#car theft
The Liberal government is looking to put a dent in automobile theft by finding ways to ban devices commonly used to steal vehicles and eyeing tougher criminal penalties for perpetrators. The proposals were among the more concrete ideas that emerged Thursday from a daylong summit aimed at confronting the national scourge of auto theft. The governments, municipalities, law enforcement agencies and private-sector partners that took part agreed fighting the problem is complex -- with several potential remedies -- and requires a whole-of-society effort. They also committed to finalizing a plan, to be released in coming weeks, to tackle a phenomenon that affects thousands of Canadian households annually.
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claires-audience · 1 month
Law and order but its about car thefts and crimes and they call it Law and Order: SUV
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decimalpointed · 1 year
Eddie's dad drags him along to steal his first car at age 13. Eddie's excited, nervous, but eager to please his father. He knows his mother wouldn't approve but she's passed out drunk again, so her opinion hadn't been relevant when his father had barged in and swooped him up.
His father takes him to a nice end of town, filled with mansions that are strung up with extravagant Christmas lights to display their wealth and holiday cheer. Eddie doesn't go to these neighborhoods, never has occasion to. They breeze by the residential area and wind up near shopping centers, boutiques with fancy polos and knick knacks.
When they pull into a packed parking lot, filled with last minute holiday shoppers, Eddie can feel nervous sweat dripping down his skin.
"We're gonna have a damn good Christmas this year." His father mumbles, greed in his eyes and breath sour with the stench of alcohol as he scans across the lot for fancy cars. He spots his mark. "There. That one Ed. Do you see it? No cameras pointed towards it. Snow still melting on the hood so engines still warm. Good solid Beemer, real nice car. Will sell for a pretty penny."
Eddie just nods, his fingers shaking as his eyes flit around the lot. There are people going to a from their cars. Its dark, with a gentle flurry of snow but anyone could see them in the well lit lot.
They get out of their own car, the doors sqeaky and rust blooming across the old metal. Eddie cringes at the sound. Its so loud. It feels like eyes are watching all around him. The air feels cold and thin, like its not reaching his lungs right even though he's practically panting.
His dad sidles up to the car, his tools in his pocket and it takes him less than 30 seconds to jimmy the driver side door open and he hits the unlock button so Eddie can scramble into the passenger side.
"Now look here son." His dad takes his tools out, lays them across his lap and gestures to the console. "You see these new fancy cars, there's a little latch right here. You gotta tug it till that snaps and it'll pop right out." He pops the plastic off, revealing the mess of wires beneath. "See easy as that." And then he hands the pliers to Eddie, who fumbles and almost drops them to the fancy floor mats.
"Now you cut this one here and we are gonna cut this other one here. Then we just need to spark em" Eddie follows the instructions, slow and unsteady because all he can register right now is his heartbeat slamming against his ribs.
He strips the wires back and his father takes over, grabs them and clicks the exposed metal together until the car roars to life. He gives a woop and Eddie can't help but give a shakey smile.
"That's it?" Eddie asks, because it feels too easy.
"That's it son." His fathers crooked teeth shine yellow in the streetlight as he grins.
His father puts the car in reverse, backing out and driving nice and easy. He gets them onto the main road and Eddie can finally feel his nerves start to calm.
"Now we are just gonna get this beauty over to Johnny's. Then-" his dad is interrupted by a sound, a small sleepy groan from the backseat and they both freeze.
"Dad? Are you done shopping alread-" The voice cuts off and Eddie swings around and his gaze finds a boy roughly his age, sitting up and looking like a deer in the headlights as he realizes it's not his father driving the car, but Eddie's. Fuck. Shit.
Eddie can feel the tension, flits his eyes to his father who is looking in the rear view mirror, his face shuddering into panic and then swiftly schooling his face into blankness.
"Who are you?" The boy asks wearily.
His father plasters on a fake smile. "Hey kiddo. Ran into your dad in the store with my boy here. He was saying how he was buying you Christmas gifts and didn't want you to see em before the big day. So he asked if I would run you home real quick."
The boys eyes narrow suspiciously and Eddie knows before he opens his mouth that he isn't buying the bullshit his dad is trying to sell him one bit. This has gone sideways and Eddie knows that his dad can't get caught again or he will go away for a long time and then it's just going to be Eddie and his mom who barely was a person these days, drowning herself in booze and pills and powder.
The boy lunges quickly to the door and Eddie hears the click of the locks as his dad beats the kid to it. The car swerves precariously as his dad is distracted.
