#but I don't see how it is any worse than what Alfred wants to do to Mercia
lord-aldhelm · 10 months
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Aldhelm | The Last Kingdom 2.06 (Part 2)
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You Remind Me Of Her
"Jason wake up I want to go see the new store!"
He felt his blankets get tugged off of him. Groaning he scrunched his face into the bed.
" Let me sleep another hour or two, it was late when I got in bed."
" And who's fault is that?"
He grabbed the nearest pillow to him and flung it to where the voice was coming from, even with perfect aim he wasn't surprised when he heard it connect with his wall and not a body.
"Yours! If you hadn't dragged me with you to look for those old music disk with you I would have gotten to bed earlier."
"Liar you would still have gone to bed late for whatever other reason."
He sat up rubbing his eyes, hissing slightly when he opened them not expecting his lights to already be on.
"Okay, what store are you making me go to today Martha?"
He dodged a swat to the back of his head. Grinning he headed towards the kitchen hearing her huff and following him.
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me grandma! Honestly, you're worse than a nipping dog"
"Well at least I'm not emotionally constipated like Bruce"
"True, but we're not speaking about my son right now we're speaking about you. Now hurry up! I saw the prettiest set of crystal glass cut tea set by the window when I was passing by!"
"Give me like 8 minutes to eat and get ready okay, will grampa be joining us?"
He turned to look at her in the eyes
Her green eyes, just barely glowing. The rest of her being transparent like fog in the early morning, her heels floating a few inches of the floor.
Martha Wayne his grandmother
His dead grandmother now a ghost
Just like he used to be
He walked into the small store the small bells jingling above his head.
"Look Jason they have such pretty things!"
His eyes followed her as she floated over to the display case. Quickly he took his phone and held it up to is ear.
"Which one's were the ones that caught your eye?'
He developed the habit of speaking into the phone when he was outside in public view while speaking with a ghost, that way nobody would give him a second glance looking like a normal phone call.
"The one with lilies and forget-me-not's."
His eyes quickly found the pieces and grabbed them. He looked at her from the corner of his eye.
"Is this all you wanted from here?"
The 'Do you want to continue looking?' in his gaze. She gave a quick glance around before turning back to him.
"No just that for today, we can come back another day when you don't have plans."
Jason glanced at her while he quickly paid. Leaving the store he turned to fully look at her while still having his phone up to his ear.
"Plans? I don't have any plans for today?"
A sly grin made its way on to her face
"Well I thought it's been a while since you visited Alfred and since we're in the area we might as well visit, no?"
Jason sighed, " Fine, only because it has been a while plus if I don't go you'll just keep naggin' me."
Martha gave a small huff of amusement
"That's my boy! Now! Let's get some nice tea for our visit, it would be rude to go empty handed, how about some nice cinnamon tea huh?"
"Your obsession with cinnamon tea has started to spread to me, especially the weird way you like it."
"Gasp! It's not that weird, honestly I started drinking it like that because of my cravings while I was pregnant and just never stopped. But don't lie to me, you like it just as much as I do even with the peach jam."
"Fine maybe I do."
He looked down at the time, "Let's hurry up a buy that before it gets too late."
He knocked at the door, shifting the bags in his hands as he waited for Alfred to open the door.
Martha waited outside with him even though she could easily phase her way inside.
Jason heard light footsteps before the door glided open.
"Master Jason what a wonderful surprise to see you here please do come in."
Alfred herded Jason inside taking note of the bags he held.
"Did you go shopping before coming here?"
"Uh yea, some of it is for you."
"For me master Jason?"
"I thought it would be rude to come empty handed so I bought tea."
"Very thoughtful of you, lets head to the kitchen to prepare a cup shall we."
Jason quickly looked towards Martha raising a brow
"You go enjoy your tea with Alfred I'm going to look for Thomas, I'll be back by the time you leave"
Jason gave a quick smile in return before quickly following Alfred into the kitchen.
"Hey Alfie we can use the new tea set I got today, let me just wash them real quick."
He turned around, not noticing Alfred's confused stare
"You bought a tea set master Jason?"
Jason turned around after quickly wiping them dry.
"Yeah look, they even have some lilies and forget-me-not's on them, saw them by the window of the shop and thought why not?" He half lied.
"I see, I haven't seen these two flowers paired up together in ...a very long time."
Jason turned towards the kitchen entrance as he heard two pairs of footsteps nearing. Both Bruce and Dick appearing in the doorway.
"Oh good you're both here, I'm about to prepare some tea master Jason brought over for us ,sit down please."
They walked over to the table, Dick quickly hugging him.
"You didn't tell me you were dropping by!"
"Get off, and yea it was impulsive decision."
"Hn, good to see you chum."
"Yeah, you too B."
Alfred walked over with the tea prepared, placing it on the table.
Dick leaned over to see the tray.
"What kind of tea is it?"
"Master Jason brought us cinnamon tea."
Dick looked over at Jason tilting his head, "Since when do you drink cinnamon tea?"
"Since none of your business."
Jason took a small sip before sighing, "Hey Alfred do you have any peach jam?"
Alfred hesitated before looking at him confused, "Peach jam? What for?"
"I like to mix it in with the cinnamon tea."
Alfred's eyes glazed over for a second before heading towards the refrigerator, "...I see, of course let me get some for you."
He quickly came back with a small jar and placed it on the table near Jason.
"Thanks Alf." He scooped up a spoonful and dipped it in his cup.
Bruce and Alfred glanced at each other.
Dick looked up from his own cup, "Does that actually taste good? Can I try some!"
He made a grab at Jason's cup, he quickly pulled it out of reach, "Don't touch mine! If you're really curious make it yourself."
Dick slumped on the table whining, "But what if I don't like it, I'll ruin my tea!"
"That's not my problem"
"Oh come oooon just a little sip!"
"Ugh you're worse than a nipping dog, fine!"
Before Dick could celebrate they heard twin startled noises. They turned around and Bruce was covered in tea in what seemed like he spit out his tea, both Alfred and Bruce were staring at Jason faces pale.
Jason glanced around confused, "What? Why are you looking at me like that."
Alfred straightened up clearing his throat, " Apologies master Jason you seem to have startled us a bit."
"With what?"
Bruce finally stopped coughing, "Nothing, you just...reminded us of someone."
Just an Idea
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auroreliis · 10 months
Hey! I loved your Batfam movie night post. If you have the time could you write a fic with the platonic yandere Batfam and a sick reader. Maybe reader refuses to take any medication and the fam has to get them to take it. Or maybe reader is so fevered that they sob when someone (probably Bruce) isn’t holding them. Thanks for your time!!
Platonic Yandere!Batfam
Summary: You're sick
CW: no warnings
(not edited or proofread)
Richard let out an exasperated breath as he paced around in front of your bedroom door.
"Why do they have to be so difficult?", he mumbled under his breath, not intending for it to be heard, but Bruce made out what he said.
Silence filled the room for a few moments, the only noise being Dick's footsteps, before Bruce spoke, "I'll ground them", he begun, before adding, "And I'll take away their phone."
Richard stopped and turned to him, his eyebrows furrowed and his jaw hanging low, signaling disbelief.
"Are you kidding me? What exactly will that change? Just force them to take the medicine already!", fumed the younger of the two, clearly worried about you.
"No", said Bruce and Richard slightly leaned forward, as if he misheard.
"No? Why not? Don't you understand that they're sick? They're pale, trembling, weak and-"
"Stop", Bruce's words concluded the argument, "You'll wake them if you continue shouting."
Richard flinched. He couldn't help it.
His heart ached at the thought of you being in pain. It was even worse now that you had refused to take your medicine.
As your older brother, it's his job to protect you, but you're being so difficult.
Although he wanted to continue the argument in hopes of changine Bruce's mind, it was clear that they were done.
His jaw clenched to stop himself from saying anything stupid and with that he stormed off.
Bruce let out a sigh and leaned on a nearby wall. He was so tired. His energy was completely depleted from his worry.
Worry? No, it was more like fear.
Bruce was terrified. You were sick and had refused to take your medicine. He knows how serious certain illnesses can be, but you just refuse to take care of yourself.
You're doing nothing other than proving them right that you need them.
However, he's your father. He would never force you to take medicine. Deep down, he feels like he owes you at least a little freedom of choice, considering that you didn't want to be there in the first place.
His palm drags across his face, not fearing that he'll scratch his skin off, instead ruminating on his further course of action.
A cough made his eyes widen. It was your voice.
He rushed into your room and for a moment you were convinced he was going to trip.
"Is everything okay?", his voice was slightly shaky, as if he were trying to hide how scared he was for you. Going off how swiftly he shut his mouth, one would assume that he had planned to add more questions.
You wanted to nod your head, but lacked the strengh to do that, so you chose to hum in affirmation.
With blurred vision, you saw your father slightly bend forward, presumably after exhaling.
"Can you...", you wheezed, before realising that you lacked the lung capacity to go on.
Your father, however, wanted to hear the rest of your sentence.
"I can. I can do anything you want me to. What do you need? Would you like some water? Should Alfred make you some more soup? Would you like me to read you a story? Should I-", he went through all of his options, carefully observing your body language to see if any of his suggestions piqued your interest.
"...Hold me, please", you finally finished.
His gaze softened and his mouth formed a relieved smile as he exhaled. It took him time to answer, "Of course I can."
So you were alright. That was soothing.
His arms held you tightly, still being careful not to hurt you. The two of you layed there in silence.
Patience slowly ran out and before he could stop himself, he questioned you about the medicine.
His tone was gentle and as quiet as he could make it, almost sounding desperate.
You thought about it for a moment, trying to find the shortest way to confess your thoughts.
"Taste...", you croaked.
"Taste? Does it taste bad?", Bruce inquired, before remembering that you had troubles speaking, "I'll make sure you get some better tasting medicine. Will you take it then?"
You smiled and nodded, satisfied with the current arrangement.
No longer being able to stay awake, you drifted off to sleep.
It had been a few days now. Your condition had improved and you were taking the better tasting version of the medicine.
Today it was Dick's turn to feed you.
He was in a much better mood than a few days ago.
"Here comes the airplane- Come on, open up...", the spoon hovered in front of your closed mouth.
Your eyebrows lifted as you looked at him.
"Dick, I'm not thre-", before you could finish, he shoved the spoon into your mouth, causing you to gag.
While you did cough up half of the soup, the rest definitely made it to the intended destination.
After forcing out a few more coughs, you had finally cleared your windpipe, "WHAT THE HELL, DICK?"
"Sorry! Just had to make sure you would actually take it, unlike the medicine!", his innocent smile almost blinded you.
"What if I had choked?" you retorted
"You know that your big brother wouldn't let that happen", he dismissed your words with caretaker speech.
Your temptation to add a snarky remark or roll your eyes was supressed and you instead continued listenting to your brother boast about various topics which you didn't really pay attention to.
The two of you continued to enjoy spending time with each other, if you could call it that.
Under Dick's and Bruce's care, you always recover quickly.
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coupleoffanfics · 10 months
Part 2 of Batfam and batsis y/n headcons
It was a surprise to see y/n at the of the manor one night after her "outburst" that was a couple months ago. Alfred is happy to see her but notices her troubled expression. She greets him and asks if Bruce was here.
Entering the Batcave for the first time in years, it hasn't changed too much from what y/n remembers. The first to notice her walk in is Damian. "Sister, what are you doing here?" It's always so weird hearing him call her that now. He's never called he that until her "outburst".
This gets the attention of Tim and Babs, making them look away from the monitor. Tim is glad to see her again and hopefully, she is here to mend their broken, not completely burnt, bridges. Babs is also glad to see her as they haven't been communicating as much this past week, but concerned as to what brought her here. She has a feeling that y/n wouldn't come here without a reason.
"I need to talk to Bruce." Damian is almost upset that y/n didn't say she came to see him. He doesn't even have to open his mouth as Bruce is right behind her. Bruce makes his presence known which made y/n jolt up a bit.
Turns around to see him suited up just like the others. Not seeing his full face made her more comfortable oddly.
She takes a deep breath before talking, "I want to clarify that I'm talking to Batman and not Bruce Wayne. I have some information and I desperately need your help." Everyone's interest was already peaked before she said anything.
Bruce watches her pointer finger curl around her hair, her eyes shifted away from him, and her shoulders somehow become even more tense. "Jerome is looking for someone, not me, but I'm worried about them. Wait not looking for he's found them and I- ugh, I'm sure you've already done a background check on him. He has a twin brother and he supposedly wants him dead. I'm…"
All their eyes on her were worsening her anxiety. "I'm best friends with him, Jeremiah Valeska." Babs is already putting the pieces together that Xander Wilde was just an alias. She does remember thinking that they look similar, but she's only met y/n's boyfriend a handful of times and never looked that deep into Jerome's relatives. There wasn't any need to look at his family as long as they aren't committing illegal acts with him.
"Jerome, he did something to Jeremiah. There was this gas and it messed him up. He…" y/n was trying not to get too emotional from talking about a topic that was sensitive to her. "He's not right in the head anymore. It's almost like he's turning into Jerome. He's losing control, he knew a week ago that something is wrong but now he's saying…"
Their eyes and her various feelings on the matter were making her feel that this was a dead end. It's been nearly three months and things have been getting progressively worse. As she looks at Bruce and all she expects is to be rejected. To tell her that she was overreacting and that time was going to heal whatever this mess was.
y/n looked Bruce in the eyes and for the first desperately begged, "Please. Please help find a cure or something to end Jeremiah's madness. I…" She choked back the urge to say that she loved him. There wasn't a need for that and she'd rather keep them in the dark about her life. "…I don't want to lose my best friend. I know you're busy, but I had try asking. Just tell me now if you'd be able to help in any way possible and I'll leave you alone."
