#because it's not like i can care about multiple things at once obviously given my ratty jewish dual loyalty
lizbethborden · 2 months
I honestly am going to try giving up on talking about antisemitism in any context except private convos with other Jewish people. The truth is that virtually no one outside of Jewish communities cares. No one. They didn't care before, they don't care now, and they won't care after. Some of the smartest people I know on here and in life do not care, have never cared, and will only pretend to care the next time there's a "punching Nazis" meme on the dash. They do not care about this deeply embedded bigotry because the truth is that antisemitism is a central pillar of, well, virtually everything everywhere, and to interrogate that is to interrogate a foundational aspect of their culture, religion, and society, which no one is interested in doing, even on a website where the majority of people at least pay lip service to deconstructing societal biases and institutional oppression. It is much simpler and more convenient to not care. So, keep on not caring, I guess. I'm not going to forget it. Neither will the other Jewish people around you.
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thrashkink-coven · 4 months
Okay I’m going to say it because I’ve seen like 10 posts about this in the last week and it’s kind of aggravating.
Before you start practicing paganism or dual faith or anything of any kind PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE learn the meaning and history of Syncretism. PLEASE.
Please stop saying that Christmas is only a Christian holiday, please stop saying that Christmas was stollen from the pagans. Please stop insisting that Yule and Christmas are the same holiday! Please stop saying that pagans cannot celebrate Christmas or that Christians shouldn’t celebrate Christmas! Christmas is many things to many different groups of people and ideas and customs evolve through time!!! There is NUANCE to these very complex ideas!!! Christmas does not need to be reclaimed, please stop.
Please stop saying that it belongs or doesn’t belong to any given group especially when humanity is so prone to spread messages and customs amongst eachother!!! “Similar” does not equal “the same” and different does not equal “the enemy”. Please stop trying to create these illogical divisions where they do not exist!!! Please read about the history of faith !!!! I beg of you!!!!
So often we see the blending and unity of concepts as “appropriation” and I’m sick of it. Our beliefs connect us so much more than they divide us. We learn so much about the world from each other and our different interpretations.
Likewise, just to touch base- nearly every single mythology or faith in the entire world takes its inspirations from somewhere. You are no superior to a Christian because you think your faith and customs are “older”.
We live in a paradoxical universe where multiple things can be true at once. You DO NOT get the authority to tell a Christian that their God is XYZ just because you’re a pagan. You do not get the authority to redefine how a group of people sees and interacts with their personal name of God. And you by no means get to claim credit for how different cultures interpret the natural world.
Yes, Christians obviously have a lot of practices that mirror pagan ones, they are not pagan, do not call them pagan. I don’t care how you feel about the Abrahamic God. So many of us hold a deep resentment towards Christianity because of religious trauma and I completely understand that, but when you try to massively oversimplify such complex topics like religion and faith, you not only risk sounding like an asshole but you make yourself look straight up stupid because you’re just wrong.
I am a devotee of Lucifer and I believe him to be the divine masculine aspect of mother Venus. I still need to understand and respect that for Christians, Lucifer represents something entirely different and that’s okay. They’re not necessarily wrong even if I fundamentally disagree. I disagree with what Lucifer is among other Luciferians and Satanists. That’s OKAY.
We have GOT to stop talking about mythology and folklore so literally. It leads us to have this “one or the other” mentality when more than one thing can be true at once! These myths are flexible and meant to change with culture. We can have respectful debates and conversations but holy moly please stop insisting that Christianity has “stollen” from you, and please for the love of God please stop trying to ruin a day that is significant to them by telling every Christian you see that Christmas is actually a pagan holiday.
(- and when I say this I am not referring to the atrocities of assimilation and slavery that forced pagan cultures to become Christian/catholic due to racism and xenophobia, that’s obviously very bad. My argument is simply that the entire Christian/Jewish/ Muslim faith cannot be discounted simply because historically, bad people used it to do bad things).
Thank you. 🙏
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luesmainblog · 1 year
With those manscaped ads going around again, here is a reminder to my penis-having friends out there: Do not put anything scented on your junk. I’m serious. It sounds harmless, especially since you have a closed sexual system, but it can genuinely be a very dangerous thing to be doing for a number of reasons. 1. You never know if you’re allergic to a product until you use it. Do you REALLY want to find out you’re allergic to some super specific scent oil mix because you put it on your nuts? 2. Whatever is on your balls will end up rubbing onto your underwear, and as you move throughout the day, it will inevitably make its way to your urethra. It may only be a little bit, but if your urinary track is sensitive enough, that can lead straight to a UTI. Believe me, those are incredibly not fun. 3. But let’s say you only wear it during naked times. Totally fine, right? Nope; you’re STILL at a risk for a UTI because of how scent actually works. When you smell something, it’s because there are particles of that thing in the air, and those particles make it into your nose and your nose essentially “tastes” those particles. Now, for most stuff, that’s fine. However, those tiny particles - when there’s enough of them - can still make their way into your urethra over time if they’re close enough, and once again, that can lead to an infection because there is a foreign matter in your pee hole that doesn’t belong there. (this is the reason so many vages end up with UTIs when using scented pads, when normal pads don’t do anything to them. it’s the scent particles.) 4. This product is given to you alongside masculine grooming items, and if you think it’s difficult to shave your knees, you’re about to learn the fear of god the first time you try to shave your nuts. this goes double for especially wrinkly folks. Now, shaving is entirely your choice, but imagine getting deodorant in a bleeding nick on your NUTS. can you say Ow? and god forbid that thing get infected because you introduced a foreign entity your body didn’t like. I don’t think anyone wants infected balls. 5. The following can also apply to any partner you may have if you’ve freshly put it on, or if you’ve been wearing it around all day in a pair of underwear or pants(again, that stuff’s gonna end up rubbing onto the rest of you). So even if YOU’RE not allergic, or sensitive to UTIs, your other half might not want to suddenly get hives in her vag, or a sudden yeast infection, or a frot-induced UTI because you got yourself all deodoranted up before funtimes. none of this even gets into the possibility of irritation, the risk of spraying on one spot for too long(chemical burns on your balls, bro, never fun), the fact that scents could end up masking a change in your scent that would normally alert you to go see a doctor, there are MULTIPLE reasons to consider whether or not you REALLY need to put deodorant down there. I don’t know if this post will blaze, as the message is inherently nsfw, but I sincerely hope it will. You shouldn’t use ball deodorant for the same reasons you shouldn’t use scented pads, and you ESPECIALLY should not be putting a scented SPRAY anywhere near your pee hole. obviously this is all a personal risk thing, some people will be able to go 15 years perfuming the hell out of their sack and never face a problem, but it genuinely worries me that this is being advertised as totally normal, sexy, and risk-free. I just want the public to be informed; y’all might not be as used to the ways beauty companies will lie and hurt you for a quick buck. Be safe out there, and please, take good care of your sack.
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AITA for insisting my roommate not get me a Christmas present/WIBT if I insist even more?
🎁 so I can find this later!
TLDR WIBTA if I insist harder than I already have that my (unaware of being transphobic) roommate not get me a gift for Christmas, since my being autistic and nonbinary may complicate things?
Sorry for the long one, there's a lot of context going into this.
I (18X) am a college freshman and am rooming with a person I didn't know beforehand. Our rooming situation is weird, so neither of us had talked to each other at all before moving in. I'll call her S (18F).
S is a very big gift-giver; it's her love language. She's gotten me a couple things in the past and has wanted me to try things so she can see if they'd make for good gifts. The problem is, I'm more on the masc side of being nonbinary, as well as the fact that I have low-intensity ASD, so usually the stuff she would want to get me (skin care, makeup, etc) is never exactly my style (most notably, she wanted me to see how a skin cream felt and I ended up complaining a bit too much, embarrassingly, before realizing that it was rude and assuring her that I appreciated the gesture, which I think helped her feel a little bit better) (another add-on, she knows I'm nonbinary, but still refers to me as a girl and uses she/her for me, which is why she keeps wanting me to try feminine products. I've played it off as not caring because I'm low key a little scared of her lol (in the way that anxious people are scared of confident people))
Because of said confidence, she tends to dominate conversations, and I'm always happy to listen, as someone who doesn't talk much myself. Because of this, I know she loves plushies and has a history with them, so for Christmas a couple weeks ago I ordered her a plushie online and snuck it into our dorm for her to find, and she ended up loving it.
Thing is, as she told me this, she said she was going to get something once she went home for the break. Apparently it's going to be expensive, too, since she joked that she told her mom to prepare for an expensive purchase beforehand.
I insisted that she not get me the gift, and that I didn't need one, but she is incredibly stubborn about it and was set in her ways of getting me one.
This is very nice of her obviously, and I appreciate the gesture, but.. I genuinely don't like being given gifts. If it's a mutually-discussed thing before-hand, sure, but most of the time gifts are a no-go. I don't exactly like giving gifts and I dislike being given gifts even more. There's way too much unpredictability, and because of my ASD, whenever I get a gift I don't like, I end up complaining about it without thinking, before realizing it's rude and assuring the person that I really do appreciate it. I've tried working on this before, but it's something I can't help— it literally happens without me thinking. As well as that, I only really knew what she'd liked because I actively listened to her a lot and spent over two months using the information I had gathered on her to get her the perfect gift. I am awful about this, since I'm very bad at coming up with gifts for people and this process— taking multiple months just to figure out what to get her— is the best I can do. I'd much rather hang out with people and buy stuff for them on the town, like paying for a dinner or sweets or whatever. The only reason I went through all of this for her is because 1 I appreciate her trying to be nice to me despite the fact that I am literally the type of person she'd bully in high school, 2 it's Christmas, and 3 it feels like I'm repaying her for trying to buy me all this stuff
So her getting me this gift just.. wouldn't sit right with me. I'm terrified of her getting me something I won't like and complaining about it before I can even think because of my ASD, and it'd feel like a massive debt to repay that'd eat at me forever. Plus, despite trying her best to respect my identity, she.. doesn't really know how transphobic she is, and I'm worried she might get me something very cutesy feminine that'd either make me 1 act uncomfortable or 2 lie to her and reaffirm her beliefs that I'm just female-lite. So, this is where my problem lies. WIBTA if I insist harder for her to not get me a present, despite it being her love language?
