Excuse me?!" Steve exclaimed. "We are trying to invade each other's minds over here!"
God, he was hot when he was bitchy. Yeah, he definitely had to lock that thought away if they ever succeeded.
"Maybe you guys need to be high for this?" Argyle asked. "How about we partake in some Purple Palm Dream Delight?"
"I'm up for it if Stevie is," Eddie said as he clapped his hands. "I could definitely relax."
A little while later, Eddie and Steve found themselves locked in the basement. They were both properly high now and very giggly.
"I think maybe we start by letting each other in, you know?" Eddie asked.
"You want to be. . .inside of me?" Steve asked.
"You make it sound like a sex thing!" He giggled.
"It's not?" He pouted.
"Do you want it to be?" Eddie asked.
"Kind of. . .you're pretty," Steve said softly and crawled his way into his lap.
"No, what I meant is that. . .shit, what did I mean? Oh! Yeah, I meant like emotionally," Eddie said, hands now on Steve’s hips.
"Oh, you mean like our dirty secrets and our deepest fears. . .like that?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, big boy, I do," he said softly.
"I'm scared," he said.
"I trust you, Stevie. Do you trust me?" Eddie asked.
Eddie went first and began to talk about his father. It turns out that they both had daddy issues, but Steve had the misfortune to have both mommy and daddy issues. Eddie explained how he ended up in a relationship with an older man who ended up being abusive. Steve told him about how his first time had been with a divorced mom of one of his friends on his baseball team. He hadn't been much older than the kids were now, and sometimes he regretted it. They had both cried into each other's arms as they told each other of their deepest, darkest secrets.
"Sometimes I look at guys the same way I look at girls, and that scares me because I know what my dad thinks of people like that," Steve said. "I don't know why I even care."
"Because he's your dad, and you want him to care as much about you as you do about him because that's what the relationship is supposed to be like," Eddie said. "It just means you're better than him."
They were starting to get sober now, more aware of how intimate they were. Steve and Eddie stared into each other's eyes, a buzz of electricity forged between them as their fingertips dragged across their skin, caressing each other's forearms and palms. Steve entertwined their fingers and met Eddie in the middle in a soft, sweet kiss. It soon turned passionate as they tore at each other's clothes. They were completely bare before each other, all clothes gone, and they moved quickly. They rocked against the other, and Steve broke the kiss, moving his lips to his neck as he began to gently suck.
Steve stopped suddenly and moved towards the basement's bathroom, returning with lube. Eddie couldn't question it as Steve spread Eddie's legs. Steve’s raised his eyebrow, and Eddie nodded, barely able to speak. He tucked a pillow underneath him and began to open him up. He replaced his fingers, and soon Steve was moving inside of him. He attached his lips to Eddie's neck, biting down hard as he drew blood. . .marking him. Eddie had to think about a lot of messed up shit to make sure he didn't come yet, and when they time came, when Steve had spilled inside him, Eddie had flipped him onto his back. As Eddie came inside Steve, Eddie bit him and drew blood the same way that Steve did with him. Once they had licked each other's wounds, they collapsed and fell asleep in each other's arms.
Robin woke up on the couch, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she looked over at Nancy, who was curled up between Jonathan and Argyle. Robin snorted at the sight of Nancy big spooning Argyle. Robin felt like she was forgetting something. She got up off the couch and stretched. She should find Steve and see if he wanted to make them breakfast. Steve!
"Oh shit! Nance, wake up! We totally forgot that we locked Eddie and Steve in the basement!" Robin exclaimed.
"Shit!" Nancy exclaimed, sitting up, her nest of curls all over the place.
"Oh man, they're going to be pissed," Argyle said and rubbed his eyes.
The four of them headed towards the basement and unlocked it. They crept down the carpeted stairs and gasped at the sight before them. Steve and Eddie were sprawled out on the floor in each other's arms. They were both completely naked.
"Oh, fuck, they got so hungry they tried eating each other!" Argyle exclaimed pointing to their necks.
"Judging by the stains on the floor, Argyle, I'm pretty sure that they had sex," Jonathan said. "Those are hickeys."
"Is that your deduction, Detective Byers, or are you going to need some more evidence?" Nancy asked sarcastically.
"Quick question, why the hell are we still staring at them?" Robin asked.
It was at that moment that they both startled by what Robin thought was a whisper.
"Oh fuck!" Eddie exclaimed and grabbed the blanket off of the couch to cover them both. "Were you just leering at us? I mean, I know we're hot and all. . ."
"Eddie," Steve chided.
They looked at each other and began having a conversation with their eyes. Robin stared at them, waiting for their mouths to move.
"You guys do know that you aren't saying anything, right?" Robin asked.
"We weren't?" Eddie asked, and she shook her head.
They shared a look with each other, their eyes wide.
"Oh, shit!"
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bexleyfix · 1 year
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Dirty Pool, Doll...
(Revisions complete!)
WARNINGS: 18+ ONLY (NO MINORS) NSFW... swearing, smoking, fluff and stuff, angst, smut, sexual content, oral sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up, fools!)
Relationship: Eddie Munson x Y/N (friends to lovers), Vickie, Robin, mentions of Nancy and Steve, etc.
Copying, translating, or posting my work on any other platform is expressly forbidden. I do not give my permission.
"Senior year officially sucks!" I plopped down across from Robin and slammed my head on the lunch table. "I can't wait for this year to be over so I can finally be free of this shithole."
"Seriously, Y/n? The school year just started. It can't be that bad. Stop being so dramatic."
I lifted my head. "That's easy for you to say, Robin. The majority of your classes are spent with people you can tolerate. Why can't I have more than two classes with you, Vickie and Nancy? I mean... I'd even take Munson for Christ's sake?"
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I looked over at the infamous freak table. There was Eddie, chewing on his pretzels and laughing at whatever the Hellfire peanut gallery was discussing. (Damn, is he handsome)
"I mean, I never really talk to the guy except for a hello here and there, but at least he's not an asshole. I swear, if I have to spend one more minute taking shit from the dick bag jock brigade I'm gonna unleash. They're really testing my inner bitch."
I snuck another look at Eddie. He and his buddies were nice guys. I loved Mike of course, and all of his friends. And Eddie may've been known to most as a freak, but I found him to be quite charming... and incredibly adorable. Something I've managed to keep to myself for almost two years. (Or so I thought)
My gaze lingered a little too long. Eddie looked at me and I quickly averted my eyes. (Shit, I hope he didn't notice me staring) I couldn't help but look over again and saw that he was still looking at me, this time with a smile. (SHIT! He did notice) I turned my horrified gaze back to Robin pretending nothing happened.
"Well, you shouldn't have quit band. Then you'd have another class with me. Plus, you're gonna miss the band trip this year."
"Yeah, well... if the band director didn't act like a total Nazi dictator during practice I may've stayed." I took another quick peek at Eddie. He was giggling, having turned his attention back to his previous conversation.
"Well, Y/n, you know I love you, and I wish I could help, but my hands are tied. All I can say is, try and crawl out of your shell and make nice with people so you can at least get through classes without having a nervous breakdown. Hey, isn't Keith in one of your classes? Hang out with him."
"Really, Robin? Keith? It's bad enough we have to work with him. He won't stop staring at me with his mouth open. It's creepy. And I'm pretty sure I saw him eating pencil lead in Biology the other day, so..."
"Ok, so no Keith."
"No Keith."
"Well... I'm out of ideas."
I slammed my head back down on the table and whined.
I didn't fit in with any particular clique. I'm not popular, but I'm also not labeled a loser. I'm kind of in the middle. Mainly because my core group of friends consists of Vickie, Robin, and Nancy. We're all from different walks of life so we get along with most people. Vickie's been my friend since kindergarten. She and Robin became friends freshman year during band, and last year, by some bizarre twist of fate, Robin and Steve Harrington became inseparable, he's super close with Nancy, so there's that. We all loved being around each other, but our schedules this year were practically polar opposites. And I wasn't exactly a 'social butterfly'. I'm painfully shy unless I know someone well, so I pretty much keep to myself.
Now, the jocks... well, they're in a social class of their own. Chrissy Cunningham is super sweet and never gives me problems, but the others... what a shit show.
I love Metal and Glam bands, which is evident by the many pictures of my favorite musicians plastered all over my book covers and inside my locker. I also wear a lot of band t-shirts. That's part of the reason the jocks give me so much shit. That and my all-around lack of girly appearance. I wasn't hard on the eyes, but I was a tomboy. I also made a huge mistake last year. A brief obsession with Depeche Mode resulted in me cutting off all my hair, which kinda made me look like a boy, so that earned me some torment. It's grown enough to where I'm able to style it again, and I did start wearing lipstick this year, but that was as girly as I got.
"No, you're right, Robin. I just... you know I don't have an easy time talking to people."
"Hi, ladies! Sorry, I'm late. I got held up in Clarke's class. Nance has a school paper thing so she's not eating today." Vickie set her lunch on the table and sat down next to Robin. "What's with her?" She asked, noticing my melancholy expression.
"Oh, you know. The usual. Classes without us, her lack of social skills, the jock jackoffs."
"Ah, I see. They still givin' you shit?"
"That's an understatement. And I have Clarke next period with ALL of them. It's a nightmare."
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. "Well, off to Hell. I'll see you guys later." They waved at me with sympathetic looks on their faces as I headed to my next class.
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I was sitting at my Biology table, listening to my Walkman like I always do, waiting for class to start. I'd just about finished doodling a Megadeth logo on my notebook when my headphones were knocked down my forehead. I looked over to see Jason and his goons laughing at me. I turned in my chair so I was facing him. "Touch me again, Carver, and I'll break your fucking arm."
"Ooooo... I'm scared, Y/l/n." Jason laughed again and sat down. Chrissy gave me a look of concern. I could tell she wasn't ok with what Jason was doing. I gave her a little smirk to let her know I was fine when I heard a gravelly voice chime in from behind me.
