#could've said it better dove!
people complaining about your dark work being triggering even though you have multiple warnings piss me off cause we need to focus on the real problem which is writers writing fics with very dubious consent and labelling it completely safe content s*x 🤨 or when they straight up write r*pe and tag it ‘mildly dubious  consent’.
Let me get this straight, there’s nothing wrong with writing and reading dark fiction, but when you don’t tag it appropriately not only do you risk the chance of triggering someone, but young people, no matter how much you tell them to not, will read your work. And when they do, they will not understand the importance of consent and may end up being assaulted and having no idea that they were assaulted.
Sorry for ranting but i feel people really need to hear this, keep doing an amazing job 😘
I agree with you so much. It's heavily triggering if you provide the wrong warnings, especially if there are things missing in your work that you haven't mentioned in your content information that set off other people who read it. Yes, you are responsible for your own media consumption but that's only when people carelessly continue reading your literature when the warnings clearly have themes they don't like. But if you don't mention those themes they'll get the wrong idea and get triggered which you do not want at all.
And if they warned their work correctly, people should really read the contents before actually getting into it. Trust me, it can save you a good mindset without being set off by reading the whole thing. It's completely on you if you're an irresponsible consumer of their work. There was a choice for you to completely ignore it because no one is holding a gunpoint on your head.
I have lots and lots of warnings slapped on my blog, my pinned post, my carrd, every single work i ever made, and on my blog description if people are too lazy to read the wall of text on my pinned post. (and a reminder that i don't condone extreme writings to be taken in real life but i guess people don't know what that means from what i got from my asks-)
Thank you, fellow dove! Don't worry about ranting, I appreciate your message a lot and i completely conform with it. I hope you have a nice week and best wishes to you and your blog!
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snowsinterlude · 5 months
(coriolanus snow x f. reader)
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summary: what better way to show your affection towards one than trapping them by your side forever? well, if there was one, president snow didn't knew about it.
c.w: forced breeding, baby trapping, president snow, cnc, slapping, forced creampie, possessiveness, stockholm syndrome at the end, fem. reader, reader is (was) a opera singer
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singing like there was no tomorrow was something you did quite often, being a opera singer to the capitol was the best thing that could've happened to you before. especially since you were from the districts.
so now, knowing the president is your fan (something you didn't expected, not even in a thousand years), you were singing your heart out at his parties. every bouquet of white roses he gave you always hid something. pearls, diamonds, earrings of white colored jews. he seemed to like white very much- even though his suit was always the red ones.
then, there was money.
the motive for him to give so many things was revealed when he was pinning you on the wall, the posca he drank seemed to have took control over his brain. somehow, you didn't mind it. maybe because the idea of being the president's favorite girl was something quite appealing- something your stupid self seemed to like very much.
feeling so desired, feeling so loved was something adorable, lovely. especially when he woupd promise you so many things.
you didn't believe any of them. you always made sure to be on the pill, always made sure to put a condom on his dick, always made sure to tell him to pull out when you didn't had a condom.
he was tired of it. he wanted you to be pregnant for him, wanted to see your belly showing through your clothes and the fantasies you used when performing. he wanted you closed on his room with your legs open and your pussy wet- he wanted to kill all of those who were thirsting over you, over the way your corset hugged your body so nicely and made your boobs bounce.
with that in his mind, you noticed just how rude he was tonight.
"i want you to be my wife," he said, midfucking. he would always say things like that while pounding inside you. it was crystal clear to you that he didn’t really wanted it, or so you thought, because his intention ever since he saw you was to fuck his babies into you and make you bear all of them.
"c-cory, let's talk about it later- oh, fuck!" you moaned, fucking yourself on him as his dick entered you so nicely, hitting all the right spots. as always.
you recieved a slap on your ass, accompanied by a thick, strong grab. "not later," he pounded inside you, hand on your waist, grabbing you so tightly you felt like you'd simply die at his touch. maybe it was a good thing. "now. 'wanna talk about it now."
you mewled as he thrusted inside your cunt again, his dick hitting all the right spots, from your cervix to your sweet g spot. "n-no, later, mm, truly."
he slapped your clit. it was getting rough now. you could notice from how hard he bit your nipple, it's not that you don't like it- it's just because you weren't ready for it.
"i'm serious, dove. i want you to be my wife." you didn't listen, too caught up in the pleasure, in the painful bites on your nipple, on the angry soft slaps on your swollen clit.
"s-stop it, you know i can't- i'm a performer, i-"
"i don't fucking care," he grunted, his nails buried into your skin "you're mine. from the moment i layed my eyes on you you were mine." he said, looking at your mewling melted state. "you're so wet, so tight on me, and yet you claim you don't want to be my wife?"
he laughed, as if telling a joke to himself, as if that was the biggest joke on the world. each two thrusts made you squirm, you already came some minutes ago. there were two condoms filled to the brim with his seed by your side on the bed of his guest room.
trying your best not to cum again, he took himself out of you, taking the condom of your side into his hands. he hated the texture. if it depended on him he would fuck you raw everytime. and yet there he was, obediently following your rules just to fuck you senseless.
"w-wait, what are you doing? stop. stop it! ah, fuck!" you squirmed at the hot feeling of his cum entering you, being poured inside of you, it felt so good you couldn't help but want more, for your own surprise. "p-president snow-"
"now is president? until some seconds ago it was coryo." he said, fingering his own cum inside you, making sure nothing would spill.
"p-please stop, i can't be pregnant-"
"you can." he stuffed you with it again, spilled all the cum of he other condom inside you "you will. i'll make sure of that"
taking the condom out of his dick again, the blonde introduced his dick into you again, smiling at the sight and the feeling of your wet cunt.
"fuck- look at you. so wet and still trying to say you don't want it." he smiled, nibbling on your nipple.
"n-no- i dont want to be pregnant, i can't- i have to sing!" you moaned, your hips meeting his with every thrust. you bucked your hips on him, did your best not to like it, but you couldn't lie to yourself, it was wonderful.
"if you don't want this then why are you fucking yourself on me?" his answer was a long moan you gave him, your nails scratching his back, burying themselves deep inside him. "god, you're a whore."
"p-pills. i-i need to find my pills!" you squirmed, your cunt tightening around him so deliciously god that you had to bite your bottom lip as to not let anything out- not to let him know you liked it, from his dick inside you to his cum stuffed into you.
"you wont find them," he smiled. "threw them away"
"oh fuck- pull out, p-pull out!!" you squirmed, but it was too leste already, you were cumming on his dick and he was laughing at you while pinching your clit.
"you said you didn't want that"
"i-i don't. i can't, i sing. my entire life revolves around singing"
"not anymore" he came inside you, dick throbbing into your cunt as you squirmed. "just for nome months, you'll be a caged bird."
the idea he pictured to you was terrible. a wife, always in white, drained out from taking care of two babies. even if the feeling of his cum inside you was terribly good, the thought of being a mother was your worse nightmare.
he proposed to you again the next night. and of course you had to accept. being a single mother is never good to a girl who were originally from the districts. a lot of the capitol's people were running their mouth already, saying you seduced him, manipulated him, or whatever it was.
it was the contrary.
but of course they wouldn't know that, not with your wings clipped together for you to not sing your way out.
not with your round belly showing up. not with the two babies on his arm and his. both looked like you both. your nose, his eyes. his mouth, your hair. you loved them.
maybe it wasn't so bad.
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Bad Idea? Maybe.´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Aphrodite!Reader Synopsis: An Aphrodite kid is more interested in fighting than lip gloss. What happens when a Poseidon boy starts a fight with her? Warning(s): cursing? Word Count: 1851
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Aphrodite kids were most known for their looks. Whether it was them admiring themselves in any possible reflection or having a bunch of other little fans, Aphrodite kids are here to take pride in the gift their mother has granted them. They were never ones to be advanced in archery or sword fighting in the fear of messing up a nail or getting a scratch on their perfect skin.
Except you. Despite being an Aphrodite kid, tending to your looks wasn't your biggest priority, you always considered yourself pleasing to the eye and so did others. Once you got to camp and saw people sword fighting, you knew that's what you were meant to do, you were instantly gravitated toward it like a magnet.
Of course, when you first arrived, you weren't claimed, so like most others, were sent to the Hermes cabin where the head counselor Luke, showed you around. Before the both of you managed to step out of the cabin you immediately asked him to show you to the practice arena where people were sword fighting. When you both arrived, that's when you met a kid named Percy. Luke saw it as a relief since he had other duties to quickly attend to so he left you with him.
"Hey I'm Percy" he extended his hand.
"I'm Y/N, I just got here" you shook his hand.
"I can you show some basics of sword fighting if you want, but Lukes the real master at it. Best at camp" Percy boasted, he clearly admired him from what you gathered.
"Cool, I'm new at this so you could've really told me that anyone here was the best and I would've take your word for it" he let out a small laugh. You felt a little relieved when he did. At first you were nervous on arriving but you were slowly staring to feel better about it.
Percy went to grab a sword for you, but the second he handed it to you a light pink aura began to radiate from you. When you looked up you saw a dove, meaning you were claimed by Aphrodite. Before you had the chance to think about it, a bunch of your, now sisters, ran up to you to escort you to your new cabin for a makeover and gossip session. In the process you dropped your sword and was dragged from Percy.
While you were getting your makeup and nails down, you could listen in on the swords clanking together as people fought and harnessed their skills outside. You were feeling kinda jealous, you wanted to be out there, not here getting ready for nothing when you already thought of yourself as pretty. After an hour they were finally finished and were all simultaneously staring in their reflections whilst listening to Lana Del Rey. You took this chance to sneak out and run back to where people were training, you saw Percy was still there and ran up to him.
"Hey, your still here" you said to Percy, breathing a little heavier from your run.
"Oh hey, so I guess you slipped from your siblings clutches" Percy joked making you exhale loudly.
"You would not even believe" you shook the thought of having a girl redo the same nail eight times because she kept messing it up and getting slightly burned at the back of your neck with a straightener. "Anyways I was wondering if you'd still be up for giving me some lessons. You know, the basics" you asked.
"Wow an Aphrodite kid who wants to fight, you might be the first. Why even bother now" Percy joked making you roll your eyes.
"Hey, I think love and desire can play a bigger role in fighting then you realize" you informed while crossing your arms and quirking up your eyebrow.
"Interesting, how so" Percy questioned.
"Maybe we'll find out later, now pass me sword."
Percy began showing you the basics and continued to do so for the next few months. Over this time you began to get better and better at fighting. Percy would call you best in your cabin as a joke since none of your siblings ever feel like picking up weapons and actually practicing.
Naturally over these few months, you also began getting closer to Percy. Your sisters loved to pick and prod at the, as they call it, budding relationship you and Percy had. The two of you just saw each others as friends, at least that's what you told your sisters. The friendship the two of you really had was more flirty if anything, because at the end of the day you'd be lying to yourself and everyone around if you said you didn't think Percy was hot. He really was.