This came out of nowhere, but with y/n looking Bruce in the eye with glassy and a scared look in her eyes. How could he say no? "I'll do everything I can, but I'll need a blood sample."
Anything that he said after that went in and out of y/n's ears. She was just relieved that she had the greatest detective help her. "Yeah, um, I can do that." Her voice was softer than a few seconds ago. She wiped the tears of relief with her palm and quickly made her way out of the cave.
Tim wanted to go after her, but Damian was already following behind her and Babs gave him a discouraging look. Babs finally understood why y/n has been so quiet these past weeks. She also knew that y/n needed time to herself and she'd hope that Damian would understand that. She thinks Bruce knew that as well as he stared at the exit for a moment before swiftly going back to work.
Damian kept calling out to his sister before grabbing her wrist. y/n really wanted to shake off his hand and tell him to just leave her alone. Though feeling how firm his grip is she knew it would probably be best to go with whatever to not trigger another meltdown. That was the last thing she ever wanted to see or deal with.
Genuinely though she didn't know why he followed her. It didn't matter if he was trying to repave their relationship, she always expects the worst to come out of his mouth. As a shield, she says what he thinks he'll say. Putting herself down before he or anyone can do it.
"Yeah, I know I shouldn't be down there. It's no place for me and I get in the way. I'm not going to lie and say I'm fully sorry. I am, but I need to try everything to save him, and if that means you'll all have to bear witness to a living failure once more then so be it."
Damian is stuck by her words again and lets go of her as if her skin burns him. He was unsure of how to respond to that, but that wasn't the reason he was there. He tells her with full confidence, "Father will find a cure. Your friend will be okay."
She doesn't look at him. Surprised that he didn't degrade her and slightly smiling that he was comforting her. "Thank you, Damian, that was nice of you to say." Then walks out of the manor just like last time, but this night Damian can fall asleep without regretting eating him alive.
Bruce hires a team of toxicologists. Buys a whole new laboratory for the team. Making sure that there is progress being made while he's not working on it. Tim is the one who spends the most time searching for a cure.
The day after y/n would make her regular trip to the psychiatric hospital with Tim watching from a distance. Tim wasn't stalking y/n he'd claim fully knowing that's exactly what he's doing. He just felt that something was missing and he just wanted to know. He was sick of all her secretiveness. He's given y/n some space after her "outburst" unlike Damian and Dick. So he feels like he could do this because it's not like he forcing her to be around him like the other two.
But regardless the stalking. He was concerned about seeing y/n walk into a mental hospital. It wasn't Arkham, but personally knowing her track record of depressive episodes made him wonder why she was here. Was she admitting herself again?
y/n going through a mental low is difficult no matter how many times Tim sees and helps her through it. She'd stop having this bubbly aura around her. Not being able to get out of bed. There were few times she talked of how hopeless and empty she felt. When she had these episodes they'd never last a few days. They'd always be a week and the worse he's personally seen it last for 2 months. Then the mental image of her dealing with this on her own and coming to the point that she felt the need to admit herself was devastating to him in many ways.
Disguised as part of the staff, Tim followed y/n. Quickly realizing that she wasn't admitting herself, but visiting. He stood by the door of the patient's room that she dispersed in and closed the door. Interestingly Echo walked out of the room at one point and went back.
Seeing y/n standing by the door and about to leave, Tim quickly put some distance between himself and her. Watching y/n, Echo, and a man wearing a hat walk out. Following close behind as they left the hospital and entered the parking garage. He noticed how closely y/n and the man were walking together while Echo walked behind them.
Suddenly Echo came to a halt making the others stop and look at her. Then she ran full force toward Tim and pushed him against the concrete wall. A sharp knife pressed against his throat.
The handful of times Tim has seen Echo he's never seen her exhibit any emotion. There was a sort of underlying anger as she calmly ask who he was and why he following them. He's not able to get his mouth open because y/n runs up panicked while the man walks slowly.
y/n doesn't even need a second to see that it was Tim. Makes Echo let go of him before asking what he was even doing there. There is no good lie that he can come up with on the spot and he knew lying was just going to make y/n more upset than she already was.
"You never talk or are around anymore. You're so secretive now that it makes me worried." Tim would continue if he didn't notice y/n clench her jaw. He would have to be blind to not see y/n trying to keep her cool.
That's when the man placed his gloved hand on her shoulder. Just that simple action alone got rid of any tension in y/n. The man would introduce himself as Jeremiah.
Tim felt uncomfortable by Jeremiah. It could have been the fact that y/n did say his mental sanity has deteriorated, but Tim could just feel something was off with him. His bright green eyes remind Tim of someone. His face also looked to be caked with makeup and the way he talked was unnerving.
The three leave Tim behind. y/n stating that they'll talk about 'this' later. He goes back to the manor even more perplexed by everything.
Later that day y/n drops by the manor. Trying to be discreet as possible because she doesn't want to trigger Damian jumping out. Handing the blood sample to Bruce then turning her attention to Tim.
They have a long drawn-out conversation about what transpired earlier. Explaining why he felt the need to follow her and how he wants her to be open with him.
"— I want us to friends again." That made y/n's heart and mind stop for a moment. Just a moment because she immediately rebuttals. Not trying to mean when saying she doesn't want to be near any of them. That just things change, that they've changed, and they drifted apart. That he had nothing to worry about, but to also never do that again.
y/n spends most of her time with Jeremiah until she has classes and takes a minute to drop by the manor for any updates. Now that y/n is visiting the manor, Damian doesn't surprise her with visits anymore. Since she comes over quite often, daily almost.
He always tries to prolong her time there. He remembers the few things she's interested in. Art and fencing. He'll try almost bribe her to spend more time with him. Mentioning that he's going to an art museum or that he's done with his latest painting. It doesn't get her attention. Talks about how he's got tickets for a fencing match, but that doesn't interest y/n in the slightest.
It's like she's purposefully ignoring him. It's not the case, but that's beside the point. One day when y/n drops by and gets ready to leave, Damian walks up to her with one question. "Can you teach me how to fence?"
Taken aback the question y/n has to take a moment to register it. She sighs, "You're better off getting a professional trainer because I haven't held a saber or epee in a hot minute." She's not even trying to avoid Damian even though he just reminds her how much of a failure she is. She's just being honest.
The boy is becoming visibly frustrated. Panicking and remembering his last tantrum, y/n quickly says that she'll teach him the basics after her classes. Seeing that he was calming down y/n makes a quick escape.
After her last class, she sees Damian waiting right outside of her classroom. Once she's in his peripheral vision he tries to drag her back to the manor and into the newly established fencing room, but she needs to make a quick stop.
Will not let her go alone no matter what. So she kinda has no choice but to bring him along. It's nothing new. She makes a quick call informing someone that she'll have someone with her before jumping into her car. They take a long ride out of Gotham and into the woods. Making Damian wonder where the hell y/n is going.
The second one to meet Jeremiah is Damian. Jeremiah only politely greets him before leaving to talk with y/n in another room. The first impression Damian has of Jeremiah is not a good one. Highly suspicious of him and is not comfortable letting y/n be alone in a room with him. Low-key impressed by the labyrinth that Jeremiah calls his house and likes the interior of the living room. Every classy.
Would have put his ear against the door to hear what they were saying if it wasn't for Echo. She was staring him down. He's pretty sure she hasn't blinked since they got here. Going off what Tim said to the others about Echo possibly being y/n's lover, Damian wonders what y/n sees in Echo.
When they leave and get back into the car Damian brings up Echo. "Your girlfriend should learn how to blink." y/n almost stomped on the breaks. "Girlfriend...? Echo?" She's very confused. "Who else am I talking about." This is when she learns that the whole family thinks she's dating Echo. The idea is funny but also irked her because that was far from the truth. Calmly explains to Damian that isn't the case and that she was simply Jeremiah's bodyguard. Damian can't wait to tell Tim that he was wrong.
Once they get back to the manor y/n teaches Damian about fencing. First going over the rules and the 4 types of fencing before doing anything physical. Surprisingly time flew by. They probably would have been fencing all night if Alfred didn't interrupt them for dinner. y/n planned on leaving, but Damian convinced her to at least stay for dinner because Alfred made her favorite dish and dessert.
This is around the time y/n starts to think that Damian isn't too bad. Out of everyone in the family, Damian is probably the one she'd be the most lenient towards. She's lenient towards the whole family, but Damian is still relatively young. He was able to move on from his horrible childhood, even though that resulted in him lashing out, y/n can forgive that to an extent. Deep down she sees him as her little brother even after their rough patch.
The fact that he isn't breaking into her apartment and trying to connect with her, makes her think that it's safe to be around him. That she isn't going to be verbally reminded that she's one of the most worthless human beings to be alive.
She starts straying a little longer at the manor to mentor Damian a few times. He starts to worry when she easily has the wind knocked out of her and has a cough that doesn't go away. She tells him that it's nothing to worry about. Might lie to him if doesn't give up on the topic by saying she's developed asthma. The lie isn't implausible since anyone can develops asthma at any age and it is hereditary.
It calms Damian down a little. Now he constantly carries an inhaler just in case y/n needs it. She feels so bad lying to him, but she thinks it's for the best that everyone should stay in the dark about her medical condition.
Seeing y/n willingly hang out with Damian gets under Tim's skin. He's given her space unlike Damian, except for that one time but it was only one time. The little gremlin has been harassing her since that one "outburst". He'd want to pull out the 'I knew her longer' card, but he knows how petty it would be. Who she hangs out with isn't his problem and he should mind his own business.
He does mind his own business, but he may occasionally check the cameras to see what y/n and Damian are up to. That's all he swears. Oh, my god, they're going to orchestral concerts and museums together now!? This is so unfair Tim thinks to himself.
They use to be so close.
Honestly, Bruce is thankful for Damian. He's keeping y/n around the manor longer so she can be completely safe from the madness of Gotham. It's also good to know that she's willingly interacting with one of her brothers. It almost warms his heart to see her not be so anxious while in the manor. Just almost because she shouldn't have to feel anxious in the first place. This was the place she once called home, it should make her feel safe not anxious.
Remember the team of toxicologists?
If you don't that's fine. They were killed by the bomb placed in the laboratory, so it's not like they'd be brought up again.
Everyone thinks it's Jerome. The loss of innocent life and y/n suddenly going missing seems like a Jerome thing to do. When they hunt down Jerome, he just kinda shrugs his shoulders while doing a poor job at hiding his smile. Damian wants to scratch his face off or rip his face off depending on the state of it. Dick has to hold back the little monster while Bruce interrogates the ginger.
It goes nowhere until Jerome gets bored of interrogation and tells them, "I'm tired of him thinking that he's better than me. We're quite the same, but I'm the better one. I just had to give him a fresh air of courage to be his true self." Everyone understands what he's say and also groaning that they have to deal with another fucking Valeska.
Jerome, Jeremiah, Joker, and Harley being a sort of dysfunctional family is a fun idea. (Inspired by this) Joker and Harley enable the twins' unhealthy love for y/n Wayne.
Harley is more "innocent" in her enabling because she sees nothing wrong with it. The staking, the murder, it's nothing when it's the name of love. (When she leaves Joker for Ivy, she might feel guilty for egging them on. That she played a part in instating y/n into a toxic relationship. Out of anyone, she'd be the one to understand what's it like to be in one. This might motivate her to help keep y/n safe in the future.) Out of the two Harley is rooting for Jerome. He just seems like the lesser evil for y/n.
Joker finds the whole thing funny and pathetic at the same time. The twins are destroying half of the city for a girl, it almost makes him want to roll his eyes. Almost because of the lengths they'll go to. How they're always butting heads and seeing how distraught the girl gets is fun. He can't help but laugh at it. He'll be putting his money on Jeremiah because he sees potential. He's not reckless like Jerome or impatient, Jeremiah is in it for the long haul.
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lazycats-stuff · 5 months
Ok it’s like 2:30am rn and I’m supposed to be doing a poster that’s due later but I saw the notification that your open again and I had to drop everything and run🙈
Can I request a Ra’s Al Ghul with oldest son reader who turns out to be like quite moral grey? Like the only reason he isn’t some assassin or super villain is bc he loves his family but is legitimately terrifying to the point Ra’s is scared of betraying him more than Alfred or his family.
I hope this makes sense, just some silly moment between Ra’s and reader when readers like “I’ve killed 275 people am nobody knows😆😘”
Okay, don't drop school for me, school is important. But this is just perfect. Ra's is like, who am I dating? Who am I courting?
Summary: (Y/N) is not like his family.
Warnings: (Y/N) has killed, Ra's is confused, (Y/N) loves Ra's and vice versa.
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Ra's has been happy ever since he has start courting, but he still wonders how he managed to get him. To land him, as the slang goes. He knows him very well and they know each other for a long time. (Y/N) is the oldest son in the family, he came before Dick even.
Ra's only started dating him when (Y/N) graduated from college. He never expected to catch feelings for (Y/N) and it was weird when he started making sure he is okay and what he is doing.
Ra's never wanted to date. After the death of his wife before even starting the League, he promised himself that he wouldn't love anymore. If he had a wife, then it was to have heirs, but he outlived them all.
And then (Y/N) came.