What are these acronyms?
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 2 months
guys I just want you to know that azula is my fav atla character (right above katara/toph/suki can you tell I like girls) but I’m actually going insane about mako right now.
also for the like,, five people who liked my last mako post please please please go look at @/jade-of-mourning’s blog. they’re so cool. they make such super awesome mako posts and his writing is really good and she also posts some stuff on ao3 so like. yeah. I’m obsessed with them.
anyway back to losing my mind over mako,, (a LOT more under the cut)
so okay I’ll admit I’m not typically a fan of angsty male characters (zuko is the exception. he’s too funny to not, and his character and development are really well done) because they all feel like copy-pastes of each other and they’re generally uninteresting.
but mako. mako is the female experience. not sure if I reposted it (as I tend to do with,, everything on here) but I saw a post talking about how what happened to mako’s character (all potential being discarded after romantic plot) is what happens to the vast majority of female characters. and as I’ve probably said at least fifty million times, he’s SO eldest daughter coded. I’m trans (they/he) but I grew up an eldest daughter and he’s like?? literally me??
as I was yapping about in a reblog—I just checked (lol) and it was in fact the post about mako having the female love interest treatment and tags about his eldest daughter syndrome—mako is somewhat made more ‘relatable’ than katara even when sending a similar message for the general audience. I think people should just be less brickheaded and appreciate my wonderful waterbending girl but mako being a guy makes people not immediately put his character into the lens of ‘ugh, dumb feminism’. (which, again, should not happen)
okay so why does this redeem him so much? I said I hate copy-paste angsty backstories meant to exacerbate a character’s edgy mysteriousness and mako is literally batman with a more violent aang for a little brother. he was basically the messiest character on the show, cheated on both his gfs with each other and fucked them up so bad they turned gay for each other (which was funny as hell of the writers by the way. his reaction to them coming out in the comics was GOLD. ik my boy was fighting back tears.) so, logically, I should hate him like 90% of the fandom, right?
I have. so much to say about this.
for one. did we watch the same show. mako is one of the most selfless, hardworking, and considerate characters, which he shows multiple times—it’s a major point of his character, actually. he’s the protector, the nurturer (*cough* the eldest daughter). down to his backstory, he shielded bolin from the worst bits of the underworld as best he could while still providing. from eight years old, all alone, he provided. that’s honestly what sets mako apart from literally being Batman (lmao) and why I don’t actually mind his backstory. he was put in an impossible situation, and told to figure it out. he was given no reprieve from the extremely traumatic event of watching his parents die by the element he wields, the one that he has to learn on his own to use to protect bolin.
the other thing is that a lot of his actions are selfish in a way. he doesn’t really care much about the street rats in the same position he was once in the beginning. but even that selfishness isn’t in his own interest—it’s selfishness for the sake of bolin’s well being. one thing that really hits me hard is the brothers’ relationships with food while on the streets. I’m going to make another post about that soon because I don’t want to ramble too endlessly on here. it’s really personal because. eldest daughter who grew up poor. yeah.
second, fandom misogyny. this makes like. no sense but I swear I know what I’m talking about. okay so misogyny is about gender right? but let’s step away from the cutout copy idea of gender, like genitals or fem/masc presentation or pronouns. think of gender as a set of inherent preconceptions, ideals, or societal expectations. that’s what it is but specifying that makes more sense. mako is a dude who is referred to with he/him and he looks like a guy but he represents a girl. mako is expected to be nurturing but not overbearing. present but not annoying. a provider, but don’t ask for anything in return. mako can’t cry in front of bolin, it’s not right for a little boy to look up to someone fragile. mako needs to work, but tiredness is not allowed. don’t be overly cheerful, it’s annoying and unfitting, but too much gruffness is just haughty.
did you feel like you were reading the transcript for that scene about how hard it is to be a woman in the barbie movie? good, because that was the intention. mako, to me, represents the idea of a sibling who is forced to also be a parent, whether or not they are the eldest, and often a girl to a boy. it could be because parents are absent or dead or bad at parenting or just foolish and inattentive. mako is hated (aside from that messy ass romance plot) for almost all the same reasons as katara and that just. infuriates me. like I have this one perfect representation that reminds me of my own background (sorry katara ily and you represent my rage) while aligning with my identity and everyone is shitting on it?? fuck mako haters he’s my special boy
last point. have you never heard of character development in your lives. did you not all love Zuko’s redemption arc, and then as soon as a dumb teenager who’s never had romantic relationships fucks up JUST AS BAD AS THE OTHER TWO PEOPLE INVOLVED (sorry korrasami ily but y’all were nasty for not asking to kiss mako) you’re all like ‘unforgivable’?? like he didn’t even have a redemption arc because HE WASNT AN EVIL CHARACTER. he was a poor kid looking for a sense of stability and he fucked up. he felt bad. I don’t think any of them apologized, despite the fact one was needed all around. he grew as a character because he let himself find stability and mature before seeking someone new to use as a life raft who was already sinking themselves. I truly believe that korrasami—had it not occurred at the end of the series—wouldn’t have worked out either.
all of them were unstable and lost and scared for their lives almost constantly. that’s not a healthy place to be in to seek a relationship and they none of them were good for each other until they gave themselves time to step away from romance and heal.
anyway stan mako to not be a bigot (im unwell about him)
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Pearl in Unworthy Hands
(3268 words) by yourlocallygrowngay Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Molly O'Shea/Reader, Molly O' Shea/female reader Characters: Molly O'Shea, Dutch van der Linde, Uncle (Red Dead Redemption), Reader Additional Tags: molly x female reader, angst (obviously. have you played the game), also very much fluff, my girl gets spoiled, as she should, never enough lesbians, molly leave that old creep, molly gets stolen away from dutch, by someone who truly loves her, Kissing and making out, Drunken Kissing, molly discovered the wonderful world of kissing women, Lesbian awakening, or bi awakening (see it however you want), reader is strong, and kinda butch, but i left her vague so you can project on her Summary: Sick and tired of seeing Molly being mistreated by Dutch, reader decides to take matters into her own hands, much to Dutch's dismay.
Beta reading, title and prompt by @red-dead-bisexual. Thank you sm for your contribution!
There was just something so enchanting about Miss O’ Shea. Nobody else at camp seemed to attract your interest in the same way. You sneaked glances at her, lying in your cot in the humid mornings, one eye open to watch her lace up her boots, brush her gorgeous red locks and put on her favorite necklace. She was the boss’s prize, an untouchable jewel, much like the ruby nestled in gold above her chest. And yet, Dutch Van der Linde didn’t see it that way. Not anymore: they fought every day, multiple times a day, and he refused to listen to her pleas.
“Dutch, I just want to help you!” she cried, exasperated. Her eyes were glazed and widened, trying to get his attention. But he didn’t see her.
“You want to help? Then JUST. BE. QUIET!” the leader’s harsh words cut deep through her. You could see it by the way she let her expression fall, tears silently streaming down her freckled cheeks.  
You watched, boiling with rage as he stormed off, leaving Molly sitting in their tent, head in her hands. You wanted to make her feel better, because she didn’t deserve this. Such a beautiful, sweet young woman should be revered, the ground she walks on worshipped, her body and emotions treated with utmost care and gentleness. You resented Dutch deeply for subjecting her to this treatment. It’s true, that was a rather stressful period, having to move once again to escape the Pinkertons, still breathing down the gang’s neck. But that didn’t justify his behavior at all.
To make things worse, the other girls didn’t seem to like Miss O’ Shea very much, always talking behind her back and turning her away when she tried to vent to them. Apparently, she was “a society lady now, too high and mighty for the likes of us”. You didn’t care. If given the chance, you would’ve given Molly everything she wanted, at the cost of stealing from the President or die trying. You were completely, utterly in love with her.
But you were a woman. A poor one, at that. You could not, in fact, give Molly what she wanted. And yet, a small yet stubborn part of you kept trying to get her to see you. Maybe… just maybe, she could accept the comfort you’re willing to give her.
One evening, you gathered up your courage and walked up to her. She was standing alone on the pier, watching the lake. She rubbed her arms and shoulders, freezing in the chilly evening breeze, her shawl not doing much to shelter her from the cold. Everyone else was around the campfire warming up with a drink, or in their cots fast asleep.
You approached from behind, clearing your voice avoid frightening her, placing your warm coat on her shoulders. She turned towards you in surprise. She looked otherworldly bathed in the moonlight, her braid and the strands that framed her face painted silver.
She smiled warmly. “Thank you.” You blushed softly, thanking your lucky stars that it was too dark to notice.
“Don’t mention it, Miss O’ Shea.”
“Ugh” she rolled her eyes. “I’m so sick of being Miss O’ Shea to you all. Please, call me Molly.”
You loved hearing her speak, her thick Irish accent music to your ears. Her voice was just as lovely as she was, deep and velvety, and you wished you heard more of it. You granted her wish, making her feel at your same level as she visibly relaxed her shoulders and her features, her lips curling into a coy smile.
“So, Molly, what are you doing all alone in the cold?” you asked, watching the stillness of the lake. The other woman sighed, moving her gaze to the water as well.
“I’m not wanted there.” She stated coldly. You could see her stiffening up again under your coat, putting on a mask to hide her hurt feelings. You could see right through her. You had observed her mask slipping on and then off, depending on who she’s with. More often than not, Molly kept the act up to appear strong and unbothered. But the recent problems with Dutch had weakened her spirit, and you caught her looking sad more often than you’d like.
Unfortunately, that was true. People didn’t like her at camp. They all kept their distance, be it for her demeanor, or the fact that she was Dutch’s. Maybe she didn’t see it, but Dutch was so possessive that the men preferred to stay away from her, not wanting one look or word directed at her to be misinterpreted.
“I’d want you there.” You replied before even realizing what you said. Molly turned to look at you, puzzled. What could possibly make you want to hang out with her? She wanted to know why.
“It’s not fair that you’re always by yourself.” That was the best you could come up without admitting you liked her. Molly nodded knowingly, a bitter smile on her lips.
