#can can best super rare i die on this hill
ancient-cats-unite · 2 years
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Ayyy guess who got this done! Special thanks to everyone who requested! Little rambles about each character in the tags.
Posts will resume shortly!
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unluckiestmember · 1 year
May I please request some intimate moments with makima?
Coming right up!
Intimacy: Makima X GN! Reader
Characters: Makima
Tags: Tooth rotting fluff, established relationship, Kishibe being Kishibe, Soft! Makima, romantic gestures and reassurance.
Warning: None. SFW.
A/N: I will die on this hill and proclaim forever and ever that Soft!Makima is the best Makima!
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At work, the most affection Makima will get with you is kissing your cheek or holding your hand.
It’s rather rare she hugs you in front of her co-workers since she has an image to hold to a degree.
Though if it is just you and her in her office, she will accept hugs.
And to make matters better, she will hold you like there is no tomorrow.
Sometimes she even kisses your cheek, shoulder and neck in between your embrace.
When the both of you are home with her dogs, Makima is super affectionate.
She will become more physically loving, not helping herself from having a finger or more on you.
And if she’s not doing that, you can find her performing acts of service or spending normal quality time with you.
If you come home late from work tired, you’d think you went to heaven with how much work Makima put in for you.
A hot dinner? Clean home? A warm bath waiting for you? Makima will do the whole nine yards.
Some nights you two will watch a movie and Makima’s reactions can range from adorable to heartbreaking.
You were so sure one time she was crying watching a war movie and the next thing you know, she’s holding your hand so tight like she’ll lose you.
If you ever think Makima doesn’t love you, she will prove you wrong with the biggest gestures.
It can be as small as her proclaiming her love for you after a stressful mission.
But can get as big as pulling Kishibe and Public Safety into throwing you a huge party for the anniversary of you joining Public Safety.
Makima wants you to know that you are appreciated and loved no matter what.
If you were anyone else suggesting weird or crazy things to do, Makima would turn you down.
But you’re her lover. So she will do whatever you want without question.
As long as you are smiling, feeling loved and having fun, she’ll do whatever you want.
You make her happy.
You are her everything. You are her life…
Chainsaw Man Requests are open!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay hydrated and have a good day! <3
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seph-ic · 2 years
My favorite unofficial friend group is Rachel, Grover, Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Will cause yes I am well aware that some of these have no basis in cannon whatsoever but I think the dynamic would be fun like:
They’re all first arc kids and I like to think there’s some odd unspoken bond from that
Tartarus club
Golden trio
Also people forget that Rachel and Grover spent a lot of time together during hoo so I’d imagine they’d be close
Nico and Percy as the token big three kids
Grover and Percy are best friends I will die on this hill
I like to think that Annabeth and Will had a similar relationship to Percy and Nico (minus the crush lol) and that they’re super close these days.
All of them fought in both big wars
Grover as the token straight friend
Rachel + Will dying all of their hair
Solangelo Percabeth double dates
Rachel and Grover stop each other from feeling like third wheels (which rarely happens)
They all hang out at Sally’s … like a lot. Cause she’s pretty much the closest any of them has to a mother figure (except will??)
Annabeth and Will nerding out about science (Physics v.s. Biology)
Nico and Rachel are liberal arts kids to death
They all have a lot of fun introducing Nico to modern day things. It’s so entertaining that they dedicate one day a month to all meeting up and showing Nico something new.
(Annabeth is black eat me) Rachel has curly hair as well so her and Annabeth swap hair care tips.
The girls actually become SUPER close and hang out all the time.
Everyone kind of takes up a big sibling role for Will and Nico. Percy and Annbeth especially and they often coach them through a lot of being-a-good-councilor-hurdles
Rachel teaches Nico how to paint. (I just remember him admiring her paintings in TON and I won’t let it go)
Will and Grover (and probably Percy) grow weed. Will uses it a lot as a medicinal herb, but he also smokes it with Grover and Percy from time to time. Also they all make weed brownies together one time and then watch Disney’s Hercules together and it’s a wreck.
TONS of karaoke, made all the better by the fact that none of them can sing. Rachel is definitely the best tho
Sparring/training together
Rachel and Will do tarot together
Grover Percy and Nico (sometimes Annabeth) play video games together alot.
They gossip a lot
They babysit Estelle
When they’re all a bit older sometimes they’ll just rock up to camp to help out and tell the kids stories
Just hanging out and drinking and being teens
Nico loves to braid the girls hair (like he used to with Bianca)
Nico will summon ancient artists, architects, and physicians, for Rachel, Annabeth, and Will to talk too
They all teach Will how to drive
Beach days
They might go camping or something
Annabeth helps Rachel work the analytics on her social media art accounts so she gets lots of followers
They all borrow each other’s clothes. This leads to a lot of interesting fashion choices
Rachel introduces Will and Percy to anime and they get SUPER into it
Annabeth and Grover build eco-friendly treehouses at camp for the nymphs and satyers
They talk about their trauma a lot. It’s much easier for them to talk about it to one another because they know they’ll understand
SLEEPOVERS. The do all the stereotypical stuff: face masks, truth or dare, movies.. ect
Percy and Nico have a lot of adventures in cooking, which they both like to do. They’ve make at least 8 different types of blue pasta
Will and Percy are honorary horse girls (wills from the country and Percy just likes horses) and they go for Pegasus/unicorn rides around camp
They all work really well in battle. Anytime there is a monster the six of them can usually take care of it in 15 minutes
Capture the flag
Secret handshakes
They will literally just show up at one another’s at 3 am to go get shakes
Percy Nico and Rachel have the same/ similar music tastes and they go to concerts together
They help each other for quests and stuff
A very active group chat
Idk I just want them to be friends and do friend things cause it’s nice and they deserve it.
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Topsy Turvy Days in Octavinelle
Sebek would make a decent butler and this is the hill I will die on 😤
The Sea Witch, and her Spirit of Benevolence.
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Trey Clover...
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… was tasked with overseeing the Mostro Lounge in Azul and the twins’ absence. He’s the only one with sufficient experience in customer service (no thanks to his family bakery) and dealing with logistics/planning (he’s a vice dorm leader, after all)! Trey wasn’t jazzed about the idea (he’d rather not deal with the lofty expectations if he can help it), but after being hit with the puppy dog eyes and fake tears from Octavinelle, he reluctantly accepted the responsibility.
His fellow vice dorm leader, Jade, is so kind as to give him some friendly pointers before his departure. Trey listens and takes notes as best he can, but he’s slightly unnerved when Jade leans in with a whisper and informs him that it is lounge policy to “kindly remove” the customers that disturb the peace of the eating establishment. “You mean asking problematic people to leave, right?” Trey asks—but all he receives in response is a mysterious smile.
There’s a strangely charged atmosphere in Octavinelle as soon as Trey steps into it. The students present as polite and well-meaning enough, but they’re sizing him up in their minds. They’re all angling to see if he screws up so they can swoop in and usurp that power to get ahead with the real boss when he returns. Trey’s not ignorant of those kinds of thoughts collecting—he’ll just have to prove to them how wrong they are.
He’s sort of a pushover in general (which is precisely why Azul didn’t ask Trey to handle contract negotiations in addition to the lounge); whenever a customer complains, Trey is inclined to offer something as compensation: a percentage off the check, a free dessert, whatever will ease their upset. He isn’t super strict with his workers either; Octavinelle students take breaks liberally, knowing they can cheat the system and take advantage of Trey while he’s here. (That’s the Octavinelle way: opportunism.) “Geez, Trey! You’re way too nice,” Cater groans—though he knows that’s just Trey’s way of resolving issues and keeping their patrons and his workers happy. The happy smiles on the customers are proof of that!
