#but I do have gratitude and acceptance of divine timing down
Peace, love, balance, gratitude
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 3 months
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Hey! So today is a beautiful venusian day. And every venus day I love to express gratitude to the goddess flow. I picked four from egyptian mythology and wanted to do something connected to the energy.
Alright. So lets begin :)
You are being called to higher ground. You're absorbing too much of other peoples bullshit and boundaries are needed. Peasants are trying to take your charm and your beauty as it is a priceless energy. She's connected to you through your joy and need for stability. Your energy is heighten when alone, and giving yourself time off from things that are exhausting you are important. The Emperor card comes up in the reading for you as a way to give you justice as karma is coming for the ones who tried to break you. Bastet doesn't play hard to get, she doesn't play the fool is all. She's not one to be taken lightly however, and needs you to remember who the fuck you are. Dont quit. Dont beg. And make them wait for it. Ase!
GROUP 2 - SEKHMET - Goddess of the underworld. Scary dreams brought to reality.
Those nightmares are from the unconscious realm. Your fears are wanting to have a dance with you, will you let them? You're being called into the underworld, to process the magic you carry in your psyche and bringing it to the other realities you're scared to walk away from. Your truth is connected to your sexuality, can you let yourself live for once? Secretive by nature, don't let anyone in unless they worked for it. Open books in this group this may have cost you a bit. Be more open about your day to day life, not your private one. Choose wisely. Speak wisely, and open the door for your psychic gifts to pull thru. That fear your feeling as well as that paralyzing sensation when going fast to sleep is your subconscious mind astral traveling and going into other realms of consciousness. Have a light snack or some lavender tea before bed and allow yourself to do some breathing exercises to relax your body before sleeping. This will prepare your body and mind for the astral travel. God Bless.
You are being called to dance with the great Isis. She is calling all the mothers to awaken their divine essence and grace the world with your remarkable beauty. Your guidance is needed as the world heals from the war and trauma everyone is being induced with. Women and children are needing your help and in some way or form your gifts are the catalyst to stopping the wars inside of our bodies.
ISIS is asking for you to have more boundaries around you and your space. Like your friends in group one, you're priceless beauty can be taken advantaged of if you are not careful. You guys take a lot of time into building your self up so why allow others to bring you back down? You guys have a spiky tongue, only use it when necessary. Know your boundaries as well as your opponent. If they cross them then karma is surely about to deliver. Do not worry about the aftermath, it's exactly what they had coming.
GROUP 4 - HATHOR - Covered In Chocolate. Venus. Restoring Beauty. Divine Counterpart.
There is a sweetness coming into this reading that I adore. Art, sex, and sensuality are a theme for this group. You guys love interest may be the one, and it might need some boldness on your end as well as some patience. Be ready for the ride or die acquaintance that will be coming in very soon. Hathor wants you guys to appreciate the finer things in life instead of worrying about every little detail. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and take some time to live like the divine empress that you are! Take it easy on yourself these next few months doll face. The girls are looking to you as a form of inspo so just remember you are MUVAAAAA ok? You are strength, you are the muse, you are the moment. Hathor needs you to know this and fully accept it. Ase !
Hope you all enjoyed !
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dragonflydestiny · 7 months
❃ Pick-a-card: Tea of Empowerment ❃
I hope is PAC find you well. My 3rd pick-a-card reading. This pick a card is about self empowerment. Pick a tea and let spirits/the divine tell you how powerful you are. Sometimes, life can get disappointing and things don't work out the way you'd hoped and in those times you can start to doubt yourself and your abilities. So it is natural to be insecure in those low moments. But it is more important to acknowledge those insecurities, accept them and alchemise them into your greatest strength. I hope this reading will do just that. Pick from 1-4 and remember who you truly are.
P.S. I would be very grateful if you could tip me, only if you have the means to. It would encourages me to do more. Thank you so much.
Disclaimer: This is meant as entertainment only. Takes only what resonates.
My Master List.
Pile 1: Oolong Tea 🐉 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
You are someone who is connected to yourself. You know what it is that truly matters in this life. Even though life do tempts you, you still won’t take it for granted. Instead, you acknowledge how precious life is for you and always try your best to have gratitude. Even in discontentment, you still acknowledge the support you have around you, both from the people and from spirits. When you go through creative blocks or lacking in motivation, you don’t shame yourself for it. Through conflicts and confusions, even if everyone was against you, you are never against yourself. That’s what makes you powerful pile 1 and spirits are admiring you for this mindset.
Further more, you do not inflict pain to oneself or others. In the darkest times, where it seems like it would never end, you still believe in better days. Even if people around you do bring you chaos and try to take your hope from you. You still stand strong, that is your power. You don’t become jaded and you don’t think you are better than other people even if they did become jaded. You feel for them and hope that they will find their way again. You are very kind and very humble which makes you a powerful being. You are also always protected by other beings from other realms (Spirit guides, Angels, etc,).
In addition, in the mist of chaos, you can actually juggle it very well because of your organisational skills and what to prioritise. Even if sometimes you stumble, you’d always know how to get back to balance. You deal with the chaos of change really well and you also know how to balance work and rest so you won’t end up burning out. Like mentioned previously, you know what it is that truly matters in life. You go towards what you need and won’t let immature emotions (self-doubts, fears, ego, etc.,) getting in the way.
Spirits want to say that they are proud of you for working towards your personal growth. Even if it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar, know that you have their support. Any doubts or fears you have, you can send them over to your spirit guides for guidance. You can ask them for help and be receptive to those guidance. You are moving through the discomfort, for example; quitting a job, choosing a new career path or ending a relationship, know that it is because you want to grow. Even if your family, friends or whoever it is do not support your decision, know that you do and that’s what’s matter. You’re someone who’s not afraid to do the necessary work to develop true confidence and a sense of self. That’s is your personal power and it is very empowering.
Ultimately, as you continue to walk this path of personal growth, you would/will have the power to transform karma and become your best and brightest self. You will not back down from challenges and face the unknown head on because you will know that in both physicality and spiritually, you are strong. There's no obstacle you cannot overcome. You are the truth seeker who will harness the power that prevail all because you follow your heart.
Advice: 49. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDLY. Express your love through actions. It could be for someone you love or for yourself.
Mood board for pile 1.
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Pile 2: Chamomile Tea 🌼 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
Pile 2, you are someone who has a clear vision. You know what you want, your dreams and your desires. Your strong vision and clarity makes you one of the most powerful manifestors. Without clouds, without doubts, you solidify your truest dreams. You would never let anyone or anything stand in the way of your dreams. You are someone who is decisive and when you make up your mind, there is no stopping you. It is very powerful if you decide to go towards your dreams. For example, if you dream of becoming an actor/actress, you will not give up until you achieve it.
You won't just see the rose-coloured view of that dream/goal either. You see both sides, the ideal and the reality. You face the truth no matter how hard it is. And by accepting and admitting your wildest dream/wish you don't deny yourself the truth. This mindset makes you have that eternal hope and nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Another power that you have is the ability to overcome obstacles. If time is one of your obstacles, you will overcome that too. You know that you don't work alone, you know that you are co-creating with the universe. You are someone who is loyal and dedicated to the things that you decide to work on whether it'd be work or personal/relationship growth. But you don't take on unnecessary burdens and grip on too tight onto these goals.
Your patience is one of the most powerful tools and time would only reveal the rewards of your hard work. Even if you don't have the necessary tools/knowledge to do something, you don't give up but you will wait for the right opportunities to gather the necessary tools to continue cultivating your empire.
Another power you hold is that you have an open mind, even if you know what you want, you are not too rigid in your thinking. You don't think that you are always right, you will listen to others opinions and suggestions. You don't listen only to your mind but your heart as well. You are not too stubborn to the point where it will hinder your growth, no, your thoughts are flexible but not too easily sway or tempted.
The things that you strive for, the things that you hold dear i.e. your truest wish, they are not shallow or superficial. It is not just status, money or material gain. It is more than that, it is your purpose, your calling, a part of your soul essence. It is a journey towards your truest self, your home, cultivating a sense of self-trust. This is your power.
You are connected to the deeper truths of life, no matter where it will leads, you are not afraid to take. The life experience and knowledge you collect along the way will be your greatest achievements and it will help tell your story. You understand that whatever you are going through, it is part of life, part of a great story and you are the main protagonist.
And finally, your perception is your greatest assets, your mind becomes your most powerful tool as you are on your way to the highest enlightenment letting go of egotistic mindset. With your ability to see the truth clearly and the courage to pursue your passion makes you the most powerful creative being, expressing your creativity and desire without shame and guilt because you honour your expression.
Advice: 40. BE IN THE PRESENT AND DREAM OF THE FUTURE. When we dream, everything is possible.
Mood board for pile 2.
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Pile 3: Peppermint tea 🌿 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
For pile 3, you overcome a lot of hardship and obstacles. You always come out of hard times victoriously. Like a warrior coming back from wars, you manage to win every battles and you win them with fairness and integrity. What makes you powerful is when you are in a difficult situation or a dark period of your life, you do not jeopardise your morality. There is honour in how you fight demons. You don't stoop low to their level and get your hands dirty. Most importantly, you don't let yourself become jaded and apathetic. You always look back at those dark times with gratitude.