“So it’s pity, then.” something in your words confirmed her suspicions: you just felt bad for her. Oh, look everyone! Look at poor Miss O’ Shea, all alone and miserable! That’s what she deserves, for pushing everyone away! The recent events had chewed away at her self-esteem, so much so that she was completely blind to appreciation. Everyone disliked her, so that must have meant she was the problem.
You raised your hands, rushing to correct her. “O-of course not! Miss… I mean, Molly, I just wanted to spend some time with you. That’s all!” Fuck. This wasn’t going very well. You hanged your head, anticipating her telling you to leave.
But she didn’t. Instead, she crossed her arms, looking at you with one tilted eyebrow.
“I mean, who wouldn’t want to be with you?”
“Dutch, apparently.” She surprised herself with her own words. It was like she could no longer control what came out of her mouth. She turned back to the moonlit lake, her voice unsteady. “He doesn’t love me anymore. Maybe he never did.”
As Molly cried softly, you stood there with an aching heart. It was painful, seeing the woman you loved suffering, but it was even more painful to see her in this state because of a man. You wrapped her in your arms, half expecting her to throw you off the pier. Instead, she hugged you tight, clinging desperately to you as her tears kept falling, wetting your shirt. She nestled her head in the crook of your neck as you rubbed her back, trying to relieve her pain for a brief moment. You heart was racing, and you thought it might’ve exploded. She was so close you could smell her perfume, a sweet, flowery scent that suited her so well. You closed your eyes, taking in the moment, memorizing it for the tougher times, when you were away from her.
You two slowly separated after what seemed like ages. Her makeup was ruined, charcoal and eyeshadow melted on her cheeks, but you still found her as lovely as she always was.
She coyly thanked you and rushed away to her tent, wiping the color off her face. You stood there, watching her go, seemingly unable to move. A gust of wind made you tremble, but your coat was still on her shoulders.
Molly came up to you the next afternoon, as you were trying to untangle the fishing line of Kieran’s fishing pole, muttering all sorts of swear words. She timidly greeted you and handed you the coat, her cheeks slightly flushed.
You dropped what you were doing so fast when you saw her. That day she was particularly gorgeous: her hair was all done up into meticulous curls that cascaded onto her shoulders and her green corset blouse hugged her body perfectly, giving you some nasty thoughts you hastily tried to shake off. That was not the time to think about Miss O’ Shea, that pretty green blouse on the floor of the tent, mapping the freckles on her body with your fingers…
“Hey, are you still there?” she waved a hand in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.
“Sorry. What were you saying?”
She clasped her hands behind her back, a hint of a smile on her red lips. She wanted to thank you for last night, for… keeping her warm.
You fondly remembered your hug. “It was my pleasure. How are you doing today?”
That familiar sadness briefly returned in her green eyes. “A bit better. I think… no, it’s not right for me to ask” she waved off her idea, beginning to walk away. You gently grabbed her arm and invited her to tell you what she meant.
“Please, tell me. If it’s something I can do, I’ll gladly do it.” you smiled reassuringly and Molly looked down, biting her lip in hesitation.
“Would you… maybe… take me to Rhodes?” She explained that she was tired of being confined at camp and would appreciate a change of scenery. “I know it’s a lot to ask, you’re always so busy…” she looked down at the messy tangle of fishing poles on the sand.
“I can always ask Uncle to do it. Wouldn’t hurt him to work for a change!” you exclaimed, in his direction. He jolted awake from his alcoholic slumber and glared at you. You picked up the tangled mess and threw it at him, then beckoned Molly to follow you.
“Hey, you’re the new one! It’s you job!” Uncle tried to protest, but you and Molly were already approaching your horse, a white Roan Nokota named Cloud, ready to take off.
“Hi, sweet girl!” you greeted her, giving her a snack and petting her long neck. Molly watched intently, admittedly jealous of the treatment the horse was receiving. Oh, how she wished for you to call her that…
‘Don’t be ridiculous now, Molly. She will never see you that way’, she reminded herself, her smile disappearing into her thoughts.
“Here, let me help you get on” you offered, carefully picking her up and hoisting her onto Cloud’s back. Then you climbed in the saddle and took the reins, guiding the horse to the dirt road leading out of Clemens Point.
You rode silently for a while. Molly was too busy feeling flustered, thinking about her secret crush sweeping her off her feet with ease, a moment she kept replaying inside her head. She stared at your broad back, at the exposed, toned arms coming out of the rolled-up sleeves, and daydreamt of being lifted and tenderly kissed by the strong woman who came to her rescue when everyone else abandoned her. She imagined your soft lips on hers, smudging her lipstick, getting it on yours too and making such a mess, and she didn’t care. She dreamt of you retiring to your tent, undressing each other, getting so close you could hardly breathe, the mere thought already making her breathless.
“Are you okay back there?” you yelled, spurring the horse on. Yeah, she was more than okay. She’d never been that okay in her life. This felt like an adventure, like a well needed distraction, like… the start of a new chapter, maybe.
A few minutes later you both arrived in Rhodes. It wasn’t the best place to hang out, but it was the only city that was close to camp. Besides, you didn’t need a fancy place to have fun. You were determined to make Molly have a great day.
You helped her down and she kept her hand in yours, refusing to let go and lacing her fingers with yours. You asked where she wanted to go first.
“Mh…” she thought, swaying your joined hands back and forth and smiling like a child inside a candy shop. “Let’s go to the general store, maybe they have clothes there!”
Molly tried on so many skirts, blouses, vests and accessories and wanted your opinion on each and every one of them. You obviously told her she looked amazing in everything, and she twirled to show off her skirts, laughing, and you giggled at her unbridled joy. You could get used to this, you thought to yourself. Seeing her this happy was like a wholesome balm for your heart.
Her white ankle boots were becoming red from all the dirt, but she didn’t care, because she was with you. And you were away from camp, away from all the worries and frustrations. She was having so much fun, way more than she ever had with Dutch. He always spewed senseless poetry and sappy compliments at her, only ever concerning her looks. They all felt like recycled phrases he used to woo the ladies. But you didn’t, no: when you complimented her you were direct and genuine, and you saw her as a person.
Molly admired you as you browsed the weapons at the gunsmith, emptying the chambers and examining the quality of the materials. She thought you looked so attractive brandishing shotguns and revolvers like a natural gunslinger, and she knew you would gladly use them to protect her. She felt so safe with you by her side, and so grateful you decided to take her with you.
The saloon was you last stop. You ordered food and drinks and talked for hours as you indulged, sitting at the counter, feeling like the only people there. You downed your third shot, hoping to get the courage to reveal your feeling to her, but the words would not come out. You just settled on enjoying the moment with your dear Molly, savoring these last few moments of freedom with her.
You were both getting quite drunk, losing your restraints and getting closer to each other, both physically and emotionally.
“You know, I don’t even love Dutch anymore…” she slurred, throwing the shot glass behind her back. You laughed at the smashing glass and nodded exaggeratedly at her words.
“Fuck Dutch Van der Linde!”  you yelled, raising your now empty bottle of beer. You two began chanting this phrase like a mantra until you could no longer speak, the hilarity getting to you and making your stomachs hurt.
“Okay, that’s enough for you two” the bartended warned, shooing the both of you away from the counter.
“Fine, Mister, we’re taking off!” you screamed way too loudly, making him wince.
“Yeah, thank you for the fine night, kind sir!” Molly added, grabbing your arm and dragging you out of the saloon.
“Hey! That’s the wrong-“the words died in the bartender’s mouth as you opened the back door. At least you were out of his hair for the night.
“Ugh, I don’t want to go back” Molly confessed, slumping against the wall, following the last carriages leaving town with her eyes, gaze filled with melancholy.
“Me neither. I wish this day would never end” you sighed, the booze making you way too honest.
“Let’s just stay here for a bit.” She took your hands and pulled you close to her so that you were pushing her against the wall of the Parlor House.
“What are you doing?” you asked, incredulous as she placed your hands around her waist and hers around your neck. You faces were so close all you could do was whisper, your voice trembling as your heart raced in realization.
“I want you to kiss me, miss” the redhead pleaded, looking up into your eyes with an angelic expression. There was something else behind those jade eyes: sadness, desire, maybe a little bit of shame. But not an ounce of guilt.
“We’re not supposed t-” you protested, but you shut your eyes and you could feel Molly’s breath on your lips and her breasts rest against yours. Suddenly, it didn’t feel so wrong. How could it be? You were about to kiss the person you loved. Were you so stupid to let the fact that she was a woman stop you?
‘Not a chance’, you thought. Next thing you knew, you were leaning into the kiss, letting yourself go and savoring her over and over again, until you were tasting everything, from the whisky she drank to the lipstick she wore, now smeared on both your open mouths as you desperately made out, an invisible force keeping you glued to each other until you could no longer breathe and regretfully had to pull yourselves apart. Enough time to get some air in your lungs and you were already all over each other again, Molly’s hair in you mouth and your tongue in hers, your desire growing more and more as she emitted little moans of delight, totally lost in a pleasure the likes of which she never experienced before. It was nothing like kissing a man. No, this was better! You were softer, and you tasted amazing, and your grip didn’t bruise her hips. Her mind was opening to a world of new possibilities, and she wanted you to guide her through it.
“We should go… Dutch will be worried” you exhaled, breathless, and Molly’s disappointed gaze drove a knife through your heart. It hurt you to stop, too, but you couldn’t stay there all night. You couldn’t give her what she wanted in the back of Rhodes Parlor House. You wanted to do things right by her.
“We’ll go out again. I promise” you lifted her face upwards to gaze into her eyes and caressed her cheek. She smiled sadly and nodded. “You promised. I will remember you did.”
You got on Cloud and she took the both of you home. The trip was silent, but hopeful. You two had each other now. It was going to be difficult and painful, but you were ready to do it all for Molly O’ Shea, and she felt the same. Before you rode back into camp, Molly helped you wipe her lipstick off your face with a handkerchief and you walked the rest of the way to make as little noise as possible, sneaking in more kisses while you were in the thick of the brush, already dreading having to sleep apart. You both greeted Lenny as you came in and Molly rushed to bed while you hitched Cloud up.
As you walked to your cot, you saw Dutch standing in front of their tent, glaring and following you with his eyes. You approached him, the rest of the alcohol left in your body giving you the guts to face him.
“Good evening, boss!”