When the rush hours hit, Trey rolls up his sleeves and heads into the kitchen to lend a helping hand. He can follow recipes well enough, but it’s in dessert making where he truly shines. Trey had honed his pastries through years and years of practice, so he’s able to multitask and churn out sweets like it’s nobody’s business! It’s pretty convenient for the lounge too, cuz Trey’s sweets are flying off the menu! (It’s not uncommon to have the desserts sold out midday.)
The complimentary after-meal mints also come with single use floss pick. (Temporary) management’s orders. (“What?” Trey asks when people give him weird looks. “You can’t walk around after eating with food still stuck in your teeth.”) Some customers feel watched by a hawk as they pop the mint and leave the floss pick unused (though Trey never confronts them; he’s not the type of guy to pick a fight).
Push his buttons too much, and his serious side comes out!! Trey doesn’t give off the same “cunning mob boss” vibes as Azul; his energy is more like that of a dad that’s “not mad, just deeply disappointed”. (It’s okay though 😂 Even if Trey himself and a firm, “Sir, this is a McDonalds drive thru the Mostro Lounge,” doesn’t intimidate rude people, a fierce Sebek and a legion of Caters on standby sure will.)
Mild-mannered as Trey is, there are rare instances where his true devious nature shows. When his incredible patience is worn thin, a smirk comes along his face and customers vanish into the VIP room… and leave looking shaken, led out by Trey, looking as polite as he usually does. “Thanks for visiting the Mostro Lounge! We hope to see you again,” he calls after them. (“Eh, what do you think he said to that customer?” the Octavinelle mobs whisper among themselves. “I thought he was a totally nice guy…”)
“Ahahaha... I don’t think I’m at all suited for managing a restaurant. If it’s just grabbing and bagging a pastry or two at the counter, then I’m your guy. You’d be surprised at how much more happens at the lounge. Just the other day, we had a guest I had to seat down and have a one-on-one talk with to avoid a fight from breaking out. I guess this is a glimpse of the hardships Azul, Riddle, and the other dorm leaders have to deal with on a daily basis, huh? I don’t envy them one bit.”
Cater Diamond...
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… is stoked to have landed this chance~ Octavinelle, being completely underwater, has so many cool sights for him to post in Magicam!! Just walking in the hallways opens up a vast, colorful expanse of the ocean to him—not to mention the beautiful, glittering jellyfish lights suspended over the lounge, and their classy uniforms! He’ll have to bring a portable charger with him to keep his phone alive for all the exciting pics ✨
He loves trying out his new fit. You’ll find several (and I do mean several) pics on his Magicam account of Cater posing in his Octavinelle suit in various states of put-togetherness and hairstyles. Here’s him in a low ponytail and the suspenders and dress shirt, and this one is with his hair down and his jacket fully buttoned… The scarf is looped around the wait and knotted like a belt here, then slung like a boa in the next. There’s a surprising amount of ways it can be worn, and Cater’s been experimenting with them all?
His unique magic is perfect for working at the lounge, especially when they’re short staffed! With Split Card, a handful of Caters can be running around taking and delivering orders, cleaning up tables, and/or booting out troublemakers. Usually Cater isn’t up for being the party pooper, but between Trey (who’s too forgiving) and Sebek (who’s too unforgiving), Cay-kun’s gotta be the moderator here!!
Cater’s general amicable nature makes him a hit with customers at the front of house and his peers in the break room. He’s observant and approachable, able to start and keep a conversation with most anyone. He has firsthand access to the latest gossip and information because of this direct contact with chatty customers and coworkers—which makes him formidable competition for Jade, Octavinelle’s usual information broker. Good thing Cater’s not too concerned with rivalries~
He’s also good at making recommendations based on individual preferences! Cater practically has the menu memorized front to back (on account of having visited the lounge so often himself to try their seasonal specialties), so he might as well utilize his knowledge to help customers decide what they want.
He’s chock-full of ideas for deals, themed menus, promotions, and limited time events to draw in customers! (If they want a music night, he could always call his Pop Music Club buddies in to do a gig!) Truthfully, Cater pitches these concepts because he personally knows what’s popular and this what will net him the most likes, but he frames it as “I think the customer base would like this 🎵” Some would call it clever manipulation and redirection, but Cater prefers to think of it as “mutually beneficial” for everyone, himself included!
Cater ups the Mostro Lounge’s social media game! Whenever Trey creates a new dessert, in swoops Cater to take an aesthetically pleasing, expertly shot photo to upload onto their Magicam page! Within an hour, thousands of likes have accumulated and there’s another influx of people clamoring for a taste of that beautiful item. (“Azul should hire you as his social media manager,” Trey jokes, handing over another batch of macarons to be served.)
Sometimes when Cater’s alone in the restroom washing up before service, he glimpses his reflection in the mirror and contemplates his circumstances. Here he is, helping the business be successful and mingling with so many people… and yet some small, fragmented part of him still fears it could all vanish in the blink of an eye. Cater sighs, replaces his hat, assumes a smile, and returns his nose to the grindstone—and the eternal song and dance he puts on for the public eye. “Showtime.”
“You know what? Working part-time at the Mostro Lounge isn’t half bad! Well… not with Trey in charge, anyway! Azul’d probably run Cay-kun ragged! But all that stuff aside, Octavinelle’s peak photogenic! It’s a whole new world down here, full of stuff and treasures you’d never find on land. Maybe it’s true what I’ve heard: that life is just better under the sea!”
Sebek Zigvolt...
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… had a hard time detaching from Diasomnia without making a fuss. He knows that Octavinelle will help him improve his skills as an attendant to better serve the young master, but it doesn’t make him any less emotional for his departure!! In the typical Sebek fashion though, he deflects!! No, Sebek insists, he’s just mad that Silver gets to spend time with Lilia, and that Malleus will be unsupervised in their absence! (They all gathered to see him off at the Mirror Chamber like parents helping an anxious kid to his first day of school.)
It was a hassle getting him fitted in his new uniform! Not a single student in Octavinelle comes close to how buff Sebek is, so the largest size of their uniform was still super tight on him and struggled to contain him in its seams. (Think of that one meme where a character’s chest is so broad/big that it causes the buttons to pop off, that’s basically Sebek.) Once the clothes are on properly, they had a whole other issue of trying to clamp down the hat over his wild hair—but hey, they were eventually successful!
Sebek gets on everyone’s bad side right off the bat, referring to his fellow Octavinelle students by a slew of unflattering adjectives. He even managed to piss Cater off by calling him “shallow”… which earns Sebek a lot of passive aggressive glares from his coworkers throughout his shifts (well, not that he cares). “You’re not doing yourself any favors, Sebek. It’s no good to make enemies with the people you’re working with,” Trey gently chides him—but though he vehemently disagrees, Sebek can’t being himself to snap back like he typically would.
IT’S JUST SO WEIRD FOR HIM TO BE AROUND TREY AT ALL. Trey reminds Sebek sooo much of his father that he doesn’t know how exactly to act with him. (There’s a certain degree of respect that must be conferred to one’s elders, even if they are a human and kind of weak and inscrutable…) For the most part, Sebek feels compelled to follow Trey’s orders, even if he doesn’t fully back him as an individual. Every time he has to actually talk to Trey though, hems about 50% more tsundere than usual to get his points across.
Sebek’s honestly less like a waiter and more like a bouncer. Built like a semi-truck with a scowl that strikes fear into those faint of heart and a voice that booms like thunder, his mere presence usually wards off any potential signs of trouble. (When it’s his turn to be at the front of house, you can hear him greeting customers all the way in the consultation rooms. If you judge by volume alone, most aren’t sure if he’s angry or if he’s happy.)
Unfortunately, his proud and somewhat gruff manner of speaking doesn’t exactly make him a people person, especially not when he marches over to drop a check on the table or to demand what they want when they summon him over. Oh, and if they start getting rude? Sebek’s instinct is to fire back, which only adds more fuel to the fire of the argument.