"Let me out!" The boy yells, a tremor in his voice and the sound makes Eddie want to curl up and hide. This is so fucked. They are kidnapping him. This is a kidnapping.
"Dad-" Eddie begins to plead, to try to reason that this is too far, that he wants no part in this. Fuck the money. Fuck Christmas. He wants to go home and let this kid go home too.
His dad doesn't let him finish, just whirls around with like a cornered viper and lashes out. His fist hits the other kid right in the face and the sound is stark and violent. The boy cries out, immediately gushing blood from his nose. He's letting out terrified whimpers. Eddie is terrified too.
"Shut the fuck up!" His father screams at the boy, the car swerving dangerously and someone honks at them. Hot tears track down Eddie's face and he hiccups out a sob. His father rounds on him next, "Shut the fuck up!" He repeats, this time lashing out towards his own son.
The boy is cowering against the backseat, blood and tears on his face as Eddie shrinks into his own seat. What thw fuck is happening?
"Jesus fucking Christ. Shut up shut up shut up." His father is losing control, panicking. Eddie knows to keep himself scarce when his dad gets like this, violent and unpredictable, but he can't run while trapped in a moving car.
Eddie can't run away. His throat feels like its closing, like there's no oxygen in this stolen little car. Maybe the other kid sucked it up for himself. He can't run away. The doors are locked and they are kidnapping someone and he can't get away.
His father is shouting, rage in his tone but the words become jumbled and lost in the ringing thats taken over Eddie's ears. The other boy is crying, the sound of alarm like battery acid along his nerves, tingling and burning and awful.
Eddie doesn't register what he's doing until he has his hands on the wheel, trying to wrench it from his father's hold. There's screaming, and the blair of car horns, but Eddie just wants to make this night stop, wants to make the boy stop crying because it's making something primal in Eddie terrified, wants his father to just pull the car over because this is too fucking much.
The world goes sideways, crunching metal and glass and then Eddie feels the cold gentle snowfall against his face. There's warmth dripping from his hairline, and lights blur in and out of focus. Sound is muffled, and his brain sluggish when he turns to look around.
His father is there, head pushed against the shattered windshield at an awkward angle, red stark against his pale skin. His eyes are closed, his body still. Pain laces through Eddie and he cries out as he shifts away from the sight. The world is sluggish and slow. He smells pine and salty tangy blood.
He hears another whimper and turns and behind him the boy is still there, still huddled down and trembling with wide brown eyes in the backseat. Glass glitters in his hair. It looks kind of magical Eddie thinks in a daze.
A siren cuts through the fog he's in, snapping the world back into focus and it's like a dip into fridge waters. There's so much at once. Eddie can see the flash of red and blue, drawing closer.
Cops. Oh God cops. He can't be here. He looks to his dad, still unmoving and slumped against the steering wheel. He will never be able to drag him out in time. He won't be able to stop the cops from finding them like this.
He hears the boy shifting in the back and then the crunch of metal as he shoves the door open. Eddie scrambles out of the car right after, adrenaline punching through his veins.
The boy stands, legs trembling and puts his arms around himself to stave off the cold. The lights draw close, bathing him in the colors and once again Eddie's brain fizzles just a bit, caught off guard at the sight.
He doesn't have time to think, can't come up with a plan or a story to get his dad out of this. But he can run now. He can get away. The forest looms dark ahead of them where they've wrecked the car up against a row of pines.
Eddie stumbles up, worn out shoes sliding in the snow and he heads for the tree line. He stops just at the edge when he hears the boy again, a soft scared sound warbling out of his throat.
Fuck his father for getting them into this mess. Fuck his father for hitting the poor kid. Fuck his father for making another little boy cry. Eddie's used to it. Eddie can handle it. His heart bleeds to hear it come from someone else.
Even still, there's something inside him that knows he can't let his dad get caught kidnapping some kid.
Eddie whirls around and sprints to the boy, grabbing his hand tightly in his own. "Come on." He hisses to him. "We have to run now." And then he tugs him along into the dark safety of the forest as the lights pulls up, the cop car skidding to a stop.
"Wait, but-" the boy protests, but doesn't stop keeping pace behind Eddie.
"Please." Eddie pleads, because he doesn't know what they are doing, but he knows cops are bad news and he knows his dad will go to jail again but maybe it won't be so long if he doesn't have a fucking kidnapping charge to add to the car theft. "Please just trust me."