Dutch blinked a few times, incredulous. “First of all, it’s the middle of the night” he growled. “Secondly, what were you thinking, bringing Miss O’ Shea out of camp?”
“She needed a day out, Dutch. I don’t know if you noticed, but she’s been miserable here.” You chose not to hide the passive-aggressiveness in your tone. You had enough of this fool.
“She could’ve gotten hurt!” Not that he cared. This was his way of telling you to back off from his property.
“I was there, and I was armed.” you replied sternly, gripping at your gun belt.
Dutch sighed and turned to see Molly sleeping peacefully in her cot, a big smile on her face. Then turned around and shot me a venomous look. “Don’t you dare tell me what she needs. That does not concern you, miss.”
“It will, if you keep neglecting her like that.” you replied, threatening him back. You walked away while that pathetic man stood there, seething in anger and storming off like a moody toddler. Now he had competition and, oh boy. He did not like it.
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perotovar · 6 months
Okay but…pretty please share your Pedro boy sexuality hcs?? My toxic trait is headcanoning every character I love as enby tbh
GIDEON, YOU JUST MADE MY DAY. that is so god damn real of you, bless.
also as an lgbtqia person, i'm not perfect so if there's any language/terms that i use that are harmful/incorrect, please tell me!!
also these headcanons don't stop me from reading fics/headcanons that go against anything i state here. i'm always open to different thoughts/interpretations of these boys and always down for queer representation, no matter the form it comes in.
i am more than happy to share these headcanons with you!!! i'm gonna try and remember as many as i can:
obviously we've got the canon boys - dieter (i see him not giving two shits about pronouns and is happy to be referred to in any way) and oberyn being bi, and silva being gay. i love that he's played multiple canonically queer characters, and i never see people taking advantage of that?? ok not never, there are a few that acknowledge these three love men and i love those writers to death, thank u for your service lol
i'm gonna put all the bi/pan boys here:
marcus p (pan, prefers women/fem aligned people) frankie (bi, loves equally) javi g (pan, prefers men/male aligned people)(i could also see him questioning his gender a little? might start liking "they" once in a while) jack (bi, prefers women)(might be demiromantic given that he's still in love with his wife) nico (pan, loves equally and is a bit of a slut and we celebrate that here) max p (pan, loves equally, but probably said/did some things that were harmful in college to impress his bros. he was in a frat, wasn't he? was 100% closeted until being turned.)
ezra is nb/gnc and is pansexual. i see him using he/they pronouns. every time i see your icon i do a little happy dance lol
din is demisexual and really only has feelings for cobb
marcus m is straight and demisexual, really only loved his wife and is content to keep it that way
shane/dio is gay and is very closeted/overcompensates a lot
ok and we've got the ones i believe are straight, however:
joel is straight, but is completely comfortable with himself. has gone to a gay bar or two in his time and was very flattered when men would hit on him/buy him drinks. also, i could see him just like, not feeling anything sexual/romantic after tess. i do think he and tess were romantically involved; i don't think it was just sex/physical. it's really not something i see him caring about after her. so he's gotta be somewhere on the ace spectrum.
i'm kind of on the fence about javi p, because i could see him going one of two ways; he's either experimented and came to the conclusion that he's just more attracted to women than anyone else, or he's near violently straight. and that's either a combination of the time period he's in, or some other reason. but ultimately i think he's straight.
pero is straight, but like, probably in denial about himself. it gets lonely as a merc and when you're traveling with a bunch of men all the time? i could see him just like, not caring one way or the other. a hand/mouth on his dick is still a hand/mouth on his dick y'know what i mean? lmao
maxwell is straight, and is the only one i can see being a tad homophobic before either someone tells him hey, maybe that way of thinking is bad, hm? it's the 80s, it would make sense, but i can see him having a complete turn around and being a total ally. probably a little cringey, but he's got the spirit! lol
(juan diego)veracruz and omar are straight af and probably never questioned it.
dave is straight and loves carol only. i could also see him being one that experimented but decided he only loves women.
ok phew! i think that's all of them. if i think of any others i'll add them lol thank you again for asking!! i'm glad someone was just as interested in this topic as i am lmao
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squishfest · 1 month
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Hello hello!!! My official blog intro because I felt like making one to explain my deal here and what for people to expect because I have nothing better to do E)
Link to my non-agere main - https://www.tumblr.com/screwboltz
Link to my non-agere board account - https://www.tumblr.com/boltzboards
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Hello!!! My name is Lars! Or you can call me Fest, by my Tumblr tag!! :3
🚓I am a diagnosed autistic sixteen year old in my big age!
🚑 I am an age regressor, and my little age is exactly seven years old!!!
🚇My pronouns are He/Him, I am a boy, and my neopronouns are Volt/Voltz/Voltage!!!
🛺I am very masculine in my style, I style myself with more of an 80's jock-like clothing style! Meaning lots of bandanas, old band tees, jeans and converse-style sneakers! I even have a shag mullet-esque haircut!!
🚂I enjoy a lot of things! Mostly robots, hockey, soccer, machinery, metal and nu-metal music!
🚚I grew up in the outer suburbs with my grandpa and other men in my family, such as brothers, cousins, uncles, and more. So I'm quite masculine, alot different from usual age regressors!! And my regression comes as a form of comfort from having to grow up too fast in a setting where I had to take care of younger family members while I was still in elementary school!!!
🛻I can be very rowdy and overly excited with a lot of things! I've always been a bright colors and outdoorsy boy :]
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🏈This blog is made to be an escape account for me whenever I'm feeling down or just bored! I won't always be regressing when I post, but sometimes I might be!
🏒As a primarily masculine regressor, most of my posts will fit into more stereotypically masculine-boy themes!!! But of course I will here-and-there make posts with softer/more feminine themes!! But I'm a boy and I just love robots and destruction!!!
⚽I will make primarily stimboards and moodboards, but once in awhile I may upload ramble posts about my interests and other subjects, but all will always be SFW!!
⚾I can take any kinds of asks!!! Wether it's simple questions, moodboards and stimboard requests, or just simple conversation starters! They will always be open, but that doesn't mean I'll always automatically respond! If I don't answer yours within a month, it's most likely because I didn't want to/didn't feel comfortable to!
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🤖The biggest one, quite obviously, Transformers!!!
🔩Furry fandom!
🛸Cookie run, oven break & kingdom
🚀Alot of metal bands, but most notebly: Fear Factory, Powerman 5000 & Static-X!!
🔗Object show community, multiple shows!!
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Requests I will happily accept!!:
🦅Stimboards, moodboards, and maybe outfit boards!!
🦘Regressor and/or Caregiver themed character boards!
🐐 Agere/caregiver drawings of fictional characters!!
🐄Any child-based medias!
🐕Petregressor/petdreamer based requests
🐎Requests for fandoms I am not apart of!
🐒Character themed boards with more than one character
🐖Boards of oc's, fictional characters, songs/bands, animals, toys, and more!
Requests I will not do!!:
🐊Boards based around 18+ media and graphic 13+ even with regressor/caregiver themes! ((Aka no hazbin hotel/helluva boss, Southpark, Stranger things, The Walking Dead, most horror media, etc.))
🦕No themes with triggering topics!
🦖Absolutely NO KINK/NSFW!! This is a child-friendly blog, AND I MYSELF am a minor in my big age!!
🐢No themes of real people who have not given permission to be requested/included in agere areas! This does not include music bands.
If you're request doesn't fall under the no-do list and hasn't been replied to in over a month, it's most likely for a personal reason!
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
Transfem Katsuki (edited as of Nov. 2023. Katsuki hadn't died yet when this was written so bear with me.)
In honor of "fuck I thought about transfem Katsuki and now I'm in love with her again" and also because of a shitty discourse post I saw. Enjoy.
She will NOT figure it out until at least second year of UA.
She's always been uneasy about the whole boy thing. Specifically boy. Like she's one of the guys ok sure but she's not a boy.
We know how kind Aldera is to anyone who's slightly out of the norm (ie Deku) and Katsuki is especially aware given she was part of the problem. So yeah, internalized transphobia (+homophobia) we love to see it./s
Getting into UA and quickly realizing that like more than half the class is openly and proudly queer in some way gave her whiplash, and as much of a bully as she still was at this point, she didn't say anything.
She tried to convince herself it was to not get in trouble and gamble her place at UA, but really she was just glad to not be somewhere as fucked as her middle school.
And if the trans ponytail chick makes her question who she really wants to be... well that's nobody's business.
As I am very subtly implying, Momo ends up being a big part of Katsuki accepting herself and her identity as a trans woman.
Katsuki loves her friend group (she'll never admit it but she does, so much) but she associates them with her old group from Aldera somewhat unconsciously, and is terrified they'll push her away, even if she knows she's just. Straight up wrong.
As in, so incredibly wrong. Sero and Jirou are non binary ("Whatever the hell that means") Kirishima is a proud trans man ("More of a man than any of the cretins at Aldera will ever be") Mina's dating a trans girl from another school ("Camie Utsushit or smth") and Kaminari is so many different flavors of queer its almost impressive.
Really, her friends are probably the ones that should be worried, she tries to remind herself, hammering it in her head. Katsuki was an asshole for most of her life, they should be the ones scared of her. They're not though. For some fuckin' reason.
So yeah, talking to her friend group is out of the question. Momo though.
Momo is a special kind of trustworthy. Momo is the kind of person you'd give your entire life savings, your child, your car and your wife to. Katsuki hates that, she hates trusting people, it always ends badly, so she prefers doing stuff on her own.
Except it doesn't always end badly. Especially not with Yaomomo.
Every early saturday morning, Katsuki's and Momo's workout sessions happen at the same time. Eventually, they start talking during that time. Katsuki eventually asks about Momo being trans, more or less convinced she'll tell her to go fuck herself (she obviously doesn't).
It helps, despite the fact that her experience isn't the same as Katsuki's at all. Momo always knew she was a girl, her parents always were supportive about it, and money really wasn't a problem to help her transition once she was old enough to make that decision. Hell, she can literally make estrogen.
Katsuki then comes to the realization that yeah, she's probably a girl. Not like I'll ever do shit about it, she thinks.