What makes you more powerful is your foresight, you'd always see a better future so you don't dwell too much on the past. You are certain that it is only up from here and you will do anything to recover lifting your spirit. You battle your negative emotions with your sharp mind and perception bringing in the clarity needed. Nothing can cloud your judgement when you have the knowledge and experience. Every lessons learned are tools under your belt for future victories. There is nothing you can't conquer and you know this. Unlike others, you don't give yourself a hard times, there is only room for constructive criticism, never unnecessary reprimanding. This trait makes you powerful avoiding unneeded self victimisation and self pity.
Another trait that makes you powerful is that you are in your power, you are complete. You feel home within yourself, you acknowledge this and celebrate this. You worked on yourself, confronted your shadows and the deep hidden wounds from the past. You delve into the dark and face your fears where you address your anxiety with kindness, reasons and acceptance. You address your self doubts with reassurance. You are not afraid to look yourself in the mirror and accept who it is that you see in front of you. You accept yourself for who you are, destroying the guilt and the shame that was place upon you by external influences.
You are not afraid to see and confront what fears is holding you back. You would find out if it's the fear of abandonment, fear of success, or both or other types of fears that have been hindering you. You would bring awareness and illuminate the type of fear you are dealing with then you would take the next practical step and work through those fears. Thus, once you know what fear to confront, you will work on it patiently and persistently and would come out victorious.
And sometime, you might even have fun with doing these shadow work. These darkness fuel your creativity, your life's poetry metaphorically or literally if you are a writer. Because you know darkness, you can appreciate the light and life is much more flavourful.
What makes you even more powerful is when you are in your lowest of lows, you never lost your loving nature. A beauty from both within and radiating outwards. People around you love this sense of grace and calmness you exudes. With so much hardness in this world, you brought a sense of softness and tenderness that is full of gentleness and compassion. Because you hold the wisdom of the divine within you, you know that you are part of the divine, the universe's will. Divinity runs through your vein.
Your faith in the higher power makes you hone your power and align to your higher self. A strong relationship exists between you and the divine. A strong third eye, you see beyond this dimension, this timeline. You see into the future, again, your foresight is highlighted, with your strong intellect and intuition. You are powerful because you know you hold the deepest wisdom and you are not afraid to use them.
Advice: 13. MIRACLES AND BLESSING. Everything has its gift. Recognise and accept the blessings that have occurred in your life.
Mood board for pile 3.
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Pile 4: Black Tea 🌑 (Drinking this tea may help you hone your power, you can also look up benefits of this tea)
Pile 4, you went through so much hardships and burdens. The journey had been difficult. It made you feel like you've been climbing up a mountain carrying heavy rocks. These responsibility and burdens you're carrying, most of it is not even yours. There are too much responsibility you've taken or someone has given to you that is making your connection with your intuition a bit hard to access. You have a powerful intuition and strong psychic wisdom pile 4. But to be able to access it you have to sit in stillness, sit in silence and listen. Put down those misplaced burdens and instead of climbing, it is time to fly.
It is always those who are the most powerful that tend to suppress their power because they know subconsciously the influence and impact they hold, could do to themselves and to the people around them. With that being said, I can see that you are a very powerful being but most of your powers are hidden. Whether subconsciously or consciously, you kept your power hidden. You actually have psychic power that allows you to see potential futures. But you might suppress this because it scares you. Before, you'd only see 'bad' futures. These 'bad' futures you saw might be a result of the people surrounding you. Your environment may be full of pessimistic and negative people and their self fulfilling prophecy. That is not favourable in term of how it would influence and affects your psychic ability. However, if you actually try to see your predictions for what it is, you will be able to predict more realistic futures that are not so extremely 'good' or 'bad' but more factual and genuine.
What makes you powerful is that you have the potential to envision the future, like a visionary, you get a peak into the unknown. You can see potential futures where all your goals and desires come true. A way of life you always wanted to live. But your insight is not shortcoming. In addition to the vision, you also posses the ability and capability to critically assess those views. These skills would ground your vision and materialise them into the 3D.
You are honest with yourself and others about these visions you see. You'd know if it's just a groundless dream or a potential one. You'd observe your surrounding, your present moment, actions, details, and patterns. These clues aids you to asses if the vision you see can come true. This makes you powerful, therefore, your judgement have never been wrong, both the good ones and the not so good ones. Your judgement have always been right whether the people around you listen or not, you are always right. Sometime spooking people, they might think that you can actually see the future which genuinely, you can.
Whether people believe you or not, that's not your problem. You know yourself and over time you learn to trust your own judgement and discern accurately what's to come. These help you to be ready and adapt to take on whatever that will transpire while also simultaneously accessing alternate future outcomes that may be better. It is very hard to blind sided you pile 4 and that makes you powerful.
Your discernment is also what makes you powerful. You don't give away your time, your love or your energy easily. Now you know better, people need to earn your energy with respect and gratitude. Even though your cup of love is pure and authentic, it is very exclusive and hard to come by. If people are overlooking it then it is their loss. However, not only that it is hard for you to love, the opposite is also true. It's hard for you to 'unlove' as well. If you deem that person is worth your love you will be very loyal, 'do or die' type of energy. You would stick to that person till the end, never letting them go no matter what happens. This makes you a powerful friend and frightening enemy.
Another trait that makes you powerful is your enthusiasm for life. You are self-reliant and can handle hard challenges with ease. That may be why people come to you with their burdens. Again, do not take it if you don't want to. You are an independent, responsible individual who takes care of your own things. In truth, you carry so much wisdom within and can achieve far in this life. You might love travelling and have a lust for faraway lands. You heal and impact a lot of people that come into contact with you. You help ease their burdening path with your light and playful energy redirecting them towards a more favourable futures potentials.
But people tend to underestimate your impact and intelligent, thus, please remember not to underestimate your own power. Know this, most people you meet, they would need you more than you would need them. It's because you are so capable alone, literally, you can reach the stars. But because you are kind and you understand the law of oneness, you are willing to help those in need. Therefore, your existence alone is already very powerful.
Lastly, it is very important for you to release and lessen your load more. You are a strong and capable person who can take on a lot but that doesn't mean you should. Self-care, self prioritisation, rest and rejuvenation is very important for you and would make your power more potent.
Advice: 21. CHOOSE LOVE. You always have choice - make yours with love. It is because you are very powerful being, your choice have more weight and impact on those around you.
Advice: 9. SLOW DOWN. Pause and allow things to unfold.
Mood board for pile 4.
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A Simple 3 day manifesting challenge using Neville Goddard “isn’t it wonderful”
"Isn't it wonderful? This is the secret declared by the wise: I am what I want to be. And though outwardly I appear to be living in this world, inwardly I am what I want to be in the world of my own wonderful creating."
The words of Neville Goddard are so powerful because they remind us that we are limitless in our potential. We can become whatever we want to be, regardless of our external circumstances. All we need to do is start believing in ourselves and have faith in our unique capabilities.At the heart of Neville Goddard's message is the idea that we create our own realities. People often forget this and get bogged down in the day-to-day mundanity of life. But if we remain focused on our goals, we can manifest our dreams and craft our own destiny.
"Isn't it wonderful" reminds us of our divine nature, and our ability to create our own reality as God being a spark of the Supreme Being, and to live a happy and fulfilled life without feeling discouraged or hopeless. By believing and feeling positively, we can naturally manifest the life we want by using our own power of thoughts and beliefs.
we can attract more positive outcomes. "Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live."
by Using"Isn't it wonderful," we align ourselves with the energy of our desires and attract them effortlessly. "Ask yourself, 'What would it feel like if my desire were fulfilled right now?'"
It encourages us to persist in our affirmations and trust in the truth. "Persist in your assumption, and it will harden into fact."
It will evoke gratitude and celebration for the things we have and the things we desire. "Always be thankful for what you already have as it means you are already blessed with abundance."
The challenge
Day 1:
To begin with, it's important to understand the power of belief. Whatever we believe, we manifest. Let go of any limiting beliefs and remind yourself that you have the power to create the life of your dreams.
* Start your day by saying, "Isn't it wonderful that my dream life is manifesting right before my eyes." The reason this is in present rather than past, is to concur the fact that most of you guys truly don’t believe you can manifest in a day. That is why this is a 3 day challenge and not a 24 hour one. Three days seems to be the magical realistic number for tumblr, and sometimes it benefits you to go with your beliefs rather than fight them. Regardless, repeat this affirmation throughout the day whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively or doubting yourself. To make it more fun, create a "Manifesting Vibes" playlist with empowering songs to keep you in a positive and uplifted mood.
Day 2:
* focus on improving your self-concept. When we view ourselves positively, we attract positivity into our lives. Take a few moments to reflect on your self-concept. If there are any limiting beliefs or negative self-talk that need to be addressed, it's time to release them.
* Start your day with the affirmation, "Isn't it wonderful that I love and accept my godly ability to choose my reality.”It does not have to be all day at all unless that is how you prefer. It is a one and said quote because it is the truth and it does not need to be repeated.
To make the process simpler and more enjoyable, create a vision board of your dream life. Add pictures, quotes, affirmations, and anything that represents the life you want. Look at it every day and imagine yourself living that reality.
At night listen to this (suggested by @majasuniverse )if you like affirmations, or this for a spiritual audio I prefer to use this by @reincarnatedempress1, or this by @kikispiritualservices for my friends who like normal subliminals. Any of them work very well in my experience so it is up to your preference. Use it all three nights or preferably just the night of day 2 because you are more powerful than any audio or subliminal on the internet. If you have a habit of using vid sources, feel free to use it all of the nights, it will not hurt or hinder you in this challenge.
