#bon is just a hater
mari-bon · 6 months
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Fox wrote a love song for toddy
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Moment of clarity (?)
Just sitting here watching Jikook song edits, cause I'm missing the hell out of those two, and couldn't help but think how stupid and futile all the accusations and claims and ensuing discussions about one's reaction to the other, or one's behaviour to the other or any kind of interaction they had that didn't suit what fans (usually solos on either side of the picture) expected of them. You know what I mean. All those judgy claims and comments about how JK reacts or treats JM and vise versa, same about JM 'forcing' himself on JK or the likes of that.
How dumb those people look (and should feel as well if they only had a sliver of common sense) right now.
Inserting themselves into a relationship (whatever form it may have had) to know what these two people were all about, their interactions, their reactions towards each other, without truly knowing them, without seeing anything but a few recorded seconds (all while ignoring not only many other recorded moments but also what they themselves say about each other and to each other).
But you see, this isn't something new to me, and I did address it when answering mostly annoying asks (something I haven't been doing for some time now seeing just how futile it is - you cannot convince the inconvincible).
The reason I had this specific moment of clarity while watching them was because things have changed.
Well, changed since those two have made it as clear as can be that they want and need each other's proximity.
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That they will do whatever it takes to not only enlist at the same time, but to do so together. To spend their entire service together. 24/7. Together. Knowing EXACTLY what and how it looks like. Knowing EXACTLY what people (so many of them) will think, even if some will not say it out loud or spell it out. No other member did this with another, and neither of them did it with any other member, how ever close we know them to be. Because no one is closer to them than they are to each other!!
And why don't we add to that, them going on a trip together just before enlistment, to Japan, you know, that same destination they went to back in November 2017. The same trip they both could not stop telling us about.
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Yeah, I know there's a travel show coming (which we have no clue what will look like - if vlog-like or actual Bon Voyage style or something in between), and most of what they do could be explained away (and that's the point, they are clever that way), but let's be real here for a sec. The show, it's a very clever way to kill two birds with one stone. Literally. Getting to travel together before enlistment (I can assure you that 90% of what they got up to we will not be seeing, and they travelled first and utmost because they wanted to travel and do it together, and anyone who claims otherwise, that this was forced in some way on one or both of them is an idiot, well they probably also believe that they enlisted together against their wills) all while under the guise of doing it for work, and at the same time creating content to be released while they are away. It's a win win, or like I said, two birds one stone.
So yeah, their travelling will be in a show, but they travelled together because they wanted to travel together and not because there was content to be made. Content being the bi product of their genius idea of guising their trip as work...
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Bottom line, point I wanted to make here with all of this is that those dissecting every single moment between them miss the whole picture. It's not about this moment or another. It's about what they bring together as a big picture, one that they have been telling us and showing us for years now. And if we didn't see or hear it before, well they made sure we would now.
Because being together during these 18 months was more important to them than hiding who they are and what they mean to each other.
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Fuck the consequences (and fuck the haters too - JM literally said it in SMF pt. 2)...
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jikookuntold · 4 months
A Word With Jikookers
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” Gustav Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
You might have known that most of my posts go under categories like analysis and reviews, and I usually don't address hates and haters in this blog except a few times that I had to respond to some anonymous asks, which is now turned off.
I'm aware that no Jikooker likes to be policed by other Jikookers, I hate that too. I hate woke Jikookers so much, and this is not about policing you guys or telling you what to post about. But, as someone who reads tweets on army Twitter on a daily basis and follows almost every drama between shippers, I'm aware that antis sound so bold and brave recently for no specific reason, and this is expectantly triggering most Jikookers to fight back.
Haters get hit tweets by "comparing" moments, shading members, bringing back their old and frequently debunked theories, and fabricating the dumbest stuff to give themselves some sense of winning against the loud and clear truth of Jikook. If there was any competition, they had lost it many times since 2017, but this breed is not going to admit their defeat, and you can never convince them no matter how strong your logic and evidence are. 
I did that a few times, yes. I convinced several hardcore Taekookers that their ship is not real, and if there is one duo in BTS that might be romantically involved, it's Jikook. They admitted that to me after facing the evidence and facts that were hidden from them, but it didn't last long. Just a few days of interacting with their Tkkr fellas was enough to get brainwashed by more appealing theories and call me a liar and manipulator lol. This chain will never break, looking at the community of shippers in 1D made me sure about that.
It's not that they are trying to convince you (us, Jikookers), they are trying to convince themselves, the newcomers who have no clue about what goes on, the Tkkrs with some brain cells left who start to lose faith, and any weak mind out there is their target. It's already a lost battle for them, and they know it well. All they want is fewer losses.