Things kinda stay stagnant for a time then. Katsuki has way more important stuff to worry about (like exams and also her and her friends almost dying etc etc) and the self-hatred that simmers in her head constantly doesn't make it really fun to actually think about herself.
Second year comes around.
Because this is me, and my blog, and I do what I want, I present to you my son, Shinsou. Most trans guygirl t4t lesbian of all time. In my heart.
So Shinsou is very trans in the most mysterious way you could think of, so mysterious he himself doesn't really know what is going on with his gender. He doesn't exactly care, he just vibes (any pronouns).
They're pretty knowledgeable on queer stuff because it loves to read wikipedia pages until 5AM when it can't sleep and got lost on multiple LGBTQ+ related forums when she was 13. (He also knows a lot about chickens and lizards.)
She can just breathe the queer coming out of Katsuki, but when they ask they're just met with "oh Bakugou? Yeah no, he's cishet. Our token straight man. To prove we're diverse, etc." (-Shouji, entirely serious). Shinsou's not buying it but she doesn't like assuming, so he shuts up.
Meanwhile, Katsuki has nothing to think about anymore now that things have settled and she's not getting attacked by her self-hatred constantly, so she unfortunately ends up thinking about her gender (truly tragic. Genuinely though, it's almost distressing because she pushed the thought down for so long that it's scary to think about).
Because early mornings and nights are a time outside of our world, it's again around 5AM that Katsuki talks to someone who might help her with her gender problem. Shinsou in fact, who's of course awake on a Monday morning after a sleepless night, eating cereal out of the box.
Katsuki finds herself chatting with the weirdo and eventually asks what the fuck kinda gender it is, if only to be able to call her something else than the weirdo in her head.
The realization that gender is a construct and doesn't really fucking exist so it doesn't actually matter is somewhat of an epiphany for Katsuki. Like she's silent for multiple minutes. Shinsou is getting scared
Quietly, she mutters a small "I think I'm a girl" to Shinsou. It smiles and says "Nice. There's not enough girls in this class." and goes back to its cereal.
Katsuki has no fucking idea how that fucker exists. He's an anomaly in the timeline. Katsuki adores them.
(Platonically. Girl doesn't have time for romantic love. Yes I'm also making her aromantic, because aro Katsuki is the loml and one of my fave hcs.)
After that weird but insightful conversation, Katsuki finally asks Momo for help, taking her up on an offer she had made one morning. ("If you ever need my help for anything concerning [your gender bullshit], come see me.")
Momo being the absolute QUEEN that she is, she assembles all transgirls and cisgirls of the class + whoever else would like to join (which ends up being Jirou, Shinsou and Aoyama) and they all go on a shopping trip with Katsuki to help her figure out what she likes.
Does she want to wear makeup? Does she want feminine clothes? Or long hair? Does she want boobs? Or thinner traits?
Does she just want different pronouns and to be addressed viewed as a girl?
Mina shortens that as "What kinda girl is Katsuki".
I'll do you the answer here so this doesn't take forever, because the process of figuring it out must be long.
Mainly, the verdict will eventually be that Katsuki didn't really feel comfortable in the box she, her parents and Aldera put her in, which is a sort of vague idea of a Boy, Man, Son. She's mean and a bitch and probably a tomboy and she's a girl. That's all. She doesn't want of any of that flowery pink crap and being "gracefully feminine" like Momo is, she'll still kick your teeth in. Being a girl isn't fundamentally part of her identity or her personality, but it's who she's comfortable being.
She does enjoy skirts once she feels comfortable enough to wear them. She grows her hair a bit too (because she doesn't wanna look like her mother at first, but she ends up liking the look) and puts it up in a ponytail.
Makeup is a bitch but it looks cool, so she lets Mina, Aoyama and Shinsou use her face as a canevas for their weird makeup experiments. She thinks she looks like a clown half the time though (she doesn't, she's really cute). She mostly does eyeliner, which she already knew how to do before starting her transition, and very rarely lipgloss.
She doesn't really care about having breasts or softer traits, mainly because her traits are already pretty androgynous when she looks at herself, and she's already got big pecs so like. Basically tits. It's the same, it doesn't really matter. She's happy with how her body looks, she worked to have a healthy body and she doesn't care if it's "not a woman's body" or whatever the fuck. She likes how her body is and she doesn't really care about changing it.
She thinks of using she/they (like Jirou) but doesn't exactly care about they/them? Like they're not bad to have used on her (way better than he/him) but she prefers just using she/her.
She doesn't change her first name. It means victory, so it's already perfect for her. It's her name.
Some of her friends (the ones who aren't scared of death cough cough Shinsou) call her Katsuki-chan (Kacchan is copyrighted) but most her friends call her Kats', because she let slip one time she thinks it's cute.
To end this because good lord I've been typing for some time, here's my Transfem Bakugou pinterest board. I actually have a bunch of transfem characters pinterest boards lmao
Also realizing I almost didn't talk about Izuku. Damn I've really betrayed myself as a bkdk truther. Rip.
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cheesybadgers · 1 year
Narcos Fic Plagiarism
I don't know about any other writers, but I am sick and tired of seeing bits and pieces of my writing scattered through other people's work, especially when a) those people have never once bothered to interact with me or my fics, and b) their works get WAY more engagement than mine.
Below the cut, I've included some examples from the last year, although some are very recent and over the line for me.
I used to just ignore this kind of thing, but with the most recent ones I thought I would reach out privately to the writer and unsurprisingly, they denied all knowledge...and then did the exact same thing in another chapter posted just days later.
I know people can come up with the same ideas independently etc. and that's bound to happen when writing the same characters, but, the examples below go beyond that and there is often a pattern with serial offenders. One-offs can be ignored or passed off as coincidences, but when it's done multiple times? Come on now.
I'm sure this post won't stop those who are still determined to behave this way, although I would really urge you to do some soul searching and ask yourself why you do this, because it's not conducive to your own creativity or growth as a writer, let alone in the spirit of a fan community. But I'm asking you publicly now to PLEASE STOP IT.
I have reported some of these to AO3, but they don't seem to care unless it involves huge chunks of text, or is all copied exactly word for word, even though their website defines plagiarism as:
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There's nothing wrong with being inspired by other writers in your fandom and giving them a mention in your fic notes. In fact, that's a good thing! Creatives should be inspired by others, I don't know why so many don't like to admit it. But there is a big difference between that and just taking without credit, and doing it multiple times is going to get you found out.
Mine: Chapter 13 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 16th May 2022):
These are from the same scene involving Steve visiting Javier on the ranch, having drinks together and talking about Steve finding out about Javier/Horacio and whether Javier is going to go back to his job:
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Very popular fic involving Javi x OFC (posted 3rd February 2023):
And these are from a scene involving Steve visiting Javi on the ranch, having drinks together and talking about Steve finding out about Javi/OFC and whether Javi is going to go back to his job:
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Mine: Chapter 17 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 22nd December 2022):
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Same very popular fic involving Javi x OFC as above (posted 26th February 2023):
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Mine: Chapter 17 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 22nd December 2022):
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Same very popular fic involving Javi x OFC as above (posted 26th February 2023):
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Bear in mind as well that this same fic included Día de Muertos from 18th September 2022, i.e. just 3 weeks after I shared a snippet of my fic in the main tags about the same subject. Again, I know I don't own ideas and in isolation, I would have just thought it's a coincidence, but not when combined with everything else here.
I've also got e-mails I've sent to myself (I do that a lot with my drafts) going back to early August 2022 where I was working on this idea (obviously I've erased my e-mail address from these screenshots):
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And here's my Goodreads page that shows the date I read the book which inspired me to include Día de Muertos in the first place:
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For anyone interested, the book is set in a Texas border town and follows a Mexican-American family. The main character gets married and her father-in-law starts to appear to her every Día de Muertos because he's trying to resolve conflict with his son that he never got to do when he was alive. Given that I was writing about...a Mexican-American from a Texas border town, it felt like perfect research lol.
Mine: Chapter 17 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 22nd December 2022):
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Same very popular fic involving Javi x OFC as above (posted 2nd April 2023):
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These are older screenshots I've had on my phone so the format is slightly different to the above.
Mine: Chapter 1 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 1st March 2021):
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Another Javier x Horacio fic posted on AO3 on 24th February 2022:
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Mine: Chapter 1 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 1st March 2021):
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The same Javier x Horacio fic as above posted on AO3 on 24th February 2022:
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Mine: Chapter 1 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 1st March 2021):
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The same Javier x Horacio fic as above posted on AO3 on 24th February 2022:
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Mine: Chapter 3 of OHDH - Javier x Horacio (posted 31st March 2021):
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The same Javier x Horacio fic as above posted on AO3 on 24th February 2022:
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These are just some examples, I know there are more but this post took me long enough as it is lol. I think you get the point anyway.
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dreamsicle262 · 9 months
hello hello i am back with more bird nikolai info because everyone else is freaking out about skk and sigma so i see this as a great time to distract everyone with the silly bird man.
my decision for nikolai to be at least partially bird is simple. he wishes for freedom, and mentions birds multiple times. sure, this could just be him and his possible bird watching hobby or something, but i'd like to think that he had wings that were removed far before he had time to properly use them. given his connection with fyodor, he could very well have lived in a place heavily reliant on religion similarly to him. this could lead to a mentality from other people that different = bad which would ultimately lead up to him becoming wingless.
i'd like to think that he moved at some point in his life and ended up in the same place as fyodor (so yeah, this doubles as them being childhood friends too), which means that he may have lived in a more poor area than he's used to. once again, his freedom is being compromised, but at this point in time he's fine, as he can still explore his surroundings. he never really gets to know the other kids living around him though, except for fyodor at some point.
all is well for nikolai until he hits 14, during which he gains his wings and is ecstatic about it. he's only able to use them for a week because he can't hide them from his family forever. i like to think that he has many siblings, and when his wings are mercilessly cut off by his own parents, i can see them helping out by holding him down while he tries to get away. as the sole person in the family with wings, he'd be looked on as cursed and a danger to the family's reputation within the religious community. if everyone else figured out that they were rearing a child with wings, then they'd condemn them and their bloodline. this is why they'd choose to strip him of that true freedom. this, of course, soon leads to nikolai's desire to rid himself of emotions; trusting others and caring for them ended in pain, and he believes that if he can't even see his own family as people he can confide in, then there's no one else he can bare his thoughts to either. he obviously has attachment and quite possibly trust issues.
as it turns out, the wings were not an ability and indeed very real. it was intended as a natural blessing for him, and had been cruelly taken away. nikolai discovers his ability when trying to hide his now severed wings from view out of shame and is astonished that he can now store a many manner of things in any sort of coat or jacket he owns. even now in the present, he probably still holds onto his wings as a figment of his past and reminder of his pain, as well as what determined how he'd view the world itself. i'd like to think that there's always room for it in his little pocket dimension, and that the two wings are simply lying in a human sized cage. where did nikolai get this cage? it's no longer important, but he still remembers what it stands for.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
More thoughts on Levi and Kenny:
Continuing on in my examination of Levi’s childhood, I had a few more thoughts about Levi and Kenny’s relationship, which I got to thinking about more through my conversations with @justafrenchlondoner!  So shout out to them for being, as always, such a wonderful and stimulating friend to talk to!