Day 3:
* On the final day of our manifesting challenge, let's focus on gratitude. When we appreciate what we have, we attract even more abundance into our lives. Start your day by saying, "Isn't it wonderful that I have so much to be grateful for and my dream life has manifesting easily and effortlessly."
* Create a gratitude journal and write down everything you're thankful for, including the small things. Whenever you're feeling doubtful or negative, read your gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the blessings in your life and manufestion that have already accrued in your life. You are already greatful because it is done.
That phrase alone should be a reminder whenever doubt occurs that creation is finished. It is a reminder that no matter what situation you are in, you have the power to create your own reality. When you declare this phrase, "It's done," you are making a conscious decision to accept what is and move forward. You are claiming your right to be at peace within yourself and with the world.
Remember. "Man has not discovered a method of bringing into manifestation that which he desires. He has always had it; he need only believe it into being."
The present moment is the point of power and attention, and so you should use it wisely to create your own reality.
"What you are conscious of, you are creating in this very moment."have faith that your desires are already fulfilled and to trust in your godly abilities.
And most importantly "Everything in creation is but an extension of yourself." When we manifest, we're not changing anything outside of ourselves in the physical world. Instead, we're changing our inner world and the way we view our reality.that’s why it can be instant or in this case three days.
Our thoughts and beliefs are like a filter through which we view the world. When we manifest, we're changing the filter, which changes the way we see the world. This means that everything we experience outside of ourselves in the physical world is simply a reflection of our inner world.
So no questions, don’t ask for clarifications because you’re already falling the challenge before it starts! It will work, and you’re doing it just right I promise there is no special trick to it or step you’re misunderstanding.
Anyways That is all! I wanted to make this challenge because as it’s my finals week I’ll be a little more busy as I’m trying to make it all to all the end of the year events and be present in the beautiful world and the people around me! I also limit my media consumption and I have been using tumblr more than other social media…but I have some shows I want to watch, so I’ll now have to reduce tumblr to keep my hours balanced ! I’m not on break or anything and I will be active.. just not as active so I wanted to put something out! I’ll see you guys soon and per usual happy manifesting loves!
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mariaelenaariente · 1 year
Astro Observations - all sign placements
coming from an esoteric and evolutionary astrologer
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The pictures used are not mine
In-depth Natal Chart Analysis - reconnect with your Soul and uncover the Divine within you
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(These are not in any particular order)
Pisces placements often refuse their own spiritual abilities unless they're really in tune with their chart and Soul purpose. I've noticed this so many times - these natives have the most potential for a natural connection to the divine, yet they so often dismiss it. This can be related to a variety of things, but I believe it mostly comes down to them being subconsciously scared to detach from the material plane and trust their innate wisdom (which often goes against what society has taught us). However when a native with strong Piscean energy does connect to the divine, they're unstoppable and enlightening.
Leo placements (yes I'm a big fan of these) have so much light in them. I can't stand all the "they're so egoistical" bullsht. Of course some will be, especially the unevolved ones, but let's be honest: most are scared of healed strong Leo energy because they don't get them (and our society really isn't built for someone like them living according to their highest vibrations). Leos are strong, brave, loving, joyous, and have enormous hearts. They're simply made out of pure love and I will not be arguing about this.
Natives with an abundance of Taurus placement will not ever forget how you did them wrong. It's a matter of time before their disappointment exceeds their feelings for you and they snap (and when they do it's truly awful). I know that we like to think Cancers are the most likely to hold grudges (and to an extent they are, but in a much more different way) but a fixed sign will really think about that for the rest of their lives. If they do happen to also have Cancer placements, forget ever being really forgiven (unless they're particularly conscious).
Scorpio placements are really not as vengeful as people believe them to be. They are ruled by Pluto - what they do is transform and outgrow their pain. Yes their anger is strong and all-consuming, but ultimately they're meant to let it go to be able to better themselves. And let's be honest, Scorpio placements have to go through so much. They're asked to face pain and discomfort throughout most of their lives. A conscious native will transform this into their greatest strength, they won't plan their revenge for years. They know something greater's coming.
Gemini placements are the true intellectuals of the zodiac. Wait, before you come for me (lately it seems that most only call them chatty and annoying), hear me out. I'm not saying they're smarter than anyone, but they are the most invested in learning about the world. This can take many different forms based on their unique chart, and most of the time the form it takes is chaotic. They may not follow the traditional educational path. Where Aquarius placements are invested in learning, yes, Gemini placements are also invested in applying what they've learned. They're unlikely to really dedicate their lives to one subject - but they will dedicate their life to continuously grow and stimulate their intellect. There's so much more to be said here.
Aries placements generally have a hard time accepting themselves. They carry so much enthusiasm and energy with them, more often than not they'll be deemed "too much". This can really hinder their spirit - these natives need a lot of freedom and acceptance from their early childhood to grow into their confidence and powerful drive. If they don't get it, they often tend to retreat within themselves and hold back their energy. This is the root of the stereotypical Aries anger - they've often been suppressing themselves for years.
Aquarius placements often need to give others better credit for the lessons they teach them. Giving gratitude is an important lesson they need to learn in this lifetime. Yes, gratitude. Even for their hurts. Possibly especially for their hurts. They have the ability to easily recognize patterns in human behavior, and they wouldn't be able to exercise this if they isolate. If an Aquarian numbs their emotions and doesn't realize the great (soon to be positive) impact a bad experience had for them they'll be unable to learn from it.
Virgo placements can be just as loving as the stereotypical maternally affectionate Cancerian. Their typical pickiness when it comes to choosing whether to let someone into their life or not is their way of evaluating possible hurts and protecting themselves from it. A healed Virgo native however will not be running away from someone based on the rationalization they made of the situation - a healed Virgo will have a highly developed intuition and be a channel for divine messages - they'll just know what is right for them without the need to judge the situation. And if the situation is indeed right, they'll be some of the most loving and dedicated people in your life.
Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, and Sagittarius placements coming soon.
In-depth Natal Chart Analysis - reconnect with your Soul and uncover the Divine within you
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daisys-reality · 2 years
ʟᴀᴡ ᴏꜰ ᴀꜱꜱᴜᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐃𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
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Hey everyone! Tbh it was a pretty spontaneous decision to do this PAC reading. So, idk how useful it will be to you guys but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless. Let me know how much it resonates!
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How to choose a picture: try to calm down, take deep breaths & use your intuition to select. Take you time and chose the picture you feel the most drawn to.
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 1
One thing I see is that you crave justice or rather revenge but without directly involving yourself. All the people who have treated you wrongly should receive punishment by the universe. That’s what you desire. You refuse to accept any more bullying or betrayal. Deceiving other people for your benefit could also be a theme. (being secretly in power)
You want to indulge in your ego, lusting for things that you weren’t allowed to before. Behaving in a way that society would call controversial. Being greedy and enjoying it. Maybe even finding an outlet for your aggressions and being violent for once. Being a bad b*tch (regardless of gender). Embracing your dark side. Reclaiming your power.
Letting go of the past and leaving it behind. Starting a completely new life. Improving yourself and your life circumstances. Rebirth. Having an epiphany. Absolution.
Appreciating the small things in life. Privacy/Private life. Freedom in love. Independance. Creativity. Expressing yourself in writing. Being a novelist. Making lots of real life experiences. Hiding your fragile personality and being seen as tough by society.
Creating lots of meaningful memories. Remembering who you were and who you are now. Reconnecting with people from the past. Having children one day or reconnecting with your inner child. Nostalgia and innocence.
Creating balance and coming out as a winner in life. Being recognized and praised. Releasing your shyness. Other people showing gratitude and appreciation towards you. Seeing all the wonderful things in life. Listening to some sort of divine guidance and being open to all the success coming your way.
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 2
I see you wanting to be more reckless, unafraid and maybe even arrogant. Defending what you love. Claiming the future you desire with confidence. Being able to do whatever you want. Maybe being able to brag about your dream life and people being jealous of you.
If you’ve been more the timid type of person, you want to be more dominant, having your voice heard. Succeeding in a competitive environment. Having rivals or love-hate relationships with people. Feeling comfortable with arguing/stating your opinion. Fighting for yourself. Not backing down, embracing change and differing opinions of others.
Being more diligent, willing to put in the necessary work. Being determined and committed to fulfill your dreams. Less procrastination and impatience and more responsibility and ambition. Being free of anxiety.
Being more provocative. Becomming a fashion icon, sex symbol or pop star. Being consistent. Not giving up too quickly. The badder you are, the better it is. Having a stable status in society. Creating and fighting for your own safe space/kingdom. Confidence.
Exploring yourself and your desires. Se*ual liberation and freedom of expression. Having many relationships and different lovers in life. Reinventing yourself. Having your own business or having many different jobs/side incomes.
Following your love for learning, obtaining lots of knowledge. Having the freedom to change your opinions/mindset or plans in life. Sharing your knowledge with others. Being and being seen as brilliant and truthful but also blunt/straightforward. Having intellectual projects going on.
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 3
I see you wanting to gather ultimate strength (mentally). Staying resilient and being able to endure ANYTHING - even the impossible. You want to be someone who is wary and cautious while also not losing hope. Seeing through any kind of trickery. Being persistent and not giving up or not giving in to something. Releasing any kind of paranoia. And having courage.
You also want success in life and being super confident after passing through these difficult times. You want to be someone that no one can bring down. Being more optimistic in life and enthusiastic for the path ahead. You want to be satisfied on all levels. Being an accomplished individual. Having lots of luck and experiencing lots of joy. Getting rid of all doubts, fears and of depression.