After a solid six months, at least when it came to girls you were one of the best sword fighters at camp. You were out almost every day having training sessions whether it was with Percy or alone. This day in particular was alone. No one else was out so you had all the dummies to your self, cutting them up and chopping their heads off like it was nothing.
"And how did I know I'd find you here" Percy announced from behind you making you slightly jump.
"Because your so obsessed with me and have my schedule memorized" you humored as you looked at him over your shoulder.
"Your hilarious, has any one of your ass-kissers told you that today" Percy bantered.
"Yeah actually he just did" you returned making him roll his eyes. You both chuckled as he went and picked up a sword.
"Fight me." Hm?
"I said," Percy raised his sword at you. "Fight me."
"Alright. You asked for it" you amused as you both took your places.
"What makes you think I'll lose"
"What makes you think I won't win" and with that you lunged forward and swung. Percy barely blocked as he jumped back. For the next few minutes the both of you were swinging and dodging with ease. That's the problem with trying to fight someone whom you've been training with for months, they know all your moves. The both of you had your blades pressed up against each other when Percy mustered up the strength to push you off and lashed at you.
"Shit, I'm sorry" you looked at him confused before he gestured downward, looking kind of nervous. When he slashed at you, he had created a giant rip in your shirt and absolute exposed your bra. Normally, you would've been embarrassed, but you had an idea to finally end and win the fight.
"Your acting like you don't like what your seeing right now" you boldly stated as you took whats left of the shirt off, now standing there in just your denim shorts and bra.
"No, no. Trust me I'm a fan" he eyed you up and down.
"Remember what I said to you when you first asked me why an Aphrodite kid would bother learning to fight?" You said as you watched him start getting redder.
"Um, yeah, I do" Percy was switching eye contact between you and your cleavage, trying not to make it obvious.
"I think your desire for me is clouding your judgement, clouding whether or not you still want to fight me."
"I think that might be.. kind of true right now" normally you would've been happy with an easy win, but you wanted to really earn your victory. You looked to your side and picked up your water bottle from the floor, opening it up, and dumping the fresh water on Percy.
"Too bad" you winked. "I want to really win." After that, you charged at Percy again, and if it wasn't for the water you dumped on him he probably wouldn't have blocked in time. You guys went back to swinging at each other but this time, you were the one who pushed him back. You took the chance while he was unbalanced to quickly get low to swing out your foot and kick the back of his ankles, leaving him flat on his ass. Before he had the time to react you quickly straddled him, pinning him down while pointing your sword at his neck.
"I win" you said in between breathes. Percy just smiled at you, clearly not upset at losing. The tension in the area was think. The combination of you both panting for air, you in your bra, and the position the both of you were in made the place suffocating.
Percy slid his hands upward on your thighs before saying "Congrats."
"So what? No victory kiss?" you said. And Percy didn't take another second before sitting up and engulfing you in a heated kiss. You both continued making out while Percy kept one hand in your hair while he leaned back and used his other arm to lean on. You began to move back and forth while your hands gripped on to Percy's Shirt, he shortly took the hint and slipped it off. After a few moments you heard someone shout your name, causing the both of you to shoot upward.
"Shit, I think that's one of my sisters" you said quickly.
"Here take this" Percy said while handing you his shirt. "I think this sight should be reserved for me" he winked at you, making you feel a little warm as you slipped on his shirt. It smelled like him. You stood up from your comfortable seat and extended your hand to Percy and helped him up. And at that moment one of your sisters, Silena, had finally found you.
"Hey Y/-" her eyes widen as she looked between you and Percy. "Oh my gods" she whispered as she ran off laughing. Oh no.
"Oh my gods" you said has you rubbed his temples. "She's such a little gossip, you know that?"
Percy just laughed at you. "Now I'm not gonna have to watch your fans try and be me, yet fail miserably" that made you laugh.
"You were my favorite one anyways. Literally my biggest, number one fan" you pointed the number one in his face. He swatted it away and held your hand in his for a second before letting go.
"I think it's time I head out and, you know, grab a shirt." Percy expressed.
"I mean I don't know" you eyed him up and down. "I'm kind of enjoying this sight right now."
"Am I being objectified right now" Percy gasped and placed his hand on his chest, fake shock flooding his features.
"Oh never. I'm just sharing an opinion" you quipped.
"Yeah yeah, anyways I've gotta go" Percy kissed your forehead before heading off. You smiled and made your way back to your cabin. When you made your way through the door, all your sisters were there. They all simultaneously turned to you with devilish smiles on their faces. One thing for sure is, just because they can't fight, doesn't mean Aphrodite kids aren't scary.
"That shirt doesn't really look like your size Y/N."
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sunsetsimon · 6 months
apology - simon ‘ghost’ riley x reader
thanks for requesting anon <3
nsfw ahead! mdni
also sorry i had to rush the end but i promise ill have something better out later!!! - sun
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the bed dips as simon lays next to you, finally coming to bed after avoiding you for the last 2 hours. he knew he fucked up earlier when he forgot the main thing you sent him to the store for. you'd been looking forward to trying out a new recipe you'd found online and knowing it'd take a while, you asked him to run to the store and grab some stock for the soup.
"in a bit, dove. 'm gonna finish this workout first," he said when you asked him. you nodded in agreeance, not realizing 'finishing his workout' meant taking an hour run around the neighborhood.
and of course you could've gone yourself, but simon always prefers you ask him to do things like that and you wanted to be patient. he gives you a quick call when he gets to the store, stopping there on his run, "stock, tomato paste, cream and rice. thas'it love?"
as he's on his way home he can't help but feel like he forgot something, it nags at him but he continues anyway. greeting him with a kiss at the door, you grab the bag from him and carry it to the kitchen so he can take off his shoes.
"ugh- simon! i told you to get stock!"
simon stares at you puzzled, but makes an 'oh shit' face when he realizes, "ah fuck! knew i forgot something, i'll go back now."
"it's fine, i'll just have something else," you sigh, leaving the items on the counter and walking away. he tries to stop you, saying he'll be quick but your mood has already been ruined, waving your hand in dismissal. you retreat to your room for a while, reading your book until simon decided to check on you.
"'m sorry about earlier. was being a dumbass and forgot."
"you could've just called me," you reply with a slight irritated tone in your voice, eyes not leaving the page of your book, though you weren't reading anymore.
"i know, i should've," he nods, pulling you to him on the bed, his arms wrapping around your body, his head on your stomach. "i can't make up for it now, but i am sorry."
you reread the page again, attempting to focus on the words. simon's fingers grab at the fabric of your sweatpants, pulling it down to reveal the skin of your stomach and hip. your legs twitch as his wet lips trail kisses along your tummy, his short blond hair tickling your skin. his touch is addicting, you instantly melt into him, a wanting ache growing in your pussy.
he works your pants off, throwing them to the side and pushing your legs open wide. leaning forward, he kisses the wet spot in the fabric, his nose bumping your clit. the muscles in your thighs ripple, flexing to keep them open while he teases you. sticking out his tongue, he flattens it against your clit, his hot breath only making you wetter.
dragging your panties down, he groans at the wet stickiness of your slick on the fabric. taking a deep breath as he holds them to his nose, "fuck, y' smell so good."
"simon..." you whine, feeling like you might die if he doesn't do something. anything.
"g'nna make you cum, dove. as an apology." simon leans down, his mouth latching onto your cunt. he moans against you, pulling you closer as if he could devour your entire pussy. his hips rut against the mattress, grinding down to ease some of the pressure.
he revels in the way you cry his name, desperately fucking yourself onto his tongue. two fingers slide into you easily, pushing deep and curling against that spongey spot that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. you tug his hair, holding him close to you as he sucks your clit, flicking his tongue on it quickly.
“gonna cum-“ you barely make out, jaw clenching to hold back your moans.
simon only hums against you, raising onto his elbows, pulling your hips into the air. his tongue prods at your entrance, lapping at the sweet wetness thats dripping out of you. his fingers fuck you expertly, pulling you to orgasm quickly. you squeal as you cum, legs shaking and mind spinning as it washes over you. his dark eyes are on you, watching intensely as you writhe in his arms, whining ‘okay-okay’ until he finally stops.
“how was that?” he asks, finally pulling away with a smirk on his scarred lips. his chin glistens, your sweet wetness all over the bottom half of his face. of course he already knows the answer, he just wants to embarrass you.
“oh shut up and come here, simon.”
fuck he’s good at apologies.
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yurislotusgarden · 8 months
Wearing their Clothes, Part 2
ʚїɞ Separately! Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Sigma x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ Part 1 for those who want to read it <3
ʚїɞ word count: 1164 (Fyodor - 329, Nikolai - 368, Sigma - 461)
ʚїɞ Tw's: None! Just pure fluff, pet names used, reader's gender is not specified in any way, probably ooc but I live for soft characters
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
No matter what, you getting his ushanka won't be an accident or a surprise for this Man. He probably knew for quite a long that you wanted to try it on.
Probably would make sure that you won't get it for Some time just to tease you and see your reactions to failing. 
Once he decided he had enough torturing teasing you, he would leave the ushanka on a chair or the bed, in a way that it looks like he for once, doesn't have it in the bathroom with him (Yes the rat showers even if forced) and just left it there. 
So, you obviously had to take your chance and try it on.
"Myshka, what are you doing?"
He definitely came out faster than you anticipated. You spun around, looking like a deer caught in headlights. To say that you took off the ushanka at the speed of light would be an understatement. 
"Ehm... Nothing?" A raised eyebrow. 
"Nothing you say."
 "Yup! Absolutely nothing! Was just looking if my eyebrows are equal!" A dumb response? Very much. Did you care? Not in the slightest, not right now. 
"So my ushanka in your hand doesn't exist?" Fyodor started to walk up to you as he said that. 
You threw the ushanka onto the bed in a hurry. "I don't know what are you talking about Fedya" 
"Sure you don't" 
Fyodor picked up the ushanka from where it lies and put it gently onto your head, fixing the few strands of hair that fell on your face. Are you hallucinating or do you see a small smile on his face? 
"You look nice in it, Myshka" 
“Of course, I wouldn't lie to you after all.”
You looked better in the ushanka than the dark-haired Man first thought, to say the least. And if he told you that you can wear it whenever you want, then no one needs to know, yeah?
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Nikolai Gogol 
The little shit /affectionate I swear 
He probably knows you wanna steal either his hat or his cape, but wouldn't give you an opportunity to steal it just to see your reactions. It's amusing and he wants to see your emotions what can I say? 
I feel like the first time wouldn't be an accident but planned by him. Casually kidnapping taking you out in winter or just a colder day without letting you get warm clothes first, resulting in shivering and being cold soon enough. 
"Cold?" Came with a teasing smile from the clown. He knew what he was doing and had the audacity to tease. You swear you will hit him with something once you're back home. 
"Shut up, Kolya. Why did you even bring me out here so suddenly?" Your confusion was as clear as a clean glass. 
"Why, to have Some fun! Time for a quiz, dove!" 
"Oh no" 
You swear Nikolai loves giving you quizzes that no one but the rat Fyodor could get or guess. You could bet with the dark-haired Man in question and win the bet.