But it's not just that, besides their attempts to keep their community big and in the majority, they are doing their best not to let you feel satisfied or winning (in the competition they made inside their minds). You need to knw that this is a mental war against Jikookers, and it's not just done by Tkkrs, all the breeds of Jikook-antis are on it these days, that's why I'm addressing them as antis and not just Tkkrs. For example, the other day, a JJK akgae tweeted something like 'jikookers are mad because JK likes girls', but in the quotes and replies, she had admitted that she was annoyed by Jikookers celebrating Jikook's new military photos. 
It's clear who is mad here. They deliberately and blatantly lie and project to belittle you, trigger you, and reach some level of satisfaction by affecting you mentally. So, don't let that happen, don't give them what they want. I already said there's no battle or competition, but don't let them win this mental war against you.
Why So Serious?
Joost Meerloo, in his famous book 'The Rape of the Mind,' says: “Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot, it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal than logic and reason. While the people are still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault  with another.” Although we are not fighting a totalitarian regime lol, this is the exact reason that arguing with antis is pointless. They use 'theories' to debunk the 'moments', and call the real moments 'delusional and fake' while celebrating total lies.
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Debunking lies is necessary, and everyone should do that as long as they are armed with perfect and mouth-shutting evidence. Otherwise, you should avoid it because nothing is more damaging than doing a bad defense. And these debunkings and defendings don't have to turn into arguments.
Joost Meerloo, in the same book, talks about a solution: “We must learn to treat the demagogue and aspirant dictators in our midst with the weapon of ridicule. The demagogue himself is almost incapable of humor of any sort, and if we treat him with humor, he will begin to collapse.”
Yes, you can debunk, correct, educate, and even argue in an unserious manner. Shipping is not that serious, anyway. Good humor is not insulting, we don't want to drag down or set anyone up. Spreading facts and truth positively and debunking lies with humor and ridicule is all we need to do instead of endless fights and anxious clapbacks.
This post was supposed to be a word, but it turned out as a long and boring essay of information that I'm sure most of you already heard so many times. But it doesn't hurt if we get reminded sometimes to think more deeply and get a better view on what we are dealing with.
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wesleysniperking · 4 days
Usopp isn’t an Underdog (TL;DR)
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If we really take the time to look at it, in a very practical way. An a**pull isn’t really an a**pull. Or whatever way powerscalers like to get red in the face for.
I think a lot of people and One Piece fans have been going about Usopp in the wrong way. If you feel you haven’t, that’s fine. But for the past couple of weeks when on my break, I came to the realization after reading a book (I’ll give the title later) that when considering the genre One Piece falls under and who it’s catered to, it has indeed been a hindrance for Usopp, and even the writer, Oda. Why? Because Oda is as predictable as he is unpredictable. The same can be said for Usopp.
What do I mean by that?
Before I even get into how smart and great Usopp is, I want to state a point. A lot of people are right, Usopp is inevitably a target. Forget about the Sanji v Zoro rap sessions, or Gear 5's overpowered characteristics. Because copium or not, what Oda is doing to Usopp is intentional. When people say that Oda intended for Usopp to always be the weakest it sometimes bothered me. Not because I want him to be crazy f**kin strong. Or that my expectations are aimless. But that statement always bothered me because it seemed like those people were trying to make it a point to say that there’s nothing left for Usopp. He’s regressed and is fodder. Those two years spent on that island, Boin, with his quirky mentor Heracles was all for naught. Everyone else got these nice trainers, and Usopp’s wasn’t as nearly cool. This pained me to even just think about it. And all this shade is something I'm quoting, I don't believe any of these bad things said about Usopp. I stress this.
But I’m actually starting to embrace this aspect. No, the haters didn’t cause me to resign to their stupid agenda or hate bon*r. But they made me realize (including the book I just read), that Oda is writing Usopp perfectly. I kid you not. It took a whole analysis on David and Goliath to really make me think.
For starters, in general, us mortals (or humans) have a really twisted way of looking at the odds, or the underdog. We often think that the Goliaths are these powerful beings. We think that when we find ourselves up against these stronger people we’re at a disadvantage. Despite the One Piece fandom having a vague idea of what Usopp’s underdog status represents and how Shonen grades “weak characters”, I think this brings forward that fact. Therefore, Usopp is a weak little a**hole no one gives a shit about, and if they do, it’s to prove a point (very passionately indeed) that he’s nothing but fodder and Oda has forgotten about him. But wait. Due to our twisted way of thinking, this is where Oda is challenging us. From the start we were at first under the idea that Luffy was at a disadvantage a few times when he was up against certain villains like Arlong or Crocodile, but Oda and Luffy proved to us a few times afterwards that this small Strawhat had what it took. He had balls.