There was something different about (Y/N). Ra's watched him grow from a child to a grown man and he turned into a, in Ra's eyes, beautiful man with a strong character and mind too. That was rare now a days and Ra's wanted nothing more than to love him and court him.
There was only one problem. His family who was fiercely protective of him and it was just difficult to even show them that he didn't have any ill intentions. To this day, Bruce and Jason were still suspicious of him. Alfred never trusted him to begin with and Damian was ready to fight him at the moment's notice.
So the road wasn't easy, but they have decided to accept the fact that (Y/N) is with Ra's and try to be civil. Really try to be civil. Bruce is trying. Jason and Damian are trying for (Y/N). Not for Ra's.
But there was just something darker about (Y/N) that Ra's liked and what attracted him to the young man. He is different than Bruce and the others. Before being adopted by Bruce, he was put through hell and back and that caused him to be rather... Morally grey.
It made his character strong and he had a certain degree of... Well, lets just say that he was terrifying to people. Sometimes, he was more brutal than Batman. The hell he went through he went as a child made him numb to certain things and brutal in some aspects.
Ra's wondered if he has ever crossed the line and killed. Of course, he didn't say anything about that because Damian and Alfred would have his head if he tried to explore that opportunity.
But Ra's thought about (Y/N) if he was ever a villain, what type he would be? Ra's could think about. He could see how he could be brutal and he could even rule the underworld. His brutality, his intelligence...
But (Y/N) was too loyal to his father and family to even consider being a villain. Alfred and Bruce are just to blame for (Y/N) not becoming a villain. Did Ra's really want him to be a villain? God no.
He could probably be worse than the League of Light combined and that was a scary thought. Even big Ra's al Ghul was scared of betraying (Y/N). He loved (Y/N), he really did and he would never ever betray his lover, his beloved.
And if something were to happen and Ra's betrayed (Y/N), although Ra's wouldn't, (Y/N) would burn down the League. Ra's was certain of it. But there was a side of (Y/N) that Ra's didn't know just yet.
Even now as the two laid together in bed, just ready to go to bed, Ra's decided to ask (Y/N) the question that was on his mind.
" (Y/N), what would you do if I ever betrayed you? " Ra's asked, hugging (Y/N) from behind, murmuring the words into (Y/N)'s hair. (Y/N) always enjoyed Ra's proximity.
" Ra's, I have killed over 200 people that not even Bruce knows about. I would think about it before doing it. "
Ra's thought that (Y/N) was joking and laughed, but (Y/N) turned around in his arms and looked him dead in the eyes.
" Ra's, I'm not kidding. " (Y/N) said and Ra's searched for any sort of sign that (Y/N) was joking.
There was none.
" What? "
" That's all you need to know. " (Y/N) said as he turned his back to Ra's, moving his hands to its original position. Ra's looked at the back of (Y/N)'s neck and paled.
Sure, he thought about (Y/N) crossing the line, but he didn't think that (Y/N) has actually done it. Now he had to think about who the hell he was courting and he had planned to propose in the near future, but he had to see what the hell has happened.
200+ people is not a small amount and there had to be something where he could search about it. It shouldn't be so difficult to find the event that (Y/N) was talking about. It really shouldn't be.
None the less, Ra's loved (Y/N) and he will propose, but only when he looks more into it. How the hell did he miss this side? The side that crossed the line that Bruce outright refused to cross, (Y/N) has crossed without any hesitation?
Ra's blinked a few times. No. He will look into it and tomorrow morning, over breakfast, he will ask him to give him more details about the... Could it be labeled as a massacre? Ra's left that thought and closed his eyes, falling asleep next to his beloved.
Breakfast came that morning and the two ate in silence, just enjoying the food and coffee. (Y/N) had to have his coffee and his caffeine, otherwise he wouldn't function at all. Ra's thought about breaking the topic. How to do it?
Well, just asking will do the trick. No beating around the bush.
" (Y/N), " Ra's started as he took a sip of his coffee, glancing at his beloved who was eating. (Y/N) paused and Ra's knew that he had to do it now. " Did you tell me the truth last night? About those 200 people? "
(Y/N) blinked a few times and then he put the mug down.
" If it's something sensitive, you don't have to talk about it. But it would help me understand. I have never seen a side of you that has crossed the line. " Ra's said and (Y/N) smiled reaching his for Ra's hands. Ra's extended his hand to (Y/N) and the two interlocked their hands.
" It's not sensitive, don't worry. I was on my own mission while doing my own case. Bruce was aware of the case and the mission too. What he didn't know is what has happened on that mission. All of those people were evil and vile people. " (Y/N) said, stopping for a second to ear some more. He did love Arabic breakfast after all.
" Now, nobody would miss them. And at that moment, it was me or them. Of course, I didn't kill 200 people at once. It was over a 3 day period. And I would like to say, me or them. " (Y/N) said and Ra's has decided not to pry anymore.
(Y/N) has just told him the truth and that was all that mattered.
" I have to say, that eases me a little bit. You have scared a bit last night when you told me that, so serious too. " Ra's said, chuckling quietly, squeezing (Y/N)'s hand once more.
" Sorry about it. But you can't tell Bruce at all. " (Y/N) said and Ra's said of course. It's not really life threatening so Bruce doesn't have to know anything about it.
" Of course I won't. " Ra's said and (Y/N) removed his own hand from his and showed him his pinky finger.
" Pinky promise Ra's? " (Y/N) said and Ra's smiled, indulging (Y/N).
" Pinky promise. " Ra's said as he leaned closer to (Y/N)'s face, giving him a kiss. (Y/N) smiled into the kiss and has moved to sit in Ra's lap.
" I wish I could spend the day with you beloved, but I have work to do." Ra's said after breaking the kiss, caressing (Y/N)'s cheek.
" I have work to do too. We will meet for lunch? " (Y/N) asked and Ra's nodded, giving him one last kiss and (Y/N) hopped off of Ra's lap.
" Later Ra's. "
" Later beloved. "
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
red hood/jason todd x black widow!reader
🍓 summary:  the enemy of yours, jason for sure was annoying as hell but there was something that pull you two together and he knew this damn well.
🍓 wc: 2.4k
🍓 warnings&tags: fluff, flirting, sarcastic!jason, kissing, cursing, teasing, touching, enemies to lovers, hidden feelings, confession [kinda]
🍓 author's note: so, this was a request from an anon but I assume they were @chaoticsomeone​, and it took me long to write but finally, I did it! hope you enjoy; both anon and you all! ^^
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jason was so annoying, you should give him that. but for some reasons, he seemed more annoying than ever and no, it wasn't because of you started to feel any emotion towards him which he wouldn't notice due to hiding them in deep down but hiding was hard to endure since you wanted to kiss him right before the mission, during the mission and especially, after it.
it wasn't usual of you to have feelings for an enemy but he was different. he felt different. you were still trying to decide whether the tension between you caused this or not. however, you couldn't think about its reasons. you just tried to focus on only to report the mission to the batman who was in touch you throughout it.
knowing jason's past was a peck, indeed, even if you never talked about it 'till he did. you respect him even though he was your enemy. you remembered what alfred told you about your relationship with jason, seeing it like the bond cat woman and the batman shared.
you didn't know their true identities but encouraging some of their missions together with some bat-fam members, jason right beside you, you saw the high tension and pull they both shared. it somehow seemed so - familiar. maybe alfred was right after all and tonight, you felt his rightness at the highest level, especially when jason put a smirk on his face after you looked at him shamelessly for a while as you realized in the last moment before turning to sky above you with a blushed face.
"don't give me that smirk." you said, rolling your eyes for calming yourself down because you knew jason's sensitive hearing abilities, probably could hear your heart beats which were running fast.
"what smirk?" he sounded like he didn't know what you were talking about but from the corner of your eyes, you saw how his smirk grew as he put his palms on the ground he was sitting on, leaning towards them and opening his thick thighs wider. his red mask were standing on the ground beside him and you could see his dark black hair fly with the power of night's wind.
he was more than attractive and you always thought about it whenever you saw him. it was like a natural habit of yours to think about jason all the time. you knew it was a habit of a lover than an enemy but you couldn't face with it since you believed you would become worse if you did.
"and what was with that girl back there?" you asked out of sudden. even though it wasn't intentional in the first place, you tried to act cool, reducing rising jealousy and curiosity on your system because of that unknown girl you saw in the mission field. she happened to be familiar with jason, knowing him from past. she didn't look like an ally or enemy but for sure, she was clingy towards jason, touching him freely from here to there, putting some kisses to his masked face, calling him pretty boy and acting like he owned her. it made your blood boil with pure rage, because of both dislike how the girl touched jason and not being able to do the same.
it was sad seeing how easy for another one to do what you wanted to do for such a long time.
"cherish?" he questioned, looking not interested in the topic but still answering your question, "she helped me in the past while tracking down someone."
"oh, so she's an ally?" you asked in a low tone, not looking at his eyes.
"kinda." jason said, looking at the sky as he threw his head. "why?" he questioned after a certain silence, taking your blurry mind back to him.
shrugging, you said, "just curious."
"I didn't know my fellas seemed interesting for you."
"they didn't but it's just – " you stopped talking, not wanting to give away your little secret of love him this easily. "I assume you only got me as an enemy fella who can be this close to you."
"this close?" he questioned, wanting you to be more open with that statement as he knelt down towards you, getting closer with each second 'till you chuckled nervously. he began to act a little odd out of nowhere and it was making you nervous, not being able to say what's on your mind completely.
"I mean look at us," you said, pointing to him and you after getting up and walking on the rooftop. "they see us as enemies. we should try to kill each other, not watching sunrise together. shouldn't we?" you asked to him because deep down, you wanted him to say a negative answer. love was like a fire under the skin but when it came to you, you liked the feeling that fire was giving. it was effect of jason on you after all.
what you were doing as a black widow included a great number of dangerous events, but, being in love with jason could be the most dangerous one which continues inside and outside a mission; a lifetime danger.
therefore, you chose to hide it for as long as you can. however, it looked like tonight was the end of it, you realized when jason asked "and what about 'u?" instead of answering the question after taking some time, looking at his hands.
as his eyes connected with yours, you forgot to breathe. the expression he had on his attractive face was unreadable and you had to try hard to understand meaning of his gazes. finally, you acknowledged some curiosity and sadness on them.
confused as ever, you thought loudly. "what about me?"
he shook his head, making his black hair move freely, looking hot like he was in a hair advertising scene.
"what do you think about this – " he stopped for a second, gathering enough strength to say what he is going to say aloud. "our relationship?"
your mind spent a quite time to comprehend what jason told about your relationship; calling it ‘our’. tonight, he was more open than ever and he didn’t help you even at slightest, instead, giving a headache while thinking about what to say – truth or just a tease.
if jason had a magic on you, you could believe with entire soul of yours. if he, now, told you he was joking, you would just laugh and get over with it. but none, jason did none of them. on contrary to these options your mind were thinking as likely events would take place from now on, he got up, not waiting for your answer. he took a few steps towards you, slowly but heavy. with each step, you took deep breaths, trying to find a way out from this because not knowing his intentions, you felt fear – fear of not being able to hold yourself and kiss him right here.
“jason –“ you tried to say, “I –“ the power you were holding was not working when you were alone with him. you knew this well but you couldn’t wait to spend more time after every mission you did together. beside them, there would a few occasions in which you two could get together. however, except some flirting, explicit comments and teasing, there wasn’t anything serious in these events you two shared. yes, there were moments you believed you and jason were pulling to each other with a ghost rope between your bodies and maybe, this night, it wouldn’t be a ghost or invisible rope. you were scared of this – scared of crashing a cold chest.
as fear began to rise inside enough to make scarecrow smell of it if he weren’t in arkham, jason spoke again, giving you something to hold to breathe and act properly.
he was both weakness and strength of you.
“didn’t answered my question.” he marked, and you gulped. trying to act confident and fearless, you shrugged.
“and I will not answer it ‘till you say what is the meaning of such question.” it was best option to gain more time. however, when jason smirked, you knew it didn’t work on him – not after he knew so much about you.
“there, there, acting like knowing nothing.” jason crossed his arms together, looking damn tall as he left just inches between his well built chest covered with a black silky suit and yours which was exposed a little, showing collarbone to eyes.
“you know I know so much.”