"And you lost once again!" 
"I did" You chuckled. As much as you lose, they certainly never feel like ones. "So what happens now that I lost?" A good question as every time you lose, Nikolai manages to make the 'punishment' -his Words not yours- a different one. 
And before you realized it, you felt something heavy on your shoulders, but it also was warm. Looking at yourself, you see that Nikolai put his cloak over you, and fucking hell if you could you would just curl up in a ball and sleep, or even hibernate in this shit. The material inside is softer and warmer than you thought, no wonder he doesn't get cold.
"Your cloak?" 
"Didn't you want to try it on, dove?" 
"Is that why you brought me out in this weather in my pajamas?" 
"Of course! How else could've I given you the honor of wearing my cloak?" 
"...Listen here you little shit-"
Next week he whined all around, whether at home or at work, all because of you not cooking his favorite cookies that you do every week.
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I had to think about what would you even steal from this Man but then I remembered this guy wears heels. 
You probably wouldn't need to think of it that much, it would probably be a random idea you got when noticing that he left them somewhere. I feel like he Has a big ass room in the Sky casino, an apartment more like, so getting the heels that would be left by the door wouldn't be hard at all.
You have to say, that even tho the heels don't fit perfectly on your feet, you are absolutely slaying the look. 
"I have to steal them more often goddamn" You mutter to yourself, looking in the mirror.
You continued to walk around a little, just for fun, the heels were more comfortable than you thought, and now your confusion about how does Sigma wears these every day and doesn't complain about feet hurting has been cleared up. 
"Name? Have you seen my heels?" Fuck. 
"No? Why?" From what you know he doesn't wear them after 10 pm (22), since people tend to not come to his office much after if anyone even does, so why is he searching for them at 11:30 pm (23:30)? It's almost midnight for fucks sake. 
"They need me down in the Main room, but I can't find them." 
"Maybe you left them somewhere else and don't remember?" 
You thought you were safe when you heard him walking away… until you heard him walking directly to the bedroom where you were a few minutes later. 
'Shit-' You thought as you realized that and took if the heels, lightly throwing them under the bed so it looks like they were left there after being taken off by Sigma and kicked under by accident. 
You went back to standing in front of the mirror just as the Man Opened the door. 
"You sure you didn't see them?" 
"Yeah. Why?" 
"The heels are under the bed" Came the soft reply from Sigma, together with a finger pointed at the pair of shoes. 
You leaned down, making it look like you didn't know. 
"Oh, sorry love" To your pleasure a barely noticeable blush appeared on his cheeks due to the pet name. 
"Don't worry about it" A quiet response this time. Sigma Walked over to get the heels before putting them on. 
He stopped at the door before he walked out of the room and turned back to you. "I know you tried them on [name], just so you know." And casually Walked out. 
You want to jump from the window. Fuck. 
Sigma didn't mind, not at all. In fact, he bought you a matching pair of heels. It’s needless to say that this pair is one of your favorite shoes.
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Notes, comments, reblogs and anything else is greatly appreciated <3
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141wh0re · 3 months
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Five Senses
Challenge submission: 83. Facesitting.
Pairing: Captain John Price x Civilian!Reader
Warnings: MDNI (18+) - established relationship, swearing, fellatio, face-sitting, cunnilingus, spanking, daddy!price, breeding kink, mentions of breeding.
Summary: silly girl- thinking you can half-ass one of your daddy's requests.
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John had always prided himself on being a patient and understanding man.
And he was- except for when his precious girlfriend was knelt before him, choking on his thick cock.
Drool ran down your chin, soaking the soft skin of your breasts, those precious tears rolling down your flushed cheeks while big doe eyes dilated in lust.
God.. how incredible the round globes of your ass looked while perched in the air, sopping wet cunt leaking your arousal along your inner thighs and onto the sheets.
You were a sight for John.
"Fuckin' hell, dove." he cursed, his head tossing back into the pillows of your shared bed, your tongue sliding, gliding over the soft skin of his shaft.
His hips bucked involuntarily when you forced him to the back of your throat, eliciting a rumbly groan from deep within his chest. The lewd sound of you gagging on his thick length mixed with his grunts and low groans.
John's abdomen coiled tight, beads of sweat lined his hairline while he fought valiantly to stave off his building release. He was determined to feast before his release, though. He needed to taste you. To feel your velvety walls clamp on his tongue while he devoured you from the inside out. To hear those beautiful, needy sounds you emit with every stroke of his tongue. To smell the sweet scent of your skin and nectar. To see your body writhe over his face.
John wanted every one of his senses to be wholly consumed by you.
"Doll.." he grunted in his gruff voice, heavily laced with arousal, "better back off."
You pulled off his length, obediently heeding his warning. But he audibly groaned at the sight of you.
Your hair was tousled from his fingers running through it and gripping it, your soft lips were puffy and swollen from your tenacious sucking, and white strings of coagulated spit still bridged your mouth to his aching cock.
He could've nearly come undone then and there.
"Somethin' wrong, sir?" you pouted up at him, feigning innocence, tracing loving circles on the top of his thighs.
John let out a teasing tsk, "Y'know the rules, doll."
"The only place that gets my cum... is that pretty little womb of yours,"
His words went straight to your core and another flood of arousal threatened to spill from your sex.
"But before that can happen.." he trailed off, gazing at you hungrily, "I need a taste of that pretty lil cunt." his lips split into a devilish grin, eyes dark with desire for you.
John's arm wrapped around your waist, guiding you up the bed to kneel over his face.
"Sit on my face, doll. Been cravin' it," he rumbled.
You set your knees on either side of his shoulders, calves tucked comfortably under his frame, and tentatively hover your slit over his lips.
Large hands moved to cup the soft globes of your ass, calloused fingertips gripped and kneaded the soft flesh, earning pleased groans from his throat.
John's hot breaths fanned over your slicked slit, his expert tongue prodded at your folds, and circled at the small bundle of nerves.
Soft, salicious moans fell from your lips and spilled into the confines of the bedroom.
"Said sit not hover." John growled and gave a sharp slap to your ass cheek which effectively reddened the smooth skin and pulled a sharp gasp from you.
John's arms curled around your thighs, and harshly pulled your hips down until your weight rested on his face.
"Daddy's fuckin' starvin'." he growled. Your pussy fluttered in response to his deep, rumbly tenor, and the way the bass of his voice reverberated against your swollen cunt.
Without any hesitation, John pressed his mouth firmly on your pussy. His nose buried deep in you as it nudged your clit, and his skilled tongue circled your entrance before gently prodding it.
And that's where his patience wore out.
As much as he wanted to enjoy his meal, he needed to devour you.
Your hands tightly clutched the headboard while his strong hands guided your hips on his tongue. Your mewls of pleasure grew to a crescendo the longer he toyed between your clit and your tight little hole.
"F-fuck, daddy! Gonna cum," you whined, feeling the tight coil in your abdomen reach its boiling point.
Your face and chest warmed from the ever-growing inferno setting your skin ablaze. Your tight hole fluttered around his tongue, back arched, and head tilted back in pleasure. John held you tight to his mouth, helping you grind yourself on his tongue and finally reach your peak.
You came with a loud cry of his name, as well as his honorific, Daddy.
John groaned in approval as your release flooded his lips, tongue, and beard. He harshly slapped your ass, for the simple fact of hearing his palm connect with your plump globes.
"Good girl. Such a good doll f'me." He murmured against your sopping slit.
"Now Daddy hasta breed that tight little cunt." he growled, biting down on the sensitive skin on the inside of your thighs, earning another adorable whimper.
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obsessedduh · 3 months
previous part —> here | next part —> here
cw: mentions of blood, gore, obsession, perverse and creepy reader, yandere intendecies, mention of a random oc. implied fem reader but i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible.
mini taglist (by mini i mean two people who've requested 😭): @warlike-morning @smoothruby
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Careless!Willing!Simon 'Ghost' Riley, who you've tried to avoid the hell out of and he's realised. he isn't daft, and you aren't as slick as you thought you were. don't think he hasn't noticed whenever he's injured you're not there, but whenever someone else is injured, you magically appear out thin air. when you sit across the mess hall, staring at him as per usual and he catches you, you immediately continue eating your lunch as if nothing happened. oh, how it makes him laugh. he finds it adorable, thinking your plans have worked, but really, he's outsmarted you.
── ✧《✩》✧ ──
their was a new female recruit that joined the task force a couple of weeks ago, her name was ella and to everyone else she was a dove but to you she was fucking raven. always batting her stupid eyelids at simon whenever he's talking. always fucking laughing extra hard at his jokes. always giving him her sickening sweet smile. gosh, that stupid smile makes you want to rip out each and every one of teeth and shove it right up her ass.
what makes it worse is that she knows, she knows, how obsessed you were with simon. dirty fucking slag asked you what do you think about him on her first day, when helping her with her injury she got from training, she seemed sweet so you told her that you had a crush on him. she told you, you could trust her and that she'll keep it a secret; clearly that was a fucking lie. she knows how much you fucking like him, she's just being a filthy attention-seeking slut.
you try to ignore it and focus on your job but of course, this dumb bitch has to come back because she has an injury on her arm, crying like a fucking baby and you being 'sweet' person you are, said sure you'll help her with a half-assed smile.
you told her to lift up her sleeve, it was a cut, not even that deep, it was deep, so why the fuck is she being such a big baby about it. you had to force yourself not to roll your eyes at her sobs and that to only keep calm until the stiching part. oh you can't wait until that bit. you carefully treated her wound, cleaning blood up and then you grabbed your stiching kit. you grabbed your hegar (needle holder) and you grabbed the thread, before you poked the needle straight into her wound.
she screamed and you quickly covered her mouth, grinning as she sobbed and try to squirm away from your grip, you could finally tell her, what you want her to do.
"scream once, i will poke the needle in harder, understand."
you said 'understand' like a sentence, a threat and you grinned as she nods. you uncover her mouth and she continues crying, what a fucking baby.
"now ella, remember your first day, when i told you i fancied simon?"
she speaks and you couldn't even hold in your laugh, her voice is broken with sobs and the stuttering makes it even better!
"y-yeah...i remember t-that."
"mmm. that's good, so why for the past 3 weeks have you been flirting with him, huh?"
"i w-wasn't fli-flirting with him"
you slowly poke the needle in harder and as her eyes widen in shock and pain.
"o-ok! o-ok! i was and i'm s-sorry, i won't do it again!"
"won't do what again?"
"i won't f-flirt with s-simon again!"
you were about to say good girl but you were cut of by someone opening the door, you could've sworn you locked it!? you turn, only to see the person you've been trying avoid, simon.
he stares at the two of you, you could he was grinning from under thar mask of his.
"caught you red-handed again, medic."
he said before continuing leaving the two of you alone, you couldn't help but chuckle at that. a little inside joke the pair of you share. ella, poor sweet ella, looked so confused when he didn't help her. you pouted at her mockingly before you pulled the needle out her wound roughly, snickering at her pained whine she let out and then stiched her up.