Where he shines is in technical abilities, far removed from his personality or choice of words. (Sebek can brew a mean cup of tea, which pairs well with all the sweets they’re selling!) When he’s commended for doing a good job, his whole face brightens and he gets this huge, dorky smile on his face. If you’re lucky, you may also catch a glimpse of his fangs! (“… How can someone so abrasive also have this surprisingly cute side to him?” the mob students wonder.)
On his breaks, Sebek, thinking the others to be inferior humans, refuses to sit with everyone else. He huddles at a table by his lonesome, shoveling plate after plate of food into his mouth. (It’s convenient to get rid of leftovers by just handing the extra food to Sebek.) One might feel pity for this poor, unfortunate soul—but on the contrary, Sebek feels as though he has a lot of progress to report back to Lilia . _ .
“Hmph, no other dormitory could even hope to come close to the glory and the majesty of Diasomnia!! There was never a doubt in my mind that this is the unquestioning truth!! I will cede that Octavinelle has been useful in some ways. It has provided me with an environment in which I can hone my service skills for the young master. Indeed, THE SERVICE INDUSTRY IS A BATTLEFIELD UNLIKE ANY I’VE TREADED BEFORE…!! Lilia-sama and Malleus-sama will surely be pleased with the results of my training!”
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I'd like more drunk kaui liang pls if that's okay
That is delightful!
Koala Bear Kuai Liang has a reputation among the defenders for how cuddly he is, and while Hanzo is the one usually bearing the brunt of that, other characters have too.
Jax once had to deal with Kuai Liang hugging him for a full five minutes in dead silence
Frost has been picked up in a bear hug and swung about, much to her confusion (and joy bc lets be real, bbygirl is touch starved and craves affection)
Imagining that Liu Kang and Kung Lao never died (bc f that), Liu Kang once had to deal with Kuai Liang hanging off of his back like a cape (made difficult by the fact that Kuai Liang is about 7 inches taller than Liu Kang in my hc)
Kung Lao and Johnny have both made out with a drunk Kuai Liang (while also being drunk themselves and y'all, I got drunk headcanons for the whole roster if you want em, just say the word) and maintain that it was a heavenly experience
Kung Lao's exact words were "if I didn't know that Hanzo would burn me alive for it, I would be at Kuai Liang's doorstep begging to bed him.
Johnny has bedded him and seconds that sentiment
Kuai Liang is also a surprisingly good dancer when drunk, like no matter how many he's had he can still bust a move with the best of them (then he tries to walk normally and trips and falls on his face)
Tipsy Statue Kuai Liang also has a reputation, with there being an entire gc dedicated to pictures of him standing still and unblinking as he tries to hide the fact that he's tipsy.
Also gonna sneak my Autistic Kuai Liang headcanon into here bc I will die on this hill, but once he gets chatty he will infodump on the nearest person. Out of all the defenders, Sonya is the one who tolerates it best bc she's used to it from Johnny. Hanzo obviously is a close second, and only in second bc he keeps getting distracted by how pretty Kuai Liang is when his brown isn't constantly furrowed.
Further into the Autistic Kuai Liang headcanon, always has the urge to run his hands through Hanzo's hair as a stim but restrains himself. Until he gets drunk in which case his hands rarely ever leave Hanzo's hair
bless him but Hanzo is Struggling with that
Kuai Liang doesn't tend to do shots, But, he will if it is part of one of Johnny's games (I hc that he gets all the defenders together at his mansion every now and again as "team building")
his favorite shot is a jaeger bomb and his least favorite is tequila
He refuses to drink cocktails, not bc he doesn't like them but bc Johnny makes them strong enough to kill a man and the last time Kuai Liang drank one he very nearly made a Bad Decision (almost slept with an equally drunk Erron Black)
Slightly sad drunk Kuai Liang hc: the way he behaves when he is drunk is very similar to the personality he would have had if he had never been kidnapped by the Lin Kuei, like if he had lived a normal life he would be something like that. At least, that is how he thinks of it, even if the reality is somewhat different.
Side note: I might make a tier list of all the people Kuai Liang either has/will/would never drunkenly made out with if anyone is interested in that? lemme know
Whenever Kuai Liang drinks, he is around friends too, like that's not something he does on his own or in public for him it's only ever social. After a while, all the defenders kinda get to know how they all are when they're drunk so they look out for one another.
For Kuai Liang this usually means he's gently guided towards a bed whenever he starts looking sleepy, usually by Hanzo, and bc he's super tactile whoever it is has to hold his hand until he's fully asleep or he'll cry
It is, in fact, the only time any of them have ever seen him cry and they all hate the sight of it now and will avoid it at all costs.
I'm sure I can think of more later, so lemme know if you want them. I've also seen ppl on tumblr do a thing where they answer asks in character, I have no idea if I'd be good at that or if anyone wants to see that but if you have any questions for drunk (or sober) Kuai Liang, feel free to send them over?
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mitchiegonewild · 2 years
aot youtuber headcanons part 1
Eren: "jaegerbamb"
Eren games. ik this sounds like such a cop out answer but cmon...that dude would have streamy-worthy rage-quits, the best lives, and the most entertaining streams
he would repost all the edits people make of him
he moves to twitch after a while on youtube
all of his fans swear hes fine but everyone who's not is like "yeah hes like a 6"
he rarely collabs with anyone but when he does its always with either mikasa or armin who beat his ass, or connie just bc he loves connie
he HATES horror games and his subs know it so they always request those games and 9 times out of 10 he ends up crying
Mikasa: "wiccanest"
she does manifestation and spirituality stuff
she helps all her baby witches and is EXTREMELY avid about doing things the right way so her subs dont get hurt
she looks scary in her thumbnails but shes actually the softest person to ever exist in her vids
her cats are almost always featured in her videos. their names are keyboard and snufkin
shes also pinterest famous and uploads the most random yet aesthetic stuff
she did a gym vlog video with annie once and everyone went crazy bonkers bananas
Armin: "MinnieASMR"
an asmrist and i will die on this hill
he gives out studying tips on there too and does "study with me :)" videos
he did a mukbang once and never again because connie was in his comments like "ZAMN DADDY LOOKS GOOD WHILE HE MONCHIN??😍😍😍" & "THAT CRUNCH AT 8:29 IM ABT TO BUST A NUT😩"
does tiktok lives but falls asleep on them
choked on his water one time while the mic was at full vol still and woke up a good 2/3rds of his streamers
does the best energy plucks
Connie: "conman reacts"
a react channel
hes like coryxkenshin, but he only plays games with eren
hes actually really funny though, and he does a lot of streams so he can interact with people, and he also has a podcast that he hosts with sasha and jean
actually threw up on camera when someone asked if he and sasha were dating (that was the day they both came out LMFAO)
he is strong asf in every single try not to laugh challenge but the SECOND he hears "wenomechainsama" or any low quality meme and he loses it
he and mr beast did a video together once and connie blew a coke up in his face. he was not invited back
Annie: "Annie's How To's"
self defense videos and life inspiration
posts maybe once every four months because she forgets that she has a channel
got acrylics PURELY to show people with long nails how to knock a motherfucker out
actually ended up liking them and gets them when shes not filming
sometimes appears in mikasas videos to do yoga with her
has little 8-minute mindfulness videos
Sasha: "sasha.b"
sasha doesn't do food videos bc im tired of always seeing her with food shit, so i say she does a brittany broski type thing where she literally just does the most unhinged and wild shit whenever and its funny as hell
connie is her sarah schauer and jean is her bestie taylor
shes gone on literally so many podcast episodes and just gets drunk while telling literally the most outrageous stories from her childhood
was a born and raised tennessee girlie that moved to chicago
is mikasas roommate and photobombs her videos almost constantly, but just with a little wave
obsesses over medias and just will not stop talking about it for weeks on end and then moves on in a blink
Jean & Marco: "Jean & Marco V.S. The Paranormal"
they are literally buzzfeed unsolved
jean does not believe in ghosts. marco very much does and says his Catholic Prayers at least thrice in each video
jean twerked for annabelle and she threatened to brutally kill both of them
marcos super respectful and is always like "the dress you have in this picture is just lovely" and jeans like "first of all...youuurrreee nothing but a trashy hoe." and then gets surprised when the ghost targets him
marco fell through a haunted bar's roof and started singing "the lord is my shepherd" and jean stopped himself mid rescue to laugh
a rumor got started that marco was actually dead and a ghost and there is now a national funeral day for marco in the "Jean & Marco V.S. The Paranormal" fandom
Hange: "Science Rulez"
an account purely for middle school science teachers
theyre an actual scientist not just a youtuber but on their off days because they love their job so much they'll do tiny little videos
they are VERY passionate about teaching biology in schools
they have pet turtles and ferrets that they heavily feature and call them their "assistants" (moblit has a "hey, im right here!" voice bite that they usually play)
moblit is their begrudging camera and light man because he just wants to be able to go on vacation with them on their time off
hange covers EVERYTHING from astronomy to fucking quantum physics and always gets comments about how they changed students whole grades and they ALWAYS respond and/or like
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sloop-slorp · 2 years
Random Lost Light Headcanons (that absolutely no one asked for):
I wish we had more Lost Light content because I absolutely love it all and as much as I love the crazy stuff they get up to, I want to see more of the little things about the ship and its crew. Enjoy some of the things that are totally canon and totally real and happened in real life that- Oh? Where did I get this information form? Well, you see, it’s from this funny little source called because I said so, so actually… can’t argue with science.