They lock eyes, brown mirrors of terror, and there's no reason to trust him at all, but he feels it, the chance that maybe he will.
And he does. The boy nods and goes quiet and picks up the pace, his chilled fingers squeezing onto Eddie's like a lifeline as they stumble through the woods.
They can't see the lights or hear the sirens anymore when they finally slow down. Their breath visible in the cold night air, both panting and shivering from the temperature and the nerves. Eddie can't find it in him to drop the warm point of contact between them.
Eddie doesn't know what he's going to do. He could go home to his mother, probly still numb to the world around her, but the cops would be there soon enough. He can probly stay at a friend's but then there's the problem of the kid he's dragging around that has a bloodied face and a quickly darkening bruise on his eye.
"Where are we going?" The boy asks him, loud in the quiet of the night.
"I-" Eddie stumbles over his words, grasping for an answer. "I dont know." He hears the resignation in his own voice, the lost quality.
The boy squeezes his fingers and its grounding. His tears have all dried. "It's okay. I dont know where to go either." He runs his other hand through his hair and some glass tumbles out and he giggles. Eddie smiles at him. Its an adorable sound. He knows its probly just the high from the adrenaline making they giddy but. Its nice. "Your dad is kinda scary. Is your mom nicer?"
"No." Eddie says automatically. "Well yeah, but not really. She doesnt say much"
"My parents don't say much either. To me. I mean they say alot, just not like. To me. " The boy trails off. "I'm Steve by the way."
"I'm Eddie." This is weird. Small talk with a boy he and his dad had unknowingly kidnapped. Really weird.
"My dad will be pissed about his car. He just bought it." Steve says and Eddie cringes.
"I'm sorry." That doesn't feel like enough. "I'm so fucking sorry. He, my dad, we just wanted to have a good Christmas. We didn't know you were there."
"Its okay." Steve says easily, like he wasn't just a sobbing mess. "I mean it sucks and my face hurts but. Well my dad probly didn't even remember I was in the car either. So. " He shrugs. "Is your head okay?"
Eddie had forgotten about his head, but he reaches up and feels the blood, sticky and congealed and clumping itchy. It hurts when he presses in tentatively, but not the worst he's ever had.
"I think its okay. It doesn't hurt much. Is your face okay?"
"Does it not look okay?" Steve looks a little panicked again, reaches up and touches his nose gingerly.
"No! No it looks good" Eddie tries to reassure. "Pretty as a peach Stevie. Just a little bruised. " and then he cringes because did he just say that?
"Oh." Eddie can't tell what kind of tone that is. Waits for the other boy to get angry, but he doesn't. Just keeps pace as they walk along.
"So should I just take you home?" Eddie asks, because they kinda need to make a plan. They can't keep wandering the woods all night.
But Steve's face kind of scrunches, then winces when there's pain at the movement. "Where are you gonna go?"
Eddie isn't sure. His mind scrambles to think of a place to go. Uncle Wayne lives in the next state over. He could probly stay there until things cool off a bit. His mother will come out of her daze to come get him eventually.
"I think im gonna go to my Uncles? He lives in Indiana."
"How are you gonna get all the way to Indiana?" Steve asks, eyes wide and brown and curious.
"Hitchhike? Or there might be a train that goes that way i could hop on." Its winter and cold, so maybe the train isn't the best idea. But well, he doesn't have much of a choice.
"That's so far away though." Steve's got concern glittering in his eyes. "Is that safe?"
"Safer than going home. The cops will see our footprints in the snow. They'll probly go to my house soon as they lock up my dad."
"Can I come?"
Eddie stops walking, sways in place. What? Steve stops beside him and turns to him.
"Why would you wanna come with me to Indiana? We just kidnapped you!"
"Well your dad kidnapped me technically, which apparently was an accident. You tried to stop him. You tried to protect me." Steve looks so earnest. He looks pretty in the moonlight, soft snowflakes falling around them. "And I can return the favor if I go with you. Protect you till you get to your uncles. Then I can call my parents to come get me."
And thats such a crazy leap of logic. Steve isn't any bigger than Eddie is, all gangly teenage limbs and hadn't really put up any fight while they were in the car. Its such a stupid idea.
But there's warmth blooming in Eddie's chest because yeah, it might be kinda nice to have some company. Safer for sure, and if they did take the train they could huddle together to keep warm instead of risking getting the wrong kind of trucker pulling over to give them a ride. Maybe they could even be friends.