“except the meaning of the question, apparently.”
furrowing, you said while crossing your arms, copy him. “I can’t understand it if you have a closed mouth like that. you could ask it,” you showed your forefinger, “one, just to tease,” you added another finger, “two, getting a new information from me to keep it ‘till you will have a chance to hit me with it.” you added a last one, “three, maybe curiosity got its best out of you, huh?”
he shook his head, not impressed at the options, instead, looking bothered with them. “oh yeah, you are definitely clever as they said. sure.”
he turned to other side, going to pick up his mask as you realized how he used a dry sarcasm right there.
when that fact hit you, you felt anger. he was the one with a dumb brain not you. you weren’t the one talking like a close box, no, he was.
with that anger, you held his shoulder after he got his mask on his hands. squeezing the flesh under your palm that was full of muscles enough to make your mind go crazy once again, you said in pure annoyance, “what is wrong with you? you are asking odd questions and wait for me to understand the meaning of it right away with that unreadable expression of yours.” he looked at you and you felt confident than before, gladly, so, you added, “if you wanna say something, say it. and if you don’t, just leave it. don’t play with me.”
he turned to you when your hand on his shoulder stayed same, staring to your face with dark green eyes of his you loved to look at under every light or darkness because in every damn moment, his eyes were beautiful, taking breath away from your lungs and tonight, it was no different – maybe, it was more powerful even, not only taking breath but mind from you.
what was the time? where were you? why you were waiting in here? – they all seemed become silent each passing second as you kept looking at his eyes.
then, finally, he said, “you are the one who is playing with me.” to strengthen his words – to make it clear this time, he found your free hand, taking it as your breathes pitched, putting it right on his chest – where his heart rested.
without thinking twice, you closed your eyes, obeying what he wanted with simple gesture – you knew him well, not waiting for him to say what he wanted you to do.
the moment you closed your eyes, his heart’s beats began to flow from his chest to your hand, and to your heart from there – it was fast, so fast. it wasn’t because of any physical movement, no, it was all because of – you.
in the end, you found enough energy to open your eyes, looking at his dark green ones, and without putting any second to think about it, you just raised on your tiptoes, reaching his lips and kissing him – the thing your whole body pushed you to do, desired the most and when your lips touched to each other – as his mask hit the ground underneath your foot with a loud pump sound – as both of his hands found your waist, pushing it to his chest more, making your bodies crush into each other with raising heats from them.
your hands found his neck, hugging him tightly, a hand began to flow into his dark black hair, feeling his heart under yours.
the gotham city was so noisy in nights due to lots of different reasons but tonight – tonight, it was the quietest because your mind rejected it completely – it rejected the whole world, only to focus on just him – that fucking jason todd whose lips were kissing yours like it was the last thing he could get a taste of.
then, when he decided he couldn’t get enough, his hands found your ass, holding them to make your body jump higher, getting between his arms, hugging him stronger for avoiding any falling ‘till he made his way into a higher point in the rooftop on which you could sit.
placing your body on the nearest point, he left your messy lips for a second, looking at you from head to toe – a complete mess totally because of him, he smirked proudly, tilting his head a little to kiss the corner of your lips.
“well, not so dumb after all.”
rolling your eyes, you punched his shoulder gently, but smiling widely. indeed, you understood what he meant to refer with that question in the end; getting that hidden feeling out of you which were mutual. you could think he was playing with you but he wasn’t that guy – jason had a pure heart under that chest even though he wasn’t believing to have it on his own, however, you saw it and you believed him – you believed jason so much that you let him kiss you once again, hungrier and rougher this time, but still, giving away his true feeling within it as he hugged you from back, making your back arch, chest touch his, hands on his shoulders.
between kisses – lots of kisses you shared that night, you told him the answer of his question and so much more, finally getting chance to open your heart to him without fearing anything. and jason listened you carefully – closely. he didn’t say how much he loved you in return aloud, instead, he chose to use his lips, hands, and eyes with his entire body to show how he cared for you – how you meant like a lover rather than just an enemy. you took all of what he gave you gladly and from that night, a new journey in your relationship began.
maybe alfred was right; you two were like cat woman and batman. even though it looked like it, deep down, you believed it would become more with hope. you didn’t want jason stop kissing you, teasing you while flirting openly, touching you from here to there freely and letting you do the same to him, looking so happy with a simple look into your eyes.
love was dangerous path and you began to walk on it while holding jason’s hand with pleasure.
 the end.  🍓
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boyfridged · 1 year
this is perhaps completely obvious, but the comparison of pre-crisis vs post-crisis jason runs is such a poignant illustration of how the intentions of the writers make a world of difference.
pre-crisis jay was, ironically, at the beginning of his career much more of a thrill-seeker and much less serious about his motivations behind his desire to be a sidekick than post-crisis jay ever was. he was also much more reckless. he said, for instance, that studying crime was even worse than doing homework, and what interested him was going after "action." he didn't like the thought of not being credited for his actions. but he was still a character written with so much sympathy and enthusiasm – with so much open and continuous consideration for his youth, his past, his feelings. and the readers saw that! so many of them loved him! when you look at the back pages of these issues, issues in which jay often committed mistakes during patrols, in which he was at times petty and moody, you see with how much compassion they looked at him. there were letters that started with hate about the art or the storytelling, and ended with warm and attentive analyses of jay's character.
and the thing is, reactions to post-crisis might have been worse, but i don't think it was ever a matter of people disliking any iteration of jason todd from the start (even if some were certainly prejudiced as dick grayson fans. and as bigots); it's simply that post-crisis jay has never been written with a similar amount of care. o'neil saying that "people really hated jason" and that "he didn't know why" is absurd because (well, first of all, i don't think that he was ever that hated, and second of all) he was specifically written in a way that prevented a lot of casual readers to connect with him. pre-crisis, we see jay's perspective all the time, also beyond the patrols. he's much meaner than post-crisis jay a lot of times! for example, he tells julia (alfred's daughter), who is at the time staying at the manor, that he saw new flat listings, insinuating that she should move out because he is bothered by her presence. and that's rude. that's a reason why someone could think that he is a spoilt child (which imo pre-crisis jay actually very much is. i don't think it's a bad thing). but we also see him in his bed later, wondering "how could i have said something like that to her?" so naturally we see it from his side too.
on the contrary, when it comes to post-crisis jay, we have almost no insight into his head up until a death in the family. and of course, starlin admitted that he did want to make him unlikable; so suddenly everything jay does, including acting against orders, is written to make him seem like a difficult, unpleasant kid. but something you really have to understand is that the same attitude, when previously displayed by pre-crisis jay or even dick (!) was seen as endearing; a sign of bravery and an honest heart. in the first issues by collins, as well as barr's detective comics run, there's a semblance of recognition for that. beyond that, the whole narrative of his (very short) published history gets hostile. and starlin might not have written any of that outright, but you see that shift. all of a sudden a decision that would make you go "aww" if moench or barr wrote it, makes you displeased. i think one thing to take away from that is asking if it were depicted in the same tone if dick or tim did the same thing, for example. it's content that requires a much more critical attitude from the reader, that's for sure.
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owlwithanapple · 11 days
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 10
Daddy Bruce meet Y/N
Bruce POV
Today I am about return to Gotham City, which I have been missing so much. I have been busy traveling and entertaining business these few days. and slept less than five hours. I need to go back get a good sleep, otherwise not be able to bear the night patrol. It is really busy to supervise Batman and Bruce Wayne both at the same time.
There so many tasks this time, I can't spare so much time to deal with them. I am very glad Dick and Jason share the pressure with me. At first, I was quite worried about Jason's temper. After all, he is not good at saying good things in business. But I heard from Dick that it went quite smoothly and nothing happened. I can rest assured to finish my work in advance and go home early.
The plane landed on the runway at the airport, which means I am closer to home. I got off the plane looked at my watch. It was already 12 noon. I went to the baggage claim to get my luggage and prepared to leave the airport. After I took out my phone to confirm the recovery status, I contacted Alfred to prepare lunch. The long-lost happy time is finally coming.
I received a message from Damian, I clicked it to see.
🐮: Father, can you help me pick up Titus on the way home?
🐮: I took him to physical examination this morning.
🦇: Sure. Same place, right?
🐮: Yes, thank you, father.
🐮: I'll go to class first.
🦇: OK.
Damian is arrogant and conceited, can't let go of his heavy self-esteem, and is determined to surpass everyone, but he is very patient and careful in taking care of animals. Thanks to him, the animals at home grow up healthily. At least I can let him handle these things without worrying about it.
I picked up my luggage, dragged it to the parking lot find my car. I put in the trunk and sat in the driver's seat. I leaned back and squinted for a while. Although I was away on business for a few days, I felt I hadn't seen my car for a long time when I saw it. The car as quiet and clean as usual. When I saw the car, I thought of Jason's car. I don't know how it was handled. I'll ask later.
I took out my phone, looked back at the chat history with Damian, confirmed the location of the pet clinic where I was going to pick up Titus. After the screen in the car was set, I took off my coat and threw it on the back seat, like throwing a heavy burden back. I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and started turning the steering wheel. I stepped on the accelerator drove the car, leaving the airport parking lot and driving on the wide road.
As I drove along, I remembered Dick and Jason's flight was in the afternoon or evening. If I remembered correctly, Alfred took them to the airport. I would ask them later if they needed me to pick them up. Although I find everything about work annoying and tiring, I am happy to do things related to my family because it is the life I want, and this is also one of the reasons why I went home.
Once, I was young and ignorant, and couldn't protect my parents. They lost their lives in front of me. Since then, I have always regretted why I was so cowardly and incompetent. I transformed into Dark Knight Batman to fight criminals protect this city and the world. I love this city and my family deeply, I don't want them to be stained by any stain.
But becoming Batman is not an easy thing, especially the tragic incident of Joker imprisoning Jason. He suffered unimaginable tortures, a lot of pain and humiliation. I can't bear to imagine how he survived, when I saw him again, he was no longer the sunny, cheerful and naughty boy I knew.
From then, his temper changed drastically, became more irritable, and his nerves became so tense. He never came home again, and fought violence everywhere, living a crazy life. I arrested and tried to keep him several times, but no matter what I did, I couldn't win his heart back. I was heartbroken and hated myself for not avenging him at that time, which made things worse.
Being a good father and a hero is not as simple as imagined. I am also a businessman. I have money but I am not the ideal father that everyone wants. I regret and blame myself for not protecting Jason and everyone, which planted a seed of fear in everyone. I can understand everyone gradually alienated me, but no matter what, I always remember and believe that my children are the best.
But I am really grateful I have Dick. I am not good at expressing my emotions, he always helps me out gives me advice, brings me and Jason together. Recently, I can see Jason coming home from time to time. Although I don’t talk much with him, he and Damian always have conflicts, I am satisfied to see him eating and chatting at the table.
Jason’s recent transformation is obviously influenced by Dick’s personality, it may also be related to his new friends. I have always been curious about which girl can change Jason’s irritable personality into a cautious one. He has not introduced her to everyone yet. I have asked Alfred, even he has never seen her. He is really protecting her carefully.
Dick and I thought about abusing our authority to do some investigation out of curiosity, but thinking about it, curiosity is not a good thing. Jason and I finally entered the stage of reconciliation. If I abuse my authority to investigate his friends, it is equivalent to invading his privacy. If he knows, may not even go home and fall out with family. I don't want to let it go to such a point.
Turning a corner, I arrived at the pet clinic Damian mentioned. I parked the car outside the door and got out of the car. I opened the glass door and stepped in. I walked to the front desk to ask about Titus's situation. Before waiting for the front desk reply to me, I noticed a furry Corgi dog spinning in circles as if it was having fun with itself.
I went to check it out. This breed of dog is rare. The owner seems be very careful. The hair is well groomed. The name tag on its collar is called Kirin. What language is it from? What a strange and unique name. It is so well-behaved playing with itself. I stretched out my hands try to touch it, it fell to the ground with belly facing up without any resistance.
I asked the front desk curiously, "Where is the owner?"
The person at the front desk came up to explain to me, "Its owner is buying dog food nearby and will be back later."
At this time, the veterinarian came out and said, "Hello, Mr. Wayne. Titus still has a final check to do. Please wait a moment.
I nodded, "I understand."
What kind of owner is this? The dog play here so well and not bark loudly, does not affect other people at all. The most important thing is not afraid of strangers and allows me to touch it. While waiting, I sat next to and played with it. Dogs are spiritual animals. They will do something to heal people according to their mood. Should I consider raising a corgi? It looks cute and warm.
After playing for a while, the dog suddenly stood up ran to the glass door, barking and jumping a few times outside. A girl stood outside the glass door with an eco-bag in her hand. The dog was so excited to see her and kept rolling on the ground. The girl standing outside made strange movements to make it happy. Then the girl opened the glass door and walked in. She put down the eco-bag in her hand and pointed at the corgi dog with a gun gesture.
"Kirin! Ochiru!" She gave the command, the corgi fell to the ground. This corgi was so powerful and well-trained, it could respond to a movement or unfamiliar words.
After a while, I heard "Kirin! Okiru!", the corgi stood up again ran to the girl, spinning around her feet.
After that, the corgi came to me and circled around me. Seeing this, the girl smiled walked forward to look at the corgi. She covered her face with her hands and then opened them to make faces. The corgi jumped and looked very happy. I squatted down and held it in my hands. The corgi licked my face to show its friendliness.
"Kirin, atarashī tomodachi?"
(Kirin, your new friend?)
She spoke to the corgi in a fluent foreign language, the corgi responded with a bark. She nodded to show that she understood, then looked at me again. At this time, her expression was a little confused. She blinked several times as if to confirm me again and again. She clenched her fist on her palm and her eyes were wide open.
She pointed at me with a smile on her face. "Are you Bruce Wayne?"
I touched the soft fur of the corgi and nodded. "Yes, it's me. Are you the owner of this little cutie?"
She nodded to me and answered my questions enthusiastically, asked cautiously and worriedly, "Yes, did my little cutie cause you any trouble?"
I shook my head and said, "No, very cute and well-behaved." But I didn't understand why the Corgi kept sniffing me, as if it was very familiar with my smell. I put it on the ground carefully, but it still walked around my feet. Does it like to stick me?
I looked back at her expression showed that she admired me very much. Her feet rubbed on the ground as she had something to say. Her hands were hidden behind her back, I didn't know what she was doing. She took a deep breath faced me. She stretched out her trembling hands to shake hands with me. She was nervous about this kind of thing.
"Umm...Mr Wayne, I'm honored to meet you. Thank you very much for taking care of my little cutie. Can I shake your hand..."
A beautiful young girl took the courage to reach out to me. I thought only ladies would know me, but I didn't expect such a young girl would admire me. She must have seen me on TV a lot, so she recognized me. I shook her hand without hesitation to show my friendliness. "Hello, I should thank you for letting me play with your dog. What's your name?"