"I wouldn't test her, Carver. I'm pretty sure she can kick your ass." (What the fuck!) I turned to find Eddie standing next to my table. He smiled at Chrissy and my heart sank. (Figures... he likes the pretty cheerleader... Wait!... He wasn't in this class. What was he doing here? What the Hell was happening right now?!)
"Oh, is that so, Freak?" Jason got in Eddie's face.
"Sure is... go ahead, find out. I'd love to see her break your arm. Ooooo, but then how would you play your precious game of balls and laundry baskets?" Jason pushed Eddie hard causing him to stumble backward. I started to get out of my seat to intervene. Luckily Mr. Clarke walked in before anything else could happen.
"Alright Class. Everyone settle down." He shot Jason and Eddie a look.
"You're lucky, Freak," Jason whispered.
"Go fuck yourself, Carver," Eddie spat back as Jason went back to his seat. Eddie leaned over to me. "This seat taken?"
"Uh, no... no." He smiled at me and sat down, leaning over to look at my doodle.
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"Megadeth... nice!" He flashed me the Megadeth patch on his vest and smiled. I smiled brightly meeting his huge, gorgeous, brown eyes then looked away bashfully. I was still very confused by... well... everything, so I turned back to him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered.
"Oh, hi Munson, good to see you," he whispered. "Hey... thanks for coming to my rescue back there. That was very kind and manly of you." His words were dripping with sarcasm. He just smiled at me and turned to his books. We continued in hushed voices.
"Alright, smartass... I didn't mean it like that." He winked at me, causing the butterflies in my stomach to do summersaults. I looked down at my notebook, hoping the flushed feeling in my cheeks wasn't visible. "What I meant was... you're not in this class... so why are you sitting here?"
"Turns out I need one more science class to graduate. I refuse to be a 4th year Senior, so I dropped study hall and picked up Biology."
"Oh... cool..." I smiled to myself. "And by the way... I didn't need rescuing. I'm a black belt in Taekwondo, but I appreciate the gesture."
"I know..." he whispered. I looked at him shocked, but his attention was fixed on Mr. Clarke.
"You... you do?!"
"Of course." Still no movement.
"Wha... HOW?"
He turned his head my way and smiled. "Y/n... Doll." He emphasized the word 'Doll' with a cock of his head and a smirk. I lifted my brow giving him that 'what the fuck did you just call me?' look. "I've been secretly stalking you in the hopes of one day catching you unaware and locking you up in my sex dungeon." I blinked dramatically and my eyes went wide, but his inability to keep a straight face was my assurance that he was joking. I smiled, shaking my head, and glared waiting for the real answer. "The Taekwondo place is right next to the gas station. I see you there all the time."
"Ahhhhh, well, I guess I dodged a bullet." I let out an exaggerated breath and feigned wiping sweat from my brow. 
"So does this mean you're not interested in being my sex slave?" His smile was ridiculous, and he tapped my arm, chuckling at my seemingly unamused expression. "I may be a freak, Doll, but contrary to popular belief, I'm not a sadistic deviant... unless you want me to be." He flashed me a wicked smile and wiggled his eyebrows.
I snickered and shook my head. "There's something seriously wrong with you, Munson." I couldn't help but smile. His deep laughter was so enticing.
"Well, it got you smiling, so I'd say that's a win." I nodded and returned my attention to my notebook. (Jesus, when did it get so fucking hot in here) "And by the way, I'd never offer you up to the wolves like that if I didn't know you could fight," he trailed off. "Although... I was kinda hoping you'd beat his ass. I would've loved to see the look on his face." I just laughed.
"Ok guys... we're having a lab today, so pair up," Clarke announced.
My anxiety reared its ugly head. No one ever wants to partner with me in this class. I always get stuck with Keith. I looked over at him, and sure enough, there he was, chewing on his pencil, staring at me. He stood up and started to walk over. (No... no, no, no, no, no, no!) Eddie must've noticed the look of fear on my face.
"Sorry dude... Y/n agreed to be my partner today." Eddie chimed in before Keith could get a word out.
"I did?" He bumped my knee with his. "Yeah... yeah, I did... sorry, Keith."
"Whatever," he said and walked away.
I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks," I said.
"No problem, Doll... and they call me a freak. Nice enough dude, but he takes creepy to a whole new level." I laughed and nodded in agreement.
We managed to get through class without any more issues from the douchebag convention, and when it was over we cleaned up our equipment.
"Lemme walk you to your next class... you know... in case Carver and his cronies want to try anything."
"I appreciate it, Munson, but it's really not necessary."
"Not for your protection, Doll... for mine." We both laughed. "Come on," he waved for me to follow him. I threw my bookbag over my shoulder and ran after him.
We got quite a few looks from people as we walked down the hall together, and by the look on Eddie's face, it didn't go unnoticed.
He leaned over to me. "You sure you wanna be seen with the town Freak?"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Fuck these people, Munson. It's so childish. I'm very aware that you're not some Satanic, Devil worshiper." He smiled brightly at my words.
"Yeah, well...you're one of a select few." He said bashfully. All of a sudden Eddie was pushed from behind and slammed into a set of lockers. Jason came out of nowhere and got right in Eddie's face.
"Not so tough now, are ya, Freak! WHAT THE...!" I grabbed Jason by the arm and locked it painfully behind his back. "What, you need your freaky little girlfriend to fight your battles for you, Munson? OW, FUCK!" I pushed Jason face-first into the lockers and tightened my grip. Everyone in the hall was watching the commotion as Jason tried desperately to free himself.
"Hey, I'm a lover, not a fighter. And she makes her own decisions, Dick!"
"He's not the only one who's sick of your shit, Carver. Now... unless you want me to make good on my offer, I suggest you and your goon squad leave us, and the rest of the Hellfire Club, the fuck alone... that is... unless you want the entire school to know that you got your ass beat by 'Munson's freaky little girlfriend'." The words just spilled out, I didn't even realize what I said 'cause I was so pissed.
"Yeah, ok, ok! Whatever, you crazy bitch!" And with that, I let him go and glared at him. He straightened himself up, and he and his cronies ran in the opposite direction. When I spotted Chrissy my expression softened and I mouthed an 'I'm sorry', but she just smiled and followed after them. I turned my attention back to Eddie.
"Sorry about that. You ok?"
"Are you kidding?! That was fucking Metal, Doll. Did you see his face? Totally worth it." He shot me a wink and we smiled at each other. To my surprise, he threw his arm over my shoulder. "Thanks...," then he leaned in close and said jokingly, "freaky girlfriend." I smiled shyly, and we continued walking to my next class.
The rest of the week was absolutely amazing. Eddie entertained me every day in Biology, he started walking me to all of my classes, we'd make faces at each other across the cafeteria, and then sneak to the woods to have a cigarette before class. And the best part... the jocks had finally backed off. Sure we got seething glances from Carver and his dick bag friends, but that's where it ended.
On Friday after school, I was walking with Eddie to his Hellfire meeting when we ran into Robin and Vickie as they were leaving the band room. We said our goodbyes to Eddie and he headed around the corner, but not without throwing a wad of paper at my head before he vanished. I opened up the paper to reveal his messy scribbles and smiled.
Play pool with me tonight after Hellfire. 8 o'clock. I'll pick you up.
"What was that about?" Vickie asked.
"Nothing... he wants to play pool tonight."
She chuckled, "Does he know how ridiculously good you are?"
"No, he does not." I smiled slyly.
"Well..." Robin started. "We're going to get a coffee before I have to be at work. Wanna join?"
The three of us made our way to the local coffee shop. We grabbed our drinks and sat down at a table in front of the building.
"God, aside from lunch, I feel like we haven't seen you in ages."
"Yeah... I'm sorry about that, Robin. I had Keith change my schedule this week so I could work on my car with my dad."
"Ah, well... you need to have a phone put in your garage then. I was starting to get worried when I couldn't reach you."
"I'm so sorry. You know I hate to worry you." I gave her a big hug.
"I see you've been spending a lot of time with Munson." Vickie shot me an accusatory smile.
"Yeah, well, thank God he picked up Biology. We've become pretty good friends. That reminds me. The jocks have finally backed off! I think Carver realized I was serious about fucking him up. I'm actually glad I lost my shit." They both laughed.
"I still can't believe I missed that. It's about time someone put that asshole in his place." I nodded at Robin. "I'm also glad you took my advice and stepped out of your shell. It's nice to see you're not miserable anymore. And Munson seems like a good dude."
"Yeah, well... he's the one who initiated conversation. He's so sweet, and surprisingly easy to talk to, and super funny. I'm constantly in stitches. He even walks me to all my classes." The thought of him was making me giddy. I looked down and smiled, biting my lip.
"Oh... my God!"
"What?" I realized my mistake and tried to play dumb.
Robin gave Vickie a swat on the arm. "Do... do you have a thing for Munson?!" I'm pretty sure I was blushing. "You... you do, don't you?!"
"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Vickie yelled.
"NO!... I mean... I really wouldn't call it a thing..." I was shifting uncomfortably in my chair, unable to look them in the eyes. "He's just... he's really sweet, ya know? Not the crazed, Satanic lunatic everyone makes him out to be... I don't know..." I trailed off, picking at my coffee cup.
"Oh... oh, Wow! You know you can't play dumb with us. You're a terrible liar."
Vickie started on me again. "I mean, I thought I caught you staring at him a couple of times, but... Wow!"
"Shut up." I looked down at my cup again. "Yes, I stare at him... a lot... but... well, look at him! He's a gorgeous metalhead, and you know I love me a metalhead... but... it's not like he's interested in me. I think he likes Chrissy. He's always smiling at her." By the looks on their faces, they could sense I was disappointed. "We're just friends. We enjoy each other's company. He likes that I treat him like a human being."
"Oh... oh honey... no." Robin continued. "I see the way he looks at you."
"Wait... WHAT?!"