"tell anyone about this and i will kill you, understood?"
she stare at you like your crazy and nods before rushing out of there. you snicker, 'stupid bimbo', you thought but then you replay simon's words your head.
"caught you red-handed again, medic."
fuck...now what?
*✧・゚: *✧・゚
wanna know more about me —> here
masterlist —> here
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chuulyssa · 1 month
propmts 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 for kolya please
(if it's a bit much you can excluee 5)
↷ A/N ─ its never too much nonnie :) ilyy ty for sending these reqs!
★ PROMPT ─ 1, 5, 6, 7, 8
!! FT. ─ nikolai
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─ wearing his clothes
Nikolai had known for ages that you had your eyes on his clothes. The way you droned about how your date outfits looked so bland and probably needed the addition of boots, how you complained about cold hands wanting to wear gloves, how you put on his hat and sent him pictures captioned "It looks better on me."
Especially with Halloween just around the corner, and you suggesting you two switch outfits for the day, it became all the more obvious.
"But, dove," Nikolai whined. "My suit is a part of me."
"No," you giggled. "I'm the clown of the couple tonight."
"Well, I must say that's a very cute clown. Clowns are supposed to be scary, right?"
"You're not scary."
"You're right," he said. "I'm not scary. I'm completely bonkers!"
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─ kissing
"Ah, it's good to be back," Nikolai stretched his arms.
"What do you mean? You were right here," you said.
Nikolai gasped. "How vile of you! To overlook my struggle from the hall to the kitchen, all to get you a refill of the popcorn."
"You could've just used your ability."
"Doveeeeee," he whined, and you sighed. Of course, now that he has said that he's been away, he will not stop until he gets what he wants from you.
"Fine," you roll your eyes, and Nikolai immediately uses his fingers to press your cheeks together in a pout, giggling before pressing a long kiss on your lips.
You close your eyes and he releases your cheeks, your lips still in the duck faced pout. A few seconds passed like that. Then, Nikolai pulled away and stared at you before tackling you on the couch and kissing all over your face. His hat fell somewhere on the ground as he tickled your stomach, your face red with laughter and overwhelmed by the love he was showering you with.
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─ cuddling
"Shh," you shushed him and Nikolai immediately fell quiet.
You had put one of your legs on his, trapping him with both your arms around his torso, interlocking behind his back. This was probably the first time Nikolai had reluctantly agreed to be the little spoon.
'Reluctantly' because of the reasoning that he did not like being "trapped'. He claimed that he was a 'free bird' and desired 'eternal freedom'.
Nikolai sighed. Sure, the feeling of you practically choking him with your face buried in his neck was different. He felt numb, staring ahead of you as you hugged him.
Thinking... Thinking about you. How you had changed him so much. How he felt much, much more free than he ever was when he was with you. How a hug and a kiss would make him forget all his problems, all that bound him to the world.
He thought and thought. About how if this was any other person he would be ashamed at being trapped by their body this way. About how surreal your warm breath felt against his neck. About how if this was the 'worst case scenario', he was completely okay with it.
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─ reading to him
"And the little Swallow asked the Prince, ''Why are you weeping then?'," you recited, book on your lap as Nikolai stared at you with interest.
He was never one to read stories. He'd rather they be read to him, which led to this moment, with you lying on the one-seat sofa and him on the longer couch, propped up on his elbows and feet dangling along your words.
"What did the Prince say then?" he asked excitedly, and you turned the page before continuing the story.
Funny, he thought, how you always managed to get books and stories that he likes. Or maybe, as his bi-colour eyes turned glossy with admiration for your beauty, it was only because you were the one reading them that he enjoyed them so much.
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─ nightmare
You shook Nikolai awake. He had been twitching and shaking in his sleep, breathing hitching when he woke up with a gasp.
"You okay? What's wrong?" you asked, concerned.
"Nothing," he replied too quickly, eyes still hazy.
"You're lying," you said firmly, propping yourself up on one shoulder and pressing a hand on his chest. "I can feel your heartbeat."
"I'm okay, dove," he said again. "Why are you awake at this hour?"
"Kolya, please be honest with me."
Nikolai sighed. He wanted to say that it was nothing, that he wasn't gonna let a stupid nightmare dictate his emotions. But perhaps he could use this as an opportunity for himself?
"Hold me?" he suggested instead.
You narrowed your eyes, but complied anyway. You pressed a kiss against his forehead, and Nikolai couldn't help but think that whatever the dream had been, he was glad that you were there for him always.
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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ur-local-snowman · 1 month
MerShark!Soap x Human!Ghost
Part 2/???
Soap absolutely delighted in seeing Ghost take the items he left for him. He made mental notes of what he took and what was left so he could find more for next time.
By this time, it'd been months of him just watching this strange human. He'd never stayed somewhere for this long. There was just something about this man that drew him in.
Soap slowly got more confident. Building his way up to wanting to meet the man. It wasn't until this particular night that soap had realized just how much he wanted to meet him.
Ghost, exhausted after a rather difficult day, had gotten home later than normal. Showered and changed into comfortable clothes before heading down to the pier, as per his usual routine. It'd been a few days since he'd seen a new pile of junk on the pier waiting for him, so this time he looked ahead of him to see if it were there.
Only this time, he saw something else waiting for him. From where he stood, it looked to be a man, sitting on the edge of the pier, placing down said pile of junk, dripping wet. Ghost couldn't make out any important details, other than the muscular looking frame and what looked to be a Mohawk hairstyle.
Ghost was about to call out to them when he took a step, some leaves crunching under the weight of his boot. The man at the pier seemed to startle, looking back towards Ghost before hurriedly sliding into the water, effectively disappearing from view.
Ghost took off, running the rest of the way to the pier and looking out into the water. His first thought was that the man had fell into the water. The pier could be rather slippery at times. But as he looked out into the water, he saw something beneath the surface that made him question it.
It was there and gone before he could blink. A grey-ish blue colored creature with black on the tips of the fins. If he didn't know any better, he'd say it were a shark. Except... Sharks didn't live out this far.
Soap knew he'd been caught. He knew he'd been seen. At this point he was faced with two choices. Stay underwater and pretend he was never there... Or go up and meet this man he'd been watching so closely over the past few months.
He looked up, seeing the man looking over the edge of the pier. He'd never really gotten such a good look at his face before. Even now the water distorts his features slightly.
Giving in to his own thoughts, soap slowly swam up to the surface, a bit away from the man so as to not startle him. He didn't show himself completely just yet, only the top of his head down to his nose showing over the water.
He was nervous, his stomach doing entire gymnastics routines as he watched the man lift his head. The eye contact they made seemed to be the only thing that mattered in the world.
Ghost heard movement in the water, looking up to see what it was. What he didn't expect to see were eyes. Human eyes. Staring dead at him, as if he were the only thing in existence.
The world seemed to stop in the moment, a good few minutes passing before Ghost finally spoke up, his Manc accent heavy in his words.
"You alright there mate?"
Soap could've sworn he forgot how to breathe in that moment. It was even better than he'd imagined. Months of watching this man, observing him, and this is the first time hearing his voice.
As if he'd just remembered something, the man straightened up, looking around in a calm sort of panic.
"Hey I coulda sworn I saw a shark in the water there.. c'mon lemme help you out before you get hurt."
He'd extended his hand out to soap, a gesture to get the man out of the water before some vicious creature came to attack. Soap rose a bit more out o the water, the surface of the water now being at shoulder level as he shook his head.
"No! N-no it's alright-" Soaps accent was just as heavy, Scottish in every way. Upon seeing the look of confusion and surprise on the man's face, he almost shied away.
Soap felt obligated to relieve the man of his confusion, sighing as he dove down I to the water, making sure to flick his tail at the surface to be seen before peeking out again.
Part 1 linked 👇🏽 🫶🏽
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bunnys-writing · 8 days
Hi aether!!
Would it be okay to ask for a Lyney x reader whos insecure about their face because they think that lyney is WAYYYY prettier than them and is overall just insecure abt their looks ever since before they met? Thank you !!
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"My Shining Star"
...in which you, a self conscious Fontainian, feel as though your lovely boyfriend is too lovely for someone like you, and he just can't have you thinking like that on his watch.
(a/n at the bottom!)
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Lyney is a man easily described as charismatic and charming. He encapsulates what it means to be confident, and his every move is flawless by design. His show run with his siblings has been deemed dozens of times over the best show in the Court of Fontaine, and what's more, he has clear set goals, ambitions, bonds, and ideals.
And then there's you. You're quiet, more reserved than he appears to his crowd. In a world of dazzling gems, you feel like you're more akin to a jagged rock, and yet, he pursued you.
For months, really, you thought he was joking. A trick to lure you into his mind games, a ploy to make fun of you, but there was a quiet sincerity in his eyes that made you wonder if maybe it wasn't as fake as you believed.
And it wasn't. Months of courting you eventually had you lower your guard and take him up on his invitation. A date.
Well, the date went far better than either of you could've hoped, and it was shortly after that you became partners. He was your loyal, joyful boyfriend, and you were his favourite thing in the world.
For a while, it was great. You attended his shows, and he dedicated every single one to you and his family. He always made sure he knew where you were sitting in the crowd so he could blow you a kiss, even if the people near you swooned on your behalf to insist it was for them.
Was it for them?
That thought planted the seed.
It took days for Lyney to notice your withdrawals; the way you avoided his eyes, didn't linger on his kisses or cuddles. It was about as subtle as a house on fire, in his defense.
Then you stopped attending as many shows, stopped spending nights at his house, started looking in mirrors and numbers on scales and spots on your face, and by the end of two months of Lyney hoping for you to tell him, he decided he couldn't stand watching his partner tear themself apart like this.
"Knock knock," Came a singsong voice at your door. He didn't want to scare you, so he kept his tone jovial. "Hope you don't mind me letting myself in, my dear."
You looked at the magician in slight surprise, then at your mess of an appearance with embarrassment. "Lyney! I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were coming over, I would've tidied up a little more if I did..."
"Nonsense, dove! We've been dating for months now, you don't owe me a saving face." Lyney walked over to you, closing the door behind him and sitting on your bed next to you.
The second the door was closed, your boyfriend shed the persona he held. His eyes softened, his stature relaxed, and he lost the formalities. He brushed a hand to your cheek lovingly, and when you shifted to move your face away, he immediately retracted to his own disappointment.
"(Y/N)...I need to talk to you about something."
You felt fear and guilt crawl up your stomach to infect your lungs. Tangled in this dread, you said nothing. Lyney took it as an open invitation.
"You've been acting strange lately...You weigh yourself, you're less inclined to eat or to leave the house, you seem...you seem low."
Lyney didn't touch you. He put a hand next to yours as an offer and left it there. He could tell something was wrong, even in the darkness of the room. You looked so...sad. It ached for him to see you like this.
"Did someone say something to you? Do something?"
No. And that was the stupid part. This was entirely self afflicted. You drove yourself down this spiral.