Thats stupid. A rich boy being friends with trailer trash who tried to steal his car and then wrecked it with him in it. But no matter how stupid, it's a nice thought. Maybe they could just play pretend for a few days. They weren't too old for that yet.
"Okay. Yeah okay." A laugh bubbles out of him because its rediculous, but Steve laughs too. "You can be my knight in shining armor, escorting the runaway rogue after a heist gone sideways."
"You're weird." Steve says, but there's no malice in it. Just mirth tinged with confusion.
Eddie tightens his fingers around Steve's and turns them south, towards the rail yards where they can hop on a train.
(I just started typing and then this happened. Feel free to use this, expand on it, whatever. I just loved the idea of the boys being young runaways together, hopping trains and getting into rough situations and becoming codependent and ending up with Wayne taking them both in and them growing up together and pining since they were kids. I might continue this. I might not. We will see.)
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jtem · 1 month
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euesworld · 9 months
"Excuse me.. are you stealing this car? I'm just wondering cause I'd let you steal my heart.."
I think I met a woman who was stealing a car, and I have to tell you.. that car might have been hot, but she was hotter, haha - eUë
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bansuvs · 2 months
I guess if that discourages people from buying stupidly expensive monstrosities with smart features that must be a good thing. Although the stolen monstrosities are still blighting the roads somewhere.
I generally think SmartSomething is a bad idea - in most cases a euphemism for surveillance.
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memendoemori · 1 year
PSA: If you have a Kia or an Elantra manufactured between 2011-2021 it is MAD easy for someone to jack your car right now
Shout out to the shiftless, miserable dickhead who stole my sister's car a literal week before Christmas due to a security flaw that's arisen out of Hyundai's desire to manufacture cars as cheap as possible. If you have a Hyundai, specifically a Kia or an Elantra, that was manufactured between 2011-2021, your engine is missing a critical component to prevent car theft. All the person needs to do is break your back door window, pop open your lock cylinder and put any USB on two wires in there and they can start your car and drive off with it.
It's become, and I feel like an insane person saying this, a TikTok trend to steal cars this way and has led to enough theft that Hyundai has a class-action lawsuit about how they cheaped out on a $25 part and now everyone's cars are getting jacked.
Once again, thank you to the pitiful fuck who stole my sister's entire car seven days before Christmas. You will not see heaven and the devil will refuse you entry
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sevenclowds · 2 years
My Chemical Romance, Glasgow 30 May 2022 - Car Break-In Opening Video
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"SEND SIX TO PRISON FOR THEFT," North Bay Nugget. May 18, 1943. Page 14. ---- Two Get Penitentiary Terms for Stealing Auto in Mattawa --- Phillippe Grenier [TOP] and Ormond Foubert, both of Montreal, were found guilty when they appeared before Magistrate M. G. Gould in North Bay police court on Monday afternoon on a charge of stealing a car in Mattawa on April 28. Each was sentenced to two years and three months in Kingston penitentiary.
Isadore Grenier, Andre Coursol, Gregor Larocque and Fernand Beausoleil, also of Montreal, charged jointly with the first two men were given sentences of one year each at Burwash Industrial Farm. Coursol pleaded guilty; the others, not guilty.
Heavier sentences were handed out to the first two because each had a previous conviction on a theft charge.
Three witnesses were heard. Murray Kolvinko of Mattawa, owner of the car, told of seeing the six in Mattawa on the morning of the theft, of talking with them and of identifying them later in a Toronto police station.
Mrs. Amy Granfield of Toronto identified two of the accused as being members of a party of six who had parked a car behind a garage at the rear of her property on April 28 and had failed to return for it.
Joseph Shield, a member of the Toronto detective force, told of the arrest on the afternoon of April 28, of the six near where the car was abandoned and very soon after that took place. He told also of finding on the person of one of the accused a number of "postage due" stamps used by the owner of the car in his duties as mail courier. Found also in a cell occupied by the accused had been ration books bearing the name of the victim of the theft.
Before passing sentence, Magistrate Gould said: "While the failure of the accused to give evidence is by no means conclusive against them, still it is a matter to be considered, when joined to the fact that all five who pleaded not guilty were found in Toronto with the one who pleaded guilty and also with the fact that two of them have been definitely identified." Continuing the magistrate said that identification was sufficient to involve all six in the theft.
Crown Attorney E. A. Tilley conducted the prosecution and Arthur Courtmanche was interpreter.