"Well... you know nothing gets past me. I see it all the time!"
"You DO?!"
"Well... yeah."
"W-why haven't you ever said anything?! How long has this been going on?!" I was hysterical.
"Since Junior year," Vickie said nervously.
"JUNIOR YEAR?!" I yelled. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Robin continued. "Yeah... well, it started with just glances here and there. I didn't think anything of it... and then... I started to notice it a lot more."
"L-like, when?"
"Well... at first it was just at lunch... then I noticed it when we all had Algebra together... then whenever we were at the arcade... and at the Video Store." She winced, waiting for my reaction.
"Jesus, Robin! I can't fucking believe this! I'VE BEEN DROOLING OVER HIM FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS!"
"Yeeeeeeaaaaah... Harrington picked up on it too."
"Oh... well... that's just fucking great! Why the hell didn't anyone tell me?!"
"We wanted to, but... when you started to get all that shit from the jocks, we just thought..." she hesitated for a moment, looking at Vickie, "we thought adding Munson to the mix would've made things worse for you."
"Oh, Robin... you know I don't care about that shit!"
"I know! I'm sorry... we were worried about you."
I sighed heavily and grabbed each of them by the hand. "Look, I don't blame you guys. You're my best friends. I love you both, and I know you've only ever looked out for me... I'm just... I'm kicking myself right now. I didn't mean to take out my frustration on you guys. I should've made a move earlier. I just... I never did because I thought for sure he had a thing for Chrissy!"
"Oh no, Hon... he's nice to most girls. He's always been like that... and um..."
"And, what?!"
She exhaled heavily. "Well, a while back, Nancy overheard Mike and Eddie talking. Eddie was telling Mike how pretty he thought you were, but he was afraid to approach you because he didn't think you would waste your time on 'The Freak'," Robin held up her fingers in air quotes, "of Hawkins High. Mike told him you weren't shallow like that and told him to go for it, but..."
"But WHAT?!"
She shuddered before continuing. "He noticed how the jocks treated you too. Like us, he didn't want to make it worse." I pressed my fingers to my temples. I felt like my head was about to explode as I processed all this new information. "But... m-maybe he changed his mind about that. Now that I think about it... it would explain why he asked me what science class you were in." She immediately slapped her hands over her mouth realizing what she just said.
"He did WHAT?!" They both shuddered at my reaction.
"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! Please don't kill me." She pleaded.
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I just waved it off, leaning my head back over my chair, and covering my face with my hands. "Oh... my God." I sat bolt upright. "I just had an epiphany... it all makes sense now."
"What?... What makes sense?"
"His decision to take Biology... his behavior... why he stood up for me... why he wants to walk me to my classes... why he's so touchy with me."
Robin and Vickie exchanged confused glances. "Um... what're we missing?"
"He caught me staring at him at lunch on Monday!"
"SO! He... he caught me staring... and, and, and... I tried to hide it by looking away, but when I looked over again to see if he noticed he was smilingoooooooooh, shit!... He knows! That's why he finally started talking to me! He was testing the water. That was his IN."
"Well... that's good, right?" Vickie asked.
"What?!" I shot her a horrified glance. "I... I don't know! I mean... yeah it's good, but... SON OF A BITCH! I've just wasted the last year and a half pining for no fucking reason!!! I could've been with him this whole fucking time! What the hell am I supposed to do now?!"
"Uh... first, you're gonna calm the fuck down, then you're gonna go home, put on something HOT, and go get you that metalhead you've always wanted."
I nodded at Robin in agreement. I shakily grabbed a smoke from my bag, lit it, and took a drag trying to calm my nerves.
"Guys... I'm sorry. You know how much I love you and Nance, but I'm gonna be absent a bit longer." I got up quickly, pulled them both into a hug, and smiled. "I have a LOT of lost time to make up for." And with that, I ran like hell to my car.
"TELL YOUR DAD YOU'RE STAYING AT MY PLACE THIS WEEKEND!!!" Robin shouted after me, smiling.
I was sitting in my room on my bed. My leg was going a mile a minute. I was so nervous and excited. I took Robin's lead and told my dad I'd be spending the weekend at her house. This was nothing out of the ordinary so he didn't question it... but I had other plans. I decided to throw on my pleated, plaid skirt, a short, navy blue, low-cut, tank to match, and my Docs. I styled my messy pixie cut and put on my raisin-colored lipstick. Then I heard it, Eddie's van pulling into the driveway. I looked out the window, grabbed my bag, and bolted downstairs. I yelled bye to my dad and ran outside before Eddie could make it to the door.
"Hey, Doll. Where's the fire?" I don't know what came over me but I was compelled to give him a big hug, which I'd never done before. I think it kinda threw him off, but he went with it and held me close. (God, he smelled so good) "You alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Let's get outta here." I ran to the van.
"Ok?" He opened the passenger door for me and walked around the front of the van to get into the driver's seat. Once he'd closed the door, he just... looked at me. I must've seemed mental. "You sure you're ok?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm... I'm good. Just... excited to play."
"Alright, let's go then." He shot me a smile and started the van.
When we got to the arcade we claimed an empty pool table, and Eddie went and got us something to drink. I picked out a pool cue and checked it for balance, chalked it up, and racked the balls.
"Damn... done this before?" He set our drinks on the table.
"Um, not really," I lied. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I was determined to have a little fun with him. "I've played a few times with the girls and Harrington, so I picked up the basics."
"Ok... you wanna break?"
"Uh, no... you go ahead. I kinda suck at that." (Where the hell was I going with this?)
"Alright... prepare to be schooled by the master."
I just laughed. "You're on, Munson."
We played a few games. He was really good, but not as good as I was, which he had yet to discover. Then I made a split decision that would most definitely change the dynamic of our entire relationship, or lack thereof.
"Dammit, Munson! You won again."
"Yeah, well... there's not much to do in this boring ass town but get high, drink beer, and do shit like this." He smiled that gorgeous smile. (Here goes nothin')
"Care to make it interesting?"
"What'd you have in mind, Doll?" He was genuinely intrigued. He lit a cigarette and took a drag.
"A friendly wager."
"I'm listening," he said, exhaling a cloud of smoke.
"Let's keep it simple. If I win, I get to ask something of you, and if you win, you get to ask something of me."
"Ok? What are we asking for?"
"Whatever... just... keep it a secret. That way neither one of us feels compelled to throw the game."
"Fair enough. You got a deal." We shook on it.
I smiled slyly. "Rack 'em," I told him.
"As you wish."
I started to play a bit better, still not to my full potential, but enough to where I had one ball left and he had a shot at the 8. He placed his cigarette between his lips. "Here we go, Doll. 8 ball, corner pocket."
I lit a cigarette of my own. He shot me a wink and bent down to line up his shot. He looked so sexy with the cigarette hanging from his pouty lips, and the smoke billowing in front of his face. I put my cigarette between my lips and immediately walked to the pocket at which he was aiming. I leaned my hands on the corner of the table and bent down slightly. He was just about to shoot when I leaned in more, using my biceps to push my boobs together so he had a good view of my cleavage. When his eyes caught sight the stick slipped from his grip and he knicked the side of the cue ball, missing his shot. He didn't move. He just stared at me in disbelief as I gave him an evil smile.
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I straightened up, grabbed my pool cue, chalked it up, and took my shot. I sank my last ball with ease. Then I went for the 8. I called my shot. "Side pocket." I moved around the table in front of him, brushing my ass against the front of his jeans, and I bent over the table to line up my shot. I could feel the hem of my skirt lift slightly as I did so. No doubt he was staring at my ass. I took the shot, and the game was over. "Wooooooooo," I threw my arms in the air victoriously. "I win!" He looked at the ground chuckling, and shook his head, then peered at me through those dark lashes.
"That was dirty pool, Doll."
"Why, Mr. Munson. Whatever do you mean?" I went to the little high-top table, grabbed my drink, and took a sip like nothing happened. He walked over to me, hands in his pockets, and stood a few inches in front of me, still staring. His eyes were incredible. All I could do was stare back, frozen in place.
"You know exactly what I mean." He took his hands out of his pockets, put them on my waist, and slowly backed me into the wall. "You hustled me... and you cheated."
My head was spinning. His eyes were boring into mine. "I... I did no such thing."
"Oh?... so you didn't just pretend that you have no skills, or flash those perfect tits of yours making me miss my shot?" His eyes veered toward my chest before meeting mine. His body was pressed completely against mine, his lips lingering inches from my face, and his fingers at the edge of my shirt brushing my skin lightly.
I shook my head slowly. "Nope... I won fair and square." He laughed slightly and backed away leaving me breathing heavily. (FUCK!) I could feel the wetness starting to pool between my legs.
He sat at the table, propped his elbow on it, and rested his chin in his hand. "Alright... if that's how you wanna play... what are your demands?" He continued to smile knowing he wouldn't win this battle.
"Well... first I'd like to know what you were gonna ask for... had you not had your ass handed to you."
"You really wanna know?"
"Wouldn't have asked if I didn't."
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"Alright then," he straightened up on the stool and laced his fingers together resting them on his lap. Then he lifted a hand and beckoned me over with one finger. I obliged and walked to him slowly until I was standing between his knees. I gave a startled squeal as he lifted me by the backs of my thighs and sat me down on the edge of the pool table. I started laughing. Eddie rested his hands on the table on either side of my hips and looked down at my face. "I uh... I was gonna ask if... if you uh... if you wanted to be my freaky little girlfriend." I just smiled as he spoke, looking down at my lap, blushing.
"Oh. Well, that's... that's too bad... 'cause, um... 'cause I probably would've said yes. Sucks for you, huh?" I teased, then looked back up at his face.
"Oh yeah? Well, if you would've said yes... I was also gonna ask if I could do this." He practically whispered his words and moved in closer between my legs. I could feel his cock starting to get hard through his jeans as it pressed firmly against my now-soaked core. He took my face in his hands and placed his lips on mine. It started soft, and then he pulled my head closer, deepening the kiss as he shoved his tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his soft, curly hair as we crushed our faces together. When he broke the kiss we were both breathing heavily. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close, still looking at my face as I continued to play with his hair.