But Usopp’s journey is much more unique and complex.
I must admit, the Usopp haters sometimes get to me. I’m human. It happens. But after reading the book and a eureka moment happened, I understood that Oda was baiting the haters, HE IS BAITING THE HATERS. He’s baiting his audience. For the last three weeks, it was as though everyone couldn’t stop trash-talking Usopp, I started to go crazy. I spent 5 days straight arguing with this a**hole on YouTube who just wanted to prove and beat into my f**cking head that Usopp is “the butt” of the crew. “He’ll never be as strong as Luffy”, “He spent two years on an island and suffered from Obesity. A joke my friend”, and “Nami’s even stronger than him. He’s useless and disloyal”. Ugh!!! Anywho, I understood after reading the book that a**hats like him are what Oda wants. He’s making fun of and light-heartedly taking advantage of Usopp getting sh*tted upon. One Piece is a Shonen manga, baby! But Oda isn’t a conventional writer (that’s what makes One Piece the GOAT).
So, Oda is taking into consideration how flawed humans are in thinking what a powerful person is. He knows we think the Goliaths are the ones who have a chance of winning, when in fact, the Davids are just as formidable. If he had Usopp “take a back seat” in Wano, it was intentional.
When David stepped out behind that protective barrier to defend his people, King Saul stopped him and said “Dude, there’s no way you’re winning this.” Saul was wrong because he thought Goliath had this fight in the bag. And we know who really had the fight in the bag. And if there’s one thing to very strongly note, one thing to consider in the David and Goliath battle is that David was a projectile fighter fighting an infantryman. David was so talented with a sling that he could’ve shot that pebble through Goliath's head so deep it was practically a hot bullet—the stone/pebble David used equated to a bullet during biblical times. And he did "stun" Goliath. The worst opponent for an infantry fighter is in fact a projectile fighter because infantry fighters require making close contact to land multiple blows on an enemy. But projectile fighters can counteract that quickly with just one shot. Therefore, Usopp is at an advantage more than we think due to Usopp’s quick thinking and ammo as well. He just needs to position himself correctly up against the right opponent, and bang!
So, in this 20+ years journey, Oda has taken advantage of Usopp’s character. He wants US to undermine Usopp so badly. So that when Usopp has his biggest moment, it’ll break the fandom.
“No way! How could Usopp win that?!” “OMG. What a major a**pull!” “Damn, he one shot the hell outta [insert future adversary]!”
That finicky little word, a**pull made its appearance again. But nah, it wasn’t an a**pull.
Because David was never at a disadvantage when he fought Goliath.
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Related Link 1 (more similarities between Usopp and David are discussed here)
Related Link 2
Related Link 3
photo link credit
Work Cited:
Gladwell, M. (2013). David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants. Little, Brown and Company.
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strawbbydraws · 3 days
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Banny would ofc be an employee like she is in the commercials and still would be a girl failure!!!! Idk I think it’d be funny if Will was less of a hater towards her bc he hates Bon more. Both business owners suck still, of course.
(Sorry for the poor quality. It’s old stuff I’m just posting to have some activity on my blog)
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holymolyineedtherapy · 2 months
Would the Straw Hats be Swifities?
(I'm watching the Eras Tour movie rn and I got to thinking about it)
No but not because he doesn't like her but because he doesn't know who she is. He would like a couple of her songs once he was introduced but I don't think he would consider himself a swiftie because he is a captain and a strawhat pirate, nothing else.
Kinda the same as Luffy. No because he doesn't know who she is but he doesn't care for her music. There's maybe one or two songs he genuinely enjoys but he never listens to them unless someone else plays them.
Not at first because she used to be a hater but then she listened to the not so popular songs and fell in love with them. She's a secret swiftie in which she won't tell anyone she loves her music. Her favorite album is Reputation
Of course he is a huge swiftie. He became a swiftie during the 1989 era when she became a pop icon. Ever since then he was hooked, especially when evermore came out, which is his favorite album.
We all know the answer to this, of course he is. He has been a swiftie since 2006 when debut dropped. He knows all the chants and album lore. Lover is his favorite album and he will kick anyone who says it's the worst album and ME! is the worst song.
Yes of course he is if you disagree you did not watch One Piece Film Red. He mainly admired her at first for her tenacity but it grew into a love for her and her music when she released Speak Now, which is his favorite album.
No. She admires her hard work and lyricism but that's about it. Until Folklore comes out. She doesn't consider herself a swiftie but there are a couple of songs (*cough cough* this is me trying and my tears ricochet *cough cough*) that she truly loves. (*cough cough* and yoyok when midnights releases *cough cough*)
He considers himself one but he's like a dad swiftie. He knows her popular songs and that's about it. He tries to keep up with the lore talk but he just gets so confused. His favorite album is 1989.