Everyone expects Magnus to have super loud dad sneezes since he's got the deep, commanding voice and all thought, but he actually has baby sneezes and it's the cutest sneeze anyone has ever heard. Magnus tries his best not to sneeze in public because of this. He sneezed once at a command meeting and Rodimus made fun of him for it for the rest of the meeting (Megatron was smiling but trying very hard to hide it because he wasn't about to admit that he thought it was really cute).
Rodimus has a list of all the members of the crew that he has fucked and has everyone ranked on how good of a fuck they were. Whirl and Getaway are at the bottom of this list while Megatron and Brainstorm are tied for first place (no there will not be an explanation for why Brainstorm is at the top). Ratchet is a close second.
One of the Lost Light's storage rooms was emptied and reformated into a weapons and inventions testing room for Perceptor and Brainstorm after one of Brainstorm's creations started a fire and nearly took out the lab and all of the rooms surrounding it.
Minimus sleeps best in his turbofox alt mode, but rarely ever does so, instead sleeping in his armor so he's prepared to deal with whatever problem Rodimus calls him to deal with in the middle of the night. He sleeps easy when Megatron has the night shift.
Perceptor stole one of Brainstorm's mini microscope models of himself and now keeps it as decoration. Brainstorm's distress over it has been keeping him entertained for days now.
Brainstorm knows Perceptor took one of his microscope models, but he keeps pretending like he has no idea who took it because it means he gets to see the sheepish grin that Perceptor tries to hide every day.
Blaster and Soundwave FaceTime each other just to say that they hate the other. Ravage and Blaster's cassettes sometimes join the call to say hi to Soundwave's cassettes.
Rodimus can actually sing really well, he just acts like he can't at karaoke nights because he hates singing in front of other people, even though he has absolutely no problem giving speeches for a crowd.
The Lost Light has a shooting range and the people that are there the most are Whirl and Perceptor. Every single one of the record boards in the range has Percy's name at the top of it, but he and Whirl still have this unspoken competition going on. No one uses the range if either of them is there because they don't want to get involved (they also don't want to 'accidentally' get shot by Whirl, but that's beside the point).
OUTLIER RODIMUS!!!!!! I will die on this hill (I mean, I know technically everyone on the LL is an outlier, but he should've been one before that). I think he should get to be an outlier and his ability to literally light himself on fire shouldn't be just a mod. It's what he deserves.
Ravage and Minimus friendship please and thank you. Just Ravage telling Minimus that he shouldn't be ashamed of his alt mode and teaching him how to fight in his alt mode so he never has to be worried about being defenseless without his armor.
Swerve can bake. Really well, too. He doesn't do it too often though because he can't eat everything he makes by himself and he never knows who to give extras to. Sometimes he offers treats that he's baked a the bar, though.
Megatron and Ultra Magnus have their morning energon on the bridge together while they place bets (not with actual money, of course, that wouldn't be very professional) on which rules Rodimus is going to go about breaking throughout the day. They also bet on whether or not Roddy's going to say 'til all are one' or not within the first 10 minutes of his shift.
Ravage and Megatron sharing the hot goss before they go to bed. No further explanation necessary.
Rodimus talks to his friends like a gen z sibling, calling them names like loser, butthead, subpar subway sandwich, poop sock, dookle, and many more. Roddy uses them all affectionately, of course, but if Megatron gets called 'ass wheel' or 'crusty musty' again, then he might actually throw himself out of the airlock.
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sulkycatart · 5 months
About the OC
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1: What is your character’s full name?
Christopher (Chris) Johnathon Shelby
2: What is their birth?
July 9
3: What is/are your character’s favorite show(s)?
I don’t know much about tv but he definitely likes things like Trailer Park Boys, Bob’s Burgers, Parks and Rec, etc...
4: What kind of drug(s) does your character do?
He’s dabbled in a lot actually. He had a pretty strong party phase in his teens. He used to do a lot of hard drugs when he was way too young, and it messed with his head a lot. He stays away from most things now since it interferes with his meds.
5: Favorite brand when it comes to shoes?
Vans or Docs.
6: Where does your OC buy most of their clothes? Who pays for them?
Honestly he gets a lot from thrift stores or borrowing shit from his friends. He’s had a job since high school so he pays for his own stuff. He just avoids buying things he doesn't really need.
7: Can your character cook anything well? If so, what?
He can cook enough to feed himself and his sister. It isn’t his favorite thing to do so he rarely gets creative, but he isn’t clueless in the kitchen by any means.
8: Would your character sacrifice a friend for $10,000,000 
9: What song does your character always sing in the shower?
He often sings in the shower, the song just depends on his mood for the day. Usually things he and his friends have written since he’s in a band. It’s good practice.
10: As a child, what did your OC wanna be when they grew up?
A doctor.
11: Favorite kind of alcohol? 
Straight vodka.
12: Who is/are your OC’s best friend(s)? 
Jacob and Raine.
13: Favorite store?
He likes browsing the outside garden section of Lowe’s.
14: Favorite book?
Catcher in the Rye
15: Most visited website(s)?
Probably Youtube or somewhere that he can listen to music and watch videos.
16: If your OC was a character from King of the Hill who would they be?
This is random lol. Probably that one kid.. John Redcorn’s kid?
17: Propane or charcoal? 
18: Favorite troll from Homestuck? 
I don’t know anything about Homestuck.
19: Has your character ever complained about how Invader Zim got canceled? 
20: Nintendo or Sony?
21: Favorite video game(s)?
Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Party, Dragon Quest
22: What’s the password they use for everything? 
They don’t use the same password for everything.
23: What was their email in the 6th grade? 
Definitely something with sk8r in it.
24: Does your character tan or burn? 
Burns and then tans.
25: What invisible illness does your OC live with? 
Depression, anxiety, severe PTSD, and psychosis.
26: If charged by a swarm of wild animals, what wild animal would scare your character the most? 
27: Everybody Loves Raymond comes on but the batteries in the remote are dead. Does your character watch ELR or get up and change it? 