Meeting someone who is as smart as you or someone who can outsmart you - an equal partner. Developing more of a conscience. Getting caught (?). Less manipulation and cheating. Receiving confessions (not necessarily love confession but people confessing that they did something to you). More honesty. Intelligence and rationality.
Rebelling against religion or religious beliefs. Following your own beliefs. Being a leader. Behaving in an ‘unmorrally’ way. Being more than just a ‘plain human’ - being a force of nature. Being ambitious - even if you don’t know where you’re going. Indulging in your creative side (singer, songwriter, actor, artist). Grunge aesthetic. Being a legend.
Having a secret love/love life and a small friend circle. Having a wild/crazy life and experiences while taking love and friendship seriously. Presenting yourself as carefree and wild while actually being very disciplined and practical.
Success in your career. Not being stuck in a tiring routine. Doing something challenging and fulfilling. Having fun, being mischievous. Being able to take on anything and succeeding. Other people enjoying your company. Peak cleverness. No Boredom.
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 4
I see you wanting a spiritual or magical life. Lifting all the illusions. Finding out what is real and what is not - finding your real self. Releasing all insecurities. Finding relief. Having a joyful life. Enlightenment. Becoming resolut.
Being strong/fierce and assertive. Living an unconventional life. Not giving in to fears. Being intelligent and rebellious. Releasing any inferior complex and being confident and brave. Being a winner/champion in life. Being more active or action-oriented.
Facing the world. Being less stuck in your head. Transforming and growing. Being carefree and excited about your new life, regardless of ‘warnings’. New beginnings and possibilities. Being a free spirit. Treasuring your innocence. Exploring this world and seeing it with your own eyes. Following your heart and having faith in the universe.
Having an adventurous life. Not being stuck in one place. Variety and excitement. Exploring all forms of love. Getting married. Marrying someone wealthy - having other people provide for you. Having the freedom to make your own choices. Writing. Expressing your thoughts - maybe unanimously. Complexity and balance.
Indulging freely in pleasure. Going out and claiming what is yours. Being loved for who you are- showing your true self. Embracing those closest to you - sharing your warmth and power, supporting them. Being an icon or a famous individual (actor, producer, activist, moderator, spokesperson, singer, advocate). Performing. Freedom in sexuality and gender.
Personal power and confidence. Paying no heed to other people’s opinions. Having friends that are like a family. Having enough strength to stand up for yourself and for saying no. Resolving all inner conflicts (fears, anxiety, doubts…). Not fearing showing the public another side of you.
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 5
Being unstoppable. Standing up for what you believe in - against all odds - and being willing to fight to the bitter end. Your courage and resolve being an inspiration for the people around you, even to those that disagree with you. Not being a coward or being overwhelmed. High level endurance and strength.
Having matured and grown in power. Being kind but fiercely protective of those you love. Possessing great wisdom and patience. Being connected deeply to your subconsciousness. Loyalty, devotion and generosity in your life. Being in control. Nourishing yourself and others.
No cheating, deceptions, backstabbing or manipulation in your life. Outsmarting all those with bad intentions towards you. Others not being able to keep things secret from you. Having power over people. Breaking old habits and stopping self sabotage.
Success and accomplishments - ending up on top after all those past struggles. Being confident and shining brightly. Creating things. Being optimistic and enthusiastic for the path ahead. Enjoying your life. High level satisfaction. Abundant life. Overcoming fears. No otherinking or overanalyzing - being guided towards your dreams. Paying no attention to other people’s opinions. Free self expression.
Making a difference. Being creative and innovative. Expanding your career while making time for your family and loved ones. Designing, decorating, creating. Soaring over the ordinary. Having close friendships. Not just choosing something/someone for the sake of stability. Going on vacations to rejuvenate and to clear your mind.
Being committed to yourself - enjoying being desired by many but not committing easily to others. Not putting love on a pedestal. Prioritizing your own pleasure and satisfaction. Inventing ‘love’ new. Letting other people do the work for you. Other people wanting to obey or satisfy you. Being a muse to many. Having a legacy.
-> check out my other pac readings
༣P𝔦𝔩𝔢 6
I see you wanting to be fierce, assertive and exacting force. Not giving in to fears. Releasing any inferior complex and being confident and brave. Fair judgment in life. Living an unconventional life. Being intelligent and rebellious. Being a winner/champion in life. Being less passive.
While being willing to stand up for what you believe in, you want to stay kind and gentle. Being a provider or being provided for. Being someone who wants to save his loved ones like a hero while also being saved by someone who is as chivalrous as you. You want affection, protection, meaningful gifts and fidelity.
New experiences - exploring this world. Being able to follow your heart and to have faith in the universe. Being carefree and excited about your new life, regardless of other people's criticisms or 'advice'. Being less stuck in your head. Following your curiosity. Having new beginnings and possibilities. Being a free spirit. Facing the world and seeing it with your own eyes while keeping a certain amount of innocence.
Experiencing tough love or love that can endure anything - full of emotions and passion and maybe pain - a love that is difficult to understand from an outsider perspective. Being authentic to yourself and your desires. Not letting yourself be influenced too much by other people. Leading a private life.
Freedom. Not feeling blocked or stuck. Free from all obstacles in life. Choosing a ‘different path’. Releasing all negativity. Having endless other possibilities to act upon. Having a happy end. No negative people who are draining you and no unwanted drama in your life.
-> check out my other pac readings
© daisys-reality
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kazylgon · 2 months
Today i finished running an adventure for some friends in the Heart: The City Beneath roleplaying game, which was an absolute wild ride from start to finish.
First of all, the system fucking SLAPS, and if you like lightweight systems which still enable honestly a lot of tension, your character suffering a LOT like seriously your little guy is going to have such a bad time, tragedy, horror, and tragic horror you should give it a go.
But Oh Boy, the shenanigans which were got up to. Extended summary below but this barely scratches the surface of everything that happened and the context for it all so if you're curious or what to know more about the system or setting send and ask or message me because I'd love to provide more context.
Our cast consists of Horizon, a mage, addicted to magic, microdosing on corruption, desperately trying to find a cure for the affliction of feebleness plaguing their entire race. Shay, a walking corpse who came back wrong, with the whispers of their possibly dead girlfriend in their brain urging them to delve greedier and deeper. And Zaktan, a surgeon made of wasps, seeking to impose perfect order on the world.
They travelled deep beneath the ground, all seeking some elusive, vague font of power, capable of granting whoever finds it whatever their soul desires, called The Heart.
The very first settlement they came across quickly disappeared, drowned by waterlogged corpses spewing salt water from their mouths. Horizon accidentally opened their soul up to the master of these creatures with a particularly unlucky roll, and left them retching up salt water for a brief moment before everyone could escape to the Temple of the Moon.
Here they meet the high priestess Airelle, who apparently can't die, because she's the moon's favourite. She tells them that the walking corpses are vassals of the Drowned Queen, a deep god of everything beneath the water, including drowned corpses. She tells them that if they fetch a collection of runes from deeper down, she can perform a ritual to banish the queen and save all the nearby settlements that she's trying to drown. She'll offer a reward, of course, but Zaktan doesn't trust her one bit, and refuses her offer to he can break into her room to snoop around instead.
The first step on this quest is to sneak through a junkyard filled with cultists obsessed with death. Here they find a beast of metal and Heartflesh. Shay frees it, as the voice in their head encouraged them to do, devours some of its flesh, and in its gratitude it devours some of the cultists in their way.
The next destination is an ancient train station with vibrating crystals hanging from the ceiling, threatening to fall if any loud noise shakes them free. Here Zaktan becomes fascinated with the wreck of a magical train, being studied by Knights of the Rail, Horizon seeks treatment from the knight's surgeon (nasty little goblin who thinks Horizon's entire race are a lost cause because of the curse of feebleness they bear), and Shay immediately sets about collapsing the ceiling of the place to break the floor and open a tunnel deeper. This frees an angel of convulsing, raw flesh and sinew which proceeds to destroy the entire station, forcing the group to flee.
The group accepts Shay's actions after they calmly explain themselves.
Just kidding Zaktan slices Shay's face off. Shay doesn't care in the slightest because they brought the love of the Heart to the station and everyone in it.
From here it's a straight shot down to the sanctum of the mages keeping the protective runes.
Just kidding again. The Drowned Queen has taken up residence here. In person. All ten feet of her perfect, pristine, divine body, clad in jellyfish and kelp. The whole area is flooded, but Horizon, having opened up their soul to her (accidentally, but she's so lonely she doesn't realise that) and so sweet talks into letting them explore the tower. They find a vault at the base, with the runes inside, along with a victim of the mage's experiments: a person having been infused with the magic of the Heart and turned into a strange, warped creature of warping flesh. Shay free it, it attacks Horizon, and Zaktan does literally nothing to help until Horizon misses a spell to defend themselves and accidentally hits Zaktan, exposing the fact that Horizon is capable of drawing on the Drowned Queen's power.
This doesn't go down well with Zaktan, who has been shaken by an unlucky roll and is now deeply terrified of the queen, despite his disdain for all things godly. He insists on Horizon telling him exactly what is going on, and the two do so, over a completely amicable exchange of notes which doesn't result in any more faces being sliced off.
They all rest here, and Horizon is unnerved by the Queen watching them with a burning intensity the entire time.
On the way back up, with the runes in hand, they encounter a Knight of the Rail, the only survivor of what Shay did to the station. The knight attempts to bombard with with his cannon, but Shay practically skips up to him, and shoves him into the netherworld with naught but a boop on the nose.