Is this even a question? Yes. Of course he is. Obviously once he hears her music after being trapped for 50 years. He overhears Usopp and Sanji talking about her and from that moment he was hooked. His favorite album is Speak Now because it's entirely self written.
No but just because he doesn't know her. He's like another dad swiftie but the type that doesn't consider himself a swiftie but if you play Shake It Off he will jam out to it.
-honorary straw hats-
Yes yes yes, she is a huge swifite. She keeps up with all the lore and Easter eggs. It's her guilty pleasure as a princess give her a break. Her favorite albums are Folklore and Fearless.
Bon Clay
Again, is this even a question? 100 times yes he is the biggest swiftie of all. He collects all the merch. He fights in the trenches for the tickets. He pre orders all the cds and vinyls. Don't ask him to choose a favorite album because he cannot (although You Need To Calm Down is his favorite song ofc)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hello, just wanted to say I love your blog and your opinions are really valuable to me! Now, asked this to another blog which opinions also I value about Jikook, because, like you, they work with the truth, and not delusions. Saying this just in case you see the same ask on another blog, it's only because I really like both of your opinions.
That being said, what do you think about the time when pictures of Jungkook hugging and going out with his female tattooist god leaked? Now, don't get me wrong, I know that time was very hard for Jungkook because of the unjustified hate he got for it, and I know just because a boy and a girl hug/interact doesn't equal to them dating (esp. with annoying ppl in this fandom where jk can't even BREATHE without ppl creating rumors that he's been dating 50 girls. I mean, did you see the crazy rumor about a rich blonde girl from Qatar? Lmao its CRAZY)
But, I really want to know about your opinion on this. Do you think they were just friends? Someone said that they weren't drinking alone in that restaurant. Or do you think Jikook were broken up at the time and they had a thing?
I think, that you are trying to pass yourself off as a Jikooker and anon,
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Do you think they were just friends? Someone said that they were drinking alone in that restaurant. Or do you think Jikook were broken up at the time and they had a thing?
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I would much rather talk about what happened after that. Here are some of my favourite moments from Bon Voyage season 4.
JK saying ILY then looking at Jimin immediately after
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This one no one ever talks about. But someone said Jimin had arrived and the way JK immediately looks and perks up! Omg!! 😭😭😭
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And he doesn't stop staring at Jimin either. He'd really missed his baby. Also the way he perked up reminds me of this popular moment when Jimin calls JK Kookosan and we get the happiest smile from JK that turns us all to mush.
I could have sworn JK was younger than Jimin. So idk why Jimin treats JK like he's the hyung
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JK saying Jimin's name as J.M and writing the same down.
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I don't need to remind y'all his ink was still new so you're the delulu one if you think JK doesn't know what the letters on his hand look like.
We always talk about JK bringing the snow. But we don't talk enough about JK sitting by the snow waiting for Jimin to come out. We don't talk about how eager he was to show Jimin what he got him. How quickly he stood up all excited.
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And the smile on his face as he watches Jimin's reaction is everything 🥺🥺🥺
And yes, I do think this may have been to make up for the scandal even though it wasn't JK's fault. Also if u notice JK is very subdued this season and Jimin was looking after him alot. It's why satellite Jimin was on an all time high in BV sn 4. Haters really put JK through the wringer but I'm glad his man was able to be there for him.
Hand holding to take a picture and JK removing his glove so it can be skin on skin. Feels 😩😩
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Jimin drooling over how bad ass JK was for jumping upside down. You bet your ass he loves this side of JK.
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This right here is a favourite of mine. (I have more but damn u tumblr and your image limit) They're in New Zealand. Beautiful, gorgeous country. They get directed to a place with a beautiful, beautiful, insane view. All other members are watching this view and admiring it. Meanwhile JK's view:
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And he stared for a long time. The camera kept panning out and JK was still staring. If you truly believe JK is not in love with Jimin, then idk what to tell ya.
Anon, Jungkook is in love with Jimin, is committed to Jimin and Jimin only. Has only ever had eyes for Jimin, has never strayed and most probably never will. He's in this Jimin shit for life.
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pommunist · 2 months
Je crois que j'ai jamais vu autant de mauvaise foi que chez les fans de Quackity... La moindre excuse pour pas qu'il soit responsable. C'est la faute de Lea, ou du syndicat, qui veulent juste detruire le projet, mais jamais celle du type qui a fermé les yeux sur tout les problèmes de son serveur.