He just watches it.
28: What was their favorite disney show as a kid?
I don’t think he was a Disney channel kid. More like Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network.
29: If your character is LGBT+, when and how did they realize? 
It started with a crush on their friend Bello in middle school. The feelings weren’t mutual but he couldn’t deny his attraction for him and just sort of accepted his sexuality after that. He’s always been surrounded by friends who are LGBT+ so he never felt the need to hide it from himself or anyone else.
30: Who are your OC’s celebrity crushes? 
Hayley Williams from Paramore and Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day.
31: How does your character want to die? How do they actually die?
He wants to die around people he loves. He just really doesn’t want to be alone. I haven’t written a death for him.
32: How does your OC deal with having a crush on someone? 
He’s very shy. They almost never realize his feelings because he’s too nervous to actually approach them.
33: Did your OC cry at the end of Balto?
34: What Bands does your character own merch to? 
Nirvana, Green Day, etc...
35: Emo, scene, goth, or punk?
He’s kind of a mix. Grunge/punk/emo with his own things thrown in.
36: Does your OC use words or fists to argue? 
Depends on the situation. He’s not a good fighter but he’s also not afraid of getting beat up.
37: Did your OC read the book The Secret? Did it change their lives?
38: Did you character get deeper into My Little Pony than they let on? 
No lol
39: Spotify or Pandora? 
40: Do they pay for music or download it off the web?
Download it.
41: iPhone or Android? 
42: Most used emoji? 
43: Do they get lost on IMDB for hours looking up random movie trivia? 
Only when the mood strikes.
44: Remember when Donnie Darko was about to jerk off in his therapists office that was fucked up 
He gets it.
45: Does your character think Elijah Wood’s is hot?
46: Does your character believe in the Illuminati 
Probably yeah.
47: What do you think youtube would recommend your character watch? 
Lots of music videos and conspiracy channels. 
48: Your OC stops at a gas station to buy a drink. What did they buy? 
The white Monster energy or Sprite.
49: Does your character have an enemy/rival? 
50: What kind of blog would/does your character have?(ie: food, aesthetic, SJW, porn, b&w, anime, etc..)
Aesthetic blog with lots of pictures of cemataries, flowers, and forests. Aka my other side blog @coffinpriince
Stolen from @bunnles
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silverislander · 1 year
some caitlyn hcs. brain full of she
i have def mentioned this before but i like to hc her as trans sometimes just because :)
and her parents helped pick her name! caitlyn wasn't one of the ones they suggested but they were pleased with it anyway and they've always been very supportive as is normal for the cities (canon no homophobia/transphobia FUCK YES)
had a week or so where she was going by a new name every day bc she hadn't found the right one yet ("hannah, could you-" "i'm not hannah, i'm trying abigail today"). it was a nightmare to remember but by the time she settled on it her parents felt it was worth it because she was so happy
again not an uncommon one but she's autistic!!
i'm projecting but she did a lot of people watching growing up bc she was sure she could figure out how to make people like her if she just studied others hard enough. it did not work unfortunately
she likes animals :) is not afraid of bugs either! she just likes them all pretty much. probably terrorized her poor mother bringing neat-looking centipedes into the house to show her
either had or has at least one dog i KNOW it. even if the dog wasn't hers, technically, it was her best buddy
did music as a kid but was never much of a musician
sometimes she still sings tho, mostly to the radio (canon pop music fan)
was on debate team in middle school. was exactly as determined about it as she is about everything else. caitlyn did not join debate to make friends she came here to Win
people assume she's so neat and organized and all bc of the everything about her but she so isn't, her notes are a disaster of a system only she understands. why are there multiple overlapping piles of papers on your desk. she doesn't get stains on things, but that's really her only rule
def read those kid detective books growing up
i love the hc of her actually being a Competent Lesbian i really do but i also like the idea of her just being a very charming very pretty nerd. she's not going to deliver a perfect pickup line but would you like to hear an in-depth explanation of methods of transport and be treated with genuine kindness (also known as the Oh I Can't Not Fuck Her effect)
snuck girls in through her window, but only snuck out once in her teen years because the guilt was eating her alive
(she did it more as an adult- it was more about her parents not knowing where she was if she was in danger, so by the time she could handle herself she was Gone whenever she wanted to be lmao)
jayce wasn't the first time her parents decided she couldn't be friends with someone anymore, but it was one of the last
after she meets vi she becomes fascinated by the undercity bc she just knows so little about it! she just wants to know everything (this is basically canon but You Know)
has always been very good at being a little rebellious, mostly because she's very smart and she knows that people assume that girls like her are well-behaved
coffee drinker i'll die on this hill. tea is for relaxation coffee is for work and pulling yet another all nighter no its not too late she can stay up a little longer its FINE she has things to DO
super awkward around children younger than their teen years like. what is she supposed to talk to them about. hextech? is that what kids are into nowadays is it hextech
very rarely, when cassandra has free time, the kirammans play board games as a family :) certain games are banned because caitlyn and/or her mother got too competitive and ruined family game night
(they eventually add vi to family game night as well and it becomes much less stressful for tobias. he no longer has to calm both of them down/get accused of taking sides. he's very thankful for this)
after s1... i genuinely think she could wind up a bit afraid of jinx. not in a sense where she's going to draw back from finding her, but if jinx goes to her gun/tries to smack her, caitlyn's going to flinch hard
by "i'm a misfit too", i kind of interpret that not so much as her never having friends, but more so like... never feeling close to them? she's had friends, probably has some now, but they're not close. if it came down between her and something else, she knows she's never been anyone's first choice
a Winter Enjoyer. gets cold easily tho/runs cold in general
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beevean · 1 year
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You! You get it!
What was even the point of including Hector and Isaac, if you changed their delicate, equal relationship into “Isaac thinks Hector is a moron, Hector doesn’t even seem to remember Isaac exists”? Are they even foils of each other? In what way, “Isaac is a super flawless badass and Hector is a poor little meow meow”? :V
And I was so mad when I saw the flashback of Dracula manipuating Hector. Nevermind that it completely reverses the canon fact of Hector being the favorite (which makes his betrayal even more poignant IMO), but, there’s not a single person in the show that even respects him! Dracula, Isaac, Carmilla, Lenore - everyone seems to think of him as a useful idiot at best! And Hector really does nothing to dispel the notion! No joke, when S3 started with Isaac wanting to kill Hector, I thought “get in line boy, everyone already hates Hector, you ain’t special and you’re just doing this because the wiki demands it”. I rarely saw a character being so throroughly disrespected by the narrative.
(and if someone comes to me saying “oh but lenore does respect hector in s4″ i will bite them. see if i don’t. fuck that manipulative bratty rapist.)
I really liked the “I want to live” scene, I did. Maybe it’s because, despite all my gripes with N!Isaac, I can’t get enough of his VA and how he speaks. But I can’t get over how Isaac acknowledges how Hector had no agency in what he did. That’s not forgiveness, that’s a slap in the face - yeah, it took 2 seasons for Hector to actually do shit, didn’t it. And Hector is just like “oh you’ve changed” (yeah thanks for telling us, show. again. i didn’t forget how much netflixvania loves to tell you stuff as if you were as stupid as hector), but, did he even spare a thought about Isaac all this time? What is their relationship now? Are they even friends? Why should I care about Isaac’s feelings for Hector, when he went from “that idiot” to “fuck him imma kill him” to “oh right he was an idiot and nothing that happened was his fault”?