"Y/N. The little cutie is Kirin." She simply introduced herself and the dog.
Knowing her name, I smiled and thanked her, but I was curious about what language she just spoke, so I tried to ask, "What language did you speak just now?"
"Just now? Oh! Japanese. I'm Japanese." She told me about herself.
I was surprised. She spoke fluent Japanese and standard English. I could hear every word clearly. The girl who could express the language fluently and colloquially was great to have bilingual skills. It was unexpected to meet her in such an occasion.
"Mr Wayne, Titus has been examined. Here is the report." The veterinarian handed him the report. I took it and looked at Titus. He was avoiding me a little. It was indeed Damian who had been taking care of him. He was more attached to Damian than me, which was right. The current worry was how to get him to the car and go home.
I saw Y/N happily walk forward to greet Titus. They looked into each other's eyes. Then I saw a miracle. Titus circled around her as if he was acting cute to her. Y/N held Kirin and introduced her dog Kirin to Titus in a friendly way. It showed her friendly side. Maybe I could ask her to help take care of Titus.
I pressed her shoulder. She looked back at me. I tried to ask, "Can you do me a favor? Titus doesn't like to stick to me. Can you help me take him to the car?"
Her eyes lit up and nodded enthusiastically, "No problem! Leave it to me!"
She walked towards Titus with great interest and petted him. Titus stuck to her like a spoiled child. This was one of her charms. Maybe I could introduce him to Dick and the others. People of similar age could become good friends. It's not bad to have one more friend to play with.
I walked in front of her and opened the door in a gentlemanly and elegant manner, wanting to leave a good impression on her. She thanked with a smile and bowed in response, then took Titus away. I opened the back seat took the coat away, letting Titus get in the car then closed the door. Y/N stood outside the car holding Kirin waved goodbye to Titus.
When Y/N walked away from the car, Titus suddenly barked at the mirror desperately, as if calling Y/N. I realized something was wrong and turned to the back seat to comfort him, but ignored me completely. I had no choice and get out of the car ask her for help.
She turned around, still holding Kirin in her arms. "Mr Wayne! What's wrong?"
I pointed at the car, could see it shaking. "Do me another favor. Titus is restless in the car. Can you come with me? When he behaves himself, I will take you home. I will reward you."
She thought a moment and nodded with my willful request. "No problem."
I opened the passenger door for her and let her get in. It turned out that asking her for help was the right thing to do. She turned to the back chatted with Titus. Titus was completely docile like a child. I was lucky to meet her, otherwise I would not know what time I would have to go home. Before driving, I told Alfred that there would be guests coming to visit, and asked him to prepare lunch for two in advance.
I looked at the sunny energetic scenes in the passenger seat and the back seat, I felt extremely happy. Her cheerful and generous personality must be loved by everyone. She was a bit like Dick, even I was infected. Although there were voices and barking in the car, I didn't mind the noise. I felt this was more like my ideal family life. The family went out play and went back to have a good meal.
After arriving home, I opened the passenger door to let her get out of the car and then opened the door for Titus. I opened the trunk and took the luggage out of the car. I glanced saw Y/N's eyes and mouth opened in surprise when she saw the manor. I was used to it, but it was funny to see this reaction occasionally. I dragged the luggage and held the coat to open the door for her.
"Welcome, please come in." I smiled.
"Thank you, Mr Wayne." She replied politely and stepped into the manor.
"Welcome back, Master Wayne. Welcome, Miss Y/N. I'm Alfred, the housekeeper of this house." Alfred came over with hot tea. Her eyes were still wide open, but she recovered and bowed politely in front of Alfred.
"Alfred, take care of her for me. I'll change my clothes and come back." I dragged my luggage back to the room first. As soon as I stepped into the room, I saw the soft comfortable big bed that I really missed. It was hundreds of times better than the bed in the hotel. I put my luggage away, changed into a set of clean clothes and left the room.
I heard lively laughter. I looked down from upstairs saw Alfred chatting with Y/N. It seemed they got along well. This girl was really lovely. She was always optimistic and positive when facing strangers. Titus and Kirin were playing on the sofa. It felt like there were more members in the family. She noticed me looking and waved enthusiastically. I laughed softly came down to meet them.
From the conversation, I learned she immigrated here alone. As the saying goes, can't judge a person by appearance. Such a young girl has such courage to come to a strange city. I admire her from the bottom of my heart. I found she and Alfred can chat well because she can cook. Alfred is just trying to learn about Japanese cuisine.
I invited her to have lunch with me. She sat obediently on the chair showed her temperament with a dignified and generous image. I said, "Eat it while it's hot." She nodded and start eating. After she put the first bite into her mouth chewed it, she covered her cheek with a happy smile. Alfred's cooking skills really did not disappoint.
"Is it to your liking?" Alfred poured the tea.
"It's delicious! Give me the recipe!" she told Alfred excitedly.
"That's really not possible~" Alfred said with a smile.
"You are so stingy!" She laughed.
After lunch, we went to the living room continue chatting. I just found out she is currently unemployed and looking for a job. I thought about whether to let her come to my company, but I am still not familiar with her way of dealing with things, so I put her on the list for the time being. After all, working in a company will be very stressful. I wonder if she has the ability to withstand pressure to help the company solve problems.
Chatting for a while, it was almost time. Alfred said goodbye to us left temporarily, because school was about to end and he had to pick up Damian, leaving me and Y/N with two dogs. I took a few bags of snacks to the living room, turned on the TV and chatted with her while eating snacks. It was so nice to indulge myself like this after a long time.
About 30 minutes later, I noticed she began yawn and eyes were about to close. Kirin and Titus had fallen asleep. I turned down the TV. I left the sofa went upstairs to tidy up an empty room, took new pillows and put them on the bed, turned on the air conditioner to let the room cool down, thinking of letting her rest in the room for a while before sending her back.
I back downstairs, she had fallen asleep on the sofa. I noticed the scars on her arms and the dark circles under her eyelids. I wondered how many hardships she had gone through. She must have let go of many things to be so optimistic and confident now. I squatted beside the sofa, looking at her sleeping face, which reminded me of Jason.
I laughed out loud and covered my mouth for fear of waking her up. After making sure she was asleep, I picked her up and brought her to the room just now. Her sleeping face in my arms was really nostalgic. In the past, Dick sometimes slept in the study room while doing homework, and occasionally Tim would fall asleep in the Batcave. I always brought them back to the room like this.
I carefully put her on the bed and covered with a blanket. Before I left the room, I looked back at her, if I had a daughter at home, it might be like this. She would be like Jason and Dick. I turned off the lights, closed the door, left the room, let her have a good sleep, and went back to the living room to wait for Damian.
After a while, the door opened and Damian stepped in. He took off his shoes and came to me with his schoolbag on his back. He put the schoolbag on the sofa. I took out Titus's health report and handed it to him. He took it and flipped through it page by page to check Titus' physical condition. At this time, Kirin woke up and barked at Damian twice.
"Father, is it a new dog?" Damian put down the report in his hand, squatted on the ground looked at Kirin. He looked at Kirin in front of him with shining eyes. He couldn't hold back his excitement. He buried his head in Kirin's furry belly.
"There is a guest at home. She raised it." He didn't realize that I was secretly taking pictures of his cute side.
"Guest? Where?" He looked around for someone.
I pointed to the room upstairs. "She is sleeping. I will introduce her to you when she wakes up."
"Understood, I will take a shower first and then come down." Damian took Titus' health report with his schoolbag and left the living room.
Jason POV
I finally had a good night's sleep in my long-missed home. Bruce too busy with work to handle, and he asked Dick to help. Who knew he would even ask me to help with the company's trivial matters? I was exhausted from dealing with those businessmen these days. What bullshit is it to get Bruce invest in the business?
I thought Dickhead was joking with me. He mentioned Bruce couldn't leave for a while, but he needed help urgently for work. I casually replied I was bored, then he took out the plane ticket and luggage forced it on me, telling me get ready and leave.
That guy had been plotting against me from the beginning, asking me to go with him to handle things. Can't underestimate Dickhead. I didn't even have a chance to contact Y/N and suddenly flew abroad to work, but I bought a lot of snacks there. I don't know if she likes it.
Dickhead stood at the gate with his luggage and pulled his tie, "I'm exhausted."
I kicked his ass complained, "I'm more tired than you, okay? The bomber, my car, and Bruce."
Dickhead scratched his head with a satisfied look on his face, "Sorry, I think there are some things you are better at and can help me with, so I asked you for help. I will patrol longer for you these few days cover your shift, and I will take care of your car. Please forgive me, Babybird!" He put his hands together and said sincerely.
I breathed a sigh of relief and loosened my tie, "You said it, I didn't force you, let's just write it off."
I opened the door was about to step into the house. Dickhead jumped up and hugged my neck, "Babybird! I knew you were the best! You are indeed the brother who loves me the most!"
At this time, Bruce stood behind the door, "I can hear your voices from inside."
I raised my hand to greet him, "Hi, Bruce."
Dickhead said enthusiastically, "We're back!"
I dragged my exhausted body into the house, took off the shoes and socks that I was not used to wearing, took off the tight suit jacket and hung it aside, put the souvenirs and luggage in a place to sort them out later, thought about going back to the room to have a good sleep before eating dinner.
"Woof woof woof!"
It should be demon brat's dog barking. I want to tell demon brat to calm his dog down because I am so fucking tired and irritated now. Then I saw demon brat's grimace and the corgi dog in his hand. I was stunned. When did this guy get such a cute dog? It doesn't match his face at all.
The corgi broke free from demon brat's hand ran to my feet. He kept barking and circling around my feet enthusiastically. I petted him and went back to my room to sleep. He suddenly bit my suit pants and barked again.
"What's going on?" Bruce asked curiously.
"Maybe he is hostile to annoying people." Demon brat mocked.
"So cute~ I want to touch it~" Dickhead interrupted.
I took a step back and the corgi took a step forward. I did it several times and he followed me. But this corgi looked so familiar. I looked at him for a long time wondered where I had seen him. Demon brat wanted to take him away, he ran behind me to hide, then wagged his cute little tail at me.
"Kirin?" I don't know why I blurted out this name.
"Kirin?!" I squatted on the ground and looked in surprise.
"Woof woof woof!" He excitedly circled around me, then fell on the ground let me touch his belly.
"It's really you!" I hugged him, and he licked my cheek happily.
"TT, why so close to annoying people?" Demon brat looked disgusted.
"Aren't you with mommy?" I touched his head.
"Do you know him?" Dickhead took a closer look.
I nodded and stroked his fur "My friend's dog. Wait... Why here? Is he lost?"
At this time, Bruce interrupted, "Um.. The corgi owner sleeping upstairs..."
I hugged Kirin and shouted in surprise, "Huh?!"
Chapter 10 End.
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AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
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𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 - Osferth (The Last Kingdom)
honestly, got this idea from that one episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air that absolutely broke me and made me revisit my abandonment issues. so yeah, this is gonna be sad. i apologize in advance🤷🏻‍♀️(p.s. don't read this while listening to hurt by Christina Aguilera or because of you by Kelly Clarkson)
Warnings: spoilers for TLK (obvi, and for Death Of Kings), angst, hurt/comfort, daddy & abandonment issues (like same, i kin osferth honestly), Alfred was a great king but a shitty father (in the show at least), kinda bittersweet
word count | 2.3k🤙🏻
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You all stood in king Aethelred’s throne room, watching King Alfred and your leader Uhtred discuss battle plans. It all sounded very important but all you could watch was how Osferth’s lips turned into a frown as his father embraced his daughter, Aethelflaed. He looked like a kicked puppy and all you could do was glare at the King with disdain.
You hadn’t been in this team of Lord Uhtred for very long, but long enough to know that you cared deeply for each one of your companions and would give your life for any one of them, but especially Osferth. You were there when he first introduced himself, so shy and soft spoken, wanting to be like his uncle. So to see him so sullen made you want to drive your blade into the King’s skull.
You never understood why being a bastard was bad, but everyone said it like it was one of the worst things you could be, especially if you were a bastard of a king. Osferth was always introduced as a bastard first, never as a warrior or one of Uhtred’s men, always just King Alfred’s bastard. It didn’t sit right with you, and it clearly made him uncomfortable. You tried to never think of him as Alfred’s bastard, just your friend. Osferth was the sweetest person in the world, so how on earth would anyone ever give him away? You saw how it affected him, even if he didn’t show it. You saw how he looked at Edward and Aethelflaed, that envy and longing. He just wanted to be loved and accepted, and Alfred took that from him. You had no respect for the king.
Osferth couldn’t even be in the presence of Edward, his half brother, having to quietly excuse himself. You couldn’t let him go on his own. Ever since you met the boy, you’ve had an overwhelming urge to keep him safe, always anxious whenever he was out of sight. You felt bad for still wanting to protect him, knowing he’s proven himself time and time again that he can defend himself. It was hard to not to think back to the time when he cried when he killed his first man. War makes you desensitized, whether that was a good thing or not.
“Are you okay?” You asked softly once you caught up with him.
“Mhm.” He hummed, his eyes not meeting yours.
You frowned. “You don’t have to lie to me, Osferth. I thought we were closer than that.”
“It’s not that.” He sighed, resting his hands inside his leather chest armor, a cute quirk he got into the habit of doing. “I just don't want to waste my breath on him…”
“It’s okay to have feelings about it, you know? You don’t have to keep it all bottled inside, not around me.”