It really does bother me when people allow their fondness for Kenny to blind them to the ways in which he abused Levi.  I understand liking Kenny, since he’s such a complex, obviously intelligent and multi-faceted character.  But I don’t think anyone can objectively call him a good person, and I don’t think anyone can objectively say he didn’t, in the end, cause Levi far more harm than he did him good.  Which is why I take so much issue with this notion that Kenny was the reason Levi turned out to be a good man  I will always, always contend that it was in spite of the way Kenny raised him that Levi turned out to be a good man, not because of it.
The particular thing I wanted to focus on here was Levi’s and Kenny’s altercation during the Uprising arc, and what that tells us about the way Kenny raised Levi.
Kenny tries to kill Levi during this altercation.  He isn’t pretending, he isn’t pulling back or going easy.  He isn’t faking it.  He’s genuinely, in earnest, trying to kill his nephew, his sister’s son.  He shoots at Levi multiple times himself with the intent of taking his head off, tries to sneak up on him and kill him, orders his entire squad to ambush and do their level best to murder him.  This is a real and concerted effort on Kenny’s part to end Levi’s life.  The only reason Levi doesn’t die is because Levi himself is so extraordinarily gifted in combat.  If he was even just a little bit slower, a little bit less capable, a little bit less aware, he would have died.  Kenny would have killed him, or the multiple people attacking Levi would have.
So what does this tell us about the way Kenny treats Levi?  What does this tell us about the way in which Kenny most certainly raised Levi?
We know from this that Kenny took no issue with being physically violent with Levi.  If he was willing to genuinely attempt to take Levi’s life, I don’t think it’s at all unlikely that Kenny was willing to beat Levi up, and indeed, I would say it’s a given, considering, during the few years he had Levi under his care, he spent all of it teaching Levi how to fight.  I would say there’s simply no way Kenny taught Levi what he knew without actually putting his hands on him to do it.  But it goes beyond that.  I would say it’s just as likely that Kenny had to have put Levi into a position at some point, likely more than once, in which Levi’s life was genuinely in danger from Kenny.  If Kenny put in such a concerted effort to kill Levi during the Uprising arc as some twisted way to test Levi’s skills, (or it could have just been the fact Levi was in his way and he needed to get rid of him to achieve his goal of attaining a titan’s power, which is just as sick), we can extrapolate from that, that Kenny probably did the same to Levi as a child, testing him to see if he could survive and take care of himself by placing him in genuinely life threatening situations.  We know from the fight Levi gets into just before Kenny abandons him that this is the case.  The man Levi was fighting there had his own knife, and Levi was beat up, his face scuffed and bloody from the altercation.  The man he was fighting was clearly somebody that wouldn’t have had any problem killing a child, who had been trying and in fact DID hurt Levi during their fight.  Kenny either deliberately put Levi into this situation by setting it up, or by simply encouraging it and letting it happen without his intervention.  So from all of that, we know Kenny wouldn’t have had any problem being, not just physically violent with Levi, but with actually threatening his life.  This is supposed to be a kid he’s taking care of and protecting, but instead he’s doing the exact opposite.  I’ve had people try to tell me that Kenny teaching Levi the things he did somehow instilled in Levi a sense of self-worth, which in turn would have translated to an appreciation of life in general.  This drives me nuts when people try to make this claim, because everything Kenny did to Levi would have and should have had the opposite effect.  By being so abusive toward Levi and constantly placing him in life threatening situations in which Kenny himself was never willing to help, and in fact, most likely, was trying to physically harm Levi himself, he would be sending Levi the message that his life isn’t worth anything to him at all.  He’s sending the message that if Levi can’t defend himself and show enough strength, then Kenny doesn’t care whether he lives or dies, and is in fact willing to kill him or let him die if he can’t fight back properly.  He’s telling Levi, essentially, that it isn’t his life that matters, but his strength, and whether he’s strong enough to impose his will on others.  That his life isn’t worth anything if he isn’t strong enough to protect it.  And then he only adds to Levi’s confusion and mixes him up all the more by abandoning him immediately after Levi proves to him that he is strong enough to protect his own life, which would have only further driven home for Levi that Kenny saw him as a worthless failure not worth his time or attention.  All of this on top of teaching Levi that other people’s lives are worthless too, through example, by killing for sport.  How anyone can look at this sort of treatment and come to the conclusion that Kenny taught Levi to value his own life and the lives of others is beyond me.  How anyone could come away from looking at this and not understand how severely this must have damaged Levi boggles my mind. 
And what makes all of this all the more remarkable, is the fact that Levi, somehow, against all odds, ends up with the exact opposite philosophy and belief driving his actions.  He constantly goes out of his way and puts his own life on the line to protect people who are weaker than him.  He constantly tries and does his best to save the lives of people who can’t fight back, who aren’t strong enough to survive on their own, who don’t have the strength to win in life threatening situations.  He does everything he can to protect normal people from having to corrupt themselves by taking on the burden of violence himself, in order to give them better lives and protect their dreams.  He became exactly the opposite of what Kenny taught him to be.  He became a hero willing to put it all on the line for “weaklings”.  Kenny would have and even did scoff at this idea, when he dismisses Levi and what he does by saying “What are you, some kind of hero?”.  But yes, that’s exactly what Levi is.  He’s a hero.  He uses his strength to help those weaker than himself, those who can’t fight back, those who need someone to save them.  Kenny used his strength to help only himself, and he tried to teach Levi to be and do the same.  He couldn’t understand or relate to who or what Levi was.  He couldn’t understand that kind of selflessness.   So, again, it wasn’t because of Kenny that Levi turned out the way he did, but truly in spite of it.
And one more note.  Kenny wasn’t just physically abusive toward Levi, but also verbally abusive.  He makes fun of Levi multiple times, calling him names like “midget” and “runt”, asking him if he’s “grown any” since the last time he saw him, etc...  So we know Kenny had no problem with making fun of Levi’s physical appearance and instilling in him an idea that he was physically deficient in some way, which we can see has an effect on Levi later in his life, with how obviously insecure he is over his height. 
I just take issue with this idea that Kenny was somehow a good caretaker to Levi, or that he did him more good than harm, because he clearly didn’t.  I feel like too many people tend to want to give Kenny the credit for how Levi turned out, but I think it’s the exact opposite.  Levi turned out the way he did thanks to himself, and in opposition to the harm Kenny actually caused him.
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munchkin1156 · 9 months
so many wipsssssssssssssssss
The things we don't say (have I given enough)
Rescue me from my despair
"Did you just say the ENTIRE doughnut!?"
Your life will be the death of me
"Y'know, I used to think-" "You used to think? Well that sure explains a lot." (This one sounds like a fun time :3)
Yesss it is a loooott of wips...
The things we don't say (have I given enough) is a royal fic, with giant royal sbi, and human thief's bench trio. Tommy was adopted by the royals and he grew up there, but always felt like he was useless and worthless, being human in a castle of giants. So he runs away, without saying anything, only going to come back once he has their weight in gold. The way he gets the treasure is... Not exactly honourable, and it's how he meets Tubbo and Ranboo, also thiefs, and willing to help Tommy. They become friends quickly. Now, I'm not saying any more because I don't want to spoil anything (and cause you know what happens already), so let's move on to the next one.
Yes, I can see that you've guessed what Just try not to crash is, and yes I am forced to give you more info. Just try not to crash is a jornos submission fic for @i-am-beckyu, which miiight be Wilbur giving Tommy a remote control car, + shenanigans. This fic was supposed to contain pure fluff, and it still might, but I'm on g/t angst brainrot, so you can never be too sure >:] (They ended up naming the car Carl because of Techno, since they asked for a name)
Rescue me from my despair is with faerie Tommy and human Wilbur, with Techno and Phil appearing later... it's a oneshot about Wilbur and Tommy being (technically) brothers, but Wilbur is scared to tell Techno and Philza about Tommy, since faeries tend to lead people towards unspeakable dangers. The rhyme in the beginning goes so:
Don't listen when the fae calls,
Doesn't matter how much they coo,
You're safe if you ignore them,
But when you follow them, the dangers true.
Sooooo yeah, that might not be the best beings to befriend. So Wilbur gets hurt in the forest before Techno and Philza come to visit him, (they visit weekly, and Wilbur hides Tommy everytime) and Tommy has to convince the humans that no, he is NOT trying to murder them, he is trying to save Wilbur. (I do like this idea :])
"Did you just say the ENTIRE doughnut!?" Was a funny idea I had where a borrower attempted to borrow (yoink) an entire doughnut from under the humans nose, just because they could. Obviously they get caught, and shenanigans ensue.
Your life will be the death of me is a soulmate doll au, in which the borrower has the humans... Voodoo doll? Let's just go with that. Anyway, the borrower has the humans doll, borrower size of course, and see it as a lucky charm, taking it with them everywhere. It seems to work too! They can do a ton of risky things, super dangerous too, and get harmed without getting hurt! Super lucky, right? Well... the human is very concerned about their soulmate. They know that the soulmate will take the others pain when holding the doll, so they are very careful as to not hurt them. Apparently the soulmate does not know that, for they have gotten harmed multiple times. What on earth could they be doing!? And to top it all off, the house they just moved into seems to have mice. Just great. Now they need to go buy traps from the store...