"...no." You despised the way your voice sounded so gravelly. "I'm just...not feeling great."
"What happened, (Y/N)? Please, talk to me."
You unfurled yourself, your knees left your chest to splay onto the mattress, and your hands travelled to fridget in your lap. Lyney moved to face you a little bit more.
"It's just...I don't know. You're really pretty, and I see how people look at you, especially when you're with me. The people at your shows, at the markets...they know I don't deserve you, Lyn."
There was a long silence. Then, a cautious hand on yours.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
You looked at your boyfriend, who seemed to be saddened a great deal from your words, but still smiling stubbornly despite.
"I'm quite self conscious myself."
Now you were sure he was lying. You watched him carefully for any hint of a lie, but you couldn't discern it. With widening eyes, you realised he was telling the truth.
"Wha-...How? You're so beautiful and charming, and your smile is so bright it warms anyone who sees it!"
"Funny, that's exactly what I think of you."
A deep red burns your cheeks as you realise you've been caught, and your boyfriend laughs, bringing you closer in his arms.
"I know how it feels to feel like you're lesser than the people you love. To feel like the world would continue without a change if you were to fade away. But you're my shining star, and I love you so much. All of you."
Lyney plants gentle kisses on your palm, to your wrist, then to your cheek, catching you off-guard and flustered. He gives a sort of half chuckle at your expression. You see love fill every bit of his eyes as he gazes at you.
"I love you so much, (Y/N). Don't ever think any less, 'kay?"
"Yeah...I love you too, Lyney."
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Man oh man I apologise for how long this took! Writing for Lyney was super fun, so I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I did writing it.
A gentle reminder that you are never not enough, and you're perfect just the way you are no matter what anyone (including you yourself) has to say about it! ♡
Thanks for reading! 🫶
REQUESTS OPEN, check pinned for more info!
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atarathegreat · 2 months
Orange Cat Behavior Headcanons
ft: Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, Hawks, Mirio, Shinso
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The floor is lava with Kirishima was eventful, at least. The both of you bouncing around the sitting quarters in the dorm as the other students walked around as if it wasn't happening, and Aizawa tried not to worry about it. If you fell and busted your face open then he would be responsible. You and Kirishima were careful enough that you kept each other from dive bombing the floor.
"Kiri! How long can we touch the floor?" You dove from the tv table to the coffee table. You wanted to move around more than the couches and two tables, and the kitchen wasn't that far. "Like, six seconds." Kirishima stared at you, then glanced at the dining table where you were looking. "Don't tell me..."
"I am." You stood on the back of the couch, "You count down the seconds for me, if I don't make it... we had a good run."
You made it halfway across the floor when he reached 1. You had burned up in the lava. "No!" You fell to your knees, then your back, pretending to be dead. Kirishima sacrificed himself, holding your limp body as he dramatically cried out.
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The last thing Sero expected was to find you on the roof of the dorm with what appeared to be around 70 feet of rope.
"What are you doing?" He stared from you to the edge of the roof, "And what's that?" You looked down, "Oh, this is my new shirt. Like it?"
"I meant the rope."
You grabbed the rope and tied it to the nearest, what was definitely not sturdy enough, anchor, "I'm going to see how long it takes me to scale the building with this rope. And you better not tell Aizawa what I'm doing. He already stopped me last week."
"Ten four."
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It wasn't his fault, but Todoroki had a bad habit of reminding you of a really, really dumb cat. He always looked confused or shocked or...well there surely wasn't thoughts behind his eyes. Today was no different. He just stared at everything, hardly said two words to anyone.
So, you hid in his dark room to scare him when he got back to the dorms. It wasn't the best idea, considering he could've turned you into a real nice fish fillet. But instead, it worked in your favor. You crawled out from under his bed like some bullshit from the Grudge and he ran screaming.
And it's only funny if you followed him down the dark halls and into the darker big open rooms. Which you did.
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With it being his day off, and you hadn't yet gotten up to make breakfast, Keigo was busy kissing your face. Slow, almost bored kisses.
"Can I go make breakfast yet?" You muttered, your stomach grumbling. You had woken up hours ago and was kept in the bed by soft feathers and promises of "Soon enough, dove."
But that's not who Keigo was. No, he wanted your attention and was going to keep you in the bed. Another slow and firm kiss was pressed to your nose before he even tried to speak. "In a moment, dove, let me have my time here."
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It was absolutely insane how fast Mirio was. Running around the dorm for his exercise since it was raining. You had tried to get him to go outside with a raincoat, but once you opened the door, he would step away and change his mind.
"I'm just fine in here, thanks, though." And he went back to zooming around the common room and knocking things over for his gains.
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Taking Shinso to a cat cafe was a nice choice for his birthday, except that he spent all his time on the floor with the cats. He wasn't worried about the coffee or tea or food, he was having fun with the cats. And you watched as he just laid on his back or his tummy, petting and cooing to the cats around him.
"Can we go again tomorrow?" Shinso asked as you both left, "Please, please, please? Did you see how cute they all were?"
"We can go tomorrow." You chuckled.
Shinso jumped around the empty sidewalk, grabbing your hands and just shaking with energy with how excited he was.
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sinning5sos · 2 months
valentine | Luke
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Requested: yeah baby! could you write a smut abt dom!luke and fem!reader, where they’ve been best friends for years and have had just the thickest romantic and sexual tension, and luke brings y/n on tour and while she’s front row dancing and just like feeling herself to valentine, luke finds it like super hot and after the show he finally does something about the tension between the two of them. i love your work and i think you’d be the perfect person to write this!”
tysm, i love you
fucking sick idea
Word Count: ~2.2k
The music was pulsing through the arena, your eyes never leaving the lead singer, your best friend and you were so proud of him. You couldn’t believe that they were on another tour, and thankfully your schedule at work allowed you to travel with them for a few shows in the states. 
You loved getting to see Luke do what he does, the fact that you’ve known him since you were kids and have gotten to see him grow into the confident man that he is, it made you ecstatic.
You’ve been a part of Luke’s life for a long time, you loved him dearly. The two of you became mates way back when you were just in your first year of school. The two of you had been stuck together since then, often spending time with the other. It was insane when Luke had started getting views on his covers, and even crazier when the band formed and started getting famous. 
When the band moved to the states, you couldn’t imagine not having him only five minutes away but Luke practically begged you to follow along. Luckily, you found a job nearby and your schedule was flexible for the most part. 
Honestly you didn’t even know how many times you had seen them perform at this point, but you knew that it just continued to get better every single time. 
His eyes found yours as they continued performing Valentine, one of your favorites from them. Luke’s vocals always killed, and tonight he was on fire again. You sang along, a small smile on his lips as he maintained eye contact.
“Got nothing but love for you, fall more in love every day. Valentine, valentine.” 
You zoned out as you continued dancing along, your hips moving gently to the beat as the song continued on. You felt a gaze on you, and looked up as Luke sang, it felt as if directly to you, his eyes burning into yours.
“It don't matter just as long as I get all you tonight”
You blushed as the song continued, and he sent you a cheeky wink as the crowd continued chanting along. Luke’s gaze moved away from you, and you lost yourself in thought. 
It could've been unintentional. It could’ve just been Luke being himself, a little flirt. It could’ve been something more. You were never sure with Luke, you never wanted to push the friendship past what it is.
The others always pointed out that the two of you flirted with each other, your other friend pointed out that it was annoyingly adorable how much the two of you looked at each other or how handsy the two of you were. Sure, there were drunken kisses or cuddling during movies or the occasional shared bed. You always knew you loved Luke, you just didn’t know what sort of love.
The concert wrapped up quickly, your thoughts swimming due to that tiny wink from him earlier. You were already backstage, in his dressing room and sat on the couch waiting for him to finish up. He always had his post show ritual, where as soon as he was off that stage, he was taking a shower and finding a way for his body to relax.
After a few minutes, the door finally opened and Luke pushed through the entryway. He immediately smiled as he dove onto the couch beside you. You curled right into his side, his arm wrapping around you instinctively. His fingers grazing the exposed skin on your shoulder. You sighed, feeling content as you leaned even further into him.
“How was the show?”
“Amazing as always Lu,” You said, turning in his arms so your head was now laying in his lap. He shifted his arm so it was across your chest and he held your gaze.
“It’s one thing to know that you’re always there in the audience but it was another to see you that close tonight. Dancing along to the music, you looked beautiful.” He murmured, and you felt your cheeks blush.
“I’m serious, I don’t say it enough.” He whispered and your blush deepened, “I don’t say a lot of things enough. God, you looked fucking incredible tonight.”
“Luke,” You sat up and turned to face him, about to say something but he pulled you close to him. He moved closer to you, his movements hesitant as his nose nudged against yours. You didn’t stop him.
“I need you,” He murmured against your skin, his lips barely leaving as he trailed down your neck and you whimpered into the empty dressing room, “Now.”
You nodded, your arms wrapping around him as you pulled him closer into you.
“I’m in, but I need to know that this won’t change us.”
“It’s going to change us, but for the better. Seeing you in the front, seeing you dance along to our music, it made me realize what I’ve always known all along. Why I begged you to move with us, why I need you with me on the tour.”
“I just need you,” He whispered, his lips finally meeting yours and he nearly melted into you. You tangled your fingers in his hair, holding him as close to you as possible and all thoughts were gone as the two of you continued kissing. This wasn’t the same type of kiss as before, there was something deeper there.
“Say yes,” He murmured, his nose nudging yours and you nodded, “Out loud. I can’t move on with myself if you’re not as into this as I am.”
“God, yes Luke, of course.” You whispered to him, and his lips met yours again. His kiss became more desperate, and his hands moved to the straps on your shirt and pushed them down. You leaned your body into him, quickly removing the top and suddenly feeling exposed beneath him.
“Fuck,” He breathed out, and you laughed at him as your fingers continued twirling in his hair.
“You’ve seen me in a swimsuit before Lu,” 
“Yeah but this is different. I get to finally act on every thought I’ve ever had,” He muttered, pulling his own shirt off as well. You unclasped your bra and pulled him back into you, your hands rubbing his shoulders and across his back as he trailed kisses down your chest. His teeth grazed over your nipple and you gasped quietly. This all felt so surreal, but damn it did he feel great.
He pushed your skirt up with his free hand, grazing your center slightly and your hips jolted into his touch. 
“So eager for you,” You whispered and he chuckled as he pulled your panties down and tossed them behind the couch. 
“Can I touch you?”
“Lu, I am entirely yours. Stop asking me, and just touch me.”
“Yes ma’am,” He murmured and you giggled as he kissed the inside of your knee and slowly trailed upward to your inner thigh, then to your exposed pussy. He kissed just above your core, his touch so light and you were craving more.
“Luke, just fuck me please.” You whimpered, and he paused to look at you. He licked his lips and nodded, before pushing himself down on the couch to adjust to a more comfortable position. 
“I will, just need to taste you first.” He muttered, and you were worried that he was going to be hesitant again but quickly started eating you out as if you were his last meal. He groaned as he pulled back for a second, before his tongue circled around your clit and your thighs twitched at how fucking good he felt. 