Osferth did continue to keep his feelings bottled up since that day, and it made you upset that he was just suffering in silence. Your worrying became even worse after the battle where you all fought against Haesten’s army, your baby monk getting harmed in the process. Thankfully, the damage wasn’t too bad but he’d be out of fighting for a while so he could heal. You made no qualms when you were tasked with taking care of him at his half sister’s estate, you tried to do that all the time anyway. You still wanted him to open up to you, but you didn’t want to push him. You weren’t a bastard but you understood what it was like to not have a parent want you, you knew what complicated and conflicting feelings came along with it. He didn’t have to be alone in his struggle.
Osferth made no mention of the conversation you had with him that day, only thanking you and expressing apologies whenever you helped him around his injuries (although he made a habit of calling Finan a slave). You tried not to speak of it, not wanting to upset him, especially when he was healing from his physical wounds. You could see how exhausted he was, how his once bright blue eyes dimmed with pain. He was more irritable, uncharacteristically so, to the point even Finan was tired of taking care of him. You could see he was hurting, but you didn’t know how or when to bring it up.
It seemed all those suppressed emotions came to a head one day, a loud crash being heard throughout the building, coming from Osferth’s room. You took off in that direction, seeing a disheveled Finan right outside the boy’s door. “What the hell is going on?” You asked.
“I made a joke, just teasing, then the lad went off like an absolute nutter.” Finan huffed, “I was trying to give him some water but he threw it back at me and it broke.” You made a move to walk into the room, but he put his arm out to stop you. “I wouldn’t. I’d just let him be for now, until he calms down at least.”
“Come on, it’s not like he’s going to hurt me, Finan.” You pushed his arm out of the way and promptly entered the bedroom.
You almost expected the room to be in ruins, but all that looked out of place was the shattered pottery that once held water scattered on the floor. And Osferth, sitting with his back turned to the door on his bed, his head hanging low. “Sorry Finan, I didn’t mean to get so upset…” Osferth whispered softly, turning his head to only see you and not the Irishman. “Oh, uh, didn’t know it was you.”
You smiled weakly, coming to sit next to him. “It’s okay, but are you?”
Osferth shrugged, a slight blush coming to his face at your close proximity. “He just made a joke about me being…ya know. He does it all the time so I don’t know why I got so mad. He’s not angry with me, is he?”
You shook your head. “No. He seemed like he kind of felt bad, this time, at least…Ever since that day at Aethelred’s estate, you’ve not been yourself. I know you haven’t been showing it, but I can feel that you’re upset. I think talking to someone might help, it doesn’t have to be me obviously, but someone. Maybe Sihtric? Since he’s-” You were interrupted by the sounds of soft sniffles and whimpers, your brows immediately furrowing in concern as soon as you saw Osferth’s pained expression. “Osferth?” You whispered softly, cautiously reaching out to hold his hand, afraid to scare him away.
“I hate feeling this way.” He sniffled, using his other hand to angrily wipe away a couple fallen tears. “Alfred never even tried to talk to me, never. As soon as I was born, he forced me into the monastery. I’ve never known anything else, so why do I feel this way? How can I miss something I’ve never had? Even now, I’m nothing to him. I’ve never been anything but a burden to him…”
“You are anything but a burden, Osferth.” You spoke sternly, anger welling up inside you at Alfred for making your best friend feel that way.
“But I am! I’m an embarrassment. That’s the only reason Lord Uhtred even let me join him in the first place. All to embarrass the…king.” He spat.
“Why doesn’t he want me?” Osferth cried, his tears falling off his cheeks onto your hands that held his on his lap. The pain in his voice even made you tear up, and all you wanted to do was wrap him up in your arms and never let him go. I want you, I want you more than anything in the world, you wanted to say. But all you did was squeeze his hand tighter and pulled him onto your chest, holding the back of his head and running your fingers through his hair soothingly.
“You are not a burden.” You whispered into his hair, pulling him to you as close as humanly possible. “Not to me, not to Uhtred, not to anyone. Anyone who even thinks that will meet the end of my blade. Alfred is a fool to not see your worth and if I could, I’d cut off his head without remorse.”
Osferth quickly shushed you, bringing his hand up to cup your jaw hesitantly. “Such talk is treason.”
“You’re worth it, Osferth.” You spoke with such sincerity it made the pale boy blush, his tears cascading down over his pink cheeks made such a beautifully sad portrait, his eyes a stark blue from crying. You couldn’t help but lean forward and gently kiss the wrinkle in between his eyebrows. “You’ll always be worth it to me.” You took a deep breath, your heart hammering inside your ribcage. “Unlike Alfred…I’ll never abandon you, baby monk. Even in death, you wouldn’t be rid of me.”
Osferth chuckled tearfully, looking up at you in awe. “You’re an angel, you know that?”
Now it was your turn to blush, but you gently shook your head. “I do not.”
“You are. It’s because of you I know God exists. How could He not when such a woman as you is sitting before me?” Your breath catches, a fluttering feeling rattling around in your stomach as you and Osferth look into each other’s eyes. “Can I…can I kiss you, my lady?” He stuttered, a hopeful expression on his face.
“Please…” You whispered in reply, both of you leaning forward and capturing his lips with yours.
And you decided to stay with him that night, refusing to leave his side even when he said he was feeling better. You held him in your arms, allowing his head to rest against your chest, the sound of your soothing heartbeat lulling him to sleep.
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Eventually when the death of King Alfred was announced, it didn’t shock anyone; he was frail and sickly and should have died a long time ago, but that didn’t make it hurt any less for anyone. He was called great for a reason, he was loved and respected by many, even his enemies. His family were devastated, his friends, his allies, even those like Uhtred who were reluctant in following him at first. Except you, you had difficulty finding any sympathy in your heart for really one reason only: Osferth.
You had no respect or shroud of kindness for the king in life, so why would you in death? All you cared about was Osferth and how he felt.
You thought back to all the times you’d walk in on Osferth crying, always quick to wipe away his tears like he never was crying in the first place. He was so quick in concealing his emotions that anyone else never would’ve noticed, but you always did. After being with Alfred in the throne room, when he looked so relieved that his daughter was safe, Osferth would excuse himself. Whenever Uhtred had discussions with Edward or Aethelflaed, he would do the exact same thing. You knew he had to be feeling something towards his father’s death, whether he would admit it or not. You just wanted to be there for him if he needed you.
Like any king’s death, the aftermath was chaos. You all had to worry for Uhtred for a while there, but everything turned out alright in the end. People were celebrating the new King Edward’s coronation, drinking and humping the night away, but Osferth was nowhere to be found. You had asked your boys if they had seen him anywhere, but no one knew and all Finan did was joke that he might be finally losing his virginity. Not that helpful.
You finally found him sitting against one of the walls of the town, drinking a pint of ale. His lips instinctively upturned in a brief smile when he saw you walking his way, though his eyes looked weary. “What are you doing all the way out here, huh?” You asked softly, crouching down to sit next to him, causally taking a sip from his mug.
Osferth shrugged. “Just thinking.”
“Oh, yeah? About what?” You reached over and interlaced your fingers with his, smiling when he brought your hand up to kiss your knuckles.
“Before Alfred died…I visited him.” He exhaled shakily, and you couldn’t help but gasp.
“What did he say?” You asked curiously, but also dreading the answer just in case.
Osferth smiled sadly, tears already welling up in his eyes. “He apologized to me, that it was his fault for me being the way that I am…said he’d put in a good word for me when he got to heaven.” He chuckled weakly, wiping away some of his fallen tears. “He said I was a good man…that he was proud of me, called me his son.”
You teared up at his confession, squeezing his hand tighter. “And…did that make you feel better? Was it closure?”
Osferth’s bottom lip trembled, nodding his head, turning to look at you with a tearful crooked smile. “It was…but I didn’t need to hear it from him to know I’m a good man. I am. You showed me that better than he ever could.”
You smiled bashfully. “Oh, Osferth, you flatter me. But I am glad you made your peace with him, even if it came late.” You kissed his hand as well, moving closer so you could lean your shoulder against his. “Really, my love, are you okay?” You asked seriously, only to receive a sweet kiss on your cheek, causing heat to bloom in your chest in contrast to the cold temperature.
“I am sad, but I’ve lived without my father my entire life. I’ll be okay, especially when you’re right here with me. It’s only you who I need by my side. It’s you I wouldn’t be able to live without.”
“Good, because I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon, my baby monk."
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literally wish he and alfred had more screen time TOGETHER, and curse the writers for not including their talk before alfred died. seriously.
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nitrateglow · 8 months
Halloween 2023 marathon: 12-15
Rope (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1948)
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Brandon and Philip do everything together: share aesthetic philosophies, go on road trips, and commit thrill kills in their living room. After strangling a classmate, they hide the body in a chest. They also happen to be throwing a dinner party that night. The thrill of possibly being caught excites Brandon, but Philip is on the verge of a breakdown all night. And when their old prep school headmaster Rupert shows up and starts to notice their combined strange behavior, matters grow potentially deadly.
I watched this one with my grandmother, who had never even heard of it before. She ended up really liking it, which made me happy because I think Rope is Hitchcock's most underrated film. Hitchcock himself dismissed the movie as a failed experiment. The central gimmick is that the film appears to be shot in a single take, lending the story the sense that it's all unfolding in real time. It's not a seamless illusion, but it is effective, so sorry Hitchcock, you're wrong.
Rope is a great companion piece to Dial M for Murder. Both are based on plays and both feature debonair, egomaniacal killers who seem more excited about the plotting of their crimes than any material benefit they could get from them. (Someone please write a crossover where Tony and Brandon compete to commit the best perfect crime ever. Like that is the fanfic content I want!)
Jeopardy (dir. John Sturges, 1953)
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Doug and Helen are an ordinary American couple vacationing in Mexico with their young son Bobby. They go to a remote fishing spot to picnic. The pro of this spot is its nostalgic quality for Doug. The con is that its remoteness is inconvenient when you get trapped under heavy ass timber just as the tide's coming in... which happens to Doug. With only four hours to save him from drowning, Helen drives off to find help. Instead she gets kidnapped by Lawson, an escaped criminal who isn't shy about murdering people. He's uninterested in helping Doug, so Helen has to find a way to either escape her captivity or manipulate Lawson into helping her before it's too late.
What an underrated thriller! I mainly watched it for Barbara Stanwyck, but Jeopardy is a great suspense film with a fiendishly simple set-up. It's the perfect example of writing advice I once received about how to deal with writer's block: just keeping making your main character's life worse. Got a husband about to drown? How about being kidnapped by an escaped criminal while you're trying to get help?
It runs at just 69 minutes and not a second of that runtime is dull. I had planned on only watching half of the movie before going to bed because it was very late, but I was so wrapped up in it that I said "Screw it" to getting a good night's sleep.
Stanwyck is of course amazing. Her character Helen is written as a terrified housewife susceptible to "hysteria" (hello casual 1950s sexism), but she's actually pretty crafty. Stanwyck plays her as a fighter and even when her captor gets the upperhand, you can see in her eyes that she's scrambling for the next potential escape plan.
The best scenes are between Helen and Lawson. There's both an antagonism and undeniable sexual tension between them from the start. When she seduces him in a shack, she starts lounging about and puffing at her cigarette like her character Phyllis Dietrichson in Double Indemnity, which is both funny and awesome. In addition, it's ambiguous how into Lawson Helen exactly is. You could say she seriously considers running away with him once he helps her husband out, but the opposite might be true as well.
In this kind of story, it would be easy to make the husband a wet rag in comparison to the attractive villain, but Doug is super likable, keeping a cheerful face on his increasingly hopeless situation, and his attempts to keep his son calm and optimistic are truly touching. And that just adds to the suspense-- you don't want to see that guy drown, even if Lawson is also charming and charismatic.
And hot. Cannot deny, Ralph Meeker is super hot in this, like holy shit. He's got some definite Marlon Brando in A Streetcar Named Desire vibes going on.
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Also this promotional image of Stanwyck and her two male co-stars cracks me up. It's the polar opposite of the film's actual tone.
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The Sealed Room (dir. DW Griffith, 1909)
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In an unspecified century in an unspecified country, an unspecified king finds out his mistress is having an affair with the court minstrel. What's worse, they have their trysts in a hidden room the king likes using as his love cave. He decides to brick the two up alive, just as a gotcha.
The Sealed Room is one of my favorite nickelodeon era movies. It's got a great Poe-themed story, enjoyably hammy acting (the king makes so many reaction image worthy faces and poses, I just CAN'T--), and a pretty sophisticated use of composition and space that emphasizes the claustrophobic terror inherent in the premise.
This movie also features a great example of what I often call "silent movie logic." It's those scenes where something happens that would technically make a hell of a lot of noise but other characters don't notice and most of the time, I don't notice unless I think about it too hard. But in this case, it's hard to miss-- the king's servants start bricking up the exit to the hidden room while the mistress and the minstrel are like five feet away. Those servants are either very good at their job or the lovers are too horny to pay attention to anything else.
It Follows (dir. David Robert Mitchell, 2014)
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When high school girl Jay loses her virginity at the end of a date, she expects her life to change. And it does-- but not in the way she expects. Her date tells her he's just passed on a curse to her-- a mysterious figure will follow her around until it gruesomely kills her and the only way to get it off her trail is to transmit the curse to someone else via sex. Terrified and hurt, Jay and her friends try to find a way to stop the monster permanently.