C’est un étudiant en droit il sait gérer tout ça laissez le faire ! Mais en même temps ça fait beaucoup pour lui d’un coup soyez patients 🥺
C’est son passion project en cadeau pour la communauté il est super investi ! Ah mais il savait pas tout ce qui se passait en coulisses c’est pas sa faute 🥺
Oui il a dit que tous les admins devraient être payés mais bon d’un autre côté leur faute d’avoir accepté du volontariat mdr
Ok les bresiliens se sont pris max xénophobie de la part de sa communauté pendant des mois mais bon Q a parlé très vaguement dessus en stream en disant racisme = pas bien donc arrêtez de vous plaindre hein
Heu ok Léa et les admins ont un récit très cohérent sur les abus qu’ils ont vécu mais est ce que vous avez pensé que c’est peut être juste des HATERS qui veulent juste du CLOUT. Et les ccs français qui les supportent c’est des FAKE FRIENDS ingrats aussi ils devraient baiser les pieds du créateur pour leur avoir donné une carrière
Heu ok les fans français et bresiliens ca fait des mois que vous soulevez certains problèmes et que rien ne change mais soyez PATIENTS et OPTIMISTES hein
L’hypocrisie de ces fans est pas nouvelle et vu que y’a personne pour les recadrer elle risque pas de s’arrêter
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grumpling · 2 months
jadzia flow
trilithium got me moving transwarp, smoking omega particles, doing donuts in subspace
this quadrant ain’t nothin’ to me, man
wolf 359 was a deal gone bad, broke bitches tried to fuck with my nanoprobe bricks.
took an experimental long-range transporter to pick up some andorian icecutter kush, and now i'm deaf. i don't give a fuck, didn't need to hear the haters anyway
hotboxed a jefferies tube and o'brien wouldn't calm down until i gave him a hit of the shit that killed kahless
blew so much crystalline entity space sherm out the airlock it formed a new gas giant
i'm them. i've always BEEN them. i will continue to BE them. i'm the klingon thempire. i'm a thempath. i'm the themperial guard. i'm a fuckin slug, gender means nothin' to me. if i had a dollar for every time they said i cared about gender, i'd be broke, because i don't give a fuck
had to talk to the ship’s counselor but i wound up selling her cardassian crystal. broke into the holodeck and fucked everything in fairhaven. snorted self-sealing stembolt stims and jacked a runabout. moved benzite bon-bons across the neutral zone until we couldn’t hold all the latinum bricks
filled the transporter buffers with so much strange i couldn’t answer a distress call. my prime directive is pussy
this quadrant ain’t nothin’ to me, man
this romulan ale got me seein section 31 everywhere
this saurian brandy making me want to eject the warp core
sabred a bottle of henny with a bat'leth and sliced my dick off. told the holodoc it used to be longer and have klingon ridges. now all of ops wants on my hog
we smokin' on that triple-cured tribble nibble. i'm communing with the wormhole aliens just to see tomorrow's quadrotriticale market. we drinkin' up double-decker kobayashi maru klonopin caipirinhas
went to risa and the haters tried to fuck with the weather but i got turnt on samarian sunsets and fucked a tornado. i will FUCKING tuvix your men's rights advocate asses
i hope the tal shi'ar transports into my quarters one night, imma fuck 'em
i had the atmospheric controls make nitrous and the whole bridge is dissociating, thinking the klingons violated the khitomer accords
i'm snorting up pakled percs and can't figure out how to use LCARS anymore
i let myself get abducted into a menagerie just so i could get a fuckin vacation
this quadrant ain’t nothin’ to me, man
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badlucksav · 1 year
LoK Characters and the Taylor Swift Songs That Make Me Think of Them
Korra: Shake It Off (1989, 2014)
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Players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate (haters gonna hate)
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heartbreakers gonna break
Fakers gonna fake
I'm just gonna shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Mako: evermore ft. Bon Iver (evermore, 2020)
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I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone
Trying to find the one where I went wrong
Writing letters
Addressed to the fire
And I was catching my breath
Staring out an open window
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
That this pain would be for
Bolin: ME! feat. Brendan Urie (Lover, 2019)
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I know I tend to make it about me
I know you never get just what you see
But I will never bore you, baby
(And there's a lot of lame guys out there)
And when we had that fight out in the rain
You ran after me and called my name
I never wanna see you walk away
(And there's a lot of lame guys out there)
'Cause one of these things is not like the others
Livin' in winter, I am your summer
Baby doll, when it comes to a lover
I promise that you'll never find another like
Asami Sato: The Man (Lover, 2019)
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I'm so sick of running as fast as I can
Wondering if I'd get there quicker
If I was a man
And I'm so sick of them coming at me again
'Cause if I was a man
Then I'd be the man
I'd be the man
I'd be the man
They'd say I hustled
Put in the work
They wouldn't shake their heads and question how much of this I deserve
What I was wearing
If I was rude
Could all be separated from my good ideas and power moves?