His tongue dipped inside of you, his nose nudging your clit as he continued eating you out. He pushed a finger inside of you and you threw your head back against the arm rest at finally feeling him. He pushed in another, and you felt yourself adjust to his touch as his tongue continued. 
“Fuck,” You breathed out and he winked at you again as he continued to eat you out and finger fuck you. Only an hour ago he was winking at you as well, and now look at how much things have changed.
“Gonna cum soon,” You moaned, and he added a third finger. At this point, you didn’t need to be warmed up anymore, and your orgasm was quickly approaching. Between everything that’s happened, you felt your thighs began to shake and you quickly came all over his face. 
You whimpered as he continued licking, nearly slurping and relaxed when he finally backed up. He sat up and made a big show of wiping his arm across his face and chuckled.
“Taste fucking sweet there darling,” He muttered and you giggled as you leaned up to kiss him, “But now I want to fuck you.”
“I want you bent over this counter so you can see how fucking hot you look while I’m fucking you,” He muttered, and your eyes widened at the sudden change. You licked your lips and nodded, taking his hand as he helped you up off the couch and pulled you towards the counter. 
“Just like that,” He whispered as he guided you, and helped bend you over the counter and pushed your dress up as his fingers pushed into you again. You moaned loudly,  your body adjusting quickly to him. He felt so right, and you moaned again as he curled his fingers inside of you.
“Need your cock Lu,” You grunted, and he chuckled as he pulled his hand out of you and sucked on his fingers again. 
“Taste so fucking good.” He said, before pulling his cock out from his pants but he panicked for a second, your eyes on him in the mirror, “Condom?”
“I’ve had my birth control shot, and I’m clean.” You whispered, and his eyes widened as he caught your gaze. You nodded, as if to encourage him and he groaned as his palms rubbed over your hips. 
“Fucking dream. I’m clean too, but I’ll do my best to pull out too.” He muttered, and you smiled as he stroked himself gently. He pushed in the tip, and you pushed yourself back to take more of him. He moaned quietly, his head falling back in pleasure as he was nearly fully inside of you, “You feel so good,”
“Just fuck me,” You whimpered, and he slowly pulled back out before he pushed inside of you fully. You could feel all of him inside you know, your body adjusting to him quickly and you desperately needed some friction. 
His hands moved so they were gripping both sides of your hips, and you hoped that his fingers left marks for you to admire later. He started fucking you with more of an intensity now, his cock slamming into you with every thrust and the fact that you got to watch everything in the mirror was so fucking hot.
“Look at me,” He snapped, his fingers digging into your sides as you caught his gaze in the mirror, “Such a good fucking girl.” 
For a moment, the only sounds that echoed in the dressing room were his hips meeting yours and his quiet moans from behind you. You held onto the counter as you felt your legs growing weak and put your weight onto the top. Luke continued fucking you, and you felt your orgasm approach quickly. 
“Gonna cum for me?” He murmured, his hand reaching around to your clit and his middle and ring finger started to rub it in circles.
You nodded, words failing you as you pushed your back against his chest, your gazes locked on each other as he continued to finger your clit and thrust into you. Your orgasm crashed over you, and he moaned as he continued fucking you through the wave of pleasure.
You nearly collapsed into his arms, and he helped you move slightly. You knelt in front of him, your hand replacing his as you started to stroke. 
“Now are you going to cum for me?” You whispered, winking up at him and he chuckled as he nodded. Luke gripped onto the counter behind you as you continued stroking him, and his cock twitched slightly before he came, doing his best to aim for your mouth but spilling down the front of your chest.
His eyes closed for a moment, his relief washing over his face as his legs buckled and you smiled up at him. You brought your fingers down to your chest and dragged some of his cum up into your mouth and he rolled his eyes as he handed you a tissue and helped clean you up.
“Come on baby, come sit on the couch with me.” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead then helped you up to your feet and guided you over to the couch. 
“Why didn’t we do this sooner?” You whispered, your arm lazily coming to wrap around him and he chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“The wait was worth it,”
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luveline · 2 years
Anything with shy!reader and Remus. Honestly my favorite!!
a slice of domesticity with your new bf remus ♡ shy!fem!reader | 0.7k words
"Dovey," Remus calls from the door. 
You can hear from his tone of voice what mood he's in and it only gets worse when he walks into his bedroom and finds you standing there with no trousers on. 
"Dove," he says again, smarmy. 
You turn around so you can't witness him looking at you, always so embarrassed by his clear adoration.
This is a poor choice on your part. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your front, chin falling into the juncture of your neck. 
"Hi," he says softly. 
You crumble. "Hey." 
He drops handful of kisses over your cheek and the side of your face, his hands spreading a heat over your abdomen. 
"You had a good time?" you ask. 
"Not as good as if you'd been there." 
"Don't say that," you admonish lightly, secretly pleased. He'd gone for 'boys brunch' with James, Sirius and Frank, his friends from school. 
Remus hums, squeezes you tightly and then lets you go. You miss his touch but you're still shy about being naked around him and you take his release as an opportunity to finish getting dressed as quickly as possible. Remus sits on the end of the bed and stretches out, groaning and sighing like a lazy house cat. 
"Did you eat?" he asks. 
You tie the drawstrings of your jogging bottoms tight before sitting on one knee beside him, your other leg hanging off the side of the bed. "No," you admit, wary of his impending scolding, "I only just got out of the shower."
He frowns and sits up. You smile to yourself when he brings your hand to his face and kisses it. "Let me make you something," he says. 
He stands and drags you down the hall with him into his snug little kitchen. "You can sit here," he says, backing you up until your butt touches the tumble dryer. You hop up.
"What do you fancy?" he asks, opening the fridge door.
You shake your head. "Whatever you want." 
"I'm making it for you." 
"You're not gonna eat?" Eating alone sounds like an awkward nightmare. 
He smiles at you from over his shoulder. "I am. So tell me what you want and we can get to eating." 
You watch from your vantage point as he starts to cook, cringing at his fingers near hot oil and the scary way he handles a knife. You almost beg him to slow down, worried you're gonna lose your new boyfriend after barely having him for a month, or at the very least he's gonna lose a finger or three. 
"How was the lie-in?" At your shy smile, "Good?" 
"I think you needed it." 
You flush with heat at the implication. Remus had kept you up late for some heavy kisses and an abundance of sweet nothings, the kind of stuff you'd dreamt of for years and never got before you met him. Your mind drifts, thinking about the way he'd run his hands over your skin like you were something sacred and the way he'd said as much. It might sound silly to want, but nothing has ever made you feel as special as Remus' lips to your cheek and the simple way he'd said, "You're so pretty, you know that?" 
"It would've been better with you," you say quietly. A month ago you never could've said it no matter how strongly you felt it. 
Remus grins at his frying pan and shakes it. "Well," he starts tentatively, "you should stay again tonight. That way we can have a lie in together." 
You hop down off of the tumble dryer and come to stand beside him. "Smells good," you say.
"Thanks, dovey. Do you want anything else with it? Maybe I can make some lemon rice?" 
You slip your fingers between his and lean your head against his shoulder. He clutches your hand back tight and drops his head on top of yours. "Dove?" 
"Anything you want." 
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izels-writing · 4 months
r. lupin — strange [1/2]
Pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
Summary: you meet remus lupin, who is different than you expected
Warnings: a little fast-paced, confident and blunt reader (?), awkward remus (?), that’s all tbh lmao
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you know the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover'? you hadn't ever taken it seriously. not really anyway. you never really judged people, but you assumed things about them just by appearance. usually, you happened to be right about people.
so, you never took the saying seriously, who cares? you surely didn't, because you were right almost all the time and it was like heaven to your ears being told so. you had formed your own opinions on everyone, and your own assumptions on everyone, thinking you were right.
that was, until you assumed things about remus lupin, who undoubtedly was the most attractive and brilliant boy in your year.
"come on, y/n! you've got to come to the game!" your best friend, y/f/n, groaned. you shook your head, taking another bite of your breakfast.
"too loud." you managed to say through your chewing.
"you're too loud with your obnoxious sleeping! you say things about beating up your grandma and hexing your cousin!" y/f/n exclaimed, rolling their eyes.
you huffed, swallowing your mouthful of food, and looked up at y/f/n. "fine, i'll go, as long as we root for gryffindor." you said. why gryffindor? just to fuck with y/f/n honestly.
y/f/n hesitated for a moment, before sighing loudly and nodding.
you grinned, finishing your breakfast in peace.
time of the game had arrived, and you were sitting in the stands, watching as the ravenclaw captain and gryffindor captain, james potter, shook hands. y/f/n sat next to you happily, marveling at the game about to commence in front of her.
you didn't really like coming to these games, because it reminded you that while you enjoyed quidditch, you weren't any good.
also, it was really loud.
"and the game begins!"
"more like my headache begins..." someone mumbled from your other side. you glanced at them, quickly realizing it was remus lupin, a boy in your year.
he was the notorious bookworm and sane prankster in his little mauraders gang. he was quiet and smart, but if needed, he could easily use it to his advantage. you could tell by the way he'd whisper things to james potter or sirius black. they'd use any information to get the better of anyone. but really, it's most of what he was. prankster, smart, bookworm, quiet, and good.
you chuckled, "yeah, same."
he smiled at you, before turning to the game in front of you. you did the same, resisting the urge to glance at him.
after a moment, he started speak again.
"so, which team are you rooting for?" he asked, his eyes following james potter, who was diving for the quaffle.
you were doing the same. "gryffindor. same as you, i suppose."
he nodded, "yeah." he chuckled.
james dove for the quaffle, but before he could reach it, the ravenclaw chaser threw it to another ravenclaw chaser. marlene was closer, and she dove for it, but james started to too.
"no! get near the keeper post!" you and remus shouted, which was directed at james, despite it being drowned out by the chatter and cheering everywhere else.
you turned to each other, smiling. "you're into quidditch?" you both asked. you laughed and nodded.
"yes, i am." you both synchronized again. he laughed, and shook his head slightly.
"wow, that was creepy." he remarked, glancing at the game for a moment. you nodded, laughing quietly.
"yeah...by the way," you said with a small smile, "i'm y/n. y/n l/n." you extended your hand politely.
he took it, shaking it politely. "remus lupin." he replied, smiling softly. you could've sworn your heart skipping a beat, but you being you, you ignored it.
"so, when did your obsession for quidditch start?" you asked, smiling at him. he thought for a moment.
"when i was around four or five." he replied, smiling back at you too. you nodded, taking in his words.
it was likely he liked the sport but wasn't any good or was unable to play.
"wow, mine started when i was actually introduced to the sport. which happened to be around eleven or twelve." you said.
he grinned at you, "you're a muggle-born?"
you nodded with a small smile, fearing he'd somehow make a rude remark. though, you knew he wouldn't, but it was weird...he was getting harder and harder to read.
"awesome! my mum's a muggle." he added, resting his gaze over the field. james was now throwing the quaffle to marlene. the seekers were zooming around. the beaters were doing their usual business.