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"So, um... what else do you want from me?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I let out a hearty laugh.
"Well... a couple of things actually."
"Huh. Is that so?" He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "And, uh... what would those things be?"
"Well... I'd like to ask you a question..." He just waited. "Do you really think my tits are perfect?"
"Uhh..." He looked down at them, cheeks flushed, and licked his lips. Then his eyes met mine. "Doll... what're you trying to do to me?" He did look like he was having a really hard time holding back.
"I'm asking the questions, Munson... answer," I whispered the demand.
"Uh," he started laughing nervously. "I can only imagine how perfect they are... and... I've imagined them... a lot," he confessed. "Like... A LOT, a lot." I smiled bashfully. "And, Doll?"
"Yeah?" I whispered.
"That ass of yours..." he sucked in a breath of air and furrowed his brow emphasizing his approval, "now that's the money maker." He smiled at me playfully as I laughed.
"What, Sweets?"
"We've wasted so much time."
He looked genuinely confused. "How do you mean?"
"I mean... what I really want... is you." He looked at me completely shocked.
"Me?!" I gave him a nod. "How so?" God, he was oblivious.
I rolled my eyes and sighed before I continued. "Eddie... how should I put this?" I placed my hand on the back of his head and pulled it forward so I could whisper into his ear. "First off... you look like you just pissed yourself," he immediately looked down at his crotch in horror, "and the reason for that... is because I'm not wearing any underwear." He lifted his head. I had his attention now. "Secondly... my dad thinks I'm at Robin's all weekend... soooo... I want you... to take me to your place... 'cause I've been crazy about you for almost two years... and we need to make up for lost time." I placed a small wet kiss just below his ear lobe, let go of his head, and leaned back to look at him. The look on his face was priceless. Then I hopped off the pool table and ran like hell to the van. He was chuckling devilishly, and not far behind.
When he pulled up to his trailer he jumped out of the van and threw open the passenger door. He scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder before kicking the door shut. Then he ran with me into his trailer. He carried me back to his bedroom and threw me onto the bed. I watched him with excitement as he removed his jacket and shirt, jumped on top of me in crazy Eddie fashion, and peppered my skin with a bunch of little kisses. He had me laughing so hard. When he stopped to look at me I stopped laughing and gazed into his dreamy eyes.
"Watching you prance around in this outfit tonight... I wanted to bend you over the pool table and take you right then and there." I could not help but moan. He leaned down and kissed me like it was his last day on Earth. He licked a trail down my neck before stopping at the crook and sucking a mark into it, then he trailed gentle kisses down my chest as he used the tips of his fingers to gently pull down the straps of my shirt and bra until he freed my breasts. He just hovered above me staring at them.
"My imagination did not do you justice, Doll. You are... so beautiful." He leaned down and took one of my breasts into his mouth and started massaging the other. He made sure to pay the same attention to each one. I tangled my fingers in his hair trying not to moan like an idiot as he tongued at my sensitive nipples. He removed my top and my bra completely then licked a hot, wet trail down my stomach, making his way to my aching core. He lifted my skirt and sat back on his heels covering his mouth with his hands as he gawked. "Jesus, Doll... so incredibly gorgeous. I can't believe I did this to you." I smiled at him, chewing nervously on my thumbnail as he admired me. He could hardly contain his excitement as he stared at the huge wet spot between my legs. He crawled back up my body and gave me a gentle kiss before slowly disappearing back below my waistline. He leaned down, placed his arms under my thighs, and rested his hands on my stomach. He took one more look before plunging his tongue into my folds.
"Oh... my, God!" I couldn't control my whimpering. I reached out to either side of the bed and clenched the sheets in my hands as he worked me over. My chest was heaving, my body shaking as his tongue touched all the right spots.
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"Mmmm... fuck... you taste so fucking good." He continued to lick and suck at my clit. Tiny flicks with his tongue were enough to make me fall apart.
"Eddie!" I managed to breathe out. "I'm... I'm!"
"Come on, Doll. Cum on my face." He continued his torturous movements and the knot in my stomach came undone.
"Uhhhh... God! EDDIE!!! FUCK!!!" I couldn't control my breathing as he devoured everything my body was giving him. When he sensed the end of my high he placed a soft kiss on my folds, wiped his mouth with his hand, and crawled back up my body to claim my lips again. We wrapped our arms around each other breathing each other in.
To his surprise, I rolled him onto his back and straddled his lap. He started laughing and brought his hands to my face, rubbing my cheeks gently with his thumbs before bringing me down for another kiss. I worked my lips down his cheek to the sweet spot under his ear. "Oh, Doll... that... that feels good." I trailed more kisses down his chest. His skin was so warm and delicious. I placed a kiss on his tattoo and flicked both of his nipples with my tongue, making him shiver. I licked a trail down the hair on his abdomen before undoing his pants. His cock was so hard it was difficult to unbutton his jeans. When I finally got them undone I pulled down his zipper and started to pull down his pants. He lifted his hips ever so slightly so I could pull them off the rest of the way.
I was staring, mouth agape in complete awe. He was truly blessed. "That's what you do to me, Doll."
"Looks like I wasn't the only one going commando." I shot him a devilish grin before taking his length in my hand and plunging my mouth onto him. He let out the most delicious sound I'd ever heard. I took him out of my mouth and licked a thick stripe from his balls to his tip before going down on him again. I took him so deep my nose touched his trail.
"Ohhhhhh, FUCK! You... you're gonna have to stop that... or I'm not gonna last much longer." His breathing was uneven. I gave him one last lick, removed my skirt completely, and climbed onto his lap. I put my hands on his chest and rubbed his cock through my wet folds before I sank onto him. It was painful, but a good pain. I leaned forward and rested my forehead on his as I got used to his size. He wrapped his arms around me, hands flat on my back. "You alright, Doll?" I just nodded, eyes closed, assuring him I was ok and started to move.
The sounds we were making were downright pornographic. He cupped my breasts in his hands, taking them into his mouth as I rode his magnificent dick. I straightened up and arched backward starting to pick up the pace. He grabbed me by the hips and squeezed.
"You are so fucking sexy." He sat up to meet me, grabbed my face, and pulled my lips to his. Wrapping his arms around me and resting his forehead on my chest, I threw my arms around his neck and held him close as I continued my movements. "I... I can't fucking believe I'm inside you right now... mmm... mmmhhh."
"E-Eddie... this feels so right." He looked up at me. I grabbed his face and smashed my lips to his, then rested my head on his shoulder, hugging him so tight. I couldn't hold him close enough. He could sense my need for him, so he laid back down pulling me with him, and rolled me over so he was on top. He was being so gentle, savoring every feeling, making sure I knew how he felt. I wrapped my legs around his waist, still hugging him close as he made love to me. He kissed me tenderly as he continued to bury himself deep inside me.
"I'm... I'm so close, Doll. Cum with me?" And that's all it took. I nodded and buried my face in his neck as the sensation overtook me.
"Fuck, Eddie... EDDIE!!!" I dug my nails into his back, still not letting him go.
"Shit... uhhhh, HOLY FUCK!!!" He emptied himself into me as my walls squeezed tightly around him. We lie still for a moment trying to catch our breath. He wrapped his arms around me, kissed my neck, and sighed heavily. "You... are so amazing." He squeezed me tighter like he was afraid I would disappear. I kissed the side of his head and held him. And then it happened. I started to cry.
"Oh, Doll," he lifted his head and looked at me with concern in his eyes, "no... no, no... don't cry... please don't cry." He rolled off of me and sat up pulling me to his chest. He held me close and rocked me, running his fingers gently through my hair. I was so fucking happy, but I couldn't stop the tears. I grabbed at him desperately and tried to hold him even closer. "Shhhhhh... don't cry... shhhhhh." He kissed my head.
"I'm... I'm sorry... I'm just..." I lifted my head from his chest so I could look at him, "I'm so fucking happy." I crashed my lips to his, before speaking again. "I've wanted this for so long, and... and I could've been with you this whole time. I'm sorry if I ruined the moment. I don't mean to be a blubbering mess. I'm just... so happy." Niagra Falls still poured down my face.
"Hey, hey, hey... stop." He grabbed my face in his hands and chuckled playfully. "You're such a spaz... but it's so cute." He smiled so brightly, and I just laughed. He wiped the tears from my face with his thumbs then kissed my forehead tenderly and cradled me against his chest. "We both messed up... but better late than never, yeah?" I nodded. "I've finally got you... and only you have the power to end this... 'cause I'm never letting you go."
"Oh, Eddie... I'm really sorry to say this... but," I looked up at him and he looked like his heart was about to break, "unfortunately you're stuck with me." His expression eased. He dropped his head and let out a huge sigh of relief. He met my gaze again and lifted his eyebrows.
"Dirty pool, Doll." Then he smirked, poked me in the side making me squeak, and pulled me down with him. We were both laughing now. He laid on his side and pulled me against him. I buried my head in his chest as he held me close.
"Yeah, Doll?"
"I love you." He smiled into my hair.
"I fuckin' adore you, Y/n." He laughed again. "Does this mean you'll be my freaky little girlfriend?" I nodded into his chest, laughing happily.
"Good... 'cause I love you too much to let you go."
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Thank you so much for the support. It's truly appreciated!
This story can also be found on my Wattpad account
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rogersideup · 1 year
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter one:
Welcome to Greenwood
Series Masterlist
Next Part: Inhale, Exhale.
Word Count: 4,893
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
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The sound of the bell rattling on the front door pulled your mind away from the cake on the rotating stand in front of you and the piping bag in your hand. Coincidentally, you had just sent your cashier to break so you moved your work station to the decorating desk visible to the doorframe into the kitchen of your bakery, allowing you to see the customers as they walked in.