Iroh II: peace (folklore, 2020)
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But there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west
I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best
But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm
If your cascade ocean wave blues come
All these people think love's for show
But I would die for you in secret
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Bonus: Lin Beifong: mad woman (folklore, 2020)
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And there's nothin' like a mad woman
What a shame she went mad
No one likes a mad woman
You made her like that
And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out
And you find something to wrap your noose around
And there's nothin' like a mad woman
For @orangepanic since she requested these!
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charleslebatman · 6 months
Aside from everything else like the tweets and "stay mad" dm the fact that Alex is talking to fanpages so much that they know they can ask her things knowing she'll reply is crazy. She should not be encouraging this parasocial behaviour with fans especially ones who have no regard for public safety and put their name and age on their accounts.
She should be a mature grown up woman and understand that this is not okay. She shouldn't be treating these people like they're her friends and gossiping with them even with something as small as telling them where she got a top from.
To me this is a huge sign that she's preparing to go public and start promoting things like crazy because she's doing exactly what Charlotte and Luisa did. Get a little army of impressionable girls, make them think they're important and then profit from their loyalty.
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I'm told in the earpiece that the admin was right about everything, his so-called hater side should have been even more present to stop the right-mindedness coming to break my balls. The french and francophones will be amused I hope, after this post. 😂
On me dit à l’oreillette que l’admin avait raison sur toute la ligne, son côté soi-disant hater aurait dû être encore plus présent pour arrêter que la bien pensance viennent me casser les couilles. Les français et francophones vont être amusés j’espère, après ce post. 😂
But only time will tell, in the meantime she can do what she likes. I don't mind being the token hater at this point. But I'll never tolerate or appreciate a chick who likes tweets like that. And I'm not talking about multiculturalism, since the word racism is apparently impossible with her.
Mais seul le temps nous le dira, en attendant elle peut bien faire ce qu’elle veut. Je veux bien être la hater de service, au point où on en est. Mais on me fera jamais tolérer ou apprécier une meuf qui like des tweets pareils. Et je parle pas du multiculturalisme, vu que le mot racisme est apparemment impossible avec elle.
All the fan accounts can defend her body and soul, I absolutely don’t care. My diplomacy is gone and so are my filters, especially for someone like that. I'm not forgetting the fear, rage, anguish and tutti quanti that my country had, has and will have, during the retirement law period. And she went as nothing and had fun liking it. People want me to be neutral as fuck, and tolerate her. 💀Come on, stop.
Tous les comptes fans pourront la défendre corps et âmes, absolument rien à faire. Ma diplomatie s’est barrée et mes filtres aussi, surtout pour une personne comme ça. J’oublie pas la peur, la rage, l’angoisse et tuti quanti que j’ai eu pendant la période des retraites. Et elle, elle est allée s’amuser à liker ça et on me demande d’être juste et la tolérer. Allez stop.
She's a vile, smart one (and not in a good way), manipulative person with a deceptively moral ethic. Clothes don't make the man (or woman in this case), remember that. And don't even get me started on Luisa (Lando's ex), who had nothing to do with the hatred she got. She was chill, did her modeling in peace. She was a sweetheart. Coming to support Lando, you could tell they were sweetly in love.
C’est une personne vile, maligne (et pas dans le bon sens), manipulatrice avec une éthique faussement morale. L’habit ne fait pas le moine, retenez bien ça. Et venez même pas me parler de Luisa (Lando’s ex), ça n’a rien à voir avec la haine qu’elle s’est prise. Elle était chill, ne se prenait pas la tête, faisait son mannequinat tranquille. Elle était chou. Venir soutenir Lando, on sentait qu’ils étaient doucement amoureux.
Here, lol, it's just the opposite. She's no worse or better than Kelly, they're on the same level, period. Or on the same line anyway, displease some.
Ici, mdr c’est tout le contraire. Elle est pas pire ou mieux que Kelly, elles sont au même niveau point. Ou sur la même ligne en tout cas, n’en déplaise à certains.
I'm sick of looking for my words in english. And I have too many synonyms that I want to use in french, which mean very specific things I can’t find correctly in english. That why I put both. 😂
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Playing games - a Jikook thing
It’s always the two of them.
In their own world on the side occupying and entertaining themselves playing their games.
During award shows.
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During Run episodes.