Getting back through the station isn't as easy, as the angel has transformed into a massive tree of meat and pulsing veins, supporting the ceiling while its roots writhe across the floor seeking flesh to devour. Shay doesn't care and just walks through, the tendrils seemingly ignoring them. Zaktan and Horizon are less lucky, and Zaktan loses his notebook, his most prized possession, becoming convinced that Horizon stole it when exchanging notes. Horizon would have made it through fine, if they weren't distracted by the desire to collect a sample, which leads them stranded, surrounded, blood from the weird angel flesh tree right in their eyes, and needing to be rescued by Shay.
Back through the junkyard, they confront the bishop leading the death cult. He reveals that he and Airelle came here together, before she betrayed and abandoned him. Shay then suplexes him off of the raised platform of his throne, Zaktan injects him with a sample of a horrid virus, and Horizon calls upon the power of the queen once more to drown him.
This clears the final obstacle back to the temple where they can begin the ritual to banish the queen. Zaktan refuses to give up the runes unless he is the one to perform the ritual however, even though it draws on the power of the moon goddess. He's convinced he knows her better than one of her high priestesses, and he's convinced said high priestess is keeping something from him. Shay mans the barricades to keep the queen and her vassals out when she inevitably attacks, and Horizon...is conflicted.
The queen does indeed attack. Her form has changed. She now resembles a drowned corpse clad in a rotting, waterlogged gown, hollow eye sockets filled with nothing but worms and small crustaceans picking at the flesh, suspended in the air by a fleshy tendril connected to some massive creature concealed in the tunnel behind her. She blows past Shay, angered that this group promised to spread her influence only to turn on her, slaughtering everything in her wake. Until Horizon rolls ridiculously well on a roll to distract her, approaches her, kisses her...giving just enough time to Zaktan to finish the ritual to banish her.
She looks at Horizon, not angry. Just sad, and betrayed. She could have given them everything, she says, moments before being yanked back down into the deep.
The group were heroes. The people living in and around the temple celebrate.
Zaktan however, heads upstairs to Airelle's room and murders her, searching for the secrets she was keeping. He doesn't get much though, not even a scream or a struggle, just a cryptic message that "She's really not going to like that, you know."
And that ends the pre-written adventure that all of this came from. Next few sessions are going to be off the edge of the map and I am so disgustingly excited as to what horrors this lot are going to get themselves into next.
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yanderefairyangel · 6 months
Ok so
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Apparently Treehouse toned down Rafal to be platonic but after checking myself I am not sure ?? They made it less explicit sure but that still hold ?
Anyway, translated the og for you so you can judge
Alear (jp) : Rafal, this is something I wanted to tell you a while now....*pact ring appears on screen* Will you accept this ?
Rafal (jp): He-Hey.... that's...
Alear (jp): It's the ring of promise. The proof of a deeper bond between I and the person who wears it
Rafal (jp): Do not say such a thing, idiot ! Give it to someone else ! You find me attractive, I get it ! but... That's wrong ! The person you should choose as a partner should be someone much more deserving and more... Pure.
Alear (eng) : But you said actions express gratitude better then words, Rafal, and you were right. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I decided I want you to have this.
Rafal (eng) : Is that what I think it is ?
Alear (eng) : It's the pact ring- a symbol of a deep and special bond. A partnership.
Rafal : (eng) : I may posses superficial charm, but giving me this to me would be foolish even by your standard. Moreover, it would be wrong. I have done nothing to to earn such an honnor. Any partner of yours should be more ... pure.
Alear (jp) : When I thought about who to give this ring to, your face was the only thing that could came to my mind . Would you accept to continue fighting by my side ?
Alear (eng) : You are the one I want to give this to, Rafal. You and nobody else. You are already an indispensable part of my life. I am only asking you to continue to be that.
Rafal : (jp)... I don't have the choice then. If I take my eyes off you, who knows what you will get yourself into. I will stand by you until the very end. I will never hesistate to always stand for you. I shall partake in your fight by your side. Even if the whole world turn against you, I'll be your ally.
Rafal (eng) : When you put it that way, it seems I have little choice. Who else will keep an eye on you ? Very well, you have my word. I will remain by your side, fighting for your cause, until the end. Even if the rest of the world should turn against you, I will be here. I swear it.
Rafak (jp)... And...well. I will say this only once so... listen carefully. A while ago, you said you wanted to see me happy right ? At first, I was merely happy that I could begin a new life as "Rafal". But... the more I spend time here, the less I think I can be happy without you by my side. That's why... I want you to swear me once more, Divine dragon/Alear.
Rafal (Eng) : I will only say this once, so mark me well. You said that you wanted me to be happy. When I first came here, I was content merely to embark upon a new life as a new person. But the more I spend time with you, the more I ...miss you when you are absent. So, in return for my oath, I would like you to swear something to me, Alear.
Rafal (jp) : Don't ever get full of yourself and leave my side without permission. You and your future... belong to me.
Rafal (eng) : Swear that you that you will never leave my side - that we will explore what the future together holds together.
Diary note when S support is completed.
JP : Our life as partners. He is too embarassed to tell you about what he truly feels, but he cherishes you deeply. When you are alone with someone else, he will get jealous and glares at you from afar. He keep the Pact ring in a vessel made of his own scales, and protect it fiercly so that no one else can see it let alone touch it.
Eng :Life with Rafal. Though he'll seldom admit it, he is deeply fond and fiercely protective of the Divine dragon. Keeps the Pact Ring in a vessel made from his own scales and is very careful about showing it to anyone
Wake up events PR editions
1 : (eng) You are fortunate indeed...to have me around to wake you. I wonder what you are dreaming about. For my part...even the world I come from feels like it could have been a dream. I wonder...could there be a world out there...in which I command the invocation...to summon you as my Emblem ? I would not prefer such a world. Because the bond we share, symbolized by this Pact ring... it is everything to me. * Alear rise up * You heard all that ? Well... I will not repeat it. So you will just have to rely on your memory... to know how I feel about you
1 : (jp) Having me to wake you up every morning... you really are a fortunate one indeed. I wonder what you are dreaming about today. The world I came from feels like a distant dream to me... I wonder if there is a world out there, where I cast the incantation that can summon you as my Emblem. However..only in this world are you and I linked by this ring, and that is something I treasure more then anything. *Alear rise up*... Did you heard me right now ? I won't say it twice... today I have time...The time to show you how much I yearned for you.
1 : (eng) You are fortunate indeed...to have me around to wake you. *Alear rise up* Good morning. Even your sleeping habits have started to become endearing to me. Perhaps I should wonder what has become of me to think that. Ah... Oh well.
1 : (jp) Having me to wake you up every morning... you really are a fortunate one indeed. *Alear rise up* Good morning. You know... I recently came to find your sleeping habits as being adorable... how your eyes reflect me first thing in the morning... it makes me so happy.
2: (eng) I have come to wake you. If that pleases you, then rise immediately. Still asleep ? I admit, sometimes I fear you may one day fail to wake entirely. It has happened before after all,... both with you and my sister. I do not know if I could stand to wait another thousand years. Not for you. I believe I would lose my mind. To mourn for you like that...it would break me. *Alear rise up* Ah... No, it was nothing important. I am glad to see that you are awake. Listen...when the end comes...let me be the first of us to sleep eternally.
2 : (jp) : I, your partner have come to wake you ! If this makes you happy, rise up this instant !.... You won't wake up huh ? ... I must admit it... It keeps popping inside my head ... "what if you don't wake up"... like you already did, like my sister already did...what if you would sleep like this for 1000 more years... I think I would feel so lonely I might break before even realizing it... This... scares me so much... The moment I were to lost you, whom I treasure so deeply, ... i would lose my mind entirely...*Alear rise up * Ah, you woke up !... Don't worry, it's nothing... You woke up, that's all that matters... Listen... When the time to sleep eternally will arrive, if you get ahead of me, I won't ever forgive you...
2: (eng) I have come to wake you. If that pleases you, then rise immediately. *Alear rise up* That actually worked ? I supposed I owe you a more heartfelt greeting. Very well. Here it is. Of all your fine qualities, your sincerity...is what I adore most.
2:(jp)I, your partner have come to wake you ! If this makes you happy, rise up this instant !.... *Alear rise up*... So this actually worked ?In that case, I shall greet you more kindly. Good morning. You know, when you look at me with this silly and obedient face... I like that more then anything
Ok so hum, did the English version look tone down in contrast to the JP one or not
If you ask me, I think they did tone down some stuff but not to the point of it sounding platonic. In fact, it somehow fit his character pretty well which shows that when they TRY Treehouse can actually keep things coherent.
Imo it went from the outright flirt to Rafal being more teasing ? idk
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cosmichighpriestess · 20 days
Shifting into your Higher Self:
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First off, slow down. There's no rush for any reason. You are eternal and immortal you will shift into the fifth dimension at your own pace. Your ego is in a rush, your Higher Self isn't. There's no rush because you're meant to enjoy shifting and experiencing your physical reality because if you're not, you're living in the future or the past creating an illusionary temporary depression. It is not the truth, you are here on Earth to evolve but also to enjoy yourself after figuring out how this game of Earth works.
But even those who are asleep in the matrix can enjoy themselves and that has nothing to with your own spiritual journey so let them be who they are, because even they are offering the collective their own unique essence & vibration that is needed to help the world around them. Your world is your world, this is your kingdom and you decide what is. No one else decides which Earth you are experiencing.