Hehe, can you imagine what would happen when the human gets hurt from their own trap? I can >:)
"Y'know, I used to think-" "You used to think? Well that sure explains a lot." Was supposed to be for g/t July as banter, buuut I got sidetracked... Anyway, this was just a fluffy oneshot with a slight argument, with borrower Tommy and human Techno, because bedrock bros go brr.
Thank you for the ask!
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morp · 2 months
hello this is very random guy very random person never seen or been to this blog before. i would like to request a *checks notes* 🍌🍊🍇🍑🍎🍍🍌🍉🍈🍒 (there are two bananas in this ask game LMAOOO)
Hello very very random stranger i do not know. Your asks, as requested, behind a readmore because theres a lot. Enjoy, very random stranger
🍌Three headcanons about how magic works in your lore
Well i. Dont have too many magic headcanons im afraid. Uhhh
You can use too much of any given magic, and it can have disastrous effects on you or a whole Location
Magic residue! Is a thing! A particularly brutal elemental something can linger with a dragon for years or even their whole life. A super effective element will cause more pain and suffering and complications, obviously, and theoretically multiple elements together can leave their residues behind at once, which can make everything worse or better or both at the same time!
thats all i have, im sorry 😔
🍊A dragon you like based on looks
All of them. Obviously. But bear witness to the first project I ever had that I used a gem gene for, Morpho (she/her) <3
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🍇A dragon you like based on personality
Observe my favorite doctor in my lore. Stuxnet (it/he/they), dragon turned not dragon after Forbidden Portal incident, it’s sketchy and generally unnerving and would probably murder you if you made too much eye contact but would also probably murder you if you made too LITTLE eye contact, kind of a “keep in your periphary vision” type beast. But hes also extremely trustworthy, you can trust him with your medical needs and they will deliver the best care they can give. A mostly well meaning little freak with only a touch of medical malpractice
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🍑Show off an expensive regening project
Observe. Wildclaw gene and butterfly. Thank you notn 🙏 (they/them btw)
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🍎Show off a Special-eyed dragon
Tyrion, my Necromancer (they/them). The skin clipping is unfortunate but works for them, the sword has eyes now
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🍍Favorite (& second favorite, etc) Elemental Festival and your reasons why
Number one is PLAGUE!!! PLAGUE NUMERO UNO🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠 I’m absolutely biased as a Germ myself but I Adore Riot of Rot, the apparel is almost always a banger and I always need 484847384 of em. I mean. Proto-wings anyone? Rotted mane???? Beloved
Second one uhhhh. Fire. Good orange stuff👍
🍌A dragon + their theme song
You get my Horizon Aspect lad, Lan (he/him), and this song :)
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🍉Favorite dragon breed to draw
Snapper. Absolutely snapper. All the way snapper. Lmao
🍈A dragon you hate (/pos) based on personality/lore
DionaeaMuscipula (she/her). She did unhatched egg experiments in the Seedscar. How dare you do that. How dare you leave a perfectly good baby with trauma and some very bad Arcane and Nature residue and then fuck off to avoid the criminal repurcussions of this actual crime
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🍒Show off a fodder rescue
Iota (they/them). Another Necromancer, I sniped em during a push and originally intended to exalt them. Then I got attached. I love them very much
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inventors-fair · 10 months
You Came, You Saw, You Innovated
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GREAT stuff this week, folks! It was a tough prompt, but y'all knocked it out of the park. I have heard you, and my next one will definitely be a lot less complex, but for now, revel in the glory that you all very much gave me what I wanted to see this week.
Here's the commentary!
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Abyssal Rebuttal by @nicolbolas96 **JUDGE PICK**
Starting it off strong with Dandan, a format that has approximately 3 fans worldwide. For those wondering, the format centers around a shared deck with multiple copies of a single creature, and other cards that interact with it. The original version of this deck involved, you might have guessed, Dandan as the central creature. I do think a Dandan set would be a little tricky logistically, but that’s not what I’m judging. This card is simple and clean, but the reason it deserves to be a judge pick is because of how effectively it conveys information. The reminder text is short but every inch of it is crucial and easy to parse, and once you read it you go back to the effect to understand it with new eyes. I also think the strongest design choice here is not limiting “the Dandan” of the deck to only be Dandan, which would allow for a much more healthy variety in play. It obviously brings up questions of “how do players decide what the Dandan is” and “how are those cards distributed”, but this card is a brilliant example of showing AND telling in all the right amounts.
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Cathar Challenger by @horsecrash
Horde magic is also a very cool direction to take this week’s prompt, and also makes me realize that I could have simplified the prompt into making a card for a “weird” format. It’s tough to evaluate the power on this one, since Horde can vary wildly depending on what variation of the rules you use. It’s obviously calling to Cathar’s Crusade, but doing it on attack and tacking on the lifegain might make it a touch too strong. On the other hand, it not affecting your own board is pretty big, so it definitely depends how many teammates you have. This one is just really tough to evaluate in a vacuum, I think a cheaper version that scaled less strongly could definitely have been a strong contender.
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Deep Water Scavenger by @i-am-the-one-who-wololoes
This is definitely a tricky one, but it’s very fun to parse with the information I’ve been given. This being an uncommon helps contextualise a few things- it does have a mill ability, but fifteen cards is such a low threshold that we’re likely talking draft deck (40 cards), or potentially even smaller. Also, since it’s such a small library, and because there’s an ability that cares about cards leaving your grave without any way to make that happen, I’m going to guess that this format involves you shuffling your grave into library instead of losing when you draw from an empty library. It’s a fun card, though the pieces seem a bit disjointed until you fit them together. The shroud is a bit of a sticking point for me- they don’t use it anymore, and for good reasons. Hexproof or ward would serve this design much better. It definitely makes me curious to see the other cards in this set, so well done.
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Dreadraven by @wolkemesser
Ahh, the classic “change the name of the design last minute and forget to update.” We’ve all been there. For what it’s worth, I like dreadraven a lot better. The mana cost almost got me for a sec, I was ready to comment that mono blue doesn’t get deathtouch or lifelink, but that little black pip saves me from being all pedantic. This card doesn’t tell me much except that it’s made for a best-of-three format (or maybe even more), but a draft environment built around snowballing one win into another, or coming back from a nasty game 1 loss could make for some really interesting designs. I would be curious to see if this is something they would allow in black-border magic, since they typically seem to want every game to be a totally fresh start. Anyways, you pushed the envelope, and that’s what I asked for this week, so thanks!
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Guardian Seacat by @piccadilly-blue
Whoof. I’ll admit, this one I had to look up, because I spent ages puzzling over what this could be for, and I say this as someone who’s played some Judge Tower. I honestly totally forgot about the “X is always 3” rule, but this takes an interesting spin on it. The main issue I see here is that Judge Tower is fundamentally not a format designed for fun, it’s designed as a training exercise. Add draft to that, plus the aspect of a shared library, and you’re left in a confusing spot. Plus, this just tanks a free loss, which either means there are more cards that do this, or this is the strongest card in the set. It’s definitely one of the most creative designs this week, and kudos to that, but I just don’t see how the format would work.
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Hekara, Rakdos Emissary by @deg99 - **JUDGE PICK**
It is interesting that those who submitted for Commander Legends-esque sets all tackled the color identity problem. I mean, it makes sense- that’s the biggest obstacle by far, and it’s fun to see all the different angles on it. Emissary threw me for a loop for a second, but once I grokked it, I saw the possibilities. You can run her as a Rakdos commander, or you can pick up another Emissary and go with pretty much any other color combo except Azorius, Simic, or Selesnya. I also like that you tried to include incentive to play her on her own, but I think the ability comes off a bit awkward and too heavy-handed on the idea. I think the mechanic already takes care of that, as you can’t make her a rakdos deck unless you have a black or red Emissary to pair with her, so already there’s some incentive to play her alone if you’ve been pulling good Rakdos cards. That being said, I like that vein of abilities, I just think they could be a bit more subtle. Also, I don’t love the epithet considering it copies the name of the mechanic, so a shakeup there would improve the flavor immensely.
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Imperial Protection by @nine-effing-hells
Ahh, emperor. The solution to “Well, we have six players and eight hours, what are we going to do?” This one is cool, again following the philosophy of not making the card useless if you aren’t the emperor, but making it just a bit better if you are. I do think hybrid is a bit iffy here because white anthems and green anthems don’t really overlap in size or function, but it’s a bend at most, so eh. Just like the archenemy cards though, I’m curious how you envisioned the actual drafting experience. Is it a shared pool like 2HG? Do teams draft 3 at a time or separately? Do teammates sit consecutively or staggered? The fact that I’m asking these questions is a sign you’ve piqued my interest, and now I want to go play more emperor, so... good card?
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Isrun, Gravewhisperer by @real-aspen-hours
More identity fixing! Last one was limited to two colors, this one to three, both with a very clever take on how to do it. This one has a more strict limit, but allows you to double up on partners with the same colors, and also allows you (the designer) to put a solid mix of 1 and 2 colour commanders for some mixing and matching. The creative element is going over my head a bit I think, since the mechanic is clearly alara-themed, but the flavor text says Tarkir. Is it a mashup of all the 3-color faction sets? If so, neat, but maybe the mechanic deserves a more general name that isn’t tied to only one of the 4 (or 5) planes you’re giving some love to. The card itself is fun, playing into some abzan graveyard themes and their whole “fury of the small” kinda thing. 
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Logistics Accountant by @hypexion - **JUDGE PICK**
Oh man, Coup in magic. That... honestly, I kinda wanna do that now. Seems like a lot of fun. Seems like these are more public roles though, since the treasurer would have to be public information. I want to know how big these teams are. Is there a set number of roles that are distributed? Are they chosen from a pool at random? Do players get to choose their roles before the game begins? Can you have more than one role? The second ability would seem to suggest so, and also that they would have various activated abilities. I can see the Treasurer having an ability that (obviously) lets them spend coin counters, which is very clever. Whatever this format is, I want to play more of it, and if you invented it, I demand a full write-up of the rules immediately. Anyways, uh... yeah. Good card.