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During practice
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During performance shoots
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Bon Voyage 4
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ITS 1 
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During clip shoots
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During concerts
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During radio interviews
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Sometimes others join in the fun too.
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Wait, the boxing needs a whole separate post...
Nah, I’ll add some more here.
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Just another constant over the years, which as you can all see is still happening.  It’s them with their inside jokes and games.  Always the two of them.  At times others will join, but mostly it’s just the two of them, the others just leaving them to do their own thing.
And there are so many more moments like these to choose from.  This was just me randomly picking a few.  If I have the time or energy I might add or reblog or just post another post with more for you to enjoy.  We’ll see...
Oh, and these are only the playing moments.  
Not included are all of those moments they are sitting together, just enjoying each other’s company, by each other’s side, giggling or taking selfies in cars or standing in a dark corner JK’s hand encasing JM’s.  No.  These are only them being playfully loud.
So yeah, haters, antis, whatever you are, you keep telling yourselves they are not and never were close or spin your new tales that they have become distant, they drifted away, and as you say those words, those two will continue doing their own thing, with or without your acknowledgement or support.
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Ok time for more unpopular opinions
Evermore (the song) would have been better without a feature. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a Bon Iver hater. The collab worked really well with Exile but on Evermore the bridge just sounded like they were screaming at each other. When Taylor played it as a surprise song the bridge sounded so much more...clear? Like I love the chaos but I can't tell what's being said and think that's why it's so underrated. It's in my top 3 on Evermore anyway. Maybe I'm just insane.
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melonteee · 9 months
ok so . want to hear some of your thoughts on the thing about the girl with the hoop earring supposedly being crocodile? I’m a trans guy and i constantly cringe at the fanbases interpretation of croc being trans (the term croc mom makes me nauseous lol there is no critical thought applied when people say that). I think that if the lady at rodger’s execution is crocodile, they just ended up genderbending croc. I have literally zero faith in any mainstream media’s ability to do trans characters right and i’m praying that if there is a s2, there is no mention of crocodile being trans. but then again im also praying it gets cancelled lol. SORRY if this is too heavy to talk about but i have really enjoyed your analysis of the LA so far and i feel like there’s not a whole lot of people being critical of the series.
anon the reason people aren't being critical about it is cause they're getting dogpiled and ratioed by people saying you're just being a hater lol, my non-op friend tried to find conversations on the reddit regarding this series and she was dead confused cause any comment with even the tiniest bit of criticism was just down voted to hell. It's like, there's enjoying something and then there's forcing positivity about it HHH idk why we are unable to comprehend that you are allowed to criticise something you love.
But yeah I personally don't want them to get to crocodile cause I cannot imagine how they'd 'hint' at croc being trans for an 'easter egg' when the fact crocodile just existing as is will forever be more powerful than anyone trying to put a circle and an arrow around him lmao. Imagine how they'd change Bon-chan too, I feel like they'd just remove the whole character tbh
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mongonolly · 2 months
[rap over "In the club" by Mishashi Sensei on Spotify]
Why you think I'm dying living 5th step NA can't leave can't breathe, forgiving
Chop Suey never saved me it was heaven sent never played a game but roulette *click* got bullets left
Never needed therapy The blood it got me on my three these villains aiming but they really gotta shoot the scene
It's not the movie critic labeling the music genre when I go home I'm gonna hug her prolly scare my mama
Don't leave nothin' to my name cuz I'll just prolly sell it for a blue I gotta numb the pain, gonna crush it too
But I'm invited holidays are rough in middle class stuff for mixin' gin I got the juice inside my glass
Don't blame it on a caddy
Drunk and bothered I need another *sniff* speak of V's and 30's crush em pop em off puff and pass the drinks Bon Iver broken teeth, veneer in sinks
Hate the scene, hate the genre, gloving forget the pain forget the FUCK I LOVE IT
Forget the stupid faggots talkin' shit in death maybe I'll die and in my spirit they'll remember why I even tried
Tumblr made a faker skater websites nolly I got a blog but it's a fucking phony stalling
Choices ride me like my haters livin' for their demons underdog that dies inside the movie beemin'
Can't talk Can't walk Can't be the one
Choose life Choose death Noose got it hung
Find fear Feel fragile living
Got sober nah I'm crystal Killin'
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bad-surprise · 1 year
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so i updated my haladriel textfic erase me today (part three is on twitter) and i’d love to talk about that.
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This is the wikipedia page I made for Celeborn. I really wanted him to be a mashup of Jack Antonoff and FINNEAS, which is interesting bc I am a known Celeborn hater who likes both of these producers.