(I also can’t get over how Hector wanted to resurrect Dracula while Isaac was the one learning to move on from him... they fucking swapped the characters and everyone worships this Isaac that is actually Hector in disguise HATRED AND MALICE HECTOR WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE REALIZING THAT HE CAN BE MORE THAN A TOOL)
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But then again, we’re supposed to feel sorry for poow widdle Isaac because the mean bad humans didn’t like that he was travelling with demons... which also gave him a convenient excuse to kill and build an even bigger army while still being “sympathetic”. So yeah. Bias all around. Hector is fetish material, Isaac gets to have everything he wants and gets the profound speeches. Guess Ellis didn’t find the idea of him suffering appealing enough :\
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bi-omega-disaster · 2 years
Dynamic Insecurities HCs: Betas
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Every dynamic has insecurities given to them via societal expectations. Some are shared insecurities while others are dynamic-specific- (you know, all that good stuff). 
And Betas? Betas are the most insecure dynamic, and, yes, I will die on this hill because I’m right. 
Let me explain:
“It’s boring to be a Beta.”
I’ve actually heard this time and again; people think it’s boring to be a Beta. There are so many ‘verses where Betas are “the normal ones.” And, okay- it’s a little funny to think about Betas looking into a metaphorical camera like they’re on The Office every time there’s Alpha and Omega shenanigans, but, on the other hand, it leads to Betas getting ignored in favor for the “more fun” dynamics. I know some ‘verses where Betas don’t exist at all because the author doesn’t see the point of them being there. Which is fair; no hate on that- it’s their ‘verse and they can do what they want. 
From my understanding, Betas were created to balance out Alphas and Omegas- dynamics who are on two opposite extremes. Thus, Betas became the neutral option. The calm, rational, logical, not-horny ones. They have little to no scent, and the scent they do have isn’t very strong nor does it stand out. They don’t have strong instinctual urges. They just kind of...exist. So, naturally, they’re not as fun to write about as Alphas or Omegas.
Now, I, personally, don’t have Betas as the “normal ones;” I scrolled around on Tumblr, found HCs I liked, and also came up with my own, but that’s for another post. Still, I include a lot of stereotypes in my ‘verse for the  ✨angst,✨ and social commentary ofc, but mainly the angst and hurt/comfort.
So, without further ado, here are my headcanons for Beta insecurities. (Under the cut, because this ended up being longer than intended lol).
No one wants to be a Beta, and kids are exposed to this at a young age.
In my ‘verse, you don’t present until you start going through puberty, and those that present the earliest are Omegas, followed by Betas and, lastly, Alphas. Of course, there are many cases of early/late presentations for every dynamic, so there’s always hope that you’ll get the dynamic you want.
Now, imagine you’re a child growing up in the omegaverse. As a child, you emulate those around you, because that’s how you learn both about the world and about who you are/want to be. And the world around you? It loves Alphas and Omegas. Oh, boy, does it love Alphas and Omegas. Playing pack with your friends? There’s always a fight on who gets to be the pack leader- aka the Alpha- while others want to be Omegas. The rare few that say, “I want to be the/a beta!” are given the judgmental, scornful looks that kids can notoriously pull off and are asked, “Why would you want to be a Beta? They’re boring.” 
You grow up learning that Alphas are the strong, protective ones that get everything. They get to be the leaders of companies, bosses, and local heroes. If there’s any kind of hierarchy, the Alpha is going to be the leader. You’re the best at soccer or any sport in your team? Sucks for you, because, at best, you’re the co-captain. Even as the times change and Omegas get more rights and fight for leadership roles, there’s no competition for you. You’re expected to step out of the way but be at the ready should anyone deign to need you for something. Meanwhile, Omegas are the ones everyone wants, either as a mate or as a friend. Omegas are comforters, supporters, and, really, are in charge of the innerworkings of a lot of different types of groups. They’re the backbones that society would be lost without?
And Betas? Betas are just kind of there. 
I can see a lot of kids growing up and crossing their fingers not to present as Betas. I bet there are families out there who are super disappointed when their kids present and don’t mask it super well via facial expression and/or scent. I can see a host of middle/high school kids watching newly-presented Alphas and Omegas buzzing around and ignoring the Betas in favor for each other. And they hear over and over again how no one wants to be a Beta. 
Being the “Extra One”
Betas are the ones that are often ignored unless they’re needed for something. Many times, they make really close friends with other dynamics only for those friends to fall for someone and vanish until they need relationship advice or something. This, naturally, leads to big friendship insecurity. I can see so many Betas having social anxiety and the feeling that they need to prove their worth to others. Also, many have a belief that no one will choose them first, so they’ll either do so much to try to prove that they’re worthy of being chosen first or will just resign themselves to it. 
Settling for a Beta
It’s a long-held stereotype that Alphas want Omegas, Omegas want Alphas, and Betas want other Betas. It’s problematic for many reasons- attraction isn’t as simple as that. There are many Alphas that are only attracted to other Alphas, Omegas to other Omegas, Alphas attracted to other Alphas and Betas but not Omegas, so on and so forth. Still, due to the stereotypes, what they’re exposed to growing up, and the failure of sex-ed, there’s just this belief that the attraction is very binary. 
Any time an Omega or Alpha court/mate a Beta, they’re seen as “settling” or “occupying themselves until they find an Alpha/Omega.” This actually leads to many Betas not believing it when an Alpha and/or Omega expresses attraction to them, which in turn makes it difficult to court a Beta because said Beta may not pick up what’s being thrown down. Also, no one knows how to court a Beta? You’re taught how to traditionally court Alphas and Omegas, but there are little to no guidelines on how to court Betas. (I might make a separate post on this that’s cute and fluffy). 
The Mediator
In a pack, Betas are traditionally the Mediator. They exist to solve issues between hormone-addled Alphas and Omegas. Not only is this draining, but, if you’ve ever been the therapist friend, you know that being the mediator leads to an insecurity that no one cares about your problems or feelings and like you’re just being used to be a soundboard. 
In sum, Betas grow up believing they’re unwanted extras that nobody wants to be or wants around, are always going to be second/third-best no matter what dynamic is at the head, and are only good if they can service whatever an Alpha or Omega wants.
(Naturally, not every Beta will feel this way, and stereotypes aren’t reality, but they do affect perspective, in my opinion).
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ibijau · 1 year
five things you never get tired of writing
was tagged by @jaggededges123
tagging @veraverorum @silliam-hill @fortune-maiden and whoever else feels like it bc tumblr won’t let me tag half the people I want to mention¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1. Mutually ‘unrequited’ feelings
I just think it’s fun?? I love having characters say something is revealing and be misunderstood? I love characters trying to hide?? I love love LOVE characters fearing to ruin their friendship and valuing that more than the risk of saying something that would change things?? It’s also so fun when one of the characters overcorrects to hide their love and ends up cold and distant, thus feeding the other’s impression of unrequited feelings... it’s just delicious.
2. Crack taken seriously
Well, anyway it’s apparently something I do frequently, though I don’t usually realise it until someone says that in the comments. But I do enjoy coming up with a weird setting/trope and then trying to be realistic about it. It’s a fun excuse for researching stuff, which I always like. And anyway, it just naturally happens to me. I’m an overthinker, so I will end up distracted by details and by trying to figure out how stuff works (like that recent hanahaki au where I kinda had to cut down a bunch of stuff because I kept going on tangents trying to explain details of the sickness that weren’t really relevant to the story in the end)
3.Secrets (and the catharsis of being able to share them)
Might be a bit general there lol. I think every character should have something they don’t want others to know, it really drives the story! It makes for fun dialogues, especially if the character is desperate for his secret to be shared, and equally terrified of revealing it. It’s also super fun to try and decide who would notice something is up and who wouldn’t, who would try to force the secret out and who would respect that silence... and then of course the catharsis of no longer having to keep that secret? The mortifying ordeal of being known by someone, and being accepted and loved anyway? (bc I’m weak and I rarely write things going wrong of course lol)
4. Trust
Both its presence and its absence. Either case leads to fun stories. I like characters who trust no one. I like characters who only trust one person, but don’t make a big show of it so that the other person might not even realise that they have been trusted that way. Characters who trust easily are also fun! And then it’s always fun to decide how that would inform their choices, their reactions, what might change their capacity for trust...