One of the ways I shift into my higher self is I speak out loud around others about what I am thinking or what I am reading, or writing. Instead of masking, because of my autism I instead swallow my illusionary fear and I speak my mind even if that person may be triggered, even if they may be surprised or too stunned to speak they are co creating a version of me in their reality. If I do not prefer that version of me they created, I surprise them with the version of me I believe I am in that moment. You are a brand new being every single moment because you are shifting parallel realities every single second. So every morning I wake up, I say to myself I am a brand new person today meeting a new version of myself.
Every single day is an entire lifetime to experience the way in which I want to live. Our existence is eternal and we are limitless experiencing a very seemingly limiting virtual reality in this hologram. To become limitless you must first be okay with experiencing limitations that are illusions. To get what you want you must first be okay with not getting what you want and become fulfilled completely within. To create a safe feeling in your body and create peace within you must first be okay with the chaos around you and be okay what everything in your reality.
I did not have a safe reality my entire life, as I mentioned in previous messages about my life, I was abused since childhood, almost killed by all of my partners, stalked, hunted, cursed by covens of dark witches and I almost died a handful of times in my life. It sounds unreal but I received this message a large number of times by God and my spirit guides. They wanted to siphon my energy for themselves. I had no choice but to go within and create a safe space within me out of nothing, out of fear, doubt, suffering, and endless pain.
I created this safety by realizing that I am an indestructible human being knowing that we all are because death is an illusion and we never truly die because our consciousness never dies, we just become non physical beings of light. I came to this place of peace within me by using breathing techniques I learned from ascended masters and realizing every abuser outside of me was abusing me unconsciously because they felt lack and they treated themselves horribly because they felt shame about themselves.
You're doing everything right. You're doing the best with what you've been given. There's really no right or wrong way, just meaningless neutral choices you learn from and grow from no matter how negative they are. Be in a state of gratitude for the negative and the positive experiences you have because when you do that you shift into your God or Goddess self your higher self and ascend quite rapidly. You also ascend and operate at a faster, higher state when you stay in the upper vibrations of , love, joy, neutrality, acceptance, gratitude, peace, willingness ect. You only stop your divine flow of pure consciousness when you believe in the illusions of fear, guilt, shame, sadness, and you believe that those things control you and hurt you.
My compassion, forgiveness and love was used against me because they saw it as a weakness but it was actually my inner power they were envious of because they didn't understand how it could be real and not faked for manipulative tactics. Everything I do is because I genuinely want to, and I genuinely want to help others not because I want to impress anyone or manipulate anyone. I do not care if you take what I learned for myself for your own life because I am already complete and whole without having to step on anyone to get what I want. I don't need anything. I am completely fulfilled and when you come from that fulfilled state of being you receive everything you want because you are a frequency match for your desires.
You already contain it all so there's nothing you really need outside of you. You don't have to wait for anything or anyone outside of you to give you permission to feel how you want to feel right now and be your higher self. Let your ego know it's safe for you to trust your heart and it's safe for you to just exist and be without doing anything. You don't have to go anywhere or do anything. If you feel inspired to take action on your highest excitement, please do but don't beat yourself up for existing and literally doing your job, being exactly where you're supposed to be. You are exactly where you're meant to be right now.
They can only hurt you temporarily because all negativity is not the truth of who you are, and all negativity is an illusion. Even holding into your desires for dear life, needing to constantly hold onto them and perfect them constantly is lowering your vibration. So just let them go. And trust that your higher self knows what you desire already and is doing everything it can to bring them to you without overwhelming you.
You can never create a reality you can't handle, You can only create the illusion of not being able to handle it, but that is just another fear based limiting belief to let go of. So just let go, let go, let go of the old, the outdated the fear based limiting beliefs, the old things in your closet your new version doesn't need, the old versions of yourself other people created for you and remember that you are pure unconditional love, that is the truth and everything else that says otherwise is an illusion.
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Divinity part eight
TW: cult recruitment, emotional whump, human whumpee, devotee whumpee, referenced deity whumper
Wren covered his mouth, his hand tucked under his veil, not wanting passersby to hear his sobs.
How long could he continue doing this for? At every turn he was denied and called insane.
He would never gain any followers. He would never do his patron god's will. How had he ever thought himself capable of restarting an ancient religion, dead for millenia upon millenia?
"Are you alright dearie?" an old woman asked.
Wren nodded, but the tears streaming down his the exposed part of his face betrayed him.
"What are you doing out in this cold?"
"I-" Wren choked down another sob. "I'm trying to get converts for this religion I'm in. But no one wants to listen."
"I'll listen," the woman offered. "My name is Mary."
"Wren." He wiped the tears from his eyes. "Thank you."
"What is your religion called?"
"It doesn't have a name. It's based on an ancient pantheon of deities from Keudera. I'm a worshipper of Vo'ki, god of animals."
Wren took a few deep breaths, glad to have a chance, even if it was only bestowed upon him from a pitied heart.
"Is that why you're wearing that lovely veil of yours?" Mary asked. "It suits you."
"Thank you. And yes. Vo'ki requires a great deal of modesty. It's a show of respect, both to him and myself."
Mary nodded. "That's a nice thought. Kids these days tend to be too promiscuous. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself."
"Finally someone understands. People keep saying how horrible it is that I have to dress in a particular way. But it feels wonderful not having to put my body and face on display for strangers."
"I've always been the modest sort," Mary agreed. "Is there anyone else in your religion?"
Wren shook his head shamefully. "Vo'ki once had an entire civilization of followers, but I'm the only one who still believes in him. His memory is kept alive by atheists in museums. It's a horrible fate, for a god to lose their devotees. Almost worse than being fully forgotten."
"I've always believed that all gods and spirits are real, in their own ways. Even if we don't really understand them. I can't imagine what you've been going through, being rejected over and over again."
"It's really hard to difficult with. But I know that my faith is worth more than my pain."
"It's nice to see such devotion in today's secular world. I'm a member of the church of mother nature, which isn't really a church, just me trying to stay in touch with nature and my own soul."
"Vo'ki would like that." Wren paused, digging up his nerve. "Do you want to come worship at his altar? It isn't much, just something I built in my home. But it would mean the world."
"Of course dearie. I wouldn't leave you hanging after all this conversing. Say, does this Vo'ki of yours accept offerings?"
"Yes. Food and incense mostly. Sometimes herbs and spices. I doubt you're up for animal sacrifices, which is fine. He won't mind. But it all has to be natural."
"Then how's this? I'll swing home and get my incense and some fruit, then come and join you in your ceremony, or worship, or whatever it is you have in mind."
"Thank you," Wren said, his eyes once again filling with tears. "For not thinking I'm crazy."
"Dearie, I lived through the sixties. I met plenty of young souls like you. In fact, I was one of them."
Wren's mother said so many similar things during his childhood, and Wren was suddenly struck with gratitude for all her encouragement and approval.
He would have never made it this far without her, the only person who had ever truly care about him.
Wren nodded and handed Mary one of the papers with his address. "This is my home. When do you want to come over?"
Mary smiled. "Looks like we're neighbors. I live right down the block from this adress. If we both leave for home right now, we can get there at about the same time."
"Vo'ki will be so pleased."
"I hope so."
Taglist: @elim-flower @devourerofcheesecake @whumpsday @whumpshaped @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @hearse-song @heavenly-whumper @nyooom @suck-my-clit-loser @enbygesserit
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553everly · 1 year
a success story ++ how i did it.
what did i get ?
so recently i manifested a new house + a superior job to mom ++ large amounts of money coming toward all of us. THOSE WERE UNDER A WEEK.
i also started building my dream wardrobe slowly with amazing clothing items. bought bags, my desired skincare products + desired makeup items too.
Eating sushi and dumplings for the first time !! DUMPLINGS WERE FIRE !! sushi was good, and i ate avocado for the first time?? i discovered I'm not into it in any way and removed it along w sushi from my life board at Pinterest (I was planning to be eating am sushi in my life along w avocado in my salads or wtv)
basically everything is going perfectly my way lately and everything feels very amazing.
what i actually did ?
A PINTEREST BOARD trust me, it's like a vision board and your mind needs a guide to know where it's going. make a Pinterest board with everything you want, and take a look at it affirming "my life is exactly like what I'm looking at rn" or wtv affs you like, you can use a sub too. Just add wtv you desire type of beauty, desired body, your lifestyle, fashion, grades, room, house, car, items, food. Literally everything ! I literally ate the same sushi that was in my board + bought same skincare and makeup products. It's so powerful. ( You can use a sub along w it.)
I had a mindset playlist. it included everything i ever thought i needed. yk like master manifestor / manifest for others ect.
it can be at any length tbh, depends on the how much time you have at morning! you can listen to the 10 mins the only sub you'll ever need by iwantitigetit or her recent one or v1per's whatever. You can ask for my recommendations too !
anyways once the playlist is ready (can even include one sub) you go prepare your daily affirmations. just a collection of affirmations that you'll repeat ×3 times.
For me - i had two parts of affirmations. Ones with self concept + self esteem + self love + self confidence affirmations.
the other with the i am a master manifestor, everything works out in my favour, i am living my dream life +++ specific affirmations with a feeling (creds to the owner) like I feel so safe and secure now that I have moved into my desired house.... something like that, the feeling can be gratitude.
AND THAT'S IT. Literally.
ill share the affirmations i used to say (creds to the owner since I stole them from random affs posts i saw in here + ig)
the affirmations.