"Hey there, honey! I'll be right with ya'." You greeted the customer as you piped out the final details on the custom ordered cake you had spent the last half an hour perfecting.
"No worries, take your time." A polite voice responded.
Your head immediately turned at the sound of the deep and slightly raspy voice you had never heard before. In a scanty little town like Greenwood, you swore just about every friendly face within thirty miles of your bakery had stopped by for a treat at least once. You could recognize just about anyone with a blindfold on and nothing but the sound of a friendly greeting, but that charming bass was one you'd be sure to recognize if you've heard it before.
It belonged to a face you'd also be sure to recognize. An over six-foot stunner with blue eyes, a nicely groomed beard, and what looked like dirty blonde hair hidden behind a baseball cap.
You grinned before looking back at your cake, trying to process the new specimen in the lobby. It only took a few seconds before placing the piping bag down and ripping off your gloves, curiously walking out to behind the counter to help him out.
"Sorry about that, what can I get'cha?" Since you closed most of the distance, nothing but the bake case between you two, you got to notice more detail.
There was some serious muscle happening underneath the black long sleeved shirt he was wearing. Also, he was really good at picking out jeans that fit him perfectly in all the right places. Oh, and there was just a dash of green in the blue of his eyes.
"Just a chocolate chip cookie please." He asked timidly. You could tell he felt a little out of place, rocking back and forth on his heels in attempts to sooth his unsettled energy.
"Anything else?" You grinned.
"No thank you." He gently shook his head and walked over to the register as you put his cookie in a pastry bag.
"Okay but I'm giving you two cookies, because I think anyone who only gets one cookie is lying to themselves." You called out with a friendly smile, earning a chuckle from the man.
It allowed you to get a good look at his smile. He had pretty pink lips and perfect pearly whites.
Now, it was time for the investigative process you perfected to the tee. It usually started with an extra cookie and a big sparkling smile, followed by some friendly questions, and ending with a 'hope to see you again sometime soon'. You didn't mean to be invasive, really, you just needed to have all the answers when your neighbor, Georgia, asks for more information once you inevitably ask her if she knows anything about the new stunner in town.
"Well thank you, I appreciate that." He grinned, pulling the wallet out of his jeans.
"I don't think I've seen you around before, are you driving through?" You asked.
Steve shifted once more as he thought about how to answer this question. Almost every news station in the country was covering the chase for the missing superheroes post-raft-escape following the Civil War. His face had been plastered on every the cover of every news paper, fliers stapled to street lamps, posted on bulletin boards in what felt like every coffee shop in the country. If he was still in the 40's he was sure his face would take the place of the missing persons on the sides of milk cartons.
It had been just a few long months shy of a year , just long enough to grow out his hair and beard to make himself as unrecognizable as he could manage. Though he was still the poster boy of disorder within the states, it had calmed down enough for him to feel comfortable trying to settle down for as long as he safely could.
He finally found someone to rent him a house in a town quaint enough for his liking that was willing to accept under the table cash payments in rent, no proof of income, and didn't ask too many questions.
"I'm actually moving to Greenwood in the next couple days, I just picked up the keys to my new place. Saw the bakery sign and decided to stop by, figured a new start is grounds for a little celebrating." Steve explained, convincing enough.
All he could do was cross his fingers in hopes you didn't care about politics or the news enough to recognize his face.
"Really? What made you want to move here?"
He shrugged, and his lips stretched into a straight line. "Just wanted to go somewhere quiet and relaxing I guess. You know, the simple life."
"Well, most people here spend their days chasing something a bit more exciting and busy. I think you're in for exactly what you hoped for" You reassured him. "I'm sorry, honey, I didn't catch your name?"
The pet name that seemed to run off your tongue without a second thought felt warm and welcoming to him. In the big city, a sentiment like that was a title that was typically earned, but here it was given with almost an immediate understanding that everyone around was inherently good and trustworthy. He almost didn't want to tell you his name so he could keep hearing the word slip passed your lips.
"Oh, sorry!" He apologized. "I'm Steven."
Steven? Really? Already off to a bad start. He told himself when he settled down for a bit he'd be distant to the people around him. Never get too close, never tell the truth, go by an alias. But for some reason, he just couldn't get himself to lie to you. You just seemed too sweet for that.
As he took another look around his new surroundings, he chalked it up to be the homey atmosphere of the bakery. The walls were covered in tasteful art installations, celebrating the very pastries that were being perfectly displayed in the illuminated case. Although the color schemes of earth tones, contrasting yet complementary wood colors and grains, and mixed metals seemed like it wouldn't work for a bakery, it worked for this bakery. It was warm and inviting; the polished concrete floors reminded him of the home he once knew. The wall-full of jarred sprinkles in all sorts of different blends and colors to match with the bakery and playfully pull the interests of customers eyes made him feel a sense of child like wonder again.
The booths were built into cozy corners, there were lounge areas with low to the floor tables with alternate seating, a tasteful shelf full of board games for families and friends alike to play together while enjoying a coffee and a treat.
It smelled like browning butter and vanilla beans. There were throw pillows on the booths and lounges. On the main wall behind the bake case and above the beautiful espresso machines read the name of the shop, 'Nice to be kneaded' in a warm golden neon glow.
Steven it is.
"Well, Steven," You handed him the bag of cookies, he hesitated to take them from you. "Everyone who decides to make a home out of Greenwood deserves a warm welcome. Here's to a quiet and relaxing new start."
"Thanks I appreciate it" He smiled. "How much for the cooki-"
"They're on me today" You insisted.
"I couldn't possibly do that" he declined the offer. He was used to the generous hand outs as Steve Rogers, but never just as Steven. "Please let me pa-"
"Nope." You stepped back from the register. "Take them and go before I force you to take a third one!"
"So threatening!" He smiled and put his hands up in defense. "Thank you so much"
"Of course, have a good day! Hope to see you again soon." You waved, walking back into the kitchen to finish off the cake that was almost near perfect.
"Have a good one"
After finishing up the cake, you tagged the board with the invoice of the correct customer, then walked it back into the front to the cake display fridge to pop it in so it would be perfect and ready for pickup later that day.
You started tidying up the lobby of the store by re-organizing all of your retail items. Cute candy bars, greeting cards made by local artists, birthday candles, and the wall shelves full of sprinkles. You had a knack for making sure your store looked perfect and pristine at all times. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where you were now, so you'd be damned if you let it be anything less than perfect.
You tidied up the bake case one last time and straightened up the register before the tip jar caught your eye, inside of it was a crisp $20 bill that definitely wasn't there before Steven.
Though there were a few customers in the store, all of them were students looking for a calm place to study. Headphones over their ears, their noses dug into their laptops. None of them had even moved in the last twenty minutes.
The smile and eye roll that took over your face was almost invasive, and you instantly knew the polite man would have no issue fitting in here in Greenwood.
Though you let your precious employees keep their well earned tip, you did take a $20 bill out from your own wallet and vowed to keep it with you every day until you hopefully found Steven again.
Just like every other day, you stayed at work until it was far too late before locking up and going home. You didn't even get passed your open car door in the driveway before your beloved neighbor Georgia was exiting her front door and running out of her house to greet you.
"It's about damn time, sweet cheeks, I was near ready to file a missing persons report!" She enthused.
Georgia never failed to be your best friend, gossip buddy, and the honorary mother you always wished you had. She'd send her husband to bed alone all night just to stay up and make sure you got home okay if she knew you were out late.
"Sorry" you giggled, grabbing the box of pastries you brought home with you and handing them to her. "Busy day! Treats for your troubles?"
She happily took the box from you knowing that whenever she was given one, there was always something mind-meltingly delicious on the inside. "You know Michael and I have put on a good five pounds in the last few months, and I fully blame you for it."
"Hey! I know you love a big boy, I'm doing you nothing but favors." You denied the blame. "Plus, you're pretty as a peach. A sweet thing like you deserves a sweet treat at least once a day."
"I ran over here to tell ya, we're hosting game night for the block on Saturday. If you don't come I'm going to keep rescheduling it until you do." She insisted.
"Saturday sounds lovely." You accepted the invitation. "What can I bring?"
"Just your pretty face"
"Okay, I'll bring salted caramel bars" You smiled.
"Bring a date" Georgia insisted.
"Now now, watch yourself..." You scolded, pointing your finger at her.
"You've been living in this beautiful house all by your lonesome for three years now. You know all I want is for you to be happy"
"I'm happy all on my own." You insisted with a smile you really had to force yourself to smear across your face. "I don't need a man to make me happy, I've got everything I need."
"You've got no one to prove that to but yourself, sweet cheeks." Georgia reached out and pinched your cheek between her fingers lovingly once she saw how deflated you became..
"Believe it or not, it's kind've hard to find someone worth your time in greenwood when your only options are guys you've already tried your hand at" You defended yourself.
"And what's wrong with that?" Georgia sassed.
"All the good ones are married, and all the bad ones are still bad. So if you don't mind, I'll be bringing some salted caramel bars on Saturday." You smiled.
"I haven't given up hope, and you shouldn't either!"
"Who said anything about giving up hope?" You furrowed your brows together and cocked your head to the side.
"...you have a good night now darlin'" Georgia smiled with a slight chuckle before waving and starting to walk away.
"Mmmmhmmm" You sassed. "Enjoy those pastries."
"I always do!"
The moment you walked into your humble abode, you could feel the weight of your day fall off your shoulders. Even more so as you put down your bag, kicked off your shoes, and dragged your feet up the stars with a heavy thunk on each step just to get yourself into the warm shower you had been dreaming of since waking up at 3:30am. 
Just like a responsible adult, you cooked and fed yourself dinner then ate it on the couch with a thick faux fur blanket over your lap while watching The Great British Baking Show. Georgia liked to yell at you when she invasively yet also somehow welcomely showed up at your house with no warning and caught you using your time away from baking to, well, watch a show about baking?