5. Happy endings
Full respect to sad endings! They can be excellent! But if I write a story, it’s because I love the characters, and so I need the story to feel like it ends well for someone I care about. With this said, my definition of happy ending might not be yours. I’ve written stories I counted as happy endings because people got to die alongside the person they liked best, or because they felt their death was bringing significant good. I am particularly weak to lovers separating because being together would compromise the change they want to bring to the world, and I count that as a happy ending because it was their choice to do so, and the love remains even apart. I guess more than just happy, I need endings to be hopeful... Though I am definitely a sucker for ‘typical’ happy endings as well! I just want the characters to either be happy, or feel like their life meant something
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safflowerseason · 1 year
Ted Lasso, the OC!
Favourite character:
Funniest character:
Best-looking character:
3 favourite ships:
Least favourite character:
Least favourite ship: 
Reason why I watch it:
Why I started watching it:
Thanks so much for the ask!! This is a fun game!!
Ted Lasso
Favourite character: In season one it was Rebecca, but S2-3 Jamie Tartt (unexpectedly!) has earned the top-spot in my character ranking.
Funniest character: oh god, how can I choose...a tie between Roy and Jamie?? Although Higgins is also extra-delightful, and I love Kitman Will Kitman's little bits. OH WAIT NEVER MIND my answer is ISAAC.
Best-looking character: Jamie Tartt. Phil Dunster is...whew.
3 favourite ships: hmmmm!! this is hard, Ted Lasso is the rare show where I don't find myself super invested in one particular ship. Higgins/his wife are probably my Ted Lasso OTP to be honest. I do like Roy/Keeley although I think the writer bungled their break-up pretty badly this season.
Least favourite character: Besides Rupert who I feel is everybody's automatic least favorite, probably Nate, just because I think the show ultimately ruined all the interesting potential for his storyline.
Least favourite ship: idk, Nate/Jade, probably? Also Coach Beard/Jane never made much sense to me either. Give Beard a more compelling love interest!
Reason why I watch it: To see how it ends!! (Assuming S3 is the final season, which it may not be...increasingly it feels like they are going to continue just without Jason Sudeikis/Ted).
Why I started watching it: I started watching Ted Lasso in late December 2020...I had seen some chatter about it online, and I had an AppleTv+ subscription earlier than most of my friends/family because I got a new iPad at the time when Apple was giving out subscriptions for free ☠️ It was such an intense time...I spent most of that month just lying around and feeling sad about the state of the world, and the show's focus on kindness felt really revelatory in a time of such political turmoil, but also in general a really tightly written, well constructed show (I do not feel that way now, necessarily). I remember sobbing my eyes out at the end of "Tan Lines" where Ted says goodbye to Michelle and my dad was like "...what are you watching???"
The OC
Favourite character: Oh god, probably a tie between Marissa and Kirsten...two characters who I feel got screwed by Josh Schwartz (albeit to very different degrees).
Funniest character: Unfortunately because the character has aged so poorly, it is indeed Seth Cohen, although I think Sandy is a close second.
Best-looking character: MARISSA. S1 Marissa is just the EPITOME of California beauty to me.
3 favourite ships: Ryan x Marissa, Sandy x Kirsten, um...I *guess* Seth and Summer, their S1 story anyway. My favorite trash!ship is Jimmy x Julie. Smarter writers could have done something with their chemistry!
Least favourite character: Hmmm...of the main ensemble I have to say Jimmy, although among the rotating supporting cast I really don't like Rachel in S1. Trey, of course, for what he did to Marissa. Also Rebecca and Carter in S2. Basically everyone the writers invented in S2 and S3 for "drama" purposes, because they were all so poorly written!! (with the exception of Alex).
Least favourite ship: Ryan x Sadie and Marissa x Volchok. I only saw S3 once and I found both of those relationships offensive.
Reason why I watch it: S1 is prestige television!!! Especially through "The Best Chrismukkah Ever." Teen drama at its best!! The pilot is one of the best episodes of American network television ever produced, and I will go die on this hill.
Why I started watching it: The OC was so omnipresent in the early-mid 00's I honestly don't remember where I first heard about it. I do remember seeing a youtube clip (in youtube's earliest days when it was just fanvids and bootlegged movies) of the ending of The Countdown and Ryan and Marissa's iconic kiss and thinking "wow, I have to watch this show."
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ctlightner · 1 year
Storygraph Wrapped 2022
Went on Storygraph today and found my wrap-up for 2022
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It's hard to believe I only read Iron Widow a year ago. I know it's new(ish), but it's been on my mind all year, so it feels like I first read it 5 years ago. It's one of the few YA books I've been able to get through and be excited about in a long time, and of course I've pre-ordered the sequel!
I'm less surprised that something TMNT related is my last-read book. Statistically speaking, TMNT had the best chance at being either first or last or both, given my brainworms
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Not surprised Fantasy is my most-read genre. I've been trying to branch out a little more over the last few years, but old habits die hard. Banger year for comics, though, and I don't see that changing any time soon. Need to try and work a few more Horror into my diet this year.
I admit, I don't go out of my way to seek out queer books. By that, I mean that I try to read diversely, so queer books are definitely something I seek out deliberately, but I tend to see it as a bonus rather than the whole reason to go into something. Then again, I rarely read Contemporary anything, so there's a reason why I don't read issue-focused queer fiction as often. I've been reading more Non-fiction lately, so if I see a spike in queer lit, it'll probably be from a non-fiction angle.
I've been slowly acquiring a taste for romance books. Most of these pictured are probably there as a secondary genre, but I've read a few that were primarily Romance. The issues I'm having run parallel to me not enjoying a lot of Contemporary (which is a good portion of primarily Romance books), and also having been burned many times when I try to read Fantasy Romance. FanRo tends to lack in either of the genres while favoring the other, so I'm very, very wary about it. Recommendations appreciated.
More stats below the cut.
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I've been tending towards shorter books lately. I used to be able to devour 800 pages epic fantasies, but my tolerance for high page counts has dropped significantly. The last super long books I think I read were Mistborn Era 1 seven years ago. Frostheart also doesn't feel like a tome to me because it's Middle-Grade, and MG books actually have lower wordcounts overall, and sometimes bigger font and illustrations that can pad things out. If "Escape" had been formatted like and adult book and had zero illustrations, it probably would have been closer to 250-300 pages at most.
Novellas are my recent loves, especially the Singing Hills Cycle. Into the Riverlands was not my favorite (that still remains The Empress of Salt and Fortunes), but it was pretty good. I think I'll try to reread the three books sometime this year.
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Along with reading more books in general, I've been using my library more. The reason why it took me over a month to read Tender is the Flesh is because like 5 holds came in and I was suddenly given Deadlines.
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Very interesting to see that over 50% of my 5 star reads were comics. I knew I read a lot of them this year, but it's nice to know I really liked a good portion of them, too. Unsurprised that the prose fiction I gave 5 stars were on the more literary and stylistic side of SFF.
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I read Evelyn Hardcastle for a reading club. I'd heard of it before, but hadn't heard anything about it that would have made me pick it up otherwise. It's a very weird book. I like the time loop structure of the plot. It's pleasantly confusing and I honestly love how the constant body-jumping kept me on my toes. However, the gimmick did start to wear out its welcome a bit the longer it went on.
I grew very disillusioned by the ending, however. Up til about the last quarter of the book, it's designed as a time loop whodunnit. Very interesting. However, by the end it starts to turn into a weird, sudden exploration of the futility of the prison system. as someone who's been digging into prison abolition/restorative justice lately, I was at first intrigued by the idea, but the final few reveals ended up severely clashing with the story that came before hand. I think it ended up generating exponentially more questions about the world of the novel than it answered, and it didn't present these questions in a way that was looser, softer, less important to question due to the themes being explored.