Some canon references are more obvious than others. His middle name comes from his canonical Quenya name. Galadhrim Music is a reference to the elves living in Lothlorien. I wanted to make this world bigger bc touring is a huge part of the story, so Beleriand still exists here. I decided to make the Doriath family a family of politicians and civil servants bc i wanted the sort of government/leadership/public service feel but without the ickiness of actually making him nobility (though I did decide that his ancestors should still be royal). His band, Hidden Kingdom, is of course a reference to Doriath itself, and their album, The Fall, is a reference to the sacking of Menegroth.
Almost everything about Hidden Kingdom was taken from Jack Antonoff. He had a punk rock band in high school that toured using a DIY booking guide and played in anarchist bookstores. The approach to writing is heavily influenced by FINNEAS’ comments about how he writes songs for his sister, Billie Eilish, and how his acting experience helps with that.
A little easter egg here that you might catch later on in this part of the fic is that Amroth Lorien is the frontman of the supergroup Tevildo that Halbrand and Galadriel are both members of. You can expect to see a lot more about Tevildo in Part Four, but if it isn’t obvious, they are essentially intended to be the Canadian supergroup Broken Social Scene.
More easter eggs with Erase Me:
- Both Hal and Gal are openly bisexual characters here. They also are not strictly monogamous sexually, which is not a big deal here but referenced occasionally— particularly in the phone call in Part Three between H + G where it’s implied that they have history with the Loriens.
- The Soundtrack podcast was inspired by a podcast episode I heard that was a conversation between Stevie Nicks and Matty Healy. I also wanted the vibe to be very Actors on Actors. We’ll see if Galadriel makes an appearance on it in the future.
- Gal has ADHD, but I’ve never directly referenced this.
- Whispers From The Void = Crazy Days and Nights. The individual posting goes by K, any guesses as to who that is?
- Elrond is not just a music video director but a successful feature film director as well.
- Nothing is happening between Nori and Isildur, I just love fuckboy Isildur vibes.
- G’s solo music is a cross between Eloise’s album Drunk On A Flight (which is referenced frequently throughout the fic) and Phoebe Bridgers. I really imagine the stuff she’s working on now as very similar to the song Drunk On A Flight by Eloise and Moon Song by Phoebe Bridgers.
- The Dagorath Tour is partially inspired by Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour.
- The controversy re: G’s drumming is a reference to Meg White of The White Stripes.
- G does actually DJ as well, but more so just for fun. I imagine her as the sort of person who seems to be able to name any song three seconds into the intro.
- H is the more “serious” musician in terms of what he’ll listen to, but his formal education is lacking compared to G’s.
- “Light” is intended to be a sort of cross between Perth by Bon Iver, Something by The Beatles, and Guiding Light by Foy Vance, in terms of vibes, not necessarily sound.
- Lindalë’s sound is inspired by Silversun Pickups, Metric, The Strokes, Oh Wonder, Better Oblivion Community Center, and Arcade Fire, but with a lot of diverse influences (prog, punk, hip-hop, jazz, lounge) and they’re a little nerdy musically. They are getting into heated arguments over time signature shifts and they will defend their overuse of seventh chords to the death.
- I imagine a favorite album of G’s being Escalator Over The Hill by Carla Bley & The Jazz Composer’s Orchestra, but she also would love Ctrl by SZA, Led Zeppelin IV, and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West (though she wouldn’t listen to that anymore bc of him being awful).
- H’s music in my head I imagine as a cross between Jeff Buckley, Damien Rice, Ray LaMontagne, Iron & Wine, and Conor Oberst, with a splash of Big Thief in there. His favorite album would probably be something like Grace by Jeff Buckley or Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey, but he also probably loves OK Computer and In Rainbows by Radiohead and Actor by St. Vincent.
- There’s a bit where they talk on Moria Music about playing with Tevildo and that is almost entirely inspired by a video of Broken Social Scene performing Anthems for a 17 Year Old Girl where Emily Haines says “I missed my friends” at the end. I also reference that line in an instagram caption of Celeborn’s.
- They are big into psychedelics and also regularly take MDMA together.
- Galadriel has threatened divorce many times but this is the first time she’s ever actually gone ahead with it.
- Nori is constantly looking for a new job but never actually takes anything bc she feels very loyal to H + G, even though she’s overworked and underpaid lol. She is not their first assistant, but most quit pretty fast.
- Hal has a Google alert set up for G.
- The divorce announcement was inspired by a number of celebrity divorce announcements, but none quite so much as the infamous Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin conscious uncoupling. Others include Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner and David Arquette & Courteney Cox — I just swapped out the band for references to their kids lol.
- The song “Palantír” is somewhat inspired by Cannibal by Marcus Mumford
That was a lot but I hope it was somewhat enjoyable?
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