"so, if you like the sport, why don't you play?" remus asked. you blushed a little but laughed quietly.
"because i'm absolutely horrid at it. no doubt that i'd fall off my broom if i tried to." you replied, shaking your head. remus chuckled.
"wait, so you've never actually played?"
"no, and i don't plan to."
"and gryffindor wins!"
the statement had almost flown past you and remus. the two of you were so into your conversation and getting to know each other, that it almost seemed that everything else was gone. it was only the two of you.
that was until y/f/n started screaming and cheering.
"oh! we won!" remus exclaimed. your eyes widen and you both shot up, cheering loudly. not that it was any difference to the rest of the stands, minus slytherin's and ravenclaws.
everyone quickly returned back to the castle, but a lot of students started toward the gryffindor common room, as they team had announced a party to celebrate. y/f/n being one of those who wanted to go, they was trying their best to convince you to go.
"please! please! please!" they pleaded, batting their eyes at you. you shook your head.
"what's this i see? a girl doesn't want to come to our party?" a teasing, male voice said. you and your friend took quick notice that it was sirius black, who was strutting toward you two. not only that, but potter, pettigrew, and remus were following quickly behind. you felt your heart skip a beat when you saw him.
"yeah, black! you've got to convince my poor friend to come! who knows how insane she'll get all alone?!" your friend said dramatically, causing a blush to grow on your face from embarrassment.
"wait, you're not coming?" remus asked, looking at you directly. you met his eyes, now noticing how warm and welcoming they were.
"well...no. i had enough noise for today." you said, chucking nervously. james and sirius scoffed.
"nonsense! c'mon, l/n, join us at the party. i'm sure an old soul like you can keep remus company." sirius joked, nudging remus. he got nudged back even harder.
"see, y/n! c'mon!" your friend begged. you went to object again.
until remus spoke.
"yeah, just join for a bit, y/n. like sirius said, you could keep me company. if it gets to be too much, i'll escort you back myself." remus suggested, "deal?"
you tried to hold back your smile, but seeing him smile proudly at himself for having come up with the best suggestion, it happened anyway. finally, you heaved a 'tired' sigh.
"deal." you replied, sticking out your hand, shaking his.
y/f/n, black, potter, and pettigrew all looked at you and remus in shock. but neither of you noticed. you were slightly focused on each other.
"alright! well, it's done then! c'mon moony, we've got things to do before they join us." james said, winking at both y/f/n and you. remus nodded, smiling at you one last time before disappearing with his friends.
y/f/n turned to you with a smirk, nudging you teasingly.
"so...remus huh?"
"shut up."
you were right. it was awfully loud. the only thing keeping you sane right now was drinking firewhiskey slowly. remus sat with you, taking notes from a book. why? you had no idea. how he worked in such noise? again, you had no idea.
"how are you doing that?" you demanded as nice as you could, gesturing to his note-taking. he chuckled and shook his head.
"when you dorm with sirius and james, nothing fazes you anymore." he replied, closing his book and turning to you. both of you were sitting on the couch, with you holding your cup in one hand, and the other arm resting on the top of the back rest. he was now facing you, grinning at you.
you laughed, "and that...does not surprise me. it's like dorming with me."
remus furrowed his eyebrows, "oh yeah? why's that?" he asked, taking your cup and taking a sip. you grinned, biting your lip in amusement.
"well, according to y/f/n, who is probably over there grinding with your mate black right now, i like to say things in my sleep. like beating up my grandma and hexing my cousin type of phrases." you confessed, giggling quietly.
truth be told, you were quite the assertive person.
remus let out a laugh, throwing his head back. you grinned even wider, feeling a sort of pride knowing you made remus lupin laugh.
"what've you got against your grandma?" remus asked. you shrugged, "who fucking knows. give me a sip?"
he brought the cup to your lips, tilting it upward so you could drink, before finally bring it back down. this had to be at least your second cup, but you were never exactly a lightweight.
"how are you so far? with all of," he gestured wildly around him, "this?"
you shrugged. "it could be worse. i'm just waiting for y/f/n to get tired so we can leave."
remus nodded, his face falling slightly. idiot! you thought, he probably thinks you don't want to be here with him!
"but being here with you, pretty much makes this whole situation even slightly tolerable." you said with a smile.
his happy demeanor quickly returned.
"so? how are the lovebirds?" james' teasing voice asked. you laughed as remus rolled his eyes and glared at james.
"oh!" james glanced down at the cup in remus' hand, "you're even sharing drinks. that's quite intimate! you are using protection, right?" he winked at remus.
"fuck off, prongs." remus huffed, making james' smirk grow.
"only joking, moons. say, y/n, accompany me to dance?" james asked, turning to you innocently.
remus shifted uncomfortably.
you glanced at him before looking back up at james. "nah. thanks though, potter. i'd definitely try your luck with lily though." you replied.
james smiled at you. a genuine, happy smile. one that you rarely saw on him unless he was with the mauraders or lily evans.
"don't mind if i do. take care of mooniekins for me, will you?" he said. you smiled lightly and nodded.
"of course, potter." you replied. remus smiled at you, though you hadn't noticed it.
james strutted off, toward a certain head over heels redhead.
"hey lupin?"
"how's about we get out of here?" you suggested, winking at him. he smiled, "alright, l/n."
you two had walked down corridors together, talking about anything and everything. it was the sort of thing that happened once in a lifetime. when two people just...clicked.
you figured now would also be a good time to make connections. life-long ones perhaps. given that it was your seventh year and your only life-long friend was y/f/n.
"so, remind me again why your cousin thought it'd be a good idea to throw a plate at your head?" remus chuckled. you narrowed your eyes at the memory.
"because they're a bloody bitch. that's why." you grumbled. remus laughed and ruffled your hair, considering how much shorter you were compared to him.
finally, you stopped by a statue, spinning around to look at remus. he looked amused but stayed quiet.
"so, this is bold, but i feel like we've connected quite a bit." you said. he nodded, patting your shoulder awkwardly, "agreed."
yeah, he is definitely awkward when it comes to connections and feelings, you thought.
you took a step toward him. "well, you're interesting, 's all i wanted to say, i guess."
he smiled and looked down at you. you just now realized how close you were, feeling his breath on you.
this was definitely a different type of connection.
you both started to lean in, but then he stopped, and pulled back. you furrowed your eyebrows slightly, looking at him concerned. he fidgeted with his hands before finally meeting your eyes.
"i'll—i'll see you around." he mumbled, walking off quickly.
you stood there, frozen. you had almost kissed the boy you had connected with more than anyone you had ever met. he wanted to kiss you too, but he suddenly pulled back. you had tried to think of words to describe this. but their was only word you could think of clearly.
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unseededtoast · 2 months
Turtle Doves | Joel Miller
Part Thirteen
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Chapter Directory
Series Summary: In which two broken souls connect so deeply, that if one should perish, the other would surely die of a broken heart. (slow burn, timeline changes. After TLOU1, before TLOU2, assumed knowledge of infected, uses elements from both show and game)
Series Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, and sexual content.
Also cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. Link to my masterlist for everything else I’ve posted!
Through watery eyes I see Joel's jaw set tight and I quickly come to terms that I might die here too.
The truck grumbles down the road filled with abandoned cars and debris, and I'm honestly surprised it's lasted us this long. The engine's roar is enough to fill the truck's silence, so that I'm not suffocating from it. Joel and I haven't exchanged a single word after last night, and that's fine with me.
My eyes are glued to the green exit sign that I know we'll be taking and my stomach churns with nerves. Tate said the Fireflies are in shambles, which is nice to hear, but I hope that Trevor is still there and he's willing to answer. I know that I'll have to feign amicability with the Fireflies, but if it means I'm closer to unraveling this mystery then I'm about to be the nicest visitor they've ever met.
Joel stops the truck a few miles away from where the Fireflies should be and sighs heavily. Maybe while I'm gone he'll just drive away and leave me be. Sure, I'd be alone and more vulnerable but I also wouldn't have to put up with his secrecy that hangs over my mind like a dark cloud. Gathering my bag in my hands, I think through the questions I want to ask and what information I really need out of these people. The truck's door squeaks as I hop out, and Joel stays put.
Without checking to see what he's doing, I start heading towards the building the Fireflies claimed. They're easy to find, they practically guide me there with their graffiti spraypainted on the side of every building. Admittedly, the streets are suspiciously empty but that might be due to their declining numbers.
Behind me I hear the slam of the truck's door and heavy footsteps come up behind me. My pace doesn't falter as he catches up to me.
"The hell is your problem?" He asks and I stop in my tracks. My body turns fully towards him, eyes wide. He sure has some nerve.
"What's my problem? What's yours Joel? You're the one who's keeping some sort of secret and you're the one who didn't want to let that kid go last night." The words that fly out of my mouth are probably a bit too loud, but I can't seem to care in the moment. He can't seriously think that our issues are my fault. His cheeks flare with blood, his eyebrows crease harder than they usually are.
"He could've come back to kill us." Joel's voice is low and serious, and I fight back the strong urge to roll my eyes.
"You know he wouldn't have. He was running towards a city that's fallen with nothing but the clothes on his back. He was harmless, it was plain as day." My hands begin moving as I talk, my temper getting the best of me. He huffs in response and goes to keep walking, stepping a few feet in front of me towards the base. Angrily, I turn on my heel and stride towards him.
"Thought you hated the Fireflies, why are you even coming?" My voice is bitter and I think I would have rather had him stay in the truck or better yet, drive off without me.
His broad shoulders tense up as he keeps on the path to the Fireflies, opting to ignore my question. It feels like the blood in my veins is boiling but I push my anger away as I see the main doors of the base. This argument will have to be settled later.
I pick up my pace to reach the base before Joel, not wanting him to be their first impression. His irritability and rough demeanor is not how I want this to start off. The man outside the base points a gun at us and I raise my hands instinctually to show them I'm not a threat.
"Who are you and what business do you have here?" The guard barks out and I speak before Joel can get a word in.
"We need to speak to Trevor." I call back to him and he keeps his gun aimed at us as we continue approaching the doors.
"What business do you have with Trevor?" He questions again, and I plaster a fake smile on my face but I hope it comes off as genuine.
"We have information regarding an operation he's conducting." I keep my answer vague enough so that it's believable, but I leave out the part where I'm going to interrogate Trevor for his possible involvement in the slaughter of children. After a few minutes of silent debate, the guard puts his gun down and beckons us to follow him into the base.
The base is dilapidated and it's obvious that things around here have been rough. There's an overflow of trash piled up in some corners, discarded cans and bags lay all over the place. A ripped Firefly flag hangs from a doorway, acting as a makeshift curtain. The guard leads us through the first floor and up the stairs to the second level. The old wooden stairs creak with every step we take, and I'm half convinced I'm going to fall through them at any given second.
As we make our way through the second level, there are some Fireflies that watch us with curiosity, others look at us with skepticism. Everyone is quiet as we pass through, all of their conversations coming to an abrupt halt. Joel's presence can be felt behind me, he's practically right on my heels as we walk through the place.