Your defense was that their recipes are just so different over there! The difference in American and British flavor palettes was immense, and you loved getting new ideas for fun new pastries and flavors to implement onto the rotating menu.
After scolding you, you'd point to the Television above your fireplace to show her how they were doing a technical challenge to bake the perfect Victoria sponge cake, a quintessential and uniquely british dessert, and how that was so much different than your typical vanilla sponge in the States. Then, it would peak her interest.
You were never really sure if she was actually interested, or if she only payed attention because she desperately thought you needed someone to listen to you. Sometimes when you babbled on about baking, she would slow blink at your before gently saying, "Baby, you might as well be speaking a whole other language to me right now, but I'm just so happy you're doing what you love."
She'd get comfortable on your couch as you made her a cup of tea, the end up staying until her husband Michael called and reminded her that she had a husband at home.
But tonight you were happy to just be shoving some pesto pasta in your face with the company of no one but Netflix in complete peace. The small sensation of an almost distant ache in the back of your head also had you thankful that they had finally either finished, or were taking a break from construction on the little house next door to yours.
You didn't mind it much at first, you were gone for most of the day to miss the sounds of sawing and jackhammering, but sometimes the sounds would continue even after sunset and keep you awake past your geriatric bedtime. Sleep was very important when you had to wake up before the sun.
But your mama raised you to love thy neighbor and keep patience and grace close to your heart, so you bit your tongue for five long months and occasionally showered the construction workers in warm breakfast sandwiches and croissants. You hoped that their awareness to the neighbors occupation would keep them from working late into the night, but nope. You just continued biting your tongue a little harder.
Even worse than you was Andy and Phoebe that lived two doors down, the construction happened sandwiched between you two, and they had their new born baby girl at home through all of that banging and drilling. Apparently little Willow could now sleep through anything. Their dog barking at the sound of a door bell wasn't even an equal contender against the baby who had been subconsciously trained to stay calm in the midst of chaos.
You were in bed by 7 pm, up at 3am, back at work by 4am with $20 in your back pocket. A little part of you felt stupid while slipping the green bill into your denim jeans, it was quite delusional to assume the man would be back so soon, let alone at all, but a bigger part of you couldn't stand that his free cookies were not free.
The empty bake case was filled to the brim by 6:30am, all custom orders were done by 7. You barely even got a chance to wipe the sweat off your hairline from your face being in front of the oven before taking off your chefs coat and hair net and switching it to a front-of-house apron.
You had an excellent team of trained bakers, decorators, baristas, and a cashier, but that didn't stop you from getting your hands dirty by any means. Though your team was mighty, collectively you were tiny. Only 9 employees to hold the busiest bakery in the greater area down, you tended to step in wherever you were needed the most.
Today, you just happened to be taking orders and handing out latte's through morning rush before dedicating the rest of your day on getting a head start on custom orders for tomorrow.
Then tomorrow came around and all you did was start the dough for a few loaves of sourdough, your girls were going to take over after the first rise so you could focus on the payroll and product order placement that would be delivered on Friday. You got done all the boring stuff, responded to customer emails, printed out the invoices of all the orders through Friday, sorted through and organized the endless amounts of cookie cutters in the kitchen, then cleaned out the fridge to make sure all the ingredients were properly labeled and within date.
You worked one more day after that before having your first day off in 10 days. Yes, you made your own schedule. Yes, you worked far too much. No, that's not your fault.
You started by going on a short run, and taking a shower before going to the little diner 10 minutes down the road with Georgia for breakfast. The summer heat made your thighs stick to the leather booth beneath you, and the ceiling fans gently moved your hair around but you didn't seem to mind much. How could anything be a bother to your while you we're sneakily stealing a forkful of pancakes from your Neighbor's plate as her eyes were stuck on the news that was playing on an old TV in the upper corner of the diner.
You smiled as she peeled her eyes away just to glare at you while you stuck the syrupy goodness in your mouth. A bit of sticky maple caught on your lip, threatening to drip down your chin before you even got a chance to lick it off.
"Child, you are a mess." She shook her head at you and handed you a napkin. "How are they?"
"Heavenly." You giggled, wiping away the warm syrup on your face. "Hey, is it okay if I have a bite?" You questioned after stealing her food.
"You're like the child I never wanted." She insulted in good fun. Her being in her mid-fifties and you being late twenties- early thirty something, she loved to tease you because she knew you could take it in good fun. "See what you could've had if you didn't order... whatever that is?"
"An omelette?" You giggled. "I was in it for the side of hash-browns."
"Mmmm" Georgia tried to stay engaged, but her eyes kept wandering back to the news on the television.
You quickly looked up at the TV facing you in the opposite corner to the one she had her eyes on, but all you saw was pictures of Black Widow. She was beautiful, you always were jealous of her stunning fiery red hair and strength. You didn't pay much attention to why the bottom banner across the screen said 'Breaking News: Emergency Broadcast". Nothing Natasha Romanoff could've done was more important to the crispy shredded potatoes in front of you.
You didn't know much about the Civil War besides the basics. Most of what you knew came from Georgia and Michael. Politics was never your strong suit, you're pretty sure you almost failed government class back in high school. However, politics was something Michael was very... passionate about.
His political opinions were strong, and he wasn't shy to let you know about them. Whenever you were over at their house for dinner and the topic came up, you tended to just let him get it all out while you soaked it in and ate silently.
Though you didn't have an extensive knowledge on economics or how congressional issues worked, you did know how you felt about social issues. Most of the time; your opinions did not match up with Michael. And most of the time Georgia soaked in and inherited all of Michael's political stances.
Only a few times did you seek out information on the bombing of the United Nations meeting and the sokovia accords by your own means. Mostly because you felt like the information you were getting from Michael was probably influenced by his own stance on the matter. But from what you gathered, it was a complex issue you couldn't even begin to put your nose in. Especially since they were all superheroes arguing over what was the correct thing to do.
You grew up very much in the mindset of not judging people until you've walked a mile in their shoes, and walking in their shoes was impossible. Especially superhero shoes with jet blasters and and steel toes.
So as Georgia stated, "Miss Romanoff had so much potential, why she wasted it on protecting a brain washed assassin I will never understand." you stole another bite of her pancakes and shoved them into your mouth.
In turn, she stole some of your hash-browns and looked at you, waiting for feedback on her remark. "What did she do now?" You asked.
"She was found on American soil. The secretary tried detaining her considering she's a fugitive but she slipped passed his fingers." Georgia explained. "They're asking for tips trying to find her again."
You nodded your head in understanding of the urgency in the news broadcast, but you didn't exactly feel like having a passionate discussion about morals in the middle of a notoriously conservative small down.
"I guess I just don't understand why the government is treating Captain America's friends as criminals when they've all done so much to protect us... Aren't they just trying to do the right thing?" You questioned carefully as to not start an argument.
"Sweetheart it's not about what they used to do for us, it's about what they've done recently. They broke the law, destroyed public and private property, and broke out of the highest security prison in the world all because they didn't want to be controlled by the United Nations." Georgia explained.
"...but the issue was that they didn't want to be controlled, it was that they wanted to come up with a different solution because lives would be lost while waiting for the whole United Nations to decide what business they could stick their noses in, right?" You framed your opinion as a question once more as to appease any potential anger.
"Captain America and his whole team of friends became war criminals the moment they turned their backs on the government. It's really that simple." She insisted.
You looked back up to the TV to see the pictures of Captain America, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, the Falcon, the Winter Soldier, Ant-Man, and Hawkeye all looking back at you. The atmosphere between you and Georgia had gone quiet allowing you to hear the broadcasters voice.
'... if you see any of these individuals, do not approach. They are dangerous. Call 911. Remember, failure to report these individuals will be considered a misdemeanor punishable by jail time and a hefty fine. Do not approach.'
You observed the picture of the winter soldier in much more detail than the others, then your eyes grazed over Captain America.
One more big mouthful of your breakfast before an invasive thought overtook your brain and caused you to laugh out loud.
"What's got you laughing over there?" Georgia smiled at your antics.
"The winter soldier is so handsome, I think I'd become a war criminal trying to defend him too." You spat out between invasive laughter causing Georgia to laugh along with you no matter how hard she tried to contain it.
"I outta wash your mouth out with soap!" She laughed.
"Hey! No potty mouth here, just speaking the truth"
"This is why you need a boyfriend!" She smiled, pointing her pancake filled fork at you. "And a good one at that! I don't need to be seeing my baby girl all up in the news one day with the word 'wanted' written in bold red letters across her face."
"Hey, I've actually been meaning to ask you!" You started between bites. "A handsome fella came into the shop a few days ago. Said he was moving to greenwood in a few days, d'ya know anything about that?"
"What'd he look like, darlin'?" She questioned further. "I saw a stunner meet up with the owner of the house next door to yours while I was watering my peonies earlier this week. Watched him leave with a key in hand."
"He was tall, but I didn't get to see much to his face. It was blocked by a cap. I think his hair was dirty blonde from what I could see. He had really nice jeans on-"
"Full beard?" She asked.
"The most luscious and well groomed beard I've ever seen in this part of town." You confirmed with a giggle.
"I damn near blushed when I saw him from across the way! I bet he's moving in to that house then!" She enthused with a big smile. "Maybe this will be your escape from the Greenwood boys!"
"Are you kidding me? A man like that always comes a long with a wife and way too many children." You giggled.
"I bet that boy would make some beautiful babies" She kicked your leg underneath the table. "As would you."
"Not anytime soon" You shook your head with a blush in your cheeks.
"You know pregnancies over the age of 35 are considered geriatric?" She said backhandedly.
"Then consider me the oldest grandma in the nursing home." You denied once more
"I didn't see no ring on that man's finger, so he's single until proven married." Georgia smiled. "What did he get at the bakery?"
"One chocolate chip cookie" You hid your grin behind your hand holding your fork.