SELF CONCEPT : My manifesting journey has always been easy fun and beautiful.
I’ve always been a master at manifesting. I’ve already manifested everything I wanted. I accept my power to create the life of my dreams I’m beyond powerful and in control nothing can deny my desires. I live in a state of bliss pleasure stable calmness peace and wealth. I’m divinely blessed in life. my life keep changing for the better. I’m a magnet for miracles blessings and abundance. Good things keep happening to me. My life has always been perfect I am always in a good mood and state of life. everything is perfect and I worry about nothing. I’m completely healed inside and out. I have a perfect mental health. I’ve never been healthier and happier. I am enough worthy and safe. I am the girl who has it all. I am worthy of everything I want. I am worthy of everything I have. I am stable and secure. I’m always safe and protected. I’m a master at manifesting. I can have anything I want. my life is beyond perfection. I manifest what I want effortlessly. I’ve always been rich. I can afford anything I want.
I literally have all my desires in a blink of an eye. I always get what I want no matter what. It’s insane how many blessings and abundance rains down on me. I'm so blessed. I’m the chosen one, the luckiest person on earth. My life is always on the right path to true success happiness abundance and love. Everyone aspires to be me and do all the things I do. I live a life of extreme luxury and wealth. Everything I touch turns to gold.I can afford anything I want. I get pampered and spoiled every single day. Im the type of cool you can’t buy or fake. I’m ambitious driven and disciplined. Nothing can stop me.
I’m the most successful and wealthy person to ever exist. Every time I breathe I’m sent a miracle blessing and money. I have men and women all over me. I’m pursued by the hottest richest and nicest people. People always respect me. People would move mountains for me. i’m always the first choice and top priority. I’m so beyond spoiled and rich it’s insane how much I have. everyone wants to spoil me that’s why I receive the VIP treatment 24/7. I deserve the absolute best and most lavish in life and I’m getting it. My self concept and self esteem is sky high. Nothing can break my confidence. I’m one of a kind and everyone knows it.
CHALLENGE AFFIRMATIONS : i am living my dream life. I have my ideal face, I have my ideal body, I live in mom's ideal house and have my ideal room, mom has her ideal job and i study my ideal major in my ideal country and city, every wish of mine is granted. i manifest effortlessly. everything always goes my way. i deserve the best and i never settle for less. i only get princess treatment. my friend group loves and supports me. my mom and siblings are loving and supportive. i am full of love for myself. i am never ashamed to put myself first. i am at peace with myself and others. I am unbothered. I do my own thing proudly. I am so incredibly happy and grateful that I get to live such an amazing life. I get richer day by day. everytime i blink i earn money. getting money is so easy for me. i can afford everything I want. my money is always wisely spent. being rich is my destiny. i am basically an extremely powerful money magnet. i have always been rich. I always have more than enough money. I am literally a billionaire. I am worthy of being rich.
the end <3
IT IS LONG I KNOW my sub playlist was like + an hour long. i just have so many free time at morning so. you can do yours at night, whenever you're free. GOOD LUCK !!
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ruinakete · 3 months
A kiss that says thank you / for Zelestia from FX Alear.
When her mother passed away in the fight against Sombron, the mage dragon became her greatest support. During the time of settling down to the role now hers and mourning the loss in the privacy of her heart, there were many people that relied on her Divine guidance and she couldn't let them down due her own feelings.
But Zelestia had always been there, its kindness being one similar to a mother's without being one when she no longer had one. Its loyalty towards her appreciated more than she perhaps let on despite showing her affection towards everyone she loved with all her heart.
It deserved to be told thank you, to be shown that gratefulness and today the Divine Dragon had decided it was the perfect day. With a purple windflower in hand and a smile on her face Alear approached it with warmth in her eyes. "Zelestia i got you a gift." She announced placing the flower in its hair.
The flower created a beautiful contrast with the yellow ribbons of its horns, she was glad to see this suited it nicely. That wasn't the only show of affection she had in mind, getting on her tiptoes the dragon places a gentle kiss on the others kiss and then moved away slowly.
"Thank you for being at my side." The Divine One spoke, the warmth of her blue eyes focusing on the floor below them before going back to the Mage dragon. "Since my mother and i welcomed you to Lythos you have been part of my family in both our eyes, but since she passed away you have been there as a pilar when i was still growing used to this role." The calmness she attempted to show to everyone slipped away. "If it weren't for you i'm unsure if i would have been able to stay strong all by myself."
Gloved hands found warmth in bare ones. "You deserve more than my thanks, i'm so grateful to have family like you, more than you can imagine."
ANOTHER KISS PROMPT ・ accepting! ( cw implied (?) engage spoilers )
HOW FRAGILE THE TURN OF TIME WAS, thought the sole mage dragon, stagnant in the absence of little else to tend or aid. hence, it aimlessly walked, peeking into storefronts and approaching humans as they went about their day, hoping to give its support wherever it could. after all, there was less else to do. gregory was off on a mission and, with him, took a good portion of its daily tasks. madeline would not be here at this hour, else it would have seen her already. and mauvier━━━
its ear twitched, prompting zelestia to turn at the sound of footsteps. of course, finally, someone needed its help! no more needless resting here or there or anywhere it could avoid.
"oh! alear━━━" bright eyes blinked, mouth agape and hand frozen where it had once been raised in greeting. still, zelestia had not moved when alear tucked the windflower's stem between its pale tresses; simply watching it from its reflection in her eyes.
mage dragon smiled sweetly, laughing as it ran its fingers through its hair, careful not to jostle the placement of the flower. "thank you, divine one. i mean this wholly! you needn't bother with obtaining the flower, but still, i'll wear it proudly. hm, maybe we can find a two-toned flower for━━━"
the divine's lips pressed against its cheek.
"━━━you... for me...?"
swiftly, its hand rose to the cup the skin alear had kissed. but, in its shock, she seemed to have a goal to-day; whether it be to weaken the mage dragon with tenderness or blur its eyes with confused tears. zelestia had not spoken, not between alear's pauses, not after alear showed the fruits of its aid, and not after her hands carefully took its' own to hold.
a gift and burden, its memory had not failed them. it knew of the time she was centering her gratitude around; the ache of all it had lost still tugged its heart into an uneven pace whenever it slept. though it had learned and loved and grew, there would always be an empty space where its family's roots should have blossomed; whether into a garden or grove, to bear fruits or flowers, the stones laid to rest would halt any touch of nature.
and yet, here zelestia stood, in the hands of another dragon that saw it as the family she, too, had been through a storm with━━━been through a storm for. the clenching of its heart was sudden, paired in time with the soft, confused noise falling from its quivering lips.
"i... divine one.... alear, you...." when its eyes began to water, mage dragon flinched to pull away, as if to wipe the sorrow with its hand. but, instead, smiling, it uttered a breathless laugh and bowed its head, bringing her hands up to rest against its cheek.
another laugh, brighter than the last, toeing the lines of falling apart. "please! i owe all that i have become to you and your mother. we are stronger together, as once said to me. and we've come a long way." its shoulders trembled. "thank you. thank you, alear. i am here because you allow it. and for as long as you keep me, i'll be your family and knight. forever and always! i promise."
and, unsurprisingly, once the vow left zelestia, it embraced alear as one would its own kin, giggling through the tears when its crescent horn nudged the side of her head.
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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The Tower. Art by Mike Willcox, from the Mike Willcox Tarot & Oracle.
Fortune: The Tower calls us to look upon two areas. First, when we are challenged with sudden and unexpected changes, we might find ourselves in a situation that is far from our original plan. This can leave us feeling very anxious and unsettled, or in more extreme situations, a sense of being lost completely. It is in these times we work to call in grounding energy. Walking, getting into nature, time with animals, deep breathing, making things, are all things that help with grounding. The more presence we have in the present, the more grounded we become. The challenge is getting out of worry or rumination and back into trusting ourselves and into action.
We must remember that our true stability lies within us, and that it is a part of life for things to unfold in unexpected ways. Our first step is acceptance of what is out of our control. Changes are a natural part of our journey. Reconnect to who you are at your core to recenter yourself in times of upheaval. Ask yourself what is truly important to you, go deep. From here we can begin to rebuild. It is our Heart, our Spirit, our connection to the Earth, and all that we love, that are unmovable. These are the things that cannot be taken from you.
Secondly, The Tower represents an unbalanced desire for power, that is why the tower is struck down, to remind the builder that they are a piece of the divine: blessed to dance in it, not the master of it. As you progress on your journey do so with humbleness and gratitude for the Universe's part in your success and with respect and reverence to all those before you who made it possible. It is natural to aspire for great things, but remember to check in with your "why" often and be sure you are remaining true to yourself and your heart. The truest riches to build and acquire are within.
Mantra: I am calm, I am grounded, I am present. Thank you Universe, thank you ancestors.
Reflections: What are some of your core values? What is the most important to you? What is it you are aiming for? What is your deepest heart's reason for this desire?
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cooki3face · 1 year
3/21/23: moon in Aries love reading ❤️‍🔥
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pile three:
You could be going through the motions right now pile three. Some of you could moody or experiencing drastic emotional highs and lows at the moment. You could be feeling anxious, worried, or depressed may feel as though you have troubling thoughts that are continuing to repeat themselves despite your best efforts to distract yourself or stay positive. I see someone having some very deep seated fears regarding love and relationships or maybe even one connection in particular. You could be soul searching or trying to find some inner guidance. You could have an urge to push people away or self sabotage at this time as well. You could have a deep rooted fear of abandonment, you may be trying to leave others before they leave you.