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Loyal Toadie by @helloijustreadyourpost
Scheeeeeemes. It’s a fun word to say. Anyways, another take on archenemy, and this one comes at a different angle than the others. While the other submissions had one effect for the archenemy and one for the team, this one wraps it up into a single effect, basically allowing you to scry or fateseal, either to pull a better scheme or avoid a nasty one. Unfortunately, I’m not quite sure it works as intended, since “setting a scheme in motion” refers to the act of revealing it and triggering the ability all in one go. That being said, it’s a fairly easy fix to make it just counter the scheme ability in exchange for allowing them to set another one in motion. Alas, nitpicky rules are nitpicky. Apart from that it seems very fun, and I love how this can be a competent henchman who supports your evilest plans, or a bumbling buffoon that ruins your moment of greatness. Excellent flavor. 
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Malack, Butcher of Worlds by @certification-wizard
Much like one of our examples this week, this submission implies a long, drawn-out event over the course of multiple days, since it both asks you to defeat five or more players, and it references prize packs that are also drafted, implying that you can add to your pool post-construction- as well as a “campaign”, which carries its own weight. What’s interesting to me is the typal element, and the specific commander callout. This is some form of draft league event with commanders, which sounds like a very interesting premise. However, being so reliant on your opponents to be playing different decks is pretty rough, and the ability is ambiguous enough that I don’t know if it would count defeating U, B, and UB commanders as two or three for the count. Finally, the last aspect here is how heavily typal it is. What does the set environment look like, where you can expect to see two demons per pack? Also, if you’re drafting, that messes up card parity, which is a no-no. See cards like Cogwork Librarian, who always keep the same number of cards in the pack to avoid this issue. This is a really cool idea, but the elements feel a little scrambled, and hard to unify into a single idea.
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Mask of Elesh Norn by @lanabutnotdelray
Eugh, who would want that mask? Creepy. Also no eye holes. I’ve already made commentary on the idea of an archenemy set, so let’s look at the card instead. More dual effects like this, where one functions as the archenemy and one functions on the team (and in other formats), are definitely a cool way to address the idea of Limited. However, I... don’t know how this would work? Is it subtracting from each “kind” of token (which I’m not sure is an actually rules term for tokens), or just one overall? If your opponent has a Tireless Provisioner, would they choose which one they make, would you, or would they make none? The idea is really clever, but it seems there’s a reason they haven’t tried to implement this effect before. Definitely a cool premise, and I’m right up there with Maro in my love for token doublers, but this one gives me a bit of a rules headache.
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Mercenary Auction by @flightyquinn
Hoo boy, okay. This is WILD, and I think I mean that in a good way. This card reads to me as one that was designed for a specific format, but also made ambiguous so it could be played in other formats, and so I say to that... what the hell happens if I make my commander opponent into my teammate? Is it all of a sudden one 2HG team vs two individual opponents? Do the other two team up? Is this meant to be a signifier with no rules baggage like “friend or foe”? It makes my head spin. For that matter, even in the format this was made for, is that really... fair to your teammate? Like in a social sense? You and your buddy are all excited to go to this new draft event, then your opponent says “nope, you’re with me for the rest of the day, or until I play this again.” It’s possible I might be wildly misinterpreting this card, but teammate does have actual rules meaning, so y’know. As for the rest of the card, I LOVE the bidding aspect, where they’re incentivized to show good stuff so they don’t have to discard. However, you’re likely not gonna have much mana left over after paying 5 for this, so I think you could even play it for free without being too busted. 
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Omenpath Reveler by @salamileg
...Funny enough, I am literally about 2/3rds of the way through making a planechase draft cube built around the idea of omenpaths. That’s pretty funny, though admittedly it’s an easy idea to go for. This one is simple, but encourages planechase on a few different levels. It wants you to get chaos, obviously, but also wants you to roll as much as possible first. It definitely wants you to be able to roll at instant speed, but too bad so sad for the poor little satyr. The flavor text is great, though the use of the word chaos is a bit on the nose. Obviously there would be some logistics issues with trying to draft oversized cards, but we can assume the business people will figure that out. Nothing much else to say, this is a solid uncommon with a lot going for it.
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Radar Bauble by @sparkyyoungupstart
Okay, so originally I had only a vague idea what this did (and to be fair, the card does a fairly good job of conveying some of the information), but, like a vision from the heavens, my phone saw fit to grant me a clip of TCC playing what I can only assume is the format this was made for. Now I must ask, in your set made for this format- can you only submit cards with the Treasure subtype? Any artifacts? Is there a minimum and maximum submission, or can you just mooch off of your opponent’s artifacts? The rest of the card became fairly clear, though I don’t think that’s quite how the second one would be worded. I think this would definitely be a fun one to explore more, maybe with the classic caveat of “one guaranteed treasure in every pack” for logistic’s sake.
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Ranger’s Axe by @bergdg
And so we reach our last commander card. I built something similar to this a while back, but I think mine had a key difference- namely, it functioned like Backgrounds, where you could only run the equipment if your creature commander had the appropriate keyword. This seems to say that you can add green to the color identity of any commander you want, with no downsides, drawbacks or punishments. As you can imagine, that gets pretty scary, and is probably something best to be avoided. However, if we move on and assume that it’s meant to be restricted to a specific subset of commanders, the rest of the card is great! You can run it in the 99 for a decent buff, but if you have it in the command zone, it’ll automatically start by giving +2/+2 and trample, and scales really nicely if you have a cheap commander. I do think it could stand to be a touch cheaper either on the mana cost or equip cost, but dealer’s choice.
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Waters of Wisdom by @squeezyboi
Framing it almost perfectly as the first and last cards, here is our second of two Dandan submissions. Normally, I try to avoid comparing cards, but it’s hard not to here. The card itself is a nice functional uncommon, but some parts of this confuse me. One of the key features of Dandan is the shared library, so does your format do away with that aspect? It’s not a terrible idea to make it work in draft, but then it does change the format significantly. In the second half, this card falls into a bit of a trap that the other one avoided- forcing the singular creature to ALWAYS be Dandan means that the decks always have to have blue, there’s no variation in the creature aspects, and it severely limits what the rest of the set can look like. I think to make this design work, you want to give yourself more freedom. 
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Yulius, the Protean Shadow by @spooky-bard  **JUDGE PICK**
2 headed giant? In my commander? It’s more likely than you think. This one plays really well, and honestly it was hard to not give it a podium spot. Point is a neat ability, though admittedly not hugely impactful on most designs, and it makes me curious to see what anchor would be. Going off of fighting game terms that my friend had to teach me, the point is the first one you send out, and the anchor brings up the rear. With that in mind, I assume it’s some kind of protection or survivability, but I’m not sure what’s small enough to match up with +1/+1. Anyways, the battlebond-esque flavor is off the charts, the draftplay and gameplay here seem lots of fun (as long as you use the 2HG rules of being able to pick two cards at a time and have a shared team pool), and altogether this appeals to my personal sensibilities quite a lot. Nicely done!
So long, thanks for the engagement, and I'll see you all in a few weeks!
~judge @naban-dean-of-irritation
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grendelsmilf · 1 year
I find it interesting you note Amphibia to push the envelope more than the TOH since I've seen others consider the latter to push more into serious topics and tones than the former. I've seen some people point to Luz's depressed state in the 1st S3 special as to how 3A Anne should have been written, but I feel like people ignore whether what works for one character would really fit for a very different character, even withstanding the series differences.
i mean, luz is someone who loved her life in the demon realm and hated her home, whereas anne loves her home and certainly did not go to amphibia by choice, so there was a part of her that was clearly just happy to be back with her family, even if she knew that she had to return. but it's not like anne wasn't shown to be stressed and upset, we see that she spends as much time as physically possible trying to build a portal back to amphibia. i enjoyed luz's depression though, i don't mean to undermine that.
and yeah, i can obviously see why people say the owl house explores more serious topics, i just happen to disagree? i don't really know how to explain it, but i feel like the owl house sort of... lacks nuance? it's a show that's really good for kids and i'm glad it exists and have nothing against it, but it's not a show that particularly concerns itself with moral ambiguity (i can only assume the horror show that dana terrace initially wanted to create would have been more complex in that regard). like, amity is a mean girl, but she's pretty harmless and almost immediately shown to be sympathetic. hunter gets compared to zuko a lot, but we never actually see him do anything particularly bad, and he's sympathetic and redeemable and morally pure for most of his screentime. eda is an outlaw but we never actually see her commit serious crimes, she's literally the most ethical and morally upstanding character in the show. even lilith really only made one mistake her whole life and spent the rest of it trying to make up for it. i think there's potential for the collector to be interesting as a completely amoral entity, as opposed to belos who is pure evil in every possible way, but i'll guess we’ll see.
but what i love about amphibia is that anne, sasha, and marcy are all deeply, realistically flawed. after watching the first episode i literally turned around to my brother and said to him, "oh i love anne already. i love that she's mean." what makes anne such a better character than luz (in my humble opinion) is that anne consistently makes bad choices due to her many, many flaws. while luz goes around making friends through helping people out of the goodness of her heart, anne has to be forced kicking and screaming into doing any kind of work for the betterment of anyone else. anne is a friendly and caring person with a big heart, but she's also selfish, lazy, entitled, petty, impulsive, careless, irresponsible and ungrateful. so when we see her grow over the course of the show into someone who doesn't hesitate to help others, it feels significant because we've seen every step of her journey of personal growth. sasha and marcy, while given less screentime, are also characters whose flaws are established and challenged over the course of the show. but i think the fact that anne isn't a perfect person by any means is what makes the show work so well. luz being depressed for half an episode is quite literally the most interesting thing she's ever done, meanwhile anne was out here fucking up left and right, nearly getting her adopted family killed every other episode because she wanted to adopt a cat or eat a pizza.
i'm not saying the owl house is bad because its characters aren't morally grey, but personally, i have absolutely no investment in it or its characters, whereas i still find myself thinking at least once a day "oh god it's crazy how good sashanne is" even though the show ended like a year ago. amphibia also has multiple instances of cannibalism, suicide, and an entire episode parodying midsommar even though there's absolutely no way any of the children watching that episode got the reference (i had to explain it to my brother). i wouldn't call either show dark or nuanced, but amphibia definitely feels darker and more nuanced than the owl house. to me, at least.
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