It Follows had so much hype around it back in 2014. It was the horror movie du jour, with everyone praising the hell out of its old-school vibe and intriguing premise.
I'm sad to say I was underwhelmed. The premise IS cool, as well as a fun meta commentary on the traditional sexual politics of the slasher genre, and the lead actress Maika Monroe is very good as the soulful young Jay. I was never really scared though-- and if you're a regular of this blog, then you know it's not because I don't like slow-burn horror. I love it, especially when there's a bare minimum of crappy jump scares. This one just felt meandering, slow for the sake of resembling artsier classics of cinematic horror, and I lost interest halfway through. Even the monster ceased to creep me out by the end.
And that makes me sad, because I loved the score and the atmosphere of the film. There's a weird out of time quality to it-- the score is very 80s synth, characters watch old horror movies on the TV (Jay and her date even go to see Charade at a movie theater), and there isn't much in the way of teens staring at their phones (though one of Jay's friends has a cool clam-shaped e-reader). However, I just could not get into the story. It just lacked that extra something to make me love it. Or maybe I just wasn't in the proper mood.
I don't know. It could very well be a "me" problem.
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rhiaemrys · 1 year
So, I've been trying to identify who would escalate a prank war to Kevin McCallister levels in the batfamily and I've come down to Three (3) options. By all means feel free to have a (fun) debate about it, though. This is just my opinion.
Option one, the most understandable: Damian Wayne
Damian was effectively raised as an only child while also being told to be The Best. Of course he's chronically unable to back down once challenged and so no matter who started this, Damian will attempt to end it. It's an easy way to prove himself their betters while also being super petty. Also, he desperately want's to prove to Jon that he's not a stick in the mud. Also also, his brothers are insane and there's no telling what the next prank will be and who will be caught in the crossfire. Might as well make sure that any revenge is premeditated.
Option two, the wildcard: Cassandra Cain
Cass is also an only child. She was also raised to be The Best and is stubborn as hell so of course she gets involved in what she sees as a fun competition with her family. Her image of retaliation is skewed, though so she always ends up going slightly overboard. Not enough for anyone to get mad, but it's suspicious that it's always enough to make the person ticked off, yet not murderously enraged. She's also a little shit who can get away with anything with Bruce if she looks innocent enough. It drives her brothers up a wall because there's no evidence to prove she DID do it. Cass knows exactly what she's doing and she's not afraid to do it.
Option Three, the Actual Kevin McCallister: Tim Drake
Listen, okay. I had to put him here. On top of being an only child I swear to god this kid was obsessed with Home Alone. He absolutely would take the opportunity to MacGyver some shit to torture his siblings, bonus points if it hits Bruce too. You cannot convince me he didn't booby-trap Drake manor at some point while his parents were globe trotting. He doesn't have any excuse of pride about challenges, he's just a malicious actor here. Tim fears no retribution or god, he's nearly been killed several times and it hasn't stuck so why would it start now. You attack, and he attacks back a thousand times harder. You attack Tim and practically sign a waiver allowing him the freedom to ruin your costume or civilian lifestyle.
Cut here before the explanations of those who don't escalate (Need to emphasize here, they still may participate but they don't make it worse) because this has gotten out of hand
Reasoning for others to not be included:
Duke: He's unhinged yes, but he's not batshit insane. He fully understands that if he escalates, someone is going to make a murder attempt. He doesn't want to be the next Tim, that's not a position he wants to willingly put himself in yet. He'll contribute or join a team, but ultimately Duke can be found in the one Neutral Zone, Alfred's kitchen, watching with bemusement as his siblings attempt to turn the Manor into a war-zone. If pranked, he'll prank back, but not escalate. Also people feel a little like kicking a puppy when they prank him. Duke weaponizes this and uses it to get out of bullshit or pull off bullshit scot-free.
Stephanie: Maybe she's on a team. Maybe she's a free agent. She doesn't want anyone to target her specifically because then she truly has to be paranoid. Instead, she's always helping with pranks, making everyone indebted to her and thus allowing her to be the only safe person other than Alfred.
Barbra: I just. I cannot emphasize how much the family leaves her out of this. She will find a way to get back at you and it will end your idea of pranking her again. Unlike Alfred, who was universally known to be off-limits, she knew that someone would try something because all of that family is made up of little shits. This meant that she has to shut it down once it starts. She is immune. Inevitably someone will push the envelope and Babs will remind them that she control's their tech and information systems. She will however, assist if a prank gets particularly nasty and someone needs to shut the war down. Typically she's recruited by Alfred or Bruce to end the war where it stands once it starts to get to the Property Destruction Level.
Jason: He was asked not to participate by Alfred and Jason willingly obeys only Alfred. This is specifically because of one incident when this happened with Tim, Dick, and him. Back when he and Tim were getting along somewhat and Dick had somehow pissed both of them off, they escalated The War. It ended with three new craters in the warehouse district, The Riddler so traumatized that he completely avoids doing Rouge Activities when Red Robin and Red Hood are on speaking terms, and Dick stuck in a box on his way across the country. Instead, Jason enjoys being on Stephanie's side of aiding whoever is funnier. He is not off limits though. Oh dear god he is not off limits. He is the victim of so many pranks. He just cannot retaliate. In turn, he turns into a snitch for this event, and only this event. Jason will alert Alfred of any destructive pranks. He will let Alfred know of birdies staying up too late, of birdies jumping off buildings because superman will catch them, of birdies doing general dumb ass restricted shit. Jason will make the pranker's life a living hell.
Dick: Dick matches the energy of the prank. He's petty so it will always be perfectly organized so that it causes maximum damage while never managing to be something one can reasonably escalate against. (For example, Tim once hid all of Dicks cereal in increasingly impossible places and swapping the boxes so they were labeled wrong. In retaliation every single one of Tim's coffees became decaf. They're the exact same flavor, but the caffeine content is so low it barely counts as coffee. Tim didn't notice until he went on a case bender and passed out thirty hours in despite drinking eight cups of coffee. This was weeks later after the war ended. There was no retaliation. Tim still has no clue how Dick got in, out, AND made the perfect replica) Damian learned at the feet of the master, but unfortunately has too much localized anger to play it to perfection like Dick can.
Cullen and Harper: They don't live at the Manor. They refuse to participate. They'll help small scale, but they're both sensible enough to know that anymore makes them targets.
Bruce: I don't need to explain this. He's tired. He doesn't want to be here. He never actively participates and yet always ends up in the crossfire. Can people please stop pranking each other on patrol? Must you dye Tim's suit neon pink? It's really not conducive to being the cities silent protectors.
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It's finals week here, and I'm craving the angst if you don't mind.
Maybe what's going on with disabled!reader? Or batmom!reader? (The only angsty ones I can remember off the top of my head)
"Y/N? Where are you going?"
It was Christmas morning and you were carefully packing a few boxes of snack cakes into your knapsack with ribbons and bows on them. "I'm gonna drop some snacks off to my mom," you answer, "I won't be gone long."
Bruce nodded, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach. He didn't know- no. He did know you were going to see Jason too. To drop a notebook on his headstone. Your half of the conversation. Part of you still hoping against hope he'd pick it up and answer you. "Will you be back for lunch?" Even if you weren't, he'd have Alfred set a place and then save you a plate.
"I should be," you answer carefully.
"Visiting hours aren't for-"
"It's a long walk," you shrug. "And I wanted to drop off a couple presents alongthe way."
"I'd be happy to drive-"
"It's alright," you sigh. "Thank you but... I don't want to be around people yet today."
Bruce nodded and held out the travel mug of coffee he hadn't drunk out of yet, "Fair enough. Text someone if you don't want to walk back."
You take the mug with a little nod of thanks and exhale slowly. "Merry Christmas, Bruce."
"Merry Christmas, Y/N."
And when he watched you slip out the door, his chest hurt. He wasn't sure what was worse. The stupor you'd been in or watching you try and function when you felt like you were dead and they forgot to tell you.
You slipped into the visiting room, the boxes of snack cakes in your arms. Following a nurse who was wearing reindeer antlers and a silver feather boa. No matter how well the staff cleaned, there was still a faint smell of mildew.
But today it was overlaid with cinnamon and some kind of savory thing. Lasagna? You wondered if staff chose the Christmas dinner or if the patients did.
"Y/N," the nurse said, "She won't remember but-" "No one deserves to spend Christmas alone," you sigh. "And I figured she was probably running low on snacks."
"She does love her snowballs," the nurse said, watching you cross the floor. Wet boots squeaking on the linoleum. And she shook her head. After 20 years, she'd learned nothing could break your heart like kids who were still holding out hope.
"Hey Nissa," you say, "Merry Christmas."
"Who the fuck are you?" she demanded, squinting at you like you looked familiar but she couldn't quite place you.
"Just... Just a friend," you explain. You'd already learned that saying you were her daughter tended to make her angry. Because in her mind, she didn't have one. Not yet... and when you were feeling particularly petty, you wondered how it was any different than before.
"You got any party favors?" she asked, "This fucking after party is ass."
"Just sold out," you shrug, "Sorry."
"Fuck," she huffed, looking around, "You get hold of any-"
"You got it," you tell her, turning to walk away.
"Hey!" Nissa called, jerking he head at you when you turn. "What's your name?"
"Y/N," you answer, smiling a little.
"I hate that name," she chuckled.
And all you can do is shrug and walk away. There was probably something in there to unpack. But. It could wait until you were laying on the floor of your bathroom with a bottle from the liquor cabinet.
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sardonic-sprite · 11 months
Part 2 of Dad!Tim AU (so Q doesn't murder me in my sleep /aff) tw: referenced rape, referenced attempted/intended murder
(Part 1)
As we hit the ninth month, everyone is tense and on tenterhooks, but Tim is by far the worst. He can't sleep for more than an hour without jerking awake from a nightmare: the faceless child growing up, hands around a sword, smirking on Ra's's right hand, maybe coming to Gotham, but to hurt Tim's family, not join them... other times it's the child dying in infancy or even birth, and Tim doesn't know if that part is worse, the grief, or the next part, the fear, as Ra's's sister advances on him to try again
Nine months to the day since Paris and Tim is a wreck and the whole family is buzzing out of their skin, ready to ACT, but its not until 2 weeks later that they finally get Talia's call.
And in the background, there's a baby crying
Everyone is all wtf talia we said we were gonna WAIT and she grimly tells them there would be no waiting, she needs them to come pick up the baby now. Because the baby is a girl. Because Ra's will only accept a MALE heir, and he's not going to bother raising a child he has no use for. Because Ra's's sister is furious with the disgrace of bearing the wrong sort of baby and wants nothing to do with something that was supposed to be her greatest honor. Talia can only be gone so long before they will realize she has not in fact buried the infant in the snow, so they need to come NOW
Everyone bursts into frantic motion, freaking out, livid, terrified. Its all way too much, and Tim just sits and stares blankly, because he thought he'd have just a little more time. Dick sees this, and gently asks if Tim wants to stay back, and if he wants someone to stay with him. He does. So the others go, and Dick sits and holds Tim's hand as Tim tries to process. And he realizes that if not for Talia, all of his pain, all of his terror, all the violation would be for absolutely nothing.
And then he realizes that makes him MAD.
How dare they? He thinks. How DARE ra's and his sister throw the child away just because Tim gave her the "wrong" chromosome? HOW FUCKING DARE they treat a human child like a goddamn happy meal toy, like it -- she -- is disposable because she isn't what they wanted?
He gets up ("Tim?" Dick asks softly) and goes to find Alfred. The room right across from his, Alf, the one that has a view of the gardens, thats the nursery. Tim may still not be READY for this but he'll be damned if he can't do better than fucking RA'S.
So he and Dick and Alfred spend the tense, anxious hours moving and arranging baby stuff in the room, while Barbara folds all the onesies and diapers into the drawer and calls leslie about formula bc they don't know any nursing mothers
They get the call that the family arrived, they have the baby, they're on their way home, and Talia will keep up the pretense as long as she can so they can get back to Gotham. Baby's sleeping now, they say, and swear she looks just like Tim.
"You've got a regular little Snow White on your hands," Jason laughs, and no one on the plane is ever allowed to tell Tim how close Jason came to stealing his child (HER CHUBBY LITTLE CHEEKS STEPH JUST LOOK i see them jay.) "Black hair, pale skin (you're still paler), red lips, well, whole red face when she really wants to wail."
Tim doesn't know what to make of that yet, but at least maybe it seems like he'll be able to look at the child without constantly seeing her mother. (Not that she deserves that title).
They can't paint the nursery tonight and have it be dry, but they're going to paint it, Tim decides. Something colorful and happy, not like the soulless beige he grew up with. Nothing like his soulless childhood.
The family arrives. They arrive and Tim and Alfred and Barbara and Dick go down to meet them, Tim clutching Dicks hand. The door of the plane opens and they file out, and its Cass, a complicated mess of emotions on her face, who holds out the tiny, TINY little swaddle
Tim's hands are shaking as he reaches out, but no one says so. Dick just carefully supports Tim's arms to make sure he's steady
Jason was right, he thinks. She is a little Snow White. Her skin's a little darker than his, but still paler than he'd have thought. She's got black hair, but that was a guarantee. She's got a little red mouth that yawns into a perfect O and blinks open blue eyes, but he doesn't know if they'll stay that color.
Its hard to believe he's a FATHER. He has a DAUGHTER. He's still only 17.