[AL: Grenier was 22, married, a truck driver and had served a two year term at St Vincent de Paul Penitentiary. He was convict #7309 at Kingston Penitentiary and worked in a broom factory - he was transferred August 1943 to Collin's Bay Penitentiary, the lower security camp. There he was inmate #2109 and was released February 1945. Foubert was 22, single, a construction welder by trade, and had done time in Montreal and Ontario prisons. He was convict #7310 at Kingston Penitentiary and worked in the change room. He was a difficult prisoner and reported five times for insolence or poor conduct. He was transferred August 1944 to Collin's Bay Penitentiary, and released in early 1945.]
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zafiro-anyejo · 11 months
Everyone, especially if you live in a big city, please remember to not have any items showing inside your car; keep your car clean inside. People can, and might, steal things from your car/rummage through looking for valuables. Please be safe out there. 
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elistodragonwings · 1 year
I'm usually skeptical of how much influence supposed internet "challenges" actually have, but having now been the victim of one yeah, this one's real: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kia_Challenge
The internet tells you to steal a car and you go do it? What is wrong with people? I hate to be all "kids these days" but seriously, what is wrong with people? This is not normal teenage behavior!
They stole a disabled person's only car while they were traveling out of state for the holidays, and they did it in the middle of the day in a location with obvious security cameras, for fun?? FUN?? Our friends had to get a rental car to go home and leave their dog behind because they couldn't bring it in the rental, and there's been so many of these thefts in the area that they can't even find a place to do the repairs or even one that has the space to store the car for the month+ while waiting for the parts. The damage isn't even that bad, yet getting it fixed is so difficult, there's a risk the insurance will just declare the car totaled rather than have to pay to store it somewhere, and shipping the car the 500 miles back to their home is out of the question entirely.
How is this fun? Teens sometimes push boundaries, try to get away with illegal stuff, I know, that isn't new. But this isn't shoplifting or underage drinking or taking dangerous risks because you don't fully grasp personal safety. This is a felony. I'd have less outrage if it were stolen for money or parts because that's comprehensible, but because TikTok told you to? What the hell?
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 4, 1922 Mutt and Jeff by Bud Fisher: "Jeff Doesn't Need a Garage for His Car."
[ID: Mutt stands in front of a doghouse in his backyard, looking worried. /end] Mutt: Rotten luck, I calls it! Jeff beat me to the car this morning!
[ID: Mutt hangs his coat and hat up on a wall-mounted rack, then struts across the house. /end] Mutt: He's certainly tight with his "roller skate." It ain't saving me much shoe leather!
[ID: Mutt sits in a wooden chair and greets the returning Jeff, who poses proudly in top hat and tuxedo. /end] Mutt: Where did you go for a spin, Jeff? Jeff: Nowhere! I ain't had my car out today! But...
[ID: Jeff goes over to a locked trunk under the coat rack and unlocks it with a key. Mutt stands behind him. /end] Jeff: I'm gonna take a spin now with Miss Schultz! Mutt: Listen! Do you know your boat ain't in the garage?
[ID: Jeff opens the trunk and lifts out his tiny car. Mutt looks on, shocked. /end] Jeff: Sure! I'm keeping it in my trunk until I get some burglary insurance! Mutt: ?
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Car auto-lock traps 'car thief' in vehicle
A man has been arrested in South Africa after the auto-lock system of the car he allegedly broke into self-activated and trapped him inside.
The man used a jamming device to get into the vehicle, which was parked near the North Gauteng High Court in the capital city Pretoria, "I just saw him getting into the car after the woman walked away," a witness says. "It seems the doors locked him inside and he couldn't get out."
Apparently the man started to panic and asked passers-by for help, saying he was one of the city's many car guards. The police were called in, but the man was stuck inside for more than an hour-and-a-half before the owner returned and unlocked the vehicle.
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l0veraven · 27 days
Car stolen, vandalized, and towed
After I ended stream this morning to go to work, my car was missing. After making calls to towing companies and the police, it was stolen and vandalized. The rear driver's window got smashed and the ignition got torn out. I know times are tough and I'm not asking everyone to donate. All I ask is for help to share my GoFundMe around because everything counts and I appreciate all the help that I can get ❤️
If proof of donation is sent to me, I'll make you art as a thank you for helping me out. I love all of you and I appreciate all the support you have given me through the rough points in my life.
I appreciate all the help ❤️
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soullfire · 2 months
Tech Wizard Goes After Car Break-In Thieves With Bait Traps
A good look into how the crimes are committed and where they go to get money for their stolen goods. Here’s a followup vid of one of the crooks in the 1st video getting arrested:
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