Spirit is encouraging you to pause and surrender and submit your control to the divine. Try to seek out new perspectives and open yourself up to the possibility of safety and happiness in your romantic relationships and in love. You may have had a very turbulent love life in the past and may find yourself afraid things may always be that way or things are destined to repeat themselves but that’s not always the case. Things do change pile three. Remember that life is happening for for you not to you and the events in your past that may have affected you and still affect you in the present regarding love and relationships were part of a bigger picture. Sometimes things are temporary, sometimes change and transition must occur and spirit wants you to release your fear regarding change and endings as all things are temporary to some extent and it is not within your control to hold things together that must be broken down when the time is right.
There are more things in store for you, there are greater things on their way to you and growth and expansion is on the horizon but only if you let it happen. All doors must close to open many more pile three. You may find yourself plagued with dissatisfaction or frustration or discomfort due to a relationship ending between you and another person which you’ve not mourned completely or gotten over as well. This could be plenty relationships even you may feel you have bad luck or are cursed in love. Put your trust in possibility, trust your intuition and follow your heart pile three and allow yourself to experience whatever opportunities in love or relationships present themselves to you without the added worry of trying to prevent endings or inevitable outcomes to avoid pain and discomfort. That’s easier said than done but you carry responsibility that doesn’t belong to you, that belongs to the most high out of fear.
What goes around comes back around and you get what you put into the world. All good things will come back to you and the pure hearted always win in the end. There is give and take and rewards in every situation no matter how hard or negative they may seem on the surface. Gratitude.
⭐️ gratitude: “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.”
Synonyms: gratefulness, thankfulness, acknowledgment
You’re being asked to practice learning to celebrate even your losses and find the good in things even when it seems like there isn’t. There is a lesson in everything you experience and you may even find something to celebrate or find security and acceptance in.
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nabataprophet · 1 year
A pair of glassy eyes stare into another. No words are exchanged, not while they are still being ruminated.
In her hands is something special--wrapped in tan cloth and kept free from the sun's harsh rays. She had been told, by the one who gave it to her, that its first sparkle is always the greatest. And so it would be wise to save it for its great unveiling.
"I have something," stated as a fact, not proclaimed as some revelation the other would be surprised to hear, "I want you to have it."
With preamble flat as a field, Idunn reveals her gift. Without flair--without style--its small tarp is pulled off a crystalline surface. And it refracts light in hues of golden-blue and azure-yellow. Each ray stretches onto the ground and over the other's skin, spreading their grasp to any surface they can cling to. Evidently, it is a piece of fine craftsmanship.
But for all its beauty, it serves no real purpose.
"Humans are always doing strange things... Making strange things. I saw one making dragonstones, but he says they're fake." And indeed, this one is too. It contains not a drop of power, divine, fire, or otherwise. Idunn can sense as much. Likely just a rare crystal, polished and shined until bearing resemblance to the unforgettable marks of history that their kind must carry. "It's pointless, yet I want to do pointless things," she explains.
"I want to participate in the festival."
Doing her part, Idunn takes Sophia's hand--much warmer than hers--and imparts it not with the simple gift, but with the knowledge that she is cared of. For every small second they two spent in Arcadia, along with Fae, the growing heart is grateful.
"Happy Day of Devotion," said flat, but meant with excitement, "And thank you... For all you've done."
It's so much like something Fae would do that Sophia startles a bit. There's no telling how many times the young dragon has handed her a particularly pretty pebble on one of her exceedingly rare excursions outside of her room, calling it a gift. Part of it is the pure, selfless desire of a child to share interesting things with one's friend, but another, she suspects, is the desire to make up for something she lacks. It is the one thing that sets her apart, makes her different from them.
She accepts the fake stone, regardless, holding it as preciously as she would a real one. Even if it is no more than a beautiful, but ordinary stone, it is the intention behind the action that means so much more. To have received a gift at all from the demon dragon would have been unthinkable only a short while ago.
Just like every odd pebble, she will cherish this gem as if it were a real dragonstone.
"Thank you... I'm really happy... to have this. I will treasure it."
In truth, she does not feel like she has done much of anything to deserve thanks. She does not have Fae's cheerful personality, nor Lord Roy's decisiveness. To be frank, she's quite the awkward person. She's not the greatest with strangers and she doesn't communicate all that well. She has been isolated for so long that it's difficult to relate to humans, but she also lacks fundamental knowledge of dragons. How exactly has she been helpful enough to warrant such gratitude?
But Idunn's cold hands around her own tamp down the protests that threaten to rise in Sophia's heart. She accepts the gratitude like she accepts the gift, a bit awkwardly, but nevertheless touched.
"It is strange... isn't it? Humans live for such a short time... and yet they do... pointless things. They give each other flowers... just for them to wilt. But they're... still happy. There are... so many wonderful things... in this world... that only humans can show us."
Sophia takes a shuddering breath, clearly a little winded from speaking so much all at once.
"Happy...Day of Devotion, Idunn. I hope... this festival helps you understand... what an amazing world this is... even if it's just a little. I hope... one day... the sadness in your heart becomes bearable."
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harshayoga · 2 years
8 Secrets to waking up early | Yoga way
I guess this is something that’s getting difficult as days pass by. Hmmm…. Makes me wonder, Did we have this problem when we were kids ?. I don't think so !!! Was there ever a day when you missed school just because you woke up late?. I don't think so. Right ?
Then, What happened to you now?. If it’s not the fire of life & freedom that’s pushing you to work & serve beyond your limits, pushing your body & mind to extreme leading to exhaustion & the only way to rejuvenate is sleeping your way to happiness then that’s a good sign.
But, If you’re having trouble waking up just because you're lazy then here are 10 things that you’re doing wrong when you’re awake & what needs to be done to break this pattern
1.Sleep on time : You will never ever ever be able to wake up early if you don't sleep early. There is no big secret to this ! Don't come up with reasons to nurture your ego in the name of responsibility and family. 
For, In the end none of these matters. All that matters is how disciplined you wish to be to maintain the sanity of your mental health in the long run. Nothing, Nothing is more satisfying,rejuvenating & healing than a good night's sleep. Shut of the lights & go to sleep (without your phone) at 9.30pm.
2.Early dinner : 6pm - 7pm is the ideal time for dinner, not 9.30 pm or 10.30 pm. You need to give at least a 3 hours gap before you go to sleep after your last meal if you wish to wake up with a new wave of energy in you the following morning. No !!! You won't feel hungry early in the morning the following day. In Fact, you’ll have more energy than before. 
I’ve been doing this for years now. My morning intense yoga practice routine lasts for 2.5hrs & I’ve never felt any sort of tiredness or fatigue ever !!!
3.Workout an hour everyday : This indeed is a game changer to reset your biological clock and to get into a beast mode of work life balance. All your systems, Physical & mental will start obeying your command and dare not disturb you when it’s time to rest. Just 1 hours of planning to workout at least 5-6 days a week increases your waking up time by 95% when you maintain the consistency. Don't believe me ?. Give it a try yourself !
4. Twenty minutes of silence : We get so busy and occupied in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we never take a break to contemplate where we are & how we are feeling. We keep moving farther away from ourselves and ultimately feel lost. 
You may not have an hour to practice meditation everyday but you can cut down on your phone usage. I am sure you’ll find that you need 20 minutes to feel alive every single day !!!. Remember one thing, No one can help you in life except yourself !
5.Eat healthy : Cheat day is absolute “NONSENSE” !!!. Discipline isn't a rule imposed upon you, It is the way you've chosen to live to stand apart from the crowd. You can actually cut down on the number of hours of sleep and yet feel rested and rejuvenated if you are ruthless as to what goes into your system. 
Forget seeking respect from others. First, Respect your inner system and eat to please the divine seated in you. Food is the best self made medicine. If you do not have this approach towards food and are happy with what’s on your plate you’ll never be happy even if you go to MARS.
6.Gratitude  : Happiness, We've been seeking this in all the wrong places over the years.Only when you thank yourself for who you truly are and accept everything around you and show your gratitude, everytime you close your eyes you indeed will be one with the creation. No gratitude = incompleteness. If you’re someone who’s been feeling incomplete inspite of workout & meditation, Then this is what you are lacking in.
Just surrender and let the magic unfold.
7.Throw that phone away : If you’re spending more than 40-50 minutes a day on your phone scrolling and getting to know what is happening in the other person's life, then I’d say it's high time to start thinking about where your life is headed towards.
Phone has become the reality of everyday life and when you are addicted to this habit, The young     eyes that are watching you will blindly imitate the same. This indeed is worse than drug addiction. If you don't know where to draw the line. Forget Yoga, Even God can't help you. 
If the first & last act of your before you go to bed is scrolling through the new feed on social media. Forget away waking up early, You’ll never ever be able to die peacefully a few years down the line.
8.Soulful conversations : We talk, All throughout the day to countless people & have useless & baseless conversations about things that mean nothing to us. Instead of gaining clarity you’ll be plunged into an ocean of confusion and chaos. 
Satsang - The most commonly used word in yoga, It means being in the company of those who’ll light up your inner fire and make you feel alive. If you are not surrounding yourself with them you’ll never feel connected to yourself and it doesn't matter even if you sleep for 12 years, You’ll never experience contentment in its purest form. 
If this helps you gain even 5% clarity and makes you think about where you stand now & you make up your mind to change yourself, I’m gonna be the happiest person ever !
Feel free to share your view in the comments section if what you read made sense.
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