That's when Baby begins to cry, and Tim panics, and the others have to calm him down and promise its not his fault, she's only hungry, and they go upstairs to get a bottle. Then they all troop to the nursery, where Alfred and Bruce have to help Tim settle in Martha's old rocking chair, and show him how to hold the Baby in one arm and the bottle in the other hand, and help her eat.
Slowly the others trickle away, to sleep, to give him privacy, because jts all so surreal, and there may or may not be tears on Tim's face. Finally its just Bruce and Alfred, and they help Tim put Baby in the cradle thats been in the Wayne family for nine generations. Then they go, and Tim's still sitting on the rocking chair, staring, like this fever dream is going to disappear, and there won't be baby or nursery or this awful terrifying weight in his chest, and he's not sure if he would really want that or not
He hears a soft sound by the door and springs up, grabbing for a weapon he doesn't have, but its only Damian, looking as lost and unsure as Tim.
"I thought you went to bed"
"I could not sleep."
Tim can't really argue with that
Damian edges closer, looking at Baby's face like he's searching for something there.
"Have you named her?"
"No," Tim scoffs, because he didn't fucking want her, he thought she'd come with a name, just barely laid eyes on her or held her. Then he feels shame because what kind of father doesn't want to name his own child? His voice softens as he explains, "i have no idea where to start"
"At the end then," Damian suggests, just as soft. "With Wayne." And it might just be the kindest thing the kid has ever said to Tim.
"Ok," he says. "And in the middle?" It feels like a cop-out, asking Damian of all people to name TIM's child. But Tim can't... there's no logical process to follow here, naming is an emotional experience, it forges a CONNECTION and Tim just... all that furious resolve is much harder to draw from when he's confronting the reality it entails
Damian purses his lips, hesitating. Finally, he says, "There's Bahar. It... it means 'brilliant.'"
And at first, Tim balks, because no, that's what RA'S wanted from the child, Tim's brilliance, and what the FUCK, Damian-- and then he realizes. That... this might be, no it probably is, Damian saying "fuck ra's. The baby girl will be brilliant, and you're brilliant too."
He finds himself smiling, just a little, and repeats, "Bahar. I... I like it."
Damian smiles just a faint bit too, then.
"What... what about the beginning?" Tim tries, but Damian shakes his head and tells him that's for Tim to decide. He turns to go. Then Tim calls him back.
Slowly, hesitantly, Tim asks, "What's the word for 'snow?'"
Perfect little snow white... bury the kid in the snow... fuck ra's...
"... 'eira.'"
Damian leaves, and Tim looks down at the tiny little baby.
"Eira," he tries. "Eira. Eira Bahar Wayne."
It almost looks like Eira smiles.
Part 3
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
I've mentioned recently I'm never sure how good/bad of a father I want Arthur to be, so I've started expanding on that, particularly with Alfred. more specifically, I've started expanding on what ways in particular he's shitty and so far I feel like it's what you'd expect for the most part.
General neglect. to his credit, this isn't voluntary and Arthur fucking hates being away from his son but like. he's got a civil war going on. sometimes it gets so bad he feels resentful of Alfred and as much as he tries to hide it, it's a fucking nightmare for the both of them. and like none of that is super unusual for parent-child relationships but that doesn't make it suck any less. Arthur needs Alfred to fend for himself a lot of the time and that's just miserable.
Emotional neglect. part of the above but tbh as much as Arthur genuinely loves Alfred and as much patience as he has for him, the situation in Europe drives him to his wits' end as it is and sometimes when Alfred wants a hug or a moment to read together the best Arthur can do is tell him to ask his aunt because he just can't handle it right now.
Being generally unpredictable. Alfred's early life is in the heyday of Arthur's pirate AND Puritan phases, his religious conflict and civil wars, and the transition from Kingdom of England to British Empire. like the man is flipping between totally different identities and Alfred learns to see the switch coming but it's still a learning curve and he still gets caught off guard sometimes. like the good news is that Arthur's love for his son is consistent, but that doesn't make 'if I take this problem to him, will he be in a pirate mood and burn everything down or will he be in Puritan mood and scold me for not being righteous or something? will he be in an indulgent mood or will he be upset that I came to him before trying all my options?' any less stressful. like Arthur's entire value system seems to change and Alfred wants to please so badly but like. kinda moving the goal posts here my man, albeit unintentionally. there's also just like... pre-British Empire Arthur has VERY different priorities and demeanor from Empire Arthur. the wild pirate could be bad, but the imperialist bastard that replaced him is so much worse.
Religious abuse. not intentional on Arthur's part but like. you left him with Puritans and they gave him crippling anxiety as he watched you cycle from religion to religion like a roulette wheel. Given Puritanism is so strict about ostracizing the 'unchosen,' I feel like this gave Alfred a LOT of anxiety about his dad's wellbeing and fate.
Unfairly high expectations. as mentioned, Arthur's expectations tend to be inconsistent at best, but they generally run on the strict side. above all Arthur wants Alfred to be self-sufficient and frankly hypercompetent, and he's lucky that Alfred is both but like. it's super stressful. and with high expectations comes the double standards and frankly he expects Alfred to be able to sacrifice or tolerate more because he's competent enough to cope with it. combine this with Arthur's unpredictability and you have a pirate whose only curfew rule for his son is 'whatever you're up to, don't get caught and don't get into trouble' who goes to 'we have to be PERFECT GENTLEMEN.' like it's such dramatic whiplash and it really sets Alfred up for failure tbh a lot of the time.
I'll probably come up more later but I did want to come up with something other than "yeah he loves Alfred more than anything and you never see him do anything bad but he's bad just take my word for it."
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moonami · 2 years
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Scenario VIII: Witness among birch trees. ...
Theses days seemed not to end, one after another they were fading along with your hopes of getting out of here…
You had made it out of Alfred's and Yao's areas, however it wasn't that the area you entered was any less dangerous.
Especially since you noticed "A Certain Little Person" following you from a distance with a smirk on his face and a slight blush.
He looked happy for your visit, while he uselessly hid behind a tree, he surely knew that you had noticed him, however it was fun for him to annoy you by pretending to hide.
You weren't in the mood to deal with him right now, especially considering what… had just happened…
Alfred had exploded because he found the ribbon that Yao gave you…
And Yao made the situation worse by mocking the American saying that he was too innocent if he thought you would choose him sincerely and not since you depended on his strength.
I mean, it was partially true but… He shouldn't have said that…
Those two idiots had started to fight and the scandal attracted several monsters, they had separated and almost killed you for the foolishness of who loves whom.
So right now, you didn't wanted the situation to escalate by talking too much with the Russian, you already had some knowledge of what "They" are like… And due to the friction between these 3 nations, it was best to keep quiet until everything was resolved.
However, when you come out of your little moment of reflection you hear a derisive giggle.
Realizing that the Russian was right behind you, bending down to rest his head on your shoulder, you do a little jump and point your ax at him.
-“Hu hu ~ I didn't expect you to give such a high-pitched screech ~” -He laughs softly, he really enjoyed bothering you.
-"W-what do you think you're doing?!"-You shout somewhat irritated by the familiarity with which he treated you.
-"Uh? But if I just wanted to greet you up close~, is that something really bad?"- He says and pouts slightly.
You hadn't seen each other since he had infiltrated the urbanization, which didn't bring back very nice memories.
-"Tsk…"-You click your tongue with annoyance, but you sigh…You had to keep walking to see if there was a way out, supposedly…There was a gigantic wall surrounding the three zones…Maybe if you found it...you could …
Before you could delve into that thought, Ivan cuts you off again.
-"Does it bother you that I'm here with you~? Uh hu hu~"- He laughs tenderly, although, it was obvious that the question was not very serious.
-“…Please don't follow me”- You say and you walk again trying to leave him behind, but because of you being shorter than him, it didn't really help.
-"I know they treated you badly, but don't worry, I'm your friend, you can count on me" -He says with a smile on his face, this time he was already serious… But…
How did he find out about what happened?…He was supposed to be away at that time… Perhaps this bastard…Saw the whole thing and didn't help you?!
Your blood begins to boil, you try to calm down and think of something more "logical"…Maybe he was referring to other times when the boys had been rude…But, you still had the feeling that he was talking about exactly what happened two days ago
It was better to cut him off now so he wouldn't gain as much confidence as usual.
-"I don't care what you think we are, I don't exactly like you, so stay away from me and what doesn't concern you"-
You said those words, the white landscape full of birch trees, becomes silent and only the wind can be heard roar softly through the trees.
"W-what did you say?… You don't… like me?… Aren't we… Friends?…" He said with a somewhat trembling voice, it was the first time you saw him like that.
-"No, we are not"-again you throw blades out of your mouth.
-“… I see… That's… kind of rude…”-He averts his gaze to the side, somewhat embarrassed and hurt…
He turns around his back to you, and you can see that his legs are shaking.
-"Y-you're not cute when you say things like that...”-What face would he be making?.
Acting like a child even while being so old because of you…
This was your chance to leave him behind and continue on your way in search of the wall… However, you did not expect that your words would have so much weight on him.
Should you apologize?
“The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.
Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.”
Proverbs 17:27-28
I can't believe how cruel you guys were to Russia, I'm disappointed in you guys 🙃 ok no ahskahaka, well guys, two new parts in one day, not bad right? ,(edit: the background were generated with wombo when the AI problem wasnt that big, i am really regretful about using said tool so much back then when i ran out of photos to edit for this au, but im not sure about deleting all of them, please dont kill me over this)
Remember to put the option you would choose in the tags, share and comment if it's not too much trouble~! I want to see you all excited after almost making Ivan cry!
In addition to this I wanted to tell you that my friend @alfiefiefie-draws-stuffs has an emergency regarding school, so he is doing emergency commissions, I would be very grateful if you would review his Comm info and commission him something pretty to help him.
Take care and check out the rest of the blog~!
Previous part
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Grow up absolutely loved and cherished.
You always had space to be yourself and be confident in your ways.
Reluctantly on your part joined the Batbrats but they treat you like family.
Alfred helping you stitch up after a mission since your moms are at home binging the pottery wars or something.
"Uncle A, I got shot again." "Sit down child."
"Don't worry he looks much worse than me." "I don't doubt it."
"What will my moms say?" "They'll go on a bounty huny if not already on one." "Right, Ma talks with plants like me." "Hmm."
Bruce secretly adores your.
"Hey uncle B." "Can I help you?"
Dick sees you as an annoying little sister. "Hey Mr Glutes." "It's weird because your moms also call me that." "Suck it up."
Batgirl is like your big sister that Harlivy easily get annoyed with. But let's it slide cuz she's a good influence on you.
"BG, how you been?" "Hey you! How's training going?"
Damien is confused but not repulsed by your company.
"Batbrat stop with acting like you're a sweet potato pie." "I don't have to act. I just am."
Best schools attended. Genius child. Duh look at your moms.
Gymnastic training. Variety of martial arts training. How to connect with the green training.
Gardening with Ivy and anti-heroing with Harley.
You're 70% Anti-hero.
The other 30% dislikes humans.
Missions goes something like this...
Nightwing: "Give it up Riddler we solved the puzzle."
Riddler: "No. You cheated."
Y/n: "Uncle R, why don't you come in peacefully and I'll show you the unsolvable puzzle book collection I got for my birthday?"
Riddler: "Unsolvable?"
Y/n: "So I've been told."
Riddler: "Fine, lemme see it."
Most of the Rogues are actually just like your aunts and uncles. They're your family but you have no problem with kicking their asses if need be.
"Aunty L, you coming for dinner?" "I should be out by Friday kid." "See you then."
You, weirdly enough, get spoiled by Joker much to Ivy and Harley's dismay.
"Hey J, I got your present and I like it. Thanks." "Anytime."
No one knows why he cares but people suspect it was his wife's doing.
Harley and Ivy can be hard on you wanting you to be your best version of yourself. But you still have many rants with them knowing they won't judge and feeling comfortable with them.
You tend to seek comfort from Ivy but when you need a cry you'll go to Harley she's much better at comforting you.
Ivy doesn't do good with tears, but atleast she's learned hugging works so if you start crying she just hugs you letting you cry into her shoulder.
May the gods have mercy on whoever hurts you because your moms sure as hell won't.
You got 2 cats from Selina who's like your cool wine aunt.
The others are confused at how much Selina adores you but your moms love it.
"I'll name them Bruce Jnr and Selina Jnr." "Just like your mom, you suck at naming animals." "You named your cat Isis, Aunty Sel, you can't judge."
Kingshark is your favourite uncle/babysitter.
"And to hack the govermen is easy." He teaches you how to hack like a pro.
Shark hugs all around.
Clayface would always morph into you and you'd be fascinated by the sudden appearance of a twin.
Clayface loves taking you on shopping sprees even if you don't like it as much you enjoy seeing him try on outfits and rant about what characters it fitted. You loved letting and watching him delve onto his creative mind. Often asking more about the characters letting Clayface get lost in his world of imagination.
The Justice League has recruited you but you didn't like being associated with them but always help out when they need it. You're on their 'Phone In Case Of Emergency' list.
Bane is your favourite uncle.
"Big B, are we going to the dog show next month?" "You bet we are!"
Sometimes you take him to the spa for a day to just relax or go to the gym with him to blow off some steam.
Beware any creeps that stare at you for too long. "Bane sees you staring at my gym partner!" He doesn't care if everyone hears and looks over.
Lex has tried recruiting you for The Legion Of Doom but Ivy made it clear just how she disapproved of his choices. Harley made sure to also give him a piece of her mind.
You live a free and wild life but you have protection around every corner on every side. The Batfamily. The Rogeus. All your family.
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