#but yeah hahaha
cheemken · 2 months
Can you summarize what happens in the villain champion au?
Hi hey hahah
Anyways yeah in a nutshell
Champions were wronged by their people, they get pissed off, Diantha especially like this woman holds grudges like there's no tomorrow, and she believes she's above everyone else, wants to be seen as a god, so hey, the other champions were already fucked over by their own people, why not pull them in her lil scheme too
Iris wasn't that willing tho, despite the hate she gets from the region, she still believes that as champions they should protect their people. The other champions didn't take that lightly and ended up killing Drayden, so hey, it's easy to manipulate Iris now y'know
And yeah more fucked up shit they really just traumatize Iris lmfao until Hilbert and co noticed smth was def wrong w Iris so they try to get to the bottom of it, until the reveal of the champions like legit abusing Iris, and to the point that they had to battle Diantha and Yveltal w their OG Dragon
Altho iirc there is like,, an alt ending to that where either the Unova kids or Dia won. I do wanna say Dia's gonna die if the Unova kids wins, but if Dia wins shed probs wipe out the entirety of the Unova region and take in Iris as her successor as Kalos' Champion
But yeah I guess that's abt it hahaha I honestly forgot some bits since I really really wanna change a lot of stuff here, we have a ton of villain aus here and I wanna make like a definitive one, but yeah hahah
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mooncakebun · 3 months
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Finished an old Hualian doodle for the occasion that it's my 3-year anniversary of getting into TGCF 🤗
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moonelnone · 10 months
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It's a shame I couldn't color this
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cj-kenobi · 5 months
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So I learned what a bear otter was the other day. Time for BIG otterwan
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awesomesaucesers · 26 days
when Darkwood rains
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piromina · 3 months
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me writing fanfiction
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
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why does this keep happening to them
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
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Oh my fucking god??? I *knew* there was something fishy with no writers/quest designers being credited. Also: outsourcing is not an excuse not to credit the gamedevs doing hard and deserving work.
This is genuinely contemptful towards everyone involved, gamedevs and players alike.
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tadpole-apocalypse · 4 months
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I do like when Halsin gets cheeky with the player character. He’s very humble but there are a few moments like this where he’s like “I am an Archdruid, u little pipsqueak.”
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vaguelyaperson · 2 months
bnha: hello hi! i'm an uplifting story about how no one person should be responsible for holding the weight of the world in their hands, least of all a literal child! don't mind me, just lessons about accepting help from others and second chances for anyone and -
bnha 419:
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crocodilenjoyer · 4 months
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he's our little brother. take care of him.
anne carson - antigone / alec benjamin - if we have each other / dan pearce - single dad laughing: the best of year one / kodaline - brother
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cheemken · 4 months
Lacey/Drayton friendship RAAAAH!!!!!
Dipping my toes back into canon lol similar-ish to my Crispin ask and him helping Drayton with the cold but this time w/ Lacey!
Again pretty much everyone knows what went down in opelucid so Lacey picks up on Drayton’s fears quite quickly, she may not have fire types like Crispin but she does have a Whimsicott who has really warm cotton so she makes Drayton a sweater, mits, a scarf and beanie with the cotton from Whimsicott! He doesn’t wear the sweater too often preferring his jacket he normally wears but on really cold days in the polar biome you’ll see him bundled up in everything including the sweater! He does wear the scarf outside of the polar biome as well! Bc he thinks it makes him look cool!
She also hangs out in the polar biome sometimes, her pokemon might not be super effective against ice types but most of her Pokemon take either regular damage or resist ice moves so she’s better at battling ice types then Drayton’s team is with all of them basically being super weak to them! Unlike Crispin I think she’d be a little more up front about helping Drayton with his fear, of course she’s also worried he might close himself off more at the confrontation of it but she speaks her mind and helps him through his fears the best she can!
Also I just think all of his friends just….gift him Pokemon…so Lacey gifts him a cleffa who’s like anime!brock’s happiny bc i think it’d be funny for a baby Pokemon to be hella strong, she vibes well with his torchic! She also has the ability friend guard! Great for double battles!~Drayton angst anon💛
Anon I love this omf vncmcncmfm
Your honour,,,,,,, them,,,
But also Drayton w Cleffa and Torchic PLEASE
That's so cute tho imagine if he actually brings them around too, along w his team. Like he's vibing all alone in the club room, calling out Torchic and Cleffa and just let's them play together. Love how he has these cute and well behaved mons too while sis sister is vibing w Eepy and Terry lmfao
But oughgh,,, Lacey having her Whimsicott make Drayton warm clothing, that's so cute, but also imagine before that she just barges in suddenly in the club room w a tape measure and just takes Drayton's measurements lmfaoo he's like confused af, then she just says she wants to try smth out, and he's the perfect lab Patrat. He's there muttering how why he's suddenly the test subject of his friends now, w Crispin and his cooking and now Lacey w clothing hahah
He does love it tho, loves how his friends really care for him despite him being a slacker most of the time, tho not enough for them to lend him their notes lmfaooo he doesn't ask Crispin tho, I don't think Crispin takes notes during class as well, but he memorizes shit really quickly
Anyways yeah omf, Drayton being secretly so soft w the pkmn his friends gave him, taking really good care of em, he sleeps in the club room w them on either of his sides sleeping next to him, a lot of students think those aren't his pokemon too hahah idk I think they'd think that those are just stray pokemon from the terrarium or some other trainers pokemon that just wanted to nap too, either way, his friends knew better hahaha
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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better safe than sorry
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nem0-nee · 1 year
✳️[ "Nemo" - Dorm Uniform ] [SSR]✳️
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"Out of the way BOZOS!!! Your local friendly Nameless Jester has finally arrived!"
A loud entrance fitting for a loud fellow... Be still, for there is a strange individual.
The spaces of Diasomnia, although eerie, can be quite welcoming to its visitors. However, this doesn't come across easily due to its dark, uninviting atmosphere. Thus, it's necessary for the presence of comic relief to lighten it all up.
All it takes is one obnoxious fool.
[ -.+ VOICELINES - TBA!! +.- ]
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cal-kestis · 7 months
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NANAMI KENTO in JUJUTSU KAISEN 2.15 "Fluctuations, Part 2"
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rhodi-rwn · 1 year
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