She raised her eyebrows mid pancake bite, chewing before speaking again as to not be impolite, but you already knew what she was thinking. "A married man would never get a cookie for just himself and not his wife. He's definitely single."
"Well he did say he drove into town for the key, so maybe he ate it before she even knew he had a cookie in the first place. Plus, I gave him two. You know how I feel about people who get one cookie..."
"So he's either single or the worst husband a girl could have. If Michael ever skipped out on getting me a cookie I'd divorce his ass on the spot." She shook her head.
"Why would you ever need Michael to bring you cookies when you have me, anyways?" You questioned, faking jealousy.
"Baby doll you're all I need" She smiled and reached over to squeeze your hand.
"That's more like it." You laughed.
Georgia smoothed over the pain of not being the only cookie provider in her life by paying the breakfast bill, even after you fought her over it for ten whole minutes because you invited her out to breakfast so you could treat her.
And when you two got home, you both immediately noticed all the construction on the house next to yours had been completely cleared out and it looked brand spankin' new.
What once was an older home with lots of rustic character looked more like all the surrounding houses with updated paint, new landscaping, fresh new features. It looked great without all of the dust and equipment blocking the view.
It was officially a home ready to be moved into, and any moment now you would have confirmation if your new neighbor was the same man you desperately owed $20.
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Next Part: Inhale, Exhale
Tag list: @patzammit @bemysugarbean
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randomshyperson · 5 months
So I finally watched The Marvels.
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They missed the opportunity to actually say Wanda's name but it's totally fine 'cause this is not about her, but also, excuse me Miss Rambeau??? Monica is that powerful now and all because she visited Wanda's little Sims city a couple of times, like what? I love it. That old theory that Wanda was the one who gave Pietro's power is coming back stronger now
I strongly believe misogyny and racism are behind the flop of this movie, I had an amazing time watching it, whole thing was genuinely funny with relevant marvel lore and characters plots (the aliens are still fighting each other and blaming humans, but hey, colonialism and exploit of resources are the main reason we have to protect planets). Everyone loves when Peter Quill explores the galaxy but if three women do the same it's suddenly a problem.
A lot of people saying how tired they are of Marvel, were only tired of women doing the Marvel formula, don't believe those haters. Just like every other Marvel project, we have the hero journey and their blockbusters cliches, a lot of visual effects and jokes, LIKE EVERY OTHER MARVEL PROJECT, but sure, let's blame the girls for the failure. To me, it was really refreshing just to see women having fun and supporting each other and throwing little energy balls every now and then.
Also, the fact that Princess Carol is a fucking Star now? Pretty sure that got her killed in the What if series but good to know she's more powerful than that.
Kamala is the star of this movie, she's so funny and charming but also Monica and Carol angst got me crying and it was not enough!! I need more of their pain
I almost forgot, Miss Carol Danvers is all by herself in space just using a god damn TORTURE DEVICE to try to get her memories back, EXCUSE ME??? Someone gives this woman a hug, or idk, sent her to therapy with Bucky cause jesus Christ that's not healthy lady.
For the things I didn't like, the rhythm for sure. Such a quick movie, a lot of things happening, one minute I was crying the next I was giggling then crying again and then thinking about politics like slow down a little. I wanna digest the dialogues for a second.
Really funny movie, kamala's parents, the cats, everything was so easy going and cheerful even with the little angst moments, I had such a good time.
The best thing about this movie, as fanfic writer who gets truly frustrated with plot holes and stuff like that, it's that I will be able to watch it again. Movies from the first phases I used to love before I start writing, I can no longer enjoy the same 'cause I keep seeing how they don't make a fucking sense or have unbearable characters storylines and personality changes (yes I'm talking about Civil War and Age of Ultron or Ultimate, maybe STEVE ROGERS LEAVING BUCKY in a specific matter). This and also the fact they lack all kinds of minorities. Doctor Strange had like 2 women in the cast?? And don't even get me started on talking about what the sequel did to Wanda's character development.
The Marvels, Ragnarok, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Captain America (1&2), Infinity War and Guardians of The Galaxy (all three), Black Panther (both), Ten Rings, Eternals, are still the only Marvel movies I actually enjoy rewatching, because they are projects that respect the characters established personalities and history and for origins ones like Eternals or Ten Rings, they are simply fun, what a crime for a movie to be just fun huh
All of the shows are worth rewatching (even Fury's one that I hated it), 'cause they were given time to develop into stuff and as a writer there's a lot for us to work it.
Btw, I'm not talking about Kate Bishop'cause I'm simply unable to process my happiness over seeing her again. I do think I might have a stroke once Yelena is back.
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bluehourbucky · 1 year
Ooo I'm a different anon but could u do a part 2 for the vampire oje. Doesn't have to be smutty. Just love their interactions
Bite me
pairing: vampire!bucky x innocent!reader
warnings: blood / bj / sucking blood / face fucking
a/n: sorry it took so long hope you like it
18+ ONLY
minors do not interact
strawberry juice (part 1)
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Bucky was surprised how quickly you've accepted that you'll be his for the time being, he didn't even have to hypnotise you.
"My new home? Why? "
"Oh my darling you're just so precious, you see I need you to survive and you want to help me right?"
you looked confused so Bucky continued.
"So as you can tell already I'm a vampire doll, and I need blood to survive and you just happen to have the tastiest blood that keeps me fed for a long time. We can do this the easy way or the hard way the choice is yours."
You sat there on the bed trying to put your brain to work and figure out what to do but your brain just wouldn't cooperate. It's like there was fog clouding it.
"Are you going to hurt me?"
Bucky had smiled flashing his fangs at you which made you avert your gaze.
"On what?"
"If you're a good girl or not."
And so far you've been so good and Bucky was thriving, he'd never been so well fed he didn't even have to slumber to get energy.
Steve had been extremely kind and helpful to you, he didn't treat you like a prisoner.
As of recently you've started going on walks with both Bucky and Steve, never alone though.
"But I won't run away." you tried to argue and you really hadn't planned on going anywhere, you were well fed Steve had cooked well balanced meals every day, you had a room and everything at your disposal.
You even wanted to help around the house but Steve wouldn't let you it was his job and his job only.
It wasn't that bad at all.
Paid food, housing and you didn't even have to work except when Bucky was taking the blood from you but that wasn't even that bad since Steve was taking little amounts of blood putting it in blood bags for Bucky, like donating blood but to a vampire.
All in all not bad.
However your sleep schedule was messed up.
Most of the times you didn't know if it was day or night because of the blinds and dark curtains covering all of the windows most of the time.
It has been around 2 months since you've started living with them and you still didn't understand what made your blood special, Bucky wouldn't tell you.
"Good morning doll, when will you start wearing pants around the house, you're tempting anyways."
Since the first night Bucky hadn't touched you like he did the first night. Bucky was sure if he did something like that again he wouldn't be able to stop himself from taking you.
You turned quickly almost dropping your midnight snack on the floor.
"I was just-"
"No need to explain yourself doll, just heard you thought I should keep you company, maybe even get a breakfast while I'm at it."
For some reason, your legs shiver and the need to close your thighs overwhelmed you so you just do that. Since you'd "moved in" he'd kept a distance and you'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt you. You missed talking to him, he didn't even tell you about the books he'd read.
"You never keep me company you're just hungry."
Bucky was taken aback by your words. You're his sweet girl you've never talked like that to him. But maybe you're right he hasn't been keeping you company he avoids you like the plague, it's been weeks since he drank from you physically.
If he was being honest he liked you way more than he'd like to admit. Yes your blood was good but he started feeling guilty.
"Do you want my company, pretty girl?" He'd come close to you, and you sucked in a breath, Bucky had taken the bowl from your hands.
He caressed you cheek softly, his finger barely touching you, but making your body temperature rise nonetheless.
"Why don't you look at me huh?" Bucky lifts your chin and your eyes meet his, oh and they are so pretty and your pretty pink lips that would look even better around his cock.
"Please." you don't even know what you're begging for, his attention, his touch?
"Please, what darling? Use your words pretty girl."
"Pay attention to me. You've been ignoring me I don't like being ignored. I wore so many pretty clothes and you won't notice me."
His pretty girl is an attention whore.
"Oh don't you worry, I noticed you, I heard your little whimpers when you tried to take care of the ache between your legs and you just couldn't. The little shorts and dresses you've been wearing were the only thing I paid attention to."
As if the weight has been lifted off your shoulders you smiled exhaling, blood was what Bucky lived off, but you lived for attention.
"Really? Why didn't you talk to me then! You didn't even tell me if you liked the book you were reading."
Bucky chuckled, damn you were adorable.
"Well I'll tell you if you do something for me."
You nodded eagerly.
"You don't even know what I want you to do."
"But I want to know."
"Have you ever heard of "curiosity killed the cat?""
"Pff that's not real. Tell me."
He'd taken your hand and let you to his bedroom , he didn't need Steve coming in and ruining the fun.
"Where's your bed? Do you not have a bed?"
Bucky laughs, it's been a while since he laughed so much.
"I don't need a bed."
His bedroom was more like a formal lounge room the long couch a fireplace and a lounge chair and of course a coffin standing against the wall. Bucky let's you scan the room before talking again.
"Okay that's enough looking come here." you obey instantly.
Bucky stands between the fire place and the couch in the middle of the room and picks up a pillow behind him, throwing it down on the carpet in front of him. Your eyes follow him.
"Go on." he points to the pillow and you just stand not sure what you should do. Seeing you need guidance Bucky grabs the back of your head and lowers you to your knees. He didn't use any force.
"Wil you tell me now?" your doe eyes look up at him innocently.
"Nope, we haven't even started, doll."
You are cut off by Bucky pushing your face into his clothed buldge. He's been wanting you like this for a while and who says dreams don't come true.
"See what you do to me? Need you to take care of this before I tell you about the books I've read."
"But I don't know how." you want to do whatever he needs you to but you've never done anything like that before.