For contrast, I also read Thistlefoot last month, and though I have a few complaints, they're not complaints about the worldbuilding. Thistlefoot is a fairy tale, a book of magical realism, filled with soft magic. and it doesn't pretend otherwise. Evelyn Hardcastle, starts out in a way that let me go along with it; I didn't feel the need to question why this guy was trapped in a body-jumping time loop. By the end, when the author tries to give answers for questions I didn't really have, it made the whole thing unravel now that the author was shifting into harder worldbuilding.
As for the TMNT actor autobiography... it's not very good. I could only ever recommend it to hardcore TMNT fans who would get something out of reading a self-published autobiography by an obscure actor in the 90s films. It's clear he wrote the book himself, though, so I have a deeper appreciation for the effort put into it than whatever Evelyn Hardcastle was trying to do.
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I don't care about keeping track of the series I'm reading. I don't read 200 books a year (only 56 in 2022... a lot higher than non-readers but still nothing compared to some Booktubers), and I try to DNF when I know I'm not going to like something.
I am going to try rereading more books this year. I Am Not Immune To Consumerism, but I am trying to inoculate myself a bit. Going to not buy any more books from now til June, and try to reread a few of my top favorite books. I miss the days when I used to reread books over and over and get something new out of them.
I've already decided that Hogfather is going to be my Christmas read every year, and the Collector's Library edition is probably going to be the first book I get on July 1st.
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I'll be honest: could probably stand to DNF even more. Some of the books I actually marked back onto my TBR rather than as a DNF. Often it's because I know I wanted to read it, owned it, and just wasn't feeling it. Other times it was because I'd barely gotten 10% into it and therefore didn't consider it even as something I was really reading.
That being said, ACOMAF has one more chance for me to try and read it at the behest of my friend or else I'm just gonna give up. Maybe if I borrow their physical copy I'll have better luck (I don't read a lot of ebooks, and if the library makes me give back a slow-going book before I'm done, I won't fight that hard.)
Speaking of physical books, I have a shitton of them. I primarily read physical books. I'm going to try and read down my physical TBR this year so that I can clear up my shelves a bit. 35/56 owned books in 2022 isn't bad though!
And that was reading for 2022. Lots of interesting insights for myself. Here's to a great 2023!
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mingtinys · 2 years
random ateez headcanons
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pairing : none specified
general headcanons , fluff , misc
warnings : none
word count : 0.6 k
a/n : i feel like it's been too long since ive posted, so here's some general hcs ive been accumulating for a bit while i finish up a couple requests and fics! essentially , this is the equivalent of a naruto filler episode while i attempt to crank out actual work !!
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Kim Hongjoong
likes to body-double. he ends up getting work done super efficiently when someone just sits with him.
really enjoys having meals with others and views it almost as a way to bond and connect with people. basically, this man views quality time as an important aspect of his love language.
has a very strong opinion as to whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza. (spoiler: his answer is no and he's prepared to die on this hill).
Park Seonghwa
does the mom arm thing in the car when the brakes are slammed on suddenly.
quotes along with his favorite scenes when he watches star wars. he's watched the prequels enough times to have the obi-wan and anakin final battle script down pat.
will mindlessly talk or mumble to himself as he cleans and does chores.
Kang Yeosang
the type of friend who sits quietly and by himself at parties / big functions. he looks like he doesn't want to be there but is actually having a very nice time just people-watching and being in the presence of friends.
animals love him, doesn't matter what kind. even the shyest of animals will rub up against him and beg for pets.
regularly tries to slowly close the fridge door just enough to watch the light shut off.
Jeong Yunho
never kills bugs. if he spots a spider or fly or whatever, he will capture it in a cup and release it outside.
usually ends up being the designated driver. he doesn't even have to be convinced and most of the time he volunteers.
sings in the shower. i'm talking full-length, concert-worthy, best performance of his life, type singing in the shower. (and yes, this applies to all hours of the night).
Choi San
is never the first to pull away in a hug. he will stay latched on to whoever it is until they decide to let go. he says it's because you never know how much someone may have needed that hug.
is the friend that doesn't like asking the waiter for extra napkins or condiments, but if everyone else is too scared to ask then he'll step up to the plate.
collects little keep-sakes like movie tickets, receipts, and fortune cookie fortunes.
Song Mingi
the type of guy to pick someone up and spin them around when he gets excited.
knows his voice is deep and it can get scary when he yells, so he rarely raises his voice because he doesn't want to be perceived as intimidating.
stubs his toe on furniture around the dorms. like a lot.
Jung Wooyoung
is actually a really good listener and amazing at reading rooms and people. communication is out of this world.
has memorized his friend's coffee orders and will surprise them with coffee if he knows someone is having a rough day.
puts the empty container of milk back in the fridge after using it all.
Choi Jongho
learned how to recite the alphabet backward when he was younger and often uses it as a party trick (will recite it backward while also breaking apples).
gives really good dating advice even if he himself is single. like 9 times out of 10 he has a solution to any couples dispute.
really really likes fuzzy blankets. he has like ,,, 6 of them and alternates between which he sleeps with.
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lustbile · 2 years
Hi again! I'm the one who asked for johnny and foot fetish stuff🤭 So sorry I forget to say what I want haha, but I actually very very happy about what you did with this idea, you have great mind really. Are you genius? Thinking really fast lol
So I have one thought about like a week...you're jealous cause of some stuff happen (but like nothing too bad), and you're kinda angry and upset on your bf, but they just love you so much they can only show you the way they love you.
So like Johnny??? Taeyong? Kun???? Who's this sweetheart??? Say some things about it please...cause my mind tired of thinking about it too much😭😭 Love you!
hi!! that’s fine, I asked for blurbs so I kind of figured it was safe to assume you wanted a blurb. I’m glad you liked it! i’ve never really tried writing anything about foot fetishes because I know some people don’t love it but some really do and I want to talk about almost anything and everything so thank you for letting me dabble!
when it comes to jealousy, I feel like those three may be very similar but also very different so let me put some thoughts out there
johnny, initially I think will try to make it a joke. he doesn’t like that kind of tension and he definitely doesn’t like seeing you upset so he copes in the only way he know which is humor. but ultimately he knows that the jealousy has to be branching from somewhere, so the second he gets even just one smile from you he knows he’s in and he can show you that you have no reason for jealousy. it turns into a lot of praise and worship (I will die on the johnny being into body worship hill I guess) and trying to show you how obsessed with you he is and how no one or nothing can break that obsession. he’ll still joke while making you feel good, which will be one of the rare occasions you’ll get playful sex out of him, where he’s still cracking jokes and being like ‘see no need for jealousy, you’re the only one I want to make moan like this”
taeyong, is such a softy. he’ll be upset and want to talk it out. and once he pulls what’s making you upset out of you, he kind of flips and turns super flirty. like ‘oh you’re jealous? let me show you why you shouldn’t be’ and he comes onto you almost like it’s the first time you’ve met. he’s really intent on keeping a spark in a relationship and making it feel new and like puppy love every day so showing you his love is for you only is step one. it almost has that ‘do you come here often ;)’ energy and he does it to show his eyes are 100% always on you
kun, I think is probably the most serious and doting one in this type of situation. a lot of babying and worried and trying to reassure you it’s all alright. if it does lead to sex, which it will, it’s very slow and as romantic as he can make it. if there’s a best time to make love to you, it’s in this situation. similar to johnny with the body worship, but a lot less energetic. he wants you to slow down, calm down, and really feel that he loves you with his whole heart. he wants no doubt in your mind that it’s you and you only
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