Finally, the guard leads us to a closed door at the end of the hall. My heart pumps heavily as I wait for it to open. Footsteps sound on the other side of the door and it swings open, revealing an older man with a receding hairline. He doesn't look very friendly, his face is morphed into a scowl and he gripes at the guard, asking him why he's knocking at the door and not down keeping watch. The guard tells him about our exchange and the man's beady eyes land on me and then on Joel.
"Come in." He opens the door wider and I enter the room with a small thanks.
The room is chaotic. There are maps hung over the walls, all marked up with different circles, lines, and shapes. On the old desk there are dozens of papers scattered and torn. Shredded curtains cover the windows, or try to at least, but there's a steady ray of sunshine that beams into the room, making it hot and stuffy. As Joel steps in, the man closes the door behind him.
"Who are you?" The man wastes no time in getting to the bottom of things.
I smile once more and channel the hospitality in me. I extend my hand and introduce myself. He's kind enough to take my hand and shake it, and he ignores Joel who stands leaning against the far wall with his hands crossed across his chest. I'm thankful he's staying out of this.
"Nice to meet you-?" I prompt the man for his name, hoping and praying he's who I'm hoping.
"I'm Trevor." He walks behind the messy desk and leans forward on it, his weight being pressed down into his palms as he keeps his eyes trained on me.
"Trevor, it's a pleasure. Now I'm not going to waste your time here, I'm hoping there's a way we can help each other out." I push a stray piece of hair out of my face and maintain eye contact with him, noticing how his eyes travel all over my face and down my sweaty chest.
"How so?" His eyes snap back up to mine, narrowing every so slightly.
"I've been travelling for a while now and came across this group of raiders or something. They weren't like normal raiders though. No, these people all had the letter T carved into their skin." I fabricate my story in a way where it seems I'm oblivious to every shred of evidence in my bag. I want to see what he gives up about these people first before I start playing my cards.
"Okay?" He asks, not understanding what I'm getting at.
"Well, I found some Firefly tags in their camp. Seems like they were almost targeting you all." I lie to him again and notice his jaw twitch, but he recovers smoothly with a nod of his head.
"Interesting. Yeah, we've known there are some raiders about and some of our people have left. But, they haven't tried to attack us yet. Thanks for letting us know." He's not going to give anything up it seems. Either he doesn't know about the operation, or he's covering it up. In a desperate attempt for information, I ask one more question.
"Yeah of course. But there's nothing you know about them? Where they might be located? I'd really like to avoid crossing them again." I rub a hand up and down my arm like I'm scared of seeing them again. Trevor scratches the back of his neck,
"Well, no not really. Sorry." His answer is short and he glances down at the papers in front of him as he speaks. I notice a bead of sweat running down the side of his forehead and he makes no move to wipe it. Nodding my head, I quickly start forming a plan of my next line of questioning, pacing back and forth a few steps as my brain scrambles to come up with anything. I think I'm going to have to be bolder if I want the information I came here for.
"That's okay. Tell me Trevor, why would they have a note signed by the Fireflies in their possession?" My pacing ceases and Trevor's shoulders tense up. His gaze meets mine and I see a darkness in his eye. Now I might be onto something. He tries to recover his composure,
"What kind of note?" He asks me, slowly walking around to the other side of his desk. I take two small steps back and shrug,
"I don't know, most of it was burnt up. But I could read a little bit of it. The word immune was on it and QZs were mentioned. Didn't really get to make out a whole lot." I feign ignorance, trying to see what gets him talking. Trevor sits on the edge of the paper-covered desk, a hand on his chin.
As he thinks, my eyes glance up to look at one of the maps taped to the wall. I recognize it immediately as an exact copy of the one that's in my bag. My jaw sets tightly and I try to keep my look of indifference on my face. Trevor definitely knows, there's no way he doesn't. He shakes his head and his voice breaks the momentary silence,
"I really don't know about that one." He's shutting me down again, and I know I'm down to my last resort. The façade of kindness falls from my face and I know that sitting across from me is a man who knows all about the killing of innocent children. My fingers itch to grab the knife from my holster, but I refrain for now. I clear my throat and step towards Trevor this time, knowing I need to get under his skin. A photograph on his desk shows me how I might get him bothered.
"Well, maybe Marlene knows. I worked with her a little a few years ago but I heard she's out here now, she's pretty high up there in rank, she might have a clue." I lie again, knowing full well that she's dead. A photo of her lays amongst the documents on the desk, it looks like she's smiling in it. Trevor's eyes have turned almost black as he looks back up to me.
"Marlene is dead." My lips curve down into a frown,
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know how she died?" I try to get into his head this way, make him mad about my questions and his dead associate. Trevor's knuckles turn white as he balls a hand into a fist and I see Joel shift out of the corner of my eye.
"She was murdered. She was out in Salt Lake City at the hospital and a maniac shot her." I fight to keep from looking to Joel. He's told me that he was with her when she died, but maybe he was withholding some other information about what happened.
"What was she doing out there at a hospital?" My voice almost cracks as I ask. I know my questions are getting off track, but there may be some sort of value knowing this information as well. Trevor shakes his head with a bitter laugh. We're locked in a staring match and I know he's onto me. He knows that I'm aware of more than I'm letting on and he's done playing the game. Which is fine, because I've grown tired of the game myself.
Within the blink of an eye, I grab the gun that's holstered on my thigh and point it towards him, flicking the safety off. Joel moves again out of the corner of my eye, but I keep my focus on the man in front of me. The only thing that's on my mind is getting as much as I can out of him. I repeat my question again, my tone becoming low and the man in front of me sighs.
"She was out there trying to make a cure. We were back in Boston together about a year ago and she found some girl that was bitten but never turned. Unfortunately for Marlene, she was injured and couldn't take the girl herself, so she hired someone else to get the girl from Boston to the Fireflies out west. I left as she was setting up the deal. My men who were there tell me that the man she hired gunned down everyone in that hospital to get that girl back from the surgeon. Then he shot Marlene and took off with the girl." My blood runs cold in my veins but I can't afford to lose my composure now, there's still stuff I need from him. My mind is working a hundred miles a minute, there's too much information to process at once. Too many things are coming to light and I can't focus on unpacking it all right now.
"So why do the Fireflies want the children in the QZs dead? And what do these other people have to do with it?" My finger twitches on the trigger, throwing all sense of secrecy out of the window. A twisted grin spreads across Trevor's face,
"Someone's gotta pay for Marlene, someone's gotta pay for jeopardizing our shot at a cure. I'm going to make sure they pay the same price she did. It's only fair, after all." I shake my head, not understanding what he means.
"Those children have nothing to do with what happened to Marlene." I say, my voice becoming louder and rougher. I step forward and press the gun to the man's head. He glares up at me and grits his teeth as he speaks,
"One of them does, and they'll kill all the children they can just to find her."
Before I can get another word in, there's a loud bang that resounds through the room and the man's blood is splattered all over my front. As if time were moving in slow motion, I look down to see the man collapsed on the floor, his blood draining out rapidly, pieces of his brains scattered on my shirt. I'm frozen to my spot and feel someone's arms wrap around me and push me back behind the desk.
Seconds later, the door swings open and gunfire sounds everywhere, echoing off the walls. I shake my head and come back to reality and realize that the Fireflies left in this building are all coming down on us. Something in my mind switches and it's like I'm back on patrol in the QZs, my movements are on autopilot.
I peek over the desk and quickly aim at a woman rushing in. My trigger finger twitches and I send a bullet through her neck. She gurgles and falls to the floor, but another Firefly is quick to take her place. They shoot at me, but I make my shots count. The way I'm positioned behind the desk gives me the upper hand, and I'm able to shoot the Fireflies as they enter the room before they can see me.
I lose count of how many bodies I shoot down without a second thought. The building is now eerily silent, there are no more footsteps coming up the stairs or down the hall. Carefully, I stand and peek outside the door with my gun drawn, confirming that there are no more.
Once I'm satisfied with the lack of Fireflies, I turn back and see the carnage. There are at least twenty people all piled on the floor, lifeless. My eyes drag from their bodies to the map on the wall, now splattered with blood.
With a reeling mind I leave the room and head back down the stairs. Trevor's words replay in my head over and over and over again and my palms get clammy, my stomach starts turning as more pieces of the puzzle begin hastily putting themselves together.
My hands push open the base's front doors and I breathe in the fresh air and stumble away from the building. There's a sturdy tree just off to the left and my feet drag over the pavement to reach it, chest heaving as I begin hyperventilating. I haven't killed a man in over three years and now I've just slaughtered a dozen. And if that's not bad enough, I think Joel might be a madman.
Quick and ragged breaths enter my body and I'm unable to get control of myself. What does this all mean? My thoughts are cut short as the base door opens again and Joel strolls out, rifle in hand. He meets my wide eyes and tilts his head to the side with an unreadable expression on his face.
Scrambling to move, I push myself off the tree and urge my feet to start running. I don't know where I'm going, but I need to get away from Joel. I sprint the fastest I can, but it's no match for his speed. His boots thud on the pavement as he comes after me, and he wraps a strong hand around my wrist to halt my running.
It feels like my shoulder is pulled out of the socket as I'm jolted to a stop. I turn around in his grasp and try to wrestle myself away, but I can't. He's too strong for me. Through watery eyes I see Joel's jaw set tight and I quickly come to terms that I might die here too.
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Fourth of July (Sufjan Stevens)
Well you do enough talk/My little hawk, why do you cry?/Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?/Or the Fourth of July?/We’re all gonna die
Did you get enough love, my little dove?/Why do you cry?/And I’m sorry I left, but it was for the best/Though it never felt right/My little Versailles
"Its such a slow and haunting song for something titled "fourth of july". the piano(?) sounds like rain against a window i cant explain it. this song feels like a sensory deprivation chamber"
"For one it just carries such extreme melancholy that i can't listen to it without crying (that includes me transcribing some of the lyrics my dog is currently trying to make me feel better and it is not particularly easy to type) but also if you want to just like scream and cry and sob the song was written while and about his mom dying of cancer."
Rät (Penelope Scott)
So fuck your tunnels fuck your cars/Fuck your rockets fuck your cars again/You promised you'd be Tesla/But you're just another Edison/Because Tesla broke a patent/All you ever broke were hearts/I can't believe you tore humanity apart/With the very same machines/That could've been our brand new start
When I said take me to the moon/I never meant take me alone/I thought if mankind toured the sky/It meant that all of us could go/But I don’t want to see the stars if they’re just one more piece of land/For us to colonize/For us to turn to sand
"Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. It was hard to pick lyrics because everything in it is straight fire. A banger. Slaps. Whatever people call it these days. Have you heard it"
"It talks about being raised on stories of technology and reaching the stats only to realize how flawed and elitist the modern world of technology is. It contrasts the image of science and humanity’s future that people are told with the reality of silicon valley and the modern industry of science."
Fourth of July submitted by @purplexiasphinx
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