"Don't worry precious I'll help you, why don't you help me take these off first." Bucky takes your hands and leads you to the waistband of his sweatpants. You pull it down and Bucky instantly feels better, his hard on is still trapped in his underwear but much better with one layer taken off.
"Good girl." you sit not knowing what to do next so you take the waistband of his underwear releasing his painfully hard cock.
You forget to breathe, and don't know where to look and right as you were about to turn your head Bucky holds it in place.
"You need to see what you've done pretty." With one hand in your hair and the other on his length gathering the precum.
"Open up" and you do, he slips two fingers into your mouth loving the way you look tasting him.
"Give me your hands put them here." Bucky places your hands at the base of his cock, your hands are warm and soft and he thinks he's about to cum with just one touch.
"That's it." he praises you when you start moving your hands, your movements are a bit sloppy but enjoyable.
He groans when you squeeze him a bit harder.
"Sorry!" you think you've hurt him so you stop.
"Oh don't you dare stop now." Bucky says looking down at you, and what a sight to see. Your little hands hugging his thickness, he needs your mouth immediately.
"Open up for me." Bucky says, taking his cock and slapping it on your mouth.
"More." he says sternly and you open as wide as you can.
"There you go." Bucky smiles when you close around him, he's only half way in but it's already too big for you. He starts using your mouth, his thrusts are gentle not pushing you further into him. Your hands are on his thighs holding on but not for long.
"What you can't fit in you hold in your hands understand?" you nodd and immediately take the rest of his length, you use one hand to pump him and the other gets a hold of his balls. Bucky moans the moment he feels your hands on his balls playing with them.
"Doing so good pretty girl" he groans and feels his self control slipping, he needs you to take all of him. Bucky couldn't take his eyes off of you tears rolling down your red face. You suddenly pull away panting.
"Can't breathe." Bucky chuckles and brings you to his cock again.
"Breathe through your nose honey." Once you've gotten used to it Buckys thrusts became more frantic and unforgiving. He didn't stop when hit the back of your throat and you gagged saliva falling down your neck right between your breasts.
"Fuck me." Bucky breathes out, and with every thurst he groans and moans absolutely using your throat for his pleasure. Eyes rolling to the back of his head when your throat contracts squeezing him just right.
"So good, right there." you're holding tightly onto his thighs your nails digging into them which just sends Bucky into euphoria.
"Don't you dare spit out." Bucky says through gripped teeth just seconds before he finishes into your mouth sending cum down your throat. He rides out his orgasm his cock finally softening as he shoots the last drop of his cum.
Bucky pulls out and shuts your mouth closed like you're a dog.
"Swallow." not knowing what else to do you swallow the salty substance.
"Such a good girl for me." he says when you open your mouth to show him that you've swallowed every last drop. Some of it managed to escape and dripped down on your shirt but that's okay.
"Can you tell me now?" you manage to say despite it hurting of your throat.
"Of course darling. Just clean me up first and I'll tell you everything."
please I know this was bad smut but I'm trying! I'm not used to writing it and I hope I did a decent job!
I would appreciate tips or constructive criticism what I could do better <3
likes comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
la petite mort ♡
Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: French for "the little death", it is an expression that means "the brief loss or weakening of consciousness" and in modern usage refers specifically to "the sensation of post orgasm as likened to death."
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: bondage, overstimulation, squirting, degradation, pet name (mon chou, because Steve speaking French makes me wet), p in v sex, creampie, cmnf, reader calls Steve "sir", use of a Hitachi wand, ass slapping, choking
A/N: I can't find the video that inspired this, I'm so sad 😭 If I find it I'll add it here. [EDIT I found the video. Warning for ph link, don't click if you're under 18]
And mon chou translates directly to "my cabbage" but it's more like he's calling her cream puff like a choux pastry. Because Steve likes calling you something cute and full of cream 🥰
not beta'd, edited by me. so if you see any mistakes, no you didn't :)
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Steve says it's his favorite part of play time with you. When he works your body so well that your vision black and your body goes limp. Twisted pride grows inside him, relishes in the knowledge that he did this to you. He was the one who pushed you so far over the edge.
And he's working to get you there now. To bring you to the place where the pleasure becomes so strong your body can't stand it any longer.
As Steve sinks back in his wingback chair, he wonders if he should've made the ropes around your ankles tighter. Not that you could break free from where you're strapped to his black leather ottoman, but he loves the marks left behind by the braided hemp. The deeper the indents the better. He doesn't want you to feel your fucking toes.
Steve's pulled from watching your pretty toes curl when he sees your legs start to wobble and shake.
"That's it, mon chou. Need to see that pussy weep for me."
He slides to the front of his chair, elbows on his knees with his hands clasped under his chin.
Steve watches intently as you shudder in your restraints, held open wide on your knees by the ropes wrapped around your thick thighs. The Hitachi wand looped into the rope and held snug against your sopping cunt buzzes steadily even as you try to lean away, to run from your pleasure.
Steve takes note of that. He'll make sure to punish you for it later.
"Please! I can't!"
You've always been a bad liar and your messy cunt proves him right moments later.
Steve leans in closer when you suck in a breath, watches as your pussy flutters, clenches around nothing, begging for a cock you can't have. Your begs for release become more incoherent as you shake and with a scream you're gushing, nearly making a mess of Steve's blue button up. The ropes nearest to the apex of your thighs and the leather beneath you are soaked, your spend leaks around the head of the wand.
"Beautiful. So beautiful when you let go for me, mon chou."
The device doesn't stop, doesn't care that you're spent. Its master is the same as yours and he's decided that you're not done. He needs more.
Steve stands and reaches for the full globes of your ass, caressing a cheek with one hand.
He watches as you inhale and exhale a deep breath. You're still shaking but Steve can be patient. He may be persistent and demanding but he's not an asshole. And you know the rules.
"G-green, sir."
Steve nods and brings the hand on your ass down hard. You yelp in surprise but lean into his touch like he knew you would.
"Good girl."
With the wand still assaulting your poor cunt but you're almost numb to it at this point. Steve understands, you're been at this for a while. But he needs at least one more. And you will give it to him.
Steve's kept your cunt empty for the duration of your play time today for a reason. He wanted you to beg, wanted to see tears run down your pretty cheeks. And you've done so well. He can look past your little disobediences for now. You're crying for him to fill you as he caresses you now. He flips the switch on the wand before pulling it loose from your leg restraints. Steve's big, warm hands run the length of your spine and over the supple curves of you. Now that the constant tingling pressure is gone your body feels lighter, but still buzzing. The light caresses to your aching nipples are both not enough and too much under the rough pads of his fingers. Every touch makes you cry harder when he leans over you. Steve's bulge strains, fighting against crisp, pressed khaki and ghosting nearer to you with an energy that's palpable.
He's standing behind you with you spread and presenting before him when the sound of his zipper lowering echoes through the quiet room. Steve doesn't drop his pants, doesn't loosen the buttons of the shirt, doesn't bare his flesh to you in any way you crave. There is no intimacy in the way he moves to enter you now with his meaty cock. You're nothing more than a hole he can play with as he pleases. Even as he teases your sensitive skin with his touch, you know your place.
Steve grips your hip with one hand, pushing down on your lower back to arch you even higher as he rubs the head of his cock through your folds. You're still dripping, oozing over his tip when he pushes against your heat.
He's waiting patiently. You know what he wants you to say.
"Please, sir."
"Yes? Please, what?"
The slit on his tip slips past your clit and you both gasp in unison.
"Please," you sob, "fuck me, sir."
Steve slides into your needy cunt in one smooth motion. You're so wet he barely needs to wait for you to adjust to his size before he's drilling into you. The hand not digging bruises into your hip is holding you down by your neck. Steve loves watching your eyes roll back when he pushes with just the right amount of pressure. Your lips part with a silent scream, your body shaking already after a few powerful strokes. Steve lifts a foot off the floor to rest on the ottoman, pumping into you with even more force, bumping your cervix in the most delicious way.
"You love taking this fat cock, huh? Fucking love the way I fill you up."
He doesn't care if you answer, he knows you do. Of course you do. You were made to take his cock.
His strokes pick up speed, the ropes on your legs the only thing keeping you from launching off the ottoman.
The zipper of Steve's pants catches against the smooth skin of your ass in random intervals, a pinching pain that surprises you every time and makes your cunt clench around his cock harder in anticipation for the next bite of metal.
"You gonna come for me, mon chou? Or do I have to leave you here with just your little toy for the rest of the night."
You cry out, shaking your head "no" at the thought of him leaving you empty again. The heat in your core builds once more and you can barely stand it. Between the sting of the zipper and the hand around your throat it doesn't take long before you're coming again, your cunt pulsing, squirting all over him and making a mess of Steve's pants and the bottom of his shirt.
"Fuck, that's it. That's it, mon chou. Can't help but make a fucking mess, can you?"
The tight heat of your cunt has Steve's strokes going sloppy. He drops to his hands on both sides of your head, relishing in your mewling cries. Your eyelids droop closed, unable to stay open as your body goes slack underneath Steve's massive form.
His balls tighten and his legs shake when he comes with a shout, emptying his seed deep inside you.
Steve slides out slowly, watching your cunt clench and push out his thick cream after he's gone. He's gentle working his seed back in, not wanting a drop to go to waste.
"Still with me, mon chou?"
You nod your head slightly and Steve presses a kiss to your cheek.
He praises you as he unties the ropes that bind you, tells you how amazing you are as he frees you from their tight hold. His fingers run their course over the twisting pattern imprinted on your skin.
Steve hums in satisfaction, smiling to himself at the masterpiece he created.
Before you can collapse he's got you in his arms, carrying you to the bathroom and filling up the tub. Once it's warm and he's undressed himself, you're snoring softly.
Steve knows how exhausted you are and he's proud of you for holding on while being pushed to a new limit. He holds you to his chest as you snooze, already planning how he can push you even further next time.
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